tta | mfn. fr. 1. and 3. dā-. |
abhayadatta | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a physician, |
abhinirvṛtta | mfn. resulting from |
abhipravṛtta | mfn. being performed, advancing, proceeding |
abhipravṛtta | mfn. occupied or engaged in |
abhisampravṛtta | mfn. having begun |
abhisaṃvṛtta | mfn. undertaking, beginning to (Inf.) |
abhisaṃyatta | mfn. ( yat-), being taken care of or governed by (varia lectio abhi-sampanna-) |
ābhīśavottara | n. idem or ' n. idem or 'n. (fr. abhīśu-),"composed by abhīśu-"Name of a sāman- ' ' |
ābhyantaranṛtta | n. perfect dancing (according to the nāṭya-śāstra-s), |
abhyāsanimitta | n. the cause of the reduplication-syllable commentator or commentary |
abhyātta | mfn. encompassing |
abhyāvṛtta | mfn. come near, approached |
abhyāvṛtta | mfn. (with accusative) |
abhyāvṛtta | mfn. turned towards |
abhyupāvṛtta | mfn. turned or gone towards (accusative) |
abhyupāvṛtta | mfn. returned |
ābutta | m. (in dramatic language) a sister's husband (probably a Prakrit word) . |
acitta | mfn. unnoticed, unexpected |
acitta | mfn. not an object of thought |
acitta | mfn. inconceivable |
acitta | mfn. destitute of intellect or sense. |
acittamanas | (/acitta--) m. Name of two ṛṣi-s |
acittapājas | (/acitta--) m. Name of two ṛṣi-s |
ādatta | mfn. equals ā-tta- q.v |
adatta | mfn. not given |
adatta | mfn. given unjustly |
adatta | mfn. not given in marriage |
adatta | mfn. one who has given nothing |
adatta | n. a donation which is null and void commentator or commentary on |
adbhutottarakāṇḍa | n. Name of work , an appendix to or imitation of the rāmāyaṇa-. |
adharmottaratā | f. prevalence of injustice, |
adharottara | mfn. lower and higher |
adharottara | mfn. worse and better |
adharottara | mfn. question and answer |
adharottara | mfn. nearer and further |
adharottara | mfn. sooner and later |
adharottara | mfn. upside down, topsy-turvy. |
adhicittaśikṣā | f. (with Buddhists) training in higher thought (one of the 3 kinds of training), . |
adhivettavyā | f. a wife in addition to whom it is proper to marry another. |
adhoraktapitta | n. discharge of blood from the anus and the urethra. |
adhosrapitta | n. equals adhorakta-pitta- q.v |
adhyātmottarakāṇḍa | n. the last book of the adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa-. |
adurvṛtta | mfn. not of a bad character or disposition. |
ādyudātta | mfn. having the udātta- accent on the first syllable |
ādyudāttatva | n. the condition of having the udātta- accent on the first syllable on |
agnidatta | m. Name of a prince |
agnidatta | m. of a brahman- |
agniprāyaścitta | n. an expiatory act during the preparation of the sacrificial fire. |
agniṣvātta | m. plural ([in Epic and later texts -svātta-]) "tasted by the funeral fire", the Manes |
agniṣvātta | m. plural in later texts Name of a class of Manes (who on earth neglected the sacrificial fire) |
agnisvātta | See -ṣvātt/a-. |
agnivārtta | mfn. gaining a livelihood by fire [as a blacksmith etc.] |
ahamuttara | n. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a divine being, ' |
ahamuttaratva | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a divine being, ' ' |
ākhyātottara | mfn. (a name) the second part of which is a verb, |
akṛtta | mfn. uncut, unimpaired. |
akṛttaruc | mfn. possessing unimpaired splendour |
akṣavṛtta | mfn. anything that happens in gambling. |
alpavittavat | mfn. possessing little, poor, |
amaradatta | m. Name of a lexicographer |
amaradatta | m. of a prince |
amlapitta | n. acidity of stomach. |
anagniṣvātta | m. plural idem or 'm. plural Name of a class of manes ' (See agni-dagdh/a-, agni-ṣvātt/a-). |
ānandadatta | m. membrum virile |
ananyacitta | mf(ā-)n. giving one's undivided thought to (with locative case) |
anāśakanivṛtta | m. one who has abandoned the practice of fasting. |
anavasthitacitta | mfn. unsteady-minded. |
anavasthitacittatva | n. unsteadiness of mind. |
anavṛtta | (parasmE-pada 28, column 3), read /an-- āvṛtta-. |
anāvṛtta | mfn. not turned about or round |
anāvṛtta | mfn. not retreating |
anāvṛtta | mfn. not frequented or approached , not chosen. |
anāyatta | mfn. independent, uncontrolled. |
anāyattavṛtti | mfn. having an independent livelihood. |
anāyattavṛttitā | f. independence. |
anekacittamantra | m. one whose counsels are many-minded. |
aṅgaprāyaścitta | n. expiation of bodily impurity, especially that arising from death in a family. |
animitta | mf(ā-)n. having no adequate occasion, causeless, groundless |
animitta | n. absence of an adequate cause or occasion, groundlessness. |
animitta | n. a bad omen, |
animitta | m. (scilicet vimokṣa-) unconditioned salvation (with Buddhists one of the three kinds of s), |
animittaliṅganāsa | m. "unaccountable loss of distinct vision", Name of an ophthalmic disease ending in total blindness (perhaps amaurosis). |
animittalipi | f. a particular mode of writing, |
animittanirākṛta | mfn. groundlessly rejected |
animittatas | ind. groundlessly |
anirvṛtta | mfn. unaccomplished, unfulfilled. |
anityadatta | m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption. |
anityadattaka | m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption. |
anivṛtta | mfn. not turning back, brave. |
antodātta | m. the acute accent on the last syllable |
antodātta | mfn. having the acute accent on the last syllable. |
anudatta | mfn. granted, remitted, given back commentator or commentary |
anudātta | mfn. not raised, not elevated, not pronounced with the udātta- accent, grave |
anudātta | mfn. accentless, having the neutral general tone neither high nor low (id est both the grave or non-elevated accent explained by pāṇini- as sannatara- q.v - which immediately precedes the udātta-, and also the general accentless, neutral tone, neither high nor low, explained as eka-śruti-) |
anudātta | mfn. having the one monotonous ordinary intonation which belongs to the generality of syllables in a sentence |
anudātta | m. one of the three accents to be observed in reading the veda-s, the grave accent. |
anudāttadi | n. (in grammar) a nominal base of which the first syllable is anudātta-. |
anudāttatara | m. "more than anudātta-, still lower in sound than anudātta-" id est the very anudātta- accent (or a syllable having this accent which immediately precedes a syllable having the udātta- or svarita- accent, and is therefore more depressed than the ordinary anudātta- Scholiast or Commentator) |
anuktanimitta | n. a reason which is unuttered or unheard of or extraordinary |
anuktanimitta | mfn. having such a reason. |
anunmatta | mfn. not mad, sane, sober, not wild. |
anupātta | mfn. not caught (as fire), |
anupātta | not mentioned explicitly, |
anupāvṛtta | m. plural Name of a people |
anuprapattavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be followed or conformed to, |
anupravṛtta | mfn. following after (accusative) |
anutta | mfn. not cast down, invincible |
anutta | (according to to some) = /anu-- tta- (for anu-- datta-), admitted. |
anuttama | mf(ā-)n. unsurpassed, incomparably the best or chief, excellent |
anuttama | mf(ā-)n. excessive |
anuttama | mf(ā-)n. not the best |
anuttama | mf(ā-)n. (in grammar) not used in the uttama-, or first person. |
anuttamāmbhas | n. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) indifference to and consequent abstinence from sensual enjoyment (as fatiguing) . |
anuttamāmbhasika | n. indifference to and abstinence from sensual enjoyment (as involving injury to external objects). |
anuttamanya | (/a-nutta--) m. "of invincible wrath", indra- |
anuttara | mfn. chief, principal |
anuttara | mfn. best, excellent |
anuttara | mfn. without a reply, unable to answer, silent |
anuttara | mfn. fixed, firm |
anuttara | mfn. low, inferior, base |
anuttara | mfn. south, southern |
anuttara | n. a reply which is coherent or evasive and therefore held to be no answer |
anuttara | m. plural a class of gods among the jaina-s. |
anuttaraṃga | mfn. not surging or billowy, |
anuttarapūjā | f. (with Buddhists) highest worship (of seven kinds |
anuttarapūjā | confer, compare vandana-), . |
anuttarayogatantra | n. title of the last of the four bauddhatantra-s. |
anuttaropapātika | m. plural a class of gods |
anuttaropapātikadaśā | f. plural title of the ninth aṅga- of the jaina-s treating of those gods. |
anuvitta | mfn. found, obtained, at hand |
anuvṛtta | mfn. following, obeying, complying |
anuvṛtta | mfn. rounded off |
anuvṛtta | n. obedience, conformity, compliance. |
anvāyatta | mfn. (with locative case or accusative) connected with, being in accordance with, being entitled to |
anyacitta | mf(ā-)n. whose mind is fixed on some one or something else. |
anyāyavṛtta | mfn. acting unjustly |
anyāyavṛtta | mfn. following evil courses. |
apamavṛtta | n. the ecliptic. |
apāmpitta | n. fire |
apāmpitta | n. a plant |
aparāvṛttabhāgadheya | mfn. one to whom fortune does not return, miserable, |
aparitta | (?), for /a-- parītta- (below), |
aparītta | mfn. not delivered, |
apathyanimitta | mfn. caused by unfit food or drink. |
apātta | mfn. (from apā--1. dā-) taken off or away, |
apavṛtta | mfn. reversed, inverted, overturned, finished carried to the end (perhaps for apa-vṛkta-) |
apavṛtta | badly conducted, ill-behaved, |
apavṛtta | n. (in astronomy) ecliptic. |
apāvṛtta | mfn. (for apa--,the vowel being metrically lengthened in the antepenultimate of a śloka-), (with ablative) turned away from |
apāvṛtta | mfn. abstaining from, rejecting |
apāvṛtta | n. the rolling on the ground (of a horse) |
apavṛttabhāva | m. aversion, |
appitta | n. fire |
appitta | n. a plant |
appitta | n. See 2. /ap-. |
apramatta | mfn. not careless, careful, attentive, vigilant |
apramattavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not careless, careful, attentive, vigilant ' |
āpratinivṛttaguṇormicakra | mfn. (scilicet jñāna-,knowledge) through which the whole circle of wave-like qualities (of passion etc.) subside or cease completely |
apratītta | mfn. not given back |
apratta | mfn. (for a-pradatta-), not given back |
aprattadaivata | mfn. not yet offered to a deity, |
aprattadevata | mfn. not yet offered to a deity, |
apravṛtta | mfn. not acting, not engaged in |
apravṛtta | mfn. not commenced, not instigated. |
apravṛtta | mfn. not due, unjust (as taxes), . |
arhattama | mfn. (superl.) most worthy, most venerable |
arkapuṣpottara | n. Name of a sāman-. |
arthacitta | mfn. thinking on or desirous of wealth. |
arthadatta | m. Name of wealthy merchants |
arthadatta | m. Vet |
arthamatta | mfn. proud of money |
aruṇadatta | m. Name of an author commentator or commentary on |
