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Amarakosha Search
16 results
cakram3.3.190NeuterSingularrahaḥ, antikam
daivajñaḥ2.8.13MasculineSingularmauhūrttaḥ, sāṃvatsaraḥ, ‍kārtāntika, jyautiṣikaḥ, daivajñaḥ, gaṇakaḥ, mauhūrttika
joṣam3.3.259MasculineSingularantikam, madhyaḥ
midhyādṛṣṭiḥFeminineSingularnāstikaheterodox or kerssry
nepathyam2.6.100MasculineSingularākalpaḥ, veṣaḥ, pratikarma, prasādhanam
padātiḥ2.8.68MasculineSingularpādātika, pa‍dājiḥ, padgaḥ, padikaḥ, pa‍ttiḥ, padagaḥ
prakīryaḥ2.2.48MasculineSingulartikarajaḥ, tika, kalimārakaḥ
śaṃbhuḥMasculineSingularkapardī, kapālabhṛt, virūpākṣaḥ, sarvajñaḥ, haraḥ, tryambakaḥ, andhakaripuḥ, vyomakeśaḥ, sthāṇuḥ, ahirbudhnyaḥ, paśupatiḥ, mahānaṭaḥ, maheśvaraḥ, īśānaḥ, bhūteśaḥ, giriśaḥ, kṛttivāsāḥ, ugraḥ, śitikaṇṭhaḥ, mahādevaḥ, kṛśānuretāḥ, nīlalohitaḥ, bhargaḥ, gaṅgādharaḥ, vṛṣadhvajaḥ, bhīmaḥ, umāpatiḥ, īśaḥ, gajāriḥ, śūlī, śarvaḥ, candraśekharaḥ, girīśaḥ, mṛtyuñjayaḥ, prathamādhipaḥ, śrīkaṇṭhaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, trilocanaḥ, dhūrjaṭiḥ, smaraharaḥ, tripurāntakaḥ, kratudhvaṃsī, bhavaḥ, rudraḥ, aṣṭamūrtiḥ, śivaḥ, īśvaraḥ, śaṅkaraḥ, khaṇḍaparaśuḥ, mṛḍaḥ, pinākī(51)shiva, god
kārtikaMasculineSingularbāhulaḥ, ūrjaḥ, kārtikikaḥkaartikah
bhūtikam3.3.8NeuterSingularmahendraḥ, guggulu, ulūkaḥ, vyālagrāhī
Monier-Williams Search
941 results for tika
tikam. Name of a man gaRa 1. naḍādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikakitavam. plural the descendants of tika- and kitava-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikakitavādim. Name of a gaṇa- of ( ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhautikamfn. not relating to or produced by the gross elements, not material commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ācitikamf(ī-)n. holding or being equal to an ācita- (or cart-load) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ācitikamf(ī-)n. (also in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with numerals exempli gratia, 'for example' dvy-ācitika-) 54. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ācyutikamf(ī-)n. relating to acyuta-, (gaRa kāśyādi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhaḥsvastikan. the nadir. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adharasvastikan. the nadir. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādhibhautikamf(ī-)n. (fr. adhibhūta-), belonging or relating to created beings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādhibhautikamf(ī-)n. elementary, derived or produced from the primitive elements, material. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhikasāptatikamfn. (containing or costing) more than seventy. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhimuktikam. Name of mahā-kāla- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhyardhapratikamfn. amounting to one and a half kārṣāpaṇa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādityavratikamfn. performing the above rite on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agastyagṛhaspatikamfn. having agastya- for a householder, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agatikamf(ā-)n. without resort or resources View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agatikamf(ā-)n. not to be walked on (as an evil path) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agatikagatif. the resort of one who has no resort, a last resource View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aikabhautikamfn. (fr. eka-bhūta-), consisting of one element View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aikāntikamf(ī-)n. (fr. ekānta-), absolute, necessary, complete, exclusive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aikaśatikamfn. (fr. eka-śata-), possessing 101 on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aindraluptikamfn. (fr. indra-lupta-), afflicted with morbid baldness of the head View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aiṣṭikapaurtikamfn. connected with sacrifices and with doing good works (not included under the head of sacrifices) , (antarvedikaṃ bahirveḍikaṃ ca- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākhyātikamf(ī-)n. () verbal commentator or commentary on and on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akhyātikaramfn. causing infamy, disgraceful. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akīrtikaramfn. causing disgrace, disparaging, insulting. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākṣadyūtikamfn. (fr. akṣa-dyūta- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. akṣ/a-) effected by gambling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āmaraṇāntikamfn. having death as the limit, continuing till death, lasting for life View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amauktikamfn. having no pearls, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anaikāntikamfn. unsteady, variable, having many objects or purposes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anaikāntikan. (in vaiśeṣika- philosophy) the fallacy of undistributed middle. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anaikāntikaf. variableness, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anaikāntikatvan. unsteadiness, uncertainty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ananyagatikamfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anāstikamfn. atheistic, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anātyantikamfn. not perpetual, not final, intermittent, recurrent. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānṛtikamfn. addicted to lying, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anṛtikamfn. untruthful, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antikaetc. See antika-, p.45. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antikamfn. (with genitive case or ablative) near, proximate (Comparative degree nedīyas-,superl. nediṣṭha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antikan. vicinity, proximity, near exempli gratia, 'for example' antikastha-, remaining near View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antikan. near, close by View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antikan. within the presence of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antikamfn. (fr. anta-), only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' reaching to the end of, reaching to (exempli gratia, 'for example' nāsāntika-,reaching to the nose) , lasting till, until. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antikagatif. going near. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antikamind. (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') until, near to, into the presence of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antikaf. nearness, vicinity, contiguity.
ānugatikamfn. (fr. anu-gata-), relating to or proceeding from, following View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anugatikam. a follower, an imitator. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānuśātikamfn. (fr. anu-śatika- ), belonging to a person or thing accompanied with or bought for a hundred. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuśatikamfn. accompanied with or bought for a hundred. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anutpattikadharmakṣāntif. acquiescence in the state which is still future, preparation for a future state View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anutpattikadharmakṣāntif. (with Buddhists) resignation to consequences which have not yet arisen, (confer, compare ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuttaropapātikam. plural a class of gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuttaropapātikadaśāf. plural title of the ninth aṅga- of the jaina-s treating of those gods. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anyoktikaṇṭhābharaṇan. Name (also title or epithet) of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anyonyavyatikaram. reciprocal action, relation or influence. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparasvastikan. the western point in the horizon. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparisamāptikamfn. not ending, endless commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āpatikamfn. accidental, unforeseen, coming from fate commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āpatikam. a hawk, a falcon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āpātikamfn. rushing upon, being at hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āpātikam. Name of a kind of demigod. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratikaramfn. trusted, confidential View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratikareṇaind. without recompense (see a-prat/ā-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratikarmanmfn. of unparalleled deeds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aprītikaramfn. unkind, adverse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aprītikaramfn. disagreeable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āptavibhaktikamfn. complete as to case-terminations, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aratikamfn. without rati- (the wife of kāma-)
arītikan. idem or 'f. (in rhetoric) deficiency of style, a defect in the choice of expressions.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamāvṛttikam. idem or ' m. idem or 'm. a religious student who has not yet completed the period of his residence with his teacher and who therefore has not yet returned home ' (varia lectio)' (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asāṃpratikaf. improper behaviour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśāntikaramfn. causing mischief. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśītikamfn. measuring eighty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśītikamfn. an octogenarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āstikamf(ī-)n. (fr. asti-,"there is or exists"), one who believes in the existence (of God, of another world, etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āstikamf(ī-)n. believing, pious, faithful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āstikam. equals āstīka- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikalyamind. very early, too early. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikalyāṇamf(ī-)n. "past or beyond beauty", not beautiful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikandakam. the plant hastikanda-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikarṣaṇa(for -karśana-?) n. excessive exertion. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikaśamfn. beyond the whip, unmanageable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikathamfn. exaggerated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikathāf. an exaggerated tale View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikathaf. See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikathamfn. transgressing tradition or law deviating from the rules of caste (See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikaṭhoramfn. very hard, too hard. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ātyantikamf(ī-)n. (fr. aty-anta-), continual, uninterrupted, infinite, endless etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ātyantikamf(ī-)n. entire, universal (as the world's destruction etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atyantikamfn. too close View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atyantikan. too great nearness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aupagrastikam. (fr. upagrasta-), the sun or moon in eclipse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aupahastikamfn. (fr. upa-hasta- gaRa vetanādi- [not in ]), living by presents (? pratigraheṇa jīvati- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aupapātikamfn. (fr. upa-pātaka- irregular), one who has committed a secondary crime View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aupapātikan. (fr. upa-pāta-) Name of the first jaina- upāṅga-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aupapattikamfn. (fr. upa-patti-), present, ready at hand, fit for the purpose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aupavītikan. (fr. upa-vīta-), investiture with the sacred thread View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aupodghātikamfn. (fr. upodghāta-), occasioned, occasional commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aurdhvabhaktikamfn. (fr. ūrdhva-bhakta-), used or applied after a meal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
autpātikamf(ī-)n. astounding, portentous, prodigious, calamitous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
autpātikam. Name of the third act of the mahānāṭaka-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
autpattikamf(ī-)n. (fr. ut-patti-), relating to origin, inborn, original, natural etc.; a4@priori View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
autpattikamf(ī-)n. inherent, eternal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
auttarabhaktikamfn. (fr. bhakta-with uttara-), employed or taken after a meal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avaivartikamfn. never returning (for a new birth), . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avaivartikatva(n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvantikamfn. belonging to or coming from avanti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvantikam. Name of a Buddhist school View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avratikamfn. equals avrata-vat- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avṛttikamfn. not having to live upon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avṛttikamfn. not yielding livelihood (as a country). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvyaktika(fr. a-vyakta-) mfn. not perceivable, immaterial commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayauktikamfn. incongruous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuhastikamf(ā-)n. rich in elephants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhusvatikam. or n. "arm-cross", the arms crossed ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuvaistika mfn. weighing many Vistas, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baiḍālavratika( ) mfn. acting like a cat, hypocritical, a religious impostor (equals bhaṇḍa-tapasvin-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bakavratika m. a hypocrite (especially a false devotee) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāstikan. a multitude of goats View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhadrajātikamfn. "of noble birth"and"descended from the elephant called bhadra-" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāgavittikam. patronymic fr. prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktikaonly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktikaSee uttara--, eka--, and paurva-bhaktika-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāktikamfn. = bhākta-1, regularly fed by another, a dependent, retainer (also nitya-bh- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktikalpatarum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktikaramf(ī-)n. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāṣyavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaṭṭavārttikan. Name of work
bhautikamf(ī-)n. equals prec. mfn. etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhautikan. a pearl View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhautikam. (fr. bhūti-,ashes?) Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhautikam. a sort of monk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhautikan. anything elemental or material View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhautikan. a pearl View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhautikan. plural the qualities of the elements (5 with Buddhists) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhikṣusūtrabhāṣyavārttikan. Name of a commentator or commentary on prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhittikamf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals bhitti-, breaking, splitting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhittikamf(ā-)n. a wall View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhojarājavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhrāntikaramf(ī-)n. causing error or confusion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhṛśanāstikamfn. very sceptical or impious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhṛtikarmakaram. a hired labourer or servant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtabhautikamfn. consisting of the elements or of anything formed from them View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtikam. or n. a species of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtika( mn.Ptychotis Ajowan; n.Andropogon Schoenanthus, Gentiana Chirata etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtikan. camphor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtikalaśam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtikarmann. any auspicious rite or ceremony (performed at a birth, marriage etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
biḍālavratikamfn. "acting like a cat", false, hypocritical (see baiḍāla-vr-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bījavivṛtikalpalatāvatāram. bījavivṛti
brahmaprakṛtikamfn. emanating from or originating in brahma- ( brahmaprakṛtikatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmaprakṛtikatvan. brahmaprakṛtika
brahmasūtrabhāṣyavārttikan. Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmasūtralaghuvārttikan. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmasūtravṛttivārttikan.Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhadāraṇyakabhāṣyavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhadāraṇyakāpaniṣadvārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhadāraṇyakavārttikasāramn. (?) Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhaspatikam. (fr. ti-datta-) familiar diminutives on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhaspatikaraṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhaspatiśāntikarmann. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caitikam. plural (fr. 2. caitya-? see caitya-saila-) Name of a Buddhist school. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caittikamfn. belonging to thought View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cakrasvastikanandyāvartam. "having the wheel the svastika- and the nandy-āvarta- emblems", Name of buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caṇḍāntikan. for c/aṇḍātaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cāndravratikamfn. acting in the manner (vrata-) of the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cāturbhautikamfn. consisting of 4 elements (catur-bhūta-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturviṃśatikamfn. consisting of 24 , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cirasthitikamfn. long existing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', evaṃ--,"existing so long") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cūḍitikamfn. See ḍika-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daivadattikamf(ī-)n. relating to deva-datta- gaRa kāśy-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dāntikamf(ī-)n. idem or ' mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. danta-) made of ivory ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
darbhapūtikafor tīka- () and View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
darbhapūtikan. sg. d- and p- gaRa gavāśvādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dārṣṭāntikamf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. dṛṣṭānta-) explained by an example or simile ' on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dārṣṭāntikamf(ī-)n. one who uses an example or simile as a proof. Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dattikam. forms of names terminating in -datta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dehambharavārttikamfn. idem or 'mfn. intent (only) upon nourishing the body or prolonging life ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dehambharavārttikamfn. voracious, gluttonous (see udaram-bh-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhaurtikamf(ī-)n. belonging to a cheat, knavish, fraudulent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhaurtikan. fraud, dishonesty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhītikam. Name of a patriarchal saint.
dīptikamfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals d/īpti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīptikam. a species of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīptikaramf(ā-or ī-)n. irradiating, illuminating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
drāviḍabhūtikam. Curcuma Zedoaria. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛḍhabhaktikamfn. idem or 'mfn. "firm in devotion", faithful ( dṛḍhabhaktitā -- f. )' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛḍhaśaktikamfn. of great power View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛḍhaśaktikamfn. strong-willed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛṣṭavyatikaramfn. who has experienced misfortune View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duṣpratītikaramfn. suggesting an offensive meaning, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvipratikamf(ī-)n. bought etc. with 2 kārṣāpaṇa-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvisāptatikamf(ī-)n. worth 72 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvivaistikamf(ī-)n. equals -vista- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvyācitikamf(ī-)n. containing 2 waggon-loads View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyutikaramf(ī-)n. producing splendour, illuminating, bright, handsome View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyutikaram. the polar star or (in mythology) the divine sage dhruva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekabhaktikamfn. eating only one meal (a day) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekacitikamfn. idem or 'mfn. having one layer (of wood or bricks etc.) ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekāntikamfn. devoted to one aim or object or person or theory. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekapatikamfn. having the same husband commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekasaptatikamfn. consisting of 71. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
evaṃsaṃsthitikamfn. of such a nature or kind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gajamauktikan. equals -muktā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gāṇitikam. (fr. gaṇita-), an arithmetician View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gātāgatikamf(ī-)n. (fr. gatāgata-), caused by going and coming gaRa akṣadyūtādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatānugatikamfn. following what precedes, following custom or the conduct of others, imitative View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gātānugatikamf(ī-)n. (fr. gatānugata-), caused by following or imitating what precedes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatikan. going, motion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatikan. course View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatikan. condition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatikan. refuge, asylum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gauśatikamf(ī-)n. possessing 100 oxen or cows (go-śata-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghārtikam. (fr. ghṛt/a-) pulse ground and fried with clarified butter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
grahaṇāntikamfn. idem or 'ind. until (the veda-) has been thoroughly apprehended or learned, ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
grāmāntikan. the neighbourhood of a village View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guptikam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haimantikamfn. equals prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haimantikamfn. equals hematam adhīte veda vā- gaRa vasantādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haimavatikam. plural the inhabitants of the himālaya- mountains View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haribhaktikalpalatāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haribhaktikalpalatikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harṣacaritavārttikan. Name of Comm. on the above work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastasvastikam. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) crossing the hand, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikan. a multitude of elephants (or m."an elephant") (Bombay edition) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikam. a toy-elephant, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikam. a turn-spit (varia lectio for hastaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hāstikamfn. consisting of elephants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hāstikam. an elephants-rider, elephants-driver etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hāstikan. a multitude of elephants (Bombay edition hastika-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hāstikan. a multitude of female elephants Va1rtt. 11 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikaccham. Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikakṣam. a kind of venomous insect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikakṣan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikakṣyam. a lion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikakṣyam. a tiger View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikakṣyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikandaa kind of bulbous plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarañja m. Galedupa Piscidia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarañjakam. Galedupa Piscidia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarkoṭakam. a kind of big Momordica Mixa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇam. "elephant-eared", Name of various plants (according to to "the castor-oil tree [also the red kind];Butea Frondosa;Arum Macrorrhizum") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇam. of one of śiva-'s attendants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇam. a particular class of semi-divine beings (forming one of the gaṇa-devatā-s q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇam. Name of a rākṣasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇam. of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇam. of a locality View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇadalam. a sort of Butea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇakam. a sort of Butea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇapalāśam. Butea Frondosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṇikan. a particular sedent posture (with yogin-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastikarṣū gaRa kāśy-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hāstikarṣūkamf(ā-or ī-)n. (fr. hasti-karṣū-) gaRa kāśy-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hetika(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals heti- (see śakti--, svadhiti-h-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikam. Name of a people (see ījika-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikaraṇan. the word iti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikaraṇiya([ ]) mfn. proper or necessary to be done according to certain conditions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikaraṇiyan. duty, obligation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikaraṇiyatāf. any proper or necessary measure, obligation. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikartavya mfn. proper or necessary to be done according to certain conditions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikartavyan. duty, obligation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikartavyatāf. any proper or necessary measure, obligation. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikartavyatāmūḍhamfn. embarrassed, dumb-foundered, wholly at a loss what to do View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikartavyatāmūḍhamfn. embarrassed, dumb-foundered, wholly at a loss what to do View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikathamfn. unworthy of trust, not fit to be credited View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikathamfn. wicked, lost View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikathāf. unmeaning or nonsensical discourse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itikathaf. (for atikatha- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatīpatikanyakāf. "king's daughter", a princess (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janāntikamind. "personal proximity" (as a stage-direction) whispering aside to another etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jāṅghāprahatika mfn. (fr. jaṅghā-prahata-or hṛta-) produced by a blow with the leg gaRa akṣadyūtādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jāṅghāprahritikamfn. (fr. jaṅghā-prahata-or hṛta-) produced by a blow with the leg gaRa akṣadyūtādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jānuprahṛtikamfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jartikam. plural Name of a people (bāhīka-) (varia lectio jārt-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jārtika varia lectio for jart-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jāyāmpatikan. sg. idem or 'm. dual number (gaRa rājadantādi-) wife and husband ' , 585 and 592 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jāyāmpatikan. see yam-patī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jīvantikam. equals jīvāntaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jñaptikaSee pti-. 2. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jñātikarmann. the act or duty of a kinsman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jotikam. Name of a family, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyotikam. Name of a nāga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaimutikamfn. relating to or based on the"how much more?"or"how much less? (kim uta-) ", only in compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaimutikanyāyam. the rule of"how much more?"or"how much less?"arguing a fortiori commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāntikam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāntikaramfn. causing beauty, beautifying, illuminating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaphāntikam. Name of a plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaphavātikamfn. (fr. kaphavāta-), one in whom phlegm and wind prevail. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karmāntikamfn. completing an act View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karmāntikam. a labourer, artisan View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karmāntikalokam. labourers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karṇāntikacaramfn. going close to the ear View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārtāntikam. an astrologer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikam. (fr. kṛttikā- q.v;with or without māsa-), Name of a month corresponding to part of October and November (the twelfth month of the year, when the full moon is near the Pleiades) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikam. Name of skanda- (See kārttikeya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikam. of a varṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikam. of a medical author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikamn. Name of the first year in Jupiter's period of revolution View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikan. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikakuṇḍam. Name of a physician commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikamāhātmyan. Name of a section of the View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikamahimanm. "the greatness of kārttika-", Name of a treatise on the festivals of that month. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikapūrṇimāf. Name (also title or epithet) of a festival, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikaśālim. rice ripening in the month kārttika- (forming the principal harvest in India) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārttikasiddhāntam. Name of a scholiast on the mugdha-bodha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāsaktikamfn. wearing a turban (or = baddha-parikara kañcukin-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
katikamfn. (for 2.See below) how many? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
katikamfn. bought for how much? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
katika(for 1.See above) n. Name of a town View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaunṛtikamf(ī-)n. wicked, perverse, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kauntikam. (fr. kunta-), a spearman, soldier armed with a spear View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kausṛtikam. (fr. ku-sṛti-), a juggler, conjurer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
keśāntikamfn. extending to the end of the hair as far as the forehead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
keśāntikamfn. relating to the ceremony of final tonsure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kevalavātikamf(ī-)n. applied for diseases of a simple rheumatic kind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khalatikam. the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khalatikam. Name of a mountain on Va1rtt. 4 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khalatikan. Name of a forest situated near that mountain on Va1rtt. 4. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khāraśatikamfn. containing or sown with a hundred khāri- measures on Va1rtt. 6. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khyātikaramfn. causing renown, glorious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kīrtikaramf(ī-)n. conferring fame View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kḷptikan. equals prakraya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
krāntikakṣāf. the sun's course, ecliptic. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
krauśaśatikamfn. (fr. krośaśata-), one who goes 100 krośa-s or leagues Va1rtt. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
krauśaśatikamfn. one who deserves to be approached from a distance of 100 leagues (a teacher) Va1rtt. 2. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛṣṇamṛttikamfn. having a dark soil or blue mould (as a country) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtikaram. "practising magic or enchantment", Name of rāvaṇa- (see kṛtyā-rāvaṇa-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
krūraprakṛtikamfn. of a cruel character View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣitikampam. an earthquake , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣitikampanam. Name of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣitikampanam. of a daitya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣitikaṇam. a particle of earth, dust View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuntalasvātikarṇam. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuntikam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
laghumīmāṃsāvārttikaṭīkāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
laghuvārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lakṣasvastikavratakalpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lakṣasvastikavratodyāpanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lakṣavartikathāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
laukāyatikam. (fr. lokāata-) a follower of cārvāka-, a materialist, atheist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokāyatikam. idem or '(l) m. a materialist ' and etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokāyatikam. (perhaps) a man experienced in the ways of the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokāyatikapakṣanirāsam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyāntikam. Name of an arhat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahābhāratikam. (prob.) one who knows the mahā-bhārata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahābhāṣyavārttikan. Name of commentaries on the mahā-bhāṣya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahādyutikaram. Name of the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāgaṇapatikalpepañcatriṃśatpīṭhikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāvārttikan. "great vārttika- or critical commentary", Name of kātyāyana-'s vārttika-s on the sūtra-s of pāṇini- (see māhāv-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māhāvārttikamf(ī-)n. (fr. mahā-v-) familiar with (kātyāyana-'s) vārttika-s vArttika View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāvratikamfn. related to the mahā-vrata- sāman- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāvratikamfn. observing the rule of the pāśupata-s, a pāśupata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāvratikamfn. (varia lectio,and perhaps more correctly māhāv-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māhāvratikamfn. adhering to it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māhāvratikam. a pāśupata- (varia lectio for mahā-vratika-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāvratikaveṣamfn. dressed as a pāśupata-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maitrākṣajyotikam. Name of a particular class of evil beings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mānavartika mānavalaka- See māna-varjaka- under 1. māna-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maraṇāntikamfn. ending in death View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mārttikamf(ī-)n. (fr. mṛttikā-) made of clay or loam, earthen View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mārttikam. n. an earthenware pot or dish (m.also"the lid of a pitcher") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mārttikan. a clod or lump of earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marubhūtikam. Name of a son of yaugaṃdharāyaṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mastikan. equals mastaka-, the head View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māthitikamfn. dealing in buttermilk (-mathita-) Va1rtt. 2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
matikarmann. a matter of the intellect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauhūrtikamfn. lasting for a moment, momentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauhūrtikamfn. relating to a particular time or hour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauhūrtikamfn. skilled in astrology View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauhūrtikam. an astrologer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauhūrtikam. plural Name of a class of celestial beings (children of muhūrtā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikamfn. (fr. mukti-) striving after final emancipation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikam. (only in ) n. (fr. muktā-; compound f(ā-).) a pearl (properly"a collection of properly") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikadāmann. a string of properly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikadāmann. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikagumphikāf. a female stringer of properly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikamālāf. a pearl necklace View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikamālāf. a species of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikamāraṇan. Name of a subject treated of in the dhātu-ratna--mālā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikamayamf(ī-)n. consisting of pearls, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikaprasavāf. a pearl muscle (see muktā-prasū-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikaratnan. a pearl gem, pearl ( mauktikaratnatā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikaratnatāf. mauktikaratna
mauktikasaram. a string of properly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikaśuktif. a pearl oyster View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mauktikataṇḍulam. a kind of white yāvanāla- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mīmāṃsāślokavārttikan. Name of a metrical paraphrase of śabara-'s mīmāṃsā-bhāṣya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mīmāṃsātantravārttikan. Name of kumārila-'s commentator or commentary on śabarasvāmin-'s mīmāṃsā-bhāṣya- (See below) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mīmāṃsāvārttikan. equals sātantra-vārttika-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
miśraprakṛtikamfn. of a mixed nature View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mokṣavārttikamfn. reflecting upon final emancipation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛgendrasvātikarṇam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muktikalaśam. Name of one of the ancestors of bilhaṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muktikalaśam. (with bhaṭṭa-) Name of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muṣṭikasvastikam. a particular position of the hands in dancing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nagavṛttikam. (and f(-).) a kind of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naikṛtika( ) mfn. dishonest, fallacious, low, vile. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikamf(ī-)n. produced by any or by some particular cause, occasional, special, accidental (opp. to nitya-) etc. ( naimittikatva -tva- n. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikam. equals prec. m. gaRa ukthādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikan. an effect (See nimitta-n-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikan. equals next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikakarmann. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikakriyāf. an occasional or periodical ceremony or rite (as observed on the birth of a child etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikaprakaraṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikaprayoga m. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikaprayogaratnākaram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikaśrāddhan. special funeral rite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naimittikatvan. naimittika
naipātikamfn. only mentioned incidentally or by the way
naiṣkaśatika mfn. containing or worth 100 (1000) niṣkas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naiṣkṛtika wrong reading for nai-kṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakṣatradohadaśāntikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāmacaraṇavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāmākhyātikamfn. relating to nouns and verbs , vArttika View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāmatikamf(ī-)n. (fr. 2. namata-) dressed in woollen cloth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravarmanṛpatikathāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārāyaṇavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārtikamf(ī-)n. fr. narta- gaRa chedādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāsāntika(nt-) mfn. (a stick) reaching to the nose (see keśānt-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāstikamf(ī-)n. atheistical, infidel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāstikam. an atheist or unbeliever (opp. to āstika- q.v) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāstikaetc. See under 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāstikamatan. an atheistical opinion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāstikaf. () disbelief, atheism View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāstikatvan. () disbelief, atheism View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāstikavṛttimfn. leading the life of an atheist or receiving sustenance from an atheist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nātānatikamfn. fr. nata- + anata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikalyāṇamfn. not very beautiful or noble View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikalyāṇa li-kovida- etc. See 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nimittanaimittikan. dual number cause and effect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirītikamf(ā-)n. auspicious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirupadhipālitaprakṛtikamfn. (prob.) one whose subjects are protected from danger or harm View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niryuktikamfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niryuktikatvan. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niṣprītikamfn. not connected with joy or delight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikalpatarum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikamalākara m. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikathāf. any work on moral or political science View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nityabhaktikamfn. regularly fed by another, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nityanaimittikan. (with or scilicet karman-) any regularly recurring occasional act or ceremony or any rite constantly performed to accomplish some object (as śrāddha-s at fixed lunar periods) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niyatavibhaktikamfn. limited as to case, standing always in the same case View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nṛpatikanyakāf. a princess View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyāyamālāvārttikasaṃgraham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyāyatrisūtrīvārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyāyavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyāyavārttikatātparyapariśuddhif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyāyavārttikatātparyaṭīkāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pacatikalpamind. (?) Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādāntikamind. near to or towards (the feet of) any one View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padātikam. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a footman, foot-soldier, peon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādātikam. equals pādāt- (see padāti-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmasvastikan. a svastika- mark consisting of lotus-flowers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paiṇḍapātikamf(ī-)n. (fr. piṇḍapāta-) living on alms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paittikamf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. pitta-) relating to the bilious humour, bilious ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paittikamf(ī-)n. of a bilious temperament View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pākṣapātikamf(ī-)n. (fr. pakṣa-pāta-) partial, factious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcabhautika wrong reading for pāñcabh-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcabhautikamf(ī-)n. (-bhūta-) composed of or containing the 5 elements etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcabhautikan. (with ādāna-) the assumption of the 5 elements View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcacitika pañcacitīka (p/a-) mfn. piled up in 5 tiers or layers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcagatikamf(ī-)n. consisting of 5 forms of existence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcākhyānavarttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcalauhitikan. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcalohitikan. Va1rtt. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcamūrtikamfn. having a fivefold form (applied to a particular offering to brahman-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcaśatikamfn. 500 (feet etc.), high View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcaviṃśatikamfn. (a fine) consisting of or amounting to 25 (paṇa-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcaviṃśatikan. the number 25 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcīkaraṇavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāṇḍumṛttikamfn. having a whitish or chalky soil View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅktikandam. a particular bulbous plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅktikaṇṭakam. a white-flowering Achyranthes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅktikaṭam. a species of grass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paruṣoktikamfn. using it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pārvatikan. a multitude of mountains, mountain-range View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāryantikamf(ī-)n. (-anta-) final, concluding, last View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāryantikaetc. See under pāry-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāryāptikamfn. one who has said pary-āptam- id est ,"enough" , Va1rtt. 2. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pātañjalabhāṣyavarttikan. pātañjalabhāṣya
