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Grammar Search
"tatra" has 1 results
Amarakosha Search
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Monier-Williams Search
43 results for tatra
tatraind. (also trā- ) (t/a-tra-,correlative of y/a-tra-; gaRa di-,not in ) used for the locative case (sg. dual number and plural) of t/ad- (q.v ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. in that place, there (in compound ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. thither, to that place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. in that, therein, in that case, on that occasion, under those circumstances, then, therefore, (also correlative of y/ad-[ etc.], yadā-[ ], yadi-[ ] , or ced-[ ]; tatra māsa-,"that month" id est the month that has been spoken of ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. t/atra tatra- used for double locative case of t/ad- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. t/atra tatra- in that and that place, here and there, everywhere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. t/atra tatra- to every place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. yatra tatra- used for the locative case yasmiṃs tasmin-, in whatever View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. yatra tatra- in whatever place, anywhere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. yatra tatra- to any place whatever, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. yatra tatra- at any rate, indiscriminately, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraind. yatra tatra- yatra tatrāpi-, to whatever place, ([ confer, compare Gothic thathro1.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatrabhavamfn. employed with that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatrabhavatm. ( ) "Your Honour there", (chiefly in dramatic language) respectful title given to absent persons (once to a present person ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatrabhavatīf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatrabhavatīf. see atra-bh-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatracakṣurmanasmfn. directing one's eyes and mind on him View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatralokam. the other world, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatraskandham. Name of a deity, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatrasthamfn. dwelling there, situated there, belonging to that place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatratyamfn. ( ) of that place, being there View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatravāsinmfn. dwelling there, .
aratatrapam. "not ashamed of copulation", a dog, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatatrapamfn. free from fear or shame, bold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastatram. or n. a hand-guard (see -ghn/a-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastatrayasammiteind. at a distance of 3 hasta-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hatatrapamfn. devoid of shame, shameless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛntatran. a section, shred, chip View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛntatran. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' tr/a- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛntatran. (equals kṛ2/ita1-) an abyss (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛntatran. a plough View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛntatra ntana-, etc. See 2. kṛt-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muṣitatrapamfn. one in whom the sense of shame has been destroyed (by love) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patatran. a wing, pinion, feather etc. etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patatran. a vehicle (see pattra-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃketatrayan. Name of tantra- works. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃskṛtatran. a bench used in sacrificing or slaughtering animals View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatatrayan. ( ) () three hundred. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatatraf. () three hundred. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatrasareṇumfn. equals -rāga-, free from passions or affections (printed -trās-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyastatrairāśikan. the rule of three inverted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yajñakṛntatran. plural the dangers connected with a sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatratatraśayamfn. lying down or sleeping anywhere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
tatra तत्र ind. 1 In that place, there, yonder, thither. -2 On that occasion, under those circumstances, then, in that case; दातुं दुहितरं तस्मै रोचयामास तत्र वै Rām. 7.12.17. -3 For that, in that; निरीतयः । यन्मदीयाः प्रजास्तत्र हेतुस्त्वद्ब्रह्मवर्चसम् R.1.63. -4 Often used for the loc. case of तद्; Ms.2.112;3.6;4.186; Y.1.263. तत्रापि 'even then', 'nevertheless' (corr. of यद्यपि). तत्र तत्र 'in various places or cases, 'here and there,' 'to every place'; अध्यक्षान्विविधान्कुर्यात् तत्र तत्र विपश्चितः Ms. 7.81. -Comp. -चक्षुर्मनस् a. directing one's eyes and mind on him. -भवत् a. (-ती f.) his honour, his reverence, revered, respectable, worthy, a respectful title given in dramas to persons not near the speaker; (पूज्ये तत्रभवानत्रभवांश्च भगवानपि); आदिष्टो$स्मि तत्रभवता काश्यपेन Ś.4; तत्रभवान् काश्यपः Ś.1. &c. -स्थ a. standing or being there, belonging to that place.
tatratya तत्रत्य a. (तत्र भवः अव्ययात् त्यप्) Born or produced there, belonging to that place; जित्वोर्विं कन्यकुब्जादौ तत्रत्यं स न्यवेशयत् Rāj. T.1.117.
kṛntatram कृन्तत्रम् Ved. 1 A section. -2 A chip. -3 A plough.
patatram पतत्रम् [पत्-करणे अत्रन्] 1 A wing, pinion; Śvet. Up.3.3; येन मे पूर्वमद्रीणां पक्षच्छेदः प्रजात्यये । कृतो निविशतां भारैः पतत्त्रैः पततां भुवि ॥ Bhāg.8.11.34. -2 A feather. -3 A vehicle.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
tatra tá-tra, adv. there, x. 34, 13 [prn. root tá].
Macdonell Search
7 results
tatra ad.=lc. of ta; there; thither; on this occasion, on account of that, in that case, then; tatra tatra, always in or on that (those); here and there, hither and thither; everywhere; yatra tatra,wherever, anywhere; whithersoever; at every oppor tunity: yatra tatra½api, whithersoever.
tatrabhavat a. respected; m. the gentleman there: -î, f. the lady there (of persons absent from the stage).
tatracakṣurmanas a. directing eyes and thoughts thither.
tatrastha a. being or abiding there.
tatratya a. being there.
kṛntatra n. cleft.
patatra n. wing; feather.
Bloomfield Vedic
7 results0 results48 results
tatra (!) indro bṛhaspatiḥ VS.17.48c. See tatra (and tatrā) no brahmaṇas.
tatra kuṣṭhasya nāmāni AVś.5.4.8c; AVP.1.31.2c.
tatra ko mohaḥ kaḥ śokaḥ VS.40.7c; īśāU.7c.
tatra gacha yatra pūrve paretāḥ VS.13.31d; MS.2.7.16c: 100.7; KS.39.3c; śB.; Apś.16.25.2c.
tatra gāvaḥ kitava tatra jāyā RV.10.34.13c.
tatra cakrāthe aditiṃ ditiṃ ca KS.15.7d. See under ataś cakṣāthe.
tatra jāgṛto asvapnajau satrasadau ca devau VS.34.55d; N.12.37d.
tatra jāmitvam aditir dadhātu naḥ RV.10.64.13d.
tatra ta āhuḥ paramaṃ janitram AVś.1.25.1c; AVP.1.32.1c.
tatra tantuṃ parameṣṭhī tatāna AVś.13.2.6b. See tasmiṃs tantuṃ.
