agha | अघ a. [अघ्-कर्तरि अच्] 1 Bad, sinful, evil, wicked; अघायुरिन्द्रियारामो मोघं पार्थ स जीवति Bg.3.16. -घम् [अघ् भावे अच्] 1 Sin; अघं स केवलं भुङ्क्ते यः पचत्यात्मकारणात् Ms. 3.118, Bg.3.13; अघौघविध्वंसविधौ पटीयसीः Śi.1.18, हरत्यघं सम्प्रति हेतुरेष्यतः 26; ˚मर्षण &c.; misdeed, fault, crime; श्रेयान् द्विजातिरिव हन्तुमघानि दक्षम् Śi.4.37 sins and griefs also. -2 An evil, mishap, misfortune, accident, injury, harm; न वधूष्वघानि विमृशन्ति धियः Ki.6.45. do not think of doing harm or evil; क्रियादघानां मघवा विघातम् 3.52; अघोपघातं मघवा विभूत्यै 11.8; प्रजानां तमघावहम् R.15.51,19.52, See अनघ. -3 Impurity (अशौचम्); अनुरुन्ध्यादघं त्र्यहम् Ms.5.63; न वर्धयेदघाहानि 84. न राज्ञामघदोषो$स्ति 93; -4 Pain, suffering, grief, distress; उपप्लुतमघौघेन नात्मानमवबुद्ध्यसे Rām.2.7.14, Mb.3.237.19. Bhāg 1.14.2. दयालुमनघस्पृष्टम् R.1.19 not subject to grief. -5 Passion. cf. अंहोदुःखव्यसनेष्वघम् Nm. -घः N. of a demon, brother of Baka and Pūtanā and commander-in-chief of Kaṁsa. [Being sent by Kaṁsa to Gokula to kill Kṛiṣṇa and Balarāma he assumed the form of a huge serpent 4 yojanas long, and spread himself on the way of the cowherds, keeping his horrid mouth open. The cowherds mistook it for a mountain cavern and entered it, cows and all. But Kṛiṣṇa saw it, and having entered the mouth so stretched himself that he tore it to pieces and rescued his companions.] -घा The Goddess of sin; (pl.) the constellation usually called Maghā. -Comp. -असुरः See अघ above. -अहः (अहन्) a day of impurity (अशौचदिनम्) -आयुस् a. leading a wicked life. -कृद् a. sinful, wicked, evil-doer. -घ्नः = ˚नाशन. -नाश, -नाशन a. [अघं नाशयति] expiatory, destroying sin (such as gifts, muttering holy prayers &c.). (-नः) destroyer of the demon अघ; N. of Kṛiṣṇa. -भोजिन् a. [अघं पापफलकं भुङ्क्ते] a sinful eater (one who cooks and eats for his own sake and not for Gods, Manes guests &c.) -मर्षण a. [अघं मृष्यते उत्पन्नत्वे$पि नाशनेन कर्माक्षमत्वात् सह्यते अनेन मृष्-ल्युट्] expiatory, removing or destroying sin, usually applied to a prayer (सन्ध्या) repeated by Brāhmaṇas (the 19th hymn of Rv.1.); सर्वैनसामपध्वंसि जप्यं त्रिष्वघमर्षणं Ak.; यथाश्वमेधः क्रतुराट् सर्वपापापनोदनः । तथाघमर्षणं सूक्तं सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥ The most heinous crimes, such as illicit intercourse with a preceptor's wife, one's own mother, sister, daughter-in-law &c. are said to be expiated by repeating this सूक्त thrice in water; पवित्राण्यघमर्षणानि जपन्त्याम् K.179,38. -मार a. [अघं मारयति नाशयति; मृ णिच्-अण्] destroying sin, an epithet of Gods (यमो मृत्युरघमारो निर्ऋतः). -रुद् a. [अघं रोदिति स्वकर्माक्षमतया यस्मात्, रुद्-अपा- दाने क्विप्] 1 'making sin weep and fly', N. of a Mantra which destroys sin; fearfully howling (?). -2 [अघे व्यसने रोदिति न तत्प्रतीकाराय घटते, क्विप्] one who only weeps in times of calamity, but does not try to get over them. -विषः [अघं व्यसनकारि विषं यस्य] a serpent; fearfully venomous (?). -शंसः अघस्य शंसः; शंस् भावे अच्] 1 indication or reporting of sin. -2 [अघं अनिष्टं शंसति इच्छति; शंस्-अण्] a wicked man, such as a thief. -3 wicked; sin-destroying (?). -शंसिन् a. reporting or telling one's sin or guilt. -हारः a noted robber; rumour of guilt (?). |
aṅgam | अङ्गम् [अम् गत्यादौ बा˚ -गन्; according to Nir. अङ्ग, अङ्ग- नात् अञ्चनात् वा] 1 The body. -2 A limb or member of the body; शेषाङ्गनिर्माणविधौ विधातुः Ku.1.33; क्लेशस्याङ्गमदत्वा Pt.5. 32 without undergoing troubles; इति स्वप्नोपमान्मत्वा कामान्मा गास्तदङ्गताम् । Ki.11.34 do not be influenced or swayed by them (do not be subject to them) -3 (a.) A division or department (of anything), a part or portion, as of a whole; as सप्ताङ्गम् राज्यम्, चतुरङ्गम् बलम्, चतुःषष्ट्ष्ट्यङ्गम् ज्योतिः- शास्त्रम् see the words; गीताङ्गानाम् Pt.5.56; यज्ञश्चेत्प्रतिरुद्धःस्या- देकेनाङ्गेन यज्वनः Ms.11.11. (Hence) (b.) A supplementary or auxiliary portion, supplement; षडङ्ग or साङ्ग वेदः A peculiar use of the word अङ्ग in masculine gender may here be noted वेदांश्चैव तु वेदाङ्गान् वेदान्तानि तथा स्मृतीः । अधीत्य ब्राह्मणः पूर्वं शक्तितो$न्यांश्च संपठेत् Bṛhadyogiyājñaval-kya Smṛiti 12.34. (c.) A constituent part, essential requisite or component; सर्वैर्बलाङ्गैः R.7.59; तदङ्गमग्ऱ्यं मघवन् महाक्रतो R.3.46. (d.) An attributive or secondary part; secondary, auxiliary or dependent member (serving to help the principal one) (opp. प्रधान or अङ्गिन्); अङ्गी रौद्र- रसस्तत्र सर्वे$ङ्गानि रसाः पुनः S. D.517; अत्र स्वभावोक्तिरुत्प्रेक्षाङ्गम् Malli. on Ki 8.26. (e.) An auxiliary means or expedient (प्रधानोपयोगी उपायः or उपकरणम्); सर्वकार्यशरीरेषु मुक्त्वा- ङ्गस्कन्धपञ्चकम् । मन्त्रो योध इवाधीर सर्वाङ्गैः संवृतैरपि ॥ Śi.2.28-29; See अङ्गाङ्गि, पञ्चाङ्ग also (the angas of the several sciences
or departments of knowledge will be given under those words). -4 (Gram.) A name for the base of a word; यस्मात्प्रत्ययविधिस्तदादिप्रत्यये अङ्गम् P.I.4.13; यः प्रत्ययो यस्मात्क्रियते तदादिशब्दस्वरूपं तस्मिन्प्रत्यये परे अङ्गसंज्ञं स्यात् Sk. The अङ्ग terminations are those of the nominative, and accusative singular and dual. -5 (Drama) (a.) One of the sub-divisions of the five joints or sandhis in dramas; the मुख has 12, प्रतिमुख 13, गर्भ 12, विमर्ष 13 and उपसंहार 14, the total number of the angas being thus 64; for details see the words. (b.) The whole body of subordinate characters. -6 (astr.) A name for the position of stars (लग्न), See अङ्गाधीश. -7 A symbolical expression for the number six (derived from the six Vedāngas). -8 The mind; हिरण्यगर्भाङ्गभुवं मुनिं हरिः Śi.1.1, See अङ्गज also. -9 N. of the chief sacred texts of the jainas. -ङ्गः (pl.) N. of a country and the people inhabiting it, the country about the modern Bhāgalpur in Bengal. [It lay on the south of Kauśikī Kachchha and on the right bank of the Ganges. Its capital was Champā, sometimes called Aṅgapurī Lomapādapurī, Karṇapurī or Mālinī. According to Daṇḍin (अङ्गेषु गङ्गातटे बहिश्चम्पायाः) and Hiouen Thsang it stood on the Ganges about 24 miles west of a rocky island. General Cunningham has shown that this description applies to the hill opposite Pātharghāṭā, that it is 24 miles east of Bhāgalpur, and that there are villages called Champanagar and Champapura adjoininng the last. According to Sanskrit poets the country of the Aṅgas lay to the east of Girivraja, the capital of Magadha and to the north-east or south-east of Mithilā. The country was in ancient times ruled by Karṇa] cf. अङ्गं गात्रा- न्तिकोपाय प्रतीकेष्वप्रधानके । देशभेदे तु पुंसि स्यात्...॥ Nm. -a. 1 Contiguous. -2 Having members or divisions. -Comp. -अङ्गि, [अङ्गीभावः -अङगस्य अङ्गिनो भावः] the relation of a limb to the body, of the subordinate to the principal, or of that which is helped or fed to the helper or feeder (गौणमुख्यभावः, उपकार्येपकारकभावश्च); e. g. प्रयाज and other rites are to दर्श as its angas, while दर्श is to them the aṅgi; अङ्गाङ्गिभावमज्ञात्वा कथं सामर्थ्यनिर्णयः । पश्य टिट्टिभमात्रेण समुद्रो व्याकुलीकृतः ॥ H.2.138; अत्र वाक्ये समास- गतयोरुपमयोः साध्यसाधनभावात् ˚वेन सम्बन्धः Malli. on Ki.6.2; अविश्रान्तिजुषामात्मन्यङ्गाङ्गित्वं तु संकरः K.P.1. (अनुग्राह्यानुग्राह- कत्वम्). -अधिपः, -अधीशः 1 lord of the Aṅgas, N. of Karṇa (cf. ˚राजः, ˚पतिः, ˚ईश्वरः, ˚अधीश्वरः). -2 'lord of a लग्न', the planet presiding over it; (अङ्गाधिपे बलिनि सर्वविभूतिसम्पत्; अङ्गाधीशः स्वगेहे बुधगुरुकविभिः संयुतो वीक्षितो वा Jyotiṣa). -अपूर्वम् effect of a secondary sacrificial act. -कर्मन् n. -क्रिया 1 besmearing the body with fragrant cosmetics, rubbing it &c. Dk.39. -2 a supplementary sacrificial act. -क्रमः the order of the performance with reference to the अङ्गs. The rule in this connection is that the अङ्गक्रम must conform to the मुख्यक्रम. cf. MS. 5.1.14. -ग्रहः spasm; seizure of the body with some illness. -ज-जात a. [अङ्गात् जायते जन्-ड] 1 produced from or on the body, being in or on the body, bodily; ˚जं रजः, ˚जाः अलङ्काराः &c. -2 produced by a supplementary rite. -3 beautiful, ornamental. (-जः) -जनुस् also 1 a son. -2 hair of the body (n. also); तवोत्तरीयं करिचर्म साङ्गजम् Ki.18.32. -3 love, cupid (अङ्गं मनः तस्मा- ज्जातः); intoxicating passion; अङ्गजरागदीपनात् Dk.161. -4 drunkenness, intoxication. -5 a disease. (-जा) a daughter. (-जम्) blood, अङ्गजं रुधिरे$नङ्गे केशे पुत्रे मदे पुमान् । नागरे नखरे$पि स्यात्... । Nm. -ज्वरः [अङ्गमङ्गम् अधिकृत्य ज्वरः] the disease called राजयक्ष्मा, a sort of consumption. -दूष- णम् 1 the defects of the limbs; the penalties of a defective construction; Māna. -2 name of the 79th chapter. -द्वीपः one of the six minor Dvīpas. -न्यासः [अङ्गेषु मन्त्र- भेदस्य न्यासः] touching the limbs of the body with the hand accompanied by appropriate Mantras. -पालिः f. [अङ्गं पाल्यते सम्बध्यते$त्र, अङ्ग-पाल्-इ] an embrace (probably a corruption of अङ्कपालि). -पालिका = अङ्कपालि q. v. -प्रत्यङ्गम् [समा. द्वन्द्व] every limb, large and small; ˚गानि पाणिना स्पृष्ट्वा K.167,72. -प्रायश्चित्तम् [अङ्गस्य शुद्ध्यर्थं प्राय- श्चित्तम्] expiation of bodily impurity, such as that caused by the death of a relative, consisting in making presents (पञ्चसूनाजन्यदुरितक्षयार्थं कार्यं दानरूपं प्रायश्चित्तम् Tv.). -भूः a. [अङ्गात् मनसो वा भवति; भू-क्विप्] born from the body or mind. (-भूः) 1 a son. -2 Cupid. -3 [अङ्गानाम् अङ्गमन्त्राणां भूः स्थानम्] one who has touched and purified, and then restrained, his limbs by repeating the Mantras pertaining to those limbs; ब्रह्माङ्गभूर्ब्रह्मणि योजितात्मा Ku.3.15 (सद्योजातादिमन्त्राणाम् अङ्गानां हृदयादिमन्त्राणां भूः स्थानं, कृतमन्त्रन्यासः Malli.). -भङ्गः 1 palsy or paralysis of limbs; ˚विकल इव भूत्वा स्थास्यामि Ś.2. -2 twisting or stretching out of the limbs (as is done by a man just after he rises from sleep); साङ्गभङ्गमुत्थाय Vb.; जृम्भितैः साङ्गभङ्गैः Mu.3.21, K.85. -3 The middle part of the anus and testicles. -मन्त्रः N. of a Mantra. -मर्दः [अङ्ग मर्दयति; मृद्-णिच्] 1 one who shampoos his master's body. -2 [भावे घञ्] act of shampooing; so ˚मर्दका or ˚मर्दिन्, मृद्- णिच् ण्वुल् or णिनि) one who shampoos. -मर्षः [ष. त.] rheumatism; ˚प्रशमनम् the curing of this disease. ˚मेजयत्वम् subtle throbbing of the body; Pātañjala 1.31. -यज्ञः, -यागः [अङ्गीभूतः यज्ञः] a subordinate sacrificial act which is of 5 sorts; समिधो यजति, तनूनपातं यजति, इडो यजति, बर्हिर्यजति, स्वाहाकारं यजति इति पञ्चविधाः । एतेषां सकृदनुष्ठा- नेनैव तन्त्रन्यायेन प्रधानयागानामाग्नेयादीनामुपकारितेति मीमांसा Tv. -रक्तः, -क्तम् [अङ्गे अवयवे रक्तः] N. of a plant गुडारोचनी found in काम्पिल्य country and having red powder (रक्ताङ्गलोचनी). -रक्षकः [अङ्गं रक्षति; रक्ष्-ण्वुल्] a bodyguard, personal attendant Pt.3. -रक्षणी [अङ्ग रक्ष्यते अनया] a coat of mail, or a garment. (-णम्) protection of person. -रागः [अङ्गं रज्यते अनेन करणे घञ्] 1 a scented cosmetic, application of perfumed unguents to the body, fragrant unguent; पुष्पगन्धेन अङ्गरागेण R.12.27, 6.6, स्तनाङ्गरागात् Ku.5.11. -2 [भावे ल्युट्] act of anointing the body with unguents. -रुहम् [अङ्गे रोहति;
रुह्-क स. त. P.III.9.135.] hair; मम वर्णो मणिनिभो मृदून्य- ङ्गरुहाणि च Rām.6.48.12. विहङ्गराजाङ्गरुहैरिवायतैः Śi.1.7. -लिपिः f. written character of the Aṅgas. -लेपः [अङ्गं लिप्यते अनेन; लिप्-करणे घञ्] 1 a scented cosmetic. -2 [भावे घञ्] act of anointing. -लोड्यः (लोड ण्यत्) a kind of grass, ginger or its root, Amomum Zingiber. -वस्त्रोत्था f. A louse. -विकल a. [तृ. त.] 1 maimed, paralysed. -2 fainting, swooning. -विकृतिः f. 1 change _x001F_2of bodily appearance; collapse. -2 [अङ्गस्य विकृतिश्चालनादिर्यस्मात् प. ब.] an apoplectic fit, swooning, apoplexy (अपस्मार). -विकारः a bodily defect. -विक्षेपः 1 movement of the limbs; gesticulation. -2 a kind of dance. -विद्या [अङ्गरूपा व्याकरणादिशास्त्ररूपा विद्या ज्ञानसाधनम्] 1 the science of grammar &c. contributing to knowledge. -2 the science of foretelling good or evil by the movements of limbs. Kau. A.1.12; N. of chapter 51 of Bṛhat Saṁhitā which gives full details of this science; न नक्षत्राङ्गविद्यया...भिक्षां लिप्सेत कर्हिचित् Ms.6.5. -विधिः [अङ्गस्य प्रधानोपकारिणः विधिः विधानम् [a subordinate or subsidiary act subservient to a knowledge of the principal one (प्रधान- विधिविधेयकर्मणो$ङ्गबोधकतया अङ्गविधिः). -वीरः chief or principal hero. -वैकृतम् [अङ्गेन अङ्गचेष्टया वैकृतं हृदयभावो ज्ञाप्यते यत्र बहु.] 1 a sign, gesture or expression of the face leading to a knowledge of internal thoughts (आकार) -2 a nod, wink. -3 changed bodily appearance. -वैगुण्यम् a defect or flaw in the performance of some subordinate or subsidiary act which may be expiated by thinking of Viṣṇu); श्राद्धादिपद्धतौ कर्मान्ते यत्किञ्चिदङ्गवैगुण्यं जातं तद्दोषप्रशमनाय विष्णुस्मरणमहं करिष्ये इत्यभिलापवाक्यम् Tv.). -संस्कारः, -संस्क्रिया [अङ्गं संस्क्रियते अनेन; कृ-करणे or भावे- घञ्) 1 embellishment of person, personal decoration, doing whatever secures a fine personal appearance, such as bathing, rubbing the body, perfuming it with cosmetic &c. -2 [कर्त्रर्थे अण्] one who decorates or embellishes the person. -संहतिः f. compactness, symmetry; body; स्थेयसीं दधतमङ्गसंहतिम् Ki.13.5; or strength of the body. -संहिता The phonetic relation between consonants and vowels in the body of a word Ts. Prāt. -सङ्गः bodily contact, union; coition. -सुप्तिः f. Benumbing of the body. -सेवकः a personal attendant, body-guard. -स्कन्धः [कर्मधा.] a subdivision of a science. -स्पर्शः fitness or qualification for bodily contact or being touched by others. -हानिः f. 1. a defect or flaw in the performance of a secondary or subsidiary act (= ˚वैगुण्यम्); दैवाद् भ्रमात् प्रमादाच्चेदङ्गहानिः प्रजायते । स्मरणादेव तद्विष्णोः संपूर्णं स्यादिति श्रुतिः ॥ -हारः [अङ्गं ह्रियते इतस्ततः चाल्यते यत्र, हृ-आधारे or भावे घञ्] gesticulation, movements of the limbs, a dance; अङ्गहारैस्तथैवान्या कोमलै- र्नृत्यशालिनी Rām.5.1.36. संसक्तैरगुरुवनेषु साङ्गहारम् Ki.7.37. Ku.7.91. -हारिः [अङ्गं ह्रियते$त्र; हृ-बा˚णि] 1 gesticulation. -2 stage; dancing hall. -हीन a. [तृ. त.] 1 mutilated, deprived of some defective limb (अङ्गं हीनं यथो- चितप्रमाणात् अल्पं यस्य) according to Suśruta a man is so born, if the mother's दोहद has not been duly fulfilled (सा प्राप्तदौर्हृदा पुत्रं जनयेत गुणान्वितम् । अलब्धदौर्हृदा गर्भे लभेता- त्मनि वा भयम् ॥ येषु येष्विन्द्रियार्थेषु दौर्हृदे वै विमानना । जायते तत्सुतस्यार्तिस्तस्मिंस्तस्मिंस्तथेन्द्रिये ॥). |
aṅgīya | अङ्गीय a. [अङ्ग-छ] 1 Belonging to the body. -2 Referring to the Aṅga country. |
aja | अज a. [न जायते; जन्-ड. न. त.] Unborn, existing from all eternity; यो मामजमनादिं च वेत्ति लोकमहेश्वरम् Bg.1. 3; अजस्य गृह्णतो जन्म R.1.24. -जः 1 The 'unborn', epithet of the Almighty Being; न हि जातो न जाये$हं न जनिष्ये कदाचन । क्षेत्रज्ञः सर्वभूतानां तस्मादहमजः स्मृतः ॥ Mb.; also a N. of Viṣṇu, Śiva or Brahmā. -2 The (individual) soul (जीवः) अजो नित्यः शाश्वतो$यं पुराणो न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे Bg.2.2. -3 A ram, he-goat (अजेन ब्रह्मणा दक्षयज्ञभङ्गसमये मेषरूपग्रहणेन पलायमानत्वात् अजाधिष्ठितरूपवत्त्वात् मेषस्य उपचारात् अजत्वम् Tv.] -4 The sign Aries. -5 A sort of corn or grain; अजैर्यष्टव्यं तत्राजा व्रीहयः Pt.3. -6 Mover, leader (Ved.), said of Indra, Maruts, &c.; a drove. -7 N. of a mineral substance (माक्षिकधातु). -8 N. of the Moon or Kāmadeva (आत् विष्णोर्जायते इति; cf. चन्द्रमा मनसो जातः). -9 A vehicle of the sun. -1 N. of the father of Daśaratha and grand-father of Rāma; so called because he was born on the Brāhma Muhūrta. -11 N. of a Ṛiṣi. cf. अजो हरौ हरे कामे विधौ छागे रघोः सुते । Nm. -Comp. -अदः [अजम् अत्तीति; अद्-कर्मण्यण् P.III.2.9.] N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe, P.IV.1.171. -अदनी [अजैः तृप्त्या अन्यैः दुःखस्पर्शत्वे$पि अद्यते; अद् कर्मणि ल्युट्] a kind of prickly nightshade, दुरालभा (Mar. धमासा). -अन्त्री [अजस्य अन्त्रमिव अन्त्रं तदाकारवती मञ्जरी यस्याः] N. of a pot-herb Convolvulus Argenteus, नीलबुह्ना. (Mar. शंखवेल ?) -अविकम् [अजाश्चावयश्च तेषां समाहारः द्वन्द्व] goats and sheep; small cattle; अजाविके तु संरुद्धे Ms.8.235. खरोष्ट्र- महिषीश्चैव यच्च किञ्चिदजाविकम् Mb.1.113.35. -अश्वम् goats and horses. (-श्वः) the Sun or Pūṣan, who has goats for the horses. -एकपाद्-दः [अजस्य छागस्य एकः पाद इव पादो यस्य] N. of one of the 11 Rudras, or of the asterism पूर्वाभाद्रपदा presided over by that deity. -एडकम् [अजाश्च एडकाश्च तेषां समाहारः] goats and rams. -कर्णः -कर्णकः [अजस्य कर्णं इव पर्णं यस्य-स्वार्थे कन्] N. of the plant असनवृक्ष Terminalia Alata Tomentosa; of another tree साल Shorea Robusta. -गन्धा [अजस्य गन्ध इव गन्धो यस्याः सा] the shrubby basil, वनयामानी. -गन्धिका a kind of वर्वरीशाक (Mar. तिलवणी, कानफोडी). -गन्धिनी = अजशृङ्गी q. v. -गरः [अजं छागं गिरति भक्षयति; गॄ-अच्] a huge serpent (boa-constrictor) who is said to swallow goats. (-री) N. of a plant. -गल See अजागल below. -गल्लिका [अजस्य गल्ल इव] an infantile disease (Mentagra). -जीवः, -जीविकः [अजैस्तच्चारणेन जीवति; अजा एव जीविका यस्य वा] a goat-herd; so -˚पः, -˚पालः. -दण्डी [अजस्य ब्रह्मणो दण्डो यस्याः सा] ब्रह्मदण्डी a kind of plant (ब्रह्मणो यज्ञार्थदण्डस्य तदीयकाष्ठेन करणात् तथात्वम्). -देवता 1 N. of the 25th asterism. पूर्वाभाद्रपदा. -2 fire, the presiding deity of goats (रौद्री धेनुर्विनिर्दिष्टा छाग आग्नेय उच्यते). -नामकः [अजः नाम यस्य सः कप्] a mineral substance. -नाशनः A wolf. -पतिः 1 the best of goats. -2 N. of Mars; lord of the sign Aries. -पथः = अजवीथिः q. v. -पदः, -पाद्-दः N. of a Rudra; See अजैकपाद above. -बन्धुः [अजस्य बन्धुरिव मूर्खत्वात्] a fool (silly like the goat). -भक्षः [अजैर्भक्ष्यते असौ भक्ष्-कर्मणि घञ्] N. of the वर्वरी plant (तिळवण the leaves of which are very dear to goats). -मायु a. Ved. bleating like a goat (a frog) गोमायुरेक अजमायुरेकः Rv.7. 13.6,1. -मारः [अजं मारयति विक्रयार्थं; मृ-णिच्-अण्] 1 a butcher. -2 N. of a country (the modern Ajmeer, which, it is supposed, formerly abounded in butchers).
-3 N. of a tribe (गण). -मीढः [अजो मीढो यज्ञे सिक्तो यत्र ब.] 1 N. of the place called Ajmeer. -2 N. of the eldest son of Hasti, born in the family of Puru, son of Yayāti. -3 N. of a son of सुहोत्र and author of some Vedic hyms like Rv.4.43. -4 surname of Yudhisṭhira. -मुख a. goat-faced. (खः) N. of a Prajāpati (Dakṣa). When Dakṣa reviled Śiva at his sacrificial session, Vīrabhadra pulled out his face, and afterwards at the request of Śiva himself he put up a goat's face in place of the original human one. (-खी) N. of a Rākṣasī kept to watch over Sītā in the Aśoka garden at Laṅkā. -मोदा, -मोदिका [अजस्य मोद इव मोदो गन्धो यस्याः, अजं मोदयतीति वा] N. of a very useful medicinal plant, Common Carroway; the species called Apium Involucratum or Ligusticum Ajowan (Mar. ओंवा). अजमोदां च बाह्लीकं जीरकं लोध्रकं तथा । _x001F_+Śiva. B.3.18 -लम्बनम् [अज इव लम्ब्यते गृह्यते कृष्णवर्णत्वात् कर्मणि ल्युट्] antimony. (Mar. सुरमा). -लोमन्, -लोमी -मा [अजस्य लोमेव लोममञ्जरी यस्य-स्याः वा] cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens (Mar. कुहिली). -वस्तिः [अजस्य वस्तिरिव वस्ति- र्यस्य] N. of a sage, or of a tribe sprung from him. -वीथिः -थी f. [अजेन ब्रह्मणा निर्मिता वीथिः शाक त.] 1 one of the three divisions of the southern path comprehending the three asterisms मूल, पूर्वाषाढा and उत्तराषाढा; a sort of heavenly passage (गगनसेतु, यमनाला); पितृयानो$- जवीथ्याश्च यदगस्त्यस्य चान्तरम् Y.3.184. -2 goat's path. -शृङ्गी [अजस्य मेषस्य शृङ्गमिव फलं यस्याः सा] N. of a plant, विषाणी or Odina Wodier, highly medicinal, (Mar. मेंढशिंगी), See मेषशृङ्गी. |
ajita | अजित a. Invincible, unconquerable, irresistible, ˚तं पुण्यं... महः U.5.27. -2 Not conquered or won
(as a country &c.); not restrained, curbed, controlled, ˚आत्मन्; ˚इन्द्रिय of uncontrolled soul or passion. -तः 1 N. of Viṣṇu or Śiva or Buddha. -2 N. of a powerful antidote, or a poisonous sort of rat. -(pl.) A class of deities in the first Manvantara of. परमात्मन्यात्मनि च त्रिषु स्यादस्फुटे$जितः । अपराजितविष्ण्वीशपरमात्मसु कथ्यते ॥ Nm. -Comp. -आपीडः having an invincible crown; N. of a king. -केशकम्बलः Name of one of the six chief heretical teachers. (mentioned in Buddhist texts as contemporaries of Buddha.) -बला N. of a Jain deity who acts under orders from the Arhat Ajita. -विक्रमः 'of unsubdued power', N. of Chandragupta II. |
aṭṭa | अट्ट a. [ अट्टयति अनाद्रियते अन्यत् यत्र; अट्ट्-घञ्] 1 High, lofty; loud. -2 Frequent, constant (in comp). -3 Dried, dry. -ट्टः-ट्टम् [आधारे घञ्] 1 An apartment on the roof of upper story, a garret. -2 cf. अट्टं भित्तिचतुष्के स्यात्क्षामे$त्यर्थे गृहान्तरे । Nm. A turret, buttress, tower; गोपुर˚ उत्तुङ्गसौधसुरमन्दिरगोपुराट्टसंघट्ट... ॥ Māl.9.1; नरेन्द्रमार्गाट्ट इव R.6.67,16.11. न सन्त्यट्टास्तथा चास्य न ह्यस्ति परिखा तथा । अतो न दुर्गमं दुर्गमयो जानीत सैनिकाः ॥ Śiva. B.13.78. -3 A marketplace, market (probably for हट्ट). -4 A fine linen cloth. -5 A palace, palatial building. -6 Killing, injuring. -7 Excess, superiority. -ट्टम् Food, boiled rice; अट्टशूला जनपदाः Mb. (अट्टं अन्नं शूलं विक्रेयं येषां ते Nīlakaṇṭha) -Comp. -अट्टहासः very loud laughter. -स्थली [अट्टप्रधाना स्थली शाक. त.] a place or country full of palaces &c. -हासः, -हसितम्, -हास्यम् [कर्म˚] a loud or boisterous laughter, a horse-laugh, cachinnation, usually of &Sacute:iva; त्र्यम्बकस्य Me.58; गिरिश˚ Dk.1. -हासिन् [अट्टं हसति-हस्-णिनि] 1 N. of Śiva. -2 one who laughs very loudly. -हासकः [अट्टहासेन कायते; कै-क] N. of a plant (कुन्द) Jasminum Multiflorum or Hirsutum (शुभ्रपुष्पत्वाच्छुभ्रहासतुल्यता). |
aṭṭālikā | अट्टालिका [अट्टाल, स्वार्थे कन्] 1 A palace, a lofty mansion, a house of two or more storeys. cf. Māna. -2 N. of a country. -Comp. -कारः [उपपद त.] a mason, a bricklayer (one who builds royal mansions; कुलटायां च शूद्रायां चित्रकारस्य वीर्यतः । भवेदट्टालिकाकारः पतितो जारदोषतः). -बन्धः [ष. त.] a kind of base or foundation in architecture; ˚न्धं बद्धःP.III.4.42. |
aḍ | अड् 1 P. To try, exert, attempt. 5. P. To pervade, attain (Ved.). |
ativṛt | अतिवृत् 1 A. (P. in epic poetry) 1 To pass over or by, cross (as a place &c.). उपासते पुरुषं ये ह्यकामास्ते शुक्रमेतदतिवर्तन्ति धीराः Muṇḍ.3.2.1. -2 (a) To go beyond, exceed (fig. also); वाग्विभवातिवृत्तमाचार्यकम् Māl.1. 26 exceeding or transcending the powers of speech, indescribable; मुकुलावस्थामतिवृत्तेषु तण्डुलेषु Dk.132; का ते स्तुतिः स्तुतिपथादतिवृत्तधाम्नः Mv.4.29 transcending praise. (b) To offend, overstep, transgress, violate; यो$स्याः शासनमतिवर्तेत Dk.167; को$तिवर्तते दैवम् 51 who can transgress the decrees of Fate? को$न्यो जीवितुकामो देवस्य शासनमतिवर्तेत Mu.3. न खलु दूरगतो$तिवर्तते Śi.6.19. (c) To neglect, omit, let _x001F_+slip. (d) To have no regard to, disregard, slight; offend (especially by unfaithfulness), injure; शपथशतातिवर्ती Dk.62 disregarding; ऋतुस्नातां सतिं भार्यां ... अतिवर्तेत दुष्टात्मा; यथाहं कर्मणा वाचा शरीरेण च राघवम् । सततं नातिवर्तेय Rām. अपत्यलोभाद् या तु स्त्री भर्तार- मतिवर्तते Ms.5.161. -3 (a) To surpass, excel; मनुष्य-- संख्यामतिवर्तितुं वा Ki.3.4; एष जनतातिवर्तिनो Śi.14.59; बान्धवस्नेहं राज्यलोभो$तिवर्तते Ks.41.4; to outweigh, preponderate. (b) To overcome, subdue, vanquish, get the better of; get over, escape or get loose from; असाध्यानतिवर्तन्ते प्रमेहा रजनीं यथा Suśr.; किमाचारः कथं चैतांस्त्रीन् गुणानतिवर्तते Bg.14.21 transcend these three qualities; दैवं पौरुषेण˚ Mb., Dk.73, Ks.121.67. -4 (Intrans.) To pass away, glide away, elapse (as time); to be late or delay; एवं तयोः प्रत्यहमन्योन्याहारादि दानेन कालो$तिवर्तते H.1; महता स्नेहेन कालो$तिवर्तते H.2; समयो नातिवर्तते Mv.6; आषोड- शाद् ब्राह्मणस्य सावित्री नातिवर्तते Ms.2.38 is not late (नातिक्रान्तकाला भवति). -5 To go away from, leave, abandon (abl.); यथा मे हृदयं नित्यं नातिवर्तति राघवात् Rām. -Caus. 1 To slight, not to heed, disregard सुहृदश्चाति- वर्तिताः Dk.136. -2 To let out, discharge (as excrement). |
adurga | अदुर्ग a. 1 Not inaccessible, not difficult of access. -2 Destitute of forts; ˚विषयः an unfortified country. |
adeśaḥ | अदेशः [न. त.] 1 A wrong place, not one's proper place or strong position; ˚स्थो हि रिपुणा स्वल्पकेनापि हन्यते H.4.45; स्त्रियं स्पृशेददेशे यः Ms.8.358; नादेशे तर्पणं कुर्यात् &c. -2 A bad country; The Smṛitis mention several places of this description : म्लेच्छ, आनर्तक, अङ्ग, मगध, सुराष्ट्र, दक्षिणापथ, वङ्ग, कलिङ्ग &c. -Comp. -कालः wrong place and time; अदेशकाले यद्दानमपात्रेभ्यश्च दीयते । Bg.17.22. -स्थ a. [स. त.] in the wrong place, out of place; absent from one's country. |
adhi | अधि ind. 1 (As a prefix to verbs) over, above; (अधिकार); ˚स्था to stand over; ˚कृ to place over or at the head of; ˚रुह् to grow over or above; over and above, besides, in addition to (आधिक्य); fully, completely (अतिशय, विशेष), to get something in addition to another; अधिगत्य जगत्यधीश्वरात् having obtained fully, अधि intensifying the meaning of the root; इतो वा सातिमीमहे दिवो वा पार्थिवादधि Rv.1.6.1; (अधीमहे आधिक्येन याचामहे). -2 (As a separable adverb) Over, above, from above (mostly Vedic); षष्टिर्वारासो अधि षट् Rv.7.18.14. -3 (As a preposition) with acc. (a) Above, over, upon, in (उपरि); यं दन्तमधिजायते नाडी तं दन्तमुद्धरेत् Suśr. अध्यधि Just above; लोकानुपर्युपर्यास्ते$धो$धो$ध्यधि च माधवः Bopadeva; with gen. also; ये नाकस्याधि रोचने दिवि Rv. 1.19.6 above the sun; ˚विटपि Śi.7.35; ˚त्वत् 7.41; ˚रजनि at night. अधिरजनि जगाम धाम तस्याः 52. (b) with reference to, concerning, in the case of, on the subject of (अधिकृत्य) (mostly in adverbial compounds in this sense); हरौ इति अधिहरि; so अधिस्त्रि; कृष्णमधिकृत्य प्रवृत्ता कथा अधिकृष्णम्; so ˚ज्योतिषम्, ˚लोकम्, ˚दैवम्, ˚दैवतम् treating of stars &c.; ˚पुरन्ध्रि Śi.6.32 in the case of women. (c) (With abl.) Just over, more than (अधिक); सत्त्वादधि महानात्मा Kath.; अविदितादधि (d) (With loc.) Over, on or upon,
above (showing lordship or sovereignty over something) (ऐश्वर्य); अधिरीश्वरे P.1.4.97; अधिभुवि रामः P.II.3.9 Sk. Rāma rules over the earth; the country ruled over may be used with loc. of 'ruler'; अधि रामे भूः ibid; प्रहारवर्म- ण्यधि विदेहा जाताः Dk.77 subject to, under the government of, become the property or possession of (अधि denoting स्वत्वं in this case); under, inferior to (हीन); अधि हरौ सुराः (Bopadeva) the gods are under Hari. -4 (As first member of Tatpuruṣa compounds) (a) Chief, supreme, principal, presiding; ˚देवता presiding deity; ˚राजः supreme or soverign ruler; ˚पतिः supreme lord &c. (b) Redundant, superfluous (growing over another); ˚दन्तः = अध्यारूढः (दन्तस्योपरि जातः) दन्तः P.VI.2. 188. (c) Over, excessive; ˚अधिक्षेपः high censure. According to G. M. अधि has these senses. अधिरध्ययनैश्वर्य- वशित्वस्मरणाधिके । e. g.; उपाध्यायादधीते; इङो$ध्ययनार्थकत्वस्य अधिद्योतकः; अधिपतिः (ऐश्वर्ये); अधीनः (वशित्वे) अधिगतः इनं; मातुरध्येति (स्मरणे); अधिकम् (अधिके). -5 Instead of; इदमग्ने सुधितं दुर्धितादधि प्रियादु चिन्मन्मनः प्रेय अस्तु ते Rv.1.14. 11. In the Veda अधि is supposed by B. and R. to have the senses of 'out of', 'from', 'of', 'among', 'before', 'beforehand', 'for', 'in favour of', 'in', 'at'. |
adhirāj | अधिराज् m. -जः [अधिराजते; राज्-क्विप्, राजन्-टच्-वा] A sovereign or supreme ruler, an emperor; प्रायोपविष्टो गङ्गायामनादृत्याधिराट् श्रियम् Bhāg; अद्यास्तमेतु भुवनेष्वधिराजशब्दः U.6.16; king, head, lord (of men, animals &c.); हिमालयो नाम नगाधिराजः Ku.1.1; so मृग˚, नाग˚ &c.
अधिराज्यम् adhirājyam ष्ट्रम् ṣṭram
अधिराज्यम् ष्ट्रम् [अधिकृतं राज्यं राष्ट्रम् अत्र] 1 Imperial or sovereign sway, supremacy, sole sovereignty, imperial dignity, an empire. -2 N. of a country. |
anārya | अनार्य a. Not respectable (not deserving to be styled आर्य), not polite or decent; vulgar; not belonging to an Arya, unworthy, vile, base, mean, wretched; अनार्यानार्यलिङ्गिनः Ms.9.26; अनार्यायां समुत्पन्नो ब्राह्मणात् 1. 66; H.4.22; कीकटा नाम देशो$नार्यनिवासः Nir. void of Āryas; शकुन्तलायामनार्यमाचरितं तेन राज्ञा Ś.4 the king has behaved basely or unworthily towards Śakuntalā; कदाचिदस्मिन्नप्यनार्यो$नार्यमाचरिष्यति Ve.4. न मां कामेष्वनार्येषु प्रचारयितुमर्हसि । Bu. ch.4.96. -र्यः 1 One who is not an Ārya. -2 A country not inhabited by the Āryas. -3 A Śūdra. -4 A Mlechchha. -5 An ignoble person. -Comp. -कर्मिन् a. doing work unbecoming an Ārya or becoming only a non-Ārya. -ज a. of vile or base origin. (-जम्) [अनार्यदेशे जातम्] agallochum (being produced in the country of the Mlechchhas &c.). -जुष्ट a. discarded by the good, not practised or observed by the Āryas or respectable people. -ता Vilenes, unworthiness; अनार्यता निष्ठुरता क्रूरता निष्क्रियात्मता । पुरुषं व्यञ्जयन्तीह लोके कलुषयोनिजम् ॥ Ms.1.58. -तिक्तः [अनार्यप्रियः तिक्तः शाक. त.] N. of the plant Gentiana Cherayta Rox. (Mar. किराईत). -समाचारः bad conduct; न चानार्यसमाचारः कश्चित् तत्र भविष्यति । Mb.3.239.21. |
anāvila | अनाविल a. 1 Not turbid or muddy, pure, clear, pleasant (प्रसन्न); व्यकसद्विकसद्विलोचनेभ्यो दददालोकमनाविलं बलेभ्यः Śi.2.38. -2 Not marshy, wholesome, salubrious, as a country Ms.7.69 (रोगोपसर्गाद्यैरनाकुल). |
anukṛ | अनुकृ 8 U. 1 To do after or afterwards; follow; especially to imitate, do after or in imitation of, resemble, equal, copy (with gen.); ततो$नुकुर्याद्विशदस्य तस्याः... स्मितस्य Ku.1.44; श्यामतया हरेरिवानुकुर्वतीम् K.1; अनुकरोति भगवतो नारायणस्य 6.282; ननु कलभेन यूथपतेरनुकृतम् M.5; (also with acc.); सर्वाभिरन्याभिः कलाभिरनुचकार तं वैशम्पायनः K.76; शैलाधिपस्यानुचकार लक्ष्मीम् Bk.2.8; बहुतरं भवन्तमनु- करोति V.5; Ms.2.199. -2 To requite, recompense. -3 To try on, adjust, adapt; बन्धं ततो$नुकुर्वित Suśr. |
anupad | अनुपद् 4 A. (P. in epic poetry) 1 To go after, follow, attend. -2 To be fond of, be attached to (as a wife); उतथ्यस्य यवीयास्तु ममतामन्वपद्यत Mb. -3 To enter, go to or into. -4 To fall down, come down (to the earth); वसुधामन्वपद्येतां वातनुन्नाविव द्रुमौ Mb. -5 To enter upon, betake oneself to; जितमित्येव तानक्षान्पुनरेवान्वपद्यत, ध्यानमेवान्वपद्यत Rām.; पुत्रौ दृष्ट्वा सुसंभ्रान्ता नान्वपद्यत किंचन Mb. did not do anything else. -6 To find, discover, see, notice; दीर्घं दध्यौ. ... निमित्तं सो$न्वपद्यत Bhāg. -7 To lose (with abl.) महत्त्वान्नान्वपद्येताम् Mb. -8 to handle. -9 To fall to the share of (Ved.) |
anupalabdhi | अनुपलब्धि f. Non-recognition, non-perception (प्रत्यक्षाद्यभाव); नास्ति घटो$नुपलब्धेः (the knowledge of घटाभाव is possible because the प्रतियोगी or counter-entity is not found with the non-entity or अभाव, that is, there being no उपलब्धि or knowledge of the घट); one of the instruments of knowledge according to the Mīmāṁsakas, but not according to the Naiyāyikas. -Comp. -समः a fallacy, trying to establish a fact (say, the eternity of sound) from the impossibility of seeing the non-perception of it. |
anubhū | अनुभू 1 P. 1 To enjoy; taste, experience, feel, have experience or knowledge of, notice, perceive (by the senses &c.); to suffer, bear, undergo (as misery &c.); अन्वभवं च मधुकर इव नवमालिकामार्द्रसुमनसम् Dk. 121; असक्तः सुखमन्वभूत् R.1.21; भुवनालोकनप्रीतिः स्वर्गिभि- र्नानुभूयते Ku.2.45; R.7.28; आत्मकृतानां हि दोषाणामनु- भवितव्यं फलमात्मनैव K.121; अनुभवति हि मूर्ध्ना पादपस्तीव्रमुष्णम् Ś.5.7; Ku.4.41; संवत्सरमात्रं प्रेष्यभावमनुभूय M.5 undergoing the state of a servant; षष्ठमनुभवन् वर्षम् K.77 being in the sixth year, six years old. -2 To learn, hear, understand; वेदान्नानुभवसि Ch. Up. -3 To try, test, put to the test; न त्वं तेनान्वभाविष्ठा नान्वभावि त्वयाप्यसौ । अनुभूता मया चासौ तेन चान्वभविष्यहम् ॥ Bk.5.35. -4 To comprise, include, grasp; द्वे वामलके अनुभवति Ch. Up. -5 To come up with, arrive at, get, obtain (mostly Ved. in these senses). -6 To turn or incline to; यत् त्वा भवतो रोदसी अनु Rv.1.147.1. -7 To act favourably; य एवैतमनुभवति यो वै तमनुभार्यान् बुभूर्षति Bṛi. Up.1.3.18.] -Caus. 1 To cause to enjoy, feel, or experience; अनुभावयितुं मन्ये यत्नः संप्रति मां विधेः Mu.6.15; स्नानभोजना- दिकमनुभावितो$स्मि Dk.125; आमोदो न हि कस्तूर्याः शपथेनानुभाव्यते Bv.1.12. -2 To reflect on, meditate, think of; मनसा तमेव वृत्तान्तमन्वभावयत् K.176,279. -3 To infer, know; तस्मात्परोक्षवृत्तीनां फलैः कर्मानुभाव्यते H.4.11. |
anumaruḥ | अनुमरुः A country next to a desert. |
anumud | अनुमुद् 1 A. (P. in epic poetry) 1 To rejoice with, join in rejoicing or sympathizing with; मुदितामनुमोदते Bhāg. -2 To express approval; तदेव राममातृभिरनुमोदितम् U.2; approve, second, applaud; निषेद्धुमासीदनुमोदितुं वा R.14.43; to allow with pleasure, permit; अनुमोदित- माचार्यैः K.77; अननुमोदिता मात्रा । 16. -Caus. To gladden, delight, favour, permit. |
anūpa | अनूप a. [अनु-अप् ऊदनोर्देशे P.VI.3.98, अनुगताः आपः यस्मिन्] Situated near water, watery, rich or abounding in water, wet, marshy. जलप्रायमनूपं स्यात्पुंसि कच्छस्तथा-
विधः Amar. -पः, -पम् 1 A watery place or country; स्यन्दनाश्वैः समे युध्येदनूपे नौद्विपैस्तथा Ms.7.192; Y.3.42; शौरेरूपानूपमपाहरन्मनः Śi.12.44. नानाद्रुमलतावीरुन्निर्झरप्रांतशीतलैः । वनैर्व्याप्तमनूपं तत्सस्यैर्व्रीहियवादिभीः -2 N. of a particular country (-पाः pl.); तामग्रतः अनूपराजस्य विधाय R.6.37. -3 A marsh, bog. -4 A pond or tank of water. -5 Bank or side (of a river, mountain); सागरात्पर्वतानूपात् Rām.; नदीं गोयुतानूपां अतरत् ibid. -6 A buffalo. -7 A frog. -8 A kind of partridge. -9 An elephant. -Comp. -जम् moist ginger. -प्राय a. marshy, boggy. |
antar | अन्तर् ind. [अम्-अरन्-तुडागमश्च Uṇ.5.6, अमेस्तुट् च] 1 (Used as a prefix to verbs and regarded as a preposition or गति) (a) In the middle, between; in, into, inside; ˚हन्, ˚धा, ˚गम्, ˚भू, ˚इ, ˚ली &c. (b) Under. -2 (Used adverbially) (a) Between, betwixt, amongst, within; in the middle or interior, inside (opp. वहिः); अदह्यतान्तः R.2.32 burnt within himself, at heart; अन्तरेव विहरन् दिवानिशम् R.19.6 in the palace, in the harem; so ˚भिन्नं भ्रमति हृदयम् Māl. 5.2; अन्तर्विभेद Dk.13; यदन्तस्तन्न जिह्वायाम् Pt.4.88; अन्तर्यश्च मृग्यते V.1.1 internally, in the mind. (b) By way of seizing or holding; अन्तर्हत्वा गतः (हतं परिगृह्य).
-3 (As a separable preposition) (a) In, into, between, in the middle, inside, within, (with loc.); निवसन्नन्तर्दारुणि लङ्घ्यो वह्निः Pt.1.31; अन्तरादित्ये Ch. Up., अन्तर्वेश्मनि Ms.7 223; Y.3.31; अप्स्वन्तरमृतमप्सु Rv.1. 23.19. अप्सु मे सोमो$ब्रवीदन्तर् विश्वानि भेषजा ibid. (b) Between (with acc.) Ved. अन्तर्मही बृहती रोदसीमे Rv. 7.87.2; अन्तर्देवान् मर्त्यांश्च 8.2.4; हिरण्मय्योर्ह कुश्योरन्तर- वहित आस Śat. Br. (c) In, into, inside, in the interior, in the midst (with gen.); प्रतिबलजलधेरन्तरौर्वायमाणे Ve. 3.7; अन्तःकञ्चुकिकञ्चुकस्य Ratn.2.3; बहिरन्तश्च भूतानाम् Bg.13.15; त्वमग्ने सर्वभूतानामन्तश्चरसि साक्षिवत् Y.2.14; लघुवृत्तितया भिदां गतं बहिरन्तश्च नृपस्य मण्डलम् Ki.2.53; अन्तरीपं यदन्तर्वारिणस्तटम् Ak.; oft. in comp. at the end; कूपान्तः पतितः Pt.5; सभान्तः साक्षिणः प्राप्तान् Ms.8.79; दन्तान्तरधि- ष्ठितम् Ms.5.141 between the teeth; उत्पित्सवो$न्तर्नदभर्तुः Śi.3.77; also in compound with a following word; अहं सदा शरीरान्तर्वासिनी ते सरस्वती Ks.4.11. -4 It is frequently used as the first member of compounds in the sense of 'internally', 'inside', 'within', 'in the interior', 'having in the interior', 'filled with', 'having concealed within', or in the sense of 'inward', 'internal', 'secret', 'hidden' &c., forming Adverbial, Bahuvrīhi or Tatpuruṣa compounds; कुन्दमन्तस्तुषारम् (Bah. comp.) Ś.5.19 filled with dew; ˚स्तोयम् (Bah. comp.) Me.66; अन्तर्गिरि (Adv. comp.) Ki.1.34; ज्वलयति तनूमन्तर्दाहः (Tat. comp.) U.3.31; so ˚कोपः, ˚कोणः, ˚आकूतम् &c. -5 It is also supposed to be a particle of assent (स्वीकारार्थक). (Note. In comp. the र् of अन्तर् is changed to a visarga before hard consonants, as अन्तः- करणम्, अन्तःस्थ &c.). [cf. L. inter; Zend antare; Goth. undar; Pers. andar; Gr. entos;]. -Comp. -अंसः the breast (= अंतरा-अंस q. v.). -अग्निः inward fire, the fire which stimulates digestion; दीप्तान्तरग्निपरिशुद्धकोष्ठः Susr. -अंङ्ग a. 1 inward, internal, comprehended, included (with abl.); त्रयमन्तरङ्ग पूर्वेभ्यः Pat Sūtra. -2 proximate, related to, essential to or referring to the essential part of the अङ्ग or base of a word (opp. बहिरङ्ग); धातूपसर्गयोः कार्यमन्तरङ्गम् P.VIII.3.74 Sk. -3 dear, most beloved (अत्यन्तप्रिय); स्वपिति सुखमिदा- नीमन्तरङ्गः कुरङ्गः Ś.4.v.l. (-अङ्गम्) 1 the inmost limb or organ, the heart, mind; सन्तुष्टान्तरङ्गः Dk.11; ˚वृत्ति 21; the interior. -2 an intimate friend, near or confidential person (forming, as it were, part of oneself); मदन्तरङ्गभूताम् Dk.81,93,11; राजान्तरङ्गभावेन 135; अन्तरङ्गेषु राज्यभारं समर्प्य*** 159. -3 an essential or indispensable part, as श्रवण, मनन & निदिध्यासन in realizing Brahman. -4 What is intimately connected or related; अन्तरङ्गबहिरङ्ग- योरन्तरङ्ग बलीयः ŚB. on MS.12.2.29. -अवयव an inner part; P.V.4.62. -आकाशः the ether or Brahman that resides in the heart of man (a term often occurring in the Upaniṣads). -आकूतम् secret or hidden intention. -आगमः an additional augment between two letters, -आगारम् the interior of a house; स्त्रीनक्तमन्तरा- गारबहिःशत्रुकृतांस्तथा Y.2.31. -आत्मन् m. (त्मा) 1 the inmost spirit or soul, the soul or mind; also the internal feelings, the heart, अङ्गुष्ठमात्रपुरुषोन्तरात्मा Śvet.; नास्य प्रत्यक- रोद्वीर्यं विक्लवेनान्तरात्मना Rām.6.13.28. गतिमस्यान्तरात्मनः Ms.6.73; जीवसंज्ञोन्तरात्मान्यः सहजः सर्वदेहिनाम् 12.13; मद्- गतेनान्तरात्मना Bg.6.47 with the heart fixed on me; जातो ममायं विशदः प्रकामं ...... अन्तरात्मा Ś.4.22, U.3.38, प्रायः सर्वो भवति करुणावृत्तिरार्द्रान्तरात्मा Me.95. -2 (In phil.) the inherent supreme spirit or soul (residing in the interior of man); अन्तरात्मासि देहिनाम् Ku.6.21. -आपणः a market in the heart (inside) of a town. -आय, -आल; See s. v. -आराम a. rejoicing in oneself, finding pleasure in his soul or heart; यो$न्तःसुखोन्तरारामस्तथान्तर्जर्यो- तिरेव सः Bg.5.24. -इन्द्रियम् an internal organ or sense. -उष्यम् Ved. a secret abode. -करणम् the internal organ; the heart, soul; the seat of thought and feeling, thinking faculty, mind, conscience; प्रमाणं ˚प्रवृत्तयः Ś.1.22; सबाह्य ˚णः अन्तरात्मा V.4 the soul in all its senses external and internal, the inner and outer man; दयार्द्रभावमाख्यातमन्तःकरणैर्विशङ्कैः R.2.11. According to the Vedānta अन्तःकरण is of four kinds : मनो बुद्धिरहङ्कार- श्चित्तं करणमान्तरम् । संशयो निश्चयो गर्वः स्मरणं विषया इमे ॥ अन्तःकरणं त्रिविधम् Sāṅkhya 33, i. e. बुद्धयहङ्कारमनांसि; सान्तःकरणा बुद्धिः 35, i. e. अहङ्कारमनःसहिता. -कल्पः a certain number of years (with Buddhists). -कुटिल a. inwardly crooked (fig. also); fraudulent. (-लः) a conch-shell. -कृ(क्रि)मिः a disease of worms in the body. -कोटरपुष्पी = अण्ड- कोटरपुष्पी. -कोपः 1 internal disturbance; H.3. -2 inward wrath, secret anger. -कोशम् the interior of a storeroom. -गङ्गा the secret or hidden Ganges (supposed to communicate uuderground with a secret stream in Mysore). -गडु a. [अन्तर्मध्ये गडुरिव] useless, unprofitable, unnecessary, unavailing; किमनेनान्तर्गडुना Sar. S. (ग्रीवाप्रदेश- जातस्य गलमांसपिण्डस्य गडोर्यथा निरर्थकत्वं तद्वत्). -गम् -गत &c. See under अंतर्गम्. -गर्भ a. 1 bearing young, pregnant. -2 having a गर्भ or inside; so ˚गर्भिन्. -गिरम् -रि ind. in mountains. अध्यास्तेन्तर्गिरं यस्मात् करतन्नावैति कारणम् Bk.5.87. -गुडवलयः the sphincter muscle. -गूढ a. concealed inside, being inward; ˚घनव्यथः U.3.1; R.19.57; ˚विषः with poison concealed in the heart. -गृहम्, -गेहम्, -भवनम् [अन्तःस्थं गृहम् &c.] 1 the inner apartment of a house, the interior of a house. -2 N. of a holy place in Benares; पञ्चक्रोश्यां कृतं पापमन्तर्गेहे विनश्यति. -घणः -णम् [अन्तर्हन्यते क्रोडीभवत्यस्मिन्, निपातः] the open space before the house between the entrance-door and the house (= porch or court); तस्मिन्नन्तर्घणे पश्यन् प्रघाणे सौधसद्मनः Bk.7.62 द्वारमतिक्रम्य यः सावकाशप्रदेशः सो$न्तर्घणः). (-नः -णः) N. of a country of Bāhīka (or Bālhīka) (P.III.3.78 बाहीकग्रामविशेषस्य संज्ञेयम् Sk.). -घातः striking in the middle Kāsi. on P.III.3.78. -चर a. pervading the body. internally situated, internal, inward अन्तश्चराणां मरुतां निरोधात् Ku.3.48; U.7. -ज a. born or bred in the interior (as a worm &c.). -जठरम् the stomach. (ind.) in the stomach. -जम्भः the
inner part of the jaws (खादनस्थानं जम्भः, दन्तपङ्क्त्यो- रन्तरालम्). -जात a. inborn, innate. -जानु ind. between the knees. -जानुशयः One sleeping with hands between the knees; अन्तर्जानुशयो यस्तु भुञ्जते सक्तभाजनः Mb.3.2.75. -ज्ञानम् inward or secret knowledge. -ज्योतिस् a. enlightened inwardly, with an enlightened soul. यो$न्तःसुखो$न्तरारामस्तथान्तर्ज्योतिरेव यः Bg.5.24. (-स् n.) the inward light, light of Brahman. -ज्वलनम् inflammation. (-नः) inward heat or fire; mental anxiety. -ताप a. burning inwardly (-पः) internal fever or heat Ś.3.13. -दधनम् [अन्तर्दध्यते आधीयते मादकतानेन] distillation of spirituous liquor, or a substance used to produce fermentation. -दशा a term in astrology, the time when a particular planet exercises its influence over man's destiny (ज्योतिषोक्तः महादशान्तर्गतो ग्रहाणां स्वाधिपत्यकालभेदः). -दशाहम् an interval of 1 days; ˚हात् before 1 days. Ms.8.222; ˚हे 5.79. -दहनम् -दाहः 1 inward heat; ज्वलयति तनूमन्तर्दाहः U.3.31; ˚हेन दहनः सन्तापयति राघवम् Rām. -2 inflammation. -दुःख a. sad or afflicted at heart; -दुष्ट a. internally bad, wicked or base at heart. -दृष्टिः f. examining one's own soul, insight into oneself. -देशः an intermediate region of the compass. -द्वारम् private or secret door within the house (प्रकोष्ठद्वारम्). -धा-धि, -हित &c. See. s. v. -नगरम् the palace of a king (being inside the town); cf. ˚पुरम्; दशाननान्तर्नगरं ददर्श Rām. -निवेशनम् inner part of the house; यथा चारोपितो वृक्षो जातश्चान्तर्निवेशने Rām.6.128.6. -निहित a. being concealed within; अङ्गैरन्तर्निहितवचनैः सूचितः सम्यगर्थः M.2.8. -निष्ठ a. engaged in internal meditation. -पटः, -टम् a screen of cloth held between two persons who are to be united (as a bride and bridegroom, or pupil and preceptor) until the acctual time of union arrives. -पथ a. Ved. being on the way. -पदम् ind. in the interior of an inflected word. -पदवी = सुषुम्णामध्यगतः पन्थाः -पिरधानम् the innermost garment. -पर्शव्य a. being between the ribs (as flesh). -पवित्रः the Soma when in the straining vessel. -पशुः [अन्तर्गाममध्ये पशवो यत्र] the time when the cattle are in the village or stables (from sunset to sunrise); अन्तःपशौ पशुकामस्य सायं प्रातः Kāty; (सायं पशुषु ग्राममध्ये आगतेषु प्रातश्च ग्रामादनिःसृतेषु com.). -पातः, पात्यः 1 insertion of a letter (in Gram.). -2 a post fixed in the middle of the sacrificial ground (used in ritual works); अन्तःपूर्वेण यूपं परीत्यान्तःपात्यदेशे स्थापयति Kāty. -पातित, -पातिन् a. 1 inserted. -2 included or comprised in; falling within; दण्डकारण्य˚ ति आश्रमपदम् K.2. -पात्रम् Ved. interior of a vessel. -पालः one who watches over the inner apartments of a palace. -पुरम् [अन्तः अभ्यन्तरं पुरं गृहम्, or पुरस्यान्तःस्थितम्] 1 inner apartment of a palace (set apart for women); female or women's apartments, seraglio, harem (so called from their being situated in the heart of the town, for purposes of safety); व्यायम्याप्लुत्य मध्याह्ने भोक्तुमन्तःपुरं विशेत् Ms.7.216,221,224; कन्यान्तःपुरे कश्चित्प्रविशति Pt.1. -2 inmates of the female apartments, a queen or queens, the ladies taken collectively; अन्तःपुराणि सर्वाणि रुदमानानि सत्वरम् Rām.6.111.111. ˚विरहपर्युत्सुकस्य राजर्षेः Ś.3; K.58; ततो राजा सान्तःपुरः स्वगृह- मानीयाभ्यर्चितः Pt.1; कस्यचिद्राज्ञो$न्तःपुरं जलक्रीडां कुरुते ibid. ˚प्रचारः gossip of the harem Ms.7.153; ˚समागतः Ś.4; also in pl.; कदाचिदस्मत्प्रार्थनामन्तःपुरेभ्यः कथयेत् Ś.2.; न ददाति वाचमुचितामन्तःपुरेभ्यो यदा Ś.6.5. ˚जन women of the palace; inmates of the female apartments; ˚चर, -अध्यक्षः-रक्षकः, -वर्ती guardian or superintendent of the harem, chamberlain; वृद्धः कुलोद्रतः शक्तः पितृपैतामहः शुचिः । राज्ञामन्तःपुरा- ध्यक्षो विनीतश्च तथेष्यते ॥ (of these five sorts are mentioned :- वामनक, जघन्य, कुब्ज, मण्डलक and सामिन् see Bṛi. S.) ˚सहायः one belonging to the harem. -पुरिकः [अन्तःपुरे नियुक्तः, ठक्] a chamberlain = ˚चर. (-कः, -का) a woman in the harem; अस्मत्प्रार्थनामन्तःपुरिके(का) भ्यो निवेदय Chaṇḍ. K. -पुष्पम् [कर्म.] the menstrual matter of women, before it regularly begins to flow every month; वर्षद्वादशकादूर्ध्वं यदि पुष्पं बहिर्न हि । अन्तःपुष्पं भवत्येव पनसोदुम्बरादिवत् Kāśyapa; ˚ष्पम् is therefore the age between 12 and the menstruation period. -पूय a. ulcerous. -पेयम् Ved. drinking up. -प्रकृतिः f. 1 the internal nature or constitution of man. -2 the ministry or body of ministers of a king. -3 heart or soul. ˚प्रकोपः internal dissensions or disaffection; अणुरप्युपहन्ति विग्रहः प्रभुमन्तःप्रकृतिप्रकोपजः Ki.2.51. -प्रको- पनम् sowing internal dissensions, causing internal revolts; अन्तःप्रकोपनं कार्यमभियोक्तुः स्थिरात्मनः H.3.93. -प्रज्ञ a. knowing oneself, with an enlightened soul. -प्रतिष्ठानम् residence in the interior. -बाष्प a. 1 with suppressed tears; अन्तर्बाष्पश्चिरमनुचरो राजराजस्य दध्यौ Me.3. -2 with tears gushing up inside, bedimmed with tears; कोपात्˚ ष्पे स्मरयति मां लोचने तस्याः V.4.15. (-ष्पः) suppressed tears, inward tears; निगृह्य ˚ष्पम् Bh.3.6; Māl.5. -भावः, भावना see under अन्तर्भू separately. -भिन्न a. split or broken inside, perforated, bored (said of a pearl) Pt.4 (also torn by dissensions). -भूमिः f. interior of the earth. -भेदः discord, internal dissensions; ˚जर्जरं राजकुलम् Mk.4 torn by internal dissensions; अन्तर्भेदाकुलं गेहं न चिराद्विनशिष्यति 'a house divided against itself cannot stand long.' -भौम a. subterranean, underground. -मदावस्थ a. having the rutting state concealed within; आसीदनाविष्कृतदानराजि- रन्तर्मदावस्थ इव द्विपेन्द्रः R.2.7. -मनस् a. 1 sad, disconsolate, dejected, distracted. -2 one who has concentrated and turned his mind inward, lost in abstract meditation. -मुख a. (-खी f.) 1 going into the mouth, pointing or turned inward; प्रचण्डपरिपिण्डितः स्तिमितवृत्तिरन्तर्मुखः Mv. 5.26. -2 having an inward entrance of opening (बाह्यवस्तुपरिहारेण परमात्मविषयकतया प्रवेशयुक्तं चित्तादि). -3 an epithet of the soul called प्राज्ञ, when it is enjoying the sweet bliss of sleep (आनन्दभुक् चेतोमुखः प्राज्ञः इति श्रुतेः). -4 Spiritual minded, looking inwardly into the soul; 'अन्तर्मुखाः सततमात्मविदो महान्तः' Viś. Guṇā.139. (-खम्) a sort of surgical scissors (having an opening inside), one of the 2 instruments mentioned by
Suśruta in chapter 8 of Sūtrasthāna. -मातृका [अन्तःस्थाः ष़ट्चक्रस्थाः मातृकाः अकारादिवर्णाः] a name given in the Tantras for the letters of the alphabet assigned to the six lotuses (पद्म) of the body; ˚न्यासः a term used in Tantra literature for the mental assignment of the several letters of the alphabet to the different parts of the body. -मुद्र a. sealed inside; N. of a form of devotion. -मृत a. still-born. -यागः mental sacrifice or worship, a mode of worship referred to in the Tantras. -यामः 1 suppression of the breath and voice. -2 ˚पात्रम्, a sacrificial vessel (ग्रहरूपं सामापराख्यं यज्ञियपात्रम्); according to others, a Soma libation made during the suppression of breath and voice; सुहवा सूर्यायान्तर्याममनु- मन्त्रयेत् Ait. Br. -यामिन् m. 1 regulating the soul or internal feelings, soul; Providence, Supreme Spirit as guiding and regulating mankind. Brahman; (according to the Bṛi. Ār. Up. अन्तर्यामिन 'the internal check' is the Supreme Being and not the individual soul; who standing in the earth is other than the earth, whom the earth knows not, whose body the earth is, who internally restrains and governs the earth; the same is thy soul (and mine, the internal check अन्तर्यामिन्, &c. &c.); अन्तराविश्य भूतानि यो बिभर्त्यात्मकेतुभिः । अन्तर्या- मीश्वरः साक्षाद्भवेत् &c. -2 wind; ˚ब्राह्मणम् N. of a Brāhmaṇa included in the Bṛi. Ār. Up. -योगः deep meditation, abstraction -लम्ब a. acute-angular. (-बः) an acute-angled triangle (opp. बहिर्लम्ब) (the perpendicular from the vertex or लम्ब falling within अन्तर् the triangle). -लीन a. 1 latent, hidden, concealed inside; ˚नस्य दुःखाग्नेः U.3.9; ˚भुजङ्गमम् Pt.1. -2 inherent. -लोम a. (P.V.4.117) covered with hair on the inside; (-मम्) [अन्तर्गतमाज्छाद्यं लोम अच्] the hair to be covered. -वंशः = ˚पुरम् q. v. -वंशिकः, -वासिकः [अन्तर्वंशे वासे नियुक्तः ठक्] a superintendent of the women's apartment.; Pt.3, K.93. Ak.2.8.8. -वण (वन) a. situated in a forest; ˚णो देशः P.VI.2.179 Sk. (-णम्) ind. within a forest. P.VIII.4.5. -वत् a. being in the interior; having something in the interior. -वती (वत्नी) Ved. [अन्तरस्त्यस्यां गर्भः] a pregnant woman; अन्तर्वत्नी प्रजावती R.15.13. -वमिः [अन्तः स्थित एव उद्गारशब्दं कारयति, वम्-इन्] indigestion, flatulence; belching. -वर्तिन्, -वासिन् a. being or dwelling inside, included or comprised in -वसुः N. of a Soma sacrifice (for राज्यकाम and पशुकाम). -वस्त्रम्, -वासस् n. an undergarment; गृहीत्वा तत्र तस्यान्तर्वस्त्राण्याभरणानि च । चेलखण्डं तमेकं च दत्वान्तर्वाससः कृते ॥. Ks.4.52. -वा a. [अन्तः अन्तरङ्गभावं अन्तःकरणं वा वाति गच्छति स्निग्धत्वेन, वा-विच् Tv.] forming part of oneself such as children, cattle &c. ˚वत् a. (अस्त्यर्थे मतुप् मस्य वः) having progeny, cattle &c; अन्तर्वावत्क्षयं दधे Rv.1.4.7; abounding with precious things inside. -adv. inwardly. -वाणि a. [अन्तःस्थिता शास्त्रवाक्यात्मिका वाणी यस्य] skilled or versed in scriptures, very learned (शास्त्रविद्). -विगाहः, -हनम् entering within, penetration. -विद्वस् a. Ved. (विदुषी f.) knowing correctly or exactly (knowing the paths between heaven and earth) Rv.1.72.7. -वेगः inward uneasiness or anxiety, inward fever. -वेदि a. pertaining to the inside of the sacrificial ground. -adv. within this ground. (-दिः -दी f.) [अन्तर्गता वेदिर्यत्र देशे] the tract of land (the Doab) between the rivers Gaṅgā and Yamunā, regarded as a sacred region and the principal seat of Āryan Brāhmaṇas; cf. एते भगवत्यौ भूमिदेवानां मूलमायतनमन्तर्वेदिपूर्वेण कलिन्दकन्यामन्दाकिन्यौ संगच्छेते A.R.7; it is supposed to have extended from Prayāga to Haradvāra and is also known by the names of शशस्थली and ब्रह्मावर्त. -m. (pl.) inhabitants of this land. -वेश्मन् n. the inner apartments, interior of a house. -वेश्मिकः n. a chamberlain. -वैशिकः Officer in charge of the harem. समुद्रमुपकरणमन्तर्वैशिकहस्तादादाय परिचरेयुः Kau. A.1.21. -शरः internal arrow or disease. -शरीरम् internal and spiritual part of man; the interior of the body. -शल्य a. having in the interior an arrow, pin or any such extraneous matter; rankling inside. -शीला N. of a river rising from the Vindhya mountain. -श्लेषः, -श्लेषणम् Ved. internal support (scaffolding &c.) एतानि ह वै वेदानामन्तः- श्लेषणानि यदेता व्याहृतयः Ait. Br. -संज्ञ a. inwardly conscious (said of trees &c.); ˚ज्ञा भवन्त्येते सुखदुःखसमन्विताः Ms.1.49. -सत्त्व a. having inward strength &c. (˚त्त्वा) 1 a pregnant woman. -2 the marking nut. -सन्तापः internal pain, sorrow, regret. -सरल a. upright at heart, or having Sarala trees inside; K.51. -सलिल a. with water (flowing) underground; नदीमिवान्तःसलिलां सरस्वतीम् R.3.9. -सार a. having inward strength and vigour, full of strong inside; powerful, strong, heavy or ponderous; ˚रैर्मन्त्रिभिर्घार्यते राज्यं सुस्तम्भैरिव मन्दिरम् Pt.1. 126; साराणि इन्धनानि Dk.132; ˚रं घन तुलयितुं नानिलः शक्ष्यति त्वाम् Me.2. (-रः) internal treasure or store, inner store or contents; वमन्त्युच्चैरन्तःसारम् H.2.13 internal matter or essence (and pus). -सुख a. whose delight is in self, inwardly happy यो$न्तःसुखो$न्तरारामः Bg. 5.24 -सेनम् ind. into the midst of armies. -स्थ a. (also written अन्तःस्थ) being between or in the midst. (-स्थः, -स्था) a term applied to the semivowels, य्, र्, ल्, व् as standing between vowels and consonants and being formed by a slight contact of the vocal organs (ईषत्स्पृष्टं अन्तस्थानाम्); or they are so called because they stand between स्पर्श (क-म) letters and ऊष्मन् (श, ष, स, ह). -स्था 1 a deity of the vital organs. -2 N. of one of the Ṛigveda hymns. ˚मुद्गरः the malleus of the ear. -स्वेदः [अन्तः स्वेदो मदजलस्यन्दनं यस्य] an elephant (in rut). -हणनम् striking in the middle. -हननम् N. of a country बाहीक P.VIII.4.24 Sk. -हस्तम् ind. in the hand, within reach of the hand. -हस्तीन a. being in the hand or within reach of the hand. -हासः laughing inwardly (in the sleeves), a secret or suppressed laugh; सान्तर्हासं कथितम् Me.113
with a suppressed laugh, with a gentle smile. -हृदयम् the interior of the heart. |
andhraḥ | अन्ध्रः (pl.) 1 N. of a people and the country inhabited by them. [The country of the Āndhras is said to be the modern Telingana. But the limits were probably confined to the Ghats on the West and the rivers Godāvarī and Krisnā on the North and South. It bordered on Kalinga (See Dk. 7th Ullāsa), and its capital Andhranagara is probably the old town of Vengi or Vegi. According to Daṇḍin, there was near it a lake 'like the ocean and crested with cranes' which description can only refer to the lake Colair which has an area of over 15 miles; जगन्नाथाटूर्ध्वभागाद- र्वाक् श्रीभ्रमरात्मकात् । तावदन्ध्राभिधो देशः]. -2 N. of a dynasty of kings. -3 A man of a mixed (low) caste, being
born of a Vaideha father and Kārāvara mother, who lives by killing game; कारावरो निषादात्तु चर्मकारः प्रसूयते । वैदेहकादन्ध्रमेदौ बहिर्ग्रामप्रतिश्रयौ ॥ Ms.1.36. -4 A kind of fowler. -Comp. -जातिः the Andhra tribe. -भृत्याः N. of a dynasty of kings. |
anvāsanam | अन्वासनम् 1 Service, attendance, waiting upon, worship. -2 Taking a seat after another. -3 Regret, sorrow. -4 A place of industry, manufactory, workshop &c. -5 An oily or cooling enema. |
apakarṣaḥ | अपकर्षः 1 (a) Drawing off or down; diminution, decrease, reduction; मदो$पकर्षात् Dk.16; loss, decay, decline, destruction; तेजो$पकर्षः Ve.1; deterioration, inferiority; उत्कर्षापकर्षविहीनो मध्यः Sk. (b) Dishonour, degradation, lowering (of esteem), infamy, disgrace (opp. उत्कर्ष in all senses); तपोबीजप्रभावैस्तु ते गच्छन्ति युगे युगे । उत्कर्षं चापकर्षं च मनुष्येष्विह जन्मतः ॥ Ms.1.42; मूल्यो- त्कर्ष˚ rise and fall in price, increase and decrease. -2 Anticipated performance of a duty, as of a Śrāddha, anticipation (of some detail or details at a विकृतियाग), i. e. performing them at an earlier stage. (see उत्कर्ष). -3 Anticipation of a word occurring later on (in gram., poetry or Mīmāṁsā &c.). -Comp. -समः a sort of fallacy; e. g. sound has not the quality of shape, as a jar, so sound and a jar have no qualities in common. |
apara | अपर a. (treated as a pronoun in some senses) 1 Having nothing higher or superior, unrivalled. matchless; without rival or second (नास्ति परो यस्मात्); स्त्रीरत्नसृष्टिर- परा प्रतिभाति सा मे Ś.2.1; cf. अनुत्तम, अनुत्तर. -2 [न पृणाति संतोषयति पृ अच्] (a) Another, other (used as adj. or subst.). वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय नवानि गृह्णाति नरो$पराणि Bg.2.22. (b) More, additional; कृतदारो$परान् दारान् Ms.11.5. (c) Second, another Pt.4.37; स्वं केशवो$पर इवाक्रमितुं प्रवृत्तः Mk.5.2 like another (rival) Keśava. (d) Different; other; अन्ये कृतयुगे धर्मास्त्रेतायां द्वापरे$परे Ms. 1.85; Ks.26.235; Pt.4.6 (with gen.). (e) Ordinary, of the middle sort (मध्यम); परितप्तो$प्यपरः सुसंवृतिः Śi. 16.23. -3 Belonging to another, not one's own (opp. स्व); यदि स्वाश्चापराश्चैव विन्देरन् योषितो द्विजाः Ms.9.85 of another caste. -4 Hinder, posterior, latter, later, (in time space) (opp. पूर्व); the last; पूर्वां सन्ध्यां जपंस्तिष्ठेत्स्वकाले चापरां चिरम् Ms.4.93; रात्रेरपरः कालः Nir.; oft. used as first member of a genitive Tatpuruṣa comp. meaning 'the hind part,' 'latter part or half'; ˚पक्षः the latter half of a month; ˚हेमन्तः latter half of a winter; ˚कायः hind part of the body &c.; ˚वर्षा, ˚शरद् latter part of the rains, autumn &c. -5 Following, the next. -6 Western; पयसि प्रतित्सुरपराम्बुनिधेः Śi.9.1. पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी वगाह्य Ku. 1.1; Mu.4.21 -7 Inferior, lower (निकृष्टः); अपरेयमि- तस्त्वन्यां प्रकृतिं विद्धि मे पराम् Bg.7.5. -8 (In Nyāya) Non-extensive, not covering too much, one of the two kinds of सामान्य, see Bhāṣā P.8. (परं = अधिकवृत्ति higher अपरम् = न्यूनवृत्ति lower or अधिकदेशवृत्तित्वं परं, अल्पदेशवृत्तित्वं अपरम् Muktā.) -9 Distant; opposite. When अपर is used in the singular as a correlative to एक the one, former, it means the other, the latter; एको ययौ चैत्ररथप्रदेशान् सौराज्य- रम्यानपरो विदर्भान् R.5.6; when used in pl. it means 'others', 'and others', and the words generally used as its correlatives are एके, केचित्-काश्चित् &c., अपरे, अन्ये; केचिद् रक्तपटीकृताश्च जटिलाः कापालिकाश्चापरे Pt.4.34; एके समूहुर्बलरेणुसंहतिं शिरोभिराज्ञामपरे महीभृतः Śi.12.45 some-others; शाखिनः केचिदध्यष्ठुर्न्यमाङ्क्षुरपरे$म्बुधौ । अन्ये
त्वलङ्घिषुः शैलान् गुहास्त्वन्ये न्यलेषत ॥ केचिदासिषत स्तब्धा भयात्केचिदघूर्णिषुः । उदतारिषुरम्भोधिं वानराः सेतुनापरे Bk. 15.31.33. -रः 1 the hind foot of an elephant; बद्धापराणि परितो निगडान्यलावीत् Śi.5.48 (Malli. चरमपादाग्राणि). -2 An enemy (न पृणाति सन्तोषयति). -रा 1 Western direction, the west अपरां च दिशं प्राप्तो वालिना समभिद्रुतः Rām.4.46.18. -2 The hind part of an elephant. -3 Sacred learning, learning the four Vedas with the 6 Aṅgas. -4 The womb; the outer skin of the embryo. -5 Suppressed menstruation in pregnancy. -री Ved. The future, future times; उतापरीभ्यो मघवा विजिग्ये Rv.1.32.13. -रम् 1 The future, any thing to be done in future (कार्य); तदेतद्ब्रह्मापूर्वमपरमनन्तम् Bṛi. Ār. Up. (नास्ति अपरं कार्यं यस्य). -2 The hind quarter of an elephant. -रम् adv. Again, moreover, in future, for the future; अपरं च moreover; अपरेण behind, west of, to the west of (with gen. or acc.). [cf. Goth. afar; Germ. aber, as in aberglauben]. -Comp. -अग्नि (अग्नी dual) 1 the southern and western fires (दक्षिण and गार्हपत्य). -2 the last fire i. e. used at the funeral ceremony (˚ग्निः). -अङ्गम् one of the 8 divisions of गुणीभूतव्यङ्ग्य (the second kind of काव्य) mentioned in K. P.5. In this the व्यङ्ग्य or suggested sense is subordinate to something else; अगूढमपरस्याङ्गम्; अपरस्य रसादेर्वाच्यस्य वा (वाक्यार्थीभूतस्य) अङ्गं रसादि अनुरणनरूपं वा; e. g. अयं स रसनोत्कर्षी पीनस्तनविमर्दनः । नाभ्यूरुजघनस्पर्शी नीवीविस्रंसनः करः ॥ where शृङ्गार is subordinate to करुण. -अन्त a. living at the western borders. (-न्तः) 1 the western border or extremity, the extreme end or term. the western shore. -2 (pl.) the country or inhabitants of the western borders near the Sahya mountain; अपरान्तजयोद्यतैः (अनीकैः) R.4.53 Western people. दशार्णाश्चापरान्ताश्च द्विपानां मध्यमा मताः Kau.A.1.2. -3 the kings of this country. -4 death, Pātañjala Yogadarśana 3.22. ˚ज्ञानम् anticipation of one's end. -5 the hind foot of an elephant; मृदुचलदपरान्तोदीरितान्दूनिनादम् Śi.11.7;18.32. -6 Islander, inhabitant of an island (द्वीपवासिन्) कोट्यापरान्ताः सामुद्रा रत्नान्युपहरन्तु ते Rām.2.82.8. -अन्तकः 1. = ˚अन्तः pl. -2 N. of a song; अपरान्तकमुल्लोप्यं मद्रकं प्रकरीं तथा । औवेणकं सरोबिन्दुमुत्तरं गीतकानि च ॥ Y3.113; ˚अन्तिका N. of a metre consisting of 64 mātrās. -अपराः, -रे, -राणि another and another, several, various. -अपरम् ind. Further and further (उत्तरोत्तरम्); अहं हि वचनं त्वत्तः शुश्रूषुरपरापरम् Mb.5.136.14. -अर्धम् the latter or second half. -अह्न [fr.अहन् changed to अह्न P.II. 4.29, V.4.88.] the latter part of the day, the afternoon, closing or last watch of the day; Ms.3.278; अपराह्णशीतलतरेण शनैरनिलेन Śi.9.4; ˚तन, ˚ह्णेतन belonging to this time; ˚कृतं P.II.1.45. -इतरा the east. -कान्य- कुब्ज a. situated in or belonging to the western part of Kānyakubja. -कालः later period. -गात्रम् a minor limb (hand, foot etc.); कोपप्रसादापरगात्रहस्तः (सुप्तः क्षितौ) रावणगन्धहस्ती) Rām.6.19.1. -गोदानम् (also गोडनि or गोडानि) N. of a country to the west of Mahāmeru (according to Buddhistic ideas). -ज a. born later or at the end of the world. (-जः) the destroying fire. -जनः an inhaditant of the west, the western people. -दक्षिणम् ind. in the south-west (belonging to the तिष्ठद्गु class). -पक्षः 1 the second or dark half of the month. -2 the other or opposite side; a defendant (in law). -पञ्चालाः the western Pañchālas. -पर a. one and the other, several, various; अपरपराः सार्थाः गच्छन्ति P.VI.1.144. Sk. several caravans go; (अपरे च परे च सकृदेव गच्छन्ति). -पाणिनीयाः the pupils of Pāṇini living in the west. -प्रणेय a. easily led or influenced by others, docile, tractable. -भावः 1 being another or different, difference. -2 succession, continuation. -रात्रः [अपरं रात्रेः] the latter or closing part of night, the last watch of night (P.V.4.87); उत्थायापररात्रान्ते प्रयताः सुसमाहिताः Bhāg.8.4.24. ˚कृतम् P.II.1.45. -लोकः the other world, the next world. Paradise. -वक्त्रा, -क्त्रम् N. of a metre. -वैराग्यम् a kind of Vairāgya mentioned by Patañjali (दुष्टानुश्राविकविषयवितृष्णस्य वशीकारसंज्ञं वैराग्यम्). -सक्थम् the hind thigh. -स्वस्तिकम् the western point in the horizon. -हैमन a. belonging to the latter helf of winter (P.VII.3.11). |
abhijanaḥ | अभिजनः 1 (a) A family, race, lineage; कलहंस- कादभिजनं ज्ञात्वा Māl.8; नाभिजनमीक्षते K.14; पतिं त्यक्त्वा देवं भुवनपतिमुच्चैरभिजनम् Mu.6.6; Ms.4.18; Dk.135,17; U.4. (b) Birth, extraction, descent; तुल्याभिजनेषु भूमिभरेषु (धरेषु ?) राज्ञां वृत्तिः M.1; Ms.1.1; Y.1.123. -2 High or noble descent, noble birth or family; तान्गुणान्संप्रधार्याहमग्ऱ्यं चाभिजनं तव Rām.4.17.2; स्तुतं तन्माहात्म्यं यदभिजनतो यच्च गुणतः Māl.2.13; शीलं शैलतटात्पत- त्वभिजनः संदह्यतां वह्निना Bh.2.39. M.5. -3 Forefathers, ancestors; अभिजनाः पूर्वे बान्धवाः Kāśi. on P.IV.3.9; also descendants. -4 Native country, motherland, ancestral abode (opp. निवास); cf. Sk. on P.IV.3.9 यत्र स्वयं वसति स निवासः (यत्र संप्रति उष्यते Mbh.); यत्र पूर्वैरुषितं सो$भिजनः इति विवेकः -5 Fame, celebrity. -6 The head or ornament of family; यद्विद्वानपि तादृशे$प्यभिजने धर्म्यात्पथो विच्युतः Mv.1.33. -7 Attendants, retinue (परिजन q. v.); वयसा शास्त्रतो धैर्यात् कुलेनाभिजनेन च Mb.5.12.15. |
abhidruh | अभिद्रुह् 4 P. (A. in epic poetry) To hate, seek to injure or maliciously assail, plot against (with acc.); नित्यमस्मच्छरीरमभिद्रोग्धुं यतते Mu.1,2; क्रूरमभिद्रुह्यति Sk. (sometimes with dat. also); मया पुनरेभ्य एवाभिद्रुग्धमज्ञेन U.6; नाभिद्रुह्यति भूतेभ्यः Bhāg., Mu.5. |
abhibhāṣ | अभिभाष् 1 A. (P. in epic poetry) 1 To speak to, address; talk or converse with (with acc.); भोभवत्पूर्वकं त्वेनमभिभाषेत धर्मवित् Ms.2.128; नोदक्यामभिभाषेत Ms.4. 57. sometimes with instr. also; -2 To speak, say (as वाणीम्, वचः &c.); इति अभिभाषन्ते so they say. -3 To relate, narrate, speak of. -4 To proclaim, announce, confess; गुरुतल्प्यभिभाष्यैनस्तप्ते स्वप्यादयोमये Ms.11.13. |
abhimanyuḥ | अभिमन्युः 1 N. of a son of Arjuna by his wife Subhadrā, sister of Kṛiṣṇa and Balarāma; also known by the metronymic Saubhadra. [He was called Abhimanyu because at his very birth he appeared to be heroic, long-armed and very fiery (अभिवृद्धः मन्युर्यस्य). When the Kauravas at the advice of Droṇa formed the peculiar battle-array called 'Chakravyuha' hoping that, as Arjuna was away, none of the Paṇḍavas
would be able to break through it, Abhimanyu assured his uncles that he was ready to try, if they only assisted him. He accordingly entered the Vyūha, killed many warriors on the Kaurava side, and was for a time more than a match even for such veteran and elderly heroes as Droṇa, Karṇa, Duryodhana &c. He could not, however, hold out long against fearful odds, and was at last overpowered and slain. He was very handsome. He had two wives, Vatsalā daughter of Balarāma and Uttarā daughter of the king of Virāṭa. Uttarā was pregnant when he was slain and gave birth to a son named Parīkṣita who succeeded to the throne of Hastināpura.] -2 Name of a son of Manu Chākṣuṣa. -3 Name of two kings of Kāshmir; Rāj. T. -पुरम् - Name of a town. Raj. T. |
abhimṛd | अभिमृद् 1 P. To crush by standing, tread under foot, trample down; oppress, devastate (as a country). -2 (In astr.) To contend against, oppose, be in opposition. |
abhimardaḥ | अभिमर्दः 1 Rubbing, friction. -2 Crushing down, trampling down; कृतो$भिमर्दः कुरुभिः प्रसह्य Mb.3.269.8. -3 Ravage, devastation of a country (by an enemy). -4 War, battle. कथं शक्ष्यामहे ब्रह्मन् दानवैरभिमर्दनम् Mb. 12.29.12. -5 Spirituous liquor. |
abhiyuj | अभियुज् 7 A. 1 To apply oneself to, exert oneself, make oneself ready for, prepare, set about, strive or endeavour (used in passive also in this sense); तद्यदि न सहते ततः स्वयमभियुज्यस्व । एते स्वकर्मण्यभियुज्यामहे । Mu.3; Dk.55; K.3; व्यसनमभियुञ्जानस्य Mu.4 trying to find out a weak point. -2 To attack, assail; भवन्तमभियोक्तु- मुद्युङ्क्ते Dk.3; वृषलमभियोक्तुमुद्यतः Mu.1; क इदानीमभियोक्ष्यते U.3. -3 To accuse, charge; complain or inform against, prosecute, claim or demand (as in a law-suit); न तत्र विद्यते किंचिद्यत्परैरभियुज्यते Ms.8.183; विभावितैकदेशेन देयं यदभियुज्यते V.4.17 claimed, asked, or demanded; Y.2.9,28,1. -4 To wish or long for, desire, ask for, request. -5 To say, speak, tell; नाभियोक्तुमनृतं त्वमिष्यसे Ki. -6 To appoint to, entrust with (with loc.). -7 To use with (inst.). -8 To be working or operative. -9 To put to; harness; harness repeatedly. -1 To hurt. -Caus. To join or unite to, attach oneself to; परकलत्रेषु सुहृत्त्वेनाभियोज्य Dk.163. |
abhiyogaḥ | अभियोगः 1 Application or devotion (to something); connection; गुरुचर्यातपस्तन्त्रमन्त्रयोगाभियोगजाम् Māl.9.52; Ch. P.II. -2 Close application, perseverance, zealous intentness, energetic effort, exertion; ˚भाज् persevering, resolute; निरुत्सुकानामभियोगभाजाम् Ki.3.4; सन्तः स्वयं परहितेषु कृताभियोगाः Bh.2.73; Māl.1.34; मत्प्रियाभियोगेन Māl.1; तदभियोगं प्रति निरुद्योगः Mu.1.; स्वयमभियोगदुःखैः ibid.; Dk.41; K.345; Śi.7.63. -3 (a) Application or devotion to learn something; कस्यां कलायामभियोगो भवत्योः M.5 to what art have you applied or devoted yourselves; K.19. (b) Learning, scholarship; अभियोगश्च शब्दादेरशिष्टानां अभियोगश्चेतरेषाम् ŚB. on MS. -4 (a) Attack,
assault; invasion (of a town or country); क्षुभितं वनगोचरा- भियोगात् Ki.13.1,2.46; Ku.7.5; Ve.4; Māl.8; Mu.2,1.7; Mv.6.38. (b) Battle, war, conffict. -5 (In law) A charge, accusation, plaint, indictment; अभियोगमनिस्तीर्य नैनं प्रत्यभियोजयेत् Y.2.9. |
abhyantara | अभ्यन्तर a. [अभिगतमन्तरम्] Interior, internal, inner (opp. बाह्य); R.17.45; K.66; कृच्छ्रो$भ्यन्तरशोणिते Y. 3.292. -2 Being included in, one of a group or body; देवीपरिजनाभ्यन्तरः M.5; गणाभ्यन्तर एव च Ms.3.154; R.8.95 -3 Initiated in, skilled or proficient in, familiar or conversant with; with loc., or sometimes gen., or in comp.; संगीतके$भ्यन्तरे स्वः M.5. अहो प्रयोगाभ्यन्तरः प्राश्निकः M.2; अनभ्यन्तरे आवां मदनगतस्य वृत्तान्तस्य Ś.3; मन्त्रेष्वभ्यन्तराः के स्युः Rām., see अभ्यन्तरीकृ below. -4 Nearest, intimate, closely or intimately related; त्यक्ताश्चाभ्यन्तरा येन Pt.1.259. -रम् The inside or interior, inner or interior part of anything), space within; प्रविश्याभ्यन्तरं रिपुः (नाशयेत्) Pt. 2.38; K.15,17,18; ˚गतः आत्मा M.5. inmost soul; शमीमिवाभ्यन्तरलीनपावकां R.3.9; Bg.5.27, V.2, Mk.1, पर्णाभ्यन्तरलीनतां विजहति Ś.7.8. -2 Included space, interval (of time or place); षण्मासाभ्यन्तरे Pt.4. -3 The mind. -रम्, -रतः adv. In the interior, inside, inward.
