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Amarakosha Search
31 results
uddhavaḥMasculineSingularminister of krishna
mātaliḥ1.1.47MasculineSingularthe charioter of indra
satatam1.1.66NeuterSingularanavaratam, aśrāntam, ajasram, santatam, aviratam, aniśam, nityam, anāratameternal or continually
diśFeminineSingularkakup, kāṣṭhā, āśā, haritquarter or region pointed at/ direction
diśyamNeuterSingularrelating to the quarters of the sky or to the horizon
dikpatayaḥ1.3.2MasculinePluralthe lord of quarters and the points
apadiśam1.3.5MasculineSingularvidikintermediate point
saṃkalpaḥMasculineSingularpraṇidhānam, avadhānam, samādhānamdetermination
midhyādṛṣṭiḥFeminineSingularnāstikatāheterodox or kerssry
ākṣāraṇā1.6.15FeminineSingularan imputation of adultery
anakṣaramMasculineSingularavācyamunfit to be uttered
attikāFeminineSingularan older sister
hasaḥ1.7.18MasculineSingularhāsaḥ, hāsyamlaughter
daraḥMasculineSingularsādhvasam, bhayam, trāsaḥ, bhītiḥ, bhīḥfear or terror
alagardaḥMasculineSingularjalavyālaḥa water snake
āpaḥ1.10.3-4FemininePluralsalilam, payaḥ, jīvanam, kabandham, puṣkaram, arṇaḥ, nīram, śambaram, vāḥ, kamalam, kīlālam, bhuvanam, udakam, sarvatomukham, toyaḥ, kṣīram, meghapuṣpam, vāri, jalam, amṛtam, vanam, pāthaḥ, ambhaḥ, pānīyam, ambu, ghanarasaḥwater
pṛṣat1.10.6NeuterPluralpṛṣataḥ, vipruṭ, binduḥa drop of water
vakramNeuterPluralpuṭabhedaḥa winding decent of water
droṇī1.10.11FeminineSingularkāṣṭhāmbuvāhinīan oval vessel of wood used for holding or pouring out of water
prasannaḥMasculineSingularacchaḥclear transperant water
kaluṣaḥ1.10.14MasculineSingularancchaḥ, āvilaḥturbid water
muktāsphoṭaḥMasculineSingularśuktiḥa pearl oyester
saugandhikamNeuterSingularkahlāramwhite water lily
śālūkamNeuterSingularthe root of a water lily
kumudvatī1.10.38FeminineSingularkumudinīa place abounding in water-lillies
nālāFeminineSingularnālamthe stalk of a water llily
ṣaṇḍam1.10.42MasculineSingularan assemblage of water lilies
Monier-Williams Search
15 results for ter
tera m. balsamine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
teraṇam. balsamine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛterṣyamfn. envious, jealous. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pateram. "flying, moving", a bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pateram. a bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pateram. a measure of capacity (equals āḍhaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
terakṣasmfn. performed with exclusion of the Rakshases (as a sacrifice) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃjāterṣyamfn. becoming envious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śateram. equals śatru-, an enemy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śateram. hurt, injury View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sateram. husk, chaff (equals tuṣa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saterakan. a season of two months (equals ṛtu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suteraṇa(sut/e--) mfn. delighting in soma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utteritan. (said to be fr. uttṝ-), one of the five paces of a horse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttervārum. a water-melon (equals ṣaḍ-bhujā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
utteritam उत्तेरितम् One of the five paces of a horse.
patera पतेर a. [पत्-एर] 1 Flying, falling. -2 Going, moving. -रः 1 A bird. -2 A hole or pit. -3 A kind of measure (आढक q. v.).
śateraḥ शतेरः (शदेः एरच् त च Uṇ.1.59) 1 An enemy. -2 Injury, hurt. -3 A river.
sateraḥ सतेरः Husk, chaff.
Macdonell Vedic Search
73 results
ajasra á-jasra, a. (K.) eternal, ii. 35, 8 [unfailing: jas be exhausted].
antar antár, prp. with lc., within, i. 35, 9; ii. 12, 3; 35, 7; iv. 51, 3; vii. 71, 5; 86, 2 (= in communion with); viii. 48, 2; among, viii. 29, 2. 3 [Lat. inter].
ap áp, f. water, pl. N. á̄pas, ii. 35, 3. 4; vii. 49, 1. 22. 3. 4; 103, 2; A. apás, v. 83, 6; inst. adbhís, x. 14, 9; G. apá̄m, i. 85, 9; ii. 12, 7; 35, 1. 2. 3. 7. 9. 11. 13. 14; vii. 103, 4; x. 168, 3; L. apsú, ii. 35, 4. 5. 7. 8; vii. 103, 5 [Av. ap ‘water’].
apāṃ napāt Apá̄ṃ nápāt, m. son of waters, name of a god, ii. 33, 13; 35, 1. 3. 7. 9.
abhva á-bhv-a, a. monstrous; n. force, ii. 33, 10; monster, iv. 51, 9 [non-existent, monstrous: -bhū be].
ambhas ámbh-as, n. water, x. 129, 1.
arvāk arvá̄k, adv. hither, x. 15, 4. 9; afterwards, x. 129, 6.
asyant ás-yant, pr. pt. scattering, x. 168, 1 [as throw].
ājya á̄j-ya, n. melted butter, x. 90, 6 [á̄-añj anoint].
i I go, II. P. émi, x. 34, 5; éti, iv. 50, 8; x. 34, 6; 168, 12; yánti, vii. 49, 1; approach (acc.), viii. 48, 10; áyan, pr. sb. pass, vii. 61, 4; attain, vii. 63, 4; pf. īyúr, x. 15, 1. 2. ánu- go after, vi. 54, 5; follow (acc.), viii. 63, 5.ápa- go away, x. 14, 9. abhí- come upon. ipf. á̄yan, vii. 103, 2.áva- appease: op. iyām, vii. 86, 4. á̄- come, ii. 33, 1; v. 83, 6; go to, x. 14, 8. úpa á̄- come to (acc.), i. 1, 7. úd- rise, vii. 61, 1; 63, 1-4; ipf. ait, x. 90, 4. úpa- approach, vii. 86, 3; 103, 3; x. 14, 10; 34, 10; flow to, ii. 35, 3.párā- pass away, pf. īyúr, x. 14, 2. 7. pári- surround, ii. 35, 4. 9. prá- go forth, i. 154, 3; x. 14, 7. ánu prá- go forth after, vi. 54, 6. sám- flow together, ii. 35, 3; unite, vii, 103, 2.
īr stir īr stir, set in motion, II. Ā. í̄rte. ánu sáṃ prá- speed on together after, x. 168, 2.
pra prá-, cs. īráya, utter forth, ii. 33. 8.
īś īś be master of, overpower, II. Ā. í̄ṣṭe, with gen., viii. 48, 14.
ugra ug-rá, a. mighty, ii. 33, 9; x. 34, 8; fierce, terrible, ii. 33, 11; viii. 29, 5.
udan ud-án, n. water, i. 85, 5 [Go. watō ‘water’].
udanvant udan-vánt, a. water-laden, v. 83, 7.
upara úpa-ra, cpv. a. later, x. 15, 2 [Av. upara ‘upper’, Gk. ὕπερο-ς ‘pestle’, Lat. s-uperu-s ‘upper’].
ka Ká, inter. prn. who? i. 35, 7; x. 129, 6; 135, 52; G. kásya, x. 129, 1; du. káu, x. 90, 112; with cid: I. kéna cid by any, x. 15, 6; pl. N. ké cid some, viii. 103, 8.
katama ka-tamá, inter. prn. which (of many)? i. 35, 7; iv. 51, 6; with caná any, x. 168, 3 [Lat. quo-tumu-s].
kadā ka-dā, inter. adv. when? vii. 86, 2; with caná, ever, vi. 54, 9 [ká who?].
kim kí-m, inter. prn. what? vii. 86, 2. 4; viii. 48, 32; x. 90, 11; 129, 12; with caná anything, x. 129, 2 [Lat. qui-s, qui-d].
kucara ku-cará, a. wandering at will, i. 154, 2 [ku, inter. prn. root where? = anywhere + cara from carfare].
kutas ku-tás, inter. adv. whence? x. 129, 62; 168, 3 [prn. root where?].
kuvid kuv-íd, inter. pcl. whether? ii. 35, 1. 2; iv. 51, 4 [ku + íd: cp. p. 226].
kuha kú-ha, inter. adv. where? ii. 12, 5; x. 129, 1 [ku + sf. ha = dhā: cp. p. 212].
kva kvà, inter. adv. where? i. 35, 7; ii. 33, 7; iv. 51, 6; x. 168, 3; with svid who knows where, x. 34, 10 [pronounced kúa].
gā go, III. P. jígāti. abhí- approach, vii. 71, 4. á̄- come: rt. ao. agāt, i. 35, 8. pári- go by (acc.): root ao. inj. gāt, ii. 33, 14. [231] prá- go forward, ipv. jigāta, i. 85, 6; enter, root ao., viii. 48, 2.
ghṛta ghṛ-tá, (pp.) n. clarified butter, ghee, i. 85, 3; ii. 33, 11. 14; v. 11, 3; 83, 8 [ghṛ be hot].
ghṛtapratīka ghṛtá-pratīka, a. (Bv.) butter-faced, v. 11, 1 [prátīka, n. front from pratyáño turned towards].
ghora gho-rá, a. terrible; n. magic power, v. 34, 14.
car car fare, I. cárati, -te, iv. 51, 6. 9; viii. 29, 8; x. 14, 12; 168, 4. abhí- bewitch, x. 34, 14. á̄- approach, iv. 51, 8. prá- go forward, enter, viii. 48, 6. abhí sám- come together, viii. 48, 1.
jalpi jálp-i, f. idle talk, chatter, viii. 48, 14 [jalp chatter].
tṝ tṝ cross, VI. tirá. prá- extend, increase (family), vii. 61, 4; prolong (life), 103, 10; iṣ ao., viii. 48, 4. 7. 11. ví- run counter to (acc.), x. 34, 6.
tras tras tremble, I. trasa [Gk. τρέω, Lat. terreo ‘frighten’]. nís- speed away, viii. 48, 11.
tveṣa tveṣ-á, a. terrible, ii. 33, 8. 14 [tviṣ be agitated].
tveṣasaṃdṛś tveṣá-saṃdṛś, a. (Bv.) of terrible aspect, i. 85, 8.
dakṣiṇa dákṣ-iṇa, a. right, vi. 54, 10 [cp. Gk. δεξιό -ς, Lat. dexter].
diś díś, f. quarter (of the sky), i. 85, 11; x. 90, 14 [diś point].
duhitr duh-i-tṛ́, f. daughter, iv. 51, 1. 10. 11; x. 127, 8 [Gk. θυγάτηρ, Go. dauhtar].
drti dṛ́-ti, m. water-skin, v. 83, 7; vii. 103, 2 [dṛ split; cp. Gk. δέρω, Eng. tear].
nu nú, adv. now, i. 154, 1; ii. 33, 7; iv. 51, 9; x. 34, 142; 168, 1; = inter. pcl. pray? vii. 86, 2 [Gk. νύ,, OG. nu].
pathikrt pathi-kṛ́t, m. path-maker, x. 14, 15 [kṛ-t making: kṛ + determinative t]. [239]
paścād paścá̄d, (ab.) adv. behind, x. 90, 5; afterwards, x. 135, 6.
pitr pi-tṛ́, m. father, i. 1, 9; 160, 22. 3; ii. 33, 1. 12. 13; iv. 50, 6; v. 83, 6; vii. 103, 3; viii. 48, 4; x. 14, 5. 6; 34, 4; 135, 1; pl. fathers, ancestors, viii. 48, 12. 13; x. 14, 2. 4. 7. 8. 9; 15, 1-13 [Gk. πατήρ, Lat.pater, Go. fadar].
pitrya pítr-ya, a. paternal, vii. 86, 5; viii. 48, 7 [pitṛ́ father].
pṛṣadājya pṛṣad-ājyá, n. clotted butter, x. 90, 8.
pratimāna prati-má̄na, n. match, ii. 12, 9 [countermeasure: mā measure].
praviṣṭa prá-viṣṭa, pp. having entered, vii. 49, 4 [viś enter].
bhīma bhī-má, a. terrible, i. 154, 2; ii. 33, 11 [bhī fear].
bhrātṛ bhrá̄-tṛ, m. brother, x. 34, 4 [Gk. ϕρá̄τωρ, Lat. frāter, OI. brāthir, Go. brōthar, OSI. bratrŭ].
mātr mā-tṛ́, f. mother, i. 160, 2; v. 11, 3; x. 34, 4. 10 [Gk. μήτηρ, Lat. māter, OI. māthir, Eng. mother].
māyā mā-yá̄, f. mysterious power, i. 160, 3 [mā make].
yakṣa yakṣ-á, n. mystery, vii. 61, 5.
yudhyamāna yúdhya-māna, pr. pt. Ā. fighting; m. fighter, ii. 12, 9 [yudh fight].
rujant ruj-ánt, pr. pt. shattering, x. 168, 1.
vac vac utter, III. P. vívakti; ao. op., ii. 35, 2; speak, ps. ucyáte, x. 90, 11; 135, 7 [Lat. voc-āre ‘call’]. ádhi- speak for (dat.), viii. 48, 14. prá- proclaim, i. 154, 1; vii. 86, 4; declare, x. 129, 6.
vad vad speak, I. váda, ii. 33, 15; op. ii. 35, 15; vii. 103, 52; x. 34, 12. áchā- invoke, v. 83, 1. á̄- utter, ii. 12, 15; viii. 48, 14. prá- utter forth, iṣ ao., avādiṣur, vii. 103, 1. sám- converse about (acc.) with (inst.), vii. 86, 2.
vasyas vás-yas, acc. adv. for greater welfare, viii. 48, 9 [cpv. of vásu good].
vah vah carry, draw, drive, I. váha, vii. 63, 2; s ao. ávāṭ, x. 15, 12 [Lat. veh-ere, Eng. weigh]. ánu- drive after: pf. anūhiré, x. 15, 8. á̄- bring, i. 1, 2; 85, 6; vii. 71, 3; x. 14, 4. ní- bring: pf. ūhathur, vii. 71, 5.
viś viś enter, VI. viśá. á̄- enter, iv. 50, 10; viii. 48, 12. 15. ní- come home, go to rest, x. 34, 14; 168, 3; s ao., avikṣmahí, x. 127, 4; cs. veśáya cause to rest, i. 35, 2.
viśpati viś-páti, m. master of the house, x. 135, 1.
vṛt vṛt turn, I. Ā. vártate roll, x. 34, 9; cs. vartáya turn, i. 85, 9. á̄-, cs. whirl hither, vii. 71, 3. nís-, cs. roll out, x. 135, 5. prá-, cs. set rolling, x. 135, 4. ánu prá- roll forth after,, x. 135, 4. sám- be evolved, x. 90, 14. ádhi sám- come upon, x. 129, 4.
śarman śár-man, n. shelter, i. 85, 12; v. 83, 5; x. 129, 1 [Lith. szátma-s ‘helmet’, OG. helm ‘helmet’].
samudrajyeṣṭha samudrá-jyeṣṭha, a. (Bv.) having the ocean as their chief, vii. 49, 1 [samudrá, m. collection of waters + jyeṣṭha, spv. chief].
sarpirāsuti sarpír-āsuti, a. (Bv.) having melted butter as their draught, viii. 29, 9 [sarpís (from sṛp run = melt) + ā-sutí brew from su press].
sarvahut sarva-hút, a. (Tp.) completely offering, x. 90, 8. 9 [hu-t: hu sacrifice + determinative t].
salila sal-ilá, n. water, x. 129, 3; sea, vii. 49, 1 [sal = sṛ flow].
sic sic pour, VI. siñcá, i. 85, 11 [OG. sīg-u ‘drip’, Lettic sik-u ‘fall’ of water]. ní- pour down, v. 83, 8.
svasṛ svásṛ, f. sister, vii. 71, 1; x. 127, 3 [Lat. soror, OSl. sestra, Go. swistar, Eng. sister].
ha Ha, enc. emph. pcl., i. 85, 7; vii. 86, 3; x. 14, 13; 90, 10. 16; 129, 2 [later form of gha].
havanaśrut havana-śrút, a. (Tp.) listening to invocations, ii. 33, 15 [hávana (from hū call) + śrú-t hearingfrom śru hear with determinative t].
hita hi-tá, pp. placed, v. 11, 6 [later form of dhita from dhā put; Gk. θετό-ς set].
hima himá, m. winter, ii. 33, 2 [Av. zima, OSl. zima ‘winter’; Gk. δύσ-χιμο-ς ‘subject to bad storms’, ‘horrid’].
Macdonell Search
2338 results
akāra m. the sound or letter ă. [-ness.
akarmaprāpti f. non-intervention of fate.
akūṭa a. undeceptive (arms); sterling (coin).
akṣayya n. water accompanied by a wish that it may never fail; -½udaka, n. id.
akṣuṇa pp. uninjured; not trite, new, peculiar; uninterrupted, lasting; -tâ, f. untroddenness (of a road).
akṣara a. imperishable; n. word, syllable, the sacred syllable (om); sound, letter; document, epistle; the supreme deity; -kyutaka, n. supplying an omitted syllable (a game); -khhandas, n. syllabic metre; -mâlâ, f. wreath of letters (written by fate on the forehead), i-kâ, f. id.; -vargita, pp. illiterate; -vinyâsa, m. writing; -sikshâ, f. alphabet.
agādha a. unfathomable; very deep, profound; -gala, n. very deep water.
agamyāgamana n. illicit intercourse; î-ya, a. consisting in --.
akhaṇḍita pp. uninjured; more unbreakable than (ab.); uninterrupted.
agnimukha m. Fire-mouth, N. of a bug; -varna, a. of the colour of fire; red-hot; -velâ, f. time of kindling the sacred fire; afternoon; -sarana, n. sacred fireplace.
agnimindha m. fire-kindler, kind of priest, later agnídh.
agnibhu n. water; -mát, a. keeping up the sacred fire; -mitra, m. N. of a king.
agra n. front; beginning; point, tip, top, main thing: -m, before (g., --°ree;); in. before (ac.); lc. before, in presence of (g., --°ree;); in the beginning, at first, in the first place; after (ab.): -bhû, come forward.
agredidhiṣu m. man united in first marriage with a widow; f. (ûbrev;) younger sister married before her elder sister.
aghora a. not terrible.
acakita pp. not tottering, firm.
aṅguliparvan n. finger-joint; -pranegana, n. water for washing the fingers; -mukha, n. finger-tip; -mudrâ, f. seal-ring; -sphotana, n. cracking the fingers.
acchidra a. intact; uninterrupted; faultless: -m, in., ad. uninterruptedly, from beginning to end.
acira a. brief, short, momentary: °ree;--, -m, ad. a short time ago; shortly; at short intervals, repeatedly: in., ab. without delay, soon: often with present=future.
aja a. unborn, existing from the bg.; m. the Unborn, the Eternal One; (C.) N. of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva; kind of grain (by a forced explanation).
ajñāna n. ignorance; inadvertence: ab. inadvertently; non-intelligence: name of primeral matter as the ultimate material cause; a. ignorant, foolish, inexperienced.
ajñāta pp. unknown, unrecognised: -m, ad. without the knowledge of (g.); -kula- sîla, a. whose family and character are unknown; -bhukta, pp. eaten unawares; -vâsa, m. unknown abode; a. whose abode is unknown: -m, ad. unknown, incognito.
atas ad.=ab. of idam, from this; thence; after this, next (esp. with ûrdhvam and param), then; hence, therefore.
aṭṭahāsa m. loud laughter; -hâsya, n. id.
aṭavī f. forest; -bala, n. force of foresters.
atikrūra a. very terrible.
atighora a. very terrible.
atiprākṛta a. very common, -illiterate; -prâna-priya, a. dearer than life.
atiprabandha m. uninterruptedness: °ree;-ad. ceaselessly.
atibhairava a. very terrible.
atibhīṣaṇa a. very terrible.
atiraktatā f. excessive liking for (lc.); -ratita, n. violent shrieking; -ratna, n. precious gem; jewel of the first water; -ratha, m. great champion; -rabhasa, a. very wild, -impetuous; -m, ad.; -ramanîya, fp. extremely charming: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -ramya, fp. id.; -raya, a. running extremely fast; -rasa, a. very palatable; m. too strong a key-note (rh.); violent desire: -tas, ad. too eagerly.
atiśaya a. eminent; better than (ab.); m. eminence; excess, plenty: in. or °ree;--, more, very; -na, a. (î) excellent; -vat, a. excessive.
atisaṃtata pp. uninterrupted.
atihasita (pp.) n. immoderate laughter.
atyambupāna n. drinking too much water.
atyanta a. lasting to the end, continual, uninterrupted, endless; complete; excessive: °ree;-or -m, ad. excessively, continually, for ever, throughout; highly, beyond measure; -gata, pp. gone away for good.
atra m. eater; devourer.
atyugra a. very mighty, very terrible.
adṛṣṭa pp. unseen; unknown; invisible; unexpected; unsanctioned; n. the invisible, fate; -karman, a. inexperienced in (lc.); -kâma, m. love for one not yet seen; -kârita, pp. caused by fate; -nara, -purusha, a. concluded without an intermediary (alliance); -para-sâmarthya, a. not having experienced an enemy's power; -pûrva, a. never seen, unknown before; -rûpa, a. of unknown appearance; -viraha-vyatha, a.not having experienced the pangs of separation.
adbhyas d. ab. pl. of ap, water.
adbhis in. pl. of ap, water.
adharottara a. losing or winning; high and low; earlier and later; n. address and answer; gradation; topsy-turviness.
adhikaraṇa n. substratum; substance, matter; subject, department; section, paragraph; law-court; that in which anything happens; sphere of the locative (gr.); -mandapa, n. law-court; -lekhaka,m. lawyer's clerk.
adhika a. excessive; superfluous; surpassing; chief, highest; having an excess, and more; exceeded by, plus (--°ree;); predominant; superior in (in., --°ree;); stronger, greater; higher, more than (in., ab., g., --°ree;): °ree;-& -m, ad. excessively, very much; more than (ab.); -krodha, a. excessively angry; -guna, a. of pre-eminent virtue: -tva, n. abst. n.; -tara, a. much greater; superior: -m, ad. more; -tâ, f., -tva, n.superiority.
adhikāra m. superintendence, administration, control, authority; office, post, dignity; sovereignty; eligibility; claim to (lc.); striving, endeavour for (lc.); chapter (on, --°ree;); heading rule to be supplied with following rules till a new section (gr.); -purusha, m. official; -vat, m. id.; -stha, a. official, in office; -½âdhya, a. invested with authority.
adhiratha a. standing on a car; m. chariot-fighter, charioteer.
adhyāya m. reading, study (esp. of sacred books); time suitable for study; chapter.
anaṅga a. bodiless; m. god Kâma (so called because reduced to ashes by the fire of Siva's eye); -krîdâ, f. dalliance; -tva, n. bodi lessness; -pura, n. N. of a town; -mañgarî, f. N.; -rati, f. N.; -lekhâ, f. love-letter; N.; -vatî, f. N.; -sena, m. N.; -½udaya, m. N.
ananūtthāna n. the not follow ing after.
ananviṣyat pr. pt. not en quiring after (ac.).
anantarāya a. uninterrupted: -m, ad. in uninterrupted succession.
anantaraja a. next eldest; born of the union with a woman of the next caste: f. â, younger sister; -gâta, a. next eldest.
anantara a. having no interval, immediately following, next; belonging to the next lower caste: -m, ad. forthwith, pre sently; thereupon, afterwards; immediately after (ab., g., or --°ree;).
ananta a. endless; m. N. of Vishnu, Sesha, and of various men; -ka, a. endless, infinite; -kîrti, m. N.; -guna, a. infinitely greater: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -tâ, f., -tva, n. end lessness, infiniteness; -pada, n.Vishnu's path, sky; -pâra, a. that one never gets to the end of.
anabhisaṃdhi a. disinterested as to (--°ree;).
anabhisaṃdhāna n. disin terestedness.
anabhimānuka a. entertain ing no designs against (ac.).
anavarata pp. uninterrupted, continual: -m, ad. constantly.
anavacchinna pp. undistin guished; undefined: -tva, n. abst. n.; -kkhe da, m. undeterminateness.
anātreyī f. woman who has not bathed after menstruation.
anāmaya a. not fatal; healthy, well; salutary; spared by (ab.); n. health, welfare; -prasna, m. enquiry after health.
anārabhya fp. not to be begun; impossible; -ârambh-a, m. non-commence ment (of, g.); a. unenterprising: -in, a. id.
anirbhinna pp. uninterrupted; undifferentiated; vague.
anirdaśa a. not past the ten days (after a birth or death); -½aha, a. id.
anukāṅkṣin a. striving after, eager; -kâmá, m. desire, longing; a. conform ing to one's wish: -m, ad.; -kâra, -ka, a. imitating; resembling; -kârin, a. id.; corre sponding, conforming to, following; -kârya, fp. to be represented; n. subsequent business; -kâlam, ad. at the regular time.
anu ad. afterwards, then; again; prp. w. ac.: along; towards; over; after; accord ing to; for (not against); with regard to; w. ac., ab., g. after (of time); w. ab. on account of.
anīśvara a. lordless; not proper to the supreme being; not master of (g.); unable to (inf.).
anīśa a. not mastering, having no control over (g.); -tva, n. abst. n.
anuga a. following; flying after; corresponding to (--°ree;); m. follower: pl. reti nue; -gati, f. following: -ka, a. following; imitating; conforming to; -gantavya, fp. to be followed or accompanied; -gama, m., -na, n. following; -gara, m. invitation ad dressed to the reciter; -gargita, n. echo; -gâmin, a. following, obedient to (ac.); m. servant; -giram, ad. on the mountain.
anukta pp. unuttered, undiscussed; unsummoned: -tva, n. abst. n.; -klîva-vaka na, a. not having uttered vain words.
anukūlaya den. P. flatter (ac.).
anukūla a. toward the bank; facing; suitable; agreeable; favourable; well disposed: -m, ad. on the bank; -kârin, a. showing kindness; -ga, m. tree growing on the bank; -tâ, f., tva, n. favour; proneness; -na, n. currying favour; -parinâma, a. ter minating favourably.
anuja a. born after, younger; m. younger brother; f. &asharp;, younger sister; -gan man, m. younger brother; -gâta, pp. √ gan: -ka, a. taking after, like (ac.); -gighrikshâ, f. desire to gratify;-gîvika, m. follower; -gî vin, a., m. dependent, inferior; -gîvi-sât-kri, subject; -gîvya, fp. to be lived according to.
anucca a. low (birth); -uk-kalat, pr. pt. not departing from (ab.); -uk-kita, pp. not plucked; -uk-khinna, pp. uninterrupted, unimpeded; -uk-khishta, (pp.) n. no mere remnant; a. containing no remains of food, clean; -uk-khvasat, pr. pt. not breathing.
anugraha m. favour: -krit, a. giving satisfaction; -na, n. showing favour; -½artham, ad. in favour of; î-kri, make a token of favour; -grâhaka, a. favouring, furthering; m. sup porter; -grâhya, fp.deserving favour; fa voured by (g.); -ghatana, n. continuation.
anudhāvana n. running after; cleansing; -dhyâna, n. meditation; -dhyâ yin, a. reflecting; indulging in longing; -dhye ya, fp. to be reflected on.
anudita pp. undiscussed; not to be uttered.
anudaka a. waterless; -udaya, m. non-appearance: -bhâg, a. not rising (moon).
anupāta m. going after, following; -ka, n. minor crime equal to a mortal crime; -pâtin, a. following.
anupapatti f. not coming to pass, impossibility; a. inadmissible, impossible; -upa-panna, pp. unsuitable; unproved, in admissible; -upa-bhugyamâna, pr. pt. ps. not being enjoyed (riches); -upa-bhogya, fp. not to be enjoyed; -upama, a. incomparable; -upa-yat, pr. pt. not cohabiting with; -upa-yukta, pp. unserviceable, useless; unfit; -upa-yugyamâna, pr. pt. ps. good for nothing; -upayogin, a. unserviceable:(i)-tva, n. abst. n.; -uparodha, m. not prejudicing, not injur ing: -tas, ad. without inconvenience; -upa-lakshita, pp. unnoticed; -upalabdhi, f. non perception; imperceptibility; -upalambha, m. id.; -upasamhârin, a. non-exclusive (fallacious middle term); -upasarga, a. not combined with a preposition; -upa-skrita, pp. unprepared; simple; unfurnished with (in.); disinterested; blameless; -upa-hata, pp. healthy; undisputed: -½âtmaka, a.not dejected, cheerful; -upa-hita, pp. unconditioned, unappropriated.
anupadam ad. immediately after (g., --°ree;); repeatedly; at every step.
anupatिtrakā f. letter.
anunaya a. friendly; m. concilia tion; friendliness; courtesy; flattery.
anubandha m. attachment; continuity; series; posterity; consequence; motive; mute letter (gr.); indispensable element: -na, n. uninterrupted series; -bandhin, a. connected with (--°ree;); extensive; lasting long: (i)-tva, n. abst. n.; -bala, n. rear (of an army); -bodha, m. noticing, perceiving; reviving an evaporated smell; -bodhya, fp. to be recognised; to be made acquainted with.
anuprapattavya fp. to be fol lowed; -pra-vakanîya, fp. requisite for learning the Veda; -pravesa, a. entering, penetrating into (feelings, &c.); accommodation to (--°ree;); -prasna, m. enquiry after (g.); -pra sakti, f. connexion; -prâsa, m. alliteration.
anuyāja m. after-sacrifice: -vat, a. accompanied with an --; -yâtavya, fp. to be followed; -yâtri, m. companion; -yâtra, n., â, f. retinue; escort; -yâtrika, m. pl. re tinue; -yâna, n. following; -yâyi-tâ,f. fol lowing, -tva, n. id.; -yâyin, a. following; m. follower; -yugam, ad. according to the (4) ages; -yoga, m. question, enquiry; -yogya, fp. at the disposal of (--°ree;); to be asked.
anumā f. conclusion; -m&asharp;dya, fp. to be hailed; -mâna, n. inference; argument; -mânana, n. persuasion; -mârga, m. following; seeking: in. after (g.); -mârdava, n. pity; -mâlinî-tîram, ad. on the bank of the M.; -miti, f. conclusion, inference; -mrit, a. following in death; -meya, fp. to be inferred.
antarāla n. interval: lc. on the way, meanwhile; intermediate caste; -bhû, f. space between (g.).
antarāya m. obstacle; interval.
antarāgāra n. interior of a house; -âtman, m. soul, heart; self.
anuveśa m. entering.
anṛtika a. lying; m. liar; -ritin, a., m. id.; -ritu, m. wrong season; wrong time for sexual intercourse.
anusaṃtati ad. in uninterrupted succession; -samtâna, m. offspring, son; -sam dhâtavya, fp. to be heeded, to be attended to; -samdhâna, n. careful attention, application; scrutiny; -samdheya,fp. to be attended to.
anuṣṭubh a. shouting after; f. song of praise; a metre (4 X 8 syllables).
anūdaka n. lack of water, drought.
antaḥkaraṇa n. the internal organ (ph.); heart; -kopa, m. internal anger; -pura, n. (inner city), royal citadel; harem, women's apartments; sg. & pl. wives of a king: -kara, m. harem-attendant,-gana, m. women of the harem, -vriddhâ, f. old female attendant of the harem; -purikâ, f. woman of the harem; -prakriti, f. pl. constituent elements of the state except the prince.
anaucitya n. unusualness; -aud dhatya, n. lack of arrogance; lowness of water; -aushadha, n. no remedy; a. incurable.
antarā ad. amidst, between; therein; further; on the way; near; almost; in the interval; now and then; antarâ½antarâ, now and then, here and there; repeated: one time another time; prp.between (ac., lc.); during without, except (ac.).
antarajña a. discriminating: -tâ, f. discrimination; -tara, cpv. very intimate with (g.); -tás, ad. within; prp. within (g.); from within (--°ree;); -patita, pp. vanished,=not coming into consideration; -pûrusha, m. soul; -prabhava, a. of intermediate origin, i. e. of mixed caste; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to obtain an opportunity; -stha, a. being within (g., --°ree;); inner; m. surety; witness; -sthita, pp. standing within (--°ree;).
anta m. (n.) border, edge, limit; prox imity; end; death; final letter, last word (gr.); acme, height (of, g.); conclusion; solution; settlement; condition; interior; --°ree;, ending with: -m, ad. up to, into: lc.finally; near; in presence of; in (--°ree;); a. lovely.
antaraṅga a. inner; intimate; akin; n. internal organ, heart.
antara a. intimate; inner; other; n. interior; interval, distance; entrance; time, while; opportunity, weak point; difference, species, peculiarity; surety; --°ree;=other, dif ferent, special, peculiar: -m,ad. inwards, within; further; into the midst of (g., --°ree;); in. between, within, during, after (ac., --°ree;); with out, except; on account of, with regard to (ac., g.); ab. out of, after (--°ree;); lc. (also pl.) in, within; meanwhile, on the way; during, after (--°ree;); between, among (g., --°ree;); (e)tasmin --, (t)atra --, meanwhile.
antaḥsaṃjña a. internally con scious, showing no consciousness; -sattva, n. inner nature; -salila, a. whose waters are hid den: -m, ad. in the water; -salila-stha, a. stand ing in the water; -sânu,ad. in the mountain ridge; -sâra, n. inner content or worth; a. hvg. force or water within; -sukha, a. hvg. his hap piness within; -stha, a. being within (g., --°ree;).
antardaśāha m. interval of ten days; -duhkha, a. inwardly grieved; -dushta, pp. inwardly bad, wicked, vile; -dhana, n. inner treasure; -dhâna, n. covering; disappearance: -m gam, -i, -vrag, disappear; -dhí, m. concealment: -m gam, dis appear; -dhairya, n. inward firmness; -ni hita, pp. placed within.
antarjānu a. holding the hands between the knees; ad. between the knees; -gyotis, a. having its light turned inwards; n. internal light.
antarjalacara a. living in the water; -nivâsin, a. id.; -supta, pp. sleeping in the water; -½ogha, m. internal mass of water.
antargata pp. gone within, entered; inward, inner; hidden, secret; vanished; contained in, being in (--°ree;); -gala-gata, pp. sticking in the throat.
antarindriya n. internal organ.
antarita pp. (√ i) retired; excluded, separated; intervening; distant; being in a state (--°ree;); hidden, by (in., -°ree;), obstructed by (--°ree;).
antastāpa m. inner heat; a. glowing within; -toya, a. containing water within.
antaścara a. moving in the body; -kaitanya, a. internally conscious.
antarhāsa m. suppressed laughter: -m, ad. with suppressed laughter.
antarbāṣpa m. restrained tears; a. restraining the tears; -bhavana, ad. in or into the house (°ree;--); -bhâva, m. inclusion in (lc.); disappearance: -m gam, disappear; -bhâvita, pp. included; -bhûta, pp. contained in (lc.): -tva, n. abs. n.; -bheda, m. internal rupture; -mada½avastha, a. whose rut is still within, i. e. has not yet outwardly shown itself; -mandira, n. harem; -manmatha, m. concealed love; -mukha, a. entering the mouth; turned inwards.
anyakartṛka a. hvg. another agent (gr.); -krita, pp. done by others; -kshetrá, n. foreign country; -gata, pp. re ferring to another; -gâmin, a. adulterous.
anyarūpa n. another form; (anyá-), a. of different form, changed in form; -rû pin, a. id.; -lokya, a. destined for another world; -vâdin, a.=anyathâ-vâdin; -visha ya, a. having another object; relating to something else; (á)-vrata, a. serving others; perfidious; -sa&ndot;kita, a. distrustful; -sa&ndot;ke ta, a. having another appointment; consort ing with others; -strî-ga, a. adulterous.
ap f. pl. (also sg. in V.) water.
anveṣa m., -na, n., -nâ, f. search, quest, investigation; -ka, a. searching after; -nîya, fp. doubtful, questionable.
anvādhi m. object handed over for delivery to a third person; -âdheya, -ka, n. property obtained by a woman after marriage; -½ârohana, n. mounting the funeral pyre after the husband; -½âsana, n. sitting down after another; attendance on; -½âhâr yã, n. new moon funeral feast in honour of Manes: -pákana, n. southern sacred fire.
anvaṣṭakā f. day after the Ashtakâ.
anvakṣam ad. immediately after.
apakartana n. cutting in pieces; -kartri, m. injurer; -karman, n. delivery; -karsha, m. removal; decrease; deterioration; low position; annulment; anticipation (gr.); -karshaka, a. diminishing, detracting; -kar shana, a. id.; n. removal; degradation; -kar shin, a. drawing away; -kalmasha, a. free from sin; -kâra, m., -tâ, f. hurt, injury; -kârin, a. injurious; offensive; mischievous; -kîrtya, fp. dishonourable.
apaṇḍita a. unlearned, illiter ate; stupid; -tâ, f. folly.
apaṭīkṣepa m. not tossing aside the curtain: (e)-na pra-vis, enter (the) stage) suddenly and impetuously.
apapayas a. waterless; -pâtra, a. excluded from the use of utensils; -pâdatra, a. unshod; -pîdâ, f. sudden and dangerous at tack of disease.
aparāhla m. afternoon.
aparānta a. living in the extreme west; m. western region: pl. its inhabitants; end, death; lower part of an elephant's hind foot; -ka, n. kind of song.
aparajaladhi m. western ocean.
apara n. future; -kârya, n. later transaction.
apara a. hinder, further; later, fol lowing; western; to the west of (ab.); inferior; other; different from (ab.); opposite; strange, unusual: -m, ad. subsequently, in the future, after; moreover, besides; to the west of (ab.); m. elephant's hind foot.
apalatābhavana a. arbour less; -lapana, n. flattery; -lâpa, m. denial; -lâpin, a. keeping secret, concealing (g.).
apaha a. removing, destroying (--°ree;); -hati, f. counteracting, repelling; driving a way; -hantrí, m. (f. trî) expeller; -harana, n. appropriation; abduction; removal; -har tavya, fp. to be taken away; -hartri, m. pur loiner; remover; -harsha, a. joyless.
apasnāna n. bath-water which has been used; -spasa, a. lacking spies; -smâra, m. (loss of consciousness), possession, epilepsy; -smârin, a. possessed; epileptic.
apāṃpati m. lord of waters; sea; Varuna.
apādāna n. what remains after separation, source; notion of the ablative (gr.).
apāṅga m. (--°ree;, f. â, î) outer corner of the eye; -drishti, f. side-glance; -netra, a. looking sideways.
apitrya a. not paternal.
api prp. w. lc. or °ree;--, at, in, near (V.); ad. also, likewise; even; but, yet; w. neg.= even; na ka½api, not even; makes interr. in definite: ko&zip;pi, some one; w. numerals=all: katvâro&zip;pi, all four; beg. sentences; interr. pcl.; w. potent. oh that! api -api or ka, both and; na kevalam -api, not only -but also; api ka, kâpi, moreover, likewise; ye&zip;pi te&zip;pi, those also, who --; api vâ, vâpi, or even; na -nâpi, neither -nor; api nâma (at beg. of sentences) perhaps; yadi½api, al though; tathâ½api, yet.
apya a. (f. â, or ápî) belonging to water.
appati m. lord of waters, Varuna.
aptaya a. watery.
apcara m. water-animal.
apratiratha a. matchless; -rû pa, a. without counterpart, incomparable; in adequate; unsuitable for (g.).
aprabuddha pp. unawakened; un blossomed; -bhava, m. no source or occasion of (lc.); -bhâta, pp. not yet dawned; -bhâva, a. unable, powerless: -tva, n. abst. n.; -bhu, a. unable to (lc.); m. not master of (g.): -tva, n. abst. n.; -bhûta, pp. insufficient.
aprāpta pp. not having reached; not yet arrived; not obtained; not encoun tered; not concluded; not resulting (from a grammatical rule); not grown up; -kâla, a. whose time has not yet come; -vikalpa, m. alternative not resulting from any rule; -vyavahâra, a. under age, minor: -tva, n. mi nority; -½avasara, a. ill-timed, inopportune.
apravāsagamana n. re maining at home; -vâsin, a. not going abroad; -vishta, pp. not entered; not trodden; -vla ya, m. non-collapse.
aprayukta pp. unemployed, un usual; inappropriate; -yukkhat, pr. pt. not careless; attentive; -yugyamâna, pr. pt. ps. not being added; not being lent on interest.
abrūpa a. having the form of water.
abbhakṣa a. living on water only.
abdaivata a. having the waters for a deity.
abdurga a. inaccessible owing to water.
abda m. [water-giving, rainy season], year (cp. varsha).
abhigāmin a. having sexual intercourse with (ac.).
abhigantavya fp. to be visited; -gama, m. approach; visit; sexual intercourse; -gamana, n. id.; -gamya, fp. to be visited; accessible, inviting.
abindhana a. having water for its fuel: -vahni, m. the submarine fire.
abhiṣikta pp. sprinkled, an ointed, installed, inaugurated; -sheká, m. besprinkling; inauguration (of a king); water for inauguration; ablution; -shekta vya, fp. to be inaugurated; -shekana, n. in auguration (of a king); -shekanîya, fp. relat ing to inauguration; m. inauguration; -she- nana, n. expedition against (--°ree;).
abhivāda m. greeting; abuse: -ka, a. saluting; about to greet (ac.): -vâd ana, n. greeting, salutation; -vâdayitri, m. greeter; -vâdin, a. explaining; signifying.
abhihata pp. (√ han) stricken; -hati, f. impact; -harana, n. conveying; -hita, pp. (√ dhâ) said, uttered; accosted.
abhyadhika a. superfluous, ad ditional; better, superior; greater, stronger, exceeding, more by (in., ab., --°ree;); dearer than (--°ree;); excellent, extraordinary: -m, ad. highly, very, extraordinarily; -½adhyayana, n. study at a place (--°ree;).
abhyagra a. being in front; immi nent; -½a&ndot;ga, m. anointing; ointment; -½añg aka, a. anointing; -½añgana, n. anointing with fatty matter; -½añgyã, fp. to be anointed.
abliṅga n., â, f. pl. verses addressed to the Waters (RV. X, ix, 1--3).
abhyantara a. inner, being within; contained in (g., lc., --°ree;); intimate; initiated, conversant with (lc.); akin; belonging to; essential to (--°ree;); secret; n. interior; interval of time: -m, ad.within; into (--°ree;); lc. at in tervals; in the space of, within (--°ree;).
abhva a. mighty; n. great power; horror; monster.
amara a. (â, î) immortal; m. god; -garbha, m. divine child; -guru, m. Brihas pati, the planet Jupiter; -tatinî, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -taru, m. a certain tree; -tâ, f., -tva, n. divinity; immortality; -dat ta, m. N.; -druma, m. tree of the gods, Pârigâta; -dvish, m. Asura; -paksha-pâtin, m. friend of the gods; -pati-kumâra, m. son of Indra (Gayanta); -parvata, m. N. of a mtn.; -pura, n., î, f. city of the gods; -prakhya,a. like an immortal; -prabha, a. bright as an im mortal; -prârthita, pp. wooed by immortals; -mrigî-dris, f. A psaras.
amatsara a. disinterested.
amātya m. inmate; relative; min ister.
ambu n. water; -kârin, a. living in the water; m. aquatic animal.
amṛta pp. not hvg. died; immortal; m. god; â, f. goddess; a herb; n. immortality; world of immortals; nectar; a certain remedy; medicine; remnant of a sacrifice; water; milk; ray; -kara, m. moon; -kirana, m. id.; -tegas, m. N. of a fairy prince; -tvá, n. immortality; condition of ambrosia; -dîdhiti, m. moon; -drava, a. flowing with nectar; -dhâyin, a. sipping --; -pâyin, a. drinking nectar=hearing fine speeches; -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; â, f. N.; -bhavana, n. N. of a monastery; -bhâsh ana, n. nectar-like speech; -bhug, m. god; -bhogana, a. eating the remnants of sacrifices; -máya, a. (î) immortal; nectar-like; consist ing of nectar; -rasmi, m. moon; -rasa, m. nectar; a. tasting like nectar; -latâ, f. creeper yielding nectar; -loka, m. world of the immortals; -varshin, a. raining nectar; -hrada, m. lake of nectar.
ammaya a. (î) watery.
ambhoja n. (day) lotus; -ginî, f. lotus plant: -vana, n. pond covered with lotuses; -da, m. cloud; -dhara, m. id.; -dhi, m. sea; -nidhi, m. id.; -bindu, m. drop of water; -muk, m. cloud; -ruha, n. (day) lotus: -maya, a. full of lotuses.
ambhas n. water; -tas, ad. out of the water.
ambuda m. cloud: -nâsa, m. dis persion of clouds; -dhara, m. cloud; -dhi, m. sea; -nidhi, m. id.; -pakshin, m. water-bird; -pati, m. Varuna; sea; -paddhati, f. current; -muk, m. cloud; -raya, m.current; -râsi, m. sea; -ruha, n. day-flowering lotus; -ruhinî, f. lotus; -lîlâ-geha, n. pleasure-house in the water; -vâha, m. cloud; -vega, m. current.
araghaṭṭa m. water-wheel; well.
arati m. attendant, helper, officiater (at sacrifices).
arghya fp. valuable; worthy of a hos pitable reception; n. water presented to a guest.
argha m. value, price; hospitable re ception; honorific gift; -pâtra, n. dish in which water is presented to a guest; -½udaka, n. water presented to a guest.
arūpa a. formless; deformed; -na, n. no figurative term (ph.); -tva, n. deformity.
arthapati m. rich man; king; -para, a. intent on money, niggardly; -pâ rushya, n. rigidness in money matters; -pâ la, m. N. of a man; -prayoga, m. usury; -bandha, m. significant words; -matta, pp.purse-proud; -mâtra, n., â, f. wealth, money.
arthakara a. (î) useful; -kâma, n. sg., m. du. the useful and the pleasant; a. de sirous of wealth; wishing to be useful; -kâm ya, a. id.; -kârsya, n. destitution, poverty; -kilbishin, a. transgressing with money; -krikkhra, n. difficult matter; -krit, a. use ful; -kritya, n., â, f. accomplishment of an affair; -grahana, n. taking away of money; import of the meaning; -ghna, a. (î) pro digal; -kitta, a. intent on riches; -kintaka,a. knower of the useful; -gâta, n. sg. pl. money; things, objects; -gña, a. understanding the matter or the meaning; -tattva, n. real state of things; fact of a matter; true sense: -tas, ad. for a purpose; for the sake of (--°ree;); for the sake of gain; in truth, really, according to the meaning; -trishnâ, f. thirst for gold, avarice; -tva, n. serviceableness for (--°ree;); -da, a. useful; liberal; -datta, m. N. of wealthy merchants; -darsana, n.judging a matter; -dâna, n. present in money; -dûshana, n. prodigality; unjust seizure of property.
artha n. (V.), m. business, work; aim, purpose; cause; meaning; advantage, profit, use, utility, the useful; reward; gain; property, wealth, money; thing, object; matter, affair; case, suit; a. --°ree;, hvg. in view, serviceable for: -m, in., d., lc. on account of, for the sake of, for (--°ree;); ab.=that is to say. ayam arthah, this thing; kam artham, what thing? ko &zip; ar thah, what is the use of (in.)? what does (g.) care for (in.)?
arthāgama m. substantial income; -½âtura, a. avaricious; -½âtman, m. true na ture; -½adhikâra, m. administration of money; -½antara, n. another thing; different meaning: -nyâsa, m.adduction of another case, general or particular corroboration (a rhetorical fig.); -½âpatti, f. self-evidence; kind of rhetorical figure; -½abhiprâya, m. meaning intended; -½argana, n. acquisition of property; -½arth am, ad. for the sake of money; -½arthi-tâ, f. desire of wealth; -½arthin, a. interested, selfish; -½avamarda, m. prodigality; -½âsâ, f. desire for money; -½âharana, n. accumu lation of money; adduction of meanings.
arthaśāstra n. treatise on prac tical life or policy; -sauka, n. blamelessness in money matters; -srî, f. abundance of wealth; -samsiddhi, f. success of a matter; -sam graha, m. accumulation of riches; -samkaya, m. sg. pl. property, wealth; -samdeha, m. doubtful or critical case.
ardhākṣi n. side glance; -½a&ndot;gî kri, turn into half a body; -½â-kita, pp. half studded (w. jewels); -½adhîta, pp. half-learnt; -½ardha, a. quarter: -bhâga, m. id., -hâni, f. deduction of half each time; -½ava-lîdha, pp. half-licked; -½â-vishta, pp. half-faltering; -½âsana, n. half one's seat (offered to a guest).
ardhalakṣya fp. half-visible; -likhita, pp. half-painted; -vastra, n. half a garment; -vriddhi, f. half the interest; -vaisasa, n. semi-homicide.
arvāk n. (of arv&asharp;ñk) ad. hitherwards: -kri, procure; prp. with in. or ab. on this side of; from; before (of fut.), after (of past).
alaṃtarām (cpv.) ad. highly; with inf. much better; -dhana, a. having sufficient property.
alakṣaṇa n. evil omen; a. lack ing marks or characteristics; insignificant; harmful; -ita, pp. unmarked; unobserved: -m, ad.
alīka a. disagreeable; false; n. dis agreeable thing; untruthfulness, falsehood; forehead; -nimîlana, n. feigned closing of the eyes; -pandita, m. philosophaster; -man trin, m. dishonest minister; -vâda-sîla, a. lying; -supta, -ka, n. feigned sleep.
aliṅaga a. lacking characteristics; lacking gender.
alinda m. terrace.
avakāśa m. space, room; opportunity; interval; access: -m dâ, make room; grant admittance (to, d., g.); -da, a. harbouring; m. receiver of stolen goods; -vat, a. roomy, spacious.
avagati f. understanding, apprehension; -kkheda-ka, a. determining, distinguishing; -dhâra&ntod;a, n. restriction; emphasis on preceding word.
avadhāna n. attention, devotion; -dhârana, n. affirmation; restriction; sin gling out: î-ya, fp. to be looked upon as settled; to be restricted to (in.); -dhârya, fp. to be ascertained; -dhí, m. limit;terminus ad quem; respite: --°ree;, ad. up to, till (g.).
avācya fp. not to be addressed; not to be uttered; not directly expressed: -tâ, f. abuse, invective.
avataraṇa n. coming down, de scent: -ma&ndot;gala, n. solemn welcome; -ita vya, fp. n. one must descend; -târa, m. de scent (esp. of gods to earth); incarnation; manifestation: -na, n. causing to descend; laying aside, -mantra, m. spell causing one to descend from the air; -târin, a. appearing, entering; -titîrshu, a. wishing to descend.
avara a. lower, inferior; low, mean; following, later, younger; nearer; western; --°ree;, at least: -ga, a. low-born; younger; m. Sûdra; younger brother, â, f. younger sister, -var- na, m. low caste: -ga,m. Sûdra; -ruddha tva, n. confinement; -ruddhi, f. obtainment; -ruddhikâ, f. woman of the harem; -rudhi kâ, f. pl. women of the harem.
avasakta pp. (√ sañg) fixed; -sak thikâ, f. loin cloth: -m kri, place a cloth round the loins; -sanna, pp. ended, waned; spent; -sara, m. occasion, opportunity; right time; appropriateness, use; turn; -sárpana, n. descent; -sarpinî, f. descending cycle; -sâda, m. sitting down; sinking; exhaustion, lassi tude; defeat: -na, n. discouragement; de jection; -s&asharp;na, n. resting-place; cessation; end; death; end of a sentence or verse; pause: -bhûmi, f. acme; -sita, pp. (√ sâ) ended: -½artha, a. satisfied; -siti, f. conclusion, end; -seka, m. sprinkling; bleeding (by leeches); -sekana, n. sprinkling; water for washing; bleeding.
avāntara a. lying between; dif ferent, respective: -desá, m. intermediate region.
avicchinna pp. not severed, continuous; -kkheda, m. uninterruptedness: ab. uninterruptedly; -kyuta, pp. not to be lost: -m, ad. faultlessly.
avṛddhika a. free from interest.
aviṣaya m. no sphere; no object or concern; impracticable matter; no suita ble object for (g.): lc. in the absence of (g.); a. having no object; -manas, a. whose mind is not directed to the objects of sense; un worldly; -î-karana, n. not making something (g.) an object of (g.).
avyakta pp. not manifest, imperceptible; indistinct; m. universal soul; n. unevolved primordial matter; primordial spirit; -rûpa, a. indistinct, indefinite; of uncertain sex.
avokṣaṇa n. sprinkling with water.
avyucchinna pp. uninterrupted.
avyavasāyin a. unenterprising, remiss.
avyavadhāna n. non-interruption; a. uncovered, bare; uninterrupted; -dhâya-ka, a. not intervening: -tva, n. non intervention.
aśam ind. disaster.
aśuddha pp. unclean; unknown, suspicious; -prakriti, a. having dishonest ministers.
aṣṭaka a. eightfold; m. N.; â, f. eighth day after full-moon, esp. in Hemanta & Sisira; sacrifice to the Manes on that day; n. octad; -guna, a. eightfold; -taya, n. octad; -dh&asharp;, ad. eightfold.
aśvasthāna n. stable; -hridaya, n. knowledge of horses; -½adhyaksha, m. master of the horse; -½anîka, n. cavalry army.
aśvattha m. [standing-place (ttha for stha) for horses], sacred fig-tree; -tthâman, m. N. of a son of Drona; -da, -d&asharp;, a. giving horses; -pâda, m. N. of a Siddha; -pâ dâta-sârameya-maya, a. (î) consisting of horses, pedestrians, and dogs; -pâla, m. groom; -prishtha, n. horseback; -pluta, n. horse's leap; -budhna, a. borne by steeds; -budh ya, a. characterised by horses; -mandurâ, f. stable; -mukhá,m. Kimnara; î, f. Kimnara's wife; -medhá, m. horse-sacrifice; N.; -yúg, a. yoking or yoked with horses; f. sg. & du. N. of a lunar mansion; -râga, m. king of horses (Ukkaihsravas); -râdhas, a. horse equipping; -vat, in horses; -vâra, m. horseman; -vrishá, m. stallion; -sâlâ, f. stable; -sâdá, -sâdin, m. rider; -sâra thya, n. training of horses and charioteering; -sena, m. N. of a serpent demon.
aṣṭādhyāyī f. book of eight chapters.
asaṃskāra m. lack of ornament, naturalness; a. lacking ornament; -skrita, pp. unequipped; unconsecrated; unadorned; unrefined, coarse; not having undergone the sacraments: -½alakin, a.having unadorned locks; -stuta, pp. unknown, strange; not agreeing, obstinate; -sthita, pp. not stand ing still, restless; scattered; -sprishta, pp. unattained; -hata, pp. disunited; m. kind of array; -hati, f. non-connexion;-hrita, pp. uninterrupted.
asaṃsarga m. lack of contact or intercourse with (g.); -sârin, a. not subject to mundane existence; -srishta, pp. untouched by, free from (in.); -srishtin, a. not re-united after partition.
asaṃbaddha pp. unjoined, unrelated; disconnected, incoherent, absurd; talk ing or chattering nonsense; -bandha, m. no connexion; a. unconnected; -bâdhá, a. not contracted; unhindered; unfrequented.
asamana a. scattered; uneven.
asaṃbhava m. destruction; absence, lack; impossibility, inadmissibility, absurdity; a. not being born again; having no material body; not occurring, impossible, absurd; -bhavyám, ad. irretrievably;-bhâv anâ, f. incredulity; disrespect; -bhâvayat, pr. pt. thinking impossible; -bhâvita, pp. uncompleted; inconceivable; unworthy of (g.): -½upamâ, f. simile in which an impos sibility is assumed; -bhâvya, fp. inconceiv able: -m, ad. irretrievably; -bhâshana, n. not addressing; -bhâshâ, f. no conversation with (in.); -bhâshya, fp. not to be conversed with, not suitable for a conference; -bhinna, pp. not broken through; -bhrita, pp. not made, natural; -bhoga, m. non-enjoyment; -bhogya, fp. with whom it is not lawful to eat; -bhrânta, pp. unbewildered, calm: -m, ad.
asikta pp. unwatered.
astamaya m. sunset; disappear ance; -ita, pp. having set, gone to rest, died: lc. (sc. sûrye) after sunset.
asta n. home, abode; setting; my thical western mountain behind which sun and moon set: -m, ad. home, with verbs of going= set (stars, sun, moon); go to rest; die.
askhalita pp. not stumbling; uninterrupted, unhindered; n. not coming to a standstill; -kakra, a. w. unimpeded chariot; -pada, a. where the foot does not stumble; safe; -prayâna, a. with unfaltering march.
asvādhīna a. not one's own master, dependent.
asvatantra a. not one's own master, dependent: -tâ, f. dependence.
ā ad. near (vbl. px.: reverses the meaning of verbs of giving and going); besides, also; quite, entirely, just (emphatic); px. w. pt. & a. somewhat, a little; scarcely; -ish; px. form ing ad. & a. up to, till; prp. up to (after ac., before ab.); except (before ac.); from (ab.); at, on, in, near (after lc.): °ree;--, from, up to.
ahuta pp. not sacrificed or offered; m. muttered prayer.
ahihatya n. slaughter of Vritra.
ākāra m. the letter â.
ākara m. scatterer, bestower; abun dance, plenty; mine; origin: -ga, a. mineral; -in, a. arising from mines, mineral.
ākīrṇa pp. (√ krî) scattered; covered, full: lc. in a frequented place.
ākhyā f. name: in. by name; period: a. named (--°ree;); -ta, (pp.) n. finite verb; -tavya, fp. to be told or related; -ti, f. tale, report; appellation; -tri, m. teller, relater; teacher; -na, n. narration; story, tale; legend: -ka, n. short tale: î, f. a metre, -pañkama, a. having the Purânas as the fifth; -paka, a. announcing, proclaiming; -pana, n. invitation to relate; -yikâ, f. short tale; -yin, a. relating, report ing (--°ree;).
ākheṭa m. chase: -ka, m. id.; hunter; -bhûmi, f. hunting ground; -½atavî, f. game forest.
āgama a. coming up; m. arrival, occurrence; origin; course (of streams); af fluence, revenue, property; acquisition; learn ing, knowledge; science; precept, tradition; manual, code; augment (gr.); -na, n. coming, arrival; origin; sexual intercourse; -vat, a. having sexual intercourse; -sruti, f. tradi tion; -½apâyin, a. coming and going.
ācāma m. sipping water; water or scum of boiled rice.
ācamana n. sipping water; rinsing the mouth; water for rinsing the mouth (also î, f.); î-ya, n. water for rinsing the mouth.
āghāta m. stroke, blow; gust; kill ing; place of execution; slaughter-house.
ājarjarita pp. somewhat bruised or tattered.
ātatāyin a. having one's bow strung; m. armed aggressor, assassin; danger ous character, felon.
āṭavika a. relating to a forest; con sisting of foresters; m. forest-dweller; wood man.
ājya n. clarified liquid butter (for sacrificing or anointing); kind of sastra; -dhanvan, a. having clarified butter for a bow; -pá, a. drinking clarified butter; m. pl. Manes of the Vaisyas; -sesha,m. rest of the clarified butter; -havis, a. having an offering of clarified butter; -homa, m. sacrifice of clarified butter; -½âhutí, f. offering of clarified butter.
ātmanepada n. the middle terminations (gr.); -in, a. having the middle terminations.
ātmecchā f. longing for the universal soul; -½îsvara, m. master of oneself.
ātmādiṣṭa pp. self-dictated; -adhika, a. dearer than oneself; -½adhîna, a. dependent on oneself; -½anapeksha, a. disinterested; -½anugamana, n. personal attendance; -½aparâdha,'s own transgression; -½âpahâra, m. dissimulation; -½apahâraka, -hârin, a. making away with oneself, denying oneself, dissimulating; -½abhim&asharp;ni-tâ, f. high opinion of oneself; -½amisha, m. alliance (peace) bought by sacrifice of one's army; -½artha: -m or lc. for oneself: lc. pl. in one's own interest.
ātmasaṃtāna m. son; -sam deha, m. personal risk; -sama, a. like oneself: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -samarpana, n. giving oneself up to (a deity); -sambhava, m. son; Kâma: â, f. daughter; -sambhâvanâ,f. self conceit; -sât-kri, place on oneself; make one's own; -stava, m. self-praise; praise of the Âtman; -hatyâ, f. suicide; -han, a. killing the soul; m. suicide; -hita, n. one's own welfare.
ātmaśaṃsā f. self-praise; -sakti, f. one's own power: in. according to one's power; -sonita, n. one's own blood; -slâgha, -slâghin, a. boastful; -samyoga, m. personal interest in anything; -samstha, a. attached to one's person; directed to oneself.
ātreya m. descendant of Âtri; î, f. id.; woman who has bathed after menstruation.
ātyantika a. (î) lasting to the end; unalterable; absolute.
ānanda m. (n.) joy, bliss; sensual pleasure: -ka, a. gladdening, delighting; -thu, m. joy, delight; -na, a. delighting; -bâshpa, m. tears of joy; -maya, a. (î) consisting of joy, blissful; -yitri, m. delighter;-vardhana, m. N. of a poet.
ānantya a. endless; n. -ness, eternity.
ānantarya n. immediate succession; no interval.
āpad f. [getting into trouble], mis fortune, disaster, adversity, distress: -uddha rana, n. relieving from distress; -gata, pp. fallen into misfortune; -dharma, m. rules ap plying in case of distress.
āndolikā f. litter.
āntara a. inner, interior.
ānūpa a. watery, swampy; m. aquatic animal.
ānukūlika a. courteous: -tâ, f. courteousness towards (g.), -ya, n. favour; agreeableness; friendly terms; -gunya, n. homogeneousness; -pûrv-a, n., -î, f., -ya, n. regular succession: in., ab.successively; -yâ trika, m. servant; -lomya, n. direct or natural order; -vesya, m. neighbour next but one; -shák, ad. in order; -sha&ndot;gika, a. (î) adherent, connected with, following; enduring; neces sarily following from (g.); adventitious; -shtu bha, a. consisting of or like anushtubh.
āpya a. watery, living in the water; n. N. of a lunar mansion.
āptya a. dwelling in the waters, ep. of Trita.
āpta pp. √ âp; m. suitable person; -kârin, a. trusty, friendly; -dakshina, a. ac companied by liberal fees; -bhâva, m. trust worthiness; -vakana, n. trustworthy utter ance; -varga, m. acquaintance, friends (coll.); -vâk, a. whose word is trustworthy.
āpo&100;śāna n. rinsing of the mouth accompanied by the words âpo&zip;sâna before & after eating.
āpomaya a. consisting of water.
āpūra m. flood, redundance, excess: -na, a. filling; n. id.; quantity of water.
ābhīla a. terrible.
ābutta m. sister's husband (drama).
āmajvara m. dysentery.
ābhyantara a. inner, interior.
āmbhasa a. watery.
āyus n. life, age, long life (often pl.); allotted term of life; vitality; vital element; world.
āyāma m. tension; extent; length; interception: -vat, a. long (of time & distance).
ārambhin a. enterprising.
ārambha m. setting about; under taking; beginning; -na, n. taking hold; handle; support; make-shift; -nîya, fp. to be begun with: â, f. N. of certain verses; -tâ, f. beginning; -ruki, a. enterprising: -tâ, f. de light in undertakings.
ārabdhi f. enterprise.
āraṇya a. living or growing in the forest; wild: (a)-ka, a. id.; m. forester; anchorite; n. forest-treatise (part of a Brâhmana to be studied in solitudes).
āryāgama m. intercourse with a woman of the upper castes.
āryarāja m. N. of a king; -rûpa, a. having the air of respectability; -li&ndot;gin, a. bearing the marks of respectability; -var man, m. N. of a king; -vâk, a. speaking an Aryan tongue; -vidagdha-misra, a. honour able, learned, &c. &c. (honorific designation); -vritta, n. honourable behaviour; a. behav ing honourably; -vesha, a. respectably dressed; -vrata, a. behaving like an Aryan; -sîla, a. of honourable character; -samaya, m. ordi nance of honourable men; -suta, m.=ârya putra (husband); -strî, f. woman of the upper castes.
ārya a. (â or î) belonging to the faith ful, of one's own tribe; honourable, noble; m. Âryan (Vedic Indian); man of the first three castes; man of worth: voc. sir, friend; â, f.; Âryâ verse; a metre; -ka, m. man of worth; N. of a king; -guna, m. noble quality; -grihya, a. siding with the noble; -ketas, a. noble-minded; -gana, m. Âryans, honourable people; -gushta, pp. approved by the honourable; -tâ, f., -tva, n.honourableness; -dâsî, f. N.; -duh itri, f. daughter of a noble (honorific mode of addressing a female friend); -desa, m. dis trict inhabited by Âryans; -desya, a. coming from an Âryan district; -putra, m. son of an Âryan,honorific designation of (1) son of person addressed; (2) husband; (3) sovereign; -prâya, a. inhabited chiefly by Âryans; -buddhi, a. noble-minded; -bhata, m. N. of two astronomers: î-ya, n. work composed by Ârya bhata.
ālavāla n. watering trench (round the root of a tree).
ārṣoḍhā f. woman wedded after the manner of the Rishis.
āvasati f. night's lodging; quar ters; -athá, m. id.; abode; -ath-ya, m. sacred domestic fire.
āvaraka a. covering, concealing, veiling; m. protector; -ana, a. covering; n. envelopment; cover, garment; obstruction, interruption; protection, shield; bolt, lock.
āviṣṭa pp. (√ vis) entered; affected by, filled with (--°ree;).
āśāśa a. filling the quarters.
āśā f. space; region, quarter; -ka kravâla, n. encircling horizon; -mukha, n. point of the compass; -vâsas, n. the quarters as a garment: with vas,=go about naked; -vigaya, m. conquest of the world.
āśraya m. leaning on, attach ment to; connexion with, devotion to, recourse to; dependence on, relation to; support; re fuge, shelter, protection; seat, abode; recep tacle; foundation; (logical) subject; --°ree;, a. depending on; relating to; -na, a. (î) taking refuge in; relating to (--°ree;); n. recourse to; -nîya, fp. to be had recourse to or followed.
āsanna pp. near; n. -ness; -kâla, m. time just past (gr.); -kara, a. moving near (--°ree;); -tara, cpv. nearer: -tâ, f. greater near ness; -prasavâ, a. f. on the point of parturi tion, about to lay (eggs); -vartin, a. being near.
āsthā f. desire for, interest in, trouble about, regard for (lc. or --°ree;): in. with all one's might, strenuously.
āseka m. watering, irrigation.
āsāra m. downpour, heavy shower; a king separated by intervening state (a natural ally); -prasamita, pp. quenched with showers.
āhārya fp. to be fetched; to be removed; external.
āhasa m. low laughter.
āhava m. challenge, contest, fight, battle; -(háva)-na, n. oblation; -n&isharp;ya, a. meant for the oblation; m. (sc. agni) the eastern sacrificial fire; -bhûmi, f. battle-field.
āsvāda m. taste, enjoyment; flavour; -aka, a. tasting, enjoying; -ana, n. =âsvâda; -a-vat, a. tasting well, dainty; -ya, fp. to be tasted; palatable: -toya, a. having palatable water.
āsrāva m. flow, flux; water in the mouth; infirmity: pl. objects of sense.
ikāra m. the letter &ibreve;.
itas ad. (=ab. of idam) from this; from here, from this world; from this point; here, -below; hence, therefore: ita ûrdh vam, hereafter, below (in a book); itas ka½itas ka, from here and there, hither and thither; itas--itas, here -there; itas tatas, here and there, hither and thither; hence forth (often with aparam, param, or pra bhriti).
ānhika a. occurring by day, daily; n. daily rite; daily task; section, chapter.
indravat a. accompanied by Indra; -vâtama, spv. dearest to Indra; -vâruna, n. bitter-gourd; -vrata, n. Indra's office or rule.
iṣ f. juice, draught, comfort; libation; refreshing waters of heaven; strength; food.
iva (encl.) ad. like, as it were; about, al most; somewhat; indeed (with inter.): often merely emphatic=only, just, quite; or ren dered by stress.
iṣṭi f. (simple) sacrifice (of butter, fruit, &c.).
īrma m. arm; fore-quarter (of an animal); m. n. wound.
īm enc. pcl.=ac. of prn. i, used without distinction of number or gender and with or without another ac.; w. rel.=-ever; with inter. =pray; w. neg.=at all; often meaningless.
uktha n. praise, hymn of praise; invocation; recitation (later called Sastra) of the Hotri.
ukta pp. (√ vak) spoken, uttered; addressed; n. word, expression: -tva, n. statement; -pûrva, a. said before; -pratyuktá, n. address and reply, conversation; -mâtra, a. merely uttered: lc. no sooner said than --; -rûpa, a. of the form or kind mentioned; -vat, pp. act. √ vak; -vâkya, a. hvg. spoken.
ukāra m. the sound or letter u (gr.).
u 2. U, ū encl. pcl. and, also; but, whereas; now, just; forthwith: u--u, both-and; it is used after pronouns, relatives, interr., some pcls., and the inf. in -tavai; in C. it occurs only in atha½u, na½u, andkim-u.
uccaṇḍa a. very violent; mighty; terrible.
ugra a. mighty; violent; grim, dread ful, terrible, rigorous; m. mighty person, great --, violent person; ep. of Siva & Rudra; N. of a mixed caste (offspring of Kshatriya & Sûdrâ); -tâ, f., -tva, n. violence; rigour; -danda, a. stern-sceptered, relentless; -pûti, a. having a horrible stench; -prabhâva, a. high and mighty; -rush, a. terribly angry; -sâsana, a. stringent in his orders: -sena, m. N. of various kings; -½îsa, m. N. of a temple built by Ugra.
ucchṛṅkhala a. unfettered; un bridled, unrestrained; -khrita, pp. (√ sri) uplifted, elevated, high: -pâni, a. with out stretched hand.
ucchikhaṇḍa a. with tail out spread; -khitti, f. destruction, extermina tion; -khinna, pp. (√ khid) cut off; m. (sc. sandhi) peace bought by ceding fertile terri tory; -khiras, a. holding the head high; -khilîmdhra, n. luxuriant mushroom; a. covered with mushrooms.
ucchvasana n. becoming slack; -khvasita, (pp.) n. breath; exhalation; solu tion; -khvâsá, m. expiration; breath; sigh; expiring; swelling, rising; section; chapter; -khvâsita, cs. pp. riven; -khvâsin,a. breath ing out; breathing again; sighing; swelling; rising; issuing.
uccheda m., -ana, n. cutting or chop ping off; destruction, extermination: -anîya, fp. to be cut off; -in, a. destroying (--°ree;); -ya, fp. to be destroyed.
utkarṣa a. boastful; m. elevation, increase, exaltation, eminence; distinction; excellence; excess; boastfulness; -in, a. su perior, better.
uta pcl. and, also, even; or: utá--utá, both -and; utá -vâ, either -or (often with vâ or âho vâ); interr. or: kim--uta, utrum -an, whether -or? (often w. âho, vâ, or svid); kim-uta, how much more or rather; how much less (in neg. clauses); api½uta, also; pra ti½uta, on the contrary, rather. Uta is often merely verse-filling at the end of a line in E.
uttama spv. highest, supreme; most excellent, best, chief (among, --°ree;); superior to, higher or better than (ab.); last: -m, °ree;--, ad.; m. (last=our) first person (gr.).
uttaram ad. further; forward; af terwards, thereupon.
uttaratas ad. northwards; to the north, to the left of (g.): -paskât, to the north-west; -dâyaka, a. answering, contra dicting, impertinent; -paksha, m. northern or left wing; answer to an opponent's ob jection (ph.); -pada, n. latter part of a com pound; -paskima, a. north-westerly.
uttara cpv. upper; higher, better; later (than, ab.); left; northern; north of (ab.); posterior; following; latter, subsequent, future; superior; mightier; victorious; win ning (a suit); m. N. of a mtn.; n.surface, cover (--°ree;, a.); north; latter part of a compound; an swer, discussion; legal defence; contradiction (-m dâ, contradict); superiority; surplus (--°ree;, a.=increased by, plus); main part (--°ree;, a. hav ing asits chief object, consisting chiefly of; ad. overwhelmed by); consequence (--°ree;, a. followed by); later period (--°ree;=later); kind of song.
uttarīya n. upper or outer gar ment, covering; coverlet: -ka, n. id.
uttarāyaṇa n. northward course (of the sun); half-year in which the sun moves northwards; commencement of the sun's northward course = winter solstice (in the month Pausha); -½araní, f.the upper fire-stick; -½artha, a. being for the sake of what follows; -½ardhá, n. upper part of the body; &asharp;-vat, a. superior; -½âsâ, f. northern quarter; -½asman, a. having lofty crags; -½âsa&ndot;ga, m. upperor outer gar ment; covering.
uttaraloman a. having the hairy side uppermost; -vâdin, a. answering; making the later claims (leg.).
uttāla a. violent; luxuriant; ter rible, gruesome; excellent.
utpiñja m. tumult; -pitsu, des. a. wishing to rise; -pîda, m. pressure; torrent (of tears): -na, n. pressing; -prabandha, a. uninterrupted; -pravâla, a. having sprouting foliage; -prâsa, m., -na, n.derision, mockery.
utpala n. (blue) lotus at a later stage called kamala; m. N.: -ka, m. id.; -pura, n. N. of a town built by Utpala; -vana, n. bed of lotuses; -sâka, n. N. of a plant; -½aksha, m. N. of a king; -½âpîda, m. N. of a king.
udagayana n. sun's northern course; half year from winter to summer solstice; -âvritti, f. sun's turn to the north; -dasa, a. having the seam turned upward or northward; -dvâra, a. having a northern entrance.
udakya a. being in the water; â, f. menstruating: -gamana, n. intercourse with a woman in her courses.
udakumbha m. pitcher of water; N.
udakāñjali m. handful of water; -½anta, m. water-boundary: â½uda kântât, till water is reached; -½arnava, m. receptacle of waters; -½artha, m. ablution: -m, ad. in order to perform an ablution; -½arthin, a. seeking water.
udaka n. water; ablution; libation to the Manes: -m kri, dâ, or pra-dâ, present libation of water to the dead (d., g.); -m kri, perform the prescribed ablutions; -m upa-spris, touch various parts of the body with water as prescribed; -karman, n. libation of water to the Manes; -kârya, n. id.; ablution; -kriyâ, f.=udaka-karman; -tarpana, n. li bation with water; -dâna, n. id.; -dâyin, a. offering the funeral libation ofwater; -pûr va, a. beginning with a pouring out of water; -maya, a. consisting of water only; (á)-vat, a. supplied with water; -vatî, f. girl's N.; -sparsana, n. contact with water; ablution.
udara n. (--°ree; a. f. â, î) belly; crop; womb; abdominal swelling; hollow, interior swelling: √ ri].
udaya m. rising; rise (of sun or moon), break (of dawn); gathering (of clouds); N. of the mythical mountain behind which sun and moon are supposed to rise; appearance, arising, production, beginning; consequence, result; success; prosperity; gain; income, revenue; interest; -giri, m. sunrise mountain; -gupta, m. N. of a man; -tata, m. slope of Mount Udaya.
udambhas a. abounding in water.
udabindu m. drop of water.
udapātra n. pot of water; -pâna, m. n. well; -pîti, f. place for drinking water.
udanya a. surging, watery: â, f. desire for water, thirst; -yú, a. desirous of water; -vát, a. surging; abounding in water; m. ocean.
udan n. wave; water.
udadhāna n. reservoir; -dhí, a. containing water; m. receptacle of water (cloud, lake, river), ocean: -gala-maya, a. consisting of sea-water, -nemi, a. ocean-encircled.
udāsīna pr. pt. uninterested; indifferent (to, lc.); m. indifferent person, neutral: -tâ, f. indifference.
udāracarita a. acting nobly; -ketas, a. high-minded; -tâ, f., -tva, n. gene rosity; -dhi, a. of exalted intellect; -bhâva, m. magnanimity; -vikrama, m. of eminent prowess; -sattva, a. of noble character.
udahāra a. (î) fetching or about to fetch water.
udavāsa m. remaining in the water; -in, a. staying in the water.
udavajra m. water thunderbolt.
udgāra m. spitting out; exuda tion; throwing out; pouring forth; flood; saliva; roar; -in, a. belching, spitting; emit ting, exhaling, pouring forth, uttering (--°ree;).
uddāma a. unfettered, unloosed; unbridled; abounding in, full of (--°ree;): °ree;-and -m, ad.
udbhāvana n. neglect; -ayitri, m. raiser or exalter (ac.).
udvejaka a.=udvega-kara; -ana, a. disquieting, alarming; n. shuddering; alarm: -kara, a. causing terror; -anîya, fp. object of alarm to (g.); -in, a. causing aversion.
udrin a. abounding in water.
unmūlana n. uprooting; exter mination.
udāhāra a. intending to fetch water; n. fetching of water.
upacāra m. behaviour; conduct, practice; proficiency; procedure with (g.); at tendance, service; courtesy, (polite) atten tion, compliment; homage; ornament; cere mony; complimentary garland; (medical) treatment; idiom; figurative term; -ka, courtesy (--°ree; a., f. ikâ); -kriyâ, f. polite at tention; -pada, n. complimentary word, empty flattery; -paribhrashta, pp. devoid of civility, discourteous; -vat, a.decorated, adorned.
udāharaṇa n. speaking; reci tation; declaration; example; -vastu, n. pl. matters of speech.
upapati m. paramour, adulterer.
upaniṣad f. [sitting down be side], secret or esoteric doctrine; N. of a class of works treating of the secret meaning of the Veda.
upadhā f. fraud; intrigue; moral test; penultimate or preceding letter (gr.); (&asharp;)-na, a. putting on; n. placing upon; cushion, pillow; -nîya, n. cushion; -yin, a. making a pillow of (--°ree;).
upabda m. noise, clatter; -abdhi, m. id.: -mát, a. noisy.
upaplava m. disaster, misfortune, visitation; portent; eclipse; -in, a. assailed by calamity; eclipsed.
upariṣṭāt ad. above; after wards, later, below (in a book); prp. over, upon (ac. or g.); after (g.); about, concern ing (g.).
upari ad. above, over; up, upwards; moreover; afterwards; repeated: one above the other; always upwards; again and again; prp. above, over, beyond, upon (ac., g., ab., lc.: --°ree; or °ree;-ad.); above (of number or rank), after (time: g. or --°ree; ad.); concerning, on ac count of (g.); repeated: far above (g.).
upara cpv. lower; later; nearer; m. the nether stone (on which Soma is pounded).
upalakṣaka a. expressing im plicitly; perceiving, guessing; -ana, n. look ing after; mark; designation; implicit or elliptical designation: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.
uparodha m. obstruction, ob stacle, hindrance; disturbance; injury; detri ment; dissension; -ana, n. siege; obstacle; -in, a. hindered or interrupted by; detri mental to, disturbing (--°ree;).
upasarga m. addition; trouble; ca lamity; eclipse; preposition (gr.); -sargana, n. addition; obscuration, eclipse; secondary thing; subordinate person; representative; dependent (in a compound or as a derivative) word determining another (gr.).
upasadana n. respectful saluta tion; performance; -sádya, fp. to be respect fully approached or served; -sanna, pp. (√ sad) having entered as a pupil.
upasaṃgamana n. sexual intercourse; -graha, m. clasping (e. g. the feet in token of respect); taking (a wife): -na, n. clasping; respectful salutation by clasping the feet; -grâhya, fp. whose feet should be clasped.
upādāna n. taking, seizure, ap propriation; apprehension; admission, non exclusion; employment; mention, quotation; material cause.
upahāsa m. laughter; ridicule, mockery; jest; -in, a. ridiculing; -ya, fp. to be ridiculed: -tâ, f. derision: -m gam,=be come a laughing-stock.
upasevaka a. courting (--°ree;); -ana, n. courting; carnal intercourse with (--°ree;); addition to, indulgence in (--°ree;); â, f. carnal intercourse with; devotion to; indulgence in (--°ree;); -in, a.serving; reverencing; worship ping; practising (--°ree;).
uraga m. [breast-goer], snake: -½asa na, m. snake-eater, ep. of Garuda.
ubhayaprāpti a. validity in both cases (gr.); a. valid in both cases; -vetana, a. receiving wages from both, serving two masters; -snâtaka, a. having bathed after both (i.e. his apprenticeship and his vow of chastity).
upodaka a. close to the water; î, f. a plant.
urvī f. earth; du. heaven and earth: pl. w. shash, the six terrestrial spaces (four quarters, above & below; sometimes explained as heaven & earth, day & night, water & plants).
