stabaka | m. (according to to also n.; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).;also written stavaka-;prob. connected with stamba-, stambaka-) a cluster of blossoms, bunch of flowers, nosegay, tuft etc.  |
stabaka | m. a feather of a peacock's tail  |
stabaka | m. a tassel  |
stabaka | m. a quantity, multitude  |
stabaka | m. a chapter or section (in such books as contain in their titles the words, latā-, latikā-, mañjarī-etc.)  |
stabakācita | mfn. covered with blossoms, in blossom  |
stabakakanda | m. a particular bulbous plant  |
stabakaphala | m. a particular fruit-tree  |
stabakasaṃnibha | mfn. resembling (clusters of) blossoms  |
stabakaya | Nom. P. yati-, to provide with (clusters of) blossoms  |
stabakita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) full of blossoms  |
stabdha | mfn. firmly fixed, supported, propped etc.  |
stabdha | mfn. reaching up to (loc.)  |
stabdha | mfn. stiff, rigid, immovable, paralyzed, senseless, dull ( stabdham am- ind.) etc.  |
stabdha | mfn. solidified (as water)  |
stabdha | mfn. puffed up, proud, arrogant etc.  |
stabdha | mfn. tardy, slack, slow (?)  |
stabdha | mfn. obstinate, stubborn, hard-hearted  |
stabdha | mfn. coarse  |
stabdhabāhu | mfn. stiff-armed  |
stabdhadṛṣṭi | mfn. having motionless (id est unwinking) eyes  |
stabdhagātra | mfn. holding the limbs stiff  |
stabdhahanu | mfn. having stiff or immovable jaws  |
stabdhakarṇa | m. "stiff-eared", Name of an antelope,  |
stabdhakarṇa | m. of a lion  |
stabdhakarṇaśirodhara | mfn. holding the ears and the neck stiff  |
stabdhākṣa | mfn. equals stabdha-dṛṣṭi-  |
stabdhalocana | mfn. having fixed or unwinking eyes (said of the gods)  |
stabdham | ind. stabdha |
stabdhamati | mfn. dull-minded  |
stabdhamedhra | mfn. one whose sexual organ has become stiff ( stabdhamedhratā -tā- f.)  |
stabdhamedhratā | f. stabdhamedhra |
stabdhanayana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having motionless (id est unwinking) eyes '  |
stabdhapāda | mfn. one who has paralyzed legs, stiff-legged, lame ( stabdhapādatā -tā- f.)  |
stabdhapādatā | f. stabdhapāda |
stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭha | mfn. one who has a swollen or full abdomen ( stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭhatā -tā- f.)  |
stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭhatā | f. stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭha |
stabdharomakūpa | mfn. one who has the pores of the skin stopped up ( stabdharomakūpatā -tā- f.), lb.  |
stabdharomakūpatā | f. stabdharomakūpa |
stabdharomana | m. "stiff-haired", a boar, hog  |
stabdhasakthi | mfn. stiff-thighed, lame ( stabdhasakthitā -tā- f.)  |
stabdhasakthitā | f. stabdhasakthi |
stabdhasambhāra | (?) m. a rākṣasa-  |
stabdhaśrotra | mfn. stiff-eared  |
stabdhatā | f. fixedness, rigidity, stiffness (of the membrum virile)  |
stabdhatā | f. pretentiousness, arrogance  |
stabdhatoya | mfn. (a river) whose water has solidified  |
stabdhatva | n. stiffness (of the navel etc.),  |
stabdhatva | n. haughtiness, arrogance  |
stabdhavapus | mfn. one whose body is benumbed or paralyzed |
stabdhi | f. fixedness, hardness, rigidity, firmness, immobility, stupor, numbness, obstinacy  |
stabdhī | in compound for stabdha-.  |
stabdhībhāva | m. the becoming stiffened or rigid, torpidity  |
stabdhīkaraṇa | n. stiffening, making rigid, paralyzing  |
stabdhīkṛ | p. -karoti- (ind.p. -kṛtya-), to make stiff or rigid  |
stabdhoda | mfn. equals stabdha-toya-  |
stabdhordhvakarṇa | mfn. having the tips of the ears stiff or immovable  |
stabha | m. a goat or ram (see stubha-)  |
stabhamāna | mfn. making one's self stiff, behaving arrogantly, assuming an air of authority  |
stabhi | m. rigidity  |
stabhita | mfn. fixed, established, supported  |
stabhu | (See next) .  |
stabhūya | (fr. prec.) Nom. P. A1. y/ati-, y/ate- (only in pr. p. stabhūy/at-and y/amāna-), to stand firm  |
stāgha | mfn. shallow (See a-stāgha-).  |
stai | cl.1 P. stāyati-, to put on, adorn (varia lectio for snai- q.v) ; to steal, do anything stealthily (only in pr. p. stāy/at-[ ]and in the following derivatives).  |
staimitya | n. (fr. stimita-) fixedness, rigidity, immobility, numbness  |
staimitya | See .  |
staina | n. equals next  |
stainya | n. (fr. stena-) theft, robbery  |
stainya | m. a thief  |
stairṇi | m. patronymic fr. stīrṇa-  |
stak | cl.1 P. stakati-, to strike against  |
stam | See 1. sam-, .  |
stāman | m. (of unknown meaning; according to to some wrong reading for srāman- according to to others for sthāman-)  |
stamba | m. (prob. phonetic variation of stambha-) a clump or tuft of grass, any clump or bunch or cluster etc.  |
stamba | m. a sheaf of corn a bush, thicket |
stamba | m. a shrub or plant having no decided stem (such as the jhiṇṭī- or Barleria)  |
stamba | m. the post to which an elephant is tied (wrongly inferred from stambe-rama- q.v)  |
stamba | m. a mountain  |
stamba | m. Name of various men  |
stamba | n. (in these senses prob. wrong reading for stambha-,m.) a post, pillar in general  |
stamba | n. stupidity, insensibility  |
stambaghana | m. "clump-destroyer", a small hoe for weeding or eradicating clumps of grass, a sickle for cutting corn etc.  |
stambaghāta | m. cutting grass etc.  |
stambaghna | mf(ī-)n. clump-destroying, weed-destroying  |
stambaghna | m. equals -ghana-  |
stambahanana | n. equals -ghana-  |
stambahananī | f. equals -ghana-  |
stambaja | mfn. (prob.) bunchy, tufty, shaggy  |
stambaka | m. a clump, bunch, tuft  |
stambakāra | mf(ī-)n. making a clump, forming a cluster  |
stambakari | mfn. forming clumps or bunches  |
stambakari | m. corn, rice  |
stambakaritā | f. formation of abundant sheaves or clusters of rice  |
stambakāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become a bunch of flowers etc.  |
stambakita | varia lectio for stabakita- gaRa tārakādi-.  |
stambamitra | m. (see stambham-) Name of a son of jaritā-  |
stambamitra | m. (with śārṅga-) of the author of  |
stambapur | f. Name of the city tāmalipta- (q.v)  |
stambaśas | ind. by clumps or tufts  |
stambavana | m. Name of a man  |
stambavatī | f. Name of a woman  |
stambayajus | n. Name of a particular formula and religious observance on removing clumps of grass  |
stamberama | m. (fr. locative case of stamba-+ r-) "delighting in clumps of high grass", an elephant  |
stamberamāsura | m. Name of an asura- (equals gajāsura-)  |
stambh | or stabh- (connected with skambh- q.v;in native lists written stanbh-) cl.5.9. P. ( ) stabhn/oti-, stabhn/āti- (confer, compare ), or cl.1 A1. ( ) st/ambhate- (pr. p. also stambhat- , stabhamāna-[ q.v ] ; perfect tense tast/ambha-, mbhat-, tastabh/uḥ-, parasmE-pada tastabhv/as-, vānd- ; tastabhān/a-, tastambhe- ; Aorist /astambhīt-; astāmpsīt- ; astabhat- grammar; future stambhitā-, bhiṣyati- ; infinitive mood stabdhum- ; ind.p. stabdhv/ā- etc.; stambhitvā- ; -st/abhya-and -stambham- ), to fix firmly, support, sustain, prop (especially the heavens) ; to support or hold up by contact with, reach up to (accusative) ; to stop, stop up, arrest, make stiff or immovable, paralyze etc. ; (A1.) to rest or lean on (locative case) ; to become stiff or immovable ; to become solid : Passive voice stabhyate- (Aorist astambhi-), to be firmly fixed or supported or propped etc. etc.: Causal stabhāy/ati-, to make firm, support ; to stop, arrest ; stambhayati-, te- (Aorist atastambhat-), to fix, establish, erect etc. ; to make stiff or rigid, paralyze ; to make solid ; to stop, arrest (also by magic) , suppress, check, restrain : Desiderative tistambhiṣati- grammar : Intensive tāstabhyate- [ confer, compare Greek , ; Lithuanian stambras,stimbras; German stampfo7n,stampfen; English stamp,stump.]  |
stambha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a post, pillar, column, stem (as of a tree;also improperly applied to an arm) etc.  |
stambha | m. support, propping, strengthening  |
stambha | m. inflation, pretentiousness, arrogance etc.  |
stambha | m. fixedness, stiffness, rigidity, torpor, paralysis, stupefaction etc.  |
stambha | m. becoming hard or solid  |
stambha | m. stoppage, obstruction, suppression (also the magical arresting of any feeling or force, as of hunger, thirst, or of the forces of water, fire etc. as taught in the tantra-s)  |
stambha | m. filling up, stuffing  |
stambha | m. Name of a particular adhyāya- on Va1rtt. 1  |
stambha | m. of a ṛṣi- etc. (see gaRa kuñjādi-and śaunakādi-).  |
stambhabhañjaka | m. "pillar-breaker", Name of an elephant  |
stambhaka | mfn. stopping, arresting  |
stambhaka | mfn. styptic, astringent  |
stambhaka | m. (prob.) a post, pillar,  |
stambhaka | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
stambhakara | mfn. (prob.) causing obstruction, hindering, impeding (in puṇya-st- q.v), causing stiffness, paralyzing  |
stambhakara | m. a fence, railing  |
stambhakāraṇa | n. cause of obstruction or impediment  |
stambhakī | f. Name of a goddess  |
stambhakin | m. a kind of musical instrument covered with leather  |
stambhamitra | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (equals stamba-m-),  |
stambhana | mf(ī-)n. stiffening, making rigid or immovable, paralyzing  |
stambhana | mf(ī-)n. stopping, arresting, checking, restraining  |
stambhana | mf(ī-)n. styptic, astringent  |
stambhana | m. "paralyzer", Name of one of the five arrows of kāma-deva-  |
stambhana | n. the act of turning into a pillar (See rambhā-st-)  |
stambhana | n. strengthening, supporting  |
stambhana | n. becoming stiff or rigid  |
stambhana | n. making stiff or rigid, paralysing  |
stambhana | n. a means of making stiff or rigid  |
stambhana | n. stopping, arresting (also by magical means)  |
stambhana | n. stopping flow of blood etc.  |
stambhana | n. a styptic or astringent  |
stambhana | n. a particular magical art or faculty (See under stambha-and see jala-stambhana-).  |
stambhanādividhi | m. Name of a mantra-.  |
