tana | n. offspring, posterity (n/āyā-for nāya-)  |
tanabāla | m. pl, Name of a people  |
tanaka | (for vet-?), a reward  |
tanas | n. offspring  |
tanas | nikā-, nitṛ-, etc. See 3. tan-. |
tanaya | mfn. propagating a family, belonging to one's own family (often said of tok/a-)  |
tanaya | m. a son (dual number"son and daughter", )  |
tanaya | m. equals -bhavana-  |
tanaya | m. Name of a vāsiṣṭha- (varia lectio anagha-)  |
tanaya | m. plural Name of a people  |
tanaya | n. posterity, family, race, offspring, child ("grandchild" , opposed to tok/a-,"child" ) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-)., )  |
tanayā | f. (gaRa priyādi-) a daughter (varia lectio) etc.  |
tanaya | n. the plant cakra-tulyā-  |
tanayabhavana | n. the 5th lunar mansion  |
tanayasaras | n. "offspring-receptacle", a mother  |
tanayīkṛta | mfn. made a son  |
tanayitnu | mfn. (equals stan-) roaring, thundering, .  |
tanayitnu | See 2. tan-.  |
abdhitanaya | m. dual number the aśvin-s  |
abdhitanaya | m. dual number the two aśvin-s,  |
abhibhāyatana | n. "abode of superiority", Name of the eight sources of superiority with Buddhists  |
abhiniṣpatana | n. springing forth, issuing.  |
abhipatana | n. flying towards.  |
abhipravartana | n. coming or flowing forth (said of the sweat)  |
abhiśasticātana | mfn. keeping off imprecation  |
abhyutpatana | n. springing or leaping against any one  |
acetana | mfn. without consciousness, inanimate  |
acetana | mfn. unconscious, insensible, senseless, fainting, etc.  |
adhastana | mfn. lower, being underneath  |
adhastana | mfn. preceding (in a book).  |
adhiketanam | ind. on a flag,  |
adhivartana | n. rolling on,  |
adhivikartana | n. the act of cutting off or cutting asunder  |
adhunātana | mf(ī-)n. belonging to or extending over the present time |
adritanayā | f. "mountain-daughter", Name of pārvatī-  |
adritanayā | f. Name of a metre (of four lines, each containing twenty-three syllables).  |
adyatana | mf(ī-)n. extending over or referring to to-day  |
adyatana | mf(ī-)n. now-a-days, modern  |
adyatana | m. the period of a current day, either from midnight to midnight, or from dawn to dark |
adyatanabhūta | m. the aorist.  |
āgatanandin | ([or /ā-gata-nardin- ]) mfn. (gaRa yuktārohy-ādi- q.v)  |
āghātana | n. a slaughter-house  |
āghātana | n. place of execution  |
agnipatana | n. throwing one's self into fire,  |
agnyāyatana | n. a fire-shrine,  |
agretana | mfn. occurring further on, subsequently (in a book).  |
ahipūtana | m. sores on the hinder part of the body (of children)  |
aiṣamastana | mfn. occurring in or relating to this year, of this year  |
ajāgalastana | m. nipple or fleshy protuberance on the neck of goats, an emblem of any useless or worthless object or person.  |
akartana | m. a dwarf  |
ākāśānantyāyatana | n. "abode of infinity or of infinite space", Name of a world  |
ākāśānantyāyatana | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a class of gods, (also tano- paga-, )  |
aketana | mfn. houseless.  |
ākiṃcanyāyatana | n. "abode of absolute want of any existence","non-existence", Name of a world with Buddhists  |
ākiṃcanyāyatana | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a class of gods, (also tano- paga-, ).  |
akṣapātana | n. act of casting dice.  |
akṣaprapātana | n. casting glances,  |
amīvacātana | mf(ī-)n. driving away pains, diseases, or tormenting spirits  |
amoghapatana | mfn. "not falling in vain", reaching the aim  |
anadyatana | m. a tense (either past or future) not applicable to the current day  |
ānartana | n. the act of dancing towards or near, dancing  |
anāyatana | n. or an-āyatan/a- that which is not really a resting-place or an altar  |
anāyatana | groundless,  |
anāyatana | mfn. (an-āyatan/a-) having no resting-place or altar  |
anāyatanavat | mfn. = the last  |
aṅgakartana | n. cutting off a limb.  |
anīcaistana | mfn. not low,  |
anivartana | mfn. not turning back or away, steadfast, improper to be abandoned, right.  |
aṅkaparivartana | n. turning the body, turning on the other side.  |
antarikṣāyatana | mfn. having its abode in the atmosphere  |
anucintana | n. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting  |
anucintana | n. anxiety.  |
anukīrtana | n. the act of narrating or proclaiming or publishing.  |
anupatana | n. falling on or upon  |
anupatana | n. following  |
anupatana | n. (in mathem.) proportion.  |
anupravartana | n. urging to (locative case),  |
anuvartana | etc. See anu-vṛt-.  |
anuvartana | n. obliging, serving or gratifying another  |
anuvartana | n. compliance, obedience  |
anuvartana | n. following, attending  |
anuvartana | n. concurring  |
anuvartana | n. consequence, result  |
anuvartana | n. continuance  |
anuvartana | n. supplying from a previous rule.  |
anvāyatana | mfn. latitudinal.  |
apakartana | n. cutting in pieces, dismembering,  |
apakṛṣṭacetana | mfn. mentally debased.  |
aparāhṇatana | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. belonging to or produced at the close of the day.  |
aparāhṇetana | ([ ]) mfn. belonging to or produced at the close of the day.  |
apastana | mfn. far from the mother's breast,  |
āpatana | n. happening, appearing  |
āpatana | n. coming, approaching  |
āpatana | n. reaching  |
āpatana | n. unexpected appearance (as from fate)  |
apatanadharmin | mfn. not liable to fall out,  |
apatanadharmin | (n.)  |
apavartana | n. taking away, removal  |
apavartana | n. ademption  |
apavartana | n. reduction of a fraction to its lowest terms, division without remainder  |
apavartana | n. divisor.  |
apāvartana | n. turning away or from, retreat  |
apāvartana | n. repulse  |
apravartana | n. the act of refraining from, not engaging in  |
apravartana | n. not exciting to any action.  |
āpravartana | n. general outbreak (of perspiration),  |
apunarāvartana | n. final exemption from life or transmigration  |
arāyacātana | n. idem or 'n. anything that serves to destroy evil spirits '  |
aricintana | n. plotting against an enemy, administration of foreign affairs  |
arkatanaya | m. equals -ja-  |
arkatanaya | m. the planet Saturn  |
arkatanaya | m. Name of karṇa-  |
arkatanaya | m. of manu- vaivasvata- and manu- sāvarṇi-  |
arkatanayā | f. Name of the rivers yamunā- and tapatī-  |
artana | mfn. ( ṛt-), reviling ([ ; equals duhkhin- commentator or commentary ])  |
artana | n. censure, blame  |
ārtana | mfn. ([connected with ār/āt-and ār/e- ]) uncultivated, waste, desert  |
arthacintana | n. attention or consideration of affairs  |
arvāktana | mf(ā-)n. being on this side of, not reaching up to  |
āścotana | n. aspersion, sprinkling  |
āścotana | n. applying (ghee etc.) to the eyelids  |
āścyotana | n. aspersion, sprinkling  |
āścyotana | n. applying (ghee etc.) to the eyelids  |
asitanayana | mfn. black-eyed.  |
aśvaprapatana | n. commentator or commentary  |
aśvaprapatana | nīya- (read prapad-)  |
aśvastana | mf(ī-)n. not for to-morrow, not provided for to-morrow  |
aśvastanavid | mfn. ignorant of the future  |
aśvastanavidhāna | n. non-provision for the future (= ) .  |
aśvastanavidhātṛ | mfn. not providing for the future  |
atana | m. a passer on  |
atana | n. act of passing on  |
atanavat | m. one who wanders  |
atipatana | n. act of falling or flying beyond, passing, missing, transgressing.  |
atītanauka | mfn. passed out of a ship, landed.  |
ativartana | n. a pardonable offence or misdemeanour.  |
avadyotana | n. illustrating  |
avajyotana | n. causing a light to shine upon, illumining  |
avakartana | n. cutting off, N.  |
avapatana | n. falling down, (see avarāvap-.) jaina- Prakrit ovaDaNa See śastrāvapāta-.  |
avapātana | n. felling, knocking or throwing down  |
avapātana | n. (in dramatical language) a scene during which a person enters the stage in terror but leaves it at the end in good humour  |
avarāvapatana | n. dropping of or discharge of the secundines, miscarriage  |
āvartana | mfn. turning round or towards  |
