sama | mfn. (connected with 7. sa-and with 2. sam/a-and samāna-; confer, compare samaha-,used as pronoun :declined like sarva- exempli gratia, 'for example' samasmai- ) any, every [ confer, compare Greek , ; Gothic suma; Anglo-Saxon sum; English some.]  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. (prob. originally identical with prec.; see samāna-) even, smooth, flat, plain, level, parallel (karṇa-s-,"on a level with the ear"; bhūmi--or bhūmeḥ samaṃ-kṛ-,"to make level with the earth") etc.  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. same, equal, similar, like, equivalent, like to or identical or homogeneous with (instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' mayā sama-,"like to me";or genitive case,rarely ablative), like in or with regard to anything (instrumental case genitive case locative case,or -tas-,or compound; samaṃ-kṛ-,"to make equal, balance")  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. always the same, constant, unchanged, fair, impartial towards (locative case or genitive case)  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. even (not"odd"), a pair  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. having the right measure, regular, normal, right, straight (samaṃ-kṛ-,"to put right or in order") etc. etc.  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. equable, neutral, indifferent  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. equally distant from extremes, ordinary, common, middling etc.  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. just, upright, good, straight, honest  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. easy, convenient  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. full, complete, whole, entire  |
sama | m. peace (perhaps wrong reading for śama-)  |
sama | m. the point of intersection of the horizon and the meridian line  |
sama | m. Name of particular zodiacal signs (especially vṛṣa-, karkaṭa-, kanyā-, vṛścika-, makara-, and Mina)  |
sama | m. a kind of straight line placed over a numerical figure to mark the process of extracting the square root  |
sama | m. (in music) a kind of time  |
sama | m. a grass-conflagration  |
sama | m. a jina-  |
sama | m. Name of a son of dharma-  |
sama | m. of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra-  |
sama | m. of a king of the nandi-vega-s (varia lectio śama-)  |
sama | n. level ground, a plain (sam/e bh/ūmyāḥ-,"on level ground")  |
sama | n. equability, equanimity, imperturbability  |
sama | n. likeness, similarity, equality (ena-,"equally, in the same manner") on  |
sama | n. right measure or proportion (ena-,"exactly, precisely")  |
sama | n. settlement, compensation  |
sama | n. good circumstances  |
sama | n. (in rhetoric) a particular figure, sameness of objects compared to one another  |
sama | n. (in geometry) a mean proportional segment (described as a fourth proportional to the two perpendiculars and the link or segment, and used for solving problems in a trapezium)  |
sama | n. equals samā- f. a year (See pāpa-s-, puṇya-s-,and su-ṣama-)  |
sama | mfn. (fr. 7. sa+mā-) "together with lakṣmi-", happy, prosperous  |
samabhāga | m. an equal share  |
samabhāga | mfn. (prob.) receiving an equal share  |
samabhāva | m. equability, homogeneousness  |
samabhāva | mfn. of like nature or property  |
samabhī | ( -abhi-i-) P. -abhy-eti-, to go towards, come near, approach etc. ; to accrue to (accusative) ; to follow, attend, wait upon  |
samabhibhāṣ | A1. -bhāṣate- (Epic also P. ti-), to speak with or to, address (accusative)  |
samabhibhāṣaṇa | n. conversation, colloquy with (instrumental case or compound)  |
samabhicchanna | mfn. ( chad-) completely covered with (instrumental case)  |
samabhidhā | p. -dadhāti-, to speak to, address (accusative) ; to proclaim, announce ; to direct all one's thoughts to (accusative)  |
samabhidhā | f. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') a name, appellation  |
samabhidhāv | P. A1. -dhāvati-, te-, to run hastily up to or towards, fly or dart at, assail  |
samabhidhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, or -dhyāti-, to reflect deeply on, meditate on ; to direct all the thoughts upon, long for (accusative) |
samabhidru | P. -dravati- (Epic also A1. te-), to run or hasten towards or against, rush full upon, attack, assail (accusative)  |
samabhidruta | mfn. running towards or against, rushing upon  |
samabhidruta | mfn. rushed upon, attacked, infested  |
samabhidrutam | ind. hurriedly, quickly  |
samabhigam | P. -gacchati-, to go towards together, approach ; to go to, have sexual intercourse with (instrumental case)  |
samabhigarj | P. -garjati-, to shout or cry at defiantly, challenge with a shout (accusative)  |
samabhiguh | A1. -gūhate-, to crouch down, cower  |
samabhiharaṇa | n. the act of seizing upon, taking etc.  |
samabhiharaṇa | n. repetition on  |
samabhiharaṇabhihāra | m. seizing or taking together  |
samabhiharaṇabhihāra | m. repetition, reiteration (kriyā-samabhihāreṇa-,"by a repetition of acts","by repeated acts")  |
samabhiharaṇabhihāra | m. excess, surplus  |
samabhihita | mfn. addressed, spoken to  |
samabhihṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te-, to seize upon or take together ; to seize, take, take out  |
samabhihṛṣ | Caus. -harṣayati-, to cause great joy or exultation, gladden, delight  |
samabhijan | A1. -jāyate-, to spring up together, arise  |
samabhijñā | (only ind.p. -jñāya-), to recognize fully, entirely acknowledge or Perceive  |
samabhikīrt | (only ind.p. -kīrtya-), to relate or tell fully, narrate  |
samabhikram | (only ind.p. -kramya-), to go near to, approach  |
samabhikruddha | mfn. ( krudh-) greatly enraged, angry  |
samabhilaṣ | P. -laṣati-, to long for, be eager for  |
samabhinand | P. -nandati-, to rejoice together with (See next) ; to greet, salute  |
samabhinandita | mfn. rejoiced with, congratulated  |
samabhiniḥsṛta | mfn. ( sṛ-) come forth, gushed forth (as blood from a wound)  |
samabhipad | A1. -padyate-, to come to, arrive at, attain (accusative) ; to get one's reward ; to reply, answer  |
samabhipāl | P. -pālayati-, to protect, rule, govern (accusative)  |
samabhipat | P. -patati-, to fall upon, attack (accusative)  |
samabhipīḍ | P. -pīḍayati-, to squeeze together, crush  |
samabhiplu | A1. -plavate-, to inundate, wash (See next) ; to overwhelm, cover  |
samabhipluta | mfn. inundated, flooded, washed  |
samabhipluta | mfn. overwhelmed, covered  |
samabhipluta | mfn. eclipsed (as the moon)  |
samabhipluta | mfn. (with rajasā-) covered with menstrual excretions  |
samabhipṝ | Caus -pūrayati-, to till up, fill  |
samabhiprekṣ | ( -pra-īkṣ-) A1. -prekṣate-, to look at, perceive, view  |
samabhipūj | P. -pūjayati-, to worship, honour  |
samabhirañj | A1. or Passive voice -rajyate-, to be reddened, appeared, flash, glitter  |
samabhiruh | P. -rohati-, to grow up together, ascend, (varia lectio sam-adhi-r-): Causal -rohayati- (Passive voice -ropyate-), to cause to grow up or ascend, place or impose on (as a burden etc.)  |
samabhisaṃdhā | cl.1. P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-, to place or put into (locative case) ; to aim at, strive after, determine on (accusative)  |
samabhisaṃvṛta | mfn. (1. vṛ-) entirely surrounded, encompassed  |
samabhisaraṇa | n. the act of going towards or against, approaching, seeking, wishing or endeavouring to gain  |
samabhiṣic | ( sic-) P. -ṣiñcati-, to sprinkle down upon, wet ; to anoint, consecrate  |
samabhisṛ | P. -sarati- (ind.p. -sṛtya-), to go towards, approach, advance, attack  |
samabhiṣṭhā | ( sthā-) P. -tiṣṭhati-, to mount upon (as upon an elephant)  |
samabhiṣṭu | ( stu-) P. A1. -ṣṭauti-, -ṣṭute-, to praise highly, extol  |
samabhiṣṭuta | mfn. extolled, celebrated  |
samabhiśubh | A1. -śobhate-, to be beautiful or shine with (instrumental case)  |
samabhiśyāna | mfn. ( śyai-) thoroughly coagulated on  |
samabhiṣyand | ( syand-), Causal -ṣyandayati- to cause to flow towards (accusative),  |
samabhiṣyandin | mfn. causing hypertrophy  |
samabhitarj | P. -tarjayati-, to threaten or menace greatly, abuse, blame, scold  |
samabhitas | ind. towards, to (accusative)  |
samabhityaj | P. -tyajati-, to give up entirely, wholly renounce or resign  |
samabhityakta | mfn. wholly given up, renounced, risked  |
samabhityaktajīvita | mfn. one who has quite renounced his life  |
samabhivad | Caus. -vādayati-, to address or salute respectfully  |
samabhivadh | (defective;See vadh-), to strike or hit at any one (accusative)  |
samabhivāñch | P. -vāñchati-, to long for, be eager for  |
samabhivīkṣ | ( -vi-īkṣ-) P. -vīkṣate-, to perceive, become aware of (accusative) (varia lectio)  |
samabhivṛdh | A1. -vardhate-, to grow up, increase : Causal -vardhayati-, to make larger, enlarge, increase, augment  |
samabhivṛṣ | P. -varṣati- to rain down upon  |
samabhivṛt | A1. -vartate-, to go towards, advance ; to attack, assail ; to come near, approach ; to turn back, return, recur ; to remain, continue (tūṣṇīm-,"silent") ; wrong reading for sam-ati-vṛt-.  |
samabhivyāhāra | m. mentioning together  |
samabhivyāhāra | m. bringing together, association, company  |
samabhivyāhāra | m. association with a word of well-known meaning (= prasiddhārthakasya śabdasya saṃnidhiḥ-)  |
samabhivyāhārin | mfn. mentioning together  |
samabhivyāhārin | mfn. accompanying.  |
samabhivyāhṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te-, to mention together ; to bring together, associate together  |
samabhivyāhṛta | mfn. mentioned or spoken of together |
samabhivyāhṛta | mfn. associated (equals sahita-), accompanied by  |
samabhiyā | P. -yāti-, to approach any one (accusative) together, go towards or near, advance  |
samabhiyāc | P. A1. -yācati-, te-, to ask earnestly, implore  |
samabhūmi | f. even ground (mi-tale-,"on even ground")  |
samabhūmi | ind. (prob.) equals -m-bhūm/i- (below) gaRa tiṣṭhad-gu-.  |
samabhyādā | A1. -datte-, to comprehend |
samabhyāgā | P. -jigāti-, to come near, approach ; to come upon, seize, visit (with affliction)  |
samabhyāgam | P. -gacchati-, to come near (See next) ; to meet  |
samabhyāgata | mfn. come near, approached  |
samabhyāhāra | m. bringing together, association, accompaniment  |
samabhyānī | P. -nayati-, to lead near or towards, introduce  |
samabhyarc | P. -arcati-, to pay great honour to, worship, greet, salute (accusative)  |
samabhyarcana | n. the act of paying great honour to, worshipping, reverencing  |
samabhyarcanabhyarcita | mfn. greatly honoured, worshipped, saluted  |
samabhyarth | A1. -arthayate-, to petition, solicit, request  |
samabhyarthayitṛ | mfn. seeking, petitioning, a petitioner  |
samabhyas | P. -asyati-, to practise, exercise  |
samabhyāsa | m. practice, exercise, study  |
samabhyāśa | m. nearness, presence  |
samabhyāśīkaraṇa | n. bringing near on  |
samabhyatikram | P. -krāmati-, to come upon or into, enter into  |
samabhyavagā | P. -jigāti-, to go into (accusative)  |
samabhyave | ( -ava-- 5 i-) P. -avaiti-, to penetrate entirely into (accusative) ; to come to an agreement with (instrumental case)  |
samabhye | ( -ā-- 5 i-) P. -āiti-, to come up to, approach, go near to (accusative)  |
samabhyuccaya | m. heaping, piling up ( samabhyuccayavat -vat- ind.)  |
samabhyuccayavat | ind. samabhyuccaya |
samabhyuddharaṇa | n. drawing out, rescuing  |
samabhyuddhṛ | ( hṛ-) A1. -dharate-, to draw out, extract ; to draw out of danger or distress, rescue, raise, promote further  |
samabhyudgam | (only ind.p. -gamya-), to come forth or spread from (ablative)  |
samabhyudyata | mfn. ( yam-) striving, endeavouring  |
samabhyunnata | mfn. ( nam-) raised, risen, towering high (as clouds)  |
samabhyupagamana | n. the act of approaching or going near  |
samabhyupagamana | n. following, approving, agreeing with  |
samabhyupe | ( -upa-- 5 i-) P. upaiti-, to go very near, approach  |
samabhyupeya | mfn. to be gone or approached or followed  |