tatra te 'yonijā janāḥ TA.1.8.6d.
tatra tvaṃ pitṛbhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ AVś.18.3.8c. Cf. yamena tvaṃ.
tatra tvādityau rakṣatām AVś.8.2.15d.
tatra tvādur gārhapatyāya devāḥ AVP.4.10.4c.
tatra tvā devaḥ savitā dadhātu RV.10.17.4d; AVś.18.2.55d; VS.23.16d; MS.1.2.15d: 25.16; śB.; TB.; TA.6.1.2d; 4.2d (bis); Apś.7.16.7d.
tatra tvāhaṃ sam agrabham AVP.1.100.3d.
tatra devāṃ upa hvaye RV.1.13.12c.
tatra devānām adhi deva āste AVP.4.1.7c. See yatra etc., and cf. yāsu devīṣv.
tatra devāḥ sarva ekaṃ bhavanti ā.,3d.
tatra devāḥ sarvayujo bhavanti ā.
tatra devaiḥ sadhamādaṃ madanti AVP.14.7.4d.
tatra no brahmaṇas patiḥ SV.2.1216c. See under tatra indro.
tatra nau saṃskṛtam AVś.11.1.35. See tan naḥ saṃ-, and tan nau saṃ-.
tatra nyasyante vāsavaiḥ TA.1.8.6d.
tatra paśyema pitarau ca putrān (TA. pitaraṃ ca putram) AVś.6.120.3d; TA.2.6.2d.
tatra pāpmā ny ucyatu AVP.2.4.5c. See tatra sedir.
tatra puṃsavanaṃ kṛtam AVś.6.11.1b.
tatra pūṣābhavat (SV. -bhuvat) sacā RV.6.57.4c; SV.1.148c; KS.23.11c.
tatra marto vi jāyate AVś.9.3.20c.
tatra mām api saṃ paśya AVP.1.97.4e.
tatra mām amṛtaṃ kṛdhi RV.9.113.8d--11d; RVKh.9.113.1d--5d.
tatra me gachatād dhavam AVś.2.30.3c.
tatra yamaḥ sādanā te kṛṇotu AVś.18.3.52d. See atrā yamaḥ.
tatra yoniṃ kṛṇavase SV.2.56c. See tatrā sadaḥ.
tatra rayiṣṭhām anu saṃbharaitam (Aś. saṃbhavatām; Mś. saṃbharetām, read -bharaitām) TB.; Aś.3.10.16c; Apś.9.10.17c; Mś.3.4.10c.
tatra vidvāṃsaḥ kavayaḥ kṣiyanti JB.2.74d.
tatra śiśriye 'ja ekapādaḥ AVś.13.1.6c. See tasmiñ chi-.
tatra śravāṃsi kṛṇvate SV.1.356d. See atra etc.
tatra santv arāyyaḥ AVś.2.14.3b. See sarvāḥ santv.
tatra sarvāḥ paretana AVP.10.1.5f.
tatra sedir ny ucyatu AVś.2.14.3c. See tatra pāpmā.
tatra havyāni gāmaya (KS. gamaya) RV.5.5.10c; KS.35.19c; TB.; Apś.9.2.7c; Mś.3.2.10c.
tatra hvayasva yatamā priyā te AVś.12.3.1b.
tatraitaṃ (VS.KS. -tān) prastutyevopastutyevopāvasrakṣat VS.21.46; MS.4.13.7: 208.16; KS.18.21; TB.
tatraitān parvatān agniḥ AVś.13.1.53c.
tatraitat prati tiṣṭhatu AVś.6.123.5b.
tatraitāv agnī ādhatta AVś.13.2.46c.
tatraudanaṃ sādaya daivānām AVś.11.1.23d.
Vedabase Search
589 results
tatra about HimSB 10.87.10
tatra about the well of nectarSB 7.10.61
tatra all thoseSB 1.15.40
tatra among the sonsSB 9.22.26
tatra among themSB 3.29.29
tatra among theseSB 10.24.21
tatra and thereSB 1.8.25
tatra as well asSB 8.6.31
tatra at thatSB 11.4.16
tatra at that placeSB 10.84.2-5
SB 10.85.27-28
SB 10.89.48-49
tatra at that timeSB 1.11.9
SB 12.4.3
SB 5.17.1
SB 8.5.15-16
tatra at that very spotSB 9.14.40
tatra because ofSB 2.9.23
tatra directed at the sageSB 12.8.28
tatra for thatSB 10.75.1-2
tatra hereSB 1.10.19
tatra in connection with thatSB 10.62.1
tatra in HimCC Madhya 23.77
tatra in himSB 10.88.33
tatra in regard to themSB 11.5.11
tatra in suchSB 8.11.8
tatra in such a conditionSB 8.22.26
tatra in such a positionSB 6.12.15
tatra in such a subject matterSB 9.19.20
tatra in such activitiesSB 8.1.15
tatra in such meditation on the Lord's faceSB 11.14.44
tatra in such serviceSB 11.17.19
tatra in thatCC Adi 4.66
CC Antya 20.16
CC Madhya 6.226
SB 10.37.27
SB 10.61.30
SB 11.24.10
SB 3.23.11
SB 4.8.41
SB 5.13.10
SB 6.16.35
SB 6.9.35
tatra in that (match)SB 10.61.29
tatra in that (present body)SB 11.22.41
tatra in that bodySB 11.15.23
tatra in that caseNBS 22
SB 10.76.30
SB 11.22.21
SB 6.11.18
tatra in that connectionSB 11.23.51
SB 11.28.38
SB 5.15.16
SB 6.18.43
SB 8.24.10
tatra in that connection (getting out of the entanglement of material conditioning)SB 7.7.29
tatra in that directionSB 6.5.3
tatra in that dynastySB 10.1.2
tatra in that forestSB 9.1.29
tatra in that functionSB 4.21.13