āvartana | mfn. revolving  |
āvartana | n. turning, turning round, returning  |
āvartana | n. circular motion, gyration, churning, stirring anything in fusion  |
āvartana | n. melting metals together, alligation  |
āvartana | n. the time when the sun begins to cast shadows towards the east or when shadows are cast in an opposite direction, noon  |
āvartana | n. year  |
āvartana | n. repeating, doing over again  |
āvartana | n. study, practising  |
āvartana | m. Name of an upa-dvīpa- in jambu-dvīpa-  |
āvartana | m. a magic art  |
āvartanamaṇi | m. a gem of secondary order (generally known as rājāvarta-)  |
avaśātana | n. ( śad-, Causal) , withering, drying up  |
avatāradvādaśakīrtana | n. "giving an account of the twelve avatāra-s", Name of a chapter of the work ūrdhvāmnāya-saṃhitā-.  |
avicetana | mfn. unintelligible  |
avicintana | n. not thinking of  |
ayamitanakha | mfn. with untrimmed nails  |
āyatana | n. resting-place, support, seat, place, home, house, abode etc.  |
āyatana | n. the place of the sacred fire (equals agny-āyatana-) and  |
āyatana | n. an altar  |
āyatana | n. a shed for sacrifices  |
āyatana | n. a sanctuary etc.  |
āyatana | n. a plot of ground, the site of a house  |
āyatana | n. a barn  |
āyatana | n. the cause of a disease  |
āyatana | n. (with Buddhists) the five senses and manas- (considered as the inner seats or āyatana-s) and the qualities perceived by the above (the outer āyatana-s) .  |
āyatanatva | n. the state of being the site of, etc.  |
āyatanavat | mfn. having a seat or home  |
āyatanavat | m. (ān-) Name of the fourth foot of brahman-  |
ayathādyotana | n. intimation of something that should not be commentator or commentary  |
bahutanaya | mfn. one who has many sons  |
baladevapattana | n. Name of a town  |
bālatanaya | m. a young son  |
bālatanaya | m. Acacia Catechu  |
bhaganetranipātana | m. "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhagnadantanakha | mfn. having the teeth and claws broken  |
bhāṣyapradīpoddyotana | n. bhāṣyapradīpa |
bhaṭṭārakāyatana | n. a temple  |
bhaviṣyadanadyatana | m. not the same day in the future on  |
bhittikhātana | m. "wall-digger", a rat  |
bhittipātana | m. "wall-destroyer", a kind of rat  |
bhogāyatana | n. a place of enjoyments,  |
bhogīndratanaya | m. patronymic of śāli-vāhana-  |
bhrāntākulitacetana | mfn. one whose mind is troubled by doubt or error  |
bhrātṛvyacātana | mfn. driving away rivals  |
bhṛgupatana | n. a fall from a precipice  |
bhṛgutanaya | ( ) m. "son of bhṛgu-", the planet Venus.  |
bhūmitanaya | m. the planet Mars  |
bhūmitanaya | Tuesday,  |
bhūtānadyatana | m. not the current day in past time on  |
bhūtananda | m. Name of a king  |
bhūtikīrtana | n. "praise of prosperity", Name of chapter of  |
bhūyaḥstana | (bh/ūyaḥ--.) mfn. having more teats than (ablative)  |
brahmacintananirākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmāyatana | n. a temple of brahmā-  |
capeṭāpātana | n. "id.", in compound capeṭāpātanātithi nātithi- mfn. blown with the open hand  |
caraṇapatana | n. a foot-fall  |
carmāvakartana | n. "act of cutting leather", equals ma-karaṇa-  |
cātana | mfn. ( cat-, Causal) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "driving away" See abhiśasti--, amīva--, arāya--, durṇāma--, piśāca--, bhrātṛvya--, yātu--, sadānvā--, and sapatna-c/ātana-  |
cātana | m. Name of the ṛṣi- of the cātana- verses  |
cātana | n. certain verses of the (for exorcising demons)  |
cetana | mf(/ī-)n. visible, conspicuous, distinguished, excellent  |
cetana | mf(/ī-)n. percipient, conscious, sentient, intelligent etc.  |
cetana | m. an intelligent being, man  |
cetana | m. soul, mind  |
cetana | n. conspicuousness  |
cetana | n. soul, mind  |
cetana | etc. See  |
cetanabhāva | m. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. the state of a sentient or conscious being, intelligence.' '  |
cetanācetana | plural sentient and unsentient beings  |
cetanakā | f. equals nikā-  |
cetanakī | f. equals nikā-  |
cetanatā | f. the state of a sentient or conscious being, intelligence.  |
cetanatva | n. idem or 'f. the state of a sentient or conscious being, intelligence.'  |
chandakanivartana | n. " candaka-'s return", Name of a caitya-,  |
chandakapātana | m. a hypocrite  |
chandapātana | m. equals ndaka-p-  |
chāyātanaya | m. "son of chāyā-", the planet Saturn  |
cintana | n. thinking, thinking of. reflecting upon  |
cintana | n. anxious thought  |
cintana | n. consideration  |
cirantana | mfn. (fr. raṃ-t-, ) idem or 'mfn. ancient '  |
cirantana | mfn. existing from ancient times  |
cirantana | m. brahmā-  |
cirantana | m. śiva-  |
cirantana | m. plural the ancients  |
dahanaketana | m. "mark of burning", smoke  |
daivacintana | n. ( ) fatalism or astrology.  |
daṇḍanipātana | application of the rod, punishing (with genitive case)  |
daṇḍapātana | n. equals -nip-  |
daśaśatanayana | m. "thousand-eyed", indra-  |
dāyāpavartana | n. forfeiture of property  |
dehapatana | n. ( ) "decay of the body", death.  |
devapattana | n. Name of a town  |
devatāyatana | (tāy-) n. equals -gṛha-  |
devāyatana | n. "the dwelling of a god", a temple  |
devyāyatana | n. equals vī-dhāman-  |
dhānyakartana | n. "corn-reaping", Name of chapter of  |
dharmacakrapravartana | n. setting in motion the wheel of the law, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding ;  |
dharmacintana | n. ( ) consideration of the law or duty, virtuous reflection.  |
dharmapattana | n. "the city of the law", Name of the city of śrāvastī- (varia lectio pattana- )  |
dharmapattana | n. pepper  |
dhārmapattana | n. black pepper  |
dharmāyatana | n. the sphere or objects of manas-  |
dhūmaketana | m. "smoke-marked", fire  |
dhūmaketana | m. meteor, a comet  |
dhūmaketana | m. ketu- or the personified descending node  |
dhūrtanartaka | n. Name of a drama.  |
dīnacetana | mfn. "distressed in mind", dejected  |
dinakaratanaya | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn  |
dīptanayana | m. "having glittering eyes", Name of an owl  |
dititanaya | m. equals -ja-  |
divātana | (vāt-) mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. going by day ' ' m. a crow  |
divātana | m. a crow  |
divātana | mf(ī-)n. ( ) daily, diurnal  |
dornikartana | n. amputation of the arm  |
doṣātana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. doṣā- ind.) nocturnal, at evening  |
drohacintana | n. injurious design  |
dugdhābdhitanayā | f. Name of lakṣmi-  |
dūrapātana | n. the act of shooting to a distance  |
durghaṭaghātana | mn. Name of Comm.  |
durṇāmacātana | mfn. driving away the demons called durṇāman-  |
durniṣprapatana | n. (wrongly written tara-),  |
duṣpatana | n. falling badly  |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. shining, glittering  |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. illuminating, enlightening (see kha--)  |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. explaining, meaning  |
dyotana | m. a lamp  |
dyotana | m. Name of a man ( )  |
dyotana | n. shining, being bright  |
dyotana | n. illumination  |
dyotana | n. making manifest, explaining, showing  |
dyotana | n. seeing, sight  |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. shining, glittering  |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. illuminating, enlightening (see kha--)  |
dyotana | mf(ā-or ī-)n. explaining, meaning  |
dyotana | m. a lamp  |
dyotana | m. Name of a man ( )  |
dyotana | n. shining, being bright  |
dyotana | n. illumination  |
dyotana | n. making manifest, explaining, showing  |
dyotana | n. seeing, sight  |
dyotana | See hrid-d-.  |
dyotanaka | mf(ikā-)n. making manifest, explaining  |
ekacintana | n. unanimous or joint consideration  |
etana | m. expiration, breathing out, discharging air from the lungs  |
etana | m. the fish Silurus Pelorius  |
galitanakha | mfn. having the claws or nails fallen off  |
galitanakhadanta | mfn. one who has lost his claws and teeth  |