tikam. Delphinus Gangeticus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pattikamfn. going on foot, pedestrian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pattikarmann. the business or operations of infantry View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paunaruktikamfn. equals punaruktam adhīte veda vā- gaRa ukthādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paurohitikam. metron. fr. puro-hitikā- gaRa śivādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paurtikamfn. relating to a charitable or meritorious work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paurvabhaktikamf(ī-)n. taken before eating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pautikamfn. (fr. pūtika-,or -) gaRa saṃkalādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pauttikan. (fr. puttikā-) a kind of honey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
piṇḍapātikam. a receiver of alms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
piṅgalavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prābhātikamf(ī-)n. (fr. -bhāta-) relating to morning, matutinal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prābhūtikamf(ī-)n. equals pra-bhūtam āha- Va1rtt. 2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prajāpatikam. endearing form of prajāpati-datta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prajñaptikauśikam. Name of a teacher acquainted with the magical art called prajñapti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prākṛtikamf(ī-)n. relating to pra-kṛti- or the original element, material, natural, common, vulgar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prakṛtikalyāṇamf(ī-)n. beautiful by nature View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pramāṇavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāmāṇikavāttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṇāntikamf(ī-)n. destructive or dangerous to life, fatal, mortal, capital (as punishment) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṇāntikamf(ī-)n. life-long (Bombay edition; prāṇāntikam am- ind.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṇāntikamf(ī-)n. desperate, vehement (as love, desire etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṇāntikan. danger to life View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṇāntikamind. prāṇāntika
prāśātikan. a leguminous plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāsutikamf(ī-)n. (fr. sūti-) relating to childbirth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikamf(ī-)n. (fr. 1. prati-) worth a kārṣāpaṇa- or 16 paṇa-s of cowries Va1rtt. 2. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikalamind. at every moment, constantly, perpetually View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikalpam. counter-part (see apr-andSee also prati-kḷp-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikalpamind. in each cosmic period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikalpyamfn. to be arranged or prepared (for pratikalpa-See) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikampCaus. -kampayati-, to shake, cause to tremble View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikañcukam. (prob.) a critic, a critical work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikaṇṭhamind. "throat by throat", singly, severally, one by one (so that each is reckoned), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prātikaṇṭhikamf(ī-)n. (fr. -kaṇṭham-) seizing by the throat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikaṇṭhikayāind. idem or '(prob.) wrong reading for' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikaṇṭhukayā(prob.) wrong reading for View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikapālamind. in every cup View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikaraetc. See prati-- 1. kṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikaramf(ī-)n. acting against, counteracting(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikaram. requital, compensation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikaraṇīyamfn. to be counteracted or prevented, remediable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikarkaśamf(ā-)n. equally hard, of the same hardness as (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikarmaind. in every work, at each performance or celebration View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikarmann. requital, retaliation, corresponding action View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikarmann. counteraction, cure, medical treatment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikarmann. decoration, toilet, personal adornment etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikarṣam. ( kṛṣ-) aggregation, combination View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikarṣam. anticipating that which occurs afterwards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikartavyamfn. to be requited or returned, to be repaid (literally and figuratively) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikartavyamfn. to be counteracted or resisted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikartavyamfn. to be treated or cured View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikartṛm. a requiter, recompenser View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikartṛm. an opponent, adversary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikaśamfn. (prob.) not obeying the whip View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikaṣṭamfn. comparatively (id est beyond expectation) bad View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratipattikarmann. a concluding rite or ceremony View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prātītikamf(ī-)n. (fr. pratīti-) existing only in the mind, mental, subjective
pratyantikamfn. being or situated at the border View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prātyantikam. (fr. -anta-) a neighbouring chief View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayamauktikamālāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāvṛttikamf(ī-)n. (fr. -vṛtti-) corresponding to a former mode of action View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāvṛttikamf(ī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') well acquainted with View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāyaścittikamf(ī-)n. expiatory View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāyaścittikamf(ī-)n. expiable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāyaścittikamf(ī-)n. requiring an expiation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pretikam. the soul of a dead man, a ghost View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prītikaramfn. causing pleasure to (compound) (see a-p-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prītikaramfn. inspiring love or affection View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prītikaram. Name of two authors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prītikaraṇan. the act of causing pleasure, gratifying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prītikarmann. an act of friendship or love, kind action View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pūrṇāhutikamfn. pūrṇāhuti
puruṣoktikamfn. having only the name of man, destitute, friendless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikamfn. foul, stinking, putrid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikam. equals pūtīka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikam. Guilandina Bonduc View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikam. a white ant (wrong reading for puttikā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikan. ordure, excrement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikaraja(l) m. Guilandina Bonduc View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikarañjam. Guilandina Bonduc View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikarṇam. a disease of the ear with discharge of putrid matter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikarṇakam. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. a disease of the ear with discharge of putrid matter ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikarṇakam. Guilandina Bonduc (varia lectio ṇika-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikarṇatāf. idem or 'm. a disease of the ear with discharge of putrid matter ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pūtimṛttikam. or n. "having fetid soil", Name of a hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raitikamf(ī-)n. (fr. rīti-) of or belonging to brass, brazen View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raivatikam. metron. fr. revatī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raivatikam. varia lectio for prec. (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktapaittikamfn. relating to rakta-pitta- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktapitttikamfn. subject to or suffering from it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāmānujamauktikan. Name of work
ratikaramf(ī-)n. causing pleasure or joy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratikaramf(i-)n. being in love, enamoured (equals kāmin-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratikaram. a particular samādhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratikaf. Name of an apsaras- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratikarmann. sexual intercourse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikan. calx of brass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabhaktikamind. (fr. 7. sa-+ bhakti-) respectfully View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍāhutikamfn. idem or 'mfn. serving for six oblations ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍbhāṣāvārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saduktikarṇāmṛtan. Name of an anthology. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍviṃśatika(prob. wrong reading) (varia lectio) mfn. the 26th View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sadyaḥśaktikaramfn. quickly causing strength
sagatikamfn. connected with a preposition etc. (See gati-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sagṛhapatikamfn. with the householder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahetikaraṇamfn. followed by the particle iti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saiddhāntikamf(ī-)n. (fr. siddhānta-) connected with or relating to an established truth etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saiddhāntikam. one who knows an established truth or is versed in a siddhānta- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saikatikamfn. belonging or relating to sandbanks View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saikatikamfn. living in doubt and error (equals bhrāntijīvin-or saṃdeha-j-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saikatikam. an ascetic or religious mendicant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saikatikan. a thread worn round the wrist or neck to secure good fortune (= maṅgala-sūtra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saikatikan. equals mātri-yātrā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saimantikan. (fr. sīmanta-) red-lead (so called because used to make a mark along hair-parting) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaitikakṣam. patronymic fr. śiti-kakṣa- (-pāñcāleyāḥ-. on ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaktihetikamfn. armed with a spear or lance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāktikamf(ī-)n. equals śaktyā jīvati- gaRa vetanādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāktikamf(ī-)n. peculiar to the śākta-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāktikam. a worshipper of the śakti- (See śākta-above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāktikam. a spearman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaktikaramfn. producing strength View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākuntikam. a fowler, bird-catcher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sālāvṛtikam. (in later language mostly śālā-vṛka-) "house-wolf (?)", a kind of wolf or hyena or jackal or similar animal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samantikamind. contiguously, near (Comparative degree ka-taram-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmastikamfn. relating to the above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāvṛttikaSee a-samāvṛttika-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samavyāptikamfn. furnishing an example of mutual perpetual pervasion or concomitance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambandhavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdhyāpañcīkaraṇavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃgatika(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals saṃ-gati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃgatikamfn. (fr. saṃ-gati-) relating to society, social, associating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃgatikam. a new comer, visitor, guest, acquaintance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃgatikam. one who comes to transact business View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃghātikamfn. equals saṃ-ghāte sādhuḥ- gaRa guḍādi- equals saṃ-ghātāya prabhayati- gaRa saṃtāpādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃghātikamfn. belonging to a group View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃghātikan. (scilicet bha-) the 16th nakṣatra- after the janmarkṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃhātikan. (for saṃ-hāta-) Name of the sixteenth nakṣatra- after that in which the moon was situated at a child's birth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhitika wrong reading for sāṃh- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃhitikamfn. equals sāṃhita- gaRa ukthādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃhitikam. the author of an astrological saṃhitā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃketikamfn. (fr. saṃ-keta-) consisting of signs, based on agreement, indicatory, conventional View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkhyāvṛttikara(khyāvṛ-) mfn. "causing repetition of counting", difficult to be counted, very numerous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkrāntikaumudīf. Name of an astronomy work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃnipātika wrong reading for sāṃn- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃnipātikamfn. (fr. saṃnipāta-) coming into close contact or conjunction, coalescing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃnipātikamfn. complicated (especially applied to a dangerous illness produced by a combined derangement of the three humours) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃnipātikakarmann. the treatment of the above illness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃnipātikakarmann. miscellaneous, promiscuous, collective View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampātikam. the above bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampātikam. plural Name of particular demons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmpātikamfn. (fr. sam-pāta-) belonging or relating to contiguous hymns View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampattika(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals patti-, good condition, excellence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmpratikamf(ī-)n. suitable, fit, proper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmpratikamf(ī-)n. present (not future) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprattikarmann. the act of delivering over View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃsthitikaSee evaṃ-saṃsthitika-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃtatatika(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals saṃ-tati-, progeny, offspring on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃtatikamfn. (fr. saṃ-tati-) bestowing offspring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃvittikamfn. (fr. saṃ-vitti-) based on a (mere) feeling or perception, subjective View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃyātikamf(ā-and ī-)n. (fr. prec.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhamauktikam. "shell-pearl", a kind of wheat (the husks of which resemble a shell and the grains a pearl) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikamfn. propitiatory, expiatory, averting evil View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikamfn. producing or relating to ease or quiet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikan. a propitiatory rite for averting evil View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikakarmann. a magical rite performed for removing obstacles View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikalpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikalpadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikalpalatāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikalpapradīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikalyāṇīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikamalākaram. Name of part of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikaramfn. causing peace or prosperity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikaram. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikaraṇan. the averting of evil View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikarmann. any action for averting evil View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikarmann. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikartṛmfn. causing tranquillity, calming, allaying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntikartṛm. any divinity who averts evil or suffering View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saprajāpatikamfn. together with prajāpati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saprakṛtikamfn. along with root or stem or base View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptacitika(t/a--) mfn. piled up in 7 layers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāptatikamfn. (fr. saptati-) worth seventy etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptaviṃśatikamfn. consisting of 27 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptikamfn. having the length of 7 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptikamfn. one who has finished or completed (especially a course of Vedic study) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptikamfn. final, finite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śārīrakabhāṣyanyāyavārttikan. Name of Comm. on it. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śārīrakabhāṣyavārttikan. Name of Comm. on it. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sārundhatikamfn. together with arundhatī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sārvabhautikamfn. (fr. sarva-bhūta-) relating to all elements or beings, comprising all animated beings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvapūrtikarastavam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sārvavibhaktikamfn. (fr. sarva-vibhakti-) applicable or belonging to all the cases of a noun etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sasaṃtatika() View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāśvatikamfn. equals śāśvaṭa-, eternal, constant, permanent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāśvatikaf. the being eternal, eternity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaṭcitika(ṣ/aṭ--) mfn. idem or 'mfn. consisting of six layers or strata ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatikamfn. containing or amounting to a hundred ( śatikavṛddhi -vṛddhi- whose gain in gambling amounts to 100) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatikamfn. the hundredth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatikamfn. (according to to grammar and also) bought with a hundred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatikamfn. doing or effecting anything with a hundred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatikamfn. bearing tax or interest per hundred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatikamfn. changed with or for a hundred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatikamfn. indicative of a hundred etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatikavṛddhimfn. śatika
ṣaṭpañcāśatikahorāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saugatikam. (only ) a Buddhist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saugatikam. a mendicant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saugatikam. an atheist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saugatikan. atheism, scepticism. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saukhasuptikam. idem or 'm. idem or 'mfn. one who asks another whether he has slept well gaRa susnātādi-.' or an official who asks a prince whether he has slept well ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śauktikamfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. śukta-) acid, acetic, acetous ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śauktikamfn. relating to sour gruel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śauktikamfn. relating to a pearl View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śauktikan. a pearl
sauktikamfn. (fr. kta-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauptikamfn. (fr. supta-) connected with or relating to sleep, nocturnal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauptikan. an attack on sleeping men, nocturnal combat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauptikaparvann. Name of the 10th book of the mahā-bhārata- (describing how the three surviving kuru- warriors, aśvatthāman-, kṛta-varman-, and kṛpa-, after the destruction of their army, attacked the camp of the pāṇḍava-s by night and murdered them while asleep;the whole pāṇḍava- army was thus destroyed, except the five pāṇḍu- princes themselves, who, with kṛṣṇa- and sātyaki-, were stationed at some distance from the camp). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saurohitikam. metron. fr. su-rohitikā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sausnātikamfn. (fr. su-snāta-) one who asks whether an ablution has been successful or auspicious (see , Va1rtt. 3 ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sautrāntikam. a follower of the sūtrānta- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sautrāntikam. plural Name of one of the four great schools of Buddhism (said to admit the authority of the Buddhist sūtra-s, but not of the abhi-dharma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śauvastikamf(ī-)n. of or belonging to the morrow, lasting till to-morrow, ephemeral View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauvastikamfn. (fr. sv-asti-) benedictive, salutatory View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauvastikam. a family Brahman or priest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauvastikan. equals svasty-ayana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śauvastikatvan. the lasting or enduring till tomorrow, ephemeralness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savārttikamfn. (a sūtra-) with its vārttika-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savibhaktikamfn. having a case-termination View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savṛttikamfn. being in motion, active ( savṛttikatā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savṛttikaf. savṛttika
sāyamprātikamfn. (fr. sāyam-prātar-) belonging to evening and morning , Va1rtt. 5 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhāntaśiromaṇivāsanāvārttikan. Name of Comm. on the above work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikakṣamfn. white-shouldered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikakṣinm. a vulture with a white belly (= pāṇḍarodaro gṛdhraḥ-) (Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikakud(ś/iti--) mfn. white-humped View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikakudamfn. idem or '(ś/iti--) mfn. white-humped ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭhamfn. white-necked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭhamfn. dark-necked (as rudra-- śiva-; see nīla-k-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭham. a particular bird of prey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭham. a peacock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭham. a gallinule (equals dātyūha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭham. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭham. of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭham. (also with dīkṣita-and often confounded with śrī-kaṇṭha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭham. of various authors etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitikaṇṭhamfn. having a white throat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitikaṇṭhamfn. dark-necked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitikaṇṭham. śiva- (see śiti-k-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭhakamfn. blue-necked (as a peacock) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭharāmāyaṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭhastotran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭhaṭhīyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitikaṇṭhaṭhīyaṭippaṇīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śivabhūtikam. Name of a minister View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śleṣabhittikamfn. resting on or adhering to a wall (said to mean simply"resting on") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ślokavārttikan. (also called mīmāṃsā-śloka-vārttika-) a metrical paraphrase of śabara-'s mīmāṃsā-bhāṣya- by kumārila-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
smārtikamf(ī-)n. based on tradition, traditional View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
smṛtikan. water (equals udaka-) (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
smṛtikalpadrumam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
smṛtikaraṇḍikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
smṛtikaumudīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
smṛtikaumudīṭīkāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sopapattikamfn. well founded or substantiated, correct, right View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrāddhadvāsaptatikaf. (plural) Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
srautikam. a pearl-shell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrīvatsamuktikanandyāvartalakṣitapāṇipādatalatāf. having the palms of the hands and soles of the feet marked with śrī-vatsa- and muktika- (for muktikā-?) and nandy-āvarta- (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutikalpadrumam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutikalpalatāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutikaṇṭha wrong reading for -kaṭa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutikaṭam. (only ) penance, expiation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutikaṭam. a snake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutikaṭam. equals prāñca-loha- or prāñcalloha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutikathitamfn. mentioned or taught or prescribed in the veda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutikaṭumfn. harsh to the ear, unmelodious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutikaṭum. (in rhetoric) a harsh or unmelodious sound, cacophony View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthitikartṛmfn. causing stability or permanence
subhūtikam. Aegle Marmelos View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sudarśanaprītikaram. Name of a kiṃ-nara- prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuktikam. a particular disease of the cornea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūktikam. (in music) a kind of cymbal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuktikarṇamfn. shell-eared View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuktikarṇamfn. Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śulbasūtrabhāṣyavārttikavyākhyāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śulbavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
supratikaramfn. easy to be requited View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suprītikaram. "causing great delight", Name of a king of the kiṃnara-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sureśvaravārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sureśvaravārttikaṭīkāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tika gaRa purohitādi- (see sautikya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svadhitihetikam. "axe-armed", a soldier armed with an axe View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svāgatikamfn. bidding welcome to any one View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svahastasvastikastanīf. covering (her) breasts with crossed hands View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svāmikārttikam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svapnāntikan. consciousness in dreams View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svapratikara wrong reading for su-p- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. any lucky or auspicious object, (especially) a kind of mystical cross or mark made on persons and things to denote good luck (it is shaped like a Greek cross with the extremities of the four arms bent round in the same direction;the majority of scholars regard it as a solar symbol;that is, as representing a curtailed form of the wheel of the Solar viṣṇu-, consisting of four spokes crossing each other at right angles with short fragments of the periphery of the circle at the end of each spoke turning round in one direction to denote the course of the Sun; according to to the late Sir Cunningham it has no connexion with sun-worship, but its shape represents a monogram or interlacing of the letters of the auspicious words su ast/i-[ svasti-]in the aśoka- characters;amongst jaina-s it is one of the 24 auspicious marks and is the emblem of the seventh arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. the crossing of the arms or hands on the breast View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a bandage in the form of a cross View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a dish of a particular form View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a kind of cake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a triangular crest-jewel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. the meeting of four roads View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a particular symbol made of ground rice and formed like a triangle (it is used in fumigating the image of durgā-, and is said to symbolize the liṅga-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a species of garlic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a cock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a libertine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. of one of skanda-'s attendants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. of a dānava-
svastikam. of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. of another man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikamn. a mansion or temple of a particular form View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikamn. Marsilea Quadrifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikamn. a particular mode of sitting practised by yogin-s (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikadānan. crossing the hands View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikakarṇamfn. marked on the ear with the figure called svastika- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikaram. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikarmann. causing welfare or success View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikayantran. a surgical instrument of a particular form View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svātikarṇam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetikam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taittirīyavārttikan. Name of a commentary. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tantravārttikan. equals mīmānsā-t-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tautikam. the pearl-oyster View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tautikan. a pearl View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tāvatikamfn. bought for or worth so much View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
toyavyatikaram. blending of the waters (of two rivers). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trayoviṃśatikamfn. consisting of 23 (gaṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trigartikam. the tīrtha- country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tripādvibhūtikathanan. Name of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trivaistikamfn. equals -vista- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tṛptikaramfn. giving satisfaction, 46, 9, 7. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udaṅmṛttikam. equals udag-bhūma- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upāntikan. vicinity, proximity etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upāntikamfn. near, proximate, neighbouring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upāntikamind. near to, towards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ūrdhvabhaktikamfn. effective upwards, causing to come up, emetic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ūrdhvamauhūrtikamfn. happening immediately afterwards or after a short interval View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utpātikamfn. (PrakrituppAiya) supernatural View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttarabhaktikamfn. employed after eating
vācaspatikalpatarum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vadantikam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaibhātikamfn. (fr. vi-bhāta-) matutinal, pertaining to the dawn, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaibhūtikamfn. (fr. vi-bhūti-) generally current or prevalent (?), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaidāntikam. one who is learned in the vedānta- (wrong reading ved-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaijayantikamf(ā-or ī-)n. bearing a flag, a flag-bearer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaikṛtikamf(ī-)n. subject to change View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaikṛtikamf(ī-)n. changed, incidental View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaikṛtikamf(ī-)n. (in sāṃkhya-) belonging to a vikāra- id est to a production or evolved principle (See vi-kāra-, pra-kṛti-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaimatikamfn. (fr. vi-mati-) mistaken, in mistake (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiṃśatikamf(ī-)n. (fr. viṃśatika-) purchased with twenty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaistikaSee bahu-v- (additions) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaitastikamfn. (fr. vi-tasti-) a span long (an arrow) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiyāvṛttikaramfn. equals bhogin- (varia lectio vaiyāvṛttya-k-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārṣaśatikamfn. (fr. varṣa-śata-) 100 years old Va1rtt. 5 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārṣaśatikamfn. bestowing a life of 100 years View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vartikam. equals vartaka-, a quail View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārtikam. a kind of bird (equals vartika- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttāvyatikaram. bad news View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttāvyatikaram. general report, common rumour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikamfn. (fr. vārttā-and vṛtti-) skilled in a profession or business (equals vṛttau sādhuḥ-or vṛttim adhīte veda vā-) gaRa kathādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikamfn. and gaRa ukthādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikamfn. relating to news, bringing or conveying intelligence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikamfn. explanatory, glossarial, containing or relating to a critical gloss or annotation (See n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikam. a businessman, trader View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikam. an emissary, envoy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikam. one who knows antidotes, conjurer, physician View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikam. the egg-plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikam. a sort of quail (prob. wrong reading for vārtikā- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikan. an explanatory or supplementary rule, critical gloss or annotation (added to a grammatical or philosophical sūtra- and defined to be"the exposition of the meaning, of that which is said, of that which is left unsaid, and of that which is ill or imperfectly said";the term vārttika- is, however, especially applied to kātyāyana-'s critical annotations on the aphorisms of pāṇini-'s grammar, the object of which is to consider whether pāṇini-'s rules are correct or not, and to improve on them where this may be found to be necessary;and also to similar works on various matters by kumārila-, sureśvara- etc.; see tantra-v-, śloka-v-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikan. a marriage feast View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikakāram. "composer of vārttika-s", Name of kātyāyana-, kumārila- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikakāram. of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikakāśikā(?) f. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikakṛtm. equals -kāra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikapāṭham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikasāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikasārasaṃgraham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikasāravyākhyāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikasūtrikamfn. one who studies the vārttika-s and sūtra-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikatātparyaśuddhif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikatātparyaṭīkāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikaṭippanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttikayojanāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāsanāvārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāsantikamf(ā-)n. relating to spring, vernal etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāsantikamf(ā-)n. equals vasantam adhīte veda vā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāsantikam. the spring festival View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāsantikam. an actor dancer the buffoon in a drama (equals vidūṣaka- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāsavadatttikamfn. acquainted with the story of vāsava-dattā- or studying it on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vastikarmāḍhyam. the soap berry, Sapindus Detergens View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vastikarmann. the application of an enema or injection View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikamf(ī-)n. windy, stormy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikamf(ī-)n. affected by wind-disease, rheumatic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikamf(ī-)n. exciting or allaying wind (in the body) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikamf(ī-)n. produced by or proceeding from disorder of the wind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikamf(ī-)n. mad View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikam. a man of mere words, noisy talker, flatterer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikam. a juggler or conjurer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikam. a person who cures poison, dealer in antidotes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikam. the bird cātaka- (see vātīka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikam. Name of an attendant of skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikakhaṇḍam. Name of a pass leading to lake mānasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikapiṇḍakam. equals vātaka-p- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikaṣaṇḍam. equals -khaṇḍa- (Bombay edition) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhaktika(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals bhakti- (in āpta-v-,complete as to case terminations) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
videhamuktikathanan. videhamukti
vidyājambhakavārttikamfn. exercising magic of various kinds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijñāneśvaravārttikan. vijñāneśvara
vikṛtikaumudīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipattikaramfn. causing misfortune or calamity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣamavyāptikamfn. furnishing an example of partial or one-sided invariable concomitance, sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṇubhaktikalpalatāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivibhaktikamfn. lacking case-terminations ( vivibhaktikatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivibhaktikatvan. vivibhaktika
vratikain a--, cāndra-vr- etc. (umā-vr- wrong reading for umā-vrataka- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vrātikan. a particular observance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttamauktikan. Name of work on metre. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttavārttikan. Name of work on metre. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttika (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals vṛtti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttikaramf(ī-)n. affording a livelihood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttikarṣitamfn. distressed for (want of) a livelihood (bhṛty-abhāvena pīḍitaḥ- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttivārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyāptikarmanmfn. whose business or function is to acquire or attain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaramfn. acting reciprocally, reciprocal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. reciprocity, reciprocal action or relation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. contact, contiguity, union (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = joined with, spreading through or over, pervading) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') taking to, accomplishing, performing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. incident, opportunity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. reverse, misfortune, calamity, accident, fatality
vyatikaram. destruction, end View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. mixing or blending together, mixture View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. a confusing (or striking) resemblance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaratikṛtamfn. pervaded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaravatmfn. mixed, of contrary kind or nature View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaritamfn. mixed or joined with (instrumental case or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tikam. a traveller (prob. wrong reading for yātrika-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatikartavyagaṅgāstutif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yātopayātikamfn. gaRa akṣa-dyūtādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yaujanaśatikamf(ī-)n. (fr. yojana-+ śata-) one who goes a hundred yojana-s Va1rtt. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yaujanaśatikamf(ī-)n. one who deserves to be approached from a distance of a hundred yojana-s Va1rtt. 2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yauktikamfn. (fr. yukti-) suitable, proper, fit, logical, reasonable (a-y-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yauktikamfn. connective, binding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yauktikamfn. usual, customary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yauktikam. a king's companion or associate (equals narma-saciva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvakrītikam. one conversant with the history of yava-krīta- on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yayātikam. (mc.) equals yayāti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāyātikam. one conversant with the history of yayāti- on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yogavārttikan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktikalpatarum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktikaramfn. suitable, proper, fit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktikaramfn. (or) established, proved View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktikathanan. statement of argument, giving reasons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
144 results
atikathā अतिकथा 1 An exaggerated tale. -2 Idle or meaningless talk. -थ a. 1 Exaggerated, incredible (अश्रद्धेय). -2 Unfit to be told. -3 Past narration or mention, dead, lost. -4 Swerving from one's caste traditions &c; lawless.
atikandakaḥ अतिकन्दकः [अतिरिक्तः कन्दो यस्य] N. of a tree हस्तिकन्द.
atikarṣaṇam अतिकर्षणम् a. Afflicting very much, excessive exertion.
atikalyam अतिकल्यम् early morning नातिकल्यं नातिसायं नातिमध्य- न्दिने स्थिते । गच्छेत्... Ms.4.14.
atikaśa अतिकश a. Beyond the whip, unmanageable.
atyantika अत्यन्तिक a. [अत्यन्तं गच्छति; अत्यन्त-ठन्] 1 Going too much or too fast. -2 Very near. -3 Not near, distant. -कम् [अतिशयितम् अन्तिकं नैकठ्यम्] 1 Close proximity, immediate neighbourhood or being in close proximity. -2 [अतिक्रान्तम् अन्तिकम्.] Great distance.
anātyantika अनात्यन्तिक a. 1 Not constant or perpetual, not final. -2 Intermittent, recurrent.
anuśatika अनुशतिक a. Accompanied with, or bought for, a hundred; तथाविधोनुशतिकः शतानीकस्य साधकः । जानाति युद्धसंभारं कार्ययोग्यं च सैनिकम् Śukra.2.43. ˚आदिः a class of words or गण mentioned in P.VII.3.2, where both members undergo Vṛiddhi. अनुशतिकादीनां च.
anaikāntika अनैकान्तिक a. (की f.) 1 Unsteady, uncertain; not to the point, not very important; भृत्यो$भृत्य इति ˚कमेतत् Pt.1. -2 (in Logic) Name of one of the five main divisions of हेत्वाभास (fallacies,) otherwise called सव्यभिचार. It is of three kinds :- (a) साधारण, where the हेतु is found both in the समक्ष and विपक्ष, the argument being therefore too general. (b) असाधारण where the हेतु is in the पक्ष alone, the argument being not general enough. (c) अनुपसंहारी which embraces every known thing in the पक्ष, the argument being nonconclusive.
antika अन्तिक a. [अन्तः सामीप्यम् अस्यास्तीति मत्वथर्यिः ठन्; according to Nir. from आ-नी; अन्तिकं कस्मात् आनीतं भवति सन्निकृष्टत्वात्] 1 Near, proximate (with gen. or abl. P. II.3.34). वैरमन्तिकमासाद्य यः प्रीतिं कर्तुमिच्छति । मृन्मयस्येव भग्नस्य यथा सन्धिर्न विद्यते ॥ Mb.12.139.69. -2 Reaching to the end of, reaching to; नासान्तिक Ms.2.46. -3 Lasting till, until; as far as, up to; षट्त्रिंशदाब्दिकं चर्यं गुरौ त्रैवेदिकं व्रतम् Ms.3.1; ग्रहणान्तिकम् Y.1.36. -कम् Nearness, proximity, vicinity, presence; न त्यजन्ति ममान्तिकम् H. 1.43; oft. in comp.; ˚न्यस्त R.2.24; कर्ण-˚चरः Ś.1.23; सिंहासनान्तिकचरेण सहोपसर्पन् M.1.12 a servant in attendance upon the throne. -कः A class of two storeyed buildings; Māna.2.94.26-27. -adv. (with abl. or gen. or as last member of comp.) Near (to), in the vicinity; अन्तिकं ग्रामात् -ग्रामस्य वा Sk.; into the presence or proximity of; दूरस्थस्यैत्य चान्तिकम् Ms.2.197; प्रविष्टे पितुर- न्तिकम् Rām.; so जनान्तिकम्, मृगान्तिकम्; अन्तिकेन near (with gen.) अन्तिकेन ग्रामस्य P.II.3.35; अन्तिकात् near, closely, within the presence of; from the proximity of, from near, from (abl. or gen. or acc.); ˚कादागतः P.VI.2.49; रजःकणैःस्पृशद्भिर्गात्रमन्तिकात् Rām.; क्रीणीयाद्यस्त्वपत्यार्थं मातापित्रोर्यमन्तिकात् Ms.9.174 from; so नैव प्रवृत्तिं शृणुमस्तयोः कस्यचिदन्तिकाम् Rām.; अन्तिके near, closely, in the presence of or proximity of; दूरस्थं चान्तिके च तत् Bg.13.15; दमयन्त्यास्तदान्तिके निपेतुः Nala. 1.22; ˚के स्त्रियाः Ms.2.22. -Comp. -आश्रयः resorting to what is near, contiguous support (that given by a tree to a creeper).
apratikara अप्रतिकर a. Trusting, trusty, confidential.
apratikarman अप्रतिकर्मन् a. 1 Of unequalled deeds or achievements. -2 Irresistible, irremediable.
abhautika अभौतिक a. (-की f.) Not material, not elemental, not produced by the gross elements; mental.
ayauktika अयौक्तिक a. Inconsistent with reason, unreasonable.
