tara | an affix forming the Comparative degree degree of adjectives and rarely (see vṛtra-t/ara-) of substantives  |
tara | (ām-), added (in older language) to adverbs (See ati-tar/ām-etc.) and (in later language) to verbs ( ) , intensifying their meaning  |
tara | ind. with na-, not at all  |
tara | mfn. ( tṝ-; gaRa pacādi-) carrying across or beyond, saving (?, said of śiva-)  |
tara | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' passing over or beyond  |
tara | mfn. "surpassing, conquering" See śoka-tar/a- see rathaṃtar/a-  |
tara | mfn. excelling, w.  |
tara | m. crossing, passage (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
tara | m. ( atara a-tara- mfn."impassable") (see dus--)  |
tara | m. "excelling, conquering" See duṣ-ṭ/ara-, su-t/ara-, dus--  |
tara | m. equals -paṇya-  |
tara | m. a raft  |
tara | m. a road  |
tara | m. Name of a magical spell (against evil spirits supposed to possess certain weapons)  |
tara | m. fire  |
tara | m. Name of a man  |
tara | f(ī-, īs-). (īs- ) (gaRa gaurādi- ) , a boat, ship (see ri-) (see nis-tarīka-)  |
tara | f(ī-, īs-). a clothes-basket (also ri-)  |
tara | f(ī-, īs-). the hem of a garment (also ri-)  |
tara | f(ī-, īs-). equals raṇi-peṭaka-  |
tara | f(ī-, īs-). a club  |
tara | f(ī-, īs-). for starī- (smoke)  |
tarad | f. ( m. ) a raft  |
tarad | f. a kind of a duck  |
taraddveṣas | mfn. conquering enemies (indra-)  |
taradī | varia lectio for raṭī-.  |
tarakṣa | m. equals kṣu-  |
tarakṣa | m. a wolf  |
tarakṣu | m. a hyena  |
tarakṣuka | m. idem or 'm. a hyena '  |
tarala | n. taralā |
tarala | mf(ā-)n. ( tṝ-? see taraṃga-) moving to and fro, trembling, tremulous etc.  |
tarala | mf(ā-)n. glittering  |
tarala | mf(ā-)n. unsteady, vain  |
tarala | mf(ā-)n. libidinous  |
tarala | mf(ā-)n. liquid  |
tarala | mf(ā-)n. hollow  |
tarala | m. a wave  |
tarala | m. the central gem of a necklace  |
tarala | m. a necklace  |
tarala | m. a ruby  |
tarala | m. iron  |
tarala | m. a level surface (tala-)  |
tarala | m. the thorn-apple  |
tarala | m. Name of a poet  |
tarala | m. plural Name of a people  |
taralā | f. spirituous liquor  |
taralā | f. a bee  |
taralā | f. Name of a yoginī-  |
taralā | f. rice-gruel ( tarala la- n.?) .  |
taralalekhā | f. Name of a woman  |
taralalocanā | f. a tremulous-eyed woman (see )  |
taralanayanī | f. "tremulous-eyed", a metre of 4 x 12 short syllables.  |
taralatā | f. equals -tva-  |
taralatā | f. unsteady activity  |
taralatva | n. tremulousness, unsteadiness  |
taralaya | Nom. yati-, to cause to tremble  |
taralāya | Nom. yate-, to tremble  |
taralāyita | mfn. made tremulous, agitated  |
taralāyita | m. a large wave  |
taralāyita | n. fickleness  |
taralikā | f. Name of a female servant (See tamāl-)  |
taralita | mfn. shaking, dangling, undulating, tremulous  |
taralita | n. impersonal or used impersonally it has been trembled  |
taralitahāra | mf(ā-)n. having a tremulous garland, .  |
tarambuja | n. (borrowed fr. $) a water-melon (see kharbūja-), Tantr.  |
taraṃga | m. (fr. taram- ind. tṝ-) "across-goer", a wave, billow etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
taraṃga | m. a section of a literary work that contains in its N. a word like"sea"or"river" (exempli gratia, 'for example' of and )  |
taraṃga | m. a jumping motion, gallop, waving about, moving to and fro  |
taraṃga | m. cloth, clothes  |
taraṃga | m. see ut--, carma--.  |
taraṃga | Nom. gati-, to move like a billow, wave about, move restlessly to and fro (Passive voice p. gyamāṇa-) ; see ut--.  |
taraṃgabhīru | m. " equals gāpatrasta- ", Name of a son of the 14th manu-  |
taraṃgaka | m. a wave,  |
taraṃgaka | f. see nārī--.  |
taraṃgamālin | m. "wave-garlanded", the sea  |
taraṃgāpatrasta | mfn. afraid of waves  |
taraṃgavatī | f. "having waves", a river  |
taraṃgavatī | f. Name of a female servant, 374.  |
taraṃgaya | Nom. yati-, to cause to move to and fro (= )  |
taraṃgikā | f. Name of a female servant  |
taraṃgin | mfn. wavy, waving, moving restlessly to and fro  |
taraṃgiṇī | f. of gin-.  |
taraṃgiṇī | f. (gaRa puṣkarādi-) a river  |
taraṃgiṇī | f. Name of a river  |
taraṃgiṇī | f. Name of several works  |
taraṃgiṇī | f. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See kṣīra-- etc.  |
taraṃgiṇībhartṛ | m. idem or 'm. "river-lord", the sea ' , 53.  |
taraṃgiṇīnātha | m. "river-lord", the sea  |
taraṃgita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) having (folds, vali--) as waves  |
taraṃgita | mfn. wavy, waving, overflown (by tears), moving restlessly to and fro  |
taraṃgita | mfn. etc.  |
taraṃgita | n. waving, moving to and fro  |
taraṇa | m. a raft, boat  |
taraṇa | m. "final landing-place", heaven  |
taraṇa | n. crossing over, passing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
taraṇa | n. overcoming (as of misfortune genitive case)  |
taraṇa | n. carrying over  |
taraṇa | n. an oar (?)  |
taraṇa | n. Hibiscus mutabilis  |
taraṇa | n. equals ṇī-vallī-  |
taraṇa | n. see ūrdhva--, dus--  |
taraṇa | n. see pra-t/ar-, su--.  |
taraṇa | r/aṇi-, etc. See .  |
taraṇḍa | m. Name of a place  |
taraṇḍa | mn. ( ) the float of a fishing line, float made of bamboos and floated upon jars or hollow gourds inverted  |
taraṇḍa | mn. an oar  |
taraṇḍa | mn. a raft, boat  |
taraṇḍa | f(ā-, ī-). idem or 'mn. a raft, boat '  |
taraṇḍaka | varia lectio for rantuka- q.v  |
taraṇḍaka | m. (also) a raft, float,  |
taraṇḍapādā | f. "oar-footed", a boat  |
taraṇī | f. equals ṇi-, a boat (varia lectio riṇī-)  |
taraṇi | mfn. moving forwards (as the sun etc.), quick, untired, energetic  |
taraṇi | mfn. carrying over, saving, helping, benevolent  |
taraṇi | m. the sun  |
taraṇi | m. Calotropis gigantea  |
taraṇi | m. a ray of light  |
taraṇi | f. equals ṇī-, a boat  |
taraṇi | f. Aloe perfoliata (also ṇī- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
taraṇi | f. see go--, saṃsāra--.  |
taraṇidhanya | m. śiva-.  |
taraṇipeṭaka | m. a baling-vessel  |
taraṇiratna | n. "sun-jewel", a ruby |
taraṇitanayā | f. "sun-daughter", the river yamunā-  |
taraṇitva | n. zeal ( ) .  |
taraṇīvallī | f. Rosa glandulifera  |
taraṇīya | mfn. to be crossed (a river)  |
taranta | m. the ocean  |
taranta | m. a hard shower k.  |
taranta | m. a frog  |
taranta | m. Name of a man (with the patronymic vaidadaśvi-) (author of a sāman-)  |
taranta | ntuka- See column 1.  |
tarantī | f. a boat, ship  |
tarantuka | n. Name of a tīrtha- ( arant-and taraṇḍaka-) and 7078; ix, 3032.  |
taraṇya | Nom. (fr. ṇa-) ṇyati-, to go gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi- (not in ) .  |
tarapaṇya | n. ferry-money, freight  |
tarapaṇyika | m. one who receives ferry-money or freight  |
taras | n. rapid progress, velocity, strength, energy, efficacy  |
taras | n. a ferry  |
taras | n. (figuratively)  |
taras | n. a symbolical Name of the stoma- of the gods  |
taras | n. a bank  |
taras | n. equals plava-ga-  |
taras | mfn. quick, energetic  |
taras | r/as- See column 1.  |
tarasā | ind. instrumental case (gaRa svar-ādi-,not in ) speedily, directly  |
tarasa | m. n. sg. and plural meat on  |
tarasagadattā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a comedy,  |
tarasamaya | mfn. consisting of meat (a cake)  |
tarasāna | m. a boat  |
tarasapuroḍāśa | mfn. offering a cake of meat  |
tarasārika | See tala-s-.  |
tarasat | for tr/as-, tras- q.v  |
tarasmat | for -vat- q.v  |
tarasthāna | n. a landing-place  |
tarasvat | mfn. (t/ar-) equals -v/in- (indra-)  |
tarasvat | m. Name of a son of the 14th manu- (varia lectio s-mat-)  |
tarasvat | f. plural "the swift ones", the rivers  |
tarasvin | mfn. quick, violent, energetic, bold (indra-) etc.  |
tarasvin | m. a courier, runner, hero  |
tarasvin | m. śiva-  |
tarasvin | m. the wind  |
tarasvin | m. a falcon  |
tarasvin | m. garuḍa-  |
tarasvin | m. Name of a man  |
tarat | pr. p. and subjunctive tṝ- q.v  |
taraṭa | m. Name of a medicinal plant  |
taratamatas | ind. more or less, 87, 19  |
taratamatas | ind. see tāratamya-.  |
taratha | See deva--.  |
taraṭī | f. Name of a thorny plant (see tār-)  |
taratsala | m. equals rat-sama-  |
taratsama | m. conflagration of chaff (see taratsala-)  |
taratsama | m. or f. plural equals mandī-  |
taratsamandī | f. plural the hymn (beginning with t/arat s/a mand/ī-)  |
taratsamandīya | n. (scilicet sūkta-) idem or 'f. plural the hymn (beginning with t/arat s/a mand/ī-) '  |
taravālikā | f. (for tala-v-?) equals kar- idem or 'm. see tala-vāraṇa-.'  |
taravāri | m. ( ;for tala-v-?) a one-edged sword  |
taravāri | m. see tala-vāraṇa-.  |
taravaṭa | Cassia auriculata  |
taravī | (in astrology) $, quadrature.  |
abhijñetara | mfn. not familiar with (compound),  |
abhinnataraka | mfn. (Comparative degree) not at all different  |
ābhīśavottara | n. idem or ' n. idem or 'n. (fr. abhīśu-),"composed by abhīśu-"Name of a sāman- ' '  |
abhistaraṇa | n. scattering, strewing, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
abhitaram | ([ ]) ([ (See 2. abhī-)]) ind. nearer.  |
abhitaram | etc. See abh/i-.  |
abhūtarajas | m. plural Name of a class of deities (supposed to have existed in the fifth manvantara-)  |
abhyantara | mf(ā-)n. interior, being inside of, included in (locative case; genitive case or in compound [ see gaṇābhyantara-])  |
abhyantara | mf(ā-)n. initiated in, conversant with (locative case)  |
abhyantara | mf(ā-)n. next, nearly related, intimate  |
abhyantara | n. inner part, interior, inside, middle etc.  |
abhyantara | n. (generally locative case; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') interval, space of time  |
abhyantara | m. "on intimate terms", a lover,  |
ābhyantara | mfn. (fr. abhy-antara-), being inside, interior, inner  |
abhyantaracārin | mfn. moving inside,  |
abhyantaradoṣakṛt | mfn. "doing a wrong to one's own land", raising a sedition or mutiny  |
abhyantaraka | m. an intimate friend  |
abhyantarakalā | f. plural the secret arts or the arts of coquetry  |
abhyantaram | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') into  |
ābhyantaram | ind. inside.  |
ābhyantaranṛtta | n. perfect dancing (according to the nāṭya-śāstra-s),  |
ābhyantaraprayatna | m. internal effort (of the mouth in producing articulate utterance) commentator or commentary on  |
abhyantaratas | ind. in the interior, inwards  |
abhyātmataram | ind. more towards one's self  |
adbhutaraṅga | Name (also title or epithet) of a prahasana-  |
adbhutarasa | m. the marvellous style (of poetry).  |
adbhutottarakāṇḍa | n. Name of work , an appendix to or imitation of the rāmāyaṇa-.  |
ādeyataratā | (f.)  |
adhaḥprastara | m. seat or bed of turf or grass (for persons in a state of impurity).  |
adharmottaratā | f. prevalence of injustice,  |
adharottara | mfn. lower and higher  |
adharottara | mfn. worse and better  |
adharottara | mfn. question and answer  |
adharottara | mfn. nearer and further  |
adharottara | mfn. sooner and later  |
adharottara | mfn. upside down, topsy-turvy.  |
