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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
san cl.1 P., cl.8. P. A1. () s/anati-, te- or san/oti-, sanute- (A1.rare and only in non-conjugational tenses; perfect tense sas/āna- ; parasmE-pada sasav/as- f. sasan/uṣī- ; sasanivas-or senivas- grammar; sene- ; Aorist asāniṣam-[Subj. saniṣat- A1. saniṣāsmahe-, s/aniṣanta-] ; imperative s/aniṣantu- ; seṣam-, set- ; asāta- grammar; preceding sanyāt-, sāyāt- ; future sanitā- ; saniṣy/ati- ; infinitive mood sanitum- grammar), to gain, acquire, obtain as a gift, possess, enjoy ; to gain for another, procure, bestow, give, distribute ; (A1.) to be successful, be granted or fulfilled : Passive voice sanyate- or sāyate- : Causal sānayati- (Aorist asīṣaṇat-) grammar : Desiderative of Causal sisānayiṣati-. : Desiderative sisaniṣati- (grammar) or s/iṣāsati- (? sīṣatī- ), to wish to acquire or obtain ; to wish to procure or bestow : Intensive saṃsanyate-, sāsāyate-, saṃsanti- (grammar), to gain or acquire repeatedly (only 3. plural saniṣṇata- ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 2.046s Search Word: sasanivas Input Encoding: IAST: sasanivas