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Amarakosha Search
2 results
sarṣapaḥ2.9.18MasculineSingulartantubha, kadambakaḥ
kaustubha1.1.28MasculineSingularjewel of krishna
Monier-Williams Search
10 results for tubha
karṇapūram. Name of the father of kavicandra- and author of the alaṃkāra- kaustubha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaustubhabhṛtm. "wearing the kaustubha-", idem or 'm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaustubhadhāmanm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaustubhalakṣaṇam. "whose mark is the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "wearing the kaustubha-", idem or 'm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaustubhavakṣasm. "whose breast is decorated with the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "whose mark is the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "wearing the kaustubha-", idem or 'm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- ' ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaustubhīyamfn. relating or belonging to the kaustubha- jewel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khaṇḍadevam. Name of an author of a commentator or commentary on (called bhaṭṭa-dīpikā-) and of another work (called mīmāṃsā-kaustubha-) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkṣiptacalārcāvidhim. Name of a chapter of the rāja-dharma-kaustubha- by anantadeva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suratoṣakam. "god-pleasing", the jewel kaustubha- (worn by kṛṣṇa- on his breast) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṇum. (prob. fr. viṣ-,"All-pervader"or"Worker") Name of one of the principal Hindu deities (in the later mythology regarded as"the preserver", and with brahmā-"the creator"and śiva-"the destroyer" , constituting the well-known tri-mūrti- or triad;although viṣṇu- comes second in the triad he is identified with the supreme deity by his worshippers;in the Vedic period, however, he is not placed in the foremost rank, although he is frequently invoked with other gods [ especially with indra- whom he assists in killing vṛtra- and with whom he drinks the soma- juice; see his later names indrānuja- and upendra-];as distinguished from the other Vedic deities, he is a personification of the light and of the sun, especially in his striding over the heavens, which he is said to do in three paces [See tri-vikrama-and see bali-, vāmana-],explained as denoting the threefold manifestations of light in the form of fire, lightning, and the sun, or as designating the three daily stations of the sun in his rising, culminating, and setting; viṣṇu- does not appear to have been included at first among the āditya-s [ q.v ], although in later times he is accorded the foremost place among them;in the brāhmaṇa-s he is identified with sacrifice, and in one described as a dwarf;in the mahā-bhārata- and rāmāyaṇa- he rises to the supremacy which in some places he now enjoys as the most popular deity of modern Hindu worship;the great rivalry between him and śiva-[ see vaiṣṇava-and śaiva-]is not fully developed till the period of the purāṇa-s: the distinguishing feature in the character of the Post-vedic viṣṇu- is his condescending to become incarnate in a portion of his essence on ten principal occasions, to deliver mankind from certain great dangers[ see avatāra-and ];some of the purāṇa-s make 22 incarnations, or even 24, instead of 10;the vaiṣṇava-s regard viṣṇu- as the supreme being, and often identify him with nārāyaṇa-, the personified puruṣa- or primeval living spirit [described as moving on the waters, reclining on śeṣa-, the serpent of infinity, while the god brahmā- emerges from a lotus growing from his navel; see ];the wives of viṣṇu- are aditi- and sinīvālī-, later lakṣmī- or śrī- and even sarasvatī-;his son is kāma-deva-, god of love, and his paradise is called vaikuṇṭha-;he is usually represented with a peculiar mark on his breast called śrī-vatsa-, and as holding a śaṅkha-,or conch-shell called pāñcajanya-, a cakra-or quoit-like missile-weapon called su-darśana-, a gadā-or club called kaumodakī- and a padma-or lotus;he has also a bow called śārṅga-, and a sword called nandaka-;his vāhana-or vehicle is garuḍa- q.v;he has a jewel on his wrist called syamantaka-, another on his breast called kaustubha-, and the river Ganges is said to issue from his foot;the demons slain by him in his character of "preserver from evil", or by kṛṣṇa- as identified with him, are madhu-, dhenuka-, cāṇūra-, yamala-, and arjuna- [see yamalārjuna-], kāla-nemi-, haya-grīva-, śakaṭa-, ariṣṭa-, kaiṭabha-, kaṃsa-, keśin-, mura-, śālva-, mainda-, dvi-vida-, rāhu-, hiraṇya-kaśipu-, bāṇa-, kāliya-, naraka-, bali-;he is worshipped under a thousand names, which are all enumerated in ;he is sometimes regarded as the divinity of the lunar mansion called śravaṇa-) etc. (see )
Apte Search
4 results
kharvaṭaḥ खर्वटः टम् [खर्व्-अटन्] 1 A market-town. -2 A village at the foot of a mountain; this word generally occurs joined with खेट; Bhāg.1.6.11;4.18.31;7.2.14; धनुःशतं परीणाहो ग्रामे क्षेत्रान्तरं भवेत् । द्वे शते खर्वटस्य स्यान्नगरस्य चतुःशतम् ॥ Y.2.167. Mitākṣarā says खर्वटस्य प्रचुरकण्टक- सन्तानस्य ग्रामस्य खर्वटानि कुनगराणि । (प्रश्नव्याकरणसूत्रव्याख्याने). -3 A mixed locality on the bank of river, partly a village and partly a town (according to the text of Bhṛigu, quoted in Shrīdharasvāmin's commentary on the Bhāg.); cf. Rājadharmakaustubha, G. O. S.72, p.13. -4 A principal village among two hundred ones (Dānasāgara, Bibliotheca Indica 274, Fasc. I, p.145); cf. also दण्डविवेक, G. O. S.52, p.277.
kheṭa खेट a. [खे अटति, अट्-अच्; खिट्-अच् वा] Having a weapon, armed. -टः 1 A village, small town or hamlet; Bhāg.1.6.11. -2 Phlegm. -3 The club of Balarāma. -4 A horse. -टः, -टम् 1 Hunting, chase. -2 A shield. -टम् 1 Grass. -2 Hide, skin. (N. B.:- At the end of comp. खेट expresses 'defectiveness' or 'deterioration', & may be rendered by 'miserable', 'low', 'vile', 'wretched' &c.; नागरखेटम् a miserable town.) -3 A village; नगराद्योजनं खेटं खेटाद् ग्रामो$र्धयोजनम् (ब्रह्मानंद पु. Part I, II अनुषंगपाद Ch.7.V.III.); खेटानि धूलिप्राकारोपेतानि । (प्रश्नव्याकरणसूत्रव्याख्याने). -4 A village of cultivators; Rājadharmakaustubha, G. O. S. 72, P.12. -5 A village two miles long; Bibliotheca Indica 274, Fase. I. p.145.
