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91 results for tave
ad cl.2 P. /atti-, āda-, atsyati-, attum-, to eat, consume, devour, Vedic or Veda infinitive mood /attave- : Causal ād/ayati- and te- (once adayate-[ ]) to feed ([ confer, compare Lithuanian edmi; Slavonic or Slavonian jamjforjadmj; Greek ; Latin edo; Gothic rootAT present tense ita; German essen; English toeat, Armorican or the language of Brittany utem]). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anvito go after or alongside, to follow ; to seek ; to be guided by ; to fall to one's share ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood /anv-etave- to reach or join ([ ]), to imitate ([ ]) ; /anv-etav/ai-, to go along (with accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āpānaśālāf. a tavern, liquor shop View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
as cl.4 P. /asyati- (parasmE-pada /asyat-; imperfect tense /āsyat-,A.V.[ see parās-and vy-as-]; future parasmE-pada asiṣy/at-; Aorist āsthat-[ ; see vy-as-]; perf. P. āsa-[ see parās-] A1. āse-[ see vy-as-]; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood /astave- ) to throw, cast, shoot at (locative case dative case,or gen) etc. ; to drive or frighten away ; See also 1. ast/a- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atī( i-) cl.2 P. aty-eti-, -etum-, to pass by, elapse, pass over, overflow ; to pass on ; to get over ; (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood /aty-etavai-), to pass through ; to defer ; to enter ; to overcome, overtake, outdo ; to pass by, neglect ; to overstep, violate ; to be redundant ; to die: Intensive atīyate-, to overcome. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
av cl.1 P. /avati- (Imper. 2. sg. avatāt- , parasmE-pada /avat-; imperfect tense /āvat-,2. sg. 1. /āvaḥ-[for 2. /āvaḥ-See vṛ-]; perf. 3. sg. āva-,2. plural āv/a- , 2. sg. /āvitha-; Aorist /avit-,2. sg. āvīs-, avīs-and aviṣas-, Imper. aviṣṭu-,2. sg. aviḍḍh/i-[once ] or aviḍḍhi-[six times in ], 2. dual number aviṣṭam-,3. dual number,2. plural aviṣṭ/anā- preceding 3. sg. avyās-, infinitive mood /avitave- ;Ved. ind.p. āvyā- ) to drive, impel, animate (as a car or horse) ; Ved. to promote, favour, (chiefly Vedic or Veda) to satisfy, refresh ; to offer (as a hymn to the gods) ; to lead or bring to (dative case : ūt/aye-, v/āja-sātaye-, kṣatr/āya-, svast/aye-) ; (said of the gods) to be pleased with, like, accept favourably (as sacrifices, prayers or hymns) , (chiefly said of kings or princes) to guard, defend, protect, govern etc.: Causal (only imperfect tense avayat-,2. sg. āvayas-) to consume, devour ([ confer, compare Greek Latin aveo?]) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhṛ cl.1 P. A1. () bh/arati-, te- ; cl.3 P. A1. () b/ibharti- (bibh/arti-only ), bibhṛte- ; cl.2 P. bh/arti- (parasmE-pada P. b/ibhrat-, q.v; A1. bibhrāṇa-with act. meaning , bibhramāṇa-with pass. meaning ; perfect tense jabh/āra-, jabh/arat-; jabhre-, ajabhartana- ; babhāra-, babhṛma- etc.; parasmE-pada babhrāṇ/a-with pass. meaning ; bibharāmbabhūva- , rām-āsa- ; Aorist abhār- ; bhart/am-, bhṛt/am- ; abhṛta- grammar; abhārṣam- subjunctive bharṣat- ; abhāriṣam- ; preceding bhriyāsam-, yāt- ; future bhariṣyati- Conditional /abhariṣyat- ; bhart/ā- ; infinitive mood bh/artum-, bh/artave-, bh/artav/ai-,Ved.; bh/aradhyai- ; ind.p. -bh/ṛtya- etc.) , to bear, carry, convey, hold ("on"or"in" locative case) etc. ; to wear id est let grow (hair, beard, nails) etc. ; to balance, hold in equipoise (as a pair of scales) ; to bear id est contain, possess, have, keep (also"keep in mind") etc. ; to support, maintain, cherish, foster ; to hire, pay ; to carry off or along (A1. bharate-,"for one's self" id est gain, obtain, or =ferri"to be borne along") ; to bring, offer, procure, grant, bestow etc. ; to endure, experience, suffer, undergo ; to lift up, raise (the voice or a sound; A1. bharate-,also "to rise, be heard") ; to fill (the stomach) ; (with garbham-) to conceive, become pregnant (confer, compare under dhṛ-) ; (with kṣitim-) to take care of, rule, govern ; (with, ājñām-) to submit to, obey ; (with ūrjām-) to exert, employ : Passive voice bhriy/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist abhāri-), to be borne etc. etc. etc.: Causal bhārayati- (Aorist abībharat-), to cause to bear etc. ; to engage for hire : Desiderative b/ubhūrṣati- ( ), bibhariṣati- () , to wish to bear or support or maintain: Intensive b/aribharti- (3. plural bhrati- , where also 2. dual number jarbhṛt/aḥ-), barībharti- (), to bear repeatedly or continually, carry hither and thither. [ confer, compare Zend bar; Greek ; Latin fero; Slavonic or Slavonian brati; Gothic bai4ran; German beran,ge-ba0ren; English bear.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
car cl.1. c/arati-, rarely te- (subjunctive c/arat-,3 plural c/arān- ; perf. cac/āra-[ etc.] , 2 sg. cacartha- ; plural cerur-,etc.; ratur- etc.; A1. cere- ; future cariṣyati-, te-; Aorist acārīt-[ ]; infinitive mood c/aritum-[ ]or cartum-[ ] , Vedic or Veda car/adhyai-[ ], c/aritave-[ ], car/ase-[ ], car/āyai-[ ], caritos-[ ]; ind.p. caritv/ā- ; cartvā- ; cīrtvā-, ; parasmE-pada c/arat-) to move one's self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander (said of men, animals, water, ships, stars, etc.) etc. ; to spread, be diffused (as fire) ; to move or travel through, pervade, go along, follow etc. ; to behave, conduct one's self, act, live, treat (with instrumental case or locative case) etc. ; to be engaged in, occupied or busy with (instr exempli gratia, 'for example' yajñ/ena c-,"to be engaged in a sacrifice" ) etc. ; (with[ ]or without[ ] mithun/am-) to have intercourse with, have to do with (instrumental case) ; (with a parasmE-pada or adjective (cf. mfn.) or ind.p. or adverb) to continue performing or being (exempli gratia, 'for example' arcantaś cerur-,"they continued worshipping"; svāminam avajñāya caret-,"he may go on despising his master") etc. ; (in astronomy) to be in any asterism or conjunction ; to undertake, set about, under go, observe, practise, do or act in general, effect, make (exempli gratia, 'for example' vrat/āni-"to observe vows" etc.; vighnaṃ c-,"to put a hindrance"; bhaikṣaṃ c-"to beg"; vivādaṃ c-,"to be engaged in a lawsuit"; mṛgayāṃ c-,"to hunt" ; sambandhāṃś c-,"to enter into connections"; mārgaṃ cacāra bāṇaiḥ-,"he made a way with arrows"; tapasā indriyāṇi c-,to exercise one's organs with penance ) etc. ; to consume, eat (with accusative), graze ; to make or render (with double accusative) exempli gratia, 'for example' nar/endraṃ satya-sthaṃ carāma-,"let us make the king keep his word" : Causal cārayati-, to cause to move or walk about (Aorist /acīcarat-) ; to pasture ; to send, direct, turn, move etc. ; to cause any one (accusative) to walk through (accusative) ; to drive away from (ablative) ; to cause any one (accusative) to practise or perform (with accusative) ; to cause (any animal accusative) to eat ; to cause to copulate ; to ascertain (as through a spy instrumental case) ; to doubt (see vi--) : Desiderative cicariṣati-, to try to go (parasmE-pada cicarṣat-) ; to wish to act or conduct one's self ; to try to have intercourse with (instrumental case), : Intensive carcarīti- A1. or rarely ([ ]) Passive voice cañcūryate- (curīti-and cūrti- ; ind.p. cūrya- ; parasmE-pada once P. cūryat- ) to move quickly or repeatedly, walk about, roam about (in locative case) etc. ; to act wantonly or coquettishly (see ) ; ([ see, etc.])
cl.3. d/adāti- (plural dati- etc.; A1. datte- ;1. sg. dadmi- ; imperative d/adātu- plural dahu-;2. sg. daddh/i- ; deh/i-[ ] ;2. plural d/adāta- , tana- , datt/a- etc.;2. dual number tt/am- etc.; Potential dady/āt- etc.; imperfect tense /adadāt-; plural /adadur- ;2. dual number /adattam- etc.;2. plural ttana-, , /adadāta- ; subjunctive d/adat- , das- dan- parasmE-pada m. Nominal verb sg. d/adat- plural tas- etc.; parasmE-pada A1. d/adāna-, ; n/a-, ; sg. dadati-, ; plural danti-, ; imperative da-, ; data- ; Potential det- ; imperfect tense /adadat- ; A1. sg. d/adate- ; plural dante-, ; imperative sg. datām- ; dasva- etc.; imperfect tense plural /adadanta- ; parasmE-pada d/adamāna- ; Aorist /adāt-[ ], dat-, /adur-, d/ur-etc.; subjunctive 2. dual number dāsathas- [ confer, compare ]; Potential 1. plural deṣma- ; perfect tense dad/au-, d/ur-, d/athur-, datur-, d/o- etc.; Passive voice d/e-, ; dadade-, dāte-, dire- ; parasmE-pada genitive case dad/uṣas- , ṣām- ; Nominal verb dv/ān-, ; dāvan- ; accusative div/āṃsam-, [ confer, compare ]; future parasmE-pada dāsy/at- ; A1. syate-, syante-,1. sg. sye- ; preceding deyāt- ; infinitive mood dāv/ane- ; d/ātos-, ; tave-, ; d/ātav/ai-[ ] ; tum-, etc.: ind.p. dattv/āya-[ ] ; ttv/ā- etc.; -d/āya-[ ] etc.: Passive voice dīyate-[ ]; parasmE-pada y/amāna- ; Aorist adāyi- ; preceding dāsīṣṭa-, dāyis-, ) cl.1. d/āti- (; imperative tu-, ; confer, compare Va1rtt. 3 ) to give, bestow, grant, yield, impart, present, offer to (dative case,in later language also genitive case or locative case) etc. ; to give (a daughter, kanyām-) in marriage etc. ; to hand over ; (with haste-) ; to give back, ; to pay (daṇḍam-,"a fine"; ṛṇam-,"a debt", ) ; to give up, cede (āsanam-,"one's seat") ; (panthānam-or mārgam-,"to give up the road, allow to pass") and ; to sell (with instrumental case of the price), ; to sacrifice (ātmānam-,"one's self."; āt- khedāya-,"to give one's self up to grief", ) ; to offer (an oblation etc.) etc. ; to communicate, teach, utter (blessings, āśiṣas- ), give (answer, prati-vacas-, canam-, praty-uttaram- etc.), speak (satyaṃ vacas-,the truth, ; vacam-,to address a speech to [ dative case ] ) ; to permit, allow (with infinitive mood) ; to permit sexual intercourse ; to place, put, apply (in med.) etc. ; to add ; with varam-,"to grant a boon" etc. ; śoham-,"to cause grief", ; avakāśam-,"to give room or space, allow to enter" etc. ; prāṇān- or jīvitam-,"to spare any one's life" ; talam- or lān-, to slap with the palms of the hands ; la-prahāram-, to strike with the palm tālam-, to beat time with the hands ; saṃjñām-, to make a sign ; saṃketakam-, to make an appointment samayam-, to propose an agreement ; upamām-, to compare with [ genitive case ] ; paṭaham-, to proclaim with the drum ; śabdam-, to make a noise, call out ; śāpam-, to utter a curse etc. ; gāīh-. idem or 'm. fire ' ; anuyātram-, to accompany ; āliṅganane-, parirambhaṇam-, to embrace, ; jhampam-, to jump ; śrāddham-, to perform a śrāddha- ; vratakam-, to accomplish a vow ; yuddham-, niy-, saṃgrāmam-, to give battle, fight with ; ājñām- ādeśam-, to give an order, command, ; saṃdeśam-, to give information ; prayogam-, to give a dramatic representation vṛtim-, to fence in ; darśanam-, to show one's self ; dṛṣṭim-, dṛśam-, akṣi-, caksus-, to fix the eyes on (locative case) ; karṇam-, to give ear, listen ; manas-, to direct the mind to (locative case) ; kars- kapolam-, to rest the cheek on the hand ; nigaḍāni- to put on or apply fetters pāvakam-, to set on fire ; agnīn- to consume by fire ; śāram-, to move a chess-man ; argalam-, to draw a bolt, bar ; jānu-, to kneel upon (genitive case) ; padam-, to tread upon [loc.] ; to direct the steps ; viṣam-, to poison (with accusative !) ; garam- idem or 'm. fire ' (with genitive case) ; -- A1. to carry, hold, keep, preserve ; to show (Aorist adadiṣṭa-; aded-fr. diś- ) : Causal dāpayati- (; Aorist adīdapat-, ) to cause to give or be given, cause to bestow or present or give up, oblige to pay, make restore etc. ; to demand from (ablative) ; to cause to utter or speak ghoṣaṇām-, to cause to be made known ; to cause to place or advance, ; to cause to perform, to cause to be put on (locative case) : Desiderative d/itsati- (; parasmE-pada d/idāsat- ; d/itsat-, ; Potential tseyam- ; perfect tense 2. sg. didāsitha- ; confer, compare ) to wish to give, be ready to bestow etc. ; to wish to give in marriage etc.: Intensive dedīyate- ; ([ confer, compare ; Latin do;etc.])
dhā cl.3 P. A1. d/adhāti-, dhatt/e- etc. (P. dual number dadhv/as-, dhatth/as-, dhatt/as-[ ]; plural dadhm/asi-or m/as-, dhatth/a-, dādhati-; imperfect tense /adadhāt- plural dhur-, plural /adhatta-or /adadhāta- ; subjunctive d/adhat-or dhāt-[ ], dhas-, dhatas-, dhan-; Potential dadhy/āt-; imperative dādhātu- plural dhatu-;2. sg. dheh/i-[fr. dhaddhi-; confer, compare ] or dhattāt- ;2. plural dhatt/a-, , dhattana-, , d/adhāta-, ,or tana-, [ confer, compare ]; parasmE-pada d/adhat-, ti- m. plural tas-; A1.1. sg. dadh/e-[at once3. sg. equals dhatt/e- and= perfect tense A1.],2. sg. dh/atse-, or dhats/e- dual number dadh/āthe-, dh/āte-;2. plural dhidhv/e-[ confer, compare perfect tense ];3. plural d/adhate- ; imperfect tense /adhatta-, tthās-; subjunctive d/adhase-, [ ]; Potential d/adhīta- dadhīt/a-, ; imperative 2. sg. dhatsva-, or dadhiṣva-, ;2. plural dhaddhvam-[ ]or dadhidhvam- ,etc.;3. pl. dadhatām- ; parasmE-pada d/adhāna-) ; rarely cl.1 P. A1. dadhati-, te- ; only thrice cl.2 P. dh/āti- ; and once cl.4 A1. Potential dhāyeta- (pf.P. dadh/au-, dh/ātha-, dhatur-, dhim/ā-, dhur- etc.; A1. dadh/e-[ confer, compare proper ], dadhiṣ/e-or dhiṣe- ;2.3. dual number dadh/āthe-, dh/āte-,2. pl. dadhidhv/e-[ confer, compare proper ];3. plural dadhir/e-, dadhre-, ,or dhire-, ; parasmE-pada d/adhāna-[ confer, compare proper ]; Aorist P. /adhāt-, dh/āt-, dh/ās-; adh/ur-, dh/ur- etc.; Potential dheyām-, yur-; dhetana- ; 2. sg. dhāyīs- ; imperative dh/ātu-[ confer, compare ];2. plural dh/āta-or tana-,3. plural dhāntu- ; A1. adhita-, thās-, adhītām-, adhīmahi-, dhīmahi-, dhimahe-, dhāmahe- ;3. sg. ahita-, hita- ; subjunctive dh/ethe- , dhaithe-, ; imperative dhiṣv/ā-, ; P. adhat- ; dhat- ; P. dhāsur- subjunctive sathas-and satha- ; A1. adhiṣi-, ṣata- ; Potential dhiṣīya- [ ]; dheṣīya- ; future dhāsyati-, te-or dhātā- etc.; infinitive mood dh/ātum- etc.;Ved. also tave-, tav/ai-, tos-; dhiy/adhyai- ;Class. also -dhitum-; ind.p. dhitv/ā- ; hitvā-[ ], -dh/āya-and -dh/ām- : Passive voice dhīy/ate- etc.[ ] , p. dhīy/amāna- ; Aorist /adhāyi-, dh/āyi- [ ]; preceding dhāsīṣṭa-or dhāyiṣīṣṭa-[ ]) to put, place, set, lay in or on (locative case) etc. etc. (with daṇḍam-,to inflict punishment on [with locative case ,with genitive case ];with tat-padavyām padam-,to put one's foot in another's footstep id est imitate, equal ) ; to take or bring or help to (locative case or dative case;with ār/e-,to remove) ; (A1.) to direct or fix the mind or attention (cintām-, manas-, matim-, samādhim-etc.) upon, think of (locative case or dative case), fix or resolve upon (locative case dative case accusative with prati-or a sentence closed with iti-) ; to destine for, bestow on, present or impart to (locative case dative case or genitive case) etc. (Passive voice to be given or granted, fall to one's [dat.] lot or share ) ; to appoint, establish, constitute ; to render (with double accusative) ; to make, produce, generate, create, cause, effect, perform, execute etc. (Aorist with pūrayām-, mantrayām-, varayām-etc. equals pūrayām-etc. cakāra-) ; to seize, take hold of, hold, bear, support, wear, put on (clothes) etc. ; (A1.) to accept, obtain, conceive (especially in the womb), get, take (with /okas-or c/anas-,to take pleasure or delight in [loc. or dative case ]) ; to assume, have, possess, show, exhibit, incur, undergo : Causal -dhāpayati- (See antar-dhā-, śrad-dhā-etc.) : Desiderative dh/itsati-, te- () , to wish to put in or lay on (locative case) (Class. Passive voice dhitsyate-; dhitsya-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) ; d/idhiṣati-, te-, to wish to give or present ; (A1.) to wish to gain, strive after (parasmE-pada d/idhiṣāṇa-, ) : with avady/am-, to bid defiance (confer, compare didhiṣ/āyya-, didhiṣ/u-): Intensive dedhīyate- [ confer, compare Zend da1,dadaiti; Greek ,; Lithuanian dedu4,de4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian dedja,diti; Old Saxon duan,do7n, Anglo-Saxon do7n,; German tuan;tuon,thun.]
dhe cl.1 P. () dh/ayati- etc. (perfect tense dadhau-,3. plural dh/ur- ; Aorist -adhāt- ; adhāsīt-or adadhat- ; preceding dheyāt-, ; future dhāsyati- , dhātā- grammar; dative case infinitive mood dh/ātave- ; ind.p. dhītv/ā-and -dh/īya- ; -dhāya- grammar) to suck, drink, suck or drink in, take to one's self, absorb, appropriate etc. etc.: Passive voice dhīyate- grammar : Causal dhāp/ayāte- (confer, compare Va1rtt. 1 ) to give suck, nourish ; ti- (confer, compare anu-- dhe-) ; Aorist adīdhapat- grammar : Desiderative dhitsati- : Intensive dedhīyate-, dādheti-, and dādhāti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin fe1-lare; Gothic dadd-jan; German ta1-an,ta1-jan.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛ cl.1 P. A1. dharati-, te- (; A1. Potential dhareran- ), but more commonly in the same sense the Causal form dhārayati-, te- (perf. P. dh/āra-, dh/artha-[Impv. dadhartu- ]; A1. dadhr/e-,3. plural dhrir/e- etc.; Aorist adhāram- ; adhṛta-, dhṛthās- ; /adīdharat- etc.[ dīdhar-, didhṛtam-, ta- ;3. plural rata- ]; adārṣīt- grammar; future dhariṣyati- ; ṣy/e- ; dhartā- ; infinitive mood dhartum- , tavai- [ dhart/ari-See under tṛ-]; ind.p. dhṛtvā-, -dhṛtya- ) to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo etc. ; (with or scil ātmānam-, jīvitam-, prāṇān-, deham-, śarīram-etc.) to preserve soul or body, continue living, survive etc. (especially future dhariṣyati-; confer, compare Passive voice below) ; to hold back, keep down, stop, restrain, suppress, resist etc. ; to place or fix in, bestow or confer on (locative case) etc. ; to destine for (dative case; A1.also to be destined for or belong to) ; to present to (genitive case) ; to direct or turn (attention, mind, etc.) towards, fix or resolve upon (locative case or dative case) ; A1. to be ready or prepared for ; P. A1. to owe anything (accusative) to (dative case or genitive case) (confer, compare ) ; to prolong (in pronunciation) ; to quote, cite ; (with garbham-) to conceive, be pregnant (older bham-bhṛ-) etc. ; (with daṇḍam-) to inflict punishment on (locative case) (also damam-) ; (with keśān-,or śmaśru-) to let the hair or beard grow ; (with raśmīn-[ ] or praharān-[ ]) to draw the reins tight ; (with dharamam-) to fulfil a duty ; (with vrat/am-) to observe or keep a vow etc. ; (with dhāraṇām-) to practise self-control ; (wit. ipas-) to perform penance ; (with mūrdhnā-or dhni-, śirasā-or si-) to bear on the head, honour highly ; (with or scilicet tulayā-) to hold in a balance, weigh, measure etc. ; (with or scilicet manasā-) to bear in mind, recollect, remember ; (with samaye-) to hold to an agreement, cause to make a compact (Bombay edition dṛṣṭvā-for dhṛtvā-): Passive voice dhriy/ate- (Epic also yati-; perfect tense dadhr/e-etc. = A1.; Aorist adhāri-) to be borne etc. ; so be firm, keep steady etc. ; continue living, exist, remain etc. (also dhāryate- ) ; to begin, resolve upon, undertake (dative case; accusative or infinitive mood) : Causal dhār/ayati-, te- See above: Desiderative didhīrṣati- (See ṣā-), didhariṣate- ; didhārayiṣati-, to wish to keep up or preserve (ātmānam-) : Intensive d/ardharti- () and dādharti- (3. plural dhrati- ; confer, compare ) to hold fast, bear firmly, fasten. [ confer, compare Zend dar; Greek ,; Latin fre1-tus,fre1-num.]
