samaya | m. V.: coming together, place of meeting; V., C.: agreement, com- pact, contract, engagement (regarding, --°ree;); C.: treaty; condition; intercourse with (in.); appointed or proper time, for (g.); juncture, time, season; opportunity, occasion; (con currence of) circumstances, case; convention, general practice, usage, rule; ordinance, pre cept, doctrine; conventional meaning or scope of a word: -m kri, make an agreementor compact, with (in. ± saha); -m dâ, offer terms, propose an agreement; -m grah or prati-pad, enter into an agreement, accept a condition; -m raksh, observe an agree ment, keep one's word; -m vi-la&ndot;ghaya,break an agreement, break one's word; -m brû, vak, abhi-dhâ, state one's conditions; -m sam-vad, make an agreement; -m sthâ paya, fix, settle; in. samayena, according to agreement; conditionally: tena --, in con sequence of this agreement; ab. samayât (also -tas), in accordance with an agreement; con ditionally: -bhrams, lapse from=break, an agreement; lc. samaye (also °ree;--), at the ap pointed or right time, when the timehas come; at the time of, at the time when -is there (--°ree;): iha --, in this case, under such circumstances; -sthâ, keep one's engage ment or word; -sthâpaya, determine with regard to any one (ac.); make an arrange ment; -ni-vesaya, impose conditions on (ac.). |