sva | mf(/ā-)n. own, one's own, my own, thy own, his own, her own, our own, their own etc. (referring to all three persons according to to context, often in the beginning of a compound,but generally declinable like the pronominal sarva- exempli gratia, 'for example' svasmai- dative case svasmāt- ablative [optionally in ablative locative case singular Nominal verb plural exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ svād āsyād asṛjat-,"he created him from his own mouth" ];and always like śiva- when used substantively [see below];sometimes used loosely for"my","thy","his","our"[ exempli gratia, 'for example' rājā bhrātaraṃ sva-grīham preṣayām-āsa-,"the king sent his brother to his(id est the brother's) house"];in the oblique cases it is used as a reflexive pronoun equals ātman-, exempli gratia, 'for example' svaṃ dūṣayati-,"he defiles himself"; svaṃ nindanti-,"they blame themselves") etc.  |
sva | m. one's self, the Ego, the human soul  |
sva | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
sva | m. a man of one's own people or tribe, a kinsman, relative, relation, friend (svāḥ-,"one's own relations","one's own people") etc.  |
svā | f. a woman of one's own caste  |
sva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) one's self, the Ego (exempli gratia, 'for example' svaṃ ca brahma ca-,"the Ego and brahman-")  |
sva | n. one's own goods, property, wealth, riches (in this sense said to be also m.) etc.  |
sva | n. the second astrological mansion  |
sva | n. (in algebra) plus or the affirmative quantity [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin se,sovos,suus; Gothic sik; German sichetc.](N.B.in the following compound own stands for one's own) .  |
sva | Nom. P. svati- (perfect tense svām-āsa-) equals sva ivācarati-, he acts like himself or his kindred  |
svā | in compound for svar-.  |
svabāhu | m. one's own relation  |
svabāhu | m. one's own arm  |
svabāhubala | n. strength of one's own arm  |
svabalāśraya | mfn. depending on one's own strength  |
svabāndhava | m. one's own relation  |
svabandhu | m. one's own relation or friend  |
svabandhupaddhati | f. Name of work  |
svabdin | mfn. (prob.) roaring, panting (equals svabhūta-śabda-, śabdaṃ kurvat- )  |
svabhadrā | f. Gmelina Arborea (varia lectio subh-).  |
svabhājana | wrong reading for sabhājana-  |
svabhakṣa | mfn. (perhaps) drawing nourishment from one's self  |
svabhakṣa | sva-bhadrā- etc. See .  |
svabhānu | (sv/a--) mfn. self-luminous  |
svābhāsa | mfn. very illustrious or splendid  |
svabhāṣita | (prob.) wrong reading for su-bh-  |
svabhaṭa | m. one's own warrior or body-guard  |
svabhāva | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) native place  |
svabhāva | m. own condition or state of being, natural state or constitution, innate or inherent disposition, nature, impulse, spontaneity  |
svabhāva | m. (vāt-or vena-or va-tas-or in the beginning of a compound), (from natural disposition, by nature, naturally, by one's self, spontaneously) etc.  |
svābhāva | m. own non-existence  |
svabhāvabhāva | m. natural disposition  |
svabhāvadaurjanya | n. natural or innate wickedness  |
svabhāvadveṣa | m. natural hatred  |
svabhāvaja | mfn. produced by natural disposition, innate, natural etc.  |
svabhāvajanita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. produced by natural disposition, innate, natural etc.'  |
svabhāvakṛpaṇa | m. "naturally mean", Name of a Brahman  |
svabhāvakṛta | mfn. done by nature, natural  |
svabhāvaprabhava | mfn. (equals -ja-above)  |
svabhāvārthadīpikā | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
svabhavas | (sv/a--) mfn. (prob.) being in the Self (said of the breath)  |
svabhāvasiddha | mfn. established by nature, natural, innate  |
svabhāvasiddha | mfn. self-evident, obvious  |
svabhāvaśūra | mfn. possessing natural heroes (others,"valiant by nature")  |
svabhāvatā | f. ( ) the state of innate disposition or nature  |
svabhāvatas | ind. See above  |
svabhāvatva | n. ( ) the state of innate disposition or nature  |
svabhāvavāda | m. the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties |
svabhāvavādin | m. one who maintains the above doctrine  |
svābhāvika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. svabhāva-) belonging to or arising from one's own nature, natural, native, spontaneous, original, peculiar, inherent ( svābhāvikatva -tva- n.)  |
svābhāvika | m. plural Name of a Buddhistic school (see Buddhac. ix, 48; 51) .  |
svābhāvikatva | n. svābhāvika |
svābhāviketara | mf(ā-)n. not natural or inherent  |
svabhāvikī | (prob.) wrong reading for svābhāvikaṃ-  |
svabhāvokta | mfn. said or declared spontaneously  |
svabhāvokti | f. statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) etc.  |
svabhāvokti | f. spontaneous declaration  |
svabhāvonnatabhāva | mfn. high-minded by nature ( svabhāvonnatabhāvatva -tva- n.)  |
svabhāvonnatabhāvatva | n. svabhāvonnatabhāva |
svābhāvya | mfn. self-existent, existing spontaneously (said of viṣṇu-)  |
svābhāvya | n. own peculiarity, own nature  |
svābhicārin | (prob.) wrong reading for vyabhic-  |
svabhigūrta | mfn. well applauded, greeted with acclamations or cheers  |
svābhīla | mfn. very formidable |
svabhirāma | mfn. very pleasant or delightful  |
svābhīṣṭa | mfn. loved by one's self  |
svabhiṣṭi | mfn. helpful, favourable  |
svabhiṣṭi | mfn. favoured, well-aided  |
svabhiṣṭisumna | (ṣṭ/i--) mfn. affording favourable assistance  |
svabhīśu | mfn. well bridled or caparisoned  |
svabhū | mfn. self-existent  |
svabhū | m. Name of brahmā-  |
svabhū | m. of viṣṇu-  |
svabhū | m. of śiva-  |
svabhū | f. one's own country, home  |
svābhū | mfn. very abundant or ready to hand  |
svābhū | mfn. ready to help  |
svabhūmi | f. equals -bhū- f.  |
svabhūmi | f. one's own land, own estate  |
svabhūmi | f. one's own or proper place  |
svabhūmi | m. Name of a son of ugra-sena-  |
svabhūta | mfn. being one's own, belonging to (genitive case)  |
svabhūti | f. one's own welfare (tyartham-,"for the sake of one's own interest")  |
svabhūti | mfn. arising spontaneously  |
svabhūtyāga | m. abandonment of one's own country  |
svabhūtyojas | mfn. possessing energy derived from inherent power  |
svabhyagra | mfn. very imminent or impending or near at hand  |
svabhyagra | mfn. very swift (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
svabhyakta | mfn. well anointed  |
svabhyasa | mfn. spontaneously frightened  |
svabhyasta | mfn. much practised  |
svabīja | n. one's own seed or cause  |
svabīja | m. the soul  |
svabrāhmaṇyā | wrong reading for su-brāhmaṇyā-  |
svacakṣus | n. one's own eye  |
svācānta | mfn. one who has sipped water well or according to rule  |
svacara | mfn. self-moving, having one's own motion  |
svacara | sva-cetas- etc. See .  |
svācāra | m. ( ) and mf(ā-)n. ( ) equals prec.  |
svācaraṇa | n. good conduct or behaviour  |
svācaraṇa | mfn. well-conducted  |
svacaraṇaparṣad | f. a college or community of members of one's own caraṇa- or sect  |
svācāravat | mfn. well-behaved  |
svacaryā | f. one's own nature  |
svaccha | mf(ā-)n. very transparent or clear, pellucid, crystalline etc.  |
svaccha | mf(ā-)n. bright-coloured  |
svaccha | mf(ā-)n. clear, distinct (as speech)  |
svaccha | mf(ā-)n. pure (as the mind or heart)  |
svaccha | mf(ā-)n. healthy, sound, convalescent (in this sense perhaps Prakrit for svastha-)  |
svaccha | m. rock-crystal  |
svaccha | m. the jujube tree  |
svacchā | f. white dūrvā- grass  |
svaccha | n. a pearl  |
svaccha | n. an alloy or amalgam of silver and gold  |
svaccha | n. pure chalk etc. (equals vimaloparasa-)  |
svacchabhāva | m. transparence  |
svacchadhātuka | n. an alloy of silver and gold  |
svacchadravya | n. the crystalline humour  |
svacchaka | mfn. very clear or bright (said of cheeks)  |
svacchamaṇi | m. "clear-gem", crystal  |
svacchanda | m. one's own or free will, one's own choice of fancy (in the beginning of a compound, dāt-, dena-,or da-tas-,"at one's own will or pleasure","spontaneously","independently","freely") etc.  |
svacchanda | m. Name of work  |
svacchanda | mf(ā-)n. following one's own will, acting at pleasure, independent, uncontrolled, spontaneous ( svacchandam am- ind.) etc.  |
svacchanda | mf(ā-)n. uncultivated, wild  |
svacchanda | m. Name of skanda-  |
svacchandabhairava | m. Name of work  |
svacchandabhairavarasa | m. a particular rasa-  |
svacchandabhaṭṭārakabṛhatpūjāpattrikāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
svacchandacara | mf(ā-)n. moving about at will, independent  |
svacchandacārin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. moving about at will, independent ' etc.  |
svacchandacāriṇī | f. an independent woman a harlot  |
svacchandaka | mfn. equals -cchanda-  |
svacchandam | ind. svacchanda |
svacchandamaraṇa | n. dying at one's own will (a faculty bestowed on bhīṣma-)  |
svacchandamṛtyuka | mfn. having death in one's own power  |
svacchandanaya | m. Name of work  |
svacchandanāyaka | m. a particular rasa-  |
svacchandapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
svacchandaśāktāgama | m. Name of work  |
svacchandasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
svacchandasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
svacchandatā | f. independent action, uncontrolled behaviour  |
svacchandatantra | n. Name of work  |
svacchandatantrarāja | m. Name of work  |
svacchandatas | ind. at will or pleasure, spontaneously  |
svacchandavanajāta | mfn. growing spontaneously or wild in a forest  |
svacchandoddyota | m. Name of work  |
svācchandya | n. (fr. sva-cchanda-) independence, freedom (instrumental case = "by one's own will, voluntarily")  |
svacchapattra | n. "transparent leaf", talc  |
svacchatā | f.  |
svacchatva | n. perfect clearness or transparency or purity  |
svacchavāluka | n. a kind of semi-metal  |
svacchikā | f. equals aṅguli-saṃdaṃśa- (See additions)  |
svacetas | n. one's own mind (sā-,"out of one's own head")  |
