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"stoma" has 1 results
stoma: neuter vocative singular stem: stoma
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stoma has 1 results
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Results for stoma
stomam. praise, eulogium, a hymn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomam. (in ritual) a typical form of chant (7 such forms are usually enumerated;but according to to the stoma- consists of 5 parts, viz. prastāva-, udgītha-, pratihāra-, upadrava-,and nidhana-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomam. a stoma- day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomam. a sacrificer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomam. Name of particular bricks View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomam. a heap, collection, number, multitude, quantity, mass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomam. the letting of a dwelling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomam. a measure of 10 dhanv-antara-s or of 96 inches View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stoman. (only ) the head View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stoman. riches, wealth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stoman. grain, corn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stoman. an iron-pointed stick or staff View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomamfn. crooked, bent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomabhāgamf(ā-)n. (st/oma--) one whose share is the stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomabhāgam. plural Name of particular verses (29 in number, which belong to the soma- sacrifice and are employed while laying the fifth layer of bricks) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomabhāgāf. plural the bricks above mentioned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomabhāgikamf(ī-)n. belonging to the stoma-bhāga- verses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomacitif. piling up the bricks called stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomakṣāram. soap View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomamayamf(ī-)n. consisting of stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomapṛṣṭha(st/oma--) mf(ā-)n. having stoma- and pṛṣṭha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomapurogava(st/oma--) mfn. having the stoma- as a leader or chief View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomataṣṭa(st/oma--) mfn. fashioned or formed into a hymn (or into the subject of a hymn), composed by poets View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomavāhas(st/oma--) mfn. offering or receiving praise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomavardhanamfn. augmenting (or delighting in) hymns of praise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomavṛddhif. enhancement of the stoma- (see -vardhana-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomayaNom. P. yati-, to praise, laud, hymn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stomayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahaḥstomam. a stoma- belonging to a particular day, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antaḥstomabhāgammfn. within the bricks called stoma-bhāgā-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āptastomamfn. complete in the Stomas, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding, Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahiḥstomabhāgamind. outside the bricks called stoma-bhāgā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūmistomam. Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhaspatistomam. Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturuttarastomam. with gotamasya- Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturviṃśastomamfn. connected with the caturviṃśa- stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chandoruṭstomam. (fr. -ruh-st-) Name of a ṣaḍ-aha- rite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvāparastomam. plural of stoma-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekastomamfn. accompanied or celebrated by only one stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekaviṃśastomam. a stoma- (q.v) consisting of twenty-one parts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gostomam. ( ) equals -ṣṭoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gotamastomam. Name of an ekāha- sacrifice (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indrastomam. "praise of indra-" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indrastomam. Name of particular hymns to indra- in certain ceremonies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyeṣṭhastomam. Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalistomam. a particular stoma-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtastomam. Name of certain stoma-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāstomamfn. having a great stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marutstomam. a stoma- of the marut-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marutstomam. Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māsastomam. Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛtstomam. a heap of earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muhūrtastomam. plural Name of a particular ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakṣatrastomam. Name of a particular ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paristomam. a coverlet, cushion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paśustomam. Name of the pañcadaśa-stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pitustomam. "praise of food", Name of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratīcīnastomam. a particular ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛṣṭhyastomam. Name of 6 ekāha-s or of a period of 6 sacrificial days (see above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punaḥstomam. Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛṣistomam. a particular sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śabdastomamāhānidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahastoma(sah/a--) mfn. with hymns, having hymns View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptadaśastomamfn. having the above stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvastomamf(ā-)n. (s/arva--) provided with all the (6) stoma-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvastomam. Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stutastoma(stut/a--) mfn. one whose praise has been sung, hymned, glorified View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śukrastomam. a particular ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trayastriṃśastomamfn. containing the ś/a- stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tretāstomam. plural a class of stoma-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trivṛtstomamfn. connected with the Telinga stoma-