tatra in that gameSB 10.18.20
tatra in that heavenly planetSB 1.15.13
tatra in that human bodySB 11.2.29
tatra in that ideaSB 11.23.55
tatra in that matter (the removal of illusion)SB 10.16.59
tatra in that meetingSB 1.3.44
tatra in that ninth period of ManuSB 8.13.19
tatra in that periodSB 8.13.28
tatra in that period (the eleventh manvantara)SB 8.13.26
tatra in that period of ManuSB 8.13.12
tatra in that placeSB 1.11.21
SB 1.9.5
SB 4.28.51
SB 8.10.53
SB 8.22.36
tatra in that regardSB 10.25.16
tatra in that sacrificeSB 9.1.14
tatra in that sixth manvantaraSB 8.5.8
tatra in that theorySB 11.23.52
tatra in that waySB 4.6.4
tatra in the assemblySB 10.11.22
tatra in the battlefieldSB 8.10.8
tatra in the eighth manvantaraSB 8.13.15-16
tatra in the forestSB 9.6.54
SB 9.7.20
tatra in the matter of one's ability to obtain happinessSB 11.10.17
tatra in thisSB 5.10.12
SB 7.14.5
tatra in this manvantaraSB 8.1.20
tatra in this matterSB 11.20.25
SB 11.3.43
tatra in this regardSB 11.23.30
tatra in those hellish planetsSB 5.26.8
tatra in those manvantara periodsSB 9.1.1
tatra in victory or defeatSB 8.11.9
tatra in whomSB 5.25.10
tatra inside the house of NarakāsuraSB 3.3.7
tatra into thatBG 8.18
tatra of thatSB 11.3.42
tatra on that hillSB 8.11.47
tatra on the bank of the riverSB 5.8.2
tatra on the spotSB 7.7.7
SB 9.14.31
tatra on this factSB 9.9.5
tatra standing thereSB 10.6.7
tatra than themSB 3.29.30
tatra thatSB 7.6.25
tatra that placeSB 10.44.43
tatra thenSB 1.8.39
SB 4.11.17
SB 4.8.79
tatra then and thereSB 1.18.32
SB 6.10.1
tatra thereBG 1.26
BG 11.13
BG 14.6
BG 18.16
BG 18.78
BG 8.24
BG 8.25
Bs 5.22
Bs 5.26
CC Adi 4.216
CC Adi 8.58
CC Antya 1.78
CC Antya 15.81
CC Madhya 1.58
CC Madhya 1.84
CC Madhya 13.121
CC Madhya 22.76
CC Madhya 24.350
CC Madhya 8.70
CC Madhya 8.95
SB 1.10.19
SB 1.10.24
SB 1.13.32
SB 1.13.47
SB 1.19.25
SB 1.19.30
SB 1.19.8
SB 1.3.44
SB 1.6.11
SB 1.8.25
SB 1.8.3
SB 1.9.5
SB 10.10.24
SB 10.11.2
SB 10.11.25
SB 10.11.29
SB 10.11.35
SB 10.11.47
SB 10.13.42
SB 10.15.22
SB 10.17.20
SB 10.2.25
SB 10.22.37
SB 10.22.8
SB 10.23.35
SB 10.23.4
SB 10.28.17
SB 10.3.51
SB 10.30.17
SB 10.30.22
SB 10.30.23
SB 10.32.14
SB 10.33.11
SB 10.33.2
SB 10.33.6
SB 10.34.2
SB 10.36.30
SB 10.39.25
SB 10.39.39
SB 10.41.8
SB 10.44.9
SB 10.46.41
SB 10.49.1-2
SB 10.50.48
SB 10.50.57
SB 10.51.9
SB 10.53.17
SB 10.54.36
SB 10.55.30
SB 10.56.11
SB 10.56.20
SB 10.57.33
SB 10.58.15
SB 10.58.17
SB 10.58.25
SB 10.59.33
SB 10.62.21
SB 10.64.2
SB 10.64.22
SB 10.64.5
SB 10.65.20
SB 10.67.9-10
SB 10.69.20-22
SB 10.69.23
SB 10.69.35
SB 10.69.7-8
SB 10.7.25
SB 10.70.18
SB 10.70.19
SB 10.70.21
SB 10.70.22
SB 10.70.45
SB 10.74.10-11
SB 10.74.12
SB 10.75.21
SB 10.75.29
SB 10.75.36
SB 10.77.16
SB 10.77.29
SB 10.79.16-17
tatra thereSB 10.79.16-17
SB 10.80.38
SB 10.81.29-32
SB 10.82.12-13
SB 10.82.3-6
SB 10.82.31
tatra thereSB 10.82.31
SB 10.82.9
SB 10.85.36
SB 10.86.4
SB 10.86.6
SB 10.87.24
SB 10.87.7
SB 10.87.9
SB 10.9.7
SB 11.15.21
SB 11.18.19
SB 11.27.48
SB 11.28.30
SB 11.29.41-44
SB 11.30.42
SB 11.30.7
SB 11.31.1
SB 11.31.16-17
SB 11.31.19
SB 11.31.24
SB 11.31.25
SB 12.12.51
SB 12.13.18
SB 12.5.8
SB 12.6.18
SB 12.8.21
SB 2.10.23
SB 2.10.8
SB 2.10.9
SB 2.2.2
SB 2.2.3
tatra thereSB 2.2.3
SB 2.7.12
SB 2.9.7
SB 3.1.14
SB 3.1.21
SB 3.1.24
SB 3.12.22
SB 3.12.54
SB 3.13.30
SB 3.13.31
SB 3.16.37
SB 3.17.27
SB 3.17.3
SB 3.18.2
SB 3.19.6
SB 3.23.34
SB 3.27.14
SB 3.3.26
SB 3.30.14
SB 3.31.9
SB 4.12.1
SB 4.12.20
SB 4.12.49-50
SB 4.13.26
SB 4.13.5
SB 4.15.8
SB 4.17.3
SB 4.2.5
SB 4.22.1
SB 4.22.35
SB 4.22.5
SB 4.23.4
SB 4.24.23
SB 4.24.59
SB 4.25.1
SB 4.25.20
SB 4.25.43
SB 4.26.4
SB 4.26.9
SB 4.27.15
SB 4.28.14
SB 4.28.35-36
SB 4.29.16
