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Grammar Search
"tithi" has 1 results
tithi: feminine vocative singular stem: tithi
Amarakosha Search
3 results
āveśikaḥ2.7.36MasculineSingularāgantuḥ, atithi
tithi1.4.2Ubhaya-lingaSingularfirst lunar day
vyutthānam3.3.125NeuterSingulartithibhedaḥ, kṣaṇaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
103 results for tithi
tithimf. () a lunar day (30th part of a whole lunation of rather more than 27 solar days;15 tithi-s, during the moon's increase, constitute the light half of the month and the other 15 the dark half;the auspicious tithi-s are nandā-, bhadrā-, vijayā-, pūrṇā- ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithimf. the number 15 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithimf. see janma--, dus--, mahā--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithidānan. Name of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithidevatāf. the deity of a lunar day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithidvaidhaprakaraṇan. Name of work by śūla-pāṇi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithidvaitan. Name of a chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithikṣayam. equals try-aha-sparśa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithikṣayam. the day of new moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithikṣayam. plural equals -pralaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithinirṇayam. "disquisition on tithi-s", Name of a work by ananta-bhaṭṭa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithinirṇayasaṃgraham. Name of another work on astronomy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithinirṇayasaṃkṣepam. Name of another work on astronomy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithinirṇayasāram. Name of another work on astronomy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithiniyamam. Name of a chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithipālanan. observance of the rites appointed for the several lunar days View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithipatim. the regent of a lunar day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithipattrīf. an almanac View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithiprakaraṇan. Name of a chapter of -sāraṇikā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithiprakaraṇan. of śrī-pati-'s jyotiṣa-ratna-- mālā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithipralayam. plural difference between solar and lunar days in any particular period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithipraṇīf. " tithi--leader", the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithisāraṇikāf. Name of work by daśa-bala-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithitattvan. Name of (commented on by kāśi-rāma-) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithivārayogam. plural Name of a chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tithivivekam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhikatithimf. an intercalary lunar day. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithim. ( at-,or said to be from a-tithi-,"one who has no fixed day for coming") , a guest, a person entitled to hospitality View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithim. Name of agni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithim. of an attendant on soma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithim. Name of suhotra- (king of ayodhyā-, and grandson of rāma-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithidevamfn. one to whom a guest is as a divinity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithidharmam. rights of hospitality View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithidharminmfn. entitled to hospitality View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithidveṣam. hatred of guests, inhospitality. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ātithigva(5) m. a descendant of atithi-gv/a- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithigvam. "to whom guests should go", Name of divodāsa- and of another mythical hero View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithikriyāf. hospitality. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithinmfn. ( at-), travelling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithinm. Name of a king (also suhotra- and atithi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithipati(/atithi--) m. a host, entertainer of a guest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithipūjāf. showing honour to a guest. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithipūjanan. showing honour to a guest. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithisatkāram. honourable treatment of a guest. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithisevāf. attention to a guest. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithitvan. state of a guest, hospitality. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atithivatind. like a guest. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhīmatithif. equals bhīmaikādaśī-
bhramarātithim. "bee-guest", Michelia Champaka View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmātithim. "Brahma1's guest", Name of a kāṇva- (author of ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