ūrdhvastomamfn. celebrated with continually increasing stoma-s (as a daśa-rātra- festival) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśyastomam. Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vājapeyastomaprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣuvatstomam. a particular ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vrātyastomam. Name of particular ekāha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vrātyastomam. (with kratu-) a particular sacrifice (performed to recover the rights forfeited by a delay of the saṃskāra-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yamastomam. Name of an ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāstomamind. according to the order of the stoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for stoma3 results
stoma स्तोमः [स्तु-मन् Uṇ.1.137] 1 Praise, eulogium, hymn. -2 A sacrifice, oblation; as in ज्योतिष्टोम, अग्नष्टोम. -3 A Soma libation. -4 A collection, multitude, number, group, assemblage; शस्त्रमिज्यां स्तुतिस्तोमं प्रायश्चित्तं व्यधात् क्रमात् Bhāg.3.12.37; लवणत्रासितः स्तोमः शरण्यं त्वा- मुपस्थितः U.1.5. -5 A large quantity, mass; भस्मस्तोम- पवित्रलाञ्छनमुरो धत्ते त्वचं रौरवीम् U.4.2; Mv.1.18. -6 A measure of 1 धन्वन्तरs or of 96 inches. -मम् 1 The head. -2 Riches, wealth. -3 Grain, corn. -4 An ironpointed stick or shaft. -Comp. -क्षारः soap.
stomayati स्तोमयति Den. P. To praise, laud.
paristoma परिस्तोमः 1 A painted or variegated cloth for a cover on elephant's back (कुथ); द्रुमाणां विविधैः पुष्पैः परिस्तोमैरिवार्पितम् Rām.4.1.8; Mb.6.54.54. -2 A sacrificial vessel; Mb.5.141.41. (com. परिस्तोमाः सोमचमसादयः).
Macdonell Vedic Search
Results for stoma2 results
stoma stó-ma, m. song of praise, ii. 33, 5; vii. 86, 8; x. 127, 8 [stu praise].
stomataṣṭa stóma-taṣṭa, a. (Tp.) fashioned into (= being the subject of) praise, x. 15, 9.
Macdonell Search
Results for stoma1 result
stoma m. [√ 1. stu] (hymn of) praise, eulogium, panegyric (V.; very rare in P.); fundamental form of chant (seven being the usual number of them; rit.); mass, quan tity, multitude (C.): -tashta,pp. fashioned into (=being the theme of) praise (RV.); -bhâga, a. having the Stoma as one's share (Br.); m. pl. N. of certain (29) verses be longing to the Soma sacrifice, employed while laying the fifth layer of bricks (V.):â, f. N. of these bricks; -várdhana, a. (thriving on=) delighting in hymns of praise (RV.1); (stóma)-vâhas, a. (RV.) offering praise; receiving a hymn of praise; -vriddhi, f. en largement of the Stoma.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
Results for stoma1 resultResults for stoma1 result
stoma Denotes ‘ song of praise ’ in the Rigveda. Later the term has the technical sense of the typical forms in which the Stotras are chanted.
Bloomfield Vedic
Results for stoma1 resultResults for stoma1 result142 results
ā stoma indra yachatu RV.4.32.15b.
ā stomāso avṛtsata RV.8.1.29d.
abhi stomā anūṣata RV.1.11.8b; 6.60.7b; SV.2.341b; JB.3.90 (bis). See next.
abhi stomair anūṣata RV.8.3.3d; AVś.20.104.1d; SV.1.250d; 2.602b,957d; VS.33.81d. See prec.
agne stomaṃ juṣasva me RV.8.44.2a.
agneḥ stomaṃ etc. see agne stomaṃ etc.
amandān stomān pra bhare manīṣā RV.1.126.1a; N.9.10a. Cf. BṛhD.3.155.
anu stomaṃ mudīmahi (PB. mademahi) RV.8.1.14d; AVś.20.116.2d; PB.9.10.1d.
asya stomasya subhage ni bodha AVś.19.49.5c; AVP.14.8.5c.
atrīṇāṃ stomam adrivo mahas kṛdhi RV.8.36.6a.
bodhāt stomair vayo dadhat MS.4.12.5c: 194.4. See bodhā stotre.
brahma stomaṃ gṛtsamadāso akran RV.2.39.8b.
brahma stomaṃ maghavā somam ukthā RV.4.22.1c.
catuścatvāriṃśī stomaḥ MS.2.8.7: 111.8; 3.2.10: 31.12; Mś.
dadhṛk stomair manāmahe RV.5.66.3d.
divi stomaṃ manāmahe RV.5.35.8e.
dvau stomau gāyatrīṃ vasāte JB.3.338a.
ehi stomāṃ abhi svara RV.1.10.4a; śś.18.18.2.
