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Grammar Search
"sicyate" has 1 results
sicyate: third person singular passive system present class sic
Monier-Williams Search
7 results for sicyate
abhiṣic( sic-) P., rarely A1. (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) to sprinkle, water, wet (pr. p. -siñc/at-), etc. ; to consecrate, anoint, appoint by consecration etc.: A1. (Imper. 2. sg. -ṣiñcasva-,sometimes varia lectio Passive voice -ṣicyasva-) to consecrate one's self or have one's self consecrated : A1. or Passive voice to bathe : Causal P. to water, wet : P. (rarely ā-.) to consecrate, anoint : A1. (with or without[ ] ātmānam-) to have one's self consecrated: Desiderative -ṣiṣikṣati- and Intensive -sesicyate- and commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niṣic( sic-) P. -ṣiñcati- (imperfect tense ny-aṣiñcat- perfect tense ni-ṣiṣeca-; see ), to sprinkle down, pour upon or into, infuse, instil, irrigate etc. ; to dip into : Causal -ṣecayati- to irrigate, wet, moisten : Intensive -sesicyate- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parāsicP. -siñcati- (Aorist -asicat-; Passive voice -sicyate- Aorist -aseci-), to pour or throw away, cast aside, remove View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasicP. -siñcati-, to pour out, shed, emit etc.,; to sprinkle, water ; to fill (a vessel) : Passive voice -sicyate-, to be poured out or flow forth ; to be watered id est refreshed : Causal -secayati-, to pour into (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprasic Passive voice -sicyate-, to flow out, issue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utsic(ud-sic-) P. A1. -siñcati-, -te-, to pour upon, make full ; to cause to flow over ; to make proud or arrogant (See the Passive voice): Passive voice -sicyate-, to become full, flow over, foam over ; to be puffed up, become haughty or proud
viṣic( sic-) P. -ṣiñcati- to spill, shed : Intensive -sesicyate- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results13 results
indrāya sicyate madhu RV.9.39.5c; SV.2.252c.
amatre pari ṣicyate # RV.5.51.4b.
ayaṃ vāṃ pari ṣicyate # RV.4.49.2a; TS.
upo matiḥ pṛcyate sicyate madhu # RV.9.69.2a; SV.2.721a; JB.3.298.
eṣa sya pari ṣicyate # RV.9.62.13a.
tat striyām anu ṣicyate (śG. ṣiñcatu) # AVś.6.11.2b; śG.1.19.8b.
tubhyedam indra pari ṣicyate madhu # RV.10.167.1a; śś.18.17.2. Cf. BṛhD.8.70; Rvidh.4.20.3.
parā tat sicyate rāṣṭram # AVś.5.19.6c.
parisrut pariṣicyate # VS.19.15b.
pavitre pari ṣicyate (SV. -se) # RV.9.17.4b; 42.4b; SV.2.110b.
pūrṇaṃ pūrṇena sicyate # AVś.10.8.29b.
yatas tat pariṣicyate # AVś.10.8.29d.
yan me retaḥ prasicyate (śś. pradhāvati; Vait. prasidhyati) # TA.1.30.1a; Aś.2.16.19a; śś.3.8.27a; Vait.8.16a; Lś.4.12.16a. Designated as retasyā (sc. ṛk) GDh.23.20; BDh.
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