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"tasya" has 2 results
tasya: neuter genitive singular stem: tad
tasya: masculine genitive singular stem: tad
Monier-Williams Search
34 results for tasya
ajananif. ajananir astu tasya-,"may he cease to exist!" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ajīvanif. ajīvan/is tasya bhūyāt-,"may death befall him!" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akaraṇif. non-accomplishment, failure, disappointment (used in imprecations e.g. tasyākaraṇir evāstu-bad luck to him!) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhadran. prosperity, happiness, health, welfare, good fortune (also plural) etc. (bhadraṃ tasya-or tasmai-,prosperity to him! ; bhadraṃ te-or vaḥ-often used parenthetically in a sentence ="if you please", or to fill up a verse; bhadram upalāh-,happiness to you, O stones! ; bhadram-with kṛ-and dative case,to grant welfare to, bless ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhajeratha ( bhaje-+ aratha-), prob. bhaj/e- (infinitive mood) or bh/aje- (1. sg. fr. bhaj-) + r/athasya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
darśakamfn. showing, pointing out (with genitive case ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ;with lohitasya-,making blood appear by striking any one) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
div cl.4. d/īvyati-, te- etc. (perf. did/eva- ; future deviṣyati-;cond, adeviṣyat- ; Aorist adevīt- ;etc.; infinitive mood devitum- etc.; ind.p. devitvā- ; -dīvya- ) to cast, throw, especially dice id est play, gamble (akṣais- ; akṣān- ), with (instrumental case ), for (instrumental case, ; accusative ; dative case ; genitive case [ śatasya-] ) ; to lay a wager, bet with (rdham-), upon (dative case) ; to play, sport, joke, trifle with (accusative ) ; to have free scope, spread, increase ( vardhati-) ; to shine, be bright [ Zend di1v;(?) Lit. dyvas-] ; to praise, rejoice, be drunk or mad ; to sleep ; to wish for ; to go : Causal devayati-, to cause to play (Scholiast or Commentator) or to sport : Desiderative dideviṣati- and dudyūṣati- : Causal of Desiderative dudyūṣayati-, to incite to play : Intensive dedivīti-, dedyeti-, dedeti- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jitif. a-jitasya j- Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jñā cl.9 P.A1. jān/āti-, nit/e- (see ; subjunctive nat-; imperative nītat-,2. sg. nīh/i-,once irregular jña- ;[fr. cl.3.] jijāhi- ;2. plural irregular nata-. ;2. sg. A1. irregular nase- ; parasmE-pada n/at-, nān/a- irregular namāna-[ ]; perfect tense jajñau-, jñe-[ Passive voice ] , 3. plural jñ/ur- ; parasmE-pada jñān/a- ; future jñāsyati-, te-; Aorist ajñāsīt-, sta- Passive voice /ajñāyi-, ; Potential jñāyāt-or jñey- ;2. sg. jñeyas- equals ; infinitive mood jñātum-) to know, have knowledge, become acquainted with (accusative;rarely genitive case ), perceive, apprehend, understand (also with infinitive mood [ ] ) , experience, recognise, ascertain, investigate etc. ; to know as, know or perceive that, regard or consider as (with double accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' tasya māṃ tanayāṃ jānīta-,"know me to be his daughter" ;with mṛṣā-,"to consider as untrue" ) etc. ; to acknowledge, approve, allow ; to recognise as one's own, take possession of ; to visit as a friend ; to remember (with genitive case) ; A1. to engage in (genitive case exempli gratia, 'for example' sarpiṣo-,"to make an oblation with clarified butter") : Causal jñapayati-, to teach any one (accusative) ; jñāp- (Passive voice jñāpyate-) to make known, announce, teach anything and ; to inform any one (genitive case) that (double accusative) ; A1. to request, ask (jñap-) (jñāp-): Desiderative jijñāsate- (; Epic also P.) to wish to know or become acquainted with or learn, investigate, examine etc. ; to wish for information about (accusative) ; to conjecture : Causal Desiderative jijñapayiṣati- (also jñāp- ) and jñīpsati- (see psyamāna-), to wish to make known or inform ; ([ see etc.])
kup cl.4 P. A1. kupyati-, te- (perf. cukopa-), to be moved or excited or agitated ; to swell, heave or boil with rage or emotion, be angry, be angry with (dative case;also genitive case,once[ ] accusative;or with upari-and genitive case exempli gratia, 'for example' tasmai-or tasya-or tasyopari cukopa-,he was angry with him) etc.: Causal P. kop/ayati-, to move, shake, agitate ; P. A1. kopayati-, te-, to cause to swell with anger, provoke, make angry ; ([ confer, compare Latin cupio; English hope; German hoffe.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madran. joy, happiness (madraṃ tasya-or tasmai-,"joy to him!"see n.of bhadra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mākīf. dual number (prob.) heaven and earth ( equals nirmātryau bhūtajatasya-;others "the two great ones") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhatasmfn. equals mukhe tasyati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāśanan. forgetting (adhītasya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paktham. Name of a man protected by the aśvin-s (thasya saubharasya-Name of 2 sāmans- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parikrītamfn. purchased, bought, hired (applied to a son equals reto-mūlya-dānena tasyām eva-[i.e. bhāryāyām-] janitaḥ- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paś only present tense P. A1. p/aśyati-, te- (see dṛś-and ), to see (with na-"to be blind"), behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice etc. ; to be a spectator, look on (especially parasmE-pada exempli gratia, 'for example' tasya paśyataḥ-,while he looks on, before his eyes ; paśyantī tiṣṭhati-,she stands ind.p. looks on ) ; to see a person (either"visit"or"receive as a visitor") etc. ; to live to see, experience, partake of. undergo, incur etc. ; to learn, find out ; to regard or consider as, take for (accusative with accusative or adverb in vat-) ; to see with the spiritual eye, compose, invent (hymns, rites etc.) ; (also with sādhu-) to have insight or discernment etc. ; to consider, think over, examine ; to foresee ; (paśyāmi-,"ISee or l am convinced ", and paśya-, śyata-,"see, behold, look here!"often employed parenthetically or interjectionally ) [Orig. identical with spaś-, q.v ] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pittābhiṣyandam. equals pittasyanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prakāram. rāmāyaṇasya bhāratasya vā prakāraḥ-, a kind of or (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' mfn.; see tri--"of three kinds", nānā--, bahu--) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prakṣīṇan. the spot where any one has perished (exempli gratia, 'for example' prakṣīṇam idam deva-dattasya-,this is the spot where deva- perished) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratipattif. beginning, action, procedure in or with (locative case genitive case or compound) etc. (tatra kā pratipattiḥ syāt-,what is to be done there? ; kā tasya pratipattiḥ-.what is to be done with it? ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratiśrayam. a receptacle recipient (tvaṃ tasya pratiśrayaḥ-,"you know all this") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthā cl.1 P. A1. () t/iṣṭhati-, te- (perfect tense tasth/au-, tasthe- etc.; Aorist /asthāt-, /asthita- ;3. plural asthiran- ; āsthat-[?] ; asthiṣi-, ṣata- etc.; subjunctive sthāti-, sth/āthaḥ- ; preceding stheyāt- ; stheṣam-, ṣuḥ-[?] ; sthāsīṣṭa- grammar; future sthātā- etc.; sthāsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood sth/ātum- ; tos- ; -sthitum- ; ind.p. sthitvā- etc.; -sth/āya- etc.; -sthāyam- ), to stand, stand firmly, station one's self, stand upon, get upon, take up a position on (with pādābhyām-,"to stand on the feet";with jānubhyām-,"to kneel";with agre-or agratas-and genitive case,"to stand or present one's self before";with puras-and with or without genitive case,"to stand up against an enemy etc.") etc. ; to stay, remain, continue in any condition or action (exempli gratia, 'for example' with kanyā-,"to remain a girl or unmarried";with tūṣṇīm-or with maunena- instrumental case"to remain silent";with sukham-,"to continue or feel well") etc. ; to remain occupied or engaged in, be intent upon, make a practice of, keep on, persevere in any act (with locative case; exempli gratia, 'for example' with rājye-,"to continue governing";with śāsane-,"to practise obedience";with bale-,"to exercise power";with sva-dharme-,"to do one's duty";with sva-karmaṇi-,"to keep to one's own business";with saṃśaye-,"to persist in doubting";also with ind.p. exempli gratia, 'for example' dharmam āśritya-,"to practise virtue") etc. ; to continue to be or exist (as opp. to"perish"), endure, last etc. ; to be, exist, be present, be obtainable or at hand etc. ; to be with or at the disposal of, belong to (dative case genitive case,or locative case) etc. ; (A1. mc. also P. confer, compare ) to stand by, abide by, be near to, be on the side of, adhere or submit to, acquiesce in, serve, obey (locative case or dative case) etc. ; to stand still, stay quiet, remain stationary, stop, halt, wait, tarry, linger, hesitate (See under sthitvā-below) etc. ; to behave or conduct one's self (with samam-,"to behave equally towards any one" locative case) ; to be directed to or fixed on (locative case) ; to be founded or rest or depend on, be contained in (locative case) ; to rely on, confide in (locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' mayi sthitvā-,"confiding in me") ; to stay at, resort to (accusative) ; to arise from (ablative or genitive case) ; to desist or cease from (ablative) ; to remain unnoticed (as of no importance), be left alone (only imperative and Potential) : Passive voice sthīyate- (Aorist asthāyi-), to be stood etc. (frequently used impersonal or used impersonally exempli gratia, 'for example' mayā sthīyatām-,"let it be abided by me" id est"I must abide") etc. etc.: Causal sthāpayati-, te- (Aorist /atiṣṭhipat-; ind.p. sthāpayitvā-[ q.v ] and -sth/āpam-: Passive voice sthāpyate-), to cause to stand, place, locate, set, lay, fix, station, establish, found, institute etc. ; to set up, erect, raise, build ; to cause to continue, make durable, strengthen, confirm etc. ; to prop up, support, maintain ; to affirm, assent ; to appoint (to any office locative case) etc. ; to cause to be, constitute, make, appoint or employ as (two accusative;with dhātrīm-,"to employ any one as a nurse";with rakṣārtham-,"to appoint any one as guardian";with sajjam-,"to make anything ready";with su-rakṣitam-,"to keep anything well guarded";with svīkṛtya-,"to make anything one's own";with pariśeṣam-,"to leave anything over or remaining") etc. ; to fix, settle, determine, resolve etc. ; to fix in or on, lead or bring into, direct or turn towards (locative case,rarely accusative;with hṛdi-,"to impress on the heart";with manas-,"to fix the mind on") etc. ; to introduce or initiate into, instruct in (locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' with naye-,"to instruct in a plan or system") ; to make over or deliver up to (locative case or haste-with genitive case,"into the hands of") ; to give in marriage ; to cause to stand still, stop, arrest, check, hold, keep in, restrain (with baddhvā-,"to keep bound or imprisoned") etc. ; to place aside, keep, save, preserve : Desiderative of Causal -sthāpayiṣati- (See saṃ-sthā-): Desiderative t/iṣṭhāsati-, to wish to stand etc. : Intensive teṣṭhīyate- ; tāstheti-, tāsthāti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin stare; Lithuanian sto4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian stati; German sta7n,stehen; English stand.])
tad(Nominal verb and accusative sg. n.of and base in compound for 2. t/a-from which latter all the cases of this pronoun are formed except Nominal verb sg. m. s/as-or s/a-& f. s/ā-; instrumental case plural t/ais- etc.;Ved. t/ebhis- etc.) m. he f. she n. it, that, this (often correlative of y/a-generally standing in the preceding clause exempli gratia, 'for example' yasya buddhiḥ sa balavān-,"of whom there is intellect he is strong";sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives exempli gratia, 'for example' so 'ham-,"I that very person, I myself"[ tasya- equals mama- ]; tāv imau-,"those very two"; tad etad ākhyānam-,"that very tale" ; yat tat kāraṇam-,"that very reason which" ; yā sā śrī-,"that very fortune which" ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taṃs (cl.1. P. sati-,to decorate ; A1. sate-[aor. ataṃsiṣṭa-]to decorate one's self ; perfect tense tatasr/e-) "to move", pour out (figuratively a wish) : Causal taṃsayati- (cl.10."to decorate"; imperfect tense ataṃsayat-), to draw to and fro : Intensive , irregular tantasyati-,"to afflict"or"to be distressed" (confer, compare vi-taṃs-) gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi- ; ([fr. tan-?; confer, compare t/asara-; Gothic at-pinsan;Old German dinsan,"to draw."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tasyāśitīyamfn. beginning with tasyāśita- (an adhyāya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tulyamf(ā-)n. (in compound accent ) equal to, of the same kind or class or number or value, similar, comparable, like (with instrumental case or genitive case [ see ] or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; exempli gratia, 'for example' tena-[ ] or etasya-[ ] or etat--[24],"equal to him") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upariind. repeatedly, continuously etc. (As a separable preposition, with accusative locative case,or genitive case) over, above, upon, on, at the head of, on the upper side of, beyond (exempli gratia, 'for example' upari śailaṃ-gam-,to go over the mountain; upari laṅkāyāṃ samprāptaḥ saḥ-,he arrived over laṅkā-; upary upari sarveṣām atiṣṭhat-,he stood at the very head of all; ātmānaṃ tasya upari kṣiptvā-,having thrown himself upon him) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utaind. in this sense it may be strengthened by āho- (exempli gratia, 'for example' kaccit tvam asi mānuṣī utāho surāṅganā-,art thou a mortal woman or divine? nala-) , or by āho-svit- (exempli gratia, 'for example' śālihotraḥ kiṃ nu syād utāhosvid rājā nalaḥ-,can it be śālihotra- or king nala-?) Rarely kim- is repeated before uta- used in this sense (exempli gratia, 'for example' kim nu svargāt prāptā tasyā rūpeṇa kimutānyāgatā-,has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form? ) etc. (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (exempli gratia, 'for example' utādhīyīta-,would that he would read!) (uta-preceded by kim-) on the contrary, how much more, how much less (exempli gratia, 'for example' kam&iencoding=iast&lang=sans'>samartho 'si sahasram api jetuṃ kimutaikam-,thou art able to conquer even a thousand, how much more one ) etc. (uta-preceded by prati-) on the contrary, rather (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa pṛṣṭo 'smābhir na jalpati hanti praty-uta pāṣāṇaih-,this one questioned by us does not speak, but rather throws stones at us) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
voḍhṛm. a draught horse (v/oḷhā-) etc. (also with rathasya- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
voḍhṛm. a draught horse (v/oḷhā-) etc. (also with rathasya- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavahāraviṣayam. a subject or title of legal procedure, any act or matter which may become the subject of legal proceedings (according to eighteen in number, viz. ṛṇādānam-, nikṣepaḥ-, asvāmi-vikrayaḥ-, sambhūya-samutthānam-, dattasyānapakarma-, vetanādānam-, saṃvid-vyatikramaḥ-, kraya-vikrayānuśayaḥ-, svāmi-pālayor vivādaḥ-, sīmā-vivādaḥ-, vāk-pāruṣyam-, daṇḍa-pāruṣyam-, steyam-, sāhasam-, strī-saṃgrahaṇam-, strīpuṃ-dharmaḥ-, vibhāgaḥ-, dyūtam-, āhvayaḥ-,qq.vv.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyayam. spending, expense, outlay, disbursement (opp. to āya-,"income", and often with kośasya-, vittasya-, dhanasya-etc.;without a genitive case ="extravagance, waste, prodigality";with locative case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = "outlay for or in") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yad(Nominal verb and accusative sg. n.and base in compound of 3. ya-), who, which, what, whichever, whatever, that etc. etc. (with correlatives tad-, tyad-, etad-, idam-, adas-, tad etad-, etad tyad-, idaṃ tad-, tad idam-, tādṛśa-, īdṛśa-, īdṛś-, etāvad-,by which it is oftener followed than preceded;or the correl. is dropped exempli gratia, 'for example' yas tu nārabhate karma kṣipram bhavati nirdravyaḥ-,"[he] indeed who does not begin work soon becomes poor" ;or the rel. is dropped exempli gratia, 'for example' andhakam bhartāraṃ na tyajet sā mahā-satī-,"she who does not desert a blind husband is a very faithful wife" yad-is often repeated to express"whoever","whatever","whichever", exempli gratia, 'for example' yo yaḥ-,"whatever man"; yā yā-,"whatever woman"; yo yaj jayati tasya tat-,"whatever he wins [in war] belongs to him" ; yad yad vadati tad tad bhavati-,"whatever he says is true", or the two relatives may be separated by hi-,and are followed by the doubled or single correl. tad- exempli gratia, 'for example' upyate yad dhi yad bījam tat tad eva prarohati-,"whatever seed is sown, that even comes forth" ;similar indefinite meanings are expressed by the relative joined with tad- exempli gratia, 'for example' yasmai tasmai-,"to any one whatever", especially in yadvā tadvā-,"anything whatever";or by yaḥ-with kaśca-, kaścana-, kaścit-,or [in later language, not in manu-] ko'pi- exempli gratia, 'for example' yaḥ kaścit-,"whosoever"; yāni kāni ca mitrāṇi-,"any friends whatsoever"; yena kenāpy upāyena-,"by any means whatsoever." yad-is joined with tvad-to express generalization exempli gratia, 'for example' śūdrāṃs tvad yāṃs tvad-,"either the śūdra-s or anybody else" ;or immediately followed by a Persian pronoun on which it lays emphasis exempli gratia, 'for example' yo 'ham-,"I that very person who"; yas tvaṃ kathaṃ vettha-,"how do you know?" ;it is also used in the sense of"si quis" exempli gratia, 'for example' striyaṃ spṛśed yaḥ-,"should any one touch a woman." yad-is also used without the copula exempli gratia, 'for example' andho jaḍaḥ pīṭha sarpī saptatyā sthaviraśca yaḥ-,"a blind man, an idiot, a cripple, and a man seventy years old" ;sometimes there is a change of construction in such cases exempli gratia, 'for example' ye ca mānuṣāḥ-for mānuṣāṃś-ca- ;the Nominal verb sg. n. yad-is then often used without regard to gender or number and may be translated by"as regards","as for", exempli gratia, 'for example' kṣatraṃ vā etad vanaspatīnāṃ yan nyag-rodhaḥ-,"as for the nyag-rodha-, it is certainly the prince among trees" ;or by"that is to say","to wit" exempli gratia, 'for example' tato devā etaṃ vajraṃ dadṛśur yad apaḥ-,"the gods then saw this thunderbolt, to wit, the water" yad-as an adverb conjunction generally ="that", especially after verbs of saying, thinking etc., often introducing an oratio directa with or without iti-; iti yad-,at the end of a sentence ="thinking that","under the impression that" exempli gratia, 'for example' yad-also ="so that","in order that","wherefore","whence","as","in as much as","since","because"[the correlative being tad-,"therefore"],"when","if" etc.; /adha y/ad-,"even if","although" yad api- idem or ' yathāṃśa-tas- etc. See p.841, columns 2 and 3 etc.' yad u-- evam-,"as - so" ; yad uta-,"that" ;"that is to say","scilicet" ; yat kila-,"that" ; yac ca-,"if","that is to say" ; yac ca-yac ca-,"both - and" ;"that"[accord. to after expressions of"impossibility","disbelief","hope","disregard","reproach"and,"wonder"]; yad vā-,"or else","whether" ;[ yad vā-,"or else", is very often in commentators];"however" ; yad vā-- yadi vā-,"if-or it" ; yad bhūyasā-,"for the most part" ; yat satyam-,"certainly","indeed","of course" ; yan nu-,with 1st Persian,"what if I","let me" ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
ta Tá, dem. prn., that; he, she, it; n. tád that, i. 1, 6; 35, 6; 154, 2. 5. 6; ii. 35, 11. 15; iv. 51, 10. 11; vii. 86, 2. 3. 4; 103, 5. 7; x. 34, 12. 13; 90, 12; 129, 2. 3. 4; 135, 5; m. A. tám him, ii. 33, 13; 35, 3. 4; iv. 50, 1. 9; vi. 54, 4; that, x. 90, 7; 135, 4; I. téna with it, viii. 29, 4. 10; with him, x. 90, 7; I. f. táyāwith that, i. 85, 11; D. tásmai to him, iii. 59, 5; iv. 50, 82; x. 34, 12; for him, x. 135, 2; to that, viii. 48, 12. 13 (= as such); x. 168, 4; for that, viii. 48, 10; ab. tásmād from him, x. 90, 5. 8. 93. 103;than that, x. 129, 2; G. tásya of him, ii. 35, 9; iii. 59, 4; of that, viii. 48, 8; x. 15, 7; du. m. táu these two, x. 14, 12; f. té these two, i. 160, 1. 5; D. tá̄bhyām to those two, x. 14, 11; pl. N. m. té they, i. 85, 2. 7. 10; viii. 48, 5; x. 15, 3. 53. 12. 13; those, x. 15, 1; 90, 16; = as such, x. 15, 4. 7; f. tá̄s they,iv. 51, 8; those, iv. 51, 72. 9; vii. 49, 1. 2. 3. 4; n. tá̄ those, i. 154, 6; ii. 33, 13; x. 14, 16; tá̄ni those, i. 85, 12; x. 90, 16; A. tá̄n those = that, x. 90, 8; I. tébhis with them, i. 35, 11; x. 15, 8. 14; f. tá̄bhiswith them, x. 168, 2; G. téṣām of them, x. 14, 6; L. tá̄su in them, ii. 33, 13.