samabhyupeya | n. equals sam-abhyupagamana-  |
samabhyutthā | ( sthā-) A1. -tiṣṭhate-, to rise (said of a planet)  |
samabuddhi | mfn. esteeming all things alike, indifferent  |
samabuddhi | m. Name of a muni-  |
samacakravāla | n. a circle.  |
samacaturaśra | mf(ā-)n. (or -asra-) having four equal angles, square etc.  |
samacaturaśra | mn. a rectangular tetragon, square  |
samacaturaśra | m. an equilateral tetragon  |
samacaturaśrī | ind. (with kṛ-) to transform into a square  |
samacaturbhuja | mfn. having four equal sides  |
samacaturbhuja | m. or n. (?) a square or rhombus  |
samacatuṣkoṇa | mfn. having four equal angles (distinguished from sama-catur-aśra-),  |
samacatvāriṃśadantatā | f. the having 40 even teeth (one of the 32 signs of perfection in a buddha-)  |
samaccheda | mfn. having an equal denominator  |
samacchedana | mfn. having like divisions or denominators  |
samacchedīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to cause to have an equal denominator  |
samacetas | mfn. equals -citta-  |
samacitta | mfn. even-minded, possessing equanimity, equable  |
samacitta | mfn. indifferent  |
samacitta | mfn. having the thoughts directed to the same subject  |
samacittatā | f. ( ) equanimity towards (locative case)  |
samacittatva | n. ( ) equanimity towards (locative case)  |
samacodita | mfn. equals saṃ-c-, driven or shot off  |
samad | P. -atti-, to eat completely up, entirely devour  |
samad | f. (prob. fr. 7. sa-+ mad-,"raging together"; according to to yāska- either fr. sam-ad-,or fr. sam-mad-; according to to others fr. 2. sam-+ suffix ad-; see s/amana-) strife, battle (often in locative case plural; accusative with kṛ-or dhā-and dative case,"to cause strife among or between")  |
samada | mf(ā-)n. intoxicated, excited with passion  |
samada | mf(ā-)n. ruttish  |
samadaṃṣṭratā | f. the having equal eye-teeth (one of the 50 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
samadana | n. conflict, strife  |
samadana | mf(ā-)n. impassioned, enamoured  |
samadana | mf(ā-)n. furnished with thorn-apple trees  |
samadanta | mfn. having even teeth  |
samadantatā | f. one of the 32 signs of perfection (of a buddha-)  |
samadarśana | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') of similar appearance, like  |
samadarśana | mfn. (also with sarvatra-or sarveṣām-) looking on all (things or men) with equal or indifferent eyes  |
samadarśin | mfn. looking impartially on (locative case), regarding all things impartially  |
samadeśa | m. even ground  |
samadhā | ind. equally with (instrumental case)  |
samadharma | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') of equal nature or character, resembling  |
samadhī | ( -adhi-i-) A1. -adhīte-, to go over, repeat or read through or study thoroughly  |
samadhigam | P. -gacchati-, to go towards together, come quite near, approach ; to acquire. obtain etc. ; to go completely over, surpass ; to go over, study, read  |
samadhigata | mfn. gone quite near to, approached  |
samadhigatadhigama | m. thoroughly understanding, perceiving |
samadhigatadhigamana | n. going beyond or above, surpassing, overcoming  |
samadhigatadhigamya | mfn. to be understood or perceived  |
samadhika | mf(ā-)n. superabundant, superfluous, excessive, exceeding (with māsa- m."more than a month, a month and more")  |
samadhika | mf(ā-)n. exceeding what is usual, extra ordinary, intense, plentiful ( samadhikam am- ind.)  |
samadhikalajjāvatī | f. excessively ashamed or bashful  |
samadhikalāvaṇya | n. excessive loveliness or charm  |
samadhikam | ind. samadhika |
samadhikārambha | m. an extraordinary enterprise  |
samadhikatara | mfn. more abundant, exceeding, excessive  |
samadhikatararūpa | mfn. more beautiful thin (ablative)  |
samadhikatarocchvāsin | mfn. breathing or sighing more heavily  |
samadhikṛt | (only ind.p. -kṛtya-), to cut up in addition or completely  |
samadhirūḍha | mfn. one who has risen up or mounted (with tulām-,"brought into a critical condition")  |
samadhirūḍha | mfn. convinced or (accusative)  |
samadhirūḍhadhirohaṇa | n. mounting up, ascending  |
samadhiruh | P. -rohati-, to rise up, mount, ascend ; to rise up to (the knowledge of), be convinced of  |
samadhiśī | Caus. -sāyayati-, to lay or put anything in the place of any other thing  |
samadhiśri | P. A1. -srayati-, te-, to proceed or advance towards, approach, attack ; to put in or on the fire  |
samadhisṛp | P. -sarpati-, to glide or slide along  |
samadhiṣṭhā | ( sthā-) P. A1. -tiṣṭhati-, te- to stand over, preside, govern, guide ; to administer, manage ; to mount upon, ascend  |
samadhiṣṭhāna | n. abiding, residing  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. standing upon (accusative)  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. standing above or at the highest place  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. filling, penetrating (accusative)  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. ridden or guided by (instrumental case)  |
samadhīta | mfn. gone over, read through, studied  |
samadhṛta | mfn. made equal in weight  |
samadhṛta | mfn. equal or equivalent to  |
samadhura | mfn. (for sa-madh-See p.1154) bearing an equal burden with (genitive case)  |
samadhura | mfn. (for sama-dh-See) sweet  |
samadhurā | f. a grape  |
samadhva | mfn. being on the same road, travelling in company  |
samadhyama | mfn. moderate on  |
samadhyās | A1. -āste-, to sit upon together, inhabit, occupy : Desiderative -āsisiṣate-, to wish to occupy  |
samadhyāsita | mfn. sat upon or occupied together (as a scat)  |
samadhyayana | n. going over or studying together, (or) that which is gone over or repeated together  |
samadṛś | mfn. looking indifferently or impartially upon  |
samadṛś | mfn. regarding all things impartially  |
samadṛṣṭi | f. the act of looking on all equally or impartially  |
samadṛṣṭi | mfn. looking on all impartially ( samadṛṣṭitva -tva- n.)  |
samadṛṣṭi | mfn. even-eyed  |
samadṛṣṭipāta | m. "an equal glance"and"a glance with even (not three) eyes",  |
samadṛṣṭitva | n. samadṛṣṭi |
samadu | (?) f. a daughter  |
samaduḥkha | mf(ā-)n. feeling pain in common with another, compassionate  |
samaduḥkhasukha | mfn. sharing grief and joy with another  |
samaduḥkhasukha | mfn. indifferent to pain and pleasure  |
samadvādaśāśra | m. n. an equilateral dodecagon or dodecahedron  |
samadvan | mfn. fighting, warlike  |
samadvibhuja | mfn. having 2 equal sides  |
samadvibhuja | m. n. a rhomboid having 2 sides equal  |
samadvidvibhuja | mfn. having 2 x 2 equal sides |
samadvidvibhuja | m. or n. (?) a rhomboid  |
samadyuti | mfn. equal in radiance  |
samagandha | m. constant odour (one of the 4 kinds of odours)  |
samagandha | mfn. having the same odour  |
samagandhaka | m. a perfume compounded of similar ingredients  |
samagandhika | mfn. having equal or similar fragrance  |
samagandhika | n. the fragrant root of the Andropogon Muricatus  |
samagra | mf(/ā-)n. (See 2. sam-) all, entire, whole, complete, each, every (in the beginning of a compound ="fully","entirely"; n."all, everything") etc. etc.  |
samagra | mf(/ā-)n. fully provided with (instrumental case or compound)  |
samagra | mf(/ā-)n. one who has everything or wants nothing  |
samagrabhakṣaṇaśila | mfn. eating everything  |
samagradhana | mfn. possessing the whole of one's property  |
samagramalahāraka | mfn. taking (upon one's self) all impurity  |
samagrāṅga | mfn. one who has his body or limbs complete  |
samagraṇī | mfn. the very first among (genitive case)  |
samagraśakti | mfn. possessing full force  |
samagrasampad | mfn. one who has every happiness  |
samagrasauvarṇa | mfn. entirely golden  |
samagravartin | mfn. entirely resting or fixed upon (locative case)  |
samagraya | Nom. P. yati-, to make full or complete, restore  |
samagrendu | m. the full moon  |
samagrendunibhānana | mfn. having a face like the full moon  |
samaha | ind. (fr. 1. sama-) anyhow, somehow (according to to vocative case of an adjective (cf. mfn.), praśasta-, sadhana-etc.)  |
samahas | wrong reading for su-mahas- q.v  |
samahāvrata | mfn. having a mahāvrata- day  |
samahīdhara | mfn. having mountains, mountainous  |
samahyā | (?) f. fame, reputation (see sam-ajyā-)  |
samairaya | (of unknown meaning, in vaiśvadevāḥ samairayāḥ-)  |
samaj | P. -ajati-, to bring or collect together ; to bring into conflict ; to subdue, overcome  |
samaja | m. Name of indra-  |
samaja | m. a multitude of animals  |
samaja | m. a number of fools  |
samaja | n. a forest, wood  |
samajajyā | f. place of meeting  |
samajajyā | f. meeting, assembly  |
samajajyā | f. fame, celebrity (varia lectio for samājñā-)  |
samajāti | mfn. equal in kind, homogeneous  |
samajātīya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equal in kind, homogeneous '  |
samajñā | f. fame (varia lectio for samājñā-).  |
samajñā | wrong reading for sam-ājñā-.  |
samaka | mfn. equal, alike  |
samakakṣa | mfn. having equal weight ( samakakṣatā -tā-, f.; samakakṣatva -tva- n.)  |
samakakṣā | f. equilibrium (kṣāṃ-tul- P. tulayati-,"to balance one another")  |
samakakṣatā | f. samakakṣa |
samakakṣatva | n. samakakṣa |
samakāla | m. the same time or moment  |
samakālabhava | m. a contemporary of (compound)  |
samakālam | ind. (or in the beginning of a compound,once also e-[ varia lectio ]) simultaneously etc.  |
samakālīna | mfn. simultaneous with (compound) |
samakanyā | f. a suitable maiden, a girl fit to be married  |
samakara | mfn. (for sa-makara-See) levying regular or fair taxes  |
samakara | mfn. (for sama-kara-See) having marine monsters.  |
samakarman | mfn. having equal occupation  |
samakarṇa | m. "having equal ears", Name of śiva-  |
samakarṇa | m. of buddha- ( samakarṇatā -tā- f.one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha)  |
samakarṇa | mn. "having two equal diagonals", an equi-diagonal tetragon  |
samakarṇatā | f. samakarṇa |
samakhāta | n. a cavity having the figure of a regular solid with equal sides, a parallelepipedon, cylinder etc.  |
samakna | See sam-añc-, column 3.  |
samakna | mfn. bent together  |
samakna | mfn. going or moving together or simultaneously, going. moving  |
samakola | m. "having an even breast", a serpent, snake  |
samakoṣṭhamiti | f. the measure of compartments or number of equal squares of the same denomination (as cubit, fathom etc.) in which the dimension of the side is given  |
samakoṣṭhamiti | f. the area or superficial contents  |
samakrama | mfn. keeping pace with  |
samakramatā | f. having the steps equal (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
samakriya | mfn. acting uniformly in or towards (locative case)  |
samakriya | mfn. subject to the same medical treatment ( samakriyatva -tva- n.)  |
samakriyatva | n. samakriya |
samakṣa | mfn. being within sight or before the eyes, present, visible  |
samakṣadarśana | n. the act of seeing with the eyes, ocular evidence  |
samakṣam | ind.before the eyes, visibly, manifestly, in the sight or presence of (dative case genitive case,or compound) |
samakṣāt | ind.before the eyes, visibly, manifestly, in the sight or presence of (dative case genitive case,or compound) |
samakṣatā | f. visibility  |
samakṣatas | ind.before the eyes, visibly, manifestly, in the sight or presence of (dative case genitive case,or compound) |
samakṣe | ind.before the eyes, visibly, manifestly, in the sight or presence of (dative case genitive case,or compound) |
samakṣetra | n. (in astronomy)"having an even or complete figure" , Name of a particular division or arrangement of the nakṣatra-s  |
samakta | See sam-añj-, column 3.  |
samakta | mfn. prepared, made ready  |
samakta | mfn. furnished with (instrumental case)  |
samakta | mfn. combined or united with (instrumental case)  |
samala | mfn. having stains or spots, dirty, foul, impure  |
samala | mfn. sinful  |
samala | m. Name of an asura- (varia lectio sṛmara-)  |
samala | n. (see śamala-) excrement, feculent matter, ordure  |
samalamba | mfn. having equal perpendiculars  |
