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Grammar Search
"samas" has 1 results
samas: masculine nominative singular stem: sama
Amarakosha Search
4 results
samagram3.1.66MasculineSingularpūrṇam, akhilam, kṛtsnam, sarvam, anūnakam, sakalam, nikhilam, aśeṣam, samam, akhaṇḍam, niḥśeṣam, samastam, viśvam
samastulyaḥ2.10.37NeuterSingularsamānaḥ, samaḥ, tulyaḥ, sadṛkṣaḥ, sadṛk, sādhāraṇaḥ
samasFeminineSingularsamāsārthāa part of a stanza to be completed
Monier-Williams Search
78 results for samas
samasSee aiṣ/amas-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasP. -asti-, to be like, equal (accusative) ; to be united with (saha-) ; to be (there), exist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasP. -asyati- (Ved. infinitive mood sam-/āsam-), to throw or put together, add, combine, compound, mix, mingle, connect : Passive voice -asyate-, to be put together or combined etc. ; (in gram.) to be compounded, form a compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasamayavartinmfn. simultaneous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasamayavartitāf. simultaneousness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasaṃdhim. equal alliance, peace on equal terms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasaṃdhitamfn. allied on equal terms, bound or connected equally View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasaṃdhitamfn. concluded on equal terms (as an alliance) (according to to read samasaṃdhitas saṃdhi-tas- ind.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasaṃdhitasind. samasaṃdhita
samasaṃkhyātamfn. plural equal in number with (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasaṃsthānan. (with yogin-s) Name of one of the 10 sitting postures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasaṃsthitamfn. being in easy circumstances View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasanan. the act of throwing or putting together, combination, composition, contraction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasanan. anything gathered or collected View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasanādmfn. eating collected food View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasarvaguṇamfn. plural endowed equally with all virtues View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasaurabham. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasāvalif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasiddhāntamfn. pursuing equal objects View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasparśamfn. having the same contact, equal in touch, having the same effect of contact, equally defiling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastamfn. thrown or put together, combined, united, whole, all etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastamfn. (in gram.) compounded, compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastamfn. (in philosophy) inherent in or pervading the whole of anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastamfn. abridged, contracted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastam. a whole, the aggregate of all the parts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastabalan. a whole army, entire force View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastadevatāpūjāvidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastadhātṛm. the bearer or supporter of all (applied to viṣṇu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastāgniprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastakālanirṇayādhikāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastalokam. the whole world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastamantradevatāprakāśikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastasākṣim. witness of all, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastavastuviṣayamfn. relating to the whole matter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samastaviskayikamfn. inhabiting the whole country
