Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
sūraḥ | 1.3.28-30 | Masculine | Singular | sahasrāṃśuḥ, raviḥ, chāyānāthaḥ, jagaccakṣuḥ, pradyotanaḥ, lokabāndhavaḥ, aryamā, dhāmanidhiḥ, divākaraḥ, braghnaḥ, bhāsvān, haridaśvaḥ, arkaḥ, aruṇaḥ, taraṇiḥ, virocanaḥ, tviṣāṃpatiḥ, haṃsaḥ, savitā, tejasāṃrāśiḥ, karmasākṣī, trayītanuḥ, khadyotaḥ, sūryaḥ, bhagaḥ, dvādaśātmā, abjinīpatiḥ, ahaskaraḥ, vibhākaraḥ, saptāśvaḥ, vikartanaḥ, mihiraḥ, dyumaṇiḥ, citrabhānuḥ, grahapatiḥ, bhānuḥ, tapanaḥ, padmākṣaḥ, tamisrahā, lokabandhuḥ, dinamaṇiḥ, inaḥ, ādityaḥ, aṃśumālī, bhāskaraḥ, prabhākaraḥ, vivasvān, uṣṇaraśmiḥ, mārtaṇḍaḥ, pūṣā, mitraḥ, vibhāvasuḥ, aharpatiḥ(53) | the sun |
tejas | n. (often plural) the sharp edge (of a knife etc.), point or top of a flame or ray, glow, glare, splendour, brilliance, light, fire etc. | ||||||
tejas | n. clearness of the eyes etc. | ||||||
tejas | n. the bright appearance of the human body (in health), beauty | ||||||
tejas | n. the heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile, 14 and 26 | ||||||
tejas | n. the bile | ||||||
tejas | n. fiery energy, ardour, vital power, spirit, efficacy, essence etc. | ||||||
tejas | n. semen virile | ||||||
tejas | n. marrow | ||||||
tejas | n. the brain | ||||||
tejas | n. gold | ||||||
tejas | n. (opposed to kṣamā-) impatience, fierceness, energetic opposition | ||||||
tejas | n. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) equals rajas- (passion) | ||||||
tejas | n. spiritual or moral or magical power or influence, majesty, dignity, glory, authority etc. | ||||||
tejas | n. a venerable or dignified person, person of consequence | ||||||
tejas | n. fresh butter | ||||||
tejas | n. a mystical Name of the letter $ | ||||||
tejas | n. (ase-) dative case infinitive mood | ||||||
tejas | n. see a--, agni--, ugra-- etc. | ||||||
tejasa | n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals jas-, power | ||||||
tejasāmadhīśa | m. "lord of luminaries", the sun | ||||||
tejasiṃha | m. Name of a man (son of raṇa-dara-) | ||||||
tejasiṃha | m. see jaḥ-s-. | ||||||
tejaska | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals jas- | ||||||
tejaskāma | mfn. (t/ej-) longing for manly strength or vital power | ||||||
tejaskāma | mfn. desiring influence or authority or dignity | ||||||
tejaskara | mfn. granting vital power. | ||||||
tejaskāya | mfn. having light as one's body | ||||||
tejaspada | n. a mark of dignity, . | ||||||
tejastejas | m. whose essence is light | ||||||
tejastimira | n. dual number light and darkness. | ||||||
tejastva | n. the general notion of tejas- | ||||||
tejastva | n. the nature or essence of light | ||||||
tejasvat | mfn. (t/ej-) sharp-edged | ||||||
tejasvat | mfn. splendid, bright, glorious, beautiful | ||||||
tejasvat | mfn. energetic, spirited | ||||||
tejasvatī | f. (tī-) Name of a princess | ||||||
tejasvatī | f. see jo-v-. | ||||||
tejasvin | mfn. ( ) sharp (the eye) | ||||||
tejasvin | mfn. brilliant, splendid, bright, powerful, energetic etc. | ||||||
tejasvin | mfn. violent | ||||||
tejasvin | mfn. inspiring respect, dignified, noble etc. | ||||||
tejasvin | mfn. equals -kara- | ||||||
tejasvin | m. Name of a son of indra- | ||||||
tejasvin | m. mahā-jyotiṣmatī- | ||||||
tejasvinī | f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum | ||||||
tejasvinitamā | f. Superl. of f. of sv/in- | ||||||
tejasvinītamā | f. Superl. of f. of sv/in- | ||||||
tejasvipraśaṃsā | f. Name of | ||||||
tejasvitā | f. energy | ||||||
tejasvitā | m. majesty, dignity | ||||||
tejasvitva | n. brilliancy | ||||||
tejasya | mfn. splendid | ||||||
ādityatejas | m. or f. Polanisia Icosandra | ||||||
