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Grammar Search
"tattvam" has 2 results
tattvam: neuter nominative singular stem: tattva
tattvam: neuter accusative singular stem: tattva
Amarakosha Search
1 result
kāminī3.3.119FeminineSingularprajāpatiḥ, tattvam, tapaḥ, brahma, brahmā, vipraḥ, vedāḥ
Monier-Williams Search
8 results for tattvam
tattvamuktāvalīf. "necklace of truth", Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tattvamuktāvalīf. see View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhagavattattvamañjarīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haritattvamuktāvali f. Name of a commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haritattvamuktāvalīf. Name of a commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntatattvamuktāvalīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathārthatattvamind. in accordance with truth or reality View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathātattvamind. ( ) in accordance with truth, according to actual fact, exactly, accurately. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
tattvam तत्त्वम् (Sometimes written as तत्वम्) 1 True state or condition, fact; वयं तत्त्वान्वेषान्मधुकर हतास्त्वं खलु कृती Ś.1. 23. -2 Truth, reality; न तु मामभिजानन्ति तत्त्वेनातश्च्यवन्ति ते Bg.9.24. -3 True or essential nature; संन्यासस्य महाबाहो तत्त्वमिच्छामि वेदितुम् Bg.18.1;3.28; Ms.1.3;3.96; 5.42. -4 The real nature of the human soul or the material world as being identical with the Supreme Spirit pervading the universe. -5 A true or first principle. -6 An element, a primary substance; तत्त्वान्य- बुद्धाः प्रतनूनि येन, ध्यानं नृपस्तच्छिवमित्यवादीत् Bk.1.18. -7 The mind. -8 Sum and substance. -9 Slow time in music. -1 An element or elementary property. -11 The Supreme Being. -12 A kind of dance. -13 The three qualities or constituents of every thing in nature (सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्). -14 The body; तत्त्वाभेदेन यच्छास्त्रं तत्कार्यं नान्यथाविधम् Mb.12.267.9. -Comp. -अभियोगः a positive charge or declaration. -अभ्यासः The study of the reality; एवं तत्त्वाभ्यासात् Sān. K.64. -अर्थः truth, reality, the exact truth, real nature. -ज्ञ, -विद् a. 1 a philosopher. -2 knowing the true nature of Brahman. -3 knowing the true nature of anything; Ms.12.12. -4 acquainted with the true principles of science. (-ज्ञः) a Brāmaṇa. -ज्ञानम् 1 knowledge of the truth. -2 a thorough knowledge of the principles of a science. -3 philosophy. -दर्शिन्, दृश् perceiving truth. -निकषग्रावन् m. the touch-stone of truth. -न्यासः N. of a ceremony performed in honour of Viṣṇu consisting in the application of mystical letters or other marks to different parts of the body while certain prayers are repeated. -भावः true being or nature; Kaṭh.6. -शुद्धिः ascertainment of truth; Ks.75.194. -संख्यानम् Sāṅkhya philosophy; तत्त्वसंख्यानविज्ञप्त्यै जातं विद्वानजः स्वराट् Bhāg.3.24.1. तत्त्वतः tattvatḥ तत्त्वेन tattvēna तत्त्वतः तत्त्वेन ind. Truly, really, accurately; तत्त्वत एनामुपलप्स्ये Ś.1; Ms.7.1.
Macdonell Search
1 result
yathārtha a. conformable to reality, appropriate (name), suitable; correct, true (also of a dream), in the true sense of the word (life): °ree;-or (á)-m, ad. in accordance with the object or need, suitably, fitly, appro priately; in accordance with reality, accu rately; at pleasure; -ka, a. correct; coming true (dream); -krita-nâman, a. appropriately named; -tattvam, ad. in accordance with the actual truth; -tas, accordance with truth; -tâ, f. appropriateness (of a name); -nâma-ka, a. bearing an appropriate name: -tva, n. appropriateness of name; -nâman, a. having an appropriate name; -½akshara, a. true to the letter; -½âkhya, a. bearing an appropriate name.
