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tad has 2 results
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tad has 2 results
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√तड्taḍbeating, striking / āghāta130/3Cl.10
√तड्taḍspeaking / bhāṣā755/3Cl.10
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Results for tad
tad(Nominal verb and accusative sg. n.of and base in compound for 2. t/a-from which latter all the cases of this pronoun are formed except Nominal verb sg. m. s/as-or s/a-& f. s/ā-; instrumental case plural t/ais- etc.;Ved. t/ebhis- etc.) m. he f. she n. it, that, this (often correlative of y/a-generally standing in the preceding clause exempli gratia, 'for example' yasya buddhiḥ sa balavān-,"of whom there is intellect he is strong";sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives exempli gratia, 'for example' so 'ham-,"I that very person, I myself"[ tasya- equals mama- ]; tāv imau-,"those very two"; tad etad ākhyānam-,"that very tale" ; yat tat kāraṇam-,"that very reason which" ; yā sā śrī-,"that very fortune which" ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad(tad-) n. this world (see idam-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadn. = brahma- See tat-tva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad(t/ad-) ind. there, in that place, thither, to that spot (correlative of y/atra-or y/atas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadind. then, at that time, in that case (correlative of yad/ā-, y/ad- ;of y/atra- ;of yadi- etc.;of ced- etc.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadind. thus, in this manner, with regard to that, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadind. (tad etau ślokau bhavataḥ-,"with reference to that there are these two verses") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadind. on that account, for that reason, therefore, consequently (sometimes correlative of yatas-, yad-, yena-,"because" etc.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadind. now (clause-connecting particle) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadind. so also, equally, and View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad tad tad- this and that, various, different (exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ taṃ deśaṃ jagāma-,"he went to this and that place"; tāsu tāsu yoniṣu-,"in different or various birth-places") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad tad tad- respective View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad tenaiva tenaiva pathā-, on quite the same path View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad yad tad- whosoever, whichsoever, any, every (also with - [ yad vā tad vā-,"this or that, any"] ;often both pronouns repeated or the interrogative pronoun with cid-added after the relative exempli gratia, 'for example' yad-yat para-vaśaṃ karma tat-tad varjayet-,"whatever action depends on another, that he should avoid" ; yat kiṃ-cid-tad-,"whatever-that" ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad tan na- See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ced- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad tad- ind. api- "even then", nevertheless, notwithstanding (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad tad- (ind.) yathā- "in such a manner as follows", namely, viz. (see pāli- seyyathā-; s/a y/athā-- ) (in PrakrittaM@jahA; see sejjahā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tad([ confer, compare, ; Gothic sa,so,that-a; Latin (is-)te,(is-)ta,(is-)tud,tam,tum,tunc.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadāind. () at that time, then, in that case (often used redundantly, especially after tatas-or purā-or before atha- etc.;correlative of y/ad-[ ], yatra-[ ], yadā-[ etc.], yadi-[ ], yarhi-[ ], yatas-,"since",[ ], ced-[ (varia lectio) ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadāind. tadā-tadā- then and then on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadāind. tadā-prabhṛti- from that time forward, (correlative of yadāpr- ;of yadā- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadāind. tarhi tadā- (correlative of yadi-) then View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadāind. yadā -- tadā- (both repeated or the verb being repeated) , at any time when -- then View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadāind. yadā-tadā- at any time whatsoever, always View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadādiind. from that time forward View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadaharind. t/ad /ahar- accusative on that very day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadahe locative case ind. on that day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadākāramfn. having that appearance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadākāraparijñānan. Name of an art View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadamind. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' for tad- gaRa śarad-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadāmukhan. beginning of that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanantaramf(ā-)n. nearest to any one (genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanantaramind. immediately upon that, thereupon, then (corresponding to prāk-,"before" ;to prathamam-,"first" ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadānīṃin compound for nīm-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadānīmind. () at that time, then (see id-) etc., (correlative of yadā- ;of yatra-or yadi-, ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadānīṃdugdhamfn. (then id est) just milked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadānīṃtanamfn. then living View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadannamfn. (t/ad--) accustomed to that food View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadannamfn. eating (that id est) the same food View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanta(t/ad--) mfn. coming to an end by that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanuind. after that, afterwards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanukṛtiind. conformably to that, accordingly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanusaraṇan. going after that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanusaraṇakrameṇaind. instrumental case See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order kr/ama-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanvayamfn. descended from him View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadanyamfn. other than that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadapasmfn. (t/ad--) accustomed to that work or to do that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadapasind. in the usual way, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadapatyamfn. having offspring from him ( tadapatyatā -- f.abstr.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadapatyamayamfn. thinking of one's off spring only View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadapatyatāf. tadapatya
tadapekṣamfn. having regard to that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadardhikamfn. half as much View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadarhamfn.See a--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadarpaṇan. delivery of that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadarthamfn. intended for that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadarthamfn. serving for that (a-- negative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadarthamfn. having that or the same meaning View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadartham. (its or) their meaning View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadarthakamf(ikā-)n. denoting that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadarthamind. on that account, with that object, for that end, therefore View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadarthatāf. equals tādarthya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadarthīyamfn. intended for that, undertaken for that end
tadatipātamfn. transgressing that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadātmakamfn. constituting its nature View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadātvan. (opposed to ā-yati-) "state of then", the present time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadātvamātraśraddheyasee śr-, parasmE-pada 1096. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadavadhiind. from that time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadavadhiind. up to that period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadavasthamfn. so situated, thus circumstanced, in that condition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadavasthamfn. being in the same condition (as before), undamaged, iv, 19. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbahumfn. doing that often View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbahulavihārinmfn. idem or 'mfn. doing that often ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbalam. a kind of arrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbalāf. a kind of arrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbandhu(t/ad--) mfn. belonging to that family or race View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbhavamfn. equals tajja- , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbhāvam. the becoming that (a-- negative,"the becoming [not that id est ]something else") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbhāvam. his intentions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbhāvamfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "becoming" See a-bhūta--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbhinnamfn. different from that. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadbhūtamfn. being in that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddaivatamfn. equals -dev- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddaivatyamf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. equals -dev- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddeśyamfn. coming from the same country, (m.) a fellow-countryman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddevatamfn. having that deity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddevatākamfn. idem or 'mfn. having that deity ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddevatyamfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. having that deity ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddhanamfn. niggardly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddhāraṇan. Name of an art View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddharmamfn. having the same qualities, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddharmanmfn. practising that, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddharmanmfn. accomplishing his business (see tāddharmya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddharmatvan. the having his or its peculiarity (a-- negative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddharminmfn. obeying his laws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddharmyamfn. of that kind, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddhitan. (hita-) sg. and plural his welfare View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddhitam. (scilicet pratyaya-) an affix forming nouns from other nouns (opposed to 1. kṛt-), noun formed thus, derivative noun (tad-dhita- mfn."good for that or him", is one of the meanings peculiar to derivative, nouns see maudakika-etc.) (also ataddhita a--t/ad-dhita- negative mfn."having no taddhita- affix") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddhitaḍhuṇḍhīf. Name of a gloss on the taddhita- chapter in grammar by ānandagaṇi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddinan. that, day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddinamind. on a certain day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddinamind. during the day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddinamind. every day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadduḥkhan. grief for that or of that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taddvitīyamfn. doing that for the 2nd time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadekacittamfn. having all the thoughts fixed on that (person or thing) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadevopaniṣadf. Name of an (beginning with the words tad eva-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadgatamfn. directed towards him or her or them or that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadgatamfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' intent on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadgatam. (?) the continued multiplication of 4 or more like quantities View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadguṇamfn. possessing these qualities View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadguṇam. the quality of that or those, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadguṇam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadguṇam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadguṇam. the virtue of (that or) those (persons) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadguṇam. (in rhetoric) transferring the qualities of one thing to another (a figure of speech) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadguṇam. also a-- negative "a figure of speech in which a quality expected in any object is denied", 52 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadguṇasaṃvijñānan. (a bahuvrīhi- compound) in which the qualities implied are perceived along with the thing itself (exempli gratia, 'for example' dīrghakarṇa-,"long-ear";opposed to a-- exempli gratia, 'for example' dṛṣṭasāgara-,"one who has seen the ocean") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadguṇatvan. the having its qualities (a-- negative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadidarthamfn. intent on that particular object (see ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadidāsīyan. the hymn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadiṣṭi(t/ad--) mfn. accompanied by such offerings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadīyamfn. ( ) belonging or relating to or coming from him or her or that or them, his, hers, its, theirs etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadīyamfn. such (na tadīyam aṇv api-,"not even as little as that, not a bit") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadīyasaṅgam. a meeting with her View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadojas(t/ad--) mfn. endowed with such strength, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadokas(t/ad--) mfn. rejoicing in that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadrājam. (scilicet pratyaya-) an affix added to the Name of a race for forming the Name of its chief View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadrasam. the spirit thereof View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadriyañcm(Nominal verb yaṅ-)fn. extending thither View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadrūpamf(ā-)n. thus shaped, so formed, looking thus ( tadrūpatva -tva- n.abstr.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadrūpamf(ā-)n. of the same quality (a-- negative"of different quality") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadrūpamf(ā-)n. a--,"reverse" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadrūpatvan. tadrūpa
tadryañcmfn. idem or 'm(Nominal verb yaṅ-)fn. extending thither ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadurīf. equals tād- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadind. equals -vat- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvacaḥpratītamfn. believing his words. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvācakamfn. signifying that, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvanm. plural Name of a class of ṛṣi-s (see yad-van-, tarvan-, yarv-) on Va1rtt. 9. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvaśamfn. longing for that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvasatimfn. dwelling there. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvatmfn. having or containing that etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvatind. like that, thus, so (correlative of yad-vat- ;of yathā-,"as" [ varia lectio for tad--] )
tadvatind. in like manner, likewise, also, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvattāf. conformity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvayasmfn. of the same age View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidmfn. knowing that, familiar with that etc. (also a-- negative, ; na-- negative,v, 4, 13) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidm. equals -vidya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidf. the knowledge of that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidhamf(ā-)n. of that kind, conformable to that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidhamf(ā-)n. his (or their) like View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidhatvan. conformity with that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidyamfn. a connoisseur, expert View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvikāram. a-- negative no variety of that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvīryavidvasmfn. a-- negative , not knowing his manliness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadviṣayamf(ā-)n. belonging to that category View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadviṣayamf(ā-)n. having that for its object View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadviṣayakamfn. attending to that business View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvratamfn. performing all duties towards (him or) her View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvratamfn. performing the same religious observance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvṛttimfn. living conformably to that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhūtadoṣamfn. faultless. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhūtatadbhāvam. the becoming or changing into anything which one has not been before View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
acyutadanta m. Name of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called ācyutadanti- or ācyutanti- (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ācyutadantiand tīya- varia lectio for ācyutanti- and tīya- below. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adbhutadarpaṇa Name (also title or epithet) of a nāṭaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adbhutadarśanamfn. having a wonderful aspect. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adbhutadharmam. "a system or series of marvels or prodigies", Name of one of the nine aṅga-s of the Buddhists. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adūṣitadmfn. possessing an uncorrupted mind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
advaitadīpikāf. Name (also title or epithet) of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agṛhītadmfn. missing, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aitadātmyan. (fr. etad-ātman-), the state of having the nature or property of this (= ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amitadhvajam. Name of a son of dharmadhvaja- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amitadhvaja Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amitadyutimfn. of infinite splendour. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amṛtadhārāf. "stream of amṛta-", Name of a metre. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amṛtadhāyinmfn. sipping nectar, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amṛtadīdhiti([ ]) ([ ]) m. "nectar-rayed", the moon. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amṛtadravamfn. shedding (said of the rays of the moon) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amṛtadyuti([ ]) m. "nectar-rayed", the moon. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anantadevam. Name of various persons, especially of a king of Kashmir. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anantadṛṣṭim. Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anikṣiptadhūram. Name of a bodhisattva- or deified Buddhist saint. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anṛtadeva(/anṛta--) m. one whose gods are not true View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anṛtadviṣmfn. persecuting untruth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antadīpakan. a figure in rhetoric. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antadīpakan. a particular rhetorical figure (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antadvīpa Name (also title or epithet) of a country to the north of madhyadeśa- (pin-,an inhabitant of it), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antadvīpinm. an inhabitant of it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttadin. (in grammar) a nominal base of which the first syllable is anudātta-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparimitadind. into an unlimited number of pieces or parts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aprattadaivata mfn. not yet offered to a deity, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aprattadevatamfn. not yet offered to a deity, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āptadakṣiṇamfn. having proper gifts or furnished with abundant gifts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ardhasaptadaśamfn. plural sixteen and a half. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśatadakṣiṇa(/a-śata--) mfn. where the dakṣiṇā- is less than a hundred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asitadrumam. the tree Xanthochymus Pictorius View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmṛtadhru(/a-smṛta--), m (Nominal verb dual number -dhrū-)fn. (for -druh- ) not thinking of or caring for enemies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
astadmfn. "out of one's mind", foolish. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asuptadṛśmfn. never closing the eyes in sleep, ever-seeing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atadnot that (see a-sa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atadarhamfn. not deserving that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atadarhamind. undeservedly, unjustly. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ataddhitamfn. taddhita
atadguṇam. (in rhetoric) the use of predicates not descriptive of the essential nature of the object. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atṛptadṛśmfn. looking with eagerness. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atūrtadakṣam. "having designs that cannot be obstructed", Name of the aśvin-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avāritadvāramfn. having open doors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avatatadhanvan(/avatata-) mfn. whose bow is unbent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avikhyātadoṣamfn. one who has not manifestly committed a crime, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avitadbhāṣaṇaSee a-vitatkaraṇa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avitṛptadṛśmfn. having one's eyes unsatisfied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatadīrghacaturasram. equals -caturasra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayutadind. ten thousand fold, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayutadhāramfn. possessing ten thousand streams, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhyataddhitan. (in gram.) an external or secondary taddhita- suffix (added after another one) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bauddhamatadūṣaṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhadantadharmatrāta m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhagavantadevam. Name of a prince (king of bhareha-, son of sāhi-deva- and a patron of nīlakaṇṭha- see next) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktada() mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktadāsam. "food-slave", a slave who serves for his daily food View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktadātṛ() mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktadāyaka() mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktadāyin() mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktadveṣam. aversion from food, loss of appetite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaktadveṣinmfn. one who has lost his appetite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāratadeśajam. born in India, an Indian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bharatadvādaśāham. Name of a Partic. festival View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bharatadvirūpakośam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavavratadharamfn. devoted to śiva-, a worshipper of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūripalitadāf. a species of shrub View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadāhīyamfn. apt to burn or destroy all creatures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadamanīf. one of the 9 śakti-s of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadattāf. Name of a woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadayāf. compassion towards all creatures, universal benevolence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadhāmanm. Name of a son of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadharamfn. retaining (in the mind) or remembering the past View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadharāf. "supporting beings", the earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadhāriṇīf. equals -dharā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadhātrīf. "supporter of beings", sleep View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadhātrīf. the earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadrāvinm. red oleander View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadrāvinm. a particular tree (equals bhūtāṅkuśa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadruhmfn. injuring beings, injurious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadrumam. Cordia Latifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmavratadharamfn. brahmavrata
cittadhārāf. flow of thoughts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cittadhārābuddhisaṃku sumitā- bhyudgata-, m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cittadhāraṇan. concentrated attention, Sa1m2khyas., Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cittadravībhāvam. "(melting i.e.) emotion of the heart" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cittadravībhāvamayamfn. consisting of emotion , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cyutadattākṣaramf(ā-)n. where a syllable has been dropped or added View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daṇḍavratadharamfn. equals -dhāraka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadarśanan. (a dog's) showing the teeth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dāntadevam. Name of men. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvam. cleaning the teeth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanan. idem or 'm. cleaning the teeth ' etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanan. equals -pavana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanan. Name of a chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanam. Acacia Catechu View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanam. Mimusops Elengi View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanam. a kind of karañja- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanakam. Name of a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanaprakaraṇan. Name of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanavidhim. Name of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanavidhim. of a chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadhāvanavidhim. of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantadyutf. brightness of the teeth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
darśitadvārm. a door-keeper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dattadaṇḍinm. dual number datta- and datta- Va1rtt. 2 (not in edition) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dattadṛṣṭimfn. directing the eye towards, looking on (locative case) (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devaraktadaṃśīf. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhānyaparvatadānavidhim. Name of chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhautadantamfn. having clean teeth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛtadakṣa(t/a--) mfn. of collected mind, attentive or constant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛtadaṇḍamfn. carrying the rod, inflicting punishment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛtadaṇḍamfn. one on whom punishment has been or is being inflicted, punished by (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛtadevā f. Name of a daughter of devaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛtadevīf. Name of a daughter of devaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛtadhanusm. equals -cāpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛtadīdhitim. "constant in splendour", fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛtadvaidhībhāvamfn. held in doubt or suspense View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhvānitadundubhim. a sounding drum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhvāntadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhvastadm. one whose senses are lost (through passion etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīkṣitadhuṇḍhirājam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durantadevam. the god who removes difficulties (gaṇeśa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durdyūtadevinmfn. playing unfairly, cheating at play View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duritadamanīf. Mimosa Suma View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvādaśaśatadakṣiṇamfn. (a sacrifice) at which 1200 are given as a fee View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvisaptadind. in (into) 14 parts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyūtadāsam. a slave won at dice, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyūtadāsīf. a female slave won at dice, 29. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyūtadharmam. the laws concerning gambling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyutatadyāmanmfn. having a shining path View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekāntaduḥkhamfn. absolutely unhappy, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekāntaduḥṣamāf. "containing only bad years", (with jaina-s) Name of two spokes in the wheel of time (the sixth of the avasarpiṇī- and the first of the utsarpiṇī-, qq.v.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekaśatadind. 101-fold, in 101 parts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekaśrutadharamfn. keeping in mind what one has heard once View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadmfn. (grammar 223; gaRa sarvādi- ) this, this here, here (especially as pointing to what is nearest to the speaker exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa bāṇaḥ-,this arrow here in my hand; eṣa yāti panthāḥ-,here passes the way; eṣa kālaḥ-,here id est now, is the time; etad-,this here id est this world here below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadmfn. sometimes used to give emphasis to the personal pronouns (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣo'ham-,I, this very person here) or with omission of those pronouns (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa tvāṃ svargaṃ nayāmi-,I standing here will convey thee to heaven; etau praviṣṭau svaḥ-,we two here have entered) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadmfn. as the subject of a sentence it agrees in gender and number with the predicate without reference to the noun to be supplied (exempli gratia, 'for example' etad eva hi me dhanam-,for this [ scilicet cow] is my only wealth ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadmfn. but sometimes the neuter singular remains (exempli gratia, 'for example' etad guruṣu vṛttiḥ-,this is the custom among guru-s ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadmfn. etad- generally refers to what precedes, especially when connected with idam-, the latter then referring to what follows (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa vai prathamaḥ kalpaḥ- anukalpas tv ayaṃ jñeyaḥ-,this before-mentioned is the principal rule, but this following may be considered a secondary rule ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadmfn. it refers also to that which follows, especially when connected with a relative clause (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa caiva gurur dharmo yam pravakṣyāmy ahaṃ tava-,this is the important law, which I will proclaim to you ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadind. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time, now (exempli gratia, 'for example' n/a v/ā u et/an mriyase-,thou dost not die in this manner or by that ) ; ([ confer, compare Zend ae7ta; Old Persian aita; Armenian aid; Osk.eiso.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadādimfn. beginning with this, and so forth. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadantamfn. terminating with this, ending thus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadarthamind. on this account, for this end, therefore etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadarthamind. (etad-- arthaṃ yad-,to this end - that ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadatiriktamfn. besides this. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadātmyan. , misprint for aitadātmya- (q.v; see śaṃkara-'s commentator or commentary on the passage) .
etadavadhiind. to this limit, so far. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadavasthamfn. of such a state or condition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadmfn. granting or bestowing this View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etaddevatyamfn. having this as deity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etaddvitīyamfn. doing this for the second time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadīyamfn. belonging or relating to this (person or thing) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadupaniṣadmfn. following this upaniṣad-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadvatind. like this, thus. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadyonimfn. of this origin View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
galitadantamfn. having the teeth decayed, toothless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatadinan. the past day, yesterday View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatadinamind. yesterday View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatadivasam. the past day, yesterday View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatadivasamind. yesterday View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghṛtadānapaddhatif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghṛtadhārāf. a stream of ghee View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghṛtadhārāf. Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghṛtadhenuf. ghee in the shape of a milch-cow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghṛtadīdhitim. "having rays flowing with ghee", fire, the deity of fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghṛtaduhmfn. giving ghee View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhītadehamfn. incarnate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhītadhanus mfn. armed with a bow, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhītadhanvan mfn. armed with a bow, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhītadikkamfn. equals -diś- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhītadmfn. running away, flying, escaped View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guptadānan. a hidden gift View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guptadhanan. money kept secret View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guptadhanamfn. guarding one's money View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guptadīkṣātantran. Name of a tantra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guptadūtam. a secret messenger View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haimaprākṛtadhuṇḍikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haridattadaivajñam. Name of author. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haritadhānyan. green id est unripe corn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hārītadharmaśāstran. hārīta-'s law-book View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadakṣintamfn. situated on the right hand (as a road) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadakṣintamfn. right, correct View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadattamfn. reached with the hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadhāraṇan. holding by the hand, supporting, helping View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadhāraṇan. warding off a blow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadhāraṇan. stopping a blow with the hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadhāraṇāf. supporting, helping View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadhāraṇāf. taking to wife, marrying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadhātrīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadīpam. a hand lantern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadoṣam. a slip of the hand, mistake committed by the hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastadvayan. a distance of 2 hasta-s or 48 inches View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hatadaivamfn. ill-fated, ill-starred, luckless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hatadmfn. equals -citta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hatadhvāntamfn. freed from darkness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hatadviṣmfn. one who has slain his enemies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hṛtadāramfn. bereft of one's wife View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hṛtadhanamfn. spoiled of wealth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hṛtadravyamfn. stripped of everything, deprived of one's property View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jāgaritadeśam. place of waking, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadantamfn. (gaRa āhitāgny-ādi-) having teeth growing (a child) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadoṣamfn. guilty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadharam. śāṇḍilya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jīvitadamfn. giving life View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kḷptadhūpam. olibanum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadāramfn. married (see dāra-kriyā-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadāsam. one who offers himself as a servant for a certain time. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadeśamfn. one whose place is fixed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadhanvan varia lectio for -varman- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadharmam. "one who performs his duty", Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadharmanm. idem or 'm. "one who performs his duty", Name of a man ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadmfn. of formed mind, prudent, considerate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadmfn. learned, educated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadmfn. determined, resolved on (infinitive mood) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadhvaj(kṛt/a--) mfn. furnished with banners View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadhvajam. Name of a prince (son of dharmadhvaja-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadhvaṃsamfn. defeated, overpowered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadhvaṃsamfn. injured, destroyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadhvaṃsamfn. (equals -ghna-) destroying past transactions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadhvastamfn. lost after being once possessed or acquired View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadvasumfn. distributing goods (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadviṣṭa(krit/a--) mfn. one who has shown anger (at the doings of another person) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtadyutif. Name of the wife of king citra-ketu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣiptadehamfn. one who prostrates the body, who lies down. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuṇḍoddyotadarśanan. Name of work by śaṃkarabhaṭṭa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kvathitadravam. spirituous liquor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
laghubhūtadrumam. Cordia Myxa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lauhitadhvajam. a follower of the lohitadhvaja-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lohitadalāf. a kind of Chenopodium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lohitadarśanan. the appearing or flowing of blood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lohitadhvajamfn. having a red flag View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lohitadhvajam. plural Name of a particular association of persons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lohitadrapsam. a drop of blood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
luptadaṇḍakam. (prob.) an arch-rogue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
luptadharmakriyamfn. excluded from or deprived of religious ordinances
mahābhāratadarpaṇam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāvratadharamfn. one who has undertaken great religious duties or vows View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mastadārun. Pinus Deodora View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mattadantinm. a furious or ruttish elephant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maunavratadharamfn. () equals -vṛtti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maunavratadhārinmfn. () equals -vṛtti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitadakṣiṇamf(ā-)n. that for which a particular fee is fixed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitadhvajam. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitadrumfn. (mit/a-) strong-legged, running well View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitadrum. (perhaps fr. 2. mita-,"having a measured course") the sea, ocean View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛtadāram. one whose wife is dead, a widower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛtadeham. a dead body, corpse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛtadhāra mfn. bearing a corpse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛtadhārakamfn. bearing a corpse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛtadhavāf. (a woman) whose husband is dead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muhūrtadarpaṇam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muhūrtadarśanan. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muhūrtadīpa m. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muhūrtadīpakam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muhūrtadīpikāf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muktadhvanimfn. giving out thunder (as a cloud) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nadūṣitadmfn. of uncorrupted mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nagnavratadharamfn. observing the vow of a naked mendicant (śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāstitadaor nāstida- m. the mango tree. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
natadrumam. equals latā-śāla- (bower?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
natadvidmfn. not knowing that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nātyantadūramfn. not very distant or remote View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navanītadhenuf. a quantity of butter presented to Brahmans (see under dhenu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navasaptadaśam. Name of an atirātra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nihitadaṇḍamfn. one who has laid aside the rod, who shows clemency View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nīlāṅkitadala(prob.) wrong reading for til-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nimīlitadṛśmfn. having the eyes closed (Calcutta edition) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nimittadharmam. expiation, any occasional or special penance or rite or obligation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirdayadantadaṃśam. unmerciful or passionate biting (with the teeth) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirghātaduḥsahamfn. difficult to be destroyed or overcome (sorrow) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirmuktadehamfn. one who is freed from his body (or bodily desires) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadakṣiṇamfn. one whose sacrificial fee has been carried off View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivṛttadakṣiṇāf. a gift renounced or despised by another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivṛttadevakāryamfn. ceasing from sacrificial rites View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyastadaṇḍamfn. "one who has laid down the rod", meek, harmless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyastadehamfn. "one who has laid down the body", dead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyāyasiddhāntadīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paitadāravamfn. (fr. pīta-dāru-) gaRa rajatādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
palitadarśanan. the sight or appearance of grey hair View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāṇinīyamatadarpaṇam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pārāvatadeśam. Name of a country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariṇatadikkarikamfn. containing mythical elephants (See dik-karin-) stooping to strike with their tusks View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariṇatadviradam. an elephant stooping etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parvatadānan. a gift in shape of a mountains (see above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parvatadānapaddhatif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parvatadhātum. "mountains-metal", ore, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parvatadurgan. an inaccessible mountains View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryantadeśam. a neighbouring or adjacent district View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryāptadakṣiṇamfn. accompanied with liberal gifts (as a sacrifice) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāṣāṇaghātadāyinmfn. throwing or striking with a stone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patadin compound for tat-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patadbhīrum. "terrible to birds", a hawk or falcon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patadgraham. "receiving what falls", a receptacle for alms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patadgraham. a spittoon (also -grāha-) (also n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patadgraham. the rear of an army View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patitotthitadantamfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
piṇḍitadrumamfn. full of trees View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadārum. Pinus Deodora and Longifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadārum. Curcuma Aromatica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadārum. Chloroxylon Swietenia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadīptāf. Name of a Buddhist deity, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadrum. Pinus Longifolia or Curcuma Aromatica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadugdhāf. a cow whose milk has been pledged (literally already drunk) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadugdhāf. a cow tied up to be milked, any milch cow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadugdhāf. a kind of shrub (equals kṣīriṇī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pittadāham. a bilious fever View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pittadharamfn. containing bilious, bilious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pittadrāvinm. "bile-dispersing", the sweet citron View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
potadhāra() m. a ship-owner, master of a vessel. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
potadhārin() m. a ship-owner, master of a vessel. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prabhūtadhanadhānyavatmfn. rich in money and corn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prākṛtadīpikāf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praṇihitad() mfn. having the mind fixed upon (locative case or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāntadurgan. "border-stronghold", a suburb or collection of houses outside the walls of a town View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāptadoṣamfn. one who has incurred guilt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prārthitadurlabhamfn. desired but hard to obtain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasaktadmfn. with heart or mind intent upon or occupied with (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praśāntadmfn. equals -citta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratadvasumfn. (for prathad-v-,or pra-tata-v-) increasing wealth (equals prāpta-vasu- ; equals vistīrṇa-dhanu- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratihatadmfn. hostile-minded, having hostile intentions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratitadvidf. recognition of the contrary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyantadeśam. a country bordering upon another, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravātadīpacapalamfn. flickering or unsteady like a lamp agitated by the wind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāyaścittadīpikāf. Name of work
prāyaścittaśatadvayīf. Name of work (or prāyaścittaśatadvayīśatadvayīprāyaścitta -śata-dvayī-prāyaścitta- n.)