-Comp. -आयामः 1 curvature of the spine by spasm. -2 emprosthonos. -आराम a. internally delighted; see अन्तराराम. -करण a. having the organs (concealed) inside, internally possessed of the powers of perception &c; ˚णया मया प्रत्यक्षीकृतवृत्तान्तो महाराजः V.4 (-नम्) the internal organ i. e. अन्तःकरण. -कला the secret art, the art of coquetry or flirtation; Dk.2.2. |
abhyamitram | अभ्यमित्रम् An attack on an enemy. adv. Towards or against the enemy; to face the enemy; समुज्झिता योद्धृभिरभ्यमित्रम् Ki.16.5.; Mv.6; Ve.5.38.
अभ्यमित्रीणः abhyamitrīṇḥ यः yḥ मित्र्यः mitryḥ
अभ्यमित्रीणः यः मित्र्यः [अभ्यमित्र -ख, छ, or यत्; अमित्रानभिमुखं सुष्ठु गच्छतीत्यर्थः अभ्यमित्राच्छ च P.V.2.17.] A warrior who valiantly encounters his enemy; उद्योगमभ्यमित्रीणो यथेष्टं त्वं च संतनु Bk.5.47; मारीचो$नुनयंस्त्रा- सादभ्यमित्र्यो भवामि ते 46; Dk.171. |
abhyāsaḥ | अभ्यासः 1 Repetition in general; व्याख्याता व्याख्याता इति पदाभ्यासो$ध्यायपरिसमाप्तिं द्योतयति S. B.; T.4.28 नाभ्यासक्रममीक्षते Pt.1.151; Ms.12.74; Y.3.322. cf. also अन्यायश्च कृते$भ्यासः । MS.1.3.26 -2 Repeated practice or exercise, contiuned practice or use; अविरतश्रमाभ्यासात् K.3, Pt.1.133; अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते Bg.6.35,44 by constant practice (to remain pure and unmodified); 12.12; योग˚ Y.3.51 practice of concentration; hence sometimes used for 'concentration of mind upon one subject'; ˚निगृहीतेन मनसा R.1.23; so शर˚, अस्त्र˚ &c. -3 Habit, custom, practice; मिथ्योपपदात् कृञो$भ्यासे P.I. 3.71; तद् यथाभ्यासं अभिधीयताम् U.1 therefore address me as is your wont; अमङ्गलाभ्यासरतिम् Ku.5.65; Y.3.68. -4 Discipline in arms, exercise, military discipline. -5 Reciting, study, repeated reading or learning by heart; काव्यज्ञशिक्षयाभ्यासः K. P.1; K.146,2; Ms.5. 4; वेद˚ is of 5 kinds:- वेदस्वीकरणं पूर्वं विचारो$भ्यसनं जपः । तद्दानं चैव शिष्येभ्यो वेदाभ्यासो हि पञ्चधा ॥ Dakṣa. -6 vicinity, proximity, neighbourhood (for अभ्याश); चूतयष्टिरि- वाभ्यासे (शे) मधौ परभृतोन्मुखी Ku.6.2; (अभ्यासे-शे मधौ must mean here speaking to 'Madhu who was near her' scil. by having manifested himself before her, which fully preserves the simile of Pārvatī, herself silent, speaking to her lover who was near her through her friend); अर्पितेयं तवाभ्यासे सीता पुण्यव्रता वधूः U.7.17 given in your charge; Śi.3.4; अभ्यासा-शा-दागतः P.II. 1.38 Sk. (ragarded as an Aluk Compound). -7 (In gram.) Reduplication. -8 The first syllable of a reduplicated base, reduplicative syllable; पूर्वो$भ्यासः P.VI. 1.4; अत्र ये द्वे विहिते तयोः पूर्वो$भ्याससंज्ञः स्यात् Sk. -9 (In Math.) Multiplication. -1 (In poetry) Repetition of the last verses or lines (as of a chorus); chorus, burden of a song. -Comp. -गत a. approached, gone near. -परिवर्तिन् a. wandering about or near. -योगः abstraction of mind resulting from continuous deep meditation; अभ्यासयोगेन ततो मामिच्छाप्तुं धनञ्जय Bg. 12.9. -लोपः dropping of the reduplicative syllable. -व्यवायः interval caused by the reduplicative syllable; ˚ये$पि though separated by this syllable. |
amṛta | अमृत a. 1 Not dead; अमृते जारजः कुण्डः Ak. -2 Immortal; अपाम सोममृता अभूम Rv.8.48.3; U.1.1. ब्रह्मणो हि प्रतिष्ठाहममृतस्याव्ययस्य च Bg.14.27. -3 Imperishable, Indestructible, eternal. -4 Causing immortality. -5 Beautiful, agreeable, desired. पाञ्चजन्याभिषिक्तश्च राजा$- मृतमुखो$भवत् Mb.12.4.17. -तः 1 A god, an immortal, deity. आरुरोह यथा देवः सोमो$मृतमयं रथम् Mb.12.37.44. -2 N. of Dhanvantari, physician of the gods; also N. of Indra, of the sun, of Prajāpati, of the soul, Viṣṇu and Śiva. -3 N. of a plant (वनमुद्ग, Mar. मटकी) -4 N. of the root of a plant (वाराहीकन्द, Mar. डुकरकंद). -ता 1 Spirituous liquor. -2 N. of various plants; e. g. आमलकी, हरीतकी, गुडूची, मागधी, तुलसी, इन्द्रवारुणी, ज्योतिष्मती, गोरक्षदुग्धा, अतिविषा, रक्तत्रिवृत्, दूर्वा, स्थूलमांसहरीतकी. -3 N. of one of the Nāḍīs in the body; नाडीनामुदयक्रमेण जगतः पञ्चामृताकर्षणात् Māl.5.2. -5 One of the rays of the sun; सौरीभिरिव नाडीभिरमृताख्याभिरम्मयः R.1.58. -तम् 1 (a) Immortality, imperishable state; न मृत्युरासीदमृतं न तर्हि Rv.1.129.2; Ms.22.85. (b) Final beatitude, absolution; तपसा किल्विषं हन्ति विद्ययामृतमश्रुते Ms.12.14; स श्रिये चामृताय चAk. -2 The collective body of immortals. -3 (a) The world of immortality, Paradise, Heaven; the power of eternity, immortal light, eternity. -4 Nectar of immortality, ambrosia, beverage of the gods (opp. विष) supposed to be churned out of the ocean; देवासुरैरमृतमम्बुनिधिर्ममन्थे Ki.5.3; विषादप्यमृतं ग्राह्यम् Ms.2.239; विषमप्यमृतं क्वचिद्भवेदमृतं वा विषमीश्वरेच्छया R.8.46; oft. used in combination with words like वाच्, वचनम्, वाणी &c; कुमारजन्मामृतसंमिताक्षरम् R.3.16; आप्यायितो$सौ वचनामृतेन Mb.; अमृतं शिशिरे वह्निरमृतं क्षीरभोजनम् Pt.1.128 the height of pleasure or gratification. -5 The Soma juice. -6 Antidote against poison. -7 The residue or leavings of a sacrifice (यज्ञशेष); विघसाशी भवेन्नित्यं नित्यं वा$मृतभोजनः Ms.3.285. -8 Unsolicited alms, alms got without solicitation; मृतं स्याद्याचितं भैक्षम- मृतं स्यादयाचितम् Ms.4.4-5. -9 Water; मथितामृतफेनाभमरजो- वस्त्रमुत्तमम् Rām.5.18.24. अमृताध्मातजीमूत U.6.21; अमृता- दुन्मथ्यमानात् K.136; cf. also the formulas अमृतोपस्तरणमसि स्वाहा and अमृतापिधानमसि स्वाहा; Mahānār. Up.7 and 1; repeated by Brāhmaṇas at the time of sipping water before the commencement and at the end of meals. -1 A drug. -11 Clarified butter; अमृतं नाम यत् सन्तो मन्त्रजिह्वेषु जुह्वति Śi.2.17. -12 Milk; अमृतं च सुधा चैव सुधा चैवामृतं तथा Mb.13.67.12. -13 Food in general. -14 Boiled rice. -15 Anything sweet, anything lovely or charming; a sweetmeat. यथामृतघटं दंशा मकरा इव चार्णवम् Rām.7.7.3. -16 Property. -17 Gold. -18 Quicksilver. -19 Poison. -2 The poison called वत्सनाभ. -21 The Supreme Spirit (ब्रह्मन्). -22 N. of sacred place. -23 N. of particular conjunctions of Nakṣatras (lunar asterisms) with week days (वारनक्षत्रयोग) or of lunar days with week days (तिथि- वारयोग). -24 The number four. -25 splendour, light. [cf. Gr. ambrotos, ambrosia; L. immortalis]. cf. अमृतं वारि सुरयोर्निर्वाणे चातिसुन्दरे । अयाचिते यज्ञशेषे पुंसि धन्वन्तरे$पि च । पीयूषे च धृते दीप्तावाचार्ये विबुधे$पि च । हरीतक्यामाम- लक्यां गलूच्यामपि तत्स्त्रियाम् । Nm. -Comp. -अंशुः, -करः, -दीधितिः, -द्युतिः, -रश्मिः &c. epithets of the moon; अमृतदीधितिरेष विदर्भजे N.4.14; अमृतांशूद्भव born from the moon; from whom was born the moon, N. of Viṣṇu. -अंशुकः An interior variety of gems having white rays, Kau. A.2.11. -अक्षर a. immortal and imperishable; क्षरं प्रधानममृताक्षरं हरः Śvet. Up. -अग्रभूः N. of the horse of Indra (उच्चैःश्रवस्); अमृताग्रभुवः पुरेव पुच्छम् Śi. 2.43. -अन्धस्, -अशनः, -आशिन् m. 'one whose food is nectar'; a god, an immortal. -अपिधानम् Water sipped after eating nectar-like food so as to overlay it like a cover. -असु a. whose soul is immortal; अमृतासुर्वर्धमानः सुजन्मा Av.5.1.1. -आशः 1 N. of Viṣṇu. -2 a god; इदं कार्यममृताशाः शृणोमि Mb.12.299.7. -आसङ्गः a sort of collyrium. -आहरणः N. of Garuḍa who once stole Amṛita. -इष्टका a kind of sacrificial brick shaped like the golden head of men, beasts &c. (पशुशीर्षाणि). -ईशः, ईश्वरः N. of Śiva. -उत्पन्ना a fly.
(-न्नम्), -उद्भवम् 1 A kind of collyrium (खर्परीतुत्थम्). -2 Potassium permanganate -उपस्तरणम् Water sipped as a substratum for the nectar-like food. (-वः) N. of the Bilva tree. -ओदनः Name of a son of Siṁhahanu, and uncle of Śākyamuni. -करः, -किरणः 'nectar-rayed', the moon. -कुण्डम् a vessel containing nectar. -क्षारम् sal ammoniac. (Mar. नवसागर). -गतिः N. of a metre consisting of 4 syllables. -गर्भ a. filled with water or nectar; ambrosial. (-र्भः) 1 the individual soul. -2 the Supreme Soul. -3 child of immortality (said of sleep); देवानाममृतगर्भो$सि स्वप्न Av.6.46.1. -चितिः f. an arrangement or accumulation of sacrificial bricks conferring immortality. -ज a. produced by or from nectar. (-जः) a sort of plant, Yellow Myrobalan (Mar. हिरडा). -जटा N. of a plant (जटामासी). -तरङ्गिणी moonlight. -तिलका N. of a metre of 4 lines, also called त्वरितगति. -द्रव a. shedding nectar. (-वः) flow of nectar. -धार a. shedding nectar. (-रा) 1 N. of a metre. -2 flow of nectar. -नन्दनः A pavilion with 58 pillars (Matsya P.27.8.). -नादोपनिषद् f. 'The sound of immortality', Name of an Upaniṣad. -पः 1 a drinker of nectar' a god or deity. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -3 one who drinks wine; ध्रुवममृतपनामवाञ्छयासावधरममुं मधुपस्तवा- जिहीते Śi.7.42. (where अ˚ has sense 1 also). -पक्षः 1 having golden or immortal wings, a sort of hawk. -2 the immortal or golden wings of sacrificial fire. -3 fire itself. -फलः N. of two trees पटोल and पारावत. (-ला) 1 a bunch of grapes, vine plant, a grape (द्राक्षा) -2 = आमलकी. (-लम्) a sort of fruit (रुचिफल) found in the country of the Mudgalas according to Bhāva P. -बन्धुः Ved. 1 a god or deity in general. -2 a horse or the moon. -3 A friend or keeper of immortality; तां देवा अन्वजायन्त भद्रा अमृतबन्धवः Rv.1.72.5. -बिन्दू- पनिषद् f. 'drop of nectar', :N. of an Upaniṣad of the Atharvaveda. -भल्लातकी a sort of medicinal preparation of ghee mentioned by Chakradatta. -भवनम् N. of a monastery (built by Amṛitaprabha); Raj. T. -भुज् m. an immortal, a god, deity; one who tastes the sacrificial residues. -भू a. free from birth and death. -मति = ˚गति q. v. -मन्थनम् 1 churning (of the ocean) for nectar. -2 N. of the chapters 17 to 19 of Mb.1. -मालिनी N. of Durgā. -मूर्तिः The moon; आप्याययत्यसौ लोकं वदनामृतमूर्तिना Bhāg.4.16.9. -योगः see under अमृत. -रसः 1 nectar, ambrosia; काव्यामृतरसास्वादः H.1; विविधकाव्यामृतरसान् पिवामः Bh.3.4. -2 the Supreme Spirit. (-सा) 1 dark-coloured grapes. -2 a sort of cake (Mar. अनर्सा). -लता, -लतिका a nectar-giving creeping plant (गुडूची). -वाक a. producing nectar like sweet words. -संयावम् a sort of dish mentioned in Bhāva P. -सार a. ambrosial; ˚राणि प्रज्ञानानि U.7. (-रः) 1 clarified butter. -2 a sort of अयःपाक. ˚जः raw sugar, molasses (गुड). -सूः, -सूतिः 1 the moon (distilling nectar). -2 mother of the gods. -सोदरः 1 'brother of nectar', the horse called उच्चैःश्रवस्. -2 a horse in general. -स्रवः flow of nectar. (-वा) N. of a plant and tree (रुदन्ती-रुद्रवन्ती; Mar. रानहरभरा). -स्त्रुत् a. shedding or distilling nectar; स्वरेण तस्याममृतस्रुतेव Ku.1.45. |
ambaram | अम्बरम् [अम्बः शब्दः तं राति धत्ते, रा-क] 1 Sky, atmosphere, ether; कैलासनिलयप्रख्यमालिखन्तमिवाम्बरम् Rām. 5.2.23. तावतर्जयदम्बरे R.12.41. -2 Cloth, garment, clothing, apparel, dress; दिव्यमाल्याम्बरधरम् Bg.11.11; R.3.9. दिगम्बर; सागराम्बरा मही the sea, girt, earth. -3 Saffron. -4 Talc. -5 A kind of perfume (Ambergris). -6 Cotton. cf. अंबरं व्योम्नि वाससि । सुगन्धिनि च कार्पासे... । Rāghava's Nānārtha. -7 N. of a people. -8 Circumference, compass. -9 Neighbourhood, surrounding country (Nir.) यद् वा स्थो अध्यम्बरे Rv.8.8.14 -1 Lip. -11 Evil, sin. -12 Destroyer of elephants (नागभिद् Trik.) -Comp. -अधिकारिन् Superintendent over the robes (an officer at court). Rāj. T. -अन्तः 1 the end of a garment. -2 the horizon. -ओकस् m. dwelling in heaven, a god; (भस्मरजः) विलिप्यते मौलिभि- रम्बरौकसाम् Ku.5.79 -ग a. sky-going. -दम् cotton. -मणिः the sun. -युगम् two principal garments used by men; upper and lower. -लेखिन् a. sky-touching; एतद्गिरेर्माल्यवतः पुरस्तादाविर्भवत्यम्बरलेखि शृङ्गम् R.13.26. -शैलः a high mountain touching the sky. -स्थली the earth. |
ambaṣṭhaḥ | अम्बष्ठः 1 The offspring of a man of the Brāhmaṇa and a woman of the Vaiśya tribe; ब्राह्मणाद् वैश्यकन्यायामम्बष्ठो नाम जायते Ms.1.8,13.15; Y.1.91. cf. also अम्बष्ठानां दार्विहोमिको ब्राह्मणः । ŚB. on MS.8.4.2. (According to Ms.1.47 the duty of an अम्बष्ठ is the curing of diseases; अम्बष्ठानां चिकित्सितम्). -2 An elephant-driver. अपश्यत्कुवलयापीडं कृष्णो$म्बष्ठप्रचोदितम् Bhāg.1.43.2. (pl.) -3 N. of a country and its inhabitants (they seem to have occupied the country to the east of Tākṣaśilā, comprising the modern district of Lahore.) -ष्ठा N. of several plants:-- (a) गणिका, यूथिका (Mar. जुई);
(b) पाठा (Mar. पाहाडमूळ). (c) चुक्रिका (Mar. चुका); (d) another plant (Mar. अम्बाडा). -ष्ठा, -ष्ठी An Ambaṣṭha woman. |
ambu | अम्बु n. [अम्ब्-शब्दे उण्] 1 Water; गाङ्गमम्बु सितमम्बु यामुनम् K. P.1. -2 The watery element of the blood (cf. imber). -3 N. of a metre. -4 A term in astrology (लग्नावधिकं चतुर्थस्थानम्). -Comp. -कणः a drop of water. -कण्टकः (short-nosed), alligator. -कन्दः An acquatic plant Trapa bispinosa (Mar. शिंगाडा). -किरातः alligator. -कीशः, कूर्मः a tortoise (शिशुमार); particularly Gangetic. -केशरः lemon-tree (छालङ्गवृक्ष). -क्रिया libation of water; Bk.; presentation of water to the Manes of the deceased. -कुक्कुटी An acquatic hen. -ग, -चर, -चारिन् a. moving or living in water, aquatic (as fish &c.); अद्रिं दधाराम्बुचरात्मना Bhāg.8.5. 11; Ms.12.57. -घनः hail. -चत्वरम् a lake. -चामरम् an aquatic plant (शैवाल). -ज a. produced in water, aquatic (opp. स्थलज); सुगन्धीनि च माल्यानि स्थलजान्यम्बु- जानि च Rām. (-जः) 1 the moon. -2 camphor. -3 the Sārasa bird. -4 the conch; दध्मौ तारेण चाम्बुजम् Mb.7.173.9. -5 N. of a tree (हिज्जल). (-जम्) 1 a lotus; इन्दीवरेण नयनं मुखमम्बुजेन Ś. Til.3; A. Rām. 4.1.2. -2 the thunderbolt of Indra. ˚भूः, ˚आसनः 'the lotus-born god' Brahmā; A. Rām. ˚आसना the goddess Lakṣmī. -जन्मन् n. a lotus; -m. 1 the moon. -2 the conch. -3 Sārasa. -तस्करः 'waterthief', the sun (whose heat drinks up water). -तालः = ˚चामर. -द a. giving or yielding water. (-दः) 1 a cloud; नवाम्बुदानीकमुहूर्तलाञ्छने R.3.53; -देवम्, -दैवम् The astronomical mansion पूर्वाषाढा. -धर [धरतीति धरः, अम्बूनां धरः; धृ-अच्] 1 a cloud; वशिनश्चाम्बुधराश्च योनयः Ku.4.43; शरत्प्रमृष्टाम्बुधरोपरोधः R.6.44. -2 the plant मुस्तक. -3 talc. -धिः [अम्बूनि धीयन्ते अत्र; धा-कि] 1 any receptacle of waters; such as a jar; अम्बुधिर्घटः Sk. ˚-स्रवा Aloe perfoliata (Mar. कोरफड). -2 the ocean; क्षार˚ Bh.2.6. -3 the number four (in Math.). ˚प्रसवा N. of a plant (घृतकुमारी). -नाथः The ocean. -नामन् Andropogon muricatum (Mar. वाळा). -निधिः 'treasure of waters', the ocean; देवासुरैरमृतम्बुनिधिर्ममन्थे Ki.5.3. -प a. drinking water. (-पः) 1 the ocean. -2 Varuṇa, the regent of waters; रक्षो$म्बुपानिलशशीशपुराणि चाष्टौ Śid. Śir; शक्राम्बुपयमानां च चतुर्थस्त्वं भविष्यसि Rām.7.4.17. -3 N. of a plant (चक्रमर्दक; Mar.टाकळा). -पतिः Varuṇa; यथाम्बुपतिमित्रौ हि तारकं दैत्यसत्तमम् (अधावताम्) Mb.7.155.36. -पत्रा N. of a plant (उच्चटावृक्ष; Mar. फुरडी). -पद्धतिः f. -पातः current, flow or stream of water, cascade; गङ्गाम्बुपातप्रतिमा गृहेभ्यः Bk.1.8. -प्रसादः -प्रसादनम् [अम्बूनि प्रसादयति] the clearing nut tree (कतक Mar. निवळी). Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this tree are used for purifying water; when rubbed on the inner surface of the vessel, they precipitate the impurities which the water contains; (फलं कतकवृक्षस्य यद्यप्यम्बुप्रसादकम् । न नामग्रहणादेव तस्य वारि प्रसीदति) Ms.6.67. -भवम् a lotus. -भृत् m. 1 water-bearer, a cloud.
-2 the ocean. -3 = ˚पत्रा q. v. -4 N. of a plant मुस्तक. -5 talc. -मात्रज a. produced only in water. (-जः) a conchshell. -मुच् m. a cloud; ध्वनितसूचितमम्बुमुचां चयम् Ki.5.12. -राजः 1 the ocean. -2 Varuṇa. -राशिः receptacle or store of water, the ocean; त्वयि ज्वलत्यौर्वं इवाम्बुराशौ Ś.3.3; चन्द्रोदयारम्भ इवाम्बुराशिः Ku.3.67, R.6.57;9.82. -रुह् n. 1 a lotus. -2 Sārasa. -रुहः, हम्, a lotus; विपुलिनाम्बुरुहा न सरिद्वधूः Ki.5.1. (-हा) N. of the land-lotus plant (स्थलपद्मिनी). -रोहिणी a lotus. -वाची [अम्बु तद्वर्षणं वाचयति सूचयति] an epithet applied to the earth during four days from the 1th to the 13th in the dark half of the month of Āṣāḍha when it is supposed to be unclean (रजस्वला इव) and agriculture is prohibited; Brav. P.2.77. ˚प्रदः the 1th day; ˚त्यागः 13th day. -वासिनी, -वासी N. of a plant (पाटला), the trumpet flower. -वाहः [अम्बु वहतीति] 1 a cloud; तडित्वन्त- मिवाम्बुवाहम् Ki.3.1; भर्तुर्मित्रं प्रियमविधवे विद्धि मामम्बुवाहम् Me. 11. -2 a lake. -3 water-bearer. -4 the number 17. -5 a sort of grass. -वाहिन् a. carrying or conveying water. -m. 1 a cloud. -2 = मुस्तक. (-नी) 1 a wooden vessel, a sort of bucket. -2 a woman fetching water. -3 N. of a stream. -विहारः sporting in water. -विस्रवा = घृतकुमारी. -वेग a. flowing quickly; यथानदीनां बहवो$म्बुवेगाः Bg.11.28. -वेतसः a kind of cane or reed growing in water. (Mar. लव्हाळा). -शिरीषिका N. of plant. -सरणम् flow or current of water. -सर्पिणी a leech (अम्बुनि सर्पति). -सेचनी a wooden baling vessel. |
ayogavaḥ | अयोगवः (वा or वी f.) The son of a Sūdra man and Vaiśya woman; सैरिध्रं वागुरावृत्तिं सूते दस्युरयोगवे Ms.1. 32; see आयोगव; (his business is carpentry). |
araryati | अरर्यति Den. P. 1 To work with an awl. -2 To try, put to the test. |
arasika | अरसिक a. 1 Devoid of taste, sapless, insipid, flavourless (of a thing). -2 Void of feeling or taste, dull, unfeeling, inappreciative, insensible to the charms (of poetry &c.); अरसिकेषु कवित्वनिवेदनं शिरसि मा लिख मा लिख मा लिख Udb. |
ari | अरि a. [ऋ-इन्] Moving, going, reaching; obtaining, aspiring, devoted to, zealous (Ved.). -रिः 1 An enemy, foe (cf. Uṇ.4.138); (used in the Veda like an adjective in the sense of 'ungenerous', 'malicious', 'not worshipping or devoted', 'hostile'); विजितारिपुरःसरः R.1.59,61; 4.4. -2 An enemy of mankind (said of the six feelings which disturb man's mind); कामः क्रोध- स्तथा लोभो मदमोहौ च मत्सरः; कृतारिषड्वर्गजयेन Ki.1.9. -3 A species of खदिर or Mimosa (विट्खदिर; Mar. शेण्या खैर). -4 N. of the number six (from the six enemies). -5 N. of a condition in astronomy. -6 Any part of a carriage.
-7 A wheel, also a disk, अन्यो$न्यहस्तकलितैः कति मूर्तिभेदाः, शम्भोर्हरेरिव गदारिसरोजशङ्खैः Līlā. -8 A lord, master. -9 The wind. -1 A pious or religious man. -Comp. -कर्षण a. tamer or subduer of enemies. -कुलम् 1 a host of enemies. -2 an enemy, -केलिः Sport of a foe, sexual enjoyment cf. अरिकेलिः शत्रुलीला स्त्रीरत्योश्चापि कीर्तितः Nm. -गूर्त a. Ved. ready for the destruction of enemies; praised by devoted men or worshippers. -घ्नः destroyer of enemies. -चिन्तनम्, -चिन्ता schemes directed against enemies; administration of foreign affairs. -त्र a. protecting from enemies. -धायस् a. possessed by lords only (i. e. very precious) -नन्दन a. "an enemy's joy", affording triumph to an enemy. -निपातः invasion made by enemies. -भद्रः the foremost or most powerful enemy; पप्रच्छ भद्रं विजितारिभद्रः R.14.31. -मर्दः 'curshing enemies, N. of a plant (काममर्द; Mar. कासविंदा). -मर्दन a. crushing or trampling foes, destroying enemies. -मेदः N. of a tree (विट्खदिर; Mar. शेण्या खरै); N. of a country; Bṛi. S. 14.2. -मेदकः N. of an insect bred in excrement. -स्थानकम् consternation, defeat. -सूदनः, -हन्, -हिंसकः destroyer of enemies; पूजार्हावरिसूदन Bg.2.4. हरिहयो$रिह- योगविचक्षणः R.9.18. |
arjuna | अर्जुन a. [अर्ज्-उनन् णिलुक् च Uṇ.3.58] (-ना, -नी f.). 1 White, clear, bright, of the colour of day; अहश्च कृष्णमहरर्जुनं च Rv.6.9.1; पिशङ्गमौञ्जीयुजमर्जुनच्छविम् Śi.1.6. -2 Silvery; यत्र वः प्रेङ्खा हरिता अर्जुना Av.4.37.5. -नः 1 The white colour. -2 A peacock. -3 A sort of cutaneous disease. -4 A tree (Mar. अर्जुनसादडा), with useful rind; Mb.3.64.3. -5 N. of the third Pāṇḍava who was a son of Kuntī by Indra and hence called ऐन्द्रि also. [Arjuna was so called because he was 'white' or 'pure in actions' (पृथिव्यां चतुरन्तायां वर्णो मे दुर्लभः समः । करोमि कर्म शुद्धं च तेन मामर्जनं विदुः). He was taught the use of arms by Droṇa and was his favourite pupil. By his skill in arms he won Draupadī at her Svayaṁvara (see Draupadī). For an involuntary transgression he went into temporary exile and during that time he learnt the science of arms from Paraśurāma. He married Ulūpī, a Nāga Princess, by whom he had a son named Irāvat, and also Chitrāṅgadā, daughter of the king of Maṇipura, who bore him a son named Babhruvāhana. During this exile he visited Dvārakā, and with the help and advice of Kṛiṣṇa succeeded in marrying Subhadrā. By her he had a son named Abhimanyu. Afterwards he obtained the bow (Gāṇḍiva from the god Agni whom he assisted in burning the Khāṇḍva forest. When Dharma, his eldest brother, lost the kingdom by gambling, and the five brothers went into exile, he went to the Himālayas to propitiate the gods and to obtain from them celestial weapons for use in the contemplated war against Kauravas. There he fought with Śiva who appeared in the disguise of a Kirāta; but when he discovered the true character of his adversary he worshipped him and Śiva gave him the Pāśupatāstra. Indra, Varuṇa, Yama and Kubera also presented him with their own weapons. In the 13th year of their exile, the Pāṇḍavas entered the service of the King of Virāṭa and he had to act the part of a eunuch, and music and dancing master. In the great war with the Kauravas Arjuna took a very distinguished part. He secured the assistance of Kṛiṣṇa who acted as his charioteer and related to him the Bhagavadgītā when on the first day of the battle he hesitated to bend his bow against his own kinsmen. In the course of the great struggle he slew or vanquished several redoubtable warriors on the side of the Kauravas, such as Jayadratha, Bhīṣma, Karṇa &c. After Yudhiṣṭhira had been installed sovereign of Hastināpura, he resolved to perform the Aśvamedha sacrifice, and a horse was let loose with Arjuna as its guardian. Arjuna followed it through many cities and Countries and fought with many kings. At the city of Maṇipura he had to fight with his own son Babhruvāhana and was killed; but he was restored to life by a charm supplied by his wife Ulūpī. He traversed the whole of Bharata-khaṇda and returned to Hastināpura, loaded with spoils and tributes, and the great horse-sacrifice was then duly performed. He was afterwards called by Kṛiṣna to Dvārakā amid the internecine struggles of the Yādavas and there he performed the funeral ceremonies of Vasudeva and Kṛiṣṇa. Soon after this the five Pāṅdavas repaired to heaven having installed Parīkṣit -the only surviving son of Abhimanyu- on the throne of Hastināpura. Arjuna was the bravest of the Pāṇdavas, high-minded, generous, upright, handsome and the most prominent figure of all his brothers. He has several appellations, such a Pārtha, Gudākeśa, Savyasāchī, Dhanañjaya, Phālguna, Kirītin, Jīṣṇu, Śvetavāhana, Gāṇḍivin &c.] cf. अर्जनः फाल्गुनो जिष्णुः किरीटी श्वेतवाहनः । बीभत्सुर्विजयः कृष्णः सव्यसाची धनञ्जयः ॥ -6 N. of Kārtavīrya, slain by Parasurāma See कार्तवीर्य. -7 N. of a country Bṛi. S.14. 25. -8 The only son of his mother. -9 N. of Indra. -1 N. of a tree, Jerminalia Arjuna (Mar. अईन). The tree is rarer in south India. The colour of its bark is white. It is a forest-tree bearing fragrant flowers appearing in panicles like those of the Mango-tree. -नी 1 A procuress, bawd. -2 A cow. तथार्जुनीनां कपिला वरिष्ठा Mb.13.73.42. -3 A kind of serpent; अर्जुनि पुनर्वोयन्तु˚ Av.2.24.7. -4 N. of Uṣhā, wife of Aniruddha. -5 N. of a river commonly called करतोया. -6 (न्यौ, -न्यः dual and pl.) N. of the constellation Phalgunī. अघासु हन्यन्ते गावो$र्जुन्योः पर्युह्यते Rv.1.85.13. -नम् 1 Silver. वीरुद्भिष्टे अर्जुनं संविदानम् Av.5.28.5. -2 Gold. -3 Slight inflammation of the white of the eye. -4 Grass. -न (Pl.) The descendants of Arjuna; cf. अर्जुनः ककुभे पार्थे कार्तवीर्यमयूरयोः । मातुरेकसुते वृक्षे धवले नयनामये । तृणभेदे गवि स्त्री स्यात् ...Nm. -Comp. -अभ्रम N. of a medicament. -ईश्वरतीर्थम् N. of a holy place. Siva P. -उपमः the teak tree; also शाकद्रुम and महापत्राख्यवृक्ष. -काण्ड a. having a white stem or appendage. बभ्रोरर्जनकाण्डस्य यवस्य ते Av.2.8.3. -च्छवि a. white, of a white colour. -ध्वजः 'white-bannered', N. of Hanūmat. -पाकी N. of a plant and its fruits. -बदरः The fibre of the Arjuna plant; अर्जुन- बदरा मेखलाः क्रियन्ताभू । ŚB. on MS.9.4.25 -मिश्रः Name of a commentator on the Mb. -सखिः (L.) Kriṣṇa. -सिंहः N. of a prince (Inscriptions). |
ardha | अर्ध (Written also as अर्द्ध) a. [ऋध्-णिच्-अच्; according to Nir. from धृ, or ऋध्] Half, forming a half (divided into 2 parts); अर्ध-अर्ध the one half-the other half. -र्धः [ऋध्-घञ्] 1 A place, region, country; house, habitation (Ved.). -2 Increase (वृद्धि). -3 Wind. -4 A part, portion, side. -र्धम्, -र्धः 1 A half, half portion; पचाति नेमो न हि पक्षदर्धः Rv.1.27.18. सर्वनाशे समुत्पन्ने अर्धं त्यजति पण्डितः, गतमर्धं दिवसस्य V.2; पूर्वार्धः first half; so उत्तर˚ latter half; दक्षिण˚ southern half (half on the right side); so अवर˚, जघन˚, पर˚, ग्राम˚ &c.; यदर्धे विच्छिन्नम् Ś.1.9 divided in half; ऋज्वायतार्धम् M.27; R.3.59; 12.99; रात्रौ तदर्धं गतम् Bh.3.17; one part of two, apart, partly (Ved.); -2 Nearness, proximity; see अर्धदेव. (अर्ध may be compounded with almost every noun and adjective; as first member of compound with nouns it means 'a half of' and forms an एकदेशिसमास or तत्पुरुष; ˚कायः = अर्धं कायस्य; ˚पिप्पली, ˚मार्गः; ˚पुरुषः &c.; with adjectives, it has an adverbial force; ˚श्याम half dark; ˚भुक्त half eaten; so ˚पिष्ट, ˚पूर्ण &c.; with numeral adjectives it may mean either 'a half of' or 'with an additional half'; ˚शतम् half of 1 i. e. 5; or अर्धेन सहितं शतम् i. e. 15; with ordinal numerals 'with a half or that number'; ˚तृतीयम् containing two and the third only half; i. e. two and a half; so ˚चतुर्थ three and a half. cf. अर्धं खण्डे समांशके Nm. -Comp. -अक्षि n. side-look, wink. नगरस्त्रीशङ्कितार्धाक्षिदृष्टम् Mk.8.42. -अङ्गम् half the body. -अन्तरम् half the distance; ˚एकपदता a fault in composition; see S. D. 575. -अंशः a half, the half. -अंशिन् a. sharing a half. -अर्धः, -र्धम् 1 half of a half, quarter; चरर्धार्धभागाभ्यां तामयोजयतामुभे R.1.56. -3 half and half. -अवभेदकः 1 pain in half the head, hemicrania (Mar. अर्धशिशी). (-कम्) dividing in equal parts. -अवशेष a. having only a half left. -अकारः 1 half the letter अ. -2 N. of अवग्रह q. v. -असिः A sword with one edge, a small sword; अर्धासिभिस्तथा खङ्गैः Mb.7.137.15. -आसनम् 1 half a seat; अर्धासनं गोत्रभिदो$धितष्ठौ R.6.73; मम हि दिवौकसां समक्षमर्धासनोपवेशितस्य Ś.7 (it being considered a mark of a very great respect to make room for a guest &c. on the same seat with oneself). -2 greeting kindly or with great respect. -3 exemption from censure. -इन्दुः 1 the half or crescent moon. -2 semicircular impresion of a finger-nail, crescent-shaped nail-print; कुचयोर्नखाङ्कैरर्धेन्दुलीलैः N.6.25. -3 an arrow with a crescent-shaped head (= अर्धचन्द्र below.); ˚मौलि N. of Śiva तत्र व्यक्तं दृषदि चरणन्यासमर्धेन्दुमौलेः Me.57. -इन्द्र a. that of which a half belongs to Indra. -उक्त a. half said or uttered; रामभद्र इति अर्धोक्ते महाराज U.1. -उक्तिः f. a broken speech; an interrupted speech. -उदकम् water reaching half the body. -उदयः 1 the rising of the half moon. -2 partial rise. -3 a kind of parvan; ˚आसनम् a sort of posture in meditatiou. -उदित a. 1 half risen. -2 half uttered. -ऊरुक a. [अर्धमूरोः अर्धोरु तत्र काशते] reaching to the middle of the thighs. (-कम्) 1 a short petti-coat (Mar. परकर); see चण्डातक. -2 mantle, veil. -कर्णः Radius, half the diameter. -कृत a. half done, incomplete. -केतुः N. of Rudra. -कोशः a moiety of one's treasure. -कौडविक a. measuring half a kuḍava. -खारम्, -री a kind of measure, half a Khāri; P.V.4.11. -गङ्गा N. of the river Kāverī; (स्नानादौ गङ्गास्नानार्धफलदायिनी); so ˚जाह्नवी -गर्भ a. Ved. 1 in the middle of the womb; सप्तार्धगर्भा भुवनस्य रेतो Rv. 1.164.36. -2 N. of the rays of the Sun. -गुच्छः a necklace of 24 strings. -गुञ्जा half a gunja. -गोलः a hemisphere. -चक्रवर्तिन्, -चक्रिन् m. N. of the nine black Vasudevas and the nine enemies of Viṣṇu. -चन्द्र a. crescent-shaped. (-न्द्रः) 1 the half moon, crescent moon; सार्धचन्द्रं बिभर्ति यः Ku.6.75. -2 the semicircular marks on a peacock's tail. -3 an arrow with a crescent-shaped head; अर्धचन्द्रमुखैर्बाणैश्चिच्छेद कदलीसुखम् R.12.96. cf. अर्धचन्द्रस्तदाकारे बाणे बर्हे शिखण्डिनः Nm. -4 crescent-shaped nail-print. -5 the hand bent into a semicircle, as for the purpose of seizing or clutching anything; ˚न्द्र दा to seize by the neck and turn out; दीयतामेतस्यार्धचन्द्रः Pt.1. (-द्रा) N. of a plant (कर्णस्फोट). -चन्द्राकार, -चन्द्राकृति a. half-moonshaped. -चन्द्रकम् A semi-circular pearl. Kau. (-रः, -ति f.) meniscus. -चन्द्रिका N. of a climbing plant. (Mar. तिळवण). -चित्र a. Half-transparent; A kind of marble; अर्धाङ्गदृश्यमानं च तदर्धचित्रमिति स्मृतम् Māna.51.1. -चोलकः a short bodice. -जरतीयन्यायः a kind of न्याय, न चेदानीमर्धजरतीयं लभ्यं वृद्धिर्मे भविष्यति स्वरो नेति MBh.4.1. 78. See under न्याय. -जीविका, -ज्या The sine of an arc. -तनुः f. half the body. -तिक्तः N. of a plant (नेपालनिम्ब Mar. चिराईत). -तूरः a kind of musical instrument. -दिनम्, दिवसः 1 half a day, mid-day. -2 a day of 12 hours. -देवः 1 demi-god. इन्द्रं न वृत्रतुरमर्धदेवम् Rv. 4.42.8-9. -2 Ved. being near the gods; (देवानां समीपे बर्तमानः Sāy.). -द्रौणिक a. measuring a half droṇa. -धारः a knife or lancet with a single edge (one of the 2 surgical instruments mentioned by Suśruta). -नाराचः a crescent-shaped iron-pointed arrow; नाराचानर्धनाराचाञ्शस्त्राणि विविधानि च Mbh.2.51.35; गृध-
लक्षवेधी अर्धनाराचः V.5. -नारायणः a form of Viṣṇu. -नारीशः, -नारीश्वरः, -नारी, -नटेश्वरः a form of Śiva, (half male and half female) cf.... पतिरपि जगता- मर्धनारीश्वरो$भूत् Sūkti.5.99. -नावम् half a boat. -निशा midnight. -पञ्चम a. Four and half; युक्तश्छन्दांस्य- धीयीत मासान्विप्रो$र्धपञ्चमान् Ms.4.95. -पञ्चशत् f. twenty five Ms.8.268. -पणः a measure containing half paṇa Ms.8.44. -पथम् half way. (-पथे) midway भृतिमर्ध- पथे सर्वान्प्रदाप्य Y.2.198. -पादः half a pāda or foot; अर्धपादं किष्कुविष्कम्भमुद्धृत्य Dk.19. -पादा The plant भूम्यामलकी (Mar. भूईआवळी). -पादिक a. having half a foot; सद्यः कार्यो$र्धपादिकः Ms.8.325. -पाञ्चालिक a. born or produced in the ardhapanchāla. -पारावतः a kind of pigeon (अर्धेनाङ्गेन पारावत इव). The francolin partridge. -पुलायितः a half gallop, canter; चित्रं चकार पदमर्धपुलायितेन Śi.5.1. -प्रहर half a watch, one hour and a half. -प्राणम् A kind of joinery resembling the shape of a bisected heart; मूलाग्रे कीलकं युक्तमर्धप्राणमिति स्मृतम् । Māna.17.99. -भागः a half, half a share or part; तदर्धभागेन लभस्व काङ्क्षितम् Ku.5.5; R.7.45. -भागिक a. sharing a half; मृते पितरि कुर्युस्तं भ्रातरस्त्वर्धभागिकम्म् Y.2.134. -भाज् a. sharing entitled to a half; अर्धभाग्रक्षणाद्राजा Ms.8.39. -2 a companion, sharer; देवानामर्धभागासि Av.6.86.3. -भास्करः mid-day. -भेदः Hemiplegia (अर्धाङ्गवायुः); Suś. -भोटिका a kind of cake. -भ्रमः -मकः a kind of artificial composition; for instances see Ki.15.27; Śi.19.72. The Sar. K. describes it as a figure of speech thus :-- आहुरर्धभ्रमं नाम श्लोकार्धभ्रमणं यदि. -मागधी N. of a dialect in which many of Jaina Canonical books are written. It is so named perhaps because many of the characteristics of Māgadhi are found in it. -माणवकः, -माणवः a necklace of 12 strings (माणवक consisting of 24.) -मात्रा 1 half a (short) syllable. अर्धमात्रालाघवेन पुत्रोत्सवं मन्यन्ते वैयाकरणाः Pari Sik. -2 a term for a consonant (व्यञ्जनं चार्धमात्रकम्). -मार्गे ind. mid-way; बन्दीकृता विबुधशत्रुभिरर्धमार्गे V.1.3. -मासः half a month, a fortnight. -मासतम = ˚मासिक see P.V.2.57. -मासिक a. 1 happening every fortnight. -2 lasting for a fortnight; ये$र्धमासाश्च च मासाश्च Mahānārā. 25. Y.2.177. -मुष्टिः f. a half-clenched hand. -यामः half a watch. -रथः [अर्धः असंपूर्णः रथः रथी] a warrior who fights on a car with another (who is not so skilled as a रथी); रणे रणे$भिमानी च विमुखश्चापि दृश्यते । घृणी कर्णः प्रमादी च तेन मे$र्धरथो मतः Mb. -रात्रः [अर्ध रात्रेः] 1 midnight; अथार्धरात्रे स्तिमितप्रदीपे R.16.4; स्थिते$र्धरात्रे Dk.19. -2 a night containing half a whole day of 24 hours. -रात्रार्धदिवसः equinox. -लभ्मीहरिः Hari having a form half like Lakṣmī. -विसर्गः, -विसर्ज- नीयः the Visarga sound before क्, ख्, प्, and फ्, so called because its sign () is the half of a Visarga (). -वीक्षणम् a side-look, glance, leer. -वृद्ध a. middle-aged. -वृद्धिः The half of the interest or rent; Ms.8.15. -वैनाशिकः N. of the followers of Kaṇāda (arguing half perishableness). -वैशसम् half or incomplete murder; विधिना कृतमर्धवैशसं ननु मां कामवधे विमुञ्चता Ku.4.31. -व्यासः the radius of a circle. -शतम् 1 fifty. -2 One hundred and fifty; Ms.8.267. -शनम् [अर्धमशनस्य शकन्ध्वा˚] half a meal. -शफरः a kind of fish. -शब्द a. having a low voice. -शेष a. having only a half left. -श्याम a. half clouded. -श्लोकः half a śloka or verse. -सम a. equal to a half. (-मम्) N. of a class of metres in which the 1st and 3rd and 2nd and 4th lines have the same syllables and Gaṇas; such as पुष्पिताग्रा. -सस्य a. half the crops, half grown. -सहः An owl. -सीरिन् m. 1 a cultivator, ploughman who takes half the crop for his labour; शूद्रेषु दासगोपालकुलमित्रार्धसीरिणः Y.1.166. -2 = अर्धिक q. v. -हर, -हारिन् a. occupying the half (of the body); Ku.1.5; एको रागिषु राजते प्रियतमादेहार्ध- हारी हरः Bh.3.121. -हारः a necklace of 64 strings. A half chain, a kind of ornament; नक्षत्रमालामपि चार्धहारं सुवर्णसूत्रं परितः स्तनाभ्याम् Māna.5.297-98. cf. also Kau. A.2.11. -ह्रस्वः half a (short) syllable. |
armaḥ | अर्मः र्मम् [ऋ-मन् Uṇ.1.137] 1 A disease of the eye. -2 A country to which one should go (गन्तव्यदेशः or चिरन्तनग्रामनिवासः. -3 A cemetery. -4 (pl.) Ruins, rubbish; Vāj.3.11. |
ādi | आदि a. 1 First, primary, primitive; निदानं त्वादिकारणम् Ak. -2 Chief, first, principal, pre-eminent; oft. at the end of comp. in this sense; see below. -3 First in time existing before. -दीः 1 Beginning, commencement (opp. अन्त); अप एव ससर्जादौ तासु बीजमवासृजत् Ms.1.8; Bg.3.41; अनादि &c.; जगदादिरनादिस्त्वम् Ku.2.9; oft. at the end of comp. and translated by 'beginning with', 'et cætera', 'and others', 'and so on' (of the same nature or kind), 'such like'; इन्द्रादयो देवाः the gods Indra and others (इन्द्रः आदिर्येषां ते); एवमादि this and the like; भ्वादयो धातवः भू and others, or words beginning with भू, are called roots; oft. used by Pāṇini to denote classes or groups of grammatical words; अदादि, दिवादि, स्वादि &c. -2 First part of portion. -3 A firstling, first-fruits. -4 Prime cause. -5 Nearness. -6 One of the seven parts of Sāma; अथ सप्तविधस्य वाचि सप्तविधं सामोपासीत यत्किंच वाचो हुमिति स हिंकारो यत्प्रेति स प्रस्तावो यदेति स आदिः Ch. Up.2.8.1. -Comp. -अन्त a. 1 having beginning and end. -2 first and last. (-तम्) beginning and end. -˚यमकम् N. of a figure in poetry. cf. Bk.1.21. ˚वत् having beginning and end, finite. ˚अन्तर्वर्तिन् a. having a beginning, end and middle; being all-in-all. -उदात्त a. having the acute accent on the first syllable. -उपान्तम् ind. from first to last. -करः, -कर्तृ, -कृत् m. the creator, an epithet of Brahmā or Viṣnu; गरीयसे ब्रह्मणो$प्यादिकर्त्रे Bg.11.37; विशेषणे द्वे य इहादिकर्तुर्वदेदधीती स हि कैयटीयः Śab. Kau. -कर्मन् n. the beginning of an action. -कविः 'the first poet', an epithet of Brahmā and of Vālmīki; the former is so called because he first produced and promulgated the Vedas;
(तेने ब्रह्म हृदा य आदिकवये मुह्यन्ति यत्सूरयः Bhāg.1.1.1.) and the latter, because he was the first to show to others 'the path of poets'; when he beheld one of a pair of Krauñcha birds being killed by a fowler, he cursed the wretch, and his grief unconsciously took the form of a verse (श्लोकत्वमापद्यत यस्य शोकः); he was subsequently told by Brahmā to compose the life of Rāma, and he thus gave to the world the first poem in Sanskrit, the Rāmāyaṇa; cf. U.2. Viṣkambhaka. -काण्डम् the first book of the Rāmāyaṇa. -कारणम् the first or primary cause (of the universe), which, according to the Vedāntins, is Brahman; while, according to the Naiyāyikas and particalarly the Vaiśeṣikas, atoms are the first or material cause of the universe, and not God. -2 analysis. -3 algebra. -काव्यम् the first poem; i. e. the Rāmāyaṇa; see आदिकवि. -केशवः N. of Viṣṇu. -जिनः N. of Ṛiṣabha, the first तीर्थंकर. -तालः a sort of musical time or ताल; एक एव लघुर्यत्र आदितालः स कथ्यते. -दीपकम् N. of a figure in rhetoric (the verb standing at the beginning of the sentence). cf. Bk.1.23. -देवः 1 the first or Supreme God; पुरुषं शाश्वतं दिव्यं आदिदेव- मजं विभुम् Bg.1.12,11.38. -2 Nārāyaṇa or Viṣṇu. -3 Śiva. -4 Brahmā; Mb.12.188.2. -5 the sun. -दैत्यः an epithet of Hiraṇyakaśipu. -नाथः N. of Ādibuddha. -पर्वन् n. 'the first section or chapter', N. of the first book of the Mahābhārata. -पुराणम् the first Purāṇa, N. of the Brahma-Purāṇa. N. of a Jaina religious book. -पु (पू) रुषः 1 the first or primeval being, the lord of the creation. -2 Viṣṇu, Kṛiṣṇa, or Nārāyaṇa; ते च प्रापुरुदन्वन्तं बुबुधे चादिपूरुषः R.1.6; तमर्घ्यमर्घ्यादिकयादिपूरुषः Śi.1.14. -बलम् generative power; first vigour. -बुद्ध a. perceived in the beginning. (-द्धः) the primitive Buddha. -भव, -भूत a. produced at first. (-वः, -तः) 1 'the first-born', primeval being, an epithet of Brahmā; इत्युक्त्वादिभवो देवः Bhāg.7.3.22. -2 also N. of Viṣṇu; रसातलादादि. भवेन पुंसा R.13.8. -3 an elder brother. (-तम्) minute five elements (पञ्चमहाभूतानि); नष्टे लोके द्विपरार्धावसाने महा- भूतेष्वादिभूतं गतेषु Bhāg.1.3.25. -मूलम् first foundation, primeval cause. -योगाचार्यः 'the first teacher of devotion', an epithet of Śiva. -रसः the first of he 8 Rasas, i. e. शृङ्गार or love. -राजः the first king पृथु; an epithet of Manu. -रूपम् Symptom (of disease). -वंशः primeval race, primitive family. -वराहः 'the first boar', an epithet of Visṇu, alluding to his third or boar-incarnation. -विद्वस् m. the first learned man; कपिल. -विपुला f. N. of an Āryā metre. -वृक्षः N. of a plant (Mar. आपटा). -शक्तिः f. 1 the power of माया or illusion. -2 an epithet of Durgā. -शरीरम् 1. the primitive body. -2 ignorance. -3 the subtle body. -सर्गः the first creation. |
ādiś | आदिश् 6 U. 1 To point out, indicate, show; मार्ग आदिश् (oft. in dramas) lead the way; Ś.5. -2 To order, direct, command; वेलोपलक्षणार्थमादिष्टो$स्मि Ś.4; पुनरप्यादिश तावदुत्थितः Ku.4.16; तेषामप्येतदादिशेत् Ms.11.192; आदिक्षदस्याभिगमं वनाय Bk.3.9,7.28; R.1.54,2.65; to appoint; वसुमित्रं गोप्तारमादिश्य M.5. -3 To aim at; assign; आदिक्षत्सिंहासनं तस्य Bk.3.3; हरिवीराणामादिशद्दक्षिणां दिशम् Rām. -4 To report, announce; teach, lay down, prescribe, instruct, advise; न चास्य व्रतमादिशेत् Ms.4.8; बुद्धिमादिश्य R.12.68. -5 To specify, determine; प्रतिषिद्धमनादिष्टम् Y.2.26. -6 To foretell, predict; सा सिद्धेनादिष्टा Ratn.4, Bṛi. S.5.96; आदिष्टः सुरासुरसंगरो भावी V.5. -7 To undertake, try; ब्रह्मास्त्रमादिश Mb. -8 To provoke, challenge. -9 To profess as one's own duty. -Caus. To indicate, show, point out, announce &c. (same as आदिश्). |
ādarśaḥ | आदर्शः [आदृश्यते$त्र, दृश् आधारे घञ्] 1 A mirror, a looking-glass; यथादर्शे तथात्मनि Kaṭh. Up.6.5. यथादर्शो मलेन च Bg.3.38. आत्मानमालोक्य च शोभमानमादर्शबिम्बे स्तिमि- तायताक्षी Ku.7.22. -2 The original manuscript from which a copy is taken; (fig.) a pattern, model, type; आदर्शः शिक्षितानाम् Mk.1.48; आदर्शः सर्वशास्त्राणाम् K.5; so गुणानाम् &c. -3 A copy of a work. -4 A commentary, gloss. cf. आदर्शो दर्पणे दीका प्रतिपुस्तकयोरपि Medinī. -5 A particular boundary of a country. -6 N. of a country. -Comp. -मण्डलः 1 a globular mirror. -2 the surface of a mirror. (-लम्) -3 a kind of snake (with globular spots). |
ānakaḥ | आनकः [आनयति उत्साहवतः करोति अन्-णिच्-ण्वुल् Tv.] 1 A large military drum (beaten at one end), a double drum, a drum or tabor in general; पणवानक- गोमुखाः । सहसैवाभ्यहन्यन्त Bg.1.13. -2 The thundercloud. cf. ... आनकः स्वनदम्बुदे । भेर्यां मृदङ्गे पटहे ... Nm. -Comp. -दुन्दुभिः epithet of Vasudeva, father of Kṛiṣṇa; cf. Hariv. वसुदेवो महाबाहुः पूर्वमानकदुन्दुभिः । जज्ञे यस्य प्रसूतस्य दुन्दुभ्यः प्राणदन्दिवि ॥ आनकानां च संह्रादः सुमहानभवद्दिवि । (-भिः, भी f.) a large drum or dhol. kettle-drum (beaten at one end). -स्थली N. of a country. |
ānartaḥ | आनर्तः [आनृत्यत्यत्र आधारे घञ्] 1 A stage, theatre, a dancing-hall. -2 War, battle. -3 N. of a king of the solar race. -4 N. of a country or its inhabitants, or its kings. (It was also called Saurāṣtra and may be identified with the modern Kathewar. Dwārakā was its capital, which is called Ānartanagarī. There was also an important town called Valabhī-which afterwards became its capital. The celebrated Tīrtha called Prabhāsa also stood in the same peninsula.) -र्तम् 1 Water. -2 Dancing (m. also) cf. आनर्तः समरे नृत्तस्थाननीवृद्विशेषयोः Nm. -Comp. -पुरम्, -नगरी the capital of the Ānarta country. |
āndhra | आन्ध्र a. Belonging to Āndhra (as language). -ध्रः (pl.) The Telagu country, modern Telangana; see अन्ध्र. -न्ध्री An Āndhra wife. |
ābhīraḥ | आभीरः [आ समन्तात् भियं राति, रा-क Tv.] 1 A cowherd; आभीरवामनयनाहृतमानसाय दत्तं मनो यदुपते तदिदं गृहाण Udb.; according to Ms.1.15 आभीर is the offspring of a Brāhmaṇa and a female of the Ambaṣṭha tribe. -2 (pl.) N. of a country or its inhabitants; श्रीकोंकणा- दधोभागे तापीतः पश्चिमे तटे । आभीरदेशो देवेशि विन्ध्यशैले व्यवस्थितः ॥ -री 1 A cowherd's wife. -2 A woman of the Ābhīra tribe. -3 The language of the Ābhīras; आभीरेषु तथा- भीरी (प्रयोक्तव्या) S. D.432. -Comp. -पल्लिः, -ल्ली f., -पल्लिका a station or abode of herdsmen, a village inhabited by cowherds. |
āmbarīṣaputrakaḥ | आम्बरीषपुत्रकः A country inhabited by the Ambarīṣaputras. |
āyata | आयत p. p. 1 Long; दशाङ्गुलमायता यष्टिः a stick ten fingers long; शतमध्यर्धं (योजनं) आयता Mb.; ˚स्वभावानि च दुःखानि K.175 lasting. -2 Diffuse, prolix. -3 Big, large, great; Pt.1. -4 Drawn, attracted. -5 Long drawn, distant; high-pitched; स्वचित्तायतनिःस्वनम् Rām. 1.4.33. -6 Curbed, restrained. -7 Asleep; तं नायतं बोधयोदित्याहुः Bṛi. Up.4.3.14. -तः An oblong (in geometry). -तम् ind. Deeply, long; मैथिलीमाहृतां दृष्ट्वा ध्यात्वा निःश्वस्य चायतम् Rām.6.111.71. -Comp. -अक्ष a. (-क्षी f.) -ईक्षण, -नेत्र, -लोचन a. (a woman) with large eyes. -अपाङ्ग a. having long cornered eyes. -अर्धः half an oblong. -आयतिः f. long-continuance, remote futurity; सा विभूतिरनुभावसम्पदां भूयसी तव यदायतायतिः Śi.14.5. चतुरस्र, दीर्घचतुरस्र a. Oblong. -च्छदा a plantain tree. -लेख a. long-curved; कान्तिर्भ्रुवोरायतलेखयोर्या Ku.1.47. -स्तूः m. [आयतं स्तौति, नि˚ पा˚ दीर्घः] a panegyrist, bard. |
āyogavaḥ | आयोगवः [आयोगव एव, स्वार्थे अण्] The son of a Śūdra by a Vaiśya wife (his business being carpentry; cf. Ms.1.48); शूद्रादायोगवः क्षत्ता चाण्डालश्चाधमो नृणाम् । वैश्य- राजन्यविप्रास्तु जायन्ते वर्णसंकराः ॥ -वी A woman of this tribe. |
āraṭṭaḥ | आरट्टः 1 N. of a country to the north-east of Punjab, famous for its breed of horses; (the people of Guzarath in Ravalpindi still call their country Hairat or Airatdesa); the inhabitants of this country (pl.). -2 A horse from this country. |
ārādh | आराध् 5, 1 P. 1 To propitiate, conciliate, please, try to win the favour of; परेषां चेतांसि प्रतिदिवसमाराध्य बहुधा Bh.3.34,2.4-5; R.1.77,81,1.86,18.23; Me.47. -2 To honour, worship, respect. -3 To deserve, merit. |
ārjīka | आर्जीक a. [ऋजीकस्येदं अण्] Belonging to the ऋजीक country, or a vessel called ऋजीक. -कः A lake in the ऋजीक country; (according to others) perhaps a milk-vessel or celestial-vessel in which the heavenly Soma is purified. |
ārya | आर्य a. [ऋ-ण्यत्] 1 Āryan, an inhabitant of आर्यावर्त, N. of the race migrated into India in Vedic times. -2 Worthy of an Ārya. -3 Worthy, venerable, respectable, honourable, noble, high; यदार्यमस्यामभिलाषि मे मनः Ś.1.22; R.2.33; so आर्यवेषः respectable dress; oft. used in theatrical language as an honorific adjective and a respectful mode of address; आर्यचाणक्यः, आर्या अरुन्धती &c.; आर्य revered or honoured Sir; आर्ये revered or honoured lady. The following rules are laid down for the use of आर्य in addressing persons:-(1) वाच्यौ नटीसूत्रधारावार्यनाम्ना परस्परम् । (2) वयस्येत्युत्तमैर्वाच्यो मध्यैरार्येति चाग्रजः । (3) (वक्तव्यो) अमात्य आर्येति चेतरैः । (4) स्वेच्छया नामभिर्विप्रैर्विप्र आर्येति चेतरैः । S. D.431. -4 Noble, fine, excellent. -र्यः 1 N. of the Hindu and Iranian people, as distinguished from अनार्य, दस्यु and दास; विजानीह्यार्यान्ये च दस्यवः Rv.1.51.8. -2 A man who is faithful to the religion and laws of his country; कर्तव्यमाचरन् कार्यमकर्तव्यमनाचरन् । तिष्ठति प्रकृताचारे स वा आर्य इति स्मृतः ॥ -3 N. of the first three castes (as opp. to शूद्र). -4 respectable or honourable man, esteemed person; वृत्तेन हि भवत्यार्यो न धनेन न विद्यया Mb.; परमार्यः परमां कृपां बभार Bu. Ch.5.6. -5 A man of noble birth. -6 A man of noble character. -7 A master, owner. -8 A preceptor; वैमानि- कार्यसमभूमा Viś. Guṇā.124; Mu.3.33. -9 A friend. -1 A Vaiśya. -11 A father-in-law (as in आर्यपुत्र). -12 A Buddha. -13 (With the Buddhists) A man who has thought on the four chief principles of Buddhism and lives according to them. -14 A son of Manu Sāvarṇa. -र्या 1 N. of Pārvatī. -2 A mother-in-law. -3 A respectable woman; यत्रार्या रुदती भीता पाण़्डवानिदमब्रवीत् Mb.3.12.87. -4 N. of a metre; राजानमुद्दिश्य आर्यामिमां पपाठ K. ˚गीतिः f. A variety of the Āry&amacr metre, see Appendix. -5That which comes from truth; आराद् याता तत्त्वेभ्य इति आर्या. -र्यम् 1 Virtue, sacredness; नहि दुष्टा- त्मनामार्यमावसत्यालये चिरम् Rām.3.5.12. -2 Discrimination (विवेक); कोपमार्येण यो हन्ति स वीरः पुरुषोत्तमः Rām.4.31.6. -Comp. -अष्टशतम् title of a work of Ārya Bhaṭṭa consisting of eight hundred verses. -आगमः The approaching an Ārya woman sexually; अन्त्यस्यार्यागमे वधः Y.2.294. -आवर्तः [आर्यां आवर्तन्ते अत्र] 'abode of the noble or excellent (Āryas)'; particularly N. of the tract extending from the eastern to the western ocean, and bounded on the north and south by the Himālaya and Vindhya respectively; cf. Ms..2.22; आ समुद्रात्तु वै पूर्वादा समुद्राच्च पश्चिमात् । तयोरेवान्तरं गिर्योः (हिमवद्विन्ध्ययोः) आर्यावर्तं विदुर्बुधाः ॥; also 1.34. -गृह्य a. [आर्यस्य गृह्यः पक्षः] 1 to be respected by the noble. -2 a friend of the noble, readily accessible to honourable men; तमार्यगृह्यं निगृहीतधेनुः R.2.33. -3 respectable, right, decorous. -जुष्ट a. liked by or agreeable to noble ones. -देशः a country inhabited by the Āryas. -पुत्रः 1 son of an honourable man. -2 the son of a spiritual preceptor. -3 honorific designation of the son of the elder brother; of a husband by his wife; or of a prince by his general &c. -4 the son of the father-in-law, i. e. a husband (occurring in every drama; mostly in the vocative case in the last two senses). -प्राय a. 1 inhabited by the Āryas. -2 a bounding with respectable people; Ms.7.69. -बलः N. of a Bodhisattva. -भट्टः N. of a renowned astronomer, the inventor of Algebra among the Hindus; he flourished before the 5th century of the Christian era. Hence his work is called आर्यभटीय. -भावः honourable character or behaviour. -मतिः One having a noble
intellect; संक्षिप्तमार्यमतिना Sāṅ. K.71. -मार्गः the path or course of the respectable, a respectable way. -मिश्र a. respectable, worthy, distinguished. (-श्रः) a gentleman, a man of consequence; (pl.) 1 worthy or respectable men, an assembly of honourable men; आर्य- मिश्रान् विज्ञापयामि V.1. -2 your reverence or honour (a respectful address); नन्वार्यमिश्रैः प्रथममेव आज्ञप्तम् Ś.1; आर्य- मिश्राः प्रमाणम् M.1. -युवन् m. an Āryan youth. -रूप a. having only the form of an Āryan, a hypocrite, impostor; आर्यरूपमिवानार्यं कर्मभिः स्वैर्विभावयेत् Ms.1.57. -लिङ्गिन् m. an impostor; Ms.9.26. -वाक् a. speaking the Aryan language; म्लेच्छवाचश्चार्यवाचः सर्वे ते दस्यवः स्मृताः Ms.1.45. -वृत्त a. virtuous, good, pious; Ms.9. 253; R.14.55. (-त्तम्) the conduct of an Āryan or nobleman; Ms.4.175. -वेश a. well-clothed, having a respectable dress, fine. -व्रत a. observing the laws and ordinances of the Āryans or noblemen. (-तम्) the duty of an Aryan. -शील a. Having an honest character. -श्वेतः a noble or honourable man. -संघः the whole body of the Āryans, especially Buddhists; it is also the name of a renowned philosopher (founder of the school of Yogāchāras). -सत्यम् a noble or sublime truth; (there are four such truths forming the chief principles of Buddhism. In Pāli they are called चत्तारि अरियसच्चानि. They are, (1) life is suffering, (2) Desire of life is the cause of suffering, (3) Extinction of that desire is the cessation of suffering, (4) The eightfold path leads to that extinction). -सिद्धान्तः N. of a work of आर्यभट्ट. -स्त्री An Āryan woman, or a woman of the first three castes. -हलम् ind. forcibly. -हृद्य a. liked by the noble. |
āvayaḥ | आवयः 1 Coming. -2 One who comes. -3 N. of a country. -यः, -या Water (Ved.). -यम् Ved. Nonconception, barrenness; अप्रजास्त्वं मार्तवत्समाद् रोदमघमावयम् Av.8.6.26. |
āvrīḍakaḥ | आव्रीडकः [आव्रीडानां विषयो देशः] A country inhabited by shameless people. |
inakṣa | इनक्ष (Desid. of नक्ष्) Ved. To try to reach, strive to get. |
iṣ | इष् I. 6. P. (इच्छति, इयेष, ऐषीत्, एषितुम्-एष्टुम्, इष्ट) 1 To wish, desire, long for; इच्छामि संवर्धितमाज्ञया ते Ku.3.3; oft. with pot. or imperat. mood; इच्छामि भुञ्जीत or भुङ्क्तां भवान्; भुञ्जीयेतीच्छति Sk. -2 To choose; मूत्रेण मौण्ड्यमिच्छेत् तु क्षत्रियो दण्डमेव वा Ms.8.384. -3 To endeavour to obtain, strive or seek for; भूतिमिच्छता, स्वर्गम् &c. -4 To be willing, be about to do anything, mean or intend (with. inf.). -5 To ask or expect anything (acc.) from any one (loc. or abl.); देवेषु यज्ञे भागमीषिरे Śat. Br. -6 To acknowledge, regard. -7 To request, ask. -8 To be favourable. -9 To try to make favourable. -1 To assent or consent. -pass. 1 To be wished or liked. -2 To be asked, or requested. -3 To be prescribed or laid down; हस्तच्छेदनमिष्यते Ms.8.322; त्रिरात्रं दशरात्रं वा शावमाशौचमिष्यते Y.3.18. -4 To be approved, accepted, or regarded as जम्भो दन्ते$पि चेष्यते Trik. -II. 4 P. (इष्यति इयेष एषिष्यति एषितुम्) 1 To move; to cause to move; केनेषितं पतति प्रेषितं मनः Kena. Up.1. येनषिता वागसवश्चरन्ति Bhāg. 11.28.35. -2 To let fly, cast, throw. -3 To raise (as one's voice). -4 To sprinkle. -III. 9 P. (इष्णाति) 1 To cause to move quickly, let fly, cast. -2 To fly off, escape. -3 To strike, smite; न वेद खं गां च परिश्रमेषितः Bhāg.12.9.16. -4 To impel, urge, incite, animate, promote. -5 To perform frequently; इष्णाति वैष्णवो व्रतम् -IV. 1 U. (एषति-ते, ऐषीत्-ऐषिष्ट) To go, move. |
ihalaḥ | इहलः N. of a country (चेदि).
-2 To regard, consider, look upon; सर्वभूतस्थमात्मानम्... ईक्षते योगयुक्तात्मा Bg.6.29. -3 To take into account, care for; नाभिजनमीक्षते K.14; न कामवृत्तिर्वचनीयमीक्षते Ku.5.82. -4 To think, reflect; स ऐक्षत लोकान्नु सृजै Ait. Up.1.1. तत्तेज ऐक्षत बहु स्यां प्रजायेय Ch. Up. 6.2.3. -5 To require; नाभ्यासक्रममीक्षते Pt.1.151. -6 To look to, or to investigate, the good or bad luck of any one (with dat. of the person); कृष्णाय ईक्षते गर्गः Sk. (शुभाशुभं पर्यालोचयति) Bk.8.76. -With अधि to suspect; सत्ये$प्यपायमधीक्षते H.4.12 v. l. -अन्वव 1 to see, behold. -2 to consider. -3 to care for, take into account. |
īti | ईति a. [ई-क्तिच्] 1 Produced, effected. -तिः f. Plague, distress, a calamity of the season. The itis are usually said to be six :- (1) excessive rain; (2) drought; (3) locusts; (4) rats; (5) parrots; and (6) foreign invasions; अतिवृष्टिरनाव्रष्टिः शलभा मूषकाः शुकाः । प्रत्यासन्नाश्च राजानः षडेता ईतयः स्मृताः ॥ (some read for the second line स्वचक्रं परचक्रं च सप्तैता ईतयः स्मृताः ॥ making the total number seven); आशास्यमीतिविगमप्रभृति प्रजानाम् M.5.2; Mv.7.42; निरातङ्का निरीतयः R.1.63. -2 An infectious disease. -3 Travelling (in a foreign country), sojourning (प्रवास). -4 An affray. |
ugra | उग्र a. [उच्-रन् गश्चान्तादेशः Uṇ.2.28] 1 Fierce, cruel, ferocious, savage (as a look &c.); ˚दर्शनः having a fierce or cruel look. -2 Formidable, terrific, frightful; सिंहनिपातमुग्रम् R.2.5; Bg.11.3; Ms.6.75,12.75; ˚दन्तः, ˚नासिकः &c. -3 Powerful, mighty, strong, violent, intense; उग्रातपां वेलाम् Ś.3 intensely hot. उग्रशोकाम् Me.115 v. l.; निखिलरसायनराजो गन्धेनोग्रेण लशुन इव Bv. Sharp, pungent, hot, -5 High, noble. यत्र भगवानास्ते वाल्मीकिसुग्रधीः Rām.7.49.1. -6 Angry, passionate, wrathful. -7 Ready to do any work, industrious. -ग्रः 1 N. of Śiva or Rudra; जघ्ने$द्भुतैणवपुषा$$श्रमतो$- पकृष्टो मारीचमाशु विशिखेन यथा कमुग्रः Bhāg.9.1.1. -2 N. of a mixed tribe, descendant of a Kṣatriya father and Śūdra mother (his business being to catch or kill animals dwelling in holes, such as snakes; cf. क्षत्रियाच्छूद्रकन्यायां क्रूराचारविहारवान् । क्षत्रशूद्र- वपुर्जन्तुरुग्रो नाम प्रजायते ॥ Ms.1.9,13,15.). -3 N. of a tree शोभाञ्जनवृक्ष (Mar. शेवगा). -4 A group of five asterisms; their names are :- पूर्वाफल्गुनी, पूर्वाषाढा, पूर्वाभाद्रपदा, मघा and भरणी. -5 N. of a country called Kerala (Modern Malabar). -6 The sentiment called रौद्र. -7 Wind. -8 A royal attendant (like उग्र tribe); उग्राः प्रत्येनसः सूतग्रामण्यः Bṛi. Up.4.3.37. -ग्रा 1 N. of different plants; वचा, यवानी, धन्याक. (Mar. वेखंड, ओवा, मेथी). -2 A cruel woman. -ग्री A kind of being belonging to the class of demons; य उग्रीणामुग्रबाहुर्ययुः Av.4.24.2. -ग्रम् 1 A certain deadly poison, the root of Aconitum Ferox (वत्सनाभविषम्; Mar. बचनाग). -2 Wrath, anger. -Comp. -ईशः the mighty or terrible lord, N. of Śiva. -कर्मन् n. fierce in action, cruel. -काण्डः a sort of gourd (कारवेल). -काली form of Durgā. -गन्ध a. strongsmelling. (-न्धः) 1 the Cahmpaka tree. -2 N. of other trees also; कटुफल, अर्जकवृक्ष. -3 garlic. (-न्धा) 1 Orris root. -2 a medicinal plant. -3 N. of various plants; यवानी, वचा, अजमोदा. (-न्धम्) Asafœtida. -गन्धिन् a. strong-smelling. -चयः a strong desire. -चारिणी, -चण्डा N. of Durgā. -जाति a. base-born. -तारा N. of a goddess. -तेजस् a. endowed with powerful or terrible energy. -दंष्ट्र a. having terrific teeth. -दण्ड a. ruling with a rod of iron, stern, cruel, relentless; Pt.3. -ण्डः Stern rule; तस्योग्रदण्डसंविग्नाः सर्वे लोकाः सपालकाः । अन्यत्रालब्धशरणाः शरणं ययुरच्युतम् ॥ Bhāg.7.4.21. -दर्शन, -रूप a. frightful in appearance, fierce-looking, grim, terrible. -दुहितृ f. the daughter of a powerful man. -धन्वन् a. having a powerful bow. (m.) N. of Śiva and Indra; पिङ्गस्तमुग्रधन्वा कृणोतु हृदयाविधम् Av.8.6.18. -नासिक a. large-nosed. -पीठम् A ground plan in which the whole area is divided into 36 equal parts (Mānasāra 7.7). -पुत्र a. born in a mighty family. (-त्रः) N. of Kārttikeya. -पूति a. horribly stinking; Māl.5.16. -रेतस् m. a form of Rudra. -वीर a. having powerful men. -वीर्यः Assafœtida (Mar. हिंग). -शासन a. strict in orders, severe in commands. -शेखरा 'crest of Śiva'. N. of the Ganges. -शोक a. sorely-grieving, deeply afflicted. -श्रवस् (see वृद्धश्रवस्) N. of the son of रोमहर्षण. उग्रश्रवाः पुरा सूतो रोमहर्षणसंभवः Bm.1.2. -श्रवणदर्शन a. terrible to hear and see. -सेनः 1 N. of a son of Dhṛitarāṣṭra. -2 N. of a king of Mathurā and father of Kaṁsa. He was deposed by his son; but Kṛiṣṇa after having slain Kaṁsa restored him to the throne. (-ना) N. of the wife of Akrūra; ˚जः N. of Kaṁsa, the uncle and enemy of Krisna. |
uḍraḥ | उड्रः N. of a country; the modern Orissa; see ओड्र. |
utkala | उत्कल a. Excessive, piteous; K.36. -लः 1 N. of a country, the modern Orissa, or the inhabitants of that country (pl.); जगन्नाथप्रान्तदेश उत्कलः परिकीर्तितः; see ओड्र; उत्कलादर्शितपथः R.4.38. -2 A fowler, bird-catcher. -3 A porter (carrying a load with him). -4 A subdivision of Brāhmaṇas. |
utkramaḥ | उत्क्रमः 1 Going up or out, departure. -2 Progressive increase. -3 Going astray, deviation, transgression, violation. -Comp. -ज्या (in Geometry) The versed sine; Sūrya. |
uttan | उत्तन् 8 U. 1 To stretch upwards or out. -2 To try to rise. |
uttara | उत्तर a. [उद्-तरप्] 1 Being or produced in the north, northern (declined like a pronoun). -2 Upper, higher
P.I.1.34 (opp. अधर); उत्तरे-अधरे दन्ताः Śat. Br.; अवनतोत्तरकायम् R.9.6; P.II.2.1. -3 (a) Later-latter, following, subsequent (opp. पूर्व); पूर्वमेघः, उत्तरमेघः, ˚मीमांसा; उत्तरार्धः &c. ˚रामचरितम् later adventures of Rāma U.1.2; पूर्वः उत्तरः former-latter H.1.9; एतानि मान्यस्थानानि गरीयो यद्यदुत्तरम् Ms.2.136. (b) Future; concluding; ˚कालः subsequent time; ˚फलम्; ˚वचनम् a reply. -4 Left (opp. दक्षिण). -5 Superior, chief, excellent; dominant, power- ful. आनयेङ्गुदिपिण्याकं चीरमाहर चोत्तरम् Rām.2.13.2; वाद्यमानेषु तूर्येषु मल्लतारोत्तरेषु च Bhāg.1.42.36. -6 Exceeding, transgressing, beyond; तर्कोत्तराम् Mv.2.6. -7 More, more than (generally as the last member of a comp. with numerals); षडुत्तरा विंशतिः 26; अष्टोत्तरं शतं 18; दशनागबलाः केचित् केचिद्दशगुणोत्तराः Rām.5.43.22. -8 Accompanied or attended with, full of, consisting chiefly of, followed by (at the end of comp.); राज्ञां तु चरितार्थता दुःखोत्तरैव Ś.5; चषकोत्तरा R.7.49; अस्रोत्तर- मीक्षिताम् Ku.5.61; उत्सवोत्तरो मङ्गलविधिः Dk.39,166; K.311; H.1.15; प्रवाल ˚पुष्पशय्ये R.6.5 over spread with; धर्मोत्तरम् 13.7 rich in; 18.7; कम्प ˚ 13.28;17.12; 19.23. -9 To be crossed over. -रः 1 Future time, futurity. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -3 N. of Śiva. -रा 1 The north; अस्त्युत्तरस्यां दिशि देवतात्मा Ku.1.1. -2 A lunar mansion. -3 N. of the daughter of Virāṭa and wife of Abhimanyu. -4 N. of a plant (Mar. पिंपरी). -रम् 1 An answer, reply; प्रचक्रमे च प्रतिवक्तुमुत्तरम् R.3.47; उत्तरादुत्तरं वाक्यं वदतां संप्रजायते Pt.1.6; a reply is suggested to a reply वचस्तस्य सपदि क्रिया केवलमुत्तरम् Śi. -2 (In law) Defence, a rejoinder. -3 The last part or following member of a compound. -4 (In Mīm.) The fourth member of an अधिकरण q. v. the answer. -5 The upper surface or cover. -6 Conclusion. -7 Remainder, rest, what followed or took place next; शान्तमथवा किमिहोत्तरेण U.3.26. -8 Superiority, excellence. -9 Result, the chief or prevalent result or characteristic. -1 Excess, over and above; see above (उत्तर a. 8). -11 Remainder, difference (in arith.). -12 A rectangular moulding (Mānasāra 13.67.) -13 The next step, further action; उत्तरं चिन्तयामास वानरो मरुतात्मजः Rām.5.13.59. -14 A cover (आच्छादन); सूस्करं सोत्तरबन्धुरेषम् Mb.6.6.9. -रम् ind. 1 Above. -2 Afterwards, after; तत उत्तरम्, इत उत्तरम् &c. शापं तं ते$भिविज्ञाय कृतवन्तः किमुत्तरम् Mb.1.36.1. -Comp. -अगारम् An upper room, garet. -अधर a. higher and lower (fig. also). (-रौ du.) the upper and under lip, the two lips; पुनर्विवक्षुःस्फुरितोत्तराधरः Ku.5.83 (स्फुरण- भूयिष्ठो$धरो यस्य Malli.). -अधिकारः, -रिता, -त्वम् right to property, heirship, inheritance. -अधिकारिन् m. an heir or claimant (subsequent to the death of the original owner). -अपरा north-west. -अभिमुख a. Turned towards the north. -अयनम् (˚यणं. न being changed to ण) 1 the progress of the sun to the north (of the equator); अग्निर्ज्योतिरहः शुक्लः षण्मासा उत्तरायणम् Bg.8.24. cf. भानोर्मकरसंक्रान्तेः षण्मासा उत्तरायणम् । कर्कादेस्तु तथैव स्यात् षण्मासा दक्षिणायनम् ॥ -2 the period or time of the summer solstice. -अरणिः, -णी f. the upper अरणि (which by cutting becomes the प्रमन्थ or churner); दारुपात्राणि सर्वाणि अरणिं चोत्तरारणिम् (दत्त्वा) Rām.6.111.116. -अर्थ a. for the sake of what follows. -अर्धम् 1 the upper part of the body. -2 the northern part. -3 the latter half (opp. पूर्वार्ध). -4 the further end. -अर्ध्य a. being on the northern side. -अहः the following day. -आभासः a false reply, an indirect, evasive, or prevaricating reply. ˚ता, -त्वम् the semblance of a reply without reality. -आशा the northern direction. ˚अधिपतिः, -पतिः the regent of the northern direction, an epithet of Kubera. -आषाढा 1 the 21st lunar mansion consisting of three stars. -2 N. of bread-fruit or Jak tree (Mar. फणस). -आसङ्गः 1 an upper garment; कृतोत्तरासङ्गम् K.43; Śi.2.19; Ku.5.16. -2 contact with the north. -इतर a. other than उत्तर i. e. southern. (-रा) the southern direction. -उत्तर a. [उत्तरस्मादुत्तरः] 1 more and more, higher and higher, further and further. -2 successive, ever increasing; ˚स्नेहेन दृष्टः Pt. 1; Y.2.136. (-रम्) 1 a reply to an answer, reply on reply; अलमुत्तरोत्तरेण Mu.3. -2 conversation, a rejoinder. -3 excess, exceeding quantity or degree. -4 succession, gradation, sequence. -5 descending. (-रम्) ind. higher and higher, in constant continuation, more and more. उत्तरोत्तरमुत्कर्षः K. P.1; उत्तरोत्तरं वर्धते H.1. -उत्तरिन् a. 1 ever-increasing. -2 one following the other. -ओष्ठः the upper lip (उत्तरो-रौ-ष्ठः). Vārt. on P.VI.1.94. ओत्वोष्ठयोस्समासे वा -काण्डम् the seventh book of the Rāmāyaṇa. -कायः the upper part of the body; तं वाहनादवनतोत्तरकायमीषत् R.9.6. -कालः 1 future time. -2 time calculated from one full moon to another. -कुरु (m. pl.) one of the nine divisions of the world, the country of the northern Kurus (said to be a country of eternal beatitude). -कोसलाः (m. pl.) the northern Kosalas; पितुरनन्तरमुत्तरकोसलान् R.9.1. -कोशला the city of Ayodhyā; यदुपतेः क्व गता मथुरा पुरी रघुपतेः क्व गतोत्तरकोशला ॥ Udb. -क्रिया funeral rites, obsequies. -खण्डम् the last section of book. -खण्डनम् refutation. -गीता N. of a section of the sixth book of the Mahābhārata. -ग्रन्थः supplement to a work. -च्छदः a bed-covering, covering (in general); शय्योत्तरच्छदविमर्द- कृशाङ्गरागम् R.5.65,17.21; नागचर्मोत्तरच्छदः Mb. -ज a. born subsequently or afterwards; चतुर्दश प्रथमजः पुनात्युत्तरजश्च षट् Y.1.59. -ज्या the versed sine of an arc (Wilson); the second half of the chord halved by the versed sine (B. and R.). -ज्योतिषाः (m. pl.) the northern Jyotiṣas. -ततिः f. Ectype (lit. subequent proceedings) उत्तरस्यां ततौ तत्प्रकृतित्वात् MS.1.4.25. शबर explains उत्तरस्यां ततौ as विकृतौ), -तन्त्रम् N. of a supplementary section in the medical work of Suśruta. -तापनीयम् N. of the second part of the नृसिंहतापनीयो- पनिषद्. -दायक a. replying, disobedient, pert, impertinent; दुष्टा भार्या शठं मित्रं भृत्याश्चोत्तरदायकाः H.2.11.
