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Grammar Search
"sagara" has 2 results
sagara: masculine vocative singular stem: sagara
sagara: neuter vocative singular stem: sagara
Monier-Williams Search
7 results for sagara
sagara(s/a--). mfn. (for 2. etc.See below) accompanied by praise (fr. gara-,1. gṝ-;said of the fires) (Scholiast or Commentator; according to to others,"swallowing","devouring", fr. gara-,2. gṝ-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sagaramfn. (fr. 7. sa-+ gara-,"poison",2. gṝ-;for 1. sa-gara-See above) containing poison, poisonous (n."poisonous food") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sagaram. "provided with moisture", the atmosphere, air (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sagaram. Name of a king of the solar race, sovereign of ayodhyā- (son of bāhu-;he is said to have been called sa-gara-, as born together with a poison given to his mother by the other wife of his father;he was father of asamañja- by keśinī- and of sixty thousand sons by su-mati-;the latter were turned into a heap of ashes by the sage kapila- [see bhagīratha-],and their funeral ceremonies could only be performed by the waters of gaṅgā- to be brought from heaven for the purpose of purifying their remains;this was finally accomplished by the devotion of bhagīratha-, who having led the river to the sea, called it sāgara- in honour of his ancestor: sagara- is described as having subdued the śaka-s, yavana-s, and other barbarous tribes; plural"the sons of sagara-") etc. ()
sagaram. Name of a particular arhat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sagaram. and f(ā-). (for 1. 2. sa-g-See column 1) night (?) : (in a formula) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sagarasmfn. accompanied by praise (applied to agni-; see prec.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
sagara सगर a. [गरेण विषेण सहितः] Poisonous, having poison, -रः N. of a king of the Solar race. [He was a son of Bāhu and was called Sagara because he was born together with gara or poison given to his mother by the other wife of his father. By his wife Sumati he had 6 sons. He successfully performed 99 sacrifices but when he commenced the hundredth, his sacrificial horse was stolen by Indra and carried down to the Pātāla. Sagara thereupon commanded his 6 sons to search it out. Finding no trace of the animal on earth they began to dig down towards the Pātāla, and in doing this they naturally increased the boundaries of the ocean which was therefore called Sāgara; cf. R.13.3. Meeting with the sage Kapila they rashly accused him of having stolen their horse, as a punishment for which they were instantly reduced to ashes by that sage. It whas after several thousands of years that Bhagīratha (q. v.) succeeded in bringing down to the Pātāla the celestial river Ganges to water and purify their ashes and thus to convey their souls to heaven.]
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results9 results
agnayaḥ sagarā stha sagareṇa nāmnā raudreṇānīkena pāta māgnayaḥ pipṛta māgnayo gopāyata mā namo vo 'stu mā mā hiṃsiṣṭa Vait.18.8. P: agnayaḥ sagarā stha Vait.18.13. See next two.
agnayaḥ sagarāḥ sagarā agnayaḥ sagarāḥ stha sagareṇa nāmnā pāta māgnayaḥ pipṛta māgnayo namo vo astu mā mā hiṃsiṣṭa Aś.5.3.15. See prec. and next.
agnayaḥ sagarāḥ sagarā stha sagareṇa nāmnā raudreṇānīkena pāta māgnayaḥ pipṛta māgnayo gopāyata mā namo vo 'stu mā mā hiṃsiṣṭa VS.5.34; (omitting gopāyata mā) VSK.5.8.5; (omitting māgnayo gopāyata and writing astu for 'stu) śś.6.13.1. P: agnayaḥ sagarāḥ Kś.9.8.24. See prec. two.
prajābhis sagaraḥ KS.35.15.
apaḥ prerayaṃ (SV. prairayat; TB. prairayan) sagarasya budhnāt # RV.10.89.4b; SV.1.339b; TB.
nilimpā nāma stha teṣāṃ vo dakṣiṇā gṛhāḥ pitaro va iṣavaḥ sagaraḥ (ApMB. sagaro vātanāmam) # TS.; ApMB.2.17.21 (ApG.7.18.12).
malimluco 'si sagaraḥ # śś.6.12.14. Cf. sadasyo 'si.
yavā ayavā ūmā abdaḥ (KS. yavā āyavā ūmā evā abdas) sagaraḥ sumekaḥ # MS.2.13.12: 162.6; KS.22.5. P: yavā ayavāḥ Mś. See yāvā ayāvā, and cf. śB.
yāvā ayāvā evā ūmāḥ sabdaḥ sagaraḥ sumekaḥ # TS. P: yāvā ayāvāḥ Apś.17.5.15. Fragment: sumekaḥ TS. See yavā ayavā, and cf. śB.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"sagara" has 1 results
haimaliṅgānuśāsanavivaraṇaa commentary, written in the seventeenth century by Kalyanasagara on the हैमलिङ्गानुशासन.
Vedabase Search
19 results
sagara-ākhyaḥ by the name SagaraSB 9.8.4
sagara-ākhyaḥ by the name SagaraSB 9.8.4
sagara-ātma-jaiḥ by the sons of Mahārāja SagaraSB 5.19.29-30
sagara-ātma-jaiḥ by the sons of Mahārāja SagaraSB 5.19.29-30
sagara-ātma-jaiḥ by the sons of Mahārāja SagaraSB 5.19.29-30
sagara-ātmajāḥ the sons of King SagaraSB 10.41.15
sagara-ātmajāḥ the sons of King SagaraSB 10.41.15
sagara-ātmajāḥ the sons of SagaraSB 9.9.12
sagara-ātmajāḥ the sons of SagaraSB 9.9.12
SB 9.9.13
sagara-ātmajāḥ the sons of SagaraSB 9.9.13
sagara-ātmajān the sons of SagaraSB 9.9.11
sagara-ātmajān the sons of SagaraSB 9.9.11
sagara King SagaraSB 9.8.29
SB 9.8.4
sagarasya of SagaraSB 12.12.23
māndhātā sagaraḥ rāmaḥ Māndhātā, Sagara and RāmaSB 12.3.9-13
māndhātā sagaraḥ rāmaḥ Māndhātā, Sagara and RāmaSB 12.3.9-13
māndhātā sagaraḥ rāmaḥ Māndhātā, Sagara and RāmaSB 12.3.9-13
1 result
sagara noun (masculine) air (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
athmosphere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a king of the solar race (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a partic. Arhat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4201/72933
Wordnet Search
"sagara" has 2 results.



ekaḥ ikṣvākuvaṃśe jātaḥ rājā yaḥ rāmasya pūrvajaḥ tathā ca asitasya putraḥ āsīt।

kapilena sagarasya ṣaṣṭyadhikāḥ sahasrāḥ putrāḥ bhasmīkṛtāḥ।


sagaramāthā-parvataḥ, sagaramāthā, evaresṭaḥ, evaresṭaparvataḥ   

himācalasya mūrdhanyaḥ parvataśikharaḥ athavā bhūmeḥ uccatamā avasānabhūmiḥ।

juṅko topaī sagaramāthā-parvatam āruhyamāṇā prathamā strī।

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