ātyantika आत्यन्तिक a. (-की f.) [अत्यन्त भवार्थे ठञ्] 1 Continual, uninterrupted, endless, infinite, permanent, everlasting; स आत्यन्तिको भविष्यति Mu.4; विष्णुगुप्तहतकस्यात्यन्ति- कश्रेयसे 2.15; Ms.2.242; Bg.6.21. -2 Excessive, abundant, superlative. -3 Supreme, absolute; आत्यन्तिकी स्वत्वनिवृत्तिः Mitā. -Comp. -दुःखनिवृत्तिः f. absolution. -प्रलयः the grand or universal destruction of the world.
ādhibhautika आधिभौतिक a. (-की f.) [अधिभूत-ठञ्] 1 Caused by animals (as pain). -2 Relating to beings. -3 Elementary, material, derived from the primitive elements.
ānugatika आनुगतिक a. (-की f.) Relating to a follower, following.
āpatika आपतिक a. (-की f.) Accidental, unforeseen, sent from heaven. -कः A hawk, falcon.
āvantika आवन्तिक a. (-की f.) Coming from or belonging to Avantī. -कः N. of a Buddhist school.
āstika आस्तिक a. (-की f.) [अस्ति परलोकः इति मतिर्यस्य, ठक्] 1 One who believes in God and another world; यन्नास्त्येव तदस्ति वस्त्विति मृषा जल्पद्भिरेवास्तिकैः Prab.2 -2 A believer in sacred tradition. -3 Pious, faithful, believing; आस्तिकः श्रद्दधानश्च Y.1.268. -कः or आस्तीकः N. of a Muni. cf. अगस्त्यो माधवश्चैव मुचकुन्दो महामुनिः । कपिलो मुनिरास्तीकः पञ्चैते सुखशायिनः ॥ आस्तिकता āstikatā त्व tva आस्तिक्यम् āstikyam आस्तिकता त्व आस्तिक्यम् 1 Belief in God and another world; आस्तिक्यशुद्धमवतः प्रियधर्म धर्मम् Ki.18.43. -2 Piety, faith, belief; ज्ञानं विज्ञानमास्तिक्यम् Bg.18.42; आस्तिक्यं श्रद्दधानता परमार्थेष्वागमार्थेषु Śaṅkara.
itika इतिक a. Having gait or speed.
utpātika उत्पातिक a. Supernatural; Jaina.
upāntika उपान्तिक a. Near, proximate, neighbouring. -कम् Vicinity, proximity; Mb.3.
aikaśatika ऐकशतिक a. (-की f.) Provided with 11.
aikāntika ऐकान्तिक a. (-की f.) 1 Absolute, complete, perfect; Bg.14.27. -2 Assured, certain; ऐकान्तिकमात्यन्तिकमुभयम् Sāṅ. K.68; Mu.4. -3 Exclusive. -के In private, apart from others; Pt.1.
aindraluptika ऐन्द्रलुप्तिक a. (-की f.) Affected with morbid baldness of the head.
autpattika औत्पत्तिक a. (-की f.) [उत्पत्ति-ठक्] 1 Inborn, innate, natural; तन्निशम्याथ हर्यश्वा औत्पत्तिकमनीषया Bhāg.6.5.1. -2 Produced at the same time. -3 Eternal; औत्पत्तिको हि नामिनाम्नोः सम्बन्धः ŚB. on MS.6.8.4. cf. also औत्पत्तिकस्तु शब्दस्यार्थेन सम्बन्धः MS.1.1.5. (औत्पत्तिकमिति नित्यं ब्रूमः ŚB. on MS.1.1.5); Bhāg.3.15.45. -कम् Nature, temperament; औत्पत्तिकेनैव संहननबलोपेताः Bhāg. 5.2.21.
autpātika औत्पातिक a. (-की f.) Protentous, prodigious, calamitous; औत्पातिको मेघ इवाश्मवर्षम् R.14.53. -कम् A portent. औत्पातिकं तदिह देव विचिन्तनीयम् Udb.; Rām.3.24.1.
aupapattika औपपत्तिक a. (-की f.) [उपपत्ति-ठक्] 1 Ready at hand within reach. -2 Fit, proper; औपपत्तिकमाहारं प्रयच्छस्वेति भारत Mb.13.52.27. -3 Theoretical.
aupapātika औपपातिक a. (-की f.) [उपपात-ठक्] One who has committed an Upapātaka, q. v. -कम् N. of the first Jaina Upāṅga.
aupavītikam औपवीतिकम् Investiture with the sacred thread.
aupasthitika औपस्थितिकः An attendant; एष भर्तृपादमूलादौपस्थितिको हंसकः आगतः Pratijñā.1.
kārtāntika कार्तान्तिकः [कृतान्तं वेत्ति ठक् P.IV.2.59] An astrologer, fortuneteller; कार्तान्तिको नाम भूत्वा भुवं बभ्राम Dk.13.
kārtika कार्तिक a. (-की f.) [कृत्तिका-अण्] Belonging to the month of Kārtika; कार्तिकीषु सवितानहर्म्यभाक् R.19.39. -कः 1 N. of the month in which the full moon is near the कृत्तिका or Pleiades (corresponding to October-November). -2 An epithet of Skanda. -की The full moon day in the month of Kārtika (Mar. त्रिपुरी पौर्णिमा). कार्तिक्याः प्रभृति आग्रहायणी मासे Mbh. on P.II. 3.28. -Comp. -उत्सवः a festival on the full-moon day of the month of कार्तिक.
kārmāntika कार्मान्तिकः A superintendent of manufactures; Kau. A.1.12. -कम् A manufactory.
klṛptika क्लृप्तिक a. Bought, purchased.
kaimutika कैमुतिकः (scil. न्याय) A maxim of 'how much more', an argument a fortiori (derived from किमुत 'how much more'); see com. on Ki.7.27.
kauntika कौन्तिकः [कुन्तः प्रहरणमस्य ठञ्] A spearman, lancer.
kausṛtika कौसृतिकः [कुसृत्या चरति ठक् P.V.2.75] 1 A cheat, knave. -2 A juggler;
krauśaśatika क्रौशशतिकः 1 A mendicant who walks a hundred Krośas. -2 One who deserves to be approached from distance of 1 Krośas (as a teacher).
khalatika खलतिकः A mountain.
gatikam गतिकम् 1 Going, motion. -2 Course. -3 Condition, -4 Refuge, asylum.
gāṇitika गाणितिकः An arithmetician; Līla.
gātāgatika गातागतिक a. (-की f.) Caused by going or coming.
gātānugatika गातानुगतिक a. (-की f.) Caused by blindly following or imitating custom or example.
gauśatika गौशतिक a. (की f.) Possessing a hundred cows.
ghārtika घार्तिकः [घृतेन निर्वृतः ठञ्] A kind of dish or cake prepared with clarified butter which is full of small holes. (Mar. अनरसा); and hence one of the learned fools in the Pañchatantra says on seeing the cake served to him; "छिद्रेष्वनर्था बहुलीभवन्ति".
cāturbhautika चातुर्भौतिक a. Consisting of four elements.
caittika चैत्तिक a. Mental, intellectual.
jīvantika जीवन्तिकः A fowler.
tāvatika तावतिक तावत्क a. Bought for so much, worth so much, of so much value.
tautātikam तौतातिकम् तम् Belonging to Kumarila Bhaṭṭa, who had an epithet तुतात or तुतातित.
tautika तौतिकः The pearl-oyster. -कम् A pearl.
dāntika दान्तिक a. (-की f.) Made of ivory.
nāstika नास्तिक a. (-कः) [नास्ति परलोकस्तत्साधनमदृष्टं तत्साक्षी- श्वरो वा इति मतिरस्य ठन्] An atheist, unbeliever, one who denies the authority of the Vedas and a future life or the existence of a Supreme Ruler or Creator of the Universe; अतिमात्रोज्झितभीरनास्तिकः Śi.16.7; Ms.2.11; 8.22. नासाचूर्णे नास्ति कस्याभिलाषः नासाचूर्णे नास्तिकस्याभिलाषः Subhāṣ. -Comp. -मतम् an atheistical opinion. -वृत्ति a. leading the life of an atheist.
naikṛtika नैकृतिक a. (-की f.) 1 Dishonest, false (or perhaps cruel); अधोदृष्टिर्नैकृतिकः स्वार्थसाधनतत्परः Ms.4.196; Bg. 18.28. -2 Low, vile, wicked; Rām.4.17.43. -3 Morose.
naipātika नैपातिक a. (-की f.) Mentioned incidentally or by the way.
naimittika नैमित्तिक a. (-की f.) 1 Produced by, connected with, or dependent on, any particular cause. -2 Unusual, occasional, accidental, produced by some cause (opp. नित्य). -कः An astrologer, prophet. -कम् 1 An effect (opp. निमित्त 'cause'); निमित्तनैमित्तिकयोरयं क्रमः Ś.7.3. -2 An occasional rite, a periodical ceremony, a conditional act, an act which is to be performed on the occurrence of a निमित्त ; निमित्तप्राप्तौ च नैमित्तिकं कर्तव्यम् ŚB. on MS.12.1.18. -Comp. -कर्मन्, n.,) -क्रिया an occasional or periodical ceremony or rite. -लयः N. of a ब्राह्मलय occurring at the end of four thousand years, -श्राद्धम् a special funeral rite.
naiṣkaśatika नैष्कशतिक a. (-की f.) Worth a hundred Niṣkas;. (so also नैष्कसहस्रिक).
pattika पत्तिक a. Going on foot, pedestrian.
pākṣapātika पाक्षपातिक a. (-की f.) Partial, factious.
pāñcabhautika पाञ्चभौतिक a. (-की f.) Composed of the five elements or containing them; पाञ्चभौतिकी सृष्टिः Mv.6; Y.3.175.
tika पातिकः The Gangetic porpoise.
pāryantika पार्यन्तिक a. (-की f.) Final, last, conclusive.
pārvatikam पार्वतिकम् A multitude of mountains, a mountainrange.
tika पूतिक a. Stinking, fetid, foul; यस्त्वं श्मशाने मृतकान् पूतिकानत्सि कुत्सितान् Mb.13.9.11. -कम् Ordure, excrement.
pauttikam पौत्तिकम् A kind of honey (pale-coloured).
pratika प्रतिक a. Worth or bought for a Kārṣāpaṇa, q. v. P.V.1.25 Vārt.2.
pratikarṣaḥ प्रतिकर्षः 1 Aggregation, drawing together. -2 Anticipation (of a word) occurring later on. See अपकर्ष.
pratikaṣaḥ प्रतिकषः 1 A leader. -2 An assistant. -3 A messenger (वार्ताहर).
pratikaraḥ प्रतिकरः Requital, compensation; न सुप्रतिकरं तत् तु मात्रा पित्रा च यत् कृतम् Rām.2.111.9. प्रतिकर्तव्य pratikartavya कार्य kārya प्रतिकर्तव्य कार्य a. 1 To be retaliated, returned or paid (as a debt. &c.) -2 To be counteracted. -3 To be cured or treated (by a physician). -र्यम् Retribution, retaliation; दिष्ट्या ते प्रतिकर्तव्ये मतिर्जातेयमच्युत Mb.1.4.1.
pratikartṛ प्रतिकर्तृ a. (-र्त्री f.) Requiting, recompensing -m. An opponent, adversary.
pratikarman प्रतिकर्मन् n. 1 Requital, retaliation; उषिता स्मो वने वासं प्रतिकर्म चिकीर्षवः Mb.4.58.18. -2 Redress, remedy, counter-action; पश्येव कृतव्रणप्रतिकर्मा वत्सराजः Pratijñā 2. -3 Personal decoration, dress, toilet; (अबलाः) प्रतिकर्म कर्तुमुपचक्रमिरे समये हि सर्वमुपकारि कृतम् Śi.9.43;5.27; Ku.7.6; आविष्कृताङ्गप्रतिकर्मरम्यं बिभीषणं वाचमुवाच माता Bk. 12.1.; विभूषितेयं प्रतिकर्मनित्या Rām.2.37.35. -4 Opposition, hostility. -5 Bodily suffering; सा कृष्णमाराधय सौहृदेन प्रेम्णा च नित्यं प्रतिकर्मणा च Mb.3.224.4. -6 Expiatory, and welfare rituals (शान्तिकपौष्टिकादि कर्म); प्रतिकर्म पराचार ऋत्विजां स्म विधीयते Mb.12.79.2.
prākṛtika प्राकृतिक a. (-की f.) [प्रकृत्या निर्वृत्तः ठञ्] 1 Natural, derived from nature; क्षात्रं प्राकृतिकं तेजो ब्राह्मं यस्य विशिष्यते Mv.7.39. -2 Illusory. -3 Vulgar.
prātītika प्रातीतिक a. (-की f.) Mental, existing in the mind or imagination.
prātyantika प्रात्यन्तिकः 1 A prince of the Pratyantas, q. v. -2 A neighbouring chief.
prābhātika प्राभातिक a. (-की f.) Relating to the morning, matutinal. प्राभृतम् prābhṛtam प्राभृतकम् prābhṛtakam प्राभृतम् प्राभृतकम् 1 A present, gift. -2 An offering to a deity or to a king (Nazerāṇā); अहरहश्च नव- नवानि प्राभृतान्युपहरन्ती Dk.2.2;2.8. -3 A bribe.
prāyaścittika प्रायश्चित्तिक a. 1 Expiating, expiatory. -2 Expiable.
prāvartika प्रावर्तिक a. (The क्रम or order) which is followed in the first round (i. e. while performing the first of a series of acts to be done with reference to several persons or things). Hence ˚क्रमन्यायः is the rule according to which when a series of acts are to be performed with reference to several persons or things, the first act may be performed in any order one likes, but the subsequent acts are to be performed in the very order in which the first act is performed. This is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर in MS.5.1.8-12. For, thus it is that a uniform अङ्गप्रधानप्रत्यासत्ति is achieved.
prāvṛttika प्रावृत्तिक a. (-की f.) 1 Secondary. -2 Well-informed. -3 Corresponding to a former mode of action. -क्रः A messenger.
prāsūtika प्रासूतिक a. (-की f.) Relating to delivery or childbirth.
pretika प्रेतिकः A ghost, spirit.
bastika बस्तिकः A kind of arrow (the point of which remains in the body, while taking it out); Mb.7. 189.11 (com. बस्तिकः शल्यदण्डसन्धौ शिथिलस्तस्योद्धरणे शल्यं बस्तिमध्ये मज्जति दण्डमात्रं निःसरति).
bāstikam बास्तिकम् A multitude of goats; Rām.2.77.2.
bhaktika भक्तिक a. Relating to worship or devotion.
bhāktika भाक्तिकः A retainer, dependant.
bhūtikam भूतिकम् 1 Camphor. -2 Sandalwood. -3 N. of a medicinal plant. (Mar. कायफळ).
bhautika भौतिक a. (-की f.) [भूत-ठक्] 1 Belonging to created or living beings; प्रहुतो भौतिको बलिः Ms.3.74; आहंकारिकत्वश्रुतेर्न भौतिकानि Sāṅkhya S. -2 Formed of coarse elements, elemental, material; वृक्षाणां नास्ति भौतिकम् Bhāg. 12 184.9; पिण्डेष्वनास्था खलु भौतिकेषु R.2.57. -3 Relating to evil spirits. -4 Possessed by evil spirits. -कः 1 N. of Śiva. -2 A being, animal (जीव); कालस्य ते किमुत तत्कृतभौतिकानाम् Bhāg.12.8.43. -कम् 1 A pearl. -2 Anything elemental. -Comp. -मठः a monastery. -विद्या sorcery, witch-craft.
mastikam मस्तिकम् The head; see मस्तिष्क.
mārttika मार्त्तिक a. (-की f.) [मृत्तिकया निर्मितम् अण्] Made of clay, earthen. -कः 1 A kind of pitcher. -2 The lid of a pitcher. -कम् A clod or lump of earth; गुरुमध्ये हरिणाक्षी मार्त्तिकशकलैर्निहन्तुकामं माम् Bv.2.49.
mauktikam मौक्तिकम् [मुक्तैव स्वार्थे ठक्] A pearl; गारुमतं च माणिक्यं मौक्तिकं श्रेष्ठमेव हि Śukra.4.162; मोक्तिकं न गजे गजे Subhāṣ. -Comp. -आवली a string of pearls. -गुम्फिका a female who prepares pearl-necklaces. -तण्डुलः a kind of white यावनाल (Mar. जोंधळा). -दामन् n. a string of pearls. -प्रसवा a pearl-muscle. -शुक्तिः f. a pearloyster. -सरः a necklace or string of pearls; अयं कण्ठे बाहुः शिशिरमसृणो मौक्तिकसरः U.1.29. -स्थानम् 1 a conch, shell. -2 an elephant, frog or hog (?). -3 the bamboo tree; Gīrvāṇa.
mauhūrtika मौहूर्तिक a. (-की f.) [मुहूर्त-ठक्] 1 Momentary, transient. -2 Relating to a particular time. -3 Skilled in astrology. -कः An astrologer; मौहूर्तिकैः संवाद्यताम्; चिकित्सकमाहानसिकमौहूर्तिकांश्च पश्येत् Kau. A.1.19.16; अथ मौहूर्तिकादिष्टे विध्युक्ते$हनि शोभने Śiva B.1.86.
tika यातिकः A traveller; cf. यात्रिक.
yauktika यौक्तिक a. (-की f.) [युक्तित आगत ठक्] 1 Suitable, fit, proper. -2 Logical, based on argument or reasoning. -3 Deducible. -4 Usual, customary. -कः A king's companion; cf. नर्मसचिव.
tikam रीतिकम् Calx of brass. -का Brass.
raitika रैतिक रैत्य a. Brazen, made of brass.
laukāyatika लौकायतिकः A follower of Chārvāka, an atheist, a materialist.
vartika वर्तिकः A kind of quail.
tika वातिक a. (-की f.) [वातादागतः ठक्] 1 Stormy, windy. -2 Gouty, rheumatic. -3 Mad. -कः 1 Fever caused by a vitiated state of the wind. -2 A person affected by flatulence. -3 A flatterer; एवं तत्राब्रुवन् केचिद्वातिकास्तं जने- श्वरम् Mb.3.257.4. -4 A class of deities (देवयोनिविशेष); वातिकाश्चारणा ये तु दृष्ट्वा ते हर्षमागताः Mb.9.55.14 (com. वातिकाः वातेन सह गच्छन्ति आकाशचारिणः). -5 A juggler. -6 A dealer in antidotes. -7 The Chātaka bird.
vārttika वार्त्तिक a. (-की f.) [वृत्ति-ठक्] 1 Relating to news. -2 Bringing news. -3 Explanatory, glossarial. -कः 1 An emissary, a spy. -2 A husbandman (a man of the third tribe). -3 A mineralogist; L. D. B. -4 A trader, businessman. -5 A physician. -का 1 Business, trade. -2 News; कः पन्थाः का च वार्त्तिका Mb.3.313.114. -कम् [वृत्तिरूपेण कृतो ग्रन्थः] An explanatory or supplementary rule which explains the meaning of that which is said, of that which is left unsaid, of that which is imperfectly said; or a rule which explains what is said or but imperfectly said and supplies omissions; उक्तानुक्तदुरुक्तार्थव्यक्ति (or चिन्ता)कारि तु वार्त्तिकम् (the term is particularly applied to the explanatory rules of Kātyāyana on Pāṇini's Sūtras). -Comp. -कारः N. of Kātyāyana.
vāsantika वासन्तिक a. (-की f.) Vernal; द्रुमान् वासन्तिकान् दृष्ट्वा बभूवुर्भयशङ्किताः Rām.4.53.4; वासन्तिकैस्तरुभिः Ś.6. -कः 1 The Vidūṣaka or buffoon in a drama. -2 An actor.
vāstikam वास्तिकम् A collection of goats.
viṃśatika विंशतिक a. Worth twenty.
vaiṃśatika वैंशतिक a. -की f.) Bought for twenty; P.V.1.27.
vaikṛtika वैकृतिक a. (-की f.) 1 Changed, modified. -2 Belonging to a Vikṛiti q. v. (in Sāṅkhya phil.); ततः प्राकृतिकः सर्गः सप्त वैकृतिकाश्च ये Bhāg.12.12.9.
vaijayantika वैजयन्तिकः A standard-bearer.
vaitastika वैतस्तिक a. Span-long (an arrow); शरैर्वैतस्तिकै राजन् दिव्याधासन्नवेधिभिः Mb.7.122.6-61.
vaibhātika वैभातिक a. Matutinal.
vyatikara व्यतिकर a. 1 Reciprocal. -2 Spreading, pervading. -3 Contiguous, near. -रः 1 Mixture, intermixture, mixing, blending together; तीर्थे तोयव्यतिकरभवे जह्नुकन्या- सरय्वोः R.8.95; व्यतिकर इव भीमस्तामसो वैद्युतश्च U.5.13; Māl.9.52; Bhāg.11.1.34. -2 Contact, union, combination; रुद्रेणेदमुमाकृतव्यतिकरे स्वाङ्गे विभक्तं द्विधा M.1.4; Māl.7; Śi.4.53;7.28. -3 Striking against; कठोरास्थि- ग्रन्थिव्यतिकररणत्कारमुखरः Māl.5.34. -4 Obstruction; मार्गाचलव्यतिकराकुलितेव सिन्धुः Ku.5.85. -5 An incident, occurrence, affair, a thing, matter; एवंविधे व्यतिकरे 'such being the case'. -6 An opportunity. -7 Misfortune, calamity. -8 Mutual relation, reciprocity. -9 Exchange, interchange; सो$यं स्थितिव्यतिकरोपशमाय सृष्टान् Bhāg.4.1. 57. -1 Alternation. -11 Provocation (क्षोभ); कालाद्गुण व्यतिकरः परिणामः स्वभावतः Bhāg.2.5.22. -12 Destruction; प्रजोपप्लवमालक्ष्य लोकव्यतिकरं च तम् Bhāg.1.7.32. -13 Spreading, pervading; Bhāg.5.3.4.
vyatikarita व्यतिकरित a. Pervaded, filled; व्यतिकरितदिगन्ताः श्वेत- मानैर्यशोभिः Māl.2.9.
vratika व्रतिक व्रतिन् a. Observing a vow, practising penance, devout, pious; नायज्वभिर्नाव्रतिकैः Mb.3.43.5; व्रतिनः पापशीलानामसतीनां कुलस्त्रियः (द्वेष्याः) Pt.1.416. -m. 1 A religious student; भैक्षेण वर्तयेन्नित्यं नैकान्नादी भवेद् व्रती । भैक्षेण व्रतिनो वृत्तिरुपवाससमा स्मृता ॥ Ms.2.188. -2 An ascetic, a devotee; किं तावद् व्रतिनामुपोढतपसां विघ्नैस्तपो दूषितम् Ś.5. 9. -3 One who institutes a sacrifice; cf. यजमान.
śatika शतिक a. (-की f.), -शत्य a. [शतेन क्रीतः शतस्य विक तस्यायं वा इति ठन् यत् वा] 1 Containing or consisting of hundred; ग्लहे शतिकवृद्धेस्तु सभिकः पञ्चकं शतम् Y.2.199. Relating to a hundred. -3 Effected with a hundred. -4 Bought with a hundred. -5 Changed with or form hundred. -6 Bearing tax or interest per hundred. Indicative of (the acquisition of) a hundred.
śākuntika शाकुन्तिकः A fowler, bird-catcher.
śāktika शाक्तिकः 1 A worshipper of Śakti. -2 A spearman, lancer.
śāntika शान्तिक a. (-की f.) Expiatory, propitiatory. -कम् Observances or ceremonies calculated to remove calamities.
śāśvatika शाश्वतिक a. (-की f.) Eternal, permanent, perpetual, constant; शाश्वतिको विरोधः 'natural antipathy'; शाश्वतिकं वरोधमपहाय K.
śoktika शोक्तिक a. (-की f.) 1 Relating to a pearl. -2 Acid, acetic. शौक्तिकेयम् śauktikēyam शौक्तेयम् śauktēyam शौक्तिकेयम् शौक्तेयम् A pearl.
śauvastika शौवस्तिक a. (-की f.) [श्वस्-ठक् तुट् च] Belonging to or lasting till tomorrow, ephemeral; P.IV.3.15.
sagatika सगतिक a. Connected with a preposition &c.
samāptika समाप्तिक a. 1 Final, concluding. -2 Finite. -3 One who has finished the whole of anything. -कः 1 A finisher. -2 One who has completed the whole course of holy studies; Ms.3.145.
savibhaktika सविभक्तिक a. Having a case termination. सविभ्रम savibhrama सविलास savilāsa सविभ्रम सविलास a. Sportive, coquettish, wanton; जल्पन्ति सार्धमन्येन पश्यन्त्यन्यं सविभ्रमाः Pt.1.135.
sāṃvittika सांवित्तिक a. Subjective.
sāṃvṛttika सांवृत्तिक a. (-की f.) Illusory, phenomenal.
sāṃketika सांकेतिक a. (-की f.) 1 Symbolical, indicatory. -2 Conventional.
sāṃgatika सांगतिक a. (-की f.) Relating to union or society, associating. -कः 1 A visitor, guest, new-comer; नैकग्रामीण- मतिथि विप्रं साङ्गतिकं तथा Ms.3.13. -2 One who comes to transact business.
sāṃghātika सांघातिक a. (-की f.) Greatly destructive, very deadly or fatal.
sāṃnipātika सांनिपातिक a. (-की f.) [संनिपातात् त्रिदोषविकारात् आगतः तेन निर्वृत्तो वा अण्] 1 Miscellaneous. -2 Complicated. -3 Having a complicated derangement of the three bodily humours; वीर्यवन्त्यौषधानीव विकारे सांनिपातिके Ku.2.48; भिषजां सांनिपातिके कर्मणि व्यज्यते प्रज्ञा Pt.1.127. -Comp. -कर्मन् the treatment of the above illness.
sāṃpratika सांप्रतिक a. (-की f.) 1 Belonging to the present time. -2 Fit, proper, right; U.3.
sārvabhautika सार्वभौतिक a. (-की f.) 1 Belonging or relating to all elements or beings. -2 Comprising all animate beings; त्रिविधस्त्रिविधः कृत्स्नः संसारः सार्वभोतिकः Ms.12.51.
sārvavibhaktika सार्वविभक्तिक a. (-की f.) Applicable or belonging to all the cases of a noun.
saikatika सैकतिक a. (-की f.) 1 Belonging or relating to a sand-bank. -2 Fluctuating, wavering, living in doubt and error (संदेहजीविन्). -कः 1 A religious mendicant. -2 An ascetic. -कम् 1 A thread worn round the wrist or neck to secure good fortune (मङ्गलसूत्र). -2 मातृयात्रा (?).
saiddhāntika सैद्धान्तिक a. (-की f.) [सिद्धान्तं वेत्ति ठक्] 1 Relating to a dogma or demonstrated truth. -2 One who knows the real truth. -3 Relating to an astronomical or any other scientific work.
saimantikam सैमन्तिकम् Red lead.
saugatika सौगतिकः 1 A Buddhist. -2 A Buddhist mendicant. -2 An atheist, a heretic, an unbeliever. -कम् Unbelief, heresy, atheism, scepticism.
sauptika सौप्तिक a. (-की f.) 1 Connected with or relating to sleep. -2 Somniferous. -कम् A night-attack, an attack on sleeping men; कृते प्रतिकृतं पश्य हतपुत्रा हि पाण्डवाः । सौप्तिके शिबिरं तेषां हतं सनरवाहनम् ॥ Mb.1.9.51. -Comp. -पर्वन् n. N. of the tenth parvan or book of the Mahābhārata which relates how Aśvatthāman, Kṛitavarman and Kṛipathe only surviving Kuru warriors-attacked by night the Pāṇḍava-camp and slaughtered thousands of warriors while asleep. -वधः the great nocturnal slaughter of Pāṇḍava-camp (above referred to); मार्गो ह्येष नरेन्द्रसौप्तिकवधे पूर्वं कृतो द्रौणिना Mk.3.11.
saumitikam सौमितिकम् A variety of woollen cloth; Kau. A.2.11. सौमित्रः saumitrḥ सौमित्रिः saumitriḥ सौमित्रः सौमित्रिः 1 An epithet of Lakṣmaṇa; सौमित्रेरपि पत्रिणामविषये तत्र प्रिये क्वासि भोः U.3.45.
sauvastika सौवस्तिक a. (-की f.) Benedictive. -कः A familypriest or Brāhmaṇa. -कम् = स्वस्त्ययनम् q. v.
sausnātika सौस्नातिकः [सुस्नातं पृच्छति ठक्] One who asks another whether an ablution has been auspicious or successfully performed; सौस्नातिको यस्य भवत्यगस्त्यः R.6.61.
smārtika स्मार्तिक a. Traditional.
svastika स्वस्तिकः [स्वस्ति शुभाय हितं क] 1 A kind of mystical mark () on persons or things denoting good luck. -2 A lucky object. -3 The meeting of four roads. -4 The crossing of the arms, making a sign like the cross; स्तनविनिहितहस्तस्वस्तिकाभिर्वधूभिः Māl.4.1; Śi.1.43. -5 A palace of particular form. -6 A particular symbol made with ground rice and shaped like a triangle. -7 A kind of cake. -8 A voluptuary, libertine. -9 Garlic. -1 A kind of bard (who utters words of eulogy); पुरःसरैः स्वस्तिकसूतमागधैः Rām.2.16.46 (com. स्वस्तिका जयजयेति वादिनो बन्दिनः). -कः, -कम् 1 A mansion or temple of a particular form with a terrace in front. -2 A particular mode of sitting practised by Yogins (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees). -3 A seat (पीठ) prepared for a deity; Mb.12.4.7. (com. स्वस्तिकान् सर्वतोभद्राद्यङ्कितानि देवतापीठानि). -Comp. -कर्ण a. marked on the ear with the figure स्वस्तिक. -पाणि a. 1 crossing hands like स्वस्तिकं. -2 holding auspicious things in hands; श्रुत्वा चेदं वचनं पार्थिवस्य सर्वं पुरं स्वस्तिकपाणिभूतम् Mb.4.68.27 (com. स्वस्तिकं मङ्गलारार्तिकादि दधिदूर्वादि च पाणौ यस्य तत् स्वस्तिकपाणिभूतम्).
hastikam हस्तिकम् A multitude of elephants; Mb.9.
hāstika हास्तिकः An elephant-driver or rider. -कम् A herd of elephants; खेदायत श्वसितवेगनिरस्तमुग्धमूर्धन्यरत्ननिकरैरिव हास्तिकानि Śi.5.3.
haimantika हैमन्तिक a. [हेमन्ते काले भवः ठञ्] 1 Wintry, cold. -2 Growing in winter. -कम् A kind of rice.
haimavatika हैमवतिक a. Living in the Himālaya mountain; स हैमवतिकान् जित्वा करं सर्वानदापयत् Mb.3.254.6.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
ghṛtapratīka ghṛtá-pratīka, a. (Bv.) butter-faced, v. 11, 1 [prátīka, n. front from pratyáño turned towards].
supratīka su-prátīka, a. (Bv.) lovely, vii. 61, 1 [having a fair countenance: prátīka, n.].
