san | in compound for sat-.  |
san | cl.1 P., cl.8. P. A1. ( ) s/anati-, te- or san/oti-, sanute- (A1.rare and only in non-conjugational tenses; perfect tense sas/āna- ; parasmE-pada sasav/as- f. sasan/uṣī- ; sasanivas-or senivas- grammar; sene- ; Aorist asāniṣam-[Subj. saniṣat- A1. saniṣāsmahe-, s/aniṣanta-] ; imperative s/aniṣantu- ; seṣam-, set- ; asāta- grammar; preceding sanyāt-, sāyāt- ; future sanitā- ; saniṣy/ati- ; infinitive mood sanitum- grammar), to gain, acquire, obtain as a gift, possess, enjoy ; to gain for another, procure, bestow, give, distribute ; (A1.) to be successful, be granted or fulfilled : Passive voice sanyate- or sāyate- : Causal sānayati- (Aorist asīṣaṇat-) grammar : Desiderative of Causal sisānayiṣati-. : Desiderative sisaniṣati- (grammar) or s/iṣāsati- (? sīṣatī- ), to wish to acquire or obtain ; to wish to procure or bestow : Intensive saṃsanyate-, sāsāyate-, saṃsanti- (grammar), to gain or acquire repeatedly (only 3. plural saniṣṇata- ).  |
san | in go-ṣ/an- q.v  |
san | (in gram.) a technical term for the syllable sa- or sign of the desiderative.  |
san | Name of an era (current in Bengal and reckoned from 593 A.D.), .  |
sana | m. (for 2.See) gain, acquisition (in ahaṃ-sana-and su-ṣaṇa-,qq. vv.)  |
sana | m. presenting, offering  |
sana | mf(ā-)n. (derivation doubtful;for 1.See) old, ancient ( sanam am- ind."of old, formerly")  |
sana | mf(ā-)n. lasting long  |
sana | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (one of the four or seven spiritual sons of brahmā-; confer, compare sanaka-) [ confer, compare Latin senex,senior; Lithuanian se4nas; Gothic sinista.]  |
sanā | ind. (gaRa svar-ādi-) from of old  |
sana | m. the flapping of an elephant's ears  |
sana | m. Bignonia Suaveolens or Terminalia Tomentosa (see 2. asana-)  |
sanā | sanāt- etc. See column 1.  |
sanābha | m. a near kinsman, uterine brother  |
sanābhi | mfn. (s/a--) having the same nave or centre (as the spokes of a wheel or the fingers of the hand) (see )  |
sanābhi | mfn. connected by the same navel or womb, uterine, of kindred blood, a blood-relation  |
sanābhi | mf. an uterine brother or sister (according to to some equals sa-piṇḍa-,"a kinsman as far as the seventh degree")  |
sanābhi | m. having a navel, naveled  |
sanābhi | m. resembling, like, equal to (genitive case or compound)  |
sanābhya | m. a blood-relation (to the seventh degree)  |
sanad | in compound for sanat- (pr.p. of1. san-).  |
sanadīgirikānana | mfn. (fr. 7. sa-+ n-etc.) together with rivers and mountains and forests  |
sanadrayi | (san/ad--) mfn. bestowing wealth  |
sanadvāja | mfn. (san/ad--) acquiring or bestowing wealth  |
sanadvāja | mfn. Name of a son of śuci-  |
sanaga | m. Name of a teacher (of. sanaka-)  |
sanaḥ | in compound for sanas-.  |
sanaḥśruta | mfn. equals sana-śruta-.  |
sanaj | mfn. ancient, old  |
sanaja | mfn. born or produced long ago, old ancient  |
sanajā | mfn. born or produced long ago, old ancient  |
sanājū | mfn. nimble or active from of old  |
sanājūr | mfn. weak from age (or"long since aged")  |
sanaka | mfn. former, old, ancient ( sanakāt kāt- ind."from of old")  |
sanaka | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (one of the four mind-born sons of brahmā-, described as one of the counsellors or companions of viṣṇu- and as inhabiting the janar-loka-;the other three are sana-, sanatkumāra-, and sa-nandana-;some reckon seven of these mind-born sons) (confer, compare ) ; of an inspired legislator [ confer, compare Latin Seneca; Gothic sineigs.]  |
sanakānīka | m. plural Name of a people  |
sanakasaṃhitā | f. Name of a vedānta- or tantra- work  |
sanakāt | ind. sanaka |
sanākavanita | mfn. having celestial women or āpsarasa-s  |
sanakha | wrong reading for saṃ-nakha- q.v  |
sanāla | mfn. furnished with a stalk  |
sanaladānalada | mfn. "having the nalada-" (id est uśīra- plant) and"removing heat" (see 3. a-)  |
sanālī | f. a procuress (?)  |
sanāliṅga | m. the son of a vaiśya- and a ratha-kāri-  |
sanam | ind. sana |
sanāma | mf(ā-)n. having the same name as (genitive case)  |
sanāmagrāha | mf(ā-)n. together with mention of the name  |
sanāmaka | mf(ikā-)n. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. having the same name as (genitive case) '  |
sanāmaka | m. Hyperanthera Moringa  |
sanāman | mf(mnī-)n. (s/a--) equals -nāma-  |
sanāman | mf(mnī-)n. similar, like  |
sanana | n. gaining, acquiring (used in explaining sani-; see su-ṣaṇana-)  |
sananda | m. (id est 7. sa-+ n-) equals sanandana-  |
sanandaka | wrong reading for next  |
sanandana | m. "having joy", Name of one of the 4 or 7 mind-born sons of brahmā- (said to have preceded kapila- as teachers of the sāṃkhya- philosophy; see sanaka-)  |
sanandana | m. of a pupil of śaṃkarācārya- and another author  |
sanandanasaṃhitā | f. Name of a tantra- work (one of the śubhāgama-s)  |
sanandī | f. gaRa gaurādi-.  |
sanaṅgavya | mfn. fit for sanaṅgu-  |
sanaṅgu | m. or f. (perhaps fr. sanam-+ gu-,"formerly a cow?") a particular object or substance prepared from leather Va1rtt. 1  |
sanaparṇī | f. Marsilea Quadrifolia (equals asana-p-)  |
sanaprokta | mfn. spoken to, addressed  |
sanaprokta | mfn. declared, announced, proclaimed  |
sanara | mfn. (s/a--) together with men  |
sanaradvipa | mfn. accompanied by men and elephants  |
sanārāśaṃsa | mfn. together with the nārāśaṃsa- verses  |
sanarmahāsa | mfn. attended with merry laughter (as a speech),  |
sanāru | m. Name of a teacher  |
sanas | ind. equals sanā- (in sanaḥ-śruta-, sano-ja-,qq. vv.)  |
sanasaya | m. (wrong reading for śaṇa-śaya-?) Name of a teacher  |
sanaśruta | mfn. (s/ana--) famous of old  |
sanaśruta | mfn. Name of a man  |
sanat | ind. (gaRa svar-ādi-) from of old, always, ever  |
sanat | m. Name of brahmā- (prob. inferred from sanat-kumāra-)  |
sanāt | ind. (gaRa svar-ādi-) from of old, always, for ever  |
sanatā | ind. from of old (with na-,"never")  |
sanātana | mf(ī-,m. Calcutta edition also ā-)n. eternal, perpetual, permanent, everlasting, primeval, ancient etc.  |
sanātana | m. Name of brahmā-  |
sanātana | m. of viṣṇu-  |
sanātana | m. of śiva-  |
sanātana | m. a guest of deceased ancestors, one who must always be fed whenever he attends śrāddha-s  |
sanātana | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (in and later "a mind-born son of brahmā-") etc.  |
sanātana | m. of a king  |
sanātana | m. (with śarman-and go-svāmin-) of two authors  |
sanātana | m. plural Name of particular worlds  |
sanātanasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
sanātanatama | m. "most eternal or ancient", Name of viṣṇu-  |
sanātanī | f. Name of durgā- |
sanātanī | f. of lakṣmī- or sarasvatī-  |
sanātha | mfn. having a master or protector, protected by (instrumental case or compound)  |
sanātha | mfn. having a lord or husband (ā- f."a woman whose husband is living")  |
sanātha | mfn. filled with persons, crowded (as an assembly), Scholiast or Commentator  |
sanātha | mfn. occupied by, possessed of. possessing, furnished or endowed with (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
sanāthatā | f. the state of having a protector or husband (accusative with i-,"to take refuge with")  |
sanāthīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to cause to possess a master, afford shelter, protect  |
sanāthīkṛ | to occupy (a place)  |
sanatkumāra | m. "always a youth"or"son of brahmā-", Name of one of the four or seven sons of brahmā- (see sanaka-;he is said to be the oldest of the progenitors of mankind [= vaidhātra- q.v ],and sometimes identified with skanda- and pradyumna-, he is also the supposed author of an upa-purāṇa- and other works;with jaina-s he is one of the 12 sārvabhauma-s or cakravartin-s [emperors of India];the Name of sanat-kumāra- is sometimes given to any great saint who retains youthful purity) etc.  |
sanatkumāraja | m. plural (with jaina-s) a particular class of gods  |
sanatkumārakalpa | m. Name of work  |
sanatkumārapulastyasaṃvāda | m. Name of work  |
sanatkumārasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
sanatkumārastava | m. Name of work  |
sanatkumāratantra | n. Name of work  |
sanatkumārīya | n. Name of work  |
sanatkumāropapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
sanatra | mf(ī-)n. equals sanātana-  |
sanatsujāta | m. "always, beautiful", Name of one of the seven mind-born sons of brahmā-  |
sanatsujātavedānta | m. Name of work  |
sanatsujātīya | n. Name of  |
sanava | m. or n. (?) Name of a desert  |
sanavanīta | mfn. along with fresh butter  |
sanavitta | (s/ana--) mfn. long since existing or obtained  |
sanaya | mf(ā-)n. old, ancient  |
sanāya | Nom. P. yati- (only in dative case sg. of pr. p. sanāyat/e-[accord. to some wrong reading for s/anāya te-] ) "to be from of old"or"linger, tarry."  |
sanāyu | mfn. wishing for gain or reward  |
sanāyu | See .  |
sandī | wrong reading for āsandī-.  |
sanemi | mfn. (s/a--) having a felly (as a wheel)  |
sanemi | mfn. complete, perfect  |
sanemi | ind. completely, at all times, always  |
sanemi | according to to some an instrumental case of sana-="from of old, always".  |
saneru | mfn. (prob.) distributing (= sambhaktṛ- )  |
sani | mf. (for 2.See) gain, acquisition, gift, reward (dative case with dhā-,"to grant, fulfil";acc with i-,"to go after gifts, go begging")  |
sani | mfn. gaining, procuring, bestowing (see aśva--, dhana-s-etc.)  |
sanī | f. = sani-1, gift  |
sani | f. (for 1.See) a quarter of the sky  |
sanīḍa | mfn. (s/a--) (in s/a-nīḷa-) having the same nest, closely united or related, kindred, skin  |
sanīḍa | mfn. near, proximate (also ḍaka-)  |
sanīḍa | mn. vicinity, neighbourhood ( sanīḍe ḍe- ind."near, close to")  |
sanīḍe | ind. sanīḍa |
sanidra | mf(ā-)n. sleeping, asleep  |
sanigaḍacaraṇa | mfn. dragging a chain on the foot ( sanigaḍacaraṇatva -tva- n.)  |
sanigaḍacaraṇatva | n. sanigaḍacaraṇa |
sanigraha | mfn. furnished with a handle  |
sanīhāra | mfn. (see sanīhāra-, column 3) bringing or bestowing gifts, liberal  |
sanīhāra | mfn. (for sanī-hāra-See column 1) covered with mist or fog  |
saniḥśvāsam | ind. with a sigh  |
sanikāma | (san/i--) mfn. desirous of gain or reward  |