stambhanaka | mf(ikā-)n. making solid, solidifying  |
stambhanaprakāra | m. Name of a medicine work.  |
stambhanī | f. a kind of magic  |
stambhanīya | mfn. to be fixed or stopped or checked (its a-st-)  |
stambhanīya | mfn. to be treated with styptics  |
stambhapūjā | f. worship of the posts (of the temporary pavilions erected for marriages or other festive occasions)  |
stambhatā | f. stiffness, paralysis  |
stambhatīrtha | n. Name of a place  |
stambhavatī | f. Name of a city  |
stāmbhāyana | m. patronymic fr. stambha- gaRa naḍādi-.  |
stambhi | m. the sea  |
stambhībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become a post  |
stambhikā | f. the leg of a chair  |
stambhin | mfn. provided with pillars or columns,  |
stambhin | mfn. supporting  |
stambhin | mfn. puffed up, arrogant |
stambhin | mfn. stopping, restraining  |
stambhin | m. the sea  |
stāmbhin | m. plural the disciples of stambha- gaRa śaunakādi-.  |
stambhinī | f. Name of one of the five dhāraṇā-s or elements (= the earth; see bhramaṇī-)  |
stambhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) fixed, established, supported  |
stambhita | mfn. stiffened, benumbed, paralyzed  |
stambhita | mfn. stopped, brought to a standstill, suppressed, restrained etc.  |
stambhita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') stuffed or filled with  |
stambhitabāṣpavṛtti | mfn. suppressing the flow of tears  |
stambhitarambha | n. Name of a troṭaka- (see rambhā-stambhana-)  |
stambhitāśru | mfn. one who has suppressed his tears  |
stambhitatva | n. the being checked or impeded (in sarva-loka-bhayāst-).  |
stambhīya | mfn. (said of a particular adhyāya-) on Va1rtt. 1.  |
stambhotkīrṇa | mfn. carved out of a wooden post (as a statue)  |
stambin | mfn. clumpy, tufty, bunchy, bushy, shaggy  |
stāmu | mfn. (doubtful; according to to equals stotṛ-; according to to others"roaring, thundering", fr. stan- see stavat-)  |
stan | (confer, compare 2. tan-) cl.1 P. ( ) stanati- (once in -stanase-;in sg. stan-and 2. imperative stanihi-; perfect tense tastāna-, tastanuḥ- grammar; Aorist astānīt- ; future stanitā-, niṣyati- grammar), to resound, reverberate, roar, thunder etc. ; to utter inarticulate sounds : Causal stan/ayati- (Aorist atiṣṭanat-) idem or ' cl.1 P. stakati-, to strike against ' (stanayati-,"it thunders") etc. ; crackle (as fire) : Desiderative tistaniṣati- grammar : Intensive taṃstanyate-, taṃstanti- (2. sg. imperative taṃstanīhi-See abhi-ṣṭan-). ([ confer, compare Greek ; Slavonic or Slavonian stenja; Anglo-Saxon stunian; German sto0hnen.])  |
stana | m. (or n. gaRa ardharcādi- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā-or ī-;derivation doubtful, but prob. connected with stan-,from the hollow resonance of the human breast), the female breast (either human or animal) , teat, dug, udder etc.  |
stana | m. the nipple (of the female or the male breast)  |
stana | m. a kind of pin or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat  |
stanabāla | m. plural Name of a people  |
stanabhara | m. "breast-weight", a swelling bosom  |
stanabhara | m. a man with a breast like a woman's  |
stanabhava | mfn. being on the breast  |
stanabhava | m. a particular posture in sexual union  |
stanābhoga | m. fulness of the breast  |
stanābhoga | m. the curve or orb of the breast, a man with projecting breast (like a woman's)  |
stanābhuj | (in stana-bh-) mfn. enjoying the udder (said of calves)  |
stanābhuja | mfn. feeding or nourishing with the udder (said of cows)  |
stanacūcuka | n. the nipple of the breast  |
stanadātrī | f. giving the breast, suckling  |
stanadveṣin | mfn. rejecting the breast  |
stanāgra | n. equals naśikhā-  |
stanagraha | m. the sucking or drawing of the breast  |
stanakalaśa | m. a jar-like breast  |
stanakalaśa | m. Name of a bard (wrong reading lasa-)  |
stanakesavatī | f. having breasts and long hair.  |
stanakoraka | m. n. a budlike breast  |
stanakoṭi | f. the nipple of the breast  |
stanakuḍmala | n. "breast-bud", a woman's breast  |
stanakumbha | m. equals -kalaśa- above  |
stanakuṇḍa | n. (sg. or plural) Name of a tīrtha-  |
stanamadhya | m. a nipple  |
stanamadhya | n. the space between the breast  |
stanamaṇḍala | n. "breast-orb" equals -taṭa-  |
stanaṃdha | mfn. equals -ṃ-dhaya-  |
stanaṃdhama | mfn.  |
stanaṃdhaya | mf(ī-or[ ] ā-)n. sucking the breast  |
stanaṃdhaya | m. a suckling, infant etc.  |
stanaṃdhaya | m. a calf  |
stanāṃśuka | n. a cloth covering the bosom  |
stanamukha | m. (?) n. a nipple  |
stanamūla | n. "root of the breast", the lower part of the female breast  |
stanana | n. the sound of a hollow cough  |
stanana | n. sounding, sound, noise  |
stanana | n. the rumbling of clouds  |
stanana | n. equals kunthana-, kunthita-  |
stanana | n. groaning, breathing hard  |
stanāṅgarāga | m. pigment on a woman's breast  |
stanāntara | n. the space between the breasts, centre of the chest (of men and women)  |
stanāntara | n. the heart (as between the breast)  |
stanāntara | n. a mark on the breast (indicating future widowhood)  |
stanapa | mf(ā-)n. drinking or sucking the breast  |
stanapa | mf(ā-)n. a suckling  |
stanapā | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanapāna | n. the drinking or sucking of the breast  |
stanapatana | n. flaccidity of the breast  |
stanapātṛ | mfn. sucking the breast of (compound) ,  |
stanapāyaka | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanapāyika | m. plural varia lectio for -poṣika-  |
stanapāyikā | f. a female child still unweaned  |
stanapāyin | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanapoṣika | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -yoṣika-etc.)  |
stanaroga | m. a disease of the female breast  |
stanarohita | m. n. a particular part of the female breast  |
stanaśikhā | f. "breast-point", a nipple  |
stanasyu | mfn. sucking the breast, a suckling  |
stanataṭa | m. n. the projection of the female breast  |
stanatha | m. roar (of a lion)  |
stanatha | m. thunder  |
stanathu | m. roar (of a lion)  |
stanatyāga | m. "leaving the mother's breast", weaning  |
stanāvaraṇa | n. a breast-cloth ( stanāvaraṇatā -tā- f.)  |
stanāvaraṇatā | f. stanāvaraṇa |
stanavatī | f. possessing teats  |
stanavatī | f. a woman  |
stanavepathu | m. the heaving of the breast  |
stanavṛnta | n. "breast-stalk", a nipple  |
stanayadama | mfn. (see 1. ama-) having a roaring onset (said of the marut-s)  |
stanayitnu | m. (sg. or plural) thunder (plural personified as children of vidyota-, "Lightning") etc.  |
stanayitnu | m. a thunder-cloud  |
stanayitnu | m. lightning  |
stanayitnu | m. sickness  |
stanayitnu | m. death  |
stanayitnu | m. a kind of grass (equals mustaka-)  |
stanayitnughoṣa | mfn. loud as thunder  |
stanayitnumat | or (wrong reading)  |
stanayitnusani | mfn. bringing thunder  |
stanayitnuvat | mfn. connected with thunder  |
stanayodhika | ( ) ( ) m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -poṣika-).  |
stanayoṣika | ( ) m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -poṣika-). |
stanin | mfn. having a breast or udder  |
stanin | mfn. (said of a horse having a particular deformity)  |
stanita | mfn. thundering, sounding  |
stanita | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) thunder etc.  |
stanita | n. loud groaning  |
stanita | n. the sound of a vibrating bowstring  |
stanita | n. the noise of clapping the hands  |
stanitakumāra | m. plural (with jaina-s) a particular class of gods  |
stanitaphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
stanitasamaya | m. the time of thundering  |
stanitasubhagam | ind. with pleasant rumbling sounds  |
stanitavimukha | mfn. refraining from thunder  |
stanopapīḍam | ind.p. pressing the breast  |
stanottarīya | n. idem or 'n. a breast-cloth ( stanāvaraṇatā -tā- f.) '  |
stanutṛ | (?)  |
stanya | mfn. contained in the female breast  |
stanya | n. (once m.) milk  |
stanyabhuj | mfn. sucking milk from the breast, unweaned  |
stanyada | mfn. producing (good) milk  |
stanyadāna | n. the giving of milk from the breast  |
stanyapa | mfn. drinking milk from the breast, a suckling  |
stanyapāna | n. the drinking of milk from the breast, the period of early infancy  |
stanyapāyin | mfn. sucking milk from the breast, unweaned  |
stanyaroga | m. sickness caused by unhealthy mother's milk  |
stanyatyāga | m. ceasing to drink a mother's milk, the being weaned  |
stanyatyāgamātraka | n. (with vayas-) the period immediately after weaning  |
stanyāvataraṇa | n. the inspissation of milk  |
stara | staraṇa-, stariman- etc. See .  |
stara | m. (see pra--, vi--, sva-stara-) a layer, stratum  |
staraṇa | n. the act of spreading or strewing or scattering (especially the sacrificial grass)  |
staraṇa | n. the plastering (of a wall) (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
staraṇīya | mfn. to be spread or strewn or scattered  |
starī | f. (Nominal verb /īs- accusative y/am-; plural y/as-) a barren cow, heifer  |
starī | f. (with r/ātri-) a night passed in vain  |
starī | f. smoke, vapour [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin sterilis; Gothic staira; German ste0r,ste0ro;Sta0rke.]  |
starīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to render fruitless  |
stariman | m. "that which is spread", a bed, couch |
starīman | m. the act of spreading or scattering (only locative case maṇi-as infinitive mood)  |
starīman | m. equals prec. (see suṣṭar-)  |
startavai | See root.  |
startave | See root.  |
staru | m. "overthrower", an enemy  |
staru | probably incorrect; the vocative case staro- seems to be wrong reading for suge-.  |
starya | mfn. to be laid low or overthrown  |
staubha | mf(ī-)n. humming, making joyful exclamations, hurrahing |
staubhika | mfn. forming or containing a stobha-  |
staubhika | See column 1.  |
staulā | f. (of unknown meaning; according to to fem. of an adjective (cf. mfn.) equals sthūla-)  |