Macdonell Search
7 results
darśaka a. seeing, getting sight of (g.); causing to be seen, showing, pointing out, exposing, making evident (g., --°ree;): lohi tasya --, causing blood to flow, drawing blood.
dṛṣṭikṣepa m. rolling the eyes, looking about; -gokara, m. range of vision; -dâna, n. bestowal of a look, showing oneself; -nipâta, m. cast of a look, glance; -patha, m. range of vision; -pâta, m.cast of a look, glance: na tasya drishtipâte=do not show yourself to him; -pradâna, n.=-dâna; -prasâda, m. favour of a glance: -m kri, deign to look at one; -mandala, n. pupil of the eye; -mat, a. having eyes; intelligent, wise; -mârga, m. range of vision, horizon; -vikshepa, m. moving the eyes about, look ing around.
prakara m. (scattered) heap, quantity, plenty: î, f. kind of song; short interlude (in a drama); -karana, n. production, creation; treatment, discussion, exposition; subject of discussion, topic; section, chapter; special treatise, monograph; kind of drama (in which the plot is invented by the poet): asminn eva prakarane, in regard to this very point, in this connection; na ka prakaranam vetsi, nor do you know what the point in question is: -tas, ad. on a suitable occasion, -tva, n. condition of discussing (--°ree;); -kartavya, fp. to be prepared; to be displayed or cherished; to be appointed to (lc.); -kartri, m. one who causes or occasions; -karsha, m. (preference, advantage), excellence, superiority, pre-eminence; intensity, excess; predominance; --°ree; a. consisting for the most part in: in., ab., °ree;--, highly, strongly, thoroughly; -karshana, m. troubler;n. drawing off; protrusion; extension, long duration; -karsha-vat, a. excellent; --°ree;, distinguished or pre-eminent in; -kalpanâ, f. allotment; -kalp-ita, pp. fitted, arranged, placed; -kalp-ya, to be allotted or settled; -kâ&ndot;kshâ, f. appetite; -kânda, m. n. trunk of a tree (between the root and branches); minor section in a book; --°ree;=pre-eminent, excellent; -kâmá, m. delight, voluptuousness: pl. objects of desire: -m, -tas, or°ree;--, ad. with delight, willingly; according to desire, sufficiently; in very deed; -kâra, m. kind, sort, species; way, manner; --°ree; a. of the nature of, -like: kena prakârena, in what way? how? prakâraih, in one way or another; râmâyanasya bhâratasya vâ pra kârah, a kind of Râmâyana or Mahâbhârata; -kâra-ka, a. (--°ree;) of the nature of, -like; -kâra-tâ, f. speciality; -kâra-vat, a. belonging to a species; -kârya, fp. to be exhibited; -kâlana, a. driving on; m. N. of a Nâga.
pratipakṣa m. opposite side; opposition, hostile party; opponent, adver sary; rival (in, --°ree;); --°ree; a. rivalling: -gan man, a. produced by enemies, -tâ, f., -tva, n. opposition, hostility; -pakshita,pp. op posed, contradictory; -pakshin, m. opponent, adversary; -paná, m. exchange; counter stake (in play); -pattavya, fp. to be ob tained or received; -given (answer); comprehended or understood; n. impl. one should behave; one should assume or lay down; -patti, f. obtainment, acquirement; perception, comprehension; understanding, intelligence; supposition, view, assertion; admission; giving, bestowal on any one (lc. or --°ree;); causing; taking in hand (--°ree;); enter prise, procedure, action, in or with (g. or lc.); respectful behaviour, mark of respect, honour; confidence, assurance, determination; re source, means for (lc.), expedient against (g.); high rank, dominion, rule; conclusion; ta tra kâ pratipattih syât, what is to be done in that case? kâ tasya pratipattih, what is to be done with it? pratipattim dâ, show honour: -daksha, a. resourceful; -pûrva kam,ad. respectfully; -pradâna, n. showing of honour; -mat, a. intelligent, resourceful.
ya prn. rel. (n. -d) who, that, which, what: nearly always followed by the ordinary correlative tad (± etad or idam) or less frequently idam (m. ayam), adas (m. asau), îdris, tâdrisa, etâvat (tathâ sts. corresponding to the n. yad); occasionally either the rel. or the corr. is dropped. Ya is sts. inaccurately employed in the sense of if any (one). Uses of the relative calling for special mention are the following: 1. Ya is often added (without the copula) to emphasize a subject (e.g. âtma parityâgena yad âsritânam rakshanam, tan nîtividâm na sammatam, protection of dependents at the sacrifice of one's own life is not approved by moralists).Sts. it is thus used without emphasis by the side of a simple subject (e. g. andhah sthaviras ka yah, a blind man and one who is old); rarely a nm. rel. of this kind=an ac. (e.g. sarvân rasân apo heta pasavo ye ka mânushâh, he should avoid selling all sorts of condiments, cattle, and human beings). The n. sg. yad of this emphatic rel. is frequently employed without regard to gender or number, when it may be translated by as for, as regards (e.g. asidhâ râvratam idam manye yad arinâ saha samvâ sah, as for dwelling with an enemy, that I consider as hard as the sword-blade vow); before a noun this yad=that is to say (Br.). Immediately following oratio recta ending with iti yad=at the thought that (cp. cj. yad). 2. Two relatives often occur in the same sentence, when the second may be translated by any (e.g. yad rokate yasmai, bhavet tat tasya sundaram, what pleases any one, that to him is beautiful). 3. The meaning of the rel. when repeated (sts. separated by hi) is generalised, ya ya being=whoever, whichever, whatever (followed by the doubled or single corr. tad). 4. Ya is often combined with other prns.: (a) w. tvam, sa, esha, ayam, asau; (b) w. aham (tvam, etc.): yo &zip; ham, I who=since I, or (after a question) that I; (c) w. tad, any soever: yad vâ tad vâ, any, any kind of; anything; (d) w. tvad=or any other (Br., rare); (e) w. intr. ka + ka (V., C., common), + kid (C., very common), + kid api (C., not common), + kana (E., rare), + vâ (C., rare), or + api (C., late, not yet in Manu), immediately following or sts. sepa rated (m. yah kás ka, kas kid, kas kid api, kas kana, ko vâ, or ko &zip; pi, n. yad kim ka, kim kid, kim kid api, kim kana, kim vâ or kim api), whoever, whatever, any soever, any one, no matter who.
sukaṇṭha a. (î) sweet-voiced: î, f. N. of an Apsaras; -kathâ, f. beautiful story; -kany&asharp;, f. N. of a daughter of Saryâta and wife of Kyavana (Br., C.); -kára, a. easily done, easy, for (g.), to (inf.): -tva, n. easi ness, feasibleness, -samdhi, a. easily united; -kárman, a. expert (V.); virtuous (C.); m. artificer (V.); -kalatra, n. good wife; -kavi, m. good poet; -kânta, pp. very handsome (youth); -kâlin, m. pl. a class of Manes; -kimsuká, a. adorned with Kimsuka flowers (car of Sûryâ; RV.1); -kîrtí, f. worthy praise (RV.); a. easily praised (RV.); m. N. of the composer of RV. X, 131 and of that hymn; -kukâ, a. f. having beautiful breasts; -ku mâra, a. (î) very tender or delicate; m. tender youth: -tva, n. tenderness, -½a&ndot;gî, a. f. very delicate-limbed; -kula, n. noble family; a. sprung from a noble family: -ga, -ganman, a. id., -tâ, f. noble birth;-kulîna, a. well-born; -kûrkura, m. N. of a demon injurious to children; -krit, a. doing good, benevolent; righteous, pious; m. pl. the Pious deceased, the Fathers who enjoy the reward of virtue in the other world (V.); 1.-kritá, n. good deed, meritorious act, righteousness, virtue, moral merit (V., C.); benefit, bounty, friendly aid, favour (C.); world of virtue, heaven (V., rare); a. well done (RV.1); 2. (sú)-krita, pp. well done, made, orexecuted; well-formed, adorned, fine: w. karman, n. good work; w. loká, m.= sukritasya loka, world of righteousness (V.); -krita-karman, n. good or meritorious act; a. doing good deeds, virtuous; -krita-krit, a. id.; -krita-bhâg, a. meritorious; -krita½ar tha, a. having fully attained one's object; -kriti, f. good conduct; a. righteous, vir tuous; -kritin, a. doing good actions, vir tuous; prosperous, fortunate; cultivated, wise; -kritya, n.good work to be done, duty; good action; -krity&asharp;, f. (RV.) ex pertness; right conduct, virtue; -krishta, pp. well-ploughed; -kéta, a. benevolent (V.); m. N. of an Âditya (V.); -ketú, a. radiant (dawn; RV.1); m. N. of a prince of the Yak shas and of various kings (C.): -sutâ, f. daughter of Suketu, Tâdakâ; -ketri, m. a personification (identified with the sun); -kesa, a. (î) beautiful-haired; -kesânta, a. having fair locks; -komala, a. very soft or tender; -krátu, a. skilful, wise (gods; RV.); -klesa, a. very distressing; -kshatrá, a. (V.) ruling well (gods); conferring power (wealth); -kshatriya, a. good Kshatriya; -kshití, f. (V.) good abode, security, refuge; -kshétra, n. fine field, good soil; a. affording a fair field or dwelling-place; having fair fields; -kshetriy&asharp;, f. desire of fair fields (RV.1); -kshobhya, fp. easily agitated.
hasta m. hand (ord. mg.); C.: elephant's trunk; as a measure=fore-arm or cubit (about 18 inches); handwriting (rare); abundance (--°ree; after words meaning hair); N.; V., C.: eleventh (or thirteenth) lunar asterism: --°ree; a. holding in (sts. by) the hand: -m gam, fall into the hand of (--°ree;); e kri, take into one's hand; also=gain possession of, get into one's power; marry (a girl); e nyasta, resting on her hand (face);tasya haste loka-dvayam sthitam, the two worlds are in his hand=are assured to him.