sanikāra | mfn. degrading (as punishment)  |
sanimat | mfn. rich in gifts, liberal  |
sanimeṣa | mfn. winking (as an eye)  |
saninda | mfn. accompanied with censure or reproach ( sanindam am- ind.) (varia lectio)  |
sanindam | ind. saninda |
sanirghāta | mfn. accompanied by a hurricane or whirlwind  |
sanirghṛṇa | mfn. having no pity, merciless, cruel  |
sanirveda | mfn. having weariness or absence of liveliness, dull (as conversation)  |
sanirvedam | ind. with indifference  |
sanirvedam | ind. in low spirits, despairingly  |
sanirviśeṣa | mfn. indifferent  |
saniṣādīka | mfn. together with the niṣādī- (q.v)  |
saniṣpeṣam | ind. with a clashing sound  |
sanisrasa | see under sraṃs-, parasmE-pada 1273.  |
sanisrasa | mfn. (fr. Intensive) falling down or asunder or to pieces, fragile, frail  |
sanīsrasa | mfn. equals sanisrasa- Va1rtt. 1  |
sanisrasākṣa | mfn. one whose eyes fall out  |
saniṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. gaining or acquiring most  |
saniṣṭhīva | mfn. accompanied with emission of saliva or sputtering, sputtered (as speech) (according to to also -ṇiṣṭheva-).  |
saniśvāsam | ind. with a sigh (varia lectio -niḥśv- q.v)  |
saniṣyada | see saniṣyad/a- under syand-, parasmE-pada 1273  |
saniṣyada | mf(ā-)n. (fr. Intensive) running, flowing manuscript  |
saniṣyu | mfn. wishing to gain or acquire, eager for booty  |
saniti | f. acquisition, obtainment |
sanitṛ | mfn. gaining, obtaining, procuring, bestowing (with accusative or genitive case)  |
sanitṛ | mfn. gaining, obtaining, procuring, bestowing (with accusative or genitive case)  |
sanitra | n. a gift, oblation  |
sanitur | ind. (according to to genitive case of sanit/ṛ-fr. san-?) besides, without (with preceding accusative)  |
sanitva | mfn. to be gained or acquired  |
sanitvan | n. a gift or reward  |
saniyama | mf(ā-)n. restricted, limited ( saniyamatva -tva- n.)  |
saniyama | mf(ā-)n. one who has undertaken a religious observance  |
saniyamatva | n. saniyama |
sanīyas | mfn. being from of old, ancient  |
sanmāna | n. respect or esteem for the good (frequently wrong reading for sammāna-).  |
sanmaṅgala | n. a good and auspicious rite etc.  |
sanmaṅgala | san-maṇi- etc. See .  |
sanmaṇi | m. a genuine gem  |
sanmantra | m. an excellent spell  |
sanmārga | m. the right path (figuratively) etc.  |
sanmārgālokana | n. the seeing or following of good paths (of morality etc.)  |
sanmārgamaṇidarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
sanmārgastha | mfn. walking in the right path,  |
sanmārgayodhin | mfn. fighting honourably,  |
sanmati | f. See a-san-m-  |
sanmati | mfn. well-disposed, noble-minded  |
sanmātṛ | f. a virtuous mother (See sānmātura-).  |
sanmātra | mfn. that of which only existence is predicable  |
sanmātra | m. Name of ātman-  |
sanmātura | prob. wrong reading for sān-m-, of a virtuous mother  |
sanmaulika | m. Name of a class of kāyastha-s  |
sanmiśrakeśava | m. Name of an author  |
sanmitra | n. a good or true friend  |
sanmuhūrta | m. n. a good moment  |
sanmuni | See daiva-jña-san-m-.  |
sanna | mfn. set down  |
sanna | mfn. sitting at id est occupied with (compound)  |
sanna | mfn. sunk down in (locative case)  |
sanna | mfn. depressed, low (in spirits), languid, exhausted, decayed, perished, lost, dead etc.  |
sanna | mfn. shrunk, contracted (See compound)  |
sanna | mfn. resting, motionless (See )  |
sanna | mfn. weak, low (See )  |
sanna | mfn. (equals prasanna-), appeased, satisfied (See sannī-kṛta-)  |
sanna | m. Buchanania Latifolia  |
sanna | (prob.) n. destruction, loss (See sanna-da-).  |
sanna | sannaka- See . |
sannabhāva | mfn. despondent, despairing ( sannabhāvatva -tva- n.)  |
sannabhāvatva | n. sannabhāva |
sannada | mfn. destroying )  |
sannadhī | mfn. depressed in mind, dispirited  |
sannaharsha | mfn. one whose joy has departed, depressed in spirits, desponding  |
sannajihva | mfn. one whose tongue is motionless or silent  |
sannaka | mfn. low, dwarfish  |
sannaka | m. equals next  |
sannakadru | m. Buchanania Latifolia  |
sannakadruma | m. Buchanania Latifolia  |
sannakaṇṭha | mf(ī-)n. one who has a contracted throat, scarcely able to articulate, choking, choked  |
sannāman | n. good or beautiful name  |
sannamaya | mf(ī-)n. caused by despair  |
sannamusala | n. a motionless pestle  |
sannamusale | ind. at the time when the pestle lies motionless  |
sannanauka | mfn. one who has lost his ship  |
sannaśarīra | mfn. one whose body is wearied or exhausted  |
sannatara | mfn. more depressed, very weak or feeble  |
sannatara | mfn. (in gram.) lower (in tone or accent), more depressed than the ordinary accentless tone (equals anudātta-tara-)  |
sannavāc | mfn. speaking with low or feeble voice  |
sanni | f. depression of the mind, despondency, despair  |
sannīkṛta | mfn. appeased, satisfied  |
sannimat | mfn. desponding, despairing  |
sannimitta | n. a good omen  |
sannimitta | n. a good cause  |
sannimitta | n. the cause of the good  |
sannimittam | ind. for a good cause  |
sannimitte | ind. for the sake of the good  |
sannisarga | m. good nature, kindness  |
sannivāsa | mfn. (for saṃ-n-See saṃ-ni--5. vas-) staying with the good (viṣṇu-)  |
sano | in compound for sanas-.  |
sanojā | mfn. being from of old, eternal  |
sanojā | See column 2.  |
santa | m. equals saṃha-tala-  |
santa | m. Name of a son of satya-  |
santaka | mf(ikā-)n. (fr. sat-) belonging to (genitive case)  |
santi | See sati-, .  |
santi | f. equals sati-, or sāti-  |
santya | mfn. bestowing gifts, bountiful (only vocative case in addressing agni-; according to to others fr. sat-= "benevolent, kind")  |
santya | See .  |
sanūdaparvata | (?) m. Name of a mountain  |
sanūpura | mfn. adorned with anklets,  |
sanutar | ind. (perhaps originally identical with prec.) aside, away, off, far from (ablative;with yu-and dhā-,"to keep away, ward off")  |
sanutar | ind. secretly, clandestinely  |
sanutara | mfn. furtive, clandestine  |
sanutṛ | mfn. (only in f(s/anutrī-).) gaining, procuring  |
sanutṛ | saneru- See column 1.  |
sanutya | mfn. furtive, lying furtively in ambush  |
sanyas | mfn. equals s/anīyas-  |
ābhāsana | n. illuminating, making apparent or clear.  |
abhayasani | mfn. giving safety  |
abhihiṃsana | n. harming, injuring,  |
abhiprasanna | mfn. believing in (locative case or genitive case),  |
abhiśaṃsana | n. accusation  |
abhiśaṃsana | n. insult (with genitive case)  |
abhiśaṃsana | n. "accusation" in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' anṛtābhiśaṃsana- ([ ]) or mithyābhiśaṃsana- ([ ]) a false accusation.  |
abhisandhaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' deceiving ["calumniating"commentator or commentary ]  |
abhivāsana | n. idem or 'm. covering ' commentator or commentary on and on  |
abhrasani | mfn. procuring clouds  |
abhyasana | n. practice, exercise  |
abhyāsanimitta | n. the cause of the reduplication-syllable commentator or commentary  |
abhyasanīya | mfn. to be practised  |
abhyasanīya | mfn. to be studied  |
abhyasanīya | mfn. to be repeated  |
abhyasanīya | mfn. (in grammar) to be reduplicated.  |
abjāsana | n. a particular posture in sitting (= padmā- sana-),  |
ācāryāsandī | f. a teacher's seat,  |
ācāryopāsana | n. waiting upon or serving a spiritual preceptor.  |
adhaḥsthānāsana | mfn. standing or sitting lower,  |
adhāsanaśāyin | mfn. (for adha-- ās-) sitting or lying on the ground,  |
adhaupāsana | n. sexual intercourse commentator or commentary on  |
adhivāsanā | f. obedience, compliance,  |
adhivāsana | n. causing a divinity to dwell in an image  |
adhivāsana | n. sitting in dharna (See above) .  |
adhivāsana | n. application of perfumes, etc.  |
adhivāsana | n. the ceremony of touching a vessel containing fragrant objects (that have been presented to an idol)  |
adhivāsana | n. preliminary purification of an image.  |
adhivāsanīya | mfn. to be consecrated (confer, compare 1. adhivāsana-, parasmE-pada 22),  |
adhyāsana | n. act of sitting down upon  |
adhyāsana | n. presiding over  |
adhyāsana | n. a seat, settlement |
agrāsana | n. seat of honour.  |
agrasandhyā | f. early down.  |
ahaṃsana | mfn. obtaining or claiming for one's self ( vocative case dual number incorrectly written in two words ah/aṃ s/anā-) and viii, 61, 9 (vocative case sg.)  |
āharavasanā | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
ajinasandha | m. one who prepares skins, a furrier  |
ajñānavidhvaṃsana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, .  |
ambujāsanā | f. "lotus-seated", lakṣmī-,  |
anabhisandhāna | n. absence of design  |
anabhisandhāna | n. disinterestedness.  |
anabhisandhi | m. idem or 'n. disinterestedness.'  |
anabhisandhikṛta | mfn. done undesignedly.  |
anṛtābhisandha | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. of faithless disposition, '  |
antarikṣāsana | n. a particular posture in sitting,  |
anupāsana | n. want of attention to.  |
anuśaṃsaśaṃsana | n. subsequent recitation, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anusandhyam | ind. evening after evening, every twilight.  |
anuśāsana | n. instruction, direction, command, precept  |
anuśāsanapara | mfn. obedient.  |
ānuśāsanika | mfn. (fr. anuśāsana-), relating to or treating of instruction  |
anuśāsanīya | mfn. to be instructed.  |
anuśāsanīyaśāsya | mfn. to be instructed.  |
anutsanna | mfn. not lost  |
anuvāsana | n. idem or 'm. administering oily enemata.'  |
ānuvāsanika | mfn. (fr. anuvāsana-), suitable for an oily enema.  |
anuvāsyavāsanīya | mfn. to be scented or fumigated  |
anuvāsyavāsanīya | mfn. requiring an enema.  |
anvakṣarasandhi | m. a kind of saṃdhi- in the veda-s  |
anvāsana | n. sitting down after (another)  |
anvāsana | n. service  |
anvāsana | n. regret, affliction  |
anvāsana | n. a place where work is done, manufactory, house of industry  |
anvāsana | n. an unctuous or cooling enema  |
apāsana | n. throwing away, placing aside  |
apāsana | n. killing, slaughter  |
apataṃsana | n. falling out,  |
aprasanna | mfn. not quiet, not clear  |
aprasanna | mfn. turbid, muddy  |
aprasanna | mfn. displeased, unfavourable.  |
aprasanna | mfn. not reconciled, angry with (locative case),  |