samastavyastarūpakan. a kind of rūpaka- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthamf(ā-)n. occurring with an even number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthamf(ā-)n. being in flourishing circumstances View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthamf(ā-)n. being level or even, equal, level, uniform View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthamf(ā-)n. like, similar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthalan. even or level ground View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthalīf. idem or 'n. even or level ground ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthalīf. the Doab or country between the Ganges and Jumna rivers (see antarvedī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthalīkṛto turn into level ground, make level with the ground View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthalīkṛtamfn. made into level ground, levelled, filled up View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasthānan. a particular posture in yoga- (in which the legs are closely contracted) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasuptif. equal or general sleep (="the end of a kalpa- and dissolution of the universe") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasūtraga mfn. situated on the same diameter (id est situated on two opposite points of the globe) , living at the antipodes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasūtrasthamfn. situated on the same diameter (id est situated on two opposite points of the globe) , living at the antipodes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasvaramfn. having the same or a similar tone or accent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasyamfn. to be thrown or put together or compounded or combined View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasyamfn. to be made entire or complete View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasf. See next. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasf. junction, union, the being or remaining together with (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasf. a part of a stanza given to another person to be completed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasyāpūraṇavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasyārṇavam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasyārthāf. the part of a stanza to be completed (see next) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasyāsaṃgraham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhisamasto put together, group, collect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anusamas -s/am-asyati-, to add further View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ardhasamasf. supplying an idea which is only half expressed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamasamamfn. unequalled View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamasāyakam. equals -bāṇa- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamastamfn. uncompounded etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamastamfn. uncollected View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamastamfn. incomplete View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kālīsamastamantram. Name of a mantra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
masamasā onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) gaRa ūry-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meghadūtapādasamasf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pakṣahomasamasyavidhānan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratisamasP. -asyati- (ind.p. -āsam-), to put back again to its place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
strīsamasthānamfn. having a feminine shape View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasamas View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasamasya ind.p. placing or putting upon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasamasyaadding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vajrāśanisamasvanamfn. sounding like indra-'s thunderbolt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvatsamastamfn. as many as form the whole, as far as complete, as large as anything is View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
