agnidaivata | n. equals -nakṣatr/a- q.v  |
agnidevā | f. equals -nakṣatr/a-, q.v  |
antra | n. (contr. of antara-; Greek ) , entrail, intestine (confer, compare āntr/a-)  |
aprāśitriya | mfn. not fit for food called prāśitr/a- (q.v)  |
aputratā | (aputr/a--) f. sonlessness  |
aritra | n. (f ā-.) (ar/itra- [ ] or /aritra- [ ]) an oar (confer, compare d/aśāritra-, n/ityār-, ś/atār-, sv-aritr/a-) ; [ Latin aratrum.]  |
arṇa | m. Name of a man (See arna citr/aratha-below)  |
asanmati | and -mantr/a- See /a-sat-.  |
aśitra | n. food (see prāśitr/a-.)  |
asmatrā | ind. (for asmat-tr/ā-by defective spelling) , to us, with us, among us  |
av | cl.1 P. /avati- (Imper. 2. sg. avatāt- , parasmE-pada /avat-; imperfect tense /āvat-,2. sg. 1. /āvaḥ-[for 2. /āvaḥ-See vṛ-]; perf. 3. sg. āva-,2. plural āv/a- , 2. sg. /āvitha-; Aorist /avit-,2. sg. āvīs-, avīs-and aviṣas-, Imper. aviṣṭu-,2. sg. aviḍḍh/i-[once ] or aviḍḍhi-[six times in ], 2. dual number aviṣṭam-,3. dual number,2. plural aviṣṭ/anā- preceding 3. sg. avyās-, infinitive mood /avitave- ;Ved. ind.p. āvyā- ) to drive, impel, animate (as a car or horse) ; Ved. to promote, favour, (chiefly Vedic or Veda) to satisfy, refresh ; to offer (as a hymn to the gods) ; to lead or bring to (dative case : ūt/aye-, v/āja-sātaye-, kṣatr/āya-, svast/aye-) ; (said of the gods) to be pleased with, like, accept favourably (as sacrifices, prayers or hymns) , (chiefly said of kings or princes) to guard, defend, protect, govern etc.: Causal (only imperfect tense avayat-,2. sg. āvayas-) to consume, devour ([ confer, compare Greek Latin aveo?]) .  |
caitreya | mfn. coming from a speckled cow (citr/ā-)  |
cetiṣṭha | mfn. (fr. citr/a-) most conspicuous  |
citra | mf(/ā-)n. containing the word citr/a-  |
citra | n. see a- and, su-citr/a-, d/ānu--, vi--  |
citrabarhis | (tr/a--) mfn. having a brilliant bed (of stars;the moon)  |
citrabhānu | mfn. (tr/a--) of variegated lustre, shining with light  |
citradhrajati | (tr/a--) mfn. having a bright course (agni-)  |
citramahas | mfn. (tr/a--) equals tr/ā-magha-  |
citraratha | mfn. (tr/a--) having a bright chariot (agni-)  |
citrarāti | (tr/a--) mfn. granting excellent gifts  |
citrasena | mfn. (tr/a--) having a bright spear,  |
citraśocis | (tr/a--) mfn. shining brilliantly  |
citraśravastama | (tr/a--) mfn. (superl.) having most wonderful fame, . |
citravāja | mfn. (tr/a--) having wonderful riches (the marut-s)  |
citravana | n. "of variegated appearance (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order citr/a-) ", Name of a wood near the gaṇḍakī-  |
citrayāma | (tr/a--) mfn. equals dhrajati-  |
citrika | m. (fr. citr/ā-) the month caitra-  |
citroti | mfn. equals tr/āmagha-  |
dātra | n. (dātr/a-) allotted portion, share, possession  |
dhiti | f. See nem/a--, mitr/a--, van/a--, v/asu--.  |
dhrajati | See citr/a--.  |
gāyatracchandas | mfn. (tr/a--) one to whom the gāyatrī- metre belongs or to whom it is sacred, relating to it etc.  |
gāyatravartani | (tr/a--) mfn. moving in gāyatrī- measures  |
gāyatravepas | (tr/a--) mfn. (see gāth/a-śravas-) inspired by (epic) songs (indra-)  |
gāyatrī | f. of tr/a- q.v  |
girimāna | m. " equals -mātr/a- ", a large elephant  |
