ā | (see ā-jaras/am-, ā-vyuṣ/am-, ā-saptama-, otsūy/am-.) Prefixed to adjective (cf. mfn.) ([rarely to substantive; see ā-kopa-]) it implies diminution commentator or commentary "a little" exempli gratia, 'for example' ā-piñjara- mfn. a little red, reddish  |
abhisaṃdaṣṭa | (abh/is/aṃdaṣṭa-) mfn. ( daṃś-), compressed or tightened together  |
abhisame | ( -ā-i-), Ved. (Imper. abh/i-... sam-/aitu-[ ] or /ā-.. abh/i s/am-etu-[ ]) to join in coming near (accusative), approach together.  |
abhisaṃsu | (3. dual number -s/aṃ-sunutas-) to press out (soma- juice) together for the sake of (accusative)  |
abhisaṃviś | P. A1. (Imper. 2. plural -s/aṃ-viśadhvam-) to meet round or near, surround etc. ; to enter into, dissolve in  |
abhiviśaṃs | -ś/aṃsati-, to divide (verses) in reciting (see vi-śaṃs-.)  |
adhisaṃvṛt | (imperfect tense s/am-avar-tatādhi-) to originate from  |
anusamas | -s/am-asyati-, to add further  |
āprī | f. plural (-pr/iyas-[ ] and -pryas-[ nārāyaṇa-]) Name of particular invocations spoken previous to the offering of oblations (according to they are different in different schools; exempli gratia, 'for example' s/amiddho agn/ir- ,in the school of śunaka-; juṣ/asva naḥ- ,in that of vasiṣṭha-; s/amiddho ady/a- ,in that of others; nārāyaṇa- on this passage gives ten hymns belonging to different schools;See also on [ s/usamiddho na /ā vaha-,the āprī--hymn of the school of kaṇva-] , who enumerates twelve āprī-s and explains that twelve deities are propitiated;those deities are personified objects belonging to the fire-sacrifice, viz. the fuel, the sacred grass, the enclosure, etc., all regarded as different forms of agni-;hence the objects are also called āprī-s, or, according to others, the objects are the real āprī-s, whence the hymns received their names)  |
arc | cl.1. P. /arcats- (subjunctive /arcāt- imperfect tense /ārcat-; Aorist ārcīt- , perf. ānarca-3. plural ānarcuḥ-[ ] , but Vedic or Veda ānṛc/uḥ-[ ]; perf. A1.(Passive voice) ānarce-[ ],but Vedic or Veda s/am ānṛce-[ ]; future parasmE-pada arciṣyat-[ ] . ind.p., arcya-[ etc.; see Scholiast or Commentator ]or arcitvā-[ ] , Vedic or Veda infinitive mood ṛc/ase-[ ]) to shine, brilliant ; to praise, sing (also used of the roaring of the marut-s, and of a bull[ ]) , to praise anything to another (dative case), recommend ; to honour or treat with respect etc. ; to adorn : exceptionally A1. (1. plural arcāmahe-) to honour : Causal (2. sg. arcayas-) to cause to shine P. A1. to honour or treat with respect etc.: Desiderative arciciṣati-, to wish to honour Ved. Passive voice ṛcyate- (parasmE-pada ṛcy/amāna-) to be praised  |
āriś | A1. (1. plural -riś/āmahe-) to eat up (grass as a cow in grazing) (see ā-liś-.)  |
asāman | n. (fr. 1. s/āman-), want, deficiency  |
asāman | mfn. (fr. 2. s/āman-), without a song or sāman-  |
āsaṃgrah | (imperative 2. sg. -s/aṃgṛbhāya- ) to seize.  |
aṣṭi | f. (1. aś-), reaching (see jar/ad-aṣṭi-, vy/aṣṭi-, s/amaṣṭi-.)  |
avyavacchinna | mfn. uninterrupted and (together with s/aṃtata-)  |
bhaikṣuka | m. (scilicet āś/ama-) the fourth stage in the life of a Brahman, the life of a religious mendicant  |