capeṭāpātanātithimfn. capeṭāpātana
deśātithim. "land-guest", foreigner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devātithim. "guest of the gods", Name of a kāṇva- and author of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devātithim. of a prince who was son of a-krodhana- (or krodhana- ) and karambhā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanyatithim. an auspicious or a particular day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divasatithithe day-part of a lunar day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divātithiSee under divā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divātithi(t-) m. a guest coming in the day-time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durgāntarātithim. guest of the inside of a stronghold a prisoner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dustithim. an inauspicious lunar day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gauḍatithitattvan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghātatithif. an inauspicious lunar day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janmatithimf. () birthday View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyotirmedhātithim. the astronomer medhātithi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karṇapathātithim. "a visitor in the compass of the ear", anything heard of or learnt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛśātithimfn. one who keeps his guests short of food View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulākulatithif. kulākula
kulākulatithif. See before. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulatithif. equals kulā- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahātithif. the great lunar day, the 6th day of a lunation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhātithim. Name of a kāṇva- (author of ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhātithim. of the father of kaṇva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhātithim. of a son of manu- svāyambhuva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhātithim. of one of the 7 sages under manu- sāvarṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhātithim. of a son of priya-vrata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhātithim. (also with bhaṭṭa-) of a lawyer and commentator on the mānava-dharma-śāstra- on () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhātithim. of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhātithim. a parrot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhātithiSee under medha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
medhyātithim. Name of a ṛṣi- (a kāṇva- and author of ;3. 33; ix, 41-43) (see medh/atithi-and maidhyātitha-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitrātithim. Name of a man. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāgatithi Name (also title or epithet) of the fifth tithi- of the light half of the month caitra-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrātithimfn. one who has become visible (literally an eye guest) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nīpātithim. Name of a descendant of kaṇva- and author of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paitṛkatithinirṇayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pathātithim. "way-guest", a traveller View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pitṛtithif. the day of new-moon (sacred to the pitṛ-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prathitatithinirṇayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratithim. Name of a ṛṣi- and teacher (with the epithet deva-taratha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
priyātithimfn. fond of guests, hospitable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puraṃdarapurātithim. puraṃdarapura
pūrvātithim. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rātritithif. a lunar night View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samarātithim. "battle -comer", any one encountered in battle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkṣepatithinirṇayasāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvātithimfn. receiving every one as guest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvātithivratamfn. devoted to all guests View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaṭpadātithim. "having bees as guests", the Mango tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaṭpadātithim. Michelia Champaka View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śravaṇapathātithim. coming to (literally"being a guest of") the ears of any one (thi-tvami-,with genitive case,"to come to the ears of","be heard by") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṇutithimf. Name of the 11th and 12th lunar day of each fortnight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvātithim. a universal guest id est going everywhere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yamanagarātithim. "guest in yama-'s city" id est dead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
