sat | mf(sat/ī-)n. (pr. p. of1. as-) being, existing, occurring, happening, being present (sato me-,"when I was present";often connected with other participles or with an adverb exempli gratia, 'for example' nāmni kṛte sati-,"when the name has been given"; tathā sati-,"if it be so";also in the beginning of a compound,where sometimes ="possessed of"see sat-kalpavṛkṣa-) etc.  |
sat | mf(sat/ī-)n. abiding in (locative case)  |
sat | mf(sat/ī-)n. belonging to (genitive case)  |
sat | mf(sat/ī-)n. living  |
sat | mf(sat/ī-)n. lasting, enduring etc.  |
sat | mf(sat/ī-)n. real, actual, as any one or anything ought to be, true, good, right (tan na sat-,"that is not right"), beautiful, wise, venerable, honest (often in compound See below) etc.  |
sat | m. a being, (plural) beings, creatures etc.  |
sat | m. a good or wise man, a sage  |
sat | m. good or honest or wise or respectable people etc.  |
sat | n. that which really is, entity or existence, essence, the true being or really existent (in the vedānta-,"the self-existent or Universal Spirit, brahma-") etc.  |
sat | m. that which is good or real or true, good, advantage, reality, truth  |
sat | m. water  |
sat | m. (in gram.) the terminations of the present participle  |
sat | ind. (confer, compare sat-kṛ-etc.) well, right, fitly. [ confer, compare Greek , for ; Latin sensinabsens,pra-sens;sons,"guilty", originally "the real doer"; Lithuanian sa1s,e4sas; Slavonic or Slavonian sy,sas8ta.]  |
sata | m. n. a kind of sacrificial vessel  |
sata | See dvaya-- and dve-s-.  |
sataḥ | in compound for satas-.  |
sataḥpaṅkti | See satas-.  |
sataḥpaṅkti | f. a kind of metre consisting of two pāda-s of 8 and of two pāda-s of 12 syllables alternating with each other  |
satakṣan | mfn. (id est 7. sa-+ t-) together with an artisan  |
satala | mfn. having a bottom  |
satalatra | mfn. having leather guards (used in archery)  |
satālavṛnta | mfn. furnished with fans  |
satamasā | f. Name of a river (or"together with the river tamasā-")  |
satamaska | mfn. obscured, eclipsed  |
satānanda | wrong reading for śatān- q.v  |
satandra | mf(ā-)n. having lassitude, languid, exhausted  |
satantra | mfn. corresponding to a model or type  |
satanu | (s/a--) mfn. having a body, together with the body  |
satānūnaptrin | (s/a--) m. a companion in the performance of the (ceremony called) tānūnaptra- |
satāpa | mfn. full of pain or sorrow  |
satapas | (s/a--) mfn. together with heat  |
satāra | mfn. together with the stars (and"with tārā-")  |
satārā | f. Name of a country |
satarka | mfn. having argument or reasoning, skilled in speculation  |
satarka | mfn. cautious, considerate  |
satarṣa | mfn. having thirst, thirsty ( satarṣam am- ind.)  |
satarṣam | ind. satarṣa |
satas | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
satas | ind. (fr. 7. sa-+ tas-) equally, like (only in compound)  |
satāsat | (tāsat/ī-) n. dual number (equals sad-asatī-,formed in analogy to sutāsut/e-) the true and the false  |
satata | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
satata | mfn. (fr. 7. sa-+ t-; according to to Va1rtt. 1 equals saṃ-tata-as sa-hita- equals saṃ-h-) constant, perpetual, continual, uninterrupted (only in compound and satatam am- ind."constantly, always, ever";with na-,"never")  |
satatābhiyoga | m. constant application or exertion  |
satatadhṛti | mfn. ever resolute  |
satatadurgata | mfn. always miserable  |
satataga | ( ) m. "always moving", the wind.  |
satatagati | ( ) m. "always moving", the wind.  |
satatajvara | n. constant fever, one not intermitting  |
satataka | mfn. recurring twice a day (as fever)  |
satatam | ind. satata |
satatamānasa | mfn. always directing the mind towards anything  |
satataparigrahadharmakāṅkṣiṇī | f. Name of a kiṃnarī-  |
satataparigraham | ind. continually, incessantly  |
satatasamitābhiyukta | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
satataśāstrin | mfn. studying incessantly  |
satataspandana | mfn. continually or regularly throbbing  |
satatayāyin | mfn. constantly moving or going, always tending to decay  |
satatayukta | mfn. constantly devoted  |
satati | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
satati | mfn. coherent, uninterrupted  |
satatotthita | mfn. always intent upon (locative case)  |
satattva | mfn. knowing the real truth  |
satattva | mfn. containing the words tad-,"that", and tva-,"thou"  |
satattva | n. natural property, nature ( satattvatas -tas- ind."really, in reality")  |
satattvaratnamālāvyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
satattvatas | ind. satattva |
satejas | (s/a--) mfn. attended with splendour or energy or vital power etc. ( satejastva -tv/a- n.)  |
satejastva | n. satejas |
satera | m. husk, chaff (equals tuṣa-)  |
sateraka | n. a season of two months (equals ṛtu-)  |
sathūtkāra | mfn. (fr. 7. sa-+ th-) sputtering in speech (n. the act of sputtering; see ambū-kṛta-)  |
satī | f. See sat/i- below  |
satī | f. (fem. of sat-;for 2.See ) her ladyship, your ladyship (= bhavatī-,sometimes = "you")  |
satī | f. a good and virtuous or faithful wife (especially applied in later use to the faithful wife [popularly called Suttee] who burns herself with her husband's corpse ; Comparative degree satī-tarā-, sati-t-or sat-t-) etc.  |
satī | f. a wife, female (of an animal)  |
satī | f. a female ascetic  |
satī | f. a fragrant earth  |
satī | f. two kinds of metre  |
satī | f. Name of the wife of viśvāmitra-  |
satī | f. of the goddess durgā- or umā- (sometimes described as Truth personified or as a daughter of dakṣa- and wife of bhava- [ śiva-], and sometimes represented as putting an end to herself by yoga-, or at a later period burning herself on the funeral pyre of her husband)  |
satī | f. of one of the wives of aṅgiras-  |
satī | f. of various women of modern times (also -devī-)  |
sati | f. equals sāti-, santi-  |
sati | f. equals dāna-, avasāna-  |
satī | f. (for 1.See) equals sāti-  |
sati | See .  |
satīdehatyāga | m. Name of chapter of the brahma-vaivarta-purāṇa-.  |
satīka | n. water ( ) .  |
satīka | satīn/a-, satīya- See p.1135.  |
satīla | m. (only ) pisum Arvense  |
satīla | m. a bamboo  |
satīla | m. wind  |
satīlā | f. Pisum Arvense.  |
satila | mfn. together with sesamum grains  |
satīlaka | m. Pisum Arvense  |
satimira | mf(ā-)n. covered with darkness, obscured, overcast (as the sky)  |
satīna | mfn. real, essential (See compound)  |
satīna | m. a kind of pease, Pisum Arvense etc.  |
satīna | m. a bamboo  |
satīna | n. water  |
satīnaka | m. Pisum Arvense  |
satīnakaṅkata | (n/a--) m. (according to to ) an aquatic snake  |
satīnamanyu | (n/a--) mfn. really angry or zealous ("eager to [shed] rain-water" )  |
satīnasatvan | (n/a--) mfn. leading real warriors (applied to indra-) ("a sender of water" )  |
satīpratiṣṭhā | f. Name of chapter of the matsya-purāṇa-.  |
satīputra | m. the son of a virtuous woman  |
satīrtha | mfn. having sacred bathing-places  |
satīrtha | mfn. having the same bathing-place  |
satīrtha | m. "having the same teacher", a fellow-(religious) student  |
satīrtha | m. Name of śiva- (prob. wrong reading for su-t-)  |
satīrtha | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio sanīya-).  |
satīrthya | m. equals sa-tīrtha-, a fellow-student (see ) .  |
satīsaras | n. the lake of satī- (Name of a lake in kaśmīra-)  |
satīśvara | (tīś-) n. Name of a liṅga-  |
satīśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
satītā | f. ( ) ( etc.) wifely fidelity (especially as evinced by cremation with a husband's corpse )  |
satitarā | See next.  |
satitarā | See 1. satī-, p.1135.  |
satītva | n. ( etc.) wifely fidelity (especially as evinced by cremation with a husband's corpse )  |
satīvrata | n. equals -tva-  |
satīvratā | f. a faithful wife  |
satīvratā | f. Name of a woman |
satīvṛtti | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
satīya | n. equals satya- (formed by stretching satya-for the purpose of mystical explication of this word)  |
satīya | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio sanīya-).  |
satkadamba | m. a species of Kadamba  |
satkalā | f. a fine art  |
satkalpavṛkṣa | mfn. (a grove) where kalpa--trees are found  |
satkāñcanāra | m. Bauhinia Variegata  |
satkāṇḍa | m. a kite, hawk, falcon (Falco Cheela)  |
satkāra | m. (sg. or plural) kind treatment, honour, favour, reverence (with paścima- equals -karaṇa- ; rāja-sat-k-,"the favour of a king" ) etc.  |
satkāra | m. hospitable treatment, hospitality  |
satkāra | m. feasting (or ="a meal"), festival, religious observance  |
satkāra | m. care, attention, consideration of or regard for a thing  |
satkāra | m. wrong reading for saṃskāra-  |
satkaraṇa | n. doing (the last) honour (to the dead), cremation of a corpse, funeral obsequies  |
satkārārha | mfn. worthy of hospitable treatment  |
satkaratva | See a-sat-k-.  |
satkarmacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
satkarmacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
satkarmadarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
satkarmadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
satkarmakalpadruma | m. Name of work  |
satkarman | n. a good work, virtuous act  |
satkarman | n. virtue, piety  |
satkarman | n. hospitality  |
satkarman | n. funeral obsequies  |
satkarman | n. expiation  |
satkarman | mfn. performing good actions  |
satkarman | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-vrata-  |
satkartavya | mfn. one who is to be honoured  |
satkartṛ | mfn. doing good, acting well, treating well or kindly, a benefactor (brāhmaṇa-sat-k-,"one who does good or honour to Brahmans")  |
satkartṛ | m. Name of viṣṇu-.  |
satkārya | mfn. that which is effected  |
satkārya | mfn. deserving of honour or hospitality  |
satkārya | mfn. one to whom the last honours (id est cremation) are to be paid  |
satkārya | n. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) the necessary existence of an effect (as inherent in a cause)  |
satkāryavāda | m. (or satkāryavādasiddhānta -siddhānta- m. ) the doctrine of the actual existence of an effect (in its cause)  |
satkāryavādasiddhānta | m. satkāryavāda |
satkāryavādin | m. an adherent of the above doctrine  |
satkathā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a good conversation or tale  |