dasyu | m. ( das-) enemy of the gods (exempli gratia, 'for example' ś/ambara-, ś/uṣṇa-, c/umuri-, dh/uni-;all conquered by indra-, agni-, etc.), impious man (called a-śraddh/a-, a-yajñ/a-, /a-yajyu-, /a-pṛnat-, a-vrat/a-, anya-vrata-, a-karm/an-), barbarian (called a-n/ās-,or an-/ās-"ugly-faced", /adhara-,"inferior", /a-mānuṣa-,"inhuman"), robber (called dhan/in-) etc.  |
ghāsa | m. ( ) food, meadow or pasture grass (ghās/ād ghās/am-,"one bit after the other", gradually, xviii, 2, 26)  |
hāna | mfn. gone or departed etc. (in s/aṃhāna-,"risen")  |
jarasa | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals r/as- (gaRa śarad-ādi-) See ā-jaras/am-, s/āya-  |
kṝ | cl.6 P. kir/ati- ( ; perf. -cakāra- ; 2nd future kariṣyati-; 1st future karitā-or karītā- ; Aorist akārīt-[Ved. s/aṃ k/āriṣat-]; ind.p. -kīrya-; Passive voice kīryate-), to pour out, scatter, throw, cast, disperse etc. ; to throw up in a heap, heap up : A1. kirate-, to throw off from one's self : P. to strew, pour over, fill with, cover with ; (perf. 3. plural cakarur-) : Desiderative cikariṣati- : Intensive cākarti- ; ([ confer, compare Greek , .])  |
miśla | mfn. equals miśra- (in /ā-, n/i--, s/am-m-).  |
nārāśaṃsa | mf(/ī-)n. (fr. n/arā-ś/aṃsa-) relating to the praise of a man or men, laudatory, eulogistic (as a hymn, tale etc.) etc.  |
nārāśaṃsa | mf(/ī-)n. relating or sacred to agni- narā-- ś/aṃsa- (applied to the soma- ;to a ṛc- etc.)  |
prasṛṣṭā | f. plural (prob.) a particular movement in fighting (= sarvāṅgas/aṃśleṣaṇa- )  |
ruśama | m. (or ruś/ama-) Name of a man  |
ruśama | m. (ruś/amās-) plural his descendants  |
śakam | See unader ś/am- (ind.)  |
śam | cl.4 P. ( ), ś/āmyati- (rarely te-,and Epic also śanati-, te-; Vedic or Veda śamyati-, śimyati-,and cl.9. śamnāti-[ ], śamnīṣe-, śamnīthās- imperative śamnīṣva-, śamīṣva-, śamiṣva-, śamīdhvam-; perfect tense śaśāma-, śemuḥ- etc.; śaśam/e- subjunctive śaś/amate- ; parasmE-pada śaśamān/a-[ q.v ]; Aorist /aśamiṣṭhās- ; aśamat- [ confer, compare present tense ]; preceding śamyāt- grammar; future śamiśā-, śamiṣyati- ; ind.p. śamitvā-, śāntvā-, śāmam- ), to toil at, fatigue or exert one's self (especially in performing ritual acts) ; to prepare, arrange ; to become tired, finish, stop, come to an end, rest, be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented etc. ; to cease, be allayed or extinguished etc. ; cl.9. (confer, compare above) to put an end to, hurt, injure, destroy : Passive voice śamyate- (Aorist aśami-) : Causal śam/ayati- (mc. also śāmayati-; Aorist aśīśamat-; Passive voice śāmyate-), to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe, settle etc. ; to put to an end or to death, kill, slay, destroy, remove, extinguish. sup. press etc. ; to leave off, desist ; to conquer, subdue : Desiderative śiśamiṣati- grammar : Intensive śaṃśamīti- ( ), śaṃśamyate-, śaṃśanti- (grammar), to be entirely appeased or extinguished (perfect tense śaṃśamāṃ cakruḥ- ) . ([ confer, compare Greek ]) ,  |