aryamadatta | m. Name of a man |
āryapravṛtta | mfn. proceeding in an honest mode or manner |
āryavṛtta | n. the behaviour of an Aryan or noble man |
āryavṛtta | mfn. behaving like an Aryan, honest, virtuous |
asādhuvṛtta | mf(ā-)n. having bad manners |
āsaktacitta | mfn. having the mind deeply engaged in or fixed upon (any object), intent on, devoted to, absorbed in. |
asamāvṛttaka | m. idem or 'm. a religious student who has not yet completed the period of his residence with his teacher and who therefore has not yet returned home ' (varia lectio) |
asaṃpradatta | mfn. not willingly given (as a girl into marriage) |
asaṃpratta | mfn. not delivered or handed over |
asaṃvṛttavidheya | (in rhetoric) the insertion into a compound of a word which ought to be independent, |
asaṃyatta | mfn. unopposed |
asaṃyatta | unprepared, |
aśokadatta | m. Name of a man |
asrapitta | n. equals rakta-pitta- q.v |
aṣṭapañcāśattama | mfn. equals -pañcāśa- q.v |
aṣṭottara | mfn. more than 8, , Scholiast or Commentator |
aśvamedhadatta | m. Name of a king |
atidatta | m. Name of a brother of datta- and son of rājādhideva- |
atonimittam | ind. on this ground, for this reason. |
ātta | See ā-- 1. dā-. |
ātta | mfn. () taken, obtained |
ātta | mfn. taken away or off, withdrawn from etc. |
ātta | mfn. seized, grasped etc. |
ātta | mfn. perceived, felt |
ātta | mfn. undertaken, begun |
āttagandha | mfn. having the pride taken down (according to some equals ārta-kaṇṭha-) |
āttagarva | mfn. whose pride has been taken down, humiliated |
āttakānti | mfn. deprived of splendour, |
āttalakṣmi | mfn. stripped of wealth |
attali | m. Name of a man. |
āttamanas | mfn. whose mind is transported (with joy) |
āttamanaska | mfn. whose mind is transported (with joy) |
āttasomapīthīya | (/ātta--), mfn. deprived of the soma- drink, |
āttasva | mfn. deprived of one's property, |
āttasvatva | (n.) |
āttavacas | (/ātta--) mfn. destitute of speech |
āttavibhava | mfn. one who has acquired wealth, |
āttavidya | mfn. one who has acquired knowledge from (ablative), |
attavya | mfn. ( ad-), fit or proper to be eaten |
attavya | etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
auttameya | m. a descendant of auttami- |
auttami | m. a descendant of uttama-, Name of the third manu- |
auttamika | mfn. (fr. uttama-), relating to the gods who are in the highest place (in the sky) |
auttaṅka | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to uttaṅka- |
auttara | mfn. (fr. 1. uttara-), living in the northern country |
auttarabhaktika | mfn. (fr. bhakta-with uttara-), employed or taken after a meal |
auttarādharya | n. (fr. uttarādhara-), the state of being below and above |
auttarādharya | n. the state of one thing being over the other |
auttarādharya | n. confusion |
auttarāha | mfn. (fr. uttarāha-), of or belonging to the next day vArttika on |
auttarapadika | mfn. (fr. uttara-pada-), belonging to or occurring in the last member of a compound |
auttarapathika | mfn. (fr. uttara-patha-), coming from or going towards the northern country |
auttarārdhika | mfn. (fr. uttarārdha-), being on or belonging to the upper or northern side |
auttaravedika | mfn. (fr. uttara-vedi-), relating to or performed on the northern altar |
auttareya | m. a descendant of uttarā- |
avadatta | mfn. (1. dā-) |
avakṛtta | mfn. cut off |
avanatottarakāya | mfn. bowing the upper part of the body |
avārtta | mfn. not worthless, important, |
avaśedriyacitta | mfn. whose mind and senses are not held in subjection |
avatta | and ava-ttin- See ava-- |
avatta | mfn. cut off, divided (see catur-avatt/a-, pañcāvatta-,and yathāvattam-.) |
avattaram | (/avat--) ind. (Comparative degree),"more favourably"or"with greater pleasure", varia lectio of instead of /ava-tara- in |
avattaram | See av-. |
avimatta | m. plural Name of a family (gaRa kārtakaujapādi- q.v) |
āvitta | mfn. existing, being |
avṛtta | mfn. not happened |
avṛtta | mfn. not dead, still living |
avṛtta | mfn. of bad conduct or behaviour, |
āvṛtta | mfn. turned round, stirred, whirled |
āvṛtta | mfn. reverted, averted |
āvṛtta | mfn. retreated, fled |
āvṛtta | n. addressing a prayer or songs to a god. |
āvutta | see ābutta-. |
āvyātta | (1. dā-) mfn. a little open |
avyāvṛtta | mfn. undivided commentator or commentary on |
avyāvṛtta | mfn. simultaneous |
ayajñadatta | m. not yajña-datta- id est the vile yajñadatta- |
ayanavṛtta | n. the ecliptic. |
ayathāvṛtta | mfn. behaving improperly, |
āyatta | mfn. adhering, resting on, depending on |
āyatta | mfn. being at the disposition of etc. |
āyatta | mfn. exerting one's self, making efforts |
āyatta | mfn. cautious, circumspect |
āyatta | mfn. being ready or prepared |
āyattamūla | mfn. having taken root |
āyattatā | f. dependence |
āyattatva | n. dependence |
baddhacitta | mfn. having the thoughts fixed upon (locative case) |
baladevapattana | n. Name of a town |
bālāṣṭottaraśatanāmastotra | n. Name of stotra-s. |
balavattama | mfn. (b/al-) most powerful, strongest, mightiest etc. |
balavattara | mfn. more powerful, stronger etc. |
balotamatta | mfn. intoxicated with power |
bandhudatta | mfn. "given by relations" |
bandhudatta | m. Name of a man |
bhadantagopadatta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers. |
bhadatta | m. Name of an astronomer (varia lectio badanta- q.v) |
bhadradatta | m. (in dramatic language) a name given to śaka-s |
bhagadatta | m. "given by bhaga-", Name of a prince of prāg-jyotiṣa- |
bhagadatta | m. of a king of Kamrup |
bhagadatta | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a mythical king. |
bhagavattama | mfn. more or most holy or adorable |
bhagavattara | mfn. more or most holy or adorable |
bhagavattattvadipikā | f. Name of work |
bhagavattattvamañjarī | f. Name of work |
bhagavitta | m. Name of a man |
bhāgavitta | m. plural the pupils of bhāgavittika- |
bhagīrathadatta | m. Name of a poet |
bhāgyāyatta | mfn. dependent on fate |
bhairavadatta | m. Name of various authors |
bhairavyaṣṭottaraśatanāmāvalī | f. Name of work |
bhānudatta | m. Name of various authors (also with miśra-) (see ) |
bhānudatttaka | m. endearing form fr. deva-datta- |
bharatasattama | m. the best of the bharata-varṣa- |
bhāratasattama | m. the best of the descendants of bharata- |
bhasattas | ind. bhasad |
bhavadatta | m. Name of a man |
bhavadatta | m. of the author of Comms. on and |
bhavaduttaram | ind. with bhavat- at the end |
bhāvanāpuruṣottamanāṭaka | n. Name of a drama. |
bhāvavṛtta | mfn. relating to creation or cosmogony (as a hymn;also ttīya-) |
bhāvavṛtta | m. Name of brahmā- |
bhāviprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
bhaviṣyottara | n. Name of the 2nd part of the (which is of the same character as the first). |
bhaviṣyottarapurāṇa | n. Name of the 2nd part of the (which is of the same character as the first). |
bhayottara | mfn. attended with fear |
bhettavai | bhettavya-, bhettṛ- See under bhid-, . |
bhettavya | mfn. to be broken or split |
bhettavya | mfn. to be betrayed or divulged |
bhīmottara | m. Name of a kumbhāṇḍa- |
bhinnavṛtta | mfn. one who has abandoned the path of duty, leading a bad life |
bhinnavṛtta | mfn. containing a metrical fault |
bhītacitta | mfn. afraid in mind |
bhitta | bhitti- See . |
bhitta | n. a fragment, section |
bhitta | n. equals bhitti-, a partition, wall |
bhojanottara | mf(ā-)n. to be taken after a meal (as pills) |
bhrāntacitta | mfn. confused or perplexed in mind, puzzled |
bhrātṛdatta | mfn. given by a brother |
bhrātṛdatta | n. anything given by a brother to a sister on her marriage |
bhṛgusattama | m. "best of bhṛgu--", Name of paraśu-rāma- |
bhūridāvattara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "much-giving", munificent ' (see Va1rtt. 2 ) |
bhūtidatta | m. Name of a man |
bhūtopahatacitta | mfn. having the mind possessed by an evil spirit |
bhūttama | (bhūtt-) n. "best of minerals", gold |
bhūvārāhavṛtta | n. "earth-circle", the equator |
bodhacittavivaraṇa | wrong reading for bodhi-c-. |
bodhicittavivaraṇa | n. Name of work |
brahmadatta | mfn. given by brahma- |
brahmadatta | mfn. given by brahmā- |
brahmadatta | m. Name of various men (see naḍādi-) |
brahmadatta | m. of a man with the patronymic caikitāneya- |
brahmadatta | m. of a king (plural his descendants) |
brahmadatta | m. of a prince of the pañcāla-s in kāmpilya- etc. |
brahmadatta | m. of a king of the sālva-s |
brahmadatta | m. of a prince in vārāṇasī- |
brahmadatta | m. of a prince in śrāvastī- |
brahmadatta | m. (see ) of a prince in campā- |
brahmadatta | m. of a prince in kusuma-pura- |
brahmadatta | m. of the 12th cakra-vartin- in bhārata- |
brahmadatta | m. of a Brahman |
brahmadatta | m. of a merchant |
brahmadatta | m. of the father of kṛṣṇa-datta- |
brahmadatta | m. of several authors |
brāhmaṇasattama | m. the best of brāhmaṇa- |
brāhmaṇīsattamā | f. the best of brāhmaṇī- women |
brahmanutta | (br/ahma--) mfn. driven away by a sacred text or spell |
brahmaprāyaścitta | n. plural Name of work |
brahmatattvapraśnottararatnāvalī | f. Name of work |
brahmaviśeṣacittaparipṛcchā | f. Name of a Buddhist sūtra- work |
brahmottara | mfn. treating principally of brahmā- or consisting chiefly of Brahmans |
brahmottara | m. Name of a superhuman being |
brahmottara | m. (with jaina-s) of a particular kalpa- |
brahmottara | m. plural Name of a people |
brahmottara | n. Name of a town |
brahmottara | n. of chapter of (also called brahmottarakhaṇḍa -khaṇḍa- n.or laghuśivapurāṇa laghu-śiva-purāṇa- n.) |
brahmottara | n. (also, probably) the sanctuary of a temple, |
brahmottarakhaṇḍa | n. brahmottara |
bṛhaccitta | m. Citrus Medica |
bṛhaduttaratāpinī | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
bṛhaspatidatta | m. Name of a man |
bṛhaspatipraṇutta | (bṛhas-p/ati-.) mfn. expelled by bṛhaspati- |
bṛhattantrapati | m. a particular functionary |
bṛhattantrapati | m. equals dharmādhikārin-, |
bṛhattantrapatitva | n. |
bṛhattapas | n. great self-mortification, a particular severe penance |
bṛhattapas | mfn. practising great self-mortification or austerity |
bṛhattapovrata | n. a particular penitential observance |
bṛhattarkataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work |
buddhadatta | m. "given by Buddha", Name of a minister of king caṇḍa-mahāsena- |
buddhimattara | mfn. more or very intelligent |
caitta | mfn. belonging to thought (citt/a-), imagined |
caitta | mfn. mental, Scholiast or Commentator |
cakradatta | m. (equals -pāṇi-datta-), Name of an author |
cakradattanāmakagrantha | m. Name of work |
