tva | mfn. (tvad-). one, several |
tva | mfn. tva-tva-, one-the other |
tva | mfn. tvad-, partly |
tva | mfn. tvadtvad-, partly-partly |
tva | base of the 2nd personal pronoun : Nominal verb tv/am- accusative tv/ām- instrumental case tv/ayā- ([ and tv/ā- , also in compound See tv/ā-datta-, -dāta-, -vṛdha-etc.]) dative case t/ubhyam- ([& bhya- ]) ablative tv/at- or tv/ad- ([ and tvat-tas- etc.]) genitive case t/ava- locative case tv/e- ([ ; see gaRa cādi-]), tv/ayi- ([ etc.]) |
tva | enclitic forms are accusative tvā- ([ ]) genitive case dative case te- ([ etc.;= ]) ; ([ confer, compare Latin tuetc.]) |
tva | mfn. thy, your, . |
tvac | cl.6. cati-, to cover |
tvac | f. skin (of men, serpents etc.), hide (of goats, cows etc.) etc. (kṛṣṇ/ā-,"the black man", ) |
tvac | f. a cow's hide (used in pressing out the soma-), |
tvac | f. a leather bag |
tvac | f. (figuratively"a cloud") i & |
tvac | f. bark, rind, peel etc. |
tvac | f. Cassia bark |
tvac | f. cinnamon, cinnamon tree |
tvac | f. a cover (of a horse) |
tvac | f. surface (of the earth) |
tvac | f. with kṛṣṇ/ā- or /asiknī-,"the black cover", darkness |
tvac | f. a mystical Name of the letter ya- |
tvaca | n. skin (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See mukta--, mṛdu--) |
tvaca | n. cinnamon, cinnamon tree |
tvaca | n. Cassia bark |
tvacā | f. skin |
tvaca | f. see guḍa-- |
tvaca | f. tanu-- and pṛthak-tvacā-. |
tvacana | n. skinning |
tvacāpattra | n. Cassia bark |
tvacas | See s/a--, s/ūrya--, h/iraṇya--. |
tvacasya | mfn. being in the skin |
tvacaya | Nom. yati-, to skin |
tvacāyani | m. patronymic fr. c- Va1rtt. 1 |
tvacisāra | m. ( ) equals tvak-s- a bamboo |
tvaciṣṭha | mfn. having the best or an excellent skin |
tvacita | mfn. skinned |
tvacīyas | mfn. having a better skin |
tvacya | mfn. conducive to healthiness of skin |
tvad | equals tvat-. |
tvadānīm | ind. sometimes |
tvadanya | mfn. other than thee |
tvadartham | ind. on thy account, about thee. |
tvadarthe | ind. on thy account, about thee. |
tvadbhaya | n. dread of thee |
tvadbhū | to become thou |
tvaddevatya | mfn. having thee as deity |
tvaddhita | mfn. suitable (hita-) for thee |
tvadgṛha | n. thy house. |
tvadīya | mfn. thy, your, thine, yours |
tvadrik | ind. towards thee |
tvadvidha | mfn. like thee |
tvadvivācana | (tv/ad--) mfn. having thee as an umpire |
tvadviyoga | m. separation from thee. |
tvadya | Nom. yati-, to wish thee ; yate-, to act like thou |
tvadyoni | (tv/ad--) mfn. proceeding from thee |
tvag | = tv/ac-2. |
tvagākṣīrī | f. equals tvak-kṣ- |
tvagaṅkura | m. "skin-bristling", horripilation |
tvagasthibhūta | mfn. become mere skin and bones |
tvagasthiśeṣa | mfn. having only skin and bone remaining, a mere skeleton, |
tvagbheda | m. the chapping of the skin |
tvagbhedaka | m. one who scratches the skin |
tvagbila | mf(ā-)n. having the cavity on the bark side (a ladle) |
tvagbila | mf(ā-)n. tvak-to-b- |
tvagdoṣa | m. skin-disease, leprosy |
tvagdoṣāpahā | f. "leprosy-curer", Vernonia anthelminthica |
tvagdoṣāri | m. "leprosy-enemy", Name of a bulb |
tvagdoṣin | mfn. having skin-disease, leprous |
tvagela | n. Cassia bark and cardamoms |
tvaggandha | m. equals tvak-sug- |
tvagindriya | n. the sense of touch |
tvagja | n. "skin-born", the hairs on the body |
tvagja | n. blood |
tvagjala | n. "skin-water", sweat |
tvagroga | m. equals -doṣa-. |
tvaguttarāsaṅgavat | mfn. having an upper garment made of bark |
tvagutthā | f. "skin-produced", chyle |
tvagvat | mfn. furnished with a skin or bark |
tvai | ind. (gaRa cādi-and Va1rtt. 1 ) equals t/u vat/i- |
tvai | ind. see tv/āv/a-. |
tvak | in compound for 2. tv/ac-. |
tvakam | familiar diminutive for tv/am- (instrumental case tvayakā-) iv, 9. |
tvakat | diminutive for tvat-, in compound |
tvakatpitṛka | mfn. equals tv/at-pitṛ- |
tvakchada | m. Lipeocercis serrata |
tvakcheda | m. a skin-wound, cut. |
tvakchedana | n. cutting the skin. |
tvakkaṇḍura | m. a skin-wound, sore |
tvakkṣīrā | f. "bark-milk", bamboo-manna (Tabashir) |
tvakkṣīrī | f. idem or 'f. "bark-milk", bamboo-manna (Tabashir) ' |
tvakpāka | m. "skin-inflammation", Name of a disease, 14, 1 and 11. |
tvakpalita | n. leprosy |
tvakparipuṭana | n. desquamation |
tvakparṇī | f. equals -pattrī- |
tvakpāruṣya | n. roughness of the skin, 5, 1; iv, 5, 2. |
tvakpattra | m. Laurus Cassia |
tvakpattra | n. equals ttraka- |
tvakpattra | n. Malabathron |
tvakpattraka | n. the bark or leaf of Laurus Cassia |
tvakpattrī | f. hiṅgu-pattrī- |
tvakpuṣpa | n. equals tvag-aṅkura- |
tvakpuṣpa | n. blotch, scab |
tvakpuṣpī | f. idem or 'n. blotch, scab ' |
tvakpuṣpikā | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. blotch, scab ' ' |
tvakṣ | (= takṣ-and related to 2. tv/ac-) cl.1. kṣati-, to create, produce ; to pare ; to skin ; to cover ; ([ confer, compare pra-tvakṣāṇ/a-; Zend thwakhsh,, .]) |
tvaksāra | mfn. having an excellent or sound skin |
tvaksāra | m. a bamboo etc. |
tvaksāra | m. Laurus Cassia (the plant and the bark) |
tvaksāra | m. Bignonia indica |
tvaksārā | f. Tabashir |
tvaksārabhedinī | f. the plant kṣudra-cañcu- |
tvaksāravyavahāravat | mfn. occupied with bamboo work |
tvakṣas | n. energy, vigour |
tvakṣīyas | mfn. very vigorous, confer, compare Zend thwakhshista. |
tvaksraja | n. sg. skin and wreath |
tvaksugandha | m. an orange |
tvaksugandhā | f. the bark of Feronia elephantum |
tvakśūnyatā | f. want of sensation in the skin |
tvaksvādvī | f. equals -sugandha- |
tvaktaraṃgaka | m. "skin-wave", a wrinkle |
tvaktobila | See tvag-b-. |
tvaktra | n. "skin-fence", armour |
tvaktra | n. see niṣ-ṭv-. |
tvaktrāṇa | n. protection of the skin Va1rtt. 11 |
tvaṃ | for tvam-. |
tvaṃkāra | m. addressing with,"thou"(disrespectfully) |
tvaṃkṛtya | ind. addressing with"thou" |
tvan | equals tvat-. |
tvaṅ | = tv/ac-2. |
tvañc | (= 1. tañc-) cl.1. to go ; (= 2. tañc-) cl.7. tvanakti-, to contract |
tvaṅg | cl.1. gati-, to wave, tremble, jump, leap, gallop ; to flare |
tvaṅmala | n. the hairs of the body |
tvaṅmāṃsāsthimaya | mfn. consisting of skin, flesh and bones |
tvanmanya | mfn. thinking to be thou |
tvanmaya | mfn. consisting of thee |
tvaṅmaya | mfn. made of skin or bark, Va1rtt. Sch. |
tvantā | f. identity with thee |
tvar | cl.1. tv/arate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense tatvare- ; Aorist 2. plural atvaridhvam-, riḍhvam-, riddhvam- ; subjunctive 2. sg. tvariṣṭhās- ) to hurry, make haste, move with speed etc.: Causal tvarayati- (imperative r/aya-; Aorist atatvarat- ) to cause to hasten, quicken, urge forward (with accusative dative case or infinitive mood) etc. ; tvār-, to convert quickly into the state (bhāva- dative case) of ; see tur-. |
tvara | only (eṇa-) instrumental case ind. hastily |
tvarā | f. haste, speed etc. (rāṃ-kṛ-with genitive case"to make haste with") |
tvaraṇa | mf(/ā-)n. produced by hurrying (sweat) |
tvaraṇa | n. making haste |
tvaraṇīya | mfn. requiring haste |
tvarāroha | (rār-) m. "ascending quickly", a pigeon |
tvarāvat | mfn. expeditious |
tvarayā | ind. instrumental case hastily, quickly |
tvarāyasya | Nom. P. to hurry gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-. |
tvarāyukta | mfn. expeditious |
tvari | f. haste |
tvarita | mfn. () hasty, quick, swift, expeditious etc. |
tvarita | n. impersonal or used impersonally hurried |
tvarita | n. haste (See sa-tvaritam-) |
tvaritā | f. durgā- and a magical formula called after her |
tvaritagati | f. "swift motion", a metre |
tvaritaka | m. equals tūrṇaka- |
tvaritakā | f. idem or 'm. equals tūrṇaka- ' |
tvaritam | ind. quickly, swiftly |
tvaritaram | ind. more quickly |
tvaritata | mfn. stepping quickly |
tvaritavikrama | mfn. of 4 x 10 syllables |
tvaritodita | mfn. equals tūrṇod- |
tvaritodita | mfn. see tūrt/a-, rṇa-. |
tvaṣṭa | mfn. ( tvakṣ-) equals taṣṭa- |
tvaṣṭāvarūtrī | dual number " tvaṣṭṛ- and his Help (see ) ", Name of two asura- priests (triṣ-) (triṣ-and tṛṣ-). |
tvaṣṭi | f. carpentry |
tvaṣṭīmatī | See ṣṭṛ-m-. |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. a carpenter, maker of carriages (equals t/aṣṭṛ-) |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. "creator of living beings", the heavenly builder, Name of a god (called su-k/ṛt-, -pāṇ/i-, -g/abhasti-, -j/animan-, sv-/apas-, ap/asām ap/astama-, viśv/a-rūpa-etc. ;maker of divine implements, especially of indra-'s thunderbolt and teacher of the ṛbhu-s ;former of the bodies of men and animals, hence called"firstborn"and invoked for the sake of offspring, especially in the āprī- hymns etc. ;associated with the similar deities dhātṛ-, savitṛ-, prajā-pati-, pūṣan-, and surrounded by divine females[ gn/ās-, jan/ayas-, dev/ānām p/atnīs-; see tv/aṣṭā-v/arūtrī-]recipients of his generative energy ;supposed author of with the epithet garbha-pati- ;father of saraṇyū- [ su-reṇu- ; sva-reṇu- ]whose double twin-children by vivasvat- [or vāyu- ? ] are yamayamī- and the aśvin-s ;also father of tri-śiras- or viśvarūpa- ;overpowered by indra- who recovers the soma-[ ] concealed by him because indra- had killed his son viśva-rūpa- ;regent of the nakṣatra- citrā- ;of the 5th cycle of Jupiter ;of an eclipse ; tvaṣṭur ātithya-Name of a sāman- ) |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. a form of the sun |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. (styled mahā-graha-) |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. Name of the 12th muhūrta- |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. of an āditya- |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. of a rudra-, |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. of a son of manasyu- or bhauvana- |
tvaṣṭṛdevatya | mfn. having tri-śiras- as deity |