śam | ind. (gaRa cādi-and svar-ādi-) auspiciously, fortunately, happily, well (frequently used in the veda-, rarely in later language; often to be translated by a substantive, especially in the frequent phrase ś/aṃ y/oḥ-or ś/aṃ ca y/oś ca-,"happiness and welfare", sometimes joined with the verbs bhū-,as, kṛ-, dāvah-, yā-,sometimes occurring without any verb; with dative case or genitive case [ see ]; in some cases corresponding to an adjective (cf. mfn.) exempli gratia, 'for example' śaṃ tad asmai-,that is pleasant to him)  |
sam | ind. (connected with 7. sa-and 2. sama-,and opp. to 3. vi- q.v) with, together with, along with, together, altogether (used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, like Greek , Latin con,and expressing"conjunction","union","thoroughness","intensity","completeness" exempli gratia, 'for example' saṃyuj-,"to join together"; saṃ-dhā-,"to place together"; saṃ-dhi-,"placing together"; saṃ-tap-,"to consume utterly by burning"; sam-uccheda-,"destroying altogether, complete destruction";in Vedic or Veda the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied, exempli gratia, 'for example' /āpo agn/im yaś/asaḥ s/aṃ h/i pūrv/īih-,"for many glorious waters surrounded agni-";it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the sense of 2. sama-,"same"; confer, compare samartha-)  |
samā | f. (of 2. sama-above) a year etc. etc. (also sama- n.in pāpa-s/ama-, puṇya-s-, su-ṣ/ama-)  |
samad | f. (prob. fr. 7. sa-+ mad-,"raging together"; according to to yāska- either fr. sam-ad-,or fr. sam-mad-; according to to others fr. 2. sam-+ suffix ad-; see s/amana-) strife, battle (often in locative case plural; accusative with kṛ-or dhā-and dative case,"to cause strife among or between")  |
samānta | m. (for 2. samānta-See under samā-) a borderer, neighbour (see s/amanta-). 1.  |
samanta | mf(ā-)n. "being on every side", universal, whole, entire, all ( samantam s/amantam- ind."in contiguity or conjunction with","together with"; samantam samant/am- ind.or samantāt tāt- ind.or samantatas ta-tas- ind."on all sides, around","or, wholly, completely"; samantena tena- ind."all round";with na-= "nowhere") etc.  |
sāmanvat | (s/āman--) mfn. connected with a sāman-  |
sāmatejas | (s/āma--) mfn. having the glory of a sāman-  |
śamayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) an alleviator, tranquillizer ( śamayitṛkā ś/amayitṛkā- f. )  |
sambhava | m. (or s/am-bhava-) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) being or coming together, meeting, union, intercourse (especially sexual intercourse, cohabitation)  |
śambhaviṣṭha | (ś/aṃ--) mfn. superl. of śambhu-.  |
sambhṛtasambhāra | mfn. (s/am-) one who has brought together all requisite materials, quite ready or prepared for anything  |
sambhṛtaśrī | mfn. (s/am-) one in whom all beauty is concentrated, lovely, charming  |
sambhūti | f. (s/am--.) birth, origin, production (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ="risen or produced or descended from") etc.  |
saṃdhātṛ | mfn. (s/aṃ--) one who puts together or joins  |
śaṃgavī | (ś/aṃ--) f. blessing cattle  |