Macdonell Search
67 results
agatika a. having no resource left; â gati, f. very last resource.
atikaṣṭa a. very strict; worse than (ab.).
atikalyāṇa a. (î) ugly.
atikalyam ad. too early in the day.
atikala a. very melodious.
atikaṭhora a. very rough (wind).
anantikastha a. not remain ing near.
anāstika a. unbelieving, god less; -kya, n. unbelief, godlessness.
anṛtika a. lying; m. liar; -ritin, a., m. id.; -ritu, m. wrong season; wrong time for sexual intercourse.
antika n. vicinity, presence: -m, ad. near, up to; ab. from near; close to; from; in., lc. near, close to, before (g., --°ree;); -kara, a. moving about (--°ree;).
amauktika a. containing no pearls.
aratika a. lacking Rati.
aśītika a. eighty years old: -½avara, a. at least eighty years old.
ātyantika a. (î) lasting to the end; unalterable; absolute.
āvantika a. relating to Avanti: â, f. N.
āstika a. believing, pious.
itikartavya n. (thus it must be done), proper measure: -tâ, f. abst. n.: -mûdha, pp. completely at a loss what to do; -kârya, n. (-tâ, f. abst. n.), -kritya, n. (-tâ, f. abst. n.) proper measure; incum bency; -krama, m.; in. in such a manner; -thá, a. (î) such and such; -vat, ad. just so, in this very way; -vritta, n. incident, event.
aikāntika a. (î) excluding every thing else, absolute; -ya, n. exclusiveness, absoluteness.
aiṣṭikapaurtika a. relating to sacrifices and charitable works.
autpātika a. (î) extraordinary, prodigious, portentous.
autpattika a. (î) original, innate, natural.
aupavītika n. investiture with the sacred thread.
karṇāntikacara a. flying about the ears; -½âbharana, n. ear ornament; -½amrita, n. nectar for the ears; *-½alam karana, n., -kâra, m., -kriti, f. ear ornament; -½avatamsa, id.: î-kri, turn into an ear ornament.
kārttika m. N. of a month (October November): î, f. day of full moon in Kârt tika; e-ya, m. met. of Skanda, god of war.
kārtāntika m. astrologer.
kaimutika a. based on the &open;how much more or less;&close; -ya, n. relation of &open;how much more or less.&close;
kṣitikampa m. earthquake; -kshit, m. king, prince; -kshoda, m. dust of the earth; -tala, n. surface of the earth: -½ap saras, f. Apsaras dwelling on earth; -dhara, m. mountain; -dhenu, f. the cowlike earth; -pa, -pati, -pâla, -bhug, m. king; -bhrit, m. mountain; king; -rasa, m. sap of the earth; -lava-bhug, m. petty prince; -sakî pati, m. king; -sata-kratu, m. id.; -½indra, -½îsa, -½îsvara, m. king.
ghārtika m.(?) kind of pastry.
tṛptikara a. satisfying; -kâraka, a. id.; -mat, a. satisfied (with, lc.); -yoga, m. satisfaction.
dārṣṭāntika a. elucidated or elucidating by an example or simile (drish tânta).
tikalyāṇa c. not very beautiful or noble; -gâdha, a. tolerably deep; -kira, a. not very long (time); -tîvra, a. moderate; -tripti, f. non-surfeit.
nastika a. unbelieving; m. un believer, atheist (one who says &open;there is not&close; a God): -tâ, f. atheism.
naimittika a. (î) produced by a cause; occasional, incidental; n. effect; m. fortune-teller.
naikṛtika a. dishonest, deceitful; base (cp. nikriti).
naiṣkṛtika a. incorrect for nai kritika.
pākṣapātika a. partial, partisan (speech).
paiṇḍapātika a. living on alms.
paurtika a. relating to a charitable or meritorious work.
pratikañcuka m. man armoured against all assaults, obstinate adversary; -kantham, ad. singly, one by one; -kara, a. (î) counteracting (--°ree;); m. compensation (--°ree;); -karkasa, a. equally hard with, of the same hardness as (--°ree;); -kartavya, fp. to be re quited (of good or evil); to be repaid to (g.); to be done by way of compensation; to be paid back (debt); to be opposed or counter acted; n. (impl.) one should requite (d., lc.); -repay as a debt to (d.); -counteract any one (g.); -give medical aid to (g.); -kartri, m. requiter; opponent; -karma, ad. for every act; at every rite or celebration; -karman, n. requital; corresponding action (--°ree;); counter action; (medical) treatment; personal adorn ment; -karsha, m. combination; -kâ&ndot;k shin, a. desiring (--°ree;); -kâmám, ad. accord ing to wish, at pleasure; -kâmin, a. dis agreeable; -kâminî, f. female rival; -kâya, m. (counter body), adversary; -kâra, m. re quital (of good or evil), compensation for (--°ree;); counteraction, employment of remedies; alleviation, remedy: -karman, n.opposition, resistance, -vidhâna, n. medical treatment; -kârin, a. obviating, counteracting (--°ree;); -kâr ya, n. reward (to, g.); -kitava, m. adver sary at play; -kuñgara, m. hostile elephant.
prākṛtika a. (î) natural; de rived from nature.
prātītika a. existing in the idea only, subjective.
prābhātika a. matutinal, morn ing.
bhaṭṭavārttika n. T. of a work; -½âkârya, m. famous teacher (gnly. designa tion of Kumârila-bhatta).
bhūtikarman n. rite for welfare (such as domestic ceremonies at birth etc.); -kalasa, m. N.; (bh&usharp;ti)-kâma, a. desirous of prosperity or wealth; -kâla, m. hour of prosperity, auspicious time; -krit, a. causing prosperity (Siva); -kritya, n. auspicious rite (birth-ceremonies etc.); -da, a. granting pros perity (Siva); -mat, a. prosperous, fortunate; -vardhana, a. increasing prosperity; -var man, m. N. of a Râkshasa; N. of a prince; -siva, m. N.
matikarman n. matter of the intellect; -gati, f. way of thinking; -garbha, a. (having intellect within), intelligent, clever; -darsana, n. pl. recognition of other's thoughts or intentions; -patha, m.path of reflexion: -m nî, subject to mature consideration; -pûr va, a. intentional: -m, e, ad. intentionally, wilfully, wittingly; -pûrvakam, ad. id.; -prakarsha, m. superior cleverness, stroke of genius; -bheda, m. change of opinion; differ ence of opinion; -bhrama, m. mental confusion.
mārttika a. (î) made of clay, earthen; n. earthenware vessel.
prātyantika m. neighbouring chief.
yuktikara a. suitable, justifiable; -gña, a. skilled in proper expedients; -mat, a. joined with (--°ree;); skilled in (inf.); sup ported by arguments; suitable; -yukta, pp. experienced; suitable, justifiable; -sâstra, n. doctrine of propriety.
ratikara a. (î) causing pleasure; -kriyâ, f. sexual intercourse; -griha, n. pleasure-house; -gña, a. skilled in the arts of love; -pati, m. husband of Rati, god of love; -parikaya, m. frequency of sexual union; -priya, a. pleasant during sexual in tercourse; -phala, a. productive of sensual pleasure, aphrodisiacal; -bandhu, m. lover, husband, -bhavana, n. pleasure-house; -mat, a. joyful, glad; delighting in (lc.); enamoured; accompanied by Rati; -mandira, n. cham ber of love; -ramana, m. lover of Rati, god of love; -rasa, m. sexual enjoyment; a. having the flavour of love; -rahasya, n. secrets of love, T. of a work; -vallî, f.creeper of love; -sarvasva, n. quintessence of sexual pleasure; T. of an erotic work; -sahakara, m. companion of Rati, god of love; -sena, m. N. of a prince; -½îsa, m. husband of Rati, god of love.
raitika a. [fr. rîti] made of brass, brazen.
laukāyatika m. follower of Kârvâka, materialist.
tika a. (î) produced by wind (the humour); m. windbag, flatterer, pane gyrist.
vārttika m. trader, business man; emissary, envoy; â, f. trade, business; n. supplementary and corrective rule to a Sûtra (the best-known Vârttikas are those of Kâtyâ yana on the Sûtras of Pânini):(a)-kâra, m. composer of Vârttikas.
vāsantika a. (î) vernal; m. spring festival.
vṛttikara a. affording a main tenance; -kâra, m. author of a commentary to a Sûtra; -tâ, f. (--°ree;) conduct; devotion to; subsistence; -tva, n. occurrence; devotion to (--°ree;); -da, a. affording maintenance; m. supporter; -nibandhana, n. means of sup port; -bha&ndot;ga, m. loss of livelihood; -bhâg, a. performing (pious) actions; -mat, a. sub sisting on (--°ree;); exercising a function, active; -mûla, n.provision for maintenance.
vyatikara m. [√ krî] mixture, blending, intermingling, contact, confluence, union; engaging in, undertaking (--°ree;); acci dent, misfortune, calamity: --°ree; a. combined or united with: -vat,a. mixed, of different kinds; -karita, den. pp. mixed with, per vaded by (in., --°ree;); -krama, m. passing by, deviating, swerving, or escaping from (g.); violation, infringement, neglect, or non performance of (g. or --°ree;); offence, transgression, against (g., --°ree;); inverted order (rare); -kramana, n. transgression against any one (--°ree;); -kramin, a. transgressing against any one (--°ree;); -krânta, pp. √ kram; n.transgression, offence; -krânti, f. transgression against (--°ree;); -rikta-tâ, f. difference; -reka, m. separateness; exclusion, exception; nega tive; contradistinction or opposition to; con trast, antithesis (rh.): in., ab., --°ree;, to the exclusion of, excepting, without (--°ree;); -rekin, a. excluding, negativing (--°ree;); -rekana, n. con trasting (in a comparison); -la&ndot;gin, a. slipping off; -sha&ndot;ga, m. reciprocal connexion, relation; entanglement; conflict (of armies); interchange (rare); -sha&ndot;gin, a. attached or clinging to (--°ree;); -hâra, m. interchange; alternation, reciprocity.
śaktikara a. producing strength; -kumâra, m. N.; -gña, a. knowing his powers; -tas, a. according to ability; -deva, m. N.; -dvaya-vat, a. possessed of two powers; -dhara, a. bearing a spear; m. ep. of Skanda; N.; -dhvaga, m. ep. of Skanda; -nâtha, m. ep. of Siva; -pâni, m. (holding a spear in his hand), ep. of Skanda; -mat, a. possessed of power, mighty, capable, able, to (inf., lc. of vbl. n.); provided with a female energy (god): -tva, n. possession of power; -moksha, m. loss of power and discharge of a spear; -yasas, f. N. of a fairy, after whom the tenth Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara is called; -rakshita: -ka, m. N. of a prince of the Kirâtas; -vara, m. N. of a warrior; -vega, m. N. of a fairy; -sena, m. ep. of Skanda; -hara, a. depriving of strength.
śatika a. consisting of or amount ing to a hundred; hundredth: -vriddhi, a. winning a hundred at play; -ín, a. contain ing a hundred, hundredfold (RV.); possess ing a hundred (C.).
śāntika a. averting evil; n. pro pitiatory rite for averting evil; -kara, a. productive of peace or prosperity; m. N.; -karman, n. rite for averting evil; -bhâga na, n. vessel for propitiatory water; -salila, n. propitiatory water; -soma, m. N.; -homa, m. expiatory sacrifice; i½udaka, n. propitia tory water.
śauvastika a. occurring on or lasting till to-morrow (svas).
sabhaktikam ad. devotedly; -bhaya, a. terrified, frightened; afraid of (--°ree;): -m, ad. with fear or terror; -bhas man, a. mixed with ashes; -bhasma½a&ndot;gin, a. covering one's body with ashes (of cow-dung).
sāṃgatika m. [samgati] old acquaintance; -gat-ya, n. intercourse, with (saha).
śvetika m. N.; -i-man, m. whiteness.
sautrāntika m. follower of the Sûtrânta (Buddhistic) school: pl. a certain Buddhistic school.
sauptika a. [supta] occurring dur ing sleep; n. night attack, on (g.): -vadha, m. nocturnal slaughter of the sleeping war riors of the Pândavas.
hastikarṇa m. (elephant's ear) N. of various plants; N. of a locality; -kâr in, m. (rider on an elephant), elephant driver; -gâgarika, m. keeper of an elephant; -danta, m. elephant's tusk.
hāstika a. consisting of elephants (hastin); n. herd of elephants.
Bloomfield Vedic
67 results0 results95 results
akṣitiṃ bhūyasīm # AVś.18.4.27. Apparently a pratīka: the Anukramaṇī designates the passage as yājuṣī gāyatrī, i.e. a mantra consisting of six syllables.
agnaye gāyatrāya trivṛte rāthaṃtarāyāṣṭākapālaḥ (TS.KSA. rāthaṃtarāya vāsantāyāṣṭākapālaḥ; MS. rāthaṃtarāya vāsantikāya puroḍāśam aṣṭākapālaṃ nirvapati) # VS.29.60; TS.; MS.3.15.10: 180.7; KSA.5.10. P: agnaye gāyatrāya Apś.20.9.2.
agnir naḥ pātu kṛttikāḥ # TB.
agnir hotā # Aś.4.13.7. Pratīka of one of the following RV. mantras.
agnau lājān āvapantī # SMB.1.2.2b; MG.1.11.12b; HG.1.20.4b; JG.1.21b. See lājān āvapantikā, pūlyāny ā-, and kulpāny ā-.
ajohavīd aśvinā vartikā vām # RV.1.117.16a; N.5.21a.
atho āśātikā hatāḥ # TA.4.36.1c. Cf. hatāḥ krimayaḥ, and āśātikāḥ.
anamitrā me diśo bhavantu ghṛtapratīkāḥ # AVP.2.86.1--6.
anādhṛṣyau supratīkāv asahyau # SV.2.1219b. Cf. citrā imā vṛ-.
anenāśvena medhyeneṣṭvāyaṃ rājāpratidhṛṣyo 'stu # TB.; Apś.20.4.2; ... rājā vṛtraṃ vadhyāt TB.; Apś.20.4.1; ... rājā sarvam āyur etu TB.; Apś.20.4.4; ... rājāsyai viśo bahugvai bahvaśvāyai bahvajāvikāyai bahuvrīhiyavāyai bahumāṣatilāyai bahuhiraṇyāyai bahuhastikāyai bahudāsapuruṣāyai rayimatyai puṣṭimatyai bahurāyaspoṣāyai rājāstu TB.; Apś.20.4.3. See prec.
amuñcataṃ vartikām aṃhaso niḥ # RV.1.118.8c.
aśmā ca me mṛttikā ca me # VS.18.13; TS.; MS.2.11.5: 142.5; KS.18.10.
aśrīraṃ (TB. aślīlaṃ) cit kṛṇuthā (TB. -thāt, comm. and Poona ed. text -thā) supratīkam # RV.6.28.6b; AVś.4.21.6b; TB.
astur na didyut tveṣapratīkā # RV.1.66.7b; N.10.21b.
ājuhvānaḥ supratīkaḥ purastāt # VS.17.73a; TS.; MS.2.10.6a: 138.14; 3.3.9: 42.9; KS.18.4a; 21.9; śB.; TB. Ps: ājuhvānaḥ supratīkaḥ Mś.; ājuhvānaḥ HG.1.26.20.
ādityā rudrā vasavaḥ # AVś.11.6.13a; AVP.10.3.6a; 15.14.6a; ViDh.73.12. The quotation in ViDh. represents probably the pratīka of one of the following mantras.
ā me yantu # ViDh.73.12. Pratīka of some mantra (see SBE. vī. 234). Cf. ā yantu naḥ.
āśātikāḥ kṛmaya iva # TA.1.8.7c. Cf. under atho āśātikā.
āstīkavacanaṃ (Mahābh. āstīkasya vacaḥ) śrutvā # RVKh.1.191.6a; Mahābh.1.58.26a.
āsno vṛkasya vartikām abhīke # RV.1.116.14a.
indra piba pratikāmaṃ sutasya # RV.10.112.1a; GB.2.3.14a.
indrāyādhirājāya trayaḥ śitikakudaḥ # TS.; KSA.9.7.
ime vāsantikā ṛtū abhikalpamānāḥ # KS.17.10c. See vāsantikāv.
iyaṃ yakā śakuntikā # TS.; KSA.4.8a; TB. See yakāsakau, and yāsakau.
iyattikā śakuntikā # RV.1.191.11a; AVP.4.19.1a.
iṣam ūrjam # JB.1.88 (bis). Perhaps pratīka of RV.8.93.28a.
ugra āpatikād adhi # AVP.12.5.1c.
ud vāṃ cakṣur varuṇa supratīkam # RV.7.61.1a; KB.25.2; 26.8; śś.14.35.2. P: ud vāṃ cakṣuḥ śś.10.9.4.
unnataḥ śitibāhuḥ śitipṛṣṭhas ta aindrābārhaspatyāḥ # VS.24.7; MS.3.13.8: 170.3. Cf. śitikakuc.
uśann uśadbhiḥ pratikāmam attu # RV.10.15.8d; AVś.18.3.46d; VS.19.51d.
etāv asadatām # Apś.8.10.6; 11.3.2; 17.16.10. ūha of pratīka, etā asadan.
eyam agan patikāmā # AVś.2.30.5a; AVP.2.17.2a.
evam asyāṃ sūtikāyām # PG.1.16.22c. See prec. and next.
aindrābārhaspatyā haimantikāḥ # Apś.20.23.11.
kapilo munir āstīkaḥ # RVKh.1.191.9c.
kurvantaṃ mā mā pratikārṣīḥ # SMB.2.4.6; JG.1.2.
kulpāny āvapantikā # ApMB.1.5.2b. See under agnau lājān.
kṛṣṇagrīvaḥ śitikakṣo 'ñjisakthas (MS. 'ñjiṣakthas) ta aindrāgnāḥ # VS.24.4; MS.3.13.5: 169.10.
ko yajñakāmaḥ ka u pūrtikāmaḥ # AVś.7.103.1c.
kravyād yān agnir antikāt # AVś.12.2.38c,50c,52c.
kṣipraśyenāya (TS.KSA. -śyenasya) vartikā # VS.24.30; TS.; MS.3.14.11: 174.8; KSA.7.1.
girer avacarantikā # AVś.5.13.9b; AVP.8.2.8b. See prec.
gṛdhraḥ śitikakṣī vārdhrāṇasas te divyāḥ (KSA. vārhīṇasas te 'dityāḥ) # TS.; KSA.7.10.
jīmūtasyeva bhavati pratīkam # RV.6.75.1a; AVP.15.10.1a; VS.29.38a; TS.; MS.3.16.3a: 185.10; KSA.6.1a; TB.; AG.3.12.3. P: jīmūtasyeva Apś.20.16.4; Mś. (text, erroneously, jīmu-); VHDh.6.31. Designated as jīmūta-sūkta Rvidh.2.24.3. Cf. BṛhD.5.128.
jyotiṣmantaṃ tvāgne supratīkam # VS.11.28a; TS.;; MS.2.7.2a: 76.13; KS.16.3a; śB.
taṃ supratīkaṃ sudṛśaṃ svañcam # RV.6.15.10a; TS.; KS.7.16a. P: taṃ supratīkam Aś.4.13.7.
tataḥ khanema supratīkam agnim # VS.11.22c; TS.; MS.2.7.2c: 76.1; KS.16.2c; śB.
avāsayat purudhapratīkaḥ # RV.3.7.3d.
tṛṣṭāsi tṛṣṭikā # AVś.7.113.2a.
tena tvaṃ vardhasva # KA.3.192. Probably pratīka of tena vardhasva cā, q.v.
tebhyo baliṃ puṣṭikāmo (JG. annakāmo) harāmi (AG. dadāmi) # Tā.10.67.2c; MahānU.20.1c; AG.1.2.5c (crit. notes); JG.1.23c. Cf. under tebhya imaṃ baliṃ.
trayo 'tīkāśās trīṇi śīrṣāṇy eṣām # AVP.4.40.3b.
tvag asyotpāṭikā bahiḥ # śB.; BṛhU.3.9.30d.
tvam agne gṛhapate # KA.3.232. Probably pratīka of tvam agne gṛhapatiḥ, q.v.
dadhātu pratikāmyam # AVś.6.60.3d.
divākarāya dhīmahi # MahānU.3.8b. Cf. mahādyutikarāya.
devaṃ-devaṃ vo 'vase # RV.8.12.19a; 27.13a; VS.33.91a. P: devaṃ-devaṃ vo 'vase devaṃ-devam (pratīka of RV.8.27.13) AB.5.6.7; Aś.7.12.7; śś.10.6.6.
deva savitaḥ prasuva yajñaṃ prasuva yajñapatiṃ bhagāya (VSK. prasuvemaṃ bhagāya; ApG.JG. also with ūha in pratīkas, prāsāvīḥ) # VS.9.1; 11.7; 30.1; VSK.10.1.1; TS.;; MS.1.11.1: 161.7; 1.11.6: 167.17; KS.13.14; 14.6; 15.11; śB.,16;; Mś.; SMB.1.1.1; JG.1.3. Ps: deva savitaḥ pra suva yajñam Mś.; deva savitaḥ pra suva Apś.18.2.10; GG.1.3.4; KhG.1.2.20; HG.1.2.10; JG.1.3 (with ūha, prāsāvīḥ, 1.4); ApG.1.2.3 (with ūha, prāsāvīḥ, 1.2.8); deva savitaḥ MS.2.7.1: 74.7; śB.; Kś.14.1.11; 21.1.6; Apś.20.24.6.
dyumattamā supratīkasya sūnoḥ (AVś. supratīkaḥ sasūnuḥ) # AVś.5.27.1c; AVP.9.1.1c; VS.27.11c; TS.; MS.2.12.6c: 149.15; KS.18.17c; śB.
nakṣatrāṇāṃ mātīkāśāt pāhi # TS.; MS.1.2.2: 11.9; KS.2.3; Apś.10.9.8. P: nakṣatrāṇāṃ mātīkāśāt Mś.
nakṣatrāṇāṃ mā saṃkāśaś ca pratīkāśaś cāvatām # Vait.11.13; Kauś.82.11. Cf. nakṣatrāṇāṃ sakāśān.
namo nīlagrīvāya ca śitikaṇṭhāya ca # VS.16.28; TS.; MS.2.9.5: 124.10. P: namo nīlagrīvāya Mś.
namo nīlagrīvāya śitikaṇṭhāya # GDh.26.12.
nīlagrīvāḥ śitikaṇṭhāḥ # VS.16.56a,57a; TS. (bis). See ye nīla-.
nairhastyam (pratīka of a khila) # Rvidh.4.24.3; BṛhD.8.94.
nyastikā rurohitha # AVś.6.139.1a. P: nyastikā Kauś.36.12.
patir yaḥ pratikāmyaḥ # AVś.2.36.8b.
pitaro madantāṃ somapratīkā madantām # KS.29.2a. See somapratīkāḥ pitaro.
pūlyāny āvapantikā # AVś.14.2.63b. See under agnau lājān.
pṛcyatāṃ paruṣā paruḥ # VS.20.27b; TS. Part of pratīka: pṛcyatām Apś.10.24.5.
pṛthu pratīkam adhy edhe agniḥ # RV.7.36.1d.
pṛśnisakthās (KSA. -sakthayas) trayo haimantikāḥ # TS.; KSA.10.3.
pracetasam amṛtaṃ supratīkam # RV.3.29.5b.
prājāpatyānāṃ tāṃ tvāhaṃ mayi puṣṭikāmo juhomi svāhā # Kauś.106.6.
prādhvarāṇām (continuing pate vaso: pratīka of a khila) # BṛhD.8.94.
prāsmad eno duritaṃ supratīkāḥ # AVś.10.5.24b. Cf. next.
bṛhaspataye pāṅktāya triṇavāya śākvarāya haimantikāya (omitted in VS.) caruḥ (MS. carum) # VS.29.60; TS.; MS.3.15.10: 180.11; KSA.5.10.
bhagavati harivallabhe manojñe tribhuvanabhūtikari pra sīda mahyam # RVKh.5.87.23 (M"uller's edition).
bhadraṃ-bhadram # JB.1.88 (bis); Mś. Perhaps pratīka of RV.8.93.28a.
madhuś ca mādhavaś ca vāsantikāv (VSKṃS.KS. -kā) ṛtū # VS.13.25; VSK.14.2.11; TS.; MS.2.8.12: 116.3; KS.17.10; 35.9; śB. P: madhuś ca mādhavaś ca Kś.17.4.24; Apś.8.2.18; 16.24.9; 20.20.5; Mś.
mahāni cakre purudhapratīkaḥ # RV.3.48.3d.
medhāvy ahaṃ sumanāḥ supratīkaḥ # RVKh.10.151.9a.
yaḥ patiḥ pratikāmyaḥ # AVP.2.21.5d. See yo varaḥ.
yakāsakau śakuntikā # VS.23.22a; śB.; 5.2.4. P: yakāsakau Kś.20.6.18. See under iyaṃ yakā.
yajūṃṣy atīkāśāḥ # AB.8.17.2.
yad agneḥ sendrasya saprajāpatikasya saṛṣikasya saṛṣirājanyasya sapitṛkasya sapitṛrājanyasya samanuṣyasya samanuṣyarājanyasya sākāśasya sātīkāśasya sānūkāśasya sapratīkāśasya sadevamanuṣyasya sagandharvāpsaraskasya sahāraṇyaiś ca paśubhir grāmyaiś ca yan ma ātmana ātmani vrataṃ tan me sarvavratam idam aham agne sarvavrato bhavāmi svāhā # AG.3.9.1. See yad brāhmaṇānāṃ.
yadi mṛtyor antikaṃ nīta eva # RV.10.161.2b; AVś.3.11.2b; 20.96.7b; AVP.1.62.2b.
yadi vāsi rataḥ puruṣantikāme # AVP.4.14.2b.
yad brāhmaṇānāṃ brahmaṇi vrataṃ yad agnes sendrasya saprajāpatikasya sadevasya sadevarājasya samanuṣyasya samanuṣyarājasya sapitṛkasya sapitṛrājasya sagandharvāpsaraskasya yan ma ātmana ātmani vrataṃ tenāhaṃ sarvavrato bhūyāsam # ApMB.2.5.10 (ApG.4.11.18). See yad agneḥ sendrasya.