galitanayana | mfn. one who has lost his eyes, blind,  |
garbhapātana | m. (equals taka-) a variety of karañja-  |
garbhapātana | m. equals -nud-  |
garbhapātana | n. causing miscarriage  |
garbhaśātana | n. the procuring abortion  |
garbhaśātana | n. a drug procuring abortion  |
gārhapatyāyatana | n. idem or 'm. idem or 'n. the place where the gārhapatya- fire is kept ' ' , 8, 24.  |
gatacetana | mfn. deprived of sense or consciousness, senseless, void of understanding, fainted away  |
ghatana | See ghāt-.  |
ghātana | mfn. killing (also ghat-)  |
ghātana | m. Name of an inhabitant of a hell  |
ghātana | n. slaying, killing, slaughter, immolating  |
ghātanakṣatra | n. an inauspicious nakṣatra-  |
ghātanasthāna | n. a slaughter-house  |
ghṛtapātrastanavatī | f. (a cow) whose nipples are represented by vessels filled with ghee  |
golāṅgulaparivartana | m. Name of a mountain near rāja-gṛha- (varia lectio golī-gulap-).  |
golīgulaparivartana | for go-lāṅg-  |
gostana | m. a cow's dug  |
gostana | m. a cluster of blossoms, nosegay  |
gostana | m. a pearl necklace consisting of 4 (or of 34 ) strings  |
gostana | m. a kind of fort  |
gṛhītavetana | mfn. one who has received his wages, paid  |
guṇakīrtana | n. telling the merits  |
guṇasaṃkīrtana | n. celebration of qualities (edition Gorr.)  |
guṇotkīrtana | n. equals ṇa-kīrt-  |
haṃsakālītanaya | m. a buffalo (See kālī-t-)  |
haṃsaprapatana | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
hanumatkīrtana | n. Name of work  |
harāyatana | n. a temple of śiva-  |
harikīrtana | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
harisaṃkīrtana | n. the act of pronouncing or repeating the name of viṣṇu- (supposed to possess great efficacy)  |
harisaṃkīrtana | n. Name of work  |
himādritanayā | f. "daughter of himālaya-", parvatī- ( himādritanayapati -pati- m."husband of parvatī-", śiva-)  |
himādritanayā | f. the Ganges  |
himādritanayapati | m. himādritanayā |
himakaratanaya | m. "son of the Moon", Name of the planet Mercury  |
hṛcchayāviṣṭacetana | mfn. having a heart penetrated by love  |
hṛdayodvartana | m. "heart-splitting", Name of a demon  |
hṛddyotana | mfn. (see 3. dyut-) breaking or crushing the heart  |
hṛdyotana | See hṛd-dy-.  |
hṛṣṭacetana | ( ) mfn. rejoiced in heart.  |
hyastana | mf(ī-)n. hesternal, belonging to or produced or occurred yesterday  |
hyastanadina | n. the day just past, yesterday  |
idamtana | mfn. being now, living in this time commentator or commentary on  |
idānīṃtana | mf(ī-)n. present, modern, momentary, of the present moment  |
idānīṃtanatva | n. the being momentary commentator or commentary on  |
indrāyatana | mfn. depending on indra-  |
indriyāyatana | n. the residence of the senses  |
indriyāyatana | n. the body  |
jahnutanayā | f. idem or 'f. (hnoḥ k- )'  |
jaināyatana | n. a jaina- monastery  |
jalapattana | n. a water-down (forming an island), Sil.  |
jalayantraniketana | n. equals -gṛha-  |
janakatanayā | f. " janaka-'s daughter", sitā-  |
jātanaṣṭa | mfn. (no sooner) appeared (than) disappeared  |
jhaṣaketana | m. equals -dhvaja- ,  |
jhaṣaketana | m. "the god of love"and"the sea"  |
jñātanandana | m. "son of the jñāta- family", mahā-vīra-  |
jvalitanayana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. fiery-eyed, looking angrily or fiercely '  |
kailāsaniketana | m. "having his abode on the kailāsa-", Name of śiva-  |
kalindatanayā | f. idem or 'f. Name (also title or epithet) of the river yamunā-, '  |
kālītanaya | m. "son (or favourite) of durgā-", a buffalo (see haṃsakālī-t-.)  |
kanīyaḥstana | mfn. having fewer teats,  |
kapiketana | m. "having a monkey as symbol", Name of arjuna- (the third son of pāṇḍu-)  |
kapītana | m. Spondias Mangifera  |
kapītana | m. Thespesia Populnea  |
kapītana | m. Acacia Sirisa  |
kapītana | m. Ficus Religiosa  |
kapītana | m. Areca Faufel  |
kapītana | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
karketana | m. idem or 'm. a species of quartz '  |
kartana | n. the act of cutting off, excision etc.  |
kartana | n. the act of extinguishing, extinction  |
kartana | n. (2. kṛt-), the act of spinning cotton or thread  |
kartanabhānḍa | n. idem or 'n. (2. kṛt-), the act of spinning cotton or thread ', lexicographers (i.e. a word or meaning which although give in native lexicons, has not yet been met with in any published text)  |
kartanasādhana | n. a spindle  |
kaṭapūtana | mf(ā-) a kind of preta- (q.v) or demon (a form assumed by the deceased spirit of a kṣatriya- who when alive neglected his duties) |
kāyamānikaniketana | n. idem or 'n. a hut made of grass or thatch ' ,  |
keliniketana | n. equals -gṛha-  |
kenipātana | n. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. the helm, rudder, large oar used as a rudder ' '  |
ketana | n. a summons, invitation  |
ketana | n. a house, abode  |
ketana | n. "abode of the soul", the body (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
ketana | n. place, site  |
ketana | n. sign, mark, symbol (of a deity), ensign (of a warrior), flag or banner (e gaRa vānara-k-,"one who has a monkey as his ensign or arms" ;See also makara-k-,etc.)  |
ketana | n. business, indispensable act  |
ketana | taya-, etc. See k/eta-.  |
khadyotana | m. "sky-illuminator", the sun  |
kharaghātana | m. "destroying asses", Mesua ferrea  |
kharāṃśutanaya | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn.  |
khātana | mfn. See bhitti-kh-.  |
kīrtana | n. mentioning, repeating, saying, telling etc.  |
kīrtana | a monument,  |
kīrtana | a temple,  |
klītanaka | n. a variety of the sweet root plant  |
kḷptanakha | mfn. having the nails cut or arranged  |
kravyaghātana | m. "killed for its flesh (see ) ", a deer, antelope  |
krīḍāketana | n. a pleasure-house  |
kṛntana | n. cutting, cutting off, dividing (see tantu--, śiraḥ--.)  |
kṛṣṇakīrtana | n. "praise of kṛṣṇa-", Name of a work.  |
kṛtanakha | mfn. one who has cleaned his nails  |
kṛtanandana | m. Name of a prince  |
kṛtavetana | mfn. one who receives wages (as a hired servant or labourer)  |
kṣamātanaya | m. "son of the earth", the planet Mars  |
kṣīrābdhitanayā | f. equals -jā-  |
kṣīrodatanayā | f. (equals -jā-) Name of lakṣmī- (in compound -pati-,"the husband of lakṣmī-", i.e. viṣṇu-)  |
kṣititanaya | m. (equals -ja-) Name of the planet Mars  |
kṣititanayā | f. "daughter of the earth", Name of sitā-  |
kṣititanayadina | n. Tuesday  |
kṣititanayadivasavāra | m. idem or 'n. Tuesday '  |
kulapatana | n. decay or disgrace of a family  |
kutanaya | m. a degenerate son |
kutanaya | See 1. ku-.  |
laghucintana | n. Name of work  |
laghupatanaka | m. "quickly flying", Name of a crow  |
lakṣmīniketana | n. the bathing with fragrant myrobalan powder  |
lohitanayana | mfn. red-eyed, having eyes reddened with anger or passion  |
lokavartana | n. the means by which the world subsists  |
lokāyatana | (l) m. a materialist  |
lomasātana | n. "hair-remover", a depilatory  |
lomasātana | wrong reading for śātana- above  |
madhusūdanāyatana | n. a temple of viṣṇu-  |
madirāyatanayanā | f. a mistress with fascinating and lovely eyes  |
mahākīrtana | n. a house  |
mahāmaheśvarāyatana | n. a particular region of the gods  |
mahāvartana | n. high wages, large pay or allowance  |
mahāyantrapravartana | n. the engaging in or erecting great mechanical works  |
mahīpatana | n. prostration on the ground, humble obeisance  |
makaraketana | m. "having the makara- for an emblem"or"having a fish on his banner", Name of kāma-deva-  |
makaravibhūṣaṇaketana | m. "having the makara- for a characteristic ornament", Name of kāma-deva-  |
maṇiniryātana | n. the restitution of a jewel  |
mañjupattana | n. Name of a town built by mañju-śrī-  |
manmathāyatana | n. "love's abode", pudendum muliebre  |
manujottana | m. best of men  |
marīcipattana | n. Name of a town  |
maruprapatana | n. the act of throwing one's self from a rock (printed marut-pr-).  |