samas समस् 4 P. 1 To throw or bring together, put together, unite, combine; अग्ने सोमस्य चैवादौ तयोश्चैव समस्तयोः Ms.3.85; समस्तानां च कार्येषु विदध्याद्धितमात्मनः 7.57. -2 To join in a compound, compound. -3 To take, collectively or jointly; समस्तैरथ वा पृथक् Ms.7.198 'jointly or severally'. -Pass. To be compounded, form or enter into a compound; अव्ययं समर्थेन सह समस्यते सो$व्ययीभावः Sk.
samasanam समसनम् 1 Joining together, combination. -2 Compounding, formation of compound words. -3 Contraction.
samasta समस्त p. p. 1 Thrown together, combined; समस्तं व्यस्तं त्वां शरणद गृणात्योमिति पदम् Śiva-mahima 27; विशन्त्ययो दुर्गममार्गनिर्गमं समस्तसंबाधमनर्थपञ्जरम् Pt.1.383. -2 Compounded. -3 Pervading the whole of anything. -4 Abridged, contracted, condensed. -5 All, whole, entire.
samas समस्या 1 Proposing part of a stanza to another to be completed, the part of a stanza so given to be completed; कः श्रीपतिः का विषमा समस्या Subhāṣ.; (thus the lines वागर्थाविव संपृक्तौ; शतकोटिप्रविस्तरम्; तुरासाहं पुरोधाय are completed by नेमुः सर्वे सुराः शिवौ). -2 (Hence) Completing or filling up what is incomplete; गौरीव पत्या सुभगा कदाचित् कर्तेयमप्यर्धतनूसमस्याम् N.7.83 (समस्या = संघटनम्).
Macdonell Search
6 results
samasaṃsthita pp. placed in good circumstances; -samdhita, pp. concluded on equal terms (=without loss on either side; treaty); -samaya-vartin, a. simultaneous; -sarva-guna, a. pl. equally endowed with all virtues.
samasta pp. (√ 2. as) united, com bined, etc.: -dhâtri, m. Preserver of all (Vishnu); -loka, m. whole world.
samastha a. being in flourishing circumstances; -sthalî-kri, turn into level ground, make level with the ground.
samas f. union, with (--°ree;); part of a stanza given to another to be completed.
asamasta pp. not compounded.
asamasāyaka m. Kâma (odd-arrowed,=five-arrowed).
Bloomfield Vedic
6 results0 results60 results
anne samasya yad asan manīṣāḥ RV.10.29.4d; AVś.20.76.4d.
gātrād-gātrāt samāśṛtam AVP.3.39.5b; 12.3.2b. See aṅgād-aṅgāt samābhṛtam.
kuvit samasya jenyasya śardhataḥ RV.6.42.4c; SV.2.793c.
pākayajñān samāsādya AG.1.3.10a; Kauś.6.34a; MG.2.18a (end).
tayā samasya hṛdayam RV.6.53.8c.
uto samasminn ā śiśīhi no vaso RV.8.21.8c; N.5.23.
yān samasyan te śapathān AVP.7.8.3a.
agdhād eko 'hutād ekaḥ samasanād ekaḥ # TS. See adhvād eko.
aṅgād-aṅgāt samābhṛtam # AVś.5.25.1b. See gātrād-gātrāt samāśṛtam.
aṅguṣṭhaṃ ca samāśritaḥ # TA.10.38.1b; MahānU.16.3b; BDh. Cf. KṣurU.6.
atra brahma samaśnute # śB.; BṛhU.4.4.9d; KU.6.14d.
anena tapasā svasti saṃvatsarasyodṛcaṃ samaśnavai # śB.
abhi tripṛṣṭhaṃ matayaḥ samasvaran # RV.9.106.11c; SV.2.291c.
abhi somaṃ mṛśāmasi # RV.10.173.6b. See ava somaṃ, ā vaḥ somaṃ, and vācā somam avanayāmi.
ayaṃ yajñaḥ samasadad dhaviṣmān # TB.; Apś.4.8.4a.
asmāṃ avantu payasā ghṛtena # Apś.7.17.1d. See samāsṛjantu payasā.
ādāya sahvā daśamāsyam aśvam # śB.
ābhiṣ ṭvāhaṃ daśabhir abhimṛśāmi daśamāsyāya sūtavai (ApMB. sūtave) # HG.2.2.5; ApMB.2.11.15 (ApG.6.14.14). See daśamāsyāya.
uruṣyā ṇo (MS. no) aghāyataḥ samasmāt # RV.5.24.3b; VS.3.26b; MS.1.5.3d: 69.12; KS.7.1d; śB.; Apś.6.17.8b; N.5.23.
ejatu daśamāsyaḥ # VS.8.28a; śB.; Kś.25.10.5; PG.1.16.1. Cf. niraitu etc.
evā tvaṃ daśamāsya # RV.5.78.8c; AVś.1.11.6e. Cf. evāyaṃ daśa-.
evāyaṃ daśamāsyaḥ # VS.8.28e; śB. Cf. evā tvaṃ daśa-.
eṣām ahaṃ samāsīnānām # AVś.7.12.3a.
ka u nu te mahimanaḥ samasya # RV.10.54.3a.
kumārā daśamāsyāḥ # AVP.9.15.8b.
gambhīra ṛṣvo asamaṣṭakāvyaḥ # RV.2.21.4b.
garbhaṃ yo daśamāsyam # AVP.7.11.2c.
garbhas tvā daśamāsyaḥ pra viśatu # AVP.5.37.8c.
gavāṃ sahasrai ruśamāso agne # RV.5.30.13b.
cakṣur yāvat samaśnute # AVś.3.22.5b; AVP.3.18.6b.
cakṣuṣā me cakṣur dīkṣatāṃ sūryāya samaṣṭavā u # JB.2.65; Apś.10.10.6. See next, and cakṣur me cakṣuṣā.
ta ekapadas tanvaṃ samāsate # AVś.13.2.27d.
taṃ pipṛhi daśamāsyo 'ntar udare # śG.1.19.12c. See taṃ mātā daśa.
tayā tvābhi mṛśāmasi # AVś.3.24.6d; AVP.5.30.8d.
tābhyāṃ tvopa spṛśāmasi (AVś.AVP. tvābhi mṛśāmasi) # RV.10.137.7d; AVś.14.13.7d; AVP.5.18.8d.
te devāḥ pra viśāmasi # Kauś.104.2d.
trīn samudrān samasṛpat svargān (MS. -gaḥ) # VS.13.31a; MS.2.7.16a: 100.6; śB. See saṃsarpa.
