sya | mfn. pronoun base of 3rd person (equals s/a-;only in Nominal verb m. sy/as-, sy/a- f. sy/a-; see ty/a-, ty/ad-)  |
sya | n. a winnowing basket (equals śūrpa-)  |
syad | See raghu-ṣy/ad- and havana-sy/ad-.  |
syād | in compound for syāt-.  |
syada | m. driving  |
syada | m. rapid motion, speed  |
syada | m.  |
syādvāda | m. "assertion of possibility or non-possibility", the sceptical or agnostic doctrine of the jaina-s  |
syādvādamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
syādvādaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
syādvādavādin | m. equals next  |
syādvādika | m. an adherent of the jaina- doctrine  |
syādvādin | m. idem or 'm. an adherent of the jaina- doctrine '  |
syādvādin | m. Name of a jaina-  |
syagavi | (?) m. a young crab (see segava-)  |
syāla | m. (also written śyāla-,of doubtful derivation) the brother of a bride, a wife's brother (in later literature especially the brother-in-law or favourite of a king see 2. śakāra-) etc.  |
syālaka | m. a wife's brother (equals svāla-)  |
syālī | f. a wife's sister  |
syālikā | f. the younger sister of a wife  |
syam | cl.1 P. ( ) syamati- (only in 3. plural perfect tense sasyamuḥ-and syemuḥ-; grammar also Aorist asyamīt-; future syamitā-, syamiṣyati-; ind.p. syamitvā-,or syāntvā-; according to to also cl.10 P. syamayati-), to sound, cry aloud, shout, cry, shriek ; (syamati-), to go ; see cl.10. A1. syāmayate- (ti-), to consider, reflect : Causal syamayati- (Aorist asisyamat-) grammar (see above) : Desiderative sisyamiṣati- : Intensive sesimyate-, saṃsyanti-  |
syamana | n. (used in explaining sīmikā-)  |
syamantaka | m. Name of a celebrated jewel (worn by kṛṣṇa- on his wrist[ see kaustubha-],described as yielding daily eight loads of gold and preserving from all dangers;it is said to have been given to satrā-jit- [ quod vide ] by the Sun and transferred by him to his brother prasena-, from whom it was taken by jāmbavat-, and after much contention appropriated by kṛṣṇa-See )  |
syamantakamaṇiharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
syamantakaprabandha | m. Name of work  |
syamantakopākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
syāmantopākhyāna | n. Name of work (prob. wrong reading for syamantakop-).  |
syamika | m. an ant-hill  |
syamika | m. a kind of tree  |
syamīka | m. idem or 'm. a kind of tree '  |
syamīka | m. a cloud  |
syamīka | m. time  |
syamīka | m. Name of a race of kings  |
syamīkā | f. the indigo plant  |
syamīkā | f. a kind of worm  |
syamīka | n. water  |
syāmūla | n. a sort of garment (prob. wrong reading for śāmūla-)  |
syand | (or syad-;often confounded with spand-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sy/andate- (Epic and mc. also ti-; perfect tense siṣy/anda-, siṣyad/uḥ- ; sasyande-, dire- grammar; Aorist 2. 3. sg. -asyān- ; asyandiṣṭa-, asyantta-, asyadat- grammar; future syanttā-, syanditā- ; syantsy/ati- ; syandiṣyate-, syantsyate- grammar; infinitive mood sy/ade- ; sy/anttum- ; ind.p. syanttv/ā-, syattv/ā-, -syadya- ; syanditvā- grammar), to move or flow on rapidly, flow, stream, run, drive (in a carriage), rush, hasten, speed etc. ; to discharge liquid, trickle, ooze, drip, sprinkle, pour forth (accusative) etc. ; to issue from (ablative) : Causal syandayati- (Aorist /asiṣyadat-;Ved. infinitive mood syandayādhyai-), to stream, flow, run etc. ; to cause to flow or run : Desiderative sisyandiṣate-, sisyantsate-, sisyantsati- grammar : Intensive See acchā-syand-, under 3. accha-, and next.  |
syanda | m. flowing, running, streaming, trickling, oozing  |
syanda | m. fluxion  |
syanda | m. a particular disease of the eyes  |
syanda | m. trickling perspiration  |
syanda | m. the moon  |
syandaka | m. Diospyros Embryopteris (perhaps for spana-)  |
syandana | mf(ā-)n. moving on swiftly, running (as a chariot)  |
syandana | mf(ā-)n. dripping, sprinkling (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
syandana | mf(ā-)n. liquefying, dissolving  |
syandana | mf(ā-)n. a war-chariot, chariot, car (said also to be n.) etc.  |
syandana | mf(ā-)n. Dalbergia Ougeinensis etc.  |
syandana | mf(ā-)n. a particular spell recited over weapons  |
syandana | mf(ā-)n. air, wind  |
syandana | mf(ā-)n. Name of the 23rd arhat- of the past utsarpiṇī-  |
syandana | n. flowing, rushing, going or moving swiftly  |
syandana | n. circulation,  |
syandana | n. dropping, oozing, trickling  |
syandana | n. water  |
syandanadhvani | m. the rattling of carriage wheels  |
syandanadruma | m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis (so called from its wood being used to make wheels etc.)  |
syandanālokabhīta | mfn. terrified at the sight of a chariot  |
syandanāroha | m. a warrior who fights mounted on a chariot  |
syandanārūḍha | mfn. mounted on a chariot |
syandanī | f. saliva  |
syandanī | f. the urinary passage  |
syandani | m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis  |
syandani | m. Name of a man (plural)  |
syandanikā | f. a brook, rivulet  |
syandanikā | f. a drop of saliva  |
syandanīya | mfn. to be flowed or run or gone  |
syandayadhyai | See root, column 1.  |
syandikā | f. Name of a river  |
syandin | mfn. flowing, running  |
syandin | mfn. emitting liquid, oozing, trickling, dropping (compound) etc.  |
syandin | mfn. going, moving  |
syandinī | f. saliva  |
syandinī | f. a cow bearing two calves at once  |
syanditāśva | on  |
syanditṛ | mfn. one who runs or rushes quickly  |
syandolikā | f. swinging or a swing (prob. wrong reading for spand-)  |
syandra | mfn. running, rushing, swift, fleet  |
syandra | mfn. transient, transitory  |
syandyā | f. (prob. wrong reading for spandyā-)  |
syanna | mfn. flowing, running  |
syanna | mfn. dropping, trickling  |
syanttavya | mfn. to be flowed etc.  |
syanttṛ | mfn. moving, driving  |
syapeṭārikā | (?) f. a kind of game  |
syāt | ind. (3. sg. Potential of1. as-) it may be, perhaps, perchance (especially used in jaina- works and occurring in 7 formulas, viz. 1. syād asti-,"perhaps it is [under certain circumstances]";2. syān nāsti-,"perhaps it is not, etc.";3. syād asti ca nāsti ca-,"perhaps it is and is not [under certain circumstances]";4. syād avaktavyaḥ-,"perhaps it is not expressible in words";5. syād asti cāvaktavyaḥ-,"perhaps it is and is not expressible in words";6. syān nāsti cāvaktavyaḥ-,"perhaps it is not and is and is not expressible in words";7. syād asti ca nāsti cāvaktavyaḥ-)  |
syaukāmi | m. (an artificial patronymic)  |
syaumaraśma | n. dual number (fr. syūma-raśmi-;with indrasya-) Name of two sāman-s  |
syedu | m. (prob.) phlegm  |
syedu | See column 2.  |
syona | mf(/ā-)n. soft, gentle, pleasant, agreeable (especially to walk upon or sit upon), mild, tender  |
syona | m. a sack  |
syona | m. a ray of light  |
syona | m. the sun  |
syona | n. a soft couch, comfortable seat, pleasant site or situation  |
syona | n. delight, happiness (equals sukha-)  |
syonāka | m. Bignonia Indica  |
syonakṛt | mfn. one who causes comfort or happiness  |
syonaśī | mfn. resting on a soft couch or comfortably  |
syota | m. equals syūta-, a sack  |
syū | f. (fr. siv-) a string, thread (a"needle" )  |
syūma | m. n. (only ) a, ray of light  |
syūma | m. water.  |
syūma | in compound for sy/ūman-.  |
syūmagabhasti | (sy/ūma--) mfn. (prob.) having thongs for a pole, drawn by thongs (as a chariot)  |
syūmagṛbh | mfn. (prob.) seizing the reins (with the teeth;said of a restive or runaway horse)  |
syūmaka | n. delight, happiness  |
syūman | n. a band, thong, bridle  |
syūman | n. a suture (of the skull)  |
syūmanyu | mfn. (prob.) eager for the bridle id est dragging at it, impatient  |
syūmanyu | mfn. desiring happiness  |
syūmaraśmi | (sy/ūma--) m. "having thongs for a bridle", Name of a man  |
syumna | n. idem or 'n. happiness, delight (see below) ' (see syūmak/a-, syon/a-below)  |
syūna | m. (only ) a sack  |
syūna | m. a ray of light  |
syūna | m. the sun  |
syūnā | f. a ray of light  |
syūnā | f. a girdle  |
syūta | mfn. sewn, stitched, woven etc.  |
syūta | mfn. sewn on  |
syūta | mfn. sewn or woven together, joined, fabricated  |
syūta | mfn. pierced, penetrated  |
syūta | m. a sack, coarse canvas bag  |
syūti | f. (only ), sewing, stitching, weaving  |
syūti | f. a bag, sack  |
syūti | f. lineage, offspring.  |
syutna | n. happiness, delight (see below)  |
syuvaka | m. plural Name of a people |
abhihasya | mfn. ridiculous  |
abhimanasya | Nom. A1. (Opt. -manasy/eta-) "to have the mind directed towards", be pleased with, like  |
abhinisyand | (or -ṣyand-), to trickle upon  |
ābhiśasya | n. (fr. abhi-śas-), a sin or offence through which one becomes disgraced  |
abhisyand | See abhi-ṣyand-.  |
abhisyanda | m. oozing or flowing  |
abhisyanda | m. running at the eyes  |
abhisyanda | m. great increase or enlargement (Cf. pittābhiṣyanda-, raktābh-, vātābh-, śleṣmābh-)  |
abhiṣyandinsyandin | mfn. oozing, trickling  |
abhiṣyandinsyandin | mfn. laxative  |
abhiṣyandinsyandin | mfn. causing defluxions or serious effusions  |
abhisyandiramaṇa | n. a smaller city appended to a larger one, suburb  |
abhivāsya | mfn. to be covered  |
abhyavasyand | to drive (on a carriage) towards  |
acchāsyand | Caus. to flow near (Aorist -/asiṣyadat-) ,2: Intensive to cause to flow near (participle Nominal verb sg. m. -s/aniṣyadat-)  |
adaśamāsya | mfn. not ten months old  |
ādaśasya | Nom. P. (imperative 2. sg. -daśasya-,2. plural syata-) to honour, be favourable to (accusative) ; (Potential 2. sg. syes-) to present any one with (genitive case)  |
adasya | Nom. P. adasyati-, to become that.  |
adāsyat | mfn. not wishing to give,  |
adhisyada | mfn. very swift,  |
adhyāsyā | f. (scilicet ṛc-) an additional verse,  |
āgamarahasya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
āgatamatsya | mfn. ( /ā-gata-matsyā-)  |
agnirahasya | n. "mystery of agni-", title of the tenth book of the śatapatha-brāhmaṇa-.  |
agnirahasyakāṇḍa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of the 10th (or 12th) book of the  |
āhanasya | n. unchasteness, lasciviousness  |
āhanasya | n. lascivious words, obscenity  |
āhanasyā | f. plural (scilicet ṛcas-) verses of a lascivious character  |
āhanasyā | f. a chapter of the kuntāpa- hymns in the atharva-- veda- etc.  |
āhanasyā | f. (with anāhanasya an-ā-hanasya- mfn.chaste, decent )  |