prāyaścittaśatadvayīśatadvayīprāyaścittan. prāyaścittaśatadvayī
prayatadakṣiṇamfn. (pr/ay-) one who has made presents (to the priests at a sacrifice), a giver, donor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pretadāham. burning of the dead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pretadāhāgnim. corpse-fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pretadhūmam. smoke of the dead id est of a funeral pile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pretadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pūrtadharma(wrong reading pūrṇa-dh-) m. a meritorious work (see pūrta-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puruhūtadviṣm. puruhūta
pūrvācāryavṛttāntadīpikāf. Name of a comm. on works of the rāmānuja- school. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadakṣamfn. (pūt/a--) pure-minded (also kṣas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadakṣam. Name of an āṅgirasa- (author of ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhānyan. "winnowed grain", sesamum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhānyamf(ā-)n. containing winnowed grain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadrum. "pure tree", Butea Frondosa
racitadmfn. one whose mind is directed to (locative case), intent upon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rādhākāntadevam. Name of a lexicographer (author of the śabda-kalpadruma-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājanirdhūtadaṇḍamfn. one who has undergone punishment inflicted by a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rajatadaṃṣṭram. Name of a son of vajra-daṃṣṭra- (king of the vidyā-dhara-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rajatadānaprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rajatadyutim. Name of hanumat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadalāf. a species of small shrub View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadalāf. equals nalikā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadantmfn. having red or discoloured teeth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadantī() f. "red-toothed", Name of durgā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadantikā() () f. "red-toothed", Name of durgā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadat mfn. having red or discoloured teeth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadhātum. red chalk or orpiment, earth, ruddle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadhātum. copper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadṛś m. "red-eyed", a pigeon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadṛṣṭim. "red-eyed", a pigeon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadrumam. a red-flowering Terminalia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktadūṣaṇamfn. corrupting or vitiating the blood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāmānujamatadhvaṃsanan. Name of work
rāśībhūtadhanamfn. one who has piled up treasures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhāmanmfn. (ṛt/a-) one whose abode is truth or divine law, abiding in truth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhāmanm. (ā-) Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhāmanm. of a manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhāmanm. of indra- in the twelfth manv-antara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadmfn. of right intelligence or knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhīti(ṛt/a-dhīti-) mfn. worshipped with true devotion, praised or adored sincerely View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhvajam. Name of a rudra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhvajam. of several men. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadyumna(vocative case) mfn. brilliant or glorious through divine truth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sācīkṛtadṛśmfn. sācīkṛta
sadbhūtadakṣiṇīyam. Name of pratyeka-buddhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasraśatadakṣiṇamfn. accompanied with a fee of a hundred thousand (cows) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaivasiddhāntadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakṛcchrutadharamfn. (for sakṛt-śr-) keeping in memory what has once been heard View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sākṣātkṛtadharmanmfn. one who has an intuitive perception of duty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saktadviṣ() mfn. being engaged in a feud with (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samadhigatadhigamam. thoroughly understanding, perceiving
samadhigatadhigamanan. going beyond or above, surpassing, overcoming View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samadhigatadhigamyamfn. to be understood or perceived View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāhitadmfn. one who has concentrated his thoughts in devotion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samantadarśinm. Name of a buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samantadugdhāf. a species of Euphorbia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samantadugdhīf. equals snuhā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmānyavihitadravyavicāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastadevatāpūjāvidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastadhātṛm. the bearer or supporter of all (applied to viṣṇu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samavattadhānamfn. containing the gathered fragments View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samavattadhānīf. a vessel containing the gathered fragments View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃgītadāmodaram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃgītadarpanam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkṣiptadairghyamfn. having the length diminished View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sammīlitadrumam. a punarnavā- with red flowers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃnyastadehamfn. one who has given up his body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃtatadrumamfn. (a wood) containing dense (rows of) trees View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samucchritadhvajavatmfn. having flags hoisted (in it, said of a town) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvṛktadhṛṣṇumfn. (s/aṃ--) one who seizes or overpowers the strong View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkitadṛṣṭimfn. looking afraid or shy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntadevatyamfn. who or what appeases a god, that by which a divinity is appeased View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśamf(ī-)n. the 17th etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśamf(ī-)n. connected with 17, plus 17 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśamf(ī-)n. consisting of 17 etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśamf(ī-)n. connected with or analogous to a stoma- which has 17 parts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśamf(ī-)n. having 17 attributes (said of a kula-or family) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśamf(ī-)n. plural 17 (equals -daśan-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśam. (scilicet stoma-) a stoma- having 17 parts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśam. Name of a collection of hymns View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśan. a group or collection of 17 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśan. Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśābhikḷptamfn. corresponding to the above stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśacchadimfn. (t/a--) having 17 roofs View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśadhāind. 17-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśakamfn. consisting of 17 (saṃkhyāne- śaka-,"supposing the number to be 17") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśākṣaramfn. (t/a--) having 17 syllables
saptadaśamamfn. the 17th View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśanmfn. plural (t/a--) (Nominal verb accusative śa-) 17 etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśāramfn. having 17 spokes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśāratnimfn. (t/a--) 17 cubits or ells in length ( saptadaśāratnitā tni-- f. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśāratnitāf. saptadaśāratni
saptadaśarātram. n. a particular sacrificial performance lasting 17 days View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśasāmidhenīkamfn. having 17 sāmidheni- verses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśaśarāvamfn. (t/a--) having 17 śarāva-s (a particular measure) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśastomamfn. having the above stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśatāf. the being 17 in number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśavartanimfn. (ś/a--) forming the course for the above stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśavatmfn. (ś/a--) connected with the above kind of stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśavidhamfn. 17-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśinmfn. possessing 17, having 17 (stotra-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāptadaśyan. (fr. saptadaśan-) the number seventeen View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadind. in 7 parts, 7-fold etc. etc.; 7 times View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhānyan. sg. or plural the 7 kinds of grain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhānyamayamf(ī-)n. made of the 7 kinds of grain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhāran. () () Name of a tīrtha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhārātīrthan. () Name of a tīrtha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhātumf(u-)n. (t/a--) consisting of 7, 7-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhātumf(u-)n. consisting of 7 constituent elements (as the body) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhātum. Name of one of the ten horses of the Moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhātum. plural the 7 constituent elements of the body (viz. chyle, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, and semen) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhātukamfn. consisting of 7 elements (See prec.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhātumayamf(ī-)n. made of 7 various metals or elements View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadhātuvarūthakamfn. having the 7 constituent elements of the body for a chariot-guard View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadīdhitim. "having 7 rays of light", fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadina (in the beginning of a compound) 7 days, a week View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadivasa(in the beginning of a compound) 7 days, a week View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadvārāvakīrṇamfn. scattered over or dominated or affected by the 7 gates (id est according to to ,"by the 5 organs of sense, the mind and the intellect",or"by this world and the 3 above and the 3 below it") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadvīpa(in the beginning of a compound) the 7 divisions of the earth, the whole earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadvīpamf(ā-)n. consisting of 7 dvīpa-s (the earth) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadvīpāf. Name of the earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadvīpadharāpatim. the lord of the whole earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadvīpapatim. "lord of the 7 dvīpa-s" idem or 'm. the lord of the whole earth ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadvīpavatmfn. consisting of 7 dvīpa-s (the earth) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadvīpavatīf. the whole earth ( saptadvīpavatīpati -pati- m.lord of the whole earth) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadvīpavatīpatim. saptadvīpavatī
saptaśatadaṃśoddhāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptaśatadhyānan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvabhūtadamanamfn. (s/arva-bh-) subduing all beings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvabhūtadamanīf. a form of durgā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvatathāgatadharmavāṅnithprapañcajñānamudrāf. Name of particular positions of the fingers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sasaptadvīpamf(ā-)n. with the seven dvīpa-s (q.v)
śatadamfn. giving a hundred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadā(śat/a--) mfn. giving or granting a hundred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadakṣiṇamfn. giving a hundred-fold reward (see /a-śata-d-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadalan. a lotus-flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadalaf. a kind of flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadalaf. the Indian white rose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadaṇḍārhamfn. deserving a fine of a hundred (paṇa-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadantikāf. Tiaridium Indicum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadārukam. a kind of venomous insect
śatadat(śat/a--) mfn. having a hundred teeth (said of a comb) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadātu(śat/a--) mfn. hundred-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadāvanmfn. equals -- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadāyamfn. (śat/a--[ ]or -dāy/a-[ ]) equals -- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadāyamfn. having abundant wealth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadāyamfn. a hundred-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadf. dūrvā- grass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadind. in a hundred ways. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadind. a hundred-fold, into a hundred parts or pieces (with bhū-,to be divided into a hundred parts) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhāmanm. "having a hundred forms", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhanu() ( ) m. Name of various men. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhanus( ) m. Name of various men. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhanutantran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhanvanmfn. (śat/a--) having a hundred bows View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhanvanm. Name of various kings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhanyamfn. worth the price of a hundred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadharam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhāramf(ā-)n. (śat/a--) having a hundred streams View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhāramf(ā-)n. having a hundred (id est numberless) points or edges View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhāram. "hundred -edged", the thunderbolt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhārakam. "hundred-edged", indra-'s thunderbolt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhāravanan. (prob.) Name of a hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhautamfn. cleansed a hundred-fold, perfectly clean View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhāya varia lectio for -dāya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhṛtim. "having a hundred sacrifices", Name of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhṛtim. of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhṛtim. equals svarga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadruf. "flowing in a hundred (or numerous) branches", Name of a river now called the Sutlej (it is the most easterly of the five rivers of the Panjab, and rises in a lake [prob. mānasa- Sarovar] on the himālaya- mountains;flowing in a southwesterly direction for 550 miles, it unites with the vipāśā- or Beas south-east of Amritsar [see vipāś-],afterwards joining the Chenab and filling into the indu-s below Multan;it is also called śutu-dri-, śutu-dru-, śita-dru-etc.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadruf. Name of the Ganges View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadf. equals -dru-, the Sutlej View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadrujam. plural people that dwell near the Sutlej View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadrukāf. equals -dru-, the Sutlej View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadrutif. Name of a daughter of the sea-god and wife of barhi-ṣad- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadura(śat/a--;prob.) n. a place secured by a hundred doors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadūṣaṇīf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadūṣaṇīkhaṇḍanan. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadūṣaṇīvyākhyāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadūṣaṇīyamata(for -yamana-?), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadūṣiṇīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadvāran. a hundred doors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadvāramf(ā-)n. hundred-gated, having a hundred outlets View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadvāram. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śātadvāreyam. patronymic fr. śata-dvāra- gaRa śubhrādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadvasu(śat/ad--) mfn. (according to to ) śata-vasu-, having hundreds of treasures, containing much wealth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadvayan. two hundred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadvayīf. idem or 'n. two hundred ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadvayīprāyaścittan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadyumna(śat/a--) m. Name of various men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satatadhṛtimfn. ever resolute View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satatadurgatamfn. always miserable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauragaṇitadvādaśahorāprakāśam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savitṛsutadinan. Saturday View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhāntadarpanam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhāntadharmāgamam. an established traditional rule View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhāntadīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhāntadīpaprabhāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhāntadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhasārasvatadīpikāf. Name of a commentator or commentary by padma-nābha- on the bhuvaneśvarī-stotra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śīlavṛttadharamfn. śīlavṛtta
sīmantadṛśvanmfn. (perhaps for sīmānta-d-) equals pāra-dṛśvan- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śirorogaghnayajñopavītadānan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitadarbham. white kuśa- grass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitadhātum. a white mineral View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitadhātum. chalk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śītadīdhitim. equals -kiraṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitadīdhitim. "white-rayed", the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitadīpyam. white cumin View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śitadruf. (see sita-dru-) equals śata-dru-, the river Sutlej View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitadrum. a kind of creeper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitadrumam. (perhaps) a species of birch-tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śītadūrvāf. white dūrvā- grass (wrong reading for sita-a-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitadūrvāf. white dūrvā- grass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitadvijam. "white bird", a goose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śītadyutim. equals -kiraṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śivaguptadevam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
smārtadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
smitadṛśf. "having a smiling look", a handsome woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
somaśatadvayīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrautasmārtadharmam. a duty enjoined by the veda- and smṛti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadevam. a god in respect of knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadevam. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadevam. of a servant of kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadevāf. Name of a daughter of śūra- (sister of vasu-deva- and wife of vṛddha-śarman-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadevīf. "goddess of learning", Name of sarasvatī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadharamfn. retaining what has been heard, having a good memory View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadharam. the ear View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadharam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadharam. of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadharam. plural Name of the Brahmans in śālmaladvīpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadhāraṇamfn. equals -dhara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadharmanm. Name of a son of udāpi- (varia lectio śruta-śravas-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadhim. "receptacle of knowledge", Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadhvajam. "characterized by knowledge"Name of a warrior View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrutadīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthitadmfn. steady-minded, firm, unmoved, calm View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
strīparvatadeśam. Name of a district View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhaprāptadhanamfn. one who has obtained wealth easily View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukṛtadvādaśīf. Name of a particular 12th day ( sukṛtadvādaśīvrata -vrata- n.Name of a relig. observance) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukṛtadvādaśīvratan. sukṛtadvādaśī
sūktadarśinm. "hymn-seer", the author of a Vedic hymn ( sūktadarśitva śi-tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūktadarśitvan. sūktadarśin
sūktadraṣṭṛm. idem or 'm. "hymn-seer", the author of a Vedic hymn ( sūktadarśitva śi-tva- n.) ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryasiddhāntadīpikāf. Name of Comm. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutadāf. "son-giving", Name of a divine being View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taduhitṛf. equals -putrī- Va1rtt. 9 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvratadattam. Name of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svedamalojjhitadeham. "one whose body is freed from perspiration and impurity", a jina- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadhāmanm. (only ) "having white lustre", the moon
śvetadhāmanm. camphor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadhāmanm. cuttle-fish bone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadhāmanm. Achyranthes Atropurpurea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadhāmanm. a white-flowering variety of Clitoria Ternatea. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadhātum. chalk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadhātum. opal or chalcedony View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadhātum. any white mineral View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadrumam. Crataeva Roxburghii View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadūrvāf. white dūrvā- grass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadvipam. a white elephant or indra-'s elephant airāvata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadvīpamn. "white island", Name of a mythical abode of the blessed etc. (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadvīpamn. of a sacred place near kāśī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadvīpam. England View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadvīpāyaNom. A1. yate-, to resemble the white isle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetadyutim. the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatadruhmfn. having hurt one's father View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatsthatadañjanatāf. assuming the colour of any near object View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tattaddeśīyamfn. belonging to this or that country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tiktadhātum. "bitter elementary substance (of the body)", bile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tiktadugdhāf. "having a bitter milky sap", Odina pinnata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tiktadugdhāf. equals kṣīriṇi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tiktadugdhāf. equals svarṇakṣīrī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tilāṅkitadalam. a kind of bulb View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
triśulapaṭṭitadharam. Name (also title or epithet) of śiva-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ucitadarśitvan. (probably) the knowing what is fit or proper, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udīritadmfn. one whose mind is active, acute-minded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udyatadaṇḍamfn. "ready to strike"or"having his army ready", . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
unmattadarśanamfn. maniac-like, mad. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upabhuktadhanamfn. one who has enjoyed or made use of his riches View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upabhuktadhanam. Name of a merchant's son (also in the former meaning) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upahatadmfn. affected in mind, infatuated. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiṣṇavasiddhāntadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaitadhṛtam. plural equals vainadhṛta-, vainabhṛta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntadīpikāf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vajrapātadāruṇamfn. terrible as a clap of thunder, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vajrapātaduḥsahataramfn. more dangerous than a thunder-clap View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
valitadṛśmfn. having the eyes turned towards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadevam. Name of a king and poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadru m. "spring-tree", the mango (blossoming in March or April) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadrumam. "spring-tree", the mango (blossoming in March or April) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadūtam. (only ) "spring-messenger", the Indian cuckoo (See kokila-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadūtam. the mango tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadūtam. the month caitra- (March-April) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadūtam. the 5th rāga- or the musical mode hindola- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadūtam. Gaertnera Racemosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadūtam. Bignonia Suaveoleus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadūtam. a plant like the Premna Spinosa. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantadūtīf. the female of the Indian cuckoo View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhrājigatimfn. sweeping along like wind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadhvajam. "wind-sign", a cloud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntadeśikam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntadiṇḍimam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntadīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntapraṇihitadmfn. one who has his mind fixed upon the vedānta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntasiddhāntadīpikāf. vedāntasiddhānta
vibhūtadyumnamfn. (v/i-) abounding in splendour or glory View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vigatadvaṃdvam. "free from pairs of opposites", a buddha- (see dvaṃdva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vighnitadṛṣṭipātamfn. one whose sight is impeded, blinded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vihitadurgaracanamfn. one who has enjoined the building of a fortress View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikṛtadaṃṣṭram. Name of a vidyā-dhara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikṛtadarśanamfn. changed in appearance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vilololitadṛśmfn. rolling the eyes, having tremulous eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimṛditadhvajamfn. having a crushed or broken banner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinihitadṛṣṭimfn. one who has the eyes fixed upon, eagerly looking at View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinītadatta m. Name of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinītadevam. Name of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśrutadevam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvāsojjhitadmfn. "one whose mind has abandoned confidence", distrustful, suspicious
tadambhamfn. free from pride, humble View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vitadbhāṣaṇaSee a-vi-t-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vitadbhāṣaṇaSee a-vit-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vitadruf. Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vitastadattam. (for vitastā-d- see ) Name of a merchant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vitatadhanvanmfn. one who has drawn a bow to its full stretch View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vittadam. "wealth-giver", benefactor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vittadāf. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attendant on skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vittadhamfn. "wealth-possessing", rich View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vittadugdhan. "milk-wealth", wealth compared to milk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viviktadṛṣṭimfn. clear-sighted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivṛtadvāramfn. "open-gated", unchecked, unbounded (sorrow) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivṛttadaṃṣṭramfn. with opened jaws, showing the teeth (mc. for vi-vṛtad-; varia lectio vi-vriddha-d-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratadānan. the imposing of a vow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratadānan. a donation made in consequence of a vow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratadaṇḍinmfn. bearing a staff in accordance with a vow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratadhara(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') See daiṇḍa--, nagna-v- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratadhāraṇan. the fulfilling of a religious observance, fulfilling of duties towards (with genitive case or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratadhārinmfn. fulfilling a religious observance etc. (see mauna-v-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratadugdhan. vrata--milk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratadughā( ) ( ) f. a cow which gives the vrata--milk. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vrataduh( ) f. a cow which gives the vrata--milk. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttadarpaṇam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttadīpavyākhyānan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttadyumaṇim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttāntadarśinmfn. witnessing or being a spectator of any action View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyaktadarśanamfn. one who has attained to right knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyaktadṛṣṭārthamfn. perceiving or witnessing a transaction with one's own eyes, a witness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyapetadhairyamfn. one who has abandoned firmness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyāvṛttadehamfn. having the body split or burst asunder (said of a mountain) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyutkrāntadharmamfn. neglectful of duty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yajñopavītadānan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yajñopavītadhāraṇamantram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathābhūtadarśinmfn. looking at things as they are View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatīndramatadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatīndramatadūṣaṇīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yativandanaśatadūṣaṇīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktadaṇḍamfn. applying punishment, punishing justly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktadaṇḍatāf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yutadveṣas(yut/a--) mfn. delivered from enemies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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tad तद् pron., a. (Nom. sing. सः m., सा f., तत् n.) 1 That referring to something not present; (तदिति परोक्षे विजानी- यात्) -2 He, she, it; (oft. as corr. of यद्); यस्य बुद्धिर्बलं तस्य Pt.1. -3 That i. e. well-known; सा रम्या नगरी महान्स नृपतिः सामन्तचक्रं च तत् Bh.3.37; Ku.5.71. -4 That (referring to something seen or experienced before, अनुभूतार्थः; उत्कम्पिनी भयपरिस्खलितांशुकान्ता ते लोचने प्रतिदिशं विधुरे क्षिपन्ती K. P.7; Bv.2.5. -5 The same, identical, that, very; usually with एव; तानीन्द्रियाणि सकलानि तदेव नाम Bh.2.4. Sometimes the forms of तद् are used with the first and second personal pronouns, as well as with demonstratives and relatives, for the sake of emphasis; (often translatable by 'therefore', 'then'); सो$हमिज्याविशुद्धात्मा R.1.69; 'I that very person', 'I therefore'; (I who am so and so); स त्वं निवर्तस्व विहाय लज्जाम् 2.4 'thou, therefore, shouldst return', &c. When repeated तद् has the sense of 'several', 'various'; तेषु तेषु स्थानेषु K.369; Bg.7.2; Māl.1.36; ते ते भावाः 1.17. तेन the instr. of तद् is often used with adverbial force in the sense of 'therefore', 'on that account', 'in that case', 'for that reason.' तेन हि if so, well then. -ind. 1 There, thither. -2 Then, in that case, at that time. -3 For that reason, therefore, consequently; तदेहि विमर्दक्षमां भूमिमवतरावः U.5; Me.7,19; R.3.46. -4 Then (corr. of यदि); तथापि यदि महत्कुतूहलं तत्कथयामि K.136; Bg.1.46. -n. 1 The Supreme Spirit or Brahman; तद्भावभावी तद्बुद्धिः Mb.12. 323.29; Bg.17.23. -2 This world. -Comp. -अतिपात a. going beyond the bounds. -अनन्तर a. next to that. (-ind.) immediately after that, thereupon. -अनु ind. after that, afterwards; संदेशं मे तदनु जलद श्रोष्यसि श्रोत्र- पेयम् Me.13; R.16.87; Māl.9.26. -अनुसरणम् going after that. -अन्त a. perishing in that, ending thus. -अन्य a. other than that. -अपेक्ष a. having regard to that. -अर्थ, -अर्थीय a. 1 intended for that. -2 having that meaning. -अर्थम् on that account, with that object, therefore; स्वस्रीयं मम राजेन्द्र द्रष्टुकामो महीपतिः । तदर्थ- मुपयातो$हमयोध्यां रघुनन्दन ॥ Rām.1.73.4. -अर्ह a. meriting that. -अवधि ind. 1 so far; upto that period, till then; तदवधि कुशली पुराणशास्त्रस्मृतिशतचारुविचारजो विवेकः Bv. 2.14. -2 from that time, since then; श्वासो दीर्घस्तदवधि मुखे पाण्डिमा Bv.2.79. -अवस्थ a. so circumstanced. -एकचित्त a. having the mind solely fixed on that; H. -कर a. serving, obeying as servant. -काल 1 the current moment, present time. -2 that time. ˚धी a. having presence of mind. -कालम् ind. 1 instantly, immediately. -2 at that time, at a certain time. -कालीन a. simultaneous; ब्रह्मन्कालान्तरकृतं तत्कालीनं कथं भवेत् Bhāg.1.12.41. -क्षणः 1 present, time being, present or current moment; R.1.51. -2 the same moment. -3 a measure of time. -क्षणम्, -क्षणात् ind. immediately, directly, instantly; सेकान्ते मुनिकन्याभिस्तत्- क्षणोज्झितवृक्षकम् R.3.14; Śi.9.5; Y.2.14; Amaru. 83. -क्रिय a. working without wages. -गत a. gone or directed to that, intent on that, devoted to that, belonging to that; तद्गतेनैव चेतसा Ks.3.68. (-तः) the continued multiplication of four or more like quantities. -गुण a. possessing those qualities. (-णः) 1 the quality or virtue of anything; R.1.9. -2 a figure of speech (in Rhet.); स्वमुत्सृज्य गुणं योगादत्युज्ज्वलगुणस्य यत् । वस्तु तद्गुण- तामेति भण्यते स तु तद्गुणः ॥ K. P.1.137; see Chandr.5.141. ˚संविज्ञानः a term applied to those Bahuvrīhi compounds in which the qualities denoted by the name are perceived along with the thing itself; as लंबकर्ण; cf. अतद्गुणसंविज्ञान also. -ज a. immediate, instantaneous. -ज्ञः a knowing or intelligent man, wise man, philosopher. -तृतीय a. doing that for the third time. -देश्य a. coming from the same country. -देश्यः a fellow countryman. -धन a. miserly, niggardly. -धर्मिन् a. obeying his laws; तद्धर्मिणां निवसतां विषमः स्वभावः Bhāg.3.15.32. -धर्म्य a. of that kind; Bhāg.5.14.2. -पदार्थः the Supreme Being. -पर a. 1 following that, coming after that, inferior. -2 having that as the highest object, closely intent on, exclusively devoted to, eagerly engaged in (usually in comp.); सम्राट् समाराधनतत्परो$भूत् R.2.5;1.66; Me.1; Y.1.83; Ms.3.262. -3 diligent. (-रः) the thirtieth part of a twinkling of the eye. (-रा) one sixtieth of a second of a circle. ˚ता, ˚त्वम् 1 intentness, entire devotion or addiction to a thing. -2 inferiority. -परायण a. solely devoted or attached to anything. -पुरुषः 1 the original or Supreme Spirit. -2 N. of a class of compounds in which the first member determines the sense of the other member, or in which the last member is defined or qualified by the first, without losing its original independence; as तत्पुरुषः; तत्पुरुष कर्मधारय येनाहं स्यां बहुव्रीहिः Udb. उत्तरपदप्रधानस्तत्पुरुषः -पूर्व a. 1 happening or occurring for the first time; अकारि तत्पूर्वनिबद्धया तया Ku.5.1;7.3; R.2.42;14.38. -2 prior, former. -पूर्वम् ind. that for the first time; Ki.7.11. -प्रथम a. doing that for the first time; Ku.5.66. -फल a. having that as a fruit or result. (-लः) 1 the white water-lily. -2 a kind of perfume. -बलः a kind of arrow. -भव a. sprung from Sanskṛit &c. (as Prākṛit or other words). -भावः becoming that. -मात्रम् 1 merely that, only a trifle, a very small quantity; तन्मात्रादेव कुपितो राजा Ks.6.15. -2 (in phil.) a subtle and primary element (such as शब्द, स्पर्श, रूप, रस and गन्ध) तन्मात्राण्यविशेषाः Sān. K.38; गणस्तन्मात्रपञ्चकश्चैव Sān. K.24; Bhāg.11.24.7. -मात्रिक a. consisting of rudimentary atoms; अर्थस्तन्मात्रिकाज्जज्ञे Bhāg.11.24.8. -राजः an affix added to some proper names to form from them the names of the 'king' or 'chief'; as from अङ्ग is formed आङ्ग 'king of the Aṅgas' by the affix अण्. -रूप a. thus shaped, so formed; of the same quality. -वाचक a. denoting or signifying that. -विद् a. 1 knowing that. -2 knowing the truth. -विद्य a. a Connoisseur, expert. -विध a. of that kind or sort; भक्त्योपपन्नेषु हि तद्विधानां प्रसादचिह्नानि पुरः फलानि R.2.22; Ku.5.73; Ms.2.112. -संख्याक a. of that number; Y.2.6. com. -समनन्तरम् ind. immediately upon that; Ks.4.24. -स्थ a. being on or in that, connected with it. (-स्थः) a particular mode of multiplication. -हित a. good for that. -(तः) 1 an affix added to primary bases to form derivative or secondary bases from them. -2 a noun formed by a Taddhita affix, a derivative noun.
tadā तदा ind. 1 Then, at that time. -2 Then, in that case; (corr. of यदा); Bg.2.52-53; Ms.1.52, 54-56; -3 Therefore, hence; अनुभूय तदा कामं ततः प्राप्स्याम्यहं जराम् Rām.7.5.3; यदा यदा-तदा तदा 'whenever'; तदाप्रभृति 'since then', 'thenceforward;' तदाप्रभृत्येव विमुक्तसङ्गः पतिः पशूनामपरिग्रहो$भूत् Ku.1.53. -Comp. -मुख a. begun, commenced. (-खम्) beginning.
tadānīm तदानीम् ind. Then, at that time; नासदासीन्नो सदासीत् तदानीम् Rv.1.129.1.
tadānīṃtana तदानींतन a. Belonging to that time, contemporary of that time; एषो$स्मि कार्यवशादायोध्यिकस्तदानींतनश्च संवृत्तः U.1.
tadātvam तदात्वम् The time being, present time; आयत्यां च तदात्वे च Mb.12.16.6. तदादितदन्तन्यायः tadāditadantanyāyḥ तदादितदन्तन्यायः The rule according to which when an उत्कर्ष of a detail is laid down what is meant is that one should have उत्कर्ष not of that particular detail alone but of all the details beginning with that detail. In the case of अपकर्ष, however, there will be अपकर्ष not of that particular detail alone, but of all the details ending with it; तदादि उत्कर्षे तदन्तमपकर्षे गम्येत । SB. on MS.5.1.24.
tadīya तदीय a. Belonging to that, his, hers, its, theirs; सुतां तदीयां सुरभेः कृत्वा प्रतिनिधिं शुचिः R.1.81;2.28; 3.8,25.
tadvat तद्वत् a. Containing or possessed of that; as in तद्वान- पोहः K. P.2. -ind. 1 Like that, in that manner. -2 Equally, in like manner, so also. तद्व्यपदेशन्यायः tadvyapadēśanyāyḥ तद्व्यपदेशन्यायः A मीमांसा rule of interpretation according to which an expression is to be considered as a नामधेय (name of a याग) if in the sequel is found a statement comparing the याग with the idea or thing expressed by that term. This rule is discussed by जैमिनि and शबर at MS.1.4.5.
atadarham अतदर्हम् ind. Unjustly, undeservedly.
atadguṇaḥ अतद्गुणः (Rhet.) The 'non-borrower', N. of a figure of speech in which the thing in question does not assume the quality of another, though there is a reason for it; परगुणाननुहारस्त्वस्य तत्स्यादतद्गुणः; e. g. धवलो$ सि यद्यपि सुन्दर तथापि त्वया मम रञ्जितं हृदयम् । रागपूरिते$पि हृदये सुभग निहितो न रक्तो$सि ॥ _x001F_6K.P.1; _x001F_6or संगतान्यगुणानङ्गीकारमाहुर- तद्गुणम् । चिरं रागिणि मच्चित्ते निहितो$पि न रज्यसि ॥ Kuval. -Comp. -संविज्ञानः N. of a variety of Bahuvrīhi; e. g. दृष्टसमुद्रमानय; अत्र गुणीभूतस्य समुद्रस्य नानयने$न्वयः इति˚ नः बहुव्रीहिः; लम्बकर्णमानय इति तु तद्गुणसंविज्ञानः. Tv.
anikṣiptadhūraḥ अनिक्षिप्तधूरः N. of a Bodhisattva or deified Buddhist saint.
abhitad अभितद् 4 A. 1 To go to, draw near, approach (with acc.); रावणावरजा तत्र राघवं मदनातुरा । अभिपेदे निदाघार्ता व्यालीव मलयद्रुमम् ॥ R.12.32; 19.11; Dk.166; K.265; to enter (into) Śi.3.25 sometimes with loc. also. -2 To look upon, consider, regard; to take or know to be; क्षणम- भ्यपद्यत जनैर्न मृषा गगनं गणाधिपतिमूर्तिरिति Śi.9.27. -3 To help, assist; मया$भिपन्नं तं चापि न सर्पो धर्षयिष्यति Mb.1.5.2. -4 To seize, catch hold of; overpower, attack, subdue, take possession of, overcome, afflict; सर्वतश्चाभिपन्नैषा धार्तराष्ट्री महाचमूः । चण्डवाताभिपन्नानामुदधीनामिव स्वनः Mb.; See अभिपन्न also. -5 (a) To take, assume; स्वानि स्वान्यभिपद्यन्ते यथा कर्माणि देहिनः Ms.1.3 (b) To accept, receive; निरास्वाद्य- तमं शून्यं (राज्यं) भरतो नाभिपत्स्यते Rām. -6 To apply or devote oneself to, undertake, fall to, observe; स चिन्ता- मम्यपद्यत Rām. -7 To honour.
etad एतद् pron. a. (m. एषः, f. एषा, n. एतद्) 1 This, this here, yonder (referring to what is nearest to the speaker (समीपतरवर्ति चैतदो रूपम्); एते वयममी दाराः कन्येयं कुलजीवितम् K.; the Nom. forms are used like those of इदम् the sense of 'here'; एष पृच्छामि, एष कथयामि Mu.3. here I ask &c.; कदा गमिष्यसि-एष गच्छामि Sk.; एषो$स्मि कामन्दकी संवृत्तः Māl.1; एते नवीकृताः स्मः Ś.5. In this sense एतद् is sometimes used to give emphasis to the personal pronouns; एषो$हं कार्यवशादायोध्यिकस्तदानींतनश्च संवृत्तः U.1. -2 As the subject of a sentence it agrees in gender and number with the predicate without reference to the noun to which it refers; एतद् (शवला) मे धनम्; but may sometimes remain in the neuter; एतदेव गुरुषु वृत्तिः Ms.2.26. -3 It often refers to what precedes, especially when it is joined with इदम् or any other pronoun; एष वै प्रथमः कल्पः Ms.3.147; इति यदुक्तं तदेतच्चिन्त्यम्; एतानीमानि, एते ते &c. -4 It is used in connection with a relative clause, in which case the relative generally follows; प्रच्छन्नवञ्चकास्त्वेते ये स्तेनाटविकादयः Ms.9.257. ind. In this manner, thus, so, here, at this time, now. Note:- एतद् appears as the first member of compounds which are mostly self-explaining; e. g. ˚अतिरिक्त Besides this. ˚अनन्तर immediately after this; ˚अन्त ending thus; ˚अर्थः this matter; ˚अर्थे on this account, therefore; ˚अवधि to this limit, so far; ˚अवस्थ a. of such a state or condition. -Comp. -कालः the present time. -कालीन a. belonging to the present time. -क्षणात् ind. hence-forth. -द्वितीय a. one who does anything for the second time. -पर a. Intent on or absorbed in this. -प्रथम a. one who does anything for the first time. -योनिन् a. having one's origin in that. एतद्योनीनि भूतानि Bg.7.6.
etadīya एतदीय a. Belonging to this.
aitadātmyam ऐतदात्म्यम् The state of having this property or peculiarity; स य एषो$णिमैतदात्म्यमिदं सर्वं तत्सत्यम् Ch. Up. 6.9.4.
vitadruḥ वितद्रुः f. N. of a river in the Panjāb.