cakrapāṇidatta | m. idem or 'm. Name of a medical author' |
cakravṛtta | mfn. (kr/a--) turned on a potter's wheel |
cakravṛtta | mfn. (a-cakravarta-,for vṛtta- negative) (see kru-v-.) |
cakruvṛtta | mfn. circular, (a-- negative) |
calacitta | mf(ā-)n. fickle-minded |
calacitta | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
calacitta | m. Name of a man, |
calacitta | n. fickleness of mind |
calacittatā | f. idem or 'n. fickleness of mind ' |
calacittatā | f. frivolity |
canasitottara | mfn. followed by canasita- (a N.) |
candradatta | m. "moon-given", Name of an author. |
candrottarya | m. Name of a samādhi- |
cārudatta | m. Name of a Brahman |
cārudatta | m. of a merchant's son (varia lectio -danta-). |
catta | mfn. (Ved. ) hidden |
catta | mfn. (quotation in) |
catta | mfn. disappeared |
catta | cattra-, catya- See cat-. |
cattarātra | m. "Name of a man" See cāttarātra-. |
cāttarātra | m. patronymic fr. catta-r- Name of jamad-agni- |
caturavatta | n. (ava-do-) "4 times cut off or taken up, consisting of 4 avadāna-s", 4 avadāna-s |
caturthodāttatama | mfn. "reciting the 4th as the highest tone (or accent)", said of a particular way of reciting the |
caturuttara | mfn. increasing by 4 |
caturuttarastoma | m. with gotamasya- Name of an ekāha- |
catuṣpañcāśattama | mfn. the 54th (chapter of edition Bomb.) |
chandānuvṛtta | varia lectio for do-'nuv-. |
chandonuvṛtta | n. compliance with any one's wishes (; varia lectio dānuv-). |
chandovṛtta | n. any metre |
chettavya | mfn. to be cut off |
chettavya | mfn. to be cut |
chettavya | ttṛ-, etc. See 1. chid-. |
chittapa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a grammarian and a poet, |
cirapravṛtta | mfn. long or ever existent |
ciravṛtta | mfn. happened long since |
citta | mfn. "noticed" See a-c/itta- |
citta | mfn. "aimed at", longed for |
citta | mfn. "appeared", visible |
citta | n. attending, observing (tir/aś citt/āni-,"so as to remain unnoticed") |
citta | n. thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought etc. |
citta | n. intention, aim, wish etc. |
citta | n. () the heart, mind etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) |
citta | n. memory |
citta | n. intelligence, reason |
citta | n. (in astrology) the 9th mansion |
citta | n. see iha--, cala--, p/ūrva--, pr/āyaś--, laghu--, su--, sthira--. |
citta | See 4. cit-. |
cittabhava | mfn. being in the thoughts, felt |
cittabheda | m. contrariety of purpose or will |
cittabhrama | m. equals -bhrānti- |
cittabhrama | mfn. connected with mental derangement (fever) |
cittabhramacikitsā | f. "treatment of mental derangement"a chapter of the vaidya-vallabha-. |
cittabhrānti | f. confusion of mind |
cittabhū | m. equals -ja- |
cittacārin | mfn. acting according to any one's (genitive case) wish |
cittacaura | m. "heart-thief", a lover |
cittacetasika | m. thought |
cittadhārā | f. flow of thoughts |
cittadhārābuddhisaṃku | sumitā- bhyudgata-, m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, |
cittadhāraṇa | n. concentrated attention, Sa1m2khyas., Scholiast or Commentator |
cittadravībhāva | m. "(melting i.e.) emotion of the heart" |
cittadravībhāvamaya | mfn. consisting of emotion , |
cittagarbhā | (tt/a--) f. visibly pregnant |
cittahārin | mfn. captivating the heart |
cittahṛt | mfn. idem or 'mfn. captivating the heart ' |
cittaikya | n. unanimity |
cittaja | m. "heart-born", love, god of love |
cittajanman | m. idem or 'm. "heart-born", love, god of love ' , |
cittajña | mfn. knowing the heart or the intentions of (genitive case), knowing human nature ( cittajñatā -tā- f.abstr.) |
cittajñatā | f. cittajña |
cittakalita | mfn. "calculated in one's mind", anticipated |
cittakheda | m. grief |
cittala | mf(ā-)n. (fr. citrala-) moderate |
cittamoha | m. idem or 'f. confusion of mind ' |
cittanāśa | m. loss of conscience |
cittanātha | m. "heart-lord", a lover |
cittanirvṛti | f. contentment of mind, happiness (varia lectio) |
cittapa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a grammarian and a poet, |
cittapāvan | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a class of Brahmans in Konkan, note 1 |
cittapramāthin | mfn. confusing the mind, exciting any one's (genitive case or in compound) passion or love |
cittaprasāda | m. idem or 'f. happiness of mind, gaiety ' |
cittaprasādana | n. gladdening of mind |
cittapraśama | mfn. satisfied in mind, composed |
cittaprasannatā | f. happiness of mind, gaiety |
cittarāga | m. affection, desire |
cittarāja | m. Name of a roma-vivara- |
cittarakṣin | mfn. equals -cārin- |
cittasaṃhati | f. a multitude of thoughts or emotions, many minds |
cittasaṃkhya | mfn. knowing the thoughts |
cittasamunnati | f. pride of heart, haughtiness |
cittaśānti | m. composedness of mind |
cittastha | mfn. being in the heart |
cittasthita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. being in the heart ' |
cittasthita | m. Name of a samādhi- |
cittatāpa | m. equals -kheda- |
cittavaikalya | n. bewilderment of mind, perplexity (klavya- edition Bomb.) |
cittavaiklavya | See kalya-. |
cittavat | mfn. "endowed with understanding", in compound |
cittavat | mfn. experienced |
cittavat | mfn. kind-hearted |
cittavatkartṛka | mfn. (art.) employing an intelligent agent |
cittavedanā | f. equals -kheda- |
cittavibhrama | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. disturbance of mind, insanity ' ' , |
cittavibhrama | m. (scilicet jvara- see -bhrama-) a fever connected with mental derangement. |
cittavibhraṃśa | m. idem or 'm. disturbance of mind, insanity ' |
cittavikāra | m. disturbance of mind |
cittavikārin | mfn. changing anyone's character or feeling |
cittavikṣepa | m. absence of mind, |
cittavināśana | mfn. destroying consciousness gaRa nandy-ādi-. |
cittaviplava | m. disturbance of mind, insanity |
cittavirāga | m. irritation of the mind, |
cittaviśleṣa | m. "parting of hearts", breach of friendship |
cittavṛtti | f. state of mind, feeling, emotion |
cittavṛtti | f. continuous course of thoughts (opposed to concentration), thinking, imagining |
cittavṛtti | f. disposition of soul |
cittayoni | m. equals -ja- |
dadhyuttara | n. equals -agra- |
dadhyuttarā | f. bulb-milk |
dadhyuttaraga | n. equals dhy-uttara- |
daivadatta | mfn. (for 2.See 2. daiva-) given by fate or fortune, innate, natural, |
daivadatta | mf(ī-)n. being in the village deva-datta- |
daivadatta | m. plural the pupils of deva-datta-, Va1rtt. 5 (see deva-dattīya-) |
daivadattaśaṭhin | m. pl. idem or 'm. plural the pupils of deva-datta-, Va1rtt. 5 (see deva-dattīya-)' gaRa śaunakādi- |
daivāyatta | mfn. dependent upon destiny |
dakṣiṇāvritta | mfn. twisted from the left to the right |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. having the right lying on the other (the two hands) |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. right and left |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. southern and northern |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. (in compound) |
dakṣiṇottarāyāma | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. extending from south to north, north; 875/876; 903a/b; 9, 141 3/5' |
dakṣiṇottarāyata | mf(ā-)n. extending from south to north, north; 875/876; 903a/b; 9, 141 3/5 |
dakṣiṇottarin | mfn. overhanging on the right side |
dāmodaradatta | m. Name of a man |
daṇḍidatta | m. dual number daṇḍin- and datta- Va1rtt. 2 (not in edition) |
darśapaurṇamāsaprāyaścittavidhi | m. Name of work |
daśottara | m. the eleventh, |
dātta | m. a well made by datta- |
datta | mfn. ( de-) protected |
datta | mfn. honoured |
datta | mfn. (1. dā-) given, granted, presented etc. |
datta | mfn. placed, extended |
datta | mfn. (with puttra-) equals ttrima- |
datta | m. a short form ([ ]) of names so terminating (yajña--, deva--, jaya-etc.) which chiefly are given to vaiśya- men, |
datta | m. ( ) Name of an ascetic (snake-priest) |
datta | m. equals ttātreya-, |
datta | m. Name of a son of rājādhideya- sūra- |
datta | m. of a sage in the 2nd manv-antara-, 417 |
datta | m. of the 7th vāsudeva- |
datta | m. of the 8th tīrtha-kara- of the past utsarpiṇī- |
datta | n. a gift, donation |
datta | n. (names so terminating given to veśyās- ) |
datta | n. see /a--. |
dattabhujaṃgastotra | n. Name of a hymn ascribed to śaṃkarācārya-. |
dattadaṇḍin | m. dual number datta- and datta- Va1rtt. 2 (not in edition) |
dattādatta | mfn. given and received. |
dattadṛṣṭi | mfn. directing the eye towards, looking on (locative case) (varia lectio) |
dattagītā | f. Name of work |
dattahasta | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' having a hand given for support, supported by |
dattahasta | mfn. shaking hands |
dattairaṇḍapallaka | Name of a district in the Deccan. |
dattaka | mfn. (with putra-) equals ttrima-, |
dattaka | m. a form of names terminating in -datta- , |
dattaka | m. Name of an author |
dattaka | m. of māgha-'s father |
dattakacandrikā | f. Name of work |
dattakamīmāṃsā | f. another work. |
dattakarṇa | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' giving ear to, listening to |
dattakṣaṇa | mfn. to whom occasion or a festival has been given |
dattamahiman | m. another work ascribed to him. |
dattamārga | mfn. having the road ceded (varia lectio) |
dattanṛtyopahāra | mfn. presented with the compliment of a dance |
dattaprāṇa | mfn. sacrificing life., |
dattapūrvoktaśapabhī | mfn. causing fear by a previously uttered curse |
dattaśarman | for daṇḍa--. |
dattaśatru | for daṇḍa--. |
dattaśulkā | f. (a bride) for whom a dowry has been paid |
dattatreyāpaniṣad | f. Name of an |
dattatreyāṣṭottaraśatanāmastotra | n. Name of a chapter of |
dattavara | mfn. presented with the choice of a boon |
dattavara | mfn. granted as a boon, . |
dattavat | mfn. one who has given. |
dattottara | mfn. answered ( dattottaratva -tva- n.abstr.) |
dattottara | pronouncing a judgment, |
dattottaratva | n. dattottara |
deśavṛtta | n. a circle depending upon its relative position to the place of the observer |
devacitta | n. the will of the gods |
devadatta | mfn. god-given etc. |
devadatta | m. Name of arjuna-'s conch-shell |
devadatta | m. of one of the vital airs (which is exhaled in yawning) |
devadatta | m. Name of a cousin (or younger brother) and opponent of gautama- buddha- |
devadatta | m. of a son of uru-śravas- and father of agni-veśya- |
devadatta | m. of a son of the Brahman govinda-datta- |
devadatta | m. of a son of hari-datta- |
devadatta | m. of a son of king jayadatta- |
devadatta | m. of several authors |
devadatta | m. of a nāga- |
devadatta | m. of a grāma- of the bāhīka-s |