adhītarasa | mfn. having the juice not sucked out,  |
adhyātmottarakāṇḍa | n. the last book of the adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
aghoraghoratara | mfn. having a form both not terrific and terrific  |
agniprastara | m. a fire-producing stone  |
agniprastara | m. flint  |
ahamuttara | n. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a divine being, '  |
ahamuttaratva | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a divine being, ' '  |
ahorathantara | n. commentator or commentary  |
aitara | mfn. (fr. itara-) gaRa saṃkalādi-  |
akātara | mfn. not dejected.  |
ākhyātottara | mfn. (a name) the second part of which is a verb,  |
akṣarāntara | n. another letter, transliteration,  |
alaktarasa | m. the alakta- juice  |
alpabhujāntara | mfn. narrow-chested,  |
alpatara | mfn. (Comparative degree see alpīyas-), smaller  |
alpetara | mfn. "other than small", large  |
alpetaratva | n. largeness  |
amṛtarasa | m. nectar etc.  |
amṛtarasā | f. dark-coloured grapes  |
amṛtaraśmi | m. equals -kara- q.v  |
amṛtataraṅgiṇī | f. "having nectar-waves", moon-light  |
amṛtopastaraṇa | n. water sipped as a substratum for the nectar like food and  |
amṛtopastaraṇa | n. an imperishable substratum (see amptāpidhān/a-).  |
aṃśāvataraṇa | n. descent of part of a deity  |
aṃśāvataraṇa | n. partial incarnation  |
aṃśāvataraṇa | n. title of sections 64-67 of the first book of the MBh.  |
amūrtarajas | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v)  |
amūrtarajasa | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v)  |
amūrtarayasa | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v)  |
āmūrtarayasa | m. a descendant of amūrta-rayas-  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. having no interior  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. having no interstice or interval or pause  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. uninterrupted, unbroken  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. continuous  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. immediately adjoining, contiguous  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. next of kin, etc.  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. compact, close  |
anantara | m. a neighbouring rival, a rival neighbour  |
anantara | n. contiguousness  |
anantara | n. brahma- or the supreme soul (as being of one entire essence)  |
anantara | n. after  |
anantara | n. afterwards.  |
anantara | m. (also) the next (younger) brother after (ablative),  |
anantaraja | m. "next-born", the son of a kṣatriyā- or vaiśyā- mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's  |
anantarajāta | m. idem or 'm. "next-born", the son of a kṣatriyā- or vaiśyā- mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's '  |
anantarajāta | m. also the son of a śūdrā- mother by a vaiśya- father.  |
anantaram | ind. immediately after  |
anantaraya | m. non-interruption and (see antaraya-.)  |
āntara | mfn. (fr. antara-), interior, internal, inward  |
āntara | mfn. native, indigenous  |
āntara | mfn. being inside, within (a palace etc.)  |
āntara | m. an intimate friend  |
āntara | n. the heart  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. being in the interior, interior  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. near, proximate, related, intimate  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. lying adjacent to  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. distant  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. different from  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. exterior  |
antara | n. the interior  |
antara | n. a hole, opening  |
antara | n. the interior part of a thing, the contents  |
antara | n. soul, heart, supreme soul  |
antara | n. interval, intermediate space or time  |
antara | n. period  |
antara | n. term  |
antara | n. opportunity, occasion  |
antara | n. place  |
antara | n. distance, absence  |
antara | n. difference, remainder  |
antara | n. property, peculiarity  |
antara | n. weakness, weak side  |
antara | n. representation  |
antara | n. surety, guaranty  |
antara | n. respect, regard  |
antara | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'), different, other, another exempli gratia, 'for example' deśāntaram-, another country  |
antarabhāvanā | f. composition by the difference,  |
antaracakra | n. the whole of the thirty-two intermediate regions of the compass  |
antaracakra | n. a technical term in augury.  |
antarada | mfn. (3. dā-), cutting or hurting the interior or heart.  |
antaradiśā | ([ ]) f. an intermediate region or quarter of the compass (see antarā-diś-and antar-deś/a-.)  |
antaradvīpa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of the seven dvīpa-s south of bhārata-varṣa-,  |
antaragni | m. the interior fire, digestive force  |
antaragni | mfn. being in the fire  |
antarajña | mfn. knowing the interior, prudent, provident, foreseeing.  |
antarakośa | m. an interior case or sheath  |
antaram | ind. in the interior, within ([ confer, compare Gothic anthar,Themeanthara; Lithuanian antra-s,"the second"; Latin alter]).  |
antaraṅga | mfn. interior, proximate, related, being essential to, or having reference to the essential part of the aṅga- or base of a word  |
antaraṅga | n. any interior part of the body  |
antaraṅgatva | n. the state or condition of an antaraṅga-.  |
antarañj | to assume, take up into one's self  |
antarantaḥstha | mfn. containing a semivowel,  |
antarapatita | mfn. "fallen between", unimportant, indifferent,  |
antaraprabhava | mfn. of mixed origin or caste  |
āntaraprapañca | m. (in philosophy)"the inward expansion"  |
āntaraprapañca | m. the fantasies of the soul produced by ignorance.  |
antarapraśna | m. an inner question  |
antarapraśna | m. a question which is contained in and arises from what has been previously stated.  |
antaraprekṣin | mfn. perceiving a weak point,  |
antarapūruṣa | m. the internal man, the soul |
antarastha | mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward  |
antarastha | mfn. separate, apart.  |
antarasthāyin | mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward  |
antarasthāyin | mfn. separate, apart.  |
antarasthita | mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward  |
antarasthita | mfn. separate, apart.  |
antarata | mfn. delighting in destruction.  |
antaratama | mfn. nearest  |
antaratama | mfn. immediate, intimate, internal  |
antaratama | mfn. like, analogous  |
antaratama | m. a congenial letter, one of the same class.  |
āntaratamya | n. (fr. antara-tama-), nearest or closest relationship (as of two letters)  |
antaratara | mfn. nearer  |
antaratara | mfn. very intimate  |
antaratas | ind. in the interior, within ([ confer, compare Gothic anthar,Themeanthara; Lithuanian antra-s,"the second"; Latin alter]).  |
antaratas | ind. internally, inside, within, r.  |
antaratas | within (as preposition with genitive case),  |
antaravāsaka | n. the inner garment (of a Buddhist monk),  |
antaravayava | m. an inner limb or participle  |
antaraya | etc. See antar-i-.  |
antaraya | m. impediment, hindrance (see /an-antaraya-.)  |
antaraya | Nom. P. -ayati- See antar-i-.  |
antarayaṇa | n. going under, disappearing  |
antarayana | m. Name of a country  |
antitara | mfn. standing in the very front,  |
anudāttatara | m. "more than anudātta-, still lower in sound than anudātta-" id est the very anudātta- accent (or a syllable having this accent which immediately precedes a syllable having the udātta- or svarita- accent, and is therefore more depressed than the ordinary anudātta- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
anugrahakātara | mfn. anxious to please or for favour.  |
anustaraṇa | m. ( stṛ-), an animal which is fit to be chosen as a secondary victim  |
anustaraṇī | f. the cow sacrificed at the funeral ceremony |
aṇutara | mfn. very fine or minute, gentle.  |
anutara | See anu-tṝ- below.  |
anutara | n. fare, freight  |
anuttara | mfn. chief, principal  |
anuttara | mfn. best, excellent  |
anuttara | mfn. without a reply, unable to answer, silent  |
anuttara | mfn. fixed, firm  |
anuttara | mfn. low, inferior, base  |
anuttara | mfn. south, southern  |
anuttara | n. a reply which is coherent or evasive and therefore held to be no answer  |
anuttara | m. plural a class of gods among the jaina-s.  |
anuttaraṃga | mfn. not surging or billowy,  |
anuttarapūjā | f. (with Buddhists) highest worship (of seven kinds  |
anuttarapūjā | confer, compare vandana-), .  |
anuttarayogatantra | n. title of the last of the four bauddhatantra-s.  |
anyatara | as-, ā-, at- either of two, other, different  |
anyatara | a certain one,  |
anyatara | anyatara anyatara-, the one, the other  |
anyatara | anyatarasyām- locative case f. either way.  |
anyatarānyatara | mfn. of whatever kind,  |
anyataratas | ind. on one of two sides  |
anyataratas | ind. either way (equals anyatarasyām-)  |
anyataratodanta | mf(ā-)n. having teeth on one side (only)  |
anyataratoyukta | mfn. yoked only on one side,  |
apadāntara | mfn. "not separated by a foot", adjoining, contiguous (varia lectio a-paṭāntara- q.v)  |
apadāntaram | ind. without delay, immediately  |
apāntaratamas | m. Name of an ancient sage (who is identified with kṛṣṇa- dvaipāyana-)  |
apaṭāntara | mfn. "not separated by a curtain", adjoining (varia lectio a-padāntara- q.v)  |
apataram | ind. farther off  |
apataram | ind. further away,  |
apratihataraśmirāgaprabha | m. = amitā- bha-, .  |
arāntara | n. plural the intervals of the spokes.  |
arāntaragatā | f. (with nābhi-) Name (also title or epithet) of a mythical place,  |
ardhāntaraikapadatā | f. (in rhetoric) placing a single word (which belongs grammatically to one hemistich) into the other half or hemistich of the verse  |
ardhāntaraikavācaka | m. (scilicet doṣa-) = ardhā- ntarai- kapadatā-,  |
ardharcāntara | n. another hemistich  |
arkapuṣpottara | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
ārtatara | mfn. extremely pained, disturbed, confounded  |
arthāntara | n. another matter, a different or new circumstance, a similar case (often with ny--2. as-,to introduce some other matter as an illustrationSee arthāntara-nyāsa-below)  |
arthāntara | n. a different meaning  |
arthāntara | n. opposite or antithetical meaning, difference of meaning or purport  |
arthāntaranyāsa | m. introduction of some other matter (an illustration of a particular case by a general truth or of a general truth by a particular case)  |
āsannatara | mfn. nearer  |
āsannataratā | f. greater nearness  |
aṣatara | mfn. (Comparative degree fr.,"aṣa-" fr.1. aś-?) more acceptable  |
asitaratna | n. a sapphire,  |
aśokāntara | (/aś-), mfn. not mingled with sorrow,  |
aspṛṣṭapuruṣāntara | mfn. not belonging to another,  |
āstara | etc. See ā-stṛ-.  |
āstara | m. covering  |
āstara | m. a coverlet, blanket, carpet  |
āstara | m. a bed, cushion,  |