śatad शतधा ind. 1 In a hundred ways. -2 Into a hundred parts or pieces. -3 A hundred-fold. f. The Dūrvā grass.
śitadruḥ शितद्रुः f. The river Sutlej; see शतद्रु.
saptad सप्तधा ind. 1 Seven-fold. -2 In seven parts.
Macdonell Vedic Search
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tadānīm ta-dá̄nīm, adv. then, x. 129, 1 [prn. root tá].
Macdonell Search
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tad prn. nm., ac. n. of ta: also base °ree;--; ad. there; thither; so, thus, then, in regard to that (in the Brâhmanas); then, in that case (corr. yadi, ked); therefore, accordingly (corr. yad, yatah, yena); now (common in Brâhmanas as a particle of transition); tad api, even that, even then (corr. ked); nevertheless (corr. yadi½api); tad yathâ, this is as follows, thus for instance.
tadā ad. at that time, then (often redundant in E. with tatah, purâ, and atha): frequently with correlative yatah, yatra, yad, yadâ, yadi, ked; in that case; tadâ pra bhriti, thenceforward; yadâ yadâ -tadâ tadâ, whenever--then; yadâ tadâ, at any time, always.
tadādi ad. thenceforward; then first.
tadākāra a. having that appearance.
tadanantara a. standing next to (g.): -m, ad. immediately after, thereupon (corr. prâk or prathamam).
tadānīm (ac.) ad. then, at that time (corr. yatra, yadâ, yadi).
tadanu ad. thereupon, then.
tadanukṛti ad. accordingly; -anusarana-krama, m. continual following of him; -anta, a. ending with that; -apatya tâ, f. condition of having offspring through him (the son) or by her (the Sûdrâ woman); apatya-maya, a. devoted to his (her) children; -apeksha, a. having regard to that; -artha, m. the meaning of that or those; a. having that for its object, meant for that; having the same meaning: -m, ad. for that purpose, on that account, therefore; -arthin, a. desiring that; -arthîya, a. undertaken for that end, having that as its object; -ardhika, a. half as much; -arha, a. commensurate with that; -avastha, a. being in that condition or plight; being in the same condition=safe.
tadātva n. present time or state (opp. âyati).
tadbhava a. derived from that, viz. Sanskrit (applied to Prâkrit and South Indian words); -bhâva, m. becoming that; becoming (--°ree;); his sentiments or intentions; -bhûta, pp. being therein.
tadbuddhi a. whose mind is centred on that.
taddevatāka a. having that as a deity; -desya, a. coming from the same country; m. countryman; -dviguna, a. twice that amount.
taddhita a. good for him, in which sense one of the suffixes of this class is used: m. (sc. pratyaya) secondary suffix; word formed with a secondary suffix.
tadgata pp. directed to him, her, or that; directed to (--°ree;); -guna, m. his or her quality or virtue; a. having those qualities.
tadīya a. belonging, referring or proper to him, her, it, them, or that; his, her, its, their; such: -sa&ndot;ga, m. union with her.
tadokas a. abiding there.
tadrasa m. essence of it; -râga, m. suffix attached to the name of a people to designate their king; -rûpa, a. of such kind or appearance; of the same kind; -vamsya, m. relative of that ruler; -vaktri, m.propounder of that; -vat, 1. ad. in this way, thus; similarly, likewise, also; 2. a. possess ing or containing that: -tâ, f. conformity, harmony; -vayas, a. of the same age; -víd, a. knowing or versed in that; m. connoisseur; -vidha, a. of such a kind, such, such-like; corresponding thereto: -tva, n. corresponding nature; -vishaya, a. belonging to that cate gory; having that as an object; -vritti, a. living according to that; -vrata, a. fulfilling duties towards him, her, or them.
taduttha a. arising from or caused by that man; -upahita, pp. transferred to him.
anabhikhyātadoṣa a. whose guilt is not known.
avikhyātadoṣa a. having committed no notorious crime.
upabhuktadhana a. having en joyed his wealth; m. N. of a merchant.
etadanta a. ending with this or these; -artham, ad. for this purpose, there fore; -avastha, a. being in this condition; being of such a kind; referring thereto; -îya, pos. prn. his, her, their; -yoni, a.having this origin; -vasa, a. dependent on him.
etad prn. (nm., ac. sg. n.) this here (near the speaker); this (nearly always re ferring to what precedes, has just happened, or been mentioned); often=here, now: ad. thus, so, therefore, accordingly: lc.etasmin, in this case.
aitadātmya n. essence of this (ph.).
guptadhana n. money hoarded; a. hoarding his money; -sîla, a. wily, crafty, cunning; -½âryaka, m. N. of a prince.
nātyantadūra a. not very far distant.
patadgraha m. (catching what falls), spittoon.
tadakṣa a. of pure disposition; -dhânya, a. containing purified grain.
pratitadvid f. recognition of the contrary; -tantra-siddhânta, m. doc trine recognised in various systems (but not in all); -tara, m. sailor; -tar&asharp;m, with bhû, retire more and more; -taru, ad. at every tree; -tryaham, ad. for three days each time.
pratihatad a. hostilely dis posed; -hata-raya, a. whose current is im peded by (--°ree;); -hati, f. blow; rebound; -hantavya, fp. to be opposed; -hantri, m. warder off, preventer; -hartrí, m.withdrawer; destroyer; remover, preventer; a kind of priest, assistant of the Udgâtri; -harsha, m. expression of joy; -harshana, a. causing joy in return; -hasta, m. (person at one's hand), substitute, deputy, proxy: -ka,m. substitute, -tva, n. deputyship; -hastin, m. keeper of a brothel.
vratadāna n. imposition of a vow; -dhara, a. practising a vow (only --°ree;); -dhâr ana, n. fulfilment of religious observances or of duties, towards (g., --°ree;); (á)-pati, m. lord of religious rites (Agni; V.); -p&asharp;, a. guarding the sacred law (V.); -pârana, n. conclusion of a fast, eating after a fast; -pra dâna, n. imposition of a fast; -bha&ndot;ga, m. breach of a vow; -bhrít, a. bearing the sacred law or rite (Agni); -ruki, a. delighting in vows etc., religious; -lopa, m. breach of a vow; -lopana, n. id.; (á)-vat, a. fulfilling or practising a vow; -sayyâ-griha, n. sleeping apartment for the performance of a vow; -sampâdana, n.fulfilment of a vow or religious duty; -stha, a. practising a vow etc.; -sthita, pp. id.; -snâta, pp. having completed one's vows (but not Vedic study): -ka, a. id.; -snâna, n. completion of one's vows; -hâni, f. neglect of vows; -½âdesa, m. imposition of a vow, esp. of the first vow of the Brahmakârin; -½âdesana, n. initiation into a vow: -visarga, m. pl. initiation into and completion of a vow.
sthitad a. steady-minded; -pragña, a. steadfast in knowledge; -samvid, a. faithful to one's agreement, keeping one's promise; -samketa, a. id.
hṛtadravya a. robbed of one's pro perty; -vâsas, a. bereft of one's garment; -sishta, pp. spared from pillage; -sarvasva, a. bereft of one's all; -sâra, a. robbed of the best part.
Bloomfield Vedic
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tad ayaṃ rājā varuṇo 'numanyatām AG.1.13.6c (crit. notes); SMB.1.1.10c; PG.1.5.11c; ApMB.1.4.7c; HG.1.19.7c; JG.1.20c. See tad idaṃ.
tad vaḥ prabravīmi KS.4.14; Kauś.56.7.
tad ayaṃ keto hṛda ā vicaṣṭe RV.1.24.12b.
tad vaktāram avatu TA.7.1.1; TU.1.1.1; MG.1.4.4; VārG.8.4.
tad ayam agniḥ (KS., once, ātmā) KS.7.14 (bis); MS.1.6.1: 86.3; 1.6.2 (ter): 88.17,18; 89.1; 1.6.6: 95.13; 1.6.7: 97.10; TB. (bis),2; TA.4.17.1; Apś.5.12.1 (ter).
tad vaktāram āvīt TA.7.12.1; TU.1.12.1; MG.1.4.8; VārG.8.7.
tad arka uta haskṛtiḥ RV.8.89.6b; SV.2.780b.
tad vayaṃ yajāmahe śś.17.12.4c.
tad arkarūpaṃ vimimānam eti TB.
tad varuṇasya saptyam RV.8.41.4d.
tad aryaman varuṇa mitra cāru RV.2.27.8d; TS.; MS.4.14.14d: 239.3; KS.11.12d; TB.
tad vaḥ sujātā maruto mahitvanam RV.1.166.12a.
tad aryamā tat savitā cano dhāt RV.1.107.3b.
tad vā atharvaṇaḥ śiraḥ AVś.10.2.27a; śirasU.6a.
tad aryamāditiḥ śiśrathantu RV.7.93.7d.
tad vā anaḍuho vratam (AVP. balam) AVś.4.11.11d; AVP.3.25.8d. Cf. tatrāpy anaḍuho.
tad avyathī jarimāṇas taranti RV.10.27.21d.
tad vāṃ vayo yamarājye samānam AVś.12.3.1d.
tad aśakam VS.2.28; TS.; MS.4.9.26 (quater): 138.5--8; KS.5.6; TA.4.41.6 (bis); KA.1.199.2 (ter); śś.4.12.10; Mś.; GG.3.2.50; Kauś.56.7; JG.1.12.
tad vāk KS.39.4; Apś.16.28.1.
tad aśīya Apś.11.15.1 (ter); Mś. (ter).
tad vācā dūṣayāmasi AVP.4.22.3d; 9.10.2d.
tad aśyāma tava rudra praṇītau (RV.KS. -ṇītiṣu) RV.1.114.2d; TS.; KS.40.11d.
tad vāṃ ceti pra vīryam RV.3.12.9c; SV.2.1043c; TS.; MS.4.10.4c: 152.14; KS.4.15c; TB.; Kauś.5.2c. Cf. agnīṣomā ceti.
tad aśyāma maghavāno vayaṃ ca RV.1.136.7d.
tad vāta unmathāyati AVś.20.132.4. See kad etc.
tad aśvaḥ MS.2.13.14: 163.12; KS.39.4; Apś.16.28.1.
tad vātam api gachati śB. See tad devāṃ api.
tad aśvinā pari dhattaṃ svasti TS. See tam aśvinā etc.
tad vāto anu vātu te TS. (quater),4.
tad aśvinā bhiṣajā rudravartanī VS.19.82a; MS.3.11.9a: 153.5; KS.38.3a; TB.
tad vāṃ dātraṃ mahi kīrtenyaṃ bhūt RV.1.116.6c.
tad aśvināv aśvayujopayātām TB.
tad vāṃ narā nāsatyāv anu ṣyāt RV.1.182.8a.
tad aśvinā śṛṇutaṃ dhiṣṇyā (TB. saubhagā) yuvam RV.1.89.4d; VS.25.17d; TB.
tad vāṃ narāv aśvinā paśva"iṣṭī RV.1.180.4c.
tad aśvinā suhavā yāmani śrutam RV.10.92.13d.
tad vāṃ narā śaṃsyaṃ rādhyaṃ ca RV.1.116.11a.
tad aṣāḍhā abhisaṃyantu yajñam TB.
tad vāṃ narā śaṃsyaṃ pajriyeṇa RV.1.117.6a.
tad aṣṭāpo asādayan AVś.11.8.29b.
tad vāṃ narā sanaye daṃsa ugram RV.1.116.12a; śB.; KA.1.226a; 3.226; BṛhU.2.5.16a.
tad asau sūryaḥ KS.7.14; TB.; Apś.5.12.1.
tad vāṃ nāma tad vāṃ nāmadheyam AVP.1.86.5b.
tad astabhnā uto divam (RV. uta dyām) RV.8.89.5d; SV.2.779d; ArS.2.7d.
tad vām astu vidūrakam AVP.2.58.5d.
tad astu tubhyam id ghṛtam TS. See sarvaṃ tad astu.
tad vām astu sahase manyumac chavaḥ RV.7.104.3d; AVś.8.4.3d.
tad astu prajayā bahu AVś.6.141.2d.
tad vām ṛtaṃ rodasī pra bravīmi RV.10.79.4a.
tad astu mitrāvaruṇā tad agne RV.5.47.7a; AVś.19.11.6a; AVP.12.17.6a. P: tad astu mitrāvaruṇā śś.8.8.10.
tad vāṃ mahitvaṃ ghṛtānnāv astu RV.6.67.8c.
tad astu sutvak tanvaḥ AVP.1.26.4c.
tad vāyave Kś.2.1.24; Apś.3.18.4; Mś.
tad astu hṛdayaṃ tava SMB.1.3.9d.
tad vāyuḥ Apś.16.28.1. See tad āyuḥ.
tad astu hṛdayaṃ mama SMB.1.3.9b.
tad vāyunā śāntiḥ MS.4.9.27: 138.12.
tad asmad aśvinā yuvam Kauś.58.1c. Cf. tathā tad aśvi-.
tad vāyus tad u candramāḥ VS.32.1b. See tat sūryas.
tad asmabhyaṃ varuṇo vāyur agniḥ AVP.1.18.1c. See athāsmabhyaṃ etc.
tad vāryaṃ vṛṇīmahe RV.8.25.13a; N.5.1.
tad asmabhyaṃ savitā satyadharmā AVś.7.24.1c.
tad vidac charyaṇāvati RV.1.84.14c; AVś.20.41.2c (vulgate, erroneously, yad vidac); SV.2.264c; JB.3.64c; TB. See avindañ śarya-.
tad asmabhyam iṣavaḥ śarma yachān AVP.15.11.2d. See tatrāsmabhyam.
tad vide kāmam ūrjam āpaḥ AVś.9.1.9d. See iṣam ūrjaṃ rāyaspoṣaṃ.
tad asmān pātu viśvataḥ AVś.19.20.3d; AVP.1.108.3d. Cf. under so asmān pātu.
tad viprāso vipanyavaḥ (SV. -yuvaḥ) RV.1.22.21a; SV.2.1023a; VS.34.44a; NṛpU.5.10a; Vāsū.4.2a; SkandaU.16a; āruṇU.5a; MuktiU.2.78b.
tad asmāsu draviṇaṃ dhehi citram RV.2.23.15d; VS.26.3d; TS.;; MS.4.14.4d: 220.4; KS.4.16d; 40.11d; AB.4.11.9; PG.1.5.11d.
tad vipro abravīd udak (śś. u tat) AVś.20.128.3c; śś.
tad asmāsu vi yantana RV.8.47.10d.
tad viyūyā kavayo anvavindan ā.
tad asme śaṃ yor arapo dadhātana RV.10.37.11d. See under athā naḥ śaṃ.
tad viviḍḍhi yat ta indro jujoṣat RV.8.96.12a.
tad asmai devā abhisaṃnamantu (AVś.AVP. upasaṃnamantu) AVś.19.41.1d; AVP.1.53.3d; TS.; TA.3.11.9d.
tad viśvam abhibhūr asi RV.8.89.6c; SV.2.780c.
tad asmai devā rāsantām MS.4.13.9: 212.11; TB.; śB.; Aś.1.9.5; śś.1.14.18.
tad viśvam upa jīvati RV.1.164.42d; TB.; TA.10.11.1d; MahānU.11.2d; N.11.41d.
tad asmai navyam aṅgirasvad arcata RV.2.17.1a. P: tad asmai navyam Aś.6.4.10; śś.9.13.3.
tad viṣam arasaṃ viṣam AVP.9.10.12e.
tad asya ghnanty abhipaśyata eva AVś.10.8.24c.
tad viṣṇoḥ paramaṃ padam RV.1.22.20a; AVś.7.26.7a; SV.2.1022a; VS.6.5a; TS.;; MS.1.2.14a: 24.3; 3.9.4: 118.11; KS.3.3a; 26.5; śB.; Apś.7.11.4; 16.26.4; Mś.; ViDh.64.20; LVyāsaDh.2.21,42,44; GopālU.1a; NṛpU.5.10a; Vāsū.4.1a; SkandaU.15a; MuktiU.2.77a; āruṇU.5a. P: tad viṣṇoḥ Kś.6.3.13; VHDh.5.568; 7.187,192; 8.6,62,246; BṛhPDh.5.251; 9.60,216; śaṅkhaDh.7.30,31; Rvidh.1.17.7. Cf. Rāmāyaṇa 6.41.25.
tad asya citraṃ haviṣā yajāma TB.
tad vīryaṃ vo maruto mahitvanam RV.5.54.5a.
tad asya priyam abhi pātho aśyām (TB. asthām) RV.1.154.5a; MS.4.12.1a: 179.4; AB.1.17.7; TB.; Aś.4.5.3. Ps: tad asya priyam TB.; tad asya MS.4.14.5: 221.4.
tad vṛṣṭiḥ KS.39.4.
tad asya rūpam amṛtaṃ śacībhiḥ VS.19.81a; MS.3.11.9a: 153.3; KS.38.3a; TB.
tad veṣāṃ hṛdi śritam AVP.9.4.11d.
tad asya rūpaṃ praticakṣaṇāya RV.6.47.18b; śB.; BṛhU.2.5.19b; JUB.1.44.1b,3.
tad vai tato vidhūpāyat AVś.4.19.6c. See tad it tato.
tad asyānīkam uta cāru nāma RV.2.35.11a. P: tad asyānīkam śś.13.29.13; VHDh.8.53.
tad vai tvaṃ prāṇo abhavaḥ TA.3.14.4a.
tad asyedaṃ paśyatā bhūri puṣṭam RV.1.103.5a. P: tad asyedaṃ paśyata śś.9.17.3.
tad vai pitṛṣu kilbiṣam AVś.5.19.5d.
tad asyai viṣavattaram AVP.6.23.7d.
tad vai putrasya vedanam AVś.6.11.1c,2c.
tad ahaṃ vaśmi pavamāna soma RV.9.96.4d.
tad vai brahmajya te devāḥ AVś.5.19.12c.
tad ahaṃ vidvāṃs tat paśyan SMB.1.5.13c.
tad vai brahmavido viduḥ AVś.10.2.32d; 8.43d.
tad ahaṃ nihnave (śś. nihnuve) tubhyam AB.7.17.4c; śś.15.24c.
tad vai mā tāta tapati AB.7.17.4a; śś.15.24a.
tad ahaṃ punar ādade Apś.10.13.10d.
tad vai rāṣṭram ā sravati AVś.5.19.8a; AVP.9.19.4a.
tad ahaṃ prabravīmīndrāya viśvebhyo devebhyo brāhmaṇebhyaḥ somyebhyaḥ somapebhyaḥ Lś.8.3.13. Cf. next.
tad vai sa prāṇo 'bhavat śB.
tad ahaṃ manase prabravīmi VSK.2.3.1; TB.; Apś.3.18.4; Vait.1.18; Kś.2.1.19. See tam ahaṃ etc., and cf. prec.
tad vai sphātir upāyatī AVP.8.18.11c.
tad ahnāt pratimucyate Tā.10.34b.
tad vo adya manāmahe RV.7.66.12a. Cf. BṛhD.6.6.
tad ā jānītota puṣyatā vacaḥ RV.1.94.8c; AVP.13.5.8c.
tad vo astu sucetanam (śś. sajoṣaṇam) AVś.20.135.10b; AB.6.35.19c; GB.2.6.14b; JB.2.117b; śś.12.19.3c.
tad āñjana tvaṃ śaṃtātim (AVP. śaṃtāte) AVś.19.44.1c; AVP.15.3.1c.
tad vo gāya sute sacā RV.6.45.22a; SV.1.115a; 2.1016a; AVś.20.78.1a; Aś.9.11.21; Vait.39.3,18. Ps: tad vo gāya śś.15.8.10; Vait.27.10; tad vaḥ Svidh.1.4.16.
tad ātasthus tad u haiṣāṃ vyāra (JB. 3.255b, dividing wrongly, vyārate) JB.2.398b; 3.255b.
tad vo jāmitvaṃ marutaḥ pare yuge RV.1.166.13a.
tad āturasya bheṣajam RV.8.72.17c.
tad vo divo duhitaro vibhātīḥ RV.4.51.11a; AG.2.6.15.
tad ātmanā prajayā piśācāḥ AVś.5.29.6c--9c; AVP.12.18.7c,8c.
tad vo devā abruvan tad va āgamam RV.1.161.2b.
tad ātmani punar ā veśayāmi te AVś.7.53.3d.
tad vo devīr upa bruve RV.10.97.4b; VS.12.78b; TS.; MS.2.7.13b: 93.7; KS.16.13b. See yad vo etc.
tad ātmanvac caraty apsv antaḥ AVś.4.10.7b; AVP.4.25.7b.
tad vo mā vyavachaitsīt (Apś. vigāt) Kś.25.13.26; Apś.14.20.7.
tad ātmānaṃ svayam akuruta TA.8.7.1c; TU.2.7.1c.
tad vo yāmi draviṇaṃ sadyaūtayaḥ RV.5.54.15a.
tad ādityaḥ pratarann etu sarvataḥ Kauś.99.2c.
tad vo vājā ṛbhavaḥ supravācanam RV.4.36.3a.
tad āditya mahi tat te mahi śravaḥ AVś.13.2.3c.
tad vo 'haṃ punar āveśayāmy ariṣṭāḥ HG.2.11.1c.
tad ādityā vasavo rudriyāsaḥ RV.6.62.8c.
tad vratam TB.,4,5,7; Apś.8.4.3.
tad āpaḥ sa (VSK. āpas tat) prajāpatiḥ VSK.35.3.2d; TA.10.1.2d; MahānU.1.7d. See tā āpaḥ.
tad āpo datta bheṣajam AVś.11.6.23d.
tad āpnoti cāva ca rundhe AVP.9.20.1--12.
tad āpnod indro vo yatīḥ AVś.3.13.2c; AVP.3.4.2c; TS.; MS.2.13.1c: 152.10. See tad indra āpnod.
tad ā badhnanti vedhasaḥ AVś.3.9.3b. See yad etc.
tad ā badhnāmi śataśāradāya RVKh.10.128.9c. See under tat te badhnāmy.
tad āyuḥ MS.2.13.14: 163.11; KS.39.4. See tad vāyuḥ.
tad ā rabhasva durhaṇo RV.10.155.3c; AVP.6.8.7c.
tad ā rohatu suprajā AVś.14.2.22c. P: tad ā rohatu Kauś.78.5.
tad ā roha puruṣa medhyo bhavan AVś.18.4.51c. See tat tvam ārohāso.
tad ā vṛṇīmahe vayam RV.8.83.1b; SV.1.138b.
tad āśā anv ajāyanta RV.10.72.3c.
tad āśāste yajamāno havirbhiḥ RV.1.24.11b; VS.18.49b; 21.2b; TS.; MS.3.4.8b: 56.7; 4.14.17b: 246.3; KS.4.16b; 40.11b; śB.; ApMB.1.4.13b.
tad āsata ṛṣayaḥ sapta sākam AVś.10.8.9c. See under atrāsata.
tad āsurī yudhā jitā (AVP. jītā) AVś.1.24.1c; AVP.1.26.1c.
tad āsrāvasya bheṣajam AVś.2.3.3c--5c; AVP.1.8.3c.
tad āhanā abhavat pipyuṣī payaḥ RV.2.13.1c.
tad āharanti kavayaḥ purastāt KS.1.2; 31.1.
tad āhur adharāg iti AVś.20.128.2d; śś.
tad āhuḥ svasya gopanam AVś.12.4.10d.
tad ic chrotraṃ bahudhodyamānam TB.
tad ito nāśayāmasi AVP.5.23.7d. See tā asman, and cf. tam ito nāśayāmasi, taṃ tveto nāśayāmasi, tā ito nāśayāmasi, tāṃ ito, and tān ito nāśayāmasi.
tad ito nir ṇayāmasi AVP.2.67.5d. Cf. tam ito nir, and tān ito nir.
tad it tato vidhūmayat AVP.5.25.6c. See tad vai tato.
tad it tvā yuktā harayo vahantu RV.3.53.4b.
tad it padaṃ na viciketa vidvān KS.35.13a; TB.; Apś.14.29.1a. P: tad it padam TA.1.13.3.
tad it sadhastham abhi cāru dīdhaya RV.10.32.4a.
tad it samānam āśāte RV.1.25.6a.
tad it somo 'vati hanty āsat RV.7.104.12d; AVś.8.4.12d.
tad idaṃ rājā varuṇo 'numanyatām MG.1.10.10c. See tad ayaṃ etc.
tad id agnī rakṣaty aprayuchan RV.3.5.6d.
tad id arthaṃ dive-dive RV.9.1.5b.
tad id āsa bhuvaneṣu jyeṣṭham RV.10.120.1a; AVś.5.2.1a; 20.107.4a; AVP.6.1.1a; SV.2.833a; VS.33.80a; JB.2.9,12,144; KB.19.9; 25.11; ā.; 5.1;,5; Vait.39.15; śś.15.2.18; 18.1.14; Apś.21.22.3a; Mś.; N.14.24a. Ps: tad id āsa ā.; Aś.7.3.21; 9.8.9; 9.6; 10.3; 10.5.22; Kauś.15.1; 22.1; 59.17; tat ā. Designated as tad-id-āsīya (sc. sūkta) Aś.9.8.22; 10.5.22; śś.11.2.6; 14.39.9; 84.5; 15.8.1; 16.21.31; 23.18. Cf. BṛhD.8.40.
tad id dhy asya vardhanam RV.8.92.5c; SV.1.224c.
tad id dhy asya savanaṃ viver apaḥ RV.10.76.3a.
tad id rudrasya cetati RV.8.13.20a.
tad id vadanty adrayo vimocane RV.10.94.13a.
tad id vadanty arthinaḥ AVP.9.10.5a.
tad indra āpnod yatīr vaḥ KS.39.2c. See tad āpnod.
tad indradhanur ity ajyam TA.1.5.2a.
tad indra preva vīryaṃ cakartha RV.1.103.7a.
tad indra vṛṣṇi te śavaḥ RV.8.3.10b; AVś.20.9.4b; 49.7b.
tad indrasya vai rudro rārahāṇa āsām MS.4.9.11c: 132.1. See tad anvavaid.
tad indrāgnī kṛṇutāṃ tad viśākhe TB.
tad indrāgnī jinvataṃ (Mś. pinvatāṃ) sūnṛtāvat TB.; Apś.1.13.1c; Mś.
tad indrāva ā bhara RV.8.24.25a; śś.12.25.3.
tad indreṇa jayata tat sahadhvam RV.10.103.2c; AVś.19.13.3c; AVP.7.4.3c; SV.2.1200c; VS.17.34c; TS.; MS.2.10.4c: 135.12; KS.18.5c.
tad indro apsu prāveśayat AVś.11.6.23c.
tad indro arthaṃ cetati RV.1.10.2c; SV.2.695c.
tad indro varuṇo vāyuḥ AVP.11.14.5c.
tad in naktaṃ tad divā mahyam āhuḥ RV.1.24.12a.
tad in nu te karaṇaṃ dasma vipra RV.5.31.7a.
tad in nu me acachadan AVP.5.27.1a.
tad in nv asya pariṣadvāno agman RV.10.61.13a.
tad in nv asya vṛṣabhasya dhenoḥ RV.3.38.7a.
tad in nv asya savitur nakir me RV.3.38.8a.
tad in me chantsad vapuṣo vapuṣṭaram RV.10.32.3a.
tad in me jagmur āśasaḥ RV.5.56.2b.
tad imāṃ senāṃ rakṣatu AVP.10.16.1.
tad iyam iha pratipadyatām AG.1.5.4d.
tad ihopahvayāmahe GB.1.2.7c; Vait.12.9c.
tad u gachantv āsurīḥ AVP.15.18.6d.