agnitejas | mfn. (agn/i--) having the energy of fire or of agni- | ||||||
agnitejas | m. one of the seven ṛṣi-s of the eleventh manvantara- | ||||||
amitatejas | mfn. of boundless glory | ||||||
amṛtatejas | m. Name of a vidyādhara- prince | ||||||
annatejas | (/anna--) mfn. having the vigour of food | ||||||
asthitejas | n. marrow | ||||||
atejas | n. absence of brightness or vigour | ||||||
atejas | n. dimness, shade, shadow | ||||||
atejas | n. feebleness, dulness, insignificance | ||||||
atejas | mfn. ([ ])not bright, dim, not vigorous. | ||||||
atejaska | mfn. ([ ]) not bright, dim, not vigorous. | ||||||
atejasvin | mfn. not bright, dim, not vigorous. | ||||||
āyustejas | m. Name of a buddha-. | ||||||
bhūritejas | mfn. of great splendour, very glorious | ||||||
bhūritejas | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
bhūritejasa | mfn. equals prec. mfn. (said of fire) | ||||||
bilvatejas | m. Name of a serpent-demon | ||||||
brahmatejas | n. the power and glory of brahma- etc. ( brahmatejomaya jo-maya- mf(ī-)n.formed of brahma-'s glory ) | ||||||
brahmatejas | n. the glory or lustre supposed to surround a Brahman | ||||||
brahmatejas | n. (br/ahma--) having the glory or power of brahma | ||||||
brahmatejas | m. Name of a buddha- , | ||||||
bṛhattejas | mfn. having great energy | ||||||
bṛhattejas | m. the planet Jupiter | ||||||
dīptatejas | mfn. radiant with glory | ||||||
divyatejas | n. a kind of plant | ||||||
haratejas | n. " śiva-'s energy", quicksilver | ||||||
hiraṇyatejas | n. equals -jyot/is- | ||||||
iddhatejas | m. Name of a man. | ||||||
indratejas | n. indra-'s thunderbolt | ||||||
kṣatatejas | mfn. dimmed, obscured (as light or power). | ||||||
mahāsiṃhatejas | m. Name of a buddha- | ||||||
mahātejas | mfn. of great splendour, full of fire, of great majesty (said of gods and men) | ||||||
mahātejas | m. a hero, demigod | ||||||
mahātejas | m. fire | ||||||
mahātejas | m. Name of skanda- | ||||||
mahātejas | m. of su-brahmaṇya- | ||||||
mahātejas | m. of a warrior | ||||||
mahātejas | m. of a king of the garuḍa-s | ||||||
mahātejas | n. quicksilver | ||||||
māṃsatejas | n. "flesh-marrow", fat | ||||||
manastejas | (m/anas--) mfn. endowed with vigour of mind | ||||||
medastejas | n. "strength of the medas-", bone | ||||||
nistejas | mfn. destitute of fire or energy, impotent, spiritless, dull , | ||||||
parivṛttatejas | mfn. spreading brilliance all around | ||||||
prāṇatejas | (ṇ/a--) mfn. whose splendour or glory is life or breath | ||||||
puruṣatejas | (p/u-) mfn. having a man's energy or manly vigour | ||||||
raktatejas | n. flesh | ||||||
rasatejas | n. "strength of the chyle", blood | ||||||
ravitejas | n. the radiance of the sun | ||||||
śakratejas | mfn. glorious or vigorous like indra- | ||||||
samānatejas | mfn. having equal splendour, equal in glory | ||||||
sāmatejas | (s/āma--) mfn. having the glory of a sāman- | ||||||
samṛddhatejas | mfn. endowed with splendour or strength | ||||||
sarvatejas | n. all splendour (See compound) | ||||||
sarvatejas | m. Name of a son of vyuṣṭa- | ||||||
śaśitejas | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- | ||||||
śaśitejas | m. of a serpent-demon | ||||||
śatatejas | mfn. (śat/a--) having a hundred-fold vital power etc. | ||||||
śatatejas | m. Name of a vyāsa- | ||||||
satejas | (s/a--) mfn. attended with splendour or energy or vital power etc. ( satejastva -tv/a- n.) | ||||||
satejastva | n. satejas | ||||||
sitatejas | mfn. having a white light | ||||||
somatejas | (s/oma--) mfn. having the splendour or power of soma- | ||||||
śrītejas | m. Name of a buddha- | ||||||
śrītejas | m. of a serpent-demon | ||||||