ahiṃsya | mfn. not to be hurt  |
ahiṃsyamāna | mfn. being unharmed  |
akasyavid | mfn. not attending to anything,  |
alāsya | mfn. (said of peacocks) not dancing, idle  |
alāsya | mfn. See a-las/a- above.  |
ālāsya | m. "poison-mouthed", a crocodile  |
ālasya | n. idleness, sloth, want of energy etc.  |
ālasya | mfn. idle, slothful  |
ālasyavat | mfn. idle, lazy, slothful,  |
alīkamatsya | m. a kind of dish tasting like fish ("mock-fish", made of the flour of a sort of bean fried with Sesamum oil)  |
amānasya | equals āmanasya- q.v  |
āmanasya | and āmānasya- n. (fr. a-manas-), pain, suffering  |
amāvasyā | f. equals -vāsy/ā- q.v  |
amāvāsya | n. ([ ]) neighbourhood ([perhaps for -vāśtya-,"lowing (of cows) at home", as the word is used together with ā-gar/a-and prati-krośa-])  |
amāvāsya | mfn. born in an amā-vāsy/ā- night (see āmāvāsy/a-)  |
amāvāsya | mfn. Name of a Vedic teacher  |
amāvāsyā | f. (scilicet rātri-;fr.5. vas-,"to dwell", with am/ā-,"together") the night of new moon (when the sun and moon"dwell together") , the first day of the first quarter on which the moon is invisible etc.  |
amāvāsyā | f. a sacrifice offered at that time  |
amāvāsyā | f. Name of the acchodā- river  |
amāvāsyā | See  |
āmāvāsya | mfn. (fr. amā-vāsyā- gaRa saṃdhivelādi- ), belonging to the new moon or its festival  |
āmāvāsya | mfn. born at the time of new moon  |
āmāvāsya | n. the new moon oblation.  |
amāvāsyaka | mfn. (equals -vāsya-) born in an amā-vāsy/ā- night  |
āmāvāsyavidha | mfn. belonging to the new moon, occurring at the time of new moon  |
ambhaḥsyāmāka | m. water hair-grass  |
āmikṣāpayasya | n. a kind of prātar-doha- (quod vide),  |
amīmāṃsya | mfn. not to be reasoned about or discussed  |
āmnāyarahasya | n. Name of work  |
aṃsya | (3) mfn. belonging to the shoulder  |
anāhanasya | mfn. āhanasyā |
anamasyu | mfn. not bowing |
anaujasya | n. want of vigour  |
anavasyat | mfn. unceasing  |
anavasyat | See an-avasāna-.  |
anenasya | n. freedom from fault, sin  |
āñjasya | n. (āt-, ena-) ablative instrumental case immediately, unhesitatingly  |
aṅkāsya | n. (= aṅka-- mukha-),  |
ānṛśaṃsya | mf(ā-)n. merciful, mild, kind  |
ānṛśaṃsya | n. absence of cruelty or harm, kindness, mercy, compassion, benevolence  |
ānṛśaṃsyatas | ind. from harmlessness, through kindness.  |
anulāsya | m. a peacock.  |
anuptasasya | mfn. fallow, meadow (ground, etc.)  |
anusaṃsyand | Intensive (parasmE-pada Nominal verb m. /anu saṃ-s/aniṣyadat-) to run after (see )  |
anuśāsanīyaśāsya | mfn. to be instructed.  |
anusyūta | mfn. ( siv-), sewed consecutively, strung together or connected regularly and uninterruptedly.  |
anuvāsya | mfn. to be scented or fumigated  |
anuvāsya | mfn. requiring an enema.  |
anuvāsyavāsanīya | mfn. to be scented or fumigated  |
anuvāsyavāsanīya | mfn. requiring an enema.  |
anvāsyamāna | mfn. being accompanied by, attended by.  |
apahāsya | mfn. to be laughed at |
apāpavasyasa | (/a-pāpa--) n. not a wrong order, no disorder (see pāpa-vasyas/a-.)  |
apasya | Nom. P. (subjunctive sy/āt-) to be active  |
apasyā | f. activity (see sv-apasy/ā-,for 2. apasy/ā-See 2. apasy/a-below.)  |
apasya | mf(s/ī-)n. watery, melting, dispersing  |
apasyā | f. a kind of brick (twenty are used in building the sacrificial altar)  |
apasya | apasy/u- See apas-  |
apāsya | ind.p. having thrown away or discarded |
apāsya | having left having disregarded |
apāsya | having excepted. |
apāsyat | mfn. discarding, throwing off, etc.  |
apasyu | mfn. active  |
apayasya | mfn. without coagulated milk,  |
aprajasya | n. childlessness  |
apraśasya | mfn. not praiseworthy.  |
arakṣasya | mfn. free from evil spirits  |
ārasya | n. (fr. a-rasa- ), insipidity  |
ārasya | n. want of flavour or spirit.  |
ardharcaśasya | mfn. to be recited in hemistichs  |
ardharcasya | (for - ṛc-), n. recitation by half-verses,  |
ardhasamasyā | f. supplying an idea which is only half expressed  |
ardhasaṃjātasasya | mf(ā-)n. having its crops half grown  |
asāmañjasya | n. incorrectness commentator or commentary on  |
asāmañjasya | n. impropriety, unbecomingness  |
aśāsya | mfn. 4 unblamable  |
aśāsya | mfn. not to be punished  |
asasya | mf(ā-)n. not grown with corn,  |
āśāsya | mfn. to be wished, desirable commentator or commentary on  |
āśāsya | n. wish, benediction  |
aśmāsya | (4) mfn. "having a stone-mouth or a stone-source", flowing from a rock  |
āśravasya | Nom. P. (fr. 2. śravas-), to approach with haste, hasten towards  |
aśvasya | Nom. P. syati-, to wish for the stallion  |
āśvasya | ind.p. taking heart or confidence  |
āśvāsya | mfn. to be acquiesced in  |
āsyā | f. sitting  |
āsyā | f. abiding, abode  |
āsyā | f. state of rest  |
āsya | n. ([ in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' mf(ā-)n.]) mouth, jaws etc.  |
āsya | n. face  |
āsya | mfn. belonging to the mouth or face, belonging to that part of the mouth or face, belonging to that part of the mouth which is the organ of uttering sounds or letters |
āsya | etc. See 4. ās-.  |
āsyā | f. See 2. ās-.  |
āsyadaghna | mfn. reaching to the mouth  |
āsyagarta | m. the hollow of the mouth,  |
asyagra | n. the point of a knife,  |
asyagra | etc., see under asi- (column 2).  |
asyahatya | (or -ha-tya-) gaRa anuśatikādi- q.v  |
asyahatya | (See āsyahātya-.)  |
āsyahātya | mfn. (fr. asy-a-hatya- gaRa vimuktādi- ), containing the word asy-a-hatya-,"non-killing with a sword"(as a chapter) or (gaRa anuśatikādi- ) belonging to a non-massacre ([ asi-hatya-and āsihātya- ]) |
asyaheti |  |
asyaheti | (See /asyahaitika-.)  |
āsyajāha | n. (= - mukha-), Sch.  |
asyākṛti | mfn. formed like a sword,  |
āsyalāṅgala | m. "having a plough-like face"  |
āsyalāṅgala | m. a hog, boar  |
āsyaloman | n. the hair of the face, beard  |
āsyamaithunika | mfn. using the mouth as a vulva,  |
āsyaṃdhaya | mf(ī-)n. sucking the mouth, kissing the mouth.  |
āsyamodaka | n. a mythical weapon  |
āsyand | A1. -syandate- (parasmE-pada -sy/andamāna-), to stream or flow towards or near and  |
asyandamāna | (or a-spand-) mfn. not gliding away  |
āsyandana | n. flowing near  |
āsyapattra | n. "leaf-faced", lotus  |
āsyaprayatna | see pra-- yatna-, parasmE-pada 687  |
āsyasammita | mfn. on a level with the mouth,  |
āsyāsava | m. spittle, saliva  |
asyasi | ind. sword against sword  |
āsyasravaṇa | n. watering the mouth  |
āsyāsukha | mfn. disagreeable to the mouth, tasting ill  |
āsyavairasya | n. bad taste in the mouth,  |
asyavāmīya | n. the hymn beginning with the words asy/a vām/asya- ( )  |
āsyopalepa | m. obstruction of the mouth by phlegm  |
asyudyata | mfn. (for udyatāsi-) having the sword raised commentator or commentary  |
āsyūta | mfn. sewn together  |
āsyūta | See ā-siv-.  |
asyūtanāsika | mfn. (a draught ox) whose nose is not pierced,  |
atapasya | mfn. one who neglects tapas- or the practice of ascetic austerities  |
atapasya | mfn. an irreligious character.  |
ātharvaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
aticirasya | ind. for a very long time  |
ātmāvāsya | mfn. filled by the Universal soul,  |
atrasyat | mfn. not trembling, W.  |
atrasyat | not having a flaw (as a gem), .  |
aṭṭahāsya | n. loud laughter  |
aṭṭahāsya | n. a horse-laugh.  |
audāsya | n. (fr. 2. ud-āsa-) idem or 'n. (fr. ud-āsīna-), indifference, apathy, disregard '  |
aujasya | mfn. conducive to or increasing vitality or energy  |
aujasya | n. vigour, energy  |
aupavāsya | n. fasting  |
aurasya | mfn. belonging to or produced from the breast (as a sound)  |
aurasya | mfn. produced by one's self, own, legitimate (see 1. aurasa-.)  |
aurjasya | n. (fr. ūrjas-), a particular style of composition,  |
auśanasya | mfn. originating from uśanas-  |
avabhāsya | mfn. to be (or being) illumined,  |
avahāsya | mfn. to be derided, exposed to ridiculous, ridiculous  |
avahāsyatā | f. ridiculousness  |
avasya | Nom. P. (parasmE-pada dative case sg. m. avasyate-) to seek favour or assistance  |
avasya | Nom. P. See 1. /avas-.  |
āvāsya | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' to be inhabited by, full of  |
avasyand | A1. (parasmE-pada -syandamāna-) to flow or trickle down  |
avasyandana | n. (gaRa gahādi- q.v)  |
avasyandita | n. (in rhetoric) attributing to one's own words a sense not originally meant  |
avasyu | mfn. desiring favour or assistance ( Nominal verb sg. m. sy/ūḥ-)  |
avasyu | mfn. (said of indra-) desirous of helping or assisting , (see )  |
avasyu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (with the patron. ātreya-, composer of the hymn ).  |
avasyu | See 1. /avas-.  |
avidasya | mfn. not ceasing, permanent, inexhaustible  |
avisyandita | See a-vispand-. |
ayamāsya | m. (said to be the fuller form of a yāsya-, quod vide),  |
ayaśasya | mfn. equals ayaśas-kara- q.v  |
ayāsya | mfn. (4) (= Windisch; see ay/ās-and ai0/ās-before) , agile, dexterous, valiant  |
ayāsya | m. Name of an aṅgiras- (composer of the hymns )  |
āyāsya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of various sāman-s,  |
baddhanisyanda | mfn. having the flow or discharge of anything impeded  |
baddhanisyanda | mfn. impeding it  |
bādharahasya | n.  |
bahumatsya | mfn. having many fish  |
bahumatsya | n. a place abounding in fish  |
bahusasya | mfn. rich in grain  |
bahusasya | m. Name of a village  |
bauddhadhikkārarahasya | n. Name of Comm. on it.  |
bhagāsya | mfn. whose mouth is used as a vulva  |
bhagavadgītārahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhāgavatarahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhairavīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhairavīrahasyavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhārgavakalpavallīcakravidyārahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhāsya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be made visible, to be brought to light ( bhāsyatva -tva- n.)  |
bhāsyasūtra | n. Name of a chapter in the kātantra- treating of the meaning of grammatical forms.  |
bhāsyatva | n. bhāsya |
bhāṭṭarahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhāvarahasyasāmānya | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvarīvarivasyārahasya | n. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsya | mfn. relating to the brāhmaṇācchaṃsin-  |
brāhmaṇācchaṃsya | n. his office  |
brahmarahasyasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
brahmāsya | n. the mouth of brahmā-  |
brahmāsya | n. the mythical of a Brahman  |
brahmavaivartarahasya | n. Name of work  |
brahmavarcasya | mf(ā-)n. conferring sanctity or sacred knowledge  |
cāmasya | m. patronymic fr. camas/a- gaRa gargādi-.  |
canasya | Nom. (imperative 2. dual number sy/atam-) to delight in (accusative), enjoy  |
caṇḍīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
caturmāsya | n. (equals cāt-) a cāturmāsya- sacrifice  |
cāturmāsya | n. beginning of a season of 4 months  |
cāturmāsya | n. plural Name of the 3 sacrifices performed at the beginning of the 3 seasons of 4 months (viz. vaiśvadev/am-, varuṇa-praghās/āḥ-, sākam-edh/āḥ-) etc.  |
cāturmāsya | mfn. belonging to such sacrifices  |
cāturmāsyadevatā | f. the deity of a cāturmāsya- sacrifice  |
cāturmāsyakārikā | f. Name of work  |
cāturmāsyatva | n. the state of a cāturmāsya- sacrifice  |
cāturmāsyayājin | mfn. equals saka-,  |
caurasyakula | n. a gang of thieves ,  |
chandasya | mfn. ( ) taking the form of hymns, metrical, relating to or fit for hymns  |
chandasya | mfn. made or done according to one's wish  |
chandasyā | f. (with /īṣṭakā-) Name of a sacrificial brick  |
chinnanāsya | mfn. having the nose-rein broken  |
cidambararahasya | n. Name of work  |
cikitsya | mfn. to be treated medically, curable  |
cipiṭāsya | mfn. flat-faced  |
cirasya | (asya-) genitive case ind. after a long time, late, at last (varia lectio)  |
cirasya | ind. for a long time  |
dadhisya | + Nom. yati- equals dhīya-  |
dadhyasya | Nom. jati- idem or '+ Nom. yati- equals dhīya- '  |
dagdhamatsya | m. a grilled fish  |
dākṣasyāyana | n. dākṣa |
daṇḍamatsya | m. Name of a fish  |
dārumatsyāhvaya | m. a lizard  |
daśamāsya | mfn. (d/aś-) 10 months old (the child just before birth; see /a--)  |
daśamāsya | mfn. let loose for 10 months (a horse)  |
daśāsya | mfn. ten-mouthed  |
daśāsya | m. rāvaṇa-  |
daśasya | Nom. (fr. śas-= Latin decus; confer, compare dāś-and y/aśas-) y/ati- (Impv. y/ā-, ya-;p. y/at-), to render service, serve, worship, favour, oblige (with accusative) ; to accord, do favour to (dative case) |
daśasyā | ind. to please any one (dative case),  |
daśāsyajit | m. "conqueror of rāvaṇa-", rāma-  |
dāsasyakula | n. low people, the mob  |
daśāsyāntaka | m. idem or 'm. "conqueror of rāvaṇa-", rāma- '  |
dāsya | n. servitude, slavery, service  |
dāsyāḥputra | ( ) m. "the son of a female slave", a low wretch or miscreant (as an abusive word often in the plays).  |
dāsyāḥsuta | m. equals -putra-  |
dasyu | m. ( das-) enemy of the gods (exempli gratia, 'for example' ś/ambara-, ś/uṣṇa-, c/umuri-, dh/uni-;all conquered by indra-, agni-, etc.), impious man (called a-śraddh/a-, a-yajñ/a-, /a-yajyu-, /a-pṛnat-, a-vrat/a-, anya-vrata-, a-karm/an-), barbarian (called a-n/ās-,or an-/ās-"ugly-faced", /adhara-,"inferior", /a-mānuṣa-,"inhuman"), robber (called dhan/in-) etc.  |
dasyu | m. any outcast or Hindu who has become so by neglect of the essential rites  |
dasyu | m. not accepted as a witness,  |
dasyu | m. see tras/o-- (d/asyave v/ṛka- m."wolf to the dasyu-", Name of a man ; d/asyave s/ahas- n.violence to the dasyu- (Name of turvīti-), )  |
dasyuhan | m. (Nominal verb h/ā- instrumental case ghn/ā-)fn. destroying the dasyu-s (indra- i, ; indra-'s gift, x, 47, 4; many/u-,83, 3; m/anas-,iv, 16, 10) |
dasyuhantama | mfn. (superl.) most destructive to the dasyu-s, (agni-); (Light) (Buddha)  |
dasyuhantama | mfn. see  |
dasyuhatya | n. a fight with the dasyu-s  |
dasyuhatya | n. see śuṣṇa-h-.  |
dasyujīvin | mfn. living a robber's life  |
dasyujūta | (d/as-) mfn. instigated by dasyu-s  |
dasyusādbhū | to become a prey to robbers  |
dasyutarhaṇa | mfn. crushing the dasyu-s,  |
daurmanasya | n. dejectedness, melancholy, despair  |
daurvacasya | n. evil speech  |
dāyarahasya | n. Name of work  |
devarahasya | n. divine mystery (see -guhya-)  |
devasyatvaka | mfn. containing the words devasyatvā- (as an adhyāya- or anuvāka-) gaRa goṣad-ādi-.  |
devīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
dhanasyaka | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
dharmarahasya | n. Name of work  |
dharmitāvacchedakarahasya | n. Name of work |
dhāsyu | mfn. desirous of drinking or eating  |
dhāṭīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
dhāturahasya | n. Name of work on gramm. roots.  |
dhitsya | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of1. dhā-)  |
dīnāsya | mfn. equals na-vadana-  |
dīptāsya | mfn. "having fiery jaws", a serpent  |
dīrghaniśvasya | ind. sighing or having sighed deeply  |
dīrghasasya | m. "having long fruit", Diospyros Embryopteris  |
dīrghāsya | mfn. long-faced  |
dīrghāsya | m. Name of a people  |
ditsya | mfn. what one is willing to give ,  |
doṣāsya | m. "face of the night", a lamp  |
drapsya | n. thin or diluted curds  |
dravasya | Nom. P. yati- (fr. dravas-[ dru-?] gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-), to harass one's self, toil, serve.  |
draviṇasyu | mfn. desiring or bestowing goods  |
dṛḍhadasyu | m. Name of an old sage, also named idhmavāha- (son of dṛḍha-cyuta-See above ) (see dṛhasyu-).  |
dṛḍhasyu | m. Name of an ancient sage (equals ḍha-dasyu-, q.v)  |
durasya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to wish to hurt or injure  |
durasyu | mfn. wishing to do harm  |
durgāmṛtarahasya | n. (gām-) Name of work  |
duścikitsya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals tsa- ' (superl. -tama- ; duścikitsyatva -tva-n. )  |
duścikitsyatva | n. duścikitsya |
duvasya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to honour, worship, celebrate, reward ; give as a reward, .  |
duvasyu | mfn. worshipping, reverential, .  |
dvaimāsya | mfn. (fr. dvi-nāsa-) lasting 2 months  |
dvipāsya | m. "having an elephant's face", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
dviradāsya | m. elephant faced.  |
dviradāsya | m. Name of gaṇeśa-  |
dvitīyacakravartilakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
dvitīyasvalakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
dvyāsya | mfn. two-mouthed  |
ekāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
ekāsya | mfn. one-faced  |
enasya | mfn. produced by sin  |
enasya | mfn. counted a sin or crime, wicked, sinful  |
gajāsya | m. equals ja-mukha-  |
gaurāsya | m. "white-faced", a kind of black monkey with a white face  |
gāyatrīrahasya | n. Name of work on the gāyatrī-.  |
girvaṇasyu | mfn. idem or '(g/ir--) mfn. (fr. vanas-),"delighting in invocations", fond of praise (indra-, agni-) (once said of soma-, ix, 64, 14) .' , (indra-).  |
gomatsya | m. a kind of fish living in rivers  |
gopālarahasya | n. Name of work  |
gorāsya | m. "playing with cows", kṛṣṇa-  |
grasya | mfn. devourable  |
hālāsya | m. Name of a place sacred to śiva-  |
hālāsyakhaṇḍa | mn. Name of work  |
hālāsyamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
hālāsyāṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
haṃsāsya | m. a particular position of the hand  |
haribhaktirahasya | n. Name of work  |
hāsya | mfn. to be laughed at, laughable, ridiculous, funny, comical etc.  |
hāsya | mfn. laughing, laughter, mirth (in rhetoric one of the 10 rasa-s or of the 8 sthāyi-bhāva-s, qq. vv.) etc.  |
hāsya | mfn. jest, fun, amusement  |
hāsyadidṛkṣu | mfn. curious to see something ridiculous  |
hāsyahīna | mfn. destitute of a smile (or"of blossom")  |
hāsyakara | ( ) mfn. provoking laughter, causing to laugh.  |
hāsyakāra | ( ) mfn. provoking laughter, causing to laugh.  |
hāsyakārya | n. a ridiculous affair  |
hāsyakathā | f. a funny tale  |
hāsyakṛt | mfn. equals -kara-  |
hāsyapadavī | f. the roar of laughter (vīṃ-yā-,"to incur ridicule") ( hāsyapadavībhāva -bhāva- m. equals -tā- )  |
hāsyapadavī | f. a jest, joke (plural)  |
hāsyapadavībhāva | m. hāsyapadavī |
hāsyarasa | m. the sense of humour (See rasa-)  |
hāsyarasavat | mfn. funny, comical,  |
hāsyaratnākara | m. "jewel-mine of mirth", Name of a drama.  |
hāsyārṇava | m. "ocean of mirth", Name of a prahasana- by jagad-īśvara-.  |
hāsyāspada | n. a laughing-stock, butt ( hāsyāspadatva -tva- n.)  |
hāsyāspadatva | n. hāsyāspada |
hāsyasthāyibhāva | m. the permanent sense of humour (See sthāyi-bh-).  |
hāsyatā | f.  |
hāsyatara | mfn. more ridiculous  |
hāsyatva | n. laughableness, ridiculousness  |
havanasyad | mfn. hastening to an invocation or challenge  |
hayāsya | m. "horse-mouthed", viṣṇu- in a particular manifestation (see haya-grīva-and -śiras-)  |
hayāsyaka | m. "horse-mouthed", viṣṇu- in a particular manifestation (see haya-grīva-and -śiras-)  |
hetvābhāsarahasya | n. Name of work  |
hiṃsya | mfn. to be hurt or injured or killed  |
indrasyābhikranda | m. m. Name of a sāman-.  |
irasya | Nom. P. irasy/ati-, to show enmity to, be angry or envious ; ([ confer, compare Latin ira,irasci.])  |
irasyā | f. enmity, malevolence  |
īṣaddhāsya | mfn. (t-hā-) idem or '(īṣat-hāsa-) mfn. slightly laughing, smiling.'  |
īṣaddhāsya | n. slight laughter, a smile.  |
īśāvāsya | n. "to be clothed or pervaded by the Supreme", Name of the īśopaniṣad- (q.v) which commences with that expression.  |
īśāvāsya | n. "to be clothed or pervaded by the Supreme", Name of the īśopaniṣad- (q.v) which commences with that expression.  |
iṣṭāpūrtasyāparijyāni | f. Name of a sacrificial ceremony  |
iyasya | (anomalous Intensive of yas-) A1. iyasyate-, to relax, weaken ; to vanish  |
jātavedasya | mfn. equals sa-  |
jātiśasya | for -sasya- q.v  |
jātisasya | n. equals -kośa-  |
jijñāsya | mfn. equals sitavya-  |
jīvanasyā | f. desire of life  |
jñipsyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) being desired to be informed  |
jugupsya | mfn. more disgusting than (ablative)  |
juhvāsya | mfn. tongue-mouthed (agni-)  |
kākāsyā | f. "crow-faced", Name of a Buddhist goddess  |
kālikārahasya | n. Name of work  |
kālīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
kāṃsya | mf(ā-)n. (fr. kaṃsa-) consisting of white-copper or bell-metal or brass  |
kāṃsya | n. white-copper or bell-metal or brass, queen's metal, any amalgam of zinc and copper  |
kāṃsya | n.  |
kāṃsya | n. a drinking vessel of brass, goblet  |
kāṃsya | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) (see )  |
