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Monier-Williams Search
2 results for talit
talitamfn. "bottomed", fixed, placed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
talitamfn. fried View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
talit तलित् f. Lightning; cf. तडित्.
talita तलित a. 1 Fixed, having a bottom. -2 Fried. -तम् Fried meat.
uttalita उत्तलित Thrown or cast upwards.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
amrta a-mṛ́ta, a. immortal; m. immortal being, i. 35, 2; vii. 63, 5; viii. 48, 32; n. what is immortal, i. 35, 6; x. 90, 3; immortality, x. 129, 2 [not dead, mṛtá, pp. of mṛ die; cp. Gk. ἄμβροτος ‘immortal’].
amṛtatva amṛta-tvá, n. immortality, x. 90, 2.
Macdonell Search
40 results
ajarāmaratva n. everlasting youth and immortality; -vat, ad. as if undecaying and immortal.
atithi m. [wanderer], guest; --°ree;, a. come to, arriving at; -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -kriyâ, f. hospitality; -dharma, m. rights of a guest; -dharmin, a. having the claims of a guest.
atithipūjana n. honourable reception of a guest; -satkâra, m. hospitality to a guest.
amara a. (â, î) immortal; m. god; -garbha, m. divine child; -guru, m. Brihas pati, the planet Jupiter; -tatinî, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -taru, m. a certain tree; -tâ, f., -tva, n. divinity; immortality; -dat ta, m. N.; -druma, m. tree of the gods, Pârigâta; -dvish, m. Asura; -paksha-pâtin, m. friend of the gods; -pati-kumâra, m. son of Indra (Gayanta); -parvata, m. N. of a mtn.; -pura, n., î, f. city of the gods; -prakhya,a. like an immortal; -prabha, a. bright as an im mortal; -prârthita, pp. wooed by immortals; -mrigî-dris, f. A psaras.
amartyabhāva m. immortality.
amṛtāya den. Â. be like immor tality or nectar; become nectar.
amṛta pp. not hvg. died; immortal; m. god; â, f. goddess; a herb; n. immortality; world of immortals; nectar; a certain remedy; medicine; remnant of a sacrifice; water; milk; ray; -kara, m. moon; -kirana, m. id.; -tegas, m. N. of a fairy prince; -tvá, n. immortality; condition of ambrosia; -dîdhiti, m. moon; -drava, a. flowing with nectar; -dhâyin, a. sipping --; -pâyin, a. drinking nectar=hearing fine speeches; -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; â, f. N.; -bhavana, n. N. of a monastery; -bhâsh ana, n. nectar-like speech; -bhug, m. god; -bhogana, a. eating the remnants of sacrifices; -máya, a. (î) immortal; nectar-like; consist ing of nectar; -rasmi, m. moon; -rasa, m. nectar; a. tasting like nectar; -latâ, f. creeper yielding nectar; -loka, m. world of the immortals; -varshin, a. raining nectar; -hrada, m. lake of nectar.
asu m. breath, life, vitality; spirit world; vital spirits (pl. C.).
ātitheya a. (î) relating to guests, hospitable; n. hospitality.
ātithya a.; n. id.; reception of the Soma (ritual): -vat, a. speaking of hospital ity; containing the word &open;guest;&close; -satkâra, m. good offices of hospitality.
āyus n. life, age, long life (often pl.); allotted term of life; vitality; vital element; world.
indriya a. belonging to, like or dear to Indra; m. companion of Indra; n. Indra's might; dominion; mighty deed; vigour, energy; semen virile; organ of sense; -kâma, a. desirous of might; -grâma, m.totality of the senses; -nigraha, m. restraint of the senses; -sakti, f. power of the senses; -samyamá, m. restraint of the senses.
karaṇa a. (î) making, producing, performing (--°ree;); m. a certain mixed caste; tune; word (gr.); n. making, doing; perform ing; producing; action; deed; rite; business; organ of sense; body; instrument; legal docu ment or evidence; notion of the instrumental case (gr.): -tâ, f., -tva, n. instrumentality (gr.): -rûpa, a. having the form of an instru ment (ph.); î-ya, fp. to be done; n. business.