samalamba | m. or n. (?) a trapezoid  |
samalaṃkṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, to decorate highly, embellish, adorn  |
samalaṃkṛta | mfn. highly decorated, well adorned  |
samalepanī | f. a bricklayer's instrument for levelling, a plane  |
samalīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make dirty, stain, pollute, defile  |
samallikākṣa | mfn. with white spots on (their) eyes (said of horses)  |
samaloṣṭakāñcana | mfn. one to whom a clod and piece of gold are all the same  |
samaloṣṭāśmakāñcana | mfn. one to whom a clod and stone and gold are all the same,  |
samaloṣṭrakāñcana | mfn. (prob. wrong reading) equals -loṣṭa-k-  |
samam | ind. in like manner, alike, equally, similarly etc.  |
samam | ind. together with or at the same time with or in accordance with (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
samam | ind. just, exactly, precisely  |
samam | ind. honestly, fairly [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin similis; German same,-sam; English same.]  |
samam | A1. -amate-, to ask eagerly, solicit, win over ; to fix or settle firmly ; to ally or connect one's self with  |
samamaṇḍala | n. "even-circle", the prime vertical circle ( samamaṇḍalaśaṅku -śaṅku- m.prime vertical pin or gnomon)  |
samamaṇḍalaśaṅku | m. samamaṇḍala |
samamati | mfn. even minded, equable  |
samamātra | mfn. of the same size or measure  |
samamātra | mfn. of the same prosodial measure.  |
samamaya | mf(ī-)n. of like origin  |
samambhūmi | ind. even with the ground  |
samambhūmi | mfn. being on a level with the ground,  |
samambila | mf(ī-)n. filled with (instrumental case) to the aperture or brim  |
samamiti | f. mean measure  |
saman | P. -aniti-, to breathe, live  |
samana | n. (prob. connected with 2. sam-,or 2. sama-) meeting (see a-saman/a-), assembly, concourse, festival  |
samana | n. intercourse, commerce, pursuit  |
samana | n. amorous union, embrace  |
samana | n. conflict, strife ( ) .  |
samanā | ind. in one point, together  |
samanā | ind. at a time, all at once  |
samanā | ind. likewise, uniformly  |
samanaga | mfn. going to an assembly  |
samanana | n. breathing together  |
samanantara | mf(ā-)n. immediately contiguous to or following (ablative or genitive case; yaccātra sam-anantaram-,"and what is immediately connected with it")  |
samanantaram | ind. immediately behind or after (genitive case or ablative or compound)  |
samanara | m. equals -śaṅku-  |
samanas | mfn. being of the same mind, unanimous  |
samanas | mfn. endowed with understanding  |
samanaska | mfn. unanimous  |
samañc | (only ind.p. -acya-), to bend together : Passive voice -acyate-, to be pressed or thrown together  |
samañcana | n. bending in, contracting.  |
samandhakāra | m. great or universal darkness on  |
samandhakārīkṛta | mfn. made dark or inaccessible on all sides  |
samaṅga | mf(ā-)n. (See 2. sam-) having all the limbs, complete (in applied to the mythical cow bahulā-)  |
samaṅga | m. a kind of game  |
samaṅga | m. Name of two men  |
samaṅga | m. (plural) of a people  |
samaṅgā | f. Name of various plants (according to to "Rubia Munjista and Cordifolia, Mimosa Pudica, Aloe Indica, etc.")  |
samaṅga | m. of a river  |
samaṅgala | mfn. endowed with happiness, auspicious  |
samaṅgin | mfn. complete in all parts, furnished with all requisites  |
samaṅginī | f. Name of a bodhi-vṛkṣa-devatā-  |
samanīka | n. battle, war ( )  |
samanīkamūrdhan | m. the front of battle-array  |
samanīkatas | ind. in battle-array  |
samanindānavana | mf(ā-)n. indifferent to blame and praise  |
samañj | P. A1. -anakti-, -aṅkte-, to smear over, anoint, adorn, beautify ; to prepare, make ready ; to honour, worship ; to fit or put together, unite, compose ; to devour (A1.with instrumental case,"to feed on")  |
samañjana | mfn. fitting together  |
samañjana | n. smearing, anointing (See next)  |
samañjanañjanīya | mfn. employed in anointing  |
samañjanavat | mfn. well smeared  |
samañjasa | mfn. proper, right, fit, correct, sound, good, excellent ( samañjasam am- ind.) etc.  |
samañjasa | m. Name of śiva-  |
samañjasā | f. (with vṛtti-) Name of a commentator or commentary on the brahma-sūtra-  |
samañjasa | n. propriety, fitness, truth, consistency, correct evidence  |
samañjasam | ind. samañjasa |
samañjasārthadīpikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on the rasa-mañjarī-. |
samaṅka | mfn. (for 2.See samañc-) bearing the same mark or sign  |
samaṅka | m. (for 1.See above) a hook, crotchet (figuratively = "pain, ache")  |
samaṅka | m. a particular animal destroying corn  |
samanmatha | mfn. filled with love, enamoured  |
samanta | mf(ā-)n. "having the ends together", contiguous, neighbouring, adjacent  |
samanta | mf(ā-)n. "being on every side", universal, whole, entire, all ( samantam s/amantam- ind."in contiguity or conjunction with","together with"; samantam samant/am- ind.or samantāt tāt- ind.or samantatas ta-tas- ind."on all sides, around","or, wholly, completely"; samantena tena- ind."all round";with na-= "nowhere") etc.  |
samantā | f. (plural) neighbour. hood  |
samantā | f. Name of a grammar  |
samanta | n. (also with agneḥ-, varuṇasya-,or vasiṣṭhasya-) Name of various saman-s  |
samanta | n. or m. (?) Name of a country  |
samantabhadra | mfn. wholly auspicious  |
samantabhadra | m. a buddha- or a jina-  |
samantabhadra | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- (see )  |
samantabhadra | m. of a poet etc.  |
samantabhadra | n. Name of a grammar.  |
samantabhuj | m. "all-devouring", Name of agni- or fire  |
samantacāritramati | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
samantadarśin | m. Name of a buddha-  |
samantadugdhā | f. a species of Euphorbia  |
samantadugdhī | f. equals snuhā-  |
samantagandha | m. a kind of flower  |
samantagandha | m. Name of a deva-putra-  |
samantakusuma | m. Name of a deva-putra-  |
samantāloka | m. a particular samādhi-  |
samantam | ind. samanta |
samantam | ind. samanta |
samantamukhadhārinī | f. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
samantanetra | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
samantapañcaka | n. Name of the district kuru-kṣetra- or of a tīrtha- in it (where paraśu-rāma- is said to have destroyed the kṣatriya-s) |
samantaparyāyin | mfn. all-embracing  |
samantaprabha | m. a kind of flower  |
samantaprabha | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
samantaprabhāsa | m. Name of a buddha-  |
samantaprasādika | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- (varia lectio -prās-)  |
samantaprāsādika | mfn. affording help or assistance on all sides (also varia lectio for prec.)  |
samantaprāsādikatā | f. complete readiness to offer help (one of the 8 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
samantara | m. pl, Name of a people  |
samantaraśmi | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
samantaśitibāhu | (samant/a--) mfn. having both fore-feet white  |
samantaśitirandhra | (samant/a--) mfn. having both ear-cavities white on Va1rtt. 27.  |
samantasphāraṇamukhadarśana | m. Name of a garuḍa-rāja-  |
samantasthūlāvalokana | m. or n. (?) a kind of flower  |
samantāt | ind. samanta |
samantatas | ind. See above.  |
samantatas | ind. samanta |
samantāvalokita | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
samantavilokitā | f. Name of a particular Buddhist world  |
samantavyūhasāgaracaryavyavalokana | m. Name of a garuḍa-rāja-  |
samantena | ind. samanta |
samaṇṭha | m. or n. (?) a kind of culinary herb  |
samantikam | ind. contiguously, near (Comparative degree ka-taram-)  |
samantra | mfn. accompanied with sacred verses or texts  |
samantraka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. accompanied with sacred verses or texts ' ,  |
samantraka | mfn. possessing charms or spells  |
samantrika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. together with or accompanied by counsellors ( samantritva tri-tva- n.) '  |
samantrin | mfn. together with or accompanied by counsellors ( samantritva tri-tva- n.)  |
samantritva | n. samantrin |
samanubandha | m. equals anubandha-  |
samanubhū | P. -bhavati- to enjoy together, feel, perceive  |
samanucint | P. -cintayati-, to reflect deeply about, meditate on, remember (accusative)  |
samanudhāv | P. -dhāvati-, to run after together, follow, pursue  |
samanudhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, to reflect upon, think of (accusative)  |
samanudiś | P. -diśati-, to assign or apportion anything (accusative) to any one (dative case)  |
samanudṛś | See sam-anupaś-.  |
samanudru | P. -dravati- (Epic also A1. te-), to run after together, follow, pursue  |
samanugā | (only Aorist -anv-agāt-), to go after together, follow quite closely, follow  |
samanugai | P. -gāyati-, to repeat in verse or metre  |
samanugam | P. -gacchati-, to go after, follow, pursue (accusative) ; to penetrate, pervade  |
samanugata | mfn. gone after or through, followed, pervaded  |
samanugata | mfn. coherent or connected with (instrumental case)  |
samanugrah | P. A1. -gṛhṇāti-, -gṛhṇīte-, to collect or gather together, arrange or put in order ; to show favour or grace to (accusative)  |
samanugrāhya | mfn. to be favoured or treated graciously  |
samanuja | mfn. together with a younger brother  |
samanujan | A1. -jāyate-, to be born similar to or resembling (accusative)  |
samanujñā | P. A1. -jānāti-, -janīte-, to fully permit or allow or consent to, wholly acquiesce in or approve of (accusative) ; to authorize, empower ; to indulge, pardon, forgive, excuse (genitive case of Persian) ; to grant leave of absence, allow to go away, dismiss ; to favour : Causal -jñāpayati-, to beg or request any favour from (ablative) ; to ask leave, beg permission from (ablative) ; to take leave of, bid adieu (accusative) etc. ; to greet, salute  |
samanujñā | f. leave, permission  |
samanujñāna | mfn. entirely acquiesced in, permitted, allowed  |
samanujñāna | mfn. assent, permission  |
samanujñāta | mfn. entirely consented or agreed to etc.  |
samanujñāta | mfn. authorized, empowered  |
samanujñāta | mfn. allowed to go away, dismissed  |
samanujñāta | mfn. favoured, treated kindly  |
samanukamp | A1. -kampate-, to sympathize with, have pity on (accusative)  |
samanukīrtana | n. praising highly, high praise |
samanukḷp | Caus. -kalpayati-, to make any one (acc) attain to any state or condition (locative case)  |
samanukram | (only ind.p. -kramya-), to go or pass through completely, run through (accusative)  |
samanuman | A1. -manyate-, to assent, consent to (See next) ; to recognize together as (accusative)  |
samanumata | mfn. consented to, agreed upon  |
samanumata | n. consent  |
samanuniśam | (only ind.p. -śamya-), to perceive, learn  |
samanupad | A1. -padyate- (Epic also P. ti-), to enter into or upon, attain to (varia lectio -vatsyati-for -patsyati-).  |
samanupāl | P. -pālayati-, to maintain or observe well, keep (a promise etc.)  |
samanupaś | P. A1. -paśyati-, te- (only present tense base) , to look well after, look at or on ; to perceive, observe ; to regard as, consider  |
samanuprach | P. -pṛcchati-, to ask or inquire about (accusative)  |
samanuprāp | ( -pra-āp-) P. -prāpnoti-, to attain or reach or arrive at (accusative)  |
samanuprāpta | mfn. come, arrived at  |
samanuprāpta | mfn. one who has attained to (accusative) |
samanuprāpta | mfn. obtained, assumed  |
samanuprāpta | mfn. entirely covered or overspread  |
samanuśās | P. -śāsti-, to teach thoroughly, instruct (two accusative) ; (with rājyam-,or rājya-akṣmīm-) to rule or regulate well, govern  |
samanuśiṣṭa | mfn. well taught or instructed in (accusative)  |
samanusmṛ | P. -smarati-, to remember together, recollect  |
samanusṛp | P. -sarpati-, to come near together, approach  |
samanuṣṭeya | mfn. to be accomplished or performed  |
samanuṣṭhita | mfn. ( sthā-) furnished or provided with, rich in (compound)  |
samanuśuc | P. -śocati-, to mourn over, regret (accusative)  |