tithi तिथिः m. or f. [अत्-इथिन् पृषो˚ वा ङीप् cf. Uṇ.4.2] 1 A lunar day; तिथिरेव तावन्न शउद्ध्यति Mu.5; Ku.6.93, 7.1. -2 The number '15'. -Comp. -अर्धः, -र्धम् (half the तिथि), a Karaṇa. -ईशः the regent of a lunar day. -क्षयः 1 the day of new moon. -2 the day on which a tithi begins and ends without one sunrise or between two sunrises. -पत्री an almanac. -पालनम् observance of the rites prescribed for the several lunar days. -प्रणीः (-णिः) the moon; सायंतनीं तिथिप्रण्यः पङ्कजानां दिवातनीम् Bk.5.65. -प्रलयः (pl.) difference between solar and lunar days in any particular period; Aryabhaṭṭa 3.6. -वृद्धिः f. the day in which a tithi is completed under two suns (one which comprises two sunrises).
atithi अतिथिः [अतति गच्छति न तिष्ठति; अत्-इथिन् Uṇ.4.2; lit. a 'traveller'; according to Manu एकरात्रं तु निवसन् अतिथिर्ब्राह्मणः स्मृतः । अनित्यं हि स्थितो यस्मात्तस्मादतिथिरुच्यते ॥ 3.12 cf. also यस्य न ज्ञायते नाम न च गोत्रं न च स्थितिः । अकस्माद् गृहमायातः सो$तिथिः प्रोच्यते वुधैः ॥] 1 A guest (fig. also); अतिथिनेव निवेदितम् _x001F_+Ś.4; कुसुमलताप्रियातिथे Ś.6 dear or welcome guest; पुरन्दरपुरातिथिषु पितृषु Dk.2 the guests of Indra's capital i. e. dead; so समरे यमनगरातिथिरकारि 12; धन्यानां श्रवणपथातिथित्वमेति (उक्तम्) Ratn.2.7. becomes a guest of, i. e. goes to or falls on the ears of the fortunate only; करोति ते मुखं तन्वि चपेटापातनातिथिम् K.P. -2 Wrath. -3 N. of a son of Kuśa and Kumudvatī and grandson of Rāma. -Comp. -क्रिया -पूजा, -सत्कारः -सत्क्रिया, -सेवा hospitable reception of guests, rite of hospitality, hospitality, attention to the guests -देव a. [अतिथिर्देव इव पूज्यो यस्य] treating the guest as God. -धर्मः title or claim to hospitality; hospitality due to guests; गृह्यतां ˚र्मः Pt.1; यदि त्वतिथि- धर्मेण क्षत्रियो गृहमाव्रजेत् Ms.3.111 should come as guests -धर्मिन् a. entitled to hospitality as a guest वैश्यशूद्रावपि प्राप्तौ कुटुम्बे$तिथिधर्मिणौ । भोजयेत्सह भृत्यैस्तानानृशंस्यं प्रयोजयन् ॥ Ms.3.112. -पतिः the host or entertainer.
atithin अतिथिन् a. Ved. Travelling, wandering. साध्वर्या अतिथिनीः Rv.1.68.3. -m. (थी) N. of a King, also called सुहोत्र and अतिथि.
atithigvaḥ अतिथिग्वः An epithet of Divodāsa whom the gods helped in overcoming Śambara.
Macdonell Search
8 results
tithi m. f. (also î) lunar day (of which there are fifteen in the half-month, the aus picious ones being Nandâ, Bhadrâ Vigaya, and Pûrnâ).
atithi m. [wanderer], guest; --°ree;, a. come to, arriving at; -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -kriyâ, f. hospitality; -dharma, m. rights of a guest; -dharmin, a. having the claims of a guest.
atithipūjana n. honourable reception of a guest; -satkâra, m. hospitality to a guest.
atithin a. wandering; m. N. of a K.
anatithi m. not a guest.
divātithi m. guest arriving by day.
pathātithi m. traveller.
viśvātithi m. universal guest =going everywhere; -½âtman, m. universal soul; -½ad, a. all-consuming (V.); -½âdhâra, m. support of the universe; -½adhipa, m. lord of the universe; â-nara, a.relating, dear etc. to all men (V.); m. N. of Agni's father; -½antara, m. N. of a king; â-púsh, a. all-sustaining (RV.1); &asharp;-mitra, m. N. of a celebrated Rishi, chief author of Rig-veda III (with the pat. Gâthina, Gâdheya, and Gâh nava), engaged in a great contest with Vas ishtha: pl. family of Visvâmitra; a&halfacute;âyu, a. moving among, known or dear to all (V.); n. all people (RV.); â-vatva, m. N.; &asharp;-vasu, a.beneficent to all; m. N. of a Gandharva; N. of a prince of the Siddhas.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
8 results11 results
tithi As the name of a lunar day, the thirtieth part of a lunar month of rather over twenty-seven days, is only found in the later Sūtras, being completely unknown to the Brāhmanas, in which the only day is the natural one. See Māsa.
atithi (‘guest’).—A hymn of the Atharvaveda celebrates in detail the merits of hospitality. The guest should be fed before the host eats, water should be offered to him, and so forth. The Taittirīya Upanisad also lays stress on hospitality, using the expression * one whose deity is his guest ’ (atithi-deva). In the Aitareya Áranyaka it is said that only the good are deemed worthy of receiving hospitality. The guest-offering forms a regular part of the ritual, and cows were regularly slain in honour of guests.
atithigva This name occurs frequently in the Rigveda, apparently applying, in nearly all cases, to the same king, otherwise called Divodāsa. The identity of the two persons has been denied by Bergaigne, but is certainly proved by a number of passages, when the two names occur together, in connection with the defeat of Sambara. In other passages Atithigva is said to have assisted Indra in slaying Parnaya and Karañja. Sometimes he is only vaguely referred to, while once he is mentioned as an enemy of Turvaśa and Yadu. Again Atithigva is coupled with Ayu and Kutsa as defeated by Tūrvayāna. A different Atithigva appears to be referred to in a Dānastuti (‘ Praise of Gifts ’), where his son, Indrota, is mentioned. Roth distinguishes three Atithigvas—the Atithigva Divodāsa, the enemy of Parnaya and Karañja, and the enemy of Tūrvayāna. But the various passages can be reconciled, especially if it is admitted that Atithigva Divodāsa was already an ancient hero in the earliest hymns, and was becoming almost mythical.
ātithigva Patronymic of Indrota
