yathātattva | ad. °ree;-- or -m, in accordance with truth, truly, accurately; -tatham, ad. as it is really (tathâ), circumstantially, accurately; properly, suitably; -tathyam, -tathyena, ad. in accordance with truth; -½âtmaka, a. having whatever nature; -darsana, ad. °ree;-or -m, at each occurrence, in each individual case; -dik, -disam, ad. in accordance with the cardinal points, ac cording to thecorresponding direction; -½â dishta, pp. according to the direction or statement: (á)-m, ad.; -drishtam, ad. as one has seen it; -devatam, ad. deity by deity; -desam, ad. according to the place; -½âdesam, according to precept; -dharmám, ad. in due order; according to the nature; -½adhikâra, ad. °ree;-or -m, according to au thority; -½adhîta, °ree;-or -m, ad. as learnt, in accordance with the text; -½adhyâpakam, ad. in accordance with the teacher; -nirup tam, ad. as scattered; -nirdishta, pp. as above specified, described, or characterized; -½anu pûrvam, ad. in regular order; -½anupûrvya, °ree;-or â, (in.) ad. id.; -½anubhûtam, ad. ac cording toprevious experience; -½anurûpam, ad. in exact conformity, regularly; -nyastam, ad. in the manner in which deposited; -nyây am, ad. according to rule, duly, fitly; -nyâs am, ad. according to the written wording of a sûtra, as is written; -nyupta, pp. in the order in which laid down. |