dhvajam. the sign of any trade (especially of a distillery or tavern) and the business there carried on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidaṇḍinm. "carrying 2 staves", a kind of mendicant () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.3 P. j/igāti- (; jagāti-, (varia lectio); subjunctive j/igāt-; imperative j/igātu-; Aorist agāt-;3. plural agan- ; subjunctive [1. sg. geṣam-See anu--and upa--],2. sg. g/ās-,3. sg. gāt-,2. plural gāt/a-,3. plural gur-;[ perf. jigāya-See ud--], perf. Potential jagāyāt-[ ] ; infinitive mood g/ātave- ;in Class. Sanskrit only the Aorist P. agāt-occurs, for A1.See adhi--; Aorist Passive voice agāyi-, agāsātām- on ; cl.2 P. g/āti- ; A1. gāte- ) to go, go towards, come, approach (with accusative or locative case) etc. ; to go after, pursue ; to fall to one's (dative case) share, be one's (accusative) due, ; to come into any state or condition (accusative), undergo, obtain etc. ; to go away (from ablative;to any place locative case) ; to come to an end ; to walk (on a path accusative or instrumental case) ; (jigāti-) to be born on : Desiderative jigīṣati-, to desire to go ; ([ confer, compare , ; Old German ga1m,ga1s,etc.; Gothic ga-tvo; English go.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gam Ved. cl.1 P. g/amati- (; subjunctive gamam-, g/amat-[ gamātas-, gamātha- ], gamāma-, gaman- ; Potential gam/ema- ; infinitive mood g/amadhyai- ) : cl.2 P. g/anti- (; imperative 3. sg. gantu-,[2. sg. gadhi-See ā--,or gahi-See adhi--, abhy-ā--, ā--, upā--],2. plural g/antā-or gantana- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /agan-[ ] , 1. plural /aganma-[ ; confer, compare ] , 3. plural /agman- ; subjunctive [or Aorist subjunctive confer, compare ]1. plural ganma-,3. plural gm/an- ; Potential 2. sg. gamyās- ; preceding 3. sg. gamy/ās- ; pr. p. gm/at-, ) : cl.3 P. jaganti- (; Potential jagamyām-, yāt- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. ajagan-,2. plural ajaganta-or tana- ) : Ved. and Class. cl.1 P. (also A1. etc.) , with substitution of gacch- ([= ]) for gam-, g/acchati- (confer, compare ; subjunctive cchāti- ;2. sg. gacchās-[ ] or gacchāsi-[ ];2. plural gacchāta- ;3. plural g/acchān- ; imperfect tense /agacchat-; Potential gacchet-; pr. p. g/acchat- etc.; Aorist agamat- ;for A1.with prepositions confer, compare future gamiṣyati- etc.; 1st future g/antā-[ ] etc.; perf. 1. sg. jagamā-[ ],3. sg. jagāma-,2. dual number jagmathur-,3. plural jagm/ur- etc.; parasmE-pada jaganv/as-[ etc.] or jagmivas- f. jagm/uṣī- etc.;Ved. infinitive mood g/antave-, g/antav/ai-;Class. infinitive mood gantum-:Ved. ind.p. gatvāya-, gatv/ī-;Class. ind.p. gatv/ā-[ etc.] , with prepositions -gamya-or -gatya- ) to go, move, go away, set out, come etc. ; to go to or towards, approach (with accusative or locative case or dative case [ ; confer, compare ] or prati-[ ]) etc. ; to go or pass (as time exempli gratia, 'for example' kāle gacchati-,time going on, in the course of time) ; to fall to the share of (accusative) etc. ; to go against with hostile intentions, attack ; to decease, die ; to approach carnally, have sexual intercourse with (accusative) etc. ; to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain (exempli gratia, 'for example' mitratāṃ gacchati-,"he goes to friendship" id est he becomes friendly) etc. ; jānubhyām avanīṃ-gam-,"to go to the earth with the knees", kneel down ; dharaṇīṃ mūrdhnā-gam-,"to go to the earth with the head", make a bow ; m/anasā-gam-, to go with the mind, observe, perceive ; (without m/anasā-) to observe, understand, guess ; (especially Passive voice gamyate-,"to be understood or meant") and ; doṣeṇa- or doṣato-gam-, to approach with an accusation, ascribe guilt to a person (accusative) : Causal gamayati- (; imperative 2. sg. Ved. gamayā-or gāmaya-[ ] , 3. sg. gamayatāt- ; perf. gamay/āṃ cakāra- etc.) to cause to go ( ) or come, lead or conduct towards, send to (dative case ), bring to a place (accusative [ ] or locative case) etc. ; to cause to go to any condition, cause to become etc. ; to impart, grant ; to send away ; "to let go", not care about ; to excel ; to spend time etc. ; to cause to understand, make clear or intelligible, explain ; to convey an idea or meaning, denote ; (causal of the causal) to cause a person (accusative) to go by means of jigamiśati- another : Desiderative j/igamiṣati- ( jigāṃsate- ; imperfect tense ajigāṃsat- ) to wish to go, be going ; to strive to obtain ; to wish to bring (to light, prak/āśam-) : Intensive j/aṅganti- (), jaṅgamīti- or jaṅgamyate- ( ), to visit (parasmE-pada g/anigmat-) (imperfect tense aganīgan-) ; ([ confer, compare ; Gothic qvam; English come; Latin venioforgvemio.])
gañjāf. a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gañjikāf. a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guñjāf. (equals gañjā-) a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
han cl.2 P. () hanti- (3. dual number hat/aḥ-,3. plural ghnanti-;rarely A1. hate-,3. plural ghnate-;and cl.1. hanati-, Vedic or Veda also jighnate-, ti-; Potential hanyāt- also h/anīta-, ghnīta-; imperative jah/i- handh/i-; imperfect tense /ahan-, Vedic or Veda and Epic also ahanat-, ahanan-, aghnanta-; parasmE-pada jaghnat-, ghnamāna- ; perfect tense jagh/āna-, jaghn/uḥ- Epic also jaghne-, nire- subjunctive jagh/anat- ; parasmE-pada jaghniv/as-, Vedic or Veda also jaghanvas-; Aorist ahānīt- [ confer, compare vadh-]; future hantā- ; haṃsyati- ; haniṣy/ati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood h/antum-,Ved. also h/antave-, tav/ai-, toḥ-; ind.p. hatv/ā-,Ved. also tv/ī-, tvāya-, -hatya-; -hanya- ; -gh/ātam- etc.) , to strike, beat (also a drum) , pound, hammer (accusative), strike etc. upon (locative case) etc. ; to smite, slay, hit, kill, mar, destroy ; to put to death, cause to be executed ; to strike off ; to ward off, avert ; to hurt, wound (the heart) ; to hurl (a dart) upon (genitive case) ; (in astronomy) to touch, come into contact ; to obstruct, hinder ; to repress, give up, abandon (anger, sorrow etc.) ; (?) to go, move : Passive voice hany/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist avadhi-or aghāni-), to be struck or killed etc. etc.: Causal ghātayati-, te- (properly a ghāta- q.v; Aorist ajīghatat-or ajīghanat-), to cause to be slain or killed, kill, slay, put to death, punish etc. ; to notify a person's death (kaṃsaṃ ghātayati- equals kaṃsa-vadham ācaṣṭe-) Va1rtt. 6 ; to mar, destroy (varia lectio): Desiderative j/ighāṃsati-, te- (Potential jighāṃsīyat- ; imperfect tense ajighāṃsīḥ- ), to wish to kill or destroy etc. etc.: Intensive j/aṅghanti- (; parasmE-pada jaṅghanat-, j/aṅghnat-or gh/anighnat-), jaṅghanyate- (with pass. sense ), jeghnīyate- () , to strike = tread upon (locative case or accusative) ; to slay, kill ; to dispel (darkness) , destroy (evil, harm) ; to hurt, injure, wound [ confer, compare Greek , ; , ; Latin de-fendere,of-fendere; Lit.genu,gi4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian gu8nati.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havītuSee su-havītu-nāman- and hve- (for dative case h/avītave-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hetum. "impulse", motive, cause, cause of, reason for (locative case,rarely dative case or genitive case; hetunā-, hetoḥ-, hetave-, hetau-,"for a cause or reason","by reason of","on account of"[with genitive case or compound exempli gratia, 'for example' mama hetoḥ-or mad-dhetoḥ-,"on account of me"]; kaṃ hetum-or ko heṭuḥ-,"wherefore?""why?" ; yato hetoḥ-,"because"; anena hetunā-or iti hetoḥ-,"for this reason"; mṛtyu-hetave-,"in order to kill"; hetur alaukikaḥ-,"a supernatural cause"; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' hetu-also ="having as a cause or motive","caused or effected or actuated or attracted or impelled by" exempli gratia, 'for example' karma-hetu-,"caused by the acts [of a former existence]"; māṃsa-hetu-,"attracted by [the smell of] flesh"; karma-phala-hetu-,"impelled by [the expectation of] the consequences of any act") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hṛ cl.1 P. A1. () h/arati-, te- (once in harmi-,and once in Scholiast or Commentator on -jiharti-; perfect tense P. jahāra-, jah/artha-, jahruḥ-[ -jaharuḥ-?] etc.; A1. jahre- etc.; Aorist ahār-, ahṛthās- ; ahārṣīt- etc. etc.; 3. plural A1. ahṛṣata- ; preceding hriyāt-, hṛṣīṣṭa- grammar; future hartā- etc.; hariṣyati-, te- ; Conditional ahariṣyat- ; infinitive mood h/artum-, tos-, tave-, tav/ai- ; haritum- ; ind.p. hṛtvā-, -h/āram- etc.; -h/ṛtya- etc.), to take, bear, carry in or on (with instrumental case), carry, convey, fetch, bring etc. ; to offer, present (especially with balim-) etc. ; to take away, carry off, seize, deprive of, steal, rob ; to shoot or cut or hew off, sever (the head or a limb) etc. ; to remove, destroy, dispel, frustrate, annihilate ; to turn away, avert (the face) ; A1. (older and more correct than P.), to take to one's self, appropriate (in a legitimate way), come into possession of (accusative), receive (as an heir), raise (tribute), marry (a girl) etc. ; to master, overpower, subdue, conquer, win, win over (also by bribing) etc. ; to outdo, eclipse, surpass ; to enrapture, charm, fascinate etc. ; to withhold, withdraw, keep back, retain etc. ; to protract, delay (with kālam-,"to gain time") ; (in arithmetic) to divide : Passive voice hriy/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist ahāri-), to be taken or seized etc. etc. etc.: Causal hārayati-, te- (Aorist ajīharat-; Passive voice hāryate-), to cause to be taken or carried or conveyed or brought by (instrumental case or accusative; confer, compare ) or to (dative case) etc. ; to cause to be taken away, appropriate, seize, rob ; to have taken from one's self, be deprived of, lose (especially at play) ; (harayate-) See pra-hṛ- ; (hārāpayati-), to lose (at play) : Desiderative j/ihīrṣati-, te- (confer, compare jihīrṣā-, ṣu-), to wish to take to one's self or appropriate, covet, desire, long for etc. ; (with kālam-), to wish to gain time : Intensive jehrīyate-; jarharīti-, jarīharīti-, jarharti-, jarīharti- (confer, compare saṃ-hṛ-) grammar ([ confer, compare Greek .]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hve cl.1 P. A1. () hv/ayati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also h/avate-and huv/ati-, te-; other present forms are hve- ; hvāmahe- ; h/oma-, hūm/ahe-, juhūm/asi- ; p. huvān/a-[with pass. sense] ; hvayāna- ; perfect tense juhāva-, juhuvuḥ- etc.; juhv/e-, juhūr/e- ; juhuve-, huhurire- ; hvayāṃ-āsa-and hvayāṃ-cakre- ; Aorist /ahvat-, ahvata-[or ahvāsta- ] etc. etc.; ahvi- ; /ahūmahi-, ahūṣata- ; ahvāsīt-[?] ; future hvātā- grammar; hvayiṣyati-, te- ; hvāsyate- ; infinitive mood Class. hvātum-; Vedic or Veda h/avitave-, hv/ayitum-, tav/ai-; huv/adhyai-; ind.p. Class. hūtvā-;Ved. -h/ūya-and -hāvam-), to call, call upon, summon, challenge, invoke (with nāmnā-,"to call by name"; with yuddhe-,"to challenge to fight") etc. ; to emulate, vie with : Passive voice hūy/ate- (Aorist /ahāvi-,or ahvāyi-), to be called etc. : Causal hvāyayati- (Aorist ajūhavat-or ajuhāvat-), to cause anyone (accusative) to be challenged by (instrumental case) : Desiderative juhūṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive johūyate- or j/ohavīti- (johuvanta-, ajohavuḥ-, j/ohuvat-, j/ohuvāna- ) or johoti- (grammar), to call on, invoke etc. [ confer, compare Greek .]
i cl.2 P. /eti- (imperative 2. sg. ih/i-) and 1. P. A1. /ayati-, ayate- ([ confer, compare ay-]), (perfect tense iyāya-[2. sg. iy/atha- , and iy/etha- ] future eṣyati-; Aorist aiṣīt-; infinitive mood etum-, /etave- and , /etav/ai- /etos- ity/ai- ) to go, walk ; to flow ; to blow ; to advance, spread, get about ; to go to or towards (with accusative), come etc. ; to go away, escape, pass, retire ; to arise from, come from ; to return (in this sense only future) ; (with punar-) to come back again, return etc. ; to succeed ; to arrive at, reach, obtain etc. ; to fall into, come to ; to approach with prayers, gain by asking (confer, compare ita-) ; to undertake anything (with accusative) ; to be employed in, go on with, continue in any condition or relation (with a participle or instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' asura-rakṣasāni mṛdyamānāni yanti-,"the asura-s and Rakshases are being continually crushed" ; gavāmayaneneyuḥ-,"they, were engaged in the [festival called] gavāmayana-" ) ; to appear, be : Intensive A1. /īyate- (; parasmE-pada iyān/a- ; infinitive mood iy/adhyai- ) to go quickly or repeatedly ; to come, wander, run, spread, get about ; to appear, make one's appearance ; to approach any one with requests (with two accusative), ask, request : Passive voice /īyate-, to be asked or requested : Causal āyayati-, to cause to go or escape ; ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin e-o,i1-mus,i-ter,etc.; Lithuanian ei-mi4,"I go"; Slavonic or Slavonian i-du7,"I go",i-ti,"to go"; Gothic i-ddja,"I went."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jan cl.1. ([ ]) and cl.10. j/anati-, te- (subjunctive janat- ; nāt- ; A1. nata- ; imperfect tense /ajanat- ; parasmE-pada j/anat-), jan/ayati-, te- (in later language only P. ; subjunctive n/ayat-; imperfect tense /ajanayat-; Aorist /ajījanat-; parasmE-pada jan/ayat-; infinitive mood j/anayitavai- ) , twice cl.3. (subjunctive jaj/anat- [ ] ; confer, compare ; proper jajanti- ; Aorist A1. j/aniṣṭa-; A1. /ajani- ; perf. jaj/āna-; 3. plural jajñ/ur- etc.; once jajan/ur-, ; parasmE-pada jñivas-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood j/anitos-, ;[ ];Ved. ind.p. nitv/ī- ) to generate, beget, produce, create, cause etc. ; to produce (a song of praise, etc.) ; (cl.10. or Causal) to cause to be born ; to assign, procure ; cl.4. j/āyate- (Epic also ti-; imperfect tense /ajāyata-; pr. p. jayamāna-;fut. janiṣyate-;aor. /ajaniṣṭa-;1.[ ] and 3. sg. /ajani-; 3. sg. j/ani-, ; j/āni-, ; perf. jajñ/e-,2. sg. jñiṣ/e-3. plural jñir/e-, parasmE-pada jñān/a-) and ([ ]) cl.2. (?) A1. (2. sg. jañiṣ/e-,2. plural jiñre-, niṣvā-[ ], nidhvam- confer, compare ; imperfect tense 3. p. ajñata-[ Aorist ] ) , twice cl.1 A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural ajanatā- ; parasmE-pada j/anamāna-, ) to be born or produced, come into existence etc. ; to grow (as plants, teeth) ; to be born as, be by birth or nature (with double Nominal verb) ; to be born or destined for (accusative) (varia lectio jayate-for jāy-) ; to be born again ; to become, be etc. ; to be changed into (dative case) ; to take place, happen ; to be possible or applicable or suitable ; to generate, produce : Passive voice janyate-, to be born or produced : Desiderative jijaniṣati-, : Intensive jañjanyate- and jājāy-, (confer, compare ) ; ([ confer, compare Latin gigno,(g)nascor; Hibernian or Irish genim,"I beget, generate."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ji cl.1. j/ayati-, te- (imperfect tense /ajayat-; Aorist ajaiṣīt-,Ved. /ajais-,1. plural /ajaiṣma-, j/eṣma-,2. sg. jes-and A1. j/eṣi- subjunctive j/eṣat-, ṣas-, ṣāma- ; Aorist A1. ajeṣṭa-; future 1st. j/etā- etc.; future jeṣy/ati-, ; perfect tense jig/āya-[ ], jigetha-, jigyur-; parasmE-pada jigīv/as-[ giv/as- ; accusative plural gy/uṣas-] etc.; infinitive mood jiṣ/e-, ; j/etave- ; Classical jetum-: Passive voice jīyate-, ajīyata-[ ], ajāyi-, jāyiṣyate-;for j/īyate-and cl.9. jin/āti-See jyā-) to win or acquire (by conquest or in gambling), conquer (in battle), vanquish (in a game or lawsuit), defeat, excel, surpass etc. (with p/unar-,"to reconquer" ) ; to conquer (the passions), overcome or remove (any desire or difficulties or diseases) etc. ; to expel from (ablative) ; to win anything (accusative) from (accusative), vanquish anyone (accusative) in a game (accusative) ; to be victorious, gain the upper hand ; often proper in the sense of an imperative "long live!""glory to" etc.: Causal jāpayati- () to cause to win ; (Aorist 2. pl, /ajījipata-and /ajījap-) ; to conquer (Aorist ajījayat-): Passive voice jāpyate-, to be made to conquer : Desiderative j/igīṣati-, te- (; parasmE-pada ṣat-, ṣamāṇa-) to wish to win or obtain or conquer or excel etc. ; (A1.) to seek for prey : Intensive jejīyate- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jīvātuf. life etc. (dative case tave-;once tvai- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalukkāf. a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛ Ved. (I) cl.2 P. 2. sg. k/arṣi- dual number kṛth/as- plural kṛth/a-; A1. 2. sg. kṛṣ/e-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /akar-, 3. sg. rarely /akat- () ; 3. dual number /akartām-; plural /akarma-, /akarta- (also ), /akran- (Aorist,according to ); A1. /akri- (), /akṛthās- (), /akṛta- (); akrātām- (), /akrata- ( ) : imperative kṛdh/i- (also ), kṛt/am-, kṛt/a-; A1. kṛṣv/a-, kṛdhv/am-; subjunctive 2. and 3. sg. kar- plural k/arma-, k/arta- and kartana-, kran-; A1. 3. sg. kṛta- () , 3. plural kr/anta- () : Potential kriyāma- (); pr. p. P. (Nominal verb plural) kr/antas- A1. krāṇ/a-. (II) cl.1 P. k/arasi-, k/arati-, k/arathas-, k/aratas-, k/aranti-; A1. k/arase-, k/arate-, k/arāmahe-: imperfect tense /akaram-, /akaras-, /akarat- (Aorist,according to ) : imperative k/ara-, k/aratam-, k/aratām-: subjunctive k/aram-, k/arāṇi-, k/aras-, k/arat-, k/arāma-, k/aran-; A1. karāmahai-; pr. p. f. k/arantī- () (III) cl.5 P. kṛṇ/omi-, ṇ/oṣi-, ṇ/oti-, kṛṇuth/as-, kṛṇm/as- and kṛṇmasi-, kṛṇuth/a-, kṛṇv/anti-; A1. kṛṇv/e-, kṛṇuṣ/e-, kṛṇut/e-, 3. dual number kṛṇv/aite- (); plural kṛṇm/ahe-, kṛṇv/ate-: imperfect tense /akṛṇos-, /akṛṇot-, /akṛṇutam-, /akṛṇuta- and ṇotana- (), /akṛṇvan-; A1. 