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Grammar Search
"tasthe" has 2 results
tasthe: third person singular tense paradigm perfect class ātmanepadasthā
tasthe: first person singular tense paradigm perfect class ātmanepadasthā
Bloomfield Vedic
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abhi tvā pājo rakṣaso vi tasthe # RV.6.21.7a.
eka eva rudro (śvetU. eko hi rudro; śirasU. eko rudro) na dvitīyāya tasthe (śvetU. tasthuḥ; śirasU. tasmai) # TS.; Apś.8.17.8; śvetU.3.2a; śirasU.5a. See next.
eka eva rudro 'va tasthe na dvitīyaḥ # N.1.15. See prec., and cf. Roth's Erl"auterungen, p. 12, note 4.
tripād brahma pururūpaṃ vi tasthe # AVś.9.10.19c.
devānāṃ viṣṭhām (Apś. niṣṭhām) anu yo vitasthe # VSK.1.10.5b; TB.; Kś.2.8.14b; Apś.2.10.5b. See divo vābhiṣṭhām.
na mṛtyave 'va tasthe kadā cana # RV.10.48.5b.
mahnā mahadbhiḥ pṛthivī vi tasthe # RV.1.72.9c.
yamāya sarvam it tasthe # KS.40.11c; TA.6.5.2c; Apś.17.21.8c.
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