satkathā | sat-kāra- See p.1134.  |
satkavi | m. a good or true poet etc.  |
satkavimiśra | m. Name of a poet  |
satkavitva | n. "a true poetic gift"  |
satkāvya | n. a good poem  |
satkāvyakalpadruma | m. Name of work  |
satkāyadṛṣṭi | f. the (heretical) view (or doctrine) of the existence of a personality or individuality  |
satkīrti | f. good reputation  |
satkīrti | mfn. having a good reputation  |
satkīrticandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
satkiṣku | m. the length of 48 inches  |
satkṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute- etc., to set right, put in order, arrange, prepare, adorn, garnish etc. ; to treat well or with respect, honour, treat or receive hospitably etc. ; to pay the last honours to (accusative), cremate : Causal -kārayati-, to cause to be treated with respect or reverence, show reverence, pay respect ; to cause to pay the last honours  |
satkriya | mfn. doing good  |
satkriyā | f. putting in order, preparation  |
satkriyā | f. explication  |
satkriyā | f. a good action, charity, virtue  |
satkriyā | f. (sg. or plural) kind or respectful treatment, hospitable reception, hospitality (vivāha-sat-kr-,"the celebration of a wedding" ; para-loka-sat-kr-,"honouring in regard to the other world", funeral ceremonies ) etc.  |
satkriyā | f. any purificatory ceremony  |
satkriyā | f. funeral ceremonies  |
satkriyā | f. Name of work  |
satkriyākalpamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
satkṛta | mfn. done well  |
satkṛta | mfn. adorned with (compound)  |
satkṛta | mfn. honoured, treated with respect or hospitality, entertained etc.  |
satkṛta | mfn. worshipped, adored  |
satkṛta | m. Name of śiva-  |
satkṛta | n. virtue  |
satkṛta | n. respect  |
satkṛta | n. honourable reception  |
satkṛti | f. doing good, virtue, morality  |
satkṛti | f. kind treatment, hospitable reception, hospitality |
satkṛtya | ind.p. having treated with respect, having hospitably entertained  |
satkṛtya | devotedly, piously, zealously, eagerly  |
satkṛtyamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
satkṣetra | n. a good field  |
satkula | n. a good or noble family  |
satkula | mfn. belonging to a good or noble family ( satkulatā -tā- f. )  |
satkulatā | f. satkula |
satkulīna | mfn. equals -kula-  |
satkulodbhava | mfn. sprung from a noble family  |
sato | in compound for satas-.  |
satobṛhat | mfn. (sat/o--) equally large or high  |
satobṛhatī | f. (ī-) a kind of metre consisting of 12 + 8 + 1 2 + 8 syllables (see sataḥ-paṅkti-).  |
satoda | mfn. attended with a pricking pain  |
satoka | (s/a--) mfn. together with offspring  |
satomaghavan | (sat/o--) mfn. equally liberal (if one word).  |
satomahat | (sat/o--) mfn. equally great  |
satomukhā | see. mahā-satomukhā-.  |
satoraṇa | mf(ā-)n. furnished with arched doorways  |
satovīra | (sat/o--) mfn. equally brave or valiant  |
satpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
satpadyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
satpakṣin | m. a good or useful or innocuous bird  |
satparigraha | m. acceptance (of gifts) from a proper person  |
satpaśu | m. a suitable animal, victim fit for a sacrifice  |
satpath | (only instrumental case thā-) equals next  |
satpatha | m. a good or right way, correct or virtuous conduct, orthodox doctrine  |
satpathīna | mfn. going on the right way (figuratively)  |
satpati | m. (s/at--) a mighty lord, leader, champion  |
satpati | m. a good lord or ruler  |
satpati | m. the lord of the good, lord of real men, lord of heroes  |
satpati | m. a good husband  |
satpati | m. Name of indra-  |
satpātra | n. a worthy recipient (of anything), worthy person etc.  |
satpātravarṣa | m. raining down or bestowing favours on worthy objects  |
satpātravarṣin | mfn. bountiful to worthy objects  |
satpattra | n. a new leaf (as of a water-lily)  |
satphala | mfn. having good fruit  |
satphala | m. the pomegranate-tree  |
satphala | n. the pomegranate (-phalānām-,w.v.l. for -kalānām- )  |
satphalin | mfn. bearing good fruits  |
satprabhā | f. brilliant lustre  |
satprakriyāvyākṛti | f. Name of work  |
satpramuditā | f. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) Name of one of the 8 perfections (see sadā-pramudita-),  |
satpratigraha | m. acceptance of gifts from virtuous men  |
satpratijña | mfn. one who has promised anything  |
satpratipakṣa | mfn. liable to a valid opposite argument or objection  |
satpratipakṣa | m. (with or scilicet hetu-) an argument liable to a valid objection ( satpratipakṣatā -tā- f.)  |
satpratipakṣa | m. contrariety of good, existence of opposite premisses proving the existence or non-existence of a thing  |
satpratipakṣa | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣabādhagrantha | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣadeśanābhāsaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣagrantha | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣagrantharahasya | n. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣapattra | n. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣapūrvapakṣagranthadīdhitiṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣapūrvapakṣagranthaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣapūrvapakṣagrantharahasya | n. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣapūrvapakṣagranthaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣasiddhāntagranthadīdhitiṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣasiddhāntagranthaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣasiddhāntakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣasiddhāntānugama | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣasiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣatā | f. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣatā | f. satpratipakṣa |
satpratipakṣatāvyavahārakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣavāda | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣavibhāga | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣavicāra | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣaviṣayatāśūnyatvavicāra | m. Name of work  |
satpratipakṣin | mfn. equals -pratipakṣa- ( satpratipakṣitā ṣi-tā-, f.; satpratipakṣitva ṣi-tva- n.)  |
satpratipakṣin | mfn. containing opposite reasons or arguments  |
satpratipakṣita | mfn. (a reason) against which a valid objection has been raised  |
satpratipakṣitā | f. satpratipakṣin |
satpratipakṣitva | n. satpratipakṣin |
satpuruṣa | m. a good or wise man  |
satpuruṣāṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
satpuṣpa | mf(ā-)n. being in bloom Va1rtt. 1  |
satpuṣpa | mf(ā-)n. having good flowers  |
satputra | m. a good or virtuous son (varia lectio)  |
satputra | m. a son who performs all the prescribed rites in honour of his ancestors  |
satputra | mfn. one who has a son  |
satr | cl.10 A1. satrayate- and satrāpayate-, to extend (sambandhe-, saṃtatau- )  |
satra | incorrect for sattra-.  |
satrā | ind. (fr. 7. sa-+ tr/ā-) together, together with (instrumental case), altogether, throughout  |
satrā | ind. always, by all means  |
satrāc | mf(/ācī-)n. going together, united, joined  |
satrāc | mf(/ācī-)n. concentrated, whole (as the mind or heart)  |
satrādāvan | mfn. always granting, giving all at once  |
satrāha | mfn. always destroying, destroyer of mighty foes  |
satrāhan | mfn. always destroying, destroyer of mighty foes  |
satrāja | (prob. fr. satrā-+ 1. aja-) m. complete victory  |
satrājit | mfn. always victorious  |
satrājit | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
satrājit | m. Name of a son of nighna- and father of satya-bhāmā- (he was father-in-law of kṛṣṇa- and was killed by śatadhanvan-)  |
satrājita | m. Name of a son of nighna- (See prec.)  |
satrākara | mfn. always effective  |
satram | ind. gaRa svar-ādi- (= next )  |
satrapa | mf(ā-)n. having shame or modesty, ashamed, modest, bashful ( satrapam am- ind.)  |
satrapam | ind. satrapa |
satrāsa | mfn. having a particular flaw (as a jewel)  |
satrāsāh | mfn. (dative case -s/āhe- -s/ahe-), idem or '(or -sāh/a-) mfn. always overcoming or conquering, irresistible '  |
satrāsaha | (or -sāh/a-) mfn. always overcoming or conquering, irresistible  |
satrāsāhīya | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
satrāsam | ind. with terror or fear, in a fright  |
satrijātaka | n. a kind of dish (consisting of meat fried with three sorts of spices;it is then soaked and dried and again dressed with ghee and condiments)  |
satrikūṭa | mfn. "having the mountain trikūṭa-"and"practising threefold deceit"  |
satṛṇa | mfn. grown with grass  |
satṛṇa | in the beginning of a compound with grass, grass and all  |
satṛṇābhyavahārin | mfn. eating grass and all (figuratively = "undiscerning")  |
satṛṇam | ind. with grass, grass and all  |
satṛṣ | having thirst, thirsty, desirous  |
satṛṣa | having thirst, thirsty, desirous  |
satṛṣṇa | mfn. idem or 'having thirst, thirsty, desirous '  |
satṛṣṇam | ind. thirstily, yearningly, with longing  |
satsahāya | m. a good companion  |
satsahāya | mfn. one who has good or virtuous friends  |
satsamāgama | m. association with the good  |
satsaṃgati | f. equals -saṅga-  |
satsaṃgraha | mfn. being understood by the good  |
satsaṃkalpa | mfn. one who has good intentions  |
satsaṃnidhāna | n. association or intercourse with the good or wise  |
satsampradāya | m. good tradition or traditional usage  |
satsampradāyapradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
satsamprayoga | m. right application  |
satsaṃsarga | m. association with the good, the society of the good  |
satsaṃvinmaya | (fr. -saṃvid-+ m-) mfn. consisting of existence and consciousness ( satsaṃvinmayatva -tva- n.),  |
satsaṃvinmayatva | n. satsaṃvinmaya |
satsaṅga | m. intercourse or association with the good |
satsaṅgavijaya | m. Name of work  |
satsāra | mfn. having good sap or essence  |
satsāra | m. a kind of plant  |
satsāra | m. a painter  |
satsāra | m. a poet  |
satsiddhāntamārtaṇḍa | m. Name of work  |
satsukhānubhava | m. "fruition of real happiness", Name of work  |
sattā | f. existence, being etc.  |
sattā | f. a particular jāti- (in philosophy)  |
sattā | f. goodness, excellence  |