jala जल a. [जल् अच् डस्य लो वा] 1 Dull, cold, frigid = जड q. v. -2 Stupid, idiotic. -लम् 1 Water; तातस्य कूपो$- यमिति ब्रुवाणाः क्षारं जलं कापुरुषाः पिबन्ति । Pt.1.322. -2 A kind of fragrant medicinal plant or perfume (ह्रीवेर). -3 The embryo or uterus of a cow. -5 The constellation called पूर्वाषाढा. -Comp. -अञ्चलम् 1 a spring. -2 a natural water-course. -3 moss. -अञ्जलिः 1 a handful of water. -2 a libation of water presented to the manes of a deceased person; कुपुत्रमासाद्य कुतो जलाञ्जलिः Chāṇ 69; मानस्यापि जलाञ्जलिः सरभसं लोके न दत्तो यथा Amaru. 97 (where, जलाञ्जलिं दा means 'to leave or give up'). -अटनः a heron. -अटनी a leech. -अणुकम्, -अण्डकम् the fry of fish. -अण्टकः a shark. -अत्ययः autumn (शरद्); पृष्ठतो$नुप्रयातानि मेघानिव जलात्यये Rām.2.45.22. -अधिदैवतः, -तम् an epithet of Varuṇa. (-तम्) the constellation called पूर्वाषाढा. -अधिपः an epithet of Varuṇa. -अम्बिका a well. -अर्कः the image of the sun reflected in water. -अर्णवः 1 the rainy season. -2 the ocean of sweet water. -अर्थिन् a. thirsty. -अवतारः a landing-place at a river-side. -अष्ठीला a large square pond. -असुका a leech. -आकरः a spring, fountain, well. -आकाङ्क्षः, -काङ्क्षः, -काङ्क्षिन् m. an elephant. -आखुः an otter. -आगमः rain; तपति प्रावृषि सुतरामभ्यर्ण- जलागमो दिवसः Ratn.3.1. -आढ्य a. watery, marshy. -आत्मिका a leech. -आधारः a pond, lake, reservoir of water. -आयुका a leech. -आर्द्र a. wet. (-र्द्रम्) wet garment or clothes. (-र्द्रा) a fan wetted with water. -आलोका a leech. -आवर्तः eddy, whirl-pool. -आशय a. 1 resting or lying in water. -2 stupid, dull, apathetic. (-यः) 1 a pond, lake, reservoir. -2 a fish. -3 the ocean. -4 the fragrant root of a plant (उशीर). -आश्रयः 1 a pond. -2 water-house. -आह्वयम् a lotus. -इन्द्रः 1 an epithet of Varuṇa. -2 N. of Mahādeva. -3 the ocean; जलेन्द्रः पुंसि वरुणे जम्भले च महोदधौ Medinī. -इन्धनः the submarine fire. -इभः a water-elephant. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Varuṇa; भीमोद्भवां प्रति नले च जलेश्वरे च N. -2 the ocean. -उच्छ्वासः 1 a channel made for carrying off excess of water, drain, (cf. परीवाह). -2 overflow of a river. -उदरम् dropsy. -उद्भव a. aquatic. (-वा) benzoin. -उरगा, -ओकस् m., -ओकसः a leech. -कण्टकः a crocodile. -कपिः the Gangetic porpoise. -कपोतः a water-pigeon. -कर a. making or pouring forth water. (-रः) tax for water. -करङ्कः 1 a shell. -2 a cocoa-nut. -3 a cloud. -4 a wave. -5 a lotus. -कल्कः mud. -कल्मषः the poison produced at the churning of the ocean; तस्यापि दर्शयामास स्ववीर्यं जलकल्मषः Bhāg.8. 7.44. -काकः the diver-bird. -कान्तः the wind. -कान्तारः an epithet of Varuṇa. -किराटः a shark. -कुक्कुटः a water-fowl; जलकुक्कुटकोयष्टिदात्यूहकुलकूजितम् Bhāg.8.2.16. (-टी) the black-headed gull. -कुन्तलः, -कोशः moss. -कूपी 1 a spring, well. -2 a pond. -3 a whirlpool; जलकूपी कूपगर्ते पुष्करिण्यां च योषिति Medinī. -कूर्मः the porpoise. -कृत् a. Causing rain; दिवसकृतः प्रतिसूर्यो जलकृत् (मेघः) Bṛi. S. -केलिः, m. or f., -क्रीडा playing in water, splashing one another with water. -केशः moss. -क्रिया presenting libations of water to the manes of the deceased. -गुल्मः 1 a turtle. -2 a quadrangular tank. -3 a whirlpool. -चर a. (also जलेचर) aquatic. (-रः) 1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish. -3 any kind of water-fowl. ˚आजीवः, ˚जीवः a fisherman. -चत्वरम् a square tank. -चारिन् m. 1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish. -ज a. born or produced in water. (-जः) 1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish; स्वयमेव हतः पित्रा जलजेनात्मजो यथा Rām.2.61.22. -3 sea-salt. -4 a collective name for several signs of the zodiac. -5 moss. -6 the moon. (-जः, जम्) 1 a shell. -2 the conch-shell; अधरोष्ठे निवेश्य दघ्मौ जलजं कुमारः R.7. 63,1.6; इत्यादिश्य हृषीकेशः प्रध्माय जलजोत्तमम् Bhāg.8.4. 26. -3 (-जः) The Kaustubha gem; जलजः कौस्तुभे मीने तत् क्लीबे शङ्खपद्मयोः । Nm. (जः) -4 A kind of horse born in water; वाजिनो जलजाः केचिद् वह्निजातास्तथापरे । शालिहोत्र of भोज, Appendix II,12. (-जम्) a lotus. ˚आजीवः a fisherman. ˚आसनः an epithet of Brahmā; वाचस्पतिरुवाचेदं प्राञ्जलिर्जलजासनम् Ku.2.3. ˚कुसुमम् the lotus. ˚द्रव्यम् a pearl, shell or any other thing produced from the sea. -जन्तुः 1 a fish, -2 any aquatic animal. -जन्तुका a leech. -जन्मन् a lotus. -जिह्वः a crocodile. -जीविन् m. a fisherman. -डिम्बः a bivalve shell. -तरङ्गः 1 a wave. -2 a metal cup filled with water producing harmonic notes like a musical glass. -ताडनम् (lit.) 