Bloomfield Vedic
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tasya ṛksāmāny apsarasa iṣṭayo (MS. apsarasaḥ stavā) nāma VS.18.43; MS.2.12.2: 145.8; śB. See tasyark-.
tasya ṛṣabhasyāṅgāni AVś.9.4.11c.
tasya karta nibhañjanam AVś.20.131.2.
tasya kāmaṃ vi vidhyata AVP.1.37.3f,5f.
tasya kṣayaḥ pṛthur ā sādhur etu RV.5.12.6c.
tasya gādham aśīmahi RVKh.7.55.3d.
tasya guptaye daṃpatī saṃ śrayethām AVś.6.122.3d; 12.3.7d. See tasmai go-.
tasya gṛhṇīta yat kṛtam AVP.8.18.10c.
tasya goṣṭhaṃ vitāvata AVP.10.1.5b.
tasya cakrā bhuvanāni viśvā AVś.19.53.1d; AVP.11.8.1d.
tasya cakṣur vaiśvavyacasam VS.13.56; TS.; MS.2.7.19: 104.6; KS.16.19; śB.
tasya jyeṣṭhaṃ mahimānaṃ vahantīḥ RV.2.35.9c; TS.; MS.4.12.4c: 188.4.
tasya ta idam un mṛje TS.,3.
tasya ta inda indriyāvata indrapītasya sarvagaṇaḥ sarvagaṇasyopahūta upahūtasya bhakṣayāmi KS.35.11.
tasya ta indav indrapītasya madhumata upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi TB.; Apś.14.29.2. Cf. indav indrapītasya, tasya ta indav indriyāvato, and tasya ta indreṇa.
tasya ta indav indrapītasyendriyāvato 'nuṣṭupchandaso harivataḥ sarvagaṇasya (Kś. -endriyāvato gāyatrachandasaḥ [also triṣṭupchandasaḥ, jagacchandasaḥ] sarvagaṇasya; PB.9.9.11, -endriyāvataḥ sarvagaṇasya) sarvagaṇa upahūta upahūtasya (Kś. -gaṇa upahūtasyopahūto) bhakṣayāmi Kś.25.12.6,7; PB.1.6.1; 9.9.11. Cf. indav indrapītasya, and Vait.19.6.
tasya ta indav indrapītasyendriyāvato madhumato madhumataḥ sarvagaṇasya sarvagaṇa upahūtasyopahūtaṃ (read -pahuto ?) bhakṣayāmi Mś.3.6.15.
tasya ta indav indrapītasyopahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi śś.13.12.10.
tasya ta indav indriyāvato madhumato vicakṣaṇasyopahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi JB.1.351. Cf. under tasya ta indav indrapītasya.
tasya ta indrapītasya triṣṭupchandasa upahūtasyopahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi Aś.5.13.6.
tasya ta indrapītasyānuṣṭupchandasa upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi Aś.6.3.22.
tasya ta indreṇa pītasya madhumata upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi TA.4.21.1. Cf. tasya ta indav indrapītasya.
tasya ta iṣasya tveṣasya nṛmṇasya vratasya dakṣasya bhakṣīya svasya cāraṇasya ca śūdrasya cāryasya ca (Apś. nṛmṇasya yahvasya vratasya svasya vāraṇasya śūdrasya cāryasya ca bhukṣiṣīya) MS.4.6.6: 88.20; Apś.13.16.8.
tasya ta iṣṭasya vītasya draviṇeha bhakṣīya TS. Cf. tasya na iṣṭasya, tasya mā yajñasyeṣṭasya, and tasya meṣṭasya.
tasya ta upahūtasyopahūto (MS. tā upahūtā upahūtasya) bhakṣayāmi MS.4.9.13: 134.9; Vait.25.14.
tasya ta upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi gāyatreṇa (traiṣṭubhena etc.) chandasā tejasā brāhmaṇavarcasena Vait.19.16,17. Cf. tasya ta indav indrapītasyendriyāvato.
tasya ta ṛcaś ca yajūṃṣi ca sāmāni ca KA.1.221; 3.221.
tasya tā upa see prec. but two.
tasya tārkṣyaś cāriṣṭanemiś ca senānīgrāmaṇyau (TS. senāni-) VS.15.18; TS.; MS.2.8.10: 115.6; KS.17.9; śB.
tasya tṛmpatam ahāhāhuhū svāhā śś.4.10.1d. See tena tṛpyatam.
tasya te antakaḥ pitā Kauś.135.9b.
tasya te 'kṣīyamāṇasya nirvapāmi (TB.Apś. add devayajyāyai) TS.; TB.; Apś.2.6.1. See next.
tasya te 'kṣīyamāṇasya pinvamānasya pinvamānaṃ nirvapāmi KS.1.10; Mś. See prec.
tasya te dattāṃ yasya (and yayoḥ) prāṇo 'si svāhā TS.
tasya te dadatu yeṣāṃ prāṇo 'si svāhā TS.
tasya te dadātu yasya prāṇo 'si svāhā TS.
tasya te deva someṣṭayajuṣa stutastomasya śastokthasya harivantaṃ grahaṃ gṛhṇāmi TS. See stutastomasya.
tasya te dyaur mahimā nakṣatrāṇi rūpam ādityas te tejaḥ TS.; KSA.5.11. Cf. next but one.
tasya te dhanur hṛdayaṃ mana iṣavaś cakṣur visargas taṃ tvā tathā veda śś.4.20.1.
tasya te 'ntarikṣaṃ mahimāpo vayāṃsi rūpaṃ vāyuṣ ṭe tejaḥ KSA.5.12. Cf. prec. but one.
tasya te padvad dhavirdhānam MS.4.9.11: 131.11; TA.4.11.5.
tasya te pavitrapate pavitreṇa yajñaṃ śakeyam MS.3.6.3: 63.1.
tasya te pavitrapate pavitreṇa yasmai kaṃ (VS.śB. -pate pavitrapūtasya yatkāmaḥ) pune VS.4.4; TS.;; MS.1.2.1: 10.10; KS.2.1; 23.1; śB. Ps: tasya te pavitrapate pavitreṇa Mś.; tasya te pavitrapate Apś.10.7.13.
tasya te pṛthivī mahimauṣadhayo vanaspatayo rūpam agnis te tejaḥ TS.; KSA.5.13.
tasya te bhaktivāṃsaḥ syāma (MS.KS. bhaktivāno bhūyāsma) AVś.6.79.3d; MS.1.5.3: 70.5; 1.5.10: 79.6; KS.7.3. See tasya te vayaṃ bhū-, and tasyās te bhakṣivāṇaḥ.
tasya te bhakṣīya TS.;,3; Apś.6.25.10. Cf. tasya te 'śīya.
tasya te māsāś cārdhamāsāś ca ṛtavaḥ parivatsarāḥ MS.4.9.18: 135.9. See next.
tasya te māsāś cārdhamāsāś ca kalpantām TA.4.19.1. See prec.
tasya te mṛtyupītasyāmṛtavataḥ svagākṛtasya madhumata upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi TB.
tasya te ya ūnaṃ yo 'kṛtaṃ yo 'tiriktam adarśat tasya prāṇenāpyāyasva svāhā Lś.2.1.10.
tasya te rasam ā dade AVP.6.15.4d.
tasya te rātau yaśasaḥ syāma AVś.6.39.2d.
tasya te vayaṃ svadhayā madema TS.; KSA.5.16d.
tasya te vayaṃ bhūyiṣṭhabhājo bhūyāsma Apś.6.25.10. See under tasya te bhakti-.
tasya te vasantaḥ śiraḥ MS.4.9.18: 135.8; TB.; TA.4.19.1.
tasya te vājino vayam RV.9.65.9a.
tasya te vājipītasyopahūtasyopahūto (Lś. -pītasyopahūta upahūtasya) bhakṣayāmi Aś.2.16.19; Lś.4.12.16. See next two, and vājy ahaṃ.
tasya te vājipītasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi Vait.8.16. See under prec.
tasya te vājibhir bhakṣaṃkṛtasya vājibhiḥ sutasya vājipītasya vājinasyopahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi Apś.8.3.16. P: tasya te vājibhir bhakṣaṃkṛtasya Apś.8.7.10. See under prec. but one.
tasya te śarmann upadadyamāne RV.6.49.13c.
tasya te 'śīya ApMB.2.10.16 (ApG.5.13.18). Cf. tasya te bhakṣīya, and tan me 'śīya.
tasya trātā bhavasi tasya sakhā RV.4.4.10c; TS.; MS.4.11.5c: 173.13; KS.6.11c.
tasya trīṇi prati śṛṇīhy agrā RV.10.87.10b; AVś.8.3.10b.
tasya tvaṃ napād asi AVP.4.17.3b.
tasya tvam asi niṣkṛtiḥ (AVP. bheṣajī) AVś.5.5.4c; AVP.6.4.3c.
tasya tvaṃ pittam āsitha AVś.1.24.1b; AVP.1.26.1b.
tasya tvaṃ prāṇenā pyāyasva AVś.7.81.5b.
tasya tvaṣṭā vidadhad rūpam eti VS.31.17c; MS.2.7.15c: 96.16; KS.39.2c; TA.3.13.1c; Apś.16.29.2c.
tasya dakṣiṇā apsarasa stavā nāma (TS. apsarasa stavāḥ; MS. apsarasā eṣṭayo nāma) VS.18.42; TS.; MS.2.12.2: 145.6; KS.18.14; śB.
tasya devasya kruddhasyaitad āgaḥ AVś.13.3.1e,2c--4c,5d,6e,7d,8c,9d--12d,13e,14e,15d,16e,17d,18e,19e,20c,21e,22c,23e,24d,25e.
tasya devasya praśiṣā carāmaḥ AVś.6.133.1c. See yasya devasya praśiṣā.
tasya devā asan vaśe VS.31.21d; TA.3.13.2d.
tasya devāḥ pṛthivī dyaur utāpaḥ RV.10.88.2c.
tasya devāḥ pra tirantv āyuḥ AVP.11.5.9c.
tasya devāḥ prasavaṃ yanti sarve MS.4.14.14c: 239.8; TB.
tasya devā devahūtiṃ juṣantām AVP.15.6.7c.
tasya doham aśīmahi (KS. aśīya; Aś. aśīya te) VS.38.28b; MS.4.9.13e: 134.8; KS.5.2; TB.; śB.; TA.4.21.1; Aś.5.13.6a; śś.7.16.8f.
tasya dyumāṃ asad rathaḥ RV.8.31.3a. Cf. BṛhD.6.73 (B).
tasya dyumnitamaṃ yaśaḥ RV.8.19.6b.
tasya dhīrāḥ parijānanti yonim TA.3.13.2c. See tasya yoniṃ.
tasya na iṣṭasya prītasya draviṇehāgameḥ VS.18.56. Cf. under tasya ta iṣṭasya.
tasya nakṣatrāṇy apsaraso bekurayo nāma (TS. apsaraso bekurayaḥ) VS.18.40; TS.; MS.2.12.2: 145.4; KS.18.14; śB.
tasya nas tvaṃ bhuvaspate AVś.10.5.45c; AVP.1.63.1c.
tasya nākṣas tapyate bhūribhāraḥ RV.1.164.13c; AVś.9.9.11c.
tasya nāma mahad yaśaḥ TA.10.1.2d; MahānU.1.10d. See yasya etc.
tasya nāmnā vṛścāmi (Mś. vṛścāvo) yo 'smān (Mś. asmān) dveṣṭi yaṃ ca vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ Apś.11.15.1 (ter); Mś. (ter).
tasya no dehi sūrya RVKh.1.50.2d; TB.; Apś.4.15.1d.
tasya no dhehi jīvase AVś.11.4.9d; SV.2.1192c; Kauś.117.4c. See tato etc.
tasya no dhehi tvam asi pracetāḥ AVP.2.68.6b.
tasya no rāsva MS.1.5.3: 70.5; 1.5.10: 79.6; KS.7.3; Apś.6.25.10. See next, and tasya me rāsva.
tasya no rāsva tasya no dhehi (Aś. dāḥ) AVś.6.79.3c; Aś.1.7.8d. See under prec., and cf. sa no rāsvājyānim.
tasya no veda ā bhara RV.8.45.15c.
tasya paktā mucyatāṃ kilbiṣebhyaḥ AVP.9.22.1b.
tasya patman dakṣuṣaḥ kṛṣṇajaṃhasaḥ RV.1.141.7c.
tasya pade prathamaṃ jyotir ādade Vait.6.1c.
tasya parṇāni lomāni śB.; BṛhU.3.9.30c.
tasya pātāraṃ sacatāṃ purīṣam AVP.1.13.4a.
tasya pūṣā prasave (TS. prasavaṃ) yāti vidvān (TS.KS. devaḥ) RV.10.139.1c; VS.17.58c; TS.; MS.2.10.5c: 137.4; 3.3.8: 41.1; KS.18.3c; śB.
tasya pṛṣṭhe sīdatu jātavedāḥ Mś.
tasya prakṛtilīnasya TA.10.10.3c; MahānU.10.8c.
tasya prajā apsaraso bhīruvaḥ (MS. bhīravo nāma) TS.; MS.2.12.2: 145.9.
tasya praśnaṃ tvaṃ jahi AVP.2.16.5a. See next but two, and imām asya prāśaṃ.
tasya prāṇān saṃ bṛhat tasya prāṇān vi vṛha AVP.3.25.14.
tasya prāṇo bhauvāyanaḥ VS.13.54; TS.; MS.2.7.19: 103.15; KS.16.19; śB.
tasya prāśaṃ tvaṃ jahi AVś.2.27.7a. See under prec. but two.
tasya preṣo dīdiyus tam imā ṛcaḥ RV.1.36.11c.
tasya phalāni tapasā nudantu RVKh.5.87.6c.
tasya bhakṣam aśīmahi MS.4.9.13: 134.8; TB.; TA.4.21.1.
tasya bhakṣīya varcasaḥ AVP.2.34.1d--3d.
tasya bhagena varcasā AVś.3.22.6c.
tasya bharmaṇe bhuvanāya devāḥ RV.10.88.1c; N.7.25c.
tasya bhājayateha naḥ RV.10.9.2b; AVś.1.5.2b; SV.2.1188b; VS.11.51b; 36.15b; TS.;;; MS.2.7.5b: 79.18; 4.9.27b: 139.5; KS.16.4b; 35.3b; TA.4.42.4b; 10.1.12b; KA.1.219Ab; ApMB.2.7.14b. Cf. tasyāgne bhājayeha.
tasya bhūtaṃ bhavyaṃ vaśe AVś.9.10.24.
tasya bhrātā madhyamo asty aśnaḥ RV.1.164.1b; AVś.9.9.1b; N.4.26b.
tasya madhye mahān agniḥ TA.10.11.2a; MahānU.11.10a.
tasya madhye vahniśikhāḥ TA.10.11.2c; MahānU.11.11c; MahāU.3c; Vāsū.3c.
tasya mano devaṃ yajñena rādhyāsam TB.; Apś.9.16.7.
tasya mano vaiśvakarmaṇam VS.13.55; TS.; MS.2.7.19: 104.3; KS.16.19; śB.
tasya marīcayo 'psarasa āyuvo nāma (TS. 'psarasa āyuvaḥ) VS.18.39; TS.; MS.2.12.2: 145.3; KS.18.14; śB.
tasya maruto 'psarasā ojo nāma MS.2.12.2: 145.7.
tasya mā yajñasya vasor vasumato vasv ihāgachatu (Apś. vasv āgachatu) MS.1.4.1: 48.7; Apś.4.13.8. See tasya yajñasya.
tasya mā yajñasyeṣṭasya vītasya draviṇehāgamyāt MS.1.4.1: 48.6. See tasya meṣṭasya, tasya yajñasyeṣṭasya, and cf. under tasya ta iṣṭasya.
tasya māśīd yātudhāno nṛcakṣaḥ RV.10.87.17b; AVś.8.3.17b.
tasya māśīr avatu vardhatām Aś.3.13.15. See tato mā yajñasyāśīr.
tasya mṛtyuś (KS. mṛtyoś; TB. mṛtyau) carati rājasūyam AVś.4.8.1c; TB.; KS.37.9c; TB. See sa te mṛtyuś etc.
tasya me 'gnir upadraṣṭā TB.; Apś.4.9.6. See agnir upadraṣṭā, and tasya me 'yam.
tasya me tanvo bahudhā niviṣṭāḥ RV.10.51.4c.
tasya me dattam aśvinā AVP.8.20.11d; 10.6.13d.
tasya me 'yam agnir upadraṣṭā AB.7.24.3. See agnir upadraṣṭā, and tasya me 'gnir.
tasya me rāsva TS.,3. See under tasya no rāsva.
tasya me vitta KS.4.14.
tasya meṣṭasya vītasya draviṇam ā gamyāt (KS. draviṇehāgamyāḥ; Apś. draviṇehāgameḥ) TS.; KS.25.7 (quater); Apś.4.12.10. See under tasya mā yajñasyeṣṭasya.
tasya moccheṣi kiṃ cana AVP.12.6.4d.
tasya yajñasya vasor vasumato vasu māgachatu KS.5.4; 32.4. See tasya mā yajñasya.
tasya yajñasyeṣṭasya sviṣṭasya draviṇaṃ māgachatu KS.5.4; 32.4. See under tasya mā yajñasyeṣṭasya.
tasya yad āhuḥ pippalaṃ svādv agre AVś.9.9.21c. See tasyed āhuḥ.
tasya yoniṃ paripaśyanti dhīrāḥ VS.31.19c. See tasya dhīrāḥ.
tasya rathagṛtsaś (MS. -kṛtsnaś; KS. -kṛtsaś) ca rathaujāś ca senānīgrāmaṇyau (TS. senāni-) VS.15.15; TS.; MS.2.8.10: 114.13; KS.17.9; śB.
tasya rathaprotaś (TS. rathe-) cāsamarathaś ca senānīgrāmaṇyau (TS. senāni-) VS.15.17; TS.; MS.2.8.10: 114.20; KS.17.9; śB.
tasya rathasvanaś ca rathecitraś ca senānīgrāmaṇyau (TS. senāni-) VS.15.16; TS.; MS.2.8.10: 114.16; KS.17.9; śB.
tasya ratheprotaś etc. see tasya rathaprotaś.
tasya lokaḥ sa u loka eva śB.; BṛhU.4.4.17d.
tasya vajraḥ krandati smat svarṣāḥ RV.1.100.13a.
tasya vayaṃ sumatau yajñiyasya RV.3.1.21c; 59.4c; 6.47.13a; 10.131.7a; AVś.7.92.1c; 20.125.7a; VS.20.52a; TS.; MS.4.12.5a: 191.6; 4.14.12c: 235.10; KS.8.16a; TB.; 7.5c. P: tasya vayam KS.17.18; Mś. See teṣāṃ vayaṃ sumatau, and tvayā vayaṃ sumatau.
tasya vayaṃ heḍasi māpi bhūma AVś.7.20.3c. See tasyai etc.
tasya vayaṃ prasave yāma urvīḥ RV.3.33.6d; N.2.26d.
tasya vāṃ syāma sanitāra ājeḥ RV.4.41.11d.
tasya vā tvaṃ mana ichā sa vā tava RV.10.10.14c; AVś.18.1.16c; N.11.34c.
tasya vittāt (MS. vitsva) TS.; MS.1.2.14: 23.12; KS.3.3. See etasya vittāt.
tasya vidyuto 'psaraso rucaḥ TS.