yasya pratīkam āhutaṃ ghṛtena # RV.7.8.1b; SV.1.70b.
yasya bhīmaḥ pratīkāśaḥ # AVś.9.8.6a.
yābhir vartikāṃ grasitām amuñcatam # RV.1.112.8c; Apś.15.8.12.
yāmyā nairṛtikāś ca ye # AG.1.2.6b (crit. notes).
yāvanmātram uṣaso na pratīkam # RV.10.88.19a; N.7.31a.
yāsakau śakuntikā # MS.3.13.1a: 168.3. See under iyaṃ yakā.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"tika" has 137 results
anaikāntikaundetermined, indefinite एतद्प्यनैकान्तिकं यदल्पप्राणस्य सर्वोच्चैस्तन्महाप्राणस्य सर्वनीचै: Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).on I.2.30, also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on VI. 1.37; not invariable, confer, compare अनैकान्तिकं ज्ञापकम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on VII.2.102, VIII.3.34
anaimittikanot possessed of any definite cause; अनैमित्तिको ह्यनुबन्धलेाप: Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I. 1.20 also on I. 1.59 and I. 2.64.
avibhaktikawithout the application of a case termination.The term is used frequently in connection with such words as are found used by Pāṇini without any case-affix in his Sūtras; sometimes, such usage is explained by commentators as an archaic usage; confer, compare अविभक्तिको निर्देशः । कृप उः रः लः । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). I 1. Āhnika of the Pātañjala Mahābhāṣya. 2; also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.1.3 ; III.1.36, VII.1.3 et cetera, and others
tatkālaprāptikaoccurring or presenting itself at the same time or simultaneously.
tikakitavādia class of compound words headed by the dvandva compound तिककितव in which the taddhita affixes added to the constituent members of the compound are dropped when the dvandva compound is to be used in the plural number; तैकायनयश्च कैतवायनयश्च तिककितवाः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. II. 4.68.
tikantaddhita affix. affix तिक added to the word मृद् in the sense of the word itself ( स्वार्थे ) e. g. मृत्तिका confer, compare; P. V. 4.39.
naipātikaaccessory; accidental; निपातात् अागतानि.
naimittikaeffect; one that is caused; confer, compare निमित्ताभावे नैमित्तिकस्याप्यभावः a Paribhāsā given by Vyādi, Siradeva and others.
pāṇinisūtravārtikaname given to the collection of explanatory pithy notes of the type of SUtras written. mainly by Kaatyaayana. The Varttikas are generally written in the style of the SUtras, but sometimes they are written in Verse also. The total number of Varttikas is well-nigh a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. 5000, including Varttikas in Verse.There are three kinds of Varttikas; confer, compareउक्तानुक्तदुरुक्तानां चिन्ता यत्र प्रवर्तते । तं ग्रन्थं वार्तिकं प्राहुर्वार्तिकज्ञा मनीषिणः । Naagesa appears to have divided Varttikas into two classes as shown by his definition 'सूत्रेऽ नुक्तदुरुक्तचिन्ताकरत्वं वार्तिकत्वम् '. If this definition be followed, many of the Vaarttikas given in the Maahibhaasya as explaining and commenting upon the Sutras will not strictly be termed as Vaarttikaas, and their total number which is given as exceeding 5000, will be reduced to about 1400 or so. There are some manuscript copies which give this reduced number, and it may be said that only these Vārttikas were written by Kātyāyana while the others were added by learned grammarians after Kātyāyana. In the Mahābhāșya there are seen more than 5000 statements of the type of Vārttikas out of which Dr. Kielhorn has marked about 4200 as Vārttikas. At some places the Mahābhāșyakāra has quoted the names of the authors of some Vārttikas or their schools, in words such as क्रोष्ट्रीयाः पठन्ति, भारद्वाजीयाः पठन्ति, सौनागाः पठन्ति. et cetera, and others Many of the Vārttikas given in the Mahābhāșya are not seen in the Kāśikāvŗtti, while some more are seen in the Kāśikā-vŗtti, which, evidently are composed by scholars who flourished after Patańjali, as they have not been noticed by the Mahābhāșyakāra. It is very difficult to show separately the statements of the Bhāșyakāra popularly named 'ișțis' from the Vārttikas of Kātyāyana and others. For details see Vol. VII Mahābhāșya, D.E. Society's edition pp. 193-224.
pratikaṇṭhamvocally, pronouncedly, expressly without any attention to the derivation or the formation of the word; ( 2 ) irregular formation; c.. सर्वशास्त्रार्थं प्रतिकण्ठमुक्तम् where प्रतिकण्ठ is explained as निपातन by Uvvata; confer, compare प्रतिकण्ठं निपातनम् : उत्सर्गविधिभिः साधयितुमशक्या अपि प्रयोगविशेषा निपात्यन्ते शास्त्रसंपूर्तये. Uvvata on Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I.23.
vārttikaa statement which is as much authoritative as the original statement to which it is given as an addition for purposes of correction, completion or explanation. The word is defined by old writers in an often-guoted verseउक्तानुक्तदुरुक्तनां चिन्ता यत्र प्रवर्तते | तं ग्रन्थं वार्तिकं प्राहुर्वार्तिकज्ञा मनीषिण:|This definition fully applies to the varttikas on the Sutras of Panini. The word is explained by Kaiyata as वृत्तौ साधु वार्त्तिकम् which gives strength to the supposition that there were glosses on the Sutras of Panini of which the Varttikas formed a faithful pithy summary of the topics discussedition The word varttika is used in the Mahabhasya at two places only हन्तेः पूर्वविप्रविषेधो वार्तिकेनैव ज्ञापित: M.Bh. on P.III. 4.37 and अपर आह् यद्वार्त्तिक इति M.Bh. on P. II.2.24 Vart. 18. In अपर अहृ यद्वार्त्तिक इति the word is contrasted with the word वृत्तिसूत्र which means the original Sutra (of Panini ) which has been actuaIly quoted, viz. संख्ययाव्ययासन्नाo II.2. 25. Nagesa gives ' सूत्रे अनुक्तदुरुक्तचिन्ताकरत्वं वार्तिक्रत्वम् as the definition of a Varttika which refers only to two out of the three features of the Varttikas stated a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. If the word उक्त has been omitted with a purpose by Nagesa, the definition may well-nigh lead to support the view that the genuine Varttikapatha of Katyayana consisted of a smaller number of Varttikas which along with a large number of Varttikas of other writers are quoted in the Mahabhasya, without specific names of writers, For details see pages 193-223 Vol. VII Patanjala Mahabhasya, D.E, Society's Edition.
vārttikakārabelieved to be Katyayana to whom the whole bulk of the Varttikas quoted in the Mahabhasya is attributed by later grammarians. Patafijali gives the word वार्तिककार in four places only (in the Mahabhasya on P.I.1.34, III.1.44: III.2.118 and VII.1.1) out of which his statement स्यादिविधिः पुरान्तः यद्यविशेषणं भवति किं वार्तिककारः प्रातिषेधेनं करोति in explanation of the Slokavarttika स्यादिविधिः...इति हुवता कात्यायनेनेहृ, shows that Patanjali gives कात्यायन as the Varttikakara (of Varttikas in small prose statements) and the Slokavarttika is not composed by Katyayana. As assertions similar to those made by other writers are quoted with the names of their authors ( भारद्वाजीयाः, सौनागाः, कोष्ट्रियाः et cetera, and others) in the Mahabhasya, it is evident that the Varttikas quoted in the Mahabhasya(even excluding the Slokavarttikas) did not all belong to Katyayana. For details see pp. 193-200, Vol. VII, Vyakarana Mahabhasya, D. E. Society's Edition.
vārtikapāṭhathe text of the Varttikas as traditionally handed over in the oral recital or in manuscripts As observed a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.(see वार्त्तिक),although a large number of Varttikas quoted in the Mahabhasya are ascribed to Katyayana, the genuine Varttikapatha giving such Varttikas only, as were definitely composed by him, has not been preserved and Nagesa has actually gone to the length of making a statement like " वार्तिकपाठ: भ्रष्टः" ; confer, compare . Mahābhāṣya-Pradīpoddyota by Nāgeśa.on P.I.l.I2 Varttika 6.
vārtikavacanaa small pithy statement or assertion in the manner of the original sutras which is held as much authoritative as the Sutra: cf न ब्रुमो वृत्तिसूत्रवचनप्रामाण्यादिति | किं तर्हि | वार्तिकवचनप्रामाण्यादिति [ M.Bh. on P.II..1.1 Varttika 23.
vārttikasiddhāntacategorical conclusive statements made by the Varttikakara many of which were cited later on as Paribhasas by later writers For details see pp. 212220 Vol. VII, Vyakarana Mahbhasya, D. E. Society's edition.
vārttikasūtrathe same as वार्तिकवचन which see a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. The Varttikas are termed Varttika sutras on account of their close similarity with the original Sutras, which in contrast are termed Vrttisutras.
vṛttitrayavārtikaa very short work in verse-form explaining in a very general manner the nature of Sūtras and Vārttikas; the work is anonymous.
vyatikara(1)confusion of one numberaffix for another number-affix (वचन), as noticed in the statements. e. g. अक्षीणि मे दर्शनीयानि; पादा मे सुकुमारंतरा: Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.I. 4. 21; (2) any confusion, say confusion of one grammatical element for another; confer, compare हृि: परस्मैपदानां यथा स्यात्, स्व आत्मनेपदानां, व्यतिकरो मा भूत् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. III.4.1 Vart, 2.
śabdavyutpattikaumudīa small treatise on the derivation of words written by a grammarian named RajaramaSastrin.
śāśvatikaeternal or permanent, as contrasted with कार्य id est, that is produced; confer, compareएतस्मिन्वाक्ये इन्दुमैत्रेययो: शाश्वतिको विरोधः Siradeva Pari.36; cf also एके वर्णाञू शाश्वतिकान् न कार्यान् R.Pr.XIII.4.
ślokavārtikaVarttika or supplementary rule to Panini's rules laid down by scholars of grammar immediately after Panini, composed in verse form. These Slokavarttikas are quoted in the Mahabhasya at various places and supposed to have been current in the explanations of Panini's Astadhyayi in the days of Patanjali. The word is often used by later commentators.
sāṃpratika(l)what is actually expressed .or found in the context; confer, compare सांप्रतिकाभावे भूतपूर्वगतिर्विज्ञायते M. Bh on P. VI. 1.177 Vart. 1: (2) original, found in the original context of Prakriti; confer, compare सांप्रतिके प्रकृतिस्थे कण्ठे सति हकारो नाम बाह्यः प्रयत्नः क्रियते Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.II. 6; (3) of the present time: confer, compare Purus. Pari. 15.
sāṃhitikaoriginal, as belonging to the Samhitapatha of the Sutras and not introduced for some additional purpose without forming a part of the actual affix; confer, compare अाकर्षात् ष्ठल् | इह केषां चित्सांहितिकं षत्वं केषांचित्षिदर्थम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. IV. 4.9.
sārvavibhaktikapertaining to all cases, i. e. prescribed to convey the sense of all case affixes; the term is commonly used by commentators with reference to the taddhita affix. affix तस् prescribed by the rule प्रतियोगे पञ्चम्यास्तसि: and the Varttika तसिप्रकरणे आद्यादिभ्य उपसंख्यानम् thereon: confer, compare P, V. 4.44 and Vart. 1 .
aṅgavatconsidered as auxiliary or part of another exempli gratia, for example पूर्वाङ्गवद्भावः, पराङ्गवद्भाव:; cf सुबामन्त्रिते पराङ्गवत्स्वरे P.II.1.2 and the Vārtika thereon "परमपि च्छन्दसि पूर्वस्याङ्गवद् भवतीति वक्तव्यम्."
anukramaṇaenumeration (in the right order as.opposed to व्युत्क्रम ); e. g. अथ किमर्थमुत्तरत्र एवमादि अनुक्रमणं क्रियते Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on II.1.58; also on IV. 2.70; verbal forms of the root क्रम् with अनु occur in this sense very frequently; exempli gratia, for example यदित ऊर्ध्वं अनुक्रमिष्यामः; so also the past passive participle. अनुक्रान्तं occurs frequently in the same sense. अनुतन्त्र literally that which follows Tantra id est, that is Śāstra which means the original rules of a Śāstra; technical term for Vartika used by Bhartṛhari;confer, compare सूत्राणां सानुतन्त्राणां भाष्याणां च प्रणेतृभिः Vāk. Pad. I.23, where the word अनुतन्त्र is explained as Vārtika by the commentator.
antaraṅgaa highly technical term in Pāṇini's grammar applied in a variety of ways to rules which thereby can supersede other rules. The term is not used by Pāṇini himselfeminine. The Vārtikakāra has used the term thrice ( Sec I. 4. 2 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 8, VI.1.106 Vart.10 and VIII.2.6 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). I) evidently in the sense of immediate', 'urgent', 'of earlier occurrence' or the like. The word is usually explained as a Bahuvrīhi compound meaning 'अन्त: अङ्गानि निमित्तानि यस्य' (a rule or operation which has got the causes of its application within those of another rule or operation which consequently is termed बहिरङ्ग). अन्तरङ्ग, in short, is a rule whose causes of operation occur earlier in the wording of the form, or in the process of formation. As an अन्तरङ्ग rule occurs to the mind earlier, as seen a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page., it is looked upon as stronger than any other rule, barring of course अपवाद rules or exceptions, if the other rule presents itself simultaneously. The Vārtikakāra, hence, in giving preference to अन्तरङ्ग rules, uses generally the wording अन्तरङ्गबलीयस्त्वात् which is paraphrased by अन्तरङ्गं बहिरङ्गाद् बलीयः which is looked upon as a paribhāṣā. Grammarians, succeeding the Vārtikakāra, not only looked upon the बहिरङ्ग operation as weaker than अन्तरङ्ग, but they looked upon it as invalid or invisible before the अन्तरङ्ग operation had taken placcusative case. They laid down the Paribhāṣā असिद्धं बहिरङ्गमन्तरङ्गे which has been thoroughly discussed by Nāgeśa in his Paribhāṣendusekhara. The अन्तरङ्गत्व is taken in a variety of ways by Grammarians : (l) having causes of application within or before those of another e. g. स्येनः from the root सिव् (सि + उ+ न) where the यण् substitute for इ is अन्तरङ्ग being caused by उ as compared to guṇa for उ which is caused by न, (2) having causes of application occurring before those of another in the wording of the form, (3) having a smaller number of causes, (4) occurring earlier in the order of several operations which take place in arriving at the complete form of a word, (5) not having संज्ञा (technical term) as a cause of its application, ( 6 ) not depending upon two words or padas, (7) depending upon a cause or causes of a general nature (सामान्यापेक्ष) as opposed to one which depends on causes of a specific nature ( विशेषापेक्ष).
artha(1)literally signification,conveyed sense or object. The sense is sometimes looked upon as a determinant of the foot of a verse: confer, compare प्रायोर्थो वृत्तमित्येते पादज्ञानस्य हेतवः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XVII 16. It is generally looked upon as the determinant of a word (पद). A unit or element of a word which is possessed of an independent sense is looked upon as a Pada in the old Grammar treatises; confer, compare अर्थः पदमिति ऐन्द्रे; confer, compare also अर्थः पदम् Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.III.2, explained by उव्वट as अर्थाभिधायि पदम् । पद्यते गम्यते ज्ञायतेSर्थोनेनेति पदम् । There is no difference of opinion regarding the fact that, out of the four standard kinds of words नाम, आख्यात, उपसर्ग and निपात, the first two kinds नाम and अाख्यात do possess an independent sense of their own. Regarding possession of sense and the manner in which the sense is conveyed, by the other two viz. the Upasargas (prepositions) and Nipātas (particles) there is a striking difference of opinion among scholars of grammar. Although Pāṇini has given the actual designation पद to words ending with either the case or the conjugational affixes, he has looked upon the different units or elements of a Pada such as the base, the affix, the augment and the like as possessed of individually separate senses. There is practically nothing in Pāṇini's sūtras to prove that Nipātas and Upasargas do not possess an independent sense. Re: Nipātas, the rule चादयोऽसत्वे, which means that च and other indeclinables are called Nipātas when they do not mean सत्त्व, presents a riddle as to the meaning which च and the like should convey if they do not mean सत्त्व or द्रव्य id est, that is a substance. The Nipātas cannot mean भाव or verbal activity and if they do not mean सत्व or द्रव्य, too, they will have to be called अनर्थक (absolutely meaningless) and in that case they would not be termed Prātipadika, and no caseaffix would be applied to them. To avoid this difficulty, the Vārtikakāra had to make an effort and he wrote a Vārtika निपातस्य अनर्थकस्य प्रातिपदिकत्वम् । P. I.2.45 Vār. 12. As a matter of fact the Nipātas च, वा and others do possess a sense as shown by their presence and absence (अन्वय and व्यतिरेक). The sense, however, is conveyed rather in a different manner as the word समूह, or समुदाय, which is the meaning conveyed by च in रामः कृष्णश्च, cannot be substituted for च as its Synonym in the sentence राम: कुष्णश्च. Looking to the different ways in which their sense is conveyed by nouns and verbs on the one hand, and by affixes, prepositions and indeclinables on the other hand, Bhartṛhari, possibly following Yāska and Vyāḍi, has developed the theory of द्योतकत्व as contrasted with वाचकत्व and laid down the dictum that indeclinables, affixes and prepositions (उपसर्गs) do not directly convey any specific sense as their own, but they are mere signs to show some specific property or excellence of the sense conveyed by the word to which they are attached; confer, compare also the statement 'न निर्बद्धा उपसर्गा अर्थान्निराहुरिति शाकटायनः नामाख्यातयोस्तु कर्मोपसंयेगद्योतका भवन्ति । Nir 1.3. The Grammarians, just like the rhetoricians have stated hat the connection between words and their senses is a permanent one ( नित्य ), the only difference in their views being that the rhetoricians state that words are related; no doubt permanently, to their sense by means of संकेत or convention which solely depends on the will of God, while the Grammarians say that the expression of sense is only a natural function of words; confer, compare 'अभिधानं पुनः स्वाभाविकम्' Vārttika No.33. on P. I.2.64. For द्योतकत्व see Vākyapadīya of Bhartṛhari II. 165-206.
arthavadgrahaṇaparibhāṣāa well known maxim or Paribha of grammarians fully stated as अर्थवद्ग्रहणे नानर्थकस्य ग्रहणम्, deduced from the phrase अर्थवद्ग्रहणात् frequently used by the Vārttikakāra. The Paribhāṣā lays down that 'when a combination of letters employed in Grammar, is possessed of a sense, it has to be taken as possessed of sense and not such an one as is devoid of sense.'
aṣṭādhyāyīname popularly given to the Sūtrapāṭha of Pāṇini consisting of eight books (adhyāyas) containing in all 3981 Sūtras,as found in the traditional recital, current at the time of the authors of the Kāśika. Out of these 398l Sūtras, seven are found given as Vārtikas in the Mahābhāṣya and two are found in Gaṇapāṭha.The author of the Mahābhāṣya has commented upon only 1228 of these 3981 sūtras. Originally there were a very few differences of readings also, as observed by Patañjali ( see Mbh on I.4.1 ); but the text was fixed by Patañjali which, with a few additions made by the authors of the Kāśika,as observed a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page., has traditionally come down to the present day. The Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. is believed to be one of the six Vedāṅga works which are committed to memory by the reciters of Ṛgveda. The text of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. is recited without accents. The word अष्टाध्यायी was current in Patañjali's time; confer, compare शिष्टज्ञानार्था अष्टाध्यायी Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on VI. 3.109.
asiddhainvalid; of suspended validity for the time being: not functioning for the time being. The term is frequently used in Pāṇini's system of grammar in connection with rules or operations which are prevented, or held in suspense, in connection with their application in the process of the formation of a word. The term (असिद्ध) is also used in connection with rules that have applied or operations that have taken place, which are, in certain cases, made invalid or invisible as far as their effect is concerned and other rules are applied or other operations are allowed to take place, which ordinarily have been prevented by those rules which are made invalid had they not been invalidatedition Pāṇini has laid down this invalidity on three different occasions (1) invalidity by the rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् VIII.2.1. which makes a rule or operation in the second, third and fourth quarters of the eighth chapter of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. invalid when any preceding rule is to be applied, (2) invalidity by the rule असिद्धवदत्राभात् which enjoins mutual invalidity in the case of operations prescribed in the Ābhīya section beginning with the rule असिद्धवत्राभात् (VI. 4.22.) and going on upto the end of the Pāda (VI.4.175), (3) invalidity of the single substitute for two letters, that has already taken place, when ष् is to be substituted for स्, or the letter त् is to be prefixed, confer, compare षत्वतुकोरसिद्धः (VI. 1.86). Although Pāṇini laid down the general rule that a subsequent rule or operation, in case of conflict, supersedes the preceding rule, in many cases it became necessary for him to set, that rule aside, which he did by means of the stratagem of invalidity given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. Subsequent grammarians found out a number of additional cases where it became necessary to supersede the subseguent rule which they did by laying down a dictum of invalidity similar to that of Pāṇini. The author of the Vārttikas, hence, laid down the doctrine that rules which are nitya or antaraṅga or apavāda, are stronger than, and hence supersede, the anitya, bahiraṅga and utsarga rules respectively. Later gram marians have laid down in general, the invalidity of the bahiraṅga rule when the antaraṅga rule occurs along with it or subsequent to it. For details see Vol. 7 of Vvyākaraṇa Mahābhāṣya(D. E. Society's edition) pages 217-220. See also Pari. Śek. Pari. 50.
aātmanebhāṣaa technical term used for such roots as speak for the agent himself; the term अात्मनेभाष means the same as the term अात्मनेपदिन्. The term अात्मनेभाष is not mentioned by Pāṇini; but the writer of the Vārtikas explains it, confer, compare आत्मनेभाषपरस्मैभाषयोरुपसंख्यानम् P. VI.3.7 and 8 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 1; confer, compare also आत्मनेपदिनश्च धातवो वैयाकरणैरात्मनेभाषशब्देन व्यवह्रियन्ते,Kaiyaṭa on VI.3.7.The term is found in the Atharva-Prātiśākhya. III. 4.7. It cannot be said whether the term came in use after Pāṇini or, although earlier, it belonged to some school other than that of Pāṇini or, Pāṇini put into use the terms Ātmanepada and Parasmaipada for the affixes as the ancient terms Ātmanebhāṣa and Parasmaibhāṣa were in use for the roots.
āpatyapatronymic affix such as अण् and others. The term अापत्य, which is the same as the usual term अपत्य in तस्यापत्यम् P.IV.I, is found sometimes used in the Vārttikas and in the Mahābhāṣya; confer, compare आयत्याज्जीवद्वंश्यात्स्वार्थे द्वितीयो युवसंज्ञ: P.IV.1.163 Vārt 6.
ika(1)substitute for the affix ठ given as ठक्, ठञ् or ञिठ् by Pāṇini; confer, compare ठस्येकः P.VII.3.50; (2) taddhita affix इकक्, इकन् षिकन् mentioned in . the Vārtikas on P.IV.2.60; (3) kṛt (affix). affix इक applied to खन् exempli gratia, for example आखानिकः confer, compare इको वक्तव्यः P.III.3.125 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3.
ikakthe same affix as ठक् mentioned by the वार्तिककार in the Vārtikas on P.IV.2.60.
iṣṭaa word frequently used in the Vārttikas and the Mahābhāṣya and other treatises in the senses of (1) a desired object, (2) a desired purpose, (3) a desired statement, (4) a desired form id est, that is the correct form : confer, compare इष्टान्वाख्यानं खल्वपि भवति: Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).I.1. Āhnika of the Pātañjala Mahābhāṣya. 1. योगविभागादिष्टसिद्धिः Pari.Śek. Pari. 114.
iṣṭia word generally used in the statements made in the Mahā bhāṣya, similar to those of the Sūtrakāra and the Vārttikakāras, which are 'desired ones' with a view to arrive at the correct forms of words; confer, compare प्राप्तिज्ञो देवानांप्रियो न त्विाष्टिज्ञः, इष्यत एतद् रूपमिति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on II. 4.56.
uktaprescribed, taught, lit, said (already). उक्तं वा is a familiar expression in the Mahābhāṣya and the Vārttikas referring usually to something already expresseditionSometimes this expression in the Mahābhāṣya, referring to something which is not already expressed, but which could be found subsequently expressed, leads to the conclusion that the Mahābhāṣyakāra had something like a 'Laghubhāṣya' before him at the time of teaching the Mahābhāṣya. See Kielhorn's Kātyāyana and Patañjali, also Mahābhāṣya D.E. S.Ed. Vol. VII, pages 71, 72.
uktārthaa word or expression whose sense has been already expressedition The expression उक्तार्थानामप्रयोगः is frequently used in the Mahābhāṣya and the Vārttikas and cited as a Paribhāṣā or a salutary conventional maxim against repetition of words in the Paribhāṣāpāṭhas of Vyādi (Par. 51), Candragomin (Par 28) and Kātantra (Par. 46) and Kālāpa-vyākaraṇasūtra. (Par. 46) grammars.
uṇādiaffixes headed by the affix उण्, which are similar to kṛt affixes of Pāṇini, giving derivation mostly of such words as are not derived by rules of Pāṇini. No particular sense such as agent, object et cetera, and others is mentioned in connection with these affixes, but, as Pāṇini has stated in 'ताभ्यामन्यत्रोणादयः P.III. 4.75, the various Uṇādi affixes are applied to the various roots as prescribed in any Kāraka sense, except the संप्रदान and the अपादान; in other words, any one of the senses, agent, object, instrument and abode, is assigned to the Uṇādi affix as suits the meaning of the word. Although some scholars believe that the Uṇādi affixes are given by a grammarian later than Pāṇini as there are words like ताम्बूल, दीनार and others included in the list of Uṇādi words and that there are many interpolated Sūtras, still the Uṇādi collection must be looked upon as an old one which is definitely mentioned by Pāṇini in two different rules; confer, compare Pāṇini उणादयो बहुलम् P. III.3.1 and ताभ्यामन्यत्रोणादयः III.4.76. Patañjali has given a very interesting discussion about these Uṇādi affixes and stated on the strength of the Vārttika, तत्रोणादिप्रतिषेधः, that these affixes and the words given in the Uṇādi collection should not be considered as genuinely deriveditionThe derivation is not a very systematic and logically correct one and therefore for practical purposes, the words derived by the application of the affixes उण् and others should be looked upon as underived; confer, compare उणादयोSव्युत्पन्नानि प्रातिपदिकानि. Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on. P.I.1.16, III.4.77, IV.1.1, VI.1.62, VII.1.2, VII.2.8 et cetera, and others There is a counterstatement also seen in the Mahābhāṣya उणादयो व्युत्पन्नानि, representing the other view prevailing at the time; confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on III.I.133; but not much importance seems to be attached to it. The different systems of grammar have different collections of such words which are also known by the term Uṇādi. Out of the collections belonging to Pāṇini's system, three collections are available at present, the collection into five pādas given in the printed edition of the Siddhānta Kaumudi, the collection into ten Pādas given in the printed edition of the Prakriya-Kaumudi and the collection in the Sarasvatīkaṇthābharaṇa of Bhoja forming Pādas 1, 2 and 3 of the second Adhyāya of the work.
upagrahaa term used by the ancient grammarians in the sense of the Parasmaipada and the Ātmanepada affixes. The word is not found in Pāṇini's Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī.. The Vārttikakāra has used the word in his Vārttika उपग्रहप्रतिषेधश्च on P. III.2.127 evidently in the sense of Pada affixes referring to the Ātmanepada as explained by Kaiyaṭa in the words उपग्रहस्य आत्मनेपदसंज्ञाया इत्यर्थ: । The word occurs in the Ślokavārttika सुप्तिङुपग्रहलिङ्गनराणां quoted by Patañjali in his Mahābhāṣya on व्यत्ययो बहुलम् P. III. 1.85, where Nāgeśa writes लादेशव्यङ्ग्यं स्वार्थत्वादि । इह तत्प्रतीतिनिमित्ते परस्मै-पदात्मनेपदे उपग्रहशब्देन लक्षणयोच्येते । The word is found in the sense of Pada in the Mahābhāṣya on P. III. 1.40. The commentator on Puṣpasūtra explains the word as उपगृह्यते समीपे पठ्यते इति उपग्रहः. The author of the Kāśikā on P. VI. 2.134 has cited the reading चूर्णादीन्यप्राण्युपग्रहात् instead of चूर्णादीन्यप्राणिषष्ठ्याः and made the remark तत्रेापग्रह इति षष्ठ्यन्तमेव पूर्वाचार्योपचारेण गृह्यते. This remark shows that in ancient times उपग्रह meant षष्ठ्यन्त i. e. a word in the genitive case. This sense gave rise to, or was based upon, an allied sense, viz. the meaning of 'षष्ठी' i. e. possession. Possibly the sense 'possession' further developed into the further sense 'possession of the fruit or result for self or others' referring to the तिङ् affixes which possessed that sense. The old sense 'षष्ठ्यन्त' of the word 'उपग्रह' having gone out of use, and the sense 'पद' having come in vogue, the word षष्ठी' must have been substituted for the word 'उपग्रह' by some grammarians before the time of the Kāśikākāras. As Patañjali has dropped the Sūtra (VI. 2.134), it cannot be said definitely whether the change of reading took place before Patañjali or after him.
upasaṃkhyānamention, generally of the type of the annexation of some words to words already given, or of some limiting conditions or additions to what has been already statedition The word is often found at the end of the statements made by the Vārttikakāra on the sūtras of Pāṇini.: confer, compare P.I.1.29 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 1: I.1.36 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3 et cetera, and others The words वाच्य and वक्तव्य are also similarly useditionThe word is found similarly used in the Mahābhāṣya also very frequently.