sumahātejas | mfn. very splendid or glorious | ||||||
sūryaprabhātejas | m. a particular samādhi- | ||||||
sūryatejas | n. sunshine | ||||||
sūryatejas | mfn. having the power or radiance of the sun | ||||||
sutejas | mfn. very sharp or sharp-edged | ||||||
sutejas | mfn. very bright, splendid | ||||||
sutejas | m. Name of a son of the gṛtsamada- | ||||||
sutejas | m. of the 10th arhat- of the past utsarpiṇī- (with jaina-s) | ||||||
svatejas | n. one's own splendour | ||||||
tigmatejas | mfn. (m/a--) idem or 'mfn. sharp-edged (an arrow) ' | ||||||
tigmatejas | mfn. of a violent character | ||||||
tigmatejas | m. the sun | ||||||
tulyatejas | mfn. equal in splendour. | ||||||
ugratejas | mfn. endowed with great or terrible energy | ||||||
ugratejas | m. Name of a nāga- | ||||||
ugratejas | m. of a buddha- | ||||||
ugratejas | m. of another divine being | ||||||
ūṇītejas | m. (etymology doubtful) Name of a buddha- | ||||||
uttamatejas | mfn. having extraordinary splendour, very glorious | ||||||
varuṇatejas | (v/a-) mfn. one whose vital power is varuṇa- id est water | ||||||
vātatejas | (v/āta--) mfn. strong as wind | ||||||
vāyutejas | (vāy/u--) mfn. having the sharpness of wind | ||||||
vidīptatejas | mfn. of bright splendour | ||||||
vinaṣṭatejas | mfn. (v/i-n-) one whose energy is lost, weak, feeble | ||||||
vṛkatejas | m. Name of a son of ślīṣṭi- and grandson of dhruva- |
tejas | तेजस् n. [तिज्-भावे करुणादै असुन्] 1 Sharpness. -2 The sharp edge (of a knife &c.). -3 The point or top of a flame. -4 Heat, glow. glare. -5 Lustre, light, brilliance, splendour; दिनान्ते निहितं तेजः R.4.1; तेजश्चास्मि विभावसौ Bg.7.9,1. -6 Heat or light considered as the third of the five elements of creation (the other four being पृथिवी, अप्, वायु and आकाश). -7 The bright appearance of the human body, beauty; अरिष्टशय्यां परितो विसारिणा सुजन्मनस्तस्य निजेन तेजसा R.3.15. -8 Fire of energy; शतप्रधानेषु तपोधनेषु गूढं हि दाहात्मकमस्ति तेजः Ś. 2.7; U.6.14. -9 Might, prowess, strength, courage, valour; martial or heroic lustre; तेजस्तेजसि शाम्यतु U. 5.7; Ś.7.15. -1 One possessed of heroic lustre; तेजसां हि न वयः समीक्ष्यते R.11.1; Pt.1.328;3.33. -11 Spirit, energy. -12 Strength of character, not bearing insult or ill-treatment with impunity. -13 Majestic lustre, majesty, dignity, authority, consequence; तेजोविशेषानुमितां (राजलक्ष्मीं) दधानः R.2.7. -14 Semen, seed, semen virile; स्याद्रक्षणीयं यदि मे न तेजः R.14.65; 2.75; दुष्यन्तेनाहितं तेजो दधानां भूतये भुवः Ś.4.3. -15 The essential nature of anything. -16 Essence, quintessence. -17 Spiritual, moral, or magical power. -18 Fire; यज्ञसेनस्य दुहिता तेज एव तु केवलम् Mb.3.239.9. -19 Marrow. -2 Bile. -21 The speed of a horse. -22 Fresh butter. -23 Gold. -24 Clearness of the eyes. -25 A shining or luminous body, light; ऋते कृशानोर्न हि मन्त्रपूतमर्हन्ति तेजांस्यपराणि हव्यम् Ku.1.51; Ś.4.2. -26 The heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile (पित्त). -27 The brain. -28 Violence, fierceness. -29 Impatience. -3 Anger; मित्रैः सह विरोधं च प्राप्नुते तेजसा वृतः Md.3.28.18. -31 The sun; उपप्लवांस्तथा घोरान् शशिनस्तेजसस्तथा Mb.12. 31.36. -Comp. -कर a. 1 illuminating. -2 granting vital power or strength. -पदम् a mark of dignity; तेजःपदं मणिमयं च हृतं शिरोभ्यः Bhāg.1.15.14. -बीजम् marrow. -भङ्गः 1 disgrace, destruction of dignity. -2 depression, discouragement. -भीरः f. shadow. -मण्डलम् a halo of light; सर्वा एतस्मिंस्तेजोमण्डल एकीभवन्ति Praśna. Up.4.2. -मात्रा sense-organ; स एतास्तेजोमात्राः समभ्याददानो हृदयमेवान्ववक्रामति Bṛi. Up.4.4.1. -मूर्तिः the sun; Ms.3.93. -रूपम् 1 the Supreme Spirit, Brahman. -2 the nature of light. -वृत्तम् 1 noble behaviour; Ms.9.33. -2 superior power or lustre. तेजस्वत् tējasvat तेजोवत् tējōvat तेजस्वत् तेजोवत् a. 1 Bright, brilliant, splendid. -2 Sharp, pungent. -3 Brave, heroic. -4 Energetic. |