'beating water'; (fig.) any useless occupation. -तापिकः, -तापिन्, -तालः The Hilsa fish; L. D. B. -त्रा an umbrella. -त्रासः hydrophobia. -दः 1 a cloud; जायन्ते विरला लोके जलदा इव सज्जनाः Pt.1.29. -2 camphor. ˚अशनः the Śāla tree. -आगमः the rainy season; सरस्तदा मानसं तु ववृधे जलदागमे Rām.7.12.26. ˚आभ a. black, dark. ˚कालः the rainy season. ˚क्षयः autumn. -दर्दुरः a kind of musical instrument. -देवः the constellation पूर्वाषाढा. -देवता a naiad, water-nymph. -द्रोणी a bucket. -द्वारम् A gutter, a drain, Māna.31.99. -धरः 1 a cloud. -2 the ocean. -धारा a stream of water. -धिः 1 the ocean. -2 a hundred billions. -3 the number 'four'. ˚गा a river. ˚जः the moon. ˚जा Lakṣmī, the goddess of wealth. ˚रशना the earth. -नकुलः an otter. -नरः a merman. -नाडी, -ली a water-course. -निधिः 1 the ocean. -2 the number 'four'. -निर्गमः 1 a drain, water-course. -2 a water-fall, descent of a spring &c. into a river below. -नीलिः moss. -पक्षिन् m. a water-fowl. -पटलम् a cloud. -पतिः 1 the ocean. -2 an epithet of Varuṇa. -पथः a sea voyage; R.17.81. -पद्धतिः f. a gutter, drain. -पात्रम् 'a water-pot', drinking-vessel. -पारावतः a water-pigeon. -पित्तम् fire. -पुष्पम् an aquatic flower. -पूरः 1 a flood of water. -2 a full stream of water. -पृष्ठजा moss. -प्रदानम् presenting libations of water to the manes of the deceased. -प्रपातः 1 a water-fall. -2 rainy season; शरत्प्रतीक्षः क्षमतामिमं भवाञ्जलप्रपातं रिपुनिग्रहे धृतः Rām.4.27.47. -प्रलयः destruction by water. -प्रान्तः the bank of a river. -प्रायम् a country abounding with water; जलप्रायमनूपं स्यात् Ak. -प्रियः 1 the Chātaka bird. -2 a fish. (-या) an epithet of Dākṣāyaṇī. -प्लवः an otter. -प्लावनम् a deluge, an inundation. -बन्धः, बन्धकः a dam, dike, rocks or stones impeding a current. -बन्धुः a fish. -बालकः, -वालकः the Vindhya mountain. -बालिका lightning. -बिडालः an otter. -बिम्बः, -म्बम् a bubble. -बिल्वः 1 a (quadrangular) pond, lake. -2 a tortoise. -3 a crab. -भीतिः f. hydrophobia. -भू a. produced in water. -भूः m. 1 a cloud. -2 a place for holding water. -3 a kind of camphor. -भूषणः wind. -भृत् m. 1 a cloud. -2 a jar. -3 camphor. -मक्षिका a water-insect. -मण़्डूकम् a kind of musical instrument; (= जलदर्दुर). -मद्गुः a king-fisher. -मसिः 1 a cloud. -2 camphor. -मार्गः a drain, canal. -मार्जारः an otter. -मुच् m. 1 a cloud; Me.69. -2 a kind of camphor. -मूर्तिः an epithet of Śiva. -मूर्तिका hail. -मोदम् a fragrant root (उशीर). -यन्त्रम् 1 a machine for raising water (Mar. रहाट). -2 a waterclock, clepsydra. -3 a fountain. ˚गृहम्, ˚निकेतनम्, ˚मन्दिरम् a house erected in the midst of water (a summerhouse) or one supplied with artificial fountains; क्वचिद् विचित्रं जलयन्त्रमन्दिरम् Ṛs.1.2. -यात्रा a sea-voyage. -यानम् a ship. -रङ्कुः a kind of gallinule. -रण्डः, रुण्डः 1 a whirlpool. -2 a drop of water, drizzle, thin sprinkling. -3 a snake. -रसः sea-salt. -राशिः the ocean. -रुह्, -हम् a lotus. -रूपः a crocodile. -लता a wave, billow. -वरण्टः a watery pustule. -वाद्यम् a kind of musical instrument. -वायसः a diver-bird. -वासः residence in water. (-सम्) = उशीर q. v. -वाहः 1 a cloud; साद्रिजलधिजलवाहपथम् Ki.12.21. -2 a waterbearer. -3 a kind of camphor. -वाहकः, -नः a watercarrier. -वाहनी an aqueduct. -विषुवम् the autumnal equinox. -वृश्चिकः a prawn. -वैकृतम् any change in the waters of rivers indicating a bad omen. -व्यधः A kind of fish; L. D. B. -व्यालः 1 a water-snake. -2 a marine monster. -शयः, -शयनः, -शायिन् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu; -शय्या lying in water (a kind of religious rite); द्वादशं हि गतं वर्षं जलशय्यां समासतः Rām.7. 76.17. -शर्करा A hailstone; तीव्रैर्मरुद्गणैर्नुन्ना ववृषुर्जलशर्कराः Bhāg.1.25.9. -शुक्तिः f. a bivalve shell. -शुचि a. bathed, washed. -शूकम् moss. -शूकरः a crocodile. -शोषः drought. -समुद्रः the ocean of fresh water. -संपर्कः mixture or dilution with water. -सर्पिणी a leech. -सूचिः f. 1 the Gangetic porpoise. -2 a kind of fish. -3 a crow. -4 a water-nut. -5 a leech. -स्थानम्, -स्थायः a pond, lake, reservoir; कदचित्तं जलस्थायं मत्स्य- बन्धाः समन्ततः Rām.12.137.5. -स्रावः A kind of eyedisease. -हम् a small water-house (rather summerhouse) furnished with artificial fountains. -हस्तिन् m. a water-elephant. -हारिणी a drain. -हासः 1 foam. -2 cuttle-fish-bone considered as the foam of the sea.
