tapas | n. warmth, heat (pañca tapāṃsi-,the 5 fires to which a devotee exposes himself in the hot season, viz. 4 fires lighted in the four quarters and the sun burning from above ; see ) | ||||||
tapas | n. pain, suffering | ||||||
tapas | n. religious austerity, bodily mortification, penance, severe meditation, special observance (exempli gratia, 'for example'"sacred learning"with Brahmans,"protection of subjects"with kṣatriya-s,"giving alms to Brahmans"with vaiśya-s,"service"with śūdra-s, and"feeding upon herbs and roots"with ṛṣi-s ) | ||||||
tapas | n. (personified, ,"father of manyu-" ) etc. | ||||||
tapas | n. (m. ) Name of a month intervening between winter and spring Va1rtt. 2 | ||||||
tapas | n. the hot season | ||||||
tapas | n. equals po-loka- | ||||||
tapas | n. the 9th lunar mansion (dharma-) | ||||||
tapas | n. Name of a kalpa- period | ||||||
tapasa | m. equals po-rāja- | ||||||
tapasa | m. a bird | ||||||
tapasīvan | mf(varī-)n. causing pain (?) | ||||||
tapasomūrti | m. (equals po-m-) Name of a ṛṣi- of the 12th manv-antara- | ||||||
tapaspati | (t/ap-) m. the lord of austerities | ||||||
tapastakṣa | m. "destroying the power of religious austerity", indra- (as disturbing the austerities of ascetics lest they should acquire too great power) | ||||||
tapastaṅka | m. "afraid of austerities" idem or 'm. "destroying the power of religious austerity", indra- (as disturbing the austerities of ascetics lest they should acquire too great power) ' | ||||||
tapastanu | mfn. equals paḥ-kṛśa- | ||||||
tapastanu | mfn. having penance as a body, | ||||||
tapastīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
tapasvat | mfn. (t/ap-) burning, hot | ||||||
tapasvat | equals po-v- | ||||||
tapasvikanyā | (OR tapasvikanyakā-) f. the daughter of an ascetic | ||||||
tapasvikanyakā | (OR tapasvikanyā-) f. the daughter of an ascetic | ||||||
tapasvin | mfn. () distressed, wretched, poor, miserable (Comparative degree -v/i-tara-) | ||||||
tapasvin | mfn. practising austerities, (m.) an ascetic (Comparative degree), (superlative degree -vi-tama-) (Comparative degree ) etc. | ||||||
tapasvin | m. a pauper | ||||||
tapasvin | m. equals paḥkara- | ||||||
tapasvin | m. a kind of karañja- tree | ||||||
tapasvin | m. nārada- | ||||||
tapasvin | m. Name of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa- | ||||||
tapasvin | m. of a ṛṣi- of the 12th manv-antara-, 482 | ||||||
tapasvinī | f. a female devotee, poor wretched woman | ||||||
tapasvinī | f. Nardostachys jaṭā-māṃsī- | ||||||
tapasvinī | f. Helleborus niger | ||||||
tapasvinī | f. equals mahāśrāvaṇikā- | ||||||
tapasvipattra | m. Artemisia | ||||||
tapasvīṣṭā | f. Prosopis spicigera | ||||||
tapasvitā | f. devout austerity | ||||||
tapasya | Nom. syati- () to undergo religious austerities (t/ap-) (A1. see 2. tapasya-) | ||||||
tapasya | mf(ā-)n. (fr. t/apas-) produced by heat | ||||||
tapasya | mf(ā-)n. belonging to austerity | ||||||
tapasya | m. () the second month of the season intervening between winter and spring (equals phālguna-) | ||||||
tapasya | m. arjuna- (equals phālguna-) | ||||||
tapasya | m. Name of a son of manu- tāmasa- | ||||||