svad | or svād- (prob. fr. 5. su- ad-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sv/adate- (Vedic or Veda also P. sv/adati-; perfect tense sasvade- ; sasvāde- grammar; future svāditā-, svādiṣyate- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -s/ude-; ind.p. -svādya- ), to taste well, be sweet or pleasant to (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to taste with pleasure, relish, enjoy, like (accusative), delight in (locative case) ; (P.) to make palatable, season ; to make sweet or pleasant or agreeable ; to be pleasant or wholesome ; P. A1. svādati-, te- (confer, compare ), to taste, relish, enjoy (generally varia lectio khād- q.v) : Causal svad/ayati-, te- (Aorist asiṣvadat-), to make savoury or palatable, sweeten, season, prepare, cook ; to propitiate, conciliate ; svādayati- (confer, compare ), to eat, relish, taste, enjoy : Desiderative of Causal sisvādayiṣati- grammar : Desiderative sisvādiṣate- : Intensive sāsvādyate-, sāsvātti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin suadeo,and undersvAdu.] |
svād | or svad- (prob. fr. 5. su- ad-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sv/adate- (Ved. also P. sv/adati-; perfect tense sasvade- ; sasvāde- grammar; future svāditā-, svādiṣyate- ;Ved. infinitive mood -s/ude-; ind.p. -svādya- ), to taste well, be sweet or pleasant to (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to taste with pleasure, relish, enjoy, like (accusative), delight in (locative case) ; (P.) to make palatable, season ; to make sweet or pleasant or agreeable ; to be pleasant or wholesome ; P. A1. svādati-, te- (confer, compare ), to taste, relish, enjoy (generally varia lectio khād- q.v) : Causal svad/ayati-, te- (Aorist asiṣvadat-), to make savoury or palatable, sweeten, season, prepare, cook ; to propitiate, conciliate ; svādayati- (confer, compare ), to eat, relish, taste, enjoy : Desiderative of Causal sisvādayiṣati- grammar : Desiderative sisvādiṣate- : Intensive sāsvādyate-, sāsvātti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin suadeo,and undersvAdu.] |
svāda | m. taste, flavour, savour  |
svāda | m. the beauty or charm (of a poem)  |
svāda | svādu- etc. See .  |
svadāna | n. the giving of one's own property  |
svādāna | n. (for sv-ād-See p.1283) taking what belongs to one's self or one's own due  |
svadana | n. the act of tasting, licking, eating, enjoying  |
svādana | mfn. seasoning, making (food) savoury  |
svādana | n. the act of tasting  |
svādana | n. tasting id est enjoying (a poem etc.)  |
svadāna | sva-dāra- etc. See .  |
svādāna | mfn. (for svādāna-See) easy to be taken  |
svādanīya | mfn. palatable, savoury  |
svadāra | m. one's own wife  |
svādara | mfn. very regardful, very considerate  |
svadāragāmin | mfn. cohabiting with one's own wife  |
svadāranirata | mfn. attached to one's own wife, uxorious  |
svādas | See pr/a-svādas-.  |
svādava | n. agreeable taste or relish  |
svadāvan | mfn. (formed analogously to svadhāvan-;prob.)"having a good taste"or"enjoying dainty food"  |
svadayitṛ | mfn. one who seasons or makes palatable  |
svadehadāna | n. the gift of one's own body  |
svadeśa | m. one's own place or country or home etc.  |
svadeśa | m. plural the inhabitants of one's own country, one's own subjects  |
svadeśabandhu | m. (equals -ja-)  |
svadeśaja | m. "born in one's own country", a countryman  |
svadeśamadhyaparidhi | m. circumference of the terrestrial equator  |
svadeśaparidhi | m. circumference of a circle of longitude in any place that has latitude  |
svadeśasmārin | mfn. yearning for one's own country, home-sick  |
svadhā | See , and sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
svadhā | f. (for svadh/ā-See p.1280) self-position, self-power, inherent power (according to to some, Name of Nature or the material Universe; sva-dh/ayā-"by self-power")  |
svadhā | f. own state or condition or nature, habitual state, custom, rule, law  |
svadhā | f. ease, comfort, pleasure (/anu svadh/ām-, svadh/ām /anu-or svadh/ā /anu-, svadh/ayā-,or svadh/ābhiḥ-,"according to one's habit or pleasure, spontaneously, willingly, easily, freely, undisturbedly, wantonly, sportively")  |
svadhā | f. own place, home (svadh/e- dual number"the two places or homes", heaven and earth )  |
svadhā | f. "own portion or share", the sacrificial offering due to each god, (especially) the food or libation, or refreshing drink (see 2. su-dhā-) offered to the pitṛ-s or spirits of deceased ancestors (consisting of clarified butter etc. and often only a remainder of the havis-;also applied to other oblations or libations, and personified as a daughter of dakṣa- and wife of the pitṛ-s or of aṅgiras- or of a rudra- or of agni-) etc.  |
svadhā | ind. (with dative case or genitive case) the exclamation or benediction used on presenting (or as a substitute for) the above oblation or libation to the gods or departed ancestors (according to to the highest form of benediction at a śrāddha-;with kṛ-,"to pronounce the exclamation or benediction sva-dhā-"; svadhāstu-,"let there be a blessing on it"[ see ])  |
svadhā | f. (for sva-dhā-See) an axe, knife  |
svadhābhājin | m. plural "Sva-dha1-eating", the pitṛ-s  |
svadhābhuj | m. "id.", a god  |
svadhābhuj | m. plural equals prec.  |
svadhādhipa | (dhādh-) m. "lord of the Sva-dha1", Name of agni-  |
svadhākara | mfn. offering libations and oblations to deceased ancestors or deified progenitors  |
svadhākara | mfn. equals next  |
svadhākāra | m. pronouncing the benediction svadhā- or the exclamation itself  |
svadhāmahe | (formed like yajāmahe-) a sacrificial exclamation or benediction  |
svadhāman | m. Name of a son of satya-sahas- and sūnṛtā-  |
svadhāman | m. plural Name of a class of gods under the 3rd manu-  |
svadhāmaya | mf(ī-)n. "full of Sva-dha1", the female breast  |
svadhāmṛtamaya | (dhāmṛ-) mfn. consisting of sva-dhā- and nectar (said of a śrāddha-)  |
svadhāninayana | n. performance of a śrāddha- rite with sva-dhā-  |
svadhāninayanīya | mfn. relating to it  |
svadhāpati | m. lord of the sva-dhā- (indra-)  |
svadhāprāṇa | (dh/ā--) mfn. breathing sva-dhā-  |
svadhāpriya | m. "fond of Sva-dha1", agni- or fire  |
svadhāpriya | m. black sesamum (equals tila-or sesamum offered to the pitṛ-s)  |
svadharma | m. one's own rights (maṃ-labh-,"to get justice")  |
svadharma | m. one's own duty etc.  |
svadharma | m. peculiar property, peculiarity  |
svadharmācaraṇa | n. the practising one's own duties  |
svadharmacyuta | mfn. deprived of one's own rights, fallen from or neglecting one's own duty  |
svadharmādhvabodha | m. Name of work  |
svadharman | mfn. abiding in one's own customs  |
svadharmānapaga | mfn. not swerving from one's duties  |
svadharmārthaviniścaya | m. the knowing or ascertaining one's own duty and interest |
svadharmaskhalana | n. falling from or neglect of one's own duty  |
svadharmastha | mfn. abiding in one's own duty  |
svadharmatyāga | m. dereliction or neglect of one's own duty  |
svadharmatyāga | m. abandoning one's own religion, apostasy  |
svadharmavartin | mfn. applying one's self to one's duties ( svadharmavartitva ti-tva- n.)  |
svadharmavartitva | n. svadharmavartin |
svadhāśana | m. plural " svadhā- eaters", the pitṛ-s  |
svadhāvan | mf(arī-)n. lawful, constant, faithful  |
svadhāvan | mf(arī-)n. containing homes (as heaven and earth)  |
svadhāvat | mfn. (dh/ā--) adhering to custom or law, regular, constant, faithful  |
svadhāvat | mfn. containing oblations or refreshment  |
svadhāvat | mfn. containing the word svadhā-  |
svadhāvat | m. plural a class of pitṛ-s (Bombay edition sudhāvat-).  |
svadhāvin | mfn. containing refreshment  |
svadhāvin | mfn. owning the svadhā- (See svadhāy/in-). |
svadhaya | Nom. P. yati-, to propitiate, conciliate (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
svadhaya | yati- See .  |
svadhāyin | mfn. owning the svadhā- (said of the pitṛ-s; varia lectio svadhāv/in-)  |
svadhenava | (sv/a--) mfn. coming from one's own cows  |
svādhī | mfn. well-minded, thoughtful, heedful, devout, pious  |
svadhicaraṇa | mf(/ā-)n. good to be walked upon  |
svādhikāra | m. one's own office, special charge, peculiar station  |
svādhīna | mf(ā-)n. dependent on one's self, independent, free  |
svādhīna | mf(ā-)n. being in one's own power or control, being at one's own disposal etc.  |
svādhīna | svādhyāya- etc. See .  |
svādhīnabhartṛkā | f. a woman whose husband is under her own control. ( )  |
svādhīnakuśala | mfn. having prosperity in one's own power  |
svādhīnapatikā | f. a woman whose husband is under her own control. ( )  |
svādhīnatā | f. subjection to (only) one's self, independence, freedom  |
svādhīnatva | n. (equals -tā-)  |
svādhipatya | n. own supremacy, supreme sway, sovereignty  |
svādhiṣṭhāna | n. one's own place  |
svādhiṣṭhāna | n. one of the 6 mystical circles of the body (See cakra-)  |
svadhiṣṭhāna | mfn. having a good standing-place (said of a war-chariot)  |
svadhiṣṭhita | mfn. good to be stood on or lived in (accusative)  |
svadhiṣṭhita | mfn. well-guided (as an elephant)  |
svadhita | mfn. = su-dhita-1, firm, solid  |
svadhīta | mfn. well-recited or repeated or studied (as the veda-), well read, well instructed,  |
svadhīta | n. anything well repeated or learned  |
svadhiti | mf. (also written śv-) an axe etc. (in among the vajra-nāmāni-; dev/ī sv/adhitiḥ-,"heavenly axe", thunderbolt)  |
svadhiti | mf. a saw  |
svadhiti | mf. (according to some) a large tree with hard wood  |
svadhīti | mfn. good repetition or recitation (as of the veda- or other sacred work)  |
svadhitihetika | m. "axe-armed", a soldier armed with an axe  |
svadhitīvat | mfn. furnished with axes or knives (said of the chariot of the marut-s; according to to some,"made of svadhiti- wood"See above )  |
svadhṛti | (sv/a--) f. standing still of one's self  |
svadhur | mfn. self-dependent, independence (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
svadhur | n. (accusative -dhūr-?) Name of a sāman-  |
svadhvara | m. n. a good sacrifice  |
svadhvara | mfn. performing a sacrifice well, well adapted to a sacrifice  |
svādhvarika | mfn. (fr. sv-adhvara-) gaRa svāgatādi-.  |
svadhvaryu | mfn. having a good adhvaryu- priest  |
svadhyakṣa | mf(/ā-)n. good to be inspected  |
svāḍhyambhava | mfn. easy to become rich  |
svāḍhyaṃkara | mfn. easy to make rich  |
svāḍhyaṃkaraṇa | mfn. easily enriching Va1rtt. 9  |
svadhyavasāna | mf(/ā-)n. good to be striven after  |
svādhyāya | m. reciting or repeating or rehearsing to one's self, repetition or recitation of the veda- in a low voice to one's self etc.  |
svādhyāya | m. repeating the veda- aloud (accusative with caus. of1. śru-,"to cause the veda- to be repeated aloud")  |
