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Grammar Search
"svasti" has 1 results
Amarakosha Search
2 results
balavat2.4.2MasculineSingularatīva, nirbharam, suṣṭhu, kimuta, svasti
svasti3.3.249MasculineSingulardūram, samīpam
Monier-Williams Search
75 results for svasti
svastin. f. (Nominal verb svast/i-, t/is-; accusative svast/i-, t/im-; instrumental case svast/i-, ty/ā-; dative case svast/aye-; locative case svast/au-; instrumental case svast/ibhis-;also personified as a goddess, and sometimes as kalā- see svasti-devī-), well-being, fortune, luck, success, prosperity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastiind. well, happily, successfully (also ="may it be well with thee! hail! health! adieu! be it!"a term of salutation [ especially in the beginning of letters] or of sanction or approbation) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastibhāvam. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastida() mfn. conferring happiness. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svasti() mfn. conferring happiness. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastidevīf. Name of a goddess (represented as wife of vāyu- and said to have sprung from the essence of prakṛti-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastimfn. leading to fortune or prosperity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastigavyūti(svast/i--) mfn. having happy pastures or fields View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. any lucky or auspicious object, (especially) a kind of mystical cross or mark made on persons and things to denote good luck (it is shaped like a Greek cross with the extremities of the four arms bent round in the same direction;the majority of scholars regard it as a solar symbol;that is, as representing a curtailed form of the wheel of the Solar viṣṇu-, consisting of four spokes crossing each other at right angles with short fragments of the periphery of the circle at the end of each spoke turning round in one direction to denote the course of the Sun; according to to the late Sir Cunningham it has no connexion with sun-worship, but its shape represents a monogram or interlacing of the letters of the auspicious words su ast/i-[ svasti-]in the aśoka- characters;amongst jaina-s it is one of the 24 auspicious marks and is the emblem of the seventh arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. the crossing of the arms or hands on the breast View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a bandage in the form of a cross View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a dish of a particular form View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a kind of cake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a triangular crest-jewel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. the meeting of four roads View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a particular symbol made of ground rice and formed like a triangle (it is used in fumigating the image of durgā-, and is said to symbolize the liṅga-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a species of garlic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a cock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. a libertine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. of one of skanda-'s attendants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. of a dānava-
svastikam. of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikam. of another man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikamn. a mansion or temple of a particular form View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikamn. Marsilea Quadrifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikamn. a particular mode of sitting practised by yogin-s (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikadānan. crossing the hands View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikādicakran. plural Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikakarṇamfn. marked on the ear with the figure called svastika- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikāṅkamfn. marked with the svastika- cross, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikaram. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikāram. the bard who cries svasti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikāram. equals prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikāram. the exclamation svasti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikarmann. causing welfare or success View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikāsanan. a mode of sitting (See above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikayantran. a surgical instrument of a particular form View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikīkṛtamfn. crossed (as hands) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastikṛtmfn. causing welfare or prosperity (said of śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastimatmfn. being or faring well, happy, fortunate etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastimatmfn. conferring happiness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastimatmfn. containing the word svasti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastimatīf. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastimukhamfn. having the word svasti- in the mouth, wishing joy or fortune View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastimukham. a Brahman or a bard View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastimukham. a letter (beginning with svasti-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastipuran. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastif. a state of welfare View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācf. () () benediction, congratulation. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācakam. () benediction, congratulation. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivacanan. pronouncing the word svasti-, benediction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācana n. a religious rite preparatory to a sacrifice or any solemn observance (performed by scattering boiled rice on the ground and invoking blessings by the repetition of certain mantra-s;also applied to the fee or complimentary present of flowers, sweetmeats etc. offered to Brahmans on such occasions) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācanakan. a religious rite preparatory to a sacrifice or any solemn observance (performed by scattering boiled rice on the ground and invoking blessings by the repetition of certain mantra-s;also applied to the fee or complimentary present of flowers, sweetmeats etc. offered to Brahmans on such occasions) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācanakamantram. plural Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācanakapaddhatif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācanikamfn. pronouncing a blessing on anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācyamfn. to be called upon to pronounce a blessing on anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācyan. equals -vācana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivācyaind. calling upon any one to pronounce a blessing on anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivādam. equals -vāc- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivah(or -vāh-) mfn. carrying auspiciously (as a carriage;others, "conferring happiness") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svastivāhanamfn. leading auspiciously (as a road) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhaḥsvastikan. the nadir. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adharasvastikan. the nadir. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparasvastikan. the western point in the horizon. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cakrasvastikanandyāvartam. "having the wheel the svastika- and the nandy-āvarta- emblems", Name of buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīkṣāṅgasvastivācana(kṣāṅg-) n. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastasvastikam. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) crossing the hand, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lakṣasvastikavratakalpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lakṣasvastikavratodyāpanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muṣṭikasvastikam. a particular position of the hands in dancing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmasvastikan. a svastika- mark consisting of lotus-flowers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svahastasvastikastanīf. covering (her) breasts with crossed hands View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