kāṃsya | n. a kind of musical instrument (a sort of gong or plate of bell-metal struck with a stick or rod)  |
kāṃsya | n. a particular measure of capacity |
kāṃsyābha | mfn. coloured like copper or brass  |
kāṃsyabhājana | idem or 'f. a copper or brazen vessel '  |
kāṃsyadoha | mf(ā-)n. having a copper milk-pail  |
kāṃsyadohana | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. having a copper milk-pail '  |
kāṃsyaghana | m. a kind of cymbal.  |
kāṃsyaja | mfn. made of brass  |
kāṃsyaka | n. copper, brass  |
kāṃsyaka | mfn. consisting of brass  |
kāṃsyakāra | mf(ī-). a brass-founder, worker in white or bell-metal commentator or commentary on  |
kāṃsyakośī | f. a kind of musical instrument  |
kāṃsyamakṣika | n. a metallic substance (probably a kind of pyrites)  |
kāṃsyamala | n. verdigris  |
kāṃsyamaya | mfn. consisting of brass  |
kāṃsyanīla | mfn. "dark as copper", Name of a monkey (occasionally written kāṃśya-nīla-)  |
kāṃsyanīla | n. = f(ī-).  |
kāṃsyanīla | n. (la- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
kāṃsyanīlī | f. blue vitriol (considered as a collyrium)  |
kāṃsyapātra | n.  |
kāṃsyapātrī | f. a copper or brazen vessel  |
kāṃsyatāla | m. a cymbal  |
kāṃsyopadoha | mf(ā-)n. equals kāṃsya-doha-  |
kāṃsyopadohana | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. equals kāṃsya-doha- '  |
kaṇādarahasyasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
kapitthāsya | m. "having a face like a wood apple", a species of monkey  |
kartaryāsya | m. idem or 'm. a particular position of the hands '  |
kaularahasya | n. "esoteric doctrine of the kaula-s", Name of work  |
kauṇakutsya | m. (see kūṇakuccha-), Name of a Brahman  |
kauṇḍīvṛsya | ? (see koṭī-varṣa-.)  |
kauṣītakirahasya | n. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. = ', ' ,  |
kauṣītakirahasyabrāhmaṇa | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. = ', ', ' commentator or commentary on  |
kautukarahasya | n. Name of a comedy.  |
kavirahasya | n. "secret of the learned", Name of a collection of roots by halāyudha-.  |
kavitārahasya | n. "the secret of style", Name of work on rhetoric  |
kāvyahāsya | n. a farce.  |
kevalānvayinrahasya | n. Name of work  |
kharāsyā | f. "donkey-faced", Name of a sorceress,  |
khāsyalipi | f. (fr. khasa-?), a kind of written character or alphabet  |
khaṭakāsya | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a particular position of the hand ' '  |
kīkasāsya | m. equals kīkasa-mukha-  |
kokilārahasya | n. Name of work  |
koṭikāsya | m. Name of a son of king su-ratha-  |
kroḍāsya | mfn. having a snout like a hog  |
kṛṣṇamatsya | m. "black-fish", Name of a fish  |
kṛṣṇosyākhareṣṭhaka | mfn. (an adhyāya- or anuvāka-) beginning with the words k/ṛṣṇo 'sy ākhare-ṣṭh/aḥ-. ( ) gaRa goṣad-ādi-.  |
kṣamasya | equals kṣāmāsya- (q.v)  |
kṣāmāsya | n. any diet or any state of the body (as menstruation) incompatible with a particular medical treatment (varia lectio kṣamasya-).  |
kṣīrasya | Nom. P. syati-, to long for milk or for the breast  |
kṣudrāṇḍamatsyasaṃghāta | m. kṣudrāṇḍa |
kuḍyamatsya | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. a house-lizard ' '  |
kutsya | mfn. blamable  |
kutsya | m. Name of the ṛṣi- kutsa-  |
kutsya | 1. and 2. kutsya- See kuts- and k/utsa-.  |
laghusyada | m. the act of moving or gliding quickly (equals raghu-sy- )  |
lakṣaṇāvādarahasya | n. Name of work (by mathurā-nātha-).  |
lakṣatulasyudyāpanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
lalitārahasya | n. Name of work  |
lāsya | n. dancing, a dance (especially accompanied with instrumental music and singing), a dance representing the emotions of love dramatically (this was at one time a principal part of the drama, and as such according to to bharata- and the daśa-rūpa- consisted of 10 divisions or aṅga-s, viz. geya-pada-, sthita-pāṭhya-, āsīna-, puṣpa-gaṇḍikā-, pracchedaka-, tri-gūḍha-or tri-mūḍhaka-, saindhava-, dvigūḍhaka-or vimūḍhaka-, uttam/ottamaka-,and ukta-pratyukta-;including also a style of dramatic composition in which there is abrupt transition from Sanskrit to Prakrit and from Prakrit to Sanskrit;the term lāsya-is also applied to the Nach [Nautch] dance of the Indian dancing girls, consisting chiefly of gesticulation with a shuffling movement of the feet forwards and backwards, as invented by pārvati- and opposed to the boisterous masculine dance called tāṇḍava- practised by śiva- and his followers; see ) etc.  |
lāsya | m. a dancer  |
lāsya | m. Name of a king  |
lāsyā | f. a dancing girl  |
lāsyaka | n. equals lāsya-, a dance  |
lāsyāṅga | n. a division of the lāsya- (see above) .  |
laukikabhānavādarahasya | n. Name of work  |
lavaṇasya | Nom. P. yati-, to desire salt, long for salt  |
līlāvatīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
liṅgakāraṇatāpūrvapakṣarahasya | n. Name of work  |
liṅgakāraṇatāsiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
liṅgopahitalaiṅgikabhānanirāsarahasya | n. Name of work  |
lipsya | mfn. to be wished to be obtained, desirable to be acquired  |
lohitāsya | mfn. having a red or blood-stained mouth  |
lokahāsya | mfn. world-derided, universally ridiculous, any object of general ridicule  |
lokahāsyatā | f. state of being so  |
madhusya | Nom. P. syati-, to wish for honey on  |
madhusyanda | m. Name of a son of viśvā-mitra- (varia lectio -ṣpanda-, -ṣyanda-).  |
madhusyandin | m. a particular stringed instrument,  |
madhvasya | P. syati-, to long for honey or anything sweet  |
mahābhisyandin | mfn. (hābh-) generating hypertrophy (superl. di-tama-)  |
mahābhisyanditamatva | n. state of hypertrophy  |
mahābhisyanditva | n. state of hypertrophy  |
māhācamasya | m. patronymic fr. mahā-camasa-  |
mahāmatsya | m. a large fish  |
mahāpuruṣavidyāyāṃviṣṇurahasyekṣetrakāṇḍejagannāthamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
mahāsya | (h/ās-) mfn. large-mouthed  |
mahāvākyarahasya | n. Name of work  |
makhasya | Nom. P. sy/ati-, te-, to be cheerful or sprightly ([ see ]) .  |
makhasyu | mfn. cheerful  |
makhasyu | mfn. sprightly, exuberant  |
malināsya | mfn. "dirty-faced, dark-faced", vulgar, low, wicked  |
malināsya | mfn. savage, cruel  |
manasya | Nom. P. A1. sy/ati-, te- (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-), to have in mind, intend ; to think, reflect  |
mānasya | m. patronymic fr. manas- gaRa gargādi-.  |
manasyu | mfn. (prob.) wishing, desiring  |
manasyu | m. Name of a prince (son of pravīra-)  |
manasyu | m. of a son of mahānta-  |
mānavasya | Nom. P. (only p. sy/at-), to act like men ( "to wish for men") .  |
mandahāsya | n. equals prec. m.  |
mandāsya | prob. wrong reading for mandākṣa-.  |
maṅgalyanāmadhsyā | f. Hoija Viridifolia  |
mantrarahasyaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
mantriṇīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
markaṭāsya | mfn. monkey-faced  |
markaṭāsya | n. copper  |
masūsya | n. a kind of grain growing in some northern country (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
māsya | mfn. a month old (see dvi--, pañca-m-etc.)  |
mātaṃgīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
matsya | m. (see matsa-and maccha-) a fish etc. etc. (personified as a prince with the patronymic sāmmada- )  |
matsya | m. a particular species of fish  |
matsya | m. (in astronomy) the figure of a figure (equals timi-)  |
matsya | m. a particular luminous appearance  |
matsya | m. (dual number) the 12th sign of the zodiac (Pisces)  |
matsya | m. a particular figure (equals svastikamadhyākṛti-)  |
matsya | m. (plural) Name of a people and country (which according to to forms part of brahmarṣi-) etc. etc.  |
matsya | m. a king of the (see matsa-)  |
matsya | m. Name of virāṭa- (as having been found by fishermen, along with his sister matsyā- or satya-vatī-, in the body of the apsaras- adrikā-, metamorphosed into a fish)  |
matsya | m. Name of a pupil of deva-mitra- śākalya-  |
matsyā | f. a female fish  |
matsyā | f. Name of the sister of king virāṭa- (see above)  |
matsya | etc. See .  |
mātsya | mfn. relating to or coming from a fish, fish-like, fishy, etc.  |
mātsya | m. a king of the  |
mātsya | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
mātsya | n. equals matsya-purāṇa-.  |
matsyabandha | m. fish-catcher, a fisherman  |
matsyabandhana | n. a fish-hook  |
matsyabandhanī | f. a fish-basket  |
matsyabandhin | m. equals -bandha-  |
matsyabandhinī | f. a fish-basket (varia lectio for -bandhanī-)  |
matsyād | mfn. "fish-eating", feeding on fish  |
matsyāda | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "fish-eating", feeding on fish '  |
matsyādanī | f. Commelina Salicifolia  |
matsyadeśa | m. the country of the (see above)  |
matsyadhānī | f. "fish-holder", a fish-basket or a kind of snare for catching fish  |
matsyadhvaja | m. a fish-basket-banner  |
matsyadhvaja | m. Name of a mountain,  |
matsyadvādaśī | f. Name of the 12th day in one of the halves of the month mārgaśīrṣa-  |
matsyadvādaśikā | f. Name of the 12th day in one of the halves of the month mārgaśīrṣa-  |
matsyadvīpa | m. "fish-island", Name of a dvīpa-  |
matsyagandha | mf(ā-)n. having the smell of fish  |
matsyagandha | m. (plural) Name of a race  |
matsyagandhā | f. Name of satya-vatī- (mother of vyāsa-, also called mīna-gandha-;See matsya-above )  |
matsyagandha | m. Commelina Salicifolia  |
mātsyagandha | m. plural (fr. matsya-gandha-) Name of a race  |
matsyaghaṇṭa | m. a kind of fish-sauce or a dish of fish (see matsagaṇṭa-).  |
matsyaghāta | m. the killing or catching of fish  |
matsyaghātin | mfn. killing fish  |
matsyaghātin | m. a fisherman (also with puruṣa- )  |
matsyagu | m. Name of cyavana-  |
matsyahan | m. "fish-killer", a fisherman  |
matsyajāla | n. a fishing-net  |
matsyajīvat | (varia lectio) mfn. living by catching fish. a fisherman  |
matsyajīvin | (varia lectio) mfn. living by catching fish. a fisherman  |
matsyaka | m. a little fish  |
mātsyaka | mfn. mātsya-  |
matsyakaraṇḍikā | f. a fish-basket, any receptacle for fish  |
matsyākṣaka | m. "fish-eyed (?)", a species of soma- plant  |
matsyākṣakā | f. idem or 'm. "fish-eyed (?)", a species of soma- plant '  |
matsyākṣī | f. equals prec. m.  |
matsyākṣī | f. Hincha Repens  |
matsyākṣī | f. Solanum Indicum  |
matsyākṣī | f. a kind of grass (equals gaṇḍa-dūrvā-)  |