svādhyāya | m. recitation or perusal of any sacred texts  |
svādhyāya | m. the veda-  |
svādhyāya | m. a day on which sacred recitation is resumed after its suspension  |
svādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
svādhyāya | mfn. studying the veda- (-tama-,perhaps wrong reading for svādhyāyi-t-)  |
svādhyāya | Nom. P. yāyati-, to study, recite, read to (accusative)  |
svādhyāyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of chapter in the taittirīyāraṇyaka-  |
svādhyāyadhṛk | mfn. one who repeats or recites the veda-  |
svādhyāyana | m. Name of a man  |
svādhyāyana | m. plural his family  |
svādhyāyanikā | f. a certain portion of a sacred work or sacred texts which have to be repeated or studied  |
svādhyāyavat | mfn. (equals -dhṛk-)  |
svādhyāyavat | m. a repeater or student of the veda-  |
svādhyāyāyārthin | m. one who seeks a maintenance for himself during his studentship  |
svādhyāyin | mfn. repeating or reciting the veda- (see nitya-sv-)  |
svādhyāyin | m. one who recites or repeats any sacred texts to himself, (especially) a repeater of the veda-  |
svādhyāyin | m. a tradesman, shopkeeper, dealer  |
svādhyāyinikā | f. equals svādhyāyanikā-  |
svādiman | m. (gaRa pṛthv-ādi-) savouriness, sweetness  |
svādin | mfn. tasting, enjoying (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
svadiṅmukham | ind. towards (its) own place or quarter  |
svādiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. sweetest, very sweet or pleasant etc.  |
svādiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. sweeter than (ablative)  |
svadita | mfn. well seasoned or prepared, savoury  |
svadita | n. "may it be well tasted or eaten!"(an exclamation used at a śrāddha- after presenting the oblation of food to the pitṛ-s; see su-śruta-, sva-dhā-)  |
svādita | mfn. tasted, relished  |
svādita | mfn. sweetened  |
svādita | mfn. pleased  |
svāditya | mfn. any one befriended by the āditya-s  |
svāditya | n. the favour or protection of the āditya-s  |
svādīyas | mfn. sweeter, more savoury or pleasant than (ablative)  |
svādman | m. sweetness  |
svādman | n. idem or 'm. sweetness ' , dainty food or drink  |
svadoṣaja | mf(ā-)n. due to one's own fault  |
svadṛś | mfn. seeing one's self or the soul  |
svadṛṣṭa | mfn. self-seen (?) (varia lectio saṃhṛṣṭa-).  |
svādu | mf(v/ī-)n. sweet, savoury, palatable, dainty, delicate, pleasant to the taste, agreeable, chirming (also as Comparative degree "sweeter than etc." , with ablative) etc.  |
svādu | m. sweet flavour, sweetness  |
svādu | m. sugar, molasses  |
svādu | m. Name of various plants (equals jīvaka-, gandha-dhūma-ja-etc.)  |
svādu | mf(u-or vī-). equals drākṣā-, a grape  |
svādu | n. (u-) sweet taste, sweetness  |
svādu | m. pleasantness, charm, beauty [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin suavis; Old Saxon swo7ti; Anglo-Saxon swe7ete; English sweet; German süss.]  |
svādūda | m. equals svādu-vāri-  |
svādūdaka | mfn. having sweet water  |
svādūdakasamudra | m. equals svādu-vāri-, sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator  |
svādudhanvan | m. "having a sweet bow", Name of kāma-deva- (whose bow is said to be made of sugar-cane)  |
svādugandha | m. a Moringa with red flowers  |
svādugandhā | f. idem or 'm. a Moringa with red flowers ' or Convolvulus Paniculatus  |
svaduhitṛ | f. one's own daughter  |
svādukā | f. Tiaridium Indicum  |
svādukāma | mfn. liking sweets ( svādukāmatā -tā- f.)  |
svādukāmatā | f. svādukāma |
svādukanda | m. "having a sweet root", a kind of arum  |
svādukandā | f. Batatas Paniculata  |
svādukandaka | m. a kind of vegetable  |
svādukaṇṭa | m. "sweet-thorn", Asteracantha Longifolia  |
svādukaṇṭaka | m. idem or 'm. "sweet-thorn", Asteracantha Longifolia '  |
svādukaṇṭaka | m. Flacourtia Sapida  |
svādukara | m. "seasoner, cook", a kind of mixed caste  |
svādukāra | mfn. causing relish, dainty  |
svādukhaṇḍa | m. lump sugar, sugar in small pieces  |
svādūkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make sweet, sweeten  |
svādukṣadman | mfn. having or providing sweet or dainty food  |
svādulatā | f. Batatas Paniculata  |
svāduluṅgī | f. the sweet citron  |
svādumajjan | m. a sort of mountain pīlu- tree  |
svādumāṃsī | f. the root kākolī- (q.v)  |
svāduman | m. sweetness  |
svāduṃkāram | ind. ( ) making savoury, sweetening  |
svādumṛdu | mfn. sweet and delicate (see sauvādumṛdava-).  |
svādumūla | n. "sweet root", Daucus Carota  |
svādumustā | f. a species of water-creeper  |
svādupāka | mfn. sweet or good to be cooked or digested ( svādupākatva -tva- n.)  |
svādupākā | f. Solanum Indicum  |
svādupākatva | n. svādupāka |
svādupākin | mfn. equals -pāka-  |
svāduparṇī | f. "sweet-leafed", a kind of plant (equals dugdhikā-).  |
svāduphala | n. "sweet fruit", the fruit of the jujube  |
svāduphalā | f. the jujube tree  |
svādupiṇḍā | f. a kind of date tree  |
svādupuṣpa | m. "having pleasant flowers", a kind of plant (equals kaṭabhī-)  |
svādupuṣpī | f. Grislea Tomentosa  |
svādurasa | mf(ā-)n. having a sweet or agreeable taste  |
svādurasā | f. (only ) spirituous liquor  |
svādurasā | f. Asparagus Racemosus  |
svādurasā | f. a grape  |
svādurasā | f. the root of Spondias Mangifera |
svādurasā | f. equals kākolī-.  |
svādurāti | mfn. bestowing agreeable gifts  |
svādusammud | (svād/u--) mfn. delighting in dainty food  |
svāduṣaṃsad | mfn. "sitting round dainties"or"forming an agreeable company"  |
svāduṣkilīyā | f. plural Name of the verses beginning with svāduṣ kila- ( )  |
svāduśuddha | n. "sweat and pure", rock or river salt  |
svādusvādu | mfn. exceedingly sweet or savoury  |
svādutā | f. savouriness, sweetness  |
svādutama | mfn. very sweet or pleasant  |
svādutara | mfn. sweeter or very sweet  |
svādutiktakaṣāya | mfn. sweet and astringent and bitter  |
svādutiktakaṣāya | m. sweet and astringent and bitter taste  |
svādutuṇḍikā | f. Momordica Monadelpha  |
svāduvāri | m. the sea of sweet water  |
svāduvivekin | mfn. distinguishing dainties (from other food)  |
svāduyogin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. possessing sweetness, sweet '  |
svāduyukta | mfn. possessing sweetness, sweet  |
svādv | in compound for svādu-.  |
svādvamla | m. "sweet and sour", the pomegranate tree  |
svādvamlatiktatubara | mfn. sweet and sour, bitter and astringent  |
svādvamlatiktatubara | m. sweet and sour and bitter and astringent taste  |
svādvanna | n. sweet or choice food, dainties, delicacies  |
svādvanna | mfn. having or providing delicacies  |
svādya | mfn. to be tasted  |
svādya | mfn. savoury, palatable  |
svādya | mfn. astringent and salt  |
svādya | m. astringent and salt taste  |
svaga | See /a-sva-ga-.  |
svagā | ind. a sacrificial exclamation (expressing desire for prosperity)  |
svagākāra | m. the exclamation svagā-  |
svagākartṛ | mfn. uttering the exclamation svagā-  |
svagākṛ | P. -karoti-, to utter the exclamation svagā-  |
svagākṛta | mfn. (svag/ā--) one over whom the exclamation svagā- has been pronounced  |
svagākṛta | mfn. finished, done  |
svagākṛti | (svag/ā--) m. the use of the exclamation svagā-  |
svāgama | m. welcome, salutation  |
svagarbha | m. one's own womb  |
svagarbha | m. one's own embryo  |
svagata | mfn. belonging to one's self, own  |
svagata | mfn. passing in one's own mind, spoken to one's self, apart  |
svāgata | mfn. (for sv-āg-See p.1283) come of one's self  |
svagata | sva-guṇa- etc. See .  |
svāgata | mfn. (for svāgata-See) well come, welcome  |
svāgata | mfn. lawfully-earned (as money)  |
svāgata | m. Name of a buddha-  |
svāgata | m. of a king  |
svāgata | m. of another man  |
svāgatā | f. a kind of metre,  |
svāgata | n. welcome, greeting, salutation (svāgataṃ te-with or without astu-,"I wish you welcome")  |
svāgata | n. welfare, health (See next) .  |
svagatam | ind. to one's self, aside (in dramatic language)  |
svāgatapraśna | m. enquiry as to health  |
svāgatavacana | n. the uttering of welcome, the word welcome  |
svagati | f. a kind of metre (varia lectio kha-g-).  |
svāgatika | mfn. bidding welcome to any one  |
svāgatīkṛ | P. -karoti- (ind.p. -kṛtya-), to make into a cry of welcome  |
svagni | mfn. one who has a good agni- or fire  |
svagocara | mfn. subject to one's self (raṃ-kṛ-,"to subject to one's self")  |
svagocara | m. one's own sphere or range (conjectural)  |
svagopa | (sv/a--) mf(ā-)n. guarding one's self  |
svagraha | m. Name of a demon attacking children,  |
svagrāma | m. one's own village (see sauvagrāmika-).  |
svāgrayaṇa | mfn. forming a good āgrayaṇa- (graha-)  |
svagṛha | n. one's own house  |
svagṛha | m. a kind of bird  |
svagṛhīta | wrong reading for su-g-  |
svaguṇa | m. one's own merits  |
svaguṇa | mfn. having one's own merits, appropriate  |
svaguṇaprakāśaka | mfn. proclaiming one's own merits, boastful  |
svaguṇatas | ind. from one's own personal merits  |
svagupta | mfn. self-defended, self-preserved  |
svaguptā | f. a kind of plant  |
svaguptā | f. Mimosa Pudica  |
svaguptā | f. Mucuna Pruritus  |
svaguptā | f. cowach  |
svagūrta | mf(ā-)n. (sv/a--) exulting in themselves  |
svagūrta | mf(ā-)n. boasting of (genitive case)  |
svaḥ | in compound for 3. sv/ar- below.  |
svāhā | ind. (prob. fr. 5. su-and ah-; see dur-āhā-) hail! hail to! may a blessing rest on! (with dative case;an exclamation used in making oblations to the gods;with kṛ-[ ind.p. -k/āram-,or -kṛtya-]and accusative"to pronounce the exclamation svāhā- over") etc.  |
svāhā | f. an oblation (offered to agni-, indra- etc.) or Oblation personified (as a daughter of dakṣa- and wife of agni-;she is thought to preside over burnt-offerings;her body is said to consist of the four veda-s, and her limbs are the six aṅga-s or members of the veda-;she is represented also as a wife of the rudra- paśu-pati-)  |
svāhābhuj | m. " svāhā--eater", a god  |
svāhākāra | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) utterance of or consecration by uttering svāhā- (also as a deity presiding over the prayāja-) etc.  |
svāhākaraṇa | n. consecration by uttering svāhā-  |
svāhākāravaṣaṭkāra | m. dual number the exclamations svāhā- and vaṣaṭ-  |
svāhākṛt | mfn. consecrating with svāhā-, a sacrificer  |
svāhākṛta | (sv/āhā--) mfn. consecrated or offered with svāhā-  |
svāhākṛti | (sv/āhā--) f. consecration with svāhā- (also as a deity presiding over the prayāja-)  |