upasargapreposition, prefix. The word उसपर्ग originally meant only 'a prefixed word': confer, compare सोपसर्गेषु नामसु Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XVI. 38. The word became technically applied by ancient Sanskrit Gratmmarians to the words प्र, परा, अप, सम् et cetera, and others which are always used along with a verb or a verbal derivative or a noun showing a verbal activity; confer, compare उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे P. I. 4.59. 'These prefixes are necessariiy compounded with the following word unless the latter is a verbal form; confer, compare कुगतिप्रादयः P.II. 2.18. Although they are not compounded with a verbal form, these prepositions are used in juxtaposition with it; sometimes they are found detached from the verbal form even with the intervention of one word or more. The prefixes are instrumental in changing the meaning of the root. Some scholars like Śākaṭāyana hold the view that separated from the roots, prefixes do not express any specific sense as ordinary words express, while scholars like Gārgya hold the view that prefixes do express a sense e. g. प्र means beginning or प्रारम्भ; confer, compare न निर्बद्धा उपसर्गा अर्थान्निराहुरिति शाकटायनः । नामाख्यातयोस्तु कर्मोपसंयोगद्योतका भवन्ति । उच्चावचाः पदार्था भवन्तीति गार्ग्यः । तद्य एषु पदार्थः प्राहुरिमं तं नामाख्यातयोरर्थविकरणम् Nirukta of Yāska.I. 8. It is doubtful, however, which view Pāṇini himself held. In his Ātmanepada topic, he has mentioned some specific roots as possessing some specific senses when preceded by some specific prefixes (see P. I. 3.20, 24, 25, 40, 4l, 46, 52, 56, et cetera, and others), which implies possibly that roots themselves possess various senses, while prefixes are simply instrumental in indicating or showing them. On the other hand, in the topic of the Karmapravacanīyas,the same words प्र, परा et cetera, and others which, however, are not termed Upasargas for the time being, although they are called Nipātas, are actually assigned some specific senses by Pāṇini. The Vārttikakāra has defined उपसर्ग as क्रियाविशेषक उपसर्गः P. I. 3.I. Vārt 7, leaving it doubtful whether the उपसर्ग or prefix possesses an independent sense which modifies the sense of the root, or without possessing any independent sense, it shows only the modified sense of the root which also is possessed by the root. Bhartṛhari, Kaiyaṭa and their followers including Nāgeśa have emphatically given the view that not only prefixes but Nipātas, which include प्र, परा and others as Upasargas as well as Karmapravacanīyas, do not denote any sense, but they indicate it; they are in fact द्योतक and not वाचक. For details see Nirukta of Yāska.I. 3, Vākyapadīya II. 190, Mahābhāṣya on I. 3.1. Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 7 and Kaiyaṭa's Mahābhāṣyapradīpa.and Mahābhāṣya-Pradīpoddyota by Nāgeśa.thereon. The Ṛk Prātiśākhya has discussed the question in XII. 6-9 where, as explained by the commentator, it is stated that prefixes express a sense along with roots or nouns to which they are attachedition It is not clear whether they convey the sense by denotation or indication, the words वाचक in stanza 6 and विशेषकृत् in stanza 8 being in favour of the former and the latter views respectively; cf उपसर्गा विंशतिरर्थवाचकाः सहेतराभ्यामितरे निपाताः; क्रियावाचकभाख्यातमुपसर्गो विशेषकृत्, सत्त्वाभिधायकं नाम निपातः पादपूरणः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XII. st. 6 and 8. For the list of upasargas see Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XII. 6, Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.I. 15, Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.VI.24, and S. K. on P. I.4.60.
ekaśeṣaa kind of composite formation in which only one of the two or more words compounded together subsists, the others being elided; confer, compare एकः शिष्यते इतरे निवर्तन्ते वृक्षश्च वृक्षश्च वृक्षौ । Kāśikā on सरूपाणामेकशेष एक-विभक्तौ P.I.2.64; confer, compare also सुरूपसमुदायाद्धि विभक्तिर्या विधीयते । एकस्तत्रार्थवान् सिद्धः समुदायस्य वाचकः ।। Bhāṣāvṛtti on P. I. 2.64. There is a dictum of grammarians that every individual object requires a separate expression to convey its presence. Hence, when there is a dual sense, the word has to be repeated, as also the word has to be multiplied when there is a plural sense. In current spoken language, however, in such cases the word is used only once. To justify this single utterance for conveying the sense of plurality, Pāṇini has laid down a general rule सरूपाणामेकशेष एकविभक्तौ and many other similar rules to cover cases of plurality not of one and the same object, but plurality cased by many objects, such as plurality caused by ideas going in pairs or relations such as parents, brothers and sisters, grand-father and grand-son, male and female. For example, see the words वृक्षश्च वृक्षश्च वृक्षौ; Similarly वृक्षाः for many trees, पितरौ for माता च पिता च; देवौ for देवी च देवश्च; confer, compare also the words श्वशुरौ, भ्रातरौ, गार्ग्यौ (for गार्ग्य and गार्ग्यायण),आवाम् (for त्वं च अहं च), यौ (for स च यश्च) and गावः feminine. अजा feminine. अश्वाः masculine gender. irrespective of the individuals being some males and some females. Pāṇini has devoted 10 Sūtras to this topic of Ekaśeṣa. The Daiva grammar has completely ignored this topic. Patanjali has very critically and exhaustively discussed this topic. Some critics hold that the topic of एकशेघ did not exist in the original Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. of Pāṇini but it was interpolated later on, and adduce the long discussion in the Mahābhāṣya especially the Pūrvapakṣa therein, in support of their argument. Whatever the case be, the Vārttikakāra has commented upon it at length; hence, the addition must have been made immediately after Pāṇini, if at all there was any. For details see Mahābhāṣya on I.1.64 to 73 as also,Introduction p. 166-167, Vol.7 of the Mahābhāṣya published by the D. E. Society, Poona.
aupasaṃkhyānikasubsequently stated by way of addition or modification as done by the Vārttikakāras; confer, compare औपसंख्यानिकस्य णस्यापवादंः । आरण्यको मनुष्यः Kāś on P.IV.2.129; confer, compare also Kāś. on V.1.29 and VI.3.41.
kātantraname of an important small treatise on grammar which appears like a systematic abridgment of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. of Pāṇini. It ignores many unimportant rules of Pāṇini, adjusts many, and altogether omits the Vedic portion and the accent chapter of Pāṇini. It lays down the Sūtras in an order different from that of Pāṇini dividing the work into four adhyāyas dealing with technical terms, saṁdhi rules,declension, syntax compounds noun-affixes ( taddhita affixes ) conjugation, voice and verbal derivatives in an order. The total number of rules is 1412 supplemented by many subordinate rules or Vārttikas. The treatise is believed to have been written by Śarvavarman, called Sarvavarman or Śarva or Sarva, who is said to have lived in the reign of the Sātavāhana kings. The belief that Pāṇini refers to a work of Kalāpin in his rules IV. 3.108 and IV.3.48 and that Patañjali's words कालापम् and माहवार्तिकम् support it, has not much strength. The work was very popular especially among those who wanted to study spoken Sanskrit with ease and attained for several year a very prominent place among text-books on grammar especially in Bihar, Bengal and Gujarat. It has got a large number of glosses and commentary works, many of which are in a manuscript form at present. Its last chapter (Caturtha-Adhyāya) is ascribed to Vararuci. As the arrangement of topics is entirely different from Pāṇini's order, inspite of considerable resemblance of Sūtras and their wording, it is probable that the work was based on Pāṇini but composed on the models of ancient grammarians viz. Indra, Śākaṭāyana and others whose works,although not available now, were available to the author. The grammar Kātantra is also called Kālāpa-vyākaraṇasūtra.. A comparison of the Kātantra Sūtras and the Kālāpa-vyākaraṇasūtra. Sūtras shows that the one is a different version of the other. The Kātantra Grammar is also called Kaumāra as it is said that the original 1nstructions for the grammar were received by the author from Kumāra or Kārttikeya. For details see Vol. VII Patañjala Mahābhāṣya published by the D.E. Society, Poona, page 375.
kātya(1)another name sometimes given to Katyāyana to whom is ascribed the composition of the Vārttikas on Pāṇini-sūtras; (2) an ancient writer Kātya quoted as a lexicographer by Kṣīrasvāmin, Hemacandra and other writers.
kātyāyanathe well-known author of the Vārttikas on the sūtras of Pāṇini. He is also believed to be the author of the Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya and many sūtra works named after him. He is believed to be a resident of South India on the strength of the remark प्रियतद्धिता दाक्षिणात्याः made by Patañjali in connection with the statement 'यथा लौकिकवैदिकेषु' which is looked upon as Kātyāyana's Vārttika. Some scholars say that Vararuci was also another name given to him, in which case the Vārttikakāra Vararuci Kātyāyana has to be looked upon as different from the subsequent writer named Vararuci to whom some works on Prakrit and Kātantra grammar are ascribedition For details see The Volume of the introduction in Marathi to the Pātañjala Mahābhāṣya, written by K. V. Abhyankar and published by the O. E. Society, Poona.. pages I93-223 published by the D. E.Society, Poona.See also वार्तिकपाठ below.
kāraan affix, given in the Prātiśākhya works and,by Kātyāyana also in his Vārttika, which is added to a letter or a phonetic element for convenience of mention; exempli gratia, for example इकारः, उकारः ; confer, compare वर्णः कारोत्तरो वर्णाख्या; वर्णकारौ निर्देशकौ Tai. Pra.I. 16: XXII.4.;confer, compare also Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.1.37. It is also applied to syllables or words in a similar way to indicate the phonetic element of the word as apart from the sense of the word: e. g.' यत एवकारस्ततीन्यत्रावधारणम् Vyak. Paribhāṣā , confer, compare also the words वकार:, हिंकारः: (2) additional purpose served by a word such as an adhikāra word; confer, compare अधिकः कारः , पूर्वविप्रतिषेघा न पठितव्या भवन्ति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.I.3.11.
kīlhārnKielhorn F., a sound scholar of Sanskrit Grammar who brought out excellent editions of the Pātañjala Mahābhāṣya and the Paribhāṣenduśekhara and wrote an essay on the Vārttikas of Kātyāyana. For details see Pātañjala Mahābhāṣya Vol VII.p.40, D. E society edition, Poona.
kṛdgrahaṇamention of a kṛt id est, that is of a word ending with a kṛt affix. The word mainly occurs in the Paribhāṣā कृद्ग्रहणे गतिकारकपूर्वस्यापि ग्रहणम् which occurs first as an expression of the Vārttikakāra (P.I.4.13 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 9) and has been later on given as a Paribhāṣā by later grammarians (Pari. Śek. Pari.28).The Paribhāṣā is referred to as वृद्ब्रह्मणपरिभाषा in later grammar works especially commentary works.
kṛllukthe elision of a kṛt affix: the word is found used along with the words प्रकृतिप्रत्यापत्तिः, and प्रकृतिवत् कारकं भवति in the Vārttika अाख्यानात्कृतस्तदाचष्टे इतेि कृल्लुक् प्रकृतिप्रत्यापत्तिः प्रकृतिवच्च कारकम् by means of which the phrase कंसं घातयति is formed for the sentence कंसवधमाचष्टे.
krukankṛt affix रुक; e.g, भीरुकः; confer, compare(भियः) क्रुकन्नपि वक्तव्यः P.III.2.174 Vārttika.
kroṣṭrīyaan ancient school of grammarians who are believed to have written rules or Vārttikas on some rules of Pāṇini to modify them; the क्रोष्ट्रीय school is quoted in the Mahābhāṣya; confer, compare परिभाषान्तरमिति च मत्वा क्रोष्ट्रीयाः पठन्ति । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I.1.3.
klībatvaa word used in the sense of 'neuter gender' by grammarians later than पतञ्जलि and the Vārttikakāra; confer, compare समभागे क्लीबलिङ्गमर्धमेकदेशिना समस्यते Bhāṣā Vr. on P.II.2.2; पक्षे हि क्लीबत्वम् Kaiyaṭa's Pr. on II.1. 51; समाहारद्वन्द्वे क्लीबत्वप्रसङ्गात् Durgh. Vr. on P.II.4.l7.
ksa(1)aorist vikaraṇa affix substituted for च्लि; confer, compare P.III.1.45, 46; e. g. अदृक्षत्, आश्लिक्षत्, अधुक्षत् confer, compare Kāś. on P.III.1.45,46; (2) kṛt affix स applied to the root दृश् preceded by a pronoun such as त्यद्, तद् et cetera, and others exempli gratia, for example यादृक्षः, तादृक्ष: et cetera, and others confer, compare दृशेः क्सश्च वक्तव्य: P.III.2.60 Vārttika. (3) affix स applied to the root गाह् or ख्या or कव् to form the noun कक्ष; confer, compare कक्षो गाहतेः क्स इति नामकरण: ख्यातेर्वा कषतेर्वा Nirukta of Yāska.II.2.
khataddhita affix. affix, always changed into ईन, (l) applied to the word कुल in the sense of a descendant, exempli gratia, for example कुलीनः, आढ्यकुलीन:; confer, compare P. IV. 1.139; (2) applied to the words अवार, पार, पारावार and अवारपार in the Śaīṣika senses, e. g. अवारीणः, पारीणः et cetera, and others; confer, compare P.IV.2.93 and Vārttikas 2, 3 on it; (3) applied to words ending in the word वर्ग ( which does not mean 'sound' or 'letter' ) in the sense of 'present there,' e. g. वासुदेववर्गीणः, युधिष्ठिरवर्गीणः; confer, compare P. IV. 3.64; (4) applied to the words सर्वधुर and एकधुर in the sense of 'bearing,' and to ओजसू , वेशोभग, यशोभग and पूर्व, exempli gratia, for example ओजसीनः et cetera, and others, confer, compare P.IV.4.78, 79, 130, 132, 133; (5) applied in the sense of 'favourable to' to the words आत्मन् , विश्वजन, et cetera, and others (P.V.1.9), to विंशतिक, (32) to अाढक, अाचित, पात्र and others (53-55), to समा (85-86), to रात्रि, अहन् , संवत्सर and वर्ष (87-88) and संवत्सर and परिवत्सर (92); e. g. आत्मनीनः, आढकीनः पात्रीणः, समीनः, संवत्सरीणः et cetera, and others; (6) to the words सर्वचर्मन्, यथामुख et cetera, and others e. g. सर्वचर्मीणः confer, compare P.V. 2.5 to 17; (7) to the words अषडक्ष, अशितंगु et cetera, and others confer, compare P.V.4.7,8. e. g. अषडक्षीणः. (8) ख is also a technical term in the sense of elision or लोप in the Jainendra Grammar confer, compare Jain I. 1.61. (9) The word ख is used in the sense of 'glottis' or the hole of the throat ( गलबिल ) in the ancient Prātiṣākhya works.
khyunkṛt affix अन applied to the root कृ in the sense of an instrument when preceded by the words अाढ्य, सुभग, स्थूल et cetera, and others provided the whole word is similar in sense to cvi-formation ( च्व्यर्थ ), exempli gratia, for example अाढ्यं करणम् , सुभगंकरणम्; confer, compare P. III. 2.56; feminine. अाढ्यंकरणी, confer, compare नञ्स्नञीकक्ख्युंस्तरुणतलुनानामुपसंख्यानम् P.IV.1.15.Vārttika.
garīyasinvolving a special effort.The word is frequently used by the Vārttikakāra and old grammarians in connection with something, which involves greater effort and longer expression and, hence, not commendable in rules of the Shastra works where brevity is the soul of 'wit'; confer, compare पदगौरवाद्योगवेिभागो गरीयान् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 121. The word गुरु is also sometimes used in a similar sense; confer, compare तद् गुरु भवति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). I.1 Āhnika of the Pātañjala Mahābhāṣya. l Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 2.
gonardīyaliterally inhabitant of Gonarda which was the name of a district. in the province of Oudh in the days of the Mahabhasyakara according to some scholars. Others believe that Gonarda was the name of the district named Gonda at present The expression गोनर्दीय अाह occurs four times in the Mahabhasya where it refers to a scholar of grammar in Patafijali's time; cf M.Bh. on I. 1.21 ; I. 1.29; III. I.92; VII. 2.101. As Kaiyata paraphrases the words गेानर्दीयस्त्वाह as भाष्यकारस्त्वाह, scholars say that गेीनर्दीय was the name taken by the Mahabhasyakara himself who was a resident of Gonarda. Hari Diksita, however, holds that गोनर्दीय was the term used for the author of the . Varttikas; confer, compare Brhacchabdaratna.
cekīyitathe sign य ( यङ् of Panini ) of the frequentative or intensive. The word is mostly used in the Katantra Grammar works confer, compare धातोर्यशब्दश्चेक्रीयितं क्रियासमभिहारे, Kat. III. 2. 14. The word चेक्रीयित is used in the Mahabhasya in the sense of यङन्त where Kaiyata remarks थडः पूर्वाचार्यसंज्ञा चेकीयितमिति confer, compare प्रदीप on M.Bh. on P. IV.1.78 Vartika. The word चेकीयितान्त means यङन्त in Panini’s terminology meaning a secondary root derived from the primary root in the sense of intensity. The word चर्करीतान्त is used for the frequentative bases in which य, the sign of the frequentative, is omittedition See चर्करीत।
jit(l)literally affix marked with the mute letter ज्; e. g. जस्, जसि, जुस्. the word जित् is not however found used in this sense; (2) a word supposed to be marked with the mute indicatory letter ज्.The word is used in this sense by the Varttikakara saying that such a word does not denote itself but its synonyms; confer, compare जित् पर्यायवचनस्यैव राजांद्यर्थम् P.I.1.68 Vart. 7. In the Sutra सभा राजामनुष्यपूर्वा P.II. 4. 23, the word राजन् is supposed to be जित् and hence it denotes इन्, ईश्वर et cetera, and others; but not the word राजन् itself; (3) In the Pratisakhya works जित् means the first two consonants of each class (वर्ग); exempli gratia, for example क्, ख्,च्, छ्. et cetera, and others which are the same as खय् letters in Panini's terminology; confer, compare द्वौ द्वौ प्रथमौ जित्, V. Pr.I.50;III.13.
jhacwording of the affix झ (see a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.) suggested by the Varttikakara to have the last vowel of अन्त acute, by चितः (P.VI.1.163) the property चित्व being transferred from the original झ to अन्त; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. तथा च झचश्चित्करणमर्थवद् भवति on P.VII.1.3.
jhita term, meaning 'having झ् as इत्' used by the Varttikakra in connection with those words in the rules of Panini which themselves as well as words referring to their special kinds, are liable to undergo the prescribed operation; confer, compare झित् तस्य च तद्विशेषाणां च मत्स्याद्यर्थम्। पक्षिमत्स्यमृगान् हन्ति। मात्त्प्यिक;। तद्विशेषाणाम्। शाफरिकः शाकुलिकः । M.Bh.on P.I. 1. 68 Vart. 8.
ñiṭhataddhita affix. affix इक added to words headed by काशी as also to words meaning a village in the Vahika country optionally with the affix ठञ् in the Saisika senses;exempli gratia, for example काशिका, काशिकी, बैदिका, बेदिकी, शाकलिकां, शाकलिकी. The affixes ठञ् and ञिठ are added to the word काल preceded by आपद् as also by some other words; e. g. आपत्कालिका, अापत्कालिकी तात्कालिका, तात्कालिकी et cetera, and others; confer, compare P. IV.2. 116,117,118 and Varttika on IV. 2.116.
ḍarakrt affix अर added to the root खन् in the sense of 'instrument' or 'location' exempli gratia, for example आखरः, confer, compare P.III.3. 125 Vartika.
ṇa(1)krt affix अ, added optionally to the roots headed by ज्वल् and ending with कस् in the first conjugation (see ज्वलिति a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.) in the sense of agent, and necessarily to the root श्यै, roots ending with अा and the roots व्यध्, आस्रु, संस्रु, इ with अति, सो with अव, हृ with अव, लिह्, श्लिष् and श्वस्, to the roots दु and नी without any prefix and optionally to ग्रह्: e. g. ज्वालः or ज्वलः, अवश्यायः, दायः, धायः, व्याधः, अास्त्रावः, संस्त्रवः, अत्यायः, अवसायः, अवहार:, लेहः, श्लेष:, श्वास:, दावः, नाय:, ग्रहः or ग्राहः: ; in the case of the root ग्रह् the affix ण is applied by ब्यवस्थितविभाषा, the word ग्रहः meaning a planet and the word ग्राहः meaning a crocodile; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III. 1.140-143; (2) krt affix अ in the sense of verbal activity ( भाव ) applied along with the affix अप् to the root अद् with नि; exempli gratia, for exampleन्यादः निघसः; confer, compare P. III.3.60; (3) krt affix ण prescribed by the Varttikakara after the roots तन्, शील्. काम, भक्ष् and चर् with आ; confer, compare P.III.1.140 Vart 1, and III. 2.l Vart. 7; (4) taddhita affix. affix अ in the sense of अपत्य added along with टक् also, to a word referring to a female descendant (गेीत्रस्त्री) if the resultant word indicates censure ; e. g. गार्भ्यः गार्गिकः confer, compare P. IV.1.147, 150; (5) taddhita affix. affix अ in the sense of अपत्य added also with the affix फिञ्, to the word फाण्टाहृति: (6) taddhita affix. affix अ in the sense of 'a game' added to a word meaning 'an instrument in the game'; exempli gratia, for example दाण्डा, मौष्टा: confer, compare P. IV.2.57: {7) taddhita affix. affix अ added to the word छत्त्र and others in the sense of 'habituated to' exempli gratia, for example छात्र:, शैक्षः, पौरोहः चौर:: confer, compare P.IV. 4.62: (8) taddhita affix. affix अ added to the words अन्न, भक्त, सर्व, पथिन् , यथाकथाच, प्रज्ञा, श्रद्धा, अर्चा, वृत्तिं and अरण्य in the senses specified with respect to each ; exempli gratia, for example आन्नः (मनुष्यः) भाक्तः ( शालिः ), सार्वे ( सर्वस्मै हितम् ), पान्थः, याथाकथाचं (कार्यम्), प्राज्ञः or प्रज्ञावान् , श्राद्धः or श्रद्धावान् , अार्चः or अर्चावान् , घार्त्तः or वृत्तिमान् and अारण्याः ( सुमनसः ); confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.IV. 4.85, 100, V.1.10, 76, 98, V.2.101 and IV.2.104 Varttika.
ṇastaddhita affix. affix अस् applied to the word पर्शू in the sense of collection. The original Varttika is पर्श्वाः सण् P. IV. 2. 43 Vart. 3. Some scholars read णस् in the place of सण् in the Varttika which is read as पर्श्वा णम् वक्तव्यः by them.
ṇicaffix इ causing Vrddhi (1) applied to roots of the tenth conjugation ( चुरादिगण ) such as चुर् , चित् et cetera, and others e. g. चोरयति, चोरयते; confer, compare P. III. 1.25: (2) applied to any root to form a causal base from it, e. g. भावयति from भू, गमयति from गम्: confer, compare हेतुमति च P. III. 1.26: (3) applied to the words मुण्ड, मिश्र etc, in the sense of making, doing, practising et cetera, and others ( करण ); e. g. मुण्डं करोति मुण्डयति, व्रतयति (eats something or avoids it as an observance), हलं गृह्नाति हलयति et cetera, and others; cf P. III. 1.21; (4) applied to the words सत्य, पाश, रूप, वीणा, तूल, श्लोक, सेना, लोमन, त्वच्, वर्मन्, वर्ण and चूर्ण in the various senses given by the Varttikakara to form denominative roots ending in इ: e. g. सत्यापयति, पाशयति etc; confer, compare P. III.1.25: (5) applied to suitable words in the sense of composing, exempli gratia, for example सूत्रं करोति सूत्रयति, et cetera, and others: (6)applied to a verbal noun ( कृदन्त ) in the sense of 'narrating' with the omission of the krt affix and the karaka of the verbal activity put in a suitable case; e. g. कंसं घातयति for the sentence कंसवधमाचष्टे or बलिं बन्धयति for बलिबन्धमाचष्टे,or रात्रिं विवासयति, सूर्यमुद्गमयति, पुष्येण योजयति et cetera, and others: confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III. 1.26. Roots ending in णिच् (णिजन्त) take the conjugational endings of both the Parasmaipada and the, Atmanepada: confer, compare णिचश्च P. I. 3.74. They have perfect forms by the addition of अाम् with a suitable form of the perfect tense of the root कृ, भू or अस् placed after अाम्, the word ending with अाम् and the verbal form after it being looked upon as separate words e. g. कारयां चकार कारयां चक्रे et cetera, and others; cf P. III.1.35, 40. They have the aorist form, with the substitution of the Vikarana चङ् ( अ ) for च्लि before which the root is reduplicated; e. g. अचीकरत्, अबीभवत् et cetera, and others: confer, compare P.III.1.48, VI.1.11 as also VII.4.93-97.
taṇancient term for संज्ञा and छन्दस् used by the Vartikakara: confer, compare बहुलं तणीति वक्तव्यम् । किमिदं तणीति । संज्ञाचन्दसो र्ग्रहणम् , Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. II. 4.54 Vart. 11: III. 2.8 Vart. 2; IV. 1.52. Vart. 3.
tadantavidhia peculiar feature in the interpretation of the rules of Panini, laid down by the author of the Sutras himself by virtue of which an adjectival word, qualifying its principal word, does not denote itself, but something ending with it also; confer, compare येन विधिस्तदन्तस्य P.I.1.72.This feature is principally noticed in the case of general words or adhikaras which are put in a particular rule, but which Occur in a large number of subsequent rules; for instance, the word प्रातिपदिकात्, put in P.IV.1.1, is valid in every rule upto the end of chapter V and the words अतः, उतः, यञः et cetera, and others mean अदन्ताद् , उदन्तात् , यञन्तात् et cetera, and others Similarly the words धातोः (P.III.1.91) and अङ्गस्य (P.VI. 4.1 ) occurring in a number of subsequent rules have the adjectival words to them, which are mentioned in subsequent rules, denoting not only those words,but words ending with them. In a large number of cases this feature of तदन्तविधि is not desirable, as it, goes against arriving at the desired forms, and exceptions deduced from Panini's rules are laid down by the Varttikakara and later grammarians; confer, compare Par. Sek. Pari. 16,23, 31 : also Mahabhasya on P.I.1.72.
tadādividhia convention similar to the तदन्तविधि of Panini,laid down by the Varttikakara laying down that in case an operation is prescribed for something followed by a single letter, that single letter should be taken to mean a word beginning with that single letter: confer, compare यस्मिन्विधिस्तदादावल्ग्रहणे P.I.1.72 Vart. 29: Par. Sek. Pari. 33.
taddhitaa term of the ancient prePaninian grammarians used by Panini just like सर्वनामन् or अव्यय without giving any specific definition of it. The term occurs in the Nirukta of Yaska and the Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya ; confer, compare अथ तद्वितसमासेषु एकपर्वसु चानेकपर्वसु पूर्वे पूर्वमपरमपरं प्रविभज्य निर्ब्रूयात् । द्ण्डय्ः पुरुषः । दण्डमर्हतीति वा, दण्डेन संपद्यते इति वा Nirukta of Yāska.II.2; also confer, compare तिङ्कृत्तद्धितचतुथ्यसमासाः इाब्दमयम् Vaj Prati.I. 27. It is to be noted that the word तद्वित is used by the ancient grammarians in the sense of a word derived from a substantive ( प्रातिपादक ) by the application of suffixes like अ, यत् et cetera, and others, and not in the sense of words derived from roots by affixes like अन, ति et cetera, and others which were termed नामकरण, as possibly contrasted with the word ताद्धित used by Yaska in II. 5. Panini has used the word तद्धित not for words, but for the suffixes which are added to form such words at all places (e. g. in I. 1.38, IV.1.17, 76, VI.1.61 et cetera, and others). in fact, he has begun the enumeration of taddhita affixes with the rule तद्धिता: (P.IV.1. 76) by putting the term तद्धित for affixes such as ति, ष्यङ्, अण् et cetera, and others which are mentioned thereafter. In his rule कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च and in the Varttika समासकृत्तद्धिताव्यय(I.4.1Vart. 41) which are similar to V.Pr.1. 27 quoted a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. the word तद्धित appears to be actually used for words derived from nouns by secondary affixes, along with the word कृत् which also means words derived from roots, although commentators have explained there the terms कृत् and तद्धित for कृदन्त and तद्धितान्त. The term तद्वित is evidently echoed in the Sutra तस्मै हितम् which, although it is not the first Sutra there were possibly long lists of secondary nouns with the senses of secondary suffixes, and तद्धित was perhaps,the first sense given there. The number of taddhita suffixes mentioned by Panini is quite a large one; there are in fact 1110 rules given in the taddhita section covering almost two Adhyayas viz. from P. IV. 1.76 to the end of the fifth Adhyaya. The main sub-divisions of taddhita affixes mentioned by commentators are, Apatyadyarthaka (IV. 1.92 to 178), Raktadyarthaka (IV.2.1 to 91), Saisika {IV.2. 92 to IV.3.133), Pragdivyatiya (IV. 3 134 to 168), Pragvahatiya (IV.4.1 to IV.4.74), Pragghitiya (IV.4.75 to IV.4.109), Arhiya (V.1.1 to 71),Thanadhikarastha (V. 1.72 to V. 1.1.114), Bhavakarmarthaka (V. 1.115 to V.1.136), Pancamika (V. 2.1 to V. 2.93), Matvarthiya (V. 2.94 to V. 2. 140), Vibhaktisamjaaka (V. 3.1 to V. 3.26) and Svarthika (V. 3.27 to V. 4.160). The samasanta affixes (V.4.68 to V.4.160) can be included in the Svarthika affixes.