gṛhapati | m. a householder of peculiar merit (giving alms and performing all the prescribed ceremonies), especially one who has the precedence at a grand sacrifice (sattr/a-) etc.  |
kṣātra | mf(ī-)n. (fr. kṣatr/a-), belonging or relating or peculiar to the second caste etc.  |
kṣātra | etc. See kṣatr/a-.  |
kṣatrapati | (tr/a--) m. the possessor of dominion  |
kṣātri | m. (fr. kṣatr/a-) the son of a man of the second caste  |
mantr | (properly a Nom.fr. mantra-,), cl.10 A1. ( ) mantr/ayate- (rarely P. ti-; subjunctive mantrayaithe-, te- ; Potential mantrayīta- ; infinitive mood mantrayitum- ), to speak, talk, say ; to deliberate, take counsel, consult with (instrumental case with or without saha-) or about (dative case) etc. ; to resolve upon, determine to (infinitive mood) ; to deliberate on, discuss (accusative) etc. ; to counsel, advise, propose any measure, give any one advice (with accusative of Persian,or with genitive case of Persian and accusative of thing) etc. ; to consecrate with sacred or magical texts, enchant with spells or charms  |
mathna | (only mathn/ā- ), prob. wrong reading for mathr/a-.  |
mātuḥṣvasṛ | mātur-bhrātr/a- See column 3.  |
mitra | m. dual number equals mitr/a-varuṇa-  |
mitradhita | (mitr/a--) n. ( ) a covenant or contract of friendship.  |
mitradhiti | (mitr/a--) f. ( ) a covenant or contract of friendship.  |
mitradruh | mfn. (Nominal verb mitr/a-druh-) seeking to injure a friend, the betrayer of a friend, a false or treacherous friend [ confer, compare Zend mithradruj]  |
mitragupta | mfn. (mitr/a--) protected by mitra-  |
mitramahas | (mitr/a-.) mfn. (perhaps) having plenty of friend, rich in friend  |
mitrāvaruṇa | m. dual number mitra- and varuṇa- etc. etc. (together they uphold and rule the earth and sky, together they guard the world, together they promote religious rites, avenge sin, and are the lords of truth and light see under 1. mitr/a-above; ṇayor ayanam-and ṇayor iṣṭiḥ-Name of particular sacrifices; ṇayoḥ saṃyojanam-Name of a sāman-) etc. (sg., wrong reading for maitrāvaruṇa- ) |
mitreru | See under 1. mitr/a- above.  |
pādamātra | n. (tr/a-), mt(/ī-)n. a foot long  |
pañcarātra | mfn. (tr/a-) lasting 5 days (also traka- )  |
paras | ind. (with locative case) over, more than (only triṃś/ati tr/ayas par/aḥ-,three more than thirty id est 33)  |
prajñātra | See a-prajñātr/a-.  |
putrakāma | mfn. (putr/a--) desirous of sons or children  |
putrasena | (putr/a--) m. Name of a man  |
putravat | (putr/a--) mfn. having a son or sons or children  |
saṃdhā | P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte- (Epic 1. plural proper -dadhāmahe- equals -dadhmahe-; pr.p. -dhāna-= -dadhāna-; infinitive mood -dhitum- equals -dhātum-), to place or hold or put or draw or join or fasten or fix or sew together, unite (with akṣīṇi-,"to close the eyes";with vraṇam-,"to heal a wound";with manas-,"to compose the mind";with mitr/a-dhitāni-,"to conclude an alliance";with vācam-,"to hold or interchange conversation"), to combine, connect with (instrumental case) etc. ; (A1.) to bring together, reconcile ; to be reconciled, agree with (instrumental case,rarely accusative), etc. ; to mend, restore, redress etc. ; to lay down on or in (locative case), fix on (especially an arrow on a bow, with instrumental case or with locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' dhanuḥ śareṇa-,or śaraṃ dhanuṣi-,"to take aim";generally A1.) ; (A1.) to direct towards (tataḥ-) ; to aim at (?) ; to involve in (locative case) ; to confer on (locative case), grant, yield, bestow (with nāma-and genitive case,"to give a name to"; A1.with śraddhām-and locative case,"to place credence in";with sāhāyyam-,"to afford assistance") etc. ; to cause, inflict ; (A1.) to be a match for, hold out against (accusative) ; to comprehend ; (A1.) to use, employ (instrumental case) : Passive voice -dhīyate-, to be put together or joined or connected etc. ; to be placed or held in (locative case) ; to become possessed of (instrumental case) : Desiderative -dhitsati-, to wish to place or join together, desire to repair  |
satrā | ind. (fr. 7. sa-+ tr/ā-) together, together with (instrumental case), altogether, throughout  |
sattra | n. "session", a great soma- sacrifice (lasting according to to some, from 13 to 100 days and performed by many officiating Brahmans;also applied to any oblation or meritorious work equivalent to the performance of a sattra-; sattr/asy/arddhiḥ-Name of a sāman- ) etc.  |
sāvitravat | (tr/a--) mfn. connected with verses addressed to savitṛ-  |
sāvitrī | f. initiation as a member of the three twice-born classes by reciting the above verse and investing with the sacred thread (see under sāvitr/a-,and upa-nayana-) etc.  |
tanūnaptṛ | see tānūnaptr/a-.  |
tarasat | for tr/as-, tras- q.v  |
trai | cl.1 A1. tr/āyate- (imperative yatām-,2. sg. yasva-and tr/āsva- plural yadhvam-and tr/ādhvam- ; Epic trāti-, trātu-, trāhi-; Aorist subjunctive trāsate-,2. dual number tr/āsāthe- preceding tr/āsīthām- ; infinitive mood trātum- etc.; ind.p. trātvā- ) to protect, preserve, cherish, defend, rescue from (genitive case or ablative) ; see pari--, saṃ--.  |
trāpuṣa | mfn. ( ) made of tin (tr/apus-)  |
tras | cl.1. tr/asati- ( ) , cl.4. trasyati- ( etc.; Epic also A1.; perfect tense 3. tatrasur-[ ] or tresur-[ ] ) to tremble, quiver, be afraid of (ablative genitive case,rarely instrumental case) and (parasmE-pada f. tar/asantī-) etc.: Causal trāsayati- (Epic also A1.) to cause to tremble, frighten, scare ; ([ confer, compare Zendtares;; Latin terreo.])  |
trayaḥpañcāśat | (tr/ay-) f. ( ) 53  |
trayastriṃśat | f. (tr/ay-) ( ) 33 etc. (accusative śat- ; plural śatas- )  |
trayodaśa | mfn. (tr/ay-) ( ) 13 (instrumental case ś/abhis-)  |
tri | m. tr/ayas- f. Nominal verb accusative tisr/as- n. tr/īṇi- ([ tr/ī- ]) 3 etc. (tribh/is-& tis/ṛbhis-,etc. ;only once tr/ibhis-[ ] with the later accentuation, confer, compare ; genitive case trīṇ/ām-[ ; confer, compare ]and tisṝṇ/ām-[ ], later on [fr. y/a-] trayāṇām-[ ]and tisṛṇ/ām-[ against metre; confer, compare ]; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', ) ; ([ confer, compare , Latin tres; Gothic threis;etc.]) |
vadhatra | n. (for 1. vadha-tr/a-See under vadh/a-above),"instrument of death" , deadly weapon, dart  |
vāyusavitṛ | m. dual number vāyu- and savitṛ- (see vāyosāvitr/a-).  |
vāyusavitra | m. dual number vāyu- and savitṛ- (see vāyosāvitr/a-).  |
vṛtraputrā | (vṛtr/a--) f. "having vṛtra- as son", vṛtra-'s mother  |
yāna | mfn. leading, conducting (said of a road;"to" genitive case or adverb in tr/ā-)  |