stauna | mfn. (of unknown meaning; according to to equals stena-,"a thief, robber"; according to to others,"heavy, inert, slothful", fr. stū- equals sthū- equals sthā-) |
staupika | n. equals buddha-dravya-, the relics deposited in a stūpa- or dagoba  |
staupika | n. a kind of small broom carried by a Buddhist or jaina- ascetic  |
staupika | See column 1.  |
stauti | m. (used as a N. for1. stu-,"to praise")  |
stava | m. or n. a particular substance  |
stava | stavaka- etc. See .  |
stava | m. (for 1.See) praise, eulogy, song of praise, hymn, panegyric  |
stāva | m. praise, eulogy  |
stāva | m. a praiser  |
stāvā | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
stavacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
stavadaṇḍaka | mn. Name of work  |
stavadhyai | See above under root.  |
stavaka | m. praise, eulogium  |
stavaka | m. a panegyrist, praiser  |
stāvaka | mfn. praising, extolling ( stāvakatva -tva- n. )  |
stāvaka | m. a praiser, panegyrist  |
stavakarṇikā | f. a lac-earring (?)  |
stavakarṇin | m. Name of deva-trāta-  |
stāvakatva | n. stāvaka |
stavamālā | f. Name of work  |
stavamāna | See root.  |
stavāmṛtalaharī | f. Name of work  |
stavana | n. praising, praise  |
stavana | n. plural songs of praise  |
stavāna | See root.  |
stavanīya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy  |
stavanya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy '  |
stavarāja | m. "chief of hymns", a particular mystical prayer or incantation (also as Name of work)  |
stavaraka | m. a fence, railing (perhaps wrong reading for āvaraka-,or stambha-kara-)  |
stavārha | m. "worthy of praise", Name of a pratyeka-buddhi-  |
stavat | mfn. (only in Nominal verb sg. stav/ān-;always applied to indra- and according to to = stūyamāna-,"being praised"; according to to others equals stavas- equals tavas-,fr. stu-for1. tu-,and meaning"strong, powerful";others give it the sense"thundering", fr. stan-)  |
stavat | (Nominal verb sg. stav/ān-). See .  |
stavatha | m. praise  |
stavāvali | f. Name of various collections of hymns or panegyrics.  |
staveyya | m. Name of indra-  |
stavi | m. equals udgātṛ-, a chanter  |
stavitavya | mfn. to be praised etc.  |
stavitṛ | m. a praiser, singer  |
stavya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy, glorious  |
stāvya | mfn. to be praised or celebrated  |
stāyat | y/u- See stai-, p.1260.  |
stāyu | m. equals tāyu-, a thief, robber  |
stega | m. (of unknown meaning; see tega-)  |
stema | m. equals tema-, wetness, moisture  |
stema | See .  |
sten | (prob. Nom.fr. stena-below) cl.10 P. ( ) stenayati-, to steal, rob ; (with vācam-) to misuse a word, be dishonest in speech  |
stena | m. (prob. fr. stā-) a thief, robber etc.  |
stena | m. a kind of perfume  |
stena | m. thieving, stealing  |
stenahṛdaya | (sten/a--) m. "having the essence of a thief", an incarnate thief  |
stenanigraha | m. the restraining or punishing of thieves  |
stenanigraha | m. suppression of theft  |
step | (see stip-) cl.1 A1. stepate-, to flow ; cl.10 P. stepayati-, to send, throw ( )  |
steya | n. theft, robbery, larceny etc.  |
steya | n. anything stolen or liable to be stolen  |
steya | n. anything clandestine or private  |
steyakṛt | mfn. committing theft, a thief, robber, stealer of (compound)  |
steyakṛt | mfn. .  |
steyaphala | m. a particular fruit-tree  |
steyasaṃvāsika | mfn. one who has stolen into any dwelling in the fictitious character of a monk  |
steyi | in compound for steyin-.  |
steyin | m. a thief, robber etc.  |
steyin | m. a mouse  |
steyin | m. a goldsmith  |
steyiphala | m. equals steyaph-  |
stha | See .  |
sthā | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) t/iṣṭhati-, te- (perfect tense tasth/au-, tasthe- etc.; Aorist /asthāt-, /asthita- ;3. plural asthiran- ; āsthat-[?] ; asthiṣi-, ṣata- etc.; subjunctive sthāti-, sth/āthaḥ- ; preceding stheyāt- ; stheṣam-, ṣuḥ-[?] ; sthāsīṣṭa- grammar; future sthātā- etc.; sthāsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood sth/ātum- ; tos- ; -sthitum- ; ind.p. sthitvā- etc.; -sth/āya- etc.; -sthāyam- ), to stand, stand firmly, station one's self, stand upon, get upon, take up a position on (with pādābhyām-,"to stand on the feet";with jānubhyām-,"to kneel";with agre-or agratas-and genitive case,"to stand or present one's self before";with puras-and with or without genitive case,"to stand up against an enemy etc.") etc. ; to stay, remain, continue in any condition or action (exempli gratia, 'for example' with kanyā-,"to remain a girl or unmarried";with tūṣṇīm-or with maunena- instrumental case"to remain silent";with sukham-,"to continue or feel well") etc. ; to remain occupied or engaged in, be intent upon, make a practice of, keep on, persevere in any act (with locative case; exempli gratia, 'for example' with rājye-,"to continue governing";with śāsane-,"to practise obedience";with bale-,"to exercise power";with sva-dharme-,"to do one's duty";with sva-karmaṇi-,"to keep to one's own business";with saṃśaye-,"to persist in doubting";also with ind.p. exempli gratia, 'for example' dharmam āśritya-,"to practise virtue") etc. ; to continue to be or exist (as opp. to"perish"), endure, last etc. ; to be, exist, be present, be obtainable or at hand etc. ; to be with or at the disposal of, belong to (dative case genitive case,or locative case) etc. ; (A1. mc. also P. confer, compare ) to stand by, abide by, be near to, be on the side of, adhere or submit to, acquiesce in, serve, obey (locative case or dative case) etc. ; to stand still, stay quiet, remain stationary, stop, halt, wait, tarry, linger, hesitate (See under sthitvā-below) etc. ; to behave or conduct one's self (with samam-,"to behave equally towards any one" locative case) ; to be directed to or fixed on (locative case) ; to be founded or rest or depend on, be contained in (locative case) ; to rely on, confide in (locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' mayi sthitvā-,"confiding in me") ; to stay at, resort to (accusative) ; to arise from (ablative or genitive case) ; to desist or cease from (ablative) ; to remain unnoticed (as of no importance), be left alone (only imperative and Potential) : Passive voice sthīyate- (Aorist asthāyi-), to be stood etc. (frequently used impersonal or used impersonally exempli gratia, 'for example' mayā sthīyatām-,"let it be abided by me" id est"I must abide") etc. etc.: Causal sthāpayati-, te- (Aorist /atiṣṭhipat-; ind.p. sthāpayitvā-[ q.v ] and -sth/āpam-: Passive voice sthāpyate-), to cause to stand, place, locate, set, lay, fix, station, establish, found, institute etc. ; to set up, erect, raise, build ; to cause to continue, make durable, strengthen, confirm etc. ; to prop up, support, maintain ; to affirm, assent ; to appoint (to any office locative case) etc. ; to cause to be, constitute, make, appoint or employ as (two accusative;with dhātrīm-,"to employ any one as a nurse";with rakṣārtham-,"to appoint any one as guardian";with sajjam-,"to make anything ready";with su-rakṣitam-,"to keep anything well guarded";with svīkṛtya-,"to make anything one's own";with pariśeṣam-,"to leave anything over or remaining") etc. ; to fix, settle, determine, resolve etc. ; to fix in or on, lead or bring into, direct or turn towards (locative case,rarely accusative;with hṛdi-,"to impress on the heart";with manas-,"to fix the mind on") etc. ; to introduce or initiate into, instruct in (locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' with naye-,"to instruct in a plan or system") ; to make over or deliver up to (locative case or haste-with genitive case,"into the hands of") ; to give in marriage ; to cause to stand still, stop, arrest, check, hold, keep in, restrain (with baddhvā-,"to keep bound or imprisoned") etc. ; to place aside, keep, save, preserve : Desiderative of Causal -sthāpayiṣati- (See saṃ-sthā-): Desiderative t/iṣṭhāsati-, to wish to stand etc. : Intensive teṣṭhīyate- ; tāstheti-, tāsthāti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin stare; Lithuanian sto4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian stati; German sta7n,stehen; English stand.]) |
stha | mf(ā-)n. (or ṣṭha-) (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') standing, staying, abiding, being situated in, existing or being in or on or among (See agni--, garbha--, jala--, naraka--, rājya-stha-etc.)  |
stha | mf(ā-)n. occupied with, engaged in, devoted to performing, practising (See dhyāna--, yajña--, yoga--, savana-stha-etc.)  |
stha | mf(ā-)n. a place, ground (in the beginning of a compound equals sthala-)  |
sthā | (or ṣṭh/ā-) mfn. (Nominal verb m. n. sth/ās-) standing, stationary (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ="standing, being, existing in or on or among" see agni-ṣṭhā-, ṛtasthā-etc.)  |
sthaḍu | m. See sthagu- above.  |
sthag | cl.1 P. sthagati-, to cover, hide, conceal : Causal sthagayati- idem or ' equals sthagara- below ' etc. ; to cover, veil, make invisible, cause to disappear [ confer, compare Greek ,, etc.; Latin tegere,toga,tugurium; Lithuanian ste14gti,sto4gas; German decken,Dach; English thatch.]  |
sthaga | mfn. cunning, sly, fraudulent, dishonest  |
sthāga | m. (derivation doubtful) a dead body  |
sthāga | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
sthagala | prob. equals sthagara-. See sthāgala-.  |
sthāgala | m. or n. (?) equals sthagara- (see sthagala-), gaRa kiśarādi-.  |
sthāgalika | mf(ī-)n. dealing in the substance sthāgala-  |
sthagana | n. the act of covering or hiding, concealment  |
sthagaṇā | f. the earth  |
sthagara | n. (also written sthakara- see tagara-, tagaraka-) a particular fragrant substance or powder  |
sthāgara | mfn. made of sthagara- q.v  |
sthagayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be hidden or concealed  |
sthāgha | m. (said to be fr.1. sthā-) a shallow, ford (equals gādha-)  |
sthagī | f. a box (for holding betel and areca-nut)  |
sthagikā | f. a kind of bandage  |