Vedabase Search
86 results
tattvam absolute positionSB 4.7.30
tattvam its original conditionSB 5.11.8
tattvam material truthSB 3.5.29
tattvam principleSB 3.1.34
SB 3.26.27
SB 3.26.29
tattvam principle, truthSB 3.28.28
tattvam specific truthSB 2.6.43-45
tattvam spiritual truthSB 11.18.34
tattvam sum totalSB 3.5.27
tattvam the Absolute TruthCC Adi 2.11
CC Adi 2.63
CC Madhya 20.158
CC Madhya 24.74
CC Madhya 24.81
SB 1.2.11
SB 2.4.21
tattvam the elementSB 12.11.14-15
tattvam the factsSB 10.55.6
tattvam the scientific truthSB 11.7.13
tattvam the symptomsSB 2.5.2
tattvam the truthBG 18.1
CC Madhya 11.104
CC Madhya 20.97
CC Madhya 6.84
MM 26
SB 10.14.29
tattvam the TruthSB 10.43.17
tattvam the truthSB 2.10.49-50
SB 3.32.31
SB 4.6.7
SB 6.1.38
SB 7.7.15
tattvam the ultimate goalCC Madhya 25.132
tattvam truthCC Adi 1.3
CC Adi 2.5
CC Madhya 17.186
CC Madhya 25.57
MM 27
SB 2.2.30
SB 2.7.5
SB 2.8.2
SB 4.22.38
SB 4.7.27
tattvam ultimate truthSB 10.5.30
tattvam abravīt explained the Absolute TruthSB 8.24.54
tattvam abravīt explained the Absolute TruthSB 8.24.54
tattvam ataḥ truth like thisSB 3.8.3
tattvam ataḥ truth like thisSB 3.8.3
ātma-tattvam knowledge of self, the ultimate truthSB 2.1.2
ātma-tattvam Absolute TruthSB 3.15.47
ātma-tattvam self-realizationSB 4.7.14
ātma-tattvam the truth of the selfSB 5.5.5
ātma-tattvam spiritual truthSB 5.11.15
ātma-sa-tattvam the actual constitutional position of the soulSB 5.13.24
ātma-tattvam the science of self-realizationSB 8.24.56
ātma-tattvam the true nature of the selfSB 11.3.40
ātma-tattvam the science of the SupersoulSB 12.12.57
ātma-tattvam the original SupersoulSB 12.12.67
loka-tattvam the mystery of creationSB 3.8.17
mahat-tattvam the sum total of cosmic intelligenceSB 3.26.19
mahat-tattvam the total material energyCC Madhya 20.274
mukhya-tattvam the principle element, air, which is the vital force within the material bodySB 12.11.14-15
nabhaḥ-tattvam the element etherSB 12.11.14-15
paramātma-tattvam the principle of primeval causeSB 2.7.47
paramātma-tattvam which ascertain the truth about ParamātmāSB 8.7.29
ātma-sa-tattvam the actual constitutional position of the soulSB 5.13.24
ātma-tattvam knowledge of self, the ultimate truthSB 2.1.2
paramātma-tattvam the principle of primeval causeSB 2.7.47
loka-tattvam the mystery of creationSB 3.8.17
ātma-tattvam Absolute TruthSB 3.15.47
mahat-tattvam the sum total of cosmic intelligenceSB 3.26.19
ātma-tattvam self-realizationSB 4.7.14
ātma-tattvam the truth of the selfSB 5.5.5
ātma-tattvam spiritual truthSB 5.11.15
ātma-sa-tattvam the actual constitutional position of the soulSB 5.13.24
paramātma-tattvam which ascertain the truth about ParamātmāSB 8.7.29
ātma-tattvam the science of self-realizationSB 8.24.56
ātma-tattvam the true nature of the selfSB 11.3.40
mukhya-tattvam the principle element, air, which is the vital force within the material bodySB 12.11.14-15
tejaḥ-tattvam the element fireSB 12.11.14-15
nabhaḥ-tattvam the element etherSB 12.11.14-15
ātma-tattvam the science of the SupersoulSB 12.12.57
ātma-tattvam the original SupersoulSB 12.12.67
mahat-tattvam the total material energyCC Madhya 20.274
tejaḥ-tattvam the element fireSB 12.11.14-15
Wordnet Search
"tattvam" has 19 results.