maruttanaya | m. "son of the Wind", Name of hanumat-  |
maruttanaya | m. of bhīma-  |
maṭhāyatana | n. a monastery, college  |
mātṛkārthacintana | (kārth-) n.  |
mithyāvadhyānukīrtana | n. the proclaiming that any one has been unjustly sentenced to death  |
mrātana | n. Cyperus Rotundus  |
mṛgaketana | m. the moon,  |
mṛgāṅkatanaya | m. Name of the planet Mercury commentator or commentary  |
mṛtanandana | m. a kind of hall with 58 pillars  |
mūḍhacetana | mfn. bewildered in mind, foolish, silly  |
mugdhakāntāstana | m. the bosom of a young mistress  |
muhustanais | ind. at repeated intervals, repeatedly, constantly |
mukulitanayana | mf(ā-)n. having half-closed eyes  |
mūlanikṛntana | mf(ī-)n. "cutting away the roots", utterly destroying  |
mūlāyatana | n. an original residence  |
mūlotpātana | n. the digging up of roots  |
mūlotpātanajīvi | m. one who lives by digging for roots  |
munitanayā | f. a muni-'s daughter  |
muracīpattana | n. Name of a town in the Dekhan (also called marīci-pattana-).  |
muṣṭipraśnacintana | n. Name of work  |
mūtrapatana | m. the civet cat  |
nabhaḥketana | m. "sky-banner", the sun  |
nābhikṛntana | n. the cutting of the navel-string  |
naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñānāyatana | n. a place where there is no thinking and no not-thinking  |
nakhanikṛntana | m. or n. nail-scissors  |
nakraketana | m. Name of the god of love (see makara-k-).  |
nāmakīrtana | n. mentioning the name of (genitive case)  |
nāmakīrtana | n. (especially) incessant repetition of the name of a god  |
nāmakīrtanamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
nāmasaṃkīrtana | n. the glorification or incessant repetition of the name of a god  |
nāmasaṃkīrtana | n. Name of chapter of  |
nandinītanaya | m. metron. of vyāḍi- (see above) .  |
nārīpattana | n. Name of a town  |
nartana | m. (initial n-not changeable to ṇ- gaRa kṣubhnādi-) dancer  |
nartana | n. dancing, acting (metric. also f(ā-).; see nā-gṛha-,below).  |
nartananirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
nartanapriya | m. "fond of dancing", a peacock  |
nartanaśālā | f. dancing-room  |
nartanasthāna | n. dancing-place.  |
naṣṭacetana | mfn. one who has lost consciousness, insensible  |
nautana | mfn. (fr. and) equals nūtana-  |
nīcaistana | mfn. low,  |
nihitanayana | mf(ā-)n. having the eyes fixed or directed upon (locative case)  |
nikartana | mfn. cutting away, robbing, impoverishing ( )  |
nikartana | n. cutting down or off  |
nikartana | n. plucking, impoverishing (See above) .  |
niketana | n. a house, mansion, habitation, temple, etc.  |
niketana | m. an onion  |
nikṛntana | mf(ī-)n. cutting down or off, destroying (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
nikṛntana | m. Name of a hell  |
nikṛntana | n. cutting, cutting off (hair, the neck etc.)  |
nikṛntana | n. massacring, destruction (of enemies)  |
nikṛntana | n. an instrument for cutting (see nakha--).  |
nimīlitanakṣatra | mfn. having the stars obscured (as the sky)  |
nimittanaimittika | n. dual number cause and effect  |
nipatana | n. falling down, falling, descending  |
nipatana | n. (garbhiṇyāgarbhasya-) the lying-in of a pregnant woman  |
nipatana | n. flying  |
nipātana | mfn. (fr. Causal) throwing down, killing, destroying, knocking out (an eye) |
nipātana | n. causing to descend or fall, throwing down, letting drop or sink (see daṇḍa-n-)  |
nipātana | n. putting on, applying (as a knife), touching with (compound)  |
nipātana | n. overthrowing, destroying, killing  |
nipātana | n. (in gram.) accidental mention or use of a word, putting down as an irregularity  |
nipātana | n. an irregular form or exception  |
nipātana | n. equals ni-patana-, falling down (of a fire-brand)  |
nipātana | n. alighting (said of a bird)  |
nirapavartana | mfn. not to be divided by a common divisor  |
nirghātana | n. forcing out, bringing out  |
nirvartana | n. completion, execution  |
nirvartana | n. varia lectio for niv-.  |
nirvetana | mfn. unsalaried  |
niryātana | n. giving back, returning, restoring, delivery of a deposit, replacing anything lost, payment of a debt (with genitive case or compound; see vaira--) etc.  |
niryātana | n. gift, donation  |
niryātana | n. revenge, killing, slaughter  |
niścetana | mfn. unconscious, unreasonable etc.  |
niścetanatā | f.  |
niṣpatana | n. rushing out, issuing quickly  |
nivartana | mfn. causing to turn back  |
nivartana | n. turning back, returning, turning the back id est retreating, fleeing etc. (mṛtyuṃ kṛtvā nivartanam-,making retreat equivalent to death id est desisting from fighting only in death ; wrong reading kṛtvā mṛtyu-niv-)  |
nivartana | n. ceasing, not happening or occurring, being prevented etc.  |
nivartana | n. desisting or abstaining from (ablative)  |
nivartana | n. desisting from work, inactivity (opp. to pra-vartana-)  |
nivartana | n. causing to return, bringing back (especially the shooting off and bringing back of weapons)  |
nivartana | n. turning back (the hair)  |
nivartana | n. a means of returning  |
nivartana | n. averting or keeping back from (ablative)  |
nivartana | n. reforming, repenting  |
nivartana | n. a measure of land (20 rods or 200 cubits or 40,000 hasta-s square)  |
nivartanastūpa | m. Name of a stūpa- erected at the spot where the charioteer of buddha- returned.  |
niyātana | wrong reading for ni-pātana-.  |
nūtana | mf(ā-)n. (fr. 1. n/u-,or n/ū-), belonging to"now"or the present day, new, novel, recent, modern, young, fresh (opp. to pūrva-, purāṇa-etc.) etc.  |
nūtana | n. (with vayas- n.youth, juvenility )  |
nūtana | mf(ā-)n. new id est curious, strange  |
nūtanagajārohaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
nūtanamūrtipratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
nūtanapratiṣṭhāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
nūtanaśrutigītāvyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
nūtanatā | f.  |
nūtanatari | f. Name of commentator or commentary on the rasa-taraṃgiṇī-,  |
nūtanatva | n. newness, novelty  |
nūtanaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make new, renew  |
nūtanayauvana | mfn. young, fresh  |
pādapatana | n. falling or bowing to another's feet,  |
padmaketana | m. Name of a son of garuḍa-  |
palāśaśātana | m. an instrument for lopping foliage  |
pallīpatana | n. (prob.) prognostication by observing the falling of house-lizards  |
pallīpatanakārikā | f. Name of work  |
pallīpatanaphala | n. Name of work  |
pallīpatanaśānti | f. Name of work  |
pallīpatanavicāra | m. Name of work  |
pañcakālapravartana | n. Name of work  |
pañcāyatana | n. Name of a particular ceremony (at which 5 symbols are used)  |
pañcāyatanapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
pañcāyatanapratiṣṭhāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
paracchandānuvartana | n. paracchanda |
parāghātana | n. ( han-, Causal) place of execution, slaughter-house  |
parāvartana | n. turning back or round  |
paricartana | See pari-cṛt-.  |
paricartana | n. plural the part of a horse's harness from the girth to the breast and the tail  |
parighātana | n. idem or 'm. a club, an iron bludgeon '  |
parikartana | mfn. cutting up or to pieces  |
parikartana | n. cutting, cutting off or out, a circular incision  |
parikartana | n. equals next  |
parikīrtana | n. proclaiming, announcing, talking of, boasting, naming, calling  |
parinartana | n. ( nṛt-) gaRa kṣubhnādi-.  |
paripatana | n. flying round or about  |
parivartana | mf(ī-)n. causing to turn round  |
parivartana | n. turning or whirling round, moving to and fro (trans. and intrans.)  |
parivartana | n. rolling about or wallowing on (compound)  |
parivartana | n. revolution, end of a period of time  |
parivartana | n. barter, exchange  |
parivartana | n. cutting or clipping the hair  |
parivartana | n. protecting, defending  |
parivartana | n. equals preraṇa-  |
parivartana | n. inverting, taking or putting anything in a wrong direction  |