sthagikā | f. a box (for betel etc.)  |
sthagikā | f. a courtezan (?)  |
sthagita | mfn. covered, concealed, hidden (sthagitā sarasvatī-,"S has hidden herself"="I cannot express myself")  |
sthagita | mfn. closed, shut (as a door)  |
sthagita | mfn. stopped, interrupted  |
sthagu | m. a hump on the back (varia lectio sthaḍu-)  |
sthairabrahmaṇa | m. (prob.) Name of a man  |
sthairakāyaṇa | m. patronymic fr. sthiraka- gaRa naḍādi-  |
sthairakāyaṇa | m. (yana-), metron. of mitra-varcas-.  |
sthairya | n. firmness, hardness, solidity etc.  |
sthairya | n. fixedness, stability, immobility  |
sthairya | n. calmness, tranquillity  |
sthairya | n. continuance, permanence  |
sthairya | n. steadfastness, constancy, perseverance, patience etc.  |
sthairya | n. firm attachment to, constant delight in (locative case)  |
sthairyakara | mfn. causing firmness or hardness  |
sthairyakṛt | mfn. causing firmness or hardness  |
sthairyavat | mfn. having stability, standing still, fixed, immovable  |
sthairyavat | mfn. standing firm, not yielding, resolute  |
sthairyavattva | n. fixedness, firmness, concentration (of mind)  |
sthairyavicāraṇa | n. Name of work by harṣa-.  |
sthājirāvatī | f. (prob. wrong reading)  |
sthakara | equals sthagara- below  |
sthal | (connected with1. sthā-) cl.1 P. sthalati-, to stand firm, be firm [ confer, compare Greek , ; German stellen,stilletc.; English still.]  |
sthala | m. a chapter, section (of a book)  |
sthala | m. Name of a son of bala-  |
sthala | m. (sth/alā-), a heap of artificially raised earth, mound  |
sthala | n. equals sthalī- above  |
sthala | n. dry land (opp. to damp low-land), firm earth (opp. to water) etc.  |
sthala | n. ground, soil, place, spot etc. |
sthala | n. a flat surface, roof (of a palace)  |
sthala | n. situation, circumstance, case (tathāvidha-sthale-,"in such a case")  |
sthala | n. a topic, subject  |
sthala | n. a text  |
sthāla | n. (fr. sthala-,of which it is also the vṛddhi- form in compound) any vessel or receptacle, plate, cup, bowl, dish, caldron, pot  |
sthāla | n. any culinary utensil  |
sthāla | n. the hollow of a tooth  |
sthalacara | mfn. equals -ga-  |
sthalacārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -ga- ' ' ( sthalacāritā ri-tā- f.)  |
sthalacāritā | f. sthalacārin |
sthalacyuta | mfn. fallen or removed from any place or position  |
sthaladevatā | f. a local or rural deity, tutelary god presiding over some particular spot  |
sthalaga | mfn. living on dry land  |
sthalagāmin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -ga- '  |
sthalagata | mfn. gone or left on dry land  |
sthalaja | mfn. growing or living on dry land etc.  |
sthalaja | mfn. accruing from land-transport (said of certain taxes or duties)  |
sthalajā | f. licorice-root  |
sthālaka | m. or n. (plural) Name of particular bones on the back  |
sthalakālī | f. Name of a being attending on durgā-  |
sthalakamala | n. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalakamalinī | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalakanda | m. a kind of plant  |
sthalakumuda | m. Nerium Odorum  |
sthalamañjarī | f. Achyranthes Aspera  |
sthalamārga | m. a way by land  |
sthalanalinī | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (nīka-) mfn.)  |
sthalanīraja | n. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalāntara | n. another place  |
sthalapadma | m. Arum Indicum  |
sthalapadma | m. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalapadma | m. another plant (equals chattra-pattra-, tamālaka-)  |
sthalapadminī | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalapatha | m. a road by land (ena-,"by land") etc.  |
sthalapatha | m. commerce by land  |
sthālapatha | mfn. (fr. sthala-p-) imported by land Va1rtt. 3  |
sthālapathika | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. sthala-p-) imported by land Va1rtt. 3 ') imported or travelling by land Va1rtt. 1  |
sthalapathīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make into dry land or road by land  |
sthalapattana | n. a town situated on dry land (opp. to jala-p-),  |
sthalapiṇḍā | f. a kind of date  |
sthalapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
sthalāravinda | n. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalārūḍha | mfn. standing on the ground (as opp. to one seated in a chariot)  |
sthalaruhā | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthālarūpa | n. the form or representation of a caldron or cooking-pot  |
sthalasambhavauṣadhi | f. plural plants growing on dry land  |
sthalasīman | m. equals sthaṇḍila- m. (?)  |
sthalasīman | m. a land-mark, boundary  |
sthalaśṛṅgāṭa | m. Tribulus Lanuginosus or a similar plant  |
sthalaśṛṅgāṭaka | m. Tribulus Lanuginosus or a similar plant  |
sthalastha | mfn. standing on dry ground  |
sthalaśuddhi | f. the cleansing of any place from impurity  |
sthalatā | f. the state of being dry ground  |
sthalatara | n. a higher place  |
sthalatas | ind. from dry land  |
sthalaukas | m. an animal dwelling on dry land  |
sthalavarman | m. Name of a king  |
sthalavartman | n. a road by land (nā-,"by land")  |
sthalavetasa | m. Calamus Rotang  |
sthalavigraha | m. a land-fight  |
sthalavihaṃga | m. a land bird  |
sthalavihaṃgama | m. a land bird  |
sthalaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make into dry land  |
sthalāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become dry land  |
sthale | (locative case of sthala-), in compound  |
sthalejāta | mf(ā-)n. growing on dry land (with padminī- f."Hibiscus Mutabilis")  |
sthalejāta | n. licorice root  |
sthaleruhā | f. "growing on dry land", Name of two plants (equals gṛha-kumārī-and equals dagdhā-)  |
sthaleśaya | m. "sleeping on dry land", a particular (or any) amphibious animal  |
sthaleśvara | n. Name of a locality  |
sthaleyu | m. Name of a son of raudrāśva-  |
sthalī | f. an eminence, tableland (also applied to prominent parts of the body) etc.  |
sthalī | f. soil, ground  |
sthalī | f. place, spot  |
sthalī | f. See under sthala- above.  |
sthalī | in compound for sthala-.  |
sthālī | f. See column 2.  |
sthālī | f. an earthen dish or pan, cooking-vessel, caldron  |
sthālī | f. a particular vessel used in preparing soma-  |
sthālī | f. the substitution of a cooked offering of rice etc. for a meat offering at the māṃsāṣṭakā- (q.v)  |
sthālī | f. Bignonia Suaveolens  |
sthalībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become dry land  |
sthalībhūta | mfn. high-lying (as a country)  |
sthālībila | n. the interior or hollow of a cooking-vessel  |
sthālībilīya | mfn. fit to be boiled in a cooking-vessel  |
sthālībilya | mfn. fit to be boiled in a cooking-vessel  |
sthālīdaraṇa | n. the breaking of a dish or vessel  |
sthalīdevatā | f. a local deity  |
sthālīdruma | m. Ficus Benjamina or Indica  |
sthālīgraha | m. a ladleful taken out of a cooking-vessel  |
sthālika | m. the smell of faeces  |
sthālika | mfn. smelling of faeces  |
sthālin | mfn. possessing any vessel or receptacle (see kara-sth-) , Va1rtt. 1 |
sthālīpāka | m. (or sth/ālī-p-) a dish of barley or rice boiled in milk (used as an oblation) etc.  |
sthālīpāka | mfn. (equals kīya-)  |
sthālīpākamantra | m. plural Name of work  |
sthālīpākanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
sthālīpākaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
sthālīpākīya | mfn. belonging to the above oblation  |
sthālīpakva | mfn. cooked or dressed in any vessel, boiled  |
sthālīparṇī | wrong reading for śāli-p- q.v  |
sthālīpulāka | m. boiled rice in a cooking-vessel  |
sthālīpulākanyāya | m. the rule of boiled rice in a cooking-vessel (id est the inferring of the condition of a whole from that of a part, as of the good cooking of rice from tasting one grain)  |
sthālīpurīṣa | n. the sediment or dirt sticking to a kettle or cooking-pot  |
sthalīśāyin | mfn. lying or sleeping on the bare ground  |
sthālīvṛkṣa | m. equals -druma-  |
sthalīya | Nom. P. yati-, to regard as dry land  |
sthalīya | mfn. relating or belonging to dry land, terrestrial  |
sthalīya | mfn. belonging to a place, local  |
sthalīya | mfn. relating or belonging to a situation or case (in uddeśyavidheyabodhasthalīyavicāra uddeśya-vidheya-bodha-sthalīya-vicāra- m.Name of work )  |
sthalotpalinī | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthāma | in compound for sthāman-.  |
sthāman | n. station, seat, place  |
sthāman | n. strength, power  |
sthāman | n. the neighing of a horse  |
sthāmavat | mfn. powerful, strong  |
sthāmavat | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having the strength of |
sthāna | n. (also said to be m. ) the act of standing, standing firmly, being fixed or stationary etc.  |
sthāna | n. position or posture of the body (in shooting etc.)  |
sthāna | n. staying, abiding, being in or on (locative case or compound)  |
sthāna | n. storing-place or storage (of goods)  |
sthāna | n. firm bearing (of troops), sustaining a charge (as opp. to yuddha-,"charging")  |
sthāna | n. state, condition (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = "being in the state of")  |
sthāna | n. continued existence, continuance in the same state (id est in a kind of neutral state unmarked by loss or gain), continuing as or as long as (with instrumental case)  |
sthāna | n. a state of perfect tranquillity  |
sthāna | n. station, rank, office, appointment, dignity, degree etc.  |
sthāna | n. place of standing or staying, any place, spot, locality, abode, dwelling, house, site (sthāne sthāne-or sthāne sthāneṣu-,"in different places","here and there") etc.  |
sthāna | n. place or room, stead (sthāne-with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"in place of","instead of","in lieu of"; ripu-sthāne-vṛt-,"to act in the place of an enemy"; vilocana-sthāna-gata-,"acting the part of eyes";also sthāna- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ="taking the place of","acting as","representing"or"represented by" exempli gratia, 'for example' pitṛ-sth-,"acting as a father"or"represented by a father"; iyaṅ-uvaṅ-sthāna-,"represented by iy-or uv-"[as ī-and ū- ];in pāṇini-'s grammar the genitive case case is often used alone, when the word sthāne-has to be supplied exempli gratia, 'for example' hanter jaḥ-,"ja-is to be substituted in place of han-", ) etc.  |
