Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
ācchādanam | 3.3.132 | Neuter | Singular | viralam, stokam | |
alpam | 3.1.61 | Masculine | Singular | tanuḥ, sūkṣmam, stokaḥ, kaṇaḥ, truṭiḥ, kṛśam, ślakṣaṇam, leśaḥ, mātrā, dabhram, kṣullakaḥ, aṇuḥ, lavaḥ | |
apatyam | 2.6.28 | Neuter | Singular | tokam | |
gauḥ | 2.9.67-72 | Feminine | Singular | upasaryā, rohiṇī, bahusūtiḥ, kapilā, navasūtikā, ekahāyanī, droṇakṣīrā, bandhyā, saurabheyī, garbhopaghātinī, arjunī, acaṇḍī, dhavalā, vaṣkayiṇī, dvivarṣā, pīnoghnī, tryabdā, samāṃsamīnā, sandhinī, vaśā, praṣṭhauhī, naicikī, pareṣṭukā, pāṭalā, suvratā, caturabdā, droṇadugdhā, avatokā, usrā, kālyā, aghnyā, sukarā, kṛṣṇā, dhenuḥ, ekābdā, pīvarastanī, trihāyaṇī, māheyī, vehad, śṛṅgiṇī, bālagarbhiṇī, śavalī, cirasūtā, dvihāyanī, sukhasaṃdohyā, caturhāyaṇī, dhenuṣyā, sravadgarbhā, mātā(49) | cow |
śāraṅgaḥ | 2.5.19 | Masculine | Singular | stokakaḥ, cātakaḥ | |
tokmaḥ | 2.9.16 | Masculine | Singular | ||
jātokṣaḥ | 2.9.62 | Masculine | Singular |
toka | n. (fr. | ||||||
toka | n. a new-born child; | ||||||
toka | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' the offspring of an animal (exempli gratia, 'for example' aja--,a young goat) | ||||||
toka | m. see ava--, jīvat-- and sa-tokā- | ||||||
toka | m. | ||||||
tokasāti | f. (k/a--) acquisition of offspring | ||||||
tokasāti | f. (k/asya s-, ) | ||||||
tokatā | f. childhood, 13, 25. | ||||||
tokavat | mfn. (k/a--) possessing offspring | ||||||
tokavatī | f. (tī-) (a woman) having children | ||||||
tokāya | Nom. (indeclinable yitvā-) to represent a newborn child | ||||||
tokinī | f. equals ka-vatī- | ||||||
tokma | m. See man- | ||||||
tokma | m. a young shoot | ||||||
tokma | m. green colour | ||||||
tokma | n. ear-wax | ||||||
tokma | n. a cloud | ||||||
tokma | (m. ) | ||||||
tokman | m. a young blade of corn, especially of barley, malt | ||||||
tokman | m. offspring | ||||||
agnistoka | m. a particle of fire, spark. | ||||||
āptokti | f. equals āpta-vacana- q.v | ||||||
āptokti | f. a word of received acceptation and established by usage only. | ||||||
astoka | mfn. not slight or little, | ||||||
avatokā | f. a woman (or a cow ) miscarrying from accident | ||||||
bhūritoka | mfn. having many children | ||||||
chektokti | f. indirect speech, hint, double entendre | ||||||
cintokti | f. midnight cry | ||||||
dhītokaka | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
duruktokta | mfn. ill spoken of | ||||||
ghṛtastoka | m. idem or 'm. (only accusative plural -stāvas-) a drop of ghee ' | ||||||
hantokti | f. "saying alas!"tenderness, compassion | ||||||
hitokti | f. kind or good advice | ||||||
jātatokā | f. (a woman) who has borne children | ||||||
jātokṣa | m. a young bullock | ||||||
jīvatokā | f. a woman whose child or children are living | ||||||
jīvattokā | f. equals va-tokā- | ||||||
jīvattokī | f. equals va-tokā- | ||||||
lalitoka | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
lohitastoka | m. a drop of blood, | ||||||
madhustoka | m. a drop of honey | ||||||
manastokā | f. Name of durgā- | ||||||
mānastokīya | n. the hymn beginning with mā nas toke- | ||||||
mānastokīya | a particular text (beginning with mā- nas- toke-). | ||||||
mitokti | f. moderate speech | ||||||
nāgastokaka | n. a species of poisonous plant | ||||||