apratiśāsana | mfn. not subject to the orders of another, not giving a counter or rival order, completely under subjection.  |
ardhāsana | n. half a seat (it is considered a mark of high respect to make room for a guest on one's own seat)  |
ardhāsana | n. greeting kindly  |
āśaṃsana | n. wishing for another, wishing  |
asan | (in compound for asat-).  |
asan | n. Ved the base of some cases (viz. instrumental case asn/ā- genitive case ablative asn/as- genitive case plural asn/ām-) of /asṛj- q.v  |
āsan | n. (defective ), mouth, jaws  |
āsan | P. (imperative 2. sg. /ā-sanuhi- ) to gain, obtain ; (for 1. āsan-and āsanya-See under 3. ās-.)  |
asana | n. (2. as-), throwing, sending, a shot  |
asana | mfn. one who throws or discharges  |
asanā | f. a missile, an arrow  |
asana | m. the tree Terminalia Tomentosa  |
asana | m. (see 3. aśana-.)  |
āsana | n. (but āsan/a- ) sitting, sitting down  |
āsana | n. sitting in peculiar posture according to the custom of devotees, (five or, in other places, even eighty-four postures are enumerated;See padmāsana-, bhadrāsana-, vajrāsana-, vīrāsana-, svastikāsana-:the manner of sitting forming part of the eightfold observances of ascetics)  |
āsana | n. halting, stopping, encamping  |
āsana | n. abiding, dwelling etc.  |
āsana | n. seat, place, stool etc.  |
āsana | n. the withers of an elephant, the part where the driver sits  |
āsana | n. maintaining a post against an enemy  |
āsanā | f. stay, abiding  |
āsana | = asana-2 Terminalia Tomentosa.  |
āsana | See 2. ās-.  |
āsanabandha | m. the act of sitting down  |
asanābhi | equals /a-sajāta- q.v  |
asanāma | mf(ā-)n. not having the same name,  |
āsanamantra | m. a mantra- or sacred formula to be spoken at taking a seat  |
asanaparṇī | f. the plant Marsilea Quadrifolia (For 1. asana-See 2. as-.)  |
āsanapaṭṭi | m. a flat seat, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
āsanastha | mfn. abiding on a seat, sitting  |
āsanavidhi | m. the ceremony of offering a seat to a visitor.  |
āsanda | m. (probably fr. sad-), Name of viṣṇu-  |
āsandī | f. a chair or stool (generally made of basket work)  |
āsandikā | f. a little chair  |
āsandīsad | mfn. sitting on a chair  |
āsandīvat | m. Name of a country  |
asani | and asanika- mfn. ? (gaRa ṛśyādi- q.v)  |
āsanī | f. stay, abiding, sitting  |
āsanī | f. a shop, a stall  |
āsanī | f. a small seat, a stool  |
asanidarśana | mfn. (probably) indefinable,  |
āsanīkṛ | to make a seat of anything (exempli gratia, 'for example' of a lotus)  |
āsaniṣu | (ās/ann--) mfn. having arrows in the mouth  |
asanmāna | m. for a-sammāna- q.v  |
asanmantra | m. untrue speech  |
asanmati | f. a wrong opinion  |
asanmati | f. "no intention" accusative tim- with 1. kṛ-, not to care for (locative case)  |
asanmati | and -mantr/a- See /a-sat-.  |
asanna | mfn. restless  |
āsanna | mfn. seated down, set down  |
āsanna | mfn. near, proximate etc.  |
āsanna | mfn. reached, obtained, occupied  |
āsanna | n. nearness, vicinity, proximity etc.  |
āsanna | n. end, death  |
āsannacara | mfn. moving round about in the proximity  |
āsannakāla | m. the hour of death  |
āsannakāla | mfn. one who has reached his time or hour (of death).  |
āsannakālika | mfn. near in time, Sch.  |
āsannakṣaya | mfn. one whose ruin is near.  |
āsannanivāsin | mfn. living in the vicinity, a neighbour  |
āsannaprasavā | f. a female (of an animal) whose (time of) parturition is near or who is about to bring forth (young ones)  |
āsannatara | mfn. nearer  |
āsannataratā | f. greater nearness  |
āsannavartin | mfn. being or abiding in the neighbourhood or vicinity  |
āsannayodhin | mfn. (an arrow) employed in close fight,  |
āsanvat | mfn. having a mouth (?)  |
āsanvat | mfn. showing the mouth  |
āsanvat | mfn. present  |
āsanya | mfn. being in the mouth  |
aśāsana | n. want of government, anarchy  |
āśasana | n. ( śas-), cutting up (a killed animal)  |
āśāsana | n. asking, praying or craving for commentator or commentary on  |
āśāsanīya | mfn. to be wished or craved for commentator or commentary on  |
asatyasandha | mfn. treacherous, base  |
asatyasannibha | mfn. improbable, unlikely  |
asthisandhi | m. a joint  |
āśvāsana | n. causing to revive, refreshing, reviving  |
āśvāsana | n. consoling, encouraging, cheering up  |
āśvāsana | n. refreshment, recreation, consolation, comfort  |
āśvāsanaśīla | mfn. disposed to encouraging another,  |
āśvāsanaśīlatā | (f.)  |
aśvasani | mfn. gaining or procuring horses (see gaRa savanādi- q.v)  |
āśvāsanī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a kiṃnarī-,  |
āśvāsanīya | mfn. to be refreshed or cheered up  |
atiprasanna | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) too much grace has been shown,  |
atiśaṃsana | n. ( ) continued recitation.  |
atiśaṃsanā | f. ( ) continued recitation.  |
atisandham | ind. so as to violate an agreement or any fixed order  |
atisandhita | mfn. overreached, cheated.  |
ātmasani | mfn. granting the breath of life  |
atyāsanna | mfn. being too close.  |
aupāsana | m. (scilicet agni-), (fr. upāsana-), the fire used for domestic worship etc.  |
aupāsana | m. (scilicet piṇḍa-) a small cake offered to the Manes and  |
aupāsana | mf(ā-)n. relating to or performed at an aupāsana- fire (as the evening and morning oblations)  |
aupāsanaprayoga | m. the manner of performing the rites at the aupāsana- fire commentator or commentary on  |
aupāsanika | m. the aupāsana- fire commentator or commentary on  |
avabhartsana | n. scolding, threstening,  |
avabhāsana | n. shining  |
avabhāsana | n. becoming manifest  |
avabhāsana | n. (in Vedic or Veda philosophy) illuminating.  |
avabhāsanaśikhin | m. Name of a nāga- demon  |
avadātavasana | mfn. "clothed in white", laical,  |
avahasana | n. deriding  |
avasanna | mfn. sunk down, pressed down (as by a burden ) |
avasanna | mfn. sunken (as eyes)  |
avasanna | mfn. (opposed to ut-sanna-) deep (as a wound)  |
avasanna | mfn. languid, dispirited, distressed, unhappy  |
avasanna | mfn. ended, terminated  |
avasanna | mfn. (as the eyesight;said of a blind person)  |
avasanna | mfn. (in law) beaten in a cause.  |
avasraṃsana | n. falling down,  |
avataṃsana | n. a garland  |
avataṃsana | n. pushing on a carriage  |
avihiṃsana | n. not injuring  |
aviśvasanīya | mfn. not to be trusted.  |
aviśvasanīyatva | n. the not deserving confidence  |
avitathābhisandhi | mfn. whose intentions are not futile id est successive  |
avyasana | mfn. free from evil practices  |
avyasanin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. free from evil practices '  |
āyāsana | n. (probably) excitation, irritation, (varia lectio)  |
bahirvyasana | n. external vice, licentiousness, immorality  |
bahirvyasanin | mfn. immoral, dissolute  |
bahiṣṭādviśasana | n. (a hide) the flesh-side of which is turned outwards  |
balāsanāśana | mf(ī-)n. destroying consumption  |
balavayasana | n. the defeat or rout of an army  |
balavayasanasaṃkula | mfn. (a king) embarrassed by disorder in (his) army  |
bāṇāsana | n. "arrow-discharger", a bow  |
bāṇāsana | n. a bow-string  |
bāṇāsanīkṛ | to make into a bow  |
barsanaddhi | f. the tying of a knot  |
bhadrāsana | n. a splendid seat, throne etc.  |
bhadrāsana | n. a particular posture of a devotee during meditation  |
bhadravasana | n. splendid apparel  |
bhaktisaṃnyāsanirṇayavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhartṛvyasanapiḍita | mfn. afflicted by a husband's or master's calamity  |
bhartsana | n. (orf(ā-).) threatening, a threat, menace, curse  |
bhasana | m. a bee  |
bhāsana | n. shining, glittering, brilliance, splendour  |
bhasanta | m. time  |
bhāsanta | mfn. splendid, beautiful  |
bhāsanta | m. the sun or the moon or a star  |
bhāsanta | m. the bird bhāsa-  |
bhāsantī | f. an asterism, nakṣatra-  |
bhāṣānuśāsana | (ṣānuś-) n. Name of a Prakrit grammar.  |
bhayānakarasanirdeśa | m. Name of chapter of  |
bhīmaśāsana | m. "terrible in punishing", Name of yama-  |
bhojadevaśabdānuśāsana | n. Name of work  |
bhūtāsana | n. "seat of bhūta-s", Name of a magic chariot  |
bisanābhi | f. the lotus-plant (padminī-)  |
bisanasikā | f. a kind of crane (see -kaṇṭhikā-).  |
brahmāsana | n. the seat of the chief priest  |
brahmāsanā | f. a particular posture suited to devout religious meditation  |
brahmāsananiviṣṭa | mfn. seated in that posture  |
brahmāsandī | f. the throne of Brahman,  |
brahmaśāsana | m. Name of a grāma-  |
brahmaśāsana | n. a command of brahmā- or of a Brahman  |
brahmaśāsana | n. an edict addressed to the Brahmans (equals dharmakīlaka-)  |
brahmopāsanā | f. worship of brahmā-  |
carmavasana | m. (equals k/ṛtti-vāsas-) śiva-  |
catuḥsana | mfn. containing the 4 sons of brahmā- (whose names begin with sana-,viz. sanaka-, sananda-, sanātana-, sanat-kumāra-)  |
chandonuśāsanavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
cikitsana | n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' curing of.  |
cikitsanīya | mfn. curable,  |
cīranivasana | m. plural " equals -bhṛt- ", Name of a people  |
cīravasana | mfn. equals -bhṛt-  |
cittaprasannatā | f. happiness of mind, gaiety  |
cīvaranivasana | varia lectio for cīra-n-.  |
daivajñasanmuni | m. Name of an astrologer  |
dakṣādhvaradhvaṃsana | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. equals kṣa-yajña-prabhañana- ' '  |
dakṣayajñavidhvaṃsana | n. Name of  |
daṃsana | n. a surprising or wonderful deed, marvellous power or skill  |
daṃsanā | f. idem or 'n. a surprising or wonderful deed, marvellous power or skill ' , (often instrumental case s/anā-), x.  |
daṃsanāvat | mfn. endowed with wonderful skill or power,  |
daṇḍakāsana | n. lying prostrate on the ground  |
daṇḍapadmāsana | n. a particular posture in yoga-,  |
daṇḍāsana | n. equals ḍakās-  |
daṇḍāsana | n. Name of an arrow  |
dantavyasana | n. fracture or decay of the teeth or of a tusk.  |
daśakāmajavyasana | n. the 10 vices arising from love of pleasure (See ) .  |
dāsanandinī | See dāśa--.  |
daśanavasana | n. equals -cchada-  |
daśanavasanāṅgarāga | m. plural Name of a kalā- (q.v)  |
dāsanīya | m. plural Name of a people  |
dāsanu | m. Name of a semi-divine being  |
daśasani | mfn. winning 10  |
dattāsana | mfn. having a seat given.  |