tasya viśvam apsaraso bhuvaḥ TS.
tasya vṛścāmi te mūlam AVś.13.1.56c,57c. Cf. vṛścāmi tasyāhaṃ.
tasya venīr anu vratam RV.8.41.3d.
tasya veśaḥ kariṣyathaḥ AVP.15.21.1d.
tasya vrataṃ rakṣataṃ pātam aṃhasaḥ RV.1.93.8c; TB.
tasya vratāni na minanti dhīrāḥ RV.7.31.11c; SV.2.1144c.
tasya vratāni bhūripoṣiṇo vayam RV.3.3.9c.
tasya vratāny anu vaś carāmasi RV.8.25.16c.
tasya vratāny uśmasi RV.1.22.6c.
tasya śmaśānād adhi loṣṭa ābhṛtaḥ AVP.5.36.6d.
tasya śrotraṃ sauvam VS.13.57; TS.; MS.2.7.19: 104.9; KS.16.19; śB.
tasya sarpasya sarpatvam RVKh.7.55.7c.
tasya sarpāpa bhadraṃ te RVKh.1.191.7c.
tasya sarvasyāṃhasaḥ MS.1.10.2g: 142.3.
tasya sādhvīr iṣavo yābhir asyati RV.2.24.8c.
tasya sumnam aśīmahi TB.;; TA.4.21.1.
tasya senajic ca suṣenaś ca senānīgrāmaṇyau (TS. senāni-) VS.15.19; TS.; MS.2.8.10: 115.3; KS.17.9; śB.
tasya soma pra tira dīrgham āyuḥ AVP.1.46.1d,2a.
tasya snāhi tanū adhi AVP.7.5.10d.
tasya spaśo (AVP. syaśo) na ni miṣanti bhūrṇayaḥ AVś.5.6.3c; AVP.6.11.4c; KS.38.14c. See asya etc.
tasya sma prāvitā bhava RV.1.12.8c; SV.2.195c.
tasya syaśo etc. see tasya spaśo etc.
tasya hāsi kanīnikā AVś.4.20.3b; AVP.8.6.3b.
tasya hāsnāsy ukṣitā (AVP. ukṣatā) AVś.5.5.8d; AVP.6.4.8d.
tasya hotā bhavasi yāsi dūtyam RV.10.91.11c.
tasyai jīvema śaradaḥ śataṃ vayam JG.2.1b.
tasyai ta enā haviṣā vidhema MS.4.12.1e: 179.11; KS.35.12c; MG.2.8.4d. Cf. under tasmai ta indo.
tasyai (TS. tasyās) te devi haviṣā vidhema TS.; MS.4.12.6d: 195.9; KS.13.16d; Aś.1.10.8d; śś.9.28.3d; N.11.33d. Cf. under tasmai ta indo.
tasyai te devīṣṭake MS.2.7.15c: 98.16; KS.16.16c. See tasyās etc.
tasyai te namo astu devi AVś.1.13.4d.
tasyai te svāhā VS.32.16; MS.1.2.7: 17.7; 4.9.10 (ter): 130.12,13,15; KS.2.8.
tasyai tvaṃ harasā tapan MS.2.7.8c: 86.2. See tasyās etc.
tasyai namo yatamasyāṃ diśītaḥ AVś.11.2.12d,27c (here text, erroneously, tasyai for tasmai). Cf. tābhyāṃ namo.
tasyai prajāṃ draviṇaṃ ceha dhehi AVś.18.3.1d; TA.6.1.3d.
tasyai prajāpatir ajuhot svādhiṣṭhānā ceti svādhicaraṇa ceti AVP.13.9.1.
tasyai prati pra vartaya AVP.10.1.8c.
tasyai prastuhi MS.4.2.4 (quater): 26.6--10; Apś.12.17.13.
tasyai balāsapatnyai AVP.6.8.8c.
tasyai me 'varuddhyai MS.4.2.4 (quater): 26.6--10; Apś.12.17.13.
tasyai vayaṃ heḍasi māpi bhūma TS. See tasya etc.
tasyai vāṅ mātyā (TS. mātī) VS.13.58; TS.; śB. See tasyā etc.
tasyai vāce nihave juhomi SMB.2.6.9e.
tasyai viśpatnyai haviḥ RV.2.32.7c; AVś.7.46.2c; TS.; MS.4.12.6c: 195.7; KS.13.16c.
tasyai stuhi Apś.12.17.13.
tasyai svāhā KS.7.14 (ter).
tasyai hiraṇyakeśyai AVś.5.7.9c; AVP.7.19.3c,4c.
tasyai hiraṇyadrāpaye AVś.5.7.10c.
tasyai hiraṇyavakṣase AVś.12.1.26c.
tasyaiṣa māruto gaṇaḥ AVś.13.4.8a.
tasyaitad agram ā dade AVP.9.11.8c.
tasyaiva syāt etc. see tasyaivātmā etc.
tasyaivātmā (śB.BṛhU. tasyaiva syāt) padavit taṃ viditvā śB.; TB.; BṛhU.4.4.28c; BDh.
tasyarksāmāny apsaraso vahnayaḥ (KS. apsarasa eṣṭayo nāma) TS.; KS.18.14. See tasya ṛk-.
tasyauṣadhayo 'psaraso mudo (MS.KS. mudā; TS. 'psarasa ūrjo) nāma VS.18.38; TS.; MS.2.12.2: 145.1; KS.18.14; śB.
akṣiduḥkhotthitasyaiva # TA.1.4.1a.
agnipītasya (soma deva te matividaḥ) # Apś.13.14.14. Vikāra of indrapītasya, or narāśaṃsapītasya Apś.12.24.7 ff. Cf. TS.
athaitasya haviṣo vīhi svāhā # AVś.19.52.5d; AVP.1.30.5d; Kauś.92.31d.
anājñātājñātakṛtasya (sc. enaso 'vayajanam asi) # Vait.23.12. See anyakṛtasya, and cf. enasa-enaso.
anānatasya śavasaḥ # RV.8.68.4b; SV.1.364b; N.12.21b.
antarikṣasamantasya te vāyur upaśrotā # BDh. See antarikṣaṃ samaṃ.
anyakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi svāhā (Apśṃś. omit svāhā) # Tā.10.59; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; MahānU.18.1. See anājñātājñātakṛtasya, and cf. enasa-enaso.
anyavratasya (TA. anyadvra-) saścima (RV. saścire; TA. saścimaḥ) # RV.5.20.2d; VS.38.20b; MS.4.9.10: 131.6b; śB.; TA.4.11.4b.
abhiyuktasya pradhane # AVP.2.25.2a.
amṛtasya deva dhāraṇo bhūyāsam # TA.7.4.1d; TU.1.4.1d.
amṛtasya dhārā bahudhā dohamānam # TB.
amṛtasya nidhir hitaḥ # RV.10.186.3b; JB.3.266b; TB.; TA.4.42.2b; KA.1.218Ab. See under amṛtaṃ nihitaṃ.
amṛtasya pūrṇāṃ tām u kalāṃ vicakṣate # TA.3.11.5c.
amṛtasya prāṇaṃ yajñam etam # TA.3.11.3c.
amṛtasya śriyaṃ mahīm # ā.
avatasya (SV. avaṭasya) visarjane # RV.8.72.11c; SV.2.953c.
aśrāntasya tvā manasā # AVś.19.25.1a.
aśvinakṛtasya te sarasvatikṛtasyendreṇa sutrāmṇā kṛtasya, upahūta upahūtasya bhakṣayāmi # VS.20.35.
asitasya gṛhebhyaḥ # AVś.6.137.1d.
asitasya te (AVP. omits te) brahmaṇā # AVś.1.14.4a; AVP.1.15.4a.
asitasya taimātasya # AVś.5.13.6a; AVP.1.44.1a; 8.2.4a. Cf. Kauś.29.9.
asitasya brahmaṇā # see prec. but one.
asitasya vidradhasya # AVP.1.90.1a; 8.7.8a. Cf. vidradhasya balāsasya.
asmatkṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi (Tā. adds svāhā) # PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59.
aharjātasya yan nāma # AVś.3.14.1c; 5.28.12c; AVP.2.13.4c; 2.59.11c.
ahutasya hutasya ca # KS.35.5b,5d; JB.1.353b; PB.9.9.8b; TB.,3d; śś.13.12.7c; Kś.25.12.1b; Apś.14.30.2b,2d.
ātmakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.Aś.BDh. asi svāhā) # VS.8.13; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; Aś.6.12.3; śś.8.9.1; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; BDh.4.3.6. P: ātmakṛtasya Vait.23.12.
āvikṣitasya kāmapreḥ # AB.8.21.14c. See next.
āviṣkṛtasya dūṣaṇam # Apś.21.20.3c.
indrapītasya # Apś.12.24.9. Fragment of ādityavadgaṇasya TS.
indrapītasya prajāpatibhakṣitasya madhumata upahūta upahūtasya bhakṣayāmi # VS.38.28.
iṣṭāpūrtasya ṣoḍaśam # AVś.3.29.1b.
utāmṛtasya tvaṃ vettha # AVś.4.9.3c. See prec.
upastutasya vandate vṛṣā vāk # RV.10.115.8b.
tasya garbhaḥ (MS. dhāman; KS. dhāma) prathamā vyūṣuṣī # TS.; MS.2.13.10a: 160.12; KS.39.10a; PG.3.3.5a.
tasya garbhaṃ januṣā (TB. haviṣā) pipartana # RV.1.156.3b; TB.
tasya garbho nihito yamā paraḥ # RV.9.68.5b.
tasya gopā adhi etc. # see ṛtasya gopāv.
tasya gopā na dabhāya sukratuḥ # RV.9.73.8a.
tasya gopāv (MS. gopā) adhi tiṣṭhato ratham # RV.5.63.1a; MS.4.14.12a: 234.5.
tasya goptrī tapasaḥ parasvī (ApMB.JG. paraspī; MG.VārG. -sas tarutrī) # SMB.1.6.28a; ApMB.2.2.10a (ApG.4.10.11); MG.1.22.7a; JG.1.12a; VārG.5.7a. P: ṛtasya goptrī GG.2.10.37.
tasya jihvā pavate madhu priyam # RV.9.75.2a; SV.2.51a.
tasya jyotiṣas patim # AVś.6.36.1b; SV.2.1058b; VS.26.6b; TS.; MS.4.11.1b: 160.11; KS.4.16b; Aś.8.10.3b; śś.3.3.5b.
tasya jyotiṣas patī # RV.1.23.5b; SV.2.144b.
tasya tantuṃ vitataṃ vivṛtya (VS. vicṛtya; AVś.AVP. dṛśe kam) # AVś.2.1.5b; AVP.2.6.5b; VS.32.12c; TA.10.1.4c; MahānU.2.6c.
tasya tantuṃ manasā mimānaḥ # AVś.13.3.19c.
tasya tantur vitataḥ pavitra ā # RV.9.73.9a. P: ṛtasya tantur vitataḥ VHDh.8.35.
tasya te sadasīḍe antaḥ # RV.3.55.12c.
tasya tvā jyotiṣe (Mś. -ṣe gṛhṇāmi) # TS.,5; Mś.
tasya tvā deva stoma pade viṣṇor dhāmani vimuñcāmi # PB.1.6.5. P: ṛtasya tvā Lś.2.11.1.
tasya tvā devahaviḥ pāśena pratimuñcāmi (KS. pratimuñcāmy amuṣmai juṣṭam; TS.Apś. pāśenārabhe) # VS.6.8; TS.; MS.1.2.15: 24.11; KS.3.5; 26.8; śB.; Apś.7.13.8. Ps: ṛtasya tvā devahaviḥ pāśena Mś.; ṛtasya tvā Kś.6.3.27. See devasya tvā savituḥ ... hastābhyām ṛtasya.
tasya tvā mātrāyai gṛhṇāmi # Mś.
tasya tvā vidharmaṇe (Mś. -ṇe gṛhṇāmi) # TS.,4; Mś.
tasya tvā vibhūmane # TS.,4.
tasya tvā vyomane (Mś. -vyomne gṛhṇāmi) # TS.,4; Mś.
tasya tvā satyāya (Mś. -ya gṛhṇāmi) # TS.,4; Mś.
tasya tvā sadasi kṣemayantam # RV.3.7.2c.
tasya tv enam āmutaḥ # MS.4.14.17d: 244.5. See ṛtasyartena mām.
tasya dṛḍhā dharuṇāni santi # RV.4.23.9a.
tasya devā anu vratā guḥ # RV.1.65.3a.
tasya devīḥ sadaso budhānāḥ # RV.4.51.8c.
tasya dvārau (PBḷś. dvārau stho) mā mā saṃtāptam # VS.5.33; PB.1.5.1; śś.6.12.13; Lś.2.3.9. Ps: ṛtasya dvārau sthaḥ Lś.2.4.1; ṛtasya dvārau Kś.9.8.20.
tasya dharmann amṛtasya cāruṇaḥ # RV.9.110.4b; SV.2.858b.
tasya dhāman (and dhāma) prathāmā etc. # see ṛtasya garbhaḥ etc.
tasya dhāman raṇayanta devāḥ # RV.4.7.7b.
tasya dhāma vi mime purūṇi # RV.10.124.3b.
tasya dhāmno amṛtasya yoneḥ # TS. See ṛtasya yoniṃ mahiṣasya, ghṛtasya dhārāṃ mahiṣasya, and yajñasya yonau.
tasya dhārā anu tṛndhi pūrvīḥ # RV.5.12.2b.
tasya dhārāḥ sudughā duhānāḥ # RV.7.43.4b.
tasya dhītibhir dame # RV.9.111.2c; SV.2.942c.
tasya dhītim ṛṣiṣāḍ avīvaśat # RV.9.76.4b.
tasya dhītiṃ brahmaṇo manīṣām # RV.9.97.34b; SV.1.525b; 2.209b; JB.3.46b; N.14.14b.
tasya dhītir vṛjināni hanti # RV.4.23.8b; N.10.41b.
tasya dhenā anayanta sasrutaḥ # RV.1.141.1d.
tasya naḥ patayo mṛḍayantu # RV.4.57.2d; TS.; KS.4.15d; 30.4d; Mś.; ApMB.2.18.48d; N.10.16d.
tasya naḥ pathā naya # RV.10.133.6c.
tasya nābhāv adhi (AVś. abhi) saṃ punāmi (AVś. punāti) # RV.10.13.3d; AVś.18.3.40d.
tasya nābhir amṛtaṃ vi jāyate # RV.9.74.4b.
tasya nāvam āruhad rajiṣṭhām # RV.9.89.2b.
tasya patnīm avase huvema (AVś. havāmahe) # AVś.7.6.2b; VS.21.5b; TS.; KS.30.4b,5b; MS.4.10.1b: 144.10; Aś.2.1.29b; śś.2.2.14b.
tasya pathā namasā miyedhaḥ # RV.10.70.2c.
tasya pathā namasā vivāset # RV.10.31.2b.
tasya pathā namasā haviṣmatā # RV.1.128.2b.
tasya pathā paryehi # Apś.3.19.6; Mś.
tasya pathā preta candradakṣiṇāḥ # VS.7.45; VSK.9.2.6; TS.;; MS.1.3.37: 43.16; KS.4.9; 28.4; śB. P: ṛtasya pathā preta MS.4.8.2: 108.16; Mś.
tasya pathā saramā vidad gāḥ # RV.5.45.8d.
tasya pathi vedhā apāyi # RV.6.44.8a.
tasya pathyā anu (VSK. upa) # RV.3.12.7c; SV.2.927c,1044c; VS.6.12; VSK.6.3.1.
tasya padaṃ kavayo ni pānti # RV.10.5.2c. Cf. next but one.
tasya pade adhi dīdyānam # RV.4.5.9c.
tasya pade kavayo ni pānti # RV.10.177.2d; TA.3.11.4d,5d,11d; JUB.3.36.1d. Cf. prec. but one.
tasya panthā asi devānāṃ chāyāmṛtasya nāma # TS.; KSA.1.11.
tasya panthāṃ na taranti duṣkṛtaḥ # RV.9.73.6d; AVP.6.11.3d.
tasya panthām anu tisra āguḥ # AVś.8.9.13a; TS.; MS.2.13.10a: 160.5; KS.39.10a; ApMB.2.20.32a (ApG.8.22.5).
tasya panthām anu paśya sādhu # AVś.18.4.3a.
tasya panthām anvetavā u # RV.7.44.5b.
tasya panthām anv eti sādhu # RV.1.124.3c; 5.80.4c.
tasya panthām anv eti hotā # see next but one.
tasya panthām anv emi sādhuyā # RV.10.66.13b.
tasya panthām anv emi (Apś. eti) hotā # Aś.1.3.25; Apś.24.12.7d.
tasya panthām anv eṣi vidvān # AVś.17.1.16d.
tasya pastyasado adabdhān # RV.6.51.9b.
tasya prathamā dvāḥ # AVś.9.3.22d.