satta | mfn. (see pra-satt/a-and n/i-ṣatta-) seated  |
sattājātiprāmāṇya | n. Name of work  |
sattāka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals -tā- ( sattākatva -tva- n.)  |
sattākatva | n. sattāka |
sattama | mfn. (s/at--) very good or right, the best, first, chief of (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
sattama | mfn. most virtuous  |
sattama | mfn. very venerable or respectable  |
sattamatā | f. the first rank of all  |
sattāmātra | n. mere entity or existence ( sattāmātrātman trātman- mfn."whose nature is entitled only to the predicate being")  |
sattāmātrātman | mfn. sattāmātra |
sattarka | m. an orthodox system of philosophy (a-sat-t- )  |
sattarkasiddhāñjana | n. Name of work  |
sattattva | n. Name of work  |
sattattvabindu | m. Name of work  |
sattattvaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
sattāvāpya | mfn. included in (the notion of) existence  |
sattāvat | mfn. entitled to the predicate"being", endowed with existence  |
satti | f. sitting down, sitting (see n/i-ṣatti-), entrance, beginning  |
sattṛ | mfn. sitting down (especially at a sacrifice)  |
sattra | n. "session", a great soma- sacrifice (lasting according to to some, from 13 to 100 days and performed by many officiating Brahmans;also applied to any oblation or meritorious work equivalent to the performance of a sattra-; sattr/asy/arddhiḥ-Name of a sāman- ) etc.  |
sattra | n. a house, asylum, hospital  |
sattra | n. an assumed form or disguise, illusive semblance |
sattra | n. fraud, deception  |
sattra | n. a wood, forest  |
sattra | n. a tank, pond  |
sattra | n. liberality, munificence  |
sattra | n. wealth  |
sattra | n. clothes  |
sattrāgāra | n. equals sattra-gṛha-  |
sattragṛha | n. hall of sacrifice, place of refuge, asylum  |
sattrapariveṣaṇa | n. a distribution of food or other gifts at a sacrifice  |
sattrāpaśraya | m. a place of refuge, asylum  |
sattrāpaya | Nom. A1. yate-, equals prec.  |
sattraphalada | mfn. yielding the fruit of a soma- sacrifice  |
sattrarāj | m. the king of a soma- sacrifice  |
sattrasad | m. a companion at a soma- sacrifice  |
sattrasadman | n. equals -gṛha-  |
sattrasadya | n. companionship at a soma- sacrifice  |
sattraśālā | f. equals -gṛha-  |
sattratva | n. the condition of (being) a sattra- or great soma- sacrifice  |
sattravardhana | mfn. increasing or promoting sacrifice  |
sattravasati | f.  |
sattraya | Nom. A1. yate-  |
sattrāya | Nom. A1. yate- , Va1rtt. 1  |
sattrayāga | m. a soma- sacrifice  |
sattrāyaṇa | n. a long course of sacrifices  |
sattrāyaṇa | m. "moving in the soma- sacrifice", Name of śaunaka-  |
sattrāyaṇa | m. of the father of bṛhad-bhānu-  |
sattri | m. one who is accustomed to perform sacrifices  |
sattri | m. an elephant  |
sattri | m. a cloud  |
sattrībhū | P. -bhavati-, to feed others  |
sattrin | m. the performer or partaker or companion of a sattra- sacrifice etc.  |
sattrin | m. an ambassador or agent in a foreign country  |
sattrin | m. one whose merits are equal to the performance of a sattra-  |
sattrin | m. disguised  |
sattriya | mf(ā-)n. relating to the sattra- sacrifice  |
sattrīya | ( ) mfn. equals sattriya-.  |
sattrotthāna | n. rising from a soma- sacrifice  |
sattrya | ( ) mfn. equals sattriya-.  |
sattva | See below.  |
sattva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) being, existence, entity, reality (īśvara-s-,"the existence of a Supreme Being") , etc. etc.  |
sattva | n. true essence, nature, disposition of mind, character etc.  |
sattva | n. spiritual essence, spirit, mind  |
sattva | n. vital breath, life, consciousness, strength of character, strength, firmness, energy, resolution, courage, self-command, good sense, wisdom, magnanimity etc.  |
sattva | n. the quality of purity or goodness (regarded in the sāṃkhya- philosophy as the highest of the three guṇa-s [q.v.] or constituents of prakṛti- because it renders a person true, honest, wise etc., and a thing pure, clean etc.) etc.  |
sattva | n. material or elementary substance, entity, matter, a thing  |
sattva | n. a substantive, noun  |
sattva | m. n. a living or sentient being, creature, animal etc.  |
sattva | m. embryo, fetus, rudiment of life (See -lakṣaṇā-)  |
sattva | m. a ghost, demon, goblin, monster  |
sattva | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
sattva | See .  |
sattvabhārata | m. Name of vyāsa- (see satya-bh-).  |
sattvadhāman | n. "abode of the quality sattva-"Name of viṣṇu-  |
sattvadhātu | m. the animal sphere, animated nature  |
sattvādhika | mfn. having a noble disposition  |
sattvādhika | mfn. spirited, energetic, courageous (said of persons and actions) |
sattvādhīna | mf(ī-)n. depending on courage  |
sattvaguṇa | m. the quality of purity or goodness (See above)  |
sattvaguṇin | mfn. having the above quality predominant  |
sattvahara | mfn. taking away the quality of goodness  |
sattvaka | m. the spirit of a departed person  |
sattvaka | m. Name of a man See sāttvaki-.  |
sattvakartṛ | m. the creator of living beings  |
sattvakaṣāya | m. decay of energy, one of the 5 signs of decay (See kaṣ-)  |
sattvalakṣaṇā | f. showing signs of pregnancy, pregnant  |
sattvaloka | m. a world of living beings  |
sattvamaya | mf(ī-)n. formed or consisting of the quality sattva-  |
sattvamejaya | mfn. making animals tremble  |
sattvamūrti | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. formed or consisting of the quality sattva- '  |
sattvānurūpa | mfn. according to nature, according to one's innate disposition  |
sattvānurūpa | mfn. acc to one's substance or means  |
sattvapati | m. the lord of creatures  |
sattvapradhāna | mfn. equals -guṇin-  |
sattvaprakāśa | m. the manifestation of the quality sattva- (personified as a king)  |
sattvarāśi | m. quintessence of energy or courage  |
sattvaśālin | mfn. energetic, courageous  |
sattvasamāviṣṭa | mfn. filled or thoroughly penetrated by the quality of goodness  |
sattvasampanna | mfn. endowed with the quality of goodness, good, excellent  |
sattvasampanna | mfn. equable, even-minded  |
sattvasamplava | m. universal destruction of beings  |
sattvasamplava | m. loss of vigour  |
sattvasaṃrambha | m. extraordinary courage, (and) violence or fury of animals  |
sattvasaṃśuddhi | f. purity of nature or disposition  |
sattvasāra | m. essence of strength  |
sattvasāra | m. extraordinary courage  |
sattvasāra | m. a very powerful person  |
sattvasarga | m. a creation of the quality sattva-  |
sattvaśīla | mfn. of a virtuous disposition  |
sattvaśīla | m. Name of a man  |
sattvastha | mf(ā-)n. being in the nature (of anything)  |
sattvastha | mf(ā-)n. adherent in firmness of character, resolute, energetic etc.  |
sattvastha | mf(ā-)n. clinging to or adherent in the quality of goodness  |
sattvastha | mf(ā-)n. inherent in animals  |
sattvastha | mf(ā-)n. animate  |
sattvasthāna | n. the standing in the quality of goodness  |
sattvatā | f. purity, goodness, the existence of the sattva-guṇa-  |
sattvātman | mfn. having the nature of the quality of goodness  |
sattvāvajaya | m. self-command, strength of mind or character  |
sattvavara | m. Name of various men  |
sattvavat | mfn. endowed with life, living, existent, a living being  |
sattvavat | mfn. endowed with or possessed of the true essence  |
sattvavat | mfn. resolute, energetic, courageous etc.  |
sattvavat | mfn. abounding in the quality sattva-  |
sattvavatī | f. pregnant  |
sattvavatī | f. Name of a tantra- deity  |
sattvavihita | mfn. effected by nature, natural  |
sattvavihita | mfn. caused by goodness  |
sattvavihita | mfn. virtuous, upright  |
sattvaviplava | m. loss of consciousness  |
sattvavṛtti | f. the condition or quality of goodness etc.  |
sattvocchrita | mfn. pre-eminent in courage  |
sattvodreka | m. excess or predominance of the quality of goodness, superabundance of energy  |
sattvodrikta | mfn. one in whom the quality of goodness predominates  |
sattvotkarṣa | m. excess of magnanimity  |
sattvotsāha | m. natural energy  |
sattvotsāha | m. dual number courage and energy  |
sattvotsāhavat | mfn. endowed with courage and energy  |
satuhina | mfn. accompanied by frost or ice, wintry  |
satūla | (s/a--) mf(ā-)n. together with a tuft (of grass reed etc.)  |
satuṅga | m. Name of a place (varia lectio su-t-).  |
satūrya | mfn. accompanied by music ( satūryam am- ind.)  |
satūrya | sa-tṛṇa- etc. See column 1.  |
satūryam | ind. satūrya |
satuṣa | mfn. having husk or chaff  |
satuṣa | n. grain which has the husk remaining on it  |
satvac | ( ) mfn. having skin or bark.  |
satvaca | ( ) mfn. having skin or bark.  |
satvacas | (s/a--) mfn. idem or '( ) mfn. having skin or bark.'  |
satvakka | ( ) mfn. having skin or bark.  |
satvan | mfn. living, breathing  |
satvan | mfn. strong, powerful  |
satvan | m. a living being  |
satvan | m. a warrior  |
satvan | m. plural warriors, vassals, attendants, followers etc.  |
satvan | m. (sg.) equals udaka- or karman-  |
satvan | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (varia lectio ṛtvan-).  |
satvana | m. a warrior (equals prec.)  |
satvanāyat | mfn. behaving like a warrior  |
satvara | mf(ā-)n. having or making haste, speedy, expeditious, quick ( satvaram am-and Comparative degree -taram- ind.) etc.  |
satvaram | ind. satvara |
satvararacanam | ind. quickly, immediately, at once  |
satvaratā | f. quickness, hastiness, speed  |
satvaratva | n. quickness, hastiness, speed  |
satvaritam | ind. hastily, quickly, forthwith  |
satvāsiñcāmiprayoga | m. Name of work  |
satvat | m. plural Name of a people inhabiting the south of India (see sātvata-)  |
satvat | m. of a son of madhu-  |
satvata | m. Name of a son of mādhava- (māgadha-) and aṃśa-  |
satvī | f. Name of a daughter of vainateya-, wife of bṛhan-manas-  |
satya | mf(ā-)n. true, real, actual, genuine, sincere, honest, truthful, faithful, pure, virtuous, good. successful, effectual, valid (satyaṃ-kṛ-,"to make true, ratify, realise, fulfil") etc.  |
satya | m. the uppermost of the seven loka-s or worlds (the abode of brahmā- and heaven of truth;See loka-)  |
satya | m. Name of the ninth kalpa- (q.v)  |
satya | m. the aśvattha- tree  |
satya | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
satya | m. of rāma-candra-  |
satya | m. of a supernatural being  |
