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Grammar Search
"samaye" has 1 results
samaye: masculine locative singular stem: samaya
Monier-Williams Search
4 results for samaye
samayeind. samaya
ihasamayeind. here, now, on the present occasion, at such a time as this. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāyāhnasamayeind. at eventide View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāyāhnasamayeind. at eventide View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
1 result
samaya m. V.: coming together, place of meeting; V., C.: agreement, com- pact, contract, engagement (regarding, --°ree;); C.: treaty; condition; intercourse with (in.); appointed or proper time, for (g.); juncture, time, season; opportunity, occasion; (con currence of) circumstances, case; convention, general practice, usage, rule; ordinance, pre cept, doctrine; conventional meaning or scope of a word: -m kri, make an agreementor compact, with (in. ± saha); -m dâ, offer terms, propose an agreement; -m grah or prati-pad, enter into an agreement, accept a condition; -m raksh, observe an agree ment, keep one's word; -m vi-la&ndot;ghaya,break an agreement, break one's word; -m brû, vak, abhi-dhâ, state one's conditions; -m sam-vad, make an agreement; -m sthâ paya, fix, settle; in. samayena, according to agreement; conditionally: tena --, in con sequence of this agreement; ab. samayât (also -tas), in accordance with an agreement; con ditionally: -bhrams, lapse from=break, an agreement; lc. samaye (also °ree;--), at the ap pointed or right time, when the timehas come; at the time of, at the time when -is there (--°ree;): iha --, in this case, under such circumstances; -sthâ, keep one's engage ment or word; -sthâpaya, determine with regard to any one (ac.); make an arrange ment; -ni-vesaya, impose conditions on (ac.).
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results1 result
yajñasya vidvān samaye na dhīraḥ # AVś.2.35.3b; AVP.1.88.2b. See prāṇasya etc.
Vedabase Search
22 results
samaye at the timeCC Antya 1.184
MM 33
SB 6.9.12
samaye at the time ofSB 2.7.12
samayena in due courseSB 3.1.8
samayena on the conditionsSB 3.22.19
puruṣa-anveṣaṇa-samaye at the time of searching for a manSB 5.10.1
asamaye at odd timesSB 10.8.29
bhogera samaye at the time of offering prasādamCC Madhya 12.218
niśītha-samaye at midnightSB 5.9.13
parīkṣā-samaye at the time of testingCC Madhya 9.211-212
praṇāma-samaye at the time of offering obeisancesBs 5.50
puruṣa-anveṣaṇa-samaye at the time of searching for a manSB 5.10.1
niśītha-samaye at midnightSB 5.9.13
puruṣa-anveṣaṇa-samaye at the time of searching for a manSB 5.10.1
tīrtha-samaye at the time of bathing in the holy placesSB 7.8.44
vidāya-samaye at the point of departureCC Madhya 8.235
parīkṣā-samaye at the time of testingCC Madhya 9.211-212
bhogera samaye at the time of offering prasādamCC Madhya 12.218
praṇāma-samaye at the time of offering obeisancesBs 5.50
tīrtha-samaye at the time of bathing in the holy placesSB 7.8.44
vidāya-samaye at the point of departureCC Madhya 8.235
Wordnet Search
"samaye" has 4 results.


godhūlikālaḥ, godhulisamaye, godhūliḥ   

kālaviśeṣaḥ-yasmin kāle gavāṃ kṣurotthitā dhūliḥ dṛśyate।

saḥ godhulikāle gṛhāt nirgataḥ।


akāle, asamaye   

anupayuktam avasaram।

akāle āgatāḥ bhavān na kimapi sāhāyyaṃ kartuṃ śaknomi।


prātaḥ, prātaḥkāle, prātaḥsamaye, prabhātam, pratyūṣaḥ, pratyaham, prabhātakāle, prabhāte, prage, prāhṇe, prāhṇam   

āpratyūṣāt madhyāhnaparyantasya samaye।

śvaḥ prātaḥ āgamiṣyatām।


tatsamayam eva, tadā eva, tadā, tatsamaye, tatra eva, tatraiva   

tasmin samaye eva।

bhavadbhyaḥ tatsamayam eva atra saṃśuddhiḥ apekṣitā āsīt।

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