matsyākṣikā | f. a kind of grass  |
matsyakūrmādyavatārin | m. "descending (and become incarnate) as a fish, tortoise etc.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
matsyamādhava | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
matsyamāṃsa | n. fish-flesh  |
matsyanārī | f. "fish-woman id est half fish half woman ", Name of satya-vatī-  |
matsyanāśaka | m. "fish-destroyer", a sea-eagle, osprey  |
matsyanāśana | m. "fish-destroyer", a sea-eagle, osprey  |
matsyanātha | m. "fish-lord", Name of a man (see matsyāndra-).  |
matsyāṇḍa | n. fish-roe  |
matsyaṇḍī | f. idem or 'f. inspissated juice of the sugar-cane '  |
matsyaṇḍikā | f. inspissated juice of the sugar-cane  |
matsyāṅgī | wrong reading for matsyākṣī-.  |
matsyapittā | f. Helleborus Niger  |
matsyaprādurbhāva | m. "fish-basket-manifestation", viṣṇu-'s fish incarnation, Name of ch, of the (see matsyāvatāra-).  |
matsyapurāṇa | n. "fish- purāṇa-s", Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (so called as communicated by viṣṇu- in the form of a fish to the 7th manu-; see matsy/āvatāra-and ).  |
mātsyapurāṇa | n. equals -matsya-p-.  |
matsyarāja | m. plural fish-kings, the best of fishes  |
matsyarāja | m. Cyprinus Rohita  |
matsyarāja | m. a king of the  |
matsyaraṅga | m. a halcyon, king-fisher  |
matsyaraṅgaka | m. a halcyon, king-fisher  |
matsyaraṅka | m. a halcyon, king-fisher  |
matsyasagandhin | mfn. equals -gaudha-  |
matsyasakalā | f. Helleborus Niger  |
matsyasaṃghāta | m. a shoal of young fry or small fish  |
matsyasaṃtānika | m. a particular dish of fish (eaten with condiments or oil)  |
matsyāśana | m. "feeding on fish", a halcyon, king-fisher  |
matsyāśin | mfn. eating fish, living on fish  |
matsyasūkta | n. Name of work  |
matsyāsura | m. "fish- asura-", Name of an asura-  |
matsyāsuraśailavadha | m. Name of chapter of  |
matsyatantra | n. Name of work (prob. equals -silkta-).  |
matsyāvatāra | m. "fish-descent", Name of the first of the 10 incarnations of viṣṇu- (who became a fish to save the 7th manu- from the universal deluge;the conversation between them forms the matsya-purāṇa- q.v;in the fish is represented as an incarnation of brahmā-; see )  |
matsyāvatārakathana | n. Name of work  |
matsyāvatāraprabandha | m. Name of work  |
matsyavedhana | n. "fish-piercing", a fish-hook, angle  |
matsyavedhanī | f. idem or 'n. "fish-piercing", a fish-hook, angle '  |
matsyavedhanī | f. a cormorant  |
matsyavid | mfn. knowing fish, an ichthyologist  |
matsyavinnā | f. a species of plant  |
matsyavratin | mfn. one who lives in water  |
matsyendra | m. Name of a teacher of yoga-  |
matsyendra | m. of an author ( matsyendramuhūrta -muhūrta- mn.Name of his work ) |
matsyendramuhūrta | mn. matsyendra |
matsyeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
mātsyeya | m. plural the matsya- people  |
matsyī | f. See matsa- and gaRa gaurādi-.  |
mātsyika | m. a fisherman  |
matsyodarī | f. "sprung from a fish-belly", Name of satya-vatī- (See under matsya-above)  |
matsyodarī | f. Name of a sacred bathing-place in Benares  |
matsyodarin | m. Name of matsya- or virāṭa- (as the brother of matsyodarī-)  |
matsyodarīya | mfn. relating to a fish-belly  |
matsyodarīya | m. Name of vyāsa- (son of matsyodarī- q.v)  |
matsyopajīvin | m. "living by fish", a fisherman (see matsya-jīvat-, vin-).  |
matsyotthā | f. "sprung from a fish", Name of satyavatī- (See under matsya-above) .  |
mattebhāsya | n. (?) Name of work  |
meghadūtapādasamasyā | f. Name of work  |
meṣāsya | mfn. ram-faced  |
mīmāṃsāsūtrarahasya | n. Name of work  |
mīmāṃsya | mfn. to be thought over or reflected upon, to be examined or considered (see a-m-).  |
mīnamatsya | m. dual number the zodiacal sign Pisces  |
mithyātvavādarahasya | n. Name of work  |
mlecchāsya | n. "foreigner-face", copper (so named because the complexion of the Greek and Muhammedan invaders of India was supposed to be copper-coloured)  |
mṛgāsya | mfn. having the face or head of a deer  |
mṛgāsya | m. the sign Capricorn (see mṛga-mukha-).  |
mṛgendrāsya | mfn. lion-faced (Name of śiva-)  |
mṛtkāṃsya | n. an earthen vessel  |
mukhavairasya | n. a bad taste in the mouth  |
muktipūrdasyu | m. a dasyu- in the city of emancipation  |
muktivādarahasya | n. muktivāda |
mūlasasya | n. an esculent root  |
nabhasya | mfn. foggy, misty  |
nabhasya | m. Name of a month in the rainy season (equals bhādra-,August-September) etc.  |
nabhasya | m. of a son of manu- svārociṣa- or of the 3rd manu-  |
nabhasya | m. of śiva-  |
nabhonabhasyatva | n. the state of the rainy months nabhas- and nabhasya-  |
nadasya | Nom. A1. śyate- to roar  |
nairāsya | m. Name of a magical formula pronounced over weapons  |
namasya | Nom. P. yati- (Epic also te-), to pay homage, worship, be humble or deferential (parasmE-pada syat-; ind.p. sya-).  |
namasyā | f. reverence, adoration  |
namasya | mfn. deserving or paying homage, venerable or humble  |
namasyita | mfn. See under namasa-.  |
namasyu | mfn. bowing down (in /a-n- q.v)  |
namasyu | mfn. doing homage, worshipping  |
namasyu | m. Name of a son of pravīra-  |
nasya | mfn. belonging to or being in the nose (as-breath)  |
nasyā | f. nose-cord (see nāsya-)  |
nasyā | f. the nose  |
nasya | n. the hairs in the nose  |
nasya | n. a sternutatory, errhine  |
nāsya | n. the nose-cord (of a draught-ox etc.)  |
nāsya | n. (prob.) an errhine (in next) .  |
nasyabhairava | m. (scilicet rasa-) a particular medicament,  |
nāsyagrāsam | ind. putting into the mouth as if it were an errhine (to be put into the nose), swallowing easily  |
nasyakarman | n. the application of a sternutatory  |
nasyavidhi | m. "rules about sternutatories", Name of chapter of  |
nasyita | mfn. equals nasy-ota-  |
nasyota | mfn. ( ve-) fastened or tied by the nose, led by a nose-cord  |
navasasya | n. the first fruits of the year's harvest  |
navasasyeṣṭi | f. a sacrifice of first fruits  |
navyamatarahasya | n.  |
nidrālasya | (drāl-) n. sleepiness, long sleeping  |
niḥśvasya | ind. having breathed out or sighed, sighing  |
niḥsyand | or -ṣyand- ( syand- ) .  |
niḥsyanda | equals nis-  |
niḥsyanda | varia lectio (or wrong reading) for ni-sy-.  |
nirālasya | mfn. not slothful  |
nirasya | mfn. to be expelled or driven out  |
nirasya | ind. having cast or thrown out, having rejected or expelled etc.  |
nirdasyu | mfn. (a place) free from robbers  |
nirmatsya | mfn. fishless  |
nirmatsyatā | f.  |
nirvāsya | ( ) mfn. to be driven away or banished.  |
niryāsyā | f. niryāsa |
nisyand | A1. -syandate- (or -ṣy-; see ), to flow or trickle down, flow into (locative case) ; to make any fluid drop or drip or trickle down (only -syandate- )  |
nisyanda | mfn. (or ṣy-) flowing or dripping down  |
nisyanda | m. a flowing or trickling down or forth, issuing, stream, gush, a discharge (of any fluid)  |
nisyanda | m. necessary consequence or result  |
nisyandin | (or ṣy-) mfn. flowing or dripping down or out, (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') flowing with  |
nṛmaṇasya | Nom. A1. syate-, to be kind to men  |
nṛpañcāsya | m. equals -kesarin-  |
nṛśaṃsya | mf(ā-)n. malicious, mischievous, vile  |
nṛśaṃsya | n. equals sita-  |
nyasya | mfn. to be laid down or deposited or delivered or appointed to (locative case)  |
nyasya | ind. having laid down or deposited etc.  |
nyāyalīlāvatīprakāśarahasya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyamīmāṃsārahasya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyarahasya | n. Name of work  |
ojasya | mfn. vigorous, powerful  |
pacchaschaḥśasya | n. the recitation by pāda-s  |
padmapādarahasya | n. Name of work  |
paiṅginpaiṅgirahasyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
paiṭhīnasya | m. patronymic  |
pājasya | n. the region of the belly (of an animal)  |
pājasya | n. the flanks, side  |
pākamatsya | m. a species of fish,  |
pākamatsya | m. a species of venomous insect  |
pākamatsya | m. a kind of fish sauce  |
pakṣahomasamasyavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
pakṣatārahasya | n. Name of work  |
pakvasasyopamonnati | m. a species of Kadamba  |
pampasya | Nom. P. syati-, to feel pain gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi- (varia lectio pap-).  |
panasya | Nom. A1. sy/ate- (P. sy/ati- ), to excite admiration or praise  |
panasyu | mfn. showing one's self worthy of admiration, glorious  |
pañcamāsya | mfn. (for 2.See under pañcama-) happening every 5 months or containing 5 months  |
pañcamāsya | m. (for 1.See) the Indian cuckoo or Koil (as producing the 5th note of the scale with its mouth or throat)  |
pañcamīvarivasyārahasya | n. Name of work  |
pāñcarātrarahasya | n. Name of work  |
pañcaśasya | See -sasya-.  |
pañcasasya | n. sg. 5 species of grain (viz. dhānya-, mudga-, tila-, yava-, and śveta-sarṣapa- or māṣa-)  |
pañcāsya | mfn. 5-faced, 5-headed ; 5-pointed (as an arrow)  |
pañcāsya | m. a lion  |
pañcāsya | m. Name of a particular strong medicine  |
pāṇyāsya | mfn. equals pāṇi-mukha-,  |
papasya | varia lectio for pampasya-.  |
parādevīrahasyatantra | n. Name of work  |
pārahaṃsya | mfn. (-haṃsa-) relating to an ascetic who has subdued all his senses  |
paramarahasya | n. the deepest mystery  |
paramarahasyajapasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
paramarahasyasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
paramarahasyavāda | m. Name of work  |
paramarahasyopadeśasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
paramarahasyopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
parāmarśagrantharahasya | n. Name of work |
parāmarśapūrvapakṣarahasya | n. Name of work |
parāmarśarahasya | n. Name of work |
parāmarśasiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work |
paramārthamatsya | m. a real fish  |
paramatattvarahasyopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
parārahasya | n. Name of work  |
parāsya | mfn. to be thrown away  |
parāsya | mfn. to be thrown away  |
pārasyakulīna | mfn. equals parasya kuls sādhuh- gaRa pratijanādi-.  |
paribhāṣārahasya | n. Name of work |
parihāsya | mfn. laughable, ridiculous  |
pārihāsya | n. (-hāsa-) jest, joke fun  |
pārihāsyena | ind. in fun  |
pariprasyand | A1. -sy/andate- (Aorist P. -/asiṣyadat-), to flow forth or round  |
pariśiṣṭaprakāśasyasāramañjarī | f. Name of work  |