parivartana | n. requital, return  |
pārśvaparivartana | n. "turning round", Name of a festival on the 11th day of the light half of the month bhādra- (on which viṣṇu- is supposed to turn upon the other side in his sleep)  |
pārvatīpravartana | n. Name of work  |
paryāptanayana | mfn. having a sufficient number of eyes  |
paryāvartana | m. Name of a hell  |
paryāvartana | n. coming back, returning  |
patana | mfn. who or what flies or falls  |
patana | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
patana | n. the act of flying or coming down, alighting, descending, throwing one's self down at or into (locative case or compound) etc.  |
patana | n. setting (as the sun)  |
patana | n. going down (to hell)  |
patana | n. hanging down, becoming flaccid (said of the breasts)  |
patana | n. fall, decline, ruin, death  |
patana | n. loss of caste, apostacy  |
patana | n. (with garbhasya-) miscarriage  |
patana | n. (in arithmetic) subtraction  |
patana | n. (in astronomy) the latitude of a planet  |
pātana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. Causal) causing to fall, felling, laying low, striking off or down (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pātana | n. the act of causing to fall etc.  |
pātana | n. lowering, humbling  |
pātana | n. the act of casting (as dice or a glance of the eyes) (see akṣa--)  |
pātana | n. (with daṇḍasya-) causing the rod to fall, chastising, punishing  |
pātana | n. (with garbhasya-) causing the fall of the fetus or abortion  |
pātana | n. (with jalaukasām-) application of leeches  |
pātana | n. removing, bringing away  |
pātana | n. causing to fall asunder, dividing  |
pātana | n. Name of a particular process to which minerals (especially quicksilver) are subjected  |
patanadharmin | mfn. what is likely to fall out or off ( patanadharmitva mi-tva- n.)  |
patanadharmitva | n. patanadharmin |
patanasīla | mfn. accustomed to fall down  |
patatriketana | mfn. "characterised by a bird", (with deva-) Name of viṣṇu-  |
pattana | m. plural Name of a people  |
pattana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a town, city (see dharma--and paṭṭana-).  |
pattanavaṇij | m. a town-tradesman  |
pautana | m. (fr. pūtanā-?) Name of a country or people (Scholiast or Commentator equals mathurā-pradeśa-).  |
pavanatanaya | m. equals -ja-  |
pavanatanaya | m. Name of bhīmasena-  |
phalapātana | n. knocking down or gathering fruit  |
phalastanavatī | f. (a female) having fruits for breasts  |
pīnastana | m. the full breast (of a woman)  |
piśācacātana | mfn. driving away piśāca-s  |
pītana | m. a species of tree (Spondias Mangifera Pentaptera Tomentosa or Ficus Infectoria)  |
pītana | n. orpiment  |
pītana | n. saffron  |
pītana | n. Pinus Deodora  |
pītanaka | m. Spondias Mangifera  |
potana | n. Name of a town  |
pracetana | mfn. illumining, illustrating  |
pracetana | etc. See pra-cit-.  |
pradattanayanotsava | mfn. pradatta |
pradyotana | m. the sun  |
pradyotana | m. Name of a prince of ujjayinī-  |
pradyotana | m. (with bhaṭṭācārya-) Name of an author  |
pradyotana | m. (plural) of a dynasty  |
pradyotana | n. blazing, shining, light  |
pragetana | mfn. ( ) matutinal, early |
pragetana | mfn. relating to the next day, future  |
prāhṇetana | mfn. relating to the forenoon, happening in the morning, matutinal  |
prakaṭaraktāntanayana | mfn. having the eye-corners visibly red  |
praketana | n. appearance, apparition (used to explain prec.)  |
prakīrtana | n. announcing, proclaiming, extolling, praising  |
prāktana | mf(ī-)n. former, prior, previous, preceding, old, ancient (opp. to idānīntana-)  |
prāktanajanman | n. a former birth  |
prāktanakarman | n. any act formerly done or done in a former state of existence  |
prāktanakarman | n. fate destiny  |
prāktanaya | m. a former pupil (varia lectio prāpta-naya-).  |
pranighātana | n. (fr. pra-nihan-) killing, slaughter, murder  |
praṇipatana | n. throwing one's self down before, falling at a person's feet  |
prapatana | n. flying forth or away (see haṃsa--)  |
prapatana | n. flying or falling down, falling from (ablative or compound) or into (locative case or compound) etc.  |
prapatana | n. a steep rock, precipice  |
prapatana | n. death, destruction  |
prapātana | n. (fr. Causal) causing to fall, throwing down  |
prapātana | n. throwing, casting (akṣa-p-,"casting-dice")  |
prāsādānukīrtana | n. Name of work  |
praścotana | n. trickling, dripping  |
prastārapattana | n. Name of work  |
pratana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. 1. pra-) ancient, old Va1rtt. 7 (see pra-tna-).  |
prātastana | mf(ī-)n. relating to the morning, matutinal  |
prātastana | n. early morning (one of the 5 parts of the day;the other 4 being saṃgava-or morning, midday, afternoon, and evening)  |
praticintana | n. thinking repeatedly, considering  |
pratighātana | n. warding off, repulsing  |
pratighātana | n. killing, slaughter  |
pratiniryātana | n. giving back, returning  |
pratiniryātana | n. rewarding, retaliation  |
pratinivartana | n. returning, coming back (See punaḥ-pr-).  |
prativartana | n. return, reappearance (a-prativ-)  |
pratiyātana | n. requital, retaliation (vaira-pr-,"taking revenge")  |
pratyakcetana | mfn. one whose thoughts are turned inwards or upon himself  |
pratyāvartana | n. coming back, returning  |
pravartana | mf(ī-)n. being in motion, flowing (Calcutta edition vartin-)  |
pravartana | n. advance, forward movement, rolling or flowing forth  |
pravartana | n. walking, roaming, wandering  |
pravartana | n. activity, procedure, engaging in, dealing with (instrumental case or locative case) etc.  |
pravartana | n. going on, coming off, happening, occurrence etc.  |
pravartana | n. conduct, behaviour  |
pravartana | n. bringing near, fetching  |
pravartana | n. erection, construction  |
pravartana | n. causing to appear, bringing about, advancing, promoting, introducing, employing, using etc.  |
pravartana | n. informing  |
pravicetana | n. (4. cit-) comprehending, understanding  |
prāyaścetana | n. atonement, expiation  |
prayatana | n. effort, endeavour (used to explain pra-yatna-)  |
premapātana | n. rheum  |
premapātana | n. tears (of joy)  |
pretanadī | f. river of the dead (equals vaitaraṇī-, q.v)  |
pretanara | m. a dead man, a ghost  |
priyatanaya | mfn. loving a son  |
pṛtana | n. an army or a hostile encounter  |
pulomatanayā | f. equals -ja-  |
punaḥpratinivartana | n. coming back again, return  |
punarāvartana | See a-punar-āv-.  |
punarāvartanandā | f. Name of a sacred bathing. place  |
purātana | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the past, former, old, ancient ( purātane ne- ind.formerly, in olden times) etc.  |
purātana | mf(ī-)n. used-up, worn out  |
purātana | m. plural the ancients  |
purātana | n. an ancient story, old legend  |
purātana | n. a purāṇa-  |
purātanayogasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
purucetana | mfn. visible to many, very conspicuous  |
pūrvacintana | n. former cares or trouble  |
pūrvāhṇatana | mfn. belonging or relating to the forenoon ( )  |
pūrvāhṇetana | mfn. belonging or relating to the forenoon ( )  |
pūrvatana | mfn. former, earlier  |
puṣpaketana | m. "characterized by flower", the god of love  |
pūtana | m. a particular class of demons or spirits (also equals vetāla-),  |
racitanati | mfn. one who has made his obeisance  |
rādhātanaya | m. " rādhā-'s son", Name of karṇa-  |
raghutanaya | m. "son of raghu-", Name of rāma-  |
rājatanaya | m. "a kings's son", prince  |
rājatanayā | f. a princess  |
rajjuvartana | n. the twisting of rope  |
raktanayana | mfn. red-eyed  |
raktanayana | m. Perdix Rufa  |
raktapatana | n. a flow of blood  |
rāmagovindakirtana | n. Name of a stotra-  |
rāmakāntatanaya | m. Name of an author  |
ravitanaya | m. "son of the sun", Name of the planet Saturn  |
ravitanaya | m. of yama-  |