tasya preṣā ṛtasya dhītiḥ # RV.1.68.5a.
tasya budhna uṣasām iṣaṇyan # RV.3.61.7a.
tasya bodhy ṛtacit svādhīḥ # RV.4.3.4b.
tasya brahma prathamota jajñe # TB. See bhūtānāṃ brahmā.
tasya bhāge yajamānam ābhajat # RV.1.156.5d.
tasya manye manasā javiṣṭhā # RV.4.2.3b.
tasya māne adhi yā dhruvāṇi # AVP.1.101.1c.
tasya mā pradiśo vardhayanti # RV.8.100.4c.
tasya mitrāvaruṇā pathā vām # RV.7.65.3c.
tasya yā abhirakṣanti gopāḥ # RV.1.163.5d; VS.29.16d; TS.; KS.40.6d.
tasya yāti pathibhiḥ kanikradat # RV.9.86.33b.
tasya yāḥ sadane kośe aṅgdhve # RV.10.100.10b.
tasya yoge vanuṣaḥ # RV.3.27.11b.
tasya yoge vi ṣyadhvam ūdhaḥ # RV.10.30.11c; N.6.22c.
tasya yonayo 'mṛtasya dhāma # RVKh.9.67.15a.
tasya yonā iha etc. # see ṛtasya yonāv etc.
tasya yonā kṣayataḥ samokasā # RV.10.65.8b.
tasya yonā garbhe sujātam # RV.1.65.4b.
tasya yonā mahiṣā aheṣata # RV.9.86.25d. Cf. ṛtasya yonau mahiṣā.
tasya yonāv aśayad damūnāḥ # RV.3.1.11c.
tasya yonā vighṛte madantī # RV.3.54.6b.
tasya yonāv (VSKṃS.KSA. yonā) iha sādayāmi # VS.29.6d; VSK.31.6d; TS.; MS.3.16.2d: 184.9; KSA.6.2d.
tasya yonā vṛṣabhasya nīḍe # RV.4.1.12b.
tasya yonā sadane punarbhuvaḥ # RV.9.72.6d.
tasya yonā sam aranta nābhayaḥ # RV.9.73.1b.
tasya yoniṃ vimṛśanta āsate # RV.10.65.7b.
tasya yonim āsadaḥ # RV.5.21.4d.
tasya yonim āsadam # RV.3.62.13c; 9.8.3c; 64.22c; TS. See arkasya etc., and devānāṃ etc.
tasya yoniṃ mahiṣasya dhārām # VS.12.105b; KS.16.14b; śB. See under ṛtasya dhāmno.
tasya yonir amṛtaṃ vijāyate # KS.35.6b.
tasya yonau tanvo juṣanta # RV.10.8.3d.
tasya yonau mahiṣā agṛbhṇan (TS.KS.ApMB. ahinvan) # TS.; MS.2.7.9d: 86.10; KS.16.9d; ApMB.2.11.23d. See apām upasthe mahiṣā avardhan, and cf. apām upasthe mahiṣā agṛbhṇata, and ṛtasya yonā mahiṣā.
tasya yonau sukṛtasya loke # RV.10.85.24c; AVś.14.1.19c; Kś.3.8.2c. Cf. uruṃ lokaṃ sugam, and dhātuś ca yonau.
tasya yoṣā na mināti dhāma # RV.1.123.9c.
tasya raśmim anuyachamānā # RV.1.123.13a.
tasya raśmim ā dade # RV.5.7.3d; TS.; MS.4.12.4d: 187.12.
tasyartam asi # TS.; KSA.1.11.
tasyartena mām uta (TA. ita) # TB.; TA.2.3.1d. See ṛtasya tv enam.
tasyartena muñcata # AVś.6.114.1d; TB.
tasyartenādityāḥ # AVś.6.114.2a; TB.
tasyardhyāsam adya makhasya śiraḥ # KA.1.9--13; 2.9. See ṛdhyāsam adya makhasya, and makhasya te 'dya.
tasya vakṣi pathibhī rajiṣṭhaiḥ # MS.4.13.7d: 208.11; KS.18.21d; TB.; N.8.19d.
tasya vā keśinā yogyābhiḥ # RV.3.6.6a.
tasya vār asi kṣayam # RV.1.132.3c.
tasya vā vanuṣe pūrvyāya # RV.4.44.3c; AVś.20.143.3c.
tasya vā sadasi trāsīthāṃ naḥ # RV.5.41.1c; MS.4.14.10c: 231.10.
tasya vṛṣṇe asurāya manma # RV.5.12.1b.
tasya vo rathyaḥ pūtadakṣān # RV.6.51.9a.
tasya śuci darśatam anīkam # RV.6.51.1c.
tasya śuṣmas turayā u gavyuḥ # RV.4.23.10b.
tasya śṛṅgam urviyā vi paprathe # RV.8.86.5b.
tasya śloko badhirā tatarda # RV.4.23.8c; N.10.41c. Cf. BṛhD.2.43.
tasya sadane sīdāmi # PB.1.2.2; Kauś.3.7; 137.39. P: ṛtasya sadane Lś.1.9.17.
tasya sadma vi carāmi vidvān # RV.3.55.14c.
tasya sānāv adhi cakramāṇāḥ # RV.10.123.3c.
tasya sānāv adhi viṣṭapi bhrāṭ # RV.10.123.2c.
tasya sā payasāpinvateḍā # RV.3.55.13c.
tasya sāman raṇayanta devāḥ # RV.1.147.1d.
tasya sāman saram ārapantī # VS.22.2d; TS.;; MS.3.12.1d: 159.14; KSA.1.2d; TB.
tasya hi dhenavo vāvaśānāḥ # RV.1.73.6a.
tasya hi prasitir dyaur uru vyacaḥ # RV.10.92.4a.
tasya hi vartanayaḥ sujātam # RV.10.5.4a.
tasya hi śurudhaḥ santi pūrvīḥ # RV.4.23.8a; Aś.9.7.36; N.6.16; 10.41a. P: ṛtasya hi śurudhaḥ śś.14.16.10.
tasya hi sadaso dhītir adyaut # RV.10.111.2a.
etasya tvaṃ prajanaya # GB.2.6.8. Cf. etaṃ tvaṃ prajanaya.
etasya tvaṃ pratiṣṭhāṃ kalpaya # AB.6.29.5; GB.2.6.8.
etasya tvaṃ prāṇān kalpaya # AB.6.27.14; GB.2.6.8.
etasya vittād # VS.6.2; śB. See tasya vittāt.
evonmattasya te mune # AVP.5.17.4c.
kānītasya surādhasaḥ # RV.8.46.24b.
kṛtasya kāryasya ca # AVś.3.24.5c; AVP.5.30.5d.
gairikṣitasya kratubhir nu saśce # RV.5.33.8d.
ghṛtasya kulyā upa # VS.6.12; VSK.6.3.1. See next, and cf. under ājyasya kulyā.
ghṛtasya kulyām anu saha prajayā saha rāyas poṣeṇa (MS. anu saha rāyas poṣeṇa) # TS.;; MS.1.2.16: 26.5; 3.10.1: 128.6; KS.3.6; 9.4; śB. See under prec.
ghṛtasya jūtiḥ samānā sadeva (AVP. jūtiḥ samanā sadevāḥ) # AVś.19.58.1a; AVP.1.110.1a. Designated as paippalāda-mantrāḥ at the close of Atharva-pariśiṣṭa 8; cf. Hatfield, JAOS. xiv, p. clix.
ghṛtasya dhārayā suśevaṃ kalpayāmi (Apś. -mi te) # TB.; Apś.2.10.6b; Mś.
ghṛtasya dhārā abhi cākaśīmi # RV.4.58.5c; AVP.8.13.5c; VS.13.38c; 17.93c; TS.; MS.2.7.17c: 101.13; KS.16.16c; 40.7c; śB.; Tā.10.40c; Apś.17.18.1c.
ghṛtasya dhārā abhi tat pavante # RV.4.58.9d; AVP.8.13.9d; VS.17.97d; KS.40.7d; Apś.17.18.1d.
ghṛtasya dhārā aruṣo na vājī # RV.4.58.7c; AVP.8.13.7c; VS.17.95c; KS.40.7c; Apś.17.18.1c.
ghṛtasya dhārā iha yā varṣanti # Kauś.94.14a.
ghṛtasya dhārā upa yanti viśvataḥ # RV.1.125.4d; TS.; MS.4.11.2d: 165.6; KS.11.12d.
ghṛtasya dhārā madhumat pavante (AVś. pavantām) # RV.4.58.10d; AVś.7.82.1d; AVP.8.13.10d; VS.17.98d; KS.40.7d; Apś.17.18.1d.
ghṛtasya dhārām amṛtasya panthām # TS.; 11.3; KS.11.7a; Apś.19.24.4. See ghṛtasya panthām.
ghṛtasya dhārām amṛtena saṃbhṛtām # AVś.3.12.8b.
ghṛtasya dhārā mitrāvaruṇā # AVP.2.73.2a.
ghṛtasya dhārāṃ mahiṣasya yonim # MS.2.7.14b: 95.8. See under ṛtasya dhāmno.
ghṛtasya dhārāḥ samidho nasanta # RV.4.58.8c; AVP.8.13.8c; VS.17.96c; KS.40.7c; Apś.17.18.1c; N.7.17c.
ghṛtasya nāma guhyaṃ yad asti # RV.4.58.1c; AVP.8.13.1c; VS.17.89c; MS.1.6.2c: 87.14; KS.40.7c; TA.10.10.2c; Apś.5.17.4c; MahānU.9.12c.
ghṛtasya nirṇig anu vartate vām # RV.5.62.4c.
ghṛtasya panthām amṛtasya nābhim # MS.2.3.4a: 31.3. See ghṛtasya dhārām amṛtasya.
ghṛtasya yaja # KB.16.5; śB.; śś.8.4.1,3; Kś.10.6.10; Apś.13.13.21; Mś.,4.
ghṛtasya yonau sravathe madhūnām # RV.3.1.7b.
ghṛtasya vibhrāṣṭim anu vaṣṭi śociṣā # RV.1.127.1f; AVś.20.67.3f; VS.15.47f; KS.26.11f; 39.15f. See next.
ghṛtasya vibhrāṣṭim anu śukraśociṣaḥ # SV.1.465f; 2.1163f; TS.; MS.2.13.8f: 158.5. See prec.
ghṛtasya stokaṃ sakṛd ahna āśnām # RV.10.95.16c; śB.
cittasya mātā suhavā no astu # AVś.19.4.2b. See yajñasya mātā.
jāgatasya chandaso 'gneḥ puchenāgneḥ pucham upa dadhāmi # MS.2.8.11: 115.14. See jāgatena chandasā chandasāgneḥ, and jāgatena chandasā savitrā.
tasya ca jāyamānasya ca kṣām # RV.1.96.7b.
tasya ca yac cāpi ca vardhato me # RVKh.9.67.7c.
tasya puruṣād adhi # AVś.19.6.16d; AVP.9.5.14d.
jyotiṣīmatasya sthāne svatejasā bhāni # TA.1.16.1.
tatrāmṛtasya cakṣaṇam # AVś.5.4.3c; 6.95.1c; 19.39.6c--8c; AVP.7.10.6c--8c. Cf. yatrāmṛtasya.
tatrāmṛtasya cetanam # RV.1.170.4c.
tatrāmṛtasya puṣyam # AVś.5.4.4c; 6.95.2c.
tatrāmṛtasya rohaṇam # AVP.15.15.4c.
tīvrāntasya bahulamadhyamasya # AVP.7.6.7b.
tenāmṛtasya bhakṣam # AVś.13.2.15c.
tenāmṛtasya mūlena # TA.6.10.2c.
tritasya nāma janayan madhu kṣarad (SV. kṣaran) # RV.9.86.20c; SV.2.172c.
tredhāmṛtasya cakṣaṇam # AVś.5.28.7c; AVP.2.59.5c. See trīṇy amṛtasya.
tasya rebhataḥ sadā # RV.8.44.20b; KS.40.14b.
devakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.Aś.Vait.BDh. asi svāhā) # VS.8.13; TS.; PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; Aś.6.12.3; śś.8.9.1; Vait.23.12; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; BDh.4.3.6. P: devakṛtasya Lś.2.11.14; Kś.10.8.6; GDh.25.10; 27.7; VyāsaDh.3.29. Designated as devakṛtam ViDh.56.4; VāDh.28.11; BDh.4.3.8; as śākala-homīya-mantrāḥ MDh.11.201,257.
dyāṃpātasya gavakasya # AVP.8.7.3a.
dyusamantasya ta ādityo 'nukhyātā # BDh. See dyauḥ samā.
narāśaṃsapītasya deva soma te matividaḥ (Vait. te nṛbhiḥ ṣṭutasya matividaḥ) # AB.7.34.1; Vait.20.7.
narāśaṃsapītasya soma deva te matividaḥ prātaḥsavanasya gāyatrachandasaḥ pitṛpītasya (Mś., mativido mādhyaṃdinasya savanasya triṣṭupchandasaḥ; Mś., matividas tṛtīyasya savanasya jagacchandasaḥ) # Mś.;; P: narāśaṃsapītasya Mś.
pariṣkṛtasya rasina iyam āsutiḥ # RV.8.1.26c; SV.2.743c.
parvatasya vṛṣabhasyādhi pṛṣṭhe # AVś.12.2.41c.
pāṅktasya chandaso 'gneḥ (KS. pāṅktena chandasāgneḥ) pṛṣṭhenāgneḥ pṛṣṭham upadadhāmi # MS.2.8.11: 116.1; KS.22.5. Cf. next.
pārāvatasya rātiṣu # RV.8.34.18a.
pitṛkṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.Aś.BDh. asi svāhā) # VS.8.13; TS.; PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; Aś.6.12.3; śś.8.9.1; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; BDh.4.3.6. P: pitṛkṛtasya Vait.23.12.
pītāpītasya somasya # KS.35.5c; JB.1.353c; PB.9.9.8c; Kś.25.12.1c; Mś.3.6.13b.
puruṣṭutasya kati cit paripriyaḥ # RV.9.72.1d.
puruṣṭutasya dhāmabhiḥ (MS. nā-) # RV.3.37.4a; AVś.20.19.4a; MS.4.12.3a: 184.5; Vait.32.3.
pūrtasya sadane sīdāmi # Kauś.3.7; 137.39.
pṛthivīsamantasya te 'gnir upadraṣṭā # BDh. See next.
prehāmṛtasya yachatām # AVś.6.121.3c; TA.2.6.1c.
bastasya puruṣasya ca # AVP.4.5.6b.
bṛhaspatisutasya ta (MS. tā; omitted in KS., with hiatus between -sutasya and inda) indo (KSṃS. inda) indriyāvataḥ patnīvantaṃ (KS. -vato) grahaṃ gṛhṇāmi (KS. graham ṛdhyāsam; MS. grahaṃ rādhyāsam) # TS.; MS.1.3.29: 40.3; KS.4.11. Ps: bṛhaspatisutasya tā inda indriyāvataḥ MS.4.7.4: 97.10; bṛhaspatisutasya ta indriyāva (iti !) TS.; KS.28.8; bṛhaspatiprasutasya te Apś.13.14.7; bṛhaspatisutasya te Mś. See next.
bṛhaspatisutasya deva soma ta indor (VSK. inda) indriyāvataḥ patnīvato grahāṃ ṛdhyāsam # VS.8.9; VSK.8.6.1; śB. P: bṛhaspatisutasya Kś.10.6.16. See prec.
bhagabhaktasya te vayam # RV.1.24.5a. Cf. BṛhD.3.98.
bharatasyaiṣa dauḥṣanteḥ # AB.8.23.4a.
bhūtasya jātaḥ patir eka āsīt # RV.10.121.1b; AVś.4.2.7b; AVP.4.1.1b; VS.13.4b; 23.1b; 25.10b; VSK.29.33b; TS.; 2.8.2b; MS.2.7.15b: 96.13; 2.13.23b: 168.5; 3.12.16b: 165.1; KS.16.15b; 40.1b; KSA.5.11b; śB.; N.10.23b. See bhūtānāṃ etc.
bhūtasya naḥ patayo mṛḍayantu # AVś.10.1.22b.
bhūtasya pataye yaje # AVś.3.10.9d,10d; AVP.1.105.4d.
bhūtasya patir iha śarma yachāt # AVP.2.73.2d.
manuṣyakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.Aś.BDh. asi svāhā) # VS.8.13; TS.; PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; Aś.6.12.3; śś.8.9.1; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; BDh.4.3.6. P: manuṣyakṛtasya Vait.23.12.
martasya tanuhi sthiram # RV.10.134.2b; SV.2.442b.
martasya devī jarayanty āyuḥ # RV.1.92.10d.
martasya devy avasaḥ # RV.9.58.2b; SV.2.408b.
mahivratasya mīḍhuṣaḥ # AVś.13.2.1d.
yatrāmṛtasya cakṣaṇam # RV.1.13.5c. Cf. tatrāmṛtasya etc.
yuvādattasya dhiṣṇyā # RV.8.26.12a.
yuvānītasya sūribhiḥ # RV.8.26.12b.
yuṣmādattasya maruto vicetasaḥ # RV.5.54.13a.
yuṣmādattasya vāyati # RV.8.47.6b.