3. sg. /akṛṇuta- plural /akṛṇudhvam-, /akṛṇvata-: imperative kṛṇ/u- or kṛṇuh/i- or kṛṇut/āt-, kṛṇ/otu-, kṛṇut/am-, kṛṇut/ām-, 2. plural kṛṇut/a- or kṛṇ/ota- or kṛṇ/otana-, 3. plural kṛṇv/antu-; A1. kṛṇuṣv/a-, kṛṇut/ām-, kṛṇv/āthām-, kṛṇudhv/am-: subjunctive kṛṇ/avas-, ṇ/avat- or ṇ/avāt-, kṛṇ/avāva-, ṇ/avāma-, ṇ/avātha-, ṇ/avatha-, ṇ/avan-; A1. kṛṇ/avai- (once ṇavā- ), kṛṇavase- (also varia lectio ṇvase-), kṛṇavate-, kṛṇ/avāvahai-, kṛṇ/avāmahai-, 3. plural kṛṇ/avanta- () or kṛṇavante- or kṛṇvata- () : Potential A1. kṛṇvīt/a-; pr. p. P. kṛṇv/at- (f. vat/ī-) A1. kṛṇvāṇ/a-. (IV) cl.8. (this is the usual formation in the brāhmaṇa-s; sūtra-s, and in classical Sanskrit) P. kar/omi- (Epic kurmi- ); kurv/as-, kuruth/as-, kurut/as-, kurm/as- ([ kulmas-in an interpolation after ]), kuruth/a-, kurv/anti-; A1. kurv/e-, etc., 3. plural kurv/ate- () : imperfect tense akaravam-, akaros-, akarot-, akurva-, etc.; A1. 3. sg. akuruta- plural akurvata-: imperative kuru-, karotu- (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. kurutāt-,3. sg. also ), kuruta- or kurutana- (); A1. kuruṣva-, kurudhvam-, kurv/atām-: subjunctive karavāṇi-, karavas-, vāt-, vāva- or vāvas- ( ), vāma- or vāmas- (), vātha-, van-; A1. karavai-, kuruthās-, karavāvahai- (; he- ), karavaithe-, vaite- ( , ), vāmahai-(he- ) : Potential P. kuryām- A1. kurvīya- (); pr. p. P. kurv/at- (f. vat/ī-); A1. kurvāṇ/a-: perf. P. cak/āra-, cak/artha-, cakṛv/a-, cakṛm/a-, cakr/a- (); A1. cakr/e-, cakrir/e-; parasmE-pada cakṛvas- (accusative cakr/uṣam- ); A1. cakrāṇa- () : 2nd future kariṣy/ati-; subjunctive 2. sg. kariṣy/ās- (); 1st future k/artā-: preceding kriyāsam-: Aorist P. Ved. cakaram- (), acakrat- (), /acakriran- (); A1. 1. sg. kṛske- (); Class. akārṣīt- ( ;once akāraṣīt- ); Passive voice Aorist reflex. akāri- and akṛta- ( ) : infinitive mood k/artum-, Ved. k/artave-, k/artav/ai-, k/artos- (See ss.vv.); ind.p. kṛtv/ā-, Ved. kṛtv/ī- ([ ]) and kṛtv/āya- ([ ]) ; to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake etc. ; to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (genitive case or locative case) etc. ; to execute, carry out (as an order or command) ; to manufacture, prepare, work at, elaborate, build ; to form or construct one thing out of another (ablative or instrumental case) etc. ; to employ, use, make use of (instrumental case) etc. ; to compose, describe ; to cultivate (confer, compare ) ; to accomplish any period, bring to completion, spend (exempli gratia, 'for example' varṣāṇi daśa cakruḥ-,"they spent ten years"; kṣaṇaṃ kuru-,"wait a moment"; confer, compare kritakṣaṇa-) ; to place, put, lay, bring, lead, take hold of (accusative or locative case or instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' ardh/aṃ-kṛ-,to take to one's own side or party, cause to share in(genitive case;See 2. ardh/a-); haste-or pāṇau-kṛ-,to take by the hand, marry ; hṛdayena-kṛ-,to place in one's heart, love ; hṛdi-kṛ-,to take to heart, mind, think over, consider ; manasi-kṛ- idem or 'f. (equals kuhī-) a fog ' ;to determine, purpose [ ind.p. si-kṛtvā-or si-kṛtya-] ; vaśe-kṛ-,to place in subjection, become master of ) ; to direct the thoughts, mind, etc. (m/anas-[ etc.] or buddhim-[ ] or matim-[ ]or bhāvam-[ ], etc.) towards any object, turn the attention to, resolve upon, determine on (locative case dative case infinitive mood,or a sentence with iti- exempli gratia, 'for example' mā śoke manaḥ kṛthāḥ-,do not turn your mind to grief ; gamanāya matiṃ cakre-,he resolved upon going ; alābuṃ samutsraṣṭuṃ manaś cakre-,he resolved to create a gourd ; draṣṭā tavāsmīti matiṃ cakāra-,he determined to see him ) ; to think of (accusative) ; to make, render (with two accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' ādityaṃ kāṣṭhām akurvata-,they made the sun their goal ) etc. ; to procure for another, bestow, grant (with genitive case or locative case) etc. ; A1. to procure for one's self, appropriate, assume ; to give aid, help any one to get anything (dative case) ; to make liable to (dative case) ; to injure, violate (exempli gratia, 'for example' kanyāṃ-kṛ-,to violate a maiden) ; to appoint, institute ; to give an order, commission ; to cause to get rid of, free from (ablative or -tas-) ; to begin (exempli gratia, 'for example' cakre śobhayitum purīm-,they began to adorn the city) ; to proceed, act, put in practice etc. ; to worship, sacrifice ; to make a sound (svaram-or śabdam-) ( ), utter, pronounce (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with the sounds phaṭ-, phut-, bhāṇ-, v/aṣaṭ-, svadh/ā-, sv/āhā-, hiṃ-), pronounce any formula () ; (with numeral adverbs ending in dhā-) to divide, separate or break up into parts (exempli gratia, 'for example' dvidhā-kṛ-,to divide into two parts, ind.p. dvidhā kṛtvā-or dvidhā-kṛtya-or -kāram- ; sahasradhā-kṛ-,to break into a thousand pieces) ; (with adverbs ending in vat-) to make like or similar, consider equivalent (exempli gratia, 'for example' rājyaṃ tṛṇa-vat kṛtvā-,valuing the kingdom like a straw ) ; (with adverbs ending in sāt-) to reduce anything to, cause to become, make subject (See ātma-sāt-, bhasma-sāt-) The above senses of kṛ- may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this root is connected, as in the following examples: sakhyaṃ-kṛ-, to contract friendship with ; pūjāṃ-kṛ-, to honour ; rājyaṃ-kṛ-, to reign ; snehaṃ-kṛ-, to show affection ; ājñāṃ- or nideśaṃ- or śāsanaṃ- or kāmaṃ- or yācanāṃ- or vacaḥ- or vacanaṃ- or vākyaṃ-kṛ-, to perform any one's command or wish or request etc. ; dharmaṃ-kṛ-, to do one's duty ; nakhāni-kṛ-,"to clean one's nails" See kṛta-nakha- ; udakaṃ- ([ ]) or salilaṃ- ([ ]) kṛ-, to offer a libation of Water to the dead ; to perform ablutions ; astrāṇi-kṛ-, to practise the use of weapons ; darduraṃ-kṛ-, to breathe the flute ; daṇḍaṃ-kṛ-, to inflict punishment etc. ; kālaṃ-kṛ-, to bring one's time to an end id est to die ; ciraṃ-kṛ-, to be long in doing anything, delay ; manasā- (for si-See above) kṛ-, to place in one's mind, think of, meditate ; śirasā-kṛ-, to place on one's the head ; mūrdhnā-kṛ-, to place on one's head, obey, honour. Very rarely in veda- () , but commonly in the brāhmaṇa-s, sūtra-s, and especially in classical Sanskrit the perf. forms cakāra-and cakre- auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs, especially of causatives exempli gratia, 'for example' āsāṃ cakre-,"he sat down" ; gamay/āṃ cakāra-,"he caused to go"[see ;in veda- some other forms of kṛ-are used in a similar way, viz. proper karoti- ; imperfect tense akar- and ;3. plural akran- and ; preceding kriyāt- (See );according to , also karotu-with vid-]. Causal kārayati-, te-, to cause to act or do, cause another to perform, have anything made or done by another (double accusative instrumental case and accusative [see ] exempli gratia, 'for example' sabhāṃ kāritavān-,he caused an assembly to be made ; rāja-darśanaṃ māṃ kāraya-,cause me to have an audience of the king; vāṇijyaṃ kārayed vaiśyam-,he ought to cause the vaiśya- to engage in trade ; na śakṣyāmi kiṃcit kārayituṃ tvayā-,I shall not be able to have anything done by thee ) ; to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate etc. ; to cause to place or put, have anything placed, put upon, etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ citrapaṭaṃ vāsa-gṛhe bhittāv akārayat-,he had the picture placed on the wall in his house ) . Sometimes the Causal of kṛ- is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (exempli gratia, 'for example' padaṃ kārayati-,he pronounces a word ; mithyā k-,he pronounces wrongly ; kaikeyīm anu rājānaṃ kāraya-,treat or deal with kaikeyī- as the king does ) : Desiderative c/ikīrṣati- (Aorist 2. sg. acikīrṣīs- ) , Epic also te-, to wish to make or do, intend to do, design, intend, begin, strive after etc. ; to wish to sacrifice or worship : Intensive 3. plural karikrati- (pr. p. k/arikrat-See ), to do repeatedly ; Class. carkarti- or carikarti- or carīkarti- ([ ]) , also carkarīti- or carikarīti- or carīkarīti- or cekrīyate- ([ib. Scholiast or Commentator ]); ([ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish caraim,"I perform, execute";ceard,"an art, trade, business, function";sucridh,"easy"; Old German karawan,"to prepare"; modern German gar,"prepared (as food)"; Latin creo,ceremonia;, .])
kṛtaveṣam. "Name of a man" See kārtaveṣa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madasthala n. "place of intoxication", a drinking-house, tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madasthānan. "place of intoxication", a drinking-house, tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madirāgṛhan. a drinking-house, tavern
man cl.8.4. A1. () manut/e-, m/anyate- (Epic also ti-;3. plural manvat/e- ; perfect tense mene- etc.; mamn/āthe-, n/āts- ; Aorist /amata-, /amanmahi- subjunctive manāmahe-, mananta-, parasmE-pada manān/a- q.v ; maṃsi-, amaṃsta- subjunctive maṃsate- preceding maṃsīṣṭa-,1. Persian mc. masīya- ; māṃsta- , stādm- ; mandhvam- ; amaniṣṭa- grammar; future maṃsyate- , ti- ; manta-, manitā- grammar; maniṣyate- ; infinitive mood mantum- etc., m/antave-, tavai- , m/antos- ; ind.p. matv/ā- etc.; manitvā- grammar; -matya- etc.; -manya- etc.) , to think, believe, imagine, suppose, conjecture etc. (manye-,I think, methinks, is in later language often inserted in a sentence without affecting the construction; confer, compare gaRa di-and ) ; to regard or consider any one or anything (accusative) as (accusative with or without iva-,or adverb,often in -vat-;in later language also dative case,to express contempt[ confer, compare ], exempli gratia, 'for example' gaRa rājyaṃ tṛṇaya- manye-,"I value empire at a straw" id est I make light of it equals laghu- man-,and opp. to bahu-,or sādhu- man-,to think much or well of, praise, approve) ; to think one's self or be thought to be, appear as, pass for (Nominal verb;also with iva-) ; to be of opinion, think fit or right etc. ; to agree or be of the same opinion with (accusative) ; to set the heart or mind on, honour, esteem (with nau-,disdain) , hope or wish for (accusative or genitive case) etc. ; to think of (in prayer etc., either"to remember, meditate on", or"mention, declare", or"excogitate, invent") ; to perceive, observe, learn, know, understand, comprehend (accusative,Ved. also genitive case). etc. ; to offer, present : Causal () mānayati- (Epic also te-; Aorist amīmanat-; Passive voice mānyate-), to honour, esteem, value highly (also with uru-, bahu-and sādhu-) etc. ; (A1.) stambhe- ; garvake- : Desiderative () mīmāṃsate- (rarely ti-; amīmāṃsiṣṭhās- ; mīmāṃsy/ate- ; mimaṃsate-, mimaniṣate- grammar), to reflect upon, consider, examine, investigate etc. ; to call in question, doubt ("with regard to" locative case) : Desiderative of Desiderative mimāmiṣate- grammar : Intensive manmanyate-, manmanti- [ confer, compare Zend man; Greek ,, Latin meminisse,monere; Slavonic or Slavonian and Lithuanian mine4ti; Gothic ga-munan; Germ,meinen; English mean.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlech (= mlich-) cl.1 P. () mlecchati- (grammar also perfect tense mimleccha- future mlecchitā-etc.;Ved. infinitive mood mlecchitavai- ), to speak indistinctly (like a foreigner or barbarian who does not speak Sanskrit) : Causal or cl.10 P. mlecchayati- idem or 'another form of mluc-, only in abhi-ni-- and upa-mlupta- q.v ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛ cl.6 A1. () mriy/ate- (Epic and mc. also P. ti-; cl.1 P. A1. marati-, m/arate- ; imperative mara-, ; perfect tense mam/āra-, mamruḥ- etc.; parasmE-pada mamṛv/as- ; A1. mamrire- ; Aorist amṛta- subjunctive mṛthāh- ; Potential murīya-. ; mriṣīṣṭa- ; future martā- grammar; mariṣyati- etc.; te- ; infinitive mood martum- etc.; martave- ; ind.p. mṛtv/ā- ; -māram- ), to die, decease etc. etc.: Passive voice mriyate- (confer, compare above;sometimes used impers, with instrumental case; perfect tense mamre-; Aorist amāri-) : Causal mār/ayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist, amīmarat-): Passive voice māryate-, to cause to die, kill, slay etc. etc.: Desiderative of Causal See mimārayiṣu-: Desiderative mumūrṣati- () , to wish or be about to die, face death : Intensive memrīyate-, marmarti- grammar ([ confer, compare Zend mar,mareta; Greek for ; Latin mors,morioretc.; Slavonic or Slavonian mre8ti; Lithuanian mi4rti; Gothic maurthr; German Mord,morden; English murder.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
(for 1.See) cl.1 P. A1. () nayati- te- (perfect tense P. nināya-,2. sg. ninetha- plural nīnima- ; subjunctive ninīth/as- Potential ninīyāt- ; imperative ninetu- ; A1. ninye- etc.; -nayām āsa- ; -nayāṃ cakre- ; Aorist P.3. dual number anītām- subjunctive n/eṣi-, neth/ā- ; anaiṣīt- subjunctive neṣati-, ṣat-,3. plural A1. aneṣata- ; anayīt- ; future neṣyati- ; te- ; nayiṣyati-, te- ; n/etā-, nayitā- ; ind.p. nītvā- etc.; nayitvā- ; n/īya- etc.; infinitive mood neṣ/aṇi- ; n/etavai-, tos-and nayitum- ; n/etum- etc.), to lead, guide, conduct, direct, govern (also with agram-and genitive case; see agra-ṇī-) etc. ; to lead etc. towards or to (accusative with or without prati- dative case, locative case or artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ; to lead or keep away, exclude from (ablative) ; (A1.) to carry off for one's self (as a victor, owner etc.) ; (A1.,rarely P.) to lead home id est marry ; to bring into any state or condition (with accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' with vaśam-,to bring into subjection, subdue[A1. ; P. ];with śūdra-tām-,to reduce to a śūdra- ;with sākṣyam-[A1.],to admit as a witness, ;with vyāghra-tām-,to change into a tiger ;with vikrayam-,to sell ;with paritoṣam-,to satisfy ;with duḥkham-,to pain ;rarely, with locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' duhitṛ-tve-,to make a person one's daughter ;or with an adverb in -sāt- exempli gratia, 'for example' bhasmasāt-to reduce to ashes ) ; to draw (a line etc.) ; to pass or spend (time) etc. ; (with daṇḍam-) to bear the rod id est inflict punishment (with vyavahāram-) to conduct a process ; (with kriyām-) to conduct a ceremony, preside over a religious act ; to trace, track, find out, ascertain, settle, decide (with anyathā-,"wrongly") etc. ; (A1.) to be foremost or chief : Causal nāyayati-, te-, to cause to lead etc. ; to cause to be led by (instrumental case) (see Va1rtt. 5 ) : Desiderative n/inīṣati-, te- ( , w. r. nineṣati-), to wish to lead or bring or carry to or into (accusative or dative case) etc. ; to wish to carry away ; to wish to spend or pass (time) ; to wish to exclude from (ablative) ; to wish to find out or ascertain, investigate : Intensive nenīy/ate- to lead as a captive, have in one's power, rule, govern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nihanP. -hanti- (imperative -jahi- ; parasmE-pada -ghn/a- etc.; 3- sg. A1. -jighnate- ; parasmE-pada jighnamāna- ; perfect tense -jaghāna- etc.;3. plural -jaghnur-, nire- ; future -haniṣyati-, te-, -haṃsyati- ; parasmE-pada -haniṣy/at- ; ind.p. -hatya- [ see a-nihatya-]; infinitive mood -hantave- ; -hantum- ), to strike or fix in, hurl in or upon or against (locative case) etc. ; to make an attempt upon, attack, assail (accusative locative case or genitive case) ; to strike or hew down (also -mow ), kill, overwhelm, destroy etc. etc. (also applied to planets ) ; to hit, touch (literally and figuratively) ; to beat (a drum) ; to punish, visit, afflict ; to attach to (Passive voice -hanyate-,to be fixed upon, with locative case) ; to drop, lower, let sink (hands, wings etc.) ; to speak with the unaccented tone id est with the anudātta- ; (in arithmetic) to multiply commentator or commentary Causal See ni-ghāta-, taya-.
