anuṣṭhātavya | fp. to be done, to be executed; -shthâtri, m. performer; -shthâna, n. practice, performance; -shthâ pana, n. causing to perform; -shthâyin, a. practising, performing; -shthita,pp. done, performed; -shtheya, fp. to be accomplished. |
antarajña | a. discriminating: -tâ, f. discrimination; -tara, cpv. very intimate with (g.); -tás, ad. within; prp. within (g.); from within (--°ree;); -patita, pp. vanished,=not coming into consideration; -pûrusha, m. soul; -prabhava, a. of intermediate origin, i. e. of mixed caste; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to obtain an opportunity; -stha, a. being within (g., --°ree;); inner; m. surety; witness; -sthita, pp. standing within (--°ree;). |
aparituṣṭa | pp. not pleased; -tosha, a. dissatisfied; m. dissatisfaction; -tyakta, pp. unforsaken; -tyagya, fp. not to be forsaken; -tyâga, m. non-abandonment; -tyâgya, fp. not to be abandoned; -nirvâna, pp. not quite extinguished or ended; -ni shthita, pp. not standing quite firm. |
apratiṣṭha | a., -shthita, pp. hav ing no foundation, perishable, unstable. |
abhyarthana | n., â, f. begging; -½arthanîya, fp. to be requested; -arthita, pp. n. request; -arthin, a. asking for (--°ree;); -arthya, fp. to be requested; -árdha-yag van, a. receiving special offerings;-arhana, n. homage, adoration; -arhanîya, fp. vener able: -tâ, f. venerableness. |
abhyukṣaṇa | n. besprinkling; -ug- gayini, ad. towards Uggayinî; -½utthâna, n. rising from one's seat (as a greeting); rise, ascendency, exaltation; -½utthita, pp. √ sthâ. |
amara | a. (â, î) immortal; m. god; -garbha, m. divine child; -guru, m. Brihas pati, the planet Jupiter; -tatinî, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -taru, m. a certain tree; -tâ, f., -tva, n. divinity; immortality; -dat ta, m. N.; -druma, m. tree of the gods, Pârigâta; -dvish, m. Asura; -paksha-pâtin, m. friend of the gods; -pati-kumâra, m. son of Indra (Gayanta); -parvata, m. N. of a mtn.; -pura, n., î, f. city of the gods; -prakhya,a. like an immortal; -prabha, a. bright as an im mortal; -prârthita, pp. wooed by immortals; -mrigî-dris, f. A psaras. |
ayathātatham | ad. not as it should be; -balam, ad. not according to strength; -½artha, a. untrue, false; -vat, ad. wrongly, falsely; -sthita, pp. disarranged. |
avasthā | f. appearance in court; state, condition; circumstance; â-tavya, fp. that must remain; -na, n. appearing; con dition, position; dwelling, abiding, stay; stability; -½antara, n. changed condition; -pana, n. exposing for sale; -yin, a. staying in; -sthita, pp. (√ sthâ) stationed; standing; arrayed; engaged in; -sthiti, f. stay, sojourn, abode. |
avyavastha | a. not enduring: â, f. unsettled state; -sthita-kitta, a. fickle-minded. |
asaṃskāra | m. lack of ornament, naturalness; a. lacking ornament; -skrita, pp. unequipped; unconsecrated; unadorned; unrefined, coarse; not having undergone the sacraments: -½alakin, a.having unadorned locks; -stuta, pp. unknown, strange; not agreeing, obstinate; -sthita, pp. not stand ing still, restless; scattered; -sprishta, pp. unattained; -hata, pp. disunited; m. kind of array; -hati, f. non-connexion;-hrita, pp. uninterrupted. |
uttha | a. arising; springing up; pro ceeding from, originating in (--°ree;); -thâ-ta vya, fp. n. one should rise; one should be up and doing; -th&asharp;na, m. originator; n. rising; rise (of heavenly bodies); resurrection; insurrection, tumult; exertion, activity; origin: -vat, a. strenuous, -vîra, m. man of action; -thâpana, n. raising; awakening; -thâya, gd. having arisen; -thây-in, a. rising; appearing; active, strenuous: -i-tva, n. abst. n.; -thita, pp. √ sthâ. |
upastha | m. lap; driver's seat; m. n. organs of generation: -nigraha, m. control of the sexual passion; -sthâtavya, fp. n. one should appear; one should wait upon; -sthâ tri, a. putting in an appearance (leg.); -sth&asharp; na, n. presence; approach; attendance; ser vice; veneration; assembly; -sthâyika, m. attendant on the sick; -sthâyin, a. putting in an appearance (leg.); -sthita, pp. √ sthâ. |
kupaṭa | m. poor garment; -patu, a. stupid; -pathita, pp. who has learnt (his part) badly; -pati, m. bad husband; bad king; -parigñâta, pp. ill-comprehended; -parîk sha-ka, a. estimating badly; m. bad estimator; -parîkshita, pp. ill-investigated; -pâtra, n. unworthy person; -putra, m. bad son; -puru sha, m. contemptible man; coward. |
cintita | pp. √ kint; n. thought; purpose; cares: -½upanata, pp. appearing as soon as thought of; -½upasthita, pp. id. |