kalāpa m. (what holds together the parts), band; bundle; quiver; peacock's tail; ornament; totality: -ka, m. string, band, -varman, m. N.; -pin, m. peacock.
kātsnrya n. totality: in. completely.
kṛtāṅka a. branded; -½añgala, a. having the palms joined in supplication to (d.); -½âtithya, a. having practised hospi tality; hospitably entertained; -½âtman, a. whose mind is cultivatedor purified; -½âdara, a. treated with due respect; -½anuvyâdha, a. filled with (in.); -½anta, a. making an end, decisive; m. matter, affair, case; fate; Death, Yama; system, doctrine: -nagarî, f. city of Yama, -samtrâsa,m. N. of a Râkshasa; -½antara, a. having made one's way to (g.); -½anná, n. cooked food; -½aparâdha, a. hav ing committed an offence against (g.); -½abhi sheka, a. hvg. performed a religious ablution; consecrated;-½abhyâsa, a. kept to one's studies (by, --°ree;); -½artha, a. having attained his object; satisfied: -tâ, f., -tva, n. satisfaction.
tatkartavya fp. n. (necessity to do that), appropriate course of action; -karma kârin, a. following the same occupations; -kârin, a. doing the same thing; -kâla, m. that time, that particular time, previous time: -m, at that time, at the same time; instantly, at once; a. happening at the same time or at once, -parikaryâ, f. immediate hospitality; -kâlîna, a. being at or belonging to that time; simultaneous; -krita, pp.caused thereby; -kshana, m. the same moment: -m, ab., lc., °ree;--, straightway, instantly.
tejas n. sharpness; edge; heat, fire, bright flame, light, brilliance (sg. & pl.); splendour, beauty; energy, vigour, force, vi tality, strength; violence; influence; mental, moral, or magical power; dignity, majesty, glory; distinguished personage; semen virile; passion in philosophy (=ragas).
deya fp. to be given; -bestowed in marriage; -granted; -delivered; -restored, -paid: -h panthâh, way must be made for (g.); atithitvena saktyâ deyam, n. impl. one should give according to one's ability in regard to hospitality; n. gift; impost; wages.
nṛyajña m. sacrifice to men, i.e. hospitality; -loka, m. world of men, earth; -vát, a. manly; belonging to or consisting of men; -vara, m. best of men, prince, king; -samsa, a. injurious to mankind, noxious, malicious, base: -tâ, f. mischievousness, baseness; -samsita, n. malignity, baseness; -shád, a. sitting among men; -simha, m. man-lion, great hero; half man half lion, the fourth Avatâr of Vishnu; N.: -ka,, Vishnu; -soma, m. moon among men, i. e. distinguished man; -hari, m. man-lion, the fourth Avatâr of Vishnu.
naipuṇa n. dexterity, skill; experience, in (g., --°ree;); completeness, totality of (g.); whole science of, strict adherence to (--°ree;): in. completely, exactly.
parisaṃvatsara m. full year; a. a full year old; waiting a full year; -sakhya, n. true friendship; -samkhyâ, f. complete tale or enumeration; full number, totality, sum, number; exhaustive statement (i. e. excluding everything not specified): -na, n. complete enumeration, full number; exhaustive statement; just examination or estimate; -samghushta, pp. resonant on all sides; -samâpti, f. conclusion, completion, end; extension to (lc. or ad. with prati); -sara, a. adjacent; bordering on (--°ree;); m. neighbourhood, region, proximity; -sarpana, n. creeping about; walking about; running to and fro, continual change from place to place; -sarpin, a. moving about; -sâdhana, n. accomplishment; settlement, exaction (of debts); -sântvana, n. consoling: pl. blandish ments; -sâraka, n. N. of a place on the Sarasvatî.
parāvara a. farther and nearer, preceding and following, superior and inferior; all-comprising; n. cause and effect; totality.
pārāyaṇa n. reading through, study; totality; complete text.