nikṛP. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, (dative case infinitive mood n/i-kartave- ), to bring down, humiliate, subdue, overcome : Desiderative -cikīrskati-, to wish to overcome View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niriP. -eti- (1. sg. subjunctive -ayā- ; dative case infinitive mood -/etave- ; A1. nir-ayate-,or nil-ayate- on P. ), to go out, come forth, go off, depart (said of persons and things) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.1 P. () p/ibati- (Ved. and Epic also A1. te-; rarely pipati-, te- ) cl.2. pāti-, pāth/as-, pānti- ; parasmE-pada A1. papān/a- , p/ipāna- (perfect tense P. pap/au-,2. sg. papātha- ; papitha- ; papīyāt- ; p. papiv/as- ; A1. pape-, papire- ; p. papān/a- ; Aorist or imperfect tense apāt- [ confer, compare ] ; 3. plural apuḥ-[?] ; -pāsta- ; preceding 3. sg. peyās- ; future pāsyati-, te- etc.; pātā- grammar; ind.p. pītv/ā- etc., tvī- ; -pāya- etc.; -pīya- ; pāyam- ; infinitive mood p/ibadhyai- ; pātum- etc.; p/ātave- ; p/ātava/ī- ), to drink, quaff, suck, sip, swallow (with accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. ; (met.) to imbibe, draw in, appropriate, enjoy, feast upon (with the eyes, ears etc.) etc. ; to drink up, exhaust, absorb ; to drink intoxicating liquors : Passive voice pīy/ate- etc. etc.: Causal pāyayati-, te- (perfect tense pāyayām āsā- ; Aorist apīpyat- ; ind.p. pāyayitvā- ; infinitive mood p/āyayitav/ai- ), to cause to drink, give to drink, water (horses or cattle) etc. etc.: Desiderative pipāsati- ( also pipīṣati-), to wish to drink, thirst : Desiderative of Causal pipāyayiṣati-, to wish or intend to give to drink : Intensive pepīyate- (parasmE-pada yamāna-also with pass meaning) , to drink greedily or repeatedly [ confer, compare Greek; AEolic = ; Latin pa1-tus,po1tum,biboforpi-bo; Slavonic or Slavonian pi-ja,pi-ti] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pac cl.1 P. A1. () p/acati-, te- (cl.4. A1. p/acyate- confer, compare below; parasmE-pada pacāna- [ confer, compare kim-pacāna-]; perfect tense papāca-[2. sg. papaktha-or pecitha- ], pecur-; pece-, pecire-[ /apeciran-, ; peciran- on ]; Aorist p/akṣat- ; apākṣīt-, apakta- grammar; preceding pacyāt- ; future pakṣyati-, te-or paktā- ; ind.p. paktv/ā- ; infinitive mood p/aktave- ; paktum-, ), to cook, bake, roast, boil (A1.also "for one's self") etc. ; (with double accusative) to cook anything out of (exempli gratia, 'for example' tandulān odanam pacati-,"he cooks porridge out of rice-grains") ; to bake or burn (bricks) ; to digest ; to ripen, mature, bring to perfection or completion etc. ; (with double accusative) to develop or change into (exempli gratia, 'for example' puṇyāpuṇyaṃ sukhāsukham-,"merit and demerit into weal or woe") ; (intrans.) to become ripe or mature : Passive voice pacy/ate- (ti- ; Aorist apāci- grammar), to be cooked or burnt or melted or digested or ripened or developed etc. ; to be tormented ; also intrans. equals p/acyate- (confer, compare above) , to become ripe or mature, to develop or ripen (with accusative of the fruit that is borne or ripens ; confer, compare Va1rtt. 14 ; lok/aḥ p/acyamānaḥ-,"the developing world") : Causal pācayati-, te- (Aorist apīpacat- grammar; Passive voice pācyate-, parasmE-pada cyamāna- ) ; to cause to cook or be cooked (A1."for one's self") , to have cooked or to cook etc. (confer, compare ) ; to cause to ripen ; to bring to completion or to an end, cure, heal : Desiderative pipakṣati- grammar : Intensive pāpacīti- grammar ; pāpacyate-, to be much cooked, to cook very much or burn excessively, to be much afflicted : Desiderative of Intensive pāpacishati-, te- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin coquo; Slavonic or Slavonian peka,pes8ti.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pad cl.4 A1. () padyate- (ti- ; Potential padyām- ; imperative patsva- ; perfect tense papāda- ; pede- ; Aorist apadmahi-, dran- [ subjunctive padāti- ]; apatsi-, patthās- ; preceding padīṣṭ/a- ; future patsyati- ; te- ; pattā- grammar; infinitive mood p/attave- ; tos-, tum- ; -p/adas- ; ind.p. -p/adya- ; -p/ādam- ), to fall, fall down or out, perish ; to go, resort or apply to, participate in (accusative), keep, observe : Causal pād/ayati-, te-, to cause to fall (Passive voice pādyate- ; Desiderative pipādayiṣati- etc.) ; padayate-, to go : Desiderative pitsate- : Intensive panīpadyate- ; panīpadīti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pānāgāram. or n. a drinking-house, tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pānagoṣṭhīf. a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pānagoṣṭhikāf. a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parī( pari-i-) P. pary-eti- (imperative parīhi- ; Potential p/artyām- ; imperfect tense paryait- ; perfect tense p/arīyāya- ; future pary-etā- ; ind.p. parītya- ; pary-āyaṃ- ; infinitive mood p/ary-etave- ), to go about, move in a circle ; (trans.) to go or flow round (accusative), circumambulate, surround, include, grasp, span etc. ; to run against or into, reach, attain ; (with or sc. manasā-) to perceive, ponder : Intensive A1. p/arīyate-, to move round or in a circle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pītif. a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratidhāP. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte- (Ved. infinitive mood pr/ati-dhātave-), to put on or in or near or back, return, restore (locative case or dative case) ; to adjust (an arrow), aim ; to put to the lips (for drinking) ; to put down (the feet), step out ; to offer, present ; to use, employ ; to restrain ; (A1.) to commence, begin, approach View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratihṛP. A1. -harati-, te- (ind.p. pratī-hāram- ; infinitive mood prati-hartave- ), to throw back ; to strike or pound ; to keep shut, close by pressure (an udder) ; to bring back ; to deliver, offer, present ; to procure ; (A1.) to take id est eat ; to join in the sāman- hymns as pratihartṛ- (See below) : Causal hārayati-, to have one's self announced to (genitive case) : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to requite or revenge (see prati-jihīrṣu-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravanA1. -vanute- (Ved. infinitive mood pr/avantave-), to vanquish, conquer, gain, procure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
or rās- cl.2 P. () r/āti- (Vedic or Veda also A1. rāt/e-; imperative rirīhi-, rarāsva-, raridhvam-; parasmE-pada rarāṇa-;3. sg. r/arate-and rāsate-; perfect tense rarim/a-, rar/e-; Aorist /arāsma- subjunctive r/ātat-etc. Potential rāsīya-; Classical forms are only proper rāti-; future rātā- ; rāsyati- infinitive mood tave- ), to grant, give, bestow, impart, yield, surrender View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śak cl.5 P. () śaknoti- (perfect tense śaś/āka-, śek/uḥ- etc.; Aorist /aśakat- etc. [Ved. also Potential śakeyam-and śakyām-; imperative śagdhi-, śaktam-]; future śaktā-,or śakitā- grammar; śakṣyati-, te- etc.; śakiṣyate-, te- grammar; infinitive mood -śaktave- ; śaktum-or śakitum- grammar), to be strong or powerful, be able to or capable of or competent for (with accusative dative case or locative case,rarely accusative of a verbal noun, or with an infinitive mood in am-or tum-;or with pr. p. ; exempli gratia, 'for example' with grahaṇāya-or grahaṇe-,"to be able to seize"; vadha-nirṇekam- a-śaknuvan-,"unable to atone for slaughter"; śak/ema vāj/ino y/amam-,"may we be able to guide horses"; kṣitum- na- śaknoti-,"he is not able to see"; pūrayan na śaknoti-,"he is not able to fill") etc. etc. (in these meanings Epic also śakyati-, te-,with inf in tuṃ- confer, compare ) ; to be strong or exert one's self for another (dative case), aid, help, assist ; to help to (dative case of thing) : Passive voice śakyate- (Epic also ti-), to be overcome or subdued, succumb ; to yield, give way ; to be compelled or caused by any one (instrumental case) to (infinitive mood) ; to be able or capable or possible or practicable (with an infinitive mood in pass. sense exempli gratia, 'for example' tat kartuṃ śakyate-,"that can be done";sometimes with pass. p. exempli gratia, 'for example' na śakyate vāryamāṇaḥ-,"he cannot be restrained";or used impersonal or used impersonally,with or with out instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi-[ tvayā-] śakyate-,"if it can be done by thee","if it is possible") : Causal śākayati- (Aorist aśīśakat-), grammar : Desiderative See śikṣ-. ([ confer, compare according to to some, Greek , German HagHeckehegen;behagen.])
sāktukamfn. equals saktave prabhavati- gaRa saṃtāpādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
si (confer, compare 4. -) cl.5.9. P. A1. () sinoti-, sinute-; sin/āti-, sinite- (really occurring only in present tense sin/āti-, imperfect tense asinot-; perfect tense siṣāya- ; Aorist [?] siṣet- ; asaiṣīt-, aseṣṭa- grammar; future setā- ; siṣyati- ; seṣyati-, te- grammar; infinitive mood s/etave- ; setum- grammar), to bind, tie, fetter : Causal sāyayati- (Aorist asīṣayat-) grammar : Desiderative sisīṣati-, te- : Intensive seṣīyate-, seṣayīti-, seṣeti- [ confer, compare Greek ,; Lettish sinu,"to bind"; Anglo-Saxon sa7l; German Seil.]
sic cl.6 P. A1. () siñc/ati-, te- (once in , s/ecate- perfect tense siṣeca-, siṣice-[in also sisicuḥ-, sisice-]; Aorist asicat-, cata-[Gr. also asikta-]; subjunctive sicāmahe- ; preceding sicyāt- ; future sekṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood sektum- sektavai- ; ind.p. siktvā- ; -s/icya- ; -secam-or -sekam-, ), to pour out, discharge, emit, shed, infuse or pour into or on (locative case) etc. etc. ; to emit semen, impregnate ; to scatter in small drops, sprinkle, besprinkle or moisten with (instrumental case) etc. ; to dip, soak, steep ; to cast or form anything out of molten metal etc. (2 accusative) : Passive voice sicyate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist aseci-), to be poured out or sprinkled etc. etc.: Causal secayati-, te- (Epic also siñcayati-; Aorist asīṣicat-or asīsicat-), to cause to pour out etc. ; to sprinkle, water (plants etc.) : Desiderative siṣikṣati- or sisikṣati- ; te- grammar (confer, compare sisikṣā-): Intensive sesicyate-, sesekti-. ([ confer, compare Zend hincaiti; Greek [?] ; Anglo-Saxon seo4n; German seihen,seichen.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sotum. (fr.3. su-) extraction of soma-, libation (dative case s/otave-as infinitive mood) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sṛ (confer, compare sal-) cl.1.3. P. () s/arati- (Epic also te-and according to to also dhāvati-), and s/isarti- (the latter base only in veda-;3. dual number s/isratuḥ-,3. plural s/israte- ; parasmE-pada s/israt-[ q.v ] ; perfect tense sas/āra-, sasr/e- etc.;1. dual number sasriva- ; parasmE-pada sasṛv/as-, sasrāṇ/a-and sasṛmāṇ/a- ; Aorist asārṣīt- grammar; subjunctive sarṣat- ; preceding sriyāt- grammar; future sartā- ; sariṣy/ati- etc.; infinitive mood sartum- etc.; s/artave-, tav/ai- ; ind.p. sṛtv/ā- ; -s/ṛtya-, -s/āram- etc.), to run, flow, speed, glide, move, go (with uccakais-,"to spring up";with v/ājam-,or ājim-,"to run a race" id est"exert one's self") Calcutta edition etc. ; to blow (as wind) ; to run away, escape ; to run after, pursue (accusative) ; to go towards, betake one's self to (accusative or tatra-etc.) ; to go against, attack, assail ; to cross, traverse (accusative) ; (A1.) to begin to flow (said of the fluid which surrounds the fetus) : Passive voice sriyate- (Aorist asāri- ), to be gone etc., grammar : Causal sārayati- or cl.10 P. () to cause to run ; to set in motion, strike (a lute) ; to remove, push aside (a braid of hair) ; put in array, to arrange (with dyūtam-,"the men on a chess-board") ; to make visible, show, manifest ; to nourish, foster (genitive case) ; A1. sārayate- (for sar/ayate-See saraya-,), to cause one's self to be driven, drive (in a carriage) : pass. sāryate-, to be made to flow, discharge (excrement) : Desiderative sisīrṣati-, to wish to run (vājam-,"a race") : Intensive (confer, compare sarisrar/a-) s/arsṛte- (parasmE-pada s/arsrāṇa-See pra-sṛ-) or sarīṣarti-, to stride backwards and forwards ; to blow violently (as the wind) [ confer, compare Greek ,;, ; Latin salire.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sru (incorrectly written śru-; confer, compare 2. śru-) cl.1 P. () sr/avati- (Epic and mc. also te-; perfect tense susrāva-, susruvuḥ- etc.; susruve- etc.; Aorist /asusrot- ; asrāvīt- ; asrauṣīt-[?] ; future srotā- grammar; sroṣyati- ; sraviṣyati- ; infinitive mood srotum- grammar; sr/avitave-, sr/avitav/ai- ), to flow, stream, gush forth, issue from (ablative,rarely instrumental case) etc. ; to flow with, shed, emit, drop, distil (accusative) etc. ; to leak, trickle ; to fail, not turn out well ; to waste away, perish, disappear etc. ; to slip or issue out before the right time (said of a fetus) ; (with garbham-) to bring forth prematurely, miscarry ; to issue, arise or come from (ablative) ; to come in, accrue (as interest) : Causal srāvayati- (in later language also sravayati-; Aorist asusravat-,or asisravat-), to cause to flow, shed, spill ; to set in motion, stir up, arouse : Desiderative of Causal susrāvayiṣati- or sisrāvayiṣati- grammar : Desiderative susrūṣati- : Intensive sosrūyate-, sosroti- [ confer, compare Greek (for) , etc.; Lithuanian srave4ti; German stroum,Strom; Anglo-Saxon strea4m; English stream.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutif. (in music) a particular division of the octave, a quarter tone or interval (twenty-two of these are enumerated, four constituting a major tone, three a minor, and two a semitone;they are said to be personified as nymphs) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stṛ (or stṝ-). cl.5.9. P. A1. () stṛṇ/oti-, stṛṇute- or stṛnāti-, striṇīt/e- (Ved. and Epic also st/arati-, te-; perfect tense tastāra-, tastare-[3. plural tastaruḥ-, tastarire-] etc.;3. sg. [with pass. sense] tistir/e- ;3. plural tastrire- ; parasmE-pada A1. tistirāṇ/a- ; Aorist /astar-, star- ; astṛṣi-, astṛta- ; astarīt- ; astārṣīt-, astarīṣṭa-, astīrṣṭa- grammar; preceding stṛṣīya- ; staryāt-or stīryāt-; stṛṣīṣṭa-, starīṣīṣṭa-, stīrṣīṣṭa- grammar; future startā- grammar; stariṣyati-, te-[Gr. also starīṣ-] etc.; infinitive mood startum-or starītum- grammar; st/artave-, tavai-, starītav/ai- ; st/arītave- ; -st/ire-, -stṛṇīṣ/aṇi- ; ind.p. stīrtv/ā-or stṛtv/ā- ; -stīrya- ; -stṛtya- ), to spread, spread out or about, strew, scatter (especially the sacrificial grass;in this sense in older language only cl.9 P. A1.) ; to spread over, bestrew, cover etc. ; (cl.5. P. A1.) to lay low, overthrow, slay (an enemy) : Passive voice stīryate- (ti-) or striy/ate- (grammar also staryate-; Aorist /astāri-), to be spread or strewn etc. etc. etc.: Causal stārayati- (Aorist atastarat-), to spread, cover : Desiderative tistīrṣate- or t/ustūrṣate- (grammar also P.and tistarīṣati-, te-), to wish to spread or strew or lay low : Intensive tāstaryate-, testīryate-, tāstarti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin sternere; Gothic straujan; German streuen; Anglo-Saxon streowian; English strew.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stṝ (or stṛ-). cl.5.9. P. A1. () stṛṇ/oti-, stṛṇute- or stṛnāti-, striṇīt/e- (Ved. and Epic also st/arati-, te-; perfect tense tastāra-, tastare-[3. plural tastaruḥ-, tastarire-] etc.;3. sg. [with pass. sense] tistir/e- ;3. plural tastrire- ; parasmE-pada A1. tistirāṇ/a- ; Aorist /astar-, star- ; astṛṣi-, astṛta- ; astarīt- ; astārṣīt-, astarīṣṭa-, astīrṣṭa- grammar; preceding stṛṣīya- ; staryāt-or stīryāt-; stṛṣīṣṭa-, starīṣīṣṭa-, stīrṣīṣṭa- grammar; future startā- grammar; stariṣyati-, te-[Gr. also starīṣ-] etc.; infinitive mood startum-or starītum- grammar; st/artave-, tavai-, starītav/ai- ; st/arītave- ; -st/ire-, -stṛṇīṣ/aṇi- ; ind.p. stīrtv/ā-or stṛtv/ā- ; -stīrya- ; -stṛtya- ), to spread, spread out or about, strew, scatter (especially the sacrificial grass;in this sense in older language only cl.9 P. A1.) ; to spread over, bestrew, cover etc. ; (cl.5. P. A1.) to lay low, overthrow, slay (an enemy) : Passive voice stīryate- (ti-) or striy/ate- (grammar also staryate-; Aorist /astāri-), to be spread or strewn etc. etc. etc.: Causal stārayati- (Aorist atastarat-), to spread, cover : Desiderative tistīrṣate- or t/ustūrṣate- (grammar also P.and tistarīṣati-, te-), to wish to spread or strew or lay low : Intensive tāstaryate-, testīryate-, tāstarti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin sternere; Gothic straujan; German streuen; Anglo-Saxon streowian; English strew.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stu cl.2 P. A1. (; see ) st/auti- or stavīti-, stute- or stuvīte- (in also st/avate-,3. sg. stave-[with pass. sense], 1. 3. sg. stuṣ/e- imperative stoṣi-, parasmE-pada [mostly with pass. sense] stuvān/a-, st/avāna-or stavān/a-, st/avamāna-;in stunvanti-,in parasmE-pada stunvāna-; perfect tense tuṣṭāva-, tuṣṭuv/us-, tuṣṭuv/e- etc.; Aorist astāvīt-or astauṣīt- etc.; stoṣat-, stoṣāṇi- ; /astoṣṭa- etc.; preceding stūyāt- grammar; future stavitā-or stotā- ; future staviṣy/ati-, te- ; stoṣyati-, te- etc.; Conditional astoṣyat- ; infinitive mood stotum- etc.; stavitum- ; st/otave-, stav/adhyai- ; ind.p. stutv/ā- etc.; -st/utya- etc.; -stūya- etc.), to praise, laud, eulogize, extol, celebrate in song or hymns (in ritual,"to chant" , with locative case of the text from which the sāman- comes) etc. etc.: Passive voice stūy/ate- (Aorist astāvi-), to be praised or celebrated ; stāyamāna- mfn. being praised : Causal stāvayati- (Aorist atuṣṭavat- ; ṭuvat- ), to praise, celebrate ; (stāvayate-), to cause to praise or celebrate : Desiderative tuṣṭūṣati-, te- (past participle tuṣṭūṣita-), to wish to celebrate : Intensive toṣṭūyate-, toṣṭoti- grammar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
su cl.5 P. A1. () sun/oti-, sunute- (in plural sunv/anti-, sunvir/e-[with pass. sense] and suṣvati-; parasmE-pada sunv/at-or sunvān/a-[the latter with act. and pass. sense] ; perfect tense suṣāva-, suṣuma-etc. ; parasmE-pada in veda- suṣuv/as-and suṣvāṇ/a-[the later generally with pass. sense; according to to on , also suṣuvāṇa-with act. sense]; Aorist according to to grammar asāvīt-or asauṣīt-, asoṣṭa-or asaviṣṭa-;in also imperative s/otu-, sut/am-,and p. [mostly pass.] suvān/a-[but the spoken form is svān/a-and so written in , suv-in ];and 3. plural asuṣavuḥ- ; future sotā- ; soṣyati- ; saviṣyati- ; infinitive mood s/otave-, s/otos- : ; sotum- grammar; ind.p. -s/utya- ; -sūya- ), to press out, extract (especially the juice from the soma- plant for libations) ; to distil, prepare (wine, spirits etc.) Scholiast or Commentator on : Passive voice sūy/ate- (in also A1.3. sg. sunve-and 3. plural sunvir/e-with pass. sense; Aorist /asāvi- ) : Causal -sāvayati- or -ṣāvayati- (See abhi-ṣu-and pra-su-; Aorist asūṣavat- according to to some asīṣavat-) grammar : Desiderative of Causal suṣāvayiṣati- : Desiderative susūṣati-, te- : Intensive soṣūyate-, soṣavīti-, soṣoti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
(see 1. -and5. su-) cl.2 A1. () sūte- (1. sg. proper suve-,3. sg. imperfect tense asūta-;in later language also sūyate-[ ] and in compound with pra-also -savati-and -sauti-[ see ]; perfect tense sasūva- ; suṣuv/e- etc.; susāva- etc.; Aorist asuṣot- ; ṣavuḥ- ; asoṣṭa- ; asauṣīt-and asaviṣṭa- grammar; future sotā-, savitā- ; soṣy/ati-, te- etc.; saviṣyati-, te- etc.; parasmE-pada f. s/ūṣyantī- ; soṣy/antī-[ sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ] ; infinitive mood s/ūtave- ; sūtav/ai- ; s/avitave- ; sotum-or savitum- grammar; ind.p. sūtv/ā- ; -sūya- etc.; -s/utya- ), to beget, procreate, bring forth, bear, produce, yield etc. etc.: Passive voice sūyate- (Aorist asāvi-), to be begotten or brought forth etc.: Causal sāvayati- grammar : Desiderative -susūṣati-
śuṇḍāf. a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuṇḍāpānan. a place where spirituous liquor is drunk or sold, tavern, dram-shop View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuṇḍikam. or n. (prob.) a tavern, dram-shop View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surādhvajam. the flag or sign of a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surāgāra(g-,or g-) m. () a tavern. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surāgṛhan. () a tavern. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surājīvinm. "living by spirituous liquor", a distiller, tavern-keeper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surālaya(l-;for 1. surāl-See) m. a tavern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tridaṇḍakan. the 3 staves of a parivrājaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tridaṇḍinm. "carrying the 3 staves tied together", a parivrājaka- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