tvaṣṭṛmat | mfn. (tv/aṣ-) connected with or accompanied by tri-śiras- |
tvaṣṭṛmat | mfn. (ṭri-m-) and |
tvaṣṭṛmat | mfn. (ṭu-m-) |
tvaṣṭṛmat | f. ([ see Va1rtt. 1 ]) ṭrī-matī- , ṭī-m-. |
tvaṣṭumat | See ṣṭṛ-m-. |
tvat | in compound for 2. tv/a-. |
tvat | (or tv/ad-) etc. See column 2. |
tvatka | equals tvakat-. |
tvatkapitṛka | equals tvakat-- |
tvatkṛta | mfn. made or composed by thee |
tvatkṛta | mfn. made like you, . |
tvatpitṛ | (tv/at--) m(plural tāras-)fn. having thee as a father |
tvatprasūta | (tv/at--) mfn. instigated by thee |
tvatpratikṣin | mfn. waiting on thee |
tvatsaṃgama | m. union with thee. |
tvattanāt | ablative ind. from you |
tvattara | mfn. Compar. more yours |
tvattas | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. tv/a-. |
tvayata | (tv/a--) mfn. given by thee, . |
abalīyastva | n. non-predominance, . |
ābhāsatva | n. the being a mere appearance |
abhedyatva | n. ([ ]) indivisibility, impenetrability. |
abhidhānatva | n. the state of being used as a name. |
abhidhāyakatva | n. the state of being expressive. |
abhihitatva | n. the having been said or stated or named |
abhihitatva | n. a holding forth, declaration |
abhihitatva | n. authority, test |
abhijñatva | n. the knowledge of. |
abhikṛtvarī | f. "producing (diseases)", a female demon |
abhimānitva | n. the state of self-conceitedness. |
abhinnatva | n. ([ ]) "non-difference", identity |
abhinnatva | n. (with numbers) wholeness. |
abhipitva | n. (see apa-pitv/a-), approaching, visiting, putting up (for the night at an inn) |
abhipitva | n. (with or without the genitive case plural /ahnām-) close or departure of the day, evening |
abhipitva | See abhi--2. pat-. |
abhirāmatva | n. equals -tā-. |
abhisāntva | m. consolation, conciliation |
abhisatvan | m. surrounded by heroes (see abh/i-vīra-.) |
abhītvan | mf(varī-)n. attacking |
abhitvar | to be in haste. |
abhrakasattva | n. steel |
abhujiṣyātva | n. the state of a woman who lives independently (see a-bh/aujiṣya-.) |
abhūtatva | n. "the state of not having existed or happened any time", impossibility commentator or commentary on |
abhyātānatva | n. the state of those war-songs |
abuddhatva | n. foolishness. |
ācaritatva | n. custom, usage |
ācāryatva | n. idem or 'f. the office or profession of a teacher ' |
ācchādakatva | n. hiding |
acikitvas | ān-, uṣī-, at-, not knowing, ignorant of. |
adakṣiṇatva | n. awkwardness |
adakṣiṇatva | n. not bringing in a dakṣiṇā-. |
adambhitva | n. sincerity. |
ādaraṇīyatva | n. the state of being venerable. |
adbhutatva | n. wonderfulness. |
ādhāratva | n. the state of being a support, etc. |
ādhāyakatva | n. the state of giving etc. |
adhikaraṇaitāvattva | n. fixed quantity of a substratum. |
adhikāritva | n. authority, rightful claim, ownership, etc. |
adhikatva | n. equals -tā- q.v |
adhikṛtatva | n. the being engaged in or occupied with. |
adhīnatva | n. subjection, dependence. |
ādimattva | n. the state of having a beginning |
ādimatva | n. the state of being first, etc. |
adīnasattva | mfn. possessing unimpaired goodness. |
adititva | n. the condition of aditi-, or of freedom, unbrokenness |
adititva | n. the state of the goddess aditi- |
āditva | n. priority, precedence. |
ādityatva | n. the state of being the sun |
adṛṣṭāsrutapūrvatva | n. the state of never having been seen or heard before. |
aduṣṭatva | n. the being not vitiated |
aduṣṭatva | n. innocence. |
adyatva | n. the present time, |
ādyudāttatva | n. the condition of having the udātta- accent on the first syllable on |
agādhitva | n. depth commentator or commentary on |
āgamatattvasaṃgraha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208) |
āgatatva | n. origin |
aghnyatva | n. the state of being a cow, |
agnicitvat | mfn. possessing house holders that have prepared a sacred fire-place |
agnihotratva | n. the state of the agnihotra- |
agretvan | mf(arī-)n. going in front |
aguṇatva | n. absence of qualities or of good qualities. |
ahaṃtva | n. the being a self or an individuality |
ahamuttaratva | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a divine being, ' ' |
ahantva | See the preceding. |
ahantva | mfn. ahanti |
ahāryatva | n. the state of not being liable to be taken away |
ahetutva | n. (in Buddhist terminology) absence of cause or necessity |
ahiśuṣmasatvan | m. one whose attendants (the marut-s) hiss like serpents (Name of indra-) ([the pada- as well as the saṃhitā- Text takes ahiśuṣma-as a vocative case by itself, and translates accordingly]) . |
āhnikācāratattva | n. Name of work |
āhnikatattva | n. Name of work |
aindriyakatva | n. the state of relating to senses commentator or commentary on |
ajāmitva | ([ ]) n. not uniformity, variation, |
ajatva | ([ ; see ]) or |
ajātva | n. the being a goat. |
ājñākaratva | n. the office of a servant |
ajñānatva | n. ignorance. |
ajñatva | n. ignorance. |
akartṛtva | n. state of non-agency. |
akaruṇatva | n. harshness, cruelty. |
akheditva | n. continuous flow (of speech), one of the vāg-guṇas- of mahāvīra- |
akiñcanatva | n. voluntary poverty (as practised by jaina- ascetics). |
ākīrṇatva | n. fulness, crowd, multitude. |
akṛtabuddhitva | n. ignorance. |
akṛtitva | n. unfitness for work. |
akṣatattva | n. science of dice |
akṣatattvavid | mfn. skilled in it. |
akṣayatva | n. imperishableness. |
ākulatva | n. idem or 'f. perplexity, confusion ' etc. |
ākulatva | n. multitude, crowd |
alabdhabhūmikatva | n. the state of not obtaining any degree (bhūmi-) of deep meditation |
alamarthatva | n. having the sense of alam- |
alasatva | n. idleness. |
alaukikatva | n. rare occurrence (of a word) |
alolatva | equals alolup-tva- below |
alolupatva | ([ ]) ([ ]) n. freedom from any desire. |
aloluptva | ([ ]) n. freedom from any desire. |
alpabahutva | n. the being little or much. |
alpadeśavṛttitva | see vyā-- vṛtta-, parasmE-pada 1039 |
alpakāyatva | (n.) |
alpāṅgatva | (n.) |
alpaprabhāvatva | n. insignificance. |
alpasattva | mfn. having little strength or courage |
alpatva | n. smallness, minuteness |
alpatva | n. insignificance. |
alpāvaśiṣṭatva | (n.) |
alpetaratva | n. largeness |
alubdhatva | n. freedom from covetousness. |
alūkṣantatva | n. the having greasy substances (like butter) near at hand (for oblations) |
amamatva | n. disinterestedness |
amamatva | n. indifference. |
amānitva | ([ etc.]) n. modesty, humility. |
amaratva | ([ etc.]) n. the condition of the gods (id est immortality) . |
amartyatva | ([L.]) n. immortality. |
amātva | n. the not being an authority |
āmayāvitva | n. indigestion, dyspepsia |
amedhyatva | n. impurity, foulness, filthiness. |
āmiṣatva | n. the state of being a prey or preyed upon |
āmiśrabhūtatva | n. mixedness. |
āmiśratva | n. mixedness |
amitatva | n. boundlessness |
amṛṣābhāṣitva | n. speaking truthfully (one of the qualities of a good spy) commentator or commentary on |
amṛtatva | n. equals -tā- |
āmuṣmikatva | n. the state of being there or belonging to the other world |
ānaddhatva | n. state of being bound, obstruction. |
anāditva | n. state of having no beginning. |
anāgāstva | n. sinlessness |
anaikāntikatva | n. unsteadiness, uncertainty |
anāmatva | n. namelessness. |
anantatva | n. equals -tā- q.v |
ananyatva | n. identity. |
anaparādhatva | n. freedom from fault. |
anapekṣatva | n. disregard |
anapekṣatva | n. irrelevance |
anapekṣatva | n. irrespectiveness |
anārabhyatva | n. impossibility of being commenced. |
anarghyatva | n. pricelessness |
anarthatva | n. uselessness, etc. |
anāryatva | n. equals -tā- q.v |
anavadyatva | n. faultlessness. |
anavasthitacittatva | n. unsteadiness of mind. |
anavasthitatva | n. unsteadiness, instability. |
anavattva | n. the state of being endowed with breath or life |
anavattva | See an-. |
andhatva | n. blindness. |
anekāntatva | n. uncertainty. |
anekatva | n. muchness, manifold condition. |
aṅgamejayatva | (aṅgam-ej-) n. the trembling of the body |
aṅgatva | n. a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential. |
aṅghryavanejanatva | (n.) |
anīśatva | n. powerlessness. |
aniṣpannatva | (n.) |
anīśvaratva | n. absence of a supreme ruler. |
anityatva | n. transient or limited existence. |
anivartitva | n. not turning back, brave resistance. |
anṛṇatva | n. freedom from debt. |
antaḥsattva | n. inner nature, |
antarābhavasattva | n. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration. |
antaraṅgatva | n. the state or condition of an antaraṅga-. |
antarbhūtatva | n. |
antarbhūtatva | n. See antar-bhāva-. |
anubandhitva | n. the state of being accompanied or attended or followed. |
anūktitva | n. state of requiring repetition or explanation. |
ānumānikatva | n. the state of being inferable |
anunāsikatva | n. nasality. |
ānuṣaṅgikatva | n. the being occasional, secondary on |
aṇutva | n. minuteness, atomic nature. |
anuvādyatva | n. the state of requiring to be explained by an anuvāda-. |
anuvartitva | n. the state of being so. |
anuyāyitva | n. succession. |
anvayitva | n. the state of being a necessary consequence. |
anyārthatva | (n.) |
anyathāsiddhatva | n. wrong arguing, wrong demonstration |
anyathāsiddhatva | n. that demonstration in which arguments are referred to untrue causes. |
anyathātva | n. an opposite state of the case, difference. |
apakaṣāyatva | (n.) |
apakṛṣṭatva | n. inferiority, vileness. |
apāṇitva | (n.) |
apanyāyyatva | (n.) |
apapitva | n. (probably for -pittv/a-fr.2. pat-; see abhi-pitv/a-, ā-pitv/a-, pra-pitv/a-;but see also api-tv/a- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /api-), turning away, separation |
aparādhitva | n. criminality, guilt. |
aparāktva | n. the not being averted, |
aparatva | n. equals -tā- q.v |