svāhākṛtī | (sv/āhā--) f. consecration with svāhā- (also as a deity presiding over the prayāja-)  |
svahantṛ | m. a suicide  |
svahantṛ | sva-haraṇa- etc. See .  |
svāhāpati | ( ), ( ) m. "lord or lover of svāhā-", Name of agni-.  |
svāhāpriya | ( ) m. "lord or lover of svāhā-", Name of agni-.  |
svāhāra | mfn. easy to be obtained or procured  |
svāhāra | m. good food  |
svaharaṇa | n. confiscation of property  |
svāhārha | (svāhārha-) mfn. worthy of the consecration with svāhā-  |
svāhāśana | (svāhāś-) m. equals svāhā-bhūj-  |
svahasta | m. one's own hand (taṃ-dā-,"to offer one's hand for aid [ locative case ]") etc.  |
svahasta | m. own handwriting, autograph  |
svahastagata | mfn. fallen into or being in one's own hands  |
svahastasvastikastanī | f. covering (her) breasts with crossed hands  |
svahastikā | f. a hoe, mattock, pickaxe  |
svahastita | mfn. held or supported by one's own hand  |
svahastollikhita | mfn. drawn or painted by one's own hands, |
svāhāsudhākara | m. Name of a poem.  |
svāhata | mfn. struck or coined by one's self  |
svahatavāsas | mfn. clothed in beautiful and unwashed (id est new) garments  |
svāhāvallabha | m. equals -pati-  |
svāhāvana | n. Name of a forest  |
svahetu | m. one's own cause, own sake (tunā-,"for one's own self")  |
svāheya | m. metron. of skanda-  |
svāhi | m. Name of a son of vṛjinī-vat-  |
svahita | mfn. beneficial to one's self  |
svahita | mfn. well disposed to one's self  |
svahita | n. one's own welfare  |
svahitaiṣin | mfn. seeking one's own good or advantage  |
svaḥkāmya | svaḥ-pati- etc. See .  |
svaḥkāmya | Nom. P. yati-, to wish for heaven  |
svahotṛ | (sv/a--) m. one's own hotṛ-  |
svaḥpāla | m. a guardian of heaven  |
svaḥpatha | m. "way to heaven", death  |
svaḥpati | m. the lord of heaven  |
svaḥpṛṣṭha | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
svaḥsad | m. "dwelling in heaven", a god  |
svaḥsāman | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
svaḥsarit | f. river of heaven, the Ganges,  |
svaḥsindhu | f. equals -sarit-  |
svaḥśiras | mfn. having heaven for head  |
svaḥsravantī | f. equals -sarit-  |
svaḥstrī | ( ) f. "celestial woman", an apsaras-.  |
svaḥsundarī | ( ), f. "celestial woman", an apsaras-.  |
svaḥsyandana | m. celestial chariot, indra-'s chariot  |
svāhuta | mfn. well sacrificed or honoured with sacrifice  |
svāhvāna | mfn. easy to be invoked (used in explaining su-hava-)  |
svāhya | mfn. worthy of an oblation with svāhā-  |
svaira | mf(ā-)n. (prob. fr. sva-+ īra-,"going, moving") going where one likes, doing what one likes, self-willed, wilful, independent, unrestrained  |
svaira | mf(ā-)n. walking slowly or cautiously  |
svaira | mf(ā-)n. voluntary, optional  |
svaira | n. wilfulness  |
svaira | n. unreservedly, confidingly  |
svaira | and v. See .  |
svairācāra | mfn. of unrestrained conduct or behaviour  |
svairacārin | mfn. acting at will, free, independent  |
svairagati | mfn. going about freely  |
svairāhāra | m. as much food as one likes, abundant food  |
svairakam | ind. freely, unreservedly, unrestrainedly, straight out, plainly  |
svairakathā | f. unreserved or unconstrained conversation  |
svairālāpa | m. equals svaira-kathā-  |
svairam | ind. according to one's own inclination or will or pleasure, of one's own accord, freely, unconstrainedly, easily, spontaneously, at random etc., slowly, softly, gently, cautiously etc.  |
svairastha | mfn. remaining indifferent or unconcerned  |
svairatā | f. wilfulness, independence  |
svairatha | m. (perhaps for svaira-ratha-,"whose chariot moves freely") Name of a son of jyotiṣmat-  |
svairatha | n. Name of the varṣa- ruled by svairatha-  |
svairavartin | mfn. acting as one likes, following one's own inclinations  |
svairavihārin | mfn. roaming about at pleasure  |
svairavihārin | mfn. unimpeded, meeting with no resistance  |
svairavṛtta | mf(ā-)n. equals -vartin-  |
svairavṛtti | mfn. acting wilfully or without restraint  |
svairavṛtti | f. wilfulness, unbridledness  |
svaireṇa | ind. at will, at random  |
svaireṣu | ind. in optional or indifferent matters  |
svairi | in compound for svairiṅ-.  |
svairikarman | n. (prob. wrong reading for svaira-k-) an action accomplished for one's own profit  |
svairin | mfn. going where one likes, free, independent, unrestrained (especially said of unchaste women) etc.  |
svairindhrī | f. equals sairindhrī- |
svairiṇī | f. a bat  |
svairitā | f. wilfulness, independence  |
svaiṣa | m. one's own or free choice |
svaitu | (sv/a-etu-) mfn. (perhaps) going one's own gait or way  |
svaj | or svañj- (see pari-ṣvaj-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sv/ajate- (rarely ti-; parasmE-pada svajāmana-and svajāna- ; perfect tense sasvaje- etc. etc. [3. plural juḥ- ]; sasvañje- grammar; Aorist /asasvajat- ; asvaṅkṣi- grammar; future svaṅktā-, svaṅkṣyate- ; svajiṣyate- ; infinitive mood -sv/aje- ; svaktum- ; ind.p. svajitvā-, -svajya- ), to embrace, clasp, encircle, twist or wind round etc.: Passive voice svajate- (Aorist asvañji-) grammar : Causal svañjayati- (Aorist asiṣvañjat-) : Desiderative sisvaṅkṣate- : Intensive sāsvajyate-, sāsvaṅkti-  |
svaja | mf(/ā-)n. self-born, produced in or by one's self, own, akin  |
svaja | m. a viper (according to to ,"a snake that has heads at both ends")  |
svaja | m. a son  |
svaja | m. sweat  |
svaja | m. n. blood  |
svajā | f. a daughter  |
svajā | mfn. self-born  |
svaja | sva-jana- etc. See .  |
svajana | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a man of one's own people, kinsman  |
svajana | m. one's own people, own kindred etc. (often confounded with su-j-)  |
svajanagandhin | mfn. distantly related to (genitive case)  |
svajanatā | f. relationship to or with (genitive case)  |
svajanāvṛta | mfn. surrounded or accompanied by one's own people  |
svajanaya | Nom. P. yati-, to be related to (accusative), resemble (wrong reading su-j-).  |
svajanāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become a relation  |
svajanman | (sv/a--) mfn. self-begotten, own  |
svājanya | n. (fr. sva-jana-) kinship, relationship  |
svajāta | mfn. self-begotten  |
svajāta | m. a child begotten by one's self  |
svajāti | f. one's own kind  |
svajāti | f. one's own family or caste  |
svajāti | mfn. of one's own kind  |
svajātidviṣ | m. a dog  |
svajātīya | ( etc.) ( ) . mfn. relating or belonging to one's own kind.  |
svajātya | ( ) . mfn. relating or belonging to one's own kind.  |
svajenya | (sv/a--) mfn. relating to one's own birth  |
svajita | mfn. self-conquered  |
svājīva | ( ) mfn. yielding an easy subsistence. |
svājīvya | ( ) mfn. yielding an easy subsistence. |
svājñā | f. one's own command (jñāṃ-grah-,"to submit to one's command")  |
svajñāti | f. one's own kindred or kin |
svajñāti | m. a kinsman  |
svaka | mf(akā-or ikā-)n. = sva-1, one's own, my own etc. etc.  |
svaka | m. one of one's own people, a relation, kinsman, friend  |
svaka | m. plural one's own people, friends  |
svaka | n. one's own goods property, wealth, riches  |
svakāla | m. one's own time, proper time  |
svakāle | ind. at the right time  |
svakambalā | f. Name of a river  |
svakāmin | mfn. following one's own wish, self-pleasing  |
svakāmin | mfn. self-loving, selfish  |
svakampana | m. "self-moving", air, wind  |
svakampana | sva-kambalā- etc. See .  |
svākāra | m. (for sv-āk-See p.1283) one's own nature, natural disposition  |
svākāra | mfn. having one's own form  |
svākāra | mfn. (for svākāra-See) of decent or respectable appearance  |
svākārakara | m. a particular samādhi-  |
svakaraṇa | n. making (a woman) one's own, marrying  |
svakarmaja | mfn. arising from one's own act  |
svakarmakṛt | m. doing one's own business, an independent workman  |
svakarman | n. one's own deed  |
svakarman | n. one's own business or occupation  |
svakarman | n. one's own occupation or duty etc.  |
svakarmastha | mfn. minding one's own business or duty  |
svakarmavaśa | mfn. subject to (the consequences of) one's own acts  |
svakarmin | mfn. selfish ,  |
svakārya | n. one's own business or duty or function  |
svakāryasaha | mfn. able to do one's own duty or effect one's own business |
svakasvaka | mfn. equals svaka-  |
svaketu | m. Name of a king  |
svākhyāśataka | n. Name of work  |
svākhyāta | mfn. self-announced ( svākhyātatā -tā- f.)  |
svākhyāta | mfn. well proclaimed (often applied to dharma-)  |
svākhyātatā | f. svākhyāta |
svakīrtimaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of one's own fame  |
svakīya | mfn. = sva-1, one's own, own, proper, belonging to one's self or family or people etc.  |
svakīya | m. (plural) one's own people, followers, friends  |
svakīyā | f. one's own wife  |
svakk | See ṣvakk-.  |
svakṛt | mfn. doing one's own, performing one's own obligations  |
svakṛta | mf(ā-)n. (sv/a--) done or performed or built or composed or created or fixed by one's self etc.  |
svakṛta | mf(ā-)n. spontaneous  |
svakṛta | n. a deed done by one's self  |
svakṛtārtha | mfn. (prob.) wrong reading for su-kṛt-  |
svākṛti | mfn. (for sv-āk-See p.1283) equals kāra-  |
svākṛti | mfn. good-looking, handsome  |
svakṣa | mfn. having a beautiful axle  |
svakṣa | m. a chariot having a beautiful axle |
svakṣa | mfn. having perfect organs of sense  |
svakṣa | mf(ī-)n. handsome-eyed  |
svakṣa | m. plural Name of a people  |
svākṣapāda | m. a follower of the nyāya- philosophy  |
svākṣara | m. one's own handwriting, autograph  |
svākṣara | svāṅga- etc. See .  |
svakṣatra | mfn. (sv/a--) master of one's self, independent, free  |
svakṣatra | mfn. possessing innate strength, self-powerful, innately strong  |
svakta | mfn. well smeared or anointed  |
svakta | See pari-ṣv-.  |
svākta | n. good ointment (for the eyes)  |
svakula | n. one's own family or race  |
svakula | mfn. of one's own kin  |
svakulaja | mfn. born from one's own kin  |
svakulakṣaya | m. "destroying (its) own family", a fish  |
svakulya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. born from one's own kin '  |
svakuśalamaya | mf(ī-)n. relating to one's own welfare  |
svākūti | m. Name of a divine being enumerated among the jaya-s  |
svakuṭumba | n. one's own household  |
svaladā | f. Name of a daughter of raudrāśva-.  |
svalakṣaṇa | n. peculiar characteristic or property  |
svalakṣaṇa | mfn. having its own specific characteristics  |
svalakṣaṇa | sva-likhita- etc. See .  |