-दिश् f. the north. ˚ईशः, -पालः 1 Kubera, the regent of the north. -2 the planet बुध. ˚बलिन् 1 the planet Venus. -2 the moon. -देशः the country towards the north. -धेय a. to be done subsequently. -नारायणः the second part of the नारायणसूक्त or पुरुषसूक्त (Rv.1.9.). -पक्षः 1 the northern wing or side. -2 the dark half of a lunar month. -3 the second part of an argument, i. e. a reply, the reason pro. (opp. पूर्वपक्ष); प्रापयन् पवनव्याधेर्गिरमुत्तरपक्षताम् Śi.2.15. -4 a demonstrated truth or conclusion. -5 the minor proposition in a syllogism. -6 (in Mīm.) the fifth member of an Adhikaraṇa, q. v. -पटः 1 an upper garment. -2 a bed-covering (उत्तरच्छदः). -पथः the northern way, way leading to the north; the northern country; P.V.1 77. उत्तरपथेनाहृतं च. -पथिक a. travelling in the northern country. -पदम् 1 the last member of a compound. -2 a word that can be compounded with another. -पदिक, -पदकीय a. relating to, studying, or knowing the last word or term. -पर्वतकम् A variety of hides. Kāu. A.2.11. -पश्चार्धः the northwestern half. -पश्चिम a. northwestern. (-मः) the north-western country. (-मा) [उत्तरस्याः पश्चिमायाश्च दिशोन्तरालम्] the north-west; आलोकयन्नुत्तरपश्चिमेन Mb.12.335.8. -पादः the second division of a legal plaint, that part which relates to the reply or defence; पूर्वपक्षः स्मृतः पादो द्वितीयश्चोत्तरः स्मृतः । क्रियापादस्तृतीयः स्याच्चतुर्थो निर्णयः स्मृतः ॥ -पुरस्तात् ind. north-eastward (with gen.). -पुराणम् N. of a Jaina work. -पुरुषः = उत्तमपुरुषः q. v. -पूर्व a. north-eastern. (-र्वा) the north-east. -प्रच्छदः a cover lid, quilt. -प्रत्युत्तरम् 1 a dispute, debate, a rejoinder, retort. -2 the pleadings in a law-suit. -फ (फा) ल्गुनी the twelfth lunar mansion consisting of two stars (having the figure of a bed). -भागः The second part. -भाद्रपद्, -दा 1 the 26 th lunar mansion consisting of two stars (figured by a couch). -2 N. of a plant (Mar. कडुनिंब). -मन्द्रा a loud but slow manner of singing. ˚मन्द्राद्या a. particular मूर्च्छना in music. -मात्रम् a mere reply. -मीमांसा the later Mīmāmsā, the Vedānta Philosophy, an inquiry into the nature of Brahman or Jñāna Kāṇḍa (distinguished from मीमांसा proper which is usually called पूर्वमीमांसा). -युगम् A particular measure (= 13 Aṅgulas). -रहित a. without a reply. -रामचरितम् -त्रम् N. of a celebrated drama by Bhavabhūti, which describes the later life of Rāma. -रूपम् The second of two combined vowels or consonants. -लक्षणम् the indication of an actual reply. -लोमन् a. having the hair turned upwards. -वयसम्, -स् n. old age, the declining period of life. -वरितः a kind of small syringe. -वल्ली f. N. of the second section of the काठकोपनिषद् when divided into two अध्यायs. -वस्त्रम्, -वासस् n. an upper garment, mantle, cloak; जग्राह तामुत्तरवस्त्रदेशे Mb.3.268. 24. -वादिन् m. 1 a defendant, respondent; (Opp. पूर्ववादिन्.) साक्षिषूभयतः सत्मु साक्षिणः पूर्ववादिनः । पूर्वपक्षे$धरीभूते भवन्त्युत्तरवादिनः ॥ Y.2.17. -2 one whose claims are of later date than another's. -विद् -वेदन or वेदिन् An elephant sensitive to slight stimuli (Mātaṅga L.1.29; 9.39). -वीथिः f. The northern orbit; Bṛi. S. -वेदिः 1 the northern altar made for the sacred fire. -2 N. of a Tīrtha near the कुरुक्षेत्र. -सक्थम् the left thigh. -संझित a. denoted or named in reply (as a witness). (-तः) hearsay-witness. -साक्षिन् m. 1 a witness for the defence. -2 a witness deposing to facts from the reports of others. -साधक a. 1 finishing what remains or follows, assisting at a ceremony. -2 who or what proves a reply. (-कः) an assistant, helper -हनुः Ved. the upper jaw-bone. |
utthā | उत्था 1 P. [उद्-स्था] 1 To get up, stand, rise, raise oneself; उत्तिष्ठेत्प्रथमं चास्य Ms.2.194; R.9.59; Śi.9.39. -2 To get up from, leave, give up or cease from; अनाशनादुत्तिष्ठति Pt.4. -3 To rise, come up (as the sun
&c.). -4 To rebound (as a ball); कराभिघातोत्थितकन्दुकेयम् R.16.83, -5 To come forth, arise, spring or originate from, accrue from; ग्रामाच्छतमुत्तिष्ठति Mbh; यदुत्तिष्ठति वर्णेभ्यो नृपाणां क्षयि तत्फलम् Ś.2.14; अन्यदमृतादुत्थितम् K.136; उदतिष्ठन् प्रशंसावाचः Dk.49 shouts of applause burst forth (were heard); असंशयं सागरभागुदस्थात् N.22.44. -6 To rise, increase in strength or power, grow, (as an enemy, disease &c.); (Ātm.) उत्तिष्ठमानस्तु परो नोपेक्ष्यः पथ्यमिच्छता Śi.2.1 (= Pt.1.234.) -7 To become animated, rise (from the dead) मृतोत्थिता; Ku.7.4. -8 To be active or brave, rise up; हृदयदौर्बल्यं त्यक्त्वोत्तिष्ठ Bg.2.3,37; Mv.2; Pt.3.21. -9 To make efforts; take pains, strive, try; उत्तिष्ठमानं मित्रार्थे कस्त्वां न बहु मन्यते Bk.8.12; 2.18; Mv.4.6; मुक्तावुत्तिष्ठते जनः Ki.11.13; उदस्थित ऋतौ Śi.14.17. -1 To excel, surpass. -Caus. (उत्थापयति) 1 To cause to stand up, raise, lift up; उत्थाप्यते ग्रावा H.3.35; R.14.59; raise or throw up (as dust); R.7.39. -2 To instigate, excite, rouse to action; त्वामुत्थापयति द्वयम् Śi.2.57,12; Kām.5.4; H.3.85; Dk.17. -3 To arouse, awaken, raise to life, make alive; प्राणो हीदं सर्वमुत्थापयति Śat. Br. -4 To support, feed, aid; अत्र परिकरोत्थापितो$र्थान्तरन्यासालङ्कारः Malli. on Ki.8.4. |
udac | उदच् उदञ्च् a. (m. उदङ्, n. उदक्, f. उदीची) 1 Turned or going upwards. -2 Upper, higher; ˚कूलः; ˚तीरः &c. -3 Northern, turned towards the north. -4 Subsequent. -क् ind. 1 Above. -2 Northward, to the north of (with abl.); आचम्योदक् परावृत्य Ms.3.217. -3 Subsequently. -Comp. -अद्रिः the northern mountain, Himālaya. -अयनम् the sun's progress north of the equator (= उत्तरायणम् q. v.). -आवृत्तिः f. return from the north; उदगावृत्तिपथेन नारदः R.8.33. -दश a. having its skirts or border turned upwards or towards the north (as a garment) -पथः a northern country. -प्रवण a. 1 inclining or sloping towards the north. -2 proceeding well (as a sacrifice). -भूमः, -भूमिः 1 good or fertile soil. -2 a land sloping towards the north. -मुख a. facing the north; उत्पतोदङ्मुखः खम् Me.14. |
udīcya | उदीच्य a. Situated or living in the north. -च्यः 1 The country to the north and west of the river Sarasvatī; northern country. -2 (pl.) The inhabitants of the north; R.4.66. -च्यम् A kind of perfume. -Comp. -वृत्तम् a kind of Vaitālīya metre. |
udyānam | उद्यानम् (-नः also) 1 Going or walking out. उद्यानं ते पुरुष नावयानम् Av.8.1.6. -2 A garden, park, pleasure garden; बाह्योद्यानस्थितहरशिरश्चन्द्रिकाधौतहर्म्या Me.7,26,35; oft. opp. to वन; cf. दूरीकृताः खलु गुणैरुद्यानलता वनलताभिः Ś.1.17. -3 Purpose, motive. -4 N. of a country to the North of India. -Comp. -पालः, -पालकः, -रक्षकः a gardener, superintendent or keeper of a garden; उद्यानपालसामान्यमृतवस्तमुपासते Ku.2.36. |
udyogaḥ | उद्योगः 1 Effort, exertion, industry; तद्दैवमिति संचिन्त्य यजेन्नोद्योगमात्मनः Pt.2.144; उद्योगः खलु कर्तव्यः फलं मार्जारवद् भवेत्. -2 Work, duty, office; तुल्योद्योगस्तव दिनकृतश्चा- धिकारो मतो नः V.2.1. -3 Perseverance, diligence. -Comp. -पर्वन् n. title of the 5th book of the Mahābhārata; also a section of the 5th book (chapters 45-47) of the Rāmāyaṇa. |
unmatta | उन्मत्त p. p. 1 drunk, intoxicated. -2 Insane, frantic, mad; द्वावत्रोन्मत्तौ V.2; अहो उन्मत्तास्मि संवृत्ता U. 3,5.3; Ś.6; Ms.9.79. -3 (a) Puffed, elevated. (b) Furious, wild; मदोन्मत्तस्य भूपस्य कुञ्जरस्य च गच्छतः Pt.1. 161; U.2; Śi.6.31. -4 Possessed by a ghost or an evil-spirit; Y.2.32; Ms.3.161 (वातपित्तश्लेष्मसंनिपातग्रह- संभवेनोपसृष्टः Mitā.). -5 Very great, abnormal. उन्मत्तवेगाः प्लवगा मधुमत्ताश्च हृष्टवत् Rām.5.62.12. -त्तः 1 the thorn apple (धत्तूर); N. of another tree (मुचकुन्द). -2 N. of one of the eight forms of Bhairava. -Comp. -कीर्तिः, -वेशः N. of Śiva. -गङ्गम् N. of a country (where the Gaṅgā roars furiously along). -दर्शन, -रूप a. maniac-like, mad in appearance. -प्रलपित a. spoken in drunkenness or madness. (-तम्) the words of a madman. -भैरवः A form of Bhairava. ˚वी A form of Durgā. -लिङ्गिन् a. pretending to be mad. |
upakramaḥ | उपक्रमः 1 Beginning, commencement; रामोपक्रम- माचख्यौ रक्षःपरिभवं नवम् R.12.42 begun by Rāma; किमुपक्रमो रावणः Mv.2. -2 Approach, advance; साहस˚ forcible advance Māl.7; so योषितः सुकुमारोपक्रमाः ibid. -3 An undertaking, work, enterprize. -4 A plan, contrivance, means, expedient, stratagem, remedy; सामादि- भिरुपक्रमैः Ms.7.17,159; M.3; R.18.15; Y.1.345; Śi.2.76. -5 Attendance on a patient, treatment, practice of medicine, physicking. -6 A test of honesty, trying the fidelity of a friend &c.; see उपधा. -7 A kind of ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas. -8 Heroism, Courage. -9 Flight. -1 Behaviour, action; यद्यप्यकृतकृत्यानामीदृशः स्यादुपक्रमः Rām.5.64.3. -11 The rim of a wheel; Hch. |
upagiri | उपगिरि रम् ind. [गिरेश्च सेनकस्य P.V.4.112] Near a mountain. -रिः N. of a country situated near a mountain in the north. |
upatīrtham | उपतीर्थम् 1 Bank, a landing place on a bank of a river; Mb.3.153.3. -2 The country in the vicinity; Mb.5.152.7. |
upasad | उपसद् 1, 6 P. 1 To sit near to, go near, approach; अथ हैनं प्रस्तोता उपससाद Ch. Up.1.11.4. उपसेदुर्दशग्रीवम् Bk.9.92,3.12,6.135. -2 To sit at the feet of; उपाध्यायमुपासदम् Ks.18.21. -3 To wait upon, serve; (तं) आकल्पसाधनैस्तैस्तैरुपसेदुः प्रसाधकाः R.17.22; Śi.13.24. -4 To march against. -5 To try to get or obtain. -6 To sink down. -Caus. 1 To place near. -2 To lead towards. -3 To get, find. |
upahālakaḥ | उपहालकः N. of the Kuntala country, q. v. |
upādhiḥ | उपाधिः 1 Fraud, deceit, trick. -2 Deception, disguise (in Vedānta). -3 Discriminative or distinguishing property, attribute, peculiarity; तदुपाधावेव संकेतः K. P.2. It is of four kinds :-जाति, गुण, क्रिया, संज्ञा. -4 A title, nick-name; (भट्टाचार्य, महामहोपाध्याय, पण्डित &c.); बी. ए. इत्युपाधिधारिणः (modern use). -5 Limitation, condition (as of time, space &c.); न ह्युपाधेरुपाधिर्भवति विशेषणस्य वा विशेषणम् Mbh.I.3.2 अनुपाधिरमणीयो देशः Prob. a country altogether (or naturally) beautiful; (oft. occurring in Vedānta Phil.); देहाद्युपाधिरचितो भेदः Ś. B.; न खलु बहिरुपाधीन्प्रीतयः संश्रयन्ते U.6.12; Māl.1.24. -6 A trace, mark; भौमा उपाधयः Mv.7.22. -7 A purpose, occasion, object. -8 (In logic) A special cause for a general effect; साध्यव्यापकत्वे सति साधनाव्यापक उपाधिः; as आर्द्रेन्धनम् (wet fuel) is the उपाधि of the hetu वह्निमत्त्व in the inference पर्वतो धूमवान् वह्नेः. -9 Reflection on duty or a virtuous reflection. -1 A man who is careful to support his family. -11 An incidental purpose, an additional adjunct (which does not modify the original idea to which it is added). काष्ठाहरणे शाकाहरण- मुपाधिः क्रियते इति । किमिदमुपाधिः क्रियत इति । काष्ठाहरणाधिकार- समीपे द्वितीयं कर्मोपाधीयते । सति काष्ठाहरणे इदमपरं कर्तव्यमिति । ŚB. on MS.4.3.2; also ŚB. on MS.12.4.13. -Comp. -कर a. That which comes only incidentally adding another adjunct or उपाधि. उपाधिकरः एषः । यथा काष्ठान्याहर्तुं प्रस्थित उच्यते भवता शाकमप्याहर्तव्यमिति । ŚB. on MS.4.3.2. -12 A substitute, substitution; उपाधिर्न मया कार्यो वनवासे जुगुप्सितः Rām.2.111.29. |
upaśaḥ | उपशः N. of a country inhabited by a warrior tribe. |
ulindaḥ | उलिन्दः 1 N. of a country. -2 N. of Śiva. |
ulūkaḥ | उलूकः 1 An owl; नोलूकोप्यवलोकते यदि दिवा सूर्यस्य किं दूषणम् Bh.2.93; त्यजति मुदमुलूकः प्रीतिमांश्चक्रवाकः Śi.11.64. cf. also कथमुलूकशब्द उलूकवचनः । रल्योः समान- वृत्तित्वात् । ŚB. on MS.9.4.22. -2 N. of Indra. -3 N. of a Muni (perhaps identical with कणाद, whose वैशेषिक- दर्शन is called आलूक्य-दर्शन). -4 (pl.) N. of a country and its king who was an ally of the Kurus. -कम् 1 N. of the reed Saccharum Cylindricum; see उलप. -2 Fat; वनिष्टुसन्निधानादुरूकेण वपाभिधानम् । (v. l.) MS.9.4.22. -जित् A crow. -यातुः A demon in the shape of an owl; उलूकयातुं शुशुलूकयातुम् Rv.7.14.22. |
uśīnarāḥ | उशीनराः (pl.) N. of a country (Central India ? M. W.) and its inhabitants. सोवसदुशीनरेषु Kauṣ. Up. 4.1. -f. A queen of that people; य आवहदुशीनराण्या अनः Āv.1.59.1.
उशी (षी) रः, -रम्, उशी (षी)रकम् The fragrant root of the plant Andropogon Muricatus (वरिणमूल, Mar. काळावाळा); स्तनन्यस्तोशीरम् Ś.3.9. -री A sort of grass, a small sort of Saccharum. |
uṣṭraḥ | उष्ट्रः [उष्-ट्रन्-किच्च Uṇ.4.161.] 1 Camel; अथोष्ट्रवामी- शतवाहितार्थम् R.5.32; Ms.3.162,4.12,11.22. -2 A buffalo. -3 A bull with a hump. -4 A cart or carriage. -ष्ट्री 1 A she-camel. -2 An earthen vessel in the shape of a camel. -3 Bignonia Spathacea (Mar. मेडशिंगी). [cf. Pers. ushtar; Zend ustra.] -Comp. -अक्षः A camel-eyed (horse) उष्ट्राक्षाः प्रियदर्शनाश्च सुभगाः श्वासैः सुगन्धैश्च ये; Bhoja's Śālilhotra. -कर्णिका (pl.) N. of a country or its inhabitants, in the south. -काण्डी A thistle dear to camels, Echinops echinatus (Mar. उंटकटारी). -क्रोशिन् a. making a noise like a camel. -गोयुगम् a couple of camels; यथा गोस्तद्वदुष्ट्रस्य युगं उष्ट्रगो- युगम् Mbh. on P.V.2.29. -ग्रीवः, -शिरोधरः piles. -निषदनम् A particular posture among Yogins. -पादिका Jasminum Zambac (Mar. मोगरा). -प्रमाणः A kind of fabulous eight-footed animal शरभ. -यानम् camel- litter. |
ṛcīkaḥ | ऋचीकः [ऋच्-ईकक्] 1 The father of Jamadagni. -2 N. of a country. |
ṛṣabhaḥ | ऋषभः [ऋष्-अभक्; Uṇ 3.123] 1 A bull. -2 (With names of other animals) the male animal, as अजर्षभः a goat. -3 The best or most excellent (as the last member of a comp.); as पुरुषर्षभः, भरतर्षभः &c. -4 The second of the seven notes of the gamut; (said to be uttered by cows; गावस्त्वृषभभाषिणः); श्रुतिसमधिकमुच्चैः पञ्चमं पीडयन्तः सततमृषभहीनं भिन्नकीकृत्य षड्जम् Śi.11.1; ऋषभो$त्र गीयत इति Āryā S.141. -5 The hollow of the ear. -6 A boar's tail. -7 A crocodile's tail. -8 A dried plant, one of the 8 principal medicaments. (Mar. बैलघाटी, काकडशिंगी) -9 N. of an antidote. -1 An incarnation of Viṣṇu; नाभेरसावृषभ आस सुदेविसूनुः Bhāg. 2.7.1. -11 A sacrifice (to be performed by kings). -भाः m. The inhabitants of क्रौञ्चद्वीप; Bhāg.5.2.22. -भी 1 A woman with masculine features (as a beard &c.). -2 A cow. -3 A widow. -4 The plant Carpopogon Pruriens (शूकशिंबी); also another plant (शिराला) (Mar. कुयली) -Comp. -कूटः N. of a mountain. -दीपः, पम् N. of a country. -ध्वजः N. of Śiva. |
ṛṣi | ऋषि (षी) कः 1 A Ṛiṣi of a lower degree. -2 N. of a country or its inhabitants (pl.). |
ṛṣyaḥ | ऋष्यः [ऋष्-क्यप्] 1 A white-footed antelope. see ऋश्य. -ष्यम् A kind of leprosy. -Comp. -अङ्कः, -केतनः, -केतुः N. of Aniruddha. -गता the plant Asparagus Racemosus (= ऋष्यप्रोक्ता). -गन्धा the plant ऋक्षगन्धा. -जिह्वम् a kind of leprosy. -प्रोक्ता N. of several plants; शूकशिंबी, अतिबला, शतावरी. -मूकः a mountain near the lake Pampā which formed the temporary abode of Rāma with the monkey-chief Sugrīva; ऋष्य- मूकस्तु पम्पायाः पुरस्तात् पुष्पितद्रुमः. -शृङ्गः N. of a sage. [He
was the son of Vibhāṇdaka. According to mythical account he was born of a female deer, and had a small horn on his forehead, and hence called 'Ṛiṣya-śṛinga', or 'deerhorned'. He was brought up in the forest by his father, and he saw no other human being till he nearly reached his manhood. When a great drought well nigh devastated the country of Aṅga, its king Lomapāda, at the advice of Brāhmaṇas, caused Ṛisyaśriṅga to be brought to him by means of a number of damsels, and gave his daughter Śantā |
aikṣvāka | ऐक्ष्वाक a. [इक्ष्वाकु-अण्] Belonging to Ikṣvāku. -कः, -कुः 1 A descendant of Ikṣvāku; सत्यमैक्ष्वाकः खल्वसि U.5. -2 The country ruled by the Aikṣvākus. |
oḍraḥ | ओड्रः औण्ड्रः (m. pl.) N. of a people and their country (the modern Orissa); Ms.1.44. -ड्रः The China-rose. -ड्रम् The Javā-flower, -Comp. -आख्या the China-rose. -पुष्पम् the Javā-flower; Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis and its flowers (Mar. जास्वंद). |
auḍraḥ | औड्रः [ओड्र-अण्] An inhabitant, or the king, of the Oḍra country, q. v. |
audīcya | औदीच्य a. Coming from or relating to the northern country. |
kaḍera | कडेर N. of a country चोडः, कडेरः, केरलः Mbh. on P.IV.1.175. |
kaṇḍikā | कण्डिका 1 A short section, shortest subdivision; (as in the शुक्लयजुर्वेद). -2 N. of a country. |
kanyā | कन्या [Uṇ.4.111] 1 An unmarried girl or daughter; R.,3.33; Ms.1.8. -2 A girl ten years old. -3 A virgin, maiden; Ms.8.367,3.33. -4 A woman in general. -5 The sixth sign of the zodiac, i. e. Virgo. -6 N. of Durgā; Mb.3. -7 Large cardamoms. -Comp. -अन्तःपुरम् the women's apartments; सुरक्षिते$पि कन्यान्तःपुरे कश्चित्प्रविशति Pt.1; Mv.2.5. -आट a. following after or hunting young girls. (-टः) 1 the inner apartments of a house. -2 a man who hunts or goes after young girls. -कुब्जः N. of a country. (-ब्जम्) N. of an ancient city in the north of India, situated on a tributary of the Ganges, now called Kanoja. -कुमारि f., -री also कन्यकुमारी N. of Durgā; कन्यकुमारि धीमहि Mahānār 3.12. -गतम् the position of a planet in the sign Virgo. -ग्रहणम् taking a girl in marriage. -दानम् giving away a girl in marriage; अद्भिरेव द्विजाग्ऱ्याणां कन्यादानं विशिष्यते Ms.3.35. -दूषकः The violator of a virgin; Ms.3.164. -दूषणम् defilement of a virgin. -दोषः a defect or blemish in a l, bad repute (such as a disease &c.) -धनम् dowry; a girl's property. -पतिः 'daughter's husband', a son-in-law. -पालः a dealer in slave girls. -पुत्रः, -गर्भः the son of an unmarried daughter (called कानीन); संघर्ष- जननस्तस्मात्कन्यागर्भो विनिर्मितः Mb.12.2.4. -पुरम् the women's apartments. -प्रदानम् Giving a daughter in marriage; Ms.3.29-31. -भर्तृ -m. 1. a son-in-law. -2 N. f Kārttikeya. -भैक्ष्यम् Begging for a girl; Mb. -रत्नम् a very fine girl; कन्यारत्नमयोनिजन्म भवतामास्ते Mv.1.3. -राशिः the sign Virgo. -वेदिन् -m. a son-in-law (marrying one's girl); Y.1.262. -व्रतस्था A woman in her monthly state; मयि कन्याव्रतस्थायां जमुर्मन्दा- किनीतटम् Ks.26.56. -शुल्कम् money given to the bride's father as her price, purchase-money of a girl. -समुद्भव a. Born from an unmarried woman; Ms.9.172. -स्वयंवरः the choice of a husband by a maiden. -हरणम् ravishment or seduction of a maiden; प्रसह्य कन्याहरणं राक्षसो विधिरुच्यते Ms.3.33. |
kapila | कपिल a. [कपि-लच्] 1 Tawny, reddish; वाताय कपिला विद्युत् Mbh. on P.II.3.13. -2 Having tawny hairs; नोद्वेहेत्कपिलां कन्याम् Ms.3.8. (Kull. = कपिलकेशा). -लः 1 N. of a great sage. [He reduced to ashes 6 sons of Sagara, who while searching for the sacrificial horse of their father taken away by Indra, fell in with him and accused him of having stolen it (see U.1.23.). He is also said to have been the founder of the Sāṅkhya system of philosophy.] ऋषि प्रसूतं कपिलं यस्तमग्रे ज्ञानैर्बिभर्ति Śāṅk Bhāṣ. on Bād. Sūtras 2.1; सिद्धानां कपिलो मुनिः Bg.1.26. -2 A dog. -3 Benzoin. -4 Incense. -5 A form or fire. -6 The tawny colour. -7 Impure benzoin. -8 N. of the sun. -9 N. of a country. -1 One of the incarnation of Viṣṇu. -ला 1 A brown cow; कपिला चेत्तारयति भूयश्चासप्तमं कुलम् Y.1.25. -2 A kind of perfume. -3 A kind of timber. -4 The common leech. -5 N. of the female elephant of the south east. -Comp. -अक्षी a kind of deer. -अञ्जनः N. of Śiva. -अश्वः an epithet of Indra. -आचार्यः Viṣṇu. -द्युतिः the sun. -द्राक्षा A vine with brown grapes. -द्रुमः A kind of perfume. -धारा N. of the Ganges. -2 A holy place. -वस्तु N. of the town in which Buddha was born. (कपिला) षष्ठी The sixth day in the dark half of भाद्रपद. -संहिता N. of an Upa-purāṇa. -स्मृतिः f. Sāṅkhya Sūtras of Kapila. |
kambojaḥ | कम्बोजः 1 A shell. -2 A kind of elephant. -3 (pl) N. of a country and its inhabitants; शवतिर्गतिकर्मा कम्बोजेष्वेव भाष्यते Mbh. on P.I.1.1. कम्बोजाः समरे सोढुं तस्य वीर्यमनीश्वराः R.4.69. v.1. |
kara | कर a. (-रा or -री) [करोति, कीर्यते अनेन इति, कृ-कॄ-अप्] (Mostly at the end of comp.) Who or what does, makes or causes &c.; दुःख˚, सुख˚, भय˚ &c. -रः 1 A hand; करं व्याधुन्वत्याः पिबसि रतिसर्वस्वमधरम् Ś.1.24. -2 A ray of light, beam; यमुद्धर्तुं पूषा व्यवसित इवालम्बितकरः V.4.34; also प्रतिकूलतामुपगते हि विधौ विफलत्वमेति बहुसाधनता । अवलम्ब- नाय दिनभर्तुरभून्न पतिष्यतः करसहस्रमपि Śi.9.6 (where the word is used in sense 1 also). -3 The trunk of an elephant; सेकः सीकरिणा करेण विहितः U.3.16; Bh.3.2. -4 A tax, toll, tribute; युवा कराक्रान्तमहीमृदुच्चकैरसंशयं संप्रति तेजसा रविः Śi.1.7; (where कर means 'ray' also) (ददौ) perhaps in this sense the word is used in neuter gender also. निर्ल्लज्जो मम च करः कराणि भुङ्क्ते Pañch.2.3. अपरान्तमहीपालव्याजेन रघवे करम् R.4.58; Ms.7.128. -5 Hail. -6 A particular measure of length equal to 24 thumbs. -7 The asterism called हस्त. -8 A means or expedient. -9 A doer. -Comp. -अग्रम् 1 the forepart of the hand; कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः. -2 the tip of an elephant's trunk. -आघातः a stroke or blow with the hand. -आमर्दः, -आमलकः Myrobalan (Mar. करवंद). -आरोटः a finger-ring. -आलम्बः supporting with the hand, giving a helping hand. -आस्फोटः 1 the chest. -2 a blow with the hand. -3 slapping the hands together. -ऋद्धिः f. 1 a cymbal. -2 a small musical instrument. -कच्छपिका f. कूर्ममुद्रा in yoga. -कण्टकः, -कम् a finger-nail. -कमलम्, -पङ्कजम्, -पद्मम् a lotus-like hand, beautiful hand; करकमलवितीर्णैरम्बुनीवारशष्पैः U.3.25. -कलशः, -शम् 1 the hollow of the hand (to receive water). -किसलयः, -यम् 1 'sprout-like hand', a tender hand; करकिसलयतालैर्मुग्धया नर्त्यमानम् U.3.19; Ṛs.6.3. -2 a finger. -कुड्मलम् the finger. -कृतात्मन् (Living from hand to mouth) destitute; Mb.13. -कोषः the cavity of the palms, hands hollowed to receive water; ˚पेयमम्बु Ghaṭ.22. -ग्रहः, -ग्रहणम् 1 levying a tax. -2 taking the hand in marriage. -3 marriage. -ग्राहः 1 a husband. -2 a tax-collector. -घर्षणः, -घर्षिन् m. the churning-stick. -च्छदः the teak tree. -च्छदा N. of a tree (सिन्दूरपुष्पी; Mar. शेंद्री). -जः a fingernail; तीक्ष्णकरजक्षु- ण्णात् Ve.4.1; Śi.11.37; Bv.1.15; Amaru.85. (-जम्) a kind of perfume. -जालम् a stream of light. -तलः the palm of the hand; वनदेवताकरतलैः Ś.4.5; करतलगतमपि नश्यति यस्य तु भवितव्यता नास्ति Pt.2.128. ˚आमलकम् (lit.) an āmalaka fruit (fruit of the Myrobalan) placed on the palm of the hand; (fig.) ease and clearness of perception, such as is natural in the case of a fruit placed on the palm of the hand; करतलामलकफलवदखिलं जगदालोकयताम् K.43. ˚स्थ a. resting on the palm of the hand; -तलीकृ To take in the palm of the hand; ततः करतलीकृत्य व्यापि हालाहलं विषम् Bhāg.8.7.43. -तालः, -तालकम् 1 clapping the hands; स जहास दत्तकरतालमुच्चकैः Śi.15.39. -2 a kind of musical instrument, perhaps a cymbal. -तालिका, -ताली 1 clapping the hands; उच्चाटनीयः करता- लिकानां दानादिदानीं भवतीभिरेषः N.3.7. -2 beating time by clapping the hands. -तोया N. of a river. -द a. 1 paying taxes. -2 tributary; करदीकृताखिलनृपां मेदिनीम् Ve. 6.18. -3 giving the hand to help &c. -दक्ष a. handy, dexterous. -पत्रम् 1 a saw; तत्क्रूरदन्तकरपत्रनिकृत्तसत्त्वम् Mv.5. 29. -2 playing in water. ˚वत् m. the palm tree. -पत्रकम् a saw. -पत्रिका splashing water about while bathing or sporting in it. -पल्लवः 1 a tender hand. -2 a finger. cf. ˚किसलय. -पालः, -पालिका 1 a sword. -2 a cudgel. -पात्रम् 1 splashing water about while bathing. -2 the hand hollowed to hold anything. -पात्री A cup made of leather. -पीडनम् marriage; cf. पाणिपीडन. -पुटः 1 the hands joined and hollowed to receive anything. -2 A box, chest with a lid; तेषां रक्षणमप्यासीन्महान्करपुट- स्तथा Mb.14.65.16. -पृष्ठम् the back of the hand. -बालः, -वालः 1 sword; अघोरघण्टः करवालपाणिर्व्यापादितः Māl.9; म्लेच्छनिवहनिधने कलयसि करवालम् Gīt.1, Śi.13.6. -2 a finger-nail. -भारः a large amount of tribute. -भूः a finger-nail. -भूषणम् an ornament worn round the wrist, such as a bracelet. -मर्दः, -मर्दी, -मर्दकः N. of a plant (Carissa carandus; Mar. करवंद) -मालः smoke. -मुक्तम् a kind of weapon; see आयुध. -रुहः 1 a finger-nail; अनाघ्रातं पुष्पं किसलयमलूनं कररुहैः Ś.2.11; Me.98. -2 a sword. -वालिका a small club. -वीरः, -वीरकः 1 a sword or scimitar. -2 a cemetery. -3 N. of a town in the S. M. country. -4 a kind of tree. (Mar.
कण्हेर, अर्जुनसादडा); Rām.5.2.1. Māna.18.242.3. (-रा) red arsenic. (-री) 1 a woman who has borne a son, a mother. -2 N. of Aditi. -3 a good cow. (-रम्) the flower of the tree. मल्लिका, करवीरम्, बिसम्, मृणालम् Mbh. on P.IV.3.166. -शाखा a finger. -शीकरः water thrown out by an elephant's trunk. -शूकः a finger-nail. -शोथः swelling of the hands. -सादः 1 weakness of the hand. -2 the fading of rays. -सूत्रम् a marriage string worn round the wrist. -स्थालिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -स्वनः clapping of the hands. |
karahāṭaḥ | करहाटः N. of a country; (perhaps the modern Karad in Satara district); करहाटपतेः पुत्री त्रिजगन्नेत्र- कार्मणम् Vikr.8.2. -2 The fibrous root or stem of a lotus. -कः (= करहाटः) अचिरशैशिरविक्लमशेषिता कमलिनी करहाटकशेषिता Rām. Ch.4.6. -3 A group of lotuses. |
karṇālavādyam | कर्णालवाद्यम् A semi-circular ear-like wind-instrument; तूर्णं कर्णालवाद्यस्य शब्दं चक्रुः समन्ततः Parṇāl.3.33; 5.35.
कर्णाटः karṇāṭḥ कर्णाटकः karṇāṭakḥ
कर्णाटः कर्णाटकः (pl.) N. of a country in the south of the Indian Peninsula; (काव्यम्) कर्णाटेन्दोर्जगति विदुषां कण्ठभूषत्वमेतु Vikr.18.12 -टी f. 1 A woman of the above country; कर्णाटीचीनपीनस्तनवसनदशादोलनस्पन्दमन्दः Udb. कर्णाटीचिकुराणां ताण्डवकरः Vb.1.29. -2 The हंसपदी plant. -3 One of the Rāgintod;īs or musical modes. |
karman | कर्मन् -m. Viśvakarmā; शक्रस्य नु सभा दिव्या भास्वरा कर्मनिर्मिता Mb.2.7.1. -n. [कृ-मनिन् Uṇ.4.144] 1 Action, work, deed. -2 Execution, performance; प्रीतो$स्मि सो$हं यद् भुक्तं वनं तैः कृतकर्मभिः Rām.5.63.3. -3 Business, office, duty; संप्रति विषवैद्यानां कर्म M.4. -4 A religious rite (it may be either नित्य, नैमित्तिक or काम्य). -5 A specific action, moral duty. -6 (a) Performance of religious rites as opposed to speculative religion or knowledge of Brahman (opp. ज्ञान); अपरो दहृने स्वकर्मणां ववृते R.8.2. (b) Labour, work. -7 Product, result. -8 A natural or active property (as support of the earth). -9 Fate, the certain consequence of acts done in a former life; कर्मायत्तं फलं पुंसां बुद्धिः कर्मानुसारिणी Bh.2.89,94. -1 (In gram.) The object of of an action; कर्तुरीप्सिततमं कर्म P.I.4.49. -11 (In Vaiś. Phil.) Motion considered as one of the seven categories of things; (thus defined:-- एकद्रव्यमगुणं संयोगविभागेष्वनपेक्षकारणं कर्म Vaiś. Sūtra. (It is five-fold:-- उत्क्षेपणं ततो$वक्षेपणमाकुञ्चनं तथा । प्रसारणं च गमनं कर्माण्येतानि पञ्च च ॥ Bhāṣā P.6.) -12 Organ of sense. प्रजापतिर्ह कर्माणि ससृजे Bṛi. Up.1.5.21. -13 Organ of action; कर्माणि कर्मभिः कुर्वन् Bhāg.11.3.6. -14 (In Astr.) The tenth lunar mansion. -15 Practice, training; सर्वेषां कर्मणा वीर्यं जवस्तेजश्च वर्धते Kau. A.2.2. -Comp. -अक्षम a. incapable of doing anything. -अङ्गम् part of any act; part of a sacrificial rite (as प्रयाज of the Darśa sacrifice). -अधिकारः the right of performing religious rites. -अनुरूप a. 1 according to action or any particular office. -2 according to actions done in a previous existence. -अनुष्ठानम् practising one's duties. -अनुसारः consequence of, or conformity to, acts. -अन्तः 1 the end of any business or task. -2 a work, business, execution of business. -3 a barn, a store of grain &c. Ms.7.62 (कर्मान्तः इक्षुधान्यादिसंग्रहस्थानम् Kull.) -4 cultivated ground. -5 a worker; कच्चिन्न सर्वे कर्मान्ताः Rām.2.1.52. -अन्तरम् 1 difference or contrariety of action. -2 penance, expiation. -3 suspension of a religious action. -4 another work or action; कर्मान्तर- नियुक्तासु निर्ममन्थ स्वयं दधि Bhāg.1.9.1. -अन्तिक a. final. (-कः) a servant, workman, Rām.1.13.7. -अपनुत्तिः f. removing, sending away of कर्म; जन्मकर्माप- नुत्तये Bhāg.12.2.17. -अर्ह a. fit or suitable to an act or the rite. (-र्हः) a man. -आख्या f. Name received from the act performed; तस्मात् छिन्नगमनो$श्वो$पि छाग इति कर्माख्या भविष्यति । ŚB. on MS.6.8.37. -आजीवः one who maintains himself by some profession (as that of an artisan &c.) -आत्मन् a. endowed with the principles of action, active; कर्मात्मनां च देवानां सो$सृजत्प्राणिनां प्रभुः Ms.1.22. (-m.) the soul. -आयतनम् see कर्मेन्द्रियम्; शव्दः स्पर्शो रसो गन्धो रूपं चेत्यर्थजातयः । गत्युक्त्युत्सर्गशिल्पानि कर्मायतनसिद्धयः Bhāg.11.22.16. -आशयः receptacle or accumulation of (good and evil) acts; निर्हृत्य कर्माशयमाशु याति परां गतिम् Bhāg.1.46.32. -इन्द्रियम् an organ of action, as distinguished from ज्ञानेन्द्रिय; (they are :- वाक्पाणिपादपायूपस्थानि; Ms.2.99; see under इन्द्रिय also) कर्मेन्द्रियाणि संयम्य Bg.3.6,7. -उदारम् any valiant or noble act, magnanimity, prowess. -उद्युक्त a. busy, engaged, active, zealous. -करः 1 a hired labourer (a servant who is not a slave); आ तस्य गोः प्रतिदानात् कर्मकारी आगबीनः कर्मकरः Mbh. on P.V.2.14. कर्मकराः स्थपत्यादयः Pt.1; Śi.14.16. -2 Yama. -कर्तृ m. (in gram.) an agent who is at the same time the object of the action; e. g. पच्यते ओदनः, it is thus defined:- क्रियमाणं तु यत्कर्म स्वयमेव प्रसिध्यति । सुकरैः स्वैर्गुणैः कर्तुः कर्मकर्तेति तद्विदुः ॥ न चान्तरेण कर्मकर्तारं सकर्मका अकर्मका भवन्ति Mbh. on P.I.3.27 -काण्डः,
-ण्डम् that department of the Veda which relates to ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites and the merit arising from a due performance thereof. -कारः 1 one who does any business, a mechanic, artisan (technically a worker not hired). -2 any labourer in general (whether hired or not). -3 a black-smith; हरिणाक्षि कटाक्षेण आत्मानमवलोकय । न हि खङ्गो विजानाति कर्मकारं स्वकारणम् ॥ Udb. -4 a bull. -कारिन् m. a labourer, artisan, workman. -कार्मुकः, -कम् a strong bow. -कीलकः a washerman. -कृत्यम् activity, the state of active exertion; यः प्रथमः कर्मकृत्याय जज्ञे Av.4.24.6. -क्षम a. able to perform any work or duty; आत्मकर्मक्षमं देहं क्षात्रो धर्म इवाश्रितः R.1.13. -क्षेत्रम् the land of religious acts, i. e. भरतवर्ष; Bhāg.5.17.11. cf. कर्मभूमि. -गतिः f. the course of fate; अथ कर्मगतिं चित्रां दृष्ट्वा$स्य हसितं मया Ks.59.159. -गृहीत a. caught in the very act (as a thief.). -ग्रन्थिः f. a term in Jaina metaphysics connoting 'weakness in the form of वासनाs produced by अज्ञान'. -घातः leaving off or suspending work. -च(चा)ण्डालः 1 'base in deed', a man of very low acts or deeds; Vasiṣṭha mentions these kinds :-- असूयकः पिशुनश्च कृतघ्नो दीर्घरोषकः । चत्वारः कर्मचाण्डाला जन्मतश्चापि पञ्चमः ॥ -2 one who commits an atrocious deed; अपूर्वकर्मचण्डालमयि मुग्धे विमुच्च माम् U.1.46. -3 N. of Rāhu. -चेष्टा active exertion, action. कर्मचेष्टास्वहः Ms.1.66. -चोदना 1 The motive impelling one to ritual acts. ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं परिज्ञाता त्रिविधा कर्मचोदना Bg.18.18. -2 any positive rule enjoining a religious act. -च्छेदः The loss caused by absence on duty; Kau. A.2.7. -जः a. resulting from an act; सिद्धिर्भवति कर्मजा Bg.4.12. कर्मजा गतयो नॄणामुत्तमाधममध्यमाः Ms.12.3. (-जः) 1 the holy fig-tree. -2 the Kali age. -3 the banian tree. -4 the effect arising from human acts :-- संयोग, विभाग &c. -5 heaven. -6 hell. -ज्ञ a. one acquainted with religious rites. -त्यागः renunciation of worldly duties or ceremonial acts. -दुष्ट a. corrupt in action, wicked, immoral, disrespectable. -देवः a god through religious action; ये शतं गन्धर्वलोक आनन्दाः स एकः कर्मदेवानामानन्दः Bṛi. Up.4.3.33. -दोषः 1 sin, vice; अवेक्षेत गतीर्नॄणां कर्मदोष- समुद्भवाः Ms.6.61,95. -2 an error, defect, or blunder (in doing an act); कर्मदोषैर्न लिप्यते Ms.1,14. -3 evil consequence of human acts. -4 discreditable conduct. -धारयः N. of a compound, a subdivision of Tatpuruṣa, (in which the members of the compound are in apposition) तत्पुरुषः समानाधिकरणः कर्मधारयः P.I. 2.42. तत्पुरुष कर्म धारय येनाहं स्यां बहुव्रीहिः Udb. -ध्वंसः 1 loss of fruit arising from religious acts. -2 disappointment. -नामन् (in gram.) a participal noun. -नामधेयम् N. of an act or sacrifice. These names are not arbitrary or technical such as गुण and वृद्धि but are always significant; सर्वेष्वेव कर्मनामधेयेषु अर्थसमन्वयेनानुवाद- भूतो नामशद्बो वर्तते, न लौकिकार्थतिरस्कारेण परिभाषामात्रेण वृद्धिगुणवत् ŚB. on MS.1.6.41. -नाशा N. of a river between Kaśi and Bihar. -निश्चयः a decision of action; न लेमे कर्मनिश्चयम् Bm.1.648. -निषद्या a manufactory; Kau. A.2.4. -निष्ठ a. devoted to the performance of religious acts; अग्निर्वीरं श्रुत्यं कर्मनिष्ठाम् Rv.1.8.1; Ms.3.134. -न्यासः renunciation of the result of religious acts. -पथः 1 the direction or source of an action. -2 the path of religious rites (opp. ज्ञानमार्ग). -पाकः ripening of actions, reward of actions done in a former life; Pt.1.372. -प्रवचनीयः a term for certain prepositions, particles, or adverbs when they are not connected with verbs and govern a noun in some case; literally-the term means, 'Concerned with the setting forth of an action'. According to Indian grammarians it means 'that which spoke of an action (क्रियां प्रोक्तवन्तः)' e. g. आ in आ मुक्तेः संसारः is a कर्मप्रवचनीय; so अनु in जपमनु प्रावर्षत् &c; कर्म प्रोक्तवन्तः कर्मप्रवचनीया इति Mbh. on P.I.4.83. cf. उपसर्ग, गति and निपात also. -फलम् 1 fruit or reward of actions done in a former life; (pain, pleasure); न मे कर्मफले स्पृहा Bg.4.14;5.12;6.1; ˚फलत्याग Bg.12.11,18.2; ˚फलत्यागिन् Bg.18.11; ˚फलप्रेप्सुः Bg.18.27; ˚फलसंयोग Bg.5.14; ˚फलहेतु Bg.2.47. एवं संचिन्त्य मनसा प्रेत्य कर्मफलोदयम् Ms.11.231. -2 the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola (Mar. कर्मर); also कर्मरङ्ग. -बन्धः, -बन्धनम् confinement to repeated birth, as the consequence of religious acts, good or bad (by which the soul is attached to worldly pleasures &c.); बुद्ध्या युक्तो यथा पार्थ कर्मबन्धं प्रहास्यति Bg.2.39. -भूः, -भूमिः f. 1 the land of religious rites, i. e. भरतवर्ष, this world (a place for man's probation); प्राप्येमां कर्मभूमिम् Bh.2.1; K.174,319. -2 ploughed ground. -मासः the Calendar month of thirty days. -मीमांसा the Mīmāṁsā of ceremonial acts; see मीमांसा. -मूलम् a kind of sacred grass called कुश. -युगम् the fourth (the present) age of the world, i. e. the Kaliyuga. -योगः 1 performance of actions, worldly and religious rites; कर्मयोगेन योगिनाम् Bg.3.3;3.7;5.2;13.24. -2 active exertion, industry; Ms.1.115. -वचनम् (with Buddhists) the ritual. -वज्रः an epithet of a Śūdra. -वशः fate considered as the inevitable result of actions done in a former life. -वाटी a lunar day (तिथि). -विपाक = कर्मपाक. -शाला a work-shop. -शील, -शूर a. assiduous, active, laborious; cf. कर्म- शीलस्तु कर्मठे । Nm. -शौचम् humility. -श्रुतिः f. The word expressive of the act; कर्मश्रुतेः परार्थत्वात् MS.11. 2.6. (read या अत्र कर्मश्रुतिः दर्शपूर्णमासाभ्यामिति सा परार्था तृतीया-योगात् &c. शबर). -सङ्गः attachment to worldly duties and their results. तन्निबध्नाति ... कर्मसङ्गेन Bg.14.7. -सचिवः a minister. -संन्यासिकः, -संन्यासिन् m. 1 a religious person who has withdrawn from every kind of worldly act. -2 an ascetic who performs religious deeds without looking to their reward. -साक्षिन् m. 1 an eyewitness; वह्निर्विवाहं प्रति कर्मसाक्षी Ku.7.83. -2 one who witnesses the good or bad actions of man; आदित्य भो लोककृताकृतज्ञ लोकस्य सत्यानृप- कर्मसाक्षिन् Rām.3.63.16. (There are nine divinities
which are said to witness and watch over all human actions; सूर्यः सोमो यमः कालो महाभूतानि पञ्च च । एते शुभाशुभ- स्येह कर्मणो नव साक्षिणः ॥) -सिद्धिः f. accomplishment of any business or desired object; success. स्वकर्मसिद्धिं पुनरा- शशंसे Ku. -स्थानम् a public office, a place of business. |
kala | कल a. [ कल्- घञ्] 1 Sweet and indistinct (अस्पष्टमधुर); कर्णे कलं किमपि रौति H.1.78; सारसैः कलनिर्ह्रादैः R.1.41,8. 59; M.5.1. वाग्भिः कलाभिर्ललितैश्च हावैः Bu. Ch.2.3. (Hence -2 Low, soft, sweet (note &c.); melodious, pleasing, निशासु भास्वत्कलनूपुराणाम् R.16.12. -3 Making noise, jingling, tinkling &c.; भास्वत्कलनूपुराणाम् R.16.12; कल- किङ्किणीरवम् Śi.9.74,82; कलमेखलाकलकलः 6.14,4.57; -4 Weak. -5 Crude; undigested. -6 Vigorous. -7 Full. दीनस्य ताम्राश्रुकलस्य राज्ञः Rām.2.13.24. -ला 1 A low or soft and inarticulate tone. -2 (In poetry) Time equal to four Mātrās. -3 (-m. pl.) A class of manes. -लम् Semen. -Comp. अङ्कुरः the Sārasa bird. -अनु- वादिन् m. 1 a sparrow. -2 a bee. -3 the Chātaka bird. -अविकलः a sparrow. -आलापः 1 a sweet humming sound. -2 sweet and agreeable discourse; स्फुरत्- कलालापविलासकोमला करोति रागं हृदि कौतुकधिकम् K.2. -3 a bee. -उत्ताल a. high, sharp. -कण्ठ a. having a sweet voice. (-ण्ठः) (ण्ठी f.) 1 the (Indian) cuckoo. -2 a goose, swan. -3 a pigeon. -कलः 1 murmuring or hum of a crowd. -2 indistinct or confused noise; चलितया विदधे कलमेखलाकलकलो$लकलोलदृशान्यया Śi.6.14; नेपथ्ये कलकलः (in dramas); Bh.1.27,37; Amaru.31. -3 N. of Śiva. -4 resin, pitch. -कूजिका, -कूणिका a wanton woman. -घोषः the (Indian) cuckoo. -चु(चू)रिः N. of a royal family; B. R. -तूलिका a wanton or lascivious woman. -धूतम् silver. -धौतम् 1 silver; कलधौतधौत- शिलवेश्मनां रुचौ Śi.13.21,4.41. -2 gold; विमलकलधौत- त्सरुणा खड्गेन Ve.3. कन्येयं कलधौतकोमलरुचिः कीर्तिस्तु नातः परा Mahār. -3 a low or pleasing tone. ˚लिपि f. 1 illumination of a manuscript with gold. -2 characters written in gold; मरकतशकलकलितकलधौतलिपेरिव रतिजय- लेखम् Gīt.8. -ध्वनिः 1 a low sweet tone. -2 a pigeon. -3 a peacock. -4 the (Indian) cuckoo. -नाद a. having a low and sweet tone. (-दः) a swan; see कलध्वनि. -भाषणम् lisping, the prattle of childhood. -रवः 1 a low sweet tone. -2 a dove. -3 the (Indian) cuckoo. -विशुद्ध a. soft and clear; Ś.5. -व्याघ्रः a mongrel breed between a tigress and panther. -हंसः 1 a gander, a swan; वधूदुकूलं कलहंस- लक्षणम् Ku.5.67. -2 a duck, drake; Bk.2.18; कलमन्य- भृतासु भाषितं कलहंसीषु मदालसं गतम् R.8.59. -3 the supreme soul. -4 an excellent king. |
kaliṅga | कलिङ्ग a. 1 Clever. -2 Cunning. -गाः (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants; (a district on the Coromandel coast); नो खण्डिकाञ्जगाम नो कलिङ्गाञ्जगाम Mbh. on P.III.2.115. उत्कलादर्शितपथः कलिङ्गाभिमुखो ययौ R.4. 38; (its position is thus described in Tantras :-- जगन्नाथात्समारभ्य कृष्णातीरान्तगः प्रिये । कलिङ्गदेशः संप्रोक्तो वाम- मार्गपरायणः ॥). -ङ्गः 1 The fork-tailed shrike. -2 N. of several plants; (as शिरीष, प्लक्ष &c.) -ङ्गा A beautiful woman. -ङ्गम् Indra grain (इन्द्रयव). |
kavitā | कविता Poetry; सुकविता यद्यस्ति राज्येन किम् Bh.2.21; यस्याश्चोरश्चिकुरनिकरः कर्णपूरो मयूरो भासो हासः कविकुलगुरुः कालि- दासो विलासः । हर्षो हर्षो हदयवसतिः पञ्चबाणस्तु बाणः केषां नैषा कथय कविताकामिनी कौतुकाय ॥ P. R.1.22. |
kaśmīraḥ | कश्मीरः (pl.) N. of a country, the modern Kaṣmir. अभिजानासि देवदत्त यत्कश्मीरेषु वत्स्यामः Mbh. on I.1.44. also on III.2.114. (Its position is thus described in Tantras:- शारदामठमारभ्य कुङ्कुमाद्रितटान्तकः । तावत्कश्मीरदेशः स्यात् पञ्चाशद्योजनात्मकः) -Comp. -जः, -जम्, -जन्मन् m., n. saffron; कश्मीरजस्य कटुता$पि नितान्तरम्या Bv.1.71. v. l. |
kaṣ | कष् I. 1 U. (कषति-ते, कषित) 1 To rub, scratch, scrape; समूलकाषं कषति Sk; Bk..3.49. -2 To test, try, rub on a touch-stone (as gold); छदहेम कषन्निवालसत्कष- पाषाणनिभे नभस्तले N.2.69. -3 To injure, destroy. -4 To itch. -5 To leap. -II. 1 P. (काषयति) To hurt. |
kāmaḥ | कामः [कम्-घञ्] 1 Wish, desire; संतानकामाय R.2.65, 3.67; oft. used with the inf. form; गन्तुकामः desirous to go; संगात्संजायते कामः Bg.2.62; Ms.2.94. -2 Object of desire; सर्वान् कामान् समश्नुते Ms.2.5; Bṛi. Up.1.3.28. Kaṭh. Up.1.25. -3 Affection, love. -4 Love or desire of sensual enjoyments, considered as one of the ends of life (पुरुषार्थ); cf. अर्थ and अर्थकाम. -5 Desire of carnal gratification, lust; Ms.2.214; न मय्यावेशितधियां कामः कामाय कल्पते Bhāg.1.22.26. -6 The god of love. -7 N. of Pradyumna. -8 N. of Balarāma. -9 A kind of mango tree. -1 The Supreme Being. -मा Desire, wish; उवाच च महासर्पं कामया ब्रूहि पन्नग Mb.3.179.2. -मम् 1 Object of desire. -2 Semen virile. [Kāma is the Cupid of the Hindu mythology the son of Kṛiṣṇa and Rukmiṇī. His wife is Rati. When the gods wanted a commander for their forces in their war with Tāraka, they sought the aid of Kāma in drawing the mind of Śiva towards Pārvatī, whose issue alone could vanquish the demon. Kāma undertook the mission; but Śiva, being offended at the disturbance of his penance, burnt him down with the fire of his third eye. Subsequently he was allowed by Śiva to be born again in the form of Pradyumna at the request of Rati. His intimate friend is Vasanta or the spring; and his son is Aniruddha. He is armed with a bow and arrows--the bow-string being a line of bees, and arrows of flowers of five different plants]. -Comp. -अग्निः 1 a fire of love, violent or ardent love. -2 violent desire, fire of passion. ˚संदीपनम् 1 inflaming fire of love. -2 an aphrodisiac. -अङ्कुशः 1 a fingernail (which plays an important part in erotic acts).
-2 the male organ of generation. -अङ्गः the mango tree. -अधिकारः the influence of love or desire. -अधिष्ठित a. overcome by love. -अनलः see कामाग्नि. -अन्ध a. blinded by love or passion. (-न्धः) the (Indian) cuckoo. -अन्धा musk. -अन्निन् a. getting food at will. -अभिकाम a. libidinous, lustful. -अरण्यम् a pleasant grove. -अरिः 1 an epithet of Śiva; ते समेत्य तु कामारिं त्रिपुरारिं त्रिलोचनम् Rām.7.6.3. -2 a mineral substance. -अर्थिन् a. amorous, lustful, lascivious. -अवतारः N. of Pradyumna. -अवशा(सा)यिता f. 1 Self-control. -2 a kind of Yogic power. -अवसायः suppression of passion or desire, stoicism. -अशनम् 1 eating at will. -2 unrestrained enjoyment. -आख्या, -अक्षी N. of Durgā. -आतुर a. love-sick, affected by love; कामातुराणां न भयं न लज्जा Subhāṣ. -आत्मजः an epithet of Aniruddha, son of Pradyumna. -आत्मन् a. lustful, libidinous, enamoured. कामात्मानः स्वर्गफलाः Bg.2.43. Mb.1.119.3-4. Ms.7.27. -आयुधम् 1 arrow of the god of love. -2 membrum virile. (-धः) the mango-tree. -आयुस् m. 1 a vulture. -2 Garuḍa. -आर्त a. love-stricken, affected by love; कामार्ता हि प्रकृतिकृपणाश्चेतनाचेतनेषु Me.5. -आश्रमः the hermitage of the god of love; Rām.1. -आसक्त a. overcome with love or desire, impassioned, lustful. -इष्टः the mango tree. -ईप्सु a. striving to obtain a desired object, यत्तु कामेप्सुना कर्म Bg.18.24. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Kubera; -2 the Supreme soul. -3 a person possessing all wealth. अपास्य कामा- न्कामेशो वसेत्तत्राविचारयन् Mb.12.287.56. -उदकम् 1 voluntary libation of water. -2 a voluntary libation of water to deceased friends exclusive of those who are entitled to it by law; कामोदकं सखिप्रत्तास्वस्रीयश्वशुर- र्त्विजाम् Y.3.4. -उपहत a. affected by or overcome with passion. -कला N. of Rati, the wife of Kāma. -काम, -कामिन् a. following the dictates of love or passion, गतागतं कामकामा लभन्ते Bg.9.21; स शान्तिमाप्नोति न कामकामी Bg.2.7. -कार a. acting at will, indulging one's desires. (-रः) 1 voluntary action, spontaneous deed; Rām.2.11.18; Ms.11.41,45. -2 desire, influence of desire; अयुक्तः कामकारेण फले सक्तो निबध्यते Bg.5. 12. -कूटः 1 the paramour of a harlot. -2 harlotry. -कृत् a. 1 acting at will, acting as one likes. -2 granting or fulfilling a desire. (-m.) the Supreme soul. -केलि a. lustful. (-लिः) 1 a paramour. -2 amorous sport. -3 copulation. -क्रीडा 1 dalliance of love, amorous sport. -2 copulation. -ग a. going of one's own accord, able to act or move as one likes. (-गा) 1 an unchaste or libidinous woman; Y.3.6. -2 a female Kokila. -गति a. able to go to any desired place; अध्यास्त कामगति सावरजो विमानम् R.13.76. -गुणः 1 the quality of passion, affection. -2 satiety, perfect enjoyment. -3 an object of sense. -चर, -चार a. moving freely or unrestrained, wandering at will; सर्वेषु लोकेष्वकामचारो भवति Bṛi. Up.7.25.2; नारदः कामचरः Ku.1.5. -चार a. unchecked, unrestrained. (-रः) 1 unrestrained motion. -2 independent or wilful action, wantonness; न कामचारो मयि शङ्कनीयः R.14.62. -3 one's will or pleasure, free will; अव्यपवृक्ते कामचारः Mbh. on Śiva Sūtra 3.4. कामचारानुज्ञा Sk.; Ms.2.22. -4 sensuality. -5 selfishness. -चारिन् a. 1 moving unrestrained; Me.65. -2 libidinous, lustful. -3 self-willed. (-m.) 1 Garuḍa. -2 a sparrow. -ज a. produced by passion or desire; Ms.7.46,47,5. -जः anger; रथो वेदी कामजो युद्धमग्निः Mb.12.24.27. -जननी betel-pepper (नागवेली). -जानः, -निः See कामतालः. -जित् a. conquering love or passion; R.9.33. (-m.) 1 an epithet of Skanda. -2 of Śiva. -तन्त्रम् N. of a work. -तालः the (Indian) cuckoo. -द a. fulfilling a desire, granting a request or desire. (-दः) an epithet of Skanda and of Śiva. -दहनम् a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month फाल्गुन (Mar. होलिकोत्सव). -दा = कामधेनु q. v. -दर्शन a. looking lovely. -दानम् 1 a gift to one's satisfaction. -2 a kind of ceremony among prostitutes; B. P. -दुघ a. 'milking one's desires', granting every desired object; प्रीता कामदुघा हि सा R.1.81,2.63; Māl.3.11. -दुघा, -दुह् f. a fabulous cow yielding all desires; आयुधानामहं वज्रं धेनूनामस्मि कामधुक् Bg.1.28. स्वर्गे लोके कामधुग्भवति Mbh. on P.VI.1.84. -दूती the female cuckoo. -दृश् f. a woman; विमोचितुं कामदृशां विहारक्रीडामृगो यन्निगडो विसर्गः Bhāg.7.6.17. -देव 1 the god of love. -2 N. of Śiva. -3 N. of Viṣṇu. -दोहिन् a. granting desires. -धर्मः amorous behaviour. -धेनुः f. the cow of plenty, a heavenly cow yielding all desires; कलतिवलती कामधेनू; or कलिवली कामधेनू Vyākraṇa Subhāṣita. -ध्वंसिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -पति, -पत्नी f. Rati, wife of Cupid. -पालः N. of Balarāma; also of Śiva. -प्रद a. granting desires. (-दः) 1 a kind of coitus. -2 the Supreme Being. -प्रवेदनम् expressing one's desire, wish or hope; कच्चित् कामप्रवेदने Ak. -प्रश्नः an unrestrained or free question; स ह कामप्रश्नमेव वव्रे Bṛi. Up.4.3.1. -फलः a species of the mango tree. -ला the plantain tree. -भाज् a. partaking of sensual enjoyment; कामानां त्वा कामभाजं करोमि Kaṭh.1.24. -भोगाः (pl.) sensual gratifications; प्रसक्ताः कामभोगेषु Bg.16.16. -महः a festival of the god of love celebrated on the full-moon day in the month of Chaitra. -मालिन् m. N. of Gaṇeśa. -मूढ, -मोहित a. influenced or infatuated by love; यत्क्रौञ्च- मिथुनादेकमवधीः काममोहितम् U.2.5. -रसः 1 seminal discharge. -2 the spling -रसिक a. lustful, libidinous; क्षणमपि युवा कामरसिकः Bh.3.112. -रूप a. 1 taking any form at will; जानामि त्वां प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं मघोनः Me.6. -2 beautiful, pleasing. (-पाः) (pl.) a district lying in the east of Bengal (the western portion of Assam); तमीशः कामरूपाणाम् R.4.83,84. -रूपिन् a. 1 taking any form at will; कामान्नी कामरूपी Tait. Up.3.1.5. -2 beautiful. -m. 1 a pole-cat. -2 a boar. -3 a Vidyādhara. -रेखा, -लेखा a harlot, courtezan. -लता membrum virile. -लोल a. overcome with passion, love-stricken.
-वरः a gift chosen at will. -वल्लभः 1 the spring. -2 the moon. -3 the mango tree. (-भा) moonlight. -वश a. influenced by love. (-शः) subjection to love. -वश्य n. subject to love. -वाद a. saying anything at will. -विहन्तृ a. disappointing desires. -वीर्य a. 'showing heroism at will,' an epithet of Garuḍa. -वृक्षम् a. paracitical plant. -वृत्त a. addicted to sensual gratification, licentious, dissipated; विशीलः कामवृत्तो वा गुणैर्वा परिवर्जितः । उपचर्यः स्त्रिया साध्व्या सततं देववत्पतिः ॥ Ms. 5.154. -वृत्ति a. acting according to will, self-willed, independent; न कामवृत्तिर्वचनीयमीक्षते Ku.5.82. (-त्तिः) f. 1 free and unrestrained action. -2 freedom of will. -वृद्धिः f. increase of passion. -वृन्तम् the trumpet flower. -शर 1 a love shaft. -2 the mango tree. -शास्त्रम् the science of love, erotic science. -संयोगः attainment of desired objects. -सखः 1 the spring. -2 the month of Chaitra. -3 the mango tree. -सू a. fulfilling any desire. किमत्र चित्रं यदि कामसूर्भूः R.5.33. -m. N. of Vāsudeva. -f. N. of Rukmiṇi; -सूत्रम् 1 N. of an erotic work by Vātsyāyana. -2 'thread of love', love-incident' औद्धत्यमायोजितकामसूत्रम् Māl.1.4. -हैतुक a. produced by mere desire without any real cause; Bg.16.8. |
kāmbojaḥ | काम्बोजः [कम्बोज-अण्] 1 A native of the Kambojas; Ms.1.44. -2 A king of the Kambojas. -3 The Punnāga tree. -4 A species of horse from the Kamboja country. शतं वै यस्तु काम्बोजान्ब्राह्मणेभ्यः प्रयच्छति Mb.12. 35.14. -5 A conch. -6 A kind of plant (सोमवल्क); काम्बोजो हस्तिभेदे च शङ्खदेशविशेषयोः । अश्वे पुंनागवृक्षे च सोमवल्के तदिष्यते ॥ Nm. -Comp. -आस्तरणम् a blanket; Mb. 11.25.1. |
kārakukṣīyaḥ | कारकुक्षीयः N. of the शाल्व country. |
kārūṣāḥ | कारूषाः (pl.) 1 N. of a country. -2 A man of an intermediate caste (father व्रात्यवैश्य and mother वैश्य); Ms.1.23. -षम् Hunger; इह भूम्यां मलं दत्त्वा देवाः कारूषमेव च Rām.1.24.2. |
kārmikyam | कार्मिक्यम् Activity, industry. |
kālañjaraḥ | कालञ्जरः 1 N. of a mountain and adjacent country (modern Kallinjar); तस्मात्कालञ्जरगिरौ गत्वा Ks.111.7. -2 An assembly of religious mendicants. -3 An epithet of Śiva. -रा or -री An epithet of Durgā. |
kāliṅga | कालिङ्ग a. (-ङ्गी f.) [कलिङ्ग-अण्] Produced in, or belonging to, the Kaliṅga country. -ङ्गः 1 A king of that country; प्रतिजग्राह कालिङ्गस्तमस्त्रैर्गजसाधनः R.4.4. -2 A snake of that country. -3 An elephant. -4 A species of cucumber. -5 A poisonous plant. -6 A sort of iron. -ङ्गाः (pl.) N. of a country; see कलिङ्ग. -ङ्गम् A water-melon. |
kāvya | काव्य a. [कवि-यण्] 1 Possessed of the qualities of a sage or a poet. -2 Praiseworthy, fit to be described -3 Prophetic, inspired, poetical; अशंसीत् काव्यः कविः Rv.8.8.11. -व्यः N. of Śukra, preceptor of the Asuras; Mb.1.76.6; दानवेन्द्रैर्हतं दूरात् काव्यः कचमजीवयत् Bm.1.289. -व्या 1 Intelligence. -2 A female fiend; -व्याः m. (pl.) A class of manes; Ms.3.199. -व्यम् 1 A poem; महाकाव्यम्; मेघदूतं नाम काव्यम् &c. -2 Poetics, poetry, a poetical composition. (काव्य is defined by writers on Poetics in different ways; तददोषौ शब्दार्थौ सगुणावनलङ्कृती पुनः क्वापि K. P.1; वाक्यं रसात्मकं काव्यम् S. D.1; रमणीयार्थप्रतिपादकः शब्दः काव्यम् R. G.; शरीरं तावदिष्टार्थव्यवच्छिन्ना पदावली Kāv.1.1; निर्दोषा लक्षणवती सरीतिर्गुणभूषिता । सालङ्काररसा$नेकवृत्तिर्वाक् काव्यनामभाक् ॥ Chandr.1.7.) -3 Happiness, welfare. -4 Wisdom; काव्यानि वदतां तेषां संयच्छामि वहामि च Mb.12.124.34. -5 Inspiration. (The purposes of a Kāvya as mentioned by Mammaṭa are :-- काव्यं यशसे$र्थकृते व्यवहारविदे शिवेतरक्ष- तये । सद्यःपरनिर्वृतये कान्तासंमिततयोपदेशयुजे ॥ K. P.1.) -Comp. -अर्थः a poetical thought or idea. ˚आपत्तिः Necessary conclusion; a figure of speech; Kuval.59. ˚चौरः a robber of the ideas of another poet, a plagiarist; यदस्य दैत्या इव लुण्ठनाय काव्यार्थचौराः प्रगुणीभवन्ति Vikr.1.11. -अलङ्कारः N. of a work on poetics by Vāmana. -आदर्शः N. of a work on poetics by Daṇḍin. -चौरः a
stealer of other men's poems. -प्रकाशः N. of a work on Rhetorics by Mammaṭa. -मीमांसकः a rhetorician, critic. -मीमांसा N. of a work on Rhetorics by Rāja-śekhara. -रसिक a. one who has a taste for and can appreciate the beauties of poetry. -लिङ्गम् Poetic Reason, a figure of speech; thus defined:- काव्यलिङ्गं हेतो- र्वाक्यपदार्थता K. P.1; e. g. जितो$सि मन्द कन्दर्प मच्चित्ते$स्ति त्रिलोचनः Chandr.5.119. -हास्यम् a farce. |
kāśi | काशि m. (pl.) N. of a country. |
kāśmīra | काश्मीर a. (-री f.) Born in, belonging to, or coming from, Kāṣmīra. -राः (pl.) N. of a country or its inhabitants; see कश्मीर also. -राः A sort of grape; see कश्मीर also. -रम् 1 Saffron; काश्मीरगन्धमृगनाभिकृताङ्गरागाम् Ch. P.8; Bh.1.41, काश्मीरगौरवपुषामभिसारिकाणाम् Gīt. 11; also 1; cf. also कस्तूरिकां च काश्मीरं पाटीरं हिमवालुकाम् Śiva. B.3.13. काश्मीरद्रवसान्द्रदिग्धवपुषः Bhāg. -2 Root of a tree. -Comp. -जम्, जन्मन् n. saffron; काश्मीरजस्य कटुता$पि नितान्तरम्या Bv.1.71; Śi.11.53. -पङ्कः Musk; काश्मीरपङ्ककृतनाभिकृताङ्गरागाम् (स्मरामि) ... Bil. Ch.2.3. |
kinnara | किन्नर See under किम्.
1 किम् ind. Used for कु only at the beginning of comp. to convey the senses of 'badness', 'deterioration', 'defect', 'blame' or 'censure'; e. g. किंसखा a bad friend; किन्नरः a bad or deformed man &c.; see comp. below. -Comp. -ज a. born somewhere (not in a noble family) मन्ये किंजमहं घ्नन्तं त्वामक्षत्रियजे रणे Bk.6.133. -दासः a bad slave, or servant. -नरः a bad or deformed man; a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (अश्वमुख); चयोदाहरणं बाह्वोर्गापयामास किन्नरान् R.4.78; उद्गास्य- तामिच्छति किन्नराणां तानप्रदायित्वमिवोपगन्तुम् Ku.1.8. ˚ईशः, ˚ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Kubera. -2 a kind of musical instrument. (-री f.) 1 a female Kinnara; Me.58. -2 a kind of lute. -पुरुषः 'a low or despicable man', a mythical being with a human head and the form of a horse; Ku.1.14; किंपुरुषाणां हनुमान् Bhāg.11.16.29. ˚ईश्वरः an epithet of Kubera. -प्रभुः a bad master or king; हितान्न यः संशृणुते स किंप्रभुः Ki.1.5. -राजन् a. having a bad king. (-m.) a bad king. -विवक्षा Slandering; Rām.5. -सखि m. (nom. sing. किंसखा) a bad friend; स किंसखा साधु न शास्ति यो$धिपम् Ki.1.5.
2 किम् pron. a. (nom. sing. कः m., का f., किम् n.) 1 Who, what, which used interrogatively); प्रजासु कः केन पथा प्रयातीत्यशेषतो वेदितुमस्ति शक्तिः Ś.6.26; करुणाविमुखेन मृत्युना हरता त्वां वद किं न मे हृतम् R.8.67; का खल्वनेन प्रार्थ्यमानात्मना विकत्थते V.2; कः को$त्र भोः. कः कौ के कं कौ कान् हसति च हसतो हसन्ति हरणाक्ष्यः Udb. The pronoun is often used to imply 'power or authority to do a thing'; i. e. के आवां परित्रातुं दुष्यन्तमाक्रन्द Ś.1; 'who are we &c.', i. e. what power have we &c.; नृपसद्मनि नाम के वयम् Bh.3.27; who are we, i. e. what position have we &c. Sometimes किम् means 'long' as applied to time especially in combination with खलु or अपि or इव; का खलु वेला पत्रभवत्याः प्राप्तायाः Ve.1; 'what a time' i. e. a long time has elapsed, &c.; so को$पि कालस्तस्या आगत्य गतायाः Ratn 3; or क इव कालः Māl.3. -2 The neuter (किम्) is frequently used with instr. of nouns in the sense of 'what is the use of'; किं स्वामिचेष्टानिरूपणेन H.1; लोभश्चेदगुणेन किम् &c. Bh.2.55; किं तया दृष्ट्या Ś.3; किं कुलेनोपदिष्टेन शीलमेवात्र कारणम् Mk.9.7. अपि, चित्, चन, चिदपि or स्वित् are often added to किम् to give it an indefinite sense; विवेश कश्चिज्जटिलस्तपोवनम् Ku.5.3. a certain ascetic; दमघोषसुतेन
कश्चन प्रतिशिष्टः प्रतिभानवानथ Śi.16.1; कश्चित्कान्ताविरहगुरुणा स्वाधिकारात्प्रमत्तः Me.1. &c.; का$पि तत एवागतवती Māl.1; a certain lady; कस्या$पि को$पिति निवेदितं च 1.33; किमपि, किमपि ... जल्पतोरक्रमेण U.1.27; कस्मिंश्चिदपि महाभागधेयजन्मनि मन्मथ- विकारमुपलक्षितवानस्मि Māl.1; किमपि, किंचित् 'a little', वस्तु- सिद्धिर्विचारेण न किंचित् कर्मकोटिभिः Vivekachūdamaṇi; 'somewhat' Y.2.116; U.6.35. किमपि also means 'indeseribable'; see अपि. इव is sometimes added to किम् in the sense of 'possibly', 'I should like to know'; (mostly adding force and elegance to the period); विना सीतादेव्या किमिव हि न दुःखं रघुपतेः U.6.3; किमिच हि मधुराणां मण्डनं नाकृतीनाम् Ś.1.2; see इव also. -ind. 1 A particle of interrogation; जातिमात्रेण किं कश्चिद्धन्यते पूज्यते क्वचित् H.1.55 'is any one killed or worshipped' &c.; ततः किम् what then. -2 A particle meaning 'why', 'wherefore'; किमकारणमेव दर्शनं बिलपन्त्यै रतये न दीयते Ku.4.7. -3 Whether (its correlatives in the sense of 'or' being किं, उत, उताहो, आहोस्वित्, वा, किंवा, अथवा; see these words). -Comp. -अपि ind. 1 to some extent, somewhat, to a considerable extent. -2 inexpressibly, indescribably (as to quality, quantity, nature &c.). -3 very much, by far; किमपि कमनीयं वपुरिदम् Ś.3; किमपि भीषणम्, किमपि करालम् &c. -अर्थ a. having what motive or aim; किमर्थोयं यत्नः. -अर्थम् ind. why, wherefore. -आख्य a. having what name; किमाख्यस्य राजर्षेः सा पत्नी. Ś.7. -इति ind. why, indeed, why to be sure, for what purpose (emphasizing the question); तत्किमित्युदासते भरताः Māl.1; किमित्यपास्याभरणानि यौवने धृतं त्वया वार्धकशोभि वल्कलम् Ku.5.44. -उ, -उत 1 whether-or (showing doubt or uncertainty); किमु विष- विसर्पः किमु मदः U.1.35; Amaru.12. -2 why (indeed) कं च ते परमं कामं करोमि किमु हर्षितः Rām.1.18.52. प्रियसुहृ- त्सार्थः किमु त्यज्यते. -3 how much more, how much less; यौवनं धनसंपत्तिः प्रभुत्वमविवेकिता । एकैकम यनर्थाय किमु यत्र चतुष्टयम् ॥ .II Pr.11; सर्वाविनयानामेकैकमप्येषामायतनं किमुत समवायः K.13; R.14.35; Ku.7.65. -कथिका f. A doubt or hesitation; यत्र कर्मणि क्रियमाणे किंकथिका न भवति तत्कर्तव्यम् । यत्र तु हृदयं न तुष्यति तद्वर्जनीयम् ॥ Medhātithi's gloss on Ms.4.161. -करः a servant, slave; अवेहि मां किंकरमष्टमूर्तेः R.2.35. (-रा) a female servant. (-री) the wife of a servant. -कर्तव्यता, -कार्यता any situation in which one asks oneself what should be done; यथा किंकार्यतामूढा वयस्यास्तस्य जज्ञिरे Ks.1.11. किंकर्तव्यतामूढः 'being at a loss or perplexed what to do'. -कारण a. having what reason or cause, -किल ind. what a pity (expressing displeasure or dissatisfaction न संभावयामि न मर्षयामि तत्रभवान् किंकिल वृषलं याजयिष्यति Kāshika on P.III.3.146. -कृते ind. what for ? कामस्य किंकृते पुष्पकार्मुकारोपणग्रहः Ks.71.79. -क्षण a. one who says 'what is a moment', a lazy fellow who does not value moments; H.2.89. -गोत्र a. belonging to what family; किंगोत्रो नु सोम्यासि Ch. Up.4.4.4. -च ind. moreover, and again, further. -चन ind. to a certain degree, a little; -चित् ind. to a certain degree, somewhat, a little; किंचिदुत्क्रान्तशैशवौ R.15.33, 2.46,12.21. ˚ज्ञ a. 'knowing little', a smatterer. ˚कर a. doing something useful. ˚कालः sometime, a little time. ˚प्राण a. having a little life. ˚मात्र a. only a little. -छन्दस् a. conversant with which Veda. -स्तनुः a species of spider. -तर्हि ind. how then, but, however. -तु ind. but, yet, however, nevertheless; अवैमि चैनामनघेति किंतु लोकापवादो बलवान्मतो मे R.14.43,1.65. -तुघ्नः one of the eleven periods called Karaṇa. -दवः an inferior god, demi-god; किंदेवाः किन्नराः नागाः किम्पुरुषादयः Bhāg.11.14.6. -देवत a. having what deity. -नामधेय, -नामन् a. having what name. -निमित्त a. having what cause or reason, for what purpose. -निमित्तम् ind. why, wherefore, -नु ind. 1 whether; किं नु मे मरणं श्रेयो परित्यागो जनस्य वा Nala.1.1. -2 much more, much less; अपि त्रैलोक्यराज्यस्य हेतोः किं नु महीकृते Bg.1.35. -3 what indeed; किं नु मे राज्येनार्थः -4 but, however; किं नु चित्तं मनुष्याणामनित्यमिति मे मतम् Rām.2.4.27. -नु खलु ind. 1 how possibly, how is it that, why indeed, why to be sure; किं नु खलु गीतार्थमाकर्ण्य इष्टजनविरहा- दृते$पि बलवदुत्कण्ठितो$स्मि Ś.5. -2 may it be that; किं नु खलु यथा वयमस्यामेवमियमप्यस्मान् प्रति स्यात् Ś.1. -पच, -पचान a. miserly, niggardly. -पराक्रम a. of what power or energy. -पाक a. not mature, ignorant, stupid. -कः a. medical plant, Strychnos nux vomica (Mar. कुचला); न लुब्धो बुध्यते दोषान्किंपाकमिव भक्षयन् Rām.2.66.6. -पुनर् ind. how much more, how much less; स्वयं रोपितेषु तरुषूत्पद्यते स्नेहः किं पुनरङ्गसंभवेष्वपत्येषु K.291; Me.3.17; Ve.3. -पुरुषः an inferior man, Bhāg.11.14.6. -प्रकारम् ind. in what manner. -प्रभाव a. possessing what power. -भूत a. of what sort of nature. -रूप a. of what form or shape. -वदन्ति, -न्ती f. rumour, report; स किंवदन्तीं वदतां पुरोगः (पप्रच्छ) R.14.31. मत्संबन्धात्कश्मला किंवदन्ती U.1.42; U.1.4. -वराटकः an extravagant man. -वा ind. 1 a particle of interrogation; किं वा शकुन्तलेत्यस्य मातुराख्या Ś.7. -2 or (corr. of किं 'whether'); राजपुत्रि सुप्ता किं वा जागर्षि Pt.1; तत्किं मारयामि किं वा विषं प्रयच्छामि किं वा पशुधर्मेण व्यापादयामि ibid.; Ś. Til.7. -विद a. knowing what. -व्यापार a. following what occupation. -शील a. of what habits, -स्वित् ind. whether, how; अद्रेः शृङ्गं हरति पवनः किंस्विदित्युन्मुखीभिः Me.14. |
kirātaḥ | किरातः [किरं पर्यन्तभूमिं अतति गच्छतीति किरातः] 1 N. of a degraded mountain tribe who live by hunting, a mountaineer; वैयाकरणकिरातादपशब्दमृगाः क्व यान्तु संत्रस्ताः । यदि नटगणकचिकित्सकवैतालिकवदनकन्दरा न स्युः ॥ Subhāṣ.; Pt.1.17; पर्यन्ताश्रयिभिर्निजस्य सदृशं नाम्नः किरातैः कृतम् Ratn.2.3; Ku.1.6,15. जवार इति यद्राज्यं किरातानां पुरातनम् Parṇāl 1.39. -2 A savage, barbarian. -3 A dwarf. -4 A groom, a horseman. -5 N. of Śiva in the disguise of a Kirāta. -6 A species of fish; किरातो लुब्धके देववाहिनीमत्स्यभेदयोः Nm. -7 N. of a medicinal herb (Mar. किराईत, चिराईत, भूनिंब) -ताः (pl.) N. of a country. -Comp. -अर्जुनीयम् N. of a poem by Bhāravi (in which the combat of Arjuna with Śiva in the form of a Kirāta or mountaineer is poetically described.) -आशिन् m. an epithet of Garuḍa. -तिक्तः N. of a medicinal herb (Mar. किराईत, चिराईत). |
kiśoraḥ | किशोरः [Uṇ.1.65] 1 A colt, cub, the young of any animal; केसरिकिशोरः &c. ततः किशोरा म्रियन्ते Av.12. 4.7. -2 A youth, lad, a boy below fifteen, a minor in law (अप्राप्तव्यवहारः); न बालो न किशोरस्त्वं बलश्च बलिनां वरः Bhāg.1.43.39. -3 The sun. -री 1 A young one of any animal (as horse), mare; उद्दामेव किशोरी नियतिः खलु प्रत्येषितुं याति Mk.1.19. -2 A maiden, a young woman. -3 A daughter; भजामस्त्वां गौरीं नगपतिकिशोरीमविरतम् Sundaralaharī.