āstara | m. Name of a man.  |
āstaraṇa | f(ī-)n. the act of spreading  |
āstaraṇa | n. a carpet, rug  |
āstaraṇa | n. a cushion, quilt, bed-clothes  |
āstaraṇa | n. a bed  |
āstaraṇa | n. a layer of sacred grass spread out at a sacrifice  |
āstaraṇa | n. an elephant's housings, a painted cloth or blanket worn on his back.  |
āstaraṇavat | mfn. covered with a cloth or carpet  |
āstaraṇika | mfn. resting on a cloth or carpet  |
aṣṭottara | mfn. more than 8, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
asūrtarajasa | m. varia lectio for amūrta-r- q.v  |
asutara | mfn. ( tṛ-), not to be easily passed  |
aśvatara | See below sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
aśvatara | m. ( ) a mule etc.  |
aśvatara | m. (Comparative degree of aśva-) a better horse  |
aśvatara | m. a male calf.  |
aśvatara | m. one of the chiefs of the nāga-s etc.  |
aśvatara | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
āśvatara | m. (fr. aśva-tara-), Name of buḍila- or bulila-  |
ātara | etc. See ā-tṝ-.  |
ātara | m. crossing over a river  |
ātara | m. fare for being ferried over a river, śukasaṃdeśa- 10  |
atara | mfn. tara |
atarapaṇyena | ind. without paying toll,  |
athānantaram | ind. now.  |
auttara | mfn. (fr. 1. uttara-), living in the northern country  |
auttarabhaktika | mfn. (fr. bhakta-with uttara-), employed or taken after a meal  |
auttarapadika | mfn. (fr. uttara-pada-), belonging to or occurring in the last member of a compound  |
auttarapathika | mfn. (fr. uttara-patha-), coming from or going towards the northern country  |
auttaravedika | mfn. (fr. uttara-vedi-), relating to or performed on the northern altar  |
avagrahāntara | n. (equals ava-graha-) the interval of the separation called avagraha-  |
avakṛṣṭatara | mfn. avakṛṣṭa  |
avanatottarakāya | mfn. bowing the upper part of the body  |
avāntara | mfn. intermediate  |
avāntara | mfn. respectively different, respective (generally said with regard to two things only) etc., ( avāntaram am- ind. differently from (ablative))  |
avāntarabheda | m. subdivision  |
avāntaradeśa | m. a place situated in an intermediate region  |
avāntaradikṣa | mfn. performing an intermediate consecration  |
avāntaradikṣā | f. an intermediate consecration,  |
avāntaradikṣā | f. avāntaradiṣādi-, a gaṇa-, comm. on commentator or commentary  |
avāntaradiksrakti | mfn. (said of the vedi-) having its corners turned towards intermediate regions of the compass  |
avāntaradiś | f. an intermediate region of the compass  |
avāntaradiśā | f. equals -dis- q.v  |
avāntaram | ind. avāntara |
avaratara | (/avara--) mfn. (Comparative degree) farther down  |
avastaraṇa | n. strewing  |
avastaraṇa | n. a cover for a bed, blanket  |
avatara | m. descent, entrance  |
avatara | m. opportunity  |
avataram | ind. (Comparative degree) farther away  |
avataram | See 2. /ava-.  |
avataraṇa | n. descending, alighting  |
avataraṇa | n. "rushing away, sudden disappearance", or for ava-tāraṇa- See bhārāvat- (see stanyāvataraṇa-)  |
avataraṇa | n. translating  |
avataraṇamaṅgala | n. "auspicious act performed at the appearance (of a guest)", solemn reception.  |
avataraṇikā | f. the introductory words of a work (exempli gratia, 'for example' gaṇeśāya namaḥ-)  |
avattaram | (/avat--) ind. (Comparative degree),"more favourably"or"with greater pleasure", varia lectio of instead of /ava-tara- in  |
avattaram | See av-.  |
avitaraṇa | n. not transferring,  |
āyuṣprataraṇa | mfn. prolonging life  |
bāhulatāntara | n. the space between the arms, the breast, bosom  |
bahulatara | mfn. thicker, denser (dvi-gnṇo bahula-tarah-,twice as thick)  |
bahuletarapakṣa | m. dual number the dark and the other (i.e. light) half of a month  |
bahutara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. more (or most) abundant or numerous etc.  |
bahutara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. greater or very great etc.  |
bahutaraka | mfn. very -much or numerous  |
bahutarakaṇiśa | m. a kind of corn or grain (see gucchakaṇiśa-).  |
bahutaram | ind. more, very or too much, for the greater part, chiefly  |
bāhutaraṇa | n. crossing a river (with the arm, id est by swimming)  |
bahuvistara | m. great extension  |
bahuvistara | m. ( bahuvistarayuktam -yuktam- ind. in all directions, everywhere )  |
bahuvistara | mf(ā-)n. of wide extent, widely spread (also tāra- )  |
bahuvistara | mf(ā-)n. manifold, various  |
bahuvistara | mf(ā-)n. very detailed ( bahuvistaram am- ind.)  |
bahuvistaram | ind. bahuvistara |
bahuvistarayuktam | ind. bahuvistara  |
bāhyābhyantara | mfn. external and internal (as diseases)  |
bāhyatara | mfn. being outside, outer, external  |
bāhyatara | mfn. turned out (of caste or society), an out-caste  |
bālāṣṭottaraśatanāmastotra | n. Name of stotra-s.  |
balavattara | mfn. more powerful, stronger etc.  |
balīyastara | mfn. more powerful, stronger, mightier  |
bhadratara | mfn. more prosperous, happier, better  |
bhagavadbhaktitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmāmṛtarasodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhāgavatarahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhagavattara | mfn. more or most holy or adorable  |
bhairavyaṣṭottaraśatanāmāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktamodataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhāratara | mfn. heavy, ponderous (?)  |
bhārāvataraṇa | ( ) n. the taking down or removal of a load from (ablative)  |
bhāṣāntara | (ṣānt-) n. another dialect or version, translation  |
bhavaduttaram | ind. with bhavat- at the end  |
bhavāntara | n. another existence (a former existence ;a later existence )  |
bhāvāntara | n. another state or condition  |
bhavāntaraprāptimat | mfn. one who has obtained another existence  |
bhāvataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhaviṣyottara | n. Name of the 2nd part of the (which is of the same character as the first).  |
bhaviṣyottarapurāṇa | n. Name of the 2nd part of the (which is of the same character as the first).  |
bhayottara | mfn. attended with fear |
bhīmottara | m. Name of a kumbhāṇḍa-  |
bhiṣaktara | (ṣ/ak--) mfn. more healing  |
bhojanottara | mf(ā-)n. to be taken after a meal (as pills)  |
bhṛtarandhra | mfn. filled up (as a hole or depression)  |
bhūdharaguhāntaratas | ind. from within the caves of the mountains  |
bhujāntara | n. "between the arms", the breast ( bhujāntaram am- ind.between the arms, in the embrace)  |
bhujāntara | n. a particular astron, correction  |
bhujāntaram | ind. bhujāntara |
bhūmyanantara | mfn. belonging to the next country  |
bhūmyanantara | m. the king of an adjacent country  |
bhūridāvattara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "much-giving", munificent ' (see Va1rtt. 2 )  |
bhūritara | mfn. more, more abundant or numerous  |
bhūtaraya | m. plural a class of gods under the 5th manu-  |
bhūyastaram | ind. more, anew, again  |
bhūyiṣṭhatara | mfn. mostly consisting of (compound)  |
bhūyokṣaratara | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. (bhūyas-+ akṣara-) having more syllables '  |
bilvāntara | m. a species of tree  |
brahmatattvapraśnottararatnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
brahmavaivartarahasya | n. Name of work  |
brahmottara | mfn. treating principally of brahmā- or consisting chiefly of Brahmans  |
brahmottara | m. Name of a superhuman being  |
brahmottara | m. (with jaina-s) of a particular kalpa-  |
brahmottara | m. plural Name of a people  |
brahmottara | n. Name of a town  |
brahmottara | n. of chapter of (also called brahmottarakhaṇḍa -khaṇḍa- n.or laghuśivapurāṇa laghu-śiva-purāṇa- n.)  |
brahmottara | n. (also, probably) the sanctuary of a temple,  |
brahmottarakhaṇḍa | n. brahmottara |
bṛhadbrahmotarakhaṇḍa | m. Name of a part of the skanda-purāṇa-.  |
bṛhadrathaṃtara | n. dual number the sāman-s bṛhat- and rathaṃtara-  |
bṛhadrathaṃtarasāman | mfn. having the bṛhat- and rathaṃtara- sāman- for a sāman-  |
bṛhaduttaratāpinī | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
bṛhattarkataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
buddhimattara | mfn. more or very intelligent  |
canasitottara | mfn. followed by canasita- (a N.)  |
cañcalatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) extremely unsteady  |
candrakāntaratnamaya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. made of the gem candra-kānta- ' '  |
candrāmṛtarasa | m. "essence of the moon's nectar", a particular medicine.  |
candrataram | ind. (Comparative degree) more lovely  |
carmataraṃga | m. a fold of skin  |
caturbhadratara | mfn. (Comparative degree) 4 times happier than (instrumental case)  |
caturuttara | mfn. increasing by 4  |
caturuttarastoma | m. with gotamasya- Name of an ekāha-  |
cauratara | m. (Comparative degree) a great thief.  |
chiduretara | mfn. not breaking, strong  |
chinnakatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) Va1rtt. 5.  |
chinnataraka | mfn. (Comparative degree) equals chinnaka-tara-, vArttika 1 and 2  |
cirajātatara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "id.", (with ablative) older than ' 13331.  |
ciratara | mfn. Comparative degree , (am-), ind. for a very long time  |
citavistara | m. a kind of ornament  |
citrāstaraṇavat | mfn. covered with various or variegated carpets  |
cittarakṣin | mfn. equals -cārin-  |
dadhyuttara | n. equals -agra-  |
dadhyuttaraga | n. equals dhy-uttara-  |
daivatarasa | m. patronymic fr. deva-taras-  |
dakṣiṇetara | mfn. "other than right", left  |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. having the right lying on the other (the two hands)  |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. right and left  |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. southern and northern  |
dakṣiṇottara | mf(ā-)n. (in compound)  |
dantāntara | n. "space between the teeth",  |
dantāntaradhiṣṭhita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals nta-śliṣṭa- '  |
dantāntaragata | mfn. equals nta-śliṣṭa-  |
dantaracanā | f. equals -dhāva-  |
dantarajas | n. equals -mala-  |
darbhasaṃstara | m. a bed made of d-  |
darśanāntaragata | mfn. come within the range of sight  |
daśaśataraśmi | m. "thousand-rayed", the sun  |
daśottara | m. the eleventh,  |
dattatreyāṣṭottaraśatanāmastotra | n. Name of a chapter of  |
dattottara | mfn. answered ( dattottaratva -tva- n.abstr.)  |
dattottara | pronouncing a judgment,  |
dattottaratva | n. dattottara |
dehāntara | n. another body  |
dehāntaraprāpti | f. obtaining another body, transmigration idem or 'n. another body '  |
deśabhāṣāntara | n. a foreign language or dialect  |
deśāntara | n. another country, abroad  |
deśāntara | n. longitude, the difference from the prime meridian  |
deśāntarabhāṇḍānayana | n. importing wares from foreign countries  |
deśāntaragamana | n. going abroad, travelling  |
deśāntaramṛtakriyānirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
deśāntaraphala | n. the equation for difference of meridian  |