sthāna | n. place for, receptacle of (genitive case) etc.  |
sthāna | n. proper or right place (sthāne-,"in the right place or at the right time, seasonably, justly") etc. (see gaRa svar-ādi-)  |
sthāna | n. province, region, domain, sphere (of gods or virtuous men;said to be in one of three places, viz."earth"or"atmosphere"or"heaven"; according to to some that of virtuous Brahmans is called prājāpatya-;of kṣatriya-s, aindra-;of vaiśya-s, māruta-;of śūdra-s, gāndharva-)  |
sthāna | n. the main support or strength or chief constituent of a kingdom (said to be four, viz."army","treasury","city","territory")  |
sthāna | n. a stronghold, fortress  |
sthāna | n. the place or organ of utterance of any sound (said to be 8 in number, viz. kaṇṭha-,"throat"; tālu-,"palate"; mūrdhan-,"top of palate"; danta-,"teeth"; oṣṭha-,"lips"; kaṇṭha-tālu-,"throat and palate"; kaṇṭh'-oṣṭha-,"throat and lips"; dant'-oṣṭha-,"teeth and lips";to which are added nāsikā-,"nose", said to be the place of utterance of true anusvāra-, and uras-,"chest", of visarga-)  |
sthāna | n. any organ of sense (exempli gratia, 'for example' the eye)  |
sthāna | n. the pitch or key of the voice, note, tone (of which according to to , there are three [see mandra-],or according to to , seven; vīnā cyutā sthānāt-,"a lute out of tune") etc.  |
sthāna | n. shape, form, appearance (as of the moon)  |
sthāna | n. the part or character of an actor  |
sthāna | n. case, occurrence (nedaṃ sthānaṃ vidyate-,"this case does not occur")  |
sthāna | n. occasion, opportunity for (genitive case or compound; sthāne ne- ind."occasionally") etc.  |
sthāna | n. cause or object of (genitive case or compound exempli gratia, 'for example' śulka-sthāna-,"an object of toll"; pūjā--or mānya-sth-,"an object of honour";also applied to persons; sthāne ne- ind."because of","on account of")  |
sthāna | n. a section or division (exempli gratia, 'for example' of medicine) etc.  |
sthāna | n. an astrology mansion or its subdivision  |
sthāna | n. equals kāryotsarga-,  |
sthāna | n. an open place in a town, plain, square  |
sthāna | n. a holy place  |
sthāna | n. an altar  |
sthāna | n. Name of a gandharva- king  |
sthāna | sthānin-, sthāpaka-, pana- etc. See p.1263.  |
sthānabhaṅga | m. ruin or fall of a place  |
sthānābhāva | m. want of place or situation  |
sthānabhraṃśa | m. loss of place or station or rank  |
sthānabhraṣṭa | mfn. equals -cyuta-  |
sthānabhūmi | f. a dwelling-place, mansion  |
sthānacañcalā | f. Ocimum Pilosum  |
sthānacaturvidhaśloka | m. Name of work  |
sthānacintaka | m. one who provides quarters for an army, a kind of quartermaster  |
sthānacyuta | mfn. fallen or removed from any place or office etc.  |
sthānadātṛ | mf(trī-)n. one who assigns a place to (genitive case)  |
sthānādhikāra | m. the superintendence of a shrine  |
sthānādhipati | m. equals sthāna-pati-  |
sthānādhyakṣa | m. the governor of a place  |
sthānadīpta | mfn. (in augury) inauspicious on account of situation (See dīpta-)  |
sthānaka | m. Name of a man  |
sthānaka | n. position, situation, rank, dignity  |
sthānaka | n. a place, spot  |
sthānaka | n. a city, town  |
sthānaka | n. attitude of the body (in shooting etc.)  |
sthānaka | n. a particular point or situation in dramatic action, (others"a kind of posture";but see patākā-sth-)  |
sthānaka | n. a basin or trench dug for water at the root of a tree  |
sthānaka | n. a division or section (esp,) of the kāṭhaka- (according to to some "a mode of recitation")  |
sthānaka | n. froth or bubbles on spirits or wine (prob. for sthāsaka-)  |
sthānamāhātmya | n. the greatness or glory of any place, the divine virtue supposed to be inherent in any sacred spot  |
sthānamṛga | m. Name of certain big animals (such as the turtle, crocodile, and makara-, supposed to frequent the same place)  |
sthānāṅga | n. Name of the 3rd aṅga- (q.v) of the jaina-s.  |
sthānānta | mfn. ending in sthāna-  |
sthānāntara | n. another place  |
sthānāntarābhimukha | mf(ī-)n. facing another place, turned away  |
sthānāntaragata | mfn. gone to another place, gone away  |
sthānānyatva | n. difference of place  |
sthānapāla | m. guardian of a place or region  |
sthānapāla | m. chief guardian, superintendent  |
sthānapāla | m. a keeper, watchman, policeman  |
sthānāpanna | mfn. substituted in place of another (see prec.)  |
sthānapata | mfn. (fr. next) gaRa aśvapaty-ādi-.  |
sthānapāta | m. occupying (another's) place  |
sthānapati | m. lord of a place, (especially) head of a monastery  |
sthānāpatti | f. taking the place of another person or thing, substitution  |
sthānapracyuta | mfn. equals -cyuta-  |
sthānaprāpti | f. obtainment of a place or situation  |
sthānarakṣaka | m. equals sthāna-pāla-  |
sthānāsana | n. dual number standing and sitting down  |
sthānāsanavihāravat | mfn. (a pupil) occupying the habitation and seat and place of recreation (of his preceptor)  |
sthānāsanika | mfn. standing or sitting  |
sthānāsedha | m. confinement to a place, local or personal arrest  |
sthānāśraya | m. the place on which anything stands ( ekasthānāśraya eka-sthānāśraya- mfn."being in the same place" )  |
sthānastha | mfn. abiding in one place, immovable  |
sthānastha | mfn. staying at home  |
sthānasthāna | n. plural every place (eṣu- locative case plural"everywhere","in every corner"; see sthāna-, column 1)  |
sthānāsthānajñānabala | n. the power of the knowledge if what is proper and what is improper  |
sthānasthita | mfn. standing in a (high) place  |
sthānatā | f. the state of being the receptacle of, possession of (genitive case)  |
sthānatas | ind. according to place or station  |
sthānatas | ind. in regard to the place or organ of utterance  |
sthānatva | (in eka-sthānatva-,"the being pronounced with the same organ") n.  |
sthānatyāga | m. abandonment of a dwelling-place  |
sthānatyāga | m. loss of rank or dignity |
sthāṇava | mfn. (fr. sthāṇu-below) coming from the trunks or stems of trees  |
sthāṇava | sthāṇu- etc. See p.1262.  |
sthānavat | mfn. being in the right place, well-founded (as doubt)  |
sthānavibhāga | m. assignment of place  |
sthānavibhāga | m. (in algebra) subdivision of a number according to the position of its figures  |
sthānavid | mfn. knowing places, having local knowledge  |
sthānavīrāsana | n. a particular sedent posture  |
sthāṇavīya | mfn. (fr. next) relating or belonging to śiva-  |
sthānayoga | m. assignment of suitable places or application of the best modes for preserving articles  |
sthānayogin | mfn. equals sthāne-yoga- (column 3)  |
sthaṇḍila | n. (of unknown derivation;accord, to some connected with sthal-) an open unoccupied piece of ground, bare ground (also with kevala-), an open field etc.  |
sthaṇḍila | n. a piece of open ground (levelled, squared, and prepared for a sacrifice),  |
sthaṇḍila | n. a boundary, limit, landmark  |
sthaṇḍila | n. a heap of clods  |
sthaṇḍila | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
sthāṇḍila | mfn. sleeping on the bare ground (as a penance) ; raised (as a toll) from a sthaṇḍila- gaRa śuṇḍikādi-  |
sthāṇḍila | m. equals sthaṇḍila-śāyin-  |
sthāṇḍila | See .  |
sthaṇḍilaka | See sa-sth-.  |
sthaṇḍilaśa | mfn. (see giri-śa-etc.) lying on the bare ground  |
sthaṇḍilasaṃveśana | n. equals -śayyā-  |
sthaṇḍilaśāyikā | f. id.  |
sthaṇḍilaśāyin | mfn. equals -śa-  |
sthaṇḍilaśāyin | m. a devotee who steeps on the bare ground or on the sacrificial ground (on account of a vow)  |
sthaṇḍilaśayyā | f. the act of lying on the bare ground (as a penance)  |
sthaṇḍilasitaka | n. an altar (equals vedi-)  |
sthaṇḍile | (locative case of sthaṇḍila-), in compound  |
sthaṇḍileśaya | m. equals sthaṇḍila-śāyin-  |
sthaṇḍileśaya | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
sthaṇḍileśayana | n. equals sthaṇḍila-śayyā-  |
sthaṇḍileya | m. Name of a son of raudrāśva-  |
sthaṇḍilya | wrong reading for sthaṇḍila-  |
sthāne | (locative case of sthāna-), in compound  |
sthāne | ind. sthāna |
sthāne | ind. sthāna |
sthānepatita | mfn. occupying the place of another (person or thing; sthānepatitatva -tva- n.)  |
sthānepatitatva | n. sthānepatita |
sthāneśvara | m. the governor of a place  |
sthāneśvara | n. (prob. incorrect for sthāṇv-īśvara-) Name of a town and its territory (Thanesar)  |
sthāneyoga | mf(ā-)n. (in gram.) implying the relation of"instead"(said of the genitive case case or ṣaṣṭhī-,which designates that for which something is substituted)  |
sthāneyogin | mfn. (see sthāna-yoga-) idem or 'mf(ā-)n. (in gram.) implying the relation of"instead"(said of the genitive case case or ṣaṣṭhī-,which designates that for which something is substituted) ' ( sthāneyogitva gi-tva- n.)  |
sthāneyogitva | n. sthāneyogin |
sthāni | in compound for sthānin-.  |
sthānibhūta | mfn. (in gram.) being the original or primitive form  |
sthānika | mfn. belonging to a place or site, local  |
sthānika | mfn. (in gram.) taking the place of anything else, substituted for (genitive case or compound)  |
sthānika | m. any one holding an official post, governor of a place, manager of a temple etc.  |
sthānin | mfn. having a place, occupying a (high) position  |
sthānin | mfn. having fixedness, abiding, permanent  |
sthānin | mfn. being in the right place, appropriate  |
sthānin | mfn. (in gram.) that which should be in the place or is to be supplied  |
sthānin | m. the original form or primitive element (for which anything is substituted, as opp. to ādeśa-,"the substitute") |
sthānivadbhāva | m. (equals -vat-tva-)  |
