ajarāmaratva | n. everlasting youth and immortality; -vat, ad. as if undecaying and immortal. |
atithi | m. [wanderer], guest; --°ree;, a. come to, arriving at; -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -kriyâ, f. hospitality; -dharma, m. rights of a guest; -dharmin, a. having the claims of a guest. |
atithipūjana | n. honourable reception of a guest; -satkâra, m. hospitality to a guest. |
amara | a. (â, î) immortal; m. god; -garbha, m. divine child; -guru, m. Brihas pati, the planet Jupiter; -tatinî, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -taru, m. a certain tree; -tâ, f., -tva, n. divinity; immortality; -dat ta, m. N.; -druma, m. tree of the gods, Pârigâta; -dvish, m. Asura; -paksha-pâtin, m. friend of the gods; -pati-kumâra, m. son of Indra (Gayanta); -parvata, m. N. of a mtn.; -pura, n., î, f. city of the gods; -prakhya,a. like an immortal; -prabha, a. bright as an im mortal; -prârthita, pp. wooed by immortals; -mrigî-dris, f. A psaras. |
amartyabhāva | m. immortality. |
amṛtāya | den. Â. be like immor tality or nectar; become nectar. |
amṛta | pp. not hvg. died; immortal; m. god; â, f. goddess; a herb; n. immortality; world of immortals; nectar; a certain remedy; medicine; remnant of a sacrifice; water; milk; ray; -kara, m. moon; -kirana, m. id.; -tegas, m. N. of a fairy prince; -tvá, n. immortality; condition of ambrosia; -dîdhiti, m. moon; -drava, a. flowing with nectar; -dhâyin, a. sipping --; -pâyin, a. drinking nectar=hearing fine speeches; -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; â, f. N.; -bhavana, n. N. of a monastery; -bhâsh ana, n. nectar-like speech; -bhug, m. god; -bhogana, a. eating the remnants of sacrifices; -máya, a. (î) immortal; nectar-like; consist ing of nectar; -rasmi, m. moon; -rasa, m. nectar; a. tasting like nectar; -latâ, f. creeper yielding nectar; -loka, m. world of the immortals; -varshin, a. raining nectar; -hrada, m. lake of nectar. |
asu | m. breath, life, vitality; spirit world; vital spirits (pl. C.). |
ātitheya | a. (î) relating to guests, hospitable; n. hospitality. |
ātithya | a.; n. id.; reception of the Soma (ritual): -vat, a. speaking of hospital ity; containing the word &open;guest;&close; -satkâra, m. good offices of hospitality. |
āyus | n. life, age, long life (often pl.); allotted term of life; vitality; vital element; world. |
indriya | a. belonging to, like or dear to Indra; m. companion of Indra; n. Indra's might; dominion; mighty deed; vigour, energy; semen virile; organ of sense; -kâma, a. desirous of might; -grâma, m.totality of the senses; -nigraha, m. restraint of the senses; -sakti, f. power of the senses; -samyamá, m. restraint of the senses. |
karaṇa | a. (î) making, producing, performing (--°ree;); m. a certain mixed caste; tune; word (gr.); n. making, doing; perform ing; producing; action; deed; rite; business; organ of sense; body; instrument; legal docu ment or evidence; notion of the instrumental case (gr.): -tâ, f., -tva, n. instrumentality (gr.): -rûpa, a. having the form of an instru ment (ph.); î-ya, fp. to be done; n. business. |
kalāpa | m. (what holds together the parts), band; bundle; quiver; peacock's tail; ornament; totality: -ka, m. string, band, -varman, m. N.; -pin, m. peacock. |
kātsnrya | n. totality: in. completely. |
kṛtāṅka | a. branded; -½añgala, a. having the palms joined in supplication to (d.); -½âtithya, a. having practised hospi tality; hospitably entertained; -½âtman, a. whose mind is cultivatedor purified; -½âdara, a. treated with due respect; -½anuvyâdha, a. filled with (in.); -½anta, a. making an end, decisive; m. matter, affair, case; fate; Death, Yama; system, doctrine: -nagarî, f. city of Yama, -samtrâsa,m. N. of a Râkshasa; -½antara, a. having made one's way to (g.); -½anná, n. cooked food; -½aparâdha, a. hav ing committed an offence against (g.); -½abhi sheka, a. hvg. performed a religious ablution; consecrated;-½abhyâsa, a. kept to one's studies (by, --°ree;); -½artha, a. having attained his object; satisfied: -tâ, f., -tva, n. satisfaction. |