suraḥ सुरः [सुष्ठु राति ददात्यभीष्टं सु-रा-क्त] 1 A god, deity; सुराप्रतिग्रहाद् देवाः सुरा इत्यभिविश्रुताः Rām.; सुधया तर्पयते सुरान् पितॄंश्च V.3.7; R.5.16. -2 The number 'thirty-three'. -3 The sun. -4 A sage, learned man. -5 An idol. -Comp. -अङ्गना a celestial woman or damsel, an apsaras; प्रतिघाय समाधिभेदिनीं हरिरस्मै हरिणीं सुराङ्गनाम् R.8.79. -अद्रिः the mountain Meru. -अधिपः an epithet of Indra. -अध्यक्षः N. of Śiva. -अरिः 1 an enemy of gods, a demon; गतं भयं भीरु सुरारिसंभवम् V.1.6. -2 the chirp of a cricket. ˚हन् m. N. of Śiva. ˚हन्तृ N. of Viṣṇu. -अर्चनम् the worship of gods. -अर्चावेश्मन् n. a household temple, a chamber containing the idols of deities; ब्रह्मचारिपरिचारि सुरार्चावेश्म राजऋषिरेष विवेश N.21.21. -अर्हम् 1 gold. -2 saffron. -3 yellow sandal. -आचार्यः an epithet of Bṛihaspati. -आपगा 'the heavenly river', an epithet of the Ganges. -आलयः 1 the mountain Meru. -2 heaven, paradise. -3 a temple; पूर्तं सुरालयारामकूपाजीव्यादि- लक्षणम् Bhāg.7.15.49. -आश्रयः Meru. -आस्पदम् a temple. -इज्यः N. of Bṛihaspati. -इज्या the sacred basil. -इन्द्रः, -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 N. of Indra. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. (उपेन्द्रः); स्वर्लोकमागच्छ गतज्वरश्चिरं सुरेन्द्र गुप्तं गतदोषकल्मषम् Rām.1.15.34. ˚गोपः a cochineal. ˚जित् m. N. of Garuḍa. -इभः a celestial elephant. -इष्टः the Sāla tree. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 N. of Indra. -2 of Śiva. (-री) 1 the celestial Ganges. -2 Durgā. -उत्तमः 1 the sun. -2 Indra. -उत्तरः sandal-wood. -उपम a. god-like, divine. -ऋषिः (सुरर्षिः) a divine sage. -कारुः an epithet of Viśvakarman. -कार्मुकम् rain bow. -गणः 1 N. of Śiva. -2 a host of gods. -गण्डः a kind of boil, disease. -गिरिः mount Meru. -गुरुः 1 an epithet of Bṛihaspati; धर्मः शास्त्रं सुरगुरुमतिः शौचमाचारचिन्ता सस्यैः पूर्णे जठरपिठरे प्राणिनां संभवन्ति Pt.5.97. -2 the planet Jupiter. -3 N. of Viṣṇu; ब्रह्मा सुरगुरुः स्थाणुर्मनुः कः परमेष्ठ्यथ Mb.1.1.32. -ग्रामणी m. N. of Indra. -जनः the race of gods. -ज्येष्ठः an epithet of Brahman. -तरङ्गिणी the Ganges. -तरुः a tree of paradise. -तोषकः the jewel called Kaustubha; q. v. -दारु n. the Devadāru tree. -दीर्घिका an epithet of the Ganges. -दुन्दुभी the sacred basil. -द्विपः 1 an elephant of the gods. -2 N. of Airāvata; सुरद्विपास्फालन- कर्कशाङ्गुलौ R.3.55. -द्विष् m. 1 a demon; प्रणिपत्य सुरा- स्तस्मै शमयित्रे सुरद्विषाम् R.1.15. -2 Rāhu उपस्थिता शोणित- पारणा मे सूरद्विषश्चान्द्रमसीं सुधेव R.2.39. -धनुस् n. 1 rainbow; सुरधनुरिदं दूराकृष्टं न नाम शरासनम् V.4.1. -2 kind of nail mark; स्वापराधमलुपत् पयोधरे मत्करः सुरधनुष्करस्तव N.18.134. -धुनी the Ganges. -धूपः turpentine, resin. -नदी, -निम्नगा an epithet of the Ganges. -पतिः an epithet of Indra. -पथम् the sky, heaven. -पर्वतः the mountain Meru; q. v. -पादपः a tree of paradise; such as the कल्पतरु. -प्रतिष्ठा the setting up of an idol. -प्रियः 1 N. of Indra. -2 of Bṛihaspati. -भूयम् identification with a deity, deification, apotheosis. -भूरुहः the Devadāru tree. -भूषणम् a necklace of pearls consisting of 18 strings and 4 Hastas long; Bṛ. S. -मन्दिरम् a temple; उत्तुङ्गसौधसुरमन्दिरगोपुराट्ट ... Māl.9.1. -मृत्तिका alum-slate. -युवतिः f. a celestial damsel. -राज्यम् dominion over the gods. -लासिका a flute, pipe. -लोकः heaven. ˚सुन्दरी 1 a celestial woman. -2 N. of Durgā. -वर्त्मन् n. the sky. -वल्लभा white Dūrvā grass. -वल्ली the sacred basil. -विद्विष्, -वैरिन्, -शत्रुः m. an evil spirit, a demon. -विलासिनी an apsaras. -वीथिः N. of the way of the नक्षत्रs; नक्षत्रमार्गं विपुलं सुरवीथीति विश्रुतम् Mb. 3.43.12. -शाखिन् m the Kalpataru q. v. -श्वेता a small (white) house-lizard. -सद्मन् n. heaven, paradise. -सालः a wish-fulfilling tree, a kalpavrikṣa; ददतो$भिमतं समस्फुरन् सुरसाला भुवमागता इव Śāhendra.2.57. -सरित्, सिन्धुः f. the Ganges; सुरसरिदिव तेजो वह्निनिष्ठ्यूतमैशम् R.2. 75. -सुन्दरी, -स्त्री 1 a celestial woman; ऊरूद्भवा नरसखस्य मुनेः सुरस्त्री V.1.3. -2 N. of Durgā. -स्थानम् a temple.