sthānivat | ind. like the original or primitive element (the ādeśa-or substituted form is said to be sthāni-vat-when it is liable to all the rules which hold good for the primitive)  |
sthānivatsūtravicāra | m. Name of work  |
sthānivattva | n. the state of being like the original form or element  |
sthānīya | mfn. having its place in, being in (compound; kaṇṭha-sth-,"having its place in the throat")  |
sthānīya | mfn. belonging to or prevailing in any place, local  |
sthānīya | mfn. occupying the place of, representing (compound)  |
sthānīya | n. a town or a large village  |
sthāṇu | mfn. (according to to some for sthalnu-) standing firmly, stationary, firm, fixed, immovable, motionless etc.  |
sthāṇu | m. (or n. gaRa ardharcādi-) a stump, stem, trunk, stake, post, pile, pillar (also as symbol of motionlessness) etc.  |
sthāṇu | m. a kind of spear or dart  |
sthāṇu | m. a particular part of a plough  |
sthāṇu | m. the gnomon of a dial  |
sthāṇu | m. a particular perfume (equals jīvaka-)  |
sthāṇu | m. a nest of white ants  |
sthāṇu | m. Name of śiva- (who is supposed to remain as motionless as the trunk of a tree during his austerities) etc. ( )  |
sthāṇu | m. of one of the 11 rudra-s  |
sthāṇu | m. of a prajā-pati-  |
sthāṇu | m. of a serpent-demon  |
sthāṇu | m. of a rākṣasa-  |
sthāṇu | n. anything stationary or fixed etc.  |
sthāṇu | n. a particular posture in sitting  |
sthāṇubhrama | m. mistaking anything for a post,  |
sthāṇubhūta | mfn. become motionless as the trunk of a tree  |
sthāṇuccheda | m. one who cuts down the trunks of trees or clears away timber  |
sthāṇudiś | f. " śiva-'s quarter", the north-east  |
sthāṇukarṇī | f. a particular species of large colocynth  |
sthāṇumatī | f. Name of a river  |
sthāṇuroga | m. a particular disease of horses  |
sthāṇutīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
sthāṇuvanaukas | mfn. inhabiting śiva-'s forest  |
sthāṇuvat | ind. like a post  |
sthāṇuvaṭa | Name of a tīrtha-  |
sthāṇv | in compound for sthāṇu-.  |
sthāṇvāśramamahātmya | n. Name of work  |
sthāṇvīśvara | m. Name of a liṅga- of śiva- |
sthāṇvīśvara | n. Name of a town (see sthāneśvara-)  |
sthāny | in compound for sthānin-.  |
sthānyāśraya | mfn. depending on the primitive form (said of an operation in gr.)  |
sthāpaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to stand, placing, fixing etc.  |
sthāpaka | m. the erecter of an image  |
sthāpaka | m. a depositor  |
sthāpaka | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') an establisher, founder  |
sthāpaka | m. (in dramatic language) a kind of stage-director (assistant of the sūtra-dhāra- [q.v.] but not clearly defined in his functions and not mentioned in any of the extant plays)  |
sthāpana | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to stand etc.  |
sthāpana | mfn. maintaining, preserving (See vayaḥ-sth-)  |
sthāpana | mfn. fixing, determining  |
sthāpanā | f. the act of causing to stand firmly or fixing, supporting (as an attribute of the earth)  |
sthāpanā | f. storing, keeping, preserving  |
sthāpanā | f. fixed order or regulation  |
sthāpanā | f. establishing, establishment, dialectical proof (of a proposition)  |
sthāpanā | f. arranging, regulating or directing (as a drama etc.), stage-management (see sthā-paka-)  |
sthāpana | n. causing to stand, fixing, establishing, founding, instituting, raising, erecting (an image etc.)  |
sthāpana | n. putting or placing or laying upon (compound)  |
sthāpana | n. fastening, fixing, rendering immovable  |
sthāpana | n. hanging, suspending  |
sthāpana | n. strengthening (of the limbs), preservation or prolongation (of life) or a means of strengthening etc.  |
sthāpana | n. a means of stopping (the flow of blood), styptic  |
sthāpana | n. storage (of grain)  |
sthāpana | n. establishment or dialectical proof of a proposition  |
sthāpana | n. statement, definition  |
sthāpana | n. a particular process to which quicksilver is subjected  |
sthāpana | n. equals puṃ-savana-  |
sthāpana | n. fixing the thoughts, abstraction  |
sthāpana | n. a dwelling, habitation  |
sthāpanavṛtta | mfn. one who is past all restoration to strength  |
sthapanī | f. the space between the eye-brows (varia lectio sthapaṇī-)  |
sthāpanī | f. Clypea Hernandifolia  |
sthāpanika | mf(ā-)n. deposited, laid up in store  |
sthāpanīya | mfn. to be fixed or established in a place  |
sthāpanīya | mfn. to be kept (as a cat etc.)  |
sthāpanīya | mfn. to be treated with tonics or strengthening remedies  |
sthapati | See .  |
sthapati | m. (according to to some sthapati-,fr. caus. of1. sthā-) "place-lord", a king, chief, governor, head official (according to to ,"a vaiśya- or even a person of lower caste, who has celebrated the go-sava- sacrifice after being chosen king"; according to to others,"an āyogava- who is a town official"; see niṣāda-sth-)  |
sthapati | m. an architect, master builder, carpenter, wheelwright etc. ( )  |
sthapati | m. one who sacrifices to bṛhas-pati-  |
sthapati | m. a guard or attendant on the women's apartments, chamberlain  |
sthapati | m. a charioteer  |
sthapati | m. Name of bṛhas-pati-  |
sthapati | m. of kubera-  |
sthapati | mfn. chief, best, principal  |
sthapati | See stha-pati- above.  |
sthāpatya | m. (fr. sthapati-) a guard of the women's apartments  |
sthāpatya | n. the office of the governor of a district  |
sthāpatya | n. architecture, building, erecting  |
sthāpatyaveda | m. "science of architecture", one of the four upa-veda-s (q.v)  |
sthāpayitavya | mfn. to be kept in a place  |
sthāpayitavya | mfn. to be kept in order or restrained  |
sthāpayitṛ | mfn. one who causes to stand, establisher, founder  |
sthāpayitvā | ind. having placed or fixed etc.  |
sthāpayitvā | ind. having put aside ="with the exception of" (accusative)  |
sthāpin | m. (prob.) the erecter (of an image)  |
sthāpita | mfn. caused or made to stand, fixed, established, founded etc.  |
sthāpita | mfn. handed over, deposited etc.  |
sthāpita | mfn. lodged  |
sthāpita | mfn. put aside, kept, stored  |
sthāpita | mfn. wedded  |
sthāpita | mfn. ordered, regulated, enjoyed, ordained, enacted  |
sthāpita | mfn. settled, ascertained, certain  |
sthāpita | mfn. firm, steady  |
sthāpitavat | mfn. one who has placed or fixed  |
sthapuṭa | mf(ā-)n. (of unknown derivation; see sthagu-, sthaḍu-) hunchbacked, unevenly raised, rugged, rough  |
sthapuṭa | mf(ā-)n. being in difficult or distressed circumstances  |
sthapuṭa | mf(ā-)n. bent with pain  |
sthapuṭa | m. a hump, protuberance, an unevenly raised place  |
sthapuṭagata | mfn. being or belonging to a hump (as flesh)  |
sthapuṭagata | mfn. being on raised places and in hollows  |
sthapuṭaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make rough or uneven, dig or root up ; to raise or elevate by strewing or heaping,  |
sthapuṭī | in compound for sthapuṭa-.  |
sthapuṭīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make uneven, raise by strewing or heaping up  |
sthapuṭīkṛta | mfn. made uneven etc.  |
sthapuṭita | mfn. made uneven etc. gaRa tārakādi-.  |
sthāpya | mfn. to be set up or erected (as an image)  |
sthāpya | mfn. to be placed in or on (locative case) etc.  |
sthāpya | mfn. to be installed in or appointed to (an office)  |
sthāpya | mfn. to be shut up or confined in (locative case)  |
sthāpya | mfn. to be kept (veśmani-,"in the house" id est"as a domestic animal")  |
sthāpya | mfn. to be kept to (one's duty locative case)  |
sthāpya | mfn. to be plunged in (grief etc. accusative)  |
sthāpya | mfn. to be kept in order or curbed or checked or restrained  |
sthāpya | m. (prob.) the image of a god  |
sthāpya | m. or n. a deposit, pledge (equals nikṣepa-)  |
sthāpyāharaṇa | n. the stealing or embezzling of a deposit  |
sthāraśman | (sth/ā-- sth/āḥ--), having firm bridles (?)  |
sthāsaka | m. smearing or perfuming the body with unguents (of sandal etc. see sthakara-, sthākara-)  |
sthāsaka | m. a bubble of water or any fluid  |
sthāsaka | mn(?). a bubble-shaped ornament on a horse's trappings  |
sthāsaka | mn(?). a figure made with unguents  |
sthaśas | ind. according to (its) place  |
sthāsnu | mfn. firm, stationary, immovable etc.  |
sthāsnu | mfn. durable, permanent, eternal  |
sthāsnu | mfn. patient enduring (in a-sth-)  |
sthāsnu | mfn. a tree or plant (equals vṛkṣa-; see sthāvara-)  |
sthāsnu | See .  |
sthāsnutā | f. firmness, stability, durability  |
sthāsu | n. bodily strength (prob. wrong reading for sthāma-).  |
sthātavya | mfn. (n. impersonal or used impersonally) to be stood or stayed or remained or continued in or abided by (locative case,rarely instrumental case)  |
sthātṛ | m. a guider, driver (of horses etc.)  |
sthātṛ | m. a guide, authority  |
sthātṛ | mfn. (Nominal verb n. t/ur-) what stands or stays stationary, immovable (as opp. to jagat-or caratha-)  |
sthātra | n. station, place (see bhūri-sth-)  |
sthaula | mf(/ā-)n. (= or for sthūla-,of which it is also the vṛddhi- form in compound) stout, robust  |
sthaulaka | mfn. (fr. sthūla-) gaRa ṛśyādi-.  |
sthaulalakṣya | n. (fr. sthūla-l-) munificence, liberality  |
sthaulapiṇḍi | m. (fr. sthūla-piṇḍa-) a patronymic  |
sthaulaśīrṣa | (fr. sthūla-śiras-)  |
sthaulāṣṭīvi | m. (fr. sthūlāṣṭīva-) Name of a grammarian  |
sthaulya | n. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. sthūla-) gaRa ṛśyādi-.') stoutness, bigness, largeness, thickness, grossness, denseness (opp. to saukṣmya-)  |
sthaulya | n. excessive size or length  |
sthaulya | n. doltishness, density of intellect  |
sthauṇābhārika | mfn. (fr. sthūṇā-bhāra-) gaRa vaṃśādi- (varia lectio sthauṇa-bh-).  |
sthauṇābhārika | sthauṇika- etc. See . |
sthauṇeya | n. a kind of perfume  |
sthauṇeya | n. a carrot  |
sthauṇeyaka | n. a kind of perfume  |
sthauṇeyaka | n. a carrot  |
sthauṇika | mfn. dragging beams of wood  |
sthaura | m. patronymic of the ṛṣi- agni-yuta- or agni-yūpa- (author of )  |
sthaura | n. firmness, strength, power  |
sthaura | n. a sufficient load for a horse or ass  |
sthaura | rin- See .  |