deśāntarastha | mfn. being in a foreign country,  |
devatara | m. (with cyāvasāyana- kāśyapa-) Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher,  |
devatara | m. Name of a man (gaRa śubhrādi-).  |
devataras | m. Name of teachers  |
devataratha | m. Name of teachers  |
devavataraṇa | n. "descent of the gods", Name of a poem.  |
devīkālottara | n. Name of work  |
devyaṣṭottara | n. Name of work  |
dhanvantara | n. the space or distance of a dhanu- or 4 hasta-s  |
dhanvantara | n. Name of śiva-, ( "bow-string";but see tari-).  |
dhānvantara | ( ) mfn. relating to or proceeding from dhanvan-tari- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
dhārāntaracara | (rānt-) mfn. "moving among swords", daring, audacious, impudent (varia lectio dharānt-and hārānt-).  |
dharmottara | mfn. entirely devoted to justice or virtue  |
dharmottara | m. Name of a teacher ( dharmottarīya rīya- m. plural his scholars)  |
dharmottara | n. predominance of virtue (over wealth and pleasure)  |
dharmottara | n. Name of works. (see viṣṇu-dh-and śiva-dh-).  |
dhātutaraṃginī | f. Name of gram. work  |
dhavaletarataṇḍula | m. Andropogon Bicolor  |
dhītarasa | mfn. whose juice has been sucked out  |
dhūrtaracanā | f. rogues' tricks, roguery  |
dhuryetara | mfn. "other than the first", the charioteer (as opp. to the hero)  |
dhvastarajaḥsattvatamomala | mfn. freed from the impurity of passion, goodness and darkness  |
dhyānataraṃgaṭīkā | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
digantara | n. another region, a foreign country etc.  |
digantara | n. a quarter of the sky  |
digantara | n. (also plural) space, the atmosphere  |
dīptarasa | m. "having a yellow liquid", an earth-worm  |
dīptarasatva | n. the predominance of fiery passions  |
dīrghatara | mfn. longer.  |
divasāntara | mfn. only one day old  |
divātara | (d/i-) mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. ( ) daily, diurnal '  |
dravetara | mfn. "other than fluid", hard, solid, congealed  |
dravottara | mfn. chiefly fluid, very fluid  |
dravyāntara | n. another thing gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-.  |
dṛḍhatara | mfn. Comparative degree firmer, harder  |
dṛśyetara | mfn. "other than visible", invisible  |
dṛśyetaratā | f.  |
druhaṃtara | mfn. ( trī-) overcoming the injurer or demon  |
drutatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) quicker, swifter ( drutataragati -gati- mfn.quicker in motion )  |
drutataragati | mfn. drutatara |
drutataram | ind. very quickly, as quickly as possible  |
duḥkhatara | n. greater pain, a greater evil than (ablative) (see above) . =  |
duḥkhottara | mfn. followed by pain  |
dūrāntara | n. a wide space, long interval  |
durgābhaktitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
durgāmṛtarahasya | n. (gām-) Name of work  |
durgataraṇī | &  |
duruttara | mfn. (fr. 1. uttara-) unanswerable  |
duruttara | mfn. (fr. 2. uttara-or Prakrit for dus-tara-) difficult to be crossed or overcome on |
duṣpratara | mfn. difficult to be passed or overcome  |
dustara | mfn. (see ṣ-ṭ-) difficult to be passed or overcome, unconquerable, invincible  |
dustaraṇa | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. (see ṣ-ṭ-) difficult to be passed or overcome, unconquerable, invincible '  |
dviguṇatara | mfn. Comparative degree  |
dviguṇataram | ind.  |
dvipadāntara | m. (with ratkaṃtara-), Name of a sāman-  |
dvīpāntaravacā | f. Smilax China  |
dviśatottarasāhasra | mf(ī-)n. consisting of a 1200  |
dvyantara | mf(ā-)n. separated by 2 intermediate links  |
dvyekāntara | mfn. separated by two or by one (degree)  |
ekaikatara | mfn. one by one (out of many)  |
ekāntara | mfn. separated by one intermediate (caste)  |
ekāntara | mfn. next but one, one removed from  |
ekāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
ekatara | mfn. (n. am-,not at-by vArttika on ) one of two, either, other etc.  |
ekatara | mfn. (rarely) one of many,  |
ekāvalitarala | m. Name of commentary on the above works.  |
ekāvalītarala | m. Name of commentaries on the above work.  |
ekottara | mfn. greater or more by one, increasing by one  |
gāḍhatara | in compound ind. more tightly or closely or firmly,  |
gāḍhataram | ind. more tightly or closely or firmly, |
gāḍhataram | ind. more intensely  |
gaṇābhyantara | m. "one of a troop or corporation", a member of any (religious) association, .  |
gaṅgāvataraṇa | n. (gāv-) "Ganges-descent", Name of a poem  |
gaṅgāvataraṇacampūprabandha | m. Name of a poem by śaṃkara-dīkṣita-.  |
garbhāvataraṇa | n. idem or 'f. "descent of the foetus into a womb", conception '  |
gargatara | m. an excellent representative of the garga- family,  |
gārgyatara | m. a garga- superior to a gārgya- or a superior gārgya-  |
garīyastara | mfn. greater  |
garjitarava | m. idem or 'n. crying, roaring (as of elephants or daitya-s) '  |
gatarasa | mfn. (anything) which has lost its flavour or sap, dried, withered  |
gāthāntara | m. Name of the fourth kalpa- or period of the world.  |
ghanetara | mfn. "opposed to solid", liquid  |
ghanottara | n. idem or 'n. equals na-vara- '  |
ghoraghoratara | mfn. (Comparative degree) extremely terrific (śiva-)  |
ghoratara | mfn. more terrible, very awful (see -ghoratara-.)  |
ghṛtarauḍhīya | m. plural the rauḍhīya-s who are desirous of ghee (nickname of a school) Va1rtt. 6  |
gocarāntaragata | mfn. being within the power of (genitive case)  |
gopālottaratāpinī | f. Name of an  |
gotara | m. (Comparative degree) a better ox  |
gotaraṇi | a kind of flower  |
grāmāntara | n. another village  |
granthavistara | m. a voluminous text  |
granthavistara | m. a multitude of grantha-s (of 32 syllables each)  |
gulmatarapaṇya | in compound wharf- and ferry-dues  |
guṇāntara | n. a different quality or kind of merit  |
guṇāntaraṃvraj | to obtain a better quality, become superior  |
guṇavattara | mfn. (Comparative degree) more excellent  |
guṇavistara | mfn. abounding in excellent qualities  |
guṇottara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. superior in merit or in good qualities '  |
guptarajasvalā | f. a girl who has begun to have her courses  |
gurutara | mfn. heavier, very heavy  |
gurutara | mfn. heavy,  |
gurutara | mfn. greater, worse, very hard or bad etc.  |
gurutara | mfn. more important, very important or valuable  |
gurutara | mfn. more venerable  |
gurutara | mfn. very venerable  |
hanumadaṣṭottaraśatanāman | n.  |
haribhaktitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
hariharāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
hariharāṣṭottaraśatanāmāvali | f. Name of work  |
hariṇāntara | m. a species of deer  |
hastaratnāvalī | f. Name of work on mimetic gestures with one or both hand.  |
hāsyatara | mfn. more ridiculous  |
hataratha | m. a chariot whose horses and charioteer are slain  |
hatottara | mfn. giving no answer  |
havirantaraṇa | n. passing over an oblation  |
hetvantara | n. another argument  |
hīnatara | mfn. worse, inferior  |
homasvarottara | n. Name of a tantra- work  |
hradāntara | n. another lake  |
hṛdayaprastara | mfn. stone-hearted, cruel  |
hṛdyatara | mfn. more pleasant or lovely  |
hṛtottara | mfn. deprived of an answer, left without a reply  |
iṣṭatara | mfn. more desired, more dear, dearer.  |
itara | mf(ā-)n. (the neuter is ad-in classical Sanskrit, but am-[ ad- ]in Vedic or Veda ;comparative form of pronominal base 3. i-; confer, compare Latin iterum; Hibernian or Irish iter), the other (of two), another  |
itara | mf(ā-)n. plural the rest  |
itara | mf(ā-)n. (with ablative) different from etc.  |
itara | mf(ā-)n. low, vile  |
itara | mf(ā-)n. expelled, rejected  |
itara | itara-, itara-, the one - the other, this - that. (itara-connected antithetically with a preceding word often signifies the contrary idea exempli gratia, 'for example' vijayāya itarāya vā-[ ],to victory or defeat;so in dvaṃdva- compounds, sukhetareṣu-[ ],in happiness and distress;it sometimes, however, forms a tat-puruṣa- compound with another word to express the one idea implied in the contrary of that word, exempli gratia, 'for example' dakṣiṇetara-,the left hand.)  |
itarad | ind. whereas, whilst  |
itarajana | m. an ordinary man  |
itarajana | m. plural "other men"  |
itarajana | m. a euphemistic name of certain beings who appear to be considered as spirits of darkness (kuvera- belongs to them)  |
itarajātīya | mfn. ordinary, common-place.  |
itarapāṇi | m. the left hand  |
itaratas | ind. otherwise than, different from  |
itaratas | ind. from or to another direction etc.  |
itaratas | ind. (itaścetarataśca-,hither and thither )  |
itarathā | ind. in another manner, in a contrary manner  |
itarathā | ind. perversely  |
itarathā | ind. on the other hand, else  |
itaratra | ind. elsewhere  |
itaratra | ind. on the other hand, else  |
itaretara | mfn. (occurring chiefly in oblique cases of singular and in compound;perhaps for itaras-itara-; see anyo'nya-, paras-para-), one another, one with another, mutual, respective, several  |
itaretara | n. or adverb mutually, etc. etc.  |
itaretarakāmyā | f. respective or several fancies or inclinations  |
itaretarapratyaya | mfn. dependent on each other  |
itaretarapratyayatva | n. mutual dependance  |
itaretarayoga | m. mutual connexion or relation (of the simple members, as in a dvaṃdva- compound) |
jaghanyatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) lower, inferior  |
jaiminīyanyāyamālāvistara | m. Name of a compendium of the mīmāṃsā- philosophy by mādhava-.  |
jainataraṃgiṇī | f. a history of Kashmir by śrī-vara-.  |
jalāśayāntara | n. another lake  |
jalataraṃga | m. a wave  |
jalataraṃga | m. a metal cup filled with water producing musical notes  |
jalataraṃgiṇī | f. a series of cups filled with water in varying quantities and played on as a musical inistrument by striking them successively with a wand or light hammer,  |
jananāntara | n. (another id est) a former life  |
janapadamahattara | m. the chief of a country  |
jaṅgametara | mfn. immovable  |
janmajanmāntara | n. every future life  |
janmāntara | n. "another birth or life", a former life  |
janmāntara | n. a future life  |
janmāntaragata | mfn. regenerated  |
jātarajas | f. a female who has the catamenia,  |
jātarasa | mfn. having taste or flavour  |
javanikāntara | n. an act in a saṭṭaka-.  |
jayottara | mfn. certain of victory, MBh,  |
jihmetara | mfn. "other than lazy", not dull  |
jitatara | mfn. more vanquished, .  |
juṣṭatara | (j/uṣ-) mfn. (Comparative degree) idem or '(j/uṣ-) mfn. (superl.) most welcome ' ,  |
jyeṣṭhatara | mfn. an elder one  |
kakṣāntara | n. an inner or private apartment.  |
kalāntara | (kalāntara-) n. interest  |
kālāntara | n. "interval, intermediate time"  |
kālāntara | n. "another time", opportunity  |
kālāntarakṣama | mfn. able to bear an interval of delay  |
kālāntaraviṣa | m. "venomous at certain times", an animal venomous only when enraged or alarmed (as a rat, etc.)  |
kālatara | m. (Comparative degree)  |