devadatta | m. a common N. for men used in gr., philosophy etc. |
devadatta | f. Name of a courtezan |
devadattaka | m. plural the party led by deva-datta- |
devadattamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of deva-datta- Va1rtt. 16 |
devadatttacara | mfn. formerly in the possession of deva-datta- |
devadatttarūpya | mfn. equals -cara-, |
devadatttaśatha | m. Name of a preceptor gaRa śaunakādi- in |
devapattana | n. Name of a town |
devatta | (v/a--,for dev/a-datta-) mfn. god-given |
devīdatta | m. Name of the father of rāma-sevaka- and grandfather of kṛṣṇa-mitra- |
devīkālottara | n. Name of work |
devyaṣṭottara | n. Name of work |
dhanadatta | m. "wealth-given", Name of several merchants |
dhānyottama | m. "the best of grain", rice |
dharmadatta | m. Name of a poet and a writer on rhetoric |
dharmapattana | n. "the city of the law", Name of the city of śrāvastī- (varia lectio pattana- ) |
dharmapattana | n. pepper |
dhārmapattana | n. black pepper |
dharmāśokadatta | m. Name of a poetry or poetic |
dharmottamā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary |
dharmottara | mfn. entirely devoted to justice or virtue |
dharmottara | m. Name of a teacher ( dharmottarīya rīya- m. plural his scholars) |
dharmottara | n. predominance of virtue (over wealth and pleasure) |
dharmottara | n. Name of works. (see viṣṇu-dh-and śiva-dh-). |
dharmottarīya | m. dharmottara |
dhīrodātta | mfn. brave and noble-minded (hero of a play) |
dhūmravṛttaphalā | f. a kind of gourd |
dhvāntacitta | m. a fire-fly (varia lectio -vitta-). |
dīkṣitayajñadatta | m. Name of men |
dīnacitta | mfn. "distressed in mind", dejected |
dīrghavṛttaphalā | (vṛnta--?) f. a kind of gourd |
dodhakavṛtta | n. dodhaka |
dolācalacittavṛtti | () mfn. one whose mind is agitated like a swing. |
doṣabalapravṛtta | mfn. proceeding from the influence of bad humours (a disease) |
dravottara | mfn. chiefly fluid, very fluid |
dṛgvṛtta | n. vertical circle |
drumacchedaprāyaścitta | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
duḥkhitacitta | mfn. grieved in mind |
duḥkhottara | mfn. followed by pain |
duḥśīlacitta | mfn. bad-hearted, |
durdatta | mfn. badly given |
durgadatta | (for gā-d- ) m. Name of a man |
durgādatta | m. Name of the author of the vṛtta-muktāvali-. |
durnimitta | n. a bad omen |
durnivṛtta | mfn. difficult to be returned from |
duruttara | mfn. (fr. 1. uttara-) unanswerable |
duruttara | mfn. (fr. 2. uttara-or Prakrit for dus-tara-) difficult to be crossed or overcome on |
durvṛtta | n. bad conduct, meanness |
durvṛtta | mfn. behaving badly, vile, mean |
durvṛtta | m. rogue, villain |
duścitta | mfn. melancholy, sad |
dvāravṛtta | n. black pepper |
dvidatta | m. Name of a man (see dvaidatti-). |
dvijasattama | m. equals -mukhya- |
dvijottama | m. equals ja-mukhya- |
dvipañcāśattama | mf(ī-)n. the 52nd |
dvirudātta | mfn. doubly accented |
dviśatottarasāhasra | mf(ī-)n. consisting of a 1200 |
dvyahavritta | mfn. happened 2 days ago. |
dvyudātta | mfn. doubly accented |
dvyudātta | n. a doubly accented word |
dyurātravṛtta | n. diurnal circle |
dyutta | mfn. broken, torn or rent asunder |
ekacitta | n. fixedness of thought on one single object |
ekacitta | n. one and the same thought, unanimity |
ekacitta | mfn. thinking of one thing only, intent upon, absorbed in, |
ekacitta | mfn. having the same mind, agreeing, concurring |
ekacittatā | f. unanimity, agreement |
ekādaśottama | m. "chief among (the) eleven (rudra-s)", Name of śiva- |
ekāgracitta | mfn. having the mind intent on one object |
ekapañcāśattama | mfn. the fifty-first. |
ekavṛtta | n. the same metre |
ekodātta | mfn. having one udātta- accent |
ekottara | mfn. greater or more by one, increasing by one |
ekottarikā | f. Name of the fourth āgama- or sacred book of the Buddhists |
ekottarikāgama | m. idem or 'f. Name of the fourth āgama- or sacred book of the Buddhists' |
eramattaka | m. Name of a man |
evaṃvṛtta | mfn. acting or behaving in such a manner, of such a kind |
galavārtta | mfn. living only for one's throat |
gaṇavṛtta | n. equals -cchandas-. |
gāndharvacitta | mfn. one whose mind is possessed by the gandharva-s |
gandhivṛtta | (in rhetoric) = vṛtta-- gandhi-, |
gandhottama | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, |
gandhottamā | f. spirituous or vinous liquor |
gaṅgadatta | m. Name of a king of the frogs |
garbhavadhaprāyaścitta | n. penance for killing an embryo. |
gatavitta | mfn. bereft of wealth, impoverished |
ghanottama | n. equals na-vara- |
ghanottara | n. idem or 'n. equals na-vara- ' |
ghṛtaprasatta | (t/a--) mfn. propitiated with ghee (agni-), |
gopadatta | m. Name of a Buddhist author. |
gopālottaratāpinī | f. Name of an |
gopitta | n. ox-bile or the bile of cows (from which the yellow orpiment go-rocanā-, rocanā- or rocanī-, is supposed to be prepared) |
gopitta | n. orpiment |
govindadatta | m. Name of a Brahman, |
gṛhavitta | m. equals -pati- |
guṇavattama | mfn. (superl.) most excellent |
guṇavattara | mfn. (Comparative degree) more excellent |
guṇottara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. superior in merit or in good qualities ' |
guruvṛtta | mfn. equals -vartaka- |
hanumadaṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. |
hanumattailavidhi | m. Name of work |
haradatta | m. Name of various writers etc. (especially of the author of the pada-mañjarī-, a commentator or commentary on the kāśikā-vṛtti-, and the mitākṣarā-, a commentator or commentary on gautama-'s dharmasūtra-) |
haradattacaritra | n. Name of work |
haradattasiṃha | m. Name of a modern author |
haridatta | m. Name of a dānava- |
haridatta | m. of various authors etc. etc. |
haridattabhaṭṭa | m. Name of author. |
haridattadaivajña | m. Name of author. |
haridattamiśra | m. Name of author. |
hariharāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work |
hariharāṣṭottaraśatanāmāvali | f. Name of work |
hariṇīvṛtta | n. the hariṇī- -metre |
harṣadatta | m. Name of authors |
harṣadattasūnu | m. Name of authors |
hastadatta | mfn. reached with the hand |
hatacitta | () mfn. bereft of sense, mad, dispirited, perplexed, confounded. |
hatavṛtta | mfn. defective in metre ( hatavṛttatā -tā- f.) |
hatavṛttatā | f. hatavṛtta |
hatottara | mfn. giving no answer |
hāyanasunettama | m. or n. Name of work |
hayottama | m. an excellent horse |
hayottamayuj | mfn. drawn by excellent horses |
hemādriprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
himottarā | f. a kind of grape |
himottarīya | mfn. having snow for an over-garment |
hiraṇyadatta | m. Name of various men |
hitapravṛtta | mfn. intent on the welfare of (locative case) |
homakālātikramaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work |
homalopaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work |
homaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
homasvarottara | n. Name of a tantra- work |
hṛdayadatta | m. Name of a lawyer |
hṛṣṭacitta | () mfn. rejoiced in heart. |
hṛtavitta | mfn. equals -dravya- |
hṛtottara | mfn. deprived of an answer, left without a reply |
hṛtottarīya | mfn. stripped of upper garments |
hṛttas | ind. from the heart |
ihacitta | (ih/a-) mfn. one whose intentions or thoughts are in this world or place |
indradatta | m. Name of a Brahman |
īśvaradatta | m. Name of a prince. |
itivṛtta | n. occurrence, event |
iyattaka | (iyat-) mf(ikā-)n. so small, so little |
jalapattana | n. a water-down (forming an island), Sil. |
jalapitta | m. n. "water-bile", fire |
jamadagnidatta | (m/ad-) mfn. given by jamadagni- |
jambhaladatta | m. Name of the author of |
janapadamahattara | m. the chief of a country |
jaratpittaśūla | n. a form of colic |
jayadatta | m. Name of a king |
jayadatta | m. of a minister of king jayāpīḍa- |
jayadatta | m. of the author of aśva-vaidyaka- |
jayadatta | m. of a bodhisattva-, |
jayadatta | m. of a son of indra- |
jayottara | mfn. certain of victory, MBh, |
jhaṣapitta | n. fish-bile |
jinadatta | m. Name of a man |
jinadatta | m. of a Jain sūri- (A.D. 1076-1155;teacher of amara-candra- and jina-bhadra-) |
jinadattakathāsamuccaya | m. Name of a collection of tales by bhadrācārya- |
jinavṛtta | n. a circle drawn with a radius of 24 degrees and having a pole of the ecliptic for its centre |
jinottama | m. equals neśa- |
jittama | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See svarga-- etc. |
jittama | m. idem or 'm. (fr.) the sign Gemini ' |
jīvadatta | m. Name of a man |
jīvadattaka | m. Name of a man |
jñānadatta | m. "given by knowledge", Name of scholar |
jñānottama | m. Name of an author |
kadāmatta | m. Name of a man gaRa upakādi- |
kadambavṛtta | n. equals -bhrama-maṇḍala- above. |
kalamottama | m. fragrant rice |
kālottara | n. Name of work |
kālottaraśaivaśāstra | n. idem or 'n. Name of work ' |
kalyacitta | mfn. sound in mind, |
kalyāṇavṛtta | mfn. of virtuous conduct. |
kamalottara | n. safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius) |
kāmavṛtta | mfn. eating licentiously, dissipated |
kāmonmatta | mfn. mad with love |
kanakadatta | m. Name of a man |
kāntānuvṛtta | m. compliance with a beloved one. |
kāraṇottara | n. answer to a charge, denial of the cause (of complaint; exempli gratia, 'for example' acknowledgment that a debt was incurred, but assertion that it has been repaid, etc.) |
kārottama | m. the froth of surā- |
kārottara | m. idem or 'm. the froth of surā- ' |
kārottara | m. a well |
kārottara | mfn. followed by kāra- |
karttavya | mfn. to be cut off |
karttavya | mfn. to be destroyed or extinguished |
karttavya | etc. See . |
kāṣṭhaputtalikā | f. a wooden image, |
kaśyapottarasaṃhitā | f. Name of a dharma-śāstra-. |
kaṭhinacitta | mfn. hard-hearted, cruel, unkind. |
kaṭhoracitta | mfn. hard-hearted, cruel, |
kaunteyavṛtta | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
kaviratnapuruṣottamamiśra | m. Name of a man. |
khaṇḍitavṛtta | mfn. one whose manner of life is dissolute |
khatta | m. Name of an astronomer. |
khattakhutta | m. idem or 'm. Name of an astronomer.' |
kiṃdatta | m. Name of a sacred well (varia lectio data-). |
kiṃnimitta | mfn. having what cause or reason? |
kiṃnimittam | ind. from what cause? for what reason? why? |
kiṃvṛtta | m. who says"what is an event?" id est who does not wonder at any event (Name of the attendants of a lion) |
kiṃvṛtta | n. any form derived from the pronoun k/a- |
koṇaspṛgvṛtta | n. a circle in contact with the angles of a figure |
koṇaspṛgvṛtta | n. an exterior circle (one circumscribed). |
koṇavṛtta | n. a vertical circle extending from north-east to south-west or from north-west to south-east |
