ā | (see ā-jaras/am-, ā-vyuṣ/am-, ā-saptama-, otsūy/am-.) Prefixed to adjective (cf. mfn.) ([rarely to substantive; see ā-kopa-]) it implies diminution commentator or commentary "a little" exempli gratia, 'for example' ā-piñjara- mfn. a little red, reddish  |
abhiprasṛp | (p. -s/arpat-) to creep near  |
abhiṣah | ( sah-), (perf. subjunctive -sās/ahat- preceding 2. sg. -sāsahīṣṭh/ās-, parasmE-pada P. -sāhv/as-and A1. -sehān/a-) to overpower, conquer ; (Aorist A1.1. sg. -asākṣi-) to gain, win ; to tolerate, allow, pardon, (Passive voice -sahyate-)  |
abhisaṃdaṣṭa | (abh/is/aṃdaṣṭa-) mfn. ( daṃś-), compressed or tightened together  |
abhisame | ( -ā-i-), Ved. (Imper. abh/i-... sam-/aitu-[ ] or /ā-.. abh/i s/am-etu-[ ]) to join in coming near (accusative), approach together.  |
abhisaṃsu | (3. dual number -s/aṃ-sunutas-) to press out (soma- juice) together for the sake of (accusative)  |
abhisaṃviś | P. A1. (Imper. 2. plural -s/aṃ-viśadhvam-) to meet round or near, surround etc. ; to enter into, dissolve in  |
abhisap | (3. plural A1. -s/apante-) to carry on, manage  |
abhiśas | (only instrumental case -ś/asā-) f. accusation, imprecation  |
abhiśās | -ś/āsati-, to assign, allot ; to rule, govern  |
abhiśvas | (p. -śvas/at-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (ablative) -śv/asas-) to blow towards or hither ; (p. -śvasat-) to whistle ; to groan  |
abhitsar | (3. plural -ts/aranti-) to catch, entrap  |
abhiviśaṃs | -ś/aṃsati-, to divide (verses) in reciting (see vi-śaṃs-.)  |
abhyas | -/asti- (1. plural abh/iṣmas-,but 3. plural abh/i s/anti-and pr. p. abh/i s/at-[according to abhismas-,but abhiṣanti-and abhiṣat-]; subjunctive -asat-,1. plural -/asāma-,3. plural -/asan-; Potential sg. -ṣyām-, -ṣyās-, -ṣyāt-,1. and 3. plural -ṣyāma-, -ṣyuḥ-or -ṣy/uḥ-; perf. 1. sg. -āsa-) to be over, reign over, excel, surpass, overpower ; to fall to one's share  |
abhyāsad | (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -s/adam-) to sit down into (accusative) ; to attain, obtain |
acchāsyand | Caus. to flow near (Aorist -/asiṣyadat-) ,2: Intensive to cause to flow near (participle Nominal verb sg. m. -s/aniṣyadat-)  |
adhisaṃvṛt | (imperfect tense s/am-avar-tatādhi-) to originate from  |
adhispṛś | to touch lightly or slightly : Causal (Potential -sparś/ayet-) to cause to reach to, to extend to  |
adhīvāsa | = adhi-vās/a-1, q.v  |
ādiś | P. -did/eṣṭi- ([ subjunctive 3. sg. -dideśati- ]), -diś/ati- ([3. plural -diśanti- imperative 2. sg. -diśa- imperfect tense 1. sg. ādiśam-,etc.]) , rarely -diśate- ([ ]) infinitive mood -d/iśe- ([ ]) and -deṣṭum- (Aorist 3. sg. ādikṣat-[ See ] future 1. plural -dekṣyāmaḥ-, perf. -dideśa-) to aim at, have in view ; to threaten ; to hit ; to assign etc. ; to point out, indicate ; to report, announce, teach etc. ; to determine, specify, denominate etc. ; to declare, foretell, etc. ; to order, direct, command etc. ; to refer any one to (locative case) ; to banish etc. ; to undertake, try ; to profess as one's aim or duty : Causal -deśayati-, to show, indicate, announce, : Intensive (parasmE-pada -d/ediśāna-) to have in view, aim at (accusative) |
āgara | m. ? equals prati-kroś/a- q.v (see also amā-vāsy/a-.)  |
āgata | n. anything that has taken place or has fallen to one's share (opposed to āś/ā-,"anything still expected or hoped for") (see /an-āgata-and sv-āgata-.)  |
ahaṃsana | mfn. obtaining or claiming for one's self ( vocative case dual number incorrectly written in two words ah/aṃ s/anā-) and viii, 61, 9 (vocative case sg.)  |
alāsya | mfn. See a-las/a- above.  |
antarādiś | f. equals antardiś/ā- q.v  |
antaradiśā | ([ ]) f. an intermediate region or quarter of the compass (see antarā-diś-and antar-deś/a-.)  |
antardiś | f. equals -deś/a- below  |
anuprasṛ | Causal (imperfect tense 3. plural -prāsārayanta-) to extend over : Intensive participle -s/arsrāṇa-, moving along (accusative)  |
anusamas | -s/am-asyati-, to add further  |
anuśaṃs | to recite or praise after another etc. ; (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (dative case) anu-ś/ase-) to join in praising  |
anusaṃsyand | Intensive (parasmE-pada Nominal verb m. /anu saṃ-s/aniṣyadat-) to run after (see )  |
apāpavasyasa | (/a-pāpa--) n. not a wrong order, no disorder (see pāpa-vasyas/a-.)  |
apatyasac | m. (accusative sg. -s/ācam-) fn. accompanied with offspring  |
apiśas | f. (only used in abi. -ś/asas-) slitting, ripping up  |
āprī | f. plural (-pr/iyas-[ ] and -pryas-[ nārāyaṇa-]) Name of particular invocations spoken previous to the offering of oblations (according to they are different in different schools; exempli gratia, 'for example' s/amiddho agn/ir- ,in the school of śunaka-; juṣ/asva naḥ- ,in that of vasiṣṭha-; s/amiddho ady/a- ,in that of others; nārāyaṇa- on this passage gives ten hymns belonging to different schools;See also on [ s/usamiddho na /ā vaha-,the āprī--hymn of the school of kaṇva-] , who enumerates twelve āprī-s and explains that twelve deities are propitiated;those deities are personified objects belonging to the fire-sacrifice, viz. the fuel, the sacred grass, the enclosure, etc., all regarded as different forms of agni-;hence the objects are also called āprī-s, or, according to others, the objects are the real āprī-s, whence the hymns received their names)  |
arc | cl.1. P. /arcats- (subjunctive /arcāt- imperfect tense /ārcat-; Aorist ārcīt- , perf. ānarca-3. plural ānarcuḥ-[ ] , but Vedic or Veda ānṛc/uḥ-[ ]; perf. A1.(Passive voice) ānarce-[ ],but Vedic or Veda s/am ānṛce-[ ]; future parasmE-pada arciṣyat-[ ] . ind.p., arcya-[ etc.; see Scholiast or Commentator ]or arcitvā-[ ] , Vedic or Veda infinitive mood ṛc/ase-[ ]) to shine, brilliant ; to praise, sing (also used of the roaring of the marut-s, and of a bull[ ]) , to praise anything to another (dative case), recommend ; to honour or treat with respect etc. ; to adorn : exceptionally A1. (1. plural arcāmahe-) to honour : Causal (2. sg. arcayas-) to cause to shine P. A1. to honour or treat with respect etc.: Desiderative arciciṣati-, to wish to honour Ved. Passive voice ṛcyate- (parasmE-pada ṛcy/amāna-) to be praised  |
argaḍa | (in the word s/ārgaḍa- q.v) varia lectio for argala-  |
āriś | A1. (1. plural -riś/āmahe-) to eat up (grass as a cow in grazing) (see ā-liś-.)  |
aritra | n. (f ā-.) (ar/itra- [ ] or /aritra- [ ]) an oar (confer, compare d/aśāritra-, n/ityār-, ś/atār-, sv-aritr/a-) ; [ Latin aratrum.]  |
arka | m. the plant Calotropis Gigantea (the larger leaves are used for sacrificial ceremonies; see arka-kośī-, -parṇ/a-, palaś/a-,etc. below) etc., a religious ceremony (see arkāśvamedha-below)  |
aś | (in classical Sanskrit only) A1. aśnute- (Aorist 3. plural āśiṣata- ; perf. ānaśe- Vedic forms are: aśnoti-,etc.; subjunctive aśnavat-,etc.; Aorist P. ānaṭ- (2. & 3. sg.,frequently in )and A1. aṣṭa-or /āṣṭa-,3. plural āśata-(frequently in )or /ākṣiṣur-[ ] subjunctive /akṣat-[ ] Potential 1. plural aśema- preceding aśyās-(2. & 3. sg.) etc. Potential A1.1. sg. aśīya-and plural aśīmahi-, Imper. aṣṭu-[ ]; perf. ānaṃśa-(thrice in )or ānāśa-[ ] or āśa-[ ] , 2. plural ānaś/a-3. plural ānaś/uh-(frequently in )or āśuh-[ ] A1. ānaś/o- subjunctive 1. plural a anaśāmahai-[ ] Potential 1. sg. ānasyām-, parasmE-pada ānaśān/a-[ ];Inf. aṣṭave- ) to reach, come to, reach, come to, arrive at, get, gain, obtain etc. ; (said of an evil, aṃhati-, /aṃhas-, gr/āhi-) to visit ; to master, become master of. ; to offer ; to enjoy ; to pervade, penetrate, fill ; to accumulate : Desiderative aśiśiṣate- Intensive aśāśyate-  |
as | cl.2 P. /asti- (2. sg. /asi-,1. sg. /asmi-; plural sm/asi-or sm/as-, sth/a-, s/anti-;(rarely A1. exempli gratia, 'for example' 1.pl. smahe- ); subjunctive /asat-;Imper. astu-,2. sg. edhi-(fr. as-dhi- confer, compare ); Potential sy/āt-; imperfect tense /āsīt-,rarely ās-[only in ; confer, compare ]; perf. 1. and 3.sg, /āsa-,2. sg. /āsitha-,3. plural ās/uḥ-; parasmE-pada m. s/at- f. sat/ī-) to be, live, exist, be present ; to take place, happen ; to abide, dwell, stay ; to belong to (genitive case or dative case) ; to fall to the share of. happen to any one (genitive case) ; to be equal to (dative case) ; to turn out, tend towards any result, prove (with dative case) ; to become etc., (confer, compare ) ; to be (id est used as copula, but not only with adjective (cf. mfn.),but also with adverb [ exempli gratia, 'for example' tūṣṇīm āsīt- ],and often with participle,[ exempli gratia, 'for example' perf. Passive voice parasmE-pada prasthitāḥ sma- ; future past participle hantavyo 'smi- ; fut.p. especially with Potential,and only in y/adi dāsy/an-t-sy/āt-,"if he should intend to give"];the perfect tense āsa-helps to form the periphrastic perf. , and asmi-etc. the future); ([ confer, compare Greek Latin es-t; Gothic is-t; Lithuanian es-ti.]) |
ās | n. (?) mouth, face, (only in ablative and instrumental case) ās/as- (with the preposition ā-), from mouth to mouth, in close proximity  |
ās | n. ās/ā- and āsay/ā- (generally used as an adverb), before one's eyes  |
āśā | f. (1. aś-;for 1. āś/ā-See ā-śaṃs-), space, region, quarter of the heavens  |
āsad | P. -sīdati- (Ved. also -sadati-; infinitive mood -s/adam-and -s/ade- ; perfect tense -sasāda-; future -satsyati-) A1. (Ved. Aorist 1. sg. -satsi-and 3. sg. -sādi-) to sit, sit down, sit near ; to preside over ; to lie in wait for ; to go to, go towards, approach ; to meet with, reach, find ; to encounter, attack ; to commence, undertake etc.: Causal -sādayati-, to cause to sit down ; to set down, put down, place etc. ; to cause, effect ; to approach, meet with, find, reach, obtain |
asāman | n. (fr. 1. s/āman-), want, deficiency  |
asāman | mfn. (fr. 2. s/āman-), without a song or sāman-  |
āsaṃgrah | (imperative 2. sg. -s/aṃgṛbhāya- ) to seize.  |
aśanī | f. equals aś/ani-, the thunderbolt (vocative case)  |
aśanimat | (aś/ani--) mfn. possessing the thunderbolt  |
aśanin | mfn. equals aś/ani-mat- q.v  |
āsaniṣu | (ās/ann--) mfn. having arrows in the mouth  |
āśas | f. (earlier form for 1. āś/ā-) wish, desire, hope (praise[ ])  |
āśī | A1. (irregular -ś/aye-[3. sg. ] : imperative 3. sg. ā-śayām- ;3. plural -śerate- ) to lie or rest on or round: P. (imperfect tense 3. plural āśayan-) to wish ([perhaps this form is rather a Nom.from 1. āśā-?]): Causal (imperfect tense /āśīśayat-) to lay or put upon  |
asṛj | k- mfn. (once d- ) (m.or f.only ) blood etc. [for the weak casesSee as/an-;besides, in later language, forms like instrumental case asṛjā-( ) and genitive case asṛjas-( )are found]  |
aṣṭi | f. (1. aś-), reaching (see jar/ad-aṣṭi-, vy/aṣṭi-, s/amaṣṭi-.)  |
aśvaṣā | mfn. (Ved.) equals -s/ā- q.v  |
atidhvaṃs | to raise the dust in running through or over (3. plural Conj. Aorist ati-dhvas/an-)  |