divodāsa atithigva Is one of the leading princes of the early Vedic age. He was a son of Vadhryaśva, and father, or more probably grandfather, of Sudās, the famous king of the Trtsu family, among the Bharatas. Probably Pijavana was the son and Sudās the grandson. Divodāsa was naturally a Bharata, and, like Sudās, was an opponent of the Turvaśas and Yadus. His great enemy was śambara, the Dāsa, who was apparently chief of a mountain people, and whom he repeatedly defeated. He was also, it seems, like his father Vadhryaśva, an energetic supporter of the fire ritual, for Agni is once called by his name in the Rigveda. On the other hand, he was defeated, with Ayu and Kutsa, by Indra’s aid. In several passages he seems closely connected with the singer family, the Bharadvājas. From one passage, where Divodāsa is said to have fought against the Panis, the Pārāvatas, and Brsaya, Hillebrandt has inferred that he was engaged in conflicts with the tribes of Arachosia, and interpreting the name as the ‘heavenly Dāsa’ conjectures that he was himself a Dāsa. This conclusion is not probable, for the Sarasvatī on which the battle in question took place, and which can hardly be the Haraqaiti of Arachosia, would naturally designate the later Sarasvatī, while the Pārāvatas are mentioned in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana, as in the east, about the Yamunā. Bergaigne’s opinion that Divodāsa and Atithigva were different people cannot be supported in view of the complete parallelism in the acts of the two persons. See also Pratardana. The people of Divodāsa are referred to in a hymn of the Rigveda.
devātithi kāṇva ('Descendant of Kanva’) is mentioned in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana as the seer of a Sāman (chant) by which he turned pumpkins into cows for himself and his son when they were starving in the desert, whither they had been driven by rivals. He is also the reputed author of a hymn of the Rigveda.
nīpātithi Occurs in the Rigveda as the name of a man to whom a hymn is ascribed by the Anukramanī (Index). A Sāman, or Chant, of his is mentioned in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana.
pratithi devataratha Is the name of a teacher, pupil of Devataras śāvasāyana in the Vamśa Brāhmaria.
mitrātithi Is mentioned in one hymn of the Rigveda as the father of Kuruśravaṇa and the grandfather of Upamaśravas all being evidently kings.
medhātithi (‘ having a guest at the sacrifice ’) appear to be the names of one and the same man, a descendant of Kaṇva and a famous Vedic Rṣi, to whom the authorship of various hymns is attributed in the Anukramaṇī (Index). To him Indra is said in the Rigveda to have come in the form of a ram: this myth is perpetuated in the Subrahmaṇyā formula recited by the priest while the Soma is being carried within the sacrificial enclosure, when Indra is hailed as ‘ram of Medhātithi.’ He appears also as a rival of Vatsa, whom he accused of low birth, but who convinced him of his error by undergoing a fire ordeal {cf Divya). In the Atharvaveda he is mentioned with many other sages, and occurs elsewhere also as a sage.
medhyātithi See Medhātithi.
Bloomfield Vedic
8 results11 results48 results
agniḥ prāvan mitrota medhyātithim # RV.1.36.17c.
ato na ā nṝn atithīn # RV.5.50.3a.
arandhayo 'tithigvāya śambaram # RV.1.51.6b.
asi priyo no atithiḥ # RV.6.2.7b.
ahaṃ guṅgubhyo atithigvam iṣkaram # RV.10.48.8a.
āyuṃ cit kutsam atithigvam ardaya # AVP.5.27.2c.
indrasya gharmo atithiḥ # TS.; MS.4.12.2d: 181.16; KS.8.16d; TA.1.8.8d; Aś.4.7.4d; śś.5.10.32d.
imam ū ṣu vo atithim uṣarbudham # RV.6.15.1a; AB.5.6.6; KB.23.1,3; śB.; Aś.4.13.7; 7.12.6; śś.14.57.9. P: imam ū ṣu śś.10.6.2,20.
uṣarbhud bhūd atithir jātavedāḥ # RV.6.4.2d. See pary abhūd.
eko vibhūr atithir janānām # AVś.7.21.1b. See ya eka id bhūr.
kaviṃ samrājam atithiṃ janānām # RV.6.7.1c; SV.1.67c; 2.490c; VS.7.24c; 33.8c; TS.; MS.1.3.15c: 36.3; KS.4.5c; JB.3.177,178,179; PB.4.6.21; śB.
kavipraśasto atithiḥ śivo naḥ # RV.5.1.8b.
kāṇvaṃ medhyātithim # RV.8.2.40b; RVKh.7.34.4b.
kutsaṃ yad āyum atithigvam asmai # RV.6.18.13b.
kutsasyāyor atithigvasya vīrān # RV.2.14.7c.
gṛhe vasatu no 'tithiḥ # AVś.10.6.4c.
ghṛtair bodhayatātithim # RV.8.44.1b; VS.3.1b; 12.30b; TS.; MS.2.7.10b: 87.14; KS.7.12b; 16.10b; śB.; TB.
juṣṭo damūnā atithir duroṇe # RV.5.4.5a; AVś.7.73.9a; MS.4.11.1a: 159.3; KS.2.15a; TB.; N.4.5a. P: juṣṭo damūnāḥ Aś.2.11.9; 12.5; 18.17; śś.3.1.4; Mś.
tvam asmai kutsam atithigvam āyum # RV.1.53.10c; AVś.20.21.10c.
tvām agne atithiṃ pūrvyaṃ viśaḥ # RV.5.8.2a.
divodāsam atithigvaṃ yad āvam # RV.4.26.3d.
divodāsād atithigvasya rādhaḥ # RV.6.47.22c.
dīdāya daivyo atithiḥ śivo naḥ # VS.12.34d; TS.;; MS.2.7.10d: 88.1; KS.16.10d; śB. See dyutāno daivyo.
dūḍabho viśām atithir vibhāvasuḥ # RV.3.2.2d.
dyutānaṃ vo atithiṃ svarṇaram # RV.6.15.4a.
dyutāno daivyo atithiḥ śuśoca # RV.7.8.4d. See dīdāya daivyo.
niśiśānā atithim asya yonau # RV.7.3.5c.
niśiṣan mandram atithim udīrat # RV.4.2.7b.
pakvānnā nematithīvānaḥ # śś.8.21.1.
pary abhūd atithir jātavedāḥ # MS.4.14.15d: 241.7. See uṣarbhud.
paśyann anyasyā atithiṃ vayāyāḥ # RV.10.124.3a.
praśaṃsamāno atithir na mitriyaḥ # RV.8.19.8a.
priyaṃ śiśītātithim # RV.6.16.42b; TS.; MS.4.10.3b: 148.11; KS.15.12b.
priyaṃ-priyaṃ vo atithiṃ gṛṇīṣaṇi # RV.6.15.6b.