cirarātra | m.(?) long time: d. after a long time, at length; -viraha-ga, a. arising from long separation; -velâ, f. late time of day: in. at so late an hour; -sam- kita, pp. long accumulated; -sthita, pp.having stood for a long time. |
chadmarūpin | a. disguised in the form of (--°ree;); -sthita, pp. feigning (--°ree;). |
jagatkāraṇa | n. cause of the world; -traya, n. triad of worlds (heaven, earth, and lower regions); -tritaya, n. id.; -pati, m. lord of the world (ep. of Brahman, Siva, Vishnu or Krishna, Agni, and of the Sun); -prakâsa, a. universally known, notorious; -prathita, pp. world-famed; -pra bhu, m. lord of the world; -prasiddha, pp. world-renowned; -prâsâha, a. consisting chiefly of gagatî verses; -srashtri, m. creator of the world, ep. of Brahman; -svâmin, m. sovereign of the world ˙ -svâmitva, n. sovereignty of the world. |
jara | m. wearing out; -atha, a. old, aged; violent; intense; -athita, pp. become violent or intense; -ana, a. decrepit, old: -&asharp;, f. old age. |
taṭadruma | m. tree on the bank; -bhû, f. bank; -stha, a. standing on theslope; indifferent; neutral (as standing midway be tween summit and valley); approximate (de finition); -sthita, pp. indifferent. |
tredhā | ad. threefold; in(to) three parts; in three places, three times-: -sthita, pp. divided into three, threefold. |
dantāntara | n. space between the teeth: -½adhishthita, pp. stuck between the teeth; -½âli, f. row of teeth; -½âlika, f. bridle; -½âvalî, f. row of teeth. |
duḥstha | a. faring ill, badly off, wretched, sad; -sthita, pp. id.; -sthiti, f. bad plight; -sparsa, a. hard or unpleasant to touch; -sprisa, a. id.; -smara, a. unpleasant to remember; -svapna, m. bad dream: -dars ana, n. bad vision in sleep. |
dūrāgata | pp. come from a distance; -½apeta, pp. far removed=not to be thought of, out of the question: -tva, n. abst. n.; -½âloka, m. distant view: e sthita, pp. to be seen only from afar. |
dūrapāra | a. whose other bank is distant; -prasârin, a. far-reaching; -ban dhu, a. far from one's kin; -bhâva, m. distance; -vartin, a. being far away, distant; going far beyond; -samstha, a. being at a distance; far-removed; -sûrya, a. having the sun a long way off, remote from the sun; -stha, a. standing at a distance or aloof; being far off: -tva, n. distance; -sthita, pp. being far off, distant. |
dharma | m. established order, usage, institution, custom, prescription; rule; duty; virtue, moral merit, good works; right; jus tice; law (concerning, g. or --°ree;); often per sonified, esp. as Yama, judge of the dead, and as a Pragâpati; nature, character, es sential quality, characteristic attribute, pro perty: in. dhármena, in accordance with law, custom, or duty, as is or was right; --°ree;, after the manner of, in accordance with; dharme sthita, observing the law, true to one's duty. |
dharmākhyāna | n. setting forth of duty; -½âkârya, m. teacher of the law; -½atikrama, m. transgression of the law; -½âtma-tâ, f. justice, virtue; -½âtman, a. having a virtuous nature, conscious of duty, just; -½âdesaka, m. instructor in the law (v. l. for dharma-desaka); -½adharma-gña, a. knowing right and wrong; -½adharma parîkshana, n. enquiry as to right and wrong; kind of ordeal; -½adhikarana, n. law court: -½adhishthita-purusha, m. law court official, -sthâna, n. court of justice; -½adhi kâra, m. administration of justice; -½adhi kâranika, m. judge; -½adhikârin, m. id.; -½adhikrita, (pp.) m. id.; -½adhishthâna, n. court of justice; -½adhyaksha, m. chief justice; -½adhvan, m. path of virtue; -½anu kâ&ndot;kshin, a. striving after justice; intent on righteousness; -½anushthâna, n. fulfilment of the law; -½abhisheka-kriyâ, f. prescribed ablution. |
dhyāna | n. meditation; religious contemplation: -tatpara, a. lost in thought; -dhîra, a. absorbed in thought; -para, a. id.; -yoga, m. deep meditation, religious ab sorption; -vat, a. devoted to religious medi tation; -sthita, pp. absorbed in thought. |
dhyātopanata | pp. present as soon as thought of; -½upasthita, pp. id. |
nātidūra | a. not too distant: -m, ad. not very far; ab., lc. not very far from (ab., g.), -ga, a. not too distant; -sthita, pp. standing at not too great a distance. |
niyoga | m. fastening; appointed duty, function; employment, appointment, commission, business; order, injunction; neces sity, certainty; destiny: in. necessarily, certainly; -krit, a. acting in one's behalf, agent; -samsthita, pp. being in office; -stha, a. being under the orders of (g.); -½artha, m. commission. |
patita | pp. √ 1. pat; n. flight: -vritta, pp. living as an outcast; -sâvitrî ka, a. having neglected the Sâvitrî, i. e. hav ing omitted investiture with the sacred cord; -sthita, pp. lying on the ground; -½utthita, pp. shipwrecked and rescued. |