किष्किन्धः kiṣkindhḥ न्ध्यः ndhyḥ
किष्किन्धः न्ध्यः [P.VI.1.157.] 1 N. of a country. -2 N. of a mountain situated in that country. -न्धा, -न्ध्या N. of a city, the capital of Kiṣkindha. किष्किन्धा- काण्डम् N. of the fourth book of Rāmāyaṇa. |
kīkaṭa | कीकट a. (-टी f.) 1 Poor, indigent. -2 Miserly. -टाः (pl.) N. of a country (Behar). N. of a people not belonging to the Aryan race; किं ते कृण्वन्ति कीकटेषु गावो नाशिरं दुह्रे न तपन्ति धर्मम् Rv.3.53.14. -टः A horse. -a. 1 Poor. -2 Avaricious. See कोटक. |
kīraḥ | कीरः 1 A parrot; एवं कीरवरे मनोरथमयं पीयूषमास्वादयति Bv.1.58; स कीरवन्मानुषवागवादीत् N.3.12. -राः (pl.) The country and the people in Kāśmīra. -रम् Flesh. -Comp. -इष्टः the mango tree (liked by parrots), also walnut. -कर्णकः a kind of perfume. |
ku | कु ind. A prefix implying 'badness', 'deterioration', 'depreciation', 'sin', 'reproach', 'littleness', 'want', 'deficiency', &c. Its various substitutes are कद् (कदश्व), कव (कवोष्ण), का (कोष्ण), किं (किंप्रभुः); cf. Pt.5.17. -Comp. -कर्मन् n. a bad deed, a mean act. -a. wicked, Bhāg.1.16.22. -कु-वाच् m. jackal. -कूलम् A hole filled with stakes. ˚लः A fire made of chaff; कुकूलं शङ्कुभिः कीर्णे श्वभ्रे ना तु तुषानले Nm. -ग्रहः an unpropitious planet. -ग्रामः a petty village or hamlet (without a king's officer, an agnihotrin, a physician, or a river.) -चन्दनम् Red sandal-wood. -चर a. of bad conduct, a thief; दृष्ट्वा त्वादित्यमुद्यन्तं कुचराणां भयं भवेत् Mb.14.39.13. -चेल a. wearing bad or ragged garments; कपालं वृक्ष- मूलानि कुचेलमसहायता । समता चैव सर्वस्मिन्नेतन्मुक्तस्य लक्षणम् ॥ Ms.6.44. -चरित्रम्, -चर्या wickedness, evil conduct, impropriety; Ms.9.17. -चोद्यम् an unsuitable question. -जन्मन् a. low born. -तनु a. deformed, ugly. (-नुः) an epithet of Kubera. -तन्त्री a bad lute. -तपः 1 a sort of blanket (made of the hair of the mountain goat). -2 the eighth Muhūrta or portion of the day. -3 a daughter's or sister's son. -4 the sun. -तर्कः 1 sophistical or fallacious argument. -2 a heterodox doctrine, free thinking; कुतर्केष्वभ्यासः सततपरपैशुन्यमननम् G. L.31. ˚पथः a sophistical mode of arguing. -तीर्थम् a bad teacher. -दिनम् an evil or unpropitious day. -दृष्टिः f. 1 weak sight. -2 an evil eye, sinister eye (fig.). -3 an opinion or doctrine opposed to the Vedas, heterodox doctrines; या वेदबाह्याः स्मृतयो याश्च काश्च कुदृष्टयः Ms.12.95. -देशः 1 a bad place or country. -2 a country where the necessaries of life are not available or which is subject to oppression. -देह a. ugly, deformed; कुदेहमानाहिविदष्टदृष्टेर्ब्रह्मन्वचस्ते$मृतमौषधं मे Bhāg.5.12.2. (-हः) an epithet of Kubera. -द्वारम् back door. -धी a. foolish, silly, stupid. -2 wicked. -नखम् a disease of the nails; Mb.3. -नटः 1 a bad actor. -2 a sort of trumpet flower. -3 red arsenic. -नदिका a small river, rill; सुपूरा स्यात्कुनदिका Pt.1.25. -नाथः a bad master; हतास्म्यहं कुनाथेन न पुंसा वीरमानिना Bhāg.9.14.28. -नामन् m. a miser. -नीतः bad counsel, leading; तृणैश्छन्ना भूमिर्मतिरिव कुनीतैव विदुषः Mu.6.11. -पटः, -टम् a miserable garment; कुपटावृतकटिः Bhāg.5.9.1. -पथः 1 a wrong road, bad way (fig. also). -2 a heterodox doctrine. -पथ्य a. unwholesome, improper. -परीक्षक a. examining badly, not valuing rightly; कुत्स्याः स्युः कुपरीक्षका न मणयो यैरर्घतः पातिताः Bh.2.15. -पात्रम् an unfit recipient. -पुत्रः a bad or wicked son: यादृशं फल- माप्नोति कुप्लवैः संतरन् जलम् । तादृशं फलमाप्नोति कुपुत्रैः संतरंस्तमः ॥ Ms.9.161. कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति, देव्यपराध- क्षमापनस्तोत्र (ascribed to a later शङ्कराचार्य). -पुरुषः 1 a low or wicked man. -2 a spiritless coward. -पूय a. low, vile, contemptible. -प्रिय a. disagreeable, contemptible, low, mean. -प्लवः a bad boat; कुप्लवैः संतरन् जलम् Ms.9.161. -बन्धः a disgraceful stigma; अन्त्याभिगमने त्वङ्क्यः कुबन्धेन प्रवासयेत् Y.2.294. -ब्रह्मः, -ब्रह्मन् m. a bad or degraded Brāhmaṇa. -मन्त्रः 1 bad advice. -2 a charm used to secure success in a bad cause. -मुद्विन् a. Unfriendly; उदहृष्यन्वारिजानि सूर्योत्थाने कुमुद्विना । राज्ञा तु निर्भया लोकाः Bhāg.1.21.47. -मेरुः The southern hemisphere or pole. -योगः an inauspicious conjunction (of planets). -योगिन् m. a false devotee, impostor. -रस a. having bad juice or flavour. (-सः) a kind of spirituous liquor. -रूप a. ugly, deformed; कुपुत्रो$पि भवेत्पुंसां हृदयानन्दकारकः । दुर्विनीतः कुरूपो$पि मूर्खो$पि व्यसनी खलः ॥ Pt.5.19. -रूप्यम् tin. -लक्षण a. having fatal marks on the body. कुलक्षणेत्यहं राज्ञा त्यक्तेत्यात्तविमानना Ks.91.19. -वङ्गः lead. -वचस्, -वाच्, -वाक्य a. abusive, bad, scurrilous; using abusive or foul language; संस्मारितो मर्मभिदः कुवाग्रिपून् Bhāg.4.3.15. (-n.) abuse, bad language. -वज्रकम् crystal; a stone resembling a diamond. -वर्षः a sudden or violent shower; Rām.6. -विक्रमः bravery exhibited in a wrong place; धिगीदृशं ते नृपते कुविक्रमं कृपाश्रये यः कृपणे पतत्त्रिणि N.1.132. -विवाहः a degraded or improper form of marriage; Ms.3.63. -वृत्तिः f. bad bebaviour. -वेधस् m. bad fate; हृतरत्नेन मुषितो दत्त्वा काचं कुवेधसा Ks. 71.232. -वैद्यः a bad physician, quack. -शील a. rude, wicked, unmannerly, ill tempered, of bad character; कुतो गम्यमगम्यं वा कुशीलोन्मादिनः प्रभोः Ks.32.152. -ष्ठलम् 1 a bad place. -2 the earth; शयानां कुष्ठले Bk.9.84. -सरित् f. a small river, rill; उच्छिद्यन्ते क्रियाः सर्वा ग्रीष्मे कुसरितो यथा Pt.2.89. -सृतिः f. 1 evil conduct, wickedness; कस्माद्वयं कुसृतयः खलयोनयस्ते Bhāg.8.23.7. -2 conjuring, magic. -3 roguery. -स्त्री a bad woman. |
kukurāḥ | कुकुराः (pl.) 1 N. of a country; also called दशार्ह. -2 N. of a people, a tribe of the Yādavas; Śi.6.15, 13.6,16.79. |
kuntalaḥ | कुन्तलः 1 The hair of the head, a lock of hair; प्रतनुविरलैः प्रान्तोन्मीलन्मनोहरकुन्तलैः U.1.2. Ch. P.4,6; Gīt.2. -2 A drinking cup. -3 A plough. -4 Barley. -5 A kind of perfume. -लाः (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants. -Comp. -उशीरम् a perfume. |
kuntayaḥ | कुन्तयः (pl. of कुन्ति -m.) N. of a country and its people. |
kumālakaḥ | कुमालकः N. of a country, a Taluka in the Mālava country (सौवीरदेश ?). |
kuruḥ | कुरुः (pl.) 1 N. of a country situated in the north of India about the site of the modern Delhi; श्रियः कुरूणा- मधिपस्य पालनीम् Ki.1.1; चिराय तस्मिन् कुरवश्चकासति 1.17. -2 The kings of this country. -रुः 1 A priest. -2 Boiled rice. -Comp. -क्षेत्रम् N. of an extensive plain near Delhi, the scene of the great war between the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas; धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः Bg.1.1; Ms.2.19. -क्षेत्रियोगः a solar day in the
course of which three lunar days, three asterisms and three yogas occur. The yoga is indicative of death; पञ्चग्रहयुते मृत्यौ लग्नसंस्थे बृहस्पतौ । सौम्यक्षेत्रगते लग्ने कुरुक्षेत्रे मृति- र्भवेत् ॥ -चिल्लः a crab. -जाङ्गलम् = कुरुक्षेत्र q. v. -नन्दनः epithet of Arjuna; Bg.2.41;6.43. -पञ्चालाः N. of a country; कुरुपञ्चालानां ब्राह्मणाः Bṛi. Up.3.9.19. -बिल्वः a ruby. -राज् m. -राजः 1 an epithet of Duryodhana. स्वस्था भवन्तु कुरुराजसुताः सभृत्याः Ve.1.7. -2 N. of Yudhi-ṣṭhira; कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य कुरुराजो युधिष्ठिरः Mb.16.1.7. -विस्तः a weight of gold equal to about 7 Troy grains. -वृद्धः an epithet of Bhīṣma; तस्य संजनयन्हर्षं कुरुवृद्धः पितामहः Bg.1.12. |
kulam | कुलम् 1 A race, family; निदानमिक्ष्वाकुकुलस्य संततेः R.3.1. -2 The residence of a family, a seat, house, an abode; ददर्श धीमान्स कपिः कुलानि Rām.5.5.1; वसन्नृषि- कुलेषु सः R.12.25. -3 A high or noble family, noble descent; कुले जन्म Pt.5.2; कुलशीलसमन्वितः Ms.7.54,62; so कुलजा, कुलकन्यका &c. -4 A herd, troop, flock; collection, multitude; मृगकुलं रोमन्थमभ्यस्यतु Ś.2.6; U.2.9; अलिकुलसंकुल Gīt.1; Śi.9.71; so गो˚, कृमि˚, महिषी˚ &c. -5 A lot, gang. band (in a bad sense). -6 A country. -7 The body. -8 The front or fore part. -9 A tribe, caste, community. -1 A blue stone. -लः The head of a guild or corporation. -ला See कुलतिथि. -Comp. -अकुल a. 1 of a mixed character or origin. -2 middling. ˚तिथिः m., f. the second, sixth, and the tenth lunar days of a fort-night in a month. ˚नक्षत्रम् N. of the lunar mansions आर्द्रा, मूला, अभिजित् and शतभिषा. ˚वारः Wednesday. -अङ्कुरः the scion of a family; अनेन कस्यापि कुला- ङ्कुरेण स्पृष्टस्य गात्रेषु सुखं ममैवम् Ś.7.19. -अङ्गना a respectable or high born (chaste) woman. -अङ्गारः a man who ruins his family; Pt.4. -अचलः, -अद्रिः, -पर्वतः, -शैलः a principal mountain, one of a class of seven mountains which are supposed to exist in each division of the continent; their names are :-- महेन्द्रो मलयः सह्यः शुक्तिमान् ऋक्षपर्वतः । विन्ध्यश्च पारियात्रश्च सप्तैते कुलपर्वताः ॥ -अन्वित a. born in a noble family. -अभिमानः family pride. -अभिमानिन् a. proud of birth or family descent; कुलाभिमानी कुलजां नराधिपः Ki.1.31. -आख्या family-name, surname; कुलाख्या लोके गोत्रावयवा इत्युच्यन्ते Mbh. on P.IV. 1.79. -आचारः, -कर्मन् n., -धर्मः a duty or custom peculiar to a family or caste. -आचार्यः, -गुरुः 1 a family priest or teacher. -2 a geneologist. -आधारकः a son. -आपीडः, -शेखरः the glory of a family; तस्मिन्कुलापीडनिभे निपीडं सम्यग्महीं शासति शासनाङ्काम् R.18. 29. -आलम्बिन् a. maintaining a family. वरमेकः कुलालम्बी यत्र विश्रूयते पिता H. -ईश्वरः 1 the chief of a family. -2 N. of Śiva. (-रा) N. of Durgā. -उत्कट, a. high born. (-टः) a horse of a good breed. -उत्पन्न, उद्गत, -उद्भव a. sprung from a noble family, highborn; आमात्यमुख्यं धर्मज्ञं प्राज्ञं दान्तं कुलोद्भवम् Ms.7.141. -उद्वहः the head or perpetuator of a family; see उद्वह. -उपदेशः a family name. -कज्जलः one who is a disgrace to his family. -कण्टकः one who is a thorn or trouble to his family. -कन्यका, -कन्या a girl of high birth; विशुद्धमुग्धः कुलकन्यकाजनः Māl.7.1; गृहे गृहे पुरुषाः कुलकन्यकाः समुद्वहन्ति Māl.7. -करः, -कर्तृ m. the founder of a family. -करणिः A hereditary clerk or officer; E.I.XV.91. -कलङ्कः one who is a disgrace to his family. -कलङ्कितः a. causing disgrace to a family; न चाप्यहं गमिष्यामि कथां कुलकलङ्किताम् Ks.22.216. -क्षयः 1 ruin of a family. -2 extinction of a family; कुलक्षयकृतं दोषं मित्रद्रोहे च पातकम् Bg.1.39,4. -गरिमा m. family pride or dignity. -गिरिः, -भूभृत् m., -पर्वतः, -शैलः see कुलाचल above. -गृहम् a noble house; पर्याकुलं कुलगृहे$पि कृतं वधूनाम् Ṛs.6.21. -घ्न a. ruining a family; दोषैरेतैः कुलघ्नानाम् Bg.1.43. -ज, -जात a. 1 well-born, of high brith; प्रदाने हि मुनिश्रेष्ठ कुलं निरवशेषतः । वक्तव्यं कुलजातेन तन्नि- बोध महामते ॥ Rām.1.71.2. -2 ancestral, hereditary; Ki.1.31 (used in both senses). -जनः a high-born or distinguished person. -जाया a. high-born lady; कुलजाया सा जाया केवलजाया तु केवलं माया Udb. -तन्तुः one who continues or perpetuates a family. -तिथिः m., f. an
important lunar day, viz:-- the 4th, 8th, 12th or 14th of a lunar fort-night. -तिलकः the glory of a family, one who does honour to his family. -दीपः, -दीपकः the glory of a family. -दुहितृ f. also कुलपुत्री; cf. P.VI. 3.7, Vārt.9; see कुलकन्या. -दूषण a. disgracing one's family; Mk. -देवता a tutelary deity; the guardian deity of a family; तामर्चिताभ्यः कुलदेवताभ्यः कुलप्रतिष्ठां प्रणमय्य माता Ku.7.27. -धन a. one whose wealth is the preservation of the good name of the family; कष्टो जनः कुलधनैरनुर- ञ्जनीयः U.1.14. (-नम्) the dearest and most valued treasure of the family; इक्ष्वाकूणां कुलधनमिदं यत्समाराधनीयः U.7.6. -धर्मः a family custom, a duty or custom peculiar to a family; उत्सन्नकुलधर्माणां मनुष्याणां जनार्दन Bg. 1.44; Ms.1.118;8.14. -धारकः a son. -धुर्यः (a son) able to support a family, a grown-up son; न हि सति कुलधुर्ये सूर्यवंश्या गृहाय R.7.71. -नन्दन a. gladdening or doing honour to a family. -नायिका a girl worshipped at the celebration of the orgies of the lefthand Śāktas. -नारी a high bred and virtuous woman. -नाशः 1 ruin or extinction of a family. -2 an apostate, reprobate, outcast. -3 a camel. -नाशनम् conducive to the extinction of the family; मुसलं कुलनाशनम् Mb. -परंपरा the series of generations comprising a race. -पतिः 1 the head or chief of a family. -2 a sage who feeds and teaches 1, pupils; thus defined:- मुनीनां दशसाहस्रं यो$न्नदानादिपोषणात् । अध्यापयति विप्रर्षिरसौ कुलपतिः स्मृतः ॥ अपि नाम कुलपतेरियमसवर्णक्षेत्रसंभवा स्यात् Ś.1; R.1.95; U.3.48. -3 The head-servant (Gīrvāṇa); Bhāg.5.18.1. -4 N. of Kṛiṣṇa; कुन्दस्रजः कुलपतेरिह वाति गन्धः Bhāg.1.3.11. -पांसन a. one who disgraces one's family; इत्युक्तः स खलः पापो भोजानां कुलपांसनः Bhāg.19.1.35. -पांसुका a woman disgracing her family, an unchaste woman. -पालकम् an orange. -पालिः, -पालिका, -पाली f. a chaste or high-born woman. -पुत्रः a nobly-born youth; इह सर्वस्वफलिनः कुलपुत्रमहाद्रुमाः Mk.4.1. -पुत्री (See -दुहितृ). -पुरुषः 1 a respectable or high-born man; कुश्चुम्बति कुलपुरुषो वेश्याधरपल्लवं मनोज्ञमपि Bh.1.59. -2 an ancestor. -पूर्वगः (कः) an ancestor. तवापि सुमहाभागे जनेन्द्रकुलपूर्वकम् (v. l. जनेन्द्राः कुलपूर्वगाः) Rām.2.73.24. -भरः (कुलंभरः) 1 One who maintains the family. -बीजः the head or chief of a guild. -भार्या a virtuous wife. -भृत्या the nursing of a pregnant woman. -मर्यादा family honour or respectability. -मार्गः 1 a family custom, the best way or the way of honesty. -2 the doctrine of the Kaulas (कौलमार्ग). -योषित्, -वधू f. a woman of good family and character. त्यागिनां कुलयोषिताम् Ms.3.245; ब्रूते ब्रूते व्रजकुलवधूः कापि साध्वी ममाग्रे Udb. -लक्षणम् The characteristics of a noble family; आचारो विनयो विद्या प्रतिष्ठा तीर्थदर्शनम् । निष्ठा वृत्तिस्तपो दानं नवधा कुललक्षणम् ॥ -वारः a principal day; (i. e. Tuesday and Friday). -विद्या 1 knowledge handed down in a family, traditional knowledge. -2 one of the three आन्वीक्षिकी lores. -विप्रः a family-priest. -वृद्धः an old and experienced member of a family. -व्रतः, -तम् a family vow; गलितवयसामिक्ष्वाकूणामिदं हि कुलव्रतम् R.3.7; विश्वस्मिन्नधुना$न्यः कुलव्रतं पालयिष्यति कः Bv.1.13. -शीलम् character or conduct honourable to a family. -श्रेष्ठिन् a. well-born, of a good family. (-m.) 1 the chief of a family or a guild. -2 an artisan of noble birth. -संख्या 1 family-respectability. -2 inclusion among respectable families; कुलसंख्यां च गच्छन्ति कर्षन्ति च महायशः Ms.3.66. -संततिः f. posterity, descendants, continuation of a lineage; दिवं गतानि विप्राणामकृत्वा कुलसंततिम् Ms.5.159. -सन्निधिः m. the presence of witnesses; Ms.8.194,21. -संभवः a. of a respectable family. -सेवकः an excellent servant. -स्त्री a woman of good family, a noble woman; अधर्माभिभवात् कृष्ण प्रदुष्यन्ति कुलस्त्रियः Bg.1.41. -स्थितिः f. 1 antiquity or prosperity of a family -2 family observance or custom; U.5.23. |
kulindaḥ | कुलिन्दः (pl.) N. of a country and its rulers. |
kulūtaḥ | कुलूतः (pl.) N. of a country and its rulers. |
kusitaḥ | कुसितः 1 An inhabited country. -2 One who lives on usury; see कुसीद below. |
kūṭa | कूट a. 1 False; as in कूटाः स्युः पूर्वसाक्षिणः Y.2.8; दुस्तोषः कूटयोगिनाम् Bhāg.2.9.19. -2 Immovable, steady. -3 Despised. -टः, -टम् 1 Fraud, illusion, deception. -2 A trick, fraudulent or roguish scheme; अक्षकूटमधि- ष्ठाय हृतं दुर्योधनेन वै Mb.3.33.3. -3 A puzzling question, knotty or intricate point, as in कूटश्लोक, कूटान्योक्ति; वाचः कूटं तु देवर्षेः स्वयं विभमृशुर्धिया Bhāg.6.5.1. -4 Falsehood, untruth; oft. used in comp. with the force of an adjective; ˚वचनम् false or deceitful words; ˚तुला, ˚मानम् &c. -5 A summit or peak of a mountain; वर्धयन्निव तत्कूटानु- द्धतैर्धातुरेणुभिः R.4.71, Me.115; Māl.5.32. -6 Any projection or prominence. -7 The bone of the forehead with its projections, the crown of the head. -8 A horn, सम्परेतमयःकूटैश्छिन्दन्त्युत्थितमन्यवः Bhāg.4.25.8. -9 End, corner; Y.3.96. -1 Head, chief. -11 A heap, mass, multitude; अभ्रकूटम् 'a heap of clouds'; so अन्नकूटम् 'a heap of food'; Mv.6.32. -12 A hammer, an iron mallet. -13 A plough-share, the body of a plough. -14 A trap for catching deer; नश्येदभिमृशन्सद्यो मृगः कूट- मिव स्पृशन् Mb.12.68.52. -15 A concealed weapon, as a dagger in a woollen case or a sword in a stick. -16 A water-jar. -17 The door of a city; निर्ययुर्भवनात्त- स्मात्कूटमुद्गरपाणयः Rām.5.42.25. -18 A false coin; कूटं हि निषादानामेवोपकारकं न आर्याणाम् ŚB. on MS.6.1.52. -टः 1 A house, dwelling. -2 An ox whose horns are broken. -3 An epithet of Agastya. -Comp. -अक्षः a false or loaded die; कूटाक्षोपधिदेविनः Y.2.22. -अगारम् an apartment on the top of a house; कूटागारैश्च संपूर्णामि- न्द्रस्येवामरावतीम् Rām.1.5.15. -अर्थः ambiguity of meaning. ˚भाषिता a tale, fiction. -उपायः a fraudulent plan, trick, stratagem. -कारः, -कारकः a rogue, a false witness; Ms.3.158. -कृत् a. 1 cheating, deceiving. -2 forging a document; Y.2.7. -3 bribing. (-m.) 1 a man of the writer caste (कायस्थ). -2 an epithet of Śiva. -कार्षापणः a false कार्षापण q. v. -कोष्ठम् a. compartment on the top of a building (Kāmikāgama 55.123-3); (कूटशाला and कूटागार are synonyms). -खङ्गः a sword-stick. -च्छद्मन् m. a cheat; पीड्यमानाः प्रजा रक्ष्याः कूटच्छद्मादिभिस्तथा Pt.1.343. -तुला a false pair of scales. -धर्म a. where falsehood is considered a duty (as a place, house, country, &c.). -पाकलः, -पर्वः -पूर्वः bilious fever to which elephants are subject (हस्तिवातज्वर); अचिरेण वैकृतविवर्तदारुणः कलभं कठोर इव कूट- पाकलः (अभिहन्ति Māl.1.39); (also sometimes written as कूटपालक). -पालकः a potter; a potter's kiln. -पाशः, -बन्धः a trap, snare, समाधिभीतेन किलोपनीतः पञ्चाप्सरोयौवन- कूटबन्धम् R.13.39. -मानम् false measure or weight. -मोहनः an epithet of Skanda. -यन्त्रम् a trap, a snare for deer, birds &c. -युद्धम् treacherous or unfair warfare; कूटयुद्धविधिज्ञे$पि तस्मिन्सन्मार्गयोधिनि R.17.69. -रचना 1 a trap laid; Pt.2.85. -2 artifice, trick; अतर्क्या कुट्टनीकूटरचना हि विधेरपि Ks.57.115. -लेखः a falsified document; कृत्वाथ कूटलेखं सा विदग्धा मह्यमर्पयत् Ks.124.197. -शाल्मलिः f., m. 1 a species of the Śālmali tree. -2 a kind of tree with sharp thorns (regarded as one of the several instruments-perhaps a club-with which the wicked are tortured in the world of Yama); see R.12.95 and Malli. thereon. -शासनम् a forged grant or decree; Ms.9.232. -संक्रान्तिः the passing of the sun into another zodiac when half the night is over. -साक्षिन् m. a false witness. -स्थ a. 1 standing at the top, occupying the highest place (said of a person who stands at the head in a geneological table). -2 silent; not at all moving or working; Mb.12.179.6. (-स्थः) the Supreme Soul (immovable, unchangeable, and perpetually the same); क्षरः सर्वाणि भूतानि कूटस्थो$क्षर उच्यते Bg.6.8;12.3. (-स्थः, -स्थम्) a kind of perfume (Mar. नखला). -स्वर्णम् counterfeit gold; Y.2.297. -हेमन् (as above); रज्यत्तुषारद्युतिकूटहेम तत्पाण्डु जातं रजतं क्षणेन N.22.52. |
kekayaḥ | केकयः (Pl.) N. of a country and its people; मगध- कोसलकेकयशासिनां दुहितरः R.9.17; केकयमित्रयुप्रलयानां यादेरियः P.VII.3.2. -यी (also केकेयी) N. of the wife of Daśaratha. |
keralaḥ | केरलः (pl.) N. of a country (in the south of India, the modern Malabar) and its inhabitants; Māl.6.19; भयोत्सृष्टविभूषाणां तेन केरलयोषिताम् R.4.54. -ली A woman of the Kerala country; कर्णाटीनां मुषितमुरलीकेरलीहारलीलः (राजेन्द्रकर्णपूरः). -2 Astronomical science. -3 A Hora or period of time equal to one hour. -Comp. -जातकम्, -तन्त्रम्, -सिद्धान्तः N. of works. |
koṅkaḥ | कोङ्कः कोङ्कणः (Pl.) N. of a country, the strip of land between the Sahyādri and the ocean; Mb.6; आक्रम्य क्रमुकश्यामान्कोङ्कणान्सप्त तापयन् । तुरगानिव तिग्मांशोः प्रताप- स्तस्य पप्रथे ॥ Rāj. T.4.159. -णम् A kind of weapon. |
kodaṇḍaḥ | कोदण्डः ण्डम् A bow; रे कन्दर्प करं कदर्थयसि किं कोदण्डटङ्का- रवैः Bh.3.1; कोदण्डपाणिनिनदत्प्रतिरोधकानाम् M.5.1. -ण्डः 1 An eye-brow. -2 N. of a country. |
kolaḥ | कोलः [कुल् संस्त्याने अच्] 1 A hog, boar; Y.3.273; Śi.14.43,86. -2 A raft, boat. -3 The breast. -4 The haunch, hip, lap. -5 An embrace. -6 The planet Saturn. -7 An out-cast, one of a degraded tribe. -8 A barbarian. -9 N. of a tribe inhabiting the hills in Central India. -लम् 1 The weight of one Tola. -2 Black pepper. -3 A kind of berry. -Comp. -अञ्चः N. of the country of the Kaliṅgas. -पुच्छः a heron. |
kosa | कोस (श) लः (pl.) N. of a country and its people; पितुरनन्तरमुत्तरकोसलान् R.9.1;3.5;6.71; मगधकोसलकेकय- शासिनां दुहितरः 9.17. ˚नक्षत्र N. of a lunar mansion; कोसलानां च नक्षत्रं व्यक्तमिन्द्राग्निदैवतम् Rām.6.12.35. |
kauṃṅkaḥ | कौंङ्कः कौङ्कणः (pl.) N. of a country and its people or rulers; Mb.6.9.6; (see कोङ्कण). |
krathakaiśikaḥ | क्रथकैशिकः (Pl.) N. of a country; अथेश्वरेण क्रथ- कैशिकानाम् R.5.39; M.5.2. |
krivi | क्रिवि a. Ved. 1 Doing, performing. -2 Killing. -विः 1 A cistern, well. -3 A leather bag; a cloud (?) -4 N. of the country of पाञ्चाल. |
kṣetram | क्षेत्रम् [क्षि-ष्ट्रन्] A fiield, ground, soil; चीयते बालिश- स्यापि सत्क्षेत्रपतिता कृषिः Mu.1.3. -2 Landed property, land. -3 Place, abode, region, repository; कपटशतमयं क्षेत्रमप्रत्ययानाम् Pt.1.191; Bh.1.77; Me.16. -4 A sacred spot, a place of pilgrimage; क्षेत्रं क्षत्रप्रधनपिशुनं कौरवं तद्भजेथाः Me.5; Bg.1.1. -5 An enclosed spot of ground, portion or space, superficies, circuit. -6 Fertile soil. -7 Place of origin; Bhāg.2.6.1. -8 A wife; अपि नाम कुलपतेरियमसवर्णक्षेत्रसंभवा स्यात् Ś.1; Ms.3.175; वृद्धस्तु व्याधितो वा राजा ... क्षेत्रे बीजमुत्पादयेत् Kau. A.1.17. -9 The sphere of action, the body (regarded as the field of the working of the soul); योगिनो यं विचिन्वन्ति क्षेत्राभ्यन्तर- वर्तिनम् Ku.6.77; Bg.13.1,2,3. -1 The mind. -11 A house; a town. -12 A plane figure, as a triangle. -13 A diagram. -14 A sign of the zodiac. -15 (in chiromancy) A certain portion marked out on the palm; क्षेत्रं मृजां च विधिवत्कुशलो$वलोक्य सामुद्रविद्वदति यातमनागतं च Bṛi. S.68.1. -Comp. -अंशः a degree of the ecliptic. -अधिदेवता the tutelary deity of any sacred piece of ground. -आजीवः, -करः, -कृत m. a cultivator, peasant. -इक्षुः N. of a corn (यवनाल- Mar. जोंधळा). -गणितम् geometry. -गत a. geometrical. ˚उपपत्तिः f. geometrical proof. -ज a. 1 produced in a field. -2 born from the body. (-जः) 1 one of the 12 kinds of sons allowed by the old Hindu Law, the offspring of a wife by a kinsman duly appointed to raise up issue to the husband; Ms.9.167,18; Y.1.69,2.128. -जात a. begotten on the wife of another. -ज्ञ a. 1 knowing places. -2 clever, dexterous; क्षेत्रज्ञवद्भाषसे त्वं हि धर्मान् Mb.1.89.14. (-ज्ञः) 1 the soul; cf. क्षेत्रज्ञं चापि मां विद्धि सर्वक्षेत्रेषु भारत Bg. 13.1,3; Ms.12.12. -2 the Supreme Soul. -3 a libertine. -4 a husbandman. -5 a form of Śiva. -6 a witness. (-ज्ञा) a girl fifteen years old personating Durgā at a festival. -देवता the deity of the fields; N. of a serpant. -पतिः a land-owner, a landlord. -पदम् a place sacred to a deity; पादौ हरेः क्षेत्रपदानुसर्पणे Bhāg. 9.4.2. -पालः 1 a man employed to guard a field. -2 a deity protecting fields. -3 an epithet of Śiva. -फलम् the area or superficial contents of a figure (in math.) -भक्तिः f. the division of a field. -भूमिः f. cultivated land. -राशिः quantity represented by geometrical figures. -लिप्ता a minute of the ecliptic. -विद् a. = क्षेत्रज्ञ q. v. (-m.) 1 a husbandman. -2 a sage, one who has spiritual knowledge; यमक्षरं क्षेत्रविदो विदुः Ku.3.5. -3 the soul; यः क्षेत्रवित्तपतया हृदि विष्वगाविः Bhāg.4.22.37. -व्यवहारः 1 drawing a figure in geometry. -2 geometrical demonstration. -स्थ a. residing at a sacred place. |
khaśaḥ | खशः (pl.) A mountainous country in the north of India and its inhabitants; Ms.1.44; (also written खस). |
khaśīraḥ | खशीरः (pl.) N. of a country and its people. |
khasaḥ | खसः 1 Itch, scab. -2 N. of a mountainous country to the North of India; see खश. |
khuraśālaḥ | खुरशालः A horse belonging to the Khuraśāla country or locality; ताजिकाः खुरशालाश्च तुषाराश्चोत्तमा हयाः । Śālihotra Appendix II.7. |
gaṇaḥ | गणः [गण् कर्मणि कर्तरि वा अच्] 1 A flock, multitude, group, troop, collection; गुणिगणगणना, भगणः -2 A series, a class. -3 A body of followers or attendants. -4 Particularly, a troop of demigods considered as Śiva's attendants and under the special superintendence of Gaṇeśa, a demigod of this troop; गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनाम् &c.; गणा नमेरुप्रसवावतंसाः Ku.1.55,7.4,71; Me.35.57; Ki.5.13. -5 Any assemblage or society of men formed for the attainment of the same objects. -6 A company, association. -7 A tribe, class. -8 A series of lunar mansions classed under three heads (of god, men and demons). -9 A sect (in philosophy, religion). -1 A small body of troops (a sub-division of अक्षौहिणी), consisting of 27 chariots, as many elephants, 81 horses and 135 foot; Mb.1.2.21. -11 A number (in math.). -12 A foot (in prosody). -13 (In gram.) A series of roots or words belonging to the same rule and called after the first word of that series; e. g. भ्वादिगण i. e. the class of roots which begin with भू. -14 An epithet of Gaṇeśa. -Comp. -अग्रणी m. N. of Gaṇeśa. -अचलः N. of the mountain Kailāsa, as the residence of the Gaṇas of Śiva. -अधिपः, -अधिपतिः 1 N. of Śiva; Śi.9.27. -2 N. of Gaṇeśa. -3 the chief of a troop of soldiers or of a class of disciples, of a body of men or animals. -अन्नम् a mess, food prepared for number of persons in common; Ms.4.29,219. -अभ्यन्तर a. one of a troop or number. (-रः) the leader or member of any religious association; Ms.3.154. -ईशः N. of Gaṇapati, Śiva's son (see गणपति below). ˚जननी an
epithet of Pārvatī. ˚भूषणम् red-lead. -ईशानः, -ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Gaṇeśa. -2 of Śiva. -उत्साहः the rhinoceros. -कारः 1 a classifier. -2 an epithet of Bhīmasena. -कृत्वस् ind. for a whole series of times, for a number of times. -गतिः a particular high number. -चक्रकम् a dinner eaten in common by a party of virtuous men. -छन्दस् n. metre regulated and measured by feet. -तिथ a. forming a troop or collection. -दीक्षा 1 initiation of a number or a class. -2 performance of rites for a number of persons. -दीक्षिन् a. 1 one who officiates for a number of persons or for various castes (as a priest). -2 one who has been initiated into the worship of Ganeśa. -देवताः (pl.) groups of deities who generally appear in classes of troops; Ak. thus classifies them :-- आदित्यविश्ववसव- स्तुषिता भास्वरानिलाः । महाराजिकसाध्याश्च रुद्राश्च गणदेवताः ॥ -द्रव्यम् 1 public property, common stock; Y.2.187. -2 a variety of articles. -धरः 1 the head of a class or number. -2 the teacher of a school. -नाथः, -नाथकः 1 an epithet of Śiva. -2 of Gaṇeśa. -3 the leader of the attendants of any god; Bhāg.5.17.13. -4 the head of an assemblage or corporation; Bṛi. S.15.4. -नायिका an epithet of Durgā. -पः, पतिः 1 N. of Śiva. -2 N. of Gaṇeśa. [He is the son of Śiva and Pārvatī, or of Pārvatī only; for according to one legend, he sprang from the scurf of her body. He is the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles; hence he is invoked and worshipped at the commencement of every important undertaking. He is usually represented in a sitting posture, short and fat, with a protuberant belly, and four hands; riding a mouse; and with the head of an elephant. This head has only one tusk, the other having been lost in a scuffle between him and Paraśurāma when he opposed the latter's entrance to Śiva's inner apartments; (whence he is called Ekadanta, Ekadaṁṣṭra &c.). There are several legends accounting for his elephant head. It is said that he wrote the Mahābhārata at the dictation of Vyāsa who secured his services as a scribe from the god Brahman]. -3 also an epithet of Bṛihaspati and Indra. -4 the leader of a class or troop. -पर्वत see गणाचल. -पाठः a collection of gaṇas or series of words falling under the same grammatical rule. -पीठकम् the breast, bosom. -पुङ्गवः the head of a tribe or class. (pl.) N. of a country and its people; Bṛi. S.4.24. -पूर्वः the leader of a tribe or class; (ग्रामणी); Mb.13.23.2. ˚तापनी N. of a Upaniṣad. -भर्तृ m. 1 an epithet of Śiva; गणभर्तृरुक्षा Ki.5.42. -2 N. of Gaṇeśa. -3 the leader of a class. -भोजनम् mess, eating in common. -यज्ञः a rite common to all. -रत्नमहोदधिः a collection of grammatical gaṇas by Vardhamāna. -राज्यम् N. of an empire in the Deccan; Bṛi. S.14. 14. -रात्रम् a series of nights. -वल्लभः a general of the army (सेनानायक); Rām.2.81.12. -वृत्तम् see गणच्छन्दस्. -हासः, -हासकः a species of perfume. |
gaṇita | गणित p. p. [गण्-क्त] 1 Counted, numbered, calculated. -2 Regarded, cared for &c; see गण्. -Comp. -दिवसक a. Consisting of a definite number of days; विचाली हि संवत्सरशब्दः सावनो$पि गणितदिवसकः ŚB. on MS.6.7.39. -तम् 1 Reckoning, calculating. -2 The science of computation, mathematics; (it comprises पाटीगणित or व्यक्त- गणित 'arithmetic', बीजगणित, 'algebra', and रेखागणित geometry'); गणितमथ कलां वैशिकीं हस्तिशिक्षां ज्ञात्वा Mk.1.4. -3 The sum of a progression. -4 A sum (in general).
-5 Study, practice; वेत्तुमर्हसि राजेन्द्र स्वाध्यायगणितं महत् Mb.12.62.9. |
gandhāraḥ | गन्धारः (pl.) 1 N. of a country and its rulers; पुरुषं गन्धारेभ्यो$भिनद्धाक्षमानीय Ch. Up.6.14.1. -2 The third note (in music). -3 A particular Rāga. |
gartaḥ | गर्तः र्ता र्तम् [गॄ-तन् Uṇ.3.86] 1 A hollow, hole, cave; ससत्त्वेषु गर्तेषु Ms.4.47,23. -2 A grave. -र्तः 1 The hollow of the loins. -2 A kind of disease. -3 N. of a country, a part the Trigartas q. v. -4 Ved. A throne. -5 A chariot; the seat of a chariot; तिष्ठद्धरी अध्यस्तेव गर्ते Rv.6.2.9. -6 A table for playing at dice. -7 A house. -8 The post of an assembly room. -Comp. -आश्रयः an animal living in holes or under ground, as a mouse or rat; Ms.7.72. |
gāndhāraḥ | गान्धारः 1 The third of the seven primary notes of the Indian Gamut; (commonly denoted by ग in musical notation). -2 Red lead. -3 N. of a country between India and Persia, the modern Kandahāra. -5 A native or a ruler of that country. -रम् Gum myrrh. |
guṇībhūta | गुणीभूत a. 1 Deprived of the original meaning or importance. -2 Made secondary or subordinate; गुणी- भूताः स्म ते राजन् Mb.14.71.24. -3 Invested with attributes. -4 Made or having become a merit or ornament. -5 Varied according to qualities. -6 Having a certain force or application (as a word &c.). -Comp. -व्यङ्ग्यम् (in Rhet.) the second of the three divisions of Kāvya (poetry), in which the charm of the suggested sense is not more striking than that of the expressed one. S. D. thus defines it :-- अपरं तु गुणीभूतव्यङ्ग्यं वाच्यादनुत्तमे व्यङ्ग्ये । 265. This division of Kāvya is further subdivided into 8 classes; see S. D.266 and K. P.5. |
gurv | गुर्व् 1 P. (गुर्वति) 1 To endeavour, try. -2 To raise or elevate. |
gulikaḥ | गुलिकः 1 N. of a minor planet (The son of Saturn). -2 Having a poisoned weapon (= hunter), -3 N. of a country. -4 A quarter-elephant; गुलिको मन्दतनये रस- बद्धास्त्रदेशयोः । दिङ्नागे ...... Nm. |
go | गो m. f. (Nom. गौः) [गच्छत्यनेन, गम् करणे डो Tv.] 1 Cattle, kine (pl.) -2 Anything coming from a cow; such as milk, flesh, leather &c. -3 The stars; वि रश्मिभिः ससृजे सूर्यो गाः Rv.7.36.1. -4 The sky. -5 The thunderbolt of Indra; Ki.8.1. -6 A ray of light; नान्यस्तप्ता विद्यते गोषु देव Mb.1.232.11; बालो$यं गिरिशिखरेषु चारयन् गाः त्रैलोक्यं तिमिरभरेण दुष्टमेतत् (रविः नैर्मल्यं नयति) । Rām. Ch. 7.6. -7 A diamond. -8 Heaven. -9 An arrow. -f. 1 A cow; जुगोप गोरूपधरामिवोर्वीम् R.2.3; क्षीरिण्यः सन्तु गावः Mk.1.6. -2 The earth; दुदोह गां स यज्ञाय R.1.26; गामात्तसारां रघुरप्यवेक्ष्य 5.26;11.36; Bg.15.13; सेको$- नुगृह्णातु गाम् Mu.3.2; Me.3; cf. also the quotation for (-6). -3 Speech, words; कुलानि समुपेतानि गोभिः पुरुषतो$- र्थतः Mb.5.28; रघोरुदारामपि गां निशम्य R.5.12;2.59; Ki.4.2. -4 The goddess of speech, Sarasvatī. -5 A mother. -6 A quarter of the compass. -7 Water; सायं भेजे दिशं पश्चाद्गविष्ठो गां गतस्तदा Bhāg.1.1.36; also pl.; Bhāg.11.7.5. -8 The eye; गोकर्णा सुमुखी कृतेन इषुणा गोपुत्रसंप्रेषिता Mb.8.9.42. -9 A region of the sky. -m. A bull, an ox; असंजातकिणस्कन्धः सुखं स्वपिति गौर्गडिः K. P.1; Ms.4.72; cf. चरद्गव. -2 The hair of the body. -3 An organ of sense; अदान्तगोभिर्विशतां तमिस्रं पुनः पुनश्चर्वितचर्वणानाम् Bhāg..7.5.3. -4 The sign Taurus of the zodiac; Bṛi. S.49. -5 The sun. -6 The number 'nine' (in math.). -7 The moon. -8 A singer. -9 A billion. -1 A cow-sacrifice -11 A house; cf. गौर्वज्रं गौः प्रभा भूमिर्वाणी तोयं त्रिविष्टपम् । धेनुर्बस्तो वृषो दिग्गौर्नेत्रं लज्जा गुरू रमा ॥ इन्द्रियं श्रीरुमा ... Enm. -Comp. -कण्टकः, -कम् 1 a road or spot trodden down by oxen and thus made impassable. -2 the cow's hoof. -3 the print of a cow's hoof. -कर्ण a. having cow's ears. (-र्णः) 1 a cow's ear; गोकर्णसदृशौ कृत्वा करावाबद्धसारणौ Ks.6.57. -2 a mule. -3 a snake; Mb.8.9.42. -4 a span (from the tip of the thumb to that of the ring-finger); गोकर्णशिथिल- श्चरन् Mb.2.68.75; तालः स्मृतो मध्यमया गोकर्णश्चाप्यनामया Brahmāṇḍa P. -5 N. of a place of pilgrimage in the south, sacred to Śiva. श्रितगोकर्णनिकेतमीश्वरम् R.8.33. -6 a kind of deer. -7 a kind of arrow; Mb.8.9.42. -किराटा -किराटिका the Sārikā bird. -किलः, -कीलः 1 a plough -2 a pestle. -कुलम् 1 a herd of kine; वृष्टिव्याकुलगोकुलावनरसादुद्धृत्य गोवर्धनम् Gīt.4; गोकुलस्य तृषा- र्तस्य Mb. -2 a cow-house. -3 N. of a village (where Kṛiṣṇa was brought up). -कुलिक a. 1 one who does not help a cow in the mud. -2 squint-eyed. -कुलोद्भवा an epithet of Durgā. -कृतम् cow-dung. -क्षीरम् cow's milk. -क्षुरम्, -रकम् a cow's hoof. -खरः a beast (पशु); यत्तीर्थबुद्धिः सलिले न कर्हिचिज्जनेष्वभिज्ञेषु स एव गोखरः Bhāg.1.84.13. -खा a nail. -गृष्टिः a young cow which has had only one calf. -गोयुगम् a pair of oxen. -गोष्ठम् a cow-pen, cattle-shed. -ग्रन्थिः 1 dried cowdung. -2 a cow-house. -ग्रहः capture of cattle (गवालम्भ); Mb.12.265.2. -ग्रासः the ceremony of offering a morsel (of grass) to a cow when performing an expiatory rite. -घातः, -घातकः, -घातिन् m. a cow-killer. -घृतम् 1 rain-water. -2 clarified butter coming from a cow. -घ्न a. 1 destructive to cows. -2 one who has killed a cow. -3 one for whom a cow is killed, a guest. -चन्दनम् a kind of sandal-wood. -चर a. 1 grazed over by cattle. -2 frequenting, dwelling, resorting to, haunting पितृसद्मगोचरः Ku.5.77. -3 within the scope, power, or range of; अवाङ्मनसगोचरम् R.1.15; so बुद्धि˚, दृष्टि˚, श्रवण˚ स्वगोचरे दीप्ततरा बभूव Bu. Ch.1.13. -4 moving on earth. -5 accessible to, attainable; त्याग- सूक्ष्मानुगः क्षेम्यः शौचगो ध्यागोचरः Mb.12.236.12. -6 circulating, having a particular meaning, prevalent. (-रः) 1 the range of cattle, pasturage; उपारताः पश्चिम-
रात्रिगोचरात् Ki.4.1. -2 (a) a district, department, province, sphere. (b) an abode, dwelling-place, a place of resort; Śi.1.21; Ms.1.39. -3 range of the organs of sense, an object of sense; श्रवणगोचरे तिष्ठ be within ear-shot; नयनगोचरं या to become visible. -4 scope, range, in general; हर्तुर्याति न गोचरम् Bh.2.16. -5 (fig.) grip, hold, power, influence, control; कः कालस्य न गोचरा- न्तरगतः Pt.1.146; गोचरीभूतमक्ष्णोः U.6.26; Māl.5.24; अपि नाम मनागवतीर्णो$सि रतिरमणबाणगोचरम् Māl.1. -6 horizon. -7 field for action, scope; इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुर्विषयांस्तेषु गोचरान् Kaṭh.3.4. -8 the range of the planets from the Lagna or from each other. ˚पीडा inauspicious position of stars within the ecliptic; गोचर- पीडायामपि राशिर्बलिभिः शुभग्रहैर्दृष्टः (पीडां न करोति) Bṛi.S.41.13. (गोचरीकृ to place within the range (of sight), make current). -चर्मन् n. 1 a cow's hide. -2 a particular measure of surface thus defined by Vasiṣṭha :-- दशहस्तेन वंशेन दशवंशान् समन्ततः । पञ्च चाभ्यधिकान् दद्यादेतद्गोचर्म चोच्यते ॥ ˚वसनः an epithet of Śiva. -चर्या seeking food like a cow; गोचर्यां नैगमश्चरेत् Bhāg.11.18.29. -चारकः cowherd. -चरणम् the tending or feeding of cows; Bhāg.1.38.8. -ज a. 1 born in the earth (rice &c.). -2 produced by milk; अब्जा गोजा ...... Kaṭh.5.2. -जरः an old ox or bull; नाद्रियन्ते यथापूर्वं कीनाशा इव गोजरम् Bhāg.3.3.13. -जलम् the urine of a bull or cow. -जागरिकम् auspiciousness, happiness. (-कः) a preparer of food, baker. -जात a. born in the heaven (gods); गोजाता अप्या मृळता च देवाः Rv.6.5.11. -जिह्वा N. of a plant (Mar. पाथरी). -जिह्विका the uvula. -जीव a. living on cattle (milkman); Hch.1.7. -तल्लजः an excellent bull or cow. -तीर्थम् a cowhouse. -त्रम् [गां भूमिं त्रायते त्रै-क] 1 a cow-pen. -2 a stable in general. -3 a family, race, lineage; गोत्रेण माठरो$स्मि Sk.; so कौशिकगोत्राः, वसिष्ठगोत्राः &c.; Ms.3.19,9.141. -4 a name, appellation; जगाद गोत्र- स्खलिते च का न तम् N.1.3; Ś.6.5; see ˚स्खलित below; मद्गोत्राङ्कं विरचितपदं गेयमुद्गातुकामा Me.88. -5 a multitude. -6 increase. -7 a forest. -8 a field. -9 a road. -1 possessions, wealth. -11 an umbrella, a parasol. -12 knowledge of futurity. -13 a genus, class, species. -14 a caste, tribe, caste according to families. (-त्रः) a mountain; 'गोत्रं नाम्नि कुले$प्यद्रौ' इति यादवः; Śi.9.8. Hence गोत्रोद्दलनः means Indra; cf. इन्द्रे तु गोत्रोद्दलनः कुलघ्ने गिरिदारणे Nm. (-त्रा) 1 a multitude of cows. -2 the earth. ˚उच्चारः recitation of family pedigree. ˚कर्तृ, -कारिन् m. the founder of a family. ˚कीला the earth. ˚ज a. born in the same family, gentile, a relation; Bhāg.3.7.24; Y.2.135. ˚पटः a genealogical table, pedigree. ˚प्रवरः the oldest member or founder of a family. -भिद् m. an epithet of Indra; हृदि क्षतो गोत्रभिदप्यमर्षणः R.3.53;6.73; Ku.2.52. ˚स्खलनम्, ˚स्खलितम् blundering or mistaking in calling (one) by his name, calling by a wrong name; स्मरसि स्मर मेखलागुणैरुत गौत्रस्खलितेषु बन्धनम् Ku.4.8. -द a. giving cows; Ms.4.231. (-दः) brain. (-दा) N. of the river Godāvarī. -दत्र a. Ved. giving cows. (-त्रः) an epithet of Indra. (-त्रम्) a crown (protecting the head). -दन्त a. armed with a coat of mail. (-तम्) 1 yellow orpiment. -2 a white fossil substance. -दानम् 1 the gift of a cow. -2 the ceremony of tonsure or cutting the hair; रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् गोदानं कारयस्व ह Rām.1.71.23; अथास्य गोदानविधेरनन्तरम् R.3. 33; (see Mallinātha's explanation of the word); कृत- गोदानमङ्गलाः U.1; अतोनं गोदानं दारकर्म च Kau. A.1.5; (Rām. explains the word differently). -3 the part of the head close to the right ear. -दाय a. intending to give cows. -दारणम् 1 a plough. -2 a spade, hoe. -दा, -दावरी N. of a river in the south. -दुह् m., -दुहः 'cow-milker', a cowherd; सुदुघामिव गोदुहे R.1.4.1; चिरं निदध्यौ दुहतः स गोदुहः Śi. -दोहः 1 the milking of cows. -2 the milk of cows. -3 the time of milking cows. -दोहनम् 1 the time of milking cows. -2 the milking of cows; न लक्ष्यते ह्यवस्थानमपि गोदोहनं क्वचित् Bhāg.1.19. 4. -दोहनी a milk-pail. -द्रवः the urine of a bull or cow. -धनम् 1 a herd or multitude of cows, cattle. -2 possession of cows. (-नः) a broad-pointed arrow. -धरः a mountain. -धर्मः the law of cattle, rules relating to cattle; (open and unconcealed intercourse of the sexes); गोधर्मं सौरभेयाच्च सो$धीत्य निखिलं मुनिः । प्रावर्तत तदा कर्तुं श्रद्धावांस्तमशङ्कया ॥ Mb.1.14.26. -धुमः, -धूमः 1 wheat; Bṛi. Up.6.3.13. -2 the orange. ˚चूर्णम् wheat flour; -सम्भवम् a sour paste. -धूलिः 'dust of the cows', the time of sunset or evening twilight (so called because cows, which generally return home at about sunset, raise up clouds of dust by their treading on the earth). -धेनुः a milch-cow with a calf. -भ्रः a mountain. -नन्दा an epithet of the wife of Śiva. -नन्दी the female of the Sārasa bird. -नर्दः 1 the (Indian) crane. -2 an epithet of Śiva (bellowing like a bull). -3 N. of a country. -नर्दीयः an epithet of Patañjali, author of the Mahābhāṣya. -नसः, -नासः 1 a kind of snake. -2 a kind of gem. -नसा the mouth of a cow. -नाथः 1 a bull. -2 an owner of land. -3 a herdsman. -4 an owner of kine. -नायः a cowherd; तद्यथा गोनायो$श्वनायः पुरुषनाय इत्येवं तदप आचक्षते$शनायेति Ch. Up.6.8.3. -नाशनः a wolf. -नासा the projecting snout of a cow or ox. -नासम् a kind of gem. -निष्यन्दः cow's urine. -पः 1 a cowherd (considered as belonging to a mixed tribe); गोपवेशस्य विष्णोः Me.15. -2 the chief of a cowpen. -3 the superintendent of a village. -4 a king. -5 a protector, guardian; Rv.1.61.1. ˚अनसी the wood of a thatch; गोपानसीषु क्षणमास्थितानाम् Śi.3.49. ˚अष्टमी the eighth day of the bright fortnight of Kārttika when Kṛiṣṇa is said to have worn the dress of a cowherd. ˚आटविका a cowherd. ˚कन्या 1 the daughter of a cowherd. -2 a nymph of Vṛindāvana. ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚इन्द्रः, ˚ईशः the chief of herdsmen, an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. ˚चापः the rainbow. ˚दलः the betel-nut tree. ˚भद्रम् the fibrous root of a water-lily. ˚रसः gum myrrh. ˚राष्ट्राः (pl.) N. of
a people. ˚वधूः f. a cowherd's wife; Bhāg.1.9.4. ˚वधूटी a young cowherdess, a young wife of a cowherd; गोपवधूटीदुकूलचौराय Bhāṣā P.1. (-पकः) 1 the superintendent of a district. -2 myrrh. (-पिका) 1 a cowherdess; Bhāg.1.9.14-15. -2 protectress. (-पी) a cowherd's wife (especially applied to the cowherdesses of Vṛindāvana, the companions of Kṛiṣṇa in his juvenile sports). -2 a milk-maid. -3 a protectress. -4 Nature, elementary nature. -पतिः 1 an owner of cows. -2 a bull. -3 a leader, chief. -4 the sun; नीहारमिव गोपतिः Bhāg.1.12.1; Mb.1.173.32. -5 Indra; सुराङ्गना गोपतिचापगोपुरं पुरम् (जहुः) Ki.8.1. -6 N. of Kṛiṣṇa. -7 N. of Śiva. -8 N. of Varuṇa; एष पुत्रो महाप्रज्ञो वरुणस्येह गोपतेः Mb.5.98.11. -9 a king; नासतो विद्यते राजन् स ह्यरण्येषु गोपतिः Mb.12.135.26. -पथः N. of a Brāhmaṇa of Av. -पर्वतम् the name of the place where Pāṇini is said to have performed penance and propitiated Śiva; गोपर्वतमिति स्थानं शम्भोः प्रख्यापितं मया । यत्र पाणिनिना लेभे वैयाकरणिकाग्ऱ्यता ॥ अरुणाचलमाहात्म्यम्- उत्तरार्धः 2 अ. 68 श्लो. -पशुः a sacrificial cow. -पाः m. Ved. 1 a herdsman. -2 protector, or guardian; मन्द्राग्रे- त्वरी भुवनस्य गोपा Av.2.1.57. -पानसी a curved beam which supports a thatch; गोपानसी तु वलभिच्छादने वक्रदारुणि Ak.2.2.15. -पालः 1 a cowherd; Ms.4.253. -2 a king. -3 an epithet of Śiva. -4 an epithet of Kṛ&iṣṇa. ˚धानी a cow-pen, cow-shed. -पालकः 1 a cowherd. -2 a king. -3 an epithet of Śiva; also of Kṛiṣṇa. -पालिः an epithet of Śiva. -पालिका, -पाली the wife of a cowherd; पार्थः प्रस्थापयामास कृत्वा गोपालिकावपुः Mb.1.221.19. -पालितः N. of a lexicographer. -पित्तम् bile of cows, ox-bile (from which the yellow pigment गोरोचना is prepared; गोपित्ततो रोचना Pt.1.94.). -पीतः a species of wagtail. -पीथः protection; अस्माकमृषीणां गोपीथे न उरुष्यतम् Rv.5.65.6. (-थम्) a holy place, a place of pilgrimage. -पुच्छम् a cow's tail. -2 a particular point of an arrow. (-च्छः) 1 a sort of monkey; Bhāg.8.2.22. -2 a sort of necklace consisting of two or four or thirty-four strings. -3 a kind of drum. -पुटिकम् the head of Śiva's bull. -पुत्रः 1 a young bull. -2 an epithet of Karṇa. -पुरम् 1 a town-gate; उत्तुङ्गसौधसुरमन्दिरगोपुरम् Māl.9.1. -2 a principal gate; दधतमुच्चशिलान्तरगोपुराः Ki.5.5. -3 the ornamental gateway of a temple. -पुरीषम् cowdung. -प्रकाण्डम् an excellent cow or bull. -प्रचारः pasture-ground, pasturage for cattle; ग्राम्येच्छया गोप्रचारो भूमी राजवशेन वा Y.2.166. -प्रत (ता) रः 1 a ford for cattle. -2 a place of pilgrimage on the Śarayū; यद्गोप्रतरकल्पो$भूत्संमर्दस्तत्र मज्जताम् । अतस्तदाख्यया तीर्थं पावनं भुवि पप्रथे ॥ R.15.11. -प्रदानम् same as गोदान. -प्रवेशः the time when cows return home, sunset or evening-twilight; गोप्रवेशसमये Bṛi. S.24.35. -फणा 1 a bandage hollowed out so as to fit the chin or nose &c. -2 a sling. -बालः the hair of cows. -भुज् m. a king; गोभुजां वल्लभा लक्ष्मीः Rāj. T.5.6. -भृत् m. 1 a mountain. -2 a king. -मक्षिका a gadfly. -मघ a. granting cattle or cows कदा गोमघा हवनानि गच्छाः Rv.6.35.3. -मंडलम् 1 the globe. -2 a multitude of cows. -मण़्डीरः a kind of an aquatic bird; L. D. B. -मतम् = गव्यूति q. v. -मतल्लिका a tractable cow, an excellent cow; अरिर्मधोरैक्षत गोमतल्लिकाम् Śi.12.41. -मथः a cowherd. -मध्यमध्य a. slender in the waist. -महिषदा N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on कार्तिकेय. -मांसम् beef. -मायु 1 a kind of frog. -2 a jackal; अनुहंकुरुते घनध्वनिं न हि गोमायुरुतानि केसरी Śi.16. 25. -3 bile of a cow. -4 N. of a Gandharva. -मीनः a kind of fish. -मुखः, -मुखम् [गोर्मुखमिव मुखमस्य] a kind of musical instrument; Bg.1.13; गोमुखानां च शृङ्गाणाम- नीकद्वयवर्तिनाम् Śiva. B.24.55. (-खः) 1 a crocodile, shark. -2 a hole of a particular shape in a wall made by thieves. (-खम्) 1 a house built unevenly. -2 spreading unguents, smearing; 'गोमुखं कुटिलाकारे वाद्यभाण्डे विलेपने' इति विश्वः; यस्यामलिन्देषु न चक्रुरेव मुग्धाङ्गना गोमयगो- मुखानि Śi.3.48. (-खम्, -खी) a cloth-bag of the shape of a gnomon containing a rosary, the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside. -2 a house built unevenly. -3 a particular method of sitting (a योगासन) (-खी) the chasm in the Himālaya mountains through which the Ganges flows. -मूढ a. stupid as a bull. -मूत्रम् cow's urine. -मूत्रकः a variety of lapis lazuli (बैदूर्य); Kau. A.2.11. -कम् a particular attitude (मण्डल) in गदायुद्ध; दक्षिणं मण्डलं सव्यं गोमूत्रकमथापि च । व्यचर- त्पाण्डवो राजन्नरिं संमोहयन्निव ॥ Mb.9.58.23. -a. zigzagging, going unevenly. -मूत्रिका 1 an artificial verse, the second of which repeats nearly all the syllables of the first. (Malli. thus defines it :-- वर्णानामेकरूपत्वं यद्येकान्तरमर्धयोः गोमूत्रिकेति तत्प्राहुर्दुष्करं तद्विदो विदुः ॥ see Śi.19.46.) -2 a form of calculation. -मृगः a kind of ox (गवय). -मेदः a gem brought from the Himālaya and Indus, described as of four different colours:-- white, pale-yellow, red, and dark-blue. -मेदकः 1 see गोमेद. -2 a kind of poison (काकोल). -3 smearing the body with unguents. -मेधः, -यज्ञः a cow-sacrifice; Rām.7.25.8. -यानम्, -रथः a carriage drawn by oxen; Rām.2.82.26; Ms. 11.174. -युक्त a. drawn by oxen. -युतम् 1 a cattle station. -2 a measure of two Krośas (गव्यूत); गोयुते गोयुते चैव न्यवसत्पुरुषर्षभः Mb.14.65.22. -रक्षः 1 a cowherd. -2 keeping or tending cattle. -3 the orange. -4 an epithet of Śiva. ˚जम्बू f. wheat. -रक्षणम् tending cattle (with religious faith). -रङ्कुः 1 a water-fowl -2 a prisoner. -3 a naked man, a mendicant wandering about without clothes. -4 a chanter. -रवम् saffron. -रसः cow's milk. -2 curds. -3 buttermilk. -4 the flavour of a sentence; को रसो गोरसं विना Udb. ˚जम् buttermilk. -राजः an excellent bull. -राटिका, -राटी the Sārikā bird. -रुतम् a measure of distance equal to two Krośas. -रूपम् the form of a cow. (-पः) N. of Śiva. -रोचम् yellow orpiment. -रोचना a bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine
or bile of a cow, or found in the head of a cow. -लवणम् a measure of salt given to a cow. -लाङ्गु- (गू) लः a kind of monkey with a dark body, red cheeks and a tail like that of a cow; गोलाङ्गूलः कपोलं छुरयति रजसा कौसुमेन प्रियायाः Māl.9.3. -लोकः a part of heaven, cow-world. -लोभिका, -लोभी 1 a prostitute. -2 white Dūrvā grass. -3 Zedoary. -4 N. of a shrub. -वत्सः a calf. ˚आदिन m. a wolf. -वधः the killing of a cow; Ms.11.59. -वर्धनः a celebrated hill in वृन्दावन the country about Mathurā. ('This hill was lifted up and supported by Kṛiṣṇa upon one finger for seven days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Kṛiṣṇa's divinity.') ˚धरः, ˚धरिन् m. an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. -वरम् pounded cowdung. -वशा a barren cow. -वाटम्, -वासः a cow-pen. -वासन a. covered with an ox-hide. -विकर्तः, -विकर्तृ m. 1 the killer of a cow; Mb.4.2.9. -2 a husbandman. -विततः a horse-sacrifice having many cows. -विन्दः 1 a cowkeeper, a chief herdsman. -2 N. of Kṛiṣṇa. -3 Bṛihaspati. ˚द्वादशी the twelfth day in the light half of the month of फाल्गुन -विष् f., -विष्ठा cowdung. -विषाणिकः a kind of musical instrument; Mb.6.44.4. -विसर्गः day-break (when cows are let loose to graze in forests); Rām.7.111.9. -वीथिः f. N. of that portion of the moon's path which contains the asterisms भाद्रपदा, रेवती and अश्विनी, or according to some, हस्त, चित्रा and स्वाती Bṛi. S.9.2. -वीर्यम् the price received for milk. -वृन्दम् a drove of cattle. -वृन्दारकः an excellent bull or cow. -वृषः, -वृषभः an excellent bull; न तां शेकुर्नृपा वोढुमजित्वा सप्त गोवृषान् Bhāg 1.58.33. ˚ध्वजः an epithet of Śiva. -वैद्यः a quack docter. -व्रजः 1 a cow-pen. -2 a herd of cows. -3 a place where cattle graze. -व्रत, -व्रतिन् a. one who imitates a cow in frugality; ...अत्र गोव्रतिनो विप्राः ... ॥ यत्रपत्रशयो नित्यं येन केन- चिदाशितः । येन केनचिदाच्छन्नः स गोव्रत इहोच्यते ॥ Mb.5.99. 13-14. -शकृत् n. cowdung; Ms.2.182. -शतम् a present of a hundred cows to a Brāhmaṇa. -शालम्, -ला a cow-stall. -शीर्षः, -र्षम् a kind of sandal; Kau. A.2.11. -2 a kind of weapon (arrow ?); Mb.7.178. 23. -षड्गवम् three pairs of kine. -षन्, -षा a. Ved. acquiring or bestowing cows. -षा (सा) तिः 1 acquiring cattle; or fighting for cattle. गोषाता यस्य ते गिरः Rv.8.84.7. -2 giving cattle. -ष्टोमः a kind of sacrifice fasting for one day. -संख्यः a cowherd. -सदृक्षः a species of ox (गवय). -सर्गः the time at which cows are usually let loose, day-break; see गोविसर्ग. -सवः a kind of cow-sacrifice (not performed in the Kali age); Mb.3.3.17. -सहस्रम् a kind of present (महादान). (-स्त्री) N. of two holidays on the fifteenth day of the dark half of कार्तिक and ज्येष्ठ. -सावित्री N. of a hymn (cf. गायत्री). -सूत्रिका a rope fastened at both ends having separate halters for each ox or cow. -स्तनः 1 the udder of a cow. -2 a cluster of blossoms, nosegay &c. -3 a pearl-necklace of four strings. -4 a kind of fort. -स्तना, -नी a bunch of grapes. -स्थानम्, -क्रम् a cow-pen. -स्वामिन् m. 1 an owner of cows. -2 a religious mendicant. -3 an honorary title affixed to proper names; (e. g. वोपदेवगोस्वामिन्). -हत्या cow-slaughter. -हल्लम् (sometimes written हन्नम्) cow-dung. -हरः, -हरणम् stealing of cows; गोष्ठमुत्किरति गोहरं वदेत् Bṛi. S.89.9. (v. l.) -हित a. cherishing or protecting kine. (-तः) N. of Viṣṇu. |
goṇḍaḥ | गोण्डः 1 A fleshy navel. -2 A person with a fleshy navel. -3 A man of a low tribe, a mountaineer, especially one inhabiting the eastern portion of the Vindhya range between the Narmadā and Kṛiṣṇa. -Comp. -किरी N. of a Rāgiṇi. -वनम् N. of a country in Berar. |
gauḍaḥ | गौडः 1 N. of a country; the स्कन्दपुराण thus describes its position :-- वङ्गदेशं समारभ्य भुवनेशान्तगः शिवे । गौडदेशः समाख्यातः सर्वविद्याविशारदः ॥ -2 A particular subdivision of Brāhmaṇas. -3 see गोण्डः above. L. D. B. -डाः (pl.) The inhabitants of Gauḍa. -डी 1 Spirit distilled from molasses; गौडी पैष्ठी च माध्वी च विज्ञेया त्रिविधा सुरा Ms. 11.95. -2 One of the Rāgiṇis. -3 (In rhet.) One of the Ritis or Vrittis or styles of poetic composition; S. D. mentions four Ritis, while K. P. only three, गौडी being another name for पुरुषा वृत्ति; ओजःप्रकाशकैस्तैः (वर्णैः) तु परुषा (i. e. गौडी) M. P.7; ओजःप्रकाशकैर्वर्णैर्बन्ध आडम्बरः पुनः समासबहुला गौडी S. D.627. Here is an illustration : उन्मीलन्मधुगन्धलुब्धमधुपव्याधूतचूताङ्कुरः क्रीडत्कोकिलकाकंलीकलकलैरु- द्गीर्णकर्णज्वराः । नीयन्ते पथिकैः कथं कथमपि ध्यानावधानक्षणप्राप्त-
प्राणसमासमागमरसोल्लासैरमी वासराः ॥ अलंकारशेखर 6. -डम् Sweet- meats; भोजनानि सुपूर्णानि गौडानि च सहस्रशः Rām.1.53.4. -a. Relating to or prepared from molasses; विविधानि च गौडानि खाण्डवानि तथैव च Rām.7.92.12. -Comp. -पादः N. of a commentator. -मालवः N. of a Rāga. |
catur | चतुर् num. a. [चत्-उरन् Uṇ.5.58] (always in pl.; m. चत्वारः; f. चतस्रः; n. चत्वारि) Four; चत्वारो वयमृत्विजः Ve.1.25; चतस्रो$वस्था बाल्यं कौमारं यौवनं वार्धकं चेति; चत्वारि शृङ्गा त्रयो अस्य पादाः &c.; शेषान् मासान् गमय चतुरो लोचने मील- यित्वा Me.11. -ind. Four times. [cf. Zend chathru; Gr. tessares; L. quatuor.] [In Comp. the र् of चतुर् is changed to a Visarga (which in some cases becomes श्, ष् or स्, or remains unchanged) before words beginning with hard consonants.] -Comp. -अंशः a fourth part. -अङ्ग a. having 4 members, quadripartite. (-ङ्म्) 1 a complete army consisting of elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry; चतुरङ्गसमायुक्तं मया सह च तं नय Rām.1.2. 1; एको हि खञ्जनवरो नलिनीदलस्थो दृष्टः करोति चतुरङ्गबलाधिपत्यम्
Ś. Til.4; चतुरङ्गबलो राजा जगतीं वशमानयेत् । अहं पञ्चाङ्गबलवाना- काशं वशमानये ॥ Subhāṣ. -2 a sort of chess. -अङ्गिकः A kind of horse, having four curls on the forehead; यस्य ललाटे भ्रमरचतुष्टयं स चतुरङ्किको नाम । Śālihotra of Bhoj.25. -अङ्गिन् a. having four parts. (-नी) a complete army, see चतुरङ्ग. -अङ्गुलम् 1 the four fingers of the hand. -2 four fingers broad. -अन्त a. bordered on all sides; भूत्वा चिराय चतुरन्तमहीसपत्नी Ś.4.19. -अन्ता the earth. -अशीत a. eighty-fourth. -अशीति a. or f. eighty four. -अश्र, -अस्र a. (for अश्रि-स्रि) 1 four cornered, quardrangular; R.6.1. A quality of gems; Kau. A.2.11. -2 symmetrical, regular or handsome in all parts; बभूव तस्याश्चतुरस्रशोभि वपुः Ku.1.32. (-श्रः, स्रः) 1 a square. -2 a quardrangular figure. -3 (in astr.) N. of the fourth and eighth lunar mansions. -अहन् a period of four days. -आत्मन् m. N. of Viṣṇu. -आननः, -मुखः an epithet of Brahmā; इतरतापशतानि यथेच्छया वितर तानि सहे चतुरानन Udb. -आश्रमम् the four orders or stages of the religious life of a Brāhmaṇa. -उत्तर a. increased by four. -उषणम् the four hot spices, i. e. black pepper, long pepper, dry ginger, and the root of long pepper. -कर्ण (चतुष्कर्ण) a. heard by two persons only; Pt.1.99. -ष्काष्ठम् ind. In four directions. चतुष्काष्ठं क्षिपन् वृक्षान् ... Bk.9.62. -कोण (चतुष्कोण) a. square, quadrangular. (-णः) a square, tetragon, any quadrilateral figure. -गतिः 1 the Supreme Soul. -2 a tortoise. -गवः a carriage drawn by four oxen. -गुण a. four times, four-fold, quadruple. -चत्वारिंशत् (चतुश्च- त्वारिंशत्) a. forty-four; ˚रिंश, ˚रिंशत्तम forty-fourth. -चित्यः A pedestal, a raised square; चतुश्चित्यश्च तस्यासी- दष्टादशकरात्मकः Mb.14.88.32. -णवत (चतुर्नवत) a. ninety-fourth, or with ninety-four added; चतुर्णवतं शतम् 'one hundred and ninety four'. -दन्तः an epithet of Airāvata, the elephant of Indra. -दश a. fourteenth. -दशन् a. fourteen. ˚रत्नानि (pl.) the fourteen 'jewels' churned out of the ocean; (their names are contained in the following popular Maṅgalāṣṭaka :-- लक्ष्मीः कौस्तुभपारिजातकसुरा धन्वन्तरिश्चन्द्रमा गावः कामदुघाः सुरेश्वरगजो रम्भादिदेवाङ्गनाः । अश्वः सप्तमुखो विषं हरिधनुः शङ्खो$मृतं चाम्बुधे रत्नानीह चतुर्दश प्रतिदिनं कुर्युः सदा मङ्गलम् ॥). ˚विद्या (pl.) the fourteen lores; (they are:-- षडङ्गमिश्रिता वेदा धर्मशास्त्रं पुराणकम् । मीमांसा तर्कमपि च एता विद्याश्चतुर्दश ॥). -दशी the fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight. -दिशम् the four quarters taken collectively. -दिशम् ind. towards the four quarters, on all sides. -दोलः, -लम् a royal litter. -द्वारम् 1 a house with four entrances on four sides. -2 four doors taken collectively. -नवति a. or f. ninety-four. -पञ्च a. (चतुपञ्च or चतुष्पञ्च) four or five. -पञ्चाशत् f. (चतुःपञ्चाशत् or चतुष्पञ्चाशत्) fifty-four. -पथः (चतुःपथः or चतुष्पथः) (-थम् also) a place where four roads meet, a crossway; Ms.4.39,9,264. (-थः) a Brāhmaṇa. -पद or -पद् a. (चतुष्पद) 1 having four feet; यथा चतुष्पत्सु च केसरी वरः Rām.4.11.93. -2 consisting of four limbs. (-दः) a quadruped. (-दी) a stanza of four lines; पद्यं चतुष्पदी तच्च वृत्तं जातिरिति द्विधा Chand. M.1. -पाटी A river. L. D. B. -पाठी (चतुष्पाठी) a school for Brāhmaṇas in which the four Vedas are taught and repeated. -पाणिः (चतुष्पाणिः) an epithet of Viṣṇu. -पाद्-द (चतुष्पद्-द) a. 1. quadruped. -2 consisting of four members or parts. (-m.) 1 a quadruped. -2 (in law) a judicial procedure (trial of suits) consisting of four processes; i. e. plea, defence, rejoinder, and judgment. -3 The science of archery consisting of ग्रहण, धारण, प्रयोग and प्रतिकारः; यो$स्त्रं चतुष्पात् पुनरेव चक्रे । द्रोणः प्रसन्नो$भिवाद्यस्त्वया$सौ Mb.5.3.12-13; प्रतिपेदे चतुष्पादं धनुर्वेदं नृपात्मजः ibid 192.61. -पार्श्वम् the four sides of a square. -बाहुः an epithet of Viṣṇu. (-हु n.) a square. -भद्रम् the aggregate of the four ends of human life (पुरुषार्थ); i. e. धर्म, अर्थ, काम and मोक्ष. -भागः the fourth part, a quarter. -भावः N. of Viṣṇu. -भुज a. 1 quadrangular. -2 having four arms; Bg.11.46. (-जः) 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu; R.16.3. -2 a quadrangular figure. -3 square. (-जम्) a square. -मासम् a period of four months; (reckoned from the 11th day in the bright half of आषाढ to the 11th day in the bright half of कार्तिक). -मुख having four faces. (-खः) an epithet of Brahmā; त्वत्तः सर्वं चतु- र्मुखात् R.1.22. (-खम्) 1. four faces; Ku.2.17. -2 a house with four entrances. -मण्डलम् a four-fold arrangement (of troops &c.) -मेधः One who has offered four sacrifices, namely अश्वमेध, पुरुषमेध, सर्वमेध, and पितृमेध. -युगम् the aggregate of the four Yugas or ages of the world. -युज् a. Consisting of four; चतुर्युजो रथाः सर्वे Mb.5.155.13. -रात्रम् (चतूरात्रम्) an aggregate of four nights. -वक्त्रः an epithet of Brahmā. -वर्गः the four ends of human life taken collectively (पुरुषार्थ); i. e. धर्म, अर्थ, काम and मोक्षः; चतुर्वर्गफलं ज्ञानं कालावस्थाश्चतुर्युगाः R.1.22. -वर्णः 1. the four classes or castes of the Hindus; i. e. ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र; चतुर्वर्णमयो लोकः R.1.22. -2 four principal colours. -वर्षिका a cow four years old. -विंश a. 1 twenty fourth. -2 having twenty-four added; as चतुर्विंशं शतम् (124). -विंशति a. or f. twenty-four. -विंशतिक a. consisting of twenty-four. -विद्य a. one who has studied the four Vedas. -विद्या the four Vedas. -विध a. of four sorts or kinds, four-fold. -वेद a. familiar with the four Vedas. (-दः) the Supreme Soul. -व्यूङः N. of Viṣṇu. (-हम्) medical science. a. having four kinds of appearance; hence ˚वादिन् 'asserting the four forms of पुरुषोत्तम viz. वासुदेव, संकर्षण, प्रद्युम्न and अनिरुद्ध.' -शालम् (चतुःशालम्, चतुश्शालम्, चतुःशाली, चतुश्शाली) a square of four buildings, a quadrangle enclosed by four buildings; अलं चतु शालमिमं प्रवेश्य Mk.3.7; देवीनां चतुःशालमिदम् Pratimā 6. -षष्टि a. or f. 1 sixty-four. -2 N. for the Ṛigveda consisting 64 Adhyāyas. ˚कलाः (pl.) the sixty-four arts. -सनः N. of Viṣṇu having four embodiments of सनक, सनन्दन, सनत्कुमार and सनातन; आदौ सनात् स्वतपसः स चतुःसनो$भूत् Bhāg.2.7.5.
-सप्तति a. or f. seventy-four. -समम् an unguent of four things, sandal, agallochum, saffron and musk; L. D. B. -सीमा the boundaries on all four sides. -हायन, -ण a. four years old; (the f. of this word ends in आ if it refers to an inanimate object, and in ई if it refers to an animal). -होत्रकम् the four priests taken collectively. |
camakasūktam | चमकसूक्तम् 1 The hymn containing च मे. -2 N. of the Vājasaneyī saṁhitā (part 18.1-27).
चमत्करणम् camatkaraṇam चमत्कारः camatkārḥ चमत्कृतिः camatkṛtiḥ
चमत्करणम् चमत्कारः चमत्कृतिः f. 1 Admiration, surprise; एवं सकलजगत्त्रयहृदयचमत्कारकारिचरितानाम् Ks. 22.257. -2 Show, spectacle. -3 Poetical charm, that which constitutes the essence of poetry; चेतश्चमत्कृतिपदं कवितेव रम्या Bv.3.16; तदपेक्षया वाच्यस्यैव चमत्कारित्वात् K. P.1. -4 Riot, festive or angry riot. |
campā | चम्पा f. 1 The capital of the country of Aṅga i. e. Bhagalapur. |
cicchilāḥ | चिच्छिलाः m. (pl.) N. of a country and its people. |
citra | चित्र a. [चित्र्-भावे अच्; चि-ष्ट्रन् वा Uṇ.4.163] 1 Bright, clear. -2 Variegated, spotted, diversified. -3 amusing, interesting, agreeable; Māl.1.4. -4 Various, different, manifold; Pt.1.136; Ms.9.248; Y.1.288. -5 Surprising, wonderful, strange; किमत्र चित्रम् R.5.33; Ś.2.15. -6 Perceptible, visible. -7 Conspicuous, excellent, distinguished; न यद्वचश्चित्रपदं हरेर्यशो जगत्पवित्रं प्रगृणीत कर्हिचित् Bhāg.1.5.1. -8 Rough, agitated (as the sea, opp सम). -9 Clear, loud, perceptible (as a sound). -त्रः 1 The variegated colour. -2 A form of Yama. -3 The Aśoka tree. -4 = चित्रगुप्त q. v. below. -त्रम् 1 A picture, painting, delineation चित्रे निवेश्य परिकल्पितसत्त्वयोगा Ś.2.9; पुनरपि चित्रीकृता कान्ता Ś.6.2,13,21 &c. -2 A brilliant ornament or ornament. -3 An extraordinary appearance, wonder. -4 A sectarial mark on the forehead. -5 Heaven, sky. -6 A spot. -7 The white or spotted leprosy. -8 (In Rhet.) The last of the three main divisions of Kāvya (poetry). (It is of two kinds शब्दचित्र and अर्थ-वाच्य-चित्र, and the poetical charm lies mainly in the use of figures of speech dependent on the sound and sense of words. Mammaṭa thus defines it :-- शब्दचित्रं वाज्यचित्रमव्यङ्ग्यं त्ववरं स्मृतम् K. P.1. As an instance of शब्दचित्र may be cited the following verse from R. G. मित्रात्रिपुत्रनेत्राय त्रयीशात्रवशत्रवे । गोत्रारिगोत्रजैत्राय गोत्रात्रे ते नमो नमः ॥ -9 Anything bright which strikes the eye. -1 Playing upon words, punning, using conundrums, riddles &c. -11 A lotus. ...... मङ्गले तिलके हेम्नि व्योम्नि पद्मे नपुंसकम् । Nm. -त्रम् ind. Oh !, how strange !, what a wonder ! चित्रं बधिरो नाम व्याकरणमध्येष्यते Sk. -Comp. -अक्षी, -नेत्रा, -लोचना a kind of bird commonly called Sārikā. -अङ्ग a. striped, having a spotted body. (-ङ्गः) 1 a kind of snake. -2 N. of Arjuna. (-ङ्गम्) 1 vermilion. -2 yellow orpiment. -अङ्गद a. decked with brilliant bracelets. (-दा) N. of a wife of Arjuna and mother of Babhruvāhana. -अङ्गदसूः f. an epithet of Satyavatī, mother of Vyāsa. -अन्नम् rice dressed with coloured condiments; Y.1.34. -अपूपः a kind of cake. -अर्पित a. committed to a picture, painted. ˚आरम्भ a. painted; चित्रार्पितारम्भ इवावतस्थे R.2.31; Ku.3.42. -आकृतिः f. a painted resemblance, portrait. -आयसम् steel. -आरम्भः a painted scene, outline of a picture; V.1.4. v. l. -उक्तिः f. 1 agreeable or frequent
discourse; जयन्ति ते पञ्चममित्रचित्रोक्तिसंदर्भविभूषणेषु Vikr.1. -2 a voice from heaven. -3 a surprising tale. -ओदनः boiled rice coloured with turmeric &c. -कण्ठः pigeon. -कथालापः telling agreeable or charming stories. -कम्बलः 1 painted cloth used as an elephant's housing -2 a variegated carpet. -कर 1 a painter. -2 an actor. -कर्मन् n. 1 an extraordinary act; धीर्न चित्रीयते कस्माद- भित्तौ चित्रकर्मणा Ks.6.5. -2 ornamenting, decorating. -3 a picture; Mu.2.4. -4 magic. (-m.) 1 a magician, one who works wonders. -2 a painter. ˚विद् m. 1 a painter. -2 a magician. -कायः 1 a tiger in general. -2 a leopard or panther. -कारः 1 a painter. -2 N. of a mixed tribe; (स्थपतेरपि गान्धिक्यां चित्रकारो व्यजायत Parāśara). -कूटः N. of a hill and district near Prayāga; दृप्तः कुकुद्मानिव चित्रकूटः R.12;15;13.47, U.1. -कृत् a. astonishing, surprising. (-m.) a painter. -कोलः a kind of lizard. -क्रिया, -कृत्यम् painting; आहूय स्वसुता- वासे चित्रकृत्ये न्ययुङ्क्त माम् Ks.71.82. -क्षत्र a. Ved. having manifold power, or one whose wealth is visible; चित्रक्षत्र चित्रतमं वयोधाम् Rv.6.6.7. -ग, -गत a. 1 painted, drawn in a picture; संपूर्णलक्षणा देवी प्रतिभाति स्म चित्रगा Ks.5.31. -2 coloured, variegated. -गन्धम् yellow orpiment. -गुप्तः one of the beings in Yama's world recording the vices and virtues of mankind; नामान्येषां लिखामि ध्रुवमहम- धुना चित्रगुप्तः प्रमार्ष्टु Mu.1.2. -गृहम् a painted room. -जल्पः a random or incoherent talk, talk on various subjects. -तण्डुलम् a medicinal plant said to possess anthelmintic virtues. -त्वच् m. the Bhūrja tree. -दण्डकः the cotton-plant. -धा ind. in many ways; तर्कयामास चित्रधा Bhāg.3.13.2. -न्यस्त a. painted, drawn in a picture; Ku.2.24. -पक्षः the francoline partridge. -पटः, -ट्टः 1 a painting, a picture. -2 a coloured or chequered cloth. -पद a. 1 divided into various parts. -2 full of graceful expressions. -पादा the bird called Sārikā. -पिच्छकः a peacock. -पुङ्खः a kind of arrow. -पृष्ठः a sparrow. -प्रतिकृतिः f. representation in colours, a painting, a picture. -फलः, -फलकः A kind of large flat fish; L. D. B. -फला 1 A smaller kind of flat fish. -2 N. of several plants. -फलकम् a tablet for painting, a picture-board. -बर्हः a peacock; -भानु a. of a variegated colour, shining with light; चित्रभानुरुषसां भात्यग्रे R.7.9.3; प्रपूर्वगौ पूर्वजौ चित्रभानू Mb.1.3.57. (-नुः) 1 fire; पुच्छैः शिरोभिश्च भृशं चित्रभानुं प्रपेदिरे Mb.1.53. 5. -2 the sun; (चित्रभानुर्विभातीति दिने रवौ रात्रौ वह्नौ K. P. 2 given as an instance of one of the modes of अञ्जन). -3 N. of Bhairava. -4 the Arka plant. -5 Śiva. -6 an epithet of the Aśvins. -7 the first year of the first cycle of Jupiter. -भाष्यम् A diplomatic speech; Mb. 5.35.71. -भूत a. painted. -मण्डलः a kind of snake. -मृगः the spotted antelope. -मेखलः a peacock. -योधिन् a. fighting in a wonderful manner; लब्धास्त्रश्चित्रयोधी च मनस्वी च दृढवतः 5.17.3. (-m.) an epithet of Arjuna. -रथः 1 the sun. -2 N. of a king of the Gandharvas, one of the sixteen sons of Kaśyapa by his wife Muni; अत्र मुनेस्तनयश्चित्रसेनादीनां पञ्चदशानां भ्रातॄणामधिको गुणैः षोडश- श्चित्ररथो नाम समुत्पन्नः K.136; V.1. -लिखनम् painting. -लिखित a. 1 painted. -2 dumb, motionless (as in a picture). -लेख a. of beautiful outlines, highly arched; रुचिस्तव कलावती रुचिरचित्रलेखे श्रुवौ Gīt.1. (-खा) 1 a portrait, picture. -2 N. of a friend and companion of Uṣā, daughter of Bāṇa. [When Uṣā related to her her dream, she suggested the idea of taking the portraits of all young princes in the neighbourhood; and on Uṣā's recognising Aniruddha, Chitralekhā, by means of her magical power, conveyed him to her palace.] -लेखकः a painter. -लेखनिका a painter's brush. -वदालः the sheat-fish. -वनम् N. of a forest near the Gaṇḍakī. -वाजः a cock. -विचित्र a. 1 variously coloured, variegated. -2 multiform. -विद्या the art of painting. -शाला a painter's studio. -शिखण्डिन् m. an epithet of the seven sages :--मरीचि, अङ्गिरस्, अत्रि, पुलस्त्य, पुलह, क्रतु and वसिष्ठ; मरीचिरत्र्यङ्गिरसौ पुलस्त्यः पुलहः क्रतुः । वसिष्ठश्च महातेजास्ते हि चित्रशिखण्डिनः ॥ Mb.12.335.29. ˚जः an epithet of Bṛihaspati. -शिरस् m. -शीर्षकः a kind of venomous insect. -श्रीः great or wonderful beauty. -संस्थ a. painted. -हस्तः a particular position of the hands in fighting. |
cipiṭaḥ | चिपिटः a. See चिपट. -Comp. -ग्रीव a. short-necked -घ्राण, -नास, -नासिक a. flat-nosed; स भार्यां चिपिटघ्राणाम् Ks.61.15; स्त्रीमृत्युः स्याच्चिपिटनासः Bṛi.S.68.61; मिलद्- भ्रुवं काचराक्षीं न्यञ्चच्चिपिटनासिकाम् Ks.2.18. -नासिक m. (pl.) N. of a country in the north of ancient India; केशधरचिपिटनासिकदासेरकवाटधानशरधानाः Bṛi. S.14.26. |
cīnaḥ | चीनः [चि-नक् पृषो ˚ दीर्घः] 1 N. of a country, the modern China. -2 A kind of deer. -3 A sort of cloth. -4 A thread. -नाः m. (pl.) The rulers or people of China. -नम् 1 A banner. -2 A kind of bandage for the corners of the eyes. -3 Lead. -Comp. -अंशुकम्, -वासस् n. China-cloth, silk, silken cloth; चीनांशुक- मिव केतोः प्रतिवातं नीयमानस्य Ś.1.34; Ku.7.3; Māl.6.5; Amaru.75. -कर्पूरः a kind of camphor. -जम् steel. -दारु Cinamon (Mar. दालचिनी); एलां च देवकुसुमं त्वक्पत्रं चीनदारु च Śiva. B.3.14. -पट्टम् 1 lead. -2 China silk; Kau. A.2.11. -पिष्टम् 1 red lead; चीनपिष्टमयो लोकश्चारणै- कमयी च भूः Ks.23.85. -2 lead. -वसुम् lead. |
cediḥ | चेदिः m. (pl.) N. of a country; तदीशितारं चेदीनां भवां- स्तमवमंस्त मा Śi.2.95,63. -Comp. -पतिः, -भूभृत् m., -राज् m., -राजः N. of Śiśupāla, son of Damaghośa and king of the Chedis; Śi.2.96; see शिशुपाल. |
colaḥ | चोलः m. (pl.) [चुल् कर्मणि घञ्] N. of a country in southern India, the modern Tanjore. -लः, -ली 1 A short jacket, a bodice. -2 A garment reaching to the feet. -लम् A garment. -Comp. -उण्डुकः a diadem turban. |
caurṇeya | चौर्णेय a. (A pearl) obtained in the river near the Kerala country; Kau. A.2.11. |
chagalaḥ | छगलः 1 A goat. -2 N. of the sage Atri. -3 N. of a country. -ला, -ली A she-goat. -लम् A blue cloth. -Comp. -अन्त्रिका, -अन्त्रिः a wolf. |
chyu | छ्यु 1 Ā. (छयवते) To go, move, approach.