krāntivṛtta | n. equals -maṇḍala- commentator or commentary on |
kratūttama | m. equals kratu-rāja- |
kṛnttavicakṣaṇā | f. (imperative 2. plural fr.2. kṛt-) gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-. |
kṛṣṇadatta | m. "given by kṛṣṇa-", Name of the author of a work on music. |
kṛṣṇapuruṣottamasiddhāntopaniṣad | f. Name of an |
kṛtta | mfn. cut, cut off, divided etc. (/a-kṛtta-nābhi-,"one whose navel string is not cut") . |
kṛtta | mfn. surrounded, attired |
kṛtta | and 2 See 2. and 3. kṛt-. |
kṛttaruhā | f. the plant Cocculus cordifolius |
kṛttattvabodhinī | f. Name of a grammatical treatise. |
kṣayapravṛtta | mfn. equals -ja- |
kṣepavṛtta | n. the course of the planets and of the moon |
kṣiptacitta | mfn. distracted in mind, absent |
kṣiptottara | n. (scilicet vacas-,speech)"the answer of which is destroyed or rendered impossible" , unanswerable speech |
kṣīrottarā | f. inspissated milk |
kṣottavya | mfn. to be mashed (as a louse etc.) on |
kṣottavya | etc. See kṣud-. |
kṣullakatāpaścitta | n. the shortest one of the four kinds of tāpaścitta- |
kuberadatta | m. Name of a mythical being |
kumāradatta | m. "given by the god of war", Name of a son of nidhipati- |
kumāridatta | m. Name of a man |
kumudottara | m. Name of a varṣa- |
kūrmapitta | n. the bilious humor of a tortoise |
kurusattama | m. idem or 'm. Name of arjuna- ' |
kutonimitta | mfn. having what cause or reason? |
labdhadatta | m. "restoring what has been received", Name of a man |
lāganṛtta | n. (in music) a kind of dance |
laghucitta | mf(ā-)n. light-minded, little-minded, fickle |
laghucittatā | f. light-mindedness, fickleness |
laghuprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
lakṣadatta | m. Name of a king |
lakṣaṇottamā | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī- |
lakṣmīdatta | m. (also with ācārya-) Name of various authors |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhamahāṣṭottara | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhamahāṣṭottarabhāṣya | n. Name of work |
lakṣmyaṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work |
lakṣmyaṣṭottaraśatastotra | n. Name of work |
lalitāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. plural Name of work (tāṣ-) |
laṅgadatta | m. Name of a poet |
lavapottama | n. "best salt", river or rock salt |
lavapottama | n. nitre |
lekhāsthavṛtta | mfn. conforming to prescription |
lohottama | m. "best metal", gold |
lokānugrahapravṛtta | m. Name of gautama- buddha- |
lokānuvṛtta | n. obedience of the people |
lokavṛtta | n. a universal custom |
lokavṛtta | n. the conduct of the common people or of the public |
lokavṛtta | n. worldly intercourse, idle conversation |
lokottara | mf(ā-)n. excelling or surpassing the world, beyond what is common or general, unusual, extraordinary etc. |
lokottara | mf(ā-)n.(in the beginning of a compound) ind. |
lokottara | m. an uncommon person |
lokottara | m. or n. (?) Name of work |
lokottaraparivarta | m. Name of work |
lokottaravādin | m. plural Name of a Buddhist school (prob. so called from their pretending to be superior to or above the rest of the world) |
lūhasudatta | m. Name of a man (equals lūha-) |
maccitta | etc. See under 1. mad-, . |
maccitta | mfn. having the mind (fixed) on me, thinking of me |
madamattaka | m. a kind of thorn-apple |
madarudradatta | m. Name of an author |
madhumatta | mfn. drunk with wine |
madhumatta | mfn. intoxicated or excited by the spring |
madhumatta | m. Name of a man |
madhumatta | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -mat-) |
madhumattama | mfn. madhumat |
madhuṣuttama | mfn. |
madhyavṛtta | n. the navel |
madhyodātta | mfn. having the udātta- or acute accent on the middle syllable |
madironmatta | mfn. drunk with wine or spirituous liquor |
madonmatta | mfn. intoxicated with passion (rut) or pride |
madyāsattaka | m. Name of a man (prob. wrong reading for madyāsaktaka-). |
mahācitta | gaRa sutaṃgamādi- |
mahādevāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work |
mahāmatta | mfn. being in excessive rut (as an elephant) |
mahāmohasvarottaratantra | n. Name of work |
mahānimitta | n. Name of a particular doctrine |
mahātripurasundarītāpanīyopaniṣadaryuttaratāpanī | f. Name of two upaniṣad-s. |
mahattama | mfn. greatest or very great |
mahattamapada | mfn. holding a great or high position (said of a saint) |
mahattara | mfn. greater or very great or mighty or strong |
mahattara | m. the oldest, most respectable, chief, principal (f(ā-). ) |
mahattara | m. the head or oldest man of a village |
mahattara | m. a śūdra- (?) |
mahattara | m. a courtier, chamberlain |
mahattara | m. Name of a son of kaśyapa- (or of kāśyapa-) |
mahattarā | f. (in dramatic language) a woman superintending the gynaeum, |
mahattaraka | m. a courtier, chamberlain |
mahattarī | f. Name of a form of the goddess tārā- |
mahattarikā | f. a lady of the bedchamber |
mahattattva | n. "the great principle", Intellect (See above) |
mahātyāgacitta | mfn. mahātyāga |
maheśvaradatta | m. Name of a merchant |
mahidatta | m. Name of a man |
mahīdharadatta | m. Name of a man |
mahotpātaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
mahotpātaprāyaścitta | mfn. very portentous, having great prodigies |
mahottama | m. or n. (?) Name of a particular fragrant perfume |
māhuradatta | Name of a place |
mahyuttara | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio samantara-and brahimottara-). |
mahyuttara | See . |
maithilaśrīdatta | m. Name of two men |
maitracitta | n. benevolence |
maitracitta | mfn. benevolent, kind |
makadatta | m. Name of a man |
mallāryaṣṭottaraśataka | n. Name of work |
mallāryaṣṭottaraśatanāmāvalī | f. Name of work |
mamattara | mfn. equals balavat-tara- () |
māṃsapitta | n. a bone |
mānasottara | n. Name of a mountain (see uttaramānasa-). |
mānavottara | n. Name of a sāman- |
maṇḍalottama | n. the best or principal kingdom |
maṅgalādeśavṛtta | m. a fortune-teller |
maṇidatta | m. Name of several men |
mañjupattana | n. Name of a town built by mañju-śrī- |
manodatta | mfn. "given by the mind", mentally given, wished |
manodatta | mfn. Name of an author |
manujottana | m. best of men |
manuṣyacitta | n. the thought or will of men |
marīcipattana | n. Name of a town |
maruddatta | mfn. given by the Maruts Va1rtt. 4 |
marutta | m. (equals marud-datta- according to to on Va1rtt. 4) Name of various kings etc. |
marutta | m. wind, a gale (?) |
maruttaka | m. a species of plant (prob. wrong reading for maruvaka-). |
maruttama | mfn. (mar/ut--) very or altogether equal to the marut-s, as swift as the marut-s (said of the aśvin-s) |
maruttama | m. wrong reading for marutta- |
maruttanaya | m. "son of the Wind", Name of hanumat- |
maruttanaya | m. of bhīma- |
maruttaruṇī | f. Name of a vidyā-dharī- |
matidatta | m. Name of a man |
mātrāvṛtta | n. equals -chandas- |
mātṛdatta | m. "mother given", Name of a man |
mātṛdatta | m. of an author |
matta | etc. See . |
matta | mfn. excited with joy, overjoyed, delighted, drunk, intoxicated (literally and figuratively) etc. |
matta | mfn. excited by sexual passion or desire, in rut, ruttish (as an elephant) etc. |
matta | mfn. furious, mad, insane |
matta | m. a buffalo |
matta | m. the Indian cuckoo |
matta | m. a drunkard |
matta | m. a ruttish or furious elephant |
matta | m. a madman |
matta | m. a thorn-apple |
matta | m. Name of a rākṣasa- |
mattadantin | m. a furious or ruttish elephant |
mattagāminī | f. "having the gait of an elephant in rut", a woman with a rolling walk, a bewitching or wanton woman |
mattahastin | m. equals -dantin- |
mattaka | mfn. somewhat drunk or intoxicated |
mattaka | mfn. somewhat proud or overbearing |
mattaka | m. Name of a Brahman (perhaps sumanom-in one word). |
mattakāla | m. Name of a king of lāṭa- |
mattakāśinī | f. "appearing intoxicated", a bewitching or wanton woman (especially used in address) (also written -kāsinī-or -kāṣiṇī-). |
mattakīśa | m. an elephant |
mattamātaṃgalīlākara | m. or n. (?) Name of a metre |
mattamayūra | m. a peacock intoxicated with joy or passion |
mattamayūra | m. Name of a man |
mattamayūra | m. plural equals next |
mattamayūra | n. a kind of metre |
mattamayūraka | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe |
mattanāga | m. idem or 'm. a furious or ruttish elephant ' |
mattanāga | m. Name of an author |
mattara | mfn. Comparative degree |
mattavāṅmaunamūlikā | f. Name of work |
mattavāraṇa | m. equals -dantin- ( mattavāraṇavikrama -vikrama- mfn.having the might of a mad elephant ) |
mattavāraṇa | mn. equals mattālamba- |
mattavāraṇa | n. a turret, pinnacle, pavilion |
mattavāraṇa | n. a peg or bracket projecting from a wall |
mattavāraṇa | n. a bedstead |
mattavāraṇavikrama | mfn. mattavāraṇa |
mattavāraṇīya | mfn. attached to the turret (of a car) |
mattavilāsinī | f. Name of a metre |
mauryadatta | m. Name of a man |
mihiradatta | m. Name of a man , |
miśravṛtta | n. a mixed story (partly popular and partly supernatural, as the source of a kind of drama) |
mithyottara | n. (in law) false or prevaricating reply |
mohacitta | n. Perplexity of mind (?), (some read moha-- citram-, others cittamoham-). |
mohacūḍottara | n. Name of work |
mohacūḍottaraśāstra | n. Name of work |
mohaśūlottara | n. Name of work |
mṛgamattaka | m. a, jackal |
mṛgāṅkadatta | m. Name of various men |
mṛgasattama | m. the best of antelopes |
mṛgendrottara | n. Name of work |
mṛgottama | m. best of antelopes, a very beautiful deer |
mṛgottama | n. the nakṣatra- mṛga-śiras- |
mṛgottamāṅga | n. "deer-head", the nakṣatra- mṛga-śiras- |
mṛtamatta | m. a jackal |
mṛtamattaka | m. a jackal |
muhūrtavṛttaśata | n. Name of work |
mūlavitta | n. "original property", capital |
munipittala | n. copper. |
muracīpattana | n. Name of a town in the Dekhan (also called marīci-pattana-). |
nadīdatta | m. "river-given", Name of a bodhi-sattva-. |
nāḍīdatta | m. Name of an author (see nāḍikā-d-)., |
nāḍikādatta | m. Name of an author |
nāḍikāvṛtta | n. equinoctial circle |
nāḍīvṛtta | n. equals -valaya- |
nāgadatta | mfn. given by nāga-s or serpents (varia lectio -danta-) |
nāgadatta | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- |
nāgadatta | m. of a man related to gautama- buddha- |
nāgadatta | m. of a king of āryāvarta-, contemporary of samudra-gupta- |
naimitta | mfn. (fr. ni-mitta-) relating to or explanatory of signs gaRa ṛgayanādi- |
naimitta | m. an interpreter of prognostics, fortune-teller (also ttaka- ) |
nalottama | m. Arundo Bengalensis |
nānāvṛttamaya | mf(ī-)n. composed in different metres |
nāndidatta | m. Name of an author (see ) |