aupaśa | See sv-aupaś/a-.  |
ava | (only genitive case dual number av/or-with vām-,"of you both", corresponding to s/a tv/am-,"thou", etc.) , this (vā-for vām-) [ Zend pronoun ava-; Slavonic or Slavonian ovo; confer, compare also the syllable, in, , etc.; Latin au-t, autem-,etc.]  |
avakāśavat | (avakās/a--) mfn. spacious  |
avakṛś | Caus. (3. plural -karś/ayanti-) to emaciate, make lean or mean-looking  |
avamṛś | (Potential -mṛś/et-; subjunctive 3. plural -mṛś/ān-; Aorist avāmṛkṣat-; ind.p. 1. -m/ṛśya-) Vedic or Veda to touch etc. ; to reflect upon : Causal to cause to touch  |
avasā | f. "halt, rest" See an-avas/a-.  |
avaśas | (only instrumental case -ś/asā-) f. ( śaṃs-), wrong desire |
avasita | mfn. being at end of the line of a verse (See ava-s/āna-)  |
avaso | -syati- (Imper. 2. dual number -syatam-; Aorist subjunctive -sāt-) to loosen, deliver from ; (Imper. 2. sg. -sya-; Aorist /avāsāt- etc. Aorist 3. plural /avāsur- ; ind.p. -s/āya- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -sai- ) Vedic or Veda to unharness (horses), put up at any one's house, settle, rest etc. ; to take, one's abode or standing-place in or upon (locative case) ; to finish, terminate (one's work) etc. ; to be finished, be at an end, be exhausted ; to choose or appoint (as a place for dwelling or for a sacrifice) ; (Potential 2. sg. -seyās-; see ) to decide , to obtain : Causal -sāyayati- (ind.p. -s/āyya-) to cause to take up one's abode in or upon (locative case) ; (ind.p. -sāyya-) to complete ; (infinitive mood [in Passive voice sense] -sāyyayitum-) to ascertain, clearly distinguish Passive voice -sīyate- (see ) to be obtained ; to be insisted upon (edition Bombay edition in active sense "to insist upon") ; to be ascertained  |
avasṛp | -s/arpati-, (said of the sun) to set ; (parasmE-pada locative case m. -sarpati-) ; to flow back (as the, sea in low tide) (varia lectio ava-sarpita- mfn."caused to flow back") ; to creep to or approach unawares ; to flow over gradually  |
aviśvasta | mfn. equals a-viśvas/at-  |
avyavacchinna | mfn. uninterrupted and (together with s/aṃtata-)  |
bhaikṣuka | m. (scilicet āś/ama-) the fourth stage in the life of a Brahman, the life of a religious mendicant  |
bhaṃsas | n. a particular part of the intestine or abdomen (see bhas/ad-).  |
bhasmasā | ind. to ashes equals bhasma-sāt- (?) , prob. wrong reading for masmas/ā-.  |
bhasmasāt | ind. to or into ashes (with kṛ-or -s/ād-nī-,to reduce to ashes;(-sād-),with as-, bhū-, gam-and yā-,to be reduced to ashes, become ashes)  |
bhyasa | See sva-bhyas/a-.  |
busasa | mfn. (fr. bus/a-) gaRa tṛṇādi-.  |
cāmasya | m. patronymic fr. camas/a- gaRa gargādi-.  |
camriṣ | f. "libations (contained) in sacrificial ladles" ( fr. camas/a-)  |
canas | n. "delight, satisfaction", only with dhā- P. and A1. to delight in, be satisfied with (accusative or locative case), enjoy (see s/a--and sa-c/anas-.)  |
cāndrama | mfn. for mas/a-, lunar  |
carṣaṇīdhṛti | f. support or protection of men, (locative case tā-,= instrumental case of -dh/ṛt-, scilicet v/ajreṇa- has the Nominal verb tiḥ-) (See -s/ah-).  |
carṣaṇīsah | mfn. ruling over or overpowering men (ix, 24, 4 dative case -s/ahe- -dh/ṛtiḥ-).  |
caturdaśan | (c/at-), a- plural (locative case ś/asu- ) 14 ; ([ confer, compare Latin quatuordecim; Lithuanian keturo1lika])  |
caturdaśī | See ś/a-.  |
cāturmāsya | n. plural Name of the 3 sacrifices performed at the beginning of the 3 seasons of 4 months (viz. vaiśvadev/am-, varuṇa-praghās/āḥ-, sākam-edh/āḥ-) etc.  |
cāturviṃśaka | fr. caturviṃś/a- q.v  |
caturviṃśika | mfn. with ahan- See ś/a-.  |
catustriṃśatsammita | n. with prajā-pateś- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ś/a-), Name of a sāman-  |
catvara | tvāriṃś/a-, etc. See column 1.  |
catvāriṃśa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. ś/at-) the 40th  |
cātvāriṃśa | n. "consisting of 40 (catvāriṃś/at-) adhyāya-s", the  |
catvāriṃśat | f. ( ;fr. catv/āri-[n. plural ]and daś/at-,a decad) 40  |
catvāriṃśati | f. equals ś/at- See dvā--.  |
catvāriṃśatpada | (ś/at--) mf(ā-)n. having 40 feet  |
cetas | n. see a-cet/as-, dabhr/a--, pr/a--, laghu--, v/i--, s/a--, su-c/etas-.  |
citikā | f. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "a layer" See p/añca-- and s/apta-citika-  |
cyuti | f. see s/a--, h/asla--.  |
dah | mfn. "burning" See uś/a--.  |
dakṣiṇadagh | See -s/ad-.  |
daṃs | cl.10. (subjunctive 2. sg. s/ayas-, Nominal verb plural of s/i- ) to destroy (?) ; cl.1. P. cl.10. A1. (for 2. daṃś-)to bite  |
daṃsanā | f. idem or 'n. a surprising or wonderful deed, marvellous power or skill ' , (often instrumental case s/anā-), x.  |
daṃsas | n. equals s/ana-  |
daṇḍa | m. (= -v, hence cognate with d/āru-and dṝ-) (n.[ see ikṣu--] gaRa ardharcādi-) a stick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club etc. (staff given at investiture with the sacred thread etc.;"penis [with vaitas/a-]", ;"trunk"See śuṇḍā--;"arm"or"leg"See dor--, bāhu--;"tusk"See daṃṣṭrā--)  |
darśa | mfn. ( dṛś-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "looking at, viewing" See avasāna--, ādinava--, and vadhū-darś/a-, tattva--  |
darśa | m. "appearance" See c/adir-darś/a-, dur--, prity--  |
darśa | m. dual number equals pūrṇamās/a-  |
daśan | plural (gaRa svasr-ādi- ) ten (Nominal verb accusative d/aśa- etc.; instrumental case [ d/aśa-, ] daś/abhis- locative case s/asu- etc.;both forms & śabhyas-in Class. also oxyt. )  |
dāsapatnī | (s/a--.) f. plural having the demons as masters, being in the power of demons, (āpas- ; puras- ) .  |
dāsapravarga | (s/a--) mfn. (wealth) connected with a multitude of servants  |
dāsaveśa | (s/a-.) m. probably Name of a man  |
dasyu | m. ( das-) enemy of the gods (exempli gratia, 'for example' ś/ambara-, ś/uṣṇa-, c/umuri-, dh/uni-;all conquered by indra-, agni-, etc.), impious man (called a-śraddh/a-, a-yajñ/a-, /a-yajyu-, /a-pṛnat-, a-vrat/a-, anya-vrata-, a-karm/an-), barbarian (called a-n/ās-,or an-/ās-"ugly-faced", /adhara-,"inferior", /a-mānuṣa-,"inhuman"), robber (called dhan/in-) etc.  |
dasyu | m. see tras/o-- (d/asyave v/ṛka- m."wolf to the dasyu-", Name of a man ; d/asyave s/ahas- n.violence to the dasyu- (Name of turvīti-), )  |
dhak | Nominal verb fr. dagh- or dah- (see dakṣiṇa-dagh-and uś/a-dah-).  |
dhanasā | mfn. equals -s/ani-  |
dhvaṃs | or dhvas- cl.1 P. A1. dhvaṃsati- (to go ), te- ( ; perf. dadhvaṃsur- ; dadhvaṃsire- [also dhvaṃsire-] ; -dadhvase- ; Aorist -dhvas/an- ; adhvaṃsiṣṭa- grammar; future dhvaṃsiṣyate-, sitā- ; ind.p. -dhvasya- ), to fall to pieces or to dust, decay, be ruined, perish etc. ; to be gone, vanish (only imperative dhvaṃsa-, sata-, satām-) ; to scatter, cover etc. (only dhvasta- q.v): Passive voice dhvasyate- ( ) ; ti- ( ) to be destroyed, perish: Causal dhvaṃs/ayati-, te-, to scatter ; to destroy, disperse, disturb ; to violate (a woman) ; dhvas/ayati-, to scintillate, sparkle (agni-) : Desiderative didhvaṃsiṣate- grammar : Intensive danīdhvasyate-, dhvaṃsīti- [ confer, compare German dunst,tunst; Anglo-Saxon du7st,Engl.dust.]  |
diś | cl.3 P. d/ideṣṭi- (Imper. d/ideṣṭu- ; cl.6. diś/ati-, te-[later the only present tense stem]; perfect tense did/eśa-, didiś/e-; future dekṣyati-, te-[ deṣṭā- ]; Aorist adikṣat- etc.; adikṣi-, /adiṣṭa- ; infinitive mood deṣṭum- etc.; d/iśe- ) to point out, show, exhibit ; to produce, bring forward (as a witness in a court of justice) ; to promote, effect, accomplish ; to assign, grant, bestow upon (dative case ; genitive case ; locative case ) ; to pay (tribute) ; to order, command, bid (infinitive mood) : Passive voice diśyate- etc.: Causal deśayati-, te- ; Aorist adīdiśat-, to show, point out, assign ; to direct, order, command ; teach, communicate, tell, inform, confess : Desiderative didikṣati-, te-, to wish to show etc.: Intensive d/ediṣṭe-, 3. plural śate-, (parasmE-pada f. plural śatīs-) to show, exhibit, manifest ; to order, command : Passive voice dediśyate-, to show or approve one's self. [ confer, compare Z.dis; Greek ; Latin di1co,in-dr2careetc.; Gothic teihan; O. E.te4on(fr.ti4han).]  |
drapsavat | mfn. (ps/a--) besprinkled  |
dṛś | (Pres. forms supplied by paś- q.v; perfect tense P. dad/arśa- etc. [2. sg. dadarśitha-and dadraṣṭha- ]; A1. dadṛś/e- [ d/adṛśe-,3 plural dṛśre- ; śrire- ]; parasmE-pada P. dadṛśv/as- ; sivas- ; darśivas- q.v; A1. d/adṛśāna- ; future P. -drakṣy/ati- etc.; A1. ṣyate-and future 2. draṣṭā- ; Aorist P. adarśam-, śas-, śat-,3 plural śur- ; 1 plural adarśma- ; adṛśma- ; subjunctive darśam-, śat-, śathas- ; A1.3 plural /adṛśran- ; śram- ; parasmE-pada dṛśān/a-or d/ṛśāna-[ confer, compare sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ] ; P. dṛśan-,3 plural /adṛśan- ; Potential dṛś/eyam- ; śema- ; P. adrākṣit-and adrāk- ; A1.3 plural /adṛkṣata-; subjunctive 2 sg. d/ṛkṣase- ; infinitive mood dṛś/e-and driś/aye- ; dr/aṣṭum- etc.; ind.p. dṛṣṭv/ā- etc.[ also dṛśya-], ṭvāya- ; -d/ṛśya- ; -darśam- ) to see, behold, look at, regard, consider etc. ; to see id est wait on, visit ; to see with the mind, learn, understand etc. ; to notice, care for, look into, try, examine ; to see by divine intuition, think or find out, compose, contrive (hymns, rites, etc.) : Passive voice dṛśy/ate- (Epic also ti-) Aorist ad/arśi- etc. to be seen, become visible, appear etc. ; to be shown or manifested, appear as (iva-), prove etc.: Causal P. A1. darśayati-, te- etc. ; Aorist adīdṛśat- ; adadarśat- , to cause to see or be seen, to show a thing (A1. especially of something belonging to one's self) or person (P.and A1.with or scilicet ātmānam-,also one's self) , to (accusative etc.; genitive case etc.; dative case etc.; instrumental case after A1.refl. ) ; to show = prove, demonstrate etc. ; to produce (money) id est pay ; (a witness) , : Desiderative A1. didṛkṣate- (Epic also ti-) to wish to see, long for (accusative) etc.: Desiderative of Causal didarśayiṣati-, to wish to show ; adidarśayiṣīt- : Intensive darīdṛśyate-, to be always visible ; darīdarṣṭi- or dard- [ confer, compare Greek , ; Gothic tarhjan.] |
dṛśi | f. seeing, the power of seeing (dative case ś/aye-as infinitive mood see 1. dṛś-)  |
dvādaśan | plural (Nominal verb accusative dv/ā-daśa-,instr dvā daś/abhis- dative case ablative ś/abhyas-,loc śāsu- genitive case ś/ānām-,according to in Class. also śabh/is-, śabhy/as-, śas/u-) twelve [ confer, compare Zend dva-das3an; Greek ; Latin duo-decim.]  |
gaṇā | f. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue (see ahar--, mar/ud--, v/ṛṣa--, s/a--, sapt/a--, s/arva--; deva--, mahā--,and vida-gaṇ/a-.)  |
gayasphāna | mfn. equals -s/ādhana-  |
gdhi | f. See s/a--.  |
ghāsa | m. ( ) food, meadow or pasture grass (ghās/ād ghās/am-,"one bit after the other", gradually, xviii, 2, 26)  |