svasti स्वस्ति f., n. Welfare; समारम्भान्वुभूषेत हतस्वस्तिरकिच्चनः Mb.12.8.6; जितं त आत्मविद्धुर्य स्वस्तये स्वस्तिरस्तु में Bhāg. 4.24.33. -ind. A particle meaning 'may it be well with (one)', 'fare-well', 'hail', 'adieu' (with dat.); स्वस्ति ते$स्त्वान्तरिक्षेभ्यः पार्थिवेभ्यश्च भारत Mb.3.37.35; स्वस्ति भवते Ś.2; स्वस्त्यस्तु ते R.5.17; it is also used in expressing one's approbation; (often used at the beginning of letters). -Comp. -अयनम् 1 a means of securing prosperity. -2 the averting of evil by the recitation of mantras or performance of expiatory rites. -3 the benediction of a Brāhmaṇa after presentation of offerings; प्रास्थानिकं स्वस्त्ययनं प्रयुज्य R.2.7. -a. Auspicious; इदं स्वस्त्ययनं श्रेष्ठम् Ms.1.16; Mb.1.75.2. -कर्मन् n. causing welfare. -कारः a bard. -दः, -भावः an epithet of Śiva. -मुखः 1 a letter. -2 a Brāhmaṇa. -3 a bard, panegyrist. -वाचकः benediction, congratulation. -वाचनम्, -वाचनकम्, -वाचनिकम् 1 a religious rite preparatory to a sacrifice or any religious or solemn observance. -2 a complimentary or congratulatory present of flowers &c. to any one attended with good wishes and blessings. -वाच्यम् congratulation, invoking blessings.
svastikaḥ स्वस्तिकः [स्वस्ति शुभाय हितं क] 1 A kind of mystical mark () on persons or things denoting good luck. -2 A lucky object. -3 The meeting of four roads. -4 The crossing of the arms, making a sign like the cross; स्तनविनिहितहस्तस्वस्तिकाभिर्वधूभिः Māl.4.1; Śi.1.43. -5 A palace of particular form. -6 A particular symbol made with ground rice and shaped like a triangle. -7 A kind of cake. -8 A voluptuary, libertine. -9 Garlic. -1 A kind of bard (who utters words of eulogy); पुरःसरैः स्वस्तिकसूतमागधैः Rām.2.16.46 (com. स्वस्तिका जयजयेति वादिनो बन्दिनः). -कः, -कम् 1 A mansion or temple of a particular form with a terrace in front. -2 A particular mode of sitting practised by Yogins (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees). -3 A seat (पीठ) prepared for a deity; Mb.12.4.7. (com. स्वस्तिकान् सर्वतोभद्राद्यङ्कितानि देवतापीठानि). -Comp. -कर्ण a. marked on the ear with the figure स्वस्तिक. -पाणि a. 1 crossing hands like स्वस्तिकं. -2 holding auspicious things in hands; श्रुत्वा चेदं वचनं पार्थिवस्य सर्वं पुरं स्वस्तिकपाणिभूतम् Mb.4.68.27 (com. स्वस्तिकं मङ्गलारार्तिकादि दधिदूर्वादि च पाणौ यस्य तत् स्वस्तिकपाणिभूतम्).
svastimat स्वस्तिमत् a. Doing well, happy, safe; भूतानुकम्पा तव चेदियं गौरेका भवेत् स्वस्तिमती त्वदन्ते R.2.48. स्वस्रीयः svasrīyḥ स्वस्रेयः svasrēyḥ स्वस्रीयः स्वस्रेयः A sister's son; Ms.3.148. स्वस्रीया svasrīyā स्वस्रेयी svasrēyī स्वस्रीया स्वस्रेयी A sister's daughter.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
svasti sv-astí, f. n. well-being, i. 1, 9; 35, 1; ii. 33, 3; vii. 71, 6; 86, 8; x. 14, 11; inst. s. svastí for welfare,viii. 48, 8; pl. blessings, vii. 61, 7; 63, 6 [sú well + asti being].
Macdonell Search
1 result
svasti f. well-being, fortune, success (V.; rarely in P., E.): V. in. í, ad. well, hap pily, successfully (V., C.): w. d.=farewell; hail (at beg. of a letter); (fr. this ad. arose an apparently indecl. n. n.,=nm. or ac., meaning) welfare, prosperity, luck (V., C.): -ka, m. kind of bard (rare); auspicious mark, cross with ends bent round; crossing of the hands on the breast; kind of cross-shaped cake; n. sitting with crossed legs; -kâra, m. bard who cries &open;hail;&close; exclamation svasti; -tâ, f. condition of well-being (Br.); -d&asharp;, a. bestowing welfare (RV.); -mát, a. faring well, safe, happy (V., C.); auspicious (RV.); containing the word svasti (Br.); -vâk, f. benediction, congratulation; -vâkana, n. in vitation addressed to Brâhmans to pronounce a blessing on an undertaking; fee presented on such an occasion; -vâkanika, a. pro nouncing a blessingon anything; -vâkya, fp. to be asked to pronounce a blessing on an undertaking; n.=-vâkana.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results67 results