sthaurin | m. a pack-horse, draught-ox |
sthaurya | m. metr. fr. sthūrā- gaRa gargādi-.  |
sthava | m. a he-goat (?)  |
sthāvan | See sa-sth/āvan-.  |
sthāvara | mf(/ā-)n. standing still, not moving, fixed, stationary, stable, immovable (opp. to jaṅgama- q.v) etc.  |
sthāvara | mf(/ā-)n. firm, constant, permanent, invariable  |
sthāvara | mf(/ā-)n. regular, established  |
sthāvara | mf(/ā-)n. vegetable, belonging to the vegetable world  |
sthāvara | mf(/ā-)n. relating to immovable property  |
sthāvara | m. a mountain (see -rāja-)  |
sthāvarā | f. Name of a Buddhist goddess  |
sthāvara | n. any stationary or inanimate object (as a plant, mineral etc.;these form the seventh creation of brahmā-See under sarga-) etc.  |
sthāvara | n. stability, permanence (varia lectio sthira-tva-)  |
sthāvara | n. immovable property, real estate (such as land or houses)  |
sthāvara | n. a heir-loom, family-possession (such as jewels etc., which have been long preserved in a family and ought not to be sold)  |
sthāvara | n. a bow-string  |
sthāvarādi | n. the poison called vatsa-nābha- (q.v)  |
sthāvaragarala | n. a particular vegetable poison  |
sthāvarajaṅgama | n. (sg. or plural) everything stationary and movable or inanimate and animate  |
sthāvarakalpa | m. a particular cosmic period  |
sthāvarakrayāṇaka | (prob.) n. wooden goods  |
sthāvarākṛti | mfn. having the form or appearance of a tree  |
sthāvararāja | m. "mountain-king", Name of himālaya-  |
sthāvararājakanyā | f. "daughter of himālaya-", Name of parvatī-  |
sthāvarāsthāvara | n. everything stationary and movable, immovable and movable property  |
sthāvaratā | f. fixedness, immobility  |
sthāvaratā | f. the state of a vegetable or mineral  |
sthāvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- or a tīrtha- with stagnant water  |
sthāvaratva | n. fixedness, immobility  |
sthavi | See .  |
sthavi | m. (only ) a sack, bag  |
sthavi | m. heaven  |
sthavi | m. a weaver  |
sthavi | m. fire  |
sthavi | m. a leper or the flesh of a leper  |
sthavi | m. fruit.  |
sthaviman | m. the thick end, broad part, breadth ( sthavimatas ma-t/as- ind."on the broad side")  |
sthavimat | n. the thick end, broad part, breadth ( sthavimatas ma-t/as- ind."on the broad side")  |
sthavimatas | ind. sthavimat |
sthavimatas | ind. sthaviman |
sthavira | viṣṭha- See p.1265.  |
sthavira | See .  |
sthāvira | See .  |
sthavira | mf(ā-or ī-)n. (see sthāvara-,p.1264) broad, thick, compact, solid, strong, powerful  |
sthavira | mf(ā-or ī-)n. old, ancient, venerable (re kāle-or bhāve-,"in old age") etc. |
sthavira | m. an old man  |
sthavira | m. (with Buddhists) an"Elder"(Name of the oldest and most venerable bhikṣu-s)  |
sthavira | m. Name of brahmā-  |
sthavira | m. (plural) Name of a school (also ārya-sth-)  |
sthavirā | f. an old woman  |
sthavira | m. a kind of plant  |
sthavira | n. benzoin  |
sthāvira | n. (fr. sthavira-) old age (described as commencing at seventy in men and fifty in women, and ending at ninety, after which period a man is called varṣīyas-) etc.  |
sthāvira | mfn. (varia lectio for sthavira-) old, senile  |
sthaviradāru | n. a kind of wood  |
sthaviradyuti | mfn. having the dignity of an"Elder" (see above)  |
sthaviragāthā | f. a particular section of Buddhist writings  |
sthavirasthavira | m. plural (prob.) the most venerable of the"Elders"  |
sthavirāvalīcarita | n. Name of a jaina- work  |
sthavirāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to grow old, become old (said of time)  |
sthavirāyus | mfn. one who has attained to old age  |
sthaviṣṭha | mfn. (superl. of sthūra-) very broad or thick or solid or strong  |
sthavīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree of idem or 'mfn. (superl. of sthūra-) very broad or thick or solid or strong ') more (or most) broad or thick etc.  |
sthāya | m. equals sthāman-  |
sthāya | m. a receptacle (in jala-sth- q.v)  |
sthāyā | f. the earth  |
sthāyam | See 1. sthā-, .  |
sthāyi | f. the action of standing. Va1rtt. i  |
sthāyi | in compound for sthāyin-.  |
sthāyibhāva | m. lasting or durable state of mind or feeling (said to be 8, viz. rati-, hāsa-, śoka-, krodha-, utsāha-, bhaya-, jugupsā-, vismaya-[qq.vv.], to which is sometimes added śama-,"quietism";they are opp. to the vyabhicāri-bhāvas-or "transitory feelings")  |
sthāyībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become lasting or permanent  |
sthāyika | mfn. lasting, enduring (in ādy-anta-sth-,"lasting from the beginning to the end")  |
sthāyika | mfn. faithful, trustworthy  |
sthāyikā | f. the action of standing Va1rtt. 1  |
sthāyin | mfn. standing, staying, being or situated in or on (compound) etc.  |
sthāyin | mfn. being in a particular place, resident, present  |
sthāyin | mfn. being in a particular state or condition  |
sthāyin | mfn. permanent, constant, enduring, lasting (as a feeling or state; see sthāyi-bhāva-above ) etc.  |
sthāyin | mfn. persevering, steadfast  |
sthāyin | mfn. faithful, trustworthy  |
sthāyin | mfn. having the form of (compound)  |
sthāyitā | f.  |
sthāyitva | n. constancy, stability, permanency, steadiness, durableness, invariableness  |
sthāyuka | mf(ā-)n. disposed to stay or last, staying, tarrying, stopping, abiding in (locative case)  |
sthāyuka | mf(ā-)n. lasting, enduring, constant  |
sthāyuka | m. the overseer of a village  |
sthema | in compound for stheman-.  |
sthemabhāj | mfn. firm, strong  |
stheman | m. (fr. sthira-) firmness, stability  |
stheman | m. continuance, duration ( sthemnā mnā- ind."perseveringly")  |
stheman | m. the state of standing or stopping still, rest  |
stheman | sthairya- etc. See p.1265.  |
sthemnā | ind. stheman |
stheṣṭha | mfn. (superl. of sthira-) most fixed, very firm or strong or durable  |
stheya | mf(ā-)n. to be stationed or fixed or settled etc.  |
stheya | mf(ā-)n. placed (as water in a jar)  |
stheya | n. (it is) to be stood still  |
stheya | n. (it is) to be stood firm (in battle)  |
stheya | n. (it is) to be stayed or remained in (locative case) etc.  |
stheya | n. (attention) is to be fixed on (locative case) etc.  |
stheya | n. (it is) to be behaved or acted or proceeded (with instrumental case ind.p. or adverb)  |
stheya | m. a person chosen to settle a dispute between two parties, an arbitrator, umpire, judge  |
stheya | m. a domestic priest  |
stheyas | mfn. (Comparative degree of sthira-) firmer, stronger, more important or worthy of consideration, very firm or strong etc.  |
stheyas | mfn. very continuous or constant  |
stheyas | mfn. very resolute |
stheyīkṛta | mfn. (stheyī-for stheya-,m.) made an arbitrator or umpire or judge  |
sthika | m. (according to to some fr.1. sthā-) the buttocks (equals kaṭi-protha-)  |
sthin | See tri-ṣṭh/in- and parame-ṣṭh/in-.  |
sthir | cl.1 P. sthirati-, to stand firmly (in an etymol. explanation)  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. firm, hard, solid, compact, strong etc.  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. fixed, immovable, motionless, still, calm etc.  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. firm, not wavering or tottering, steady  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. unfluctuating, durable, lasting, permanent, changeless etc.  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. stern, relentless, hard-hearted  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. constant, steadfast, resolute, persevering (manas-or hṛdayaṃ sthiraṃ-kṛ-,"to steel one's heart, take courage" )  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. kept secret  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. faithful, trustworthy etc.  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. firmly resolved to (infinitive mood)  |
sthira | mf(/ā-)n. settled, ascertained, undoubted, sure, certain etc.  |
sthira | m. a particular spell recited over weapons  |
sthira | m. a kind of metre  |
sthira | m. Name of śiva-  |
sthira | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
sthira | m. Name of a particular astrology yoga-  |
sthira | m. of certain zodiacal signs (viz. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius;so called because any work done under these signs is supposed to be lasting) ( also "a tree;Grislea Tomentosa;a mountain;a bull;a god;the planet Saturn;final emancipation")  |
sthirā | f. a strong-minded woman  |
sthira | m. the earth  |
sthira | m. Desmodium Gangeticum  |
sthira | m. Salmalia Malabarica  |
sthira | m. equals -kākolī-  |
sthira | m. Name of the sound j-  |
sthira | n. steadfastness, stubbornness, resistance (accusative with ava-tan- P."to loosen the resistance of [gen.]"; A1."to relax one's own resistance, yield";with ā-tan- A1."to offer resistance")  |
sthirabuddhi | mfn. steady-minded, resolute, steadfast,  |
sthirabuddhi | m. Name of a asura-  |
sthirabuddhika | m. Name of a dānava-  |
sthiracakra | m. Name of mañju-śrī-  |
sthiracchada | m. Betula Bhojpatra  |
sthiracchāya | m. a tree yielding permanent shadow  |
sthiracchāya | m. any tree  |
sthiracetas | ( ) mfn. firm-minded, steady, resolute.  |
sthiracitta | ( ) ( ) mfn. firm-minded, steady, resolute.  |
sthiradaṃṣṭra | m. "strong-toothed", a snake  |
sthiradaṃṣṭra | m. Name of viṣṇu- in the boar- avatāra-  |
sthiradaṃṣṭra | m. equals dhvani- (incorrect) .  |
sthiradeva | m. Name of a Commentator  |
sthiradhāman | (r/a--) mfn. belonging to a strong race  |
sthiradhanvan | (sthir/a--) mfn. having a strong bow (said of rudra-)  |
sthiradhī | mfn. firm-minded, steadfast  |
sthiragandha | mfn. having durable perfume  |
sthiragandha | m. Michelia Champaca  |
sthiragandhā | f. Bignonia Suaveolens  |
sthiragandha | m. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
sthiragati | m. "moving firmly or slowly", Name of the planet Saturn (see śanaiścara-)  |
sthirāghāta | mfn. firm in bearing blows, (too) hard to be dug up  |
sthirajaṅgama | (prob.) n. (plural) things stationary and movable  |