ūkāra m. the sound or letter û.
uṣṇodaka n. warm water.
ūrdhva a. upward; upright; raised, elevated; °ree;--, ad. upwards; afterwards: -m, ad. id.; above, beyond, after (ab.); after the death of (g.): áta ûrdhvám, after this, hence forth; thereupon; ita ûrdhvam, from now onwards (in a book); ûrdhvam samhri, suppress (tears).
upasecana n. besprinkling; î, f. butter-spoon.
ṛkāra m. the sound or letter ri.
ṛjīka a. glittering (--°ree;); m. ep. of Indra.
ṛtu m. fixed time, right time for sacri fice; period, season; the menses, esp. the days immediately following and suitable for conception; sexual intercourse at such time; settled sequence; order; rule: in. sg. & pl. at the right time, in due season; lc. at the proper season.
ṛbhvan a. dexterous.
ṛtukāla m. properseason; period of the menses; the days immediately following suitable for conception; -gush, a. f. be ing in the days favourable for conception; -th&asharp;, ad. regularly; -páti,m. lord of seasons; duly; exactly; -parna, m. N. of a king of Ayodhyâ; -mát, a. observing regular sea sons: -î, f. marriageable; being at the period suitable for conception; -râga, m. spring; -li&ndot;ga, n. characteristic mark of a season; -sás, ad. duly; -samhâra, m. collection of the seasons: T. of a poem by Kâlidâsa; -samaya, m. time favourable for conception; -snâtâ, pp. f. having bathed after menstrua tion, prepared for sexual intercourse.
ekatatpara a. solely intent on; -tamá (or é-), spv. one among many; -tara, a. cpv. one of two (sts.=eka-tama); -tas, ad. =ab. of eka; from or on one side; ekatas-ekatas or anyatas, on the one side--on the other; here--there; (á)-tâ, f. unity, union, identity: -m api-yâ, be united with (in.); -tâna, a. intent on one object only (often --°ree;): -tâ, f. abst. n.; -tâla, a. having but one fan-palm; -tîrthin, a. inhabiting the same hermitage; -to-dant, a. having teeth in one jaw only; -tra=lc. of eka, one; in one place, together; -trimsá, a. thirty-first; -trimsat, f. (é-) thirty-one; -tva, n. unity; union; identity; singular (gr.); -m gam, be united with (in.); -d&asharp;, ad. simultaneously; some times; once upon a time, one day; -duhkha, a. having the same pains; -drisya, fp. alone worthy to be seen; -drishti, f. gaze directed to a single object, unaverted gaze; -devatyã, a. sacred to a single deity; -desa, m. some place; part; identical spot; -dhana, 1. n. one part of the property; 2. m. pitcher with which water is drawn for a certain rite; â, f. pl. (sc. âpas) the water drawn with it;3. a. having as the single, i. e. highest treasure, quite filled with (--°ree;); -dharma, a. homogeneous; -dharmin, a. id.; -dh&asharp;, ad. singly, simply; at once, together; continuously; -naksha trá, n. lunar mansion consisting of a single star, whose name occurs simply (without pûrva or uttara); -narâdhipa, m. emperor.
ekapatikā a. having the same husband; -patni-tâ, f. having one wife in common; -patnî, f. (é-) wife of any one man, faithful spouse; a. pl. having one and the same husband; -pád (or é-), strong base -pâd, f. -padî, a. one-footed; -pada, n. one and the same spot: -m, lc. at once, suddenly, in a trice; a. (é-) one-footed; only one step long: -m, ad. in short; -padâ, f. verse consisting of one pâda; -padî, f. foot-path; -pará, a. marked with one point (die); -pâna, m. single wager or stake; -pâtin, a. isolated, separate; connected: pl. taken together; -pâda, m. one foot; a. (é-) one-footed; -pârthiva, m. sole monarch; -pi&ndot;ga, m.(quite brown) ep. of Kubera: -la, m. id.: -½akala, m. Kubera's mountain, i. e. the Himavat; -pîta, a. quite yellow; -prakhya, a. homogeneous; uniform; -phala, a. bearing the same fruit as (--°ree;); -buddhi, a.unanimous; simple-minded; m. N. of a fish; f. simple conception (ph.); -bhakta, pp. serving or kept by one master; n. eating one meal a day; -bhakti-ka, a. taking only one meal a day; -bhaksha, m. sole food; -bhâva, m.simplicity, straightforwardness, sincerity; a. having one and the same nature; honest, sincere; behaving uprightly towards (g.); -bhâvin, a. becoming one, coalescing; -bhû- ta, pp. undivided; closely attentive; -bhû mi½îsvara, m. sole ruler of earth; -bhogin, a. eating only once a day; -mati, f. unanimity; concentration of mind; a. unanimous; -manas, a. having the mind fixed on one object, attentive (sts. --°ree;); unanimous; -maya,a. (î) consisting exclusively of, quite filled with (--°ree;); -mukha, a. superintended by one; -mûrti, f. one person; -mûla, a. having a single root.
eta a. (énî), motley, glittering; m. kind of hart: â, f. hind.
ekodaka a. related in so far as to offer oblations of water to the same ancestor.
ekāra m. the letter or sound e.
edhodaka n. fuel and water.
eva 1. E-vá, evā (in.) ad. so, just so (V.); just, exactly, precisely; quite, no more nor less than, no other than; merely; scarcely; very (with prns., esp. tad); also (with ka): it emphasizes the preceding word, may often be translated by stress merely; sts. esp. after certain particles it is meaningless.
aikāra m. the sound or letter ai.
okāra m. the sound or letter o.
aihika a. belonging to or occurring in this world, terrestrial, temporal.
aiśāna a. (î) id.; north-eastern; î, f. north-east.
audaka a. (î) aquatic; relating to or growing in water.
aukāra m. the sound or letter au.
ka m. (Who?) ep. of Pragâpati or Brahman; n. bliss; water; head.
ka inter. prn. st. (n. V. kád; C. kím) who? what? which? with iva, u, nâma, who indeed? often used in a depreciating sense= as good as none, no one or nothing: kâ½esha kathâ? that is out of the question; kim with in. or gd.=what does -matter? what is the use of -to (g.)? with nu, who pray? with vâ, who possibly? with svid, who or what, I wonder? Indef. prn. 1. with neg. any, any one; 2. with preceding ya and following ka, whosoever, whichever; anysoever, every; with preceding ya and following vâ, anysoever; 3. with kaná, none whatever (often strengthened by negatives); 4. with kana, kid, or api, some, any, a certain (a. or n.): pl. some; kaskid kaskid, the one--the other: pl. some--others.
kakāra m. the sound or letter k.
kaṭutā f. sharpness; pungency; austerity.
kathā inter. ad. how? whence? why? yáthâ kath&asharp; ka, howsoever.
katham ad. how? whence? why? with pot. or impv. (sts. ind.) how could, would, or should ? with mâ and aor. how should not --? sts. exclamation, what! sts. weakened to a simple interrogative=nonne or num? with nú, how, I wonder? how much more? with neg. how much less? with iva, how so? why pray? with nâma, svid, how pray? why I wonder? with kana, by no means: generally strengthened by preceding negative; with kid and api (not till Kâlidâsa) indef. in some way, by some means, somehow or other, by accident; with difficulty, only just, scarcely (katham often repeated); a. little, somewhat;with neg. in no manner, by no means; yathâ katham kid, in whatever manner; in any way.
katipaya a. (î) some, a few: *in., ab. (with pp.) with some trouble, only just; -kusuma, a. having a few blossoms; -râtram, ad. some days (lit. nights); -½aha: g. after some days; in. some days (before or after).
kati inter. prn. how many? indef. some: usually with kid and api.
katama inter. prn. who? what? which? (of many); -tará, inter. prn. who? which? (of two).
kadana n. slaughter, destruction; torturing.
kathāśeṣa a. dead: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sandhi, m. junction in the narrative where it is interrupted by another; -sarit sâgara, m. ocean of streams of stories, T. of a collection of tales by Somadeva.
kaniṣṭha spv. smallest; lowest; least; youngest; younger; m. descend ing pail of water-wheel; â, f. youngest wife; little finger; a-ka, a. (ikî) smallest; -ikâ, f. little finger; obedience.
kadā inter. when? -kana, some time, ever; -kid, some time or other; once; some times; perhaps; --½api, at any time, always; na -kana, kid, or½api, never.
kanyā f. girl, virgin; daughter; Virgo (in the Zodiac); -½âgâra, n. women's apart ments; -griha, n. id.; -tva, n. virginity; -dâtri, m. man who gives a daughter in mar riage; -dâna, n. bestowal of a daughter in marriage; -dûshin, a. deflowering a virgin; -pura, n. women's apartments; -bhâva, m. virginity; -bhaiksha, n. begging for a girl; -maya, a. consisting of a maiden or daughter; -vat, a. having a daughter; m.father of a daughter; -vedin, m. son-in-law; -vrata, n. monthlies: -sthâ, f. menstruating woman.
kapiñjala m. francoline partridge; N. of a man; N. of a sparrow: -nyâya, in. after the fashion of the Kapiñgala topic (in the Pûrvamîmâmsâ) according to which the plural (kapiñgalân) means only three.
kapāla n. dish, mendicant's bowl; plate; lid; potsherd; egg-shell; skull; -mâl in, a. wearing a garland of skulls (Siva); -sandhi, m. treaty based on equal terms; -sphota, m. N. of a Rakshas.
kamala m. n. lotus (called utpala at an earlier stage); â, f. ep. of Lakshmî; sg. & pl. riches; n. water; -ka, n. N. of a town; -garbha, -ga, m. ep. of Brahman; -devî, f. N. of a queen; -nayana, a. lotus-eyed; -nâbha, m. ep. of Vishnu; -netra, n. lotus eyed; -bândhava, m. ep. of the sun; -bhav ana, m. ep. of Brahman; -mati, m. N.; -maya, a. consisting entirely of lotuses; -lok ana, a. lotus-eyed: â, f. N.; -vatî, f. N. of a princess; -vana, n. bed of lotuses: -maya, a. consisting of beds of lotuses; -vardhana, m. N. of a king; -varman, m. N. of a king; -sambhava, m. ep. of Brahman.
kamaṇḍalu m. ascetic's water-pot: -pâni, a. having a water-pot in the hand.
kam pcl. indeed (after nú, sú, hí).
karaka m. water-pot; a tree.
karatala n. palm of the hand: -ga ta, pp. held in the hand, -tâla, clapping of the hands; -da, a. paying taxes, tributary; subordinate; -dhrita-sara, a. holding an arrow in his hand; -pattra, n. saw; -pallava, m. finger; -pâda-danta, m. hand, foot, or tooth; -pâla, m. receiver-general of taxes; -putî, f. hollowed hand; -prâpta, pp. held in the hand; -badara, n. jujube berry in the hand=perfectly obvious matter; -bha, m.elephant's trunk; camel; young elephant or camel; hand between wrist and fingers: -ka, m. N. of a messenger; -bhûshana, n. bracelet; -bha½urû, a. f. having thighs like an elephant's trunk.
karṇa m. (--°ree; a., f. â, î) ear; handle; rudder; N. of several men, esp. of a son of Kuntî; a. having ears or handles; long-eared (also á); -kuvalaya, n. lotus attached to the ear; -kâmara, n. whiskadorning the ears of elephants; -gâpa, m. tale-bearing; -tâ, f. condition of an ear; -tâla, m. flapping of elephants' ears (--°ree;); -dhâra, m. helmsman; sailor: -tâ, f. helmsmanship; -nîlotpala, n. blue lotus attached to the ear; -pa, m. N.; -pattraka, m. flap of the ear (tragus); -patha, m. ear-shot, hearing: -m, â-yâ, or upa½i, come to the ears: -½atithi, m.=come to the ears; -paramparâ, f. passing from ear to ear, gossip; -pâsa, m.beautiful ear; -pûra, m. n. ear or nament, esp. flowers: -pûraka, m. N. of a chattering servant; -pûrî-kri, turn into an ear ornament; -bha&ndot;ga, m. curve of the ears; -bhûshana, n. ear ornament; -mûla, n. root of the ear (where it is attached to the head); -vamsa, m. flat projecting bamboo roof; -vat, a. having ears; -vish, f. ear-wax; -visha, n. poison for the ears; -veshta, m. ear-ring: *-na, n. id.; -sirîsha, n. Sirîsha flower at tached to the ear; -srava, a. audible; -su bhaga, a. pleasant to the ear.
karkara a. hard; m. leather strap (?); -í or -&isharp;, f. kind of lute; -î, f. water-jar.
karttṛkā f. hunter's knife.
karṇīratha m. kind of litter; -suta, m. ep. of the author of a manual on stealing.
kala a. dumb; indistinct; inarticu late; choked with tears (--°ree;); low, soft (note); uttering a soft sound: -m, ad.; -kanthikâ, f. female cuckoo; -kala, m. confused noise or cry: -rava, -½ârava, m. id., -vat,a. tinkling.
karmanāman n. name from an activity; participle; -nâsâ, f. N. of a river; -nishtha, a. diligent in (holy) works; -nyâsa, m. cessation of work; -pâka, m. ripening of works, retribution for worksdone in a former life; -pâtaka, n. sinful deed; -pravakanîya, m. (determining an action), designation of pre positions used with nouns and of some adverbs; -phala, n. result of actions: -hetu, a. to whom results of action are a motive; -bandha, m. bondage of action; -bâhulya, n. hard work; -buddhi, a. believing in human exertion; -bhûmi, f. land of works; sphere of action; -máya, a. (î) consisting of, produced by or having the nature of action; -mârga, m. road to action, thieves' slang for openings in walls &c.; -mîmâmsâ, f.=pûrva-mîmâmsâ; -yo ga, m. activity; practice of holy works; con nexion with a sacrifice; connexion with pre vious acts: ab. or -tas, in consequence of fate; -vidhi, m. rules of action or duty; -viparyaya, m. perverse action; -vipâka=karma-pâka; -samâpta, pp. having performed the sacred rites; -siddhi, f. success of an action; -sthâ na, n.administrative office.
kalāntara n. interest (on capital).
kalā f. small part, esp. one-sixteenth; sixteenth part of the moon's disc; interest on capital; small division of time (ranging be tween 8 seconds and about 2 1/2 minutes accord ing to different statements); artistic skill; art (of which there are 64); -keli, a. practising an art as an amusement; -gña, a. understand ing an art or the arts; m. artist; -dhara, a. possessing an art or the arts; m. moon; -nâtha, m. moon;-nidhi, m. id.
kalaśodaka n. water in a jar.
kalpa a. feasible, possible; able to, fit for (g., lc., inf., --°ree;); nearly equal to, like (--°ree;); after an a. --°ree;, almost; m. precept, rule, usage, manner; body of rules on ritual (one of the six Vedâ&ndot;gas); cosmic period (=a day of Brahma=1000 Yugas). prathamah kal pah, chief rule, original law.
kalpana n. inventing; â, f. fashion ing; performance; invention, fiction; hypothesis; caparisoning an elephant; fixing, determination; work, deed, act; formation, form.
kaṣāya a. astringent (taste); fra grant; red, yellowish red; m. red colour; passion; m. n. astringent juice; decoction; medicinal potion; ointment; dirt; taint; de terioration, moral decline; n. yellow garment; -ya, den. P. dirty; molest; i-ta, pp. coloured red; dirtied, stained; penetrated w., full of (--°ree;).
kākākṣinyāya m.: in., ab. after the manner of the crow's eye, i. e. in op posite directions, with reference both to what precedes and what follows; -½akshi-gola nyâya, m. id.
kāka m. crow: î, f. female crow; -tâ, f. state of a crow; -tâlîya, a. accidental as the fall of the fruit in the story concerning the crow and the date, i. e. as accidental as the fall of the date at the moment of the crow's alighting on the palm-tree=post hoc, non propter hoc: -m or -vat, ad. suddenly, unex pectedly; -paksha, m. crow's wing; curl on the temples of boys or youths: -ka, --°ree;, a. id.; -yava, m. pl. grainless barley; -rava, a. cawing like a crow, cowardly; -rûka, a. cowardly.
kalhāra n. white esculent water-lily.
kāṭhinya n. hardness, stiffness; firmness, austerity.
kākṣīvatī f. daughter of Ka kshîvat.
kāntāra m. n. great forest; wilder ness; -bhava, m. forester; -½anda-ga, m. forest frog.
kāmandaka m. N. of a Rishi; î, f. N. of a Buddhist nun; N. of a city; i, m. pat. N. of a writer on polity: -sâstra, n. Institutes of Kâmandaki; î-ya, a. composed by Kâmandaki.
kāma m. wish, desire, for (d., g., lc.); intention; pleasure; desired object; benefit; (sexual) love; god of love; --°ree;, a. (often after inf. in -tu) desirous of, intending to: ab. willingly; voluntarily; intentionally.
kāmarasika a. indulging in love; libidinous; -rûpa, n. any form desired; a. assuming any form at will; m. pl. N. of a people in western Assam; -rûpin, a. id.; -vat, a. enamoured; -varsha, a.raining as desired; -vâda, m. talking as one lists; -vâs in, a. changing one's abode at pleasure; -vritta, pp. indulging one's desires, pleasure-loving; -sara, m. arrow of Kâma; -sâsana, m. ep. of Siva; -sâstra, n. treatise on love, T. of various works; -sû, a. granting desires; -sûtra, n. a Sûtra treating of love; -haituka, a. caused by desire only.
kāra a. (î) making, producing, fashion ing, performing; m. maker (--°ree;); fashioner, author; making, action; --°ree;, sound, letter; uninflected word; -aka, a. (-ikâ) making, producing, causing, performing (g. or --°ree;); *about to do (ac.); effecting an object; m. maker, fashioner; agent; n. relation of noun to verb, case-notion; -ana, --°ree;, a. making, causing, producing; n. (--°ree;, f. î) cause, occasion, motive (g., lc.,--°ree;); prime cause, element; basis; argument, proof; means, instrument; organ of sense; in., ab., lc., °ree;--, from some cause: w. kena, kasmât, kasmin, for what reason? why? kim kâranam, why? ab. for the sake of (g., --°ree;); kenâpi kâranena, for some reason or other; yat kâranam, yena kâranena, because.
kāyoḍhaja a. born of a woman married after the manner of Pragâpati.
kāyikā a. f. (sc. vriddhi) kind of interest.
kāya m. body; mass, extent, group; capital: -klesa, m. bodily distress; -danda, m. perfect control over the body; -mâna, n. tent of grass, foliage, &c.: i-ka-niketana, n. id.; -vat, a. incarnate; -siro-grîva, n. body, head, & neck; -stha, m. writer (mixed caste).
kāmyā f. desire, wish for, striving after (g., --°ree;).
kāmya a. desirable, dear; amiable, pleasant; connected with a wish, interested; optional: -ka, m. N. of a forest and of a lake; -tâ, f. loveliness, beauty.
kārita pp. caused, produced by, re lating to (--°ree;); â, f. (sc. vriddhi) excessive in terest offered by debtor under pressure.
kāryavat a. having business to attend to; busy; having an object: -tâ, f. business; -vasa, m. influence of an object: ab. from interested motives; -vinimaya, m. mutual engagement to do something;-vi nirnaya, m. legal decision of a case; -vi patti, f. failure of an object; -vrittânta, m. fact of a matter; -vyasana, n. failure of an object; -sesha, m. what remains to be done, completion of undertakings; -siddhi, f. suc cess of a matter; -hantri, m. thwarter of one's interest; -hetu, m. motive of carrying out one's designs: ab. with a view to one's interests.
kāryatas ad. as a matter of fact; -tâ, f., -tva, n. fact of being a product or effect; -darsana, n. (legal) investigation of a case; -darsin, a. sagacious, acute; -dhvamsa, m. abandonment of a cause; -nirnaya, m. legal decision of a case; -parikkheda, m. correct judgment of a case.
kāryakaraṇāpekṣā f. view to carrying out one's design; -kartri, m. promoter of the cause of (g.); -kârana, n. a special object as a cause, special reason: -tas, ad. from special motives, -tva, n. being effect and cause; -kâla, m. time for action; -kintaka, m. manager of a business.
kārya fp. to be done, made, performed, employed, &c. (v. √ kri); n. design, purpose, object, interest; duty; business; service; mat ter, affair; lawsuit; effect, product: -m, with in. of thing and g. of pers., something is of use to, some one cares about; in. on account of.
kāla m. due season, appointed or right time (for, d., g., lc., inf., --°ree;); time; oppor tunity; season; meal-time (of which there are two a day); half a day; hour; age, era; measure, prosody; Time, fate; death, god of death; --°ree;, at the right time; in time, gradually; parah kâlah, high time (w. inf.); kâlam kri, fix a time for (lc.); kâlam âsâdya, according to circumstances; in. kâlena, in due season; in course of time: -gakkhatâ, as time goes on, in course of time; dîrghena --, mahatâ -or bahunâ --, after a long time; kenakit --, after some time; tena --, at that time; ab. kâlât, in the long run, in course of time; kâlatas, id.; with regard to time; g. dîrghasya or mahatah kâlasya, after a long time; kasya kit --, after some time; lc. kâlé, at the right or appointed time, opportunely; in time=gra dually; -prâpte, when the time has come; -gakkhati, in course of time; -yâte, after the lapse of some time; kasmims kit --, one day; kâle kâle, always at the right time; shashthe --, at the end of the third day: --&zip;hnah, at the sixth hour of the day, i. e. at noon; pañ- kasate --, =after 250 days; ubhau kâlau, morning and evening.
kāryārtha m. undertaking: -m, ad. for a special end, for the purpose of busi ness or work: -siddhi, f. success of an un dertaking; -½arthin, a. concerned about a matter; demanding justice.
kāryātipāta m. neglect of business: -in, a. neglecting business; -½adhi kârin, m. minister of policy; -½antara, n. another business; leisure hour: -sakiva, m. companion of a prince's leisure oramusements; -½apekshin, a. having a special object in view.
kālaśāka m. a plant; -samrodha, m. protracted retention; -sa&ndot;khyâ, f. com putation or determination of time; -sarpa, m. a. black snake; -sûtra, n. noose of the god of death; m. n. (also -ka),N. of a hell; -harana, n. loss of time; -hâra, m. id.; gain of time.
kālaśeya n. butter-milk.
kālayavana m. N. of a Dvîpa; -yâpa, m.: -na, n., -nâ, f. procrastination; -yoga, m. conjuncture of time or fate; point of time: -tas, ad. according to circumstances; -loha, n. iron, steel; -vâla, a.having a black tail; -vid, a. knowing the times; -vidyâ, f. knowledge of chronology or the calendar; -vibhakti, f. division of time; -vriddhi, f. kind of illegal interest; -vyatîta, pp. for which the right time has passed.
kāryopekṣā f. neglect of of ficial duty; -½uparodha, m. interruption of business.
kālatā f. 1. seasonableness; 2. blackness; -danda, m. wand of death; -dû ta, m. harbinger of death; -daurâtmya, n. tyranny of time; -dharma, -n, m. law of time=inevitable death; -niyama, m. limita tion of time; determination of the terminus ad quem; -nemi, m. N. of an Asura slain by Krishna; N. of a Brâhman.
kālinda n. water-melon; î, f. pat. of the Yamunâ.
kālāguru m. kind of black aloe; -½añgana, n. black ointment; -½anda-ga, m. black bird=Indian cuckoo; -½atikramana, n. neglect of the right moment for (g.); -½ati pâta, m. delay; -½atyaya½apadishta, pp. lapsed, become void; -½anala, m. fire of all-destroying time, fire of universal death; -½anu sârya, n. kind of fragrant benzoin, resin; -½antara, n. interval of time; favourable moment: in., ab.after the lapse of some time: -kshama, a. brooking delay.
kāvya m. pl. kind of Manes; n. poem; -kartri, m. poet; -goshthî, f. discussion on poetry; -gîva-gña, m. Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury, or a. understanding the purport of a poem; -tâ, f., -tva, n.condition of a poem; -devî, f. N. of a queen; -prakâsa, m. Light of poetry: T. of a work on poetics by Mammata and Alata (11th or 12th century); -mîmâmsa ka, m. rhetorician; -rasa, m. flavour of poetry; -sâstra, n.poetry and learning (°ree;--); treatise on poetry; Poetics: T. of a work.
ki inter. prn. st. in kim, kiyat, kîdris, &c.
kālhāra a. derived from the white water-lily.
kāṣṭhā f. race-course, celestial course (of wind and cloud); quarter; goal, boundary; summit; height, maximum; a measure of time.
kir a. scattering, pouring out (--°ree;).
kitava m., î, f. gamester; cheat, rogue.
kirāta m. pl. N. of a barbarous moun- tain tribe of hunters; sg. man or king of the Kirâtas: î, f. Kirâta woman; -½argunîya, n. Arguna's combat with Siva disguised as a Ki râta: T. of a poem by Bhâravi (6th cent. a. d.).
ku prn. st. in ku-tas &c.; °ree;--, bad, in significant; badly, very; -kanyakâ, f. bad girl; -karman, n. wicked deed; -kalatra, n. bad wife; -kavi, m. bad poet, poetaster; -kâv ya, m. bad poem; -kutumbinî,f. bad house wife; -kritya, n. infamous deed, wickedness.
kuṭumbin m. householder, pater familias; member of a family; domestic; du. householder and his wife: -î, f. mistress of the house; female domestic.
kuṇḍāśin a. eating the food given by a kunda (bastard of an adulteress).
kuṇḍa n., î, f. pitcher, jar, pot; scuttle; round cavity in the ground, round fire-pit; m. bastard of an adulteress; -ka, m. n. jar, pot, pitcher.
kuṭhāra kuthâra, ˚ka m. axe; i-kâ, f. small axe; i-ka, m. wood-cutter.
kudāradāra m. pl. bad wife as a wife; -drishta, pp. imperfectly seen; -drishti, f. defective sight; false system; a. heterodox; -desa, m. bad country; -daisika, m. bad guide.
kutsa m. N. of various men; -ana, n. reviling, abuse; contempt; term of abuse; -aya, den. P. [ask as to the whence: kut(a)s] abuse, blame; contemn: pp. -ita, contemptible; blameworthy; -â, f. abuse, blame: in. contemptuously; -ya, fp. blameworthy.
kutūhalin a. curious; interested.
kutūhala n. [cry of whence], id.; pleasure, delight in (prati, lc. or --°ree;); curious, interesting, or amusing object: in. eagerly, zealously: -krit, a. exciting curiosity, curious; -vat, a. inquisitive; interested; eager.
kutuka n. [regard to the whence], curiosity; interest; eagerness for (--°ree;).
kumāra m. [dying easily], (new born) child; boy; youth, son; prince; ep. of Skanda; (a)-ká, m. little boy, boy, youth; --°ree;, a young --; -tva, n. boyhood, youth; sonship; -datta, m. N.; (á)-deshna, but fleet ing gifts; -dhârâ, f. N. of a river; -bhukti, f. apanage of a crown prince; -bhrityâ, f. fostering of a child; midwifery; -vana, n. Kumâra's grove; -vikrama, a. valiant as the god of war; -vrata, n. vow of chastity; -sambhava, m. birth of the war-god: T. of a poem by Kâlidâsa; -sena, m. N. of a minister; -sevaka, m. prince's servant.
kumbha m. pot, jar, urn (--°ree;, a. jar shaped); a measure of grain (=20 Dronas); du. frontal protuberances of an elephant; (a) ka, --°ree;, a. id.; m. n. religious exercise consisting in closing the nostrils with the right hand to suspend breathing: -karna, m. N. of a Râk shasa (brother of Râvana); -karnâya, den. Â. resemble Kumbha-karna (in sleeping long); -kâra, m. potter (a mixed caste); -kârikâ, f. wife of a potter; -ganman, m. ep. of Agastya; -dâsî, f. common prostitute; -dhânya, a. having only a potful of grain; -yoni, m. ep. of Agastya; -sambhava, m. id.
kumārī f. girl, virgin; daughter; (î)-pura, n. part of harem where girls live; -bhâga, m. daughter's portion.
kuraṅgī f. female antelope, gazelle; N. of a daughter of Prasenagit: -dris, f. gazelle-eyed.
kulāla m. potter; î, f. wife of a potter.
kulayoṣit f. virtuous woman; -râgadhânî, f. royal capital; -vat, a. of noble race; -vardhana, m. support of a family; -vidyâ, f. knowledge hereditary in the family; -vrata, n. family practice (religious or moral): -dhara, a. maintaining the family virtue; -sî la-vayo-vritta-vitta-vat, a. of good family, character, age, conduct, and means; -sikharin, m., -saila, m.=kula-parvata; -sa&ndot;khyâ, f. be ing accounted of good family; -samgata, m. ac quaintance of the family; -samtati, f. progeny; -samnidhi, m. presence of many persons: lc. in the presence of witnesses; -samudbhava, a. sprung of a noble house; -sevaka, m.excel lent servant; -stamba, m. family like a bunch of grass; -strî, f. virtuous woman; -sthiti, f. family usage; -hîna, pp. of ignoble race.
kuvalayita pp. adorned with water-lilies.
kuvalaya n. terrestrial orb, orbis terrarum.
kuvala a tree; n. itsfruit; water-lily.
kulīna a. noble (of race and char acter); belonging to the race of (--°ree;): -tva, n. noble birth; -îya, a. belonging to the family of (--°ree;).
kusakhī f. bad friend; -sakiva, m. bad minister; -sambandha, m. bad relation; -sarit, f. shallow river.
kuśīla n. bad character: -va, m. bard, actor: du. N. of the two sons of Râma.
kusīda a. inert; n. usury: -vriddhi, f. usurer's interest.
kūpa m. [ku½ap-a], pit, hole; well: -ka, m. little well; -kâra, m. well-digger; -kûr ma, m. tortoise in a well=unsophisticated person; -khanana, n. digging of a well; -khânaka, m. well-digger;-kakra, n. water wheel; -dardura, m. frog in a well=unsophis ticated person; -yantra, n. water-wheel.
kūṭa a. hornless (cattle); deceptive; spurious; concealed; invidious; -ka, a. false (coin); n. prominence; -karman, n. fraud; -kâraka, m. forger, false-witness; -krit, m. forger (of, g.); briber; -kkhadman,m. sharper, cheat; -tâpasa, m. counterfeit ascetic; -tulâ, f. false balance; -pâkala, m. elephant's fever; -pâsa, m. snare, trap; -bandha, m. id.; -yuddha, m. treacherous fight; -rakanâ, f. fraud; trap, snare; -lekha, m., -lekhya, n. forged document; -sâlmali, m. f. fabulous cotton shrub with sharp thorns employed to torture criminals in Yama's realm; -sâsana, n. forged edict: -kartri, m. forger of edicts; -sâkshin, m. false-witness; -stha,a. occupy ing the highest place, chief; being in the midst of (--°ree;); immovable, immutable; -svarna, n. counterfeit gold.
kuhū f. new-moon (personified as the daughter of A&ndot;giras).
kṛti f. making, performance; action; production, literary work; N. of various metres; confirmation, verification (dr.).
kṛtāṅka a. branded; -½añgala, a. having the palms joined in supplication to (d.); -½âtithya, a. having practised hospi tality; hospitably entertained; -½âtman, a. whose mind is cultivatedor purified; -½âdara, a. treated with due respect; -½anuvyâdha, a. filled with (in.); -½anta, a. making an end, decisive; m. matter, affair, case; fate; Death, Yama; system, doctrine: -nagarî, f. city of Yama, -samtrâsa,m. N. of a Râkshasa; -½antara, a. having made one's way to (g.); -½anná, n. cooked food; -½aparâdha, a. hav ing committed an offence against (g.); -½abhi sheka, a. hvg. performed a religious ablution; consecrated;-½abhyâsa, a. kept to one's studies (by, --°ree;); -½artha, a. having attained his object; satisfied: -tâ, f., -tva, n. satisfaction.
kusauhṛda m. bad friend; -strî, f. bad woman; -sthâna, n. miserable place; -svâmin, m. bad master.
kṛtaśilpa a. having acquired an art; -sauka, a. having cleansed or purified himself; -srama, a. having undergone hard ships, having occupied oneself zealously with (lc., --°ree;); -samskâra, a.elaborated, prepared; adorned; consecrated; -samgña, a. to whom a sign has been given: pl. with whom signals have been concerted; -samdhâna, a. brought near; placed on the bowstring; -smita, pp. smiling; -hasta, a.skilful, dexterous.
kūdī f. fetter.
kṛtodaka a. having performed the prescribed ablutions; having made offerings of water to the dead; -½unmâda, a. feign ing madness; -½upakâra, a. having rendered a service; benefited.
ketana n. invitation; shelter; place; body; sign, token, banner; business.
kusumbha m. safflower; (hermit's) water-pot: -kshetra, n. field of safflower; -vat, a. carrying a water-pot.
koṇa m. corner, angle; intermediate point of the compass (N. E. etc.).
kośavat a. wealthy; -vâri, n. or deal water; -vesman, n. treasury; -½agâra, m. n. id.: -½adhikârin, m. treasurer; -½adhy aksha, m. treasurer.
kautūhala n. curiosity, interest, eagerness (with lc., prati, or inf.); festival.
kautukita pp. interested in (lc.), by (in.); -in, n. interested, curious.
kautuka n. curiosity, interest, eager ness (w. lc. or --°ree;); curious, strange or interesting spectacle; entertaining story; festival; wedding investiture with the nuptial cord; nuptial cord; happiness, bliss; -kriyâ, f. wed ding festival; -griha, n. wedding-house; -pura, n. N. of a city; -bhrit, a. wearing the nuptial cord; -ma&ndot;gala, n. solemn cere mony, festival; -maya, a. interesting; charm ing; -½âgâra, m. chamber.
krīḍā f. play, sport, jest, dalliance: -kapi-tva, n. jesting imitation of a monkey; -kânana, n. pleasure-grove; -kâsâra, m. plea sure-pond; -kopa, n. simulated anger; -kau tuka, n. wanton curiosity; -kausala, n. art of jesting; -gríha, m. n. pleasure-house; -par vata, m. (artificial) pleasure-hill: -ka, m. id.; -mayûra, m. pet peacock; -markata pota, m. pet young monkey; -mahîdhra, m. pleasure-hill; -rasa, m.enjoyment of sport or fun: -maya, a. consisting in the water of play; -vesman, n. pleasure-house; -sakun ta, m. pet bird; -saila, m. pleasure-hill; -saras, n. pleasure-lake.
kīrṇa pp. √ krî, scatter.
krivi m. water-skin: pl. N. of a people (in C.=Pañkâla).
kriyākula a. busy, overwhelmed with business; -½âtmaka, a. whose nature is ac tivity: -tva, n. abst. n.; -dveshin, a. evading the evidence; -½antara, n. interruption of an action; another action;-pada, n. verb; -pra bandha, m. continuity of an action; -½abhy upagama, m. express promise; -yoga, m. con nexion with an action or verb; employment of means; the practical Yoga; -yogya, a. fitted for work; -½artha, a. having an action as an object; -lopa, m. failure of ceremonies; -vat, a. performing actions, active; performing sacred rites; -vidhi, m. specific rule of action; employment of a verb; -viseshana, n. ad verb;-sakti, f. capacity of acting: -mat, a. capable of acting.
kriyā f. making, doing; performance; business, transaction; action, act; work; trouble; labour; notion of the verb, verb (gr.); literary work; rite, ceremony; medical treat ment, cure; (legal) proof.
klība a. emasculated, impotent; un manly, timorous, cowardly; waterless (cloud); m. eunuch; weakling, coward; n. neuter (gender): -tâ, f. impotency; weakness.
klav only pp. klavita, faltering.
kroḍa m. breast; cavity, interior; boar: (a)-vâla, m. hog's bristle.
krūrākṣa m. N. of an owl; -½âkâ ra, a. of cruel conduct: -vihâra-vat, a. fe rocious in conduct and delighting in cruelty; -½âsaya, a. containing terrible monsters; cruel-hearted.
krūra a. wounded; sore; cruel; for midable, terrible; ferocious; rough, hard; n. sore, wound; roughness, cruelty: -karma krit, a. *doing cruel deeds; m. beast of prey; -karman, n. horrible deed; hard task; a. doing cruel deeds; -keshtita, (pp.) a. acting cruelly; -tâ, f. cruelty.
kṣaṇāntara n. space of a moment, little while: lc. after a while, thereupon.
kṣamā f. patience, forbearance, indulgence (towards, lc. or prati); tameness; earth: -pati, m. king; -bhrit, m. mountain; king; -mandala, n. orbis terrarum, whole earth; -li&ndot;ga½âtma-pîdâ-vat,a. in which proof of forbearance and loss on one's own part is adduced (leg.); -vat, -sîla, a. patient, indulgent, forbearing; compassionate.
kṣama a. patient; enduring (--°ree;); capable of, able to, equal to (in., lc., or --°ree;); endurable; suitable, useful, favourable (for, d., g., lc., inf., or --°ree;; inf. or --°ree; after verbal n. having a passive sense): -tâ, f., -tva, n. capacity for, ability to (lc. or --°ree;).
kṣīrakuṇḍa n. milk-pot; -ksha ya, m. failure of milk (in the udder); -dhi, m. ocean of milk; -nidhi, m. id.; -nîra, n. milk and water (°ree;--); -pa, a. drinking only milk; m. suckling, infant, child; -bhrita, pp. paid with milk; -maya, a. representing milk; -mahâr- nava, m. ocean of milk; (á)-vat, a. full of milk; -vâridhi, m. ocean of milk; -vriksha, m. tree with milky juice, the common name of the Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Asvattha, and Madhûka; -shâshtika, n. sixty days' rice with milk; -samudra, -sâgara, m. ocean of milk; -snigdha, pp. moist with milky juice; -svâmin, m. N. of a grammarian.
kṣetra n. landed property; field (-m kri, cultivate a field); place, region; seat, sphere of activity, source; extent; womb; wife; seat of the soul, body; primeval soul or matter.
kṣemaya den. P. only pr. pt. resting; affording rest, sheltering, refreshing.
khaḍa m. kind of sour drink made of buttermilk, etc.
khaṇḍaya den. P. break or cut in pieces; injure; bite; interrupt, disturb; destroy, dispel; cause to cease, satisfy; neglect; refute; deceive. ava, break in pieces. ud, tear off. vi, cut in pieces, lacerate.
khaṇakhaṇāya den. Â. clatter, crack: pp. -yita, clashing, etc.
khalu pcl. [plainly], indeed, certainly; however, and yet: often merely emphatic; khálu vaí, certainly; nu khalu, with inter. pray? I wonder? na khalu, not at all; kha lu½api, now again (introducing a new topic); khalu with gd.=enough of --, do not --.
khāda a. devouring (--°ree;); m. food; -aka, m. eater, consumer; debtor; -ana, n. chewing, eating; food: â, f. N.; -ikâ, f. eat ing (--°ree;); -i-tri, m. eater, consumer; -i-tavya, fp. to be eaten or consumed;-in, a. chewing, biting (--°ree;).
gaṅgā f. [fr. intv. of √ gam: the swift Goer], the Ganges, daughter of the Himavat.
khola m. kind of water-proof hat.
gaṇacakra n. kind of magic circle; -kkhandas, n. metre measured by feet; -tva, n. office of an attendant on Siva; -dâsa, m. N. of a dancing master.
gaṇḍūṣa m. n. mouthful (of water, etc.); sip; tip of elephant's trunk.
gatajīva a. dead; -gîvita, a. id.; -pâra, a. having attained his object; -pûrva, a. trodden before; -pratyâgata, pp. gone and returned; -prâna, a. inanimate, dead; -prâ ya, a. almost past or perished; -mati, a. stupid, senseless; -manas-ka, a. thinking of (lc.); -mâtra, a. only just gone away; -yauvana, a. whose youth is past; -roga, a. convalescent; -vayas, a. whose youth is past; (á)-srî, a. being in the height of prosperity; -sâra, a. worthless; -spriha, a. having no more desire or pleasure (in, g. or lc.); dis interested; merciless.
gadgada a. faltering; n. stammer: -gala, a. stammering, faltering; -tâ, f., -tva, n. stammer; -svara, m. faltering tone; a. faltering.
gamana n. gait; going; betaking oneself to (ad.; ac. ± prati, g., --°ree;); sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); entering upon, undergoing (--°ree;); course; departure; walking; motion: -vat, a. past; -anîya,fp. accessible to, as sailable by (g.); -ayitavya, cs. fp. to be passed (time).
gama a. going, moving (--°ree;); m. departure; way, distance; sexual intercourse with (--°ree;): -ka, a. cogent; evidencing (g.): -tâ, f., -tva, n. cogency.
gariman m. weight; dignity; power; -ishtha, spv. (of guru) greatly swollen; -îyas, cpv. (of guru) very difficult; better, more important or honourable, of more account than (ab.); rather than (ab.); worse; very important: -tva, n. weight, heaviness; importance.
gayākūpa m. N. of a well near Gayâ; -siras, n. N. of a mtn.; western horizon.
gamya fp. to be gone to; accessible to (g., lc., --°ree;); feasible; accessible to or in the right condition for, sexual intercourse (f.); profligate (m.); curable by (g.); conceivable, intelligible, comprehensible; to be guessed; meant; suitable.
garbhaikādaśa m. pl. eleventh year after conception.
garbhāgāra n. womb; bed chamber; lying-in room; inner sanctuary; -½âdi, a. beginning with conception; -½âdhâ na, n. impregnation; a certain ceremony preceding impregnation; -½ashtama,m. eighth year after conception.
garbha m. womb; interior (--°ree; a. con taining -within); foetus, embryo; new-born child; child; offspring, brood (of birds); con ception; sprout: *-ka, m. wreath of flowers interwoven with the hair; -kâma, a. desirous of the fruit of the womb; -kâra, n. N. of a Sastra (producing fertility); -kâla, m. time of pregnancy; -gata, pp. lying in the womb; -griha, -geha, n. inner apartment, bed chamber; inner sanctuarycontaining the image of the deity; -graha, m., -grahana, n. conception; -kyuti, f. birth; -tâ, f., -tva, n. pregnancy; -dâsa, m. (î, f.) slave by birth (Pr.); -dvâdasa, m. pl. twelfth year after conception; -dharâ, a. f. pregnant;-dhâr ana, n. pregnancy; -purodâsa, m. cake offered during the pregnancy of a female animal; -bhartri-druh, a. injuring the foetus and the husband; -bharman, n. nurture of the foetus; -bhavana, n. inner sanctuary con taining the image of the deity; -bhâra, m. burden of the womb: -m dhri, become preg nant; -mandapa, m. inner apartment, bed chamber; -mâsa, m. month of pregnancy; -rûpaka, m. young man; -lakshana, n. sign of pregnancy; -vatî, a. f. pregnant; -vasati, f., -vâsa, m. womb; -vesman, n. inner chamber; lying-in room; -sâtana, n. causing of abortion; -samsravana, n. miscarriage; -samkarita, m. one of mixed extraction; -sambhava,m. conception; -sambhûti, f. id.; -stha, a. being in the womb; -sthâna, n. womb; -srâva, m. miscarriage.
gahana a. deep; dense; impenetra ble (also fig.); n. depth, abyss; thicket; lurking-place; impenetrable darkness; thick cluster: -tva, n. denseness; impenetrability.
gāmin a. going anywhere (ad., prati, or *ac.); gnly. --°ree;, going, moving, walking (in, to, like); having sexual intercourse with; reaching or extending to; devolving on; be fitting, behoving; obtaining; directed to; re lating to.
gārhasthya a. behoving a house holder; n. position of paterfamilias or mater familias; household.
gārhapatya a. (sc. agni) house holder's (western sacred) fire; m. n. its place; n. domestic authority; household.
gārbha a. born from a womb; refer ring to an embryo, performed during preg nancy; i-ka, a. relating to the womb, uterine.
guccha m. shrub; bunch, cluster of blossoms: -ka, m. (?) id.
girikuhara n. mountain cave; -kshít, a. dwelling on mountains; -kakra vartin, m. prince of mountains, the Himâ laya; -kará, a. mountain-roaming; m. wild elephant; -ga, a. mountain-born: â, f.daughter of the mountain, ep. of Pârvatî; -nadî, f. mountain stream; -trá, a. moun tain-ruling, ep. of Siva; -durga, a. inac cessible owing to mountains; n. hill-fort; -dhâtu, m. pl. mountain ores; -nadikâ, f. mountain brook; -nadî, f.=giri-nadî; -pati, m. king of mountains, lofty mountain; -pri shtha, n. mountain ridge; -prapâta, m. preci pice; -prastha, m. mountain plain, plateau; -bhid, a. mountain-piercing; -râg, m. king of mountains, lofty mountain; -vâsin, a. dwelling in the mountains; -sá, a. dwelling in the mountains, ep. of Siva; -shad, a. sit ting on mountains (Rudra); -shth&asharp;, a.= giri-vâsin; -sutâ, f. daughter of the moun tain,ep. of Pârvatî.
guṇa m. strand, thread, string, rope; wick; bow-string; lute-string; species; con stituent of policy (of which there are six or four), subordinate element, accessory; second ary dish, seasoning; remote object (of a verb); property, quality; elemental quality (sound, feeling, colour, taste, smell); fundamental quality (sattva, ragas, tamas); good quality, virtue, merit, excellence; high degree of (--°ree;= excessive); external articulation (of letters); first strong grade of vowels (a, ar, al, e, o); time (with numerals); multiple: almost always --°ree; a. after numerals=-fold (lit. having so many strands), so many times as much as or more than (in. or ab.).
guḍodaka n. sugar-water.
gurulaghutā f. great and little value; -lâghava, n. importance and insig nificance, relative value; -loka, m. powerful men; -vat, ad. like a preceptor (=nm. or lc.); -vâsa, m. sojourn with a preceptor, pupilage; -vritti, f. (proper) behaviour towards one's teacher: -para, a. intent on one's teacher; -susrûshâ, f. obedience towards one's teacher; -susrûshu, a. obedient to one's teacher; -sa khî, f. female friend of an elder relative; -samnidhi, m. presence of the teacher; -sam avâya, m. plurality of teachers; -strî-gam anîya, fp. relating to adultery with a teach er's wife.
gūrti f. praise, approbation, flattery.
gūḍha pp. (√ guh) n. mystery; secret: lc. secretly; -katurtha-pâda-prahelikâ-pra dâna, n. propounding a riddle in which the fourth pâda is concealed; -kâra, m. spy; -kârin, a. going about secretly ordisguised; -ga, a. begotten in secret (not by the husband); -tâ, f. secretness: in. secretly; -tva, n. id.; -pâda, a. whose feet are covered with (--°ree;); -purusha, m. spy; -maithuna, n. secret copu lation; -vasati, f. dwelling in secret.
guhya fp. to be concealed, hidden, or kept secret; hidden, secret, mysterious: -m, ad. secretly; silently; n. secret; mystery; pudenda.
gṛhakapota m. domestic pigeon; -karma-kara, m. domestic; -karma-dâsa, m. domestic slave; -karman, n. household affair; -kâraka, m. carpenter; -kârin, m. kind of wasp; -kârya, n. household affair; -kritya, n. id.; kind of tax; -gupta, (pp.) m. N.; -kkhidra, n. hole or weak point in the house; -ga, a. born in the house; -gana, m. family; -gâta, pp. born in the house; -dâru, n. beam of a house; -dâha, m. con flagration; -dîpti, f. light (=ornament) of the house; -devatâ, f. pl. domestic deities; -dvâra, n. house-door; -nadikâ, f. drain of a house; -nirvâha, m. housekeeping; -pá, m. guardian of the house; (á)-pati, m. master of the house, paterfamilias; ep. of Agni; one who has precedence at a Sattra; village magistrate; -pâta, m. collapse of a house; -pâla, m. guardian of the house; -poshana, n. maintenance of the household; -bali, m.domestic offering: -bhug, m. bird that feeds on the domestic offering (sparrows, crows, and other birds); -bhartri, m. master of the house; -bhogin, m. member of the house hold; -medhá, 1. m. domestic sacrifice; 2. a.performing or taking part in the domestic sacrifices; m. householder, paterfamilias; -medhín, a. id.; m. married Brâhman house holder (second stage in his religious life): -î, f. Brâhman housewife.
gṛtsa a. [eager: √ gridh] nimble; dexterous, clever: -madá, m. N. of a Rishi: pl. his descendants.
guṇotkarṣa m. superiority in virtues; superior merits; -½utkrishta, pp. superior in good qualities, better.
gṛheśvara m. master of the house; î, f. housewife; -½udyâna, n. garden belong ing to the house; -½upakarana, n. household utensils or furniture.
gṛhīta pp. √ grah: -dikka, a. having taken to all the quarters, dispersed in all direc tions: -nâman, a. bearing the name, called.
gṛhāgata pp. entering the house; -½âkâra, m. domestic usage; duty of a house holder to his guest; -½agira, n. court-yard; -½ârambha, m. building a house; -½artha, m. household duties; -½âsrama, m. house holder stage in a Brâhman's life.
gotra n. cowshed; house=race or family; surname; name; (gr.) grandson or even later descendant (if the earlier genera tions from the common ancestor are extinct); patronymic suffix (gr.).
gocara m. (cow-pasture), sphere of action, province; dwelling; reach, ken, view, range; horizon; familiar matter (to, g.); a. being or dwelling in or on, relating to, within reach of, accessible to, being in the power of (g., --°ree;); perceptible; used in the sense of (lc.): -gata, pp. come into contact with (g.); -½an tara-gata, pp. being in the power of (g.).
golāṅgūla m. kind of monkey; -loman, n. cow's hair; -vadha, m. cow-killing; -vardhana, m. N. of a mountain near Mathurâ held up for seven days by Krishna for the purpose of sheltering cows threatened by Indra; N. of an author; ep. of Krishna; -vâta, m. cow-pen; -vâla, m. cow's hair; a. (î) having cow's hair; -vâsa, m. cow-pen; -vid, a. procuring cattle; -vinda, m. ep. of Krishna or Vishnu: -râga, m. N. of a com mentator on Manu, -svâmin, m. N. of a Brâhman; -vrisha, m. bull; -vrishana, m. scrotum of a bull; -vraga, m. cow-pen; -sa krit, n. cow-dung; -sâlâ, f. cow-shed; -sîr sha, m. N. of a serpent demon; n. kind ofsandal-wood: -ka, id.; -sri&ndot;ga, n. cow-horn; m. N. of a mountain.
gomaya a. consisting of cows; full of cowdung; (m.) n. cowdung (often pl.): -pâ yasîya-nyâya-vat, ad. after the manner of cowdung and milk-food, i. e. widely differing though identical in origin; -maya, a. (î) made of cowdung.
gohatyā f. slaughter of a cow; -hantri, m. cow-killer; -hara, m.: -na, n. cow-stealing.
grantha m. knot; composition; verse (of 32 syllables); treatise, book; text, word ing; chapter; -ana, n. connecting, tying.
graha a. (--°ree;) seizing, holding; gaining; perceiving; m. seizer, esp. Râhu, who seizes and thus eclipses sun and moon; planet (which seizes men by magical influence: generally reckoned to be five in number: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, or seven: the same + Râhu and Ketu, or nine: the same + sun and moon); demon of disease; imp; crocodile; booty; vessel (for drawing Soma); draught (of Soma); organ (of which eight are enumerated); seizure, grasp, grip; draught (of a fluid); theft, robbery; insistence on (lc., --°ree;), endeavour; receipt; welcome; mention; perception, understanding.
grāvagrābha m. (handling the Soma stones), a priest, later grâvastut; -stút, m. a kind of priest; -stotra, n. invo cation of the pressing-stones at noon: î-ya, a. relating to the invocation of the pressing stones.
grāmīṇa n. rustic, illiterate; m. villager, peasant; -eya-ka, m. villager.
ghaṭī f. jar, pot; a measure of time: 24 minutes: -yantra, n. water-wheel: -ka, n. small water-wheel.
ghaṭana n. union with (in. or --°ree;): â, f. course of action, doings, practice; striving for (lc. or --°ree;); exertion; discharging (arrows, --°ree;); accomplishment, success; union with (--°ree;); literary composition; procuring, find ing; producing, creating.
ghaṭa a. zealous, active (in, lc.); m. jar, pitcher, pot: -ka, a. performing, promoting; procuring; m. pot, jar, pitcher; -kar para, m. N. of a poet; n. title of a poem composed by him; potsherd; -kâra, -krit,m. potter.
gha 1. Gha, ghā V. enc. pcl. (almost entirely limited to the RV.), just, indeed, certainly: gnly. to be rendered by stress only; used after other pcls., prns., & prps., & before îm & íd.
gharghara a. rattling; m. laughter: -dhvani, m. snorting.
ghanakāla m. rainy season; -tâ, f. density, solidity; condition of a cloud; -tâm asa, a. pitch dark; -timira, n. cataract (of the eye); -tva, n. density, toughness; -pad avî, f. (cloud-path), sky; -vartman,n., -vîthi, f. id.; -vâri, n. rain-water; -vyapâ ya, m. disappearance of the clouds, autumn; -samaya, m. rainy season; -sâra, a. firm, strong; m. camphor.
ghana a. striking; slaying; firm, hard; dense, solid, thick; uninterrupted; dark, murky; deep (tone); whole; --°ree;, full of: -m, ad. closely, firmly; m. slaying; slayer; club, hammer; lump, solid mass; --°ree;, nothing but, pure (cognition); cloud: pl. rabble.
ghuṇa m. wood worm; -kîtaka, m. id.; -gargara, a. worm-eaten; -½akshara, n. worm mark in wood looking like a letter: -nyâyena, -vat, ad. quite accidentally, by a lucky chance.
ghorākāra a. of terrible ap pearance; -½âkriti, a. id.; -½atighora, a. excessively terrible (designation of a hell); -½âsaya, a. cruelly disposed towards (lc.).
ghora a. [√ ghu] awful, sublime; terrible, dreadful; violent (pain, etc.); n. horror, terror; magic; spell.
ghṛtakīrti f. mention of ghee; -kumbha, m. pot of ghee; -ghata, m. id.; -p&usharp;, a. clarifying ghee; -pûra, m. kind of pastry; (á)-prishtha, a. whose back is drip ping with ghee; (á)-pratîka, a.whose face is shining with ghee; -prâsana, n. eating ghee; -prúsh, a. scattering ghee or shower ing blessings; -madhu-maya, a. consisting of ghee and honey; (á)-vat, a. abounding in ghee; -skút, a. dripping ghee; -snú,1. a. dipped in ghee; (á)-snu, 2. a.=ghrita-prish tha; -havishka, a. accompanied by a ghee offering; -homa, m. offering of ghee.
ghṛta pp.; n. clarified butter that has cooled, ghee; fat (=fertility).
ca encl. cj. (te, que) and; also; even, just; but, yet; if (=ked): ka--ka, both--and, as well--as, scarcely--when; although--yet: with negative, neither--nor; ka--na ka or tu, although--yet not; na ka--ka,although not--yet; with vâ, either, or; ka½eva ka½api, and also; anyak ka, api ka, kim ka, tathâ ka, more over, likewise (adding a similar saying); ka gives interrogatives (q. v.) an indefinite sense.
ghoṣa m. noise, din; shout, battle-cry; roar (of waters); cry, yell (of animals); sound; rumour; proclamation; herdsman's statíon; herdsman.
cakra n.; V. sts. m. [runner: intv. √ kar] wheel; potter's wheel; discus (esp. of Vishnu); oil-press; circle; circling in the air (of birds); mystical circular diagram; multitude, host, flock; troop; sphere (fig.); (wheel of) dominion; m. ruddy goose; N. of several men; N. of a mountain; &isharp;, f. wheel.
catura a. quick, swift; dexterous, clever, ingenious, crafty; charming; n. clever ness: -ka, a. (ikâ) dexterous, clever; m. N. of a jackal; f. N. of a woman.
caturbāhu a. four-armed; -bila, a. having four apertures; -bhâgá, m. fourth, quarter; -bhuga, a. four-armed, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; -bhûmika, a. four-storied; -mâsî, f. period of four months; -mukha, a. four-faced; ep. of Brahman, Vishnu, and Siva: -samîrita, pp. uttered by the four mouths; -muhûrtam, ac. for four muhûrtas; -mûrti, a. having four forms or faces; -yuga, n. the four ages; a. comprising the four ages; -vak tra, a. four-faced; ep. of an attendant of Durgâ; -varga, m. aggregate of four: esp. the four goods of life, the good (artha), the pleasant (kâma), the useful (artha), and final liberation (moksha):-kintâmani, m. T. of a work; -varna-maya, a. consisting of the four castes; -varsha-sata½âyus, a. attaining an age of 400 years; -vimsá, a. (î) twenty-fourth; consisting of twenty-four; m. N. of a stoma in which three verses are chanted eight times; n. the day on which it is employed; -vimsat, f. twenty-four; (kátur)-vimsati, f. sg. and (rarely) pl. id.: -kritvas, ad. twenty-four times, -tama, a. twenty-fourth, y-aha, m. sg. twenty-four days; -vimsika, n.=katur-vimsa, m.; -vidha, a. fourfold: -m, ad.; -vîra, m. kind of Soma rite lasting four days; -veda, m. pl. the four Vedas; a. containing or fami liar with the four Vedas; -vedin, a. versed in the four Vedas; (kátur)-hanu, a. four-jawed.
caturdaśa a. (î) fourteenth; con sisting of fourteen; î, f. fourteenth day of a fortnight: -dasa-dh&asharp;, ad. fourteenfold; -dasán (or ká-), num. fourteen; -dasama, a. fourteenth; -dasarká, a. hvg. fourteen verses; -dârikâ, f. N. of the fifth lambaka in the Kathâsaritsâgara; -dikkam, ad. to the four quarters; -disam, ad. id.; -dvâra-mukha, a. (î) having four gates as mouths; -dhâ, ad. in four parts; fourfold.
candra a. shining, bright; lovely; m. moon (also as a deity); --°ree; =chief among --; N.; n. gold: a-ka, m. (--°ree; a. ikâ) moon; eye in a peacock's tail; N.; -kalâ, f. sixteenth part of the moon's disc (as seen on the day before or after new moon); -kânta, a. lovely as the moon; m. moon-stone (a fabulous gem formed of the congealed rays of the moon, glittering & exuding cool moisture in moon light only): -mani-maya,a. made of moon stone, -maya, a. id.
āyuta (pp.) n. semi-fluid butter.
cana immediately following emphasized word: V. not even; without neg. meaning (rare) also; after neg. even; C. (= kid) only after interrogatives in indefinite sense, even, at all.
caru m. caldron, pot; oblation (of grain boiled in milk, butter, or water).
carama a. last; outermost; lowest; western: -m, ad. last; in the end; after (g.): (a)-vayas, a. aged; -½akala, m. western (sun set) mountain.
cala a. moving, trembling; unsteady, wavering; waving; fluttering; rippling; fickle: -kitta, n. mutable temper, fickleness; a. fickle: -tâ, f. fickleness; giddiness; -tâ, f., -tva, n. tremor, unsteadiness.
carmāvakartin m. leather cutter, shoemaker; -½avakartri, m. id.
cāturya n. skill, dexterity; charm.
cāturtha a. discussed in the fourth (chapter): -ka, a. occurring every fourth day (fever); -½ahnika, a. belonging to the fourth day.
cātura a. flattering; guiding, ruling; î, f. cleverness, dexterity; charm.
cāṇakya a. made of chick-peas; m. pat. (from Kanaka), N. of Kandragupta's minister.
cāṭu m. n. coaxing, blandishment; courteous act; pretty speech; a. agreeable (?): -ka, m. id.; -kâra, m. flatterer; u½artham, for the sake of doing a kindness.
cākrika m. carter; potter; oil grinder; bell-man; partisan, accomplice.
cāndrāyaṇa m. observer of the moon's course; n. moon-course penance in which the number of mouthfuls eaten decreases by one daily from fifteen at full moon to none at new moon, after which it increases similarly (it may begin either at new or at full moon): -vrata, n. id.
cārvāka m. N. of a materialistic and heterodox philosopher; materialist.
cāru a. agreeable, welcome, pleasing; dear; fair, lovely: n. ad.: -gîti, f. a metre; -tâ, f. popularity; beauty; -datta, m. N. of a Brâhman; -danta, m. N. of a merchant's son; -darsanâ, f. fair woman; -netra, a. fair-eyed; -mati, m. N. of a parrot; -rûpa, a. of fair form; -lokana, a. fair-eyed; -venî, f. fair braid, N. of a river; -sabda-bha&ndot;ga-vat, a. rich in lovely faltering and in charming ex pressions (speech); -hâsin, a. laughing sweet ly: -î, f. a metre.
citikā f. pile of wood; funeral pyre; often --°ree; (after a numeral) a. in the sense of layer.
citraka m. small hunting leopard (Cheeta); n. mark (--°ree;, a. characterised by); picture, painting; -kara, m. painter (a mixed caste); -karman, n. painting; picture; adornment (Pr.); -kûta, m. hill of pleasure; (Bright-peak), N. of a mountain (in Bun delkund, now Kitrakote); N. of a town; -krit, m. painter; -kritya, n. painting; -ga, a., -gata, pp. (belonging to a picture), painted; -gupta, m. N. of a recorder of human actions in Yama's realm; -griha, n. apartment adorned with pictures; -grâvan, a. stony; -grîva, m. Spotted-neck, N. of a pigeon king; -nyasta, pp. put on canvas, painted; -paksha, m. (spotted-wing), kind of pigeon; N. of a demon causing headache; -pata, m. picture; -patta, m. id.: -gata, pp. painted; -putrikâ, f. female portrait; -phalaka, picture-panel, painting; (á)-bhânu, a. shining brightly; m. fire, Agni; -bhâshya, n. eloquence; -bhitti,f. painted wall, wall-painting; -mriga, m. spotted antelope.
citra a. manifest, visible, distinguished, clear, bright; distinct, audible (sound); variegated, speckled, dappled; various, manifold; qualified with torture (punishment); wonderful; n. bright-coloured object, glittering ornament; jewel; picture; surprising phenomenon, wonder.
cāndra a. (î) lunar; -ka, -ma, -masá, (î) a. id.; -vratika, a. having the character of the moon.
cid enc. pcl. [n. of interrogative, Lat. -quid] in V. emphasizing preceding word (but often to be rendered by stress merely), even, just, very, at least; generalizing nouns, every, all, and esp. pns. and cjs., -- ever, all: with neg. not even; in C. it is used only with in terrogatives (and gâtu), rendering them in definite.
cirakāra a. slow, tardy; dilatory; -kâr-i, -kâr-in, a. id.: i-ta, f., i-tva, n. tardi ness, dilatoriness; -kâla, a. belonging to the olden time; m. long time: -m, °ree;--, for a long time; ab. after a long time; on account of the long interval; -krita, pp. long practised; -gîvin, a. long-lived; m. N. of a crow; -dâ tri, m. N. of a prince; -nirvâhya, fp. tak ing a long time to carry out.
cira a. long (time); of long standing; old (friend); belonging to the olden time: -m, ad. long, for a long time; slowly; long ago; too long; -m kri, be long, delay; °ree;--, in., d., ab., g., lc. after a long time; for a long time, long; d., ab., g. also at last, too late; only now; n. delay.
cītkāra m. noise; braying: -vat, a. accompanied with noise; -krita, (pp.) n.= kîtkâra; -kriti, f. rattle, clatter.
cinha n. [√ khan] mark, sign, token, indication, attribute: --°ree;, a. marked or cha racterised by: -ka, n. jot, tittle.
cirarātra m.(?) long time: d. after a long time, at length; -viraha-ga, a. arising from long separation; -velâ, f. late time of day: in. at so late an hour; -sam- kita, pp. long accumulated; -sthita, pp.having stood for a long time.
cūḍa m. ridge (on bricks); ceremony of tonsure (performed on children); â, f. hair on the crown; tuft of hair left on the crown after the ceremony of tonsure; cere mony of tonsure; crest, summit;a-ka, --°ree;= kûdâ, tonsure.
cūṣ ps. boil; fester; cs. kûshaya, P. suck up. nis, cs. suck out.
codana a. urging, impelling; n., â, f. incitement, invitation; command; precept, prescription; -ayi-tavya, cs. fp. to be cen sured or criticised; -ayitri, m., trî, f. inciter, stimulator, promoter; -i-tri, m.inciter, stimulator, promoter; -ya, fp. to be urged; -censured; -called in question; na kodya, not to be insisted on=matter of course.
cyautna a. stimulating; n. shaking; enterprise, endeavour.
caurya n. theft; stealth, defrauda tion, fraud: -ka, n. id.; -bhaya, n. fear owing to one's theft; -rata, n. stealthy enjoyment of love, adultery; -vritti, a. living by theft.
chettavya fp. to be cut off; -tri, m. wood-cutter; destroyer, remover, dispeller.
chandoga m. chanter of Sâman hymns, follower of the Sâma-veda; -&zip;nu kramanî, f. Vedic index of metres; -&zip;nu vritta, n. complaisance; -bhâga, a. having a metre as his share.
cheda m. one who cuts down (--°ree;); cut, piece, slice; slit; cutting, cutting off or down (g. or --°ree;); separation; destruction, dissipation; interruption; cessation, failure, lack; exact statement, definition; decision, settlement of a dispute (in all these senses generally --°ree;).
cheka a. dexterous, crafty: -½ukti, f. allusion, ambiguous speech.
chāya a. giving shade; &asharp;, f. shade, shadow; image, reflexion; reflected light, splendour, glitter; colour; beauty, grace (--°ree;, a, n. in all these meanings compounded with a word in the genitive sense); quantity; mere shade of=a little (--°ree;); Sanskrit translation of a Prâkrit work; Shadow of Samgñâ and wife of the Sun and mother of the planet Saturn.
ja a. born or begotten by, born in, sprung from; produced from, by, in, or on; caused or occasioned by; prepared from, made of; m. son; â, f. daughter.
jaghri a. sputtering, boiling.
jaghana m. (V.), n. buttock, posterior; rump; hip; pudenda; n. back part (of an altar); rear-guard of an army: -kapalâ, f. lascivious woman; a metre; -vipula, a. hav ing large buttocks: â, f. a. metre; -½ardhá, m. hinder part; rear-guard.
jaḍa a. cold, cool; rigid, numb; im movable, motionless; dimmed, dulled; obtuse, dull, stupid, imbecile; inanimate; --°ree;, incapable of -through stupidity; m. idiot; n. water.
jañjapūka a. muttering prayers zealously.
janakakāṇa m. N. (one-eyed Ganaka); -kandra, m. N.; -tanayâ, f. Sîtâ; -tâ, f. paternity; -bhadra, m. N.; -râga, m. N.; -simha, m. N.; -sutâ, f. daughter of Ganaka, Sîtâ; -½âtmagâ, f. id.
janamejaya m. N. (terrifying men).
japa a. whispering; m. muttering (prayers etc.); murmured prayer.
jambudvīpa m. Isle of the Jambu-tree, N. of the central terrestrial island (v. dvîpa) comprising India, so called because overlooked by a gigantic Jambu-tree growing on the summit of mount Meru.
japya fp. to be muttered; n. prayer to be muttered.
japin a. muttering prayers.
japamālā f. rosary; -yagña, m. sacrifice of muttered prayer; -homa, m. sg. & pl. offering of muttered prayer: du. mut tered prayer and an offering.
japana n. muttering of prayers; -anîya, fp. to be muttered.
jayapatākā f. flag of victory; -parâgaya, m. du. or n. sg. victory or defeat; loss or gain; -pura, n. N. of various cities; -ma&ndot;gala, m. N. of an elephant; n. a cheer; -matî, f. N.; -malla, m.victorious combatant of (--°ree;); -râga, m. N.; -lakshmî, f. goddess of victory; -lekha, m. record of a victory; -var man, m. N.; -sa&ndot;kha, m. conch of victory; -sabda, m. shout of victory, cheer; -srî, f. goddess of victory; -simha, m. N.; -sena, m., â, f. N.; -skandha, m. N. of a minister of Yudhishthira; -stambha, m. column of victory; -sthala, n. N. of a village; -svâm in, m. lord of victory (Siva): (i)-virokana, N. of a temple.
jaladāna n. libation of water (fes tival in Uggayinî); -dravya, n. ocean-pro duct, pearl; -dhara, m. (water-bearer), cloud: -mâlâ, f. tract of clouds, -½abhyudaya, m. (rise of the clouds), rainy season; -dhârâ, f. stream of water, shower; -dhi, m. ocean, sea: -tâ, f. abst. n., -rasanâ, f. ocean-girt (earth); -nidhi, m. ocean, sea; -pakshin, m. water bird; -patha, m. sea-voyage; -pâda, m. (water-foot), N. of a frog-king; -pûra, m. full channel (of a river); -pûrusha, m. water pixie; -pravâha, m. current; -plava, m. de luge; -bindu, m. drop of water: -durdina, n. shower of rain; -budbuda, m. water-bub ble; -bhâgana, n. water-vessel; -maya, a. (î) consisting of water; -mânusha, m. (î) fa bulous aquatic being; otter; -muk, a. dis charging rain; m. cloud.
jalada m. (water-giver), cloud: -kâla, m. rainy season; -kshaya, m. (disappearance of clouds), autumn; -taskara, m. robber of a cloud; -samaya, m. rainy season; -½âgama, m. (arrival of clouds), rainy season; -½atyaya, m. autumn.
jalakapi m. (river) dolphin; -kum bha, m. water-pot; -kumbhikâ, f. jar of wa ter; -keli, m. f. sporting in the water; -kriyâ, f. libation of water to the dead; -krîdâ, f. sporting in the water; -khaga,m. aquatic bird; -gandha½ibha, m. fabulous animal; -kara, m. aquatic animal; fish; -kârin, a. living in the water; m. aquatic animal; fish; -ga, a. water-born, existing or growing in water; m. aquatic animal, fish; shell;n. day-lotus; pro duct of the sea, pearl: -kusuma, n. lotus blossom, -½âsana, m. ep. of Brahman (seated on a lotus); -gantú, m. aquatic animal; -gîv- in, a. living in or on water; m. fisherman; -tumbikâ-nyâya, m. in. like water and the gourd; -trâsa, m. hydrophobia; -trâsin, a. suffering from hydrophobia.
jala n. (sts. pl.) water.
jarāyu n. cast-off skin of a snake, slough; n. (f.) caul of the foetus; after-birth: -gá, a. born from a womb, born alive.
jalauka m. leech; â, f.: -½okas, a. living in the water; m. aquatic animal; N. of a king; f. leech; -½oka½avakaranîya, fp. treat ing of the application of leeches.
jalodara n. (water-belly), dropsy; -½uddhata-gati, a. moving violently in the water; f. a metre; -udbhava, a. sprung from the water; m. aquatic animal; N. of a water sprite.
jaleśvara m. lord of water, ep. of Varuna.
jaleśa m. lord of water, ep. ofVaruna, ocean.
jalecara a. (î) living in the water; m. aquatic animal (--°ree; a. f. â); -saya, a. abid ing in the water; ep. of Vishnu.
jalārthin a. thirsty; -½ârdra, a. wet, moist: â, f. wet garment; damp cloth (used for fanning); -ârdrikâ, f. id. (--°ree; a.); -½âsaya, m. reservoir, pond, lake; sea; a. rest ing in the water; stupid.
jalāya den. Â. turn into water.
jalāṃśu m. (cool-rayed), moon (= gadâmsu); -½âgama, m. rain; -½añgali, m. two handfuls of water in honour of the dead; fare well for ever (fig.); -½atyaya, m. (cessation of the rain), autumn; -½âdhâra, m. reservoir, pond.
jalayantra n. squirt; water-clock: -ka, n. squirt, -kakra, n. water-wheel, -man dira, n. apartment with shower-bath; -râsi, m. waters; sea, ocean; -ruh, -ruha, m. day lotus (growing in the water); -rekhâ, f. streak on the water; strip of water; -lekhâ, f. id.; -lava-muk, m. (shedding drops of water), cloud; -vat, a. abounding in water; -vâsa, m. abode in the water; a. living in the water; -vâs-in, a. living in the water:(i)-tâ, f. abst. n.; -vâha, a. bearing water: -ka, m. water carrier; -sayyâ, f. lying in the water (as a penance); -samnivesa, m. reservoir, pond; -sûrya: -ka, m. reflection of the sun in the water; -stha, a. being in the water; -sthâna, n. reservoir, lake; -snâna, n. bathe; -hastin, m. (water-elephant), crocodile; -hâra, m. water-carrier; î, f.
janhu m. N. of a king who adopted the Ganges; N. of a cave in the Himâlaya from which the Ganges issues: -kanyâ, f. daughter of Gahnu, Ganges; -sutâ, f. id.
javiṣṭha spv. swiftest, quickest; -îyas, cpv. quicker or swifter than (ab.).
javādhika a. running faster.
jalpa m. talk, conversation, words: pl. prate; -aka, a. chattering; m. chatterer; -ana, n. speaking, talking; -âka, a. chatter ing, loquacious; -ita, pp. n. talk; words; -in, a. speaking, talking (--°ree;); -ya, n. chatter.
jāti f. birth, origin, rebirth; exist ence, life; state; rank, caste; family, tribe, race; genus (opp. species), species (opp. individual), kind, class; disposition; normal character, genuineness: in. -tas, °ree;--, by birth.
jātakarman n. after-birth cere mony; -dosha, a. guilty; -nashta, pp. hav ing appeared and disappeared; -paksha, a. fledged; -prâya, a. almost come to pass; -preta, pp. first born and thendeceased; -mâtra, a. but just born, only just arisen; -rûpa, a. of native beauty, beauteous; golden; n. gold: -maya, a. (î) golden; -vat, a. born; containing a derivative of the √ gan; -vâsaka, n. lying-in room; -vâsa-griha, n. (apart ment in which living takes place), sitting room; (á)-vidyâ, f. science of the origin or of the essence of things, metaphysics; -vi nashta, pp.=gâta-nashta; -visvâsa, a. hav ing confidence engendered, inspired with con fidence; (á)-vedas, a. having knowledge of beings; m. Agni; (C.) fire; -vesman, n. chamber of a new-born infant; lying-in room; -silâ, f. (real=) massive stone; -samkalpa, a. resolved; enamoured.
jājin m. fighter.
jātijānapada a. relating to the castes and to the districts; -bhâg, a. sub ject to birth; -bhramsa, m. loss of caste; -bhrashta, pp. having lost caste; -mat, a. high-born; capable of being classed under a general notion; -mâtra, n. mere rank: -½upa- gîvin, a. subsisting by the name of his caste only; -vakana, n. generic term; -sampanna, pp. endowed with good family, high-born; -smara, a. remembering one's former exist ence: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -smarana, n. remembrance of a former birth; -hîna, pp. destitute of good family, of low birth or rank.
jāra m. lover; paramour, adulterer.
jāmi a. consanguineous (brother or sister), related, allied, own: du. pl. bro ther(s) and sister(s): î, f. (C.) female relation, esp. daughter-in-law; sts. sister; n. í, consan guinity; sameness; repetition, tautology (gr.).
jāmadagneya m. descendant of Gamadagni; -ya, m. pat. id., N.; relating etc. to Gamadagni or Gâmadagnya; -yâyi-ta, (den. pp.) n. slaughter after the manner of Parasurâma.
jāpa m. muttering; -aka, a. reciting in a low tone (--°ree;); muttering prayers; m. priest who mutters prayers; -in, a. muttering, reciting in a low tone (--°ree;); -ya, fp. to be mut tered; n. muttered prayer.
jānucalana n. being tossed on any one's knees; -prakalana, n. id.; -dagh ná, a. (î) reaching to the knee: -½ambhas, a. having water --.
jānhava m. descendant of Gahnu, pat. of various men: î, f. the Ganges (daughter of Gahnu).
jāspati m. paterfamilias.
jālaka n. net; web; lattice; clus ter of buds; multitude; -kâra, m. spider: -ka, m. id.; -gavâksha, m. lattice window; -m dhara, n. N. of a locality; -pâda, m. web footed bird; N. of a magician; -pâsa,m. single thread of a web; -pura, n. N. of a city; -bandha, m. snare, gin; -mâlâ, f. net; -vat, a. having a net; furnished with lattices.
jāla a. watery.
jāla n. net; chain armour; wire hel met; lattice; network, dense mass; multitude; cluster; lion's mane; web-membrane (between the fingers or toes of divine beings or extraor dinary men); fraud, magic, illusion.
jāragarbha m. child by a paramour; â, a. f. pregnant by a paramour; -ghnî, a.f. killing her paramour; -ga, -gâta, -gâtaka, a. begotten by a paramour; -tâ, f. adultery with (--°ree;).
jihvāgra n. tip of the tongue; -mûlîya, a. belonging to the root of the tongue (certain letters); -laulya, n. voracity.
jitākṣa a. having subdued his senses; -½akshara, a. having mastered writing, writing with ease; -½âtman, a. self-controlled; -½apsaras, a. surpassing the Apsarases.
jighṛkṣā f. desire to seize; -shu, a. intending to seize (ac., --°ree;); -draw (water).
jīvanīya fp. one should live; life-giving; n. water.
jīvana a. (î) quickening, animat ing; restoring to life (--°ree;); n. restoration to life; existence, life; subsistence; manner of life; maintenance by (--°ree; or in.); water: -yoni, a. having its origin in life; -hetu, m. means of subsistence.
jīvitavya fp. n. to be lived (with in. of subject=will live); n. possibility of living; allotted term of life; possible restora tion to life: -vishaya, m. duration of life; -samdeha, m. danger to life.
juhoti m. (3 sg. of √ hu) techni cal designation of the sacrifices denoted by the term guhoti (not by yagati).
juhū f. [caller: √ hvâ] tongue (esp. of Agni); flame; sacrificial butter-ladle (for pouring ghee on the fire).
jīvin a. living (for, --°ree; after ex pressions of time); subsisting by or on (gnly. --°ree;); m. living being; -ya, fp. n. to be lived; n. life.
jyāyas cpv. mightier; stronger; superior, better, greater; older; more venerable or distinguished; most excellent or distin guished: -tva, n. abst. n.; -vat, a. recognising a superior, obedient.
jñāpaka a. (ikâ) causing to know, teaching, indicating; m. master of petitions (an official); n. precept; implicit rule (of grammar); -ana, n. notifying, indicating; -anîya, fp. to be made known ornotified as (nm.); -ayitri, m. instructor.
jñāna n. knowledge; true or superior knowledge (sts. pl.); wisdom; intention; assumption; consciousness; organ of sense: -kânda, n. the part of revelation treating of the higher knowledge; -kakshus,n. eye of knowledge; a. seeing with the eye of know ledge; -da, m. imparter of knowledge; -pûrva, a. preceded by knowledge, i. e. well-considered; -maya, a. (î) consisting in or containing knowledge; -mârga, m. path of knowledge; -yoga, m. the theoretical Yoga; -vat, a. knowing; learned; possessed of superior knowledge; -sakti-mat, a. having the faculty of knowing; -siddhi, m. N.
jyeṣṭha spv. most excellent or beauteous; greatest; highest; best; first; chief; superior to (ab.); eldest: -m, ad. most, greatly; m. elder brother; (sc. ghata) ascending bucket on the water-wheel; N. of a month, May--June (=gyaishtha); &asharp;, f. eldest wife; N. of the 16th (18th) lunar station; misfortune; n. chief thing.
jharā f. waterfall; -î, f. id.; river.
ḍākinī f. kind of female demon (in the retinue of Kâlî) that feeds on human flesh: -tva, n. character of a Dâkinî.