Macdonell Search
1 result
bārhata a. (î) relating to the metre brihatî: -ka, m. N.; -½ânushtubha, a. con sisting of a brihatî and an anushtubh.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results47 results
agnir āgnīdhrāt triṣṭubhaḥ svargād ṛtunā somaṃ pibatu # AVś.20.2.2. See under prec.
agniṣ ṭvā gāyatryā sayuk chandasārohatu savitoṣṇihā somo 'nuṣṭubhā bṛhaspatir bṛhatyā mitrāvaruṇau paṅktyendras triṣṭubhā viśve devā jagatyā # AB.8.6.3.
anuṣṭup chanda indriyam # VS.21.14c; MS.3.11.11c: 158.3; KS.38.10c; TB. Cf. anuṣṭubhaṃ etc.
anuṣṭubha aiḍam (VSK. ailam) # VS.13.57; VSK.14.7.8; MS.2.7.19: 104.10; KS.16.19; śB. See anuṣṭubhaḥ svāram.
anuṣṭubhaṃ chandaḥ prapadye (KA. praviśāmi; Aś. anuṣṭubhaṃ prapadye) # MS.4.9.2: 122.13; KA.1.67; 2.67; Aś.1.4.9.
anuṣṭubhaṃ prapadye # see anuṣṭubhaṃ chandaḥ.
anuṣṭubhaḥ svāram # TS. See anuṣṭubha aiḍam.
anehasa (MS. anehasaḥ) stubha indro duvasyati # RV.3.51.3b; MS.4.12.3b: 184.1.
anehasaḥ stubha etc. # see anehasa etc.
abhisvartāro arkaṃ na suṣṭubhaḥ # RV.10.78.4d.
ānuṣṭubhena chandasā chandasāgneḥ pārśvenāgneḥ pārśvam upadadhāmi # KS.22.5. See under ānuṣṭubhasya chandaso.
ānuṣṭubhena chandasā mitrāvaruṇābhyāṃ devatayāgneḥ pakṣeṇāgneḥ pakṣam upa dadhāmi # TS. See ānuṣṭubhasya chandaso 'gneḥ, and mitrāvaruṇābhyāṃ devābhyāṃ.
indra ekādaśākṣareṇa (KS. -kṣarayā) triṣṭubham udajayat (VS. -yat tām ujjeṣam) # VS.9.33; TS.; KS.14.4 (bis). See indrā ekādaśākṣarayā.
indra śākvara gāyatrīṃ (also jagatīṃ, triṣṭubhaṃ, paṅktiṃ, -ānuṣṭubhaṃ) pra padye tāṃ te yunajmi # TB.; Apś.10.9.1.
indrā ekādaśākṣarayā triṣṭubham udajayat # MS.1.11.10 (bis): 172.5,18. See indra ekādaśā-.
indrāya traiṣṭubhāya pañcadaśāya bārhatāyaikādaśakapālaḥ (TS.KSA. bārhatāya graiṣmāyaikādaśakapālaḥ; MS. bārhatāya graiṣmāya puroḍāśam ekādaśakapālam) # VS.29.60; TS.; MS.3.15.10: 180.8; KSA.5.10.
indro brahmā brāhmaṇāt triṣṭubhaḥ svargād ṛtunā somaṃ pibatu # AVś.20.2.3. See prec.
usrāś cākantūbhayeṣv asme # RV.1.122.14d.
oṃ bhūr gāyatraṃ chando 'nuprajāyasva traiṣṭubhaṃ jāgatam ānuṣṭubham # Kauś.69.23. See gāyatraṃ chando 'nu.
omyāvatīṃ subharām ṛtastubham # RV.1.112.20c.
gāyatraṃ ca traiṣṭubhaṃ cānu rājati # RV.2.43.1d.
gāyatraṃ traiṣṭubhaṃ jagat # SV.2.1179c,1180a; ṣB.1.4.12; JB.1.74c (bis); Lś.1.8.9c.
gāyatrī triṣṭub jagatī virāṭ # KS.39.10c. See gāyatrīṃ triṣṭubhaṃ.
gāyatrīṃ triṣṭubhaṃ jagatīm anuṣṭubham (MS. -tīṃ virājam) # AVś.8.9.14c; TS.; MS.2.13.10c: 160.8. See gāyatrī triṣṭub jagatī virāṭ.
chandasaḥ svād anuṣṭubhaḥ # KS.37.13b.
tṛptir asi gāyatraṃ (also jāgataṃ, and traiṣṭubhaṃ) chandas tarpaya mā tejasā brahmavarcasena (also mā prajayā paśubhiḥ, and maujasā [Mś. mendriyeṇa] vīryeṇa) # Apś.4.8.1; Mś.
triṣṭup chanda indriyam (VS.KS. chanda ihendriyam) # VS.21.17c; MS.3.11.11c: 158.9; KS.38.10c; TB. Cf. triṣṭubhaṃ etc., and triṣṭubhā.
triṣṭubha aiḍam # TS. See triṣṭubhaḥ svāram.
triṣṭubhaṃ chandaḥ prapadye (KA. praviśāmi) # MS.4.9.2: 122.12; KA.1.65; 2.65. See triṣṭubhaṃ prapadye.
triṣṭubhaṃ prapadye # Aś.1.4.9. See triṣṭubhaṃ chandaḥ.
triṣṭubhaḥ svāram # VS.13.55; MS.2.7.19: 104.4; KS.16.19; śB. See triṣṭubha aiḍam.
traiṣṭubhaṃ vā traiṣṭubhān niratakṣata # AVś.9.10.1b. See traiṣṭubhād.
traiṣṭubhaṃ chando 'nuprajāyasva # KS.3.4. P: traiṣṭubham KS.26.7; TS.; Lś.3.5.5; Apś.7.13.2; Kauś.69.23.
traiṣṭubhād vā traiṣṭubhaṃ nir atakṣata # RV.1.164.23b; AB.3.12.6b; KB.14.3b. See traiṣṭubhaṃ vā.
traiṣṭubhena chandasā chandasāgneḥ pārśvenāgneḥ pārśvam upadadhāmi # KS.22.5. See under traiṣṭubhasya.
traiṣṭubhena chandasendreṇa devatayāgneḥ pakṣeṇāgneḥ pakṣam upa dadhāmi # TS. See traiṣṭubhasya, and indreṇa devena devatayā.
traiṣṭubho 'si # MS.4.9.1: 121.8; 4.9.4: 125.1; TA.4.8.4; 5.7.5; KA.1.18; 2.18,124; Apś.15.9.10; Mś.4.1.17. Cf. traiṣṭubham asi.
devo draviṇodāḥ potrāt triṣṭubhaḥ svargād ṛtunā somaṃ pibatu # AVś.20.2.4. Cf. Vait.20.1.
dvau triṣṭubhaṃ jagatīṃ dvau vasāte # JB.3.338b.
na triṣṭubhaś chandasaḥ # AB.7.23.3.
naraś ca ye pitubhājo vyuṣṭau # RV.1.124.12b.
pra-pra vas triṣṭubham iṣam # RV.8.69.1a; SV.1.360a; AB.4.4.4; Aś.6.2.9. P: pra-pra vas triṣṭubham śś.9.6.14.