eṣa stoma indra tubhyam asme RV.1.173.13a.
ete stomā narāṃ nṛtama tubhyam RV.7.19.10a; AVś.20.37.10a.
gira stomān etc. see giraḥ somaḥ etc.
giraḥ stomāsa etc. see gira stomāsa etc.
gīrbhiḥ stomaṃ manāmahe Apś.9.3.20b.
grahai stomāś ca viṣṭutīḥ VS.19.28b.
imaṃ stomaṃ rodasī pra bravīmi RV.3.54.10a.
imaṃ stomaṃ sakratavo me adya RV.2.27.2a; Aś.3.8.1.
imaṃ stomaṃ juṣasva me (RV.1.12.12c, naḥ) RV.1.12.12c; 8.43.16c.
imaṃ stomam abhiṣṭaye RV.8.12.4a.
imaṃ stomam arhate jātavedase RV.1.94.1a; AVś.20.13.3a; AVP.13.5.1a; SV.1.66a; 2.414a; MS.2.7.3a: 78.1; AB.6.12.12; JB.3.140; KB.23.8; GB.2.2.22; PB.13.8.1; ā.; Aś.5.5.19; SMB.2.4.2a; HG.1.9.4a; ApMB.2.7.1a. Ps: imaṃ stomam arhate Aś.4.13.7; MG.1.1.16; 10.2; 2.2.5; VārG.5.31; imaṃ stomam Aś.7.7.8; śś.4.2.10; 8.2.11; 10.8.15; GG.4.4.5; KhG.1.2.6; imam Rvidh.1.22.1. Cf. BṛhD.3.126.
imaṃ stomam ṛbhukṣaṇaḥ RV.8.7.9b.
imaṃ stomaṃ purubhujā RV.8.8.17b.
indra stomam imaṃ mama RV.1.10.9c.
indra stomaiḥ pañcadaśena varcaḥ AVP.15.1.4c. See under prec. but one.
indrāgnī stomaṃ janayāmi navyam RV.1.109.2d; TS.; KS.4.15d; N.6.9d.
iṣaṃ stomaṃ cāgnaye RV.5.7.1b; VS.15.29b; TS.;; MS.4.11.1b: 160.8; KS.2.15b.
kadā stomaṃ vāsayo 'sya rāyā RV.6.35.1c.
kathaṃ stomāḥ prati tiṣṭhanti teṣu AVś.8.9.19c.
mayi stomaḥ ā.
navaṃ stomaṃ juṣasva naḥ TB.
navaṃ stomaṃ navaṃ haviḥ TB.
pañcadaśas stomas saptadaśavartaniḥ KS.39.7. See prec. but one.
pañcaviṃśasya stomasya tisṛṣv ardhatṛtīyāsv ardhatrayodaśāsu vā pariśiṣṭāsu prathamaṃ pratihāraṃ prabrūtāt ā.
pra stomam urvarīṇām AVP.2.87.4c; Kauś.107.2c.
pra stomā yanty (SV.JB. yantv) agnaye RV.8.103.6d; SV.1.44d; 2.933d; JB.3.257d.
pra stomāso gīyamānāso arkaiḥ RV.6.69.2d.
praiṣa stomaḥ pṛthivīm antarikṣam RV.5.42.16a.
prati stomaṃ śasyamānaṃ gṛbhāya RV.4.4.15b; TS.; MS.4.11.5b: 174.7; KS.6.11b.
prati stomaṃ sarasvati juṣasva RV.7.95.5b; MS.4.14.3b: 219.6; KS.4.16b; TB.
prati stomaṃ dadhīmahi turāṇām RV.7.40.1b.
prati stomaṃ devayanto dadhānāḥ RV.7.73.1b; KS.17.18b.
prati stomā adṛkṣata RV.8.5.3b.
prati stomair abhutsmahi RV.4.52.4c.
prati stomair jaramāṇo vasiṣṭhaḥ RV.7.73.3d.
ṛcā stomaṃ samardhaya VS.11.8a; TS.;;; MS.2.7.1a: 74.10; 3.1.1: 2.5; KS.15.11a; 18.19; śB.; Apś.11.20.1; 16.1.7; Mś.;; Kauś.5.7a. P: ṛcā stomam Vait.18.6; 28.7; MG.1.10.11; JG.1.4a; VārG.14.12.
ṛdhyāma stomaṃ sanuyāma vājam RV.10.106.11a.
triṇavatrayastriṃśau stomau VS.10.14; TS.; MS.2.6.10: 70.2; KS.15.7; śB.
trivṛt stoma ṛgvedasya GB.1.5.25a.
trivṛt stomaḥ (KS.39.7, stomaḥ pañcadaśavartaniḥ) VS.10.10; 14.24; TS.;; 9.1; MS.2.6.10: 69.13; 2.7.20: 104.17; 2.8.5: 109.9; 3.2.10: 31.5; KS.15.7; 17.14; 39.7; śB.;
trivṛt stomaiḥ TS.; KSA.4.1.
trivṛtā stomān TS.; KSA.3.4.
trivṛtaṃ stomaṃ trivṛta āpa āhuḥ AVś.19.27.3c; AVP.10.7.3c.
tvāṃ stomā avīvṛdhan RV.1.5.8a; AVś.20.69.6a.
upa stomān turasya darśataḥ śriye RV.8.26.4c.
ut stomaiḥ pṛśnimātaraḥ RV.8.7.17c.
yadi stomaṃ mama śravat RV.8.1.15a.
agniṣṭoma ukthyo 'tirātro dvirātras trirātraś catūrātraḥ # TB. P: agniṣṭoma ukthyaḥ TB.; 10.4; Apś.19.12.14. Cf. ā māgniṣṭomo, and ukthyaś cātirātraś.
agniṣṭomo 'tyagniṣṭomaḥ # GB.1.5.23a. Cf. Aś.6.11.1; Kś.10.9.28; GDh.8.20.
agne tam adyāśvaṃ na stomaiḥ # RV.4.10.1ab; SV.1.434ab; 2.1127ab; VS.15.44ab; 17.77ab; TS.; MS.1.10.3ab: 144.2; 2.13.8ab: 157.15; KB.27.2; śB.; Aś.2.7.10; 8.14; 8.12.15. Ps: agne tam adyāśvam Apś.5.28.15; 17.10.6; 15.7; agne tam adya TS.; MS.2.10.6: 139.7; 3.3.9: 42.20; 4.10.2: 145.7; śś.2.5.18; 10.13.1; Kś.17.12.15; 18.4.8; Mś.;;
agne (MS.KS. agneḥ) stomaṃ manāmahe # RV.5.13.2a; SV.2.755a; TS.; MS.4.10.2a: 145.12; KS.20.14a; KB.1.4; Apś.17.7.4a.
aditiḥ ṣoḍaśākṣareṇa (VSK. ṣol-) ṣoḍaśaṃ (VSK. ṣol-) stomam udajayat # VS.9.34; VSK.10.6.4; TS.