agniḥ svastimān Aś.2.10.7.
anuvatsarīṇāṃ svastim āśāste TB.; Apś.8.21.1. See next.
anuvatsarīyodvatsarīye svastim āśāse Mś. See prec.
ariṣṭa svasti etc. see ariṣṭaḥ svasti.
ariṣṭaṃ svastivāhanam ApMB.1.6.11b. See sugaṃ svasti-.
arvāgvaso svasti te pāram aśīya MS.1.5.2: 68.8; KS.6.9; 7.6; Apś.6.16.11; 22.1 (ter). P: arvāgvasur (! iti trir uktvā) Mś. See citrāvaso etc.
asau svasti te 'stu Apś.6.22.1 (ter).
bhāradvājaṃ svasti punarāyaṇam AVP.2.31.6g.
citrāvaso svasti te pāram aśīya VS.3.18; TS.; 7.5; MS.1.5.2: 68.8; 1.5.9: 77.12; KS.6.9; 7.6; śB.; śś.2.11.4; Mś. P: citrāvaso Kś.4.12.3; BṛhPDh.9.62. See arvāgvaso etc.
daivī svastiḥ pari ṇaḥ syātam RV.3.38.9b.
daivī svastir astu naḥ RVKh.10.191.5c; MS.4.13.10c: 214.14; śB.; TB.; TA.1.9.7c; 3.1c (Introd.).
iyaṃ svastiḥ saṃvatsarīyā parivatsarīyedāvatsarīyānuvatsarīyodvatsarīyā KS.13.15ab; Mś. Cf. iduvatsarāya.
oṃ svasti śG.2.18.4.
prajāpatiprasūtāḥ svastīmaṃ saṃvatsaraṃ samaśnuvāmahai KB.19.2.
trivarūthaṃ svastimat (RV. svastaye) RV.6.46.9b; AVś.20.83.1b; SV.1.266b; KS.9.19b.
yāṃ svastim agnir vāyus sūryaś (HG. vāyur ādityaś) candramā āpo 'nu saṃcaranti tāṃ svastim anu saṃcarāsau ApMB.2.3.31; HG.1.6.3.
aghāśvāya śaśvad it svasti # RV.1.116.6b.
atīyāma nidas tiraḥ svastibhiḥ # RV.5.53.14a.
adhvanām adhvapate pra mā tira svasti me 'smin pathi devayāne bhūyāt # VS.5.33. P: adhvanām adhvapate Kś.9.8.22. See next three, and cf. adhvano etc.
adhvanām adhvapate svasti mā saṃ pāraya # ApMB.2.21.18 (ApG.8.22.15). See under prec. but one.
adhvanām adhvapate svasti me 'dyāsmin devayāne pathi bhūyāt # PB.1.4.1. P: adhvanām Lś.2.3.1. See prec. three.
adhvano adhipatir asi svasti no 'dyāsmin devayāne pathi stāt (read syāt) # śś.6.13.2. Cf. under adhvanām adhvapate pra.
anumate mṛḍayā naḥ svasti # RV.10.59.6d.
anena tapasā svasti saṃvatsarasyodṛcaṃ samaśnavai # śB.
antarikṣaṃ ma urv antaraṃ bṛhad agnayaḥ parvatāś ca yayā vātaḥ svastyā svasti māṃ tayā svastyā svasti mānasāni # TA.4.42.2.
anvāgantā yajamānaḥ svasti # AVś.6.123.1c,2c; AVP.2.60.4c; KS.40.13c. See next.
ariṣṭaḥ (ApMB. ariṣṭa) svasti gachatu # HG.1.12.2c; ApMB.2.21.19c.
avṛkeṇāparipareṇa pathā svasti vasūn aśīya # Apś.12.17.4; ... svasti rudrān aśīya Apś.13.2.8; ... svasty ādityān aśīya Apś.13.11.1. Cf. aparipareṇa.
ā te svastim īmahe # RV.6.56.6a.
ā pavasva pūyamānaḥ svasti # RV.9.97.36b; SV.2.211b.
ā saṃyatam indra ṇaḥ svastim # RV.6.22.10a; AVś.20.36.10a.
idāvatsarīṇāṃ (Mś. -sarīyāṃ) svastim āśāste (Mś. āśāse) # TB.; Apś.8.12.5; Mś.
iduvatsarāya parivatsarāya # TS. See under idāvatsarāya, and cf. iyaṃ svastiḥ.
un ninyathuḥ sarvagaṇaṃ svasti # RV.1.116.8d; N.6.36d.
ūrjaṃ subhūtaṃ svasti savitā naḥ kṛṇotu # AVś.6.40.2b. Cf. prec.
oṃ prāksvasti # AG.3.10.7.
karā naḥ pāram aṃhasaḥ svasti # AVP.15.20.3c. See parṣi ṇaḥ.
kartā naḥ svastimataḥ # RV.1.90.5c.
kāmo rāye havate mā svasti # RV.5.42.15c.
kṛdhī no adya varivaḥ svastimat # RV.9.84.1c.
gomantaṃ rayiṃ naśate svasti # RV.5.4.11d; TS.; KS.10.12d; ApMB.2.11.6d.
jarāmṛtyuṃ (text jarāṃ mṛtyuṃ) dīrgham āyuḥ svasti # AVś.8.2.11b.
jyeṣṭhaṃ maryādam ahvayan svastaye (AVP. svasti) # AVś.5.1.8b; AVP.6.2.7d.
ta enaṃ svasti jarase vahantu (AVP. nayātha) # AVś.7.53.4d; AVP.1.14.2d. See svasty enaṃ jarase.
tad aśvinā pari dhattaṃ svasti # TS. See tam aśvinā etc.
tam aśvinā paridhattaṃ svastaye (KS. svasti) # KS.11.13d; Mś. See tad aśvinā etc.
tasmin vadema sumatiṃ svasti # AVś.10.6.35c.
tena yantu yajamānāḥ svasti # MS.2.7.12d: 91.10. See tenaitu.
tena yāhi gṛhān svasti # VārG.15.2d.
tenaitu yajamānaḥ svasti (Apś.KS.39.2c, svastyā) # TS.; KS.22.10d; 38.13f; 39.2c; Apś.16.29.1c. See tena yantu.
duṣṭutād durupayuktān nyūnādhikāc ca sarvasmāt svasti devaṛṣibhyaś ca brahma satyaṃ ca pātu mām # śG.6.6.16.
nārātayas tam idaṃ svasti # RV.2.38.9c.
no agne 'vṛkebhiḥ svasti # RV.6.4.8a.
paraśur vediḥ paraśur naḥ svasti # AVś.7.28.1b. See parśur vediḥ.
parivatsarīṇāṃ (Mś. -sarīyāṃ) svastim āśāste (Apś. also with ūha, āśāse; Mś. only āśāse) # TB.; Apś.8.7.8; Mś.
parśur vediḥ paraśur naḥ svastiḥ # TS. See paraśur vediḥ.
parṣi ṇaḥ pāram aṃhasaḥ svasti # RV.2.33.3c. See karā naḥ.
pārayā turvaśaṃ yaduṃ svasti # RV.1.174.9d.