tad uc chrayasva dyaur iva AVś.6.142.2c.
tad u tasmin pratiṣṭhitam AVś.19.53.9b; AVP.11.8.9b.
tad u te kalpayāmasi AVP.11.2.7d.
tad u te martyāmṛtam TB.; Apś.8.21.1b; ApDh.
tad u te viṣadūṣaṇam AVP.9.11.8d,9d.
tad u te vṛjinaṃ tv etat Apś.21.12.3c.
tad u te sam ṛdhyatām AVP.11.1.12d.
tad uttamaṃ mumugdhi naḥ TB. Error for ud uttamaṃ etc., q.v.
tad uttareṇābhivitanvate 'hnā śB.
tad uttānapadas pari RV.10.72.3d.
tad ud vapati gām avim VS.12.71c; śB.; VāDh.2.34c. See under ud it kṛṣati.
tad u nāty eti kiṃ cana AVś.10.8.16d.
tad upākaromi Kauś.56.6,7.
tad u prayakṣatamam asya karma RV.1.62.6a; AB.1.22.2; Aś.4.7.4. Ps: tad u prayakṣatamam śś.5.10.8; tad u N.1.5.
tad ubhayam antareṇeṣṭāpūrtaṃ te lokaṃ sukṛtam āyuḥ prajāṃ vṛñjīyaṃ yadi me druhyeḥ AB.8.15.2; ... -pūrtaṃ me lokaṃ sukṛtam āyuḥ prajāṃ vṛñjīthā yadi te druhyeyam AB.8.15.3.
tad u rogam anīnaśat (AVś.2.3.4d, aśīśamat) AVś.2.3.3d--5d; AVP.1.8.3d.
tad urvi paśyam ApMB.2.13.3c.
tad uśanti viśva ime sakhāyaḥ RV.9.96.4c.
tad u śreṣṭhaṃ savanaṃ sunotana RV.10.76.2a.
tad u sarvaṃ tvayi śritam SMB.2.4.11b.
tad u sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ VS.40.5d; īśāU.5d.
tad u suptasya tathaivaiti VS.34.1b.
tad ūcuṣe mānuṣemā yugāni RV.1.103.4a.
tad ū ṣu te mahat pṛthujman AVś.5.1.5a. P: tad ū ṣu Kauś.12.5. See next.
tad ū ṣu te mahāpṛthur yaman AVP.6.2.5a. See prec.
tad ū ṣu vām ajiraṃ ceti yānam RV.4.43.6c.
tad ū ṣu vām enā kṛtam RV.5.73.4a.
tad ṛcā laghu kṛṇmasi AVP.11.2.8d.
tad ṛtam TB.,4,5,7; Apś.8.4.3; Mś.
tad ṛtaṃ pṛthivi bṛhat RV.5.66.5a.
tad ṛdhyāt MS.4.13.9: 212.11; śB.; TB.; Aś.1.9.5; śś.1.14.18.
tad ṛbhavaḥ pariṣiktaṃ va etat RV.4.35.9c.
tad ekaṃ rūpam amṛtatvam eṣām AVP.9.12.1d.
tad ekasyāpi cetasi MS.1.110.2e: 142.2.
tad ekasyāpi dharmaṇi MS.1.110.2f: 142.2. See yad etc.
tad ejati tan naijati VS.40.5a; īśāU.5a.
tad etat sarvam āpnoti VS.19.31c.
tad etad asmān bhojaya AVś.19.50.6c. See tad ehy asmān.
tad etan māyā haṃsamayī devānām VaradapU.2.3e.
tad etām etaṃ ratham asya śagme AVP.15.12.9d.
tad etu yata ābhṛtam AVś.10.1.19c.
tad etau mithunau sayonī ApMB.1.11.8c.
tad eva brahma paramaṃ kavīnām TA.10.1.2b; MahānU.1.6b.
tad eva bhūtaṃ tad u bhavyamānam TA.10.1.1c; MahānU.1.2c.
tad eva manye 'haṃ jyeṣṭham AVś.10.8.16c.
tad evartaṃ tad u satyam āhuḥ TA.10.1.2a; MahānU.1.6a.
tad eva lakṣaṇe TA.1.2.2d.
tad eva śukraṃ (TAṃahānU. -ram amṛtaṃ) tad brahma VS.32.1c; TA.10.1.2c; MahānU.1.7c.
tad eva sat tat saha karmaṇaiti śB.; BṛhU.4.4.8a.
tad eva santas tad u tad bhavāmaḥ śB.; BṛhU.4.4.15a.
tad evāgnis tad vāyuḥ (VS. ādityaḥ) VS.32.1a; TA.10.1.2a; MahānU.1.7a.
tad eṣāṃ hṛdaye bhavat AVP.9.4.11b.
tad eṣāṃ nakir ā minat RV.8.28.4b.
tad eṣām anye abhito vi vocan RV.4.1.14b.
tad eṣāṃ pari nir jahi AVś.3.2.4d; AVP.3.5.4d.
tad ehy asmān bhrājayā AVP.14.9.6c. See tad etad asmān.
tad aitūpa mām iha (TA. abhi) AVś.19.52.4d; AVP.1.30.4d; TA.3.15.2d.
tad oka ā haribhir indra yuktaiḥ RV.10.112.4c.
tad oko gantā puruhūta ūtī RV.5.30.1d.
tad oṣadhībhir abhi rātiṣācaḥ RV.6.49.14c.
tad garbhakaraṇaṃ piba AVś.5.25.6d; AVP.12.4.6d.
tad gāṅgaucyāya vidmahe MS.2.9.1a: 119.9.
tad gopāyadhvam (Apś. gopāyata) Kś.25.13.26; Apś.14.20.7.
tad gauḥ MS.2.13.14: 163.11; KS.39.4; Apś.16.28.1.
tad grāvāṇaḥ somasuto mayobhuvaḥ RV.1.89.4c; VS.25.17c; TB.
tad dakṣamāṇo bibharad dhiraṇyam AVś.1.35.3d. See sa dakṣamāṇo etc.
tad dadhānā avasyavaḥ RV.8.63.10a.
tad dādhāra pṛthivīṃ viśvarūpam AVś.10.8.11c.
tad diśaḥ MS.2.13.14: 163.9; KS.39.4; Apś.16.28.1.
tad duṣvapnyaṃ prati muñcāmi sapatne AVś.9.2.2c.
tad dūre tad v (īśāU. tadvad) antike VS.40.5b; īśāU.5b.
tad devasya savitur vāryaṃ mahat RV.4.53.1a; AB.5.2.7; KB.19.9; 21.2,4; 22.2; ā.; śś.18.22.4. P: tad devasya Aś.7.7.2; śś.10.3.14. Cf. BṛhD.5.7.
tad devā ṛtuśaḥ kalpayantu AVś.9.5.13d.
tad devāḥ prāg akalpayan AVś.20.128.1d; śś.
tad devāṃ api gachati AVś.12.4.31b. See tad vātam.
tad devā jyotiṣāṃ jyotiḥ śB.; BṛhU.4.4.20c.
tad devānāṃ devatamāya kartvam RV.2.24.3a.
tad devānām śB.; Kś.6.8.5.
tad devānām avo adyā vṛṇīmahe RV.10.36.2d--12d; VS.33.17d.
tad devebhyo bharāmasi AVP.15.2.7c; VS.12.104c; TS.; MS.2.7.14c: 95.7; KS.16.14c; śB.
tad deveṣu cakṛṣe bhadram apnaḥ RV.1.113.9d.
tad dyām eti mahad vyacaḥ (AVP. -ti bṛhad vacaḥ) AVś.4.19.6b; AVP.5.25.6b.
tad dyauḥ MS.2.13.14: 163.9; KS.39.4; Apś.16.28.1.
tad dyauś ca dhattāṃ pṛthivī ca devī RV.4.51.11d.
tad dviṣadbhyo diśāmy aham ApMB.1.13.5d,6d; HG.1.16.17d.
tad dhātā punar āharat SMB.1.5.7b.
tad dhāvato 'nyān aty eti tiṣṭhat VS.40.4c; īśāU.4c.
tad dhi deveṣv agriyam TB.
tad dhiraṇyam MS.2.13.14: 163.10; KS.39.4; Apś.16.28.1.
tad dhi vayaṃ vṛṇīmahe RV.10.126.2a; AVP.5.39.2a.
tad dhi havyaṃ manuṣe gā avindat RV.5.29.3c.
tad akṣare parame prajāḥ TA.10.1.1d; MahānU.1.3d.
tad akṣitasya bheṣajam AVś.7.76.4c.
tad babhro arasaṃ kṛdhi AVP.8.7.4b.
tad agnaye prabravīmi Kś.2.1.24; Apś.3.18.4; Mś.
tad brahmacārī prāyachat AVś.11.5.15d.
tad agnir agnaye 'dadāt (KSṃś. dadat) KS.7.12c (bis); Apś.5.9.8c; Mś.
tad brahma tad āpaḥ TA.10.15.1; 28.1; MahānU.13.1; 15.3.
tad agnir anumanyatām ayam (PG. iyaṃ svāhā) PG.1.6.2d; HG.1.20.3d.
tad brahma pūrvacittaye RV.8.3.9b; AVś.20.9.3b; 49.6b.
tad agnir āha tad u soma āha AVś.8.5.5a; 16.9.2a; 19.24.8c; AVP.2.24.5c; 15.6.5c; TS.; MS.1.5.3b: 69.13; 1.6.2b: 87.1; KS.39.1b.
tad brāhmaṇaṃ punar asmān upaitu AVś.7.66.1d.
tad agnir devo devebhyo vanate (MS.śB.śś. vanutām) TS.; MS.4.13.9: 212.11; śB.; TB.; Aś.1.9.5; śś.1.14.18.
tad brāhmaṇe kilbiṣam anv avindan AVP.8.15.7d.
tad agnir vaiśvakarmaṇaḥ VS.18.64c,65c; TS.,3c; KS.40.13c (ter); śB.,50c.
tad brāhmaṇair atipūtam anantam akṣayyam (HG. akṣitam) ApMB.2.20.33c; HG.2.15.9c.
tad agnir hotā vayunāni vidvān AVś.2.28.2c; AVP.1.12.2c.
tad bhadraṃ tava daṃsanā RV.3.9.7a.
tad agne anṛṇo bhavāmi TB. See under idaṃ tad agne.
tad bhadrāḥ samagachanta AVś.10.10.17a.
tad agne cakṣuḥ prati dhehi rebhe RV.10.87.12a; AVś.8.3.21a.
tad bhartur api bhartari RVKh.10.85.4d.
tad agne dyumnam ā bhara RV.8.19.15a; SV.1.113a; KS.39.15a.
tad bhāskarāya vidmahe MS.2.9.1a: 120.6. See under ādityāya vidmahe.
tad agne vidvān punar ābhara tvam AVś.5.29.5c; AVP.12.18.6c.
tad bhiṣajyata Apś.14.20.7.
tad agne vidvān pra daha kṣiṇīhi AVP.12.18.10c.
tad bhaimīś cakrire srajaḥ AVP.4.21.6c.
tad aṅga pratiharya naḥ TB.
tad yajamānam amṛtatve dadhātu TB.; Apś.1.13.1d; Mś.
tad aṅga yātucātanam AVś.1.16.2d.
tad yathā hutam iṣṭaṃ prāśnīyād devātmā tvā prāśnāmi Kauś.65.14.
tad ajā MS.2.13.14: 163.10; KS.39.4; Apś.16.28.1.
tad yamo rājā bhagavān vicaṣṭām TB.
tad ajānād vadhūḥ satī AVś.11.8.17b.
tad yuvaṃ madhu cakrathuḥ AVP.9.8.3d.
tad addhātaya id viduḥ RV.10.85.16d; AVś.14.1.16d.
tad yonau prati tiṣṭhatu AVP.11.1.14b.
tad adya vācaḥ prathamaṃ masīya (N. maṃsīya) RV.10.53.4a; Aś.1.2.1; 4.9; Apś.24.13.3a; N.3.8a. P: tad adya vācaḥ śś.1.6.13; 14.56.14.
tad rakṣadhvam Kś.25.13.26; Apś.14.20.7.
tad adyā cit ta ukthinaḥ RV.8.15.6a; AVś.20.61.3a; SV.2.232a.
tad rakṣasva MS.4.1.3: 5.14; 4.1.13: 18.12.
tad adyedam ṛbhavo nānu gachatha RV.1.161.11d; N.11.16.
tad rātiṣāca oṣadhīr uta dyauḥ RV.7.34.23b.
tad anu preta sukṛtām u lokam VS.18.58c; śB. See tam anu prehi.
tad rātriyāt pratimucyate Tā.10.34d.
tad antarasya sarvasya VS.40.5c; īśāU.5c.
tad rādho adya savitur vareṇyam RV.1.159.5a.
tad antarikṣam MS.2.13.14: 163.8; KS.39.4; Apś.16.28.1.
tad rāṣṭraṃ hanti duchunā AVś.5.19.8d; AVP.9.19.4d.
tad antāt pṛthivyā adhi Mś. See antān pṛthivyā.
tad rāsabho nāsatyā sahasram RV.1.116.2c.
tad rāsva bhunajāmahai RV.7.81.5d.
tad anyasyām adhi śritam AVś.1.32.4b; TB.; Apś.9.14.2b. See viśvam anyasyām etc.
tad rudrāya svayaśase RV.1.129.3e.
tad anyo nānu jāyate RV.6.48.22d.
tad rodasī janayataṃ jaritre RV.1.185.3c.
tad anvavaid indro rārahāṇa āsām RV.10.139.4c; TA.4.11.7c. See tad indrasya.
tad rodasī śṛṇutaṃ viśvaminve RV.10.67.11d; AVś.20.91.11d.
tad apaśyat tad abhavat tad āsīt (TA. abhavat prajāsu; MahānU. abhavat tat prajāsu) VS.32.12d; TA.10.1.4d; MahānU.2.6d.
tad va ā vartayāmasi AVś.7.12.4c.
tad apāg iti śuśruma AVś.20.128.4d; śś.
tad va ukthasya barhaṇā RV.6.44.6a.
tad amuṣmā agne devāḥ parā vahantu AVś.16.6.11a.
tad va etat punar ā pyāyayāmi AVś.18.4.64c.
tad ayaṃ rājā varuṇas tathāha AVś.3.4.5c; AVP.3.1.5c.
tad va etat puro dadhe AVś.4.7.7d; 5.6.2d; AVP.6.11.2d; KS.38.14d; Apś.16.18.7d.
tadaiḍaṃ sāmocyate AVP.12.11.1d.
tadannāya tadapase RV.8.47.16a.
tadāśā upadhāvati JB.3.166d.
tadbandhuḥ sūrir divi te dhiyaṃdhāḥ RV.10.61.18a. Designated as nābhānediṣṭha-hymn śś.12.18.2.
tadokase puruśākāya vṛṣṇe RV.3.35.7c.
atūrtadakṣā vṛṣaṇā vṛṣaṇvasū # RV.8.26.1c.
athaitad api yanty antataḥ # MU.6.11d. See athainad.
athaitad vacaḥ paṇayo vamann it # RV.10.108.8d.
apaptad vasatiṃ vayaḥ # AVś.7.96.1b.
apaitad ūha yad ihābibhaḥ purā # AVś.18.2.57b; TA.6.1.1b.
abhyāvartadhvam upa meta sākam # TS. Cf. upā vartadhvam.
avatatadhanvā pinākāvasaḥ (TS.Apś. pinākahastaḥ) kṛttivāsāḥ # VS.3.61; TS.; śB.; Apś.8.18.9. Fragment: kṛttivāsāḥ Kś.5.10.22. See kṛttivāsāḥ, and pinākahastaḥ.
āvavartad avarāñ cakriyāvase # RV.2.34.14d.
āvavartad avase vāṃ haviṣmān # RV.7.85.4c.
iṣṭāpūrtadraviṇaṃ gṛhya # GB.2.2.5c.
upāvartadhvam # śB.;; 5.3.11; 6.7.19; Kś.9.14.4; 12.6.1; Apś.12.17.9; Mś.;; JUB.3.19.1; 34.2.
tadhāmāsi svarjyotiḥ (TS.Apś. suvar-) # VS.5.32; TS.; MS.1.2.12: 21.15; KS.2.13; PB.1.4.9; śś.6.12.23; Apś.11.14.10. P: ṛtadhāma Lś.2.2.20.
tadhītaya ā gata # RV.5.51.2a.
tadhītayo rurucanta dasmāḥ # RV.4.55.2d.
tadhītayo vakmarājasatyāḥ # RV.6.51.10d.
tadhītibhir ṛtayug yujānaḥ # RV.6.39.2b.
etad annam atta devāḥ # VS.23.8; MS.3.12.19: 165.16; śB. See etad devā annam.
etad annam addhi prajāpate # VS.23.8; TS.; MS.3.12.19: 165.16; KSA.4.9; śB.; TB.
etad apramayaṃ dhruvam # śB.; BṛhU.4.4.22d.
etad astu hutaṃ tava svāhā (AVP. omits svāhā) # AVP.5.16.7d; TB.; Apś.3.4.8d; Mś.; GG.1.8.28d; KhG.2.1.26d.
etad asya parāyaṇam # TA.1.8.4b.
etad asyā anaḥ (N. ana) śaye # RV.4.30.11a; N.11.48a.
etad ahaṃ daivyaṃ vājinaṃ saṃmārjmi # JB.1.84.
etad ājyasya mathitaṃ śarīram # AVP.11.5.1b. Edition, erroneously, edatad etc.
etad ā roha vaya unmṛjānaḥ # AVś.18.3.73a. P: etad ā roha Kauś.85.24.
etad u dyāvāpṛthivī bhadram abhūt # TS. Cf. idaṃ dyāvāpṛthivī etc.
etad eva vijānīyāt # TA.1.3.3a.
etad eva śaṃyor bārhaspatyasya # TA.1.5.2c.
etad ghed uta vīryam # RV.4.30.8a.
etad devā annam atta # TS.; KSA.4.9; TB. See etad annam atta.
etad dhi śṛṇu me vacaḥ # AVś.10.1.28a.
etad baddhakamocanam # TA.2.6.1d. See praitu baddha-.
etad bibhṛta tan mā riṣat # KS.37.11 (ter).
etad brahmann upavalhāmasi (Aś. apa-; Lś. upabalihāmahe) tvā # VS.23.51c; Aś.10.9.2c; śś.16.6.3c; Lś.9.10.11c.
etad bhavadbhyo bhavatībhyo 'stu cākṣayam # ViDh.74.8.
etad rudrasya dhanuḥ # TA.1.5.2d.
etad vaḥ pitaraḥ pātram # Kauś.83.30; 87.17.
etad vaḥ pitaro bhāgadheyam # JG.2.1a.
etad vaḥ pitaro vāsaḥ (VS. vāsa ādhatta) # VS.2.32; VSK.2.7.4; Aś.2.7.6; SMB.2.3.14; JG.2.2. Ps: etad vaḥ pitaraḥ JG.2.2; ViDh.73.12,13; etad vaḥ Kś.4.1.16; KhG.3.5.30. See etāni vaḥ, vaddhvaṃ, and cf. asāv etat te vāsaḥ.
etad vaco jaritar māpi mṛṣṭhāḥ # RV.3.33.8a.
etad varuṇalakṣaṇam # TA.1.2.3b.
etad vāṃ tena prīṇāti (TB. prīṇāni) # TB.; Apś.2.20.6c. See idaṃ vāṃ etc.
etad vai bhadram anuśāsanasya # RV.10.32.7c.
etad vo jyotiḥ pitaras tṛtīyam # AVś.9.5.11a.
etad vo brāhmaṇā haviḥ # AVś.12.4.48a.
etad vo mithunam # TA.1.14.4.
ciketad dātuṃ dāmano rayīṇām # RV.5.36.1b.
tat-tad agnir vayo dadhe # RV.8.39.4a.
tat-tad id aśvinor avaḥ # RV.1.46.12a. P: tat-tat VHDh.6.52,131; 7.155.
tat-tad id asya pauṃsyaṃ gṛṇīmasi # RV.1.155.4a; 10.23.5c; AVś.20.73.6c.
tat-tad gachati mānavaḥ # ChU.4.17.9b.
tasyaitad agram ā dade # AVP.9.11.8c.
davidyutad dīdyac chośucānaḥ # RV.7.10.1b.
dyutadyāmānaṃ vāvṛdhanta nṛṇām # RV.10.93.12b.
dyutadyāmānaṃ bṛhatīm ṛtena # RV.5.80.1a. P: dyutadyāmānam Aś.4.14.2.
dyutadyāmā niyutaḥ patyamānaḥ # RV.6.49.4c; VS.33.55c; MS.4.10.6c: 158.3; TB.
dyutadyubhir namasyair iyāṇā # MS.4.14.7c: 225.16. See mitajñubhir.
naitad bhūyo bhavati no kanīyaḥ # TB.
tadakṣaḥ kavikratuḥ # TB.
brahmaitad upāsvaitat (MahānU. upāsyaitat) tapaḥ # TA.10.8.1; MahānU.8.1.
brahmaitad brahmaṇa ujjabhāra # TA.3.11.6a.
mitadravaḥ sahasrasāḥ # TS. P: mitadravaḥ Apś.18.4.21.
yatrāhaitad dhitāya te # AVP.8.18.2c.
yatraitad upadṛśyate # TA.1.2.3c; 3.3d.
yutadveṣasaḥ sam iṣā rabhemahi # RV.1.53.4d; AVś.20.21.4d.
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"tad" has 543 results
atadanubandhakanot having the same mute significatory letter, but having one or two additional ones, confer, compare तदनुबन्धकग्रहणे नातदनुबन्धकस्य ग्रहणम् (Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 84.)
ataddhitaan affix which is not a taddhita affix. confer, compare लशक्वतद्धिते P.1.3.8; Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). I.3.4, V.3.1 et cetera, and others
abhūtatadbhāvabeing what it was not before, confer, compare च्विविधौ अभूततद्भाग्रहणम् P. V.4.50 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). I.
tadantavidhia peculiar feature in the interpretation of the rules of Panini, laid down by the author of the Sutras himself by virtue of which an adjectival word, qualifying its principal word, does not denote itself, but something ending with it also; confer, compare येन विधिस्तदन्तस्य P.I.1.72.This feature is principally noticed in the case of general words or adhikaras which are put in a particular rule, but which Occur in a large number of subsequent rules; for instance, the word प्रातिपदिकात्, put in P.IV.1.1, is valid in every rule upto the end of chapter V and the words अतः, उतः, यञः et cetera, and others mean अदन्ताद् , उदन्तात् , यञन्तात् et cetera, and others Similarly the words धातोः (P.III.1.91) and अङ्गस्य (P.VI. 4.1 ) occurring in a number of subsequent rules have the adjectival words to them, which are mentioned in subsequent rules, denoting not only those words,but words ending with them. In a large number of cases this feature of तदन्तविधि is not desirable, as it, goes against arriving at the desired forms, and exceptions deduced from Panini's rules are laid down by the Varttikakara and later grammarians; confer, compare Par. Sek. Pari. 16,23, 31 : also Mahabhasya on P.I.1.72.
tadādividhia convention similar to the तदन्तविधि of Panini,laid down by the Varttikakara laying down that in case an operation is prescribed for something followed by a single letter, that single letter should be taken to mean a word beginning with that single letter: confer, compare यस्मिन्विधिस्तदादावल्ग्रहणे P.I.1.72 Vart. 29: Par. Sek. Pari. 33.
tadguṇasaṃvijñānaliterally connection with what is denoted by the constituent members; the word refers to a kind of Bahuvrihi compound where the object denoted by the compound includes also what is denoted by the constituent members of the compound; e g. the compound word सर्वादि in the rule सर्वादीनि सर्वनामानि includes the word सर्व among the words विश्व, उभय and others, which alone form the अन्यपदार्थ or the external thing and not merely the external object as mentioned in Panini's rule अनेकमन्यमपदार्थे (P.II. 2. 24): confer, compare भवति बहुर्वीहौ तद्गुणसंविज्ञानमपि । तद्यथा । चित्रवाससमानय। लोहितोष्णीषा ऋत्विजः प्रचरन्ति । तद्गुण आनीयते तद्गुणाश्च प्रचरन्ति M.Bh. on I.1.27. For details confer, compare Mahabhasya on P.1.1.27 as also Par. Sek. Pari. 77.
tadguṇībhūtaliterally made subordinated to (the principal factor); completely included so as to form a portion The word is used in connection with augments which, when added to.a word are completely included in that word, and, in fact, form a part of the word: cf यदागमास्तद्भुणीभूतास्तद्ग्रहणेन गृह्यन्ते Par. Sek. Pari. 11.
taddhitaa term of the ancient prePaninian grammarians used by Panini just like सर्वनामन् or अव्यय without giving any specific definition of it. The term occurs in the Nirukta of Yaska and the Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya ; confer, compare अथ तद्वितसमासेषु एकपर्वसु चानेकपर्वसु पूर्वे पूर्वमपरमपरं प्रविभज्य निर्ब्रूयात् । द्ण्डय्ः पुरुषः । दण्डमर्हतीति वा, दण्डेन संपद्यते इति वा Nirukta of Yāska.II.2; also confer, compare तिङ्कृत्तद्धितचतुथ्यसमासाः इाब्दमयम् Vaj Prati.I. 27. It is to be noted that the word तद्वित is used by the ancient grammarians in the sense of a word derived from a substantive ( प्रातिपादक ) by the application of suffixes like अ, यत् et cetera, and others, and not in the sense of words derived from roots by affixes like अन, ति et cetera, and others which were termed नामकरण, as possibly contrasted with the word ताद्धित used by Yaska in II. 5. Panini has used the word तद्धित not for words, but for the suffixes which are added to form such words at all places (e. g. in I. 1.38, IV.1.17, 76, VI.1.61 et cetera, and others). in fact, he has begun the enumeration of taddhita affixes with the rule तद्धिता: (P.IV.1. 76) by putting the term तद्धित for affixes such as ति, ष्यङ्, अण् et cetera, and others which are mentioned thereafter. In his rule कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च and in the Varttika समासकृत्तद्धिताव्यय(I.4.1Vart. 41) which are similar to V.Pr.1. 27 quoted a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. the word तद्धित appears to be actually used for words derived from nouns by secondary affixes, along with the word कृत् which also means words derived from roots, although commentators have explained there the terms कृत् and तद्धित for कृदन्त and तद्धितान्त. The term तद्वित is evidently echoed in the Sutra तस्मै हितम् which, although it is not the first Sutra there were possibly long lists of secondary nouns with the senses of secondary suffixes, and तद्धित was perhaps,the first sense given there. The number of taddhita suffixes mentioned by Panini is quite a large one; there are in fact 1110 rules given in the taddhita section covering almost two Adhyayas viz. from P. IV. 1.76 to the end of the fifth Adhyaya. The main sub-divisions of taddhita affixes mentioned by commentators are, Apatyadyarthaka (IV. 1.92 to 178), Raktadyarthaka (IV.2.1 to 91), Saisika {IV.2. 92 to IV.3.133), Pragdivyatiya (IV. 3 134 to 168), Pragvahatiya (IV.4.1 to IV.4.74), Pragghitiya (IV.4.75 to IV.4.109), Arhiya (V.1.1 to 71),Thanadhikarastha (V. 1.72 to V. 1.1.114), Bhavakarmarthaka (V. 1.115 to V.1.136), Pancamika (V. 2.1 to V. 2.93), Matvarthiya (V. 2.94 to V. 2. 140), Vibhaktisamjaaka (V. 3.1 to V. 3.26) and Svarthika (V. 3.27 to V. 4.160). The samasanta affixes (V.4.68 to V.4.160) can be included in the Svarthika affixes.
taddhitakośaa work on the taddhita section written by Siromani Bhattacarya, who has also written तिङन्तशिरोमणि.
tadbhāvathe essence, also called तत्व; confer, compare यस्य गुणान्तरेष्वपि प्रादुर्भवत्सु तत्त्वं न विहन्यते तद् द्रव्यम् । किं पुनस्तत्त्वम् । तद्भावस्तत्त्वम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.V.1.1 19.
tadbhāvitaproduced or brought into being by some grammatical operation such as the vowel आ in दाक्षि, कारक्र, अकार्षीत् et cetera, and others by the substitution of वृद्धि, as contrasted with the original अा in ग्राम, विघान शाला, माला et cetera, and others; confer, compare किं पुनरिदं तद्भावितग्रहणं वृद्धिरित्येवं ये आकरैकारौकारा भाव्यन्ते तेषां ग्रहणमाहोस्विदादैज्मात्रस्य M.Bh. on I. 1.1.
tadrājathe taddhita affixes अञ्,अण्,ञ्यङ, ण्य, as also इञ्, छ्, ञ्युट्, ण्य, टेण्यण् and यञ् given in the rules of Panini IV. 1.168-174 and V.3. 112-119. They are called तद्राज as they are applied to such words as mean both the country and the warrior race or clan ( क्षत्त्रिय ): confer, compare तद्राजमाचक्षाणः तद्राजः S. K. on P. IV.l.168. The peculiar feature of these tadraja affixes is that they are omitted when the word to which they have been applied is used in the plural number; e. g. ऐक्ष्वाकः, ऐक्ष्वाकौ, इक्ष्वाकवः; similarly इक्ष्वाकूणाम्; confer, compare P.II.4.62.
tadvat(1)as a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.,similarly;the words शेषं तद्वत् (the rest as a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.) are frequently seen used by commentators; (2) the taddhita affix. affix वत् in the sense of possession and not in the sense of measure et cetera, and others confer, compare तद्वति तद्धिते न्यायसंहितं चेत् V.Pr.V.8.
tadvadatideśatreatment of something as that which is not that e. g. the treatment of affixes not marked with mute n or n as marked with n even though they are not actually marked that way, confer, compare P. I. 2.14; also cf तद्वदतिदेशेSकिद्विधिप्रसङ्गः P. I. 2.1 Vart 4.
nipātadyotakatvathe view that the nipatas and the upasargas too, as contrasted with nouns,pronouns and other indeclinables, only indicate the sense and do not denote it; this view, as grammarians say, was implied in the Mahabhasya and was prominently given in the Vakyapadiya by Bhartrhari which was followed by almost all later grammarians. See निपात.
sārasvatakhyātadīpikāa work on the Sarasvata Vyakarana by Surasimha.
a(1)the first letter of the alphabet in Sanskrit and its derived languages, representing the sound a (अ): (2) the vowel a (अ) representing in grammatical treatises, except when Prescribed as an affix or an augment or a substitute,all its eighteen varieties caused by accentuation or nasalisation or lengthening: (3) personal ending a (अ) of the perfeminine. second.pluraland first and third person.singular.; (4) kṛt affix c (अ) prescribed especially after the denominative and secondary roots in the sense of the verbal activity e. g. बुभुक्षा, चिन्ता, ईक्षा, चर्चा et cetera, and othersconfer, compare अ प्रत्ययात् et cetera, and others (P.III 3.102-106); (5) sign of the aorist mentioned as añ (अङ्) or cañ (चङ्) by Pāṇini in P. III i.48 to 59 exempli gratia, for example अगमत्, अचीकरत्; (6) conjugational sign mentioned as śap (शप्) or śa (श) by Pāṇini in P. III.1.68, 77. exempli gratia, for example भवति, तुदति et cetera, and others; (7) augment am (अम्) as prescribed by P. VI.1.58; exempli gratia, for example द्रष्टा, द्रक्ष्यति; (8) augment aṭ (अट्) prefixed to a root in the imperfeminine. and aorist tenses and in the conditional mood e. g. अभवत्, अभूत्, अभविष्यत् confer, compare P. VI.4.71; (8) kṛt affix a (अ) prescribed as अङ्, अच्, अञ्, अण्, अन्, अप्, क, ख, घ, ञ, ड् , ण, et cetera, and others in the third Adhyāya of Pāṇini's Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī.; (9) taddhita affix. affix a (अ) mentioned by Pāṇini as अच्, अञ् अण्, अ et cetera, and others in the fourth and the fifth chapters of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. of Pāṇini; (10) the samāsānta affix a (अ), as also stated in the form of the samāsānta affixes (डच् , अच्, टच्, ष्, अष् and अञ्) by Pāṇini in V.4.73 to 121;(11) substitute a (अश्) accented grave for इदम before case-affixes beginning with the inst. instrumental case. case: (12) remnant (अ) of the negative particle नञ् after the elision of the consonant n (न्) by नलोपो नञः P. vi.3.73.
akaṅsubstitute ( अादेश ) for the last letter of the word मुधातृ prescribed along with the taddhita affix. affix इञ् by P. IV.1.97. exempli gratia, for example सौघातकिः
akṣadyūtādigaṇaa class of words headed by अक्षद्यूत which take the taddhita affix. affix hak ( इक) in the sense of 'resulting from' e. g. अाक्षद्यूतिकं वैरम्, जानुप्रहृतिक्रम्, गातागार्तकम् et cetera, and others confer, compare P IV.4.19.
agnipadādigaṇaa class of words headed by the word अग्निपद to which the taddhita affix. affix अण् is added in the senses of 'given there' or 'done there' e. g. अग्निपदम्. confer, compare अण्प्रकरणे अग्निपदादिभ्य उपसंख्यानम् P. V.1.97 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 1.
aṅgulyādigaṇaclass of words headed by अङ्गुलि to which the taddhita affix. afix ठक् ( इक् ) is added in the sense of comparison ( इवार्थे ); e. g. अङ्गुलीव अाड्गुलिक: confer, compare Kāś. on P. V.3.108.