tapasya | n. the flower of Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens | ||||||
tapasya | n. devout austerity (?, sye-taken as 1. sg. | ||||||
tapasyā | f. (fr. 1. tapasya-) idem or 'n. devout austerity (?, sye-taken as 1. sg. | ||||||
tapasyāmatsya | m. equals paḥ-kara- | ||||||
adhyayanatapasī | n. dual number study and penance. | ||||||
agnitapas | mfn. hot as fire, glowing | ||||||
agryatapas | m. Name of a muni- | ||||||
amṛtāṣṭamītapas | n. Name of work | ||||||
ātapas | Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (ablative) from burning or singeing | ||||||
atapas | mfn. one who neglects tapas- or the practice of ascetic austerities | ||||||
atapas | mfn. an irreligious character. | ||||||
atapaska | mfn. one who neglects tapas- or the practice of ascetic austerities | ||||||
atapaska | mfn. an irreligious character. | ||||||
atapasya | mfn. one who neglects tapas- or the practice of ascetic austerities | ||||||
atapasya | mfn. an irreligious character. | ||||||
ataptatapas | m. whose ascetic austerity has not been (fully) endured. | ||||||
atitapasvin | mfn. very ascetic. | ||||||
bahistapas | n. outward penance, | ||||||
bhaṇḍatapasvin | m. a hypocritical ascetic | ||||||
bṛhattapas | n. great self-mortification, a particular severe penance | ||||||
bṛhattapas | mfn. practising great self-mortification or austerity | ||||||
dīptatapas | mfn. fervent in devotion, of glowing piety | ||||||
dīrghatapas | mfn. performing long penances | ||||||
dīrghatapas | m. Name of several ṛṣi-s (also varia lectio for tamas-) | ||||||
jñānatapas | n. penance consisting in striving to attain knowledge | ||||||
kaṣṭatapas | m. one who practises severe austerities | ||||||
kutapasaptaka | n. a śrāddha- in which seven constituents occur (viz. noon, a horn platter, a Nepal blanket, silver, sacrificial grass, Sesamum, and kine) | ||||||
kutapasauśruta | m. Name of a man gaRa pārthivā | ||||||
kutapasvin | m. a wicked or bad ascetic | ||||||
mahātapas | mfn. very afflicted | ||||||
mahātapas | mfn. practising severe penance or great religious austerities | ||||||
mahātapas | m. a great ascetic | ||||||
mahātapas | m. Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
mahātapas | m. of śiva- | ||||||
mahātapas | m. of a muni- | ||||||
mahātapasvin | mfn. greatly afflicted equals -tapas- | ||||||
nitatatapas | ind. an onomatop. word to denote the speech of a stutterer | ||||||
pañcatapas | n. (in the beginning of a compound) the 5 fires (to which an ascetic who practices self-mortification exposes himself. viz. one fire towards each of the 4 quarters, and the sun overhead) | ||||||
pañcatapas | mfn. sitting between the 5 fires (see ) | ||||||
rohiṇītapas | n. Name of work | ||||||
saṃśitatapas | mfn. exposed or subjected to painful austerities or mortifications (said of a śūdra-) | ||||||
satapas | (s/a--) mfn. together with heat | ||||||
śātātapasmṛti | f. śātā | ||||||
satyatapas | m. "practising true austerity", Name of a muni- (who was once a hunter, but after performing severe austerities obtained from durvāsas- the boon of great saintship) | ||||||
sumahātapas | mfn. performing very severe penance or austerities, extremely austere | ||||||