punaḥ pūṣā pathyāṃ yā svastiḥ # RV.10.59.7d.
pṛṇag rāyā sam iṣā saṃ svasti # RV.6.20.6d.
prātaryāvāṇo devāḥ svasti saṃpārayantu # Apś.6.8.4.
bhuvanasya pate yasya ta upari gṛhā iha ca sa no rāsvājyāniṃ rāyas poṣaṃ suvīryaṃ saṃvatsarīṇāṃ svastim # TS. P: bhuvanasya pate TS.;; Apś.17.20.3,5. Cf. sa no bhuvanasya pate.
manojavasā vṛṣaṇā svasti # RV.1.117.15d.
mṛtyor me 'bhayaṃ svasti me 'stu # Apś.6.7.2.
yaṃ deva ā cit sacase svasti # RV.4.11.6d.
yaṣṭā devāṃ (MS. devaṃ) āyajiṣṭhaḥ svasti # RV.2.9.6b; TS.; 6.1.5b; MS.4.10.5b: 154.4; KS.21.13b.
yūyaṃ pāta svastibhiḥ sadā naḥ # RV.7.1.20d,25d; 3.10d; 7.7d,8d; 9.6d; 11.5d; 12.3d; 13.3d; 14.3d; 19.11d; 20.10d; 21.10d; 22.9d; 23.6d; 24.6d; 25.6d; 26.5d; 27.5d; 28.5d; 29.5d; 30.5d; 34.25d; 35.15d; 36.9d; 37.8d; 39.7d; 40.6d; 41.7d; 42.6d; 43.5d; 45.4d; 46.4d; 47.4d; 48.4d; 51.3d; 53.3d; 54.3d; 56.25d; 57.7d; 58.6d; 60.12d; 61.7d; 62.6d; 63.6d; 64.5d; 65.5d; 67.10d; 68.9d; 69.8d; 70.7d; 71.6d; 72.5d; 73.5d; 75.8d; 76.7d; 77.6d; 78.5d; 79.5d; 80.3d; 84.5d; 85.5d; 86.8d; 87.7d; 88.7d; 90.7d; 91.7d; 92.5d; 93.8d; 95.6d; 97.10d; 98.7d; 99.7d; 100.7d; 101.6d; 9.90.6d; 97.3d,6d; 10.65.15d; 66.15d; 122.8d; AVś.3.16.7d; 19.11.5d; 20.12.6d; 17.12d; 37.11d; 87.7d; AVP.4.31.7d; 12.17.5d; SV.2.656d,751d,977d; VS.20.54d; 27.28d; 34.40d; TS.;;; MS.4.14.2d: 217.6; 4.14.7d: 226.8; 4.14.12d: 235.12; KS.6.10d; 8.16d; GB.2.4.2; JB.3.243; TB.; 8.5d; 8.1.2d; 4.1d; 9.9d;; 6.1.3d; Apś.13.18.1d; 22.7.11d; Mś.; PG.3.4.7d; ApMB.1.14.7d; 2.15.19d; MG.2.11.19d; JG.1.11d.
Vedabase Search
67 results
svasti all auspiciousnessSB 10.6.42
SB 5.8.14
svasti all blessingsSB 3.13.9
svasti all goodSB 1.14.26
svasti all peaceBG 11.21
svasti all wellSB 3.1.35
svasti auspiciousnessSB 10.84.37
SB 5.18.9
SB 6.14.17
svasti doing wellSB 1.14.32-33
svasti fortuneSB 3.19.6
svasti good fortuneSB 4.31.31
SB 4.5.11
svasti happinessSB 4.14.9
svasti very auspiciousSB 9.5.4
svasti wellSB 10.90.24
SB 3.1.32
svasti well-beingSB 3.18.3
svasti nāhi mane no peace of mindCC Antya 12.6
svasti nāhi mane no peace of mindCC Antya 12.6
svasti nāhi mane no peace of mindCC Antya 12.6
svasti samāsīnaḥ sitting in an easy postureSB 3.28.8
svasti samāsīnaḥ sitting in an easy postureSB 3.28.8
svasti-ayanāḥ the ceremonies for good fortuneSB 11.30.8
svasti-ayanāḥ the ceremonies for good fortuneSB 11.30.8
svasti-ayanam all-blissfulSB 1.3.40
svasti-ayanam all-blissfulSB 1.3.40
svasti-ayanam auspicious hymnsSB 10.7.13-15
svasti-ayanam auspicious hymnsSB 10.7.13-15
svasti-ayanam auspiciousnessSB 4.23.34
svasti-ayanam auspiciousnessSB 4.23.34
svasti-ayanam brings good fortune for allSB 6.13.22-23
svasti-ayanam brings good fortune for allSB 6.13.22-23
svasti-ayanam creating auspiciousnessSB 4.12.45
svasti-ayanam creating auspiciousnessSB 4.12.45
svasti-ayanam perception of all happinessSB 2.6.36
svasti-ayanam perception of all happinessSB 2.6.36
svasti-ayanam the abode of auspiciousnessSB 5.14.46
svasti-ayanam the abode of auspiciousnessSB 5.14.46
svasti-ayanam the auspicious chantsSB 10.24.32-33
svasti-ayanam the auspicious chantsSB 10.24.32-33
svasti-ayanam the means of liberationSB 6.2.7
svasti-ayanam the means of liberationSB 6.2.7
svasti-ayanam Vedic mantras (by the brāhmaṇas)SB summary
svasti-ayanam Vedic mantras (by the brāhmaṇas)SB summary
svasti-mān full of all auspiciousnessSB 7.7.50
svasti-mān full of all auspiciousnessSB 7.7.50
svasti-mataḥ being very healthySB 6.10.27
svasti-mataḥ being very healthySB 6.10.27
svasti-vācakaiḥ by offering prayersSB 8.16.57
svasti-vācakaiḥ by offering prayersSB 8.16.57
svasti-vācana-pūrvakam by chanting the Vedic hymns to perform the purificatory processSB 10.8.10
svasti-vācana-pūrvakam by chanting the Vedic hymns to perform the purificatory processSB 10.8.10
svasti-vācana-pūrvakam by chanting the Vedic hymns to perform the purificatory processSB 10.8.10
svasti auspiciousnessSB 4.24.33
svasti welfareSB 8.7.40
svastimān fully satisfied, relieved of the burningSB 9.5.13
svastimantam endowed with all auspiciousnessSB 10.7.30
kṛta-svasti-ayanāḥ were very nicely decorated with ornamentsSB 4.3.4
kṛta-svasti-ayanam decorated with auspicious marksSB 3.23.30
kṛta-svasti-ayanām dressed with auspicious garments and ornamentsSB 4.27.2