satya | m. of a deity presiding over the nāndī-mukha- śrāddha-  |
satya | m. of one of the viśve- devāḥ-  |
satya | m. of a vyāsa-  |
satya | m. of a son of havir-dhāna-  |
satya | m. of a son of vitatya-  |
satya | m. of one of the 7 ṛṣi-s in various manvantara-s  |
satya | m. (with ācārya-) Name of an astronomer (author of the horā-śāstra-)  |
satya | m. plural Name of a class of gods in various manvantara-s  |
satyā | f. speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity  |
satyā | f. a particular śakti-  |
satyā | f. Name of durgā-  |
satyā | f. of śītā-  |
satyā | f. of satyavatī- (mother of vyāsa-)  |
satyā | f. equals satya-bhāmā-  |
satyā | f. of the family deity of the kutsa-s and atharvan-s  |
satyā | f. of a daughter of dharma- (and wife of śaṃ-yu-)  |
satyā | f. of the mother of satya- (equals tuṣita-)  |
satyā | f. of the wife of manthu- (and mother of bhauvana-)  |
satyā | f. of a daughter of nagna-jit- (and wife of kṛṣṇa-)  |
satya | n. truth, reality (satyena-,"truly","certainly","really"; k/asmāt s/atyāt-,"for what reason, how is it that?"t/ena saty/ena-,"for that reason, so truly"; yathā-tena-[or evaṃ-] satyena-,"as-so truly";with Buddhists truth is of two kinds, viz. saṃvṛti--and paramārtha-satyam-,"truth by general consent"and"self-evident truth" ;for the four fundamental truths of BuddhistsSee ) etc.  |
satya | n. speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity etc.  |
satya | n. a solemn asseveration, vow, promise, oath (satyaṃ cikīrṣamāṇa-,"wishing to fulfil one's promise or keep one's word") etc.  |
satya | n. demonstrated conclusion, dogma  |
satya | n. the quality of goodness or purity or knowledge  |
satya | n. the first of the four yuga-s or ages (= 1. -kṛt/a- q.v)  |
satya | n. a particular mythical weapon  |
satya | n. the uppermost of the 7 loka-s (See under m.)  |
satya | n. one of the 7 vyāhṛti-s  |
satya | n. particular satya--formula  |
satya | n. equals udaka-, water  |
satya | n. (also with prajāpateḥ-) Name of sāman-s  |
satyā | in compound for satya-.  |
satyabandha | mfn. bound by truth, adhering to the truth, truthful  |
satyabandha | mfn. wrong reading for -saṃdha- |
satyābbinavatīrtha | m. Name of an author  |
satyabhāmā | f. "having true lustre", Name of a daughter of satrā-jit- and one of the eight wives of kṛṣṇa- (she is described as having promoted the quarrels of the yādava-s)  |
satyabhāmābhyudaya | m. Name of work  |
satyabhāmābhyudayakāvya | n. Name of work  |
satyabhāmābhyudayavyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
satyabhāmāpariṇaya | m. Name of work  |
satyabhāmāvilāsa | m. Name of work  |
satyabhārata | m. Name of the poet vyāsa- (see sattva-bh-).  |
satyabhāṣaṇa | n. the speaking of truth  |
satyabhedin | mfn. violating truth, promise-breaking  |
satyābhidhāna | mfn. truth-speaking  |
satyābhidhyāyin | mfn. meditating upon truth  |
satyābhinavodaya | m. Name of work  |
satyābhisaṃdha | mfn. true-speaking, faithful to a promise or agreement  |
satyābhisaṃdhāna | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. true-speaking, faithful to a promise or agreement '  |
satyābhisaṃdhin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. true-speaking, faithful to a promise or agreement ' '  |
satyābhiyācana | mfn. fulfilling or granting requests  |
satyābhiyācanā | f. appeal to the truth (of one's faith)  |
satyabhūya | (saty/a--) n. trueness, truth  |
satyabodha | m. Name of a poet  |
satyabodhaparamahaṃsaparivrājaka | m. Name of a man.  |
satyabodhatīrtha | m. Name of a man.  |
satyabodhavijayastotra | n. Name of work  |
satyācārya | m. Name of a preceptor  |
satyacūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
satyadarśin | mfn. truth seeing, truth-discerning  |
satyadarśin | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the 13th manvantara- (varia lectio tattva-d-)  |
satyadarśin | m. of a man  |
satyadeva | mfn. shining through truth  |
satyadeva | m. Name of a poet  |
satyadhāman | (saty/a--) mfn. having truth for an abode (equals ṛt/adh-)  |
satyadhana | mfn. rich in truth, exceedingly truthful  |
satyadhara | m. Name of a prince  |
satyadhara | m. of another man  |
satyadharma | m. the law of truth, eternal truth  |
satyadharma | mfn. one whose ordinances are true  |
satyadharma | m. Name of a son of the 13th manu-  |
satyadharma | m. of a Brahman  |
satyadharman | mfn. (saty/a--) one whose ordinances are true  |
satyadharman | mfn. adhering to or speaking the truth  |
satyadharman | mfn. ruling by fixed ordinances  |
satyadharmaparāyaṇa | mfn. devoted to truth and virtue  |
satyadharmapatha | m. the path of eternal truth  |
satyadharmatīrtha | m. Name of a scholar  |
satyadharmavipulakīrti | m. Name of a buddha-  |
satyadhṛta | m. Name of a son of puṣpa-vat-  |
satyadhṛti | mfn. (saty/a--) sincere in purpose  |
satyadhṛti | mfn. holding fast to truth, strictly truthful  |
satyadhṛti | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (author of the hymn )  |
satyadhṛti | m. of several other persons  |
satyadhvaja | m. "truth-bannered", Name of a son of ūrja-vaha-  |
satyadhvajāvatāra | m. Name of work  |
satyadhvṛt | mfn. perverting truth  |
satyadṛś | mfn. equals -darśin-  |
satyadūta | (saty/a--) m. a true messenger  |
satyaga | mfn. (prob.) wrong reading for satyāṅga-  |
satyaghna | mfn. breaking one's word  |
satyagir | mfn. true to one's word ( ;the correct reading is satyā gīḥ-)  |
satyagirvāhas | mfn. (saty/a-gir--) getting true praise  |
satyāgni | m. Name of agastya-  |
satyagranthin | mfn. binding or tying securely (with knots)  |
satyahavis | (saty/a--) m. Name of an adhvaryu-  |
satyahavya | m. Name of a man (See sātya-h-).  |
satyahita | mfn. really benevolent  |
satyahita | m. Name of a son of puṣpavat-  |
satyahita | m. of the father of puṣpavat-  |
satyahita | m. of a teacher  |
satyajā | mfn. of a true nature  |
satyajit | mfn. truly victorious, conquering by truth  |
satyajit | m. Name of a dānava-  |
satyajit | m. of a yakṣa- (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
satyajit | m. of indra- in the third manvantara-  |
satyajit | m. of a king  |
satyajit | m. of various men (the sons of bṛhad-dharman-, kṛṣṇa-, su-nīta-, su-nītha-, ānaka- and amitra-jit-)  |
satyajiti | f. a true victory  |
satyajña | mfn. knowing what is true  |
satyajñānānandatīrtha | (also tha-yati-) m. Name of various scholars  |
satyajyotis | (saty/a--) mfn. having real splendour  |
satyaka | mfn. equals satya-  |
satyaka | m. Name of a son of śini-  |
satyaka | m. of a son of manu- raivata-  |
satyaka | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa- and bhadrā-  |
satyaka | m. plural Name of a class of deities under manu- tamasa-  |
satyaka | n. ratification of a bargain  |
satyakāma | mfn. (saty/a--) truth-loving, lover of truth  |
satyakāma | m. Name of various men etc.  |
satyakāmatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyakarman | n. sincerity in action, truthfulness  |
satyakarman | mfn. one whose actions are true  |
satyakarman | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
satyakarman | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-vrata-  |
satyakarṇa | m. Name of a son (or grandson) of candrāpīḍa-  |
satyakāruṇyavedin | mfn. possessing truth and tenderness and the veda-  |
satyakāya | m. Name of a man (perhaps wrong reading for -kāma-).  |
satyaketu | m. Name of a buddha-  |
satyaketu | m. of a son of dharma-ketu-  |
satyaketu | m. of a son of su-kumāra-  |
satyaketu | m. of a son of akrūra-  |
satyakhāna | m. Name of a Khan (also joined with śrī-māna-datta-)  |
satyakīrti | m. Name of a spell spoken over weapons  |
satyākṛ | P. -karoti-, to make true, conclude an agreement or bargain  |
satyakriyā | f. a promise, oath  |
satyakṛt | mfn. performing what is real, one who does nothing in vain  |
satyākṛti | f. conclusion or ratification of an agreement or bargain  |
satyakṣetramāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
satyālāpin | mfn. truth-speaking, veracious  |
satyalaukika | n. the true and the worldly (or untrue), spiritual and worldly matters  |
satyaloka | m. "world of truth", Name of the highest of the 7 worlds  |
satyam | ind. (gaRa cādi-and svar-ādi-) truly, indeed, certainly, verily, necessarily, yes, very well (satyam-tu-, kiṃ tu-, tathāpi-,"it is true - but, yet, however"; yat sasyam-,"indeed, certainly") etc. etc. [ confer, compare according to to some, Greek . ]  |
satyamadvan | (saty/a--) mfn. really inspired or intoxicated  |
satyamāna | n. a true measure  |
satyamanman | (saty/a--) mfn. having true thoughts  |
satyamantra | (saty/a--) mfn. one whose words are true or effective  |
satyamaudgala | m. plural Name of a school or system of teaching  |
satyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of truth, truthful  |
satyambharā | f. Name of a river  |
satyamedhas | mfn. having true intelligence (said of viṣṇu-)  |
satyaṃkāra | m. a promise  |
satyaṃkāra | m. making true or good, ratification of a contract or bargain |
satyaṃkāra | m. something given in advance as an earnest or security for the performance of a contract, earnest-money  |
satyaṃkāra | m. Name of a man gaRa kurv-ādi-  |
satyaṃkārakṛta | mfn. delivered as earnest-money  |
satyamṛṣāviveka | m. discrimination of truth and falsehood  |
satyamugra | (saty/a--) mfn. truly powerful  |
satyanāma | mf(ā-)n. equals next  |
satyanāman | mf(=m.or mnī-)n. having a true or correct name, rightly named ( satyanāmatā ma-tā- f.)  |
satyanāman | f. Polanisia Icosandra  |
satyanāmatā | f. satyanāman |
satyānanda | m. true bliss  |
satyānanda | m. Name of a man  |
satyānandacidātman | m. true bliss and true intellect ( satyānandacidātmatā ma-tā- f. )  |
satyānandacidātmatā | f. satyānandacidātman |
satyānandanātha | m. Name of scholar.  |
satyānandaparamahaṃsaparivrājaka | m. Name of scholar.  |
satyānandatīrtha | m. Name of scholar.  |
satyanārāyaṇa | m. Name of a particular divinity (called Satyapir in Bengali)  |
satyanārāyaṇakathā | f. Name of work  |
satyanārāyaṇavratakathā | f. Name of work  |
satyanātha | m. Name of various men  |
satyanāthābhyudaya | m. Name of work  |
satyanāthamāhātmyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