sūryatapas | m. Name of a muni- | ||||||
sutapas | mfn. very heating or warming | ||||||
sutapas | mfn. practising severe austerity | ||||||
sutapas | m. an ascetic, hermit | ||||||
sutapas | m. the sun | ||||||
sutapas | m. (plural) Name of a class of gods under the eighth manu- (see su-tapa-) | ||||||
sutapas | m. of various ṛṣi-s and their sons under various manu-s | ||||||
sutapas | m. of other persons | ||||||
sutapasvin | mfn. practising great austerity or self mortification, | ||||||
śvetatapas | m. Name of a man | ||||||
taptatapas | mfn. practising austerities, (m.) an ascetic | ||||||
ugratapas | m. Name of a muni-. | ||||||
vṛddhaśātātapasmṛti | f. the law-book of vṛddha-- śaṅkha-. |
tapas | तपस् n. [तप्-असुन्] 1 Warmth, heat, fire, light; एकः सूर्यस्तपसो योनिरेका Mb.12.351.1. -2 Pain, suffering; न तपः कुतश्चन Rv.7.82.7. -3 Penance, religious austerity, mortification; तपः किलेदं तदवाप्तिसाधनम् Ku.5.64. -4 Meditation connected with the practice of personal self-denial or bodily mortification; गीरा वा$$शंसामि तपसा ह्यनन्तौ Mb.1.3.57.; Bhāg.12.11.24. -5 Moral virtue, merit. -6 Special duty or observance (of any particular caste); यत्सप्तान्नानि मेधया तपसाजनयत्पिता Bṛi. Up. 1.5.1. -7 One of the seven worlds; i. e. the region above the world called जनस्. -8 The month of religious austerities. -9 A long period of time, Kalpa. -1 (In astrol.) The ninth lunar mansion. -11 Chastisement (दण्ड); आयुः शक्तिं च कालं च निर्दिश्य तप आदिशेत् Mb. 12.267.35. -m. 1 The month of Māgha; तपसि मन्द- गभस्तिरभीषुमान् Śi.6.63. -2 An epithet of Agni. -m., -n. 1 The cold season (शिशिर). -2 The winter (हेमन्त). -3 The hot season (ग्रीष्म). -Comp. -अनुभावः the influence of religious penance. -अर्थीय a. destined for austerities; तपोर्थीयं ब्राह्मणी धत्त गर्भम् Mb.11.26.5. -अवटः the Brahmāvarta country. -कर a. undergoing penance; also तपस्कर> -करः the mango-fish (Polynemus Risua). -कृश a. emaciated by austerities. -क्लेशः the pain of religious austerity. -गच्छः (also तपागच्छः) the 6th गच्छ of the Śvetāmbara Jainas. -चरणम्, -चर्या the practice of penance. -तक्षः, -तङ्कः an epithet of Indra. -धन a. 1 rich in religious penance. -2 pious, ascetic. -3 consisting in penance, (-नः) 'rich in penance', an ascetic, devotee; रम्यास्तपोधनानां क्रियाः Ś.1.13; शमप्रधानेषु तपोधनेषु 2.7;4.1; Śi.1.23; R.14.19; Ms.11.242. -निधिः an eminently pious man, an ascetic; R.1.56. -निष्ठ a. performing penance; Ms.3.134; Y.1.221. -पतिः N. of Viṣṇu; Bhāg.4.24.14. -प्रभावः, -बलम् the power acquired by religious austerities; efficacy or potency of devotion. -भृत् a. ascetic, pious. -मूर्तिः 1 an ascetic. -2 the Supreme spirit. -मूल a. founded on religious austerity; तपोमूलमिदं सर्वं दैवमानुषकं सुखम् Ms.11.234. -यज्ञः sacrificing by austerites; Bg.4.28. -राजः the moon. -राशिः 1 an ascetic. -2 N. of Viṣṇu (पुरुषोत्तम). -लोकः the region above the world called जनस्; Bhāg.2.5.4. -वनम् a penance-grove, a sacred grove in which ascetics practise penance; कृतं त्वयोपवनं तपोवनमिति प्रेक्षे Ś1; R.1.9;2.18. -वासः a place of penance or religious austerities. -विशेषः excellence of devotion, pre-eminent religious austerities. -वृद्ध a. very ascetic or devout. -शील a. inclined to practise penance. -समाधिः the practice of penance or religious austerities; तपःसमाधेः प्रतिकूलवर्ती Ku.3.24;5.6,18. -सुतः N. of Yudhiṣṭhira; Mb.3.313.19. -स्थली 1 a seat of religious austerity. -2 N. of Benares. |