dauḥśāsana | mf(ī-)n. belonging to duḥ-śāsana-,  |
dauḥśāsani | m. patronymic fr. duḥ-śāsana-  |
dhanasani | mfn. granting or winning wealth  |
dhanurāsana | n. a particular mode of sitting  |
dharmāsana | n. the throne of justice, judgement-seat etc.  |
dharmāsanagata | mfn. seated on it  |
dharmaśāsana | n. law-book, code of laws  |
dhūrtaprahasana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a comedy by jyotir-īśvara- .  |
dhuryāsana | n. seat of honour  |
dhvaṃsana | mfn. equals saka- (see dakṣādhvara--)  |
dhvaṃsana | mfn. spluttering  |
dhvaṃsana | n. destruction, ruin  |
dhvasan | m. Name of a king of the  |
dhvasani | m. sprinkler (a cloud)  |
dhvasanti | m. Name of a man, 152, 23.  |
digvasana | m. a jaina-  |
digvasana | n. nakedness  |
dīkṣitavasana | n. the garment of an initiated person  |
dīrgharasana | m. "long-tongued", a serpent  |
divasanātha | m. "day-lord", the sun  |
divasanirīkṣaka | m. a kind of ascetic  |
duḥśāsana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be controlled ' Va1rtt. 1  |
duḥśāsana | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
durbhikṣavyasanin | mfn. suffering from the calamity of famine  |
durgavyasana | n. defect in a fortress (its being ill-guarded etc.)  |
durvāsanā | f. bad inclination |
durvyasana | n. bad propensity, vice  |
duryodhanāsana | n. kind of posture (= vīrā- sana-, parasmE-pada 1006).  |
dussani | m. (dus-+ sani-,gift or giver?) Name of a man  |
duvasana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. stirring, restless (soma-) ' (eagle) , iv, 6, 10.  |
dvirasana | mfn. double tongued.  |
dvirasana | m. snake  |
dvitridivasanivāsa | m. abode for 2 or 3 days  |
ekāsanika | mfn. having only one seat.  |
gatasannaka | m. an elephant out of rut  |
gauravāsana | n. a seat of honour  |
gauvāsanika | mf(ā-,or ī-)n. of go-vāsana- gaRa kāśy-ādi- (gaudhāśan- )  |
ghasana | n. devouring  |
ghorarāsana | for -vāśana-.  |
golāsana | n. "ball-thrower", a kind of gun  |
gorakṣāsana | n. a particular method of sitting,  |
gosani | mfn. ( on ) equals -ṣ/aṇi- ( )  |
gosani | mfn. (im-) gaRa savanādi-.  |
govāsana | m. plural idem or 'm. plural "covered with ox-hides", Name of a people, .' ,  |
govāsana | m. sg. (gaRa kāśyādi-) Name of a king of the śibi-s  |
grasana | n. swallowing  |
grasana | n. a kind of partial eclipse of the sun or moon  |
grasana | n. seizing  |
grasana | n. the mouth, jaws  |
guptāsana | n. a particular method of sitting (= siddhās-).  |
haṃsanābha | m. Name of a mountain  |
haṃsanāda | m. the cackling or cry of a goose or swan (thought to have something of a sacred character)  |
haṃsanāda | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
haṃsanāda | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
haṃsanādin | mfn. making a noise like a goose or swan, cackling  |
haṃsanādinī | f. a graceful woman (one of the various classes into which women are divided)  |
haṃsanādopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad- (equals haṃsop-).  |
haṃsanidāna | n. Name of a med. work  |
haṃsanīlaka | See -kīlaka-.  |
haridāsanyāyavācaspatitarkālaṃkārabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of author. ( )  |
hasana | mf(ā-)n. laughing  |
hasana | mf(ā-)n. jesting or sporting with  |
hasana | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
hasanā | f. a jest, encouraging shout (others,"lightning")  |
hasana | n. laughter, a laugh (according to to some, "with tremulous lips")  |
hāsana | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing laughter, funny, comical  |
hasanī | f. See next  |
hasanī | f. a portable fire-place or chafing-dish  |
hasanī | f. Name of a mythical river (equals hasantī-)  |
hāsanika | m. a play-fellow  |
hasanīmaṇi | m. "hearth-jewel", fire  |
hasanīya | mfn. to be laughed at or derided by (genitive case)  |
hasantī | f. a portable fire-vessel, small furnace, chafing-dish  |
hasantī | f. Arabian jasmine  |
hasantī | f. a particular female demon  |
hasantī | f. Name of a river (equals hasanī-)  |
hasantikā | f. a portable fire-vessel, small fireplace  |
hastigirīśamaṅgalāśāsana | n. Name of work  |
hetvābhāsanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
hiṃsana | m. an enemy  |
hiṃsana | n. the act of hurting, injuring, killing, slaying  |
hiṃsanīya | mfn. to be hurt or injured  |
hiṃsanīya | mfn. to be killed (as cattle) on  |
hrāsana | n. shortening, diminution  |
hrāsanīya | mfn. to be made shorter or diminished,  |
hṛdaṃsani | mfn. (fr. accusative of prec. or of a masc. or fem. hṛd-) winning the heart of (genitive case) (others"giving heart to","encouraging","inspiring") .  |
hrīsannakaṇṭha | mfn. having the throat or the utterance broken by shame  |
idhmaparivāsana | n. chip of wood  |
indrāsana | n. the throne of indra-, any throne  |
indrāsana | n. a foot of five short syllables.  |
īpsana | n. desiring or wishing to obtain  |
iṣvasana | n. "arrow-thrower", a bow  |
jalajāsana | m. "lotus-seated", brahmā-  |
janapadoddhvaṃsanīya | mfn. treating on the epidemics of a country  |
jayollāsanidhi | m. Name of work  |
jijñāsana | n. desire of knowing, investigation  |
jijñāsanīya | mfn. equals sitavya-  |
jinaśāsana | n. the doctrine of buddha-  |
jitāsana | mfn. one who has given up using seats  |
jugupsana | mfn. equals jugupsu-  |
jugupsana | n. dislike  |
jugupsana | n. censure  |
jugupsanīya | mfn. disgusting  |
kailāsanātha | m. "sovereign of the kailāsa- mountain", Name of kubera-  |
kailāsaniketana | m. "having his abode on the kailāsa-", Name of śiva-  |
kajāsana | m. "sitting on a lotus", Name of brahmā-  |
kālavidhvaṃsana | m. (scilicet rasa-) Name of a particular drug or medicine.  |
kaliśāsana | m. a jina-  |
kamalāsana | n. a lotus-flower serving as a seat  |
kamalāsana | n. a particular manner of sitting  |
kamalāsana | m. "having a lotus as seat", Name of brahmā-  |
kamalāsanastha | m. idem or 'm. "having a lotus as seat", Name of brahmā- '  |
kāmasani | mfn. fulfilling wishes  |
kāmaśāsana | m. "punisher of kāma-", Name of śiva-  |
kaṃsadhvaṃsana | m. (- jit-),  |
kaṃsanidhana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a poem (without labial letters, in 17 cantos)  |
kaṃsaniṣūdana | m. idem or 'm. Name of kṛṣṇa- '  |
kāṇḍasandhi | m. a joint in the stem of a tree or of a reed  |
kārpāsanāsikā | f. a spindle  |
kāryavyasana | n. failure of an affair  |
kasana | m. cough (equals kāsa-)  |
kasanā | f. a kind of venomous snake (or spider, lūtā- )  |
kāsanāśinī | f. Name of a thorny plant (= karkaṭa-śṛṅgī-)  |
kasanotpāṭana | m. "cough-relieving", the plant Gendarussa vulgaris  |
kaṣāyavasana | n. the yellowish-red garment of Buddhist mendicants (forming with head-shaving their distinctive badge, see kaṣāya- n.above, and kāṣāya-v-)  |
kāṣāyavasana | mf(ā-)n. equals -vāsas-  |
kāṣāyavasanā | f. a widow  |
kaṭīnivasana | n. a cloth worn round the hip  |
khagāsana | m. "seat of the sun", Name of the mountain udaya- (the eastern mountain on which the sun rises)  |
khagāsana | m. "sitting on a bird (id est on the garuḍa-)", viṣṇu-  |
kilāsanāśana | mfn. removing leprosy  |
kośakāravasana | n. a silken garment  |
kriyāvasanna | mfn. one who loses a lawsuit through the statements of the witnesses etc.  |
kṛtāsanaparigraha | mfn. one who has taken a seat.  |
kukkuṭāsana | n. a particular posture of an ascetic in religious meditation.  |
kulapāṃsana | mf(ī-)n., disgracing a family, etc.  |
kuliśāsana | m. "having a diamond seat", Name of śākya-muni-  |
kuliśāsana | equals kuliśāana- q.v (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order k/uliśa-) or equals kuli-śāsana-,"one who commands with his hand (kuli-) ", Name of śākya-muni-  |
kūrmāsana | n. a particular posture in sitting (practised by ascetics).  |
kuśāsana | n. a bad doctrine, heterodoxy.  |
kuśāsana | n. a small mat of sacred grass (on which a Brahman sits when performing his devotion)  |
kuśāsana | n. for 2. See 1. ku- (ku-śāsana-). 1.  |
kusumasanātha | mfn. possessed of flowers, having flowers.  |
kusumaśarāsana | m. equals -kārmuka-  |
kūṭaśāsana | n. a forged grant or decree  |
kutsana | n. abuse, reviling, reproach  |
kutsana | n. reproachful or abusive expression  |
kutsanā | f. an expression of contempt  |
lakṣmīsanātha | mfn. endowed with beauty or fortune  |
lambodaraprahasana | n. Name of work  |
lāsana | n. moving hither and thither  |
laṭakamelanaprahasana | n. Name of a drama.  |
latārasana | m. "creeper-tongued", a snake  |
liṅgānuśāsana | n. the doctrine or laws of grammatical gender  |
liṅgānuśāsana | n. Name of various works.  |
liṅgānuśāsanavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
lokasani | mfn. causing room or space, effecting a free course  |
madālasanāṭaka | n. Name of work  |
madhvamatavidhvaṃsana | n. Name of work |
madhvavidhvaṃsana | n. Name of work  |
madrasanīḍa | n. neighbourhood of the Madras  |
mahanīyaśāsana | mfn. ruling a glorious empire  |
mahāsana | n. (hās-) a splendid seat  |
mahāsanaparicchada | mfn. amply supplied with seats and furniture  |
mahāsanna | m. Name of kubera- (see -sat-tvā-).  |
mahāsanni | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
mahāśāsana | n. great rule or dominion (varia lectio)  |
mahāśāsana | n. great edict or order of government  |
mahāśāsana | mfn. exercising great dominion, having great power  |
mahāśāsana | m. (perhaps) a minister who enforces the royal edicts  |
mahāvyasanasaptaka | n. collection of seven vices (viz. mṛgayā-, akṣa-, strī-, pāna-, vāk-pāruṣya-, artha-dūṣaṇa-,and daṇḍa-pāruṣya-)  |
mahīpraśāsana | n. dominion over the earth  |
malamāsanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
malamāsanirṇayatantrasāra | m. Name of work  |
malamāsanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
mālāsanadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
māṃsanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
māṃsaniryāsa | m. the hair of the body  |
mānasanayana | n. Name of work  |
mānasanayanaprasādinī | f. Name of commentator or commentary on it.  |
maṇḍalāsana | mfn. sitting in a circle  |
maṅgalaśaṃsana | n. the act of wishing joy, uttering a congratulation  |
manobhavaśāsana | m. "chastiser of the god of love", Name of śiva-  |