SB 4.29.4
SB 4.29.82
SB 4.3.10
SB 4.3.23
SB 4.3.8
SB 4.30.15
SB 4.30.47
SB 4.4.7
SB 4.6.48
SB 4.7.2
SB 5.1.9
SB 5.17.12
SB 5.17.15
SB 5.21.8-9
SB 5.26.15
SB 5.26.16
SB 5.26.17
SB 5.26.18
SB 5.26.7
SB 5.5.7
SB 5.9.1-2
SB 6.16.14
SB 6.2.23
SB 6.4.21
SB 6.4.54
SB 6.5.26
SB 7.1.14-15
SB 7.12.13-14
SB 7.13.26
SB 7.2.34
SB 7.2.36
SB 7.2.37
SB 7.2.41
SB 7.2.59
SB 7.5.54
SB 8.11.19
SB 8.12.17
SB 8.12.34
SB 8.17.16
SB 8.18.20
SB 8.22.15
SB 8.24.7
SB 8.3.30
SB 8.4.9
SB 8.5.8
SB 8.6.35
SB 8.6.36
SB 9.10.24
SB 9.20.11
SB 9.20.7
SB 9.8.20
SB summary
tatra there (at Setubandha, known also as Rāmeśvaram)SB 10.79.16-17
tatra there (at the beach of the ocean of milk)SB 8.10.5
tatra there (at the ceremonies)SB 8.16.54
tatra there (at the Lord's abode known as Śvetadvīpa)SB 8.5.25
tatra there (at the Rājasūya-yajña)SB 7.14.35
tatra there (in Gokula)SB 10.65.17
tatra there (in her dream)SB 10.62.11
tatra there (in Kailāsa)SB 4.6.23
tatra there (in Mathurā)SB 10.45.19
tatra there (in Sutalaloka)SB 8.23.10
tatra there (in that lake)SB 10.17.9
tatra there (in that person)SB 5.18.12
tatra there (in the āśrama of Nārada Muni)SB 7.7.14
tatra there (in the association of the spiritual master)SB 11.3.22
tatra there (in the lower region of the universe)SB 9.7.3
tatra there (in the same place where he had been disfigured)SB 10.54.52
tatra there (in the school)SB 7.5.3
tatra there (in the sky)SB 7.8.37-39
tatra there (in the vicinity of Nanda Mahārāja's estate)SB 10.6.42
tatra there (in the water)SB 8.2.27
tatra there (in Their home)SB 10.15.45
tatra there (in this phantom place)SB 5.14.6
tatra there (in Vaikuṇṭhaloka)SB 2.9.15
tatra there (in Vṛndāvana)SB 10.13.61
tatra there (on the battlefield)SB 8.10.40
tatra there (on the shore of the ocean of milk)SB 10.1.20
tatra there (on top of Mount Meru)SB 5.17.5
tatra there (where the hunter was hunting)SB 7.2.51
tatra there (where the two sons of Kuvera were enjoying life)SB 10.10.5
tatra there in the skySB 11.15.19
tatra there indeedSB 8.19.9
tatra there, in the mutual merging of sun and eyeSB 11.15.20
tatra there, in VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 19.119
tatra there, in your placeSB 8.22.35
tatra there, on the spotSB 10.11.1
tatra there, on the very spot where the two arjunas fellSB 10.10.28
tatra thereafterSB 1.9.45
SB 2.1.19
tatra thereforeBG 2.28
SB 4.18.8
SB 5.3.15
tatra thereinBG 18.04
Iso 7
SB 1.19.24
SB 1.2.23
SB 10.32.17
SB 10.37.27
SB 10.89.52
SB 11.10.23
SB 11.10.27-29
SB 11.11.15
SB 11.22.19
SB 11.27.25-26
SB 11.9.8
SB 12.13.4-9
SB 12.7.13
SB 12.9.27
SB 3.2.26
SB 8.2.20
SB 8.24.17
SB 8.24.19
SB 8.24.23
tatra thereinSB 8.24.23
SB 8.8.21
tatra thereinSB 8.8.21
SB 9.23.17
tatra therein (at a distance of twelve thumb-breadths)SB 11.14.34
tatra thereofSB 1.1.9
tatra thereofSB 1.1.9
tatra thereonSB 8.22.20
tatra thereuponBG 2.13
BG 6.11-12
BG 6.43
SB 1.10.25
SB 1.11.4-5
SB 1.17.1
SB 1.4.21
SB 1.5.26
SB 1.7.51
SB 10.1.47
SB 10.18.19
SB 10.61.29
SB 10.66.9
SB 2.10.18
SB 2.10.20
SB 2.10.28
SB 2.7.49
SB 3.7.37
SB 4.14.43
SB 4.8.71
SB 5.14.38
SB 8.10.6
SB 8.9.28
SB 9.19.10
tatra thusSB 11.21.19
tatra to that household lifeSB 5.14.5
tatra to that placeSB 10.27.24
tatra toward this endSB 10.83.18
tatra upon doing thisSB 9.19.25
tatra with himSB 10.57.22
tatra within that material creationSB 10.16.58
tatra within the bodily functionsSB 11.11.10
tatra within the wide-open mouth of KṛṣṇaSB 10.8.37-39
tatra anvitāḥ engaged in that businessSB 8.14.6
tatra anvitāḥ engaged in that businessSB 8.14.6
tatra api again in that sixth manvantaraSB 8.5.9
tatra api again in that sixth manvantaraSB 8.5.9
tatra api despite his engagementSB 4.24.7
tatra api despite his engagementSB 4.24.7