tatkartavya | fp. n. (necessity to do that), appropriate course of action; -karma kârin, a. following the same occupations; -kârin, a. doing the same thing; -kâla, m. that time, that particular time, previous time: -m, at that time, at the same time; instantly, at once; a. happening at the same time or at once, -parikaryâ, f. immediate hospitality; -kâlîna, a. being at or belonging to that time; simultaneous; -krita, pp.caused thereby; -kshana, m. the same moment: -m, ab., lc., °ree;--, straightway, instantly. |
tejas | n. sharpness; edge; heat, fire, bright flame, light, brilliance (sg. & pl.); splendour, beauty; energy, vigour, force, vi tality, strength; violence; influence; mental, moral, or magical power; dignity, majesty, glory; distinguished personage; semen virile; passion in philosophy (=ragas). |
deya | fp. to be given; -bestowed in marriage; -granted; -delivered; -restored, -paid: -h panthâh, way must be made for (g.); atithitvena saktyâ deyam, n. impl. one should give according to one's ability in regard to hospitality; n. gift; impost; wages. |
nṛyajña | m. sacrifice to men, i.e. hospitality; -loka, m. world of men, earth; -vát, a. manly; belonging to or consisting of men; -vara, m. best of men, prince, king; -samsa, a. injurious to mankind, noxious, malicious, base: -tâ, f. mischievousness, baseness; -samsita, n. malignity, baseness; -shád, a. sitting among men; -simha, m. man-lion, great hero; half man half lion, the fourth Avatâr of Vishnu; N.: -ka, m.man-lion, Vishnu; -soma, m. moon among men, i. e. distinguished man; -hari, m. man-lion, the fourth Avatâr of Vishnu. |
naipuṇa | n. dexterity, skill; experience, in (g., --°ree;); completeness, totality of (g.); whole science of, strict adherence to (--°ree;): in. completely, exactly. |
parisaṃvatsara | m. full year; a. a full year old; waiting a full year; -sakhya, n. true friendship; -samkhyâ, f. complete tale or enumeration; full number, totality, sum, number; exhaustive statement (i. e. excluding everything not specified): -na, n. complete enumeration, full number; exhaustive statement; just examination or estimate; -samghushta, pp. resonant on all sides; -samâpti, f. conclusion, completion, end; extension to (lc. or ad. with prati); -sara, a. adjacent; bordering on (--°ree;); m. neighbourhood, region, proximity; -sarpana, n. creeping about; walking about; running to and fro, continual change from place to place; -sarpin, a. moving about; -sâdhana, n. accomplishment; settlement, exaction (of debts); -sântvana, n. consoling: pl. blandish ments; -sâraka, n. N. of a place on the Sarasvatî. |
parāvara | a. farther and nearer, preceding and following, superior and inferior; all-comprising; n. cause and effect; totality. |
pārāyaṇa | n. reading through, study; totality; complete text. |
prāṇa | m. breath; vital spirit (pl. life); vital air (five are generally assumed; but three, six, seven, nine, and even ten are also spoken of); sp. inhaled air; breath of air, wind; breath as a measure of time (requisite for pronouncing ten long sylla bles); vigour, energy, power; soul (in the Sâmkhya phil.); intelligence associated with totality (Vedânta); sign of vitality (pl.); organ of sense (mouth, nose, eyes, and ears: pl.); N.; --°ree;, a. = loving -as dearly as life, or having one's life dependent on --: -kara, a. invigorating; -karman, n. vital function; -krikkhra, n. danger to life; -ghna, a. life destroying, deadly; -khid, a. cutting life short, fatal; -kkheda, m. destruction of life, murder; -tyâga, m. abandonment of life, suicide; death. |