triviṣṭabdhan. the 3 staves of a parivrājaka- (= -daṇḍa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vac cl.2 P. () vakti- (occurs only in sg. vacmi-, vakṣi-, vakti-,and imperative vaktu-; Vedic or Veda also cl.3 P. v/ivakti-; perfect tense uv/āca-, ūj- etc.; uv/aktha- ; vavāca-, vavakṣ/e- ; Aorist avocat-, cata- etc.;in veda- also subjunctive vocati-, te-, vecāti-; Potential voc/et-, ceta-; imperative vocatu-; preceding ucyāsam- ; future vakt/ā- etc.; vakṣy/ati- etc.; te- ; Conditional avakṣyat- ; infinitive mood ktum- etc.; tave- ; tos- ; ind.p. uktv/ā- etc.; -/ucya- ), to speak, say, tell, utter, announce, declare, mention, proclaim, recite, describe (with accusative with or without prati- dative case or genitive case of Persian,and accusative of thing;often with double accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' tam idaṃ vākyam uvāca-,"he spoke this speech to him";with double accusative also"to name, call"A1.with nom;"one's self";with punar-,"to speak again, repeat";or "to answer, reply") etc. ; to reproach, revile (accusative) : Passive voice ucy/ate- (Aorist avāci-,or in later language avoci-), to be spoken or said or told or uttered etc. etc. (yad ucyate-,"what the saying is") ; to resound ; to be called or accounted, be regarded as, pass for (Nominal verb also locative case) etc.: Causal vācayati-, te- (Potential vācayīta- ; Aorist avīvacat-; Passive voice vācyate-), to cause to say or speak or recite or pronounce (with, double accusative;often the object is to be supplied) etc. ; to cause anything written or printed to speak id est to read out loud etc. ; () to say, tell, declare ; to promise : Desiderative vivakṣati-, te- (Passive voice vivakṣyate-), to desire to say or speak or recite or proclaim or declare etc. ; (Passive voice) to be meant : Intensive (only /avāvacīt-) to call or cry aloud [ confer, compare Greek for in, etc.; Latin vocare,vox; German gi-waht,gi-wahinnen,er-wähnen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
van cl.1 P. () v/anati- (Vedic or Veda also te-,and van/ati-) ; cl.8 P. A1. () van/oti-, vanut/e- (perfect tense vāv/āna-, vāv/antha-, vavanm/a-, vavn/e-; parasmE-pada vavanv/as- ; Aorist vanta-, v/aṃsva- ; vaṃsat-, sate- ; vaniṣat- ; ṣanta- ; vanuṣanta-, ; Potential vaṃsīmahi-, vasīmahi- ; preceding vaniṣīṣṭa- vaṃsiṣīya- ; future vaniśā- grammar; vaniṣyate-, ; infinitive mood vanitum- grammar; -vantave- ), to like, love, wish, desire ; to gain, acquire, procure (for one's self or others) ; to conquer, win, become master of, possess ; to prepare, make ready for, aim at, attack ; to hurt, injure ( also"to sound";"to serve, honour, worship, help, aid") : Causal vanayati- or vānayati- ; varia lectio (confer, compare saṃ-van-): Desiderative v/ivāsati-, te-, to attract, seek to win over : Intensive (only vāv/anaḥ-and vāvandh/i-;but confer, compare vanīvan-) to love, like [ confer, compare Latin venia,Venus; Got.gawinnan; German gewinnen; English win.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārtantavīyaand vārtātaveya- m. plural Name of two Vedic schools (see vāratantavīya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vas (a Vedic root connected with1. uṣ- q.v;not in ) cl.6 P., ucch/ati- (perfect tense uv/āsa-, ūṣ/uḥ- etc.; Aorist avāt-[?] ; avasran- ; Conditional avatsyat- ;Ved. infinitive mood v/astave-, -/uṣi-), to shine, grow bright (especially applied to the dawn) ; to bestow by shining upon (dative case) ; (with dūr/e-) to drive away by shining : Causal vās/ayati-, to cause to shine [ confer, compare vasar-in vasar-han-; Greek for ; Latin ve1retc.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vastuf. (for 2.See) becoming light, dawning, morning (genitive case v/astoḥ-,in the morning; v/astor vastoḥ-,every morning; v/astor asy/āḥ-,this morning; pr/ati v/astoḥ-,towards morning; dative case v/astave-See under2. vas-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ve (see ūy-) cl.1 P. A1. () v/ayati-, te- (perfect tense parasmE-pada vavau-or uvāya-;2. sg. uvayitha- grammar;3. plural vavuḥ- ; ūvuḥ- ; ūyuḥ- ; A1. vave-, ūve-, ūye- grammar; Aorist avāsīt-, avāsta- grammar; preceding ūyāt-, vāsīṣṭa- ; future vātā- ; vāsyati-, te- ; vayiṣy/ati- ; infinitive mood /otum-, /otave-, /otav/ai- ; v/ātave- ), to weave, interweave, braid, plait (figuratively to string or join together artificially, make, compose exempli gratia, 'for example' speeches, hymns) etc. ; to make into a cover, into a web or web-like covering, overspread as with a web (said of a cloud-like mass of arrows filling the air) : Passive voice ūyate- (Aorist avāyi-) grammar : Causal vāyayati- : Desiderative vivāsati-, te- : Intensive vāvāyate-, vāveti-, vāvāti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
veṣyan. (prob.) work, labour (See hastaveṣya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vid (originally identical with1. vid-) cl.6 P. A1. () vind/ati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also vitt/e-, vid/e-; parasmE-pada vidān/a-or vidāna-[ q.v ]; Epic 3. plural vindate- Potential vindyāt-,often equals vidyāt-; perfect tense viv/eda-[3. plural vividus- subjunctive vividat-], vividv/as-,3. plural vividre-, vidr/e- etc.; parasmE-pada vividv/as- ; vividivas- ; Aorist /avidat-, data- [ Vedic or Veda subjunctive vid/āsi-, d/āt-; Potential vid/et-, deta- ;3. sg. videṣṭa- ]; A1.1. sg. avitsi- ; future vettā-, vediṣyati- grammar; vetsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood vid/e- ; vettum- etc.; v/ettave- ; ttavai-[?] and tos- ; ind.p. vittv/ā- ; -vidya- etc.) , to find, discover, meet or fall in with, obtain, get, acquire, partake of, possess etc. etc. (with diśas-,to find out the quarters of she sky ) ; to get or procure for (dative case) ; to seek out, look for, attend to etc. ; to feel, experience ; to consider as, take for (two accusative) ; to come upon, befall, seize, visit ; to contrive, accomplish, perform, effect, produce ; (A1. mc. also P.) to take to wife, marry (with or scilicet bhāryām-) etc. ; to find (a husband), marry (said of a woman) ; to obtain (a son, with or scilicet sutam-) : Passive voice or A1. vidy/ate- (Epic also ti-; parasmE-pada vidyamāna-[ q.v ]; Aorist avedi-), to be found, exist, be etc. ; (especially in later language) vidyate-,"there is, there exists", often with na-,"there is not" ; with bhoktum-,"there is something to eat" ; followed by a future ,"is it possible that?" ; yathā-vid/e-,"as it happens" id est "as usual","as well as possible" : Causal vedayati-, to cause to find etc. : Desiderative vividiṣati- or vivitsati-, te- grammar (see vivitsita-): Intensive vevidyate-, vevetti- (for parasmE-pada v/evidat-and dāna-See vi--and saṃvid-).
vīṇāf. (of doubtful derivation) the vīṇā- or Indian lute (an instrument of the guitar kind, supposed to have been invented by nārada- q.v,usually having seven wires or strings raised upon nineteen frets or supports fixed on a long rounded board, towards the ends of which are two large gourds;its compass is said to be two octaves, but it has many varieties according to the number of strings etc.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viprasṛP. -sarati- (Ved. infinitive mood -sartave-), to spread, be expanded or extended View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
(collateral form of5. i-) cl.2 P. () y/āti- (1. plural yāmahe- ; imperfect tense 3. plural ayuḥ- ; ayān- Scholiast or Commentator; perfect tense yay/au-, yay/ātha-, yay/a-, yay/uḥ- etc.; yaye- ; Aorist ayāsam-or ayāsiṣam-; subjunctive y/āsat-, yeṣam-, yāsiṣat- ; preceding yāsiṣīṣṭhās- ; future yātā- etc.; yāsyati- ; te- ; infinitive mood yātum- etc.;Ved. infinitive mood y/ai-, y/ātave-or v/ai-; ind.p. yātv/ā- ; -y/āya-, -yāyam- ), to go, proceed, move, walk, set out, march, advance, travel, journey (often with instrumental case or accusative of the way, especially with gatim-, mārgam-, adhvānam-, panthānam-, padavīm-, yātrām-) etc. ; to go away, withdraw, retire etc. ; (also with palāyya-) to flee, escape (with kṣemeṇa-or svasti-,to escape unscathed ) ; to go towards or against, go or come to, enter, approach, arrive at, reach etc. etc. (with accusative often followed by prati- exempli gratia, 'for example' with gṛham-,to enter a house;with ripum prati-,to march against the enemy;with mṛgayām-,to go out hunting;with śirasāmahīm-,to bow down to the ground with the head;with prakṛtim-,to return to one's natural state;with karṇau-,to come to the ears, be heard;with utsavād utsavam-,to go from one festival to another;with hastam- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',to fall into the hands of;with patham-or gocaram- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',to come within range of; especially with the accusative of an abstract noun = to go to any state or condition, become, be exempli gratia, 'for example' vināśaṃ yāti-,he goes to destruction id est he is destroyed; kāṭhinyaṃ yāti-,it becomes hard; dveṣyatāṃ yāti-,he becomes hated;similarly nidhanaṃ--,to die; nidrāṃ--,to fall asleep; udayaṃ--,to rise, said of stars etc.;sometimes also with locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' yāhi rājñah sakāśe-,go into the presence of the king ;or even with dative case exempli gratia, 'for example' yayatuḥ sva-niveśāya-,both went home ; na cātmane kṛpaṇasya dhanaṃ yāti-,nor does the wealth of the miser go to [i.e. benefit] himself. ; phalebhyo yāti-,he goes to [fetch] fruits Scholiast or Commentator) ; to go to for any request, implore, solicit (with two accusative) ; (with striyam-) to go to a woman for sexual intercourse ; to go to for any purpose (infinitive mood) ; often with adverbs exempli gratia, 'for example' with bahir-, to go out ; with adho-, to go down, sink ; with khaṇḍaśo- or dalaśo-, to fall to pieces ; with śata-dhā-, to fall into a hundred pieces ; to extend to (accusative) ; to last for (accusative) ; to pass away, elapse (said of time) etc. ; to vanish, disappear (as wealth) ; to come to pass, prosper, succeed ; to proceed, behave, act ; to find out, discover ; to receive or learn (a science) from (ablative) ; to undertake, undergo (accusative) ; imperative yātu-, be it as it may : Passive voice yāyate-, to be gone or moved : Causal yāp/ayati- (Aorist ayīyapat-), to cause to depart, cause to go or march, dismiss ; to cause to go towards (accusative) (see yāpita-) ; to direct (the gaze) towards (locative case) (varia lectio pātayati-) ; to drive away remove, cure (a disease) ; to cause to pass or elapse, pass or spend (time) etc. ; to live (pāli- yāpeti-) ; to cause to subsist, support, maintain ; to induce : Desiderative yiyāsati-, to intend or be about to go, desire to proceed etc.: Intensive īyāyate- (?) , to move ; yāyayate-, yāyeti-, yāyāti- grammar
yadvāf. equals buddhi-, perception, mind, intelligence (?) y/antave- (See under yam-below), yantavy/a-, yanti- etc. (See column 3) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yam cl.1 P. () y/acchati- (Vedic or Veda also te-,and Vedic or Veda Epic y/amati-, te-; perfect tense yayāma-, yeme-;2. sg. yayantha-,3. plural yem/uḥ-, yemir/e- etc.;3. dual number irreg. -yamatuḥ- ; Aorist /ayān-, /ayamuh-; imperative yaṃsi-, yandh/i-; Potential yamyās-, yamīmahi- ; /ayāṃsam-, ayāṃsi-, /ayaṃsta- subjunctive yaṃsat-, satas-, sate- ;3. sg. -y/amiṣṭa- ; ayaṃsiṣam- grammar; future yantā- ; yaṃsyati-, yamiṣyati- etc. infinitive mood y/antum-, yamitum- ; y/antave-, y/amitav/ai- ; ind.p. yatvā-, yamitvā- etc.; y/atya- ; -yamya- ; -y/amam- ), to sustain, hold, hold up, support (A1."one's self";with locative case"to be founded on") ; to raise, wield (a weapon etc.; A1.with āyudhaih-,"to brandish weapons") ; to raise, extend or hold (as a screen etc.) over (dative case) ; (A1.) to extend one's self before (dative case) ; to raise (the other scale), weigh more ; to stretch out, expand, spread, display, show ; to hold or keep in, hold back, restrain, check, curb, govern, subdue, control etc. ; to offer ; confer, grant, bestow on (dative case or locative case), present with (instrumental case) etc. ; (with mārgam-), to make way for (genitive case) ; (with prati-and ablative), to give anything in exchange for anything on ; (A1.) to give one's self up to, be faithful to, obey (dative case) ; to raise, utter (a sound etc.) ; to fix, establish ; (A1.) to be firm, not budge ; to catch fire (Scholiast or Commentator) : Passive voice yamy/ate- (Aorist /ayā--), to be raised or lifted up or held back or restrained etc. etc.: Causal yāmayati- (), yamayati- ( etc.; te- ; Aorist ayīyamat-), to restrain, hold in, control, keep or put in order: Desiderative yiyaṃsati-, to wish to restrain etc. : Intensive yaṃyamīti- (See ud-yam-) or yaṃyamyate- (, Va1rtt. 2 ) ([ confer, compare Greek ,"restraint, punishment."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yu (see yuch-) cl.3 P. yuy/oti- (imperative 2. sg. yuyodh/i- ; yuyudhi- ;2. dual number yuyotam-or yuyut/am- ;2. plural yuy/ota-or tana- ; A1. subjunctive 2. sg : yuyothās- ; A1. imperfect tense 3. plural ayuvanta- ; Aorist P. yaus-, ayauṣīt-; subjunctive yoṣati-, yoṣat- ; yūṣat- ; yūyāt-, yūyātām- ; yūyot- ; yāvīs- ; A1. yoṣṭhās- ; yavanta- ; Passive voice /ayāvi- ; infinitive mood y/otave-, tav/ai-, tos- ; -yāvam- ), to separate, keep or drive away, ward off (accusative), exclude or protect from (ablative) ; to keep aloof, to be or remain separated from (ablative) : Causal yav/ayati- or yāv/ayati-, to cause to separate or remove or keep off etc. : Intensive yoyavīti- (imperfect tense /ayoyavīt-; parasmE-pada y/oyuvat-), to retreat back, recede ; to be rent, gape asunder ; to keep off from (ablative)
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āpānam आपानम् नकम् 1 A drinking party, banquet; Mk.8; आपाने पानकलिता दैवेनाभिप्रचोदिताः Mb. -Comp. -उत्सवः Drinking festival. ... समन्ताद् आपानोत्सवमनु- भवन्तीव मधुपाः । Nāg.3.8. -2 A tavern, liquor-shop, a place for drinking in company (˚भूमि); आपाने पानकलिता दैवेनाभिप्रचोदिताः Mb.1.2.355; ताम्बूलीनां दलैस्तत्र रचितापान- भूमयः R.4.42; Ku.6.42; आपानकमुत्सवः K.32.
ucca उच्च a. 1 High (in all senses); tall; क्षितिधारणोच्चं Ku.7.63; elevated, superior, exalted (family &c) -2 Loud, high-sounding; उच्चाः पक्षिगणाः Śi.4.18. -3 Intense, violent, strong. -4 (In astr.) Ascendant; see उच्चसंश्रय below. -च्चः 1 The apex of the orbit of a planet. -2 Height, high place; ज्वरश्च मरणं जन्तोरुच्चाच्च पतनं यथा Mb.12.28.25. -Comp. -अवच a. High and low, great and small; see उच्चावच. -गिर a. Having a loud voice; स्वगुणोच्चगिरो मुनिव्रताः Śi.16.29. -तरुः 1 the cocoanut tree. -2 a lofty tree in general. -तालः (heightened) music, dancing &c. at a tavern. -देवः N. of Viṣṇu or kṛiṣṇa. -देवता time personified, chronos. -ध्वजः N. of Śākyamuni. -नीच a. 1 high and low. -2 various, multiform. (-चम्) 1 the upper or lower stations of planets. -2 change of accent. -भाषणम् speaking aloud, vociferous. -भाषिन् a. shouting, bawling. -ललाटा, -टिका a woman with a high or projecting forehead. -संश्रय a. occupying a high station (said of a planet); ग्रहैस्ततः पञ्चभिरुच्चसंश्रयैः R.3.13; see Malli. thereon.
kalukkaḥ कलुक्कः A cymbal. -क्का 1 A tavern. -2 A meteor.
gañjaḥ गञ्जः 1 A mine. -2 A treasury; निर्मूषके राजगञ्जे Ks.43.3. -3 A cow-house. -4 A mart, a place where grain is stored for sale. -5 Disrespect, contempt. -ञ्जा 1 A hut, hovel. -2 A tavern. -3 A drinking vessel. -4 A mine, jewel mine. -जम् 1 A mine. -2 A treasury. -Comp. -वरः a treasurer (from Persian) EI IX.247, RT VII.42.
gañjikā गञ्जिका A tavern, liquor shop.
guñjā गुञ्जा [गुञ्ज्-अच्] 1 A small shrub of that name, bearing a red black berry; अन्तर्विषमया (for ˚य्यः) ह्येता बहिश्चैव मनोरमाः । गुञ्जाफलसमाकारा योषितः केन निर्मिताः ॥ Pt.1. 196; किं जातु गुञ्जाफलभूषणानां सुवर्णकारेण वनेचराणाम् Vikr.1.25. -2 A berry of this shrub used as a weight, measuring on an average 1 grains Troy, or an artificial weight called Gunja measuring about 2 grains. -3 Humming, a low murmuring sound. -4 a kettle-drum; ...गुञ्जा जुगुञ्जुः करघट्टिताः Bk.14.2. -5 A tavern. -6 Reflection, meditation. -7 A kind of plant with a poisonous root.