mānotsekaparākramavyasanin | mfn. possessing intense diligence, prowess, haughtiness and pride  |
mārivyasanavāraka | m. averting plague and distress, Name of kumāra-pāla-  |
masana | n. (only ) meting, measuring  |
masana | n. hurting, injuring (see maṣ-)  |
masana | n. Vernonia Anthelmintica.  |
māsana | n. the seed of Vernonia Anthelminthica  |
māsanāman | n. the name of a month  |
māsanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
mithyābhiśaṃsana | n. (mithyābh-) a false accusation (varia lectio)  |
mithyācāraprahasana | n. Name of a comedy.  |
mithyānirasana | n. denial by oath  |
mṛganirmokavasana | mfn. clothed in the cast-off skin of a deer |
mṛgayāvyasana | n. a hunting-accident  |
mṛgendrāsana | n. "lion's seat", a throne (see siṃhās-)  |
mukhavāsana | n. mouth-perfume (equals -vāsa-)  |
mukhavāsana | n. the smell of camphor  |
mukhavāsana | mfn. having the smell of camphor  |
muktāsana | mfn. one who has risen from a seat  |
muktāsana | n. the mode in which the emancipated are said to sit, a particular posture of ascetics (equals siddhāsana- q.v)  |
muktavasana | mfn. one who has put off his clothes, going about naked  |
muktavasana | m. a jaina- ascetic  |
mūlavyasanavṛttimat | mfn. one who gain his living by an hereditary debasing occupation  |
muṇḍāsana | n. a particular posture in sitting  |
muṇḍaśayanāsanavārika | m. a particular official in a monastery  |
muṇḍitaprahasana | n. Name of a drama,  |
mūrkhavyasanināyaka | mfn. having a foolish and vicious commander  |
mūrtisanātha | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') possessing an idol of.  |
nalināsana | , m. "the lotus-throned", Name of brahmā- (wrong reading nāśana-).  |
nāmaliṅgānuśāsana | n. Name of work  |
nāmānuśāsana | n. Name of a dictionary of nouns.  |
nāmāparādhanirasanastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
nānārthaśabdānuśāsana | n. Name of dictionary  |
naranāthāsana | n. throne or dignity of a king  |
nauvyasana | n. shipwreck, naufrage  |
nibhartsana | tsayat- wrong reading for nir-bh-. |
nididhyāsana | See ni-dhyai-.  |
nididhyāsana | n. profound and repeated meditation  |
nihiṃsana | n. ( hiṃs-) killing, slaughter  |
niḥśvasana | n. breathing out or sighing  |
nīlāsana | m. a species of tree  |
nīlāsana | m. (lās-?) a kind of coitus  |
nīlavasana | n. a blue garment  |
nīlavasana | m. the planet Saturn  |
nirasana | mf(ī-)n. casting out, driving away, expelling, removing, rejecting  |
nirasana | n. the act of casting out etc.  |
nirasana | n. vomiting, spitting out  |
nirasana | n. banishment from (ablative)  |
nirasana | n. denying, refusal, contradiction and  |
nirasana | n. scattering, dispersing  |
nirasana | n. destruction, extermination  |
nirāsana | n. equals nir-asana-  |
nirasanīya | mfn. to be driven out or expelled  |
nirasanīya | mfn. to be rejected or refused  |
nirāśāsanna | mfn. nearly driven to despair  |
nirbhartsana | n. threatening, reproach, blame (alsof(ā-).)  |
nirbhartsana | n. red paint, lac  |
nirbhartsanadaṇḍamohita | mfn. bewildered by the threat of punishment  |
nirbhāsana | n. illuminating, illustrating, making manifest  |
nirdasanākṣijihva | mfn. deprived of teeth and eyes and tongue  |
nirucchvāsanipīḍita | mfn. nirucchvāsa |
nirvāsana | mfn. without fancy or imagination  |
nirvāsana | n. (fr. Causal) expelling from home, banishment etc.  |
nirvāsana | n. leading out to some other place  |
nirvāsana | n. killing, slaughter (see ud-vās-).  |
nirvāsanīya | ( ) mfn. to be driven away or banished.  |
nirvyasana | mfn. free from bad inclinations  |
nisandi | m. Name of a daitya-  |
niṣkāsana | n. driving away  |
niṣkāsanīya | mfn. to be driven away or turned out commentator or commentary (wrong reading kāś-).  |
nivasana | n. putting on (a garment)  |
nivasana | n. cloth, garment (see kaṭī-niv-) etc.  |
nivasana | n. an under garment  |
nivāsana | n. (fr. Causal) a kind of raiment  |
nivasana | n. dwelling, habitation  |
nivāsana | n. (fr. Causal) living, residing, sojourn, abode  |
nivāsana | n. passing or spending time  |
nṛpāsana | n. royal seat, a throne  |
nṛpaśāsana | n. a royal edict  |
nyasana | n. putting down, depositing, placing, arranging  |
nyasana | n. bringing forward, mentioning  |
nyasanīya | mfn. to be put or placed  |
padānuśāsana | n. the science of words, grammar  |
padāsana | See padāsa-, sana- under pada-.  |
padāsana | n. a footstool  |
pādāsana | n. a footstool  |
padmasamāsana | m. idem or '(also, probably) the sun, '  |
padmāsana | n. a lotus as seat (especially of an idol)  |
padmāsana | n. a particular posture in religious meditation (see )  |
padmāsana | n. a kind of coitus  |
padmāsana | mf(ā-)n. sitting in a lotus or in the position called padmāsana- ( padmāsanatā -tā- f. )  |
padmāsana | m. Name of brahmā-  |
padmāsana | m. of śiva-  |
padmāsana | m. the sun  |
padmāsanā | f. Name of the goddess manasā-  |
padmāsanatā | f. padmāsana |
pākaśāsana | m. "punisher of the daitya- pāka-"or"instructor of the ignorant", Name of indra- (see )  |
pākaśāsani | m. (patronymic of prec.) Name of jayanta-  |
pākaśāsani | m. of arjuna-  |
pāṃsana | mf(ī-)n. defiling, vitiating, disgracing, spoiling (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc. (f(ā-).,only in vocative case sane-[perhaps wrong reading for sani-]at the end of a śloka-)  |
pāṃsana | mf(ī-)n. contemptible, wicked, bad  |
pāṃsana | nf. contempt  |
panasanālikā | f. the bread-fruit tree  |
pāṇinīyaliṅgānuśāsana | n. Name of work  |
paṅkajāsanastha | mfn. sitting on a lotus-throne (brahmā-)  |
paramahaṃsanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
paramahaṃsopāsanaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
paramāsana | m. (with śākta-s) Name of an author of mantra-s  |
parāsana | n. killing, slaughter, massacre  |
paraśāsana | n. the order of another  |
paribhartsana | n. threatening, menacing  |
parikāsana | n. ( kās-) frequent coughing |
parivāsana | n. a shred, chip  |
pārśvāsanna | mfn. sitting by the side, standing next, present  |
paryasana | n. throwing or tossing about  |
paryasana | n. casting, sending  |
paryasana | n. putting off or away  |
paryāsana | n. (fr. Causal) revolution  |
paryudasana | n. exclusion  |
paryupāsana | n. sitting round (in Prakrit)  |
paryupāsana | n. encamping round  |
paryupāsana | n. friendliness, courtesy  |
paryupāsana | n. pardon, excuse  |
paryupāsana | n. honour, service, worship (alsof(ā-). )  |
paryupāsana | n. joining in or concurrence with any act of reverence  |
paśusani | mfn. equals -ṣa-  |
paṭṭanivasana | m. a town-dweller, citizen  |
payopavasana | n. a kind of fast when milk is the only food Va1rtt.6  |
pīnasanāśana | mfn. destroying catarrh  |
pīnasanāśanā | f. Cucumis Utilissimus.  |
piśitāsana | mfn. flaccid-eating  |
piśitāsana | m. a wolf.  |
piśitāsana | m. equals prec. m.  |
pīvopavasana | mfn. covered with fat (see payāpavasana-and Va1rtt. 6 )  |
prabhāsana | n. irradiating, illumining  |
pradhvaṃsana | mfn. destroying, annihilating  |
pradhvaṃsana | m. one who destroys, a destroyer (as a particular personification) (see prādhvaṃsana-).  |
prādhvansana | m. patronymic fr. pra-dhv/aṃsana-,  |
prahasana | n. laughter, mirth, mockery, derision (nam-,enclit. after a finite verb gaRa gotrādi-; ne- kṛ-,to mock, deride gaRa sākṣād-ādi- )  |
prahasana | n. (in rhetoric) satire, sarcasm  |
prahasana | n. (especially) a kind of comedy or farce  |
prahasananāṭaka | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a comedy ascribed to kālidāsa-.  |
prahasantī | f. a species of jasmine  |
prahasantī | f. another plant  |
prahasantī | f. a large chafing-dish or fire-pan  |
prajāsani | mfn. equals -vid-  |
prākṛtanāmaliṅgānuśāsana | n.  |
prākṛtaśāsana | n. a manual of the Prakrit dialects grammar  |
prāntaśayanāsanabhakta | mfn. Iiving in the country (also -śayana-bhakta-and -śayanāsanā-sevin-)  |
praśaṃsana | n. praising, commending (wrong reading śaṃśana-).  |
praśaṃsanīya | mfn. to be praised, laudable  |
prasan | (only A1.acr. 3. plural -siṣanta-), to win, be successful  |
prāsana | n. throwing forth or away or down, throwing, casting  |
prasanna | mfn. clear, bright, pure (literally and figuratively) etc.  |
prasanna | mfn. distinct, perspicuous  |
prasanna | mfn. true, right, plain, correct, just  |
prasanna | mfn. placid, tranquil  |
prasanna | mfn. soothed, pleased  |
prasanna | mfn. gracious, kind, kindly disposed towards (with locative case genitive case,or accusative and prati-), favourable (as stars etc.)  |
prasanna | mfn. gracious, showing favour (as a speech) etc.  |
prasanna | m. Name of a prince  |
prasannā | f. propitiating, pleasing  |
prasanna | m. spirituous liquor made of rice  |
prasanna | m. complacence, good humour  |
prasannacaṇḍikā | f. Name of a drama  |
prasannacandra | m. Name of a prince  |
prasannagātrtā | f. having tranquil limbs (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
prasannajala | mfn. containing clear water  |
prasannakalpa | mfn. almost quiet, tolerably calm  |
prasannamukha | mfn. "placid-countenanced", looking pleased, smiling  |
prasannapāda | m. or n. (?) Name of work by dharma-kīrti-  |
prasannaprāya | mfn. rather plain or correct  |
prasannarāghava | n. Name of a drama by jaya-deva-  |
prasannarasa | mfn. clear-juiced  |
prasannasalila | mfn. equals -jala-  |
prasannatā | f. brightness, clearness, purity  |
prasannatā | f. clearness of expression, perspicuity  |
prasannatarka | mfn. conjecturing right  |
prasannateyu | (?) and prasanneyu- (?) m. Name of two sons of raudrāśva-  |
prasannātman | mfn. gracious-minded, propitious  |
prasannatva | n. clearness, purity  |
prasannaveṅkaṭeśvamāhāmya | n. Name of a legend in the bhaviṣyottara-- purāṇa-  |
prasannerā | f. spirituous liquor made of rice  |
praśāsana | n. guidance, government, rule, dominion  |
praśāsana | n. enjoining, enacting  |
prasraṃsraṃsana | n. a dissolvent  |
prātaraupāsanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
pratibhāsana | n. appearing, appearance  |
pratibhāsana | n. look, semblance  |
pratīkopāsana | n. image-worship, the service of idols  |
pratinivāsana | n. (4. vas-) a kind of garment  |
