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Root Search
sic has 1 results
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sic has 1 results
Root WordIAST MeaningMonier Williams PageClass
√सिच्sicsprinkling, moistening / kṣaraṇa327/1Cl.6
Monier-Williams Search
Results for sic"
sic cl.6 P. A1. () siñc/ati-, te- (once in , s/ecate- perfect tense siṣeca-, siṣice-[in also sisicuḥ-, sisice-]; Aorist asicat-, cata-[Gr. also asikta-]; subjunctive sicāmahe- ; preceding sicyāt- ; future sekṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood sektum- sektavai- ; ind.p. siktvā- ; -s/icya- ; -secam-or -sekam-, ), to pour out, discharge, emit, shed, infuse or pour into or on (locative case) etc. etc. ; to emit semen, impregnate ; to scatter in small drops, sprinkle, besprinkle or moisten with (instrumental case) etc. ; to dip, soak, steep ; to cast or form anything out of molten metal etc. (2 accusative) : Passive voice sicyate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist aseci-), to be poured out or sprinkled etc. etc.: Causal secayati-, te- (Epic also siñcayati-; Aorist asīṣicat-or asīsicat-), to cause to pour out etc. ; to sprinkle, water (plants etc.) : Desiderative siṣikṣati- or sisikṣati- ; te- grammar (confer, compare sisikṣā-): Intensive sesicyate-, sesekti-. ([ confer, compare Zend hincaiti; Greek [?] ; Anglo-Saxon seo4n; German seihen,seichen.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sicf. the border or hem of a dress View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sicf. (dual number) the two borders or boundaries id est the horizon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sicf. (dual number and plural) the wings of an army View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sicf. equals śic-, a net View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for sic"2 results
sic सिच् 6 U. (सिञ्चति-ते, सिषेच-सिषिचे, असिचत्-त, असिक्त, सेक्ष्यति-ते, सेक्तुम्, सिक्त; स् of सिच् is generally changed to ष् after a preposition ending in इ or उ) 1 To sprinkle, scatter in small drops; अम्भांसि रुक्मकुम्भेन सिञ्चन् मूर्ध्नि समाधिमान् Bk.19.23. -2 To water, moisten; soak, wet; विश्रान्तः सन् व्रज वननदीतीरजातानि सिञ्चन् Me.26; Ms.9.255. -3 To pour out, emit, discharge, shed; एताः करोत्पीडित- वारिधारा दर्पात् सखीभिर्वदनेषु सिक्ताः R.16.66. -4 To infuse, instil, pour in; जाड्यं धियो हरति सिञ्चति वाचि सत्यम् Bh.2. 23. -5 To pour out for, offer to; अन्यथा तिलोदकं मे सिञ्चतम् Ś.3. -6 To impregnate. -7 To dip, soak, steep. -Caus. (सेचयति-ते) To cause to sprinkle. -Desid. (सिसिक्षति-ते) To wish to sprinkle.
sic सिच् f. 1 Cloth; L. D. B. -2 The border or hem of a dress.
Macdonell Vedic Search
Results for sic"1 result
sic sic pour, VI. siñcá, i. 85, 11 [OG. sīg-u ‘drip’, Lettic sik-u ‘fall’ of water]. ní- pour down, v. 83, 8.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
0 resultsResults for sic"3 results
sic Denotes the 'border' of a garment. The Rigveda refers to a son clutching the hem of his father’s robe to attract his attention, and to a mother’s covering her son with the edge of her garment. The word also occurs later.
sic Denotes, in the dual, the ‘wings’ of an army, or, in the plural, the ‘lines.’
sic Seems in one passage of the Rigveda, where it is used in the dual, to denote the ‘ horizon’ (meaning literally the ‘two borders’; i.e., of heaven and of earth).
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"sic" has 1 results
sicone of the substitutes ( स् ) for the general sign च्लि of the aorist tense ( लुङ् ); confer, compare च्लि लुङि | च्ले; सिच् P. III.1. 43, 44.
Results for sic"2 results
sic verb (class 4 ātmanepada) to besprinkle or moisten with (instr.) to cast or form anything out of molten metal etc. to dip to discharge to emit to emit semen to impregnate to infuse or pour into or on to scatter in small drops to shed to soak to sprinkle to steep
Frequency rank 1971/72933
sic noun (feminine) śic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a net (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[gramm.] aorist [gramm.] the verb sic
Frequency rank 12732/72933
Wordnet Search
"sic"" has 2 results.


sic, avasic, niṣic, saṃsic, ukṣ, prokṣ, samukṣ, abhyukṣ   

payasā vā anyena dravyeṇa īṣadārdrīkaraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

kṛṣakaḥ kṣetre oṣadhiṃ siñcati।




prātaḥ gṛhiṇī prāṅgaṇe jalaṃ siñcati।

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