tri त्रि num. a. [Uṇ.5.66] (declined in pl. only, nom. त्रयः m., तिस्त्रः f., त्रीणि n.) Three; त एव हि त्रयो लोकास्त एव त्रय आश्रमाः &c. Ms.2.229; प्रियतमाभिरसौ तिसृभिर्बभौ R.9.18; त्रीणि वर्षाण्युदीक्षेत कुमार्यृतुमती सती Ms.9.9 [cf. L. tres; Gr. treis; A. S., Zend thri; Eng. three]. -Comp. -अंशः 1 a three-fold share; त्र्यंशं दायाद्धरेद्विप्रः Ms.9.151. -2 a third part. -3 three-fourths. -अक्ष a. triocular. -अक्षः, -अक्षकः an epithet of Śiva; शुष्कस्नायु- स्वराह्लादात्त्र्यक्षं जग्राह रावणः Pt.5.57. -अक्षरः 1 the mystic syllable ओम् consisting of three letters; see under अ. आद्यं यत्त्र्यक्षरं ब्रह्म Ms.11.265. -2 a matchmaker or घटक (that word consisting of three syllables). -3 a genealogist. (-री) knowledge, learning; see विद्या. -अङ्कटम्, -अङ्गटम् 1 three strings suspended to either end of a pole for carrying burdens. -2 a sort of collyrium. (-टः) N. of Śiva. -अङ्गम् (pl.) a tripartite army (chariots, cavalry and infantry). -अङ्गुलम् three fingers' breadth. -अञ्जनम् the three kinds of collyrium; i. e. कालाञ्जन, रसाञ्जन and पुष्पाञ्जन. -अञ्जलम्, -लिः three handfuls taken collectively. -अधिपतिः (the lord of the 3 guṇas or worlds), an epithet of Viṣṇu; Bhāg.3.16.24. -अधिष्ठानः the soul. (नम्) spirit, life (चैतन्य). -a. having three stations; Ms.12.4. -अध्वगा, -मार्गगा, -वर्त्मगा epithets of the river Ganges (flowing through the three worlds). -अनीक a. having the three properties of heat, rain and cold; त्यनीकः पत्यते माहिनावान् Rv.3.56.3. (-का) an army consisting of horses, elephants and chariots. -अब्द a. three years old. -ब्दम् three years taken collectively. -अम्बकः (also त्रियम्बक in the same sense though rarely used in classical literature) 'having three eyes', N. of Śiva.; त्रियम्बकं संयमिनं ददर्श Ku.3.44; जडीकृतस्त्र्यम्बकवीक्षणेन R.2. 42;3.49. ˚सखः an epithet of Kubera; कुबेरस्त्र्यम्बकसखः Ak. -अम्बका an epithet of Pārvatī -अशीत a. eighty-third. -अशीतिः f. eighty-three. -अष्टन् a. twenty-four. -अश्र, -अस्र a. triangular. (-स्रम्) a triangle. -अहः 1 a period of three days. -2 a festival lasting three days. -आर्षेयाः deaf, dumb and blind persons. -आहिक a. 1 performed or produced in three days. -2 recurring after the third day, tertian (as fever). -3 having provision for three days कुशूलकुम्भीधान्यो वा त्र्याहिको$श्वस्तनो$पि वा Y.1.128. -ऋचम् (तृचम् also) three Riks taken collectively; Ms.8.16. -ऐहिक a. having provision for three days. -ककुद् m. 1 N. of the mountain Trikūṭa. -2 N. of Viṣnu or Kṛiṣṇa. -3 the highest, chief. -4 a sacrifice lasting for ten nights. -ककुभ् m. Ved. 1 Indra. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. -कटु dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper taken together as a drug; शिरामोक्षं विधायास्य दद्यात् त्रिकटुकं गुडम् Śālihotra 62. -कण्टः, -कण्टकः a kind of fish. -करणी the side of a square 3 times as great as another. -कर्मन् n. the chief three duties of a Brāhmaṇa i. e. sacrifice, study of the Vedas, and making gifts or charity. (-m.) one who engages in these three duties (as a Brāhmaṇa). -काण्डम् N. of Amarsiṁha's dictionary. -कायः N. of Buddha. -कालम् 1 the three times; the past, the present, and the future; or morning, noon and evening. -2 the three tenses (the past, present, and future) of a verb. (-लम् ind. three times, thrice; ˚ज्ञ, ˚दर्शिन् a. omniscient (m.) 1 a divine sage, seer. -2 a deity. -3 N. of Buddha. ˚विद् m. 1 a Buddha. -2 an Arhat (with the Jainas). -कूटः N. of a mountain in Ceylon on the top of which was situated Laṅkā, the capital of Rāvaṇa.; Śi.2.5. -कूटम् sea-salt. कूर्चकम् a knife with three edges. -कोण a. triangular, forming a triangle. (-णः) 1 a triangle. -2 the vulva. -खम् 1 tin. -2 a cucumber. -खट्वम्, -खट्वी three bedsteads taken collectively. -क्षाराणि n. (pl.) salt-petre, natron and borax. -गणः an aggregate of the three objects of worldly existence; i. e. धर्म, अर्थ and काम; न बाधते$स्य त्रिगणः परस्परम् Ki.1.11; see त्रिवर्ग below. -गत a. 1 tripled. -2 done in three days. -गर्ताः (pl.) 1 N. of a country, also called जलन्धर, in the northwest of India. -2 the people or rulers of that country. -3 a particular mode of calculation. -गर्ता 1 a lascivious woman, wanton. -2 a woman in general. -3 a pearl. -4 a kind of cricket. -गुण a. 1 consisting of three threads; व्रताय मौञ्जीं त्रिगुणां बभार याम् Ku.5.1. -2 three-times repeated, thrice, treble, threefold, triple; सप्त व्यतीयुस्त्रिगुणानि तस्य (दिनानि) R.2. 25. -3 containing the three Guṇas सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्. (-णम्) the Pradhāna (in Sāṅ. phil.); (-ind.) three times; in three ways. -णाः m. (pl.) the three qualities or constituents of nature; त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः K.1. (-णा) 1 Māyā or illusion (in Vedānta phil.). -2 an epithet of Durgā. -गुणाकृतम् ploughed thrice. -चक्षुस् m. an epithet of Śiva. -चतुर a. (pl.) three or four; गत्वा जवात्त्रिचतुराणि पदानि सीता B.R.6.34. -चत्वा- रिंश a. forty-third. -चत्वारिंशत् f, forty-three. -जगत् n. -जगती the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmosphere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, and the lower world; त्वत्कीर्तिः ...... त्रिजगति विहरत्येवमुर्वीश गुर्वी Sūkti.5.59. -जटः an epithet of Śiva. -जटा N. of a female demon, one of the Rākṣasa attendants kept by Rāvaṇa to watch over Sītā, when she was retained as a captive in the Aśoka-vanikā. She acted very kindly towards Sītā and induced her companions to do the same; सीतां मायेति शंसन्ति त्रिजटा समजीवयत् R.12.74. -जातम्, जातकम् The three spices (mace, cardamoms, cinnamon). -जीवा, -ज्या the sine of three signs or 9˚, a radius. -णता a bow; कामुकानिव नालीकांस्त्रिणताः सहसामुचन् Śi.19.61. -णव, -णवन् a. (pl.) three times nine; i. e. 27. -णाकः the heaven; तावत्त्रिणाकं नहुषः शशास Bhāg.6.13.16. -णाचिकेतः 1 a part of the Adhvaryu-sacrifice or Yajurveda, or one who performs a vow connected therewith (according to Kull. on Ms.3.185); Mb.13.9.26. -2 one who has thrice kindled the Nāchiketa fire or studied the Nāchiketa section of Kāṭhaka; त्रिणाचिकेत- स्त्रिभिरेत्य सन्धिम् Kaṭh.1.17. -णीता a wife ('thrice married'; it being supposed that a girl belongs to Soma, Gandharva and Agni before she obtains a human husband). -णेमि a. with three fellies; विचिन्वतो$भूत् सुमहांस्त्रिणेमिः Bhāg.3.8.2. -तक्षम्, तक्षी three carpenters taken collectively. -दण्डम् 1 the three staves of a Saṁnyāsin (who has resigned the world) tied togethar so as to form one. -2 the triple subjection of thought, word, and deed. (-ण्डः) the state of a religious ascetic; ज्ञानवैराग्यरहितस्त्रिदण्डमुपजीवति Bhāg.11.18.4. -दण्डिन् m. 1 a religious mendicant or Saṁnyāsin who has renounced all worldly attachments, and who carries three long staves tied together so as to form one in his right hand; तल्लिप्सुः स यतिर्भूत्वा त्रिदण्डी द्वारका- मगात् Bhāg.1.86.3. -2 one who has obtained command over his mind, speech, and body (or thought, word, and deed); cf. वाग्दण्डो$थ मनोदण्डः कायदण्डस्तथैव च । यस्यैते निहिता बुद्धौ त्रिदण्डीति स उच्यते ॥ Ms.12.1. -दशाः (pl.) 1 thirty. -2 the thirty-three gods:-- 12 Ādityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras and 2 Aśvins. (-शः) a god, an immortal; तस्मिन्मघोनस्त्रिदशान्विहाय सहस्रमक्ष्णां युगपत्पपात Ku.3.1. ˚अङ्कुशः (-शम्) the heaven. ˚आयुधम् Indra's thunderbolt; R.9.54. ˚आयुधम् rainbow; अथ नभस्य इव त्रिदशायुधम् R.9.54. ˚अधिपः, ˚ईश्वरः, ˚पतिः epithets of Indra. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Śiva. ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚अयनः an epithet of Viṣṇu. ˚अरिः a demon. ˚आचार्यः an epithet of Bṛihaspati. ˚आधार Nectar. ˚आलयः, ˚आवासः 1 heaven. -2 the mountain Meru. -3 a god. ˚आहारः 'the food of the gods', nectar. ˚इन्द्रः 1 Indra. -2 Śiva. -3 Brahman. ˚गुरुः an epithet of Bṛihaspati, ˚गोपः a kind of insect; (cf. इन्द्रगोप) श्रद्दधे त्रिदशगोपमात्रके दाहशक्तिमिव कृष्णवर्त्मनि R.11.42. ˚दीर्घिका an epithet of the Ganges. ˚पतिः Indra; एषो$प्यैरावतस्थस्त्रिदशपतिः Ratn.4.11. ˚पुङ्गवः Viṣṇu; Rām.1. ˚मञ्जरी the holy basil. ˚वधू, ˚वनिता, an Apsaras or heavenly damsel; कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनितादर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः Me.6. ˚वर्त्मन् the sky. ˚श्रेष्ठः 1 Agni. -2 Brahman. ˚दशीभूत Become divine; त्रिदशीभूतपौराणां स्वर्गान्तरमकल्पयत् R.15.12. -दिनम् three days collectively. ˚स्पृश् m. concurrence of three lunations with one solar day. -दिवम् 1 the heaven; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku.1.28; Ś.7.3. -2 sky, atmosphere. -3 paradise. -4 happiness. (-वा) cardamoms. ˚अधीशः, ˚ईशः 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 a god. ˚आलयः the heaven; अश्वमेधजिताँल्लोका- नाप्नोति त्रिदिवालये Mb.13.141.53. ˚उद्भवा 1 the Ganges. -2 small cardamoms. ˚ओकस् m. a god; वपुषि त्रिदिवौकसां परं सह पुष्पैरपतत्र्छिलीमुखाः Vikr.15.72. ˚गत dead; त्रिदिवगतः किमु वक्ष्यते पिता मे Vikr.6.62. -दृश् m. an epithet of Śiva. -दोषम् vitiation or derangement of the three humours of the body, i. e. वात, पित्त and कफ. -धा ind. in 3 parts, ways or places; triply, ˚त्वम् tripartition; Ch. Up. -धातुः an epithet of Gaṇeśa; -तुम् 1 the triple world. -2 the aggregate of the 3 minerals or humours. -धामन् m. 1 N. of Viṣṇu. -2 of Vyāsa; -3 of Śiva. -4 of Agni. -5 death. -n. the heaven; हंसो हंसेन यानेन त्रिधाम परमं ययौ Bhāg.3.24.2. -धारा the Ganges. -नयन, -नेत्रः, -लोचनः epithets of Śiva; R.3. 66; Ku.3.66;5.72. -नवत a. ninety-third. -नवतिः f. ninety three. -नयना Pārvat&imacr. -नाभः Viṣṇu; Bhāg.8. 17.26. -नेत्रचूडामणिः the moon. -नेत्रफलः the cocoa-nut tree. -पञ्च a. three-fold five, i. e. fifteen. -पञ्चाश a. fiftythird. -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-three. -पुटः glass (काच). -पताकः 1 the hand with three fingers stretched out or erect. -2 the forehead marked naturally with three horizontal lines. -पत्रकः the Palāśa tree. -पथम् 1 the three paths taken collectively, i. e. the sky, atmosphere, and the earth, or the sky, earth and the lower world. -2 a place where three roads meet. (-था) an epithet of Mathura. ˚गा, ˚गामिनी an epithet of the Ganges; गङ्गा त्रिपथगामिनी; धृतसत्पथस्त्रिपथगामभितः स तमारुरोह पुरुहूतसुतः Ki.6.1; Amaru.99. -पद्, -पाद्, -पात् m. Ved. 1 Viṣṇu. -2 fever (personified). -पद a. three-footed. (-दम्) a tripod; त्रिपदैः करकैः स्थालैः ...... Śiva. B.22. 62. -पदिका 1 a tripod. -2 a stand with three feet. -पदी 1 the girth of an elephant; नास्रसत्करिणां ग्रैवं त्रिपदी- च्छेदिनामपि R.4.48. -2 the Gāyatrī metre. -3 a tripod. -4 the plant गोधापदी. -परिक्रान्त a. one who walks thrice round a sacred fire. -पर्णः Kiṁśuka tree. -पाटः 1 intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular (in a quadrangular figure). -2 the figure formed by such intersection. -पाटिका a beak. पाठिन् a. 1 familiar with Saṁhitā, Pada, and Krama. -2 one who learns a thing after three repetitions. -पादः 1 the Supreme Being. -2 fever. -पाद् a. 1 having three feet. -2 consisting of three parts, having three fourths; राघवः शिथिलं तस्थौ भुवि धर्मस्त्रिपादिव R.15.96. -3 trinomial. (-m.) 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu in his dwarf incarnation. -2 the Supreme Being. -पिटकम् the 3 collections of Buddhistic sacred writings (सुत्त, विनय and अभिधम्म). -पुट a. triangular. (-टः) 1 an arrow. -2 the palm of the hand. -3 a cubit. -4 a bank or shore. -पुटकः a triangle. -पुटा an epithet of Durgā. -पुटिन् m. the castor-oil plant. -पुण्ड्रम्, -पुण्ड्रक a mark on the forehead consisting of three lines made with cowdung ashes. -पुरम् 1 a collection of three cities. -2 the three cities of gold, silver, and iron in the sky, air and earth built for demons by Maya; (these cities were burnt down, along the demons inhabiting them, by Śiva at the request of the gods); Ku.7.48; Amaru.2; संरक्ताभिस्त्रिपुरविजयो गीयते किन्नरीभिः Me.56; Bh.3.123; (-रः) N. of a demon or demons presiding over these cities. ˚अधिपतिः N. of Maya, ˚अन्तकः, ˚अरिः, ˚घ्नः, ˚दहनः, ˚द्विष् m., हरः &c. epithets of Śiva; अये गौरीनाथ त्रिपुरहर शम्भो त्रिनयन Bh.3.123; R.17.14. ˚दाहः burning of the three cities; मुहुरनुस्मरयन्तमनुक्षपं त्रिपुरदाहमुमापतिसेविनः Ki.5.14. ˚सुन्दरी Durgā. (-री) 1 N. of a place near Jabalpura, formerly capital of the kings of Chedi. -2 N. of a country. -पुरुष a 1 having the length of three men. -2 having three assistants. (-षम्) the three ancestorsfather, grand-father and great-grand-father. -पृष्ठम् the highest heaven; Bhāg.1.19.23. (ष्ठः) Viṣṇu. -पौरुष a. 1 belonging to, or extending over, three generations of men. 2 offered to three (as oblations). -3 inherited from three (as an estate). -प्रस्रुतः an elephant in rut. -फला (1) the three myrobalans taken collectively, namely, Terminalia Chebula, T. Bellerica, and Phyllanthus (Mar. हिरडा, बेहडा and आंवळकाठी). Also (2) the three sweet fruits (grape, pomegranate, and date); (3) the three fragrant fruits (nutmeg, arecanut, and cloves). -बन्धनः the individual soul. -बलिः, बली, -वलिः, -वली f. 1 the three folds or wrinkles of skin above the navel of a woman (regarded as a mark of beauty); क्षामोदरोपरिलसत्त्रिवलीलतानाम् Bh.1.93,81; cf. Ku.1.39. -2 the anus. -बलीकम् the anus. -बाहुः a kind of fighting with swords. -ब्रह्मन् a. with ब्रह्मा, विष्णु and महेश. -भम् three signs of the zodiac, or ninety degrees. -भङ्गम् a pose in which the image is bent at three parts of the body. -भद्रम् copulation, sexual union, cohabitation. -भागः 1 the third part; त्रिभागं ब्रह्महत्यायाः कन्या प्राप्नोति दुष्यती Mb.12.165.42. -2 the third part of a sign of the zodiac. -भुक्ल a. one possessed of learning, good conduct and good family-descent (Dānasāgara, Bibliotheca Indica,274, Fasc.1, p.29). -भुजम् a triangle. -भुवनम् the three worlds; पुण्यं यायास्त्रिभुवन- गुरोर्धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य Me.35; Bh.1.99. ˚गुरु Śiva. ˚कीर्तिरसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda. ˚पतिः Viṣṇu. -भूमः a palace with three floors. -मद the three narcotic plants; the three-fold haughtiness; Bhāg.3.1.43. -मधु n. -मधुरम् 1 sugar, honey, and ghee. -2 three verses of the Ṛigveda (1.9.6-8; मधु वाता ऋतायते˚). -3 a ceremony based on the same; L. D. B. -4 threefold utterance of a vedic stanza ˚मधु वाता -m. a reciter and performer of the above ceremony; L. D. B. -मार्गा the Ganges; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku.1.28. -मुकुटः the Trikūṭa mountain. -मुखः an epithet of Buddha. -मुनि ind. having the three sages पाणिनि, कात्यायन and पतञ्जलि; त्रिमुनि व्याकरणम्. -मूर्तिः 1 the united form of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Maheśa, the Hindu triad; नमस्त्रिमूर्तये तुभ्यं प्रांक्सृष्टेः केवलात्मने । गुणत्रयविभायाय पश्चाद्भेदमुपेयुषे ॥ Ku.2.4. -2 Buddha, or Jina. -मूर्धन् m. 1 a demon; त्रयश्च दूषण- खरस्त्रिमूर्धानो रणे हताः U.2.15. -2 a world called महर्लोक; G&imac;rvāṇa; cf. अमृतं क्षेममभयं त्रिमूर्ध्नो$धायि मूर्धसु Bhāg.2.6.19. -यव a. weighing 3 barley corns; Ms.8.134. -यष्टिः a necklace of three strings. -यामकम् sin. -यामा 1 night (consisting of 3 watches of praharas, the first and last half prahara being excluded); संक्षिप्येत क्षण इव कथं दीर्घयामा त्रियामा Me.11, Ku.7.21,26; R.9.7; V.3. 22. -2 turmeric. -3 the Indigo plant. -4 the river Yamuṇā. -युगः an epithet of Viṣṇu; धर्मं महापुरुष पासि युगानुवृत्तं छन्नः कलौ यदभवस्त्रियुगो$थ सत्त्वम् Bhāg.7.9.38; the god in the form of यज्ञपुरुष; Bhāg.5.18.35. -योनिः a law-suit (in which a person engages from anger, covetousness, or infatuation). -रसकम् spirituous liquor; see त्रिसरकम्. -रात्र a. lasting for three nights. (-त्रः) a festival lasting for three nights. (-त्रम्) a period of three nights. -रेखः a conch-shell. -लिङ्ग a. having three genders, i. e. an adjective. -2 possessing the three Guṇas. (-गाः) the country called Telaṅga. (-गी) the three genders taken collectively. -लोकम् the three worlds. (-कः) an inhabitant of the three worlds; यद्धर्मसूनोर्बत राजसूये निरीक्ष्य दृक्स्वस्त्ययनं त्रिलोकः Bhāg.3. 2.13. ˚आत्मन् m. the Supreme Being. ˚ईशः the sun. ˚नाथः 'lord of the three worlds', an epithet of 1 Indra; त्रिलोकनाथेन सदा मखद्विषस्त्वया नियम्या ननु दिव्यचक्षुषा R.3.45. -2 of Śiva; Ku.5.77. ˚रक्षिन् a. protecting the 3 worlds; त्रिलोकरक्षी महिमा हि वज्रिणः V.1.6. -लोकी the three worlds taken collectively, the universe; सत्यामेव त्रिलोकीसरिति हरशिरश्चुम्बिनीविच्छटायाम् Bh.3.95; Śānti.4.22. -लोचनः Śiva. (-ना) 1 an unchaste woman. -2 an epithet of Durgā. -लोहकम् the three metals:-- gold, silver, and copper. -वर्गः 1 the three objects of wordly existence, i. e. धर्म, अर्थ, and काम; अनेन धर्मः सविशेषमद्य मे त्रिवर्गसारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि Ku.5.38; अन्योन्यानुबन्धम् (त्रिवर्गम्) Kau. A.1.7; प्राप त्रिवर्गं बुबुधे$त्रिवर्गम् (मोक्षम्) Bu. Ch.2.41. -2 the three states of loss, stability, and increase; क्षयः स्थानं च वृद्धिश्च त्रिवर्गो नीतिवेदिनाम् Ak. -3 the three qualities of nature, i. e. सत्त्व, रजस्, and तमस्. -4 the three higher castes. -5 the three myrobalans. -6 propriety, decorum. -वर्णकम् the first three of the four castes of Hindus taken collectively. -वर्ष a. three years old; Ms.5.7. -वलिः, -ली f. (in comp.) three folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a mark of beauty) -वली the anus. -वारम् ind. three times, thrice. -विक्रमः Viṣṇu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation. ˚रसः a patent medicine in Āyurveda. -विद्यः a Brāhmaṇa versed in the three Vedas. -विध a. of three kinds, three-fold. -विष्टपम्, -पिष्टपम् 1 the world of Indra, heaven; त्रिविष्टपस्येव पतिं जयन्तः R.6.78. -2 the three worlds. ˚सद् m. a god. -वृत् a. 1 threefold; मौञ्जी त्रिवृत्समा श्लक्ष्णा कार्या विप्रस्य मेखला Ms.2.42. -2 consisting of three parts (as three गुणs, विद्याs); Bhāg.3.24.33;1.23.39; (consisting of three letters- ओङ्कार); हिरण्यगर्भो वेदानां मन्त्राणां प्रणवस्त्रिवृत् Bhāg.11.16.12. (-m.) 1 a sacrifice. -2 a girdle of three strings; Mb.12.47.44. -3 an amulet of three strings. (-f.) a plant possessing valuable purgative properties. ˚करण combining three things, i. e. earth, water, and fire. -वृत्तिः livelihood through 3 things (sacrifice, study and alms). -वेणिः, -णी f. the place near Prayāga where the Ganges joins the Yamunā and receives under ground the Sarasvatī; the place called दक्षिणप्रयाग where the three sacred rivers separate. -वेणुः 1 The staff (त्रिदण्ड) of a Saṁnyāsin; केचित् त्रिवेणुं जगृहुरेके पात्रं कमण्डलुम् Bhāg.11.23.34. -2 The pole of a chariot; अथ त्रिवेणुसंपन्नं ...... बभञ्ज च महारथम् Rām.3. 51.16; Mb.7.156.83; a three bannered (chariot); Bhāg.4.26.1. -वेदः a Brāhmaṇa versed in the three Vedas. -शक्तिः a deity (त्रिकला), Māyā; Bhāg.2.6.31. -शङ्कुः 1 N. of a celebrated king of the Solar race, king of Ayodhyā and father of Hariśchandra. [He was a wise, pious, and just king, but his chief fault was that he loved his person to an inordinate degree. Desiring to celebrate a sacrifice by virtue of which he could go up to heaven in his mortal body, he requested his family-priest Vasiṣṭha to officiate for him; but being refused he next requested his hundred sons who also rejected his absurd proposal. He, therefore, called them cowardly and impotent, and was, in return for these insults, cursed and degraded by them to be a Chāṇḍāla. While he was in this wretched condition, Viśvāmitra, whose family Triśaṅku had in times of famine laid under deep obligations, undertook to celebrate the sacrifice, and invited all the gods to be present. They, however, declined; whereupon the enraged Viśvāmitra. by his own power lifted up Triśaṅku to the skies with his cherished mortal body. He began to soar higher and higher till his head struck against the vault of the heaven, when he was hurled down head-foremost by Indra and the other gods. The mighty Viśvāmitra, however, arrested him in his downward course, saying 'Stay Triśaṅku', and the unfortunate monarch remained suspended with his head towards the earth as a constellation in the southern hemisphere. Hence the wellknown proverb:-- त्रिशङ्कुरिवान्तरा तिष्ठ Ś.2.] -2 the Chātaka bird. -3 a cat. -4 a grass-hopper. -5 a firefly. ˚जः an epithet of Hariśchandra. ˚याजिन् m. an epithet of Viśvāmitra. -शत a. three hundred. (-तम्) 1 one hundred and three. -2 three hundred. -शरणः a Buddha. -शर्करा three kinds of sugar (गुडोत्पन्ना, हिमोत्था, and मधुरा). -शाख a. three-wrinkled; भ्रुकुट्या भीषणमुखः प्रकृत्यैव त्रिशाखया Ks.12.72. -शालम् a house with three halls or chambers. -शिखम् 1 a trident; तदापतद्वै त्रिशिखं गरुत्मते Bhāg.1.59.9. -2 a crown or crest (with three points). -शिरस् m. 1 N. of a demon killed by Rāma. -2 an epithet of Kubera. -3 fever. त्रिशिरस्ते प्रसन्नो$स्मि व्येतु ते मज्ज्वराद्भयम् Bhāg.1.63.29. -शीर्षः Śiva. -शीर्षकम्, -शूलम् a trident. ˚अङ्कः, ˚धारिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -शुक्लम् the holy combination of 'three days' viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the moon (day of the manes) and daytime; त्रिशुक्ले मरणं यस्य, L. D. B. -शूलिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -शृङ्गः 1 the Trikūṭa mountain. -2 a triangle. -शोकः the soul. -षष्टिः f. sixty-three. -ष्टुभ् f. a metre of 4 x 11 syllables. -संध्यम्, -संध्यी the three periods of the day, i. e. dawn, noon, and sunset; also -त्रिसवनम् (-षवणम्); Ms.11.216. -संध्यम् ind. at the time of the three Sandhyas; सान्निध्यं पुष्करे येषां त्रिसन्ध्यं कुरुनन्दन Mb. -सप्तत a. seventy-third. -सप्ततिः f. seventy-three. -सप्तन्, -सप्त a. (pl.) three times 7, i. e. 21. -सम a. (in geom.) having three equal sides, equilateral. -सरः milk, sesamum and rice boiled together. -सरकम् drinking wine thrice ('सरकं शीधुपात्रे स्यात् शीधुपाने च शीधुनि' इति विश्वः); प्रातिभं त्रिसरकेण गतानाम् Śi.1.12. -सर्गः the creation of the 3 Guṇas; Bhāg.1.1.1. -साधन a. having a threefold causality; R.3.13. -सामन् a. singing 3 Sāmans (an उद्गातृ); उद्गाता तत्र संग्रामे त्रिसामा दुन्दुभिर्नृप Mb.12.98.27. -साम्यम् an equilibrium of the three (qualities); Bhāg.2.7.4. -सुपर्णः, -र्णम् 1 N. of the three Ṛigvedic verses (Rv.1.114.3-5). -2 N. of T. Ār.1.48-5; -a. familiar with or reciting these verses; Ms.3.185. -स्थली the three sacred places : काशी, प्रयाग, and गया. -स्थानम् the head, neck and chest together; तन्त्रीलयसमायुक्तं त्रिस्थानकरणान्वितम् Rām.7.71.15. -a. 1 having 3 dwelling places. -2 extending through the 3 worlds. -स्रोतस् f. an epithet of the Ganges; त्रिस्रोतसं वहति यो गगनप्रतिष्ठाम् Ś.7.6; R.1.63; Ku.7.15. -सीत्य, -हल्य a. ploughed thrice (as a field). -हायण a. three years old.