pratisamāsana | n. the being a match for, with standing, resisting (with genitive case)  |
pratiśarāsana | n. an adversary's bow  |
pratiśāsana | n. (for 2.See prati-śās-) a rival command or authority (see a-p-)  |
pratiśāsana | (for 1.See) n. giving orders, commissioning, sending a servant on a message  |
pratyaṅgirāstotropāsanādi | mn. Name of work  |
pratyāsanna | mfn. near at hand, close to (genitive case or compound), proximate, neighbouring etc.  |
pratyāsanna | mfn. imminent etc.  |
pratyāsanna | mfn. closely connected or related  |
pratyāsanna | mfn. feeling repentance ( )  |
pratyāsanna | n. equals -tā- f. proximity, neighbourhood  |
pratyāsannamṛtyu | mfn. one whose death is imminent, at the point of death  |
pratyāśvāsana | n. (fr. Causal) consolation  |
pratyupāsanam | ind. for every kind of worship  |
pravasana | n. setting out on a journey, departing.  |
pravasana | n. dying, decease  |
pravāsana | n. (fr. Causal) sending away from home, exile, banishment from (ablative) etc.  |
pravāsana | n. killing, slaying  |
pravāsanīya | n. (scilicet karman-) the punishment of exile  |
prayatnamuktāsana | mfn. rising with difficulty from a seat  |
priyavasantaka | m. "the desired spring"and"the dear vasantaka-" |
projjāsana | (pra-ujj-) n. killing, slaughter  |
puraśāsana | ( ) m. "foe or chastiser of pura-", Name of śiva-.  |
purovātasani | mfn. bringing east wind  |
puruṣārthānuśāsana | n. Name of work  |
puṣpaśarāsana | m. equals -dhanus-  |
puṭakānuvāsana | n. a funnel-like enema |
rabhasanandin | m. Name of a Buddhist author  |
rāgavihiṃsanavratanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
rahasanandin | m. Name of a grammarian  |
rāhugrasana | n. "the being swallowed by rāhu-", an eclipse  |
rājadharmānuśāsana | n. "instruction in a kings's duties", Name of  |
rājāsana | n. a royal seat, throne  |
rājāsandī | f. a stool or stand on which the soma- is placed  |
rājaśāsana | n. a royal edict or order  |
raktaśāsana | n. vermilion  |
raktavasana | m. "clad in reddish garments", a religious mendicant  |
rāmacandrāryamaṅgalāśāsana | n. Name of work  |
rāmānujamatadhvaṃsana | n. Name of work |
rāmopāsanakrama | m. Name of work  |
raṅganāthānuśāsana | n. Name of work  |
rasana | n. (for 2.See) the act of roaring or screaming or rumbling or thundering, any sound or noise  |
rasana | n. croaking (of frogs)  |
rasana | m. (for 1.See) phlegm or saliva (regarded as the cause to taste to the tongue)  |
rasanā | f. See below  |
rasana | n. tasting, taste, flavour, savour etc.  |
rasana | n. the tongue as organ of taste  |
rasana | n. the being sensible of (anything), perception, apprehension, sense  |
rasanā | f. the tongue as organ of taste etc.  |
rasanā | f. Name of two plants (equals gandha-bhadrā-and rāsnā-)  |
rāsana | See ghora-r-.  |
rāsana | mfn. (fr. rasanā-) relating to or perceptible by the tongue, savoury, palatable  |
rasanābha | n. equals -jāta-  |
rasanālih | m. "licking with the tongue", a dog  |
rasanāmala | n. any impurity on the tongue  |
rasanāmūla | n. the root of the tongue  |
rasanānigraha | m. Name of work  |
rasanārada | m. "having the tongue for teeth", a bird  |
rasanātha | m. "chief of fluids", quicksilver  |
rasanāyaka | m. "lord of the feelings", Name of kāmadeva-  |
rasanāyaka | m. of śiva-  |
rasanendriya | n. "organ of taste", the tongue  |
rasanetrī | f. realgar, red arsenic  |
rasanetrikā | f. realgar, red arsenic  |
rasanibandha | m. Name of work  |
rasanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
rasanivṛtti | f. cessation or loss of taste  |
rasanīya | mfn. to be tasted, tasty, palatable  |
rasantama | m. equals r/asa-tama-  |
ratnāsana | n. a throne ornamented with jewels,  |
rukmisāsana | m. "chastiser of rukmin-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
rūpasanātana | m. Name of an author  |
śabdānuśāsana | n. "word-instruction or explanation", Name of pāṇini-'s grammar and similar works (by śākaṭāyana-, hemacandra- etc.)  |
śabdānuśāsanadurgapadāvali | f. Name of work  |
śabdānuśāsanasūtrapāṭha | m. Name of work  |
śabdaśāsana | n. "science of sounds or words", grammar  |
śabdaśāsanavid | mfn. versed in grammar  |
sadasan | for -asat- in compound  |
sadasanmaya | mf(ī-)n. formed or consisting of existent and non-existence  |
sādhvapāsanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
ṣaḍrasanighaṇṭa | m. Name of work  |
ṣaḍrasanighaṇṭu | m. Name of work  |
sahakhaṭvāsana | n. sitting together on a bed  |
sahāsana | n. sitting or abiding together  |
sahaśayyāsanāśana | mfn. lying and sitting and eating together  |
sahasrasani | mfn. gaining or bestowing a thousand  |
sahasrasani | f. a gift of a thousand  |
śailāsana | mfn. equals next  |
śailāsanodbhava | mfn. made of stone or, of the wood of Terminalia Tomentosa  |
śākāsana | wrong reading for śākāśana-  |
śakrabāṇāsana | n. equals -kārmuka-  |
śakrāsana | n. indra-'s throne  |
śakraśarāsana | n. equals -kārmuka-  |
śakraśarāsanāya | Nom. P. yate- (yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally) to represent a rainbow  |
śakrayaśovidhvaṃsana | n. Name of a chapter of  |
śākyaśāsana | n. the doctrine or teaching of gautama- buddha-  |
śalyasraṃsana | n. the extraction or removal of a thorn  |
samānavasana | mfn. clothed in the same way  |
sāmānyaśāsana | n. a general edict or enactment  |
samaravyasanin | mfn. fond of war  |
samāsana | mfn. (for sam-ās-See sam-ās-) sitting on even ground  |
samasana | n. the act of throwing or putting together, combination, composition, contraction  |
samasana | n. anything gathered or collected  |
samāsana | n. (for samās-See) sitting down, sitting together with (saha-)  |
samasanād | mfn. eating collected food  |
samāsanna | mfn. reached, approached, attained etc.  |
samāsanna | mfn. near, proximate, close to (compound)  |
samāśvāsana | n. (fr. Causal) the act of causing to take breath, encouraging, cheering, comforting, consolation  |
samavasanna | mfn. ( sad-) sunk down, depressed, low-spirited |
śamavyasanin | mfn. dissolute from indifference  |
saṃdhānāsana | n. equals saṃ-dhāyāsana-  |
saṃdhāyāsana | n. a halt after terms of peace have been agreed upon (see saṃ-dhānāsana-)  |
saṃdhyāvandanopāsanakrama | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyopāsana | n. worship performed at the saṃdhyā-  |
saṃdhyopāsanavidhi | m. Name of various works.  |
saṃgrasana | n. eating up, devouring  |
samitsamāropaṇaprātaraupāsanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
saṃnyasana | n. throwing down, laying aside, giving up, resignation, renunciation of worldly concerns  |
saṃnyāsanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
samparyāsana | n. (Causal of2. as-) the act of upsetting (as of a carriage)  |
sampatkumāramaṅgalāśāsana | n. Name of work  |
samprasanna | mfn. soothed, appeased  |
samprasanna | mfn. propitious, favourable, gracious  |
samrāḍāsandī | f. a chair or stool used foe the pravargya-gharma- (q.v)  |
saṃsan | P. -sanoti-, to obtain  |
śaṃsana | n. reciting, recitation, praise  |
śaṃsana | n. report, announcement, communication (applied to śiva- equals veda-praśasya- )  |
saṃsanana | n. obtaining, acquiring, acquisition (in anna-saṃs-,used for explaining vāja-sāti-)  |
śaṃsanīya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy  |
saṃśāsāsana | n. direction  |
saṃtrāsana | n. (fr. Causal) the act of terrifying, alarming |
samucchinnavāsana | mfn. one whose dress is torn off (or"one whose delusion is completely removed")  |
samudbhāsana | n. lighting up, illuminating  |
samudravasana | mf(ā-)n. sea-clothed, seagirt (the earth)  |
samudravasanā | f. the earth  |
samutpuṃsana | n. (See puṃs-and utpuṃsaya-) wiping away, removing, destroying  |
samutsanna | mfn. utterly destroyed See samucchanna-.  |
saṃvasana | n. a dwelling place, house  |
samyaktvamithyātvasarvasaṃgrasana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
śamyāprasana | n. ( ) equals -kṣepa- above.  |
ṣaṇmāsanicaya | mfn. one who has a store (of food sufficient) for six months  |
śāntarasanāṭaka | n. Name of a drama.  |
saptavyasanakathā | f. Name of work  |
śarāsana | m. "shooting arrow", Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra-  |
śarāsana | n. a bow etc.  |
sārasana | m. (also written sāraś-and perhaps for sa-raśana-) a woman's zone or girdle (said to be formed of 25 strings)  |
sārasana | m. a military belt or girdle  |
sārasana | m. a breast-plate  |
śarasanadhara | m. "arrow-holder", an archer  |
śarasanajyā | f. a bow-string  |
śarasanavid | mfn. skilled in archery,  |
śarāsanin | mfn. armed with a bow  |
saroruhāsana | m. "sitting on a lotus", Name of brahmā- (as having appeared sitting on the lotus which grew from the navel of viṣṇu-)  |
sarpacīranivāsana | m. "clothed in a snake's skin", Name of śiva-  |
sarvaliṅgasaṃnyāsanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
sarvalokabhayāstambhitatvaviddhvaṃsanakara | m. Name of a buddha-,  |
sarvamāramaṇḍalavidhvaṃsanakarī | f. "destroying the whole company of māra-s", Name of a particular ray  |
śasana | n. slaughtering, killing  |
śāsana | mf(ī-)n. punishing, a punisher, chastiser (See pāka--, pura--, rukmi--, smara-ś-) |
śāsana | mf(ī-)n. teaching, instructing, an instructor  |
śāsana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) punishment, chastisement, correction (śāsanaṃ-kṛ-,to inflict punishment) etc.  |
śāsana | n. government, dominion, rule over (compound) etc.  |
śāsana | n. an order, command, edict, enactment, decree, direction (śāsanaṃ-kṛ-[ kāṅkṣ- ]or śāsane-vṛt-or sthā-,"to obey orders"; śāsanāt-with genitive case,"by command of"; f(śāsanā-). Scholiast or Commentator on ) etc.  |
śāsana | n. a royal edict, grant, charter (usually a grant of land or of particular privileges, and often inscribed on stone or copper) etc.  |
śāsana | n. a writing, deed, written contract or agreement  |
śāsana | n. any written book or work of authority, scripture (equals śāstra-)  |
śāsana | n. teaching, instruction, discipline, doctrine (also ="faith","religion")  |
śāsana | n. a message (See compound)  |
śāsana | n. self-control  |
śāsanadevatā | f. (with jaina-s) the female messenger of an arhat-  |