kālataraṅga | m. the first part of the smṛty-artha-sāgara- by nṛ-siṃha-.  |
kalisaṃtaraṇa | n. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
kālottara | n. Name of work  |
kālottaraśaivaśāstra | n. idem or 'n. Name of work '  |
kalpāntara | n. another kalpa-.  |
kalpetara | mf(ā-)n. having or requiring a different kind of treatment  |
kalūtara | varia lectio for kulūna- q.v  |
kalyāṇatara | mfn. more agreeable  |
kamalottara | n. safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius)  |
kandarāntara | n. the interior of a cave  |
kaṇvarathaṃtara | n. Name of several sāman-s.  |
kāraṇottara | n. answer to a charge, denial of the cause (of complaint; exempli gratia, 'for example' acknowledgment that a debt was incurred, but assertion that it has been repaid, etc.)  |
karmāntara | n. interval between religious actions, suspense of such an action  |
karmāntara | n. another work or action  |
kārotara | m. a filtering vessel or a cloth used to purify the liquor called surā-  |
kārottara | m. idem or 'm. the froth of surā- '  |
kārottara | m. a well  |
kārottara | mfn. followed by kāra-  |
kāryāntara | n. interval of business, leisure  |
kāryāntara | n. another affair commentator or commentary on  |
kāryāntarasaciva | m. the associate of a prince in his leisure hours  |
kaṣṭatara | mfn. worse, more pernicious  |
kaṣṭatara | mfn. more difficult  |
kaṣṭatara | n. a worse evil.  |
kaśyapottarasaṃhitā | f. Name of a dharma-śāstra-.  |
katara | mfn. (as-, a1-, at-). (comparative of 2. ka-;declined as a pronominal,Gram. 236) , who or which of two? whether of two? Analogously to katama- above katara- may occasionally be used to express"who or which of many?" (exempli gratia, 'for example' katarasyāṃ diśi-,in which quarter?) , and may optionally be compounded with the word to which it refers (exempli gratia, 'for example' kataraḥ kaṭhaḥ-or katara-kaṭhaḥ-)  |
katara | mfn. in negative sentences katara- with cana- = neither of the two (exempli gratia, 'for example' na kataraś-cana jigye-), neither of the two was conquered ; ([ confer, compare Zend kata1ra; Greek , ; Gothic hvathar; English whether; Latin uter; Old German huedar; Slavonic or Slavonian kotoryi.])  |
kātara | mf(ā-)n. (etymology doubtful, perhaps from katara-,"uncertain as to which of the two" ) , cowardly, faint-hearted, timid, despairing, discouraged, disheartened, confused, agitated, perplexed, embarrassed, shrinking, frightened, afraid of (locative case or infinitive mood or in compound)  |
kātara | m. a kind of large fish (Cyprinus Catla, kātala-)  |
kātara | m. Name of a man (See kātarāyaṇa-)  |
kātara | n. (in sa-kātara-) "timidity, despair, agitation."  |
kātaratā | f. cowardice, timidity, agitation  |
kataratas | ind. on which of the two sides?  |
katarathā | ind. in which of two manners or ways?,  |
kātaratva | n. cowardice, timidity, agitation  |
kathāntara | (kathāntara-) n. the course of a conversation  |
kaulitara | mfn. ? (said of the demon śambara-)  |
kaulūtara | See lūta-.  |
kavitara | (kav/i--) mfn. wiser  |
kharatara | mfn. sharper, very sharp  |
kharatara | mfn. Name of jineśvara- (who in 1024 A.D. overcame the caitya-vāsin-s and founded the gaccha-of the śvetāmbara-s called after him).  |
kimantara | mf(ā-)n. being at what distance from each other?  |
kiṃcitkṣaṇāntara | ind. kiṃcit kṣaṇāntaram- accusative for a moment  |
kīrtitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
krametara | mfn. not arranged according to the krama-pāṭha- gaRa ukthādi-.  |
krāmetaraka | mfn. one who studies or knows a krametara- text gaRa ukthādi-.  |
kriyāntara | n. interruption of an action  |
kriyāntara | n. another action  |
kṛṣṇalīlātaraṃgiṇī | f. "description of kṛṣṇa-'s sports", Name of a poem by nārāyaṇa-tīrtha-.  |
kṛṣṇāmṛtataraṃgikā | f.  |
kṛṣṇāntara | n. the loadstone  |
kṛtāntara | mfn. one who has prepared a passage to any object (genitive case)  |
kṛtaratha | m. Name of a grandson of maru-  |
kṛtarava | mfn. making a cry, sounding, singing.  |
kṛtsnatara | mfn. more complete in number  |
kṣaṇāntara | n. "the interval of a moment"  |
kṣemaṇīyatara | n. better health,  |
kṣematara | n. a more comfortable state, greater happiness  |
kṣetratara | (kṣ/etra--) n. any place or country very fit for being cultivated  |
kṣiptottara | n. (scilicet vacas-,speech)"the answer of which is destroyed or rendered impossible" , unanswerable speech  |
kṣīrataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of a grammar (by kṣīra-svāmin-).  |
kumudottara | m. Name of a varṣa-  |
kuntara | m. (equals kuntala-) the hair  |
kuśaletara | n. misfortune, calamity,  |
labdhāntara | mfn. one who has found an opportunity ( labdhāntaratva -tva- n.)  |
labdhāntara | mfn. one who has got access or admission  |
labdhāntaratva | n. labdhāntara |
laghukhartara | m. Name of a family  |
laghulalitavistara | m. Name of work  |
laghuprayatnatara | mfn. laghuprayatna |
laghutara | mfn. more quick, lighter, easier etc. (= laghīyas-)  |
lakṣāntara | n. a distance of 100,000 (yojana-s)  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhamahāṣṭottara | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhamahāṣṭottarabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmyaṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmyaṣṭottaraśatastotra | n. Name of work  |
lalitaratnamalā | f. Name of dramas.  |
lalitāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. plural Name of work (tāṣ-)  |
lalitavistara | m. Name of a sūtra- work giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha-.  |
lalitavistarapurāṇa | n. Name of a sūtra- work giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha-.  |
liṅgakāraṇatāsiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
lohitarasa | (l/ohita-.) mfn. having red juice  |
lokāntara | n. another world, the next world, a future life (raṃ- gam-or yā-,to go into the next world, die)  |
lokāntaragata | mfn. gone to another world, deceased, dead. ( )  |
lokāntaraprāpta | mfn. gone to another world, deceased, dead. ( )  |
lokāntarastha | mfn. gone to another world, deceased, dead. ( )  |
lokottara | mf(ā-)n. excelling or surpassing the world, beyond what is common or general, unusual, extraordinary etc.  |
lokottara | mf(ā-)n.(in the beginning of a compound) ind.  |
lokottara | m. an uncommon person  |
lokottara | m. or n. (?) Name of work  |
lokottaraparivarta | m. Name of work  |
lokottaravādin | m. plural Name of a Buddhist school (prob. so called from their pretending to be superior to or above the rest of the world)  |
madhyākṣaravistaralipi | f. Name of a particular kind of written character  |
madhyamoccaistara | mf(ā-)n. half loud and very loud  |
mahādevāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
mahāmohasvarottaratantra | n. Name of work  |
mahātripurasundarītāpanīyopaniṣadaryuttaratāpanī | f. Name of two upaniṣad-s.  |
mahattara | mfn. greater or very great or mighty or strong  |
mahattara | m. the oldest, most respectable, chief, principal (f(ā-). )  |
mahattara | m. the head or oldest man of a village  |
mahattara | m. a śūdra- (?)  |
mahattara | m. a courtier, chamberlain  |
mahattara | m. Name of a son of kaśyapa- (or of kāśyapa-)  |
mahattaraka | m. a courtier, chamberlain |
mahāvistara | mfn. very extensive or copious  |
mahimātaraṃga | m. Name of work  |
mahimataraṃgaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
mahyuttara | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio samantara-and brahimottara-).  |
mahyuttara | See .  |
mallabandhāntara | (prob.) n. a particular posture with wrestlers  |
mallāryaṣṭottaraśataka | n. Name of work  |
mallāryaṣṭottaraśatanāmāvalī | f. Name of work  |
mamattara | mfn. equals balavat-tara- ( )  |
mānasottara | n. Name of a mountain (see uttaramānasa-).  |
manasvitara | mfn. wiser, cleverer  |
mānavottara | n. Name of a sāman-  |
mandatara | mfn. more or very slow etc. ( mandataram am- ind.)  |
mandataram | ind. mandatara |
mandratara | (mandr/a--) mfn. most or more pleasant or charming  |
mañjutara | mfn. more or most lovely or charming  |
manoharatara | mfn. more or most fascinating or beautiful ( manoharataratva ratva- n. )  |
manoharataratva | n. manoharatara |
manorathāntara | m. "innermost desire", beloved object or person  |
manvantara | n. the period or age of a manu- (it comprises about 71 mahā-yugas-[q.v.], which are held equal to 12, 000 years of the gods or 4, 320, 000 human years or 1/14th of a day of brahmā-;each of these periods is presided over by its own special manu- [see manu-,];six such manv-antara-s have already elapsed, and the 7th, presided over by manu- vaivasvata-, is now going on; 7 more are to come, making 14 manv-antara-s, which together make up one day of brahmā-) (especially i, 79) etc. |
manvantara | etc. See .  |
manvantaravarṇana | n. Name of chapter of  |
matāntara | n. another opinion or creed or sect  |
mātarapitarau | See .  |
mātarapitarau | m. (Nominal verb dual number) mother and father, parents  |
mattara | mfn. Comparative degree  |
medhyatara | mfn. more pure, purer  |
mithyottara | n. (in law) false or prevaricating reply  |
mohacūḍottara | n. Name of work  |
mohacūḍottaraśāstra | n. Name of work  |
mohaśūlottara | n. Name of work  |
mokṣāntaraṅga | mfn. nearest or next to final emancipation  |
mṛdutīkṣṇatara | mfn. mṛdutīkṣṇa |
mṛgendrottara | n. Name of work  |
muhūrtaracana | n.  |
muhūrtaratna | n. Name of work  |
muhūrtaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
nadītara | mfn. crossing a river  |
nadītara | m. swimming across a river |
nāḍītaraṃga | m. a kind of poison (equals kākola-)  |
nāḍītaraṃga | m. an astrologer  |
nāḍītaraṃga | m. a ravisher, debaucher (equals ratahiṇḍaka- see nārī-t-)  |
nadītarasthala | n. landing-place, ferry  |
nadītarasthāna | n. landing-place, ferry  |
nairvāṇikamārgāvataraṇa | n. entering the path of nirvāṇa- (one of the 4 vaiśāradyani-or subjects of confidence of a buddha-)  |
narakottaraṇa | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
nārāyaṇāṣṭottaraśatastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
nārāyaṇatīrthataraṃga | m. Name of work  |
naretara | m. "different from men", a god  |
naretara | m. a beast or beast-like man  |
nārītaraṃgaka | m. a libertine, catamite (see nāḍī-t-).  |
navaraśataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
navasvastara | m. a bed or couch of fresh grass  |
navatara | (n/ava--) mfn. (Comparative degree) newer, younger, fresher (see n/avīyas-).  |
navetara | mfn. "other than new", old  |
navyamatarahasya | n.  |
nigūḍhatara | mfn. well concealed or hidden  |
nihīnatara | mfn. lower, worse  |
nihnavettara | n. an evasive reply or defence  |
nimeṣāntara | n. equals nimiṣ- (see under cārin-)  |
nimiṣāntara | n. the interval of a moment  |
nipuṇatara | mfn. more clever or perfect etc.  |
nipuṇataram | ind. equals next  |
nirākṛtānyottara | mfn. excluding every answer, irrefutable ( nirākṛtānyottaratva -tva- n.)  |