ghasra | m. a day (see ghraṃs/a-)  |
goṣakhi | (g/oṣakhā-) m. "having cattle as friends (s/akhi-) ", possessing cattle (see -sakhi-.)  |
goṣaṇi | mfn. acquiring or procuring cattle (see -s/ani-.)  |
gṛtsa | m. the god of love (see ratha-gṛts/a-.)  |
gu | f. ray ( ) See /a-gu-, anu-gu-, anuṣṇa-gu-, /ariṣṭagu-, upa-gu-, uṣṇa-gu-, kṛś/a-gu-, tamo-gu-, etc.  |
hāna | mfn. gone or departed etc. (in s/aṃhāna-,"risen")  |
hasa | (or has/a-) m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) mirth, laughter etc.  |
hāyas | See v/i-- and s/arva-hāyas-.  |
hi | ind. (used as a particle[ see ha-and gha-]and usually denoting) for, because, on account of (never standing first in a sentence, but generally after the first word and used enclitically, sometimes after pronouns; exempli gratia, 'for example' s/arvo h/i p/ṛtanā jigīṣati-,"for everybody wishes to win battles"; bhavān hi pramāṇam-,"for your honour is the authority"; tahā hi-,"for example","accordingly"; n/a h/i-or nah/ī-,"for not","not at all") etc.  |
jarasa | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals r/as- (gaRa śarad-ādi-) See ā-jaras/am-, s/āya-  |
jātū | in compound for tu- equals aś/ani-  |
jighatsā | f. see vi-jighats/a-.  |
jñātṛ | mfn. a witness (varia lectio s/akskin-).  |
kaṃśa | equals kaṃs/a- below.  |
kārkalāseya | m. (fr. kṛkalās/a-), Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
kārśya | n. (fr. kṛś/a- gaRa dṛḍhādi-), emaciation, thinness  |
kaśa | m. a whip, thong (see prakaś/a-)  |
kaśāvat | (ś/ā--) mfn. furnished with a whip  |
kavi | m. see /aṅgiras- ( ) and uś/anas- ( )  |
ketasap | m(Nominal verb plural -s/āpas-)fn. obeying the will (of another), obedient ["touching the sky" ], .  |
kiṃśuka | n. the blossom of this tree (see palāś/a-and sukiṃśuk/a-)  |
kṝ | cl.6 P. kir/ati- ( ; perf. -cakāra- ; 2nd future kariṣyati-; 1st future karitā-or karītā- ; Aorist akārīt-[Ved. s/aṃ k/āriṣat-]; ind.p. -kīrya-; Passive voice kīryate-), to pour out, scatter, throw, cast, disperse etc. ; to throw up in a heap, heap up : A1. kirate-, to throw off from one's self : P. to strew, pour over, fill with, cover with ; (perf. 3. plural cakarur-) : Desiderative cikariṣati- : Intensive cākarti- ; ([ confer, compare Greek , .])  |
kraśiṣṭha | mfn. superl. of kṛś/a-  |
kraśita | mfn. (fr. kraśaya- Nom. P.;fr. kṛś/a-), made thin or lean, emaciated  |
kraśīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree of kṛś/a- ) extremely lean  |
krī | cl.9 P. A1. krīṇ/āti-, krīṇīte- (future parasmE-pada kreṣyat- ; ind.p. krīv/ā- ), to buy, purchase (with instrumental case of the price, and ablative or genitive case of the person from whom anything is bought exempli gratia, 'for example' k/a im/am indraṃ daś/abhir dhen/ubhir m/ama krīṇāti-,who will buy this indra- of me for ten cows? ; yam mātā-pitror antikāt-[or sakāśāt-] krīṇīyāt-whom he may buy from his father and mother ; krīṇīṣva tad daśabhiḥ suvarṇaih-,buy that for ten suvarṇa-s): Causal P. krāpayati- ([ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish creanaim,"I buy, purchase" ; Greek Lithuanian prekis,perku(?); Latin pretium; English hire.])  |
kṛśapaśu | (ś/a--) mfn. performed with lean victims  |
kṛśī | ind. in compound for ś/a-.  |
kṣāmakarṣamiśra | mfn. (equals s/a-kṣāma-karṣa- ) mingled with scorched or singed particles that have been scratched off |
kuśeśaya | etc. See kuś/a-.  |
kuśīlavau | m. dual number See kuś/a-.  |
lasa | mfn. shining, playing, moving hither and thither (see a-las/a-)  |
lokaspṛt | mfn. equals -s/ani- above  |
lomaśasaktha | (lomaś/a-) mfn. having hair or bristles on the thighs or hind feet ,"having a hairy tail").  |
makhas | See next and s/adma-makhas-.  |
māsalokā | (mās/a-.) f. Name of particular bricks  |
maṣmaṣākṛ | P. -karoti-, to reduce to dust, grind to powder (see masmas/ā-and mṛsmṛsā-).  |
miśla | mfn. equals miśra- (in /ā-, n/i--, s/am-m-).  |
mṛś | (often confounded with1. mṛṣ-) cl.6 P. ( ) mṛś/ati- (rarely te-; perfect tense P. mamarśa-, mamṛśuḥ- ; māmṛśuḥ- ; A1. mamṛśe-. ; Aorist /amṛkṣat- etc.; amārkṣīt-or amrākṣīt- grammar; future marṣṭā-, mraṣṭā- ; markṣtati-, mrakṣyati- ; infinitive mood marṣṭum- etc.; -m/ṛśe- ; ind.p. -mṛśya- ; -marśam- ), to touch, stroke, handle ; to touch mentally, consider, reflect, deliberate : Intensive , marmṛśat- (See abhi-mṛś-) ; marīmṛśyate- (?) , to seize, grasp [ confer, compare Latin mulceo.]  |
nākaukas | m. equals ka-s/ad- m.  |
nakta | n. night (f(n/aktā-).only in naktay/ā- q.v,and as dual number with uṣ/āsā-; see s/a-naktā-and naktoṣāsā-)  |
nārāśaṃsa | mf(/ī-)n. (fr. n/arā-ś/aṃsa-) relating to the praise of a man or men, laudatory, eulogistic (as a hymn, tale etc.) etc.  |
nārāśaṃsa | mf(/ī-)n. relating or sacred to agni- narā-- ś/aṃsa- (applied to the soma- ;to a ṛc- etc.)  |
naś | cl.4 P. ( ) n/aśyati- (rarely te-and cl.1.P. n/aśati-, te-; perfect tense nanāśa-,3. plural neśur-; Aorist anaśat- etc.; aneśat-, n/eśat- [ confer, compare on ]; future naśiṣyati- ; naṅkṣyati-, te-[cond. anaṅkṣyata-] ; naśitā- ; naṃṣṭā- ; naṅgdhā- ; infinitive mood naśitum-, naṃṣum- grammar; ind.p. naśitvā-, naṣṭva-, naṃṣṭvā- ) to be lost, perish, disappear, be gone, run away etc. ; to come to nothing, be frustrated or unsuccessful etc.: Causal nāś/ayati-, Epic also te- (Aorist -anīnaśat-; dative case infinitive mood -nāśayadhyai- ) to cause to be lost or disappear, drive away, expel, remove, destroy, efface etc. ; to lose (also from memory), give up ; to violate, deflower (a girl) ; to extinguish (a fire) ; to disappear (in mā- nīnaśah-and naśuḥ-) : Desiderative ninaśiṣati- or ninaṅkṣati- (confer, compare ninaṅkṣu-) ; Desiderative of Causal nināśayiṣati-, to wish to destroy : Intensive nānaśyate- or nānaṃṣṭi- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin nex,nocere]) .  |
nas | or nās- f. (the strong stem occurs only in dual number n/āsā- ,the weak stem only in nas/ā-, nas/i-, nas/os-[ confer, compare ] and in compound) the nose [ confer, compare nāsā-, nāsikā-; Latin nas-turciunm,na1res; Lithuanian no4sis; Slavonic or Slavonian nosu7; German Nase; Anglo-Saxon nosu; English nose,nostril=nose-thrill,nose-hole.]  |
nibhraṃś | Caus. -bhrāś/ayati-, to cause to fall, strike down, fell  |
niḥsaraṇavat | mfn. (niḥ-s/ar-) flowing out, liquid  |
niḥsṛp | P. -s/arpati-, to sneak or steal away ; to start, set out on a journey  |
parākāśa | m. ( kāś-) distant view, remote expectation (only in āśā-parākāś/an-)  |
paras | ind. (with locative case) over, more than (only triṃś/ati tr/ayas par/aḥ-,three more than thirty id est 33)  |
pariśraya | m. an enclosure, fence (in s/a-pariś-)  |
parisṛp | P. A1. -sarpati-, te- (ind.p. -s/arpam-), to move round about or to and fro, hover etc. ; to creep or crawl upon (See sṛpta-) ; to be near, approach, go to (accusative) : Causal See sarpita-.  |
paśu | m. (instrumental case paś/unā-or śva-; dative case p/aśve-or paś/ave-; genitive case paśv/as-or śos-; dual number paśv/ā-; accusative plural paśv/as-or ś/ūn-) cattle, kine (originally "any tethered animal";singly or collect. "a herd"), a domestic or sacrificial animal (as opp. to mṛga-,"wild animal"; 5 kinds are enumerated,"men, kine, horses, goats and sheep"[ ] , to which are sometimes added mules arid asses[ vi, 155 etc.] or camels and dogs[ commentator or commentary ]) etc.  |
paśu | m. (instrumental case paś/unā-or śva-; dative case p/aśve-or paś/ave-; genitive case paśv/as-or śos-; dual number paśv/ā-; accusative plural paśv/as-or ś/ūn-) cattle, kine (originally "any tethered animal";singly or collect. "a herd"), a domestic or sacrificial animal (as opp. to mṛga-,"wild animal"; 5 kinds are enumerated,"men, kine, horses, goats and sheep"[ ] , to which are sometimes added mules arid asses[ vi, 155 etc.] or camels and dogs[ commentator or commentary ]) etc. |
piśaṅgabhṛṣṭi | (piś/aṅga-.) mfn. having reddish prongs  |
piśaṅgarūpa | (piś/aṅga--.), of a reddish or yellow appearance  |
piśaṅgasaṃdṛś | (piś/aṅga--.), of a reddish or yellow appearance  |
praghāsa | See varuṇa-praghās/a-.  |
praśām | mfn. (Nominal verb ś/ān-) painless, unhurt (see śān-above) .  |
prasarga | m. (or s/arga-) pouring or flowing forth  |
prasṛṣṭā | f. plural (prob.) a particular movement in fighting (= sarvāṅgas/aṃśleṣaṇa- )  |
psā | cl.2 P. ( ) ps/āti- (imperative psāhi-, psātu- ; perfect tense papsau- grammar; Aorist apsāsīt- ; preceding psāyāt- ;or pseyāt- grammar; future psāsyati-, psātā- ; ind.p. -ps/āya- ; Passive voice imperfect tense apsīyata- ), to chew, swallow, devour, eat, consume ; to go bhsā- equals bhasā-= bhas-+ ā-; see mnā-and man-, yā-and i-etc.)'>  |
pū | cl.9 P. A1. ( ) pun/āti-, punīt/e- (3. plural A1. pun/ate- , punat/e- ;2. sg. imperative P. punīhi- etc., punāh/i- ) ; cl.1. A1. ( ) p/avate- (of P.only imperative -pava- ,and parasmE-pada genitive case plural pavatām- ; parasmE-pada A1. punān/a-below, p/avamāna-See;1. sg. A1. punīṣe- ; perfect tense pupuvuh-. ve- ; apupot- ; Aorist apāviṣuḥ- subjunctive apaviṣṭa- ; future paviṣyati-, pavitā- grammar; ind.p. pūtv/ā- ; pūtv/ī- ; pavitvā- grammar; -p/ūya-and -pāvam- etc.; infinitive mood pavitum- ), to make clean or clear or pure or bright, cleanse, purify, purge, clarify, illustrate, illume (with s/aktum-,"to cleanse from chaff, winnow";with kr/atum-or manīṣ/ām-,"to enlighten the understanding";with hiraṇyam-,"to wash gold") etc. ; (met.) to sift, discriminate, discern ; to think of or out, invent, compose (as a hymn) ; (A1. p/avate-) to purify one's self. be or become clear or bright ; (especially) to flow off clearly (said of the soma-) ; to expiate, atone for ; to pass so as to purify ; to purify in passing or pervading, ventilate etc. (confer, compare pav-): Passive voice pūy/ate-, to be cleaned or washed or purified ; to be freed or delivered from (ablative) etc.: Causal pav/ayati- or pāvayati- (Epic also te-; Aorist apīpavat- grammar; Passive voice pāvyate- ), to cleanse, purify : Desiderative , pupūṣati-, pipaviṣate- grammar : Desiderative of Causal pipāvayiṣati- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Umbr.pir; German Feuer; English fire.])  |
pulkasa | m. (f(ī-).) Name of a despised mixed tribe (also kaka- ; see paulkas/a-and pukkaśa-).  |
puṃs | m. (the strong cases from pumāns-[ see ]; sg. Nominal verb p/umān-; vocative case p/umas-or p/uman-; accusative p/umāṃsam-; dual number Nominal verb p/umāṃsau-; plural Nominal verb p/umāṃsas-[irreg. puṃsas- ];the weak from puṃs-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' sg. instrumental case puṃs/ā-; locative case puṃs/i- accusative plural puṃs/as-],which loses its s-before consonants[ exempli gratia, 'for example' instrumental case plural pum-bh/is-; locative case plural puṃs/u-];for puṃs-, in the beginning of a compound See ) a man, a male being etc.  |