svālakṣaṇa | mfn. easily perceived or discerned  |
svalakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
svālakṣaṇya | n. (fr. sva-lakṣaṇa-) specific characteristics, natural disposition  |
svalakṣita | mfn. altogether unseen, not thoroughly observed  |
svālakṣya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. easily perceived or discerned '  |
svalaṃkṛt | mfn. beautifully adorned  |
svalaṃkṛta | mfn. beautifully adorned  |
svalikhita | n. any document or receipt written with one's own hand  |
svalīna | m. Name of a dānava-  |
svalīna | m. Name of a dānava-  |
svaliṅga | mfn. preserving (its) own grammatical gender  |
svalpa | mf(ā-)n. very small or little, minute, very few, short (ena-,"in a short time") |
svālpa | mfn. (fr. sv-alpa-) very little or small, few  |
svālpa | n. littleness, paucity  |
svalpabala | mfn. extremely weak or feeble  |
svalpadehā | f. a dwarfish girl unfit for marriage  |
svalpadrāvaka | n. a particular mineral preparation  |
svalpadṛś | mfn. very shortsighted (metaphorically)  |
svalpaduḥkha | n. very little pain  |
svalpajātaka | n. Name of work by varāha-mihira- (also called sūkṣma-j-).  |
svalpaka | mf(ik/ā-)n. very small or minute or short  |
svalpakaṅka | m. a species of heron (equals bhūkāka-)  |
svalpakesarin | m. "having small filaments", Bauhinia Variegata  |
svalpakeśin | m. "having small fibres", the root of sweet flag  |
svalpāṅguli | f. the little finger  |
svalpāntara | mfn. little different,  |
svālpāpahāra | mfn. eating very little, most abstemious  |
svalpapattraka | m. "small-leaved", a kind of madhūka- or Bassia Latifolia  |
svalpaphalā | f. "having small-sized fruit", Andersonia Rohitaka  |
svalpaśarīra | mfn. having a very diminutive body, small in stature  |
svalpaśilā | f. a very small stone  |
svalpaśilāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become a very small stone  |
svalpasmṛti | mfn. having a short memory  |
svalpatantra | mfn. consisting of short sections, concisely written ( svalpatantratva -tva- n.)  |
svalpatantratva | n. svalpatantra |
svalpatara | mfn. very insignificant or unimportant  |
svalpatas | ind. quite gradually (varia lectio)  |
svalpātivistara | mf(ā-)n. very concise and very diffuse  |
svalpavayas | mfn. very young  |
svalpaviṣaya | m. a very small matter or object a small part  |
svalpavittavat | mfn. possessing very little property  |
svalpavrīḍa | mfn. having little shame, shameless, impudent  |
svalpavyaya | m. very little expenditure  |
svalpavyaya | mfn. spending very little, very niggardly  |
svalpayātrā | f. the shorter yātrā- (by varāha-mihira-)  |
svalpāyu | mfn. short-lived  |
svalpāyus | mfn. short-lived  |
svalpeccha | mfn. having few wishes, unpretentious, unassuming ( svalpecchatā -tā- f.)  |
svalpecchatā | f. svalpeccha |
svalpībhū | P. -bhavati- (past participle -bhūta-), to become small, melt away (as merit)  |
svalpīyas | mfn. very little (property)  |
svamāṃsa | n. own flesh or body  |
svamanīṣā | f. own judgement or opinion  |
svamanīṣikā | f. idem or 'f. own judgement or opinion '  |
svamanīṣikā | f. indifference  |
svamanobodhavākya | n. plural Name of work  |
svamārgamarmavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
svamat | mfn. in alpa-sva-m-, having little property  |
svamātreṇa | ind. by or through one's self  |
svamāyā | f. own cunning or magical art or skill  |
svameka | (?) m. n. (see su-mekha-) a year  |
svāmi | in compound for svāmin-.  |
svāmibhaṭṭāraka | m. a noble lord  |
svāmibhāva | m. ownership, mastership, lordship  |
svāmidatta | m. Name of a poet  |
svāmigirimāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
svāmiguṇa | m. the virtue of a ruler  |
svāmijanaka | m. the father of a husband, father-in-law  |
svāmijaṅghin | m. Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
svāmika | (in compound) equals svāmin- (see niḥ--, praṇaṣṭa-sv-etc.)  |
svāmikarāja | m. Name of a king,  |
svāmikārttika | m. Name of an author  |
svāmikārttikānuprekṣā | f. Name of work  |
svāmikārya | n. the business of a king or master  |
svāmikāryārthin | mfn. desirous of or seeking a master's interest  |
svāmikumāra | m. Name of skanda-  |
svāmikumāra | m. of in author (?)  |
svāmimūla | mfn. originating or derived from a master or lord, depending on a master or husband  |
svāmin | See .  |
svāmin | m. (fr. 1. sva-+ min-) an owner, proprietor, master, lord or owner of (genitive case locative case,or compound) etc.  |
svāmin | m. a chief, commander (of an army)  |
svāmin | m. a husband, lover (dual number"husband and wife") etc.  |
svāmin | m. a king, prince (in dramatic language used as a form of address equals deva-)  |
svāmin | m. a spiritual preceptor, learned Brahman or Pandit (used as a title at the end of names, especially of natives of the Carnatic)  |
svāmin | m. the image or temple of a god (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See śrīdhara--, viṣṇu-sv-etc.)  |
svāmin | m. Name of skanda-  |
svāmin | m. of viṣṇu-  |
svāmin | m. of śiva-  |
svāmin | m. of garuḍa-  |
svāmin | m. of the muni- vātsyāyana-  |
svāmin | m. of the 11th arhat- of the past utsarpiṇī-  |
svāmin | m. of various authors (also with miśra-and śāstrin-;sometimes abridged from names ending in svāmin- exempli gratia, 'for example' for kṣīra--and śabara-svāmin-)  |
svāminī | f. See next.  |
svāminī | f. a proprietress, mistress, lady (used in addressing a queen or a king's favourite wife)  |
svāminīstotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
svāminy | in compound for svāminī-.  |
svāminyaṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
svāmipāla | m. dual number the owner and the tender (of cattle)  |
svāmipālavivāda | m. a dispute between the owner and tender (of cattle)  |
svāmipālavivādataraṃga | m. Name of work  |
svāmiprasāda | m. ( svāmiprasādāt dāt- ind."by your majesty's leave")  |
svāmiprasādāt | ind. svāmiprasāda |
svāmisadbhāva | m. existence of a master or owner  |
svāmisadbhāva | m. amiability of a master or lord  |
svāmiśailamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
svāmiśāstrin | m. Name of an author  |
svāmisevā | f. the service of a master, respect or reverence for a master or husband  |
svāmitā | f. ( ) ownership, mastership, lordship of (genitive case or compound)  |
svāmitva | n. ( ) ownership, mastership, lordship of (genitive case or compound)  |
svāmivaśīkarastotra | n. Name of work  |
svāmivātsalya | n. affection for a lord or husband  |
svāṃkṛta | mfn. made one's own, seized  |
svāmnāya | mfn. well handed down by tradition  |
svāmy | in compound for svāmin-.  |
svāmya | n. mastership, lordship, ownership, dominion or power over any one  |
svāmyakāraṇa | n. the cause of lordship or supremacy  |
svāmyartham | ind. for a master's sake  |
svāmyasammata | mfn. unpermitted by a master, one who has not obtained an owner's permission  |
svāmyupakāraka | m. "serviceable to a master", a horse  |
svan | cl.1 P. ( ) svanati- (mc. also te-; perfect tense sasvāna-,3. plural sasvanuḥ-[Gr. also svenuḥ-] etc.; Aorist asvanīt-, svānīt- [for Aorist P. sv/ani-See adhi--and anu-ṣvan-]; future svanitā-, svaniṣyati- grammar; infinitive mood svanitum- ), to sound, make any noise, roar, yell, hum, sing etc. etc.: Causal svanayati- (Aorist asisvanat-), to sound, resound ; to adorn (in this sense also svānayati-) : Desiderative sisvaniṣati- grammar : Intensive saṃsvanyate-, saṃsvanti- (confer, compare pari-ṣvan-) [ confer, compare Latin sonit,sonus,sonare; Anglo-Saxon swin; English swan; German Schwan.] |
svan | See tuvi-ṣv/an-.  |
svana | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ū-).) sound, noise (in the older language applied to the roar of wind, thunder, water etc.;in later language to the song of birds, speech, and sound of any kind see ) etc.  |
svana | m. a particular agni-  |
svana | m. (sv/ana-), roaring water  |
svana | mfn. ill-sounding  |
svāna | m. (see 3. su-,p.1219) sounding, making a noise, rattling (as a chariot), Panting (as a horse)  |
svāna | m. sound, noise, rattle  |
svāna | m. twang (of a bowstring)  |
svāna | m. Name of one of the seven guardians of soma-  |
svāna | See 3. su-, and .  |
svanābhaka | m. Name of a spell pronounced over weapons  |
svanābhaka | (perhaps connected with svan/a-above, butSee under 1. sva-,) .  |
svanābhya | mfn. issuing from one's own navel  |
svanacakra | m. a form of sexual union  |
svanadratha | mfn. (pr. p. of svan-+ r-) having a rattling chariot  |
svanaḍuh | mfn. having excellent bulls  |
svanagara | n. one's own town or native city  |
svanagara | sva-nābhya- etc. See .  |
svānama | mf(ā-)n. easy to be attracted or captivated  |
svanāman | n. one's own name  |
svanāman | mfn. having a name or reputation through one's self  |
svanāmāṅka | mfn. marked with or called after one's own name  |
svānanda | m. delight in one's self  |
svānandacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
svānandapūrṇa | m. Name of an author  |
svanas | See tuvi-ṣvaṇ/as-.  |
svanāśa | m. self-destruction  |
svanavat | mfn. sounding, resounding, loud ( svanavat vat- ind."aloud")  |
svanavat | ind. svanavat |
svanavekṣaṇīya | mfn. not at all to be hoped for, past all hope  |
svanaya | m. Name of a man (son of bhāvayavya-)  |
svañc | mfn. going well, moving swiftly or gracefully, nimble, swift, rapid  |
svañcana | mfn. (used in explaining sv-añcas-and sv-arka-)  |
svañcas | mfn. equals sv-añc-  |
svaṅg | (confer, compare śvaṅg-) cl.1 P. svaṅgati-, to go, move  |
svāṅga | n. a limb of one's own body, one's own body, limb or body in the strict (not metaphorical) sense etc.  |
svāṅga | m. a proper N.  |
svaṅga | mfn. having a beautiful body, well-shaped, fair-limbed  |
svaṅga | n. a good or handsome limb  |
svaṅga | See pari-ṣv-.  |
svāṅgabhaṅga | m. injury to one's own body  |
svaṅgārin | mfn. having beautiful coals (said of fire)  |
svāṅgaśīta | mfn. cooled in all parts  |
svaṅguri | mfn. handsome-fingered (said of savitṛ- and sinīvālī-)  |
svani | mfn. (in tuvi--and mahi-ṣv/aṇi-)  |
svani | m. fire  |
svāni | mfn. (fr. svana-) gaRa sutaṃgamādi-.  |
svanika | See pāṇi-svanika-.  |
svanīka | mfn. having a fair or radiant countenance (as agni-)  |
svānin | mfn. noisy, turbulent  |
svaniṣṭha | mfn. being in one's own person ( svaniṣṭhatva -tva- n.)  |
svaniṣṭhatva | n. svaniṣṭha |
svanita | mfn. sounded, sounding etc.  |