aparimitakṛtvas | ind. innumerable times, |
apaṭutva | n. awkwardness. |
apavṛktatva | n. the having finished, , Scholiast or Commentator |
āpekṣikatva | n. the state of being relative |
āpeyatva | n. the being of this class (see āpyeya-.) |
aphalatva | n. barrenness, unprofitableness. |
apitva | n. having part, share (see apa-pitv/a-.) |
āpitva | n. confederation, friendship |
aprabhutva | n. want of power, insufficiency |
apradhānatva | n. inferiority. |
aprajanatva | (n.) |
aprajāstva | n. childlessness |
aprayuktatva | n. unusualness (of expressions) |
aprayutvan | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. attentive ' ' |
apuṃstva | n. the state of a eunuch. |
apūrvatva | n. the being unpreceded, the not having existed before, incomparableness, etc. |
apuṣṭārthatva | (n.) |
āpyeyatva | n. equals āpeya-tva- |
araṅgisattva | m. plural a class of deities |
ārdratva | n. wetness, moisture |
ārdratva | n. freshness, greenness |
ārdratva | n. softness, tenderness. |
arhattva | n. the dignity of an arhat- |
aritva | n. enmity |
arkatva | n. brightness |
arogatva | n. idem or 'f. health ' |
arthaikatva | n. congruity or harmony of the purpose (with the thing) |
arthapūrvakatva | (n.) |
arthārthatattvajña | mfn. "knowing the essence of the very aim of anything", knowing thoroughly |
arthatattva | n. the real object or nature or cause of anything (in compound) |
arthatattva | n. the true state of a case, fact of the matter. |
ārthatva | n. significance. |
arthavattva | n. significance, importance. |
arthitva | n. condition of a suppliant |
arthitva | n. request |
arūḍhamūlatva | n. state of not having taken root, insufficient foundation, |
aruṇatva | n. id |
arūpatva | n. idem or 'f. ugliness.' |
arūpatva | n. want of any characteristic quality |
āryatva | n. honourable behaviour |
asādhutva | n. wickedness etc. |
asādhutva | n. the not being approvable |
asādhyatva | n. incurableness |
asadṛśatva | n. dissimilarity |
asahatva | n. inability to endure |
asahatva | n. not tolerating |
asahatva | n. not being at hand |
asahiṣṇutva | n. inability to endure etc. |
asahiṣṇutva | n. impatience, envy |
asākṣitva | n. the not being an eye-witness |
aśakyatva | n. impossibility (with infinitive mood) |
asamarthatva | n. incapability of (in compound) |
asamatva | n. unfair or ungracious behaviour |
asaṃjñatva | n. the not having full consciousness (edition Bomb.) |
asaṃjñikasattva | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of certain ecstatic beings, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
asaṃjñisattva | m. pl equals asaṅgi-s-. q.v |
asaṃketitatva | n. the not being settled by agreement |
asaṅgisattva | m. plural Name of certain deities |
asaṅgitva | n. non-attachment to the world |
asatkaratva | n. incapability of effecting anything |
asattva | n. idem or 'f. non-existence ' |
asattva | n. non-presence, absence |
asattva | mfn. strengthless, without energy |
āścaryatva | n. wonderfulness, wonder, astonishment. |
aśeṣatva | n. idem or 'f. totality ' |
aśiṣṭatva | n. rudeness |
aśītyakṣaratva | (n.) |
askandatva | (/a-skanda--) n. idem or 'm. the non-spilling (as of the semen virile) ' |
askannatva | (/a-skanna--) n. the not being spilt |
aślīlatva | n. rustic language |
aśocyatva | n. idem or 'f. the state of being not to be lamented ' |
āspadatva | n. the state of being the place or abode of. |
aspṛhatva | n. idem or 'f. no desire ' |
aspṛśyatva | n. intangibleness, imperceptibleness |
āśrayaṇīyatva | n. the state of being a refuge |
āśrayatva | n. the state of ā-śraya- above commentator or commentary on |
āśritatva | n. dependance. |
asṛktva | n. the state of blood |
aśrutitva | n. "inaudibleness", indistinctness |
astabdhatva | n. idem or 'f. unassumingness ' |
aṣṭakṛtvas | ind. eight times (see aṣṭ/au k/ṛtvas- idem or 'm. a jaina-, ', ) |
aṣṭatva | n. condition of eight |
asthāyitva | n. non-permanency, inconstancy |
asthiratva | n. the not being hard |
asthiratva | n. unsteadiness, fickleness |
asthiratva | n. inconstancy |
asthitvac | f. the periosteum |
astināstitva | n. being and not being, |
astitva | n. idem or 'f. existence, reality commentator or commentary on ' |
aśucitva | n. impurity. |
āśugatitva | n. the going or moving quickly |
āśupatvan | m. flying quickly |
asuratva | n. spirituality, divine dignity |
asuratva | n. the being an asura- or opponent of the gods |
asuṣiratva | (/as-) n. the not being hollow |
āśuśuṣkatva | n. getting dry quickly |
āśutva | n. quickness. |
āśuvṛttitva | n. the proceeding quickly commentator or commentary on |
aśvamedhatva | n. the state of an aśva-medha- |
aśvatva | n. the state of a horse |
asvatva | n. idem or 'unselfishness, .' |
atattvavid | mfn. not knowing the truth id est the soul's identity with brahma-. |
atibodhisattva | mfn. exceeding a bodhi-sattva-, |
atiśreṣṭhatva | n. pre-eminence. |
atithitva | n. state of a guest, hospitality. |
atitvam | surpassing thee |
atitvam | atitvām-, atitvān- accusative singular and plural him that surpasses thee, them that surpass thee |
atitvam | (fictitious forms coined by grammarians.) |
atitvar | to hasten overmuch. |
atītvarī | f. a female transgressor, bad woman |
ātmambharitva | n. selfishness |
ātmatattva | n. the true nature of the soul or of the supreme spirit |
ātmatattvajña | mfn. knowing or versed in the vedānta- doctrines |
ātmatattvaviveka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
ātmatva | n. essence, nature |
āttasvatva | (n.) |
atvakka | ([ ]) or a-tv/ac- ([ ]) mfn. skinless. |
atvara | mfn. not hasty, deliberate, |
atvarā | f. freedom from haste. |
audgrabhaṇatva | n. the being such an offering |
audumbaratva | n. the state of being made of the udumbara- tree |
aupadeśikatva | n. the state of resulting from a special rule commentator or commentary on |
aupayikatva | n. fitness, properness commentator or commentary on |
autsargikatva | n. generality (of a rule etc.) commentator or commentary on |
avacanīyatva | n. impropriety of speech. |
avācyatva | n. the not being distinctly expressed |
avadhānatva | n. ([ ]) attentiveness. |
avadhyatva | n. idem or '(avadhy/a--) f. inviolability ' |
avaivartikatva | (n.) |
avaliptatva | n. ([ ]) pride, arrogance. |
avamānitva | n. disrespectfulness. |
avarjanīyatva | n. inevitableness commentator or commentary on |
avaśitva | n. not being master of one's self |
avastutva | n. ([ ]) insubstantiality, unreality: |
avaśyatva | n. ([ ]) the being necessarily. |
avibhājyatva | n. indivisibility, unfitness for partition |
avibhaktatva | n. the not being shared |
avibhaktatva | n. the not being distinguished (from each other) |
avidyamānatva | n. idem or 'f. the not being present commentator or commentary on ' commentator or commentary on |
avijñānatva | n. undiscernibleness |
avikriyatva | n. unchangeableness on on |
avinābhāvitva | n. the being necessarily connected with commentator or commentary on |
avināśitva | n. imperishableness |
āviṣṭatva | n. the state of being possessed or burdened |
aviśvasanīyatva | n. the not deserving confidence |
avivakṣitatva | n. the not being intended to be expressed |
āvṛtvat | mfn. turning or turned towards |
avyāpakatva | n. non-comprehensiveness or generalization, speciality. |
avyathatva | n. painlessness |
avyayatva | n. imperishableness (varia lectio) |
avyayatva | n. the state of an indeclinable word |
ayājyatva | n. the state of not being fit for a sacrificial offering |
ayakṣmatva | n. idem or '(ayakṣm/a-.) f. health ' |
āyatanatva | n. the state of being the site of, etc. |
ayātayāmatva | (/ayatayāma--) n. idem or '(ayācayām/a--) f. unweakened strength, freshness and ' |
āyattatva | n. dependence |
ayogyatva | n. unfitness, unsuitableness. |
ayonijatva | n. the state of not being born from a womb, |
ayuktatva | n. the not being used, the not being suitable. |
baddhamuṣṭitva | n. |
baddhapurīṣatva | n. baddhapurīṣa |
bādhakatva | n. bādhaka |
bāḍhasṛtvan | mfn. striding mightily along |
badhiratva | n. deafness |
bādhitatva | n. the being suspended or refuted or contradicted |
bādhyamānatva | n. the condition of being suspended or set aside, suspension, annulment |
bādhyatva | n. the state of being set aside, suspension, annulment |
bahalatvaca | n. the white flowering lodhra- |
bahiḥsaṃdhyatva | n. bahiḥsaṃdhya |
bahiraṅgatva | n. bahiraṅga |
bahirgatatva | n. |
bahiṣpatnīsaṃyājatva | n. bahiṣpatnīsaṃyāja |
bahiṣtva | n. outwardness, the being external |
bahucchalatva | n. |
bahudevatatva | n. bahudevata |
bahudhanatva | n. bahudhana |
bahulatva | n. ( etc.) muchness, multiplicity, abundance, numerousness |
bahulatva | n. the being rich in, abounding in (compound) |
bahulatva | n. comprehensiveness. |
bahuputratva | n. bahuputra |
bahuśākhatva | n. bahuśākha |
bahusattva | mfn. abounding in animals |
bahusvaratva | n. |
bahutva | n. muchness, abundance, multitude etc. |
bahutva | n. plurality, majority |
bahutva | n. (in gram.) the plural number (see bahu-tā-). |
bahutvac | m. idem or 'm. (fr. bahu-+ tvac-),"having much bark", Betula Bhojpatra ' |
bahutvac | m. Astonia Scholaris |
bahutvakka | m. (fr. bahu-+ tvac-),"having much bark", Betula Bhojpatra |
bahvakṣaratva | n. polysyllableness |
bahvāsintva | n. bahvāśin |
bāhyatva | n. the state of being outside, exclusion, deviation or divergence from (ablative) |
bakatva | n. the state or condition of a crane |
bālacaritva | n. "childish doings", Name of works or chs. of works treating of the youthful adventures of a deity, (especially) of chapter of |
bālakatva | n. childhood, childishness |
bālasakhitva | n. bālasakhi |
bālatva | n. ( ) childhood, boyhood. |
balavattva | n. () powerfulness, superiority, preponderance. |