tapasaḥ | तपसः 1 The sun. -2 The moon. -3 A bird. |
tapasvat | तपस्वत् a. Ved. 1 Burning, hot; तपा तपिष्ठ तपसा तपस्वान् Rv.6.5.4. -2 Ascetic, devout, pious. |
tapasvin | तपस्विन् a. 1 Practising penance, devout. -2 Poor, miserable, helpless, pitiable; सा तपस्विनी निर्वृता भवतु Ś.4; Māl 3; N.1.l35. -m. 1 An ascetic; तपस्विसामान्यमवेक्ष- णीया R.14.67. -2 A mendicant, pauper. -3 An epithet of Nārada. -4 A sparrow. -5 A mango-fish; (see तपस्कर). -नी 1 female ascetic. -2 A poor or wretched woman. -Comp. -पत्रः the sun-flower. |
tapasvitā | तपस्विता 1 Religious penance. -2 Piety, devotion. |
tapasya | तपस्य a. Produced by heat. -स्यः 1 The month of Phālguna; Bhāg.12.11.4. -2 An epithet of Arjuna. -स्या Religious austerity, penance; (also m. and n.); अथास्य बुद्धिरभवत्तपस्ये भवतर्षभ Mb.13.1.13. |
tapasyati | तपस्यति Den. P. To practise penance; सुरासुरगुरुः सो$त्र सपत्नीकस्तपस्यति Ś7.9,12; R.13.41;15.49; Bk.18.21; स्थाणुं तपस्यन्तमधित्यकायाम् Ku.3.17. |
atapas | अतपस् स्क [न. ब.] One who neglects _x001F_-his religious austerities; अतपास्त्वनधीयानः Ms.4.19; an irreligious or impious man; इदं ते नातपस्काय Bg.18.67. |
tapas | táp-as, n. heat, x. 129, 3 [Lat. tep-or]. |
tapas | n. heat; fire (of which there are five, the four directed towards the cardinal points and the sun); torment; penance, self castigation, mortification, religious austerity, devotion; N. of a month(Jan.--Feb.); N. of one of the seven worlds (situated above Ganas). |
tapasvat | a. glowing, hot; ascetic, full of devotion, pious. |
tapasvin | a. tormented, afflicted, unfortunate; pious, devout; m. ascetic, reli gious devotee; -î, f. female ascetic. |
tapasya | a. produced from heat; m. N. of a month (February-March); â, f. religious austerity. |
tapasya | den. P. castigate oneself, mortify the flesh. |
agryatapas | m. N. of a sage; -ma hishî, f. chief consort. |
atapas | a. not practising penances; -ka, a. id. |
atitapasvin | a. very ascetic. |
kutapasvin | m. bad ascetic; -tarka, m. bad dialectics, sophistry. |
bahistapas | n. external asceticism. |
tapas | See Masa. |
tapas | tarpayāmi BDh.; 10.17.37. |
tapas | teja ākāśam TB. |
tapas | teja svadhāmṛtam JB.3.373c. |
tapasā | karma kavayo 'nugatya JB.2.74c. |
tapasā | tapasvī AVś.13.2.25b. |
tapasā | tvā Kauś.90.5. |
tapasā | tvāpam KS.22.8; Mś. See āpaṃ tvāgne tapasā. |
tapasā | devā devatām agra āyan TB.; TA.10.63.1a; MahānU.22.1a. Cf. tayā devā devatām. |
tapasā | parameṣṭhī KS.35.15. |
tapasā | brahmaṇā saha MS.4.9.13d: 134.8. |
tapasā | yujā vi jahi śatrūn RV.10.83.3b; AVś.4.32.3b; AVP.4.32.3b. |
tapasā | ye anādhṛṣyāḥ RV.10.154.2a; AVś.18.2.16a; TA.6.3.2a. Cf. tapasānā-. |
tapasā | ye svar yayuḥ (TA. suvar gatāḥ) RV.10.154.2b; AVś.18.2.16b; TA.6.3.2b. |
tapasā | sapatnān praṇudāmārātīḥ TB.; TA.10.63.1c; MahānU.22.1c. |
tapasājanayat | pitā śB.,2b; BṛhU.1.5.1b,2b. |
tapasānādhṛṣṭaḥ | TS.; KS.39.11. Cf. tapasā ye anādhṛṣyāḥ. |
tapasarṣayaḥ | (MahānU. -ṛṣayaḥ) suvar (TB. svar) anvavindan TB.; TA.10.63.1b; MahānU.22.1b. |