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986 results
tasya about thisSB 10.89.2
tasya and from himSB 9.20.3
tasya as his sonSB 10.90.37
tasya at himSB 11.23.9
tasya Bali MahārājaSB 8.22.12
tasya before him (King Rantideva)SB 9.21.15
tasya by HimSB 1.9.17
tasya by himSB 9.14.42
tasya by him (Jarāsandha)SB 10.70.24
tasya by HisSB 4.8.13
tasya for himBG 6.30
CC Madhya 24.159
tasya for HimSB 1.9.36
SB 10.23.17
SB 10.46.38
SB 10.47.5
SB 10.50.29
tasya for himSB 10.63.29
SB 10.63.53
SB 10.75.3
tasya for HimSB 10.81.36
tasya for himSB 11.29.18
SB 7.15.26
SB 9.23.37
tasya for that purposeSB 1.5.18
tasya for the KingSB 1.10.5
tasya for the realized personSB 11.18.37
tasya from himSB 6.6.6
SB 7.5.49
SB 9.22.43
tasya from him (Aśvamedhaja)SB 9.22.39
tasya from him (Devakṣatra)SB 9.24.5
tasya from him (Mahīnara)SB 9.22.43
tasya from him (Punarvasu)SB 9.24.20
tasya from him (Vibhu)SB 8.1.22
tasya from SamarathaSB 9.13.24
tasya heSB 1.14.22
SB 12.8.14
SB 6.16.65
SB 6.7.16
tasya he, AkrūraSB 10.41.1
tasya HimSB 10.83.39
tasya hisBG 1.12
BG 2.57
BG 2.58
BG 2.61
BG 2.68
BG 3.17
BG 3.18
BG 6.3
BG 6.40
tasya HisCC Adi 1.12
CC Adi 1.77
CC Adi 11.4
CC Adi 6.4
CC Adi 6.75
CC Madhya 6.255
SB 1.1.16
SB 1.1.17
SB 1.11.33
tasya hisSB 1.12.13
SB 1.13.56
tasya HisSB 1.16.32-33
tasya hisSB 1.17.10-11
tasya HisSB 1.18.19
tasya hisSB 1.19.14
tasya HisSB 1.2.15
tasya hisSB 1.4.32
SB 1.4.4
SB 1.4.9
SB 1.5.29
SB 1.7.13-14
SB 1.7.37
SB 1.7.45
SB 1.7.51
SB 1.9.29
SB 1.9.46
SB 10.10.15
tasya HisSB 10.22.12
tasya hisSB 10.24.8
tasya HisSB 10.33.37
SB 10.34.17
tasya hisSB 10.34.7
SB 10.41.38
tasya HisSB 10.47.9-10
SB 10.51.23-26
tasya hisSB 10.52.21
tasya HisSB 10.54.21
tasya hisSB 10.56.2
tasya HisSB 10.56.40-42
tasya hisSB 10.57.21
tasya HisSB 10.58.3
tasya hisSB 10.58.32
SB 10.62.10
SB 10.62.2
tasya HisSB 10.65.14
tasya hisSB 10.67.16
SB 10.68.9-10
SB 10.69.15
tasya HisSB 10.69.15
tasya hisSB 10.72.29
SB 10.74.44
SB 10.77.35
tasya HisSB 10.80.3
SB 10.80.45
SB 10.83.12
SB 10.84.26
tasya hisSB 10.84.49
tasya HisSB 10.90.12
tasya hisSB 10.90.38
tasya HisSB 10.90.45
tasya hisSB 11.11.18
SB 11.15.27
SB 11.16.43
SB 11.2.15
tasya HisSB 11.2.16
tasya hisSB 11.23.7
SB 12.1.1-2
SB 12.1.19
tasya HisSB 12.12.28-29
SB 2.1.24
SB 2.1.32
SB 2.10.24
SB 2.5.17
SB 2.9.38
tasya hisSB 3.1.4
tasya HisSB 3.1.45
tasya hisSB 3.11.34
SB 3.12.45
SB 3.12.47
tasya HisSB 3.12.48
tasya hisSB 3.12.52
SB 3.12.9
SB 3.13.19
SB 3.13.23
SB 3.13.3
tasya HisSB 3.14.3
tasya hisSB 3.17.20
SB 3.17.25
tasya HisSB 3.2.22
tasya hisSB 3.2.3
tasya HisSB 3.22.3
SB 3.3.22
tasya hisSB 3.30.32
tasya HisSB 3.4.21
SB 3.4.34
SB 3.6.11
SB 3.6.12
SB 3.8.13
tasya hisSB 3.8.2
SB 3.9.40
SB 4.1.29
SB 4.1.37
SB 4.10.29
tasya HisSB 4.12.24
tasya hisSB 4.13.35
SB 4.14.41
SB 4.15.1
SB 4.15.11
SB 4.17.4
SB 4.18.5
SB 4.19.18
SB 4.20.9
SB 4.21.23
SB 4.22.46
SB 4.22.8
SB 4.23.11
SB 4.23.30
SB 4.25.10
SB 4.25.12
tasya hisSB 4.25.12
SB 4.27.13
SB 4.9.8
tasya HisSB 5.1.12
tasya hisSB 5.1.39
SB 5.19.14
SB 5.23.1
SB 5.24.1
tasya HisSB 5.25.9
SB 5.5.33
tasya hisSB 6.18.17
SB 7.15.42
SB 7.3.4
SB 7.3.8
SB 8.11.19
tasya HisSB 8.18.24-25
tasya hisSB 8.24.12
SB 8.5.2
SB 8.8.20
SB 9.1.2-3
tasya HisSB 9.11.20
tasya hisSB 9.20.23
SB 9.20.32
SB 9.21.18
SB 9.21.22
tasya hisSB 9.21.22
SB 9.21.24
SB 9.21.27
SB 9.22.41
SB 9.23.33
SB 9.24.12
SB 9.24.13
SB 9.24.2
SB 9.24.40
SB 9.3.28
SB 9.4.42
tasya HisSB 9.4.57-59
tasya hisSB 9.8.2
SB 9.8.21
tasya his (Agnivarṇa's)SB 9.12.5
tasya his (Dakṣa's)SB 4.5.9
tasya his (Dhruva Mahārāja's)SB 4.8.25
tasya his (Jīmūta's son)SB 9.24.2
tasya his (Kāśirāja's)SB 10.66.27-28
tasya his (Mahārāja Bharata's)SB 9.20.35
tasya his (Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira's)SB 10.75.31
tasya his (Maitreya's)SB 3.4.10
tasya his (Nandīśvara's)SB 4.2.27
tasya his (Niṣāda's)SB 4.14.46
tasya his (of Mahārāja Parīkṣit)SB 1.12.2
tasya his (Pauṇḍraka's)SB 10.66.12-14
tasya his (Purañjaya's)SB 9.6.18
tasya his (Purūravā's)SB 9.14.14
tasya his (Rantināva's)SB 9.20.6
tasya his (Sandhi's)SB 9.12.7
tasya his (son)SB 9.22.41
SB 9.24.20
tasya his (Sudāmā's)SB 10.81.6-7
tasya His (the gigantic form's)SB 3.6.32
tasya his (the sage's)SB 1.18.32
tasya his (Vikukṣi's)SB 9.6.12
tasya his (Vyāsa's)SB 3.20.3
tasya his dead bodySB 6.8.39
tasya his sonSB 9.13.26
SB 9.22.43
tasya his, Mura'sSB 10.59.11
tasya in relation to your spiritual natureSB 11.19.7
tasya in the service of PurañjayaSB 9.6.14
tasya itsBG 15.2
BG 18.15
BG 6.34
SB 2.5.25
SB 3.10.14
tasya of any such personSB 11.26.3
tasya of Bali MahārājaSB 5.24.27
tasya of CitrasenaSB 9.2.19
tasya of DevamīḍhaSB 9.13.16
tasya of DhruvaSB 4.10.17
SB 4.12.33
SB 4.12.43
tasya of Dhruva MahārājaSB 4.10.15
tasya of DurvāsāSB 9.5.2
tasya of GādhiSB 9.15.4
tasya of He who is the Supreme LordSB 8.12.31
tasya of HimBG 11.12
tasya of himBG 6.6
tasya of HimBs 5.17
Bs 5.18
Bs 5.6
CC Antya 1.212
CC Madhya 17.142
CC Madhya 19.134
CC Madhya 23.76
CC Madhya 24.115
CC Madhya 24.45
CC Madhya 25.158
CC Madhya 8.72
tasya of himMM 35
SB 1.7.38
tasya of HimSB 10.15.17
tasya of himSB 10.16.29
tasya of HimSB 10.16.3
SB 10.16.50
SB 10.16.8
tasya of himSB 10.18.18
tasya of HimSB 10.2.36
SB 10.3.26
SB 10.33.34
tasya of himSB 10.34.31
tasya of HimSB 10.38.25
tasya of himSB 10.44.37
SB 10.54.31
SB 10.63.32
SB 10.67.12
SB 10.78.12
tasya of HimSB 10.80.4
tasya of himSB 10.80.7
tasya of HimSB 10.81.39
tasya of himSB 11.15.28
SB 11.23.13
tasya of HimSB 11.30.38
tasya of himSB 12.1.21-26
SB 12.8.24
tasya of HimSB 12.8.42
SB 2.10.21
SB 3.15.43
SB 3.19.28
tasya of himSB 3.29.26
SB 4.10.9
SB 4.2.33
SB 4.29.3
tasya of HimSB 5.18.21
tasya of himSB 5.2.18
SB 5.26.35
tasya of HimSB 5.4.2
tasya of himSB 5.8.26
SB 5.9.4
SB 6.14.14
SB 6.16.12
SB 6.16.8
SB 6.17.17
SB 6.18.16
SB 6.18.26
SB 6.18.8
tasya of HimSB 6.3.17
tasya of himSB 6.8.37
SB 6.9.1
SB 6.9.49
SB 7.15.34
tasya of HimSB 7.2.39
tasya of himSB 7.5.1
SB 7.8.31
SB 7.8.56
SB 8.1.5
SB 8.12.33
SB 8.21.33
SB 8.24.60
SB 9.17.1-3
SB 9.21.30
SB 9.23.29
SB 9.23.34
SB 9.24.2
SB 9.4.14
SB 9.4.45
tasya of HimSB 9.5.16
tasya of himSB 9.9.31
tasya of him (a student studying the Vedas)SB 5.11.3
tasya of him (Ajāmila)SB 6.1.23
SB 6.1.24
tasya of him (Ambarīṣa)SB 9.4.33-35
tasya of Him (Ananta Śeṣa)SB 10.39.46-48
tasya of him (Ańga)SB 4.13.21
tasya of him (Ārabdha)SB 9.23.15
tasya of him (Asamañjasa)SB 9.8.14
tasya of him (Aśokavardhana)SB 12.1.13
tasya of him (Babhru)SB 9.23.14
tasya of him (Bhaumāsura)SB 10.59.31
tasya of him (Bṛhadratha)SB 9.13.15
tasya of him (Cārupada)SB 9.20.3
tasya of him (Citraketu)SB 6.14.13
tasya of him (Cyavana Muni)SB 9.3.6
tasya of him (Dama)SB 9.2.29
tasya of him (Dhṛtavrata)SB 9.23.12
tasya of him (Dilīpa)SB 9.22.11
tasya of him (Drupada)SB 9.22.3
tasya of him (Gāndhāra)SB 9.23.15
tasya of him (Hāleya)SB 12.1.21-26
tasya of him (Hemacandra)SB 9.2.34
tasya of him (Hiraṇyakaśipu)SB 7.4.21
SB 7.4.30
tasya of him (Janamejaya)SB 9.23.2
tasya of him (Jayadratha)SB 9.23.12
tasya of him (Kaṃsa)SB 10.1.47
tasya of him (Kaṇva)SB 9.20.7
tasya of him (Karandhama)SB 9.2.26
tasya of him (Kārtavīryārjuna)SB 9.15.34
SB 9.23.27
tasya of him (Khanīnetra)SB 9.2.25
tasya of him (King Citraketu)SB 6.14.11
tasya of him (Kṛtī)SB 9.22.6
tasya of him (Kuśāgra)SB 9.22.7
tasya of Him (Lord Nṛsiṃhadeva)SB 7.8.26
tasya of Him (Lord ṛṣabhadeva)SB 5.6.13
SB 5.6.7
tasya of him (Lord Śiva)SB 8.12.32
tasya of him (Mahārāja Bali)SB 8.10.19-24
tasya of him (Mahārāja Bharata)SB 9.20.34
tasya of him (Maṇḍūkeya)SB 12.6.54-56
tasya of him (Manu)SB 9.1.19
tasya of him (Meghasvāti)SB 12.1.21-26
tasya of him (Nābhāga)SB 9.2.23-24
tasya of him (Namuci)SB 8.11.32
tasya of him (Nanda)SB 12.1.10
tasya of him (Prahlāda Mahārāja)SB 7.4.36
tasya of him (Pratīpa)SB 9.22.11
tasya of him (Puruhotra)SB 9.24.5
tasya of him (Raudrāśva)SB 9.20.3
tasya of him (ṛkṣa)SB 9.2.19
SB 9.22.11
tasya of him (Sagara Mahārāja)SB 9.8.7
tasya of him (Śāliśūka)SB 12.1.13
tasya of him (Śaryāti)SB 9.3.2
tasya of him (Śatānanda)SB 9.21.35
tasya of him (Satyadhṛti)SB 9.21.27
tasya of him (Satyaśravā)SB 9.2.20
tasya of him (Somaka)SB 9.22.2
tasya of him (Somaśarmā)SB 12.1.13
tasya of him (Suketu)SB 9.13.14
tasya of him (Svārociṣa)SB 8.1.19
tasya of him (Tālajańgha)SB 9.23.28
tasya of him (the caṇḍāla)SB 9.21.11
tasya of Him (the Lord)SB 6.17.34-35
tasya of Him (the Supreme Lord)Bs 5.24
SB 6.17.22
tasya of Him (the Supreme Personality of Godhead)SB 10.1.4
SB 7.2.7-8
SB 8.8.24
SB 9.1.9
tasya of him (Udāvasu)SB 9.13.14
tasya of him (Vasudeva)SB 12.1.19
tasya of him (Vegavān)SB 9.2.30
tasya of him (Vīrabhadra)SB 4.5.25
tasya of him (Viśāla)SB 9.2.34
tasya of him (Viśvarūpa)SB 6.9.4
SB 6.9.5
tasya of him (Vṛṣṇi)SB 9.23.29
tasya of him (Vṛtrāsura)SB 6.12.3
tasya of him (Yuyudhāna)SB 9.24.14
tasya of him, Atri, the son of BrahmāSB 9.14.3
tasya of him, KaṃsaSB 10.44.40
tasya of him, Mahārāja DaśarathaSB 9.10.2
tasya of him, PurañjayaSB 9.6.17
tasya of him, the awakened manSB 10.51.12
tasya of Him, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Rāmacandra and His brothersSB 9.10.3
tasya of him, VyomāsuraSB 10.37.30
tasya of HiraṇyakaśipuSB 7.4.16
tasya of hisSB 1.13.60
tasya of HisSB 10.89.18
tasya of HotrakaSB 9.15.1
tasya of IkṣvākuSB 9.6.4
tasya of itCC Madhya 11.11
SB 10.64.3
SB 5.16.24
tasya of Jaḍa BharataSB 5.14.42
tasya of JanamejayaSB 9.22.38
tasya of KākavarṇaSB 12.1.4
tasya of KārtavīryārjunaSB 9.15.21
SB 9.15.27
tasya of KeśidhvajaSB 9.13.19
tasya of King GayaSB 5.15.8
tasya of King IndraSB 8.10.43
tasya of KṛṣṇaSB 10.11.11
SB 10.11.5
tasya of KṛtañjayaSB 9.12.13
tasya of KṣetrajñaSB 12.1.5
tasya of Lord IndraSB 8.10.26
tasya of Lord KṛṣṇaCC Adi 6.64
tasya of Lord ŚivaSB 8.7.43
tasya of Lord VāmanadevaSB 8.18.14
SB 8.20.18
tasya of Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 1.16.17
tasya of ManuSB 3.22.35
tasya of MātaliSB 8.11.17
tasya of one who glorifies the LordSB 2.3.17
tasya of ParameṣṭhīSB 5.15.3
tasya of Prahlāda MahārājaSB 5.24.26
SB 8.22.18
tasya of PrasuśrutaSB 9.12.7
tasya of PuruSB 9.15.4
tasya of PūruSB 9.19.23
tasya of PurūravāSB 9.14.46
tasya of PuṣkaraSB 9.12.12
tasya of SańkarṣaṇaSB 5.25.8
tasya of SańkṛtiSB 9.17.17
tasya of ŚaśabinduSB 9.23.32
tasya of SenajitSB 9.6.25
tasya of ŚīradhvajaSB 9.13.19
tasya of ŚrutaSB 9.9.16-17
tasya of such an offenseSB 9.4.62
tasya of such knowledgeSB 3.7.39
tasya of such wealthSB 8.20.6
tasya of SudyumnaSB 9.1.37
SB 9.1.41
tasya of thatBG 4.13
Bs 5.43
Bs 5.55
CC Madhya 21.49
SB 1.5.15
SB 10.51.20
SB 5.16.22
SB 5.21.8-9
SB 5.23.5
tasya of thatSB 5.23.5
SB 6.19.1
SB 7.8.6
SB 8.7.34
tasya of that demigodBG 7.22
tasya of that enjoymentSB 11.21.33-34
tasya of that islandSB 5.20.2
tasya of that KingSB 5.8.8
tasya of that ManuSB 3.21.3
tasya of that mountain (Trikūṭa)SB 8.2.9-13
tasya of that objectSB 11.21.13
tasya of that oṃkāraSB 12.6.42
tasya of that person (myself)SB 11.26.11
tasya of that positionSB 5.21.8-9
tasya of that productSB 11.24.17
tasya of that RāhuSB 8.9.25
tasya of that Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 7.9.33
tasya of that treeSB 12.9.21
tasya of that unmanifest natureSB 10.14.57
SB 12.4.15-19
tasya of the babySB 9.6.32
tasya of the Brāhma-kalpaSB 3.11.36
tasya of the childSB 9.14.14
tasya of the demonSB 10.7.30
SB 7.8.44
tasya of the duration of lifeSB 4.29.21
tasya of the fishSB 11.1.23
tasya of the gigantic formSB 3.6.19
tasya of the he-goatSB 9.19.10
tasya of the influenceSB 6.3.8
tasya of the leader of the dacoitsSB 5.9.13
tasya of the living entitySB 3.32.29
tasya of the LordSB 3.20.16
tasya of the Personality of GodheadSB 3.28.31
SB 8.20.22
tasya of the planet PātālaSB 5.25.1
tasya of the Supreme LordSB 3.16.13
tasya of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.31.12
SB 5.18.29
SB 8.5.23
tasya of the Supreme Personality of Godhead appearing as VaikuṇṭhaSB 8.5.6
tasya of themBG 18.7
tasya of thisSB 1.13.25
SB 6.4.1-2
SB 6.5.11
SB 7.3.7
SB 7.4.25-26