bāliśatva | n. () childishness, simplicity, folly. |
balīyastva | n. pre-eminence in strength, superior power, predominance |
ballavatva | n. () the business or duty of a cowherd. |
bandhakatva | n. the being a fetter |
bandhutva | n. relationship, affinity |
banditva | n. () the state or condition of a bard. |
bhadratātva | n. bhadratā |
bhadratva | n. See -tā-. |
bhagavadīyatva | n. bhagavadīya |
bhāgavatapurāṇatattvasaṃgraha | m. Name of work connected with the |
bhāgavatatattvabhāskara | m. Name of work |
bhāgavatatattvadīpa | m. Name of work |
bhāgavatatattvadipaprakāśāvaraṇabhaṅga | m. Name of work |
bhāgavatatattvasāra | m. Name of work |
bhagavattattvadipikā | f. Name of work |
bhagavattattvamañjarī | f. Name of work |
bhagavattva | n. the condition or rank of viṣṇu- |
bhairavatva | n. the state of being bhairava- or a form of śivi- |
bhājanatva | n. the being a fit vessel for (genitive case), merit, worthiness |
bhakṣitva | n. bhakṣin |
bhaktatva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the forming part of, belonging to Va1rtt. 2 Sch. |
bhaktijñatva | n. () devotion, faithfulness, loyalty. |
bhaktitattvarasāyana | n. Name of work |
bhaktivilāsatattvadīpikā | f. bhaktivilāsa |
bhaktṛtva | n. adoration, worship |
bhāktva | n. (fr. bhāj- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the partaking of or belonging to |
bhaṇḍatva | n. buffoonery |
bharagatva | n. bharaga |
bharatatva | n. the name of bharata-varṣa- |
bhāravattva | n. weightiness |
bhāritva | n. bhārin |
bhartṛghnatva | n. bhartṛghna |
bhartṛtva | n. ( etc.) masterhood, husbandship |
bhartṛvratātva | n. fidelity to a husband |
bhāryāpatitva | n. wedlock, matrimony |
bhāryātva | n. the condition of a wife, wifehood |
bhāsakatva | n. bhāsaka |
bhāṣitapuṃskatva | n. bhāṣitapuṃska |
bhāsuratva | n. splendour |
bhāsyatva | n. bhāsya |
bhātvakṣas | (bh/ā-) mfn. producing light |
bhāvārthatva | n. bhāvārtha |
bhāvaśabalatva | n. |
bhāvatva | n. the state of becoming or being etc. |
bhaviṣyattva | n. futurity |
bhavītva | mfn. future |
bhāvitva | n. the state of being or becoming (in anya-bh-) |
bhāvitva | n. the being obliged to take place, inevitableness, necessity |
bhāvyatva | n. the state of being about to happen, futurity |
bhayānakatva | n. fearfulness, formidableness. |
bhedadhikkṛtitattvanivecana | n. Name of work |
bheditva | n. separation, division, parting asunder |
bhikṣāśitva | n. mendicancy, roguery |
bhikṣutattva | n. Name of work |
bhinnadeśatva | n. |
bhinnakleśatva | n. |
bhinnatva | n. the state of being different from (compound) |
bhinnavarcastva | n. bhinnavarcas |
bhinnaviṭkatva | n. equals -varcas-tva- (Scholiast or Commentator"change of colour in the faeces") . |
bhīrusattva | mfn. fearful by nature, timorous |
bhīrutva | n. fearfulness, timidity, cowardice, dread of (compound) |
bhiṣaktva | n. the state or condition of a physicians |
bhīṣaṇatva | n. terribleness, horribleness |
bhogatva | n. the state of being curved or winding, curvedness |
bhogyatva | n. () the state of being used, usefulness, profitableness, enjoyableness. |
bhojyatva | n. () the condition of being eaten, the state of being food (tāṃyā-,to become food) . |
bhoktṛtva | n. the state of being an enjoyer etc., enjoyment, possession, perception |
bhramatva | n. (in philosophy) the being an error, erroneousness. |
bhraṣṭādhikāratva | n. bhraṣṭādhikāra |
bhrātṛtva | n. fraternity, brother hood etc. |
bhṛttva | n. See śastrāstra-bhṛt-tva-. |
bhṛtyatva | n. servitude, dependence |
bhujagatva | n. bhujaga |
bhuktavatvajjane | ind. when people have eaten their meal |
bhūmipatitva | n. sovereignty, kingship |
bhūmitva | n. the state of earth, earthiness (exempli gratia, 'for example' -tvam eti-,"he becomes earth") |
bhūriprayogatva | n. bhūriprayoga |
bhūtatva | n. the state of being an element |
bhūyastva | n. the becoming or being more or much, increase, preponderance, abundance, multitude |
bhūyastva | n. great extent |
bhūyatva | n. See brahma-bhūya-tva-. |
bījatva | n. the being an origin or cause, causality |
bimbānubimbatva | n. equals bimba-pratibimba-tva- |
bimbapratibimbatva | n. () |
bimbatattvaprakāśikā | f. Name of work |
boddhṛtva | n. boddhṛ |
bodhakatva | n. bodhaka |
bodhisattva | m. "one whose essence is perfect knowledge", one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge (id est a Buddhist saint when he has only one birth to undergo before obtaining the state of a supreme buddha- and then nirvāṇa-) (the early doctrine had only one bodhi-sattva-, viz. maitreya-;the later reckoned many more ) |
bodhisattva | m. Name of the principal buddha- of the present era (before he became a buddha-) |
bodhisattva | m. of a poet |
bodhisattvabhūmi | f. Name of work |
bodhisattvabuddhānusmṛtisamādhi | m. Name of work |
bodhisattvacaryā | f. the actions or condition of a bodhisattva- |
bodhisattvacaryālvatāra | f. Name of work |
bodhisattvapakṣanirdeśa | m. Name of work |
bodhisattvapiṭaka | mn. Name of work |
bodhisattvatā | f. the state of a bodhisattva--state, bodhi-sattva--ship |
bradhnatva | n. greatness, mightiness |
brahmabhūyatva | n. brahmabhūya |
brahmacaryatva | n. the unmarried state, continence, chastity |
brāhmaṇatva | n. equals -tā- |
brāhmaṇatvavicāra | m. Name of work |
brāhmaṇītva | n. the state or condition of a brāhmaṇi- woman |
brahmaprakṛtikatva | n. brahmaprakṛtika |
brahmarṣitva | n. the state or rank of a brahmarṣi- |
brahmatattva | n. the true knowledge of brahma- |
brahmatattvapraśnottararatnāvalī | f. Name of work |
brahmatattvasaṃhitoddipanī | f. Name of work |
brahmatattvasubodhinī | f. Name of work |
brahmatattvavivaraṇa | n. Name of work |
brahmatva | n. the office of the Brahman or chief priest |
brahmatva | n. Brahmanhood |
brahmatva | n. the state of or identification with brahma- |
brahmatvac | m. or f. (?) Alstonia Scholaris |
brahmatvapaddhati | f. Name of work |
brahmatvaprayoga | m. Name of work |
brahmavāditva | n. brahmavādin |
brahmavittva | n. (fr. next) knowledge of brahma- (the one self-existent Spirit of the Universe) |
brahmojjhatva | n. brahmojjha |
bṛhattantrapatitva | n. |
bṛhattva | n. greatness, largeness, large extent |
bṛhattvac | m. Alstonia Scholaris |
bṛhattvan | (?) m. Name of a deva-gandharva- (varia lectio had-dhan-). |
bṛṃhaṇatva | n. the quality of making fat or strong |
bṛṃhaṇatva | n. the quality of making solid or firm |
budbudatva | n. the being a (mere) bubble (as an embryo) |
buddhatva | n. the condition or rank of a buddha- |
buddhihīnatva | n. |
buddhimattva | n. () intelligence, wisdom. |
buddhipūrvakatva | n. buddhipūrvaka |
buddhisthatva | n. buddhistha |
buddhitattva | n. the intellectual faculty or principle (the 2nd of the 8 prakṛtayaḥ- or"producers"in the sāṃkhya-, coming next to and proceeding from mūla-prakṛti- or a-vyakta-), (see ) . |
cakravartitva | n. idem or 'f. the state of a universal emperor ' |
cākṣuṣatva | n. perceptibility of sight |
cakṣuṣmattva | n. idem or 'f. the faculty of sight ' |
calatva | n. idem or 'f. shaking, tremulous motion ' |
caṇatva | n. the being famous for (in compound) |
cañcalatva | n. equals -tā- |
cañcutva | n. the being famous for (in compound) |
cañcutva | n. skill, cleverness |
caṇḍālatva | n. idem or 'f. the condition of a caṇḍāla- ' , 8. |
caṇḍatva | n. warmth of temper, passionateness, |
candratva | n. the condition of the moon |
cāraṇatva | n. a wandering actor's profession, dancing |
caritaguṇatva | n. attainment of peculiar property or use (sārthaka-tva- Scholiast or Commentator) |
caritārthatva | n. idem or ' -tā- f. successfulness (see cāritārthya-.)' (see cāritārthya-.) |
cārutva | n. endearedness |
caturatva | n. idem or 'f. cleverness, skilfulness ' (varia lectio for caṇa--). |
caturhotṛtva | n. the condition of the caturhotṛ- litany |
cāturmāsyatva | n. the state of a cāturmāsya- sacrifice |
caturmukhatva | n. (śiva-'s) state of having 4 faces |
caturmūrtitva | n. the state of being four-faced |
caturviṃśatikṛtvas | ind. 24 times |
caturviṃśatikṛtvas | ind. (tiṃ k/ṛtvas- ) |
catvara | n. rarely m. ([ ]) a quadrangular place, place in which many ways meet, cross-way etc. |
catvara | n. a levelled spot of ground prepared for a sacrifice |
catvara | tvāriṃś/a-, etc. See column 1. |
catvarataru | m. a tree growing on a cross-way |
catvaravāsinī | f. (see catuṣpatha-niketā-) Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda- |
catvarī | f. a street, |
ceṣṭāpṛthaktvanivartin | mfn. to be (or being) carried out by separate (repeated) acts, |
cetanatva | n. idem or 'f. the state of a sentient or conscious being, intelligence.' |
chāndasatva | n. idem or 'f. the being Vedic ' etc. |
chāndasatva | n. the being archaistic |
chāndasatva | n. the being metrical |
chandastva | n. the state of a sacred hymn or of its metre , |
chandogaśrāddhatattvapramāṇa | n. Name of work by raghu-nandana- |
chandogavṛṣotsargatattva | n. Name of work |
chattradhāratva | n. chattradhāra |
chattvara | m. a house |
chattvara | m. a bower |
chidradātṛtva | n. the (air's, ākāśasya-) yielding openings or access to everything |
chittvara | mfn. () fit for cutting off. |
chittvara | mfn. hostile (see chatt-) roguish |
cidrūpatva | n. cidrūpa |
cikitsātattvajñāna | n. a med. work by dhanvantari-, 13. |
cikitvan | mfn. attentive |
cikitvas | mf(t/uṣī-)n. having observed or noticed, |
cikitvas | mf(t/uṣī-)n. observing, attending to, attentive |
cikitvas | mf(t/uṣī-)n. knowing, understanding, experienced |
cikitvas | mf(t/uṣī-)n. "shining"(?, agni-) |
cikitvas | mf(t/uṣī-)n. see /a--. |
cikkaṇatva | n. idem or 'f. smoothness ' |
citrakavitva | n. the art of composing verses called citra- (q.v) |