reṇukātanaya | m. "son of reṇukā-" patronymic of paraśu-rāma- ( reṇukātanayatā -tā- f.)  |
reṇukātanayatā | f. reṇukātanaya |
retana | n. semen virile |
rodhaḥpatanakaluṣa | mfn. (rendered) muddy by the falling in of a bank  |
rogāyatana | n. abode or seat of disease, the body  |
rohiṇītanaya | m. the son of rohiṇī- id est bala-rāma-  |
romakapattana | n. the city of Rome  |
romaśātana | n. a depilatory for removing the hair  |
ṛṣipatana | m. Name of a forest near Benares  |
ṛśyaketana | m. Name of a-niruddha-  |
rucirātanaya | m. N. metron. of kakṣīvat-  |
rudratanaya | m. " rudra-'s son", Name of Punishment  |
rudratanaya | m. of a sword  |
rudratanaya | m. (with jaina-s) of the third black vāsudeva-  |
rudrāyatana | n. a temple dedicated to rudra-  |
ruṅnivartana | n. cessation of disease, recovery of health  |
rūpasanātana | m. Name of an author  |
rūpāyatana | n. (with Buddhists) form as one of the 12 āyatana-s (or organs and objects of sense)  |
śabalacetana | mfn. disturbed in mind  |
sacetana | mfn. having reason or consciousness or feeling, sentient, sensible, animate, rational  |
sadācāracintana | n. Name of work  |
sadānvacatana | mfn. scaring them away  |
sadātana | mfn. continual, perpetual ( sadātanatva -tva- n.)  |
sadātana | m. equals aja- Name of viṣṇu-  |
sadātanatva | n. sadātana |
ṣaḍāyatana | n. the seats of the six organs (or senses)  |
ṣaḍāyatana | mfn. consisting of the six āyatana-s (viz. vijñāna-,earth, air, fire, and water, and rūpa-)  |
ṣaḍāyatanabhedaka | m. Name of a buddha-  |
sadyastana | mf(ī-)n. fresh, instantaneous  |
sahanartana | n. the act of dancing together  |
sahasraraśmitanaya | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn  |
sahāyatana | mfn. with the fire-shrine  |
śailādhirājatanayā | f. "daughter of himālaya-", Name of pārvati-  |
śailatanayā | f. equals -kanya-  |
śailatanayātāta | m. "father of pārvatī-", the himālaya-  |
sāketana | n. the city of Saketa  |
salilacaraketana | m. "fish-bannered", the god of love  |
śalyakartana | Name of a place  |
śalyakīrtana | Name of places  |
samanukīrtana | n. praising highly, high praise |
samāvartana | n. returning, (especially) the return home of a Brahman student as above (also"the saṃskāra- ceremony performed on the above occasion"; see saṃskāra-) ( )  |
samāvartanakarman | n. Name of work  |
samāvartanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
samāvartanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
śambhutanaya | m. " śiva-'s son", Name of skanda- and gaṇeśa-  |
saṃcintana | n. careful consideration or reflection, anxiety  |
saṃghātana | n. killing, destroying  |
saṃketaketana | n. a place of assignation, place appointed for meeting (a lover etc.), rendezvous  |
saṃketaketana | n. idem or 'm. an agreement, appointment, rendezvous '  |
saṃketaniketana | n. ( ) equals -ketana-.  |
saṃkīrtana | n. the act of mentioning fully etc.  |
saṃkīrtana | n. praise, celebration, glorification  |
saṃnipātana | n. (fr. Causal) causing to fall together  |
saṃnivartana | etc. See saṃ-nivṛt-, column 3.  |
saṃnivartana | n. (also plural) turning back, return  |
sampravartana | n. moving or hurrying about  |
sampravartana | n. the act of setting in motion or action, undertaking  |
saṃraktanayana | mfn. having the eyes reddened (with passion or fury). ( )  |
saṃsāraparivartana | n. the turning round or revolution of the world  |
śāṃtanava | mf(ī-)n. written or composed by śaṃtanu-  |
śāṃtanava | m. patronymic of bhīṣma- (as son of king śaṃtanu-, the reputed great uncle of the pāṇḍava-s)  |
śāṃtanava | m. Name of a son of medhātithi-  |
śāṃtanava | m. of various writers (especially of the author of the phiṭsūtra-s; see vācārya-)  |
śāṃtanava | n. Name of the dvīpa- ruled by śāṃtanava-  |
śāṃtanavācārya | m. the author of the phiṭ-sūtra-s (on accentuation).  |
śāṃtanavaṣaṭsūtra | n. Name of a vedānta- work  |
śāṃtanavī | f. (scilicet ṭīkā-) the commentator or commentary composed by śaṃtanu-  |
saṃtatāśrunipātana | n. continuous shedding of tears  |
samutpatana | n. the act of flying up together, rising, ascending  |
samutpatana | n. making effort, energy, exertion  |
saṃvartana | mf(ī-)n. issuing in, leading to (compound)  |
saṃvartana | n. a particular mythical weapon  |
sanātana | mf(ī-,m. Calcutta edition also ā-)n. eternal, perpetual, permanent, everlasting, primeval, ancient etc.  |
sanātana | m. Name of brahmā-  |
sanātana | m. of viṣṇu-  |
sanātana | m. of śiva-  |
sanātana | m. a guest of deceased ancestors, one who must always be fed whenever he attends śrāddha-s  |
sanātana | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (in and later "a mind-born son of brahmā-") etc.  |
sanātana | m. of a king  |
sanātana | m. (with śarman-and go-svāmin-) of two authors  |
sanātana | m. plural Name of particular worlds  |
sanātanasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
sanātanatama | m. "most eternal or ancient", Name of viṣṇu-  |
sapatnacātana | mfn. scaring away rivals  |
sapattana | mfn. possessing towns or cities  |
saprayoganivartana | mfn. along with the (secret spells for) using and restraining (certain weapons)  |
saptanalī | f. bird-lime  |
saptanavata | mfn. the 97th  |
saptanavata | mfn. chapter of  |
saptanavati | f. 97  |
saptanavatitama | mfn. the 97th, chapter of  |
śāradātanaya | m. Name of an author  |
saraṭapatanapraśānti | f. Name of work (on removing the evil consequences of a lizard falling on one's head).  |
śarīrapatana | n. equals -pāta-  |
sarpārikstana | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
śaśāṅkatanaya | m. "the moon's son", the planet Mercury  |
śaśitanaya | ( ) m. "moon's son", the planet Mercury.  |
śastranipātana | n. "stroke of the knife", a surgical operation  |
śatana | n. (for śātana-,2, śad-) cutting down, felling  |
śātana | n. the act of sharpening or wetting  |
śātana | n. sharpness, thinness  |
śātana | mf(ī-)n. causing to fall or decay, felling, destroying, hewing or cutting off  |
śātana | n. the act of causing to fall etc.  |
śātana | n. cutting or plucking off  |
śātana | n. destroying, ruining  |
śātana | n. polishing, planing  |
śātana | n. a means of removing or destroying (see garbha-ś-). |
savitṛtanaya | m. Name of the planet Saturn  |
sāyantana | mf(ī-)n. relating to evening, vespertine,  |
sāyantanamallikā | f. evening jasmine  |
sāyantanasamaya | m. eventide |
sāyatana | mfn. together with the place of abode etc.  |
śayyāprāntavivartana | n. rolling from one side to another of a couch  |
ścotana | n. the act of oozing or flowing, exudation (See pra-śc-)  |
siddhāntanaiyāyikamata | n. Name of work  |
śīghracetana | mfn. having quick intellect, very sagacious (as a dog)  |
śīghracetana | m. a dog  |
siṃhikātanaya | m. "son of siṃhikā-", metron, of rāhu-  |
siṃhikātanaya | m. plural Name of certain asura-s  |
śiraḥkṛntana | n. cutting off the head, decapitation  |
śīrṣavartana | n. submission to punishment (if an accused person clears himself in an ordeal;See under śiras-)  |
śītagutanaya | m. "son of the moon", the planet Mercury  |
sītārāmasaṃkīrtana | n. Name of work  |
śivakīrtana | m. " śaṃkara--praiser", Name of bhṛṅgi- or bhṛṅgarīṭa- (one of skanda-'s attendants)  |
śivakīrtana | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
śivakīrtana | n. the act of praising or celebrating śaṃkara-  |
śivāyatana | n. a śiva- temple  |
somanāthapattana | n. Name of a town on the western coast of India (commonly called Somnath Pattan in Kathiawar, celebrated for the śiva- temple above described)  |
sopārakapattana | n. Name of a town  |
sphoṭitanayana | mfn. having the eyes put out  |
śrīniketana | m. "dwelling with śrī-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
śrīniketana | n. equals prec. n.  |
śrīpattana | n. Name of a town  |
śrīraṅgapattana | n. " viṣṇu-'s city", the city of Seringapatam (situated in Mysore on an island an a channel of the kāverī-, said to have been founded by an ancient king who called it after himself, or by a devotee who dedicated it to viṣṇu-; see above )  |