satyanāthastuti | f. Name of work  |
satyanāthatīrtha | m. Name of an author  |
satyanāthavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
satyanāthayati | m. Name of an author  |
satyanetra | m. "true-eyed", Name of a ṛṣi- (son of atri-)  |
satyāṅga | mfn. having parts or members formed of truth  |
satyāṅga | m. plural Name of the śūdra-s in plakṣa-dvīpa-  |
satyanidhi | m. Name of authors  |
satyanidhitīrtha | m. Name of authors  |
satyanidhivilāsa | m. Name of work  |
satyānṛta | mfn. true and false, containing truth and falsehood  |
satyānṛta | mfn. apparently true (but really false)  |
satyānṛta | n. dual number truth and falsehood  |
satyānṛta | n. sg. or dual number practice of truth and falsehood, commerce, trade |
satyānurakta | mfn. devoted to truth, upright, true  |
satyapa | mfn. truth-drinking  |
satyapāla | m. Name of a muni-  |
satyāpana | n. (see satyāpaya-below) verification  |
satyāpana | n. speaking or observing the truth  |
satyāpana | fn. ratification of a bargain  |
satyapara | mfn. given up to truth, thoroughly honest  |
satyaparākrama | mfn. truly brave or mighty  |
satyaparākramatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyapāramitā | f. perfection in truth  |
satyaparāyaṇatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyāpariṇaya | m. Name of work  |
satyāpariṇayakāvya | n. Name of work  |
satyapāśa | m. truth compared to a fetter  |
satyāpaya | Nom. P. payati-, to verify ; to speak the truth ; to ratify (a bargain or contract)  |
satyaphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
satyaprabodhabhaṭṭāraka | m. Name of an author  |
satyaprasava | (saty/a--) mfn. ( ) one whose stimulating impulse or inspiration is true or continues true to itself.  |
satyaprasavas | mfn. ( ) one whose stimulating impulse or inspiration is true or continues true to itself.  |
satyaprāśū | (saty/a--) mfn. equals -parākrama- (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
satyapratijña | mfn. ( ) ( ) true or faithful to a promise.  |
satyapratiśrava | mf(ā-)n. ( ) true or faithful to a promise.  |
satyapratiṣṭhāna | mfn. having truth for a foundation, grounded in truth  |
satyapravāda | n. Name of one of the jaina- pūrva-s  |
satyapriyatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyapura | n. the city of satya-nārāyaṇa-  |
satyapura | n. the world of viṣṇu-  |
satyapūrṇatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyapuṣṭi | f. true or permanent prosperity  |
satyapūta | mfn. purified by truth (as a speech etc.)  |
satyarādhas | (saty/a--) mfn. bestowing real blessings, truly beneficent  |
satyarājan | m. a true or perpetual king  |
satyarata | mfn. devoted to truth, honest  |
satyarata | m. Name of vyāsa-  |
satyarata | m. of a son of satya-vrata-  |
satyaratha | m. Name of a king of vidarbha-  |
satyaratha | m. of a son of mīna-ratha-  |
satyaratha | m. of a son of sama-ratha-  |
satyarathā | f. Name of the wife of tri-śaṅku-  |
satyarathi | m. Name of a king  |
satyarūpa | mfn. having a true appearance  |
satyarūpa | mfn. probable, credible  |
satyasad | mfn. equals ṛta-sad-  |
satyāṣāḍha | m. Name of various men  |
satyāṣāḍhahiraṇyakeśin | mfn. See hir-.  |
satyasādhana | mfn. making true  |
satyāṣāḍhaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
satyāṣāḍhī | f. Name of a school of the Black yajur-veda-,  |
satyasah | mfn. (Nominal verb -s/āṭ-) equals ṛtā-ṣ/ah-  |
satyasahas | m. Name of the father of sva-dhāman-  |
satyasākṣin | m. a genuine or trustworthy witness  |
satyasāman | n. Name of a sāman-  |
satyasaṃdha | mf(ā-)n. (saty/a--) true to engagements, keeping one's agreement or promise, faithful ( satyasaṃdhatā -tā- f. ) etc.  |
satyasaṃdha | m. Name of bharata-  |
satyasaṃdha | m. of rāma-candra-  |
satyasaṃdha | m. of janam-ejaya-  |
satyasaṃdha | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
satyasaṃdha | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
satyasaṃdhā | f. Name of draupadī-  |
satyasaṃdhatā | f. satyasaṃdha |
satyasaṃdhatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyasaṃgara | mfn. true to an agreement or promise etc.  |
satyasaṃgara | m. Name of kubera-  |
satyasaṃgara | m. of a ṛṣi-  |
satyasaṃhita | mfn. true to one's agreement or promise  |
satyasaṃkalpa | mfn. (saty/a--) true in purpose or resolve, one whose purpose is fulfilled ( satyasaṃkalpatva -tva- n. ) etc.  |
satyasaṃkalpatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyasaṃkalpatva | n. satyasaṃkalpa |
satyasaṃkāśa | mfn. having the appearance of truth, likely, probable  |
satyasaṃnibha | mfn. equals -saṃkāśa-  |
satyasaṃrakṣaṇa | n. keeping one's word  |
satyasaṃrakṣin | mfn. one who keeps his word (prob. wrong reading)  |
satyasaṃśrava | m. a promise, vow, solemn assurance  |
satyasaṃtuṣṭatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyaśapatha | mfn. one whose oaths are true or whose curses are fulfilled  |
satyasāra | mf(ā-)n. thoroughly true  |
satyasatī | f. a truly faithful wife  |
satyasatvan | m. a true warrior (or mfn."having true warriors")  |
satyasava | mf(ā-)n. ( ) one whose orders are true or valid  |
satyasava | mf(ā-)n. really generating  |
satyasava | mf(ā-)n. possessing true energy  |
satyasavana | mfn. ( ; saty/a--) one whose orders are true or valid  |
satyaśavas | (saty/a--) mfn. truly vigorous, decidedly impetuous  |
satyasavas | mfn. ( ; saty/a--) one whose orders are true or valid  |
satyasena | m. Name of various men  |
satyaśīla | ( ) ( ) mfn. addicted to truth.  |
satyaśīlin | ( ) mfn. addicted to truth.  |
satyāśis | f. a realized wish or prayer  |
satyāśis | mfn. one whose wish or prayer is realized  |
satyaśrāvaṇa | n. the taking of an oath  |
satyaśravas | n. (saty/a--) true renown  |
satyaśravas | m. "having true renown" (confer, compare Greek )  |
satyaśravas | m. Name of the author of the hymns (having the patronymic ātreya-or vāyya-)  |
satyaśravas | m. of various other men  |
satyasravas | m. Name of a teacher (prob. wrong reading for -śravas-).  |
satyāśraya | m. Name of various kings  |
satyaśrī | m. Name of a son of satya-hita-  |
satyaśrī | m. of a teacher of the ṛgveda-  |
satyaśrī | f. Name of a śrāvikā-  |
satyaśrut | mfn. listening to the truth  |
satyastha | mfn. holding fast to the truth, keeping one's word  |
satyaśuṣma | (saty/a--) mfn. truly valiant  |
satyasūtra | n. Name of work  |
satyasvapna | mfn. one whose dream comes true ( satyasvapnatā -tā- f.)  |
satyasvapnatā | f. satyasvapna |
satyatā | f. reality, truth (agrya-satyatāṃ-gam-,"to become fully recognised in one's true character" )  |
satyatā | f. love of truth, veracity  |
satyatama | mfn. most or quite true  |
satyatapas | m. "practising true austerity", Name of a muni- (who was once a hunter, but after performing severe austerities obtained from durvāsas- the boon of great saintship)  |
satyatara | mfn. more or very true  |
satyatas | ind. in truth, truly, really  |
satyatāt | (saty/a--) f. truth, reality  |
satyatāti | f. (saty/a--) reality (ā- locative case,in reality)  |
satyatāti | mfn. (perhaps) making true  |
satyatitikṣāvat | mfn. truthful and patient  |
satyātmaja | m. a son of satyā- or satya-bhāmā-  |
satyātmaka | mfn. having truth for essence  |
satyātman | mfn. equals tmaka-  |
satyātman | mfn. having a true soul, true  |
satyātman | m. a virtuous and upright man  |
satyatva | n. reality, truth etc.  |
satyatva | n. veracity  |
satyaujas | mfn. truly mighty  |
satyavāc | f. true speech  |
satyavāc | f. assurance  |
satyavāc | mfn. truth-speaking, veracious etc.  |
satyavāc | m. a ṛṣi-  |
satyavāc | m. a particular spell spoken over weapons  |
satyavāc | m. a crow  |
satyavāc | m. Name of a deva-gandharva-  |
satyavāc | m. of a ṛṣi-  |
satyavāc | m. of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa-  |
satyavāc | m. of a son of manu- sāvarṇa-  |
satyavācaka | mfn. speaking the truth, truthful  |
satyavacana | n. the speaking of truth  |
satyavacana | n. a promise, solemn assurance  |
satyavacana | n. claiming of merit or reward  |
satyavacana | mfn. speaking the truth  |
satyavacanārtham | ind. for the sake of telling the truth  |
satyavacas | n. veracity, truth  |
satyavacas | mfn. true-speaking  |
satyavacas | m. a ṛṣi-  |
satyavacas | m. Name of a man  |
satyavāda | m. the giving of a promise, a promise  |
satyavadana | n. the speaking of truth  |
satyavadanaśīla | mfn. habitually truthful  |
satyavādin | mfn. equals -vācaka- etc.  |
satyavādin | m. Name of kauśika-  |
satyavādin | m. Name of a goddess of the bodhi--tree  |
satyavādinī | f. a form of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
satyavāditā | f. ( ) veracity, truthfulness.  |
satyavāditva | n. ( ) veracity, truthfulness.  |
satyavadya | mfn. speaking truly  |
satyavadya | n. truth  |
satyavāha | m. Name of a man  |
satyavāhana | mfn. conveying truth (said of a dream) |
satyavāka | m. the speaking of truth  |
satyavaktṛ | mfn. a truth-speaker  |
satyavākya | n. true speech, veracity, truth  |
satyavākya | mfn. true in speech ( satyavākyatā -tā- f.)  |
satyavākyatā | f. satyavākya |
satyāvan | mfn. equals ṛt/ā-van-  |
satyāvan | m. Name of a man  |
satyavara | wrong reading for sattva-v-  |
satyavaratīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyavarman | m. Name of a man  |
satyavartman | mfn. (saty/a--) following a true or fixed path or course (said of the chariot of mitra-- varuṇa-)  |
satyavartman | m. Name of a man  |
satyavaryārya | m. Name of an author  |
satyavasu | m. Name of a class of the viśve- devāḥ-  |
satyavat | mfn. truthful, veracious  |
satyavat | mfn. containing the word satya-  |
satyavat | mfn. wrong reading for sattva-vat-  |
satyavat | m. Name of a spell spoken over weapons  |
satyavat | m. of a son of manu- raivata-  |
satyavat | m. of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa-  |
satyavat | m. of a son of dyumat-sena- (husband of sāvitrī-)  |
satyavat | m. of a daughter of gādhi- and wife of ṛcīka- (fabled to have become the kauśikī- river)  |
satyavat | m. of the wife of nārada-  |
satyavat | m. of the wife of śiva-rāja-bhaṭṭa-  |
satyavat | m. of a river equals acchodā-  |
satyavatī | f. Name of the wife of parāśara- (śāṃtanu-) and mother of vyāsa-  |
satyavatīsuta | m. "son of satyavatī-", Name of the poet, vyāsa-  |