tasya of this (foundation)SB 10.4.39
tasya of those processesSB 11.23.46
tasya of TribandhanaSB 9.7.5-6
tasya of ŪrukriyaSB 9.12.10
tasya of VītihotraSB 9.2.20
tasya of YauvanāśvaSB 9.7.1
tasya of YavaneśvaraSB 4.29.23-25
tasya on His partSB 10.26.13
tasya thatCC Antya 1.195
SB 10.84.8
SB 3.25.8
SB 6.7.22
SB 8.3.25
tasya the chariot of the sun-godSB 5.21.13
tasya the son of ViśadaSB 9.21.23
tasya theirSB 2.10.49-50
tasya this dark situationSB 8.3.5
tasya to himBG 8.14
SB 11.29.26
SB 4.12.51
tasya to the childSB 9.20.37
tasya toward HimSB 11.30.36
tasya unto himSB 11.13.19
tasya unto HiraṇyakaśipuSB 7.4.1
tasya upon himSB 10.62.2
tasya upon him (Bhagīratha)SB 9.9.8
tasya when he (Nābhi)SB 5.3.2
tasya while DhruvaSB 4.11.3
tasya while heSB 12.9.10
SB 12.9.14
tasya while he, MārkaṇḍeyaSB 12.8.32
tasya with DhruvaSB 4.12.9
tasya with himSB 10.41.42
SB 4.14.19
tasya anu after thatSB 10.37.15-20
tasya anu after thatSB 10.37.15-20
tasya apatyam his sonSB 9.22.43
tasya apatyam his sonSB 9.22.43
tasya api from MarīciSB 9.1.10
tasya api from MarīciSB 9.1.10
tasya api of AmitrajitSB 9.12.13
tasya api of AmitrajitSB 9.12.13
tasya api of him alsoSB 5.12.5-6
tasya api of him alsoSB 5.12.5-6
tasya api of Purujit alsoSB 9.13.23
tasya api of Purujit alsoSB 9.13.23
tasya api of that island alsoSB 5.20.25
tasya api of that island alsoSB 5.20.25
tasya bālakasya of the small baby KṛṣṇaSB 10.7.10
tasya bālakasya of the small baby KṛṣṇaSB 10.7.10
tasya bhrātṛṣu with his brothersSB 4.30.9
tasya bhrātṛṣu with his brothersSB 4.30.9
tasya etasya of this very time factorSB 3.30.1
tasya etasya of this very time factorSB 3.30.1
tasya eva for thatCC Madhya 24.169
tasya eva for thatCC Madhya 24.169
tasya karṇasya of that same KarṇaSB 9.23.14
tasya karṇasya of that same KarṇaSB 9.23.14
tasya putraḥ his son (Sumati's son)SB 9.21.27
tasya putraḥ his son (Sumati's son)SB 9.21.27
tasya tasya to himBG 7.21
tasya tasya to himBG 7.21
tasyai to herSB 10.33.9
SB 10.48.10
tasyai to her, RukmiṇīSB 10.53.49
tasyai unto herSB 6.14.28
tasyai unto her (Devayānī)SB 9.18.19
tasyai unto SukanyāSB 9.3.17
tasyai unto thatSB 6.17.1
SB 7.4.22-23
abhaktasya of a person who is not devotedSB 5.18.12
viṣṇoḥ abhaktasya who is not a devotee of Lord ViṣṇuSB 9.4.44
abhaktasya one who is not a devoteeCC Adi 8.58
abhaktasya of the nondevoteeCC Madhya 22.76
abhihatasya of one overwhelmedSB 11.19.9
īśa-abhihitasya although designated as kingSB 6.18.25
abhijātasya of one who is born ofBG 16.1-3
abhijātasya of one who is born ofBG 16.4
hṛdaya-abhijātasya his sons, born of his own heartSB 5.8.26
abhiratasya of one who is fully satisfiedSB 4.20.28
mūrdha-abhiṣiktasya who is noted as the emperorSB 9.15.41
abhitaptasya in terms of His contemplationSB 3.6.11
acyutasya of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.10.23
acyutasya of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.13.2
acyutasya of the infallible LordSB 11.2.33
adāntasya for him who is not self-controlledSB 10.78.25-26
agatasya of one who has not obtainedSB 6.5.14
aiśvarya-mattasya of one who was intoxicated by opulencesSB 7.4.20
ajitasya of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 8.5.24
ākrāntasya oppressedSB 10.30.31
akṛta-sukṛtasya who has no pious activitiesSB 5.8.16
amartasya of one who does not dieSB 7.3.21
aṃhasaḥ kṛtasya when one has performed sinful activitiesSB 6.1.7
amṛtasya of the immortalBG 14.27
amṛtasya of deathlessnessSB 2.6.18
amṛtasya of the auspicious resultSB 5.20.5
aṃśa-bhūtasya which is the partial expansionSB 12.4.32
anantasya of the unlimited LordSB 1.5.11
anantasya of the unlimitedSB 1.6.26
anantasya of the SupremeSB 2.1.31
anantasya of Ananta, the resting incarnation of GodheadSB 2.2.26
anantasya of the unlimitedSB 3.11.38
anantasya of the unlimited LordSB 7.8.9
anantasya of the unlimitedSB 8.20.21
anantasya unlimitedSB 10.67.1
anantasya unlimitedSB 10.79.33
anantasya who is unlimitedSB 10.79.34
anantasya of the unlimited LordSB 11.4.2
anantasya of the unlimited LordSB 12.12.52
animittasya of causelessnessSB 3.10.9
antarhitasya of Him who is now out of sightSB 1.16.23
dharma-eka-antasya for one who is engaged in the ultimate occupational serviceSB 1.2.9
kṛta-antasya of YamarājaSB 8.15.29
anuraktasya attached to themSB 1.5.29
anuraktasya although attachedSB 3.4.10
apetasya for one who has turned awaySB 11.2.37
apetasya of one who has withdrawn (the conditioned soul)CC Madhya 20.119
apetasya of one who has withdrawn (the conditioned soul)CC Madhya 24.137
apetasya of one who has withdrawn (the conditioned soul)CC Madhya 25.138
arditasya who is distressedSB 12.4.40
ārtasya of a distressed personSB 5.12.2
ārtasya of a person suffering from some diseaseSB 7.9.19
artha-bhūtasya having his real interestSB 4.29.36-37
āsaktasya of one who is attachedSB 1.6.27
asamāptasya of the unfinished sacrificeSB 4.6.50
aśāntasya of the unpeacefulBG 2.66
prajā-āśāyāḥ nivṛttasya of one who was almost hopeless of getting a son at this ageSB 10.5.23
asitasya that of AsitaSB 3.1.22
gata-asoḥ tasya after he diedSB 4.13.19-20
āsthitasya who was situated inSB 10.90.29
ātma-bhūtasya the soul of all soulsSB 5.20.20
atṛptasya unsatisfiedSB 11.7.68
avadhūtasya of a holy man acting outside the scope of ordinary regulative principlesSB 11.7.24
avanatasya submissiveSB 3.16.24
avasitasya who residesSB 3.28.33
svarūpa-avasthitasya staying in the same form even to the time of dissolutionSB 3.11.2
avimuktasya of one who is not freed from such miserable conditions (or one who is subjected to birth, death, old age and disease)SB 7.13.31
avinītasya not very submissiveSB 4.8.36
avinītasya not humbleSB 10.78.25-26
avyākṛtasya of one who is unchangedSB 3.11.38
avyaktasya of the unmanifestedSB 4.11.23
ayuktasya of one who is not connected (with Kṛṣṇa consciousness)BG 2.66
ayuktasya of one devoid of Kṛṣṇa consciousnessBG 2.66
ayuktasya whose mind is diverted from the truthSB 11.7.8
mahā-bhāgavatasya of the great and exalted devoteeSB 7.10.43-44
bhāgavatasya because of your being a pure devoteeSB 9.5.20
bhāgavatasya for the devoteeSB 11.2.43
bhagīrathaḥ tasya sutaḥ his son BhagīrathaSB 9.9.2
bhaktasya who was his devoteeSB 10.56.3
bhaktasya the devotee'sSB 10.56.45
bhaktasya Your devoteeSB 10.70.40
kṛṣṇa-bhaktasya for the devotee of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.74.13-15
bhaktasya of a devoteeSB 11.27.15
mat-bhakti-yuktasya of one who is engaged in My loving serviceSB 11.20.31
bharatasya of Mahārāja BharataSB 5.8.26
bharatasya of Bharata MahārājaSB 5.14.46
bharatasya of Bharata MahārājaSB 5.15.1
bharatasya of Lord BharataSB 9.11.12
bharatasya of Mahārāja BharataSB 9.20.23
bharatasya of Mahārāja Bharata, the son of Mahārāja DuṣmantaSB 9.20.29
bharatasya of Bharata MahārājaSB 12.12.14-15
bharatasya BharataSB 12.12.25-26
bhītasya to the materialistic person who is always fearfulSB 4.30.37
bhraṃśitasya who was made to fallSB 10.72.24-25
artha-bhūtasya having his real interestSB 4.29.36-37
śaraṇa-bhūtasya the one who is the only shelterSB 5.1.27
brahma-bhūtasya of a self-realized person born in a brāhmaṇa familySB 5.9.17
ātma-bhūtasya the soul of all soulsSB 5.20.20
bhūtasya of BhūtaSB 6.6.17-18
parātma-bhūtasya who has been elevated to the transcendental platformSB 9.8.13
aṃśa-bhūtasya which is the partial expansionSB 12.4.32
brahma-bhūtasya of the fully self-realizedSB 12.6.13
bodhitasya who had been informedSB 11.26.16
brahma-bhūtasya of a self-realized person born in a brāhmaṇa familySB 5.9.17
brahma-ṛṣi-sutasya of the son born of a brāhmaṇa exalted in spiritual consciousnessSB 5.9.17
brahma-bhūtasya of the fully self-realizedSB 12.6.13
bubhukṣitasya who is hungrySB 10.23.17
caritasya one who possesses such qualitiesSB 4.23.30
cintitasya of that which is contemplatedSB 11.20.23
yata-cittasya whose mind is controlledBG 6.19
cittasya of the mindSB 1.19.14
cittasya of the mindSB 3.25.26
cittasya whose mindSB 6.11.27
cittasya of the mindSB 7.3.29
sama-cittasya who has attained the stage of being equipoisedSB 7.13.9
cittasya whose mindSB 10.65.34
cittasya of the mindSB 10.84.36
cittasya whose consciousnessSB 11.15.29
cittasya to the heartCC Antya 1.150
cyutasya who was deprivedSB 11.23.9
daiva-muktasya by chance having escapedSB 5.9.13
dāntasya subjugatedSB 1.5.29
dāntasya whose senses are controlledSB 11.14.13
dāntasya who is disciplined and self-controlledSB 11.15.32
dattasya of what is givenSB 10.74.24
dayitasya of the mercifulSB 4.23.21
dharma-eka-antasya for one who is engaged in the ultimate occupational serviceSB 1.2.9
dhṛtasya of DhṛtaSB 9.23.15
dīkṣitasya appointed as the initiator of your yajñaSB 6.11.15
dīkṣitasya of Bali Mahārāja, who was so determined in the sacrificeSB 8.21.9
dīkṣitasya of he who was initiated into performing yajñaSB 8.21.12
dīkṣitasya of one who has been initiated for the sacrificeSB 10.23.8
dṛptasya greatly proudSB 7.4.20
su-duḥkhitasya of one who is always unhappySB 3.5.3
durvinītasya when such a person is an upstartSB 9.4.70
durvṛttasya of the great rogueSB 4.14.7
dvaitasya of this dualitySB 11.28.4
dvaitasya of this material worldCC Antya 4.175
dharma-eka-antasya for one who is engaged in the ultimate occupational serviceSB 1.2.9
etasya of thisBG 6.33
etasya of HisSB 2.1.26
etasya of HimSB 2.5.37
etasya of all theseSB 2.10.19
etasya of the LordSB 3.5.25
etasya of this universeSB 5.1.7
etasya of himSB 5.20.31
etasya of the living entitySB 6.16.57
etasya of thisSB 7.4.25-26
etasya of all thisSB 8.15.27
etasya for himSB 10.78.34
etasya HisSB 10.83.41-42
etasya of thisCC Antya 14.16
gaṇitasya which is measured atSB 5.20.38
garbha-gatasya of a child in the wombSB 10.14.12
gata-asoḥ tasya after he diedSB 4.13.19-20
gatasya of the goerSB 3.1.8
gatasya who wentSB 4.26.26
gatasya of one who has obtainedSB 5.10.13
garbha-gatasya of a child in the wombSB 10.14.12
sruva-hastasya with the sacrificial ladle in his handSB 4.5.19
hatasya killedSB 4.6.50
hatasya who was injured and fallenSB 8.11.13
kāma-hatasya because of being victimized by lusty desiresSB 9.19.13
hatasya killedSB 10.57.28
hayamedha-śatasya of one hundred aśvamedha sacrificesSB 9.23.33
hṛdaya-abhijātasya his sons, born of his own heartSB 5.8.26
īhitasya of all activities (for maintenance of body, society, friendship and so on)SB 5.5.27
īśa-abhihitasya although designated as kingSB 6.18.25
tasya of one who has taken his birthBG 2.27
tasya of the bornSB 3.1.45
tasya who have appearedSB 4.16.2
tasya of one who has taken birthSB 5.10.10
tasya of one who has taken birth (all living beings)SB 6.10.32
tasya who appearedSB 9.14.2
tasya who have been bornSB 10.51.8
jitasya of the vanquishedSB 3.1.8
strī-jitasya conquered by a womanSB 4.8.67
jugupsitasya poisonousSB 4.4.18
jugupsitasya of you, the most abominableSB 9.10.22
kalpitasya dividedCC Madhya 19.141
kāma-hatasya because of being victimized by lusty desiresSB 9.19.13
kṛṣṇa-bhaktasya for the devotee of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.74.13-15
kṛta-antasya of YamarājaSB 8.15.29
su-kṛtasya piousBG 14.16
kṛtasya of having performed a kind actSB 5.19.28
aṃhasaḥ kṛtasya when one has performed sinful activitiesSB 6.1.7
kṛtasya from KṛtaSB 9.17.16
kṛtasya one's devotional activitiesSB 11.11.34-41
kṣudhitasya of the hungrySB 1.12.6
mahā-bhāgavatasya of the great and exalted devoteeSB 7.10.43-44
manasaḥ tasya from the mind of Lord BrahmāSB 9.1.10
martasya of one who is destined to dieSB 7.3.21
maruttasya of MaruttaSB 9.2.27
maruttasya of MaruttaSB 9.2.29
mat-bhakti-yuktasya of one who is engaged in My loving serviceSB 11.20.31
mattasya of the illusionedSB 1.17.10-11
mattasya of one who is madSB 6.5.16
aiśvarya-mattasya of one who was intoxicated by opulencesSB 7.4.20
mattasya of one intoxicatedSB 10.27.15
māyā-racitasya created by the external, material energySB 5.11.12
miṣataḥ tasya while he (Dakṣa) was personally looking onSB 6.4.54