1 the Supreme deity. -2 Śiva. -3 Nārada. -4 Brahmās -5 Viṣṇu. -चक्षुस् m. the sun. -चन्द्रिका Bhaṭṭotpala'. commentary on Bṛihatsaṁhitā (also called चिन्तामणि). -चित्रम् a wonder of the universe; पश्येदानीं जगच्चित्रम् Rām.7.34.9. -जीवः a living being; एक एको जगज्जीवैरियेष स्वात्मपोषणम् Rāj. T.2.25. -त्रयम् the three worlds i. e. heaven, earth and the lower world. -दीपः the sun. -धात्री 1 Durgā. -2 Sarasvatī. -नाथः 1 the lord of the universe. -2 Viṣṇu. -3 Dattātreya. -4 N. of a country. -5 N. of an idol at Jagannātha. -6 N. of a poet. (-थौ) Viṣṇu and Śiva. (-था) N. of Durgā. -निवासः 1 the Supreme Being. -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu; जगन्निवासो वसुदेवसद्मानि Śi.1.1. -3 wordly existence. -पतिः God, Lord of the universe; यदा च तस्याधिगमे जगत्पतेः Ku. -प्रभुः 1 an epithet of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva. -2 an Arhat of the Jainas. -प्राणः, -बलः wind. -बीजम् N. of Śiva. -मातृ f. 1 Durgā. -2 Lākṣmī. -योनिः 1 the Supreme Being. -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -3 of Śiva. -4 of Brahmā. (-निः f.) the earth. -वन्द्यः N. of Kṛiṣṇa. विनाशः the expiration of Yugas. -वहा the earth. -साक्षिन् m. 1 the Supreme spirit. -2. the sun. -सेतुः the Supreme Being. -स्रष्टृ m. 1 the creator of the world. -2 Brahmā. -3 Śiva. -स्वामित्वम् the sovereignty of the world; जगत्स्वामित्वलाभः प्रभोः Ratn. 4.19. |
janaḥ | जनः [जन्-अच्] 1 A creature, living being, man. -2 An individual or person (whether male or female); क्व वयं क्व परोक्षमन्मथो मृगशावैः सममेधितो जनः Ś.2.18; तत्तस्य किमपि द्रव्यं यो हि यस्य प्रियो जनः U.2.19; so सखीजनः a female friend; दासजनः a slave, अबलाजनः &c. (In this sense जनः or अयं जनः is often used by the speakerwhether male or female, in the sing. or pl. --instead of the first personal pronoun to speak of himself in the third person); अयं जनः प्रष्टुमनास्तपोधने Ku.5.4 (male); भगवन् परवानयं जनः प्रतिकूलाचरितं क्षमख मे R.8.81 (female); पश्यानङ्गशरातुरं जनमिमं त्रातापि नो रक्षसि Nag.1.1. (female and pl.). -3 Men collectively, the people, the world (in sing. or pl.); एवं जनो गृह्णाति M.1; सतीमपि ज्ञातिकुलैक- संश्रयां जनो$न्यथा भर्तृमतीं विशङ्कते Ś.5.17. -4 Race, nation, tribe. -5 The world beyond Maharloka, the heaven of deified mortals. -6 A low man, the mob; L. D. B. -ना Birth, production. -Comp. -अतिग a. extraordinary, uncommon, superhuman. -अधिपः, -अधिनाथः 1 a king -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -अन्तः 1 a place removed from men, an uninhabited place. -2 a region. -3 an epithet of Yama. -4 personal proximity. -अन्तिकम् secret communication, whispering or speaking aside (to another). (-ind.) aside to another (in dramas); the S. D. thus defines this stage direction:-- त्रिपताककरेणान्यानप- वार्यान्तरा कथाम् । अन्योन्यामन्त्रणं यत् स्याज्जनान्ते तज्जनान्तिकम् ॥ 425. -अर्णवः a large concourse of people, caravan. -अर्थशब्दः a family appellation. -अर्दनः an epithet of Visnu or Krisna. -अशनः a. wolf. -आकीर्ण a. thronged or crowded with people; Ś.5.1. -आचारः 1 a popular usage or custom. -2 propriety, decorum. -आश्रमः an asylum for people, an inn, caravansary. -आश्रयः a pavilion. -इन्द्रः, -ईशः, -ईश्वरः a king. -इष्ट a. desired or liked by the people. (-ष्टः) a kind of jasmine. (-ष्टा) turmeric. -उदाहरणम् glory, fame. -ओघः a concourse of people, crowd, mob. -कारिन् m. lac. -चक्षुस् n. 'the people's eye', the sun. -जन्मादिः the the Supreme Being. -जल्पः A rumour. -त्रा an umbrella, a parasol. -देवः a king. -पदः 1 a community, race, nation; Y.1.361 v. l. -2 A kingdom, an empire, an inhabited country; जनपदे न गदः पदभादधौ R.9.4; दाक्षि- णात्ये जनपदे Pt.1; Me.48. -3 the country (opp. the town पुर, नगर); जनपदवधूलोचनैः पीयमानः Me.16. -4 the people, subjects (opp. the sovereign); जनपदहितकर्ता त्यज्यते पार्थिवेन Pt.1.131. -5 mankind. -6 a. considering his subjects as authority; आपौरप्रकृतिजनपदो राजा Bhāg.5.4.5. -पदिन् m. the ruler of a country or community. -प्रवादः 1 rumour, report. -2 scandal, calumny. -प्रिय a. 1 philanthropic. -2 liked by the people, popular. (-यः) 1 an epithet of Śiva. -2 coriander-seed. -मरकः an epidemic disease. -मर्यादा established custom or usage, popular custom. -मारः an epidemic; Av. Pariś.72.84. -योपन a. perplexing or vexing men; कमगञ्जनयोपनः Rv.1.86.22. -रञ्जनम् gratifying the people, courting popular favour. -रवः 1 rumour. -2 calumny, scandal. -लोकः one (i. e. the fifth) of the seven divisions of the universe situated above Maharloka; यो ब्रह्मवादः पूर्वेषां जनलोकनिवासिनाम् Bhāg.1.87.8. -वादः (also जनेवादः) 1 news, rumour. -2 a scandal; द्यूतं च जनवादं च Ms.2.179. -व्यवहारः popular usage. -श्चुत a. well-known among people, famous -श्रुतिः f. a rumour, report; अभिचारं चकारास्येत्य- विगाना जनश्रुतिः Rāj. T.7.133. (-नं) सह a. subduing men; सत्रासाहो जनभक्षो जनंसहः Rv.2.21.3. -संबाध a. densely crowded with people. -स्थानम् N. of a part of the Daṇḍakā forest; R.12.42;13.22; U.1.28;2.17. |
janman | जन्मन् n. [जन् भावे मनिन्] 1 Birth; तां जन्मने शैलवधूं प्रपेदे Ku.1.21. -2 Origin, rise, production, creation; आकरे पद्मरागाणां जन्म काचमणेः कुतः H. Pr.44; Ku.5.6; (at the end of comp.) arising or born from; सरलस्कन्धसंघट्ठजन्मा दवाग्निः Me.53. -3 Life, existence; पूर्वेष्वपि हि जन्मसु Ms.9.1;5.38; Bg.4.5. -4 Birthplace. -5 Nativity. -6 A father, giver of birth, progenitor; Ś.7.18. -7 Natal star. -8 (In astr.) N. of the first mansion or Nakṣatra. -9 A creature, being. -1 People. -11 The people of a household. -12 Kind, race. -13 Nature; property, quality. -14 Custom, manner. -अधिपः 1 an epithet of Śiva. -2 the regent of a constellation under which a person is born (in astrology); होराजन्माधिपयोर्जन्मर्क्षे वाशुभो राज्ञः Bṛi. S.34.11. -अन्तरम् 1 another life. -2 the preceding life, former birth; मनो हि जन्मान्तरसंगतिज्ञम् R.7.15. -3 regeneration. -4 the other world. -अन्तरीय a. belonging to or done in another life; जन्मान्तरीयैः साम्राज्यं मया प्रापीति चिन्तयन् Rāj. T.6.85. -अन्धः a. born blind. -अष्टमी the eighth day of the dark fortnight of Srāvaṇa, the birth-day of Kṛisna. -आस्पदम् birthplace. -ईशः = 2 जन्माधिप; -कीलः an epithet of Vi&snu. -कुण्डली a diagram in a horoscope in which the positions of different planets at the time of one's birth are marked. -कृत् m. a father. -क्षेत्रम् birth-place. -तिथिः m., f., -दिनम्, -दिवसः birth-day; सुखाय तज्जन्मदिनं बभूव Ku.1.23. -दः a father. -नक्षत्रम्, -भम् the natal star. -नामन् n. the name
received on the 12th day after birth. -पः the regent of a planet under which a person is born. -पत्रम्, -पत्रिका a horoscope. -पादपः a family-tree; उत्तराः कुरवो$विक्षंस्तद्भयाज्जन्मपादपान् Rāj. T.4.175. -प्रतिष्ठा 1 a birth-place. -2 a mother; Ś.6 (between verses 9th and 1th). -भाज्, भृत् m. a creature, living being; मोदन्तां जन्मभाजः सततम् Mk.1.6. -a. one whose life is fruitful; अहो भोजपते यूयं जन्मभाजो नृणामिह Bhāg.1.82. 29. -भाषा a mother-tongue; यत्र स्त्रीणामपि किमपरं जन्मभाषा- वदेव प्रत्यावासं विलसति वचः संस्कृतं प्राकृतं च Vikr.18.6. -भूमिः f. birth-place, native country. -योगः a horoscope. -रोगिन् a. sickly from birth. -लग्नम्, -राशिः the sign of the zodiac under which a person is born. -वर्त्मन् n. the vulva. -वसुधा native country; पश्यद्भिर्जन्मवसुधाम् Rāj. T.4.147. -शोधनम् discharging the obligations derived from birth. -साफल्यम् attainment of the ends of existence; एतद्धि जन्मसाफल्यं ब्राह्मणस्य विशेषतः Ms.12.93. Pt.1.28. -स्थानम् 1 birth-place, native country, home. -2 the womb. -हेतुः cause of birth, author of one's being; पितरस्तासां केवलं जन्महेतवः R.1.24. |
jala | जल a. [जल् अच् डस्य लो वा] 1 Dull, cold, frigid = जड q. v. -2 Stupid, idiotic. -लम् 1 Water; तातस्य कूपो$-
यमिति ब्रुवाणाः क्षारं जलं कापुरुषाः पिबन्ति । Pt.1.322. -2 A kind of fragrant medicinal plant or perfume (ह्रीवेर). -3 The embryo or uterus of a cow. -5 The constellation called पूर्वाषाढा. -Comp. -अञ्चलम् 1 a spring. -2 a natural water-course. -3 moss. -अञ्जलिः 1 a handful of water. -2 a libation of water presented to the manes of a deceased person; कुपुत्रमासाद्य कुतो जलाञ्जलिः Chāṇ 69; मानस्यापि जलाञ्जलिः सरभसं लोके न दत्तो यथा Amaru. 97 (where, जलाञ्जलिं दा means 'to leave or give up'). -अटनः a heron. -अटनी a leech. -अणुकम्, -अण्डकम् the fry of fish. -अण्टकः a shark. -अत्ययः autumn (शरद्); पृष्ठतो$नुप्रयातानि मेघानिव जलात्यये Rām.2.45.22. -अधिदैवतः, -तम् an epithet of Varuṇa. (-तम्) the constellation called पूर्वाषाढा. -अधिपः an epithet of Varuṇa. -अम्बिका a well. -अर्कः the image of the sun reflected in water. -अर्णवः 1 the rainy season. -2 the ocean of sweet water. -अर्थिन् a. thirsty. -अवतारः a landing-place at a river-side. -अष्ठीला a large square pond. -असुका a leech. -आकरः a spring, fountain, well. -आकाङ्क्षः, -काङ्क्षः, -काङ्क्षिन् m. an elephant. -आखुः an otter. -आगमः rain; तपति प्रावृषि सुतरामभ्यर्ण- जलागमो दिवसः Ratn.3.1. -आढ्य a. watery, marshy. -आत्मिका a leech. -आधारः a pond, lake, reservoir of water. -आयुका a leech. -आर्द्र a. wet. (-र्द्रम्) wet garment or clothes. (-र्द्रा) a fan wetted with water. -आलोका a leech. -आवर्तः eddy, whirl-pool. -आशय a. 1 resting or lying in water. -2 stupid, dull, apathetic. (-यः) 1 a pond, lake, reservoir. -2 a fish. -3 the ocean. -4 the fragrant root of a plant (उशीर). -आश्रयः 1 a pond. -2 water-house. -आह्वयम् a lotus. -इन्द्रः 1 an epithet of Varuṇa. -2 N. of Mahādeva. -3 the ocean; जलेन्द्रः पुंसि वरुणे जम्भले च महोदधौ Medinī. -इन्धनः the submarine fire. -इभः a water-elephant. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Varuṇa; भीमोद्भवां प्रति नले च जलेश्वरे च N. -2 the ocean. -उच्छ्वासः 1 a channel made for carrying off excess of water, drain, (cf. परीवाह). -2 overflow of a river. -उदरम् dropsy. -उद्भव a. aquatic. (-वा) benzoin. -उरगा, -ओकस् m., -ओकसः a leech. -कण्टकः a crocodile. -कपिः the Gangetic porpoise. -कपोतः a water-pigeon. -कर a. making or pouring forth water. (-रः) tax for water. -करङ्कः 1 a shell. -2 a cocoa-nut. -3 a cloud. -4 a wave. -5 a lotus. -कल्कः mud. -कल्मषः the poison produced at the churning of the ocean; तस्यापि दर्शयामास स्ववीर्यं जलकल्मषः Bhāg.8. 7.44. -काकः the diver-bird. -कान्तः the wind. -कान्तारः an epithet of Varuṇa. -किराटः a shark. -कुक्कुटः a water-fowl; जलकुक्कुटकोयष्टिदात्यूहकुलकूजितम् Bhāg.8.2.16. (-टी) the black-headed gull. -कुन्तलः, -कोशः moss. -कूपी 1 a spring, well. -2 a pond. -3 a whirlpool; जलकूपी कूपगर्ते पुष्करिण्यां च योषिति Medinī. -कूर्मः the porpoise. -कृत् a. Causing rain; दिवसकृतः प्रतिसूर्यो जलकृत् (मेघः) Bṛi. S. -केलिः, m. or f., -क्रीडा playing in water, splashing one another with water. -केशः moss. -क्रिया presenting libations of water to the manes of the deceased. -गुल्मः 1 a turtle. -2 a quadrangular tank. -3 a whirlpool. -चर a. (also जलेचर) aquatic. (-रः) 1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish. -3 any kind of water-fowl. ˚आजीवः, ˚जीवः a fisherman. -चत्वरम् a square tank. -चारिन् m. 1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish. -ज a. born or produced in water. (-जः) 1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish; स्वयमेव हतः पित्रा जलजेनात्मजो यथा Rām.2.61.22. -3 sea-salt. -4 a collective name for several signs of the zodiac. -5 moss. -6 the moon. (-जः, जम्) 1 a shell. -2 the conch-shell; अधरोष्ठे निवेश्य दघ्मौ जलजं कुमारः R.7. 63,1.6; इत्यादिश्य हृषीकेशः प्रध्माय जलजोत्तमम् Bhāg.8.4. 26. -3 (-जः) The Kaustubha gem; जलजः कौस्तुभे मीने तत् क्लीबे शङ्खपद्मयोः । Nm. (जः) -4 A kind of horse born in water; वाजिनो जलजाः केचिद् वह्निजातास्तथापरे । शालिहोत्र of भोज, Appendix II,12. (-जम्) a lotus. ˚आजीवः a fisherman. ˚आसनः an epithet of Brahmā; वाचस्पतिरुवाचेदं प्राञ्जलिर्जलजासनम् Ku.2.3. ˚कुसुमम् the lotus. ˚द्रव्यम् a pearl, shell or any other thing produced from the sea. -जन्तुः 1 a fish, -2 any aquatic animal. -जन्तुका a leech. -जन्मन् a lotus. -जिह्वः a crocodile. -जीविन् m. a fisherman. -डिम्बः a bivalve shell. -तरङ्गः 1 a wave. -2 a metal cup filled with water producing harmonic notes like a musical glass. -ताडनम् (lit.) 'beating water'; (fig.) any useless occupation. -तापिकः, -तापिन्, -तालः The Hilsa fish; L. D. B. -त्रा an umbrella. -त्रासः hydrophobia. -दः 1 a cloud; जायन्ते विरला लोके जलदा इव सज्जनाः Pt.1.29. -2 camphor. ˚अशनः the Śāla tree. -आगमः the rainy season; सरस्तदा मानसं तु ववृधे जलदागमे Rām.7.12.26. ˚आभ a. black, dark. ˚कालः the rainy season. ˚क्षयः autumn. -दर्दुरः a kind of musical instrument. -देवः the constellation पूर्वाषाढा. -देवता a naiad, water-nymph. -द्रोणी a bucket. -द्वारम् A gutter, a drain, Māna.31.99. -धरः 1 a cloud. -2 the ocean. -धारा a stream of water. -धिः 1 the ocean. -2 a hundred billions. -3 the number 'four'. ˚गा a river. ˚जः the moon. ˚जा Lakṣmī, the goddess of wealth. ˚रशना the earth. -नकुलः an otter. -नरः a merman. -नाडी, -ली a water-course. -निधिः 1 the ocean. -2 the number 'four'. -निर्गमः 1 a drain, water-course. -2 a water-fall, descent of a spring &c. into a river below. -नीलिः moss. -पक्षिन् m. a water-fowl. -पटलम् a cloud. -पतिः 1 the ocean. -2 an epithet of Varuṇa. -पथः a sea voyage; R.17.81. -पद्धतिः f. a gutter, drain. -पात्रम् 'a water-pot', drinking-vessel. -पारावतः a water-pigeon. -पित्तम् fire. -पुष्पम् an aquatic flower. -पूरः 1 a flood of water. -2 a full stream of water. -पृष्ठजा moss. -प्रदानम् presenting libations of water to the manes of the deceased. -प्रपातः 1 a water-fall. -2 rainy season; शरत्प्रतीक्षः क्षमतामिमं भवाञ्जलप्रपातं रिपुनिग्रहे धृतः Rām.4.27.47. -प्रलयः destruction by water. -प्रान्तः the bank of a river. -प्रायम् a country abounding with water; जलप्रायमनूपं स्यात् Ak. -प्रियः 1 the Chātaka bird. -2 a fish. (-या) an epithet of Dākṣāyaṇī. -प्लवः an otter. -प्लावनम् a deluge, an inundation. -बन्धः,
बन्धकः a dam, dike, rocks or stones impeding a current. -बन्धुः a fish. -बालकः, -वालकः the Vindhya mountain. -बालिका lightning. -बिडालः an otter. -बिम्बः, -म्बम् a bubble. -बिल्वः 1 a (quadrangular) pond, lake. -2 a tortoise. -3 a crab. -भीतिः f. hydrophobia. -भू a. produced in water. -भूः m. 1 a cloud. -2 a place for holding water. -3 a kind of camphor. -भूषणः wind. -भृत् m. 1 a cloud. -2 a jar. -3 camphor. -मक्षिका a water-insect. -मण़्डूकम् a kind of musical instrument; (= जलदर्दुर). -मद्गुः a king-fisher. -मसिः 1 a cloud. -2 camphor. -मार्गः a drain, canal. -मार्जारः an otter. -मुच् m. 1 a cloud; Me.69. -2 a kind of camphor. -मूर्तिः an epithet of Śiva. -मूर्तिका hail. -मोदम् a fragrant root (उशीर). -यन्त्रम् 1 a machine for raising water (Mar. रहाट). -2 a waterclock, clepsydra. -3 a fountain. ˚गृहम्, ˚निकेतनम्, ˚मन्दिरम् a house erected in the midst of water (a summerhouse) or one supplied with artificial fountains; क्वचिद् विचित्रं जलयन्त्रमन्दिरम् Ṛs.1.2. -यात्रा a sea-voyage. -यानम् a ship. -रङ्कुः a kind of gallinule. -रण्डः, रुण्डः 1 a whirlpool. -2 a drop of water, drizzle, thin sprinkling. -3 a snake. -रसः sea-salt. -राशिः the ocean. -रुह्, -हम् a lotus. -रूपः a crocodile. -लता a wave, billow. -वरण्टः a watery pustule. -वाद्यम् a kind of musical instrument. -वायसः a diver-bird. -वासः residence in water. (-सम्) = उशीर q. v. -वाहः 1 a cloud; साद्रिजलधिजलवाहपथम् Ki.12.21. -2 a waterbearer. -3 a kind of camphor. -वाहकः, -नः a watercarrier. -वाहनी an aqueduct. -विषुवम् the autumnal equinox. -वृश्चिकः a prawn. -वैकृतम् any change in the waters of rivers indicating a bad omen. -व्यधः A kind of fish; L. D. B. -व्यालः 1 a water-snake. -2 a marine monster. -शयः, -शयनः, -शायिन् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu; -शय्या lying in water (a kind of religious rite); द्वादशं हि गतं वर्षं जलशय्यां समासतः Rām.7. 76.17. -शर्करा A hailstone; तीव्रैर्मरुद्गणैर्नुन्ना ववृषुर्जलशर्कराः Bhāg.1.25.9. -शुक्तिः f. a bivalve shell. -शुचि a. bathed, washed. -शूकम् moss. -शूकरः a crocodile. -शोषः drought. -समुद्रः the ocean of fresh water. -संपर्कः mixture or dilution with water. -सर्पिणी a leech. -सूचिः f. 1 the Gangetic porpoise. -2 a kind of fish. -3 a crow. -4 a water-nut. -5 a leech. -स्थानम्, -स्थायः a pond, lake, reservoir; कदचित्तं जलस्थायं मत्स्य- बन्धाः समन्ततः Rām.12.137.5. -स्रावः A kind of eyedisease. -हम् a small water-house (rather summerhouse) furnished with artificial fountains. -हस्तिन् m. a water-elephant. -हारिणी a drain. -हासः 1 foam. -2 cuttle-fish-bone considered as the foam of the sea. |
jāguḍam | जागुडम् Saffron. -डः N. of a country famous for its saffron; अगाद्रथो अवनिं जागुडकुङ्कुमाभिताम्राम् Śi.2.3. |
jātiḥ | जातिः f. [जन्-क्तिन्] 1 Birth, production, सङ्कुलं जल- जातिभिः Rām.3.11.6; Pt.1.38; Ms.2.148; also 'the time of birth'; cf. जातौ बाल्ये च कौमारे यौवने चापि मानवाः Mb.12.158.11. -2 The form of existence fixed by birth. -3 Race, family, lineage, rank. -4 A caste, tribe or class (of men); अरे मूढ जात्या चेदवध्यो$हं एषा सा जातिः परित्यक्ता Ve.3; (the primary castes of the Hindus are only four :-- ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र). -5 A class, genus, kind, species; पशुजातिः, पुष्पजातिः &c. -6 The properties which are peculiar to a class and distinguish it from all others, the essential characteristics of a species; as गोत्व, अश्वत्व of cows, horses &c; see गुण, क्रिया and द्रव्य; जातिक्रियागुणैः Śi.2.47; and cf. K. P.2. -7 A fire-place. -8 Nutmeg. -9 The Jasmine plant or its flower; नागपुन्नागजातिभिः Bhāg.8.2.18; पुष्पाणां प्रकरः स्मितेन रचितो नो कुन्दजात्यादिभिः Amaru.4 (written also as जाती in the last two senses). -1 (In Nyāya) Futile answer. -11 (In music) The seven primary notes of the Indian gamut; जातिभिः सप्तभिर्युक्तं तन्त्रीलयसमन्वितम् Rām.1.4.8. -12 Reduction of fractions to a common denominator. -13 False generalization. -14 A figure of speech (in rhetoric) which consists in so arranging words that they may read the same in Sanskṛit as well as in Prākṛita (संस्कृतप्राकृतयोः समा जातिः); cf. Vb.1.3. -15 A class of metres; see App. -Comp. -अन्ध a. born blind; Bh.1.9. -कोशः, -षः, -षम् nutmeg. -कोशी, -षी the outer skin of the nutmeg. -क्षयः (= जन्मोच्छेदः)
the end of birth, spiritual release. जातिक्षयस्यासुलभस्य बोद्धा Bu. Ch.1.74. -गृद्धिः f. to take birth; जातिगृद्धयाभिपन्नाः Mb.5.6.9. -जानपद a. belonging to the castes and to the country; जातिजानपदान् धर्मान् Ms.8.41. -धर्मः 1 the duties of a caste. -2 a generic property. -ध्वंसः loss of caste or its privileges. -पत्री the outer skin of the nutmeg. -फलम् (sometimes जातीफलम् also) a nutmeg; जातीफलं मातुलानीमहिफेनं च पत्रकम् Śiva. B.3.15. -ब्राह्मणः a Brāhmaṇa only by birth, but not by knowledge or religious austerities, an ignorant Brāhmaṇa; (तपः श्रुतं च योनिश्च त्रयं ब्राह्मण्यकारणम् । तपःश्रुताभ्यां यो हीनो जातिब्राह्मण एव सः ॥ --शब्दार्थचिन्तामणि) -भ्रंशः loss of caste; Ms.11.67. -भ्रष्ट a. outcaste. -महः birth-day festival. -मात्रम् 1 'mere birth', position in life obtained by mere birth. -2 caste only (but not the performance of duties pertaining to it); Ms.8.2; 12.114. -3 species, genus. -लक्षणम् generic distinction, a characteristic of a class. -वाचक a. expressing a genus, generic (as a word); गौरश्वः पुरुषो हस्ती. -वैरम् instinctive or natural hostility. -वैरिन् m. a born enemy. -वैलक्षण्यम् inconsistency, incompatibility in kind. -शब्दः a name conveying the idea of a genus, a generic word, common noun; गौः, अश्वः, पुरुषः, हस्ती &c. -संकरः admixture of castes; mixed blood. -संपन्न a. belonging to a noble family. -सारम् nutmeg. -स्मर a. remembering one's condition in a former life; जातिस्मरो मुनिरस्मि जात्या K.355. -स्वभावः generic character or nature. -हीन a. of low birth, outcaste; रूपद्रव्यविहीनांश्च जातिहीनांश्च नाक्षिपेत् Ms.4.141;1.35. |
jānapadaḥ | जानपदः [जानेन उत्पत्त्या पद्यते पद् अप्; जनपदे भवः, अण् वा] 1 An inhabitant of the country, a rustic, boor, peasant (opp. पौर); ततः कतिपयाहःसु वृद्धो जानपदो युवा Rām.7.73.2. -2 A country. -3 A tax &c. from peasants. -4 subject. -दा A popular expression. -दी Profession, business. |
jānapadika | जानपदिक a. Relating to a country. |
jālandharaḥ | जालन्धरः N. of a country in the north-west of India, the territory between the rivers Beas and Sutlej. |
jñā | ज्ञा 9 U. (जानाति, जानीते, जज्ञौ, जज्ञे, अज्ञासीत्-अज्ञास्त, ज्ञातुम्, ज्ञात) 1 To know (in all senses), to learn, become acquainted with; मा ज्ञासीस्त्वं सुखी रामो यदकार्षीत् स रक्षसाम् Bk.15.9. -2 To know, be aware of, be familiar or conversant with; जाने तपसो वीर्यम् Ś.3.1; जानन्नपि हि मेधावी जडवल्लोक आचरेत् Ms.2.11,123;7.148. -3 To find out, ascertain, investigate; ज्ञायतां कः कः कार्यार्थीति Mk.9. -4 To comprehend, apprehend, understand, feel, experience; as in दुःखज्ञ, सुखज्ञ &c. -5 To test, try, know the true character of; आपत्सु मित्रं जानीयात् H.1.72; Chāṇ.21. -6 To recognise; न त्वं दृष्ट्वा न पुनरलकां ज्ञास्यसे कामचारिन् Me.63. -7 To regard, consider, know to be; जानामि त्वां प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं मघोनः Me.6. -8 To act, engage in (with gen. of the instrument); सर्पिषो जानीते Sk. 'he engages in sacrifice with clarified butter (सर्पिषः = सर्पिषा). -9 Ved. To acknowledge, approve, allow. -1 To recognise as one's own, take possession of. -Caus. (ज्ञापयति, ज्ञपयति) 1 To announce, inform, make acquainted with, make known, notify. -2 To request, ask (Ātm.). -3 To sharpen. -4 To satisfy. -5 To praise. -6 To immolate, kill (as an animal). -Desid. (जिज्ञासते) 1 To desire to know, investigate, ascertain; R.2.26; Bk.8.33;14.91. -2 To conjecture, suppose, guess. |
jharjharīkaḥ | झर्झरीकः 1 The body. -2 A region, country. -3 A picture. |
ṭakkadeśaḥ | टक्कदेशः A Bāhika country; तस्मै दत्वा टक्कदेशं विनयाद- ङ्गुलीमिव Rāj T.5.15. |
ḍāhalaḥ | डाहलः (pl.) N. of a people and their country; कीर्तिः समाश्लिष्यति डाहलोर्वीम् Vikr.1.13. |
tad | तद् pron., a. (Nom. sing. सः m., सा f., तत् n.) 1 That referring to something not present; (तदिति परोक्षे विजानी- यात्) -2 He, she, it; (oft. as corr. of यद्); यस्य
बुद्धिर्बलं तस्य Pt.1. -3 That i. e. well-known; सा रम्या नगरी महान्स नृपतिः सामन्तचक्रं च तत् Bh.3.37; Ku.5.71. -4 That (referring to something seen or experienced before, अनुभूतार्थः; उत्कम्पिनी भयपरिस्खलितांशुकान्ता ते लोचने प्रतिदिशं विधुरे क्षिपन्ती K. P.7; Bv.2.5. -5 The same, identical, that, very; usually with एव; तानीन्द्रियाणि सकलानि तदेव नाम Bh.2.4. Sometimes the forms of तद् are used with the first and second personal pronouns, as well as with demonstratives and relatives, for the sake of emphasis; (often translatable by 'therefore', 'then'); सो$हमिज्याविशुद्धात्मा R.1.69; 'I that very person', 'I therefore'; (I who am so and so); स त्वं निवर्तस्व विहाय लज्जाम् 2.4 'thou, therefore, shouldst return', &c. When repeated तद् has the sense of 'several', 'various'; तेषु तेषु स्थानेषु K.369; Bg.7.2; Māl.1.36; ते ते भावाः 1.17. तेन the instr. of तद् is often used with adverbial force in the sense of 'therefore', 'on that account', 'in that case', 'for that reason.' तेन हि if so, well then. -ind. 1 There, thither. -2 Then, in that case, at that time. -3 For that reason, therefore, consequently; तदेहि विमर्दक्षमां भूमिमवतरावः U.5; Me.7,19; R.3.46. -4 Then (corr. of यदि); तथापि यदि महत्कुतूहलं तत्कथयामि K.136; Bg.1.46. -n. 1 The Supreme Spirit or Brahman; तद्भावभावी तद्बुद्धिः Mb.12. 323.29; Bg.17.23. -2 This world. -Comp. -अतिपात a. going beyond the bounds. -अनन्तर a. next to that. (-ind.) immediately after that, thereupon. -अनु ind. after that, afterwards; संदेशं मे तदनु जलद श्रोष्यसि श्रोत्र- पेयम् Me.13; R.16.87; Māl.9.26. -अनुसरणम् going after that. -अन्त a. perishing in that, ending thus. -अन्य a. other than that. -अपेक्ष a. having regard to that. -अर्थ, -अर्थीय a. 1 intended for that. -2 having that meaning. -अर्थम् on that account, with that object, therefore; स्वस्रीयं मम राजेन्द्र द्रष्टुकामो महीपतिः । तदर्थ- मुपयातो$हमयोध्यां रघुनन्दन ॥ Rām.1.73.4. -अर्ह a. meriting that. -अवधि ind. 1 so far; upto that period, till then; तदवधि कुशली पुराणशास्त्रस्मृतिशतचारुविचारजो विवेकः Bv. 2.14. -2 from that time, since then; श्वासो दीर्घस्तदवधि मुखे पाण्डिमा Bv.2.79. -अवस्थ a. so circumstanced. -एकचित्त a. having the mind solely fixed on that; H. -कर a. serving, obeying as servant. -काल 1 the current moment, present time. -2 that time. ˚धी a. having presence of mind. -कालम् ind. 1 instantly, immediately. -2 at that time, at a certain time. -कालीन a. simultaneous; ब्रह्मन्कालान्तरकृतं तत्कालीनं कथं भवेत् Bhāg.1.12.41. -क्षणः 1 present, time being, present or current moment; R.1.51. -2 the same moment. -3 a measure of time. -क्षणम्, -क्षणात् ind. immediately, directly, instantly; सेकान्ते मुनिकन्याभिस्तत्- क्षणोज्झितवृक्षकम् R.3.14; Śi.9.5; Y.2.14; Amaru. 83. -क्रिय a. working without wages. -गत a. gone or directed to that, intent on that, devoted to that, belonging to that; तद्गतेनैव चेतसा Ks.3.68. (-तः) the continued multiplication of four or more like quantities. -गुण a. possessing those qualities. (-णः) 1 the quality or virtue of anything; R.1.9. -2 a figure of speech (in Rhet.); स्वमुत्सृज्य गुणं योगादत्युज्ज्वलगुणस्य यत् । वस्तु तद्गुण- तामेति भण्यते स तु तद्गुणः ॥ K. P.1.137; see Chandr.5.141. ˚संविज्ञानः a term applied to those Bahuvrīhi compounds in which the qualities denoted by the name are perceived along with the thing itself; as लंबकर्ण; cf. अतद्गुणसंविज्ञान also. -ज a. immediate, instantaneous. -ज्ञः a knowing or intelligent man, wise man, philosopher. -तृतीय a. doing that for the third time. -देश्य a. coming from the same country. -देश्यः a fellow countryman. -धन a. miserly, niggardly. -धर्मिन् a. obeying his laws; तद्धर्मिणां निवसतां विषमः स्वभावः Bhāg.3.15.32. -धर्म्य a. of that kind; Bhāg.5.14.2. -पदार्थः the Supreme Being. -पर a. 1 following that, coming after that, inferior. -2 having that as the highest object, closely intent on, exclusively devoted to, eagerly engaged in (usually in comp.); सम्राट् समाराधनतत्परो$भूत् R.2.5;1.66; Me.1; Y.1.83; Ms.3.262. -3 diligent. (-रः) the thirtieth part of a twinkling of the eye. (-रा) one sixtieth of a second of a circle. ˚ता, ˚त्वम् 1 intentness, entire devotion or addiction to a thing. -2 inferiority. -परायण a. solely devoted or attached to anything. -पुरुषः 1 the original or Supreme Spirit. -2 N. of a class of compounds in which the first member determines the sense of the other member, or in which the last member is defined or qualified by the first, without losing its original independence; as तत्पुरुषः; तत्पुरुष कर्मधारय येनाहं स्यां बहुव्रीहिः Udb. उत्तरपदप्रधानस्तत्पुरुषः -पूर्व a. 1 happening or occurring for the first time; अकारि तत्पूर्वनिबद्धया तया Ku.5.1;7.3; R.2.42;14.38. -2 prior, former. -पूर्वम् ind. that for the first time; Ki.7.11. -प्रथम a. doing that for the first time; Ku.5.66. -फल a. having that as a fruit or result. (-लः) 1 the white water-lily. -2 a kind of perfume. -बलः a kind of arrow. -भव a. sprung from Sanskṛit &c. (as Prākṛit or other words). -भावः becoming that. -मात्रम् 1 merely that, only a trifle, a very small quantity; तन्मात्रादेव कुपितो राजा Ks.6.15. -2 (in phil.) a subtle and primary element (such as शब्द, स्पर्श, रूप, रस and गन्ध) तन्मात्राण्यविशेषाः Sān. K.38; गणस्तन्मात्रपञ्चकश्चैव Sān. K.24; Bhāg.11.24.7. -मात्रिक a. consisting of rudimentary atoms; अर्थस्तन्मात्रिकाज्जज्ञे Bhāg.11.24.8. -राजः an affix added to some proper names to form from them the names of the 'king' or 'chief'; as from अङ्ग is formed आङ्ग 'king of the Aṅgas' by the affix अण्. -रूप a. thus shaped, so formed; of the same quality. -वाचक a. denoting or signifying that. -विद् a. 1 knowing that. -2 knowing the truth. -विद्य a. a Connoisseur, expert. -विध a. of that kind or sort; भक्त्योपपन्नेषु हि तद्विधानां प्रसादचिह्नानि पुरः फलानि R.2.22; Ku.5.73; Ms.2.112. -संख्याक a. of that number; Y.2.6. com. -समनन्तरम् ind. immediately upon that; Ks.4.24. -स्थ a. being on or in that, connected with
it. (-स्थः) a particular mode of multiplication. -हित a. good for that. -(तः) 1 an affix added to primary bases to form derivative or secondary bases from them. -2 a noun formed by a Taddhita affix, a derivative noun. |
tantram | तन्त्रम् 1 A loom; तदा$पश्यत् स्त्रियौ तन्त्रे अधिरोप्य सुवेमे पटं वयन्त्यौ Mb.1.3.144. -2 A thread. -3 The warp or threads extended lengthwise in a loom; सिरीस्तन्त्रं तन्वते अप्रजज्ञयः Rv.1.71.9. -4 Posterity. -5 An uninterrupted series. -6 The regular order of ceremonies and rites, system, framework, ritual; कर्मणां युगपद्भावस्तन्त्र Kāty.; अशक्यं हि उत्तरं तन्त्रं कर्तुम् । ŚB. on MS.1.2.57. -7 Main point; प्रकर्षतन्त्रा हि रणे जयश्रीः Ki.3.17. -8 Principal doctrine, rule, theory, science; विधिनोपचरेद्देवं तन्त्रोक्तेन च केशवम् Bhāg. 11.3.47; जितमनसिजतन्त्रविचारम् Gīt.2. -9 Subservience, dependence; as in स्वतन्त्र, परतन्त्र; दैवतन्त्रं दुःखम् Dk.5. -1 A scientific work. -11 a chapter, section, as of a work; तन्त्रैः पञ्चभिरेतच्चकार सुमनोहरं शास्त्रम् Pt.1. -12 A religious treatise teaching magical and mystical formularies for the worship of the deities or the attainment of superhuman power; Ks.23.63; Bṛi. S.16.19. -13 The cause of more than one effect. -14 A spell. -15 A chief remedy of charm; जानन्ति तन्त्रयुक्तिम् Ms.2.1. -16 A drug, medicament. -17 An oath, ordeal. -18 Raiment. -19 The right way of doing anything. -2 Royal retinue, train, court. -21 A realm, country, authority. -22 (a) Government, ruling, administration; लोकतन्त्रविधानम् Mb.3.162.1;13.63.5; लोकतन्त्राधिकारः Ś.5. (b) Arrangement or machinery of government; सर्वमेव तन्त्रमाकुली- भूतम् Mu.1;2.1. -23 An army; पराजिताः फल्गुतन्त्रैः Bhāg.1.54.15. -24 A heap, multitude. -25 A house. -26 Decoration. -27 Wealth. -28 Happiness. -29 Model. -3 Supporting a family; Mv.2.17. -31 Providing for the security and prosperity of a kingdom; Mb.1.13. 26. -32 A group of acts or subsidiaries common to several प्रधानकर्मs or things; यत् सकृत्कृतं बहूनामुपकरोति तत् तन्त्रमित्युच्यते । तथा बहूनां ब्राह्मणानां मध्ये कृतः प्रदीपः ŚB. on MS.11.1.1; तन्त्रं साधारणो धर्मग्रामः । ŚB. on MS.12.1.1. (Opp. आवापः) -33 The order of the world; यतः प्रवर्तते तन्त्रं यत्र च प्रतितिष्ठति Mb.14.2.14. -34 A detail (matter or thing) which is subservient to (i. e. serves the purpose of) several things simultaneously; साधारणं भवेत् तन्त्रम् ŚB. on MS.12.1.1. -Comp. -काण्ठम् = तन्तु- काष्ठ q. v. -ज्ञः an expert, scientist; Bhāg.1.36.28. -भावः Simultaneity; यथा एकैकस्य सत्त्वस्य हस्तिनो$श्वस्य वा दर्शनमेकैकेन कृत्स्नमभिनिर्वर्त्यते एवमेव सत्रे तन्त्रभावो भवेत् । ŚB. on. MS.6.2.2. -युक्तिः The plan of a treatise; Kau. A. 15. -वापः, -पम् 1 weaving. -2 a loom. -वायः 1 a spider. -2 a weaver; (तन्त्रवापः also). |
tapas | तपस् n. [तप्-असुन्] 1 Warmth, heat, fire, light; एकः सूर्यस्तपसो योनिरेका Mb.12.351.1. -2 Pain, suffering; न तपः कुतश्चन Rv.7.82.7. -3 Penance, religious austerity, mortification; तपः किलेदं तदवाप्तिसाधनम् Ku.5.64. -4 Meditation connected with the practice of personal self-denial or bodily mortification; गीरा वा$$शंसामि तपसा ह्यनन्तौ Mb.1.3.57.; Bhāg.12.11.24. -5 Moral virtue, merit. -6 Special duty or observance (of any particular caste); यत्सप्तान्नानि मेधया तपसाजनयत्पिता Bṛi. Up. 1.5.1. -7 One of the seven worlds; i. e. the region above the world called जनस्. -8 The month of religious austerities. -9 A long period of time, Kalpa. -1 (In astrol.) The ninth lunar mansion. -11 Chastisement (दण्ड); आयुः शक्तिं च कालं च निर्दिश्य तप आदिशेत् Mb. 12.267.35. -m. 1 The month of Māgha; तपसि मन्द- गभस्तिरभीषुमान् Śi.6.63. -2 An epithet of Agni. -m., -n. 1 The cold season (शिशिर). -2 The winter (हेमन्त). -3 The hot season (ग्रीष्म). -Comp. -अनुभावः the influence of religious penance. -अर्थीय a. destined for austerities; तपोर्थीयं ब्राह्मणी धत्त गर्भम् Mb.11.26.5. -अवटः the Brahmāvarta country. -कर a. undergoing penance; also तपस्कर> -करः the mango-fish (Polynemus Risua). -कृश a. emaciated by austerities. -क्लेशः the pain of religious austerity. -गच्छः (also तपागच्छः) the 6th गच्छ of the Śvetāmbara Jainas. -चरणम्, -चर्या the practice of penance. -तक्षः, -तङ्कः an epithet of Indra. -धन a. 1 rich in religious penance. -2 pious, ascetic. -3 consisting in penance, (-नः) 'rich in penance', an ascetic, devotee; रम्यास्तपोधनानां क्रियाः Ś.1.13; शमप्रधानेषु तपोधनेषु 2.7;4.1; Śi.1.23; R.14.19; Ms.11.242. -निधिः an eminently pious
man, an ascetic; R.1.56. -निष्ठ a. performing penance; Ms.3.134; Y.1.221. -पतिः N. of Viṣṇu; Bhāg.4.24.14. -प्रभावः, -बलम् the power acquired by religious austerities; efficacy or potency of devotion. -भृत् a. ascetic, pious. -मूर्तिः 1 an ascetic. -2 the Supreme spirit. -मूल a. founded on religious austerity; तपोमूलमिदं सर्वं दैवमानुषकं सुखम् Ms.11.234. -यज्ञः sacrificing by austerites; Bg.4.28. -राजः the moon. -राशिः 1 an ascetic. -2 N. of Viṣṇu (पुरुषोत्तम). -लोकः the region above the world called जनस्; Bhāg.2.5.4. -वनम् a penance-grove, a sacred grove in which ascetics practise penance; कृतं त्वयोपवनं तपोवनमिति प्रेक्षे Ś1; R.1.9;2.18. -वासः a place of penance or religious austerities. -विशेषः excellence of devotion, pre-eminent religious austerities. -वृद्ध a. very ascetic or devout. -शील a. inclined to practise penance. -समाधिः the practice of penance or religious austerities; तपःसमाधेः प्रतिकूलवर्ती Ku.3.24;5.6,18. -सुतः N. of Yudhiṣṭhira; Mb.3.313.19. -स्थली 1 a seat of religious austerity. -2 N. of Benares. |
tāmra | ताम्र a. [तम्-रक् दीर्घः Uṇ.2.16.] 1 Made of copper. -2 Of a coppery red colour, red; ततो$नुकुर्याद्विशदस्य तस्यास्ताम्रौष्ठपर्यस्तरुचः स्मितस्य Ku.1.44; उदेति सविता ताम्रस्ताम्र एवास्तमेति च Subhāṣ. -म्रः A kind of leprosy with red spots. -म्रम् 1 Copper. -2 A dark or coppery red. -3 A coppery receptacle; ताम्रलोहैः परिवृता निधयो ये चतुः- शताः Mb.2.61.29. -म्री A copper pot having a small hole at the botton used in measuring time by placing it in a water-vessel. -Comp. -अक्षः 1 a crow. -2 the (Indian) cuckoo. -अर्धः bell-metal. -अश्मन् m. a kind of jewel (पद्मराग); ताम्राश्मरश्मिच्छुरितैर्नखाग्रैः Śi.3.7. -आभम् red sandal (रक्तचन्दन). -उपजीविन् m. a coppersmith. -ओष्ठः (forming ताम्रोष्ठ or ताम्रौष्ठ) a red or cherry lip; Ku.1.44. -कारः, -कुट्टः a brazier, coppersmith. -कृमिः 1 a kind of red insect (इन्द्रगोप). -2 the lady bird. -3 cochineal. -गर्भम् sulphate of copper. -चूडः a cock; संध्याचूडैर- निबिडतमस्ताम्रचूडैरुडूनि । प्रासूयन्त स्फुटमधिवियद्भाण्डमण्डानि यानि ॥ Rām. Ch.6.96;7.56. -चडकः a particular position of the hand. -त्रपुजम् brass. -द्रुः the red sandalwood. -द्वीपः the island of Ceylon; Divyāvadāna.36. -धातुः 1 red chalk. -2 Copper; Rām.3. -पट्टः, -पत्रम् a copper-plate on which grants of land were frequently inscribed; पटे वा ताम्रपट्टे वा स्वमुद्रोपरिचिह्नितम् । अभिलेख्यात्मनो वंश्यानात्मानं च महीपतिः ॥ Y.1.319. -पर्णी N. of a river rising in Malaya, celebrated for its pearls; R.4.5. Hence ताम्रपर्णिक (= obtained in the same river); Kau. A.2.11. -पलः Alangium Hexapetalum; दद्यात्ताम्रपलं वापि अभावे सर्वकर्मणः Yuktikalpataru. -पल्लवः the Aśoka
tree. -पाकिन् Thespesia Populneoides (Mar. लाखी-पारासा पिंपळ). -पुष्पः Kæmpferia Rotunda (Mar. बाहवा). -ष्पी Bignonia Suaveolens (Mar. धायरी, भुईपाडळ) -फलकम् a copper-plate. -मुख a. copper-faced. (-खः) 1 a Frank or European; -2 the Moghals. -वदनः (see ताम्रमुख); योत्स्यन्ति ताम्रवदनैरनेकैः सैनिका इमे Śiva. B.26.23. -वर्णी the blossom of sesamum. -लिप्तः N. of a country. -प्ताः (pl.) its people or rulers. -वृक्षः a species of sandal. -शिखिन् m. a cook. -सारकः a sort of Khadira. (-कम्) red sandal-wood. |
tīram | तीरम् 1 A shore, bank; नदीतीर, सागरतीर &c. -2 Margin, brim, edge. -3 The bank of the Ganges. -रः 1 A sort of an arrow. -2 Lead. -3 Tin. -Comp. -अन्तरम् the opposite bank. -जः a tree near a shore. -भुक्तिः N. of a country in middle India (Tirhut). |
tul | तुल् 1 P., 1 U. [तोलति-तोलयति-ते; also तुलयति-ते which some suppose to be a denominative from तुला] 1 To weigh, measure; तुलयामास कौन्तेय कपोतेन समं विभो Mb.3.131.26. -2 To weigh in the mind, ponder, consider. -3 To raise, lift up; कैलासे तुलिते Mv.5.37; पौलस्त्यतुलितस्याद्रेरादधान इव ह्रियम् R.4.8;12.89; Śi.15. 3. -4 To bear up, hold up, support; पृथिवीतले तुलितभू- भृदुच्यसे Śi.15.3,61. -5 To compare, equal, liken (with instr.); तृणमिव तुलयन्ति Pt.5.31; मुखं श्लेष्मागारं तदपि च शशाङ्केन तुलितम् Bh.3.2; Si.8.12. -6 To match, be equal to (with acc.); प्रासादास्त्वां तुलयितुमलं यत्र तैस्तैर्विशेषैः Me.66. -7 To make light of, contemn, despise; अन्तः- सारं घन तुलयितुं नानिलः शक्ष्यति त्वाम् Me.2 (where तुल् also means 'to bear up' or 'carry away'); Śi.15.3. -8 To suspect, examine with distrust; कः श्रद्धास्यति भूतार्थं सर्वो मां तुलयिष्यति Mk.3.24;5.43 (where some editions read तूलयिष्यति for तुलयिष्यति). -9 To try, put to test, reduce to a wretched state; हा अवस्थे तुलयसि Mk.1 (तूलयसि v. l.) -1 To counterbalance, outweigh; तुलयाम लवेनापि न स्वर्गं नापुनर्भवम् । भगवत्सङ्गिसङ्गस्य मर्त्यानां किमुताशिषः ॥ Bhāg.1.8.13. -11 To have in the same degree, attain or reach to. |
tūdaḥ | तूदः The cotton tree. -दी N. of a country. |
tailaṅgaḥ | तैलङ्गः N. of a country, the modern Telangana or Karnatak. -गाः (pl.) The people of this country. |
taurūpam | तौरूपम् A variety of sandal-wood being a product of the country of कामरूप. |
trand | त्रन्द् 1 P. (त्रन्दति) 1 To act, perform some functions. -2 To try, strive. -3 To be busy or active. |
tri | त्रि num. a. [Uṇ.5.66] (declined in pl. only, nom. त्रयः m., तिस्त्रः f., त्रीणि n.) Three; त एव हि त्रयो लोकास्त एव त्रय आश्रमाः &c. Ms.2.229; प्रियतमाभिरसौ तिसृभिर्बभौ R.9.18; त्रीणि वर्षाण्युदीक्षेत कुमार्यृतुमती सती Ms.9.9 [cf. L. tres; Gr. treis; A. S., Zend thri; Eng. three]. -Comp. -अंशः 1 a three-fold share; त्र्यंशं दायाद्धरेद्विप्रः Ms.9.151. -2 a third part. -3 three-fourths. -अक्ष a. triocular. -अक्षः, -अक्षकः an epithet of Śiva; शुष्कस्नायु- स्वराह्लादात्त्र्यक्षं जग्राह रावणः Pt.5.57. -अक्षरः 1 the mystic syllable ओम् consisting of three letters; see under अ. आद्यं यत्त्र्यक्षरं ब्रह्म Ms.11.265. -2 a matchmaker or घटक (that word consisting of three syllables). -3 a genealogist. (-री) knowledge, learning; see विद्या. -अङ्कटम्, -अङ्गटम् 1 three strings suspended to either end of a pole for carrying burdens. -2 a sort of collyrium. (-टः) N. of Śiva. -अङ्गम् (pl.) a tripartite army (chariots, cavalry and infantry). -अङ्गुलम् three fingers' breadth. -अञ्जनम् the three kinds of collyrium; i. e. कालाञ्जन, रसाञ्जन and पुष्पाञ्जन. -अञ्जलम्, -लिः three handfuls taken collectively. -अधिपतिः (the lord of the 3 guṇas or worlds), an epithet of Viṣṇu; Bhāg.3.16.24. -अधिष्ठानः the soul. (नम्) spirit, life (चैतन्य). -a. having three stations; Ms.12.4. -अध्वगा, -मार्गगा, -वर्त्मगा epithets of the river Ganges (flowing through the three worlds). -अनीक a. having the three properties of heat, rain and cold; त्यनीकः पत्यते माहिनावान् Rv.3.56.3. (-का) an army consisting of horses, elephants and chariots. -अब्द a. three years old. -ब्दम् three years taken collectively. -अम्बकः (also त्रियम्बक in the same sense though rarely used in classical literature) 'having three eyes', N. of Śiva.; त्रियम्बकं संयमिनं ददर्श Ku.3.44; जडीकृतस्त्र्यम्बकवीक्षणेन R.2. 42;3.49. ˚सखः an epithet of Kubera; कुबेरस्त्र्यम्बकसखः Ak. -अम्बका an epithet of Pārvatī -अशीत a. eighty-third. -अशीतिः f. eighty-three. -अष्टन् a. twenty-four. -अश्र, -अस्र a. triangular. (-स्रम्) a triangle. -अहः 1 a period of three days. -2 a festival lasting three days. -आर्षेयाः deaf, dumb and blind persons. -आहिक a. 1 performed or produced in three days. -2 recurring after the third day, tertian (as fever). -3 having provision for three days कुशूलकुम्भीधान्यो वा त्र्याहिको$श्वस्तनो$पि वा Y.1.128. -ऋचम् (तृचम् also) three Riks taken collectively; Ms.8.16. -ऐहिक a. having provision for three days. -ककुद् m. 1 N. of the mountain Trikūṭa. -2 N. of Viṣnu or Kṛiṣṇa. -3 the highest, chief. -4 a sacrifice lasting for ten nights. -ककुभ् m. Ved. 1 Indra. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. -कटु dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper taken together as a drug; शिरामोक्षं विधायास्य दद्यात् त्रिकटुकं गुडम् Śālihotra 62. -कण्टः, -कण्टकः a kind of fish. -करणी the side of a square 3 times as great as another. -कर्मन् n. the chief three duties of a Brāhmaṇa i. e. sacrifice, study of the Vedas, and making gifts or charity. (-m.) one who engages in these three duties (as a Brāhmaṇa). -काण्डम् N. of Amarsiṁha's dictionary. -कायः N. of Buddha. -कालम् 1 the three times; the past, the present, and the future; or morning, noon and evening. -2 the three tenses (the past, present, and future) of a verb. (-लम् ind. three times, thrice; ˚ज्ञ, ˚दर्शिन् a. omniscient (m.) 1 a divine sage, seer. -2 a deity. -3 N. of Buddha. ˚विद् m. 1 a Buddha. -2 an Arhat (with the Jainas). -कूटः N. of a mountain in Ceylon on the top of which was situated Laṅkā, the capital of Rāvaṇa.; Śi.2.5. -कूटम् sea-salt. कूर्चकम् a knife with three edges. -कोण a. triangular, forming a triangle. (-णः) 1 a triangle. -2 the vulva. -खम् 1 tin. -2 a cucumber. -खट्वम्, -खट्वी three bedsteads taken collectively. -क्षाराणि n. (pl.) salt-petre, natron and borax. -गणः an aggregate of the three objects of worldly existence; i. e. धर्म, अर्थ and काम; न बाधते$स्य त्रिगणः परस्परम् Ki.1.11; see त्रिवर्ग below. -गत a. 1 tripled. -2 done in three days. -गर्ताः (pl.) 1 N. of a country, also called जलन्धर, in the northwest of India. -2 the people or rulers of that country. -3 a particular mode of calculation. -गर्ता 1 a lascivious woman, wanton. -2 a woman in general. -3 a pearl. -4 a kind of cricket. -गुण a. 1 consisting of three threads; व्रताय मौञ्जीं त्रिगुणां बभार याम् Ku.5.1. -2 three-times repeated, thrice, treble, threefold, triple; सप्त व्यतीयुस्त्रिगुणानि तस्य (दिनानि) R.2. 25. -3 containing the three Guṇas सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्. (-णम्) the Pradhāna (in Sāṅ. phil.); (-ind.) three times; in three ways. -णाः m. (pl.) the three qualities or constituents of nature; त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः K.1. (-णा) 1 Māyā or illusion (in Vedānta phil.). -2 an epithet of Durgā. -गुणाकृतम् ploughed thrice. -चक्षुस् m. an epithet of Śiva. -चतुर a. (pl.) three or four; गत्वा जवात्त्रिचतुराणि पदानि सीता B.R.6.34. -चत्वा- रिंश a. forty-third. -चत्वारिंशत् f, forty-three. -जगत् n. -जगती the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmosphere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, and the lower world; त्वत्कीर्तिः ...... त्रिजगति विहरत्येवमुर्वीश गुर्वी Sūkti.5.59. -जटः an epithet of Śiva. -जटा N. of a female demon, one of the Rākṣasa attendants kept by Rāvaṇa to watch over Sītā, when she was retained as a captive in the Aśoka-vanikā. She acted very kindly towards Sītā and induced her companions to do the same; सीतां मायेति शंसन्ति त्रिजटा समजीवयत् R.12.74. -जातम्, जातकम् The three spices (mace, cardamoms, cinnamon). -जीवा, -ज्या the sine of three signs or 9˚, a radius. -णता a bow; कामुकानिव नालीकांस्त्रिणताः सहसामुचन् Śi.19.61. -णव, -णवन् a. (pl.) three times nine; i. e. 27. -णाकः the heaven; तावत्त्रिणाकं नहुषः शशास Bhāg.6.13.16. -णाचिकेतः 1 a part of the Adhvaryu-sacrifice or Yajurveda, or one who performs a vow connected therewith (according to Kull. on Ms.3.185); Mb.13.9.26. -2 one who has thrice kindled the Nāchiketa fire or studied the Nāchiketa section of Kāṭhaka; त्रिणाचिकेत-
स्त्रिभिरेत्य सन्धिम् Kaṭh.1.17. -णीता a wife ('thrice married'; it being supposed that a girl belongs to Soma, Gandharva and Agni before she obtains a human husband). -णेमि a. with three fellies; विचिन्वतो$भूत् सुमहांस्त्रिणेमिः Bhāg.3.8.2. -तक्षम्, तक्षी three carpenters taken collectively. -दण्डम् 1 the three staves of a Saṁnyāsin (who has resigned the world) tied togethar so as to form one. -2 the triple subjection of thought, word, and deed. (-ण्डः) the state of a religious ascetic; ज्ञानवैराग्यरहितस्त्रिदण्डमुपजीवति Bhāg.11.18.4. -दण्डिन् m. 1 a religious mendicant or Saṁnyāsin who has renounced all worldly attachments, and who carries three long staves tied together so as to form one in his right hand; तल्लिप्सुः स यतिर्भूत्वा त्रिदण्डी द्वारका- मगात् Bhāg.1.86.3. -2 one who has obtained command over his mind, speech, and body (or thought, word, and deed); cf. वाग्दण्डो$थ मनोदण्डः कायदण्डस्तथैव च । यस्यैते निहिता बुद्धौ त्रिदण्डीति स उच्यते ॥ Ms.12.1. -दशाः (pl.) 1 thirty. -2 the thirty-three gods:-- 12 Ādityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras and 2 Aśvins. (-शः) a god, an immortal; तस्मिन्मघोनस्त्रिदशान्विहाय सहस्रमक्ष्णां युगपत्पपात Ku.3.1. ˚अङ्कुशः (-शम्) the heaven. ˚आयुधम् Indra's thunderbolt; R.9.54. ˚आयुधम् rainbow; अथ नभस्य इव त्रिदशायुधम् R.9.54. ˚अधिपः, ˚ईश्वरः, ˚पतिः epithets of Indra. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Śiva. ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚अयनः an epithet of Viṣṇu. ˚अरिः a demon. ˚आचार्यः an epithet of Bṛihaspati. ˚आधार Nectar. ˚आलयः, ˚आवासः 1 heaven. -2 the mountain Meru. -3 a god. ˚आहारः 'the food of the gods', nectar. ˚इन्द्रः 1 Indra. -2 Śiva. -3 Brahman. ˚गुरुः an epithet of Bṛihaspati, ˚गोपः a kind of insect; (cf. इन्द्रगोप) श्रद्दधे त्रिदशगोपमात्रके दाहशक्तिमिव कृष्णवर्त्मनि R.11.42. ˚दीर्घिका an epithet of the Ganges. ˚पतिः Indra; एषो$प्यैरावतस्थस्त्रिदशपतिः Ratn.4.11. ˚पुङ्गवः Viṣṇu; Rām.1. ˚मञ्जरी the holy basil. ˚वधू, ˚वनिता, an Apsaras or heavenly damsel; कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनितादर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः Me.6. ˚वर्त्मन् the sky. ˚श्रेष्ठः 1 Agni. -2 Brahman. ˚दशीभूत Become divine; त्रिदशीभूतपौराणां स्वर्गान्तरमकल्पयत् R.15.12. -दिनम् three days collectively. ˚स्पृश् m. concurrence of three lunations with one solar day. -दिवम् 1 the heaven; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku.1.28; Ś.7.3. -2 sky, atmosphere. -3 paradise. -4 happiness. (-वा) cardamoms. ˚अधीशः, ˚ईशः 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 a god. ˚आलयः the heaven; अश्वमेधजिताँल्लोका- नाप्नोति त्रिदिवालये Mb.13.141.53. ˚उद्भवा 1 the Ganges. -2 small cardamoms. ˚ओकस् m. a god; वपुषि त्रिदिवौकसां परं सह पुष्पैरपतत्र्छिलीमुखाः Vikr.15.72. ˚गत dead; त्रिदिवगतः किमु वक्ष्यते पिता मे Vikr.6.62. -दृश् m. an epithet of Śiva. -दोषम् vitiation or derangement of the three humours of the body, i. e. वात, पित्त and कफ. -धा ind. in 3 parts, ways or places; triply, ˚त्वम् tripartition; Ch. Up. -धातुः an epithet of Gaṇeśa; -तुम् 1 the triple world. -2 the aggregate of the 3 minerals or humours. -धामन् m. 1 N. of Viṣṇu. -2 of Vyāsa; -3 of Śiva. -4 of Agni. -5 death. -n. the heaven; हंसो हंसेन यानेन त्रिधाम परमं ययौ Bhāg.3.24.2. -धारा the Ganges. -नयन, -नेत्रः, -लोचनः epithets of Śiva; R.3. 66; Ku.3.66;5.72. -नवत a. ninety-third. -नवतिः f. ninety three. -नयना Pārvat&imacr. -नाभः Viṣṇu; Bhāg.8. 17.26. -नेत्रचूडामणिः the moon. -नेत्रफलः the cocoa-nut tree. -पञ्च a. three-fold five, i. e. fifteen. -पञ्चाश a. fiftythird. -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-three. -पुटः glass (काच). -पताकः 1 the hand with three fingers stretched out or erect. -2 the forehead marked naturally with three horizontal lines. -पत्रकः the Palāśa tree. -पथम् 1 the three paths taken collectively, i. e. the sky, atmosphere, and the earth, or the sky, earth and the lower world. -2 a place where three roads meet. (-था) an epithet of Mathura. ˚गा, ˚गामिनी an epithet of the Ganges; गङ्गा त्रिपथगामिनी; धृतसत्पथस्त्रिपथगामभितः स तमारुरोह पुरुहूतसुतः Ki.6.1; Amaru.99. -पद्, -पाद्, -पात् m. Ved. 1 Viṣṇu. -2 fever (personified). -पद a. three-footed. (-दम्) a tripod; त्रिपदैः करकैः स्थालैः ...... Śiva. B.22. 62. -पदिका 1 a tripod. -2 a stand with three feet. -पदी 1 the girth of an elephant; नास्रसत्करिणां ग्रैवं त्रिपदी- च्छेदिनामपि R.4.48. -2 the Gāyatrī metre. -3 a tripod. -4 the plant गोधापदी. -परिक्रान्त a. one who walks thrice round a sacred fire. -पर्णः Kiṁśuka tree. -पाटः 1 intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular (in a quadrangular figure). -2 the figure formed by such intersection. -पाटिका a beak. पाठिन् a. 1 familiar with Saṁhitā, Pada, and Krama. -2 one who learns a thing after three repetitions. -पादः 1 the Supreme Being. -2 fever. -पाद् a. 1 having three feet. -2 consisting of three parts, having three fourths; राघवः शिथिलं तस्थौ भुवि धर्मस्त्रिपादिव R.15.96. -3 trinomial. (-m.) 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu in his dwarf incarnation. -2 the Supreme Being. -पिटकम् the 3 collections of Buddhistic sacred writings (सुत्त, विनय and अभिधम्म). -पुट a. triangular. (-टः) 1 an arrow. -2 the palm of the hand. -3 a cubit. -4 a bank or shore. -पुटकः a triangle. -पुटा an epithet of Durgā. -पुटिन् m. the castor-oil plant. -पुण्ड्रम्, -पुण्ड्रक a mark on the forehead consisting of three lines made with cowdung ashes. -पुरम् 1 a collection of three cities. -2 the three cities of gold, silver, and iron in the sky, air and earth built for demons by Maya; (these cities were burnt down, along the demons inhabiting them, by Śiva at the request of the gods); Ku.7.48; Amaru.2; संरक्ताभिस्त्रिपुरविजयो गीयते किन्नरीभिः Me.56; Bh.3.123; (-रः) N. of a demon or demons presiding over these cities. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Maya, ˚अन्तकः, ˚अरिः, ˚घ्नः, ˚दहनः, ˚द्विष् m., हरः &c. epithets of Śiva; अये गौरीनाथ त्रिपुरहर शम्भो त्रिनयन Bh.3.123; R.17.14. ˚दाहः burning of the three cities; मुहुरनुस्मरयन्तमनुक्षपं त्रिपुरदाहमुमापतिसेविनः Ki.5.14. ˚सुन्दरी Durgā. (-री) 1 N. of a place near Jabalpura, formerly capital of the kings of Chedi. -2 N. of a country. -पुरुष a 1 having the length of three men. -2 having three assistants. (-षम्) the three
ancestorsfather, grand-father and great-grand-father. -पृष्ठम् the highest heaven; Bhāg.1.19.23. (ष्ठः) Viṣṇu. -पौरुष a. 1 belonging to, or extending over, three generations of men. 2 offered to three (as oblations). -3 inherited from three (as an estate). -प्रस्रुतः an elephant in rut. -फला (1) the three myrobalans taken collectively, namely, Terminalia Chebula, T. Bellerica, and Phyllanthus (Mar. हिरडा, बेहडा and आंवळकाठी). Also (2) the three sweet fruits (grape, pomegranate, and date); (3) the three fragrant fruits (nutmeg, arecanut, and cloves). -बन्धनः the individual soul. -बलिः, बली, -वलिः, -वली f. 1 the three folds or wrinkles of skin above the navel of a woman (regarded as a mark of beauty); क्षामोदरोपरिलसत्त्रिवलीलतानाम् Bh.1.93,81; cf. Ku.1.39. -2 the anus. -बलीकम् the anus. -बाहुः a kind of fighting with swords. -ब्रह्मन् a. with ब्रह्मा, विष्णु and महेश. -भम् three signs of the zodiac, or ninety degrees. -भङ्गम् a pose in which the image is bent at three parts of the body. -भद्रम् copulation, sexual union, cohabitation. -भागः 1 the third part; त्रिभागं ब्रह्महत्यायाः कन्या प्राप्नोति दुष्यती Mb.12.165.42. -2 the third part of a sign of the zodiac. -भुक्ल a. one possessed of learning, good conduct and good family-descent (Dānasāgara, Bibliotheca Indica,274, Fasc.1, p.29). -भुजम् a triangle. -भुवनम् the three worlds; पुण्यं यायास्त्रिभुवन- गुरोर्धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य Me.35; Bh.1.99. ˚गुरु Śiva. ˚कीर्तिरसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda. ˚पतिः Viṣṇu. -भूमः a palace with three floors. -मद the three narcotic plants; the three-fold haughtiness; Bhāg.3.1.43. -मधु n. -मधुरम् 1 sugar, honey, and ghee. -2 three verses of the Ṛigveda (1.9.6-8; मधु वाता ऋतायते˚). -3 a ceremony based on the same; L. D. B. -4 threefold utterance of a vedic stanza ˚मधु वाता -m. a reciter and performer of the above ceremony; L. D. B. -मार्गा the Ganges; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku.1.28. -मुकुटः the Trikūṭa mountain. -मुखः an epithet of Buddha. -मुनि ind. having the three sages पाणिनि, कात्यायन and पतञ्जलि; त्रिमुनि व्याकरणम्. -मूर्तिः 1 the united form of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Maheśa, the Hindu triad; नमस्त्रिमूर्तये तुभ्यं प्रांक्सृष्टेः केवलात्मने । गुणत्रयविभायाय पश्चाद्भेदमुपेयुषे ॥ Ku.2.4. -2 Buddha, or Jina. -मूर्धन् m. 1 a demon; त्रयश्च दूषण- खरस्त्रिमूर्धानो रणे हताः U.2.15. -2 a world called महर्लोक; G&imac;rvāṇa; cf. अमृतं क्षेममभयं त्रिमूर्ध्नो$धायि मूर्धसु Bhāg.2.6.19. -यव a. weighing 3 barley corns; Ms.8.134. -यष्टिः a necklace of three strings. -यामकम् sin. -यामा 1 night (consisting of 3 watches of praharas, the first and last half prahara being excluded); संक्षिप्येत क्षण इव कथं दीर्घयामा त्रियामा Me.11, Ku.7.21,26; R.9.7; V.3. 22. -2 turmeric. -3 the Indigo plant. -4 the river Yamuṇā. -युगः an epithet of Viṣṇu; धर्मं महापुरुष पासि युगानुवृत्तं छन्नः कलौ यदभवस्त्रियुगो$थ सत्त्वम् Bhāg.7.9.38; the god in the form of यज्ञपुरुष; Bhāg.5.18.35. -योनिः a law-suit (in which a person engages from anger, covetousness, or infatuation). -रसकम् spirituous liquor; see त्रिसरकम्. -रात्र a. lasting for three nights. (-त्रः) a festival lasting for three nights. (-त्रम्) a period of three nights. -रेखः a conch-shell. -लिङ्ग a. having three genders, i. e. an adjective. -2 possessing the three Guṇas. (-गाः) the country called Telaṅga. (-गी) the three genders taken collectively. -लोकम् the three worlds. (-कः) an inhabitant of the three worlds; यद्धर्मसूनोर्बत राजसूये निरीक्ष्य दृक्स्वस्त्ययनं त्रिलोकः Bhāg.3. 2.13. ˚आत्मन् m. the Supreme Being. ˚ईशः the sun. ˚नाथः 'lord of the three worlds', an epithet of 1 Indra; त्रिलोकनाथेन सदा मखद्विषस्त्वया नियम्या ननु दिव्यचक्षुषा R.3.45. -2 of Śiva; Ku.5.77. ˚रक्षिन् a. protecting the 3 worlds; त्रिलोकरक्षी महिमा हि वज्रिणः V.1.6. -लोकी the three worlds taken collectively, the universe; सत्यामेव त्रिलोकीसरिति हरशिरश्चुम्बिनीविच्छटायाम् Bh.3.95; Śānti.4.22. -लोचनः Śiva. (-ना) 1 an unchaste woman. -2 an epithet of Durgā. -लोहकम् the three metals:-- gold, silver, and copper. -वर्गः 1 the three objects of wordly existence, i. e. धर्म, अर्थ, and काम; अनेन धर्मः सविशेषमद्य मे त्रिवर्गसारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि Ku.5.38; अन्योन्यानुबन्धम् (त्रिवर्गम्) Kau. A.1.7; प्राप त्रिवर्गं बुबुधे$त्रिवर्गम् (मोक्षम्) Bu. Ch.2.41. -2 the three states of loss, stability, and increase; क्षयः स्थानं च वृद्धिश्च त्रिवर्गो नीतिवेदिनाम् Ak. -3 the three qualities of nature, i. e. सत्त्व, रजस्, and तमस्. -4 the three higher castes. -5 the three myrobalans. -6 propriety, decorum. -वर्णकम् the first three of the four castes of Hindus taken collectively. -वर्ष a. three years old; Ms.5.7. -वलिः, -ली f. (in comp.) three folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a mark of beauty) -वली the anus. -वारम् ind. three times, thrice. -विक्रमः Viṣṇu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation. ˚रसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda. -विद्यः a Brāhmaṇa versed in the three Vedas. -विध a. of three kinds, three-fold. -विष्टपम्, -पिष्टपम् 1 the world of Indra, heaven; त्रिविष्टपस्येव पतिं जयन्तः R.6.78. -2 the three worlds. ˚सद् m. a god. -वृत् a. 1 threefold; मौञ्जी त्रिवृत्समा श्लक्ष्णा कार्या विप्रस्य मेखला Ms.2.42. -2 consisting of three parts (as three गुणs, विद्याs); Bhāg.3.24.33;1.23.39; (consisting of three letters- ओङ्कार); हिरण्यगर्भो वेदानां मन्त्राणां प्रणवस्त्रिवृत् Bhāg.11.16.12. (-m.) 1 a sacrifice. -2 a girdle of three strings; Mb.12.47.44. -3 an amulet of three strings. (-f.) a plant possessing valuable purgative properties. ˚करण combining three things, i. e. earth, water, and fire. -वृत्तिः livelihood through 3 things (sacrifice, study and alms). -वेणिः, -णी f. the place near Prayāga where the Ganges joins the Yamunā and receives under ground the Sarasvatī; the place called दक्षिणप्रयाग where the three sacred rivers separate. -वेणुः 1 The staff (त्रिदण्ड) of a Saṁnyāsin; केचित् त्रिवेणुं जगृहुरेके पात्रं कमण्डलुम् Bhāg.11.23.34. -2 The pole of a chariot; अथ त्रिवेणुसंपन्नं ...... बभञ्ज च महारथम् Rām.3. 51.16; Mb.7.156.83; a three bannered (chariot); Bhāg.4.26.1. -वेदः a Brāhmaṇa versed in the three
Vedas. -शक्तिः a deity (त्रिकला), Māyā; Bhāg.2.6.31. -शङ्कुः 1 N. of a celebrated king of the Solar race, king of Ayodhyā and father of Hariśchandra. [He was a wise, pious, and just king, but his chief fault was that he loved his person to an inordinate degree. Desiring to celebrate a sacrifice by virtue of which he could go up to heaven in his mortal body, he requested his family-priest Vasiṣṭha to officiate for him; but being refused he next requested his hundred sons who also rejected his absurd proposal. He, therefore, called them cowardly and impotent, and was, in return for these insults, cursed and degraded by them to be a Chāṇḍāla. While he was in this wretched condition, Viśvāmitra, whose family Triśaṅku had in times of famine laid under deep obligations, undertook to celebrate the sacrifice, and invited all the gods to be present. They, however, declined; whereupon the enraged Viśvāmitra. by his own power lifted up Triśaṅku to the skies with his cherished mortal body. He began to soar higher and higher till his head struck against the vault of the heaven, when he was hurled down head-foremost by Indra and the other gods. The mighty Viśvāmitra, however, arrested him in his downward course, saying 'Stay Triśaṅku', and the unfortunate monarch remained suspended with his head towards the earth as a constellation in the southern hemisphere. Hence the wellknown proverb:-- त्रिशङ्कुरिवान्तरा तिष्ठ Ś.2.] -2 the Chātaka bird. -3 a cat. -4 a grass-hopper. -5 a firefly. ˚जः an epithet of Hariśchandra. ˚याजिन् m. an epithet of Viśvāmitra. -शत a. three hundred. (-तम्) 1 one hundred and three. -2 three hundred. -शरणः a Buddha. -शर्करा three kinds of sugar (गुडोत्पन्ना, हिमोत्था, and मधुरा). -शाख a. three-wrinkled; भ्रुकुट्या भीषणमुखः प्रकृत्यैव त्रिशाखया Ks.12.72. -शालम् a house with three halls or chambers. -शिखम् 1 a trident; तदापतद्वै त्रिशिखं गरुत्मते Bhāg.1.59.9. -2 a crown or crest (with three points). -शिरस् m. 1 N. of a demon killed by Rāma. -2 an epithet of Kubera. -3 fever. त्रिशिरस्ते प्रसन्नो$स्मि व्येतु ते मज्ज्वराद्भयम् Bhāg.1.63.29. -शीर्षः Śiva. -शीर्षकम्, -शूलम् a trident. ˚अङ्कः, ˚धारिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -शुक्लम् the holy combination of 'three days' viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the moon (day of the manes) and daytime; त्रिशुक्ले मरणं यस्य, L. D. B. -शूलिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -शृङ्गः 1 the Trikūṭa mountain. -2 a triangle. -शोकः the soul. -षष्टिः f. sixty-three. -ष्टुभ् f. a metre of 4 x 11 syllables. -संध्यम्, -संध्यी the three periods of the day, i. e. dawn, noon, and sunset; also -त्रिसवनम् (-षवणम्); Ms.11.216. -संध्यम् ind. at the time of the three Sandhyas; सान्निध्यं पुष्करे येषां त्रिसन्ध्यं कुरुनन्दन Mb. -सप्तत a. seventy-third. -सप्ततिः f. seventy-three. -सप्तन्, -सप्त a. (pl.) three times 7, i. e. 21. -सम a. (in geom.) having three equal sides, equilateral. -सरः milk, sesamum and rice boiled together. -सरकम् drinking wine thrice ('सरकं शीधुपात्रे स्यात् शीधुपाने च शीधुनि' इति विश्वः); प्रातिभं त्रिसरकेण गतानाम् Śi.1.12. -सर्गः the creation of the 3 Guṇas; Bhāg.1.1.1. -साधन a. having a threefold causality; R.3.13. -सामन् a. singing 3 Sāmans (an उद्गातृ); उद्गाता तत्र संग्रामे त्रिसामा दुन्दुभिर्नृप Mb.12.98.27. -साम्यम् an equilibrium of the three (qualities); Bhāg.2.7.4. -सुपर्णः, -र्णम् 1 N. of the three Ṛigvedic verses (Rv.1.114.3-5). -2 N. of T. Ār.1.48-5; -a. familiar with or reciting these verses; Ms.3.185. -स्थली the three sacred places : काशी, प्रयाग, and गया. -स्थानम् the head, neck and chest together; तन्त्रीलयसमायुक्तं त्रिस्थानकरणान्वितम् Rām.7.71.15. -a. 1 having 3 dwelling places. -2 extending through the 3 worlds. -स्रोतस् f. an epithet of the Ganges; त्रिस्रोतसं वहति यो गगनप्रतिष्ठाम् Ś.7.6; R.1.63; Ku.7.15. -सीत्य, -हल्य a. ploughed thrice (as a field). -हायण a. three years old. |
traipuraḥ | त्रैपुरः 1 The Tripura country. -2 A ruler or inhabitant of that country. |
tvaṣṭiḥ | त्वष्टिः f. Carpentry. -m. N. of a mixed tribe (?). |
tvaṣṭiḥ | त्वष्टिः f. Carpentry; Ms.1.48. |
dakṣiṇā | दक्षिणा ind. 1 On the right or south of. -2 In the southern direction (with abl.) -णा 1 A present or gift to Brāhmaṇas (at the completion of a religious rite, such as a sacrifice). -2 Dakṣiṇā regarded as a daughter of Prajāpati and as the wife of Sacrifice personified; पत्नी सुदक्षिणेत्यासीदध्वरस्येव दक्षिणा R.1.31. -3 A gift, offering or donation in general, fee, remuneration; प्राणदक्षिणा, गुरुदक्षिणा &c.; cf. also दक्षिणाशब्दश्च परिक्रयार्थो भवति ŚB. on Ms.1.2.38; परिक्रयार्थे हि दक्षिणा- शब्दो भवति ŚB. on MS.1.2.48. Etymologically दक्षिणा is so called because it imparts power or strength to the receiver; दक्षकरणी हि दक्षिणा । दक्षश्च बलम् ŚB. on MS. 1.3.45; दक्षिणा नाम दक्षतेरुत्साहकर्मणः । दक्षिणा उत्साहिका इति । ŚB. on MS.1.3.57. -4 A good milch-cow, prolific cow. -5 The south. -6 The southern country, the Deccan. -7 Fame. -8 A kind of heroine thus defined:-- या गौरवं भयं प्रेम सद्भावं पूर्वनायके । न मुञ्चत्यन्यसक्तापि सा ज्ञेया दक्षिणा बुधैः ॥. -9 Completion of any rite. -Comp. -अर्ह a. deserving or worthy of a gift. -आवर्त a. 1 curved to the right (a conch-shell &c.); Bhāg.5.23.5. -2 turned towards the south. (-र्तः) 1 the Deccan. -2 a conch-shell opening to the right; Divyāvadāna 56.71. -कालः the time of receiving Dakṣiṇā. -पथः 1 the southern part of India, the south or Deccan; अस्ति दक्षिणापथे विदर्भेषु पद्मपुरं नाम नगरम् Māl.1. -2 'the
path of the दक्षिणा', i. e. the cow, constituting the sacrificial cow. -प्रत्यच् a. south-western. -प्रतीची south-west. -पथिक a. belonging to the Deccan. -प्रवण a. inclining to the south. -बन्धः (in Sāṅ. phil.) the bondage of ritual or cermonial observances. -मूर्तिः m. a Tāntric form of Śiva. -युग्यः the right yoke-horse. |
damayantī | दमयन्ती 1 N. of the daughter of Bhīma, king of the Vidarbhas. [She was so called because by her matchless beauty she subdued the pride of all lovely women; cf. N.2.18 :-- भुवनत्रयसुभ्रुवामसौ दमयन्ती कमनीयतामदम् । उदियाय यतस्तनुश्रिया दमयन्तीति ततो$भिधां दधौ ॥ A golden swan first described to her the beauty and virtues of king Nala, and through him she communicated her love to Nala. Afterwards at the Svayaṁvara she chose Nala for her husband from out of a host of competitors among whom were the four gods Indra, Agni, Yama, and Varuṇa themselves, and the lovely pair spent some years very happily. But their happiness was not destined to last long. Kali, envious of the good fortune of Nala, entered his body, and induced him to play at dice with his brother Puskara. In the heat of the play the infatuated monarch staked and lost everything except himself and his wife. Nala and Damayantī were, therefore, driven out of the kingdom, 'clad in a single garment'. While wandering through the wilderness, Damayantī had to pass through several trying adventures, but her devotion to her husband remained entirely unshaken. One day while she was asleep, Nala in the frenzy of despair abandoned her, and she was obliged to go to her father's house. After some time she was united with her husband, and they passed the rest of their lives in the undisturbed enjoyment of happiness. See Nala and Ṛituparna also.] -2 N. of a flowering plant (Mar. मोगरी). |
darathaḥ | दरथः 1 A cavity, hollow cave. -2 Fleeing away, taking flight. -3 Over-running the country for forage. |
daradāḥ | दरदाः m. (pl.) A country bordering of Kashmir. -दः Fear, terror. -दम् Red lead. |
daśan | दशन् Num. a. (pl.) Ten; स भूमिं विश्वतो वृत्वा अत्य- तिष्ठद्दशाङ्गुलम् Rv.1.9.1. -Comp. -अङ्गुल a. ten fingers long; Ms.8.271. (-लम्) 1 a length of 1 fingers; Rv.1.9.1. -2 a water-melon. -अधिपतिः a commander of ten men. Mb.12. -अर्ध a. five, (-र्धम्) five; अण्व्यो मात्रा विनाशिन्यो दशार्धानां तु याः स्मृताः Ms.1.27. (-र्धः) an epithet of Buddha. -अर्हः 1 an epithet of Krisna or Visnu. -2 Buddha. -अवताराः m. (pl.) the ten incarnations of Viṣṇu; see under अवतार. -अवर a. consisting of at least ten; दशावरा वा परिषद्यं धर्मं परिकल्पयेत् Ms.12.11. -अश्वः the moon. -आननः, -आस्यः epithets of Rāvaṇā; दशाननकिरीटेभ्यस्तत्क्षणं राक्षसप्रियः R.1.75. -आमयः an epithet of Rudra. -इन्द्रियाणि The five कर्मेन्द्रियs and five ज्ञानेन्द्रियs. -ईशः a superintendent of 1 villages; Ms.7.116. -एकादशिक a. who lends 1 and receives 11 in return; i. e. who lends money at ten per cent. -कण्ठः, -कन्धरः epithets of Rāvaṇa; सप्तलोकैकवीरस्य दशकण्ठ- कुलद्विषः U.4.27. ˚अरिः, ˚जित् m., ˚रिपुः epithets of Rāma; दशकण्ठारिगुरुं विदुर्बुधाः R.8.29. -कर्मन् n. the ten ceremonies prescribed to the three twice-born classes. -कुमार- चरितम् a prose work by Dandin. -क्षीर a. mixed with 1 parts of milk. -गुण a. ten-fold, ten times larger. -गुणित a. multiplied by 1; दशगुणितमिव प्राप्तवान् वीरधर्मम B. R.9.53. -ग्रन्थाः (pl.) संहिता, ब्राह्मण, आरण्यक, शिक्षा, कल्प, व्याकरण, निघण्टु, छन्द and निरुक्त; hence दशग्रन्थिन् = A person who has learnt by heart all these ten books. -ग्रामपतिः, -ग्रामिकः, -ग्रामिन् m., -पः a superintendent of ten villages. -ग्रामी a collection or corporation of ten villages. -ग्रीवः = दशकण्ठ q.v. -चतुष्कम् N. of a sport; Sinhās.27. -धर्मः unfavourable condition, distress; अभ्यस्तो बहुभिर्बाणैर्दशधर्मगतेन वै Mb.7.147.2. (see com.). -पारमिताध्वरः 'possessing the ten perfections', an epithet of Buddha. -पुरम् N. of an ancient city, capital of king Rantideva; पात्रीकुर्वन्दशपुरवधूनेत्रकौतू- हलानाम् Me.49. -बन्धः a tenth part; Ms.8.17; also ˚बन्धक; Y.2.76. -बलः, -भूमिगः epithets of Buddha. -बाहुः an epithet of Śiva. -भुजा, -महाविद्या N. of Durgā. -मालिकाः (pl.) 1 N. of a country. -2 the people or rulers of this country. -मास्य a. 1 ten months old; एवा ते गर्भ एजतु निरैतु दशमास्यः Rv.5.78.7-8. -2 ten months in the womb (as a child before birth). -मुखः an epithet of Rāvaṇa. ˚रिपुः an epithet of Rāma; सीतां हित्वा दशमुखरिपुर्नोपयेमे यदन्याम् R.14.87. -मूत्रकम् The urine of 1 (elephant, buffalo, camel, cow, goat, sheep, horse, donkey, man and woman). -मूलम् a tonic medicine prepared from the roots of ten plants; (Mar. सालवण, पिटवण (पृष्टिपर्णी), रिंगणी, डोरली, गोखरूं, बेल, ऐरण, टेंटू, पहाडमूळ, शिवण). -योजनम् a distance of 1 Yojanas; पादाङ्गुष्ठेन चिक्षेप संपूर्णं दशयोजनम् Rām.1.1.65; also दशयोजनी; मोहितेन्द्रियवृत्तिं तं व्यतीत्य दशयोजनीम् Ks.94.14. -रथः N. of a celebrated king of Ayodhyā, son of Aja, and father of Rāma and his three brothers. [He had three wives Kausalyā, Sumitrā, and Kaikeyī, but was for several years without issue. He was therefore recommended by Vasiṣṭha to perform a sacrifice which he successfully did with the assistance of Ṛiṣyaśṛiṅga. On the completion of this sacrifice Kausalyā bore to him Rāma, Sumitrā Laksmana and Śatrughna, and Kaikeyī Bharata. Daśaratha was extremely fond of his sons, but Rāma was his greatest favourite 'his life, his very soul.' Thus when Kaikeyī at the instigation of Mantharā demanded the fulfilment of the two boons he had previously promised to her, the king tried to dissuade her mind from her wicked resolve by threats, and, failing these, by the most servile supplications. But Kaikeyī remained inexorable, and the poor monarch was obliged to send his beloved son into exile. He soon afterwards died of a broken heart]. Bhāg.9.1.1 ˚ललिता The fourth day of the dark fortnight of Āśvina. -रश्मिशतः the sun; दशरश्मिशतोपमद्युतिम् R.8.29. -रात्रम् a period of ten nights. (-त्रः) a particular sacrifice lasting for ten days. -रूपकम् the 1 kinds of drama. -रूपभृत् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu. -लक्षण a. relating to 1 objects; इदं भागवतं पुराणं दक्षलक्षणम् Bhāg.2.9.43. -णम् ten marks or attributes. -लक्षणकः religion; cf. धृतिः क्षमा दमो$स्तेयं शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रहः । धीर्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधो दशकं धर्मलक्षणम् ॥ Ms.7. 92. -वक्त्रः, -वदनः see दशमुख; Bk.9.137. -वर्गः the double five classes of अमात्य, राष्ट्र, दुर्ग, कोश and दण्ड; वेत्ता च दशवर्गस्य स्थानवृद्धिक्षयात्मनः Mb.12.57.18 (com. 'अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गाणि कोशो दण्डश्च पञ्चमः' इति प्रकृतिपञ्चकं स्वपक्षे परपक्षे चेति दशको वर्गः). -वाजिन् m. the moon. -वार्षिक a. happening after, or lasting for, ten years; Y.2.24. -विध a. of ten kinds. -शतम् 1 a thousand; ये सहस्रम- राजन्नासन् दशशता उत Av.5.18.1. -2 one hundred and ten. ˚रश्मिः the sun. ˚अक्षः, ˚नयनः Indra; दशशताक्षककुब्दरि- निःसृतः Mb 7.184.47. -शती a thousand. -स (सा)- हस्रम् ten thousand. -हरा 1 an epithet of the Ganges (taking away the 1 sins). -2 a festival in honour of the Ganges held on the 1th day of Jyeṣṭha. -3 a festival in honour of Durgā held on the tenth of Āśvina. |
daśārṇāḥ | दशार्णाः m. (pl.) 1 N. of country; संपत्स्यन्ते कतिपयदिन स्थायिहंसा दशार्णाः Me.23. -2 The people of this country. |
daśe | दशे (से) रकः 1 A young camel; see under दशन. -2 N. of a country; Bṛi. S.5.67. |
dākṣiṇa | दाक्षिण a. (-णी f.) [दक्षिणा प्रयोजनमस्य-अण्] 1 Relating to a sacrificial gift or to a gift in general. -2 Relating to the south. -णा The southern country i. e. the Deccan. -णम् A collection of sacrificial gifts. |
dākṣyam | दाक्ष्यम् [दक्षस्य भावः ष्यञ्] 1 Cleverness, skill, fitness, dexterity, ability; Bg.18.43. -2 Probity, integrity, honesty. -3 Industry, activity; दाक्ष्येण हीनो धर्मयुक्तो न दान्तः Mb.12.292.23. |
dākṣikanthā | दाक्षिकन्था N. of a place in the Bālhīka country. |
dāradaḥ | दारदः 1 Quicksilver. -2 The ocean. -दः, -दम् Vermilion. -दाः people of the Dārada country.