svanita | n. sound, noise  |
svanita | n. a thunderclap  |
svanitāhvaya | m. a kind of herb (equals taṇḍulīya-)  |
svañj | or svaj- (see pari-ṣvaj-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sv/ajate- (rarely ti-; parasmE-pada svajāmana-and svajāna- ; perfect tense sasvaje- etc. etc. [3. plural juḥ- ]; sasvañje- grammar; Aorist /asasvajat- ; asvaṅkṣi- grammar; future svaṅktā-, svaṅkṣyate- ; svajiṣyate- ; infinitive mood -sv/aje- ; svaktum- ; ind.p. svajitvā-, -svajya- ), to embrace, clasp, encircle, twist or wind round etc.: Passive voice svajate- (Aorist asvañji-) grammar : Causal svañjayati- (Aorist asiṣvañjat-) : Desiderative sisvaṅkṣate- : Intensive sāsvajyate-, sāsvaṅkti-  |
svañja | (prob.) wrong reading for sañja-  |
svāñjalyaka | n. the joining of one's hands in supplication, supplication  |
svañjana | See pari-ṣv-.  |
svāṅkika | m. (perhaps fr. sva-+ aṅkī-) a drummer  |
svanna | n. good food  |
svanotsāha | m. a rhinoceros (equals gaṇḍaka-)  |
svānta | m. (according to to fr. svan-) own end  |
svānta | m. own death  |
svānta | m. own territory or domain or province  |
svānta | n. "seat of the Ego", the heart (as self of the emotions; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
svānta | n. a cavern  |
svānta | See svānta-, .  |
svanta | mfn. having a good end, terminating well  |
svanta | mfn. auspicious, fortunate  |
svānta | See svan- and .  |
svāntaja | m. "heart-born", love  |
svāntastha | mfn. being in the heart (perhaps wrong reading for svāntaḥ-stha-,"being in one's interior")  |
svāntavat | mfn. having a heart  |
svānubhava | m. one's own personal experience or observation  |
svānubhāva | m. enjoyment of or love for property  |
svānubhavādarśa | m. Name of work  |
svānubhūti | f. one's own experience  |
svānubhūti | f. self-enjoyment (See compound)  |
svānubhūtiprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
svānubhūtiprakāśavivṛti | f. Name of work  |
svānubhūtivākya | n. Name of work  |
svānubhūtyabhidhanāṭaka | n. Name of work  |
svānubhūtyekasāra | mfn. whose only essence consists in self-enjoyment  |
svanugupta | mfn. well hidden  |
svanujā | f. having a beautiful younger sister  |
svanurakta | mfn. truly devoted to (locative case)  |
svānurūpa | mfn. resembling one's self, suited to one's character  |
svānurūpa | mfn. natural, innate |
svanurūpa | mfn. well suited  |
svānusāra | m. (only eṇa-,"according to one's property")  |
svanuṣṭhita | mfn. well observed, duly practised or performed  |
svānyadīyatva | n. the state of being one's own or some one else's  |
svānyadīyatvasaṃdeha | m. doubt about"meum"and"tuum"  |
svap | cl.2 P. ( ) svapiti- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also sv/apati-, te-; imperative sv/aptu- ; Potential svapīta- ; perfect tense suṣvāpa-[3. plural suṣupuḥ-; parasmE-pada suṣupv/as-and suṣupāṇ/a-,qq.vv.] etc.; Aorist asvāpsīt-; preceding supyāt- future svaptā- ; svapiṣyati- ; te- ; svapsyati- etc.; te- etc.; infinitive mood svaptum- etc.; ind.p. suptv/ā- etc., -sv/āpam- ), to sleep, fall asleep (with varṣa-śatam-,"to sleep for a hundred years, sleep the eternal sleep") etc. ; to lie down, recline upon (locative case) etc. ; to be dead ; Passive voice supyate- (Aorist asvāpi-) etc. ; Causal svāp/ayati-, or (mc.) svapayati- (Aorist asūṣupat-;in also siṣvapaḥ-, s/iṣvap-; Passive voice svāpyate-), to cause to sleep, lull to rest ; to kill : Desiderative of Causal suṣvāpayiṣati- grammar : Desiderative suṣupsati-, to wish to sleep : Intensive soṣupyate-, sāsvapīti-, sāsvapti-, soṣupīti-, soṣopti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin somnusforsop-nus,sopor,sopire; Slavonic or Slavonian su8pati; Lithuanian sa4pnas; Anglo-Saxon swefan,"to sleep."])  |
svap | mfn. having good water |
svāpa | m. sleeping, sleep  |
svāpa | m. dreaming, a dream  |
svāpa | m. sleepiness, sloth  |
svāpa | m. the sleep of a limb, numbness  |
svāpa | m. loss of sensation, ignorance  |
svapada | n. one's own place or abode  |
svapada | n. one's own position or rank  |
svāpada | See śvā-pada-.  |
svāpaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to sleep, soporiferous, soporific Va1rtt. 2  |
svapāka | mfn. (su-ap-in ) skilful, industrious ( ;others,"coming willingly from afar", fr. 5. su-+ apāka-).  |
svāpakīya | Nom. P. yati- equals svāpakam icchati-  |
svapakṣa | m. one's own wings  |
svapakṣa | m. one's own party etc.  |
svapakṣa | m. a man of one's own party, friend (also plural)  |
svapakṣa | m. one's own opinion or assertion  |
svapakṣa | sva-pañcaka- etc. See .  |
svapakṣīya | mfn. belonging to one's own party  |
svapaṇa | m. one's own stake  |
svapana | mfn. sleepy, drowsy  |
svapana | n. the act of sleeping, dreaming, sleep  |
svapana | n. numbness (of the skin)  |
svāpana | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to sleep, making sleepy (said of a mystic weapon)  |
svāpana | n. a soporific (remedy)  |
svapañcaka | mfn. (perhaps) multiplied 5 times with itself  |
svapanīya | mfn. to be slept |
svaparāddha | mfn. very faulty  |
svāparādha | m. offence against one's self  |
svaparamaṇḍala | n. one's own and an enemy's country  |
svaparapratāraka | mfn. deceiving one's self and others  |
svapas | mfn. doing good work, skilful, artistic (said of tvaṣṭṛ-, the ṛbhu-s etc.)  |
svapas | mfn. artificially fashioned (superl. -tama-,said of indra-'s thunderbolt)  |
svapas | m. a good artificer  |
svapas | m. Name of a man.  |
svapasya | mfn. active, industrious (said of indra-)  |
svapasya | Nom. A1. y/ate-, to work well, be active or industrious  |
svapasyā | f. (only in instrumental case which is of the same form) activity, diligence, skill  |
svāpateya | n. (fr. sva-pati-) one's own property, wealth, riches  |
svapati | m. (sv/a--). one's own lord  |
svapati | mfn. (-pat/i-) having an own consort  |
svapatibhrāntimatī | f. (a woman) mistaking anything for her husband,  |
svapatīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make any one her husband  |
svapatita | mfn. dropped off of its own accord  |
svapatya | n. good offspring (also applied to good work or deeds; dative case ty/ai-)  |
svapatya | mfn. having good offspring  |
svāpavyasana | n. somnolency, lethargy  |
svāpaya | Nom. P. yati- (see Causal of svap-)  |
svāpi | m. a good friend or comrade  |
svāpika | n. Name of a fortress  |
svāpimat | mfn. containing the word svāpi-  |
svāpin | mfn. causing sleep, lulling to sleep  |
svapiṇḍā | f. a kind of date tree (wrong reading for sthala-p-).  |
svapiś | m. Name of a man (see svāpiśi-).  |
svāpiśi | m. patronymic fr. sva-piś- gaRa raivatikādi-.  |
svāpiśīya | mfn. (fr. prec.)  |
svapitṛ | m. (for svapitṛ-See) one's own father etc.  |
svapitṛ | m. plural one's own deceased ancestors  |
svapitṛ | mfn. (for sva-pitṛ-See) asleep, a sleeper  |
svapivāta | mfn. (See api-vat-) understanding or meaning well (said of rudra-) (according to to "whose speech is trustworthy or authoritative"; according to to others,"much desired", fr. api-van-).  |
svapna | m. (once in n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).;for sv-apna-See) sleep, sleeping etc.  |
svapna | m. sleepiness, drowsiness  |
svapna | m. sleeping too much, sloth, indolence  |
svapna | m. dreaming, a dream (accusative with dṛś-,"toSee a vision, dream ")  |
svāpna | mfn. (fr. svapna-) relating to sleep  |
svapna | mfn. (for svapna-See p.1280) equals next (according to to some)  |
svapnabhāj | mfn. enjoying sleep  |
svapnābhikaraṇa | n. a soporific remedy  |
svapnacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work on oneiromancy.  |
svapnadarśana | n. dream-vision, vision in a dream  |
svapnādeśa | m. an order given by a dream  |
svapnadhīgamya | mfn. perceptible by the mind (only when) in a state of sleep  |
svapnādhyāya | m. "dreams-chapter", Name of the 68th pariśiṣṭa- of the atharva-- veda- and other works.  |
svapnādhyāyavid | m. an interpreter of dreams  |
svapnadoṣa | m. "sleep fault", pollutio nocturna  |
svapnadṛś | mfn. (Nominal verb k-) having a vision, dreaming  |
svapnagata | mfn. fallen asleep, sleeping, dreaming, R:  |
svapnagiri | m. Name of a place  |
svapnagṛha | n. a sleeping apartment, bed-chamber  |
svapnaj | mfn. (Nominal verb k-) sleepy, asleep (see /a-sv-)  |
svapnaja | mfn. produced in sleep, dreamt  |
svapnajñāna | n. perception in a dream  |
svapnakalpa | mfn. dream-like  |
svapnakāma | mfn. wishing for sleep  |
svapnakṛt | mfn. causing sleep, somniterous, soporific  |
svapnakṛt | m. Marsilea Quadrifolia  |
svapnalabdha | mfn. obtained or appeared in a dream  |
svapnālu | mfn. sleepy, drowsy  |
svapnamāṇava | m. "dream-charm", a kind of charm effecting the realisation of dreams  |
svapnamāṇavaka | m. "dream-charm", a kind of charm effecting the realisation of dreams  |
svapnamantrapaṭala | m. n. Name of work  |
svapnamukhā | (sv/apna--) f. (prob.) phantom or illusion of a dream  |
svapnanaṃśana | mfn. destroying sleep (others"acquiring riches"see sv-apna-)  |
svapnānayanamantra | m. Name of works.  |
svapnanidarśana | n. equals -darśana-  |
svapnanidarśanīya | mfn. treating of visions and dreams  |
svapnaniketana | n. equals -gṛha-  |
svapnānta | m. a state of sleep or dreaming,  |
svapnāntara | n. idem or 'm. a state of sleep or dreaming, '  |
svapnāntaragata | mfn. occurred during sleep, dreamt  |
svapnāntika | n. consciousness in dreams  |
svapnaparīkṣā | f. Name of work  |
svapnaparyantam | ind. till the end of sleeping-time  |
svapnaphalādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
svapnaphalāphala | n. Name of work  |
svapnaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
svapnaprapañca | m. the illusions of sleep, the world spread out like a dream  |
svapnas | mfn. wealthy, rich  |
svapnasaṃdarśana | n. equals -darśana-  |
svapnaśīla | mfn. disposed to sleep, sleepy, drowsy  |
svapnasṛṣṭi | f. the creation of dreams  |
svapnasthāna | n. the site or locality of a dream  |
svapnasthāna | n. a bed-chamber  |
svapnasthāna | mfn. sleeping, dreaming  |
svapnaśukrapātā | f. pollution  |
svapnatandritā | f. languor produced by drowsiness  |
svapnavārāhīkalpa | m. Name of work  |
svapnavāsavadattānāṭaka | n. Name of work  |
svapnavasthā | f. a state of dreaming (applied to life as an illusion)  |
svapnavat | ind. (risen) as (from) a dream  |
svapnavicārin | mfn. interpreting dreams  |
svapnavidhi | m. Name of work  |