ṭhakkura m. deity; the divine --, (honorific title after proper names.)
takṣan m. wood-cutter; carpenter.
takṣa m. carpenter (--°ree;); N. of a son of Bharata: -ká, m. cutter (--°ree;); N. of a serpent demon; -ana, n. cutting, carving; planing.
takra n. buttermilk mixed with an equal amount of water.
tatas ad.=ab. sg. du. pl. of prn. ta, thence; there; thither; thereupon, then; therefore; itas tatas, (from) here and there, hither and thither; tatah katham, how is it then that --? tatah kim, what next?=pray go on; what would be the use of it? what can be the harm of it? does it not come to the same thing? tatah kshanât, -kshanam, immediately after; tatah param, besides this, more over; thereupon, afterwards;tatah paskât, after that, then; tatah prabhriti, thence forward; tatas tatah, (from) here and there, hither and thither, everywhere; what next? =pray go on; tato&zip;nyatah, to some other place;tato&zip;nyatra=tasmâd anyasmin; ta to&zip;param, later, afterwards, another time; yatas tatah, from whomsoever=indiscrimin ately; (from) wherever; yato yatah -tatas tatah (from) wherever -there (thence); whithersoever -thither.
taḍāga n. pond, lake: -bhedaka, m. burster of tanks.
tattvākhyānopamā f. simile implied in stating a truth (e. g. &open;thy mouth is not a lotus&close; implies &open;thy mouth is like a lotus&close;); -½apahnava-rûpaka, n. simileimplied in denying the truth (e. g. &open;thy eyes are not eyes but two bees&close; implies &open;thy eyes are like two bees&close;); -½abhiyoga, m. prosecution based on facts; -½artha, m. matter of fact, truth; true sense of (--°ree;): -vid, a. knowing the true sense.
tatrāntare lc. in the interval, meanwhile.
tatpada n. its place; the word tad; -padavî, f. his path: y-âm padam dhâ, set foot in his path=imitate or vie with him; -para, a. 1. following upon that; 2. (having that as the highest), occupied with that only; exclusively devoted to, intent on, (lc., --°ree;): -tâ, f. exclusive devotion, intentness; -pará yana, a. having that as their final aim; -pârsva, n. his side; -purusha, m. his servant: the example used to designate the class of determinative compounds (i. e. those in which the first part determines or limits the second, specifically those in which the first part has the sense of a case); -pûrva, a. happening for the first time; -pradhâna, a.dependent on her; -prahrishta, pp. pleased with that.
tadanantara a. standing next to (g.): -m, ad. immediately after, thereupon (corr. prâk or prathamam).
tanaya a. continuing a family; belonging to one's own family; m. son; â, f. daughter; n. progeny; race, family; child.
tantu m. thread, cord, string; fibre, warp; uninterrupted course of a sacrifice; propagator of a race; lineage.
tanūja a. born from the body; m. son: â, f. daughter; -tyag, a. risking one's life, desperate; -d&usharp;shi, a. injuring life.
tanucchada m. feather; armour, cuirass; -ga, m. son: â, f. daughter; -tâ, f. smallness; meagreness, slenderness; condition of having a body; -tyag, a. abandoning the body, dying; risking life, brave;-tyâga, m. sacrificing or risking one's life.
tapaścaraṇa n. self-castigation, mortification; austerity; -karyâ, f. id.
tapti f. heat; -tri, m. warmer, heater.
tapta pp.; n. hot water; glowing heat.
tapodhana a. whose wealth is pen ance; devout, pious; m. ascetic, devotee; N.; -nidhi, m. treasury of penance; rigorous devotee; -bhrit, a. devout, pious; m. devotee, ascetic; -maya, a. (î) consisting of penance or austerity; devoted to piety; -mûla, a. having austerity for its root; -yagña, a. sacri ficing with penance; -yukta, pp. ascetic, pious; m. ascetic, devotee; -rata, pp. delighting in penance, devout; -rati, a. id.; -vat, a. ascetic, devout; -vana, n. sacred grove (in which ascetics practise penance); -vriddha, pp. abounding in penance, rigorously ascetic, very pious.
tapasya a. produced from heat; m. N. of a month (February-March); â, f. religious austerity.
tapas n. heat; fire (of which there are five, the four directed towards the cardinal points and the sun); torment; penance, self castigation, mortification, religious austerity, devotion; N. of a month(Jan.--Feb.); N. of one of the seven worlds (situated above Ganas).
taru m. tree (later than Manu): -kot ara, n. hollow of a tree; -khanda, m. n. group of trees, clump; -gahana, n. forest thicket; -kkhâyâ, f. shade of a tree.
taralaya den. P. cause to tremble, move to and fro; flutter: pp. taralita, wav ing, moving to and fro; fluttering (heart).
talpa m. couch, bed: -m adhi-gam, have sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); turret; -ga, a. having sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); violating the bed of (--°ree;); -ga, a. born in the nuptial couch.
tarhi ad. at that time; then, there upon; in that case (esp. with impv. or inter. prn.): corr. ked, yatra, yad, yadâ, yadi, yarhi.
tākṣṇa a. (î) belonging to a carpenter.
tātparya n. addiction or devotion to a thing; chief aim (with lc. of object); true purport (of a speech or work); a. in tended: -tas, ad. with a view to this; -nir- naya, m. determination of the purport.
tāmraka n. copper; -kutta, m. cop per-smith: î, f.; -kûda, a. having a red cox comb; m. cock; N.: -yuddha, n. cock-fight; -tâ, f., -tva, n. copper-colour; -dvîpa, m. the island of Ceylon; -dhâtu, m. red chalk; -patta, m. copper-plate (for grants); -parnî, f. N. of a river (rising in the Malaya and celebrated for its pearls); -pâtra, n. copper vessel; -ma ya, a. (î) made of copper, coppery; -lipta, m. pl. N. of a people: â(?), î, f. their capital on the western mouth of the Ganges; -varna, a. cop per-coloured; -sâsana, n. copper-plate edict.
tāmra a. copper-coloured, dark red; m. eruption with dark red spots; n. copper; a. (a) of copper; î, f. kind of water-clock (a copper vessel having an orifice in the bottom, which when placed in water, gradually fills).
tāṇḍava n. (?) frantic dance; i-ta, pp. dancing, fluttering.
tāra a. [√ trî] penetrating, piercing; shrill, high, loud; sparkling: -m, cpv. -ta ram, spv. -tamam, ad.; m. n. loud, high, or shrill sound; m. pearl of pure water; putting across (--°ree;); sacred syllable om or other mys tic monosyllable in a Tantra; â, f. N.
tikta pp. bitter; fragrant: -sâka, n. bitter or fragrant vegetable.
tāvat a. so great, so extensive; so long; so much; so manifold, so numerous, just so many (with corr. yâvat): n. ad. (with corr. yâvat) so much, so far; so long, during that time, then; (without corr.) meanwhile; for a while; in the first place, first; just, at once (very often with the impv. to express what is to be done immediately=pray just or at once --; or with 1st pers. pr.=I will first of all); only, merely; indeed, certainly, it is true (concessively, followed by but); already, even (opp. how much more or less); well! enough! emphasizes a notion (±eva), only, just, quite, why (sts. to be rendered by stress only); tâvat -ka, scarcely -when; tâvan na -api na, not only not -but also not; na tâvat, not yet: na tâvat--yâvat, not yet while; m&asharp; tâvat, (interjectionally) not for heaven's sake, God forbid; yâvad yâvat tâvat tâvat, in proportion--as;yâvan na tâvat, while not--so long=till: in. tâvatâ, during that time, meanwhile; to the same extent, just as far; lc. t&asharp;vati, so far; so long, in that time.
timiṃgila m. fabulous sea monster (swallowing even the timi).
tilottamā f. N. of an Apsaras; N.; -½udaka, n. water with sesamum.
tilāṃśa m. patch of land as small as a grain of sesamum; -½ambu, n. water with sesamum.
tilakārṣika a. cultivating sesamum; -khalî, f. oil-cake of sesamum; -grâma, m. N. of a village; -kûrna, n. pounded sesamum seeds; -taila, n. sesamum oil; -dvâ dasî, f. a certain twelfth day; -parna, -parn ika, n. sandal-wood; -parnî, f. sandal tree (Pterocarpus santalinus); -pîda, m. oil grinder; -pushpa, n. sesamum blossom=the nose.
ṭhakāra m. the letter th.
tilaka m. a tree; freckle, mole; coloured mark on the forehead (always here in the case of women) or elsewhere, as an orna ment or sectarian distinction; m. ornament of (--°ree;); N.; n. alliteration;a metre: -ka, m. N.
tila m. sesamum (plant and seed: the latter is used as food, and good oil is extracted from it); grain, atom; mole (on the body).
tīkṣṇa a. [√ tig+sna] sharp, point ed; hot, burning; pungent (taste); violent, energetic; stern, harsh; severe; subtle, acute; n. harsh speech; m. N.
tīvara m. hunter (mixed caste).
tīrthodaka n. water from a sa cred bathing-place.
tīrthaka a. worthy; holy; m. ascetic, sectary; -kara, a. making a ford through life, delivering (Vishnu or Siva); religious pioneer, reformer, founder of a sect; -yâtrâ, f. visiting sacred bathing-places, pilgrimage; -râgî, f. series of sacred bathing-places, ep. of Benares; -vat, a. abounding in landing-stairs or sacred bathing-places; -silâ, f. stone stair to the water; -sevana, n. frequenting sacred bathing-places; -sevâ, f. id.
tulā f. balance, scale; weight; simi larity, equality (with, in., --°ree;); Libra (sign of the zodiac): â-ruh or sam-â-ruh, ascend the scales with=bear comparison with, re semble, equal, be a match for (in.), -m adhi ruh, id.; be weighed; enter the sign of Libra; -m with cs. of adhi-ruh etc., place on the balance, weigh; hazard, stake; ps. -m â ropya, be endangered; tulayâ dhri, weigh in the balance, compare (ac.) with (in.).
tulyākṛti a. having a like ap pearance; -½antaram, ad. with equal intervals; -½artha, a. equally rich; -½avastha, a. placed in a like condition with (g.).
tṛṇodaka n. sg. grass and water: -bhûmi, n. sg. grass, water, and a place to sit on; -½ulapa, n. grass and shrubs; -½ulkâ, f. burning bunch of grass.
tṛṇāgni m. grass-fire (which is quickly consumed); -½a&ndot;kura, m. young grass; -½ada, a. grass-eating; -½âsa, -½âsana, -½âsin, a. grass-eating; m. grass-eater.
tṛṇatantu m. blade of grass; -pu rusha-ka, m. man of straw; -pulî, f. bunch of grass; -prâya, a. grassy; -bindu, m. N. of a sage and prince; -bhug, a. grass-eating; m. grass-eater; -bhûta, pp.become as thin or weak as a blade of grass; -maya, a. made of grass.
turīya a. [ka-turîya] fourth (part); n. quarter.
tṛtīyadivasa m. third day: lc. the day after to-morrow; -½amsa, m. third; a. receiving a third as a share; â-samâsa, m. com pound dependent in the instrumental sense.
tairthika a. heretical; m. worthy person; n. water from a holy bathing-place.
toyāgni m. submarine fire; -½añgali, m. two handfuls of water (in honour of the dead); -½âdhâra, m. reservoir, pond; -½âlaya, m. ocean; -½âsaya, m. reservoir, lake; -½utsarga, m. discharge of water.
toyakaṇa m. drop of water; -kar man, n. libation of water to the dead; -krîdâ, f. sporting in the water; -kara, a. moving in the water; m. aquatic animal; -ga, a. growing or living in the water; n.lotus: -½akshî, f. lotus-eyed maiden; -da, m. rain cloud: -½atyaya, m. autumn; -dhara, a. wa ter-bearing; -dhâra, m., â, f. stream of water; -dhi, m. ocean; -maya, a. (î) consisting of water; -mâtra½avasesha, a. having nothing but water left (in them); -muk, m. cloud; -yantra, n. water-clock; -râg, m. ocean (lord of waters); -râsi, m. pond, lake; sea; -vat, a. supplied with or surrounded by water; -vâha, m. rain-cloud.
toya n. water: -m kri, offer a libation of water to the dead (g.).
trāsana a. (î) frightening (g. or --°ree;); n. terrifying; scaring away; -anîya, fp. cal culated to frighten or terrify; -in, a. timid.
trāsa m. fright, terror; frightening: -dînam, ad. pitifully for fear; -½artham, n. in order to frighten.
trāṇa n. protection (of or from, --°ree;); help; shelter; mail, cuirass, guard, helmet.
trita m. N. of a Vedic god, Third form of Agni (probably lightning), connected with Indra and the winds, represented as engaged in combat with meteoric demons; his dwelling-place is remote and hidden, and he is called Âptya, son of the waters (=clouds); N. of various Rishis: pl. a class of gods.
tripad a. (-î) three-footed; taking three steps; -î, f. kind of gait in the elephant; -pada, a. having three feet; having three (metrical) pâdas; -pala, a. weighing three palas; -pâthin, a. studying the three Vedas; -pâdaka, a. (ikâ) three-footed; -pitaka, n. the three literary collections (lit. baskets) of the Buddhists (i. e. the Sûtra-, Vinaya-, and Abhidharma-pitaka); -piba, a. drinking with threeorgans (ears and tongue); -pishtapa, n. Indra's heaven; -pun- dra: -ka, n. three streaks marked on various parts with ashes, esp. on the forehead by Siva-worshippers.
triyava a. weighing three barley corns; -yâna, n. the three vehicles (to salva tion) of the Buddhists; -yâma, a. having three watches (nine hours): â, f. night; -ras aka, n. spirituous liquor (having three tastes); -râtrá, n. sg. pl. period of three nights (i. e. days): -m, for three days, in., ab. after three days; a. lasting three days; m. three days' festival: -½avaram, ad. at least three days; (í)-rûpa, a. having three forms orcolours; -li&ndot;ga, a. having the three fundamental qualities; having three genders, adjectival; -loka, n., î, f., sg., m. pl. the three worlds: heaven, sky or lower regions, earth: -nâtha, m. ep. of Indra and of Siva, -½îsa, m. ep. of Vishnu.
traipada n. three quarters.
tryaha m. period of three days: -m, for three days; in., ab., lc. after three days; tryahe gate, lc. abs. three days having elapsed; -½aha, a. lasting three days: -vritta, pp. having happened three days before, -½aihika, a. provisioned for three days.
tryaṣṭaka a. containing three eighth days after full moon; -½ashta-varsha, a. (3 X 8=) twenty-four years old.
tvatkṛta pp. made or done by thee or you, called after you (name); -krite, on thy account; -tas, ad.=ab. from you etc.
tvaguttarāsaṅgavat a. wearing an outer garment of bark; -dosha, m. skin-disease, eruption; -doshin, a. af fected with skin-disease; -bheda-ka, a. break ing or tearing the skinof another.
dakṣiṇapaścārdha m. south-west side; -paskima, a. south-western; -pûrva, a. south-eastern: â, f. south-east.
dakṣiṇa a. able, clever, dexterous; right; southern (because when look ing east the right hand is towards the south); south (wind); upright, honest; amiable, obliging; m. right hand or arm;m. n. right side; south; â, f. (sc. go), a good i. e. milch cow, (being the original) sacrificial fee; fee; gift; personified as the wife of Sacrifice.
dakṣakratu m. du. will and understanding; -tâ, f. dexterity, cleverness; activity; -pitri, a. pl. (str. st. also -pitâr), having Daksha as a father; possessing or bestowing abilities; -vihitâ, f. kind of song; -sutâ, f. daughter of Daksha: pl. wives of the moon.
dakṣa a. able, active, dexterous, skilful, clever (with lc., --°ree;); suitable for (--°ree;); right (not left); m. activity, capacity, power, aptitude; will; N. of an Âditya; N. of a Pragâpati; N. of a legislator: -sya½ayana, n. (sacrifice of the) winter solstice.
dakṣiṇāyana n. southern path (i. e. to the realm of death); southerly course of the sun, the half-year in which the sun moves from north to south (from summer to winter solstice);commencement of the sun's southward course = summer solstice (in the month Áshâdha): -samkrânti, f. entrance of the sun on the southerly course, summer solstice.
dakṣiṇādvāra n. door towards the south; a. having the door towards the south; -patha, m. tract in the south, Deccan; a½apara, a. south-western; -pratyañk, a. south-western; n. -pratyak, ad.towards the south-west; f. -pratîkî, south-west; (&asharp;)-pra vana, a. sloping towards the south; a½abhi mukha, a. (î) facing southward: -m, ad. southwards; -mukha, a. id.
daṇḍa m. (n.) staff, stick; mace, club (to which the elephant's trunk and human arms and thighs are often compared); stalk; handle; flagstaff (on a carriage); pole (as a measure of length = 4 cubits); rod = symbol of violence, force of arms, military power, army; mastery of, complete control over (g., --°ree;); sceptre (as symbol of judicial power), punishment (corporal chastisement, admoni tion, fine): gupta --, secret fine=blackmail; vaitasá --, reedlike staff=membrum virile.
daṇḍādhipa m. chief justice; -½adhipati, m. id.; -½anîka, n. detachment of an army; -½âpûpa-nyâya, m. manner of the stick and the cake (if the mouse has eaten the stick she must have eaten the cake also): ab.= as a matter of course from what precedes.
dat m. [(a)d-at, pr. pt. eater] tooth (nm. dan): --°ree; a. f. -î.
dantya a. dental (letter); good for the teeth.
dantacchada m. (tooth-covering), lip; -ganman, n. growth of the teeth; -gâta, pp. having teethed; -dyut, f. glitter of the teeth; -dhâva, m. cleansing the teeth; -dhâv ana, n. id.; splint of wood chewed for clean ing the teeth; -pattra, n. kind of ear orna ment: i-kâ, f. id.; -pâñkâlikâ, f. doll of ivory; -pâli, f. ivory sword hilt; -prakshâl ana, n. cleansing of the teeth; means for cleansing the teeth; -praveshta, m. (?) ring round an elephant's tusk; -bha&ndot;ga, m. break ing or splitting of the teeth; -maya, a. made of ivory; -mâmsa, n. gum; -mûlá, n. root of a tooth; -mûlîya, a. dental (letter); -rak anâ, f. cleansing of the teeth; -vakra, m. N. of a prince; -vâsas, n. (cover of the teeth), lip; -vînâ, f. chattering of the teeth (lit. teeth-lute): -m vâdaya, play the teeth lute=have chattering of the teeth (from cold); -veshta, m. gum: du. gums; -vyâpâra,m. working in ivory; -suddhi, f. cleansing the teeth; -sodhana, n. id.; -samgharsha, m. grinding of the teeth.
dara a. --°ree;, cleaving, shattering; °ree;--, a little (also -m); m., î, f. cleft, hole, cave; m. fear.
daṃpati m. master of the house: du. master and mistress, man and wife, pair, couple.
daśaka a. containing ten, tenfold; -kantha, m. (ten-necked), ep. of Râvana: -½ari, m. enemy of Râvana, ep. of Râma; -kamdhara, m. (ten-necked), ep. of Râvana; -kumâra-ka ri-ta or -tra, n.Adventures of the Ten Princes, title of a novel by Dandin; -guna, a. tenfold, ten times greater or more: -m, ad.; -gun ita, pp. multiplied by ten; -grâma-pati, m. chief of ten villages; -grâmî, f. aggregate of ten villages.
dala n. fragment, piece; part; half; leaf, petal (that which unfolds itself); -ana, n. bursting (int.); breaking, crushing, shat tering; annihilation.
daśamāsya a. ten months old; -mukha, m. (ten-faced), Râvana: -ripu, m. Râvana's foe, ep. of Râma; -yoganî, f. dis tance of ten yoganas; -ratha, m. N. of several kings, esp. of Râma's father, sovereign of Ayodhyâ; -rasmi-sata, m. (thousand-rayed), sun; -râtra, m. n. period of ten days: á, a. lasting ten days; m. festival of ten days; -a½ri- ka, having ten verses; -rûpa, n. sg. the ten kinds of dramas; T. of a treatise on rhetoric by Dhanamgaya (tenth century): -ka, n. id.; -lakshana-ka, a. having ten characteristics, tenfold; -varsha, -varshîya, a. ten years old; -vârshika, a. (î) id.; lasting ten years; occur ring after ten years; -vidha, a. tenfold; -satá, n. 110; 1000: î, f. 1000; -sata-kara-dhârin, a. having a thousand rays (moon); -sata½ak- sha, a. thousand-eyed (Indra); -siras, a. ten-headed; -sîrsha, a. id.; m. Râvana; -sâhas ra, a. consisting of ten thousand; n. ten thousand.
daśadaśin a. consisting of re peated decades; -dis, f. sg. the ten quarters.
dākṣāyaṇa a. (î) descended from or relating to Daksha; î, f. daughter of Daksha; m. n. sacrifice of the winter solstice; -yagña, m. a modification of the Darsapaur- namâsa sacrifice lasting fifteen years instead of thirty.
dāna n. [√ 1. dâ] giving, -away (a daughter), presenting, offering (a sacri fice), teaching (of, g., --°ree;, to, lc., --°ree;); abandon ment of life (--°ree;); payment of debt; gift; cha ritable gift; bribery; addition; offering, ob lation.
dāmodara m. ep. of Vishnu or Krishna (having a rope round his belly), so called because his foster-mother tried to tie him thus; N.: -gupta, m. N. of a poet; -½aranya, n. N. of a forest.
dānavār n. offering of water; -vîra, m. a perfect hero in liberality; a pat tern of generosity; -sîla, a. liberal, charitable; -sûra, m. model of liberality.
dāruparvata m. N. of a palace; -phalaka, n. shutter; -máya, a. (î) wooden; -varman, m. N.; -sesha, a. containing only wood besides.
dāruṇatā f. harshness; terrible ness; -½âtman, a. hard-hearted, cruel.
dāruṇa a. (â, î) hard (not soft); sharp (wind); rough, harsh, severe (speech, temper, person); violent, intense (pain etc.); painful (birth); terrible; n. harshness, severity.
dārikā f. 1. crack, chap; 2. girl, daughter.
dāsī f. female slave: dâsyâh putra, m. son of a slave (also as a term of abuse).
diggaja m. elephant of the quarters; -gaya, m. conquest of the world; -dâha, m. preternatural redness of the horizon; -deva tâ, f. deity of a quarter; -desa, m. remote region.
digadhipa m. regent of a quarter; -anta, m. end of the horizon, end of the world, extreme distance; -antara, n. another region; foreign parts; a particular quarter (w. paski metara, the east): pl. all the quarters; -am bara, a. clad with the quarters only, stark naked; m. naked mendicant monk, esp. among the Jains: î, f. ep. of Durgâ.
dikkanyā f. quarter of the sky as a maiden; -karin, m. elephant of the quarters (supporting the earth at one of the four or eight points of the compass); -kântâ, -kâminî, f. quarter of the sky as amaiden; -kakra, n. horizon: -vâla, n. surrounding horizon; -khabda, m. word expressive of direction; -ta- ta, m. brink of the compass, horizon, extreme distance; -pati, m. regent of a quarter; -pa tha, m. horizon, extreme distance; -pâla, m. guardian of a quarter; -prekshana, n. looking about in all directions (in fear); -sundarî, f.=dik-kanyâ.
dāha m. burning, conflagration; cau terising; being burnt; inward heat, feverish heat: disâm dâha, preternatural redness of the sky.
didhiṣu a. wishing to obtain; courting; m. suitor, husband; ûbrev;, f. woman re married; unmarried woman having a younger married sister: (û)-pati, m. husband of a (brother's) widow; husband of a woman mar ried after her younger sister.
diṅnāga m. elephant of the quar ters; -nâtha, m. regent of a quarter; -mand ala, n. circle of the quarters, horizon; -mâ ta&ndot;ga, m. elephant of the quarters; -mâtra, n. mere indication, mere example; -mukha, n. point of the compass; place, location; -moha, m. bewilderment as to the cardinal points.
digbhāga m. point of the compass; -vadhû, f.=dik-kanyâ; -vasana, n. naked ness; -vârana, m. elephant of the quarters; -vâsas, a. clad in the quarters, stark naked; -vigaya, m. conquest in all directions, world conquest; -vibhâga, m. point of the compass, quarter of the sky; -vilokana, n. looking about in all directions (in fear); -vyâghâr ana, n. sprinkling of the quarters; -vyâpin, a. pervading the quarters, extending in all directions.
diśya a. belonging or referring to the quarters or horizon; foreign (ware).
dīpa m. lamp, lantern: -ka, a. in flaming; illuminating; m. lamp.
duḥkhayantra n. torture; -yoga, m. infliction of pain; -vega, m. violent pain; -sîla, a. whose character is difficult to deal with, hard to please, exacting; -sparsa, a. unpleasant to the touch; -han, a.destroying misery.
duḥkhakara a. afflicting (g.); -gata, n. adversity, misfortune; -graha, a. hard to comprehend; -kkhedya, fp. hard to destroy; -gîvin, a. living in distress; -tara, cpv. more unpleasant or distressing; n.greater affliction, hardship, or evil; -tâ, f. discomfort, distress, affliction; -duhkha, n. in. with great difficulty; -prâya, a. abounding in woe; -bhâgin, a. having misfortune for one's lot, unfortunate; -bhâg, a. id.
durākṛti a. mis-shapen, deform ed, ugly; -âkranda, a. having bad friends, friendless; -âgama, m. dishonest acquisition; -âkara, a. (î) hard to practise; difficult to treat or cure; -âkâra, m. bad conduct or cus tom; a. ill-behaved, of bad conduct, impious; -âtma-tâ, f. wickedness, baseness; -âtman, a. evil-minded, wicked, base, impious; -âtma vat, a. id.; -âdhara, a. hard to check, irre sistible; hard to obtain; hard to guard; -â dhársha, a. hard to attack; dangerous; -âna ma, a. hard to bend (bow); -&asharp;pa, a. hard to come up with; hard to attain; -ârâdhya, fp. hard to conciliate; hard to worship; -âruha, a. hard to climb; -âropa, a. hard to string; -âroha, a. hard to climb or ascend to: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -âlakshya, fp. hard to perceive; -âlamba, a. hard to gain a footing on; -âlam bha, a. hard to grasp; -âloka, a. hard to per ceive; -âvara, a. hard to close or protect; -âvaha, a. hard to conduct to (--°ree;); -âvâra, a. hard to close; difficult to check; -âvâsin, a. having bad quarters; -&asharp;vî, a. hard to pass (v. l. dur&asharp;yya).
durukta pp. spoken falsely, rashly, or offensively (n. word --); harshly addressed; n. false, rash, or offensive word; -ukti, f. harsh or offensive word; -ukkheda, a. hard to exterminate; -uttara, a. hard to overcome; -utsaha, a. hard to bear; -resist; -udâhara, a. hard to utter; -udvaha, a. hard to bear; -upakâra, a. hard to approach, dangerous to molest; hard to deal with; -upadishta, pp. badly instructed; -upadesa, m.bad advice; -upapâda, a. hard to bring about or manage; difficult to prove; -upalaksha, a. hard to perceive; -upasarpin, a. approaching incau tiously.
durjaya a. hard to conquer, -over come; -guard against; -obtain; m. N. of a Dânava or of a Dânava host; -gara, a. not decaying; hard to digest; -gala, n. bad water; -gâta, pp. miserable, unfortunate; wicked; spurious: w. bhartri, m. paramour; n. mis fortune; -gâti, f. misfortune; a. wicked; -gâtîya, a. wicked, evil; -gîva, a. hard (for, in.) to live (n. impl.); n. hard life; -geya, fp. hard to conquer; -gñâna, a. hard to know; -recognise; -find out: -tva, n. abst. n.; -gñeya, fp. id., hard to understand.
durnaya m. (sg. & pl.) bad or im prudent behaviour; -nigraha, a. hard to restrain or subdue; -nimita, pp. ill-measured, irregular, faltering (step); -nimitta, n. evil omen; -niyántu, a. hard to restrain; -nir îkshya, fp. hard to look at; hard to be seen by (in., g.); -nirûpa, a. hard to determine; -nivâra, a. hard to repel, -restrain; -get rid of or set aside: -tva, n. abst. n.; -nivâr ya, fp. id.; -nivritta, pp. hard to return from; -nîta, pp. badly conducted or executed; n. evil plight; demerit; -nripa, m. bad king.
durdhara a. hard to bear; irre sistible; hard to administer (punishment); inevitable; m. N.; -dhárîtu, a. irresistible; -dharsha, a. hard of access, unapproachable, safe from attack; dangerous; terrible; -dhâr ya, fp. hard to bear; -retain; -dhî, a. stupid; ill-disposed.
durvaca a. ill-spoken, abusive (word); hard to answer; -vakana, n. pl. hard words, abuse (Pr.); -vakas, n. id.; stupid words; a. abusive; hard to answer; -vanig, m. rogue of a merchant; -varna, m. bad colour; im purity; (-várna), a. having a bad colour or complexion; of low caste; n. silver; -vala, a. having a skin disease; -vasa, a. (n. it is) hard to dwell; hard to pass (time); -vasati, f. painful residence; a. hard to bear; -execute or accomplish; -vâk, f. abuse; a. abu sive; -vâkya, a. difficult to utter, harsh (words); n. abuse; ill-tidings; -vâda, m. blame, reproach; -vânta, pp. that has not fully vomited the blood it has sucked (leech); -vâra,a. hard to restrain or check; irresist ible; -vârana, a. id.; -vârttâ, f. ill-tidings; -vârya, fp. hard to restrain or check, irre sistible: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vâla, a. bald-headed or red-haired or afflicted with skin disease; -vâsanâ, f.false notion; -v&asharp;sas, a. ill-clad; m. N. of an irascible Brâhman; -vâhita, n. heavy burden; -vikatthana, a. disagreeably boastful; -vikalpa, m. unjustifiable irresolution; -vigâha, a. hard to fathom or penetrate; profound; serious, critical; -vigâhya, fp. id.; -vikâra, m. ill-timed hesitation; a. very irresolute; -vigñâna, n. difficult ascer tainment; a. (á) hard to comprehend; -vi- gñeya, fp. hard to distinguish; -vidagdha, pp. perverse;-vidya, a. uneducated; -vidha, a. mean, base; -vidhi, m. evil destiny; -vi naya, m. imprudent behaviour; -vinîta, pp. ill-bred, ill-behaved: -ka, a. id.; -vipâka, m. ill-ripening, evil issue; a. having evil conse quences; -vibhâva, a. hard to comprehend; -vibhâvana, a. hard to perceive; -vibhâvya, fp. id.; indistinctly visible; hard to compre hend; -vilasita, n. wicked trick; -vivâha, m. blamable marriage; -vivekana, a. hard to judge rightly; -vishaha, a. hard to en dure or overcome; irresistible; hard to per form or accomplish; -vritta, n. bad or base conduct, baseness; a. ill-conducted, wicked; poor; m. wicked man; -vritti, f. distress, misery; baseness; -vyavasita, n. evil intent; -vyavasthâpa-ka, a. pronouncing a bad or unfavourable decision; -vyavahâra, m. bad decision of a suit; -vyavahriti, f. evil rumour; -vyasana, n. evil passion, vice; -vyâhrita, pp. ill-spoken; n. unsuitable utterance.
durmanuṣya m. bad man, villain; -mántu, a. hard to comprehend; -mantra, m. bad advice; -mantrita, pp. ill-advised; n. bad advice; -mantrin, m. bad minister; a. having a bad minister; -mára, a.dying hard; n. it is hard for (in.) to die: -tva, n. dying hard; -marana, n. id.; -maryâda, a. knowing no bounds: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -már sha, a. not to be forgotten; intolerable; re fractory, hostile; -marshana, a. hard to manage, intractable; -mâtsarya, n. bad jealousy; -mitrá, a. unfriendly; m. N.; -mukha, a. (î) ugly-faced, hideous; foul-mouthed, scurrilous; m. N.; -muhûrta, n. fatal hour; -medha, -medhás, a. of small wit, stupid, foolish; -medhâvin, a. id.; -maitra, a. hostile.
durīkṣa a. hard to see: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -îsa, m. evil master; -îha, a. ill intentioned.
duḥśala m. N. of a son of Dhrita- râshtra; -sâsana, m. Hard-to-curb, N. of a son of Dhrita-râshtra; -sikshita, pp. ill-instructed; uneducated, ill-bred; -sishya, m. bad pupil; -sîla, a. having bad habitsor a bad character, wicked: -tâ, f. bad character, wickedness; -sîla-kitta, a. wicked-minded; -séva, a. malevolent.
duṣparigraha a. hard to re tain; -parihántu, a. hard to remove; -pari hara, a. hard to avoid; -pâra, a. hard to cross; -perform; -pârshni-graha, a. hav ing a bad enemy in the rear, -grâha, a. id.;-pûra, a. hard to fill; -satisfy; -prakriti, f. low nature; a. base; -prakriyâ, f. trifling dignity; -pragña, a. stupid: -tva, n. stu pidity; -pranîta, pp. led astray; n. indis cretion; -pradharsha, a. hard to assail; -prabhañgana, m.hurricane; -prayukta, pp. badly or wrongly employed; -pravâda, m. slander; -pravritti, f. bad news; -pra vesa, a. hard to enter; -prasaha, a. hard to endure, irresistible; -prasâda, a. hard to ap pease: -na, a. id.; -prasâdhana, a. hard to manage (person); -prasâdhya, fp. id.; -prâ pa, a. hard to attain; -preksha, a., -preksha- nîya, fp. hard to see; unpleasant to look at; -prekshya, fp. id.
duḥsaṃdhāna a. hard to put to gether, unite, or reconcile; -sampâda, a. hard to reach; -manage; -saha, a. hard to bear, unendurable; irresistible: -tara, cpv. more dangerous still (poison); -sâdhya,fp. hard to accomplish; -get the better of; -restore.
dṛganta m. outer corner of the eye; -gokara, m. range of vision, horizon; -bhak ti, f. amatory glance; -rudh, a. obstructing the gaze.
dūṣaṇa a. (î) destructive, injurious; defiling, dishonouring (g. or --°ree;); m. N. of a Râkshasa; n. destroying, undoing, ruining; defiling, seducing; adulterating; slandering, detracting; refutation; blemish, fault; guilt, sin: -vâdin, m. opponent (in an argument).
dṛṣṭa pp. √ dris; n. perception: -kar man, a. whose deeds have been seen, tried practically; -tva, n. having been seen, oc currence; -dosha, a. whose sins have been exposed; formerly convicted; recognised as sinful (action); -nashta, pp. having appear ed and disappeared immediately after: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -pûrva, a. seen before; -pratya ya, a. convinced by ocular evidence (lit. having seen-conviction); -sruta, pp.seen and (or) heard; -sâra, a. of tried strength.
dṛti m. (f.) water-carrier's skin; bellows; hose.
dṛṣṭādṛṣṭa pp. visible and invisible; relating to this life and the next; -½anta, m. (non plus ultra of experience), model, pattern; precedent; illustration; example; a. serving as a pattern; -½artha, a. whose object or aim is clear; serving as a model; having ascertained the true state of (g.).
devakula n. temple; (á)-krita, pp. made by the gods; -kritya, n.=deva-kârya; -kshetra, n. divine territory; -khâta, pp. dug by the gods=hollowed out by nature; -ganá, m. host of gods; -ganikâ, f.courtesan of the gods, Apsaras; -giri, m. mountain of the gods, N. of a mountain-range; -gupta, pp. protected by the gods; m. N.; -gurn, m. preceptor of the gods; ep. of Kasyapa and of Brihaspati; -grihá, m. n. house of the gods, temple; royal palace.
devapati m. lord of the gods, Indra; (á)-patnî, a. f. having a god for a husband; -pasu, m. animal consecrated to the gods; -pâtrá, n. cup of the gods; -p&asharp;na, a. serving the gods for drinking;-putra, m. son of a god; a. (devá-) having gods as children; -pur, f. citadel of the gods; Indra's abode; -pura, n. Indra's abode; -pûgâ, f. divine worship; -pûrva, a. preceded by the word deva: -giri, m.=deva-giri; -prabha, m. N. of a Gandharva; -prasâda, m. N.; -priya, a. beloved of the gods (Siva); -bhakti, f. devotion to a god or the gods; -bhavana, n. abode of the gods, heaven; temple; -bhi shag, m. divine physician; -bhûta,pp. hav ing become or being a god; -maní, m. divine jewel, esp. Vishnu's breast ornament; whirl of hair on a horse's neck; -maya, a. con taining the gods; -mâtri-ka, a. nourished by rain only, i. e. by no other water; -mârga, m. path of the gods, jocular designation of the hind quarters; -muni, m. divine sage.
devanadī f. divine river, ep. of various sacred rivers; *-nâgarî, f. sacred city writing, N. of the current Sanskrit cha racter; -nâtha, m. lord of the gods, Siva; -nâyaka, m. N.; -nikâya, m. host of gods; -nîtha, m. N. of a Vedic passage containing seventeen pâdas.
devaśakti m. N. of a king; -satru, m. foe of the gods, Asura, Râkshasa; -sar man, m. N.; (á)-sishta, pp. taught by the gods; -sunî, f. bitch of the gods, Saramâ; -sesha, n. remnant of a sacrifice to the gods; -samnidhi, m. presence of the gods; -sarasa, n. N. of a locality; -srishta, pp. discharged or created by the gods; -sena, m. N.: &asharp;, f. divine host; N. of Skanda's wife; -smitâ, f. N. of a merchant's daughter; -sva, n. pro perty of the gods; -svâmin, m. N.; (á)-hiti, f. divine ordinance; (á)-hûti, f. invocation of the gods.
daiva a. (î) peculiar to, coming from, or having to do with the gods, divine; royal; connected with or produced by fate; ± vivâ ha, m. or dharma, m. marriage rite of the gods (in which a daughter is given to the officiating priest); with tîrtha, n. part of the hand sacred to the gods (the finger-tips); n. deity; rite in honour of the gods; divine dispensation, fate, destiny; good luck: yukte daive, when fate is auspicious; daivam sikshayati, necessity teaches.
dola m. swinging; (m.) â, f. swing, often as symbol of doubt; dooly, bamboo litter (carried on four men's shoulders).
dravatā f., -tva, n. wetness; fluidity; fusibility; -tva-ka, n. fluidity; fusibility; -dravya, n. fluid matter; -maya, a. fluid.
dravyāgama m. acquisition of property; -½âtmaka, a. substantial, material; -½âsrita, pp. connected with matter.
dravya n. [fp. movable: √ dru] object, thing; substance, matter; property; gold; implement; fit object: -tva, n. sub stantiality; -krisa, a. of slender means, poor; -gâta, n. kind of substance; -prakriti, f. pl. minister, realm, fortresses, treasure and army; -maya, a. substantial, material: -mâtra, n., â, f. gold; -yagña, a. offering material sacri fices; -vat, a. inherent in matter; wealthy; -vriddhi, f. increase of wealth; -suddhi, f. purification of defiled objects.
droṇa m. n. trough, tub; a measure of capacity (=4 âdhakas); m. kind of cloud abounding in water (like a trough); N. of the preceptor of the Kurus and Pândavas in the art of war; N. of a Brâhman.
drutagati a. swift-paced, hasty; -tara-gati, a. moving faster; -tva, n. melt ing, emotion; -pada, n. ad. with swift steps, hastily; n. a metre (swift-paced); -vilamb ita, n. a metre (fast and slow).
druta pp. run away, fled; swift; ra pidly uttered; melted, liquid; wet with (--°ree;): -m, ad. quickly, instantly, -taram, ad. more quickly; as quickly as possible.
dvayahīna pp. of the neuter gender.
dvāratā f. access: -m gam, become the occasion of (g.) to (g.); -darsin, m. jani tor, porter; -nâyaka, m. janitor, chamber lain; -pa, m. janitor; -paksha, m. fold of a door; door: -ka, n. id.: -ubhayatas ka dvâ rapakshakayoh, on both sides of the door: -patta, m. id.; -pati, m. janitor, chamberlain; -pâla, m. door-keeper: -ka, m., i-kâ, f. id.; -pidhâna, n. door-bolt; -phalaka, n. fold of a door; -bâhu, m. door-post; -rakshin, m. door-keeper; -vamsa, m. lintel of a door; -vat, a. many-gated: -î, f. N. of Krishna's residence; -stha, a. standing at the door or gate; m. janitor.
dvitīya a. second: -m, ad. secondly; a second time; m. companion, friend; foe; --°ree; a. accompanied by, furnished with; â, f. female companion; second day of the fort night;(terminations of the) second case, accusative; word in the accusative case (gr.); 2. -tîya, a. with bhâga, m. half; n. half.
dvilakṣa n. distance of two hundred thousand yoganas; -lakshana, a. of two descriptions, twofold; -laya, m. (?) double time (in music); -vakana, n. (terminations of the) dual; -varna, a. two-coloured; -varsha, a. two years old; -varshaka, a. (ikâ) id.; -vastra, a. clothed in an upper and an under garment; -vidha, a. twofold, of two kinds; -vidhâ, ad. twofold.
dvipravrājinī a. f. running after two men, unchaste; -bâhu, a. two-armed; m. man; -bhâga, m. half; -bhâdra, a. having two months of Bhâdra; -bhuga, a. two-armed; -mâtra, a. twice as great; con taining two morae; -mukha, a. (î) two-mouthed; -mûrdhan, a. two-headed; -rada, a. having two tusks; m. elephant; -râtrá, a. lasting two days; m. feast lasting two days.
dveṣin a. disliking, hating, ab horring (g. or --°ree;); seeking to injure; m. foe; -tri, m. hater, enemy.
dvīpa m. n. [dvi½ap-a, having water on both sides], sandbank in a river; island; con centric terrestrial island (the world being con sidered to consist of 4, 7, 13, or 18 such encircling Mount Meru like the petals of a lotus).
dvihāyana a. (î) two years old; -hîna, pp. (devoid of the two, i. e. of m. and f.), of the neuter gender; n. neuter.
dvyuktha a. pronouncing two ukthas; -½ũrana, a. having two lambs; -½eka½antara, a. having two or one (caste) intervening (i.e. three or two grades lower).
dvyaṃśa m. sg. two parts: î, f. id.; a. having two shares; -½aksha, a. (î) two-eyed; -½ãkshara, n. sg. two syllables; a. (also rá) dissyllabic; n. dissyllabic word; -½anu-ka, a. combination of two atoms; -½adhi ka, a. increased by two, two later than (tatah); two more; -½antara, a. separated by two intermediate links; -½abhiyoga, m. prosecution of two kinds; -½artha, a. having two senses, ambiguous; -½ardha, a. one and a half; -½ahá, a. lasting two days; m. period of two days: -m, for two days; ab., lc. after two days; -½aha-vritta, pp. having happened two days ago.
dauhitra m. daughter's son; î, f. daughter's daughter.
dharma m. established order, usage, institution, custom, prescription; rule; duty; virtue, moral merit, good works; right; jus tice; law (concerning, g. or --°ree;); often per sonified, esp. as Yama, judge of the dead, and as a Pragâpati; nature, character, es sential quality, characteristic attribute, pro perty: in. dhármena, in accordance with law, custom, or duty, as is or was right; --°ree;, after the manner of, in accordance with; dharme sthita, observing the law, true to one's duty.
dharuṇa a. (î) bearing, supporting; spacious; m. bearer, supporter; n. support, foundation; firm ground; n., î, f. receptacle.
dharitrī f. supporter; earth.
dharādhara a. a preserving or supporting the earth; ep. of Vishnu or Kri shna; m. mountain: -½indra, m. lord of mountains, the Himâlaya; -dhava, m. king; -½adhipa, m. lord of earth, king; -pati,m. lord of earth, ep. of Vishnu; prince, king; -bhug, m. (enjoyer of earth), king; -bhrit, m. (supporter of earth), mountain.
dauḥśīlya n. badness of cha racter, malignity.
dharaṇī f. [supporter], earth: -dhara, a. supporting or preserving the earth; ep. of Krishna or Vishnu; m. mountain; king; N.; -dhra, m. mountain; -bhrit, a. supporting the earth; m. mountain; -mandala, n. circle of the earth, orbis terrarum; -ruha, m. (growing in the earth), tree; -va râha, m. N. of a king.
dharmākhyāna n. setting forth of duty; -½âkârya, m. teacher of the law; -½atikrama, m. transgression of the law; -½âtma-tâ, f. justice, virtue; -½âtman, a. having a virtuous nature, conscious of duty, just; -½âdesaka, m. instructor in the law (v. l. for dharma-desaka); -½adharma-gña, a. knowing right and wrong; -½adharma parîkshana, n. enquiry as to right and wrong; kind of ordeal; -½adhikarana, n. law court: -½adhishthita-purusha, m. law court official, -sthâna, n. court of justice; -½adhi kâra, m. administration of justice; -½adhi kâranika, m. judge; -½adhikârin, m. id.; -½adhikrita, (pp.) m. id.; -½adhishthâna, n. court of justice; -½adhyaksha, m. chief justice; -½adhvan, m. path of virtue; -½anu kâ&ndot;kshin, a. striving after justice; intent on righteousness; -½anushthâna, n. fulfilment of the law; -½abhisheka-kriyâ, f. prescribed ablution.
dharmaśāsana n. manual of law; -sâstra, n. authoritative compendium of law; law-book; -sâstrin, m. adherent of the law-books: pl. a certain school; -sîla, a. just, virtuous; m. N.; -samyukta,; -samsrita, pp. just, virtuous; -samka thâ, f. pl. discourses on virtue; -samgñâ, f. sense of duty; -samaya, m. obligation entered into; -sâdhana, n. fulfilment of duty; necessary means for the fulfilment of duty; -sûtra, n. sûtra treatise on customary law; -sena, m. N. of a merchant; -sevana, n. fulfilment of duty; -skandha, m. chapter on law; -stha, m. judge; -sthûnâ-râga, m. main pillar of the law; -svâmin, m. N. of a temple erected by king Dharma; -hantri, m. (-trî, f.) violator of the law; -hâni, f. neglect of duty; -hîna, pp. excluded from the pale of the law.
dharmanātha m. lawful pro tector; -nitya, a. persistent in duty; -pati, m. lord of order; -patnî, f. lawful wife; -patha, m. path of duty or virtue; -para, -parâyana, a. devoted to duty, righteous; -pâthaka, m. teacher of law, jurist; -pîdâ, f. violation of duty; -pûta, pp. of unsullied virtue; -pratibhû, a. for which justice is surety; -pravaktri, m. teacher of law, jurist; -pravritti, f. practice of virtue, virtuous con duct; -buddhi, a. righteous-minded; N.; -bhaginî, f. woman admitted to the rights of a sister; sister in faith (Pr.); -bhâgin, a. possessed of virtue, virtuous; -bhikshu-ka, m. beggar for virtuous reasons; -bhrit, a. maintaining the law, just (king); -bhrâtri, m. brother in the sacred law, co-religionist; -máya, a. consisting of virtue; -mâtra, n. the manner only; a. relating to attributes only; only attributive; -mârga, m. path of virtue; -mûla, n.source of the sacred law or of justice; -yukta, pp. endowed with virtue, virtuous, just; harmonizing with the law; -yuddha, n. fair contest; -rakshitâ, f. N.; -rata, pp. delighting in virtue; -rati, a. id.; -râg, m. king of justice, ep. of Yama; -râga, m. just king, ep. of Yama; -râgan, m. ep. of Yudhishthira; -ruki, a. delighting in virtue; N. of a Dânava; -lopa, m. neglect of duty; absence of an attribute (rh.); -vat, a. virtuous, just: -î, f. N.; -vardhana, a. increasing virtue (Siva); m. N.; -vâda, m. discourse on virtue or duty; -vâdin, a. discoursing on duty; -vahikâ, f. vehicle of religious merit = account-book of charitable gifts; -vigaya, m. triumph of virtue orjustice; -vid, a. knowing the sacred law or one's duty; versed in customary law; -viplava, m. violation of the law; -vi vekana, n. discussion of the law or of duty; -vriddha, pp. rich in virtue; -vyatikrama, m. transgression of the law; -vyavasthâ, f. judicial decision; -vyâdha, m. N. of a virtuous hunter.
dharman n. (C. only --°ree;) sup port; settled order, law, usage, manner; law of a thing's being, characteristic, property; right conduct; duty towards (lc.): in. in order, duly.
dharman m. bearer, supporter.
dharmottara a. devoted to jus tice, virtue, or duty; -½upadesa, m. instruc tion or precepts regarding the sacred law or duty; body of law; -½upadesanâ, f. instruc tion regarding the law; -½upamâ, f. simile based on a common characteristic attribute.
dharmitva n. justice, virtue, devotion to duty; --°ree;, obligation or duty of; possession of the characteristics of.
dhātreyikā f. foster-sister; -î, f. id.
dharmin a. observing the law, knowing one's duty, virtuous; having attributes; --°ree;, observing the law of or having the rights of, having the nature, peculiarities, or characteristics of.
dhātu m. layer; component part (--°ree; a.); element (five are assumed: ether, air, fire, earth, water); elementary consti tuent of the body (seven are assumed: ali mentary juice, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, semen; or five: ear, nose, mouth, heart, ab domen; or three=dosha: wind, gall, phlegm); elementary constituent of the earth or of mountains: ore, mineral, metal, esp. red chalk; verbal element, verbal root orbase.
dhārapūta pp. pure as a jet of water.
dharmepsu a. striving after moral merit.
dhīsaciva m. councillor, minister.
dhūmaya den.; ps. dhûmyate, be covered with vapour, be obscured (star): pp. dhûmita. abhi, pp. with dis, f. quarter about to be entered by the sun. pra, pp. enveloped in smoke.
dhūrta pp. [√ dhvri] cunning, knav ish, fraudulent; m. knave, rogue, cheat; gamester; thorn-apple: -ka, a. cunning, fraudulent; m. cheat.
dhoraṇī f. uninterrupted series.
na pcl. not; less (with numerals=not quite by, in. or ab.: ékayâ na vimsati, 19; ekân na trimsat, 29); lest (with pot.); V.: as, like (not exactly, almost; or as it does not coalesce metrically, it may have been an affirmative particle originally= Gk. nai/). When repeated it implies a very strong affirmation (exceptionally a strengthened negation). In a second or later clause it is sometimes replaced by ka, vâ, api vâ, or even dropped. It is often strengthened by api, api ka, u, utá, eva, khalu, ka, ka½api, ka½eva, ked, tu, tu½eva, vâ, atha vâ, ha.
nakṣatra n. heavenly body; star; constellation; lunar mansion (originally 27, later 28 were enumerated: personified as daughters of Daksha and wives of the moon): -nâtha, m. (lord of the stars), moon; -patha, m. course of the stars, starry heavens; -pâthaka, m. astrologer; -mâlâ, f. wreath or group of stars; elephant's head-ornament.
nakula m. mungoose (exterminator of serpents and mice); N. of a son of Pându: i-kâ, î, f. female mungoose.
nakutaścidbhaya a. not endangered from any quarter.
naptrī f. grand daughter.
naptī f. daughter, granddaughter.
napuṃsaka a. neither man nor woman, emasculate; of neuter gender (gr.); m. hermaphrodite; eunuch; n. neuter word, neuter gender: -li&ndot;ga, a. of the neuter gender.
nandinī f. daughter; ep. of Durgâ; N. of a fabulous cow.
nanda m. joy; son; N., esp. of Kri shna's foster-father and of a king of Pâtali putra, put to death by Kânakya (who raised Kandragupta to the throne).
nanu ad. not (emphatic); inter. pcl. not? (=nonne), surely? with inter. prn. or impv. pray; nanu ka, surely (at the begin ning of a sentence); nanu½astu--tathâ½api, well, even granting--yet; nanu mâ bhut tathâ½api, well, even granting that--is not the case -yet (nanu here to be taken with the apodosis); nanu is frequently used by com mentators to state a supposed objection, which is disposed of with a followingukyate, to this the reply is as follows.
namuci m. [not letting go the waters], N. of a demon subdued by Indra: -dvish, m. ep. of Indra.
namas n. bowing, obeisance, adora tion (by word or gesture): often as an exclama tion with the dat.; -kri, utter &open;namas,&close; make obeisance, to (ac., d., lc.).
nalanāman a. named Nala; -mârgana, n. search for Nala; -vâgin, m. horse of Nala; -sa&ndot;kâ, f. suspicion of its being Nala; -sâsana, n. command of Nala; -sam nidhi, f. presence of Nala; -sârathi, m. charioteer of Nala; -siddha, pp. prepared by Nala; -½amâtya, m. minister of Nala; -½asva, m. Nala's horse.
narmasaciva m. court jester (jesting companion of a king); -sâkivya, n. condition of a court jester; -suhrid, m. jest ing friend of a king, court jester.
navanīta n. fresh butter.
nahuṣa m. [connexion], descent, race; N., esp. of a king who displaced Indra, but was afterwards transformed into a serpent.
nasya a. being in the nose, nasal; n. substance provocative of sneezing, sternuta tory: -karman, n. employment of a sternu tatory.
nāganātha m. chief of serpents; -nâyaka, m. id.; -pati, m. id.; -pâla, m. N.; -pura, n. Elephant-city (=Hâstina-pura); -bandha, m. a serpent as a fetter; -maya, a. consisting of elephants.
nāṇaka n. coin: -parîkshin, m. tester of coin.
nāḍī f. (V. nm. -s), tube (also of the rays of the sun, regarded as hollow and sucking up water); slit, crack; tubular vessel in the body, vein; pulse.
nāṭya n. dance; dramatic represen tation, scenic art; actor's attire: in. (represent) mimetically=on the stage; -vedî, f. stage; -sâlâ, f. dancing-hall; -sâstra, n. principles of dramatic art; -½âkârya, m.teacher of dancing or of the scenic art: -ka, n. office of a dancing-master; -½ukti, f. theatrical term.
nānā ad. variously, in different places, separately; often, esp. °ree;--, used like an adjec tive, different, various, manifold; -½âkâra, a. various, sundrv; -gati, m. wind; -tva, n. dif ference; manifoldness; -digdesa, m.: ab. sg. from various quarters, from all parts of the world; -devatya, a. addressed to various gods; -desa, m. sg. various regions; -desîya, -desya, a. pl. belonging to various lands; -dhâtu-sata,n. pl. hundreds of various minerals; -dhâtu-samâkîrna, pp. filled with various minerals; -pakshi-gana½âkîrna, pp. filled with flocks of various birds; -pakshi nishevita, pp. frequented by various birds; -mantra½ogha-siddhi-mat, a. possessed of a number of efficacious spells; -mriga-gana, m. pl. flocks of various animals; -rasa, a. having various sentiments (drama); -rûpa, a. hete rogeneous; -½argha-mahâratna-maya, a. consisting of various priceless precious stones; -½artha, a. having different meanings; con taining something different; N. word with several meanings; new sentence; -varna½â kriti, a. of various colours and shapes; -vi dha, a.various, manifold; -strî, f. pl. women of different castes.
nāsatya m. du. ep. of the Asvins; later sg. N. of one of the Asvins.
nāman n. (f. --°ree; a. -mnî or less commonly -man) mark, token; form, manner; name, appellation; mere name (opp. reality), trace; personal name (opp. family name or gotra); nature; kind, race; good name, fame (only --°ree; a.); noun (gr.): nâma kri, Â. take a name; -grah, mention the name; -bhri, bear a name; -kri, -dâ, or -dhâ, give a name; nâmnâ kri or vi-dhâ, name (2 ac.); n&asharp;ma, ad. by name (sts. nâmnâ or nâmatas is redun dantly added); indeed, certainly, of course; perhaps; with inter. then, pray; with impv. ever so much, no matter if; api nâma, with pot. at the beginning of a sentence, perhaps;emphasizes a preceding word more strongly than api; mâ nâma, ± pot. would that not, if only not; nanu nâma, surely.
nārāśaṃsa a. (î) relating to the praise of men; sacred to Agni Narâsamsa; m. N. of certain Soma cups over which a prayer containing the word Narâsamsa is uttered: -pa&ndot;kti, a. performed with five Nârâsamsa cups.
ni ad. down; in, into; backwards (except once, in the AV., only combined with verbs or compounded with nouns: in the latter case sometimes=nis).
nikṛta pp. √ kri; n. fraud; -kri ti, a. dishonest; base; f. dishonesty, fraud, baseness: -pragña, a. versed in fraud, -mat, a. dishonest; -krítvan, a. delusive; -krint ana, a. cutting off, destroying; n.slaughter, destruction of (g. or --°ree;); -krishta, pp. √ krish: -½âsaya, a. having a base disposition: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -½upâdhi, a. conditioned by some thing lower: -tâ, f. abst. n.
nityakarman n. necessary duty or rite; -kâlam, ad. always, invariably; -kritya, n., -kriyâ, f. regular ceremony, daily routine; -gati, a. constantly moving; m. wind; -gâta, pp. being constantly born; -tâ, f., -tva, n. perpetuity, eternity; necessity; perseverance in, devotion to (--°ree;); -dâ, ad. perpetually; -parîkshana, n. constant inspection; -bhâva, m. eternity.
nitya a. inward, innate; own (V.); constant, perpetual, eternal; always abiding in, devoted to (--°ree;); regular, essential, neces sary: °ree;-or -m, ad. constantly, perpetually, always; invariably; na nityam, not always; never; -samâsa, m. necessary or fast com pound, i. e. one that cannot be resolved with out destroying the meaning; -svarita, m. necessary, i. e. independent svarita.
nitamba m. posterior: du. but tocks (esp. of a woman); slope of a mountain: -vatî, a. having beautiful buttocks, kalli pygian; f. woman with beautiful buttocks; N.; -sthala, n., -sthalî, f. hind quarters.
nidhi m. putting down; food set down; receptacle; fig. embodiment; (hidden) treasure: apâm --, receptacle of waters, ocean; kalânâm --, full moon; -guhyaka½adhipa, m. ep. of Kubera; -datta, m. N. of a mer chant; -pa, m. guardian of treasure; -pati datta, m. N.; -p&asharp;, -pâla, m. guardian of a treasure; -pâlita, m. N.; -maya, a. (î) con sisting of treasures; -vâda, m. art of finding treasure.
nidarśaka a. seeing; announcing; -darsana, a. (î) showing; announcing; teaching; n. seeing, sight; reference to (--°ree;); showing, authority, evidence; instance, example, illustration; symptom; prognostic; system; contradictory instance; -darsin, a. (--°ree;) seeing, understanding; pleasing; -dâghá, m. heat, hot season, summer: -dhâman, m. sun, -½avadhi, m. hot season; -dâna, n. rope, halter; prime cause, original form; cause; a class of Buddhistic works: in. originally, essentially, really; -didrâsu, des. a. sleepy; -didhyâsana, n. profound meditation; -di dhyâsitávya, fp. to be profoundly meditated on; -desa, m. command, order; neighbour hood: e sthâ, be at any one's (d.) command.
nityānugṛhīta pp. constantly tended (fire); -½udaka, -½udakin, a. always supplied with water; -½udita, pp. spontaneously arisen (knowledge).
nāra a. belonging to a man, human; m. man: pl. water.
nibiḍa a. [ni-vila, without interstices], dense, thick, impenetrable; uninterrupted; rigid, firm; fast, close (embrace, etc.); full of (in. or --°ree;); low.
nimṛgra a. subsiding, flowing away (waters).
nimajjana n. immersion; -man trana, n. invitation; -mantrya, fp. to be in vited; to be offered something (in.); -maya, m. [√ mâ] barter, exchange (of, g., for, in.); -mâtavya, fp. to be bartered or exchanged for (in.).
nibha a. like, resembling (--°ree;, often redundant after an adjective or with sy nonyms); n. appearance, pretext (only in. and ab.); -bhrita, pp. √ bhri: -m, ad. secretly, apart; out of sight; n.secrecy.
nirantara a. having no interstice. contiguous, successive, continuous, uninterrupted, constant; dense; thickly set with, full of (in. or --°ree;); faithful (friend); without a difference, identical: -m, ad.tightly (embrace); continually; forthwith; -anna, a. having nothing to eat; fasting; yielding no food; -anvaya, a. having no descendants; unrelated, unconnected: -m, ad. behind any one's back.
niraṅkuśaya den. P. unfetter, set free.
nirakṣara a. illiterate; -agni, a. having no domestic fire; -agha, a. blame less; -a&ndot;kusa, a. unfettered, unrestricted, perfectly free; extravagant: -tva, n. abst. n.
nāvanīta a. (î) coming from butter; soft as butter.
nirabhiprāya a. aimless; -bha va, a. not degrading or humiliating; -mâna, a. free from pride; -lapya, a. unspeakable; -lâsha, a. free from desire for, regardless of (--°ree;); -samdhin, a.disinterested.
nirapa a. waterless; -apatya, a. childless; -apatrapa, a. shameless; -aparâ dha, a. harmless, innocent; -apavâda, a. blameless; subject to no exception; -apâya, a. imperishable; unfailing; unharmed, safe; -apâyin, a. imperishable; -apeksha, a. re gardless of, indifferent to (lc. or --°ree;); caring for nothing, indifferent to worldly objects; independent of (--°ree;): -m, ad. without having any regard, without troubling about a thing, -ka, a. independent, -tâ, f. regardlessness; indifference towards (lc.), -tva, n. indiffer ence; independence; -apekshâ, f. indiffer ence towards (lc.); -apekshita, pp. disre garded; regardless of (--°ree;); indifferent towards (lc.); -apekshya, fp. not to be troubled about.
nirūpaka a. observant, contem plative; defining; m. observant man; -rûp ana, a. determining; n. defining; investiga tion; shape; -rûpya, fp. to be determined; questionable.
nirukta pp. √ vak; n. explanation; etymological interpretation; esp. T. of Yâs ka's commentary on the Nighantus; -ukti, f. etymological explanation; -uñkhana, n. = nî-râgana; -uttara, a.having no superior; unable to give an answer; -utsava, a. devoid of festivals; -utsâha, a. destitute of energy, unenterprising, spiritless: -tâ, f. cowardice; -utsuka, a. unconcerned; having no desire for (prati); -utseka, m.modesty; a. unpre tentious, modest; -udara, a. trunkless; -ud desam, ad. without making any statement; -udyama, a. avoiding exertion, indolent; -udyoga, a. id.; -udvigna, pp. untroubled, unagitated: -manas, a. havingone's mind undisturbed; -udvega, a. free from agitation, calm; -unmâda, a. free from arrogance; -upakârin, a. unable to render a service; -upakriya, a. rendering no service; -upa-drava, a. unassailed by mischances orcalami ties, prosperous, faring well; free from danger, safe: -tâ, f. security; -upadhi, a. free from guile, honest; blameless; -upapatti, a. un suitable; -upapada, a. unaccompanied by a secondary word; -upaplava, a.undisturbed, uninterrupted; -upabhoga, a. not enjoying; -upama, a. having no equal; -upayoga, a. useless; -upâkhya, a. indescribable: -tva, n. abst. n.; -upâya, a. futile; -ushna-tâ, f. coldness: -m nî, make cold, kill; -ushnîsha, a. turbanless, bareheaded.
nirākaraṇa n. expulsion; re pudiation of a wife; removal; disproval; -âkaranîya, fp. to be disproved; -âkari shnu, a. repudiating (ac.); seeking to remove from (ab.); forgetful; -âkartavya, fp. to be disproved; -âkartri, m. contemner of (g.); a. disproving; -âkâ&ndot;ksha, a. expecting nothing; having no desires; requiring no supplement; -âkâra, a. formless, bodiless; having no object, vacant; -âkula, a. not crowded, unfrequented; not confused, orderly; unconcerned, calm; -â kriti, a. formless; neglecting one's religious duties; -âkranda, a. unprotected; affording no protection; m. or n. unsheltered place; -âkri yâ, f.expulsion; disproval; -âgas, a. guiltless; -âgraha, a. not obstinately insisting on any thing; -âkikîrshu, des. a. wishing to refute any one (ac.); -âgîvya, a. affording no livelihood; -âdambara, ad. without much talk (°ree;--); -âta&ndot;ka, a. free from ailment or anxiety; causing no ailment or anxiety; -â- tapa, a. sheltered from the heat of the sun, shady; -âtapatra, a. destitute of an umbrella; -âtithya, n. inhospitable (forest); -âdara, a.showing no respect towards (lc.); -âdhi, a. free from care; -ânanda, a. joyless, sad; -ântra, a. disembowelled; -âpad, a. free from adversity; -âbâdha, a. undisturbed; harm less; frivolous, futile; -âmaya, m. health, welfare; a. healthy, well; salubrious; in fallible; -âmarsha, a. putting up with every thing, apathetic; -âmisha, a. fleshless; hav ing no sensual desires: -½âsin, a. not eating flesh, not carnivorous; -âyata-tva, n. lack of extension, shortness; -âyati, a. having no future; -âyâsa, a. involving no trouble; causing no fatigue; -âyudha, a. unarmed; -ârambha, a. unenterprising, inactive; -â lamba, a. having no support; suspended in the air; self-supported, isolated, affording no support; -âlâpa, a. not talking; -âloka, a. devoid of light, dark; blind, foolish; -âvar ana, a. uncovered, manifest; -âsa, a. having given up all hope or expectation, despairing (of, ac. with prati, d., ab., lc., or --°ree;): -kara, a. taking away all hope of, rendering impos sible, -tva, n. hopelessness; -âsa&ndot;ka, a. fear less; not afraid of (lc.); -âsa&ndot;kya, fp. not to be feared; -âsâ, f. renunciation of all hopes: -½âsanna, pp. verging on despair; -âsitva, n. despair; -âsin, a. having renounced all hope, hopeless; -âsis, a. having no desires or hopes; -âsî-bhû, lose all hope; -âsrama, a. being in none of the four stages of a Brâh man: -pada, a. having no hermitages (forest); -âsramin, a. id.; -âsraya, a. shelterless, un supported; independent; unprotected; -âsa, m. expulsion, exclusion, rejection, repudiation; -âstha, a. taking no interest in, not caring about (--°ree;); -âhâra, m. fasting; a. abstaining from food, having nothing to eat: -tâ, f. abst. n.
nirmūlaya den. P. uproot, exter minate, destroy.
nirjana a. deserted, desolate, soli tary; n. solitude: -tâ, f., -tva, n. id., -vana, n. lonely forest; -gaya, m. conquest; -gara, a. not aging, young; m. god; -gala, a. water less; -galada, a. cloudless;-gigamishu, des. a. wishing to go out; -gita-varman, m. N.; -gita½ari-gana, a. having conquered the host of his foes; -giti, f. conquest; -gihîrshu, des. a. wishing to take out or remove; -gîva, a. lifeless, dead; -gîva-karana, n. death-blow (to, g.); -gîvita, a. lifeless: -tva, n. -ness; -getri, m. vanquisher; -gñâna, a. ignorant, stupid.
nirnamaskāra a. receiving no salutation, despised by all; -nâtha, a. hav ing no protector: -tâ, f. widowhood; -nâbhi, a. reaching below the navel; -nâyaka, a. lacking a guide or leader; -nâsana, a. ban ishing, dispelling; -nidra, a. sleepless: -tâ, f. sleeplessness; -nimitta, a. causeless; quite dis interested: -m or °ree;--. ad. without an ascertain able cause, -tva, n. lack of causation; -nime sha, a. unwinking;-nirodha, a. unimpeded.
nirdhana a. poor; lacking i. e. un backed by money (enterprise): -tâ, f., -tva, n. poverty; -dhanî-bhû, become poor; -dharma, a. unrighteous, sinful; -dhârana, n. singling out; determining; -dhârayitri, m. decider; -dhûnana, n. waving; -dhûma, a. smokeless.
nirdravya a. immaterial; poor; -droha, a. free from enmity, well-disposed; -dvandva, a. indifferent towards the oppo sites of cold and heat etc.; free from jealousy.
nirdeśa m. order, direction; descrip tion, designation; detail, particulars; -desya, fp. to be described, -determined; -dainya, a. cheerful; -dosha, a. faultless, free from blemish; infallible; innocent: -tâ,f. fault lessness.
nirmaryāda a. boundless; know ing no bounds, impious, wicked; -mala, a. spotless, unsullied, pure, clear, limpid: -tâ, f., -tva, n. purity, -svâdu-salila, n. clear and sweet water; -mâmsa, a. fleshless; lean; -mâna, n. measuring; measure; fashioning, forming, creating; composition, work.
nirmama a. [regardless of &open;mine&close;], not caring for (lc.); indifferent to mundane matters: -tâ, f. perfect indifference towards (lc.); -tva, n. id.; a. indifferent towards (lc.).
nirbhaya a. fearless; not afraid of (--°ree;); secure: -m, ad. fearlessly; m. N. of a warrior; n. security; -bhara, a. vehement, ardent; excessive; deep (sleep); full of (--°ree;): -m or °ree;--, ardently, excessively, soundly, fast; -bhartsana, n. menace, reproach; -bhas mita, pp. burned to ashes, annihilated; -bhâgya, pp. to be excluded from his share (ab.); -bhî-ka, a. fearless, not afraid of (ab.); -bhîta, pp. id.; -bheda,m. cracking, burst ing; splitting; blurting out, betrayal; -bhed in, a. cleaving, shattering; -bhedya, fp. free from chinks; missing its mark.
nirvāta a. windless, sheltered; m.(?) sheltered spot; -vâda, m. blame; -vâpa, m. strewing; offering. esp. of the Manes; alms; -vâp-ana, 1. n. [√ vap] scattering, sowing.
nirvācya fp. to be explained, determined; -vâ-na, pp. of √ vâ; -vâ½ana, n. extinction; extinction of the vital flame, dis solution, final emancipation, union with the absolute; absorption in (--°ree;); individual ex tinction (B.); complete satisfaction, bliss: -pûrana, n. funeral sacrifice.
nirvaṃśa a. having no family, child less, alone in the world; -vakana, n. ex planation, etymology; a. speechless: -m, ad. without saying a word; -vatsala, a. not tenderly attached to, esp. children (lc.);-váp ana, n. (funeral) offering; -vartaka, a. per forming; -vartana, n. performance; -vart anîya, fp. to be accomplished; -varti, a. wickless; -vartitavya, fp. to be performed (Pr.); -vartin, a. ill-behaved (--°ree;); performing, doing (--°ree;); -vartya, fp. to be accomplished; -produced; -uttered; -vasa, a. possessing no will of one's own, dependent: -tâ, f. depend ence; -vashatkâra-ma&ndot;gala, a. lacking sacri fices and festivities;-vasu, a. poor; -vastrî kri, deprive of one's clothes; -vahana, n. con clusion, issue; final act, catastrophe (dr.)
nirlakṣaṇa a. bearing no dis tinguishing marks, insignificant, good for no thing; -lakshya, fp. imperceptible; avoid ing notice; -lagga, a. shameless, immodest, brazen; -lavana, a. lacking grace; -lepa, a. free from greasy matter; spotless; -lobha, a. free from avarice.
niryatna a. inactive; -yantrana, a. unlimited; necessitating no constraint (°ree;--): -m, ad. without obstruction, unimpededly; -yâna, n. setting out; vanishing; decease, death; outer corner of an elephant's eye; rope for tying a calf's feet; -yâtaka, a. removing (--°ree;); -yâtana, n. restoration, repayment; re quital; -yâpana, n. expulsion, from (ab.); -yâsá, m. exudation of trees, gum, resin; -yûha, n. turret; -yoga-kshema, a. destitute of possessions.
nirvid f. despair, faintheartedness; -vidya, a. unlearned, uneducated; -vinoda, a. destitute of diversion; -vindhyâ, f. (com ing from the Vindhyas), N. of a river; -vi bandha, a. offering no obstacle to (g.); harm less; -vimarsa, a. devoid of reflexion; un considered; -vivara, a. having no aperture or interstice: -tâ, f. close contiguity; har mony; -vivâda, a. free from strife, concor dant; subject to no dispute; -viveka, a. de void of discrimination: -tâ, f., -tva, n. lack of judgment.
nirvikalpa a. admitting of no alternative, changeless, free from distinctions, undifferentiated; unhesitating: -m, ad. with out hesitation; -ka, a. undifferentiated; -vi kâra, a. unchanged; -vighna, a.unob structed, unimpeded: -m or in., without obstacles; -vikâra, a. unreflecting: -m, with out long reflexion; -vikikitsa, a. subject to no doubt: -m, ad. without long reflexion; -vikeshta, a. motionless, unresisting.
niścita pp. determined, decided: -m, ad. decidedly, surely; -kinta, a. free from thought or care.
niścala a. immovable; steady; unal terable, immutable: -mati, a. steady-minded.
niścaya m. ascertainment; con viction; exact knowledge, certainty; actual state of the case; decision, decided opinion; settled purpose, fixed intention, determina tion, resolve: -m kri, firmly resolve on (d., lc., inf.); in., ab. certainly.
niśāpati m. lord of night, moon; -prânesvara, m. (husband of night), moon; -mukha, n. face of night; nightfall; -½ava sâna, n. latter half of the night.
nivedana a. announcing, making known; n. communication, announcement; of fering; -vedin, a. announcing, making known; offering (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be reported; n. offering of food to an idol; -vesá, m. enter ing into; settling; encampment, camp; habi tation, residence; settling down, marriage, matrimony; foundation (of a city); building, edifice; impression, mark; -vésana, a. (î) entering into (--°ree;); laying to rest; sheltering; n. entrance; setting down; introduction, ap plication; causing to encamp; settling down, marrying; resting-place, bed, lair, nest; home, abode, dwelling; -vesanîya, fp. to be put down; -vesayitavya, fp. to be placed; -vesa vat, a. lying on (--°ree;); -vesin, a. lying near, being in, resting or based on (--°ree;).
niḥśrīka a. destitute of beauty, ugly; luckless, unhappy; -srenî=ni-srenî; -sreyas-a, a. (î) having nothing better, best of all; n. final beatitude, bliss, salvation; -svasita, n. expiration, breath; sigh;-svâ pada, a. lacking wild animals; -svâsa, m. breath; sigh: -parama, a. constantly sighing.
niḥśeṣaya den. P. destroy com pletely: pp. ita, utterly consumed or de stroyed.
niḥśeṣa a. lacking a remainder, one and all, all, whole, complete: -m kri, destroy utterly, exterminate; °ree;--, -tas, in. utterly, completely; -tâ, f. extermination.
nigaḍaya den. P. put in irons: pp. nigadita, fettered.
niṣeddhavya fp. to be restrained or prevented; -sheddhrí, m. restrainer, pre venter; -shedha, m. keeping off, prevention; prohibition; negation: -ka, a. prohibiting; -shedhin, a. repelling = surpassing (--°ree;); -shedhya, fp. to be prevented or prohibited; -sheva, a. practising (--°ree;); m. adoration: â, f. practice, addiction to; enjoyment; adoration; -shevaka, a. (--°ree;) frequenting; practising; enjoying; -shevana, n. visiting; practice; employment of, addiction to (g., --°ree;); -shev- -itavya, fp. to be practised or observed; -employed; -enjoyed; -shevin, a. devot ing oneself to, practising; enjoying, having sexual intercourse with; -shevya, fp. to be visited; -enjoyed; venerable.
niṣeka m. sprinkling, distilling; injection; impregnation; seed; ceremony per formed on impregnation; slops; dripping fluid; -shektavya, fp. to be poured upon (lc.); -shektri, m. begetter; -shékana, n.pouring out; sprinkling, with (--°ree;).
niṣāda m. N. of aboriginal Indian tribes described as fishermen, hunters, and robbers; considered a degraded caste, off- spring of Brâhmans and Sûdra women; a note in the musical scale; î, f.Nishâda woman.
niṣkrama m. going out; first walk out with a child in the fourth month after birth; -kramana, n. id.; leaving (ab.); disappearing; -kráya, m. redemption; com pensation; reward, payment: -kráyana,n. redemption; ransom; expiation.
niṣkānta a. uncomely, ugly; (nísh)-kâma, a. free from desires; disinterested (act); -kâmuka, a. free from worldly desires; -kârana, a. having no cause or mo tive; disinterested: °ree;--, -m, ab.without cause, from disinterested motives; -kâshá, m. scrap ings of a pan.
niṣpāṇḍava a. delivered from the Pândavas; -pâda-ka, a. accomplishing; -pâdana, n. accomplishment; -pâdya, fp. to be accomplished, -brought about: -½abda sahasra, full millennium; -pâpa,a. sinless; -pâlaka, a. having no guardian; -pîdana, n. pressure; -putra, a. sonless, childless; -pu rusha, a. having no males; -pulâka, a. free from shrivelled grain: î-kri, free from shrivelled grain; -pesha, m. impact; clash ing sound; -paurusha½âmarsha, a. desti tute of manliness and anger; -prakâra-ka, a. free from specifications; -prakâsa, a. dark; -pragña, a. witless, stupid; -pratâpa, a. destitute of dignity; -pratikriya, a. not to be saved, past help: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -prati graha, a. accepting no gifts: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -pratigha, a. unobstructed; -pratipaksha, a. having no adversary: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -pratibandha, a. free from ob stacles; unobjectionable; -pratîkâra, a. that cannot be helped; irremediable; unhindered; -pratyâsa, a. having given up all hope of (lc. or upari): î-bhu, lose all hope of (prati); -pratyûha, a. free from obstacles: -m, ad. without hindrance; -pradesa, a. having no fixed place; -prapañka, a. unevolved, exempt from multiformity: -sad-âtman, a. having real existence without being evolved; -pra bha, a. deprived of radiance or splendour: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -prabhâva, a. powerless: -tva, n. -ness; -pramâna-ka, a. supported by no authority; -prayogana, a. disinterested (spectator); useless: -m, ad. uselessly; needless, uncalled for; -pravâni, a. fresh from the loom; quite new.
nigaḍa n. foot-chain; fetter; -gada na, n. putting in irons.
niṣṭha a. (--°ree;) being or situated on; based or dependent on; relating to; devoted to, intent on; °ree;--, dependent (people, loka, m. pl.=dependants); with d. leading to, pro ducing; â, f. basis, state; intentness; per fection, completion; summit, limit; end, ca tastrophe, death; perfect knowledge, cer tainty, complete familiarity with (lc.); deci sion, regarding (g.); the terminations -ta and -ta-vat of the past participle, one of these past participles (gr.): -sûnya, a. irresolute (mind).
nistejas a. devoid of lustre; destitute of energy or vigour; spiritless, dull; -toya, a. destitute of water: -trina-pâdapa, a. destitute of water, grass, and trees.
niḥsaṃśaya a. undoubted, cer tain; undoubting, sure: -m, ad. certainly, undoubtedly; -samsayita, pp. unquestioned, sure, safe; -samskâra, a. unrefined, ill-man nered: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sa&ndot;khya, a. in numerable; -sa&ndot;ga, a. unattached; indif ferent to (lc.), disinterested, free from all de sires: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -sakiva, a. lacking a minister; -samkâra, a. not going out, not leaving the house; -samgña, a. un conscious; -sattva, a. devoid of reality; wanting in courage or firmness; weak, wretched; deprived of living beings: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -satya, a. untrue, lying: -tâ, f. untruthfulness, mendacity, insincerity; -sam tati, a. destitute of offspring; -samdigdha, pp. not doubtful, certain: -m, ad. undoubtedly, certainly; -samdeha, a. id.; -samdhi, a. lacking a joining or interstice; close, firm (embrace); -sapatna, a.having no rival; uncontested; unrivalled: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sambâdha, a. uncrowded; -sambhrama, a. unperplexed (about, inf.); -sarana, n. going out; exit; expedient against (ab. or --°ree;); -sarani, a. pathless; -sarpa, from serpents; -salila, a. waterless; -saha, a. powerless; fainting: °ree;--, ad. in a faint; -sahâya, a. companionless, helpless.
nihatasena a. having one's forces destroyed; -½artha, a. of obsolete meaning: -tâ, f., -tva, n. use of an obsolete meaning; -½ushtra, a. whose camels have been slain; -hantavya, fp. to be slain ordestroyed; -hantri, m. slayer; destroyer; dispeller; preventer; -hava, m. summons, call; -hnava, m. denial; secrecy, conceal ment; contradiction; surpassing; expiation; excuse, craving pardon (a ceremony); -hnuti, f.denial; -hrâda, m. sound, note.
nīrandhra a. having no interstice or aperture; dense, continuous: °ree;-ad. con stantly: -tâ, f. close connexion or cohesion; -randhrita, pp. thickly beset with (--°ree;); con tinuous.
nīrajāta pp. produced from water.
nīra n. water; -ga, m. n. lotus: -½akshî, a. f. lotus-eyed, fair.
nīpa a. [ni½ap-a, having water flowing down, damp], low-lying; m. a tree (Nauclea Cadamba); n. its flowers or fruit; m. pl. N. of a royal race.
nu nú, nū indecl. now, still; even, already; then, therefore (concluding or exhorting); never (V.); indeed, just, certainly; with inter. pray: in double questions the second nu is sts. replaced by svid oryadi vâ; nu nu, either--or; n&usharp; kid, henceforth, for ever; forthwith; nevermore.
nṛpavallabha m. royal favourite; -sreshtha, spv. best of kings; -suta, m. prince: â, f. princess; -snushâ, f. king's daughter-in-law.
naipuṇa n. dexterity, skill; experience, in (g., --°ree;); completeness, totality of (g.); whole science of, strict adherence to (--°ree;): in. completely, exactly.