nirākṛtānyottaratva | n. nirākṛtānyottara |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. having no interval (in space or time), close, compact, dense, uninterrupted, perpetual, constant ( nirantaratā -tā- f.) etc.  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. faithful true  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. abounding in, full of (compound)  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. not other or different, identical etc.  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. not hidden from view  |
nirantaragrihavāsin | mfn. living in the next house  |
nirantaram | ind. closely, tightly, firmly,  |
nirantaram | ind. constantly, continually etc.  |
nirantaram | ind. immediately, at once  |
nirantarapayodharā | f. having closely contiguous breasts (clouds)  |
nirantaraśarīra | mfn. one whose body is densely transfixed with (arrows)  |
nirantaratā | f. nirantara |
nirantaraviśeṣa | mfn. (plural) being without difference in regard to (locative case), being treated alike  |
nīrataraṃga | m. a water-wave  |
nirṇayataraṇi | mf. Name of work  |
niruttara | mfn. having no superior  |
niruttara | mfn. answerless, silenced etc.  |
niruttara | n. equals -tantra- n. Name of a tantra-  |
nirvāṇayogottara | n. Name of work  |
nistaraṃga | mf(ā-)n. motionless, still  |
nistaraṇa | nis-tāra- etc. See nis-tṝ-.  |
nistaraṇa | n. passing over, going forth, coming out (of danger), rescue, deliverance  |
nistaraṇa | n. a means of success or rescue  |
nistaraṇīya | ( ) mfn. to be passed over or overcome or conquered.  |
nitāntarakta | mfn. very red  |
nitara | mfn. deeply fixed (in the earth), standing firm,  |
nītitaraṃga | m. Name of work  |
nṛsiṃhāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
nṛsiṃhottaratāpanīya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyamālāvistara | m. Name of work  |
nyāyāmṛtataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
nyūnatara | mfn. falling below a standard  |
nyūnataram | ind. still less  |
nyūnataram | ind. lower or deeper  |
ojastara | mfn. equals /ojīyas- commentator or commentary on  |
padāntara | n. an interval of one step (re sthitvā-,stopping after taking one step) (see a-pad-)  |
padāntara | n. another word  |
pādāntara | n. the interval of a step  |
padmāntara | m. a lotus-leaf  |
padmottara | m. Carthamus Tinctorius  |
padmottara | m. Name of a buddha-  |
padmottara | m. of the father of padma-  |
pādmottara | n. (prob.) = padma-- purāṇa-  |
padyāmṛtataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
pākṣāntara | n. an individual or particular case  |
pākṣāntara | n. another side or view of an argument  |
pāṇḍaretara | mfn. "other than white", black, dark  |
pāṇḍaretaravāsas | mfn. dark-robed  |
paṇḍitapraśnottara | n. Name of work  |
pāpatara | mfn. worse, more or very wicked  |
pāpiṣṭhatara | ( ) mfn. idem or '( ) ( ) mfn. idem or 'mfn. worst, lowest, most wicked or bad ' '  |
pāpīyastara | mfn. worse, more or most bad or wicked  |
parabrahmāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
parahitarakṣita | m. Name of an author  |
parāmarśasiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work |
parastaram | ( ) ind. further away, further  |
paratara | mfn. superl. and Comparative degree of para-.  |
parātaram | ind. further away  |
parātaram | See parā-, .  |
pārāvārataraṇārtham | ind. pārāvāra |
paretara | mfn. other than hostile, faithful, friendly  |
pāretaraṃgiṇi | ind. beyond the river  |
pārijātaratnākara | m. Name of work (prob. equals taka-ratn-)  |
pārijātaratnākara | m. pārijātaka |
parikātara | mfn. very timid or cowardly  |
pariṇītaratna | n. (with ) one of the 7 treasures of a cakra-vartin-  |
pariśiṣṭasiddhāntaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
paristara | m. strewing round or heaping together  |
paristara | m. a cover, covering (varia lectio pari-cchada-).  |
paristaraṇa | n. equals prec. etc.  |
paristaraṇī | f. a particular sacred text |
paristaraṇikā | f. a cow killed at a funeral ceremony (the limbs of the corpse being covered with its limbs) (see anu-st/araṇī-).  |
paristaraṇīya | mfn. fit to be strewed around, serving for a cover  |
parṇasaṃstara | m. having leaves for a bed, sleeping on leaves  |
paruṣatara | mfn. harsher, sterner  |
paruṣetara | mfn. other than rough, gentle, mild  |
paścāttara | mfn. following after (ablative)  |
paścimetara | mfn. "opposite of west", eastern  |
paścimottara | mf(ā-)n. northwestern (re-, ratas-and rasyām-[sc. diśi-],in the north-west)  |
paścimottaradikpati | m. "regent of the north-west", Name of the god of wind  |
paścimottarapūrva | mfn. (plural) western, northern, or eastern |
paṭahānantara | mfn. (speech) accompanied by the sound of a drum  |
paṭāntaram | (prob.) wrong reading for ntam-  |
patara | mfn. flying, fugitive  |
pāṭhāntara | n. "another reading", a variation of the text in a book or manuscript  |
pāṭhāntaraya | P. yati-, to have a varia lectio for (accusative)  |
pātratara | mfn. worthier than (ablative)  |
pattaraṅga | n. equals paṭṭa-r-  |
paṭutara | mfn. more or very sharp or clever etc. ( paṭutaram am- ind.)  |
paṭutaragir | mfn. having a shriller voice  |
paṭutaram | ind. paṭutara |
paṭutaravanadāha | m. a raging forest-fire,  |
paṭutaraviveka | mfn. of keen understanding  |
phaletaratā | f. the being other than fruit  |
pīnatarala | mfn. having a large central gem  |
pītarakta | mfn. yellowish-red, orange ( pītaraktacchāya -cchāya- mfn.orange-coloured)  |
pītarakta | m. equals next  |
pītaraktacchāya | mfn. pītarakta |
pītarambhā | f. a kind of Musa  |
pītarasa | m. whose juice is drunk  |
pītaratna | m. equals -maṇi-  |
pītaratnaka | m. a species of yellow gem (= go-meda-)  |
pitṛbhaktitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
pittarakta | n. plethora (see rakta-pitta-).  |
plakṣāvataraṇa | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
potaraka | m. or n. equals next  |
potarakṣa | m. "ship-governing", the rudder of a boat  |
prabalatara | mfn. stronger, very strong or mighty  |
prabhātarala | mfn. tremulously radiant, flashing  |
prabhūtaratna | m. Name of a buddha-  |
pradhānatara | mfn. more excellent, better  |
pradyumnottaracarita | n. " pradyumna-'s further deeds", Name of a poem.  |
prāguttara | mf(ā-)n. north-eastern  |
prāguttaradigbhāga | m. the north-eastern side of (genitive case) ( )  |
prāguttaradigvibhāga | m. the north-eastern side of (genitive case) ( )  |
prāguttaratas | ind. north-eastwards, to the north-east of (with ablative or genitive case) [ ]  |
prakāśetara | mfn. "other than visible", invisible  |
prakṛṣṭatara | mfn. prakṛṣṭa |
prākṛtarahasya | m. Name of work  |
prakṛtitarala | mfn. naturally changeful, volatile, fickle, dissolute  |
pramāṇāntara | n. another means of proof ( pramāṇāntaratā -tā- f.)  |
pramāṇāntaratā | f. pramāṇāntara |
pramāṇatara | n. a greater authority than (ablative; pramāṇataratva -tva- n.) |
pramāṇataratva | n. pramāṇatara |
pramattarajju | f. (?)  |
praṇipātarasa | m. "taking pleasure in submission", Name of a magical formula pronounced over weapons  |
prāṅnyāyottara | n. a defendant's plea that the charge against him has already been tried  |
prāntara | n. (pra-an-) a long desolate road  |
prāntara | n. the country intervening between two villages  |
prāntara | n. a forest  |
prāntara | n. the hollow of a tree  |
prāntaraśūnya | n. a long dreary road  |
prasādāntara | n. another (mark of) favour  |
prāsādaprastara | m. equals -tala-  |
praśastitaraṃga | m. Name of work  |
praśnottara | n. question and answer, a verse consisting of question and answer  |
praśnottaramālā | f. Name of work  |
praśnottaramālikā | f. Name of work  |
praśnottaramaṇimālā | f. Name of work  |
praśnottararatnamālā | f. Name of work  |
praśnottaratantra | n. Name of work  |
praśrayottara | mfn. (words) full of modesty or humbleness  |
prastara | etc. See pra-- stṛ-.  |
prastara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) anything strewed forth or about, a couch of leaves and flowers, (especially) a sacrificial seat etc.  |
prastara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') a couch of any material  |
prastara | m. a flat surface, flat top, level, a plain  |
prastara | m. a rock, stone  |
prastara | m. a gem, jewel  |
prastara | m. a leather bag  |
prastara | m. a paragraph, section  |
prastara | m. a tabular representation of the long and short vowels of a metre  |
prastara | m. musical notation  |
prastara | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio for pra-cara-)  |
prastarabhājana | n. a substitute for sacrificial grass.  |
prastaraghatanāpakaraṇa | n. an instrument for breaking or splitting stones  |
prastaraṇa | m. (orf(ā-).) a couch, seat (see rukma-pr-).  |
prastarasveda | m. inducing perspiration by lying on a straw-bed  |
prastarasvedana | n. inducing perspiration by lying on a straw-bed  |
prastāvāntaragata | mfn. occupied with something else, jātakam-.  |
prastāvataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
pratara | raṇa- etc. See pra-tṝ-.  |
pratara | m. passing over, crossing (see duṣ--and su-pr-)  |
pratara | m. Name of the joints (saṃdhī-) on the neck and of the spinal vertebrae  |
prātara | m. Name of a nāga-  |
prātara | m. varia lectio for pra-tāra- gaRa kṛśāśvādi-.  |
prātarabhivāda | m. morning salutation  |
prātaradhyeya | mfn. to be recited every morning  |
prātaragnihotrakālātikramaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work  |
prātarahna | m. equals -dina-  |
prātarahna | m. Name of a man equals āśa-  |
prataram | ( ) ind. further, more particularly, in future.  |
prataraṇa | mf(ī-)n. furthering, promoting, increasing (with āyuṣaḥ-,"prolonging life")  |
prataraṇa | n. going to sea, passing over, crossing etc. tarīt/ṛ- ( ),  |
prātaranta | mfn. ending in the morning, Scholiast or Commentator  |
prātaranuvāka | m. "morning recitation", the hymn with which the prātaḥ-savana- begins  |
prātarapavarga | mfn. ending in the morning, Scholiast or Commentator  |
prātaraśana | n. equals -āśa-  |
prātaraupāsanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
prātaravanega | m. morning ablution (ApSr. Scholiast or Commentator wrong reading neka-).  |
prathamataram | ind. first of all  |
prathametara | mfn. "other than first", the second  |
pratihāratara | m. See above  |
pratihataraya | mfn. whose current is impeded  |
pratijñāntara | (jñānt-) n. (in logic) a subsequent proposition on failure of the first  |
pratimanvantara | n. every manv-antara-  |
pratimanvantaram | ind. in each Manv-antara. ( )  |
pratīpataraṇa | n. sailing against the stream  |
pratisaṃstara | n. ( stṛ-) friendly reception  |
pratitara | m. ( tṝ-) a sailor, oarsman, ferryman  |
pratyanantara | mfn. being in the immediate neighbourhood of (genitive case)  |
pratyanantara | mfn. standing nearest (as an heir)  |
pratyanantara | mfn. closely connected with, immediately following  |
pratyanantaram | ind. immediately after (ablative)  |