citratvac | m. "having variegated bark", the birch |
cittānuvartitva | n. cittānuvartin |
cittānuvṛtttitva | n. cittānuvṛtti |
coditatva | n. the being enjoined |
coditatva | n. (a-- negative) |
cūrṇatva | n. idem or 'f. the state of dust or powder ' |
dāhamayatva | n. inflammableness |
dahanīyatva | n. idem or 'f. combustibility ' |
daiṣṭikatva | n. fatalism, predestinarianism, destiny |
daivajñatva | n. |
ḍākinītva | n. the condition of a female imp |
dakṣiṇatva | n. uprightness, honesty |
dakṣiṇātva | n. the state of the sacrificial gift |
dalāditva | n. the state of a leaf. etc., . |
ḍāmaratva | n. ḍāmara |
ḍāmbhiṭṭatva | n. an act of a man of ḍāmbhiṭṭa-'s kind |
daṇḍaneṭritva | n. judicature () . |
daṇḍatva | n. the state of a stick |
daridratva | n. idem or 'f. indigence, penury, state of being deprived of (in compound) ' |
daśarathatattva | n. Name of work |
dāśatva | n. the condition of a fisherman |
dāsatva | n. idem or 'f. slavery, servitude, 175 ' |
dāsatva | n. sense of dependence, humbleness |
daśatva | n. the state of 10 |
dāsītva | n. the condition of a female slave |
dātṛtva | n. idem or 'f. the being a giver, liberality ' |
dattottaratva | n. dattottara |
dātva | m. a giver |
dātva | n. a sacrificial act |
datvat | mfn. furnished with teeth , |
datvatī | f. with r/ajju-,"rope with teeth" |
datvatī | f. a snake, . |
dāyabhāgatattva | n. Name of work |
dayālutva | n. idem or 'f. pity ' (with locative case) |
dāyatattva | n. Name of work |
dāyatattvakṛt | m. Name of an author. |
dehatva | n. the state or condition of a body |
deśītva | n. deśī |
devabodhisattva | m. Name of a Buddhist saint. |
devapratiṣṭhātattva | n. Name of work |
devarṣitva | n. state or rank of a divine sages |
devasattva | mfn. having the nature of a god |
devasyatvaka | mfn. containing the words devasyatvā- (as an adhyāya- or anuvāka-) gaRa goṣad-ādi-. |
devatātva | n. state of divinity |
devatātvanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
devatva | n. godhead, divinity (see -tā-) |
devayajanatva | n. |
devītva | n. the state or rank of a goddess or queen |
dhaneśatva | n. dhaneśa |
dhanyatva | n. equals -tā- f. |
dhānyatvac | f. husk of corn |
dhārāgṛhatva | n. |
dharmamātratva | n. dharmamātra |
dharmasaṃjñatva | n. () the sense of duty. |
dharmatattva | n. the real essence of the law ( dharmatattvatas -tas- ind.in a manner entirely corresponding to the law ) |
dharmatattva | n. Name of work by kamalākara- |
dharmatattva | n. of a modern work |
dharmatattvaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
dharmatattvasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
dharmatattvatas | ind. dharmatattva |
dharmatattvavid | mfn. knowing the truths of laws or religion |
dharmatva | n. inherent nature, peculiar property, |
dharmatva | n. morality, piety |
dhārmikatva | () (gaRa purohitādi-) n. righteousness, justice, virtue. |
dharmitva | n. virtuousness, justice, faithfulness to duty |
dharmitva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the being obliged to |
dharmitva | n. the being endowed with or obnoxious to |
dhāryamāṇatva | n. possession, property |
dhāryatva | n. dhārya |
dhātvartha | m. "having the sense of a root", a verb |
dhātvavaropaṇa | n. depositing of relics (inside a Dagaba or stūpa-) (printed tvāva-and dhyānāva-). |
dhavalatva | n. () whiteness. |
dhenutva | n. the state of being a cow |
dhīrasattva | mfn. steadfast, resolute |
dhīratva | n. wisdom, discretion |
dhīratva | n. firmness, fortitude, courage |
dhīratva | n. suppression of jealous emotions (in women) |
dhīratva | n. jealousy |
dhṛṣṇutva | n. boldness, courage |
dhṛṣṭatva | n. ( ) boldness, courage, impudence. |
dhṛtvan | m. "supporter", Name of viṣṇu- |
dhṛtvan | m. (only ) a clever man |
dhṛtvan | m. a brahman- |
dhṛtvan | m. virtue |
dhṛtvan | m. the sea |
dhṛtvan | m. the sky (see kṣema--) |
dhṛtvarī | f. the earth |
dhruvatva | n. (in music) quick time or measure. |
dhūmavattva | n. smokiness |
dhundhumāratva | n. dhundhumāra |
dhūrtatva | n. knavery, roguery |
dhūsaratva | n. dhūsara |
dhvanitva | n. figurative allusion, poetical style |
dhvastarajaḥsattvatamomala | mfn. freed from the impurity of passion, goodness and darkness |
dhyānibodhisattva | m. a spiritual (not material) buddha- or bodhi-sattva- |
dhyātṛdhyātavyatva | n. equals dhyātṛtva- + dhyātavyatva- |
dhyātva | n. thought, reflection |
digambaratva | n. entire nakedness |
dīkṣātattva | n. "essence of initiation", Name of work |
dīkṣitatva | n. dīkṣita |
dīnasattva | mfn. equals -citta- |
ḍiṇḍimatva | n. ḍiṇḍima |
dīptarasatva | n. the predominance of fiery passions |
dīptatva | n. flaming, shining |
dīrghadarśitva | n. farsightedness, providence |
dīrghasaṃdhyatva | n. |
dīrghasūtratva | n. () procrastination, dilatoriness. |
dīrghatva | n. () length, longness. |
dīrghāyutva | n. etc. |
ḍitthatva | n. ḍittha |
divyatattva | n. "divine truth", Name of a work |
divyatva | n. equals -ta- |
doṣadūṣitatva | n. |
doṣaguṇitva | n. |
doṣatva | n. faultiness, deficiency, |
draṣṭritva | n. the faculty of seeing |
dravatva | () n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness. |
dravatvaka | () n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness. |
dravyatva | n. substantiality, substance |
dravyatvajātimānavicāra | m. Name of work |
dravyavattva | n. wealth, opulence |
dṛḍhatva | n. firmness, hardness, solidity, strength |
dṛḍhatva | n. steadiness, perseverance |
dṛḍhatvac | m. "tough-barked", a kind of reed |
dṛṣṭārthatattvajña | mfn. knowing the true, state or circumstances of the case |
dṛṣṭatva | n. the being seen or learnt or examined |
dṛśvanvatva | n. |
dṛśyaśravyatva | n. |
dṛśyatva | n. () visibility, vision, sight. |
drutatva | n. melting, softening, touching |
dugdhatva | n. milkiness, milky nature |
duhitṛtva | n. the condition of a daughter |
duḥkhamayatva | n. |
duḥkhaśīlatva | n. irritability, |
duḥkhātmakatva | n. |
duḥkhitva | n. |
duḥsahatva | n. duḥsaha |
duḥśakatva | n. commentator or commentary |
duḥsampādatva | n. duḥsampāda |
duḥsampādyatva | n. duḥsampādya |
duḥsattva | n. evil being, noxious animal |
duḥsattvavat | mfn. filled with wild beasts (wood) |
duḥśravatva | n. cacophony |
duradhyeyatva | n. |
dūrapātitva | n. dūrapātin |
dūrāpetatva | n. commentator or commentary |
dūrasthatva | n. |
dūratva | n. () remoteness, distance. |
durbhagatva | n. ill fortune |
durbhaṇatva | n. |
durbhikṣatva | n. |
durdharṣatva | n. durdharṣa |
durgādhatva | n. durgādha |
durgāhyatva | n. durgāhya |
durgāmahattva | n. Name of work |
durgātattva | n. Name of work |
durghaṭatva | n. durghaṭa |
durgotsavatattva | n. Name of a treatise. |
durgrāhyatva | n. |
durjanatva | n. wickedness, villainy |
durjñānatva | n. on |
durlabhatva | n. () scarceness, rarity |
durmaratva | () n. any violent or unnatural death. |
durmedhastva | n. foolishness, stupidity |
durnivāratva | n. |
durnivedyatva | n. |
dūrotsāritatva | n. |
dūrūḍhatva | n. |
durūhatva | n. |
durvacastva | n. |
durvacatva | n. durvaca |
durvāratva | n. durvāra |
durvāryatva | n. durvārya |
durvicāratva | n. |
duścaratva | n. duścara |
duścikitsyatva | n. duścikitsya |
dūṣitatva | n. |
duṣprajñatva | n. stupidity |
duṣṭatva | n. badness, wickedness |
duṣṭatva | n. falsehood |
duṣṭatva | n. defilement, violation |
dūtatva | n. the office or state of a messenger |
dūtitva | wrong reading for tī-tva- n. the office or state of a procuress |
dvādaśatva | n. the aggregate of 12 |
dvādaśayātrātattva | n. Name of work |
dvaṃdvatva | n. () ability to support opposites (as happiness and misery etc.) |
dvāratva | n. the being caused or produced by (compound) |
dveṣyatva | n. () odiousness, disfavour. |
dvibhātatva | n. |
dviguṇatva | n. |
dvijatva | n. "the being twice-born" |
dvijatva | n. the condition or rank of a Brahman or of any one of the first 3 classes |
dvijihvatva | n. dvijihva |
dvinavakṛtvas | ind. 18 times |
dvipaśutva | n. commentator or commentary |
dvipāttva | n. (see -pad-) 2-footeduess, bipartiteness |
dviroṣṭhyatva | n. commentator or commentary |
dvisattvalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
dviṣatva | n. () hostility, hatred (See above) . |
dviṣṭatva | n. odiousness |
dvitīyatva | n. equals -tā- |
dvitva | n. = duality (philosophy) |
dvitva | n. dual |
dvitva | n. reduplication, 8ch. on |
dvitvatva | n. the being duality or dualism |
dviyajatva | n. |
dvyahīnatva | n. |
dyotakatva | n. |
dyumaryādatva | n. dyumaryāda |
dyumaryādavattva | n. dyumaryāda |
ekacitīkatva | n. the state of having one layer commentator or commentary on |
ekādaśakṛtvas | ind. eleven times |
ekādaśatva | n. the number eleven |
ekadeśatva | n. the state of being a part or portion of the whole |
ekāgratva | n. intentness in the pursuit of one object, close and undisturbed attention |
ekāntatva | n. exclusive worship |
ekāntatva | n. the state of being a part or portion |
ekāntintitva | n. devotion to only one object or thing |
ekapatitva | (n.) |
ekaprabhutva | n. the sovereignty of one, monarchy. |
ekapṛthaktva | n. unity and distinctness. |
ekārthatva | n. the state of having the same object or purpose |
ekārthatva | n. the act of expressing only one thing or notion |
ekaśarīrāvayavatva | n. consanguineous descent or connexion. |
ekaśrutimūlatva | n. the state of being based on the same Vedic passage |
ekatva | n. oneness, unity, union, coincidence, identity etc. |
ekatva | n. (in grammar) the singular number |
ekatva | n. singleness, soleness |
etāvattva | n. the being so great or so much, quantity, number, size |
etāvattva | n. (with following yad-,such a state or quantity etc., that.) |
gadgadatva | n. idem or 'f. stammering ' |