samanusvṛ | P. -svarati-, to resound, leave a sound  |
samanuṣya | mfn. together with men  |
samanuṣya | mfn. visited or frequented by men  |
samanuṣyarājanya | mfn. together with the princely among men  |
samanutap | Passive voice -tapyate-, to suffer great subsequent pain, be very penitent, repent  |
samanuvarṇita | mfn. ( varṇ-) well described or narrated, explained  |
samanuvartin | mfn. obedient, willing, devoted to (genitive case)  |
samanuvas | P. -vasati-, to abide by, follow, conform to (accusative) (varia lectio -patsyati-for -vatsyati-).  |
samanuvid | Caus -vedayati-, to cause to know or remember, remind  |
samanuvīkṣ | ( -vi-īkṣ-) A1. -vīkṣate-, to well observe, behold  |
samanuvraj | P. -vrajati-, to go after, follow or pursue with others  |
samanuvrata | mf(ā-)n. entirely devoted or attached to (accusative)  |
samanuvṛt | A1. -vartate-, to follow after, obey, conform to (accusative) etc. ; to ensue, be the result or consequence : Causal -vartayati-, to cause to take place or happen  |
samanuyā | P. -yāti-, to go after, follow  |
samanuyāta | mfn. gone after, followed  |
samanuyojya | mfn. to be combined or mixed with (instrumental case)  |
samanuyuj | (only ind.p. -yujya-and Passive voice -yujyate-), to inquire after, ask about ; to appoint, order, enjoin  |
samanvāgata | mfn. ( gam-) attended by, furnished or provided with (compound)  |
samanvaṅgībhūta | mfn. possessed by, provided with (instrumental case)  |
samanvārabdha | mfn. taken hold of.  |
samanvārabdha | mfn. holding, touching  |
samanvārabdha | mfn. (plural) taking hold of one another  |
samanvārabdhanvārambha | m. taking hold of from behind  |
samanvārabdhanvārambhaṇa | n. idem or 'm. taking hold of from behind '  |
samanvārabh | A1. -rabhate-, to take hold of or clasp together, take hold of one another  |
samanvāruh | P. -rohati-, to ascend after (as a wife the funeral pyre after her husband)  |
samanvaya | m. regular succession or order, connected sequence or consequence, conjunction, mutual or immediate connection ( samanvayāt yāt- ind."in consequence of")  |
samanvayapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
samanvayapradīpasaṃketa | m. Name of work  |
samanvayasūtravivṛti | f. Name of work  |
samanvayāt | ind. samanvaya |
samanveṣaṇa | n. searching or seeking every. where  |
samanvi | P. -eti-, to go together after, follow ; to infer or ensue as a consequence  |
samanvīkṣ | (only ind.p. -īkṣya-), to look towards, look or gaze after ; to keep looking at, keep in view  |
samanviṣ | P. -iṣyati-, to seek out, look for or after  |
samanviṣ | P. -icchati- (ind.p. -iṣya-), to search through, seek about everywhere |
samanvita | mfn. connected or associated with, completely possessed of, fully endowed with, possessing, full of (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
samanvita | mfn. corresponding or answering to (compound)  |
samanya | mfn. fit for an assembly or for a festival (as a garment)  |
samanya | See  |
samanyu | mfn. or sa-many/u- having the same mind, unanimous (applied to the marut-s)  |
samanyu | mfn. wrathful, angry ,  |
samanyu | mfn. filled with sorrow, sorrowful  |
samanyu | m. Name of śiva-  |
samapacchid | ( chid-) P. -cchinatti- to cut off  |
samapada | m. "holding the feet even", a particular posture in sexual union  |
samapada | m. an attitude in shooting  |
samapāda | n. "holding the feet even", a particular posture in dancing  |
samapāda | n. a posture in shooting  |
samapadāti | ind. gaRa tiṣṭhad-gu-.  |
samapadhyai | P. -dhyāyati- (Epic also A1. te-), to think ill or badly of, meditate evil or injury against, injure  |
samapakṣapāta | mf(ā-)n. favouring both sides equally, impartial  |
samapaṭavāsa | m. (prob.) equals -gandhaka-  |
samapāvṛ | P. -vṛṇoti-, to unfasten, open (wrong reading sam-upā-vṛ-).  |
samapavṛj | Caus. -varjayati- (past participle varjita-), to deliver over, present with, offer to (dative case)  |
samapavṛt | Caus. -vartayati-, to cause to roll away, drive away  |
samapidhā | (only ind.p. -dhāya-), to cover completely  |
samapiruh | P. -rohati-, to grow together, grow over  |
samapoh | ( -apa-- 1 ūh-) P. -apāhati-, to dispel completely, entirely exclude  |
samaprabha | mfn. having equal splendour  |
samaprādhānyasaṃkara | m. (in rhetoric) the artificial combination of two metaphors  |
samaprepsu | mfn. eager for an equal position in regard to (locative case)  |
samara | m. (or n. gaRa ardharcādī-) coming together, meeting, concourse, confluence  |
samara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) hostile encounter, conflict, struggle, war, battle with (saha-) etc.  |
samara | m. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s  |
samara | m. of a king of kāmpilya-  |
samara | m. of a brother of king avantivarman-  |
samarabala | m. "battle-force", Name of warrior  |
samarabha | m. "equal-embrace", a kind of coitus  |
samarabhaṭa | m. "battle-soldier", Name of warrior  |
samarabhū | f. field of battle  |
samarabhūmi | f. field of battle  |
samarāgama | m. outbreak of war  |
samarāgra | n. the front of battle  |
samarajambuka | m. "battle-jackal", Name of a man  |
samarājira | n. battle field ( )  |
samarajit | m. "victorious in battle", Name of a king ( )  |
samarajju | f. equal or mean cord, mean or equated depth  |
samarakāmadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
samarakarman | n. the action of battle or war  |
samarakātara | m. "timid in battle", Name of a general  |
samarākhya | m. (in music) a kind of time  |
samarakṣiti | f. field of battle  |
samaramanoharī | f. Name of an astron, work  |
samaramardana | m. "destroying in battle", Name of śiva-  |
samaraṃhas | mfn. having equal impetuosity or speed  |
samaraṃjaya | m. "victorious in battle", Name of a king ( )  |
samaramūrdhan | m. the front or van of battle  |
samaraṇa | n. coming together, meeting  |
samaraṇa | n. conflict, strife, battle, war  |
samarāṅgaṇa | n. battle field  |
samarāngana | n. battle field ( )  |
samarañjita | mfn. coloured equally  |
samarañjita | mfn. equals saṃ-r-, tinged, coloured  |
samarapuṃgava | m. (with dīkṣita-) Name of an author  |
samarasa | mfn. having equal feelings ( samarasatva -tva- n.),  |
samarasāra | mn. Name of work (containing prognostics of success or defeat in warfare;also samarasārasaṃgraha -saṃgraha-,m.)  |
samarasārasaṃgraha | m. samarasāra |
samarasatva | n. samarasa |
samarasīkaraṇa | n. causing to have equal feelings  |
samarasīman | mf. battlefield  |
samarasiṃha | m. "battle-lion", Name of an astronomer  |
samaraśiras | n. (equals -mūrdhan-)  |
samaraśūra | m. a hero in battle  |
samarasvāmin | m. Name of an image or idol set up by samara-varman-  |
samarata | m. n. a particular posture in sexual union  |
samaratha | m. Name of a king  |
samarātithi | m. "battle -comer", any one encountered in battle  |
samaratuṅga | m. "eminent in battle", Name of warrior  |
samaravarman | m. Name of a king  |
samaravasudhā | f. (equals -bhū-)  |
samaravijaya | m. Name of a chapter of the rudra-yāmala- |
samaravijayin | mfn. victorious in battle  |
samaravīra | m. "battle-hero", Name of the father of yaśo-dā-  |
samaravyasanin | mfn. fond of war  |
samarc | P. -arcati-, -ṛcati- (perfect tense -ānṛca- ; -ānṛce- ), to fix, establish ; to honour, worship, adore ; to adorn, decorate : Causal -arcayati-, to honour etc.  |
samarca | (fr. sama-+ ṛc-) mfn. having the same number of verses  |
samarcaka | mfn. worshipping  |
samarcakarcā | f. idem or 'n. (orf(ā-).) the act of worshipping, adoration '  |
samarcakarcana | n. (orf(ā-).) the act of worshipping, adoration  |
samarcakarcita | mfn. worshipped, adored, honoured  |
samard | Caus. -ardayati-, to pain greatly, distress, wound  |
samardhaka | dhana- etc. See sam-ṛdh-, .  |
samardhaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to prosper etc., granting or bestowing any advantage  |
samardhana | mf(ī-)n. causing to prosper or succeed  |
samardhayitṛ | mf(trī-)n. one who fulfils, fulfiller, bestower  |
samardhuka | mfn. prospering, succeeding  |
samardhuka | mfn. equals sam-ardhaka-  |
samardhukā | f. a daughter  |
samarekha | mfn. forming an even line, straight  |
samargha | mfn. cheap  |
samarh | Caus. -arhayati-, to show honour, pay respect to  |
samarhaṇa | n. respect, reverence, a respectful gift (accusative with upa-hṛ-, ni-dhā-and Causal of pra-vṛt-,"to show honour"or"offer a gift of honour")  |
samarṇṇa | See sam-ard-, p.1157.  |
samarṇṇa | mfn. pained, wounded etc.  |
samarṇṇa | mfn. asked, solicited  |
samarocita | mfn. fit for battle (as an elephant)  |
samaroddeśa | m. battle-field  |
samarodyata | mfn. prepared for battle or war  |
samaropāya | m. stratagem of war,  |
samarotsava | m. the festival or joy of battle  |
samarpaka | paṇa- etc. See samṛ-, .  |
samarpaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) furnishing, yielding ( samarpakatā -tā- f.)  |
samarpakatā | f. samarpaka |
samarpaṇa | n. the act of placing or throwing upon  |
samarpaṇa | n. delivering or handing completely over, consigning, presenting, imparting, bestowing (see ātma-s-)  |
samarpaṇa | n. making known, communicating  |
samarpaṇa | n. (in dramatic language) angry invective between personages in a play (one of the 7 scenes which constitute a bhāṇikā- q.v)  |
samarpaṇarpaṇīya | mfn. to be delivered or handed over or entrusted  |
samarpaṇarpayitavya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be delivered or handed over or entrusted '  |
samarpaṇarpayitṛ | mfn. one who hands over or bestows or imparts (genitive case or compound)  |
samarpaṇarpita | mfn. thrown or hurled at etc. etc. (See Caus.)  |
samarpaṇarpita | mfn. placed or fixed in or on, made over or consigned to (locative case or compound) etc.  |
samarpaṇarpita | mfn. restored  |
samarpaṇarpita | mfn. filled with  |
samarpaṇarpitavat | mfn. one who has consigned or delivered over  |
samarpaṇarpya | mfn. to be handed over or consigned  |
samarth | (in some senses rather Nom.fr. sam-artha-below) A1. -arthayate- (rarely P. ti-), to make fit or ready, prepare ; to finish, close ; to connect with (instrumental case) in sense, construe (grammatically) ; to judge, think, contemplate, consider etc. ; to suppose to be, take for (accusative with prati-) ; to notice, perceive, find out ; to fix upon, determine, approve ; to cheer up, comfort, encourage ; samarthaya-, often wrong reading for samarpaya- See sam-ṛ-.  |
samartha | mf(ā-)n. having a similar or suitable aim or object, having proper aim or force, very forcible or adequate, well answering or corresponding to, suitable or fit for (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
samartha | mf(ā-)n. very strong or powerful, competent, capable of, able to, a match for (genitive case dative case locative case infinitive mood,or compound;rarely accusative ablative,or pr. p.;with varāṅganāsu-= "sexually potent") etc.  |
samartha | mf(ā-)n. having the same sense or meaning (equals tulyārtha-, ekārtha-)  |
samartha | mf(ā-)n. connected in sense, having the same grammatical construction (= sambaddhārtha-) etc.  |
samartha | m. a word which has force or meaning, significant word |
samartha | m. the construction or coherence of words in a significant sentence  |
samartha | n. ability, competence (See -yukta-)  |
samartha | n. conception, intelligibility (See duh-s-)  |
samarthana | n. (orf(ā-).) reflection, deliberation, contemplation (naṃ-kṛ-,"to reflect, consider")  |
samarthana | n. reconciling differences, reconciliation  |
samarthana | n. objecting, objection  |
samarthanā | f. persuasion, invitation  |
samarthanā | f. insisting on what is impossible  |
samarthana | n. establishing, maintaining, corroboration, vindication, justification  |
samarthana | n. energy, force, ability, competence (āt-,with genitive case,"by virtue of")  |
samarthanarthanīya | mfn. to be determined or fixed or established  |
samarthapadavidhi | m. Name of a gram. work  |
