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Grammar Search
"stobhati" has 3 results
stobhati: third person singular present present class 1 parasmaipadastubh
stobhati: neuter locative singular stem: stobhat.
stobhati: masculine locative singular stem: stobhat.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results2 results
ā stobhati śruto yuvā sa indraḥ SV.1.445b; 2.464b; ā.; śś.18.15.5b.
prati ṣṭobhati vāghato na vāṇī RV.1.88.6b.
1 result
stobhati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the verb stubh
Frequency rank 71701/72933
Parse Time: 1.738s Search Word: stobhati Input Encoding: IAST: stobhati