gāḍhatva | n. intensity |
gāḍhavarcastva | n. costiveness |
gahanatva | n. density (ati--) |
gahanatva | n. impenetrability |
gajatva | n. the state of an elephant |
gamakāritva | n. inconsiderateness, rashness |
gamakatva | n. idem or 'f. convincingness ' |
gambhīrasattvasvaranābhi | mfn. equals tri-g- (See above) |
gambhīratva | n. idem or 'f. profoundness, earnestness, sagacity ' |
gamyatva | n. idem or 'f. the being intended or meant ' , 61. |
gaṇakṛtvas | ind. for a whole series of times |
gaṇatva | n. the forming a multitude (dative case -tvāyai-) |
gaṇatva | n. the office of an attendant of śiva- |
gandharvatva | n. the state of a gandharva- |
gandhatvac | f. the fragrant bark of Feronia elephantum |
gaṇitatattvacintāmaṇi | m. Name of a commentator or commentary on |
gantva | See su-g-. |
garbhatva | n. impregnation |
garbheśvaratva | n. idem or 'f. sovereignty attained by inheritance ' |
garbhiṇītva | n. the being pregnant or filled with |
garbhitatva | n. idem or 'f. (in rhetoric) insertion of one phrase within another ' |
gārgyatva | n. the state of a descendant of garga-, Va1rtt. 1 |
garīyastva | n. great weight |
garīyastva | n. importance |
gatasattva | mfn. annihilated, lifeless, dead |
gatasattva | mfn. "without good qualities", base |
gatvan | See pūrva--. |
gatvara | mf(ī-)n. going to a place (in compound) |
gatvara | mf(ī-)n. beginning or undertaking (with dative case) |
gatvara | mf(ī-)n. transient, perishable |
gauḍaśuddhitattva | n. Name of work |
gauḍatithitattva | n. Name of work |
gauṇatva | n. the state of being subordinate or secondary |
gauratva | n. the being white |
gauratvac | m. "white-barked", Terminalia Catappa |
ghanatva | n. compactness, firmness, thickness, solidity |
ghanatvac | m. "thick-barked", a kind of lodhra- tree |
ghaṇṭāpathatva | n. the being known to all the world |
gharmatva | n. the condition of a cauldron |
ghaṭitatva | n. connection with, involving (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
ghātitva | n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' execution |
ghoratva | n. idem or 'f. horribleness.' |
ghoṣṭṛtva | n. the state of a proclaimer |
ghṛṇitva | n. compassion |
ghṛṇitva | n. contempt, disregard, censoriousness |
ghṛtatva | n. the state or condition of ghee |
gīstva | n. the state of speech or voice |
gocaratva | n. idem or 'f. the state of being liable to (in compound) ' , 42 |
gopanīyatva | n. idem or 'f. concealableness ' |
gopatva | n. idem or 'f. a herdsman's office ' , 3160 ff. |
gotritva | n. relationship. |
gotva | n. the being a cow, state of a cow |
gotva | n. the nature of an ox |
gotvac | f. "an ox-hide or cow's hide" |
gotvagja | mfn. made of leather |
grāhakatva | n. the power of perception or comprehension, |
grahaṇīyatva | n. idem or 'f. acceptableness ' |
grahatva | n. equals -tā- |
grahatva | n. the state of a ladleful or spoonful |
grahayāgatattva | n. Name of work |
grahayajñatattva | n. Name of part of |
grāhyatva | n. perceptibleness |
grāmaṇītva | n. the condition or office of a chief or leader |
grāmatva | n. idem or 'f. plural () a multitude of villages ' |
grāmyatva | n. idem or 'f. rustic or vulgar speech ' |
grāmyatva | n. (a-- negative,"urbanity") |
granthitva | n. the becoming knotty, hardening |
grastatva | n. the being refuted (by arguments) |
gṛddhitva | n. eagerly longing for (in compound) |
guḍatvac | n. the aromatic bark of Laurus Cassia |
guḍatvaca | n. idem or 'n. the aromatic bark of Laurus Cassia ' |
guḍatvaca | n. mace |
gūḍhāgūḍhatva | n. obscurity and perspicuity |
gūḍhārthatattvadīpikā | f. Name of commentary |
gūḍhatva | n. obscurity (of sense) |
guṇatva | n. the condition of a string |
guṇatva | n. subordination |
guṇatva | n. the possession of qualities |
guṇatva | n. excellence |
guṇatva | n. multiplication |
guṇavattva | n. the state of possessing qualities |
guṇyatva | n. guṇya |
gurūdaratva | n. dyspepsia |
gurutva | n. weight, heaviness |
gurutva | n. (in prosody) length (of a vowel) |
gurutva | n. burden, trouble |
gurutva | n. severity, violence (of medical treatment) |
gurutva | n. dulness |
gurutva | n. greatness, magnitude |
gurutva | n. respectability, dignity, venerableness |
gurutva | n. the office of a teacher |
gurutvaka | n. heaviness |
haṃsatva | n. equals -tā- |
hañjikātva | n. hañjikā |
hantṛtva | n. hantṛ |
hantṛtva | n. hantṛ |
hantva | mfn. to be killed or slain |
hāridratva | n. yellowness |
hariprabhatva | n. hariprabha |
haritattvamuktāvali | f. Name of a commentator or commentary |
haritattvamuktāvalī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary |
haritatva | n. yellowish green (the colour) |
hāritva | n. hārin |
haritvac | mfn. yellow-skinned |
haritvat | (h/arit--) mfn. gold-coloured |
harṣavivṛddhasattva | mfn. one whose vigour is increased by happiness |
haryatvata | m. Name of a son of kṛta- (varia lectio haryaśvata-) |
hāstinapuratva | n. hāstinapura |
hāsyāspadatva | n. hāsyāspada |
hāsyatva | n. laughableness, ridiculousness |
haṭhatattvakaumudī | f. Name of work |
hatva | n. the state of the letter ha- |
hayatattva | n. idem or 'n. knowledge of horses ' |
hayatattvajña | mfn. acquainted with the nature of horses |
hetutva | n. the state of being a hetu-, causation, causativeness, existence of cause or motive |
hetutvakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
hetva | mfn. to be urged on or incited |
hetvantara | n. another argument |
hetvapadeśa | m. the adducing or mentioning of a reason |
hetvapadeśa | m. the second avayava- in a syllogism (see under hetu-) |
hetvavadhāraṇa | n. (in dramatic language) reasoning |
heyatva | n. heya |
hiṃsārucitva | n. hiṃsāruci |
hīnādhikatva | n. () deficiency or excess |
hīnakulatva | n. hīnakula |
hīnatva | n. defectiveness, deprivation, destitution, the state of being without, want or absence of (instrumental case or compound) |
hīnavīryatva | n. hīnavīrya |
hiraṇyatvac | (h/iraṇya--.) mfn. having a golden covering, coated with gold |
hiraṇyatvaca | mfn. having skin bright as gold |
hiraṇyatvacas | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. having a golden skin, (or) having a golden caparison |
hitakāritva | n. hitakārin |
hitvan | mfn. speedy, swift |
hlāditva | n. hlādin |
homatattvavidhi | m. Name of work |
hotṛtva | n. condition or office of the hotṛ- |
hotva | mfn. to be sacrificed or offered in sacrifice |
hotvan | m. a sacrificer |
hrasvatva | n. idem or 'f. shortness (of stature) ' |
hrasvatva | n. prosodial shortness on |
hṛdayajñatva | n. hṛdayajña |
hṛdyatva | n. heartiness, cordiality, agreeableness, delightfulness |
hrīmattva | n. hrīmat |
hṛṣīkeśatva | n. hṛṣīkeśa |
icchatva | n. desire, wishfulness |
idānīṃtanatva | n. the being momentary commentator or commentary on |
indratva | n. indra-'s power and dignity |
indratva | n. kingship. |
indriyatva | n. the state or condition of being an organ of sense |
īśatva | n. supremacy, superiority. |
iṣetvaka | mfn. containing the words iṣ/e tvā- () gaRa goṣadādi- |
iṣitatvatā | ind. by impulse or excitement |
īśitva | n. superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of śiva- |
iṣṭāthititva | n. delight in (showing) hospitality, . |
iṣṭatva | n. desirableness, the state of being beloved or reverenced. |
iṣṭitva | n. the being an iṣṭi- sacrifice |
īśvarādhīnatva | n. dependance upon God, subjection to a ruler. |
īśvaratva | n. superiority, supremacy |
itaretarapratyayatva | n. mutual dependance |
itvan | mf(arī-)n. going. See agretvan- and prātar-itvan-. |
itvara | mf(ī-)n. going, walking |
itvara | mf(ī-)n. travelling |
itvara | mf(ī-)n. a traveller |
itvara | mf(ī-)n. cruel, harsh |
itvara | mf(ī-)n. poor, indigent |
itvara | mf(ī-)n. low, vile, condemned |
itvara | m. a bull or steer allowed to go at liberty (varia lectio iṭcara-, q.v) |
itvarī | f. a disloyal or unchaste woman |
iyattva | n. the state of being, of such extent, quantity, fixed measure or quantity, so much |
jaḍatva | n. stiffness, senselessness |
jaḍatva | n. idiocy |
jagatsvāmitva | n. sovereignty of the world, . |
jaitva | mfn. See |
jalacatvara | n. a square tank |
jalāśayotsargatattva | n. Name of |
jāmātṛtva | n. the relationship of a son-in-law |
jāmitva | n. consanguinity |
janakatva | n. generativeness |
janakatva | n. generation, . |
jaṅgamatva | n. movableness |
jaṅghālatva | n. the being a good runner (for passing over, laṅghana-) (a-- negative) |
janitva | n. the state of a wife, iv |
janitva | mfn. equals tavy/a- |
janitva | m. father |
janitva | m. dual number parents |
janitvana | n. idem or 'n. the state of a wife, iv ' , |
janmāndhatva | n. janmāndha |
janmāṣṭamītattva | n. Name of |
jantva | mfn. (equals j/anit-) equals tavy/a- |
janyatva | n. janya |
jarjaratva | n. the being decayed |
jātavedastva | n. the state of being jāta-vedas- |
jaṭharatva | n. ,"hardness", only a-- negative , tenderness |
jātimattva | n. jātimat |
jātismaratva | n. idem or 'f. recollection of a former existence ' |
jātitva | n. equals -tā- |
jātitva | n. abstraction |
jatvaśmaka | n. "lac-stone", bitumen |
jāyātva | n. the character or attributes of a wife, ix, 8 |
jetva | mfn. to be gained |
jetva | mfn. (jait-) |
jetva | fr. jitvan- gaRa karṇādi-. |
jihmatva | n. crookedness, curvature |
jīrṇatva | n. equals -tā- |
jīrṇatva | n. infirmity, decay |
jitendriyatva | n. subjugation of the senses () |
jitvan | mfn. victorious (see sa-j/itvan-) |
jitvan | m. (gaRa karṇādi-) Name of a man |
jitvara | mf(ī-. ; see sa-j/itvarī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' overcoming |
jitvarī | f. "Victrix", the city of Benares |
jīvanmṛtatva | n. jīvanmṛta |
jīvatva | n. the state of life |