svapnavikāra | m. change (produced) by sleep  |
svapnavinaśvara | mf(ī-)n. evanescent as a dream  |
svapnaviparyaya | m. transposed order of sleeping-time  |
svapnavṛtta | mfn. occurring in a dream  |
svapnayā | ind. in dream  |
svapnāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to wish to sleep, be sleepy ; to resemble a dream  |
svapneduḥṣvapnya | n. (locative case of svapna-+ d-) a bad dream during sleep  |
svapneśvara | m. Name of two authors  |
svapnopabhoga | m. enjoyment in a dream  |
svapnopama | mfn. resembling sleep or a dream  |
svapnya | n. a vision in a dream  |
svapnyayā | ind. equals svapnayā-  |
svapoṣam | ind. (with puṣ-) to prosper in one's person  |
svaprabhā | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
svaprabhutā | f. own or arbitrary power ( svaprabhutayā tayā- ind."arbitrarily")  |
svaprabhutayā | ind. svaprabhutā |
svapradhāna | mfn. self-dependent, independent  |
svapradhānatā | f. self-dependence  |
svapradhānatā | f. one's own natural state  |
svaprakāśa | mfn. clear or evident by itself ( svaprakāśatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
svaprakāśa | mfn. self-luminous  |
svaprakāśa | mfn. Name of commentator or commentary  |
svaprakāśajñānavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
svaprakāśapradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
svaprakāśarahasya | n. Name of work  |
svaprakāśatāvicāra | m. Name of work  |
svaprakāśatva | n. svaprakāśa |
svaprakāśavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
svapramāṇānurūpa | mfn. suited to one's strength  |
svaprasāra | m. opening one's own mouth  |
svapratikara | wrong reading for su-p-  |
svapratinidhi | m. a substitute for one's self ( svapratinidhitvena -tvena- ind.instead of him, her, them etc.)  |
svapratinidhitvena | ind. svapratinidhi |
svapratiṣṭha | mfn. astringent  |
svapratiṣṭha | m. astringent taste  |
svaprayogāt | ind. by means of one's self, without assistance  |
svaprayojanavaśa | m. the force of one's own object or purpose  |
svāpta | mfn. very abundant  |
svāpta | mfn. very skilful or trustworthy  |
svāptavacana | mfn. (used in explaining sv-apivāta-)  |
svaptavya | mfn. equals svapanīya-  |
svaptṛ | mfn. equals svapitṛ-  |
svapū | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
svapū | f. (prob.) a broom  |
svapura | n. one's own city  |
svapura | n. Name of a suburb of vajra-nagara-  |
svapuras | ind. before one's self  |
svapūrṇa | mfn. perfectly satisfied with or through one's own acts  |
svaputravat | ind. like one's own children  |
svāpyaya | m. turning into one's self (as an explanation of sv/apna-)  |
svar | (= sur-) cl.10 P. svarayati-, to find fault, blame, censure  |
svar | (prob. = a lost sur-; see svṛ-) cl.1 P. svarati-, Causal svarayati-, to shine.  |
svar | ind. (in yajur-veda- also s/uvar-) (used in veda- as nom accusative locative case,or genitive case,in also as ablative;from the weak base s/ūr-the forms the genitive case s/ūras-and the dative case sūr/e-[ ]) , the sun, sunshine, light, lustre |
svar | ind. bright space or sky, heaven (as distinguished from div-,which is regarded as the vault above it;often"heaven"as a paradise and as the abode of the gods and the Blest, in also of the asura-s; svaḥ prayātaḥ-,"gone to heaven" id est"departed this life") etc.  |
svar | ind. the space above the sun or between the sun and the polar star, the region of the planets and constellations (regarded as the 3rd of the 7 worlds [see loka-]and the 3rd of the three vyāhṛti-s [i.e. bh/ur bh/uvaḥ sv/aḥ-]; svar-is pronounced after om-and before the gāyatrī- by every Brahman on beginning his daily prayers) etc.  |
svar | ind. water  |
svar | ind. Name of śiva- [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin sol; Lithuanian sa4ule; Gothic sauil; Anglo-Saxon so7l.]  |
svara | svaraṇa- etc. See p.1285.  |
svara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) sound, noise etc.  |
svara | m. voice etc.  |
svara | m. tone in recitation etc. (either high or low), accent (of which there are three kinds, udātta-, anudātta-qq. vv., and svarita-, column 3), a note of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely six or eight] are enumerated, 1. niṣāda-;2. ṛṣabha-;3. gāndhāra-;4. ṣaḍja-;5. madhyama-;6. dhaivata-;7. pañcama-[described as resembling respectively the notes of an elephant, bull, goat, peacock, curlew or heron, horse, and Koil])  |
svara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) sound, noise etc.  |
svara | m. voice etc.  |
svara | m. tone in recitation etc. (either high or low), accent (of which there are three kinds, udātta-, anudātta-qq. vv., and svarita-, column 3), a note of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely six or eight] are enumerated, 1. niṣāda-;2. ṛṣabha-;3. gāndhāra-;4. ṣaḍja-;5. madhyama-;6. dhaivata-;7. pañcama-[described as resembling respectively the notes of an elephant, bull, goat, peacock, curlew or heron, horse, and Koil;and designated by their initial letters or syllables thus, ni-; ṛ-; ga-; ṣa-; ma-; dha-; pa-],but the order is sometimes changed, ṣadja-being placed first, and niṣāda-last) etc. |
svara | m. a symbolical expression for the number"seven"  |
svara | m. a vowel (either dīrgha-,"long";or hrasva-,"short";or pluta-,"prolated") etc.  |
svara | m. air breathed through the nostrils  |
svara | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
svarā | f. Name of the chief wife of brahmā-  |
svara | n. a musical note on  |
svara | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
svāra | m. sound, noise (of a snorting horse)  |
svāra | m. tone, accent  |
svāra | m. the svarita- accent  |
svāra | mfn. relating to sound or accent  |
svāra | mfn. having the svarita- accent  |
svāra | n. a sāman- ending with the svarita- accent  |
svarabaddha | mfn. composed in musical measure (said of a song etc.)  |
svārabdha | mfn. self-undertaken  |
svārabdha | svārāma- etc. See .  |
svarabhairava | m. Name of tantra- work  |
svarabhakti | f. "vowel-separation", a vowel-sound phonetically inserted between r- or l- and a following consonant (exempli gratia, 'for example' varṣa-pronounced variṣa-)  |
svarabhaṅga | m. "broken articulation", stammering  |
svarabhaṅga | m. hoarseness  |
svarabhaṅgin | m. "note-separating", a kind of bird  |
svarabheda | m. indistinctness of utterance, hoarseness  |
svarabheda | m. simulation of voice (instrumental case"in a feigned voice")  |
svarabheda | m. betrayal by one's voice ( svarabhedabhaya -bhaya- n."fear of betraying one's voice")  |
svarabheda | m. difference of accent  |
svarabheda | m. difference of musical tones  |
svarabhedabhaya | n. svarabheda |
svarabhūta | mfn. become a vowel (id est changed from a semivowel followed by a vowel into i-or u-)  |
svarabrahman | n. " brahman- as manifested in sound", the sacred texts  |
svaracchidra | n. the sound-hole of a flute  |
svaracintā | f. Name of work on vowels  |
svaradhīta | mfn. "reaching heaven", the mountain meru-  |
svārādhita | mfn. well propitiated, faithfully served  |
svaradhītasāra | m. Name of indra-  |
svaradīpta | mfn. (in augury) inauspicious with regard to voice or sound  |
svaragatādhyāya | m. Name of the first chapter of the saṃgīta-darpaṇa- and of the saṃgīta-ratnākara-.  |
svaraghna | m. "voice-destroyer", Name of a particular disease of the throat  |
svaragrāma | m. the musical scale, gamut  |
svaragupti | f. depth of voice  |
svarahan | m. equals -ghna-  |
svarāj | mfn. (Nominal verb -rāṭ-) self-ruling  |
svarāj | m. a self-ruler etc.  |
svarāj | mfn. self-resplendent, self-luminous  |
svarāj | m. Name of brahmā-  |
svarāj | m. of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
svarāj | m. of a manu-  |
svarāj | m. of an ekāha-  |
svarāj | m. of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun  |
svarāj | f. various kinds of metre  |
svārāj | mfn. (for 2.See p.1282) equals sva-r-  |
svārāj | m. (for 1.See)"king of heaven" , Name of indra-  |
svārāj | 1. 2. svā-rāj-. See , and .  |
svarājan | mf(jñī-)n. self-ruling, self-guiding, a self-ruler  |
svarājya | n. independent dominion or sovereignty  |
svarājya | n. own dominion or kingdom  |
svarājya | n. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman-  |
svārājya | n. (fr. sva-rāj-) independent rule, uncontrolled dominion, sovereignty (according to to some" indra-'s heaven", fr. 2. svā-rāj-;also indrasya svārājyam-Name of a sāman-) etc.  |
svārājya | n. union with brahma-, identification with the self-refulgent, state of self-effulgence  |
svārājya | mfn. procuring sovereignty or heaven  |
svārājyakāma | mfn. desirous of sovereignty or heaven  |
svārājyasiddhi | f. Name of a vedānta- work  |
svarakampa | m. trembling of tone  |
svarakara | mfn. producing voice  |
svarakṣaya | m. loss of voice  |
svarakṣu | f. Name of a river  |
svārakṣya | mfn. easy to be protected or defended  |
svaralakṣaṇa | n. Name of a treatise (on the accents of the taittirīya-, by keśa-vārya-).  |
svaralāsikā | f. a flute, pipe  |
svarālu | m. a kind of root (equals vacā-)  |
svārāma | mfn. delighting in one's self  |
svaramañcanṛtya | n. (in music) a kind of dance  |
svaramaṇḍala | m. a kind of vīṇā- or stringed musical instrument  |
svaramaṇḍalikā | f. a kind of vīṇā- or stringed musical instrument  |
svaramañjarī | f. Name of work on Vedic accents.  |
svaramantrakāṇḍa | n. Name of work  |
svaramātrā | f. strength of sound  |
svārambhaka | mfn. self-undertaken  |
svaramelakalānidhi | f. Name of work  |
svaraṃkrita | mfn. well arranged or prepared (as a sacrifice)  |
svarāṃśa | m. a half or quarter tone in music  |
svarāṃśa | m. a seventh (See under svara-)  |
svaraṇa | mfn. loud-sounding, clear-voiced  |
svaranābhi | m. a kind of flute  |
svaranirṇaya | m. Name of work (on the accents of the ṛg-- veda-, in 21 śloka-s, by jayanta-svāmin-).  |
svarāṅka | m. a kind of musical composition  |
svarāṅkuśa | m. Name of work (equals svaranirṇaya-).  |
svarānta | mfn. ending in a vowel  |
svarānta | mfn. having the svarita- accent on the last syllable  |
svarāntara | n. "vowel-interval", the interval between two vowels, hiatus (equals vivṛtti-)  |
svarāntare | ind. between two vowels  |
svarāpagā | f. "river of heaven" equals -gaṅgā-  |
svarapakṣa | mfn. "sound-winged", possessing sound as wings  |
svarapañcāśat | f. Name of work on Vedic accents.  |