tapasas | tanūr asi prajāpater varṇaḥ VS.4.26; TS.;; MS.1.2.5: 14.10; KS.2.6; 24.6; śB. Ps: tapasas tanūr asi Apś.10.25.12; Mś.; tapasas tanūḥ Kś.7.8.20. |
tapasas | tan mahinājāyataikam RV.10.129.3d. See tamasas etc. |
tapasas-tapaso | 'gryaṃ tu RVKh.9.67.6c. |
tapasāsyānuvartaye | (Mś. -vartaya, mss. -vartaye) TB.,3c,5c,7c; Apś.8.4.2c; Mś. |
tapase | tvā VS.7.30; MS.1.3.16: 36.11; 4.9.3: 123.9; KS.4.7; śB.; TA.4.3.1; Apś.15.7.3. |
tapase | namaḥ KS.26.12; Apś.20.1.17. |
tapase | vā mahase vāvasṛṣṭā AVP.1.95.4b; 3.10.3b. |
tapase | śūdram VS.30.5; TB. |
tapase | svāhā VS.22.31; 39.12; MS.3.12.13: 164.7; KSA.5.6; TB.; 12.4.2. |
tapase | kaulālam VS.30.7. See śramāya kau-. |
tapasendreṇa | saṃśitam AVś.6.104.2b. |
tapasi | krāntaṃ salilasya pṛṣṭhe AVś.10.7.38b. |
tapasi | juhomi (Mś. adds svāhā) TA.3.6.1; Mś. |
tapasi | sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam TA.10.63.1d; MahānU.22.1d. |
tapaso | jātaṃ tapaso vibhūtam (VārG. tapaso 'bhibhūtam !) RV.10.183.1b; ApMB.1.11.1b; MG.1.14.16b; VārG.16.1b. |
tapaso | jātam anibhṛṣṭam ojaḥ TB. |
tapaso | 'dhy ajāyata RV.10.190.1b; TA.10.1.13b; MahānU.5.5b. |
tapaso | havir asi prajāpater varṇaḥ KS.13.11,12. See manaso etc. |
tapasyā | nāma sthāpaḥ svāhākṛtāḥ pṛthivīm āviśata Apś.10.14.1. |
tapasyābhyo | 'dbhyaḥ svāhā Kś.25.11.28. |
tapasyāya | tvā VS.7.30; MS.1.3.16: 36.11; KS.4.7; śB.; Mś. |
tapasyāya | svāhā VS.22.31; MS.3.12.13: 164.7. |
ātapas | te varṣam āsīt # AVP.9.11.6a. |
dīkṣātapasos | tanūr asi tāṃ tvā śivāṃ śagmāṃ paridadhe bhadraṃ varṇaṃ puṣyan # VS.4.2; śB. P: dīkṣātapasoḥ Kś.7.2.19. |
tapas | austerities | CC Adi 13.65 |
tapasā | austerity | SB 3.9.13 |
SB 5.2.15 | ||
tapasā | by a severe type of penance | SB 7.3.15-16 |
tapasā | by austerities | SB 10.20.21 |
SB 11.2.18 | ||
SB 4.31.11 | ||
SB 4.8.13 | ||
tapasā | by austerities and penances | SB 5.4.5 |
SB 9.16.28 | ||
tapasā | by austerity | SB 10.3.36 |
SB 10.80.34 | ||
SB 10.83.39 | ||
SB 4.11.28 | ||
SB 4.12.23 | ||
SB 4.28.38 | ||
SB 4.9.34 | ||
SB 5.1.12 | ||
SB 6.4.21 | ||
SB 8.14.4 | ||
SB 8.17.23 | ||
SB 9.18.5 | ||
tapasā | by austerity (the senses become purified) | SB 10.5.4 |
tapasā | by austerity or voluntary rejection of material enjoyment | SB 6.1.13-14 |
tapasā | by dint of austerity and penances | SB 9.1.18 |
tapasā | by executing austerities | SB 9.9.8 |
tapasā | by executing austerity | SB 9.6.32 |
tapasā | by his austerity | SB 10.86.53 |
SB 11.24.11 | ||
SB 11.7.45 | ||
tapasā | by penance | SB 11.20.32-33 |
SB 2.9.20 | ||
SB 2.9.24 | ||
SB 3.10.6 | ||
SB 3.12.18 | ||
SB 3.12.19 | ||
SB 3.20.52 | ||
SB 4.4.33 | ||
tapasā | by penances | SB 10.51.62 |
SB 10.60.52 | ||
SB 3.9.41 | ||
tapasā | by practicing austerities and penances | SB 5.5.10-13 |
tapasā | by serious penances | BG 11.53 |
tapasā | by severe austerities and penances | CC Madhya 22.52 |
SB 5.12.12 | ||
tapasā | by the austerities | SB 6.11.20 |
tapasā | by the austerity | SB 6.9.18 |
tapasā | by the austerity of meditation | SB 11.5.22 |
tapasā | by the difficult austerities | SB 7.4.1 |
tapasā | by the penance | BG 4.10 |
tapasā | by the same energy of penance | SB 2.9.24 |
tapasā | by the strength of your austerities | SB 6.7.31 |