maṇḍala | a. circular, round; n., î, f. (rare), disk, esp. of the sun or moon; orb, circle (in. in a circle), ring, circumference; wheel; charmed circle (of a conjurer); n. orbit (of a heavenly body); n. halo round the sun or moon; n. ball, globe; m. n. circular array of troops; circle=district, province, territory, country; m. n., î, f. circle=group, company, assemblage, troop, multitude, crowd; swarm (of bees); whole body, totality; circle of a king's near and distant neighbours (the relations of whom to one another and to him self he should endeavour to regulate advan tageously; four, six, ten, and twelve such princes are spoken of); n.division or book of the Rig-veda (of which there are ten); m. dog. |
manuṣyakāra | m. human effort; -gandha, m. human odour; -ganman, a. begotten by a man; -gâta, (pp.) n. human race; -gâti, f. id.; -tâ, f. human condition; manhood; -tvá, n. human condition, human ity: -m yâ, become men; -devá, m. god among men=Brâhman (V.) or king; -dhar man, m. ep. of Kubera; -pota, m. little boy; -prakriti, a. of human origin; -yagñá, m. offering to men (one of the five Mahâyagñas) =charity, hospitality; -rathá, m. human carriage; -râgá, -râgan, m. human king; -rûpá, n. human form; -loká, m. world of men; -vis, f., -visá, n., -visâ, f. human folk; -sâkshya, n. presence of men as witnesses: lc. before men as witnesses. |
martya | a. [relating to mortals], mor tal; m. mortal, man; world of mortals, earth; n. mortal coil, body: -tâ, f. mortality; hu man condition; -tva, n. human condition; -dharma, m. pl. laws or conditions of human life; -dharman, m. mortal, human being; -bhâva, m. human nature; -bhuvana, n. world of mortals, earth; -mandala, n. id.; -loka, m. id.; -½amrita, n. immortality of a mortal. |
mātra | n. element (only P.); --°ree;, mea sure, size, height, depth, length, breadth, distance; quantity, sum (of money); dura tion or space of time; number (redundant with numerals); whole measure, totality, ag gregate or entire class of, so and so in the widest sense; no more than what the preced ing word expresses: to be translated by no thing but, only, merely; --°ree; a. (â, î) as large, high, deep, long, broad, or far as; as much or many as; having no more than, amount ing only to, consisting of nothing but; being nothing but, a simple or mere; following im mediately after: with pp.=no sooner than, scarcely, as soon as, only just; consisting of (so many) morae; lasting (so many) moments; possessing (anything) as one's property. |
mṛtiman | m. mortality. |
vidhitsā | des. f. (√ dhâ) inten tion, wish, desire, for (--°ree;); wish to make any one anything (--°ree;); -su, des. a. intending (ac.): âtithyam --, wishing to show hospitality. |
śrutidvaidha | n. conflict of Vedic precepts; -dhara, a. having a good memory (better sruta-); -patha, m. range of hearing, ear-shot; auditory passage, hearing: -m gam, pra½âp, or â-yâ, come to the ears: -ma dhura, a. pleasant to hear; -prasâdana, n. engaging the attention; -mat, a. having ears; learned (less correct for sruta-vat); supported by a Vedic passage; -mahat, a. great in learning; -mârga, m. way (=instrumen tality) of the ears; auditory passage, hear ing: °ree;-or in. by way of the ears: -m gam, come to the ears: -pravishta, pp. having en tered by way of the ears; -mûla, n. root of the ear; -vakana, n. Vedic precept; -visha ya, m. object of the sense of hearing, sound; range of hearing; -siras, n. leading passage of scripture. |