prāṇa m. breath; vital spirit (pl. life); vital air (five are generally assumed; but three, six, seven, nine, and even ten are also spoken of); sp. inhaled air; breath of air, wind; breath as a measure of time (requisite for pronouncing ten long sylla bles); vigour, energy, power; soul (in the Sâmkhya phil.); intelligence associated with totality (Vedânta); sign of vitality (pl.); organ of sense (mouth, nose, eyes, and ears: pl.); N.; --°ree;, a. = loving -as dearly as life, or having one's life dependent on --: -kara, a. invigorating; -karman, n. vital function; -krikkhra, n. danger to life; -ghna, a. life destroying, deadly; -khid, a. cutting life short, fatal; -kkheda, m. destruction of life, murder; -tyâga, m. abandonment of life, suicide; death.
maṇḍala a. circular, round; n., î, f. (rare), disk, esp. of the sun or moon; orb, circle (in. in a circle), ring, circumference; wheel; charmed circle (of a conjurer); n. orbit (of a heavenly body); n. halo round the sun or moon; n. ball, globe; m. n. circular array of troops; circle=district, province, territory, country; m. n., î, f. circle=group, company, assemblage, troop, multitude, crowd; swarm (of bees); whole body, totality; circle of a king's near and distant neighbours (the relations of whom to one another and to him self he should endeavour to regulate advan tageously; four, six, ten, and twelve such princes are spoken of); n.division or book of the Rig-veda (of which there are ten); m. dog.
manuṣyakāra m. human effort; -gandha, m. human odour; -ganman, a. begotten by a man; -gâta, (pp.) n. human race; -gâti, f. id.; -tâ, f. human condition; manhood; -tvá, n. human condition, human ity: -m yâ, become men; -devá, m. god among men=Brâhman (V.) or king; -dhar man, m. ep. of Kubera; -pota, m. little boy; -prakriti, a. of human origin; -yagñá, m. offering to men (one of the five Mahâyagñas) =charity, hospitality; -rathá, m. human carriage; -râgá, -râgan, m. human king; -rûpá, n. human form; -loká, m. world of men; -vis, f., -visá, n., -visâ, f. human folk; -sâkshya, n. presence of men as witnesses: lc. before men as witnesses.
martya a. [relating to mortals], mor tal; m. mortal, man; world of mortals, earth; n. mortal coil, body: -tâ, f. mortality; hu man condition; -tva, n. human condition; -dharma, m. pl. laws or conditions of human life; -dharman, m. mortal, human being; -bhâva, m. human nature; -bhuvana, n. world of mortals, earth; -mandala, n. id.; -loka, m. id.; -½amrita, n. immortality of a mortal.
mātra n. element (only P.); --°ree;, mea sure, size, height, depth, length, breadth, distance; quantity, sum (of money); dura tion or space of time; number (redundant with numerals); whole measure, totality, ag gregate or entire class of, so and so in the widest sense; no more than what the preced ing word expresses: to be translated by no thing but, only, merely; --°ree; a. (â, î) as large, high, deep, long, broad, or far as; as much or many as; having no more than, amount ing only to, consisting of nothing but; being nothing but, a simple or mere; following im mediately after: with pp.=no sooner than, scarcely, as soon as, only just; consisting of (so many) morae; lasting (so many) moments; possessing (anything) as one's property.
mṛtiman m. mortality.
vidhitsā des. f. (√ dhâ) inten tion, wish, desire, for (--°ree;); wish to make any one anything (--°ree;); -su, des. a. intending (ac.): âtithyam --, wishing to show hospitality.