śāsanadevī | f. (with jaina-s) the female messenger of an arhat-  |
śāsanadhara | mfn. one who bears a message or order, a messenger, envoy  |
śāsanadūṣaka | mfn. disobeying a (royal) command  |
śāsanahara | mfn. equals -dhara-  |
śāsanahāraka | ( ) mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -dhara- '  |
śāsanahārin | ( ) mfn. idem or '( ) mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -dhara- ' '  |
śāsanalaṅghana | n. transgression of an order or command  |
śāsanaparāṅmukha | mf(ī-)n. disobedient to an order  |
śāsanapattra | n. "edict-plate", a plate of copper or of stone on which an edict or grant is inscribed  |
śāsanaśilā | f. an edict (engraved on) stone  |
śāsanātivṛtti | f. the transgression of a command  |
śāsanavāhaka | mfn. equals -dhara-  |
śāsanavartin | mfn. obeying the orders of (genitive case)  |
sāsandīka | mfn. (See āsandī-) together with a chair or stool  |
śāsanī | f. an instructress  |
śāsanīya | mfn. to be chastised or corrected, deserving punishment, punishable  |
śāsanīya | mfn. to be governed or directed or instructed (varia lectio)  |
saśarāsana | mfn. with a bow  |
śatasani | mfn. gaining or procuring a hundred  |
sāyamaupāsanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
sāyamprātaraupāsanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
sāyamupāsanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
śayanāsana | n. sleeping and sitting (See compound)  |
śayanāsana | n. "sleeping or resting place", a dwelling, cell  |
śayanāsanasevana | n. the enjoyment of sleeping and sitting  |
śayanāsanavārika | m. a particular official in a convent  |
śayyāsana | n. dual number (sayyās-) a couch and a seat ( śayyāsanastha -stha- mfn.occupying a couch or seat ) |
śayyāsana | n. lying and sitting ( śayyāsanabhoga -bhoga- m.enjoyment of lying and sitting ; see śayanāsana-sevana-).  |
śayyāsanabhoga | m. śayyāsana |
śayyāsanastha | mfn. śayyāsana |
siddhāntaśiromaṇivāsanāvārttika | n. Name of Comm. on the above work  |
siddhāsana | n. a particular sedent posture in religious meditation (described as placing the left heel under the body and the right heel in front of it, fixing the sight between the eyebrows, and meditating upon the syllable om-)  |
siddhāsana | m. Name of skanda-  |
śilāsana | n. (lās-) a stones seat  |
śilāsana | mfn. seated on a stones  |
śilāsana | n. bitumen  |
śilāsana | n. benzoin or storax  |
siṃhāsana | n. "lion's-seat","king's seat","a throne" etc.  |
siṃhāsana | n. a particular sedent posture  |
siṃhāsana | m. a kind of sexual union  |
siṃhāsanabhraṣṭa | mfn. fallen from a throne, dethroned  |
siṃhāsanacakra | n. Name of three astrological diagrams shaped like a man and marked with the 27 nakṣatra-s  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśat | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśati | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatikā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatkathā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatputrikāvārttā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatputtalikāvārttā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśikā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanaraṇa | m. n. a strife or struggle for the throne  |
siṃhāsanastha | mfn. sitting on a throne  |
siṃhāsanatraya | n. Name of an astrological diagram  |
sisanis | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of san-)  |
siṣāsani | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. Desiderative of sā-,or san-) wishing to gain or obtain (genitive case) '  |
śivasāsasana | n. " śiva-'s ordinance", Name of a law-book.  |
smaraśāsana | m. "chastiser of kāma-", Name of śiva- (see -śatru-)  |
smārtopāsanapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
sneharasana | n. "oil-taster", the mouth  |
somāsandī | f. a stool or stand for the soma-  |
sopāsana | mfn. having the sacred domestic fire (See 2. upāsana-)  |
sraṃsana | mfn. laxative, purging, cathartic  |
sraṃsana | n. the act of falling or causing to fall, loosening  |
sraṃsana | n. premature abortion  |
sraṃsana | n. a laxative, cathartic  |
śrīraṅganāthamaṅgalāśāsana | n. Name of work  |
stanayitnusani | mfn. bringing thunder  |
sthānāsana | n. dual number standing and sitting down  |
sthānāsanavihāravat | mfn. (a pupil) occupying the habitation and seat and place of recreation (of his preceptor)  |
sthānāsanika | mfn. standing or sitting  |
sthānavīrāsana | n. a particular sedent posture  |
sthitāsana | n. the 5 standing postures (exempli gratia, 'for example' daṇḍāsana-etc.) collectively  |
śubhāsana | m. Name of a Tantric teacher  |
śubhavāsana | varia lectio (or wrong reading) for mukha-v- q.v  |
śūdraśāsana | n. an edict addressed to śūdra-s  |
sugataśāsana | n. the Buddhist doctrine  |
śukānuśāsana | n. " śuka--narrative", Name of an episode of the śānti-parvan- of the mahā-bhārata-,  |
sukhāsana | n. a comfortable seat  |
sukhavāsana | wrong reading for mukha-v- (q.v)  |
śunāsīraśarāsana | n. " indra-'s bow", a rainbow  |
suprasanna | mf(ā-)n. very clear (as water)  |
suprasanna | mf(ā-)n. very bright or serene (as the face or mind) etc.  |
suprasanna | mf(ā-)n. very gracious or favourable |
suprasanna | m. Name of kubera-  |
suprasannaka | m. Ocimum Pilosum  |
suprasannaka | m. equals kṛṣṇārjaka-  |
supratiṣṭhitāsana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
surarājaśarāsana | n. " indra-'s bow", a rainbow  |
sūrāsanadeśa | wrong reading for śūrasena-deśa-.  |
sūryasiddhāntavāsanābhāṣya | n. Name of Comm.  |
sūryopāsanā | f. the worship of the sun  |
sūryopāsanāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
susani | mfn. very munificent or liberal ( susanitā n/i-tā- f.)  |
susanitā | f. susani |
susanitṛ | m. a liberal giver, generous benefactor  |
susanna | mf(ā-)n. completely finished or done with, frustrated, foiled  |
suśāsana | n. good government  |
sūtavyasanin | mfn. suffering some mishap from the unskilfulness of a chief  |
suvasana | mf(ā-)n. (4. vas-) equals prec.  |
suvasana | mf(ā-)n. well dressed or clothed  |
suvasana | n. (5. vas-) a good dwelling  |
suvasana | n. Name of a place  |
suvāsana | m. plural Name of a class of gods under the tenth manu-  |
suvasanta | m. a beautiful spring season  |
suvasanta | m. the day of full moon in the month caitra-  |
suvasanta | m. a festival in honour of kāma-deva- in the moon caitra-  |
suvasantaka | m. a particular festival (equals prec.)  |
suvasantaka | m. Gaertnera Racemosa  |
svāpavyasana | n. somnolency, lethargy  |
śvasana | mfn. blowing, hissing, panting, breathing  |
śvasana | mfn. breathing heavily  |
śvasana | m. air, wind (also of the body) or the god of wind  |
śvasana | m. Name of a vasu- (son of śvāsā-)  |
śvasana | m. (śv/as-) Name of a serpent-demon  |
śvasana | m. Vanguieria Spinosa  |
śvasana | n. breathing, respiration, breath  |
śvasana | n. heavy breathing  |
śvasana | n. clearing the throat  |
śvasana | n. hissing (of a serpent)  |
śvasana | n. sighing, a sigh  |
śvasana | n. feeling or an object of feeling (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
svāsana | n. a good seat  |
śvasanamanoga | mfn. moving as (fast as) wind or thought  |
śvasanarandhra | n. "breath-hole", a nostril  |
śvasanasamīraṇa | n. wind (caused) by breathing, breath  |
śvasanāśana | m. "air-swallower", a snake, serpent (see pavanāśana-, vāyubhakṣa-)  |
śvasanavat | mfn. hissing, snorting  |
śvasaneśvara | m. "wind-lord", the tree Pentaptera Arjuna  |
śvasanormi | mf. a wave or gust of wind  |
śvasanotsuka | m. "eager for (swallowing) air", a serpent  |
svastikāsana | n. a mode of sitting (See above)  |
svayamāsanaḍhaukana | n. fetching one's self a seat or chair  |
tāmraśāsana | n. an edict (or grant etc.) inscribed on copper  |
tārkṣyāsana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a particular posture in yoga-,  |
ṭiṭṭibhāsana | n. a particular posture in yoga-  |
trasana | n. a quivering ornament (?)  |
trāsana | mf(ī-)n. terrifying, alarming, frightening (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (" śiva-", )  |
trāsana | n. frightening, alarming  |
trāsana | n. cause of alarm or fright  |
trāsanīya | mfn. frightening  |
trāsanīya | mfn. to be frightened  |
tṛṇaprāsana | n. throwing grass into the fire,  |
ucchvasana | n. breathing, taking breath  |
ucchvasana | n. sighing  |
ucchvasana | n. swelling up commentator or commentary on  |
ucchvasana | n. becoming loose (as a girdle),  |
udasana | n. throwing up  |
udasana | n. raising, erecting.  |
uddhvaṃsana | n. affection (of the throat)  |
uddhvaṃsana | n. an epidemic  |
udvāsana | n. the act of taking out or away (from the fire)  |
udvāsana | n. quitting, abandoning  |
udvāsana | n. expelling, banishing  |
udvāsana | n. taking out in order to kill, killing, slaughter  |
udvāsanīya | mfn. to be taken away or removed,  |
ugraśāsana | mfn. severe in command, strict in orders.  |
ujjāsana | n. killing, slaughter  |
uktānuśāsana | mfn. one who has received an order  |
ullakasana | n. erection of the hair of the body (through joy)  |
ullaṅghitaśāsana | mfn. one by whom orders are transgressed, rebellious, disobedient.  |
ullāsana | n. the act of shining forth, radiating  |
ullāsanā | f. causing to come forth or appear  |
upahāsanīyatā | f. ridiculousness,  |
uparyāsana | n. the sitting on high or above  |
upāśaṃsanīya | mfn. ( śaṃs-), to be expected or hoped for  |
upāsana | n. the act of throwing off (arrows), exercise in archery  |
upāsana | f(ā-)n. the act of sitting or being near or at hand  |
upāsana | f(ā-)n. serving, waiting upon, service, attendance, respect etc.  |
upāsana | f(ā-)n. homage, adoration, worship (with rāmānuja-s, consisting of five parts, viz. abhigamana- or approach, upādāna- or preparation of offering, ijyā- or oblation, svādhyāya- or recitation, and yoga- or devotion) etc.  |
upāsana | n. a seat  |
upāsana | n. the being intent on or engaged in  |
upāsana | n. domestic fire  |
upāsanācandrāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
upāsanākhaṇḍa | n. Name of the first section of the gaṇeśa-purāṇa-.  |
upāsanārtha | mfn. worthy of attendance.  |