naradatta | m. Name of a Brahman (nephew of the ṛṣi- asita-) |
narakottaraṇa | n. Name of a stotra-. |
naravāhanadatta | m. Name of a son of king udayana- |
naravāhanadattacaritamaya | mf(ī-)n. containing the adventures of prince naravāhana-datta- |
naravarottama | m. the best of excellent men idem or 'm. an excellent hero (like a bull)' |
nārāyaṇadatta | m. Name of a poet |
nārāyaṇāṣṭottaraśatastotra | n. Name of a stotra-. |
nārīpattana | n. Name of a town |
narottama | m. best of men |
narottama | m. Name of viṣṇu- or buddha- |
narottama | m. of Scholiast or Commentator on the adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa- |
narottamadāsa | m. Name of an author |
narottamakīrtileśamātradarśaka | m. or n. Name of work |
narottamāraṇyaśiṣya | m. Name of an author |
nāsāraktapitta | n. nose-bleeding |
nātivṛtta | mfn. not very distant from (ablative exempli gratia, 'for example' yauvanāt-,from youth id est very young) |
nayadatta | m. Name of a man, |
nīcoccavṛtta | n. an epicycle |
nidatta | or nītta- mfn. fr. ni-- 1. dā- |
nidhanottama | m. Name of śiva- |
nidhidatta | m. Name of a merchant |
nidhipatidatta | m. Name of a merchant |
nihnavettara | n. an evasive reply or defence |
niḥśabdasaṃvṛtta | mfn. become noiseless |
nikṛtta | mfn. cut off, cut up |
nikṛttamūla | mfn. cut up by the roots |
nimitta | n. (possibly connected with ni-mā-above) a butt, mark, target |
nimitta | n. sign, omen etc. (see dur-n-) |
nimitta | n. cause, motive, ground, reason etc. (in all oblique cases = because of, on account of see ; mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' caused or occasioned by; ttaṃyā-,to be the cause of anything ) |
nimitta | n. (in philosophy) instrumental or efficient cause (opp. to upādāna-,the operative or material cause) |
nimitta | n. equals āgantu- |
nimitta | n. deha- |
nimitta | n. ādeśa- |
nimitta | n. parvan- |
nimittabhūta | mfn. become or being a cause or reason or means |
nimittadharma | m. expiation, any occasional or special penance or rite or obligation |
nimittagrahaṇa | n. taking aim, |
nimittahetu | m. the efficient cause |
nimittahetutva | n. |
nimittajña | mfn. acquainted with omens |
nimittajñāna | n. "knowledge of omens or signs", Name of chapter of the kāma-sūtra- by vātsyāyana- |
nimittajñāna | n. see |
nimittaka | mfn. caused or occasioned or produced by (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'), ; Scholiast or Commentator on |
nimittaka | n. kissing, a kiss |
nimittakāla | m. the period or moment of time which may be regarded as causing any event |
nimittakālatā | f. Scholiast or Commentator |
nimittakāraṇa | n. instrumental or efficient cause (especially the Deity as the agent in creation) |
nimittakāraṇatā | f. |
nimittakṛt | m. "omen-maker", a crow, raven |
nimittamātra | n. the mere efficient cause or instrument |
nimittanaimittika | n. dual number cause and effect |
nimittanidāna | n. Name of work |
nimittanimittin | mfn. operating and operated upon Scholiast or Commentator on |
nimittasaptamī | f. a seventh case (locative) indicating the cause or motive on |
nimittatā | f. (in philosophy) the state of being a cause, causality, instrumentality. |
nimittatva | n. (in philosophy) the state of being a cause, causality, instrumentality. |
nimittavedhin | mfn. hitting a mark |
nimittavid | m. "omen-knower", an astrologer |
ninṛtta | mfn. repeated (as above) |
ninṛttavat | mfn. having repetition |
nirākṛtānyottara | mfn. excluding every answer, irrefutable ( nirākṛtānyottaratva -tva- n.) |
nirākṛtānyottaratva | n. nirākṛtānyottara |
niravatta | tti- See nir-ava-do-. |
niravatta | mfn. distributed, completely divided or allotted |
niravattabali | mfn. whereof oblations have been distributed all round |
nirnimitta | mfn. without reason or motive, causeless , ( nirnimittatva -tva- n. ) |
nirnimitta | mfn. having no egoistic motive, disinterested |
nirnimittakṛta | mfn. produced without a visible cause |
nirnimittam | ind. without cause |
nirnimittatva | n. nirnimitta |
niruttara | mfn. having no superior |
niruttara | mfn. answerless, silenced etc. |
niruttara | n. equals -tantra- n. Name of a tantra- |
niruttarīkṛ | to make unable to answer, silence |
nirvāṇayogottara | n. Name of work |
nirvṛtta | mfn. sprung forth, originated, developed, grown out (fruit), accomplished, finished, done, ready etc. |
nirvṛttacūḍaka | mfn. one on whom tonsure has been performed |
nirvṛttamātra | mfn. just finished (day) |
nirvṛttaśatru | m. wrong reading for nivṛtta-ś-. 2. |
niṣatta | (or n/i-ṣ-) mfn. sitting, seated |
niścayadatta | m. Name of a merchant |
niścitta | m. Name of a samādhi- |
nītta | See ni-datta-, . |
nityahomaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
nivṛtta | mfn. (often wrong reading for nir-vṛtta-, vi-vṛtta-, ni-vṛta-) turned back, returned to (accusative) |
nivṛtta | mfn. rebounded from (ablative) |
nivṛtta | mfn. retreated, fled (in battle) |
nivṛtta | mfn. set (as the sun) |
nivṛtta | mfn. averted from, indifferent to, having renounced or given up (ablative or compound) etc. |
nivṛtta | mfn. abstracted from this world, quiet |
nivṛtta | mfn. rid or deprived of (ablative) |
nivṛtta | mfn. passed away, gone, ceased, disappeared, vanished |
nivṛtta | n. (with karman- n.an action) causing a cessation (of mundane existence) (opp. to pravṛtta-) |
nivṛtta | mfn. ceased to be valid or binding (as a rule) |
nivṛtta | mfn. omitted, left out (see compound below) |
nivṛtta | mfn. finished, completed |
nivṛtta | mfn. desisting from or repenting of any improper conduct |
nivṛtta | n. return (See durniv-) |
nivṛttadakṣiṇā | f. a gift renounced or despised by another |
nivṛttadevakārya | mfn. ceasing from sacrificial rites |
nivṛttahṛdaya | mfn. with relenting heart |
nivṛttahṛdaya | mfn. one whose heart is averted from or indifferent to (prati-) |
nivṛttakāraṇa | mfn. without further cause or motive |
nivṛttakāraṇa | m. a virtuous man, one uninfluenced by worldly desires |
nivṛttakṛṣigorakṣa | mfn. ceasing from agriculture and the tending of cattle |
nivṛttalaulya | mfn. whose desire is averted from, not desirous of (compound) |
nivṛttamāṃsa | mfn. one who abstains from eating meat |
nivṛttarāga | mfn. of subdued appetites or passions |
nivṛttasaṃtāpa | mfn. one whose heat or pain has ceased |
nivṛttaśatru | m. "having one's foes kept off", Name of a king |
nivṛttavṛtti | mfn. ceasing from any practice or occupation |
nivṛttayajñasvādhyāya | mfn. ceasing from sacrifices and the repetition of prayers |
nivṛttayauvana | mfn. whose youth has returned, restored to youth |
nṛpatinītigarbhitavṛtta | n. Name of a modern work |
nṛśaṃsavṛtta | mfn. practising mischief. |
nṛsiṃhāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work |
nṛsiṃhottaratāpanīya | n. Name of work |
nṛtta | n. dancing, acting, gesticulation |
nṛttajña | mfn. knowing to dance |
nṛttamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting in dance |
nṛttaprayoga | m. Name of work |
nūpurottamā | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī- |
nutta | mfn. pushed or driven away |
nutta | mfn. despatched, sent, ordered |
nutta | m. Name of a plant |
nyāṣatta | mfn. (or -/ā-n/i-ṣ-), sitting down or on, seated on |
nyāṣatta | mfn. dived into (locative case) |
nyāyavṛtta | mfn. equals -vartin- |
nyutta | mfn. dipped in, sprinkled with (locative case) |
pādavṛtta | m. N. a svarita- separated from the preceding udātta- by a hiatus |
pādavṛtta | m. dual number the 2 component elements of a verse id est the long and short syllable |
padmottama | m. Name of a samādhi- |
padmottama | m. of a particular world |
padmottama | m. of a buddha- living in padmottama- and of a future Buddha |
padmottara | m. Carthamus Tinctorius |
padmottara | m. Name of a buddha- |
padmottara | m. of the father of padma- |
pādmottara | n. (prob.) = padma-- purāṇa- |
padmottarātmaja | m. patronymic of the 9th cakra-vartin- in bhārata- |
padmottarikāśāka | n. a species of pot-herb |
paitta | mf(ī-)n. (fr. pitta-) relating to the bilious humour, bilious |
paittala | mf(ī-)n. (fr. pittala-) made of brass, brazen |
pānamatta | mfn. intoxicated |
pañcapitta | n. the gall or bile of 5 animals (viz. the boar, goat, buffalo, fish, and peacock) |
pañcarātrakaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
pañcarātraprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
pāñcarātraprāyaścittavidhāna | n. Name of work |
pañcāśattama | mf(ī-)n. the 50th (chapter of and ) |
pañcāśattamavārṣa | mfn. |
pañcāvatta | mfn. 5 times cut off or taken up, consisting of 5 avadāna-s |
pañcāvatta | n. () 5 avadāna-s |
pañcāvattatā | f. () 5 avadāna-s |
pañcāvattatva | n. () 5 avadāna-s |
paṇḍitapraśnottara | n. Name of work |
paṅktyuttarā | f. a kind of metre |
parabrahmāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work |
paracittajñāna | n. knowing the thoughts of another |
paracittajñāna | n. knowledge of the thoughts of others, |
paramapuruṣamahotsavaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
parameśvaradatta | m. Name of an author |
parāṅāvṛtta | -manas- etc. See . |
parāṅāvṛtta | mfn. turned away, flying |
parapākanivṛtta | m. one who cooks his own food without observing a particular ceremony |
parātta | mfn. given up etc. |
paravitta | n. another's wealth (wrong reading pari--). |
parāvṛtta | mfn. turned (also to flight) returned, averted from (ablative) etc. |
parāvṛtta | mfn. passed away, disappeared |
parāvṛtta | mfn. wallowing, rolling (n. as a substantive) |
parāvṛtta | mfn. exchanged |
parāvṛtta | mfn. reversed (as a judgement) |
parāvṛtta | mfn. given back, restored |
parayatta | mf(ā-)n. dependent upon another |
parayatta | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') wholly subdued or overwhelmed by |
parāyatta | etc. See . |
pārijātavṛttakhaṇḍa | n. Name of work |
parikṛtta | mfn. cut round, clipped, cut off |
parītta | (for 2.See) mfn. () given away, given up, delivered up to (locative case) |
parītta | mfn. See pari-dā- (p. 595) . 2. |
parītta | mfn. ( do-; see ) cut round, circumscribed, limited |
parītta | 1. 2. parī-tta-. See under pari-dā- and 1. parī-. |
parīttaśubha | m. plural Name of the gods of the 13th order |
parivitta | mfn. (p/ari--) twined or twisted round |
parivitta | m. equals -vitti- etc. (pari-vitt/a- ) |
parivitta | m. equals vinna- |
parivṛtta | mfn. (also -ka- gaRa ṛśyādi-) turned, turned round, revolved, rolling, moving to and fro etc. |
parivṛtta | mfn. lasting, remaining (varia lectio) |
parivṛtta | mfn. passed, elapsed, finished, ended |
parivṛtta | mfn. equals pari-vṛta-, covered, surrounded |