satyavidyā | f. Name of work  |
satyavijayaśiṣya | m. Name of scholars  |
satyavijayatīrtha | m. Name of scholars  |
satyavikrama | mfn. having real valour, truly valiant  |
satyavīratīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyavrata | n. a vow of truthfulness  |
satyavrata | mf(ā-)n. devoted to a vow of truth, strictly truthful etc.  |
satyavrata | m. Name of an ancient king  |
satyavrata | m. of a rājarṣi-  |
satyavrata | m. of manu- vaivasvata-  |
satyavrata | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
satyavrata | m. of a son of deva-datta-  |
satyavrata | m. of a son of trayyāruṇa-  |
satyavrata | m. of the author of a dharma-śāstra- : of other men  |
satyavrata | m. plural Name of the kṣatriya-s in śāka-dvīpa-  |
satyavrata | m. of a class of supernatural beings attending on satya-sena-  |
satyavrataparāyaṇa | mfn. devoted to truth and religious observances  |
satyavratasmṛti | f. Name of work  |
satyavratatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyavṛdh | mfn. equals ṛtā-v-  |
satyavṛtta | n. true conduct  |
satyavṛtta | mfn. practising truth, honest or upright in conduct  |
satyavṛtti | mfn. devoting one's self to truth  |
satyavyavasthā | f. ascertainment of truth  |
satyayaj | mfn. worshipping or sacrificing truly or with success  |
satyayajña | (saty/a--) m. Name of a man  |
satyāyana | wrong reading for satyāpana- (q.v)  |
satyayauvana | m. "having real youth", a vidyā-dhara-  |
satyayoni | (saty/a--) mfn. having a real or fixed abode  |
satyāyu | m. Name of a son of purū-ravas-  |
satyayuga | n. the first or kṛta- age  |
satyayugādyā | f. the third day of the light half of vaiśākha- (on which the commencement of the kṛta-yuga- is celebrated)  |
satyepsu | m. Name of an asura-  |
satyeśasthāpanapūjā | f. Name of work  |
satyeṣṭatīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyetara | n. untruth, falsehood  |
satyeyu | m. Name of a son of raudrāśva-  |
satyodaka | mfn. having truth for water, flowing with truth  |
satyodya | mfn. speaking the truth  |
satyokti | f. a true speech  |
satyopākhyāna | n. Name of various works.  |
satyopayācana | mfn. equals satyābhiyācana-  |
satyotkarṣa | m. eminence or excellence in truth  |
satyotkarṣa | m. true excellence  |
satyottara | n. admission of the truth, confession (in law)  |
satyottara | mf(ā-)n. mainly or essentially true  |
ābhāsatā | f. the being a mere appearance  |
ābhāsatva | n. the being a mere appearance  |
abhīpsat | mf(atī- ; antī- )n. (pr.p.) longing for, desiring.  |
abhisatkṛ | (1 kṛ-), (ind.p. -kṛtya-) to honour, receive (a guest) with reverence  |
abhisatkṛta | mn. honoured, received with reverence  |
abhisatvan | m. surrounded by heroes (see abh/i-vīra-.)  |
abhrakasattva | n. steel  |
abhyāsatā | f. constant practice, use, habit.  |
abhyullasat | mfn. ( las-), gleaming, flashing  |
adhivasati | f. a dwelling, habitation,  |
adīnasattva | mfn. possessing unimpaired goodness.  |
adipsat | mfn. not wishing to injure,  |
aditsat | ([ ]) or a-ditsu- mfn. (Desiderative fr.1. dā-), not inclined to give.  |
ahiṃsat | mfn. not hurting  |
ahiśuṣmasatvan | m. one whose attendants (the marut-s) hiss like serpents (Name of indra-) ([the pada- as well as the saṃhitā- Text takes ahiśuṣma-as a vocative case by itself, and translates accordingly]) .  |
alasatā | f. idleness.  |
alasatva | n. idleness.  |
alpasattva | mfn. having little strength or courage  |
aṃsatra | n. armour to protect the shoulder  |
aṃsatra | n. a bow  |
aṃsatrakośa | mfn. having a cask for its tunic (probably = a soma- filter )  |
anṛśaṃsatā | f. mildness, kindness.  |
antaḥsattva | n. inner nature,  |
antaḥsattvā | f. a pregnant woman  |
antaḥsattvā | f. the marking nut (Semecarpus Anacardium).  |
antarābhavasattva | n. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration.  |
antarvasat | mfn. internal, included, dwelling in.  |
antasatkriyā | f. the funeral ceremonies  |
anuśāsat | mfn. showing (the way) |
āpannasattvā | f. a pregnant woman  |
aprāmisatya | ( mī-with prā- equals pra- see a-pr/amaya-),"of imperishable truthfulness", unalterably true  |
apratiśaṃsat | mfn. not reciting or shouting towards  |
araṅgisattva | m. plural a class of deities  |
ardhamāsatama | mfn. done or happening every half month or fortnight  |
āryasatya | n. (pāli- ariyasaccam-) sublime truth  |
āryasatya | n. (with Buddhists the cattari ariyasaccāni-or"four great truths"are, 1. life is suffering, 2. desire of life is the cause of suffering, 3. extinction of that desire is the cessation of suffering, 4. the eightfold path(See below) leads to that extinction.)  |
asaṃjñikasattva | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of certain ecstatic beings, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
asaṃjñisattva | m. pl equals asaṅgi-s-. q.v  |
asaṅgisattva | m. plural Name of certain deities  |
aśāsat | mfn. not punishing  |
asasat | mfn. not sleeping  |
asat | mf(/a-satī-)n. ([in seven times /asat-and five times /āsat-with lengthening of the accentuated vowel]) not being, not existing, unreal  |
asat | mf(/a-satī-)n. untrue, wrong  |
asat | mf(/a-satī-)n. bad etc.  |
asat | m. (n-) indra-  |
asat | n. (t-) non-existence, nonentity etc.  |
asat | n. untruth, falsehood  |
asat | n. evil  |
asat | m. plural (ntas-) bad or contemptible men  |
asatī | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order below  |
asatī | f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife  |
asatīsuta | m. the son of an unchaste wife  |
asatkalpanā | f. a wrong supposition  |
asatkāra | m. doing injury, offence  |
asatkaratva | n. incapability of effecting anything  |
asatkārya | n. bad or illicit occupation  |
asatkāryavādin | m. one who (like a naiyāyika-) holds that an effect is nonexistent in its cause before production.  |
asatkriyā | f. bad conduct,  |
asatkṛta | mfn. badly treated  |
asatkṛta | n. offence  |
asatkṛtya | ind.p. not taking notice of (accusative)  |
asatkṛtya | mfn. one who does evil actions  |
asatparigraha | mfn. receiving unfit presents, or from improper persons  |
asatpatha | m. a bad road  |
asatpatha | mfn. not being on the right path  |
asatpramudita | n. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) one of the eight asiddhi-s.  |
asatpratigraha | m. (= - parigraha-),  |
asatputra | mfn. having no son  |
asatsaṃsarga | m. evil company.  |
asatsaṅga | m. "attached to evil", Name of a doorkeeper (in the prabodhacandrodaya-).  |
asattā | f. non-existence  |
āsatti | f. vicinity, proximity  |
āsatti | f. intimate union  |
āsatti | f. uninterrupted sequence (of words equals saṃ-nidhi- q.v), continual succession etc.  |
āsatti | f. embarrassment  |
āsatti | f. perplexity  |
āsatti | f. reaching, obtaining  |
āsatti | f. gain, profit  |
asattva | n. idem or 'f. non-existence '  |
asattva | n. non-presence, absence  |
asattva | mfn. strengthless, without energy  |
asatya | mfn. untrue, false, lying. etc.  |
asatya | n. untruth, falsehood  |
asatyasandha | mfn. treacherous, base  |
asatyasannibha | mfn. improbable, unlikely  |
asatyaśīla | mf(ā-)n. having an inclination to falsehood  |
asatyatā | f. untruth  |
asatyavāda | m. a lie  |
asatyavādin | mfn. speaking falsely, a liar.  |
atibodhisattva | mfn. exceeding a bodhi-sattva-,  |
atithisatkāra | m. honourable treatment of a guest.  |
ātithyasatkāra | m. ([ ]) ([ ]) the rites of hospitality.  |
ātithyasatkriyā | f. ([ ]) the rites of hospitality.  |
aupavasathika | mfn. designed for or belonging to the upa-vasatha- (q.v) ceremony  |
aupavasathika | n. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the sāma-veda-.  |
aupavasathya | mfn. equals aupavasathika- above  |
avasatha | m. (for ā-vasatha- q.v) habitation  |
avasatha | m. a village  |
avasatha | m. a college, school  |
avasatha | n. a house, dwelling  |
āvasatha | m. ( ) dwelling-place, abode, habitation, night's lodging etc.  |
āvasatha | m. a dwelling for pupils and ascetics  |
āvasatha | m. a village  |
āvasatha | m. a particular religious observance  |
āvasatha | m. a treatise on āryā- metres  |
āvasathika | mf(ī-)n. dwelling in a house  |
āvasathika | mf(ī-)n. household, domestic  |
āvasathika | m. a householder (who keeps a domestic fire)  |
avasathin | mfn. having a habitation  |
āvasathīya | mfn. ([ ]) being in a house  |
āvasathīya | m. ([ scilicet agni-]) a domestic fire  |
āvasathīya | mn. a night's lodging, dwelling for pupils and ascetics  |
āvasathīya | n. establishing or keeping a domestic fire  |
avasathya | mfn. (for āvas- q.v) belonging to a house, domestic  |
avasathya | m. a college, school  |
āvasathya | mfn. ([ ]) being in a house  |
āvasathya | m. ([ scilicet agni-]) a domestic fire  |
āvasathya | mn. a night's lodging, dwelling for pupils and ascetics  |
āvasathya | n. establishing or keeping a domestic fire  |
āvasathyādhāna | n. establishing a domestic fire  |
āvasati | f. shelter, night's lodging  |
āvasati | f. night (id est the time during which one rests) .  |
avicikitsat | mfn. not having doubts  |
aviśvasat | mfn. not confiding  |
baddhavasati | mfn. having one's abode fixed, dwelling in (locative case) |
bahusattva | mfn. abounding in animals  |
bahusatya | m. Name of the tenth muhūrta-  |
bhāḥsatya | (2. bhās-+ satya-) mfn. one whose real essence is light  |
bhāḥsatya | See .  |
bhaktivilāsatattvadīpikā | f. bhaktivilāsa |
bharatasattama | m. the best of the bharata-varṣa-  |
bhāratasattama | m. the best of the descendants of bharata-  |
bhasat | m. a bird  |
bhāsatā | f. the being a vulture or bird of prey  |
bhasattas | ind. bhasad |
bhavalābhalobhasatkāraparāṅmukha | mfn. averse to the benefit (and) to the longing for attainment of worldly existence (said of a Buddhist convert)  |
bhedadhikkārasatkriyā | f. Name of work  |
bhikṣukasatī | f. a virtuous female mendicant  |
bhīrusattva | mfn. fearful by nature, timorous  |
bhṛgusattama | m. "best of bhṛgu--", Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
bhūmisattra | n. an offering consisting of a donation of land  |
bībhatsatā | f. loathsomeness, detestableness  |
bisatantu | m. a lotus-fibre  |
bisatantumaya | mf(ī-)n. made of lotus-flower  |