mṛtasya of the deadBG 2.27
mṛtasya of the dead bodySB 6.14.50-51
mṛtasya virtually deadSB 11.21.21
mṛtasya and of him when he has diedSB 11.23.15
mṛtasya who had diedSB 12.12.35
muktasya of the liberatedBG 4.23
daiva-muktasya by chance having escapedSB 5.9.13
muktasya of the liberated Personality of GodheadSB 11.11.5
mūrcchitasya of him who has become like dull matterSB 11.21.21
mūrdha-abhiṣiktasya who is noted as the emperorSB 9.15.41
na tasya He does not haveSB 10.38.22
namaskṛtasya who is adoredSB 3.28.26
niratasya fully occupied withSB 3.23.7
nirīkṣataḥ tasya while he was looking onSB 3.21.34
nirjitasya who was defeatedSB 10.60.56
nirvṛtasya one who has achieved such transcendental blissSB 3.5.13
nivṛttasya one who is detachedSB 3.7.3
prajā-āśāyāḥ nivṛttasya of one who was almost hopeless of getting a son at this ageSB 10.5.23
niyatasya prescribedBG 18.7
pāṇḍu-sutasya the son of PāṇḍuSB 10.74.13-15
pāṇḍu-sutasya of the son of PāṇḍuSB 10.74.53
parātma-bhūtasya who has been elevated to the transcendental platformSB 9.8.13
paretasya of those who have lost their livesSB 10.15.52
pārijātasya of the pārijāta treeSB 12.12.38
pāśupatasya of Lord Śiva's own pāśupatāstraSB 10.63.13
paśyataḥ tasya while he looked onSB 6.2.23
vraja-pati-sutasya from the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Antya 14.73
pātitasya having been thrustSB 4.5.20
patitasya who have fallenSB 10.38.16
patitasya of the fallen (elephant)SB 10.43.14
patitasya fallenSB 10.86.42
pitāmahaḥ tasya his grandfather, namely Prahlāda MahārājaSB 8.15.6
tasya anyone who drinksSB 8.6.21
plutasya who is submergedSB 10.27.8
prajā-āśāyāḥ nivṛttasya of one who was almost hopeless of getting a son at this ageSB 10.5.23
pralobhitasya of (you) who were enticedSB 10.51.58
pramattasya of the bewilderedSB 2.1.12
pramattasya being inattentiveSB 4.27.12
pramattasya of one who is bewilderedSB 5.1.17
pramattasya who are almost crazySB 5.10.7
pramattasya of a crazy manSB 5.10.13
pramattasya madSB 7.6.8
pramattasya of one who is confusedSB 10.85.16
pramattasya of one who is bereft of actual intelligenceSB 11.13.9-10
pramattasya of the maddenedSB 11.23.25
prasaktasya for one who is too attachedSB 1.19.4
praśāntasya who has attained tranquillity by such control over the mindBG 6.7
praśritasya obedientlySB 1.5.29
prasuptasya sleepingSB 3.29.5
pratimuktasya of one who is boundSB 3.18.10
pratiśrutasya of the promise one has madeSB 8.19.35
pratiśrutasya things promisedSB 8.21.33
pratītasya of the apparent valuesSB 3.7.18
pravṛttasya one who is engaged inSB 1.4.26
pravṛttasya being engagedSB 1.5.25
prītasya who was satisfied with himSB 10.46.49
priyavratasya of Priyavrata, in the family of Mahārāja DhruvaSB 4.21.28-29
priyavratasya of King PriyavrataSB 4.31.26
pūrtasya pious acts in terms of religionSB 2.8.21
tasya already purifiedSB 7.10.22
māyā-racitasya created by the external, material energySB 5.11.12
svabhāva-raktasya naturally inclinedSB 1.5.15
raktasya of one addictedSB 3.22.12
ratasya of one engagedSB 3.14.28
ratasya who take Your pleasureSB 10.60.46
viṣṇu-rātasya ParīkṣitSB 12.12.45
brahma-ṛṣi-sutasya of the son born of a brāhmaṇa exalted in spiritual consciousnessSB 5.9.17
tasya of dharmaSB 5.20.5
tasya of truthful religious principlesSB 11.13.39
saktasya being attachedSB 4.8.27
saktasya of a person attachedSB 5.1.4
saktasya of one who is too attachedSB 7.6.8
sama-cittasya who has attained the stage of being equipoisedSB 7.13.9
samanutaptasya because of his being regretfulSB 10.4.25
sambhāvitasya for a respectable manBG 2.34
sambhāvitasya most respectableSB 4.3.25
samparetasya of the dead bodySB 1.9.46
samparetasya deceasedSB 7.2.17
samparītasya who was overwhelmedSB 3.21.38-39
sampratipāditasya which was givenSB 5.24.19
saṃsuptasya one who has enjoyed sound sleepSB 3.7.13
śāntasya who is peacefulSB 7.13.9
śāntasya peacefulSB 11.14.13
santoṣitasya very pleasedSB 8.17.17
śaraṇa-bhūtasya the one who is the only shelterSB 5.1.27
śāśvatasya of the eternalBG 14.27
śatasya of the one-hundredthSB 4.20.2
hayamedha-śatasya of one hundred aśvamedha sacrificesSB 9.23.33
sātvatasya of SātvataSB 9.24.5
satya-vratasya of Mahārāja Bali, who is fixed in truthfulnessSB 8.21.12
satyavratasya of King SatyavrataSB 8.24.55
satyavratasya of King SatyavrataSB 8.24.59
snātasya having been absorbed inSB 1.5.7
śrāntasya fatiguedSB 3.29.5
śriyā unmattasya puffed up because of great opulenceSB 9.4.44
śrutasya all that is already heardBG 2.52
śrutasya by dint of study of the VedasSB 1.5.22
śrutasya of the codes of scripturesSB 3.7.32
śrutasya of persons who are in the process of hearingSB 3.13.4
sruva-hastasya with the sacrificial ladle in his handSB 4.5.19
sthitasya of the situationSB 1.8.31
sthitasya situatedSB 3.27.24
sthitasya being situatedCC Adi 7.98
sthitasya being situatedCC Madhya 20.110
sthitasya being situatedCC Madhya 24.37
sthitasya situatedCC Antya 3.197
strī-jitasya conquered by a womanSB 4.8.67
su-kṛtasya piousBG 14.16
su-duḥkhitasya of one who is always unhappySB 3.5.3
su-uktasya of diligently studying the Vedic literatureSB 5.19.28
akṛta-sukṛtasya who has no pious activitiesSB 5.8.16
sūktasya spiritual educationSB 1.5.22
suptasya of one who is sleepingSB 11.10.3
bhagīrathaḥ tasya sutaḥ his son BhagīrathaSB 9.9.2
sutaḥ tasya his sonSB 9.13.17
sutasya of the sonSB 1.4.5
sutasya of the sonSB 1.4.5
sutasya of her sonSB 2.7.30
sutasya of the sonSB 4.12.41
brahma-ṛṣi-sutasya of the son born of a brāhmaṇa exalted in spiritual consciousnessSB 5.9.17
sutasya of the sonSB 9.17.1-3
sutasya of her childSB 10.7.6
sutasya of her sonSB 10.7.35-36
sutasya of the sonSB 10.8.15
sva-sutasya of her own childSB 10.9.7
sutasya of the sonSB 10.26.18
pāṇḍu-sutasya the son of PāṇḍuSB 10.74.13-15
pāṇḍu-sutasya of the son of PāṇḍuSB 10.74.53
sutasya of the son, BhīṣmaSB 12.12.25-26
vraja-pati-sutasya from the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Antya 14.73
sva-sutasya of her own childSB 10.9.7
svabhāva-raktasya naturally inclinedSB 1.5.15
svanuṣṭhitasya of one's own prescribed dutiesSB 1.2.13
svarūpa-avasthitasya staying in the same form even to the time of dissolutionSB 3.11.2
svataḥ-tṛptasya for one who is self-satisfiedSB 3.7.3
taptasya of a person suffering from a condition of material miserySB 7.9.19
nirīkṣataḥ tasya while he was looking onSB 3.21.34
gata-asoḥ tasya after he diedSB 4.13.19-20
paśyataḥ tasya while he looked onSB 6.2.23
miṣataḥ tasya while he (Dakṣa) was personally looking onSB 6.4.54
pitāmahaḥ tasya his grandfather, namely Prahlāda MahārājaSB 8.15.6
manasaḥ tasya from the mind of Lord BrahmāSB 9.1.10
bhagīrathaḥ tasya sutaḥ his son BhagīrathaSB 9.9.2
sutaḥ tasya his sonSB 9.13.17
na tasya He does not haveSB 10.38.22
tritasya the pilgrimage site named TritaSB 3.1.22
tṛṇāvartasya of TṛṇāvartaSB 12.12.28-29
svataḥ-tṛptasya for one who is self-satisfiedSB 3.7.3
tṛptasya for one who is satisfiedSB 12.13.15
tṛptasya of one who is satisfiedCC Madhya 25.146
udyatasya which has come of itselfSB 3.22.12
su-uktasya of diligently studying the Vedic literatureSB 5.19.28
śriyā unmattasya puffed up because of great opulenceSB 9.4.44
upanītasya of one who has a sacred threadSB 5.9.4
upasthitasya situated nearbySB 8.24.36
vaivasvatasya of VaivasvataSB 8.13.2-3
vibhaktasya after setting aside the share for the familySB 9.21.7
vihitasya performancesSB 2.7.49
vikṛtasya of things that are transformed, such as the bodySB 5.10.11
vimuktasya of the ever liberatedSB 3.7.9
vinipātitasya thrown downMM 36
viraktasya and who is therefore detachedSB 11.20.23
viṣṇoḥ abhaktasya who is not a devotee of Lord ViṣṇuSB 9.4.44
viṣṇu-rātasya ParīkṣitSB 12.12.45
viṣṇurātasya of Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 6.18.22
vitatasya of the expansiveSB 11.7.42
vittasya of the wealthSB 3.2.32
viyat-vittasya of Rantideva, who received things sent by providence, just as the cātaka bird receives water from the skySB 9.21.2
vittasya of wealthSB 10.54.41
yakṣa-vittasya who simply kept his wealth without spending it, like the Yakṣas, who guard the treasury of KuveraSB 11.23.9
viyat-vittasya of Rantideva, who received things sent by providence, just as the cātaka bird receives water from the skySB 9.21.2
vraja-pati-sutasya from the son of Nanda MahārājaCC Antya 14.73
vratasya whose vows of austeritySB 3.21.37
satya-vratasya of Mahārāja Bali, who is fixed in truthfulnessSB 8.21.12
vratasya of one who has taken a vow strictlySB 9.6.50
vyāpṛtasya being busySB 3.12.51
yakṣa-vittasya who simply kept his wealth without spending it, like the Yakṣas, who guard the treasury of KuveraSB 11.23.9
yata-cittasya whose mind is controlledBG 6.19
yuktasya engagedBG 8.14
yuktasya empowered withSB 3.12.21
yuktasya who was qualified withSB 5.9.1-2
yuktasya of that which is engagedSB 11.13.9-10
yuktasya who has steadied the mindSB 11.15.1
mat-bhakti-yuktasya of one who is engaged in My loving serviceSB 11.20.31
yuktasya who is joinedSB 11.22.10
yuktasya of one who is engagedCC Madhya 22.146
Wordnet Search
"tasya" has 4 results.


jalam, vāri, ambu, ambhaḥ, payaḥ, salilam, sarilam, udakam, udam, jaḍam, payas, toyam, pānīyam, āpaḥ, nīram, vāḥ, pāthas, kīlālam, annam, apaḥ, puṣkaram, arṇaḥ, peyam, salam, saṃvaram, śaṃvaram, saṃmbam, saṃvatsaram, saṃvavaraḥ, kṣīram, pāyam, kṣaram, kamalam, komalam, pīvā, amṛtam, jīvanam, jīvanīyam, bhuvanam, vanam, kabandham, kapandham, nāram, abhrapuṣpam, ghṛtam, kaṃ, pīppalam, kuśam, viṣam, kāṇḍam, savaram, saram, kṛpīṭam, candrorasam, sadanam, karvuram, vyoma, sambaḥ, saraḥ, irā, vājam, tāmarasa, kambalam, syandanam, sambalam, jalapītham, ṛtam, ūrjam, komalam, somam, andham, sarvatomukham, meghapuṣpam, ghanarasaḥ, vahnimārakaḥ, dahanārātiḥ, nīcagam, kulīnasam, kṛtsnam, kṛpīṭam, pāvanam, śaralakam, tṛṣāham, kṣodaḥ, kṣadmaḥ, nabhaḥ, madhuḥ, purīṣam, akṣaram, akṣitam, amba, aravindāni, sarṇīkam, sarpiḥ, ahiḥ, sahaḥ, sukṣema, sukham, surā, āyudhāni, āvayāḥ, induḥ, īm, ṛtasyayoniḥ, ojaḥ, kaśaḥ, komalam, komalam, kṣatram, kṣapaḥ, gabhīram, gambhanam, gahanam, janma, jalāṣam, jāmi, tugryā, tūyam, tṛptiḥ, tejaḥ, sadma, srotaḥ, svaḥ, svadhā, svargāḥ, svṛtikam, haviḥ, hema, dharuṇam, dhvasmanvatu, nāma, pavitram, pāthaḥ, akṣaram, pūrṇam, satīnam, sat, satyam, śavaḥ, śukram, śubham, śambaram, vūsam, vṛvūkam, vyomaḥ, bhaviṣyat, vapuḥ, varvuram, varhiḥ, bhūtam, bheṣajam, mahaḥ, mahat, mahaḥ, mahat, yaśaḥ, yahaḥ, yāduḥ, yoniḥ, rayiḥ, rasaḥ, rahasaḥ, retam   

sindhuhimavarṣādiṣu prāptaḥ dravarupo padārthaḥ yaḥ pāna-khāna-secanādyartham upayujyate।

jalaṃ jīvanasya ādhāram। /ajīrṇe jalam auṣadhaṃ jīrṇe balapradam। āhārakāle āyurjanakaṃ bhuktānnopari rātrau na peyam।


adhaḥcaraḥ, apahārakaḥ, apahārikā, apahārakam, avahāraḥ, avāvan, avāvarī, ākhanikaḥ, ākhuḥ, āmoṣī, āmoṣi, kapāṭaghnaḥ, kapāṭaghnā, kapāṭaghnam, kambū, kalamaḥ, kavāṭaghnaḥ, kumbhīrakaḥ, kusumālaḥ, kharparaḥ, coraḥ, cauraḥ, corī, corakaḥ, caurī, caurikā, taḥ, takvān, taskaraḥ, tāyu, tṛpuḥ, dasmaḥ, dasmā, dasraḥ, drāvakaḥ, dhanaharaḥ, dhanahṛt, dhanahṛd, naktacāriḥ, naktacārī, nāgarakaḥ, parāskandī, parāskandi, parimoṣī, parimoṣiḥ, paṭaccaraḥ, pāṭṭacaraḥ, puraṃdaraḥ, pracuraḥ., pracurapuruṣaḥ, pratirodhakaḥ, pratirodhī, bandīkāraḥ, malimluḥ, malimluc, mallīkara, mācalaḥ, mīḍhuṣtamaḥ, mumuṣiṣuḥ, muṣkaḥ, mūṣakaḥ, moṣaḥ, moṣakaḥ, moṣṭā, rajanīcaraḥ, rātricaraḥ, rātryāṭaḥ, rikvān, ritakvān, ribhvān, rihāyaḥ, rerihāṇaḥ, laṭaḥ, luṇṭākaḥ, vaṭaraḥ, vanarguḥ, viloḍakaḥ, viloptā, stenaḥ, stainyaḥ, stāyuḥ, steyakṛt, steyakṛd, steyī, staunaḥ, styenaḥ, styainaḥ, srotasyaḥ, harikaḥ, hartā, hārakaḥ, hārītaḥ   

adatsya paradhanasya apahārakaḥ।

rakṣakaḥ corān daṇḍayati।


pāṇḍavacaritasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti   

pāṇḍavacarita ।

dve kāvye


devaguptasya ullekhaḥ rājataraṅgiṇyām asti   

devagupta ।

ekaḥ puruṣaḥ

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