srotanadībhava | n. antimony  |
sṛṣṭipattana | n. a particular magical power  |
stana | m. (or n. gaRa ardharcādi- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā-or ī-;derivation doubtful, but prob. connected with stan-,from the hollow resonance of the human breast), the female breast (either human or animal) , teat, dug, udder etc.  |
stana | m. the nipple (of the female or the male breast)  |
stana | m. a kind of pin or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat  |
stanabāla | m. plural Name of a people  |
stanabhara | m. "breast-weight", a swelling bosom  |
stanabhara | m. a man with a breast like a woman's  |
stanabhava | mfn. being on the breast  |
stanabhava | m. a particular posture in sexual union  |
stanacūcuka | n. the nipple of the breast  |
stanadātrī | f. giving the breast, suckling  |
stanadveṣin | mfn. rejecting the breast  |
stanagraha | m. the sucking or drawing of the breast  |
stanakalaśa | m. a jar-like breast  |
stanakalaśa | m. Name of a bard (wrong reading lasa-)  |
stanakesavatī | f. having breasts and long hair.  |
stanakoraka | m. n. a budlike breast  |
stanakoṭi | f. the nipple of the breast  |
stanakuḍmala | n. "breast-bud", a woman's breast  |
stanakumbha | m. equals -kalaśa- above  |
stanakuṇḍa | n. (sg. or plural) Name of a tīrtha-  |
stanamadhya | m. a nipple  |
stanamadhya | n. the space between the breast  |
stanamaṇḍala | n. "breast-orb" equals -taṭa-  |
stanaṃdha | mfn. equals -ṃ-dhaya-  |
stanaṃdhama | mfn.  |
stanaṃdhaya | mf(ī-or[ ] ā-)n. sucking the breast  |
stanaṃdhaya | m. a suckling, infant etc.  |
stanaṃdhaya | m. a calf  |
stanamukha | m. (?) n. a nipple  |
stanamūla | n. "root of the breast", the lower part of the female breast  |
stanana | n. the sound of a hollow cough  |
stanana | n. sounding, sound, noise  |
stanana | n. the rumbling of clouds  |
stanana | n. equals kunthana-, kunthita-  |
stanana | n. groaning, breathing hard  |
stanapa | mf(ā-)n. drinking or sucking the breast  |
stanapa | mf(ā-)n. a suckling  |
stanapā | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanapāna | n. the drinking or sucking of the breast  |
stanapatana | n. flaccidity of the breast  |
stanapātṛ | mfn. sucking the breast of (compound) ,  |
stanapāyaka | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanapāyika | m. plural varia lectio for -poṣika-  |
stanapāyikā | f. a female child still unweaned  |
stanapāyin | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanapoṣika | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -yoṣika-etc.)  |
stanaroga | m. a disease of the female breast  |
stanarohita | m. n. a particular part of the female breast  |
stanaśikhā | f. "breast-point", a nipple  |
stanasyu | mfn. sucking the breast, a suckling  |
stanataṭa | m. n. the projection of the female breast  |
stanatha | m. roar (of a lion)  |
stanatha | m. thunder  |
stanathu | m. roar (of a lion)  |
stanatyāga | m. "leaving the mother's breast", weaning  |
stanavatī | f. possessing teats  |
stanavatī | f. a woman  |
stanavepathu | m. the heaving of the breast  |
stanavṛnta | n. "breast-stalk", a nipple  |
stanayadama | mfn. (see 1. ama-) having a roaring onset (said of the marut-s)  |
stanayitnu | m. (sg. or plural) thunder (plural personified as children of vidyota-, "Lightning") etc.  |
stanayitnu | m. a thunder-cloud  |
stanayitnu | m. lightning  |
stanayitnu | m. sickness  |
stanayitnu | m. death  |
stanayitnu | m. a kind of grass (equals mustaka-)  |
stanayitnughoṣa | mfn. loud as thunder  |
stanayitnumat | or (wrong reading)  |
stanayitnusani | mfn. bringing thunder  |
stanayitnuvat | mfn. connected with thunder  |
stanayodhika | ( ) ( ) m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -poṣika-).  |
stanayoṣika | ( ) m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -poṣika-). |
sthalapattana | n. a town situated on dry land (opp. to jala-p-),  |
stimitanayana | mfn. having the eyes intently fixed (see stabdhadṛṣṭi-)  |
subhagātanaya | m. the son of a beloved wife or of an honoured mother  |
sucetana | mfn. very notable, distinguished  |
sucintana | n. the act of thinking well, deliberate consideration  |
sugandhimūtrapatana | m. a civet cat  |
sugatāyatana | n. a Buddhist temple or monastery  |
suketana | m. Name of a son of sunītha-  |
sukhaikāyatana | n. sole abode of joy  |
śūlaghātana | n. "pain-destroying", iron rust  |
sumitrātanaya | m. "son of sumitrā-", Name of lakṣmaṇa-  |
suparṇītanaya | m. "son of su-parṇī-", garuḍa-  |
supatana | mfn. flying well (equals -parṇ/a-)  |
surabhitanaya | m. "son of surabhi-", a bull  |
surabhitanayā | f. a cow  |
surapatitanaya | m. " indra-'s son", Name of arjuna-  |
sūryādipañcāyatanapratiṣṭhāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
sūryatanaya | m. "son of the Sun", Name of manu-  |
sūryatanaya | m. of the planet Saturn  |
sūryatanaya | m. of karṇa-  |
sūryatanaya | m. of su-grīva-  |
sūryatanayā | f. "daughter of the Sun", the river yamunā-  |
sūtanandana | m. "son of sūta-", Name of ugra-śravas-  |
sutanaya | mfn. (id est 5. su-+ tan-) having beautiful children  |
sūtatanaya | m. "son (id est adopted son) of the sūta- (Adhiratha)", Name of karṇa- |
svapnaniketana | n. equals -gṛha-  |
svarapattana | n. "abode of accents", Name of the sāmaveda-.  |
śvastana | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to the morrow (ne 'hani-,"on the morrow") ([ confer, compare Latin crastinus])  |
śvastana | n. to-morrow, next day, the future (see a-śv-).  |
śvastanavat | mfn. having a future  |
tadānīṃtana | mfn. then living  |
tālitanagara | n. Name of a town. 1.  |
tantukṛntana | n. cutting off the propagation of a family  |
tapanatanaya | m. "Sun-son", karṇa-  |
tapanatanayā | f. equals -sutā-  |
tapanatanaya | f. equals pantī-  |
tapanatanaya | f. equals pasvīṣṭā-  |
tapanatanayeṣṭā | f. idem or 'f. equals pasvīṣṭā- '  |
taraṇitanayā | f. "sun-daughter", the river yamunā-  |
tārapatana | n. the falling of a meteor  |
tātana | m. a wagtail  |
tigmayātana | mfn. causing acute pain or agony (a hell)  |
tīkṣṇāṃśutanaya | m. "sun-son", Saturn  |
tiryakpātana | n. a kind of process applied especially to mercury.  |
traitana | m. Name of a deity (connected with trita-; = Zend Thraetaona, Persian Feridun)  |
tristana | mfn. milked from 3 nipples  |
tristana | f. (a cow) having 3 nipples  |
trivargacintana | n. Name of a chapter of  |
tuṣārapatana | n. snow-fall  |
ubhayavetana | mfn. "receiving wages from both", a spy who seemingly enters the enemy's service  |
ubhayavetana | mfn. a perfidious or treacherous servant  |
ubhayavetanatva | n. the state of receiving wages from both  |
uccaistana | mfn. high, lofty,  |
udadhānāyatana | n. the place for a water-reservoir,  |
udāvartana | n. retention, retarding  |
uddyotana | n. the act of enlightening, illumination.  |
uddyotanasūri | m. Name of a teacher ( )  |
udghātana | n. a bucket for drawing (water)  |
udvartana | mfn. causing to burst  |
udvartana | n. the act of rising, going up, ascending, jumping up  |
udvartana | n. the springing up of plants or grain etc.  |
udvartana | n. swelling up, overflowing  |
udvartana | n. drawing out metal, laminating  |
udvartana | n. grinding, pounding  |
udvartana | n. rubbing or kneading the body, rubbing and cleansing it with fragrant unguents  |
udvartana | n. the unguents used for that purpose (or to relieve pains in the limbs etc.) etc.  |
udvartana | n. bad behaviour, bad conduct  |
upāṃśvāyatana | mfn. having a silent abode, kept inaudible (as the breath)  |
upanipātana | n. occurring or taking place suddenly commentator or commentary on  |
uparitana | mf(ī-)n. upper (opposed to adhastana-) commentator or commentary on and  |
uparitana | mf(ī-)n. following, further on, subsequent (in a book) commentator or commentary on ., on  |
upavartana | n. (fr. the Causal) , the act of bringing near  |