tatra api even greater than other brāhmaṇasSB 9.18.5
tatra api even greater than other brāhmaṇasSB 9.18.5
tatra api even thereSB 2.10.41
tatra api even thereSB 2.10.41
tatra api in that Bhū-maṇḍalaSB 5.16.2
tatra api in that Bhū-maṇḍalaSB 5.16.2
tatra api in that birthSB 5.8.28
tatra api in that birthSB 5.8.28
tatra api in that brāhmaṇa birth alsoSB 5.9.3
tatra api in that brāhmaṇa birth alsoSB 5.9.3
tatra api in that condition (in the society of human beings descended from monkeys)SB 5.14.31
tatra api in that condition (in the society of human beings descended from monkeys)SB 5.14.31
tatra api in that same placeSB 10.39.44-45
tatra api in that same placeSB 10.39.44-45
tatra api in the same placeSB 10.39.42-43
tatra api in the same placeSB 10.39.42-43
tatra api out of all of themSB 5.17.11
tatra api out of all of themSB 5.17.11
tatra api over and above thatSB 10.10.20-22
tatra api over and above thatSB 10.10.20-22
tatra api superior to thatNoI 9
tatra api superior to thatNoI 9
tatra api superior to thatNoI 9
tatra api superior to thatNoI 9
tatra api thereuponSB 7.1.45
tatra api thereuponSB 7.1.45
tatra eva in that same placeSB 10.24.1
tatra eva in that same placeSB 10.24.1
tatra eva in that very placeSB 9.6.32
tatra eva in that very placeSB 9.6.32
tatra eva in that very spotSB 8.17.21
tatra eva in that very spotSB 8.17.21
tatra eva right thereSB 10.29.48
tatra eva right thereSB 10.29.48
tatra eva then and thereSB 1.12.11
tatra eva then and thereSB 1.12.11
tatra hi there must beSB 10.6.3
tatra hi there must beSB 10.6.3
tatra sma returning to her homeSB 9.18.24
tatra sma returning to her homeSB 9.18.24
tatra tatra all aroundSB 10.15.4
tatra tatra all aroundSB 10.15.4
tatra tatra anywhere and everywhereSB 1.17.36
tatra tatra anywhere and everywhereSB 1.17.36
tatra tatra at different placesSB 1.10.36
tatra tatra at different placesSB 1.10.36
tatra tatra everywhere the King visitedSB 1.16.13-15
tatra tatra everywhere the King visitedSB 1.16.13-15
tatra tatra from one species to anotherSB 11.3.39
tatra tatra from one species to anotherSB 11.3.39
tatra tatra here and thereSB 1.10.13
tatra tatra here and thereSB 1.10.13
SB 10.12.3
tatra tatra here and thereSB 10.12.3
SB 10.16.18
tatra tatra here and thereSB 10.16.18
SB 10.41.7
tatra tatra here and thereSB 10.41.7
SB 10.55.27-28
tatra tatra here and thereSB 10.55.27-28
SB 12.6.71
tatra tatra here and thereSB 12.6.71
SB 3.23.17
tatra tatra here and thereSB 3.23.17
SB 3.23.20
tatra tatra here and thereSB 3.23.20
SB 3.30.23
tatra tatra here and thereSB 3.30.23
SB 4.12.34
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.12.34
SB 4.16.21
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.16.21
SB 4.16.26
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.16.26
SB 4.17.16
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.17.16
SB 4.18.30
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.18.30
SB 4.18.32
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.18.32
SB 4.21.1
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.21.1
SB 4.21.6
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.21.6
SB 4.22.63
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.22.63
SB 4.25.44
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.25.44
SB 4.29.59
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.29.59
SB 4.9.54
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.9.54
SB 4.9.58-59
tatra tatra here and thereSB 4.9.58-59
SB 5.1.8
tatra tatra here and thereSB 5.1.8
SB 5.13.14
tatra tatra here and thereSB 5.13.14
SB 5.5.30
tatra tatra here and thereSB 5.5.30
SB 5.8.13
tatra tatra here and thereSB 5.8.13
SB 7.2.50
tatra tatra here and thereSB 7.2.50