puroḍāśavatsā | f. (ḍāś/a--) having a sacrificial cake for a calf.  |
puruṣanti | ( -s/anti-) m. Name of a man  |
rathakṛtsna | m. a particular character or personification (-gṛts/a- )  |
riś | (see riṣ-,from which it is not in all forms distinguishable) cl.6 P. ( ) riś/ati- (Vedic or Veda also te-; perfect tense rireśa-etc. grammar), to hurt, tear, pluck off, crop : Causal reśayati- (Aorist arīriśat-) grammar : Desiderative ririkṣati- (see riṣ-): Intensive reriśyate-, rereṣṭi-  |
ṛtasap | (in strong forms s/āp-) mfn. connected with or performing worship or pious works (as men), connected with or accepting worship or religious acts (as gods)  |
ruś | (see ruṣ-and riś-) cl.6 P. ( ) ruś/ati- (perfect tense rurośa-; future roṣṭā-, rokṣyati-; Aorist arukṣat- grammar;only pr. p. ruś/at- q.v), to hurt, injure, annoy (hiṃsāyām- ) : Causal rośayati- (Aorist arūruśat-) grammar : Desiderative rurukṣati- : Intensive roruśyate-, roroṣṭi-  |
ruśama | m. (or ruś/ama-) Name of a man  |
ruśama | m. (ruś/amās-) plural his descendants  |
ruśat | mf(/antī-or atī-)n. cropping, browsing on ( riś/antī-)  |
sa | mfn. (fr. san-) procuring, bestowing (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see palu-ṣ/a-and priya-s/a-).  |
sa | the actual base for the Nominal verb case of the 3rd Persian pronoun t/ad- q.v (occurring only in the Nominal verb sg. mf.[ s/a-or s/as-, sā-],and in the Vedic or Veda locative case [ s/asmin- ];the final s-of the Nominal verb m.is dropped before all consonants [except before p-in , and before t-in ] and appears only at the end of a sentence in the form of visarga-; sa-occasionally blends with another vowel [as in saīṣaḥ-];and it is often for emphasis connected with another pronoun as with aham-, tvam-, eṣa-, ayam-etc.[ exempli gratia, 'for example' so 'ham- sa tvam-,"I (or thou) that very person"; confer, compare under t/ad-,p.434] , the verb then following in the 1st and 2nd Persian even if aham-or tvam-be omitted[ exempli gratia, 'for example' sa- tvā pṛcchāmi-"I that very person ask you" ; sa- vai no brūhi-"do thou tell us" ];similarly, to denote emphasis, with bhavān-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' sa bhavān vijayāya pratiṣṭhatām-,"let your Highness set out for victory" ];it sometimes [and frequently in the brāhmaṇa-s] stands as the first word of a sentence preceding a rel. pronoun or adverb such as ya-, yad-, yadi-, yathā-, ced-;in this position sa-may be used pleonastically or as a kind of ind.,even where another gender or number is required[ exempli gratia, 'for example' sa yadi- sthāvarā āpo bhananti-,"if those waters are stagnant" ];in the sāṃkhya- sa-,like eṣa-, ka-,and ya-,is used to denote puruṣa-, "the Universal Soul")  |
sabala | mfn. (s/a--) powerful, strong etc.  |
sabandhu | mfn. (s/a--) being of the same race or family, related, of kin  |
śabd | (rather a Nom. śabdaya-fr. śabda-) cl.10 P. ( ) śabdayati-, to make any noise or sound, cry aloud ; to call, invoke ; (śabdāpayati-, te-), to call, address : Passive voice ś/abdyate-, to be sounded etc. ; to be called ; (impersonal or used impersonally) it is chattered  |
sabharas | (s/a--) mfn. (perhaps) harmonizing with (instrumental case;others "furnished with oblations or gifts")  |
sabhṛti | (s/a--) mfn. (prob.) offering or serving food  |
sabhūmi | (s/a--) mfn. with landed property, including landed property  |
sabrāhmaṇa | (s/a--) mfn. together with Brahmans  |
sac | (connected with2. sajj-, sañj-, sakh-; confer, compare sap-) cl.1 A1. ( ) s/acate- (in also P. sacati-and s/iṣakti-,2. sg. s/aścasi-,3. plural saścati-,2. 3. plural saścata-,1. sg. A1. saśce-; parasmE-pada s/acamāna-, sacān/a-and s/aścat-or saśc/at-[ quod vide ]; perfect tense Ved. saścima-, saśc/uḥ-; A1. saścir/e- ; secire- ; Aorist 3. plural asakṣata- ; sakṣat-, sakṣata-, sakṣante-, sakṣīm/ahi- ; asaciṣṭa- grammar; future sacitā-, saciṣyate- ; infinitive mood sac/adhyai- ), to be associated or united with, have to do with, be familiar with, associate one's self with (instrumental case) ; be possessed of, enjoy (instrumental case or accusative) ; to take part or participate in, suffer, endure (instrumental case) ; to belong to, be attached or devoted to, serve, follow, seek, pursue, favour, assist (accusative) ; to he connected with (instrumental case) on ; to fall to the lot of (accusative) ; to be together ; (s/iṣakti-), to go after, follow, accompany, adhere or be attached to (accusative) ; to help any one to anything (two dative case) ; to abide in (locative case) ; (3. plural saścati-and saścata-), to follow, obey ; to belong to (accusative) ; to be devoted to or fond of (accusative) [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin sequor; Lithuanian seku4.]  |
sacanas | See s/a-canas- below.  |
sacanas | (s/a--) mfn. being in harmony with  |
sacchanda | (s/a--) mf(ā-)n. consisting of the same metres (ā- f.[ scilicet ric-]a verse consisting of the same metres)  |
sacchandas | (s/a--) mfn. equals prec.  |
sacetas | mfn. (s/a--) having the same mind, unanimous  |
śacī | f. the rendering of powerful or mighty help, assistance, aid (especially said of the deeds of indra- and the aśvin-s, instrumental case ś/acyā-and ś/acībhis-,often = "mightily"or,"helpfully")  |
śacīpati | m. (ś/acī--) lord of might or help (applied to indra- and the aśvin-s)  |
sacitta | mfn. (s/a--) of the same mind |
śacīvat | (ś/acī--) mfn. mighty or helpful (often in vocative case -vas-)  |
sacyuti | (s/a--) mfn. (said to =) accompanied by seminal effusion,  |
śad | (only occurring in the forms śāśad/uḥ-, śāśadmahe-, śāśadr/e-,and ś/āśadāna-), to distinguish one's self, be eminent or superior, prevail, triumph [ confer, compare Greek ,, .],  |
sad | cl.1. or cl.6. P. ( ) sīdati- (Epic also te-;Ved. s/adati-or s/īdati-, te-; perfect tense sas/āda-, sas/attha-, sed/us-, sedir/e- ; sīdatus- ; sasadyāt-. ; Aorist asadat-[ confer, compare present tense stem-] grammar;2. 3. sg. s/atsi-, s/atsat- ; asādīt- ; future sattā- grammar; satsyati- ; sīdiṣyati- ; infinitive mood s/ade- ; sattum- ; sīditum- ; ind.p. -s/adya-, -s/adam- ; -sādam- ), to sit down (especially at a sacrifice), sit upon or in or at (accusative or locative case) ; to sit down before, besiege, lie in wait for, watch (accusative) ; to sink down, sink into despondency or distress, become faint or wearied or dejected or low-spirited, despond, despair, pine or waste away, perish etc. : Passive voice sadyate- (Aorist asādi-, sādi- ) : Causal sād/ayati-, te- (Aorist asīṣadat-), to cause to sit down or be seated, place down, put upon or in (locative case) etc. ; to put in distress, afflict, weary, exhaust, ruin, destroy etc.: Desiderative siṣatsati- grammar : Intensive sāsadyate- (grammar also sāsatti-), to sit down in an indecent posture [ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin sidere,sedere; Lithuanian se4sti,sede4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian se8sti; Gothic sitan; German sitzen; Anglo-Saxon sittan; English sit.]  |
sadakṣa | (s/a--) mfn. endowed with reason  |
sadāma | (s/a--) mfn. together with a band or ligament  |
sadāna | (s/a--) mfn. having gifts, with gifts  |
sadas | n. (according to to some also f.) a seat, residence, abode, dwelling, place of meeting, assembly (especially at a sacrifice; sadasaspati s/adasas-p/ati- m. equals s/adas-p/ati-; sadasi-,"in public") etc.  |
sadāsah | mfn. (accusative -s/aham-) always holding out or lasting  |
sādasata | mfn. containing the words sat- and as/a- gaRa vimuktādi-.  |
sadaspati | (s/adas--) m. dual number "lords of the seat or of the sacrificial assembly", Name of indra- and agni-  |
sadeva | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) accompanied or protected by gods ( sadevatva -tv/a- n.)  |
sādh | (connected with2. sidh-) cl.1 P. A1. s/ādati-, te- ; according to to , cl.4. sādhyati-, cl.5. sādhnoti- (in also sadhnoti-; perfect tense sasādha-; Aorist asātsīt-; future sāddhā-, sātsyati-; infinitive mood sāddhum-,in later language sādhitum-;Ved. infinitive mood s/adhase- q.v), to go straight to any goal or aim, attain an object, to be successful, succeed, prosper ; to bring straight to an object or end, further, promote, advance, accomplish, complete, finish ; to submit or agree to, obey ; (sādhyati-) to be completed or accomplished : Causal sādhayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist asīṣadhat-;Ved. also sīṣadhati-, dhaḥ-, dhema-, dhātu-; Passive voice sādhyate- etc.), to straighten, make straight (a path) ; to guide straight or well, direct or bring to a goal ; to master, subdue, overpower, conquer, win, win over etc. ; to summon, conjure up (a god or spirit) ; (in law) to enforce payment, recover (a debt), collect (taxes) etc. ; to subdue a disease, set right, heal, cure ; to bring to an end or conclusion, complete, make perfect, bring about, accomplish, effect, fulfil, execute, practice (with vākyam-,"to execute any one's [ genitive case ] order";with naiṣkarmyam-,"to practise inactivity";with marum-,"to practise abstinence";with mantram-,"to practise the recitation of spells") etc. ; to attain one's object, be successful ; to produce, make, render (two accusative) ; to establish a truth, substantiate, prove, demonstrate ; to make ready, prepare ; to gain, obtain, acquire, procure etc. ; to find out (by calculation), ; to grant, bestow, yield etc. ; to put or place in (locative case) ; to set out, proceed, go (in dramatic language according to to = gam-) etc.: Desiderative of Causal siṣādhayisati- or sisādhayirhati-, to desire to establish or prove : Desiderative siṣātsati- grammar : Intensive , sāsādhyate-, sāsdidhi- |
sādh | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') accomplishing, performing (See yajña-s/ādh-).  |
sadhī | (s/a--) mfn. endowed with reason or intellect  |
sādhu | ind. well, rightly, skilfully, properly, agreeably (with vṛt-and locative case,"to behave well towards"[once s/ādhu-, in ];with kṛ-,"to set eight";with ās-,"to be well or at ease") etc.  |
sadhūma | mfn. (s/a--) enveloped in smoke  |
sadhura | (s/a--) mfn. harnessed to the same yoke, agreeing together  |
sadmabarhis | (s/adma--) mfn. preparing the sacrificial grass  |
sadmamakhas | (s/adma--) mfn. performing a sacrifice in a sacred precinct  |
sadvat | mfn. (s/ad--) containing or accompanied with a verse containing some form of as- or bhū-  |
sagaṇa | mfn. (s/a--) having troops or flocks, attended by followers, accompanied by (instrumental case) etc.  |
sagara | (s/a--). mfn. (for 2. etc.See below) accompanied by praise (fr. gara-,1. gṝ-;said of the fires) (Scholiast or Commentator; according to to others,"swallowing","devouring", fr. gara-,2. gṝ-).  |