tejasvin | तेजस्विन् a. (-नी f.) 1 Brilliant, bright. -2 Powerful, heroic, strong; न तेजस्तेजस्वी प्रसृतमपरेषां विषहते U.6.14; Ki.16.16. -3 Dignified, noble. -4 Famous, illustrious. -5 Violent; Bṛi. S.11.2. -6 Haughty. -7 Lawful. |
atejas | अतेजस् a. [न. ब.] 1 Not bright, dim. -2 Weak, feeble. -3 Insignificant; so अतेजस्क, अतेजस्विन्, -स् n. Dimness, shadow, darkness; absence of vigour, feebleness, dullness. |
tejas | n. sharpness; edge; heat, fire, bright flame, light, brilliance (sg. & pl.); splendour, beauty; energy, vigour, force, vi tality, strength; violence; influence; mental, moral, or magical power; dignity, majesty, glory; distinguished personage; semen virile; passion in philosophy (=ragas). |
tejaskāma | a. desirous of manly vigour; aiming at dignity or distinction; -vat, a. brilliant, splendid, glorious: -î, f. N. of a princess; -vi-tâ, f. energy; dignity, majesty; -vi-tva, n. splendour; -vín, a.sharp; bright; strong, energetic; dignified; glorious. |
atitejas | a. very brilliant, very mighty; m. sun; -vin, a. id. |
apagatatejaska | a. void of light; -prakâsa, a. id. |
nistejas | a. devoid of lustre; destitute of energy or vigour; spiritless, dull; -toya, a. destitute of water: -trina-pâdapa, a. destitute of water, grass, and trees. |
tejas | Is regarded by Schrader as having in the Rigveda the specific sense of ‘ axe.’ But in all the passages the sense of the ‘ bolt ’ of the god is adequate. |
tejasā | kaśyapasya TA.2.19.1c. |
tejasā | tviṣyā saha AVś.10.6.27d. |
tejasā | diśa (MS. diśā) ud dṛṃha VS.17.72; TS.; MS.2.10.6: 138.12; KS.18.4; śB. |
tejasā | mā sam anajmi (VārG. aṅgdhi) AG.1.21.2; VārG.5.35. |
tejasā | mā sam ukṣatu AVś.10.3.17e--25e. |
tejasā | saṃpipṛgdhi mā TB. Cf. varcasā etc. |
tejase | 'japālam VS.30.11; TB. |
tejase | tvā VS.15.8; 19.6; KS.40.2; TB.; Apś.2.6.5; 19.7.1. Cf. tejase vām. |
tejase | tvā brahmavarcasāya bhakṣayāmi śś.7.5.12. Cf. next. |
tejase | tvā śriyai yaśase balāyānnādyāya prāśnāmi HG.1.13.8. Cf. prec. |
tejase | ma ojase me varcase me vīryāya me varcodā varcase pavasva Apś.12.18.20. |
tejase | me varcodā varcase (Mś. me varcodāḥ) pavasva Apś.12.18.20; Mś. |
tejase | vām KS.39.1; Apś.16.33.1. Cf. tejase tvā. |
tejase | svāhā śB.; TB.; 6.4; BṛhU.6.3.8. |
tejasondantu | varcasā HG.1.16.5d; ApMB.2.22.12d. |
tejasvac | chiro astu me TB. Cf. varcasvac etc. |
tejasvad | astu me mukham TB.; Apś.22.26.3. Cf. varcasvad etc. |
tejasvad | dharo astu te AVś.18.3.71b. |
tejasvān | viśvataḥ pratyaṅ TB. Cf. varcasvān etc. |
tejasvantaṃ | mām āyuṣmantaṃ varcasvantaṃ manuṣyeṣu kuru TS. See āyuṣmantaṃ māṃ. |
tejasvi | nāv adhītam astu TA.8.1.1; 9.1.1; 10.1; TU.2.1.1; 3.1.1; KU.6.19. |
tejasvī | ca bhūyāsam TA.3.7.4. |
tejasvī | ca yaśasvī ca RVKh.10.85.1c. |
tejasvini | tejo me dehi MG.2.14.30. |
tejasā | all their power | SB 7.4.5-7 |
tejasā | and with fire | SB 9.7.25-26 |
tejasā | because of the effulgence | SB 10.51.34 |
SB 10.56.4 | ||
tejasā | by brilliance | SB 8.18.24-25 |
tejasā | by his effulgence | SB 10.56.5 |
tejasā | by His effulgence | SB 10.88.27-28 |
tejasā | by his strength | SB 10.72.11 |
tejasā | by influence | SB 1.15.12 |
SB 1.15.9 | ||
tejasā | by its effulgence | SB 5.24.3 |
tejasā | by prowess | SB 4.22.57 |
SB 7.5.45 | ||
SB 9.3.24 | ||
tejasā | by the effulgence | SB 10.51.23-26 |
SB 5.18.15 | ||
tejasā | by the potency | SB 12.8.29 |
tejasā | by the power | SB 10.63.28 |
SB 9.6.15-16 | ||
tejasā | by the power (that is, by his thunderbolt) | SB 10.59.11 |