(1)taddhita affix. affix a ( अ ) with the mute letter ñ ( ञ्), prescribed (i) after the words उत्स and others in various senses like progeny, dyed in, produced in, come from et cetera, and othersP. IV.1.86, (ii) after the words विद and others in the sense of grandson and other descendents.P. IV.1.104. For other cases see P. IV. I. 141, 161; IV.2.12,14 et cetera, and others IV.3.7 et cetera, and others IV.4.49. The feminine is formed by adding i ( ई ) to words ending with this affix अञ्, which have the vṛddhi vowel substituted for their initial vowel which gets the acute accent also exempli gratia, for example औत्सः, औत्सी,औदपानः, बैदः, बैदी.
aṭhactaddhita affix. affix अठ prescribed after the word कर्मन् by the rule कर्मणि घटोऽ ठच् cf कर्मणि घटते कर्मठः पुरुषः Kāś. on p. V.2.35.
aḍactaddhita affix. affix अड applied in the sense of pitiable or poor to a word preceded by the word उप when the whole word after उप is dropped, e.g उपड् ( उपेन्द्रदत्त + अड् ) see. p. V. 3. 80.
aṇ(1)token term ( प्रत्याहार ) for all vowels and semivowels which, when prescribed for an operation, include all such of their sub-divisions as are caused by length, protraction accent or nasalization. cf अणुदित्सवर्णस्य चाप्रत्ययः P. I.1.60;(2) token term for the vowels अ, इ and उ in all Pānini's rules except in the rule I.1.69 given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. e.g see ढ्रलोपे पूर्वस्य दीर्घोणः P.VI.3. 111, केऽणः P.VII.4.13. and अणोऽ प्रगृह्यस्य. P.VIII.4.57: (3) tad, affix. a ( अ ) prescribed generally in the various senses such as 'the offspring', 'dyed in,' 'belonging to' et cetera, and others except in cases where other specific affixes are prescribed cf प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण् P. IV.1.83; (4) kṛ. affix a ( अ ), applied, in the sense of an agent, to a root with an antecedent word (उपपद) standing as its object. e. g. कुम्भकारः, see P.III.2.1: काण्डलावः, see P.III.3.12.
aṇādia term applied to all taddhita suffixes collectively as they begin with अण् confer, compare P.IV.1.83.
at(1)tech. term in Pāṇini's grammar for short अ, cf तपरस्तत्कालस्य P. I. 1. 70; अदेङ् गुणः P.I.1.2; (2) personal ending अ for इ ( इट् ) of the Ist person. singular. or Ātmanep. Ātmanepada in the Potential, P III. 4. 106; (3) caseaffix in the case of युष्मद् and अस्मद् for ablative case. singular. and plural P.VII. 1.31,32: (4) tad-affix अत् (अ) prescribed after किम् in the sense of the locative case case before which किम् is changed to कु, क्व being the taddhita affix. formation; confer, compare P. V.3.12 and VII.2.105:(5) substitute अत्(शतृ) for लट् forming the present and future participles in the Parasmaipada. active voice confer, compare लटः शतृशानचौ. P.III. 2.124 and लृटः सद्वा P. III.3.14.
atasuc(अतस्)taddhita affix. affeminine. अतस् applied to the words दक्षिण, उत्तर, पर and अवर;exempli gratia, for exampleदक्षिणतो वसति; उत्तरत आगतः, परतो रमणीयम्, परस्ताद्रमणीयम् , अवरत आगतः अवरस्ताद्वसति. confer, compare P.V.2.28, 29.
atideśaextended application; transfer or conveyance or application of the character or qualities or attributes of one thing to another. Atideśa in Sanskrit grammar is a very common feature prescribed by Pāṇini generally by affixing the taddhita affix. affix मत् or वत् to the word whose attributes are conveyed to another. e. g. लोटो लङ्वत् P. III. 4.85. In some cases the atideśa is noticed even without the affix मत् or वत्; exempli gratia, for exampleगाङ्कुटादिभ्योऽञ्णिन् ङित् P. 1.2.1 . Atideśa is generally seen in all grammatical terms which end with 'vadbhāva' e. g. स्थानिवद्भाव (P.I.1.56-59), सन्वद्भाव (P.VII.4.93), अन्तादिवद्भाव (P. VI.1.85), अभूततद्भाव (P.IV.60) and others. Out of these atideśas, the स्थानिवद्भाव is the most important one, by virtue of which sometimes there is a full representation id est, that is substitution of the original form called sthānin in the place of the secondary form called ādeśa. This full representation is called रूपातिदेश as different from the usual one which is called कार्यातिदेश, confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). VIII.1.90 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 1 and VIII.1.95. Vart.3. Regarding the use of अतिदेश there is laid down a general dictum सामान्यातिदेशे विशेषानतिदेशः when an operation depending on the general properties of a thing could be taken by extended application, an operation depending on special properties should not be taken by virtue of the same : e. g. भूतवत् in P. III.3.132 means as in the case of the general past tense and not in the case of any special past tense like the imperfect ( अनद्यतन ) , or the perfect ( परोक्ष ). See Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 101, Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. III. 3. 132. There is also a general dictum अतिदेशिकमनित्यम्whatever is transferred by an extended application, need not, be necessarily taken. See Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. 93.6 as also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.I.1.123 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).4, I.2.1 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3, II.3.69 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).2 et cetera, and others, Kaiyaṭa on II. 1.2 and VI.4.22 and Kāśikāvivaraṇapañjikā, a commentary on the Kāśikāvṛtti by Jinendrabuddhi, called Nyāsa. on P. I.1.56 and P. I.2.58 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 8. The dictum अातिदेशिकमनित्यम् is given as a Paribhāṣā by Nāgeśa confer, compare Pari. Śek. 93. 6.
adhunātaddhita affix. affix applied to the pronoun इदम् which is changed into इ before the affix and then elided by P. VI.4.148, or changed into अ in which case धुना or अधुना could be looked upon as a taddhita affix. affix.
adhyātmādiname of a class of words headed by the word अध्यात्मन् to which the taddhita affix. affix ठञ् is added in the sense of 'तत्र भवः' id est, that is found therein, or existing therein. e. g. आध्यात्मिकम्, आधिदैविकम्, et cetera, and otherscf M.Bh. on IV.3.60.
antaddhita affix. affix अ ( अन् ) ( 1) added to the word नीली in the sense of 'dyed in', to form the word नील,confer, compare P. IV.2.2. Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 2; (2) added to the word अषाढा in the sense of 'produced in' cf अषाढाः उपदधाति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on IV.3.34 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 2; (3) added after the affix तीय in the same sense as तीय exempli gratia, for example द्वितीयो भागः, तृतीयो भागः confer, compare पूरणाद् भागे तीयादन् P.V.3.48.
anabhihitanot conveyed or expressed by another id est, that is by any one of the four factors viz.verbal affix, kṛt affix,taddhita affix and compound. The rule अनभिहिते (P. II.3.I) and the following rules lay down the different case affixes in the sense of the different Kārakas or auxiliaries of the verbal activity, provided they are not shown or indicated in any one of the a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.mentioned four ways; e. g. see the acc. case in कटं करोति, the inst, case in दात्रेण लुनाति, the dative case case in देवदत्ताय गां ददाति, the ablative case. case in ग्रामादा गच्छति, or the locative casecase in स्थाल्यां पचति.
anitya(1)not nitya or obligatory optional; said of a rule or paribhāṣā whose application is voluntary). Regarding the case and con= jugational affixes it can be said that those affixes can, in a way: be looked upon as nitya or obligatory, as they have to be affixed to a crude nominal base or a root; there being a dictum that no crude base without an affix can be used as also, no affix alone without a base can be usedition On the other hand, the taddhita and kṛt affixes as also compounds are voluntary as, instead of them an independent word or a phrase can be used to convey the sense. For a list of such nitya affixes see Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on V. 4.7; (2) the word अनित्य is also used in the sense of not-nitya, the word नित्य being taken to mean कृताकृतप्रसङ्गि occurring before as well as after another rule has been applied, the latter being looked upon as अनित्य which does not do so. This 'nityatva' has got a number of exceptions and limitations which are mentioned in Paribhāṣās 43-49 in the Paribhāṣenduśekhara.
amutaddhita affix. affix अम् applied in Vedic Literature to किम्, words ending in ए, indeclinables and the affixes तर and तम: e. g. प्रतरं नयामः प्रतरं वस्यः confer, compare अमु च च्छन्दसि P. V. 4. 12.
ayactaddhita affix. affix अय substituted optionally for तय after द्वि and त्रि by P. V.2.43. exempli gratia, for example द्वयम् द्वितयम्; त्रयम् त्रितयम्.
arīhaṇādia group of words given in P. IV.2.80 which get the taddhita affix घुञ् ( अक ) added to them as a cāturarthika affix e. g. अारीहणकम्, द्रौघणकम् et cetera, and otherssee Kāśikā on P.IV.2.80.
arśaādia class of words which take the taddhita affix अच्(अ) in the sense of the affix मतुप् i. the sense of possession; cf अर्शति अस्य विद्यन्ते अर्शसः । उरस:। आकृतिगणश्चायम् यत्राभिन्नरूपेण शब्देन तद्वतोभिधानं तत् सर्वमिह द्रष्टव्यम् Kāś. on P. V.2.127.
aviravikanyāyaa maxim mentioned by Patañjali in connection with the word आविक where the taddhita affix ठक् (इक), although prescribed after the word अवि in the sense of 'flesh of sheep' (अवेः मांसम्), is actually put always after the base अविक and never after अवि. The maxim shows the actual application of an affix to something allied to, or similar to the base, and not to the actual base as is sometimes found in popular use confer, compare द्वयोः शब्दयोः समानार्थयोरेकेन विग्रहोऽपरस्मादुत्पत्तिर्भविष्यति अविरविकन्यायेन । तद्यथा अवेर्मांसमिति विगृह्य अविकशब्दादुत्पत्तिर्भवति । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on IV.1.88; confer, compare also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on IV.1.89; IV.2.60; IV.3.131,V.1.7,28; VI.2.11.
avyayaindeclinable, literally invariant, not undergoing a change. Pāṇini has used the word as a technical term and includes in it all such words as स्वर्, अन्तर् , प्रातर् etc, or composite expressions like अव्ययीभावसमास, or such taddhitānta words as do not take all case affixes as also kṛdanta words ending in म् or ए, ऐ, ओ, औ. He gives such words in a long list of Sutras P. I.1.37 to 41; confer, compare सदृशं त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु सर्वासु च विभक्तिषु । वचनेषु च सर्वेषु यन्न व्येति तदव्ययम् Kāś. on P.I.1.37.
(1)Pratyāhāra or a brief term standing for all vowels, semivowels, and the fifth, fourth and third of the class-consonants; all letters excepting the surds and sibilants; (2) substitute अ for the word इदम् before affixes of cases beginning with the instrumental, and for एतद् before the taddhita affix. affixes त्र and तस्; see P.II.4.32 and 33; (3) substitute अ for the genitive case singular. case-affix ङस् after the words युष्मद् and अस्मद्; see P.VII.1.27.
aśmādia class of words headed by the word अश्मन् to which the taddhita affix र is applied in the four senses specified in P.IV.2.67 to 70; exempli gratia, for example अश्मरः, ऊषरम् , नगरम् , पामरः गह्वरम् et cetera, and others confer, compare P.IV.2.80.
aśvapatyādia class of words headed by अश्वपति to which the taddhita affix अण् (अ) is added in the senses mentioned in rules before the rule तेन दीव्यति० P.IV.4.2, which are technically called the Prāgdīvyatiya senses. e g. अश्वपतम्, गाणपतम्. गार्हपतम् et cetera, and others
aśvādi(1)a class of words headed by the word अश्व to which the affix फञ्(अायन) is added in the sense of गोत्र (grandchildren et cetera, and others); exempli gratia, for exampleआश्वायनः जातायनः, औत्सायनः et cetera, and others; confer, compare P.IV.1. 110; (2) a class of words headed by the word अश्व to which the taddhita affix यत् is added in the sense of a cause of the type of a meeting or an accidental circumstance; exempli gratia, for example आश्विकम् अाश्मिकम् confer, compare P. V.1.39.
as(1)case affix of the nominative and accusative plural and the ablative and genitive singular (जस् , शस्, ङसि and ङस् ) (2) taddhita affix अस् ( असि ) added to पूर्व, अधर and अवर, by P.V.3.39: (3) compoundending अस् ( असिच् ) applied to the words प्रजा and मेधा standing at the end of a Bahuvrīhi compound (P.V.4.122): (4) Uṇādi affix अस् prescribed by the rule सर्वधातुभ्योऽसुन् and subsequent rules (628-678) to form words such as मनस्,सरस् et cetera, and others(5) ending syllable अस्, with or without sense, of words in connection with which special operations are given in grammar; confer, compare P.VI.4.14; confer, compare also अनिनस्मन्ग्रहणान्यर्थवता चानर्थकेन च तदन्तविधिं प्रयोजयन्ति Par.Śek. Pari. 16.
asi(1)Uṇādi affix अस्; (2) taddhita affix. affix अस्. See a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. the word अस्.
astātitaddhita affix. affix अस्तात् in the sense of the base itself, but called विभक्ति, prescribed after words in the sense of 'direction', e. g. पुरस्तात्, अधस्तात् et cetera, and others confer, compare दिक्शब्देभ्यः सप्तमीपञ्चमीप्रथमाभ्येा दिग्देशकालेषु अस्तातिः P. V.3.27.
ā(1)the long form of the vowel अ called दीर्घ,consisting of two mātrās, in contrast with (l) the short अ which consists of one mātrā and the protracted आ३ which consists of three mātrās; (2) substitute अा of two mātrās when prescribed by the word दीर्घ or वृद्धि for the short vowel अ; (3) upasarga अा (अाङ्) in the sense of limit exempli gratia, for example अा कडारादेका संज्ञा (P.I.4.1.) आकुमारं यशः पाणिनेः K. on II.1.13. आ उदकान्तात् (Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.1.14.) (4) indeclinable आ in the sense of remembrance e. g. आ एवं नु मन्यसे; confer, compare ईषदर्थे क्रियायोगे मर्यादाभिविधौ च यः । एतमातं ङितं विद्याद्वाक्यस्मरणयोरङित् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.1.14; (5) augment अा ( अाक् ) as seen in चराचर, वदावद et cetera, and others confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). VI.1.12 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 6; (6) augment अा(आट्) prefixed to roots in the tenses लुङ्, लङ् and लृङ् (7) substitute अा prescribed for the last letter of pronouns before the taddhita affix. affixes दृक्,दृश, दृक्ष and वत्, as in तादृक्दृ, तादृश et cetera, and others; (8) feminine affix आ (टाप्, डाप् or चाप् ) added to nouns ending in अा; (9) substitute आ ( आ or अात्, or डा or आल् ) for case affixes in Vedic literature उभा यन्तारौ, नाभा पृथिव्याः et cetera, and others
ākarṣādia class of words headed by the word आकर्ष to which the taddhita affix कन् (क) is applied in the sense of clever or expert; e. g. आकर्षकः, त्सरुकः, शकुनिकः et cetera, and others; confer, compare P. अाकर्षादिभ्यः कन् P.V.2.64.
ākinictaddhita affix. affeminine. अाकिन् affixed to the word एक in the sense of 'single,' 'alone'; confer, compare एकादाकिनिच्चासहाये P.V.3.52.
āctaddhita affix. affix आ applied to the word दक्षिणा and उत्तरा; confer, compareP.V. 3.36, 38. e. g. दक्षिणा वसति, उत्तरा रमणीयम् Kāś on V.3.36, 38.
aāṭactaddhita affix.affix (आट) in the sense of possession added to the word वाच्; exempli gratia, for example वाचाटः confer, compare P.V.2.125.
aātitaddhita affix. affix अात् applied to उत्तर, अधर and दक्षिण by P.V.3.34.
ātiśāyikaa tad-affix in the sense of excellence; a term applied to the affixes तम and इष्ठ as also तर and ईयस् prescribed by Pāṇini by the rules अतिशायने तमबिष्ठनौ and द्विवचनविभज्योपपदे तरबीयसुनौ confer, compare P.V.3.55, 57. This superlative affix is seen doubly applied sometimes in Vedic Lit. eg.श्रेष्ठतमाय कर्मणे Yaj. Saṁ. I.1; confer, compare also तदन्ताच्च स्वार्थे छन्दसि दर्शनं श्रेष्ठतमायेति P.V.3.55 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).3.
ādivṛddhithe Vṛddhi substitute prescribed for the first vowel of a word to which a tad-affix, marked with the mute letter ञ्,ण्, or क् is added; exempli gratia, for example औपगव, दाक्षि et cetera, and others; confer, compare तद्धितेष्वचामादेः P.VII.2.117, 118.
aāminactaddhita affix. affix अामिन् in the sense of possession, applied to the word स्व; confer, compare स्वामिन्नैश्वर्ये P.V.2.126.
aāmutaddhita affix. affix (अाम्) added to the affixes घ id est, that is तर and तम which are placed after indeclinables; exempli gratia, for example किंतराम्, पचतितराम् et cetera, and others confer, compare P.V.4.11.
aāraktaddhita affix.affix (आर) applied to the word गोधा in the sense of off spring according to the Northern Grammarians;exempli gratia, for example गौधारः, (optional forms गौधेय and गौधेर acc. to others); confer, compare P.IV.1.129, 130.
ārakantaddhita affix. affix applied to the words शृङ्ग and वृन्द, exempli gratia, for example शृङ्गारकः, वृन्दारकः;cf P. शृङ्गवृन्दाभ्यामारकन्, P.V. 2.122 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3.
aāritaddhita affix. affix applied to the word पूर्वतर when the whole word refers to a year, exempli gratia, for exampleपरारि in the last year; confer, compare B.V.3.22 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 2.
ārhīyatad-affixes ठक्, ठञ् et cetera, and others as also the senses in which the affixes are applied, given in the section of Pāṇinis grammar P.V.1.19-71.
ālactad-affix (आल्) applied to the word वाच् in the sense of 'talkative' exempli gratia, for example वाचालः; confer, compare P.V.2.124.
aālutaddhita affix. affix in the sense 'तन्न xxयते' exempli gratia, for example शीतालुः, उष्णालुः P.V.2.122.
āvattad-affix applied to the word सम, confer, compare समाxद् वसति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on V.4.30.
aāhañtad-affix (आह) in the general Śaiṣika senses, exempli gratia, for example belonging to, produced in, et cetera, and others, added to the word उत्तर, exempli gratia, for example औत्तराह confer, compare उत्तरादाहञ् वक्तव्यः।; M.Bh. on IV.2.104.
āhitad-affix added to the word दक्षिण in the general sense of direction but when distance is specially meant; exempli gratia, for example दक्षिणाहि वसति, दक्षिणाहि रमणीयम्. See Kāś. on आहि च दूरे P. V.3.37.
i(1)the vowel इ, representing all its eighteen forms viz. short, long protracted, acute, grave, circumflex, pure and nasalised; exempli gratia, for example इ in यस्येति च P.VI.4.128;(2) Uṅādi affix ई(3)tad-affix इच्(इ)applied to Bahuvrihi compounds in the sense of exchange of action or as seen in words like द्विदण्डि exempli gratia, for example केशाकेशि, दण्डादण्डि, द्विमुसलि et cetera, and others confer, compare इच् कर्मव्यतिहारे P.V.4. 127,also V.4.128; (4) kṛt (affix). affix कि (इ) confer, compare उपसर्गे घोः किः P.III.3.92; (5) augment इट् (इ); see इट् (6) conjugational affix इट् of the 1st person. singular. or Ātmanep. Ātmanepada
ika(1)substitute for the affix ठ given as ठक्, ठञ् or ञिठ् by Pāṇini; confer, compare ठस्येकः P.VII.3.50; (2) taddhita affix इकक्, इकन् षिकन् mentioned in . the Vārtikas on P.IV.2.60; (3) kṛt (affix). affix इक applied to खन् exempli gratia, for example आखानिकः confer, compare इको वक्तव्यः P.III.3.125 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3.
ikantaddhita affix. affix इक applied to compound words with पद as the latter member exempli gratia, for example पूर्वपदिक confer, compare इकन्पदोत्तरपदात् P.IV.2.60 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).
(1)kṛt (affix). affix (इ), in the sense of verbal activity applied to any root, the word so formed being used in the feminine. gender and in connection with narration or in interrogation; exempli gratia, for example कां त्वं कारिमकार्षीः । सर्वौ कारिमकार्षम् । confer, compare Pāṇini III.3.110: (2) kṛt (affix). affix in the sense of verbal activity applied to the roots वप् and others exempli gratia, for example वापिः, वासि: et cetera, and others confer, compare P.III.3.108 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 7;(3) tad-affix इ in the sense of offspring applied to a noun ending in अ; e.g, दाक्षि: confer, compare P.IV.1. 95-7, 153.
itactaddhita affix., affix इत in the sense of 'found or produced in', which is afixed to words तारका,पुष्प, मुकुल and others; exempli gratia, for example तारकित, मुकुलित, सुखित, दुःखित et cetera, and others; confer, compare तदस्य संजातं तारकादिभ्य इतच् P.V.2.36.
in(1)substitute for the inst. case ending in अा (टा) after bases ending in अ ; confer, compare टाङसिङसामिनात्स्याः P.VII.1. 12; (2) taddhita affix.aff इन affixed to पूर्व e. g. पथिभिः पूर्विणैः confer, compare P. IV. 4. 133.
inactaddhita affix. affix इन in the sense of possession applied to the word नि which is changed into चिक, exempli gratia, for example चिकिनः confer, compare इनच् पिटच् चिकचि च P.V.2.33.
ini(1)kṛt affix इन् applied to the roots क्री with धि, जु with प्र, and the roots जि, दृ, क्षि and others, e. g. सोमविक्रयी, प्रजवी, जयी et cetera, and others confer, compare P.III 2.93 and III.2.156-157: (2) taddhita affix. affix इन् affixed to the word पाण्डुकम्बल in the sense of 'covered with' ( confer, compare P, IV.2.11), in the sense of collection to the word खल exempli gratia, for example खलिनी confer, compare P.IV.2.51, to the word अनुब्राह्मण in sense 'student of' exempli gratia, for example अनुब्राह्मणी confer, compare P.IV.2.62, to the words कर्मन्द and कृशाश्च confer, compare P.IV.3.lll, to the word चूर्ण confer, compare P.IV.4.23 and to the word श्राद्ध confer, compare P.V.2.85 and साक्षात् confer, compare P. V. 2. 91 in specified senses and in the general sense of possession to words ending in अ, cf P. V.2.115-117 and to certain other words confer, compare P.V.2.128-37.
inuṇkṛt affix इन्. by P. III.3.44 followed invariably by the taddhita affix. affix अण् by P.V.4,15, e.g, सांराविणम् , सांकूटिनम्.
iphataddhita affix. affix applied to र ( letter र् ) in the sense of the consonant र्; e. g. रेफः; confer, compare रादिफः P.III.3.108 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 4.
imanor इमनिच् taddhita affix. affix इमन् applied to the words पृथु, मृदु, महत्, लघु, गुरु, words showing colour and words such as दृढ, परिवृढ, भृश, शीत, उष्ण et cetera, and others in the sense of 'quality' or 'attribute': cf Pāṇ. V. 1.122, 123. For changes in the base before the affix इमन् see P. VI.4.154-163.
iyatad affix ( घन् ) in the sense of 'pity'; e. g. देवियः, यज्ञियः; confer, compare P.IV. 2.79.
iractaddhita affix. affix ( इर ) in the sense of possession applied in Vedic Literature to रथ exempli gratia, for example रथिरः; confer, compare P.V. 2.109 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).3.
iranataddhita affix. affix ( इर ) in the sense of possession applied in Vedic Literature; to मेघा exempli gratia, for example confer, compare P. मेधिरः V.2.109 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3.
ilataddhita affix. affix applied to the words काश, अश्वत्थ, पलाश and others in the four senses prescribed in P.IV. 2.67-70; exempli gratia, for example काशिलः, अश्वत्थिल:, पलाशिलः confer, compareP.IV.2.80.
ilac(1)taddhita affix. affix इल (इलच्) in the sense of pity; e. g. देवियः, यज्ञिलः confer, compare P.IV.2.79. The taddhita affix.affix घन् is also affixed in the same sense. See ईय. (2) taddhita affix. affix इल (इलच्) in the sense of possession, prescribed after the words फेन, लोमन् कपि, सिकता, शर्करा, तुन्द, उदर, घट, यव et cetera, and others; exempli gratia, for example फेनिल, लोमिल, कपिल, सिकतिल तुन्दिल et cetera, and others confer, compare P.V.2.99, 100, 105, 117.
iṣṭādia class of words headed by the word इष्ट to which the taddhita affix इन् ( इनि ) is added in the sense of अनेन i. e. 'by him' i. e. by the agent of the activity denoted by the past passive voice. participles इष्ट and others; confer, compare इष्टी, यज्ञे, पूर्ती श्राद्धे et cetera, and others Kāś, on P.V.2.88.
iṣṭhathe superlative taddhita affix. affix इष्ठन् in the sense of अतिशायन or अतिशय ( excellence ). The commentators, however, say that the taddhita affixes तम and इष्ठ,like all the taddhita affixes showing case-relations, are applied without any specific sense of themselves, the affixes showing the sense of the base itself ( स्वार्थे ); e. g गुरुतमः, गरिष्ठः; पटुतमः, पठिष्ठः; पचतितमाम्, कर्तृतमः, करिष्ठः et cetera, and others; confer, compare P.V.3.55-64 The affixes ईयस् and इष्ठ are applied only to such substantives which denote quality; confer, compare P.V.3.58.
iṣṭhavadbhāvapossession of the same properties for causing grammatical operations as the taddhita affix. affix इष्ठन् possesses, as for instance, the elision of the syllable beginning with the last vowel ( टिलोप ), substitution of the masculine gender. base for the feminine. base (पुंवद्भाव) et cetera, and others, before the denom affix णिच्; exempli gratia, for example एतयति in the sense of एनीं आचष्टे; similarly प्रथयति, पटयति, दवयति, confer, compare M.Bh. on. P.VI.4. 155 Vārt, 1.
īthe long vowel ई which is technically included in the vowel इ in Pāṇini's alphabet being the long tone of that vowel; (2) substitute ई for the vowel अा of the roots घ्रा and ध्मा before the frequentative sign यङ् as for example in जेघ्रीयते, देध्मीयते, confer, compare P.VII. 4.31; (3) substitute ई for the vowel अ before the affixes च्वि and क्यच् as, for instance, in शुक्लीभवति, पुत्रीयति et cetera, and others; confer, compareP.VII.4.32, 33; (4) substitute ई for the vowel अा at the end of reduplicated bases as also for the vowel आ of bases ending in the conjugational sign ना, exempli gratia, for example मिमीध्वे, लुनीतः et cetera, and others; cf P.VI. 4.113; (5) substitute ई for the locative case case affix इ ( ङि ) in Vedic Literature, exempli gratia, for example सरसी for सरसि in दृतिं न शुश्कं सरसी शयानम्,: confer, compare Kāś. on P. VII.1.39: (6) taddhita affix. affix ई in the sense of possession in Vedic Literature as for instance in रथीः,सुमङ्गलीः, confer, compare Kāś on. P.V.2.109: (7) the feminine. affix ई ( ङीप् , ङीञ् or ङीन् ); confer, compare P.IV.1.58, 15-39, IV.1.40-65, IV.1.13.