दारिद्र्यम् dāridryam दारिद्रम् dāridram
दारिद्र्यम् दारिद्रम् [दारिद्रस्य भावः ष्यञ्] Poverty, indigence; दारिद्र्यदोषो गुणराशिनाशी Subhāṣ. |
dāśerakaḥ | दाशेरकः 1 A fisherman; Ks.124.24. -2 The Mālava country. -काः m. (pl.) The rulers or inhabitants of that country; see दाशेर also. |
diś | दिश् f. [दिशति ददात्यवकाशं दिश्-क्विप्] (Nom. sing. दिक्- ग्) 1 A direction, cardinal point, point of the compass, quarter of the sky; दिशः प्रसेदुर्मरुतो वबुः सुखाः R.3.14; दिशि दिशि किरति सजलकणजालम् Gīt.4. -2 (a) The mere direction of a thing, hint, indication (of the general lines); इति दिक् (often used by commentators &c.); इत्थं लौकिक- शब्दानां दिङ्मात्रमिह दर्शितम् Sk. (b) (Hence) Mode, manner, method; मुनेः पाठोक्तदिशा S. D.; दिगियं सूत्रकृता प्रदर्शिता; दासीसभं नृपसभं रक्षःसभमिमा दिशः Ak. -3 Region, space,
place in general. -4 A foreign or distant region. -5 A point of view, manner of considering a subject. -6 A precept, order. -7 The number 'ten'. -8 A side or party. -9 The mark of a bite. 'दिग्दष्टे वर्तुलाकारे करिका नखरेखिका' इति वैजयन्ती; परिणतदिक्करिकास्तटीर्बिभर्ति Śi.4.29. [N. B. In comp. दिश् becomes दिग् before words beginning with vowels and soft consonants, and दिक् before words beginning with hard consonants; e. g. दिगम्बर, दिग्गज, दिक्पथ, दिक्करिन्, &c.] -Comp. -अन्तः end of the direction or horizon, remote distance, remote place; दिगन्ते श्रूयन्ते मदमलिनगण्डाः करटिनः Bv.1.2; Māl.2.9; R.3.4;5.67; 16.87. नानादिगन्तागता राजानः &c. -अन्तरम् 1 another direction. -2 the intermediate space, atmosphere, space. -3 a distant quarter, another or foreign country; संचारपूतानि दिगन्तराणि कृत्वा दिनान्ते निलयाय गन्तुम् R.2.15. -अम्बर, -वासस् a. having only the directions for his clothing, stark naked, unclothed; दिगम्बरत्वेन निवेदितं वसु Ku.5.72; एकाकी गृहसंत्यक्तः पाणिपात्रो दिगम्बरः Pt.5.15; Ms.11.21. (-रः) 1 a naked mendicant (of the Jaina or Buddha sect.) -2 a mendicant, an ascetic. -3 an epithet of (1) Śiva; (2) Skanda. -4 darkness. (-री) an epithet of Durgā. -अम्बरकः a naked mendicant (of the Jaina sect). -अवस्थानम् the air -आगत a. Come from a distance; Y.2.254. -इभः See दिक्करिन् &c. दिगिभाः पूर्णकलशैः Bhāg.8.8.14;5.14.4. -ईशः -ईश्वरः regent of a quarter; चतुर्दिगीशानवमत्य मानिनी Ku.5.53; see अष्टदिक्पाल. -कन्या, -कान्ता, -कामिनी, -वधू a region of the sky (considered as a virgin). -करः 1 a youth, youthful man. -2 an epithet of Śiva. -करिका, -करी a young girl or woman. -करिन्, -गज, -दन्तिन्, -वारणः m. one of the eight elephants said to guard and preside over the eight cardinal points; (see अष्टदिग्गज); दिग्दन्तिशेषाः ककुभश्चकार Vikr.7.1. -ग्रहणम्, -बन्धः observation of the quarters of the compass; Bṛi. S.24.9. संपूज्य शारिकांदेवीं दिग्बन्धादिपुरःसरम् Ks.73.116. -चक्रम् 1 the horizon; Ratn.3.5. -2 the whole world. -जयः, -विजयः 'conquest of the directions, the conquest of various countries in all directions, conquest of the world; सुनिश्चितपुरं चक्रे दिग्जये कृतनिश्चयः Rāj. T. 4.183; स दिग्विजयमव्याजवीरः स्मरः इवाकरोत् Vikr.4.1. -तटम् the horizon. -दर्शनम् 1 showing merely the direction, pointing out only the general mode or manner. -2 a general outline or survey. -3 a compass. -दर्शिन् a. looking on all sides, having a general view. -दाहः preternatural redness of the horizon; दैग्दाहः 'a conflagration of the regions of the sky' (regarded as an evil omen) N.12.92; cf. Ms.4.115. -देशः 1 a distant region or country; दृश्यन्ते कुलनिम्नगा अपि परं दिग्देशकालाविमौ Rāj. T.4.38,417. -2 region, country; H.1. -नागः 1 an elephant of the quarter of the compass; see दिग्गज. -2 N. of a poet said to be a contemporary of Kālidāsa. (This interpretation is based on Mallinātha's gloss on दिङ्नागानां पथि परिहरन् स्थूल- हस्तावलेपान् Me.14; which is, however, very doubtful.) -पतिः, -पालः the regent or guardian of a quarter; Rāj. T.4.225 (for the names of the several regents, see अष्टदिक्पालः cf. Ms.5.96;7.33 also); सूर्यः शुक्रः क्षमापुत्रः सैंहिकेयः शनिः शशी । सौम्यस्त्रिदशमन्त्री च प्राच्यादिदिगधीश्वराः ॥ -Jyotistattvam. -पथः the surrounding region; सैन्यैर्नाना- पथायातैर्नदद्भिर्व्याप्तदिक्पथः Rāj. T.5.342. -भागः a point of the compass, direction. -भ्रमः perplexity about points of the compass, mistaking the way or direction; Vikr.5.66. -मण्डलम् = दिक्चक्रम् q.v. -मात्रम् the mere direction or indication. -मुखम् any quarter or part of the sky; हरति मे हरिवाहनदिङ्मुखम् V.3.6; Amaru.5. -मोहः mistaking the way or direction. -यात्रा a procession in different directions. -वसन, -वस्त्र a. stark naked, unclothed. (-स्त्रः) 1 a Jaina or Buddhist mendicant of the दिगम्बर class. -2 an epithet of Śiva. -विभा- वित a. renowned or celebrated in all quarters. -शूलम् a bad yoga in Astronomy; cf. शुक्रादित्यदिने न वारुणदिशं न ज्ञे कुजे चोत्तरां मन्देन्दोश्च दिने न शक्रककुभं याम्यां गुरौ न व्रजेत् । शूलानीति विलङ्घ्य यान्ति मनुजा ये वित्तलाभाशया भ्रष्टाशाः पुनरापतन्ति यदि ते शुक्रेण तुल्या अपि ॥ Jyotissārasaṅgraha. -साधनम् a means to make the journey in various quarters successful. |
deva | देव a. (-वी f.) [दिव्-अच्] 1 Divine, celestial; Bg.11. 11; Ms.12.117. -2 Shining; यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम् Rv.1.1.1. -3 Fit to be worshipped or honoured. -वः 1 A god, deity; एको देवः केशवो वा शिवो वा Bh.3.12. -2 (a) The god of rain, an epithet of Indra; as in द्वादश वर्षाणि देवो न ववर्ष; अवर्षयद्देवः Rām.1.9.18; काले च देशे च प्रववर्ष देवः Bu. Ch.2.7. (b) A cloud. -3 A divine man, Brāhmaṇa, as in भूदेव. -4 A king, ruler, as in मनुष्यदेव; तां देवसमितिं (अभ्या- गच्छत्) Mb.3.13.22. -5 A title affixed to the names of Bārhmaṇas; as in गोविन्ददेव, पुरुषोत्तमदेव &c. -6 (In dramas) A title of honour used in addressing a king, ('My lord', 'Your majesty'); ततश्च देव Ve.4; यथाज्ञापयति देवः &c. -7 Quicksilver. -8 The Supreme Spirit; हित्वा च देहं प्रविशन्ति देवं दिवौकसो द्यामिव पार्थ सांख्याः Mb.12.31.112. -9 A fool -1 A child. -11 A man following any particular business. -12 A lover. -13 Emulation. -14 Sport, play. -15 A husband's brother (cf. देवृ, देवर). -16 A lancer. -वम् An organ of sense; देवानां प्रभवो देवो मनसश्च त्रिलोककृत् Mb.14.41.3. [cf. L. deus; Gr. deos.]. -Comp. -अंशः a partial incarnation of god. -अगारः, -रम् a temple. -अङ्गना a celestial damsel, an apsaras. -अतिदेवः, -अधिदेवः 1 the highest god. -2 an epithet of (1) Śiva. (2) Buddha. (3) Viṣṇu. देवातिदेवो भगवान् प्रसूतिरंशे हरिर्यस्य जगत्प्रणेता Hariv. -अधिपः 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 the supreme god. -अनीकम् an army of celestials. -अनुचरः, -अनुयायिन् m. an attendant or follower of a god; निशम्य देवानुचरस्य वाचं मनुष्यदेवः पुनरप्युवाच R.2.52. -अन्धस् n., अन्नम् 1 the food of gods, divine food, ambrosia. -2 food that has been first offered to an idol; see Ms.5.7 and Kull. thereon. -अभीष्ट a. 1 liked by or dear to gods. -2 sacred or dedicated to a deity. (-ष्टा) piper betel. -अरण्यम् the garden of gods, the Nandana garden; अलमुद्द्योतयामासुर्देवारण्यमिवर्तवः R.1.8. -अरिः a demon. -अर्चनम्, -ना 1 the worship of gods. -2 idolatry. -अर्पणम् 1 an offering to the god. -2 the Veda; पृथग्- भूतानि चान्यानि यानि देवार्पणानि च Mb.13.86.17 (see com.). -आवसथः a temple. -अश्वः an epithet of उच्चैःश्रवस्, the horse of Indra. -आक्रीडः 'the garden of the gods', Nandana garden. -आजीवः, -आजीविन् m. an attendant upon an idol. -2 a low Brāhmaṇa subsisting by attendance upon an idol and upon the offerings made to it. -आत्मन् a. 1 consecrated, holy, sacred. -2 of a divine nature. (-m.) 1 the divine soul; ते ध्यानयोगानुगता$ पश्यन् देवात्मशक्तिं स्वगुणैर्निगूढाम् Śvet. Up.1.3. -2 the holy fig-tree. -आयतनम् a temple; Ms.4.46; न देवा- यतनं गच्छेत् कदाचिद् वा$प्रदक्षिणम् । न पीडयेद् वा वस्त्राणि न देवा- यतनेष्वपि ॥ Kūrma P. -आयुधम् 1 a divine weapon. -2 rainbow. -आयुष्म् the life-time of a god. -आलयः 1 heaven. -2 a temple. -आवासः 1 heaven. -2 the holy fig-tree (अश्वत्थ). -3 a temple. -4 the Sumeru mountain. -आहारः nectar, ambrosia. -इज् a. (nom. sing. देवेट्-ड्) worshipping the gods. -इज्यः an epithet of Bṛihaspati, preceptor of the gods. -इज्जः 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 of Śiva. -इष्ट a. dear to gods. (-ष्टः) bdellium. (-ष्टा) the wild lime tree. -ईशः an epithet of (1) Indra. (2) Śiva. (3) Viṣṇu. (4) Brahman. (-शी) N. of Durgā also of Devakī mother of Kṛiṣṇa. -ईश्वरः N. of (1) Śiva. (2) Indra. -उद्यानम् 1 divine garden. -2 The Nandana garden. -3 a garden near a temple. -ऋषिः (देवर्षिः) 1 a deified saint, divine sage such as अत्रि, भृगु, पुलस्त्य, अङ्गिरस् &c.; एवंवादिनि देवर्षौ Ku.6.84 (i. e. अङ्गिरस्); अथ देवऋषी राजन् संपरेतं नृपात्मजम् Bhāg.; आब्रह्मभुवनाल्लोका देवर्षिपितृमानवाः । तृप्यन्तु पितरः सर्वे मातृमातामहा- दयाः Tarpaṇamantra. -2 an epithet of Narada; देवर्षीणां च नारदः Bg.1.13.26. -ओकस् n. the mountain Meru or Sumeru. -कन्या a celestial damsel, a nymph; also देवकन्यका. -कर्दमाः sandal, aloe wood, camphor, saffron pounded together and made into a paste. -कर्मन् n., -कार्यम् 1 a religious act or rite, divine command; अनुष्ठितदेवकार्यम् R.12.13. -2 the worship of gods. -काष्ठम् the Devadāru tree. -किरी N. of a Rāgiṇī; ललिता मालती गौरी नाटी देवकिरी तथा । मेघरागस्य रागिण्यो भवन्तीमाः सुमध्यमाः ॥ -कुटम् a temple. -कुण़्डम् a natural spring. -कुलम् 1 a temple. -2 a race of gods. -3 a group of gods. -कुल्या the celestial Ganges. -कुसुमम् cloves; एलां च देवकुसुमं त्वक्पत्रं देवदारु च Śiva. B.3.14. -खातम्, -खातकम् 1 a natural hollow among mountains. -2 a natural pond or reservoir; Ms.4.23. -3 a pond near a temple. ˚बिल a cavern, chasm. -गणः a class of gods. -गणिका an apsaras; q. v. -गतिः the path of देवलोक; अनुज्ञातश्च रामेण ययौ देवगतिं मुनिः A. Rām. 2.1.4. -गन्धर्वः an epithet of Nārada. (-र्वम्) a particular mode of singing. -गर्जनम् thunder. -गर्भः see हिरण्यगर्भ; Rām.2.4.23. -गायनः a celestial chorister, a Gandharva. -गान्धारी N. of a Rāgiṇī गान्धारी देवगान्धारी मालवी श्रीश्च सारवी । रामकीर्यपि रागिण्यः श्रीरागस्य प्रिया इमाः ॥ -गिरिः 1 N. of a mountain; cf. Me.44. -2 N. of a town (Daulatabad). -गिरी f. N. of a Rāgiṇī. -गुरुः 1 an epithet of Kaśyapa (the father of gods). -2 of Bṛihaspati (the preceptor of gods). -गुही an epithet of Sarasvatī or of a place situated on it. -गुह्यम् 1 a secret only known by gods. -2 death. -गृहम् 1 a temple. -2 the place of a king. -3 a planetary sphere. -ग्रहः a class of demons who causes harmless madness. -चरितम् the course of action or practices of the gods; न देवचरितं चरेत्. -चर्या the worship or service of gods.
-चिकित्सकौ (du.) Aśvins, the twin physicians of gods. -छन्दः a pearl-necklace having 81, 1 or 18 strings; शतमष्टयुतं हारो देवच्छन्दो ह्यशीतिरेकयुता Bṛi. S.81.32. -जनः the gods collectively. ˚विद्या the science of music, dance, other arts &c.; Ch. Up.7.1.2. -जातम् a class of gods. -जामिः f. a sister of the gods; देवजामीनां पुत्रो$सि Av. 6.46.1. -तरुः 1 the holy fig-tree. -2 one of the trees of paradise. (i. e. मन्दार, पारिजात, सन्तान, कल्प and हरि- चन्दन); पञ्चैते देवतरवो मन्दारः पारिजातकः । सन्तानः कल्पवृक्षश्च पुंसि वा हरिचन्दनम् ॥ Ak. -3 the tree in a village (चैत्यवृक्ष) where the villagers usually meet (Mar. पार). -तर्पणम् offerings of water, part of the सन्ध्या ceremony. -ताडः 1 fire. -2 an epithet of Rāhu. -तातः 1 a sacrifice. -2 N. of Kaśyapa. -तातिः 1 a god. -2 divine service; स नो यक्षद् देवताता यजीयान् Rv.3.19.1. -तीर्थम् 1 the right moment for the worship of gods. -2 the tips of the fingers sacred to gods. -दत्त a. 1 god-given, granted by the gods. -2 given to the gods (as a village, &c.). (-त्तः) 1 N. of the conch-shell of Arjuna; देवदत्तं धनञ्जयः (दध्मौ) Bg.1.15. -2 a certain person (used in speaking of men indefinitely); मुक्तस्ततो यदि बन्धाद्देवदत्त उपाच्छिनत्ति Bhāg.5.14.24; देवदत्तः पचति, पिनो देवदत्तो दिवा न भुङ्क्ते &c. -3 one of the vital airs exhaled in yawning; देवदत्तो विजृम्भणे. ˚अग्रजः N. of Buddha. -दर्शन a. visiting the gods. (-नः) N. of Nārada; यथा प्राह नारदो देवदर्शनः Bhāg.2.8.1. -दारु m., n. a species of pine; गङ्गाप्रवाहोक्षित- देवदारु Ku.1.54; R.2.36. -दासः a servant or attendant upon a temple. (-सी) 1 a female in the service of gods or a temple. -2 a courtezan (employed as a dancer in a temple). -3 the wild citron tree. -दीपः the eye. -दुन्दुभिः 1 divine drum; देवदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषो पुष्पवृष्टिश्च खात् पतन् Rām. -2 the holy basil with red flowers. -3 an epithet of Indra. -दूतः a divine envoy or messenger, an angel. -देवः 1 an epithet of Brahman; Rām.1.43.1. -2 of Śiva; अयाचितारं न हि देवदेवमद्रिः सुतां ग्राहयितुं शशाक Ku.1.52. -3 of Viṣṇu; Bg.1.15. -4 of Gaṇeśa; दृष्टप्रभावो वरदो देवदेवो विनायकः Ks.2.55. -दैवत्य a. destined for the god; Ms.2.189. -द्रोणी a procession with idols. -धर्मः a religious duty or office. -धानी the city of Indra; तां देवधानीं स वरुथिनीपतिर्बहिः समन्ताद्रुरुधे पृतन्यया Bhāg. 8.15.23. -धान्यम् a kind of grass-grain (Mar. देवभात). -धिष्ण्यम् a chariot of the gods (विमान); Bhāg.1. 82.7. -नक्षत्रम् N. of the first 14 नक्षत्रs in the southern quarter (opp. to यमनक्षत्रम्). -नदी 1 the Ganges. -2 any holy river; Ms.2.17. -नन्दिन् m. N. of the doorkeeper of Indra. -2 N. of a grammarian. -नागरी N. of the character in which Sanskrit is usually written. -नाथः Śiva. -निकायः 1 'residence of gods', paradise, heaven; तं तुष्टुवुर्देवनिकायकेतवः Bhāg.1.27.25. -2 a host or assembly of gods; Ms.1.36. -निन्दकः a blasphemer, unbeliever, heretic, atheist. -निन्दा heresy, atheism. -निर्माल्यम् 1 a garland remaining from a sacrifice. -निर्मित a. 'god-created', natural. -पतिः an epithet of Indra. -पादाः 'the royal feet or presence', an honorific term for a king; देवपादाः प्रमाणम्. -पथः 1 'heavenly passage', heaven, firmament दिव्यो देवपथो ह्येष नात्र गच्छन्ति मानुषाः Mb. -2 the milky way. -पशुः any animal consecrated to a deity. -पात्रम् an epithet of Agni. -पुर्, -पुरी f. an epithet of Amarāvatī, the city of Indra. -पुरोहितः 1 a domestic priest of the gods. -2 the planet Jupiter (बृहस्पति). -पुष्पम् cloves. -पूज्यः an epithet of Bṛihaspati. -प्रतिकृतिः f., -प्रतिमा an idol, the image of a deity. -प्रश्नः 'consulting deities', astrology, fortune-telling. -प्रसूत a. good-produced (water); Av.6. 1.2. -प्रियः 'dear to the gods', an epithet of Śiva; (देवानांप्रियः an irreg. comp. meaning1 a goat. -2 a fool, idiot like a brute breast, as in ते$प्यतात्पर्यज्ञा देवानांप्रियाः K. P. -3 an ascetic, who renounces the world). -बलिः an oblation to the gods. -बाहुः 1 N. of a king in the Yadu race. -2 N. of a sage; देवबाहुः शतधनुः कृतवर्मेति तत्सुताः Bhāg. -ब्रह्मन् m. an epithet of Nārada. -ब्राह्मणः 1 a Brāhmaṇa who lives on the proceeds of a temple. -2 a venerable Brāhmaṇa. -भक्तिः worship or service of the gods. -भवनम् 1 the heaven. -2> a temple. -3 the holy fig-tree. -भागः the northern hemisphere. -भ m. a god; (-f.) heaven. -भूमिः f. heaven; पितुः प्रदेशा- स्तव देवभूमयः Ku.5.45. -भूतिः f. an epithet of the Ganges. -भूयम् divinity, godhead; विदितमेव भवतां ...... परां निर्वृतिमुपेत्य देवभूयं गताः सर्वे न पूर्वपुरुषा इति Rām. Champū. -भृत् m. an epithet of 1 Viṣṇu. -2 of Indra. -भोगः Pleasure of the gods, heavenly joy; अन्नन्ति दिव्यान् दिवि देवभोगान् Bg.9.2. -भोज्यम् nectar. -मणिः 1 the jewel of Viṣṇu called कौस्तुभ. -2 the sun. -3 a curl of hair on a horse's neck; आवर्तिनः शुभफल- प्रदशुक्तियुक्ताः संपन्नदेवमणयो भृतरन्ध्रभागाः (अश्वाः) Śi.5.4; N.1.58. -मधु n. divine honey; असौ वा आदित्यो देवमधु Ch. Up.3.1.1. -मातृ f. N. of Aditi, mother of gods. -मातृक a. 'having the god of rain or clouds as foster-mother', watered only by the clouds, depending on rain-water and not on irrigation, deprived of every other kind of water (as a country); देशो नद्यम्बुवृष्ट्यम्बु- संपन्नव्रीहिपालितः । स्यान्नदीमातृको देवमातृकश्च यथाक्रमम् ॥ Ak.; cf. also वितन्वति क्षेममदेवमातृकाः (i. e. नदीमातृकाः) चिराय तस्मिन् कुरवश्चकासते Ki.1. 17. -मानकः the jewel of Viṣṇu called कौस्तुभ. -माया the Māyā of gods; ते दुस्तराम- तितरन्ति च देवमायाम् Bhāg. -मार्गः the air or sky. -मासः the eighth month of pregnancy. -मुनिः a divine sage. -यजनम् 1 a sacrificial place, a place where a sacrifice is performed; ततस्ते देवयजनं ब्राह्मणाः स्वर्णलाङ्गलैः (कृष्ट्वा) Bhāg.1.74.12. देवयजनसंभवे सीते U.4. -2 a place of worship; मण्डलं देवयजनं दीक्षासंस्कार आत्मनः Bhāg.12.11.17. -यजि a. making oblations to gods. -यज्ञः a sacrifice to the superior gods made by oblations to fire, or through fire to the gods; (one of the five daily sacrifices of a Brāhmaṇa; see Ms.3.81,85 and पञ्चयज्ञ also). -यज्यम्, -यज्या a sacrifice. -यात्रा 'an idolprocession,' any sacred festival when the idols are carried in procession; केनापि देवयात्रागतेन सिद्धादेशेन साधुना
मत्समक्षमादिष्टा M.5.12-13. -यान bestowing मोक्ष; यज्ञस्य देवयानस्य मेध्याय हविषे नृप Bhāg.8.8.2. -नः the path leading to मोक्ष; सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः Muṇḍ.3.1.6. -यानम् a celestial car. -युगम् 1 the first of the four ages of the world; also called कृतयुग, सनत्कुमारो भगवान् पुरा देवयुगे प्रभुः Rām.1.11.11. -2 an age of the gods comprising four ages of men. -योनिः 1 a superhuman being, a demigod; विद्याधरो$प्सरोयक्षरक्षोगन्धर्वकिन्नराः । पिशाचो गुह्यकः सिद्धो भूतो$मी देवयोनयः ॥ Ak. -2 a being of divine origin. -3 fuel used in kindling fire (f. also). -योषा an apsaras. -रथः a car for carrying the image of god in procession. -थम् a day's journey for the sun's chariot. -रहस्यम् a divine mystery. -राज्, -राजः 1 an epithet of Indra; Rām.7.6.6. -2 a king. -3 N. of Buddha. -रातः 1 an epithet of Parīkṣit. -2 a kind of swan or crane. -राष्ट्रम् N. of an empire in the Deccan. -लक्ष्मम् the Brāhmanical cord. -लता the Navamallikā or double jasmine plant. -लिङ्गम् the image or statue of a deity; Bhāg.3.17.13. -लोकः heaven, paradise; देवलोकस्य चर्त्विजः (प्रभुः) Ms.4.182. -वक्त्रम् an epithet of fire. -वर्त्मन् n. the sky or atmosphere. -वर्धकिः, -शिल्पिन् m. Viśvakarman, the architect of gods. -वाणी 'divine voice', a voice from heaven. -वाहनः an epithet of Agni. -विद्या 1 divine science; Ch. Up.7.1.2. -2 the science of Nirukta or etymology; ibid. -विभागः the northern hemisphere. -विश् f., -विशा a deity. -वीतिः food of the gods. -वृक्षः the Mandāra tree. -व्यचस् a. Ved. occupied by the gods. -व्रतम् 1 a religious observance, any religious vow. -2 the favourite food of the gods. (-तः) an epithet of 1 Bhīṣma; ततो विनशनं प्रागाद्यत्र देवव्रतो$पतत् Bhāg.1.9.1. -2 Kārtikeya. -व्रतत्वम् celibacy (ब्रह्मचारिव्रत); देवव्रतत्वं विज्ञाप्य Mb.5.172.19. -शत्रुः a demon; स देवशत्रूनिव देवराजः Mb. -शुनी an epithet of Saramā, the bitch of the gods. -शेखर the damanaka tree (Mar. दवणा). -शेषम् the remnants of a sacrifice offered to gods. -श्रीः m. a sacrifice. (f.) Lakṣmī. -श्रुतः an epithet of 1 Viṣṇu. -2 Nārada. -3 a sacred treatise. -4 a god in general. -संसद् f. देवसभा q. v. -सत्यम् divine truth, established order of the gods. -संध a. divine. -सभा 1 an assembly of the gods (सुधर्मन्). -2 a council of a king, council-chamber. -3 a gambling-house. -सभ्यः 1 a gambler. -2 a frequenter of gaming-houses. -3 an attendant on a deity. -4 the keeper of a gambling-house. -सहा 1 rules of begging alms (? भिक्षासूत्र); L. D. B. -2 N. of a plant. -सायुज्यम् identification or unification with a deity, conjunction with the gods, deification. -सिंह an epithet of Śiva. -सुषिः a tube or cavity (in the heart) leading to the gods; cf. उदान, तस्य ह वा एतस्य हृदयस्य पञ्च देवसुषयः Ch. Up.3.13.1. -सू N. of 8 deities (अग्नि, सोम, सवितृ, रुद्र, बृहस्पति, इन्द्र, मित्र and वरुण). -सृष्टा an intoxicating drink. -सेना 1 the army of gods. -2 N. of the wife of Skanda; स्कन्देन साक्षादिव देवसेनाम् R.7.1. (Malli.:-- देवसेना = स्कन्दपत्नी perhaps it merely means 'the army of the gods' personified as Skanda's wife). ˚पतिः, ˚प्रियः an epithet of Kārtikeya. -स्वम् 'property of gods', property applicable to religious purposes or endowments; यद्धनं यज्ञशीलानां देवस्वं तद्विदु- र्बुधाः Ms.11.2,26. ˚अपहरणम् sacrilege. -सावर्णिः the 13th Manu; मनुस्त्रयोदशो भाव्यो देवसावर्णिरात्मवान् Bhāg. 8.13.3. -हविस् n. an animal offered to gods at a sacrifice. -हिंसकः an enemy of gods. -हूः the left ear; Bhāg.4.25.51. -हूतिः f. 1 invocation of the gods. -2 N. of a daughter of Manu Svāyambhuva and wife of Kardama. -हेडनम् an offence against the gods. -हेतिः a divine weapon. |
deśaḥ | देशः [दिश्-अच्] 1 A place or spot in general; देशः को नु जलावसेकशिथिलः Mk.3.12 (often used after words like कपोल, स्कन्ध, अंस, नितम्ब &c., without any meaning; स्कन्धदेशे Ś.1.19 'on the shoulder'). -2 A region, country, province, land, territory; यं देशं श्रयते तमेव कुरुते बाहुप्रतापार्जितम् H.1.15. -3 A department, part, side, portion (as of a whole); as in एकदेश, एकदेशीय q. v. -4 An institute, an ordinance. -5 Range, compass; दृष्टिदेशः Pt.2. -Comp. -अटनम् roaming through a country, travelling. -अतिथिः a foreigner. -अन्तरम् 1 another country, foreign parts; Ms.5.78. -2 longitude. -अन्तरिन् m. a foreigner. -आचारः, -धर्मः a local law or custom, the usage or custom of any country; देश- धर्मान् जातिधर्मान् कुलधर्मांश्च शाश्वतान् Ms.1.118. -कष्टकः a public calamity. -कारी N. of a Rāgiṇī. -कालौ m. (du.) time and place; न देशकालौ हि यथार्थधर्माववेक्षते कामरतिर्मनुष्यः Rām.4.33.55. (-लम्) ind. according to time and place; सत्पात्रं महती श्रद्धा देशकालं यथोचितम् Pt.2.72. -कालज्ञ a. knowing the proper place and time. -च्युतिः banishment or flight from one's country. -ज, -जात a. 1 native, indigenous. -2 produced in the right country. -3 genuine, of genuine descent. -दृष्ट a. 1 seen in a country. -2 customary in a place; Ms.8.3. -भाषा the dialect of a country; आलोच्य लक्ष्यमधिगम्य च देशभाषाः Kāvyāl.4.35. -रूपम् propriety, fitness; Mb.12. -विद्ध a. properly perforated (pearl); Kau. A.2.11. -वृत्तम् a circle depending upon its relative position to the place of the observer. -व्यवहारः a local usage, custom of the country. |
deśī | देशी 1 The dialect of a country, one of the varieties of the Prākṛita dialect; see Kāv.1.33. -2 N. of a Rāgiṇī. -Comp. -कट्टरिः a kind of dance. -नाममाला N. of a dictionary of provincialism by Hemachandra. |
deśīya | देशीय a. [देशे भवः-छ] 1 Belonging to a province, provincial. -2 Native, local. -3 Inhabiting any country (at the end of comp.); as in मगधदेशीय, तद्देशीय, वङ्गदेशीय &c. -4 Not far or distant from, almost, bordering on (used as affix at the end of words); अष्टादशवर्षदेशीयां कन्यां ददर्श K.131; 'a girl about 18 years old (whose age bordered on 18); षड्वर्षदेशीयमपि प्रभुत्वात् प्रैक्षन्त पौराः पितृगौरवेण R.18.39; so पटुदेशीय &c. |
deśya | देश्य a. [दिश्-कर्मणि ण्यत् देश-यत् वा] 1 To be pointed out or proved. -2 Local, provincial. -3 Born in a country, native. -4 Genuine, of genuine descent. -5 Being on the spot or place (where anything is due). -6 Not far from, almost; see देशीय above. -श्यः 1 An eyewitness of anything अभियोक्ता दिशेद्देश्यम् Ms.8.52-53. -2 The inhabitant of a country. -श्यम् The statement of a question or argument, the thing to be proved or substantiated (पूर्वपक्ष). |
daiśika | दैशिक a. (-की f.) [देशेन निर्वृत्तं तस्येदं वा-ठञ्] 1 Local, provincial. -2 National, belonging to the whole country. -3 Belonging or having reference to space; Bhāṣā. P.12. -4 Acquainted with any place. -5 Teaching, pointing, directing, showing. -कः 1 A teacher, preceptor; शुको गतः परित्यज्य पितरं मोक्षदैशिकम् Mb.12.321.94. -2 A guide. -3 One instructed by the prcceptor; Bhāg.11.27.22. -4 Local people; हस्तिनो$श्वा रथाः पत्तिर्नावो विष्टिस्तथैव च । दैशिकाश्चाविकाश्चैव तदष्टाङ्गं बलं स्मृतम् Mb.12.121.44. -कम् a kind of dance; cf. Me.37. Malli. Com. |
draviḍaḥ | द्रविडः 1 N. of a country on the east coast of the Deccan (pl.); अस्ति द्रविडेषु काञ्ची नाम नगरी Dk.13. -2 An inhabitant or native of that country; जरद्द्रविडधार्मिकस्ये- च्छया निसृष्टैः K.229. -3 N. of a degraded tribe; cf. Ms.1.22. -3 A collective name for five peoples (आन्ध्र, कर्नाटक, गुर्जर, तैलङ्ग and महाराष्ट्र); see द्राविड. |
drāviḍaḥ | द्राविडः [द्रविडदेशो$भिजनो$स्य-अण्] 1 A Dravidian, Dravida. -2 A general name for a Brāhmaṇa of any of the five southern tribes (the पञ्चद्रविड); द्राविड, कर्णाट, गुर्जर, महाराष्ट्र and तैलङ्ग. कर्णाटाश्चैव तैलङ्गा गुर्जरा राष्ट्रवासिनः । आन्ध्राश्च द्राविडा पञ्च विन्ध्यदक्षिणवासिनः ॥ Skanda P. -3 N. of the five chief Dravidian languages (Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese, Malayalam and Tulu). -डाः (pl.) The Dravida country and its people. -डी Cardamoms. |
dvaimātṛka | द्वैमातृक a. (-की f.) Nourished by rain and rivers (as a country); cf. देवमातृक. |
dhṛta | धृत p. p. [धृ-कर्मणि क्त] 1 Held, carried, borne, supported. -2 Possessed. -3 Kept, preserved, retained. -4 Seized, grasped, laid, hold of. -5 Worn, used, put on; किमित्यपास्याभरणानि यौवने धृतं त्वया वार्धकशोभि वल्कलम् Ku.5.44. -6 Placed, deposited. -7 Practised, observed. -8 Weighed. -9 (Actively used) Holding, bearing. -1 Intent upon. -11 Prepared, ready. -12 Resolved, firm; रिपुनिग्रहे धृतः Rām.4.27.47; see धृ also. -तम् 1 Falling. -2 State, existence. -3 Taking, seizing. -4 Wearing, putting on. -5 A particular manner of fighting. -Comp. -आत्मन् a. firm minded, steady, calm, collected. (-m.) an epithet of Viṣṇu. -उत्सेक a. haughty, arrogant; Rāj. T. -एकवेणि a. bearing a single braid of hair (as a sign of mourning); नियमक्षाममुखी धृतैकवेणिः Ś7.21. -गर्भ a. pregnant; Ks.7.83. -दण्ड a. 1 inflicting punishment. -2 one on whom punishment is inflicted; राजभिर्धृतदण्डास्तु कृत्वा पापानि मानवाः । निर्मलाः स्वर्गमायान्ति सन्तः सुकृतिनो यथा ॥ Ms.8.318. -दीधितिः fire. -पट a. covered with a cloth. -मानस a. firm-minded, bent upon; तपसे धृतमानसः Rām.7.9.46. -राजन् a. ruled by a good king (as a country). -राष्ट्रः 1 a good king. -2 a country ruled by a good king. -3 N. of the eldest son of Vyāsa by a widow of विचित्रवीर्य. [As the eldest son he was entitled to the throne, but being blind from birth, he renounced the sovereignty in favour of Pāṇḍu; but on his retirement to the woods, he undertook it himself, making Duryodhana, his eldest son, the virtual ruler. When Duryodhana, was killed by Bhīma, the old king thirsted for revenge, and expressed his desire to embrace Yudhiṣṭhira and Bhīma. K&rtod.;iṣṇa readily discovered his object, and convinced that Bhīma was marked out by the king as his prey, he caused an iron image of Bhīma to be made. And when the blind king rushed forward to embrace Bhīma, Kṛiṣṇa substituted the iron image which the revengeful old man pressed with so much force that it was crushed to pieces, and Bhīma escaped. Thus dis comfited, he, with his wife, repaired to the Himālaya and there died after some years.] -4 N. of a bird; L. D. B. -वर्मन् a clad in armour, mailed; -m. N. of a reputed king. -व्रत a. 1 observing vows, performing religious rites. -2 devoted, attached. -3 of a fixed law or order. (-तः) an epithet of (1) Indra. (2) Varuṇa. (3) Agni. (4) A king in the Puru dynasty. |
na | न a. Thin, spare. -2 Vacant, empty. -3 Same, identical. -4 Unwearied. -5 Praised. -6 Undivided. -नः 1 A pearl. -2 N. of Gaṇeśa. -3 Wealth, prosperity. -4 A band, tie. -5 War. -6 N. of Buddha. -7 A gift. -ind. (a) A particle of negation equivalent to 'not', 'no', 'nor', 'neither', and used in wishing, पटुपटहध्वनिभिर्विनीतनिद्रः R.9.71. -4 The roar or thunder of a cloud. -5 A mere empty sound. -6 A word. -7 Hint, implied meaning. -8 (In Rhet.) The first and best of the three main divisions of काव्य or poetry, in which the implied or suggested sense of a passage is more striking than the expressed sense; or where the expressed sense is made subordinate to the suggested sense; इदमुत्तममतिशयिनि व्यङ्ग्ये वाच्याद् ध्वनिर्बुधैः कथितः K. P.1. (R. G. gives 5 kinds of ध्वनि; see under ध्वनि). -Comp. -ग्रहः 1 the ear. -2 hearing. -3 a fife, pipe. -नाला 1 A lute. -2 a flute. -3 a kind of drum; L. D. B. -विकारः a change of voice caused by fear, grief &c.; see काकु. |
nadī | नदी A river, any flowing stream; रविपीतजला तपात्यये पुनरोघेन हि युज्यते नदी Ku.4.44; यथा नद्यः स्यन्दमानाः समुद्रे$ स्तं गच्छन्ति नामरूपे विहाय Muṇḍa. -Comp. -ईनः, -ईशः, -कान्तः 1 the ocean; नदीनः पर्यन्ते परमपदवीनः प्रभवति Karpūrastava. -2 An epithet of Varuṇa; L. D. B. -कान्ता 1 the rose-apple. -2 a shrub. -कूलम्, -तीरम् the bank of a river. -कूलप्रियः a kind of reed. -ज a. aquatic. (-जः) 1 an epithet of Bhīṣma. -2 antimony. (-जम्) a lotus. -तर a. crossing a river. -तरस्थानम् a landing-place, ferry. -दोहः freight, river-toll, fare. -धरः an epithet of Śiva. -पङ्कः the marshy bank of a river. -पतिः 1 the ocean. -2 an epithet of Varuṇa. -पूरः a river which has overflown its banks. -भवम् river-salt. -मातृक a. watered by rivers, irrigated, supplied with the water of rivers, canals &c. (as a country &c.); संग्रामभूमीषु भवत्यरीणामस्रैर्नदीमातृकतां गतासु N.3.38; cf. देवमातृक; देशो नद्यम्बुवृष्ट्यम्बुसंपन्नव्रीहिपालितः । स्यान्नदीमातृको देवमातृकश्च यथाक्रमम् ॥ Ak. -मार्गः the course of a river. -मुखम् 1 the mouth of a river; नदीमुखेनैव समुद्रमाविशत्; वृद्धौ नदीमुखेनैव प्रस्थानं लवणाम्भसः R. -2 a kind of grain. -रयः the current of a river. -वङ्कः the bend or arm of a river. -ष्णः (-स्नः) 1 bathing in rivers; ततो नदीष्णान् पथिकान् गिरिज्ञान् Bk.2.43. -2 knowing the dangerous spots in rivers, their depth, course &c.; ततः समाज्ञापयदाशु सर्वानानायिनस्तद्विचये नदीष्णान् R.16.75; (hence) -3 experienced, clever. -सर्जः the Arjuna tree. |
naraḥ | नरः [नॄ-नये-अच्] 1 A man, male person; संयोजयति विद्यैव नीचगापि नरं सरित् । समुद्रमिव दुर्धर्षं नृपं भाग्यमतः परम् ॥ H. Pr.5; Ms.1.96;2.213. -2 A man or piece at chess. -3 The pin of a sun-dial. -4 The Supreme Spirit, the original or eternal man. -5 Man's length (= पुरुष. q. v.). -6 N. of a primitive sage. -7 N. of Arjuna; see नरनारायण below. -8 A horse. -9 (In gram.) A personal termination. -1 The individual soul (जीवात्मा); Mb.12.28.5. -Comp. -अङ्गः 1 the penis. -2 eruption on the face. -अधमः a wretch, miscreant. -अधिपः, अधिपतिः, -ईशः, -ईश्वरः, -देवः, -पतिः, -पालः a king; नरपतिहितकर्ता द्वेष्यतां याति लोके Pt. नराणां च नराधिपम् Bg.1.27; Ms.7.13; R.2.75;3.42;7.62; Me.39; Y.1.311. -अन्तकः death. -अयनः an epithet of Viṣṇu. नराणामयनं यस्मात् तेन नारायणः स्मृतः Brav.P. -अशः a demon, goblin. -आधारः N. of Śiva. (-रा) the earth. -इतरः 1 a being higher than a man, a god; Bhāg.4.6.9. -2 an animal. -इन्द्रः 1 a king; R.2.18. नरेन्द्रकन्यास्तमवाप्य सत्पतिं तमोनुदं दक्षसुता इवाबभुः 3.33;6.8; Ms.9.253. -2 a physician, dealer in antidotes, curer of poisons; तेषु कश्चि- न्नरेन्द्राभिमानी तां निर्वर्ण्य Dk.51; सुनिग्रहा नरेन्द्रेण फणीन्द्रा इव शत्रवः Śi.2.88. (where the word is used in both senses). ˚मार्गः a high street, main road. -3 a mineralogist; L. D. B. -उत्तमः 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -2 of Buddha. -ऋषभः 'the chief of men', a prince, king. -कपालः a man's skull. -कीलकः the murderer of a spiritual preceptor. -केश(स)रिन् m. 1 Viṣṇu in his fourth incarnation; cf. नरसिंह below. -2 the chief of men. -चिह्नम् the moustaches. -देवः 1 the warrior class (क्षत्रिय); शिष्ट्वा वा भूमि- देवानां नरदेवसमागमे Ms.11.82. -2 a king. -धिः the world. -द्विष् m. a demon, goblin; तेन मूर्धानमध्वंसन्नरद्विषः Bk.15. 94. -नारायणः N. of Kṛiṣṇa. (-णौ dual) originally regarded as identical, but in mythology and epic poetry, considered as distinct beings, Arjuna being identified with Nara and Kṛiṣṇa with Nārāyaṇa. [In some places they are called देवौ, पूर्वदेवौ, ऋषी or ऋषिसत्तमौ. They are said to have been practising very austere penance on the Himālaya, which excited the fear of Indra, and he sent down several damsels to disturb their austerities. But Nārāyaṇa put all of them to shame by creating a nymph called Urvaśī from a flower placed on his thigh who excelled them in beauty; cf. स्थाने खलु नारायणमृषिं विलोभयन्त्यस्तदूरुसंभवामिमां दृष्ट्वा व्रीडिताः सर्वा अप्सरस इति V.1.] -पशुः 'a beast-like man', a beast in human form. -पुङ्गवः 'best of men', an excellent man; शैब्यश्च नरपुङ्गवः Bg.1.5. -बलिः a human sacrifice. -भुज् a. man-eating, cannibal. -भूः f. the Bharatavarṣa, i. e. India. -मानिका, मानिनी, -मालिनी 'manlike woman', a woman with a beard, masculine woman or an amazon. -माला a girdle of skulls. -मेधः a human sacrifice. -यन्त्रम् sun-dial. -यानम्, -रथः, -वाहनम् a
vehicle drawn by men, a palanquin; नरयानादवातीर्य Parṇāl.4.17; Bhāg.1.59.37. -लोकः 1 'the world of men', the earth, terrestrial world. -2 mankind. -वाहनः an epithet of Kubera; विजयदुन्दुभितां ययुरर्णवा घनरवा नर- वाहनसंपदः R.9.11. -विष्वणः a demon, goblin. -वीरः a brave man, hero. -व्याघ्रः, -शार्दूलः an eminent man. -शृङ्गम् 'man's horn', an impossibility, a chimera, non-entity. -संसर्गः human society. -सखः an epithet of Nārayaṇa; ऊरूद्भवा नरसखस्य मुनेः सुरस्त्री V.1.3. -सिंहः, -हरिः 'man-lion', Viṣṇu in his fourth incarnation; cf. तव करकमलवरे नखमद्भुतशृङ्गं दलितहिरण्यकशिपुतनुभृङ्गम् । केशव धृत- नरहरिरूप जय जगदीश हरे ॥ Gīt.1. -सिंहद्वादशी the 12th day in the light half of फाल्गुन. -स्कन्धः a multitude or body of men. -हयम् a fight or enmity between man and horse. |
navan | नवन् num. a. (always pl.). Nine; नवतिं नवाधिकाम् R.3.69; see comp. below. (At the begining of comp. नवन् drops its final न्). -Comp. -अङ्गः a kind of Āyurvedic mixture; विश्वामृताब्दभूनिम्बैः पञ्चमूलीसमन्वितैः । कृतः कषायो हन्त्याशु वातपित्तोद्भवं ज्वरम् Vaidyakam. -अशीतिः f. eighty-nine. -अर्चिस् m., -दीधितिः the planet Mars. -कपालः (नवकपालेषु संस्कृतः) a cake-offering prepared and presented on nine poteherds; Ait. Br.1.15; -कृत्वस् ind. nine times. -ग्रहाः m. (pl.) the nine planets. (the sun, the moon, 5 planets, राहु and केतु; see under ग्रह. -ग्व nine-fold, consisting of nine. -चण्डिका f. the nine चण्डिकाs (शैलपुत्री, ब्रह्मचारिणी, चन्द्रघण्टा, कूष्माण्डा, स्कन्द- माता, कात्यायनी, महागौरी, कालरात्रि, सिद्धिदा); Chaṇḍī Pāṭha. -चत्वारिंश a. forty-ninth. -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-nine. -छिद्रम्, -द्वारम् the body (having nine apertures; see ख). नवद्वारे पुरे देही नैव कुर्वन् न कारयन् Bg.5.13. -त्रिंश a. thirty-ninth. -त्रिंशत् f. thirty-nine. -दश a. nineteenth. -दशन् (pl.) nineteen. -दुर्गा Durgā in her nine forms. i. e. (कुमारिका, त्रिमूर्ति, कल्याणी, रोहिणी, काली, चण्डिका, शांभवी, दुर्गा, भद्रा). -धातु m. Nine metals; हेमतारारनागाश्च ताम्ररङ्गे च तीक्ष्णकम् । कांस्यकं कान्तलोहं च धातवो नव कीर्तिताः ॥, -नवतिः f. ninety-nine. -निधि m. (pl.) the nine treasures of Kubera. i. e. महापद्मश्च पद्मश्च शङ्खो मकरकच्छपौ । मुकुन्दकुन्द- नीलाश्च खर्वश्च निधयो नव ॥ -पञ्चमम् an inauspicious combination of ग्रहs a particular type of राशिकूट; पाणिग्रहो यदि भवेन्नवपञ्चमर्क्षे सन्तानहानिमतुलां मुनयो वदन्ति Jyotistattvam. -पञ्चाश a. fifty-ninth. -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-nine. -रत्नम् 1 the nine precious jewels; i. e. मुक्तामाणिक्यवैढूर्यगोमेदा वज्र- विद्रुमौ । पद्मरागो मरकतं नीलश्चेति यथाक्रमम् ॥ -2 'the nine gems' or poets at the court of king Vikramāditya:-- धन्वन्तरि- क्षपणकामरसिंहशङ्कुवेतालभट्टघटकर्परकालिदासाः । ख्यातो वराह- मिहिरो नृपतेः सभायां रत्नानि वै वररुचिर्नव विक्रमस्य ॥ -रसाः m. (pl.) the nine sentiments in poetry; see under अष्टरस and रस also. -रात्रम् 1 a period of nine days. -2 the first nine days of the month of Āśvina held sacred to Durgā. -विंश a. twenty-ninth. -विंशतिः f. twenty-nine. -विध a. nine-fold, of nine kinds or sorts. ˚अन्नानि n. (pl.) = सूप, शाक, मिष्टान्न, जेमन (ओदनादि), उपदंश (मूलकादि), वितर्दंश (pickles etc.), सन्धान (मद्यादि), रोचन (pickled raw fruit, Mar. कोशिंबीर), व्यञ्जन (flower boiled in buttermilk etc.). -व्यूहः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -शतम् 1 one hundred and nine. -2 nine hundred. -शक्तिः m. N. of Viṣṇu or Śiva. -शक्तयः f. (pl.) nine शक्तिs i. e. प्रभा, माया, जया, सूक्ष्मा, त्रिशुद्धा, नन्दिनी, सुप्रभा, विजया, सिद्धिदा. -शायकः N. given to nine inferior tribes; they are:-- गोपो माली तथा तैली तन्त्री मोदकवारुजी । कुलालः कर्मकारश्च नापितो नवशायकाः ॥ Parāśara. -षष्टिः f. sixty-nine. -सप्ततिः seventy-nine. -सरः, -रम् a kind of ornament consisting of nine pearls. |
nāṭaḥ | नाटः [नट्-घञ्] 1 Dancing, acting. -2 N. of the Karnātaka country. |
nija | निज a. [नितरां जायते निजन्-ड] 1 Innate, indigenous, native, inborn, congenial. -2 Own, one's own, relating to one-self, of one's own party or country; निजं वपुः पुन- रनयन्निजां रुचिम् Śi.17.4; R.3.15;18.27; Ms.2.5. -3 Peculiar. -4 Continual, perpetual. -m. (pl.) One's own people. -Comp. -बोधः Self-knowledge, spiritual knowledge; भिक्षुर्न चाहं निजबोधरूपः Hastāmalaka Stotra. |
nirgaḥ | निर्गः Country, region, place. |
niviṣṭaḥ | निविष्टः p. p. 1 Seated, sitting upon. -2 Encamped; निविष्टमुदधेः कूले तं प्रपेदे विभीषणः R.12.68. -3 Fixed or intent upon. -4 Concentrated, subdued, controlled; भवन्ति साम्ये$पि निविष्टचेतसां वपुर्विशेषेष्वतिगौरवाः क्रियाः Ku.5.31. -5 Initiated. -6 Arranged. -7 Entered, gone into. -8 Appointed (guardians). -9 Cultivated (a country). |
niṣadha | निषध a. Hard, solid. -धाः m. (pl.) N. of a people and their country governed by Nala. -धः 1 A ruler of the Niṣadhas. -2 N. of a mountain. -3 A musical note; cf. निषाद. -धा N. of Nala's capital. |
nihata | निहत p. p. 1 Struck down, smitten, killed, slain. -2 Struck into, infixed. -3 Attached or devoted. -Comp. -अर्थता a kind of fault in poetry; ग्राम्यो$प्रतीतसन्दिग्धनेयार्थ- निहतार्थता S. D. |
nīvṛt | नीवृत् m. Any inhabited country, realm, kingdom; आचक्रमुर्निजामस्य नीवृतं कृतविक्रमाः Śiva B.4.28. ......... जेतुं कर्णाटनीवृतम् Śiva B.9.33; N.2.4. |
nepālaḥ | नेपालः N. of a country in the north of India. -लाः (pl.) The people of this country. -लम् Copper. -ली 1 The wild date tree or its fruit. -2 Red arsenic. -Comp. -जा, -जाता red arsenic; नेपालजामरिचशङ्खर साञ्जनानि Suśr. -मूलकम् a radish. |
pakṣaḥ | पक्षः [पक्ष्-अच्] 1 A wing, pinion; अद्यापि पक्षावपि नोद्भिद्येते K.347; so उद्भिन्नपक्षः fledged; पक्षच्छेदोद्यतं शक्रम् R.4.4;3.42. -2 The feather or feathers on each side of an arrow; अनुसंततिपातिनः पटुत्वं दधतः शुद्धिभृतो गृहीतपक्षाः (शराः) Śi.2.11. -3 The flank or side of a man or animal, the shoulder; स्तम्बेरमा उभयपक्षविनीतनिद्राः R.5.72. -4 The side of anything, a flank; वितत्य पक्षद्वयमायतम् Ki.14.31. -5 The wing or flank of an army; सुपर्णपक्षानिलनुन्नपक्षम् (राक्षसराजसैन्यम्) Rām.7.6. 69. -6 The half of anything. -7 The half of a lunar month, a fortnight (comprising 15 days; there are two such pakṣas, शुक्लपक्षः the bright or light half, and कृष्ण-तमिस्र-पक्षः the dark half); तमिस्रपक्षे$पि सह प्रियाभि- र्ज्योत्स्नावतो निर्विशति प्रदोषान् R.6.34; Ms.1.66; Y.3.5; सीमा वृद्धिं समायाति शुक्लपक्ष इवोडुराट् Pt.1.92; Mb.3.26.5. -8 (a) A party in general, faction, side; प्रमुदितवरपक्षम् R.6.86; Śi.2.117; तुल्यो मित्रारिपक्षयोः Bg.14.25; R.6. 53;18.17. (b) A family, race; रूपान्वितां पक्षवतीं मनोज्ञां भार्यामयत्नोपगतां लभेत् सः Mb.13.57.4; किं क्रन्दसि दुराक्रन्द स्वपक्षक्षयकारक Pt.4.29. -9 One belonging to any party, a follower, partisan; विष्णुपक्षैः प्रतिच्छन्नैर्न भिद्येतास्य धीर्यथा Bhāg.7.5.7; शत्रुपक्षो भवान् H.1. -1 A class, multitude, host, any number of adherents; as अरि˚, मित्र˚. -11 One side of an argument, an alternative, one of two cases; पक्षे 'in the other case, on the other hand' पूर्व एवाभवत् पक्षस्तस्मिन्नाभवदुत्तरः R.4.1;14.34. cf. पूर्वपक्ष and उत्तरपक्ष. -12 A case or supposition in general; as in पक्षान्तरे. -13 A point under discussion, a thesis, an argument to be maintained. -14 The subject of a syllogism or conclusion (the minor term); संदिग्धसाध्य- वान् पक्षः T. S., दधतः शुद्धिभृतो गृहीतपक्षाः Śi.2.11 (where it means 'a feather' also). -15 A symbolical expression for the number 'two'. -16 A bird. -17 A state, condition. -18 The body. -19 A limb of the body. -2 A royal elephant. -21 An army; Mb.2. 16.7. -22 A wall. -23 Opposition. -24 Rejoinder, reply. -25 A mass, quantity (when in composition with words meaning 'hair'); केशपक्षः; cf. हस्त. -26 Place, position. -27 A view, notion, idea. -28 The side of an equation in a primary division. -29 The ash-pit of a fire-place. -3 Proximity, neighbourhood. -31 A bracket. -32 Purity, perfection. -33 A house. -34 The sun (according to Sāyaṇa); सा पक्ष्या नव्यमायु- र्दधाना Rv.3.53.16. -Comp. -अध्यायः logic, casuistry. -अन्तः 1 the 15th day of either half month, i. e. the day of new or full moon. -2 the end of the wings of an army. -अन्तरम् 1 another side. -2 a different side or view of an argument. -3 another supposition. -अवसरः = पक्षान्त q. v. -आघातः 1 palsy or paralysis of one side, hemiplegia. -2 refutation of an argument. -आभासः 1 a fallacious argument. -2 a false plaint. -आहारः eating food only once in a fortnight; सुपुत्रदारो हि मुनिः पक्षाहारो बभूव ह Mb.3.26.5. -उद्ग्राहिन् a. showing partiality, adopting a side. -गम a. flying. -ग्रहणम् choosing a party; taking the side of. -घातः = -पक्षाघातः see above. -घ्न a. (a house) wanting a side. -चरः 1 an elephant strayed from the herd. -2 the moon. -3 an attendant. -छिद् m. an epithet of Indra (clipper of the wings of mountains); क्रुद्धे$पि पक्षच्छिदि वृत्रशत्रौ Ku.1.2. -जः the moon. -द्वयम् 1 both sides of an argument. -2 'a couple of fortnights', i. e. a month. -द्वारम् a sidedoor, private entrance. -धर a. 1 winged. -2 adhering to the party of one, siding with any one. (-रः) 1 a bird. -2 the moon. -3 a partisan. -4 an elephant strayed from the herd. -नाडी a quill. -निक्षेपः the placing on the side of, counting among. -पातः 1 siding with any one; यद् दुर्योधनपक्षपातसदृशं कर्म Ve.3.5. -2 liking, desire, love, affection (for a thing); भवन्ति भव्येषु हि पक्षपाताः Ki.3.12; U.5.17; रिपुपक्षे बद्धः पक्षपातः Mu.1. -3 attachment to a party, partisanship, partiality; पक्षपातमत्र देवी मन्यते M.1; सत्यं जना वच्मि न पक्षपातात् Bh.1.47. -4 falling of wings, the moulting of birds. -5 a partisan. -पातिता, -त्वम् 1 partisanship, adherence to a side or party. -2 friendship, fellowship. -3 movement of the wings; न परं पथि पक्षपातिता$नवलम्बे किमु मादृशे$पि सा N.2.52. -पातिन् a. or subst. 1 siding with, adhering to, a party, attached or partial (to a particular cause); पक्षपातिनो देवा अपि पाण्डवानाम् Ve.3. -2 sympathizing; Ve.3. -3 a follower, partisan, friend; यः सुरपक्षपाती V.1. -पालिः a private door. -पुटः a wing. -पोषण a. factious, promoting quarrels. -प्राप्तानुवादः a case of the description of a thing which admits of two alternatives (cf. Daṇḍaviveka G. O. S.52, p.21.). -बिन्दुः a heron. -भागः 1 the side or flank. -2 especially, the flank of an elephant. -भुक्ति f. the course traversed by the sun in a fortnight. -भेदः a. distinction between two sides of an argument. -रात्रिः a kind of play or sport. -वञ्चितकम् a particular position of hands in dancing. -वधः paralysis of one side. -मूलम् the root of a wing; उल्लास- पल्लवितकोमलपक्षमूलाः (चकोराः) Bv.2.99. -रचना forming a party or faction. -वादः 1 an exparte statement. -2 stating a case, expression of opinion. -वाहनः a bird. -व्यापिन् a. 1 embracing the whole of an argument. -2 pervading the minor term. -हत a. paralysed on one side; दृष्ट्वा कुणीन् पक्षहतान् Mb.12.18.39. -हरः 1 a bird. -2 a recreant, traitor. -होमः 1 a sacrificial rite lasting for a fortnight. -2 a rite to be performed every fortnight. |
pañcan | पञ्चन् num. a. (Always pl., nom. and acc. पञ्च) Five. (As the first member of comp. पञ्चन् drops its final न्). [cf. Gr. pente.] -Comp. -अंशः the fifth part, a fifth. -अग्निः 1 an aggregate of five sacred fires; i. e. (अन्वाहार्यपचन or दक्षिण, गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय, सभ्य, and आव- सथ्य). -2 a householder who maintains the five sacred fires; पञ्चाग्नयो धृतव्रताः Māl.1; Ms.3.185. -3 five mystic fires supposed to exist in the body; तेजो ह्यग्निस्तथा क्रोधश्चक्षुरूष्मा तथैव च । अग्निर्जरयते यच्च पञ्चाग्नेयाः शरीरिणः ॥ Mb.12.184.21. -4 one who is acquainted with the doctrine of these fires. ˚साधनम् four fires on four sides and the sun above the head. This is a form of penance. -अङ्ग a. five-membered, having five parts or divisions as in पञ्चाङ्गः प्रणामः (i. e. बाहुभ्यां चैव जानुभ्यां शिरसा वक्षसा दृशा); कृतपञ्चाङ्गविनिर्णयो नयः Ki.2.12. (see Malli. and Kāmandaka quoted by him); पञ्चाङ्गमभिनयमुपदिश्य M.1; चित्ताक्षिभ्रूहस्तपादैरङ्गैश्चेष्टादिसाम्यतः । पात्राद्यवस्थाकरणं पञ्चाङ्गे$भिनयो मतः ॥ (-ङ्गः) 1 a tortoise or turtle. -2 a kind of horse with five spots in different parts of his body. (-ङ्गी) a bit for horses. -(ङ्गम्) 1 collection or aggregate of five parts. -2 five modes of devotion (silent prayer, oblations, libations, bathing idols and feeding Brāhmaṇas) -3 the five parts of a tree; त्वक्पत्रकुसुमं मूलफलमेकस्य शाखिनः । एकत्र मिलितं चैतत् पञ्चाङ्ग- मिति संज्ञितम् ॥ -4 a calendar or almanac, so called because it treats of five things:-- (तिथिर्वारश्च नक्षत्रं योगः करणमेव च); चतुरङ्गबलो राजा जगतीं वशमानयेत् । अहं पञ्चा- ङ्गबलवानाकाशं वशमानये ॥ Shbhāṣ. ˚गुप्तः a turtle. ˚पत्रम् a calendar. ˚विनिर्णयः the five rules are as follows; सहायाः साधनोपाया विभागो देशकालयोः । विनिपातप्रतीकारः सिद्धिः पञ्चाङ्ग- मिष्यते ॥ Kāmandak; cf. Ki.2.12. ˚शुद्धिः f. the propitiousness or favourable state of five important points; i. e. तिथि, वार, नक्षत्र, योग and करण (in astrology). -अङ्गिक a. five-membered. -अङ्गुल a. (-ला or -ली f.) measuring five fingers. (-लः) the castor-oil plant. -अ(आ)जम् the five products of the goat; cf. पञ्चगव्य. -अतिग a. liberated (मुक्त); सो$पि पञ्चातिगो$भवत् Mb. 12.59.9. -अप्सरस् n. N. of a lake, said to have been created by the sage Mandakarni; cf. R.13.38. -अमरा The five plants i. e. (Mar. भांग, दूर्वा, बेल, निर्गुडी and तुळस. -अमृत a. consisting of 5 ingredients. -(तम्) 1 the aggregate of five drugs; dry ginger, a species of Moonseed (Cocculus cordifolius, Mar. गुळवेल), Asparagus recemosus (Mar. शतावरी), Hypoxis brevifolia
(Mar. मुसळी), गोक्षुरक (Mar. गोखरूं). -2 the collection of five sweet things used in worshipping deities; (दुग्धं च शर्करा चैव घृतं दधि तथा मधु). -3 the five elements; Māl.5.2. -अम्लम् the aggregate of five acid plants (the jujube, pomegranate, sorrel, spondias and citron). -अर्चिस् m. the planet Mercury. -अवयव a. five-membered (as a syllogism, the five members being, प्रतिज्ञा, हेतु, उदाहरण, उपनय and निगमन q. v.). -अवस्थः a corpse (so called because it is resolved into the five elements) cf. पञ्चत्व below. -अविकम् the five products of the sheep; cf. पञ्चगव्य. -अशीतिः f. eighty-five. -अहः a period of five days. -आतप a. doing penance with five fires. (i. e. with four fires and the sun); cf. R.13.41. -आत्मक a. consisting of five elements (as body). -आननः, -आस्यः, -मुखः, -वक्त्रः 1 epithets of Śiva. -2 a lion (so called because its mouth is generally wide open; पञ्चम् आननं यस्य), (often used at the end of names of learned men to express great learning or respect; न्याय˚, तर्क˚ &c. e. g. जगन्नाथतर्कपञ्चानन); see पञ्च a. -3 the sign Leo of the zodiac. (-नी) an epithet of Durgā. -आम्नायाः m. (pl.) five Śāstras supposed to have proceeded from the five mouths of Śiva. -आयतनी, -नम् a group of five deities like गणपति, विष्णु, शंकर, देवी and सूर्य. -इन्द्रियम् an aggregate of the five organs (of sense or actions; see इन्द्रियम्). -इषुः, -बाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; (so called because he has five arrows; their names are:-- अरविन्दमशोकं च चूतं च नवमल्लिका । नीलोत्पलं च पञ्चैते पञ्चबाणस्य सायकाः ॥ the five arrows are also thus named:-- संमोहनोन्मादनौ च शोषणस्तापनस्तथा । स्तम्भनश्चेति कामस्य पञ्चबाणाः प्रकीर्तिताः ॥). -उपचारः the five articles of worship i. e. (गन्ध, पुष्प, धूप, दीप and नैवेद्य). -उष्मन् m. (pl.) the five digestive fires supposed to be in the body. -कपाल a. prepared or offered in five cups. -कर्ण a. branded in the ear with the number 'five' (as cattle &c.); cf. P.VI.3.115. -कर्मन् n. (in medicine) the five kinds of treatment; i. e. 1 वमन 'giving emetics'; 2 रेचन 'purging'; 3 नस्य 'giving strenutatories'; 4 अनुवासन 'administering an enema which is oily', and 5 निरूह 'administering an enema which is not oily. वमनं रेचनं नस्यं निरूहश्चानुवासनम् । पञ्चकर्मेदमन्यश्च ज्ञेयमुत्क्षेपणादिकम् ॥ -कल्याणकः a horse with white feet and a white mouth. -कषाय a decoction from the fruits of five plants (जम्बु, शाल्मलि, वाट्याल, बकुल and बदर). -कृत्यम् the five actions by which the Supreme Power manifests itself (सृष्टि, स्थिति, संहार, तिरोभाव and अनुग्रह- करण). -कृत्वस् ind. five times. -कृष्णः A kind of game. (-ष्णाः) The five deities of Mahānubhāva sect namely चक्रवर्ती कृष्ण, Datta of Mātāpura, Gundam Raul of ऋद्धिपुर, चांगदेव राऊळ of द्वारावती and चांगदेव राऊळ of प्रतिष्ठान. -कोणः a pentagon. -कोलम् the five spices taken collectively; पिप्पली पिप्पलीमूलं चव्यचित्रकनागरम् । पञ्चकोलं ......... (Mar. पिंपळी, पिंपळमूळ, चवक, चित्रक व सुंठ). -कोषाः m. (pl.) the five vestures or wrappers supposed to invest the soul; they are:-- अन्नमयकोष or the earthly body (स्थूलशरीर); प्राणमयकोष the vesture of the vital airs; मनो- मयकोष the sensorial vesture; विज्ञानमयकोष the cognitional vesture (these three form the लिङ्गशरीर); and आनन्द- मयकोष the last vesture, that of beatitude. कोषैरन्नमयाद्यैः पञ्चभिरात्मा न संवृतो भाति । निजशक्तिसमुप्तन्नैः शैवालप़टलैरिवाम्बु वापीस्थम् ॥ Vivekachūdāmaṇi. -क्रोशी 1 a distance of five Kroṣas. -2 N. of the city, Banares. -खट्वम्, -खट्वी a collection of five beds. -गत a. (in alg.) raised to the fifth power. -गवम् a collection of five cows. -गव्यम् the five products of the cow taken collectively; i. e. milk, curds, clarified butter or ghee, urine, and cowdung (क्षीरं दधि तथा चाज्यं मूत्रं गोमयमेव च). -गु a. bought with five cows. -गुण a. five-fold. (-णाः) the five objects of sense (रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श and शब्द). (-णी) the earth. -गुप्तः 1 a tortoise (as drawing in its 4 feet and head). -2 the materialistic system of philosophy, the doctrines of the Chārvākas. -घातः (in music) a kind of measure. -चत्वारिंश a. forty-fifth. -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-five. -चामरम् N. of 2 kinds of metre; प्रमाणिकापदद्वयं वदन्ति पञ्चचामरम् Vṛittaratnākara. -जनः 1 a man, mankind. -2 N. of a demon who had assumed the form of a conch-shell, and was slain by Kṛiṣṇa; तस्मै प्रादाद्वरं पुत्रं मृतं पञ्चजनोदरात् Bhāg.3.3.2. -3 the soul. -4 the five classes of beings; i. e. gods, men, Gandharvas, serpents and pitṛis; यस्मिन् पञ्च पञ्चजना आकाशश्च प्रतिष्ठितः Bṛi. Up.4.4.17. -5 the four primary castes of the Hindus (ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र) with the Niṣādas or barbarians as the fifth (pl. in these two senses); (for a full exposition see Sārirabhāṣya on Br. Sūtras 1.4.11-13). (-नी) an assemblage of five persons. -जनीन a. devoted to the five races. (-नः) an actor, a mimic, buffoon, one who is devoted to the pentad viz. singer, musician, dancer, harlot and a jester; गायकवादक- नर्तकदासीभण्डरतः खलु पञ्चजनीनः Bhāsāvritti on P.V.1.9. -ज्ञानः 1 an epithet of Buddha as possessing the five kinds of knowledge. -2 a man familiar with the doctrines of the Pāśupatas. -तक्षम्, -क्षी a collection of five carpenters. -तत्त्वम् 1 the five elements taken collectively; i. e. पृत्थी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश. -2 (in the Tantras) the five essentials of the Tāntrikas, also called पञ्चमकार because they all begin with म; i. e. मद्य, मांस, मत्स्य, मुद्रा and मैथुन. -तन्त्रम् N. of a well-known collection in five books containing moral stories and fables by Visnugupta; पञ्चतन्त्रात्तथान्यस्माद् ग्रन्थादाकृष्य लिख्यते H. Pr.9. -तन्मात्रम् the five subtle and primary elements (such as शब्द, रस, स्पर्श and रूप and गन्ध). -तपस् m. an ascetic who in summer practises penance sitting in the middle of four fires with the sun burning right over his head; cf. हविर्भुजामेधवतां चतुर्णां मध्ये ललाटंतपसप्तसप्तिः R.13.41; Ku.5.23; Ms.6.23 and Śi.2.51. also; ग्रीष्मे पञ्चतपा वीरो वर्षास्वासारषाण्मुनिः Bhāg. 4.23.6; Rām.3.6.5. -तय a. five-fold; वृत्तयः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टा अक्लिष्टाः Mbh. (-यः) a pentad. -तिक्तम् the five bitter things:-- निवामृतावृषपटोलनिदिग्धिकाश्च. -त्रिंश a.
thirtyfifth. -त्रिंशत्, -त्रिंशतिः f. thirty-five. -दश a. 1 fifteenth. -2 increased by fifteen; as in पञ्चदशं शतम् 'one hundred and fifteen'. -दशन् a. (pl.) fifteen. ˚अहः a period of fifteen days. -दशिन् a. made or consisting of fifteen. -दशी 1 the fifteenth day of a lunar fortnight (the full or new moon day); Y.1.146. -2 N. of a philosophical work (प्रकरणग्रन्थ) by माधवाचार्य (विद्यारण्य). -दीर्घम् the five long parts of the body; the arms, eyes, belly, nose and breast; बाहू नेत्रद्वयं कुक्षिर्द्वे तु नासे तथैव च । स्तनयोरन्तरं चैव पञ्चदीर्घं प्रचक्षते ॥ -देवताः the five deities:-- आदित्यं गणनाथं च देवीं रुद्रं च केशवम् । पञ्चदैवतमित्युक्तं सर्वकर्मसु पूजयेत् ॥ -धारणक a. upheld by the five elements. -नखः 1 any animal with five claws; such as the hare, alligator, tortoise, porcupine, rhinoceros शशकः शल्लकी गोधा खड्गी कूर्मश्च पञ्चमः । पञ्च पञ्चनखा भक्ष्या ये प्रोक्ताः कृतजैर्द्विजैः Bk.6.131; Ms.5.17,18; Y.1.177. -2 an elephant. -3 a turtle. -4 a lion or tiger. -नखी, -नखराज an iguana (Mar. घोरपड); Gīrvāṇa. -नदः 'the country of five rivers, the modern Panjab (the five rivers being शतद्रु, विपाशा, इरावती, चन्द्रभागा and वितस्ता, or the modern names Sutlej, Beas, Ravee, Chenab and Jhelum). -दा (pl.) the people of this country. -नवतिः f. ninety-five. -निम्बम् the five products of निम्ब viz. (the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark and root). -नीराजनम् waving five things before an idol and then falling prostrate before it; (the five things being:-- a lamp, lotus, cloth, mango and betel-leaf). -पञ्चाश a. fiftyfifth. -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-five. -पदी 1 five steps; पुंसो यमान्तं व्रजतो$पिनिष्ठुरै- रेतैर्धनैः पञ्चपदी न दीयते Pt.2.115. -2 the five strong cases, i. e. the first five inflections -पर्वन् n. (pl.) the five parvans q. v.; they are चतुर्दश्यष्टमी चैव अमावास्या च पूर्णिमा । पर्वाण्येतानि राजेन्द्र रविसंक्रान्तिरेव च ॥ a. five-knotted (an arrow). -पल्लवम् The leaves of the mango, fig, banyan, ficus religiosa (Mar. पिंपळ) and Genus Ficus (Mar. पायरी). There are other variations such as पनस, आम्र, पिप्पल, वट and बकुल. The first group is for the Vedic ritual only. -पात्रम् 1 five vessels taken collectively. -2 a Srāddha in which offerings are made in five vessels. -पाद् a. consisting of five feet, steps, or parts; पञ्चपादं पितरम् Praśna Up.1.11. (-m.) a year (संवत्सर). -पादिका N. of a commentary on शारीरकभाष्य. -पितृ m. (pl.) the five fathers:-- जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च कन्यां प्रयच्छति । अन्नदाता भयत्राता पञ्चैते पितरः स्मृताः ॥ -पित्तम् the bile of five animals viz. (the boar, goat, buffalo, fish and peacock). -प्रस्थ a. having five elevations (a forest). -प्राणाः m. (pl.) the five life-winds or vital airs: प्राण, अपान, व्यान, उदान, and समान. -प्रासादः a temple of a particular size with four pinnacles and a steeple. -बन्ध a fine equal to the fifth part of anything lost or stolen. -बलाः five medicinal herbs, namely बला, नागबला, महाबला, अति- बला and राजबला. -बाणः, -वाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; see पञ्चेषु. -बाहुः N. of Śiva. -बिन्दुप्रसृतम् N. of a particular movement in dancing; Dk.2. -बीजानि the five seeds:--कर्कटी, त्रपुस, दाडिम, पद्मबीज, and वानरीबीज. -भद्र a. 1 having five good qualities. -2 consisting of five good ingredients (as a sauce &c.). -3 having five auspicious marks (as a horse) in the chest, back, face and flanks. -4 vicious. -द्रः a kind of pavilion. -भागिन् m. the five deities of पञ्चमहा- यज्ञ; धर्मकामविहीनस्य चुक्रुधुः पञ्चभागिनः Bhāg.11.23.9. -भुज a. pentagonal. (-जः) 1 a pentagon; cf. पञ्चकोण. -2 N. of Gaṇeśa. -भूतम् the five elements; पृथ्वी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश. -भृङ्गाः the five trees, viz. देवदाली (Mar. देवडंगरी), शमी, भङ्गा (Mar. भांग), निर्गुण्डी and तमालपत्र. -मकारम् the five essentials of the left-hand Tantra ritual of which the first letter is म; see पञ्चतत्त्व (2). -महापातकम् the five great sins; see महापातक Ms.11. 54. -महायज्ञाः m. (pl.) the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृ- यज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो बलिर्भौतो नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7. अहुतं च हुतं चैव तथा प्रहुतमेव च । ब्राह्मं हुतं प्राशितं च पञ्च यज्ञान् प्रचक्षते ॥ Ms.3.73; see महायज्ञ. -मारः son of Baladeva; L. D. B. -माश(षि)क a. consisting of five Māṣas (as a fine &c.). -माष(षि)क a. amounting to five māṣas; गर्दभाजाविकानां तु दण्डः स्यात्पञ्चमाषिकः Ms.8.298. -मास्य a. happening every five months. -मुखः an arrow with five points; (for other senses see पञ्चानन.) -मुद्रा five gestures to be made in presenting offerings to an idol; viz आवाहनी, स्थापनी, संनिधापनी, संबोधनी and संमुखीकरणी; see मुद्रा. -मूत्रम् the urine of five female animals; the cow, goat, she-buffalo, sheep, and she-ass.). -मूलम् there are nine varieties of the pentad combinations of roots; लघुपञ्चमूल, बृहत्पञ्चमूल, शतावर्यादि, तृणपञ्चमूल, जीवकादिपञ्चमूल, पुनर्नवादिपञ्चमूल, गोक्षुरादि˚, वल्ली˚. -रत्नम् a collection of five gems; (they are variously enumerated: (1) नीलकं वज्रकं चेति पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । प्रवालं चेति विज्ञेयं पंचरत्नं मनीषिभिः ॥ (2) सुवर्णं रजतं मुक्ता राजावर्तं प्रवालकम् । रत्नपञ्चकमाख्यातम् ...॥ (3) कनकं हीरकं नीलं पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । पञ्चरत्नमिदं प्रोक्त- मृषिभिः पूर्वदर्शिभिः ॥ -2 the five most admired episodes of the Mahābhārata; गीता, विष्णुसहस्रनाम, भीष्मस्तवराज, अनुस्मृति and गजेन्द्रमोक्ष). -रसा the आमलकी tree (Mar. आंवळी). -रात्रम् 1 a period of five nights; इत्यर्थं वयमानीताः पञ्चरात्रो$पि विद्यते Pañch.3.24. -2 N. of one of Bhāsa's dramas. -3 N. of a philosophical treatise attributed to Nārada. -4 N. of an अहीन (sacrifice) lasting for 5 days; स एतं पञ्चरात्रं पुरुषमेधं यज्ञक्रतुमपश्यत् Śat. Br.; cf. Mb.12.218. 11. -राशिकम् the rule of five (in math.). -लक्षणम् a Purāṇa; so called because it deals with five important topics:-- सर्गश्च प्रतिसर्गश्च वंशो मन्वन्तराणि च । वंशानुचरितं चैव पुराणं पञ्चलक्षणम् ॥ see पुराण also. -लवणम् five kinds of salt; i. e. काचक, सैन्धव, सामुद्र, बिड and सौवर्चल. -लाङ्गलकम् a gift (महादान) of as much land as can be cultivated with five ploughs. -लोकपालः the five guardian deities viz. Vināyaka, Durgā, Vāyu, Ākāśa and Aśvinīkumāra. -लोहम् a metallic alloy containing five metals (i. e. copper, brass, tin, lead and iron). -लोहकम् the five metals i. e. gold, silver, copper, tin and lead. -वटः the sacred or sacrificial thread worn across the
breast (यज्ञोपवीत). -वटी 1 the five fig-trees: i. e. अश्वत्थ, बिल्व, वट, धात्री and अशोक. -2 N. of a part of the Daṇḍakā forest where the Godāvarī rises and where Rāma dwelt for a considerable time with his beloved; it is two miles from Nasik; परिहरन्तमपि मामितः पञ्चवटीस्नेहो बलादाकर्षतीव U.2.27/28; R.13.34. -वर्गः 1 an aggregate of five. -2 the five essential elements of the body. -3 the five organs of sense; संतुष्टपञ्चवर्गो$हं लोकयात्रां प्रवाहये Rām.2.19.27. -4 the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; cf. महायज्ञ. -5 the five classes of spies (कापटिक, उदास्थित, गृहपतिव्यञ्जन, वैदेहिकव्यञ्जन and तापसव्यञ्जन); cf. Kull. on Ms.7.154. -वर्षदेशीय a. about five years old. -वर्षीय a. five years old. -वल्कलम् a collection of the barks of five kinds of trees; namely न्यग्रोध, उदुम्बर, अश्वत्थ, प्लक्ष and वेतस. -वल्लभा N. of Draupadī. -वार्षिक a. recurring every five years. -वाहिन् a. drawn by five (as a carriage). -विंश a. twenty-fifth. -शः 1 a Stoma consisting of 25 parts. -2 N. of Viṣṇu (regarded as the 25th तत्त्व); स तु जन- परितापं तत्कृतं जानता ते नरहर उपनीतः पञ्चतां पञ्चविंश Bhāg. 7.8.53. -विंशतिः f. twenty-five. -विंशतिका a collection of twenty-five; as in वेतालपञ्चविंशतिका. -विध a. fivefold, of five kinds. ˚प्रकृतिः f. the five departments of a government; अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गार्थदण्डाख्याः पञ्च चापराः Ms.7.157. -वीरगोष्ठम् an assembly room, concert-hall; रागमञ्जरी नाम पञ्चवीरगोष्ठे संगीतकमनुष्ठास्यति Dk.2. -वृत्, -वृतम् ind. five-fold. -वृत्तिता depending on senses; Rām.2.1.65. -शत a. amounting to five hundred. (-तम्) 1 one hundred and five. -2 five hundred. -शाखः 1 the hand; स्वशिरः पश्चशाखाभ्यामभिहत्यायतेक्षणा Mb.11.17.3; कदापि नो मुञ्चति पञ्चशाखः (नारायणस्य) Rām. Ch.1.9; स्फूर्जद्रत्नाङ्गुलीयद्युतिशबलनखद्योतिभिः पञ्चशाखैः Śiva B.3.49. -2 an elephant. -शारदीयः N. of a Yāga. -शिखः a lion. -शीलम् the five rules of conduct; Buddh. -शुक्लम् The holy combination of five days, viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the month (day of the manes) and day time, हरिवासर and सिद्धक्षेत्र (cf. त्रिशुक्लम्). -ष a. (pl.) five or six; सन्त्यन्ये$पि बृहस्पतिप्रभृतयः संभाविताः पञ्चषाः Bh.2.34. -षष्ट a. sixty-fifth. -षष्टिः f. sixty-five. -सटः one with five tufts of hair on the head (सटाः जटाः केशसन्निवेशे मध्ये मध्ये पञ्चसु स्थानेषु क्षौरवद्वापनम्); दासो$यं मुच्यतां राज्ञस्त्वया पञ्चसटः कृतः Mb.3.272.18; (Mar. पांच पाट काढणें). -सप्तत a. seventy-fifth. -सप्ततिः f. seventy-five. -सस्यम् the five grains viz. धान्य, मुद्ग, तिल, यव and माष. -सिद्धान्ती f. the five astronomical doctrines from astronomical book like सूर्यसिद्धान्त etc. -सिद्धौषधयः the five medicinal plants:-- तैलकन्द, सुधाकन्द, क्रोडकन्द, रुदन्तिक, सर्पाक्षी. -सुगन्धकम् the five kinds of aromatic vegetable sub- stances; they are:-- कर्पूरकक्कोललवङ्गपुष्पगुवाकजातीफलपञ्चकेन । समांशभागेन च योजितेन मनोहरं पञ्चसुगन्धकं स्यात् ॥. -सूनाः f. the five things in a house by which animal life may be accidentally destroyed; they are:-- पञ्चसूना गृहस्थस्य चुल्ली पेषण्युपस्करः कण्डनी चोदकुम्भश्च Ms.3.68. -सूरणाः the five medicinal esculent roots; sweet and bitter सूरण, अत्यम्ल- पर्णी, काण्डीर, मालाकन्द. &c. -स्रोतम् n. the mind; पञ्चस्रोतसि निष्णातः Mb.12.218.11. (com. पञ्चस्त्रोतांसि विषयकेदारप्रणालिका यस्य तस्मिन् मनसि). -हायन a. five years old. |
pañcālāḥ | पञ्चालाः m. (pl.) 1 N. of a country and its people. -लः A king of the Pañchālas. |
pattiḥ | पत्तिः [पद्-तिन्] 1 A footman, a foot-soldier; पत्तिः पदातिम् (अभ्यपतत्) R.7.37; Ve.1.27. -2 A pedestrian. -3 A hero. -f. 1 The smallest division of an army, consisting of one chariot, one elephant, three horsemen and five foot-soldiers; एको रथो गजश्चैको नराः पञ्च पदातयः । त्रयश्च तुरगास्तज्ज्ञैः पत्तिरित्यभिधीयते ॥ Mb.1.2. 19. -2 Going, walking. -Comp. -अध्यक्षः the superintendent of infantry; Kau. A.1.1.1. -कायः infantry. -गणकः an officer whose business it is to muster the infantry. -संहतिः f. a body of infantry, infantry. |
patram | पत्रम् [पत्-ष्ट्रन्] 1 A leaf (of a tree); पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति Bg.9.26; धत्ते भरं कुसुमपत्रफलावलीनाम् Bv.1. 94. -2 The leaf of a flower, lotus &c.; नीलोत्पलपत्रधारया Ś.1.18. -3 A leaf for writing upon, a paper, a leaf written upon; सुरवरतरुशाखा लेखनी पत्रमुर्वी Mahimna 32. पत्रमारोप्य दीयताम् Ś.6. 'commit to writing', V.2.14. -4 A letter, document; विवादे$न्विष्यते पत्रं पत्राभावे तु साक्षिणः Pt.1.43. -5 A challenge; आत्मनः पूजाख्यात्यर्थं गुणोत्कर्ष- प्रतिपादको लेखो यद्विपक्षोपरि दीयते तत्पत्रम् N.7.93; विद्याधर com. -6 Any thin leaf or plate of metal, a goldleaf. -7 The wing of a bird, a pinion, feather of an arrow; यावद्वा मक्षिकायाः पत्रम् Bṛi. Up.3.3.2; R.2.31; सद्यः प्रवालोद्गमचारुपत्रे नीते समाप्तिं नवचूतबाणे Ku.3.27. -8 A vehicle in general (car, horse, camel &c.); दिशः पपात पत्रेण वेगनिष्कम्पकेतुना R.15.84; N.3.16; Mb.12. 67.25; Śi.12.2. -9 Painting the person (particularly the face) with musk, sandal-juice or other fragrant substances; रचय कुचयोः पत्रं चित्रं कुरुष्व कपोलयोः Gīt.12; R.13.55. -1 The blade of a sword, knife &c. -11 A knife, dagger. -Comp. -अङ्गम् 1 the Bhūrja tree. -2 red sanders. -अङ्गुलिः drawing lines of painting with the finger on the person (throat, forehead &c.) with coloured sandal, saffron, or any other fragrant substance. -अञ्जनम् 1 ink. -2 blacking. -आढ्यम् the root of long pepper. -आलम्बनम् a challenge; cf. पत्रा- लम्बनं करोति 'to challenge to a controversy'. -आरूढ a. written down. -आवलिः f. 1 red chalk. -2 a row of leaves. -3 the lines of painting drawn on the body with cosmetics as a decoration. -आवली 1 a row of leaves. -2 = ˚आवलि (3). -3 mixture of young Aśvattha leaves with barley and honey. -आहारः feeding on leaves. -ऊर्णम् wove-silk, a sik-garment; स्नानीयवस्त्र- क्रियया पत्रोर्णं वोपयुज्यते M.5.12. -उल्लासः the bud or eye of a plant. -काहला the noise or sound made by the flapping of wings or rustling of leaves. -कृच्छ्रम् a sort of penance, drinking the infusion of leaves of various plants. -गर्भा a small cake with very thin layers inside (Mar. चिरोटा). -घना a plant with full leaves (सातल). -झङ्कारः the current of a river. -तण्डुला a woman. -दारकः a saw. -नाडिका the fibre of a leaf. -न्यासः
inserting feathers (into an arrow). -परशुः a file. -पालः a long dagger, large knife. (-ली) 1 the feathered part of an arrow. -2 a pair or scissors. -पाश्या an ornament (a gold-leaf) on the forehead. -पिशाचिका An umbrella or a kind of cap made of leaves. -पुटम् a vessel of leaves; दुग्ध्वा पयः पत्रपुटे मदीयं पुत्रोपभुङ्क्ष्वेति तमादिदेश R.2.65. -पुष्पा the holy basil. -बन्धः adorning with flowers. -बा(वा)लः an oar. -भङ्गः, -भङ्गिः, -ङ्गी f. 1 drawing lines or figures of painting on the face and person with fragrant and coloured substances, such as musk, saffron, sandal-juice, yellow pigment &c., as a mark of decoration; कस्तूरीवरपत्रभङ्गनिकरो मृष्टो न गण्डस्थले Ś. Til.7. (used frequently in K.). -2 leaves or leafy branches fed to elephants; Mātaṅga L.9.1. -मालः Calamus Rotung (Mar. वेत). -यौवनम् a young leaf or sprout. -रञ्जनम् embellishing a page. -रथः a bird; Rām.3.19. 1; ज्वलन्तमग्निं तममित्रतापनः समास्तरत्पत्ररथो नदीभिः Mb.1. 32.25; व्यर्थीकृतं पत्ररथेन तेन N.3.6. ˚इन्द्रः N. of Garuḍa. ˚इन्द्रकेतुः N. of Viṣṇu; R.18.13. -लता a long knife or poniard. -रे (ले) -खा, -वल्लरी, -वल्लि:, -वल्ली f. see पत्रभङ्ग above; R.6.72;16.67; Ṛs.6.7; Śi.8.56,59; विपत्रलेखा निरलक्तकाधरा निरञ्जनाक्षीरपि विभ्रतीः श्रियम् Ki.8.4. -वाज a. furnished with feathers (as an arrow). -वाहः 1 a bird; अध्याकाशं बभ्रमुः पत्रवाहाः Śi.18.73. -2 an arrow; प्रमुखे$भिहताश्च पत्रवाहाः प्रसन्नं माधवमुक्तवत्सदन्तैः Śi.2.25. -3 a letter-carrier. -विशेषकः lines of painting &c.; see पत्रभङ्ग; स्वेदोद्गमः किंपुरुषाङ्गनानां चक्रे पदं पत्रविशेषकेषु Ku.3.33; R.3.55;9.29. -वेष्टः a kind of ear-ring; विश्लेषिमुक्ताकल- पत्रवेष्टः R.16.67. -शाकः a vegetable consisting chiefly of leaves; पत्रशाकं तु बर्हिणः Ms.12.65; Y.3.213. -शिरा the vein or fibre of a leaf. -श्रेष्ठः the Bilva tree. -सूचिः f. a thorn. -हिमम् wintry or snowy weather. |
padam | पदम् [पद्-अच्] 1 A foot (said to be m. also in this sense); पदेन on foot; शिखरिषु पदं न्यस्य Me.13; अपथे पदमर्पयन्ति हि R.9.74 'set foot on (follow) a wrong road'; 3.5;12.52; पदं हि सर्वत्र गुणैर्निधीयते 3.62 'good qualities set foot everywhere' i. e. command notice or make themselves felt; जनपदे न गदः पदमादधौ 9.4. 'no disease stepped into the country'; यदवधि न पदं दधाति चित्ते Bv.2.14; पदं कृ (a) to set foot in, on or over (lit.); शान्ते करिष्यसि पदं पुनराश्रमे$स्मिन् Ś.4.2. (b) to enter upon or into, take possession of, occupy (fig.); कृतं वपुषि नवयौवनेन पदम् K.137; कृतं हि मे कुतूहलेन प्रश्नाशया हृदि पदम् 133; so Ku.5.21; Pt.1.24; कृत्वा पदं नो गले Mu.3.26 'in defiance of us'; (lit. planting his foot on our neck); मूर्ध्नि पदं कृ 'to mount on the head of', 'to humble'; पदं मूर्ध्नि समाधत्ते केसरी मत्तदन्तिनः Pt.1.327; आकृतिविशेषेष्वादरः पदं करोति M.1 'good forms attract attention (command respect); जने सखी पदं कारिता Ś.4; 'made to have dealings with (to confide in)'; धर्मेण शर्वे पार्वतीं प्रति पदं कारिते Ku.6.14. -2 A step, pace, stride; तन्वी स्थिता कतिचिदेव पदानि गत्वा Ś.2.13; पदे पदे 'at every step'; अक्षमालामदत्त्वा पदात् पदमपि न गन्तव्यम् or चलितव्यम् 'do not move even a step' &c.; पितुः पदं मध्यममुत्पतन्ती V.1.19 'the middle pace or stride of Viṣṇu.'; i. e. the sky (for mythologically speaking, the earth, sky, and lower world are considered as the three paces of Viṣṇu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation वामनावतार); so अथात्मनः शब्दगुणं गुणज्ञः पदं विमानेन विगाहमानः R.13.1. -3 A foot-step, footprint, foot-mark; पदपङ्क्तिः Ś.3.7; or पदावली foot-prints; पदमनुविधेयं च महताम् Bh.2.28 'the foot-steps of the great must be followed'; पदैगृर्ह्यते चौरः Y.2.286. -4 A trace, mark, impression, vestige; रतिवलयपदाङ्के चापमासज्य कण्ठे Ku.2.64; Me.37,98; M.3. -5 A place, position, station; अधो$धः पदम् Bh.2.1; आत्मा परिश्रमस्य पदमुपनीतः Ś.1, 'brought to the point of or exposed to trouble'; तदलब्धपदं हृदि शोकघने R.8.91, 'found no place in (left no impression on) the heart'; अपदे शङ्कितो$स्मि M.1, 'my doubts were out of place', i. e. groundless; कृशकुटुम्बेषु लोभः पदमधत्त Dk.162; Ku.6.72;3.4; R.2.5;9.82; कृतपदं स्तनयुगलम् U.6.35, 'brought into relief or bursting forth'. -6 Dignity, rank, office, station or position; भगवत्या प्रश्निकपदमध्यासितव्यम् M.1; यान्त्येवं गृहिणीपदं युवतयः Ś.4.18, 'attain to the rank or position, &c.; स्थिता गृहिणीपदे 4.19; so सचिव˚, राज˚ &c. -7 Cause, subject, occasion, thing, matter, business, affair; व्यवहारपदं हि तत् Y.2.5; 'occasion or matter of dispute, title of law, judicial proceeding'; Ms.8.7; सतां हि सन्देहपदेषु वस्तुषु Ś.1.22; वाञ्छितफलप्राप्तेः पदम् Ratn.1.6. -8 Abode, object, receptacle; पदं दृशः स्याः कथमीश मादृशाम् Śi.1.37; 15.22; अगरीयान्न पदं नृपश्रियः Ki.2.14; अविवेकः परमापदां पदम् 2.3; के वा न स्युः परिभवपदं निष्फलारम्भयत्नाः Me.56; संपदः पदमापदाम् H.4.65. -9 A quarter or line of a stanza, verse; विरचितपदम् (गेयम्) Me.88,15; M.5.2; Ś.3.14. -1 A complete or inflected word; सुप्तिडन्तं पदम् P.I. 4.14. वर्णाः पदं प्रयोगार्हानन्वितैकार्थबोधकाः S. D.9; R.8.77; Ku.4.9. -11 A name for the base of nouns before all consonantal case-terminations except nom. singular. -12 Detachment of the Vedic words from one another, separation of a Vedic text into its several constituent words; वेदैः साङ्गपदक्रमोपनिषदैर्गायन्ति यं सामगाः Bhāg.12.13.1. -13 A pretext; अनिभृतपदपातमापपात प्रियमिति कोपपदेन कापि सख्या Śi.7.14. -14 A sqare root. -15 A part, portion or division (as of a sentence); as त्रिपदा गायत्री. -16 A measure of length. -17 Protection, preservation; ते विंशतिपदे यत्ताः संप्रहारं प्रचक्रिरे Mb.7.36.13. -18 A square or house on a chessboard; अष्टापदपदालेख्यैः Rām. -19 A quadrant. -2 The last of a series. -21 A plot of ground. -22 (In Arith.) Any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required. -23 A coin; माता पुत्रः पिता भ्राता भार्या मित्रजनस्तथा । अष्टापदपदस्थाने दक्षमुद्रेव लक्ष्यते ॥ Mb.12.298.4. (com. अष्टापदपदं सुवर्णकार्षापणः). -24 A way, road; षट्पदं नवसंख्यानं निवेशं चक्रिरे द्विजाः Mb.14.64.1. -25 Retribution (फल); ईहोपरमयोर्नॄणां पदान्यध्यात्मचक्षुषा Bhāg.7.13.2. -दः A ray of light. -Comp. -अङ्कः, चिह्नम् a foot-print. -अङ्गुष्ठः the great toe, thumb (of the foot). -अध्ययनम् study of the Vedas according to the पदपाठ q. v. -अनुग a. 1 following closely, being at the heels of (gen.). -2 suitable, agreeable to. (-गः) a follower, companion; एतान्निहत्य समरे ये चृ तस्य पदानुगाः । तांश्च सर्वान् विनिर्जित्य सहितान् सनराधिपान् ॥ Mb.3.12.6. -अनुरागः 1 a servant. -2 an army. -अनुशासनम् the science of words, grammar. -अनुषङ्गः anything added to a pada. -अन्तः 1 the end of a line of a stanza. -2 the end of a word.