tejasā | by the power of austerity | SB 6.7.32 |
tejasā | by the prowess | SB 1.18.42 |
SB 3.16.36 | ||
SB 6.11.20 | ||
tejasā | by the semen | SB 6.14.31 |
tejasā | by the Sudarśana cakra | SB 5.24.30 |
tejasā | effulgence | SB 6.1.34-36 |
tejasā | energy | SB 3.6.10 |
tejasā | of the strength of | SB 1.7.56 |
tejasā | passion | SB 10.89.3 |
tejasā | potency | SB 10.72.40 |
tejasā | power | SB 8.1.29 |
tejasā | power of advanced knowledge | SB 7.2.46 |
tejasā | prowess | SB 7.4.15 |
SB 8.15.25 | ||
tejasā | strength of consideration | SB 6.16.61-62 |
tejasā | temperature | SB 1.12.7 |
tejasā | whose potency | SB 10.50.25-28 |
tejasā | whose strength | SB 10.72.31 |
tejasā | with all power | CC Madhya 23.70 |
tejasā | with heat | SB 10.66.39 |
tejasā | with His effulgence | SB 10.51.23-26 |
tejasā | with prowess | SB 6.19.5 |
tejasā | with spiritual power | SB 6.10.13-14 |
tejasaḥ | from fire | SB 3.26.41 |
tejasaḥ | of fire | SB 12.4.15-19 |
SB 3.26.39 | ||
SB 3.26.40 | ||
tejasaḥ | of power | SB 10.54.41 |
SB 11.13.39 | ||
tejasaḥ | of the fire | SB 2.5.26-29 |
tejasaḥ | powerful | SB 1.3.44 |
tejasaḥ | powerful rays | SB 1.16.13-15 |
tejasaḥ | whose potencies | SB 10.27.3 |
tejasaḥ | whose potency | SB 10.52.19 |
tejasām | of all that is illuminating | SB 2.6.3 |
tejasām | prowess | SB 1.11.34 |
tejasam | whose spiritual power | SB 7.13.12-13 |
tejase | unto the powerful | SB 2.9.45 |
tejasi | in the fire | SB 4.23.16 |
tejasi | in the total fire of the material covering | SB 4.23.15 |
tejasī | the glares | SB 1.7.30 |
tejasi | unto the powerful | SB 1.19.1 |
tejastvam | effulgence | SB 3.26.39 |
tejasvī | brilliantly luminous | SB 11.7.45 |
tejasvī | powerful | SB 1.18.32 |
tejasvinām | brilliant | SB 4.30.39-40 |
tejasvinām | of all potent beings | SB 10.51.28 |
tejasvinām | of everything splendid | BG 10.36 |
tejasvinām | of the powerful | BG 7.10 |
acyuta-tejasā | being powerful by the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 9.6.33-34 |
ajita-tejasaḥ | from the fire released by Ajita, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 9.4.52 |
amita-tejasaḥ | whose power was unlimited | SB 11.7.24 |
asahya-tejasam | with an unbearable effulgence | SB 4.5.11 |
astra-tejasā | by the influence of your weapon | SB 1.7.28 |
bhagavat-tejasaḥ | of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 5.24.14 |
bhagavat-tejasā | with the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 7.1.43 |
brahma-tejasā | by dint of the Brahman effulgence | SB 4.1.39 |
brahma-tejasā | by brahminical power | SB 4.4.34 |
brahma-tejasā | with the effulgence of spiritual bliss | SB 5.9.17 |
brahma-tejasam | his (Jaḍa Bharata's) spiritual effulgence | SB 5.10.5 |
brahmāstra-tejasā | because of the heat of the brahmāstra nuclear weapon | SB 9.22.34 |
grasta-tejasaḥ | having lost all their personal strength | SB 6.9.20 |
kauśika-tejasā | by the prowess of Kauśika (Viśvāmitra) | SB 9.7.5-6 |
kṛṣṇa-tejasā | by the power of Lord Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.50.42 |
nija-uru-tejasam | whose unlimited power | SB 10.6.7 |
nistejasam | deprived of his power | SB 12.8.31 |
sambhṛta-tejasam | in full effulgence | SB 7.8.34 |
sarva-tejasam | named Sarvatejā (all-powerful) | SB 4.13.14 |
sva-tejasā | by Your radiance | BG 11.19 |
sva-tejasā | by its own effulgence | SB 3.26.20 |
sva-tejasā | by Your own potency | SB 3.33.8 |
sva-tejasā | by her order | SB 4.4.10 |
sva-tejasā | by personal influence | SB 4.13.23 |
sva-tejasā | by our prowess | SB 4.14.12 |
sva-tejasā | by his own prowess | SB 4.16.27 |
sva-tejasā | by his own prowess | SB 4.21.52 |
sva-tejasā | by His spiritual energy | SB 4.31.18 |