daṇḍādaṇḍi दण्डादण्डि ind. 'Stick against stick', fighting with sticks and staves; cudgelling; Ms.6.121 Kull.
dhvajaḥ ध्वजः [ध्वज्-अच्] 1 A flag, banner, standard, ensign; R.7.4;17.32; आरोहति न यः स्वस्य वंशस्याग्रे ध्वजो यथा Pt.1.26; ध्वजं चक्रे च भगवानुपरि स्थास्यतीति तम् Mb. -2 A distinguished or eminent person, the flag or ornament (at the end of comp.); as in कुलध्वजः 'the head, ornament, or distinguished person of a family'. -3 A flagstaff. -4 A mark, emblem, sign, a symbol; वृषभ˚, मकर˚ &c. -5 the attribute of a deity. -6 The sign of a tavern. -7 The sign of a trade, any trademark. -8 The organ of generation (of any animal, male or female). -9 One who prepares and sells liquors; Ms.4.85; सुरापाने सुराध्वजः Ms. -1 A house situated to the east of any object. -11 Pride. -12 Hypocrisy. -13 A skull carried on a staff (as a mark of ascetics) or as a penance for the murder of a Brāhmaṇa; see खट्वाङ्ग. -14 (In prosody) An iambic foot. (ध्वजीकृ to hoist a flag; (fig.) to use as a plea or pretext.) -15 part of a sword; श्रेष्ठखड्गाङ्गयोरपि Nm. -Comp. -अंशुकम्, -पटः, -टम् a flag; तमाधूतध्वजपटं व्योमगङ्गोर्मिवायुभिः R.12.85. -आरोपणम्, -आरोहणम् raising a flag. -आरोहः a kind of ornament on a flag; काञ्चना मणिचित्राङ्गा ज्वलन्त इव पावकाः । अर्चिष्मन्तो व्यरोचन्त ध्वजारोहा सहस्रशः ॥ Mb.6.16.12. (v. l.). -आहृत a. seized on the battle-field; Ms.8.415. -उच्छ्रयः hypocrisy; Mb.3.3/3.1. -उत्थानम् a festival in honour of Indra. -गृहम् a room in which banners are kept. -द्रुमः the palm tree. -प्रहरणः air, wind. -भङ्गः, -पातः inability to beget children. -यन्त्रम् any contrivance to which a flag-staff is fastened. -यष्टिः a flag-staff; संक्रमध्वजयष्टीनां प्रतिमानां च भेदकः Ms.9.285.
pānam पानम् [पा-ल्युट्] 1 Drinking, quaffing, kissing (a lip); पयःपानम्; देहि मुखकमलमधुपानम् Gīt.1. -2 Drinking spirituous liquors; नहि धर्मार्थसिद्ध्यर्थं पानमेव प्रशस्यते Rām. 4.33.46. Ms.7.5;9.13; द्यूतपानप्रसक्ताश्च जघन्या राजसी गतिः 12.45. -3 A drink, beverage in general; Ms. 3.227; पयःपानं भुजङ्गानां केवलं विषवर्धनम् Pt.1.389. -4 A drinking vessel. -5 Sharpening; whetting. -6 Protection, defence. -7 A canal. -नः 1 A distiller. -2 Breath, expiration. -a. (in comp.) Drinking, one who drinks; विश्वं युगान्ते वटपत्र एकः शेते स्म मायाशिशुरङ्घ्रिपानः Bhāg.3.33.4. -Comp. -अगारः, -आगारः, -रम् a tavern; Mb.12.88.14. -अत्ययः hard drinking. -गोष्ठिका, -गोष्ठी 1 a drinking party. -2 a dramshop, tavern. -पः a. drinking spirituous liquors; Mb.3.48.6. -पात्रम्, -भाजनम्, -भाण्डम् a drinking vessel, a goblet. -भूः, -भूमिः, -भूमी f. a drinking room; रणक्षितिः शोणितमद्य कुल्या रराज मृत्योरिव पानभूमिः R.7.49;19.11. -मण्डलम् a drinking party. -रत a. addicted to drinking. -वणिज् m. vendor of spirits. -विभ्रमः intoxication. -शौण्डः a hard drinker.
pītiḥ पीतिः A horse. -f. 1 Draught, drinking. -2 A tavern. -3 The proboscis of an elephant. -4 Going. -5 Protection (Ved).
madaḥ मदः [मद्-अच्] 1 Intoxication, drunkenness, inebriety; मदेनास्पृश्ये Dk.; मदविकाराणां दर्शकः K.45; see comps. below. -2 Madness, insanity. -3 Ardent passion, wanton or lustful passion, lasciviousness, lust; इति मदमदनाभ्यां रागिणः स्पष्टरागान् Śi.1.91. -4 Rut, ichor, or the juice that exudes from the temples of an elephant in rut; मदेन भाति कलभः प्रतापेन महीपतिः Chandr.5.45; so मदकलः, मदोन्मत्त; Me.2; R.2.7;12.12. -5 Love, desire, ardour. -6 Pride, arrogance, conceit; तं मोहाच्छ्रयते मदः स च मदाद्दास्येन निर्विद्यते Pt.1.24. -7 Rapture, excessive delight. -8 Spirituous liquor; पाययित्वा मदं सम्यक् Śukra. 4.1171. -9 Honey. -1 Musk. -11 Semen virile. -12 Soma. -13 Any beautiful object. -14 A river (नद) -15 Beauty; नीलारविन्दमदभङ्गिमदैः कटाक्षैः Bv.3.4. -16 N. of the 7th astrological mansion. -दी 1 A drinking-cup. -2 Any agricultural implement (such as a plough &c.). -Comp. -अत्ययः, -आतङ्कः any distemper (such as headache) resulting from drunkenness. -अन्ध a. 1 blinded by intoxication, dead drunk, drunk with passion; अधरमिव मदान्धा पातुमेषा प्रवृत्ता V.4.13; यदा किंचिज्ज्ञो$हं द्विप इव मदान्धः समभवम् Bh.2.7. -2 blinded by passion or pride, arrogant, infatuated. -अपनयम् removal of intoxication. -अम्बरः 1 an elephant in rut. -2 N. of Airāvata, the elephant of Indra. -अलस a. languid with passion or intoxication. -अलसा N. of the daughter of Viśvaketu, the lord of Gandharvas. -अवस्था 1 a state of drunkenness. -2 wantonness, lustfulness. -3 rut, being in rut; अन्तर्मदावस्थ इव द्विपेन्द्रः R.2.7. -आकुल a. 1 furious with rut. -2 full of lust, overpowered by passion. -आढ्य a. drunk, intoxicated. (-ढ्यः) the palm tree. -आम्नातः a kettle-drum carried on the back of an elephant. -आलापिन् m. a cuckoo. -आह्वः musk. -उत्कट a. 1 intoxicated, excited by drink. -2 furious with passion, lustful. -3 arrogant, proud, haughty. -4 ruttish, under the influence of rut; मदोत्कटे रेचितपुष्पवृक्षा गन्धद्विपे वन्य इव द्विरेफाः R.6.7; हस्तिनं कमल- नालतन्तुना बद्धुमिच्छति वने मदोत्कटम्. (-टः) 1 an elephant in rut. -2 a dove. (-टा) spirituous liquor. -उत्सवः, उद्भवः mango -उदग्र, -उन्मत्त a. 1 drunk, intoxicated. -2 furious, drunk with passion. मदोदग्राः ककुद्मन्तः सरितां कूलमुद्रुजाः R.4.22. -3 arrogant, proud, haughty; मदोन्मत्तस्य भूपस्य कुञ्जरस्य च गच्छतः उन्मार्गं वाच्यतां यान्ति महामात्राः समीपगाः Pt.1.161. -उदग्रा f. A woman; L. D. B. -उद्धत a. 1 drunk with passion; मदोद्धताः प्रत्यनिलं विचेरुः Ku.3.31; सत्पक्षा मधुरगिरः प्रसाधिताशा मदोद्धतारम्भाः Ve.1.6. -2 inflated with pride. -उल्लापिन् m. the cuckoo. -ऊर्जित a. swollen with pride. -कटः a eunuch. -कर a. intoxicating, causing intoxication. -करिन् m. an elephant in rut. -कल a. speaking softly or inarticulately, speaking indistinctly; मदकलोदकलोलविहंगमाः R.9.37; मद- कलमदिराक्षीनीविमोक्षो हि मोक्षः Udb. -2 uttering low sounds of love. -3 drunk with passion; एतस्मिन् मदकलमल्लिकाक्षपक्ष... U.1.31; Māl.9.14. -4 indistinct yet sweet; मदकलं कूजितं सारसानाम् Me.31. -5 ruttish, furious, under the influence of rut; V.4.46. -6 furious, mad. (-लः) an elephant in rut; -कोहलः a bull set at liberty (to roam at will). -खेल a. stately or sportive through passion; मदखेलपदं कथं नु तस्याः V.4.16. -गन्धा 1 an intoxicating drink. -2 hemp. -गमनः a buffalo. -च्युत् a. 1 distilling rut (as an elephant). -2 lustful, wanton, drunk. -3 gladdening, exhilarating. (-m.) an epithet of Indra. (-m. dual) an epithet of the Aśvins. -जलम्, -वारि n. rutting juice, ichor exuding from the temples of a ruttish elephant. -ज्वरः fever of pride or passion; कतिपयपुरस्वाम्ये पुंसां क एष मदज्वरः Bh.3.23. -द्रुः a cocoa-nut tree (Mar. माड). -द्विपः a furious elephant, an elephant in rut. -प्रयोगः, -प्रसेकः, -प्रस्रवणम्, -स्रावः, -स्रुतिः f. the exudation of ichor or rutting juice from the temple of an elephant. -प्रसेकः the aphrodisiacal fluid (वीर्यच्युतिः); अन्यत्र मुञ्चन्ति मदप्रसेकम् Mk.4.16. -भङ्गः humiliation of pride; Bv.3.4. -भञ्जिनी Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. शतावरी). -मत्ता N. of a metre. -मुच् a. 'dropping down ichor', furious, intoxicated; सो$यं पुत्रस्तव मदमुचां वारणानां विजेता U.3.15. -मोहित a. 1 stupefied by drunkenness; अकार्यमन्यत् कुर्याद् वा ब्राह्मणो मदमोहितः Ms.11.96. -2 infatuated by pride. -रक्त a. affected with passion. -रागः 1 Cupid. -2 a cock. -3 a drunkard. -लेखा 1 a line of rut, a line formed by the juice flowing from an elephant's temples. -2 a kind of metre. -विक्षिप्त a. in rut, furious. -2 agitated by lust or passion. -विह्वल a. 1 maddened by lust or pride. -2 stupefied with intoxication. -वीर्यम् 1 strength produced by passion. -2 the heroism of love -वृन्दः an elephant. -शौण्डः, -शौण्डकम् nutmeg. -सारः a cotton shrub. -स्थलम्, -स्थानम् an ale-house, dram-shop, tavern.
madirā मदिरा 1 Spirituous liquor; काङ्क्षत्यन्यो वदनमदिरां दोहद- च्छद्मनास्याः Me.8 (v. l.); Śi.11.49. -2 A kind of wagtail. -3 N. of Durgā. -4 N of a metre; सप्तभकारकृताबसितौ च गुरुः कविभिः कथिता मदिरा V. Ratna. (com.). -Comp. -उत्कट, -उन्मत्त a. intoxicated with spirituous liquor. -गृहम्, -शाला an ale-house, dram-house, a tavern. -मदान्ध a. dead drunk. -सखः the mango tree.
śuṇḍā शुण्डा 1 An elephant's trunk. -2 Spirituous liquor. -3 A tavorn, dram-shop. -4 The stalk of the lotus. -5 A courtezan, harlot. -6 A bawd, procuress. -7 The chin; L. D. B. -Comp. -दण्डः an elephant's trunk. -पानम् a tavern, dram-shop.
surā सुरा (सु-क्रन् Uṇ.2.24) 1 A spirituous liquor, wine; सुरा वै मलमन्नानाम् Ms.11.93; गौडी पैष्टी च माध्वी च विज्ञेया त्रिविधा सुरा 94. -2 Water. -3 A drinking vessel. -4 A snake. -Comp. -आकरः 1 a distillery. -2 the cocoanut tree. -आजीवः, -आजीविन् m. a distiller. -आलयः a tavern, dram-shop. -आसवः spirituous liquor. -उदः the sea of spirituous liquor. -कारः a distiller. -गृहम् a tavern. -ग्रहः a vessel for holding liquor; व्यवस्थितिस्तेषु विवाहयज्ञ- सुराग्रहैरासु निवृत्तिरिष्टा Bhāg.11.5.11. -जीविन् a tavernkeeper, a vintner -ध्वजः a flag or sign hung outside a tavern. -प a. 1 a drinker of spirituous liquor; Ms.11.49. -2 pleasant, agreeable. -3 wise, sage. -पाणम्, -पानम् the drinking of wine or liquor. -पात्रम्, -भाजनम्, -भाण्डम् a wine glass or cup; अपः सुराभाजनस्था मद्यभाण्डस्थितास्तथा Ms.11.147. -पीत a. one who has drunk wine; सुखजातः सुरापीतः ... Bk.5.38. -बीजम् a substance serving for the preparation of beer. -भागः yeast. -मण्डः the froth or scum of spirituous liquor during fermentation. -मूल्यम् drink-money. -संधानम् distillation of spirituous liquor. -सुः 1 a drunkard. -2 a heretic.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
kartave kár-tave, dat. inf. of kṛ do, i. 85, 9.
tava táva, gen. (of. tvám) of thee, i. 1, 6; vi. 54, 9; viii. 48, 8 [Av. tava, Lith. tavè].
Macdonell Search
9 results
āpāna n. carousal; banquet; -ka, n. drinking-bout; -goshthî, f. drinking-bout; -bhûmi, f. place for drinking; -sâlâ, f. tavern.
gañjā f. tavern; hemp.
vip a. inwardly stirred, inspired (RV.); f. (RV.) switch, rod, shaft (of an arrow); in the preparation of Soma, the staves forming the bottom of the drainer and supporting the straining cloth.
śauṇḍa a. (--°ree;) addicted to liquor (sundâ); passionately fond of, entirely devoted to; skilled in; being the pride of: i-ka, m. distiller or seller of spirituous liquors: î, f. female keeper of a tavern; -in,m.: -î, f. id.
śruti f. V., C.: hearing, listening; sound, noise; C.: ear; musical interval (there being 22 in the octave); report, news, of (--°ree;); rumour, hearsay; saying, saw; traditional religious precept (regarding, --°ree;), sacred text (pl. sacred texts, the Vedas); name, title (rare); learning (v. r. sruta-): srutim abhi nîya, pretending to hear; srutau sthâ, be known by hearsay only; iti sruteh, because it is so stated in the scriptures orVeda; -sruteh, because -is prescribed or taught.
surāyudha n. missile of the gods; -½ari, m. foe of the gods, Asura or Râkshasa; 1. -½âlaya, m. abode of the gods, heaven; house of god, temple; 2. â½âlaya, m. tavern; -½âvâsa, m. abode of the gods, N. of a tem ple; -½âsraya, m. resort of the gods, Meru.
surādhvaja m. sign of a tavern; -pa, a. (â, î) drinking spirituous liquor.
surājīvin m. (living by spirits), keeper of a tavern or distiller; -dhara, m. N. of an Asura.
hantavya fp. to be slain or killed, -punished with death; -transgressed (law); -refuted (rare): (hán)-tri (w. ac.; -trí, w. g.), m. striker, slayer, killer, murderer; de stroyer, disturber; (hán)-tave, (hán)-tavaí, V. d. inf. √ han; -tu-kâma, a. desirous of slaying; -trî-mukha, m. a kind of demon injurious to children; (hán)-man, m. or n. blow, thrust, stroke (RV.).
Bloomfield Vedic
9 results0 results76 results
taved anu pradivaḥ somapeyam RV.3.43.1b.
taved idam abhitaś cekite vasu RV.1.53.3b; AVś.20.21.3b.
taved indra praṇītiṣu RV.8.6.22a.
taved indrāvamaṃ vasu RV.7.32.16a; SV.1.270a.
taved indrāham āśasā RV.8.78.10a; śś.18.11.2.
taved u tāḥ sukīrtayaḥ RV.8.45.33a.
taved uṣo vyuṣi sūryasya ca RV.7.81.2c; SV.2.102c; TB.
taved u stomaṃ (SV. stomaiś) ciketa RV.8.2.17c; AVś.20.18.2c; SV.2.70c.
taved dhi sakhyam astṛtam RV.1.15.5c. See tavedaṃ sakhyam.
taved viṣṇo bahudhā vīryāṇi AVś.17.1.6e,7e,8e,9c,10f,11e,12e,13e,14c,15c,16e,17c,18e,19e,24e.
tavedaṃ viśvam abhitaḥ paśavyam RV.7.98.6a; AVś.20.87.6a; MS.4.14.5a: 221.15; TB.
tavedaṃ sakhyam astṛtam SV.1.229c. See taved dhi.
tavedaṃ sarvam ātmanvat AVś.11.2.10d.
tavedam ugrorv antarikṣam AVś.11.2.10c.
tavemāḥ pañca pradiśo vidharmaṇi RV.9.86.29b.
tavemāḥ prajā divyasya retasaḥ RV.9.86.28a.
taveme pañca paśavo vibhaktāḥ AVś.11.2.9c.
taveme pṛthivi pañca mānavāḥ AVś.12.1.15c.
taveme lokāḥ pradiśo diśaś ca MS.4.14.1a: 215.15; TB.; Aś.2.14.12a; 10.9.5; Apś.20.20.9a.
taveme sapta sindhavaḥ RV.9.66.6a.
tavendo dyumna uttame RV.9.61.29b; SV.2.129c.
tavendra viṣṇor anusaṃcarema TA.10.2.1b.
tavet tat satyam aṅgiraḥ RV.1.1.6c.
taveva me tviṣir bhūyāt VS.10.5,15; TS.; MS.2.6.10: 70.3; 4.4.4: 53.3; KS.15.7; śB.; 4.1.11; TB.
taveva me dhrājamānasya dhrājo bhūyāsuḥ MS.4.9.5: 125.14.
taveva me bhrājamānasya bhrājo bhūyāsuḥ MS.4.9.5: 126.1.
taveva me manyur bhūyāt TS.; TB.; Mś.
taveva me rocamānasya roco bhūyāsuḥ MS.4.9.5: 125.12.
ārtavebhyaḥ svāhā # VS.22.28; MS.3.12.7: 162.15.
ketave manave brahmaṇe devajātave svāhā # ApMB.2.21.7 (ApG.8.22.7).
kratave svāhā # VS.9.20; 18.28; 22.32; MS.1.11.3: 163.17; KS.14.1; śB.; TA.4.5.1.
taveda (MS. jātavedā) indrāya havyam (AVś. yajñam; AVP. bhāgam; MS. devebhyaḥ) # AVś.5.27.12b; AVP.9.1.11b; VS.27.22b; TS.; MS.2.12.6b: 151.1; KS.18.17b.
tavedaḥ pavitravat # TB.;
tavedaḥ punīhi (MS. punāhi) mā # RV.9.67.27d; VS.19.39d; MS.3.11.10d: 155.14; KS.38.2d.
tavedaḥ pra ṇas tira # AVP.2.37.1c.
tavedaḥ prati havyā gṛbhāya # AVś.3.10.6b; AVP.1.105.2b; SMB.2.2.14b. See jātavedo havir.
tavedaḥ śivo bhava # VS.12.16d; TS.; 2.1.5d; MS.2.7.8d: 86.2; KS.16.8d.
tavedasa upadiśyasya sthāne svatejasā bhāni # TA.1.18.1.
tavedasaṃ juhvaṃ sahānām # RV.10.6.5d.
tavedase sunavāma somam # RV.1.99.1a; RVKh.10.127.5d; AB.4.30.12; 32.10; 5.2.16; 8.13; 15.7; 17.15; 19.17; 21.18; ā.; TA.10.2.1a; MahānU.6.2a; Aś.7.1.14; N.7a (Roth's edition, p. 201); 14.33a. P: jātavedase BṛhPDh.9.327; Rvidh.1.22.4,6. Cf. BṛhD.3.130 (B).
tavedas tanūvaśin # AVś.1.7.2b; 5.8.2f; AVP.4.4.2b; 7.18.2f.
tavedas tanvo deva ekaḥ # RV.10.51.1d.
tavedaḥ saṃ dhehi # Apś.3.12.1c.
tave indrāya etc. # see jātaveda etc.
tave ūrjāyantyā (TB. morjāyantyā) punātu # RVKh.9.67.5d; TB.
tavedāḥ pra muñcatu # śś.4.17.12d.
tavedāḥ pra yachatu (śG.VārG. add svāhā) # AVś.19.64.1d; śG.2.10.3d; VārG.5.34d.
tave yadi vā pāvako 'si # TB.
tave vicarṣaṇiḥ # TS.; śB.; śś.1.6.2d; Apś.24.12.6d.
tavedo aghāyataḥ # RV.6.16.30b.
tavedo ni dhīmahi # RV.3.29.4c; VS.34.15c; TS.; MS.1.6.2c: 87.9; 1.6.7c: 97.15; KS.15.12c; AB.1.28.24c; KB.9.2.
tavedo ni vartaya # AVś.6.77.3a; Mś.
tavedo bṛhataḥ supraṇīte # RV.3.15.4d.
tavedo bhuvanasya retaḥ (Vait. yad retaḥ) # TB.; Vait.5.7a; Apś.5.8.5a.
tavedo mamā vaha # RVKh.5.87.1d,13d,14d.
tavedo maruto adbhis (TB. 'dbhis) tamayitvā # TB.; Apś.5.2.4b.
tavedo ya urāv antarikṣe # AVP.15.22.4b.
tavedo yaśo asmāsu dhehi # RV.5.4.10c; TS.; ApMB.2.11.5c.
tavedo ramayā paśūn mayi # Aś.1.2.1.
tavedo vapayā gacha devān # TS.; KS.30.8a,9; Apś.7.21.2; Mś.; Kauś.45.11a; SMB.2.3.19a; GG.4.4.23; MG.2.4.5a. Ps: jātavedo vapayā Vait.10.19; jātavedaḥ KhG.3.4.26.
tavedo vahemaṃ (śś. vahasvainaṃ) sukṛtāṃ yatra lokaḥ (TA. lokāḥ) # TA.6.1.4; śś.4.14.36. See nayā hy.
tavedo vicarṣaṇe # RV.1.78.1b; 6.16.29b,36b; 8.43.2b; SV.2.748b; TS.; KS.10.12b.
tavedo virūpavat # RV.1.45.3b; N.3.17b.
tavedo vi rocase # TS.
tavedo havir idaṃ juṣasva # Aś.2.2.17b; Apś.6.5.7b; Mś.; HG.2.17.2b. See jātavedaḥ prati.
jīvātave jarase naya # AVś.6.5.2d.
jīvātave jīvanāya # VSK.3.9.5d; SMB.1.6.7d; PG.2.1.16d.
jīvātave te paridhiṃ dadhāmi # AVś.8.2.9e; Kauś.97.6b. Cf. imaṃ jīvebhyaḥ.
jīvātave tvā # Kauś.76.24.
jīvātave na mṛtyave (AVP.PB. martave) # RV.10.60.9c,10c; AVP.5.17.8e; 9.10.1a; 15.21.5f; PB.1.5.18d.
jīvātave pratarāṃ (RV.AVP. -raṃ) sādhayā dhiyaḥ # RV.1.94.4c; AVP.13.5.3c; SV.2.415c; SMB.2.4.3c.
jīvātave bharāmasi # AVP.7.5.11c.
jīvātave su pra tirā na āyuḥ # RV.10.59.5b; N.10.40b.
tantave tvā jyotiṣe tvā # Kś.3.8.27. See next, and jyotiṣe tantave.
tantave mā jyotiṣā # Lś.2.11.3. See prec., and jyotiṣe tantave.
tave camvoḥ sutam # RV.6.57.2b.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"tave" has 2 results
tavekrt affix तवे for the infinitive affix तुम् in Vedic Literature: exempli gratia, for example दशमे मासि सूतवे; confer, compare P.III 4.9.
tavenkrt affix तवे for the infinitive affix तुम् in Vedic Literature; exempli gratia, for exampleगन्तवे, कर्तवे, हर्तवे; confer, compare P.III. 4.9.
Wordnet Search
"tave" has 7 results.