priyo viśām atithir mānuṣīṇām # RV.5.1.9d; TB.
preṣṭhaṃ vo atithiṃ gṛṇīṣe # RV.1.186.3a.
preṣṭhaṃ vo atithim # RV.8.84.1a; SV.1.5a; 2.594a; JB.3.232a; PB.14.12.1. P: preṣṭhaṃ vaḥ Aś.4.13.7; 7.8.1; śś.12.11.18. Cf. BṛhD.6.98.
mahān no atithiṣ pitā # AVP.9.12.2b.
no hṛṇītām atithir (SV. hṛṇīthā atithiṃ) vasur agniḥ # RV.8.103.12a; SV.1.110a.
ya āyuṃ kutsam atithigvam ardayaḥ # RV.8.53 (Vāl.5).2a.
ya eka id bhūr atithir janānām # SV.1.372b. See eko vibhūr.
yaṃ kaṇvo medhyātithir dhanaspṛtam # RV.1.36.10c.
yato ghṛtaśrīr atithir ajāyata # RV.1.128.4f.
yathā nīpātithiṃ dhane # RV.8.49 (Vāl.1).9d.
yathā prāvo maghavan medhyātithim # RV.8.49 (Vāl.1).9c.
yam agniṃ medhyātithiḥ # RV.1.36.11a.
yābhiḥ kaṇvaṃ medhātithim # RV.8.8.20a.
yābhir mahām atithigvaṃ kaśojuvam # RV.1.112.14a.
Vedabase Search
21 results
āgnīdhra-idhmajihva-yajñabāhu-hiraṇyaretaḥ-ghṛtapṛṣṭha-medhātithi-vītihotra-saṃjñān named Āgnīḍhra, Idhmajihva, Yajñabāhu, Hiraṇyaretā, Ghṛtapṛṣṭha, Medhātithi and VītihotraSB 5.1.33
amuṣya of him (Devātithi)SB 9.22.11
atithi AtithiSB 9.12.1
devātithi a son named DevātithiSB 9.22.11
dina-kṣaye at the end of the tithiSB 4.12.49-50
dina-kṣaye on that day in which three tithis are combinedSB 7.14.20-23
āgnīdhra-idhmajihva-yajñabāhu-hiraṇyaretaḥ-ghṛtapṛṣṭha-medhātithi-vītihotra-saṃjñān named Āgnīḍhra, Idhmajihva, Yajñabāhu, Hiraṇyaretā, Ghṛtapṛṣṭha, Medhātithi and VītihotraSB 5.1.33
āgnīdhra-idhmajihva-yajñabāhu-hiraṇyaretaḥ-ghṛtapṛṣṭha-medhātithi-vītihotra-saṃjñān named Āgnīḍhra, Idhmajihva, Yajñabāhu, Hiraṇyaretā, Ghṛtapṛṣṭha, Medhātithi and VītihotraSB 5.1.33
āgnīdhra-idhmajihva-yajñabāhu-hiraṇyaretaḥ-ghṛtapṛṣṭha-medhātithi-vītihotra-saṃjñān named Āgnīḍhra, Idhmajihva, Yajñabāhu, Hiraṇyaretā, Ghṛtapṛṣṭha, Medhātithi and VītihotraSB 5.1.33
dina-kṣaye at the end of the tithiSB 4.12.49-50
dina-kṣaye on that day in which three tithis are combinedSB 7.14.20-23
medhā-tithi MedhātithiSB 5.1.25
medhā-tithi MedhātithiSB 5.20.25
āgnīdhra-idhmajihva-yajñabāhu-hiraṇyaretaḥ-ghṛtapṛṣṭha-medhātithi-vītihotra-saṃjñān named Āgnīḍhra, Idhmajihva, Yajñabāhu, Hiraṇyaretā, Ghṛtapṛṣṭha, Medhātithi and VītihotraSB 5.1.33
medhātithi a son named MedhātithiSB 9.20.7
āgnīdhra-idhmajihva-yajñabāhu-hiraṇyaretaḥ-ghṛtapṛṣṭha-medhātithi-vītihotra-saṃjñān named Āgnīḍhra, Idhmajihva, Yajñabāhu, Hiraṇyaretā, Ghṛtapṛṣṭha, Medhātithi and VītihotraSB 5.1.33
tasmāt from him (Medhātithi)SB 9.20.7
medhā-tithi MedhātithiSB 5.1.25
medhā-tithi MedhātithiSB 5.20.25
āgnīdhra-idhmajihva-yajñabāhu-hiraṇyaretaḥ-ghṛtapṛṣṭha-medhātithi-vītihotra-saṃjñān named Āgnīḍhra, Idhmajihva, Yajñabāhu, Hiraṇyaretā, Ghṛtapṛṣṭha, Medhātithi and VītihotraSB 5.1.33
āgnīdhra-idhmajihva-yajñabāhu-hiraṇyaretaḥ-ghṛtapṛṣṭha-medhātithi-vītihotra-saṃjñān named Āgnīḍhra, Idhmajihva, Yajñabāhu, Hiraṇyaretā, Ghṛtapṛṣṭha, Medhātithi and VītihotraSB 5.1.33
14 results
tithi noun (masculine feminine) a lunar day (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the number 15 (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
(a color?)
Frequency rank 3007/72933
tithikṣaya noun (masculine) try-aha-sparśa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the day of new moon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28206/72933
tithivāranakṣatrādivratanirūpaṇa noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.137
Frequency rank 53537/72933
atithi noun (neuter) śilājatu
Frequency rank 42071/72933
atithi noun (masculine) a guest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a person entitled to hospitality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Agni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Akrodhana name of an attendant on Soma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Suhotra (king of Ayodhyā) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1543/72933
anatithi noun (masculine) not a guest
Frequency rank 42582/72933
devātithi noun (masculine) name of a Kāṇva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a prince who was son of Akrodhana (or Krodhana) and Karambhā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35848/72933
deśātithi noun (masculine) foreigner (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19455/72933
pūrvātithi noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 59821/72933
bhramarātithi noun (masculine) Michelia champaka Linn. (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61024/72933
mahātithi noun (feminine) the 6th day of a lunation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the great lunar day (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61710/72933
medhātithi noun (masculine) a parrot (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Kāṇva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a lawyer and commentator on the Mānavadharmaśāstra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Manu Svāyambhuva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of one of the 7 sages under Manu Sāvarṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the father of Kaṇva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9675/72933
vaitithi noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 39715/72933
ṣaṭpadātithi noun (masculine) the mango tree
Frequency rank 68459/72933
Wordnet Search
"tithi" has 24 results.