padasaṃdhi | m. euphonic combi nation of words; -stha, a. pedestrian; in vested with office; -sthâna, m. footprint; -sthita, pp. invested with office. |
paraspara | a.: ac. each other; in. by or with each other; g. of each other; °ree;--, -tas, -m, ad. each other, mutually; -gña, a. knowing one another, intimate; -vyâvritti, f. mutual exclusion; -sthita, pp.standing op posite each other; -½âdin, a. devouring one another; -½amisha-tâ, f. condition of being one another's prey; -½âsraya, m. mutual de pendence, petitio principii; a. mutual; -½upa-kâra, m. mutual benefit. |
pāṃsukrīḍana | n. playing in the sand; -krîdâ, f. id.; -gunthita, pp. covered with dust; -dhvasta-siroruha, a. whose hair is covered i. e. sullied with dust; -varsha, m. n. shower of dust; -samkaya,m. heap of sand; -samûhana, a. whirling up dust; -hara, a. id. |
pārśvaka | m. rib; -ga, a. going at one's side, accompanying; m. attendant: pl. retinue; -gata, pp. going at one's side, at tendant; sheltering (shade); -gamana, n. accompanying (--°ree;); -kara, m.attendant: pl. retinue; -tás, ad. from, by or at the side or flank of, beside, aside (g. or --°ree;); near at hand; -druma, m. tree at one's side; -parivartin, a. being at the side of (--°ree;); -vartin, a. stand ing beside; m.attendant: pl. retinue; -vi vartin, a. being beside, living with (g.); -stha, a. standing beside, staying near; -sthita, pp. id. |
puras | ad. forward; before, in front, in the van; in one's presence; in or towards the east; previously, first, first of all; prp. before, in front or presence of (ac., ab., g., --°ree;); before (g. of time);puras-kri, place in front or at the head, cause to precede; honour; appoint for (lc.); make the chief thing; regard; prefer, choose; display: pp. puras krita, placed in front, advanced to the foremost rank, honoured; accompanied, attended, or distinguished by, possessed of, occupied with (--°ree;): -m, ad. amid, with (--°ree;); gd. pu raskritya, often=regarding, on account of, about; puro dhâ, place before or at the head; esteem, honour; consider; appoint to (d.), make one's priest (Â.); purah sthita, im pending, imminent. |
pūrvapakṣa | m. fore part or side; first half of a lunar month (when the moon increases), light fortnight; (primâ facie case), action at law; first objection to a proposi tion; -pakshin, a. making the first objection to a proposition; -pakshî-kri, make the first objection to a proposition; -patha, m. pre vious path, same way as before; -pada, n. previous member of a compound (gr.); -pad ya, a. belonging to the first member of a compound; -parigraha, m. first claim, pre cedence, privilege; a. claimed as a privilege by (g.); -pâda, m. fore-foot; -pitâmaha, m. fore-grandfather=ancestor; -pîthikâ, f. in troduction; -purusha, m.forefather (pl. ancestors); primaeval spirit, ep. of Brahman: -½upârgita, pp. collected by one's ancestors; -pûgita, pp. previously consecrated; -pûrva, a. every preceding one, each previously men tioned one; m. pl.ancient ancestors; -pûr va½ukta, pp. respectively mentioned before; -péya, n. precedence in drinking; precedence (in general); -pragñ&asharp;, f. knowledge of the past, memory; -prati-panna, pp. having previously agreed to or promised something; -pravritta, pp. having occurred previously; -prasthita, pp. having started previously, hastening on before. |
pūrvokta | pp. said or mentioned before, aforesaid; -½ukita, pp. accustomed in former days, known from of old; -½uttara, a. north-eastern (lc. in the north-east): du. preceding and following; -½utthâyin, a. aris ing first (in the morning); -½utthita, pp. having risen before (smoke); -½utpatti, a. arising before; -½utpanna, pp. having arisen before: -tva, n. priority; -½upakârin, a. having formerly done one a service; -½upa-nihita, pp. previously hidden away; -½upârg ita, pp. formerly acquired. |