sthirajihva | m. "firm-tongued", a fish  |
sthirajīvin | mfn. equals prec.  |
sthirajīvin | m. Name of a crow  |
sthirajīvita | mfn. long-lived, tenacious of life  |
sthirajīvitā | f. the silk-cotton tree  |
sthiraka | m. Name of a man gaRa naḍādi-.  |
sthirakarman | mfn. persevering in action  |
sthirakuṭṭaka | m. (in algebra) a steady pulverizer, constant multiplier, common divisor (applied to a particular kind of common divisor)  |
sthiraliṅga | mfn. having a stiff virile organ  |
sthiraliṅgapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
sthiralocana | mfn. steady-eyed  |
sthiralocana | mfn. (one) whose gaze is fixed  |
sthiramada | mfn. intoxicating to such a degree as to cause lasting effects intoxicated in that manner  |
sthiramada | m. a peacock  |
sthiramanas | mfn. firm-minded, steadfast  |
sthiramati | f. a firm mind, steadfastness  |
sthiramati | mfn. firm-minded, steady  |
sthiramati | m. Name of a bhikṣu-  |
sthiramāyā | f. a particular spell  |
sthirāṃhripa | m. Phoenix Paludosa  |
sthirāṅghripa | m. equals sthirāṃhripa-  |
sthirānurāga | mfn. constant in affection or love  |
sthirānurāgatva | n. faithful attachment  |
sthirānurāgin | mfn. equals rāga-  |
sthirānurāgitva | n. equals rāga-tva-  |
sthirapada | mf(ā-)n. firmly rooted  |
sthirapālatrilakṣa | m. Name of a man  |
sthirapattra | m. Phoenix Paludosa  |
sthirāpāya | mfn. subject to constant decay  |
sthiraphalā | f. Benincasa Cerifera  |
sthirapīta | (r/a--) mfn. (prob.) having strong protection  |
sthirapratibandha | mfn. firm in resistance, offering an obstinate resistance |
sthirapratijña | mfn. persisting in an assertion, faithful to a promise ( sthirapratijñatva -tva- n.)  |
sthirapratijñatva | n. sthirapratijña |
sthirapratiṣṭhā | f. a firm resting-place, fixed residence  |
sthirapreman | mfn. firm or steady in affection  |
sthirapsnu | mfn. (Ved.) having constant food  |
sthirapuṣpa | m. "having firm flowers", Michelia Champeca  |
sthirapuṣpa | m. Clerodendrum Phlomoides  |
sthirapuṣpa | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
sthirapuṣpin | m. "id.", Clerodendrum Phlomoides  |
sthirarāgā | f. a kind of Curcuma  |
sthirārambha | mfn. firm or steadfast in undertakings  |
sthiraraṅgā | f. "having a durable colour", indigo  |
sthiraraṅgā | f. a sort of Curcuma  |
sthirasādhanaka | m. Vitex Negundo  |
sthirasaṃgara | mfn. faithful to an agreement or promise  |
sthirasaṃskāra | mfn. thoroughly cultured  |
sthirasaṃskāratā | f. perfect culture  |
sthiraśaṅkukarṇa | mfn. having upright ears like spikes  |
sthirasāra | m. Tectona Grandis  |
sthirasattva | mfn. having a steadfast character  |
sthirasauhṛda | mfn. firm in friendship  |
sthirasauhṛda | n. firmness in friendship  |
sthiraśrī | mfn. having enduring prosperity  |
sthirasthāyin | mfn. standing firm  |
sthiratā | f. hardness  |
sthiratā | f. stability, steadfastness, permanence etc.  |
sthiratā | f. moral firmness, constancy, tranquillity (tām upa-i-,"to recover composure of mind")  |
sthiratara | mfn. more (or most) firm or fixed or immovable  |
sthirataradṛś | mfn. with steady eyes  |
sthirātman | mfn. firm-minded, stable, constant  |
sthirātman | mfn. steadfast, resolute  |
sthiratva | n. hardness  |
sthiratva | n. immovableness  |
sthiratva | n. stability, constancy  |
sthiravāc | mfn. one whose word may be trusted,  |
sthiravājin | mfn. one whose horses stand still  |
sthiravarman | m. Name of a man  |
sthiravikrama | mfn. taking firm strides  |
sthiraya | Nom. P. yati-, to strengthen (with hṛdi-,"to impress deeply on the heart")  |
sthirāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become fixed or immovable ; P. yati-, to remain firm  |
sthirāyati | mfn. of long extension or duration, lasting  |
sthirayauvana | n. perpetual youth  |
sthirayauvana | mf(ā-)n. possessing perpetual youth, ever youthful  |
sthirayauvana | m. a vidyā-dhara-  |
sthirayoni | m. a tree yielding permanent shade  |
sthirāyus | mfn. long-lived  |
sthirāyus | m. or f. the silk-cotton tree  |
sthirī | in compound for sthira-.  |
sthirībhāva | m. becoming stiff, immovableness  |
sthirībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become firm or stiff or hard ; to compose one's self, take courage  |
sthirīkara | mfn. making firm  |
sthirīkāra | m. corroboration  |
sthirīkaraṇa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. making firm '  |
sthirīkaraṇa | n. hardening  |
sthirīkaraṇa | n. making firm or fixed  |
sthirīkaraṇa | n. making durable, corroboration  |
sthirīkaraṇa | n. confirmation on  |
sthirīkartavya | mfn. to be encouraged  |
sthirīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make firm, strengthen ; to stop ; to make permanent, establish : to corroborate, confirm ; to steel (the heart) ; to encourage, comfort  |
sthiritvā | ind. having turned round (?)  |
sthita | mfn. standing (as opp. to"going","sitting", or"lying"; parasparaṃ sthitam-,"standing opposed to each other"; sthitaṃ tena-,"it was stood by him"="he waited") etc.  |
sthita | mfn. standing firm (yuddhe-,"in battle")  |
sthita | mfn. standing, staying, situated, resting or abiding or remaining in (locative case or compound;with uccāvaceṣu-,"abiding in things high and low";with anityam-,"not remaining permanently","staying only a short time") etc.  |
sthita | mfn. being or remaining or keeping in any state or condition (locative case, instrumental case ablative compound,or a noun in the same case, also ind.p. or adverb; vyāpya sthitaḥ-,"he keeps continually pervading" ; upaviśya sthitaḥ-,"he remains sitting" ; kathaṃ sthitāsi-,"how did you fare?" ; evaṃ sthite-,"it being so" ; puraḥ sthite-,"it being imminent") etc. |
sthita | mfn. engaged in, occupied with, intent upon, engrossed by, devoted or addicted to (locative case or compound), performing, protecting etc.  |
sthita | mfn. abiding by, conforming to, following (locative case)  |
sthita | mfn. being in office or charge  |
sthita | mfn. adhering to or keeping with (locative case)  |
sthita | mfn. lasting  |
sthita | mfn. firm, constant, invariable  |
sthita | mfn. settled, ascertained, decreed, established, generally accepted etc.  |
sthita | mfn. fixed upon, determined  |
sthita | mfn. firmly convinced or persuaded  |
sthita | mfn. firmly resolved to (infinitive mood or locative case) etc.  |
sthita | mfn. faithful to a promise or agreement : upright, virtuous  |
sthita | mfn. prepared for or to (dative case)  |
sthita | mfn. being there, existing, present, close at hand, ready (sthito hy eṣaḥ-,"I myself am ready"; agraje sthite-,"when the elder brother is there") etc.  |
sthita | mfn. belonging to (genitive case)  |
sthita | mfn. turned or directed to, fixed upon (locative case or compound)  |
sthita | mfn. resting or depending on (locative case) etc.  |
sthita | mfn. leading or conducive to (dative case)  |
sthita | mfn. one who has desisted or ceased  |
sthita | mfn. left over  |
sthita | mfn. (in Vedic gram.) not accompanied by iti- (in the pada-pāṭha-) , standing alone (pade sthite-,"in the pada- text")  |
sthita | n. standing still, stopping  |
sthita | n. staying, remaining, abiding  |
sthita | n. manner of standing  |
sthita | n. perseverance on the right path  |
sthita | sthiti- etc. See p.1264.  |
sthitabuddhidatta | m. Name of a buddha-  |
sthitadhī | mfn. steady-minded, firm, unmoved, calm  |
sthitaliṅga | mfn. having the virile member erected (see sthiral-)  |
sthitamati | m. "firm-minded", Name of a teacher  |
sthitapāṭhya | n. (in dramatic language) recitation in Prakrit by a woman standing  |
sthitaprajña | mfn. firm in judgement and wisdom, calm, contented  |
sthitaprakaraṇa | wrong reading for sthiti-pr-.  |
sthitapreman | m. "firm in affection", a firm or faithful friend  |
sthitasaṃketa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. faithful to an agreement, keeping a promise '  |
sthitasaṃvid | mfn. faithful to an agreement, keeping a promise  |
sthitāsana | n. the 5 standing postures (exempli gratia, 'for example' daṇḍāsana-etc.) collectively  |
sthitatā | f. the being in a place (varia lectio sthiti-tā-),  |
sthitavat | mfn. one who has stood or stayed etc.  |
sthitavat | mfn. being or situated in  |
sthitavat | mfn. containing a form of sthā- ( sthitavatvatī -vatī- f."a verse containing a form of sthā-")  |
sthitavatvatī | f. sthitavat |
sthiti | f. standing upright or firmly, not falling  |
sthiti | f. standing, staying, remaining, abiding, stay, residence, sojourn in or on or at (locative case or compound; sthitiṃ-kṛ-or vi--1. dhā-or grah-or bhaj-,"to make a stay","take up one's abode") etc.  |
sthiti | f. staying or remaining or being in any state or condition (See rājya-sth-)  |
sthiti | f. continuance in being, maintenance of life, continued existence (the 2nd of the three states of all created things, the 1st being utpatti-,"coming into existence", and the 3rd laya-,"dissolution"), permanence, duration  |
sthiti | f. duration of life  |
sthiti | f. (in astronomy) duration of an eclipse  |
sthiti | f. continued existence in any place  |
sthiti | f. that which continually exists, the world, earth  |
sthiti | f. any situation or state or position or abode  |
sthiti | f. station, high position, rank etc.  |
sthiti | f. maintenance, sustenance  |
sthiti | f. settled rule, fixed decision, ordinance, decree, axiom, maxim etc.  |
sthiti | f. maintenance of discipline, establishment of good order (in a state etc.)  |
sthiti | f. continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty, virtuous conduct, steadiness, rectitude, propriety  |
sthiti | f. constancy, perseverance  |
sthiti | f. devotion or addiction to, intentness on (locative case)  |
sthiti | f. firm persuasion or opinion, conviction  |
sthiti | f. settled practice, institution, custom, usage  |
sthiti | f. settled boundary or bounds (especially of morality exempli gratia, 'for example' sthitim-bhid-,"to transgress the bounds of morality"), term, limit  |