tvayi rātri vasāmasi # AVś.19.47.9c; AVP.6.20.10a.
tvāṃ yad agne paśavaḥ samāsate # RV.3.9.7c.
daśame māsi sūtave (JG. sūtavai) # RV.10.184.3d; RVKh.10.184.2d,3d; AVś.5.25.10d--13d; AVP.12.3.10d; 12.4.1d--4d; śB.; BṛhU.6.4.21d; ApMB.1.12.3d,4d,6d; MG.2.18.2d,4d (bis); JG.1.22d. See daśamāsyāya.
dviṣate nir diśāmasi # AVP.3.30.7d. See AVś.19.57.6.
na nāmayati na rudati na hṛṣyati na glāyati yatra vayaṃ vadāmo yatra cābhimṛśāmasi # PG.1.16.25.
navāratnīn avamāyāsmākaṃ tanvas pari duḥṣvapnyaṃ sarvaṃ durbhūtaṃ dviṣate nir diśāmasi # AVP.3.30.7. See prec.
nahi nu te mahimanaḥ samasya # RV.6.27.3a.
niraitu daśamāsyaḥ # RV.5.78.7d. Cf. ejatu etc.
pitā matīnām asamaṣṭakāvyaḥ # RV.9.76.4d.
pitur mātur adhy ā ye samasvaran # RV.9.73.5a.
putras te daśamāsyaḥ # AVś.3.23.2d; AVP.3.14.2d; AG.1.13.6d (crit. notes); śG.1.19.6d; ApMB.1.12.9d; HG.1.25.1d.
prajāpatiprasūtāḥ svastīmaṃ saṃvatsaraṃ samaśnuvāmahai # KB.19.2.
prāṇena me prāṇo dīkṣataṃ (JB. -tāṃ) vāyave samaṣṭavā u # JB.2.65; Apś.10.10.6.
prāṇo 'gniḥ paramātmā vai pañcavāyuḥ samāśritaḥ, sa prītaḥ prīṇātu viśvaṃ viśvabhuk # MU.6.9. See prāṇo agniḥ.
manasā me mano dīkṣatāṃ prajāpataye samaṣṭavā u # JB.2.65; Apś.10.10.6. See under prec.
naḥ samasya dūḍhyaḥ # RV.8.75.9a; TS.; MS.4.11.6a: 175.10; KS.7.17a; N.5.23a.
no vṛkāya vṛkye samasmai # RV.6.51.6a.
yat tvā srucaḥ samasthiran # RV.10.118.2c.
yat parvate na samaśīta haryataḥ # RV.1.57.2c; AVś.20.15.2c.
yatra cābhimṛśāmasi # ApMB.2.13.5c. See yatra vābhi-.
yatra vābhimṛśāmasi # HG.2.4.5c. See yatra cābhi-.
yatrā naraḥ samāsate sujātāḥ # RV.7.1.4c.
yad ākūtāt samasusrod dhṛdo vā # VS.18.58a; TS.; KS.40.13a; śB. P: yad ākūtāt Apś.13.24.17; 17.23.11; Kś.18.6.22.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"samas" has 7 results
asamastanot compounded, not entered into a compound with another word; confer, compare समासे असमस्तस्य Hemacandra's Śabdānuśāsana. II.3.13.
upasamastacompounded together, joined together by special grammatical connection called समास; confer, compare न केवल; पथिशब्दः स्त्रियां वर्तते । उपसमस्तस्तर्हि वर्तते Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on VII.1.1. Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 18.
samasaṇtaddhita affix. affix समस् applied to the word इदम् to form the word ऐषमः meaning 'this year'; confer, compare इदमः समसण् । इदमः समसण् प्रत्ययेा निपात्यते संवत्सरेभिधेये । अस्मिन्संवत्सरे ऐषमः । M.Bh. on P. V. 3.22 Vart. 3.
ṭacthe samasanta affix अ added to certain specified words at the end of the tatpurusa and other compounds exempli gratia, for example राजसखः, पञ्चगवम्, महानसम्, समक्षम् , अध्यात्मम् et cetera, and others cf P.V.4.91-112.
ḍacasamasanta (अ) added to a Bahu vrihi compound meaning a numeral exempli gratia, for example उपदशाः उपविंशाः confer, compare P.V.474.
taddhitaa term of the ancient prePaninian grammarians used by Panini just like सर्वनामन् or अव्यय without giving any specific definition of it. The term occurs in the Nirukta of Yaska and the Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya ; confer, compare अथ तद्वितसमासेषु एकपर्वसु चानेकपर्वसु पूर्वे पूर्वमपरमपरं प्रविभज्य निर्ब्रूयात् । द्ण्डय्ः पुरुषः । दण्डमर्हतीति वा, दण्डेन संपद्यते इति वा Nirukta of Yāska.II.2; also confer, compare तिङ्कृत्तद्धितचतुथ्यसमासाः इाब्दमयम् Vaj Prati.I. 27. It is to be noted that the word तद्वित is used by the ancient grammarians in the sense of a word derived from a substantive ( प्रातिपादक ) by the application of suffixes like अ, यत् et cetera, and others, and not in the sense of words derived from roots by affixes like अन, ति et cetera, and others which were termed नामकरण, as possibly contrasted with the word ताद्धित used by Yaska in II. 5. Panini has used the word तद्धित not for words, but for the suffixes which are added to form such words at all places (e. g. in I. 1.38, IV.1.17, 76, VI.1.61 et cetera, and others). in fact, he has begun the enumeration of taddhita affixes with the rule तद्धिता: (P.IV.1. 76) by putting the term तद्धित for affixes such as ति, ष्यङ्, अण् et cetera, and others which are mentioned thereafter. In his rule कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च and in the Varttika समासकृत्तद्धिताव्यय(I.4.1Vart. 41) which are similar to V.Pr.1. 