naivābhigamana n. no sexual intercourse whatever.
nairgandhya n. scentlessness; absence of smell; -gun-ya, n. exemption from qualities; lack of virtues; -ghrin-ya, n. hard-heartedness, cruelty; -ghara, a. belonging to waterfalls.
nairṛta a. (&isharp;) relating to nirriti; south-western; pointed southward; m. son of Nirriti, demon, Râkshasa: î, f. south-west; ep. of Durgâ; -ritya, a. relating or sacred to Nirriti; south-western.
nairantarya n. [v. nir-] uninterruptedness; immediatesuccession: in. constantly; -apeksh-ya, n. regardlessness, indifference; complete independence; -arth-ya, n. senselessness; -âkâ&ndot;ksh-ya,n. non-requirement of supplying anything; -âs-ya, n. hopelessness, despair (of, prati or --°ree;); -ukta, a. etymologically explained; m. etymologist.
nyaṅga m. [√ añg] adhering matter; taunt; --°ree; a. making incidental mention of.
naiṣṭhika a. (î) final, last; definitive, decided, settled; highest, supreme, per fect; thoroughly versed in (--°ree;); having taken the vow of eternal chastity: -sundara, a. supremely beautiful.
nyāya m. [going back, reference, precedent], rule, standard, axiom, principle, method; manner; propriety, correct way; logical proof or conclusion, syllogism; logic, the Nyâya system of philosophy;lawsuit; decision, judgment: in., ab., °ree;--, after the manner of (--°ree;); in. -tas, °ree;--, suitably, properly; -vartin, a. behaving with propriety; -vâdin, a. speaking suitably; -vid, m. connoisseur; -vidyâ, f. logic; -vritta,pp. behaving with propriety; -sâstra, n. treatise on logic; -sikshâ, f. logic.
pakṣa m. (n.1) wing, pinion; feathers of an arrow; flank, side; half; half-month, fortnight (15 days); side, party, following, ally, partisans, family, race (sg. & pl.); host, troop, class; quantity (of hair); place; alternative; case; opinion, proposition; prosecution (leg.); subject of an inference (logic); topic, subject under discussion: pakshe, in the other case; with regard to (--°ree;); atra --, in this case; tâbhyâm mukte --,in a case other than these two.
paṅka m. or n. (?) mud, mire, slough, quagmire, dirt, clay; --°ree;, ointment; -kkhid, m. a plant (with the fruit of which turbid water is clarified).
pañcaka a. consisting of five; five days old; with sata, n. five per cent; n. the number five (penta/s); (páñka)-kapâla, a. (î) distributed in five dishes; -kritvas, ad. five times; -gavya, n. sg. & pl. five products of the cow (milk, curds, butter, urine, dung); -guna, a. five times greater than (ab.); -grâmî, f. group of five villages; -katvâr imsat, f. forty-five; -kandra, m. N.; -kûda, a. having five tufts of hair; -ganá, m. pl.the five races or kinds: gods, men, Gandharvas and Apsarases, serpents, and Manes; sg. man: î-ya, a. sacred to the five races; -tantra: -ka, n. T. of a collection of fables in five books; -tapas, a. (ascetic) exposing himself to five fires (one at each cardinal point, with the sun above); -taya, a. (î) fivefold; -tâ, f. fivefold amount; dissolution of the body into the five elements, death; -tîrthî, f. the five sacred bathing-places; N. of a Tîrtha; -trimsat: -î, f. thirty-five; -tva, n. fiveness; the five elements, earth, water, five, air, and ether; dissolution into the five elements, death: -m gam, die; -dasá, a. (î) fifteenth; consisting of fifteen; increased by fifteen; î, f.fifteenth day in a half-month; -dasan, a. pl. fifteen; -dasa-vârshika, a. fifteen years old; -dasa½aha, m. period of fifteen days: i-ka, a. lasting fifteen days; -dh&asharp;, ad. in five parts, fivefold; -dhâtu, n. sg. the five elements.
paṅkti f. set of five (penta/s), series of fives; a metre: 5 X 8, later 4 X 10 syllables; the number ten; line, row; multitude; company, society; -krama, m. succession: in. in a row; -pâvana, a.purifying a society; -ratha, m. N.=Dasa-ratha.
pañcākṣara a. pentasyllabic; -½âkhyâna: -ka, n.=pañka-tantra; -½agni, a. maintaining the five sacred fires; allowing oneself to be scorched by five fires (four kindled towards the quarters, and the sun): -tva, n. aggregate of five fires (i. e. passions); -½a&ndot;ga, n. five limbs, members, or parts (°ree;--); a. (î) consisting of five limbs or parts; -½ât maka, a. consisting of the five elements: -tva, n. abst. n.; -½ânana, m. (five-faced, terrible), lion: î, f. ep. of Durgâ; -½apsaras: -a, n. N. of a lake; -½abda½âkhya, a. lasting for five years; (páñka)-½ara, a. five-spoked.
pañcamaya a. (î) consisting of five (elements); -mâshaka (or ika), a. consisting of or amounting to five mâshas; -mâsya, a. needing five months for its development (seed); -mukha, a. five-faced; having five points (arrow); -mûla, m. N. of an attendant on Durgâ; -yâma, a. having five courses; -yoganî, f. distance of five yoganas; -râtra, n. period of five days; a. (á) lasting five days; n. general designation of the sacred book of Vishnuite sects: -ka, a. lasting five days; -lakshana, a. having five characteristics; -lambaka, m. T. of the 14th Lambaka in the Kathâsaritsâgara; -vata, m. N.; N. of a locality: î, f. id.; -varga, m. group orseries of five; -varna, a. five-coloured; of five kinds; -varsha: -ka, -varshîya, a. five years old; -vârshika, a. recurring every five years; -vimsá, a. (î) twenty-fifth; consisting of or containing twenty-five; -vimsati, f.twenty-five: -tama, a. twenty-fifth; -vidha, a. fivefold; -vrit, ad. five times; -sata, n. pl. five hundred; consisting of five hundred panas (fine); paying a fine of five hundred (panas); five-hundredth: e kâle, in the 500th year; n. 105; 500; î, f. 500; -sara, m. (five-arrowed), Kâma; -sikha, a. wearing five top-knots (ascetic); m. N. of an attendant of Siva; -sîrsha, a. five-headed.
pañcama a. (&isharp;) fifth; with amsa, m. a fifth part: -m, ad. for the fifth time; fifthly; m. fifth (later seventh) note of the Indian scale; a musical mode; fifth consonant of a class, nasal; î, f. fifth day in a fortnight; terminations of the fifth case, word in the ablative; terminations of the imperative.
paṭu a. sharp; dazzling; shrill, clear (sound); acute; clever, dexterous, skilful; skilled in, fitted for (lc.); intense, fierce, vio lent; -karana, a. having sound organs; -tâ, f., -tva, n. keenness (of sight); cleverness, dexterity, skill; craft; -mati, a. of keen intellect.
paṭī f. strip of cloth; stage curtain: -kshepa, m. drawing aside the curtain (on the stage): e-na pra-vis, enter the stage hurriedly.
pati m. owner, master, lord, ruler; husband.
pataṃga a. flying; m. bird; winged insect; grasshopper, butterfly; esp. moth; sun: -kânta, (pp.) m. sun-stone; -grâma, m. N. of a village.
patिtrakā f. leaf for writing on; letter, note; document.
pattra n. wing; feather (also of an arrow); vehicle (car, horse, or camel); (plum age of a tree), leaf, petal; leaf prepared for writing on (-m âropaya=put on paper); letter, document; foil of metal;ornamental leaf painted with (--°ree;): -ka(ikâ)=pattra --°ree; a.; -kkhedya, a. having its feathers plucked out; n. a kind of artistic skill (?); -pati, m. ep. of Garuda; -puta, m. n.: i-kâ, f. leaf rolled up into a funnel-shape;-bha&ndot;ga, m. streaks painted with musk and other frag rant substances on the face or parts of the body; -ratha, m. (riding on wings), bird: -½indra, m. lord of birds, ep. of Garuda: -ketu, m. having Garuda as his badge, Vishnu; -rekhâ, f.=-bha&ndot;ga; -latâ, f. id.; N.; -le khâ, f. id.; N.; -vâha, m. (borne on wings), bird; arrow; -viseshaka, m. (?) leaf-like painted mark; -veshta, m. kind of earring; -sâka, n. vegetable with leaves;-½âlî, f.= -bha&ndot;ga; -½âhâra, m. pl. feeding on leaves.
patitva n. matrimony, wedlock; -darsana-lâlasa, a. desirous of seeing her husband; -devatâ, a. f. making a god of --, idolizing her husband; -dharma, m. duty to a husband; -prânâ, a. f. whose life is her husband; -la&ndot;ghana, n. conjugal infidelity in a wife; -lâlasa, a. longing for her hus band; devoted to her husband; -loka, m. world or abode of the husband (after death); -vamsya, a. belonging to the husband's family; -vatnî, a. f. having a husband; n. married woman, wife; -vrata, n. fidelity to a husband: â, a. f. faithful or devoted to her husband: -maya, a. consisting in a faithful wife; -suk, f. mourning for a husband; -sthâna,n. husband's place; -sthânîya, a. belonging to or being in the husband's place; m. husband's representative.
padavī m. (nm. -s) leader, guide (V.); f. (nm. î) track, path; way or road, to (--°ree;); sphere, ken (of eyes, ears, memory); post, office: -m abhi½i, tread the path of (--°ree;), equal, resemble; -pra½âp or sam-â-ruh, enter the path of, devote oneself to (--°ree;); -yâ, enter the path of, become an object of, e. g. laughter (--°ree;).
padaka n. step; office, position; -krama, m. kind of gait; peculiar method of reciting and writing the Veda; -gati, f. gait; -kihna, n. footprint; -tâ, f. original form of a word; condition of a word; -nyâsa, m. putting down the foot, step; footprint; inditing of verses; (á)-pa&ndot;kti, f. series of footsteps, track; a metre (5 X 5 syllables); series of words; -paddhati, f. series of foot steps, track; -pâtha, m. word-reading, a mode of reciting and writing the Veda in which every word is given in its original form irrespective of Sandhi; -pûrana, a. verse filling; -yópana, a. (î) pace-retarding; -rak anâ, f. arrangement of words, literary work; -vigraha, m. separation of words; -víd, a. (knowing the place), familiar with (g.).
pada (m.) n. step; stride; footstep; trace; mark, sign; footing, place, abode, home; station, position, office; dignity, rank; object (of contempt, dispute, etc.); cause, oc casion; foot (also as a measure); quarter verse; word; nominal base before consonant terminations (so-called because treated like a word in external Sandhi); word-reading of the Veda (in which the words are given sepa rately irrespective of the rules of Sandhi): padam kri, set foot on, enter (lc.); have a regard for (prati); have to do with (lc.): mûrdhni, place one's foot on the head of (g.) =overcome, surpass, hridaye or kitte --, take complete possession of the heartor mind; padam â-tan, gain ground; -dhâ, gain a footing; -ni-dhâ, set foot on=make an im pression on (lc.): -padavyâm, set foot on the path of=emulate (g.); padam ni-bandh= engage in (lc.); pade pade, at every step, everywhere, on every occasion.
pad m. (strong base p&asharp;d; f. --°ree; a. pad or padî) foot; step; quarter: in. sg., du., pl. also on foot.
padānuga a. following on the heels of (g.); pleasant to (--°ree;); m. attendant; -½anusâsana, n. science of words; -½anta, m. end of a quarter-verse; end of a word, final; -½antara, n. another word; interval of a step: e sthitvâ, stopping after a step; -½anveshin, a. following a track.
parakathā f. pl. talk about others; -kara-gata, pp. being in the hands of another or others; -karman, n. service for others; -kalatra½abhigamana, n. adultery; -kârya, n. another person's business oraffair; -kâla, a. belonging to a later time, subsequent.
para a. [leading beyond: √ 2. pri], 1. of place: farther, than (ab.); remoter, ulterior; opposite (shore); next (life); 2. of time: past, previous; future, subsequent; following (ab.); latest, extreme (age), high (time); 3. of amount: exceeding, more than (ab., --°ree;); remaining over; 4. of sequence: following, coming next after (ab., --°ree;); repeated: each successive; 5. of degree: superior, higher, better, worse, than (ab.; rarely --°ree;); supreme, pre-eminent, best; utmost, deepest, greatest; 6. of range: transcending (ab.); 7. of relation: other; alien, strange, hostile; different, from (ab.); m. descendant; stranger; adversary, foe, enemy; universal soul, the Absolute; n. remotest distance; height, summit, acme; supreme bliss; extreme limit (--°ree;); further or wider meaning of a word (--°ree;, a. synonymous with); chief aim, main thing: --°ree;, a. having -as the main thing=intent on, absorbed in, deeply affected with, mainly consisting in, chiefly meant for, altogether based on; -m, ad. afterwards, subsequently; beyond, after (ab.); highly, excessively; completely; at the most; nothing but, only; however, but; atah param, beyond that; after that; next; hereafter; still further; itah param, henceforth; tatah or tatas ka --, id.; thereupon; na½asmât param, no more of that, enough; na param - api, not only--but also; na param--yâvat, not only--but even; yadi param, if at all, perhaps; param tu or kim tu, however, but; param na--api na, not only not--but also not.
payodhārā f. shower of water; -dhi, m. water reservoir; sea; -nidhi, m. sea; -bhrit, m. (water-bearing), cloud; -maya, a. consisting of water; -mukha, a. having milk on the surface; -muk, a.yielding milk; m. (water-discharging), cloud; -raya, m. torrent; -râsi, m. ocean; -vâha, m. (water carrying), cloud; -vrata, a. subsisting on milk only as a vow.
payoda a. yielding milk; water-giv ing; m. cloud; -dhara, m. (water-bearing), id.; (milk-yielding), female breast; udder: î-bhû, become an udder.
paradāra m. sg. & pl. another man's wife; adultery; -dûshana, m. ruin of the foe, peace in which the enemy seizes the revenue of the country; -desa, m. another place; foreign country; enemy's territory; -dosha-gña, a. knowing the faults of others; -dravya, n. pl. goods of others: -½apahâraka, a. stealing others' property; -droha, m. hostility towards others: -karma-dhî, a. injuring others in deed or thought; -dhana, n. another's property; -dharma, m. law or duties of another or of another caste; another's peculiarity.
paratva n. remoteness; posteriority; superiority, to (g.); intentness or emphasis on (--°ree;).
paratra ad. in the other world, here after; below (in a book): -bhîru, a. anxious about the next world.
paratas ad. 1.=ab. of para, a. highest; belonging to another; m. stranger; 2. further; henceforward, afterwards; high up; with ab. high above, over (of power or rank); after (of time); itas--paratas,here--there; before--after.
paratara cpv. greater, more.
parama spv. farthest, remotest, extreme, last; highest, chief, primary; su preme, transcendant; most excellent, best, greatest; worst; better, greater, worse, than (ab.); n. extreme limit; chief aim, main thing: only --°ree; a. amounting at the most to; wholly occupied with, doing nothing but, solely intent on, engrossed with: -m, ad. very well, yes (expressing assent); °ree;--, ad. extremely, exceedingly, greatly, very.
paras (V.) ad. [√ 2. pri: cp. tir-as] further, beyond, away, afar; in future, later; prp. with ac. beyond, more than; with in., id.; without; with ab. beyond, except.
paraśvas ad. day after to-morrow.
parayoṣit f. wife of another man; -ramana, m. second lover, paramour; -loka, m. the other or future world: -½arthin, n. seeking heaven; -vat, 1. ad. like a stranger; -vat, 2. a. depending on another; ready to obey (lc.); dependent on (in., g.); devoted to, a prey to (--°ree;): -tâ, f. readiness to gratify or obey, complaisance; -varga, m. party of others; -vasa, a. dependent on the will of another, subservient; overpowered by, a prey to (--°ree;): -m kri, overcome; -vâkya, n. fault of another; -vâda, m. talk of others, rumour; detraction; objection; -vîra-han, a. slayer of the warriors of the enemy; -vyâ kshepin, a. scattering foes; -vyûha-vinâsana, m. destroyer of the ranks of the enemy.
paraṃpara a. one after another, successive: -m, ad. in regular succession; â, f. uninterrupted line, unbroken series, regu lar succession; mediateness: in. indirectly; (â)-prâpta, pp. handed down by tradition, -½âyâta, pp. id.
parastāt ad. prp. with g. afar, fur ther, beyond; above, higher than; from above, before, or behind; afterwards, later: (d) ava gamyata eva, what follows can be guessed.
parāyaṇa n. 1. departure; 2. (a½ayana), highest aim, last resort, refuge; chief thing, essence; determining agent (of, g.); a certain work; a. --°ree;, wholly occupied with, intent on, devoted to, engrossed by, exclusively referring to; a. being the last refuge for (g.).
parāpara n. the further and the nearer; the earlier and the later (cause and effect); the higher and the lower, the better and the worse: -tâ, f. condition of being both genus and species; absoluteness and relativity; -tva, n. id.; priority and posteriority; absoluteness and relativity.
parādhikāra m. another's office or post: -karkâ, f. interference with another's concerns, officiousness; -½adhîna, a. dependent on another, subject, subservient; dependent on (--°ree;); engagedor absorbed in, engrossed by (--°ree;); -tâ, f. dependence, sub jection.
parācīna a. averted; being be yond; indifferent to (ab.); unsuitable: -m, ad. beyond, away from (ab.); after (ab.); more.
parārdha m. ulterior side, other half; m. n. the highest number: 100,000, 000,000,000,000; -½ardh-ya, a. being on the other side; most excellent, noblest, highest, best; more excellent than (ab.).
parārtha m. great importance; another's affair or interests, advantage of others; (chief thing=) copulation: -m, lc., °ree;--, for another's sake, for the good of others; a. having another purpose; existing for others; -ka, a. id.: -tva, n. abst. n.; -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vâd in, a. speaking for another, proxy.
pariṇatavayas a. of declining age, old; -nati, f. transmutation, trans formation, change; development; ripening; maturity; mature age; consequence, effect; issue, end; fulfilment of a promise;°ree;--, in the end, finally; -m yâ, come to an end; -nam ana, n. transformation into (in.); -nama yitri, m. ripener; -naya, m. leading the bride round the nuptial fire, wedding, mar riage; -nayana, n. id.; -nâma, m.transforma tion, change; natural development; transmu tation of food, digestion; withering; lapse of time; decline of life, old age; consequence, issue; termination, last stage, final state, end: lc. or °ree;--, in the end, finally: -vat, having a natural development; -nâmin, a. changing; developing; ripening; -nâyaka, m. guide; husband; -nâha, m. extent, width, circum ference: -vat, a. big; -nâhin, a. extensive, large; --°ree;, having the circumference of; -ni namsu, a. about to strike sideways with his tusks (elephant); -nîta, pp. (√ nî) married; n. marriage: -pûrvâ, a. f. previously married, -vat, act. pf. pt. having married; -netavya, fp. to be married;-netri, m. husband; -neya, fp. to be led round; to be ascertained; interchangeable with (in.): â, f. to be led round the nuptial fire, to be married.
paridhāna n. putting on (a gar ment); clothing, dressing; vesture, garment, sp. lower or under garment: -valkala, n. bark for clothing, -vastra, n. upper garment; -dhânî-kri, turn into an under garment; -dhârana, n. suffering, indulging in (g.): â, f. endurance; -dhí, m. (put-round), enclo sure, protection, fence, rampart: also of the ocean as encircling the earth; halo round sun or moon; horizon; circumference; the (three) green sticks surrounding the sacrificial altar; -dhî-kri, put on; -dhûsara, a. quite grey or dusty; -dhvamsa, m. eclipse; distress; dis aster, failure; loss or mixture of caste; -dhvamsin, a.destroying (--°ree;); destructive.
paritāpa m. heat, warmth; dis tress, anguish, sorrow, affliction; remorse; giving pain; -tâpin, a. burning hot; causing affliction or sorrow, distressing; -tushti, f. satisfaction; -tripti, f. perfect satisfaction; -tosha, m. satisfaction, gratification, glee; pleasure or delight in (g. or lc.); -toshayi tri, a. satisfying, gratifying; -tosha-vat, a. satisfied, gratified; -toshin, a. satisfied with, gratified by (--°ree;); -tyakta, pp.deserted, abandoned; -tyaktri, m. forsaker; -tyâga, m. abandonment, desertion; repudiation; re linquishment, renunciation, loss, privation, sacrifice: -sena, m. N. of a prince; -tyâgin, a. abandoning; resigning, renouncing (--°ree;); liberal; m. renouncer; -tyâgana, n. causing to abandon; depriving of (--°ree;); -tyâgya, fp. to be abandoned, -deserted, -renounced, avoided; -trâna, n. preservation, protection, help, deliverance, rescue from (ab.); shelter, refuge; preventive of (g.); -trâtavya, fp. to be protected from (ab.); -trâtri, m. pro tector, deliverer (with ac. or g.); -trâsa, m. fright, fear.
parimaṇḍala n. circumference; a. circular; globular: -tâ, f. circularity, i-ta, pp. made round; -manthara, a. very slow: -tâ, f. sluggishness; -manda, a. very dim (eye); °ree;--, ad. very slightly: -tâ,f. exhaus tion, ennui; -manyú, a. fierce; -marda, m. wearing out, consumption; destruction (of an enemy); -marsa, m. consideration, con templation; -mala, m. fragrance; fragrant substance; sexual intercourse; -mâna,n. measurement; measure, circumference, ex tent, size; weight; duration; number, a mount: -tas, ad. in weight, -ka, n. mea sure, quantity; -mâthin, a. trying severely, wearing out; -mârga, m. searching around: -na, n.tracing, searching; -mârgitavya, fp. to be sought; -mârgana, n. wiping off, cleansing; removal; -mita-tva, n. limited nature; -miti, f. measure, quantity: -mat, a. limited; -milana, n. touch; -mugdha-tâ, f. silliness; loveliness; -mûdha-tâ, f. confu sion; -meya, fp. measurable; limited in num ber; -moksha, m. deliverance, from (ab., g., --°ree;); divestment: -na, n. liberation; deliver ance from (g.); -moshá, m. theft, robbery; -moshana,n. taking away; -mohana, n. in fatuation; -mohin, a. confused.
paribhaya m. apprehension, fear; -bhava, m. disrespect, contumely, insult, in jury, humiliation; disregard, contempt, for (g., lc., --°ree;), on the part of (in., ab., --°ree;): -pa da, -½âspada, n. object of contempt; -bhav ana, n. humiliation: î-ya, fp. who can be insulted or humiliated; to be humbled; -bhavin, a. insulting, despising, mocking (g.); -bhâva, m. disregard, contumely; -bhâvanâ, f. thought, reflexion; -bhâvin, a. slighting; mocking, baffling (--°ree;); -bhâvuka, a. sur passing (ac.); -bhâshana, n. conversation, chatter; reproof, reprimand: î-ya, fp. to be reproved; -bhâshâ, f. speech; censure, re proach, contumely; general rule or maxim; rule defining the application of (grammatical) sûtras; -bhâshin, a. speaking (--°ree;); -bh&usharp;, a. (with ac.) surrounding, encompassing; pervad ing; superior, guiding; (pári)-bhûti, f. su perior might (V.); disrespect, contumely, hu miliation (sts. pl.); -bhûshana, m. (sc. Samdhi) peace bought by the cession of all the revenues of a country; -bheda, m. injury; -bhoktri, m. enjoyer; one who lives on another, spunge; -bhoga, m. enjoyment; sexual intercourse; means of enjoyment or subsistence; -bhramsa, m. escape: -na, n. loss, of (ab.); -bhrama, m. digressions, irrelevant talk: -na, n. turn ing, revolution; going to and fro; circumfer ence; -bhrashta-sukha, a. whose joy has departed, joyless.
payaḥpāna n. drinking or draught of milk; -pûra, m. quantity of water.
paripaṇa n. playing for (--°ree;); -pat ana, n. flying about, hovering; -pantha-ka, m. (obstructor of one's path), adversary, enemy; -pantha-ya, den. P. oppose, resist (ac.); -panthín, a. besetting one'spath; m. waylayer, opponent, enemy; -panthî-bhû, become the adversary of, oppose (g.); -pava na, n. cleansing (of grain), winnowing; flail; -pasavya, a. relating to the sacrificial animal; -pâka, m. becoming fully cooked; digestion; ripening; maturity; perfection; consequence, effect; fulness, fulfilment (of time): -tas, ab. in consequence of; -pâkana, a. cooking fully; maturing; -pâkayitri, a. id.; -pâtala, a. very pale-red; -pât&ibrevcirc;, f. succession; -pâtha, m. complete enumeration: in. (know) com pletely; -p&asharp;na, n. hiding-place; -pândiman, m. extreme whiteness; -pându, a. very white or pale: -ra, a. very white; -pârsva, a.being at the side, close at hand: -vartin, a. remain ing at one's side, standing beside (g.); -pâ laka, a. protecting; maintaining; -pâlana, n. protection; maintenance; nurture: â, f. protection, nurture, î-ya, fp. to be guarded; -maintained; -pâlya, fp. to be protected; -maintained or observed; -pi&ndot;gî-kri, colour deep red-brown; -piñga, a. full of (in.); -piñg ara, a. brownish-red, orange-coloured; -pi pâlayishâ, f. desire to maintain; -pîdana, n. squeezing out; injuring, prejudicing (--°ree;); -pushta-tâ, f. being nourished by, feeding on (--°ree;); -pûti, f. complete purification; -pûra ka, a. fulfilling; bestowing abundance; -pûr ana, n. filling; completion; -pûrin, a. be stowing abundantly; -pûrna, pp. (√ 1. pri) filled with (--°ree;); -pûrnendu, m. full moon; -pûrti, f. becoming full of (--°ree;); completion; -pelava, a. very delicate, tiny; -pothaka, a.furthering, confirming; -poshanîya, fp. to be cherished; -prasna, m. enquiry, after (--°ree;); -prâpti, fp. obtainment; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to reach or obtain, seeking after, de siring (ac.); -plavá, a. running to and fro;m. fluctuation; -pluta, pp. (√ plu) over whelmed; bathed (in tears: --°ree;).
parīkṣin a. examining, testing (g.); m. examiner, tester; -½îkshya, fp. to be examined or tested; -½îkiksh-i-shu, des. a. desirous of testing or examining.
parivṛḍha pp. √ brih; m. lord, master; -vritta, (pp.) n. rolling, weltering, moving to and fro; -vritti, f. exchange, bar ter: in. alternately; -vriddhi, f. increase.
parivāda m. detraction, censure (of, g., lc., --°ree;): -kathâ, f. id.; -vâdin, a. slandering, censuring: -î, f. seven-stringed lute; -vâpá, m. parched grains of rice; -vâra, m. cover; attendants, train, retinue (--°ree;, a. surrounded by); sheath: -tâ, f. condition of a retinue; -vârita, cs. pp. (√ 1. vri) encircled; -vâsa, m. 1. sojourn; 2. perfume; -vâha, m. overflow; drain for carrying off excess of water; -vâhín, a. (n-î) overflowing, with (--°ree;).
parivatsara m. complete year; &isharp;-na, a. relating to a full year; -vargana, n. avoidance of, abstention from (g. or --°ree;): î-ya, fp. to be avoided; -varta, m. revolution; end of a period, esp. of a cycle (yuga); end; exchange, barter; change; moving to and fro, haste, bustle; abode, place; causing to come to an end: -ka, a. causing to flow back; -vártana, a. (î) causing to turn; n. turn ing; tossing or rolling about on (--°ree;); revo lution; periodic course; end of a period; exchange, barter; change; -vartanîya, fp. to be exchanged for (in.); -vartin, a. turn ing, revolving; winding; circling, under going perpetual cycles, ever renewing itself; turning into, being exchanged for (--°ree;); abid ing or being in, at, or near (lc., -tas, --°ree;); -vartula, a. quite round; -vardhaka, m. groom; -vardhana, n. augmentation, mul tiplication; -vardhita-ka, a.reared; -vas trâ, f. curtain; -vaha, m. one of the seven winds; one of the seven tongues of fire.
pariṣattva n. legal assembly; -shád, a. encompassing, besetting; f. assem bly; audience; council; -sheka, m. sprinkling, dousing with water, shower-bath; bathing appliances, such as water-can, etc.; -shoda- sa, a. pl. full sixteen; -shkandá, m. servant, esp. one running beside a carriage; temple; -shkâra, m. adornment; ornament; -shkri ta, pp. (√ kri) embellished, adorned, highly finished; -shkriyâ, f.adornment; attend ance on the sacred fire (--°ree;).
pariśaṅkanīya fp. to be dis trusted; n. imps. distrust should be shown; -sa&ndot;kin, a. (--°ree;) fearing; fearful on account of; -sishta, (pp.) n. supplement, appendix; -sîl ana, n.frequent contact, intercourse; study; -suddhi, f. complete purification (also fig.); exoneration; -m kri, prove one's innocence; -sushka, a. perfectly dry or dried up; -sû nya, a. quite empty; quite free from (--°ree;); -sesha,a. remaining, left; m. n. remainder; supplement: in. completely; ab. consequently; -sodhana, n. purification; payment; -sosha, m. dryness: -na, a. drying up (--°ree;); -soshin, a. drying up, withering.
pariskanda m. servant, esp. one running beside a carriage; -skhalita, (pp.) n. staggering; -stara, m. layer of sacrificial grass; -stárana, n. strewing about; -stoma, m. cover, bolster; -spanda, m.motion; -spand ita, (pp.) n. quivering; flaming up; manifes tation; -spardhin, a. vying with (--°ree;); -sphu- ta, a. quite evident; -m, ad.; -syanda, m. flow, stream (fig.); -srava, m. flow, effusion; overflow; river; birth (of a child); -srút, a. overflowing, foaming; f. kind of intoxicant.
pare lc. ad. at a later time, subsequently.
parīmāṇa n.=parimâna; -ram- bha, m. embrace; -varta, m. exchange, bar ter; change; -vâda, m. detraction; -vâra, m. retinue; -vâha, m. drain or channel for carrying off the overflow of a pond, waste pipe; -sesha, m. remnant.
paro&100;kṣa ksha ] a. [beyond the eye], being out of sight, invisible, imperceptible; unknown, unintelligible; cognizable by mind only; °ree;--, imperceptibly: -m, ad. behind the back of, without the knowledge of (in. V.; g. or --°ree;, C.); in. imperceptibly, mysteriously; ab. without the knowledge of (in.); behind the back of (g.); when one has not been present (gr.); -kâma, a. fond of mystery; -krita, pp. not addressing but merely refer ring to a deity indirectly, i. e. in the third per son (verse); -tâ, f., -tva, n. being out of sight, imperceptibility; obscurity; -vritti, a. living or acting out of sight; -½artha, a. invisible; secret, recondite.
payas n. [√ 2. pî] juice, fluid; vital sap, strength; milk; water; rain.
pareta pp. (gone away), deceased: -bhartri, m. lord of the dead, ep. of Yama; -bhûmi, f. cemetery; -râga, m. king of the dead, ep. of Yama; -½âvâsa, m. cemetery.
pareṇa (in.) ad. prp. beyond, over, past (ac.); after (ab., g.); subsequently, later, afterwards.
paryāya m. revolution; expiration of a period; change of seasons; periodic re turn; repetition; regular succession; turn; ritual turn with the Soma cups in the Atirâ tra feast; period, sentence; stanza; alterna tive word, synonym: °ree;-or in. in order; alter nately, -m, abs. going about; -krama, m. order of succession, regular rotation; -tva, n. condition of being a ritual turn; -½anna, n. food meant for another.
paryaya m. revolution, expiration (of a period); change, alteration.
parvata a. consisting of knots or ragged masses (with ádri or girí); m. moun tain, hill; rock, boulder; cloud; N. of a Rishi and of a minister of Purûravas: -ka, m. N.; -kandara, n. mountain-cave; -dur ga, n. impenetrable mountain; -râg: -a, m. king of mountains, ep. of the Himâlaya; -si khara, m. n. hill-top, mountain-peak; -sre shtha, spv. best of mountains; -½agra, n. id.; î-kri, turn into a mountain; &isharp;-ya, a.belong ing to mountains; -½îsvara, m. N.; -½upa-tyakâ, f. mountain-lowland, land at the foot of a mountain-range.
paścā (in.) ad. (V.) behind, after; in the west; afterwards.
paśca a. hinder; later.
paśu m. [tethered beast], cattle (single head or herd); domestic animal (including cows, horses, goats, sheep, asses, and dogs: opp. mriga, wild beast); beast, brute; sacrificial animal, victim: -kalpa, m. ritual of the animal sacrifice; (ú)-kâma, a. desiring cattle; -ghna, a. killing animals; m. cattle-slayer; -tâ, f., -tva, n. condition of being a sacrificial animal; condition of cattle; bestiality; -trip, a. cattle-stealing;-dharma, m. manner of beasts or in which beasts are treated; -páti, m. lord of beasts, ep. of Siva; -pâla, m. guardian of flocks, herds man (also: -ka): -vat, ad. after the manner of herdsmen; -pîdita, (pp.) n. damagecaused by cattle; -bandhá, m. (binding of victim to sacrificial post), animal sacrifice; -mát, a. connected with or abounding in cattle; containing the word &open;pasu;&close; -rakshin, m. tender of cattle, herdsman; -roman, n. hair of an animal; -vat, ad. like the brutes; as with cattle; -vadha, m. slaughter of animals; -sam âmnâya, m. enumeration of the sacrificial animals in the Asvamedha: i-ka, a. mentioned in the Samâmnâya; -han, a. (ghnî) killing beasts; -havya, n. animal sacrifice.
pallava m. n. sprout, shoot, twig (the term is figuratively applied to fingers, toes, and lips); strip of cloth, lappet: -ka, m. libertine, i-kâ, f. N.; -grâhin, a. over-spreading with shoots=diffuse, prolix;-na, n. prolixity; -maya, a. consisting of young shoots.
palpūlana n. lye; alkaline water for washing.
palika a. weighing a pala; esp. --°ree; after a numeral, weighing so many palas.
pavana m. (purifier), wind, breeze, air; god of wind; vital air; breath; domestic (sacred) fire; n. instrument for purifying, winnowing-fan; whisk; sieve, strainer; potter's kiln; -kshipta, pp. tempest-tossed; -gava, m. (swift as the wind), N. of a horse; -tanaya, m. son of the wind, ep. of Hanu mat and of Bhîmasena; -½âghâta, m. gust of wind; -½âtmaga, m. son of the wind, fire; ep. of Bhîmasena.
paścimācala m. Western Moun tain (a fabulous mountain behind which the sun is supposed to set: cp. asta½akala); -½ambu dhi, m. western ocean; -½itara, a. (opposite of west), eastern; -½uttara, a. north-western: -pûrva, a. western, northern, or eastern.
paścima a. hinder; western; last, latest, final: -m darsanam drashtum, see for the last time; â velâ, f. evening time, close of day; â samdhyâ, f. evening twilight; â, f. (sc. dis) west.
paścāt (ab.) ad. behind, in the rear, after; backwards; from or in the west; west wards; afterwards, hereafter, subsequently (sts. pleonastically with a gd.); -kri, leave behind, surpass; place on the back or despise; prp. with ab. and g. after; to the west of; tatah paskât, after that, thereupon.
pākṣika a. (î) partisan; alternative, optional, applicable in certain cases only.
pāṭha m. recital; study; text; reading (of a text): -ka, m. reciter, reader; student; scholar, teacher (of, --°ree;); -na, n. instructing; -vat, a. learned, erudite.
pāthoja n. (water-born), lotus (flower); -gin-î, f. lotus (plant); -da or -dhara, m. cloud; -dhi, -nâtha, -nidhi, m. ocean.
pāthas n. place; water: -pati, m. lord of the waters, ep. of Varuna.
pātra n. (drinking) vessel, bowl, cup; plate, dish; river-bed; receptacle; recipient; vessel of=person abounding in (g. or --°ree;), master of (g.); fit or competent person, per son worthy of or to (g., lc., inf., or --°ree;); actor; actor's part; m. minister: -tâ, f. condition of being a receptacle for (g. or --°ree;); merit, fit ness, capacity; -tva, n. id.; -stha, a. lying in a dish.
pātāla (m.) n. under-world (con ceived as a subterranean cavity or city in habited by serpents or demons); one of the seven hells; -ketu, m. N. of a prince of the Daityas; -tala, n. bottom of hell: -myâtu, let it go to hell.
pādika a. amounting to or lasting a quarter (of a time); -in, a. having feet; entitled to a fourth.
pādānta m. tip of the foot, claw: lc. at any one's feet; -½antara, n. distance of a foot: lc. close beside (g.); -½ambhas, n. water for washing the feet; -½aravinda, m. lotus of a foot (said of the foot of a deity, lover, etc.); -½ardha, n. half a quarter, an eighth; -½arpana, n. placing the foot upon; -½avanâma, m. bowing down before any one's feet; -½avasekana, n. water in which the feet have been washed; -½âsphâlana, n. tram pling or shuffling of the feet; -½âhati, f. blow of the foot, kick; -against (--°ree;).
pādanamra a. bowing down to the feet of any one; -nikrit, a. having a de ficiency of a syllable in each quarter-verse; -nyâsa, m. setting down of the feet, step; footprint; -pa, m. (drinking by the root), plant, esp. tree: -ka, --°ree;, a. id.; -patana, n. throwing oneself at the feet of any one, pros tration; -patita, pp. having thrown oneself at any one's feet; -paddhati, f. line of foot steps, footprints; -padma, m. lotus-foot; -parikâraka, m. humble servant; -pâda dhâvana, n. washing of one foot with the other; -pîtha, n. footstool: î-kri, turn into a footstool; -pûrana, a., n. filling a verse foot; -prakshâlana, n. washing of the feet; -prasârana, n. stretching out the feet; -pra hâra, m. kick; -bhata, m. foot-soldier; -bhâ ga, m. a fourth; -bhâg, a. possessing=equalling only a fourth part of any one (g.) in (lc.); -mudrâ, f. footprint; trace, sign, indication:-pa&ndot;kti, f. line of footprints, track; -mûla, n. root of the foot, tarsus; sometimes used as a respectful designation of a person; foot of a mountain: e ni-pat, fall at the feet of (g.); -yuddha, n. foot-fight; -ragas, n.dust of the feet; -lagna, pp. sticking in the foot (thorn); lying at any one's feet; attached to the foot; -lepa, m. foot-ointment of a peculiarly magical power; -vandana, n. adoration of the feet, reverential salutation;-sabda, m. sound of footsteps; -sas, ad. foot by foot; by a fourth; sauka, n. cleansing of the feet; -stambha, m. supporting beam, pillar.
pāda m. [goer], foot (of men and animals); foot or leg (of inanimate objects), post; bottom (of a water-skin); wheel; root (of a tree); spur (of a mountain); ray, beam (foot of a heavenly body); (foot of a quad ruped=) quarter (pl. the four parts); fourth part of a (four-versed) stanza; verse (even of a three-versed stanza); the du. or pl. is often used (gnly. --°ree;) to designate a person respectfully; pâdayoh pat,fall at any one's (g.) feet; pâ daih, on foot (of several); -ká, m. little foot; --°ree;, a. (ikâ) footed; -krikkhra, m. quarter (a kind of) penance; -grahana, n. grasping or embracing the feet of any one (in token of respect or submission); -kâpala or -kâpal ya, n. carelessness in placing the feet; -kâ ra, a. going on foot, walking; m. foot-soldier; walking: in. on foot; -kârin, a. going on foot; m. foot-soldier; -kkhedana, n. cutting off of a foot; -tala, n. sole of the foot: -½âhati, f. kick; -tas, ad. from, at, near, or by the feet; at or near the foot; step by step, by degrees: -kri, place at the feet; -tra, n. (?) shoe.
pāpaka a. wicked, bad; m. rascal; n. evil; -karman, n. wicked deed; a. doing evil deeds, wicked, sinful; m. ill-doer, mis creant, criminal, sinner; -kârin, -krít, a., m. id.; -krita, (pp.) n. misdeed; -gati, a.ill starred; -ketas, a. evil-minded, malevolent; -timira, a. blinded by sin, sin-bedarkened; -pûrusha, m. rascal, villain; -priya, a. fond of or prone to evil; -bandha, m. continuous series of misdeeds; -buddhi, f. evil intent;a. evil-minded, malevolent; -bhañgana, a. destroying the wicked; m. N. of a Brâhman; -bh&asharp;g, a. participating in wrong, guilty; -bhâva, a. evil-minded; -mati, a. evil minded, malevolent, ungodly; -yoni, f. low womb, birth as a punishment of sin; -rahita, pp. freed from sin, sinless; -ripu, (foe of sin), N. of a Tîrtha; -roga, m. bad disease, dis ease as punishment for sin; -rogin, a. suf fering from a bad disease or disease in punish ment for former sin; -½riddhi, f. hunting, chase; -lokya, a. leading to hell; -vasîyasa or -vasyas-a, n. [betterness of the bad], topsy turvyness, preposterousness; -sîla, a. of bad character, prone to evil: -tva, n. depravity;-sodhana, a. purifying from guilt; n. N. of a sacred bathing-place; -sûdana-tîrtha, n. N. of a sacred bathing-place; -han, a. destroy ing sin or sinners; -hara, a. taking away sin; -hridaya, a. bad-hearted.
pānīya fp. drinkable; n. drink; water: -varsha, m. or n. (?) downpour of water, rain; -½artham, ad. for the sake of water.
pāratantrya n. dependence; -talpika, n. adultery.
pārārthya n. sympathy with an other's cause, disinterestedness.
pāraṃpara a. relating to the other side: with loka, m. the other world: î-ya, a. traditional, handed down; -ya, n. uninterrupted succession, oral tradition: -krama½â gata, pp. or -½âgata, pp. handed down in regular succession.
pāradārika a. having intercourse with another man's wife (para-dâra); m. adulterer; -ya, n. adultery.
pārokṣya a. invisible; unintelli gible, enigmatical; n. infallibility; mystery.
pāreviśokam ad. beyond mount Visoka; -smasânam, ad. beyond the cemetery.
pāriṇāmika a. digestible; subject to development: with bhâva, m. natural disposition; -nâyya, n. household utensils; -nâhya, n. id.; -tosh-ika, n. reward, gratuity (token of satisfaction); -panth-ika, m. highwayman, robber; -pâtra, incorrect for -yâtra; -pârsva-ka, a. atten dant: ikâ, f. chambermaid; -pârsvika, a. standing at one's side; m. attendant: pl. retinue; -pâlya, n. governorship; -plava, a. swimming; moving to and fro, unsteady; wavering, irresolute; m. ship: -tâ, f., -tva, n. unsteadiness, caprice; -bhadra, m. coral tree (Erythrina indica); -bhâsh-ika, a. (î) technical; -mândal-ya, n. spherical shape; -mân-ya, n.circumference; -yâtra, m. N. of the western Vindhya range; -vitt-ya, n. bachelorhood while a younger brother is mar ried; -vettr-ya, n. marriage of a younger before an elder brother; -sesh-ya, n. result: ab. therefore; -shada, m. member of an as sembly or council, auditor, spectator: pl. retinue of a god; -shad-ya, m. one who takes part in an assembly, spectator; -hâr-ika, a. privileged; -hâr-ya, m. bracelet; -hâs-ya, n. jest.
pārśvaka m. rib; -ga, a. going at one's side, accompanying; m. attendant: pl. retinue; -gata, pp. going at one's side, at tendant; sheltering (shade); -gamana, n. accompanying (--°ree;); -kara, m.attendant: pl. retinue; -tás, ad. from, by or at the side or flank of, beside, aside (g. or --°ree;); near at hand; -druma, m. tree at one's side; -parivartin, a. being at the side of (--°ree;); -vartin, a. stand ing beside; m.attendant: pl. retinue; -vi vartin, a. being beside, living with (g.); -stha, a. standing beside, staying near; -sthita, pp. id.
pārvata a. (î) produced or growing on, being, dwelling or consisting in moun tains, mountainous: î, f. pat. daughter of the mountain (i. e. of the Himâlaya), Durgâ (consort of Siva); a½ayana, m. pat. fr. par vata, N. of a chamberlain; î-ya, a. dwelling in the mountains; m. mountaineer.
pārthiva a. (î) terrestrial, earthly: with vrata, n. manner of the earth; m. in habitant or son of earth; prince, king, war rior; a. royal: î, f. daughter of earth, Sîtâ; -tâ, f., -tva, n. royal dignity, kingship;-nandinî, f. king's daughter, princess; -½ri shabha, m. illustrious king; -sreshtha, spv. best of kings; -sutâ, f. king's daughter; -½ât magâ, f. king's daughter; -½indra, m. most excellent of kings.
pāli f. lobe of the ear; outer ear; margin, edge; dam, dyke; line, row.
pāla m. watchman, guardian; herds man; protector of the earth, lord, king: -ka, m. guardian, protector (ikâ, f.); adopted father; ruler, prince; guardian of the earth; N. of various princes; -na, a. (î) guarding, fostering; n. guarding, protecting, cherishing; preserving, observing, keeping, maintaining.
pārśvānucara m. attendant; -½âyâta, pp. come near, approached; -½âsan na, pp. standing beside, present; -½âsîna, pr. pt. sitting beside; -½asthi, n. rib; -½upapâr- sva, m. du. flank and shoulder-blade; -½upapîd am, abs. holding one's sides (with laughter).
pāśa m. [√ pas, bind], string, tether; snare, gin, trap, noose; bond, fetter (also fig.); --°ree;, smatterer, bungler; beauty of=beautiful, handsome; shock or quantity of, abundant (with words meaning hair): -ka, m. noose; snare; -kantha, a. having a noose round the neck; -dyumna, m. N.; -baddha, pp. caught in a net, entrapped, snared, noosed; -bandha, m. snare, noose, halter; net: -bandhaka, m. bird-catcher; -bandhana, n. snare; a. caught in a snare; -bhrit, a. holding a noose; m. ep. of Varuna; -raggu, f. fetter, bond.
pāvīrava a. (î) coming from or relating to the thunderbolt (pavîru); f. daughter of lightning, thunder.
pitāputra m. du. and °ree;--, father and son; -mahá, m. paternal grandfather; ep. of Brahma: pl. ancestors, Manes (esp. remote ones); -mahî, f. maternal grand mother.
piṇḍayajña m. sacrifice with funeral cakes; -lepa, m. what adheres to the hands from the funeral cakes (constituting an offering to the three ancestors preceding the great-grandfather); -sambandha, m. rela tionship entitling a man to offer the funeral oblations to the deceased; -½agra, n. bit of a flour-ball; -½anvâhârya-ka, a. with srâd dha, n. feast after the funeral oblation.
piṇḍa m. (n. rare) lump, knob, ball; flake (of wall-plaster); morsel, mouthful= daily bread, food, livelihood; flour-ball (of fered to the Manes), funeral cake; body; person, individual; material object: -ka, m. lump, ball; -khargûra, m. kind of date tree: -tas, ad. from a ball or lump; -tâ, f. condi tion of a body; -tva, n. density, condensation, state of a material mass: -m âgata, (darkness) become palpable; -da, a. offeringor entitled to offer the funeral cakes to the Manes; m. bread-giver, lord, master; -dâtri, a. id.; -dâna, n. offering of a flour-ball (esp. at the sacrifice to the Manes); sacrifice of funeral cakes (on the evening of new moon); alms-giving; -nirvapana, n. offering of funeral cakes; -pâtra, n. alms-bowl; alms; -pitri yagña, m. offering of funeral cakes (on the evening of new moon); -prada, a. offering funeral cakes; -bhâg, a. partaking of the funeral cakes; m. pl. the Manes; -maya, a. consisting of a clod; -mâtra½upagîvin, a. living solely on morsels offered.
pitrya a. paternal; ancestral; re lating or sacred to the Manes; with tîrtha, n. part of the hand between thumb and forefinger sacred to the Manes; with dis, f. south.
pitṛśarman m. N. of a Dânava; -shád, a. remaining with one's parents, unmarried; dwelling with the Manes; -shva sri, f. father's sister; -sadman, n. ceme tery.
pitṛvya m. paternal uncle; elderly relative or friend.
pitṛyajña m. sacrifice to the Manes; -y&asharp;na, a. trodden by or leading to the Manes; -yâna, m. path trodden by or leading to the Manes; -râga, m. king of the Manes, Yama; -loká, m. father's house; world or abode of the Manes; -vamsa, m. father's family; -vams-ya, a. belonging to the father's family; -vát, ad. like a father; like the Fathers; as at the funeral sacrifice; -vadha, m. parricide; -vana, n. ancestors' grove, cemetery; -ves man, n. father's house.
pitṛpakṣa a. being on the father's side, paternal; -pûgana, n. worship of the Manes; -paitâmaha, a. (î) inherited from or peculiar to father and grandfather: with nâman, n. father's and grandfather's name; m. pl. or °ree;-(metrical for -pitâmaha), fathers and grandfathers; -paitâmah-ika, a. id.; -mát, a. having a father; connected with the Manes; -mandira, n. father's house, pater nal mansion; -mâtri-maya, a. thinking of father and mother only; -mâtri½artha, a. begging for father and mother; -mitra, n. father's friend; -medha, m. sacrifice to the Manes.
pitṛtarpaṇa n. oblation to the Manes; -tas, ad. on the father's side; -tva, n. paternity; -deva, m. pl. the Manes and gods; certain divine beings; -devata, a. hav ing the Manes as gods, sacred to the Manes; -devatyã, a. id.; -devatâ, f. pl. the Manes and the gods; -daivata, a. (î) relating to the worship of the Manes; -drohin, a. plotting against one's father.
piṅgala a. tawny; tawny-eyed or red-eyed; m. ep. of Siva and of a Dânava; N., esp. of a writer on metre: â, f. kind of leech; a-ka, m. Tawny, N. of a lion; i-kâ, f. N.; (a)-gândhâra, m. N. of a fairy.
piśaṅga a. (î) [moving brilliantly, glittering], reddish, tawny: -gata, m. N. of an ascetic (having a reddish top-knot); -tâ, f., -tva, n. reddish or tawny colour: i-ta, pp. orange-coloured; î-kri, colour reddish.
pipīlikā f. id.: a, m. id.: -ma- dhya, a. slender in the middle like an ant: â, f. any metre the middle pâda of which is shorter than the preceding and following; â-madhya, n. ant-waist fast (beginning with fifteen mouthfuls at full moon, decreasing daily by one till new moon, and increasing similarly till full moon).
pāścāttya a. posterior; western; last: -bhâga, m. eye (of a needle).
pīṭha n. stool, chair, seat, bench; base, pedestal; kind of temple (erected at the places where the limbs of Pârvatî when hewn in pieces at Daksha's sacrifice are supposed to have fallen); district, province; office: -ka, n. (?) chair, bench; -kakra, n. waggon with a seat; -marda, m. attendant of a man of rank; sp. companion of the hero in import ant enterprises (dr.).
piśuna a. backbiting, detracting, slanderous, calumnious (person, speech); treacherous; malignant, mischievous, insi dious; wicked, base, vile; --°ree;, betraying, in dicative of; m. backbiter; tale-bearer, in former, betrayer; N. of a minister of Dush yanta: -tâ, f. backbiting, sycophancy; -vak ana, n. calumnious speech, detraction, slan der.
puṇḍarīka n. (white) lotus flower (also as an emblem of the human heart); m. N. of the elephant of the south-eastern quarter; -mukhî, f. kind of leech; -½aksha, m. Lotus-eyed, ep. of Vishnu orKrishna.
puṭa m. n., î, f. fold, bag; cluster (of shoots), concavity, cavity; slit; m. cup formed of a leaf; covering; -ka, m. concavity; fun nel-shaped cavity formed of a leaf; -pâka, m. baking in a leaf-case (a method of preparing medicines by baking them in leaves encased in clay).
pādya a. belonging to the foot; n. water for washing the feet.
putrī f. daughter (v. putra).
putrikā f. daughter; sp. daughter of a sonless father who claims her son as his own; doll, puppet: -pûrva-putra, m. son of a daughter previously adopted instead of a son.
putra m. son, child; young of an animal, whelp: du. two sons or son and daughter; vc. (sg., du., pl.) often used in addressing young persons: î, f. daughter; (a)-ka, m. son, boy: often used as a term of endearment; N. of the reputed founder of Pâtaliputra; -kâmy&asharp;, f. wish for a son or children; -kri ta-ka, a. adopted as a child; -kritya, n. duty of a son; -krithá, m. n. procreation of children; -tâ, f., -tva, n.sonship; -dâra, n. sg. son and wife, wife and child; -nivesana, n. son's abode; -pura, n. N. of a town; -pau tra, n. sg. or m. pl. sons and grandsons: -ka, n. sg. id.; -pautrin, a. having sons and grand sons; -priya, a. dear toor beloved by one's son; -bhâga, m. heritage of a son; -bhânda, n. (?) substitute for a son; -vat, ad. like a son or sons; as in the case of the son; (á)-vat, a. having a son, sons, or children; possessed of a son in the true sense of the word.
puttikā f. [Pr. for putr-ikâ, little daughter], doll; white ant.
puṇya a. auspicious, propitious, lucky, favourable; beautiful, agreeable; fragrant; good, virtuous, righteous, meritorious; pure, purifying, holy; n. the good, virtue; good work; moral or religious merit:-kartri, m. righteous man; -karman, n. virtuous action; a. righteous, virtuous; -krit, a. acting piously, virtuous; -gandha, -gandhi: -n, a. of plea sant smell, fragrant; -geha, n. abode of virtue; -ganá, m. pl. good people,designation of cer tain genii (V. E.)=the Yakshas (C. P.): -½îs vara, m. ep. of Kubera; -gala, a. having pure water; -tarî-kri, make purer or holier; -tâ, f. purity, holiness; -tîrtha, n. sacred place of pilgrimage (esp. along the course of sacred streams); a. possessed of sacred bath ing-places; -tva, n. purity, holiness; -dars ana, a. of handsome appearance, beautiful; -pâpa, n. pl. good and bad deeds; -punya tâ, f. supreme holiness; -prada, a.meritori ous; -phala, n. fruit or reward of good works; -bharita, pp. abounding in bliss; -bhâg, -bhâgin, a. happy, blessed; -yoga, m. con sequence of virtuous actions (done in a former life); -vat, a. righteous, virtuous, meritori ous; lucky, fortunate, happy: with ab.= happier than; -varman, m. N. of a prince; -sîla, a. righteous, virtuous; -srîka, a. happy; -sloka, a. of good repute; m. ep. of Nala, Yudhishthira, and Krishna: -didrikshâ, f.desire to see Nala, -parâ&ndot;mukha, a. averse to Nala; -sena, m. N.; -sthâna, n. sacred place.
punarapagama m. going away again; -abhidhâna, n. repeated mention; -abhyâkâram, abs. by repeatedly attracting; -âgata, pp. returned; -âgama, m. return: -âgamana, n. coming back, return; re-birth; -âdâyam, abs. repeatedly; -âdhâna, n. renewed kindling of the sacred fire; -âdhéya, fp. to be kindled again (sacred fire); -âvartin, a. returning to terrestrial existence; leading to a return of earthly existence; -â vritta, pp. repeated; -âvritti, f. return, re appearance; renewed birth.
punar ad. back, home; again, anew; any more or longer, still, yet; further, more over, besides; on the contrary, on the other hand, but, nevertheless: with i, gam, gâ, go back, go away again; with dâ,give back, restore; requite; with bhû, turn round; be renewed; re-marry (of a woman); púnah punah or simply punah, again and again, repeatedly; na punah punah, nevermore; âdau--punah paskât, at first -then -later; punar aparam, besides; atha vâ punah, api vâ punah, or vâ punah at the end of a verse= vâ; kadâ punah, at any time, ever; kim punah, how much more or less; however; but; punah--punah, now--now.
pudgala a. beautiful; m. body; material object (including atoms); the ego, soul; individual.
puṃnapuṃsaka n. masculine and neuter; -nâga, m. a tree (Rottleria tinctoria); elephant among men, pre-eminent man; (n) nâman, a. bearing the name of &open;pud&close; (hell).
punargamana n. setting out again; -garbha-vat-î, a. f. again pregnant; -grahana, n. repetition; -ganman, n. second birth, regeneration; -gâta, pp. born again; -dars ana, n. seeing again; -dâra-kriyâ, f. marrying again (after the death of the first wife); -bhava, a. born again; m. re-birth; -bhâr yâ, f. second wife, re-marriage; -bh&usharp;, a. being renewed; f. re-married widow.
puraḥsara a. (î) preceding; m. forerunner; attendant; --°ree; a. preceded, at tended, or accompanied by: -m, ad. amid, with, by means of, after (--°ree;).
puruṣākāra a. having a human form; -½âkriti, f. figure of a man; -½ada, a. (î) man-devouring; m. man-eater, Râkshasa: -ka, a., m. id.; -½anrita, n. falsehood respect ing a human being; -½antara, n. another (= following) generation; m. (sc. samdhi) proxy ship, a kind of treaty settled by a duel be tween warriors representative of both parties: -m, ad. through an intermediary, indirectly; -½âyusha, n. full period of human life; -½ar tha, m. human object, aim of existence; action of man, human effort: -m, ad. for man; for the sake of the soul; -½avatâra, m. human incarnation.
puruṣaka n. vertical position, rearing (in horses); -kâra, m. human effort (opp. fate); manly act, heroism; haughtiness, pride: e-na hîna, destitute of human effort to save it (animal); -ghâ, a. f.having killed her husband; -kkhandása, n. metre appro priate to man (the dvipadâ); -gñâna, n. know ledge of men; -tantra, a. dependent on the subject, subjective; (á)-tâ, f. manhood: in. (id.) after the manner of men; -tr&asharp;, ad. among people; -tva, n. manhood; -datta, m. N.; -dravya-sampad, f. abundance of men and material; -pasu, m. man as a sacrificial victim; beast of a man; -mân-in, a. think ing himself a hero: (-i)-tva, n. abst. n.; -me dhá, m. human sacrifice; -½rishabha, m. bull among men, eminent man; -rûpa, n. human form: -ka, a. having a human form; -vyâ ghrá, m. man-tiger; tiger among men, pre eminent man; -sârdûla, m. tiger of men, chief of men; -sîrshaka, n. (?) (man-headed), kind of burglar's implement; -simha, m. lion among men, pre-eminent man; -sûkta, n. the Purusha-hymn (RV. X, 90) describing the primaeval soul.
pulinda m. pl. N. of a barbarous tribe (later identified with the Bhillas and Sabaras); sg. man of this tribe; prince of the Pulindas: -ka, m. id.; N. of a prince of the Pulindas, Sabaras, and Bhillas.
puṣpa n. flower, blossom (--°ree;, a. f. â, after names of plants generally î); flowers= menses; flowery speeches, gallantry, declara tion of love; m. topaz.
puṣkara n. blue lotus flower; bowl of a spoon; skin of a drum; tip of an ele phant's trunk; water; air, sky; N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage (sts. pl., three places of this name being spoken of); N. of one of the Dvîpas or terrestrial islands; m. the Indian crane (Ardea sibirica); kind of cloud occasioning dearth (pl.); N., esp. of Nala's brother: -pattra, n. petal of the blue lotus: -netra, a. having eyes like a lotus petal; -bîga, n. lotus seed; -srag, f. garland of blue lotuses; a. wearing a garland of blue lotuses; -½aksha, a. lotus-eyed; m. N.; -½â vartaka, m. pl. kind of cloud producing dearth; -½âhva, m. Indian crane (Ardea sibi rica).
puṣya n. nourishment; flower (= uppermost or best of anything); 2. (-yã) m. the sixth lunar asterism (=the earlier term Tishya); day on which the moon is in the asterism Pushya, Pushya-day; the month Pausha (December-January); N. of various princes: -ratha, m. the asterism Pushya as a car.
pūrvaga a. going before, preceding; -ga&ndot;gâ, f. the eastern Ganges, ep. of the Narmadâ or Revâ; -gata, pp. gone before.
pūjā f. honour, respect; homage, worship, adoration; hospitable reception (--°ree; after the object of the honour or that with which it is shown): -kara, a. doing or show ing honour or homage to (--°ree;); -griha, n. house of worship, temple; -½arha, a. worthy of honour or distinction; -vidhi, m. showing of honour (Pr.).
pūrṇa pp. (√ 1. pri) filled, full: -kâma, a. whose wishes are fulfilled; -kumbha, m. pitcher full of water (also with apâm); m. n. breach of a particular form; a. having a full pitcher; -kandra, m. full moon: -nibha, a. resembling the full moon, -prabhâ, f. lustre of the full moon; -tâ, f. fulness; plenty; -tva, n. id.; being full of (--°ree;); -pâtrá, m., î, f. full vessel, vessel-full: also as a measure of capacity; n. present (such as clothes) given to the bringer of good news: (a)-pra tibhata, a. vying with a full vessel=over flowing, supreme (glory), -maya, a. (î) con sisting of a full vessel or of the measure called pûrna-pâtra, amounting to so much or only concerned therewith (speech); -bhadra, m. N. of a snake-demon; -mandala, n. full circle; -mânasa, a. whose heart is satisfied; (á)-mâs, m. full moon; -mâsa, m. full moon and full-moon sacrifice: î, f. day ornight of full moon; -mukha, n. full mouth: in. (blow) with full cheeks; m. (full-faced), N. of a snake-demon; -mushti, m. f. handful; -yau vana, a. being in the full bloom of youth; -ratha, m. (having a complete chariot), pre eminent warrior; -lakshmî-ka, a. having abundant splendour or wealth; -vapus, a. full-orbed (moon); -srî, a. having abundant riches.
pūrotpīḍa m. sudden rise in the volume of water.
pūra a. filling; satisfying; m. filling; satisfying; swelling of a river or of the ocean; volume of water, flood, stream (often --°ree; with words denoting water or other fluid); superabundance, high degree of (--°ree;); cake; slow inhalation of breath through the nose (an ascetic practice); -aka, a. filling, -up, completing (g. or --°ree;); fulfilling, satisfying; m. stream, effusion; multiplier; slow inspira tion of breath through the nose (an ascetic practice); citron-tree: -pinda, m. pl. flour balls for completing the sacrifice to the Manes; -ana, a. (î) filling; fulfilling, satis fying; producing; m. filler-up or completer of a number, masculine ordinal number (from dvitîya onwards); n. act of filling or filling up; complete drawing of a bow; fulfilling, satisfying; equipping: -pratyaya, m. suffix forming ordinal nouns (gr.); -anîya, fp. to be filled in or supplied; to be fulfilled or satisfied; -ayitavya, fp. to be filled up or completed; to be satisfied; -ayitri, m. filler, of (g.); fulfiller, satisfier.
pūya m. n. pus, purulent matter.
pūti f. purification, purity; 2. a. stinking, putrid; m. pus, matter: -ka, a. putrid, stinking; -gandhá, m. stench, foul smell; -nâsika, a. having a stinking nose; -bhâva, m. putrefaction; -mrittika,m. (hav ing stinking earth), N. of a hell; -vaktra, a. having a stinking (mouth=) breath: -tâ, f. condition of having stinking breath.
pūrvaka a. (ikâ) prior, preceding, previous; first; --°ree; a. accompanied or pre ceded by, based on, consisting above all things in: -m, ad. after, with, amid, in accordance with (--°ree;); m. forefather, ancestor; -karman, n. former or previous action; preparation; -kalpa, m. previous manner, precedent; olden time (only lc. sg. & pl.); -kâya, m. fore part of the body (of animals), upper part of the body (of men); -kârin,a. acting first; -kâr ya, fp. to be done first; -kâla, a. belonging to a previous time; previously mentioned: -tâ, f. priority of time; -kâlika, a. belonging to a former time; -kâlîna, a. prior in time; -krita, pp. formerly done, performed in a previous life; n. former act, act committed in a previous life; -krama½âgata, pp. handed down from one's ancestors; -kriyâ, f. preparation.
pūrva a. being in front, fore; fronting, eastern; being to the east of (ab.); preceding; former, earlier; prior to (ab. or --°ree;); ancient, traditional, of the olden time; first (in succession); lowest (fine); previously or first mentioned or named; very commonly --°ree; after a pp.=previously or before (e.g. drishta-pûrva, seen before); e vayasi, in youth; --°ree; a. having as the preceding thing=preceded or accompanied by, based on, with: -m, ad. before, beforehand, previously, already; first; formerly, long ago (sts. with pr.); --°ree; (also pûrvena), in accordance with, amid, after, with (or when the privative negation precedes=without); m. pl. the ancients, forefathers, ancestors; sg. elder brother; n. fore part; â, f. east.
pūrvadakṣiṇa a. south-eastern; -datta, pp. previously given or presented; -dis, f. eastern quarter, east; -dishta, pp. determined by previous actions; -dîkshin, a. taking the first consecration (of two or more who sacrifice at the same time and place); -dugdha, pp. previously (milked=) drained or plundered; -drishtá, pp. seen before; formerly seen, ancient; looked upon of old or long regarded as (nm.); -deva, m.primaeval god; -devatâ, f. primaeval deity; -desa, m. eastern direction: lc. to the east of (ab.); eastern country; -deha, m. former body: lc.=in a previous existence.
pūrvaja a. born or produced before others, former, ancient; first-born, elder, eldest (son, brother, sister); prior to (--°ree;); m. forefather, ancestor; eldest son; elder or eldest son; -ganma-krita, pp.done, wrought, or performed in a former birth or previous state of existence; -ganma-yoga, m.: in. by means or in consequence of a former exist ence; -ganman, 1. n. former birth, previous state of existence; 2. m.(having prior birth), elder brother; -gâti, f. former birth, previ ous state of existence; -gñâna, n. knowledge of a previous existence.
pūrvasaṃcita pp. formerly col lected; -samudra, m. eastern ocean; -sâ gara, m. id.; -sârin, a. going before, pre eminent; -siddha, pp. previously determined or established; -supta, pp. previouslyor already fallen asleep; -stha, a. standing in front, pre-eminent.
pūrvaśaila m. eastern or sunrise mountain.
pūrvabhāga m. fore or upper part; earlier part (of the day=forenoon, morning); -bh&asharp;g, a. receiving the first share, privileged; excellent; relating to what precedes; -bhâva, m. priority; -bhâvin, a. preceding, prior; -bhâshin, a. speaking first, affable; -bhuk ti, f. priority of occupation, long-continued possession; -bhûta, pp. being before, pre ceding; -bhûbhrit, m. eastern mountain (be hind which the sun rises); former prince.
pūrvokta pp. said or mentioned before, aforesaid; -½ukita, pp. accustomed in former days, known from of old; -½uttara, a. north-eastern (lc. in the north-east): du. preceding and following; -½utthâyin, a. aris ing first (in the morning); -½utthita, pp. having risen before (smoke); -½utpatti, a. arising before; -½utpanna, pp. having arisen before: -tva, n. priority; -½upakârin, a. having formerly done one a service; -½upa-nihita, pp. previously hidden away; -½upârg ita, pp. formerly acquired.
pūrvedyus ad. the day before, yesterday; early in the morning.
pūrvāśā f. eastern quarter, east; -½âsin, a. eating before others (ab. or lc.).
pūrvārjita pp. acquired formerly or by previous works; -½ardhá, m., n. (C.) fore or upper part; eastern side; first half: -dinasya, first half of the day, forenoon; -½ardha-kâya, m. upper part of the body; -½ardha-bhâga, m. fore part, point (of an arrow); -½avadhîrita, pp. formerly disdain ed; -½âvedaka, m. plaintiff.
pūrvābhimukha a. turned or flowing eastward; -½abhisheká, m. prelimin ary anointment; -½abhyâsa, m. repetition of something previous: in. anew; -½ambudhi, m. eastern ocean.
pūrvākṣara a. accompanied by the previous letter; -½agní, m. original, i. e. domestic, fire; -½a&ndot;ga, n. former body; com ponent of what precedes; m. first day in the civil month; -½akala,m. eastern or sunrise mountain; -½âkârya, m. ancient or former teacher; -½âdya, a. beginning in the east; -½adri, m. eastern or sunrise mountain; -½a dhika, a. greater than before; -½anubhûta, pp. formerly experienced; -½anta, m. end of the preceding word; anticipation; -½apara, a. being before and behind, directed forward and backward; eastern and western; earlier and later; preceding and following, follow ing in succession, relatively connected: -dak shina, a. eastern, western, and southern, -dina, n. forenoon and afternoon, -râtri, f. former and latter half of the night.
pṛthivī f. [=prithu½î] the (wide) earth, orbis terrarum (three earths are spoken of); Earth (personified); land, realm; ground; earth (as an element).
pṛthaggaṇa m. separate or distinct class; -gotra, a. pl. belonging to different families; -gana, m. man of lower classes: sg. & pl. common people; -gaya, m. victory in a duel; -dris, a. seeingsomething dif ferent from (ab.); -dvâra, n. pl. special doors, i. e. means of attainment; -dharma vid, a. pl. each knowing different institutes of law; -bhâva, m. separate condition, dif ference, variety; -yoga, a. pl. having dif ferent lots (perhaps incorrect for -bhoga or -bhâga); -lakshana, a. having different cha racteristics; -varsha, n. pl. a year in each case; -vidha, a. various, manifold, several; different from (in.).
pṛṣadaśva a. having dappled horses (RV.); m. wind (also personified); -âgya, n. speckled butter, ghee clotted with curds.
pṛṣata m. spotted gazelle; drop of water; spot.
pṛthvī f. the (wide) earth; land, realm; ground; earth (as an element): -khâta, n. cavern or hole in the earth; -griha, n. dwelling in the earth, cave; -tala, n. surface of the earth, dry land; -danda-pâla, m. chief constable of the country: -tâ, f. office of --; -dhara, m. support of the earth, mountain; -pati, m. lord of the earth, prince, king: -tva, n. sovereignty; -pâla, m. N.; -bhug, m. enjoyer of the earth, prince, sovereign; -bhrit, m. supporter of the earth, prince, king; -râgya, n. dominion over the land, sovereignty; -rûpa, m. N. of a prince; -½îsa, m. lord of earth, prince, king; -hara, m. N.
pṛṣṭhadeśa m. back part, rear: lc. behind (g.); -pâtin, a. being at any one's back, keeping an eye on one; -pîthî, f. broad back; -bhâga, m. hind part, back; rear; -bhûmi, f. top-storey, roof-terrace (of a palace); -madhya, m. middle of the back; -mâmsa, n. back-flesh: -m khâd or bhaksh, bite the back-flesh; backbite; -mâmsa½âda, m. backbiter; -yâna, n. riding; a. riding on (--°ree;); -yâyin, a. riding on (--°ree;); -lagna, pp. hanging about one's back, dogging one's foot steps; -vamsa, m. backbone; -vâstu, n. upper storey; -vâha, m. riding animal, sump ter ox.
pṛṣṭa pp. (√ prakh) asked, question ed, interrogated; demanded, etc.: -prativak ana, n. answering a question; -vat, pp. act. (he) asked or questioned; -½abhidhâyin, a. answering when asked, always ready with a reply.
peśala a. artistically fashioned, decorated; beautiful, charming, lovely; tender; refined; skilful, dexterous, clever, ingenious; n. beauty, charm: -tva, n. dexterity, skill; -½aksha, a. lovely-eyed: -tâ, f. abst. n.
paitṛmedhika a. relating to the sacrifice to the Manes; -yagñ-ika, -yagñ îya, a. id.; -shvas-eya, a. (î) descended from a father's sister; m. son of a paternal aunt.
paitṛka a. (î) paternal; ancestral; relating or sacred to the Manes; n. paternal house; father's temperament; rite sacred to the Manes.
pauṃścalīya a. referring to courtesans; -ya, n. running after men.
paurastya a. situated in front (puras), foremost: pl. the eastern people (= the Gaudas): -pavana, m. east wind.
pautrī f. granddaughter.
pautrikeya m. son of a daughter adopted instead of a son: -vat, a. having a grandson by an adopted daughter.
paurvāparya n. relation between prior and posterior, succession; -½ahn-ika, a. (î) relating to the forenoon.
prakara m. (scattered) heap, quantity, plenty: î, f. kind of song; short interlude (in a drama); -karana, n. production, creation; treatment, discussion, exposition; subject of discussion, topic; section, chapter; special treatise, monograph; kind of drama (in which the plot is invented by the poet): asminn eva prakarane, in regard to this very point, in this connection; na ka prakaranam vetsi, nor do you know what the point in question is: -tas, ad. on a suitable occasion, -tva, n. condition of discussing (--°ree;); -kartavya, fp. to be prepared; to be displayed or cherished; to be appointed to (lc.); -kartri, m. one who causes or occasions; -karsha, m. (preference, advantage), excellence, superiority, pre-eminence; intensity, excess; predominance; --°ree; a. consisting for the most part in: in., ab., °ree;--, highly, strongly, thoroughly; -karshana, m. troubler;n. drawing off; protrusion; extension, long duration; -karsha-vat, a. excellent; --°ree;, distinguished or pre-eminent in; -kalpanâ, f. allotment; -kalp-ita, pp. fitted, arranged, placed; -kalp-ya, to be allotted or settled; -kâ&ndot;kshâ, f. appetite; -kânda, m. n. trunk of a tree (between the root and branches); minor section in a book; --°ree;=pre-eminent, excellent; -kâmá, m. delight, voluptuousness: pl. objects of desire: -m, -tas, or°ree;--, ad. with delight, willingly; according to desire, sufficiently; in very deed; -kâra, m. kind, sort, species; way, manner; --°ree; a. of the nature of, -like: kena prakârena, in what way? how? prakâraih, in one way or another; râmâyanasya bhâratasya vâ pra kârah, a kind of Râmâyana or Mahâbhârata; -kâra-ka, a. (--°ree;) of the nature of, -like; -kâra-tâ, f. speciality; -kâra-vat, a. belonging to a species; -kârya, fp. to be exhibited; -kâlana, a. driving on; m. N. of a Nâga.
prakṛti f. (putting before, what is presupposed), original or natural form or condition (opp. vi-kriti, derivative form); nature, constitution, disposition, temper; fundamental form, pattern, standard, rule (sp. damental form, pattern, standard, rule (sp. in ritual); nature (opp. spirit: ph.): pl. material elements (rare); primary constituents of nature (from which all else is evolved: there are eight: avyakta, mahat, ahamkâra, and the five elements: ph.); constituent elements of the state (in politics: there are seven: king, minister, fortress, territory or subjects, treasure, army, and ally; kings primarily (of these there are four) and secondarily (of these there are eight) concerned in a war (each of these twelve having five prakritis in the form of minister, territory, fortress, treasure, army); constituent elements of a king's own state (exclusive of himself); ministers; subjects, citizens; sg. root, base (gr.): °ree;-or in. by nature, originally, properly; in the original state, unchanged: -ka, a. (--°ree;) id.; kripana, a. naturally feeble in discriminating between (lc.); -ga, a.innate; -purusha, m. nature and spirit (du.); minister; -bhâva, m. original or unmodified state; -mandala, n. whole circle of subjects, entire territory; -mat, a. having or being in the original, natural, or usual condition orform; -sampanna, pp. endowed with a noble nature; -subhaga, a. naturally beautiful; -stha, a. being in the natural state or condition, natural, genuine, normal; healthy; being in good circumstances.
prakiraṇa n. strewing, scattering; -kîrna, pp. (√ krî) agitated, excited, wild; n. miscellany: -ka, a. scattered; miscellaneous; m. fly-whisk; tuft of hair (as an ornament of horses); miscellany;judicial decision of an isolated case (not provided for in the law-books).
pragama m. first advance of love in courtship; -gardhín, a. hastening onwards (RV.); -galbha, 1. den. Â. be courageous or resolute; be capable of (lc.), be able to (inf.); 2. a. bold, intrepid, resolute, confident; mature (age): -kulâla, m. dexterous potter, -tâ, f. boldness, confidence; -gâthá, m. kind of three-verse stanza (combination of a Brihatî or Kakubh with a Satobrihatî); N. of a Rishi; -guna, a. right, correct (road); being in good order, efficient; excellent; gunaya, den. P. put in order; manifest, show: pp. ita, put in order, properly arranged; -guna-rakanâ, f. putting in proper order; -gunin, a. kind towards (lc.); -gunî kri, put in proper order, arrange; render amenable to (lc.); -grihîta-pada, a. having the words pronounced separately (i. e. with out Sandhi); -grihya, fp. (to be) pronounced separately, not liable to the rules of Sandhi (vowel).
prakṣapaṇa n. destruction; -kshaya, m. id. ruin, end; -ksharana, n. flowing; -kshâlaka, a. washing; m. washer;-kshâlana, a. performing frequent ablutions; -kshâlana, a. performing frequentablutions; n. washing, -off, cleansing, purifying; water for washing; means of purifying; -kshîna, pp. √ kshi; -kshepa, m. cast, throw; throwing or scattering upon; setting down (of the feet, pāda-, pl.=steps); interpolation; sum deposited by each member of a commercial company; -kshepana, n. sprinkling or pouring upon; throwing into, -upon (--°ree;); fixing (of a price, --°ree;); -kshepin, a throwing or placing upon (--°ree;); -ksheptavya, pp. to be thrown into (lc.); -thrown or scattered on (lc.); -kshepya, pp. to be put on (ornament).
prakrama m. stride (Br., S.); C.: beginning (also S.); proportion, measure; right sequence of words, grammatical construction; -kramana, n. striding forward; advancing towards (--°ree;); going forth;-krama-bha&ndot;ga, m. violation of grammatical construction; -krânta, pp. √ kram; n. setting out, departure: -tva, n. state of being meant; -kriyâ, f. procedure, method, manner; ceremony; formality; privilege, prerogative, precedence, high position (ord. mg.); insignia of high rank; characterization; chapter; -krîdá, m. sport; playground; -krîdín, a. playing, gambolling (RV.1).
pracaya m. [√ ki] picking, gathering; accumulation, collection, quantity, multitude; -kayana, n. collecting; -kaya-svara, m. accumulated tone (i. e. tone occurring in a series of syllables), tone of the unaccented syllables following a Svarita; -karana, n. setting to work: &isharp;, f. kind of supplementary wooden ladle (rit.); -karanîya, fp. being in actual use (Br., S.); -karitavya, fp. n. imps. one should set to work;-kala, a. moving, tremulous, shaking; -kalana, n trembling, swaying; fleeing; -kalâyita, (den. pp.), n. nodding while asleep (âsîna-, -in a sitting posture); -kalita, pp. set out, departed, etc.; -kâra, m. walking about, ranging; going in pursuit of (--°ree;); showing oneself, manifestation, appearance; application, employment; currency; conduct, behaviour; pasture-ground; exercising-ground; -kârana, n. scattering; -kârin, a. going about; attaching oneself to (lc., --°ree;); acting, behaving; -kita, pp. (√ ki), pronounced with the Prakaya tone; -kura, a. abundant, ample, much, many, frequent; --°ree;, abounding in, replete with: -gaha&ntod;a,a. having abundance of impervious passages, -tva, n. abundance of (--°ree;), -ratna-dhana½â gama, a. having a large income of gems and money; -kurī-bhû, grow in extent; -kritta- sikha, a. having loosened braids orflowing hair; (á)-ketas, a. heedful, intelligent, wise (V.); m. (C.), ep. of Varuna; N.; -kodana, n. instigation, incitement; command; -kodin, a. driving before one (--°ree;).
pracaṇḍa a. violent or impetuous; very powerful (heat); very fierce, furious, or terrific; m. N. of a Dânava: -tarî-bhû, grow more furious; -varman, m. N. of a king.
prajihīrṣu a. about to strike; -gîvana, n. livelihood, maintenance; -gîvin, m. N. of a minister of the crow-king Megha varna.
prajāvṛddhi f. abundance of offspring; -vyâpâra, m. care for or interest in the people; -srig, m. creator of the world, ep. of Brahman and of Kasyapa; -han, a. (f. -ghnî) killing offspring.
praṇāḍikā f. channel: in. in directly; by means of (--°ree;); -nâdî, f. id.; -nâda, m. loud noise, shout, yell, roar, cry, neigh, etc.; tingling in the ear; -nâma, m. bow, obeisance, reverent salutation (--°ree; with the object): bhuvi or bhûmau --, bow down to the ground; -nâmin, a. (--°ree;) bowing down before, worshipping; -nâyaka, m. commander (of an army); -nâyya, fp. suitable, worthy (pupil); -nâla, m. row, series (?): î, f. chan nel, watercourse; mediation, means; -nâl ikâ, f. channel, conduit; means: in. in directly; by means of; -nâsa, m. extinction, cessation, disappearance, loss; decease, death; -nâsana, a. (î) causing to cease, destroying, removing; n. destruction; -nâsin, a. destroy ing, removing (only --°ree; f. and at the end of a kemistich).