tapasā | by their austerity | SB 4.24.14 |
tapasā | by your austerities | SB 6.4.43 |
tapasā | due to austerity | SB 7.14.41 |
tapasā | of austerities | SB 11.26.12 |
tapasā | of austerity | SB 11.18.9 |
tapasā | on account of austerity | CC Adi 6.75 |
tapasā | penance | SB 4.21.37 |
tapasā | under severe austerities | SB 4.30.3 |
tapasā | with austerity | SB 11.14.22 |
tapasā | with great austerities and penances | SB 10.9.9 |
tapasā | with severe austerities | SB 10.52.4 |
tapasā abhitaptam | highly advanced through practice of austerity and penance | SB 8.7.33 |
tapasā abhitaptam | highly advanced through practice of austerity and penance | SB 8.7.33 |
tapasaḥ | austerities | SB 11.12.7 |
SB 7.7.13 | ||
tapasaḥ | by austerity | SB 9.16.6 |
tapasaḥ | by dint of austerities | SB 1.5.22 |
tapasaḥ | by his severe austerity | SB 4.8.82 |
tapasaḥ | of great austerity | SB 11.24.14 |
tapasaḥ | of one who is engaged in penance | SB 2.9.23 |
tapasaḥ | of one whose austerities | SB 10.20.7 |
tapasaḥ | of our austerities | SB 5.17.3 |
tapasaḥ | of penance | SB 3.7.34 |
tapasaḥ | of the austerities | SB 10.84.21 |
SB 12.10.5 | ||
tapasaḥ | that Tapoloka | SB 8.20.34 |
tapasām | and penances and austerities | BG 5.29 |
tapasām | penances | SB 3.2.11 |
tapasām | whose austerities | SB 10.84.10 |
tapase | austerities | SB 11.17.42 |
tapase | for executing austerity | SB 4.24.14 |
tapase | for practicing austerities | SB 8.1.7 |
tapase | for the matter of penance | SB 3.12.20 |
tapase | for undergoing austerities | SB 4.29.81 |
tapase | severe penances | SB 2.7.8 |
tapase | to execute austerities | SB 7.7.2 |
tapase | to perform austerities | SB 10.50.32-33 |
tapasi | and austerity | SB 12.3.27 |
tapasi | austerity | SB 4.23.4 |
tapasi | for austerities | SB 4.1.17 |
tapasi | in austerities | SB 4.24.19 |
tapasi | in penance | BG 17.26-27 |
SB 2.9.7 | ||
SB 3.21.45-47 | ||
SB 3.9.38 | ||
tapasi | in severe austerities and penances | CC Madhya 22.42 |
CC Madhya 24.219 | ||
tapasi | in the austerity | SB 8.17.18 |
tapasvī | an ascetic | CC Madhya 24.15 |
tapasvī | great sage | SB 9.6.52 |
tapasvī | one who executes austerity | SB 5.2.2 |
tapasvī | persons who undergo severe penances | CC Madhya 24.216 |
tapasvī | Tapasvī | SB 8.13.28 |
tapasvibhyaḥ | than the ascetics | BG 6.46 |
tapasvinaḥ | experiencing agony | SB 11.23.13 |
tapasvinaḥ | for a vānaprastha, one who has adopted a life of austerities | SB 7.15.38-39 |
tapasvinaḥ | persons who are engaged in austerities | SB 10.4.40 |
tapasvinaḥ | the great learned sages | SB 2.4.17 |
tapasvinaḥ | the sages | SB 8.13.34 |
tapasvinaḥ | those engaged in severe austerities and penances | CC Madhya 22.20 |
tapasvinaḥ | those who have gone to the forest for austerities | SB 12.3.33 |
tapasvinaḥ | who was such a great mystic performing austerity | SB 9.6.50 |
tapasvinām | of persons undergoing severe penances | CC Madhya 24.217 |
tapasvinām | persons undergoing severe penances | SB 4.21.31 |
tapasvinām | suffering material pangs | SB 4.22.15 |
tapasvinam | undergoing great austerities and penances | SB 6.7.25 |
tapasvinau | who underwent great difficulties | SB 6.2.28 |
tapasvinī | ascetic | SB 1.13.39 |