prakṛtokta | mfn. being spoken of as the original subject of discussion | ||||||
rajastoka | m. n. "offspring of passion", avarice, greediness | ||||||
retoka | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
ṛtokti | f. telling the truth, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding viii, 104. | ||||||
saṃskṛtokti | f. refined or polished language, a Sanskrit word or expression | ||||||
saṃvatsarabhṛtokka | m. one who has borne the ukhā- (q.v) for a year | ||||||
sarvatokṣiśiromukha | mfn. having eyes and head and mouth everywhere | ||||||
śastokta | mfn. one. to whom a recitation has been made | ||||||
satoka | (s/a--) mfn. together with offspring | ||||||
śatokthya | mfn. having a hundred ukthya--days | ||||||
śoṇitokṣita | mfn. bloodiness-stained | ||||||
stoka | m. (according to to some for skota-fr. | ||||||
stoka | m. a spark (See agni-st-) | ||||||
stoka | m. the cātaka- bird | ||||||
stoka | mf(ā-)n. little, small, short (in the beginning of a compound and stokam am- ind."a little, slightly, gradually"; bahutaram-stokam-,"more-than"; stokena na-,"not in the least"; stokena-and stokāt-in compound with a past participle ="hardly","with some difficulty","only just","a little while ago"[ see ]) | ||||||
stoka | etc. See . | ||||||
stokaka | m. the cātaka- bird etc. | ||||||
stokaka | m. a kind of poison (equals vatsa-nābha-) | ||||||
stokakāya | mfn. "little-bodied", diminutive | ||||||
stokam | ind. stoka | ||||||
stokanamra | mf(ā-)n. a little bent down, slightly depressed | ||||||
stokapāṇḍura | mfn. a little pale | ||||||
stokaśas | ind. drop by drop, sparingly | ||||||
stokatā | f. () littleness, insignificance. | ||||||
stokatamas | mfn. a little dark, | ||||||
stokatva | n. () littleness, insignificance. | ||||||
stokāvaśeṣprāṇa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. short-lived ' (literally"having little breath left") | ||||||
stokāyus | mfn. short-lived | ||||||
stokīya | mf(ā-)n. relating to or connected with drops (applied to the oblations of ghee and the verses employed while drops of it are falling) | ||||||
stokonmiṣat | mfn. feebly flickering | ||||||
stokya | mf(ā-)n. relating to or connected with drops (applied to the oblations of ghee and the verses employed while drops of it are falling) | ||||||
sūktokti | f. recitation of hymns | ||||||
udastoka | m. a drop of water | ||||||
udāttokti | f. accentuated speech, . | ||||||
vatokā | f. equals ava-tokā-, a cow miscarrying fro accident | ||||||
vātoka | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
viracitokti | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who has composed a speech or who has spoken ' | ||||||
vittoka | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
vivṛtokti | f. open or explicit expression (opp. to gūḍho | ||||||
vṛttoktiratna | n. Name of work on metre. |
tokakaḥ | तोककः The Chātaka bird. |
tokam | तोकम् An offspring, a child; व्याकरणे शकटस्य च तोकम् Nir. |
tokavat | तोकवत् a. Possessing offspring; तोकवत् पुष्टिमद् वसु Rv.3.13.7. -ती (a woman) Having children; युष्मत्कृते बहून्क्लेशान्प्राप्ता तोकवती मुहुः Bhāg.1.9.13. |
tokmaḥ | तोक्मः 1 A young green blade of corn, green barley; Bh&amcr;g.4.21.2. -2 Green colour. -3 A cloud. -क्मम् The wax of the ear. |
vatokā | वतोका A barren or childless woman; a woman or cow miscarrying from accident. |
