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Grammar Search
"tanoti" has 1 results
tanoti: third person singular present present class 8 parasmaipadatan
Monier-Williams Search
13 results for tanoti
abhyavatan -tanoti-, to send out or spread (as rays instrumental case) towards (accusative) : Passive voice (3. plural -tāyante-) to be sent out or spread (as rays) towards (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avatan -tanoti- (ind.p. -tatya-) to stretch or extend downwards ; to overspread, cover , (Imper. 2. sg. P. -tanu-[ ] or -tanuhi-[four times in ; see commentator or commentary ] A1. -tanuṣva- ) to loosen, undo (especially a bowstring) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhuvantim. equals bhuvaṃ tanoti-, bhū-maṇḍa vistāraka- () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nitanP. A1. -tanoti-, -tanute-, to pervade, penetrate, pierce ; cause to go or grow downwards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paritanP. A1. -tanoti-, nute- (Aorist -atanat-; ind.p. -tatya-), to stretch round, embrace, surround View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryātanP. -tanoti-, to spread round, encompass, surround View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratanP. A1. -tanoti-, -tanute-, to spread (intr.) or extend over, cover, fill etc. ; to spread (trans.), disperse, diffuse, continue, propagate etc. ; to show, display, reveal, ; to undertake, begin, perform, execute, effect, cause, do, make (also with 2 accusative) : Passive voice -tāyate-, to spread or extend from, proceed from (ablative). ; -tanyate-, to be continued or extended or particularized View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyātanP. A1. -tanoti-, -tanute-, to extend in the direction of, shine upon or against, irradiate ; to bend (a bow) against (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samātanP. A1. -tanoti-, -tanute-, to extend, stretch, bend (a bow) ; to effect, produce, cause View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃtanP. -tanoti- (ind.p. -tānam-), to stretch along or over, cover etc. ; to unite or join one's self with (instrumental case or accusative) ; to join or connect or keep together, make continuous etc. ; to add, annex ; to effect, accomplish ; to exhibit, display, evince : Causal -tānayati-, to cause to extend or accomplish, cause to be finished View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udātanP. -tanoti-, to spread, extend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasaṃtanP. -tanoti-, to bring into close connection or accompaniment with, recite immediately after View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vitanP. A1. -tanoti-, -tanute- (future -tāyitā- ), to spread out or through or over, cover, pervade, fill etc. ; to spread, stretch, extend (a net, snare, cord etc.) etc. ; to draw or bend (a bow) ; to spread out id est lay on, impose (a yoke) ; to apply (ointment) ; to extend, make wide (with tanv/as-,the bodies, = to oppose or resist boldly ;with padāni-,steps, = to stride ) ; to unfold, display, exhibit, manifest etc. ; to carry out, perform, accomplish (especially a rite or ceremony) ; to sacrifice ; to cause, effect, produce ; to make, render (two accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
tan tan extend = perform, VIII. tanóti; ipf. átanvata, x. 90, 6 [cp. Gk. τάνυμαι ‘stretch’, Lat. tendo‘stretch’]. abhí- extend over: red. pf. sb., i. 160, 5. [234]. áva- slacken (Ā.), ii. 33, 14. á̄- extend to (acc.), i. 35, 7. ánu á̄- extend over, viii. 48, 13.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results7 results
antar garbheṣu bahudhā saṃ tanoti # Kauś.124.3a.
apo vṛṇānā vitanoti māyinī # RV.5.48.1d.
āṇḍīkaṃ kumudaṃ saṃ tanoti # AVś.4.34.5c. See puṇḍarīkaṃ kumudaṃ.
indraḥ śunāvad vitanoti sīram # TB.
udyan sūryo raśmibhir ā tanoti # AVś.12.1.15e. Cf. udyann ādityo raśmibhiḥ.
kavir yajñasya vi tanoti panthām # TS.; Apś.13.9.14.
puṇḍarīkaṃ kumudaṃ saṃ tanoti # AVP.6.22.8a. See āṇḍīkaṃ kumudaṃ.
Vedabase Search
1 result
tanoti noun (masculine) [gramm.] the verb tan
Frequency rank 28155/72933
Parse Time: 1.667s Search Word: tanoti Input Encoding: IAST: tanoti