sva-tejasā | by my material strength | SB 5.17.22-23 |
sva-tejasā | by His own spiritual potency | SB 5.19.4 |
sva-tejasā | by His personal effulgence | SB 6.8.34 |
sva-tejasā | by His own effulgence | SB 7.8.24 |
sva-tejasā | by his personal effulgence | SB 8.11.26 |
sva-tejasā | by my own prowess | SB 9.1.20 |
sva-tejasā | by His own potency | SB 10.37.22 |
sva-tejasā | by His personal potency | SB 10.38.11 |
tat-tejasā | by the glaring effulgence of His body | SB 4.7.23 |
tat-tejasā | by His effulgence | SB 7.8.33 |
tejaḥ-tejase | the power of all power | SB 5.18.8 |
sva-tejasā | by Your radiance | BG 11.19 |
astra-tejasā | by the influence of your weapon | SB 1.7.28 |
uru-tejasā | by high temperature | SB 1.12.1 |
sva-tejasā | by its own effulgence | SB 3.26.20 |
sva-tejasā | by Your own potency | SB 3.33.8 |
brahma-tejasā | by dint of the Brahman effulgence | SB 4.1.39 |
sva-tejasā | by her order | SB 4.4.10 |
brahma-tejasā | by brahminical power | SB 4.4.34 |
tat-tejasā | by the glaring effulgence of His body | SB 4.7.23 |
yat-tejasā | by whose effulgence | SB 4.7.41 |
sva-tejasā | by personal influence | SB 4.13.23 |
sva-tejasā | by our prowess | SB 4.14.12 |
sva-tejasā | by his own prowess | SB 4.16.27 |
sva-tejasā | by his own prowess | SB 4.21.52 |
sva-tejasā | by His spiritual energy | SB 4.31.18 |
brahma-tejasā | with the effulgence of spiritual bliss | SB 5.9.17 |
sva-tejasā | by my material strength | SB 5.17.22-23 |
sva-tejasā | by His own spiritual potency | SB 5.19.4 |
sva-tejasā | by His personal effulgence | SB 6.8.34 |
bhagavat-tejasā | with the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 7.1.43 |
sva-tejasā | by His own effulgence | SB 7.8.24 |
tat-tejasā | by His effulgence | SB 7.8.33 |
sva-tejasā | by his personal effulgence | SB 8.11.26 |
vāmana-tejasā | by the brilliant effulgence of Lord Vāmana | SB 8.18.22 |
sva-tejasā | by my own prowess | SB 9.1.20 |
tvat-tejasā | by your effulgence | SB 9.5.7 |
acyuta-tejasā | being powerful by the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 9.6.33-34 |
kauśika-tejasā | by the prowess of Kauśika (Viśvāmitra) | SB 9.7.5-6 |
brahmāstra-tejasā | because of the heat of the brahmāstra nuclear weapon | SB 9.22.34 |
sva-tejasā | by His own potency | SB 10.37.22 |
sva-tejasā | by His personal potency | SB 10.38.11 |
kṛṣṇa-tejasā | by the power of Lord Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.50.42 |
bhagavat-tejasaḥ | of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 5.24.14 |
grasta-tejasaḥ | having lost all their personal strength | SB 6.9.20 |
ajita-tejasaḥ | from the fire released by Ajita, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 9.4.52 |
amita-tejasaḥ | whose power was unlimited | SB 11.7.24 |
asahya-tejasam | with an unbearable effulgence | SB 4.5.11 |
sarva-tejasam | named Sarvatejā (all-powerful) | SB 4.13.14 |
brahma-tejasam | his (Jaḍa Bharata's) spiritual effulgence | SB 5.10.5 |
sambhṛta-tejasam | in full effulgence | SB 7.8.34 |
tīvra-tejasam | exposing His great spiritual effulgence | SB 7.8.37-39 |
nija-uru-tejasam | whose unlimited power | SB 10.6.7 |
tejaḥ-tejase | the power of all power | SB 5.18.8 |
tīvra-tejasam | exposing His great spiritual effulgence | SB 7.8.37-39 |
tvat-tejasā | by your effulgence | SB 9.5.7 |
uru-tejasā | by high temperature | SB 1.12.1 |
nija-uru-tejasam | whose unlimited power | SB 10.6.7 |
vāmana-tejasā | by the brilliant effulgence of Lord Vāmana | SB 8.18.22 |
yat-tejasā | by whose effulgence | SB 4.7.41 |