tṛtīyāthe third case; affixes of the third case ( instrumental case or तृतीयाविभक्ति ) which are placed (1) after nouns in the sense of an instrument or an agent provided the agent is not expressed by the personal-ending of the root; e. g. देवदत्तेन कृतम्, परशुना छिनत्ति: confer, compare P. III. 3.18; (2) after nouns connected with सह्, nouns meaning defective limbs, nouns forming the object of ज्ञा with सम् as also nouns meaning हेतु or a thing capable of produc ing a result: e. g. पुत्रेण सहागतः, अक्ष्णा काणः, मात्रा संजानीते, विद्यया यशः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. II.3.19,23; (3) optionally with the ablative after nouns meaning quality, and optionally with the genitive after pronouns in the sense of हेतु, when the word हेतु is actually used e. g. पाण्डित्येन मुक्तः or पाण्डित्यान्मुक्त:; केन हेतुना or कस्य हेतोर्वसति; it is observed by the Varttikakara that when the word हेतु or its synonym is used in a sentence, a pronoun is put in any case in apposition to that word id est, that is हेतु or its synonym e.g, केन निमित्तेन, किं निमित्तम् et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. II. 3. 25, 27; (4) optionally after nouns connected with the words पृथक्, विना, नाना, after the words स्तोक, अल्प, as also after दूर, अन्तिक and their synonyms; exempli gratia, for example पृथग्देवदत्तेन et cetera, and others स्तोकेन मुक्तः, दूरेण ग्रामस्य, केशैः प्रसितः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.II.3.32, 33, 35, 44; (5) optionally with the locative case after nouns meaning constellation when the taddhita affix. affix after them has been elided; exempli gratia, for example पुष्येण संप्रयातोस्मि श्रवणे पुनरागतः Mahabharata; confer, compare P.II.3.45; (6) optionally with the genitive case after words connected with तुल्य or its synonyms; exempli gratia, for exampleतुल्यो देवदत्तेन, तुल्यो देवदत्तस्य; confer, compare P. II.3.72.
trimuni(1)the famous three ancient grammarians Panini (the author of the Sutras), Katyayana (the author of the Varttikas), and Patanjali (the author of the Mahabhasya;) (2) the grammar of Panini, called so, being the contribution of the reputed triad of Grammarians.
dūsataddhita affix. affix prescribed after the word अवि in the sense of milk(दुग्ध) along with the affixes सोढ and मरीस optionally, by the Vartikakara; e. g. अविदूसम् । अविसोढम् । अविमरीसम्; confer, compare Kas, on Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). IV. 2. 36.
dyotakaindicative, suggestive; not directly capable of expressing the sense by denotation; the nipatas and upasargas are said to be 'dyotaka' and not 'vacaka' by standard grammarians headed by the Varttikakara; confer, compare निपातस्यानर्थकस्यापि प्रातिपदिकत्वम् P.I.2.45 Varttika 12; confer, compare Kaiyata also on the a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.; cf also निपाता द्योतकाः केचित्पृथगर्थाभिधायिनः Vakyapadiya II.194;, गतिवाचकत्वमपि तस्य ( स्थाधातोः ) व्यवस्थाप्यते, उपसर्गस्तु तद्योतक एव commentary on Vakyapadiya II. 190; confer, compare पश्चाच्छ्रोतुर्बोधाय द्योतकोपसर्गसंबन्ध: Par. Sek. on Pari. 50; cf also इह स्वरादयो वाचकाः चादयो द्योतका इति भेदः Bhasa Vr. om P.I.1.37.The Karmapravacaniyas are definitely laid down as dyotaka, confer, compare क्रियाया द्योतको नायं न संबन्धस्य वाचकः । नापि क्रियापदाक्षेपीं संबन्धस्य तु भेदकः Vakyapadiya II.206; the case affixes are said to be any way, 'vacaka' or 'dyotaka'; confer, compare वाचिका द्योतिका वा स्युर्द्वित्त्वादीनां विभक्तयः Vakyapadiya II. 165.
nipātaa particle which possesses no gender and number, and the case termination after which is dropped or elidedition Nipata is given as one of the four categories of words viz नामन्, आख्यात, उपसर्ग and निपात by all the ancient writers of Pratisakhya, Vyakarana and Nirukta works;confer, compare Nirukta of Yāska.I. 4, M.Bh. on I. 1. Ahnika l, Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XII. 8 et cetera, and others The word is derived from the root पत् with नि by Yaska who has mentioned three subdivisions of Niptas उपमार्थे, कर्मोपसंग्रहार्थे and पदपूरणे; confer, compare अथ निपाताः । उच्चावचेष्वर्थेषु निपतन्ति । अप्युपमार्थे । अपि कर्मोपसंग्रह्यार्थे । अपि पदपूरणाः । Nirukta of Yāska.I. 4. The Nipatas are looked upon as possessed of no sense; confer, compare निपातः पादपूरणः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XII. 8, Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.VIII. 50, ( commentary by Uvvata ). Panini has not given any definition of the word निपात, but he has enumerated them as forming a class with च at their head in the rule चादयोऽसत्वे where the word असत्वे conveys an impression that they possess no sense, the sense being of two kinds सत्त्व and भाव, and the Nipatas not possesssing any one of the two. The impression is made rather firm by the statement of the Varttikakra'निपातस्यानर्थकस्य प्रातिपदिकत्वम्' P. I. 2. 45 Vart. 12. Thus, the question whether the Nipatas possess any sense by themselves or not, becomes a difficult one to be answeredition Although the Rkpratisakhya in XII.8 lays down that the Nipatas are expletive, still in the next verse it says that some of them do possess sense; confer, compare निपातानामर्थवशान्निपातनादनर्थकानामितरे च सार्थकाः on which Uvvata remarks केचन निपाताः सार्थकाः, केचन निरर्थकाः । The remark of Uvvata appears to be a sound one as based on actual observation, and the conflicting views have to be reconciledition This is done by Bhartrhari who lays down that Nipatas never directly convey the sense but they indicate the sense. Regarding the sense indicated by the Nipatas, it is said that the sense is never Sattva or Dravya or substance as remarked by Panini; it is a certain kind of relation and that too, is not directly expressed by them but it is indicatedition Bhoja in his Srngaraprakasa gives a very comprehensive definition of Nipata as:-जात्यादिप्रवृत्तिनिमित्तानुपग्राहित्वेनासत्त्वभूतार्थाभिधायिनः अलिङ्गसंख्याशक्तय उच्चावचेष्वर्थेषु निपतन्तीत्यव्ययविशेषा एव चादयो निपाताः । He gives six varieties of them, viz. विध्यर्थ, अर्थवादार्थ, अनुवादार्थ, निषेधार्थ, विधिनिषेधार्थ and अविधिनिषेधार्थ, and mentions more than a thousand of them. For details see Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya II. 189-206.
nipātānarthakatvathe view prominently expressed by the Varttikakara that nipatas do not possess any sense, which was modified by Bhartrhari who stated that they do possess sense which, of course, is indicated and not expressedition See निपात.
patañjalithe reputed author of the Mahābhāșya, known as the Pātañjala Mahābhāșya after him. His date is determined definitely as the second century B.C. on the strength of the internal evidence supplied by the text of the Mahābhāșya itselfeminine. The words Gonardiya and Gonikāputra which are found in the Mahābhāșya are believed to be referring to the author himself and, on their strength he is said to have been the son of Goņikā and a resident of the country called Gonarda in his days. On the strength of the internal evidence supplied by the Mahābhāșya, it can be said that Patañjali received his education at Takșaśila and that he was,just like Pāņini, very familiar with villages and towns in and near Vāhika and Gāndhāra countries. Nothing can definitely be said about his birthplace, and although it might be believed that his native place was Gonarda,its exact situation has not been defined so far. About his parentage too,no definite information is available. Tradition says that he was the foster-son of a childless woman named Gonikā to whom he was handed over by a sage of Gonarda, in whose hands he fell down from the sky in the evening at the time of the offering of water-handfuls to the Sun in the west; confer, compareपतत् + अञ्जलि, the derivation of the word given by the commentators. Apart from anecdotes and legendary information, it can be said with certainty that Patañjali was a thorough scholar of Sanskrit Grammar who had studied the available texts of the Vedic Literature and Grammar and availed himself of information gathered personally by visiting the various schools of Sanskrit Grammar and observing the methods of explanations given by teachers there. His Mahābhāșya supplies an invaluable fund of information on the ways in which the Grammar rules of Pāņini were explained in those days in the various grammar schools. This information is supplied by him in the Vārttikas which he has exhaustively given and explainedition He had a remarkable mastery over Sanskrit Language which was a spoken one at his time and it can be safely said that in respect of style, the Mahābhāșya excels all the other Bhāșyas in the different branches of learning out of which two, those of Śabaraswāmin and Śańkarācārya,are selected for comparison. It is believed by scholars that he was equally conversant with other śāstras, especially Yoga and Vaidyaka, on which he has written learned treatises. He is said to be the author of the Yogasūtras which,hence are called Pātañjala Yogasūtras, and the redactor of the Carakasamhitā. There are scholars who believe that he wrote the Mahābhāșya only, and not the other two. They base their argument mainly on the supposition that it is impossible for a scholar to have an equally unmatching mastery over three different śāstras at a time. The argument has no strength, especially in India where there are many instances of scholars possessing sound scholarship in different branches of learning. Apart from legends and statements of Cakradhara, Nāgesa and others, about his being the author of three works on three different śāstras, there is a direct reference to Patañjali's proficiency in Grammar, Yoga and Medicine in the work of King Bhoja of the eleventh century and an indirect one in the Vākyapadīya of Bhartŗhari of the seventh century A. D. There is a work on the life of Patañjali, written by a scholar of grammar of the South,named Ramabhadra which gives many stories and incidents of his life out of which it is difficult to find out the grains of true incidents from the legendary husk with which they are coveredition For details,see Patañjala Mahābhāșya D.E.Society's edition Vol. VII pages 349 to 374. See also the word महाभाष्य.
padakāraliterally one who has divided the Samhitā text of the Vedas into the Pada-text. The term is applied to ancient Vedic Scholars शाकल्य, आत्रेय, कात्यायन and others who wrote the Padapātha of the Vedic Samhitās. The term is applied possibly through misunderstanding by some scholars to the Mahābhāsyakāra who has not divided any Vedic Samhitā,but has, in fact, pointed out a few errors of the Padakāras and stated categorically that grammarians need not follow the Padapāțha, but, rather, the writers of the Padapāțha should have followed the rules of grammar. Patañjali, in fact, refers by the term पदकार to Kātyāyana, who wrote the Padapātha and the Prātiśākhya of the Vājasaneyi-Samhitā in the following statement--न लक्षणेन पदकारा अनुवर्त्याः। पदकारैर्नाम लक्षणमनुवर्त्यम्। यथालक्षणं पदं कर्तव्यम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. III.1. 109; VI. 1. 207; VIII. 2.16; confer, compare also अदीधयुरिति पदकारस्य प्रत्याख्यानपक्षे उदाहरणमुपपन्नं भवति ( परिभाषासूचन of व्याडि Pari. 42 ) where Vyādi clearly refers to the Vārtika of Kātyāyana ' दीधीवेव्योश्छन्दोविषयत्वात् ' P. I. 1.6 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). I. The misunderstanding is due to passages in the commentary of स्कन्दस्वामिन् on the Nirukta passage I. 3, उब्वटटीका on ऋक्प्रातिशाख्य XIII. 19 and others where the statements referred to as those of Patañjali are, in fact, quotations from the Prātiśākhya works and it is the writers of the Prātiśākhya works who are referred to as padakāras by Patañ jali in the Mahābhāsya.
parasmaipadaa term used in grammar with reference to the personal affixs ति, त: et cetera, and others applied to roots. The term परस्मैपद is given to the first nine afixes ति, त:, अन्ति, सि, थ:, थ, मि, व: and म:, while the term आत्मनेपद is used in connection with the next nine त, आताम् et cetera, and others; confer, compare परस्मै परोद्देशार्थफलकं पदम् Vac. Kosa. The term परस्मैपद is explained by some as representing the Active_Voice as contrasted with the Passive Voice which necessarily is characterized by the Aatmanepada affixes. The term परस्मैभाष in the sense of परस्मैपद was used by ancient grammarians and is also found in the Vaarttika अात्मनेभाषपस्मैभाषयोरुपसंख्यानम् P. VI. 3.8 Vart.1 . The term परस्मैभाष as applied to roots, could be explained as परस्मै क्रियां (or क्रियाफलं) भाषन्ते इति परस्मैभाषाः and originally such roots as had their activity meant for another, used to take the परस्मैपद् affixes, while the rest which had the activity meant for self, took the अात्मनेपद affixes. Roots having activity for both, took both the terminations and were termed उभयपदिनः.
paribhāṣāsegraha'a work containing a collection of independent works on Paribhasas in the several systems of Sanskrit Grammar, compiled by M. M. K. V. Abhyankar. The collectlon consists of the following works (i) परिभाषासूचन containing 93 Paribhasas with a commentary by Vyadi, an ancient grammarian who lived before Patanjali; ( ii ) ब्याडीयपरिभाषापाठ, a bare text of 140 Paribhaasaas belonging to the school of Vyadi (iii) शाकटायनपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 98 Paribhasa aphorisms, attributed to the ancient grammarian Saka-tayana, or belonging to that school; [iv) चान्द्रपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 86 Paribhasa aphorisms given at the end of his grammar work by Candragomin; (v) कातन्त्रपरिभाषासूत्रवृत्ति a gloss on 65 Paribhas aphorisms of the Katantra school by Durgasimha; (vi) कातन्त्रपारभाषासूत्रवृत्ति a short gloss on 62 Paribhasa aphorisms of the Katantra school by Bhavamisra; (vii) कातन्त्रपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 96 Paribhasa rules belonging to the Katantra school without any author's name associated with it; (viii) कालापपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 118 Paribhasa rules belonging to the Kalapa school without any author's name associated with it; (ix) जैनेन्द्रपरिभाषावृत्ति a gloss written by M. M. K. V. Abhyankar ( the compiler of the collection), on 108 Paribhasas or maxims noticeable in the Mahavrtti of Abhayanandin on the Jainendra Vyakarana of Pujyapada Devanandin; (x) भोजदेवकृतपरि-भाषासूत्र a text of 118 Paribhasa rules given by Bhoja in the second pada of the first adhyaaya of his grammar work named Sarasvatikanthabharana; (xi) न्यायसंग्रह a bare text of 140 paribhasas(which are called by the name nyaya) given by Hema-hamsagani in his named न्यायसंग्रह; (xii) लधुपरिभाषावृत्ति a gloss on 120 Paribhasas of the Panini school written by Puruso-ttamadeva; (xiii) वृहत्परिभाषावृत्ति con-taining 130 Paribhasas with a commentary by Siradeva and a very short,gloss on the commentary by Srimanasarman ( xiv ) परिभाषावृत्ति a short gloss on 140 Paribhasas of the Panini school written by Nilakantha; (xv) परिभाषाभास्कर a collection of 132 Paribhasas with a commentary by Haribhaskara Agnihotri; (xvi) bare text of Paribhasa given and explained by Nagesabhatta in his Paribhasendusekhara. The total number of Paribhasas mentioned and treated in the whole collection exceeds five hundredition
parisaṃkhyānaliterally enumeration; enunciation;mention ; the word is found generally used by Katyayana and other Varttikakaras at the end of their Varttikas. The words वक्तव्यम्, वाच्यम् , and the like, are similarly usedition
pāṇinisūtracalled also by the name अष्टक or पाणिनीय-अष्टक; name given to the SUtras of Paanini comprising eight adhyaayaas or books. The total number of SUtras as commented upon by the writers of the Kasika and the Siddhaantakaumudi is 3983. As nine sUtras out of these are described as Vaarttikas and two as Ganasutras by Patanjali, it is evident that there were 3972 SUtras in the Astaka of Paanini according to Patanjali. A verse current among Vaiyakarana schools states the number to be 3996; confer, compare त्रीणि सूत्रसहस्राणि तथा नव शतानि च । षण्णवतिश्च सूत्राणां पाणिनिः कृतवान् स्वयम् । The traditional recital by Veda Scholars who look upon the Astadhyayi as a Vedaanga, consists of 3983 Sutras which are accepted and commented upon by all later grammarians and commentators. The SUtras of Paanini, which mainly aim at the correct formation of words, discuss declension, conjugation, euphonic changes, verbal derivatives, noun derivatives and accents. For details see Vol.VII, Vyaakarana Mahaabhaasya, D. E. Society's edition pp. 152-162.
puruṣakāraname of a commentary on the Sarasvatikaņthābharaņa of Bhoja by Kŗşņalilāśukamuni.
pauṣkarasādian ancient grammarian who belonged to the dynasty of पुष्करसद्, whose views are quoted by the Varttikakara and the writers of the Pratisakhya works: cf चयो द्वितीयाः शारि पौष्करसादेः P. VIII. 4.48 Vart. 3; confer, compare also व्यञ्जनपरः पौष्करसादेर्न पूर्वश्च ञकारम् Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.V: confer, compare also Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.XIII. 16; XIV. 2, XVII. 6.
prāgdeśadistricts of the east especially districts to the east of Ayodhya and Pataliputra, such as Magadha, Vanga and others; nothing can definitely be said as to which districts were called Eastern by Panini and his followers Katyayana and Patanjali. A Varttika given in the Kasika but not traceable in the Mahabhasya defines Pragdesa as districts situated to the east of शरावती (probably the modern river Ravi or a river near that river ): confer, compare प्रागुदञ्चौ विभजते हंसः क्षीरोदके यथा । विदुषां शब्दसिद्ध्यर्थे सा नः पातु शरावती ॥ Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on एङ् प्राचां देशे P. I. 1.75. There is a reading सरस्वती in some manuscript copies and सरस्वती is a wellknown river in the Punjab near Kuruksetra, which disappears in the sandy desert to the south: a reading इरावती is also found and इरावती may stand for the river Ravi. शरावती in Burma is simply out of consideration. For details see Vyakarana Mahabhasya Vol. VII. pp. 202-204 and 141-142 D. E. Society's Edition.
prātipadikaliterallyavailable in every word. The term प्रातिपादिक can be explained as प्रतिपदं गृह्णाति तत् प्रातिपदिकम् cf P.IV. 4. 39. The term प्रातिपदिक, although mentioned in the Brahmana works, is not found in the Pratisakhya works probably because those works were concerned with formed words which had been actually in use. The regular division of a word into the base ( प्रकृति ) and the affix ( प्रत्यय ) is available, first in the grammar of Panini, who has given two kinds of bases, the noun-base and the verb-base. The noun-base is named Pratipadika by him while the verb-base is named Dhatu. The definition of Pratipadika is given by him as a word which is possessed of sense, but which is neither a root nor a suffix; confer, compare अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम् . P.I. 2.45. Although his definition includes, the krdanta words,the taddhitanta words and the compound words, still, Panini has mentioned them separately in the rule कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च P. I. 2.45 to distinguish them as secondary noun-bases as compared with the primary noun-bases which are mentioned in the rule अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम्, Thus,Panini implies four kinds of Pratipadikas मूलभूत, कृदन्त, तद्धितान्त and समास, The Varttikakara appears to have given nine kinds-गुणवचन, सर्वनाम, अव्यय, तद्धितान्त, कृदन्त, समास, जाति, संख्या and संज्ञा. See Varttikas 39 to 44 on P. I. 4. 1. Later on, Bhojaraja in his SringaraPrakasa has quoted the definition अर्थवदधातु given by Panini, and has given six subdivisions.: confer, compare नामाव्ययानुकरणकृत्तद्धितसमासाः प्रातिपदिकानि Sr. Prak. I. page 6. For the sense conveyed by a Pratipadika or nounbase, see प्रातिपदिकार्थ.
prādisamāsaa compound with प्र and others prescribed by the rule कुगतिप्रादयः P. II.2.18 and explained in detail by the Varttikas headed by the Varttika प्रादयो गताद्यर्थे प्रथमया P. II. 2. 18 Vart. 4, which comes under the general head तत्पुरुष ; the compound is also called प्रादितत्पुरुष; confer, compare कथं प्रभावो राज्ञः । प्रकृष्टो भाव इति प्रादिसमासो भविष्यति । Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III. 3.24 cf also प्रान्तः पर्यन्तः । बहुव्रीहिरयं प्रादिसमासो वा Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. VI. 2. 180.
balīyastvarelative superiority in strength possessed by rules of grammar or by operations based on rules of grammar. This Superiority is decided generally on any one or more of the four recognised criteria such as परत्व, नित्यत्व, अन्तरङ्गत्व and अपवादत्व. The phrase अन्तरङ्गबलीयस्त्वात् very frequently occurs in the varttikas and in the Mahabhasya; confer, compare M.Bh. on P. III. 1.67, VI.i.17, 85 Vart. 15, VI. 4.62 and VII.1.1.
bhāṣyasūtrathe brief pithy statements in the Mahābhāṣya of the type of the Sūtras or the Vārttikas. These assertions or statements are named 'ișṭi' also.
bhāṣyeṣṭithe brief pithy assertions or injunctions of the type of Sūtras given by Patañjali in a way to supplement the Sūtras of Pāṇini and the Vārttikas thereon. See the word इष्टि a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. and the word भाष्यसूत्र also.
bhoganirtaddhita affix. affix भोगीनर् suggested by the Vārttikakāra to form words like राजभोगीन, अाचार्यभोगीन which are derived by the rule आत्मन्विश्वजनभोगोत्तरपदात् ख: P. V. 1.9.
bhojathe well-known king of Dhārā who was very famous for his charities and love of learning. He flourished in the eleventh century A.D. He is said to have got written or himself written several treatises on various śāstras. The work Sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa which is based on the Astādhyāyi of Pāṇini, but which has included in it the Vārttikas and Paribhāṣās also, has become in a way a Vyākaraṇa or a general work in grammar and can be styled as Bhoja-Vyākaraṇa.
matuptaddhita affix. affix मत् changed in some cases to वत् (cf मादुपधायाश्च मतोर्वोऽयवादिभ्यः P. VIII. 2.9), applied to any noun or substantive in the sense of 'who possesses that,' or 'which contains it,' or in the sense of possession as popularly expressedition The affix is called possessive affix also, and is very commonly found in use; e. g. गोमान्, वृक्षवान् , यवमान् , et cetera, and others confer, compare तदस्यास्त्यस्मिन्निति मतुप् P. V. 2.94. The very general sense of 'possession' is limited to certain kinds of possession by the Vārttikakāra in the following stanza; भूमनिन्दाप्रशंसासु नित्ययोगेतिशायने | संसर्गेऽस्तिविवक्षायां भवन्ति मतुबादय: confer, compare Kāś. on P. V. 2.94. There are other taddhita affix. affixes prescribed in the same sense as मतुप्, such as the affixes लच् (V. 2.96-98), इलच् (99, 100, 105, 117), श and न (100), ण (101), विनि (102, 121, 122), इनि (102, 115, 116, 128, 129-137), अण् (103, 104), उरच् (106), र (107), म (108), व ( 109, 110), ईरन् and ईरच् (111), वलच् (112, 113), ठन् (115, 116), ठञ् (118, 119), यप् (120), युस् (123, 138, 140), ग्मिनि (124), आलच् and आटच् (125), अच् (127), and ब, भ, यु, ति, तु, त and यस् each one applied to specifically stated words. मतुप् is also specially prescribed after the words headed by रस (confer, compare रसादिभ्यश्च P. V. 2.95) in supersession of some of the other affixes mentioned a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. which would take place in such cases, if मतुप् were not prescribed by the rule रसादिभ्यश्च. The portion of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. prescribing the possessive affixes is named मतुबधिकार (P. V. 2.92 to 140).
madhyamapadalopaliterally the dropping of the middle word or member ( of a compound generally) as for instance in शाकपार्थिक for शाकप्रियपार्थिव; the word मध्यमपदलोप is also used in the sense of a compound. The compounds which have the middle word dropped are enumerated by the Vārttikakāra under the Vārttika शाकपार्थिवादीनां मध्यमपदलेापश्च Bh. Vṛ. II.1.60 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).; cf also Kātantra vyākaraṇa Sūtra.II.6.30.
mantraname given to the Samhitā portion of the Veda works especially of the Ṛgveda and the Yajurveda as different from the Brāhmaṇa, Āraṇyaka and other portions of the two Vedas as also from the other Vedas; confer, compare मन्त्रशब्द ऋक्शब्दे च यजु:शब्दे च; Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.I. 1.68 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 4. The word मन्त्र occurs several times in the rules of Pāṇini ( confer, compare P. II. 4. 80, III.2.71, III.3.96, VI. 1. 151, VI.1.210, VI.3.131, VI.4.53, VI. 4.141) and a few times in the Vārttikas. (confer, compare I. 1. 68 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 4, IV.3.66 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 5 and VI. 4. 141 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 1). It is, however, doubtful whether the word was used in the limited sense by Pāṇini and Kātyāyana. Later on, the word came to mean any sacred text or even any mystic formula, which was looked upon as sacredition Still later on, the word came to mean a secret counsel. For details see Goldstūcker's Pāṇini p. 69, Thieme's 'Pāṇini and the Veda ' p. 38.
mahābhāṣyaliterally the great commentary. The word is uniformly used by commentators and classical Sanskrit writers for the reputed commentary on Pāṇini's Sūtras and the Vārttikas thereon by Patañjali in the 2nd century B. C. The commentary is very scholarly yet very simple in style, and exhaustive although omitting a number of Pāṇini's rules. It is the first and oldest existing commentary on the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. of Pāṇini, and, in spite of some other commentaries and glosses and other compendia, written later on to explain the Sutras of Panini, it has remained supremely authoritative and furnishes the last and final word in all places of doubt: confer, compare the remarks इति भाष्ये स्थितम्, इत्युक्तं भाष्ये, इत्युक्तमाकरे et cetera, and others scattered here and there in several Vyaakarana treatises forming in fact, the patent words used by commentators when they finish any chain of arguments. Besides commenting on the Sutras of Paanini, Patanjali, the author, has raised many other grammatical issues and after discussing them fully and thoroughly, given his conclusions which have become the final dicta in those matters. The work, in short, has become an encyclopedic one and hence aptly called खनि or अकर. The work is spread over such a wide field of grammatical studies that not a single grammatical issue appears to have been left out. The author appears to have made a close study of the method and explanations of the SUtras of Paanini given at various academies all over the country and incorporated the gist of those studies given in the form of Varttikas at the various places, in his great work He has thoroughly scrutinized and commented upon the Vaarttikas many of which he has approved, some of which he has rejected, and a few of which he has supplementedition Besides the Vaarttikas which are referred to a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page., he has quoted stanzas which verily sum up the arguments in explanation of the difficult sUtras, composed by his predecessors. There is a good reason to believe that there were small glosses or commentaries on the SUtras of Paanini, written by learned teachers at the various academies, and the Vaarttikas formed in a way, a short pithy summary of those glosses or Vrttis. . The explanation of the word वृत्तौ साधु वार्तिकम् given by Kaiyata may be quoted in support of this point. Kaiyata has at one place even stated that the argument of the Bhaasyakaara is in consonance with that of Kuni, his predecessor. The work is divided into eighty five sections which are given the name of lesson or आह्लिक by the author, probably because they form the subject matter of one day's study each, if the student has already made a thorough study of the subject and is very sharp in intelligence. confer, compare अह्ला निर्वृत्तम् आह्लिकम्, (the explanation given by the commentatiors).Many commentary works were written on this magnum opus of Patanjali during the long period of twenty centuries upto this time under the names टीका, टिप्पणी, दीपिका, प्रकाशिका, व्याख्या, रत्नावली, स्पूर्ति, वृत्ति, प्रदीप, व्याख्यानं and the like, but only one of them the 'Pradipa' of कैयटीपाध्याय, is found complete. The learned commentary by Bhartrhari, written a few centuries before the Pradipa, is available only in a fragment and that too, in a manuscript form copied down from the original one from time to time by the scribes very carelessly. Two other commentaries which are comparatively modern, written by Naarayanasesa and Nilakantha are available but they are also incomplete and in a manuscript form. Possibly Kaiyatabhatta's Pradipa threw into the background the commentaries of his predecessors and no grammarian after Kaiyata dared write a commentary superior to Kaiyata's Pradipa or, if he began, he had to abandon his work in the middle. The commentary of Kaiyata is such a scholarly one and so written to the point that later commentators have almost identified the original Bhasya with the commentary Pradipa and many a time expressed the two words Bhasya and Kaiyata in the same breath as भाष्यकैयटयोः ( एतदुक्तम् or स्पष्टमेतत् ).
yañ(1)short term ( प्रत्याहृार ) formed by the letter य of हृयवरट् and the mute letter ञ्ज of इभञ् including serni-vowels and the third and the fourth consonants excepting घ् , ढ् and ध् of the five consonant groups: confer, compare अतो दीर्घो याञि P. VII. 3. 10l ; (2) taddhita affix. affix added (a) in the sense of गोत्र (grand-children and their descendants) to words of the गर्ग class and some other words under specific conditions, exempli gratia, for example गार्ग्यः: वात्स्य:, काप्यः et cetera, and others, confer, compare गर्गादिभ्यो यञ् and the following P.IV. 1. 105-108: (b) in the sense of collection to केदार, गणिका, केश and अश्व, confer, compare P.IV.2.40 and the Varttika.thereon and IV. 2.48; (c) in the Saiska senses to the word द्वीप, confer, compare P.IV.3.10: (d) to the word कंसीय e. g. कांस्यम् confer, compare P.IV.3.168, and (e) to the words अभिजित्, विदभृत् and others when they have the taddhita affix. affix अण् added to them : exempli gratia, for example अाभजित्य: confer, compare P. V. 3. 118.