saṃgṛbhīta | (s/aṃ--) mfn. seized or held together, grasped, griped  |
saṃgṛbhītṛ | (s/aṃ--) mfn. restraining, governing, ruling  |
saṃhve | A1. -hvayate- ( ;Ved. infinitive mood s/aṃ-hvayitav/ai-), to call out loudly, shout together ; to relate, make known  |
śamī | f. (see ś/ami-) effort, labour, toil  |
samika | (fr. s/amā-;for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) See dvai-s-.  |
saṃjñātarūpa | mfn. (s/aṃ-) one whose form or appearance is universally known  |
saṃkrand | (only Aorist sam-akrān-), to cry or bellow or cry out together with (instrumental case) : Causal (only Aorist s/am-acikradaḥ-) to bring together by shouting or calling out  |
śaṃkṛt | (ś/aṃ--) mfn. causing prosperity, beneficent  |
saṃkusuka | See s/aṃ-kasuka-.  |
sammātri | or s/am-mātṛ- mfn. (for 1.See above) having the same mother, twin  |
sammayana | (s/am--) n. erection of a sacrificial post  |
sammīlita | mfn. (s/am-.) one who has closed the eyes  |
saṃnata | mfn. (s/aṃ--) dual number conforming to or harmonizing with each other  |
saṃrādhana | mfn. (s/aṃ--) conciliating, satisfying  |
samṛddhikāma | mfn. (s/am-) desirous of prosperity  |
samṛti | f. (s/am--) coming together, meeting, contact  |
śaṃs | cl.1 P. ( ) ś/aṃsati- (mc. also A1.; perfect tense śaśaṃsa-, se- etc.; śaṃsuḥ-, sire- ; parasmE-pada śaṃsivas- q.v; Aorist aśaṃsīt- etc., etc.: subjunctive śaṃsiṣat- ;2. plural śasta- ; śastāt- ;1. sg. śaṃsi- ; preceding śasyāt-. grammar; future śaṃsitā- ; śaṃsiṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood śaṃsitum- ; -śase- ; indeclinable parasmE-pada śastv/ā-, -śasya-, -śaṃsam- etc.; -śaṃsya- ), to recite, repeat (especially applied to the recitation of texts in the invocations addressed by the hotṛ- to the adhvaryu-, when śaṃs-is written śoṃs-and the formulas śoṃsāmas-, śoṃsāvas-, śoṃsāva-are used;See 2. ā-hāva-) ; to praise, extol etc. ; to praise, commend, approve ; to vow, make a vow (?) ; to wish anything (accusative) to (dative case) to relate, say, tell, report, declare, announce to (genitive case or dative case;"who or where anybody is" accusative;also with two acc, "to declare anybody or anything to be-") etc. ; to foretell, predict, prognosticate etc. ; to calumniate, revile ; to hurt, injure ; to be unhappy : Passive voice śasy/ate-, to be recited or uttered or praised or approved etc. etc.: Causal śaṃsayati- (Aorist aśaśaṃsat-), to cause to repeat or recite ; to predict, foretell : Desiderative śiśaṃsiṣati- grammar : Intensive śāśasyate-, śāśaṃsti- [ confer, compare Latin carmenforcasmen;casme1nacame1na;censeo.] |
śaṃsa | m. a promise, vow (nar/āṃ ś/aṃsa- , prob.= narā-ś- q.v; ṛj/ur- /ic- ch/aṃsa-, either, by tmesis,"the right praiser", or ṛju-śaṃsa-as adjective (cf. mfn.)"righteous, faithful")  |
saṃśitavrata | mfn. (s/aṃ-ś-) firmly adhering to a vow, faithful to an obligation, honest, virtuous etc.  |
saṃskṛta | mfn. (or s/aṃ-skṛta-) put together, constructed, well or completely formed, perfected |
saṃsṛṣṭi | f. (s/aṃ--) union, combination, association, intercourse  |
śaṃtanu | mfn. (ś/aṃ--) wholesome for the body or the person ( śaṃtanutva -tv/a- n.)  |