atithi-gṛham, atithi-bhavanam, atithi-śālā   

yatra atithayaḥ nivasanti athavā atithīnāṃ nivāsasya kṛte nirmitaṃ gṛham।

atithi-gṛhe ekā api kakṣā riktā nāsti।



mānyānāṃ janmadinam।

ākṭobaramāsasya dvitīye dine gāndhīmahodayasya janmatithiḥ asti।



saḥ atithiḥ yaḥ bhojanārthe āmantritaḥ asti।

adya ahaṃ bhojanātithi iti rūpeṇa prativeśaṃ gacchāmi।


atithiprakoṣṭhaḥ, atithikakṣaḥ   

atithīnāṃ kṛte vinirmitaḥ kakṣaḥ।

abhyāgataiḥ saha kailāsaḥ atithiprakoṣṭhe vārtālāpaṃ karoti।


divasaḥ, dinam, ahaḥ, dyu, ghasraḥ, tithiḥ, vastoḥ, bhānuḥ, vāsaram, svasarāṇi, usraḥ   

kālaviśeṣaḥ, (saurakālagaṇanāyām) bhānor udayād udayaparyantaṃ kālaḥ, sūryakiraṇāvacchinnakālaḥ, (cāndrakālagaṇanāyām) candramasaḥ udayād udayaparyantaṃ kālaḥ।

ekasmin dine caturviṃśati bhāgāḥ santi/ kam api maṅgalaṃ divasaṃ niścitya śubhakāryāṇi ārambhaṇīyāni iti manyate/ divasasya ante pakṣiṇaḥ svanīḍaṃ uccaiḥ rāvaiḥ saha nirvartayanti


candraḥ, kalānāthaḥ, kalādharaḥ, himāṃśuḥ, candramāḥ, kumudabāndhavaḥ, vidhuḥ, sudhāṃśuḥ, śubhrāṃśuḥ, oṣadhīśaḥ, niśāpatiḥ, abjaḥ, jaivātṛkaḥ, glauḥ, mṛgāṅkaḥ, dvijarājaḥ, śaśadharaḥ, nakṣatreśaḥ, kṣapākaraḥ, doṣākaraḥ, niśīthinīnāthaḥ, śarvarīśaḥ, eṇāṅkaḥ, śītaraśmiḥ, samudranavanītaḥ, sārasaḥ, śvetavāhanaḥ, nakṣatranāmiḥ, uḍupaḥ, sudhāsūtiḥ, tithipraṇīḥ, amatiḥ, candiraḥ, citrāṭīraḥ, pakṣadharaḥ, rohiṇīśaḥ, atrinetrajaḥ, pakṣajaḥ, sindhujanmā, daśāśvaḥ, māḥ, tārāpīḍaḥ, niśāmaṇiḥ, mṛgalāñchanaḥ, darśavipat, chāyāmṛgadharaḥ, grahanemiḥ, dākṣāyaṇīpati, lakṣmīsahajaḥ, sudhākaraḥ, sudhādhāraḥ, śītabhānuḥ, tamoharaḥ, tuśārakiraṇaḥ, pariḥ, himadyutiḥ, dvijapatiḥ, viśvapsā, amṛtadīdhitiḥ, hariṇāṅkaḥ, rohiṇīpatiḥ, sindhunandanaḥ, tamonut, eṇatilakaḥ, kumudeśaḥ, kṣīrodanandanaḥ, kāntaḥ, kalāvān, yāminījatiḥ, sijraḥ, mṛgapipluḥ, sudhānidhiḥ, tuṅgī, pakṣajanmā, abdhīnavanītakaḥ, pīyūṣamahāḥ, śītamarīciḥ, śītalaḥ, trinetracūḍāmaṇiḥ, atrinetrabhūḥ, sudhāṅgaḥ, parijñāḥ, sudhāṅgaḥ, valakṣaguḥ, tuṅgīpatiḥ, yajvanāmpatiḥ, parvvadhiḥ, kleduḥ, jayantaḥ, tapasaḥ, khacamasaḥ, vikasaḥ, daśavājī, śvetavājī, amṛtasūḥ, kaumudīpatiḥ, kumudinīpatiḥ, bhūpatiḥ, dakṣajāpatiḥ, oṣadhīpatiḥ, kalābhṛt, śaśabhṛt, eṇabhṛt, chāyābhṛt, atridṛgjaḥ, niśāratnam, niśākaraḥ, amṛtaḥ, śvetadyutiḥ, hariḥ   