-अन्तरम् another step, the interval of one step; पदान्तरे स्थित्वा Ś.1; अ˚ closely, without a pause. -अन्त्य a. final. -अब्जम्, -अम्भोजम्, -अरविन्दम्, -कमलम्, -पङ्कजम्, -पद्मम् a lotus-like foot. -अभिलाषिन् a. wishing for an office. -अर्थः 1 the meaning of a word. -2 a thing or object. -3 a head or topic (of which the Naiyāyikas enumerate 16 subheads). -4 anything which can be named (अभिधेय), a category or predicament; the number of such categories, according to the Vaiśeṣikas, is seven; according to the Sāṅkhyas, twentyfive (or twenty-seven according to the followers of Patañjali), and two according to the Vedāntins. -5 the sense of another word which is not expressed but has to be supplied. ˚अनुसमयः preforming one detail with reference to all things or persons concerned; then doing the second, then the third and so on (see अनुसमय). Hence पदार्थानुसमयन्याय means: A rule of interpretation according to which, when several details are to be performed with reference to several things or persons, they should be done each to each at a time. -आघातः 'a stroke with the foot', a kick. -आजिः a foot-soldier. -आदिः 1 the beginning of the line of a stanza. -2 the beginning or first letter of a word. ˚विद् m. a bad student (knowing only the beginnings of stanzas). -आयता a shoe. -आवली a series of words, a continued arrangement of words or lines; (काव्यस्य) शरीरं तावदिष्टार्थव्यवच्छिन्नापदावली Kāv. 1.1; मधुरकोमलकान्तपदावलीं शृणु तदा जयदेवसरस्वतीम् Gīt.1. -आसनम् a foot-stool. -आहत a. kicked. -कमलम् lotus-like foot. -कारः, -कृत् m. the author of the Padapāṭha. -क्रमः 1 walking, a pace; न चित्रमुच्चैः श्रवसः पदक्रमम् (प्रशशंस) Śi.1.52. -2 a particular method of reciting the Veda; cf. क्रम. -गः a foot-soldier. -गतिः f. gait, manner of going. -गोत्रम् a family supposed to preside over a particular class of words. -छेदः, -विच्छेदः, -विग्रहः separation of words, resolution of a sentence into its constituent parts. -च्युत a. dismissed from office, deposed. -जातम् class or group of words. -दार्ढ्यम् fixedness or security of text. -न्यासः 1 stepping, tread, step. -2 a foot-mark. -3 position of the feet in a particular attitude. -4 the plant गोक्षुर. -5 writing down verses or quarters of verses; अप्रगल्भाः पदन्यासे जननीरागहेतवः । सन्त्येके बहुलालापाः कवयो बालका इव ॥ Trivikramabhaṭṭa. -पङ्क्तिः f. 1 a line of foot-steps; द्वारे$स्य पाण्डुसिकते पदपङ्क्तिर्दृश्यते$भिनवा Ś.3.7; V.4.6. -2 a line or arrangement of words, a series of words; कृतपदपङ्क्तिरथर्वणेव वेदः Ki.1.1. -3 an iṣtakā or sacred brick. -4 a kind of metre. -पाठः an arrangement of the Vedic text in which each word is written and pronounced in its original form and independently of phonetic changes (opp. संहितापाठ). -पातः, विक्षेपः a step, pace (of a horse also). -बन्धः a foot-step, step. -भञ्जनम् analysis of words, etymology. -भञ्जिका 1 a commentary which separates the words and analyses the compounds of a passage. -2 a register, journal. -3 a calendar. -भ्रंशः dismissal from office. -माला a magical formula. -योपनम् a fetter for the feet (Ved.). -रचना 1 arrangement of words. -2 literary composition. -वायः Ved. a leader. -विष्टम्भः a step, footstep. -वृत्तिः f. the hiatus between two words. -वेदिन् a linguist, philologist. -व्याख्यानम् interpretation of words. -शास्त्रम् the science of separately written words. -संघातः (टः) 1 connecting the words which are separated in the संहिता. -2 a writer, an annotator. -संधिः m. the euphonic combination of words. -स्थ a. 1 going on foot. -2 being in a position of authority or high rank. -स्थानम् a foot-print. |
padaśaḥ | पदशः ind. 1 Step by step, gradually. -2 Word by word.
पदाजिः padājiḥ पदातः padātḥ पदातिः padātiḥ
पदाजिः पदातः पदातिः [पद्भ्यामतति, अत्-अच्] 1 A foot-soldier; 'पदातिपत्तिपदगपादातिकपदाजयः' Ak.; R. 7.37. -2 A pedestrian (walking on foot); U.5.12. -Comp. -अध्यक्षः the commander-in-chief of the infantry. -लव (पदातिलव) a. most humble. |
para | पर a. [पॄ-भावे-अप्, कर्तरि अच्-वा] (Declined optionally like a pronoun in nom. voc. pl., and abl. and loc. sing. when it denotes relative position) 1 Other, different, another; see पर m also. -2 Distant, removed, remote; अपरं भवतो जन्म परं जन्म विवस्वतः Bg.4.4. -3 Beyond, further, on the other side of; म्लेच्छदेशस्ततः परः Ms.2.23;7.158. -4 Subsequent, following, next to, future, after (usually with abl.); बाल्यात् परामिव दशां मदनो$ध्युवास R.5.63; Ku.1.31. -5 Higher, superior; सिकतात्वादपि परां प्रपेदे परमाणुताम् R.15.22; इन्द्रियाणि पराण्याहु- रिन्द्रियेभ्यः परं मनः । मनसस्तु परा बुद्धिर्यो बुद्धेः परतस्तु सः ॥ Bg.3.42. -9 Highest, greatest, most distinguished, pre-eminent, chief, best, principal; क्षत्रात् परं नास्ति Bṛi. Up.1.4.11. न त्वया द्रष्टव्यानां परं दृष्टम् Ś.2; Ki.5.18; परतो$पि परः Ku.2.14 'higher than the highest'; 6.19; Ś7.27. -7 Having as a following letter or sound, followed by (in comp.). -8 Alien, estranged, stranger. -9 Hostile, inimical, adverse, -1 Exceeding, having a surplus or remainder, left over; as in परं शतम् 'exceeding or more than a hundred. -11 Final, last. -12 (At the end of comp.) Having anything as the highest object, absorbed or engrossed in, intent on, solely devoted to, wholly engaged or occupied in; परिचर्यापरः R.1.91; so ध्यानपर, शोकपर, दैवपर, चिन्तापर &c. -रः 1 Another person, a stranger, foreigner; oft. in pl. in this sense; यतः परेषां गुणग्रहीतासि Bv.1.9; Śi.2.74; see एक, अन्य also. -2 A foe, an enemy, adversary; उत्तिष्ठमानस्तु परो नोपेक्ष्यः पथ्यभिच्छता Śi.2.1; Pt.2.158; R.3.21. -3 The Almighty; तावदध्यासते लोकं परस्य परचिन्तकाः Bhāg.3.32.8. -रम् 1 The highest point or pitch, culminating point. -2 The Supreme Sprit; तेषामादित्यवज्ज्ञानं प्रकाशयति तत् परम् Bg.5.16. -3 Final beatitude; असक्तो ह्याचरन् कर्म परमाप्नोति पूरुषः Bg.3.19. -4 The secondary meaning of a word. -5 (In logic) One of the two kinds of सामान्य or generality of notion; more extensive kind, (comprehending more objects); e. g. पृथ्वी is पर with respect to a घट). -6 The other or future world; परासक्ते च वस्तस्मिन् कथमासीन्मनस्तदा Mb.6.14.55. Note-The acc., instr. and loc. singulars of पर are used adverbially; e. g. (a) परम् 1 beyond, over, out of (with abl.); वर्त्मनः परम् R.1.17. -2 after (with abl.); अस्मात् परम् Ś.6.24; R.1.66;3.39; Me.12; भाग्यायत्त- मतः परम् Ś.4.17; ततः परम् &c. -3 thereupon, thereafter. -4 but, however. -5 otherwise. -6 in a high degree, excessively, very much, completely, quite; परं दुःखितो$स्मि &c. -7 most willingly. -8 only. -9 at the utmost. (b) परेण 1 farther, beyond, more than; किं वा मृत्योः परेण विधास्यति Māl.2.2. -2 afterwards; मयि तु कृतनिधाने किं विदध्याः परेण Mv.2.49. -3 after (with abl.) स्तन्यत्यागात् परेण U.2.7. (c) परे 1 afterwards, thereupon; अथ तेन दशाहतः परे R.8.73. -2 in future. -Comp. -अङ्गम् the hinder part of the body. -अङ्गदः an epithet of Śiva. -अणुः See परमाणु; Bhāg.1.14.11. -अदनः a horse found in the country of Persia or Arabia. -अधिकारचर्चा officiousness, meddlesomeness. -अधीन a. dependent on another, subject, subservient; अन्नमेषां पराधीनं देयं स्याद्भिन्नभाजने Ms.1.54,83; H.1.119. -अन्तः final death. (-ताः) m. (pl.) N. of a people. -अन्तकः an epithet of Śiva. -2 a frontier. -अन्तकालः the time of death; ते ब्रह्मलोकेषु परान्तकाले परामृताः परिमुच्यन्ति सर्वे Muṇḍ.3.2.6. -अन्न a. living or subsisting on another's food. (-न्नम्) the food of another; परगृहललिताः परान्नपुष्टाः Mk.4.28. ˚परिपुष्टता being fed with the food of others; Y.3.241. ˚भोजिन् a. subsisting on the food of others; रोगी चिरप्रवासी परान्नभोजी परावसथशायी । यज्जीवति तन्मरणं यन्मरणं सो$स्य विश्रामः ॥ H.1.12. -अपर a. 1 far and near, remote and proximate. -2 prior and posterior. -3 before and beyond, earlier and later. -4 higher and lower, best and worst. (-रः) a Guru of an intermediate class. (-रम्) (in logic) a property intermediate between the greatest and smallest numbers, a species (as existing between the genus and individual); e. g. पृथ्वी which is पर with _x001F_1respect to a घट is अपर with respect to द्रव्य; द्रव्यत्वादिक- जातिस्तु परापरतयोच्यते Bhāṣā. P.8. -अभिध्यानम् self-conceit; high opinion for self or body (देहाभिमान); स्वयं पराभिध्यानेन विभ्रंशितस्मृतिः Bhāg.5.14.1. -अमृतम् rain. -अयण (अयन) a. 1 attached or devoted to, adhering to. -2 depending on, subject to. -3 intent on, solely devoted to or absorbed in (at the end of comp.); प्रभुर्धनपरायणः Bh.2.56; so मोह˚; अथ मोहपरायणा सती विवशा कामवधूर्विबोधिता Ku.4.1; अग्निहोत्र˚ &c. -4 connected with. -5 being a protector (त्राता); अबर्हाश्चरणैर्हीनाः पूर्वेषां वः परायणाः Mb.1.23.4. -6 leading or conducive to. -(णम्) 1 the principal or highest objest, chief aim, best or last resort; एतत् परायणम् Praśna Up.1.1; तपसश्च परायणम् Rām.1.21.1; Mb.12.179.12. -2 essence, sum. -3 Ved. going away, departure, exit. -4 firm devotion. -5 a universal medicine, panacea. -6 a religious order. -अर्थ a. 1 having another aim or meaning. -2 intended or designed for another, done for another. (-र्थः) 1 the highest interest or advantage. -2 the interest of another (opp. स्वार्थ); स्वार्थो यस्य परार्थ एव स पुमानेकः सतामग्रणीः Subhāṣ.; R.1.29. -3 the chief or highest meaning. -4 the highest object (i.e. sexual intercourse). -5 the supreme good (मोक्ष); ज्ञात्वा प्रजहि कालेन परार्थमनुदृश्य च Mb.12.288.9. -6 Something else. Hence परार्थता or परार्थत्व means 'being subsidiary to something else; परार्थता हि गुणभावः ŚB. on MS.4.3. -7 an object which is meant for another's use (Sāṅ. Phil.); सङ्घातपरार्थत्वात् त्रिगुणादिविपर्ययादधिष्ठानात् Sāṅ. K.17. ˚वादिन् a. speaking for another; mediator, substitute. -अर्थिन् a. striving for the supreme good. (-र्थम् -र्थे)
ind. for the sake of another. -अर्धम् 1 the other part (opp. पूर्वार्ध); the latter half; दिनस्य पूर्वार्धपरार्धभिन्ना छायेव मैत्री खलसज्जनानाम् Bh.2.6. -2 a particular high number; i. e. 1,,,,,; एकत्वादिपरार्धपर्यन्ता संख्या T. S. -अर्धक a. One half of anything. -अर्ध्य a. 1 being on the farther side or half. -2 most distant in number; हेमन्तो वसन्तात् परार्ध्यः Śat. Br. -3 most excellent, best, most exalted, highly esteemed, highest, supreme; R.3.27;8.27;1.64;16;39; आबद्धप्रचुरपरार्ध्यकिंकिणीकः Śi.8.45. -4 most costly; Śi.4.11; श्रियं परार्ध्यां विदधद् विधातृभिः Bu. Ch.1.1. -5 most beautiful or lovely, finest; R.6.4; परस्परस्पर्धिपरार्ध्यरूपाः पौरस्त्रियो यत्र विधाय वेधाः Śi.3.58. -6 Divine: असावाटीत् सङ्ख्ये परार्ध्यवत् Bk.9.64. (-र्ध्यम्) 1 a maximum. -2 an infinite number. -अवर a. 1 far and near; परावराणां स्रष्टारं पुराणं परमव्ययम् Mb.1.1.23. -2 earlier and later. -3 prior and posterior or subsequent. -4 higher and lower. -5 traditional; पुनाति पङ्क्तिं वंश्यांश्च सप्त सप्त परावरान् Ms.1. 15. -6 all-including; परावरज्ञो$सि परावरस्त्वम् Mb.3.232. 18. (-रा) descendants. (-रम्) 1 cause and effect. -2 the whole extent of an idea. -3 the universe. -4 totality. ˚ज्ञ, ˚दृश् a. knowing both the past and the future; परावरज्ञो ब्रह्मर्षिः Mb.1.6.5. -अवसथ- शायिन् a. sleeping in another's house; H.1.12. -अहः the next day. -अह्णः the afternoon, the latter part of the day. -आगमः attack of an enemy. -आचित a. fostered or brought up by another. (-तः) a slave. -आत्मन् m. the Supreme Spirit. -आयत्त a. 1 dependent on another, subject, subservient; परायत्तः प्रीतेः कथमिव रसं वेत्तु पुरुषः Mu.3.4. -2 Wholly subdued or overwhelmed by. -आयुस् m. an epithet of Brahman; नाहं परायुर्ऋषयो न मरीचिमुख्या जानन्ति यद्विरचितं खलु सत्त्वसर्गाः Bhāg.8.1.12. -आविद्धः 1 an epithet of Kubera. -2 of Viṣṇu. -आश्रय a. dependent upon another. (-यः) 1 dependence upon another. -2 the retreat of enemies. (-या) a plant growing on another tree. -आसङ्गः dependence upon another. -आस्कन्दिन् m. a thief, robber. -इतर a. 1 other than inimical; i. e. friendly, kind. -2 one's own; विधाय रक्षान् परितः परेतरान् Ki.1.14. -ईशः 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 of Viṣṇu. -इष्टिः N. of Brahman. -इष्टुका a cow which has often calved. -उत्कर्षः another's prosperity. -उद्वहः the Indian cuckoo. -उपकारः doing good to others, benevolence, beneficence, charity; परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनम्. -उपकारिन् a. benevolent, kind to others. -उपजापः causing dissension among enemies; परोपजापात् संरक्षेत् प्रधानान् क्षुद्रकान् अपि Kau. A.1.13. -उपदेशः advising others; परोपदेशे पाण्डित्यम्. -उपरुद्ध a. besieged by an enemy. -उपसर्पणम् approaching another; begging. -ऊढा another's wife. -एधित a. fostered or brought up by another. (-तः) 1 a servant. -2 the (Indian) cuckoo. -कर्मन् n. service for another. ˚निरतः a servant. -कलत्रम् another's wife. ˚अभिगमनम् adultery; वरं क्लैब्यं पुसां न च परकलत्राभिगमनम् H.1.116. -कायप्रवेशनम् entering another's body (a supernatural art). -कारः The deeds of the enemy; राज्ञः समीपे परकारमाह प्रज्ञापनैषा विबि- धोपदिष्टा Kau. A.2.1. -कार्यम् another's business or work. ˚निरतः 1 a benevolent man. -2 a slave, servant. -काल a. relating to a later time, mentioned later. -कृतिः an example or precedent, a passage descriptive of the doings of men; MS.6.7.26. -क्रमः doubling the second letter of a conjunction of consonants. -क्रान्तिः f. inclination of the ecliptic. -क्षेत्रम् 1 another's body. -2 another's field; ये$क्षेत्रिणो बीजवन्तः परक्षेत्रप्रवापिणः । ते वै सस्यस्य जातस्य न लभन्ते फलं क्वचित् ॥ Ms.9.49. -3 another's wife; तौ तु जातौ परक्षेत्रे Ms.3.175. -गामिन् a. 1 being with another. -2 relating to another. -3 beneficial to another. -गुण a. beneficial to another. (-णः) the virtue of another; परगुणपरमाणून् पर्वतीकृत्य नित्यम् Bh.2.78. -ग्रन्थिः joint (as of a finger); an articulation. -ग्लानिः f. subjugation of an enemy; आत्मोदयः परग्लानिर्द्वयं नीतिरितीयती Śi.2.3. -चक्रम् 1 the army of an enemy. -2 invasion by an enemy, one of the six itis q. v. -3 a hostile prince. -छन्द a. dependent. (-दः) 1 the will of another. -2 dependence. ˚अनुवर्तनम् following the will of another. -छिद्रम् a weak or vulnerable point of another, a defect in another. -ज a. 1 stranger. -2 coming from a foe. -3 inferior. -जनः a stranger (opp. स्वजन); शक्तः परजने दाता Ms.11.9. -जन्मन् n. a future birth. -जात a. 1 born of another. -2 dependent on another for livelihood. (-तः) a servant. -जित a. 1 conquered by another. -2 maintained by another. (-तः) the (Indian) cuckoo. -तन्त्र a. dependent on another, dependent, subservient. -तन्त्रम् (a common group of) subsidiaries belonging to another; जैमिनेः परतन्त्रापत्तेः स्वतन्त्रप्रतिषेधः स्यात् MS.12.1.8. (see तन्त्रम्). -तर्ककः a suppliant, beggar; Dānasāgara, Bibliotheca Indica, 274, Fascicule 1, p.15; also परतर्कुक. -तल्पगामिन् m. One who approaches another man's wife. -तार्थिकः The adherent of another sect. -दाराः m. (pl.) another's wife; ˚अभिगमनम्, ˚अभिमर्षः Adultery. -दारिन् m. an adulterer. -दुःखम् the sorrow or grief of another; विरलः परदुःखदुःखितो जनः; महदपि परदुःखं शीतलं सम्यगाहुः V.4.13. -देवता the Supreme Being. -देशः a hostile or foreign country. -देशिन् m. a foreigner. -द्रोहिन्, -द्वेषिन् a. hating others, hostile, inimical. -धनम् another's property. -धर्मः 1 the religion of another; स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहः Bg.3.35. -2 another's duty or business. -3 the duties of another caste; परधर्मेण जीवन् हि सद्यः पतति जातितः Ms.1.97. -ध्यानम् absolute meditation or contemplation; ध्येये मनो निश्चलतां याति ध्येयं विचिन्तयत् । यत् तद् ध्यानं परं प्रोक्तं मुनिभिर्ध्यानचिन्तकैः ॥ Garuḍa P. -निपातः the irregular posteriority of a word in a compound; i. e. भूतपूर्वः where the sense is पूर्वं भूतः; so राजदन्तः, अग्न्याहितः &c. -निर्वाणम् the highest निर्वाण; (Buddh.). -पक्षः the side or party of an enemy. -पदम् 1 the highest position, eminence. -2 final beatitude. -परिग्रह a. see पराधीन; स्ववीर्यविजये युक्ता नैते पर-
परिग्रहाः Mb.7.144.22. -हः another's property (as wife &c); यथा बीजं न वप्तव्यं पुंसा परपरिग्रहे Ms.9.42-3. -परिभवः humiliation or injury suffered from others. -पाकनिवृत्त a. One who does not depend on others for his sustenance and performs the पञ्चयज्ञs faultlessly and takes food in his own house. -पाकरत a. one who depends upon others for his sustenance but performs the usual ceremonies before cooking; पञ्चयज्ञान् स्वयं कृत्वा परान्नमुपजीवति । सततं प्रातरुत्थाय परपाकरतस्तु सः ॥ -पाकरुचिः having a liking for others' food; परपाकरुचिर्न स्यादनिन्द्या- मन्त्रणादृते Y.1.112. -पिण्डः another's food, food given by another. ˚अद् a., ˚भक्षक a. one who eats another's food or one who feeds at the cost of another; यादृशो$हं परपिण्डभक्षको भूतः Mk.8.25/26; (-m.) a servant. ˚रत a. feeding upon another's food; परपिण्डरता मनुष्याः Bh. -पुरञ्जयः a conqueror, hero. -पुरुषः 1 another man, a stranger. -2 the Supreme Spirit, Viṣṇu. -3 the husband of another woman. -पुष्ट a. 1 fed or nourished by another. -2 Stranger. (-ष्टः) the (Indian) cuckoo. ˚महोत्सवः the mango tree. -पुष्टा 1 the (Indian) cuckoo. -2 a parasitical plant. -3 a harlot, prostitute. -पूर्वा a woman who has or had a former husband; Ms.3.166; पतिं हित्वा$पकृष्टं स्वमुत्कृष्टं या निषेवते । निन्द्यैव सा भवेल्लोके परपूर्वेति चोच्यते Ms.5.163. -प्रतिनप्तृ m. son of the great grand son. -प्रपौत्रः (see प्रतिनप्तृ). -प्रेष्यः a servant, menial, slave. -ब्रह्मन् n. the Supreme Spirit; cf. लीने परे ब्रह्मणि Bh. परे ब्रह्मणि को$पि न लग्नः Śaṅkara (चर्पटपञ्जरिका 7). -भागः 1 another's share. -2 superior merit. -3 good fortune, prosperity. -4 (a) excellence, superority, supremacy; दुरधिगमः परभागो यावत् पुरुषेण पौरुषं न कृतम् Pt.1.33;5.34. (b) excess, abundance, height; स्थलकमलगञ्जनं मम हृदय- रञ्जनम् जनितरतिरङ्गपरभागम् Gīt.1; आभाति लब्धपरभागतया- धरोष्ठे R.5.7; Ku.7.17; Ki.5.3;8.42; Śi.7.33; 8.51;1.86;12.15. -5 the last part, remainder. -भाव a. loving another. -भावः the being second member in a compound. -भाषा a foreign tongue. -भुक्त a. enjoyed or used by another; परभुक्तां च कान्तां च यो भुङ्क्ते स नराधमः । स पच्यते कालसूत्रे यावच्चन्द्रदिवाकरौ ॥ Brav. P. -भूत a. following, subsequent (as words). -भृत् m. a crow (said to nourish the cuckoo). -भृत a. nourished by another. -भृतः, -ता the (Indian) cuckoo; (so called because she is nourished by another i. e. by a crow); प्रागन्तरिक्षगमनात्- स्वमपत्यजातमन्यैर्द्विजैः परभृताः खलु पोषयन्ति Ś.5.22; Ku.6.2; R.9.43; Ś.4.1. -भतम् 1 another's opinion. -2 different opinion or doctrine; heterodoxy. -मर्मज्ञ a. knowing the secrets of another. -मृत्युः a crow. -रमणः a married woman's gallant or paramour; स्वाधीने पररमणे धन्यास्तारुण्यफलभाजः Pt.1.18. -लोकः the next (or furture) world; परलोकनवप्रवासिनः प्रतिपत्स्ये पदवीमहं तव Ku. 4.1. ˚गमः, ˚यानम् death. ˚विधि funeral rites; परलोक- विधौ च माधव स्मरमुद्दिश्य (निबपेः सहकारमञ्जरीः) Ku.4.38. -वश, -वश्य a. subject to another, dependent, dependent on others; सर्वं परवशं दुःखं सर्वमात्मवशं सुखम्. -वाच्यम् a fault or a defect of another; प्रकटान्यपि नैपुणं महत् परवाच्यानि चिराय गोपितुम् Śi.16.3. -वाणिः 1 a judge. -2 a year. -3 N. of the peacock of Kārtikeya. -वादः 1 rumour, report. -2 Objection, controversy. -वादिन् m. a disputant, controversialist. -वेश्मन् n. the abode of the Supreme Being. -व्रतः an epithet of Dhṛitarāṣṭra. -शब्दः a word expressive of something else; परशब्दस्य परत्र वृत्तौ तद्वद् भावो गम्यते ŚB. on MS.7.2.1. -श्वस् ind. the day after tomorrow. -संगत a. 1 associated with another. -2 fighting with another. -संज्ञकः the soul. -सवर्ण a. homogeneous with a following letter (in gram.). -सात् ind. into the hands of another. ˚कृता a woman given in marriage. -सेवा service of another. -स्त्री another's wife. -स्वम् another's property; व्यावृता यत् परस्वेभ्यः श्रुतौ तस्करता स्थिता R.1.27; Ms.7.123. ˚हरणम् seizing another's property. -हन् a. killing enemies. -हित a. 1 benevolent. -2 profitable to another. -तम् the welfare of another; सन्तः स्वयं परहिताभिहिताभियोगाः Bh. |
pariśudh | परिशुध् Caus. 1 To purify completely. -2 To explain, clear up. -3 To restore; Y.2.146. -4 To try, examine. |
parīkṣ | परीक्ष् 1 Ā. 1 To examine, look at or scrutinize carefully; अतः परीक्ष्य कर्तव्यं विशेषात् संगतं रहः Ś.5.24; सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्यतरद्भजन्ते M.1.2; Ms.9.14. -2 To test, try, put to the test; मायां मयोद्भाव्य परीक्षितो$सि R.2.65; यत्नात्
परीक्षितः पुंस्त्वे Y.1.55 'carefully tested as to potency'. -3 To observe, perceive. |
palāśa | पलाश a. 1 Green. -2 Unkind, cruel. -शः A demon. -2 N. of the Magadha country. -3 N. of a tree, Butea Frondosa (also called किंशुक); नवपलाशपलाशवनं पुरः Śi.6.2. -शम् 1 The flower or blossom of this tree; बालेन्दु- वक्राण्यविकाशभावाद् बभुः पलाशान्यतिलोहितानि Ku.3.29. -2 A leaf or petal in general; भीष्मपर्वमहाशाखो द्रोणपर्वपलाशवान् Mb.1.1.89; विभिन्नमम्भोजपलाशशोभया Ki.4.27; चलत्पला- शान्तरगोचरास्तरोः Śi.1.21;6.2. -3 The green colour. -4 A finger (?) Gīrvāṇa; यत्पादपङ्कजपलाशविलासभक्त्या Bhāg.4.22.39. -शी Lac. |
pāka | पाक a. 1 Small. -2 Praiseworthy. -3 Of perfected or matured intellect. -4 Ved. Very young. -5 Simple, genuine. -6 Honest, sincere. -7 Ignorant. -कः [पच्-घञ्1 Cooking, dressing, baking, boiling. -2 Burning, (as bricks), baking; पुनः पाकेन मृन्मयम् (शुद्ध्यति) Ms. 5.122; Y.1.187; एक एवायमर्थः पाको नाम । तस्यार्थान्तरे वैरूप्यं भवति । अन्यथालक्षण ओदनस्य पाकः अन्यथालक्षणो गुडस्य । ŚB. on Ms.7.2.2. -3 Digestion (as of food); रूपं चक्षुस्तथा पाकस्त्रिविधं तेज उच्यते Mb.12.194.1. -4 Ripeness; ओषध्यः फलपाकान्ताः Ms.1.46; फलमभिमुखपाकं राज- जम्बूद्रुमस्य V.4.27; Māl.9.31. -5 Maturity, full or perfect development; धी˚, मति˚ -6 Completion, accomplishment, fulfilment; युयोज पाकाभिमुखैर्भृत्यान् विज्ञापनाफलैः R.17.4. -7 Result, consequence, fruit, fruition (fig. also); आशीर्भिरेधयामासुः पुरः पाकाभिरम्बिकाम् Ku.6.9; पाकाभिमुखस्य दैवस्य U.7.4; Mv.4.14. -8 Development of the consequences of acts done. -9 Grain, corn, नीवारपाकादि R.5.9. (d>पच्यते इति पाकः धान्यम्). -1 Ripeness; suppuration (as of a boil). -11 Greyness of hair caused by old age. -12 A domestic fire. -13 An owl. -14 A child, young one. -15 N. of a demon killed by Indra. -16 An abscess, ulcer. -17 A vessel, cookingutensil. -18 General fear and panic such as causes a revolution or some national calamity. -19 The subversion of a country. -2 Inflammation, suppuration. -Comp. -अगारः, -रम्, -आगारः, -रम्, -शाला, -स्थानम् a kitchen. -अतीसारः chronic dysentery. -अत्ययः obscuration of the cornea after inflammation. -अभिमुख a. 1 ready for ripeness or development; युयोज पाकाभिमुखै- र्भृत्यान् विज्ञापनाफलैः R.17.4. -2 inclined to favour; -कुटी a potter's kiln, pottery. -क्रिया the act of cooking. -ज a. produced by heat. (-जम्) 1 black salt. -2 flatulence. -पण्डितः a master in the art of cooking. -पात्रम्, -भाण्डम् a cooking-utensil. -पुटी a potter's kiln. -भेदकः a particular class of criminals. -यज्ञः a simple or domestic sacrifice (for some varieties of it-हुत, प्रहुत, ब्रह्मयज्ञ-- see Kull. on Ms.2.143); वर्तन्ते पाकयज्ञाश्च यज्ञकर्म च नित्यदा Mb.3.3.15. (com. पाकयज्ञाः गृह्याग्निसाध्या इष्टयः); Bhāg.6.19.24. -शासनः, -द्विष्, -हन्तृ m. epithets of Indra; तत्र निश्चित्य कन्दर्पमगमत् पाकशासनः Ku.2. 63; Ki.11.1. -शासनिः 1 an epithet of Jayanta, son of Indra. -2 of Vāli. -3 of Arjuna. -शास्त्रम् the science of cooking. -शुक्ला chalk; पाकशुक्ला शिलाधातुः कडिनी करवटी खडी Śabdachandrikā. -स्थानम् 1 a kitchen. -2 a potter's kiln. |
pāñcāla | पाञ्चाल a. (-ली f.) Belonging to or ruling over the Pañchālas. -लः 1 The country of the Pañchālas. -2 A prince of the Pañchālas. -लाः m. (pl.) 1 The people of the Pañchālas. -2 An association of five guilds (i e. of a carpenter, weaver, barber, washerman, and shoe-maker). |
pāñcālaka | पाञ्चालक a. Belonging to the people of the Pañchālas. -कः A king of that country. |
pāṭaḥ | पाटः 1 Extension, breadth. -2 (In geometry) The intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular, or the figure formed by such intersection. -टा 1 A series, order. -2 A species of plant. |
pāṇḍuriman | पाण्डुरिमन् m. Paleness, white or pale colour.
पाण़्ड्यकवाटकम् pāṇ&tod;ḍyakavāṭakam
पाण़्ड्यकवाटकम् A gem from the country of पाड्य- कवाटक; Kau. A.2.1.29. |
pāṇḍyāḥ | पाण्ड्याः m. (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants; तस्यामेव रघोः पाण्ड्याः प्रतापं न विषेहिरे R.4.49. -ण्ड्यः A king of that country; पाण्ड्यो$यमंसार्पितलम्बहारः R.6.6. |
pādātaḥ | पादातः A foot-soldier; पादातानां भ्रेजिरे खड्गलेखः Śi.18.4. -तम् Infantry.
पादातिः pādātiḥ पादातिकः pādātikḥ पादाविकः pādāvikḥ
पादातिः पादातिकः पादाविकः A foot-soldier. |
pāradeśya | पारदेश्य a. (-श्यी f.) Belonging to a foreign country, foreign. -श्यः 1 A foreigner. -2 A traveller. |
pārirakṣakaḥ | पारिरक्षकः A religious mendicant, an ascetic.
पारिवित्त्यम् pārivittyam पारिवेत्र्यम् pārivētryam
पारिवित्त्यम् पारिवेत्र्यम् Being unmarried while a younger brother is married.
पारिव्राजकम् pārivrājakam पारिव्राज्यम् pārivrājyam
पारिव्राजकम् पारिव्राज्यम् The wandering life of a religious mendicant, asceticism. |
pālāśa | पालाश a. (-शी f.) [पलाश-अण्] 1 Belonging to or coming from the Palāśa tree. -2 Made of the wood of the Palāśa tree; Ms.2.45. -3 Green; पालाश-ताम्रासित- कर्बुराणाम् Bṛi. S. -शः The green colour. -Comp. -खण्डः, -षण्डः an epithet of the Magadha country. -विधिः Burning a human corpse with Pālāśa wood in case it is not burnt in the normal course. Śabda Chi. |
pīṭham | पीठम् 1 A seat (a stool, chair, bench, sofa &c.); जवेन पीठादुदतिष्ठदच्युतः Śi.1.12; R,4.84;6.15. -2 The seat of a religious student made of Kuśa grass. -3 The seat of a deity, an altar. -4 A pedestal in general, basis. -5 A particular posture in sitting. -6 (In geometry) The complement of a segment. -7 N. of various temples; पीठं जालंधरं नाम तिष्ठत्यत्र चतुर्मुख Yogaśikhopaniṣad, 5.11. -8 A royal seat, throne. -9 A district, province. -Comp. -अधिकारः appointment to an office. -केलिः a male confidant, a parasite. -ग a. 1 lame, crippled. -2 seated in one's seat (not a warrior); यो$पि स्यात् पठिगः कश्चित् किं पुनः समरे स्थितः Mb.3.22.24 (com. पीठगः स्वासनस्थः अयुद्धमानो$पीत्यर्थः ।). -गर्भः the cavity in the pedestal of an idol. -चक्रम् a carriage. -नायिका a girl of fourteen (before menstruation) who represents Durgā at the festival of that goddess. -भूः f. basis, basement. -मर्द a. very impudent. -र्दः 1 a companion, parasite, one who assists the hero of a drama in great undertakings, e. g. in securing his mistress; Dk.2.2; so पीठमर्दिका 'a lady who assists the heroine in securing her lover'; उपस्थिता पीठमर्दिकां पण्डितकौशिकीं पुरस्कृत्य देवी M.1.13/14. -2 a dancing master who instructs courtezans in the art of dancing. -सर्प a. lame, crippled; Ms.8.394; कर्तव्ये पुरुषव्याघ्र किमास्से पीठसर्पवत् Mb.3.35.22. |
puṇḍraḥ | पुण़्ड्रः [पुण्ड्-भेदने रक् Uṇ 2.13] 1 A kind of sugarcane (red variety). -2 A lotus in general. -3 A white lotus -4 A mark or line (on the fore-head) made with sandal &c., sectarial mark; उत्थं तत् पुण्ड्रमूर्ध्वं जनिमरणतमः खण्डनं मण्डनं च Viṣṇupād Stotra 43. -5 A worm. -6 The Atimukta creeper. -ण्ड्राः (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants. -Comp. -केलिः an elephant. |
puttalaḥ | पुत्तलः ली 1 An image, idol, a statue, effigy. -2 A doll, puppet. -Comp. -दहनम्, -विधिः burning an effigy in place of the body of one who has died abroad or whose corpse is lost. -पूजा idolatry.
पुत्तलकः puttalakḥ पुत्तलिका puttalikā
पुत्तलकः पुत्तलिका A doll &c. |
putrin | पुत्रिन् a. (-णी f.) Having a son or sons; अविघ्नमस्तु ते स्थेयाः पितेव धुरि पुत्रिणाम् R.1.91; V.5.14. -m. The father of a son. -णी 1 The mother of a son. -2 A parasitical plant.
पुत्रिय putriya पुत्रीय putrīya पुत्र्य putrya
पुत्रिय पुत्रीय पुत्र्य a. Relating to a son, filial. |
puṣpam | पुष्पम् [पुष्प् विकाशे-अच्] 1 A flower, blossom; पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति Bg.9.26. -2 The menstrual discharge; as in पुष्पवती q. v. -3 A topaz (पुष्पराग); Rām.2.94.6. -4 A disease of the eyes (albugo). -5 The car or vehicle of Kubera; see पुष्पक. -6 Gallantry, politeness (in love language). -7 Expanding, blooming, blossoming (said to be m. in this sense). -Comp. -अग्रम् pistil. -अञ्जनम् 1 calx of brass used as a collyrium. -2 A white flower-like substance which appears when zinc is mixed with copper and heated for preparing brass. -3 Zinc oxide (Mar. जस्तफूल). -अञ्जलिः a handful of flowers. -अनुगम् a powder promoting menstruation. -अभिषेक = ˚स्नान q. v. -अम्बु the honey of flowers. -अम्बुजम् the sap of flowers. -अवचयः collecting or gathering flowers. -अवचायिन् = पुष्पाजीव q. v. -अस्त्रः an epithet of the god of love. -आकर a. rich or abounding in flowers; मासो नु पुष्पाकरः V.1.9. -आगमः the spring. -आजीवः a florist, garland-maker. -आननः a kind of liquor. -आपीडः a chaplet of flowers. -आयुधः, -इषुः the god of love; पुष्पायुधं दुराधर्षम् Mb.1. 172.17; Mahimna 23. -आसवम् honey. -आसारः a shower of flowers; पुष्पासारैः स्नपयतु भवान् व्योमगङ्गाजलार्द्रैः Me.45. -आस्तरकः, -आस्तरणम् the art of strewing flowers (one of the 64 Kalās). -उद्गमः appearance of flowers. -उद्यानम् a flower-garden. -उपजीविन् m. a florist, gardener, garland-maker. -करण्डकम् N. of the garden of Ujjayinī. -करण्डिनी N. of the city, Ujjayinī. -कालः 1 'flower-time', the spring. -2 the time of the menses. -कासीसम् green (or black) sulphate of iron. -कीटः a large black bee. -केतनः, -केतुः the god of love. (-n.) 1 calx of flowers. -2 vitriol (used as a collyrium). -गण्डिका N. of a kind of farce (in which men act as women and women as men); S. D. -गृहम् a flowerhouse, conservatory. -घातकः the bamboo. -चयः 1 gathering flowers -2 a quantity of flowers. -चापः the god of love. -चामरः a kind of cane. -जम् the juice of flowers. -दः a tree. -दन्तः 1 N. of an attendant of Śiva. -2 N. of the author of the Mahimnastotra. -3 N. of the elephant presiding over the northwest; शुद्धाक्षमैन्द्रं भल्लाटं पुष्पदन्तं तथैव च Hariv. -4 the sun and moon (dual). -दामन् n. a garland of flowers. -द्रवः 1 the sap or exudation of flowers. -2 an infusion of flowers. -द्रुमः a flowering tree. -धः the offspring of an outcast Brāhmaṇa; cf. व्रात्यात् तु जायते विप्रात् पापात्मा भूर्जकण्टकः । आवन्त्यवाटधानौ च पुष्पधः शैख एव च ॥ Ms.1.21. -धनुस्, -धन्वन् m. the god of love; द्रुतमेत्य पुष्पधनुषो धनुषः Śi.9.41; शतमखमुपतस्थे प्राञ्जलिः पुष्पधन्वा Ku.2.64. -धरः a. bearing flowers. -धारणः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -ध्वजः the god of love. -निक्षः a bee. -निर्यासः, -निर्यासकः the sap, nectar, or juice of flowers. -नेत्रम् the tube of a flower. -पत्रिन् m. the god of love. -पथः, -पदवी the vulva. -पुटः the calyx of a flower. -2 (in music) a particular position in dancing. -पुरम् N. of Pāṭaliputra; प्रासादवातायनसंश्रितानां नेत्रोत्सवं पुष्पपुराङ्गनानाम् R.6.24. -प्रचयः, -प्रचायः the plucking or gathering of flowers. -प्रचायिका gathering of flowers. -प्रस्तारः a bed or couch of flowers. -फलः the wood-apple tree. -बटुकः a courtier, gallant; (v. l. for पुष्पनाटक), -बलिः an offering of flowers. -बाणः, -वाणः an epithet of the god of love. -भद्रः a kind of pavilion with 62 columns. -भवः the nectar or juice of flowers. -मञ्जरिका a blue lotus. -माला a garland of flowers. -मासः 1 the month of Chaitra; मम त्वयं विना वासः पुष्पमासे सुदुःसहः Rām.4.1. 41. -2 the spring; अजितभुवनस्तथा हि लेभे सिततुरगे विजयं न पुष्पमासः Ki.1.35. -यमकम् a kind of Yamaka; cf. Bk.1.14. -रजस् n. the pollen. -रथः a carriage for travelling or for pleasure (but not for war); मुख्यः पुष्परथो युक्तः किं न गच्छति ते$ग्रतः Rām.2.26.15. -रसः the nectar or juice of flowers. ˚आह्वयम् honey. -रागः, -राजः a topaz. -रेणुः pollen; वायुर्विधूनयति चम्पकपुष्पपेणून् Kavirahasya; R.1.38. -पुष्परोचनः the Nāgakesara tree. -लावः a flower-gatherer. (-वी) a female flowergatherer; Me.26. -लिक्षः, -लिह् m. a bee. -लिपिः A particular style of writing. -वर्षः, -वर्षणम् a shower of flowers; सुरभि सुरविमुक्तं पुष्पवर्षं पपात R.12.12; पुष्पवर्षो महानभूत् Rām. -वाटिका, -वाटी f. a flower-garden. -वृक्षः a tree bearing flowers. -वृष्टिः f. a shower of flowers; परस्परशरव्राताः पुष्पवृष्टिं न सेहिरे R.12.94. -वेणी a garland of flowers. -शकटिका, -शकटी a heavenly voice, voice from heaven. ˚निमित्तज्ञानम् Knowledge of the omens which result from heavenly voices (one of the 64 Kalās). -शय्या a flowery bed, a couch of flowers. -शरः, -शरासनः, -सायकः the god of love. -समयः the spring. -सारः, -स्वेदः the nectar or honey of flowers. -सारा the holy basil. -सिता a kind of sugar. -स्नानम् a kind of inauguration. -हासः 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -2 the blooming of flowers. -हासा a woman in her courses. -हीना a woman past child-bearing. |
pūrva | पूर्व a. (Declined like a pronoun when it implies relative position in time or space, but optionally so in nom. pl.; and abl. and loc. sing.) 1 Being in front of, first, foremost. -2 Eastern, easterly, to the east of; ग्रामात् पर्वतः पूर्वः Sk.; पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी वगाह्य Ku.1.1. -3 Previous to, earlier than; ब्राह्मणे साहसः पूर्वः Ms.8.276. -4 Old, ancient; पूर्वसूरिभिः R.1.4; इदं कविभ्यः पूर्वेभ्यो नमोवाकं प्रशास्महे U.1.1. -5 Former, previous, anterior, prior, antecedent (opp. उत्तर); in this sense often at the end of comp. and translated by 'formerly.' or 'before'; श्रुतपूर्व &c.; व्यतीता या निशा पूर्वा पौराणां हर्षवर्धिनी Rām.7.37.1. -6 Aforesaid, before-mentioned. -7 Initial. -8 Established, customary, of long standing -9 Early, prime, पूर्वे वयसि Pt.1.165 'in early age or prime of life. -1 Elder (ज्येष्ठ); रामः पूर्वो हि नो भ्राता भविष्यति महीपतिः Rām.2.79.8. -11 (At the end of comp.) Preceded by, accompanied by, attended with; संबन्धमा भाषणपूर्वमाहुः R.2.58; पुण्यः शब्दो मुनिरिति मुहुः केवलं राजपूर्वः Ś2.17; तान् स्मितपूर्वमाह Ku.7.47; बहुमानपूर्वया 5.31; दशपूर्वरथं यमाख्यया दशकण्ठारिगुरुं विदुर्बुधाः R.8.29; so मतिपूर्वम् Ms.11.147 'intentionally', 'knowingly'; 12.89; अबोधपूर्वम् 'unconsciously', Ś.5.2. &c. -र्वः An ancestor, a forefather; पूर्वैः किलायं परिवर्धितो नः R.13.3; पयः पूर्वैः सनिश्वासैः कवोष्णमुपभुज्यते 1.67;5.14; अनुकारिणि पूर्वेषां युक्तरूपमिदं त्वयि Ś.2.17. -र्वम् The forepart; अनवरतधनुर्ज्यास्फालनक्रूरपूर्वम् (गात्रम्) Ś.2.4. -र्वा 1 The east -2 N. of a country to the east of Madhyadeśa. -र्वम् ind. 1 Before (with abl.); मासात् पूर्वम्. -2 Formerly, previously, at first, antecedently, beforehand; तं पूर्वमभिवादयेत् Ms.2.117;3.94;8.25;; R. 12.35; प्रणिपातपूर्वम् K; भूतपूर्वखरालयम् U.2.17 'which formerly was the abode', &c.; समयपूर्वम् Ś.5. 'after a formal agreement.' -3 Immemorially. (पूर्वेण 'in front', 'before', 'to the east of', with gen. or acc.; अद्य पूर्वम् 'till-now', 'hitherto'; पूर्वः -ततः -पश्चात् -उपरि 'firstthen, first-afterwards', 'previously, subsequently', पूर्वम् -अधुना or -अद्य 'formerly-now.' -Comp. -अग्निः the sacred fire kept in the house (आवसथ्य). -अङ्गः the first day in the civil month. -अचलः, -अद्रिः the eastern mountain behind which the sun and moon are supposed to rise. -अधिकारिन् m. the first occupant, a prior owner. -अन्तः the end of a preceding word. -अपर a. 1 eastern and western; कतमो$यं पूर्वापर- समुद्रावगाढः सानुमानालोक्यते Ś.7; पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी वगाह्य Ku. 1.1. -2 first and last. -3 prior and subsequent, preceding and following. -4 connected with another. (-रम्) 1 what is before and behind. -2 connection; न च पूर्वापरं विद्यात् Ms.8.56. -3 the proof and the thing to be proved. ˚विरोधः inconsistency, incongruity. -अभि- मुख a. turned towards or facing the east. -अभ्यासः former practice or experience. -अम्बुधिः the eastern ocean. -अर्जित a. attained by former works. (-तम्) ancestral property. -अर्धः, -र्धम् 1 the first half; दिनस्य पूर्वार्धपरार्धभिन्ना छायेव मैत्री खलसज्जनानाम् Bh.2.6; समाप्तं पूर्वार्धम् &c. -2 the upper part (of the body); शकुन्तला पूर्वार्धेन शयनादुत्थाय Ś.3; R.16.6. -3 the first half of a hemistich. -अवसायिन् a. what occurs first or earlier; पूर्वावसायिनश्च बलीयांसो जघन्यावसायिभ्यः ŚB. on MS.12.2.34. -अह्णः the earlier part of the day, forenoon; Ms.4. 96,152. श्वः कार्यमद्य कुर्वीत पूर्वाह्णे चापराह्णिकम् (पूर्वाह्णतन, पूर्वा- ह्णिकः, पूर्वाह्णेतन a. relating to the forenoon). -आवेदकः a plaintiff. -आषाढा N. of the 2th lunar mansion consisting of two stars. -इतर a. western. -उक्त, -उदित a. beforementioned, aforesaid, -उत्तर a. north-eastern. (-रा) the north-east. (-रे dual) the preceding and following, antecedent and subsequent. -कर्मन् n. 1 a former act or work. -2 the first thing to be done, a prior work. -3 actions done in a former life. -4 preparations, preliminary arrangements. -कल्पः former times. -कायः 1 the fore-part of the body of animals; पश्चार्धेन प्रविष्टः शरपतनभयाद् भूयसा पूर्वकायम् Ś.1.7. -2 the upper part of the body of men; स्पृशन् करेणानतपूर्वकायम्
R.5.32; पर्यङ्कबन्धस्थिरपूर्वकायम् Ku.3.45. -काल a. belonging to ancient times. (-लः) former or ancient times. -कालिक, -कालीन a. ancient. -काष्ठा the east, eastern quarter. -कृत a. previously done. (-तम्) an act done in a former life. -कोटिः f. the starting point of a debate, the first statement or पूर्वपक्ष q. v. -क्रिया preparation. -गा N. of the river Godāvarī. -गङ्गा N. of the river Narmadā; रेवेन्दुजा पूर्वगङ्गा नर्मदा मेकलीद्रिजा Abh. Chin.183. -चोदित a. 1 aforesaid, above-mentioned. -2 previously stated or advanced (as an objection. -ज a. 1 born or produced before or formerly, first-produced, first-born; यमयोः पूर्वजः पार्थः Mb.3.141. 11. -2 ancient, old. -3 eastern. (-जः) 1 an elder brother; अपहाय महीशमार्चिचत् सदसि त्वां ननु भामपूर्वजः; Śi. 16.44; R.15.36. -2 the son of the elder wife. -3 an ancestor, a forefather; स पूर्वजानां कपिलेन रोषात् R.16.34. -4 (pl.) the progenitors of mankind. -5 the manes living in the world of the moon. (-जा) an elder sister. -जन्मन् n. a former birth. (-m.) an elder brother; स लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मणपूर्वजन्मा (विलोक्य) R.14.44.;15.95. -जातिः f. a former birth. -ज्ञानम् knowledge of a former life. -तापनीयम् N. of the first half of नृसिंहतापनीयोपनिषद्. -दक्षिण a. south-eastern. (-णा) the south-east. -दिक्पतिः Indra, the regent of the east. -दिनम् the forenoon. -दिश् f. the east. -दिश्य a. situated towards the east, eastern. -दिष्टम् the award of destiny. -दृष्ट a. 1 primæval. -2 declared by the ancients; यथा ब्राह्मण- चाण्डालः पूर्वदृष्टस्तथैव सः Ms.9.87. -देवः 1 an ancient deity. -2 a demon or Asura; भूमिदेवनरदेवसंगमे पूर्वदेवरिपुरर्हणां हरिः Śi.14.58. -3 a progenitor (पितृ). -4 (du.) an epithet of Nara-Nārāyaṇa; सव्यसाचिन् महाबाहो पूर्वदेव सनातन Mb.3. 41.35. (com. पूर्वदेव नरनारायणसख). -देवता a progenitor (पितृ) of gods or of men; अक्रोधनाः शौचपराः सततं ब्रह्म- चारिणः । न्यस्तशस्त्रा महाभागाः पितरः पूर्वदेवताः ॥ Ms.3.192. -देशः the eastern country, or the eastern part of India. -द्वार a. favourable in the eastern region. -निपातः the irregular priority of a word in a compound; cf. परनिपात. -निमित्त an omen. -निविष्ट a. made formerly, in past; यस्तु पूर्वनिविष्टस्य तडागस्योदकं हरेत् Ms.9.281. -पक्षः 1 the fore-part or side. -2 the first half of a lunar month; सर्वं पूर्वपक्षापरपक्षाभ्यामभिपन्नम् Bṛi. Up.3.1.5. -3 the first part of an argument, the prima facie argument or view of a question; विषयो विशयश्चैव पूर्वपक्षस्तथोत्तरम्. -4 the first objection to an argument. -5 the statement of the plaintiff. -6 a suit at law. -7 an assertion, a proposition. ˚पादः the plaint, the first stage of a legal proceeding. -पदम् the first member of a compound or sentence. -पर्वतः the eastern mountain behind which the sun is supposed to rise. -पश्चात्, -पश्चिम ind. from the east to the west. -पाञ्चालक a. belonging to the eastern Pañchālas. -पाणिनीयाः m. (pl.) the disciples of Pāṇini living in the east. -पालिन् m. an epithet of Indra. -पितामहः a forefather, an ancestor; अब्रवीद् हि स मां क्रुद्धस्तव पूर्वपितामहः । मूत्रश्लेष्माशनः पाप निरयं प्रतिपत्स्यसे ॥ Mb.12.3.21. -पीठिका introduction. -पुरुषः 1 an epithet of Brahmā. -2 anyone of the first three ancestors, beginning with the father (पितृ, पितामह, and प्रपितामह); Pt.1.89. -3 an ancestor in general. -पूर्व a. each preceding one. (-र्वाः) m. (pl.) forefathers. -प्रोष्ठपदा = पूर्वभाद्रपदा; Mb.13.89.13. -फल्गुनी the eleventh lunar mansion containing two stars. ˚भवः an epithet of the planet Jupiter. -बन्धुः first or best friend; Mk. -भवः a former life. -भागः 1 the forepart. -2 the upper part. -भा(भ)द्रपदा the twentyfifth lunar mansion containing two stars. -भावः 1 priority. -2 prior or antecedent existence; येन सहैव यस्य यं प्रति पूर्वभावो$वगम्यते Tarka K. -3 (Rhet.) disclosing an intention. -भाषिन् a. willing to speak first; hence polite, courteous. -भुक्तिः f. prior occupation or possession; Ms.8.252. -भूत a. preceding, previous. -मध्याह्नः the forenoon. -मारिन् a. dying before; एवंवृत्तां सवर्णां स्त्रीं द्विजातिः पूर्वमारिणीम् (दाहयेत्) Ms.5.167. -मीमांसा 'the prior or first Mīmāṁsā', an inquiry into the first or ritual portion of the Veda, as opposed to the उत्तरमीमांसा or वेदान्त; see मीमांसा. -मुख a. having the face turned towards the east. -याम्य a. south-eastern. -रङ्गः the commencement or prelude of a drama, the prologue; यन्नाठ्यवस्तुनः पूर्वं रङ्गविघ्नोपशान्तये । कुशीलवाः प्रकुर्वन्ति पूर्वरङ्गः स उच्यते ॥ D. R; पूर्वरङ्गं विधायैव सूत्रधारो निवर्तते S. D.283; पूर्वरङ्गः प्रसंगाय नाटकीयस्य वस्तुनः Śi.2.8. (see Malli. thereon). -रागः the dawning or incipient love, love between two persons which springs (from some previous cause) before their meeting; श्रवणाद् दर्शनाद् वापि मिथः संरूढरागयोः । दशाविशेषोयो$प्राप्तौ पूर्वरागः स उच्यते ॥ S. D.214. -रात्रः the first part of the night (from dusk to midnight). -रूपम् 1 indication of an approaching change; an omen. -2 a symptom of occuring disease. -3 the first of two concurrent vowels or consonants that is retained. -4 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech which consists in describing anything as suddenly resuming its former state. -लक्षणम् a symptom of coming sickness. -वयस् a. young. (-n.) youth. -वर्तिन् a. existing before, prior, previous. -वाक्यम् (in dram.) an allusion to former utterance. -वादः the first plea or commencement of an action at law; पूर्ववादं परित्यज्य यो$न्यमालम्बते पुनः । पदसंक्रमणाद् ज्ञेयो हीनवादी स वै नरः ॥ Mitā. -वादिन् m. the complainant or plaintiff. -विद् a. knowing the events of the past; historian; पृथोरपीमां पृथिवीं भार्यां पूर्वविदो विदुः Ms.9.44. -विप्रतिषेधः the conflict of two statements contrary to each other. -विहित a. deposited before. -वृत्तम् 1 a former event; पूर्ववृत्तकथितैः पुराविदः सानुजः पितृ- सखस्य राघवः (अह्यमानः) R.11.1. -2 previous conduct. -वैरिन् a. one who first commences hostilities, an aggressor. -शारद a. relating to the first half of autumn. -शैलः see पूर्वपर्वत. -सक्थम् the upper part of the thigh. P. V.4.98. -संचित a. gathered before (as in former birth); त्यजेदाश्वयुजे मासि मुन्यन्नं पूर्वसंचितम् Ms.6.15. -सन्ध्या daybreak, dawn; रजनिमचिरजाता पूर्वसंध्या सुतैव (अनुपतति) Si.11.4. -सर a. going in front. -सागरः
the eastern ocean; स सेनां महतीं कर्षन् पूर्वसागरगामिनीम् R.4.32. -साहसः the first of the three fines; स दाप्यः पूर्वसाहसम् Ms.9.281. -स्थितिः f. former or first state. |
pauṃścalyam | पौंश्चल्यम् Harlotry, female incontinence; पौंश्चल्याच्चल- चित्ताच्च नैस्नेह्याच्च स्वभावतः । रक्षिता यत्नतो$पीह भर्तृष्वेता विकुर्वते ॥ Ms.9.15. |
pauṇḍraḥ | पौण्ड्रः 1 N. of a country. -2 A king or inhabitant of that country; पौण्ड्रश्च बलिनां वरः Hariv. -3 A kind of sugar-cane. -4 A sectarial mark. -5 N. of the conchshell of Bhīma; पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशङ्खं भीमकर्मा वृकोदरः Bg.1. 15. -Comp. -वर्धनः (पौण्ड्रम् इक्षुविशेषं वर्धयति) N. of the country of Bihar. |
paura | पौर a. (-री f.) [पुरे वसति शैषिको अण्] 1 Relating to a city or town, produced in a town, civic. -2 Ved. Filling one's own belly. -रः 1 A townsman, citizen, (opp. जानपद); Ku.6.41; R.2.1,74;12.3;16.9. -2 A term applied to a prince engaged in war under particular circumstances. -3 A planet in a state of opposition to other planets. -री The language of the servants in a palace. -रम् A sort of grass (रोहिष). -Comp. -अङ्ना, -योषित् f., -स्त्री a woman living in a town; विद्युद्दामस्फुरितचकितैर्यत्र पौराङ्गनानां लोलापाङ्गैर्यदि न रमसे लोचनैर्वञ्चितो$सि Me.27. -कार्यम् public business; अर्थजातस्य गणनाबहुलतयैकमेव पौरकार्यमवेक्षितम् Ś.6. -जनः, -लोकः 1 a citizen. -2 citizens, burghers. -जानपद a. belonging to town and country. -दाः (pl.) citizens and rustics, townsmen and country people; कथं दुर्जनाः पौरजानपदाः U.1. -वृद्धः an eminent citizen, an elder man. -सख्यम् fellow-citizenship; दशाब्दाख्यं पौरसख्यम् Ms.2.134. |
paurava | पौरव a. (-वी f.) [पुरोर्गोत्रापत्यम् अण्] Descended from Puru; पौरवेणाथ वयसा राजा यौवनमास्थितः Mb.1.75.46. -वः 1 A descendant of Puru; Ś.5. -2 N. of a country or people in the north of India. -2 An inhabitant or ruler of that country. |
paurikaḥ | पौरिकः A country in the South. |
prakṛtiḥ | प्रकृतिः f. 1 The natural condition or state of anything, nature, natural form (opp. विकृति which is a change or effect); तं तं नियममास्थाय प्रकृत्या नियताः स्वया Bg. 7.2. प्रकृत्या यद्वक्रम् Ś1.9; उष्णत्वमग्न्यातपसंप्रयोगात् शैत्यं हि यत् सा प्रकृतिर्जलस्य R.5.54; मरणं प्रकृतिः शरीरिणां विकृति- र्जीवितमुच्यते बुधैः R.8.87; U.7.19; अपेहि रे अत्रभवान् प्रकृतिमापन्नः Ś.2. 'has resumed his wonted nature'; प्रकृतिम् आपद् or प्रतिपद् or प्रकृतौ स्था 'to come to one's senses', 'regain one's consciousness.' -2 Natural disposition, temper, temperament, nature, constitution; प्रकृतिः खलु सा महीयसः सहते नान्यसमुन्नतिं यया Ki.2.21; कथं गत एव आत्मनः प्रकृतिम् Ś.7. 'natural character'; अपश्यत् पाण्डवश्रेष्ठो हर्षेण प्रकृतिं गतः Mb.39.66 (com. प्रकृतिं स्वास्थ्यम्); so प्रकृतिकृपण, प्रकृतिसिद्ध; see below. -3 Make, form, figure; महानुभावप्रकृतिः Māl.1. -4 Extraction, descent; गोपालप्रकृतिरार्यको$स्मि Mk.7. -5 Origin, source, original or material cause, the material of which anything is made; नार्थानां प्रकृतिं वेत्सि Mb.4.49.1; प्रकृतिश्चोपादानकारणं च ब्रह्माभ्युपगन्तव्यम् Ś. B. (see the full discussion on Br. Sūt.1.4.23); यामाहुः सर्वभूतप्रकृतिरिति Ś.1.1; Bhāg.4.28.24. -6 (In Sāṅ. phil.) Nature (as distinguished from पुरुष,) the original source of the material world, consisting of the three essential qualities सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्. It is also mentioned as one of the four contentments; प्रकृत्युपादानकालभागाख्याः Sāṅ. K.5. -7 (In gram.) The radical or crude form of a word to which case-terminations and other affixes are applied; प्रकृतिप्रत्यययोरिवानुबन्धः Ki.13.19. -8 A model, pattern, standard, (especially in ritualistic works); Bhāg.5.7.5. -9 A woman. -1 The personified will of the Supreme Spirit in the creation (identified with माया or illusion); मयाध्यक्षेण प्रकृतिः सूयते सचराचरम् Bg.9.1. -11 The male or female organ of generation. -12 A mother. -13 (In arith.) A coefficient, or multiplier. -14 (In anatomy) Temperament of the humours; प्रकृतिं यान्ति भूतानि निग्रहः किं करिष्यति Bg.3.33. -15 An animal. -16 An artisan. -17 The Supreme Being; न ह्यस्ति सर्वभूतेषु दुःख- मस्मिन् कुतः सुखम् । एवं प्रकृतिभूतानां सर्वसंसर्गयायिनाम् ॥ Mb.12. 152.16. -18 Eight forms of the Supreme Being; भूमि- रापो$नलो वायुः खं मनो बुद्धिरेव च । अहंकार इतीयं मे भिन्ना प्रकृति-
रष्टधा ॥ Bg.7.4. -19 The way of life (जीवन); सतां वै ददतो$न्नं च लोके$स्मिन् प्रकृतिर्ध्रुवा Mb.12.18.27. (pl.) 1 A king's ministers, the body of ministers or counsellors, ministry; अथानाथाः प्रकृतयो मातृबन्धुनिवासिनम् R.12.12; Pt.1.48; अशुद्धप्रकृतौ राज्ञि जनता नानुरज्यते 31. -2 The subjects (of a king); प्रवर्ततां प्रकृतिहिताय पार्थिवः Ś.7.35; नृपतिः प्रकृतीरवेक्षितुम् R.8.18,1. -3 The constituent elements of the state (सप्ताङ्गानि), i. e. 1 the king; -2 the minister; -3 the allies; -4 treasure; -5 army; -6 territory; -7 fortresses &c.; and the corporations of citizens (which is sometimes added to the 7); स्वाम्यमात्य- सुहृत्कोशराष्ट्रदुर्गबलानि च Ak. -4 The various sovereigns to be considered in case of war; (for full explanation see Kull. on Ms.7.155 and 157). -5 The eight primary elements out of which everything else is evolved according to the Sāṅkhyas; see Sāṅ. K.3. -6 The five primary elements of creations (पञ्चमहाभूतानि) i. e. पृथ्वी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश; प्रकृतिं ते भजिष्यन्ति नष्टप्रकृतयो मयि Mb.5.73.17. -Comp. -अमित्रः an ordinary foe; प्रकृत्यमित्रानुत्थाप्य Dk.2.4. -ईशः a king or magistrate. -कल्याण a. beautiful by nature. -कृपण a. naturally slow or unable to discern; Me.5. -गुणः one of the three constituent qualities of nature; see गुण. -ज a. innate, inborn, natural. -तरल a. fickle by nature, naturally inconsistent; प्रकृतितरले का नः पीडा गते हतजीविते Amaru.3. -पाठः a list of verbal roots (धातुपाठ). -पुरुषः a minister, a functionary (of the state); जानामि त्वां प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं मघोनः Me.6. -2 a standard or model of a man. -षौ nature and spirit. -भाव a. natural, usual. (-वः) natural or original state. -भोजनम् usual food. -मण्डलम् the whole territory of kingdom; अधिगतं विधिवद्यदपालयत् प्रकृतिमण्डलमात्म- कुलोचितम् R.9.2. -लयः absorption into the Prakṛiti, dissolution of the universe. -विकृतिः mutation of the original form. -श्रैष्ठ्यम् superiority of origin; Ms. 1.3. -सिद्ध a. inborn, innate, natural; सुजनबन्धुजने- ष्वसहिष्णुता प्रकृतिसिद्धमिदं हि दुरात्मनाम् Bh.2.52. -सुभग a. naturally lovely or agreeable. -स्थ a. 1 being in the natural state or condition, natural, genuine; दृष्ट्वा चाप्रकृतिस्थां ताम् Rām.7.58.17. -2 inherent, innate, incidental to nature; रघुरप्यजयद् गुणत्रयं प्रकृतिस्थं समलोष्ट- काञ्चनः R.8.21. -3 healthy, in good health. -4 recovered. -5 come to oneself. -6 stripped of everything, bare. |
prakramaḥ | प्रक्रमः 1 A step, stride. -2 A pace considered as a measure of distance. -3 Commencement, beginning. -4 (a) Stepping forward, proceeding. (b) Procedure, course; को$यं विधेः प्रक्रमः Māl.5.24. -5 The case in question. -6 Leisure, opportunity. -7 Regularity, order, method. -8 Degree, proportion, measure. -9 The reading of the Kramapāṭha. -1 Discussing any point in question. -Comp. -तृतीयम् the third of a square pace. -भङ्गः want of symmetry of regularity, the breaking of arrangement, regarded as a fault of composition. (It is the same as भग्नप्रक्रमता mentioned in K. P.7, the break of symmetry being either in expresion or construction; नाथे निशाया नियतेर्नियोगादस्तं गते हन्त निशापि याता is an instance of the former, where गता निशापि would relieve the irregularity of expression; and विश्रब्धं क्रियतां वराहततिभिर्मुस्ताक्षतिः पल्वले is an instance of the latter, where the symmetry of the verse requires the active instead of the passive construction, and the fault may be removed by reading the line as विश्रब्धा रचयन्तु शूकरवरा मुस्ताक्षतिं पल्वले; see K. P.7 under भग्नप्रक्रमता for further datails. -निरुद्ध a. stopped in the beginning. |
prati | प्रति ind. 1 As a prefix to verbs it means (a) towards, in the direction of; (b) back, in return, again; तष्ठेदानीं न मे जीवन् प्रतियास्यसि दुर्मते Rām.7.18.13; (c) in opposition to, against, counter; (d) upon, down upon; (see the several roots with this preposition). -2 As a prefix to nouns not directly derived from verbs it means (a) likeness, resemblance, equality; (b) opposite, of the opposite side; प्रतिबल Ve.3.5. 'the opposing force'; so प्रतिद्विपाः Mu.2.13; (c) rivalry; as in प्रतिचन्द्रः 'a rival moon'; प्रतिपुरुषः &c. -3 As a separable preposition (with acc.) it means (a) towards, in the direction of, to; तौ दम्पती स्वां प्रति राजधानीं प्रस्थापयामास वशी वसिष्ठः R.2.7;1. 75; प्रत्यनिलं विचेरु Ku.3.31; वृक्षं प्रति विद्योतते विद्युत् Sk.; (b) against, counter, in opposition to, opposite; तदा यायाद् रिपुं प्रति Ms.7.171; प्रदुदुवुस्तं प्रति राक्षसेन्द्रम् Rām.; ययावजः प्रत्यरिसैन्यमेव R.7.55; (c) in comparison with, on a par with, in proportion to, a match for; त्वं सहस्राणि प्रति Ṛv.2.1.8; (d) near, in the vicinity of, by, at, in, on; समासेदुस्ततो गङ्गां शृङ्गवेरपुरं प्रति Rām.; गङ्गां प्रति; (e) at the time, about, during; आदित्यस्योदयं प्रति Mb; फाल्गुनं वाथ चैत्रं वा मासौ प्रति Ms.7.182; (f) on the side of, in favour of, to the lot of; यदत्र मां प्रति स्यात् Sk.; हरं प्रति हलाहलं (अभवत्) Vop.; (g) in each, in or at every, severally (used in a distributive sense); वर्षं प्रति, प्रतिवर्षम्; यज्ञं प्रति Y.1.11; वृक्षं वृक्षं प्रति सिञ्चति Sk.; (h) with regard or reference to, in relation to, regarding, concerning, about, as to; न हि मे संशीतिरस्या दिव्यतां प्रति K.132; चन्द्रोपरागं प्रति तु केनापि विप्रलब्धासि Mu.1; धर्मं प्रति Ś.5.18; मन्दौत्सुक्यो$स्मि नगरगमनं प्रति Ś.1; Ku.6.27; 7.83; त्वयैकमीशं प्रति साधु भाषितम् 5.81; Y.1.218; R.6. 12;1.29;12.51; (i) according to, in conformity with; मां प्रति in my opinion; (j) before, in the presence of; (k) for, on account of. -4 As a separable preposition (with abl.) it means either (a) a representative of, in place of, instead of; प्रद्युम्नः कृष्णात् प्रति Sk.; संग्रामे यो नारायणतः प्रति Bk.8.89; or (b) in exchange or return for; तिलेभ्यः प्रति यच्छति माषान् Sk.; भक्तेः प्रत्यमृतं शंभोः Vop. -5 As the first member of Avyayībhāva compound it usually means (a) in or at every; as प्रतिसंवत्सरम् 'every year', प्रतिक्षणम्, प्रत्यहम् &c.; (b) towards, in the direction of; प्रत्यग्नि शलभा डयन्ते. -6 प्रति is sometimes used as the last member of Avyayī. comp. in the sense of 'a little'; सूपप्रति, शाकप्रति. [Note:-In the compounds given below all words the second members of which are words not immediately connected with verbs, are included; other words will be found in their proper places.] -Comp. -अंशम् ind. on the shoulders. -अक्षरम् ind. in every syllable or letter; प्रत्यक्षरश्लेषमयप्रबन्ध Vās. -अग्नि ind. towards the fire. -अग्र = प्रत्यग्र q. v. -अङ्गम् 1 a secondary or minor limb (of the body), as the nose. -2 a division, chapter, section. -3 every limb. -4 a weapon. (-ङ्गम्) ind. 1 on or at every limb of the body; as in प्रत्यङ्ग- मालिङ्गितः Gīt.1. -2 for every subdivision. -3 in each case (in grammar). -अधिदेवता a tutelary deity who stays in front or near one; Hch. -अधिष्ठानम्, -आधानम् the principal place of residence; Bṛi. Up.2.2.1. -2 repository. -अनन्तर a. 1 being in immediate neighbourhood; दानमानादिसत्कारैः कुरुष्व प्रत्यनन्तरम् Rām.4.15.27. (com. प्रत्यनन्तरं स्वाधीनम्). -2 standing nearest (as an heir). -3 immediately following, closely connected with; जीवेत् क्षत्रियधर्मेण स ह्यस्य (ब्राह्मणस्य) प्रत्यनन्तरः; Ms.1. 82;8.185. (-रम्) ind. 1 immediately after. -2 next in succession. -रीभू to betake oneself close to; P. R. -अनिलम् ind. towards or against the wind. -अनीक a 1 hostile, opposed, inimical. -2 resisting, opposing. -3 opposite. -4 equal, vying with. (-कः) an enemy. (-कम्) 1 hostility, enmity, hostile attitude or position; न शक्ताः प्रत्यनीकेषु स्थातुं मम सुरासुराः Rām. -2 a hostile army; यस्य शूरा महेष्वासाः प्रत्यनीकगता रणे Mb.; ये$वस्थिताः प्रत्यनीकेषु योधाः Bg.11.32. (प्र˚ may have here sense 1 also). -3 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech in which one tries to injure a person or thing connected with an enemy who himself cannot be injured; प्रतिपक्षमशक्तेन प्रतिकर्तुं तिरस्क्रिया । या तदीयस्य तत्स्तुत्यै प्रत्यनीकं तदुच्यते K. P.1. -अनुप्रासः a kind of alliteration. -अनुमानम् an opposite conclusion. -अन्त a. contiguous, lying close to,
adjacent, bordering. (-न्तः) 1 a border, frontier; स गुप्तमूलप्रत्यन्तः R.4.26. -2 a bordering country; especially, a country occupied by barbarian or Mlechchhas. ˚देशः a bordering country. ˚पर्वतः an adjacent hill; पादाः प्रत्यन्तपर्वताः Ak. -अन्धकार a. spreading shadow; Buddh. -अपकारः retaliation, injury in return; शाम्येत् प्रत्यप- कारेण नोपकारेण दुर्जनः Ku.2.4. -अब्दम् ind. every year -अमित्र a. hostile. (-त्रः) an enemy. (-त्रम्) ind. towards as enemy. -अरिः 1 a well-matched opponent. -2 the 9th, 14th or 23rd asterism from the जन्मनक्षत्र. -3 a particular asterism; दारुणेषु च सर्वेषु प्रत्यरिं च विवर्जयेत् Mb.13.14.28 (com. प्रत्यरिं स्वनक्षत्राद् दिननक्षत्रं यावद् गणयित्वा नवभिर्भागे हृते पञ्चमी तारा प्रत्यरिः ।). -अर्कः a mock sun; parhelion. -अर्गलम् the rope by which a churning stick is moved. -अवयवम् ind. 1 in every limb. -2 in every particular, in detail. -अवर a. 1 lower, less honoured; पुरावरान् प्रत्यवरान् गरीयसः Mb.13.94.12. -2 very low or degrading, very insignificant; Ms.1.19. -अश्मन् m. red chalk. -अष्ठीला a kind of nervous disease. -अहम् ind. every day, daily; day by day; गिरिशमुपचचार प्रत्यहं सा सुकेशी Ku.1.6. -आकारः a scabbard, sheath. -आघातः 1 a counter-stroke. -2 reaction. -आचारः suitable conduct or behaviour. -आत्मम् ind. singly, severally. -आत्मक a. belonging to oneself. -आत्म्यम् similarity with oneself. -आत्मेन ind. after one's own image; स किंनरान् कुंपुरुषान् प्रत्यात्म्येना- सृजत् प्रभुः Bhāg.3.2.45. -आदित्यः a mock sun. -आरम्भः 1 recommencement, second beginning. -2 prohibition. -आर्द्र a. fresh. -आशा 1 hope, expectation; न यत्र प्रत्याशामनुपतति नो वा रहयति Māl.9.8. -2 trust, confidence. -आसङ्गः Connection, contact; अथ प्रत्यासङ्गः कमपि महिमानं वितरति Mv.1.12. -आस्वर 1 returning. -2 reflecting; Ch.Up.1.3.2. -आह्वयः echo, resonance; छाया प्रत्याह्वयाभासा ह्यसन्तो$प्यर्थकारिणः Bhāg.11.28.5. -उत्तरम् a reply, rejoinder. -उलूकः 1 a crow; मृत्युदूतः कपोतो$यमुलूकः कम्पयन्मनः । प्रत्युलूकश्च कुह्वानैरनिद्रौ शून्यमिच्छतः ॥ Bhāg.1.14.14. -2 a bird resembling an owl. -ऋचम् ind. in each Rik. -एक a. each, each one, every single one. (-कम्) ind. 1 one at a time, severally; singly, in every one, to every one; oft. with the force of an adjective; विवेश दण्डकारण्यं प्रत्येकं च सतां मनः R.12.9. 'entered the mind of every good man'; 12.3;7.34; Ku.2.31. -एनस् m. 1 an officer of justice (who punishes criminals); Bṛi. Up.4.3.7. -2 a heir responsible for the debts of the deceased; surety. -कञ्चुकः 1 an adversary. -2 a critic. -कण्ठम् ind. 1 severally, one by one. -2 near the throat. -कलम् ind. constantly, perpetually. -कश a. not obeying the whip. -कष्ट a. comparatively bad. -कामिनी a female rival; Śi. -कायः 1 an effigy, image, picture, likeness. -2 an adversary; स वृषध्वजसायकावभिन्नं जयहेतुः प्रतिकाय- मेषणीयम् Ki.13.28. -3 a target, butt, mark. -कितवः an opponent in a game. -कुञ्जरः a hostile elephant. -कूपः a moat, ditch. -कूल a. 1 unfavourable, adverse, contrary, hostile, opposite, प्रतिकूलतामुपगते हि विधौ विफलत्व- मेति बहुसाधनता Śi.9.6; Ku.3.24. -2 harsh, discordant. unpleasant, disagreeable; अप्यन्नपुष्टा प्रतिकूलशब्दा Ku.1. 45. -3 inauspicious. -4 contradictory. -5 reverse, inverted. -6 perverse, cross, peevish, stubborn. ˚आचार- णम्, ˚आचरितम् any offensive or hostile action or conduct; प्रतिकूलाचरितं क्षमख मे R.8.81. ˚उक्तम्, -क्तिः f. a contradiction. ˚कारिन्, -कृत, -चारिन्, -वत्ति a. opposing. ˚दर्शन a. having an inauspicious or ungracious appearance. ˚प्रवर्तिन्, -वर्तिन् a. acting adversely, taking an adverse course. ˚भाषिन् a. opposing, contradicting. ˚वचनम् disagreeable or unpleasant speech. ˚वादः contradiction. (प्रतिकूलता, -त्वम् adverseness, opposition, hostility. प्रति- कूलयति 'to oppose'.). -कूल ind. 1 adversely, contrarily. -2 inversely, in inverted order. -कूलय Den. P. to resist, oppose. -कूलिक a. hostile, inimical. -क्षणम् ind. at every moment or instant, constantly; प्रतिक्षणं संभ्रमलोलदृष्टि- र्लीलारविन्देन निवारयन्ती Ku.3.56. -क्षपम् ind. everynight. -गजः a hostile elephant -गात्रम् ind. in very limb. -गिरिः 1 an opposite mountain. -2 an inferior mountain. -गृहम्, -गेहम् ind. in every house. -ग्रामम् ind. in every village. -चक्रम् a hostile army. -चन्द्रः a mock moon; paraselene. -चरणम् ind. 1 in every (Vedic) school or branch. -2 at every foot-step. -छाया, -यिका 1 a reflected image, reflection, shadow; रूपं प्रतिच्छायिक- योपनीतम् N.6.45. -2 an image, picture. -जङ्घा the forepart of the leg. -जिह्वा, -जिह्विका the soft palate, -तन्त्रम् ind. according to each Tantra or opinion. -तन्त्र- सिद्धान्तः a conclusion adopted by one of the disputants only; (वादिप्रतिवाद्येकतरमात्राभ्युपगतः). -त्र्यहम् ind. for three days at a time. -दण्ड a. Ved. disobedient. -दिनम् ind. every day; राशीभूतः प्रतिदिनमिव त्र्यम्बकस्याट्टहासः Me.6. -दिशम् ind. in every direction, all round, everywhere. -दूतः a messenger sent in return. -देवता a corresponding deity; गताः कलाः पञ्चदश प्रतिष्ठा देवाश्च सर्वे प्रतिदेवतासु Muṇḍa.3.2.7. -देशम् ind. in every country. -देहम् ind. in every body. -दैवतम् ind. for every deity. -द्वन्द्वः 1 an antagonist, opponent, adversary, rival. -2 an enemy. (-द्वम्) opposition, hostility. -द्वन्द्विन् a. 1 hostile, inimical. -2 adverse (प्रतिकूल); कृतान्तदुर्वृत्त इवापरेषां पुरः प्रतिद्वन्द्विनि पाण्डवास्त्रे Ki.16.29. -3 rivalling, vying with; किसलयोद्भेदप्रतिद्वन्दिभिः (करतलैः) Ś.4.5. (-m.) an opponent, adversary, rival; तुल्यप्रति- द्वन्द्वि बभूव युद्धम् R.7.37.;15.25. -द्वारम् ind. at every gate. -धुरः a horse harnessed by the side of another. -नप्तृ m. great-grandson, a son's grandson. -नव a. 1 new, young, fresh. -2 newly blown budded; सान्ध्यं तेजः प्रतिनवजपापुष्परक्तं दधानः Me.38. -नाडी a branch-vein. -नायकः the adversary of the hero of any poetic composition; धीरोद्धतः पापकारी व्यसनी प्रतिनायकः S. D., as रावण in the Rāmāyaṇa, शिशुपाल in Māgha-Kāvya &c. -नारी, -पत्नी, -युवतिः a female rival; Śi.7.45. -निनादः = प्रतिध्वनिः q. v. -न्यायम् ind. in inverted order; पुनः प्रतिन्यायं प्रतियोन्याद्रवति स्वप्नायैव Bṛi. Up.4.3.15.
