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5 results for sr/as
sraṃs (or sras-;sometimes written śraṃś-or śraṃs-) cl.1 A1. () sraṃsate- (Epic and mc. also ti-; perfect tense sesraṃsa-, ṃsuḥ- ;3. plural -sraṃsire- ; Aorist asrat- ; asrasat-, srasema- ; asraṃsiṣṭa- ; future sraṃsitā-, sraṃsiṣyate- grammar;Ved. infinitive mood -sr/asas-; sraṃsitum- grammar; ind.p. sraṃsitvā-, srastvā- ; -sraṃsya-, -srasya- etc.) , to fall, drop, fall down, slip off, get loose from (ablative) etc. ; to fall asunder or to pieces ; to hang down, dangle, droop ; to be broken, perish, cease ; to go : Passive voice srasyate- (Aorist asraṃsi-) grammar : Causal sraṃsayati- (Aorist asisrasat-; Passive voice sraṃsyate-), to cause to fall down, loosen etc. ; to let hang (the belly) ; to disturb, remove, destroy : Desiderative sisraṃsiṣate- grammar : Intensive sanīsrasyate-, sanīsraṃsti- (see next) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trim. tr/ayas- f. Nominal verb accusative tisr/as- n. tr/īṇi- ([ tr/ī- ]) 3 etc. (tribh/is-& tis/ṛbhis-,etc. ;only once tr/ibhis-[ ] with the later accentuation, confer, compare ; genitive case trīṇ/ām-[ ; confer, compare ]and tisṝṇ/ām-[ ], later on [fr. y/a-] trayāṇām-[ ]and tisṛṇ/ām-[ against metre; confer, compare ]; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', ) ; ([ confer, compare , Latin tres; Gothic threis;etc.])
usṛf. (2. vas-), morning light, daybreak, day (accusative plural usr/as-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visraṃsA1. -sraṃsate- (Epic also P.;Ved. infinitive mood -sr/asaḥ- see vi-sr/as-), to fall asunder, break down, collapse, be broken (as limbs), fall off, become loose or unfastened (as hair) : Causal -sraṃsayati-, to cause to fall asunder etc., let fall, loosen, untie etc. ; to betray, publish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visras(prob.) f. dropping down, debility, decay (ablative sr/asaḥ-also as infinitive mood) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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