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Grammar Search
"tejasam" has 2 results
tejasam: masculine accusative singular stem: tejas
tejasam: feminine accusative singular stem: tejas
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results3 results
agne yat te tejas tena tam atejasaṃ kṛṇu (KS. taṃ prati tityagdhi; MS.Apś. taṃ prati titigdhi) yo 'smān (MS. asmān) dveṣṭi yaṃ ca (AVś. yaṃ) vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ # AVś.2.19.5; MS.1.5.2: 68.6; KS.6.9; Apś.6.21.1. Cf. yat te agne tejas.
āpo yad vas tejas tena tam atejasaṃ kṛṇuta yo etc. # AVś.2.23.5.
candra yat te tapas (tejas, 'rcis, śocis, and haras) tena taṃ prati tapa (tena tam atejasaṃ kuru, tena taṃ praty arca, tena taṃ prati śoca, and tena taṃ prati hara) yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ # AVś.2.22.1--5.
Vedabase Search
15 results
tejasam whose spiritual powerSB 7.13.12-13
asahya-tejasam with an unbearable effulgenceSB 4.5.11
brahma-tejasam his (Jaḍa Bharata's) spiritual effulgenceSB 5.10.5
nija-uru-tejasam whose unlimited powerSB 10.6.7
nistejasam deprived of his powerSB 12.8.31
sambhṛta-tejasam in full effulgenceSB 7.8.34
sarva-tejasam named Sarvatejā (all-powerful)SB 4.13.14
asahya-tejasam with an unbearable effulgenceSB 4.5.11
sarva-tejasam named Sarvatejā (all-powerful)SB 4.13.14
brahma-tejasam his (Jaḍa Bharata's) spiritual effulgenceSB 5.10.5
sambhṛta-tejasam in full effulgenceSB 7.8.34
tīvra-tejasam exposing His great spiritual effulgenceSB 7.8.37-39
nija-uru-tejasam whose unlimited powerSB 10.6.7
tīvra-tejasam exposing His great spiritual effulgenceSB 7.8.37-39
nija-uru-tejasam whose unlimited powerSB 10.6.7
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