kṛta-svasti-ayanam decorated with auspicious marksSB 3.23.30
kṛta-svasti-ayanāḥ were very nicely decorated with ornamentsSB 4.3.4
kṛta-svasti-ayanām dressed with auspicious garments and ornamentsSB 4.27.2
kṛta-svasti-ayanam decorated with auspicious marksSB 3.23.30
kṛta-svasti-ayanāḥ were very nicely decorated with ornamentsSB 4.3.4
kṛta-svasti-ayanām dressed with auspicious garments and ornamentsSB 4.27.2
13 results
svasti noun (feminine neuter) fortune (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
luck (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
prosperity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
success (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
well-being (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2276/72933
svastika noun (masculine) a cock (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a dish of a particular form (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of cake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of mystical cross or mark made on persons and things to denote good luck (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of town layout a kind of window (either round or resembling the Nandyāvarta type) a libertine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular symbol made of ground rice and formed like a triangle (it is used in fumigating the image of Durgā) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a species of garlic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a triangular crest-jewel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
any lucky or auspicious object (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a poet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a serpent-demon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of another man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of one of Skanda's attendants (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the crossing of the arms on the breast (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the meeting of four roads (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[medic.] a kind of bandage [medic.] a kind of surgical instrument
Frequency rank 6753/72933
svastika noun (masculine neuter) a mansion or temple of a particular form (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular mode of sitting practised by Yogins (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Marsilea Quadrifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10536/72933
svastikayantra noun (neuter) a surgical instrument of a particular form (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72207/72933
svastikāra noun (masculine) prec (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the bard who cries svasti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the exclamation svasti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41331/72933
svastimant adjective being or faring well (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
conferring happiness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
containing the word svasti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fortunate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
happy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12742/72933
svastipura noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72208/72933
svastipūrṇa noun (masculine) [rel.] name of Agni
Frequency rank 72209/72933
svastivācana noun (neuter) a religious rite preparatory to a sacrifice or any solemn observance (performed by scattering boiled rice on the ground and invoking blessings by the repetition of certain Mantras) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13269/72933
svastivācanaka noun (neuter) a religious rite preparatory to a sacrifice or any solemn observance (performed by scattering boiled rice on the ground and invoking blessings by the repetition of certain Mantras) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41332/72933
svastivācya noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 72210/72933
svastivāda noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 72211/72933
asvasti noun (feminine neuter)
Frequency rank 26870/72933