jīvatva | n. the state of the individual soul |
jīvitva | n. life |
jñānatattva | n. true knowledge |
jñānatva | n. the being knowledge |
jñānitva | n. fortune-telling |
jñātitva | n. consanguinity, relationship |
jñātṛtva | n. knowledge |
jñatva | n. intelligence |
jñeyatva | n. idem or 'f. intelligibleness ' |
jugupsitatva | n. equals psā- |
juhūtva | n. the condition of a sacrificial ladle |
jvalattva | n. radiance, |
jyāyastva | n. superiority |
jyeṣṭhatva | n. equals -tā- |
jyotiṣatattva | n. Name of work on astronomy |
jyotistattva | n. equals tiṣa-t- |
kabandhatva | n. headlessness, decapitation |
kādācitkatva | n. the state of occurring occasionally |
kadaryatva | n. the state or condition of the above |
kākatva | n. the state of a crow |
kalatva | n. melody, music |
kālikatva | n. idem or 'f. time, date, season.' |
kālītattva | n. Name of work |
kallatva | n. stammering, hoarseness |
kallatva | n. a sound |
kallatva | n. deafness |
kālpanikatva | n. idem or 'f. fictitiousness.' |
kalpitatva | n. the existing merely as an assumption or in the imagination commentator or commentary on |
kaluṣatva | n. foulness, turbidness etc. |
kalyāṇasattva | mfn. of noble character. |
kalyatva | n. health, convalescence |
kāmacaratva | n. the state of being free to move or act as one likes |
kāmacāritva | n. moving or acting at pleasure |
kāmacāritva | n. lewdness |
kāmadatva | n. the granting desires. |
kāmadevatva | n. the being the god of love |
kamanīyatva | n. desirableness, loveliness, beauty. |
kāmarūpadharatva | n. the state of assuming any form at will |
kāmāvasāyitva | n. the power of suppressing desire (one of the eight supernatural faculties of śiva-) (see yatra-kām-.) |
kāmitva | n. the state of a lover, love, desire. |
kāmukatva | n. desire commentator or commentary on |
kāmyatva | n. the state of being done from desire or from interested motives, selfishness |
kāṇatva | n. one-eyedness |
kāṇḍabhagnatva | n. the state of having a fractured limb |
kaniṣṭhatva | n. the state of being younger or smaller. |
kanīyastva | n. the state of being smaller or less |
kāntatva | n. loveliness, beauty, agreeableness |
kantva | n. happiness, prosperity |
kanyātva | n. virginity, maidenhood |
kapālapāṇitva | n. the state of bearing a skull in the hand (as śiva- does) |
kāpālikatva | n. barbarousness, cruelty, |
kapaṭatva | n. deceitfulness. |
kapitthatvac | f. the bark of Feronia Elephantum |
kapitva | n. the state of an ape, apishness. |
kāpuruṣatva | n. unmanliness, cowardliness. |
karaṇatva | n. instrumentality, mediate agency |
kāraṇatva | n. equals -tā- |
karitva | mfn. fit for work or business, |
karkaśatva | n. hardness |
karkaśatva | n. harshness, rough manners |
kārmaṇatva | n. magic, sorcery |
karmatattvapradīpikā | f. Name of work |
karmatva | n. the state or effect of action etc. etc. |
karmatva | n. activity |
karmatva | n. the state of being an object commentator or commentary on |
kartavyatva | n. the state of being necessary to be done or accomplished |
kartavyatva | n. necessity, obligation, task etc. |
kartavyatva | n. the possibility or suitableness of being done |
kartṛkatva | n. agency, action. |
kartṛtva | n. idem or 'f. the state of being the agent of an action ' |
kartṛtva | n. the state of being the performer or author of anything |
kartva | mfn. to be done or accomplished |
kartva | n. obligation, duty, task |
karuṇaveditva | n. compassion, sympathy |
kāruṇyaveditva | n. compassion |
kāryabhāktva | n. the state of being so , |
kāryagurutva | n. idem or 'f. importance of any act.' |
kāryakāraṇatva | n. the state of both cause and effect |
kāryatva | n. idem or 'f. the being an effect, the relation or state of an effect ' |
kāryavattva | n. idem or 'f. any business or affair ' |
kaṣṭārthatva | n. state of having a forced meaning |
kaṣṭatva | n. (in rhetoric) state of being forced or unnatural. |
kātaratva | n. cowardice, timidity, agitation |
kaṭhinatva | n. hardness, firmness, harshness, severity, etc. |
kaṭhinatva | n. difficulty, obscurity |
kaṭhoratva | n. hardness, firmness |
kaṭhoratva | n. rigour, severity. |
katikṛtvas | ind. how many times? (see k/ati-, k/ṛtvas- ) |
kaṭukatva | n. equals -tā- above |
kaṭutva | n. pungency, acerbity |
kauśikatva | n. idem or '(k/a--) f. the state of being kept together by two pins (and"the state of being sūrya-"[see 3. kauśik/a-]) , ' |
kauśikatva | n. See |
kauśikatva | n. the state of being a descendant of kuśika- |
kauśikatva | n. the state of being kauśika- (id est indra-) , 12489. |
kavitva | n. intelligence |
kavitva | n. poetic skill or power or gift |
kavitvana | n. wisdom |
kavitvaratnākara | m. "jewel-mine of poesy", Name of a modern work on rhetoric. |
kāvyatva | n. idem or 'f. the being a poetical composition ' |
kāyakāraṇakartṛtva | n. activity in performing bodily acts. |
kevalatva | n. the state of standing by itself or alone |
khacaratva | n. the state of a rakṣas- or demon |
khalatva | n. equals -tā- |
khañjatva | n. idem or 'f. limping, lameness ' |
kharatva | n. the state of an ass |
kharatvac | f. "having a rough bark", Name of a plant (equals alambuṣā-) |
khecaratva | n. idem or 'f. the magical power of flying ' |
kilāsatva | n. the state of being leprous |
kiṃkaratva | n. the condition of a servant or slave |
kiṃtva | mfn. (fr. k/im tv/am-."what thou?") questioning impudently (as a drunken man) |
kirmīratvac | m. "having a variegated rind", the orange tree |
klamitva | n. exhaustion |
klībatva | n. impotence |
klinnatva | n. the being wet |
kliṣṭatva | n. obscurity (of a passage) |
komalatva | n. idem or 'f. softness, tenderness.' |
kovidatva | n. skilfulness (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
krakacatvac | m. idem or 'm. "saw-leaved", Pandanus odoratissimus ' |
krakaratva | n. the state of a partridge (= ) . |
kramagatatva | n. hereditary succession or possession |
kratvaṅga | n. a sacrificial utensil |
kṛcchramūtrapurīṣatva | n. difficulty in evacuating the bladder and intestines |
krīḍākapitva | n. imitating an ape for amusement or in jest |
krīḍitva | n. the state of one who is sporting |
krītatva | n. the being bought |
kriyārthatva | n. the state of aiming at or leading to actions |
kriyātmakatva | n. kriyātmaka |
kṛkalāsatva | n. the state of a chameleon |
krodhitva | n. the state of being passionate |
kṛpaṇatva | n. misery, wretchedness |
kṛśatva | n. idem or 'f. leanness, thinness ' |
kṛṣṇatva | n. blackness |
kṛṣṇatva | n. the state of kṛṣṇa- |
kṛtaghnatva | n. idem or 'f. ingratitude ' |
kṛtajñatva | n. idem or 'f. gratitude ' |
kṛtakāryatva | n. the state of having obtained one's object |
kṛtārthatva | n. idem or 'f. accomplishment of an object, success ' |
kṛtatva | n. the state of being effected |
kṛtatvara | mf(ā-)n. making haste, hurrying, |
kṛtisādhyatva | n. the state of being accomplished by exertion. |
kṛtitva | n. the state of one who has attained any object |
kṛtrimatva | n. the being made, factitiousness. |
kṛtsnatva | n. idem or '(kṛtsn/a--) f. totality, completeness ' |
kṛttattvabodhinī | f. Name of a grammatical treatise. |
kṛtvan | mf(varī-)n. causing, effecting (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
kṛtvan | mf(varī-)n. active, busy |
kṛtvan | etc. See |
kṛtvarī | f. plural (īs-) Ved. (equals kṛty/ās-) the magic powers |
kṛtvarī | f. of k/ṛtvan- q.v |
kṛtvas | ind. at the end of a numeral or numeral adjective, -fold, times (exempli gratia, 'for example' daśa-kṛtvas-,ten times; bahu-k-,many times; pañca-k-,fivefold ) . In the veda- k/ṛtvas- is used as a separate word (exempli gratia, 'for example' bh/ūri k-,many times ; p/añca k- ) , but according to () it is only an affix, and it is so used in classical Sanskrit |
kṛtvas | ind. it was originally an accusative plural fr. kṛtu-, formed by the affix tu- fr. 1. kṛ- (see also kṛt-in sak/ṛt-.) |
kṛtvas | etc. See |
kṛtyatattva | n. "the true nature of duty or obligation", Name of work |
krūratva | n. idem or 'f. cruelty ' |
kṣamatva | n. idem or 'f. ability, fitness, capability.' (with locative case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') commentator or commentary on and on |
kṣāmatva | n. idem or 'f. debility ' |
kṣaṇikatva | n. idem or 'f. momentariness, continual decay and change of everything (see kṣaṇa-bhaṅga-) ' |
kṣatriyatva | m. idem or 'f. the order or rank of a kṣatriya- ' |
kṣayarogitva | n. idem or 'f. consumption' |
kṣayitva | n. perishableness, fragility |
kṣemadhṛtvan | m. (equals -dhanvan-) Name of a son or descendant of puṇḍarīka- |
kṣetratattva | n. a part of the work smṛti-tattva-. |
kṣībatva | n. idem or 'f. .' |
kṣīṇatva | n. the wane (of the moon) |
kṣitijatva | n. the state of the horizon |
kṣitvan | m. the wind |
kṣitvan | See 4. kṣi-. |
kṣitvarī | f. night, |
kṣudratva | n. equals -tā- |
kulatattvavid | mfn. knowing the true state of a family. |
kulīnatva | n. idem or 'f. rank, family respectability.' |
kumāratva | n. boyhood, youth |
kuṇḍalikātva | n. the state of being circular commentator or commentary on |
kuṇitva | n. the state of being maimed, mutilation, lameness |
kuñjaratva | n. the state of an elephant |
kuṇṭhatva | n. indolence, stupidity |
kurūpatva | n. ugliness. |
kuśalatva | n. cleverness, skilfulness. |
kusumaśaratva | n. the state of one who has flowers for arrows |
kūṭasthatva | n. idem or 'f. unchangeableness, uniformity' commentator or commentary on |
kūṭatva | n. equals -tā-. |
kuṭilagāmitva | n. the state of being capricious |
kuṭilatva | n. idem or 'f. crookedness, guile, dishonesty.' |
kuṭilatva | n. deviation from (in compound) |
kuṭumbitva | n. the state of being a householder or a member of a family |
kuṭumbitva | n. family connection or union, living as one family. |