samartharthaka | mfn. able to, capable of (infinitive mood)  |
samartharthaka | mfn. maintaining. establishing, proving, corroborating,  |
samartharthaka | n. Amyris Agallocha (?)  |
samarthatā | f. (Saivad.) ability, capability, competence (-tayā-,with genitive case,"by virtue of")  |
samarthatā | f. sameness of meaning, force or signification (of words)  |
samarthatara | mfn. more (or most) competent, capable etc.  |
samarthatva | n. ( ) ability, capability, competence (-tayā-,with genitive case,"by virtue of")  |
samarthatva | n. sameness of meaning, force or signification (of words)  |
samarthayukta | mfn. adequate to or qualified for (locative case)  |
samarthita | mfn. taken into consideration, considered, judged, regarded, held  |
samarthita | mfn. resolved, determined  |
samarthita | mfn. maintained, established  |
samarthita | mfn. able, capable  |
samarthitavat | mfn. one who has judged or considered etc.  |
samarthya | mfn. to be established or corroborated or justified  |
samarti | f. suffering loss or damage or misfortune (in /a-s-,perhaps wrong reading for a-samārti-)  |
samarūpa | mfn. of the same form  |
samarūpya | mfn. equals samād āgataḥ-, formerly in the possession of an honest man (see rūpya-)  |
samarya | mfn. (for sam-ary/a-See sam-ri-) attended by many persons, frequented (as a sacrificial ceremony)  |
samarya | mfn. attended by (his) followers (said of indra-)  |
samarya | n. (for sa-m-See) concourse (of people assembled on festive occasions) , crowd, multitude  |
samarya | n. an assembly, congregation, community  |
samarya | n. tumult of battle  |
samarya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to long for battle or war  |
samaryāda | mfn. bounded, limited, keeping within bounds or in the right course, correct  |
samaryāda | mfn. respectful  |
samaryāda | mfn. contiguous, neighbouring  |
samaryāda | m. contiguity, vicinity  |
samaryādam | ind. decisively, exactly  |
samaryajit | mfn. victorious in war or battle  |
samaryarājya | n. the region occupied by a concourse (such as the above)  |
samas | See aiṣ/amas-.  |
samaś | P. A1. -aśnoti-, -aśnute- (in once future aśnuviṣyāmahe-), to reach, attain, gain, obtain etc. ; to accomplish, fulfil (a wish) ; to pervade or penetrate thoroughly (See sam-aṣṭi-).  |
samaś | P. -aśnāti-, to eat, taste, enjoy (literally and figuratively)  |
samas | P. -asti-, to be like, equal (accusative) ; to be united with (saha-) ; to be (there), exist  |
samas | P. -asyati- (Ved. infinitive mood sam-/āsam-), to throw or put together, add, combine, compound, mix, mingle, connect : Passive voice -asyate-, to be put together or combined etc. ; (in gram.) to be compounded, form a compound  |
samasamayavartin | mfn. simultaneous  |
samasamayavartitā | f. simultaneousness  |
samasaṃdhi | m. equal alliance, peace on equal terms  |
samasaṃdhita | mfn. allied on equal terms, bound or connected equally  |
samasaṃdhita | mfn. concluded on equal terms (as an alliance) (according to to read samasaṃdhitas saṃdhi-tas- ind.)  |
samasaṃdhitas | ind. samasaṃdhita |
samasaṃkhyāta | mfn. plural equal in number with (instrumental case)  |
samasaṃsthāna | n. (with yogin-s) Name of one of the 10 sitting postures  |
samasaṃsthita | mfn. being in easy circumstances  |
samaśana | n. eating together  |
samaśana | n. eating promiscuously  |
samaśana | n. eating in general  |
samasana | n. the act of throwing or putting together, combination, composition, contraction  |
samasana | n. anything gathered or collected  |
samasanād | mfn. eating collected food  |
samaśanaśanīya | mfn. to be eaten together  |
samaśaṅku | m. the sun's gnomon id est altitude when it reaches the prime vertical circle |
samaśarkara | mfn. containing the same quantity of sugar  |
samaśarkara | n. (with cūrṇa-) a particular medicinal preparation  |
samasarvaguṇa | mfn. plural endowed equally with all virtues  |
samaśas | ind. (to divide) into equal parts  |
samaśaśin | m. a moon with equal horns  |
samasaurabha | m. Name of a man  |
samaśauva | mf(ī-)n. reaching, taking hold of. seizing  |
samasāvali | f. Name of work  |
samasiddhānta | mfn. pursuing equal objects  |
samaśīla | mf(ā-)n. having the same customs or character  |
samaśīlin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. having the same customs or character '  |
samaśīrṣikā | f. equality with (instrumental case or compound)  |
samaśodhana | n. equal subtraction, subtraction of the same quantity on both sides of the equation  |
samasparśa | mfn. having the same contact, equal in touch, having the same effect of contact, equally defiling  |
samaśreṇi | f. a straight line ( samaśreṇigata -gata- mfn."written in straight lines"[as letters])  |
samaśreṇigata | mfn. samaśreṇi |
samaśruti | mfn. having equal intervals  |
samasta | mfn. thrown or put together, combined, united, whole, all etc.  |
samasta | mfn. (in gram.) compounded, compound  |
samasta | mfn. (in philosophy) inherent in or pervading the whole of anything  |
samasta | mfn. abridged, contracted  |
samasta | m. a whole, the aggregate of all the parts  |
samastabala | n. a whole army, entire force  |
samastadevatāpūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
samastadhātṛ | m. the bearer or supporter of all (applied to viṣṇu-)  |
samastāgniprayoga | m. Name of work  |
samastakālanirṇayādhikāra | m. Name of work  |
samastaloka | m. the whole world  |
samastamantradevatāprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
samastasākṣi | m. witness of all,  |
samastavastuviṣaya | mfn. relating to the whole matter  |
samastaviskayika | mfn. inhabiting the whole country |
samastavyastarūpaka | n. a kind of rūpaka- (q.v)  |
samastha | mf(ā-)n. occurring with an even number  |
samastha | mf(ā-)n. being in flourishing circumstances  |
samastha | mf(ā-)n. being level or even, equal, level, uniform  |
samastha | mf(ā-)n. like, similar  |
samasthala | n. even or level ground  |
samasthalī | f. idem or 'n. even or level ground '  |
samasthalī | f. the Doab or country between the Ganges and Jumna rivers (see antarvedī-)  |
samasthalīkṛ | to turn into level ground, make level with the ground  |
samasthalīkṛta | mfn. made into level ground, levelled, filled up  |
samasthāna | n. a particular posture in yoga- (in which the legs are closely contracted)  |
samaṣṭhila | m. (see 3. aṣṭi-, aṣṭhi-etc.) a kind of shrub  |
samaṣṭhilā | f. (also ṭhīlā-) a kind of culinary herb or cucumber  |
samaṣṭi | f. reaching, attaining, attainment  |
samaṣṭi | f. receipt, reception  |
samaṣṭi | f. conclusion, end  |
samaṣṭi | f. (in vedānta-) collective existence, collectiveness, an aggregate, totality (as opp. to vyaṣṭi- q.v)  |
samaṣṭitā | f. the state of (being) an aggregate etc.  |
samaṣṭyabhiprāya | m. the regarding a group of objects collectively  |
samasupti | f. equal or general sleep (="the end of a kalpa- and dissolution of the universe")  |
samasūtraga | mfn. situated on the same diameter (id est situated on two opposite points of the globe) , living at the antipodes  |
samasūtrastha | mfn. situated on the same diameter (id est situated on two opposite points of the globe) , living at the antipodes  |
samasvara | mfn. having the same or a similar tone or accent  |
samasya | mfn. to be thrown or put together or compounded or combined  |
samasya | mfn. to be made entire or complete  |
samasyā | f. See next.  |
samasyā | f. junction, union, the being or remaining together with (compound)  |
samasyā | f. a part of a stanza given to another person to be completed  |
samasyāpūraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
samasyārṇava | m. Name of work  |
samasyārthā | f. the part of a stanza to be completed (see next)  |
samasyāsaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
samat | P. -atati-, to resort to, approach, visit  |
samatā | f. (sam/a--) sameness of level  |
samatā | f. equality, sameness, identity with (instrumental case genitive case,or compound) etc.  |
samatā | f. fairness, impartiality towards (locative case or compound) etc.  |
samatā | f. equableness, normal condition (tāṃ-nī-,"to decide or settle equitably") etc.  |
samatā | f. equanimity.  |
samatā | f. mediocrity  |
samatā | f. benevolence  |
samatājñāna | n. (with Buddhists) one of the 5 kinds of knowledge  |
samataṭa | Name of a country in eastern India  |
samatha | wrong reading for śamatha-  |
samatī | ( -ati-i-) P. -aty-eti-, to go or pass by entirely, go through or beyond, cross over etc. ; to surpass, excel  |
samatikram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, to go or pass by entirely, cross or step over ; to step out of (ablative) ; to transgress, neglect, disregard, lose ; to surpass, excel exceed ; to pass away, elapse (as time) ; to let pass by or elapse (dvau māsau samatikramya-,"after the lapse of two months")  |
samatikrama | m. going entirely over or beyond (See duḥ-s-)  |
samatikrama | m. deviating from, transgressing, omission  |
samatikramatikrānta | mfn. gone entirely over or beyond, gone through, fulfilled (as a promise)  |
samatikramatikrānta | mfn. passed away, elapsed  |
samatikramatikrānta | mfn. surpassed, exceeded  |
samatikramatikrānta | mfn. transgressed, neglected  |
samatikramatikrānta | n. omission, transgression  |
samatipraśaṃs | P. -śaṃsati-, to praise excessively  |
samatirikta | mfn. ( ric-) excessively redundant or abundant, exceeding, excessive, much  |
samatīrthaka | mf(ikā-)n. full to the brim  |
samatisṛṣṭa | mfn. ( sṛj-) one who has taken leave, allowed to go  |
samatisruta | mfn. ( sru-) entirely flowed asunder, become thoroughly liquid  |
samatīta | mfn. gone or passed by  |
samativah | Caus. -vāhayati-, to cause to be spent, pass, spend (as time)  |
samativṛt | A1. -vartate-, to pass by (accusative) ; to run away, escape from (accusative), avoid  |
samatiyā | P. -yāti-, to go completely beyond, pass by, elapse  |
samatraya | n. an equal quantity of 3 ingredients (viz. yellow myrobalan, dry ginger, and sugar)  |
samatribhuja | mfn. having 3 equal sides  |
samatribhuja | m. n. any figure containing 3 equal sides  |
samatribhuja | m. an equilateral triangle  |
samatṛṇamaṇiloṣṭakāñcana | mfn. one to whom grass and jewels and clods and gold are of equal value  |
samatryaṃśa | mfn. consisting of 3 equal parts  |
samatryaṃśā | f. a particular viṣṭuti-  |
samatsara | mfn. having envy or jealousy, envious, jealous of (uddiśya-)  |
samatsara | mfn. indignant, angry  |
samatulā | f. equal value  |
samatulita | mfn. of equal weight  |
samatva | n. equality with (instrumental case or genitive case) etc.  |
samatva | n. equanimity  |
samatva | n. uniform conduct towards (locative case or compound)  |
samatva | n. equableness, normal condition  |
samatviṣ | mfn. equally bright or lovely  |
samaujas | m. Name of a son of a-samañjas-  |
samaujas | See .  |
samauliratna | mfn. with a crown-jewel, having a crest-jewel  |
samav | P. -avati-, to drive or force into (hostile) contact ; to aid, refresh, comfort  |
samavabodhana | n. thorough knowledge, intelligence, perception  |
samavabudh | A1. -budhyate-, to perceive clearly, understand fully, learn, know  |
samavacchad | ( chad-) Causal -chādayati- (Passive voice -cchādyate-), to cover completely over, conceal, obscure  |
samavacchanna | mfn. covered all over  |
samavadhā | P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-, to lay or put together  |
samavadhāna | n. the being brought together, meeting  |
samavadhāna | n. great attention  |
samavadhāna | n. preparation  |
samavadhīraya | Nom. P. yati-, to disregard, pay no heed to  |
samavadiś | P. -diśati-, to point or refer to, explain with reference to anything  |
samavado | (or3. dā-) P. -dāti-, or -dyati- (3. plural perfect tense A1. -dadire-), to divide and put together piece by piece  |
samavadru | P. -dravati-, to run away together  |
samavagam | P. -gacchati-, to perceive or understand thoroughly, become thoroughly acquainted with  |
samavaguh | A1. -gūhate-, to crouch down, cower  |