-पक्ष a. like, similar. (-क्षः) 1 the opposite side, party or faction, hostility; विमृश्य पक्षप्रतिपक्षाभ्यामवधारणं नियमः Gaut. S, -2 an adversary, enemy, foe, rival; प्रति- पक्षकामिनी, -लक्ष्मी 'a rival wife'; Bv.2.64; दासीकृतायाः प्रति- पक्षलक्ष्याः Vikr.1.73; प्रतिपक्षमशक्तेन प्रतिकर्तुम् K. P.1; Vikr.1.7; often used in comp. in the sense of 'equal' or 'similar'. -3 remedy, expiation; यादवस्य पापस्य प्रतिपक्षमुपदिशामि Nāg.5. -4 a defendant or respondent (in law). ˚ता 1 hostility, opposition. -2 obstacle. -पक्षित a. 1 containing a contradiction. -2 nullified by a contradictory premise; (as a hetu in न्याय); cf. सत्प्रतिपक्ष. -पक्षिन् m. an opponent, adversary. -पण्यम् merchandise in exchange; Buddh. -प्रथम् ind. along the road, towards the way; प्रतिपथगतिरासीद् वेगदीर्घीकृताङ्गः Ku.3.76. -पदम् ind. 1 at evry stop. -2 at every place, everywhere. -3 expressly. -4 in every word; प्रतिपदाख्याने तु गौरवं परिहरद्भिर्वृत्तिकारैः सर्वसामान्यः शब्दः प्रति- गृहीतः प्रकृतिवदिति ŚB. on MS.8.1.2. -पल्लवः an opposite or outstretched branch; R. -पाणः 1 a stake. -2 a counter-pledge. -3 a counter-stake; Mb.3. -पादम् ind. in each quarter. -पात्रम् ind. with regard to each part, of each character; प्रतिपात्रमाधीयतां यत्नः Ś.1 'let care be taken of each character'. -पादपम् ind. in every tree. -पाप a. returning sin for sin, requiting evil for evil. -पु(पू)रुषः 1 a like or similar man. -2 a substitute, deputy. -3 a companion. -4 the effigy of a man pushed by thieves into the interior of a house before entering it themselves (to ascertain if any body is awake). -5 an effigy in general. (-षम्) ind. man by man, for each man. -पुस्तकम् a copy of an original manuscript. -पूर्वाह्णम् ind. every forenoon. -प्रति a. counter-balancing, equal to. -प्रभातम् ind. every morning. -प्रसवः 1 (As opposed to अनुप्रसव) tracing causes back to the origin as -a pot, a lump of mud, mud, clay, Pātañjala Yogadarśana. -2 Negation of (or exception to) a negation. The force of a प्रतिप्रसव is positive, limiting as it does the scope of a प्रतिषेध or negation. Hence it is just the opposite of परिसंख्या whose force is negative or exclusive since it limits the scope of a positive statement. प्रतिप्रसवो$यं न परिसंख्या ŚB. on MS.1.7.45. -प्रकारः an outer wall or rampart. -प्रियम् a kindness or service in return; प्रतिप्रियं चेद् भवतो न कुर्यां वृथा हि मे स्यात् स्वपदोपलब्धिः R.5.56. -बन्धुः an equal in rank or station; Mb.5.121.13. -बलः a. 1 able, powerful. -2 equal in strength, equally matched or powerful. (-लम्) 1 a hostile army; अस्त्रज्वालावलीढप्रतिबलजलधेरन्तरौर्वायमाणे Ve.3.7. -2 strength. -बाहु 1 the forepart of the arm. -2 an opposite side (in a square or polygon). -बि (वि) म्बः, -म्बम् 1 a reflection, reflected image; ज्योतिषां प्रतिबिम्बानि प्राप्नु- वन्त्युपहारताम् Ku.6.42; Śi.9.18. -2 an image, a picture. -बीजम् a rotten seed. -भट a. vying with, rivalling; घटप्रतिभटस्तनि N.13.5. (-टः) 1 a rival, an opponent; निवासः कन्दर्पप्रतिभटजटाजूटभवने G. L.21. -2 a warrior on the opposite side; समालोक्याजौ त्वां विदधति विकल्पान् प्रतिभटाः K. P.1. -भय a. 1 fearful, formidable, terrible, frightful. -2 dangerous; स्वगृहोद्यानगते$पि स्निग्धैः पापं विशङ्क्यते मोहात् । किमु दृष्टबह्वपायप्रतिभयकान्तारमध्यस्थे ॥ Pt.2.171; Nāg.5.1.; Bhāg.1.6.14. (-यम्) a danger; सुनन्द, श्रुतं मया संनिहितगरुडप्रतिभयमुद्देशं जामाता जीमूतवाहनो गतः Nāg.5. -भैरव a. dreadful. -मञ्चः a kind of measure (in music.) -मञ्चाः Platforms opposite to each other; दशभागिकौ द्वौ प्रतिमञ्चौ Kau. A.2.3.21. -मण्डलम् 1 a secondary disc (of the sun &c.). -2 an eccentric orbit. -मन्दिरम् ind. in every house. -मल्लः an antagonist, a rival; उपेयिवांसं प्रतिमल्लतां रयस्मये जितस्य प्रसभं गरुत्मतः N.1.63; पातालप्रतिमल्लगल्ल &c. Māl.5.22. -मानना worship (पूजा); स्पर्शमशुचिवपुरर्हति न प्रतिमाननां तु नितरां नृपोचिताम् Śi.15.35. -माया a counter-spell or charm; प्रतिमाया कृतं च तत् Mb.1.34.22. -मार्गः the way back; Mb.4. -मार्गम् ind. back, backwards. -माला capping verses (Mar. भंडी). -मासम् ind. every month, monthly. -मित्रम् an enemy, adversary. -मुख a. standing before the face, facing; प्रतिमुखागत Ms.8.291. -2 near, present. (-खम्) a secondary plot or incident in a drama which tends either to hasten or retard the catastrophe; see S. D.334 and 351-364. (-खम्) ind. 1 towards. -2 in front, before. -मुखरी a particular mode of drumming. -मुद्रा 1 a counterseal. -2 the impression of a seal. -मुहूर्तम् ind. every moment. -मूर्तिः f. an image, a likeness. -मूषिका f. a musk-rat (Mar. चिचुंदरी). -यूथपः the leader of a hostile herd of elephants. -रथः an adversary in war (lit. in fighting in a war-chariot); दौष्यन्तिमप्रतिरथं तनयं निवेश्य Ś.4.2. -रथ्यम् in every road; अस्मिन् नगरे प्रतिरथ्यं भुजङ्गबद्धसंचारे Udb. -रवः, -ध्वनिः 1 an echo; प्रतिरवविततो वनानि चक्रे Ki.1.4. -2 quarrel; controversy. -3 (Ved.) life (प्राण). -रसितम् an echo; केनास्मत् सिंह- नादप्रतिरसितसखो दुन्दुभिस्ताड्यते$यम् Ve.1.22. -राजः a hostile king. -रात्रम् ind. every night. -रूप a. 1 corresponding, similar, having a counter-part in; अग्निर्यथैको भुवनं प्रविष्टो रूपं रूपं प्रतिरूपो बभूव Kaṭh.2.2.9. -2 beautiful. -3 suitable, proper; इदं न प्रतिरूपं ते स्त्रीष्वदाक्षिण्यमीदृशम् Bu. Ch.4.66; आत्मनः प्रतिरूपं सा बभाषे चारुहासिनी Rām.4. 19.17. -4 facing (अभिमुख); प्रतिरूपं जनं कुर्यान्न चेत् तद् वर्तते यथा Mb.12.97.16 (com. प्रतिरूपं युद्धाभिमुखम्). (-पम्) 1 a picture, an image, a likeness. -2 a mirror-like reflecting object; अदर्शनं स्वशिरसः प्रतिरूपे च सत्यपि Bhāg. 1.42.28. -4 an object of comparison (उपमान); भवान्मे खलु भक्तानां सर्वेषां प्रतिरूपधृक् Bhāg.7.1.21. -रूपक a. resembling, similar (at the end of comp.); जहीमान् राक्षसान् पापानात्मनः प्रतिरूपकान् Mb.3.29.11; चेष्टाप्रतिरूपिका मनोवृत्तिः Ś.1. (-कम्) 1 a picture, an image; अग्निदैर्गर- दैश्चैव प्रतिरूपककारकैः Mb.12.59.49. -2 a forged edict; जर्जरं चास्य विषयं कुर्वन्ति प्रतिरूपकैः Mb.12.56.52. -3 a reflection. -लक्षणम् a mark, sign, token. -लिपिः f. a transcript, a written copy. -लेखः a writ of reply; प्रावृत्तिकश्च प्रतिलेख एव Kau. A.2.1.28. -लोम a. 1 'against the
hair or grain', contray to the natural order, inverted, reverse (opp. अनुलोम); नववर्षसहस्राक्षः प्रतिलोमो$भवद् गुरुः Bhāg.12.14.15. -2 contrary to caste (said of the issue of a woman who is of a higher caste than her husband). -3 hostile. -4 low, vile, base. -5 left (वाम). -6 obstinate, perverse; अपरिचितस्यापि ते$प्रतिलोमः संवृत्तः Ś.7. -7 disagreeable, unpleasant. (-मम्) any injurious or unpleasant act. (-मम्) ind. 'against the hair or grain', inversely, invertedly. ˚ज a. born in the inverse order of the castes; i. e. born of a mother who is of a higher caste than the father; cf. Ms.1.16,25. -लोमक a. reverse, inverted; राजन्यविप्रयोः कस्माद् विवाहः प्रतिलोमकः Bhāg.9.18.5. -कम् inverted order. -लोमतः ind. 1 in consequence of the inverted order or course; Ms.1.68. -2 in an unfriendly manner; यदा बहुविधां वृद्धिं मन्येत प्रतिलोमतः Mb.12.13.39. -वत्सरम् ind. every year. -वनम् ind. in every forest. -वर्णिक a. similar, corresponding. -वर्धिन् a. being a match for. -वर्षम् ind. every year. -वस्तु n. 1 an equivalent, a counterpart. -2 anything given in return. -3 a parallel. ˚उपमा a figure of speech thus defined by Mammaṭa:-- प्रतिवस्तूपमा तु सा ॥ सामान्यस्य द्विरेकस्य यत्र वाक्यद्वये स्थितिः । K. P.1; e. g. तापेन भ्राजते सूर्यः शूरश्चापेन राजते Chandr.5. 48. -वातः a contrary wind; प्रतिवाते$नुवाते च नासीत गुरुणा सह Ms.2.23. (-तम्) ind. against the wind; चीनांशुक- मिव केतोः प्रतिवातं नीयमानस्य Ś.1.33. -वारणः a hostile elephant. -वासरम् ind. every day. -विटपम् ind. 1 on every branch. -2 branch by branch. -विषम् an antidote. (-षा) a birch tree. -विष्णुकः a Muchakunda tree. -वीरः an opponent, antagonist. -वीर्यम् being equal to or a match for. -वृषः a hostile bull. -वेलम् ind. at each time, on every occasion. -वेशः 1 a neighbouring house, neighbourhood. -2 a neighbour. -वेशिन् a. a neighbour; दृष्ट्वा प्रभातसमये प्रतिवेशिवर्गः Mk.3.14. -वेश्मन् n. a neighbour's house. -वेश्यः a neighbour. -वैरम् requital of hostilities revenge. -शब्दः 1 echo, reverberation; वसुधाधरकन्दराभिसर्पी प्रतिशब्दो$पि हरेर्भिनत्ति नागान् V. 1.16; Ku.6.64; R.2.28. -2 a roar. -शशिन् m. a mock-moon. -शाखम् ind. for every branch or school (of the Veda). -शाखा a side-branch; महाभूतविशेषश्च विशेषप्रतिशाखवान् Mb.14.35.21. -संवत्सरम् ind. every year. -सङ्गक्षिका 1 a cloak to keep off the dust; Buddh. -संदेशः a reply to the message; दर्पसारस्य प्रति- संदेशमावेदयत् D. K.2.1. -सम a. equal to, a match for. -सव्य a. in an inverted order. -सामन्तः an enemy. -सायम् ind. every evening. -सूर्यः, -सूर्यकः 1 a mock-sun. -2 a lizard, chameleon; 'कृकलासस्तु सरटः प्रतिसूर्यः शयानकः ।' Hemchandra; तृष्यद्भिः प्रतिसूर्यकैरजगरस्वेदद्रवः पीयते U.2.16. -सेना, सैन्यम् a hostile army; निहतां प्रतिसैन्येन वडवामिव पातिताम् Rām.2.114.17. -स्थानम् ind. in every place, everywhere. -स्मृतिः N. of particular kind of magic; गृहाणेमां मया प्रोक्तां सिद्धिं मूर्तिमतीमिव । विद्यां प्रतिस्मृतिं नाम Mb.3.36.3. -स्रोतस् ind. against the stream; सरस्वतीं प्रतिस्रोतं ययौ ब्राह्मणसंवृतः Bhāg.1.78. 18. -a. going against the stream; अथासाद्य तु कालिन्दी प्रतिस्रोतः समागताम् Rām.2.55.5. -हस्तः, -हस्तकः a deputy, an agent, substitute, proxy; आश्रितानां भृतौ स्वामिसेवायां धर्मसेवने । पुत्रस्योत्पादने चैव न सन्ति प्रतिहस्तकाः ॥ H.2.33. -हस्तीकृ to take; Pratijñā 3. -हस्तिन् the keeper of a brothel; Dk.2.2. |
pratiyat | प्रतियत् 1 Ā. To try; वयमप्याश्रमपीडा यथा न भविष्यति तथा प्रतियतिष्यामहे Ś.1.32/33 (v. l.) -Caus. 1 To restore, return. -2 To retaliate, requite. |
pratīndhakaḥ | प्रतीन्धकः N. of a country called विदेह q. v. |
pratyagra | प्रत्यग्र a. 1 Fresh, young, new, recent; प्रत्यग्रहतानां मांसम् Ve.3; कुसुमशयनं न प्रत्यग्रम् V.3.1; Me.4; R.1. 54; Ratn.1.21. -2 Repeated. -3 Pure. -Comp. -वयस् a. young in age, in the prime of life, youthful.
प्रत्यञ्च् pratyañc प्रत्यच् pratyac
प्रत्यञ्च् प्रत्यच् a. (-प्रतीची f. or according to Vopadeva प्रत्यञ्ची also) 1 Turned or directed towards; turned inward; मनः प्रत्यक् चित्ते सविधमवधायात्तमरुतः Śivamahimna 25. -2 Being behind. -3 Following, subsequent; समेत्य तरसा प्रत्यग्द्वाभ्यां तद्भ्यां बलं बली । निहत्य Bhāg. 1.15.3. -4 Averted, turned away, turning back;
Pt.3.181. -5 Western, westerly. -6 Inner, interior. -7 Equal to, a match for. -m. 1 The individual soul. -2 Future time. -Comp. -अक्षम् (प्रत्यगक्षम्) an inner organ. -आत्मन् m. (प्रत्यगात्मन्) the individual soul; कश्चिद्धीरः प्रत्यगात्मानमैक्षदावृत्तचक्षुरमृतत्वमिच्छन् Kaṭh.2.1.1. -आनन्द a. inwardly joyful. -आशापतिः (प्रत्यगाशापतिः) 'The lord of the western direction', an epithet of Varuṇa. -उदच् f. (प्रत्यगुदच्) the north-west. -चेतन a. 1 whose thoughts are turned upon himself. -2 intelligent. (-नः) 1 the supreme soul; the Puruṣa in the Sāṅkhya philosophy. -2 the soul. -दक्षिणतः (प्रत्यग्दक्षिणतः) ind. towards the south-west. -दृश् f. (प्रत्यग्दृश्) an inward glance, a glance directed inwards; स्वांशेन सर्वतनुभृन्मनसि प्रतीतप्रत्यग्दृशे भगवते बृहते नमस्ते Bhāg.8.3.17. -धामन् a. internally illuminated. -पुष्पा Achyranthes aspera (Mar. आघाडा); Mātaṅga L.11.26. -प्रवण a. devoted to the individual soul. -मुख a. (प्रत्यङ्मुख) 1 facing the west; श्रियं प्रत्यङ्मुखो भुङ्क्ते Ms.2.52. -2 having the face averted. -रथाः (Pl.) (प्रत्यग्रथाः) N. of the Ahichchhatra country; L. D. B. -स्रोतस् (प्रत्यक्स्रोतस्) flowing towards the west; Malli. on Śi.4.66. (-f.) an epithet of the river Narmadā. |
pradeśaḥ | प्रदेशः 1 Pointing out, indicating. -2 A place, region, spot, country, territory, district; पितुः प्रदेशास्तव देवभूमयः Ku.5.45; R.5.6; so कण्ठ˚, तालु˚, हृदय˚, &c. -3 A span measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the fore-finger. -4 Decision, determination. -5 A wall. -6 An example (in gram.). -7 (With Jainas) One of the obstacles to liberation. -a. Commanding (ईशनशील); एते प्रदेशाः कथिता भुवनानां प्रभावनाः Mb.12.28.1. (com. प्रदेशाः प्रदिशन्ति आज्ञापयन्तीति). -Comp. -शास्त्रम् a book containing examples. |
prayat | प्रयत् 1 Ā. To try, endeavour, strive, attempt. |
pravatsyat | प्रवत्स्यत् a. (-ती, -न्ती f.) About to go on a journey. -Comp. -पतिका the wife of one who intends to go on a journey (one of the 8 Nāyikās in erotic poetry); यस्याः पतिरग्रिमक्षणे देशान्तरं यास्यत्येव सा प्रवत्स्यत्पतिका Ras M. |
prasāraḥ | प्रसारः 1 Spreading, extending. -2 Spread, diffusion, extension, expansion. -3 Stretching out. -4 Spreading over the country to forage. -5 Opening (the mouth). -6 A trader's shop; Nalachampū. -7 Raising (dust); B. R. |
prasāraṇam | प्रसारणम् 1 Spreading abroad, extending, increase, diffusing, expanding. -2 Stretching out; as in बाहु- प्रसारणम्. -3 Surrounding an enemy. -4 Spreading over the country for fuel and grass. -5 The change of a semivowel (य् र् and व्) into a vowel; see संप्रसारण. -6 Displaying, unfolding. |
praheṇakam | प्रहेणकम् 1 A kind of pastry (पिष्टक). -2 Sweetmeats distributed at festivals. |
prākṛta | प्राकृत a. (-ता, -ती f.) [प्रकृतेरयं प्रकृत्या निर्वृत्तो वा अण्] 1 Original, natural, unaltered, unmodified; स्याताममित्रौ मित्रे च सहजप्राकृतावपि Śi.2.36 (see Malli, thereon). -2 Usual, common, ordinary. -3 Uncultivated, vulgar, unrefined, illiterate; प्राकृत इव परिभूयमानमात्मानं न रुणत्सि K.146; Bg.18.28. -4 Insignificant, unimportant; trifling; Mu.1. -5 Derived from Prakṛiti, q. v.; प्राकृतो लयः 'reabsorption into Prakṛiti'; विमुञ्चेत् प्राकृतान् ग्रामांस्तान् मुक्त्वा$मृतमश्नुते Mb.12.24.12. -6 Provincial, vernacular (as a dialect); see below. -तः 1 A low man, an ordinary or vulgar man. कार्षापणं भवेद्दण्डयो यत्रान्यः प्राकृतो जनः Ms.8.336. -2 A kind of fever; वर्षाशरद्वसन्तेषु वाताद्यैः प्राकृतः क्रमात् Mādhava; (see -ज्वरः) -तम् A vernacular or provincial dialect derived from and akin to Sanskrit; प्रकृतिः संस्कृतं तत्र भवं तत आगतं च प्राकृतम् Hemachandra. (Many of these dialects are spoken by the female characters and inferior personages of Sanskrit plays and are usually divided into 4 dialects :-- शौरसेनी, माहाराष्ट्री, अपभ्रंश and पैशाची); तद्भवस्तत्समो देशीत्यनेकः प्राकृत- क्रमः Kāv.1.33; also 34, 35; त्वमप्यस्मादृशजनयोग्ये प्राकृतमार्गे प्रवृत्तो$सि Vb.1. -2 Resolution or reabsorption into प्रकृति; the dissolution of the universe. -3 A particular ritual or यज्ञ; Bhāg.1.84.52. -Comp. -अरिः a natural enemy, i. e. the ruler of an adjacent country; see Malli. on Śi.2.36. -उदासीनः a natural neutral; i. e. a ruler whose dominions lie beyond those of the natural ally. -ज्वरः a common or ordinary fever. -प्रलयः complete dissolution of the universe. -मानुषः a common or ordinary man. -मित्रम् a natural ally; i. e. a ruler whose dominions lie immediately beyond those of the natural enemy (i. e. whose country is separated from the country with which he is allied by that of another). |
prāc | प्राच् प्राञ्च् a. (-ची f.) 1 Turned towards the front, in front, foremost. -3 Eastern, easterly. -3 Prior, previous, former. -m. (pl.) The people of the east. -2 Eastern grammarians. -Comp. -अग्र a. (प्रागग्र) having the point turned towards the east. -अनुरागः (प्रागनुरागः) former affection. -अभावः (प्रागभावः) 1 antecedent non-existence, non-existence of a thing previous to its production, as of an effect previous to its production; प्रागभावस्तथा ध्वंसो$प्यत्यन्ताभाव एव च । एवं त्रैविध्यमापन्नः संसर्गाभाव इष्यते ॥ Bhāṣā. P. -2 (in law) non-possession of property (that may be possessed). -अभिहित (प्रागभिहित) a. mentioned before. -अवस्था (प्रागवस्था) the former state; न तर्हि प्रागवस्थायाः परिहीयसे Māl.4. 'you are none the worse for it'. -आयत (प्रागायत) a. extending towards the east. -उक्तिः f. (प्रागुक्तिः) previous utterance. -उत्तर (प्रागुत्तर) a. north-eastern. -उत्पत्तिः (प्रागुत्पत्तिः) first appearance (of a disease). -उदञ्च् a. (प्रागुदञ्च्) north-eastern. -उदीची (प्रागुदीची) f. the north-east. -कर्मन् (प्राक्- कर्मन्) n. 1 an action done in a former life. -2 a preliminary medical treatment. -3 a preliminary action in general. -कालः (प्राक्कालः) a former age. -कालीन (प्राक्कालीन) a. belonging to the former times, old, ancient. -कूल (प्राक्कूल) a. having the points turned towards the east (said of Kuśa grass); प्राक्कूलान् पर्युपासीनः पवित्रैश्चैव पावितः Ms.2.75. (-लम्) the point of a blade of such Kuśa grass. -कृतम् (प्राक्कृतम्) an act done in a former life. -केवल a. (प्राक्केवल) manifested from the first in a distinct form. -गामिन् a. (प्राग्- गामिन्) 1 going before, preceding. -2 a precursor, forerunner. -3 going eastward. -चरणा a. (प्राक्चरणा) the female organ of generation. -चिरम् (प्राक्चिरम्) ind. in due or good time, before too late. -जन्मन् (प्राग्जन्मन्) n., -जातिः (प्राग्जातिः) f. a former birth. -ज्योतिषः (प्राग्ज्योतिषः) 1 N. of country, also called Kāmarūpa. -2 (pl.) the people of this country (-षम्) N. of a city. ˚ज्येष्ठः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -दक्षिण a. (प्राग्दक्षिण) south-eastern. -देशः (प्राग्देशः) the eastern country. -द्वार, -द्वारिक a. (प्राग्द्वार &c.) having doors facing the east. -न्यायः (प्राङ्न्यायः) the plea of a former trial, res judicata; आचारेणावसन्नो$पि पुनर्लेखय- ते यदि । सो$भिधेयो जितः पूर्वं प्राङ्न्यायस्तु स उच्यते ॥ -पदम् (प्राक्पदम्) the first member of a compound. -प्रहारः (प्राक्प्रहारः) the first blow. -फलः (प्राक्फलः) the bread-fruit tree. -फ(फा)ल्गुनी (प्राक्फल्गुनी) the eleventh lunar mansion, (पूर्वा). ˚भवः 1 the planet Jupiter. -2 N. of Bṛihaspati. -फाल्गुनः, -फाल्गुनेयः (प्राक्फाल्गुनः &c.) the planet Jupiter. -भक्तम् (प्राग्- भक्तम्) taking medicine before meals. -भवः (प्राग्भवः) a previous life. -भागः (प्राग्भागः) 1 the front. -2 the fore-part. -भारः (प्राग्भारः) 1 the top summit of a mountain; प्राग्भारेषु शिखण्डिताण्डवविधौ मेघैर्वितानाय्यते Māl.9. 15. -2 the front part, fore-part or end (of anything); क्रन्दत्फेरवचण्डडात्कृतिभृतप्राग्भारभीमैस्तटैः Māl.5.19. -3 a large quantity, heap, multitude, flood; तिमिरप्राग्भार- मुच्चाटयन्......विजयते ज्ञानप्रदीपो हरः Bh.3.129; Māl.5.29. -भावः (प्राग्भावः) 1 previous existence. -2 excellence, superiority. -मुख (प्राङ्मुख) a. 1 turned towards or facing the east; तां प्राङ्मुखीं तत्र निवेश्य तन्वीम् Ku.7.13; Ms.2.51;8.87. -2 inclined towards, wishing, desirous of. -रूपम् (प्राग्रूपम्) Previous symptom (of disease). -लग्नम् (प्राग्लग्नम्) horoscope. -वंशः (प्राग्वंशः) 1 a kind of sacrificial room having its columns turned towards the east; श्लाघ्यस्त्यागो$पि वैदेह्याः पत्युः प्राग्वंशवासिनः R.15.61. (प्राचीनस्थूणो यज्ञशालाविशेषः Malli.; but some interpret the word to mean 'a room in which the friends and family of the sacrificer assemble'); केचिद् बभञ्जुः प्राग्वंशं पत्नीशालां तथा$परे Bhāg.4.5.14. -2 a former dynasty or generation. -वचनम् (प्राग्वचनम्) anything formerly decided; statement by the ancient authorities;
प्रागिदं वचनं पोक्तम् अतः प्रग्वचनं विदुः Mb. -वृत्तम् = प्राङ्न्यायः q. v. -वृत्तान्तः (प्राग्वृत्तान्तः) a former event. -शिरस्, -स, -शिरस्क (प्राक्शिरस् &c.) a. having the head turned towards the east. -संध्या (प्राक्संध्या) the morning twilight. -सवनम् (प्राक्सवनम्) a morning libation or sacrifice. -स्रोतस् (प्राक्स्रोतस्) a. flowing eastward. (-f.) a river. |
prācīna | प्राचीन a. [प्राच् भवार्थे ख] 1 Turned towards the front or east, eastern, easterly. -2 Previous, former, previously mentioned. -3 Old, ancient. -नः, -नम् 1 A fence, wall. -2 The eastern country; प्राचीनवाहिनीं चैव नदीं भृशम- कर्दमाम् Rām.4.27.16. -नम् ind. 1 In front. -2 Eastward (abl.) -3 Before. -Comp. -अग्र a. = प्रागग्र q. v. -आवीतम् the sacred thread (यज्ञोपवीत) worn over the right shoulder and passed under the left arm, as at a Śrāddha. -आवीतिन्, -उपवीत a. wearing the sacred thread over the right shoulder and under the left arm; सव्ये प्राचीनआवीती निवीती कण्ठसज्जने Ms.2.63. -कल्पः a former kalpa q. v. -गाथा an ancient story or tradition. -तिलकः the moon. -पनसः the Bilva tree. -बर्हिस् m. an epithet of Indra. -मतम् an ancient opinion, a belief sanctioned by antiquity. -मूल a. having roots turned eastward. |
prācya | प्राच्य a. [प्राचि भवः यत्] 1 Being or situated in front. -2 Being or living in the east, eastern, easterly. -3 Prior, preceding, previous. -4 Ancient, old. -च्याः (pl.) 1 'The eastern country', the country south or east of the river Sarasvatī. -2 The people of this country. -Comp. -पदवृत्तिः a term applied to the rule according to which ए remains in particular cases unchanged before अ -भाषा the eastern dialect, language spoken in the east of India. -वृत्तिः a kind of metre. |
prāṇaḥ | प्राणः 1 Breath, respiration. -2 The breath of life, vitality, life, vital air, principle of life (usually pl. in this sense, the Prāṇas being five; प्राण, अपान, समान, व्यान and उदान); प्राणैरुपक्रोशमलीमसैर्वा R.2.53;12.54; (हृदि प्राणो गुदे$पानः समानो नाभिसंस्थितः । उदानः कण्ठदेशस्थो व्यानः सर्वशरीरगः ॥). -3 The first of the five life-winds or vital airs (which has its seat in the lungs); अपाने जुह्वति प्राणं प्राणे$पानं तथापरे । प्राणापानगती रुद्ध्वा प्राणायाम- परायणाः ॥ Bg.4.29. -4 Wind, air inhaled. -5 Energy, vigour, strength, power; as in प्राणसार q. v.; युद्धातिथ्यं प्रदास्यामि यथाप्राणं निशाचर Rām.3.5.28; Bhāg.8.2.29; सर्वप्राणप्रवणमघवन्मुक्तमाहत्य वक्षः Mv.1.45. -6 The spirit or soul (opp. शरीर). -7 The Supreme Spirit; इमानि भूतानि प्राणमेवाभिसंविशन्ति Bṛi. Up.1.11.5. -8 An organ of sense; स्पृष्ट्वैतानशुचिर्नित्यमद्भिः प्राणानुपस्पृशेत् । गात्राणि चैव सर्वाणि नाभिं पाणितलेन तु ॥ Ms.4.143; मरीचिमिश्रा ऋषयः प्राणेभ्यो$हं च जज्ञिरे Bhāg.1.6.31. -9 Any person or thing as dear and necessary as life, a beloved person or object; कोशः कोशवतः प्राणाः प्राणाः प्राणा न भूपतेः H.2.9; अर्थपतेर्विमर्दको बहिश्चराः प्राणाः Dk. -1 The life or essence of poetry, poetical talent or genius; inspiration. -11 Aspiration; as in महाप्राण or अल्पप्राण q. v. -12 Digestion. -13 A breath as a measure of time. -14 Gum-myrrh. -15 Life, living (जीवन); दैवं च दैवसंयुक्तं प्राणश्च प्राणदश्च ह । अपेक्षापूर्वकरणादशुभानां शुभं फलम् ॥ Mb.12.36.14. -16 Food (अन्न); अनस्तिकानां भूतानां प्राणदाः पितरश्च ये Mb.12.12.4. -17 N. of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and other gods. -Comp. -अतिपातः killing a living being, taking away life. -अत्ययः loss of life. -अधिक a. 1 dearer than life. -2 superior in strength or vigour. -अधिनाथः a husband. -अधिपः the soul. -अन्तः death; capital punishment; अब्राह्मणः संग्रहणे प्राणान्तं दण्डमर्हति Ms.8.359. -अन्तिक a. 1 fatal, mortal. -2 lasting to the end of life, ending with life. -3 dangerous. -4 capital (as a sentence); अज्ञानात् वारुणीं पीत्वा संस्कारेणैव शुद्ध्यति । मतिपूर्वमनिर्देश्यं प्राणान्तिकमिति स्थितिः ॥ Ms. 11.146. (-कम्) murder. -अपहारिन् a. fatal, destructive to life. -अपानम्, -नौ air inhaled and exhaled; प्राणापाना- न्तरे देवी वाग्वै नित्यं प्रतिष्ठिता Mañjūṣā. -अयनम् an organ of sense; (सुप्तिमूर्च्छोपतापेषु प्राणायनविघाततः । नेहते$हमिति ज्ञानं मृत्युप्रज्वारयोरपि ॥ Bhāg.4.29.72. -आघातः destruction of life, killing a living being; प्राणाघातान्निवृत्तिः Bh.3.63. -आचार्यः a physician to a king. -आत्मन् m. the vital or animal soul. -आद a. fatal, mortal, causing death. -आबाधः injury to life; प्राणाबाधयुक्तास्वापत्सु Kau. A.1.8. -आयामः restraining or suspending the breath during the mental recitation of the names or attributes of a deity. -आहुतिः f. an oblation to the five Prāṇas. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 a lover, husband; नीचैः शंस हृदि स्थितो हि ननु मे प्राणेश्वरः श्रोष्यति Amaru.67; बाला लोलविलोचना शिव शिव प्राणेशमालोकते Bv.2.57. -2 wind. -ईशा, -ईश्वरी a wife, beloved, mistress. -उत्क्रमणम्, -उत्सर्गः departure of the soul, death. -उपहारः food. -कर a. refreshing or reviving the spirits; सद्यो मांसं नवान्नं च बाला स्त्री क्षीरभोजनम् । क्षीर- मुष्णोदकं चैव सद्यः प्राणकराणि षट् ॥ Chāṇakya. -कर्मन् n. Vital function. -कृच्छ्रम्, -बाधा peril of life, a danger to life. -ग्रहः the nose. -घातक a. destructive to life. -घोषः the sound from the ears when the fingers are put therein; छिद्रप्रतीतिश्छायायां प्राणघोषानुपश्रुतिः Bhāg.1.42.29. -घ्नः a. fatal, life-destroying. -चयः increase of strength. -छिद् a. 1 murderous. -2 destructive. -छेदः murder. -त्यागः 1 suicide; वरं प्राणत्यागो न च पिशुनवाक्येष्वभिरुचिः H.1. -2 death. -द a. life-giving. (-दम्) 1 water. -2 blood. (-दः) 1 Viṣṇu. -2 Brahmā. -3 Terminalia Tomentosa (Mar. ऐन). -दा Terminalia Chebula (Mar. हिरडा). -दक्षिणा gift of life; प्राणदक्षिणां दा 'to grant one his life'. -दण्डः capital punishment. -दयितः a husband. -दातृ a. 'life-giver', saviour, deliverer. -दानम् 1 resigning life. -2 the gift of life, saving one's life. -दुरोदरम्, -द्यूतम् fighting for life. -दृह् a. Sustaining or prolonging the breath. -द्रोहः an attempt upon any body's life. -धार a. living, animate. (-रः) a living being. -धारणम् 1 maintenance or support of life. -2 vitality. -3 a means of supporting life. -नाथः 1 a lover, husband. -2 an epithet of Yama. -निग्रहः restraint of breath, checking the breath. -पतिः 1 a lover, husband. -2 the soul; बुद्धिं समाच्छाद्य च मे समान्युरुद्भूयते प्राणपतिः शरीरे Mb.3. 269.4. -3 a physician. -पत्नी the voice. -परिक्रयः staking one's life. -परिक्षीण a. one whose life is drawing to a close. -परिग्रहः possession of life, life, existence.
-प्रद, -दायक, -दायिन् a. restoring or saving life. -प्रयाणम् departure of life, death. -प्रियः 'as dear as life', a lover, husband. -भक्ष a. feeding on air only. -भास्वत् m. the ocean. -भृत् a. possessed of life, living, animate, sentient. (-m.) a living being; अन्तर्गतं प्राणभृतां हि वेद R.2.43. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -मोक्षणम् 1 departure of life, death. -2 suicide. -यमः = प्राणायाम q. v. -यात्रा 1 support of life; maintenance, livelihood; पिण्डपात- मात्रप्राणयात्रां भगवतीम् Māl.1. -2 the act of breathing. -यात्रिक requisite for subsistence; प्राणयात्रिकमात्रः स्यात् Ms.6.57. -योनिः 1 the Supreme Being. -2 wind. (-f.) the source of life. -रन्ध्रम् 1 the mouth. -2 a nostril. -रोधः 1 suppressing the breath. -2 danger to life. -वल्लभा a mistress, wife. -विद्या the science of breath or vital airs. -विनाशः, -विप्लवः loss of life, death. -वियोगः separation of the soul from the body, death. -वृत्तिः f. a vital function. -व्ययः cost or sacrifice of life. -शरीरः the Supreme Being; स क्रतुं कुर्वीत मनोमयः प्राणशरीरः Ch. Up. -संयमः suspension of breath. -संशयः, -संकटम्, -संदेहः risk or danger to life, peril of life, a very great peril. -संहिता a manner of reciting the Vedic text. -सद्मन् n. the body. -सम a. as dear as life. (-मः) a husband, lover. (-मा) a wife; नूनं प्राणसमावियोगविधुरः स्तम्बेरमस्ताम्यति Māl.9.33. -सार a. 'having life as the essence', full of strength and vigour, muscular; गिरिचर इव नागः प्राणसारं (गात्रं) विभर्ति Ś.2.4. -हर, -हारिन् a. causing death, taking away life, fatal; पुरो मम प्राणहरो भविष्यसि Gīt.7. -2 capital. -हारक a. fatal. (-कम्) a kind of deadly poison. |
prāntaram | प्रान्तरम् [प्रकृष्टमन्तरं यत्र] 1 A long, lonesome or solitary path, desolate road. -2 A road without shade, dreary tract of land. -3 A forest, wilderness. -4 The hollow of a tree. -5 The country intervening between two villages. -Comp. -शून्यः a long dreary road (without trees, shade &c.). |
prāvaraḥ | प्रावरः 1 A fence, an enclosure. -2 An upper garment (according to Hemachandra). -3 N. of a country. |
priyaṅguḥ | प्रियङ्गुः 1 N. of a creeper (said to put forth blossoms at the touch of women); प्रियङ्गुश्यामाङ्गप्रकृतिरपि Māl.3.9. (For some of the conventions of poets about the blossoming of trees, see the quotation under अशोक.) -2 Long pepper. -3 A plant and its perfume (Mar. गव्हला); Mb.13.14.87. -4 A kind of millet (राजिका; Mar. राळा); दश ग्राम्याणि धान्यानि भवन्ति व्रीहियवास्तिलमाषा अणुप्रियङ्गवो गोधूमाश्च खल्वाश्च खलकुलाश्च Bṛi. Up.6.3.13. -गु n. 1 Saffron. -2 mustard seed. -Comp. -द्वीपम् N. of a country; Buddh. |
proṣita | प्रोषित p. p. Gone abroad, on a journey, living abroad, away from home, absent, living in a foreign country; जीवत्सु पाण्डुपुत्रेषु दूरमप्रोषितेषु च । पाञ्चालराजतनया वहते यदिमां दशाम् Ve.1.18; प्रोषिते मलिना कृशा Kāśīkhaṇda. -Comp. -भर्तृका a woman whose husband is gone abroad; one of the eight Nāyikās in erotic poetry. She is thus defined in S. D. :-- नानाकार्यवशाद् यस्या दूरदेशं गतः पतिः । सा मनोभवदुःखार्ता भवेत् प्रोषितभर्तृका ॥ 119. -मरणम् dying in a foreign country. |
phiraṅgaḥ | फिरङ्गः 1 The country of the Franks (i. e. of Europeans). -2 A disease of the Franks, syphilis; also फिरङ्गामयः, -व्याधिः. |
pheṇa | फेण (न) क 1 See फेन. -2 Ground rice boiled in water. -का A kind of pastry (फेणी). |
babhru | बभ्रु a. [भृ-कु द्वित्वम्; बभ्र्-उ वा Uṇ.1.21] 1 Deepbrown, tawny, reddish-brown; ज्वालाबभ्रुशिरोरुहः R.15. 16;19.25; बबन्ध बालारुणबभ्रु वल्कलम् Ku.5.8. -2 Baldheaded through disease. -भ्रुः 1 Fire. -2 An ichneumon; सखिभिर्न्यवसत् सार्धं व्याघ्राखुवृकबभ्रुभिः Mb.1.14.27. -3 The tawny colour. -4 A man with tawny hair. -5 N. of a Yādava; आलप्यालमिदं बभ्रोर्यत् स दारानपाहरत् Śi.2.1. -6 An epithet of Śiva. -7 Of Viṣṇu. -8 The Chātaka bird. -9 A sweeper, cleaner. -1 N. of a country. -n. 1 A tawny or brown colour. -2 Any object of a brown colour. -भ्रूः f. A reddish-brown cow (कपिला); अजानन्नहनद्बभ्रोः शिरः शार्दूलशङ्कया Bhāg.9.2.6. -Comp. -धातुः 1 gold. -2 red chalk (गौरिक), a kind of ochre. -वाहनः N. of a son of Arjuna by Chitrāṅgadā. [The sacrificial horse let loose by king Yudhiṣṭhira and guarded by Arjuna entered, in the course of its wanderings, the country of Maṇipura, which was then ruled by Babhruvāhana, unequalled in prowess. The horse was taken to the king; but when he read the writing on the plate on its head, he knew that it belonged to the Pāṇḍavas, and that his father Arjuna had arrived in the kingdom; and, hastening to him, respectfully offered his kingdom and his treasures along with the horse. Arjuna, in an evil hour, struck the head of Babhruvāhana and upbraided him for his cowardice saying that if he had possessed true valour and had been his true son, he should not have been afraid of his father and submitted to him so meekly. At these words the brave youth was exceedingly irritated and discharged a crescent-shaped arrow at Arjuna which severed his head from his body. He was, however, restored to life by Ulūpī who happened to be then with Chitrāṅgadā; and having acknowledged Babhruvāhana as his true son, he resumed his journey.] |
balam | बलम् [बल्-अच्] 1 Strength, power, might, vigour; क्षत्त्रियाणां बलं युद्धम् Brav. P. -2 Force, violence; as in बलात् q. v. -3 An army, host, forces, troops; भवेदभीष्म- मद्रोणं धृतराष्ट्रबलं कथम् Ve.3.24,43; बलं भीष्मा(भीमा)भिरक्षितम् Bg.1.1; R.16.37. -4 Bulkiness, stoutness (of the body). -5 Body, figure, shape. -6 Semen virile. -7 Blood, -8 Gum myrrh. -9 A shoot, sprout. -1 Force or power of articulation; वर्णः स्वरः । मात्रा बलम् । साम संतानः । इत्युक्तः शीक्षाध्यायः T. Up.1.2.1. -11 The deity of power (such as Indra); नमो बलप्रमथनाय Mb.12.284. 94. -12 The hand; क्रान्ते विष्णुर्बले शक्रः कोष्ठे$ग्निर्भोक्तुमिच्छति Mb.12.239.8. -13 Effort (यत्न); विधिः शुक्रं बलं चेति त्रय एते गुणाः परे Mb.12.32.11 (com. बलं वासनाविषयप्राप्त्यनु- कूलो यत्नः). (बलेन means 'on the strength of', 'by means or virtue of'; बाहुबलेन जितः, वीर्यबलेन &c.; बलात् 'perforce', 'forcibly', 'violently', 'against one's will'; बलान्निद्रा समायाता Pt.1; हृदयमदये तस्मिन्नेवं पुनर्वलते बलात् Gīt.7.). -लः 1 A crow; Rām.6.54.9. -2 N. of the elder brother of Kṛiṣṇa; see बलराम below. -3 N. of a demon killed by Indra. -Comp. -अग्रम् excessive strength or force. (-ग्रः) the head of an army. -अङ्गकः the spring; 'वसन्त इष्यः सुरभिः पुष्पकालो बलाङ्गकः' H. Ch.156. -अञ्चिता the lute of Balarāma. -अटः a kind of beam. -अधिक a. surpassing in strength, of superior strength or force. -अधिकरणम् the affairs of an army; -अध्यक्षः 1 a general or commander of an army; सेनापतिबलाध्यक्षौ सर्वदिक्षु निवेशयेत् Ms.7.189. -2 a war-minister. -3 An officer in charge of infantry. -अनुजः an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. -अन्वित a. 1 endowed with strength, mighty, powerful. -2 leading an army. -अबलम् 1 comparative strength and want of strength, relative strength and weakness; परात्मनोः परिच्छिद्य शक्त्या- दीनां बलाबलम् R.17.59. -2 relative significance and insignificance, comparative importance and unimportance; समय एव करोति बलाबलम् Śi.6.44. ˚अधिकरणम् a kind of न्यायभेद according to Jaimini. -अभ्रः an army in the form of a cloud. -अरातिः an epithet of Indra. -अर्थिन् a. desirous of power; राज्ञो बलार्थिनः षष्ठे (वर्षे उपनयनं कार्यम्) Ms.2.37. -अवलेपः pride of strength. -अशः, -असः 1 consumption. -2 the phlegmatic humour (कफ). -3 a swelling in the throat (which stops the passages of food). -आढ्यः a bean. -आत्मिका a kind of sun-flower (हस्तिशुण्डी). -आलयः a military camp; पूज्यमानो हरिगणैराजगाम बलालयम् Rām.6.112.8. -आहः water. -उत्कट a. of mighty strength; न वध्यते ह्यविश्वस्तो दुर्बलो$पि बलोत्कटैः Pt.2.44;3.115. -उपपन्न, -उपेत a. endowed with strength, strong, powerful;
एतां रामबलोपेतां रक्षां यः सुकृती पठेत् Rāmarakṣā.1. -उपादानम् Recruitment of the army; Kau. A. -ओघः a multitude of troops, numerous army; लक्ष्मीं दधत् प्रति- गिरेरलघुर्बलौघः Śi.5.2. -कर, -कृत् a. strengthening. -कृत done by force or against free consent; सर्वान् बलकृता- नर्थानकृतान् मनुरब्रवीत् Ms.8.168. -क्षोभः disturbance in the army, mutiny, revolt. -चक्रम् 1 dominion, sovereignty. -2 an army, a host. -ज a. produced by power. (-जम्) 1 a city-gate, gate. -2 a field. -3 grain, a heap of grain; त्वं समीरण इव प्रतीक्षितः कर्षकेण बलजान् पुपूषता Śi.14.7. -4 war, battle -5 marrow, pith. -6 a pretty figure. (-जा) 1 the earth. -2 a handsome woman. -3 a kind of jasmine (Arabian). -4 a rope. -तापनः an epithet of Indra; अफिषिषेच मरन्दरसामृतैर्नवलताबलता- पनरत्नभम् (अलिनम्) Rām. Ch.4.12. -दः an ox, a bullock -दर्पः pride of strength. -देवः 1 air, wind. -2 N. of the elder brother of Kṛiṣṇa; see बलराम below. -बलदेवा (वी) f. N. of a medicinal herb which is also called त्रायमाण. It grows in the forests on the slopes of the Himālayas and in Persia. -द्विष् m., -निषूदनः epithets of Indra; बलनिषूदनमर्थपतिं च तम् R.9.3. -निग्रह a. weakening, enervating. -पतिः 1 a general, commander. -2 an epithet of Indra. -पुच्छकः a crow; Nigh. Ratn. -पृष्ठकः a kind of deer (Mar. रोहें). -प्रद a. giving strength, invigorating. -प्रमथनी N. of a form of Durgā. -प्रसूः N. of Rohinī, mother of Balarāma. -भद्र a. strong, powerful. (-द्रः) 1 a strong or powerful man. -2 a kind of ox. -3 N. of Balarāma, q. v. below. -4 the tree called लोध्र. -5 N. of Ananta. (-द्रा) a maiden. -भिद् m. an epithet of Indra; Ś.2. -भृत् a. strong, powerful. -मुख्यः the chief of an army. -रामः 'the strong Rāma', N. of the elder brother of Kṛiṣṇa. [He was the seventh son of Vasudava and Devakī; but transferred to the womb of Rohiṇī to save him from falling a prey to the cruelty of Kaṁsa. He and his brother Kṛiṣṇa were brought up by Nanda in Gokula. When quite young, he killed the powerful demons Dhenuka and Pralamba, and performed, like his brother, many feats of surprising strength. On one occasion Balarāma under the influence of wine, of which he was very fond, called upon the Yamunā river to come to him that he might bathe; and on his command being unheeded, he plunged his plough-share into the river and dragged the waters after him, until the river assumed a human form and asked his forgivenss. On another occasion he dragged towards himself the whole city of Hastināpura along with its walls. As Kṛiṣṇa was a friend and admirer of the Pāṇḍavas, so Balarāma was of the Kauravas, as was seen in his desire of giving his sister Subhadrā to Duryodhana rather than to Arjuna; yet he declined to take any part in the great Bhāratī war either with the Pāṇḍavas or the Kauravas. He is represented as dressed in blue clothes, and armed with a ploughshare which was his most effective weapon. His wife was Revatī. He is sometimes regarded as an incarnation of the serpent Śeṣa and sometimes as the eighth incarnation of Viṣṇu; see the quotation under हल]. -वर्जित a. infirm, weak. -वर्णिन् a. strong and looking well. -वर्धन a. invigorating, strengthening. -m. N. of स्थण्डिलाग्नि in उत्सर्जन or उपाकर्म. -विन्यासः array or arrangement of troops. -व्यसनम् the defeat of an army. -व्यापद् f. decrease of strength. -शालिन् a. strong; बलशालितया यथा तथा वा धियमुच्छेदपरामयं दधानः Ki.13.12. -समुत्थानम् Recruiting a strong army; Kau. A.1.16; तमभियोक्तुं बलसमुत्थानमकरोत् Dk.2.8. -सूदनः an epithet of Indra. -सेना a strong army, an army, host. -स्थ a. strong, powerful. (-स्थः) a warrior, soldier. -स्थितिः f. 1 a camp; an encampment. -2 a royal camp. -हन्, -हन्तृ m. 1 an epithet of Indra; पाण्डुः स्मरति ते नित्यं बलहन्तुः समीपगः Mb.15.2.17. -2 of Balarāma. -3 phlegm. -हीन a. destitute of strength, weak, feeble. |
balvajaḥ | बल्वजः जा A kind of coarse grass; मुञ्जालाभे तु कर्तव्याः कुशाश्मन्तकबल्वजैः Ms.2.43.
बह्लिकाः bahlikāḥ बह्लीकाः bahlīkāḥ
बह्लिकाः बह्लीकाः (pl.) N. of a country (Balkh) and its inhabitants. |
bahis | बहिस् ind. 1 Out of, outside (with abl.); निवस- न्नावसथे पुराद्बहिः R.8.14;11.29. -2 On the outside, out of doors (opp. अन्तः); बहिर्गच्छ -3 Externally, outwardly; अन्तर्बहिः पुरत एव विवर्तमानाम् Māl.1.4,14; H. 1.94 -4 Apart, separately. -5 Beside, except. -Comp. -अङ्ग a. outer, external. (-गम्) 1 an external part. -2 an outer limb. -3 property. -4 a stranger. -5 the preliminary part of a religious ceremony. -6 What is remotely related or connected; अन्तरङ्गबहिरङ्गयोरन्तरङ्गं बलीयः ŚB. on MS.12.2.29. -अर्थः an external object. -इन्द्रियम् an external organ or sense, an organ of action. -उपाधिः an external condition or circumstance; न खलु बहिरुपाधीन् प्रीतयः संश्रयन्ते Māl.1.24. -कुटीचरः a crab. -गीतम् a song accompanied by a stringed instrument. -गेहम् ind. out of doors, abroad. -चर a. outer, external, outward; बहिश्चराः प्राणाः Dk. (-रः) a crab. -तपस् n. outward penance. -दृश् a. superficial
(in judgment). -देशः 1 a foreign country. -2 the outskirts of a village. -3 a place without a town or village. -द्वारम् an outer door. ˚प्रकोष्ठकम् a portico. -निःसारणम् expulsion. -पवमानम् a Sāma in the Somayāga; ते ह यथैवेदं बहिष्पवमानेन स्तोष्यमाणाः संरब्धाः Ch. Up.1.12.4. -प्रज्ञ a. One whose knowledge is directed towards external objects; बहिष्प्रज्ञो विभुर्विश्वो ह्यन्तः प्रज्ञस्तु तैजसः Āgama.1. -प्राणः 1 the external or outer breath or life; (hence) anything as dear as life. -2 money; Bhāg.5.14.5. -भव a. external. -भवनम् emanation. -भूत a. 1 expelled. -2 expired (time &c.). -3 inattentive, careless. -मनस् a. being outside the mind; external. -मनस्क a. out of mind. -मुख a. 1 turning one's face away from. -2 averse from, indifferent to. -3 greatly devoted to external things. -4 coming out of the mouth. (-खः) a god or deity. -यात्रा, -यानम् excursion, expedition abroad. -यूति a. placed or fastened outside. -योगः 1 external meditation. -लम्ब a. obtuse-angled. (-म्बः) an obtuseangled triangle. -लापिका a kind of enigma. -वर्तिन् a. being on the outside. -वासस् n. an outer or upper garment. -विकारः syphilis. -a. ind. free from change; बहिर्विकारं प्रकृतेः पृथग् विदुः Śi.1.33. -वृत्तिः f. an external aspect or appearance; अन्तर्विषमया ह्येता बहिर्वृत्त्या मनोरमाः । गुञ्जाफलसमाकाराः स्वभावादेव योषितः ॥ Pt.4.87. -व्यसनम् licentiousness, immorality, evil or lewd practices -व्यसनिन् a. dissolute, lewd. -संस्थ a. lying or situated outside (the town). -स्थ, -स्थित a. external, outer. |
bāhliḥ | बाह्लिः N. of a country (Balkh). -Comp. -ज, -जात a. bred in the Balkh country, of the Balkh breed. |
bībhatsa | बीभत्स a. [बध् स्वार्थे सन्] 1 Disgusting, loathsome. nauseous, hideous, revolting; हन्त बीभत्समेवाग्रे वर्तते Māl. 5 'Oh ! it is indeed a loathsome sight'. -2 Envious, malignant, mischievous. -3 Savage, cruel, ferocious. -4 Estranged in mind. -5 Loathing, detesting; बीभत्सु- रतिबीभत्सं कर्मेदमकरोत् कथम् Mb.11.24.13. -6 Sinful, wicked. -त्सः 1 Disgust, abhorrence, detestation. -2 The disgusting sentiment, one of the 8 or 9 rasas in poetry; जुगुप्सास्थायिभावस्तु बीभत्सः कथ्यते रसः S. D.236. (e. g. Māl.5.16.). -3 N. of Arjuna. -त्सा Loathing, abhorrence. -त्सम् Anything loathsome. |
bṛhat | बृहत् a. (-ती f.) [बृह्-अति] 1 Large, great, big, bulky; वितरति बृहदश्मा पर्वतः प्रीतिमक्ष्णोः Māl.9.5. -2 Wide, broad, extensive, far-extended; दिलीपसूनोः स बृहद्भुजान्तरम् R.3.54. -3 Vast, ample, abundant. -4 Strong, powerful. -5 Long, tall; देवदारुबृहद्भुजः Ku.6.51. -6 Fullgrown. -7 Compact, dense. -8 Eldest, or oldest. -9 Bright. -1 Clear, loud (as sound). -m. N. of Viṣṇu; अणुर्बृहन् कृशः स्थूलः V. Sah. -f. Speech; शिष्याय बृहतां पत्युः प्रस्तावमदिशद्दृशा Śi.2.68. -ती 1 A large lute. -2 The lute of Nārada. -3 A symbolical expression for the number 'thirty-six'. -4 A part of the body between the breast and backbone. -5 A mantle, wrapper. -6 A reservoir. -7 The egg-plant. -8 N. of a metre. -9 A speech; दक्षां पृश्निं बृहतीं विप्रकृष्टां ...... गङ्गां गता ये त्रिदिवं गतास्ते Mb.13.26.86; अनन्तपारां बृहतीं सृजत्याक्षिपते स्वयम् Bhāg.11.21.4. -n. 1 The Veda; जामदग्न्यो$पि ...... वर्तयिष्यति वै बृहत् Bhāg.9.16.25. -2 N. of a Sāman; बृहत्साम तथा साम्नां गायत्री छन्दसामहम् Bg.1.35; cf. Ch. Up.2.14.1. -3 Brahman; बृहदुपलब्धमेतदवयन्त्यवशेषतया Bhāg.1.87.15. -4 Devoted celibacy (नैष्ठिक ब्रह्मचर्यम्); सावित्रं प्राजापत्यं च ब्राह्मं चाथ बृहत्तथा Bhāg.3.12.42. (बृहत्, बृहता ind. 1 Greatly, highly. -2 Clearly, brightly) -Comp. -अङ्ग, -काय a. large-bodied, gigantic. (-ङ्गः) a large elephant. -आरण्यम्, -आरण्यकम् N. of a celebrated Upaniṣad, forming the last six chapters of the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa. -उत्तरतापिनी N. of an Upaniṣad. -एला large cardamoms. -कथा N. of a work ascribed to Guṇāḍhya; हरलीलेव नो यस्य विस्मयाय बृहत्कथा Hch. -काय a. big-bodied, bulky, gigantic. -कुक्षि a. large-bellied. -केतुः an epithet of Agni. -गृहः N. of a country. -गोलम् a water-melon. -चित्तः the citron tree. -जनः an illustrious person. -जघन a. broad-hipped. -जीवन्तिका, -जीवन्ती a kind of plant. -ढक्का a large drum. -तृणम् 1 strong grass. -2 the bamboo cane. -तेजस् m. the planet Jupiter. -देवता N. of a large work enumerating Vedic Deities. -नटः, -नलः, -ला the name assumed by Arjuna when residing as dancing and music master at the court of Virāṭa. -नलः the arm. -नारदीयम् N. of an Upapurāṇa. -नालः, -नालिकम्, -नालिकायन्त्रम् a cannon; Śukra 1.254. -निवेश a. large, protuberant. -नेत्र a. far-sighted, prudent. -पाटलिः the thorn-apple (Mar. धोत्रा). -पादः the fig-tree. -पालः the Indian fig-tree. -पालिन् m. wild cumin. -फल a. 1 having or bearing large fruits. -2 yielding good fruit or reward. (-ला) N. of various plants (Mar. कडू भोपळा, कोहळा etc.). -भट्टारिका an epithet of Durgā. -भानुः 1 fire. -2 the sun; वराहो$ग्निर्बृहद्भानुः Mb.12. 43.8. -3 N. of Viṣṇu. -भास a. very bright, brightly shining. -रथः 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 N. of a king, father of Jarāsandha. -वादिन् a. talking much, a boaster, swaggerer. -राविन् m. a kind of small owl. -शल्कः a sprawn. -श्रवस् a. highly praised, farfamed. -संहिता N. of a work on astrology by Varāhamihira. -सामन् N. of a Sāman; बृहत्साम तथा साम्नाम् Bg.1.35. -स्फिच् a. broad-hipped, having large buttocks. |
brahman | ब्रह्मन् n. [बृंह्-मनिन् नकारस्याकारे ऋतो रत्वम्; cf. Uṇ.4.145.] 1 The Supreme Being, regarded as impersonal and divested of all quality and action; (according to the Vedāntins, Brahman is both the efficient and the material cause of the visible universe, the all-pervading soul and spirit of the universe, the essence from which all created things are produced and into which they are absorbed; अस्ति तावन्नित्यशुद्धबुद्धमुक्तस्वभावं सर्वज्ञं सर्वशक्तिसमन्वितं ब्रह्म Ś. B.); ... यत्प्रयन्त्यभिसंविशन्ति । तद् विजिज्ञा- सस्व । तद् ब्रह्मेति Tai. Up.3.1; समीभूता दृष्टिस्त्रिभुवनमपि ब्रह्म मनुते Bh.3.84; Ku.3.15; दर्शनं तस्य लाभः स्यात् त्वं हि ब्रह्ममयो निधिः Mb. -2 A hymn of praise. -3 A sacred text; मैवं स्याद् ब्रह्मविक्रिया Bhāg.9.1.17. -4 The Vedas; ब्रह्मणः प्रणवं कुर्यात् Ms.2.74; यद् ब्रह्म सम्यगाम्नातम् Ku.6.16; U.1.15; समस्तवदनोद्गीतब्रह्मणे ब्रह्मणे नमः Bm.1.1; Bg.3.15. -5 The sacred and mystic syllable om; एकाक्षरं परं ब्रह्म Ms.2.83. -6 The priestly of Brahmanical class (collectively); तदेतद् ब्रह्म क्षत्रं विट् शूद्रः Bṛi. Up.1.4.15; ब्रह्मैव संनियन्तृ स्यात् क्षत्रं हि ब्रह्मसंभवम् Ms.9.32. -7 The power or energy of a Brāhmaṇa; पवनाग्निसमागमो ह्ययं सहितं ब्रह्म यदस्त्रतेजसा R.8.4. -8 Religious penance or austerities. -9 Celibacy, chastity; शाश्वते ब्रह्मणि वर्तते Ś.1. -1 Final emancipation or beatitude. -11 Theology, sacred learning, religious knowledge. -12 The Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda. -13 Wealth. -14 Food. -15 A Brāhmaṇa. -16 Truth. -17 The Brāhmaṇahood (ब्राह्मणत्व); येन विप्लावितं ब्रह्म वृषल्यां जायतात्मना Bhāg.6.2.26. -18 The soul (आत्मा); एतदेषां ब्रह्म Bṛi. Up.1.6.1-3. -19 See ब्रह्मास्त्र. अब्राह्मणे न हि ब्रह्म ध्रुवं तिष्ठेत् कदाचन Mb.12.3.31. -2 The गायत्री mantra; उभे सन्ध्ये च यतवाग्जपन् ब्रह्म समाहितः Bhāg.7. 12.2. -m. 1 The Supreme Being, the Creator, the first deity of the sacred Hindu Trinity, to whom is entrusted the work of creating the world. [The accounts of the creation of the world differ in many respects; but, according to Manu Smṛiti, the universe was enveloped in darkness, and the self-existent Lord manifested himself dispelling the gloom. He first created the waters and deposited in them a seed. This seed became a golden egg, in which he himself was born as Brahmā-the progenitor of all the worlds. Then the Lord divided the egg into two parts, with which he constructed heaven and earth. He then created the ten Prajāpatis or mind-born sons who completed the work of creation. According to another account (Rāmāyaṇa) Brahmā sprang from ether; from him was descended marīchi, and his son was Kaśyapa. From Kaśyapa sprang Vivasvata, and Manu sprang from him. Thus Manu was the procreator of all human beings. According to a third account, the Supreme deity, after dividing the golden egg, separated himself into two parts, male and female, from which sprang Virāj and from him Manu; cf. Ku.2.7. and Ms.1.32 et seq. Mythologically Brahman is represented as being born in a lotus which sprang from the navel of Viṣṇu, and as creating the world by an illicit connection with his own daughter Sarasvatī. Brahman had originally five heads, but one of them was cut down by Śiva with the ring-finger or burnt down by the fire from his third eye. His vehicle is a swan. He has numerous epithets, most of which have reference to his birth, in a lotus.] -2 A Brāhmaṇa; Ś.4.4. -3 A devout man. -4 One of the four Ritvijas or priests employed at a Soma sacrifice. -5 One conversant with sacred knowledge. -6 The sun. -7 Intellect. -8 An epithet of the seven Prajāpatis :-मरीचि, अत्रि, अङ्गिरस्, पुलस्त्य, पुलह, क्रतु and वसिष्ठ. -9 An epithet of Bṛihaspati; ब्रह्मन्नध्ययनस्य नैष समयस्तूष्णीं बहिः स्थीयताम् Hanumannāṭaka. -1 The
planet Jupiter; ब्रह्मराशिं समावृत्य लोहिताङ्गो व्यवस्थितः Mb. 3.6.18. -11 The world of Brahmā (ब्रह्मलोक); दमस्त्यागो- $प्रमादश्च ते त्रयो ब्रह्मणो हयाः Mb.11.7.23. -1 Of Śiva. -Comp. -अक्षरम् the sacred syllable om. -अङ्गभूः 1 a horse. -2 one who has touched the several parts of his body by the repetition of Mantras; स च त्वदेकेषुनिपात- साध्यो ब्रह्माङ्गभूर्ब्रह्मणि योजितात्मा Ku.3.15 (see Malli. thereon). -अञ्जलिः 1 respectful salutation with folded hands while repeating the Veda. -2 obeisance to a preceptor (at the beginning and conclusion of the repetition of the Veda); अपश्यद्यावतो वेदविदां ब्रह्माञ्जलीनसौ N.17.183; ब्रह्मारम्भे$वसाने च पादौ ग्राह्यौ गुरोः सदा । संहत्य हस्तावध्येयं स हि ब्रह्माञ्जलिः स्मृतः ॥ Ms.2.71. -अण्डम् 'the egg of Brahman', the primordial egg from which the universe sprang, the world, universe; ब्रह्माण्डच्छत्रदण्डः Dk.1. ˚कपालः the hemisphere of the world. ˚भाण्डोदरम् the hollow of the universe; ब्रह्मा येन कुलालवन्नियमितो ब्रह्माण्ड- भाण्डोदरे Bh.2.95. ˚पुराणम् N. of one of the eighteen Purāṇas. -अदि(द्रि)जाता an epithet of the river Godāvarī. -अधिगमः, अधिगमनम् study of the Vedas. -अम्भस् n. the urine of a cow. -अभ्यासः the study of the Vedas. -अयणः, -नः an epithet of Nārāyaṇa. -अरण्यम् 1 a place of religious study. -2 N. of a forest. -अर्पणम् 1 the offering of sacred knowledge. -2 devoting oneself to the Supreme Spirit. -3 N. of a spell. -4 a mode of performing the Śrāddha in which no Piṇḍas or rice-balls are offered. -अस्त्रम् a missile presided over by Brahman. -आत्मभूः a horse. -आनन्दः bliss or rapture of absorption into Brahma; ब्रह्मानन्दसाक्षात्क्रियां Mv.7.31. -आरम्भः beginning to repeat the Vedas; Ms.2.71. -आवर्तः N. of the tract between the rivers Sarasvatī and Dṛiṣavatī (northwest of Hastināpura); सरस्वतीदृषद्वत्योर्देवनद्योर्यदन्तरम् । तं देवनिर्मितं देशं ब्रह्मावर्तं प्रचक्षते Ms.2.17,19; Me.5. -आश्रमः = ब्रह्मचर्याश्रमः; वेदाध्ययननित्यत्वं क्षमा$थाचार्यपूजनम् । अथोपाध्यायशुश्रूषा ब्रह्माश्रमपदं भवेत् ॥ Mb.12.66.14. -आसनम् a particular position for profound meditation. -आहुतिः f. 1 the offering of prayers; see ब्रह्मयज्ञ. -2 the study of the Vedas. -उज्झता forgetting or neglecting the Vedas; Ms.11.57 (अधीतवेदस्यानभ्यासेन विस्मरणम् Kull.). -उत्तर a. 1 treating principally of Brahman. -2 consisting chiefly of Brāhmaṇas. -उद्यम् explaining the Veda, treatment or discussion of theological problems; ब्राह्मणा भगवन्तो हन्ताहमिमं द्वौ प्रश्नौ प्रक्ष्यामि तौ चेन्मे वक्ष्यति न वै जातु युष्माकमिमं कश्चिद् ब्रह्मोद्यं जेतेति Bṛi. Up. -उपदेशः instruction in the Vedas or sacred knowledge. ˚नेतृ m. the Palāśa tree. -ऋषिः (ब्रह्मर्षिः or ब्रह्माऋषिः) a Brahmanical sage. ˚देशः N. of a district; (कुरुक्षेत्रं च मत्स्याश्च पञ्चालाः शूरसेनकाः । एष ब्रह्मर्षिदेशो वै ब्रह्मावर्तादनन्तरः Ms.2.19). -ओदनः, -नम् food given to the priests at a sacrifice. -कन्यका an epithet of Sarasvatī. -करः a tax paid to the priestly class. -कर्मन् n. 1 the religious duties of a Brāhmaṇa, the office of Brahman, one of the four principal priests at a sacrifice. -कला an epithet of Dākṣāyaṇī (who dwells in the heart of man). -कल्पः an age of Brahman. -काण्डम् the portion of the Veda relating to spiritual knowledge. -काष्ठः the mulberry tree. -किल्बिषम् an offence against Brāhmaṇas. -कूटः a thoroughly learned Brāhmaṇa. -कूर्चम् a kind of penance; अहोरात्रोषितो भूत्वा पौर्णमास्यां विशेषतः । पञ्चगव्यं पिबेत् प्रातर्ब्रह्मकूर्चमिति स्मृतम् ॥. -कृत् one who prays. (-m.) an epithet of Viṣṇu. -कोशः the treasure of the Vedas, the entire collection of the Vedas; क्षात्रो धर्मः श्रित इव तनुं ब्रह्मकोशस्य गुप्त्यै U.6.9. -गायत्री N. of a magical mantra composed after the model of गायत्री mantra. -गिरिः N. of a mountain. -गीता f. The preaching of Brahmā as included in the Anuśāsana parva of the Mahābhārata. -गुप्तः N. of an astronomer born in 598. A. D. -गोलः the universe. -गौरवम् respect for the missile presided over by Brahman; विष्कम्भितुं समर्थो$पि ना$चलद् ब्रह्मगौरवात् Bk.9.76 (मा भून्मोघो ब्राह्मः पाश इति). -ग्रन्थिः 1 N. of a particular joint of the body. -2 N. of the knot which ties together the 3 threads of the यज्ञोपवीत. -ग्रहः, -पिशाचः, -पुरुषः, -रक्षस् n., -राक्षसः a kind of ghost, the ghost of a Brāhmaṇa, who during his life time indulges in a disdainful spirit and carries away the wives of others and the property of Brāhmaṇas; (परस्य योषितं हृत्वा ब्रह्मस्वमपहृत्य च । अरण्ये निर्जले देशे भवति ब्रह्मराक्षसः ॥ Y.3.212; cf. Ms.12.6 also). -ग्राहिन् a. worthy to receive that which is holy. -घातकः, -घातिन् m. the murderer of a Brāhmaṇa. -घातिनी a woman on the second day of her courses. -घोषः 1 recital of the Veda. -2 the sacred word, the Vedas collectively; U.6.9 (v. l.). -घ्नः the murderer of a Brāhmaṇa. -चक्रम् 1 The circle of the universe; Śvet. Up. -2 N. of a magical circle. -चर्यम् 1 religious studentship, the life of celibacy passed by a Brāhmaṇa boy in studying the Vedas, the first stage or order of his life; अविप्लुतब्रह्मचर्यो गृहस्थाश्रममाचरेत् Ms.3.2;2. 249; Mv.1.24; यदिच्छन्तो ब्रह्मचर्यं चरन्ति तत्ते पदं संग्रहेण ब्रवीम्योमित्येतत् Kaṭh. -2 religious study, self-restraint. -3 celibacy, chastity, abstinence, continence; also ब्रह्म- चर्याश्रम. (-र्यः) a religious student; see ब्रह्मचारिन्. (-र्या) chastity, celibacy. ˚व्रतम् a vow of chastity. ˚स्खलनम् falling off from chastity, incontinence. -चारिकम् the life of a religious student. -चारिन् a. 1 studying the Vedas. -2 practising continence of chastity. (-m.) a religious student, a Brāhmaṇa in the first order of his life, who continues to live with his spiritual guide from the investiture with sacred thread and performs the duties pertaining to his order till he settles in life; ब्रह्मचारी वेदमधीत्य वेदौ वेदान् वा चरेद् ब्रह्मचर्यम् Kaṭhaśrutyopaniṣad 17; Ms.2.41,175;6.87. -2 one who vows to lead the life of a celibate. -3 an epithet of Śiva. -4 of Skanda. -चारिणी 1 an epithet of Durgā. -2 a woman who observes the vow of chastity. -जः an epithet of Kārtikeya. -जन्मन् n. 1 spirtual birth. -2 investiture
with the sacred thread; ब्रह्मजन्म हि विप्रस्य प्रेत्य चेह च शाश्वतम् Ms.2.146,17. -जारः the paramour of a Brāhmaṇa's wife; Rāmtā. Up. -जिज्ञासा desire to know Brahman; अयातो ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा Brahmasūtra. -जीविन् a. living by sacred knowledge. (-m.) a mercenary Brāhmaṇa (who converts his sacred knowledge into trade), a Brāhmaṇa who lives by sacred knowledge. -ज्ञानम् knowledge about Brahman; वेदान्तसाङ्ख्यसिद्धान्त- ब्रह्मज्ञानं वदाम्यहम् Garuḍa. P. -ज्ञ, -ज्ञानिन् a. one who knows Brahma. (-ज्ञः) 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya. -2 of Viṣṇu. -ज्ञानम् true or divine knowledge, knowledge of the identity of the universe with Brahma; ब्रह्मज्ञान- प्रभासंध्याकालो गच्छति धीमताम् Paśupata. Up.7. -ज्येष्ठः the elder brother of Brahman; ब्रह्मज्येष्ठमुपासते T. Up.2.5. (-a.) having Brahmā as first or chief. -ज्योतिस् n. 1 the light of Brahma or the Supreme Being. -2 an epithet of Śiva. -तत्त्वम् the true knowledge of the Supreme Spirit. -तन्त्रम् all that is taught in the Veda. -तालः (in music) a kind of measure. -तेजस् n. 1 the glory of Brahman. -2 Brahmanic lustre, the lustre or glory supposed to surround a Brāhmaṇa. -दः a spiritual preceptor; Ms.4.232. -दण्डः 1 the curse of a Brāhmaṇa; एकेन ब्रह्मदण्डेन बहवो नाशिता मम Rām. -2 a tribute paid to a Brāhmaṇa. -3 an epithet of Śiva. -4 N. of a mythical weapon (ब्रह्मास्त्र); स्वरस्य रामो जग्राह ब्रह्मदण्डमिवापरम् Rām.3.3.24. -5 magic, spells, incantation (अभिचार); ब्रह्मदण्डमदृष्टेषु दृष्टेषु चतुरङ्गिणीम् Mb.12. 13.27. -दर्मा Ptychotis Ajowan (Mar. ओवा). -दानम् 1 the imparting of sacred knowledge. -2 sacred knowledge, received as an inheritance or hereditary gift; सर्वेषामेव दानानां ब्रह्मदानं विशिष्यते Ms.4.233. -दायः 1 instruction in the Vedas, the imparting of sacred knowledge. -2 sacred knowledge received as an inheritance; तं प्रतीतं स्वधर्मेण ब्रह्मदायहरं पितुः Ms.3.3. -3 the earthly possession of a Brāhmaṇa. -दायादः 1 one who receives the Vedas as his hereditary gift, a Brāhmaṇa. -2 the son of a Brāhmaṇa. -दारुः the mulberry tree. -दिनम् a day of Brahman. -दूषक a. falsifying the vedic texts; Hch. -देय a. married according to the Brāhma form of marriage; ब्रह्मदेयात्मसंतानो ज्येष्ठसामग एव च Ms.3.185. (-यः) the Brāhma form of marriage. (-यम्) 1 land granted to Brahmaṇas; श्रोत्रियेभ्यो ब्रह्मदेयान्यदण्डकराण्यभिरूपदायकानि प्रयच्छेत् Kau. A.2.1.19. -2 instruction in the sacred knowledge. -दैत्यः a Brāhmaṇa changed into a demon; cf. ब्रह्मग्रह. -द्वारम् entrance into Brahmā; ब्रह्मद्वारमिदमित्येवैतदाह यस्त- पसाहतपाप्मा Maitra. Up.4.4. -द्विष्, -द्वेषिन् a. 1 hating Brāhmaṇas; Ms.3.154 (Kull.). -2 hostile to religious acts or devotion, impious, godless. -द्वेषः hatred of Brāhmaṇas. -धर a. possessing sacred knowledge. -नदी an epithet of the river Sarasvatī. -नाभः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -निर्वाणम् absorption into the Supreme Spirit; स्थित्वास्यामन्तकाले$पि ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृच्छति Bg.2.72. -2 = ब्रह्मानन्द q. v.; तं ब्रह्मनिर्वाणसमाधिमाश्रितम् Bhāg.4.6.39. -निष्ठ a. absorbed in or intent on the contemplation of the Supreme Spirit; ब्रह्मनिष्ठस्तथा योगी पृथग्भावं न विन्दति Aman. Up.1.31. (-ष्ठः) the mulberry tree. -नीडम् the resting-place of Brahman. -पदम् 1 the rank or position of a Brāhmaṇa. -2 the place of the Supreme Spirit. -पवित्रः the Kuśa grass. -परिषद् f. an assembly of Brāhmṇas. -पादपः, -पत्रः the Palāśa tree. -पारः the final object of all sacred knowledge. -पारायणम् a complete study of the Vedas, the entire Veda; याज्ञवल्क्यो मुनिर्यस्मै ब्रह्मपारायणं जगौ U.4.9; Mv.1.14. -पाशः N. of a missile presided over by Brahman; अबध्नादपरिस्कन्दं ब्रह्मपाशेन विस्फुरन् Bk.9.75. -पितृ m. an epithet of Viṣṇu. -पुत्रः 1 a son of Brahman. -2 N. of a (male) river which rises in the eastern extremity of the Himālaya and falls with the Ganges into the Bay of Bengal. (-त्रा) 1 a kind of vegetable poison. -2 See ब्रह्मपुत्रः (2). (-त्री) an epithet of the river Sarasvatī. -पुरम् the heart; दिव्ये ब्रह्मपुरे ह्येष व्योम्न्यात्मा प्रतिष्ठितः Muṇḍ.2.2.7. -2 the body; Ch. Up. -पुरम्, -पुरी 1 the city of Brahman (in heaven). -2 N. of Benares. -पुराणम् N. of one of the eighteen Purāṇas. -पुरुषः a minister of Brahman (the five vital airs). -प्रलयः the universal destruction at the end of one hundred years of Brahman in which even the Supreme Being is supposed to be swallowed up. -प्राप्तिः f. absorption into the Supreme spirit. -बलम् the Brahmanical power. -बन्धुः 1 a contemptuous term for a Brāhmaṇa, an unworthy Brāhmaṇa (cf. Mar. भटुर्गा); वस ब्रह्मचर्यं न वै सोम्यास्मत्कुलीनो$ननूज्य ब्रह्मबन्धुरिव भवतीति Ch. Up.6.1.1; ब्रह्मबन्धुरिति स्माहम् Bhāg.1.81.16; M.4; V.2. -2 one who is a Brāhmaṇa only by caste, a nominal Brāhmaṇa. -बिन्दुः a drop of saliva sputtered while reciting the Veda. -बीजम् 1 the mystic syllable om; मनो यच्छेज्जितश्वासो ब्रह्मबीजमविस्मरन् Bhāg.2.1.17. -2 the mulberry tree. -ब्रुवः, -ब्रुवाणः one who pretends to be a Brāhmaṇa. -भवनम् the abode of Brahman. -भागः 1 the mulberry tree. -2 the share of the chief priest; अथास्मै ब्रह्मभागं पर्याहरन्ति Śat. Br. -भावः absorption into the Supreme Spirit -भावनम् imparting religious knowledge; छेत्ता ते हृदयग्रन्थिमौदर्यो ब्रह्मभावनः Bhāg.3.24.4. -भिद् a. dividing the one Brahma into many. -भुवनम् the world of Brahman; आ ब्रह्म- भुवनाल्लोकाः पुनरावर्तिनो$र्जुन Bg.8.16. -भूत a. become one with Brahma, absorbed into the Supreme Spirit; आयुष्मन्तः सर्व एव ब्रह्मभूता हि मे मताः Mb.1.1.14. -भूतिः f. twilight. -भूमिजा a kind of pepper. -भूयम् 1 identity with Brahma, absorption or dissolution into Brahma, final emancipation; स ब्रह्मभूयं गतिमागजाम R.18.28; ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते Bg.14.26; Ms.1.98. -2 Brahmanahood, the state or rank of a Brāhmaṇa. धृष्टाद्धार्ष्टमभूत् क्षत्र ब्रह्मभूयं गतं क्षितौ Bhāg.9.2.17. -भूयस n. absorption into Brahma. -मङ्गलदेवता an epithet of Lakshmī.
-महः a festival in honour of Brāhmaṇas. -मित्र a. having Brāhmaṇas for friends. -मीमांसा the Vedānta philosophy which inquires into the nature of Brahma or Supreme Spirit. -मुहूर्तः a particular hour of the day. -मूर्ति a. having the form of Brahman. -मूर्धभृत् m. an epithet of Śiva. -मेखलः the Munja plant. -यज्ञः one of the five daily Yajñas or sacrifices (to be performed by a householder), teaching and reciting the Vedas; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः Ms.3.7 (अध्यापनशब्देन अध्य- यनमपि गृह्यते Kull.) -योगः cultivation or acquisition of spiritual knowledge. -योनि a. 1 sprung from Brahman; गुरुणा ब्रह्मयोनिना R.1.64. (-निः) f. 1 original source in Brahman. -2 the author of the Vedas or of Brahman; किं पुनर्ब्रह्मयोनेर्यस्तव चेतसि वर्तते Ku.6.18. ˚स्थ a. intent on the means of attaining sacred knowledge; ब्राह्मणा ब्रह्मयोनिस्था ये स्वकर्मण्यवस्थिताः Ms.1.74. -रत्नम् a valuable present made to a Brāhmaṇa. -रन्ध्रम् an aperture in the crown of the head through which the soul is said to escape on its leaving the body; आरोप्य ब्रह्मरन्ध्रेण ब्रह्म नीत्वोत्सृजेत्तनुम् Bhāg.11.15.24. -राक्षसः See ब्रह्मग्रह; छिद्रं हि मृगयन्ते स्म विद्वांसो ब्रह्मराक्षसाः Rām. 1.8.17. -रवः muttering of prayers. -रसः Brahma's savour. ˚आसवः Brahma's nectar. -रातः an epithet of Śuka; Bhāg.1.9.8. -रात्रः early dawn. -रात्रिः an epithet of Yājñavalkya, (wrong for ब्रह्मरातिः) -राशिः 1 the whole mass or circle of sacred knowledge. -2 an epithet of Paraśurāma. -3 a particular constellation. -रीतिः f. a kind of brass. -रे(ले)खा -लिखितम्, -लेखः lines written by the creator on the forehead of a man which indicate his destiny, the predestined lot of any man. -लोकः the world of Brahman. -लौकिक a. inhabiting the ब्रह्मलोक. -वक्तृ m. an expounder of the Vedas. -वद्यम् knowledge of Brahma. -वधः, -वध्या, -हत्या the murder of a Brāhmaṇa. -वर्चस् n., -वर्चसम् 1 divine glory or splendour, spiritual pre-eminence or holiness resulting from sacred knowledge; स य एवमेतद्रथन्तरमग्नौ प्रोतं वेद ब्रह्मवर्चस्यन्नादो भवति Ch. Up.2.12.2; (तस्य) हेतुस्त्वद्ब्रह्मवर्चसम् R.1.63; Ms.2.37;4.94. -2 the inherent sanctity or power of a Brāhmaṇa; Ś.6. -वर्चसिन्, -वर्चस्विन् a. holy or sanctified by spiritual pre-eminence, holy; अपृथग्धीरुपा- सीत ब्रह्मवर्चस्व्यकल्मषः Bhāg.11.17.32. (-m.) an eminent or holy Brāhmaṇa; ब्रह्मवर्चस्विनः पुत्रा जायन्ते शिष्टसंमताः Ms. 3.39. -वर्तः see ब्रह्मावर्त. -वर्धनम् copper. -वाच् f. the sacred text. -वादः a discourse on the sacred texts; ब्रह्मवादः सुसंवृत्तः श्रुतयो यत्र शेरते Bhāg.1.87.1. -वादिन् m. 1 one who teaches or expounds the Vedas; U.1; Māl.1. -2 a follower of the Vedānta philosophy; तस्याभिषेक आरब्धो ब्राह्मणैर्ब्रह्मवादिभिः Bhāg.4.15.11. (-नी) an epithet of Gāyatrī; आयाहि वरदे देवि त्र्यक्षरे ब्रह्मवादिनि Gāyatryāvāhanamantra. -वासः the abode of Brāhmaṇas. -विद्, -विद a. 1 knowing the Supreme Spirit; ब्रह्मविद् ब्रह्मैव भवति. (-m.) a sage, theologian, philosopher. -विद्या, -वित्त्वम् knowledge of the Supreme Spirit. ब्रह्मविद्यापरिज्ञानं ब्रह्मप्राप्तिकरं स्थितम् Śuka. Up.3.1. -विन्दुः see ब्रह्मबिन्दु. -विवर्धनः an epithet of Indra. -विहारः a pious conduct, perfect state; Buddh. -वीणा a particular Vīṇā. -वृक्षः 1 the Palāśa tree. -2 the Udumbara tree. -वृत्तिः f. livelihood of a Brāhmaṇa; ब्रह्मवृत्त्या हि पूर्णत्वं तया पूर्णत्वमभ्यसेत् Tejobindu Up.1.42. -वृन्दम् an assemblage of Brāhmaṇas. -वेदः 1 knowledge of the Vedas. -2 monotheism, knowledge of Brahma. -3 the Veda of the Brāhmaṇas (opp. क्षत्रवेद). -4 N. of the Atharvaveda; ब्रह्मवेदस्याथर्वर्णं शुक्रमत एव मन्त्राः प्रादु- र्बभूवुः Praṇava Up.4. -वेदिन् a. knowing the Vedas; cf. ब्रह्मविद्. -वैवर्तम् N. of one of the eighteen Purāṇas -व्रतम् a vow of chastity. -शल्यः Acacia Arabica (Mar. बाभळ). -शाला 1 the hall of Brahman. -2 a place for reciting the Vedas. -शासनम् 1 a decree addressed to Brāhmaṇas. -2 a command of Brahman. -3 the command of a Brāhmaṇa. -4 instruction about sacred duty. -शिरस्, -शीर्षन् n. N. of a particular missile; अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरस्तस्मै ततस्तोषाद्ददौ गुरुः Bm.1.649. -श्री N. of a Sāman. -संसद् f. an assembly of Brāhmaṇas. -संस्थ a. wholly devoted to the sacred knowledge (ब्रह्म); ब्रह्मसंस्थो$मृतत्वमेति Ch. Up.2.23.1. -सती an epithet of the river Sarasvatī. -सत्रम् 1 repeating and teaching the Vedas (= ब्रह्मयज्ञ q. v.); ब्रह्मसत्रेण जीवति Ms.4.9; ब्रह्मसत्रे व्यवस्थितः Mb.12.243.4. -2 meditation of Brahma (ब्रह्मविचार); स्वायंभुव ब्रह्मसत्रं जनलोके$भवत् पुरा Bhāg.1.87.9. -3 absorption into the Supreme Spirit. -सत्रिन् a. offering the sacrifice of prayer. -सदस् n. the residence of Brahman. -सभा the hall or court of Brahman. -संभव a. sprung or coming from Brahman. (-वः) N. of Nārada. -सर्पः a kind of snake. -सवः distillation of Soma. -सायुज्यम् complete identification with the Supreme Spirit; cf. ब्रह्मभूय. -सार्ष्टिता identification or union or equality with Brahma; Ms.4.232. -सावर्णिः N. of the tenth Manu; दशमो ब्रह्मसावर्णिरुपश्लोकसुतो महान् Bhāg.8.13.21. -सुतः 1 N. of Nārada, Marīchi &c. -2 a kind of Ketu. -सुवर्चला f. 1 N. of a medicinal plant (ब्राह्मी ?). -2 an infusion (क्वथितमुदक); पिबेद् ब्रह्मसुवर्चलाम् Ms.11.159. -सूः 1 N. of Aniruddha. -2 N. of the god of love. -सूत्रम् 1 the sacred thread worn by the Brāhmaṇas or the twice-born (द्विज) over the shoulder; Bhāg. 1.39.51. -2 the aphorisms of the Vedānta philosophy by Bādarāyaṇa; ब्रह्मसूत्रपदैश्चैव हेतुमद्भिर्विनिश्चितैः Bg.13.4. -सूत्रिन् a. invested with the sacred thread. -सृज् m. an epithet of Śiva. -स्तम्बः the world, universe; ब्रह्मस्तम्बनिकुञ्जपुञ्जितघनज्याघोषघोरं धनुः Mv.3.48. -स्तेयम् acquiring holy knowledge by unlawful means; स ब्रह्मस्तेयसंयुक्तो नरकं प्रतिपद्यते Ms.2.116. -स्थली a place for learning the Veda (पाठशाला); ...... ब्रह्मस्थलीषु च । सरी- सृपाणि दृश्यन्ते ... Rām.6.1.16. -स्थानः the mulberry tree. -स्वम् the property or possessions of a Brāhmaṇa;
परस्य योषितं हृत्वा ब्रह्मस्वमपहृत्य च । अरण्ये निर्जले देशे भवति ब्रह्मराक्षसः ॥ Y.3.212. ˚हारिन् a. stealing a Brāhmaṇa's property. -स्वरूप a. of the nature of the Supreme Spirit. -हत्या, -वधः Brahmanicide, killing a Brāhmaṇa; ब्रह्महत्यां वा एते घ्नन्ति Trisuparṇa. हन् a. murderer of a Brāhmaṇa; ब्रह्महा द्वादश समाः कुटीं कृत्वा वने वसेत् Ms.11.72. -हुतम् one of the five daily Yajñas or sacrifices, which consists in offering the rites of hospitality to guests; cf. Ms.3.74. -हृदयः, -यम् N. of a star (Capella). |
brāhmaṇakaḥ | ब्राह्मणकः 1 A bad or unworthy Brāhmaṇa (only in name); एवं युक्तो ब्राह्मणः स्यादन्यो ब्राह्मणको भवेत् Mb.12.27. 27. -2 A family of such a Brāhmaṇa. -3 N. of a country inhabited by warlike Brāhmaṇas. |
bhagna | भग्न p. p. [भञ्ज्-क्त] 1 Broken, fractured, shattered, torn; रथोद्वहनखिन्नाश्च भग्ना मे रथवाजिनः Rām.6.14.16. -2 Frustrated, foiled, disappointed. -3 Checked, arrested, suspended. -4 Marred, impaired. -5 Routed, completely defeated or vanquished; त्वर तेन महाबाहो भग्न एष न संशयः Rām.6.88.4; U.5. -6 Demolished, destroyed. (See भञ्ज्). -ग्नम् Fracture of the leg. -Comp. -अस्थि a. one whose bones are broken. ˚बन्धः a splint. -आत्मन् m. an epithet of the moon. -आपद् a. one who has surmounted difficulties or misfortunes. -आश a. disappointed; भग्नशस्य करण्डपीडिततनोर्म्लानेन्द्रियस्य क्षुधा Bh.2.84. -उत्साह a. broken in energy, depressed in spirits, discouraged, damped. -उद्यम a. foiled in one's endeavours, disappointed, baffled; मन्ये दुर्जन- चित्तवृत्तिहरणे धाता$पि भग्नोद्यमः H.2.165. -क्रमः violation of symmetry in construction or expression; see प्रक्रमभङ्ग. -चेष्ट a. disappointed, frustrated. -तालः (in music) a kind of measure. -दंष्ट्र a. having the fangs broken. -दर्प a. humbled, crest-fallen. -निद्र a. whose sleep is interrupted. -परिणाम a. preventing from finishing. -पादर्क्षम् N. of six नक्षत्रs collectively (viz. पुनर्वसू, उत्तरा- षाढा, कृत्तिका, उत्तराफल्गुनी, पूर्वभाद्रपदा and विशाखा). -पार्श्व a. suffering from a pain in the sides. -पृष्ठ a. 1 having a broken back. -2 coming in front. -प्रकृमः 1 disorder, confusion. -2 absence of regularity or symmetry; see प्रक्रमभङ्गः. -प्रतिज्ञ a. one who has broken his promises. -मनस् a. discouraged, disappointed. -मनोरथ a. disappointed in expectations; तथा समक्षं दहता मनोभवं पिनाकिना भग्नमनोरथा सती Ku.5.1. -मान a. disgraced, dishonoured. -व्रत a. faithless in one's vows; Pt.4.1. -संकल्प a. one whose designs are frustrated. -संधिकम् butter-milk. |
bhayānaka | भयानक a. [विभेत्यस्मात्, भी-आनक्; Uṇ.3.82] Fearful, horrible, terrible, frightful; किमतः परं भयानकं स्यात् U.2; Śi.17.2; दंष्ट्राकरालानि भयानकानि Bg.11.27. -कः 1 A tiger. -2 N. of Rāhu. -3 The sentiment of terror, one of the eight or nine sentiments in poetry; भयानको भयस्थायिभावः कालाधिदैवतः S. D.; see under रस. -कम् Terror, fear. |
bharataḥ | भरतः [भरं तनोति तन्-ड] 1 N. of the son of Duṣyanta and Śakuntalā, who became a universal monarch (चक्रवर्तिन्), India being called Bharatavarṣa after him. He was one of the remote ancestors of the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas; cf. Ś.7.33. -2 N. of a brother of Rāma, son of Kaikeyī, the youngest wife of Daśaratha. He was very pious and righteous, and was so much devoted to Rāma that when the latter prepared to go to the forest in accordance with the wicked demand of Kaikeyī, he was very much grieved to find that his own mother had sent his brother into exile, and refusing the sovereignty that was his own, ruled the kingdom in the name of Rāma (by bringing from him his two sandals and making them the 'regents' of the realm) till he returned after his fourteen years' exile. भरतो नाम कैकेय्यां जज्ञे सत्यपराक्रमः । साक्षाद्विष्णोश्चतुर्भागः सर्वैः समुदितो गुणैः ॥ Rām.1.18.13. -3 N. of an ancient sage who is supposed to have been the founder of the science of music and dramaturgy. -4 An actor, a stage-player; तत्किमित्युदासते भरताः Māl.1. -5 A hired soldier, mercenary. -6 A barbarian, mountaineer. -7 An epithet of Agni. -8 A weaver. -9 N. of the sage Jaḍabharata. -Comp. -अग्रजः 'the elder brother of Bharata', an epithet o |