apsu dhautasya soma deva te nṛbhiḥ sutasyeṣṭayajuṣa stutastomasya śastokthasya yo bhakṣo aśvasanir yo gosanis tasya te pitṛbhir bhakṣaṃ kṛtasyopahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi # TS. Ps: apsu dhautasya soma deva te Apś.13.20.11; apsu dhautasya soma deva Apś.13.17.9. See under apsu dhūtasya deva.
aśvaṃ na stomam apturaṃ rajasturam # RV.9.108.7b; SV.1.580b; 2.744b.
asmā id u stomaṃ saṃ hinomi # RV.1.61.4a; AVś.20.35.4a.
ādityāḥ pañcadaśākṣareṇa pañcadaśaṃ stomam udajayan (VS. udajayaṃs tam uj jeṣam) # VS.9.34; TS.
ā na stomam upa dravat # RV.8.5.7a; 49 (Vāl.1).5a.
ā māgniṣṭomo viśatūkthyaś ca # TS.; KSA.3.3a. Cf. agniṣṭoma ukthyo.
ā vāṃ stomā ime mama # RV.8.9.8c; AVś.20.140.3c.
indra tve stomavāhasaḥ # RV.4.32.12b.
imaṃ me stomam aśvinā # RV.8.85.2a.
imā hi tvā mataya stomataṣṭāḥ # RV.3.43.2c.
iṣṭayajuṣas te deva soma stutastomasya śastokthasya tiroahnasya yo 'śvasanir gosanir bhakṣas tasyopahūta upahūtasya bhakṣayāmi # PB.1.6.4. P: iṣṭayajuṣaḥ Lś.3.1.27. See next.
iṣṭayajuṣas te deva soma stutastomasya śastokthasya harivata indrapītasya madhumata upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi # TS. P: iṣṭayajuṣas te deva soma Apś.13.17.4. See prec.
ukthyaś cātirātraś ca # śG.3.14.2a; ApMB.2.21.1a (ApG.8.22.6). Cf. agniṣṭoma ukthyo.
ud u stomāso aśvinor abudhran # RV.7.72.3a.
upa te stomān paśupā ivākaram # RV.1.114.9a; Aś.4.11.6. P: upa te stomān śś.9.26.3 (comm.).
ṛtasya tvā deva stoma pade viṣṇor dhāmani vimuñcāmi # PB.1.6.5. P: ṛtasya tvā Lś.2.11.1.
ṛṣe mantrakṛtāṃ stomaiḥ # RV.9.114.2a.
ekaviṃśa (MS. ekaviṃśaḥ; KS. -śas) stomaḥ (KS.39.7, stomas triṇavavartaniḥ) # VS.10.13; 14.24; TS.;; 9.1;; MS.2.6.10: 69.17; 2.7.20: 105.13; 2.8.8: 109.12; KS.15.7; 17.4; 39.7; śB.;
ekaviṃśas tvā stomaḥ pṛthivyāṃ śrayatu # VS.15.13; TS.; MS.2.8.9: 114.2; KS.17.8; śB.
ekaviṃśaḥ (and -śas) stomaḥ # see prec. but one.
etaṃ vāṃ stomam aśvināv akarma # RV.10.39.14a.
etat tvaṃ deva stomānavakaram agan # PB.1.6.5.
etaṃ te stomaṃ tuvijāta vipraḥ # RV.5.2.11a; TB.
etaṃ me stomaṃ tanā na sūrye # RV.10.93.12a.
etaṃ me stomam ūrmye # RV.5.61.17a. Cf. BṛhD.5.74.
kaṇvāsas tvā brahmabhi stomavāhasaḥ (SV. tvā stomebhir brahmavāhasaḥ) # RV.8.4.2c; AVś.20.120.2c; SV.2.582c.
ko va stomaṃ rādhati yaṃ jujoṣatha # RV.10.63.6a.
gaviṣṭhiro namasā stomam agnau # RV.5.1.12c; VS.15.25c; TS.; MS.2.13.7c: 155.17.
gira (MS.Apś. giraḥ) stomāsa īrate # RV.8.3.15b; 43.1c; AVś.20.10.1b; 59.1b; SV.1.251b; 2.712b; MS.1.3.39b: 46.5; Apś.13.21.3b.
giraḥ somaḥ (SV. gira stomān) pavamāno manīṣāḥ # RV.9.96.7b; SV.2.295b.
ghṛtāhutaḥ somapṛṣṭhaḥ (Mś. stoma-) suvīraḥ # AVś.13.1.12b; Mś.3.1.28b. See stomapṛṣṭho.
caturviṃśa (MS. -śaḥ; KS. -śas) stomaḥ # VS.14.25; TS.; MS.2.8.5: 109.15; KS.17.4; śB.
catuścatvāriṃśa (MS. -śaḥ; KS. -śas) stomaḥ # VS.14.26; 15.3; TS.; 12.1;; MS.2.8.5: 110.3; KS.17.4,6; 21.2 (bis); śB.; 5.1.11; Apś.17.3.2.
catuṣṭoma (MS. -maḥ; KS. -mas) stomaḥ # VS.14.25; TS.; MS.2.8.5: 110.2; KS.17.4; śB.
catuṣṭomo abhavad (MS.KS. catuṣṭomam adadhād) yā turīyā # TS.; MS.2.13.10a: 160.7; KS.39.10a. See agnīṣomāv adadhur.
tataḥ ṣaṣṭhād āmuto yanti stomāḥ # AVś.8.9.6c.
tayor it stomam uśmasi # RV.1.21.1b.
taved u stomaṃ (SV. stomaiś) ciketa # RV.8.2.17c; AVś.20.18.2c; SV.2.70c.
tasya te deva someṣṭayajuṣa stutastomasya śastokthasya harivantaṃ grahaṃ gṛhṇāmi # TS. See stutastomasya.
trayastriṃśa (MS. -śaḥ; KS. -śas) stomaḥ # VS.14.26; TS.; MS.2.8.5: 110.5; KS.17.4; śB.
triṇavatrayastriṃśau tvā stomau pṛthivyāṃ śrayatām # VS.15.14; TS.; MS.2.8.9: 114.8; KS.17.8; śB.
triṇava (MS. -vaḥ; KS. -vas) stomaḥ (KS.39.7, stomas trayastriṃśavartaniḥ) # VS.14.25; TS.; 9.1; MS.2.7.20: 105.18; 2.8.5: 109.14; KS.17.4; 39.7; śB.