svaraparibhāṣā | f. Name of work (on the more ancient notation of the accents or tones in the sāmaveda-, used in South India).  |
svaraparivarta | m. change or modulation of the voice  |
svarapattana | n. "abode of accents", Name of the sāmaveda-.  |
svaraprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
svaraprakriyā | f. Name of work  |
svaraprastāra | m. Name of work  |
svarapṛṣṭha | mfn. having the svara-sāman- for a pṛṣṭha- (q.v)  |
svarapuraṃjaya | m. Name of a son of śeṣa-  |
svarārāṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
svararatnabhāṇḍa | n. Name of work  |
svararatnakośa | m. Name of work  |
svarārāvadhāna | n. Name of work  |
svarārṇava | m. Name of work  |
svarārūḍha | mfn. ascended to heaven  |
svaras | See gharm/a-svaras-.  |
svarasa | m. own (unadulterated) juice or essence etc.  |
svarasa | m. natural or peculiar flavour  |
svarasa | m. proper taste or sentiment in composition  |
svarasa | m. a particular astringent juice or decoction  |
svarasa | m. the sediment of oily substances ground on a stone  |
svarasa | m. own inclination (-tas-,"through own inclination","for pleasure")  |
svarasa | m. feeling for one's own people  |
svarasa | m. instinct of self-preservation (?)  |
svarasa | m. analogy  |
svarasa | mf(ā-)n. agreeable or pleasant to one's taste, congenial  |
svarasa | m. Name of a mountain  |
svarasa | sva-rāj- etc. See .  |
svarasāman | m. (sv/ara--) Name of the three days before and after the viṣuvat- of the gavāmayana- (id est the last three days of the first, and the first three days of the second half-year)  |
svarasāman | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
svarasaṃdarbha | m. equals -saṃkrama-  |
svarasaṃdehavivāda | m. a kind of round game  |
svarasaṃdhi | m. the junction or coalition of vowels  |
svarasaṃgraha | m. Name of work on suppression of the voice and breath (for attaining beatitude).  |
svārasāmika | mfn. (fr. svara-sāman-)  |
svarasaṃkrama | m. succession of tones (applied to the musical scale ), rise and fall of the voice, modulation of tone  |
svarasampad | f. euphony or melody of voice  |
svarasaṃpanna | mf(ā-)n. (sv/ara--) melodious, harmonious |
svarasaṃpanna | mf(ā-)n. having a melodious voice |
svarasaṃsvāravat | mfn. correct in accent  |
svarasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
svarasaṃyoga | m. equals -yoga-  |
svarasaṃyoga | m. a song  |
svarasaṃyoga | m. the junction of vowels  |
svarasāra | m. Name of work  |
svaraśas | ind. according to the accent  |
svaraśāstra | n. Name of a class of works on the modulation of sounds or on the passage of the air through the nostrils (especially as bearing on the prognostication of future events)  |
svaraśāstra | n. Name of work on Vedic. accents.  |
svarasiddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
svarasiddhāntakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
svarasiddhāntamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
svārasika | mfn. (fr. sva-rasa-) possessing inherent flavour or sweetness (as a poem etc.)  |
svārasika | mfn. natural, self-evident  |
svarasīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make into sap or juice  |
svaraśikṣā | f. Name of work  |
svarasiṃha | m. Name of work  |
svarāṣṭra | n. own kingdom  |
svarāṣṭra | m. Name of a king  |
svarāṣṭra | m. plural Name of a people  |
svarāṣṭracintā | f. care for one's own country or people  |
svarāṣṭrīya | mfn. belonging to one's own kingdom ( svarāṣṭrīyajana -jana- m. plural"own subjects")  |
svarāṣṭrīyajana | m. svarāṣṭrīya |
svarasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
svaraśuddha | mfn. correct in musical measure  |
svaraśūnya | mfn. unmelodious, unmusical  |
svarasvarūpa | n. Name of work  |
svārasya | n. naturalness, self-evidence  |
svaratā | f. the state of (being) voice or a musical sound  |
svaratantra | n. Name of work  |
svaratattvacamatkāra | m. Name of work  |
svaratattvodaya | m. Name of work  |
svaratikrama | m. stepping beyond heaven id est reaching vaikuṇṭha-  |
svaratikrama | svar-adhīta- etc. See .  |
svaravaidika | n. Name of work  |
svaravat | mfn. (sv/ara--) having sound, sonorous, loud  |
svaravat | mfn. having a melodious voice  |
svaravat | mfn. having an accent, accentuated  |
svaravat | mfn. containing a vowel  |
svaravibhakti | f. separation of a vowel (in sāman--chanting)  |
svaravidhi | m. Name of a med. work  |
svaravyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
svārāyaṇa | m. patronymic fr. svara- gaRa aśvādi-.  |
svarayoga | m. "sound-combination", voice  |
svarayoni | m. or f. the ṛc- on which the svara-sāman- is based  |
svarbhānava | m. a kind of gem  |
svarbhānavī | f. a daughter of svar-bhānu-  |
svarbhānavīya | mfn. relating or belonging to svar-bhānu-  |
svarbhāṇu | m. equals -bhānu- id est rāhu-  |
svarbhānu | m. (sv^ar--) Name of a demon supposed to eclipse the sun and the moon (in later language applied to rāhu- or the personified ascending node) etc.  |
svarbhānu | m. of a kaśyapa-  |
svarbhānu | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
svarbhānusūdana | m. "destroyer of rāhu-", Name of the Sun  |
svarcakṣas | (svār--) mfn. brilliant as light  |
svarcana | mfn. (used in explaining prec.)  |
svarcanas | (svār--) mfn. "lovely as light"or"pleasing to heaven"  |
svarci | ( ) ( ) mfn. flashing beautifully.  |
svarcis | ( ) mfn. flashing beautifully.  |
svard | (see svad-) cl.1 A1. svardate-, to taste ; to please ; to be pleasing ; (also sañcaraṇe-.)  |
svarda | mfn. bestowing heaven  |
svardā | mfn. bestowing heaven  |
svarda | svar-dṛś- etc. See p.1281.  |
svardantin | m. a celestial elephant  |
svardeva | m. Name of a man  |
svardhāman | (sv/ar--) mfn. abiding in light  |
svardhenu | f. equals -kāma-dhenu-  |
svardhin | m. a good partisan (or"one who has chosen the good side")  |
svardhunī | f. equals -āpagā-  |
svārdra | mfn. very wet or moist (varia lectio)  |
svardṛś | mfn. (Nominal verb k-) seeing light or the sun (applied to gods and men)  |
svareṇu | f. Name of a wife of the sun (varia lectio sureṇu-and saraṇyū-)  |
svarga | See below.  |
svarga | mfn. (or suvarg/a-) going or leading to or being in light or heaven, heavenly, celestial (with lok/a- m.or plural = "the world of light, heavens") etc. |
svarga | m. heaven, the abode of light and of the gods, heavenly bliss, (especially) indra-'s heaven or paradise (to which the souls of virtuous mortalsSee transferred until the time comes for their re-entering earthly bodies;this temporary heaven is the only heaven of orthodox Brahmanism;it is supposed to be situated on mount meru- q.v; accusative with gā-, ā-sthā-,or ā-pad-,"to go to heaven","die") etc.  |
svarga | m. a particular ekāha-  |
svarga | m. Name of a son of the rudra- bhīma-  |
svargabhartṛ | m. equals -pati-  |
svargābhikāma | mfn. desirous if heaven, ib.  |
svargacyuta | mfn. fallen or descended from heaven  |
svargada | mfn. heaven-giving, procuring paradise  |
svargadvāra | n. heaven's gate  |
svargadvāra | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
svargadvāra | n. of śiva-  |
svargadvāreṣṭi | f. Name of work  |
svargagamana | n. going to heaven, death  |
svargagāmin | mfn. going to heaven  |
svargagata | mfn. gone to heaven  |
svargagati | f.  |
svargagiri | m. "mountain of heaven", meru-  |
svargahetau | ind. for the sake of heaven  |
svargahvāya | mfn.  |
svargajit | mfn. winning heaven (superl. -tama-)  |
svargajīvin | mfn. dwelling in heaven  |
svargakāma | mfn. desirous of heaven  |
svargakhaṇḍa | n. Name of the 3rd book of the padma-purāṇa-.  |
svargaloka | m. (also in plural) the celestial world, indra-'s heaven etc.  |
svargaloka | mfn. belonging to or dwelling in, heaven  |
svargalokeśa | m. "lord of heaven", indra-  |
svargalokeśa | m. the body (as enjoying felicity in indra-'s heaven)  |
svargamana | n. "going to heaven", death, future felicity  |
svargamandākinī | f. the celestial Ganges  |
svargamārga | m. the road to heaven  |
svargamārga | m. road of heaven, Milky Way  |
svargamārga | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
svargamārgadidṛkṣu | mfn. wishing to see the road to heaven  |
svarganaraka | n. plural the heaven and hells  |
svargaṅgā | f. the heavenly Ganges, the Milky Way  |
svargapada | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
svargāpagā | f. "heavenly river", the Ganges  |
svargapara | mfn. desirous of heaven  |
svargaparvan | n. Name of the 18th book of (in which is described the journey of the five pāṇḍava- princes towards indra-'s heaven in mount meru-) .  |
svargapatha | m. "road of heaven", (prob.) the Milky Way  |
svargapati | m. "lord of heaven", indra-  |
svargāpavarga | m. dual number heaven and emancipation  |
svargaprada | mfn. equals -da-  |
svargapradhāna | mfn. having heaven as the best  |
svargapurī | f. "city of heaven", amarāvatī-  |
svargarājya | n. kingdom of heaven  |
svargārgala | m. or n. bar to (the gate of) heaven  |
svargarodaḥkuhara | m. the void or hollow space between heaven and earth  |
svargārohaṇa | n. ascension to heaven, Name of particular funeral ceremonies  |
svargārohaṇaparvan | n. equals svarga-parvan- (q.v)  |
svargārohaṇika | mfn. relating to the 18th book of (with parvan-= prec.) ( ) .  |
svargārtham | ind. for the sake of heaven,  |
svargārūḍha | mfn. ascended to heaven  |
svargasad | m. "heaven-dweller", a god or one of the Blest  |
svargasādhana | mfn. means of attaining heaven  |
svargasaṃkrama | m. a bridge or ladder to heaven  |
svargasaṃpādana | mfn. procuring or gaining heaven  |
svargasaridvarā | f. "best of heavenly rivers", the Ganges  |
svargasattraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
svargaśrī | f. the glory of heaven  |
svargastha | mfn. "dwelling in heaven", dead  |
svargasthita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "dwelling in heaven", dead '  |
svargasthita | mfn. equals -sad-  |
svargastrī | f. equals -vadhū-  |
svargasukha | n. the bliss of heaven  |
svargata | mfn. being in heaven  |
svargata | mfn. gone to heaven, dead  |
svargataraṃgiṇī | f. "river of heaven", the Ganges  |
svargatarṣa | m. eager desire for heaven  |
svargataru | m. a tree of heaven  |
svargati | f.  |
svargaukas | m. "heaven-dweller", a god, one of the Blest  |
svargavadhū | f. "celestial nymph", an apsaras-  |
svargavāsa | m. residence in heaven |