pratiṣeddhavya | fp. to be re strained; -denied; -sheddhri, m. preventer, restrainer, of (g., sts. ac. of thing); -shedha, m. prevention, determent, restrainment; pro hibition; annulment, negation; negative; refusal: -ka, a. (ikâ) keeping off, forbidding; negativing; -shedana, a. warding off; n. preventing, deterring, restraining, from (ab.); prohibition against (ab.); rejection, refuta tion; -shedanîya, fp. to be restrained or prevented; -shedhayitri, a. (trî) negativing; -shedha½akshara, n. refusal; -shedha½ât maka, a. having a negative form; -she dha½apavâda, m. annulment of a prohibition; -shedha½arthîya, a. having the meaning of a negation; -shedha½ukti, f. negative or pro hibitory expression; -shedha½upamâ, f. com parison having a negative form; -shedhya, fp. to be prevented, prohibited, or rejected; -denied; -shtambha, m.obstruction, hind rance, impediment; annulment; -shtambh in, a. impeding (--°ree;); -shthá, a. steadfast; resisting; -shthâ, f. standing still; stead fastness, stability, perseverance in (--°ree;); stand ing-place, position; repository; foundation; support; abiding-place, homestead, dwelling; pediment, foot (of men or animals); tran quillity; pre-eminence; standing, high posi tion; accession to the throne; erection of an image or Li&ndot;ga;N. of various metres: (â) kâma, a. desiring a fixed abode or high position; -shth&asharp;na, n. firm standing-place, foundation; pedestal, foot; founding of a city; N. of a town situated at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamunâ; m. N. of a locality on the Godâvarî (the Paithana of the Greeks); -shthâpana, n. erection of an image; establishment, corroboration: â, f. counter-assertion, statement of an antithesis; -shthâpayitavya,fp. to be placed; -shth&asharp;p ya, fp. to be placed or based on (lc.); to be entrusted to (d. or lc.); -shthâsu, des. a. in tending to depart; -shthí, f. resistance; -shthita, pp. (√ sthâ) famous, celebrated; expert in (lc.):-pada, n. having verses (pâdas) containing a fixed number of sylla bles); -shthiti, f. firm stand or footing. |
prastha | m. n. [standing forth, promi nent], table-land on a mountain, plateau; level expanse, plain; a measure of capacity (=32 Palas); -sthâna, n. setting out, march ing forth, proceeding, departure; advent; de spatch (of wares), journey to the next world; religious mendicancy; way of thinking, method, system, sect; kind of inferior drama: -dundubhi, m. drum giving the sig nal for marching; -sthânîya, a. relating to departure; -sthâpana, n. sending away, de spatching, dismissing; giving currency to (an expression); -sthâpita, cs. pp. (√ sthâ) sent away, despatched; -sthâpya, cs. fp. to be sent away or dismissed; -sthâyin, a.setting out, departing; -sthita, pp. (√ sthâ) set out, departed; marched forth; gone on a journey; n. departure: -yâgyâ, f. verse pro nounced on offering the Soma vessels called &open;prasthita;&close; -sthiti, f.setting out, depar ture; -stheya, fp. n. imps. one should set out or depart. |
bandiputra | m. son of a bard, panegyrist; -strî, f. female panegyrist; -sthita, pp. imprisoned. |
madhyarātra | m. midnight; -râ tri, f. id.; -rekhâ, f. central line (supposed to be drawn to Mount Meru from La&ndot;kâ, Uggayinî, Kurukshetra, and other places); -vayas, a. middle-aged; -vartin,a. being in the midst of, in, or among (--°ree;); -sarîra, a. moderately stout; -sâyin, a. lying within; -siddhânta-kaumudî, f. medium Siddhânta kaumudî, T. of an abridgment of the Sid dhânta-kaumudî; -stha, a. being in the mid dle; being in the air; being within; being in, between, or among (g. or --°ree;); mediating between (g.); middling; indifferent, impar tial, neutral; standing between=belonging to neither or to both parties (territory etc.): -tâ, f. indifference; impartiality; -sthala, n. middle part, hip; -sthâna, n. middle re gion, atmosphere; -sthita, pp. being between (g.); indifferent: -tâ, f. indifference. |
yathāvakāśam | ad. accord ing to space; into the proper place; accord ing to or on the first opportunity; -vakana kârin, a. acting according to orders, obedient; -vakanam, ad. according to the expression; -vat, ad. exactly as it is or should be, accord ing to usage, in due order, suitably, fitly, cor rectly, accurately;=yathâ, as (rare); -vay as, ad. according to age; of the same age; -vasám, ad. according toone's will or pleasure (V.); -½avasaram, ad. at every opportunity; -vastu, ad. in accordance with the facts, ac curately, truly; -½avastham, ad. in accord ance with the condition or circumstances; -½avasthita½artha-kathana, n. description of a matter in accordance with facts; -½âvâs am, ad. to one's respective dwelling; -vit tam, ad. in accordance with the find; in pro portion to property; -vidha, a. of what kind; -vidhânam, ad.according to prescription or rule, duly; -vidhânena, in ad. id.; -vidhi, ad. id.; in due form, suitably; according to the deserts of (g.); -viniyogam, ad. in the order stated; -vibhava, °ree;--, -m, or -tas, ad. in proportion to means or income; -vibhâg am, ad. in accordance with the share; -vi shayam, ad. according to the thing in ques tion; -vîrya, a. having what strength: -m, ad. in proportion or with regard to valour; -vritta, pp. as happened; how conducting oneself: °ree;-or -m, ad. as it happened, in ac cordance with the facts, circumstantially; according to the metre; n. previous event; ac tual facts, details of an event; -vrittânta, m.