īkataddhita affix. affix ईकक added to शक्ति and यष्टि exempli gratia, for example शाक्तकिः feminine. शाक्तीकी; याष्टीकः; confer, compare P.IV.4.59; (2) taddhita affix. affix ईक added to कर्क and लोहित in the sense of comparison, e. g. कार्कीकः, लौहितीकः ( स्फटिकः ), confer, compare Kāś. on P.V. 3.110; (3) taddhita affix. affix ईकक् added to बहिस्, exempli gratia, for example बाहीकः confer, compare बहिषष्टिलोपो यश्च, ईकक्च P.IV.1.85. Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 4-5; (4) tad affix इकङ् in Vedic Literature added to बहिस् exempli gratia, for example बाहीकः confer, compare Kāś.on P. IV. 1.85,Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).6; (5) taddhita affix. affix ईकन् added to खारी exempli gratia, for example द्विखारिकम्; confer, compare P. V. 1.33.
īmasactaddhita affix. affix ईमस added to the word मल in sense of possession: e. g. मलीमसः, confer, compare P. V. 2.114.
īyasubstitute for the taddhita affix.afix छ; e.g: शालीयः, मालीयः etc; cf P. VII. 1.2 and IV. 2. 114.
īyastad-affix ईयसुन् , showing superiority or excellence of one individual over another in respect of a quality, added to a substantive expresive of quality; when the substantive ends in the affix तृ, that affix तृ is removed: exempli gratia, for example पटीयान्, लघीयान्, गरीयान्, दोहीयसी (धेनुः) confer, compareP.V.3.57-64.
īractad-affix added to the word अण्ड in the sense of possession: exempli gratia, for example अण्रडीरः;confer, compare काण्डाण्डादीरन्नीरचौ P.V.2.111.
īśsubstitute ई for इदम् before the tad-affixes दृक्, दृश् and वतु; exempli gratia, for example ईदृक् ईदृशः also ईदृक्षः; confer, compare P.VI.3.90.
īṣadasamāptistage of the quality of a thing or of an undertaking which is almost complete,to show which,the tad-affixes कल्प, देश्य and देशीय are applied to a word:exempli gratia, for example पटुकल्पः,पटुदेश्यः; पटुदेशीयः, पचतिकल्पम्, जल्पतिकल्पम्, confer, compare P, V.3.67.
uk(1)the kṛt (affix). affix उकञ् applied to the roots लब्, पत्, पद् and others,exempli gratia, for example लाषुकः, कामुकः et cetera, and others with udātta accent on the first syllable; confer, compareP.III.2.154; (2) taddhita affix.affix उक ( उकञ् ) added to the word कर्मन् exempli gratia, for example कार्मुकं धनुः; confer, compare Kāś, on P.V.I.103.
ukthādia class of words headed by the word उक्थ to which the taddhita affix इक (ठक् ) is applied in the sense of 'one who studies and understands'; confer, compare उक्थमधीते वेद वा औक्थिकः, similarly लौकायतिकः Kāś. on P.IV.2.60.
ut(1)Short vowel उ in Pāṇini's terminology cf, P.I.1.70, I,2.21. IV.1.44, V.1.111 ; (2) tad-affix उत् applied to पूर्व and पूर्वतर for which पर् is substituted; exempli gratia, for example परुत्. See P. V.3.22 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).
utkarādia class of words headed by the word उत्कर, to which the taddhita affix छ is added in the four senses, the affix being popularly known as चातुरर्थिक; confer, compare उत्करीयम्, शफरीयम् et cetera, and others; Kāś. on P.V.2.90.
utsaṅgādia class of words headed by the word उत्सङ्ग, to which the taddhita affix इक् ( ठ ) is added in the sense of तेन हरति (takes away by means of): confer, compare हरतिर्देशान्तरप्रापणे वर्तते । उत्सङ्गेन हरति औत्सङ्गिकः । अौडुपिकः । Kāś. on P IV.4.15.
utsādia class of words headed by the word उत्स to which the taddhita affix अञ्, instead of the usual affixes अण् and others, is added in the sense of an offspring: confer, compare औत्स:, औदपानः et cetera, and others Kāś, on P.IV.1.86.
udgātrādia class of words headed by the word उद्गातृ to which the taddhita affix अञ् is added in the sense of 'nature' or 'profession'; confer, compare उद्गातुर्भावः कर्म वा औद्गात्रम् । Similarly औन्नेत्रम् Kāś. on P. V. 1.129.
upakādia class of words headed by the word उपक after which the taddhita affix, added in the sense of गोत्र ( grand-children et cetera, and others ) is optionally elided, provided the word is to be used in the plural number; confer, compare उपकलमकाः भ्रष्टककपिष्ठलाः also उपकाः, औपकायनाः; लमकाः, लामकायना ; भ्रष्टकाः भ्राष्टकयः । Kāś. on P. II.4.69.
uractad-affix उर, with udātta accent on the last vowel, affixed to the word दन्त when it refers to protuberant teeth; confer, compare P.V.2.66; exempli gratia, for example दन्तुरः ।
ūryādia class of words headed by the words ऊरी उररी et cetera, and others ending in the taddhita affix च्वि, which are given the designation गति provided they are related to a verbal activity, and as a result, which can be compounded with kṛdanta words ending in त्वा, तुम्, et cetera, and others cf ऊरीकृत्य, ऊरीकृतम् et cetera, and others: Kāś on P, I.4.61.
ūlataddhita affix. affix applied to the words वात and बल in the sense of 'unable to bear'; exempli gratia, for example वातूलः बलूल see Kāś. on V.2.122.
ṛgayanādia class of words headed by ऋगयन to which the taddhita affix अण् (अ) is affixed in the sense of 'produced therein' ( तत्र भवः), or 'explanatory of' ( तस्य व्याख्यानः); confer, compare ऋगयने भव:, ऋगयनस्य व्याख्यानो वा अार्गयनः पादव्याख्यानः, औपनिषदः, शैक्ष: et cetera, and others Kāś. on P.IV. 3.73.
ṛśyādia class of words headed by the word ऋश्य to which the taddhita affix क is added in the four senses prescribed in the rules IV. 2.67-70; e. g. ऋश्यकः, न्यग्रोधकः et cetera, and others confer, compare P.IV.2.80.
ṛṣyaṇtaddhita affix अण् in the sense of 'descendant' applied to names of ancient sages, by the rule ऋष्यन्धकवृष्णिकुरुभ्यश्च P.IV.1.114; exempli gratia, for example वासिष्ठः,वैश्वामित्रः.
ekadikin the same direction, given as the sense of the taddhita affix. affix तस् by Pāṇini; confer, compare तेनैकदिक् | तसिश्च । P.IV. .3. 112, 113.
eṇyataddhita affix. affix एण्य applied to the word प्रावृष् in the general शैषिक senses; confer, compare प्रावृष एण्यः । प्रावृषेण्यः बलाहकः Kāś. on P.IV.3.17.
etyataddhita affix. affix applied to the indeclinable दूर; e. g. दूरेत्यः पथिकः । confer, compare दूरादेत्यः दूरेत्य: Kāś.on P.IV.2.104: confer, compare also दूरादेत्यो वक्तव्यः । दूरेत्यः M.Bh. on P.IV.2.104.
edyavitaddhita affix. affix एद्यवि applied to the pronoun पर when the word refers to a day;confer, compare परस्मिन्नहनि परेद्यवि Kāś. on P.V.3.22.
pradyusactaddhita affix. affix एद्युस् applied to the pronouns पूर्व, अन्य, अन्यतर, इतर, अपर, अधर, उभय and उत्तर when the words so formed refer to a day; e. g. पूर्वेद्युः, अन्येद्युः et cetera, and others: confer, compare P.V.3.22.
edhāctaddhita affix.affix एधा substituted for the taddhita affix. affix धा optionally,when applied to the words द्वि and त्रि. exempli gratia, for exampleद्विधा, द्वेधा, दैधम्, त्रिधा, त्रेधा, त्रैधम्; confer, compare Kāś. on एधाच्च P.V.3.46.
enaptaddhita affix. affix एन applied to उत्तर, अधर, and दक्षिण optionally instead of the taddhita affix. affix आति in the senses of दिक्, देश and काल, exempli gratia, for example उत्तरेण, उत्तरतः उत्तरात्, Words with this एन at the end govern the acc. case of the word syntactically connected with them. e. g. तत्रागारं धनपतिगूहान् उत्तरेण Kālidāsa: Meghadūta;confer, compareएनपा द्वितीया P.II.3.31.
elutad-affix चेलु in the sense of unable to bear, found in Vedic Literature only; exempli gratia, for example हिमेलुः confer, compare हिमाक्चेलुर्वक्तव्यः । P.V.2.122 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 7.
airaktaddhita affix ऐर applied to the word चटका in the sense of offspring to form the word चाटकैर; cf चटकाया ऐरक् P.IV.1.128.
aiṣukāryādia class of words headed by the word एषुकारि to which the taddhita affix भक्त is added in the sense of 'place of residence'; exempli gratia, for example एषुकारिभक्तम्, चान्द्रायणभक्तम्; confer, compare Kāś. on P.IV.2.54.
k(1)taddhita affix.affix क applied to the words of the ऋश्य group in the four senses called चातुरर्थिक e. g. ऋश्यकः, अनडुत्कः, वेणुकः et cetera, and others, confer, compare P.IV.2.80; (2) taddhita affix. affix क applied to nouns in the sense of diminution, censure, pity et cetera, and others e. g. अश्वक्रः, उष्ट्रकः, पुत्रकः, confer, compare P.V. 3.70-87: (3) taddhita affix. affix क in the very sense of the word itself ( स्वार्थे ) exempli gratia, for example अविकः, यावकः, कालकः; confer, compare P.V.4.2833; (4) Uṇādi affix क exempli gratia, for example कर्क, वृक, राका, एक, भेक, काक, पाक, शल्क et cetera, and others by Uṇādi sūtras III. 40-48 before which the angment इट् is prohibited by P. VII.2.9; (5) kṛt affix क ( अ ) where क् is dropped by P. I. 3.8, applied, in the sense of agent, to certain roots mentioned in P.III.1.135, 136, 144, III. 2.3 to 7, III.2.77 and III.3.83 exempli gratia, for example बुध:, प्रस्थः, गृहम्, कम्बलदः, द्विपः, मूलविभुजः, सामगः, सुरापः et cetera, and others; (6) substitute क for the word किम् before a case affix, confer, compare P.VII.2.103; (7) the Samāsānta affix कप् (क) at the end of Bahuvrīhi compounds as prescribed by P.V.4.151-160.
kacchādia class of words headed by कच्छ to which the taddhita affix अण् is added in the miscellaneous (शैषिक) senses, provided the word, to which the affix अण् is to be added, is the name of a country; exempli gratia, for example ऋषिकेषु जातः आर्षिकः similarly माहिषिकः, ऐक्ष्वाकः; confer, compare Kāś. on P.IV.2.133.
kaktaddhita affix. cāturarthika affix क (I) by P. IV.2.80 after words headed by वराह, exempli gratia, for example वराहकः, पलाशकः; (2) by P.IV.4.21, after the word अपमित्य exempli gratia, for example आपमित्यकः
kaṭactaddhita affix.affix कट affixed to सं, प्र, उद् and अव by P.V.2.29, 30; exempli gratia, for example संकट, प्रकट et cetera, and others
kaṭyactaddhita affix. affix कटय affixed to the word रथ in the sense of collection by P.IV.2.5l exempli gratia, for example रथकटया.
karṇādi(1)a class of words headed by कर्ण to which the taddhita affix अायन ( फिञ् ) is applied in the four senses given in P.IV.2.67-70; exempli gratia, for example कार्णायनिः वासिष्ठायनिः et cetera, and others; cf Kāś. on P.IV.2.80; (2) a class of words headed by कर्ण to which the taddhita affix जाह (जाहच्) is added in the sense of a 'root' exempli gratia, for example कर्णजाहम् ; confer, compare Kāś. on P.V.2.24.
katryādia class of words headed by the word कत्रि to which the taddhita affix. affix एयक (ढकञ्) is applied in the miscellaneous senses; exempli gratia, for example कात्रेयकः, ग्रामेयकः, कौलेयकः (from कुल्या); confer, compare P. IV.2.75.
kan(1)Uṇādi affix as in the words एक, भेक, शल्क etc; (2) taddhita affix.affix क as given by Pāṇini sūtras IV.2.13l, IV.3.32, 65, 147, IV.4.21; V.1.22, 23, 51, 90, V.2.64, 65, 66, 68-75, 77-82, V.3.51, 52, 75,81,82,87, 95, 96, 97. V.4.3,4,6, 29-33.
kalpathe taddhita affix. affix कल्पप् added to any substantive in the sense of slightly inferior, or almost complete; exempli gratia, for example पट्कल्पः, मृदुकल्प; confer, compare P.V.3.67 and Kāśikā thereon.
kalpaptaddhita affix. affix कल्प. See कल्प.
kalyāṇyādia class of words headed by the word कल्याणी to which the taddhita affix एय (ढक्) is added, in the sense of 'offspring' and, side by side, the ending इन् (इनड्) is substituted for the last letter of those words; e. g. काल्याणिनेयः, सौभागिनेयः confer, compare Kāś. on P.IV. 1.126.
kāṇḍataddhita affix. affix काण्ड prescribed after words like दूर्वा, तृण, कर्म in the sense of समूह; cf दूर्वादिभ्यः (1. varia lectio, another reading,1. पूर्वादिभ्यः) काण्डः; Kāś on P.IV. 2.51.
kātantraname of an important small treatise on grammar which appears like a systematic abridgment of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. of Pāṇini. It ignores many unimportant rules of Pāṇini, adjusts many, and altogether omits the Vedic portion and the accent chapter of Pāṇini. It lays down the Sūtras in an order different from that of Pāṇini dividing the work into four adhyāyas dealing with technical terms, saṁdhi rules,declension, syntax compounds noun-affixes ( taddhita affixes ) conjugation, voice and verbal derivatives in an order. The total number of rules is 1412 supplemented by many subordinate rules or Vārttikas. The treatise is believed to have been written by Śarvavarman, called Sarvavarman or Śarva or Sarva, who is said to have lived in the reign of the Sātavāhana kings. The belief that Pāṇini refers to a work of Kalāpin in his rules IV. 3.108 and IV.3.48 and that Patañjali's words कालापम् and माहवार्तिकम् support it, has not much strength. The work was very popular especially among those who wanted to study spoken Sanskrit with ease and attained for several year a very prominent place among text-books on grammar especially in Bihar, Bengal and Gujarat. It has got a large number of glosses and commentary works, many of which are in a manuscript form at present. Its last chapter (Caturtha-Adhyāya) is ascribed to Vararuci. As the arrangement of topics is entirely different from Pāṇini's order, inspite of considerable resemblance of Sūtras and their wording, it is probable that the work was based on Pāṇini but composed on the models of ancient grammarians viz. Indra, Śākaṭāyana and others whose works,although not available now, were available to the author. The grammar Kātantra is also called Kālāpa-vyākaraṇasūtra.. A comparison of the Kātantra Sūtras and the Kālāpa-vyākaraṇasūtra. Sūtras shows that the one is a different version of the other. The Kātantra Grammar is also called Kaumāra as it is said that the original 1nstructions for the grammar were received by the author from Kumāra or Kārttikeya. For details see Vol. VII Patañjala Mahābhāṣya published by the D.E. Society, Poona, page 375.
kāśādia class of words headed by the word काश to which the taddhita affix इल is affixed in the four senses stated in P.IV.2.67-70 exempli gratia, for example काशिलम्, कर्दमिलम् et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāś. on P.IV.2.80.
kāśyādia class of words headed by the words काशि, चेदि and others to which the taddhita affixes ठञ् and ञिठ are added in the miscellaneous senses; exempli gratia, for example काशिकी, काशिका; वैदिकी, वैदिका et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāś. on P. IV. 2.116. The feminine. afix ई is applied when the affix ठञ् is added to the word काशि; confer, compare P. IV. 1.15.
kit(1)marked with the mute letter क् which is applied by Pāṇini to affixes, for preventing guṇa and vṛddhi substitutes to the preceding इक् vowel (इ, उ, ऋ or लृ); confer, compareक्ङिति च, Pāṇ. I.1.5; (2) considered or looked upon as marked with mute indicatory क् for preventing guna; confer, compare असंयोगाल्लिट् कित् and the following P.I.2.5 et cetera, and others The affixes of the first type are for instance क्त, क्त्वा, क्तिन् and others. The affixes of the second type are given mainly in the second pada of the first Adhyāya by Pāṇini. Besides the prevention of guṇa and wrddhi, affixes marked with कु or affixes called कित्, cause Saṁprasāraṇa (see P. VI.1.15,16), elision of the penultimate न् (P.VI.4.24), elision of the penultimate vowel (P. VI.4.98,100), lengthening of the vowel (VI.4.15), substitution of ऊ (VI.4.19,21), elision of the final nasal (VI. 4.37), substitution of अI (VI.4.42). The taddhita affixes which are marked with mute क् cause the Vṛddhi substitute for the first vowel in the word to which they are addedition
kiśarādi,kisarādia class of words headed by किसर meaning some kind of scent, which get the taddhita affix इक (ष्टन्) applied to them when the word so formed means 'a dealer of that thing;' exempli gratia, for example किशारिकः, किशारिकी cf; Kāś. on P. IV.4.53.
kukaugment क् (1) added to ङ् at the end of a word before a sibilant letter; e.g प्राङ्क्शेते confer, compare P.VIII. 3.28; (2) added to the words वात and अतीसार before the affix इन्, confer, compare P.V.2.129; (3) added to words of the नड group before the taddhita affix. affix छ (ईय), exempli gratia, for example नडकीयम्, प्लक्षकीयम् confer, compare P.IV.2.91.
kuñjādia class of words headed by कुञ्ज to which the taddhita affix अायन (च्फञ्) is applied in the sense of गोत्र i. e. grandchildren etc e. g. कौञ्जायनाः confer, compare Kāś, on P.IV.1.9.
kuṭāractaddhita affix. affix कुटार् added to अव, e.g, अवकुटारम्: cf P. V.2.30.
kuṇaptaddhita affix. affix कुण added to words of पीलु group in the sense of 'ripened condition';exempli gratia, for exampleपीलुकुणः=पीलूनां पाकः; confer, compare P.V.2.24.
kumudādiclass of words (१) consisting of कुमुद, शर्करा, न्यग्रोध et cetera, and others to which the taddhita affix ठक् is applied in the four senses given in P.IV.2.67-70; exempli gratia, for example कुमुदिकम्,शर्करिकम् etc(2) consisting of कुमुद गोमय, रथकार etc to which the taddhita affix इक ( ठक् ) is applied in the senses referred to in (I): exempli gratia, for example कौमुदिकम् , राथकारिकम् et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāś, on P.IV.2.80.
kurvādia class of words headed by the word कुरु to which the taddhita affix य ( ण्य ) is added in the sense of अपत्य or descendant; exempli gratia, for example कौरव्यः गार्ग्यः et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāś, on P.IV.1.51.
kulālādia class of words headed by the word कुलाल to which the taddhita affix अक ( वुञ्) is applied in the sense of 'made by', provided the word so formed is used as a proper noun; e g.कौलालकम् , वारुडकम्; confer, compare Kāś. on P.IV.3.118.
kṛtvasuctaddhita affix. affix कृत्वम् applied to numerals to convey the sense of repetition, e. g. पंञ्चकृत्वः दशकृत्वः confer, compare संख्यायाः क्रियाभ्यावृत्तिगणने कृत्वसुच् P. V. 4.17.
kṛtveform of the taddhita affix. affix कृत्वम् in Vedic Literature. See कृत्वसुच्,
kṛśāśvādia class of words headed by the word कृशाश्वं to which the taddhita affix ईय (छण् ) is applied in the four senses given in P.IV.2. 67-70, exempli gratia, for example कार्शीश्वीयः, आरिष्टीयः confer, compare Kāś, on P.IV.2.80.
koṇḍabhaṭṭaa reputed grammarian who wrote an extensive explanatory gloss by name Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa on the Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntakārikā of Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita. Another work Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇasāra. which is in a way an abridgment of the Bhūṣaṇa, was also written by him. Koṇḍabhaṭṭa lived in the beginning of the l7th century. He was the son of Raṅgojī and nephew of Bhaṭṭojī Dīkṣita. He was one of the few writers on the Arthavicāra in the Vyākaraṇaśāstra and his Bhūṣaṇasāra ranks next to the Vākyapadīya of Bhartṛhari. Besides the Bhūṣaṇa and Bhūṣaṇasāra, Koṇḍabhaṭṭa wrote two independent works viz. Vaiyākaraṇsiddhāntadīpika and Sphoṭavāda.
ktrikṛt affix त्रि added to the roots marked with the syllable डु by Pāṇini in his Dhātupāṭha; after this affix त्रि, the taddhita affix. affix म ( मप् ) in the sense of निर्वृत्तम् (accomplished) is necessarily added, e. g. पक्त्रिमम्, कृत्रिमम्; confer, compare P. III. 3.88. and P. IV. 4.20.
kramādia class of words headed by the word क्रम to which the taddhita affix अक (वुञ् ) is added in the sense of 'one who studies and understands'; e. g. क्रमकः, पदकः, मीमांसकः, शिक्षकः et cetera, and others confer, compare Kāś. on IV. 2.61.
kroḍādia class of words headed by the word क्रोड to which the taddhita affix य ( ष्यङ् ) is added in the sense of a female descendant; exempli gratia, for example क्रौड्या, आपिशल्या, गौकक्ष्या et cetera, and others ; confer, compare Kāś. on P.IV.1.80.
khataddhita affix. affix, always changed into ईन, (l) applied to the word कुल in the sense of a descendant, exempli gratia, for example कुलीनः, आढ्यकुलीन:; confer, compare P. IV. 1.139; (2) applied to the words अवार, पार, पारावार and अवारपार in the Śaīṣika senses, e. g. अवारीणः, पारीणः et cetera, and others; confer, compare P.IV.2.93 and Vārttikas 2, 3 on it; (3) applied to words ending in the word वर्ग ( which does not mean 'sound' or 'letter' ) in the sense of 'present there,' e. g. वासुदेववर्गीणः, युधिष्ठिरवर्गीणः; confer, compare P. IV. 3.64; (4) applied to the words सर्वधुर and एकधुर in the sense of 'bearing,' and to ओजसू , वेशोभग, यशोभग and पूर्व, exempli gratia, for example ओजसीनः et cetera, and others, confer, compare P.IV.4.78, 79, 130, 132, 133; (5) applied in the sense of 'favourable to' to the words आत्मन् , विश्वजन, et cetera, and others (P.V.1.9), to विंशतिक, (32) to अाढक, अाचित, पात्र and others (53-55), to समा (85-86), to रात्रि, अहन् , संवत्सर and वर्ष (87-88) and संवत्सर and परिवत्सर (92); e. g. आत्मनीनः, आढकीनः पात्रीणः, समीनः, संवत्सरीणः et cetera, and others; (6) to the words सर्वचर्मन्, यथामुख et cetera, and others e. g. सर्वचर्मीणः confer, compare P.V. 2.5 to 17; (7) to the words अषडक्ष, अशितंगु et cetera, and others confer, compare P.V.4.7,8. e. g. अषडक्षीणः. (8) ख is also a technical term in the sense of elision or लोप in the Jainendra Grammar confer, compare Jain I. 1.61. (9) The word ख is used in the sense of 'glottis' or the hole of the throat ( गलबिल ) in the ancient Prātiṣākhya works.
khañtaddhita affix. affix ईन, applied to महाकुल in the sense of a descendant; e. g. माहाकुलीनः confer, compare P. IV. 1.141, to ग्राम (P. IV. 2.94), to युष्मद् and अस्मद् in the Śaiṣika senses (P.IV.3.1), to प्रतिजन, इदंयुग et cetera, and others (P. IV. 4.99), to माणव and चरक (P. V.1.11), to ऋत्विज् (P.IV.3.71), to मास (P. IV. 3.81), to words meaning corn in the sense of 'a field producing corn' (P.V.2.1), to सर्वचर्मन् (P.V.2.5), and to the words गोष्ठ, अश्व, शाला et cetera, and others in some specified senses (P. V. 3.18-23). A vṛddhi vowel ( अा, ऐ or औ ) is substituted for the first vowel of the word to which this affix खञ् is applied, as ञ् is the mute letter applied in the affix खञ्.
khaṇḍataddhita affix. affix applied to कमल, अम्भोज et cetera, and others in the sense of समूह, e. g. कमलखण्डम, अम्भोजखण्डम, also to the words वृक्ष and its synonyms, e. g. वृक्षखण्डः, तरुखण्डः et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāś on P. IV.2.38, 51.
gahādia class of words headed by the word गह to which the taddhita affix ईय (छ) is added in the Saisika or miscellaneous senses; e. g. गहीयम् , अन्तस्थीयम्; this class called 'gahiya' is looked upon as अाकृतिगण, and hence the words वैणुकीयम् वैत्रकीयम् and the like could be explained as correct; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 2.138.
gārgyaan ancient reputed grammarian and possibly a writer of a Nirukta work, whose views, especially in.connection with accents are given in the Pratisakhya works, the Nirukta and Panini's Astadhyayi. Although belonging to the Nirukta school, he upheld the view of the Vaiyakaranas that all words cannot be derived, but only some of them: cf Nirukta of Yāska.I. 12.3. cf, also Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.IV. 167, Nirukta of Yāska.I. 3.5, III. 14.22: Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I. 13; XIII. 12: P. VII. 3.99, VIII. 3.20, VIII. 4.69.
guḍādia class of words headed by the word गुड to which the taddhita affix इक ( ठञ् ) is added in the sense of 'good therein'; exempli gratia, for example गौडिकः इक्षुः, कौल्माषिको मुद्गः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on p. IV. 4.103.
gṛṣṭyādia class of words headed by the word गृष्टि to which the taddhita affix एय (ढञ्) is affixed in the sense off 'an offspring' ( अपत्य): e g. गार्ष्टेयः, हालेयः et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV.1.136.
gopavanādia class of eight words headed by the word गोपवन, the taddhita affix in the sense of गोत्र ( i. e. a descendant excepting a son or a daughter) such as the affix यञ् or अञू after which, is not elided in the plural number; c. g. गौपवना:, शौग्रवा: et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. II. 4.67.
goyugaca taddhita affix. affix applied to nouns like अश्व, उष्ट्र, et cetera, and others in the sense of a pair e. g. उष्ट्रगोयुगम्, अश्वयोयुगम्: confer, compare द्वित्वे गोयुगच् Kas on P. V. 2.29.
goṣadādia class of words to which the taddhita affix अक ( वुन् ) is added in the sense of possession provided the word so formed refers to a chapter ( अध्याय ) or a section ( अनुवाक ) c. दैवासुरः, वैमुक्तः et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V. 2.62.
goṣṭhaca taddhita affix.affix applied to words like गो and others in the sense of 'a place'; confer, compare गेष्ठजादयः स्थानादिषु पशुनाम। पशुनामादिभ्य उपसंख्यानम् | गवां स्थानं गोगोष्ठम्, अश्वगोष्ठम्: महिषीगोष्ठम् Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana.on P.1. varia lectio, another reading,2.29 It is very likely that words like गोष्ठ, दघ्न and others were treated as pratyayas by Panini and katyayana who followed Panini, because they were found always associated with a noun preceding them and never independently.
gmintaddhita affix. affix in the sense of possession; confer, compare वाचो ग्मिनिः। वाग्मी । P.I.2.124.
gh(1)fourth consonant of the guttural class of consonants having the properties कण्ठसंवृतत्व, घोष, नादानुप्रदानत्व and महाप्राणत्व; (2)the consonant घ at the beginning of a taddhita affix. affix which is always changed into इय्; confer, compare P. VII. 1. 9; (3) substitute for ह् at the end of roots beginning with द्, as also of the root नह् under certain conditions; confer, compare P.VIII.2.32,33,34; (4) substitute for the consonant व् of मतुव् placed after the pronouns किम् and इदम् which again is changed into इय् by VII.1.9: exempli gratia, for example कियान्, इयान्: confer, compare P.V. 2.40.
gha(l)consonant घ्, अ being added at the end for facility of pronunciation; confer, compareTai. Pr.I.21; (2) technical term for the taddhita affix. affixes तरप् and तमप्, confer, compare P.I.1.22, causing the shortening of ई at the end of bases before it, under certain conditions, confer, compare P. VI. 3.43-45, and liable to be changed into तराम् and तमाम् after किम्, verbs ending in ए, and indeclinables; confer, compare P.V.4.11; (3) taddhita affix. affix घ ( इय) in the sense of 'a descendant' applied to क्षत्र, and in the sense of 'having that as a deity' applied to अपोनप्तृ अपांनप्तृ and also to महेन्द्र and to the words राष्ट्र et cetera, and others, exempli gratia, for example क्षत्रियः, अपोनाप्त्रिय:, अपांनप्त्रियः, महेन्द्रियम्,राष्ट्रियः et cetera, and others; confer, compare P. IV.1.138, IV.2.27, 29, 93; (4) taddhita affix. affix घ, applied to अग्र, समुद्र and अभ्र in the sense of 'present there', to सहस्र in the sense of 'possession', to, नक्षत्र without any change of sense, and to यज्ञ and ऋत्विज् in the sense of 'deserving'; confer, compare P.IV.4.117,118,135, 136,141, V.1.71 ; (5) krt affix अ when the word to which it has been applied becomes a proper noun id est, that isa noun in a specific sense or a technical term; confer, compare III.3. 118, 119,125.
ghactaddhita affix. affix इय, as found in the word क्षेत्रिय; confer, compare क्षेत्रियच् परक्षेत्रे चिाकत्स्यः P.V.2.92 and Kāsikā thereon.
ghantaddhita affix. affix अ applied to the words शुक्र, तुग्र, पात्र, and to multisyllabic words in specified senses, causing the acute accent on the first vowel of the word so formed; confer, compareIV.2.26, IV.4. 115, V.1.68, V.3.79, 80.
ghastad, affix इय, occurring in Vedic Literature,applied to the word ऋतु, exempli gratia, for example अयं ते योनिऋत्वीयः; confer, compare Kās on P. V.1.106.