sagarbhya | (s/a--) m. a brother of whole blood, one by the same father and mother  |
sagh | (see sah-) cl.5 P. ( ) saghnoti- (occurring only in imperfect tense /asaghnoḥ /asaghnoḥnot- Potential saghnuyāt- subjunctive s/aghat- preceding saghyāsam-,and infinitive mood sagdhyai-; grammar also perfect tense sasāgha- Aorist asaghīt-,or asāghīt-etc.) , to take upon one's self, be able to bear, be a match for (accusative) ; to hurt, injure, kill  |
sagṛha | (s/a--) mfn. together with one's house or family, with wife and children  |
sah | cl.1 A1. ( ) s/ahate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-and exceptionally sāhati-,once in sg. sahyāmi-; parasmE-pada s/ahat- s/ahamāna-[ q.v ]; perfect tense sehe-, sasāha-; Vedic or Veda also sasāh/e-and sāsāhat-; sās/ahat-; sāsahīṣṭ/āḥ-,; sāsahy/āma-,; parasmE-pada sehān/a-, sāsahān/a-, sāsahv/as-and sāhv/as-[ q.v ]; Aorist asākṣi-, sākṣi-, sākṣate- ; sākṣīt- ; sakṣati- ; sakṣat-, s/ākṣāma- ; imperative sakṣi-, sākṣva- ; parasmE-pada s/akṣat- ; /asahisṭa- ; preceding sahyās-, sāhy/āma- ; sākṣīya-. ; s/āhiṣīm/ahi- ; future soḍhā- etc.; sahitā- grammar; sakṣyati- , te- ; sākṣye-[?] ; -sahiṣyati-, te- ; Conditional asahisyat- ; infinitive mood s/ahadhyai- ; s/āḍhyai- ; soḍhum-, sahitum- ; ind.p. soḍhvā- ; sādhvā-, sahitvā- grammar; s/ahya- etc.; s/aham- ), to prevail, be victorious ; to overcome, vanquish, conquer, defeat (enemies), gain, win (battles) ; to offer violence to (accusative) ; to master, suppress, restrain etc. ; to be able to or capable of (infinitive mood or locative case) ; to bear up against, resist, withstand etc. ; to bear, put up with, endure, suffer, tolerate (with na-,"to grudge") etc. ; to be lenient towards, have patience with any one (genitive case) ; to spare any one ; to let pass, approve anything ; (with kalam-, kala-kṣepam-etc.) to bide or wait patiently for the right time : Causal or cl.10. sāhayati- (Aorist asīṣahat-), to forbear : Desiderative of Causal sisāhayiṣati- : Desiderative s/īkṣate- (parasmE-pada s/īkṣat-; according to to , also sisahiṣa-), to wish to overcome : Intensive sāsaṣyate-, sāsoḍhi- (see sāsah/i-) grammar ([ see sahas-and for ; , .]) |
sāhantya | mfn. equals s/ahantya-, conquering, powerful  |
sahaskṛta | mfn. (s/ahas--) produced by strength (said of agni-)  |
sahasvat | mfn. (s/ahas--.) powerful, mighty, victorious ( sahasvat vat- ind.mightily)  |
sahiraṇya | mfn. (s/a--) provided with gold  |
sahiraṇyapātra | mfn. (s/a-h-) with a golden vessel  |
sahovan | (s/aho--) mfn. mighty, superior  |
sahṛdaya | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) with the heart  |
sahūti | (s/a--) f. (instr, tī-) conjoint or united invocation  |
sajanya | (s/a--) mfn. belonging to a kinsman (see -janīya-).  |
śak | cl.5 P. ( ) śaknoti- (perfect tense śaś/āka-, śek/uḥ- etc.; Aorist /aśakat- etc. [Ved. also Potential śakeyam-and śakyām-; imperative śagdhi-, śaktam-]; future śaktā-,or śakitā- grammar; śakṣyati-, te- etc.; śakiṣyate-, te- grammar; infinitive mood -śaktave- ; śaktum-or śakitum- grammar), to be strong or powerful, be able to or capable of or competent for (with accusative dative case or locative case,rarely accusative of a verbal noun, or with an infinitive mood in am-or tum-;or with pr. p. ; exempli gratia, 'for example' with grahaṇāya-or grahaṇe-,"to be able to seize"; vadha-nirṇekam- a-śaknuvan-,"unable to atone for slaughter"; śak/ema vāj/ino y/amam-,"may we be able to guide horses"; vīkṣitum- na- śaknoti-,"he is not able to see"; pūrayan na śaknoti-,"he is not able to fill") etc. etc. (in these meanings Epic also śakyati-, te-,with inf in tuṃ- confer, compare ) ; to be strong or exert one's self for another (dative case), aid, help, assist ; to help to (dative case of thing) : Passive voice śakyate- (Epic also ti-), to be overcome or subdued, succumb ; to yield, give way ; to be compelled or caused by any one (instrumental case) to (infinitive mood) ; to be able or capable or possible or practicable (with an infinitive mood in pass. sense exempli gratia, 'for example' tat kartuṃ śakyate-,"that can be done";sometimes with pass. p. exempli gratia, 'for example' na śakyate vāryamāṇaḥ-,"he cannot be restrained";or used impersonal or used impersonally,with or with out instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi-[ tvayā-] śakyate-,"if it can be done by thee","if it is possible") : Causal śākayati- (Aorist aśīśakat-), grammar : Desiderative See śikṣ-. ([ confer, compare according to to some, Greek , German HagHeckehegen;behagen.]) |
śaka | See su-ś/aka-.  |
śakabali | (ś/aka--) m. an oblation of cow-dung  |
śakala | mn. (in also ś/akara-,of doubtful derivation) a chip, fragment, splint, log, piece, bit etc. (śakalāni- kṛ-,with accusative,"to separate, divide, dissipate" )  |
śakam | See unader ś/am- (ind.)  |
śakan | See ś/akṛt-, column 3.  |
śakapūta | (ś/aka--) mfn. "purified with cow-dung", Name of the author of (having the patronymic nārmedha-.)  |
saketa | mfn. (s/a--) having the same intention  |
sakha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' for s/akhi- see ) a friend, companion etc.  |
sakhi | m. (strong cases Nominal verb s/akhā- plural s/akhāyaḥ-; accusative sg. s/akhāyam-; genitive case ablative s/akhyus-;other cases regularly from sakhi-) a friend, assistant, companion etc.  |
sakhivat | (s/akhi--) mfn. having friends or adherents  |
śākin | mfn. (once ś/ākim-) helpful or powerful  |
sakman | s/akmya- See sac-.  |
sakratu | (s/a--) mfn. being of one accord or one mind with (instrumental case)  |
śakṛt | n. (the weak cases are optionally formed fr. a base śak/an- confer, compare ; śakṛt- Nominal verb accusative sg. and in the beginning of a compound; genitive case sg. śakn/as- ; instrumental case śakn/ā- , or śakṛtā- instrumental case plural ś/akabhis- ; accusative plural śakṛtas- ), excrement, ordure, feces, dung (especially cow-dung) [ confer, compare Greek ,,; according to to some, , and Latin cacare.]  |
śakti | ś/akti- or śakt/i- f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability (śaktyā-or ātma-ś-or sva-ś-,"according to ability"; paraṃ śaktyā-,"with all one's might"; vitta-śaktyā-,"according to the capability of one's property"; śaktim a-hāpayitvā-,"not relaxing one's efforts, exerting all one's strength") , faculty, skill, capacity for, power over (genitive case locative case dative case,or infinitive mood) etc.  |
sakūti | (s/a--) mfn. full of desire, enamoured  |
śālāpati | (ś/ālā-) m. the lord of a house, a house-holder  |
saleka | (s/a--) m. (said to be) Name of an āditya- (see leka-)  |
sallakṣaṇatīrtha | n. (fr. s/at-+ l-See p.1134) Name of a tīrtha-  |
saloka | mfn. (s/a--) being in the same world with (genitive case or locative case)  |
saloman | mfn. (s/a--) with the grain corresponding to or co-extensive with (instrumental case)  |
śalva | m. plural Name of a people (see s/alva-)  |
śam | cl.4 P. ( ), ś/āmyati- (rarely te-,and Epic also śanati-, te-; Vedic or Veda śamyati-, śimyati-,and cl.9. śamnāti-[ ], śamnīṣe-, śamnīthās- imperative śamnīṣva-, śamīṣva-, śamiṣva-, śamīdhvam-; perfect tense śaśāma-, śemuḥ- etc.; śaśam/e- subjunctive śaś/amate- ; parasmE-pada śaśamān/a-[ q.v ]; Aorist /aśamiṣṭhās- ; aśamat- [ confer, compare present tense ]; preceding śamyāt- grammar; future śamiśā-, śamiṣyati- ; ind.p. śamitvā-, śāntvā-, śāmam- ), to toil at, fatigue or exert one's self (especially in performing ritual acts) ; to prepare, arrange ; to become tired, finish, stop, come to an end, rest, be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented etc. ; to cease, be allayed or extinguished etc. ; cl.9. (confer, compare above) to put an end to, hurt, injure, destroy : Passive voice śamyate- (Aorist aśami-) : Causal śam/ayati- (mc. also śāmayati-; Aorist aśīśamat-; Passive voice śāmyate-), to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe, settle etc. ; to put to an end or to death, kill, slay, destroy, remove, extinguish. sup. press etc. ; to leave off, desist ; to conquer, subdue : Desiderative śiśamiṣati- grammar : Intensive śaṃśamīti- ( ), śaṃśamyate-, śaṃśanti- (grammar), to be entirely appeased or extinguished (perfect tense śaṃśamāṃ cakruḥ- ) . ([ confer, compare Greek ]) ,  |
śam | ind. (gaRa cādi-and svar-ādi-) auspiciously, fortunately, happily, well (frequently used in the veda-, rarely in later language; often to be translated by a substantive, especially in the frequent phrase ś/aṃ y/oḥ-or ś/aṃ ca y/oś ca-,"happiness and welfare", sometimes joined with the verbs bhū-,as, kṛ-, dāvah-, yā-,sometimes occurring without any verb; with dative case or genitive case [ see ]; in some cases corresponding to an adjective (cf. mfn.) exempli gratia, 'for example' śaṃ tad asmai-,that is pleasant to him)  |
sam | ind. (connected with 7. sa-and 2. sama-,and opp. to 3. vi- q.v) with, together with, along with, together, altogether (used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, like Greek , Latin con,and expressing"conjunction","union","thoroughness","intensity","completeness" exempli gratia, 'for example' saṃyuj-,"to join together"; saṃ-dhā-,"to place together"; saṃ-dhi-,"placing together"; saṃ-tap-,"to consume utterly by burning"; sam-uccheda-,"destroying altogether, complete destruction";in Vedic or Veda the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied, exempli gratia, 'for example' /āpo agn/im yaś/asaḥ s/aṃ h/i pūrv/īih-,"for many glorious waters surrounded agni-";it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the sense of 2. sama-,"same"; confer, compare samartha-)  |
samā | f. (of 2. sama-above) a year etc. etc. (also sama- n.in pāpa-s/ama-, puṇya-s-, su-ṣ/ama-)  |
samad | f. (prob. fr. 7. sa-+ mad-,"raging together"; according to to yāska- either fr. sam-ad-,or fr. sam-mad-; according to to others fr. 2. sam-+ suffix ad-; see s/amana-) strife, battle (often in locative case plural; accusative with kṛ-or dhā-and dative case,"to cause strife among or between")  |
samānta | m. (for 2. samānta-See under samā-) a borderer, neighbour (see s/amanta-). 1.  |
samanta | mf(ā-)n. "being on every side", universal, whole, entire, all ( samantam s/amantam- ind."in contiguity or conjunction with","together with"; samantam samant/am- ind.or samantāt tāt- ind.or samantatas ta-tas- ind."on all sides, around","or, wholly, completely"; samantena tena- ind."all round";with na-= "nowhere") etc.  |
sāmanvat | (s/āman--) mfn. connected with a sāman-  |
sāmatejas | (s/āma--) mfn. having the glory of a sāman-  |
sāmavipra | (s/ātna--) mfn. skilled in sāma- chants  |
śamayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) an alleviator, tranquillizer ( śamayitṛkā ś/amayitṛkā- f. )  |