śrutidvaidha n. conflict of Vedic precepts; -dhara, a. having a good memory (better sruta-); -patha, m. range of hearing, ear-shot; auditory passage, hearing: -m gam, pra½âp, or â-yâ, come to the ears: -ma dhura, a. pleasant to hear; -prasâdana, n. engaging the attention; -mat, a. having ears; learned (less correct for sruta-vat); supported by a Vedic passage; -mahat, a. great in learning; -mârga, m. way (=instrumen tality) of the ears; auditory passage, hear ing: °ree;-or in. by way of the ears: -m gam, come to the ears: -pravishta, pp. having en tered by way of the ears; -mûla, n. root of the ear; -vakana, n. Vedic precept; -visha ya, m. object of the sense of hearing, sound; range of hearing; -siras, n. leading passage of scripture.
saṃgraha m. seizing, grasping; keeping, retaining; obtainment (pattra-, of leaves); taking (of food); magical with drawal of discharged missiles; collecting, gathering; accumulation, store; bringing together, assembling (of men); complete enumeration; collection, totality, complete compendium, summary, epitome (ord. mg.); inclusion (rare); restraining, controlling (rare); guarding, protection, of (g.); ruler (E.); propitiation, kind treatment, enter tainment: in. completely, entirely; in., ab. summarily, briefly; -grahana, n. acquisi tion; collecting, accumulation; encasing, setting in (--°ree;, of a jewel); restraining; pro pitiation (also V., -gráh-); adultery, with (--°ree;); -grahanîya, fp. to be directed towards (lc.); -grahin, m. collector; -grahîtrí, m. charioteer.
satkathā f. good conversation or tale; -kartri, m. benefactor; -karman, n. good work, virtuous act; a. performing good actions; -kalâ, f. fine art; -kavi, m. good or true poet: -tva, n. true poetic gift;-kâra, m. sg., pl. kind treatment, hospitable recep tion, hospitality; praise, favour (of a king, --°ree;): -½arha, a. worthy of hospitable treat ment; -kârya, fp. effected; deserving of honour or hospitality; n. necessary exist ence of the effect (as inherent in the cause: in Sâ&ndot;khya phil.): -vâda, m. theory of the actual existence of the effect, -vâdin, m. ad herent of this theory; -kâvya, n. good poem; -kîrti, f. good reputation; a. having a --; -kula, n. good or noble family; a. belonging to a --; -krita, pp. honoured, treated hos pitably; n. honourable reception; -kriti, f. kind treatment, hospitable reception, hos pitality; -kritya, gd. having entertained hospitably; -kriyâ, f. putting in order, pre paration (rare); sg., pl. kind treatment, hos pitable reception, hospitality (ord. mg.); cele bration (of a wedding, --°ree;); -kshetra, n. good field.
sadyaḥkṛtta pp. recently cut; -pâtin, a. quickly sinking or drooping (heart); -pragñâ-kara, a. (î) producing intelligence at once; -pragñâ-hara, a. at once depriving of intelligence; -prasûtâ, pp. f. having recently brought forth or calved; -prâna-kara, a. at once restoring vitality; -prâna-hara, a. at once depriving of vitality; -phala, a. at once bearing fruit: -sakti-hara, a. at once de priving of strength; -sauka, n.instantaneous purification; -srâddhin, a. having just par taken of a funeral feast.
saṃdoha m. milking; aggregate milk of a herd; totality, multitude, quantity, abun dance; -dohana, a. milking, bestowing.
samuccaya m. (heaping up to gether), mass, multitude; totality, aggregate; conjunctive sense (of ka; opp. vikalpa, dis junctive sense of vâ): -½upamâ, f. simile with a &open;not only, but also&close;; -kârana, n. simul taneous utterance; -kikîshâ, f. [√ ki] desire to collect or summarise; -kitî-kri, unite; -ketavya, fp. to be taken together (the one as well as the other); -keya, fp. id.; -kheda, m.: -na, n.destruction, extermination; -khra ya, a. growing up (living beings); m. erec tion, elevation (rare); height, length; emi nence, mountain (rare); rise, exaltation, high position; augmentation, stimulation; -khvas ita, pp. √ svas; n. taking breath; (-ug)- gvala, a. shining, radiant, splendid (on, in, with, --°ree;).
sarvatā f. wholeness, totality; (á)- tâti, f. (V.) integrity, perfect safety or prosperity: lc. -tâtâ, all together, entirely; -tîr tha, n. pl. all sacred bathing-places; -tego maya, a. (î) all-glorious.
sākalya n. [sakala] entirety, com pleteness, totality: in. completely, entirely.