parivṛtta | mfn. retreated, returned |
parivṛtta | mfn. exchanged |
parivṛtta | n. rolling, wallowing (varia lectio tti-) |
parivṛtta | n. an embrace |
parivṛttabhāgya | mfn. whose fortune has changed or is gone |
parivṛttañctra | mfn. rolling the eyes |
parivṛttaphalā | f. Name of a plant |
parivṛttatejas | mfn. spreading brilliance all around |
pariyatta | mfn. surrounded, beset, hemmed in |
parṇadatta | m. Name of a man |
paryupāvṛtta | mfn. ( vṛt-) returned, come back |
paścāttara | mfn. following after (ablative) |
paścimottara | mf(ā-)n. northwestern (re-, ratas-and rasyām-[sc. diśi-],in the north-west) |
paścimottaradikpati | m. "regent of the north-west", Name of the god of wind |
paścimottarapūrva | mfn. (plural) western, northern, or eastern |
paśuprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
patitavṛtta | mfn. leading the life of an out-caste |
paṭottarīya | n. an upper garment (of cloth) |
pattalā | f. equals paṭṭalā- |
pattalaka | m. Name of a prince |
pattalīkṛ | (for pattr-?) -kṛ-, to beat into thin leaves |
pattana | m. plural Name of a people |
pattanā | f. Name of a wife of vikrama- |
pattana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a town, city (see dharma--and paṭṭana-). |
pattanādhipati | m. "town-governor", Name of a prince |
pattanavaṇij | m. a town-tradesman |
pattaṅga | m. (n. ;fr. pattrāṅga-) red sandal |
pattaṅga | n. Caesalpina Sappan |
pattaraṅga | n. equals paṭṭa-r- |
pattas | patti- See . |
pattas | ind. from or at the feet (also -tat/as- ) |
pattastodāśa | mfn. lined with fringes at the fringes |
pattave | See 2. pat-, p.580. |
phalottamā | f. "best of fruit", a kind of grape without stones |
phalottamā | f. the 3 myrobalans |
phalottamā | f. the benefit arising from sacred study (?) |
phalottamā | f. a small sort of rope(?) |
pitṛdatta | mfn. given by a father (as a woman's peculiar property) |
pitṛdatta | mfn. Name of a man (-ka-,endearing form; see pitṛka-) Va1rtt. 1 |
pitṛvitta | mfn. acquired by ancestors |
pitṛvitta | n. patrimony |
pitta | n. (etymology unknown) bile, the bilious humour (one of the three humours[ see kapha-and vāyu-]or that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen, heart, eyes, and skin;its chief quality is heat) |
pittadāha | m. a bilious fever |
pittadhara | mfn. containing bilious, bilious |
pittadrāvin | m. "bile-dispersing", the sweet citron |
pittagadin | mfn. suffering from bilious complaints, bilious |
pittaghna | mfn. "bile-destroying", antibilious |
pittaghna | n. an antidote to bilious complaints (see -han-). |
pittaghnī | f. Cocculus Cordifolius (see -ghna-). |
pittagulma | m. a swelling of the abdomen caused by (excess of) bile |
pittahan | mf(ghnī-)n. bile-destroying |
pittahara | mf(ī-)n. bilious removing, antibilious |
pittajvara | m. a bilious fever |
pittakośa | (or ṣa-) m. the gall-bladder |
pittakṣobha | m. excess and disturbance of the bilious humour |
pittakuṣṭha | n. a kind of leprosy |
pittala | mf(ā-)n. bilious, secreting bile (gaRa sidhmādi-) |
pittalā | f. Jussiaea Repens |
pittala | n. brass, bell-metal |
pittala | n. Betula Bhojpatra (its bark is used for writing upon; see bhūrja-pattra-) |
pittalī | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana |
pittanibarhaṇa | mfn. destroying bilious |
pittaprakopa | m. excess and vitiation of the bilious humour |
pittaprakṛti | mfn. being of a bilious temperament |
pittarakta | n. plethora (see rakta-pitta-). |
pittarogin | mfn. equals -gadin- |
pittaśamana | mfn. "bilious-destroying", antibilious |
pittasāraka | m. Azadirachta Indica |
pittaśleṣmala | mfn. producing bile and phlegm |
pittaśoṇita | n. equals -rakta- |
pittaśopha | m. a swelling caused by (excess of) bilious |
pittasthāna | n. equals -kośa- |
pittasyanda | m. a bilious form of ophthalmia |
pittavat | mfn. having bilious, bilious |
pittavāyu | m. flatulence arising from excess and vitiation of the bilious humour |
pittavidagdha | mfn. burnt or impaired by bile (as sight) |
pittavināśana | mfn. "bilious-destroying", antibilious |
pracṛtta | mfn. loose, dishevelled |
pracṛttaśikha | mfn. with dishevelled hair |
pradatta | etc. See pra-- 1. dā-. |
pradatta | mfn. equals pratta- ( pradattanayanotsava -nayanotsava- mfn.affording a feast to the eyes id est beautiful to behold ) |
pradatta | m. Name of a gandharva- |
pradattanayanotsava | mfn. pradatta |
pradhanottama | n. "best of battles", a great battle or contest |
pradhānottama | mfn. best of the eminent, illustrious |
pradhānottama | mfn. warlike, brave |
pradyumnottaracarita | n. " pradyumna-'s further deeds", Name of a poem. |
prāguttara | mf(ā-)n. north-eastern |
prāguttarā | f. (with or scilicet diś-) the north-east |
prāguttaradigbhāga | m. the north-eastern side of (genitive case) () |
prāguttaradigvibhāga | m. the north-eastern side of (genitive case) () |
prāguttaratas | ind. north-eastwards, to the north-east of (with ablative or genitive case) [ ] |
prāguttareṇa | ind. north-eastwards, to the north-east of (with ablative or genitive case) [ ] |
prāgvṛtta | n. former behaviour |
prāgvṛtta | n. (in law) = 1 prāṅ-nyāya- (q.v), |
prahṛṣṭacitta | mfn. delighted at heart, exceedingly glad. |
prajāpatidatta | m. Name of a man |
prakāśadatta | m. Name of a poet |
pramatta | See pra-mad-. |
pramatta | mfn. excited, wanton, lascivious, rutting |
pramatta | mfn. drunken, intoxicated |
pramatta | mfn. mad, insane |
pramatta | mfn. inattentive, careless, heedless, negligent, forgetful of (ablative or compound) etc. |
pramatta | mfn. indulging in (locative case) |
pramatta | mfn. blundering, a blunderer |
pramattacitta | mfn. careless-minded, heedless, negligent |
pramattagīta | mfn. sung or recited by an intoxicated person |
pramattarajju | f. (?) |
pramattaśramaṇa | n. (with jaina-s) Name of the 6th among the 14 stages which lead to liberation |
pramattatā | f. inattentiveness, sleepiness, mental inactivity (a-pram-) |
pramattavat | mfn. inattentive, careless (a-pram-) |
pramattavat | ind. as if drunk, like one intoxicated |
pramohacitta | mf(ā-)n. bewildered in mind |
prāṇivadhaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
prāṅnyāyottara | n. a defendant's plea that the charge against him has already been tried |
praṇottavya | mfn. to be propelled |
pranṛtta | mfn. one who has begun to dance, dancing |
pranṛtta | n. a dance |
pranṛttavat | mfn. having begun to dance |
praṇutta | (pr/a--) mfn. pushed away, repelled, set in motion |
prasādavitta | mf(ā-)n. rich in favour, being in high favour with any one (genitive case or compound) ( ) |
prasādavittaka | mfn. rich in favour, being in high favour with any one (genitive case or compound) () |
prasādavittaka | m. a favourite, darling |
praśāntacitta | mfn. "tranquil-minded", calm |
prasatta | mfn. satisfied, pleased |
praśnottara | n. question and answer, a verse consisting of question and answer |
praśnottaramālā | f. Name of work |
praśnottaramālikā | f. Name of work |
praśnottaramaṇimālā | f. Name of work |
praśnottararatnamālā | f. Name of work |
praśnottaratantra | n. Name of work |
praśrayottara | mfn. (words) full of modesty or humbleness |
prastārapattana | n. Name of work |
prātaragnihotrakālātikramaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
prathamasamāvṛtta | mfn. just turned towards (locative case) |
prathamottama | mfn. (dual number) the first and last, |
pratibaddhacitta | mfn. one whose mind is turned to or fixed on (compound) |
pratigrahaprāyaścittaprakāra | m. Name of work |
pratimārodanādiprāyaścittavidhi | m. Name of work |
pratinivṛtta | mfn. turned back or from (ablative), come back, return |
pratipattavya | mfn. to be obtained or received |
pratipattavya | mfn. to be given (as an answer) |
pratipattavya | mfn. to be conceived or understood |
pratipattavya | mfn. to be done or begun |
pratipattavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be assumed or stated |
pratipattavya | n. one should act or proceed or behave |
pratipratta | mfn. given up, delivered |
pratisaṃyatta | mfn. completely prepared or armed |
pratītta | See /a-pr-. |
pratītta | See /a-pratītta-. |
prativṛtta | n. an eccentric circle |
prativṛtta | See under prati-. |
pratta | pr/a-tti- See pra-dā-. |
pratta | mfn. (for pra-datta-) given away (also in marriage), offered, presented, granted, bestowed etc. etc. |
prattavat | mfn. one who has given or presented |
pratyāvṛtta | mfn. turned back (as a face) |
pratyāvṛtta | mfn. returned, come back etc. |
pratyāvṛtta | mfn. repeated |
pratyuttabdhi | f. upholding, propping up, supporting, fixing |
pratyuttambh | ( stambh-) P. -tabhnāti-, or -tabhnoti- to prop up, support |
pratyuttambha | m. () idem or 'f. upholding, propping up, supporting, fixing ' |
pratyuttambhana | n. () idem or 'm. () idem or 'f. upholding, propping up, supporting, fixing ' ' |
pratyuttara | n. a reply to an answer, rejoinder, answer etc. |
pratyuttara | etc. See p.664. |
pratyuttarīkaraṇa | n. replying, an answer |
pratyuttarīkṛ | to answer |
pravāsopasthānahaviryajñaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
pravṛtta | mfn. rotund, globular |
pravṛtta | mfn. driven up (as a carriage) |
pravṛtta | mfn. circulated (as a book) |
pravṛtta | mfn. set out from (-tas-), going to, bound for (accusative locative case infinitive mood,or artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; dakṣiṇena-,"southwards";with pathā-,"proceeding on a path") etc. |
pravṛtta | mfn. issued from (ablative), come forth, resulted, arisen, produced, brought about, happened, occurred etc. |
pravṛtta | mfn. come back, returned |
pravṛtta | mfn. commenced, begun etc. |
pravṛtta | mfn. having set about or commenced to (infinitive mood) |
pravṛtta | mfn. (also pravṛttavat -vat- mfn.) |
pravṛtta | mfn. purposing or going to, bent upon (dative case locative case,or compound) |
pravṛtta | mfn. engaged in, occupied with, devoted to (locative case or compound) etc. |
pravṛtta | mfn. hurting, injuring, offending |
pravṛtta | mfn. acting, proceeding, dealing with (locative case) etc. |
pravṛtta | mfn. existing |
pravṛtta | mfn. who or what has become (with Nominal verb) |
pravṛtta | n. (with karman- n.action) causing a continuation of mundane existence |
pravṛtta | mfn. wrong reading for pra-cṛtta- and pra-nṛtta- |
pravṛtta | m. equals varta-, a round ornament |
pravṛttacakra | mfn. "whose chariot wheels run on unimpeded", having universal power ( pravṛttacakratā kra-tā- f.) |
pravṛttacakratā | f. pravṛttacakra |
pravṛttaka | n. equals pravartaka- n. |
pravṛttaka | n. Name of a metre |
pravṛttakarman | n. any act leading to a future birth |