prati ad. with verbs and °ree;-- with nouns, against, counter; back, in return; with nouns also=every; prp. 1. with (usually preceding) ac. against, towards, to, upon, in the direction of; before, in the presence or the eyes of; about, near, on, in, at; at the time of, about; through, for (of time); from (protect); compared with; in favour of, for; concerning, in regard to, on account of, through; for, as (with predicative ac., e. g. take for, regard as); according to, by; in or at every; 2. with ab. at the time of, about (only RV.); 3. with g. concerning, with regard to; °ree;-in ad. cpds. towards; at the time of, about; according to; in or at every;âtmânam prati, to oneself (speak); kiram --, for a long time; bhrisam --, repeatedly; mâm --, in my opinion, to my mind; varsham --, every year; na bubhukshitam prati bhâti kim kit, to a hungry man nothing is of any ac count; mâm prati aranyavat pratibhâti, to me seems like a (lonely) forest.
prataṅkam abs. gliding, creeping; -tata, n. (?) high bank; -tatâmaha, m. great grandfather; -tanu, a. very fine, delicate, narrow, slender, thin, emaciated, small, or in significant: -ka, a. very delicate; -tapana, n. warming; -tapta, pp.; n. (?) purified gold; -taptri, m. burner, scorcher; -tam&asharp;m, (spv. ac. f.) ad. especially; -tara, m. crossing over (--°ree;); -tárana, a. (î) furthering, pro moting, increasing;n. crossing over; -tarám, -tar&asharp;m, (cpv. ac.) ad. further, still more; in future; -tarka, m. inference, supposition; -tarkya, fp. conceivable; -tardana, a. de stroying; (á)-tavas, a. vigorous, powerful; -tâná, m. tendril; plant with tendrils, climb ing plant: -vat, a. having tendrils; rami fied; -tânita, pp. treated diffusely; -tâpa, m. heat; splendour; majesty, dignity, su periority (often compared with the heat of the sun); vigour, power, energy; N.; -tâpana, a. making it hot for any one, pressing hard on, harassing, afflicting; n. heating; -tâpa pâla, m. N.; -tâpa-pura, n. N. of a city; -tâpa-vat, a. full of dignity, powerful, ma jestic, glorious (of persons); -tâpa-sîla, m. N. of a prince; -tâpa½âditya, m. Sun of Majesty, N. and ep. of various princes; -tâp itri, m. nm. used as 3 sg. ft. of cs. of pra tap; -tâpin, a. hot, burning, scorching; making it hot for any one, harassing, afflict ing; glorious, majestic; conferring dignity; -tâmra, a. extremely red; -târa, m. crossing over (g.): -ka, a. deceiving, cheating; m. cheat; -târana, n. taking across (water); crossing over (g. or --°ree;)=-tarana; deceiving, cheating: â, f. cheating, fraud; -târanîya, fp. to be deceived or cheated; -târayitri, m. promoter, increaser.
praṇejana a. (î) wiping; n. wash ing, bathing; water for washing; -netavya, fp. to be led or guided; to be performed or employed; -netrí, m. leader, guide (of, g.; ac. in V.); fashioner, creator; author: -mat, a. containing the notion of leading; -neduh, 3 pl. pf. √ nad, they uttered cries; -neya, fp. to be led or guided; amenable, yielding, obedient; to be employed, applicable; to be performed; to be fixed ordetermined; -nod ya, fp. to be driven away (--°ree;).
praṇidhāna n. application, em ployment; exertion, endeavour; respectful behaviour, towards (lc.); submission to the will of (--°ree;); profound meditation; vehement desire (B.); vow (B.);-nidhâyin, a. em ploying (emissaries); -nidhi, m. spying; sending out (of emissaries); request; spy, emissary; -nidhî-bhû, become a spy in the service of (--°ree;); -nidheya, fp. to be applied; to be sent out as a spy;-nipatana, n. falling down before any one, prostration; -nipâta, m. prostration, reverent salutation; humble submission to (g.); -nipâtin, a. prostrating oneself, submitting; -n&isharp;, m. leader; (á)-nîta, pp. √ nî: â,f. pl. water fetched (on the morning of the rite), holy water: -karu, m. pot for the holy water, -pranáyana, n. vessel for fetching the holy water; (á)-nîti, f. guidance; leading away.
pratikrama m. inverse order; -krámana, n. striding hither and thither; going to confession (B.); -kriyâ, f. requital (of good or evil: --°ree; with object; --°ree;, g., or lc. of person); compensation; resistance; counteraction, remedy, help; venting (of anger); adornment (of the person): --°ree; a. (a) warding off, repelling; -krodha, m. anger in return.
pratikṛta (pp.) n. requital, re taliation; resistance; -kriti, f. resistance; counterfeit, image, likeness: -rakanâ, f. painting of a likeness.
pratikūlavacana n. contra diction; -vat, a. refractory, rebellious; -vart in, a. counteracting, opposing, disturbing (g.); -vâda, m. contradiction (--°ree;); -vâdin, a. contradicting, any one (g.); -visarpin, a. moving against the wind or stream (ship) and moving rancourously (tongue of a rogue); -vritti, a. resisting, opposing, any one (g.); -vedanîya, fp. affecting one disagreeably; -½âkarita, (pp.) n. offensive action, injury; -½ukta, n. pl. contradiction.
pratikañcuka m. man armoured against all assaults, obstinate adversary; -kantham, ad. singly, one by one; -kara, a. (î) counteracting (--°ree;); m. compensation (--°ree;); -karkasa, a. equally hard with, of the same hardness as (--°ree;); -kartavya, fp. to be re quited (of good or evil); to be repaid to (g.); to be done by way of compensation; to be paid back (debt); to be opposed or counter acted; n. (impl.) one should requite (d., lc.); -repay as a debt to (d.); -counteract any one (g.); -give medical aid to (g.); -kartri, m. requiter; opponent; -karma, ad. for every act; at every rite or celebration; -karman, n. requital; corresponding action (--°ree;); counter action; (medical) treatment; personal adorn ment; -karsha, m. combination; -kâ&ndot;k shin, a. desiring (--°ree;); -kâmám, ad. accord ing to wish, at pleasure; -kâmin, a. dis agreeable; -kâminî, f. female rival; -kâya, m. (counter body), adversary; -kâra, m. re quital (of good or evil), compensation for (--°ree;); counteraction, employment of remedies; alleviation, remedy: -karman, n.opposition, resistance, -vidhâna, n. medical treatment; -kârin, a. obviating, counteracting (--°ree;); -kâr ya, n. reward (to, g.); -kitava, m. adver sary at play; -kuñgara, m. hostile elephant.
pratipakṣa m. opposite side; opposition, hostile party; opponent, adver sary; rival (in, --°ree;); --°ree; a. rivalling: -gan man, a. produced by enemies, -tâ, f., -tva, n. opposition, hostility; -pakshita,pp. op posed, contradictory; -pakshin, m. opponent, adversary; -paná, m. exchange; counter stake (in play); -pattavya, fp. to be ob tained or received; -given (answer); comprehended or understood; n. impl. one should behave; one should assume or lay down; -patti, f. obtainment, acquirement; perception, comprehension; understanding, intelligence; supposition, view, assertion; admission; giving, bestowal on any one (lc. or --°ree;); causing; taking in hand (--°ree;); enter prise, procedure, action, in or with (g. or lc.); respectful behaviour, mark of respect, honour; confidence, assurance, determination; re source, means for (lc.), expedient against (g.); high rank, dominion, rule; conclusion; ta tra kâ pratipattih syât, what is to be done in that case? kâ tasya pratipattih, what is to be done with it? pratipattim dâ, show honour: -daksha, a. resourceful; -pûrva kam,ad. respectfully; -pradâna, n. showing of honour; -mat, a. intelligent, resourceful.
pratinagaram ad. in every town; -nadi, ad. at every river; -nándana, n. greeting; grateful acceptance; -namas kâra, a. returning a reverential salutation; -nava, a. new, young, fresh, recent; -nâga, m. hostile elephant; -nâdî, f. branch-vein; -nâda, m. echo; -nâma, ad. by name: -grah anam, n. ad. mentioning each individual name; (práti)-nâman, a. related in name; -nâyaka, m. opposing hero (in a play); -nârî, f. female rival; -nidhâtavya, fp. to be substituted; -nidhâpayitavya, fp. to be caused to be substituted; -nidhi, m. substi tution; substitute; image, likeness; counter part of (--°ree;); -nidhî-kri, substitute anything (ac.) for (--°ree;); -nidheya, fp. to be substi tuted; -nipâta, m. falling down; -niyama, m. rule for each particular case; -nirdesa, m. reference back to, renewed mention of (g.): -ka, a. referring back to; -nirdesya, fp.referred to again; -niryâtana, n. restor ation, restitution; -nivartana, n. return; -nivârana, n. keeping off; -nivritti, f. re turn; -nisam, ad. every night; -niskaya, m. opposing opinion; -nishtha, a. standing on the oppositeside; -nripati, m. rival king; -noda, m. repulse; -nyâyám, ad. in reverse order; -nyâsa, m. counter deposit.
pratidaṇḍa a. (counter to the rod), refractory; -darsa, m. sight; -darsana, n. beholding, perceiving; appearing; sight, appearance; -dâtavya, fp. to be restored; -dâna, n. giving or present in return;-dâ pya, fp. to be forced to be restored; -dinam, ad. every day, daily, day by day; -divasam, ad. id.; -disam, ad. in every quarter or di rection, all round; -d&isharp;van, m. adversary at play; -dúh, (nm. -dhuk), milk fresh from the cow; -dûta, m. return messenger; -drís, a. (or práti-), similar; -drisam, ad. in or for every eye; -drishtânta, m. counter instance: -sama, m. irrelevant objection by adducing a counter instance which ignores one's oppo nent's example; -deya, fp. to be restored; -devatam, ad. for every deity; -devatâ, f. corresponding deity; -desam, ad. in every country; -deham, ad. in every body; -dai vatam, ad. for every deity; -dvandva, m.adversary, rival; -dvandvin, m. id.; --°ree; = rivalling; -dvandvî-bhû, become an adversary; -dvâdasan, a. pl. twelve each; -dvâram, ac., -dvâri, lc. ad. at every door or gate; -dvirada, m. hostile elephant; -dvî pam, every part of the world.
pratijñāntara n. change of the proposition in an argument; -paripâl ana, n. adherence to a promise, keeping one's word; -pûrvakam, ad. beginning with the prosecution; -virodha, m.contradiction between proposition and argument; -sam nyâsa, m. abandonment of one's own pro position after hearing the argument of one's opponent; -hâni, f. abandonment of a pro position in a disputation.
pratipriya n. counter-favour, service in return; -prekshana, n. looking at any one again; -praisha, m. counter call; -plavana, n. leaping back.
pratiprajñāti f. discrimina tion, ascertainment; -pranavam, ad. at every &open;om;&close; -pranava-samyukta, pp. accompanied with &open;om&close; on each occasion; -pranâma, m.counter-bow, salutation in return; -pratí, a. (m. n.) forming a counterpart, counterbalanc ing, a match for (ac.); -pratîka, °ree;-or -m, ad. at every initial word; on every part of the body; -pradâna, n. giving back, restitu tion; bestowal in marriage; -prabhâ, f. pl. reflexion (of fire); -prabhâtam, ad. every morning; -prayavana, n. repeated mixing; -prayâna, n. return; -prasna, m. counter question, answer; -prasava, m. counter pre cept, annulment of a prohibition regarding (--°ree;); return to the original state; -prasa vam, ad. at every birth; -prasthâtrí, m. priest assisting the Adhvaryu; -prasth&asharp;na, n. office of the Pratiprasthâtri; -prahâra, m.counter blow, stroke in return; -prâni, ad. in or for every living being; -prâbhrita, n. counter present; -prâsthânika, a. relat ing to the office of the Pratiprasthâtri.
pratipitsā f. desire to obtain, striving after; -pitsu, des. a. desiring to obtain, striving after (ac. or --°ree;); wishing to learn (ac.); -pipâdayishâ, f. desire to pro pound or discuss (ac.); -pipâdayishu, des. a. being about to propound, discuss, or ex plain; -pîdana, n. devastation, of (--°ree;).
pratipāṇa a. bartering; m. counter stake; revenge at play; -pâtram, ad. in or on every part (in a play); -pâdaka, a. (ikâ) giving, bestowing (--°ree;); discussing, treating of, teaching; explanatory, illustrative; -pâd ana, n. causing to attain (--°ree;); giving, be stowal, on (lc. or --°ree;); giving back, return ing; bringing back; inauguration in (--°ree;); producing, causing; setting forth, treating of, propounding, illustrating, teaching; com mencement; -pâdanîya, fp. to be given, in marriage (Pr.); to be propounded, dis cussed or treated of; -pâdapam, ad. in every tree; -pâdam, ad. in every verse (pâda); -pâdayitavya, fp. to be bestowed or pre sented; -pâdayitri, m. bestower, on (lc.); propounder, teacher; -pâdukâ, f. pedestal; -pâdya, fp. to be propounded, explained, or discussed; under discussion; -pâna, n. drink ing; drinking water; -pâpa, a.bad in return, requiting any one (lc.) with evil; -pâlana, n. watching, guarding, protection; rearing, nurture (of animals); keeping, observance, maintenance, of (g. or --°ree;); expectation (Pr.); -pâlanîya or -pâlayitavya,fp. to be ex pected or waited for; -pâlin, a. guarding, protecting; -pâlya, fp. to be protected or guarded; to be waited for.
pratibhā f. resemblance, image; light, lustre (--°ree;); understanding, intelligence; presence of mind; brilliant idea, happy thought; well-founded presumption; fancy, phantom; -bhâga, m. daily present (consist ing of fruit, flowers, and vegetables offered to a king): -sas, ad. in divisions or classes; -bhâ na, n. obviousness; brilliancy of conception; understanding: -vat, a. quick-witted, en dowed with presence of mind, prompt: -tva, n. quick intelligence, promptness; -bhâva, m. counterpart: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -bhâ-vat, a. endowed with presence of mind; quick witted; -bhâsa, m. appearing; appearance; occurrence of a thought; delusion: -na, n. appearing; appearance, semblance; -bhî, f. fear.
pratibhaṭa a. being a match for any one, equal to anything; rivalling (g. or --°ree;); m. adversary: -tâ, f. rivalry with (g.); -bhatî-kri, put on an equality with; -bha ya, a. formidable, terrible, dangerous: -m, ad.; n. fear, of (ab. or --°ree;); danger: -kara, -m-kara, a. causing fear.
pratibimba (m.) n. reflected disc (of the sun or moon in the water); reflected image, reflexion, shadow, likeness; -bim bana, n. reflexion; comparing; -bimbita, (den.) pp. reflected, in (--°ree;); -bimbî-kri, re flect, resemble (ac.).
pauṣya a. relating to the asterism Pushya.
pratiyatna m. trouble bestowed upon anything, elaboration, preparation, manufacture; -yâtana, n. requital: â, f. image, figure, statue (of a god); -yâna, n. return; -yâmini, ad. every night; -yâyin,a. going against, attacking; -yuddha, n. counter-contest, fight in return; -yuvati, f. female rival, concubine; -yuvam, ad. to wards the youth; -yoga, m. opposition, re sistance: in. pl. by remedies or antidotes; -yogam, ad.rule by rule; -yogika, a. cor relative, contrasting with (--°ree;): -tva, n. corre lativeness; -yog-in, a. correlative, contrast ing; m. opponent, adversary: (-i)-tâ, f., (-i) tva, n. correlation, contrast; -yogayitavya, fp. to be strung or the strings of which are to be tuned (lute); -yoddhavya, fp. to be fought against in return; -yoddhri, m. combatant; well-matched adversary; -yodha, m. combat ant, antagonist; -yodhana, n. combating; combat; -yodhin, m. combatant, equal an tagonist (--°ree;); -yoshit, f. female rival, con cubine.
pratimā f. [counter-measure], likeness, image, figure; picture; idol; symbol (°ree;-with a word meaning moon=reflected moon, reflexion of the moon); measure; --°ree; a. (a) resembling, like; -mâtri, ad. according to the several mothers; -mâtrâ, f. pl. all the morae; -m&asharp;na, n. counter-measure; well matched opponent; pattern; comparison, resemblance, equality; weight (measure); -mânanâ, f.homage; -mânayitavya, fp. to be regarded or considered; -mâyâ, f. counter charm; -mârga, m. way back; -mâ-visesha, m. kind of image or figure; -mâsa, °ree;-or -m, ad. every month.
pratimaṅgalavāra m. pl. every Tuesday; -mandala, n. counter or second disc; -mantrana, n. response; -man tram, ad. with or at every verse; -mandi ram, ad. in every house; -manvantara, n. every Manu period: -m or e, in every --; -malla, m. counter-wrestler, opposing war rior; rival.
pratibheda m. severance; be trayal, discovery; -bhedana, n. splitting, bursting, dashing to pieces; -bhairava, a. terrible; -bhoga, m. enjoyment; (medically) prescribed diet.
pauṣa a. (î) relating to the time when the moon is in the asterism Pushya; m. a month, December-January; î, f. night or day of full-moon in the month Pausha.
prativighāta m. warding off; -vitapam, ad. for every branch; -vidyam, ad. at every doctrine; -vidhâtavya, fp. to be employed; -provided against; n. impl. one should take care; -vidhâna, n.counter action, prevention, precaution against (g. or --°ree;); care or provision for (--°ree;); -vidhi, m. remedy for (--°ree;); -vidhitsâ, f. desire or in tention to counteract; -vidheya, fp. to be done against; -rejected; n. impl. one should take precautions; one should take measures against (lc.); -viparîta, pp. exactly opposite; -vibhâga, m. distribution, apportionment; -virati, ad. on each cessation or disappear ance; -visesha, m.peculiarity, particular circumstance; -viseshana, n. detailed speci fication; -visva, a. pl. all and sundry: lc. in all cases; -visha, a. containing an antidote; -vishaya, m. pl. all objects of sense: °ree;-or -m, ad. with regard to each individual object of sense; -vîta, pp. √ vyâ; -vîra, m. op ponent; equal antagonist; -vrittântam, ad. according to the saying, as they say; -vri sha, m. hostile bull; -vedam, ad. in the case of or for every Veda; -vedântam, ad. in every Upanishad; -velam, ad. at every opportunity; -vesa, a. neighbouring; aux iliary, subordinate, minor; m. neighbour; neighbouring house; -vesin, a. neighbouring; m. neighbour; -vesma, ad. in every house; -vesman, n. neighbouring house; -vesya, m. neighbour; -vaira, n. counter-hostility, re venge; -vodhavya, fp. to be carried home.
pratirāja m. rival or hostile king; -râgan, m. id.; -râtram or -râtri, ad. every night; -ripu, ad. against the enemy; -rûpa, n. (counter-form), effigy, image, likeness; pattern; counterfeit, of (g.); a.resembling; corresponding, suitable; handsome, comely: -ka, a. (ikâ) resembling, having the appear ance of; counterfeit; m. quack, charlatan, -kary&asharp;, f. exemplary conduct.
pratihatadhī a. hostilely dis posed; -hata-raya, a. whose current is im peded by (--°ree;); -hati, f. blow; rebound; -hantavya, fp. to be opposed; -hantri, m. warder off, preventer; -hartrí, m.withdrawer; destroyer; remover, preventer; a kind of priest, assistant of the Udgâtri; -harsha, m. expression of joy; -harshana, a. causing joy in return; -hasta, m. (person at one's hand), substitute, deputy, proxy: -ka,m. substitute, -tva, n. deputyship; -hastin, m. keeper of a brothel.
pratiṣeddhavya fp. to be re strained; -denied; -sheddhri, m. preventer, restrainer, of (g., sts. ac. of thing); -shedha, m. prevention, determent, restrainment; pro hibition; annulment, negation; negative; refusal: -ka, a. (ikâ) keeping off, forbidding; negativing; -shedana, a. warding off; n. preventing, deterring, restraining, from (ab.); prohibition against (ab.); rejection, refuta tion; -shedanîya, fp. to be restrained or prevented; -shedhayitri, a. (trî) negativing; -shedha½akshara, n. refusal; -shedha½ât maka, a. having a negative form; -she dha½apavâda, m. annulment of a prohibition; -shedha½arthîya, a. having the meaning of a negation; -shedha½ukti, f. negative or pro hibitory expression; -shedha½upamâ, f. com parison having a negative form; -shedhya, fp. to be prevented, prohibited, or rejected; -denied; -shtambha, m.obstruction, hind rance, impediment; annulment; -shtambh in, a. impeding (--°ree;); -shthá, a. steadfast; resisting; -shthâ, f. standing still; stead fastness, stability, perseverance in (--°ree;); stand ing-place, position; repository; foundation; support; abiding-place, homestead, dwelling; pediment, foot (of men or animals); tran quillity; pre-eminence; standing, high posi tion; accession to the throne; erection of an image or Li&ndot;ga;N. of various metres: (â) kâma, a. desiring a fixed abode or high position; -shth&asharp;na, n. firm standing-place, foundation; pedestal, foot; founding of a city; N. of a town situated at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamunâ; m. N. of a locality on the Godâvarî (the Paithana of the Greeks); -shthâpana, n. erection of an image; establishment, corroboration: â, f. counter-assertion, statement of an antithesis; -shthâpayitavya,fp. to be placed; -shth&asharp;p ya, fp. to be placed or based on (lc.); to be entrusted to (d. or lc.); -shthâsu, des. a. in tending to depart; -shthí, f. resistance; -shthita, pp. (√ sthâ) famous, celebrated; expert in (lc.):-pada, n. having verses (pâdas) containing a fixed number of sylla bles); -shthiti, f. firm stand or footing.
pratiśaṅkā f. supposition, con sidering to be (--°ree;); -satru, m. combatant, antagonist, foe; -sabda, m. echo: -ka, m. id., -ga, a. following the sound, -vat, a. echoing; -sama, m. cessation;-sayita, pp. √ sî; n. importunity; -sara, m. fracture; -sarâsana, n. adversary's bow; -sasin, m. mock moon; -sâkham, ad. for every Vedic school; -sâkhâ, f. minor branch: pl. all the Vedic schools; -sâpa, m. counter-curse; -sâsana, n. secondary authority (--°ree;); -syâya, m. cold, catarrh; -sraya, m. refuge, assistance; asylum, shelter; dwelling, abode, habitation; repository of (g.); --°ree; a. dwelling; -sravá, a. answering (V.); m.promise, word, assurance; -srava- na, n. answering; promising; assenting; -srut, f. echo; answer; -sruti, f. answer; promise; echo; -slokam, ad. at every sloka.
pratīkāra m. reaction, retalia tion, revenge; counteraction, prevention; remedy, preventive; resource, means of escape; mode of alliance formed on the assumption of the requital of former services; -kâsá, m. reflexion; appearance; --°ree; a. resembling.
palpūlaya den. P. wash with alkaline water.
pratīmāna n. (counter-measure), weight (measure); -vâpa, m. admixture (esp. in a decoction); -vâha, m. reward; -v&isharp;, a. accepting, receiving gladly; m. f. acceptance; -vesa, a.neighbouring; -hartri, m. door keeper, chamberlain; -hârá, m. porter, janitor, warder (î, f. female door-keeper): -tâ, f., -tva, n. office of a door-keeper or chamber lain, -dhuramdharâ, f. female door-keeper.
pratyagakṣa n. inner organ; a. having inner organs; -âtman, m. inward or individual soul; individual; -ânanda, a. con sisting of inward joy; -âsis, f. personal wish; a. containing a personal wish; -udak, ad. (west-northerly, i. e.) north-westerly; -eka rasa, a. having a taste for the inward, i. e. one's own soul, only; -gyotis, n. inward light; -dakshina-tas, ad. (west-southerly, i. e.) south-westerly; -dakshinâ, ad. id.: -pra vana, a. precipitous towards the south-west; -dis, f. west; -dris, f. inward gaze; a. hav ing one's gaze directed inward; -dhâman, a. having inward light.
pratyaksarasvatī f. the western Sarasvatî; -srotas, a. flowing to wards the west.
pratyākalita (pp.) n. counter investigation: judicial consideration as to which of the litigants is to prove his case, after the defendant has pleaded; -kshepaka, a. mocking, deriding; -khyâta,pp. rejected, refused: -tva, n. rejection; -khyâtavya, fp. to be impugned or denied; -khyâtri, m. re fuser; -khyâna, n. rebuff, rejection; refusal; combating (feelings, etc.); impugnment, de nial, disavowal; -khyâyin, a.rejecting (--°ree;); -khyeya, fp. to be repelled or rejected; curable (disease); -gati, f., -gama, m. return; -gamana, n. coming back, return, to (--°ree;); -ghâta, m. repulse; -kakshâna-ka, a. in tending to dispute anything (ac.); -kâra, m. corresponding conduct.
pratyaya m. [going or turning to, recourse], confidence, trust, belief, faith, in (g., lc., --°ree;); conviction, certainty; proof, as certainment; assumption; solution, explana tion; conception, notion, idea; cause; ordeal; following letter (gr.); suffix (gr.): -kâraka, a. causing confidence, trustworthy; -dhâtu, m. (suffix-root), denominative base (gr.).
pratyabhighāraṇa n. repeated besprinkling of a sacrificial remnant; -gñâ, f. recognition; regaining of consciousness; -gñâna, n. recognition; counter token of re cognition; reciprocity;-gñâpana, n. causing to recognise; -gñâyamâna-tva, n. recog nition (ps.); -nandin, a. receiving grate fully (--°ree;); -bhâshin, a. speaking to (ac.); -marsa, m.: -na, n. stroking or touching (with the hand); -methana, n.mocking reply; -yoga, m. countersuit or action; -lekh ya, n. counter-document (leg.); -vâda, m. re turn salutation: -ka, a. returning any one's greeting; -vâdana, n. answer to a salutation (g.), counter greeting to (g.); -vâdayitri, m. one who returns a salutation; -skandana, n. counter-accusation.
pratyapakāra m. counter-injury.
pratyanantara a. being in the immediate neighbourhood of (g.); next in rank; m. next of kin, heir presumptive: -m, ad. immediately after (ab.); î-bhû, betake oneself close to (g.); -½anîka, a.(having one's face against), hostile, opposing (g.); prejudic ing, injuring; opposite; *rivalling; m. op ponent, enemy; n. hostile army; hostility, rivalry (sg. & pl.); retaliatory revilement of an enemy's following: -bhâva, m.condition of being the opposite; -½anumâna, n. counter or opposite inference; -½anuyoga, m. counter question; -½anta, m. boundary: pl. barbar ous tribes: -desa, m. frontier country; -½an tarî-bhû, betake oneself close to any one (*g.); -½antât, ad. to the end in each case; -½antika, a. situated on the frontier.
pratyavāya m. decrease, diminu tion; reverse, contrary course, opposite con duct; unpleasantness; disadvantage; disap pointment; sin; -½avekshana, n., -½avekshâ, f. looking after, care, attention, trouble; -½avekshya, fp. to be regarded or paid at tention to; -½asta-gamana, n. setting (of the sun); -½astam, ad. with gam, set, cease; -½as tam-aya, m. cessation; -½astra, n. counter missile; -½aha, a.daily: -m, ad. every day.
pratyavara a. lower, more insigni ficant, of less value, than (ab.): -kâlam, ad. later than, after (ab.).
pratyavanejana n. renewed ablution; -bhâsa, m. appearance before any one; -marsa, m. inward contemplation of, absorption in (--°ree;); counter-conclusion, re consideration; -marsana, n.inward contem plation, reflexion; -marsa-vat, a. contempla tive, reflective; -yava, °ree;-or -m, ad. on every part of the body; for every part, singly, in detail.
pratyāpatti f. turning back from evil, conversion; restoration, restitution; ex piation, sanctification; -plavana, n. leaping back; -mnâna, n. opposite or altered de signation; -mnâya, m. id.; conclusion (in a syllogism).
pratyātāpa m. sunny spot; -½âtma, °ree;-or -m, ad. for or in every soul; singly; -½âtmaka, -½âtmika, a. belonging to oneself, severally one's own; -½âtmya, n. likeness to oneself: in. after his own image; -½âdarsa, m. incorrect for pratyâdesa; -½âdâna, n. re covery, re-acquisition; reiteration, repetition; -½âditya, 1. m. mock sun; 2. ad, towards the sun (°ree;--); -½âditsu, des. a. desirous of gaining or regaining; -½âdeya, fp. to be received; -½âdesa, m. injunction, order; repudiation, rejection; refusal; prevention, determent, (deterrent) example; casting into the shade, eclipsing.
pratyupakāra m. requital of kindness, service in return; -kârin, a. re turning a kindness; requiting (--°ree;); -kriyâ, f. requital of kindness, service in return; -desa, m. instruction in return; -panna mati, a. possessed of presence of mind: -tva, n. presence of mind; -bhoga, m. enjoyment; -mâna, n. counter-simile; -vesa, m. beset ting or besieging (any one in order to make him yield); -sthâna, n. imminence; -sthâ pana, n. (mental) realisation; -sparsana, n. renewed washing or rinsing; -hâra, m. re storation, restitution.
pratyukta pp. √ vak; n. answer: -tva, n. refutation; -½ukti, f. reply; -½uggîv ana, n. revival; resuscitation; -½uta, ad. on the contrary, rather, even; -½utkarsha, m. surpassing; -½úttabdhi, f.supporting, propping; -½uttambha, m.: -na, n. id.; -½ut tara, n. reply to an answer, rejoinder; an swer; -½uttarî-karana, n. making a reply, answer; -½uttarî-kri, answer; -½utthâna, n. rising up to meet (a guest), respectful recep tion; rising up against, hostility; -½uttheya, fp. to whom respect should be shown by rising; -½utpanna, pp. prompt, ready: -mati, a. possessed of presence of mind; m. Ready wit, N. of a fish; -½udadhi,ad. at the sea; -½udâharana, n. counter-example; -½udâ hârya, fp. to be given as a counter-example; -½udgati, f., -½udgama, m.: -na, n. going to meet, esp. as a mark of respect; -½udgaman îya, fp. suitable for the respectful reception of a guest; -½udyama, m. counter-weight, balance; -½udyamin, a. balancing; -½udyâ tri, m. assailant; -½udyâmín, a. rebellious; -½unnamana, n. rebounding.
pratyāharaṇa n. bringing back; withdrawal or withholding from (ab.); -hâra, m. withdrawal (of troops), retreat; with holding (the senses) from (ab.); abstention from the objects of the senses;withdrawal of creation, dissolution; technical grammatical contraction to a single syllable of a series of letters or suffixes by combining the initial of the first with the final of the last: thus al, the first vowel a+the last consonant ha-l (h with the technical suffix l), designates the entire alphabet; -hârya, fp. to be received or learned, from (ab.); -hvaya, m. echo.
pratyāśraya m. shelter, abode; -srâvá, m., -sr&asharp;vana, n. answering call (ritual formula); -svâsa, m. breathing again, re covery; -svâsana, n. consolation; -samkali ta, (pp.) n. weighing side by side, pondering both sides of a question; -sa&ndot;ga, m. con nexion; proximity (--°ree;); -satti, f. immediate proximity (in time or space); analogy; cheer fulness, good humour; -sanna, pp. near, proximate, close at hand: -tâ, f. proximity; -svara, a. reflecting back.
prathamaka a. first; -kalpa, m. primary ordinance; -kalpita, pp. first in rank; -garbha, m. first pregnancy; a. f. â, pregnant for the first time; -ga or -g&asharp;, a. first-born; original; firstling; born in the first (i. e. first mentioned) wedlock; -gâta, pp. first-born; -tara, °ree;-or -m, (cpv.) ad. first; -tas, ad. first; forthwith; before, in preference to (g.); be fore, previously to (--°ree;); -darsana, n. first sight (lc. at --): -dina, n. first day of seeing any one (g.); -dugdhá, pp. just milked; -dhâra, m. (?) first drop; -nirdishta, pp. first stated or mentioned; -purusha, m. first (our third) person (gr.); -pravada, a. utter ing the first sound (child); -prasûtâ, pp. f. having calved for the first time; -bh&asharp;g, a. obtaining the first share; -yagñá, m. first sacrifice; -râtra, m. beginning of the night; -vayas-ín, a. young; -vasati, f. original or old home; -vittâ, f.first wife; -samgama, m. N.; -samâvritta, pp. only just turned to wards (lc.); -½âgâmin, a. coming or men tioned first; -½âdesa, m. initial position (of a word); -½abhidheya, n. fundamental meaning: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -½ardha, m. n. first half; -½ava ra-tva, n. higher and lower rank, seniority and juniority; -½astamita, n. recent setting of the sun; -½ahám, ad. on the first day; -½âhâra, m. first employment; -½itara, a. re verse of the first, second.
prathama spv. foremost], a. first; earliest; original; prior, pre vious, former; chief, most excellent, eminent, leading: it may often be translated by an ad.: first, for the first time; previously; just; forthwith: °ree;-or -m, ad. first, first of all, for the first time; only just; forthwith; for merly, previously: with g. before, previously to; ab. first; m. first consonant of a class, unaspirated tenuis; first (=our third) per son; personal endings of the third person; â, f. first or nominative case (including the vocative), termination of the nominative (in cluding the vocative): du. the two first cases, the terminations of the two first cases (=nm. and ac.); n. sg. coll. the first.
pradātavya fp. to be given or be stowed; -given in marriage; -delivered or restored; -granted; -allowed; -placed in (lc.); -dâtrí, m. giver, bestower (often --°ree; with the object, exceptionally with the reci pient); giver of a girl in marriage; imparter of, instructor in (g. or --°ree;); granter (of a wish); -d&asharp;na, n. giving, bestowal; presentation (of an offering in the fire); delivery; donation, gift; giving away a girl (g.) in marriage to (d.); utterance (of a curse); granting, vouch safing (a boon); imparting, teaching, an nouncing; declaring; application; bringing about or to pass: -vat, a. bountiful; -dâp ya, cs. fp. to be forced to give or pay (ac.); -dâya, n. gift: -ka, a. giving, bestowing, granting, imparting; -dây-in, a. id.; causing, producing: (-i)-tva, n. position of supplier of (--°ree;); -dâha, m. burning, heating with fire; destruction of (--°ree;).
prada a. (gnly. --°ree;) giving, granting, bestowing; yielding; furnishing; uttering, pronouncing; causing, producing; -dakshi- na, a. moving to the right; standing or being on the right; auspicious, favourable, pros perous; turning one's right hand to any one, respectful: -m kri or pra-kri, turn one's right hand towards an object as a mark of respect (ac.); °ree;-or -m, ad. towards the right, from left to right (so that the right side is towards an object, as a sign of respect); towards the south: with kri or pra-kri, turn one's right side to an object (ac.); m. n., â, f. keeping the right side towards an object, circumambula tion from left to right (the object of the honour being in the g. or °ree;--, or, when kri or dâ is used, in the d., g., or lc.): (a)-kriyâ, f. honour of right-hand circumambulation.
pauṣṇa a. (î) belonging, relating, or sacred to Pûshan; relating to the sun; n. the lunar asterism Revatî.
pradeya fp. to be given, bestowed, or offered, to (--°ree; or d.); -given in marriage, marriageable (f.); -imparted (news, doctrine) or taught, to (d. or --°ree;); -initiated or instructed in (lc.); m. present; -desa, m. designation, reference; determination, definition; appeal to a precedent; example; spot, place, region (often --°ree; with a part of the body); short while: -bhâg, -vartin, -stha, a. of short duration, -vat, a.occupying a place; -des- ita, cs. pp. urged, directed; -desinî, f. fore-finger; second toe; -deshtri, m. chief justice; -deha, m. unction; unguent, plaster.
pradīdhyāna pr. pt. radiant; -dîpa, m. lamp; fig.=ornament, of (--°ree;); often --°ree; in the titles of explanatory works= commentary: -ka, m., i-kâ, f. (little) lamp; small commentary; -dîpana, a.inflaming; m. kind of poison; n. kindling; -dîpâ-ya, den. Â. represent or play the part of a lamp; -dîpta, pp. kindled, blazing, burning: -½aksha, m. (flaming-eyed), N. of a Yaksha; -dîpti-mat, a. radiant, luminous; -dîrgha, a. extremely long; -dûshaka, a. defiling, polluting; -dûshana, a. deteriorating, spoiling; (á)-dripti, f. wantonness, madness.
pradhi m. [outer setting: √ dhâ], felly (of a wheel); disc (of the moon); -dhura, n. tip of the pole; -dhrishti, f. subjugation; -dhrishya, fp. assailable (--°ree;).
pradhāna n. (that which is put for ward), important or chief thing, object, or person; essential, best, or most important part, head (°ree;-=principal, chief, head); chaos, unevolved nature; supreme oruniversal soul; --°ree; a. having at the head or as the chief person or thing, chiefly dependent on; devoted to; a. most excellent, best, foremost, principal, chief; pre-eminent in (in.); better, than (ab.), superior, to (ab.): -ka, n. unevolved nature; -kârana-vâda, m. the system asserting that unevolved nature is the cause of the world, the Sâmkhya or evolutionist theory; -tama, spv. pre-eminent, most important; -tara, cpv. better, superior; -tas, ad. in consequence of his superiority, as being the most excellent; -tâ, f. excellence, pre-eminence, superiority, premiership; -tva, n. id.; -purusha, m. chief person, authority; -bhâg, a. pre-eminent among, foremost of (g.); -mantrin, m. prime minister; -vâdin, m. adherent of the Sâm khya system; -½a&ndot;ga, n. chief member of the body, chief person of the state; -½âtman, m. supreme or universal soul; -½adhyaksha, m. chief superintendent: -tâ, f. office of --.
praditsu des. a. intending to give (ac.); -div, 1. f. (nm. -dyaús) third and uppermost heaven (in which the fathers dwell); also the fifth of seven heavens; -dív, 2. a. of former days, long existing, ancient: ab. from of old, ever; -dís, f. indication, guidance, order, dominion (V.); direction, point of the compass; intermediate point, half-quarter (e.g. north-east): ac. pl. in all directions.
prapautra m. great-grandson: î, f. great-granddaughter; -plâvana, n. extinc tion of fire with water.
prapitāmaha m. great grandfather; also designation of Brahman and Krishna: pl. great-grandfathers, ances tors: î, f. paternal great-grandmother; -pi trivya, m. paternal grand-uncle; -pitvá, (V.) n. going away; flight, retreat; retired spot; evening; -pitsu, des. a. desirous of plunging into (lc.); wishing to enter upon a path (ac.); -pîdana, n. pressing, squeezing; means of squeezing tumours; -purâna, a.long kept, old; -pushpita, pp. covered with blossoms, flowering; -pûraka, a. (ikâ) fulfilling, satis fying; -pûrana, a. (î) filling up (oil) and increasing (love for anything); insertion in (lc. or --°ree;); drawing of a bow;embellishment of Indra's banner; -pûrya, ps. base of √ 1. pri, be thoroughly filled or satiated; be filled to the brim.
pramaṃhiṣṭhīya n. N. of RV. I. 57 (which begins with the words &open;pra mamhishthâya&close;); (á)-mati, f. care, protection; provider, protector; -matta, pp. (√ mad) inattentive, careless, heedless, negligent, remiss: -sakiva, a. having a careless minister; -matha, m. Teazer, kind of sprite attendant on Siva; -mathana, a. (î) tor menting, harassing; destroying, removing; m. N. of a Dânava; n.destruction; -ma tha-nâtha, m. ep. of Siva; -matha½adhipa, m. id.; -mathin, a. tormenting, racking, harassing; -mada, m. pleasure, joy; a. intoxicated, wild, mad: â, f. handsome, buxom, lively woman; woman; -madana, n. joy of love; place of amusement, playground; -ma da-vana, n. pleasure-grove (of a prince); -madâ-gana, m. womankind, the female sex, woman; -madâ-vana, n. pleasure-grove of the women (of a prince); -madâ½âspada, n. harem, gynaeceum; -maditavya, fp. n. imps. one should be negligent regarding (ab.); -madvara, a. foolish; m. fool: â, f. N. of the wife of Ruru; -mánas, a. careful, tender; pleased, joyful; willing; -mantha, m. fire-drill (by the rotation of which fire is produced from wood); -manyu, a. indignant with, incensed against (lc.); very sad; -maya, m. death; -mará, m. death; -marana, n. dying, death; -mardaka, a. crushing, destroying; -mardana, a. crushing, destroying, annihi lating (g. or --°ree;); m. N. of a fairy; -mardi tri, m. crusher, destroyer; -mardin, a. crush ing, destroying (--°ree;); (á)-mahas, a. of great might.
prapakva a. inflamed (med.); -pak sha, m. tip of a wing; -pañka, m. expansion, prolixity, amplification, of (g. or --°ree;); phe nomenon; manifestation or form of (g.); phenomenal world (ph.); mutual flattery (rh.); ludicrous dialogue (dr.): in. or -tas, ad. in detail, -pañka-ka, a. (ikâ) multiply ing (--°ree;); amplifying, explaining in detail; -pañkana, n. detailed or prolix account; -pañka-buddhi, a. crafty, wily; -pañka-ya,den. describe or explain in detail; represent in a false light; -pañka-vakana, n. prolix discourse; -paná, m. trade, barter, purchase; -patana, n. flying away; falling down, from (ab. or --°ree;), into (lc. or --°ree;); -patti, f.pious resignation; (á)-patha, m. onward way, journey; road; -pathín, a. wandering; -pad, f. 1. road; 2. (prá-) fore part of the foot; (prá) pada, n. fore part or tip of the foot; -pada na, n. entry, into (--°ree;); -padam, ad. reciting in such a manner as to cut up verses into sec tions of an equal number of syllables and to interpose between them formulae contain ing the word prapadye (Br.); -panna, pp. (√ pad) reached, arrived; attained, obtained: -pâla, m. protector of suppliants (Krishna); -palâyana, n. flight; -palâyin, a. fleeing, fugitive; -p&asharp;, f. water-tank, reservoir, well; water-hut for travellers; affluent (of a tank etc.); -pâka, m.ripening (of an ulcer etc.); digestion; -pâtha: -ka, m. lesson (subsection in books); -pâni, m. fore-arm: -ka, m. id.; -pându, a. very white: -ra, a. id.; -pâta, m. kind of flight; leaping forward; hasten ing away; fall, from (ab. or --°ree;), into (lc. or --°ree;); falling out (of the hair); effusion (of semen); fall (of a glance on anything); steep declivity, precipice; -pâtana, n. felling, cast ing down; directing or causing (the eye) to alight (--°ree;);-pâna, n. drinking; -pâ-pâlikâ, -pâ-pâlî, f. female watcher of a water-tank, well, or water-hut; -pâ-mandapa, m. water hut (for travellers); -pâlaka, m. protector, guardian; -pâlana, n. guarding, protecting.
prabheda m. cutting through, pierc ing, division; opening of the temples of ele phants during rut; separation, distinction, difference; species, kind; -bhedana, a. (--°ree;) cleaving, piercing; -bhramsin,a. falling down; -bhrashta-sîla, a. of fallen character, immoral (person); -bhrâg, a. (nm. t) flaming up.
prabhaṅga m. breaker, crusher; crushing, destruction; -bha&ndot;gín, a. breaking, crushing, destroying; -bhañgana, a. id.; m. storm, tempest, hurricane; wind; god of wind; n. breaking; -bhadraka, a. extremely handsome; n. a metre; combination of four slokas containing a single sentence; -bhartav ya, fp. to be nourished or maintained; -(á) bhartri, m. bringer, procurer (RV.); (á) bharman, n. setting before, presenting; reci tation (of a hymn); -bhavá, a. prominent; m. origin, source, cause of existence, birthplace; a. arising or proceeding from, originating with; being in or on; -bhavitri, m. mighty one, great lord; -bhavishnu, a. mighty, pre-eminent; producing, creating; m. mighty one, master, lord, of (g., lc., --°ree;): -tâ, f. lordship, dominion; power, to (inf.); tyranny.
pramātāmaha m. maternal great-grandfather.
pramāṇa n. measure, scale, standard; extent, size; length; distance; weight; quan tity; duration; sp. prosodical length of a vowel; measure of physical strength; prin cipal (opp. interest); right measure, stand ard, authority; rule of action; means of cor rect knowledge, evidence, proof; true con ception, correct notion: bhavatî or bha vantah pramânam, you are the authority, i. e. the decision rests with you: in this sense the word is almost exclusively used in the sg., rarely in the pl. or fem. (î); with the inf. it =person authorized to: -ka, a. --°ree;=pramâ na, measure etc., means of knowledge, proof; -koti, f. extreme of evidence=irrefragable proof; -tara, a. or n. greater authority than (ab.); -tas, ad. with respect to measure, size, weight, length, etc.; -tva, n. correct ness; -drishta, pp. accounted an authority; demonstrable; -patha, m.way of proof: -m na½ava-tri, not admit of proof; -paddha ti, f. id.; -purusha, m. arbitrator, umpire, referee.
prabhā f. (shining forth), splendour, brightness, light; brilliancy, radiant beauty: often --°ree; a. (a) radiant like: -kara, m. sun; N.: du. sun and moon: -deva, m. N., -vardhana, m. N. of a prince,-varman, m. N. of a minister, -svâmin, m. N. of a temple of Vishnu; -bhâga, m. division; -bhâta, pp. (√ bhâ) begun to be light; n. dawn, daybreak: -kalpa, a. nearly grown light, approaching dawn (night), -prâya, a. id.; -bhâ-praroha, m. rising lustre, effulgence; -bhâ-mandala, n. circle or orb of light: -ka, n. id.; -bhâ maya, a. consisting of light, radiant; -bhâ lepin, a. radiant, brilliant; -bhâva, m. might; majesty; dignity; supernatural power; effi cacy; power, over (lc.); splendour: in., ab., -tas,=by means or in consequence of, through; -bhâva-ka, a. prominent, in (lc. or --°ree;); -bhâ vat, a. luminous, splendid: -î, f. N.; -bhâv ana, a. (î) creating, creative; bestowing prosperity; m. creator: â, f. promulgation (of a doctrine); -bhâvayitri, a. raising to power or dignity (ac.); -bhâva-vat, a. power ful; -bhâvita, cs. pp. id.; -bhâvin, a. id.; -bhâsha, n.declaration; doctrine; -bhâsh ana, n. explanation; -bhâshita, (pp.) n. speech; -bhâshin, a. talking, speaking; -bhâsa, m. (radiance), N. of a Vasu; N. of the son of a minister of Kandraprabha; m. n. N. of a place of pilgrimage on the west coast of the Deccan; -bhâsana, n. illumination; -bhâsura, a. of great brilliance; -bhâs-vat, a. brilliant; -bhâs-vara, a. id.
pramukti f. liberation; -mukha, a. having the face turned towards (ac.); foremost, first, chief, principal: gnly. --°ree;, having as the foremost=preceded or led by, and so forth; n. beginning (of a chapter); present time: lc. in front, opposite (w. g. or --°ree;): °ree;--, before one's face, in one's presence; -tas, ad. in front, at the head; opposite; in the presence of, before (g. or --°ree;); -múd, f. pleasure, de light; joy of love; -mudita, pp. √ mud; n. mirth, gaiety: -vat, act. pp. (he) rejoiced.
prarakṣaṇa n. protection; -rúh, a. shooting (of plants); f. shoot, sprout; -rûdha, pp. √ ruh; -rûdhi, f. shooting up; growth, in crease; -reká, m., -rékana, n. abundance; -rokana, a. (î) seductive;n. instigation; se duction; laudation; elucidation: â, f. enco mium; exciting interest by praise (rh.); painting the future in rosy colours; -roha, m. germinating, sprouting (also fig.); sprout, shoot, bud; excrescence; shoot=ray of light (--°ree;); -rohana, n. sprouting, budding, shoot ing or growing up (also fig.); sprout, shoot, bud; -rohin, a. shooting up, out of (--°ree;); producing, causing to grow (--°ree;); -rohi-sâkh in, a. the branches of which grow again.
prayoktavya fp. to be discharged (missile); -employed or applied; -repre sented (play); -pronounced or uttered; -yoktri, m. shooter (of missiles); performer, agent (of an action); undertaker orgiver of a sacrifice; procurer; employer, of (--°ree;); mime; speaker, reciter; composer, author, poet; lender of money: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.
prayāga m. Place of sacrifice: cele brated place of pilgrimage at the confluence of the Yamunâ and the Ganges; also known as a kingdom: pl. inhabitants of Prayâga; N.; -yâkaka, a. entreating (-artham); -yâkana, n. imploration; -yâgá, m. preliminary offer ing (gnly., five, sts. nine or eleven); -y&asharp;na, n. setting out, going forth, departure; march, journey; day's journey; gait; attack (--°ree;); riding on (in.); expiration of life, decease; beginning; back of a horse (where the rider sits): -ka, n. march, journey, day's march, -kâla, m. time of death, -pataha, m. march ing drum, -bha&ndot;ga, m. interruption of a journey.
pralāpa m. prattle, chatter, idle talk; lamentation; raving, delirious talk; -lâpana, n. teaching to talk; -lâpi-tâ, f. lovers' prattle; -lâpin, a. prattling, chattering, talking (gnly. --°ree;); lamenting; delirious (fever).
pralaghu a. very small or insignificant (retinue): -tâ, f. excessive smallness; -lap ana, n. prattling, chattering; -lapita, pp. √ lap; n. prattle, chatter; lament; -lab dhavya, fp. to be made sport of, to be de ceived; -lamba, a. hanging down, pendulous; stooping; m. N. of a Daitya slain by Bala deva or Krishna: -tâ, f. pendulousness, -bâhu, a. having pendulous arms, -bhuga, a. id.; -lambin, a. pendulous; -lambha, m.obtainment; deception; -lambhana, n. taking in, deceiving; -laya, m. dissolution, destruction, death; annihilation or end of the world; setting (of stars); cause of dissolu tion; swoon: -ghana, m. cloud producing the dissolution of the world, -m-kara, a. (î) causing destruction, -tâ, f. dissolution: -m gam, be annihilated, -tva, n. id.: â-ya klip, go to ruin, -dahana, m. conflagration causing the destruction of the world, -½anta-ga, a.perishing only at the end of the world (sun).
pravilambin a. prominent; -laya, m. melting; dissolution, complete dis appearance; -lâpana, n. annihilation; -lâpayitavya, fp. to be annihilated; -lâpita-tva, n. complete annihilation; -lâpin, a.lament ing; -lâpya, fp. to be completely destroyed; -vâda, m. quarrel; -vikta, pp. √ vik; n. (?) solitude (only lc. pl.); -vikshu, des. a. being about to enter; -veka, m. complete retirement.
pravigraha m. distinct separation of words euphonically combined; -ghatana, n. breaking in pieces; -kâra, m.: -nâ, f. dis tinction, species; -kintaka, a. foreseeing; -ketana, n. comprehension; -dalana, n. shattering; -dâra, m. bursting asunder.
pravarga m. large earthenware pot (used in the Pravargya ceremony); -vargyã, m. introductory ceremony of the Soma sacri fice, at which fresh milk is poured into a red-hot pot: -vat, a. connected with the Pravargya ceremony; -várgana, n. perform ance of the Pravargya rite, placing in or near the fire; -vartaka, a. (ikâ) causing to roll onward, setting in motion; promoting, insti gating; causing, producing; m.founder, author; n. entrance of a previously announced person on the stage (at the end of the intro duction); -vartana, n. advance, forward movement; emergence from (ab.); flow (of water); walking; activity; occupation with, engaging in (in., lc.); going on, proceeding, coming to pass, occurrence; procedure, be haviour; moving onward; erection, execu tion (of works); stimulation, promotion, pro duction, introduction, employment (of, g. or --°ree;): â, f. incitement to activity; -vartanî ya, fp. to be employed; -commenced; -vart ayitri, m. instigator, of (g.), to (lc.); erector, introducer; employer: -tva, n. instigation; -vartita, cs. pp.administered, dispensed; al lowed to take its course; enforced; -varti tavya, fp. n. imps. one should act; -varti tri, m. producer, bringer; one who fixes or settles; -vartin, a. issuing, streaming forth; moving forward, flowing; engaging in action; causing to flow; producing; employing; in troducing, propagating; -vartya, fp. being incited; -vardha-ka, a. (ikâ) augmenting, increasing (--°ree;); -vardhana, a. id.; -varsha, m. rain (sts. pl.):-na, n. raining; first rain; -varshin, a. raining, shedding (--°ree;); -varha, v. -barha; -valha, m. riddle; -vasathá, n. departure; separation (pl.) from (ab.); -vas ana, n. setting out on travel; dying, de cease; -vaha, a.carrying, wafting; m. one of the seven winds which set the planets in motion; one of the seven tongues of fire; reservoir for receiving water; -vahana, n. giving a girl in marriage; carriage; ship (also î, f.: --°ree; a. â): -bha&ndot;ga, m. shipwreck.
praveka a. choice, chief, exquisite, most excellent of (--°ree;); -vega, m. great swift ness; -vegita, den. pp. moving rapidly; -ve- nî, f. braid of hair; coloured woollen cloth; -vetri, m. charioteer; -vettri, m. connoisseur of (--°ree;); -vedana, n. making known, pro claiming; -vedin, a. thoroughly knowing (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be made known; -vedha, m. shot; -vepin, a. trembling; -verita, pp. cast, hurled; -vesa, m.entrance, entry, pene tration, intrusion, into (lc., g.±antar, or --°ree;); appearance on the stage; getting into the house, coming into one's possession (e. g. of a deposit); obtrusiveness, meddlesomeness; entering into=admissibleness, applicability in (lc.); employment or utilization of (--°ree;); entrance, door: -ka, a. --°ree;, id.; m. interlude (explaining what has happened between two acts and is essential for the understanding of what follows); -vesana, n. entering, en trance or penetration into (g., lc., or --°ree;); co pulation; introduction, into (lc.); driving home (of cattle); -vesa-bhâgika, m. collector of taxes; -vesayitavya, fp. to be introduced; -vesita, cs. pp. introduced, made or allowed to enter; n. causing to appear on the stage; -vesin, a. entering, into (--°ree;); accessible through or over (--°ree;); having sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); -vesya, fp. to be entered; -played (musical instrument); -introduced; -vesh- tavya, fp. to be entered; -allowed to enter; n. imps. one should enter or penetrate into (lc.); -veshtri, m. one who enters: -tva, n. condition of --.
praviṣaya m. range: -m drishter gam, become visible; -vishta, pp. (√ vis) en tered (act. & ps.): -ka, n. air of entering the stage (only in. sg. as a stage direction); -vish- takâ-ya, den. Â. appear in person; -vistara, m. extent: in. in great detail; -vistâra, m. id.; -vi-spashta, pp. perfectly evident.
praśākhā f. branch; extremity (of the body); -sâkhikâ, f. small branch, twig; -sâtana, n. breaking off; -sânta, pp. (√ sam) tranquillized, calmed, etc.: -ka, a. calm (of the mind), -tâ, f. mental calm, com posure; -sânti, f. tranquillization, appease ment, alleviation; tranquillity, calm; abate ment, cessation; extinction (of fire); de struction; mental calm, composure, quietude; -s&asharp;m, (nm. n) a. painless;-sâsaka, m. spiri tual guide; -s&asharp;sana, n. guidance, govern ment, rule; -sâsitri, m. governor, master; sovereign ruler, dictator; -sâstrí, m. spiritual guide; N. of a priest (also called Maitrâva runa), who is the first assistant of the Hotri; -sâstrá, n. office or Soma-vessel of the Prasâs tri priest; -sâsya, fp. to be ordered by (g.).
pravṛtta pp. turned forward; begun, proceeded with, going on; set in, ensued; engaged, occupied, busy, with (lc. or --°ree;); in terested (action): -kakra, a. whose wheel rolls on unimpeded: -tâ, f.unlimited power; -vâk, a. of fluent speech; -samprahâra, a. having begun the fight.
praśaṃsaka a. praising (--°ree;); -samsana, n. laudation; -samsanîya, fp. to be praised; -sams&asharp;, f. praise, eulogy, ap plause (sts. pl.); fame; -nâman, n. term of praise, -½âlâpa, m.applause, -vakana, n. laudatory remark, -½âvali, f panegyric poem; -samsin, a. praising, extolling (--°ree;); -sam sâ½upamâ, f. comparison implying praise (rh.); -samstavya, fp. praiseworthy; -sáms ya, fp. id.; better than (ab.); -sama, m. tranquillization, pacification, appeasement; composure, calm; cessation, extinction (of fire), abatement, removal (of obstacles, pain, etc.); mental calm, quietude; -samaka, a. tranquillizing, rendering innocuous (--°ree;); -sam am-kara, a. causing the cessation of (g.), disturbing; -samana, a. tranquillizing, calming, allaying, extinguishing, curing; n. tranquillization, pacification; alleviation, mitigation; healing; rendering innocuous; securing (property); -sas, f. axe, knife; -sasta, pp. (√ sams) praised, commended, etc.: -kalasa, m. N., -tva, n. excellence; -sastav ya, fp. praiseworthy; (á)-sasti, f. praise, laudation; glory; direction, guidance; bene diction expressing a desire for peace in the realm (dr.); (metrical) eulogistic inscription: -krít, a. bestowing praise, approving, -patta, m. written edict; -sásya, fp. praiseworthy, com mendable, excellent; blessed: -tâ, f. excellence.
pravrajana n. going abroad, leav ing home; -vragita, (pp.) m. religious men dicant (Brâhman in the fourth order); n. life of a religious mendicant: â, f. nun; -vragya, n. going abroad, migration, wander ing forth from home: â, f. religious mendi cancy; order of ascetics; joining the monastic (or fourth) order; -vraska, m. cut; -vrâg, m. religious mendicant, recluse; -vrâgá, m. river-bed (V.); -vrâgaka, m. religious men dicant: -strî, f. mendicant nun; -vrâgikâ, f. id.; -vrâgana, n. banishment; -vr&asharp;gin, going forth or after (--°ree;); m. religious mendi cant; -vlaya, m. collapse.
praṣṭavya fp. (√ prakh) to be asked, interrogated, or examined, concerning (ac.); to be inquired about.
praślita pp. (=-srita), changing &open;as&close; to &open;o&close; before sonant letters (samdhi); -slishta, pp. slurred, coalescent (euphonic combina tion of a or â with a following vowel or of other vowels with homogeneous ones); vowel resulting from coalescence or accent of a coalescent vowel (gr.); -slesha, m. close con tact or pressure; coalescence (of vowels).
praśnin m. questioner, interrogator.
praśnaya den. P. question, interro gate, inquire after (2 ac.).
praśnakathā f. story involving a question; -pûrvakam, -pûrvam, ad. with a preceding question, after examination.
praśna m. 1. question; interrogation (also of the stars, etc.); judicial inquiry or investigation; inquiry after (--°ree;); subject of controversy, disputed point, problem; lesson (in Vedic recitation); short section or para graph (in books): -m i, submit a question to any one (ac.) for decision; -m â-gam, id. (but lc. of person); 2. wicker-work, wicker-basket.
prasāda m. clearness (of water, the voice); brightness; perspicuity (of speech or style); radiance (of the countenance); calm ness (of mind), serenity; cheerfulness, good temper; kindness, graciousness, favour; help, aid; gracious gift; food offered to an idol; remnants of a preceptor's food (which may be eaten without scruple): -m kri, be gra cious, show favour; grant the favour of (inf. or --°ree;); -sâda-ka, a. making clear, clarifying; cheering, gladdening; -sâdana, a. (î) making clear, clarifying; n. making clear, clarification; soothing, calming, tranquillizing; rendering cheerful; gratifying; propitiation; -sâdanîya, fp. to be propitiated; -sâda-parâ&ndot;mukha, a. (î) indifferent to any one's favour; with drawing one's favour from (g.); -sâda-bhû mi, f. object of favour, favourite; -sâdayi tavya, fp. to be rendered propitious towards (upari); -sâda-vitta: -ka, a. abounding in favour, standing high in the favour of (g. or --°ree;); m. favourite; -sâda½antara, n. another mark of favour; -sâdita, cs. pp. (√ sad) pleased, propitiated, well-satisfied; -sâdin, a. bright (eye, face); clear (neetar); perspi cuous; cheering, gladdening; -sâdî-kri, grant (ac.) as a favour to (g.), graciously present; -sâdya, 1. cs. gd. having ap peased, pleased, or propitiated; 2. fp. to be propitiated; -sâdhaka, a. (ikâ) adorn ing; m. dresser, valet; f. (ikâ) lady's maid; -s&asharp;dhana, a. accomplishing; n. ac complishment; putting in order, arranging; embellishment, personal adornment, toilet; means of decoration, toilet requisites; orna ment of (--°ree;): î, f. comb; -sâdhita, pp. ac complished; decorated; -sâra, m. spreading or stretching out, extension; rising, whirling up (of dust); opening; -sârana, n. stretch ing out, extending; development; extension, diffusion, augmentation; vocalization of a semivowel (gr.); -sâranin, a. containing a semivowel liable to vocalization (gr.); -sâr ita, cs. pp. (√ sri) extended, expanded, dif fused; stretched forth, exposed for sale; -sârin, a. breaking forth, issuing from (--°ree;); stretching oneself out; extending to (--°ree;); -sârya, 1. cs. gd. having extended or put forth; 2. fp. to be vocalized (semivowel).
prasava m. 1. pressing (of Soma); 2. setting in motion, impulse; course, current; quickening power, stimulation, instigation; aid; command; acquisition; vivifier; 3. be getting, generation; conception; bringing forth, bearing; birth; delivery, confinement; augmentation; birth-place; flower, blossom; sg. & pl. offspring, progeny (--°ree;, sts.=young --): -griha, n. lying-in chamber; -savana, n. bringing forth, bearing of children; fe cundity; -sava-vedanâ, f. pangs of child birth, travail; -savitrí, m. 1. impeller, in citer, vivifier (of, g.); 2. (-tri), m. procreator, father; -savin, a. bearing, producing; -sa vya, a. (holding the left hand outtowards anything), following one's left hand, keeping one's left hand towards anything (in walking round it): -m, ad. to the left; -sáh, a. (str. st. -s&asharp;h) overpowering; -saha, a. enduring, withstanding (--°ree;); m.endurance, resistance (only --°ree;); beast or bird of prey; -sahana, n. resisting; overcoming; embracing; -sahya, 1. gd. forcibly; exceedingly; without more ado; necessarily (with na, by no means); 2. fp. conquerable;with inf. capable of being (ps. pt.): -kârin, a. acting with violence; -harana, n. forcible abduction or appro priation.
prasakala a. very full (bosom); -sakta, pp. √ sañg: °ree;-or -m, ad. incessantly; -saktavya, fp. to be attached to (lc.); -sak ti, f. attachment, devotion, or addiction to, indulgence in, occupation with (lc.), occur rence of a case; bearing, applicability; practicableness: -m pra-yâ, be practicable; -sa&ndot;ktavya, fp. to be allowed to occur; -sa&ndot;khyâ, f. sum total; consideration; -sam khyâna, n. enumeration; reflexion, medita tion; fame, reputation; -sa&ndot;ga, m. attach ment, inclination; fondness for, addiction to; indulgence in (lc. or --°ree;); gratification, of (g.); association or intercourse with (--°ree;); illicit pursuit; applicability; contingency; opening, opportunity, occasion; connexion (pl. all that is connected with or results from anything): in. assiduously, with one's whole soul; in the course of (--°ree;); occasionally, in cidentally (also ab., °ree;--, or -tas); amunâ or tat-prasa&ndot;gena, on that occasion; etat prasa&ndot;ge, on this occasion; prasa&ndot;ge ku tra½api, on a certain occasion: -vat, a. occa sional, incidental, -vinivritti, f. non-recur rence of a contingency, prevention of the re currence; -sa&ndot;gin, a. attached or devoted to (--°ree;); connected with anything; contin gent, occurring; secondary, unessential; -sag ya, fp. applicable: -tâ, f. -ness,-pratishe dha, m. negative form of an applicable (posi tive) statement: -tva, n. abst. n.; -satti, f. graciousness; favour, complacency; -sam dhâna, n. combination, union; -sanna, pp. (√ sad) clear; bright; pleased, soothed, de lighted; complacent; gracious, propitious, kindly disposed; plain (meaning); distinct (impression); correct (supposition): -tâ, f. clearness, purity; brightness; perspicuity; complacence, good humour, -tva, n.clearness, brightness, -mukha, a. of a placid counte nance, looking pleased, -salila, a. having clear water; -sabha, °ree;-or -m, ad. forcibly; violently; exceedingly, very much; importu nately: -damana, n. forcible subjugation; -sara, m. advance; diffusion, expansion, ex tension; range; issue (of smoke); free scope, ample space; motion (of the eye); appear ance, manifestation; prevalence, influence; stream, flood; multitude, quantity: -na, n. running away, escaping; coming into force; complaisance, amiability; -sárga (or á), m. gushing forth; dismissal; -sárpana, n. going forward, advancing; betaking oneself to (lc.); -sarpin, a. issuing from (--°ree;); slinking away.
prastambha m. becoming rigid; -stará, m. (that which is strewn forth), straw bed, couch of grass or leaves, litter; couch of (--°ree;); bunch of sacrificial grass; flat surface, pavement, terrace; plain, plateau; stone, rock; section, paragraph; -starana, n. couch, seat; -stava, m. song of praise.
praseka m. effusion; watering of the mouth, nausea; exudation, resin; spout (of a ladle); -sekin, a. discharging fluid; suffering from (excessive) salivation; -sena: -git, m. N. of various princes; -sevaka, m. sack, bag; damper on the neck of a lute.
prasū a. bearing, giving birth to; fruitful, prolific; producing, providing for (--°ree;); f. mother; sprout; flowering sacrificial grass; -sûta, pp. born, produced; n. pri mordial soul or matter (phil.);(á)-sûti, 1. f. instigation, command; permission; (a) sûti, 2. f. bringing forth, parturition; laying (of eggs); birth; coming forth, production (of fruit, flowers, etc.); producer; child, off spring, progeny; product; -sûtikâ, f. a. re cently confined; having lately calved; -sûna, pp. √ sû; n. blossom, flower: -bâna, m. (flower-arrowed), Kâma, -½âsuga, m. id.
prastāra m. strewing, spreading out; abundance; litter, bed of straw; couch; layer; stair (leading down to water); flat surface; table of all the possible combinations in a metre: -pa&ndot;kti, f.combination-pa&ndot;kti, a metre (12+12+8+8 syllables); -stârin, a. spreading out, extending to; -stâva, m. pre liminary mention, allusion, propounding or introducing a topic; subject of conversation, topic; opportunity, occasion, season, proper time; beginning, commencement; introduc tion; -of a Sâman sung by the Prastotri priest: in. at any one's convenience; lc. on a suitable occasion, opportunely, -tas, ad. in the course of (--°ree;); -stâvanâ, f. blazing abroad, through (in.); beginning, commencement; introduction, (dramatic) prologue (the scene between the benediction and beginning of the first act); -stâva-sadrisa, a. suited to the occasion, seasonable, appropriate; -stâvita, cs. pp. commenced, begun; referred to.
prahaṇana n. striking; -hata, pp. (√ han) struck, beaten, etc.; -hati, f. stroke, blow; -hantavya, fp. to be killed; -han trí, a. striking down (ac.); -hara, m. (stroke on a gong), watch (period of about three hours): -ka, m. id.; -harana, n. strik ing, beating; pecking; attacking; combat; removing, dispelling; weapon; -haranîya, fp. to be attacked; -removed or expelled; n. weapon, missile; -hartavya, fp. to be at tacked; n. imps. one must strike or attack (d. or lc.); -hartri, m. sender; assailant, combatant, warrior; -harsha, m. great joy, rapture: -m kri, delight in (lc.); -harshana, a. causing (the hair of the body) to stand on end; making very glad, enrapturing; n. erection (of the hair of the body); joy, rap ture; -harsha-vat, a. rejoicing; -harshin, a. gladdening; -hasana, n. laughter; deri sion; kind of comedy, farce; -hasita, (pp.) n. breaking out into a laugh; -hasta, m. hand with extended fingers; a. long-handed; m. N.; -hâna, n. 1. abstraction, speculation; 2. abandonment, avoidance; -hâni, f. dis appearance; -hâtavya, fp. to be abandoned; -hâra, m. stroke, blow, thump, cut, thrust, shot, kick (with, --°ree;; on, lc., sts. --°ree;): -da, a. giving a blow to, striking (--°ree;), -varman, m. N. of a prince, -½ârta, pp. wounded; -hârin, a. striking, with (--°ree;); fighting against (g. or --°ree;); m. good fighter; -hâsa, m. laughter; derision, irony; -hasín, a. laughing, derisive.
prākṛta a. (â, î) connected with nature (prakriti), natural, original; unal tered; usual, ordinary, common; low, vul gar; proceeding from or relating to nature (phil.); Prâkritic; m. low orvulgar man, n. vernacular dialect (derived from Sanskrit and spoken by women and inferior charac ters in Sanskrit plays), Prâkrit: -bhâshin, a. speaking Prâkrit, -sâsana, n. treatise on Prâkrit, -kandrikâ, f. Moonlight of Prâkrit, T. of Vararuki's Prâkrit grammar, -pra kâsa, m. Illustration of Prâkrit, id.
pralepa m. adhesion to (--°ree;); salve, plaster; -leha, m. kind of broth; -lehana, n. licking.
prākāra m. [strewn along, mound], enclosing wall, rampart: -karna, m. Wall ear, N. of a minister of the owl-king Ari mardana, -sesha, a. having only his ram parts left.
prākaraṇika a. belonging to the matter in question; -to the chapter; -to the genus.
prāgāyata pp. extending towards the east; -ukti, f. previous utterance.
prāktana a. (î) anterior, former, previous; ancient; -tanaya, m. former pu pil; -tarâm, ad. farther east; -tûla, a. having the tufts directed eastwards: -tâ, f. eastward direction (of sacrificial utensils);-pada, n. first member of a compound (gr.); -pravana, a. sloping towards the east.
prāglajja a. ashamed at first; -vamsa, 1. m. preceding race; 2. a. having its beams directed eastward; m. space in front of the Vedi; -vakana, n. previous utterance; -vat, a. as before, formerly, orat other times; as above (in a book); -vâta, m. east wind; -vritta, n. previous conduct; -vrittânta, m. previous event or adventure; -vritti, f. conduct in a previous life; -vesha, m. previous attire.
prāggṅgam ad. on the east of the Ganges; -gamana-vat, a. going forward; -gâmin, a. preceding or intending to precede; -guna, a. having the previously mentioned quality; -grîva, a.having the neck directed eastward; -ganman, n. previous birth or existence; -gâta, (pp.) n., -gâti, f. previous existence; -gyotish-a, a. lighted from the east; relating to the city of Prâggyotisha; m. prince or country of Prâggyotisha: pl. inhabitants of--; n. N. of a city supposed to have been inhabited by the demon Naraka; -dakshina, a. (east-southern, i.e.) south-east ern: â, f. south-east; â, ad. south-easterly: -pravana, a. sloping towards the south-east; -desa, m. eastern country; -daihika, a. be longing to a former life; -dvâr, f. door facing east; -dvâra, n. id.; space in front of a door; a. having a door facing eastward; -bhâra, m. [having the weight in front, inclined], de clivity; inclination; (subsiding) mass, great quantity; -bhâva, m. previous existence.
prāguttara a. (east-northern, i. e.) north-eastern: in. or -tas, in the north-east, of (ab., g.), -dig-bhâga, -dig-vibhâga, m. north-eastern side of (g.); -utpatti, f. first appearance; -uda&ndot;-mukha,a. facing north eastwards or to the east or the north; -udañk, a. (f. -udîkî) north-eastern; n. -udak, ad.; f. -udîkî, (east-north, i. e.) north-east; -ûdhâ, pp. f. formerly married.
prācya a. being in front; situated, living, prevailing, or spoken in the east, eastern; prior, previous; preceding (in a book); former, ancient, old; m. pl. people of the east, eastern country; the ancients: -pada-vritti, f. the euphonic combination e½a; -ratha, m. car used in the eastern country; -½udañk, a. (f. -½udîkî) running from east to west.
prācīmūla n. eastern horizon.
prācīna a. turned frontways; eastward; eastern, living in the east; an terior, former, previous, old: -m, ad. for wards; in front of (ab.); eastwards, to the east of (ab.); previously to, before (ab.); -âvîtin, a.=-½âvîtin; -grîva, a. having the neck directed forward or eastward; -½âvîtá, n. wearing of the sacred cord over the right shoulder; -½âvîtín, a. wearing the sacred cord over the right shoulder; -½upavîtá, pp. id.
prāḍvivāka m. [interrogating (prâkh) and deciding], judge.
prājāpata a. (î)=-ya; -yá, a. coming from, relating, or sacred to Pragâ pati (w. sakata, m. n. car of Rohinî); m. pat. descendant of Pragâpati;±krikkhra or upa-vâsa, kind of penance; ± vivâha, m.Pragâ pati form of marriage, in which the father gives away his daughter without receiving a present from the bridegroom.
prāṇanātha m. lord of life, lover, husband; -nâsa, m. loss of life, death; -ni graha, m. restraint of breath; -pati, m. lord of life, soul; -parikraya, m. staking one's life; -parikshîna, pp. whose life is on the decline; -parigraha, m. possession of life, existence; -parityâga, m. abandonment of life; -prada, a. having restored or saved any one's life; -pradâyaka, -pradâyin, a. id.; -prayâna, n. departure of the vital spirit, death; -priya, a. as dear as life; m. lover, husband; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to preserve one's life, in mortal terror; -bâdha, m. danger to life, mortal peril; -bhaksha, m. feeding on breath only (i. e. on the mere smell of food or drink); -bhaya, n. mortal fear; -bhâg, a. possessing life; m. living being; -bhûta, pp. being the vital breath; -bhrít, a. life-preserving; possessing life, living; m. living being; man; -máya, a. consisting of vital air orbreath; -mokshana, n. abandonment of breath, suicide; -yâtrâ, f. support of life, subsistence; -yâtrika, a. requisite for subsistence: -mâtrah syât, he should possess only as much as will support life; -yuta, pp. endowed with life, living, alive; -yoni, f. source of life; -rakshâ½ar tham, ad. for the preservation of life; -râg ya-da, a. having saved any one's life and throne; -rodha, m. suppression of the breath; -lâbha, m. saving of life; -vat,a. endowed with life, living; vigorous, strong; -vallabhâ, f. mistress or wife who is as dear to one as life; -vinâsa, m. loss of life, death; -vipra yoga, m. id.; -vritti, f. vital activity or function; -vyaya, m. renunciation orsacri fice of life; -vi½âyakkhana, n. imperilment of life; -samyama, m. suspension of breath; -samsaya, m. risk or danger to life (sts. pl.); -samkata, n. id.; -samtyâga, m. renunciation of life; -samdeha, m. risk or peril to life; -samdhârana, n. preservation of life; -sam nyâsa, m. giving up the spirit; -sama, a. dear as one's own life: â, f. mistress, wife; -sam mita, pp. dear as one's own life; reaching to the nose; -sâra, n. vital energy; a. full of strength, vigorous, muscular; -hara, a. taking away life, fatal to (--°ree;); capital (pun ishment); -hâni, f. loss of life; -hâraka, a. life-depriving, fatal; -hârin, a. id.; -hîna, pp. bereft of life, lifeless.
prāthamakalpika a. being something in the strictest sense of the term; m. beginner, tyro in study.
prātikāmin m. (acting ac cording to one's desire: prati-kâmam), ser vant; messenger; -kûlika, a. (î) resisting, hostile, contrary: -tâ, f. opposition, hostility; -kûlya, n. unfriendliness, opposition; repug nant practice; disagreeableness; disagree ment with (--°ree;); -gña, n. subject under dis cussion; -daivas-ika, a. occurring daily (prati-divasam); -nidhi-ka, m. representa tive; -paksha, a. belonging to the enemy oradversary; -pakshya, n. hostility, enmity, towards (g.); -pada, a. forming the com mencement; m. N.; -pad-ika, a. express, ex plicit; n. crude base of a noun (before it re ceives the case terminations or other suffixes); -paurush-ika, a. relating to manliness or valour; -bha, a. intuitive; n. intuition; pre sence of mind; -bhat-ya, n. rivalry; -bhâv ya, n. surety, for (--°ree;); certainty, trustworthy news of (g.); -bhâs-ika, a. existing only in appearance, apparent only; -rûp-ika, a. coun terfeit, spurious; using false measure or coun terfeit coin; -lom-ya, n. inversion, inverse order; opposition, hostility; -ves-ika, m. neighbour; -vesm-ika, m. neighbour: î, f.female neighbour; -ves-ya, a. neighbouring; m. opposite neighbour; neighbour;--°ree;=neigh bouring: -ka, m. neighbour; -sâkhya, n. a grammatical treatise on the phonetic changes of words in the text of the Vedasaccording to the respective recension (prati-sâkham; there are four such treatises, one for the RV., two for the YV., and one for the AV.); -satvanam, ad. in the direction of the Sat van; -sv-ika, a. own, peculiar, not common to others; -hata, m. kind of svarita ac cent; -hartra, n. office of the Pratihartri; -hârika, m. door-keeper; -hâr-ya, n. jug glery, performance of miracles; miracle.
prātastana a. matutinal; n. early morning (one of the five parts of the day; the other four being forenoon, midday, after noon, and evening); -tya, a. matutinal, morn ing.
prādhva ] m. start, precedence (e kri, place one at the head of: g.): -m, ad. far away (with kri, put aside); after the precedent of (g.); favourably, kind ly; humbly.
prādhānika a. pre-eminent, most excellent; relating to or proceeding from primordial matter or nature (pradhâ na); -ya, n. preponderance, predominance, prevalence, prominence; ascendancy, supre macy: °ree;--, in., ab., -tas, chiefly, mainly, with regard to the main or essential points, summarily; m. chief or most distinguished person.
prāptodaka a. having obtained water.
prāpti f. advent, occurrence (of time); reach, range; arrival at (--°ree;); power of obtaining anything one wants (one of the eight supernatural powers or siddhis); res cue from (ab.); attainment, acquisition, gain; occurrence; discovery, determination; ob tainment, validity (of a rule); lot, fortune, luck; joyful event (dr.); conjecture based on the observation of a particular thing (dr.).
prāptaśrī a. possessed of fortune; -sûrya, a. with dis, f. quarter possessing the sun, i. e. in which the sun is at the time.
prāpta pp. (√ âp) gotten, gained, obtained; reached, attained; met with, found; incurred, suffered; arrived, come; following from a rule (gr.): -karman, a. being the direct object (of an action) deduced from a rule (gr.); -karma-tva, n. abst. n.; -kârin, a. doing what is right or suitable; -kâla, m. arrived time, fitting season, proper time, favourable moment; a. whose hour has come; suitable to the occasion, opportune, season able; marriageable (f.): -m, ad. at the right time; -kâla-tva, n. opportuneness, season ableness; -gîvana, a. having one's life re stored, rescued from death; -tva, n. result ance from a grammatical rule; -dosha, a. having incurred guilt; -bîga, a. sown; -yau vana, a. having the bloom of youth arrived, adolescent, marriageable; -rûpa, a. suitable, proper; learned, wise; -vat, pp. act. (-î) obtained, incurred; -vikalpa, m.alternative to what follows from a grammatical rule: -tva, n. justifiableness of an alternative.
prāya m. going forth (to battle); departure from life, seeking death by fast ing; (what is prominent=) chief part, ma jority; --°ree; a. 1. after a n., having -for the chief part, chiefly consisting of, in which predominates, abounding in; primarily meant for; frequently applying or inflicting (pun ishment); near, on the verge of (e. g. accom plishment); like, resembling; 2. after an a. or pp., mostly; 3. after a pp., almost, so to speak: -m âs, upa½âs, upa-vis, upa½i, â sthâ, sam-â-sthâ, or kri, renounce life, seek death, esp. by means of fasting in order to extort something; -m kâraya, force any one (ac.) to resolve to die of starvation.
prārambha m. beginning of a task, undertaking, enterprise; commencement.
prāyika a. common, usual; con taining the greater part (but not everything): -tva, n. abst. n.
prāvīṇyaṃ n. skilfulness, dexterity, proficiency, in (lc. or --°ree;).
prāśita pp. eaten; -½asi-trí, m. eater.