tatra tatra in each placeSB 10.86.19
tatra tatra in each placeSB 10.86.19
tatra tatra in various placesSB 10.41.30
tatra tatra in various placesSB 10.41.30
SB 10.71.36
tatra tatra in various placesSB 10.71.36
tatra tatra there, everywhereSB 9.4.51
tatra tatra there, everywhereSB 9.4.51
tatra tatra wherever he goesSB 11.11.11
tatra tatra wherever he goesSB 11.11.11
tatra tatra wherever He visitedSB 9.11.29
tatra tatra wherever He visitedSB 9.11.29
tatra tāvat that being the caseSB 10.24.7
tatra tāvat that being the caseSB 10.24.7
tatrasuḥ became afraidSB 10.11.47
SB 6.10.27
tatrasuḥ became frightenedSB 10.36.3-4
SB 10.66.35
tatratya for those living thereSB 10.17.10
tatratyaḥ one who lives near itSB 10.84.31
tatratyāḥ ca those who were in that place alsoSB 10.12.5
tatratyāḥ ca those who were in that place alsoSB 10.12.5
tatratyaiḥ being there (in the abdomen)SB 3.31.6
tatratyaiḥ by local inhabitantsSB 1.10.36
tatratyānām for the living entities residing on Mount MeruSB 5.21.8-9
tatratyānām residing in that placeSB 5.7.9
patatraiḥ by the wingsSB 11.7.60
patatram the wingSB 3.19.14
santatrasuḥ sma became frightenedSB 10.6.14
santatrasuḥ sma became frightenedSB 10.6.14
vitatrasuḥ became afraidSB 7.8.16
11 results
tatra indeclinable in that (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
in that case (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
in that place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
on that occasion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
then (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
there (in comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
therefore (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
therein (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
thither (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to that place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
under those circumstances (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28/72933
tatrabhavant noun (masculine) "Your Honour there" (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
(chiefly in dram.) respectful title given to absent persons (once to a present person) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13524/72933
tatraga adjective going there
Frequency rank 35270/72933
tatrastha adjective belonging to that place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dwelling there (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
situated there (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5083/72933
tatratya adjective being there (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of that place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12504/72933
tatravāsin adjective dwelling there (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 53247/72933
gatatrapa adjective bold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
free from fear or shame (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 51025/72933
tiktatrapusa noun (neuter) a kind of trapusa
Frequency rank 53513/72933
patatra noun (neuter) a vehicle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a wing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
feather (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pinion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24488/72933
yatratatraśaya adjective lying down or sleeping anywhere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62832/72933
hatatrapa adjective devoid of shame (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
shameless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72296/72933
Wordnet Search
"tatra" has 5 results.