śāṃtanu | m. Name of the father of bhīṣma- (in older language ś/aṃtanu- q.v) etc.  |
saṃtaram | or saṃ-tar/ām- ind. (fr. 2. s/am-+ t-) more together  |
śaṃtāti | mfn. (ś/aṃ--) beneficent, auspicious  |
śaṃvat | mfn. (ś/aṃ--) auspicious, prosperous  |
saṃvidya | (s/aṃ--) n. = saṃ-v/id-2  |
sāṃvidya | = (or prob. wrong reading for) s/aṃ-vidya-  |
saṃvṛktadhṛṣṇu | mfn. (s/aṃ--) one who seizes or overpowers the strong  |
śaṃyuvāka | m. a sacred formula containing the words s/aṃy/oḥ- (equals next) (see Va1rtt. 1 )  |
śantanu | śantama- etc. See śaṃ-tanu-, ś/aṃtama-, .  |
śāśvata | mf(ī-)n. (fr. śaśvat-) eternal, constant, perpetual, all (ś/āśvatībhyaḥ s/amābhyaḥ-, śāśvatīḥ samāḥ-,or śāśvatam-,for evermore, incessantly, eternally) etc.  |
tṛṇṇa | See /ati--, ava--, /ā--, v/i--, s/aṃ--.  |
upasami | P. -eti- (imperative 3. plural -s/aṃ-yantu-) to approach together  |
upasaṃnud | P. (imperative 2. sg. -s/aṃ-nuda-) to impel near or towards, bring near, procure  |
upasaṃvye | A1. (imperative 2. sg. -s/am-vyayasva-) to wrap up or envelop one's self in (accusative)  |
vaś | cl.2 P. ( ) v/aṣṭi-, (1. plural uśm/asi-,or śmasi- ;3. plural uś/anti- ; parasmE-pada uś/at-, uśān/a-and uś/amāna- ; cl.1. v/aśati-and cl.3. vivaṣṭi-[also vav/aṣṭi-],2. sg. vav/akṣi- ; perfect tense vāvaś/uḥ-, śe-; parasmE-pada śān/a- ; uvāśa-, ūśuḥ- grammar; Aorist avāśīt- ;2. sg. vaśīh- preceding uśyāt- grammar; future vaśitā-, śiṣyati- ), to will, command (parasmE-pada uś/amāna-,"having at command") ; to desire, wish, long for, be fond of, like (also with infinitive mood) etc. etc. (parasmE-pada uś/at-and uśān/a-,"willing, glad, eager, zealous, obedient";the former with superl. uśat-tama-,also = charming, lovely [accord. to Scholiast or Commentator also equals śuddha-, dedīpyamāna-,and sv-arcita-]) ; to aver, maintain, affirm, declare for (two accusative) : Causal vāśayati- (Aorist avīvaśat-), to cause to desire etc. ; to get in one's power, subject : Desiderative vivaśiṣati- grammar Intensive vāvaśyate-, vāvaśīti-, or vāvaṣṭi- ; parasmE-pada vāvaśān/a-,"willing, eager" [ confer, compare Greek , for,"willing."] |
vas | cl.2 A1. ( ) v/aste- (imperative vasiṣva- ; vaddhvam- ; parasmE-pada v/asāna-,once usān/a-and us/amāna- ; perfect tense vavase- ; vāvase-, parasmE-pada sān/a- ; Aorist avasiṣṭa- ; future vasitā- grammar; vasiṣyate- ; vatsyati- ; infinitive mood vasitum- ; ind.p. vasitvā- ; -vasya- ), to put on, invest, wear, (clothes etc.) , assume (a form etc.) , enter into etc. etc.: Causal vās/ayati-, te- (Passive voice vāsyate-), to cause or allow to put on or wear (clothes) , clothe (A1."one's self") with (instrumental case) : Desiderative vivasiṣate- grammar : Intensive vāvasyate-, vāvasti- [ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin vestis; Gothic wasjan; Anglo-Saxon werian; English wear.]  |
vasu | m. or n. (for 1.See) dwelling or dweller (See s/aṃ-vasu-).  |
viṣkandha | n. (v/i--) (fr. vi-+ skandha-) a particular disease (see s/aṃ-skandha-)  |
yos | ind. (only in ś/aṃ y/oḥ-and ś/aṃ ca y/oś ca-) welfare, health, happiness  |