pra yad vas triṣṭubham iṣam # RV.8.7.1a; AB.5.17.14; KB.26.10. Ps: pra yad vas triṣṭubham Aś.8.9.7; śś.10.9.17; pra yad vaḥ VHDh.5.425. Cf. BṛhD.6.47.
bṛhatā tvā rathaṃtareṇa traiṣṭubhyā (KS. triṣṭubhā) vartanyā śukrasya tvā vīryeṇod dhare (KS. śukrasya vīryeṇotsṛjāmy asau) # MS.2.3.4: 31.6; KS.11.7. P: bṛhatā tvā Mś. See bṛhadrathaṃtarayos.
bṛhaspatir aṣṭākṣarayānuṣṭubham udajayat # MS.1.11.10: 172.14; KS.14.4. Cf. next but two.
marutaḥ potrāt (AVś. potrāt triṣṭubhaḥ svargād ṛtunā somaṃ pibantu) # AVś.20.2.1; Vait.19.23; (20.1); Kś.9.8.12; Apś.11.19.8. See prec.
mitrāvaruṇābhyām ānuṣṭubhābhyām ekaviṃśābhyāṃ vairājābhyāṃ śāradābhyāṃ payasyā (MS. payasyām; VS. vairājābhyāṃ payasyā) # VS.29.60; TS.; MS.3.15.10: 180.10; KSA.5.10.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"tubha" has 19 results
śabdakaustubhaa treatise on grammar, critically explaining and discuss ing the meaning of Panini's Sutras in the order of the author himselfeminine. the work is written by Bhattoji Diksita and is mainly based on the Mahabhasya.
śabdakaustubhaguṇaa short gloss on Bhatoji's Sabdakaustubha written by a grammarian named इन्द्रदत्तोपाध्याय
śabdakaustubhaṭīkāor शब्दकौस्तुभप्रभा a commentary on Bhattoji's Sabdakaustubha written by Vaidyanatha Payagunde.
śabdkaustubhavyākhyāa commentary on Bhattoji's Sabdakaustubha, named विषमपदव्याख्या a name probably given to a commentary written by Nagesa.
adhikāragoverning rule consisting of a word (exempli gratia, for example प्रत्ययः, धातोः, समासान्ताः et cetera, and others) or words (exempli gratia, for example ङ्याप्प्रातिपदिकात्, सर्वस्य द्वे et cetera, and others) which follows or is taken as understood in every following rule upto a particular limit. The meaning of the word अधिकार is discussed at length by Patañjali in his Mahābhāṣya on II.1.1, where he has given the difference between अधिकार and परिभाषा; confer, compare अधिकार: प्रतियोगं तस्यानिर्देशार्थ इति योगे योगे उपतिष्ठते। परिभाषा पुनरेकदेशस्था सती सर्वं शास्त्रमभिज्वलयति प्रदीपवत् । See also Mahābhāṣya on I.3.11, I. 4.49 and IV. I.83. The word or wording which is to repeat in.the subsequent rules is believed to be shown by Pāṇini by characterizing it with a peculiarity of utterance known as स्वरितोच्चार or स्वरितत्वेन उच्चारणम्. The word which is repeated in the following Sūtras is stated to be अधिकृत. The Śabda Kaustubha defines adhikāra as एकंत्रोपात्तस्यान्यत्र व्यापार: अधिकारः Śab. Kaus. on P.1.2.65. Sometimes the whole rule is repeated e. g. प्रत्यय: P.III.1.1, अङ्गस्य P.VI.4.1 समासान्ताः P.V.4.68 while on some occasions a part only of it is seen repeatedition The repetition goes on upto a particular limit which is stated as in असिद्धवदत्राभात् P.VI.4.22, प्राग्रीश्वरान्निपाताः P.I.4.56. Many times the limit is not stated by the author of the Sūtras but it is understood by virtue of a counteracting word occurring later on. On still other occasions, the limit is defined by the ancient traditional interpreters by means of a sort of convention which is called स्वरितत्वप्रतिज्ञा. This अधिकार or governance has its influence of three kinds: ( 1 ) by being valid or present in all the rules which come under its sphere of influence, e. g. स्त्रियाम् or अङ्गस्य; (2) by showing additional properties e. g. the word अपादान being applied to cases where there is no actual separation as in सांकाश्यकेभ्यः पाटलिपुत्रका अभिरूपतराः: (3) by showing additional force such as setting aside even subsequent rules if opposingular. These three types of the influence which a word marked with स्वरित and hence termed अधिकार possesses are called respectively अधिकारगति, अधिक क्रार्य and अधिक कार. For details see M.Bh. on I.3.11. This अधिकार or governing rule exerts its influence in three ways: (1) generally by proceeding ahead in subsequent rules like the stream of a river, (2)sometimes by jumps like a frog omitting a rule or more, and (3)rarely by proceeding backward with a lion's glance; confer, compare सिंहावलोकितं चैव मण्डूकप्लुतमेव च ।; गड्गाप्रवाहवच्चापि अधिकारास्त्रिधा मताः ॥
kṛṣṇamitraa scholar of grammar and nyāya of the 17th century A.D. who wrote many commentary works some of which are (l) a commentary called Ratnārṇava on the Siddhānta-Kaumudī, (2) a commentary named Kalpalata on Bhaṭṭoji's Prauḍhamanoramā, (3) a commentary named Bhāvadīpa on Bhaṭṭoji's Śabdakaustubha of Bhaṭṭojī Dīkṣita., (4) a commentary on Nagojibhaṭṭa's Laghumañjūṣā of Nāgeś name Kuñcikā and (5) a commentary on Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa.
darpaṇāname of a commentary on the Sabdakaustubha, written by Mannudeva or Mantudeva of the nineteenth century.
prabhā(1)name of a commentary on the Sabdakaustubha by Raghavendracarya Gajendragadkar; (2) name of a commentary on Kaiyata's Mahabhasyapradipa.
bālaṃbhaṭṭa( बाळंभट्ट )surnamed Payagunda or Payagunde, who has written a commentary on the commentary Mitaksara on the याज्ञवल्क्यस्मृति. Some scholars say that he was also a great grammarian and identical with वैद्यनाथ पायगुंडे who has written the commentary काशिका or गदा on the Paribhasendusekhara, the Cidasthimala on the Laghusabdendusekhara and commentaries on the Vaiyakaranabhusana,Sabdakaustubha and Bhasyapradipoddyota. Other scholars believe that Balambhatta was the son of Vaidyanatha and that he wrote only the commentary on Mitaksara called Balambhatti after him. (2) There was also a comparatively modern grammarian of Tanjore who has written small grammar works बालबोधिनी and बालरञ्जनी.