upavartana | n. a place for exercise  |
upavartana | n. a country (inhabited or not)  |
upāvartana | etc. See column 3.  |
upāvartana | n. the act of coming back, return  |
uragāriketana | m. "having garuḍa- as symbol", Name of viṣṇu-  |
ūrdhvapātana | n. the act of causing (mercury) to rise, sublimation (of mercury)  |
ūrdhvapātanayantra | n. an apparatus for sublimation (of mercury).  |
ūrdhvastana | mf(ī-)n. high-breasted  |
utathyatanaya | m. "a descendant of utathya-", Name of gautama-  |
utkartana | etc. See 1. ut-kṛt-.  |
utkartana | n. cutting up, cutting to pieces, cutting off  |
utketana | n. a raised flag,  |
utkīrtana | etc. See ut-kṝt-.  |
utkīrtana | n. crying out, proclaiming  |
utkīrtana | n. reporting, promulgating  |
utkīrtana | n. praising, celebrating.  |
utkīrtana | n. (in dramatic language) awakening of the remembrance of former events,  |
utpatana | mf(ī-)n. flying upwards, (utpatanī vidyā-,a spell by means of which one is able to fly upwards or to rise )  |
utpatana | n. flying or jumping up, rising, ascending, going up  |
utpatana | n. birth, production  |
utpattiketana | n. birth-place  |
utstana | mf(ī-)n. having prominent breasts |
vahnipatana | n. "entering the fire", self-immolation  |
vaikartana | mfn. (fr. vi-kartana-) relating or belonging to the sun  |
vaikartana | m. Name of karṇa- (as son of the sun)  |
vaikartana | m. patronymic of su-grīva-  |
vaikartanakula | n. the solar race  |
vairaniryātana | n. requital of enmity, revenge  |
vairapratiyātana | n. the requital of enmity, taking vengeance  |
vairayātana | n. vairayātanā |
vairocananiketana | n. "abode of bali-", the lower regions  |
vajrapatana | n. the fall or stroke of a thunderbolt  |
vajrapātana | n. the hurling of a thunderbolt  |
vaṃśānukīrtana | n. the recounting or proclaiming a family or a genealogy  |
vānaraketana | m. "monkey-bannered", Name of arjuna-  |
vandhyātanaya | m. equals -putra-  |
vartana | mfn. (also fr. Causal) abiding, staying etc. (= vartiṣṇu-)  |
vartana | mfn. setting in motion, quickening, causing to live or be (also applied to viṣṇu-)  |
vartana | m. a dwarf.  |
vartana | n. the act of turning or rolling or rolling on or moving forward or about (trans. and intrans.) etc. (alsof(ā-). )  |
vartana | n. twisting (a rope)  |
vartana | n. staying, abiding in (locative case)  |
vartana | n. living on (instrumental case), livelihood, subsistence, occupation, earnings, wages  |
vartana | n. commerce, intercourse with (saha-)  |
vartana | n. proceeding, conduct, behaviour  |
vartana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') application of.  |
vartana | n. a distaff or spindle  |
vartana | n. a globe or ball  |
vartana | n. an often told word  |
vartana | n. a place where a horse rolls  |
vartana | n. decoction  |
vārtana | mfn. equals vartanīṣu bhavaḥ-  |
vartanadāna | n. the gift of means of subsistence or wages  |
vartanaviniyoga | m. appointment of means of subsistence, salary, wages  |
vartmapātana | n. waylaying  |
vātāhatanau | f. vātāhata |
vatsapattana | n. " vatsa- town", Name of a city in the north of India (also called kauśāmbī-)  |
vāyutanaya | m. equals -putra-  |
vedāntanayanabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
vedāntanayanācārya | m. Name of authors  |
vetana | n. (according to to fr. vī-,but rather connected with vṛt-; see vartana-) wages, hire, salary, subsistence, livelihood etc.  |
vetana | n. price  |
vetana | n. silver  |
vetanabhuj | m. "earning wages", a servant  |
vetanadāna | n. the paying of wages, hiring  |
vetanajīvin | mfn. subsisting by wages, stipendiary  |
vibhrāntanayana | mfn. one who rolls the eyes or casts side glances  |
vicetana | mf(ā-)n. (for 2.See under vi-cit-) senseless, unconscious, absent-minded etc.  |
vicetana | mf(ā-)n. inanimate, dead  |
vicetana | mf(ā-)n. foolish, stupid  |
vicetana | See a-vicetan/a-. 2.  |
vicetana | vi-cetas- etc. See under vi-- 4. cit-, column 1.  |
vicintana | n. thinking, thought  |
vidarbhatanayā | f. "daughter of the vidarbha- king", Name of damayantī-  |
vidhvastanagarāśrama | mfn. containing ruined cities and hermitages  |
vidyotana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. irradiating, illuminating, illustrating '  |
vidyotana | n. lightning  |
vidyutprapatana | n. a stroke of lightning  |
vigatanayana | mfn. eyeless, blind  |
vighātana | mfn. warding off, averting  |
vighātana | n. impeding, interrupting, disturbing  |
vighātanasiddhi | f. the settling or removal of obstacles or impediments  |
vihvalacetana | ( ) mfn. distressed in mind, low-spirited  |
vijñānāntyāyatana | n. (with Buddhists) Name of a world  |
vikartana | mfn. cutting asunder, dividing  |
vikartana | m. the sun (prob. as the"divider of clouds")  |
vikartana | m. a son who has usurped his father's kingdom  |
vikartana | n. the act of cutting asunder or dividing  |
vikasitanayanavadanakamala | mfn. opening (her) lotus-like eyes and mouth  |
vinatātanayā | f. "daughter of veda-", metr. of su-mati-  |
vinikṛntana | mfn. cutting in pieces, hewing down  |
vinipātana | n. causing miscarriage  |
vinivartana | n. turning back, return etc.  |
vinivartana | n. coming to an end, cessation  |
viparivartana | mf(ī-)n. causing to turn round or to return  |
viparivartana | n. turning round  |
viparivartana | n. rolling about, wallowing  |
vipātana | n. (fr. Causal) melting, liquefying  |
viśātana | mf(ī-)n. (2. śad-, Causal) causing to fall to pieces, destroying  |
viśātana | mf(ī-)n. setting free, delivering  |
viśātana | m. Name of viṣṇu- (equals saṃhartṛ- )  |
viśātana | n. cutting off  |
viśātana | n. hewing in pieces, destroying  |
viśveśvarapattana | n. Name of Benares  |
vitana | See āhara-vitanā-.  |
vītana | m. dual number (possibly fr. vi-+ tan-) the sides or cartilages of the larynx or throat  |
vitteśapatana | n. kubera-'s town  |
vivartana | mfn. turning round, revolving  |
vivartana | mfn. changing, transforming  |
vivartana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) rolling (of a horse)  |
vivartana | n. rolling or tossing about, struggling (alsof(ā-). )  |
vivartana | n. moving or wandering to and fro  |
vivartana | n. turning round  |
vivartana | n. turning, turn, change  |
vivartana | n. turning away or back  |
vivartana | n. returning, return  |
vivartana | n. a kind of dance (also vivartananṛtya -nṛtya- n.)  |
vivartana | n. transformation  |
vivartana | n. existing, being, abiding  |
vivartana | n. going round, circumambulating (an altar etc.)  |
vivartana | n. reverential salutation  |
vivartana | n. causing to turn or to change, overturning  |
vivartananṛtya | n. vivartana |
vṛkṣamūlaniketana | mfn. dwelling at the roots of trees  |
vṛṣaketana | m. "having a bull for a sign", Name of śiva-  |
vṛṣapūtana | (?) m. letting loose a black bull (see vṛṣotsarga-).  |
vṛṣarājaketana | m. "having the king of bulls for a sign", Name of śiva-  |
vyākhyātana | mfn. explained, fully detailed related, told etc.  |
vyākhyātana | mfn. conquered, overcome (?)  |
vyākulitacetana | mfn. agitated or perplexed in mind, alarmed, bewildered, frightened.  |
vyāvartana | mf(ī-)n. averting, removing (see vigraha-vyāvartanī-)  |
vyāvartana | mf(ī-)n. excluding  |
vyāvartana | n. turn (of a road)  |
vyāvartana | n. coil (of a snake)  |
vyāvartana | n. turning away  |
vyāvartana | n. turning round, revolving, encompassing, surrounding  |
vyavasthātivartana | n. id  |
yajamānāyatana | n. the place of a yajamāna-  |
yajñāyatana | n. a place for sacrifice  |
yakṣāyatana | n. a temple dedicated to the yakṣa-s  |
yamakoṭipattana | n. yamakoṭi |
yamakoṭipattana | n. yamakoṭī |
yatana | n. making effort or exertion  |
yātana | n. (2. yat-) requital, retaliation, return (with vairasya-,revenge, vengeance)  |
yathāyatanam | ind. (thāy-) each in his own place or abode  |
yātucātana | mfn. driving away yātu-s  |
yayātipatana | n. "fall of yayāti-", Name of a place of pilgrimage  |