pratyanantaram | ind. next in succession  |
pratyārdratara | mfn.  |
pratyuttara | n. a reply to an answer, rejoinder, answer etc.  |
pratyuttara | etc. See p.664.  |
pravibhaktarasmi | mfn. having the rays distributed, distributing rays |
pravistara | m. circumference, compass. extent (reṇa-,"in great detail") .  |
prāyaścittarahasya | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittaratna | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittaratnamālā | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittataraṃga | m. Name of work (?) |
prekṣaṇīyatara | more sightly or beautiful  |
prītatara | mfn. more highly pleased  |
priyatara | mfn. dearer etc.  |
priyataratva | n. the being dearer to any one (locative case) than (ablative)  |
pṛthutara | mfn. broader, wider, larger, greater  |
puṇyatara | mfn. purer, holier  |
purārdhavistara | mfn. being of the extent of half a town  |
purārdhavistara | m. part of a town, a suburb, ward, division  |
puruṣāntara | n. another man or person, a mediator, interposer ( puruṣāntaram am- ind.by a mediator, indirectly )  |
puruṣāntara | n. another or a succeeding generation  |
puruṣāntara | n. ( puruṣāntaravedin -vedin- mfn.knowing the heart of mankind )  |
puruṣāntara | n. ( puruṣāntarātman rātman- m."man's inner self."the soul )  |
puruṣāntara | m. (sc. saṃdhi-) an alliance negotiated by warriors chosen by both parties  |
puruṣāntaram | ind. puruṣāntara |
puruṣāntaravedin | mfn. puruṣāntara |
pūrvatara | mfn. (p/ūrva--) earlier, previous, prior, anterior etc.  |
pūrvataram | ind. before, first, previously  |
pūrvavattara | mfn. antecedent, former  |
pūrvetara | mf(ā-)n. "other than eastern", western  |
pūrvottara | mf(ā-)n. north-eastern etc.  |
pūrvottara | mf(ā-)n. dual number or (in the beginning of a compound) the antecedent and subsequent, the preceding and following  |
pūrvottaraśānti | f. Name of work  |
pūṣāṣṭottara | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
puṣpāstaraka | m. ( )  |
puṣpāstaraṇa | n. ( ) the art of strewing flower (one of the 64 kala-s).  |
puṣpottara | m. or n. (with jaina-s) Name of a particular heaven  |
pustakāstaraṇa | n. the wrapper of a manuscript  |
pūtara | m. a particular aquatic animal (applied to an insignificant or mean person equals adhama-and opp. to kuñjara-)  |
rādhāmānataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of a poem (written in 1696).  |
rādhottaratāpanīyopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
rahitaratna | mfn. destitute of gems (also ratnarahita-).  |
rahitaratnacaya | mfn. destitute of heaps of gems  |
rājataraṃgiṇī | f. "stream (id est continuous history) of kings", Name of a celebrated history of the kings of kaśmīra- or Cashmere by kalhaṇa- (written A.D. 1148) and of some other chronicles of that country  |
rājataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of a woman  |
rājataraṃgiṇīsaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
rājataraṇī | f. globe amaranth  |
raktaraivataka | m. a species of fruit tree  |
raktatara | mfn. more red or attached etc. (See rakta-)  |
raktatara | n. equals rakta-gairika-  |
rāmacandranāmāṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work  |
rāmanāmāṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work  |
ramaṇīyatara | mfn. more charming or lovely ( ramaṇīyataratva -tva- n.)  |
ramaṇīyataratva | n. ramaṇīyatara |
rāmānujāṣṭottara | n. Name of work  |
rāmasaptaratna | n. Name of work  |
rāmāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
rāmataraṇī | f. a species of plant  |
rāmottaratāpanīya | n. the second part of rāma-tāpanīya- q.v  |
ramyāntara | mfn. pleasant at intervals, pleasantly diversified (said of a journey)  |
raṅganāthāṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work  |
raṅgataraṃga | m. Name of an actor,  |
raṅgataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of a poem.  |
raṅgāvataraṇa | n. "entering on the stage", the profession of an actor  |
rāṅkavāstaraṇa | n. a woollen coverlet  |
rasābhyantara | mfn. filled with water or love  |
rasāntara | n. difference of taste ( rasāntaravid -vid- mfn.knowing different tastes or flavours)  |
rasāntara | n. another pleasure or enjoyment  |
rasāntara | n. different passion or emotion  |
rasāntara | n. difference of the poetical rasa- or sentiment  |
rasāntaravid | mfn. rasāntara |
rasataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of various works.  |
rasavattara | mfn. more savoury, more delightful  |
rasāyanataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
rathaṃtara | n. (ratham- accusative) Name of various sāman-s etc.  |
rathaṃtara | m. a form of agni- (regarded as a son of tapas-)  |
rathaṃtara | m. a particular cosmic period  |
rathaṃtara | m. Name of a sādhya-  |
rāthaṃtara | mf(ī-)n. (r/āth-) relating to the rathaṃ-tara- sāman- etc.  |
rāthaṃtara | m. patronymic gaRa bidādi-  |
rathaṃtaracaraṇabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
rathaṃtarapāda | m. Name of work  |
rathaṃtarapṛṣṭha | mfn. having the sāman- rathaṃtara- for a stotra- called pṛṣṭha-  |
rathaṃtarasāman | mfn. having a rathaṃtara- for a sāman-  |
rathaṃtaravarṇa | mf(ā-)n. being of the kind of the sāman- rathaṃtara-  |
rathāntara | m. wrong reading for rathītara- q.v ( ),or for rathaṃ-tara-,"a particular cosmic period " ( )  |
rathāntara | n. another chariots commentator or commentary  |
rathītara | mfn. (rath/ī--) a better or superior charioteer  |
rathītara | m. Name of a teacher  |
rathītara | m. plural his descendants  |
rāthītara | m. (fr. rathī-tara- gaRa bidādi-) patronymic of satya-vacas-  |
ratnakośamatarahasya | n. Name of work  |
rekhāntara | (rekhānt-) n. geographical longitude, distance east or west from the first meridian  |
revantottara | prob. n. Name of work (varia lectio revatottara-).  |
revatottara | prob. n. Name of work (varia lectio revantottara-).  |
revottaras | m. Name of a man  |
rohitakūlīyottara | n. rohitakūlīya |
ṛṣabhatara | m. a small bull  |
rukmaprastaraṇa | (rukm/a--) mfn. having a gold-ornamented outer garment  |
rūpataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of several works.  |
śābdabodhataraṃgiṇī | f. a modern grammar by īśvarīdatta-.  |
śabdāntarapāda | m. Name of work  |
śabdataraṃga | m. Name of work  |
śabdataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
sabhātaraṃga | m. Name of work on polite conversation in Sanskrit (by jagan-nātha-miśra-).  |
sabhyetara | mfn. "other than refined", vulgar, indecorous, opposite to good manners  |
sādhutara | mfn. better than (ablative)  |
ṣaḍuttara | mfn. larger by six  |
saduttara | n. a proper answer, good reply  |
sadvṛttaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
sadvṛttaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
sahajetara | mfn. other than natural, not innate or inherent or congenital, accidental  |
sāhasaikāntarasānuvartin | mfn. one who follows or yields to the one passion of cruelty or rashness  |
sahitottara | n. a bow weighing 500 pala-s  |
sāhityataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
sakātara | mfn. cowardly, timid ( sakātaram am- ind.)  |
sakātaram | ind. sakātara |
śākhāntara | (khān-) n. another Vedic school  |
śāktamataratnasūtradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
śāktānandataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work compiled for the use of the śākta-s from the tantra-s and purāṇa-s.  |
sakusumāstaraṇa | mfn. strewn with flowers  |
samadhikatara | mfn. more abundant, exceeding, excessive  |
samadhikatararūpa | mfn. more beautiful thin (ablative)  |
samanantara | mf(ā-)n. immediately contiguous to or following (ablative or genitive case; yaccātra sam-anantaram-,"and what is immediately connected with it")  |
samanantaram | ind. immediately behind or after (genitive case or ablative or compound)  |
samāntara | mfn. (for 2. samānt-See under samā-) being a constant unit of difference (in measurement; exempli gratia, 'for example'"if a man forms the unit, a horse is tri-samāntar aḥ- id est = three men ")  |
samāntara | mfn. parallel  |
samāntara | n. (mān-) (for 1. samān-See column 1) the interval of a year  |
samantara | m. pl, Name of a people  |
samantaraśmi | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
sāmānyatara | mfn. more common  |
sāmānyatara | mfn. very common-place or insignificant  |
samārabdhatara | mfn. more frequent  |
samarakātara | m. "timid in battle", Name of a general  |
sāmarathaṃtara | n. Name of a sāman- (said to have been created from brahmā-'s mouth)  |
samarthatara | mfn. more (or most) competent, capable etc.  |
sambhāvitatara | mfn. more honoured or esteemed, more confided in  |
saṃgītanṛttaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
saṃgītaraghunandana | m. Name of work  |
saṃgītaratna | n. Name of work  |
saṃgītaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
saṃgītaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
saṃgītaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
saṃgītavṛttaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
samīpatara | mfn. nearer  |
samīpataravartin | mfn. being nearer at hand, neighbouring  |
samitsamāropaṇaprātaraupāsanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
śaṃkaranārāyaṇāṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work  |
sāṃkhyataraṃga | m. Name of a modern commentator or commentary on the sāṃkhya-sūtra-.  |
saṃnatatara | mfn. more deepened, deeper  |
saṃnihitataratva | n. greater nearness  |
samottaratas | ind. directly northwards  |
samottaratas | samodaka- etc. See .  |
sampannatara | mfn. more or most dainty or delicate  |
sampūrṇatara | mfn. more filled, very full  |
saṃrabdhatara | mfn. more or most excited or angry  |
saṃsārakāntara | m. n. idem or 'n. the world compared to a forest Scholiast or Commentator on (in a quotation).'  |
saṃsārataraṇi | f. Name of work  |
saṃsārataraṇi | f. Name of work  |
saṃskṛtaratnamālā | f. Name of work |
saṃstara | raṇa- See saṃ-stṛ-.  |
saṃstara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a layer (of grass or leaves), bed, couch etc.  |
saṃstara | m. a scattered mass (of flowers etc.)  |
saṃstara | m. a covering, cover  |
saṃstara | m. scattering, strewing (varia lectio for -staraṇa-)  |
saṃstara | m. spreading, extension, propagation (of laws or customs)  |
saṃstara | m. a sacrifice or the ritual arrangements for a sacrifice (generally in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',as in yajña-s-)  |
saṃstaraṇa | n. a layer (of leaves etc.), couch  |
saṃstaraṇa | n. strewing, covering over (varia lectio -stara-)  |
saṃtaptarajata | n. molten silver  |
saṃtaram | or saṃ-tar/ām- ind. (fr. 2. s/am-+ t-) more together  |
saṃtaraṇa | etc. See saṃ-tṝ-.  |
saṃtaraṇa | mfn. conveying over or across, bringing out of (a danger)  |
saṃtaraṇa | n. the act of crossing over or passing through (compound)  |
samuddhatataraṃgin | mfn. (a river) whose waves are heaving or swelling  |