tejas | noun (neuter) (in Sāṃkhya phil.) rajas (passion) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) (opposed to kṣamā) impatience (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a mystical name of the letter r (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a venerable or dignified person (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ardour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) authority (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) beauty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) brilliance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) clearness of the eyes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dignity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) efficacy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) energetic opposition (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) essence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fierceness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fiery energy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fresh butter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) glare (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) glory (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) glow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) gold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) light (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) majesty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) marrow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) person of consequence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) point or top of a flame or ray (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) semen virile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) spirit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) spiritual or moral or magical power or influence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) splendour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the bile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the brain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the bright appearance of the human body (in health) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the sharp edge (of a knife etc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) vital power (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 126/72933 | |
tejasa | noun (neuter) power (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 19389/72933 | |
tejaska | noun (neuter) tejas Frequency rank 35462/72933 | |
tejaskara | adjective granting vital power (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28238/72933 | |
tejaskāma | adjective desiring influence or authority or dignity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) longing for manly strength or vital power (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35463/72933 | |
tejaskāra | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 53790/72933 | |
tejastva | noun (neuter) the general notion of tejas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the nature or essence of light (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35464/72933 | |
tejasvant | adjective beautiful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bright (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) energetic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) glorious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sharp-edged (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) spirited (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) splendid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24135/72933 | |