prāsāda m. raised platform for sitting, terrace; top storey of a lofty building; edifice on high foundations, palace; temple, shrine: -gata, pp. gone to the flat roof of the palace; -garbha, m. inner apartment or sleeping chamber of a palace; -tala, n. flat roof of a palace; -prishtha, n. balcony on the top of a palace; -stha, a. standing on the top of the palace; -½agra, n. top of a palace.
priyacikīrṣā f. desire to do any one (g.) a kindness; -kikîrshu, des. a. wishing to do a service to any one (g.); -gana, m. loved person (male or female); -gâni, m. gallant, lover; -gîvita, a. to whom life is dear: -tâ, f. attachment to life; (á)-ta ma, spv. very dear; m. lover, spouse; -tara, cpv. dearer: -tva, n. being dearer to any one (lc.) than (ab.); (á)-tâ, f., -tva, n. popularity; affection; fondness or love for (--°ree;); -darsa, a. pleasant to look at; -darsana, n. sight of a dear friend; a. having a pleasing aspect, good-looking, handsome, to (g.); m. N. of a prince of the Gandharvas: â, f. N.; -darsin, m. (kindly-looking), ep. ofAsoka; -prasna, m. friendly inquiry (after any one's health etc.); -prâya, a. exceedingly kind (speech); -bhâshana, n. kind words; -bhâshin, a. speaking kind words; -bhogana, a. fond of eating; -mandana, a. fond of ornaments; (á)-medha, m. N. of a Rishi; -vaktri, m. one who says pleasant things (in a good or a bad sense); flatterer: -tva, n. kindly speech; -vakana, n. kind or endearing words; -vak as, n. id.; a. speaking kindly; -vasantaka, m. pleasant spring and dear Vasantaka; -vas tu, n. favourite object or topic; -vâk-sahita, pp. accompanied by kind words; -vâk, f. kind words; a. speaking kindly or affably; -vâda, m. kind words; -vâdikâ, f. kind of musical instrument; -vâd-ín, a. speaking sweetly or kindly, saying pleasant things; flattering; m. flatterer: (-i)-tâ, f. pleasing speech; flat tery; -vinâkrita, pp. abandoned or deserted by one's beloved; (á)-vrata, a.having de sirable ordinances or loving obedience; m. N.; -sravas, a. fame-loving, ep. of Krishna; -samvâsa, m. society of loved ones: -sakha, m. (î, f.) dear friend; a. loving one's friends; -samgamana, n. meeting of beloved ones, N. of a place where Indra and Krishna are said to have met their parents Kasyapa and Aditi; -satya, a. pleasant as well as true; -samprahâra, a. quarrelsome; -sâhasa, a. addicted to indiscretions: -tva, n. abst. n.; -suhrid, m. dear friend; -sevaka, a. kind to one's servants; -hita, pp. pleasant as well as salutary; n. what is agreeable and bene ficial.
prekṣā f. seeing, viewing; look ing on at a performance or entertainment; appearance; good looks, beauty; public spec tacle, show; being regarded as or taken to mean (--°ree;); reflexion, deliberation; under standing: -½agâra, m. n., -griha, n. play house, theatre; -pûrva, °ree;-or -m, ad. with deliberation; -prapañka, m. stage-play; -vat, a. circumspect, deliberate; -vidhi, m. stage-play; -samâga, m. du.public shows and assemblies.
prīti f. satisfaction, gratification, joy, delight, pleasure (in or at, lc. or --°ree;); kindly feeling, favour; friendship, with (sa mam or --°ree;); affection, love, or fondness for (g., lc., --°ree;); Joy(personified, esp. as the daughter of Daksha and as one of the wives of Kâma): in. joyfully; in a friendly way; affectionately: -kara, a. giving satisfaction to, pleasing (--°ree;); -karman, n. act of love, friendlyaction; -kûta, N. of a village; -datta, pp. given through affection or love; -dâna, n. gift of love; -dâya, m. id.; -dhana, n. money given through friendship; -pûrva kam, ad. kindly, affectionately; -pramukha, a. kindly (speech); -mat, a. glad; satisfied; feeling love or friendship for (g. or lc.); kind (word); -maya, a. produced by joy; -yug, a. beloved, dear; -rasâyana, n. elixir of joy; -vakas, n. kind or friendly words; -vardhana, m. (increaser of joy), N. of the fourth month; -visrambha-bhâgana, n. re pository of affection and confidence; -sam gati, f. friendly alliance with (in.).
pretya gd. after dying, i.e. in the other world (opp. iha): -gâti, f. position in the next world; -bhâg, a. enjoying the fruits of anything after death; -bhâva, m. condition after death, future life: i-ka, a.relating to the condition after death.
preta pp. gone forward, i. e. departed, dead; m. dead man, corpse; ghost, spirit: -karman, n. funeral ceremony; -kârya, -kritya, n. id.; -gata, pp. gone to the de parted, dead; -gopa, m. guardian of the dead (in Yama's realm); -kârin, a. moving among the dead (Siva); -tva, n. condition of a dead man, death; condition of a ghost; -dhûma, m. smoke from a burning corpse; -nâtha, m. Lord of the dead, ep. of Yama; -paksha: -ka, m. fortnight of the Manes, dark fortnight in the month Bhâdra; -patâ kâ, f. funeral flag; -pati, m. Lord of the dead, ep. of Yama: -pataha, m. drum of death (fig.); -pinda-bhug, a. partaking of the funeral feast; -pitri, a. whose father is dead; -purî, f. city of the dead, Yama's abode; -prasâdhana, n. adornment of the dead; -bhâva, m. condition of one dead, death; -medha, m. funeral sacrifice; -râga, m. King of the dead,ep. of Yama; -loka, m. world of the dead; -vasa, m. power of the dead; -silâ, f. stone of the dead (a stone near Gayâ on which funeral cakes are offered); -suddhi, f., -sauka, n. purification for the dead or after a death; -samklipta, pp. pre pared in honour of a dead person (food); -sparsin, m. corpse-bearer; -hâra, m. id.
preraka a. urging, impelling; m. stimulator, instigator; -ana, n. (also â, f.) stimulation, instigation, incitement, to (pra ti); activity, action; -anîya, fp. to be urged, to (d.); -ita, pp. urged, instigated,etc.; sent, despatched; -itri, m. instigator, inciter.
preyas cpv. (of priya) dearer, more agreeable, etc.; m. lover; n. flattery (rh.): -î, f. mistress, wife; -tâ, f., -tva, n. being dearer, greater dearness.
prodaka a. dripping, wet; from which the water has run off; -½udakî-bhâva, m. dripping off of water; -½udgârin, a. giv ing forth (--°ree;); -½udghushta, pp. resonant, resounding; -½udghoshanâ,f. proclaiming aloud; -½uddanda, a. prominent, swollen; -½uddâma, a. extraordinary, prodigious; -½ud dîpta, pp. blazing; -½uddhûshita, pp. in correct for -½uddhrishita (pp. √ hrish); -½ud bodha, m. awaking, appearance; awakening (tr.); -½unmâthin, a. destroying (--°ree;); -½ur- nunavishu, des. a. wishing to cover or con ceal; -½ushita, pp. √ vas, dwell: -bhartri kâ, a. f. whose husband is away from home.
prokṣaṇa n. besprinkling with water; consecration by sprinkling; vessel for holy water: î, f. pl. water for sprinkling, holy water (containing grains of rice and barley); sg. vessel for holy water: î-ya, n. sg. & pl. holy water.
phala n. (--°ree; a. â or î) fruit (esp. of a tree); kernel of a fruit (rare); fruit=consequence, effect, result; reward, recompense, advantage; retribution, punishment, loss, disadvantage; gain, enjoyment; compensa tion; result of a calculation, produet, quo tient etc. (in mathematics); interest (on capital); gaming-board; blade; arrow-head.
phar ] only intv. phar phar-at1, scatter.
phaṇināyaka m. chief of the serpents, ep. of Vâsuki; -pati, m. chief of snakes, gigantic serpent; lord of serpents, ep. of Sesha; ep. of Patañgali; -bhâshita-bhâ shya½abdhi or -bhâshya½abdhi,m. ocean of comments uttered by Patañgali (designation of Patañgali's Mahâbhâshya); -bhug, m. (serpent-eater), peacock; -mukha, n. snake-face, a kind of burglar's implement; -latâ, -vallî, -vallîka, -vîrudh, f. betel pepper.
phālguna a. (&isharp;) belonging to the lunar mansion Phalgunî; m. month of which the full moon is in the asterism Phalgunî (February-March); ep. of Arguna; n. kind of grass used as a substitute for the Soma plant; N. of a place of pilgrimage: î, f. day of full moon in the month Phâlguna; the asterism Phalgunî.
phāṇṭa ] a. obtained by fil tered infusion; m. filtered infusion of pounded drugs with four parts of hot water; n. first particles of butter obtained by churning.
baddha pp. (√ bandh) bound, etc.: -ka, m. prisoner (V.); -kadambaka, a. forming groups; -kalâpin, a. having his quiver tied on; -graha, a. insisting on something; -kitta, a. having one's thoughts fixed on (lc.); -trishna, a. longing for (--°ree;); -drishti, a. having one's gaze fixed on (lc.); -dvesha, a. entertaining hatred for any one; -niskaya, a. firmly resolved; -netra, a. having the eyes fixed on anything, gazing steadfastly; -pratigña, a. having made a promise; -pratisrut, a. echoing; -bhâva, m. having the affections fixed on, enamoured of (lc.); -bhîma½andhakâra, a. wrapped in terrible gloom; -mandala, a. having circles formed, ranged in circles; -mushti, a. having the fist elenched; close-fisted; -mûla, a. having taken root, firmly rooted; having gained a firm footing: -tâ, f. firm footing; -mauna, a. observing silence; -rabhasa, a.impetuous, passionate; -râga, a. having one's desire fixed on, enamoured of (lc.); -râgga, a. hav ing gained the sovereignty, having succeeded to the throne; -laksha, a. having the gaze fixed on, gazing steadfastly at (--°ree;); -vasati, a. having one's abode fixed in, dwelling in (lc.); -vâk, a. obstructing speech; -vepathu, a. trembling; -vaira, a. having contracted hostility with (in. or --°ree;); -sikha, a. having one's hair tied in a top-knot;-srotra-manas- kakshus, a. having ears, mind, and eyes fixed on (lc.); -sneha, a. entertaining affection for (lc.); -spriha, a. feeling a longing for (--°ree;); -½añgali, a. holding one's hands joined together (in supplication or as a mark of respect); -½âdara, a. attaching great value to (--°ree;); -½ânanda, a. having joy attaching to it, joyful (day); -½anurâga, a. conceiving an attachment, enamoured; -½anusaya, a. con ceiving an unconquerable hatred; -½andha kâra, a. wrapped in darkness; -½avasthiti, a. constant; -½âsa, a. entertaining hope of (--°ree;); -½âsa&ndot;ka, a. conceiving anxiety; -½ut sava, a. entering upon a festival; -½udyama,a. making efforts or prepared to (inf.).
bandhu m. connexion, relation; kinship, kindred; (maternal) kinsman; relative; friend; husband; --°ree;, relation of=extremely like; friend of=visited by or favourable for; --°ree; a. (û), coming under the head of, i. e. being only in name: -kritya, n. duty of a kinsman; business of a friend, friendly service; -ksít, a. dwelling among kinsmen (RV.1); -gana, m. kinsfolk; relative; friend; -gîva, m. (liv ing in the family), a tree (Pentapetes phoenicea; it has a beautiful red flower which opens at noon and falls off next morning at sunrise): -ka, m. id.; N. of a kakravartin; (ú)-tâ, f. connexion, relation; kinship; -tva, n. kinship, relationship; -datta,pp. given by relatives; m. N. of a man; â, f. N.; -pâla, m. N.; -príkkh, a. seeking one's kin (RV.1); -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; -prîti, f. love of one's friend; -bhâva, m. relationship.
bandhapāśa m. fetter; -mokan ikâ, -mokanî, f. (freeing from bonds), N. of a Yoginî.
bandhana a. (î) binding, fettering; captivating; n. binding, tying, fastening; bandaging; tying on (of a girdle etc.); entwining, clasping; capture; confinement, imprisonment, captivity; construction (of a bridge etc.); embanking or damming up (water); bridging over; connexion; fixing upon, directing towards (lc.); checking, suppressing; mundane bondage (opp. final liberation); bond, fetter; rope, cord, thong, halter, tether; fig. bond = that which holds any thing (g.) together; prison; sinew, muscle; embankment; stalk, stem (of flower or fruit): --°ree; a. bound to (lc.), fettered by (--°ree;): -kâr-in, a. (--°ree;) fettering, clasping: (-i)-tâ,f. abst. n.; -stha, a. being or living in confinement or captivity, imprisoned; m. captive, prisoner; -½agâra, m. house of bondage, prison.
bandha m. tying, fastening, bandaging; catching, capturing; fettering; arrest; connexion with (--°ree;); intercourse with (--°ree;); putting together, joining (the hands etc.); posture, position of the hands and feet; construction, building (of a bridge etc.); damming up (of a river); bridging; fixing on, directing towards (lc.); assumption or obtainment of a body (--°ree;); manifestation, display, or possession of (--°ree;); bond, deposit, pledge; mundane bondage (opp. final emancipation); bond, tie; band, fillet; bandage; fetter; sinew, tendon; receptacle; combination of words or letters: -ka, m. binder (of animals); catcher (--°ree;); rope, thong, fetter; part (--°ree; with an ordinal, e.g. tenth); n. (?) pledging: î, f. unchaste woman; -karana, n. fettering or checking by magic; -kartri, m. binder, fetterer, restrainer (Siva).
barbara a. stammering; curly; m. non-Âryan, barbarian; low fellow, loon (vc. used as a term of contempt).
bandhya fp. deserving to be bound, fettered, or imprisoned; to be constructed; -stopped up (cp. vandhya).
balabhadra m. (excelling in strength), N. of a divine being, later identi fied with Baladeva; N.; -bhid, m. destroyer of Bala, ep. of Indra; -bhrit, a. strong, powerful; -mukhya, m. leader of an army; -yukta, pp. endowed with strength, powerful; -yuta, pp. id.; -râma, m. Râma the Strong, N. of Krishna's elder brother.
bali m. tax, impost, tribute; offering, gift, oblation; offering of food (generally rice, grain, or ghee) thrown up into the air and made to living creatures, esp. birds (also called bhûta-yagña): very often --°ree; with the object, the time, the place, or material of the offering; handle (of a fly-whisk); N. of a Daitya, a son of Virokana, who obtained the sovereignty of the three worlds, but was deprived of it by Vishnu in the form of a dwarf after promising the latter as much land as he could measure in three steps; he was cast down by Vishnu to Pâtâla, which he was allowed to rule; N.; incorrect for vali, fold: -kara, m. pl. taxes and duties;-karman, n. performance of the Bali or food offering; -krit, a. paying taxes; -dâna, n. presentation of an offering or oblation.
balādhika a. superior in strength (e.g. in running); -½adhikarana, n. pl. affairs of the army; -½adhyaksha, m. inspector of the forces, minister of war; -½anuga, m. younger brother of Baladeva,ep. of Krishna; -½anvita, pp. endowed with power, mighty; suggestive of power; -½abala, n. strength or weakness, comparative strength, importance, or significance; relative highness (of price); a. now strong, now weak; -½abhra, n. army in the shape of a cloud.
bahiścara a. moving or appearing outside, external: w. prâna, m. sg. & pl. or hridaya, n. one's external breath or heart, i.e. dear to one as one's own life or heart; m. external spy.
bahiraṅga a. external; unessen tial: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -argala, --°ree;, a. external bolt; -artha, m. external object; -gata, pp. come forth: -tva, n. appearance; -giri, m. (country beyond the hills), N. of a country: pl. N. of a people; -geham, ad. outside the house; -grâmam, ad. outside the village; -grâma-pratisraya, a. dwelling outside the village; -dris, a. looking at the outside, superficial (person); -dvâra, n. outer door; space outside the door; -dvârin, a. being outside the door; -dh&asharp;, ad. prp. with ab. outside, away from (V.); -nirgamana, n. going out of (ab.); -nihsarana, n. taking out, removal; -bhava, a.external; -bhâga, m. exterior; -mandala-stha, a. being out side the circle; -mukha, a. issuing from the mouth; averting one's face, averse from (--°ree;); having one's mind outward, i.e. directed to wards the external world; -yâna, n. going out; (ír)-loma, a. having the hair turned outwards; -loman, a. id.; -vâsas, n. upper garment; -vikâram, ad. apart from indi vidual existence (Sâmkhya ph.); -vritti, f. occupation with external matters; -vedi, 1. f. space outside the Vedi; 2. ad. (í) outside the Vedi; -vedi-ka, a. being outside the Vedi.
bālīyas cpv. stronger, more pow erful or important; very strong or power ful; turning the scale: -tara, dbl. cpv. excessively powerful, -tva, n. superior or excessive power; predominance, greater im portance.
bahistapas n. external asceticism.
bahiṣpaṭa m. upper garment; -paridhí, ad. outside the enclosure; -pava mâná, m. n. a Stoma or Stotra generally consisting of three triplets chanted outside the Vedi during the Prâtahsavana: î, f. pl. its single verses; -pragña a. having external cognition; -prâna, 1. m. external breath, i. e. what is dear to one as one's own life; gold; 2. (bahísh)-prâna, a. whose breath or life is outside (V.).
bahiṣkaraṇa n. 1. external organ; 2. exclusion from (ab.); -kârya, fp. to be banished; -excluded from (ab.); -krita, pp. ejected, expelled; -kriti, f. exclusion; -kriya, a. excluded from sacred rites;-kriyâ, f. external action (such as bathing etc.).
bahiḥśālā f. outer hall; -sîta, a. cold outside, cool to the touch.
bahuvaktavya fp. about which much can be said; -vakaná, n. plural; case and personal terminations of the plural; -vat, a. in the plural; -varna, a. many-coloured; -valkala, m.=Priyâla tree (Buchanania latifolia); -vâdín, a. talking much, loquacious; -vâra: -ka, m. a. small tree (Cordia Myxa): -phala, n. its fruit (=Selu); -vâram, ad. frequently, often; -vârshika, a. (î) many years old; lasting many years; -vâla, a. hairy, shaggy (tail); -vighna, a. attended with many difficulties; -víd, a. knowing much; -vidya, a. having much knowledge, learned; -vidha, a. of many sorts, manifold, various: -m, ad. variously, repeatedly; -vistara, m. great extension; a. wide-spread; manifold, various; very detailed; -vistâra, a. of wide extent; -vistîrna, pp. wide-spread; -vîrya, a. of great strength, very efficacious; -velam, ad. ofttimes, frequently; -vyâla nishevita, pp. infested by many beasts of prey; -vrîhi, m. (having much rice), possessive adjective compound: the last member is a substantive, the whole compound becoming an adjective qualifying another substantive and agreeing with it in gender; these possessives often become substantives to designate a species (a generic term being under stood) or an individual as a proper name (a specific term being understood): e.g. bahu vrîhih (sc. samâsah), m. a &open;much-rice&close; com pound; Brihadasvah, m. Many-horse (sc. man: cp. Gr. Philippos, horse-loving, and Engl. Great-head). The term bahuvrîhi being an instance is used to designate the whole class.
bahutama spv. remotest: â bahutamât purushât, down to the remotest descendant; -tara, cpv. more numerous, more, than (ab.); more extensive, greater (fire); too or very much; several: etad eva½asmâkam bahutaram -yad, it is already a great thing for us that --; -m, ad. more; repeatedly; -tara-ka, a. very much or numerous; -tarâm, (ac. f.) ad. highly, greatly, very; -tâ, f. abundance, multitude; -titha, a.(having many tithis or lunar days), long (time); much, manifold: -m, ad. greatly; e&zip;hani, on many a day=for many days; -trina, n. almost grass, a mere straw; -trish- na, a. suffering from great thirst; -trivarsha, a.almost three years old; -tva, n. multiplicity, multitude; majority, opinion of the majority; plural; -dakshiná, a. accompanied by many gifts (sacrifice); -dâna, n. bounteous gift; 2. a. (á) munificent; -dâyin, a. id.; -drisvan,m. great observer, very learned man; -devata, a. addressed to many deities (verse); -devatyã, a. belonging to many gods; -daivata, a. relating to many gods; -dosha, 1. m. great harm or disadvantage; 2. a. having many drawbacks (forest); -dhana, a. possessing much wealth, very rich: -½îsvara, m. very wealthy man; -dh&asharp;, ad. in many ways, parts, or places; variously; many times, repeatedly; very: -kri, multiply; spread abroad;-nâman, a. having many names; -patnîka, a. having many wives: -tâ, f. polygamy; -pada, a. many footed; -parná, a. many-leaved; -pasu, a. rich in cattle; -pâda, a. many-footed; hav ing several pâdas (verse); -putra, a.having many sons or children; -pushpa-phala½upe ta, pp. having many flowers and fruits; -pra kâra, a. manifold: -m, ad. variously; repeatedly; -prakriti, a. consisting of several nominal bases (compound); -praga, in children; -pragña, a. very wise; -pra- gñâna-sâlin, a. possessed of much knowledge; -pratigña, a. involving several charges or counts (leg.); -prapañka, a. of great diffuseness, prolix; -pralâpin, a. garrulous; -bhâshin, a. id.; -bhâshya, n. loquacity; -bhug, a. eating much; -bhûmika, a. consisting of many stories (building); -bhoktri, m. great eater; -bhogyâ, f. harlot; -bhog aka, a. eating much; -bhog-in, a. id.: (-i) tâ, f.voracity; -bhauma, a. many-storied (building); -mati, f. high opinion, esteem, respect; -matsya, n. place abounding in fish; -madhya-ga, a. belonging to many; -mantavya, fp. to be highly thought of, prized or esteemed; -mâna, m. high opinion or regard, esteem, respect, for (lc. of prs. or thing, rarely g. of prs.); attaching great im portance to (lc.): -purah-saram, ad. with respect; -mânin, a. held in esteem, respected; -mânya, fp. to be highly thought of, estimable; -mâya, a. having many wiles, artful, treacherous; -mitra, a. having many friends; -mukha, a. many-mouthed, talking of many things; -mûla-phala½anvita, pp. furnished with many roots and fruits; -mûlya, 1. n. large sum of money; 2. a. of great price, costly; -yâgín, a. having offered many sacrifices; -ragas, a. very dusty and having much pollen; -ratna, a. abounding in jewels.
bahukara a. doing much, for any one (g.); -kalpa, a. of many kinds, manifold; -kalyâna, a. very noble; -kâma, a. having many wishes; -krítvas, ad. ofttimes, frequently; -kshama, a. bearing much, of great forbearance; -gamana, a. having many goings or courses; -garhya-vâk, a. talking much that is censurable, garrulous; -guna, a. many-stranded (rope); manifold, much; possessing many virtues; -gotra-ga, a.having many blood relations; -graha, a. hold ing much (pot); taking much (minister); -kitra, a. extremely manifold or various; -kkhala, a. abounding in fraud, deceitful: -tva, n. deceitfulness; -gana, 1. m. the great multitude; 2. a. having many people about one; -galpa, a. garrulous; -galpitri, m. chat terer; -tanaya, a. having many sons.
bahūkṣara a. polysyllabic; -½agni, a. mentioning many Agnis (certain verses); -½añkana, a. having many goings or courses; -½anná, a. abounding in food; -½apa tya, a. promising numerous offspring; m. (?) mouse; -½apâya, a. attended with many dangers; -½abaddha-pralâpin, a. talking much meaningless chatter; -½abhidhâna, n. (many-designation), plural; -½amitra, a. having many enemies; -½artha,a. having many meanings; -½avarodha, a. having many wives; -½asvá, a. rich in horses; m. N.; -½âgya, a. abound ing in ghee; -½âdin, a. eating much, vora cious; -½âsin, a. id.; m. N.; -½âskarya, a. containing many marvels: -maya, a. id.; -½rik, a. abounding in verses (a term esp. applied to the Rig-veda); -½riká, a. id.; m. (knowing many verses), knower or follower of the Rig-veda; -½enas, a. having committed many sins.
bahūdaka a. abounding in water; m. mendicant ascetic frequenting sacred bath ing-places; -½upamâ, f. comparison with many things (rh.); -½upâya, a. having many resources, powerful.
bādha m. tormentor; resistance; m., â, f. pain, affliction, distress, suffering, annoyance, from (ab. or --°ree;); injury, damage, hurt, prejudice to (--°ree;); exclusion from (--°ree;); obstruction, annulment, suspension; contra diction, absurdity; -aka, a. (ikâ) distressing, harassing; injuring, prejudicing; setting aside, annulling; m. a tree: -tva, n. annulment; -ana, a. harassing, distressing; n. annoyance, molestation, pain (sts. pl.); annulment; removal; hindrance to (d.): â, f. trouble, affliction; -anîya, fp. to be removed; -ayitri, m.: trî, f. injurer, oppressor; -itatva, n. annulment; -itavya, fp. to be distressed, afflicted, ortroubled; -annulled or removed; -itri, m. troubler, afflicter.
bālaka a. (ikâ) young, childish, not yet full-grown; m. child, boy; young of an animal; five-year-old elephant; N. of a prince; -kânda, n. Boy-section, T. of the first book of the Râmâyana treating of the boy hood of Râma; -kunda½anuviddha, pp. n. spray of young jasmine intertwined (in their hair); -krishna, m. the boy Krishna; -kel&ibrevcirc;, f. children's game; -kriyâ, f. doings of children; -krîdana, n. child's play: -ka, m. children's toy; n. child's play; -krîdâ, f. child's play, childish sport; -ghna, m. child murderer; -kandra, m. young or crescent moon; n. breach of a peculiar shape; -kandra mas, m. young moon; -kandrikâ, f. N.; -karita, n. early life of a god, etc.; -karyâ, f. doings of a child; -tantra, n. midwifery; -tâ, f. childhood; -tva, n. id.; -darsam, abs. on seeing a boy; -pattra, m. a tree; -putra, a. having young children, having young: -ka,m. little son; -bandhana, m. binder of children (a demon of disease); -bhañgaka, m. N.; -bhâva, m. childhood; recent rise of a planet; -bhritya, m. servant from child hood; -mati, a. of childish intellect; -man dâra-vriksha, m. young coral tree; -râmâ yana, n. T. of a play; -roga, m. children's disease; -lîlâ, f. child's play; -vinashta: -ka, m. N.; -vaidhavya, n. child-widow hood; -sri&ndot;ga, a. having young horns; -sakhi, m. friend from youth; friend of a fool: -tva, n. friendship with a fool; -su hrid, m. friend from childhood; -han, a. (-ghnî) child-murdering.
bāndhava m. (having relationship: bandhu), kinsman, relation; maternal relative; friend: î, f. female relative; a-ka, a. concerning relations; -dhurâ, f. friendly service.
bāhūbāhavi ad. hand to hand, in close encounter.
bāhuvikṣepa m. movement of the arms; -vimarda, m. hand to hand fight, pugilistic encounter; -vîrya, n. strength of arm; a. strong of arm; -sakti, m. (strong of arm), N. of a prince; -sâlin, a.possessed of powerful arms, valorous, warlike; m. N. of a Dânava and of various men.
bāhucyuta pp. fallen or dropped from the arm or hand; (u)-tarana, n. cross ing with the arms, i. e. swimming across a river; (ú)-tâ, ad. in the arms (V.); (u)-dan- da, m. long arm; -danta-ka, a. with sâstra, n. N. of a treatise on jurisprudence abridged by Indra; -dant-in, m. ep. of Indra: (-i) putra, m. Indra's son (as the author of a Tantra); -pâsa, m. fetter of the arms, encircling arms; a certain attitude in fighting; -prasâra, m. extension of the arms; -bandhana, n. clasped or encircling arms; -bala, n. strength of arm; m. (Arm-strong), N.; -balín, a. strong-armed; -madhya, a. middle most with the arms: â-ni karmâni=actions with the arms are intermediate; -mûla, n. root of the arm, shoulder; -yuddha, n. hand to hand fight, pugilistic encounter; -yodha, -yodhin, m. pugilist.
bāhyāṃsa a. holding the hands outside (not between) the kness; -½antar, ad. from without and within; -½artha-vada, m. doctrine that the external world is real; -½artha-vâdin, a. maintaining the reality of the external world (ph.); -½âlaya, m. abode of the outcast=country of the Bâhîkas; -½in driya, n. external organ of sense.
bāhulatā f. creeper-like arms: -½antara, n. interval between the arms, chest, breast-bone.
bāhyakaraṇa n. external organ of sense; -tara, cpv. external etc.; outcast; -tas, ad. prp. outside, without (ab., g.); -tâ, f. deviation or divergence from (ab.); -pra kriti, f. pl. constituent parts of a foreign state (except the king).
bāhaya ] a. being outside (the door, house, village, etc.); situated out side (ab. or --°ree;); outer, external; strange, foreign; excluded from caste or the com munity, outcast; lying outside anything (ab. or --°ree;)=diverging from, conflicting with, be yond the pale of, having nothing to do with; with taddhita, m. secondary taddhita suffix (added after another taddhita); w. artha, m. meaning external to and having no imme diate connexion with the letters forming a word; -m kri, expel, eject; -m, in., lc., °ree;--, ad. or prp. outside (ab. or --°ree;); -m, ad. (go) out (of doors); ab. from without; m. corpse.
bindu m. drop; globule; dot, spot; mark of the anusvâra (supposed to be of great mystical import and connected with Siva); zero or cypher; dot made above a letter to cancel an erasure; apparentlyinsignificant incident the effects of which spread like a drop of oil on water (dr.); spot or mark of paint on the body of an elephant; N.: -ka, m. drop; -ki-ta, den. pp. dotted over, covered with drops of (in.).
bila n. cave; cavity, hole, burrow; aperture, opening; mouth (of a vessel, spoon, etc.); m. Indra's horse Ukkaihsravas: -yoni, a. of the breed of Bila (horse); -vâsa, a. dwelling in holes; m. animal living in holes; -vâsin, a., m. id.; -saya, -sâyin, a., m. id.; -svarga, m. (subterranean heaven), hell.
buddhikṛt a. producing the im pression of (--°ree;); -krita, pp. wisely acted; -kintaka, a. thinking wisely; -gîvin, a. sub sisting by intelligence; -tattva, n. the tattva of intellect (produced from Prakriti and Purusha); -pûrva, a. premeditated, inten tional: -m, ad. intentionally; -pûrvaka, a. id.: -m, ad. purposely; -prabha, m. N. of a prince; -prâgalbhî, f. soundness of judg ment; -mat, a. intelligent; shrewd, wise:-tva, n. wisdom; -matikâ, f. N.; -maya, a. consisting of intellect; -moha, m. confusion of mind; -vara, m. N. of a minister of Vikra mâditya; -vargita, pp. destitute of under standing, foolish; -vriddhi, f. increase of understanding or wisdom: -kara, a. produc ing --; -sarîra, m. N.; -sastra, a. armed with wisdom; -sâlin, a. possessed of under standing, intelligent, wise; -suddha, pp. pure of purpose; -suddhi, f. purification of the intellect; -sreshtha, spv. best through intel lect: â-ni karmâni=the works of the intel lect are best; -sampanna, pp. endowed with understanding, intelligent, wise; -sammita, pp. commensurate with reason; -sâgara, m. N.; -stha, a. present to the mind, conscious; -hîna, pp. destitute of intellect, dull-witted: -tva, n. deficiency of intellect, stupidity.
buddha pp. (√ budh) awakened, fully awake; expanded (flower); enlightened, wise; known, observed; m. enlightened person who is qualified by good works and knowledge of the truth for Nirvâna and reveals the true doctrine of salvation to the world before his decease (B.); the historical Buddha, named Sâkya-muni Gautama, the founder of the Buddhist religion, who was born in Magadha and died about 477 b. c.; -gayâ, f. Buddha's Gayâ, the Buddhistic name of the town of Gayâ (so called because Buddha obtained true knowledge there); -ghosha, m. N. of a celebrated Buddhist scholar who lived at the beginning of the fifth century a. d. (the N. is not quotable in Sanskrit); -tva, n. Buddha hood; -datta, m. N. of a minister; -dharma, m. Buddha's law; -pâlita, m. N. of a pupil of Nâgârguna; -mârga, m. way or doctrine of Buddha; -rakshita, m. N.: â, f. N.; -½âgama, m. Buddha's doctrine; -½anta, m. waking condition.
bījin a. seed-bearing (plant); being of the seed or blood of (--°ree;); m. owner or giver of seed, actual begetter (opp. nominal father or husband).
bṛhannala m. kind of tall reed; m. or â, f. N. assumed by Arguna when he en tered into the service of Virâta as an herma phrodite; -manu, m. the large (=detailed) Manu.
bṛhatkathā f. the Great His tory, T. of a collection of tales ascribed to Gunâdhya and the source from which Soma deva is supposed to have abridged his Kathâ saritsâgara; T. of a work ascribed to Kshe mendra; -kapola, a. fat-cheeked; -karman, m. N.; -kîrti, a. far-famed; m. N.; (-át) ketu, a. of great brilliance (RV.1); m. N.; -trina, n. strong grass; -tegas, m. (of great brilliance), the planet Jupiter; -tva, n. large ness; -pâda, a. large-footed; -prishtha, a. having the Brihat Sâman as the basis of the Prishtha-stotra; -phala, m. pl. a class of gods among the Buddhists; -samhitâ, f. the Great Collection, T. of a work on astronomy and astrology by Varâhamihira; T. of two other works; -sahâya, a. having a powerful companion; (-át)-sâman, a. having the Bri hat Sâman as a Sâman; m. N. of an Â&ndot;gi rasa; -sena, m. (having a large army), N. of various princes; -sphig, m. (having large buttocks), N.
bṛhat pr. pt. (-&isharp;) lofty, long, tall; vast, abundant, extensive; much; strong, mighty; big, large, great (fig. in all mgs.); full-grown, old; far-extending, bright (light); high, loud, clear (sound); ad. widely, on high; firmly, compactly; brightly; aloud; mightily, very; n. height; N. of various Sâmans having the metrical form of the Brihatî; m. or n. speech (brihatâm patih=Brihaspati); -&isharp;, f. a metre of 36syllables (8+8+12+8 sylla bles); later, every metre of 36 syllables; the number thirty-six.
bṛhaspati m. Lord of devotion, N. of a god (the outcome of theological specu lation) in whom piety towards the gods is personified; in C. he is accounted the god of wisdom and eloquence (to whom various works are ascribed); the planet Jupiter; N.
brahmaloka m. world or heaven of Brahman (sts. pl.); -laukika, a. inhabit ing the world of Brahman; -vaktri, m. ex pounder of the Vedas; -vat, ad. in accord ance with or like the Veda; -vadya, n.recitation of Vedic texts; -vadha, m. mur der of a Brâhman; -vadhyâ, f. id.: -krita, n. perpetrated murder of a Brâhman; -vark asá, n. pre-eminence in sacred knowledge, sanctity; -varkas-in, a. pre-eminent in di vine knowledge, holy; -varkas-vin, a. id.; -vâdá, m. discourse on sacred matters; -vâd ín, a. discoursing on sacred matters; m. theologian, Vedântin; -vâsa, m. Brahman's abode or heaven; (bráhma)-vâhas, a. to whom prayer is offered; -vit-tva, n. sacred knowledge, theology, philosophy; -víd, a. knowing the Vedas; versed in magic; m. theologian, philosopher; -vidy&asharp;, f. knowledge of Brahman or of sacred things; -vidvas, pt. knowing Brahman; -vivardhana, a. increas ing sacred knowledge, ep. of Vishnu; -vrik sha, m. Brahman as a tree; -vritti, f. sub sistence of a Brâhman; -veda, m. Veda of Spells, Atharva-veda; -vedi, f. N. of a local ity; -vedin, a.knowing the Brahman or the Vedas; -vaivarta: -ka, n. T. of a Purâna; -vrata, n. vow of chastity: -dhara, a. prac tising --; -sâyin, a. resting in Brahman; -sâlâ, f. Brahman's hall; N. of a sacred locality; -siras, -sîrshan, n. kind of mythi cal missile; -samsad, f. Brahman's audience chamber; -samstha, a. devoted to sacred things; -samhitâ, f. collection of prayers; -sattra, n. sacrifice of prayer; -sattrin, a. offering a sacrifice of prayer; -sadana, n. seat of the Brahman priest; abode or heaven of Brahman; -sabhâ, f. hall or audience chamber of Brahman; -sambhava, a. sprung from Brahman; -saras, n. N. of a bathing place; -savá, m. purification of prayer; kind of sacrificial rite; -sât-kri, bring into har mony with Brahman; -sâmá, -sâmán, n. Sâman chanted after a verse recited by the Brahman priest; -sâyugya, n. complete union or identification with the universal soul; -sârshti-tâ, f. equality with Brahman; -sâ varna, m. N. of the tenth Manu; -sâvarni, m. id.; -siddhânta, m. T. of various astrono mical works; -siddhi, m. N. of an ascetic; -suta, m. son of Brahman; -suvarkalâ, f. kind of plant; decoction of this plant (drunk as a penance); -sûtra, n. sacred cord worn by Brâhmans over the shoulder; sacred or theological Sûtra; T. of a Sûtra work on the Vedânta philosophy ascribed to Bâdarâyana or Vyâsa: -pada, n. statement of a theolo gical Sûtra; a. (î) consisting of the state ments of a theological Sûtra; -sûtrin, a. wearing the sacred cord; -srig, m. creator of Brahman, ep. of Siva; -soma, m. N. of a saint; -stamba, m. universe, world; -stena, m. (thief of=) one in unlawful possession of the Veda; -steya, n. (theft of=) unlawful acquisition of the Veda; -sthala, n. N. of a town and of various villages; -sva, n. pro perty of a Brâhman; -haty&asharp;, f. murder of a Brâhman; -hán, m. murderer of a Brâhman; -hridaya, m. n. N. of a star (Capella).
brahmarṣi m. priestly or Brâh man sage (term applied to ancient sages such as Vasishtha and others): -desa, m. country of the Brahmarshis (a tract comprising the Doab from near Delhi to Mathurâ).
bauddha a. kept in the mind (bud dhi), mental (=not uttered); relating to the understanding; belonging to or connected with Buddha; m. Buddhist: -darsana, n., -mata, (pp.) n. Buddhist doctrine.
bodhi m. perfect enlightenment by which a man becomes a Buddha or Jina; enlightened intellect of a Buddha or Jina (B. or Jain term); the tree of knowledge un der which Buddha obtained perfect enlighten ment (Ficus religiosa); -ita, cs. pp. (√ budh) made known, etc.; -i-tavya, fp. to be made known or communicated; -in, a. (--°ree;) re garding, careful of; knowing; causing to know or perceive; awakening, enlightening.
brahmanirvāṇa n. extinction or absorption in Brahman (n.); -nishtha, a. absorbed in the contemplation of Brahman (n.); -nîda, n. resting-place of Brahman (n.); -pattra, n. Brahman's leaf=leaf of the Palâsa tree (Butea frondosa); -patha, m. path to Brahman (m. or n.); -pada, n. place of Brahman (n.); pârâyana, n. complete study or entire text of the Veda; -putrá, m. son of a priest or Brâhman; son of the god Brahman; kind of vegetable poison; N. of a large river rising in the eastern Himâlayas and falling into the bay of Bengal; N. of a lake; -pura, n. Brahman's citadel (in heaven); N. of a city (Theopolis): î, f. id.; ep. of the city of Benares; -puraka, m. pl. N. of a people; -pura½âkhya, a. named Brahmapura; -purâna, n. T. of a Purâna; -purusha, m. servant of the Brahman priest; servant of the god Brahman; -prakriti-ka, a. having Brahman as its source (world): -tva, n. origination from Brahman; -priya, a. found of devotion; -prî, a. id. (RV.); -bandhava, n. function of a priest's assistant; -bandhu, m. priest fellow (used contemptuously), unworthy Brâhman, Brâhman in caste only, nominal Brâhman; sp. Brâhman who does not perform the morning and the evening Samdhyâ ceremony (according to Sâyana); -bindu, m. Dot (Anusvâra) of Brahman, T. of an Upani shad; -bîga, n. seed of the Veda, the sacred syllable &open;om;&close; -bruvâna, pr. pt. Â. calling himself or pretending to be a Brâhman; -bhavana, n. abode of Brahman; -bhâgá, m. share of the Brahman priest; -bhâva, m. absorption in the Absolute; -bhâvana, a. manifesting or teaching the Veda; -bhid, a. dividing the one Brahman into many; -bhuvana, n. world of Brahman; -bhûta, pp. having become one with, i.e. absorbed in Brahman or the Abso lute; -bhûya, n. identification with or absorption in Brahman; rank of a Brâhman, Brâhmanhood; -bhûyas, a. becoming one with Brahman; n. absorption in Brahman; -bhrashta, pp. having forfeited sacred knowledge; -ma&ndot;gala-devatâ, f. ep. of Lakshmî; -matha, m. N. of a monastic school or college; -maya, a. (î) consisting or formed of Brahman; -maha, m. festival in honour of Brâhmans; -mîmâmsâ, f. inquiry into the nature of Brahman, the Vedânta philosophy; -yagñá, m. sacrifice of devotion=Vedic reci tation or study (one of the five daily sacri fices of the householder); -yasas, n.: -a, n. glory of Brahman; -yasas-in, a. possessing the glory of Brâhmans; -yúg, a. yoked by prayer = bringing the god in answer to prayer; -yoni, f. home of Brahman (n.); a. having one's home in Brahman; sprung from Brahman: -stha, a. abiding in Brahman (n.) as one's source; -rakshas, n. kind of evil demon; -ratna, n. valuable present bestowed on Brâh mans; -ratha, m. Brâhman's cart; -râkshasa, m. kind of evil demon; -râga, m. N.; -râta, m.given by Brahman, ep. of Suka; N. of Yâgñavalkya's father; -râsi, m. entire mass or circle of Vedic texts or sacred knowledge.
brahman m. devout man, one who prays, worshipper; priest, Brâhman; knower of Vedic texts or spells; one versed in sacred knowledge; sp. chief priest who directs the sacrifice and is supposed to know the three Vedas (his assistants being the Brâhma nâkkhamsin, the Agnîdhra, and the Potri), supreme universal soul, the chief god of the Indian pantheon (being the later personal form of the Vedic impersonal absolute deity, which is neuter); the Creator (Vishnu being the Preserver, and Siva the Destroyer); in tellect (=buddhi); N. of a magician.
brahman n. [√ 2. barh] (pious swelling or fulness of soul), devotion; pious utterance, prayer; Vedic verse or text; spell; sacred syllable &open;om;&close; holy scriptures, the Vedas; sacred learning, theology, theosophy; holy life, sp. continence, chastity; the supreme impersonal spirit, the Absolute (exceptionally treated as m.); class who are the repository of sacred knowledge, theologians, Brâhmans (coll., rarely used of individual Brâhmans).
brahmatā f. nature of the absolute deity; -tegas, n. glory or power of Brah man; a. having the glory or power of Brah man; -tego-maya, a. formed of Brahman's glory; -tva, n. office of the Brahman priest; rank of a Brâhman; position of Brahman; -da, a. giving the Veda, imparting sacred knowledge; -danda, m. Brahman's staff (a kind of mythical weapon); curse of a Brâh man; -dandin, m. N. of an ancient sage; -dattá, m. given by the god Brahman; N.; -dâtri, m. imparter of the Veda, spiritual teacher; -dâna, n. gift of the Veda, impart ing of sacred knowledge; -dâya, 1. a. im parting the Veda; 2. m. sacred knowledge as a heritage; inheritance of a Brâhman; -dâya hara, a. receiving the Veda as an inherit ance from (g.); -dâyâda, a. enjoying sacred knowledge as his inheritance or m. son of Brahman; -dûshaka, a. falsifying the Veda; -deya, a. being given in marriage after the manner of Brahman or the Brâhmans: with vidhi, m. marriage of this kind; n. instruc tion in the Veda, imparting of sacred know ledge: -½anusamtâna, a. in whose familyteaching of the Veda is hereditary; -dvísh, a. hostile to devotion or religion, impious; m. hater of Brâhmans; -dvesha, m. hatred of religion, impiety; -dhara, a. possessed of sa cred knowledge; -dharma-dvish, a. hating the Vedas and the law; -dhâtu, m. compo nent part of Brahman.
brāhmaṇācchaṃsin m. (re citing after the Brâhmana), priest who assists the Brahman at the Soma sacrifice; -îya, n., -îyâ, f. office of the Brâhmanâkkhamsin; -yã, a. relating to the Brâhmanâkkhamsin priest; n. office of the Brâhmanâkkhamsin.
brāhmaṇa a. (î) belonging to a Brâhman, Brâhmanic; î, f. woman of the priestly caste; kind of red-tailed lizard; n. Brahman (n.), the divine (V.); divine power; dictum of a Brahman orpriest, theological exegesis relating to matters of faith and cult; N. of a class of works containing such disquisitions, a Brâhmana; passage in a Brâhmana; Soma-vessel of the Brahman priest: -ka, m. wretched or merely nominal Brâhman; -kalpa, a. resembling a Brâhman; -kumâra, m. Brâhman boy; -kula, n. house of a Brâhman; -griha, n. house of a Brâh man; -ghna, m. slayer of a Brâhman; -kând âla, m. (kândâla of a=) contemptible Brâh man; -gâtá, n. Brâhman race; -gushta, pp. pleasing to Brâhmans; -tâ, f. rank or con dition of a Brâhman; -tva, n. id.; -dârikâ, f. Brâhman girl; -patha, m. Brâhmana text; -putra-ka, m. Brâhman boy; -prasa&ndot;ga, m. applicability of the term Brâhmana, notion of Brâhman; -prâtivesya, m. neighbouring Brâhman; -priya, m. friend of Brâhmans; -bruva, a. calling himself a Brâhman, Brâh man only in name; -bhâva,m. condition or rank of a Brâhman; -bhogana, n. feeding of Brâhmans; -yagñá, m. sacrifice meant for or offered by Brâhmans; -vakana, n. statement of a Brâhmana text; -vadha, m. murder of a Brâhman.
bhagadatta m. N. of a prince; -devata, a. having the god Bhaga for a deity; -daivata, a. id.; ± nakshatra, n. the lunar asterism Uttarâ Phalgunî; -netra-ghna, -netra-nipâtana, -netra-han, -netra-hara, -netra-hrit, -netra½apahârin, m. Destroyer of Bhaga's eye, ep. of Siva.
bhaga m. [dispenser: √ bhag] lord (of gods, esp. Savitri: V.); N. of one of the Adityas bringing welfare and love and instituting marriage; the lunar asterism Phalgunî; sun; good fortune, luck, happy lot (mostly V.); dignity, grandeur (mostly V.); loveliness, beauty; love, affection, amorousness; pudendum muliebre.
bhakṣi m. the root bhaksh (gr.); -ita, (pp.) n. being devoured by (in.): -sesha, a. remaining from what has been eaten; m. leavings of food: -½âhâra, m. meal of leavings; -itavya, fp. to be eaten; -itri, m. eater; -in, a. eating (gnly. --°ree;); -ya, fp. to be eaten, eatable, fit for food; n. food; sp. solid food (which has to be chewed); m. food, dish (incorrect for bhaksha): -bhaksha-ka, m. du. food and eater, -vastu, n.eatable thing, victuals.
bhakṣa m. partaking of nourishment, drinking, eating; drink (V.), food (ord. mg.): very commonly --°ree; a. feeding or subsisting on; -aka, a. eating, feeding on (--°ree;); m. feeder, eater, of (g., --°ree;); (bháksh)-ana, n. drinking, eating, partaking of, feeding on (g. or --°ree;); being devoured, by (in.); -anîya, fp. to be eaten, eatable: -tâ, f. eatableness; -ayitavya, fp. to be eaten or devoured; -ayitri, m. eater.
brāhmaṇya a. suitable for Brâhmans; n. Brâhmanhood, priestly character; dignity of a Brâhman; company of Brâhmans.
bhaginikā f. little sister.
bhagin a. prosperous, happy, fortunate, lucky; splendid, glorious: -î, f. sis ter (happy, as not being an only child but having a brother): -pati, m. sister's husband, brother-in-law, -suta, m. sister's son, nephew.
bhagavat a. possessing a happy lot, fortunate, blessed; adorable, venerable, divine (ep. of gods and demi-gods), august, illustrious, holy (of saints); worshipful as a term of address in vc.(bhagavan, bhagavas (V.), bhagos, f. bhagavati, m. pl. bhagavantah) or nm. with 3 sg.; m. ep. of Vishnu or Krish na, and of Siva: -î, f. ep. of Lakshmî and of Durgâ; -vad-âsraya-bhûta, pp. being the seat or resting-place of the Venerable One (Vishnu).
bhaṅga a. breaking (V.1); m. breaking (also of waves), -down or off; plucking off; falling out; injury; fracture (of bones); separation, analysis (of words); bend, curve; collapse, downfall, fall, ruin, destruction, decay; interruption, disturbance; frustration, failure; infringement, diminution; non-performance (of an order); dispersion, discomfiture, rout, defeat (also in a lawsuit); fear; rejection, refusal; refutation; fragment; contraction, knitting (of the brows); fold; wave: -kara, a. breaking; m. breaker, infringer.
bhadratara cpv. better; happier; more prosperous; -tâ, f. honesty, upright ness; -danta, m. N. of an elephant; -dâru, m. n. the Devadâru tree; -nidhi, m. treasure of fortune (a precious vessel offered to Vishnu); -pada, n. a metre; -pîtha, n. auspicious seat, throne; -bâhu, m. N. of a son of Vasudeva; N. of a prince of Magadha; -bhata, m. N.; -mukha, a. having an auspicious counte nance: only used in the vc. (or nm.=vc.) gen tle sir: pl. good people; -mriga, m. kind of elephant; -ratha, m. N.; -rûpâ, f. N.; -vat, a. auspicious: -&isharp;, f. courtesan; N.; -vasana, splendid garment; -virâg, f. a metre; -sâla vana, n. forest of the splendid Sâla trees, N. of a forest; -sená, m. N.
bhadraka a. good: pl. used as a term of address, good people: â, f. N.; -kal pa, m. the present cosmic age (among the Buddhists); -kâraka, a. causing prosperity; -kâlî, f. a goddess, later a form ofDurgâ; -kâshtha, n. wood of the Devadâru tree (Pinus Deodora); -krít, a. causing pros perity, blessing (V.); -ghata, m. pot of for tune, lottery vase.
bhadra a. [laudable: √ bhand] bless ed, auspicious; fair, beautiful; good; fortu nate, prosperous; skilful in (lc.): vc. m. my good friend, worthy sir, f. my good lady, pl. good people; â dis, f. the auspicious quarter, the south; â vâk, f. kindly speech; -m, a-yâ, in. (V.) joyfully; -m kri or â-kar, do well; -m kri, grant welfare to (d.); m. kind of evil doer (pl.); N.; n. welfare, happiness, bless ing, prosperity: -m te,prosperity to you, God bless you (often used parenthetically in a sentence).
bhaṇḍa m. jester, buffoon; a mixed caste: -tva, n. buffoonery; -anîya, fp. to be derided; m. N. of a minister of Srîharsha.
bhañjaka m. breaker (of doors); -ana, a. breaking; m. breaker (--°ree;); dispeller; n. breaking, destroying; dispelling, remov ing; disturbing, interrupting.
bhayāpaha a. releasing from fear, warding off danger from (--°ree;); -½abâdha, a. undisturbed by fear; -½ârta, pp. stricken with fear, terrified; -½âvaha, a. bringing fear or danger to (--°ree;); -½uttara, a. attended with fear; -½upasama, m. allaying of danger, fear.
bhayānaka a. terrible, dreadful.
bhayakara a. terrifying; endan gering (g.); -kartri, -krit, m. one who terri fies or endangers; -m-kara, a. (î) fear-in spiring, terrifying, formidable (to, --°ree;); m. N.; -dindima, m. battle-drum; -trâtri, m. rescuer from danger; -da, a. terrifying or bringing danger to (g. or --°ree;); -dâna, n. gift given through fear; -dâyin, a. fear-inspir ing; -dhana, a. abounding in dread, terrible; -pratîkâra, m. removal of danger; -prada, a. fear-inspiring; -pradâyin, a. bringing into danger consisting of (--°ree;); -vihvala, a. agi tated with fear; -vyûha, m. kind of mili tary array in view of danger on all sides; -soka-samâvishta, pp. filled with fear and sorrow; -samtrasta-mânasa, a. having a mind scared with fear; -sthâna, n. occasion of danger; -hâraka, a. freeing from fear or danger; -hetu, m. cause of alarm.
bhaya n. dread, alarm, fear, anxiety, of (ab., g., --°ree;); sg., pl. terror, danger, peril, distress (from, ab. or --°ree;; to, --°ree;): ab. through fear; -m kri, be afraid of (ab.); -m dâ, give a fright, terrify.
bharaṇa n. bearing; wearing (of a garment, --°ree;); bringing, procuring; main taining, supporting, nurture; hire, wages: î, f. (gnly. pl.) a lunar asterism; -anîya, fp. to be supported, nourished, or fed.
bhavat pr. pt. [the gentleman pre sent], m. used as honorific pronoun of the second person (nm. -ân, f. -at-î) with the third person (exceptionally with the second) and interchanging with the pronoun of the second person; the pl. is sts. used in token of greater respect. Bhavat is often joined with atra, tatra, and sts. even sa.
bhavānī f. N. of a goddess (S.), later identified with Siva's wife Pârvatî (C.); N.: -pati, -vallabha, -sakha, m. ep. of Siva.
bhavabhaṅga m. annihilation of mundane existence; -bhâva, m. love of the world; -bhâvana, a. bestowing welfare: â, f. regarding anything as good fortune (--°ree;); -bhîru, a. fearing rebirth; -bhûti, f. for tunate existence; m. N. of a dramatic poet, author of the Mâlatîmâdhava, the Mahâvîra karita, and the Uttararâmakarita, who lived in the eighth century a.d.; -bhoga, m. plea sures of the world; -manyu, m. resentment against the world; -maya, a. proceeding from Siva; -mokana, a. releasing from mundane existence; -sarman, m. N.; -sa&ndot;gin, a. at tached to worldly existence; -samtati, f. continuous series of transmigrations; -sâyu- gya, n. union with Siva (after death); -sâra, m. ocean of existence.
bhāgineya m. son of a sister (bha ginî): -ka, m. id.
bhānuja m. son of the sun, planet Saturn; -tanayâ, f. daughter of the sun, pat. of the Yamunâ; -tâ, f. condition of the sun; -datta, m. N.; -dina, n. Sunday.
bhārata a. (î) derived from the Bha rata (Ritvig) or bearing the sacrifice (?), ep. of Agni; descended from Bharata; belong ing to the Bharatas (with yuddha, n., sam grâma, m., samara, m., samiti, f. the battle of the Bharatas; w. âkhyâna, n., itihâsa, m., or kathâ, f. story of the Bharatas; w. mandala or varsha, n. Bharata's realm, India; w. vritti, f. kind of style); inhabiting India; m. de scendant of Bharata;ep. of Yudhishthira: î, f. a Vedic deity, later identified with Saras vatî, the goddess of speech; speech, voice; quail; n. the land of Bharata, India; the story of the Bharatas and of their struggle (=Ma hâbhârata, but sts. distinguished from it).
bhārgava a. (î) derived from, be longing or relating to Bhrigu; belonging to Bhârgava (Sukra); m. descendant of Bhrigu, Parasurâma; pat. of Sukra, teacher of the Daityas; ep. of Siva: î, f. female descend ant of Bhrigu; daughter of Bhârgava (Sukra); ep. of Pârvatî; (a)-râghavîya, a. relating to Parasurâma and Râma.
bhārodvaha m. burden-carrier, porter; -½upagîvana, n. subsistence by carry ing burdens.
bhārika a. burdensome, heavy; m. burden-carrier, porter; -in, a. bearing, carrying (--°ree;); heavy; deep (tone); m. burden carrier, porter.
bhārapratyavara a. lowest by reason of the bearing of burdens (actions); -bhârin, a. bearing burdens; -vat, a. weighty; -vâha, a. bearing a burden; m. bearer of a burden; -vâhaka, m. burden-carrier, porter; -vâhana, m. id.; -vâhin, a. burden-carry ing; bearing a load of (--°ree;).
bhāraka m. (?) burden, load; mass, quantity (ikâ, f. id.); -gîvin, m. (subsisting by carrying burdens), porter.
bhāvaya cs. of √ bhû; -ay-itavya, fp. to be cherished or furthered; -ayitri, m. promoter, patron.
bhāvana a. (î) effecting, producing; furthering, promoting the welfare of (g. or --°ree;); imagining, fancying; teaching; n., â, f. producing, effecting; conception, imagina tion, idea, fancy; supposition; â, f. settling, determining; saturation of a powder with fluid; --°ree; a. nature: in. in thought, in imagi nation; -m bandh, occupy one's imagination with, direct one's thoughts to (lc.).
bhāsa m. lustre, brightness, light; a bird of prey; N.: (a)-ka, a. showing, making evident; m. N. of a poet, -tâ, f. condition of a Bhâsa; -ana, n. shining, glit tering; brilliance, distinction.
bhāṣika a. relating to the ver nacular; n. general rules: â, f. language; -ita, pp. spoken, said; n. speech, utterance, lan guage; -itavya, fp. to be addressed; -itri, a. saying, uttering (ac.; Br.), speaking (--°ree;); -in, a. saying, speaking; loquacious; gnly. --°ree;, speaking, talking.
bhāṣaka a. (--°ree;) talking or chat tering about; -ana, n. speaking, talking, chattering; speech; kind words.
bhīkara a. causing fear, terrifying, with (--°ree;).
bhinnakāla a. overstepping the time; -kûta, a. employing different strata gems; -krama, a. having the wrong order, displaced; -ganda-karata, a. whose temples are streaming (elephant); -garbha, a. (hav ing a discordant interior=) suffering from in ternal dissensions, disorganized (army); -gâti, a. pl. of different rank; -gâtîya, a. various; -tva, n. difference from (--°ree;); -darsin, a. see ing a difference, distinguishing; -desa, a. occurring in different places: -tva, n. occur rence in widely distant places; -prakâra, a. of a different sort; -mantra, a. having be trayed counsel; -maryâda, a. breaking down or transgressing the bounds; -ruki, a. having different tastes; -li&ndot;ga, n. incongruity of gender in a simile: -ka, a. (i-kâ) containing words of different gender; -vakana, a. con taining words of different number; n. incon gruity of numberin a simile; -varna, a. co lourless; -vritta, pp. behaving irregularly, leading a bad life; -vritti, a. having differ ent occupations; having a different vocation; leading an evil life: -tâ, f. abst. N.; -½añgana, n. mixed collyrium (applied with oil): -var- na, a. having the colour of mixed collyrium: -tâ, f. abst. N.; -½artha, a. having a different object; having a distinct sense, clear, intel ligible: -tâ, f. clearness, intelligibility.
bhīṣma a. frightful, terrific, dread ful; m. N. of a son of Ga&ndot;gâ and Sâmtanu, grand-uncle of the Pândus, and leader of the Kuru army: -ka, m. contemptible Bhî shma; N. of the father of Rukminî: -½âtma- gâ, f. pat. of Rukminî; -parvan, n. the Bhîshma section, T. of the sixth book of the Mahâbhârata; -ratna, n. jewel.
bhīru a. (&ubrevcirc;) timid, fearful, cowardly; shy; afraid of (ab., --°ree;): vc. f. often used in address, O timid one! paratra --, dreading the beyond: (u)-ka, a. timorous, cowardly; afraid of (--°ree;);-gana, a. having cowardly followers; -tâ, f., -tva, n. timidity, bashful ness; cowardice; fear, dread, of (--°ree;); -bhî ru, a. excessively timid; -maya, a. terrific, frightful; -yodha, a. garrisoned by dastardly soldiers; -sattva,a. having a timid nature, timorous.
bhīra a. terrifying.
bhīmaujas a. of terrible might.
bhīmakarman a. doing terrible deeds, of terrific prowess; -khanda, n. T. of a section of the Mahâbhârata and of the Skanda-purâna; -gupta, m. N. of a prince; -gâ, f. daughter of Bhîma, Damayantî; -tâ, f. terribleness; -darsana, a. of terrible as pect; -dhanvan, m. N. of a prince; -nand inî, f. Bhîma's daughter; -nâda, m. dread ful sound; a. sounding dreadfully; -nâyaka, m. N.; -parâkrama, a. having terrible va lour or prowess; m. N.; -putrikâ, f. Bhîma's daughter; -pura, n. N. of a town; -pûrvaga, m. Bhîma's elder brother, ep. of Yudhishthira; -bala, a. having terrible strength; m. N.; -bhata, m. N.; -bhavî-bhû,assume the form of Bhîma's daughter, i. e. Damayantî; -bhu- ga, a. having terrible arms; m. N.; -mukha, a. having a terrible face; m. N.; -ratha, m. (having a formidable car), N. of a Rakshas; N.; -rûpa, a. of terrible form; -vakana, n. Bhîma's command; -vikrama, a. having ter rible valour; m. N.; -vega, a. having terrible swiftness; m. N.; -sâsana, n. Bhîma's sum mons; -sutâ, f. Bhîma's daughter, Dama yantî; -sena, m. (having a terrible army), N., especially of the second Pândava prince; -½âkara, m. N.; â-deva, m. N.
bhīma a. fearful, terrible, formidable: °ree;--, ad.; m. ep. of Rudra-Siva; N. of one of the eight forms of Siva; N. of various divine beings and men, esp. of the second son of Pându: â, f. N. of Durgâ and of an Apsaras; N. of various rivers; N. of a locality.
bhuktocchiṣṭa n. remnant of a meal; -½urvarita, pp. remaining after a meal.
bhukta pp. (√ bhug) eaten, etc.; n. eating; what is eaten, food; --°ree; a. having as one's food, subsisting on: -pîta, pp. having eaten and drunk; -bhoga, a. the use of which has been enjoyed, employed, utilized; -mâtra, a. just eaten: lc. immediately after eating; -vat, pp. act. having eaten (=finite vb.); -sesha, m. remnants of a meal; a. left from a meal; -supta, pp. sleeping after a meal.
bhujacchāyā f. shadow of the arms, secure shelter; -taru-vana, n. a forest the trees of which are arms (=the ten arms of Siva); -danda, m. long arm; -bandhana, n. clasp of the arms, embrace; -madhya, n. interval between the arms, breast; -mûla, n. shoulder; -yashti, f. long slender arm; -latâ, f. id.; -vîrya, a. strong in the arm; -sâlin, a. possessing powerful arms; -sam bhoga, m. embrace; -stambha, m.paralysis of the arm.
bhūta pp. become, having been, past; actually happened; existing, present; being (compounded with a predicate, especially a substantive, to form adjectives; adverbs are thus turned into the corresponding adjectives); mixed or joined with (--°ree;); purified; m. n. being (divine, human, animal, and even vege table); good being (V.); created thing; world (V.; gnly. n.); uncanny being, spirit, ghost, goblin (C.); n. past; fact, reality, actual oc currence; welfare; element (esp. the gross elements, earth, water, fire, air, ether; of which the body is supposed to be composed and into which it is dissolved: cp. pañka-tva).
bhūkampa m. earthquake; -kâs yapa, m. king; -kshîra-vâtikâ, f. N. of a locality; -gata, pp. existing or living on earth; -griha, n. underground chamber, cel lar; -geha, n. id.; -gola, m. terrestrial globe; -kara, a. moving on or inhabiting the earth; m. inhabitant of the earth.
bhuvas indec. [probably vc. pl. of bh&usharp;], used in the formula bh&usharp;r bhúvah svãh, and interpreted to mean air; when fourteen worlds are assumed it is the second of the ascending series.
bhūtātmaka a. having the na ture of or composed of the elements; -½ât man, m. soul of living beings, ep. of Brahman and of Vishnu; individual soul; a. whose soul is purified; m. body (whose nature is the elements); -½âdi, m. the first of all beings, ep. of Vishnu; m. n. Ahamkâra as the pro ducer of the elements; -½anadyatana, m. not the same day in the past; -½antaka, m. des troyer of beings, god of death; -½abhisha&ndot;ga, m. possession by an evil spirit; -½ârabdha, pp. formed out of the elements; n. pl. all organic matter; -½artha, m. thing that has really happened, actual fact; -½âvâsa, m. abode of beings, ep. ofVishnu and Siva; abode of the elements, the body; -½âvishta, pp. possessed by evil spirits; -½âvesa, m. pos session by evil spirits; -½âsana, n. seat of evil spirits, N. of a magical car.
bhūtakaraṇa n. that which pro duces the past tense, augment; -kartri, m. creator of beings; -kâla, m. past time; -kâl ika, a. relating to the past; -krít, a. creat ing beings; m. creator of beings; -ketu, m. N. of a Vetâla; -gana, m. the host of created beings; a or the host of spirits; -grâ ma, m. sg. & pl. the aggregate of created beings, community of creatures; multitude of spirits; -kârin, a. moving among beings (Siva); -kintâ, f. investigation of the ele ments; -kaitanika, m. believer in the doc trine that mind is produced from material elements; -kaitanya, n. state of matter being mind; -gananî, f. mother of all beings; -gâta, n.aggregate of beings; -tâ, f. verity, truth; -tva, n. condition of created beings or elements; -dayâ, f. tenderness to all creatures; -druh, a. injuring creatures; -dharâ, f. supporter of creatures, earth; -dhâtrî, f. supporter of creatures (sleep); earth; -dhârinî, f. earth; -nâtha, m. ruler of spirits, ep. of Siva; -nikaya, m. (aggre gate of elements), body; -páti, m. lord of creatures, esp. of evil spirits, ep. of Agni, Bhava, Sarva, and Siva; -pâla, m.protector of creatures; -pûrva, a. having been before, former; old (stories); deceased: -tâ, f. for mer circumstances; -prakriti, f. primal source of created beings; -bhartri, m. lord of spirits, ep. of Siva; -bhâvana, a.blessing creatures, ep. of Brahman; -bhâvin, a. creating beings; past and future; -bhâshâ, f., -bhâshita, (pp.) n. language of the goblins; -bhrit, a. supporting beings; -bhautika, a. consisting of the elements and what is formed of them; -maya, a. (î) including all beings; formed out of the five elements; -mahesvara, m. great lord of the spirits, ep. of Siva; -mâ trâ, f. pl. the subtile elements; the gross and the subtile elements; -yagñá, m.offering to all created beings (one of the five Mahâya gñas to be performed daily by the householder; it consists in the oblation of the Bali, q. v.); -yoni, f. origin of created beings; -râg, m. king of the spirits, ep. of Siva; -rûpa, a. having the form of a goblin.
bhūmikṣaya m. loss of terri tory; -gata, pp. fallen on the ground; -gar ta, m. hole in the ground; -griha, n. under ground chamber, cellar; -kala, m.: -na, n. earthquake; -ga, a. produced from the earth; m. planet Mars; -gâta, pp. produced or formed on the earth; -goshaná, n. choice of ground; -tanaya, m. son of the earth, planet Mars; -tala, n. surface of the earth, ground; -tundika, m. N. of a locality; -da, a.granting land; -dâna, n. grant of land; -deva, m. god on earth, Brâhman; -dhara, m. supporter of the earth, mountain; prince, king; -nâtha, m. lord of earth, king; -pa, m. guardian of earth, king; -pati, m. lord of earth, king: -tva, n. sovereignty, kingship; -parimâna, n. square-measure; -pâla, m. protector of earth, prince, king; -putra, m. son of the earth, planet Mars; N.; -puramdara, m. Indra on earth, ep. of Dilîpa; -pra, a. (V.) filling the earth (fame); -prakala, m. earthquake; -prâpta, pp. fallen on the ground; -bhâga, m. spot of earth, place; -bhug, m. enjoyer of earth, king; -bhûta, pp. forming the soil of anything; -bhrit, m. supporter of the earth, prince, king; -bhedin, a. different from what it is on earth; -vardhana, m. n. corpse; burden of the earth; -vâsin, a. dwelling on the ground; -saya, a. lying or living on or in the ground; m. animal living in the ground; -shtha, a. standing on the earth or ground; lying in the ground; being in his country; -sâmrâgya, n. supreme rule over the earth; -suta, (pp.) m. son of the earth, planet Mars; -spris, a. touching the earth; -svâmin, m. lord of earth, king.
bhīṣaṇa a. (â, î) terrifying, for midable to (g. or --°ree;); --°ree;, terrible by, like, at (time); n. terrifying; -sh-aya, cs. of √ bhî.
bhūmikā f. earth, ground, soil; tablet for writing (--°ree;); spot, place, for (--°ree;); storey, floor; stage, degree; part or character (of an actor); preface, introduction.
bhūmi f. earth; ground, soil (sts. pl.), for (g.); territory, country, land, district; earth (as a substance); spot, site, place; storey, floor; position, office; part (of an actor); stage (in Yoga); degree, extent; --°ree;, object of (love, confidence), opportunity of (recreation), prodigy of (impudence).
bhūman n. (V.) earth; ground; territory, district, place; world; being: pl. aggregate of existing things.
bhūdhra m. [=-dhara] mountain; -nandana, m. N. of a prince; -nâyaka, m. leader of the earth, king; -pa, m. protector of the earth or of the land, prince, king: -tâ, f. royal dignity; (bh&usharp;)-pati,m. lord of beings, ep. of Rudra; lord of earth, prince, king; -patita, pp. fallen on the earth; -pa putra, m. king's son, prince; -paridhi, m. circumference of the earth; -pa-suta, m. king's son, prince; -pâta, m. falling on the ground; -pâla, m. protector of the earth, prince, king; N. of a son of Somapâla: -loka, m. crowd of princes, -vallabha, m. favourite of kings (horse); N.; -putra, m. son of earth, planet Mars: î, f. daughter of earth, Sîtâ; -prakampa, m. earthquake; -pradâna, n. gift of land; -bimba, m. n. ter restrial globe; -bhata, m. N.; -bhartri, m. lord of earth, prince, king; -bhâga, m. part of earth, place, spot: krosamâtrah --, distance of not more than a Krosa; -bhug, m. enjoyer of earth, prince, king; -bhrit, m. supporter of earth, mountain; ep. of Vishnu; prince, king.
bhūyiṣṭha spv. most, most abun dant or numerous; most important, chief, principal; very great, large, much, or nume rous; --°ree;, mostly composed or consisting of; highly characterized by, filled with; --°ree; after a pp. mostly, almost (a N. belonging to the pp. comes between it and bhûyishtha): -m, ad. most; mostly, chiefly; exceedingly, very much, in a very high degree; almost com pletely; -tâ, f. great number.
bhūyas cpv. (becoming in a greater degree), more, more numerous or abundant, than (ab.); more important, worth more (ab.); larger, greater, mightier, than (ab.); nume rous, much, many; very great, violent; rich or abounding in (in. or --°ree;): n. ad. more; most; much, very, greatly, exceedingly; fur ther on; moreover, still, besides, still more; again, anew: bhûyo&zip;pi, bhûyas ka½api, punar bhûyah, id.; bhûyo bhûyah, again and again, repeatedly; pûrvam -bhûyah, first--later; âdau -paskât -bhûyah, at first - afterwards -again; in. bhûyas-â, ad. exceed ingly, beyond measure, in a high degree, very much; for the most part, generally, as a rule.
bhūmyanantara a. immediately adjacent to one's country; m. prince of the adjacent country; -½ekadesa, m. one portion of territory.
bhūmībhṛt m. supporter of earth, mountain; -ruh, -ruha, m. plant, tree; -sayya, a. sleeping on the ground; i½îsvara, m. lord of earth, king (--°ree;).
bhūrja m. kind of birch (Betula Bhojpatra), the bark of which is used as a writing material; leaf made of birch-bark for writing on; document: -kanta-ka, m. kind of mixed caste; -druma, m. birch tree.
bheda m. 1. act. vbl. n. breaking, splitting, cleaving, bursting, piercing, per forating, rending; division, separation; be trayal (of a secret); disturbance, interruption, infringement; sowing dissension, winning over an ally (one of the four Upâyas); lead ing astray, seduction; 2. ps. vbl. n. (being broken etc.), bursting, rupture, breach; in jury, hurt; bursting open, blossoming; sprout ing (of the beard); contraction (of the brows); disunion, dissension, between (in.), in (--°ree;); change, alteration, modification; distinction, difference; 3. concrete: division, part; cleft, fissure, chasm; variety, species, kind.
bhettavya fp. to be split or broken; -divulged or betrayed; -trí, m. cleaver, breaker, destroyer, piercer; conqueror; dis turber, thwarter; betrayer (of counsel etc.); ep. of Skanda (who cleft MountKrauñka).
bhṛśa a. [falling, weighty: √ bhras] mighty, powerful; intense (pain); excessive, rigorous (punishment); abundant (food): -m or °ree;--, exceedingly, violently, greatly, in a high degree, very much; without hesitation: -tâ, f. violence; -danda, a. chastising rigor ously (lc.); -dâruna, a. very terrible; -duh khita, pp. greatly afflicted; -pîdita, pp. exceedingly distressed; -svid, a. perspiring profusely.
bheruṇḍa a. terrible, formidable; m. a kind of bird; kind of beast of prey: -ka, m. kind of animal, fox.
bhedin a. breaking, cleaving, pierc ing; putting out (eyes); violating (an agreement etc.); dividing, separating from (ab.); creating discord in or among; interrupting (medita tion); -ya, fp. to be split; capable of being pierced; refutable; to be betrayed; corrupti ble, to be drawn off from his allies; that is differentiated or determined; n. substantive.
bhīta pp.: -bhîta, pp. excessively terrified; -vat, ad. like one terrified.
bhedaka a. breaking, -into or through, piercing; breaking down the dam of (tanks), diverting (water-courses); destroy ing (boundary-marks); leading astray (minis ters); discriminating, distinguishing; differ entiating, determining (meaning); n. adjec tive; -kara, a. (î) breaking down (bridges, --°ree;); sowing dissensions among or in (g. or --°ree;); -kârin, a. causing disunion; making a differ ence, altered; -krit, a.breaking down or into (--°ree;); -tas, ad. separately, singly; ac cording to the difference.
bhojanarendra m. king Bhoga (the poet and patron of letters).
bhoktavya fp. to be enjoyed or eaten; -used; -utilized or exploited; - ruled (earth); to be fed; n. imps. one should eat or dine; -tri, m. (f. trî), enjoyer, eater; user, possessor, experiencer (of pleasure or pain); ruler, king: -tva, n. enjoyment; per ception; possession.
bhaima a. (î) relating to Bhîma; m. pat. descendant of Bhîma: î, f. pat. daugh ter of Bhîma, Damayantî.
bhoja a. liberal (V.); voluptuous; m. kind of king (Br.); N. of a people (pl.); king of the Bhogas; N., esp. of a king of Mâlvâ, a great patron of letters, who flour ished about a.d. 1000.
bhaurika m. treasurer, master of the mint.
bhaumika a. being on the earth, terrestrial; collected on the ground (water).
bhauta a. relating to or meant for living beings (bhûta); possessed by evil spirits, deranged, imbecile; formed of the elements, elemental, material; m. idiot; --°ree;, idiot of a --, fool with regard to (water): -ka, --°ree; a. idiot; -prâya, a. almost imbecile.
bhos ij. [contraction of bhavas, V. vc. of bhavat] used in addressing persons male and female (often several), Sir! oh! ho there! hark! often repeated bho bhoh: in soliloquies= alas! (the final visarga is retained before hard letters only, being dropped before vowels and soft consonants.)
bhramaṇa n. wandering about, roving; roaming over or through (--°ree;); tot tering, unsteadiness; rotation, revolution; orbit (of a heavenly body); giddiness; sending round the drum=assembling the people by beat of drum; -anîya, fp. to be wandered over (earth).
bhrājin a. shining, glittering; -ishnu, a. shining, radiant, resplendent: -tâ, f. radiance.
bhrājas n. glittering, gleaming; lustre, brilliance.
bhreṣa m. tottering, wavering; slipping; failure; loss, deprivation.
makāra m. letter m.
makara m. kind of marine monster (perhaps crocodile or shark): regarded as an emblem of Kâma and used as an ornament on gates and on head-dresses; Capricorn (sign of the zodiac); kind of military array shaped like a makara (two triangles joined at the a pex).
maṅgala n. [brightness: √ mañg] luck, fortune, happiness, bliss (sts. pl.); prosperity, welfare; auspiciousness; good omen, whateverconduces to an auspicious issue; benediction, blessing; auspicious or lucky object, amulet; solemn ceremony, auspicious festivity (on important occasions); good old custom; good work; a. auspicious, propitious; m. planet Mars; N.: -karana, n. uttering a prayer for theauspicious issue of an undertaking; -ka lasa-maya, a. consisting of festal jars; -kâr aka, a. productive of prosperity, auspicious; -kâla, m. auspicious time; -kshauma, n. du. two festal garments (upper and lower) of linen; -gâthikâ, f. solemn chant; -gîta, n. id.; -ghata, m. N. of an elephant; -kand ikâ, f. a form of Durgâ; -tûrya, n. musical instrument used on festive occasions: -nisva na, m. sound of auspicious musical instruments; -devatâ, f. tutelary deity (only --°ree;); -pattra, n. leaf used as an amulet; -pâthaka, m. pronouncer of benedictions, professional panegyrist; -pâtra, n. auspicious pot or vessel (containing propitious objects); -pura, n. N. of a town; -pushpa-maya, a. made of auspicious flowers (garland); -pra tisara, m. cord of an amulet; -prada, a. auspicious; -maya, a. (î) consisting of no thing but luck etc.; -vat-î, f. N.; -vâdin, a. pronouncing a blessing; -vrishabha, m. bull with auspicious marks; -sabda, m. benediction, greeting; -sûkaka, a. indicative of good luck, auspicious.
maṅktavya fp. n. imps. one should enter the water (√ magg).
maṅku a. tottering (Br.).
mañjari f. cluster of blos soms; flower-bud; parallel row or line (î); a plant (î): this word in the first sense is often used --°ree; in titles of books; -ikâ, f. N. of a princess; -ita, den. pp. furnished with a clus ter of blossoms; -î-kri, turn into flower-buds.
mañjara n. cluster of blossoms.
majjana n. sinking, going under water, immersion; plunging into the water, bathing, ablution, bathe; drowning, over whelming.
maṇika m. large water-pot: pl. fleshy excrescences on the shoulder of an ani mal; -karnikâ, f. earring of pearls or gems; N. of a sacred pool near Benares; N.; -kâ rá, m. jeweller; -danda, a. having a handle adorned with jewels; -datta, m. N. of a mer chant; -dara, m. N. of a chief of the Yak shas; -darpana, m. jewelled mirror; -dîpa, m. jewel-lamp (in which gems supply the place of the burning wick): -ka, m. id.; -dhanu, m., -dhanus, n. rainbow; -pushpa-ka, m. (gem-flowered), N. of the conch of Sahadeva; -pushpa½îsvara, m. N. of an attendant of Siva; -pûra, n. N. of a town in Kali&ndot;ga situated on the sea-coast (also -pura); -pra dîpa, m. jewel-lamp (=-dîpa); -bandha, m. fastening or putting on of jewels; (place where jewels are fastened), wrist; -bandh ana, n. string or ornament of pearls; wrist; -bhadra, m. N. of a brother of Kubera and prince of the Yakshas; N. of a Sreshthin; -mañgarî, f. rows of pearls; -mandapa, m. hall of crystal, hall resting on crystal columns; -mat, a. jewelled; m. N.; -maya, a. (î) con sisting of jewels: -bhû, a. having floors --; -mâlâ, f. string of jewels, necklace; -yashti, f. id.; -ratna, n. jewel: -maya, a. (î) con sisting of jewels, crystal; -râga, m. colour of a jewel; -varman, m. N. of a merchant; -sri&ndot;ga, m. sun; -syâma, a. blue like a sap phire; -sara, m. string of pearls, pearl necklace; -sûtra, n. string of pearls; -sopâna, n. jewelled or crystal staircase; -stambha, m. jewelled or crystal pillar; -srag, f. wreath of jewels; -harmya, n. crystal palace,N. of a palace.
maṭhādhipati m. head of a monastery or college; -½âyatana, n. monas tery.
maṭha m., î, f. hut; solitary hut of an ascetic or student, cell; monastic school, col lege: -kintâ, f. care of a monastery: -m sam â-kar, rule a monastery.