khagolīyapiṇḍaḥ yaḥ pṛthvīṃ paribhramati।

adhunā mānavaḥ candrasya pṛṣṭhabhāgaṃ gatvā saṃśodhanaṃ karoti।


atithiḥ, atithī, abhyāgataḥ, abhyāgatā, abhyāgatam, āgantuḥ, āgāntuḥ, āgantukaḥ, āgantukā, āgantukam, praghurṇaḥ, āveśikaḥ, gṛhāgataḥ, prāghurṇikaḥ, prāghuṇikaḥ, prāghuṇaḥ   

ajñātapūrvagṛhāgatavyaktiḥ yasya na jñāyate nāma na ca gotraṃ na ca sthitiḥ akasmāt gṛhamāyāti ।

atithiryasya bhagnāśo gṛhāt pratinivartate। sa tasmai duṣkṛtaṃ datvā puṇyam ādāya gacchati।


caturthī, caturthītithi   

māsasya caturtham dinam।

caturthyām āgacchati।


āmram, cūtam, sahakāram, kāmaśaram, kāmavallabham, kāmāṅgam, kīrevṛḥ, mādhavadrumam, bhṛṅgāmīṣṭam, sīdhurasam, madhūlī, kokilotsavam, vasantadūtam, āmraphalam, modākhyam, manmathālayaḥ, madhvāvāsaḥ, sumadanaḥ, pikarāgaḥ, nṛpapriyaḥ, priyāmbuḥkokilāvāsaḥ, mākandaḥ, ṣaṭpadātithiḥ, madhuvrataḥ, vasantadruḥ, pikaprayaḥ, strīpriyaḥ, gandhabandhuḥ, alipriyaḥ, madirāsakhaḥ   

phalaviśeṣaḥ, āmravṛkṣasya phalam asya guṇāḥ varṇarucimāṃsaśukrabalakāritvam।

rāmāya āmraḥ rocate।


āmraḥ, āmravṛkṣaḥ, cūtaḥ, sahakāraḥ, kāmaśaraḥ, kāmavallabhaḥ, kāmāṅgaḥ, kīrevṛḥ, mādhavadrumaḥ, bhṛṅgāmīṣṭaḥ, sīdhurasaḥ, madhūlī, kokilotsavaḥ, vasantadūtaḥ, amraphalaḥ, modākhyaḥ, manmathālayaḥ, madhvāvāsaḥ, sumadanaḥ, pikarāgaḥ, nṛpapriyaḥ, priyāmbuḥ, kokilāvāsaḥ, mākandaḥ, ṣaṭpadātithiḥ, madhuvrataḥ, vasantadruḥ, pikaprayaḥ, strīpriyaḥ, gandhabandhuḥ, alipriyaḥ, madirāsakhaḥ   

phalavṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ- dīrghajīvī pādapaḥ yasya pītavarṇīyaṃ phalam atīva madhuram।