parisyanda | m. ( syand-; see ) a river, stream (figuratively of words)  |
parisyanda | m. keeping or entertaining (a sacred fire) (varia lectio -spanda-)  |
parisyanda | m. decoration of the hair (varia lectio -spanda-).  |
parisyanda | dana- etc. See pariṣyanda-, .  |
parisyandana | n. dropping, oozing  |
parisyandin | mfn. flowing, streaming  |
paryupāsya | mfn. to be worshipped or served  |
pāṣaṇḍāsyacapeṭikā | f. equals da-mukha-capetikā-.  |
pāśukacāturmāsya | n. Name of work  |
pātañjalarahasya | n. Name of work  |
pativaṃsya | mfn. belonging to a husband's family  |
pauṃsya | mfn. belonging to men, manly  |
pauṃsya | n. manhood, virility, manly strength or a manly deed  |
pauṇḍramatsyaka | m. Name of a prince  |
paurṇamāsya | n. a full moon sacrifice  |
paurṇamāsyadhikaraṇa | n. paurṇamāsī |
paurukutsya | m. idem or '(p/auru--) m. idem or 'm. patronymic of trasa-dasyu- etc. (f(ī-). )' '  |
payasya | mfn. made of milk (as butter, cheese etc.).  |
payasya | m. a cat  |
payasya | m. Name of a son of aṅgiras-  |
payasyā | f. coagulated milk, curds (made by mixing sour with hot sweet milk)  |
payasya | m. Name of several plants (Gynandropsis Pentaphylla equals kākolī-, kuṭumbinī-, dugdhikā-etc.)  |
payasya | Nom. P. syati-, to flow, become liquid, (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-) ; A1. syate- equals next Va1rtt. 1  |
phalamatsyā | f. the aloe plant  |
piṅgāsya | m. "tawny-faced", a species of fish, Pilemodius Pangasius  |
pittasyanda | m. a bilious form of ophthalmia  |
pradyumnarahasya | n. " pradyumna-'s secret"Name of work  |
prāgabhāvavicārarahasya | n. Name of work  |
praghāsya | ( ) mfn. voracious.  |
prākṛtarahasya | m. Name of work  |
prāmāṇyavādarahasya | n. Name of work  |
prapañcāsya | mf(ā-)n. (prob.) having various faces  |
praśaṃsaṃsya | mfn. to be pr, praiseworthy (varia lectio)  |
praśaṃsaṃsya | mfn. preferable to, better than (ablative) (see 1. śasya-.)  |
praśasya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy, excellent, eminent etc.  |
praśasya | mfn. to be called happy, to be congratulated (see śaṃsya-)  |
praśasya | ind. having praised or commended  |
praśāsya | ind. having ruled or commanded  |
praśāsya | mfn. one who has to receive orders from (genitive case)  |
praśasyatā | f. excellence, eminence  |
praśnarahasya | n. Name of work  |
prasyand | P. A1. -syandati-, te- (often wrong reading for -spand-), to flow forth, run away, dart, fly ; to drive off (in a carriage) : Causal -syandayati-, to make flow  |
prasyanda | m. flowing forth, trickling out  |
prasyandana | n. idem or 'm. flowing forth, trickling out '  |
prasyandana | n. exudation  |
prasyandin | mfn. oozing forth  |
prasyandin | mfn. shedding (tears)  |
prasyandin | m. a shower of rain  |
prathamavāsya | mfn. worn formerly (as a garment)  |
pratijñālakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
pratimāsya | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio for -matsya- q.v)  |
pratimatsya | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -māsya-).  |
pratiṣṭhārahasya | n. Name of work  |
pratisūryamatsya | m. a particular appearance in the sun  |
pratisūryamatsya | m. (according to to commentator or commentary) a mock sun and a comet  |
pratiyogijñānasyahetutvakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
pratiyogyanadhikaraṇenāśasyotpattinirāsa | m. Name of work  |
pratyakṣaparicchedarahasya | n. pratyakṣapariccheda |
pratyenasya | n. the nearest heirship to (genitive case)  |
pravāsya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be sent abroad, to be banished  |
pravatsyat | See pra-- 5. vas-.  |
pravatsyat | mfn. about to dwell abroad  |
pravatsyatpatikā | f. the wife of a man who intends to make a journey  |
prāveśikasya | n. the being accessible, accessibility (only a-prāv-)  |
prāyaścittarahasya | n. Name of work |
prāyasya | mfn. prevalent, predominant  |
priyavayasya | m. a dear friend  |
pucchāsyacārin | mfn. moving along with tail and mouth  |
punarutsyūta | mfn. sewed or mended again, patched up  |
purudasyu | mfn. (people) , consisting chiefly in robbers  |
pūrvapakṣagrantharahasya | n. Name of work  |
pūrvapakṣarahasya | n. Name of work  |
pūrvasasya | n. earliest-sown grain  |
pūtinasya | n. a disease of the nose causing offensive breath (wrong reading pūta-n-).  |
rābhasya | n. (fr. rabhasa-) velocity, impetuosity,  |
rābhasya | n. delight, joy, pleasure  |
rādhārahasyakāvya | n. Name of poems.  |
rāghavarahasya | n. Name of work  |
raghupatirahasyadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
raghusyada | m. the act of moving or gliding quickly on (see -ṣyad-).  |
rahasya | mfn. secret, private, clandestine, concealed, mysterious etc. (syāni romāṇi-,hair on the private parts )  |
rahasyā | f. equals rāsnā- or pāṭhā-  |
rahasyā | f. Name of a river  |
rahasya | n. a secret, any secret doctrine or mystery, any subtle or recondite point, mystical or esoteric teaching etc.  |
rahasya | n. an upaniṣad- (See sa-r-)  |
rahasya | n. full or abridged Name of various works.  |
rahasyabheda | m.  |
rahasyabhedana | n. the disclosure of a secret or mystery  |
rahasyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of work  |
rahasyachalākṣara | n. Name of work  |
rahasyadhārin | mfn. one who is in possession of a secret or mystery, initiated into a secret rite or mystery  |
rahasyadhāriṇī | f. a confidante  |
rahasyagāna | n. equals ūhya-g- q.v  |
rahasyākhyāyin | mfn. whispering (as it were) a secret  |
rahasyākhyāyin | mfn. making secret reports  |
rahasyālocana | n. the pondering over secret things  |
rahasyālocanā | f. idem or 'n. the pondering over secret things '  |
rahasyālocanāpara | mfn. addicted to pondering over secret things  |
rahasyam | ind. in secret, secretly, privately  |
rahasyamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
rahasyamātṛkā | f. Name of work  |
rahasyanavanīta | n. Name of work  |
rahasyanikṣepa | m. one who is entrusted with (literally"the deposit of") a secret  |
rahasyapadavī | f. Name of work  |
rahasyapuraścaraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
rahasyarakṣā | f. Name of work  |
rahasyasaṃdeśavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
rahasyasaṃrakṣaṇa | n. the keeping of a secret  |
rahasyasāra | m. Name of work  |
rahasyaṣoḍaśīṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
rahasyātirahasyapuraścaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
rahasyatraya | n. the three categories of rāmānuja- and his school (defining the universe as consisting of īśvara-, cit- and a-cit- see )  |
rahasyatraya | n. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayacudāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayaculuka | m. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayakārikāvyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayārtha | m. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayasāra | m. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayavidhi | m. Name of work  |
rahasyatrayavyākhyārtha | m. Name of work  |
rahasyavibheda | m. equals -bheda-  |
rahasyavid | mfn. one who knows (the texts called) rahasya-,  |
rahasyavrata | n. "mystical vow", the mystic science of obtaining command over magical weapons  |
rahasyeṣṭi | f. (and rahasyeṣṭipaddhati ṭi-paddhati- f.) Name of work  |
rahasyeṣṭipaddhati | f. rahasyeṣṭi |
rahasyocchiṣṭasumukhīkalpa | m. Name of work  |
rahasyopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
rahasyu | m. Name of a man  |
rajasya | Nom. P. syati-, to become dust, be scattered as dust [ confer, compare Gothic riqizja.]  |
rajasya | mfn. dusty  |
rajasya | mfn. having the quality rajas-  |
rakṣasya | mf(ā-)n. useful for (keeping off) rākṣasa-s, anti-demoniacal (see ) .  |
raktamatsya | m. a species of red fish  |
ramalarahasya | n. Name of work  |
ramalarahasyasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
rāmarahasya | n. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
rāmarahasyopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
rāmāyaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
rasarahasya | n. Name of medical wks.  |
rasya | mfn. juicy, tasty, savoury, palatable  |
rasyā | f. Name of two plants (equals rāsnā-and pāṭhā-)  |
rasya | n. blood (supposed to be produced from chyle)  |
rāsya | See go-rāsya-.  |
rasyamāna | mfn. being tasted or perceived ( rasyamānatā -tā- f.)  |
rasyamānatā | f. rasyamāna |
ratirahasya | n. "mysteries of love", Name of an erotic work by kokkoka-  |
ratirahasyadīpikā | f. Name of another work (prob. a commentator or commentary on the former).  |
ratnakośamatarahasya | n. Name of work  |
ratnakośavādarahasya | n. Name of work  |
retasya | mf(ā-)n. conveying seed  |
retasyā | f. (with or without ṛc-) Name of the first verse of the bahiṣ-pavamāna- stotra-  |
rohitamatsya | m. Cyprinus Rohitaka  |
rohitāsya | prob. wrong reading for prec.  |
śabdalakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
śabdālokarahasya | n. Name of Comm.  |
śabdānityatārahasya | n. Name of work  |
śabdaparicchedarahasya | n. Name of work  |
śabdaparicchedarahasyepūrvavādarahasya | n. Name of work  |
śabdāprāmāṇyarahasya | n. Name of work  |
śabdarahasya | n. Name of two philosophy works.  |
śabdārtharahasya | n. Name of work  |
sacanasya | Nom. A1. yate-, to treat tenderly, cherish, foster  |
sacasya | Nom. A1. sy/ate-, to receive assistance or care  |
sacchandasya | mfn. idem or '(s/a--) mfn. equals prec. '  |
sadasya | m. "present in the sacrificial enclosure", an assessor, spectator, member of an assembly (at a sacrifice), a superintending priest, the seventeenth priest (whose duties according to to the kuṣītakin-s, are merely to look on and correct mistakes)  |
sadasya | m. a person belonging to a learned court-circle  |
sadasyāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
sadasyormi | m. Name of a man (varia lectio sadaśvormi-)  |
sādhāraṇapūrvapakṣarahasya | n. Name of work  |
sādhāraṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
sahacārarahasya | n. Name of work  |
sahacārigrantharahasya | n. Name of work  |
sahasrāsya | m. "thousand-faced","thousand-headed", Name of the Serpent ananta-  |
sahasya | mfn. mighty, strong  |
sahasya | m. the month pauṣa- (December-January)  |
sahāsyā | f. idem or 'n. sitting or abiding together ' (with instrumental case)  |