pakṣaḥ, pakṣma, garut, dhadhiḥ, patram, patatram, chadaḥ, chadaḥ, chadanam, tanurūhaḥ, tanuruhaḥ, vājaḥ, bāhukutthaḥ   

khagādīnām avayavaviśeṣaḥ।

lubdhakaḥ khaḍagena khagasya pakṣau achidat।


tatra, tatsthāne, tasmin sthāne, tasmin deśe   

tasmin sthāne।

bhavataḥ pustakaṃ tatra vartate।


pakṣaḥ, pattram, patatram, parṇam, piccham   

pakṣiṇāṃ śarīrasya ekaḥ bāhyaḥ avayavaviśeṣaḥ yad aguruḥ tathā ca jalanirodhakaḥ vartate।

bhagavān kṛṣṇaḥ mastake mayūrasya pakṣaṃ dhārayati sma।


tatsamayam eva, tadā eva, tadā, tatsamaye, tatra eva, tatraiva   

tasmin samaye eva।

bhavadbhyaḥ tatsamayam eva atra saṃśuddhiḥ apekṣitā āsīt।


pakṣaḥ, garut, chadaḥ, patram, patatram, tanūruham, śarapakṣaḥ   

pakṣiṇām avayavaviśeṣaḥ yena te ḍayante।

rāvaṇaḥ jaṭāyoḥ pakṣau ciccheda।

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