sambhava | m. (or s/am-bhava-) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) being or coming together, meeting, union, intercourse (especially sexual intercourse, cohabitation)  |
śambhaviṣṭha | (ś/aṃ--) mfn. superl. of śambhu-.  |
sambhṛtasambhāra | mfn. (s/am-) one who has brought together all requisite materials, quite ready or prepared for anything  |
sambhṛtaśrī | mfn. (s/am-) one in whom all beauty is concentrated, lovely, charming  |
sambhūti | f. (s/am--.) birth, origin, production (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ="risen or produced or descended from") etc.  |
saṃdhātṛ | mfn. (s/aṃ--) one who puts together or joins  |
śaṃgavī | (ś/aṃ--) f. blessing cattle  |
saṃgṛbhīta | (s/aṃ--) mfn. seized or held together, grasped, griped  |
saṃgṛbhītṛ | (s/aṃ--) mfn. restraining, governing, ruling  |
saṃhve | A1. -hvayate- ( ;Ved. infinitive mood s/aṃ-hvayitav/ai-), to call out loudly, shout together ; to relate, make known  |
śamī | f. (see ś/ami-) effort, labour, toil  |
samika | (fr. s/amā-;for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) See dvai-s-.  |
saṃjñātarūpa | mfn. (s/aṃ-) one whose form or appearance is universally known  |
saṃkrand | (only Aorist sam-akrān-), to cry or bellow or cry out together with (instrumental case) : Causal (only Aorist s/am-acikradaḥ-) to bring together by shouting or calling out  |
śaṃkṛt | (ś/aṃ--) mfn. causing prosperity, beneficent  |
saṃkusuka | See s/aṃ-kasuka-.  |
sammātri | or s/am-mātṛ- mfn. (for 1.See above) having the same mother, twin  |
sammayana | (s/am--) n. erection of a sacrificial post  |
sammīlita | mfn. (s/am-.) one who has closed the eyes  |
saṃnata | mfn. (s/aṃ--) dual number conforming to or harmonizing with each other  |
saṃrādhana | mfn. (s/aṃ--) conciliating, satisfying  |
samṛddhikāma | mfn. (s/am-) desirous of prosperity  |
samṛti | f. (s/am--) coming together, meeting, contact  |
śaṃs | cl.1 P. ( ) ś/aṃsati- (mc. also A1.; perfect tense śaśaṃsa-, se- etc.; śaṃsuḥ-, sire- ; parasmE-pada śaṃsivas- q.v; Aorist aśaṃsīt- etc., etc.: subjunctive śaṃsiṣat- ;2. plural śasta- ; śastāt- ;1. sg. śaṃsi- ; preceding śasyāt-. grammar; future śaṃsitā- ; śaṃsiṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood śaṃsitum- ; -śase- ; indeclinable parasmE-pada śastv/ā-, -śasya-, -śaṃsam- etc.; -śaṃsya- ), to recite, repeat (especially applied to the recitation of texts in the invocations addressed by the hotṛ- to the adhvaryu-, when śaṃs-is written śoṃs-and the formulas śoṃsāmas-, śoṃsāvas-, śoṃsāva-are used;See 2. ā-hāva-) ; to praise, extol etc. ; to praise, commend, approve ; to vow, make a vow (?) ; to wish anything (accusative) to (dative case) to relate, say, tell, report, declare, announce to (genitive case or dative case;"who or where anybody is" accusative;also with two acc, "to declare anybody or anything to be-") etc. ; to foretell, predict, prognosticate etc. ; to calumniate, revile ; to hurt, injure ; to be unhappy : Passive voice śasy/ate-, to be recited or uttered or praised or approved etc. etc.: Causal śaṃsayati- (Aorist aśaśaṃsat-), to cause to repeat or recite ; to predict, foretell : Desiderative śiśaṃsiṣati- grammar : Intensive śāśasyate-, śāśaṃsti- [ confer, compare Latin carmenforcasmen;casme1nacame1na;censeo.] |
śaṃsa | m. a promise, vow (nar/āṃ ś/aṃsa- , prob.= narā-ś- q.v; ṛj/ur- /ic- ch/aṃsa-, either, by tmesis,"the right praiser", or ṛju-śaṃsa-as adjective (cf. mfn.)"righteous, faithful")  |
saṃśitavrata | mfn. (s/aṃ-ś-) firmly adhering to a vow, faithful to an obligation, honest, virtuous etc.  |
saṃskṛta | mfn. (or s/aṃ-skṛta-) put together, constructed, well or completely formed, perfected |
saṃsṛṣṭi | f. (s/aṃ--) union, combination, association, intercourse  |
śaṃtanu | mfn. (ś/aṃ--) wholesome for the body or the person ( śaṃtanutva -tv/a- n.)  |
śāṃtanu | m. Name of the father of bhīṣma- (in older language ś/aṃtanu- q.v) etc.  |
saṃtaram | or saṃ-tar/ām- ind. (fr. 2. s/am-+ t-) more together  |
śaṃtāti | mfn. (ś/aṃ--) beneficent, auspicious  |
śaṃvat | mfn. (ś/aṃ--) auspicious, prosperous  |
saṃveśapati | m. (ś/a--) the lord of rest or sleep or sexual union (agni-)  |
saṃvidya | (s/aṃ--) n. = saṃ-v/id-2  |
sāṃvidya | = (or prob. wrong reading for) s/aṃ-vidya-  |
saṃvṛktadhṛṣṇu | mfn. (s/aṃ--) one who seizes or overpowers the strong  |
śaṃyuvāka | m. a sacred formula containing the words s/aṃy/oḥ- (equals next) (see Va1rtt. 1 )  |
san | cl.1 P., cl.8. P. A1. ( ) s/anati-, te- or san/oti-, sanute- (A1.rare and only in non-conjugational tenses; perfect tense sas/āna- ; parasmE-pada sasav/as- f. sasan/uṣī- ; sasanivas-or senivas- grammar; sene- ; Aorist asāniṣam-[Subj. saniṣat- A1. saniṣāsmahe-, s/aniṣanta-] ; imperative s/aniṣantu- ; seṣam-, set- ; asāta- grammar; preceding sanyāt-, sāyāt- ; future sanitā- ; saniṣy/ati- ; infinitive mood sanitum- grammar), to gain, acquire, obtain as a gift, possess, enjoy ; to gain for another, procure, bestow, give, distribute ; (A1.) to be successful, be granted or fulfilled : Passive voice sanyate- or sāyate- : Causal sānayati- (Aorist asīṣaṇat-) grammar : Desiderative of Causal sisānayiṣati-. : Desiderative sisaniṣati- (grammar) or s/iṣāsati- (? sīṣatī- ), to wish to acquire or obtain ; to wish to procure or bestow : Intensive saṃsanyate-, sāsāyate-, saṃsanti- (grammar), to gain or acquire repeatedly (only 3. plural saniṣṇata- ).  |
sanābhi | mfn. (s/a--) having the same nave or centre (as the spokes of a wheel or the fingers of the hand) (see )  |
śanais | ś/anais- ( ) or śan/ais- ( ) ind. (originally instrumental case plural of śana- q.v; see uccais-, nīcais-) quietly, softly, gently, gradually, alternately  |
sanāman | mf(mnī-)n. (s/a--) equals -nāma-  |
sanara | mfn. (s/a--) together with men  |
sanaśruta | mfn. (s/ana--) famous of old  |
sanavitta | (s/ana--) mfn. long since existing or obtained  |
sanāya | Nom. P. yati- (only in dative case sg. of pr. p. sanāyat/e-[accord. to some wrong reading for s/anāya te-] ) "to be from of old"or"linger, tarry."  |
ṣaṇḍāmaka | ( ) wrong reading for ś/aṇḍā-m/arka-.  |
ṣaṇḍāmarka | ( ) wrong reading for ś/aṇḍā-m/arka-.  |
śāṇḍilīputra | m. (ś/āṇḍilī--) Name of a teacher  |
sanemi | mfn. (s/a--) having a felly (as a wheel)  |
sanīḍa | mfn. (s/a--) (in s/a-nīḷa-) having the same nest, closely united or related, kindred, skin  |
sañj | (or saj-) cl.1 P. ( ) s/ajati- (rarely A1. te-; perfect tense sasañja- etc. [in some rare and doubtful cases in and sasajja-];3. plural sejuḥ- ; Aorist asāṅkṣīt-, sāṅkṣīt-,UP. etc.; asañji- ; /asakthās-, ta- ; preceding sajyāt- grammar; future saṅktā-, saṅkṣyati- ; infinitive mood saktum- ; saṅktos- ; ind.p. -sajya-, -s/aṅgam- etc.) , to cling or stick or adhere to, be attached to or engaged in or occupied with (locative case) : Passive voice sajy/ate- (generally sajjate-, Epic also ti-), to be attached or fastened, adhere, cling, stick (with na-,"to fly through without sticking", as an arrow) etc. ; to linger, hesitate ; to be devoted to or intent on or occupied with (locative case) etc.: Causal sañjayati- (Aorist asasañjat-;for sajjayati-See sajj-), to cause to stick or cling to, unite or connect with (locative case) : Desiderative sisaṅkṣati- See ā-sañj-: Intensive sāsajyate-, sāsaṅkti- grammar ([ confer, compare according to to some, Latin segnis; Lithuanian segu4,"I attach."])  |
śaṅk | cl.1 A1. ( ) ś/aṅkate- (Epic also P.; Aorist 2. sg. aśaṅkīs-, aśaṅkiṣṭa-, śaṅkiṣṭhās-, śaṅkithās- etc. infinitive mood śaṅkitum- ; ind.p.; -śaṅkya- ; grammar also perfect tense śaśaṅke- future śaṅkitā-, śaṅkiṣyate-), to be anxious or apprehensive, be afraid of (ablative), fear, dread, suspect, distrust (accusative) ; to be in doubt or uncertain about (accusative), hesitate etc. ; to think probable, assume, believe, regard is (with two accusative), suppose to be (śaṅke-,"l think","I suppose","it seems to me") ; (in argumentative works) to ponder over or propound a doubt or objection: Passive voice śaṅkyate- (Aorist aśaṅki-), to be feared or doubted etc.: Causal śaṅkayati-, to cause to fear or doubt, render anxious about (locative case)  |
śantanu | śantama- etc. See śaṃ-tanu-, ś/aṃtama-, .  |
sanutṛ | mfn. (only in f(s/anutrī-).) gaining, procuring  |
sanyas | mfn. equals s/anīyas-  |
śap | cl.1.4. P. A1. ( ) śapati-, te- or śapyati-, te- (the latter only in ; perfect tense śaś/āpa-, śep/e- Aorist aśāpsīt-, aśapta- grammar [2. plural śāpta-in prob. wrong reading ]; future śaptā- ; śapsyati-, te- ; śapiṣye- ; infinitive mood śaptum-or śapitum- ; ind.p. śapitvā- ; śaptvā- grammar), to curse (mostly P.with accusative;in A1.with dative case) etc. ; (P. A1.) to swear an oath, utter an execration (sometimes with śapatham-or thān-;also with anṛtam-,to swear a false oath) etc. ; (P. A1.) to revile, scold, blame (accusative,rarely dative case) ; (A1.; mc. also P.) to curse one's self (followed by yadi-,"if", i.e. to promise with an oath, vow or swear,"that one will not"etc.;or followed by dative case and rarely accusative of the person to whom and instrumental case of the object by which one swears;or followed by iti- exempli gratia, 'for example' varuṇeti-,"to swear by the name of varuṇa-" ) etc. ; (A1.) to adjure, supplicate, conjure any one (accusative) by (instrumental case) : Causal śāpayati- (Aorist aśīśapat-), to adjure, conjure, exorcise (demons) ; to cause any one (accusative) to swear by (instrumental case) (see śāpita-): Desiderative śiśapsati-, te- grammar : Intensive śāśapyate-, śāśapti-, or śaṃśpyate-, śaṃśapti-  |
sap | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') See ṛta-- and keta-s/ap-.  |
sapariśraya | (s/a--) mfn. with an enclosure  |
sapaśu | mfn. (s/a--) together with cattle  |
sapīti | f. (s/a--) compotation, conviviality, drinking together  |
saprāṇa | (s/a--) mfn. having breath, living  |
saprathas | mfn. (s/a--,or sa-pr/athas-) extensive, wide  |
sapratiṣṭha | (s/a--) mfn. together with the receptacle  |
sapratyādhāna | (s/a--) mfn. together with (its) repository  |
sapru | (s/a--) mfn. (said to =) attended by lightning (see pru-)  |
saptadaśavartani | mfn. (ś/a--) forming the course for the above stoma-  |
saptadaśavat | mfn. (ś/a--) connected with the above kind of stoma-  |
sapuraścaraṇa | (s/a--) mfn. together with preparations  |
sapurīṣa | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) provided with stuffing or seasoning  |
śārada | mf(/ī-,or ś/āradī-)n. (fr. śarad-) produced or growing in autumn, autumnal, mature etc.  |
śārada | mf(/ī-,or ś/āradī-)n. (prob.) that which offers a shelter in autumn (against the overflowings of rivers;applied to puras-or"castles";others "rich in years","old")  |