tapasvinī | austere | CC Antya 3.16 |
tapasvinī | very strict in executing devotional service | CC Antya 2.104 |
tapasvinīm | an ascetic lady | SB 1.9.48 |
tapasvinyā | by the most fortunate | SB 5.8.23 |
tapasviṣu | in those who practice penance | BG 7.9 |
tapasyā | austerities | CC Antya 16.149 |
tapasya-ākhyam | the month known as Tapasya (Phālguna) | SB 12.11.40 |
tapasya-ākhyam | the month known as Tapasya (Phālguna) | SB 12.11.40 |
tapasyāra | of austerities | CC Antya 16.145 |
tapasyāra | of austerity | CC Antya 16.138 |
tapasyasi | austerities you perform | BG 9.27 |
tapasyasi | you perform as austerity | CC Madhya 8.60 |
tapasyatā | who is always engaged in meditation | SB 10.4.36 |
alpa-tapasaḥ | of one whose austerity is meager | SB 3.7.20 |
alpa-tapasaḥ | by a person not advanced in spiritual life | CC Madhya 11.32 |
atapaskāya | to one who is not austere | BG 18.67 |
daitya-indra-tapasā | by the severe austerity performed by the King of the Daityas, Hiraṇyakaśipu | SB 7.3.6 |
grasāmi tapasā | I do withdraw also by the same energy | SB 2.9.24 |
daitya-indra-tapasā | by the severe austerity performed by the King of the Daityas, Hiraṇyakaśipu | SB 7.3.6 |
karilā tapasyā | executed austerities | CC Madhya 21.116 |
ki tapasvī | whether a great ascetic | CC Adi 12.72 |
sutapasaḥ | the Sutapās | SB 8.13.12 |
sutapasaḥ | of Sutapā | SB 9.23.2 |
sva-tapasaḥ | by dint of my own penances | SB 2.7.5 |
grasāmi tapasā | I do withdraw also by the same energy | SB 2.9.24 |
ugra-tapasā | by severe austerities | SB 3.33.14 |
daitya-indra-tapasā | by the severe austerity performed by the King of the Daityas, Hiraṇyakaśipu | SB 7.3.6 |
tīvra-tapasā | by severe austerities | SB 7.9.35 |
tīvra-tapasā | by intense austerities | SB 11.17.36 |
sva-tapasaḥ | by dint of my own penances | SB 2.7.5 |
alpa-tapasaḥ | of one whose austerity is meager | SB 3.7.20 |
alpa-tapasaḥ | by a person not advanced in spiritual life | CC Madhya 11.32 |
ki tapasvī | whether a great ascetic | CC Adi 12.72 |
karilā tapasyā | executed austerities | CC Madhya 21.116 |
tīvra-tapasā | by severe austerities | SB 7.9.35 |
tīvra-tapasā | by intense austerities | SB 11.17.36 |
ugra-tapasā | by severe austerities | SB 3.33.14 |
tapas | noun (masculine) name of a Kalpa period (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a month intervening between winter and spring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the 9th lunar mansion (dharma) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the hot season (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16799/72933 | |
tapas | noun (neuter) tapoloka
bodily mortification (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) heat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) penance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) religious austerity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) severe meditation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) special observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) suffering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) warmth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 89/72933 | |