trivṛt tvā stomaḥ pṛthivyāṃ śrayatu # VS.15.10; TS.; MS.2.8.9: 113.6; KS.17.8; śB.
tvaṃ hi stomavardhanaḥ # RV.8.14.11a; AVś.20.29.1a.
tvam indremaṃ suhavaṃ stomam erayasva # AVś.17.1.11c.
dvāv atirātrau ṣaṭśatam agniṣṭomāḥ # GB.1.5.23a; Vait.31.15a.
dhartraṃ catuṣṭomaḥ # VS.14.23; MS.2.8.4: 109.8; KS.17.4; 21.1; śB. See dhartraś.
dhartraś catuṣṭomaḥ # TS.; See dhartraṃ ca-.
na trivṛtaḥ stomāt # AB.7.24.3.
na pañcadaśāt stomāt # AB.7.23.3.
naro yad vām aśvinā stomam āvan # RV.4.44.6c; AVś.20.143.6c.
navaṃ nu stomam agnaye # RV.7.15.4a; KS.40.14a; TB.
pañcadaśa (MS. -śaḥ; KS. -śas) stomaḥ # VS.10.11; 14.24; TS.;; 9.1; MS.2.6.10: 69.14; 2.7.20: 105.4; 2.8.5: 109.10; KS.15.7; śB.; See next but one.
pañcadaśas tvā stomaḥ pṛthivyāṃ śrayatu # VS.15.11; TS.; MS.2.8.9: 113.11; KS.17.8; śB.
pañcaviṃśa (KS. -śas; MS. śaḥ) stomaḥ # VS.14.25; TS.; MS.2.8.5: 110.1; KS.17.4; śB.
prajāpatiḥ saptadaśākṣareṇa saptadaśaṃ stomam ud ajayat (VS.śB. add tam ujjeṣam) # VS.9.34; TS.; śB. Cf. prec.
prati tvā stomair īḍate vasiṣṭhāḥ # RV.7.76.6a.
prati na stomaṃ tvaṣṭā juṣeta # RV.7.34.21a.
prati me stomam aditir jagṛbhyāt # RV.5.42.2a.
pradakṣiṇin (AVś. pradakṣiṇaṃ) marutāṃ stomam ṛdhyām (MS. aśyām) # RV.5.60.1d; AVś.7.50.3d; MS.4.14.11d: 232.14; TB.
prayo na harmi stomaṃ māhināya # RV.1.61.1b; AVś.20.35.1b.
pra vāṃ stomāḥ suvṛktayaḥ # RV.8.8.22a.
pra su stomaṃ bharata vājayantaḥ # RV.8.100.3a.
preṣṭho asmā adhāyi stomaḥ # RV.7.34.14b.
bodhā na stomam andhaso madeṣu # RV.7.21.1d; SV.1.313d; Mś. (corrupt).
bodhā stotre vayo dadhat (Apś. vayovṛdhaḥ) # RV.10.156.5c; SV.2.881c; Apś.16.11.12c. See bodhāt stomair.
bhūṣann iva pra bharā stomam asmai # RV.10.42.1b; AVś.20.89.1b.
trivṛt stoma āyuḥ # AB.7.24.3.
pañcadaśaḥ stoma āyuḥ # AB.7.23.3.
mitro navākṣareṇa trivṛtaṃ stomam ud ajayat (VS. adds tam uj jeṣam) # VS.9.33; TS.
yas te aśvasanir (VSK. yas te deva somāśva-) bhakṣo yo gosanis tasya ta iṣṭayajuṣa stutastomasya śastokthasyopahūtasyopahūto (VSK. -kthasyopahūta upahūtasya) bhakṣayāmi # VS.8.12; VSK.8.7.2; śB. P: yas te aśvasaniḥ Kś.10.8.5. Cf. under apsu dhūtasya deva.
yasyāgnir vapur gṛhe stomaṃ canaḥ # RV.8.19.11a.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"stoma" has 4 results
aniṭ(1)not admitting the augment इट् to be prefixed to it; the term is strictly to be applied to ārdhadhātuka affixes placed after such roots as have their vowel characterized by a grave accent ( अनुदात्तस्वर ); the term अनिट् being explained as अनिडादि qualifying the अार्धधातुक affix; (2) in a secondary way, it has become customary to call such roots अनिट् as do not allow the augment इट् to be prefixed to an ārdhadhātuka affix placed after them. Such roots are termed अनुदात्त verily because they are possessed of an anudātta vowel. e. g. कृ, भृ, जि, गम् , हन् et cetera, and others as against भु, धू, तॄ, श्वि, वृ, वद्, फल्, चल्, et cetera, and others which have their vowel characterized by an acute (उदात्त ) accent. For a complete list of such roots see the well-known stanzas given in the Siddhāntakaumudī incidentally on अात्मनेपदेष्वनतः P. VII.1.5. ऊदॄदन्तैर्यौतिरुक्ष्णुशीङ्स्नु....निहताः स्मृताः ॥ १ ॥ शक्लृपच्मुचिरिचवच्विच् .........धातवो द्व्यधिकं शतम् ॥ as also some lists by ancient grammarians given in the Mahābhāṣya on एकाच उपदेशेनुदात्तात्. P. VII. 2.10 or in the Kāśikā on the same rule P. VII.2.10.
ācāra(1)customary usage of putting or employing words in rules; confer, compare आचार्याचारात्संज्ञासिद्धिः, P.I,1.1, Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 4. (2) behaviour;confer, compare उपमानादाचारे P.III. 1.10; cf also निवासत आचारतश्च M.Bh. on VI.3.109.