pravṛttapānīya | mfn. (a well) with abundant water |
pravṛttapāraṇa | n. a particular religious observance or ceremony (varia lectio) |
pravṛttasamprahāra | mfn. one who has begun the fight ( pravṛttasamprahāratva ra-tva- n.) |
pravṛttasamprahāratva | n. pravṛttasamprahāra |
pravṛttatva | n. the having happened or occurred |
pravṛttavāc | mfn. of fluent speech, eloquent |
pravṛttavat | mfn. pravṛtta |
pravṛttinimitta | n. the reason for the use of any term in the particular significations which it bears |
prāyacitta | n. |
prāyaścitta | n. (pr/āyaś--;"predominant thought"or"thought of death"see ) atonement, expiation, amends, satisfaction ( as m.) etc. |
prāyaścitta | n. Name of several works. |
prāyaścitta | mfn. relating to atonement or expiation, expiatory |
prāyaścittabhāṣya | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittacandrikā | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittadīpikā | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittagrantha | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittahemādri | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittakadamba | mn. Name of work |
prāyaścittakalpataru | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittakamalākara | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittakāṇḍa | mn. Name of work |
prāyaścittakārikā | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittakaumudī | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittakautūhala | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittakhaṇḍa | mn. Name of work |
prāyaścittakrama | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittamādhavīya | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittamañjarī | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittamanohara | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittamārtaṇḍa | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittamayūkha | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittamuktāvalī | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittamuktāvalīprakāśa | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittapaddhati | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittaparāśara | mn. Name of work |
prāyaścittapārijāta | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittapradīpa | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittapradīpikā | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittapratyāmnāya | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittarahasya | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittaratna | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittaratnamālā | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittaśakti | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittasaṃkalpa | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittasamuccaya | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittasāra | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittasārakaumudī | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittasārāvali | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittaśatadvayī | f. Name of work (or prāyaścittaśatadvayīśatadvayīprāyaścitta -śata-dvayī-prāyaścitta- n.) |
prāyaścittaśatadvayīśatadvayīprāyaścitta | n. prāyaścittaśatadvayī |
prāyaścittaśekhara | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittasetu | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittaśrautasūtra | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittasthāna | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittasubodhinī | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittasudhānidhi | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittasutra | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittataraṃga | m. Name of work (?) |
prāyaścittatattva | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittaughasāra | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittavāridhi | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittavidhāna | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittavidhi | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittavinirṇaya | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittaviveka | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittavivekoddyota | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittavyavasthāsaṃkṣepa | m. Name of work |
prayatta | mfn. intent, eager |
prayattavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) equals yatitavya- |
premapattanikā | , f. Name of work |
prītacitta | mfn. delighted at heart |
prītidatta | mfn. given through love or affection |
prītidatta | n. (?) property or valuables presented to a female by her relations and friends at the time of her marriage, and constituting part of her peculiar property |
priyakṛttama | mfn. doing that which pleases most |
pṛṣadājyapraṇutta | mfn. (jy/a--) driven away from the oblation of ghee and curds |
pṛthudatta | m. Name of a frog |
pṛthusattama | m. Name of a prince |
pūjāvaikalyaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
punarātta | see samāpta-- pun-, page 1161 |
punarāvṛtta | mfn. repeated |
punarninṛtta | mfn. again repeated in detail |
punartta | mf(ā-)n. equals punar-datta-, given back, restored |
purāvṛtta | mf(ā-)n. that which has occurred or one who has lived in former times, long past, ancient |
purāvṛtta | n. former mode of action, any event or account or history of the past |
purāvṛttakathā | f. an old story or legend (also purāvṛtttākhyāna ttākhyāna- n. ; purāvṛtttākhyānakathana ttākhyāna-kathana- n.telling old stories ) |
purāvṛttasah | mfn.(Nominal verb -ṣāṭ-; see ) superior from ancient times ("conqueror of cities") . |
purāvṛttasāh | mfn. (Nominal verb -ṣāṭ-; see ) superior from ancient times ("conqueror of cities") . |
pūrṇacandraprāyaścittaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
purovṛtta | mf(ā-)n. being or going before, preceding |
puruṣadatta | m. Name of a man |
puruṣottama | See below. |
puruṣottama | m. the best of men, an excellent or superior man |
puruṣottama | m. the best of servants, a good attendant |
puruṣottama | m. the highest being, Supreme Spirit, Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- etc. () |
puruṣottama | m. equals -kṣetra- |
puruṣottama | m. (with jaina-s) an arhat- |
puruṣottama | m. Name of the fourth black vāsudeva- |
puruṣottama | m. a jina- (one of the generic terms for a deified teacher of the jaina- sect) |
puruṣottama | m. Name of several authors and various men (also -dāsa-, -dīkṣita-, -deva-, -deva-śarman-, -paṇḍita-, -prasāda-, -bhaṭṭa-, -bhaṭṭātmaja-, -bhāraty-ācārya-, -miśra-, -manu-sudhīndra-, -sarasvatī- mācāya-, mānanda-tīrtha-, mānanda-yati-, māśrama-). |
puruṣottamacaritra | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamakhaṇḍa | mn. Name of work |
puruṣottamakṣetra | n. "district of the Supreme Being", Name of a district in Orissa sacred to viṣṇu- |
puruṣottamakṣetramāhātmya | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamakṣetratattva | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamamāhātmya | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamamantra | m. Name of work |
puruṣottamapattra | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamaprakāśakṣetravidhi | m. Name of work |
puruṣottamapurāṇa | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamapurīmāhātmya | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamasahasranāman | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamaśāstrīya | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
puruṣottamatīrthaprayogatattva | n. Name of work |
puruṣottamavāda | m. Name of work |
pūrvacitta | (p/ūrva--) mfn. wrong reading for -cit- |
pūrvadatta | mfn. given before |
pūrvanimitta | n. an omen |
pūrvapravṛtta | mf(ā-)n. formerly happened or done or fixed etc. |
pūrvaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work |
pūrvavattara | mfn. antecedent, former |
pūrvavṛtta | mfn. formerly happened |
pūrvavṛtta | mfn. relating to a previous occurrence |
pūrvavṛtta | n. a former event, previous occurrence |
pūrvavṛtta | n. former conduct |
pūrvottara | mf(ā-)n. north-eastern etc. |
pūrvottara | mf(ā-)n. dual number or (in the beginning of a compound) the antecedent and subsequent, the preceding and following |
pūrvottaraśānti | f. Name of work |
pūrvottare | ind. in the north-east |
pūṣāṣṭottara | n. Name of a stotra-. |
puṣpasakaṭikānimittajñāna | n. knowledge of the omens which result from heavenly voices (one of the 64 arts or kalā-s) |
puṣpottara | m. or n. (with jaina-s) Name of a particular heaven |
pustavārtta | m. one who lives by books or makes books |
puttala | m. (prob. fr. putra-) a puppet, doll, small statue, effigy, image ( puttaladahana -dahana- n. puttalavidhāna -vidhāna- n.and puttalavidhi -vidhi- m.burning an effigy in place of the body of one who has died abroad) |
puttaladahana | n. puttala |
puttalaka | mf(ikā-). equals puttala-, lī- |
puttalaka | m. liko- vidhiḥ- equals puttala-v- above. |
puttalavidhāna | n. puttala |
puttalavidhi | m. puttala |
puttalī | f. = m. |
puttalī | f. an idol |
puttalīcālana | n. a particular game with dolls |
puttalīpūjā | f. idol-worship, idolatry |
rādhottaratāpanīyopaniṣad | f. Name of work |
raghukulottaṃsa | m. "crest-jewel of the race of raghu-", Name of rāma- |
raghūttama | m. "best of the raghu-s", Name of rāma- |
raghūttama | m. (with yati-and ma-tīrtha-) Name of two authors |
rājavṛtta | n. the conduct or occupation of a kind |
raktamatta | mfn. drunk or satiated with blood (said of a leech) |
raktapaitta | mfn. relating to rakta-pitta- (q.v) |
raktapitta | n. "bile-blood", a particular disturbance of the blood caused by bile, plethora, spontaneous hemorrhage from the mouth or nose etc. |
raktapittahā | f. "removing it", a kind of dūrvā- grass |
raktapittakara | mfn. causing the above disease |
raktapittakāsa | m. the cough connected with it |
rāmacandranāmāṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work |
rāmadatta | m. Name of a minister of nṛ-siṃha- (king of mithilā-) |
rāmadatta | m. (also with mantrin-) of various authors |
rāmanāmāṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work |
rāmānujāṣṭottara | n. Name of work |
rāmāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work |
rāmeśvaradatta | m. Name of an author |
rāmottaratāpanīya | n. the second part of rāma-tāpanīya- q.v |
raṇamatta | mfn. furious in battle |
raṇamatta | m. an elephant |
raṅgadatta | (prob.) n. Name of a drama. |
raṅganāthāṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work |
rasavattara | mfn. more savoury, more delightful |