śārada | mf(/ī-,or ś/āradī-)n. new, recent (perhaps in salilaṃ śāradam-; see also rajju-śārada-and dṛṣac-chārada-)  |
śārada | mf(/ī-,or ś/āradī-)n. modest, shy, diffident  |
saraśmi | (s/a--.) mfn. having rays, radiant  |
sarasvat | mfn. (s/aras--) abounding in or connected with ponds etc.  |
sarasvatī | f. (of s/arasvat- q.v under s/aras-) a region abounding in pools and lakes  |
sarasvatikṛta | (s/ari-) mfn. made by sarasvatī-  |
sarasvatīvat | (s/ar-) mfn. accompanied by sarasvatī-  |
saratha | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) together with the chariot  |
sarāti | (s/a-.) mfn. equal in (bestowing) gifts, equally kind  |
sārcis | mfn. equals s/arci-  |
śardhanīti | (ś/ardha--) mfn. "acting boldly"or"leading the host (of marut-s)", Ry.  |
śardhas | mfn. equals ś/ardhat- (only in Comparative degree śadhas-tara-,more daring or defiant)  |
śardis | or ś/ardis- (of unknown meaning)  |
saretas | (s/a--) mfn. having semen, possessing seed  |
sargapratakta | (s/arga--) mfn. dashing along in rapid motion, hastening  |
sargatakta | (s/arga--) mfn. dashing along in rapid motion, hastening  |
sarj | cl.1 P. s/arjati-, to rattle, creak  |
sarpiṣmat | (s/arpiṣ-.) mfn. provided or prepared with clarified butter  |
saru | m. equals ś/aru- m. an arrow equals tsaru-, the hilt or handle of a sword  |
śarumat | (ś/aru--) mfn. armed with missiles  |
sarūpa | mfn. (s/a--) having the same shape or form, uniform, similar, like, resembling (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
sarvabhūtadamana | mfn. (s/arva-bh-) subduing all beings  |
sarvagu | (s/arva--) mfn. together with all cows  |
sarvahāyas | (s/arva--) mfn. having all strength or vigour  |
sarvahuta | (s/arva--) mfn. offered entirely ( sarvahutatva -tva- n.)  |
sarvapad | (strong base -pād-; s/arva--) mfn. all-footed  |
sarvaparus | (s/arva--.) mfn. having all joints  |
sarvapuruṣa | (s/arva--) mfn. having all men etc.  |
sarvapūruṣa | (s/arva--) mfn. having all men etc.  |
sarvarasa | mfn. (s/arva--) containing all juices  |
sarvarūpa | mf(ā-)n. (s/arva--or sarv/a--) having or assuming all forms ( sarvarūpatā -tā- f.)  |
sarvasena | mfn. (s/arva--) leading all the host  |
sarvastoma | mf(ā-)n. (s/arva--) provided with all the (6) stoma-s  |
sarvasūtra | (s/arva--) mfn. made of all-coloured threads (see sārvas-).  |
sarvaśveta | mfn. (s/arva--) entirely white  |
sarvatanu | mfn. (s/arva--.) complete in regard to the body or person  |
sarvatanū | mfn. (s/arva--.) complete in regard to the body or person  |
sarvavedas | mfn. (s/arva--) having complete property  |
sarvavīra | mf(ā-)n. (s/arva--.) all-heroic, consisting of or relating to or accompanied by or leading all men or heroes  |
sarvavīrya | (s/arva-.) mf(ā-)n. endowed with all powers  |
śas | mfn. reciting (See uktha-ś/as-, -śas/a-).  |
śas | cl.1 P. ( ) ś/asati- (Vedic or Veda also -śasti-and -śāsti-; perfect tense śaśāsa- ;3. plural śaśasuḥ- grammar; future śasitā- ; śasiṣyati- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -ś/asas- ; ind.p. -śasya- ), to cut down, kill, slaughter (mostly vi-śas- q.v)  |
śās | (see śaṃs-) cl.2 P. ( ) śāsti- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ś/āste-and śāsati-, te-; dual number śiṣṭhaḥ-etc. ;3. plural śāsati- ; imperfect tense aśāt- etc.; imperative śādhi-, śāst/ana- ; Potential śiṣyāt- ; perfect tense śaśāsa-, suḥ-[in also imperative śaśādhi-and subjunctive śaśās-] etc.; Aorist aśiṣat-[in also 1. plural śiṣāmahi-and p. śiṣ/at-] ; future śāsitā- grammar; śāsiṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood śāstum- ; śāsitum- etc.; ind.p. śāsitvā-or śiṣṭvā- ; -śiṣya- ; -śāsya- etc.) , to chastise, correct, censure, punish etc. ; to restrain, control, rule, govern (also with rājyam-or aiśvaryam-) etc. ; to administer the laws (with dharmam-,"to administer justice") ; to direct, bid, order, command, enjoin, decree (with an infinitive mood or a sentence followed by iti-) ; to teach, instruct, inform (with two accusative,or with accusative of Persian and dative case or locative case of thing) etc. ; to confess (a crime) ; to announce, proclaim ; to predict, foretell ; to blame, reject, disdain (?) ; to praise, commend (= śaṃs-) : Passive voice śāsyate- or śiṣyate- (see śiṣ-), to be chastised or corrected etc. etc.: Causal śāśayati- (Aorist aśaśāsat- ), to recommend : Desiderative śiśāsiṣati- grammar : Intensive śeśiṣyate-, śāśāsti-  |
śās | strong form for 3. śas- (See uktha-ś/as-).  |
sas | cl.2 P. ( ) s/asti- (in also sasāsti-and in s/asasti-, pr. p. sas/at- ; grammar also perfect tense sasāsa- Aorist asāsīt-; future sasitā-, sasiṣyati-), to sleep etc. (see above) ; to be inactive or idle : Causal sāsayati- (Aorist asīṣasat-), grammar : Desiderative sisasiṣati- : Intensive sāsasyate-, sāsasti-  |
śasa | mfn. reciting (See uktha-ś/as-, -śas/a-).  |
śāsa | m. (śās/a-) a commander, ruler, chastiser  |
saśarīra | mf(ā-)n. (s/a-.) with the body, embodied  |
sasattrin | (or s/a-s-) m. a companion at a sacrifice or festival  |
sasatya | (s/a--) mfn. accompanied with truth  |
saśīrṣan | (s/a-.) mfn. having a head (opp. to apa-ś-)  |
sasthūṇa | mfn. (s/a--) together with the pillar,  |
saśukra | (s/a-.) mfn. together with brightness or with what is bright ( saśukratva -tv/a- n.)  |
sasūnu | (s/a--) wrong reading in  |
sasūti | (s/a-) wrong reading for s/akūti-  |
śaśvat | mf(ś/aśvatī-,or t/ī-)n. (according to to some for sasvat-and corresponding to Greek ) perpetual, continual, endless, incessant, frequent, numerous, many (especially applied to the ever-recurring dawns)  |
śaśvat | mf(ś/aśvatī-,or t/ī-)n. all, every  |
śaśvat | ind. perpetually, continually, repeatedly, always, ever (ś/aśvat pur/ā-,from immemorial time; śaśvac-chaśvat-,again and again, constantly) etc.  |
śaśvat | mf(ś/aśvatī-,or t/ī-)n. at once, forthwith, directly (generally preceded or followed by ha-; ś/aśvat-ś/aśvat-,no sooner-than forthwith)  |
śaśvat | mf(ś/aśvatī-,or t/ī-)n. it is true, certainly, indeed  |
śāśvata | mf(ī-)n. (fr. śaśvat-) eternal, constant, perpetual, all (ś/āśvatībhyaḥ s/amābhyaḥ-, śāśvatīḥ samāḥ-,or śāśvatam-,for evermore, incessantly, eternally) etc.  |
satanu | (s/a--) mfn. having a body, together with the body  |
satānūnaptrin | (s/a--) m. a companion in the performance of the (ceremony called) tānūnaptra- |
satapas | (s/a--) mfn. together with heat  |
satejas | (s/a--) mfn. attended with splendour or energy or vital power etc. ( satejastva -tv/a- n.)  |
satoka | (s/a--) mfn. together with offspring  |
satpati | m. (s/at--) a mighty lord, leader, champion  |
sattama | mfn. (s/at--) very good or right, the best, first, chief of (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
satūla | (s/a--) mf(ā-)n. together with a tuft (of grass reed etc.)  |
satya | n. truth, reality (satyena-,"truly","certainly","really"; k/asmāt s/atyāt-,"for what reason, how is it that?"t/ena saty/ena-,"for that reason, so truly"; yathā-tena-[or evaṃ-] satyena-,"as-so truly";with Buddhists truth is of two kinds, viz. saṃvṛti--and paramārtha-satyam-,"truth by general consent"and"self-evident truth" ;for the four fundamental truths of BuddhistsSee ) etc.  |
satyasah | mfn. (Nominal verb -s/āṭ-) equals ṛtā-ṣ/ah-  |
sātyayajñi | m. (s/ātya-.;fr. idem or 'm. (fr. satya-y-) Name of a teacher, ') patronymic of soma-śuṣma-  |
savācas | (s/a--) mfn. employing similar speech (varia lectio su-v-)  |
savarṇa | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) having the same colour or appearance, similar, like, equal to (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
savāsas | (s/a--) mfn. with clothes, clothed  |
savayas | mfn. (s/a-.) ( ) being of the same vigour or age  |
savedas | (s/a--) mfn. having the same or common property (agni-- soma-)  |
savijñāna | mfn. (s/a-.) endowed with right understanding  |
savīra | (s/a--) mfn. with retainers or followers  |
savīrya | mfn. (s/a--) having equal power or strength with (instrumental case)  |
savrata | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) fitting together, harmonious (others"following the same law or order")  |
savya | m. (s/avya-) Name of a man befriended by the aśvin-s  |
sāyakapraṇutta | (s/āy-) mfn. driven away or put to flight by arrows  |
sayoni | mfn. (s/a--) having a womb, female  |
sayūthya | (s/a--) mfn. (see ) belonging to the same herd or tribe  |
śī | cl.2 A1. ( ) ś/ete- (with guṇa- throughout the proper stem : thus, ś/aye-[in also 3. sg. ], ś/eṣe-etc., 3. plural ś/erate-[in also ś/ere-and Class. śayire-]; Potential ś/ayīta- etc.; imperative -śetām-and śayām- ; imperfect tense aśeta- etc., 3. plural aśerata-[in also /aśeran-], parasmE-pada ś/ayāna- etc.;Ved. and Epic also cl.1. ś/ayate-, ti-; imperfect tense /aśayat-and aśāyata- ; perfect tense śiśye-, śiśyire- ; parasmE-pada Ved. śaśayān/a-,Class. śiśyāna-; Aorist aśayiṣṭa- subjunctive ś/eṣan- ; future śayitā- sg. t/āse- ; śayiṣyate-, ti- ; śeṣyate-, ti- ; infinitive mood śay/adhyai- ; śayitum- ; ind.p. śayitvā- etc.; -śayya- ), to lie, lie down, recline, rest, repose etc. ; to remain unused (as soma-) ; to lie down to sleep, fall asleep, sleep etc. ; (with patye-) to lie down to a husband (for sexual intercourse) ; (madanena-śī-= "to be impotent") : Passive voice śayyate- grammar (Aorist aśāyi- , pr.p. once in śīyat-): Causal śāyayati-, te- (Aorist aśīśayat-), to cause to lie down, lay down, put, throw, fix on or in (locative case) etc. ; to cause to lie down, allow to rest or sleep : Desiderative śiśayiṣate-, to wish to rest or sleep : Intensive śāśayyate-, śeśayīti-, śeśeti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ,"to lie";, "a bed."])  |
śmaśā | f. (prob. connected with aśman-) the elevated ridge or edge of a trench or ditch or channel for water or of a vessel (but in the m. plural śmaś/āḥ-is said to mean those deceased ancestors who consume or eat the oblations [?], and a compound śmaśānn/a-is formed to explain śmaśāna-)  |
śo | (confer, compare 1. śi-) cl.3 P. A1. śiśāti-, ś/iśīte- (accord to also cl.4 P. śyati- confer, compare ni-śo-; perfect tense śaśau- grammar; parasmE-pada śaśān/a- ; Aorist aśīta- confer, compare saṃ-śo-; aśāt-or aśāsīt- grammar; preceding śāyāt- ; future śātā-, śāśyati- ; indeclinable ś/āya- ), to whet, sharpen (A1."one's own"weapons or horns) : Passive voice śāyate- grammar : Causal śāyayati- ; Desiderative śiśāsati- : Intensive śāśāyate-, śaśeti-, śāśāti- [? confer, compare Greek etc.]  |
so | equals s/ā- (f. of 6. sa-) + u-  |
ṣoḍaśākṣara | mfn. (for 1.See under 1. ṣo-ḍaś/a-) having 16 syllables  |
spaś | (confer, compare 1. paś-;only occurring in perfect tense paspaśe-, parasmE-pada paspaśān/a-; Aorist /aspaṣṭa-), to see, behold, perceive, espy : Causal spāśayati- ( ) and spāś/ayate- ( ), to make clear, show ; to perceive, observe. [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin spicio; German spe0ho7n,spa0hen; English spy.]  |