sahasyacandra | m. the wintry moon  |
sajātavanasyā | f. "desire of dominion over kindred or countrymen", Name of a particular verse  |
śaktivādarahasya | n. Name of work  |
samānāsyaprayatna | mfn. being pronounced with the same effort of the organs  |
sāmañjasya | n. (fr. sam-añjasa-) fitness, propriety, equity, justice (Bombay edition) Scholiast or Commentator (a-s- ) |
sāmānyābhāvarahasya | n. Name of work  |
sāmānyalakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
sāmānyaniruktigrantharahasya | n. Name of work  |
samāśvāsya | mfn. to be revived or cheered or comforted  |
samasya | mfn. to be thrown or put together or compounded or combined  |
samasya | mfn. to be made entire or complete  |
samasyā | f. See next.  |
samasyā | f. junction, union, the being or remaining together with (compound)  |
samasyā | f. a part of a stanza given to another person to be completed  |
samāsyā | f. sitting together, session, colloquy, interview  |
samasyāpūraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
samasyārṇava | m. Name of work  |
samasyārthā | f. the part of a stanza to be completed (see next)  |
samasyāsaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
samavahāsya | mfn. ( has-) to be laughed at or derided (tāṃ gam-,"to become ridiculous")  |
sāmavedarahasya | n. Name of work  |
sāmavedarahasyopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
samayarahasya | n. Name of work  |
sambandharahasya | n. Name of work  |
śambhurahasya | n. Name of work  |
sambhūyasya | Nom. P. syati- gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-.  |
saṃdaśasya | Nom. P. -daśasyati-, to remit, pardon (a sin)  |
sāmmanasya | n. (fr. sam-manas-) concord, harmony  |
sāmmanasya | n. plural charms to secure harmony  |
saṃnamasya | Nom. P. syati-, to show respect or honour, worship  |
saṃśayakāraṇārthāpattipūrvapakṣarahasya | n. Name of nyāya- work  |
saṃśayakāraṇārthāpattirahasya | n. Name of nyāya- work  |
saṃśayānumitirahasya | n. Name of work  |
saṃśayapakṣatārahasya | n. Name of work  |
saṃskārapaddhatirahasya | n. Name of work  |
saṃśuṣkāsya | mfn. having a withered face  |
śaṃsya | mfn. to be recited  |
śaṃsya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy  |
śaṃsya | mfn. Name of agni- (in a formula) (m.the eastward sacrificial fire )  |
śaṃsya | mfn. to be wished for, desirable  |
saṃsyand | A1. -syandate-, to run together, converge, meet : Causal -syandayati-, to cause to run together (in a-saṃ-syandayat-)  |
saṃsyūta | mfn. sewn together, inseparably connected  |
saṃsyūta | mfn. interwoven with (instrumental case)  |
saṃsyuta | See saṃ-siv-.  |
sāṃvāsyaka | n. equals saṃ-vāsa-, dwelling together, community of abode  |
saṃvyavasya | mfn. ( so-) to be decided upon or decreed  |
ṣaṇmāsya | mfn. (ṣ/aṇ--) six months old, of six months standing  |
ṣaṇmāsya | n. a period of six months  |
ṣāṇmāsya | mfn. equals ṣāṇmāsika- (see ṣaṇ-māya-)  |
ṣāṇmāsyī | f. a six-monthly funeral ceremony (between the 170th and 180th day after a person's death)  |
sānunāsyam | ind. with a nasal sound, in a nasal tone.  |
sapādamatsya | m. the shad-fish, Silurus  |
saprayogarahasya | mfn. possessing secret spells for (their) use (said of magical weapons which are not wielded manually but by repetition of spells)  |
saptamāsya | mfn. (a child) of 7 months  |
saptāsya | mfn. 7-mouthed  |
saptāsya | mfn. having 7 openings  |
sarahasya | mfn. along with the secret or mystical doctrine (id est with the upaniṣad-s )  |
sarahasya | mfn. possessing anything secret or mystical  |
saralasyanda | m. equals -drava-  |
śarāryāsya | n. a particular surgical instrument (prob. = prec.)  |
sarasvatīrahasyopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
śarāsya | n. a bow  |
sarasya | mfn. relating to ponds or lakes  |
sārasya | n. (fr. prec.) a cry, shout, call etc.  |
sārasya | n. abundance of water  |
sārasyāyana | See sārasāyana-.  |
śaratsasya | n. autumnal corn  |
sarpāsya | m. "snake-faced", Name of a rākṣasa-  |
sarpāsyā | f. Name of a yoginī-  |
sarvahāsya | mfn. derided by all  |
sarvānusyūta | mfn. strung together with everything ( sarvānusyūtatva -tva- n.)  |
sarvānusyūtatva | n. sarvānusyūta |
sarvasampannasasya | mf(ā-)n. having grain or corn provided everywhere  |
sarvasasya | (ibc.) all kinds of grain  |
sarvasasya | mf(ā-)n. yielding all kinds of grain  |
sarvasasyabhū | f. a field yielding all kinds of grain  |
sarvasasyavat | mfn. (equals -sasya- mfn.)  |
sarvasvarahasya | n. Name of work  |
sarvāsya | n. the whole mouth  |
sarvāsya | mfn. connected with the whole mouth  |
saśasya | mfn. wrong reading for -sasya-  |
saśasyā | f. Tiaridium Indicum  |
sasasya | mf(ā-)n. grown with corn  |
śāstradasyu | m. equals -caura-  |
śasya | mfn. (for 2.See) to be recited or treated as a śastra-  |
śasya | mfn. to be praised or celebrated  |
śasya | mfn. to be wished, desirable, excellent  |
śasya | n. recitation  |
śasya | n. good quality, merit  |
śasya | mfn. to be cut down or slaughtered or killed  |
śasya | n. corn, grain (more correctly sasya- q.v)  |
śāsya | mfn. to be punished, punishable  |
śāsya | mfn. to be controlled or governed  |
śāsya | mfn. to be directed  |
śāsya | mfn. to be corrected  |
śāsya | mfn. wrong reading for sasya-  |
sasya | n. (of unknown derivation;also written śasya-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) corn, grain, fruit, a crop of corn (also plural)  |
sasya | m. (perhaps incorrect for śasya-) a sort of precious stone  |
sasya | n. a weapon  |
sasya | n. virtue, merit  |
sasyad | equals -sr/ut-.  |
sasyād | mfn. eating corn or fruit  |
sasyahan | mfn. destroying crops  |
sasyahan | m. Name of an evil demon (the son of duḥsaha-)  |
sasyahantṛ | m. equals prec.  |
śasyaka | n. powder (equals cūrṇa-) (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
śasyaka | n. varia lectio for sasyaka- q.v  |
sasyaka | mfn. possessed of good qualities, perfect in its kind, on  |
sasyaka | m. a sword  |
sasyaka | m. n. a kind of precious stone  |
sasyakreṇī | f. buying corn  |
sasyakṣetra | n. a corn-field  |
sasyamālin | mfn. "corn-wreathed", abounding in corn or crops (as the earth)  |
sasyamañjarī | f. an ear of corn  |
sasyamārin | m. "corn-destroying", a kind of rat or large mouse  |
sasyānanda | m. Name of work  |
sasyānte | ind. when the grain is at an end id est eaten up  |
sasyapāla | m. a field-guarder  |
sasyaprada | mfn. yielding corn, fertile  |
sasyapravṛddhi | f. the growth of corn  |
sasyapūrṇa | mfn. full of or grown with corn  |
sasyarakṣā | f. guarding the fields  |
sasyarakṣaka | m. equals -pāla-  |
sasyaśālin | mfn. equals -pūrṇa-  |
sasyasaṃvara | m. Vatica or Shorea Robusta  |
sasyasaṃvaraṇa | m. Vatica or Shorea Robusta  |
sasyaśīrṣaka | n. equals -mañjarī-  |
sasyaśulika | n. an awn of grain  |
sasyāvāpa | m. sowing of crops  |
sasyavat | mfn. bearing a rich crop  |
sasyaveda | m. the science of agriculture  |
sasyeṣṭi | f. sacrifice offered on the ripening of new grain  |
satpratipakṣagrantharahasya | n. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣapūrvapakṣagrantharahasya | n. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣasiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
saumanasya | mfn. causing gladness or cheerfulness of mind  |
saumanasya | m. Name of a son of yajñabāhu-  |
saumanasya | n. satisfaction of mind, gladness, cheerfulness  |
saumanasya | n. right understanding  |
saumanasya | n. an offering of flowers placed in the hands of the priest at a śrāddha-  |
saumanasya | n. Name of a varṣa- in plakṣa-dvīpa- (ruled by saumanasya-)  |
saumanasyavat | mfn. cheerful, glad  |
saumanasyāyanī | f. the blossom of the mālatī- or great-flowering jasmine  |
saurasya | n. well-flavouredness, tastiness, savouriness  |
saurasya | n. used in explaining sauśāmya-  |
śauṣkāsya | n. (fr. śuṣkāsya-) dryness of the mouth  |
savyabhicāragrantharahasya | n. Name of work  |
savyabhicārasiddhāntagrantharahasya | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
siṃhāsya | mfn. lion-faced  |
siṃhāsya | m. a kind of fish  |
siṃhāsya | m. Gendarussa Vulgaris  |
siṃhāsya | m. Bauhinia Variegata  |
siṃhāsya | m. a particular position of the hands  |
siṃhāsyā | f. Gendarussa Vulgaris or Adhatoda Vasika  |
siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
siṃhavyāghrarahasya | n. Name of work  |
śirasya | Nom. P. yati- equals śira icchati-  |
śirasya | mfn. equals śira iva- gaRa śākhādi-  |
śirasya | mfn. belonging to or being on the head (equals śīrṣaṇya-) Va1rtt. 2  |
śirasya | m. "the hair of the head", or"clean hair"  |
śivarahasya | n. Name of work  |
śivatattvarahasya | n. Name of work  |
smṛtirahasya | n. Name of work  |
smṛtisaṃskārarahasya | n. Name of work |
snāsyat | mfn. (fut.p.) about to bathe or perform an ablution  |
snāsyat | m. a religious student about to become a snātaka-  |
snātavasya | mfn. to be put on after an ablution  |
somavārāmāvāsyapūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
somavārāmāvāsyāvratakālanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
somavārāmāvāsyāvratapūjā | f. Name of work  |
somavāryamāvāsyāvrata | n. Name of chapter of a work  |
somavatyamāvāsyākathā | f. Name of chapter of work  |
śraddhāmanasyā | ind. (instrumental case) faithfully  |
śrāddharahasya | n. Name of work  |
śravaṇasya | m. a proper N.  |
śravasya | Nom. P. y/ati- (only pr. p. y/at-), to wish to praise  |
śravasya | n. fame, glory, renown  |
śravasya | n. a glorious deed  |
śravasya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to be swift, hasten, fly along ; to snatch up  |
śravasya | mfn. swift, rapid  |
śravasyā | ind. swiftly, rapidly, fast  |
śravasyu | mfn. willing to praise or celebrate  |
śravasyu | mfn. flowing, streaming  |
śravasyu | mfn. swift, nimble  |
srotasya | mfn. flowing in streams  |
srotasya | m. a thief.  |
srotasya | m. Name of śiva-  |
śrutaprakāśikācāryakṛtarahasyatraya | n. Name of vedānta- work  |
stanasyu | mfn. sucking the breast, a suckling  |
sthūlāsya | m. "large-mouthed", a snake  |
sūcyāsya | mfn. needle-mouthed  |
sūcyāsya | m. a rat  |
sūcyāsya | m. a gnat or musquito  |
sūcyāsya | m. a particular position of the hands  |
śuddhakāṃsyamaya | mf(ī-)n. made or consisting of pure brass  |