samavaguṇṭhita | mfn. ( guṇṭh-) completely wrapped up or enveloped in (accusative) |
samavahā | (only ind.p. -hāya-), to avoid, abandon  |
samavahāra | m. collection, quantity, abundance  |
samavahāra | m. mixture  |
samavahāsya | mfn. ( has-) to be laughed at or derided (tāṃ gam-,"to become ridiculous")  |
samavahita | See /a-sam-avahitam-.  |
samavahita | See column 2  |
samavahṛ | (only ind.p. -hāram-), to collect, gather  |
samavakāra | m. (1. kṛ-) a kind of higher rūpaka- or drama (in three acts, representing the heroic actions of gods or demons)  |
samavākāra | wrong reading for sam-avakāra- (See column 1) .  |
samavakṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter completely over, cover entirely, overwhelm with  |
samavakṣip | P. -kṣipati-, to cast or thrust away, repel  |
samavalamb | A1. -lambate-, to take hold of. clasp, embrace  |
samavalī | A1. -līyate-, to be dissolved  |
samavalok | P. -lokayati-, to look at or about ; to inspect survey (varia lectio) ; to behold, perceive  |
samavamṛś | P. -mṛśati-, to lay hold of  |
samavana | n. helping, protecting  |
samavanata | mfn. ( nam-) completely bent down, bowed, bending down, stooping (to drink water etc.)  |
samavanī | P. A1. -nayati-, te-, to lead together, unite ; to pour in together  |
samavāp | ( -ava-āp-) P. A1. -avāpnoti-, pnute-, to meet with, attain, reach, gain, obtain, incur  |
samavapīḍ | P. -pīḍayati-, to press together  |
samavapluta | mfn. ( plu-) lept down, jumped off  |
samavāpta | mfn. obtained, attained ( samavāptakāma -kāma- mfn."one who has obtained his desires")  |
samavāptakāma | mfn. samavāpta |
samavāpti | f. attainment, obtaining, getting  |
samavārj | ( -ava-ṛj-) P. -avārjati-, to abandon or leave off together  |
samavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. of the same colour  |
samavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. being of equal caste  |
samavarṇa | m. community of caste etc.  |
samavarṣaṇa | mfn. raining equally  |
samavartin | mfn. being equal, being of a fair or impartial disposition  |
samavartin | mfn. acting uniformly  |
samavartin | mfn. being equidistant (bāṇa-pāta-s-,"being equidistant with an arrow-shot")  |
samavartin | m. Name of yama-  |
samavaruddha | mfn. shut up, enclosed etc.  |
samavaruddha | mfn. attained, obtained  |
samavarudh | P. -ruṇaddhi- (Epic also -rundhati-), to shut up, enclose, confine : Passive voice -rudhyate-, to be enclosed or contained in (locative case) ; to be shut out of. be deprived of.  |
samavasanna | mfn. ( sad-) sunk down, depressed, low-spirited |
samavasaraṇa | n. meeting, assembling, an assembly  |
samavasaraṇa | n. descent (of a jina- from heaven to earth) or place of descent  |
samavasaraṇa | n. aim, goal  |
samavasarga | (of unknown meaning) ,  |
samavasargavasargya | mfn. to be let go or abandoned etc. Va1rtt. 2  |
samavaśeṣita | mfn. ( śiṣ-) left, spared, remaining  |
samavaskand | Caus. -skandayati-, to attack, assail ; to seize upon (accusative)  |
samavaskanda | m. a bulwark, rampart etc.  |
samavaso | P. -syati-, to decide, be in agreement with another (upon the same place or time) ; to reach, attain  |
samavasṛ | P. -sarati-, to come down, descend (from heaven to earth; said of a jina-)  |
samavasrava | m. flowing off or away, flowing out, effluence  |
samavasravavasrāviṇī | f. a particular arrangement of 11 sacrificial posts (so that the middlemost is the lowest and the rest become lower and lower from both ends)  |
samavasṛj | P. -sṛjati-, to let go, cast or hurl down upon (locative case) ; to abandon ; to leave out ; to impose (a burden) upon (locative case)  |
samavasṛjya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be let go or abandoned etc. Va1rtt. 2 '  |
samavasṛta | mfn. descended (from heaven to earth)  |
samavasṛtavasṛti | f. equals sam-avasaraṇa-  |
samavasru | (only ind.p. -sru-utya-), to flow off or away, flow out  |
samavaṣṭambh | (stambh-only ind.p. -ṣṭabhya-), to raise or hold up, support, confirm ; to rest on for support (ind. parasmE-pada ="with the help of")  |
samavasthā | Caus. -sthāpayati-, to cause to stand from or still, stop ; to establish, found  |
samavasthā | f. firm or fixed state or condition  |
samavasthā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) similar condition or state,  |
samavaśyāna | mfn. ( śyai-) wasted, destroyed on  |
samavatāra | m. a sacred bathing-place (equals tīrtha-)  |
samavatṝ | Caus. -tārayati-, to cause to descend  |
samavatta | mfn. cut up into bits, divided into fragments  |
samavattadhāna | mfn. containing the gathered fragments  |
samavattadhānī | f. a vessel containing the gathered fragments  |
samavavasthāna | n. resting or abiding in (locative case)  |
samavavasthāna | n. state, condition  |
samavavasthāpita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made to stand firmly, set up  |
samavavasthāpita | mfn. fully established, founded  |
samavavasthita | mfn. standing or remaining firm, remaining fixed, steady etc.  |
samavavasthita | mfn. being in any place or position  |
samavavasthita | mfn. ready, prepared for (dative case)  |
samavavṛt | Caus. -vartayati-, to turn towards  |
samavavṛtta | mfn. turned towards  |
samavāya | m. coming or meeting together, contact, concourse, congress, assemblage, collection, crowd, aggregate (ena-or āt-,"in combination"; yaṃ-kṛ-,"to meet, combine, flock together") etc.  |
samavāya | m. conjunction (of heavenly bodies)  |
samavāya | m. collision  |
samavāya | m. (in philosophy) perpetual co-inherence, inner or intimate relation, constant and intimate union, inseparable concomitance (= nitya-sambandha-,the sixth padārtha- or category of the vaiśeṣika-s, expressing relation which exists between a substance and its qualities, between a whole and its parts[ exempli gratia, 'for example' between cloth and the yarn composing it], between a genus and its individuals etc.) |
samavāya | m. course, duration (e-,with genitive case,"during")  |
samavāyakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
samavāyapramāṇavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
samavāyasambandha | m. intimate and constant connection, inseparable relation (as described above), connection by inseparable inherence  |
samavayaska | mfn. of equal age  |
samavāyatas | ind. in consequence of constant and intimate connection or relation  |
samavāyatva | n. the state of (being) intimate relation  |
samavāyavāda | m. Name of work  |
samavāyavāyana | n. the act of coming or meeting together etc.  |
samavāyavāyika | mfn. being in connection with  |
samavāyi | in compound for samavāyin-.  |
samavāyikāraṇa | n. inseparable or inherent connection, material or substantial cause (in the vedānta- upādān-k-is more commonly used;also samavāyikāraṇatva -tva- n.)  |
samavāyikāraṇatva | n. samavāyikāraṇa |
samavāyīkṛta | mfn. come together, combined, united  |
samavāyin | mfn. met together, closely connected or united, concomitant, inherent in (compound)  |
samavāyin | mfn. aggregated, multitudinous  |
samavāyin | m. a partner  |
samavāyin | m. (with puruṣa-), the soul combined (with a body), the individual soul  |
samavāyin | m. having or consisting of a combination (of the humours)  |
samavāyitva | n. intimate connection or relation  |
samave | ( -ava-- 5 i-) P. -avaiti-, to come or meet or mix or assemble together, be united in (accusative) (see pāṇ-.iv, 4, 43) ; to regard, consider (with iva-,"to regard as")  |
samavedha | m. the mean depth  |
samavegavaśa | m. plural Name of a people  |
samavekṣ | ( -ava-īkṣ-) A1. -avekṣate- (Epic also P., ti-), to look at, behold, observe, perceive, notice ; to reflect or ponder on, consider, mind, heed etc. ; to acknowledge, think fit or necessary : Causal -avekṣayati-, to cause to look at or consider  |
samavekṣita | mfn. observed, considered  |
samaveṣa | m. a similar dress (ṣaṃ-kṛ- A1. -kurute-,"to dress alike")  |
samaveta | mfn. come together, met, assembled, united, all etc.  |
samaveta | mfn. closely connected with, contained or comprised or inherent in (compound)  |
samaveta | mfn. approached, come to (accusative)  |
samavetārtha | mfn. containing a meaning, significant, instructive  |
samavetatva | n. the state of being intimately related or connected  |
samavibhāga | m. a division of property amongst sons in equal shares  |
samavibhakta | mfn. divided, equally, symmetrical ( samavibhaktāṅga tāṅga- mfn. )  |
samavibhaktāṅga | mfn. samavibhakta |
samavīrya | mfn. equal in strength  |
samaviṣama | n. plural level and uneven ground  |
samaviṣamakāra | mfn. producing what is smooth and rough (as time)  |
samavṛtta | mfn. uniformly round or equal and round  |
samavṛtta | n. the prime vertical circle  |
samavṛtta | n. a uniform metre, a metre with 4 equal pāda-s  |
samavṛttakarṇa | m. the hypotenuse of the shadow of the time when the sun reaches the prime vertical circle  |
samavṛttaśaṅku | m. equals sama-ś-  |
samavṛtti | f. even state or temper, equanimity  |
samavṛtti | f. of an equal or even temper, equable, fair, moderate  |
samavṛtti | f. whose conduct is uniform  |
samavṛttisāra | m. Name of work  |
samavyāptika | mfn. furnishing an example of mutual perpetual pervasion or concomitance  |
samavyatha | mfn. suffering equal pain  |
samaya | P. yati- (for 2.See sam-i-), to level, regulate  |
samayā | ind. through, into the middle of or midst of anything (accusative or instrumental case)  |
samayā | ind. entirely, thoroughly  |
samayā | ind. in the neighbourhood of (accusative or instrumental case or genitive case)  |
samayā | ind. See under sam-aya-, .  |
samaya | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) coming together, meeting or a place of meeting  |
samaya | m. intercourse with (instrumental case)  |
samaya | m. coming to a mutual understanding, agreement, compact, covenant, treaty, contract, arrangement, engagement, stipulation, conditions of agreement, terms (ena-or āt-or -tas-,"according to agreement, conditionally"; tena samayena-,"in consequence of this agreement"; samayaṃ- accusative with kṛ-,"to make an agreement or engagement","agree with any one [instr. with or without saha-]","settle","stipulate";with samvad- idem or 'm. intercourse with (instrumental case) ';with dā-,"to propose an agreement, offer terms";with brū-or vac-or abhi-dhā-,"to state the terms of an agreement","make a promise";with grah-or prati-pad-,"to enter into an agreement","make or accept conditions of an agreement";with pāl-,or rakṣ-or pari-rakṣ-etc.,"to keep an agreement","keep one's word";with tyaj-or bhid-or vy-abhi-car-etc.,"to break an agreement"; ablative with bhraṃś- idem or 'm. intercourse with (instrumental case) '; locative case with sthā-,"to keep an engagement","keep one's word"; accusative with Causal of sthā-or of ni-viś-"to fix or settle terms","impose conditions") etc.  |
samaya | m. convention, conventional rule or usage, established custom, law, rule, practice, observance  |
samaya | m. order, direction, precept, doctrine  |
samaya | m. (in rhetoric) the conventional meaning or scope of a word  |
samaya | m. appointed or proper time, right moment for doing anything (genitive case or Potential ), opportunity, occasion, time, season (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or in the beginning of a compound or samaye ye- ind.,"at the appointed time or at the right moment or in good time for", or"at the time of","when there is"; tena samayena-,"at that time") etc.  |
samaya | m. juncture, circumstances, case (iha samaye-,"under these circumstances","in this case")  |
samaya | m. an ordeal  |
samaya | m. sign, hint, indication  |
samaya | m. demonstrated conclusion  |
samaya | m. limit, boundary  |
samaya | m. solemn address, harangue, speech, declaration  |
samaya | m. (in gram.) a Vedic passage which is the repetition of another one  |
samaya | m. (in dramatic language) end of trouble or distress  |
samaya | m. Name of a son of dharma-  |
samaya | m. (with śākta-s) Name of the author of a mantra-  |