saṃgraha | m. seizing, grasping; keeping, retaining; obtainment (pattra-, of leaves); taking (of food); magical with drawal of discharged missiles; collecting, gathering; accumulation, store; bringing together, assembling (of men); complete enumeration; collection, totality, complete compendium, summary, epitome (ord. mg.); inclusion (rare); restraining, controlling (rare); guarding, protection, of (g.); ruler (E.); propitiation, kind treatment, enter tainment: in. completely, entirely; in., ab. summarily, briefly; -grahana, n. acquisi tion; collecting, accumulation; encasing, setting in (--°ree;, of a jewel); restraining; pro pitiation (also V., -gráh-); adultery, with (--°ree;); -grahanîya, fp. to be directed towards (lc.); -grahin, m. collector; -grahîtrí, m. charioteer. |
satkathā | f. good conversation or tale; -kartri, m. benefactor; -karman, n. good work, virtuous act; a. performing good actions; -kalâ, f. fine art; -kavi, m. good or true poet: -tva, n. true poetic gift;-kâra, m. sg., pl. kind treatment, hospitable recep tion, hospitality; praise, favour (of a king, --°ree;): -½arha, a. worthy of hospitable treat ment; -kârya, fp. effected; deserving of honour or hospitality; n. necessary exist ence of the effect (as inherent in the cause: in Sâ&ndot;khya phil.): -vâda, m. theory of the actual existence of the effect, -vâdin, m. ad herent of this theory; -kâvya, n. good poem; -kîrti, f. good reputation; a. having a --; -kula, n. good or noble family; a. belonging to a --; -krita, pp. honoured, treated hos pitably; n. honourable reception; -kriti, f. kind treatment, hospitable reception, hos pitality; -kritya, gd. having entertained hospitably; -kriyâ, f. putting in order, pre paration (rare); sg., pl. kind treatment, hos pitable reception, hospitality (ord. mg.); cele bration (of a wedding, --°ree;); -kshetra, n. good field. |
sadyaḥkṛtta | pp. recently cut; -pâtin, a. quickly sinking or drooping (heart); -pragñâ-kara, a. (î) producing intelligence at once; -pragñâ-hara, a. at once depriving of intelligence; -prasûtâ, pp. f. having recently brought forth or calved; -prâna-kara, a. at once restoring vitality; -prâna-hara, a. at once depriving of vitality; -phala, a. at once bearing fruit: -sakti-hara, a. at once de priving of strength; -sauka, n.instantaneous purification; -srâddhin, a. having just par taken of a funeral feast. |
saṃdoha | m. milking; aggregate milk of a herd; totality, multitude, quantity, abun dance; -dohana, a. milking, bestowing. |
samuccaya | m. (heaping up to gether), mass, multitude; totality, aggregate; conjunctive sense (of ka; opp. vikalpa, dis junctive sense of vâ): -½upamâ, f. simile with a &open;not only, but also&close;; -kârana, n. simul taneous utterance; -kikîshâ, f. [√ ki] desire to collect or summarise; -kitî-kri, unite; -ketavya, fp. to be taken together (the one as well as the other); -keya, fp. id.; -kheda, m.: -na, n.destruction, extermination; -khra ya, a. growing up (living beings); m. erec tion, elevation (rare); height, length; emi nence, mountain (rare); rise, exaltation, high position; augmentation, stimulation; -khvas ita, pp. √ svas; n. taking breath; (-ug)- gvala, a. shining, radiant, splendid (on, in, with, --°ree;). |
sarvatā | f. wholeness, totality; (á)- tâti, f. (V.) integrity, perfect safety or prosperity: lc. -tâtâ, all together, entirely; -tîr tha, n. pl. all sacred bathing-places; -tego maya, a. (î) all-glorious. |
sākalya | n. [sakala] entirety, com pleteness, totality: in. completely, entirely. |
sāmagrī | f. [sam-agra] entireness, totality; completeness of materials, apparatus, means, for (g., --°ree;): kâ te sâmagrî, what means have you at your disposal? -ya, n. id. |