(?) experience, adventure; -vriddha, °ree;-or -m, according to age, by seniority; -vyavahâram, ad. in accordance with usage; -vyutpatti, ad. according to the degree of culture; -sakti, -saktyâ, ad. according to one's power, to the utmost of one's power, as far as possible; -½âsayam, ad. according to wish; according to the conditions or premises; -sâstra, °ree;-or -m, according to prescribed rules or the in stitutes of the law; -sîlam, ad.according to the character; -sraddhám, ad. according to inclination; -½âsramam, ad. according to the stage of religious life; -½âsrayam, ad. in re gard to the connexion; -srâddham, ad. in accordance with the funeral feast; -srutam, pp. as heard of: -m, ad. as one heard it; in accordance with knowledge; incorr. for -sruti; -sruti, ad. according to the precepts of the Veda; -samstham, ad. according to circum stances; -sakhyam, ad. in proportion to friend ship; -samkalpita, pp. as wished; -sam khyam, -samkhyena, ad. according to num ber, number for number, in such a way that the numbers of two equal series correspond numerically (the first to the first, the second to the second, etc.); -sa&ndot;gam, ad. according to need, adequately; -satyam, ad. in accord ance with truth, truthfully; -samdishtam, ad. as directed; -½âsannam, ad. as soon as come near; -samayam,ad. at the proper time; -samarthitam, ad. as has been con sidered good; -samâmnâtam, ad. as men tioned; -samîhita, pp. as desired: -m, ad. according to wish (Pr.); -samuditám, ad. as agreed; -sampad, ad. as it happens; -sam pratyayam, ad. according to agreement; -sampradâyam, ad. as handed down; -sam bandham, ad. according to the relationship; -sambhava, a. corresponding as far as pos sible: -m, ad. according to the connexion, respectively; -sambhavin, a., -sambhâvita, pp. corresponding; -sâma, ad. according to the sequence of the Sâmans; -sâram, ad. ac cording to the quality; -siddha, pp. as hap pening to be ready; -sukha,°ree;-or -m, ad. at pleasure; at ease, comfortably; pleasantly, conveniently; -sukha-mukha, a. facing any way one pleases; -sûktam, ad. hymn by hymn; -sûkshma, a. pl. according to size from the smallest onwards: -m,ad.; -½astam, ad. to one's respective home; -sthâna, n. proper place (only lc. sg. & pl.); a. being in the proper place: (á)-m, ad. to or in the proper place; -sthitam, ad. according to one's stand; as it stands, certainly, surely; -sthiti, ad. according to custom, as usual; -sthûla, °ree;-or -m, ad. in the rough, without going into detail; -smriti, ad. according to one's recollection; according to the rules of the law-books; -sva, a. one's (his, their) respective: °ree;-or -m, ad. each his own, each individually or in his own way, respectively; -svaira, °ree;-or -m, ad. at pleasure, without restraint; -½âhâra, a. eating whatever comes to hand. |
yathāpaṇyam | ad. according to the commodity; -½aparâdha-danda, a. pun ishing in proportion to guilt; -parîttam, ad. as delivered up; -puram, ad. as before; -pûr va, a. being as before: (á)-m, ad. as before; in succession, one after the other; -pragñam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -pratya ksha-darsanam, ad. as if actually seen; -pra dishtam, ad. as prescribed, duly; -pradesam, ad. in its respective place; in the proper place; in all directions; according to precept; -pradhânam, ad. according to size; accord ing to precedence; -pravesam, ad. as one has entered; -prasnam, ad. in accordance with the questions; -prastutam, ad. as had al ready been begun, at length; -prânam, ad. according to one's strength, with all one's might; -prânena, in. ad. id.; -prâpta, pp. as fallen in with, the first that occurs; as resulting from circumstances, suitable; re sulting from a preceding grammatical rule: -m, ad. according to the rule, regularly; -prârthitam, ad. as requested; -phalam, ad. according to the produce; -balám, ad. according to one'spower, with all one's might; according to the condition of the army; -bîg am, ad. according to the seed; -buddhi, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -bhâgám, ad. according to the share; in one's respective place; in the right place; -bhâganam, ad. respectively in the right place; -bhâva, m. condition of how it is, true state; fate; -½abhi preta, pp. wished for, desirable (--°ree;): -m, ad. according to desire, as any one (g.) likes; -½abhimata, pp. desired: -m, ad. according to desire, to one's heart's content, -desa, m. desired place, whatever place one likes; -½abhi rukita, pp. liked, favourite; -½abhilashita, wished for, desirable; -½abhîshta, pp.desired: -dis, f. place desired by each; -bhûtam, ad. according to what has happened, truly; -bhû mi, ad. into the respective country; -½abhy arthita, pp. previously requested; -ma&ndot;ga lam, ad. according to the respective custom; -mati, ad. as seems fit to any one (g.); to the best of one's understanding; -manas, ad. to one's heart's content; -mukhyam, ad. as re gards the chief persons; -mukhyena, in. ad. chiefly, above all; -½âmnâtam, ad. as handed down in the text. |