pratyudāharaṇacounter instance. In order to explain the wording of a grammatical rule clearly, it is customary to give along with the instances of the rule (where the rule has been effectively employed), a few words which would have resulted into other faulty words by the application of the particular rule in case that rule had not been stated or a word or more of it had been omitted; confer, compare न केवलानि चर्चापदानि व्याख्यानं वृद्धिः आत् ऐच् इति । किं तर्हि । उदाहरणं प्रत्युदाहरणं वाक्याध्याहारः इत्येतत् समुदितं व्याख्यानं भवति । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). in Ahnika 1.
sūtrapāṭhathe text of Panini's Sutras handed down by oral tradition from the preceptor to the pupil. Although it is said that the actual text of Panini was modified from time to time, still it can be said with certainty that it was fixed at the time of the Bhasyakara who has noted a few different readings only. The Sutra text approved by the Bhasyakara was followed by the authors of the Kasika excepting in a few cases. It is customary with learned Pandits and grammarians to say that the recital of the Sutras of Panini was originally a continuous one in the form of a Samhitatext and it was later on, that it was split up into the different Sutras, which explains according to them the variation in the number of Sutras which is due to the different ways of splitting the Sutrapatha.
Vedabase Search
Results for stoma7 results
stomam hymnsSB 3.21.34
rasa-stomam the group of mellowsCC Adi 4.52
rasa-stomam the group of mellowsCC Adi 4.275
stuti-stomam the subject matter of the recitersSB 3.12.37
rasa-stomam the group of mellowsCC Adi 4.52
rasa-stomam the group of mellowsCC Adi 4.275
stuti-stomam the subject matter of the recitersSB 3.12.37
Results for stoma7 results
stoma noun (masculine) (in ritual) a typical form of chant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a heap (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a hymn (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a measure of 10 Dhanvantaras or of 96 inches (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a Stoma day (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a sacrificer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
collection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
eulogium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
multitude (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of particular bricks (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
number (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
praise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
quantity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the letting of a dwelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9519/72933
stomaka noun (neuter) myrrh
Frequency rank 71703/72933
stomakṣāra noun (masculine) a kind of alkali soap (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41189/72933
padastoma noun (masculine) name of a Vedic hymn
Frequency rank 57068/72933
paristoma noun (masculine neuter) a coverlet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cushion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12543/72933
punaḥstoma noun (masculine) name of an Ekāha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58185/72933
vrātyastoma noun (masculine) a particular sacrifice (performed to recover the rights forfeited by a delay of the Saṃskāras) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of particular Ekāhas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30418/72933