mañju a. lovely, beautiful, charming: -tara, cpv.; -garta, N. of a country, Nepal; -gir, a. sweet-voiced; -ghosha, a. uttering a sweet sound; -bhâshin, a. speaking sweetly; -matî, f. N. of a princess.
maṇḍala a. circular, round; n., î, f. (rare), disk, esp. of the sun or moon; orb, circle (in. in a circle), ring, circumference; wheel; charmed circle (of a conjurer); n. orbit (of a heavenly body); n. halo round the sun or moon; n. ball, globe; m. n. circular array of troops; circle=district, province, territory, country; m. n., î, f. circle=group, company, assemblage, troop, multitude, crowd; swarm (of bees); whole body, totality; circle of a king's near and distant neighbours (the relations of whom to one another and to him self he should endeavour to regulate advan tageously; four, six, ten, and twelve such princes are spoken of); n.division or book of the Rig-veda (of which there are ten); m. dog.
maṇḍapa a. drinking the scum of rice, cream, or the froth of wine; n., î, f. shed or hall (erected on festive occasions), pavilion; temple; arbour, bower (--°ree; with names of plants): -kshetra, n. N. of a sacred territory.
matikarman n. matter of the intellect; -gati, f. way of thinking; -garbha, a. (having intellect within), intelligent, clever; -darsana, n. pl. recognition of other's thoughts or intentions; -patha, m.path of reflexion: -m nî, subject to mature consideration; -pûr va, a. intentional: -m, e, ad. intentionally, wilfully, wittingly; -pûrvakam, ad. id.; -prakarsha, m. superior cleverness, stroke of genius; -bheda, m. change of opinion; differ ence of opinion; -bhrama, m. mental confusion.
matta pp. √ mad: -ka, a. somewhat overbearing; m. N.; -kâsin-î, a. f. looking intoxicated (used of fascinating women, esp. as a term of address); -mayûra, m. peacock intoxicated with joy; -vârana, m. mad ele phant; n. (?) fence round a house: -vikrama, a. having the might of a mad elephant; n. turret, pinnacle: -vâranîya, a. attached to the turret (of a car).
madakara a. intoxicating; -karin, m. elephant in rut; -kala, a. passionately sweet (note); uttering soft sounds of love; drunk with passion; reeling with intoxica tion; being in rut, beginning to rut (elephant); -kârin, -krit, a. intoxicating; -kyút, a. 1. (V.) reeling with excitement, exhilarated with Soma; gladdening, exhilarating; 2. distilling temple-juice (elephant); -gala, n. temple juice (of elephants); -gvara, m.fever of pas sion or pride; -durdina, n. stream of temple juice; -dvipa, m. rutting elephant.
mathi m. (?) churning-stick (middle base; wk. base math; nm. manthâs); -ita, pp. churned, etc.; m. N. of the composer of a hymn; n. buttermilk without the addition of water; -i-tri, m. crusher, destroyer; -i tos, g., inf. of √ math.
madayantī f. [cs. pr. pt. de lighting], wild jasmine; N. of the wife of Kalmâsha-pâda (also called Mitrasaha); -ay-i-tri, (cs.) m. delighter, intoxicator.
madana m. sexual love, passion, lust; m. god of love, Kâma; N.; a plant: -tantra, n. doctrine of sexual love; -damsh- trâ, f. N. of a princess; -damana, m. van quisher of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -dahana,m. burner of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -dvish, m. enemy of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -pâla, m. N. of a prince, the reputed author of various works; -pura, m. N. of a city; -prabhâ, f. N. of a fairy; -mañkukâ, f. N. of a daughter of Madanavega; -mañgarî, f. N.; -maya, a. swayed by love; -maha, m., -mahâ½utsava, m. great festival in honour of Kâma; -mâlâ, f. N.; -mâlinî, f. N.; -mohana, m. con founder of Kâma, ep. of Krishna; -yashti ketu, m. kind of flag; -râga, m. N.; -ripu, m. foe of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -lekhâ, f. love letter; N.; -vega, N. of a prince of the fairies; -salâkâ, f. hooded crow; -sundarî, f. N.; -senâ, f. N.
madhu a. (u, û, or v-î) sweet, de licious; pleasant, charming, delightful; N. of the first spring month (=Kaitra, March April); spring; N. of two Asuras; N.; n. nectar, mead, Soma (V.); milk, butter (V.); honey (this sp. meaning is doubtful for RV.); sweet intoxicating liquor (C.).
madhurasvara a. uttering a sweet sound; mellifluous (speech).
madhukarāya den. Â. represent bees; -karikâ, f. N.; -karin, m. bee; -karî, f. female bee; N.; -kânana, n. forest of the Asura Madhu (on the Yamunâ); -kâra, m. bee: î, f. female bee; -krit, a.producing sweetness; m. bee; -gandhika, a. sweetly scented; -kkhattra, m. (?) a tree (having a pleasant shade); -kkhandas, m. N. of a Rishi; N. of the fifty-first of the 101 sons of Visvâmitra; -kyut, -kyuta, a. dripping honey; -ga, a. produced from honey; (má dhu)-gihva, a. honey-tongued, sweetly speaking (V.); -taru, m. sugar-cane; -trina, m. n. id.; -tva, n. sweetness; -doham, abs. (milking=) making honey; -dvish, m. foe of Madhu,ep. of Vishnu; -dhârâ, f. stream of honey; stream of sweet intoxicants; -pá, a. drinking sweetness or honey; m. bee; -patala, m. honey-comb; -parká, m. honey mixture: a guest-offering usually consisting of curds with honey or butter; the honey mixture ceremony; -parnikâ, f. N. of various plants; -pavana, m. wind of spring; -pâtra, n. wine cup; -pâna, n. drinking of honey; -pârî, f. wine cup; -pura, n. city of the Asura Madhu, Mathurâ: î, f. city of the Madhus, Mathurâ; (mádhu)-prasa&ndot;ga madhu, n. honey connected with spring; -psaras, eager for sweetness (RV.1); -bhad ra, m. N.; -bhânda, n. cup for spirituous liquors, wine cup; -bhid,m. slayer of Madhu, ep. of Vishnu; -bhug, a. enjoying sweets or delights; -makshâ, -makshikâ, f. (honey fly), bee; (mádhu)-mat, a. sweet; pleasant, charming; mixed with honey; abounding in honey; containing the word &open;madhu&close;: -î, f. N. of a river; N. of a city; N.; -matta, pp. intoxicated by spring; -math, -mathana, m. destroyer of Madhu, ep. of Vishnu; -mada, m. intoxication with wine; -mantha, m. drink stirred with honey; -maya, a. (î) consisting of honey; sweet as honey, honied; -mâdhava, m. du. & n. sg. names of the two spring months (=Kaitra and Vaisâkhâ, March-May); -mâdhavî, f. spring-flower abounding in honey; kind ofintoxicating liquor; -mâsa, m. spring month: -mahot sava, m. great festival of spring, -½avatâra, m. commencement of spring; -mura-nara ka-visâsana, m. destroyer of the Daityas Madhu, Mura, and Naraka, ep. ofVishnu.
madhya a. middle (in V. like Latin medius=mid-, the middle of); central; mid dling, mediocre, of medium kind; middle sized; moderate; intermediate; neutral (â vritti, f. middle course); (m.) n. middle of the body, esp. woman's waist; n. middle, centre; inside, interior; meridian; interme diate condition between (g.); ten thousand bil lions (as being between koti and parârdha): -m, into the midst of, into, amongst (g. or --°ree;); in. in or through the midst of, between (ac., g., or --°ree;); ab. from the midst of, out of, from among (g. or --°ree;); lc. in the middle, between; in the midst of, within, in, into, among (g. or --°ree;); --°ree;--=ac. or lc.; madhye kri, place in the middle, make an intermediary of; ac count (--°ree;); -kritya, with regard to (ac.).
madhūcchiṣṭa (pp.) n. (re mainder of honey), wax; -½uttha, a. pro duced from or made of honey; n. wax; -½utsava, m. spring festival on the day of full moon in the month of Kaitra; -½udaka, n. honey-water, hydromel; -½udyâna, n. spring garden; -½upaghna, n. (?) N. of a city (= Mathurâ or Madhurâ).
madhyamaka a. (ikâ) common to (g.); n. interior: -m pra-vis, enter; -ka kshâ, f. middle of the courtyard; -gâta, pp. born in the middle (son).
madhyapatita pp. lying be tween; -pâta, m. intercourse; -bhâga, m. middle part; waist: lc. therein; within (g.); -bhâva, m. moderate distance.
madhyatas ad. from, in, or into the midst of, out of, among (g. or --°ree;); of mid dle sort; -tâ, f. mediocrity; -desa, m. middle region; waist; Midland (the country lying between the Himâlaya, the Vindhya, Vina sana in the west and Prayâga in the east): pl. the inhabitants of Madhya-desa: î-ya, a. be longing to or living in Midland; -desya, a. id.; -deha, m. middle of the body; -nagara, n. interior of a city; -nihita,pp. put inside.
madhyarātra m. midnight; -râ tri, f. id.; -rekhâ, f. central line (supposed to be drawn to Mount Meru from La&ndot;kâ, Uggayinî, Kurukshetra, and other places); -vayas, a. middle-aged; -vartin,a. being in the midst of, in, or among (--°ree;); -sarîra, a. moderately stout; -sâyin, a. lying within; -siddhânta-kaumudî, f. medium Siddhânta kaumudî, T. of an abridgment of the Sid dhânta-kaumudî; -stha, a. being in the mid dle; being in the air; being within; being in, between, or among (g. or --°ree;); mediating between (g.); middling; indifferent, impar tial, neutral; standing between=belonging to neither or to both parties (territory etc.): -tâ, f. indifference; impartiality; -sthala, n. middle part, hip; -sthâna, n. middle re gion, atmosphere; -sthita, pp. being between (g.); indifferent: -tâ, f. indifference.
manas n. mind (in its widest sense as the seat of intellectual operations and of emotions), internal organ; understanding, intellect; soul, heart; conscience; thought, conception; imagination; cogitation, reflexion; inclination, desire, will; mood, disposition; in the philosophical systems manas is regarded as distinct from soul (âtman), of which it is only the instrument, and is (except in the Nyâya) considered perishable:-kri, make up one's mind, resolve; fix one's heart or affections upon any one (g.); -kri, pra-kri, dhâ, vi-dhâ, dhri, bandh, and nivesaya, direct the thoughts to, think of (d., lc., prati, or inf.); -sam-â-dhâ, collect oneself; in.mánasâ, in the mind; in thought or imagination; with all one's heart, will ingly; by the leave of (g.); manasâ½iva, as with a thought, in a trice; manasâ man, think of in one's mind, -gam, go to in thought =imagine, remember, -sam-gam, become unanimous; manasi kri, bear or ponder in mind, -ni-dhâ, impress on the mind, trea sure in the heart; meditate, -vrit, be pass ing in one's mind; manas is often used --°ree; a. with an inf. in -tu=wishing or intend ing to (e. g. prashtu-manas, desirous of inquiring).
mantrokta pp. mentioned in a hymn; -½udaka, n. water consecrated with spells.
mantripati m. prime minister; -putra, m. son of a minister; -pradhâna, -mukhya, -vara, -sreshtha, m. prime minis ter; -suta, -sûnu, m. son of a minister.
manuja m. (sprung from Manu), man: -nâtha, m., -pati, m. lord of men, king, -loka, m. world of men, earth, -½âtma- gâ, f. daughter of men, -½adhipa, m. king of men, -½adhipati, m. id.
manu a. wise (V.); m. man, coll. man kind (V.); thought (pl. mental powers); prayer, spell; N. of a divine being, progenitor of mankind; the most common among the many patronymic terms applied to him are Vaivasvata, Svâyambhuva, and Hairanyagarbha. In post-Vedic chronology seven Manus are assumed, each of whom presides over a cosmic period (manu½antara), acting in it as creator and preserver of beings; still later seven more Manus are added.
manīṣā f. (V.) reflexion; conception; understanding; wise utterance, hymn; prayer, desire: i-kâ, f. understanding, wisdom; expectation; -i-ta, den. pp. wished; wished for, desired, dear; n.wish, desire: -varshin, a. showering desired ob jects; -i-tâ, f. wisdom; -ín, a. thoughtful, wise; praying, devout (V.).
mantrayantra n. amulet with a magical formula; -yukti, f. application of spells, charm; employment of a sacred for mula; magic (?); -vat, a. attended with sa cred formulas; enchanted, consecrated with spells; familiar with sacred texts; ad. 1. to the accompaniment of sacred texts; 2. accord ing to the rules of counsel; -varna, m. word ing of a sacred text: pl. the syllables of a sacred formula or spell; -vâda, m. substance of a sacred formula; utterance of spells, ma gic: -sloka, m. pl. slokas being sacred verses in substance; -vâdin, m. pronouncer of spells, enchanter; -vid, a. knowing sacred texts or spells; -vidyâ, of spells, magic; -sakti, f. magical power, charm; -sruti, f. consultation listened to; -samvarana, n. con cealment of a consultation or design; -sam skâra, m. consecration with sacred texts: -krit-pati, m.consecrated husband; -sam hitâ, f. the collection of Vedic hymns; -sâdh aka, m. performer of an incantation, magi cian; -sâdhana, n., â, f. performance of an incantation; -sâdhya, fp. to be mastered by incantations; attainable by counsel; -sid dha, pp. accomplished by a spell; thoroughly versed in spells; -siddhi, f. effect of a spell; fulfilment of counsel; -sûtra, n. charm at tached to a cord.
mantratattvavid a. know ing the essence of counsel, very experienced in counsel; -tas, ad. with regard to (the knowledge of) Vedic texts; -toya, n. water sanctified with incantations; -da, a.impart ing or teaching the Veda; giving advice; -darsin, a. knowing the sacred texts; -dâtri, m. teacher of the Veda; -dris, a. (seeing=) composing hymns; knowing the sacred texts; experienced in counsel; m. composer of hymns; counsellor; -devatâ, f. deity invoked in a sacred text; -drashtri, m. (seer=) composer of sacred texts; -dhara, -dhârin, m. coun sellor, adviser; -pattra, n. leaf inscribed with a sacred text; -pada, n. magic word;-pâtha, m. recitation of a sacred text; -pust ikâ, f. book of spells; -pûta, pp. purified by a sacred text; -prabhâva, m. power of a spell (Pr.); -prayoga, m. employment of a sacred text; magical agency, charm; -pha la, n.fruit or consequence of counsel; -bala, n. magical power; -bîga, n. (seed=) first syl lable of a spell; germ of counsel; -brâhma- na, n. du. the sacred hymns and the Brâh manas: -vid, a. knowing the sacred hymns and the Brâhmanas; -bheda, m. a particular spell: pl. various kinds of spells; breach of counsel, betrayal of a design; -maya, a. con sisting of spells; -mûrti, a. having a body consisting of spells (Siva); -mûla, a. rooted in counsel.
manobhū m. (arising in the mind), love, god of love; -mathana, m. (agitator of the soul), god of love; -máya, a. (î) consist ing of mind, spiritual (not material); -yâyin, a. going at will, going whereverone likes; -yúg, a. (V.) thought-yoked, i. e. yoked by a mere thought (steeds); suiting the under standing, wise; -ratha, m. (car of the mind), wish, desire; fancy, illusion; indirectly ex pressed wish; N.: -dâyaka, m. fulfilling wishes; N. of a Kalpa tree, -prabhâ, f. N., -siddhi, f. fulfilment of a wish; m. N.: -ka, --°ree; a. id.; -rama, a. delighting the mind, attractive, pleasing, charming, lovely, beau tiful; m. N.: -â, f. N.; -râgya, n. realm of fancy: â-ni kri, build castles in the air; -laya, m. loss of consciousness; -laulya, n. freak of the mind, whim, caprice; -vat-î, f. N.; -vallabhâ, f. mistress of one's heart; -vâñkhita, (pp.) n. heart's desire; -visud dhi, f. purity of mind; -vritti, f. working of the mind, mental operation; train of thought; mood, temper; -hán, a. mind-destroying; -hara, a. (â, î) captivating the mind, fascin ating, attractive; charming, beautiful: -tara, cpv. more beautiful, etc.: -tva, n. greater beauty; -hartri, m. heart-stealer, captivator; -hârikâ, f. N.; -hârin, a. captivating the heart, enchanting, fascinating, charming, beautiful; -hrit, a. taking away life and de lighting the heart;-hlâda, m. gladness of heart; -hlâdin, a. gladdening the heart, at tractive, beautiful.
mandara m. paradise-tree (one of the five in Indra's heaven); N. of a sacred moun tain with which the ocean was churned; N. of a fairy: -deva, m. N. of a prince of the fairies: î, f. N. of his sister; -devîya, a. relating to Mandara-deva.
mandāra m. coral-tree (Erythrina indica); one of the five trees in Indra's paradise; n. flower of the coral-tree: -ka, m. coral-tree; i-kâ, f. N.; -deva, m. N. of a prince; -mâlâ, f. wreath of Mandâra flowers; N. of a celestial female, a daughter of Vasu; -vat-î, f. N.
mandāya den. Â. loiter, tarry, de lay; grow faint or dim (light).
manmatha m. [agitator: intv. of √ math] love, god of love: -bandhu, m. (friend of love), moon; -math, a. destroying the god of love; -lekha, m. love-letter; -sa mâna, a. animated by similar love.
mandotsāha a. discouraged, despondent; -½udaka, a. deficient in water; -½udarî, f. N. of the eldest wife of Râvana; -½ushman, a. slightly warm, cool; -½autsuk ya, a. having but slight eagerness, disin clined for (prati).
mamakāra m. (making mine), attachment to, interest in (lc.); (á)-tâ, f. sense of &open;mine,&close; self-interest; interest in, at tachment to (lc.): -sûnya, a. devoid of in terest for us; -tva, n. self-interest; interest in, attachment to (lc.): -m kri, be attached to; -satyá, n. (being mine=) dispute as to ownership (RV.1).
marutvat a. accompanied by the Maruts; m. ep. of Indra: -&isharp;ya, a. relating to Indra Marutvat; sp. said of three grahas at the midday libation and of the sastra recited after they have been drained.
maraṇa n. dying; death; dying away, cessation; --°ree; a. dying by: -m kri, Â. die; -dharman, a. subject to the law of death, mortal; m. law of death; -niskaya, a. de termined to die; -vyâdhi-soka, m. pl. death, sickness, and sorrow; -½âtmaka, a. (ikâ) pro ducing death; -½anta, -½antika, a. ending in death; -½andha-tamas-a, n. gloom of death.
mala n., C. also m., dirt, filth, impurity (also morally); bodily secretion; n. kind of base metal, brass (?): -karshana, a. remov ing dirt; -gñu, a. dirty-kneed; -tva, n. being a stain; -dâyaka, a. attaching a stigma to any one; -digdha½a&ndot;ga, a. (î) having the body soiled with mire; -pa&ndot;ka½anulipta½a&ndot; ga, a. (î) having the body besmeared with dirt and mire; -pa&ndot;kin, a. covered with dirt and mire; -mallaka, n. loin-cloth; -mâsa, m. (impure month, no religious rites being performed in it), intercalary month; -mûtra-parityâga, m. evacuation of excre ment and urine.
malla m. professional wrestler; ath lete, very powerful man; a mixed caste; N.: -ka, m. N.; N. of a people (pl.); -kûta, N. of a village; -koshta, m. N.: -ka, m. id.; -ghatî, f. kind of pantomime; -nâga, m. ep. of Vâtsyâyana; -yudha, n. pugilistic en counter, boxing-match.
malaya m. N. of a mountain range on the west of Malabar (the western Ghâts), abounding in sandal trees: pl. N. of a peo- ple: -ketu, m. N. of a prince; -giri, m. the Malaya range; -ga, a. growing on the Malaya range; m. sandal tree; m. n. sandal wood; sandal: -ragas, n. sandal, -rasa, m. sandal water, -½âlepa, m. sandal ointment; -desa, m. country of Malaya; -druma, m. sandal tree; -dhvaga, m. N.; -parvata, m.the Malaya range; -pura, m. N. of a town; -prabha, m. N. of a prince; -bhû-bhrit, m. the Malaya range; -marut, m. wind blow ing from the Malaya; -mâlin, m. N.; -ruha, m. (growing in the Malaya), sandal tree; -vat-î,f. N.; -simha, m. N.; -½udbhava, n. (?) sandal.
mahallaka a. (ikâ) feeble, weak, decrepit; ikâ, f. N. of a daughter of Prahlâda.
mahatkula n. great family; -tat tva, n. the principle Mahat, intellect; -tara, cpv. greater, stronger, than (ab.); very great, strong, or mighty; m. elder, chief, head; chamberlain; courtier: -ka, m.courtier, cham berlain, -i-kâ, f. lady's maid; -tâ, f. great ness, largeness; exalted position; -tva, n. greatness, great size, magnitude; strength, intensity, violence; exalted position; moral greatness.
mahat a. [old pr. pt. of √ mah: strong base mahânt; °ree;-almost invariably mahâ, q. v.; in E. ac. n. sg. is sts. used for ac. m.] great; 1. in space: large, big, huge, extensive; high (tree); deep; long (distance); full-grown; gross (element); 2. of time: long; advanced (time of day); 3. of quantity: abundant, ample, copious, numerous; 4. of degree: considerable, important, momentous; high (price); valuable (fee); intense (emo tion), violent (pain); thick (darkness); loud (sound); 5. of rank: high, lofty, eminent, powerful, distinguished, noble; w. gana, m. multitude of people; w. âtman, m. the great soul=intellect; m. great, eminent,or noble man; m. (sc. âtman), n. (rare, sc. tattva), in tellect; n. great thing; important matter; greatness, power; greater part; also ad. in mahad-bhû, become full (moon).
mahāpakṣa a. having many ad herents, having a large following; -pa&ndot;ka, n. (?) deep mud; -pa&ndot;kti, f. a metre of forty-eight syllables; -pandita, a. extremely learned; m. great scholar; -patha, m. prin cipal street; high road; the great journey, pilgrimage to the other world (-m yâ, die); a certain hell; a. having a great path: -giri, m. N. of a mountain; -padma, n. a certain high number; m. one of the eight treasures connected with the magic art padminî; N. of a Nâga: -pati, m. lord of millions, ep. of Nanda, -saras, n. N. of a lake, -salila, n. id.; -padya-shatka, n. T. of a poem (at tributed to Kâlidâsa) consisting of six classi cal verses; -½aparâdha, m. great crime or injury; -parvata, m. high mountain; -pasu, m. large cattle; -pâta, m. long flight; a. flying far (arrow); -pâtaka, n. great crime or sin (of which there are five: killing a Brâhman, drinking spirituous liquor, theft, adultery with a teacher's wife, and asso ciation with persons guilty of those four crimes); -pâtakin, a. guilty of a capital sin; -pâtra, n. prime minister; -pâda, a. large footed; -pâpa, n.great crime; -pâpman, a. very harmful; -pâra, 1. m. a certain per sonification; 2. a. having distant banks, wide (sea); -pârsva, a. having broad sides (leech); N.; -pâsupata, a. with vrata, n. the great vow of a worshipper of Siva Pasupati; m. zealous worshipper of Siva Pasupati; -pîtha, n. high seat; -pumsa, m. great man; -punya, a. very auspicious (day); very good or beau tiful; very holy; -purá, n. great fortress: î, f. great citadel; -purusha, m. great or eminent man; supreme spirit; -pûta, pp. extremely pure; -prishtha, a. broad-backed; -pai&ndot;gya, n. T. of a Vedic text; -prakarana, n. main treatment of a subject; -pragâpati, m. great lord of creatures, ep. of Vishnu; -pratâpa, m. of great dignity, majestic; -pratîhâra, m. head janitor; -pradâna, n. great gift; -prapañka, m. the great world; -prabha, a. of great lustre, very splendid; -prabhâ, f. great brightness;-prabhâva, a. very mighty; -prabhu, m. great lord, sovereign; chief; ep. of Vishnu; -pramâna, a. very exten sive; -pralaya, m. great dissolution of the universe at the end of a cosmic age: -kâla, m. time of the --; -prasna,m. great or im portant question; -prasâda, m. great pre sent; a. very gracious; -prasthâna, n. great departure, decease; -prâgña, a. very wise or prudent (person); -prâna, m. hard breath ing, aspirate sound; great strength; a. pro nounced with a hard breathing, aspirated; of great endurance or physical strength; -plava, m. great flood, deluge; -phala, n. large fruit; great reward; a. producing a great reward; -bala, a. very strong, power ful, or effective; m. N.; -bâdha, a. very in jurious; -bâhu, a. long-armed, strong-armed; m. ep. of Vishnu; N.; -bila, n. deep hole; -buddhi, a. of great intellect, extremely clever; m. N. of an Asura; N.; -brihatî, f. a metre (8+8+8+8+12 syllables); -brah ma: -n, m. the great Brahman (the god); -brâhmaná, m. great Brâhman (also used sarcastically); n. Great (=Tândya) Brâh mana; -bhata, m. great warrior; N.; -bha ya, n. great danger or straits; -bhâga, a. having great good fortune, very lucky, greatly blessed; greatly distinguished, very illus trious (frequently used as a term of address); -bhâgin, a. very fortunate, greatly blessed; -bhâgya, n.high position, great importance or power; a. extremely fortunate: -tâ, f. great good fortune; -bhânda½agâra, n. chief treasury; -bhârata, a. (± a word meaning &open;battle&close;), the Great Battle of the Bharatas; n.(± âkhyâna), the Great Story of the Bharatas, T. of the well-known great Epic (which contains about 100,000 slokas); -bhâshya, n. the Great Commentary of Patañgali on the Sûtras of Pânini and the Vârttikas of Kâtyâyana (probably composed in the second century b. c.); -bhikshu, m. the great mendicant, ep. of Sâkyamuni; -½abhi- gana, m. high descent, noble birth; -½abhi yoga, m. great plaint or charge; -½abhishava, m. N. of a prince; -½abhisheka, m. great inauguration; T. of the fourteenth Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara; -bhîta, pp. greatly terrified; -½abhîsu, a. brilliant, lustrous; -bhuga, a. long-armed; -bhûta, pp. being great, large (E.); m. great creature; n. gross element (ether, air, fire, water, earth); -bhû mi, f. great realm; whole territory (of a king); -½âbhoga, a. of great extent, wide spreading; -bhoga, 1. a. having great coils (serpent); m. serpent; -bhoga, 2. m. great enjoyment; -bhoga, m. great prince; -½abhra, n. great or thick cloud; -makha, m. great sacrifice (=-yagña); -mani, m. costly jewel; -mati, a. of great wit, clever; m. N.; (&asharp;) manas, a. lofty-minded, proud, haughty; high-minded, magnanimous; -manushya, m. great man, man of rank; -mantra, m. very efficacious spell (esp. against snake-poison); -mantrin, m. chief counsellor, prime minister; -mahá, a. high and mighty (RV.); -mah as, n. great luminary; -mahiman, m. true greatness; a. truly great; -mahima-sâlin, a. possessed of true greatness; -mahâ½upâ dhyâya, m. very great preceptor (a desig nation applied to great scholars, e.g. Malli nâtha); -mâmsa, n. delicious flesh (esp. human flesh); -½amâtya, m. prime minister; -mâtra, a. of great measure, great; greatest, best (of, --°ree;); m. man of high rank, high state official, king's minister; elephant-driver; -mânin, a. extremely proud; -mâya, a. at tended with great deception; practising great deception; m. N.; -mâyâ, f. the great illu sion (which makes the world appear really existent and thus in a sense creates it); -mây ûra, n. a kind of medicine; kind of prayer (--°ree;); -mârga, m. main road: -pati, m. chief inspector of roads; -mâhesvara, m. great worshipper of Mahesvara or Siva; -mukha,n. large mouth (also of rivers); a. (î) large mouthed; -muni, m. great sage; -mûdha, a. very stupid; m. great simpleton; -mûrkha, m. great fool; -mûrdhan, a. large-headed (Siva); -mriga, m. large wild animal; ele phant;-mridha, n. great battle; -megha, m. great or dense cloud; -medha, m. great sacrifice; (&asharp;)-meru, m. the great Mount Meru; -moha, m. great mental confusion or infatuation; -mohana, a. causing great men tal confusion; -moha-mantra, m. very effi cacious spell: -tva, n. abst. n.; -yaksha, m. great Yaksha, prince of the Yakshas; -yag- ñá, m. great or chief sacrifice (one of the five daily sacrifices of the householder, called bhûta-, manushya-, pitri-, deva-, and brah ma-yagña); -yantra, n. great mechanical work: -pravartana, n. execution of great mechanical works; -yama-ka, n. a great Yamaka (a stanza, all the four lines of which contain identically the same words but differ in meaning, e.g. Kirâtârgunîya XV, 52); -yasas, a. very famous, illustrious (person); -yâna, n. the Great Vehicle (a later form of Buddhistic doctrine originated by Nâgâr guna: opp.hîna-yâna); N. of a prince of the fairies (having a great car); -yuga, n. a great Yuga (equal to four ordinary Yugas or 4,320,000 years); -yuddha, n. great battle; -½âyudha, a. bearing great weapons (Siva); -ragana, n.saffron; a. coloured with saffron; -rana, m. great battle; -½aranya, n. great forest; -ratna, n. precious jewel: -maya, a. consisting of costly jewels, -vat, a. adorned with costly jewels; -rathá, m. great chariot; great warrior; N.; -rathyâ, f. main road; -½ârambha, m. great under taking; a. enterprising, active; -rava, m. great roar or yell; a. making a loud noise, shouting loud; m. N.; -rasa, a. extremely savoury; -râgá, m. great king, reigning prince, sovereign: -½adhirâga, m. lord of great kings, emperor; -râgñî, f. reigning princess, queen; ep. of Durgâ; -râgya, n. sovereign rule; -râtra, n. advanced time of night, end of the night; -râtri, f. id.; great night follow ing the dissolution of the world; -râva, m. loud yell; -râshtra, m. pl. the Mahrattas: î, f. Mahratta language, Mahrattî: a-ka, a. (ikâ) belonging to the Mahrattas; m. pl. the Mahrattas; -rug, -ruga, a. very painful; -roga, m. dangerous disease; -roman, a. very hairy (Siva); -raudra, a. extremely terrible; -½argha, a. of great price, precious, valuable; expensive: -tâ, f. preciousness, great value, -rûpa, a. having a splendid form; -½arghya, a. precious, valuable: -tâ, f. preciousness; -½arnava, m. great sea, ocean; -½artha, m. great matter; a. having great wealth, rich; of great significance, important; m. N. of a Dânava; -½arha, a.valuable, costly, splen did; -lakshmî, f. the Great Lakshmî, Nârâ yana's Sakti; also=Durgâ or Sarasvatî; -li&ndot;ga, n. a great Li&ndot;ga; -vamsya, a. of high lineage; -vanig, m. great merchant; -vada, m. great teacher (i.e. of the most essential Vedic knowledge); (&asharp;)-vadha, a. having a mighty weapon (RV.); -vana, n. great forest; -varâha, m. great boar (i.e. Vishnu's incarnation as a boar); N. of a prince; -vallî, f. great creeper; -vâkya, n. long composition, literary work; great pro position; -vâta, m. violent wind, gale; -vâyu, m. id.; -vârttika, n. the Great Vârttika, N. of Kâtyâyana's Vârttikas to the Sûtras of Pânini; -vâstu, n. great space; a. occupy ing a great space; -vikrama, a. of great courage, very valiant; m. N. of a lion; -vighna, m. n. great obstacle; -vigña, a. very sensible; -vidagdha, pp. very clever; -viraha, m. grievous separation; -visha,a. very poisonous; -vistara, a. very prolix (book); -vîki, m. (having great waves), a certain hell; -vîrá, m. great hero; large earthenware fire-pot (mostly used at the Pravargya cere mony); N. of various princes; N. of an Arhat, founder of the Jain sect: -karita, n. life of the great hero (Râma), T. of a play by Bhavabhûti, -karitra, n. life of Mahâ vîra (the Arhat), T. of a work; (&asharp;)-vîrya, a. mighty, very potent; -vrikshá, m. great tree; -vriddha, pp. very aged; -vrishá, m. great bull: pl. N. of a people in the western Himâlayas; -vega, a. greatly agitated (sea); very swift; -vaipulya, n. great extent; -vaira, n. great enmity; -vairâga, n. N. of a Saman;-vyâdhi, m. serious disease; -vyâhriti, f. the great exclamation (i.e. bh&usharp;r bhúvah svãh); -vratá, n. great or fundamental duty; great vow; great religious observance; N. of a Sâ man or Stotra to be chanted on the last day but one of the Gavâmayana (also applied to the day and the ceremony); rules of the worshippers of Siva Pasupati; a. having undertaken great duties or a great vow, practising great aus terity, very devotional; following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratika, a. following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratin, a., m., id.; a. practis ing the five fundamental duties of the Jains; -vratîya, a. relating to the Mahâvrata cere mony (day); -vrîhi, m. large rice; -sakti, a. very mighty (Siva); -sa&ndot;kha, m. great conch; -½asana, a. eating much, voracious (leech); m. great eater, glutton; -½asani dhvaga, m. flag with a great thunderbolt; -sabda, m. loud sound; title beginning with &open;mahâ&close; or the corresponding office; -½âsaya, 1. m. ocean; 2. a. high-minded, noble; -sayyâ, f. splendid couch; -sarîra, a. having a large body; -salka,m. kind of sea-crab; -salkalin, a. having large scales (fish); -sastra, n. mighty weapon; -sâka, n. kind of vegetable; -sâkya, m. great or distinguished Sâkya; -sânti, f. great appeasement (a kind of rite to avert evil);(&asharp;)-sâla, possessor of a great house, great householder; -sâlîna, a. very modest; -sâsana, n. great sway; a. exer cising great sway; -siras, a. large-headed; m. kind of serpent; -sûdra, m. Sûdra in a high position, upper servant; -saila, m. great rock or mountain; -½asman, m. precious stone; -smâsâna, n. large cemetery; ep. of Benares; -srotriya, m. great theologian or spiritual teacher; -½asva, m. N.: -sâlâ, f. great stable; office of head groom; -svetâ, f. N. of a god dess; N.; -samkata, n. great danger or straits; -satî, f. extremely faithful wife, pattern of wifely fidelity; -sattrá, n. great Soma sacrifice; -sattva, m. great creature; a. strong-minded; high-minded, noble; very courageous; containing large animals: -tâ, f. strength of character and containing large animals; -½âsana, n. splendid seat; -samdhi- -vigraha, m. office of chief minister of peace and war; -sabhâ, f. great dining hall; -samudra, m. ocean; -sarga, m. great crea tion (after a great dissolution); -sâdhana bhâga, m. head of the executive; -sâdhu, a. extremely good: v-î, f. pattern of wifely fidelity; -sâmtâpana,m. kind of penance; -sâmdhi-vigrah-ika, m. chief minister of peace and war; -sâmânya, n. generality in the widest sense; -sâra, a. strong; valuable, costly; -sârtha, m. great caravan; -sâhas ika, a. very daring, excessively rash; m. highwayman, robber: -tâ, f. great energy: in. with the utmost decision; -simha, m. great lion; N.; -siddha, (pp.) m. great saint; -siddhânta, m. great manual of as tronomy, T. of a work by Âryabhata the younger; -siddhi, f. great magical power; -subhiksha, n. great abundance of provisions, very good times (pl.); -sûkta, n. great hymn: pl. the great hymns of the tenth book of the Rig-veda (1 to 128); m. composer of the great hymns of RV. X; -sûkshma, a. extremely minute; -sûki, a. w. vyûha, m. kind of array of troops in battle; (&asharp;)-sena, a. having a large army; m. ep. of Skanda; N. of various princes; -senâ, f. great army; -stoma, a. having a great Stoma (day); -½astra, n. great or mighty missile; -sthâna, n. high place or position; -sthûla, a. very gross; -snâna, n. great ablution; -½âspada, a. mighty; -sva na, m. loud sound; a. loud-sounding, shout ing loud; loud (noise); -½âsvâda, a. very savoury; -hanu, a. having great jaws; -harm ya, n. great palace; -½âhava, m. great battle; -hava, m. great sacrifice; -hasta, a. large handed (Siva); -hâsa, m.loud laughter; a. laughing loud; -½ahí, m. great serpent: -sayana, n. sleep (of Vishnu) on the great serpent (Sesha); -½ahna, m. advanced day time, afternoon; -hrada, m. great pond.
mahātattva n. the great princi ple, intellect; -tapas, a. greatly distressed; practising great austerities; m. N. of a her mit; -tapasvin, a. greatly afflicted; -tamas, n. great darkness (one of the five stages of Avidyâ); -tala, n. (great-bottom), a cer tain hell; -tikta, a. very bitter; -tithi, f. (the great=) sixth lunar day; -tegas, a. hav ing great lustre, very glorious (of gods and men); m. ep. of Skanda; N.; -taila, n. pre cious oil or N. of a kind of oil; -½âtodya, n. great drum; -½âtman, 1. m. great spirit, uni versal soul; intellect; 2. a. great-souled, high-minded, noble; of great intellect, highly gifted, very wise; exalted, eminent, illus trious (family), mighty; -½âtma-vat, a. highly gifted, very clever; -½atyaya, m. great calamity; -tyâga, m. great liberal ity; a. very liberal: -maya, a. consist ing in great liberality; -tyâgin, a. very liberal (Siva); -damshtra,a. having great tusks; m. N.; -danda, m. great staff or long arm; severe punishment; -daridra, a. extremely poor; -dâna, n. valuable gift; a. attended with great gifts (sacrifice); -dâ ru, n. the Devadâru tree (Pinus Deodora); -dis, f. chief cardinal point (N., S., E., W.); -duhkha, n. great sorrow; -durga, n. great danger; place very difficult of access; -driti, m. great bag; -devá, m. the great god, a term sp. applied to Rudra or to one of the gods connected with him (V.); in C.=Siva; N.: -giri, m. N. of a mountain; -devî, f. the great goddess=Pârvatî; first wife of a king; N.; -½adbhuta, a. very wonderful; n. great marvel; -dyuti, a. of great lustre, brilliant, glorious; -druma, m. large tree; -dvâra, m. n. main gate; -dhana, a. costing much money, costly, expensive; having much money, wealthy; m. N. of a merchant; (á), n. great battle (RV.); great spoil (RV.1); great wealth (C.): -pati, m. (lord of great wealth), very rich man; -dhanur-dhara, -dhanushmat, m. great bowman; -dhanus, a. bearing a great bow (Siva); -dhî, a. of great understanding, very wise; -½ânaka, m. kind oflarge drum; -nakha, a. having great nails or claws; -nagná, m. (stark naked), paramour (V.): î, f. courtesan; -nada, m. great stream; -nadî, f. river; N. of various rivers; -½ânana, a. having a great mouth or face; -½ânanda, m. great joy or bliss; N.; -naraka, m. a certain hell; -narendra, m. great conjurer or magician; -½anasa, n. freight waggon; kitchen: î, f. cook, kitchen-maid; -½anasa½adhyaksha, m. superintendent of the kitchen; -nâgá, m. great serpent; great elephant; -nâtaka, n. great drama; a kind of play; -nâda, m. loud sound, shout, roar, etc.; a. making a loud noise, roaring etc.; m. ep. of Siva; -nâyaka, m. great leader or chief; large central gem in a pearl necklace; -nâsa, a. large-nosed (Siva); -nidra, a. sleep ing soundly or long; -niraya, m. kind of hell; -nis, f. dead of night, second and third watches of the night (9 p.m. to 3 a.m.); -nîla, a.dark blue or black; m. sapphire: -maya, a. consisting of sapphire; -½anubhâva, a. very powerful or glorious; magnanimous, high-minded, noble: -tâ, f., -tva, n. high-minded ness, nobility; -netra, a. large-eyed (Siva); -½andhakâra, m. dense darkness, complete obscuration of the intellect; -nyâya, m. main rule; -½anvaya, a. of high lineage.
mahācakra n. large wheel or discus; -kakravart-in, m. great emperor, universal monarch: (-i)-tâ, f. dignity of a great emperor; -katura-ka, m. (very crafty), N. of a jackal; -kamû, f. great army;-kar yâ, f. the great course of life (i.e. that of a Bodhisattva): -m grah, enter upon the life of a Bodhisattva; -½akala, m. great moun tain; -½âkârya, m. great teacher (Siva); -½agá, m. great he-goat; -gata, a. wearing large braids of hair (Siva); -gatru, a. having a large collar-bone (Siva); -gana, m. sg. (pl.) many people, multitude of men, crowd, popu lace, the people; great or distinguished man or men; a. occupied by many people (house): -virodha, m. hostility of many people or creatures; -gava, a. very swift (horse, arrow); -gihva, a. long-tongued (Siva); -gñânin, a. knowing much (Siva); m. great soothsayer; -gyotis, a. having great lustre (Siva); -gvara, m. great distress; -½atavî, f. great forest; -½âdhya, a. very rich.
mahākathā f. great tale; -karu- na, a. very compassionate; -karna, a. great eared (Siva); -karman, n. great work; a. doing great works (Siva); -kalâ, f. night of new moon; -kalpa, m. great cosmic period; -kavi, m. great or classical poet (such as Kâ lidâsa, Bhavabhûti, etc.); -kâya, a. having a great body, bulky, gigantic; huge (tree): -tva, n. large size; -½âkâra, a. large, great, extensive; -kâla, m. a form of Siva in his capacity of the great destroyer of the world; N. of a temple of Siva Mahâkâla at Uggay inî; n. N. of a famous Li&ndot;ga: -pura, m. city of Mahâkâla, Uggayinî; -kâlî, f. a form of Durgâ; -kâvya, n. great or classical poem (a term specifically applied to the six poems Raghuvamsa, Kumârasambhava, Meghadûta, Kirâtârgunîya, Sisupâlavadha, and Naishadha karita); -kula, n. illustrious or noble family; (á), a. of high lineage: -½utpanna, pp. born of a noble family; -kulîna, a. belonging to a noble family: -tâ, f. noble origin, high birth; -kûla, a. having high banks; -ketu, a. hav ing a great banner (Siva); -kesa, a. thick haired (Siva); -kosa, a.having large testi cles (Siva): î, f. N. of a river; -kaushîta ka, n. title of a Vedic text; -kratu, m. great sacrifice (such as the Râgasûya and the Asva medha); -krodha, a. very irascible; -ksha tra-pa, m. great Satrap; -½aksha-patalika, m. head-keeper of the archives; -khâta, n. deep ditch; -khyâta, pp. very famous; -gaga, m. great elephant; elephant supporting the earth (=diggaga); -ganá, m. great host, swarm, or body: -pati, m.great lord of hosts, Ganesa; -ganesa, m. id.; -gandha, a. strong scented, very fragrant; -gala, a. having a thick or long neck; -giri, m. great mountain; -guna, a. having great virtues, very merito rious; very efficacious; -guru, a. very rever end person; -griha, n. great house; -gaurî, f. one of the nine forms of Durgâ; -graha, m. ep. of Râhu; -grâmá, m. great host (RV.1); large village; -grîva, a. long-necked (Siva); -ghata, m. large jar; -ghora, a. very terri ble; -ghosha, a. making a loud noise, thun dering (clouds); -½a&ndot;ga, a. having a large body or large limbs (Siva).
mahīyas cpv. greater, larger, mightier, more powerful or important, etc.; very great, -mighty, -distinguished, -loud (laughter), etc.
mahīkampa m. earthquake; -kshit, m. ruler of earth, king; -kara, -kâr in, a. moving or walking on the earth (opp. air); -ga, m. plant, tree; planet Mars; -tala, n. surface of the earth, ground; -durga, a. inaccessible owing to the nature of the ground; n. fortress protected by the nature of the ground or by earth-works; -dhara, a. sup porting the earth; m. mountain; N., esp. of a commentator on the VS.; -dhra,m. moun tain; -½ina, m. lord of earth, king; -nâtha, m. id.; -½indra, m. id.: -½indra, m. an Indra among princes; -pa, m. protector of earth, king; -patana, n. falling on the ground, obeisance down to the ground; -pati,m. lord of earth, king; -pâla, m. protector of earth, king; N. of various princes: -putra, m. son of a king, prince; -putra, m. son of earth; planet Mars; -prishtha, n. surface of the earth, ground; -prakampa, m.earthquake; -praroha, m. (growing out of the earth), tree; -bhartri, m. supporter of earth, king; -bhug, m. enjoyer of the earth, king; -bhrit, m. (supporter of the earth), mountain; king; -maghavan, m. lord of earth, king; mand ala, n. circle of the earth, entire earth; -ma ya, a. (î) earthen; -mahikâmsu, m. moon on earth, illustrious king; -mahendra, m. great lord of earth, sovereign.
mahī f. (of máh) earth; ground, soil (also pl.); land; country, kingdom; earth (substance); base (of a geometrical figure); space (RV.); host (RV.); cow (V.): du. heaven and earth (V.); pl. waters, streams (RV.).
mahenda m. great Indra; chief; N. of a mountain range: -ketu, m. Indra's banner; -kâpa, m. Indra's bow, rainbow; -tva, n. name or dignity of great Indra; -dhvaga, m. Indra's banner; -mantrin, m.great Indra's counsellor, planet Jupiter (Brihaspati); -mandira, n. Indra's palace; -varman, m. N. of a prince; -sakti, m. N.; -½âditya, m. N. of a prince.
māghavana a. (î) belonging to Indra: w. kakubh, f. Indra's quarter, the east.
māgha a. (î) relating to the asterism Maghâ; m. N. of a month (January-Febru ary); N. of the author of the Sisupâlavadha (composed before the end of the tenth century): -kâvya, n. Mâgha's poem, theSisupâlavadha.
mākara a. (î) relating to the sea monster Makara; with âkara, m. mine of Makaras, ocean.
mātṛka a. coming or inherited from a mother; maternal; m. maternal un cle; kâ, f. mother; grandmother; letter writ ten in a diagram and supposed to have a magical power: coll. the letters oralphabet thus used; alphabet: -maya, a. (î) consist ing of mystical letters; -garbha, m. womb; -gupta, m. N. of a prince; -griha, n. tem ple of the divine mothers; -grâma, m. female sex; -ghâtin, m. matricide; -ghna, m. id.; -kakra, n. mystical circle with the divine mothers; group of the divine mothers.
mātuleya m. son of a maternal uncle, first cousin; -ya, n. (?) house of a maternal uncle.
mātulānī f. wife of a maternal uncle.
mātula m. mother's brother, (mater nal) uncle (in fables the ass and the jackal speak of each other thus): -ka, m. id. (but more affectionate) dear uncle (in the fable the crane is called the uncle of the crab).
mātā f.=mâtri, °ree;-- in some cpds.: -duhitri, f. du. mother and daughter; -pitri, m. du. father and mother, parents; -putra, m. mother and son; -maha, m. maternal grandfather: du. maternal grandparents; pl. mother's father, grandfather, and ancestors; a. (î) relating or belonging to the maternal grandmother: î, f. maternal grandmother.
mātrā f. measure, measuring rule; extent; quantity; length of time or life; unit of measure, foot; unit of time, moment (in the popular sense); metrical unit (time required to pronounce a short vowel); musical unit of time (of which there are three); cor rect measure, order (RV.); small portion, particle, trifle, a little; importance, account, consideration; element; matter, material world; property, money; furniture; earring, ornament: in. in small portions, in slight measure, moderately; râgâ½iti kiyatî mâ trâ, of what account is a king? a king is of no account, is a mere trifle to (g.); kâ mâtrâ samudrasya, what is the importance of the sea?=the sea will be easily settled.
mātra n. element (only P.); --°ree;, mea sure, size, height, depth, length, breadth, distance; quantity, sum (of money); dura tion or space of time; number (redundant with numerals); whole measure, totality, ag gregate or entire class of, so and so in the widest sense; no more than what the preced ing word expresses: to be translated by no thing but, only, merely; --°ree; a. (â, î) as large, high, deep, long, broad, or far as; as much or many as; having no more than, amount ing only to, consisting of nothing but; being nothing but, a simple or mere; following im mediately after: with pp.=no sooner than, scarcely, as soon as, only just; consisting of (so many) morae; lasting (so many) moments; possessing (anything) as one's property.
mātṛtamā spv. f. most motherly (waters; V.); (ri)-tas, ad. with regard to or in right of the mother; -tâ, f. motherhood; -datta, m. N.: â, f. N.; -nandana, m. ep. of Skanda; -pâlita, m. N. of a Dânava; -pûgana, n., -pûgâ, f. worship of the divine mothers; -bandhú, m. maternal relative: û, f. mother in name only, unnatural mother: u, n. maternal relationship; -bândhava, m. maternal kinsman; -mandala, or group of the divine mothers: -vid, m. priest of the divine mothers; -yagña, -yâga, m. sacrifice to the mothers; -vamsa, m. family of the mother; -vamsya, a. belonging to the mother's family; -vat, ad. like or as a mother; as towards a mother; -vatsala, m. (tender towards his mother); ep. of Skanda; -vadha, m. matricide; -shvasri, f. mother's sister, maternal aunt; -shvaseya, m. mother's sister's son.
mānaka n. measure, weight; -ka laha, m. quarrel arising from jealous anger; -kali, m. mutual indignation; a. bestowing honour, showing respect; -kshati, f. injury to honour, mortification, indignity;-gran thi, m. violent anger; -tâ, f. being a proof; -tu&ndot;ga, m. man high in honour; N.; -da, a. bestowing or showing honour; m. giver of honour (gnly. used as a term of address); -danda, m. measuring-rod; -dhana,a. hav ing honour as his wealth, rich in honour; -dhmâta, pp. inflated with pride.
mānasacārin m. (frequenter of Mânasa), swan; -ganman, m. (produced in the mind), god of love; -vega, a. swift as thought; m. N. of a prince; -suk, f. mental affliction; -samtâpa, m. mental anguish.
mānavī f. daughter of men, human female; daughter of Manu: pl. N. of certain verses; -îya, a. derived from Manu; n. kind of penance.
māntrika m. reciter of spells, sorcerer.
mānuṣaka a. human; -tâ, f. human condition: -m gam, become a man; -tva, n. id.; -daivika, a. relating to men and to gods; manhood; -râkshasa, m. human devil: î, f. she-devil in human form; -lauk ika, a. belonging to the world of men, human; -½âda, m. man-eater: -tva, n. cannibalism.
māyākapota m. phantom pigeon: -vapus, a. having the body of a --; -kâra, a. acting deceitfully; -kkhadma para, a. intent on deceit and fraud; -devî, f. N. of the mother of Buddha; -dhara, a.versed in jugglery or witchcraft; m. N. of a prince of the Asuras; -½adhika, a. abound ing in magic arts; -patu, a. skilled in witch craft; -pur, -purî, f. N. of a town; -prayoga, m. trickiness; versatility; -batu, m. N. of aprince of the Sabaras; -½abhyudayana, m. N. of a Kâyastha; -maya, a. (î) illusory, unreal; m. N. of a Râkshasa; -yantra, n. en chantment: °ree;--=magical; -vakana, n. hypo critical speech; (&asharp;)-vat, a. practising sorcery (RV.); deceitful, cunning; attended with magical arts: -î, f. kind of personified magi cal art; N. of a fairy's wife; N. of a prin cess; -vâda, m. doctrine of illusion (a term applied to Buddhism and Vedântism); -vid,a. familiar with magical arts; -vín, a. skilled in magic; fraudulent; guileful, deceitful; illusory; m. magician, sorcerer, juggler; -sîla, a. deceitful, fraudulent.
māyā f. art, marvellous power (V.); artifice, device, trick; deceit, fraud; jugglery, witchcraft; illusory image, phantom; illu sion (in the Vedânta=the power which causes the world to appear as really existent and distinct from the universal soul): --°ree;, phan tom in the shape of; °ree;--, phantom, illusory, unreal; disguised; ep. of Durgâ; Fraud (personified as a daughter of Anrita and Adharma).
māravat a. filled with love; -½âtma-ka, a. (murder-natured), murderous; -½abhirâma, a. delighting in slaughter, mur derous; -½ari, m. foe of Mâra, ep. of Siva.
māraṇa (cs.) n. killing, slaying, slaughter; calcination; magical ceremony for destroying an enemy: -m pra½âp, suffer death.
māra a. killing, destroying; m. death; plague; killing; obstacle; love, god of love; Tempter, Devil (B.): -ka, --°ree;, a. (i-kâ) kill ing; m. murderer; plague, pestilence (also personified).
mārgavaśāgata pp. lying beside the road; -vasa½anuga, a., -vasa½âyâ ta, pp. id.; -vâsas, a. clothed in a deerskin; -vinodana, n. entertainment on the journey.
māriṣa m. [perhaps turned back into Sanskrit from the Pâlimârisa=mâdrisa] worthy or excellent man (nearly always used in the vc. as a term of address=my worthy friend).
mārjāra m. [animal that wipes or cleanses itself: √ mrig], cat (also î, f.); pole-cat: -ka, m. cat; -li&ndot;gin, a. having the characteristics of cats.
mārgita pp. √ mârg; -i-tavya, fp. to be sought; -searched through; -striven after; -in, m. road-keeper or guide.
mārgaśākhin m. road-side tree; -siras, m. N. of a month (November December); -sîrsha, m. (± mâsa) month, the full moon of which is in the constellation Mrigasiras (the tenth, later the first month in the year): î, f. (± paurnamâsî) day in which the full moon is in the constellation Mrigasiras; -stha, a. remaining on the right road (also fig.); -harmya, m. palace on the high road.
mārṣa m. worthy man (only as a term of address in vc.=mârisha).
māsa m. month: -m, for a month; mâsam ekam, for one month; in. in the course of a month; lc. in a month=after the lapse of a month. (The twelve months of the Indian calendar, which do not exactly cor respond to ours, are Kaitra, Vaisâkha: March --May; Gyaishtha, Âshâdha: May--July; Srâvana, Bhâdra: July--Sept.; Âsvina, Kârt tika: Sept.--Nov.; Mârgasîrsha, Pausha: Nov.--Jan.; Mâgha, Phâlguna: Jan.--March.)
mitākṣara a. composed in mea sured syllables, metrical; measured, brief, concise (speech): â, f. T. of various concise commentaries, esp. of one on Yâgñavalkya; -½artha, m. well-weighed matter; a. acting cautiously; kind of emissary: -ka, m. kind of emissary; -½asana, a. eating sparingly; -½âhâ ra, m. sparing diet; a. eating sparingly.
mit a. having m as an indicatory letter (root).
māhendra a. (î) relating or belong ing to the great Indra; eastern, easterly: with ambhas, n. rain-water; w. dhanus, n. rain bow; w. dis or âsâ, f. east; î, f. east; Indra's energy (one of the seven divine mothers).
mitra m. [prob. for mit-tra, either fr. √ mith, accompany, or √ mid, be oily, ad here: cp. sneha], companion, friend; N. of an Âditya, generally invoked with Varuna (mostly V.); sun (C.); n.friendship (RV.); friend (ord. mg. and gender; in polity the prince whose territory adjoins that of an immediate neighbour is called a &open;friend&close;); friend=image of: --°ree;,=resembling: -kar man, n. friendly actor service; friendship: -karma kri, conclude friendship with (in.); -kâma, a. wishing for friends; -kârya, n. business of a friend, friendly service; -kriti, f. friendly act; -kritya, n. business of a friend, friendly service; (á)-gupta, pp. guarded by Mitra; m. N.; -tâ, f. friendship; similarity with (--°ree;); -tva,; -druh, a. (nm. -dhruk) seeking to injure a friend, treacherous; -droha, m. injury of a friend, treachery; -drohin, a. treacherous; -bandhu-hîna, pp. desti tute of friends and relations; -bhâva, m. friendship; -bheda, m. separation of friends, breach of friendship; T. of the first book of the Pañkatantra; -máhas, a. having abun dance of friends (gnly. vc.; RV.); -mitra, n. friend's friend (in polity a prince whose dominions are separated from those of an other by the territories of three other princes); -lâbha, m. acquisition of friends; T. of the first book of the Hitopadesa; -vat, ad. like a friend (ac.); a. possessed of friends; -vat sala, a. devoted to one's friends; -varana, n. choice of friends; -varman, m. N.; -vi dhvasta, pp. ruined by a friend; -vaira, n. dissension among friends;-sarman, m. N. of various men; -samprâpti, f. acquisition of friends, T. of the second book of the Pañka tantra; -saha, m. (indulgent to friends), N. of a prince; -sâha, a. indulgent towards friends; -sneha, m. friendly affection, friend ship; -han, -hana, a. murdering a friend.
miśraka a. mixed, not pure; mis cellaneous; mixing, adulterating (grain etc.); -kesî, f. N. of an Apsaras.
miśra a. mixed, mingled, blended, combined; various, manifold, diverse; intertwined, tangled; mixed, connected, or associated with (in. ± samam, g. or --°ree;, rarely °ree;--); --°ree; (w. names) accompanying, -and his com panions (like âdi or âdya, --°ree;); --°ree; w. honorific epithets=our &open;etc. etc.&close; (e. g. ârya-misra, honourable, etc. etc.); often --°ree; (sts. °ree;--) with names, esp. of scholars, as an honorific desig nation; --°ree;, mixing, adulterating; m. abbre viation for names ending in misra; N.; n. capital together with interest.
milana n. meeting, encountering, contact.
miladvyādha a. (having hunters thronging around=) surrounded by hunters.
mimaṅkṣu des. a. [√ magg] about to enter the water.
mithyā in. ad. [later form of mithuyâ] wrongly, incorrectly; falsely, untruly, deceit fully; not in reality, only in appearance; to no purpose, fruitlessly, in vain: -kri, act wrongly; break (one's word: w. na, keep --); deny; -brû, -vak, -vad, state falsely, lie, feign; -bhû, turn out or prove false; -pra vrit, behave in an unseemly manner towards (lc.).
mithas ad. together, with (in.); to each other, mutually, reciprocally; alter nately; privately, in secret.
mukta pp. (√ muk) set free, released, from (in., ab.); loosened, detached, fallen or dropped down (fruit); relaxed, languid (limbs); loose (reins); quitted, left free (road), left bare (bank); just left by the sun (cardinal point); abandoned, given up; laid or cast aside (clothes); deposited (flowers); gone, vanished (esp. --°ree;, a.); shed (tears); uttered (sound); sent forth, emitted; thrown down, cast, discharged, hurled; applied (kick); having cast oneself down; delivered from sin or the bonds of existence, emancipated; destitute of (in. or --°ree;); m. N. of a cook.
mīmāṃsā f. [des. fr. √ man] deep reflexion, inquiry, examination, discus sion; opinion; discussion of a sacred text; designation of a philosophical system, which is divided into two distinct branches: the former, called Pûrvaor Karma-mîmâmsâ, and founded by Gaimini, is chiefly concerned with the correct interpretation of Vedic ritual; the latter, called Uttara-, Brahma-, or Sârî raka-mîmâmsâ,but best known under the name of Vedânta, and founded by Bâdarâ yana, is a pantheistic system discussing chiefly the nature of Brahman or the uni versal soul.
muktāratna n. pearl; -rasmi maya, a. radiant with pearls; -latâ, f. N.; -½âvali (or î), f. string of pearls; N.; -sukti, f. pearl oyster.
muktā f. [pp. √ muk, secreted by the oyster], pearl: -kana, m. N.; -kalâpa, m. pearl necklace: î-kri, turn into a pearl necklace; -½âkâra, a. looking like a pearl: -tâ, f. pearl-like appearance; -kesava, m. N. of a statue of Krishna; -guna, m. string or necklace of pearls; excellence of a pearl, pearl of pure water; -gâla, n. pearl necklace: -maya, a. (î) consisting of pearls; -½âtman, a. whose soul is delivered, emanci pated; -dâman, n. string of pearls; a½âpad, a. rescued from misfortune; -½âpîda, m. N. of a prince and of a poet; -pura, m. N. of a mythical town in the Himâlaya.
muktaka a. detached, independent; n. independent sloka (the meaning of which is complete in itself); simple prose (without compound words); -kantha, a. or -m, ad. with krand or rud, shout or cry (with relaxed throat=) at the top of one's voice; -kara, a. open-handed, liberal; -kesa, a. (â, î) having loose or dishevelled hair; -tâ, f., -tva, n. deliverance from the bonds of existence, final emancipation; -nidra, a.awakened; -bandh ana, a. released from bonds; -buddhi, a. having one's soul emancipated; -vasana, m. (having cast aside raiment), Jain monk (=dig-ambara); -sâpa, a. having a curse laid aside, released from a curse;-sikha, a. having the top-knot loosened, having the hair hanging down; -saisava, a. (having left childhood behind), grown up; -samsaya, a. free from doubt, undoubted; -sûryâ, a. f. with dis, quarter just quitted by the sun; -svâmin, m. N. of a temple; -hasta, a. open handed, bountiful, liberal.
mukha n. (--°ree; a. â, î) mouth; jaws; face; snout, muzzle (of an animal), beak (of a bird); direction, quarter; spout (of a vessel: rare); mouth, opening, entrance, into (g. or --°ree;); forepart, tip, point, head (of an arrow); edge (of a sharp instrument); surface, top, upper side; head, chief; beginning; original cause of the action of a drama; source, occa sion, of (g., --°ree;); means; --°ree; a. having in the or as a mouth; having a (pale, etc., attribu tive a.) face; having a face like (e. g. goat faced); having a face covered with or show ing (e.g. tears, frowns, anger); facing or looking towards (-m, ad.); having as a be ginning, beginning with.
miśraya den. P. mix, mingle, combine, with (in.); add: pp. misrita, mixed, blended, with (--°ree;); promiscuous (taste). vi, mix up: pp. intermingled or combined with (in. or --°ree;).
mukhya a. being in or on the mouth or face, coming from the mouth; being at the head, chief, principal, foremost, first, best (of, --°ree;), pre-eminent; m. leader: -tas, ad. chiefly; -tâ, f. pre-eminence, among (g. or --°ree;); -tva, n. id.; -mantr-in, m. prime minister: (-i)-tva, n. premiership; -sas, ad. first of all; -½artha, m. principal or original meaning (of a word); a. having or employed in the original meaning.
mudrikā f. signet-ring; ring; stamped coin; mode of holding or intertwining the fingers.
mudrākṣara n. letter of a stamp, type; -½a&ndot;ka, a., -½a&ndot;kita, pp. stamped or marked with, bearing the impress of (--°ree;); -yantra, n. printing-press: -½âlaya, m. print ing-house; -râkshasa, n. Râkshasa (N. of a minister) and the ring: T. of a play by Visâkhadatta; -lipi, f. stamped writing, print.
mudrā f. signet-ring, seal (also the impression; ord. mg.); (wooden) type; stamp, impression; mark, token, badge; seal, lock (--°ree;=sealed, closed, eyes, lips, mouth); mystery; mark (of a divine attribute etc.) made on the body; mode of holding or intertwining the fingers (in religious worship or magic rites); direct designation, calling anything by its real name.
mumukṣā des. f. (√ muk) desire for liberation, from (ab.); -shú, des. a. de sirous of releasing any one (ac.) from (ab.); wishing to give up or relinquish (ac.); in tending to emit or give forth (ac. or --°ree;); wishing to discharge arrows (ac.) at (lc.); wishing to be free, striving after final libera tion: -tâ, f., -tva, n. desire of liberation or final emancipation.
munikeśa a. wearing long hair like a Muni (AV.1); -paramparâ, f. unin terrupted tradition; -putra, m. son of an ascetic; -vana, n. forest inhabited by ascetics, hermit forest; -vara, m. best of theseven Munis, ep. of Vasishtha as one of the stars of the Great Bear; best of ascetics; -vrata, a. observing the vow of (ascetics=) silence.
mudraya den. P. stamp; seal; print: pp. ita, sealed, stamped; bearing the impress or marks of (--°ree;); sealed with (sleep, --°ree;); printed; closed (eye, hand, flower); avoided. ud, unseal, break open(letter): pp. unmud- rita, released, liberated. vi, close or cork up; open, begin.
muhūrta m. n. [den. pp. fr. muhur, past in a trice], moment, instant; hour of forty-eight minutes (one-thirtieth of a day): °ree;--, in a moment; for a moment; in. in a moment, presently; ab. after a moment, in stantly: -ka, m. or n. (?) moment; hour; -kovida, m. (skilled in auspicious moments), astrologer; -râga, a. red or attached for a moment.
muṣṭika m. handful (--°ree;); particu lar position of the hands; n. (?) pugilistic encounter; -grâhya, fp. to be clasped with one hand (waist); -ghâta, m. blow with the fist: -m, abs. with han, strike with the fists; -prahâra, m. blow with the fist; -meya, fp. to be measured or clasped with one hand (waist); -yuddha, n. pugilistic encounter; -vadha, m. devastation of the crops; -hán, a. striking with the fist, fighting hand to hand.
mūtraya den. P. Â. make water; -upon (P.): pp. mûtrita, having made water. ava, make water upon.
mūtra n. urine: -m kri, make water; -dosha, m. urinary disease.
mūrti f. [√ mûr] solid body, mate rial form, body (pl. solid parts); manifesta tion, incarnation, embodiment; person, form, frame, figure, appearance; image, statue; --°ree; a. formed of: -tva, n. corporeal nature; -dhara, a. having a body, embodied, incar nate; -mat, a. having a material form, cor poreal; embodied, incarnate, personified; --°ree;, formed of; -vighnesa, m. pl. the eight mani festations ofSiva and the various Ganesas.
mūrta pp. [√ mûr] v. √ mûrkh: -tva, n. material form, corporeal nature.
mūlya a. attached to the root; n. price, marketable value; wages, hire; earn ings; capital (opp. interest): mûlyena, by way of payment: -grah, buy, -dâ, sell, -mârg, endeavour to buy: -ka, n. price, value; -karana, n. turning into capital, realizing; -dravya, n. purchase-money; -vivargita, pp. priceless.
mūloccheda m. eradication, ex termination; -½utkhâta, pp. dug out by the roots, utterly destroyed; n. digging up of roots; -½uddharana, n. means of eradicating anything (g.).
mūlaka a. (ikâ) having its root in, produced or derived from; n. radish; root; -karman, n. magic rites with roots; -kâr ana, n. original or prime cause; -krikkhra, m. n. penance consisting in eating onlyroots; -khânaka, m. digger of roots; -grantha, m. original text; -kkhinna, pp. cut off with the root, dissipated (hope); -kkheda, m. cutting down (a tree) by the root; -kkhedin, a. de stroying the text (super-cleverness);-ga, a. growing from the root (plant); formed on roots of trees (ant-hill); -tás, ad. below: w. â, from the root onwards; from the begin ning (relate); -tâ, f. being the root or source of (--°ree;); -tva, n. id.; -deva, m. N.; -dvâra, n. main door; -nikrintana, a. (î) cutting off by the root, destroying root and branch (--°ree;); -purusha, m. (root-man), male repre sentative of a family; -prakriti, f. primeval or unevolved matter (in the Sâ&ndot;khya phil.; also called pradhâna): pl. principal sovereigns to be considered in time of war; -pranihita, pp. known through spies from the beginning (thieves); -phala, n. roots and fruits; interest of capital; -bhava, a. growing from roots; -bhâga, m. lower part; -bhritya, m. heredi tary servant; -mantra, m. main or heading text; spell; -mantra-maya, a. formed of spells, taking effect like a spell; -râmâyana, n. original (i. e. Vâlmîki's) Râmâyana; -vakana, n. original words or text; -vat, a. supplied with (esculent) roots (place); stand ing upright; -vâpa, m. planter of (esculent) roots; -vinâsana, n. radical destruction; -vyasana-vritti-mat, a.following a calling which is a hereditarily vile occupation; -vyâdhi, m. main disease; -vratin, a. sub sisting exclusively on roots; -sâdhana, n. main instrument; -sthâna, n. base, founda tion; chief place; Multan; -sthâyin,a. ex isting from the beginning (Siva); -srotas, n. main stream of a river; -hara, a. taking away the roots, completely destroying (g.): -tva, n. complete ruin; -½âyatana, n. original abode or seat; -½âsin, a. subsisting on roots.
mṛgavyādha m. slayer of beasts, hunter; Sirius, dog-star; -vyâla-nishevita, pp. infested by wild beasts and serpents; -sâyikâ, f. reclining posture of deer: -m sî, lie still like an antelope; -sâva, m.young of deer, fawn: -½akshî, f. fawn-eyed woman; (á)-siras, n. (deer-head), third (later fifth) lunar mansion; -sîrshá, n. id.; -sreshtha, m. best of beasts, tiger; -sûkara, m. du. deer and boar; -han, m. slayer of beasts, hunter.
mṛgayu m. hunter.
mṛgaya den. Â. (P. metr.) hunt (wild animals), chase, pursue; seek, search for; search through, examine; visit; seek after, aim at, strive for, endeavour to obtain (ac.); ask or beg for anything (ac.)from (ab., g. ± sakâsât, -tas).
mṛga m. [roaming: √ mrig] forest or wild animal, game (ord. meaning); deer, antelope (ord. meaning); musk-deer; antelope in the moon (the spots in which being considered to resemble an antelope as well as a hare); antelope in the sky=the lunar man sion Mrigasiras; Capricorn (sign of the zo diac); kind of elephant; large soaring bird (RV., rare); a demon fought by Indra (RV.); musk (=mriga-nâbhi): -kâka, m. du. a deer and a crow; -kânana, n. game-forest, hunt ing forest; -kopa, m. rage against the forest animals; -gambuka, m. du. a deer and a jackal; -gîvana, m. (subsisting by the chase), hunter; -trishâ, -trishnâ, -trishni, -trish- nikâ, f. (deer's thirst), mirage; -tva, n. con dition of an antelope; -dâva, m. deer-park; -dris, m. Capricorn (sign of the zodiac); f. gazelle-eyed woman; -dviga, m. pl. beasts and birds; -dhara, m. (holding an antelope), moon; -nâbhi, m. musk; musk-deer: -ga, a. derived from the musk-deer; -pakshin, m. pl. beasts and birds; -pati, m. lord of wild animals, lion or tiger; lord of deer, roe-buck; -prabhu, m. lord of wild animals, lion; -mada, m. musk; -manda, -mandra, m. a class of elephants; -maya, a. derived from wild animals; -mâmsa, n. deer's flesh, veni son; -mâsa, m. the month Mârgasîrsha; -mukha, m. Capricorn (sign of the zodiac).
mṛtpaca m. (conj.) potter; -pâ trá, n. vessel of clay; -pindá, m. lump of clay: -tas, ad. from a lump of clay.
mekala m. N. of a people (pl.); N. of a mountain: â, f. ep. of the river Narma dâ; a-kanyakâ, f. daughter of Mount Me kala, ep. of the Narmadâ; a-saila, m. Mount Mekala: -kanyâ, f. ep. of theNarmadâ.
mṛṣṭa pp. of √ mrig and √ mris: -vâkya, a. speaking sweetly; -salila, a. having clear water (river); -½âsin, a. eating dainties.
meghāloka m. sight of a cloud; -½âvalî, f. N. of a princess; -½udaka, n. cloud water, rain; -½udaya, m. rising of clouds.
megha m. [discharger of water: √ migh=√ mih], cloud (--°ree;, rarely=multi tude): -kâla, m time of clouds, rainy sea son; -ga, a. produced from a cloud; -dam bara, m. roar of clouds, thunder; -dûta, m. cloud-messenger: T. of a short poem by Kâlidâsa composed in the Mandâkrânta metre; -nâda, m. roar of clouds, thunder; a. thundering, making a noise like thunder; m. N. of a son of Râvana, afterwards called Indragit; N.; N. of a frog; -nâdin, a. re sounding like thunder (car); m. thundering chariot; N. of a Dânava; -nirghosha, a. thundering; -bala, m. N.; -mañgarî, f. N. of a princess; -matha, m. N. of a monastic college; -maya, a. consisting of clouds; -mâlâ, f. wreath or banks of cloud; -mâlin, m. (cloud-capped), N. of a prince; -rava, m. roar of clouds, thunder; -râgî, -rekhâ, -lekhâ, f. streak of cloud; -vat, a. cloud capped; cloudy; m. N. of a mountain; -vana, N. of an Agrahâra; -varna, a. cloud coloured; m. N.; N. of a crow; vâhana, m. (riding on clouds), ep. of Indra; N. of a prince of Cashmere; -samdesa, m.=-dûta; -stanita, n.thunder; -hîna, pp. cloudless, rainless.
medhā f. reward (V.); mental power, intelligence, understanding, wisdom: pl. pro ducts of intelligence, thoughts; sg. often per sonified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma, and as a form of Sarasvatî: -kâma, a. desirous of understanding for any one (g.); -ganana, a. generating intelligence; n. a certain ceremony and formula supposed to be productive of physical and intellectual ex cellence in infants and youths.
medinī f. [having fatness or fer tility: meda, √ mid], earth; ground, soil; land, country, realm; spot, place: -ga, m. son of earth, planet Mars; -dhara, m. supporter of earth, mountain; -nandana,m. son of earth, planet Mars; -pati, m. lord of earth, king; -½îsa, m. id.
meha m. urine (-m kri, make water): -tas, ad. by making water.
mela m. [√ mil] meeting, intercourse; company, assembly; -aka, m. meeting, con gress, assemblage (-m kri, assemble); -ana, n. coming together, meeting, union.
maitreya a. benevolent; m. pat. or met. of various men; a mixed caste; N. of a jester: -ka, m. a mixed caste.
maitrī f. goodwill (towards, lc.); friendship, intimate association; close con tact, union (with, --°ree;, of inanimate objects); equality, similarity with (--°ree;); Goodwill (per sonified as daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma): -paksha-pâta, m. partiality for any one's friendship; -pûrva, a. preceded by friendship; -bhâva, m. friendship; -maya, a. humane.
mokṣa m. release, liberation, escape, from (ab., rarely g. or --°ree;); deliverance from further transmigration, final emancipation; kind of chant conducive to deliverance; re lease of a heavenly body swallowed by Râhu, end of an eclipse; falling or dropping off or down (of leaves etc.); effusion; setting free (a prisoner); causing to flow, shedding (of tears etc.); loosening, untying (hair); solution (of a question); casting, shooting, discharging (arrows etc.); scattering (of grains); utter ance (of a curse); abandonment, relinquish ment: -ka, a. loosening, untying, setting free; --°ree; a.=moksha, final emancipation.
moktavya fp. to be released; -re linquished or delivered up (pledge); -aban doned or given up; -remitted (interest); cast or discharged at (lc. or prati); -tri, m. discharger (of a debt).
maithunin a. having sexual intercourse; -î-bhâva, m. copulation; -ya, a. having sexual union in view.
morāka m. N. of a minister: -bhav ana, n. temple built by Morâka.
moghakarman a. performing useless actions; -gñâna, a. possessing useless knowledge; -tâ, f. fruitlessness, futility; -½âsa, a. entertaining idle hopes.
mokṣin a. striving after salva tion; emancipated; -ya, fp. to be delivered.
mohana a. (î) bewildering, stupefy ing, deluding, infatuating; m. N. of one of the five arrows of the god of love; N.; n. bewilderment, delusion, infatuation; stupe faction; sexual intercourse; bewildering, perplexing; illusion; means of confusing; magical charm for bewildering an enemy: -½astra, n. N. of an arrow (one of the five) of the god of love.
maula a. [from mûla] derived from roots (poison); ancient, of long standing (custom); aboriginal, indigenous (inhabitants); holding office from previous generations, hereditary (minister): (withpârthivâh, m. pl.= mûla-prakritayah); m. hereditary minister.
mradas n. (only --°ree;) softness; -i-man, m. softness; mildness, tenderness; -îyas, cpv. (of mridu) softer.
yakṣma m. (emaciating) disease (V.); consumption (later V., rare in C.): -grihîta, pp. attacked by consumption; -graha, m. attack of consumption; -n&asharp;sana, a. (î), disease-destroying.
yakāra m. letter y.
ya prn. rel. (n. -d) who, that, which, what: nearly always followed by the ordinary correlative tad (± etad or idam) or less frequently idam (m. ayam), adas (m. asau), îdris, tâdrisa, etâvat (tathâ sts. corresponding to the n. yad); occasionally either the rel. or the corr. is dropped. Ya is sts. inaccurately employed in the sense of if any (one). Uses of the relative calling for special mention are the following: 1. Ya is often added (without the copula) to emphasize a subject (e.g. âtma parityâgena yad âsritânam rakshanam, tan nîtividâm na sammatam, protection of dependents at the sacrifice of one's own life is not approved by moralists).Sts. it is thus used without emphasis by the side of a simple subject (e. g. andhah sthaviras ka yah, a blind man and one who is old); rarely a nm. rel. of this kind=an ac. (e.g. sarvân rasân apo heta pasavo ye ka mânushâh, he should avoid selling all sorts of condiments, cattle, and human beings). The n. sg. yad of this emphatic rel. is frequently employed without regard to gender or number, when it may be translated by as for, as regards (e.g. asidhâ râvratam idam manye yad arinâ saha samvâ sah, as for dwelling with an enemy, that I consider as hard as the sword-blade vow); before a noun this yad=that is to say (Br.). Immediately following oratio recta ending with iti yad=at the thought that (cp. cj. yad). 2. Two relatives often occur in the same sentence, when the second may be translated by any (e.g. yad rokate yasmai, bhavet tat tasya sundaram, what pleases any one, that to him is beautiful). 3. The meaning of the rel. when repeated (sts. separated by hi) is generalised, ya ya being=whoever, whichever, whatever (followed by the doubled or single corr. tad). 4. Ya is often combined with other prns.: (a) w. tvam, sa, esha, ayam, asau; (b) w. aham (tvam, etc.): yo &zip; ham, I who=since I, or (after a question) that I; (c) w. tad, any soever: yad vâ tad vâ, any, any kind of; anything; (d) w. tvad=or any other (Br., rare); (e) w. intr. ka + ka (V., C., common), + kid (C., very common), + kid api (C., not common), + kana (E., rare), + vâ (C., rare), or + api (C., late, not yet in Manu), immediately following or sts. sepa rated (m. yah kás ka, kas kid, kas kid api, kas kana, ko vâ, or ko &zip; pi, n. yad kim ka, kim kid, kim kid api, kim kana, kim vâ or kim api), whoever, whatever, any soever, any one, no matter who.
yaji a. worshipping, sacrificing (--°ree;); m. performance of sacrifice; the root yag (gr.); -in, m. worshipper, sacrificer; (yág)-ishtha, spv. sacrificing best or most (RV.); -ishnu, a. worshipping orsacrificing to the gods; (-yág)-îyas, cpv. sacrificing or worshipping better, more, or excellently.
yajati m. technical term for rites de- signated by the verb yagati (and not guhoti).
yacchandas a. having which metre; -khîla, a. having which character; -khraddha, a. having which faith.
yatas ad.=ab. of ya in all numbers and genders, out of or from whom or which, whence, whereof (be afraid); where (common); whither (rare); wherefore, for which reason; since, because, for (often introducing a verse in support of a previous statement); since when (gnly. + prabhriti); as soon as (RV.); that (after questions, e.g. what have I done that you should --; or to introduce oratio recta); yáto yatah, from which or whence respectively; whithersoever, in whatever direction; yata eva kutas ka, whenceso ever (Br.); yatas tatah, from any one so ever; from any quarter whatever; whither soever, to any place whatever.
yatanīya fp. n. imps. one should strive after (lc.).
yatra ad.=lc. of ya in all numbers and genders; where, in which place (ord. mg.); whither; on which occasion, in which case, if; when (common); in that (=quod; rare); in order that (RV., rare); that (after a question): yatra yatra, wherever; whithersoever; yatra tatra, in what ever; anywhere whatever; to any place whatever, heaven knows whither; at every opportunity, on every occasion; yatra tatra½api, anywhere soever; yatra kutra, in whatever; everywhere; yatra kutra½api, in whatever; yátra kvã ka (V.), in any what ever; wherever; whenever; whithersoever; yatra kvakana, in any whatever; any where; at any time; heaven knows whither; yatra kva vâ, anywhere whatever (P.); yatra kva½api, to any place, hither or thither (P.); yatra vâ, or at any other place, or elsewhere.