yāmika | a. being on guard (with purusha, m. or -bhata, m. watchman); m. man on guard, watchman: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sthita, pp.=yâmâvasthita. |
yāmabhadra | m. kind of pavilion; -mâtra, n. only a watch; -yama, m. pre scribed occupation for every hour; -vat-î, f. (having watches), night; -vritti, f. being on watch or guard; -stamberama, m.=-kuñga ra; (y&asharp;ma)-hûti, f. cry for help (RV.): -½avasthita, pp. standing ready at stated hours. |
laghūkti | f. short mode of expres sion; -½utthâna, a. quickly setabout; prompt, full of alacrity; -½utthita, pp. prompt. |
viliṅga | a. of different gender; -lipta, pp. √ lip; -luthita, pp. √ luth; n. wal lowing; -lunthana, n. plundering, stealing; -lupya, fp. destructible (only a-); -lumpaka, m. robber; destroyer. |
viśyāparṇa | a. conducted with out the Syâparnas (sacrifice); -srabdha, pp. (√ srambh) confident: °ree;-or -m, ad. confi dently, unhesitatingly; -srama, m. rest, re laxation; -sramana, n.resting, relaxation; -srambha, m. cessation (rare); confidence, in (lc., --°ree;, rarely g.); familiarity, intimacy: -m kri, gain the confidence of (g.): ab. or °ree;--, confidentially; kasmai visrambham katha yâmi, whom shall I make a confidant of? -kathâ, f. confidential or familiar conversa tion, -kathita, (pp.) n. pl. id.; -srambhana, n. confidence; gaining the confidence of (--°ree;); -srambhanîya, fp. inspiring any one (g.) with confidence;-srambha-tâ, f. confidence; -srambha-bhritya, m. confidential servant; -srambha-samkathâ, f. familiar or confiden tial conversation; -srambha½âlâpa, m. id.; -srambhin, a. trusting, placing confidence in (--°ree;); enjoying confidence; confidential (conversation); (ví)-sravas, a. famous; m. N. of a Rishi, son of Pulastya and father of Kubera, Râvana, etc.; -srânana, n. be stowal, gift, of (g., --°ree;); sacrifice of (life); -srânta, pp.(√ sram) rested etc.; -srânti, f. rest, repose, relaxation; cessation, end (rare): -bhûmi, f. means of relaxation; -srâma, m. rest, repose, relaxation (ord. mg.); heaving sigh after exertion; resting-place (rare); cessation, relaxation, abatement: -bhû, f. resting-place, -vesman, n. resting-chamber, -sthâna, n. resting-place of a person=means of recreation; -srâva, m. noise; renown. |
vyavaccheda | m. severance from (in., --°ree;); separation, dispersion (in a-); ex clusion; distinction, discrimination; letting fly (an arrow): -ka, a. distinguishing; ex cluding; -kkhedya, fp. to be excluded; -dhâna, n. interposition, intervention (ord. my.); cover; distinction, discrimination; interruption; conclusion: -vat, a. covered with (--°ree;); -dhâyaka, a. (ikâ) intervening; interrupting, disturbing; -dhârana, n.speci fication; -dhi, m. covering; -sâya, m. strenu ous labour; resolution, resolve, determina tion, purpose, to (lc., prati, --°ree;): -vat, a. reso lute, determined, enterprising; -sâyin, a. id., energetic; -sita, pp. √ sâ; n.resolve, pur pose, enterprise; -siti, f. resolution, deter mination; -sthâ, f. respective difference, distinction; continuance in one place (rare); fixity, permanence; fixed limit (rare); deci sion, establishment, settled rule regarding (--°ree;); fixed relation of time or place (gr.); state, condition; case (rare); occasion, oppor tunity (rare): in. according to a fixed rule: lc. in every single case; -sthâna, n. per sistence, continuance, in (lc., --°ree;); steadfast ness; condition, sg. pl. circumstances; -sthâ paka, a. determining, settling, deciding; -sthâpana, n. encouraging; fixing, deter mining; -sthâpanîya, fp. to be determined; -sthita-tva, n. permanence, fixity;-sthiti, f. distinction; perseverance in (lc.); con stancy, steadfastness; fixity, permanence; fixed rule; -hartavya, fp. to be employed or used; n. imps. one should act or proceed; -hartri, m. one engaged on or occupied with (in.); transactor; judge. |