yuckrt affix यु changed into अन, (1) applied in the sense of 'a habituated agent' to intransitive roots in the sense of movement or utterance, to Atmanepadi roots beginning with a consonant, to the roots जु, चेकम् सृ, शुच्, कुघ्, as also to roots in the sense of decoration: exempli gratia, for example चलन:, शब्दन:: cf P.III. 2. 148-15I: (2) applied to causal roots, as also to the roots आस् श्रन्थ् and others in the sense of verbal activity when the word so formed has always the feminine gender; exempli gratia, for example कारणा, हृरणा, आसना, घट्टना,वेदना et cetera, and others; confer, compare P.III.3.107 and the Varttikas thereon; (3) applied to roots ending in अा and preceded by the indeclinables ईषद्, दुस् or सु in the sense of easy or difficult for obtainment and, wherever seen to any root in the Vedic language, as also to some other roots as found in actual use in the classical literature; e. g. ईषद्दानो गौर्मवता, दु्ष्पानः, सुपान: et cetera, and others सूपसदन:, दुर्योधनः, दुर्मर्षण: et cetera, and others, confer, compare P.III.8.128-130.
yogavibhāgadivision of a rule which has been traditionally given as one single rule, into two for explaining the formation of certain words, which otherwise are likely to be stamped as ungrammatical formations. The writer of the Varttikas and the author of the Mahabhasya have very frequently taken recourse to this method of योगविभाग; confer, compare P.I.1.3 Vart. 8, I.1.17 Vart.1,I.1.61, Vart. 3; I. 4.59 Vart. 1, II. 4. 2. Vart.2, III.1.67 Vart. 5, III.4.2. Vart. 6, VI.I. I Vart. 5, VI.1.33 Vart.1 et cetera, and others Although this Yogavibhaga is not a happy method of removing difficulties and has to be followed as a last recourse, the Varttikakara has suggested it very often, and sometimes a sutra which is divided by the Varttikakara into two,has been recognised as a couple of sutras in the Sutrapatha which has come down to us at present.
rak(1)taddhita affix.affix र proposed by the Varttikakra instead of अारक् for being affixed to the word गोधा to form the word गौधारः: confer, compare आरग्वचनमनर्थकं रका सिद्धत्वात् P.IV.1.130 Vart. 1 ; (2) krt affix रक् applied to the root ज्या; confer, compare रकेि ज्यः प्रसारणम् P. I.1.4 Vart. 6.
ramaugment र inserted after the vowel अ of the root भ्रस्ज्, when the letterर् which is already present in भ्ररुज् (before अ) and the penultimate स् are dropped; the result is that the word भर्ज्, in short, becomes substituted in the place of भ्रस्ज्: confer, compare भ्रस्जो रोपधयो रमन्यतरस्याम्P.VI. 4.47, and भ्रस्जो रोपधयोर्लोप अागमो रम् विधीयते as Bharadvajiya Varttika thereon
vaktavyathat which ought to be stated or prescribed; the word is frequently found used by the Varttikakāra when he suggests any addition to, or modification in Panini's rules. Sometimes,the word is added by the author of the Mahabhasya in the explanation of a Varttika after stating what is lacking in the Varttika.
vacana(1)literally statement; an authoritative statement made by the authors of the Sutras and the Varttikas as also of the Mahabhasya; confer, compare अस्ति ह्यन्यदेतस्य वचने प्रयोजनम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on Siva Sutra 1 Vart. 1 The word is also used predicatively in the sense of वक्तव्यम् by the Varttikakara; confer, compare ऌति ऌ वावचनम् , ऋति ऋ वावचनम् ; (2) number, such as एकवचन, द्विवचन, बहुवचन et cetera, and others; confer, compare वचनमेकत्वद्वित्वबहुत्वानि Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana.on P.I.2.51 ; cf लुपि युक्तिवद् व्यक्तिवचने | लुकि अभिधेयवल्लिङ्गवचनानि भवन्ति। लवणः सूपः। लवणा यवागू:। M.Bh.on P.I. 2.57; (3) expressive word; confer, compare गुणवचनब्राह्मणादिभ्यः कर्मणि च P. V.1.124 where the Kasika explains the word गुणवचन as गुणमुक्तवन्तो गुणवचनाः; confer, compare also the terms गुणवचन, जातिवचन, क्रियावचन et cetera, and others as classes of words; confer, compare also अभिज्ञावचने लृट् P.III.2.112; (4) that which is uttered; confer, compare मुखनासिकावचनोनुनासिक:। मुखसहिता नासिका मुखनासिका । तया य उच्चार्यते असौ वर्ण: Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. I.1.8.
vararuci(1)a reputed ancient grammarian who is identified with Katyayana, the prominent author of the Varttikas on the Sutras of Panini. Both the names वररुचि and कात्यायन are mentioned in commentary works in connection with the Varttikas on the Sutras of Panini, and it is very likely that Vararuci was the individual name of the scholar, and Katyayana his family name. The words कात्य and कात्यायन are found used in Slokavarttikas in the Mahabhasya on P.III.2.3 and III.2.118 where references made are actually found in the prose Varttikas (see कविधेो सर्वत्र प्रसारणिभ्यो ड: P.III. 2. 3 Vart and स्मपुरा भूतमात्रे न स्मपुराद्यतने P.III.2.118 Vart. 1)indicating that the Slokavarttikakara believed that the Varttikas were composed by Katyayana. There is no reference at all in the Mahabhasya to Vararuci as a writer of the Varttikas; there is only one reference which shows that there was a scholar by name Vararuci known to Patanjali, but he was a poet; confer, compare वाररुचं काव्यं in the sense of 'composed' ( कृत and not प्रोक्त ) by वररुचि M.Bh. on P. IV. 2.4. ( 2 ) वररुचि is also mentioned as the author of the Prakrta Grammar known by the name प्राकृतप्रकाश or प्राकृतमञ्जरी, This वररुचि, who also was कात्यायन by Gotra name, was a grammarian later than Patanjali, who has been associated with Sarvvarman, (the author of the first three Adhyayas of the Katantra Sutras), as the author of the fourth Adhyaya. Patanjali does not associate वररुचि with Kityayana at alI. His mention of वररुचि as a writer of a Kavya is a sufficient testimony for that. Hence, it appears probable that Katyayana, to whom the authorship of the Vajasaneyi Pratisakhya and many other works allied with Veda has been attributed, was not associated with Vararuci by Patanjali, and it is only the later writers who identified the grammarian Vararuci,who composed the fourth Adhyaya of the Katantra Grammar and wrote a Prakrit Grammar and some other grammar' works, with the ancient revered Katyayana, the author of Varttikas, the Vijasaneyi Pratisakhya and the Puspasutra; (3) There was a comparatively modern grammariannamed वररुचि who wrote a small treatise on genders of words consisting of about 125 stanzas with a commentary named Lingavrtti, possibly written by the author himselfeminine. (4) There was also another modern grammarian by name वररुचि who wrote a work on syntax named प्रयोगमुखमण्डन discuss^ ing the four topics कारक, समास, तद्धित and कृदन्त.
varṇārthavattvathe theory or view that individual letters are severally possessed of different senses. For instance, the difference in the meanings of the words कूप, यूप, and सृप is due to the difference in their initial letter. The theory is not acceptable to the Vaiyakaranas nor the theory वर्णानर्थवत्व given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. They follow the theory of संघातार्थवत्त्व i. e. sense given by a group of words together. See M.Bh, on Siva Sutra 5, Varttikas 9 to 15.
varṇikuberanāthaor वर्णिकुवेरानन्द an old writer on grammar who has written a work named शब्दविवरण on the meanings of words. The work forms a part of his bigger work दानभागवत. Both the works are incomplete. The शब्दविवरण is based mostly upon ancient grammar works of Patanjali Vararuci, Varttikakara, Sarvavarman, Bhartrhari and others.
vasuthe krt. affix क्वसु which see a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. The word वसु is used for क्वसु by the Varttikakara: confer, compare वसुसंप्रसारणमाज्विधौ सिद्धं वक्तव्यम् P.VI.4.22 Vart. 9.
vākyakāraa term used for a writer who composes a work in pithy, brief assertions in the manner of sutras, such as the Varttikas. The term is found used in Bhartrhari's Mahabhasyadipika where by contrast with the term Bhasyakara it possibly refers to the varttikakara Katyayana; confer, compare एषा भाष्यकारस्य कल्पना न वाक्यकारस्य Bhartrhari Mahabhasyadipika. confer, compare also Nagesa's statement वाक्यकारो वार्तिकरमारभते: confer, compare also चुलुम्पादयो वाक्यकारीया ; Madhaviya Dhatuvrtti.
vācanikaexpressly cited by a वचन or a statement of the authors of the Sutra, the Varttika and the Mahabhasya, as contrasted with what naturally occurs or is inferred from their statements; confer, compare नेदं वाचनिकसलिङ्गता असंख्यता च ( अव्ययानाम् ) ( स्वाभाविकमेतत् M.Bh. on P.I. 1.38 Vart. 5 and P. II.2.6, confer, compare also M.Bh. on P.I.2.64 Vart. 53.
vācya(1)directly expressed (sense) as contrasted with व्यङ्ग्य or ध्वनित: confer, compare शब्देनार्थान् वाच्यान् दृष्ट्वा बुद्धौ कुर्यात्पौर्वापर्यम् | M.Bh. on P. I.4.109 Vart. 10; (2) which should be stated or which deserves to be stated, The word वाच्य is generally put in connection with the additions or corrections to the sutras by the Varttikakara and the Mahbhasyakara in their explanations: confer, compare तत्रैतावद्वाच्यम्, M.Bh. on P. I.4.1 ; confer, compare also वाच्य ऊर्णोर्णुवद्भावःM.Bh. on P. III.1. 22 Vart. 3; III. I. 36 Vart. 6.
vājasaneyeiprātiśākhyathe Pratisakhya work belonging to the Vajasaneyi branch of the White Yajurveda, which is the only Pratisakhya existing to-day representing all the branches of the Sukla Yajurveda. Its authorship is attributed to Katyayana, and on account of its striking resemblance with Panini's sutras at various places, its author Katyayana is likely to be the same as the Varttikakara Katyayana. It is quite reasonable to expect that the subject matter in this Pratisakhya is based on that in the ancient Prtisakhya works of the same White school of the Yajurveda.The work has a lucid commentary called Bhasya written by Uvvata.
vārarucaa work attributed to वररुचि: confer, compare वाररुचे काव्यम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).on P. IV.3.101 cf also वाररुनो ग्रन्थ: S.K.on P.IV.3. 101 This work possibly was not a grammar work and its author also was not the same as the Varttikakara Katyayana. See वरुरुचि a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. The name वाररुचव्याकरण was given possibly to Katyayana's Prakrit Grammar, the author of which was वररुचि surnamed Katyayana. For details see p.395 Vyakarana Mahabhasya Vol. VII. D. E. Society's Edition.
vārarucakārikāan ancient grammarwork in verse believed to have been written by an ancient scholar of grammar, who, if not the same as Katyayana who wrote the Varttikas, was his contemporary and to whom the authorship of the Unadi Sutras is ascribed by some scholars. See वररुचि.
vṛtti(1)treatment, practice of pronunciation; (2) conversion of one phonetic element into another; confer, compare R.Pr.I.95;(3) position of the padas or words as they stand in the Saṁhhitā text, the word is often seen used in this way in the compound word पदवृत्ति; आन्पदा: पदवृत्तयः R.Pr. IV.17: (4) modes of recital of the Vedic text which are described to be three द्रुत, मध्य and विलम्बित based upon the time of the interval and the pronunciation which differs in each one; confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I.4. 109, Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 4; also I.l.69 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).ll ; ( 5 ) nature confer, compare गुर्वक्षराणां गुरुवृत्ति सर्वम् R.Pr.XVIII.33; (6) interpretation of a word; (7) verbal or nominal form of a root; confer, compare अर्थनित्यः परीक्षेत केनचिद् वृत्तिसामान्येन Nirukta of Yāska.II.1; (8)mode or treatment followed by a scientific treatise; cf का पुनर्वृत्तिः । वृत्तिः शास्त्रप्रवृत्तिः | M.Bh. in Āhnika l on वृत्तिसमवायार्थ उपदेश: Vārttika 10; (9) manner of interpretation with the literal sense of the constituents present or absent, described usually as two-fold जहत्स्वार्था and अजहत्स्वार्था, | but with a third kind added by some grammarians viz. the जहदजहत्स्वार्था; (10) a compound word giving an aggregate sense different from the exact literal sense of the constituent words; there are mentioned five vṛittis of this kind; confer, compare परार्थाभिधानं वृत्तिः । कृत्तद्धितसमासैकदेशधातुरूपाः पञ्च वृत्तयः | वृत्त्यर्थावबोधकं वाक्यं विग्रहः S. K. at the end of the Ekaśeṣaprakaraṇa; ( 11 ) interpretation of a collection of statements; the word was originally applied to glosses or comments on the ancient works like the Sūtra works, in which the interpretation of the text was given with examples and counterexamples where necessary: confer, compare वृत्तौ भाष्ये तथा नामधातुपारायणादिषु; introductory stanza in the Kāśikā.Later on, when many commentary works were written,the word वृत्ति was diferentiated from भाष्य, वार्तिक, टीका,चूर्णि, निर्युक्ति, टिप्पणी, पञ्जिका and others, and made applicable to commentary works concerned with the explanation of the rules with examples and counter-examples and such statements or arguments as were necessary for the explanation of the rules or the examples and counter examples. In the Vyākaraṇa-Śāstra the word occurs almost exclusively used for the learned Vṛtti on Pāṇini-sūtras by Vāmana and Jayāditya which was given the name Kāśikā Vṛtti; confer, compare तथा च वृत्तिकृत् often occurring in works on Pāṇini's grammar.
vebhaktabelonging to a case-affix; confer, compare क्राभ्यां सॊ वैभक्तः ( मूर्धन्यमापद्यते )। ऋक्षु। वणिक्षु । confer, compare also वैभक्तस्य णत्वे P. VI. 1.85 Varttika 6.
vyavasthāliterally definite arrangement; restriction regarding the application of a rule, especially when it seems to overlap, as done by the Varttikakara, and later on by the Paribhashas laid down by grammarians regarding the rules of Panini: confer, compare स्वाभिधेयापेक्षावधिनियमो व्यवस्था S. K. on P. I.1.34; confer, compare also लक्ष्यानुसाराह्यवस्था Par. Sek. Pari. 99, 108.
byāḍiname of an ancient grammarian with a sound scholarship in Vedic phonetics, accentuation,derivation of words and their interpretation. He is believed to have been a relative and contemporary of Panini and to have written a very scholarly vast volume on Sanskrit grammar named *Samgraha which is believed to have consisted of a lac of verses; confer, compare संग्रहो व्याडिकृतो लक्षसंख्ये ग्रन्थ: NageSa's Uddyota; confer, compare also इह पुरा पाणिनीये अस्मिन्व्याकरणे ब्याड्युपरचितं लक्षग्रन्थपरिमाणं निबन्धनमासीत् Vākyapadīya of Bhartṛhari. Tika. The work is not available at present. References to Vyadi or to his work are found in the Pratisakhya works, the Mahabhasya, the Varttikas, the Vakyapadiya and many subsequent treatises. A work on the Vyakarana Paribhasas, believed to have been written by Vyadi, is available by the name परिभाषासूचन which from its style and other peculiarities seems to have been written after the Varttikas, but before the Mahabhasya. Vyadi is well-known to have been the oldest exponent of the doctrine that words denote an individual object and not the genus. For details see pp. 136-8, Vol. 7 Vyakarana Mahabhasya DE. Society's Edition.
śabdānuśāsanaliterally science of grammar dealing with the formation of words, their accents, and use in a sentence. The word is used in connection with standard works on grammar which are complete and self-sufficient in all the a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.mentioned features. Patanjali has begun his Mahabhasya with the words अथ शब्दानुशासनम् referring possibly to the vast number of Varttikas on the Sutras of Panini, and hence the term शब्दानुशासन according to him means a treatise on the science of grammar made up of the rules of Panini with the explanatory and critical varttikas written by Katyayana and other Varttikakaras.The word शब्दानुशासन later on, became synonymons with Vyakarana and it was given as a title to their treatises by later grammarians, or was applied to the authoritative treatise which introduced a system of grammar, similar to that of Panini. Hemacandra's famous treatise, named सिद्धहैमचन्द्र by the author,came to be known as हैमशब्दानुशासन. Similarly the works on grammar written by पाल्यकीर्तिशाकटायन and देवनन्दिन् were called शाकटायनशब्दानुशासन and जैनेन्द्र' शब्दानुशासन respectively.
śabdārthasaṃbandhathe connection between a word and its sense which is a permanently established one. According to grammarians,words, their sense and their connection, all the three, are established for ever: confer, compare सिद्धे शव्दार्थसंबन्ध P. I.1. . Varttika 1,and the Bhasya thereon सिद्ध शब्द: अर्थः संबन्धश्चेति | Later grammarians have described twelve kinds of शब्दार्थसंबन्ध viz. अभिधा,विवक्षा, तात्पर्य, प्रविभाग, व्यपेक्ष, सामर्थ्य अन्वय, एकार्थीभाव, दोषहान, गुणोपादान, अलंकारयेाग and रसावियोग: confer, compare Sringaraprakasa.I.
śaraṇadevaa prominent grammarian of the Eastern school of Panini's system of grammar who lived in the thirteenth century and wrote works on Panini's grammar. His work named दुर्घटवृत्ति which ex. plains according to Panini's rules, the Varttikas thereon, and the Jnapakas deduced from them,the various words difficult to be explained, is much appreciated by scholars of grammar. He has quoted from a large number of classical works, and referred to many works of the Eastern grammarians who followed the Kasika school.
śuklayajuḥprātiśākhyaname of the Pratisakhya treatise pertaining to the White Yajurveda which is also called the Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya. This work appears to be a later one as compared with the other PratiSakhya works and bears much similarity with some of the Sutras of Panini. It is divided into eight chapters by the author and it deals with letters, their origin and their classification, the euphonic and other changes when the Samhita text is rendered into the Pada text, and accents. The work appears to be a common work for all the different branches of the White Yajurveda, being probably based on the individually different Pratisakhya works of the different branches of the Shukla Yajurveda composed in ancient times. Katyayana is traditionally believed to be the author of the work and very likely he was the same Katyayana who wrote the Varttikas on the Sutras of Panini.
śrutaliterally what is actually heard; the word is used in connection with such statements as are made by the authoritative grammarians, Panini and the Varttikakara by their actual utterance or wording, as contrasted with such dictums as can be deduced only from their writings. confer, compare श्रुतानुभितंयोः श्रौतः संबन्धो बलीयान्. Par. Sek Pari. 104.
ṣaḍgavacliterally a collection of six cows; secondarily 'a collection of six animals or quadrupeds'. The word षड्गव was prescribed by later grammarians as a tad-affix by means of a Vartika when they saw the the word षड्गव used in language after the word अश्व et cetera, and others e. g. अश्वषड्गवम्; confer, compare प्रकृत्यर्थस्य षट्त्वे षङ्गवच् Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V.2.29.
saṃprasāraṇaliterally extension; the process of changing a semi-vowel into a simple vowel of the same sthana or place of utterance; the substitution of the vowels इ, उ, ऋ and लृ for the semi-vowels य्, व् , र् and ल् respectively; cf इग्यणः संप्रसारणम् P. 1.1.45. The term संप्रसारण is rendered as a 'resultant vowel' or as 'an emergent vowel'. The ancient term was प्रसारण and possibly it referred to the extension of य् and व्, into their constituent parts इ +अ, उ+अ et cetera, and others the vowel अ being of a weak grade but becoming strong after the merging of the subseguent vowel into it exempli gratia, for example confer, compare सर्वत्र प्रसारणिभ्यो ड: P. III. 2.8 Vart.1. For the words taking this samprasarana change, see P. VI. 1 .13 to .19. According to some grammarians the term संप्रसारण is applied to the substituted vowels while according to others the term refers to the operation of the substitution: confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 1.15. The substitution of the samprasarana vowel is to be given preference in the formation of a word; , confer, compare संप्रसारणं तदाश्रयं च कार्यं बलवत् Pari. Sek. Pari. 1 19. संप्रसारणबलीयस्त्व the relative superior strength of the samprasarana change in comparison with other operations occurring simultaneotisly. The phrase न वा संप्रसारणबलीयस्त्वात् is often used in the Mahabhasya which is based upon the dictum of the superior strength of the samprasarana substitution, which is announced by the writer of the Varttikas; P. VI. 1.17 Vart, 2. , See संप्रसारण.
sadhīnartad, affix अधीन proposed by the Varttikakara in the sense of 'something in that or from that'; exempli gratia, for example राजनीदं राजाधीनं; confer, compare तस्मातत्रेदमिति सधीनर् P. V. 4.7 Vart. 2. The standard affix in such cases is ख ( ईन ) by the rule अषडक्ष अध्युत्तरपदात् ख; P. V. 4.7.
siddha(1)established; the term is used in the sense of नित्य or eternal in the Varttika सिद्धे शब्दार्थसंबन्धे where, as Patanjali has observed, the word सिद्ध meaning नित्य has been purposely put in to mark an auspicious beginning of the शब्दानुशासनशास्त्र which commences with that Varttika; confer, compare माङ्गलिक आचार्यो महतः शास्त्रौघस्य मङ्गलार्थे सिद्धशब्दमादितः प्रयुङ्क्ते M.Bh.on Ahnika 1; (2) established, proved, formed; the word is many times used in this sense in the Mahabhasya, as also in the Varttikas especially when a reply is to be given to an objection; confer, compare P.I. 1.3 Vart. 17, I.1. 4. Vart. 6: I. I. 5, Vart.5,I.1.9 Vart. 2 et cetera, and others
su(l)case affix ( सु ) of the nominative singular and ( सु ) of the locative plural; confer, compare P. IV. 1.2: (2) Unadi affix सु ( क्सु ) applied to the roots इष्: e.g, इक्षु: confer, compare इषः क्सुः Unadi 437. सुक् augment सुक् added according to some grammarians to any word optionally with असुक्, which is prescribed in the case of the words अश्व, वृष, क्षीर and लवण before the affix क्यच् ( य ) in the sense of desire. e. g. दधिस्यति, मधुस्यति et cetera, and others confer, compare P. VII. 1 51 Varttika.
subdhātua root formed from a noun or a subanta by the addition of any of the following affixesक्यच् ( by P. III. 1.8, 10 and l9), काम्यच् (by P.III.1.9), क्यङ् (by P. III.1.1 1, 12 and 14-18), क्यष् (by P.III.1.13),णिङ् (by P III.1.20), णिच् (by P.III.1.21 and 25) and यक् (by P.III.1.27)and also by क्विप् or zero affix by P. III. b.l l Varttika 3. All these formations ending with the affixes mentioned a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. are termed roots by the rule सनाद्यन्ता धातव: (P.III. 1. | 32) and are regularly conjugated in all the ten tenses and moods with the general conjugational sign शप् added to them in the conjugational tenses, and स्य, तास् and others in the other tenses and moods, and have verbal derivatives also formed by the addition of suitable krt affixes.
sūtrakārathe original writer of the sutras; e. g. पाणिनि, शाकटायन, शर्ववर्मन् , हेमचन्द्र and others. In Panini's system, Panini is called Sutrakara, as contrasted with Katyayana,who is called the Varttikakara and Patanjali, who is called the Bhasyakara;confer, compare पाणिने: सूत्रकारस्य M.Bh. on P.II 2.1.1.
saunāganame of a school of ancient grammarians who composed Varttikas in explanation of the sutras of Panini; confer, compare सौनागाः पठन्ति P. III. 2.56 Vart. 1, IV. 1.74 Vart. 1. confer, compare एतदेव सौनागैर्विस्तरतरकेण पठितम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on II. 2.18 Vart. 4.
skandhaca taddhita affix. affix in the sense of collection, added to the words नर, करि and तुरङ्ग: confer, compare Varttika on P. IV. 2.51 quoted in the Kasikvrtti.
smṛtian authoritative dictum of an ancient grammarian before the famous author of the Varttika;confer, compare तथा च स्मृतिः श्तिपा शापानुबन्धेन निर्दिष्ट्ं etc, Siradeva Pari. 68.
the last of the spirant consonants, | which is a glottal, voiced letter called also ऊष्म or spirant of a partial contact, i. e. possessed of the properties कण्ठय, नादानुप्रदान, ऊष्म and ईषत्स्पृष्टत्व. This letter has been given twice in the Paninian alphabet, viz. the Mahesvara Sutras, and the Bhasyakara has given the purpose of it, viz. the technical utility of being included among soft consonants along with semi-vowels, nasals and the fifth, the fourth, and the third class-consonants (हश् अश् et cetera, and others),as also among the hard consonants along with the fourth and the third class-letters and spirants ( झ्लू, ). The second letter हू in हल् appears, however, to have only a technical utility,as the purpose of its place there among spirants is served by the jihvamuliya and the Upadhmaniya letters which are,in fact, the velar and the labial spirants respectively, besides the other three शू, षू and सू .The Rk Pratisakhya calls ह as a chest sound. For details, see Mahabhasya on the Siva Sutra हयवरट् Varttikas 1, 2 and 3.
hṛdayahāriṇīname of a commentary written by a grammrian named दण्डनाथ on the Sarasvatikanthabharana of Bhojarja.
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ādhibhautika the visible body or the embodied living entitySB 2.10.8
kārtika-ādi-vrata to observe special vows in the month of KārttikaCC Madhya 22.127
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aikāntika exclusiveCC Madhya 1.206
aikāntika exclusiveCC Madhya 8.73
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aikāntikasya ultimateBG 14.27
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kārtika āile when the month of Kārttika arrivedCC Madhya 16.9
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ambikā-antikam the presence of AmbikāSB 10.53.44
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kṛta-anta-antika-varti always given the facility for deathSB 8.22.11
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ambikā-antikam the presence of AmbikāSB 10.53.44
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antikam to the proximitySB 10.57.22
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autpattika naturalSB 10.26.13
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autpattikaiḥ eternally presentSB 3.15.45
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bhakta-śaktikam the energy of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 7.6
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bhautika made of five elementsSB 8.16.19
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guṇa-vyatikarāt due to the actions of the modes of material natureSB 7.6.25
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jāte guṇa-vyatikare when the interaction of the modes arisesSB 3.32.12-15
tamāla-kārtika the place named Tamāla-kārtikaCC Madhya 9.225
kārtika āile when the month of Kārttika arrivesCC Madhya 16.8
kārtika āile when the month of Kārttika arrivedCC Madhya 16.9
kārtika-ādi-vrata to observe special vows in the month of KārttikaCC Madhya 22.127
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eka-mūrtikam having one formSB 10.40.7
eka-mūrtikam although oneCC Madhya 20.173
naimittika because of thatSB 8.24.7
naimittika occasionalSB 12.4.4
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naiṣkṛtika expert in insulting othersBG 18.28
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nāstika agnosticsCC Madhya 6.168
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nāstika and atheistsNBS 63
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pada-antikam near the lotus feetSB 11.5.5
pāñca-bhautika body made of five material elementsSB 1.6.28
pāñca-bhautika made of the five elementsSB 1.13.46
prākṛtika of the elements of material natureSB 12.4.6
prākṛtika of the material elementsSB 12.4.22
prākṛtika naturalSB 12.4.38
prākṛtika elementalSB 12.7.17
prākṛtika from material natureSB 12.12.9
pratikaroti counteractsSB 4.22.47
pratikartum to repaySB 9.18.43
sa-yuktika vākye by talks full of pleasing logic and argumentsCC Madhya 25.20
bhakta-śaktikam the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who supplies energy to the devoteeCC Adi 1.14
bhakta-śaktikam the energy of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 7.6
sāmpratika at the present momentCC Madhya 10.163
saroruha-antikam near the lotusSB 2.2.37
guṇa-vyatikare sati when the interaction of the modes takes placeSB 3.32.12-15
tamāla-kārtika the place named Tamāla-kārtikaCC Madhya 9.225
tat-antikam near himSB 9.14.14
trayaḥ-viṃśatika by the twenty-three principal ingredientsSB 3.6.4
uktika whose talkCC Antya 17.40
sa-yuktika vākye by talks full of pleasing logic and argumentsCC Madhya 25.20
kṛta-anta-antika-varti always given the facility for deathSB 8.22.11
varuṇa-antikam to the place of VaruṇaSB 9.15.7
trayaḥ-viṃśatika by the twenty-three principal ingredientsSB 3.6.4
catuḥ-viṃśatikam consisting of twenty-four elementsSB 3.26.11
vivecana-vyatikaram to collective considerationCC Madhya 20.145
kārtika-ādi-vrata to observe special vows in the month of KārttikaCC Madhya 22.127
loka-vṛttikarīḥ means of livelihoodSB 3.6.32
vyatikara-ambhasā devastating waterSB 3.9.27-28
guṇa-vyatikara of the interactions of the modes of material natureSB 3.10.11
vyatikara calamitiesSB 4.1.57
vyatikara in the transformationsSB 5.3.4-5
vyatikara disturbanceSB 10.67.28
vyatikara the agitationSB 11.22.29
vyatikara the opportunityMM 24
guṇa-vyatikaraḥ transformation of the modes by reactionSB 2.5.22
dharma-vyatikaraḥ violation of religious principlesSB 4.19.35
guṇa-vyatikaraḥ free from the differences created by the material modes of natureSB 8.12.8