yathātattva ad. °ree;-- or -m, in accordance with truth, truly, accurately; -tatham, ad. as it is really (tathâ), circumstantially, accurately; properly, suitably; -tathyam, -tathyena, ad. in accordance with truth; -½âtmaka, a. having whatever nature; -darsana, ad. °ree;-or -m, at each occurrence, in each individual case; -dik, -disam, ad. in accordance with the cardinal points, ac cording to thecorresponding direction; -½â dishta, pp. according to the direction or statement: (á)-m, ad.; -drishtam, ad. as one has seen it; -devatam, ad. deity by deity; -desam, ad. according to the place; -½âdesam, according to precept; -dharmám, ad. in due order; according to the nature; -½adhikâra, ad. °ree;-or -m, according to au thority; -½adhîta, °ree;-or -m, ad. as learnt, in accordance with the text; -½adhyâpakam, ad. in accordance with the teacher; -nirup tam, ad. as scattered; -nirdishta, pp. as above specified, described, or characterized; -½anu pûrvam, ad. in regular order; -½anupûrvya, °ree;-or â, (in.) ad. id.; -½anubhûtam, ad. ac cording toprevious experience; -½anurûpam, ad. in exact conformity, regularly; -nyastam, ad. in the manner in which deposited; -nyây am, ad. according to rule, duly, fitly; -nyâs am, ad. according to the written wording of a sûtra, as is written; -nyupta, pp. in the order in which laid down.
yathāvakāśam ad. accord ing to space; into the proper place; accord ing to or on the first opportunity; -vakana kârin, a. acting according to orders, obedient; -vakanam, ad. according to the expression; -vat, ad. exactly as it is or should be, accord ing to usage, in due order, suitably, fitly, cor rectly, accurately;=yathâ, as (rare); -vay as, ad. according to age; of the same age; -vasám, ad. according toone's will or pleasure (V.); -½avasaram, ad. at every opportunity; -vastu, ad. in accordance with the facts, ac curately, truly; -½avastham, ad. in accord ance with the condition or circumstances; -½avasthita½artha-kathana, n. description of a matter in accordance with facts; -½âvâs am, ad. to one's respective dwelling; -vit tam, ad. in accordance with the find; in pro portion to property; -vidha, a. of what kind; -vidhânam, ad.according to prescription or rule, duly; -vidhânena, in ad. id.; -vidhi, ad. id.; in due form, suitably; according to the deserts of (g.); -viniyogam, ad. in the order stated; -vibhava, °ree;--, -m, or -tas, ad. in proportion to means or income; -vibhâg am, ad. in accordance with the share; -vi shayam, ad. according to the thing in ques tion; -vîrya, a. having what strength: -m, ad. in proportion or with regard to valour; -vritta, pp. as happened; how conducting oneself: °ree;-or -m, ad. as it happened, in ac cordance with the facts, circumstantially; according to the metre; n. previous event; ac tual facts, details of an event; -vrittânta, m.(?) experience, adventure; -vriddha, °ree;-or -m, according to age, by seniority; -vyavahâram, ad. in accordance with usage; -vyutpatti, ad. according to the degree of culture; -sakti, -saktyâ, ad. according to one's power, to the utmost of one's power, as far as possible; -½âsayam, ad. according to wish; according to the conditions or premises; -sâstra, °ree;-or -m, according to prescribed rules or the in stitutes of the law; -sîlam, ad.according to the character; -sraddhám, ad. according to inclination; -½âsramam, ad. according to the stage of religious life; -½âsrayam, ad. in re gard to the connexion; -srâddham, ad. in accordance with the funeral feast; -srutam, pp. as heard of: -m, ad. as one heard it; in accordance with knowledge; incorr. for -sruti; -sruti, ad. according to the precepts of the Veda; -samstham, ad. according to circum stances; -sakhyam, ad. in proportion to friend ship; -samkalpita, pp. as wished; -sam khyam, -samkhyena, ad. according to num ber, number for number, in such a way that the numbers of two equal series correspond numerically (the first to the first, the second to the second, etc.); -sa&ndot;gam, ad. according to need, adequately; -satyam, ad. in accord ance with truth, truthfully; -samdishtam, ad. as directed; -½âsannam, ad. as soon as come near; -samayam,ad. at the proper time; -samarthitam, ad. as has been con sidered good; -samâmnâtam, ad. as men tioned; -samîhita, pp. as desired: -m, ad. according to wish (Pr.); -samuditám, ad. as agreed; -sampad, ad. as it happens; -sam pratyayam, ad. according to agreement; -sampradâyam, ad. as handed down; -sam bandham, ad. according to the relationship; -sambhava, a. corresponding as far as pos sible: -m, ad. according to the connexion, respectively; -sambhavin, a., -sambhâvita, pp. corresponding; -sâma, ad. according to the sequence of the Sâmans; -sâram, ad. ac cording to the quality; -siddha, pp. as hap pening to be ready; -sukha,°ree;-or -m, ad. at pleasure; at ease, comfortably; pleasantly, conveniently; -sukha-mukha, a. facing any way one pleases; -sûktam, ad. hymn by hymn; -sûkshma, a. pl. according to size from the smallest onwards: -m,ad.; -½astam, ad. to one's respective home; -sthâna, n. proper place (only lc. sg. & pl.); a. being in the proper place: (á)-m, ad. to or in the proper place; -sthitam, ad. according to one's stand; as it stands, certainly, surely; -sthiti, ad. according to custom, as usual; -sthûla, °ree;-or -m, ad. in the rough, without going into detail; -smriti, ad. according to one's recollection; according to the rules of the law-books; -sva, a. one's (his, their) respective: °ree;-or -m, ad. each his own, each individually or in his own way, respectively; -svaira, °ree;-or -m, ad. at pleasure, without restraint; -½âhâra, a. eating whatever comes to hand.
yathārthita pp. as requested, previously asked; -½arthi-tvam, ad. accord ing to the intention; -½arpita, pp. as de livered up; -½arha, a. according to deserts or merit, suitable: °ree;-or -m, ad. in accordance with merit or worth, worthily, suitably, justly: -tas, ad. id.; -labdha, pp. such as comes to hand; -lâbha, °ree;-or -m, ad. just as it hap pens to be; -li&ndot;gam, ad. according to the characteristic.
yathārtha a. conformable to reality, appropriate (name), suitable; correct, true (also of a dream), in the true sense of the word (life): °ree;-or (á)-m, ad. in accordance with the object or need, suitably, fitly, appro priately; in accordance with reality, accu rately; at pleasure; -ka, a. correct; coming true (dream); -krita-nâman, a. appropriately named; -tattvam, ad. in accordance with the actual truth; -tas, accordance with truth; -tâ, f. appropriateness (of a name); -nâma-ka, a. bearing an appropriate name: -tva, n. appropriateness of name; -nâman, a. having an appropriate name; -½akshara, a. true to the letter; -½âkhya, a. bearing an appropriate name.
yathāyatham ad. fitly, properly, in due order; one after the other, gradually; -yukta, pp. regarding (lc.): -m, ad. accord ing to circumstances, suitably; -yukti, ad. id.: -tas, ad. id.; -yogam, ad. id.; according to usage; -yogena, in. ad. according to cir cumstances, suitably; -yogyam, ad. as is fit, properly, suitably; -½ârabdha, pp. previously begun; -½ârambham, ad. according to the beginning, in the same order; -rukam, -ruk i, ad. according to taste; -rûpa, a. of what kind; having a suitable appearance, extremely beautiful; very great: (á)-m, ad. suitably; rightly, truly; according to appearance.
yathāpaṇyam ad. according to the commodity; -½aparâdha-danda, a. pun ishing in proportion to guilt; -parîttam, ad. as delivered up; -puram, ad. as before; -pûr va, a. being as before: (á)-m, ad. as before; in succession, one after the other; -pragñam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -pratya ksha-darsanam, ad. as if actually seen; -pra dishtam, ad. as prescribed, duly; -pradesam, ad. in its respective place; in the proper place; in all directions; according to precept; -pradhânam, ad. according to size; accord ing to precedence; -pravesam, ad. as one has entered; -prasnam, ad. in accordance with the questions; -prastutam, ad. as had al ready been begun, at length; -prânam, ad. according to one's strength, with all one's might; -prânena, in. ad. id.; -prâpta, pp. as fallen in with, the first that occurs; as resulting from circumstances, suitable; re sulting from a preceding grammatical rule: -m, ad. according to the rule, regularly; -prârthitam, ad. as requested; -phalam, ad. according to the produce; -balám, ad. according to one'spower, with all one's might; according to the condition of the army; -bîg am, ad. according to the seed; -buddhi, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -bhâgám, ad. according to the share; in one's respective place; in the right place; -bhâganam, ad. respectively in the right place; -bhâva, m. condition of how it is, true state; fate; -½abhi preta, pp. wished for, desirable (--°ree;): -m, ad. according to desire, as any one (g.) likes; -½abhimata, pp. desired: -m, ad. according to desire, to one's heart's content, -desa, m. desired place, whatever place one likes; -½abhi rukita, pp. liked, favourite; -½abhilashita, wished for, desirable; -½abhîshta, pp.desired: -dis, f. place desired by each; -bhûtam, ad. according to what has happened, truly; -bhû mi, ad. into the respective country; -½abhy arthita, pp. previously requested; -ma&ndot;ga lam, ad. according to the respective custom; -mati, ad. as seems fit to any one (g.); to the best of one's understanding; -manas, ad. to one's heart's content; -mukhyam, ad. as re gards the chief persons; -mukhyena, in. ad. chiefly, above all; -½âmnâtam, ad. as handed down in the text.
yad nm. & ac. sg. n. and base °ree;-- of the rel. prn. what, which; cj. that (introducing oratio recta, gnly. without iti, after verbs of saying, thinking, etc.); (so) that (rare); as to the fact that (corr. tad, therein); where fore, on which account (rare); when (V.); if (V.; in Br. with pot. to express an unfulfilled condition); since, because, inasmuch as (corr. tad, therefore; common); in order that (rare); ádha yád, even if, although (RV.); yad api, although; yad u -evam, as -so (V.); yad uta, that; that is to say; yat kila, that; yak ka, if that is to say; yad vâ, or else (very common in comm.); however; yad vâ -yadi vâ, if -or if.
yathokta pp. as said or stated, aforesaid, previously mentioned or discussed: °ree;-or -m, e-na, ad. in the manner stated or prescribed; according to request; -½ukta kârin, a. acting as prescribedabove; -½ukta vâdin, a. reporting what he has been told (messenger); -½ukita, pp. suitable, fit, proper: °ree;-or -m, ad. becomingly, fitly, suita bly; -½uggitam, ad. according to the victory gained; -½uttara, a. following in succession: -m, ad. one after the other, in succession; -½utsâha, a. according to one's power: -m, ad. to the best of one's ability; -½udayam, ad. in proportion to income, according to one's means; -½udita, pp. as stated, before-mentioned: -m, ad.; -½udgamana, °ree;-ad. in rising proportion; -½uddishta, pp. as stated, enu merated above; as directed by (in.): -m, ad. in the manner stated; -½uddesam, ad. in the manner indicated; -½upagosham, ad. at pleasure, comfortably; -½upadishta, pp. as stated, previously indicated: -m, ad. in the manner stated or prescribed; -½upadesam, ad. as stated or instructed, in accordance with precept orprescribed teaching; -½upa-pâdam, ad. just as or where it happens; -½upayoga, °ree;-or -m, ad. according to use, requirements, or circumstances; -½upalam bham, ad. however one lays hold of it; -½upâ dhi, ad.according to the conditions or pre mises; -½upta, pp. as sown, according to the seed; -½aukityam (or ât), in a suitable manner.
yadā cj. when, followed by corr. (rarely omitted) tadâ, sts. tatah, in V. also &asharp;t, átha, ádha, and tád; the copula is often omitted, esp. after a pp.; yadâ kadâ kid, at any time, ever; yadâ tadâ,always; yad&asharp; kad&asharp; ka, as often as (RV.); yadâ yadâ, as often as (corr. doubled or single tadâ); ya dâ½eva -tadâ½eva, yadâ½eva khalu -tadâ prabhriti½eva, as soon as -at once, at the very time that -thenceforward.
yantraya den. P. bandage: pp. ita, bandaged; bound, fastened; fettered, re strained, or compelled by, depending on (in., ab., --°ree;); self-restrained; strenuously exerting oneself, for (-krite). ni, curb, restrain: pp. bound, fettered; embanked; restricted, ruled by, dependent on (in. or --°ree;). sam, pp. stop ped (car).
yantratakṣan m. constructor of machines or magical contrivances; -dri- dha, pp. secured by a bolt; -dhârâ-griha, n. shower-bath room: -tva, n. condition or function of a shower-bath; -nâla, n.artificial pipe or tube; -putraka, m., -putrikâ, f. mechanical doll; -pravâha, m. mechanical spray or jet of water; -maya, a. artificially imitated, mechanical (animal, etc.); -mayû ra-ka, m. artificial peacock; -mârga, m.aqueduct.
yavana a. [√ 2. yu] warding off (only --°ree;); n. [√ 1. yu] mixing, esp. with water.
yamaka a. double, twofold; n. double bandage; repetition of syllables iden tical in sound but different in meaning, paro nomasia; -kimkara, m. Yama's servant, messenger of death; -ketu, m. Yama's flag, sign of death; -kshaya, m. Yama's abode; -gâth&asharp;, f. verse treating of Yama; -griha, n. Yama's abode; -ghna, a. destroying death, ep. of Vishnu; -ga, a. twin-born; m. du. twins; -gâta, pp.: -ka, a., m. id.;-gihvâ, f. (Yama's tongue), N. of a procuress; -tâ, f. condition of Yama: -m yâ, become the god of death to, cause the death of (g.); -tvá, n. id.; -damshtra, m. N. of an Asura, of a Râkshasa, and of a warrior; -damshtrâ, f.Yama's tooth: -½antaram gata, having en tered the jaws of death; -danda, m. Yama's rod; -dis, f. Yama's quarter, south; -dûtá, m. Yama's messenger; (á)-devata, a. having Yama as a deity; -dhânî, f. Yama's abode.
yarhi cj. when (w. ind. and pot. and corr. tárhi and etárhi, in TS. & Ait. Br. only; w. pr., pot., impf., pf., aor. or no vb. and corr. atha, tatra, tadâ, tatprabhriti, in Bhâgavata-P. only; in the latter also with meaning since, because).
yamī f. twin-sister of Yama; in C. =Yamunâ.
yamala a. forming a pair, double; m. twin; the number two; -loka, m. world of Yama; -vat, a. self-restrained, control ling one's passions; -vishaya, m. Yama's realm; -vrata, n. Yama's method; -sikha,m. N. of a Vetâla; -sadana, n. Yama's abode; -sabhâ, f. Yama's tribunal; -sâda ná, n. Yama's abode; -s&usharp;, a. bearing twins; -sûkta, n. the Yama hymn; -svasri, f. Yama's sister, ep. of the Yamunâ.
yaviṣṭha spv. youngest (often said of fire just produced from the fire-sticks or placed on the altar); hence ep. of Agni; -îyas, cpv. younger (also said of Sûdras as opp. to the three older castes); lesser; worse; m. younger brother: -î, f. younger sister.
yavasa m. n. sg. & pl. grass, fodder, pasturage; -mushti, m. f. handful of grass; a&halfacute;ad, a. eating grass, grazing (RV.); -½an na½udaka½indhana, n. grass, corn, water, and fuel; -½indhana,n. grass and fuel; -½udaka, n. du. fodder and water.
yavapiṣṭa pp. barley-meal; (yá va)-mat, a. containing barley; m. corn grower (RV.); n. abundance of corn (RV.); (yáva)-madhya, a. like a barley-corn in the middle, thickest in the middle (a term applied also to certain metres); n. (diameter of a barley-corn), a measure of length; kind of Kândrâyana or lunar penance (also -ma dhyama); -máya, a. made or consisting of barley; -mardana, n. threshing-floor; -mushti, m. f. handful of barley.
yaśoghna a. destroying reputa tion; -dâ, f. (bestowing fame), N. of the cowherd Nanda's wife, foster-mother of Krishna: -suta, m. son of Yasodâ, met. of Krishna; -dhana, a. whose wealth is fame, rich in fame, renowned (person); m. N. of a prince; -dhara, m. (supporter of fame), N.: â, f. N.; -bhrit, a. possessing or conferring fame; -râga, m. N.; -lekhâ, f. N.; -vat-î, f. (famous), N.; -vartman, n. road to glory; -varman, m. N.; -han, a. destructive of beauty; destroying fame; -hara, a. depriv ing of fame, disgracing.
yājya (cs.) fp. on whose behalf a sacrifice is performed; allowed to be sacrificed; m. institutor of a sacrifice: âtilda;, f. sacrificial verse (uttered as the oblation is offered).
yādonātha m. lord of sea monsters, ep. of Varuna.
yātrā f. going, to (--°ree;); departure, journey; march, military expedition; festive train, procession; (annual, biennial, etc.) pilgrimage (to the shrine of a deity); fes tivity, festival; livelihood; maintenance; intercourse; kind of dramatic entertain ment: -mdâ, undertake an expedition; -kara, a. affording maintenance; -karana, n. set ting forth on a journey or march; -gam ana, n. military expedition; -mahotsava, m. great festive procession; -½artham, ad. for marching.
yāvadgamam ad. as fast as one can go; -grahanam, ad. till he has grasped or mastered it; -balam, ad. to the utmost of one's power; -râgyam, ad. for the whole reign; -vyâpti, ad. as far asanything extends.
yādas n. voluptuousness (V.); large aquatic animal, sea-monster (C.): -âm pra bhu, m. ep. of Varuna.
yugāya den. Â. seem an age= eternity.
yugādi m. beginning of (an age=) the world; -½adhyaksha, m. surveyor of a cosmic age, ep. of Pragâpati; -½anta, m. end of the yoke; end of a generation; end of an age or of the world; meridian: -m adhirû- dhah savitâ, the sun has reached the meri dian, it is noon; -½antara, n. another or later generation; second half of the sun's arc divided by the meridian: -m ârûdhah savitâ, the sun has entered the second part of his course, it is past midday.
yudhiṣṭhira m. (steadfast in battle), N. of the eldest son of Pându and Kuntî (begotten by the god Dharma), and leader of the Pândavas in their war with the Kurus; N. of two princes of Cashmere and of a potter.
yudh m. fighter, warrior; f. fight, battle.
yuvapratyaya m. suffix forming patronymics termed yuvan (gr.); -mârin, a. dying young; -râga, m. crown-prince, heir-apparent (associated to the throne): -tva, n. dignity of an heir-apparent: -râgya, n. id.
yoktra n. rope, thong, halter, girth.
yaugaṃdharāyaṇa m. pat. (fr. Yugamdhara) N. of a minister of king Udayana: î-ya, a. relating to Yaugamdha râyana.
yoddhavya fp. to be fought or combatted; n. imps. one ought to fight; -dhri, a. fighting with (in.), for (g.); m. fighter, combatant, warrior.
yojayitavya fp. to be used; -supplied with (in.); -ayitri, m. setter (of a jewel); -ya, fp. to be directed towards (lc.); (deserving) to be appointed to (lc. or --°ree;); to be urged to (--°ree;); -employed; -pronounced (blessing); -added, to (lc.); -provided or endowed with (in.); -connected or construed.
rakāra m. the letter r.
yauvana n. (fr. yuvan) youth, bloom or prime of youth, adolescence, manhood: pl. youthful deeds: -darpa, m. pride of youth, juvenile indiscretion; -padavî, f. path of youth: -m ârûdha, having entered on adolescence; -prânta, m. n. end of youth; -vat, a. possessed of or being in the bloom of youth, youthful.
raghīyas cpv. a. lighter in weight (V.).
raṅgin a. attached to, fond of (--°ree;); entering the stage.
raṅga m. [√ rañg] colour; nasal colour ing of a vowel (gr.); [bright scene], theatre, stage, scene, arena; theatrical audience; N.: -kâra, m. dyer; -kara, m. actor; gladiator; -dvâr, f. stage-door; -dvâra, n. prologue in a play; -nâtha, m. N.; -patâkâ, f. N.; -bhû mi, f. battle-field; -ma&ndot;gala, n. festival on the stage; -mandapa, play-house, theatre; -vat-î, f. N.; -vastu, n. colouring matter; -vâra½a&ndot; ganâ, f. stage-dancer; -½a&ndot;gana, n. arena; -½avatarana, n. entrance on the stage; his trionic profession; -½avatâraka, -½avatârin, m. stage-player, actor.
rata pp. (√ ram) pleased, gratified, glad; delighting in, devoted or addicted to (in., lc., --°ree;); having sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); n. sexual enjoyment or union: -kîla, m. dog; -vat, a.containing a form of the root ram.
raṇa m. [√ ran] gladness, joy, delight (V.); m. (n.) [joy of battle], combat, fight, battle, for (--°ree;): -karman, n. fight; -kâmya, P. be eager to fight; -kârin, a. causing bat tle; -krit, a. causing joy (RV.1); m. fighter, combatant; -kshiti, f., -kshetra, n., -ksho- ni, f. battle-field; -khala, m. id.; -gokara, a. engaged in battle.
ratna n. [√ râ] V.: gift; goods, wealth; C.: treasure, precious stone, jewel, sp. pearl, (--°ree;, jewel of a,=best of, most excellent); mag net; m. N.; -kalasa, m. N.; -kûta, n. N. of an island; -kosha-nikaya, m. heap of jewels and treasure; -khâni, f. mine of jewels; -garbha, a. filled or studded with jewels: â, f. earth; -kandrâ-mati, m. N.; -kkhâyâ, f. reflexion or glitter of jewels; -talpa, m. jewelled couch; -traya, n.the three jewels (=Bud dha, dharma, and samgha: B.); -datta, m. N.; -darpana, m. mirror of jewels; -dîpa, m. lamp of jewels (which supply the place of a burning wick); -druma, m. coral; -dvîpa, m. N. of an island; -dhá, -dh&asharp;, a. (V.) be stowing gifts or wealth; possessing wealth; -nadî, f. N. of a river; -nidhi, m. mine of pearls, ocean; -parvata, m. mountain (= repository) of jewels, Meru; -pura, n. N. of a city; -prakâsa, m. T. of a dictionary; -pra dîpa, m. (--°ree; a. -ka)=-dîpa; -prabha, m. N.: â, f. earth; N.; T. of the seventh Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara; -prâsâda, m. jew elled palace; -bandhaka, m. seller of gems, jeweller; -bhûta,pp. resembling a jewel; -mañgarî, f. N. of a fairy; -maya, a. (î) consisting of or abounding in jewels; -mâlâ, f. necklace of gems or pearls; T. of various works; -mâlin, a. wearing a necklace of jewels; -ratna, n. pearl of pearls; -râgi, f. string of pearls; -râsi, m. heap of gems, quantity of pearls; -rekhâ, f. N. of a prin cess; (rátna)-vat, a. attended with gifts (RV.1); abounding in jewels or pearls, jew elled; -vardhana, m. N.; -varman, m. N. of a merchant; -varsha, m. N. of a prince of the Yakshas; -samghâta, m. quantity of jewels; -sû, a. producing gems; -sûti, f. earth; -svâmin, m. N. of a statue (erected by Ratna).
ratikara a. (î) causing pleasure; -kriyâ, f. sexual intercourse; -griha, n. pleasure-house; -gña, a. skilled in the arts of love; -pati, m. husband of Rati, god of love; -parikaya, m. frequency of sexual union; -priya, a. pleasant during sexual in tercourse; -phala, a. productive of sensual pleasure, aphrodisiacal; -bandhu, m. lover, husband, -bhavana, n. pleasure-house; -mat, a. joyful, glad; delighting in (lc.); enamoured; accompanied by Rati; -mandira, n. cham ber of love; -ramana, m. lover of Rati, god of love; -rasa, m. sexual enjoyment; a. having the flavour of love; -rahasya, n. secrets of love, T. of a work; -vallî, f.creeper of love; -sarvasva, n. quintessence of sexual pleasure; T. of an erotic work; -sahakara, m. companion of Rati, god of love; -sena, m. N. of a prince; -½îsa, m. husband of Rati, god of love.
ratheśa m. owner of a chariot; car fighter; -½îshâ, f. carriage-pole; -½uttama, best of chariots; -½utsava, m. solemn pro cession of an idol in a car; -½upasthá, m. seat of a chariot, driving-box.
rathī a. (V.) driving in or belong ing to a chariot; m. (V.) charioteer; car fighter; leader; lord.
rathika m. owner or driver of a carriage; -ín, a. owning or driving in a chariot; m. owner of a chariot; car-fighter; coachman; consisting of chariots (army); belonging to a chariot (horse); -irá, a.own ing or driving in a chariot; speedy (RV.).
rathānīka n. host of chariots; -½antara, n. another chariot; -½âroha, m. chariot-fighter; mounting a chariot; â-vatta, m. N.; -½asva, m. carriage-horse; n. carriage and horse.
rathāṅga n. part of a chariot; carriage-wheel; discus, esp. of Krishna or Vish-nu; potter's wheel; m. ruddy goose: -dhvani, m. rumble of chariot-wheels; -nâman, m. ruddy goose; -nemi, f.felly of a chariot-wheel; -pâni, m. ep. of Vishnu; -samgña, -sâhva, -½âhva, m. ruddy goose; -½âhvayana, a. called after a wheel, with dviga, m. ruddy goose.
rathakāra m. wheelwright, car penter; a mixed caste (offspring of a Mâhishya and a Karanî): -tva, n. trade of a carpenter; -krit, m. wheelwright, carpenter; -kshobha, m. jolting of a chariot; -gritsá,m. skilful charioteer; -ghosha, m. sound or rumbling of a chariot; -kakrá, n. chariot-wheel; -karana, m. id.; -karyâ, f. driving in a chariot (often pl.); -gñâna, n. skill in driving; -gñânin, a. skilled in driving; -dhur, f. pole of a chariot; -nâbhí, f. nave of a chariot-wheel; -nirghosha, m. rum bling of a chariot; -nisvana, m. sound of a chariot; -nîda, m. n. interior or seat of a chariot; -nemi, f. felly of a chariot-wheel; -m-tará, n. N. of various Sâmans; m. a form of Agni (son of Tapas); -bandha, m. fastenings of a chariot; -bha&ndot;ga, m. break down of a chariot; -mahotsava, m. solemn procession of an idol in a car; -yâtrâ, f. id.; -mârga, m.carriage road; -yúg, a. yoking or yoked to a car (RV.); m. charioteer; -yuddha, n. chariot fight; -yoga, m. chariot team; use of a chariot, art of driving; -yog aka, m. yoker of a car; -yodha, m. chariot fighter; -rasmi, m.chariot-trace; -vamsa, m. multitude of chariots; (rátha)-vat, a. having a chariot, consisting in chariots (RV.); containing the word ratha; -vara, m. excellent chariot; -vartman, n. chariot-road, high road; -vâhá, a.(&isharp;) drawing a chariot; m. chariot-horse; charioteer: -ka, m. charioteer; -vigñâna, n., -vidyâ, f. knowledge of or skill in driving; -vîthî, f. carriage road, high road; -sakti, f. flagstaff on a war-chariot; -sâlâ, f.carriage-shed, coach-house; -sikshâ, f. art of driving; -siras, n. fore-part of a chariot; -stha, a. standing on or fighting from a chariot; -svana, m. sound or rattle of a chariot.
rasa m. [√ 2. ras] sap, juice (of plants), fruit-syrup; fluid, liquid; water; essence, pith (of anything); quicksilver; potion, elixir; poisonous draught; taste, flavour (as distinctive quality of fluids: six kinds are distinguished, viz. sweet, salt, bitter, sour, pungent, astringent); object of taste; organ of taste, tongue; relish, inclination, fondness or love for (lc. ± upari, --°ree;); desire; affection; pleasure, delight; charm; (flavour or key note in poetry), sentiment (eight Rasas are generally distinguished: love, heroism, dis gust, wrath, mirth, terror, pity, wonder, a ninth, quietism, and a tenth, tenderness, being sometimes added); prevailing sentiment in human character; sacred syllable om.
rasātmaka a. whose nature is juice or nectar (moon); tasteful (speech); -½adhika, a. tasteful; abounding in enjoy ments; â½âdhipatya, n. sovereignty of the lower regions; -½antara, n.difference of taste; another taste or pleasure; change of senti ment: -vid, a. having different tastes; -½â bhâsa, m. mere semblance of a sentiment; improper manifestation of a sentiment; -½a bhyantara, a. filled with water or love; -½ayana, n. life-prolonging medicine, elixir of life (sts. follows the gender of the word to which it refers).
rasapācaka m. cook; -praban dha, m. poetical work, drama; -bhâva-vid, a. knowing the sentiments and emotions; -maya, a. (î) consisting of juice, fluid, water, or quicksilver; charming; -râga, m.quick silver; (rása)-vat, a. juicy, succulent; well flavoured, savoury; filled with juice; sup plied with moisture (field); overflowing with (in.); tasteful, charming; n. tasteful style: -î, f. kitchen; meal; -vat-tâ, f. juiciness; savouriness; tastefulness; -vâda, m. alchemy; -vikrayin, a. vendor of liquors or juices; -vikretri, m. id.; -vid, a. knowing the taste; having good taste; -sâstra, n. alchemy; -sodhana, n. purification of quicksilver; -sid dha,pp. (adept in quicksilver=) skilled in alchemy; familiar with poetical sentiments; -siddhi, f. (adeptness in quicksilver), skill in alchemy.
rahasya a. secret (with români, hair on the private parts); n. secret; mys tery, mystic doctrine; Upanishad: -m, ad. in secret; -dhârin, a. being in possession of or entrusted with a secret: n-î, f.confidante; -nikshepa, m. entrusted secret; -bheda, m.: -na, n. disclosure of a secret; -samrakshana, n. keeping of a secret.
rasita (pp.) n. roar, yell, cry; re verberation, thunder; rattle, jingle; -i-tri, m. 1. roarer; 2. taster; -ín, a. juicy; pos sessed of taste, aesthetic.
rākṣasa a. (î) belonging or peculiar to Râkshasas or evil spirits, demoniacal; m. nocturnal demon, fiend; N. of a minister of Nanda: -tâ, f., -tva, n., -bhâva, m. condi tion of a demon.
rājakumāra m. prince: i-kâ, f. princess; -kula, n. royal family (pl. kings); royal palace (serving also as a court of jus tice); high road: -bhatta, m. N. of a poet; -krít, m. king-maker; -kritya, n.duties of a king, state affairs; -kriyâ, f. business of a king; -gâmin, a. brought before the king (slander); -giri, m. N. of a locality; -guru, m. king's counsellor or minister; -griha, n. royal dwelling, palace; N. of the capital of Magadha (also î, f.); -ghâtaka, m. regi cide; -kihna, n. pl. royal insignia; -gambû, f. a tree.
rājaka m. petty king; metr. & --°ree; =râgan, king; N.; n. assemblage of kings; -kathâ, f. history of kings; -kanyakâ, f. king's daughter, princess; -kanyâ, f. id.; -kara, m. tribute due to a king; -karana, n. law-court; -karna, m. tusk of an elephant; -kartri, m. king-maker: pl. enthroners of a king; -karman, n. duties of a king; royal service; Soma-rite; -kalasa, m. N.; -kalâ, f. sixteenth part of the moon's disc, crescent; -kârya, n. business of a king, state affairs; royal command; -kilbishin, a. transgressing as a king.
rarāṭa n. forehead, brow (=lal&asharp;ta): &isharp;, f. garland of Darbha grass affixed to the eastern entrance of the shed for the Havir dhânas (ritual).
rāgin a. coloured, dyed; red; full of passion or desire; impassioned; swayed by love, enamoured; passionately fond of or devoted to, yearning after (lc., --°ree;); delight ing (--°ree;; rare): n-î, f.modification of the musical modes called Râga (30 or 36 Râginîs are enumerated).
rājapaṭṭa m. kind of gem, dia mond of inferior quality; -patnî, f. consort of a king; -patha, m. royal road, highway; -paddhati, f. id.; -pitri, m. royal father; -putrá, 1. m. king's son, prince; Râjput (a mixed caste, offspring of Vaisya and Am bashthâ or Kshatriya and Karanî); son of the moon, planet Mercury: î, f. king's daugh ter, female Râjput; (r&asharp;ga)-putra, 2. a. hav ing kings as sons (RV.1); -putraka, m. king's son, prince: ikâ, f. princess; -putra-loka, m. assemblage of princes; -pums, m. royal servant or official; -pura, n. Kingstown, N. of a town; -purî, f. N. of a town; -pu rusha, m. king's man, royal servant or offi cial; -pûrusha, m. metr.=-purusha; -pau rushika, a. being in the service of a king; -prakriti, f. king's minister; -priyâ, f. mis tress of a king; mistress of the moon; -presh ya, m. king's servant; n. royal service; -bandin, m. N.; -bândhava, m. relation of a king: î, f. female relation of a king; -bîg in, a. of royal descent; -bhakti-puras krita, pp. distinguished by devotion to their king; -bhata, m. royal mercenary, soldier; -bhaya, n. fear of a king; danger from a king; -bhavana, n. royal palace; -bhâryâ, f. king's spouse; -bhrita, m. soldier; -bhri tya, m. king's servant; -bhauta, m. fool of a king; -bhratrí, m. king's brother; -mani, m. kind ofjewel; -mandira, n. royal palace; -mahishî, f. chief consort of a king; king's wife; -mâtri, f. king's mother, queen mother.
rājan m. (--°ree; a. f. nî) prince, chief (in V. the term king is applied to Varuna and other gods); ep. of the moon (C.); man of the warrior caste. Râgan is rarely used --°ree; in Tatpurushas except in a few cases with names of towns or peoples in E., râga being otherwise substituted for it.
rājatālī f. betel-nut tree; -tu&ndot;ga, m. N.; -tva, n. kingship, royalty; -danda, m. royal authority; punishment in flicted by a king; -dattâ, f. N.; -danta, m. (chief=) front tooth; -darsana, n. sight of the king, royal audience: -m kâraya, con duct any one (ac.) before the king; -dâra, m. pl. wife or wives of a king; -duhitri, f. king's daughter, princess; musk-rat: -maya, a. (î) consisting of princesses; -dûrvâ, f. kind oftall Dûrvâ grass; -daivika, a. pro ceeding from the king or fate (misfortune); -dvâr, f., -dvâra, n. king's gateway, palace gate; -dvârika, m. royal janitor; -dharma, m. duties of a prince: pl. rules relating to kings: -bhrit,a. maintaining or fulfilling the duties of a king; -dhânî, f. royal city, capital: -tas, ad. from the capital; -dhân ya, n. kind of grain; -dhâman, n. royal palace or residence.
rājayakṣma m. kind of dangerous disease; later: pulmonary consumption; -yakshman, m. id.; -yakshm-in, a. consumptive; -yagña, m. royal sacrifice; -yâna, n. royal vehicle, palanquin; -ratha,m. royal carriage; -rambhâ, f. kind of plantain; -râkshasa, m. demon of a king; -râg, m. king of kings, emperor; moon; -râga, m. king of kings; ep. of Kubera: -giri, m. ep. of the Himavat; -tâ, f., -tva, n. dignity of a sovereign lord; -râgya, n. sovereignty over all kings; -½rishi, m. royal sage; -lakshana, n. mark indicative of (future) royalty; -lakshman, n. royal emblem; -lakshmî, f. regal glory or majesty; N. of a princess; -loka, m.assemblage of kings; -vamsa, m. royal race, dynasty; -vamsya, a. of royal descent; m. Kshatriya; -vat, 1. ad. like a king (nm. or ac.); as in the case of a king; 2. a. having a king; abounding in kings: lc. =in the presence of a king; m. N.: -î, f. N.; -vadana, m. N.; -vandin, m. N. (=-bandin); -varkasin, a. being in royal service; -valla bha, m. royal favourite: -turamgama, m. favourite steed of a prince; -vasati, f. life at the court of a king; -vahana, a. bearing or ridden by kings; -vâhana, m. N. of a king; -vidyâ, f. kingcraft, statesmanship; -vihâra, m. royal pleasure-seat; royal mon astery; -vîthî, f. royal road, highway; -vri ksha, m. kind of tree; -vritta, n.procedure or vocation of a king; -vesman, n. royal palace; -vesha, m. royal costume; -sârdûla, m. (tiger-like=) illustrious king; -sâsana, n. royal command; -srî, f. glory or majesty of a king.
rātri f. (only î in RV., which later became shortened), night; abbreviation for râtri-paryâya: -ka, a. nocturnal: --°ree; after a numeral, staying or lasting (so and so many) nights; -kara, m.(night-maker), moon; -ka ra, m. (night-walker), watchman; Râkshasa; -karyâ, f. night-wandering; nocturnal cere mony; -gâgara, m. wakefulness at night; -devata, a. having the night as a deity; -nâtha, m. lord of night, moon; -m-diva, n. night and day: -m, â, ad. by night and by day; -paryâya, m. the three ritual turns in the Atirâtra ceremony; -bhugamga, m. moon; -m-ata, m. (night-rover), demon; -maya, a. nocturnal; -rakshaka, man; -vâsas, n. night-dress; -sesha, m. re mainder or last part of the night; -sûkta, n. hymn to night (designation of the hymn in terpolated after RV. X, 127).
rāma a. dark-coloured, black (V.); pleasing, delightful, charming, lovely; m. N.: in V. two Râmas are mentioned (w. the pat. Mârgaveya and Aupatasvini) and in E. three are distinguished: (a) RâmaGâmadagnya or Bhârgava=Parasu-râma; (b) Bala-râma or Halâyudha (elder brother of Krishna); (c) Râma Râghava or Dâsarathi=Râmakandra or Sîtâ-râma (hero of the Râmâyana); fre quent N. in later C.; n.[causing to rest: √ ram] darkness (RV.1).
rādhā f. N. of a cowherdess beloved of Krishna and later worshipped as a god- dess; N. of Karna's foster-mother: -kânta, m. lover of Râdhâ, ep. of Krishna; -ramana, m. id.; -vat, a. rich.
rāṣṭra n. [√ râg] kingdom, realm, dominions; territory, country; nation, peo ple, subjects.
rāhu m. [√ rabh] seizer, N. of a demon, whose head after he had attempted to drink the nectar obtained at the churning of the ocean was cut off by Vishnu, but having be come immortal periodically revenged itself on his betrayers, the sun and moon, by swal lowing them at the times of eclipse; he is also regarded as one of the nine planets; eclipse; moment of occultation; -gata, pp. eclipsed (sun or moon); -grasana, n. being swallowed by Râhu, eclipse; -grasta-nisâ kara, a. whose moon has been swallowed by Râhu (night); -graha, m. demon Râhu; -grahana, n. seizure by Râhu, eclipse (of sun or moon): -darsana,n. eclipse.
ruvaṇya den. P. utter harsh sounds (RV.1).
rudra a. roaring, terrific; m. Storm-god (chief of the Maruts): Rudra is sts. in Br. regarded as a form of Agni, but is later identified with Siva: pl. the Sons of Rudra, the Maruts (supposed to be either eleven or thirty-three in number); abbreviation for verses addressed to Rudra; N.: -kosa, m. Rudra's dictionary; -gapa, m. kind of prayer addressed to Rudra; -gâpin, a. muttering the Rudragapa; -ta, m. N.=Rudra-bhatta; -pâla, m. N.; -bhatta, m. N. of a scholar: -½âkârya, m. id.; -yagña, m. sacrifice to Rudra; (á)-vat, a. accompanied by Rudra or the Rudras; (á)-vartani, a. ep. of the Asvins; -sarman, m. N.; -suta, m. son of Rudra, Skanda; -soma, m. N. of a Brâh man; -hâsa, m. N. of a divine being.
rūpa n. appearance, colour (esp. pl.), form, shape; dream or phantom shapes (pl.; V.); likeness, image, reflexion; grammatical form, derivative; handsome form, beauty, comeliness; phenomenon; sign, indication, token, symbol, manifestation; characteristic, property, nature; circumstances (opp. time or place); sort, kind; trace of (--°ree;); single specimen; drama; --°ree; a. having a (beautiful etc.) form; having the form, appearance, or colour of, resembling; formed or consisting of, in the form of, that is to say; often --°ree; w. an a. or pp. emphasizing its mg., but fre quently also pleonastic: in. rupena, in the form of (--°ree;); -mkri, assume a form; -the form of (nm., g., a., or --°ree;).
rūpin a. (n-î) having or assuming a shape; embodied, corporeal; incarnate; beautiful (person); --°ree;, having the form or appearance of; characterized by, manifesting itself as.
rūpaya den. P. give form to, represent; act on the stage, represent in panto mime, notify by a gesture: pp. rûpita, represented. ni, represent in pantomime, notify by gesture; perceive; ascertain; find out; look into, observe carefully, consider, ponder; examine, investigate, discuss; determine, settle; choose, appoint, as (2 ac.), to (d., lc., inf.); discharge (an arrow): gd. nirûpya, often incorr. for nir-upya (√ vap).pra, explain. vi, disfigure: pp. virûpita, deformed.
retaḥsicya n. effusion of semen; -seka, m. id., carnal intercourse with a woman (lc.); -sektri, m. impregnator; -skandana, n. effusion of semen; -skhalana, n. id.
retas n. [√ ri] effusion, stream (V.); libation (RV.); effusion of semen; semen virile; seed, offspring, generation: reta so&zip;nte, after the effusion of semen.
revat V. a. [contracted fr. rayivat], wealthy; abundant; splendid, brilliant: -î, f. pl. cows (V.); waters (V.); sg. (also pl.) a certain lunar mansion; N., esp. of the wife of Balarâma.
ropaya cs. of √ ruh; -ayitri, m. putter on of (ac., g.); planter; -ita, cs. pp. √ ruh; -in, a. planting (--°ree;); -ya, fp. to be planted or sown; to be healed.
raudra a. (â, î) belonging, relating to, or coming from Rudra; Rudra like, violent, fierce, savage, terrible; m. worshipper of Rudra; n. (?) heat; n. savageness, terribleness, formidableness; sentiment of wrath (rh.): -tâ, f. terribleness.
rohiṇī a. f. of roh-in, and róhita; f. (róh-) red cow; (róh- or -inî) N. of a lunar mansion (consisting of five stars and variously regarded as resembling a cart, a temple, or a fish; personified as a daughter of Daksha and favourite wife of the moon); lunar day connected with Rohinî; young girl in whom menstruation has just commenced; cow (C.); N. of the wife of Vasudeva and mother of Balarâma: -kânta, m.moon; -tanaya, m. met. of Balarâma; -taru, m. a certain tree; -pati, -priya, m. moon; -yoga, m. conjunction of the moon with the asterism Rohinî; -ramana, m. moon; -½îsa, m. id.; -sakata, m. cart of Rohinî (the asterism).
rohiṇa a. born under the asterism Rohinî; m. N. of various plants.
lakṣaṇakarman n. statement of characteristics, correct definition; -gña, a. able to explain marks (on the body); knowing the good characteristics of (g.); -tva, n. condition of being a definition; -bhrashta, pp. deprived of all auspicious signs, ill-fated; -lakshanâ, f. indicative indication (e. g. a herd-station on the Ganges = on the bank of the Ganges); -vat, a. characterised by (in.); possessed of goodmarks; giving correct defi nitions; -samnipâta, m. branding; -samni vesa, m. id.
lakṣaṇa a. indicating, expressing indirectly; n. mark, token, sign, characteristic, attribute (sg. often coll.); stroke; lines drawn on the place of sacrifice; catchword (rit.); lucky or auspicious mark; symptom (of a disease); characteristic of sex, sexual organ; description, definition; designation, name; species, kind; aim, scope; effect, influence; occasion, opportunity: --°ree; a. characterised by; provided with; taking the form of, appearing as; relating to, coming within the scope of.
la m. technical term embracing all tenses and moods =finite verb (also applied to some forms with primary suffixes construed like the finite verb): -kâra, m. letter l.
lakṣaya den. P. (Â. metr.) mark; characterise, define; indicate, designate indirectly; have in view, mean; consider, regard as (2 ac.), assume any one (ac.) to be (oratio recta with iti); regard, examine; observe, note, perceive, see (often with second appositional ac.; ord. mg.); see that (yad); ps. lakshyate, be meant; be called (2 nm.); look like, appear to be (nm.±iva): pp. laksh ita, marked, indicated, ordistinguished by (in., --°ree;); expressed by indication; aimed at (--°ree;, of arrows); observed, noticed, perceived, seen; understood; des. pp. lilakshayishita, intended to be expressed, meant. anu, have in view. abhi, pp.marked or determined by (in.); made known, reported; seen, ob served. â, observe, notice, see (±app. ac.); ps. appear (nm.): pp. perceived, seen; heard. upa, define; express figuratively; have in view, regard; consider as (2 ac.); perceive, observe, see (ord. mg.; ± app. ac.); recognise; hear; feel (v.l. upa-labh); ps. be figuratively expressed, be used figuratively for (d.); appear to be (2 nm.): pp. marked or distinguished by (in., --°ree;). sam-upa, direct one's attention to, observe; perceive, see. vi, perceive, observe; (lose sight of one's aim), be confused: pp. embarrassed, perplexed; indignant. sam, perceive, observe, learn (± app. ac.); hear; ps. appear.
repha m. [√ riph] burr, letter r; -in, a. containing the letter r.
laghukoṣṭha a. having an empty stomach; -kaumudî, f. the short Kaumudî (an abridgement of the Siddhânta-kaumudî); -krama, a. having a quick step, hurrying: -m, ad. quickly; -gati, a. swift-paced; -kit ta, a. light-minded, fickle; -ketas, a. little minded, mean-spirited; -kkhedya, fp. easy to destroy (prob. incorr. for -½ukkhedya); -tâ, f., tva, n. activity, nimbleness; lightness; buoyancy, light-heartedness;prosodical shortness; smallness, shortness; insignificance; levity, thoughtlessness; lack of dignity, con tempt, degradation; -patana-ka, m. (swift flying), N. of a crow; -parikrama, a. mov ing quickly; -pâka, a. growing old quickly; easily digested; -pâtin, a. (flying quickly), N. of a crow; -pramâna, a. short; -pra yatna, a. pronounced with slight effort; -bhâ va, m. ease; -bhug, a. eating little; -mûla, a. having insignificant roots, insignificant at the beginning; -vikrama, m. quick step; a. quick-footed; -vivara-tva, n. narrowness of aperture; -vritti, a. of a light nature, light; frivolous: -tâ, f. levity; -sattva, a. having a weak character; -samutthâna,a. rising up quickly, prompt; -sâra, a. insignificant, worthless; -hasta, a. light-handed, adroit (of archers, scribes, etc.): -tâ, f., -tva, n. adroitness of hand, dexterity; -hârîta, m. abridged Hârîta (author of a law-book).
laghu ] a. (v-î, u) swift, active, nimble; light (not heavy); light, easily digested; easy in mind, buoyant; unimpeded, without a retinue; easy; easily articulated (the letter v);prosodically short; small, diminutive, little, insignificant, trifling; feeble, wretched, despicable, low; gentle, soft; younger; agreeable, desirable; handsome, beautiful; clean (dress): laghu man, think little of, despise; -kri, deride.
lagna pp. √ lag; m. n. point of intersection, point where the sun and the planets rise; horoscope; auspicious or lucky moment for (--°ree;): -kâla, m. auspicious time (for an undertaking); -graha, a.persistent, obtrusive; -dina, n., -divasa, m. auspicious or lucky day (for an undertaking); -velâ, f., -samaya, m. auspicious time (for an undertaking); -½aha, m. auspicious day (for an undertaking).
labdha pp. (√ labh) obtained, ac quired, found etc.: -kâma, a. having obtained a desire, fulfilled (request); -datta, m. N. of a man who gave away what he received; -nâman, a. having obtained a name, re nowned, for (lc.); -nâsa, m. loss of what has been acquired; -nidrâ-sukha, a. enjoying the pleasure of sleep; -para-bhâga, a. pre eminent above, surpassing (ab.); -pranâsa, m. loss of what has been acquired: T. of the fourth book of the Pañkatantra; -pratyaya, a. having a firm belief in anything: -tâ, f. abst. n. (Pr.); -prasara, a. having obtained free scope, unchecked; -laksha, a. having obtained the victory, tried, in (lc.); -laksh ana, a. having obtained an opportunity; -lâ bha, a. having attained one's object; having successfully obtained (--°ree;); successfully ac quired; -vat, pp. act. (he) obtained; -vara, a. having obtained a boon; m. N. of a danc ing master; -varna, a. (having learned one's letters), learned, in (lc.): -bhâg, a. patron izing the learned.
lapana n. mouth; -itá, (pp.) n. chat ter, hum.
lalana a. playing, glittering (of light and colour); n. lolling (of the tongue): â, f. wanton woman; woman; wife; i-kâ, f. little or miserable woman.
lamba a. hanging down, pendent; hanging by or down to (--°ree;); long (hair etc.); m. perpendicular; complement of latitude: -ka, m. id.; chapter (of which there are eighteen) in the Kathâsaritsâgara;-karna, a. (â, î) having long pendent ears; -gihva, a. having a pendent tongue; m. N. of a Râkshasa.
lampaṭa a. greedy, covetous; lust ing after (lc., --°ree;): -tva, n. greediness.
lalla m. N. of an astronomer and a min- ister: â, f. N. of a courtesan; i-ya, m. N.
lalāṭa n. [later form of rar&asharp;ta] fore head: -tata, m. flat surface of the forehead; -m-tapa, a. scorching the forehead (said of a hot sun), very painful; -patta, m.: -ka, m., -pattikâ, f. flat surface of the forehead; -phalaka, n. id.; -likhita, pp. written by fate on the forehead; -lekhâ, f. lines written by fate on the forehead; (strip of a =) very narrow forehead; -½aksha, a. (î) having an eye in the forehead (Siva).
lāghava n. swiftness, speed; dex terity, in (--°ree;); lightness; ease of mind, re lief; levity, thoughtlessness; insignificance, meanness, smallness; prosodical shortness; brevity, conciseness (of expression); lack of weight or consequence, derogation of dignity, disrespect: -kârin, a. degrading.
parāhla m. afternoon.
lākṣaṇika a. (î) understanding marks or signs; having a figurative sense (-tva, n. figurative sense); m. interpreter of marks.
lavaṇa a. briny, salt; m. N. of a demon; n. salt, sea-salt; grace, beauty (only --°ree;): -kalâyî, f. (prob. incorr. for lavana kalâpî) feeding-trough; -gala, a. having salt water, briny; m. sea, ocean;-galadhi, m., -gala-nidhi, m. salt sea, ocean; -gala½ud bhava, m. shell; -tâ, f. saltness; -toya, a. having salt water; m. ocean; -tva, n. salt ness; -vâri, a. having salt water; m. ocean; -samudra, m. salt sea, ocean.
lāñchana n. mark, token, sign; --°ree; a. marked, characterised, or provided with: -tâ, f. condition of being marked or stained.
lāvaṇya n. saltness; loveliness, beauty, charm: -mañgarî, f. N.; -maya, a. (î) consisting entirely of beauty; lovely, beau tiful, charming; -vat, a. lovely, beautiful: -î, f. N.; -sesha, a. of whom beauty only is left (-tâ, f. abst. n.); -½argita, pp. acquired by beauty: a term applied to the private property given to a woman on her marriage by her parents-in-law.
lāva a. (î) cutting, -off, plucking (--°ree;); cutting down, killing (--°ree;): -ka, m. cutter; reaper.
lipikara m. plasterer, white-washer; writer, scribe; -karman, n. painting; -karma-nirmita, pp. painted; -nyâsa, m. act of writing; -phalaka, n. writing tablet; -sâlâ, f. writing school; -sâstra, n. art of writing.
lipi f. besmearing, anointing; writing, handwriting; written line or letter; inscription; outward appearance: -m âp, assume the appearance of (g.); kitrâm lipim nî, garnish beautifully.
liṅgavat a. having characteristic marks; having various genders; having a phallus (a certain Sivaite sect); -sarîra, n. the subtle body (phil.); -sâstra, n. treatise on grammatical gender; -stha,m. ascetic; -½anusâsana, n. doctrine of grammatical gender.
liṅga n. [anything attaching to an object] mark, token, sign, emblem, charac teristic; catchword; deceptive badge (rare, E.); proof, evidence; sign of guilt, stolen property; sign of sex, sexual organ; gram matical gender; Siva's phallus (as an object of worship); image of a god (rare); typical or subtle body (the indestructible original of the gross visible body: Vedânta phil.); nominal base (=prâtipadika: gr.): -deha, m. n. subtle body (phil.); -dhârana, n. bear ing of marks of identification; -nâsa, m. loss of characteristic marks; -pîtha, n. pedestal of a Siva phallus; -purâna, n. T. of a Purâna; -mâtra, n. intellect; -mûrti, a.having the form of a phallus (Siva).
likhitavya fp. to be painted (Pr.); -itri, m. painter; -ya, m., â, f. nit, egg of a louse.
lekhapattra n. letter; -pattrikâ, f. id.; -sâlâ, f. writing school; -samdesa hârin, a. delivering a written message; -hâra: -ka, m. letter-carrier; -hâr-in, a. delivering letters with (--°ree;): (-i)-tva, of letters with (--°ree;); -½adhikârin, m. secretary of a king.
lekha m. [√ likh] stroke, line; writ ten document, letter (sg. & pl.); god, deity (very rare): pl. a certain class of gods (E., rare): -ka, m. writer, secretary, copyist; calculation: -m kri, make a calculation, reckon.
lubdha pp. √ lubh: -ka, m. hunter; the star Sirius; -gana, a. having covetous followers; -tâ, f. greed, covetousness; -tva, n. id.; eager longing for (--°ree;).
lup n. dropping, elision (of a letter etc.); a. dropped.
lepana n. anointing, besmearing, plas tering, with (in., --°ree;); ointment; plaster, mortar; --°ree; a. besmeared, plastered with; -in, a. (--°ree;) besmearing, covering with; besmeared, covered with; -ya, fp. moulded, modelled; to be defiled: -kâra, m. moulder.
lepa m. [√ lip] smearing, anointing; ointment, unguent, plaster; spot, stain, im purity, sp. grease adhering to dishes, hands, etc.; moral taint, sin; food: -ka, m. plas terer, white-washer, mason; -kara, m. id.
lekhya fp. to be scarified; -written (down); -painted; depicted, painted; to be counted (--°ree;); n. (art of) writing; tran scription; drawing, painting; written docu ment, letter; inscription; painted figure; --°ree; (with gananâ-)=catalogue, roll of (--°ree;): -gata, pp. painted; -pattra, n. document, letter; -maya, a. painted; -rûpa, a. id.
lokācāra m. ways of the world, general custom; -½âtman, m. soul of the world; -½âdi, m. (beginning=) creator of the world; -½âdhâra, a. supported by or depen dent on the people; -½adhipa,m. lord of the world, god; -½anugraha, m. welfare of the world or people; -½anurâga, m. love of man kind, universal love; -½anuvritta, n. obedi ence of the people; -½anuvritti, f. dependence on other people; -½antara, n. the other world: -m gam or yâ, go to the other world, die: -sukha, n. felicity in the next world; -½an tarika, a. (î) dwelling or situated between the worlds; -½antarita, pp. deceased; -½apa vâda, m. censure of the world, public re proach; -½abhyudaya, m. welfare of the world; -½âyata, pp. (restricted to the material world), materialistic; m. materialist; n. ma terialism, doctrine of Kârvâka: i-ka, m. materialist; man of the world, î-kri, regard as materialistic; -½aloka, n. sg. & m. du. the world and the non-world; m. N. of the mythi cal mountainous belt (light on the one side and dark on the other) which separates the visible world from the world of darkness; -½âlokin, a. surveying the worlds; -½aveksha- na, n. care of the people.
lokayātrā f. worldly affairs, every-day life; daily bread, maintenance; -raksha, m. protector of the people, king; -rañgana, n. pleasing the world; -rava, m. popular talk; -lokana, n. eye of the world, sun: pl. eyes of men; -vakana, n. popular talk or rumour; -vat, ad. as in ordinary life; -vartana, n. means by which the world exists; -vâda, m. talk of the world, public rumour; -vârttâ, f. public rumour; -vi krushta, pp. publicly decried; offensive to the world; -vigñâta, pp. generally known; -vidvishta, pp. universally disliked; -vidhi, m. creator of the world; order of things pre vailing in the world; -viruddha, pp. no toriously contradictory; -virodha, m. oppo sition to popular opinion; -visruta, pp. generally known; -vistara, m. general pre valence; -vritta, pp. n. general custom, ways prevailing among the people; -vrittânta, m. ways of the world; -vyavahâra, m. id.; ordinary designation; -sruti, f. world-wide notoriety; -samvyavahâra, m. business trans actions with men; -samkshaya, m. destruc tion of the world; -samgraha, m. experience gainedthrough intercourse with the world; gaining influence over men, propitiation of mankind; aggregate of the worlds; -sam grâhin, a. propitiating men; -sampanna, pp. experienced in life; -sâkshika, a. wit nessed by the world: -m, ad. before wit nesses; -sâkshin, m. witness of the world.
lokakaṇṭaka m. thorn=curse of mankind, pernicious man; -kartri, m. creator of the world, ep. of Brahman, Vishnu, or Siva; -kânta, pp. beloved of the world, dear to all mankind; -kâma, a.desirous of a certain world; -kâra, m. creator of the world, ep. of Siva; -krit, m. creator of the world; -kshit, a. inhabiting heaven; -gâ thâ, f. popular (traditional) verse; -guru, m. teacher of the world or people;-kakshus, n. pl. eyes of the people; -kâritra, n. ways of the world; -gít, a. winning territory (Br.); gaining heaven; -gña, a. knowing the world or men: -tâ, f. knowledge of the world; -tattva, n. id.; -tantra, n. course of the world; -tas, ad. from people, from popular talk; in accordance with usage; -traya, n., î, f. the three worlds (heaven, earth, air or lower regions); -dambhaka, a. cheating the people; -dvaya, n. the two worlds (heaven and earth); -dvâra, n. gate of heaven; -nâ tha, m. lord of the worlds, ep. of Brahman, Vishnu, Siva, of the gods, and of the sun; protector of the people, king; N. of Avalo kitesvara; a. protected by mankind; -nind ita, pp.blamed by every one; -pa, m. regent of a world; world-guardian (of whom there are eight); -pati, m. lord of the world, ep. of Brahman or Siva; lord of the people, king; -patha, m. general or usual way; -paddhati, f. id.; -pâlá, m. world-guardian (of whom from Manuonwards four or eight are assumed according as four or eight quarters are counted; exceptionally five); guardian of the people, king; -pitâmaha, m. great forefather of mankind, ep. of Brahman; -punya, N. of a locality; -pûgita, pp. universally honoured; -pravâda, m. common report, popular or current saying; -prasiddha, pp. generally known; -prasiddhi, f. general prevalence: in.according to prevailing usage; -bhartri, m. supporter of the people; -mahesvara, m. great lord of the world, ep. of Krishna, -mâ tri, f. mother of the world, ep. of Gaurî
laiṅga a. relating to grammatical gen der; i-ka, a. relating to or resulting from a characteristic mark or evidence, inferred; m. statuary.
lopa m. omission, dropping, elision (of a letter or suffix); loss, lack, failure, in terruption, disappearance (of, g., gnly. --°ree;); deprivation; transgression, violation; -ana, n. violation (of a vow); -am,abs. robbing, plundering (ac.).
vaṃśakara a. perpetuating a race; m. continuer of a family; N.; -karma-krit, m. worker in bamboo, basket-maker; -krit ya, n. function of a flute, flute-playing; -krama½âgata, pp. come down by family succession, lineally descended, hereditary; -krama½âhita-gaurava, a. highly esteemed by successive generations of the family; -gop tri, m. preserver of the family; -kintaka, m. genealogist; -kkhettri, m. (cutter off=) last of a family; -ga, a. made of bamboo; born in or belonging to the family of, sprung from a -family (--°ree;); belonging to the same family: with prâktanâh=ancestors; -dhara, a. perpetuating a family; m.continuer of a family; m. descendant; -nâdikâ, -nâdî, f. pipe of bamboo; -nâtha, m. chief of a race; -pattra, n. bamboo leaf; -pota, m. shoot of a cane and child of good family; -bâhya, a. re pudiated by the family; -brâhmana, n. list of ancient teachers; T.; -bhrit, m. perpetuator of a race; -bhogya, fp. to be enjoyed by successive generations, hereditary; -maya, a. (î) made of bamboo; -râgya-dhara, a. perpetuating race and dominion; -lûna, pp. deprived of one's family, alone in the world; -vardh ana, a. increasing or perpetuating a race; m. son; -vardhin, a. id.; -visuddha, pp. unblemished or sound in the cane; of pure lineage; -vistara, m.complete genealogy; -sthiti, f. perpetuation of a family.
laukāyatika m. follower of Kârvâka, materialist.
lohitoda a. having blood instead of water; m. a certain hell.
vaktva a. to be said or uttered (RV.).
vaktavya fp. to be said, spoken; uttered, stated, or declared (w. g. or lc. of prs.); -spoken to or addressed (w. ac. of object); -blamed, reprehensible; responsible to, dependent on (g., --°ree;):vaktavyasya kâlah, time to speak; n. blame, censure: -tâ, f. censure; responsibility.
vakāra m. letter v.
vacana a. eloquent (RV.); --°ree;, ex pressing, meaning (-tâ, f. abst. n.); pro nounced by (in., --°ree;); n. act of speaking; pronunciation; utterance, declaration; ex press mention; statement thatsomething is (--°ree;); speech, word; injunction of a teacher, rule (gr.); command, direction; advice; voice, note; grammatical number: -m kri, do any one's bidding, follow the advice of (g.); e sthâ, id.; vakanena (rare) or vakanât, in the name of (g., --°ree;); iti vakanât, because it is so stated.
vacanīya fp. to be said or spoken; that may be uttered; to be called; censurable; n. blame, reproach: -tâ, f. liability to censure.
vatsa m. [vat(a)s-á, yearling], calf: young of an animal; child (vc. often as a term of endearment=my dear); year (only in tri-vatsá); N.; N. of a country: pl. its inhabitants.
vaṇikkaṭaka m. trading cara van; -karman, n. business of a merchant, trade; -tva, n. position of a merchant; -pa tha, m. pursuits of a merchant, trade; mer chant's shop; merchant; Libra (sign of the zodiac); -putra, m. merchant's son; -puru sha, m. merchant; -sârtha, m. trading cara van; -suta, m. merchant's son; -sutâ, f. merchant's daughter; -sûnu, m. merchant's son.
vaḍavā f. later spelling of vadabâ.
vatsā f. female calf; little girl (vc. as a term of endearment=my dear).
vatsaka m. little calf; -tantî, -tan trî, f. long rope for tying calves to by means of shorter ones; -tará, m., î, f. weaned calf or young of an animal, young bull or heifer; -pati, m. king of the Vatsas (Udayana); -pâla: -ka, m. keeper of calves; -prîya, n. hymn composed by Vatsaprî, RV. IX, 68; -bhûmi, f. country of the Vatsas.
vadhya fp. to be slain or killed; de serving or liable to be killed; sentenced to death; to be chastised or corporally pun ished; to be destroyed: -tâ, f. penalty of death or corporal punishment; -pataha, m.drum beaten at executions; -bhû, f. place of execution; -bhûmi, f. id.; -mâlâ, f. garland placed on the head of one sentenced to death; -silâ, f. stone used for executing or slaughter ing, block; -sthâna, n. place of execution; -srag, f.=-mâlâ.
vadhū f. [√ vadh=√ vah: (to be) taken home], bride, young married woman, wife; woman; female of an animal; daugh ter-in-law, wife of a younger relative.
vadha m. vanquisher, slayer (V.); deadly weapon, esp. Indra's bolt (V.); slay ing, slaughter, murder, destruction (of or by, --°ree;); capital or (more commonly) corporal punishment (in law-books); annihilation (of things); prevention (rare): -ka, m. murderer; executioner; -karma½adhikârin, m. execu tioner; -kâma, a. desirous of killing; -kâm yâ, f. intention of striking or killing; -gîvin, a. living by the killing ofanimals, butcher; hunter.
vanapannaga m. forest snake; -parvan, n. Forest-section, T. of the third book of the Mahâbhârata; -pârsva, m. forest (side=) region; -pushpa-maya, a. made or consisting of wild flowers; -pûrva,m. N. of a village; -prastha, m. n. forest plateau, wooded table-land; N. of a locality; -barh ina, m. wild peacock: -tva, n. state of a wild peacock; -bidâla, m. wild cat; -bhû, -bhûmi, f. forest region; -mâta&ndot;ga, m.wild elephant; -mânushikâ, f. little forest woman; -mânushî, f. female forester; -mâlâ, f. gar land of wild flowers, esp. that worn by Krish- na; -mâlin, a. wearing a garland of forest flowers, esp. ep. of Krishna; -muk, a.shower ing water; -mriga, m. forest antelope; -râ- g&ibrevcirc; f. line of trees, far-extending forest.
vanakapi m. wild monkey; -kar in, m. wild elephant; -kâma, a. fond of living in the forest; -kâshthikâ, f. dry twig lying in the forest; -kuñgara, m. wild elephant; -kusuma, n. flower of the forest; -khanda, n. group of trees, copse; -gaga, m. wild ele phant: -mada, m. temple-juice of forest elephants; -gahana, n. thicket; -gulma, n. forest or wild shrub; -gokara, a. dwelling in the forest; m. denizen of the forest (of men or animals); -grâma-ka, m. forest ham let, wretched little forest village; -grâhin, a. searching the forest; -kara, a. roaming in or haunting the forest; m. forest-dweller (of men or animals); -karyâ, f. roaming about in or residence in the forest; -kârin, a., m. = -kara; -kkhid, m. wood-cutter; -ga, a. born in the forest, sylvan; m. forester; n. (produced in the water), blue lotus: -½aksha, a. (î) lotus-eyed; -gâta, pp. produced or growing in the forest, wild; -dâha, m. forest fire; -durga, a. inaccessible owing to forest; n. place --; -devatâ, f. sylvan goddess, dryad; -druma, m. forest tree; -dvipa, m. wild ele phant; -dhânya, n. pl. grains of wild corn; -dhârâ,f. avenue of trees.
vana n. tree (V.); forest (V., C.); thicket (of reeds), cluster, group (of lotuses), quantity (C.); wood (RV.); (wooden) trough for Soma (RV.); (trough of the sky), cloud (V.); water (C., rare); abode (C., very rare).
vadhyā f. (--°ree;) slaughter, murder.
vanāgni m. forest-fire; -½atana, n. roaming about in the forest; -½adhivâsin, a. dwelling in the forest; -½anta, m. forest region, forest: -bhû, f. forest region; -½an tara, n. interior of a forest (pl.forests: lc. in forests of, --°ree;); ab. out of the forest; lc. in the forest; -m pra-vis, or pra½âp, enter or reach a forest: -kara, -kârin, a. roaming about in the forest; -½anta-sthalî, f. forest region; -½abginî, f. lotusgrowing in the forest.
loman n. [later form of roman] hair of the body (of men and animals, gnly. ex cluding hair of the head, beard, mane, or tail).
vanaukas a. dwelling in the forest; m. forest-dweller, anchorite; forest animal; boar; -½ogha, m. mass of water; -½oshadhi, f. forest or wild herb.
vamathu m. vomiting; water squirted from an elephant's trunk; -ana, n. vomit ing; emission; emetic.
vara a. [select: √ 2. vri] best, choicest, most excellent or beautiful, among (ab., g., lc., --°ree;); better, more excellent, than (ab., rarely g.), among (ab., v. r.); n. vár am, ad. specially, rather, better, than (ab. ±&asharp;; RV.); with pr. or impv. it is or were better that or if (the vb. being sts. omitted); with pot. it were more likely that; predica tively without a vb. is or are better, than (ab., in V. id.±&asharp;); varam -na, na ka, na tu, na punah, tad api na, or tathâ½api na, (it is) better (that) or rather -than (with vb. in pr. or pot.); predicatively with ellipse of copula: -is the best thing, and not = -is better than (nm., very rarely in.); varam varam na or na ka khalu varam, better than (nm.).
varuṇa m. [√ 1. vri] Encompasser (of the world), N. of an Âditya, chief among the Vedic gods; he specially presides over the waters, the night, and the west; he is om niscient, punishes sin and is prayed to for forgiveness; he is also the sender of disease; often associated with Mitra and Indra (--°ree; du.); in C. he is god of the waters or ocean, and regent of the west: -grihîta, pp. seized by Varuna=attacked by disease, esp. dropsy (V.); -pâsá, m. Varuna's noose or fetter (V.); -purusha, m. servant of Varuna; -loka, m. Varuna's world; Varuna's sphere, the waters; -sarman, m. N. of a mythical warrior; -se nâ, -senikâ, f. N. of a princess; -½adri, m. N. of a mountain.
varīyas cpv. better, more ex cellent; best, most excellent, of (g.).
variṣṭha spv. 1. broadest, widest, most extensive (V.); 2. (mostly C.) most ex cellent, best, among (g., --°ree;); better than (ab., rare); chief=worst, of (g., rare); m. N.
varṇātmaka a. articulate (sound); -½anuprâsa, m. alliteration, paronomasia; -½antara, n. another letter, change of sound; another caste: -gamana, n. change of caste; -½anya-tva, n. change of colour; -½apeta, pp. deprived of caste; -½âsrama, m. pl. the castes and the religious orders.
varṇa m. [covering, coating: √ 1. vri] cover, lid (C., rare); exterior, appear ance, colour (very common); (good) complex ion (C.); pigment (for writing or painting; C.); (colour=) race, species, kind; character, nature, form; caste (prob. from contrast of colour between aboriginal slaves and their fair conquerors); (coloured mark), letter; sound; vowel; syllable; word; musical note (rare); praise (rare); fame, renown (rare).
vayasya a. being of (an=) the same age; m. contemporary, friend (often as a term of address): â, f. woman's female contemporary or friend, confidential atten dant: (a)-ka, m. contemporary, friend.
varṇarāśi m. alphabet; -lopa, m. dropping of a letter; -varti: -kâ, f. paint brush; -vikriyâ, f. violation of the rules of caste; -vritta, n. metre measured by the number of syllables; -vyatikrântâ, pp. f.having transgressed with a man of lower caste; -vyavasthiti, f. caste system; -sik shâ, f. phonetics; -sreshtha, m. best man by caste, Brâhman; -samsarga, m. mixture of castes by intermarriage; -samhâra, m. assem blyrepresentative of castes; -samkara, m. mixture of colours (rare); mixture of castes by intermarriage; -samghâta, m., -samghâta, m., -samâmnâya, m. (combination of letters), alphabet; -sthâna, n. place (in the mouth) of the production of a letter.
varūthin a. wearing armour (V.); having a wooden fender (car); protecting, sheltering; seated in a chariot; surrounded by a crowd or quantity of (--°ree;); m. war chariot: -î, f. army.
varṇaka a. (ikâ) describing; m. n. specimen, model; m. pigment, unguent, paint; n. section, chapter (rare); -krama, m. order of the castes; -guru, m. king; -grathanâ, f. artificial method of writing verses; -kaura, m. thief of the colour of=resembling (g.) in hue; -gyâyas, cpv. superior by caste; -gye shtha, spv. higher or highest by caste.
vartamāna pr. pt. (√ vrit) pre sent, existing; n. the present: â, f. (per sonal terminations of) the present tense: (a)-kâla, m. present; (a)-½âkshepa, m. de claration of dissatisfaction with something going on.
varṇodaka n. coloured water.
varūtha n. [√ 1. vri] protection, shelter, secure abode (V.); n. (?) guard or fender of a chariot (C.); host, herd, swarm, multitude (P.).
vardhaka a. [√ 2. vridh] cutting off; m. carpenter; i: -n, m. id.
varṣa a. [√ vrish] raining (--°ree;, C.); m. (C.), n. (V., C.), rain; shower, of (flowers, ar rows, dust, etc., g., --°ree;); the rains, rainy season (pl.: AV., rare); year (commonly applied to age); division of the world, plain between mountain ranges (seven or nine are assumed): in. within a year; ab. after a year; lc. rep. every year: (a)-ka, a. raining, showering; -karman, n. action of raining; (a)-gana, m. pl. long series of years.
varman n. [envelope: √ 1. vri] ar mour, mail (V., C.); protection, shelter (V.); often --°ree; in names of Kshatriyas.
vala m. [enclosure: √ 1. vri] cave (V.); personified as a demon withholding the heavenly waters from man; brother of Vritra and vanquished by Indra (often writ ten Bala).
varṣiṣṭha spv. [of base contained in varsh-man; in sense, of vriddha; almost exclusively V.] highest, uppermost, longest, greatest; very large (P.); -îyas, cpv. (chiefly V.) higher, upper; longer, greater, than (ab.); great, considerable; thriving (earth); better than (ab.); aged.
varṣā f. rain (rare): (sg.) pl. rains, rainy season (very common): (â)-kâla, m. rainy season; -½âgama, m. beginning of the rains; -½ambu, n. rain water; -samaya, m. rainy season.
valabhid m. smiter of Vala, Indra.
vasatīvarī f. pl. water left stand ing overnight (drawn from a stream on the eve of the Soma sacrifice).
vaṣaṭkāra m. exclamation vashat; (váshat)-kriti, f. id. (RV.); -kritya, fp. n. one should utter vashat.
vasīyas cpv. better, than (ab.): faring better, wealthier (V.).
vasu a. [v-î; bright: √ 1. vas] good, beneficent (V.); m. ep. of various gods and of the gods in general; pl. the Vasus, a class of gods (their number being usually eight; Indra is their chief, later Agni and Vishnu); ray of light (C., rare); N.; n. goods, wealth, property (V., C., very common); gold (C., very rare); gem, pearl (C., very rare).
vastu n. (C.) place (rare); thing, substance, object; really existing thing; right thing, worthy object; object of (--°ree;); matter, circumstance; subject, subject-mat ter, plot, theme, contents; °ree;--, in reality: -ka, a. (--°ree;) having -as contents (anûna-, of weighty contents, extraordinary); -gâta, n. the aggregate of things; -tantra, a. depen dent on things, objective; -tas, ad. in reality; -tâ, f. being the object of (--°ree;); reality: in. in reality; -dharma, m. sg. & pl. true nature of things; -bhâva, m. reality: in. pl. in reality; -bheda, m. actual or essen tial difference; -rakanâ, f. elaboration of a plot; -vritta, n. actual fact; -sakti, f. sg. & pl. force of circumstances: -tas, ad. by the --; -sâsana, n. original edict; -sûnya, a. devoid of reality, unreal.
vasyas cpv. (V.) better, more ex cellent; more illustrious, wealthier, than (ab.); n. increasing wealth or prosperity.
vākkalaha m. strife of words, dis pute; -kelî, f. jest with words, witty con verse; -kshata, n. wound inflicted with words; -kakshus, n. sg. speech and look; -kapala, a. inconsiderate in speech, talking idly; -kâp alya, n. inconsiderateness in talk; -khala, n. semblance of a voice; sg. & pl. lying talk; prevarication (in argument); -khalya, n. word-arrow, wounding speech; -patu, a. clever in speech, eloquent: -tâ, f.fluency of speech, eloquence; -páti, m. lord of speech; Saiva saint who has attained a certain stage of perfection: -râga, m. N. of a poet; -pa tha, m. opportunity for speech; province of speech (atîta --, a. indescribable): -pâram avâpita, become indescribable; -p&asharp;, a. protecting speech; -pâtava, n. eloquence; -pârushya, n. roughness of voice; scurrilous language; -pushtâ, f. N. of a princess: -½ata vî, f. N. of a forest named after her; -push pa, n. pl. flowers of speech; -pralâpa, m. elo quence; -prasasta, pp. expressly sanctioned as fit for food; -prasâri-kâma, a. desirous of one (i.e. a child) progressing in speech.
encl. pcl. or (following, but metr. sts. preceding); either or not, optionally; (= iva), like, as, as it were; (=eva), just, etc. (rare); but, however (rare); even, even sup posing (with ft.; rare); after inter. or rel.= possibly, pray: vâ -vâ, either -or (when there are two clauses, the vb. of the first only is as a rule accented); na ± vâ -vâ, kim vâ -kim vâ or na vâ, neither -nor; vâ na vâ, either -or not; perhaps -or perhaps not; whether -or not; yadi vâ -vâ, whether -or; in a sentence containing more than two members vâ is nearly always repeated, while a negative at the beginning of the series need not be repeated as its sense runs through all the remaining members (=not, either -or or); in this case vâ often interchanges with ka and api, or is combined with the pcls. api (± punah), atha (± u, api, or punah), yad, yadi, or utá.
vahyeśayā a. f. lying on a litter or couch (RV.1).
vahya n. portable bed, litter, palan quin, couch (V.).
vahitra n. boat, vessel: -bha&ndot;ga, m. shipwreck; -ín, a. drawing well, accus tomed to the yoke (V.); (váh)-ishtha, spv. drawing or driving best (horses, car; V.); (váh)-îyas, cpv. drawing better orswiftly (V.).
vāgurika m. trapper, hunter.
vācaspati m. lord of speech (a genius presiding over human life), ep. of Soma, Visvakarman, Pragâpati, Brahman; esp. of Brihaspati as lord of eloquence (teacher of the gods and regent of the planet Jupiter); N. of a Rishi, a lexicographer, a philosopher, etc.
vāṅmadhu n. pl. honied or sweet words; -madhura, a. sweet in speech, speaking honied words; -manas, n. sg. & du. speech and mind; -máya, a. (î) consisting of, connected with, or based on speech or words, verbal; n. eloquence; speech; -mâdhurya, n. sweetness of speech or voice; -misrana, n. interchange of words, conversation with (in.).
vākya n. [√ vak] sg. & pl. utterance, speech, words (ord. mg.); (legal) evidence; ex press statement (opp. li&ndot;ga, indication); mode of expression; argument (in logic); sentence (in grammar);mama vâkyât, in my name.
vācāsahāya m. talkative com panion, entertainer.
vāḍava later spelling for vâdaba.
mithu ad. (V.) alternately; wrongly.
vātātmaja m. son of Wind, Hanumat; -½âtman, a. having the nature of air, airy; -½adhvan, m. air-hole, round win dow; (v&asharp;ta)-½âpi, a. having the wind as an ally (V.); m. N. of an Asura eaten up by Agastya (C.); -½abhra, m. cloud driven by the wind; -½âyana, m. pat. N. of a people (pl.); N. of a chamberlain; -½ayana, a. moving in the wind or air; n. air-hole, round window; airy part of a house, balcony, portico, terrace on the roof: -stha, a. standing or being at the window; -½âlî, f. whirlwind.
vātavat m. N.; -varsha, m. sg. & pl. rain with wind; -vrishti, f. id.; -vyâdhi, m. wind disease (term applied to rheumatic, nervous, and other disorders supposed to be caused by wind).
vāda a. (--°ree;) speaking of (rare); caus ing to sound, playing (rare); m. talk, utter ance, statement (ord. mg.: --°ree; w. the speaker or what is stated); speaking about, mention ing (--°ree;); counsel; proposition, thesis; dis cussion, controversy, disputation; dispute, about (--°ree;); agreement regarding (--°ree;); cry, note (of an animal or bird); sound (of a musical instrument): -ka, m. player of a musical instrument; -tas, ad. in argument (overcome); -da, a. vying with (--°ree;).
vātula a. windy; scatter-brained, crazy: â-na-ka, N. of a locality.
vātika a. (î) produced by wind (the humour); m. windbag, flatterer, pane gyrist.
vāma ] a. (&isharp;, V.; â, C.) pleasant, fair, lovely; benignant; dear; beau tiful, noble; striving after, eager for (--°ree;); n. fortune, wealth (V.).
vāpī f. [damming up: √ 2. vap] ob long tank, pond: -ka, --°ree; a. id.; -gala, n. lake water.
vāyava a. (î) relating, belonging, or sacred to or sprung from the wind, air, or god of wind; north-western: î, f. (± dis) north-west; -îya, a. id.; -yã, a. id.; ± p&asharp;tra, n. a kind of Soma vesselshaped like a mor tar; m. n., â, f. north-west.
vāmalocana n. beautiful eye: â, f. fair-eyed woman; N.; -siva, m. N.; -sîla, a. of bad character; -stha, a. standing on the left; -svabhâva, a. of noble character.
vāraka m. 1. opposer, averter; 2. turn: in. e-na, in turn; 3. incorr. for vârd dhaka, age.
vār n. water (nm. pl. very rarely -as, as if m. or f.): -âm nidhi, ocean.
vasumati m. N. of a Brâhman; -mitra, m. N.; -rakshita, m. N.; -lakshmî, f. N. of Agnimitra's sister-in-law.