vratadāna | n. imposition of a vow; -dhara, a. practising a vow (only --°ree;); -dhâr ana, n. fulfilment of religious observances or of duties, towards (g., --°ree;); (á)-pati, m. lord of religious rites (Agni; V.); -p&asharp;, a. guarding the sacred law (V.); -pârana, n. conclusion of a fast, eating after a fast; -pra dâna, n. imposition of a fast; -bha&ndot;ga, m. breach of a vow; -bhrít, a. bearing the sacred law or rite (Agni); -ruki, a. delighting in vows etc., religious; -lopa, m. breach of a vow; -lopana, n. id.; (á)-vat, a. fulfilling or practising a vow; -sayyâ-griha, n. sleeping apartment for the performance of a vow; -sampâdana, n.fulfilment of a vow or religious duty; -stha, a. practising a vow etc.; -sthita, pp. id.; -snâta, pp. having completed one's vows (but not Vedic study): -ka, a. id.; -snâna, n. completion of one's vows; -hâni, f. neglect of vows; -½âdesa, m. imposition of a vow, esp. of the first vow of the Brahmakârin; -½âdesana, n. initiation into a vow: -visarga, m. pl. initiation into and completion of a vow. |
śiraḥstha | a. borne on the head; hanging over one's head, imminent; -sthâna, n. chief place; -sthita, pp. being in the head, cerebral (sound); -snâta, pp. having bathed one's head. |
saṃspardhā | f. rivalry, jealousy; -spardhin, a. vying with (--°ree;); jealous; -spar- sá, m. touch, contact (with, --°ree;); -sparsana, a. touching; n. contact; -sparsin, a. touch ing; -spris, a. id.; -sphota,m. concussion; -smarana, n. remembering, recollecting; -smaranîya, fp. to be remembered, living in remembrance only; -smartavya, fp. to be remembered; -smriti, f. remembrance, of (g., --°ree;): -m labh, remember; -smrita½upa-sthita, pp. appearing as soon as remem bered; -sravá, m. conflux; confluent re mainder of liquids (V.); flowing water; -sravana, n. in garbha-, miscarriage; -srâ vá, m. conflux (V.); accumulation of matteretc. (C.); remainder, dregs (V.); -sveda, m. sweat: -ga, a. pl. produced from moist heat (vermin etc.). |
sahastha | a. present; m. companion; -sthita, pp. id.; -sthiti, f. abiding together in (--°ree;). |
sahita | pp. [placed together=sam hita] standing near; joined, united (du. both together; pl. combined, all together); ac companied by, associated or provided with, together with (in., --°ree;): -sthita,pp. stand ing together. |
suprakāśa | a. well-lighted; dis tinctly visible; -praketá, a. bright, con spicuous, notable (RV.); -práketa, a. id. (RV.1); -prakshâlita, pp. well-washed; -pra gupta, pp. very secret; -prakkhanna, pp.well-concealed; -pragá, a. having good or numerous children; -pragás, a. id.; -pragña, a. very wise (person); -pránîti, f. safe guidance (V.); a. guiding safely (V.); following good guidance (RV.); -pratara, a. easy to cross (rivers); -pratarka, m. sound judgment; -pratikara, a. easy to requite; -pratigña, m. N. of a Dânava; -prativarman, m. N.; -pratishtha, a. standing firm; firmly sup porting; m. kind of military array; -pra tishthâpita, cs. pp. well set up (image); (sú)-pratishthita, pp. standing firm; pro perly set up (stone); thoroughly implanted in (lc.); well-established (fame, Pr.); n. N. of a town in Pratishthâna; -prátîka, a. having a beautiful countenance, handsome, lovely; m. N.; N. of a mythical elephant; -pratîta, pp. well-known; -pratúr, a. (nm. t&usharp;s) advancing victoriously (RV.1); -prá tûrti, a. id. (V.); -prapâná, n. good drink ing-place (RV.); -prabha, a. having a good appearance, fine, excellent; m. N. of a Deva putra: -deva, m. N.; -prabhâta, pp. beau tifully illuminated by dawn; n. beautiful dawn; -prayás, a. well-regaled (V.); -pra y&asharp;, a. pleasant to tread on (RV.1); -pra yukta, pp. well-discharged (arrow); well recited; well-planned (fraud); -pravâkaná, a. praiseworthy (RV.); -prasanna, pp. very clear (water); very bright or pleased (face etc.); very gracious; -prasava, m. easy par turition; -prasâda, a. placable; -prasâdh ita, pp. well-adorned; -prasiddha, pp. well known; -prahâra, m. N. of a fisherman. |
supta | pp. √ svap; n. sleep: -ka, n. id. --°ree; w. alîkaor vyâga-: -m kri, feign sleep; -kyuta, pp. fallen down during sleep; -pra buddha, pp. awakened from sleep; -pralap ita, (pp.) n. talking during sleep (only pl.); -vâkya, n. words spoken in sleep; -vinidraka, a. awaking from sleep; -sthita, pp. sleeping. |