ṅyāppāda popular name given by grammarians to the first pada of the fourth adhyaya of Panini's Astadyayi as the pada begins with the rule ङ्याप्प्रातिपदिकात् IV. I.I.
caṇaptaddhita affix. affix चण in the sense of वित्त (known by) applied to a word which refers to that thing by which a person is known. e. g. विद्याचणः, केशचण:; confer, compare P. V. 2.26.
candragominnamed also चन्द्र, a Buddhist scholar who has written an easy Sanskrit Grammar based on the Astadhyayi of Panini. He is believed to have lived in North India in the fifth century A.D. See चन्द्र.
caradtaddhita affix. affix चर in the sense of 'being (so and so) in the past'. exempli gratia, for example आढ्यचरः, feminine. आढ्यचरी; confer, compare भूतपूर्वे चरट् P.V.3.53.
cāturarthaa tadaffix prescribed in the four senses-तदस्मिन्नस्ति, तेन निवृत्तम् , तस्य निवासः and अदूरभवः mentioned by Panini in IV.2.67-70; confer, compareअपत्यादिभ्यश्चातुरर्थपर्यन्तेभ्यः येन्येर्थाः स शेष: M.Bh. on IV.2.92.
cāturarthikathe affixes prescribed in the four senses mentioned in P. IV.2.67-70. These taddhita affixes are given in the Sutras IV.2.71 to IV.2.91. The term चातुरर्थिक is used for these afixes by commentators on Panini sutras.
cāturvarṇyādiwords mentioned in the class headed by चातुर्वर्ण्य where the taddhita affix. affix ष्यञ् is applied although the words चतुर्वर्ण, चतुर्वेद and others are not गुणवचन words to which ष्यञ् is regularly applied by P. V-1-124. confer, compare ब्राह्मणादिषु चातुर्वर्ण्यादीनामुपसंख्यानम् P. V. I. 124 Vart. 1.
cāpthe feminine. affix आ, applied to words ending in the taddhita affix. affixes ञ्यङ् and ष्यङ्; e. g. कौसल्या, वाराह्या, गौकक्ष्या; cf Kas, on P. IV. 1. 74.
cālutaddhita affix. affix ( आलु ) applied to the word हृदय, in the sense of possession, optionally along with the affixes वत् इन् and इक. exempli gratia, for example हृदयालुः, हृदयवान् , हृदयी and हृदयिकः; confer, compare Kas: on V.2. 122.
cuñcuptaddhita affix.. affix चुञ्चु applied to a word in the sense of 'well-known by'; e. g. विद्याचुञ्चु:; confer, compare P.V. 2.26.
celutaddhita affix. affix एलु applied to the word हिंम in the sense of 'unable to bear ' e. g, हिमेलुः, confer, compare P. V. 2. 122 Vart. 7.
cphañtaddhita affix. affix अायन causing a vrddhi substitute for the first vowel of the word to which it is added, The affix ( च्फञ् ) is added in the sense of 'a descendant except the direct son or daughter’ to words कुञ्ज and others; confer, compare P. IV. I. 98.
cvitaddhita affix. affix ( of which nothing remains ) to signify the taking place of something which was not so before; after the word ending in च्वि the forms of the root कृ, भू or असू have to be placed; e. g. शुक्लीकरोति; confer, compare P. V. 4. 50
chthe second consonant of the palatal class of consonants ( चवर्ग ), which is possessed of the properties श्वास, अघोष, मह्याप्राण and कण्ठविवृतकारित्व. छ् , placed at the beginning of affixes, is mute; while ईय् is substituted for छ् standing at the beginning of taddhita affixes; confer, compare P. I. 3.7 and VII. 1.2. छ् at the end of roots has got ष्, substituted for it: confer, compare P. VIII. 2.36.
chataddhita affix. affix ईय, added ( 1 ) to the words स्वसृ, भ्रातृ and to words ending with the taddhita affix. affix फिञ्: confer, compare P. IV. 1.143,144 and 149; (2) to the dvandva compound of words meaning constellations,to the words अपोनप्तृ, अपांनप्तृ, महेन्द्र, द्यावापृथिवी, शुनासीर et cetera, and others as also to शर्करा, उत्कर , नड et cetera, and others in certain specified senses, confer, compare P. IV. 2.6, 28, 29, 32, 48, 84, 90 &91 ;(3) to words beginning with the vowel called Vrddhi (आ,ऐ or औ),to words ending with गर्त, to words of the गह class, and to युष्मद् and अस्मद् in the शैषिक senses, confer, compare P. IV. 3.114, 137-45 and IV. 3.1 ; (4) to the words जिह्वामूल, अङ्गुलि, as also to words ending in वर्ग in the sense of 'present there '; confer, compare P.IV.3.62-64; (5) to the words शिशुक्रन्द, यमसम, dvandva compounds, इन्द्रजनन and others in the sense of 'a book composed in respect of', confer, compare P.IV. 3.88; (6)to words meaning warrior tribes, to words रैवतिक etc, as also अायुध, and अग्र, in some specified senses: cf P.IV. 3.91, 131, IV. 4.14, 117; (7) to all words barring those given as exceptions in the general senses mentioned in the second. V.I.1-37; (8) to the words पुत्र, कडङ्कर, दक्षिण, words ending in वत्सर, अनुप्रवचन et cetera, and others होत्रा, अभ्यमित्र and कुशाग्र in specified senses; confer, compare P. V. 1. 40, 69,70,91,92, 111,112,135, V. 2.17, V.3.105; (9) to compound words in the sense of इव; e. g. काकतालीयम् , अजाकृपाणीयम् et cetera, and others confer, compare V. 3. 106;and (10) to words ending in जति and स्थान in specified senses; confer, compare P. V.4, 9,10.
chaṇtaddhita affix. affix ईय causing the vrddhi substitute for the first vowel of the word to which it is addedition छण् is added (1) to the words पितृत्वसृ and मातृप्वसृ in the sense of अपत्य; confer, compare P IV. 1.132, 134; (2) to the words कृशाश्व,अरिष्ट and others as a चातुरर्थिक affix: confer, compare P. IV. 2.80; (3) to the words तित्तिरि, वरतन्तु, खण्डिक and उख in the sense of 'instructed by', confer, compare P.IV.3.102; and (4) to the word शलातुर in the sense of 'being a national of' or 'having as a domicile.' e. g. शालातुरीयःconfer, compare P. IV. 3.94.
chpādaa popular name given by grammarians to the first pada of the fifth Adhyaya of Painis Astadhyayi as the pada begins with the rule प्राक् क्रीताच्छः P. V. 1.1.
chastaddhita affix. affix ईय added to the word भवत् in the general शैषिक senses, e. g. भवदीयः; cf P. IV.2.115. The mute letter स् has been attached to the affix छस् So that the base भवत् before it could be termed pada (confer, compare सिति च P, I.4.16) and as a result have the consonant त् changed into द् by P. VIII.2.39.
jātaborn or produced there or then; one of the senses in which the taddhita affix. affixes, called जातार्थक, are prescribed by Panini in the sutra तत्र जातः and the following; confer, compare P. IV. 3.25-37.
jātīyartaddhita affix. affix जातीय in the sense of प्रकार or variety; e. g. पटुजातीयः, मृदुजातीयः; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V. 3.69. Originally जातीय was possibly an independent word, but as its use, especially as a noun, was found restricted, it came to be looked upon as an affix on the analogy of the affixes कल्प, देश्य, देशीय and others.
jāhactaddhita affix. affix added in the sense of 'a root' to the words कर्ण, अक्षि, नख, मुख and others; e. g. कर्णजाहम् confer, compare P. V.2.24.
jainendravyākaraṇaname of a grammar work written by Pujyapada Devanandin, also called Siddhanandin, in the fifth century A.D. The grammar is based on the Astadhyay of Panini,the section on Vedic accent and the rules of Panini explaining Vedic forms being,of course, neglectedition The grammar is called Jainendra Vyakarana or Jainendra Sabdanusasana. The work is available in two versions, one consisting of 3000 sutras and the other of 3700 sutras. it has got many commentaries, of which the Mahavrtti written by Abhayanandin is the principal one. For details see Jainendra Vyakarana, introduction published by the Bharatiya Jnanapitha Varadasi.
ñ(1)the nasal (fifth consonant) of the palatal class of consonants possessed of the properties नादानुप्रदान, घोष, कण्टसंवृतत्व, अल्पप्राण and अानुनासिक्य; (2) mute letter, characterized by which an affix signifies वृद्धि for the preceding vowel; ञ् of a taddhita affix, however, signifies वृद्धि for the first vowel of the word to which the affix is added; (3) a mute letter added to a root at the end to signify that the root takes verb-endings of both the padas.
ñataddhita affix. affix अ; confer, compare P. IV. 2. 58, 106, 107 and IV.4.129.
ñiṭhataddhita affix. affix इक added to words headed by काशी as also to words meaning a village in the Vahika country optionally with the affix ठञ् in the Saisika senses;exempli gratia, for example काशिका, काशिकी, बैदिका, बेदिकी, शाकलिकां, शाकलिकी. The affixes ठञ् and ञिठ are added to the word काल preceded by आपद् as also by some other words; e. g. आपत्कालिका, अापत्कालिकी तात्कालिका, तात्कालिकी et cetera, and others; confer, compare P. IV.2. 116,117,118 and Varttika on IV. 2.116.
ñit(1)an afix marked with the mute letter ञ्; causing the substitution of vrddhi for the preceding vowel and acute accent for the first vowel of the word to which it is added, but, causing vrddhi for the first vowel of the word to which it is added in case the affix is a taddhita affix. affix: confer, compare P.VII.2, 115, 116, 117; (2) a root marked with the consonant ञ् , taking verb-endings of both the Parasmaipada and the Atmanepada kinds; exempli gratia, for example करोति, कुरुते, बिभर्ति, बिभृते, क्रीणाति, क्रीणीते elc.; confer, compare स्वरितञितः कत्राभिप्राये, क्रियाफले P.I.3.72.
ñyataddhita affix य signifying the substitution of vrddhi as also the acute accent for the first vowel of the word to which it is addedition It is added (1) to words headed by प्रगदिन् in the four senses termed वंतुरर्थ exempli gratia, for exampleप्रागृद्यम्, शारद्यम् et cetera, and others;confer, compareP.IV. 2.80; (2).to the word गम्भीर and अव्ययीभाव compounds in the sense of present there', exempli gratia, for example गाम्भीर्यम् , पारिमुख्यम् et cetera, and others confer, compare P.IV.3.58, 59 (3) to the word विदूर exempli gratia, for example वैदुर्य; confer, compare P. IV.3.84;.(4) to the words headed by शण्डिक in the sense of 'domicile of', exempli gratia, for example शाण्डिक्यः ; confer, compare P. IV.3.92; (5) to the words छन्दोग, औक्थिक, नट et cetera, and others in the sense of duty (धर्म) or scripture (अाम्नाय) e. g. छान्दोग्यम् , औविथक्यम् नाट्यम् et cetera, and others; confer, compare P. IV. 3.129; (6) to the word गृहपति in the sense of ’associated with'; exempli gratia, for example गार्हपत्यः (अग्निः);confer, compareP.IV.4.90;(7) to the words ऋषभ and उपानह् ; confer, compare P. V.1.14; .(8) to the words अनन्त, आवसथ et cetera, and others,confer, compare P. V.4.23; (9) to the word अतिथि; confer, compare P.V.4.26; and (10) to the words in the sense of पूग(wandering tribes for earning money), as also to the words meaning व्रात (kinds of tribes) as also to words ending with the affix च्फञ् under certain conditions; confer, compare P.V.3. 112, 113.
ñyaṅtaddhita affix. affix in the sense of 'a descendant' added to words beginning with अा, ऐ, ओ or ending with इ, as also to the words कौसल and अजाद् provided they mean a country and a Ksatriya too; exempli gratia, for example सौवीर्यः, आवन्त्यः, कौन्त्यः कौसल्यः, अाजाद्यः; confer, compare P. IV.1.171.
ñyaṭtaddhita affix. affix य .causing वृद्धि to the first vowel of the word to which it is added and the addition of ई ( ङीप् ) in the sense of feminine gender, added to words meaning warrior tribes of the Vahika country but not Brahmanas or Ksatriyas. exempli gratia, for example क्षौद्रक्यः, क्षौद्रक्री et cetera, and others; cf P. V. 3. 114.
ṭa(1)the consonant ट्, the vowel अ being added for facility of utterance; confer, compare अकारो व्यञ्जनानाम्, Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.I. 21; (2) short term, (प्रत्याहार) standing for टवगे or the lingual class of consonants, found used mostly in the Pratisakhya works; confer, compare RT. 13, Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.I. 64, Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.I. 27: (3) taddhita affix. affix ( अ ) added to the word फल्गुनी in the sense ' तत्र जातः' e. g. फल्गुनी, confer, compare P. IV. 3.34, Vart. 2; (4) krt affix ( अ ) added to the root चर्, सृ and कृ under certain conditions; e. g. कुरुचर:, अग्रेसुर:, यशस्करी ( विद्या ) दिवाकरः, वेिभकरः कर्मकरः et cetera, and others confer, compare P. III. 2.16-23.
ṭiṭhan(l)taddhita affix. affix इक added to the words श्राणा, मांस and ओदन in the sense of ' something given as wages' e. g. श्राणिकः श्राणिकी; confer, compare P. IV. 4.67; (2) taddhita affix. affix इक added to कंस and शूर्प in the अार्हीय senses e. g. कंसिक:, कांसिक्री; confer, compare P. V.1.25,26.
ṭīṭactaddhita affix. affix टीट added to the preposition अच in the sense of 'lowering of the nose' ( नासिकाया: नतम् ) e. g. अवटीटम्: confer, compare P. V. 2.31
ṭeṇyaṇtaddhita affix. affix एण्य added to word वृक meaning 'a warrior tribe not of a Brahmana nor of a Ksatriya caste in the sense of the word ( वृक ) itself; e. g. वार्केण्यः, confer, compare P. V. 3.115
ṭyaṇtaddhita affix. affix य, causing वृद्धि for the initial vowel and the addition of the feminine. affix ई, applied to the word सोम in the sense of 'having that as a deity,' e. g. सौम्यं हविः, सौमी ऋक्: confer, compare P.IV. 2.30.
ṭyutaddhita affix. affix अन to which the augment त्, is prefixed, making the affix तन, applicable to the words सायं, चिरं, प्राह्वे, प्रगे ,and indeclinable words in the Saisika or miscellaneous senses; e. g. सायंतन:, चिरंतनः दिवातनम् et cetera, and others; confer, compare P. IV. 3.23, 24.
ṭayultaddhita affix. affix added in the same way as टयु a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page., making only a difference in the accent. When the affix टयुल् is added, the acute accent is given to the last vowel of the word preceding the affix.
ṭlañtaddhita affix. affix ल, causing vrddhi for the initial vowel of the word to which it is added and also the addition of the feminine.affix ई,applied to the word शमी in the sense of 'विकार,' e. g. शामीली स्रुक्; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 3.142.
ṭhthe second consonant of the lingual class possessed of the properties श्वासानुप्रदान, अघोष, विवृतकण्टत्व and महाप्राणत्व. For the syllable ठ at the beginning of taddhita affixes, the syllable इक is substituted; if however the affix (beginning with ठ ) follows upon a word ending in इस्, उस्, उ, ऋ, लृ and त् then क is added instead of इक; e. g. धानुष्क:, औदश्वित्कः et cetera, and others; confer, compare टस्येकः, इसुसुक्तान्तात् कः, P. VII. 3.50, 51. Some scholars say that इक् and क् are substituted for ठ् by the sutras quoted a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.; confer, compare KS. on VII. 3.50.
ṭha(l)taddhita affix. affix ठ; see ठ् a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. for the substitution of इक and क for ठ. ठ stands as a common term for ठक् , ठन् , ठञ्, and ठच् as also for ष्ठल्,ष्ठन् , and प्ठच्;(2) the consonant ठ, the vowel अ being added for facitity of pronunciation, confer, compare Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.I.21.
ṭhaka very common taddhita affix. affix इक, or क in case it is added to words ending in इस् , उस् , उ, ऋ, ल् and त् according to P. VII. 3. 51, causing the substitution of vrddhi for the first vowel of the word to which it is addedition ठक् is added to (1) रेवती and other words in the sense of descendant ( अपत्य ) e. g. रैवतिकः:, दाण्डग्राहिकः, गार्गिकः, भागवित्तिकः यामुन्दायनिकः, confer, compare P. IV. 1.146-149; (2) to the words लाक्षा,रोचना et cetera, and others in the sense of 'dyed in', e. g. लाक्षिकम्, रौचनिकम् ; confer, compare P. IV. 2.2; (3) to the words दधि and उदश्वित् in the sense of संस्कृत 'made better ', e. g. दाधिकम् , औदश्वित्कम् ( क instead of इक substituted for टक् ), confer, compare P. IV.2. 18, 19; (4) to the words अाग्रहायुणी, अश्वत्थ et cetera, and others; confer, compare P. IV. 2. 22, 23; (5) to words expressive of inanimate objects, to the words हस्ति and धेनु, as also to the words केश and अश्व in the sense of 'multitude '; confer, compare P. IV. 2. 47, 48; (6) to the words क्रतु, उक्थ and words ending in सूत्र, वसन्त et cetera, and others, in the sense of 'students of' ( तदधीते तद्वेद ), confer, compare P. IV. 2.59, 60, 63; (7) to the words कुमुद and others as also to शर्करा as a चातुरर्थिक affix; confer, compare P. IV. 2.80, 84; (8) to the words कन्था, भवत् and वर्षा in the Saisika senses; confer, compare P. IV. 2.102, 115, IV. 3.18; (9) to the words उपजानु and others in the sense 'generally present '; confer, compare P. IV. 3. 40; (10) to the words consisting of two syllables, and the words ऋक्, ब्राह्मण et cetera, and othersin the sense of 'explanatory literary work'; confer, compare P. IV.3.72: ( 11) to words meaning 'sources of income ' in the sense of 'accruing from’; confer, compare P. IV. 3.75; (12) to words denoting inanimate things excepting words showing time or place in the sense of ' भक्ति ', cf P. IV. 8.96; and (13) to the words हल् and सीर in the sense of 'belonging to', confer, compare P. IV. 3.124. The taddhita affix. affix ठक् is added as a general termination, excepting in such cases where other affixes are prescribed, in specified senses like 'तेन दीव्यति, ' 'तेन खनति,' 'तेन संस्कृतम्' et cetera, and others; cf P. IV. 4.1-75, as also to words हल, सीर, कथा, विकथा, वितण्डा et cetera, and others in specified senses, confer, compare P. IV.4. 81, 102 ठक् is also added as a general taddhita affix. affix or अधिकारविहितप्रत्यय, in various specified senses, as prescribed by P. V.1.19-63,and to the words उदर, अयःशूल,दण्ड, अजिन, अङ्गुली, मण्डल, et cetera, and others and to the word एकशाला, in the prescribed senses; confer, compare P. V. 2.67,76, V. 3.108,109; while, without making any change in sense it is added to अनुगादिन् , विनय, समय, उपाय ( औपयिक being the word formed), अकस्मात्, कथंचित्; (confer, compareआकस्मिक काथंचित्क), समूह,विशेष, अत्यय and others, and to the word वाक् in the sense of 'expressed'; confer, compare P. V. 4.13, 34, 35. The feminine. affix ङीप् ( ई ) is added to words ending in the affix टक् to form feminine. bases.
ṭhakpādaa popular name given to the fourth pada of the fourth adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi.The pada begins with the rule प्राग्वहतेष्ठक् P.IV.4.1 prescribing the taddhita affix ठक् in the senses prescribed in rules be. ginning with the next rule ' तेन दीव्यति खनति जयति जितम् ' and ending with the rule 'निकटे वसति' P.IV.4.73.
ṭhacataddhita affix. affix इक or क (by P.VII.3.51) with the vowel अ accented acute applied to (1) कुमुद and others as a Caturarthika affix; confer, compare P. IV.2.80; (2) to multisyllabic words and words beginning with उप which are proper nouns for persons; confer, compare P. V.3.78, 80; and (3) to the word एकशाला in the sense of इव; confer, compare P. V.3.109. The base, to which टच् is added, retains generally two syllables or sometimes three, the rest being elided before the affix ठच् e. g. देविकः, वायुकः, पितृकः शेबलिकः et cetera, and others from the words देवदत्त, वायुदत्त, पितृदत्त, शेवलदत्त et cetera, and others; confer, compare P. V,3.83, 84.
ṭhañtaddhita affix. affix इक or क (by P.VII.3.51) causing Vrddhi and acute accent for the first vowel of the word to which it is added, applied (1) to महृाराज, प्रोष्ठपद and क्वाचिन् in the specifieditionsenses, confer, compare P. IV.2.35, 4l e. g. माहृाराजिक, प्रौष्ठपदिक et cetera, and others; (2) to words काशि, चेदि, संज्ञा and others, along with ञिठ, e. g. काशिकी, काशिका, also with ञिठ to words denoting villages in the Vahika country exempli gratia, for example शाकलिकी शाकलिका; as also to words ending in उ forming names of countries in all the Saisika senses confer, compare P. IV.2.116-120; (3) to compound words having a word showing direction as their first member, to words denoting time, as also to the words शरद्, निशा and प्रदोष in the Saisika senses; cf P. IV.3.6, 7, 1115; (4) to the words वर्षा (1n Vedic Literature), and to हेमन्त and वसन्त in the Saisika senses; confer, compare P.IV.3.1921; (5) to संवत्सर, अाग्रहायणी, words having अन्तः as the first member, to the word ग्राम preceded by परि or अनु, to multisyllabic words having their last vowel accented acute, to words denoting sacrifices, to words forming names of sages, to words ending in ऋ and to the word महाराज in the specific senses which are mentioned; confer, compare P. IV.3.50, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 78, 79, 97; (6) to the words गोपुच्छ, श्वगण, आक्रन्द, लवण, परश्वध, compound words having a multisyllabic words as their first member, and to the words गुड et cetera, and others in the specified senses;confer, compareP.IV.4.6,II, 38, 52, 58, 64, 103;(7) to any word as a general taddhita affix. affix (अधिकारविहित), unless any other affix has been specified in the specified senses ' तेन क्रीतम् ' ' तस्य निमित्तम्' ... ' तदर्हम्' mentioned in the section of sutras V. 1. 18. to 117; (8) to the words अय:शूल, दण्ड, अजिन, compound words having एक or गो as their first member as also to the words निष्कशत and निष्कसहस्र; confer, compare P.V.2.76, 118,119.
ṭhantaddhita affix. affix इक or क (according to P. VII.3.51), causing the addition of आ, and not ई,..for forming the feminine base, applied (1) to the word नौ and words with two syllables in the sense of 'crossing' or 'swimming' over; confer, compare P.IV.4. 7; exempli gratia, for example नाविकः नाविका, बाहुकः बाहुक्रा; (2) to the words वस्र, क्रय, and विक्रय and optionally with छ to अायुघ in the sense of maintaining (तेन जीवति) ; confer, compare P. IV. 4.13, 14; (3) to the word प्रतिपथ, words ending with अगार, to the word शत, to words showing completion ( पूरणवाचिन् ), to the words अर्ध, भाग, वस्त्र, द्रव्य, षण्मास and. श्राद्ध in specified senses; confer, compare P. IV 4.42, 70, V. 1.21, 48, 49, 51, 84, V. 2, 85, and 109; (4) to words ending in अ as also to the words headed by व्रीहि, and optionally with the affix इल्च् to तुन्द and with the affix व to केशin the sense of मतुप्(possession); cf P.V. 2. 115, 116, 117 and 109.
ḍa(1)krt affix अ applied to the root गम् preceded by अन्त, अत्यन्त, अध्वन् et cetera, and others, as also to the roots हन् and जन् under certain conditions; confer, compare P. III.2,48,49, 50, 97-101 and to the root क्रन् to form the word नक्र confer, compare P. VI. 3.75; (2) taddhita affix. affix अ applied to words ending in दशन्, words ending in शत् and the word विंशति in the sense of 'more than' exempli gratia, for example एकादशं शतम्, एकत्रिंशम्, एकविंशम्, cf P.V.2.45, 46.
ḍaṭtaddhita affix. अ, affix in the sense of पूरण applied to a numeral to form an ordinal numeral; e. g. एकादशः, त्रयोदशः, confer, compare P.V.2.48
ḍaṇtaddhita affix. affix अ, causing vrddhi and टिलोप, applied to त्रिंशत् and चत्वारिंंशत् to show the परिमाण id est, that is measurement or extent of a Brahmana work; exempli gratia, for example त्रैंशानि ब्राह्मणानि, चात्वरिंशानि confer, compare P. V. I.62
ḍatamactaddhita affix. affix अतम in the sense of determination or selection of one out of many, applied to the pronouns किं, यत् and तत्; e,g. कतमः confer, compare P.V.3.93,as also to एक according to Eastern Grammarians; exempli gratia, for example एकतमो भवतां देवदत्तः; confer, compare P.V.3.94.
ḍataractaddhita affix. affix अतर in the sense of 'selection out of two' applied to the words किं, यत् and तत् as also to the word एक; e. g. कतरो भवतोः पटुः confer, compare P. V. 3.92, एकतरो भवतोर्देवदत्तः confer, compare P.V.3.94.
ḍatitaddhita affix. affix अति affixed to the word किम् to show number or measurement; exempli gratia, for example कति ब्राह्मणाः, confer, compare P.V.2.41. The words ending with the affix डति are termed संख्या and षट् for purposes of declension et cetera, and others; confer, compare P.I.1.23,25
ḍāctaddhita affix. affix आ applied to dissyllabic words, used as imitation of sounds, or used as onomatopoetic, when connected with the root कृ or भू or अम्. The word to which डाच् is applied becomes generally doubled; c. g पटपटाकरोति, पटपटाभवति पटपटास्यात्; confer, compare P.V.4.57. The affix डाच् is also applied to द्वितीय, तृतीय, to compound words formed of a numeral and the word गुण, as also to the words सपत्र, निष्पत्र, सुख, प्रिच etc when these words are connected with the root कृ;exempli gratia, for example द्वितीयाकरोति,तृतीया करोति, द्विगुणाकरोति, सपत्राकरोति, सुखाकरोति et cetera, and others; confer, compareP.V.4. 58 to 67.
ḍāmahactaddhita affix. affix अामह added to the words मातृ and पितृ in the sense of 'father'; exempli gratia, for example मातामहः, पितामहः; confer, compare P. IV. 2.36 Vart, 2.
ḍinitaddhita affix. affix applied to अवान्तरदीक्षा, तिलव्रत et cetera, and others in the sense of चरति (observing); exempli gratia, for example तिलव्रती, confer, compare P. V. 1. 94 Vart 3; (2) applied in the sense of 'having as measurement'applied to numeral words ending in शत् or शिन् and the word विंशति; exempli gratia, for example त्रिंशिनो मासाः, विंशिनोङ्गिरसः; confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. V. 2.37.
ḍimactaddhita affix. affix इम applied to the words अग्र, अादि, पश्चात् and अन्त in the Saisika senses; exempli gratia, for example अग्रिमम्, अादिमम् , पश्चिमम् , अन्तिमम्: confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.IV.3.23.
ḍupactad affix उप added to the word कुतू in the sense of diminutive: exempli gratia, for example कुतुपः a small oil-pot ( कुतू );confer, compare V.3. 89.
ḍulactaddhita affix. affix उल in the sense of 'brother' applied to the word मातृ; exempli gratia, for example मातुलः; confer, compare P. IV. 2.36 Vart 1.
ḍbhatuptaddhita affix. affix मत् as a चातुरर्थिक affix applied to the words कुमुद, नड and वेतत; exempli gratia, for example कुमुद्वान् , नड्वान, वेतस्वान्: confer, compareP. IV. 2.87.
ḍyataddhita affix. affix य (1) added in the sense of ' Sama introduced by' ( दृष्टं साम ) to the word वामदेव ; e. g. वामदेव्यं साम ; cf P. IV. 2.9; (2) added to the word स्रोत्स optionally with यत् in the sense of ’present there ' ( तत्र भवः ) ; e. g.स्त्रोतस्यः, confer, compare P. IV. 4.I 13.
ḍyaṇtaddhita affix. affix य added to the words पाथस् and नदी in the sense of ’present there ’ ( तत्र भवः ), e. g, पाथ्यः नाद्यः; confer, compare P. IV. 4.111.
ḍyattaddhita affix. affix य added along with डय to the same words to which the affix डय is added as also in the same sense, the vowel अ of डयत् being स्वरित. See the word डघ a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page..
ḍbavalactaddhita affix.affix वल, in the four senses, added to the words नड and शाद; e. g. नड्वलम्, शाद्वलम्; confer, compare P. IV. 2.88.
ḍvuntaddhita affix. affix अक added to the words विंशति and त्रिंशत् in the tetrad of taddhita affix. senses; e. g. विंशक:, त्रिंशक: confer, compare P. V. 1.24.
(1)fourth consonant of the lingual class of consonants possessed of the properties नादानुप्रदान, घोष, संवृतकण्ठत्व and महृाप्राणत्व; (2) the consonant ढ् which is elided when followed by ढ् and the preceding vowel is lengthened; e. g. गाढा, confer, compare P. VIII. 3.13 and VI. 3.111 ; (3) substitute ढ् for ह् at the end of a पद, or, if followed by any consonant excepting a semivowel or a nasal excepting in the cases of roots beginning with द् or the roots द्रुह्, मुह् et cetera, and others as also वह् and अाह् confer, compare P. VIII. 2.31, 32, 33, 34; (4) ढ् at the beginning of a taddhita affix. affix which has got एय् substituted for it; confer, compare गाङ्गेय:, वैनतेयः ; confer, compare P. V. 3.102.