bodhisattva | m. "one whose essence is perfect knowledge", one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge (id est a Buddhist saint when he has only one birth to undergo before obtaining the state of a supreme buddha- and then nirvāṇa-) (the early doctrine had only one bodhi-sattva-, viz. maitreya-;the later reckoned many more )  |
bodhisattva | m. Name of the principal buddha- of the present era (before he became a buddha-)  |
bodhisattva | m. of a poet  |
bodhisattvabhūmi | f. Name of work  |
bodhisattvabuddhānusmṛtisamādhi | m. Name of work  |
bodhisattvacaryā | f. the actions or condition of a bodhisattva-  |
bodhisattvacaryālvatāra | f. Name of work  |
bodhisattvāṃśa | m. part of a bodhisattva-  |
bodhisattvapakṣanirdeśa | m. Name of work  |
bodhisattvapiṭaka | mn. Name of work  |
bodhisattvatā | f. the state of a bodhisattva--state, bodhi-sattva--ship  |
bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇasattama | m. the best of brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇīsattamā | f. the best of brāhmaṇī- women  |
brahmasatī | f. Name of. the river sarasvatī-  |
brahmasattra | n. sacrifice of devotion or meditation, constant repetition of Vedic texts  |
brahmasattrin | mfn. offering the sacrifice of devotion  |
brahmasattrin | mfn. absorbed in the self-existent One  |
candrahāsatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
candraprabhāsatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
chāndasatā | f. the being Vedic  |
chāndasatva | n. idem or 'f. the being Vedic ' etc.  |
chāndasatva | n. the being archaistic  |
chāndasatva | n. the being metrical  |
dārghasattra | mf(ī-)n. (fr. dīrgha-.) connected with a long sacrifice  |
dāsatā | f. slavery, servitude, 175  |
dāsatva | n. idem or 'f. slavery, servitude, 175 '  |
dāsatva | n. sense of dependence, humbleness  |
devabodhisattva | m. Name of a Buddhist saint.  |
devasattra | n. a long festival in honour of the gods  |
devasattva | mfn. having the nature of a god  |
devasatya | n. divine truth, established order of the gods  |
devāvasatha | m. "habitation of the gods", temple  |
dhanvantariguṇāguṇayogasata | n. Name of work  |
dharmasatyavrata | mfn. devoted to truth and virtue  |
dharmasatyavrateyu | m. plural dharmeyu-, satyeyu- and vrateyu-  |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsatti | f. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsattinirūpaṇa | n. Name of work |
dhīrasattva | mfn. steadfast, resolute  |
dhvastarajaḥsattvatamomala | mfn. freed from the impurity of passion, goodness and darkness  |
dhyānibodhisattva | m. a spiritual (not material) buddha- or bodhi-sattva-  |
dīnasattva | mfn. equals -citta-  |
dīptarasatva | n. the predominance of fiery passions  |
dīrghasattra | n. a long-continued soma- sacrifice etc.  |
dīrghasattra | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
dīrghasattra | mfn. equals tr/in- mfn. occupied with a prolonged soma- rite  |
divasatithi | the day-part of a lunar day  |
duḥkhavasati | f. a difficult abode  |
duḥsattva | n. evil being, noxious animal  |
duḥsattvavat | mfn. filled with wild beasts (wood)  |
durvasati | f. bad dwelling  |
dussatha | m. (wrong reading or Prakrit for duḥsaktha-?) a cock or dog  |
dvayasata | See dve-s-.  |
dvesata | mfn. "in two places equal", having the same length above and below the navel (varia lectio dvaya--.same)  |
dvijasattama | m. equals -mukhya-  |
dvisattvalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
ekānnaviṃsatidhā | ind. 19-fold, in 19 parts  |
ekasatī | f. the only satī- or faithful wife  |
gambhīrasattvasvaranābhi | mfn. equals tri-g- (See above)  |
garbhavasati | f. "embryo-abode", the womb  |
gatasattva | mfn. annihilated, lifeless, dead  |
gatasattva | mfn. "without good qualities", base  |
ghṛtaprasatta | (t/a--) mfn. propitiated with ghee (agni-),  |
gosattra | n. a particular sacrifice  |
grasatī | f. (irreg. pr. p. f.), Name of a nāga- virgin  |
gṛhītavasatīvarīka | mfn. one who has taken up the waters called vasatī-v/arī-  |
gṛtsatamas | varia lectio for dīrgha-t-  |
gūḍhavasati | f. abode in a secret place  |
hālasaptasataka | n. Name of an anthology (containing 700 Prakrit stanzas).  |
haṃsatā | f. the being a goose  |
haṃsatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
haṃsatūla | n. ( ) "goose-cotton", the soft feathers or down of a goose.  |
haṃsatūlikā | f. ( ) "goose-cotton", the soft feathers or down of a goose.  |
haṃsatva | n. equals -tā-  |
haridāsatarkācārya | m. Name of author. ( )  |
harṣavivṛddhasattva | mfn. one whose vigour is increased by happiness  |
hasat | mfn. (pr. p. of has-) laughing, smiling etc.  |
hasat | mfn. mocking, scorning, excelling  |
kālīvilāsatantra | n. idem or 'n. Name of work '  |
kalyāṇasattva | mfn. of noble character.  |
kāmavasati | f. an erotic term.  |
kārpāsatāntava | n. texture made of cotton  |
khākhasatila | m. idem or 'm. poppy '  |
khāsatā | f. Name of a place in Kashmir  |
khasatila | m. poppy (khaskhasa-)  |
kilāsatva | n. the state of being leprous  |
kṛkalāsatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kṛkalāsatva | n. the state of a chameleon  |
kṛtavasati | mfn. one who has taken up his abode, dwelling  |
kulasattra | n. a family sacrifice  |
kurusattama | m. idem or 'm. Name of arjuna- '  |
laghusattva | mfn. "weak-natured", having a weak or fickle character  |
laghusattvatā | f. weakness of character, fickleness  |
lakṣmīvasati | f. "abode of lakṣmī-", Name of the lotus-flower (Nelumbium Speciosum)  |
lālasatā | f. lālasa |
madyāsattaka | m. Name of a man (prob. wrong reading for madyāsaktaka-).  |
mahāsatī | f. a highly virtuous or faithful woman, any woman who is a pattern of conjugal fidelity  |
mahāsatobṛhatī | f. ( ) ( ) two kinds of metre.  |
mahāsatomukhā | f. ( ) two kinds of metre.  |
mahāsattā | f. absolute being, absolute existence  |
mahāsattra | n. a great soma- sacrifice, a great festival on which soma- is offered  |
mahāsattva | m. a great creature, large animal  |
mahāsattva | n. equals -sat-tā- above  |
mahāsattva | mfn. steady, constant (See -tā-below)  |
mahāsattva | n. having a great or noble essence, noble, good (of persons;with Buddhists, Name of a bodhi-sattva-) etc.  |
mahāsattva | n. extremely courageous  |
mahāsattva | n. containing large animals (See -tā-below)  |
mahāsattva | m. a buddha-  |
mahāsattva | m. Name of kubera-  |
mahāsattva | m. of gautama- buddha- as heir to the throne  |
mahāsattvatā | f. "constancy of character"and"the containing large animals"  |
mahāsattvavadha | m. the killing of a great creature or large animal  |
mahāsatya | m. Name of yama-  |
malamāsatattva | n. Name of work  |
mamasatya | n. "the being mine", contest for ownership  |
māṃsatāna | m. a polypus in the throat  |
māṃsatas | ind. on the fleshy side (of a hide; opp. to loma-tas-)  |
māṃsatejas | n. "flesh-marrow", fat  |
māṃsatva | n. the being flesh  |
māṃsatva | n. the derivation of the word māṃsa-  |
mānasatva | n. the state of spirit, spirituality, fulfilment of anything in mere thought,  |
māsatālā | f. plural (prob.) those parts of a calf skin from which the parchment stretched at the end of drums is made  |
māsatama | mf(ī-)n. forming or completing a month  |
māsatraya | n. three months  |
māsatrayāvadhi | ind. for the space of three months  |
māsatulya | mfn. equal to a month or to a number of months  |
mṛgasattama | m. the best of antelopes  |
mṛgasattra | n. Name of a festival lasting 19 days  |
mūḍhasattva | mfn. foolish or silly by nature  |
munisattra | n. Name of a particular iṣṭi-  |
nākasattva | n. nākasad |
nakṣatrasattra | n. equals nakṣatreṣṭi-  |
nakṣatrasattra | n. Name of work  |
nakṣatrasattrahautra | n. Name of work  |
nakṣatrasattraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
nakṣatrasattreṣṭihautraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
nakṣatrasattreṣṭiprayoga | m. Name of work  |
nāsatya | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
nāsatya | mfn. (prob. fr.2. nas-, Causal) helpful, kind, friendly (mostly m. dual number as Name of the aśvin-s ;later m. sg. Name of one of the aśvin-s, the other being then called dasra-)  |
nāsatya | mfn. relating or belonging to the aśvin-s  |
nāsatyā | f. the constellation aśvinī- (The derivations fr. na-+ asatya-,or fr. nāsā-+ tya-or fr. nā-+ satya-are very improbable.)  |
niḥsādhvasatā | f. ( ) fearlessness, boldness.  |
niḥsādhvasatva | n. ( ) fearlessness, boldness.  |
niḥsattva | mfn. without existence, unsubstantial ( niḥsattvatva -tva- n.)  |
niḥsattva | mfn. unenergetic, weak, impotent, wretched, miserable ( niḥsattvatā -tā- f.) etc.  |
niḥsattva | mfn. deprived of living beings  |
niḥsattva | mfn. insignificant, mean, low  |
niḥsattva | n. want of power or energy, insignificance  |
niḥsattva | n. non-existence  |
niḥsattvatā | f. niḥsattva |
niḥsattvatva | n. niḥsattva |
niḥsatya | mfn. untrue, false  |
niḥsatyatā | f. falsehood, insincerity  |
nīrasatā | f. nīrasa |
nīrasatva | n. nīrasa |
nirvikāsatva | n. Mallin,  |
nivasatha | m. a village  |
nivasati | f. habitation, abode  |
nivivṛtsat | tsu- See ni-vṛt-.  |
nivivṛtsat | ( ) mfn. (fr. Desiderative) desirous of returning or desisting.  |
nṛśaṃsatā | f. mischievousness, baseness  |
nyāsatilaka | mn. Name of work |
nyāsatūlikā | f. Name of work |
panasatālikā | f. the bread-fruit tree  |
pañcasattra | n. Name of a place  |
paṅkeruhavasati | m. lotus-dweller, Name of brahmā-  |
paramārthasaṃvṛtisatyanirdeśa | m. Name of work  |
paramārthasatya | n. the real or entire truth  |
parameṣvāsatā | f. parameṣvāsa |
parāvasathaśāyin | mfn. sleeping in another's house  |
paribhraṣṭasatkarman | mfn. one whose virtuous acts are lost or in vain  |
paridīnasattva | mfn. distressed in mind. ( )  |
paripūrṇasattva | mfn. having absolute perfection,  |
parisatya | n. the full or pure truth  |
parivasatha | m. a village  |
paryāvasatha | m. equals maṭha-,  |
paṭavāsatā | f. paṭavāsa |
phalasatīṇa | m. or n. (?) Name of country (Palestine?)  |
pipāsat | mf(antī-)n. (fr.1. pā- Desiderative) wishing to drink, thirsty  |
pītāvabhāsatā | f. pītāvabhāsa |
pitṛvasati | f. "abode of pitṛ-s", place of the dead  |
pitsat | mf(antī-)n. ( pat- Desiderative) being about to fly or fall etc.  |
pitsat | m. a bird  |
pradhvaṃsatva | n. state of destruction, desolation, ruin  |