suddhyupāsya | mfn. (euphonically for sudhy-up-See su-dhī-) "to be worshipped by the intelligent"(said of the Supreme Being)  |
sudhāsyanda | mfn. distilling nectar  |
sudhāsyandin | mfn. flowing with nectar  |
sudhyupāsya | mfn. See suddhyup- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
sukapolāsya | mfn. having a face with beautiful cheeks  |
śukarahasya | n. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
śukarahasyopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
sūkarāsyā | f. Name of a Buddhist goddess  |
śulbarahasyaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
sumakhasya | Nom. A1. yate- (only pr. p. y/amāna-), to be very joyous, make merry  |
sumanasya | Nom. A1. y/ate- (only pr. p. y/amāna-), to be kind or gracious or favourable ; to be in good spirits or cheerful or comfortable  |
sumanāsya | (or nāsya-; see -manā-mukha-and -mano-m-), Name of a serpent-demon  |
surabhyāsya | mfn. having the mouth fragrant ( surabhyāsyatva -tva- n.)  |
surabhyāsyatva | n. surabhyāsya |
sūryarahasya | n. Name of work  |
sūryasiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of Comm.  |
suśāsya | mfn. easy to be controlled or governed  |
susasya | mf(/ā-)n. well grown with corn  |
śuṣkamatsya | n. dried fish  |
śuṣkāsya | mfn. equals śuṣkamukha-  |
suśravasyā | f. willingness to hear  |
suvacasyā | f. a beautiful verse or hymn  |
suyavasyu | mfn. desirous of good pasturage  |
svaḥsyandana | m. celestial chariot, indra-'s chariot  |
svapasya | mfn. active, industrious (said of indra-)  |
svapasya | Nom. A1. y/ate-, to work well, be active or industrious  |
svapasyā | f. (only in instrumental case which is of the same form) activity, diligence, skill  |
svaprakāśarahasya | n. Name of work  |
svārasya | n. naturalness, self-evidence  |
svatvarahasya | n. Name of work  |
śvetāsya | m. "white-faced", Name of a pupil of śveta-  |
śvovasyasa | mfn. equals prec.  |
śyāmalārahasya | n. Name of work  |
śyāmārahasya | n. Name of work  |
śyāvāsya | mfn. brown-faced ( śyāvāsyatā -tā- f. )  |
śyāvāsyatā | f. śyāvāsya |
tantasya | Intensive taṃs- q.v  |
tapasya | Nom. syati- ( ) to undergo religious austerities (t/ap-) (A1. see 2. tapasya-)  |
tapasya | mf(ā-)n. (fr. t/apas-) produced by heat  |
tapasya | mf(ā-)n. belonging to austerity  |
tapasya | m. ( ) the second month of the season intervening between winter and spring (equals phālguna-)  |
tapasya | m. arjuna- (equals phālguna-)  |
tapasya | m. Name of a son of manu- tāmasa-  |
tapasya | n. the flower of Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens  |
tapasya | n. devout austerity (?, sye-taken as 1. sg. A1.of 1. tapasya-by )  |
tapasyā | f. (fr. 1. tapasya-) idem or 'n. devout austerity (?, sye-taken as 1. sg. A1.of 1. tapasya-by ) '  |
tāpasya | n. ascetism  |
tapasyāmatsya | m. equals paḥ-kara-  |
tarkarahasya | n. Name of work  |
tarkarahasyadīpikā | f. another Name of guṇākara-'s ṣaḍ-darśana-samuccaya-ṭīkā-.  |
tasyāśitīya | mfn. beginning with tasyāśita- (an adhyāya-)  |
tattvavādarahasya | n. Name of work  |
tavasya | n. strength, .  |
tejasya | mfn. splendid  |
tiktāsya | mfn. having a bitter (taste in the) mouth, ( tiktāsyatā -tā- f.abstr.) .  |
tiktāsyatā | f. tiktāsya |
tirasya | Nom. P. syati-, to disappear gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-.  |
traimāsya | n. idem or 'mfn. 3 months '  |
trapsya | See drapsya-.  |
trāsadasyava | m. patronymic fr. trasa-dasyu- (v/a-)  |
trāsadasyava | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
trasadasyu | (s/a--) m. (formed like etc.)"before whom the dasyu-s tremble", Name of a prince (son of puru-kutsa-;celebrated for his liberality and favoured by the gods;author of ),  |
trasaddasyu | m. for sa-d-  |
tripājasya | mfn. having 3 flanks, .  |
tvacasya | mfn. being in the skin  |
tvarāyasya | Nom. P. to hurry gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-.  |
ubhayataḥsasya | mfn. yielding a crop in both seasons (as a field)  |
udakāṃsya | n. a copper vessel with water,  |
udasya | ind.p. having thrown or cast up etc.  |
udāsyapuccha | mfn. having the tail and head upraised  |
udavasya | ind.p. concluding  |
ūdhasya | mf(ā-)n. milking, giving milk  |
ūdhasya | mf(ā-)n. coming from the udder  |
ūdhasya | n. milk  |
udvāsya | mfn. to be taken off  |
udvāsya | mfn. to be put away  |
udvāsya | mfn. relating to the killing of a sacrificial animal  |
upahāsya | mfn. to be laughed at or derided, ridiculous  |
upahāsyatā | f. the state of being to be laughed at or derided, ridiculousness  |
upahāsyatā | f. (upahāsyatāṃ-gam-,to expose one's self to laughter, become ridiculous )  |
upajijñāsya | mfn. to be excogitated or found out  |
upajijñāsya | mfn. enigmatical  |
upajijñāsya | to be informed of all,  |
upamāsya | mfn. (fr. upa-māsam-), occurring every month, monthly  |
upānasyaka | m. Name of indra-  |
upanyasya | ind.p. having put down etc.  |
upanyāsya | mfn. to be adduced or stated  |
upasamasya | ind.p. placing or putting upon  |
upasamasya | adding  |
upasaṃśasya | ind.p. having recited in addition, adding  |
upāsya | mfn. to be revered or honoured or worshipped etc.  |
upāsya | mfn. to be attended on  |
upāsya | mfn. to be performed  |
upāsya | mfn. to be had recourse to  |
upāsya | ind.p. having served or worshipped.  |
upāsyand | Caus. -syandayati-, to cause to flow towards, convey towards (as a river)  |
upavatsyadbhakta | n. food taken before fasting  |
upavatsyat | See below.  |
upavatsyat | mfn. (fut.p.)  |
uragāsya | n. "snake's mouth", a kind of spade  |
urasya | mfn. pectoral, belonging to or coming from the chest, requiring (exertion of) the chest  |
urasya | mfn. produced from one's self, belonging to one's self (as a child)  |
urasya | m. the female breast  |
urasya | m. (in grammar) Name of the h- and visarga-  |
urasya | Nom. P. urasyati-, to be strong-chested, be strong  |
ūrdhvasasya | mf(ā-)n. having high spikes of corn  |
ūrdhvavāsya | n. a particular dress of women  |
uṣasya | mfn. sacred to the dawn ( )  |
uṣasya | Nom. (fr. uṣas- gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi- [not in ]) P. uṣasyati-, to grow light, dawn.  |
utsya | mfn. coming from a well or fountain (as water)  |
utsya | See /utsa-.  |
utsyūta | mfn. sewed up  |
utsyūta | mfn. sewed to  |
vacasya | (fr. 1. vacas-) Nom. A1. syate- to be audible, to murmur (said of the sound of the trickling soma-)  |
vacasya | mfn. worthy of mention, praise. worthy, celebrated  |
vacasyā | f. (fr. 1. vacasya-) desire of speaking, readiness of speech, eloquence  |
vacasyu | mfn. (for 2.See) eloquent  |
vacasyu | mfn. (for 1.See) tottering, staggering, wavering  |
vaidyarahasyapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
vaikṛtarahasya | n. Name of work  |
vaimanasya | n. (fr. vi-manas-) dejection, depression, melancholy (also plural) etc.  |
vaimanasya | n. sickness  |
vairasya | n. insipidity, bad taste  |
vairasya | n. disagreeableness  |
vairasya | n. repugnance, disgust of (genitive case locative case,or compound)  |
vaiśasya | n. an abstr. noun fr. viśasi- gaRa brāhmanādi- ( )  |
vaiśasya | n. wrong reading for vaiṣamya-  |
vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
vājapeyarahasya | n. Name of work  |
vānarāsya | m. plural "monkey-faced", Name of a people  |
vanasyā | See sajāta-v-.  |
vanasyu | See gir-vaṇasy/u-.  |
vanavāsya | (prob.) n. Name of a country (see -vāsin-).  |
vānavāsya | m. a king of vānavāsī-  |
vānāvāsya | wrong reading for vānavāsya-.  |
varasyā | f. wish, desire, request  |
vāravāsya | m. plural Name of a people (see -pāśi-).  |
varcasya | mfn. bestowing vital power or vigour  |
varcasya | mfn. relating to varcas-  |
varcasya | mfn. acting on the excrement,  |
varcasyā | f. (scilicet iṣṭakā-) Name of particular sacrificial bricks (at the laying of which certain mantra-s containing the word varcas-are used)  |
varivasya | Nom. P. sy/ati-, to grant room or space, give relief. concede, permit ; to show favour, wait upon, cherish, tend (parasmE-pada syamāna- equals varivacyita- )  |
varivasyā | f. service, honour, devotion, attendance  |
varivasyā | f. obedience to a spiritual teacher  |
varivasyārahasya | n. Name of various works.  |
varivasyita | mfn. served, cherished, adored  |
varmimatsya | m. the fish varmi-  |
varṣaphalarahasya | n. Name of work  |
vartsyat | mfn. about to be or take place |
vartsyat | mfn. (fut.p. of vṛdh-) intending or going to augment, about to increase or grow  |
vāsanāvāsudevasyetipadyavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
vāsudevarahasya | n. Name of work  |
vasya | mfn. to be put on (See snāta-v-).  |
vāsya | mfn. to be (or being) covered or enveloped  |
vāsya | mfn. being worn (See prathama-vāsy/a-).  |
vāsya | mfn. to be caused to dwell or settle down  |
vāsya | m. or n. (for 1. and 2.See p.947) equals vāsī- or vāśī-, an axe on  |
vasyaiṣṭi | f. (fr. vasyas-+ iṣṭi-) seeking or desire for the better id est for welfare  |
vasyas | mfn. equals v/asīyas-, better, more excellent or glorious, wealthier or richer than (ablative)  |
vasyas | n. increasing wealth or prosperity, welfare  |
vasyas | etc. See .  |
vasyasa | See pāpa-- and śvo-v-.  |
vasyaṣṭi | f. (for prec.) attaining to welfare (in a formula) . |
vasyobhūya | n. (fr. vasyas-+ bhūya-) increasing wealth, welfare  |
vatsya | m. plural equals vatsa-deśāh- (Bombay edition)  |
vatsya | m. wrong reading for vatsa-  |
vātsya | mfn. treating of vatsa-  |
vātsya | m. patronymic fr. vatsa- gaRa gargādi-  |
vātsya | m. Name of an ancient teacher  |
vātsya | m. of an astronomer : plural Name of a people  |
vātsya | n. gaRa pṛthv-ādi-.  |
vātsyagulmaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
vātsyakhaṇḍa | m. Name of a man on  |
vātsyāyana | m. patronymic of vātsya- gaRa śārṅgaravādi- (f(ī-). )  |
vātsyāyana | m. Name of various authors (especially of the kāma-- sūtra-s and of the nyāya-bhāṣya-)  |
vātsyāyana | mf(ī-)n. relating to or composed by vātsyāyana-  |
vātsyāyanabhāṣya | n. Name of vātsyāyana-'s commentator or commentary on the nyāya-- sūtra-s.  |
vātsyāyanasūtra | n. equals kāma-s- (q.v)  |
vātsyāyanasūtrasāra | m. Name of work by kṣemendra-.  |
vātsyāyani | m. Name of a law-giver  |
vātsyāyanīya | n. a work composed by vātsyāyana- (especially the kāma-- sūtra-s)  |
vātsyī | f. See above  |
vayasya | |