āmravṛkṣe śukāḥ nivasanti।


campakaḥ, cāmpeyaḥ, hemapuṣpakaḥ, svarṇapuṣpaḥ, śītalachadaḥ, subhagaḥ, bhṛṅgamohī, śītalaḥ, bhramarātithiḥ, surabhiḥ, dīpapuṣpaḥ, sthiragandhaḥ, atigandhakaḥ, sthirapuṣpaḥ, hemapuṣpaḥ, pītapuṣpaḥ, hemāhvaḥ, sukumāraḥ, vanadīpaḥ, kaṣāyaḥ   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ saḥ vṛkṣaḥ yasya puṣpāṇi pītavarṇīyāni sugandhitāni ca santi।

tasya prāṅgaṇe campakaḥ kundam ityādīni santi।



kasyāpi saṃsthāyāḥ ārambhasya tithyāṃ pratisaṃvatsare bhavyamānaḥ utsavaḥ।

eṣā saṃsthā adya pañcaviṃśatitamā janmatithiḥ sampadyate।


dināṅkaḥ, tithi   

āṅglamāsasya dinagaṇanā।

ahaṃ prārthanāpatre dināṅkaṃ lekhituṃ vismṛtavān।



candrakalākriyopalakṣitaḥ kālaḥ।

pratipattaḥ amāvasyāparyantam paurṇimāparyantaṃ pañcadaśa tithayaḥ santi।



māghamāsasya śuklapakṣe vartamānā ekādaśī।

manoharaḥ bhīmatithyāṃ jātaḥ।


somaḥ, candraḥ, śaśāṅkaḥ, induḥ, mayaṅkaḥ, kalānidhiḥ, kalānāthaḥ, kalādharaḥ, himāṃśuḥ, candramāḥ, kumudabāndhavaḥ, vidhuḥ, sudhāṃśuḥ, śubhrāṃśuḥ, oṣadhīśaḥ, niśāpatiḥ, abjaḥ, jaivātṛkaḥ, somaḥ, glauḥ, mṛgāṅkaḥ, dvijarājaḥ, śaśadharaḥ, nakṣatreśaḥ, kṣapākaraḥ, doṣākaraḥ, niśīthinīnāthaḥ, śarvarīśaḥ, eṇāṅkaḥ, śītaraśmiḥ, samudranavanītaḥ, sārasaḥ, śvetavāhanaḥ, nakṣatranāmiḥ, uḍupaḥ, sudhāsūtiḥ, tithipraṇīḥ, amatiḥ, candiraḥ, citrāṭīraḥ, pakṣadharaḥ, rohiṇīśaḥ, atrinetrajaḥ, pakṣajaḥ, sindhujanmā, daśāśvaḥ, māḥ, tārāpīḍaḥ, niśāmaṇiḥ, mṛgalāñchanaḥ, darśavipat, chāyāmṛgadharaḥ, grahanemiḥ, dākṣāyaṇīpati, lakṣmīsahajaḥ, sudhākaraḥ, sudhādhāraḥ, śītabhānuḥ, tamoharaḥ, tuśārakiraṇaḥ, pariḥ, himadyutiḥ, dvijapatiḥ, viśvapsā, amṛtadīdhitiḥ, hariṇāṅkaḥ, rohiṇīpatiḥ, sindhunandanaḥ, tamonut, eṇatilakaḥ, kumudeśaḥ, kṣīrodanandanaḥ, kāntaḥ, kalāvān, yāminījatiḥ, sijraḥ, mṛgapipluḥ, sudhānidhiḥ, tuṅgī, pakṣajanmā, abdhīnavanītakaḥ, pīyūṣamahāḥ, śītamarīciḥ, śītalaḥ, trinetracūḍāmaṇiḥ, atrinetrabhūḥ, sudhāṅgaḥ, parijñāḥ, sudhāṅgaḥ, valakṣaguḥ, tuṅgīpatiḥ, yajvanāmpatiḥ, parvvadhiḥ, kleduḥ, jayantaḥ, tapasaḥ, khacamasaḥ, vikasaḥ, daśavājī, śvetavājī, amṛtasūḥ, kaumudīpatiḥ, kumudinīpatiḥ, bhūpatiḥ, dakṣajāpatiḥ, oṣadhīpatiḥ, kalābhṛt, śaśabhṛt, eṇabhṛt, chāyābhṛt, atridṛgjaḥ, niśāratnam, niśākaraḥ, amṛtaḥ, śvetadyutiḥ   


patitaṃ somamālokya brahmā lokapitāmahaḥ[śa.ka]



paurāṇikaḥ ṛṣiviśeṣaḥ।

arundhatī medhātitheḥ putrī āsīt yā tena yajñāt prāptā।



vaidikaḥ ṛṣiviśeṣaḥ।

nipatitheḥ varṇanaṃ ṛgvede prāpyete।



vaidikaḥ ṛṣiviśeṣaḥ।

devātitheḥ varṇanaṃ ṛgvede prāpyate।



paurāṇikaḥ ṛṣiḥ।

brahmatitheḥ varṇanaṃ ṛgvede prāpyate।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

pūrvātithiḥ gṛham gacchati



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

pūrvātithiḥ gṛham gacchati


tithitattvasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti   

tithitattva ।

smṛtitattvasya aparaṃ nāma


tithidānasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti   

tithidāna ।

bhaviṣyapurāṇasya aparaṃ nāma

Parse Time: 2.843s Search Word: tithi Input Encoding: IAST IAST: tithi