samuttara | n. equals uttara-, answer, reply  |
sāndratara | mfn. more (or most) vehement or intense ( sāndrataram am- ind.)  |
sāndrataram | ind. sāndratara |
sañjatara | n. Name of a city (prob. wrong reading)  |
śaṅkhāntara | n. "the space between the temples", the forehead  |
śaṅkhāntaradyotin | mfn. shining in the forehead  |
sannatara | mfn. more depressed, very weak or feeble  |
sannatara | mfn. (in gram.) lower (in tone or accent), more depressed than the ordinary accentless tone (equals anudātta-tara-)  |
sāntara | mf(ā-)n. having an interval or interstices  |
sāntara | mf(ā-)n. different (opp. to eka-rūpa-)  |
sāntara | mf(ā-)n. having an intervening clause or appendix  |
sāntara | mf(ā-)n. not close or compact, open in texture  |
sāntara | mf(ā-)n. mixed or mingled with others  |
śāntarajas | mfn. dustless or passionless (literally"having dust or passion allayed")  |
sāntarapluta | n. a manner of jumping (= plavanāntaritā gatiḥ- )  |
śāntarasa | m. the sentiment of quietism or tranquillity  |
śāntarasanāṭaka | n. Name of a drama.  |
śāntaraśmi | mfn. one whose rays are extinguished or dimmed (as the sun)  |
śāntarava | mfn. uttering auspicious sounds  |
śāntaraya | mfn. slackened in speed  |
śāntaraya | m. Name of a son of dharma-sārathi-  |
sāntarottara | n. receiving (as a gift) more than one under and upper garment (in contravention of monastic rules)  |
sanutara | mfn. furtive, clandestine  |
śapanatara | (śapan/a--) mfn. inclined to cursing  |
śapathottaram | ind. with oaths  |
saptabhaṅgītaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
saptarakta | n. sg. the 7 red-coloured parts of the body (viz. palms of hands, soles of feet, nails, eye-corners, tongue, palate, lips)  |
saptaraśmi | mfn. (t/a--) 7-roped  |
saptaraśmi | mfn. (perhaps) 7-tongued ; 7-rayed  |
saptaraśmi | m. Name of agni-  |
sāptarathavāhani | m. a patronymic  |
saptaratna | n. Name of various works.  |
saptaratnamaya | mf(i-)n. consisting of 7 gems  |
saptaratnapadmavikārin | m. Name of a buddha- (varia lectio -padma-vikrāntagāmin-)  |
saptottara | mfn. having 7 in addition (exempli gratia, 'for example' raṃ śatam-,100 + 7 id est 107)  |
sāratara | n. the better, something excellent (sārāt sārataram-,"the best or most excellent of all")  |
sāratara | mf(ā-)n. better, more excellent on  |
sāratara | mf(ā-)n. more precious, dearer  |
sārataratā | f. the being better or having more virtue  |
śāriprastara | m. Name of a gambler  |
śarīrāntara | n. another body  |
śarīrāntaracārin | mfn. acting in another body  |
sarpetarajana | m. plural the serpent-race and the itara-jana-  |
sārtarava | mfn. uttering wailing sounds, lamenting  |
sarvābhyantara | mfn. the innermost of all.  |
sarvadharmottaraghoṣa | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
sarvajñānottaravṛtti | f. Name of work |
sarvāntara | ( ) ( ) mfn. being in everything.  |
sarvāntarastha | ( ) mfn. being in everything.  |
sarvatara | compound of sarva-  |
sarvopaniṣatsārapraśnottara | n. Name of work  |
sarvottaratvābhidhāna | n. Name of work  |
sastara | m. having leaves strewn so as to form a bed  |
sāstaraṇa | mf(ā-)n. together with a carpet or rug,  |
śatarañjinī | f. Name of work  |
śataratha | m. Name of a king  |
satpratipakṣasiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
satyatara | mfn. more or very true  |
satyetara | n. untruth, falsehood  |
satyottara | n. admission of the truth, confession (in law)  |
satyottara | mf(ā-)n. mainly or essentially true  |
sauradharmottara | m. Name of work  |
saviśeṣataram | ind. saviśeṣam |
savistara | mf(ā-)n. having diffuseness, diffuse, detained, complete ( savistaram am- ind.)  |
savistara | mf(ā-)n. with the texts belonging to it (id est to the veda-)  |
savistaram | ind. savistara |
savitara | Nom. P. rati-, to be like the sun, resemble the sun (see next)  |
savyetara | mfn. "other than left", right etc.  |
savyetara | n. a particular mode of fighting  |
savyetaratas | ind. left and right  |
sāyamprātaragnihotrahoma | m. Name of work  |
sāyamprātaragnihotraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
sāyamprātaraupāsanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
śayyāntara | (śayyānt-) n. the interior or middle of a bed (re-,in bed)  |
śayyātara | mf(ī-)n. affording refuge  |
siddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntaratna | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
siddhimanvantara | n. Name of a place  |
śīghratara | mfn. more quick, very swift  |
śīghrataragati | mfn. moving more swiftly  |
śīghrataram | ind. (as swiftly as possible)  |
sikatottara | mfn. abounding in sand, sandy  |
sīmāntara | (mān-) n. the boundary of a village  |
śiśiratara | mfn. more cool, very refreshing  |
śītalatara | mfn. more cool, colder  |
sitarakta | mf(ā-)n. white and red  |
sītārāmāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
śītaramya | mfn. pleasant in cold weather  |
śītaramya | m. a lamp  |
sitarañjana | mfn. yellow  |
sitarañjana | m. yellow (the colour)  |
śītarasa | m. spirituous liquor made from the unboiled juice of the sugar-cane  |
śītarasika | mfn. having or causing a cold flavour  |
śītaraśmi | mfn. cool-rayed ( śītaraśmitva -tva- n.)  |
śītaraśmi | m. the moon  |
śītaraśmi | m. Var camphor  |
sitaraśmi | m. "white-rayed", the moon  |
śītaraśmija | m. "son of the moon", the planet Mercury  |
śītaraśmitva | n. śītaraśmi |
sītāṣṭottaraśatanāmāvali | (tāṣ-) f.  |
sitatara | mfn. extremely white  |
śītetara | mfn. other than cold, hot  |
sitetara | mfn. "other than white", black, dark, blue  |
sitetara | mfn. white and black  |
sitetara | m. a kind of dark-coloured rice  |
sitetara | m. Dolichos Uniflorus  |
sitetaragati | m. "having a black course", fire  |
śītetararaśmi | m. "hot-rayed", the sun. (L.)  |
sitetarasaroja | n. a blue lotus  |
śivadharmottara | n. Name of a sequel of the prec. work  |
śivādyaṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
śivanāmāṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work  |
śivāṣṭottarabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
śivāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work  |
śivatara | mfn. more (or most) prosperous or fortunate  |
śivatara | mfn. very complacent  |
śivetara | mfn. "other than propitious", malignant, inauspicious  |
ślāghanīyatara | mfn. more (or most) praiseworthy etc.  |
ślāghyatara | ( ) mfn. more praiseworthy or laudable etc.  |
ślakṣṇatara | mfn. more or most slippery or smooth etc.  |
smottara | mfn. uttara |
smṛtikālataraṃga | m. Name of work  |
smṛtyantara | n. another law-book  |
śokāntara | mfn. free from sorrow, (/a-ś- )  |
śokatara | mf(ā-)n. conquering sorrow  |
sottara | mfn. with or connected with a wager or bet  |
sottarapaṇa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. with or connected with a wager or bet '  |
spardhyāstaraṇavat | mfn. covered with a valuable carpet  |
spaṣṭatara | mfn. more or most evident or clear or intelligible  |
spaṣṭetara | mfn. "other than clear", indistinct, unintelligible  |
sphurattaraṃgajihva | mfn. having tongue-like tremulous waves (said of a river)  |
sphuṭatara | mfn. more (or most) distinct or clear ( sphuṭataram am- ind.)  |
sphuṭataram | ind. sphuṭatara |
srastara | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a couch or sofa for reclining (often varia lectio prastara-)  |
śrautapraśnottaravyavasthā | f. rules for sacrificial rites in the form of question and answer.  |
śravaṇakātaratā | f. anxiety for hearing  |
śreṣṭhatara | mfn. more excellent, better than (ablative)  |
śreyaskaratara | mfn. more efficacious for securing happiness  |
śreyastara | mfn. very much better  |
śrīmālinīvijayottara | n. Name of work  |
śrīmatottara | n. Name of work  |
śrīnivāsabrahmatantraparakālasvāmyaṣṭottaraśata | n. Name of work  |
śrīraṅganāthāṣṭotaraśata | n. Name of work  |
śrīvidyottaratāpinī | f. Name of work  |
śṛṅgāntara | n. the space or interval between the horns (of a cow etc.)  |
śṛṅgārataraṃginī | f. Name of a bhāṇa- and other works.  |
śṛṅgāravairāgyataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of a jaina- poem by soma-prabhācārya-.  |
sṛṣṭyantara | m. the offspring of intermarriage between the four original castes (created by brahmā-)  |
sṛṣṭyantaraja | m. the descendant of such offspring  |
śrutaprakāśikācāryakṛtarahasyatraya | n. Name of vedānta- work  |
śrutaratha | (śrut/a--) mfn. possessing a renowned chariot (others"Name of a man")  |
srutottarapaṭa | mfn. having the upper garment slipped down  |
stambhitarambha | n. Name of a troṭaka- (see rambhā-stambhana-)  |
stanāntara | n. the space between the breasts, centre of the chest (of men and women)  |
stanāntara | n. the heart (as between the breast)  |
stanāntara | n. a mark on the breast (indicating future widowhood)  |
stanyāvataraṇa | n. the inspissation of milk  |
stara | staraṇa-, stariman- etc. See .  |
stara | m. (see pra--, vi--, sva-stara-) a layer, stratum  |
staraṇa | n. the act of spreading or strewing or scattering (especially the sacrificial grass)  |
staraṇa | n. the plastering (of a wall) (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
staraṇīya | mfn. to be spread or strewn or scattered  |
sthalāntara | n. another place  |
sthalatara | n. a higher place  |
sthānāntara | n. another place  |
sthānāntaragata | mfn. gone to another place, gone away  |
sthiratara | mfn. more (or most) firm or fixed or immovable  |
sthirataradṛś | mfn. with steady eyes  |
sthūlatara | mfn. more bulky, bigger, larger, very large  |
subhāṣitarasāsvādajātaromāñcakañcuka | mfn. having (as it were) armour consisting of bristling (or thrilling) hairs produced by tasting the flavour of delightful words |
subhāṣitaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
subhāṣitaratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
subhāṣitaratnasaṃdoha | m. Name of work  |
śubhatara | mfn. more (most) auspicious or fortunate  |
śubhetara | mfn. other than auspicious, unlucky, unfortunate, evil, bad,  |
śuddhāntarakṣaka | m. a guardian of or attendant in the women's apartments, eunuch  |
śuddhāntarakṣī | f. a female guardian of the women's apartments  |
śuddhāntarayuj | f. change of mode or key in music (wrong reading śuddhānta-yuj-).  |
sudustara | ( ) mfn. very difficult to be passed or crossed.  |
suguptatara | mfn. well hidden  |
sujanetaramaitrī | f. the friendship of a bad man  |
sukarataraka | mfn. very easy to be done  |
sukhatara | See above under sukha-.  |
sukhetara | mfn. other than happy, unfortunate  |
sukhetara | n. plural joys and sorrows  |
śukletara | mfn. other than white, black, dirty  |
śukrottara | m. (with jaina-s) Name of a kalpa- (q.v)  |
sukṛtarasa | m. the essence of merits or good deeds,  |
sūkṣmatara | mfn. scarcely audible (varia lectio for prec.)  |
sūkṣmatara | mfn. more (or most) subtle or minute  |
sūktaratnākara | m. Name of a mahā-kāvya- (q.v)  |
sukumāratara | mfn. more delicate  |
sulabhe |