sāmagrī f. [sam-agra] entireness, totality; completeness of materials, apparatus, means, for (g., --°ree;): kâ te sâmagrî, what means have you at your disposal? -ya, n. id.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"talit" has 2 results
anavayavaliterally having no parts; impartite; without any concern with the individual component parts; application in totality; confer, compare सिद्धं तु धर्मोपदेशने अनवयवविज्ञानाद्यथा लौकिकवैदिकेषु P. VI. 1.84 Vārt 5 and the Bhāṣya thereon; अस्मिञ् शास्त्रे अनवयवेन शास्त्रार्थसंप्रत्ययः स्यात् । a rule in grammar applies to all cases where its application is possible; it cannot be said to have its purpose served by applying to a few cases only.
samudāyaaggregate, totality, collection of individual members: confer, compare समुदाये प्रवृत्ताः शब्दाः क्वचिदवयवेष्वपि वर्तन्ते also confer, compare समुदाये व्याकरणशब्दः अवयवे नोपपद्यते M.Bh. Ahnika 1 Vart, 14: confer, compare also समुदाये वाक्यपरिसमाप्तिः।Par.Sek.Pari.108.
Vedabase Search
107 results
abhiprāyam the mentalitySB 10.49.30
acetasaḥ having a misled mentalityBG 17.5-6
adharme in the matter of immortalitySB 3.12.29
akhila-jīva-marmaṇi in every center of her vitalitySB 10.6.11
akhilam in totalityBG 4.33
amaratām immortalitySB 8.9.26
amartyatām immortalitySB 12.11.2-3
amṛta immortalityNBS 3
amṛtam immortalityBG 9.19
amṛtam immortalitySB 3.9.15
amṛtam immortalitySB 4.11.27
amṛtam immortalitySB 4.12.51
amṛtam immortalitySB 6.12.9
amṛtam the nectar of immortalitySB 10.49.26
amṛtam immortalitySB 12.10.19
amṛtatvam immortalitySB 11.29.34
amṛtatvam immortalityCC Madhya 22.103
amṛtatvam immortalityCC Antya 4.194
amṛtatvāya to immortalitySB 10.82.44
ānantyam immortalitySB 10.83.41-42
ānantyāya for immortalitySB 11.11.34-41
anukūlam favorable to our mentalitySB 2.3.25
āpa at the end, he obtains (a mentality)SB 10.1.42
apunaḥ-bhavāya for the position of immortalitySB 5.19.25
arhayām āsa received with great hospitalitySB 11.9.5
arhayām āsa received with great hospitalitySB 11.9.5
asat-matim the unclean mentality (accepting the body as the self)SB 8.24.47
āśaya mentalitiesSB 10.16.57
āśaya the material mentalitySB 10.84.26
aśubha-āśaya of our inauspicious mentalitySB 11.6.10
karma-āśaya based on the mentality of fruitive workSB 12.10.42
āśayaḥ the propensity or mentalitySB 11.17.36
asu vitalitySB 10.87.34
aśubha-āśaya of our inauspicious mentalitySB 11.6.10
kṛta-atithyam who was given hospitalitySB 6.14.15
ātithyam hospitalitySB 10.53.34
ātithyam hospitalitySB 11.19.33-35
ātithyān hospitalitySB 10.86.43
ātithyena by your hospitalitySB 9.5.20
prema-āveśa mana always in a mentality of ecstatic loveCC Madhya 17.226
bhāva the mentalitiesSB 10.69.36
bhāvaḥ mentalitySB 8.22.36
bhāvam mentalitySB 6.7.12
bhāvam the mentalitySB 6.12.20
bhāvam mentalitySB 6.18.20
apunaḥ-bhavāya for the position of immortalitySB 5.19.25
bhidā separatist mentalitySB 11.25.2-5
buddheḥ whose mentalitySB 10.51.47
buddhiḥ the mentalitySB 10.85.19
paśu-buddhim animalistic mentalitySB 12.5.2
cetasā but by such a mentalitySB 10.2.30
cittena whose mentalitySB 10.76.29
martya-dharmaiḥ by the laws of mortalitySB 10.50.54
dhīḥ mentalitySB 10.74.5