saḥ piṇḍaḥ yasya antaḥ saṃracanā vartate yaḥ aktaparimāṇaḥ yasya ca vighaṭanam asambhavī।

pratyekasmin rāsāyanikatattve nyuṭrānādikaṃ bhavati।


satyam, tathyam, ṛtam, samyak, avitatham, tattvam, tattvārtham, yathārthavacaman, yāthārthyam, sattvam, sattā, paramārthaḥ, pūtam   

tad vacanam yad yathārtham nyāyasaṅgatam dharmasaṅgataṃ ca;

satyasya rakṣaṇāya taiḥ svasya prāṇāḥ arpitāḥ। / varaṃ kūpaśatādvāpī varaṃ vāpīśatāt kratuḥ varaṃ kratuśatāt putraḥ satyaṃ putraśatāt kila।


siddhāntaḥ, tattvam, matam   

vyavahārādiviṣayakaḥ vihitaḥ niyamaḥ।

siddhāntaḥ pālanīyaḥ।


sāram, tattvam, sāraḥ   

kasyāpi mukhyaḥ bhāgaḥ guṇo vā।

asya adhyāyasya sāraṃ satyaṃ vada iti asti।


pañcatattvam, pañcabhūtam   

pṛthvī-āp-tejo-vāyu-ākāśa ityetāni pañca bhūtāni।

hindūdharmagranthānusāreṇa śarīrasya nirmitiḥ pañcatattvāt jātā।


ātatiḥ, ātattvam, aśaithilyam   

atyantena vitatikṛtasya bhāvaḥ।

ātatyā rajjudhvaṃsaḥ bhavati।


poṣaka-tattvam, poṣaka-dravyam   

puṣṭyarthe āvaśyakaṃ dravyam।

poṣaka-tattvānāṃ nyūnatvāt naike vyadhayaḥ bhavanti yathā āyoḍina ityasya abhāvāt galagaṇḍaḥ udbhavati।


arthatattvam, vastuvṛttam   

vṛttasya vāstavikasthitiḥ।

asya vṛttasya arthatattvāni anviṣyante।



alpākṣaraiḥ kathitaṃ tat vacanaṃ yasmāt gūḍhārthaḥ jñāyate।

ācāryāt mayā jīvanasya tattvaṃ jñātam।


siddhāntaḥ, rāddhāntaḥ, tattvam, mūlatattvam   

ṛṣyādīnāṃ sammataḥ upadeśaḥ।

śaṃkarācāryasya advaitasiddhāntaṃ sarve na svīkurvanti।



ātmanaḥ yathārthaṃ svarūpam।

śrīmadbhagavadgītā ātmatattvaṃ pratipādayati।



ekaṃ vādyam ।

tattvasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



smṛtitattvasya bhāgaḥ ।

grahayajñatattvasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



ekaḥ ṭīkāgranthaḥ ।

haritattvamuktāvaleḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ ṭīkāgranthaḥ ।

haritattvamuktāvalyāḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaṃ smṛtitatvam ।

tīrthayātrātattvasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



smṛtītattvasya aparaṃ nāma ।

janmāṣṭamītattvasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



smṛtitattvasya aparaṃ nāma ।

jalāśayotsargatattvasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaṃ smṛtitatvam ।

tīrthayātrātattvasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

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