labdhāntaratva | n. labdhāntara |
laghīyastva | n. extreme insignificance, want of authority |
laghuhastatva | n. () ready-handedness, skilful-handed |
laghusamudīraṇatva | n. mobility (of the body) |
laghusattva | mfn. "weak-natured", having a weak or fickle character |
laghusattvatā | f. weakness of character, fickleness |
laghutva | n. quickness, agility, dexterity |
laghutva | n. lightness, ease, facility |
laghutva | n. feeling of ease |
laghutva | n. prosodial shortness |
laghutva | n. levity, thoughtlessness, wantonness |
laghutva | n. want of dignity, humbleness, disregard, disrespect |
laghuvivaratva | n. narrowness of an aperture or opening |
lajjāśīlatva | n. lajjāśīla |
lajjāvattva | n. bashfulness, modesty |
lakṣaṇatva | n. the being a mark or definition |
lākṣaṇikatva | n. lākṣaṇika |
lakṣitatva | n. the state of being marked or expressed indirectly |
lakṣitatva | n. excellence |
lakṣmītva | n. the being lakṣmī- (of sītā-) |
lakṣyajñatva | n. knowledge of a mark or of examples |
lakṣyatva | n. the being indirectly expressed |
lakṣyatva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the being an aim or object of, |
lambālakatva | n. pendulosity of curls |
lampaṭatva | n. greediness, dissoluteness, lewdness. |
laṅghanīyatva | n. () capability of being stepped over or transgressed or violated or injured. |
laukikatva | n. worldliness, commonness, usual custom, general prevalence |
lavaṇatva | saltness |
lavitavyatva | n. lavitavya |
lekhahārintva | n. lekhahārin |
likhitatva | n. the condition of being written down |
līnatva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') sticking or concealment in, |
liṅgatva | n. the state of being a mark |
lipitva | n. the condition of being anything written |
lobhaśūnyatva | n. lobhaśūnya |
lohitatva | n. redness, red colour |
lokapālatva | n. ( ) the being a guardian of the world |
lokatattva | n. "world-truth", knowledge of the world, knowledge of mankind |
lolatva | n. movableness, fickleness, restlessness, wantonness, cupidity, eager desire |
lolupatva | n. eager desire or longing for (compound), greediness, cupidity, lust, |
lubdhatva | n. greediness, covetousness, ardent desire for (locative case) |
mādakatva | n. mādaka |
madhumehatva | n. the state of passing saccharine urine |
madhuratva | n. sweetness (in taste) |
madhuratva | n. suavity, charm (of speech) |
madhuratvaca | m. Grislea Tomentosa |
madhutva | n. sweetness |
madhyatva | n. See under madhya-. |
madhyatva | n. madhya |
māduṣatva | n. māduṣa |
maghavattva | n. liberality, munificence |
mahābhāgatva | n. () high excellence, great good fortune, exalted station or merit |
mahābhāgatva | n. the possessing of the 8 cardinal virtues. |
mahābhisyanditamatva | n. state of hypertrophy |
mahābhisyanditva | n. state of hypertrophy |
mahācittva | n. mahācit |
mahādevatva | n. the state or dignity of"the great deity" |
mahādevītva | n. mahādevī |
mahadguṇatva | n. mahadguṇa |
mahāguṇatva | n. the possession of great properties or virtues |
mahākālatva | n. mahākāla |
mahākāyatva | n. mahākāya |
mahāmahimatva | n. mahāmahiman |
mahāmarutvatīya | m. (with graha-) a particular libation consisting of a cupful offered to indra- marut-vat- |
mahāmohamantratva | n. mahāmohamantra |
mahānānātva | n. Name of certain ceremonial rules |
mahānandatva | n. mahānanda |
mahānubhāvatva | n. () magnanimity, generosity. |
mahāprabhutva | n. mahāprabhu |
mahāpṛthivītva | n. mahāpṛthivī |
mahārathatva | n. the being a great warrior |
mahartviktva | n. (fr. next) the state or office of the great priest |
mahāsattva | m. a great creature, large animal |
mahāsattva | n. equals -sat-tā- above |
mahāsattva | mfn. steady, constant (See -tā-below) |
mahāsattva | n. having a great or noble essence, noble, good (of persons;with Buddhists, Name of a bodhi-sattva-) etc. |
mahāsattva | n. extremely courageous |
mahāsattva | n. containing large animals (See -tā-below) |
mahāsattva | m. a buddha- |
mahāsattva | m. Name of kubera- |
mahāsattva | m. of gautama- buddha- as heir to the throne |
mahāsattvatā | f. "constancy of character"and"the containing large animals" |
mahāsattvavadha | m. the killing of a great creature or large animal |
mahastva | n. greatness, mightiness |
mahātattva | n. "the great principle", Intellect (second of the sāṃkhya- tattva-s;See mahat-) |
mahattattva | n. "the great principle", Intellect (See above) |
mahattva | n. idem or 'f. greatness, high rank or position ' |
mahattva | n. great size or extent, magnitude etc. |
mahattva | n. violence, intensity |
mahattva | n. moral greatness |
mahattvarahita | mfn. deprived of majesty or greatness |
mahāvākyatva | n. mahāvākya |
mahendratva | n. the name or rank of great Inscr |
maheśvaratva | n. supreme lordship or dominion |
mahīpatitva | n. mahīpati |
mahiṣatva | n. the state or condition of a buffalo |
mahitva | n. greatness, might |
mahitvana | n. idem or 'n. greatness, might ' ( mahitvanā n/ā- ind.by greatness) |
mahitvanā | ind. mahitvana |
mahīyatva | (?) gaRa vimuktādi- (see māhīyatva-). |
māhīyatva | mfn. beginning with the word mahīya-tva- (gaRa vimuktādi- māhīyala-). |
malamāsatattva | n. Name of work |
mālārūpatva | n. mālārūpa |
malatva | n. dirtiness, filthiness |
malimlucatattva | n. Name of work (= mala-māsa-tattva-). |
malinatva | n. blackness |
malinatva | n. moral blackness, wickedness |
mamatva | n. equals -tā- etc. (-tvaṃ-1. kṛ- P. -karoti-,to be attached to, with locative case ;to envy, with genitive case ) |
māṃsāśitva | n. māṃsāśin |
māṃsatva | n. the being flesh |
māṃsatva | n. the derivation of the word māṃsa- |
māṃścatva | mfn. (prob.) yellowish (m/āṃścatva- ) . |
mānasatva | n. the state of spirit, spirituality, fulfilment of anything in mere thought, |
manastva | n. intellectual state, the state or condition of mind |
mānasvarūpābhijñatva | n. knowledge of the nature of honour |
mānatva | n. haughtiness, arrogance |
mānatva | n. the being a measure or standard |
mandagatitva | n. mandagati |
mandakiraṇatva | n. mandakiraṇa |
maṇḍalatva | n. roundness |
mandānalatva | n. dyspepsia |
mandatva | n. equals prec. |
mandatva | n. (with agneḥ-) weakness of the digestive faculty |
mānitva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the thinking one's self to be or have |
mānitva | n. pride, arrogance (a-m-) |
mānitva | n. the being honoured, receiving honour |
manmanatva | n. a particular defect of the organs of speech |
manoharataratva | n. manoharatara |
manojavitva | n. manojavin |
manoyāyitva | n. manoyāyin |
mantragaṇapatitattvaratna | n. Name of work |
mantrasādhyatva | n. mantrasādhya |
mantratattva | n. the essence of counsel |
mantratattvanetra | n. Name of work |
mantratattvaprakāśa | m. Name of works. (varia lectio -tantra-n-and -pr-) |
mantratattvavid | mfn. very experienced in counsel |
māntravarṇikītva | n. māntravarṇika |
mantritva | n. the office or vocation of a minister, ministership, ministry |
manupraṇītatva | n. manupraṇīta |
mānuṣādatva | n. cannibalism |
mānuṣatva | n. the state or condition or nature of man, manhood, manliness, humanity |
manuṣyatva | n. equals -tā- f. (accusative with yā-,to become a man) |
manutva | n. the rank or office of a manu- |
mānyatva | n. the being honoured by (genitive case), respectability, worthiness |
mārakatatva | n. state or colour of an emerald |
martyatva | n. equals -tā- (-tvam āgataḥ-= -tām prāptaḥ-) |
martyatvana | n. the ways of man |
marubhūmitva | n. marubhūmi |
marutvat | mfn. (mar/ut--) attended by the marut-s |
marutvat | mfn. containing the word marut- |
marutvat | m. Name of indra- |
marutvat | m. of hanu-mat- |
marutvat | m. of a son of dharma- by marut-vatī- |
marutvat | m. a cloud |
marutvat | m. plural a class of gods regarded as children of dharma- or of manu- by marut-vatī- |
marutvatī | f. (atī-) Name of a daughter of dakṣa-, wife of dharma- (manu-) |
marutvatīya | mfn. related or belonging to indra- marut-vat- (said especially of 3 graha-s at the midday libation, the śastra- recited afterwards and the hymn forming the chief part of that śastra-) |
marutvatya | mfn. equals prec. |
māsāpavargatva | n. māsāpavarga |
masṛṇatva | n. softness, mildness |
mastiṣkatvac | f. the membrane surrounding the brain |
mataṃgajatva | n. mataṃgaja |
mātaṃgatva | n. the state or condition of a caṇḍāla- |
maṭhapratiṣṭhātattva | n. Name of work |
matkuṇatva | n. matkuṇa |
mātratva | n. equals -tā- |
matsamatva | n. likeness or resemblance of me |
mātva | n. mā |
maunitva | n. silence |
mayūratva | n. () the state or condition of a peacock. |
meḍhratvac | f. equals -carman- |
medhyatva | n. ( ) ritual purity. |
meghatva | n. the being a cloud (-tvam upa-gam-,to become a cloud) |
mīmāṃsātattvacandrikā | f. Name of work |
miṇmiṇatva | n. miṇmiṇa |
mitabhāṣitva | n. mitabhāṣin |
mithunatva | n. the state of forming a pair |
mithyātva | n. falsity, unreality |
mithyātva | n. (with jaina-s) perversion (as one of the 18 faults) or illusion (as the lowest of the 14 steps which lead to final emancipation) |
mithyātvanirukti | f. Name of work |
mithyātvanirvacana | n. Name of work |
mithyātvaniyata | mfn. bent on falsehood, |
mithyātvavādarahasya | n. Name of work |
mitratva | n. friendship |
mlānatva | n. withered or faded condition, dejectedness, languor |
mrakṣakṛtvan | mfn. rubbing to pieces, destroying |
mṛdumadhyādhimātratva | n. mṛdumadhyādhimātra |
mṛdutva | n. softness, tenderness, mildness |
mṛdutvac | m. Betula Bhojpatra |
mṛdutvac | m. Saccharum Munja |
mṛgatva | n. the state or condition of a deserts |
mṛgītva | n. the state or condition of a female deer or doe |
mṛṣātva | n. incorrectness, falsity |