ḍhataddhita affix. affix ढ (1) applied to the word सभा in the sense of 'fit for' ( तत्र साधुः ) in Vedic literature;. e. g. सभेयः; confer, compare IV. 4.106; (2) applied to the word शिला in the sense of इव; e. g. शिलेयं दधि ; confer, compare P. V. 3.102; (3) common term ( ढ ) for the affixes ढक्, ढञ् and ढ also, after the application of which the affix ङीप् (ई) is , added in the sense of feminine gender; confer, compare P. IV. 1.15.
ḍhaktaddhita affix. affix एय causing the substitution of vrddhi for the first vowel of the word to which it is addedition ढक् is added in the sense of अपत्य (descendant) (I) to words ending in feminine affixes, to words ending in the vowel इ, excepting इ of the taddhita affix. afix इञ्, to words of the class headed by शुभ्र, to words मण्डूक, विकर्ण, कुषीतक, भ्रू , .कुलटा and to words headed by कल्याणी which get इन substituted for its !ast vowel; exempli gratia, for example सौपर्णेयः, दात्तेयः शौभ्रेय, माण्डूकेयः, , वैकर्णेयः, कौषीतकेयः, भ्रौवेयः,.कौलटेयः, काल्याणिनेयः etc: cf Kas on P. IV.I. 1 19-127; (2) to the words पितृष्वसृ and मातृष्वसृ with the vowel ऋ elided and to the word . दुष्कुल, पितृष्वसेय:, मातृष्वसेयः, दौष्कुलेयः, confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 1.133, 134, 142: (3) to the word कलि in the sense of Sama, to the word अग्नि in the sense of 'dedicated to a deity' ( सास्य देवता ) as also to the words नदी, मही, वाराणसी, श्रावस्ती and others in the Saisika senses; e. g. कालेयं साम, आग्नेयः, नादेयम् महियम् et cetera, and others cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 2.8, 33, 97: (4) to the words तूदी, धुर् , कपि, ज्ञाति, व्रीहि and शालि in the specified senses; confer, compare P. IV. 3.94, IV. 4.77, V. 1.127, V. 2.2.
ḍhakañtaddhita affix. affix एयक applied (1) to the word कुल optionally along with यत् and ख, when it is not a member of a compound;.e. g. कौलेयकः, कुल्यः, कुलीनः; confer, compare P.'IV. 1. 140; (2) to the words कत्त्रि and others in the Saisika senses as also to the words कुल, कुक्षि and ग्रीवा, if the words formed with the affix added, respectively mean dog, sword and ornament : e. g. कात्त्रेयकः कौलेयक: (श्वा), कौक्षेयकः (असिः), ग्रैवेयकः (अलंकारः): confer, compareKāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.IV 2.95,96.
ḍhañtaddhita affix. affix एय causing Vrddhi substituted for the first vowel of the base and the addition of the feminine. affix ङीप् (इ), applied (1) to words meaning quadrupeds and words in the class of words headed by गृष्टि in the sense of अपत्य; e. g. कामण्डलेयः, गार्ष्टेयः, हालेय:, बालेयः etc; confer, compare P. IV.1.135,136; (2) to the word क्षीर, words of the class headed by सखि, the words कोश, दृति, कुक्षि, कलशि, अस्ति, अहि,ग्रीवा,वर्मती,एणी,पथि,अतिथि,वसति,स्वपति, पुरुष, छदि्स, उपधि, बलि, परिखा, and वस्ति in the various senses mentioned in connection with these words; exempli gratia, for exampleक्षेरेयः, .साखेयम् कौशेयम् दात्र्ऱेयम् , कौक्षेयम् etc, cf Kas'. on P. IV. 2. 20, 80, IV. 3. 42, 56, 57, 94, 159, IV.4.1 04, V.1.10,13,17, V.3.101.
ḍhinuktaddhita affix. affix एयिन् applied to the word छगलिन् in the sense of 'students following the text of ' e. g. छागलेयिनः in the sense छगलिना प्रोक्तमधीयते ते; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV.3.109.
ḍhraktaddhita affix. affix एर ( एय् + र ) applied in the sense of offspring to the word गोधा and optionally with ढक् to words meaning persons having a bodily defect or a low social status; e. g. गौधेरः, काणेरः दासेरः; काणेयः, दासेयः, cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 1. 129, 131.
ṇa(1)krt affix अ, added optionally to the roots headed by ज्वल् and ending with कस् in the first conjugation (see ज्वलिति a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.) in the sense of agent, and necessarily to the root श्यै, roots ending with अा and the roots व्यध्, आस्रु, संस्रु, इ with अति, सो with अव, हृ with अव, लिह्, श्लिष् and श्वस्, to the roots दु and नी without any prefix and optionally to ग्रह्: e. g. ज्वालः or ज्वलः, अवश्यायः, दायः, धायः, व्याधः, अास्त्रावः, संस्त्रवः, अत्यायः, अवसायः, अवहार:, लेहः, श्लेष:, श्वास:, दावः, नाय:, ग्रहः or ग्राहः: ; in the case of the root ग्रह् the affix ण is applied by ब्यवस्थितविभाषा, the word ग्रहः meaning a planet and the word ग्राहः meaning a crocodile; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III. 1.140-143; (2) krt affix अ in the sense of verbal activity ( भाव ) applied along with the affix अप् to the root अद् with नि; exempli gratia, for exampleन्यादः निघसः; confer, compare P. III.3.60; (3) krt affix ण prescribed by the Varttikakara after the roots तन्, शील्. काम, भक्ष् and चर् with आ; confer, compare P.III.1.140 Vart 1, and III. 2.l Vart. 7; (4) taddhita affix. affix अ in the sense of अपत्य added along with टक् also, to a word referring to a female descendant (गेीत्रस्त्री) if the resultant word indicates censure ; e. g. गार्भ्यः गार्गिकः confer, compare P. IV.1.147, 150; (5) taddhita affix. affix अ in the sense of अपत्य added also with the affix फिञ्, to the word फाण्टाहृति: (6) taddhita affix. affix अ in the sense of 'a game' added to a word meaning 'an instrument in the game'; exempli gratia, for example दाण्डा, मौष्टा: confer, compare P. IV.2.57: {7) taddhita affix. affix अ added to the word छत्त्र and others in the sense of 'habituated to' exempli gratia, for example छात्र:, शैक्षः, पौरोहः चौर:: confer, compare P.IV. 4.62: (8) taddhita affix. affix अ added to the words अन्न, भक्त, सर्व, पथिन् , यथाकथाच, प्रज्ञा, श्रद्धा, अर्चा, वृत्तिं and अरण्य in the senses specified with respect to each ; exempli gratia, for example आन्नः (मनुष्यः) भाक्तः ( शालिः ), सार्वे ( सर्वस्मै हितम् ), पान्थः, याथाकथाचं (कार्यम्), प्राज्ञः or प्रज्ञावान् , श्राद्धः or श्रद्धावान् , अार्चः or अर्चावान् , घार्त्तः or वृत्तिमान् and अारण्याः ( सुमनसः ); confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.IV. 4.85, 100, V.1.10, 76, 98, V.2.101 and IV.2.104 Varttika.
ṇatvapādaa popular name given by grammarians to the fourth pada confer, compare Panini's Astadhyayi, as the pada begins with the rule रषाभ्यां नो णः समानपदे and mainly gives rules about णत्व i. e. the substitution of the consonant ण् for न्.
ṇastaddhita affix. affix अस् applied to the word पर्शू in the sense of collection. The original Varttika is पर्श्वाः सण् P. IV. 2. 43 Vart. 3. Some scholars read णस् in the place of सण् in the Varttika which is read as पर्श्वा णम् वक्तव्यः by them.
ṇit(1)an affix with the mute con.sonant ण् added to it to signify the substitution of vrddhi for the preceding vowel or for the penultimate अ or for the first vowel of the word if the affix applied is a taddhita affix; confer, compare P. VII.2.115117: e. g. अण्, ण, उण्, णि et cetera, and others: (2) an affix not actually marked with the mute letter ण् but looked upon as such for the purpose of vrddhi; e. g. the Sarvanamasthana affixes after the words गो and सखि, confer, compare P. VII.1.90, 92.
ṇinikrt affix इन् signifying vrddhi (1) applied to the roots headed by ग्रह् ( i. e. the roots ग्रह्, उद्वस्, स्था et cetera, and others ) in the sense of an agent;e. g. ग्राही, उद्वासी, स्थायी. confer, compare P. III.1.134; (2) applied to the root हन् preceded by the word कुमार or शीर्ष as उपपद: e. g. कुमारघाती, शीर्षघाती, confer, compare P. III.2.51: (3) applied to any root preceded by a substantive as upapada in the sense of habit, or when compari son or vow or frequency of action is conveyed, or to the root मन्, with a substantive as उपपद e. gउष्णभोजी, शीतभोजी, उष्ट्रकोशी, ध्वाङ्क्षरावीः स्थण्डिलशायी, अश्राद्धभोजीः क्षीरपायिण उशीनराः; सौवीरपायिणो वाह्रीकाः: दर्शनीयमानी, शोभनीयमानी, confer, compare P. III.2.78-82; (4) applied to the root यज् preceded by a word referring to the करण of यागफल as also to the root हन् preceded by a word forming the object ( कर्मन् ) of the root हन् , the words so formed referring to the past tense: e. g. अग्निष्टो याजी, पितृव्याघाती, confer, compare P. III 2.85, 86; (5) applied to a root when the word so formed refers to a kind of necessary activity or to a debtor; confer, compare अवश्यंकारी, शतंदायी, सहस्रदायी confer, compare P. III.4. 169-170: (6) tad-affix इन् , causing vrddhi for the first vowel, applied to the words काश्यप and कौशिक referring to ancient sages named so, as also to words which are the names of the pupils of कलापि or of वैशम्पायन, as also to the words शुनक, वाजसनेय et cetera, and others in the sense of 'students learning what has been traditionally spoken by those sages' e. g. काश्यपिनः, ताण्डिनः, हरिद्रविणः शौनकिनः, वाजसनेयिनः et cetera, and others; cf P. IV.3, 103 104, 106; (7) applied to words forming the names of ancient sages who are the speakers of ancient Brahmana works in the sense of 'pupils studying those works' as also to words forming the names of sages who composed old Kalpa works in the sense of those कल्प works; e. g. भाल्लविनः, एतरेयिणः । पैङ्गी कल्पः अरुणपराजी कल्पः; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 3.105: (8) applied to the words पाराशर्य and शिलालिन् in the sense of 'students reading the Bhiksusutras (of पाराशार्य) and the Nata sutras ( of शिलालिन् ) respectively; e. g. पाराशरिणो भिक्षव:, शैलालिनो नटाः: cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV.3.110.
ṇaupādaa popular name given to the fourth pada of the seventh Adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi, which begins with the rule णौ चङ्युपघाया ह्रस्त्रः P. VII. 4.1.
ṇyataddhita affix.affix य (l) applied in the sense of 'descendant' as also in a few other senses, mentioned in rules from IV. 1. 92 to IV.3.168, applied to the words दिति, अदिति, अादित्य and word; with पति as the उत्तरपद in a compound, c. g. दैत्यः, आदित्यः, प्राजापत्यम् et cetera, and others confer, compareKāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana.on P. IV.1 84; (2) applied in the sense of a descendant ( अपत्य ) applied to the words कुरु, गर्ग, रथकार, कवि, मति, दर्भ et cetera, and others, e.gकौरव्यः, गार्ग्यः et cetera, and others confer, compare Kas:, on P. IV. I.15I ; (3) applied in the sense of अपत्य or descendant to words ending in सेना,to the word लक्षण and to words in the sense of artisans, e.gकारिषेण्यः, लाक्षण्यः, तान्तुवाय्यः, कौम्भकार्यः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.IV.1.152; (4) applied in the Catuararthika senses to the words संकाश, काम्पिल्थ, कश्मीर et cetera, and others, exempli gratia, for example साङ्काश्यम्, काम्पिल्यम् et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 2.80; (5) applied to the word परिषद् and optionally with the affix ठक् to the word सेना in the specified senses; e. g. परिषदं समवैति, परिषदि साधुर्वा पारिषद्य्ः, सेनां समवेति सैन्यः सैनिको वा; confer, compare Kas on P. IV. 44, 45, 101 ; (6) applied as a taddhita affix. affix called ' tadraja , to the word कुरु and words beginning with न e. g. कौरव्यः नैषध्यः; confer, compare Kas on P. IV. 1.172; कुरवः, निषधाः et cetera, and others are the nominative case. plural formanuscript.
ṇyatkrtya affix य which causes vrddhi and which has the circurmflex accent (1) applied to a root ending with ऋ or any consonant to form the pot. passive voice.participle: e. g. कार्यम्, हार्यम् , वाक्यम् et cetera, and others confer, compare Kas on P. IV. 1.124; (2) applied to a root ending in उ if a necessity of the activity is to be indicated, e. g. अवश्यलाव्यम् , अवश्यपान्यम् confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 1.125; (3) taddhita affix. affix य applied to the word षण्मास्र optionally with यप् and ठञ् affixes: e. g. षाण्मास्यः, षण्मास्यः, षाण्मासिकः; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V. 1.84.
t(1)personal ending of the third pers singular. Atm: confer, compare P. III. 4.78, which is changed to ते in the perfect tense and omitted after the substitute चिण् for च्लि in the aorist; confer, compare P.VI.4.04: (2) personal ending substituted for the affix थ of the Paras. 2nd person. plural in the imperative, imperfect, potential, benedictive, aorist and conditional for which, तात्, तन and थन are substituted in Vedic Literature, and also for हि in case a repetition of an action is meant; confer, compare P. III. 4. 85, 10l as also VII. 1. 44, 45 and III. 4. 2-5. cf P. III. 4. 85 and III. 4. 10I ; (3) taddhita affix. affix त applied to the words कम् and शम् e. g. कन्तः, शन्त:, confer, compare P. V. 2. 138: (4) taddhita affix. affix त applied to दशत् when दशत् is changed to श; confer, compare दशानां दशतां शभावः तश्च प्रत्ययः । दश दाशतः परिमाणमस्य संधस्य शतम्, Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V. l. 59; (5) .general term for the affix क्त of the past passive voice. part, in popular use: (6) a technical term for the past participle affixes (त) क्त and तवत् ( क्तवतु ) called निष्ठा by Panini; confer, compare P. I.1.26; the term त is used for निष्ठI in the Jainendra Vyakararna.
takṣaśilādia class of words headed by तक्षशिला to which the taddhita affix अ ( अञ् ) is added in the sense of 'a native place or a domicile'. The word so formed has the acute accent on its first vowel; e. g. ताक्षशिलः वात्सोद्वरणः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 3.93.
tana(1)personal ending for त of the second person. plural Parasmaipada in the imperative in Vedic Literature e.g जुजुष्टन for जुषत confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. On P VII. 1.45; (2) taddhita affix. affixes टयु and टयुल् id est, that is अन which, with the augment त्, in effect becomes तन exempli gratia, for example सायंतन, चिरंतन, et cetera, and others: confer, compare P. IV. 3.23.
tannāmikāṇthe taddhita affix. affix अण् prescribed by the rule अवृद्धाभ्यो नदीमानुषीभ्यस्तन्नामिकाभ्यः P. IV. 1.113: confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. IV. 1.1I4,
tap(1)taddhita affix. affix त added to the words पर्वन् and मरुत् to form the words पर्वतः and मरुत्तः; confer, compare P. V. 2.122 Vart. 10; (2) personal ending in Vedic Literature substitutcd for त of the imperative second. person. plural e. g. श्रुणोत ग्रावाणः confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. VII. 1.45.
tamcommon term for the taddhita affix. affixes तमट् and तमप्.
tamaṭtaddhita affix. affix तम added optionally with the affix डट् ( अ ) to विंशति, त्रिंशत् et cetera, and others, as also to words ending with them, in the sense of पूरण (completion), and necessarily (नित्यं) to the words शत, सहस्र, षष्टि, सप्तति et cetera, and others e. g. एकविंशतितमः एकविंशः, त्रिंशत्तमः, त्रिंशः, शततमः, षष्टितम:, विंशी, त्रिंशी et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on V. 2.56-58.
tamaptaddhita affix. affix तम added without a change of sense, i. e. in the sense of the base itself to noun bases possessing the sense of excellence, as also to verbal forms showing excellence: e. g. आढ्यतमः, दर्शनीयतमः, श्रेष्ठतमः, पचतितमाम् confer, compare Kas on P. V. 3.55-56. The affix तमप् is termed घ also; confer, compare P. I. 1.22.
tayataddhita affix. affix तयप् applied to a numeral ( संख्या ) in the sense of अवयविन् or 'possessed of parts'; e. g. पञ्च अवयवा अस्य पञ्चतयम् , दशतयम् , चतुष्टयी; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V. 2.42. अय is substituted for तय optionally after the numerals द्वि and त्रि and necessarily after उभ; confer, compare P. V. 2.43-44.
tayaptaddhita affix. affix तय. See तय.
tarataddhita affix. affix तरप् added to bases showing excellence (अतिशायन ) when the excellence shown is between two persons; e. g. अनयोः सुकुमारतरः सुकुमारतरा, पचतितराम्; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V.3.57. The affix तरप् is called घ just like तमप्; cf P.I. 1.22.
taraptaddhita affix. affix तर. See तर.
taltad, affix त (l) added in the sense of collection (समूह) to the words ग्राम, जन, बन्धु and सहाय and गज also, exempli gratia, for example ग्रामता, जनता et cetera, and others; (2) added in the sense of 'the nature of a thing' ( भाव ) along with the affix त्व optionally, as also optionally along with the affixes इमन्, ष्यञ् et cetera, and others given in P. V. 1.122 to 136; e. g. अश्वत्वम्, अश्वता; अपतित्वम्, अपतिता; पृथुत्वम्, पृथुता, प्रथिमा; शुक्लता, शुक्लत्वम्, शौक्ल्यम्, शुक्लिमा; et cetera, and others, cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.V.1.119 to 136. Words ending with the affix तल् are always declined in the feminine gender with the feminine. affix अा ( टाप् ) added to then; confer, compare तलन्तः (शब्दः स्त्रियाम् ), Linganusasana 17.
tas(1)personal ending of the third person. dual Parasmaipada substituted technically for ल् (लकार); cf P. III.4.78; (2) taddhita affix. affix तस् ( तसि or तसिल् ). See तसि and तसिल्.
tasi(1)taddhita affix.affix तस् showing direction by means of a thing exempli gratia, for example वृक्षमूलतः, हिमवत्तः; confer, compare Kas on P.IV.3.114,115; (2) taddhita affix.affix तस् applied in the sense of the ablative case. case and substituted for the ablative case. case affix: exempli gratia, for example ग्रामतः अागच्छति, चोरतो विभेति; sometimes the affix is applied instead of the instrumental or the genitive case also. e. g. वृत्ततः न व्यथते for वृत्तेन न व्यथते; देवा अर्जुनतः अभवन्, for अर्जुनस्य पक्षे अभवन् confer, compare Kas, on P.V.4.44-49.
tasil(1)taddhita affix. affix तस् added to pronouns from सर्व upto द्वि, to the pronoun किम् and after परि and अभि; exempli gratia, for example कुतः; यतः, ततः, अभितः; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.V.3. 7 to 9.
tasilādia class of taddhita affixes headed by the affix तस् ( तसिल् ) as given by Panini in his sutras from पञ्चम्यास्तसिल् P. V. 3. 7. upto संख्यायाः क्रियाभ्यावृत्तिगणने कृत्वसुच् V.3.17; confer, compare P. VI.3.35. The words ending with the affixes from तसिल् in P.V.3.7 upto पाशप् in P.V.3.47 (excluding पाशप्) become indeclinables; confer, compare Kas on P.I.1.38.
(1)a technical term for the genitive case affix used in the Jainendra Vyakarana; (2) the taddhita affix. affix तल् which is popularly called ता as the nouns ending in तल् id est, that is त are declined in the feminine. gender with the feminine. affix अा added to them.
tātiltaddhita affix. affix ताति in the very sense of the word to which it is applied occurring in Vedic Literature after the words सर्व and देव, as also after शिव, शम् and अरिष्ट in the sense of 'bringing about' and in the sense of भाव (presence) after the same words शिव, शम् and अरिष्ट; exempli gratia, for example सर्वतातिः, देवतातिः, शिवतातिः et cetera, and others confer, compare P.IV.4.142-144.
tārakādia class of words headed by the word तारका and containing prominently the words पुष्प, कण्टक, मुकुल, कुसुम, पल्लव, बुभुक्षा, ज्वर and many others numbering more than ninety, to which the taddhita affix इत (इतच्) is added in the sense of 'containing'. As this class, called तारकादि, is looked upon as आकृतिगण, nouns with इत added at their end, are supposed to be included in it; confer, compare P. V. 2.36.
ti(1)personal ending तिप् of the 3rd person. singular.; (2) common term for the krt affixes क्तिन् and क्तिच् as also for the unadi affix ति; see क्तिन् and क्तिच्; (3) feminine. affix ति added to the word युवन्. e. g. युवतिः confer, compare P. IV. 1.77; (4) taddhita affix. affix ति as found in the words पङ्क्ति and विंशति confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.V.1.59; (5) taddhita affix. affix added to the word पक्ष in the sense of 'a root,' and to the words कम् and शम् in the sense of possession (मत्वर्थे ); exempli gratia, for example पक्षतिः, कन्तिः, शान्तिः, confer, compare Kas, on P. V.2.25, 138; (6) a technical term for the term गति in Panini's grammar, confer, compare उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे; गतिश्च P. 1.4.59, 60. The term ति for गति is used in the Jainendra Vyakarana.
tikakitavādia class of compound words headed by the dvandva compound तिककितव in which the taddhita affixes added to the constituent members of the compound are dropped when the dvandva compound is to be used in the plural number; तैकायनयश्च कैतवायनयश्च तिककितवाः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. II. 4.68.
tikantaddhita affix. affix तिक added to the word मृद् in the sense of the word itself ( स्वार्थे ) e. g. मृत्तिका confer, compare; P. V. 4.39.
tikādia class of words headed by the words तिक, केितव, संज्ञा and others to which the taddhita affix अायनि (फिञ्) causing the substitution of vrddhi is added in the sense of 'a descendant'; exempli gratia, for example तैकायनि:, कैतवायनि:; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV.1.154.
tithukthe augment तिथ् added to the words बहु, पूप, गण and संघ when they are followed by the taddhita affix. affix अ ( ड ) e, g. बहुतिथः; confer, compare P. V. 2.52.
tiltaddhita affix. affix ति added in Vedic Literature to the word वृक when superior quality is meant, exempli gratia, for example वृकतिः confer, compare P. V. 4.41.
tīyataddhita affix. affix तीय in the sense of पूरण added to the words द्वि and त्रि before which त्रि is changed into तृ. e, g. द्वितीयः, तृतीयः confer, compare P. V. 2.54, 55; the taddhita affix. affix अन् ( अ ) is added to the words ending in तीय to mean a section e. g. द्वितीयॊ भागः confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V. 3.48.
tu(1)short term ( प्रत्याहार ) for the dental consonants त्, थ्, द्, ध् and न् confer, compare P. I. 1.69; (2) personal-ending substituted for ति in the 2nd person. imper. singular. Parasmaipada confer, compare P. III, 4.86; (3) taddhita affix. affix तु in the sense of possession added in Vedic Literature to कम् and शम् e. g. क्रन्तुः, शन्तु: confer, compare P. V. 2.138; (4) unadi affix तु ( तुन्) prescribed by the rule सितनिगमिमसिसच्यविधाञ्कुशिभ्यस्तुन् ( Unadi Sitra I.69 ) before which the augment इ is not added exempli gratia, for example सेतुः सक्तुः et cetera, and others confer, compare P. VII. 2.9
tuṭaugment त् (1) added to the affix अन substituted for the यु of ट्यु and ट्युल्; e. g. चिरंतनः, सायंतनः, confer, compare P. IV.3.23; (2) added to the taddhita affix. affix इक (ठक्) applied to the word श्वस् in the Saisika senses; e.g, शौवस्तिकः confer, compare P. IV. 3.15.
tundādia very small class of words headed by the word तुन्द to which the taddhita affix इल ( इलच् ) is added in the sense of possession ( मत्वर्थ ). The affix इल is optional and the other affixes इन् , इक and मत् are also added; exempli gratia, for example तुन्दिल, तुन्दी, तुन्दिकः, तुन्दवान् ; similarly उदरिलः et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.V.2.117.
tṛ(1)substitute prescribed for the last vowel of the word अर्वन् so as to make it declinable like words marked with the mute letter ऋ; (2) common term for the krt affixes तृन् and तृच् prescribed in the sense of the agent of a verbal activity; the taddhita affix. affixes ईयस्, and इष्ठ are seen placed after words ending in तृ in Vedic Literature before which the affix तृ is elided; exempli gratia, for example करिष्ठः, दोहीयसी; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V. 3.59.
tṛctaddhita affix. affix तृ, taking the feminine. affix ई ( ङीप् ), (1) added to a root optionally with अक ( ण्वुल् ) in the sense of the agent of a verbal activity, the word so formed having the last vowel acute; exempli gratia, for example कर्ता कारक:; हर्ता हारकः; confer, compare P. III I.133; (2) prescribed in the sense of 'deserving one' optionally along with the pot. passive voice. participle. affixes; exempli gratia, for example भवान् खलु कन्यया वोढा, भवान् कन्यां वहेत्, भवता खलु कन्या वोढव्या, वाह्या, वहनीया वा; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III. 3.169
tṛṇādia class of words to which the taddhita affix श is added in the four senses given in P. IV. 2.67 to 70; e. g. तृणशः, नडशः, पर्णशः et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 3.80.
tṛtīyāthe third case; affixes of the third case ( instrumental case or तृतीयाविभक्ति ) which are placed (1) after nouns in the sense of an instrument or an agent provided the agent is not expressed by the personal-ending of the root; e. g. देवदत्तेन कृतम्, परशुना छिनत्ति: confer, compare P. III. 3.18; (2) after nouns connected with सह्, nouns meaning defective limbs, nouns forming the object of ज्ञा with सम् as also nouns meaning हेतु or a thing capable of produc ing a result: e. g. पुत्रेण सहागतः, अक्ष्णा काणः, मात्रा संजानीते, विद्यया यशः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. II.3.19,23; (3) optionally with the ablative after nouns meaning quality, and optionally with the genitive after pronouns in the sense of हेतु, when the word हेतु is actually used e. g. पाण्डित्येन मुक्तः or पाण्डित्यान्मुक्त:; केन हेतुना or कस्य हेतोर्वसति; it is observed by the Varttikakara that when the word हेतु or its synonym is used in a sentence, a pronoun is put in any case in apposition to that word id est, that is हेतु or its synonym e.g, केन निमित्तेन, किं निमित्तम् et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. II. 3. 25, 27; (4) optionally after nouns connected with the words पृथक्, विना, नाना, after the words स्तोक, अल्प, as also after दूर, अन्तिक and their synonyms; exempli gratia, for example पृथग्देवदत्तेन et cetera, and others स्तोकेन मुक्तः, दूरेण ग्रामस्य, केशैः प्रसितः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.II.3.32, 33, 35, 44; (5) optionally with the locative case after nouns meaning constellation when the taddhita affix. affix after them has been elided; exempli gratia, for example पुष्येण संप्रयातोस्मि श्रवणे पुनरागतः Mahabharata; confer, compare P.II.3.45; (6) optionally with the genitive case after words connected with तुल्य or its synonyms; exempli gratia, for exampleतुल्यो देवदत्तेन, तुल्यो देवदत्तस्य; confer, compare P. II.3.72.
tailactaddhita affix. affix तैल applied in the sense of oil to a word meaning the substance from which oil is extracted: e. g. तिलतैलं सर्षपतैलम् ; confer, compare विकारे सेनहने तैलच्, Kas on P. V. 2. 29.
taulvalyādia class of words headed by the word तौल्वलि, the taddhita affix in the sense of युवन् ( grandchild ) placed after which is not elided by P. II. 4. 60; exempli gratia, for example तौल्वलिः पिता, तौल्वलायनः पुत्रः; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.II. 4.61.
tnataddhita affix. affix त्न added to the words चिर, परुंत् and परारि showing time, as also to the word प्रग in Vedic Literature: e. g. चिरत्नम्, परुत्नम् , परारित्नम्, प्रत्नम् ( where ग is elided ); confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 3. 23.
tnaptaddhita affix. affix त्न, added to the word नव optionally with the affixes तनप् and ख before which नव is changed to नू ; e. g. नूत्नम् , नूतनम्, नवीनम् ; confer, compare P. V. 4, 30 Vart. 6.
tya(1)taddhita affix. affix त्य standing for त्यक् and त्यप् which see below; (2) a technical term for प्रत्यय ( a suffix or a termination ) in the Jainendra Vyakarana.
tyaktaddhita affix. affix त्य added in the Saisika senses to the words दक्षिणा, प्रश्चात् and पुरस् ; e. g. दाक्षिणात्यः,पाश्चात्यः, पौरस्त्य:, दाक्षिणात्यिका confer, compare P. IV. 2. 98.
tyakantaddhita affix. affix त्यक added to the words उप and अधि in the senses 'near' and 'a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.' respectively; confer, compare पर्वतस्यासन्नमुपत्यका, तस्यैवारूढमधित्यका, confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V. 2.34.
tyaptaddhita affix. affix त्य (1) added to a few specified indeclinables in the Saisika senses; e. g. अमात्य:,इहत्यः et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on IV. 2. 104; (2) added to the indeclinables ऐषमस्, ह्यस् and श्वस् optionally along with ट्यु and ठन् ; exempli gratia, for example श्वस्त्यम्, श्वस्तनम्, शौवस्तिकम्; confer, compare Kas, on P. IV. 2.105.
traa common term for the krt affixes ष्ट्रन् and इत्र (P.III. 2. 181-186) in case the vowel इ of इत्र is looked upon as equivalent to an augment, as also for the unadi affix ष्ट्रन् and the taddhita affix. affixes त्र and त्रल् (P. IV. 2.51 and V.3.10); the tad, affix त्र is added in the sense of समूह or collection to the word गॊ, exempli gratia, for example गोत्रा; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.IV.2.51.
traltaddhita affix. affix termed Vibhakti added to pronouns excepting द्वि and others, and to the words बहु and किम् when they end with the locative case case termination: exempli gratia, for example कुत्र, तत्र, बहुत्र et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.V. 1.10, 14.
trātaddhita affix.<