upāsanīya | mfn. to be attended on, worthy to be engaged in.  |
upasanna | mfn. put or placed upon, being on  |
upasanna | mfn. come near, approached (for protection or instruction or worship etc.)  |
upasanna | mfn. placed near to, given, bestowed upon  |
upavasana | n. a fast, fasting (See payopavasana-)  |
upavasana | n. the state of abiding or being near (See pīvo 'pavasana-;both with irregular Sandhi) .  |
upavāsana | n. (4. vas-), a dress, garment, cover  |
upavāsana | n. (4. vas-) attire, covering,  |
upavasanīya | mfn. belonging to a fast  |
ūrjasani | (vocative case) mfn. granting strength, Name of agni-  |
utkāsana | n. coughing up  |
utkāsana | n. clearing the throat of mucus, expectorating  |
utkaṭikāsana | n. idem or 'f. a manner of sitting (the legs being outstretched and forming a right angle), ' (see utkuṭaka-.)  |
utkuṭakāsana | n. the sitting upon the hams  |
utprāsana | n. derision, jocular expression  |
utpuṃsana | n. wiping off, effacing, removing,  |
utsanna | mfn. raised, elevated (opposed to ava-sanna-)  |
utsanna | mfn. vanished, abolished, decayed, destroyed  |
utsanna | mfn. in ruins  |
utsanna | mfn. disused, fallen into disuse  |
utsannayajña | m. an interrupted or suspended sacrifice  |
vairāśaṃsana | n. a battle (varia lectio vīrāś-).  |
vaitānopāsanā | f. the regular presentation of burnt-offerings morning and evening  |
vaiyasana | mfn. (fr. vy-asana-)  |
vājasana | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
vājasana | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to vājasaneya- (said of śiva- and viṣṇu-)  |
vājasaneya | m. patronymic of yājñavalkya- (m. plural the school of vājasaneya-)  |
vājasaneyabrāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- of the vājasaneya- id est the śatapatha-brāhmaṇa-  |
vājasaneyagṛhyasūtra | n. Name of work  |
vājasaneyaka | mfn. belonging or relating to vājasaneya-, devoted to him, composed by him etc.  |
vājasaneyaka | n. Name of the  |
vājasaneyapariśiṣṭanigama | m. Name of work  |
vājasaneyaśākhā | f. the branch or school of the vājasaneya-  |
vājasaneyasaṃhitā | f. equals vājasaneyi-s-  |
vājasaneyi | in compound for yin-.  |
vājasaneyibrāhmaṇa | n. equals śata-patha-br- (see above)  |
vājasaneyibrāhmaṇopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
vājasaneyin | m. plural the school of vājasaneya- (gaRa śaunakādi-)  |
vājasaneyin | mfn. belonging to that school  |
vājasaneyiprātiśākhya | n. the prātiśākhya- of the vājasaneyin-s.  |
vājasaneyiśākhā | f. the branch or school of the vājasaneyin-s  |
vājasaneyisaṃhitā | f. "the saṃhitā- or continuous text of the vājasaneyin-s" (id est of the hymns of the White yajur-veda- ascribed to the ṛṣi- yājñavalkya- and called śukla-,"white", to distinguish it from the Black or Dark yajur-veda-, which was the name given to the taittirīya-saṃhitā- [q.v.] of the yajur-veda-, because in this last, the separation between the mantra- and brāhmaṇa- portion is obscured, and the two are blended together;whereas the White saṃhitā- is clearly distinguished from the brāhmaṇa-;it is divided into 40 adhyāya-s with 303 anuvāka-s, comprising 1975 sections or kaṇḍikā-s: the legend relates that the original yajus- was taught by the ṛṣi- vaiśampāyana- to his pupil yājñavalkya-, but the latter having incurred his teacher's anger was made to disgorge all the texts he had learnt, which were then picked up by vaiśampāyana-'s other disciples in the form of partridges [see taittirīya-saṃhitā-] yājñavalkya- then hymned the Sun, who gratified by his homage, appeared in the form of a vājin-or horse, and consented to give him fresh yajus- texts, which were not known to his former master; see vājin-)  |
vājasaneyisaṃhitopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad- (forming the 40th adhyāya- of the and also called īśā- or īśā-vāsyopaniṣad- q.v)  |
vājasani | mfn. winning a prize or booty or wealth, granting strength or vigour, victorious  |
vājasani | mfn. bestowing food  |
vājasani | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
vajrāsana | n. a diamond seat  |
vajrāsana | n. a particular posture in sitting (the hands being placed in the hollow between the body and the crossed feet)  |
vajrāsana | m. Name of buddha-  |
vanavāsana | m. "forest-dweller", a civet-cat  |
varāsana | n. an excellent or chief seat, a throne  |
varāsana | n. Name of a town  |
varāsana | n. Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis  |
varāsana | n. a cistern, reservoir (for vār-ās- q.v)  |
varāsana | mfn. having an excellent seat  |
varāsana | m. a door-keeper  |
varāsana | m. a lover, paramour  |
vārāsana | n. a water-reservoir  |
varṇaśāsana | n. Name of work  |
varṣavasana | n. (more correctly varṣā-v-) the dwelling in houses (of the Buddhist monks) during the rainy season  |
vasana | n. (for 2.See column 3) cloth, clothes, dress, garment, apparel, attire (dual number an upper and lower garment) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).= clothed in, surrounded by, engrossed by id est wholly devoted or attached to exempli gratia, 'for example' to a doctrine )  |
vasana | n. investment, siege  |
vasana | n. a leaf of the cinnamon tree  |
vasana | f. an ornament worn by women round the loins  |
vasana | n. (for 1.See column 1) dwelling, abiding, sojourn, residence in (compound)  |
vasana | 1. 2. vasana-. See p.932, columns 1 and 3.  |
vāsana | n. the act of perfuming or fumigating, infusing, steeping  |
vāsanā | f. idem or 'n. the act of perfuming or fumigating, infusing, steeping '  |
vāsana | n. covering, clothing, garment, dress  |
vāsana | n. an envelope, box, casket  |
vāsana | mfn. belonging to an abode, fit for a dwelling  |
vāsana | n. causing to abide or dwell  |
vāsana | n. abiding, abode  |
vāsana | n. a receptacle for water  |
vāsana | n. knowledge  |
vāsana | n. a particular posture (practised by ascetics during abstract meditation, and by others;described as sitting on the ground with the knees bent and the feet turned backwards)  |
vāsanā | f. See next.  |
vāsanā | f. the impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind, the present consciousness of past perceptions, knowledge derived from memory  |
vāsanā | f. fancy, imagination, idea, notion, false notion, mistake (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', exempli gratia, 'for example' bheda-v-,the mistake that there is a difference) etc.  |
vāsanā | f. thinking of, longing for, expectation, desire, inclination  |
vāsanā | f. liking, respectful regard  |
vāsanā | f. trust, confidence  |
vāsanā | f. (in mathematics) proof, demonstration (equals upapatti-)  |
vāsanā | f. a kind of metre  |
vāsanā | f. Name of durgā-  |
vāsanā | f. of the wife of arka-  |
vāsanā | f. of a commentator or commentary on the siddhānta-śiromaṇi-.  |
vāsanābhāṣya | n. Name of various works.  |
vasanamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting or made of cloth  |
vāsanāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting in notions or ideas or in impressions of (compound) ( vāsanāmayatva -tva- n.)  |
vāsanāmayatva | n. vāsanāmaya |
vasanaparyāya | m. change of clothes  |
vasanārṇa | n. (na-+ ṛṇa-) the debt of a cloth , Va1rtt. 7  |
vasanārṇava | mf(ā-)n. sea-girt (the earth)  |
vasanasadman | n. "cloth-house", a tent  |
vasanasadman | See under 1. vasana-.  |
vāsanastha | mfn. being in a box or casket  |
vāsanātattvabodhikā | f. Name of a Tantric work (equals tārā-rahasya-vṛttikā-).  |
vāsanāvārttika | n. Name of work  |
vāsanāvāsudevasyetipadyavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
vasanavat | mfn. clothed  |
vāsanīya | mfn. intelligible only by much reflection  |
vasanta | m. (n. gaRa ardharcādi-) "brilliant (season)", spring (comprising according to to some, the months caitra- and vaiśākha- or from the middle of March to that of MaySee ṛtu-;often personified and considered as a friend or attendant of kāmadeva-, the god of love) etc.  |
vasanta | m. a particular metre (4 times $)  |
vasanta | m. a particular time (in music)  |
vasanta | m. diarrhoea  |
vasanta | m. Name of a man  |
vasantā | (or t/ā-) ind. in spring etc. (see )  |
vāsanta | mf(/ī-)n. (fr. vasanta-) relating to or produced in the spring season, vernal etc.  |
vāsanta | mf(/ī-)n. being in the spring of life, young  |
vāsanta | mf(/ī-)n. equals avahita-, or vihita-  |
vāsanta | m. (only ) a camel  |
vāsanta | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
vāsanta | m. a young elephant, any young animal  |
vāsanta | m. the southern or western wind (equals malayānila- q.v) |
vāsanta | m. Phaseolus Mungo or a black species of this kind of bean  |
vāsanta | m. a purple species of Barleria Cristata  |
vāsanta | m. Vangueria Spinosa  |
vāsanta | m. a dissolute man  |
vasantabandhu | m. "friend of Spring", Name of kāma-deva- (god of love)  |
vasantabhānu | n. Name of a king  |
vasantabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
vasantācārya | m. Name of a teacher  |
vasantadeva | m. Name of a king and poet  |
vasantādhyayana | n. studying in spring on  |
vasantadru | m. "spring-tree", the mango (blossoming in March or April)  |
vasantadruma | m. "spring-tree", the mango (blossoming in March or April)  |
vasantadūta | m. (only ) "spring-messenger", the Indian cuckoo (See kokila-)  |
vasantadūta | m. the mango tree  |
vasantadūta | m. the month caitra- (March-April)  |
vasantadūta | m. the 5th rāga- or the musical mode hindola-  |
vasantadūta | m. Gaertnera Racemosa  |
vasantadūta | m. Bignonia Suaveoleus  |
vasantadūta | m. a plant like the Premna Spinosa.  |
vasantadūtī | f. the female of the Indian cuckoo  |
vasantagandhi | m. Name of a buddha-  |
vasantagandhin | m. Name of a buddha-  |
vasantaghoṣa | m. "singing in spring", the Koil or Indian cuckoo  |
vasantaghoṣin | m. "singing in spring", the Koil or Indian cuckoo  |
vasantaja | mfn. born or produced in spring  |
vasantajā | f. a kind of jasmine  |
vasantajā | f. a festival in honour of the god of love (see vasantotsava-).  |
vasantaka | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' fem. ā-) spring  |
vasantaka | m. a particular tree, a species of śyonāka-  |
vasantaka | m. Name o |