samayā | (for 1. samayā-See) , in compound for samaya-.  |
samayabandhana | mfn. bound by an agreement  |
samayabheda | m. breaking an agreement  |
samayabhedin | mfn. breaking an agreement  |
samayabhedoparacanacakra | n. Name of work  |
samayācāra | m. conventional or established practice  |
samayācāra | m. (with tāntrika-s) Name of particular orthodox works.  |
samayācāranirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
samayācāratantra | n. Name of work  |
samayacyuti | f. neglect of the right time,  |
samayadharma | m. a duty based on agreement, covenant, stipulation  |
samayādhyuṣita | mfn. half-risen (as the sun) etc.  |
samayādhyuṣita | n. a time at which neither stars nor sun are visible |
samayajña | mfn. knowing the right time (said of viṣṇu-)  |
samayakalpataru | m. Name of work  |
samayakāma | mfn. (samay/a-) desiring an agreement  |
samayakamalākara | m. Name of work  |
samayakāra | m. making an agreement or appointment or engagement, fixing a time  |
samayakāra | m. equals śailī-, saṃketa-  |
samayākṛ | P. -karoti-, to pass time, let time pass, lose time (equals kāla-kṣepaṃ-kṛ-)  |
samayakriyā | f. making an agreement or compact or engagement  |
samayakriyā | f. enjoining certain duties or obligations  |
samayakriyā | f. preparation of an ordeal  |
samayāloka | m.  |
samayamātrikā | f. Name of work  |
samayamayūkha | m. Name of work  |
samayānandasaṃtoṣa | m. Name of an author  |
samayanaya | m. Name of work  |
samayanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
samayānusāreṇa | ind. according to the occasion, suitably to the time or season  |
samayānuvartin | mfn. following established rules, observant of duties  |
samayapada | n. plural any matters or points agreed upon  |
samayaparirakṣaṇa | n. the observance of a compact  |
samayapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
samayaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
samayarahasya | n. Name of work  |
samayaratna | n. Name of work  |
samayārṇamātṛkā | f.  |
samayasāra | Name of work  |
samayasetuvārita | mfn. restrained by the barrier of custom  |
samayāṣṭanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
samayasūkta | n. plural Name of work  |
samayasundaragaṇi | m. Name of an author  |
samayātantra | n. Name of work  |
samayavajra | m. Name of a man  |
samayavelā | f. a period of time,  |
samayavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
samayavidyā | f. "science of right moments", astrology  |
samayaviparīta | mfn. contrary to agreement, not performing engagements,  |
samayavyabhicāra | m. transgression or violation of a compact  |
samayavyabhicārin | mfn. breaking an agreement  |
samaye | ind. samaya |
samayīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to stipulate, make incumbent or necessary  |
samayitavya | mfn. to be levelled, to be adjusted (as a dispute) (prob. wrong reading for śam-).  |
samayocita | mfn. suited to the occasion or time or to an emergency, seasonable, opportune  |
samayocitam | ind. suitably to the occasion  |
samayocitaśloka | m. Name of work  |
samayoddyota | m. Name of work  |
samayoga | wrong reading for samāy-  |
samayollaṅghitatva | n. the violating of contracts or agreements  |
samayuga | gaRa pratijanādi-.  |
abhisamas | to put together, group, collect  |
abhisamavāya | m. ( i-), union, association  |
abhisamaya | See abhi-sam-i-.  |
abhisamaya | m. agreement  |
abhisamaya | m. clear understanding  |
ahetusama | m. a particular sophism tending to prove an argument to be untenable  |
ājānusama | mfn. as high as the knee  |
ālekhyasamarpita | mfn. fixed on a picture, painted  |
anityasama | m. sophism, consisting in generalizing what is exceptional (as perishableness).  |
anityasamaprakaraṇa | n. a section in the nyāya- discussing that sophism.  |
anupalabdhisama | mf(ā-) trying to establish a fact (exempli gratia, 'for example' the reality and eternity of sound) from the impossibility of perceiving the non perception of it, sophistical argument  |
anusamaś | to overtake, reach  |
anusamas | -s/am-asyati-, to add further  |
anusamaya | See anu-sam-i-.  |
anusamaya | m. regular connection (as of words)  |
anutpattisama | mf(ā-) (in nyāya- philosophy) arguing against a thing by trying to show that nothing exists from which it could spring.  |
apakarṣasama | mf(ā-) a sophism in the nyāya- (exempli gratia, 'for example'"sound has not the quality of shape as a jar has, therefore sound and a jar have no qualities in common") .  |
apasamam | ind. last year (? gaRa tiṣṭhadgv-ādi- q.v)  |
ardhasama | mfn. "half equal", Name of metres, in which the first and third and the second and fourth pāda-s are equal  |
ardhasamamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
ardhasamasyā | f. supplying an idea which is only half expressed  |
arthāpattisama | fn. an inference by which the quality of any object is attributed to another object because of their sharing some other quality in common  |
arthasama | mfn. having the same sense, synonymous,  |
āryasamaya | m. the law of Aryans or honest men  |
asama | mfn. uneven, unequal (either by birth or in surface or number)  |
asama | mfn. odd  |
asama | mf(ā-)n. unequalled, without a fellow or equal  |
asamabāṇa | m. "having an odd number of (id est five) arrows", kāma-  |
asamad | f. non-conflict, concord  |
asamagra | mfn. incomplete, unentire, partial etc.  |
asamagram | ind. incompletely.  |
asamakṣam | ind. not visibly, behind one's back  |
asamana | mf(/ā-)n. not remaining united, going in different directions  |
asamana | mf(/ā-)n. uneven (as a path)  |
asamana | See a-sama-.  |
asamañja | m. Name of a descendant of ikṣvāku- (a son of sagara- by keśinī- and father of aṃśumat-)  |
āsamañja | m. a descendant of asamañja-  |
asamañjasa | mfn. unfit, unbecoming etc.  |
asamañjasa | m. a good-for-nothing fellow  |
asamañjasa | n. unconformity, impropriety, unbecomingness etc.  |
asamañjasam | ind. unbecomingly  |
asamanvāhāra | m. thoughtlessness (?),  |
asamaratha | (/asama--) mfn. possessed of an unequalled chariot  |
asamarpaṇa | n. not committing or not intrusting  |
asamarpaṇa | n. non-delivery  |
asamarpita | mfn. unconsigned, not intrusted  |
asamarpita | mfn. undelivered. |
asamartha | mf(ā-)n. unable to (Inf. dative case locative case,or in compound)  |
asamartha | mf(ā-)n. not having the intended meaning  |
asamarthatva | n. incapability of (in compound)  |
asamasama | mfn. unequalled  |
asamaśara | m. equals -bāṇa- q.v  |
asamasāyaka | m. equals -bāṇa- q.v  |
asamasta | mfn. uncompounded etc.  |
asamasta | mfn. uncollected  |
asamasta | mfn. incomplete  |
asamaṣṭakāvya | (7) mfn. ( aś-), of unattainable wisdom  |
asamatā | f. the being unequal led  |
asamatva | n. unfair or ungracious behaviour  |
asamaujas | m. Name of a man  |
asamavahitam | ind. so as not to touch each other  |
asamavāyin | mfn. not inherent, not inseparably connected with, accidental  |
asamaveta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not inherent, not inseparably connected with, accidental '  |
asamaveta | mfn. (plural) not all assembled  |
asamaya | m. non-obligation, absence of contract or agreement  |
asamaya | m. unseasonableness  |
asamaya | m. unfit or unfavourable time  |
asamayavyukta | mfn. (said of a śrāvaka- at a particular stage of development),  |
aṣṭāṅgasamanvāgata | mfn. (said of a feast),  |
astasamaya | m. "the moment of sunset"and"the moment of end or death"  |
asthisamarpaṇa | n. throwing the bones of a dead body into the Ganges  |
asusama | m. "dear as life", a husband, lover  |
atisamartha | mfn. very competent.  |
ātmasama | m. equal to one's self  |
ātmasama | m. (ātmasama-) -tāṃnī-, to render any one (accusative) equal to one's self  |
ātmasamarpaṇa | n. equals -nivedana- above  |
atyasama | mfn. very uneven, very rough  |
āvarasamaka | mfn. (fr. avarasama- ), to be paid in the following year (as a debt). |
avarṇyasama | m. a sophism in which the argument still to be proved is confounded with the admitted one,  |
aviśeṣasama | m. a kind of sophism  |
āyasamaya | mfn. made of iron  |
āyatasamalamba | mfn. right-angled,  |
āyatīsamam | ind. idem or 'ind. at the time when the cows come home, (gaRa tiṣṭhad-gv-ādi- ) '  |
bhagavadārādhanasamarthana | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāsamaṅgalācāraślokapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhaktyullāsamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
bhāryāsama | mfn. equal to a wife  |
bhāṣāsama | m. "Prakrit -like", a sentence so arranged that it may be either Sanskrit or Prakrit  |
bhāvasamanvita | mfn. endowed with existence, existing, living (others"endowed with the faculty of meditation")  |
bhojanasamaya | m. meal-time  |
bṛhaspatisama | mfn. equal to bṛhaspati-, like bṛhaspati-  |
catuḥsama | mfn. having 4 symmetric parts of the body (viz. arms, knees, legs, and cheeks Scholiast or Commentator;but see -śākha-and c/atur-aṅga-) (see )  |
catuḥsama | n. an unguent of 4 ingredients (sandal, agallochum, saffron;and musk ).  |
caturdaśasamadvandva | mfn. having the 14 paired parts of the body symmetric  |
catuṣpādasamanvaya | m. conjunction of the 4 parts of medical science |
darśanīyāsama | mfn. indifferent towards a good-looking woman  |
devarājasamadyuti | mfn. equal in glory to the king of the gods  |
devendrasamaya | m. Name of a work  |
dharmasamaya | m. a legal obligation  |
diksama | mfn. equals -tulya-  |
duḥkhaśokasamanvita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. feeling pain and sorrow '  |
duḥsama | mfn. unequal, uneven, unfit, perverse, bad (see duḥṣ-).  |
duḥsamartha | mfn. difficult to be conceived  |
duḥsamatikrama | mfn. difficult to be surmounted  |
dviḥsama | mfn. twice as large,  |
dvisama | mfn. consisting of 2 equal portions  |
dvisama | mfn. having 2 equal sides  |
dvisamacaturaśra | m. an isosceles quadrangle or triangle, algebra  |
dvisamatribhuja | m. an isosceles quadrangle or triangle, algebra  |
etatsama | mfn. equal to this.  |
gāndhārisaptasama | m.  |
garbhasamaya | m. equals -divasa-  |
gārtsamada | mfn. relating to gṛtsamada-  |
gārtsamada | m. a descendant of gṛtsamada-  |
gārtsamada | m. (plural)  |
gārtsamada | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
ghanasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
gopraveśasamaya | m. the time when the cows come home, evening twilight  |
grīṣmasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
gṛtsamada | m. Name of a son of śaunaka- of bhṛgu-'s family (formerly a son of śuna-hotra- [Su-hotra ]of the family of aṅgiras-, but by indra-'s will transferred to the bhṛgu- family;author of most of the hymns of ) etc.  |
gṛtsamada | m. plural gṛtsamada-'s family  |
gṛtsamati | m. "clever-minded", Name of a son of su-hotra-  |
gurusamavāya | m. a number of guru-s  |
haṃsamaṇḍūraka | n. a particular mixture  |
haṃsamauna | n. Name of work  |
harṣasamanvita | filled with joy, joyful, w.  |
hemantasamaya | m. winter time  |
hutavahajvālāsama | mfn. like flames of fire  |
ihasamaye | ind. here, now, on the present occasion, at such a time as this.  |
jagatsamagra | n. equals -kṛtsna-  |
jaladasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
jātasamavatsarā | f. (a woman or cow) having had offspring a year ago (equals saṃvatsara-jātā-) equals saṃvṛddha- mfn. born and grown up  |
jīvitasama | mfn. equals -priya-  |
jyotirbhāsamaṇi | m. a kind of gem  |
kālasamanvita | mfn. "possessed by death", dead  |
kālāyasamaya | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. made of iron '  |
kālīsamastamantra | m. Name of a mantra-.  |
kaṃsamardana | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
kāṇḍānusamaya | m. the performance of all prescribed acts of ritual in orderly succession for a particular object before performing the same acts in the same order for a second object commentator or commentary on  |
kāṇḍānusamaya | m. on  |
kāṇḍānusamaya | m. on (see padārthānusamaya-).  |