27 quoted a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. the word तद्धित appears to be actually used for words derived from nouns by secondary affixes, along with the word कृत् which also means words derived from roots, although commentators have explained there the terms कृत् and तद्धित for कृदन्त and तद्धितान्त. The term तद्वित is evidently echoed in the Sutra तस्मै हितम् which, although it is not the first Sutra there were possibly long lists of secondary nouns with the senses of secondary suffixes, and तद्धित was perhaps,the first sense given there. The number of taddhita suffixes mentioned by Panini is quite a large one; there are in fact 1110 rules given in the taddhita section covering almost two Adhyayas viz. from P. IV. 1.76 to the end of the fifth Adhyaya. The main sub-divisions of taddhita affixes mentioned by commentators are, Apatyadyarthaka (IV. 1.92 to 178), Raktadyarthaka (IV.2.1 to 91), Saisika {IV.2. 92 to IV.3.133), Pragdivyatiya (IV. 3 134 to 168), Pragvahatiya (IV.4.1 to IV.4.74), Pragghitiya (IV.4.75 to IV.4.109), Arhiya (V.1.1 to 71),Thanadhikarastha (V. 1.72 to V. 1.1.114), Bhavakarmarthaka (V. 1.115 to V.1.136), Pancamika (V. 2.1 to V. 2.93), Matvarthiya (V. 2.94 to V. 2. 140), Vibhaktisamjaaka (V. 3.1 to V. 3.26) and Svarthika (V. 3.27 to V. 4.160). The samasanta affixes (V.4.68 to V.4.160) can be included in the Svarthika affixes.
nityasamāsaan invariably effective compound; the term is explained as अस्वपदविग्रहो नित्यसमासः i. e. a compound whose dissolution cannot be shown by its component words as such; e. g. the dissolution of कुम्भकारः cannot be shown as कुम्भं कारः, but it must be shown as कुम्भं करोति स: । The upapadasamasa, the gatisamsa and the dative tatpurusa with the word अर्थ are examples of नित्यसमास.
Vedabase Search
79 results
samasādhayat achievedSB 11.23.30
samasajjanta began to fight together on an equal levelSB 8.10.8
samasańkhyāḥ of equal number (fourteen)SB 5.23.5
samasarat came forwardSB 10.16.8
samaspṛśat He touchedSB 10.70.10
samasta allCC Adi 17.70
CC Antya 4.194
CC Madhya 10.105
CC Madhya 20.145
CC Madhya 22.103
SB 10.21.10
SB 10.23.29
SB 10.38.19
SB 10.38.23
SB 10.60.38
SB 11.29.34
SB 4.11.30
SB 4.22.27
SB 4.25.28
SB 5.5.35
SB 5.6.16
SB 6.19.26-28
SB 7.10.27
SB 7.5.49
SB 8.12.46
samasta all kinds ofSB 1.19.7
samasta all otherSB 6.8.34
samasta all-inclusiveSB 1.5.6
samasta from allSB 4.29.84
samasta from whom allSB 6.9.36
samasta in allSB 10.87.14
samasta of allMM 53
SB 12.11.1
samasta on the wholeSB 3.33.23
samasta with allSB 11.13.32
samasta brahmāṇḍa-gaṇera of the aggregate of the brahmāṇḍas, or universesCC Madhya 20.282
samasta brahmāṇḍa-gaṇera of the aggregate of the brahmāṇḍas, or universesCC Madhya 20.282
samasta brahmāṇḍa-gaṇera of the aggregate of the brahmāṇḍas, or universesCC Madhya 20.282
samasta divasa all dayCC Antya 6.186
samasta divasa all dayCC Antya 6.186
samasta rātri all nightCC Antya 3.125
samasta rātri all nightCC Antya 3.125
samasta-ātmani the universal beingSB 4.4.11
samasta-ātmani the universal beingSB 4.4.11
samasta-bandhanaḥ from all material obstacles on the path of devotional serviceSB 7.7.36
samasta-bandhanaḥ from all material obstacles on the path of devotional serviceSB 7.7.36
samasta-bhagaḥ all kinds of opulencesCC Madhya 15.180
samasta-bhagaḥ all kinds of opulencesCC Madhya 15.180
samasta-dṛk seer or knower of everythingSB 4.6.49
samasta-dṛk seer or knower of everythingSB 4.6.49
samasta-duḥkha all miseriesSB 3.5.13
samasta-duḥkha all miseriesSB 3.5.13
samasta-jagatām of all the universesSB 3.9.22
samasta-jagatām of all the universesSB 3.9.22
samasta-kāmaḥ all desirable objectsCC Madhya 21.33
samasta-kāmaḥ all desirable objectsCC Madhya 21.33
samasta-kāmaḥ all desiresSB 3.2.21
samasta-kāmaḥ all desiresSB 3.2.21
samasta-kilbiṣaḥ having all sinsSB 6.16.31
samasta-kilbiṣaḥ having all sinsSB 6.16.31
samasta-kukṣau everything is within the abdomenSB 3.15.33
samasta-kukṣau everything is within the abdomenSB 3.15.33
samasta-rephān all sound vibrationsSB 8.20.25-29
samasta-rephān all sound vibrationsSB 8.20.25-29
samasta-sańgaḥ all contaminationSB 9.19.25