tapasvika | noun (masculine) an ascetic Frequency rank 35293/72933 | |
tapasvin | noun (masculine) Asket
a kind of plant
name of a man Frequency rank 1505/72933 | |
tapasvinī | noun (feminine) a female devotee (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Helleborus niger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) poor wretched woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4387/72933 | |
tapasvipattra | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 53301/72933 | |
tapasy | verb (denominative parasmaipada) to practice austerities Frequency rank 14176/72933 | |
tapasya | noun (masculine) Arjuna (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Manu Tāmasa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the second month of the season intervening between winter and spring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17943/72933 | |
tapasya | noun (neuter) devout austerity (?) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the flower of Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53300/72933 | |
tapasyant | adjective to perform tapas Frequency rank 10949/72933 | |
atapas | adjective one who neglects tapas or the practice of ascetic austerities (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16367/72933 | |
atapaska | adjective one who neglects tapas or the practice of ascetic austerities (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41986/72933 | |
atapasya | adjective one who neglects tapas or the practice of ascetic austerities (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41987/72933 | |
atapasvin | adjective not performing tapas Frequency rank 20467/72933 | |
atitapas | noun (neuter) excessive tapas Frequency rank 20472/72933 | |
kastapas | adjective ? Frequency rank 48943/72933 | |
kiṃtapas | adjective practising which kind of tapas Frequency rank 49471/72933 | |
dīrghatapas | noun (masculine) name of several Ṛṣis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva Frequency rank 11279/72933 | |
dīrghatapas | adjective performing long penances (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54524/72933 | |
pañcatapas | adjective sitting between the 5 fires (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15006/72933 | |
pañcatapas | noun (masculine neuter) the 5 fires (to which an ascetic who practices self-mortification exposes himself) [ibc.] (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 36549/72933 | |
mahātapas | noun (masculine) a great ascetic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Muni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15997/72933 | |
satyatapas | noun (masculine) name of a Muni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22487/72933 | |
sutapas | noun (masculine) an ascetic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) hermit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a class of gods under the eighth Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Pariṣṇava name of a son of Sena name of a son of Vasiṣṭha name of other persons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various Ṛṣis and their sons under various Manus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12735/72933 |