tejasvin | adjective bright (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) brilliant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dignified (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) energetic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) inspiring respect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) noble (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) powerful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sharp (the eye) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) splendid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) violent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 2217/72933 | |
tejasvin | noun (masculine) name of a son of Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24134/72933 | |
tejasvinī | noun (feminine) mahājyotiṣmatī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a mythical town on mount Meru Frequency rank 16822/72933 | |
tejasvitā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 53791/72933 | |
tejasāṃrāśi | noun (masculine) the sun Frequency rank 53789/72933 | |
agnitejas | noun (masculine) one of the seven ṣis of the eleventh Manvantara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41682/72933 | |
atitejas | adjective Frequency rank 22854/72933 | |
atitejas | noun (neuter) excessive heat
sunstroke (G.J. Meulenbeld (0), 209) Frequency rank 42067/72933 | |
atejas | adjective dim (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not bright (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not vigorous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26198/72933 | |
atejasvin | adjective Frequency rank 42302/72933 | |
kaumāratejas | noun (masculine) [rel.] name of Agni Frequency rank 50263/72933 | |
gaurītejas | noun (neuter) abhra Frequency rank 27893/72933 | |
tigmatejas | noun (masculine) the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53529/72933 | |
divyatejas | noun (feminine neuter) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54457/72933 | |
nistejas | adjective destitute of fire or energy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dull (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) impotent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) spiritless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14995/72933 | |
bhūritejas | noun (neuter) gold Frequency rank 37926/72933 | |
bhūritejas | noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37927/72933 | |
mahatejas | noun (masculine) mercury Frequency rank 61633/72933 | |
mahātejas | noun (masculine) a hero (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) demigod (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mercury name of a king of the Garuḍas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a warrior (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Skanda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Subrahmaṇya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25004/72933 | |
rudratejas | noun (masculine) mercury Frequency rank 63740/72933 | |
vṛkatejas | noun (masculine) name of a man Frequency rank 66390/72933 | |
śatatejas | noun (masculine) name of a Vyāsa [during the 12th parivarta] (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30432/72933 | |
śivatejas | noun (neuter) mercury Frequency rank 67669/72933 | |
sutejas | noun (masculine) name of a son of Dhundhu
name of a son of the Gṛtsamada (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the 10th Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī (with Jainas) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 70821/72933 | |
haratejas | noun (neuter) quicksilver (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41372/72933 |