samasta-sańgaḥ all contaminationSB 9.19.25
samasta-sura of all the demigodsBs 5.52
samasta-sura of all the demigodsBs 5.52
samastāḥ allMM 14
SB 10.14.18
samastam everythingSB 6.16.46
samastam in totalSB 3.13.45
samastān allSB 7.8.31
samastera of allCC Adi 4.95
samasya equipoisedSB 7.8.10
samasya who is equalSB 6.17.22
vimukta-samasta-sańgasya although having given up the association of my real sons and homeSB 5.8.29
vimukta-samasta-sańgasya although having given up the association of my real sons and homeSB 5.8.29
vimukta-samasta-sańgasya although having given up the association of my real sons and homeSB 5.8.29
18 results
samas verb (class 4 parasmaipada) (in gram.) to be compounded to add to combine to compound to connect to form a compound to mingle to mix to throw or put together
Frequency rank 30740/72933
samas verb (class 2 parasmaipada) to be (there) to be like to be united with (saha) to equal (acc.) to exist
Frequency rank 68992/72933
samasaṃsthāna noun (neuter) (with Yogins) name of one of the 10 sitting postures (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68993/72933
samasta adjective (in gram.) compounded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
(in phil.) inherent in or pervading the whole of anything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
abridged (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
all (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
combined (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
compound (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
contracted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
thrown or put together (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
united (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
whole (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 962/72933
samasta noun (masculine) a whole (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the aggregate of all the parts (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72914/72933
samastaka adjective samasta
Frequency rank 18571/72933
samastamaṅgala noun (neuter) name of a kavaca
Frequency rank 68996/72933
samastapādayamaka noun (neuter) (rhet.) a kind of yamaka
Frequency rank 68995/72933
samastatva noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 68994/72933
samastavyastarūpaka noun (neuter) [poet.] a kind of rūpaka
Frequency rank 68997/72933
samastaśaḥ indeclinable
Frequency rank 68998/72933
samastha adjective being in flourishing circumstances (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
being level or even (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
equal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
level (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
like (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
occurring with an even number (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
similar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
uniform (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 40415/72933
samas noun (feminine) a part of a stanza given to another person to be completed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
junction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
meeting the being or remaining together with (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
union (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11821/72933
atisamasta adjective
Frequency rank 42254/72933
abhisamas verb (class 4 parasmaipada) to collect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to group (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to put together (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32379/72933
asamasāyaka noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 45775/72933
asamasta adjective incomplete (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
uncollected (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
uncompounded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26818/72933
pratisamas verb (class 4 parasmaipada) to put back again to its place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58967/72933
Wordnet Search
"samas" has 11 results.