prahasat | mf(antī-)n. laughing, smiling  |
prakāmavikasat | mfn. expanding or blooming abundantly  |
prasatta | mfn. satisfied, pleased  |
prasatti | f. clearness, brightness, purity  |
prasatti | f. graciousness, favour  |
prathamavasati | f. the original home  |
pratisatkṛta | mfn. honoured in return,  |
prātisatvanam | ind. in the direction of the satvan- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) (-sutvan/am- )  |
prativasatha | m. a settlement, village  |
prativasati | ind. in every habitation or house  |
pratyāsatti | f. immediate proximity (in space, time etc.), close contact etc. |
pratyāsatti | f. good humour, cheerfulness  |
pratyāsatti | f. (in gram.) analogy.  |
pravasatha | n. departure, separation from (ablative)  |
priyasāhasatva | n.  |
priyasatya | mfn. pleasant and true (as speech)  |
priyasatya | mfn. a lover of truth  |
priyasatya | n. speech at once pleasing and true  |
pṛthusattama | m. Name of a prince  |
pṛthusattvavat | mfn. abounding in great living creatures  |
pūjāsatkāra | m. equals -vidhi-  |
rabhasat | ind. rabhasa |
rājasattra | n. a kind's sacrifice  |
rājasatva | n. rājasa |
rājavasati | f. dwelling in a kind's court  |
rājavasati | f. a royal residence, palace  |
rākṣasatā | f.  |
rākṣasatva | n. the state or condition of a rākṣasa-, fiendishness  |
ramaṇavasati | f. the dwelling-place of a lover  |
raṇasattra | n. war or battle regarded as a sacrifice  |
rasatā | f. juiciness, fluidity (-tām upetam-,become fluid) .  |
rasatama | (r/asa--) m. the juice of all juices, essence of essences  |
rasatanmātra | n. the subtle element or rudiment of taste  |
rasataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of various works.  |
rasatas | ind. according to taste or flavour  |
rasatattvasāra | m. Name of work  |
rasatejas | n. "strength of the chyle", blood  |
rasatva | n. the being chyle, state of chyle  |
rasatvajātipramāṇa | n. Name of work  |
rāsollāsatantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
rathasattama | m. a most excellent chariots  |
rathasattama | m. the best of warriors  |
ratisatvarā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
rātrisattra | n. a sacrifice or ceremony at night,  |
ṛṣisattama | m. the best or most excellent of the sages.  |
ṛtajātasatya | mfn. (ṛt/a-jāta-satya-) appearing at the proper time and true or constant (said of the Ushases)  |
ṛtasatya | n. dual number right and truth  |
ṣaḍaṃsatā | f. ṣaḍaṃsa |
sadasat | mfn. being and not being, real and unreal  |
sadasat | mfn. true and false (See n.)  |
sadasat | mfn. good and bad  |
sadasat | m. plural the good and the bad  |
sadasat | n. what is existent and non-existence (also dual number)  |
sadasat | n. the true and the false  |
sadasat | n. good and evil  |
sadasat | n. dual number existence and existence, truth and falsehood  |
sādasata | mfn. containing the words sat- and as/a- gaRa vimuktādi-.  |
sadasatkhyātivicāra | m. Name of work  |
sadasatpati | m. a lord of what is existent and non-existence  |
sadasatphala | (in the beginning of a compound) good and evil consequences  |
sadasatphalamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of good and evil consequences  |
sadasattva | n. existence and non-existence  |
sadīkṣopasatka | mfn. with dīkṣā- and upasad-  |
ṣaḍupasatka | mfn. connected with six festivals called upasad-  |
sadvasatha | m. a village (wrong reading for saṃv-).  |
sahautranakṣatrasattvaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
sahavasati | f. dwelling together  |
sajjanaikavasati | mfn. residing only in the good  |
śākyabodhisattva | m. equals -muni-  |
śālivāhanasataka | n. Name of work  |
samarasatva | n. samarasa |
samāsatas | ind. in a summary manner, succinctly, concisely  |
samāsatattvanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
samāsatti | f. nearness, vicinity  |
samprasatti | f. equals sam-prasāda- (in vedānta-),  |
śaṃsatha | m. conversation  |
saṃśuṣkamāṃsatvaksnāyu | mfn. one whose flesh and skin and sinews are completely dried up or withered  |
saṃvasatha | m. an inhabited place, settlement, village, dwelling, house  |
saṃvasati | f. dwelling together  |
saṃvatsarasattra | n. a soma- sacrifice whose sutya- days last a year  |
saṃvatsarasattrabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
saṃvatsarasattrasad | mfn. one who performs the above soma- sacrifice,  |
saṃvatsaropasatka | mfn. whose upasad- (q.v) lasts a year  |
samyaksattva | n. Name of a Commentary.  |
samyaksatya | m. Name of a man  |
sarajasatā | f. sarajasa |
sarasatā | f. juiciness  |
sarasatva | n. idem or 'f. juiciness '  |
sarasatva | n. freshness  |
sarasatva | n. idem or 'n. freshness '  |
sarasatva | n. freshness, novelty  |
sarpasattra | n. a snake -sacrifice (performed by janamejaya-)  |
sarpasattra | n. (prob.) equals sarpāṇām-, ayanam- (See sarp/a-)  |
sarpasattrin | m. "performer of a snake-sacrifice", Name of king janam-ejaya- (a legend relates that to revenge the death of his father, who was killed by a snake-bite, he employed mantra-s to compel the whole serpent-race to be present at a sacrifice, where all except a few chief snakes were destroyed)  |
sarvadaivasattva | n. being at all times  |
sarvasattvapāpajahana | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
sarvasattvapriyadarśana | m. Name of a buddha-  |
sarvasattvapriyadarśana | m. of a bodhi-sattva-  |
sarvasattvapriyadarśana | m. of another person  |
sarvasattvatrātṛ | m. Name of a mythical being  |
sarvasattvaujohārī | f. Name of a rākṣasī- (varia lectio sattvoj-).  |
sarvasatya | mfn. truest of all  |
sarvatrasattva | n. omnipresence  |
sarvollāsatantra | n. Name of work  |
sasattrin | (or s/a-s-) m. a companion at a sacrifice or festival  |
sasattva | mf(ā-)n. possessing energy or vigour  |
sasattva | mf(ā-)n. containing living creatures or animals  |
sasattvā | f. "containing an embryo", a pregnant woman  |
sasatya | (s/a--) mfn. accompanied with truth  |
siṣāsatu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of sā-,or san-) wishing to gain or obtain (genitive case)  |
sīsatāṇa | Name of a place  |
śivapurāṇatāmasatvakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work (see ) .  |
śivasamarasatā | f. śivasamarasa |
socchvāsatva | n. socchvāsa |
somasatsaru | mfn. (said of a plough) (varia lectio p/itsaru-, sumat/itsaru-).  |
śrīnivāsatīrtha | m. Name of various authors ( śrīnivāsatīrthīya thīya- n.Name of work)  |
śrīnivāsatīrthīya | n. śrīnivāsatīrtha |
śritasattva | mfn. one who has taken courage or resolution  |
sthirasattva | mfn. having a steadfast character  |
śucināsatā | f. having a bright nose (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
śuddhasattva | mf(ā-)n. equals -śīla-  |
sudhārasatva | n. sudhārasa |
sumahāsattva | mfn. of vigour noble nature or character  |
surasattama | m. the best of the gods  |
susatkṛta | mfn. well arranged, beautifully adorned or decorated  |
susatkṛta | mfn. received or treated with great hospitality, highly honoured  |
susatkṛta | mfn. one to whom the supreme honours have been duly rendered  |
susattra | n. a well managed hospital or hospice  |
susattva | mfn. very resolute or courageous  |
susatya | mfn.  |
susatyā | f. Name of a wife of janaka-  |
svargasattraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
śvāsatā | f. the being breath, the being aspirated (see above)  |
śvāsatā | f. breathing, respiration, aspiration  |
śvasatha | m. the act of blowing, hissing, snorting, panting, breathing, breath  |
svasattā | f. the being in one's own possession or at one's own disposition  |
tadvasati | mfn. dwelling there.  |
tāmasatapaḥśīla | m. Name of a daitya-  |
tanusatya | n. a simple truth (?)  |
tāpasataru | m. "tree of ascetics", Terminalia Catappa or putraṃjīva- Roxburghii  |
tarasat | for tr/as-, tras- q.v  |
ṭasat | ind. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) an interjection imitating the sound of bursting  |
ṭasat | ind. (sad-iti-)  |
tattvasatyaśāstra | n. Name of a work by guṇaprabha-  |
trisatya | See ṣatya-  |
trisatya | n. a triple oath (varia lectio)  |
tryupasatka | mfn. containing 3 upas/ad- ceremonies  |
ucchvasat | mfn. breathing etc. (See above)  |
ucchvasat | m. (an-) a breathing being  |
udārasattva | mfn. of noble character, generous-minded  |
udārasattvābhijana | mfn. of noble character and descent  |
ullasat | mfn. (pres.p.) shining forth, beaming  |
ullasat | mfn. coming forth etc. (See above) .  |
ullasatā | f. splendour, brilliancy  |
ullasatā | f. mirth, happiness  |
ullasatā | f. going out, issuing  |
ullasatphala | m. poppy  |
upasat | (in compound for 2. upa-s/ad-below) .  |
upasatpatha | m. the path or way of the upasad- ceremony (See below)  |
upasatti | f. connection with, union  |
upasatti | f. service, worship  |
upasatti | f. gift, donation  |
upasattṛ | m. one who has seated himself near or at (especially at the domestic fire), any person who is domiciled, the inhabitant of a house (with and without gṛha-)  |
upasattva | n. the being an upasad- ceremony (See below)  |
upavasatha | m. a fast-day (especially the day preceding a soma- sacrifice), the period of preparation for the soma- sacrifice  |
upavasatha | m. a place of abiding, village  |
upavasathīya | mfn. belonging to the upavasatha- day or to the preparation for a soma- sacrifice  |
upavasathya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. belonging to the upavasatha- day or to the preparation for a soma- sacrifice '  |
urusattva | mfn. magnanimous, of a generous or noble nature.  |
utsatti | f. vanishing, fading, absence  |
uttarābhāsatā | f. inadequacy of a reply, the semblance without the reality.  |
uttarābhāsatva | n. inadequacy of a reply, the semblance without the reality.  |
vacanasata | n. a hundred speeches, repeated speech or declaration  |
vaikhānasatantra | n. Name of work (see above)  |
vajrasatttvātmikā | f. Name of vajra-sattva-'s wife  |
vajrasattva | m. "having a soul or heart of adamant", Name of a dhyānibuddha-  |
vakmarājasatya | mfn. faithful to those who are the rulers or ordainers of hymns (of praise)  |
vāsata | m. an ass  |
vāsata | m. Terminalia Bellerica  |
vāsatāmbūla | n. perfumed betel  |
vāsateya | mfn. (fr. vasati-) to be lodged or sheltered  |