(simha.mukha.svastika.yantra) lion-faced forceps.


well-being; a good luck sign associated with the sun.


cruciform forceps used in surgery. Its of 24 varieties.


auspicious yogic pose.


cruciform surgical instrument (forceps)


(vyāghra.mukha.svastika.yantra) tiger forceps used in surgery.

Wordnet Search
"svasti" has 5 results.



yogāṅgāsanaviśeṣaḥ yatra jānunoḥ antare ubhe pādatale samyak kṛtvā upaviśyate।

saḥ svastikāsane upaviśati।



ekaṃ prācīnaṃ maṅgalasūcakaṃ cihnaṃ yad śubhakāle bhittikāyāṃ ārekhanti।

maṅgalakalaśe svastikaḥ ārekhitaḥ asti।


adhaḥsvastikam, adharasvastikam, adhodiśā, adhastāddiśā, adharā   

ākāśaṃ paśyataḥ manujasya pādayoḥ adhaḥ kalpitaḥ binduḥ।

adhaḥsvastikam tu khasvastikasya vilomaṃ bhavati।


khasvastikam, viṣṇupadam, ūrdhvā, nabhomadhyam, khamadhyam, svarmadhyam, gaganamadhyam, śirobinduḥ   

ākāśe śirasaḥ upari manyamānaḥ kalpitabinduḥ।

madhyāhne sūryaḥ khasvastike bhavati।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

svastikarasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

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