mṛtyukālaḥ, prayāṇakālaḥ, antasamayaḥ, antave   

antimaśvāsasya kālaḥ।

tasya mṛtyukālaḥ samīpam eva।


vinodaka, hṛdayaṅgama, manorañjaka, cittavedhaka, manohara, hṛdayagrāhin, vinodada, anurāgajanaka, kautukavat   

yad vinodena paripūrṇam।

tasya pārśve naikāḥ vinodakāḥ granthāḥ santi।


kośātakī, kṛtachidrā, jālinī, kṛtavedhanā, kṣveḍā, sutiktā, ghaṇṭālī   

latāviśeṣaḥ yasyāḥ dīrghaphalāt śākam nirmīyate।

chāde kośātakī sarvadūre gatā।


nivṛttavetanam, anuvṛttiḥ   

karmakarasya tad māsikaṃ vārṣikaṃ vā vetanaṃ yad saḥ tasya parivāro vā tasya nivṛttyāḥ anantaraṃ prāpnoti।

saḥ daśasahasrāṇi rupyakāṇi nivṛttavetanam prāpnoti।


agniḥ, vaiśvānaraḥ, vītahotraḥ, agnihotraḥ, huraṇyaretāḥ, saptārci, vibhāvasuḥ, vṛṣākapiḥ, svāhāpatiḥ, svāhāprayaḥ, svāhābhuk, agnidevaḥ, agnidevatā, dhanañjayaḥ, jātavedaḥ, kṛpīṭayoniḥ, śociṣkeśaḥ, uṣarbudhaḥ, bṛhadbhānuḥ, hutabhuk, haviraśanaḥ, hutāśaḥ, hutāśanaḥ, havirbhuk, havyavāhanaḥ, havyāśanaḥ, kravyavāhanaḥ, tanunapāt, rohitāśvaḥ, āśuśukṣaṇiḥ, āśrayāśaḥ, āśayāśaḥ, āśrayabhuk, āśrayadhvaṃsī, pāvakaḥ, pāvanaḥ, tejaḥ, vahniḥ, jvalanaḥ, analaḥ, kṛśānuḥ, vāyusakhā, vāyusakhaḥ, dahanaḥ, śikhī, śikhāvān, kṛṣṇavartmā, araṇiḥ, ghāsiḥ, dāvaḥ, pacanaḥ, pācanaḥ, pācakaḥ, juhuvān, vāśiḥ, arciṣmān, prabhākaraḥ, chidiraḥ, śundhyuḥ, jaganuḥ, jāgṛviḥ, apāmpitaḥ, jalapittaḥ, apittam, himārātiḥ, phutkaraḥ, śukraḥ, āśaraḥ, samidhaḥ, citrabhānuḥ, jvālājihvā, kapilaḥ, vibhāvasuḥ, tamonud, śuciḥ, śukraḥ, damunaḥ, damīnaḥ, agiraḥ, hariḥ, bhuvaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ-hindudharmānusāram agneḥ devatāsvarūpam।

agneḥ patnī svāhā।



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

kṛtavegasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate samupalabhyate



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

kṛtavegasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate samupalabhyate

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