kāryasama | m. (in nyāya- philosophy) a particular sophistical objection (ignoring that similar effects may result from dissimilar circumstances)  |
kāsamarda | m. "cough-destroying", Cassia Sophora  |
kāsamarda | m. a remedy against cough (an acid preparation, mixture of tamarinds and mustard)  |
kāsamardaka | m. Cassia Sophora  |
kāsamardana | m. Trichosanthes dioeca  |
khasama | m. Name of a buddha- (see -śaya-.)  |
khasama | etc. See 3. kh/a-, p.334.  |
kilāsamaya | mfn. scabby (as a dog), 13.  |
kopasamanvita | mfn. affected by anger.  |
krīḍārasamaya | mfn. consisting of pleasure-water  |
kriyāsamabhihāra | m. repetition of any act or intensity of action (as represented by the Intensive)  |
krodhasamanvita | mfn. filled with anger.  |
kṛtākṛtyasama | m. plural "indifferent as to what has been done and what ought to be done", Name of a sect.  |
kukkuṭāṇḍasama | m. Name of a plant (having a white fruit)  |
kulaśīlasamanvita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. endowed with a noble character or disposition '  |
kundasamadanta | mfn. one whose teeth are like the jasmine.  |
lagnasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
madhumāsamahotsava | m. the spring festival  |
madhurasamaya | mf(ī-)n. full of the juice of honey  |
madhyāhnasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
madhyaṃdinasamaya | m. midday-time, noon  |
madrasamaryāda | n. neighbourhood of the Madras  |
mahāsama | m. plural Name of a school of the sāma-veda-  |
mahāsamaṅgā | f. a species of plant  |
mahāsamaya | m. or n. (?) Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
māṃsamaithuna | n. dual number animal food and sexual intercourse  |
māṃsamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of flesh  |
māṃsamayīpeśī | f. a piece of flesh  |
masamasā | onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) gaRa ūry-ādi-.  |
mātrāsamaka | Name of a class of metres  |
matsamakṣana | ind. in my sight or presence  |
matsamatva | n. likeness or resemblance of me  |
meghadūtapādasamasyā | f. Name of work  |
mithasamaya | m. mutual agreement (varia lectio -samavāya-).  |
naktaṃsamaya | m. night-time  |
nārāyaṇabalisamarthana | n. nārāyaṇabali |
nātisamañjasa | mf(ā-or ī-)n. not quite right or proper  |
navanītasama | mfn. "butter-like", soft, gentle (voice)  |
nighaṇṭusamaya | m. Name of work  |
nityasama | m. the assertion that all things remain the same  |
padārthānusamaya | m. the performance of one ritual act for all objects in orderly succession before performing another act for all objects in the same order etc. (see kāṇḍānus-)  |
padasamaya | m. equals -pāṭha-  |
pakṣahomasamasyavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
pañcagatisamatikrānta | m. "having passed through the 5 forms of existence", Name of gautama- buddha- (some reckon 6 formsSee ) .  |
pāpasama | n. a bad year  |
parisamanta | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' taka-) circumference, circuit  |
paścāttāpasamanvita | mfn. smitten by repentance, regretful ( )  |
pāṭalakusama | n. the trumpet-flower  |
paṭhasamañjarī | f. (in music) Name of rāgiṇī-s.  |
payograhasamarthanaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
phalgunīpūrvasamaya | m. the time when the moon is in the nakṣatra- pūrva-phalgunī-  |
prabhātasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
prācyasaptasama | mfn.  |
prādeśasama | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. a span long etc.'  |
pradoṣasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
prakaraṇasama | m. a kind of sophism, an assertion by two opponents of some argument which has the same force of argument pro and con  |
prāṇasama | mf(ā-)n. equal to or as dear as life  |
prāṇasama | m. a husband or lover  |
prāptisama | m. a particular jāti- (q.v) in logic  |
prasaṅgasama | m. (in nyāya-) the sophism that the proof too must be proved  |
prasavasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
pratidṛṣṭāntasama | m. an irrelevant objection by adducing a counter example which ignores the opponent's example  |
pratisama | mfn. equal to, a match for  |
pratisamantam | (pr/ati--) ind. on every side, everywhere  |
pratisamas | P. -asyati- (ind.p. -āsam-), to put back again to its place  |
pratisamayya | ind. having arranged (prob. wrong reading for -śamayya-;See prati-śam-).  |
pṛthagrasamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of a distinct or special sap or essence  |
puṇyasama | n. a good year  |
puṇyasamam | ind. gaRa tiṣṭhadgvādi-  |
pūrṇasamaya | m. Name of a kṣapaṇaka-  |
puruṣasamaveya | m. a number of men  |
puṣpasamaya | m. "flower-season", the spring  |
rādhārasamañjarī | f.  |
rasamahārṇava | m. Name of work  |
rāsamahotsava | m. equals -goṣṭhī-  |
rasamala | m. or n. the refuse of juices (of the body), impure excretions  |
rāsamaṇḍala | n. kṛṣṇa-'s circular dancing ground  |
rasamaṇi | m. Name of a medical work  |
rasamañjarī | f. Name of various works.  |
rāsamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
rasamañjarīguṇaleśasūcakāṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
rasamañjarīparimala | m. Name of work  |
rasamañjarīprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
rasamañjarīsthūlatātparyārtha | m. Name of work  |
rasamaya | mf(ī-)n. formed of juice, consisting of fluid, liquid  |
rasamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of quicksilver  |
rasamaya | mf(ī-)n. whose essence is taste, savoury (as water)  |
rasamaya | mf(ī-)n. delightful, charming  |
raticaraṇasamantasvara | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
ravisamaprabha | mfn. radiant as the sun  |
ṛksama | equals -ṣama- above  |
ṛtusamaya | m. the period of or after the menses (fit for procreation)  |
śabdaratnasamanvaya | m. Name of grammars and dictionaries.  |
ṣaḍaṅgasamanvāgata | m. "provided with the six chief requisites", Name of buddha-  |
sādharmyasama | m. (in nyāya-) a pretended or sham objection  |
sādhusamakṣarūpa | mfn. well before the eyes (varia lectio)  |
sādhyasama | m. an assertion identical with the point to be proved, petitio principii  |
sādhyasamatva | n. sameness with the point to be proved (tvāt-,"because it is the same with what is to be proved")  |
sahasrāṃśusama | mfn. sun-like  |
sahasrasama | mfn. lasting a thousand years (as a sacred rite)  |
śaikyāyasamaya | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. made of damasked steel '  |
samāsama | mfn. dual number equal and unequal, of equal and equal rank  |
samāsamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāsamaya | m. twilight-period  |
saṃdhyāsamaya | m. a portion of each yuga-  |
samṛddhisamaya | m. a season of great prosperity  |
saṃsamaka | mfn. united together, joined together  |
saṃśayasama | m. (in nyāya-) one of the 24 jāti-s or self-confuting replies (see )  |
saṃśayasamaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
saṃyuktasamavāya | m. inherence in the connected (one of the six kinds of perception in nyāya-)  |
saṃyuktasamavetasamavāya | m. inherence in that which inheres in the connected  |
saptasama | See prācya-sapta-s-?.  |
sārasamagraha | m. "concentration of the essence of any work", Name of various compendiums (also sārasamagrahajñānabhūṣaṇabhāṣya -jñāna-bhūṣaṇa-bhāṣya- n. sārasamagrahanighaṇṭu -nighaṇṭu- m. sārasamagrahasaṃgraha -saṃgraha-,m. )  |
sārasamagrahajñānabhūṣaṇabhāṣya | n. sārasamagraha |
sārasamagrahanighaṇṭu | m. sārasamagraha |
sārasamagrahasaṃgraha | m. sārasamagraha |
sārasvatasārasarasamagraha | m. Name of work  |
śaratsamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
śārdūlasamavikrama | mfn. having prowess equal to a tiger, as bold as a tiger  |
sarvadharmasamatājñānamudrā | f. a particular position of the fingers  |
sarvadharmasamavaśaraṇasāgaramudrā | f. Name of a samādhi-  |
sarvadharmasamavasaraṇasāgaramudra | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
sarvaratnasamanvita | mfn. possessed of all jewels  |
sarvasamarpaṇastotra | n. Name of work  |
sarvasamatā | f. sameness or identity with all things  |
sarvasamatā | f. equality or impartiality towards everything  |
śāstrārambhavādārambhasamarthana | n. Name of work  |
saurapaurāṇikamatasamarthana | n. Name of work  |
sāyāhnasamaye | ind. at eventide  |
sāyāhnasamaye | ind. at eventide  |
sāyantanasamaya | m. eventide |
śikharisama | mfn. mountain-like  |
śiśirasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
śivasamarasa | mfn. having the same sentiments as śiva- ( śivasamarasatā -tā- f.)  |
śivasamarasatā | f. śivasamarasa |
ślakṣṇarūpasamanvita | mfn. having a smooth (or slender) form (applied to the sacrificial post)  |
śokaduḥkhasamanvita | mfn. affected by sorrow and pain  |
śraddhāsamanvita | mfn. equals śraddh/anvita-  |
śṛṅgārarasamaṇḍana | n. Name of rhetoric work  |
stanitasamaya | m. the time of thundering  |
strīsamasthāna | mfn. having a feminine shape  |
śubhasamanvita | mfn. endowed with beauty, charming  |
sudhārasamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of nectar, containing nectar  |
sukhaduḥkhasamanvita | mfn. feeling pleasure and pain  |
surabhisamaya | m. the season of spring  |
surasama | mfn. equal to the gods  |
sūryasama | (s/ūrya--) mfn. equal to the sun  |
susama | mf(ā-)n. (see su-ṣama-) perfectly level or smooth  |
susama | mf(ā-)n. well-proportioned  |
susama | mf(ā-)n. better than middling  |
tarasamaya | mfn. consisting of meat (a cake)  |
taratsama | m. conflagration of chaff (see taratsala-)  |
taratsama | m. or f. plural equals mandī-  |
taratsamandī | f. plural the hymn (beginning with t/arat s/a mand/ī-)  |
taratsamandīya | n. (scilicet sūkta-) idem or 'f. plural the hymn (beginning with t/arat s/a mand/ī-) '  |
tarkasamaya | m. Name of work  |
tatsama | mfn. equals -tulya-  |
tatsama | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' synonymous with  |
tatsamanantaram | ind. immediately upon that  |
tatsamanantaram | ind. see tadanant-.  |
traidhātukasamatā | f. equilibrium of the three elements, .  |
trisama | mfn. having 3 equal sides (a quadrangle) |
trisama | mfn. having 3 equal parts of the body  |
trisama | n. an aggregate of equal parts of 3 substances (yellow myrobalan, ginger, and molasses)  |
udyogasamartha | mfn. capable of exertion.  |
upalabdhisama | m. (in logic) a kind of sophistical refutation of an argument (exempli gratia, 'for example' the argument, "sound is uneternal because it is produced by some effort", is refuted by saying that sound is also produced by wind)  |
upapattisama | m. (in logic) a kind of contradiction in which both the contradicting assertions are supposed to be demonstrable (exempli gratia, 'for example' sound is uneternal, because it is produced;it is eternal, because it is not tangible)  |
upasamaś | (Aorist -ānaṭ-) to reach, obtain  |
upasamas |  |
upasamasya | ind.p. placing or putting upon  |
upasamasya | adding  |
uṣṇasamaya | m. the hot season.  |
utkarṣasama | m. a kind of fallacy (attributing similar qualities to two objects because they have one quality in common; exempli gratia, 'for example' affirming that a sound has a shape like a jar because both are perishable) |
vaidharmyasama | m. (in logic) a fallacy based on dissimilarity  |
vaidyarasamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
vaikhānasamata | n. the rules for anchorites ( )  |
vaināśikasamaya | m. idem or 'n. the doctrines or system of the Buddhists Bombay edition '  |
vajrāśanisamasvana | mfn. sounding like indra-'s thunderbolt  |
varṇyasama | m. (scilicet pratiṣedha-) a kind of sophism (see a-varṇya-sama-).  |
varṣāsamaya | m. the rainy season  |
vasantakusama | m. "having blossoms in spring", Cordia Latifolia or Myxa  |
vasantasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
vasantasamayotsava | m. the festive time of spring  |
vasiṣṭhabhṛgvatrisama | mfn. equal to (the three great saints) vasiṣṭha- and bhṛgu- and atri-  |
vayaḥsama | mfn. equal in age  |
vayorūpasamanvita | mfn. endowed with youth and beauty  |