bhaṭṭojīsurnamed Diksita; a stalwart grammarian of the Panini system who flourished in the first half of the seventeenth century and wrote many independent books and commentaries such as the Siddhantakaumudi, the Praudhamanorama, the Vaiyakaranasiddhantakarika, the Sabdakaustubha and others. The most reputed work out of these, however, is the Siddhantakaumudi which is very popular even today and which has almost set aside other works of its kind such as the Prakriyakaumudi and others. Bhattoji was a Telagu Brahmana, as generally believed, and although he belonged to the South, he made Varanasi his home where he prepared a school of learned Grammarians. Although he carried on his work silently in Varanasi, he was envied by the reputed rhetorician of his time Pandita Jagannātha, who criticised his work ( Bhattojis work ) named Manorama very severely. See प्रौढमनोरमा a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. The Siddhāntakaumudi has got many commentaries of which the Tattvabodhini written by Bhattoji's pupil Jnanendrasarasvati is appreciated much by learned grammarians.
bhāvadīpaname of a commentary on the Ṡabdakaustubha by कृष्णमिश्र.
rāghavendracārya( गजेन्द्रगडकर)a famous scholar of Grammar in the nineteenth century, who taught many pupils and wrote some commentary works, the well-known being प्रभा on the Sabdakaustubha, विषमपदव्याख्या on the Laghusabdendusekhara and त्रिपथगा on the Paribhisendusekhara. For details see p. 27 Vyakarana Mahbhasya Vol. VII D. E. Society's Edition.
vaidyanāthaVaidyanatha Payagunde, a famous grammarian of the eighteenth century, who was one of the chief pupils of Nagesa and who prepared a line of pupils at Varanasi. He has written learned commentaries on standard works on grammar, the principal ones being the Prabha on the Sabdakaustubha, the Bhavaprakasika on the Brhaccabdendusekhara, the Cidasthimala on the LaghuSabdendusekhara, the Kasika or Gada on the Paribhasendusekhara and an independent short treatise named Rapratyaya-khandana
vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntakārikāa very scholarly work by Bhattoji Diksita on the interpretation of words and sentences, based upon the learned discussions on that subject introduced in the Mahabhasya, Vakyapadiya, Pradipa, et cetera, and others and discussed fully in his Sabdakaustubha by the author himselfeminine. The work although scholarly and valuable, is compressed in only 72 verses ( karikas ) and has to be understood with the help of the Vaiyakaranabhusana or BhuSansara written by Kondabhatta, the nephew of the author. See वैयाकरणभूषण and वैयाकरणभूषणसार.
saṃvādacintāmaṇiname of a small treatise on roots and their meanings written by : a grammarian named इन्द्रदत्तोपाध्याय who has also written a commentary on the Sabdakaustubha called कौस्तुभगुण and सिद्धान्तकौमुदीगूढफक्किकाप्रकाश,
saṃhitāposition of words or parts of words in the formation ofa word quite near each other which results into the natural phonetic coalescence of the preceding and the following letters. Originally when the Vedic hymns or the running prose passages of the Yajurveda were split up into their different constituent parts namely the words or padas by the Padakaras, the word संहिता or संहितापाठ came into use as contrasted with the पदपाठ. The writers of of the Pratisakhyas have conseguently defined संहिता as पदप्रकृतिः संहिता, while Panini who further split up the padas into bases ( प्रकृति ) and affixes ( प्रत्यय ) and mentioned several augments and substitutes, the phonetic combinations, which resulted inside the word or pada, had to be explained by reason of the close vicinity of the several phonetic units forming the base, the affix, the augment, the substitute and the like, and he had to define the word संहृिता rather differently which he did in the words परः संनिकर्षः संहिता; cf P.I.4.109: confer, compare also संहितैकपदे नित्या नित्या धातूपसर्गयोः । नित्य समासे वाक्ये तु सा विवक्षामपेक्षते Sabdakaustubha on Maheshvara Sutra 5.1.
sphoṭaname given to the radical Sabda which communicates the meaning to the hearers as different from ध्वनि or the sound in ordinary experience.The Vaiyakaranas,who followed Panini and who were headed by Bhartihari entered into discussions regarding the philosophy of Grammar, and introduced by way of deduction from Panini's grammar, an important theory that शब्द which communicates the meaning is different from the sound which is produced and heard and which is merely instrumental in the manifestation of an internal voice which is called Sphota.स्फुटयतेनेन अर्थः: इति स्फोटः or स्फोटः शब्दो ध्वनिस्तस्य व्यायमादुपजायते Vakyapadiya; confer, compare also अभिव्यक्तवादको मध्यमावस्थ आन्तर: शब्द: Kaiyata's Pradipa. For, details see Vakyapadiya I and Sabdakaustubha Ahnika 1. It is doubtful whether this Sphota theory was. advocated before Panini. The word स्फोटायन has been put by Panini in the rule अवङ् स्फोटायनस्य only incidentally and, in fact, nothing can be definitely deduced from it although Haradatta says that स्फोटायन was the originator of the स्फोटवाद. The word स्फोट is not actually found in the Pratisakhya works. However, commentators on the Pratisakhya works have introduced it in their explanations of the texts which describe वर्णोत्पत्ति or production of sound; confer, compare commentary on R.Pr.XIII.4, T.Pr. II.1. Grammarians have given various kinds of sphota; confer, compare स्फोटो द्विधा | व्यक्तिस्फोटो जातिस्फोटश्च। व्यक्तिस्पोटः सखण्ड अखण्डश्च । सखण्ड। वर्णपदवाक्यभेदेन त्रिधा। अखण्ड: पदवाक्यभेदेन द्विधा ! एवं पञ्च व्यक्तिस्फोटाः| जातिस्फोट: वर्णपदवाक्यभेदेन त्रिधा। इत्येवमष्टौ स्फोटः तत्र अखण्डवाक्यस्फोट एव मुख्य इति नव्याः । वाक्य जातिस्फोट इति तु प्राञ्चः॥; confer, compare also पदप्रकृतिः संहिता इति प्रातिशाख्यमत्र मानम् । पदानां प्रकृतिरिति षष्ठीतत्पुरुषे अखण्डवाक्यस्फोटपक्षः । बहुव्रीहौ सखण्डबाक्यस्फोट:||
svatantrapadopasthitipakṣaan alternative view regarding the explanation of the rule 'इको गुणवृद्धी' P. I. 1. 3 by taking an additional word गुणवृद्धी supplied in the sutra. For full explanation see Sabdakaustubha on P. I. 1. 3.
harivallabhaa grammarian who has written commentaries named दर्पणा on the Vaiyakaranabhusanasara of Kondabhatta, and Laghubhusanakanti on the Sabdakaustubha of Bhattoji Diksita.