susukha | a. very agreeable or com fortable: °ree;-or -m, ad.; -sûkshma, a. very minute, small, or insignificant; very subtile (mind, sense); -sevita, pp. well-served (king); -saindhavî, f. beautiful mare from the In dus country (Sindh); -stambha, m. good pillar; -strî, f. good woman; -stha, a. (well situated), faring well, healthy, being at ease, prosperous, well off; full (moon): -tâ, f. health; -sthâna, n. beautiful place; -sthita, pp. (√ sthâ) firmly established; following the right path, innocent; faring well, pros perous, well off, being at ease (ord. mg.): -tva, n. ease, comfort, prosperity, -m-manya, a. considering oneself well off; -sthiti, f. excellent position; welfare; -sthira, a. very steadfast, lasting, or durable: -m-manya, a. considering oneself firmly established, -var man, m. N.; -snâta, pp. perfectly cleansed by bathing; -snigdha-gambhîra, a.very soft and deep (voice); -spashta, pp. [√ spas] very clear, evident, or distinct: -m, ad. most manifestly; -svapna, m. beautiful dream; -svara, m. correct accent; a. hav ing a beautiful voice; melodious; loud: -m,ad. melodiously; loudly; -svâda, a. having a good taste, well-flavoured, sweet; -svâdu, a. very well-flavoured (water); -svâmin, m. good leader (of an army). |
sthānaka | m. N.; n. attitude (in shooting etc.); kind of posture; station, rank; place, spot: -sthânaka, n. pl. lc. in all places, everywhere; -kintaka, m. quarter-master; -kyuta, pp. removed from one'splace; -tâ, f. state of being the receptacle of, possession of (g.); -tyâga, m. abandonment of one's dwel ling-place; -pâla, m. guardian of a place; superintendant; -bha&ndot;ga, m. ruin or fall of a place; -bhramsa, m.loss of one's dwel ling; -position; -bhrashta, pp. removed from one's proper place, displaced; having lost one's position; -yoga, m. pl. assignment of the proper places (for commodities); -vid, a. having local knowledge; -sthâna, n. pl. lc. in every nook and corner; -sthita, pp. occupying a high position; -½antara, n. an other place; -½âsraya, m. place on which any thing stands (eka-, a. being in the same place); -½âsana-vihâra-vat, a.occupying the abode, the seat, and the recreation ground; -½âsedha, m. local or personal arrest. |
sthita | pp. [√ sthâ] standing, -up (opp. walking, sitting, lying); standing firm (in battle); staying, remaining, situated, in a place (lc., ad., --°ree;; common mg.); being in a condition or position (in., ab., lc., --°ree;, n. in app.; more commonly ad., pp., pr. pt., gd.; w. pr. pt. or gd.=continually; ord. mg.); engaged in, intent on, addicted or devoted to, practising, persevering in (lc., --°ree;); abiding in, conforming to, following (command etc., lc.); being in office; steady, kept (agreement, counsel); settled, generally accepted (also Br.); determined, resolved upon; firmly con vinced; firmly resolved to (inf., lc. of vbl. n.); ready to (d.); being there, existing, present, come (time); directed to (lc., --°ree;; effort, gaze); resting or dependent on (lc.); conducing (oppression) to (d.); remaining, left (rare); having desisted or stopped; un accompanied by iti (in the Padapâtha); stand ing alone: -m, n. imps. it was stood by (in.) =he waited; anityam sthitah, not remain ing permanently, staying only a short time; purah --, =imminent; parasparam sthitau, standing face to face (as foes); muktâ½âkâ ra-tayâ --, resting in the form of (=like) a pearl (drop of water); pade sthite,=in the Padapâtha; n. standing still, staying: -vat, pp. act. being, in (lc.). |
svanīka | a. having a fair counte nance (RV.); -½anushthita, pp. well per formed or carried out; -½anta, a. having a good end, ending well; auspicious, fortunate. |
svargadvāra | n. gate of heaven; -pati, m. lord of heaven, ep. of Indra; -purî, f. city of heaven, Amarâvatî; -pratikkhanda, m. pl. heaven-like joys; -bhartri, m. lord of heaven, ep. of Indra; -mandâkinî, f. celestial Mandâkinî (Ganges); -mârga, m. way to heaven; celestial path, milky way: -didrik shu, des. a. desirous of seeing the road to heaven; -yâna, n. way to heaven; -yoni, f. object securing heaven; -râgya, n. kingdom of heaven; -loka, m. (sts. pl.) celestial world, heaven; -strî, f. celestial nymph, Apsaras; -stha, a. dwelling in heaven, dead; -sthita, pp. id.; m. god; one of the Blest. |
svottha | a. produced in oneself, innate; -½utthita, pp. produced in or due to oneself; -½upârgita, pp. acquired by oneself. |
hasta | m. hand (ord. mg.); C.: elephant's trunk; as a measure=fore-arm or cubit (about 18 inches); handwriting (rare); abundance (--°ree; after words meaning hair); N.; V., C.: eleventh (or thirteenth) lunar asterism: --°ree; a. holding in (sts. by) the hand: -m gam, fall into the hand of (--°ree;); e kri, take into one's hand; also=gain possession of, get into one's power; marry (a girl); e nyasta, resting on her hand (face);tasya haste loka-dvayam sthitam, the two worlds are in his hand=are assured to him. |