stoka | स्तोक a. [स्तुच्-घञ्] 1 Little, small; स्तोकेनोन्नतिमायाति स्तोकेनायात्यधोगतिम् Pt.1.15; स्तोकं महद्वा धनम् Bh.2.49. -2 Short. -3 Few. -4 Low, abject. -कः 1 A small quantity, drop; घृतवन्तः पावक ते स्तोकाश्चोतन्ति Ait. Br.2. 12; अद्भ्यः स्तोका यान्ति यथा पृथक्त्वम् Mb.7.21.75. -2 The Chātaka bird. -3 A spark. -क्रम् ind. A little, less; पश्योदग्रप्लुतत्वाद्वियति बहुतरं स्तोकमुर्व्यां प्रयाति Ś.1.7. -Comp. -आयुस् a. short-lived. -काय a. little-bodied, small, dwarfish, diminutive. -तमस् a. a little dark. -नम्र a. a little bent down, slightly stooping or depressed; श्रोणीभारादलसगमना स्तोकनम्रा स्तनाभ्याम् Me.84. -पाण्डुर a. a little pale. |
stokakaḥ | स्तोककः 1 The Chātaka bird; स्तोकको वारि (हृत्वा) Ms.12.67; स्तोककस्य खलु चञ्चुपुटेन म्लानिरुल्लसति तद्धनसङ्घे N.5.127. -2 A kind of poison. |
stokaśas | स्तोकशस् ind. By little, sparingly. |
toka | tok-á, m. offspring, children, ii. 33, 14; vii. 63, 6. |
toka | n. progeny, offspring, race; child. |
tokma | m. green blade of cereals, esp. barley; young sprout. |
ṛtokti | f. truthful declaration. |
mitokti | f. measured speech. |
stokaka | m. the bird kâtaka (seek- ing drops of rain); -namra, a. slightly bent; -sas, ad. by drops. |
stoka | m. [√ 2. stu] drop (V.; rare in P.): a. (C.) very small or little; a. a little (C.): °ree;-or -m, ad. (C.) slightly, a little; gradually; bahutaram -stokam, more than; ab. stokât, °ree;-with a pp. in -ta, only just; recently. |
stokīya stok-îya, stokya | a. relat ing to drops (said of oblations of melted but ter and of verses employed while drops are falling). |
toka | Denotes 4 children ’ or 4 descendants ’ generally in the Rigveda and later. The word is often joined with Tanaya. |
tokman | neut., denotes in the Rigveda and later the green shoots of any kind of grain. In the Aitareya Brāhmana reference is made to the shoots of rice (vrīhi), large rice (mahā- vrīhi), panic seed (priyañgu), and barley (yava). |
prastoka | Is the name of a generous donor in the Rigveda, where Ludwig identifies him with Divodāsa Atithigva and Aśvattha or Aśvatha. According to the śāñkhāyana śrauta Sūtra, Bharadvāja obtained gifts from Prastoka Sārñjaya, ‘descendant of Srñjaya. |
tokaṃ | ca tasya tanayaṃ ca vardhate RV.2.25.2c. |
tokaṃ | tokāya śravase vahanti RV.7.18.23d. |
tokaṃ | pākasya vardhatām AVP.2.38.5c. |
tokaṃ | puṣyema tanayaṃ śataṃ himāḥ RV.1.64.14d. |
tokasya | sātā tanūnām RV.9.66.18b. |
tokasya | sātau tanayasya bhūreḥ RV.2.30.5c. |
tokavat | puṣṭimad vasu RV.3.13.7b; MS.4.11.2b: 164.5; KS.2.15b; AB.2.40.7; 41.9; śB.; Kś.5.13.3b. |
tokāya | tuje śuśucāna śaṃ kṛdhi RV.4.1.3f; KS.26.11f. |
toke | vā goṣu tanaye yad (RV.6.66.8c, yam) apsu RV.6.25.4c; 66.8c. |
toke | hite tanaya urvarāsu RV.4.41.6a. |
avatokām | imāṃ striyam # AVś.8.6.9b. |
prastoka | in nu rādhasas ta indra # RV.6.47.22a. P: prastokaḥ śś.16.11.12. Cf. BṛhD.5.140. |
toka-ācaritam adbhutam | they are also wonderful childhood pastimes | SB 10.7.3 |
toka-ācaritam adbhutam | they are also wonderful childhood pastimes | SB 10.7.3 |
toka-ācaritam adbhutam | they are also wonderful childhood pastimes | SB 10.7.3 |
toka-āśleṣa-sunirvṛtāḥ | became overjoyed by embracing their sons | SB 10.13.34 |
toka-āśleṣa-sunirvṛtāḥ | became overjoyed by embracing their sons | SB 10.13.34 |