Vedabase Search
58 results
kaustubha-ābharaṇa-grīvam His neck is decorated by the Kaustubha jewelSB 4.8.48
kaustubha-ābharaṇām whose chest was decorated with the Kaustubha gemSB 8.6.3-7
ākalpam and His ornaments, such as the Kaustubha gemSB 12.11.2-3
kaustubha-ākhyam known as KaustubhaSB 8.8.6
amṛta-maṇi the Kaustubha gemSB 5.3.3
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
gala-śobhi-kaustubham on His neck was the Kaustubha gem, which is particularly available in VaikuṇṭhalokaSB 10.3.6
maṇi-grīvaḥ His neck decorated with the Kaustubha jewelSB 4.30.5
kaustubha-ābharaṇa-grīvam His neck is decorated by the Kaustubha jewelSB 4.8.48
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
kaustubha the Kaustubha jewelSB 2.2.10
kaustubha the Kaustubha jewelSB 3.8.30
kaustubha the Kaustubha gemSB 3.21.11
kaustubha Kaustubha gemSB 3.28.14
kaustubha-maṇeḥ of the Kaustubha gemSB 3.28.26
kaustubha-ābharaṇa-grīvam His neck is decorated by the Kaustubha jewelSB 4.8.48
kaustubha the Kaustubha gem used by the LordSB 5.7.7
kaustubha-ābharaṇām whose chest was decorated with the Kaustubha gemSB 8.6.3-7
kaustubha-ākhyam known as KaustubhaSB 8.8.6
kaustubha the Kaustubha gemSB 8.10.54
kaustubha with the gem KaustubhaSB 10.51.1-6
kaustubha-maṇim the Kaustubha gemSB 10.66.12-14
kaustubha of the Kaustubha gemSB 11.14.36-42
kaustubha-vyapadeśena represented by the Kaustubha gemSB 12.11.10
kaustubha-maṇi the jewel known as Kaustubha-maṇiCC Madhya 4.193
śrīvatsa-kaustubha the jewel known as Kaustubha and the mark of ŚrīvatsaSB 6.4.35-39
kaustubha the Kaustubha gemSB 8.18.3
kaustubham the Kaustubha gemSB 8.4.17-24
gala-śobhi-kaustubham on His neck was the Kaustubha gem, which is particularly available in VaikuṇṭhalokaSB 10.3.6
kaustubham with the Kaustubha gemSB 10.39.51-52
kaustubham the Kaustubha gemSB 10.89.54-56
kaustubham the Kaustubha gemSB 11.27.27
kaustubham the Kaustubha gemSB 11.27.38-41
śrīvatsa-kaustubhau the Śrīvatsa mark and Kaustubha jewelSB 6.9.29-30
kaustubhena by the Kaustubha jewelSB 3.15.41
kaustubhena with the Kaustubha gemSB 10.51.23-26
kaustubhena with the Kaustubha gemSB 11.30.28-32
lakṣaṇaiḥ by external characteristics such as the Kaustubha jewelCC Adi 3.39
lakṣaṇaiḥ by external characteristics such as the Kaustubha jewelCC Madhya 20.337
kaustubha-maṇeḥ of the Kaustubha gemSB 3.28.26
maṇi-grīvaḥ His neck decorated with the Kaustubha jewelSB 4.30.5
amṛta-maṇi the Kaustubha gemSB 5.3.3
maṇi a jewel (the Kaustubha)SB 10.73.1-6
kaustubha-maṇi the jewel known as Kaustubha-maṇiCC Madhya 4.193
kaustubha-maṇim the Kaustubha gemSB 10.66.12-14
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
tat-prabhā the effulgence of this (Kaustubha)SB 12.11.10
ratna-uttama the best of jewels (Kaustubha)SB 8.20.32-33
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
gala-śobhi-kaustubham on His neck was the Kaustubha gem, which is particularly available in VaikuṇṭhalokaSB 10.3.6
śrīvatsa-kaustubha the jewel known as Kaustubha and the mark of ŚrīvatsaSB 6.4.35-39
śrīvatsa-kaustubhau the Śrīvatsa mark and Kaustubha jewelSB 6.9.29-30
śrīvatsa-ańgada-do-ratna-kambu-kańkaṇa-pāṇayaḥ bearing the emblem of the goddess of fortune on Their chests, armlets on Their arms, the Kaustubha gem on Their necks, which were marked with three lines like a conchshell, and bracelets on Their handsSB 10.13.47-48
tat-prabhā the effulgence of this (Kaustubha)SB 12.11.10
ratna-uttama the best of jewels (Kaustubha)SB 8.20.32-33
kaustubha-vyapadeśena represented by the Kaustubha gemSB 12.11.10
Wordnet Search
"tubha" has 4 results.


ajaḥ, vastaḥ, chagalakaḥ, stubhaḥ, chagaḥ, chagalaḥ, chāgalaḥ, tabhaḥ, stabhaḥ, śubhaḥ, laghukāmaḥ, krayasadaḥ, varkaraḥ, parṇabhojanaḥ, lambakarṇaḥ, menādaḥ, vukkaḥ, alpāyuḥ, śivāpriyaḥ, avukaḥ, medhyaḥ, paśuḥ, payasvalaḥ   

paśuviśeṣaḥ, yaḥ apraśastaḥ, kharatulyanādaḥ, pradīptapucchaḥ kunakhaḥ vivarṇaḥ nikṛttakarṇaḥ dvipamastakaśca।

ajaḥ parvataṃ gacchati।



purāṇānusāreṇa viṣṇuvakṣasthaḥ maṇiḥ।

kaustubhaḥ samudramanthane prāptaḥ।


govatsaḥ, vatsaḥ, tantubhaḥ, tarṇaḥ   

goḥ pumān śiśuḥ।

govatsaḥ godugdhaṃ pibati।



ekā kṛtiḥ ।

śṛṅgārakaustubhasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

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