ananyarūpa, abhinnarūpa, sama, samāna, samasamāna, tulya, ananya, abhinna, avibhinna, abheda, apara, aviparīta, nirastabheda, nirviśeṣa   

yad rūpādiṣu sadṛśam।

tena ananyarūpāḥ tisraḥ mūrtayaḥ krītāḥ।



saḥ praśnaḥ yasya samādhānaṃ sahajatayā na prāpyate।

prathamataḥ asya samasyāyāḥ samādhānaṃ kuru।


samīkṛta, catvara, vyuta, sughaṭṭita, samasthalīkṛta   

samānaṃ sthalaṃ yasmin uccanīcatvaṃ nāsti।

samīkṛtā bhūmiḥ kṛṣyarthe uttamatamā asti।


ci, vici, saṃci, sañci, ucci, samucci, upaci, apaci, avaci, samānī, saṃgrah, saṅgrah, samāhṛ, samādā, saṃbhṛ, sambhṛ, samākṣip, saṃnidhā, samupādā, piṇḍīkṛ, rāśīkṛ, ekatrīkṛ, parigrah, upasaṃhṛ, praci, samākṛ, samāvah, abhisamas, samūh, samīj, nici   

vikīrṇasya vastunaḥ ekatra sthāpanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

kṛṣakaḥ vikīrṇān dhānyakaṇān cinoti।


samabhūmiḥ, samabhūḥ, samasthalam, samasthalī, samasthānam, sapāṭabhūḥ, pāṭaḥ, samam, ājiḥ   

bṛhat samatalabhūmiḥ।

bālakāḥ samabhūmau krīḍanti।


samabhūmiḥ, samasthalam, samasthānam   

sā bhūmiḥ yasyāḥ staraḥ samānaḥ asti।

samabhūmau kṛṣikāryaṃ saralam asti।



sā saṅkhyā yā dvi iti saṅkhyayā pūrṇatvena vibhājyate।

dvi-catur-aṣṭādayaḥ samasaṅkhyāḥ santi।


samasta, sama, sarva, viśva, aśeṣa, kṛtasra, nikhila, akhila, niḥśeṣa, samag, sakala, pūrṇa, akhaṇḍa, anūnaka, ananta, anyūna   

sarvaṃ yāvat vartate tāvat।

rāmeṇa samastāni caturdaśavarṣāṇi kānane vyatītāni।



bhāratadeśasya bihārarājye vartamānaṃ maṇḍalam।

samastīpuramaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ samastīpuranagare asti।



bhāratadeśasya bihārarājye vartamānaṃ nagaram।

samastīpuranagare kṛṣakāṇāṃ sammelanasya āyojanaṃ kṛtam asti।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

samasaurabhasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate asti

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