empty stomach, abhaktaauṣadha medication intake on empty stomach.




the digestive system, channel that carries food from stomach to small intestine.




mouth, oral, mukhapāka stomatitis, mukhasrāva excess salivary secretion, mukhavairasya distaste or loss of taste.


gangrenous stomatitis.


colouring choler; one of the five variants of choler located near stomach (āmāśaya)


one of the five winds, mid-breath; located in stomach and responsible for deglutition and digestion.


abdomen, acute abdomen, stomach; abdominal swelling.


1. retropharyngeal abscess after bursting, 2. gangrenous stomatitis; 3. eruption in axilla or groin; 4. inflammatory oedema in the ear.

Wordnet Search
"stoma" has 3 results.


samudāyaḥ, saṅghaḥ, samūhaḥ, saṅghātaḥ, samavāyaḥ, sañcayaḥ, gaṇaḥ, gulmaḥ, gucchaḥ, gucchakaḥ, gutsaḥ, stavakaḥ, oghaḥ, vṛndaḥ, nivahaḥ, vyūhaḥ, sandohaḥ, visaraḥ, vrajaḥ, stomaḥ, nikaraḥ, vātaḥ, vāraḥ, saṃghātaḥ, samudayaḥ, cayaḥ, saṃhatiḥ, vṛndam, nikurambam, kadambakam, pūgaḥ, sannayaḥ, skandhaḥ, nicayaḥ, jālam, agram, pacalam, kāṇḍam, maṇḍalam, cakram, vistaraḥ, utkāraḥ, samuccayaḥ, ākaraḥ, prakaraḥ, saṃghaḥ, pracayaḥ, jātam   

ekasmin sthāne sthāpitāni sthitāni vā naikāni vastūni।

asmin samudāye naikāḥ mahilāḥ santi।


pariṣṭomaḥ, paristoma   

gajapṛṣṭhe āstaraṇaḥ nānāvarṇīyaḥ kambalaḥ।

hastipakaḥ gajasya pṛṣṭhe pariṣṭomaṃ sthāpayati।




yamastomaḥ ekasmin dine sampadyate।

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