toka-āśleṣa-sunirvṛtāḥ | became overjoyed by embracing their sons | SB 10.13.34 |
toka-vatī | in spite of having grown-up boys | SB 1.9.13 |
toka-vatī | in spite of having grown-up boys | SB 1.9.13 |
tokam | an infant hoy | SB 12.8.2-5 |
tokam | the child | SB 10.55.3 |
SB 12.9.31-32 | ||
tokān | the babies | SB 10.38.42 |
tokān | the infants | SB 10.83.13-14 |
tokān | the small children | SB 10.8.29 |
tokānām | of children | SB 6.4.12 |
tokatā | Kṛṣṇa is my son | SB 10.13.25 |
tokayitvā | acting like an infant | SB 10.30.15 |
tokena | by a child | SB 2.7.27 |
tokena | by the young child | SB 10.26.4 |
tokeṣu | for the children | SB 10.14.49 |
tokeṣu | in these boys | SB 10.13.36 |
tokmaiḥ | and young shoots | SB 10.22.34 |
tokmaiḥ | minerals | SB 4.21.2 |
subala-stokakṛṣṇa-ādyāḥ | Subala, Stokakṛṣṇa and others | SB 10.15.20 |
ājya-stokaiḥ | by drops of fat | SB 9.6.48 |
stoka-āyuṣām | of the short-living persons | SB 2.7.36 |
he stoka-kṛṣṇa | O Stoka Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.22.31-32 |
he stoka-kṛṣṇa | O Stoka Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.22.31-32 |
rajaḥ-toka | the child of passion, greed | SB 12.8.16 |
rajaḥ-tokaḥ | the child of passion, greed | SB 12.8.25 |
saptokṣa | King Saptokṣa | SB 2.7.34-35 |
stoka-āyuṣām | of the short-living persons | SB 2.7.36 |
he stoka-kṛṣṇa | O Stoka Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.22.31-32 |
ājya-stokaiḥ | by drops of fat | SB 9.6.48 |
subala-stokakṛṣṇa-ādyāḥ | Subala, Stokakṛṣṇa and others | SB 10.15.20 |
stokam | a small quantity | SB 11.8.2 |
stokam stokam | always, a little bit | SB 11.8.9 |
stokam stokam | always, a little bit | SB 11.8.9 |
subala-stokakṛṣṇa-ādyāḥ | Subala, Stokakṛṣṇa and others | SB 10.15.20 |
sva-tokeṣu | for their own sons | SB 10.13.26 |
rajaḥ-toka | the child of passion, greed | SB 12.8.16 |
varāha-tokaḥ | a minute form of Varāha (a boar) | SB 3.13.18 |
rajaḥ-tokaḥ | the child of passion, greed | SB 12.8.25 |
sva-tokeṣu | for their own sons | SB 10.13.26 |
varāha-tokaḥ | a minute form of Varāha (a boar) | SB 3.13.18 |
toka | noun (neuter) a new-born child (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) child (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) children (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) offspring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) race (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 19390/72933 | |
toka | noun (masculine) ifc. the offspring of an animal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35479/72933 | |
tokavant | adjective possessing offspring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53833/72933 | |
stoka | adjective little (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) short (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) small (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13874/72933 | |
stoka | noun (masculine neuter) a drop (of water) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a spark (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) myrrh the Cātaka bird (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3475/72933 | |
stokaka | noun (masculine neuter) a kind of poison (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the Cātaka bird (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16295/72933 |