dhīḥ his mentalitySB 10.85.26
dhīḥ whose mentalitySB 11.17.56
dhiyā with a mentalitySB 10.59.24
dhiyā with a mentalitySB 10.74.46
dhiyaḥ whose mentalitySB 10.70.25
dhiyaḥ whose mentalitySB 10.89.23
guṇa-dhiyām whose mentality was caught up in those modesSB 10.29.12
su-durmateḥ whose mentality is most wickedSB 10.54.22
grāmaḥ the totalitySB 10.85.22
guṇa-dhiyām whose mentality was caught up in those modesSB 10.29.12
tat hi that (mentality)SB 7.8.9
iha in this world of mortalitySB 5.22.4
akhila-jīva-marmaṇi in every center of her vitalitySB 10.6.11
kalpita mentalitySB 1.9.40
karma-āśaya based on the mentality of fruitive workSB 12.10.42
kṛta-atithyam who was given hospitalitySB 6.14.15
kumateḥ of one who is of low mentalitySB 1.15.19
lobha-mana Your greedy mentalityCC Madhya 3.82
lobha-mana Your greedy mentalityCC Madhya 3.82
prema-āveśa mana always in a mentality of ecstatic loveCC Madhya 17.226
manasā by such a mentalitySB 3.12.3
manasā with such a mentalitySB 4.12.9
mānasam with this mentalitySB 4.25.3
akhila-jīva-marmaṇi in every center of her vitalitySB 10.6.11
martya-dharmaiḥ by the laws of mortalitySB 10.50.54
matam mentalitySB 10.83.18
matiḥ his mentalitySB 5.4.4
matiḥ whose mentalitySB 10.40.25
matiḥ a mentalitySB 10.46.30
matiḥ his mentalitySB 10.51.46
matiḥ mentalitySB 10.72.6
matiḥ whose mentalitySB 10.72.27
matiḥ mentalitySB 11.25.6
asat-matim the unclean mentality (accepting the body as the self)SB 8.24.47
mātram the totalitySB 10.63.25
mṛduḥ without a harsh mentalitySB 11.11.29-32
ojaḥ bodily warmth and vitality, due to strength of the vital airSB 10.85.8
ojasaḥ and vitalitySB 10.45.19
parāyaṇāḥ always situated in the mentalityBG 16.11-12
paśu-buddhim animalistic mentalitySB 12.5.2
prakṛtayaḥ of that mentalitySB 1.2.27
prāṇaḥ the principle of vitalitySB 10.85.5
prema-āveśa mana always in a mentality of ecstatic loveCC Madhya 17.226
sandohaḥ the totalitySB 11.9.17-18
vitta-śāṭhya miserly mentality (not spending sufficient money)SB 8.16.51-52
su-durmateḥ whose mentality is most wickedSB 10.54.22
svabhāvaḥ mentalitySB 3.15.32
tat hi that (mentality)SB 7.8.9
tejaḥ the totality of elemental fireMM 14
upākartum measure in totalitySB 3.6.35
virāṭ the totality of the material universeSB 10.43.17
vīrya and vitalitySB 10.83.13-14
vitta-śāṭhya miserly mentality (not spending sufficient money)SB 8.16.51-52


1. elixir of immortality; 2. Plant Tinospora cordifolia, guḍūci; 3. quicksilver; 4. water; 5.nectar.


vitality; life-span.


physical strength; vigour; force; vitality.


divine body; a person with godly traits like adhering to cleanliness and good conduct, belief in existence of god, reverence of elders and preceptors, hospitality and celebration of religious sacrifices and reader of vedas.


medicated oil made from sandalwood and other herbs as coolant and to restore vitality to skin.


sheaths inside the body, namely the sheath of knowledge (jnānamaya), the sheath of bliss (ānadamaya), the sheath of vitality (prāṇamaya), the sheath of mind (manomaya) and the sheath of food (annamaya) explained in the Taittareya upaniṣad.

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