spṛś | cl.6 P. ( ) spṛś/ati- (mc. also te-; pr. p. spṛśāna- ; imperfect tense asparśat- ; perfect tense pasparśa-, paspṛśuḥ-, paspṛśe- etc.; subjunctive pasp/arśat- ; Aorist aspṛkṣat- ; asprākṣīt- ; aspārkṣīt- grammar; preceding spṛśyāt- ; future spraṣṭā-or sparṣṭā- grammar; sparkṣyati- ; sprakṣyati- ; infinitive mood spraṣṭum- etc.; -sp/ṛśe- ; -sp/ṛśas- ; ind.p. spṛṣṭvā-, -sp/ṛśya- etc.) , to touch, feel with the hand, lay the hand on (accusative or locative case), graze, stroke etc. ; to handle, take hold of (anyo 'nyaṃ hastau spṛśataḥ-,"they mutually touch or shake hands") etc. ; (with ap/aḥ-, udakam-, jalam-;or adbhis-etc.) to touch or sip water, wash or sprinkle certain parts of the body with water etc. ; to touch so as to hurt, injure, harm ; to perceive or feel by touch ; to touch, come into contact (literally;and figuratively in astronomy sense) ; to reach or penetrate to (locative case or accusative;with karṇam-,"to come to the ears";with kriyām-,"to set about any action") etc. ; to come up to, equal (accusative;with girā-,"to equal with words" id est"to be able to describe") ; to act upon, affect ; to touch id est endow or fill with (instrumental case) ; to touch id est befall, fall to the lot of, come upon, visit, afflict (accusative) etc. ; to touch, take hold of, make one's own, appropriate ; to attain to, obtain, experience, undergo etc. ; to grant, bestow (see Causal) : Passive voice spṛśyate- (Aorist asparśi-), to be touched or seized or affected by etc.: Causal sparśayati-, te- (Aorist apasparśat-or apispṛśat-; subjunctive pispṛśaḥ-, śati- ), to cause to touch (two accusative), bring into immediate contact with (locative case or instrumental case) etc. ; to convey to (locative case) ; to fill or cover with (instrumental case) etc. ; to perceive by touch, feel ; to offer, present, give etc.: Desiderative pispṛkṣati- (see pispṛkṣu-) grammar : Intensive parīspṛśyate-, parīspraṣṭi-, parīsparṣṭi- |
śṝ | cl.9 P. ( ) śṛṇ/āti- (pr. p. A1. śṛṇān/a- ; imperative śṛṇa- ; perfect tense śaśāra-,2. sg. śaśaritha-,3. plural śaśaruḥ-,or śaśruḥ- grammar; śaśr/e- ; Aorist, aśarīt-, aśarait- ; aśārīt- grammar; preceding śīryāt- ; future śarītā-, śarīṣyati- ; śariṣyate- ; infinitive mood śarītum- grammar; ś/arītos- ; śaritos- ; ind.p. -ś/īrya- ), to crush, rend, break (A1.with reference to self, as "to break one's own arm") ; to kill (game) : Passive voice śīryate- (mc. also ti-; Aorist aśāri-, śāri-), to be crushed or broken or rent or shattered etc. ; to fall out or off etc. ; to be worn out, decay, wither, fade etc.: Causal śārayati- (Aorist aśīśarat-) grammar : Desiderative śiśarīṣati-, śiśīrṣati- : Intensive śeśīryate-, śāśarti-  |
sṛ | (confer, compare sal-) cl.1.3. P. ( ) s/arati- (Epic also te-and according to to also dhāvati-), and s/isarti- (the latter base only in veda-;3. dual number s/isratuḥ-,3. plural s/israte- ; parasmE-pada s/israt-[ q.v ] ; perfect tense sas/āra-, sasr/e- etc.;1. dual number sasriva- ; parasmE-pada sasṛv/as-, sasrāṇ/a-and sasṛmāṇ/a- ; Aorist asārṣīt- grammar; subjunctive sarṣat- ; preceding sriyāt- grammar; future sartā- ; sariṣy/ati- etc.; infinitive mood sartum- etc.; s/artave-, tav/ai- ; ind.p. sṛtv/ā- ; -s/ṛtya-, -s/āram- etc.), to run, flow, speed, glide, move, go (with uccakais-,"to spring up";with v/ājam-,or ājim-,"to run a race" id est"exert one's self") Calcutta edition etc. ; to blow (as wind) ; to run away, escape ; to run after, pursue (accusative) ; to go towards, betake one's self to (accusative or tatra-etc.) ; to go against, attack, assail ; to cross, traverse (accusative) ; (A1.) to begin to flow (said of the fluid which surrounds the fetus) : Passive voice sriyate- (Aorist asāri- ), to be gone etc., grammar : Causal sārayati- or cl.10 P. ( ) to cause to run ; to set in motion, strike (a lute) ; to remove, push aside (a braid of hair) ; put in array, to arrange (with dyūtam-,"the men on a chess-board") ; to make visible, show, manifest ; to nourish, foster (genitive case) ; A1. sārayate- (for sar/ayate-See saraya-,), to cause one's self to be driven, drive (in a carriage) : pass. sāryate-, to be made to flow, discharge (excrement) : Desiderative sisīrṣati-, to wish to run (vājam-,"a race") : Intensive (confer, compare sarisrar/a-) s/arsṛte- (parasmE-pada s/arsrāṇa-See pra-sṛ-) or sarīṣarti-, to stride backwards and forwards ; to blow violently (as the wind) [ confer, compare Greek ,;, ; Latin salire.]  |
śṛdh | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) ś/ardhati-, te- (pr. p. Vedic or Veda ś/ardhat-and ś/ardhamāna-; grammar also perfect tense śaśṛdhe-; Aorist aśṛdhat-,or aśardhiṣṭa-; future śartsyati-or śardhiṣyate-; infinitive mood śardhitum-; ind.p. śardhitvā-or śṛddhvā-), to break wind downwards (in ava--and vi-śṛdh- q.v) ; to mock at, ridicule, defy (with genitive case) ; to moisten, become moist or wet : Causal śardhayati- (only in ati-praśardh/ayat-) : Desiderative śiśardhiṣate-, śiśṛtsati- grammar : Intensive śarīśṛdhyate-, śarīśṛdhīti-, śarīśarddhi-  |
sṛj | (see 1.2. sarj-) cl.6 P. ( ) sṛj/ati- (Ved. and Epic also te-,and once in s/arjati-; perfect tense sasarja-, sasṛj/e-[2. sg. according to to , sasarjitha-and sasraṣṭha-,in once sasarktha-];Vedic forms are sasṛjm/ahe-, jrire-, sasṛjyāt-, asasṛgram-; parasmE-pada sasṛjān/a- q.v; sasṛgm/ahe-; Aorist asrākṣīt-; /asṛkṣi-, /asṛṣṭa-[Ved. also /asṛgram-or ran-; /asarji-; asrāk-, asrāṭ-; srās-; srakṣat-; parasmE-pada sṛjān/a- q.v ] ; future sraṣṭā- ; srakṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood sraṣṭum- etc.; ind.p. sṛṣṭvā- ; -s/ṛjya- etc.; -s/argam-or -s/arjam- ), to let go or fly, discharge, throw, cast, hurl at (accusative or dative case) etc. ; to cast or let go (a measuring line) ; to emit, pour forth, shed, cause to flow (rain, streams etc.) etc. ; to utter (a sound) ; to turn or direct (glances) ; to let loose, cause (horses) to go quickly ; A1. "to speed, run, hasten" ; to release, set free ; to open (a door) ; to publish, proclaim ; to draw out and twist (a thread), twist, wind, spin (literally and figuratively; A1. sṛjyate-,"for one's self"; see on Va1rtt. 15 and ) ; (in older language only A1.) to emit from one's self id est create, procreate, produce, beget etc. ; to procure, grant, bestow etc. ; to use, employ ; to get, acquire, obtain, take (interest on money lent) ; to hang on, fasten to (locative case) (perhaps asṛjat-, wrong reading for asajat-;See sañj-): Passive voice sṛjyate- (Aorist /asarji-), to be let loose or emitted or created etc. etc.: Causal sarjayati-, te- (Aorist asasarjat-or asīsṛjat-), to cause to let loose, let go, create etc. etc.: Desiderative sisṛkṣati-, te-, to wish to send forth or hurl or throw ; (A1.) to wish to produce or create : Intensive sarīsṛjyate-, sarīsṛṣṭi- etc. grammar |
sṛp | cl.1 P. ( ) s/arpati- (Epic and mc. also te-; parasmE-pada s/arpat-[see sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ]and sarpamāṇa-; perfect tense sasarpa-[1. dual number sasṛpiva-] ; Aorist asṛpat- ; asṛpta- etc.; asārpsīt-or asrāpsīt- grammar; future sarptā-or sraptā- ; sarpsyati- ; srapsyati- etc.; infinitive mood sarpitum- etc.; sarptum-or sraptum- grammar; -s/ṛpas- ; ind.p. sṛptvā- ; -s/ṛpya- etc.; -sarpam- etc.) , to creep, crawl, glide, slink, move gently or cautiously (sarpata-,"depart!" ) etc. ; to slip into (accusative) ; (in ritual) to glide noiselessly and with bended body and hand in hand (especially from the sadas- to the bahiṣ-pavamāna-) : Passive voice sṛpyate- (Aorist asarpi-), to be crept etc. etc.: Causal sarpayati- (Aorist asīsṛpat-or asasarpat-), to cause to creep etc. (See ava--, anu-pra--, vi-sṛp-): Desiderative s/isṛpsati- (See ut-sṛp-): Intensive sarīsṛpyate- ( ), sarīsarpti-, parasmE-pada sarīsṛpat- ( ), to creep along or hither and thither, glide about etc. [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin serpere-;See also sarpa-.]  |
sū | (see 1. sū-and5. su-) cl.2 A1. ( ) sūte- (1. sg. proper suve-,3. sg. imperfect tense asūta-;in later language also sūyate-[ ] and in compound with pra-also -savati-and -sauti-[ see ]; perfect tense sasūva- ; suṣuv/e- etc.; susāva- etc.; Aorist asuṣot- ; ṣavuḥ- ; asoṣṭa- ; asauṣīt-and asaviṣṭa- grammar; future sotā-, savitā- ; soṣy/ati-, te- etc.; saviṣyati-, te- etc.; parasmE-pada f. s/ūṣyantī- ; soṣy/antī-[ sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ] ; infinitive mood s/ūtave- ; sūtav/ai- ; s/avitave- ; sotum-or savitum- grammar; ind.p. sūtv/ā- ; -sūya- etc.; -s/utya- ), to beget, procreate, bring forth, bear, produce, yield etc. etc.: Passive voice sūyate- (Aorist asāvi-), to be begotten or brought forth etc.: Causal sāvayati- grammar : Desiderative -susūṣati- |
subhasad | mfn. having beautiful buttocks, (in Comparative degree s/attarā-)  |
suṣaṃsad | mfn. (id est 5. su-+ saṃs/ad-) having a good meeting, fond of good company  |
susaṃsad | See -ṣaṃs/ad-.  |
sya | mfn. pronoun base of 3rd person (equals s/a-;only in Nominal verb m. sy/as-, sy/a- f. sy/a-; see ty/a-, ty/ad-)  |
tad | (Nominal verb and accusative sg. n.of and base in compound for 2. t/a-from which latter all the cases of this pronoun are formed except Nominal verb sg. m. s/as-or s/a-& f. s/ā-; instrumental case plural t/ais- etc.;Ved. t/ebhis- etc.) m. he f. she n. it, that, this (often correlative of y/a-generally standing in the preceding clause exempli gratia, 'for example' yasya buddhiḥ sa balavān-,"of whom there is intellect he is strong";sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives exempli gratia, 'for example' so 'ham-,"I that very person, I myself"[ tasya- equals mama- ]; tāv imau-,"those very two"; tad etad ākhyānam-,"that very tale" ; yat tat kāraṇam-,"that very reason which" ; yā sā śrī-,"that very fortune which" ) etc.  |
tad | tad- (ind.) yathā- "in such a manner as follows", namely, viz. (see pāli- seyyathā-; s/a y/athā-- ) (in PrakrittaM@jahA; see sejjahā-)  |
tamas | s/a-, etc. See column 1.  |
tānūnaptrin | m. s/a-- idem or 'm. a coadjutor in the tānūnaptra- ceremony '  |
taratsamandī | f. plural the hymn (beginning with t/arat s/a mand/ī-)  |
tośa | mfn. granting, (ś/a-tama-,Superl.) .  |
traiṃśa | n. a brāhmaṇa- containing 30 (triṃś/at-) adhyāya-s ( )  |
trasadasyu | (s/a--) m. (formed like etc.)"before whom the dasyu-s tremble", Name of a prince (son of puru-kutsa-;celebrated for his liberality and favoured by the gods;author of ),  |
trayas | in compound with any decad except aśīt/i- and interchangeable with tr/i- before catvāriṃś/at- etc.  |
trayastriṃśa | mf(/ī-)n. celebrated with the ś/a- stoma-  |
trayastriṃśastoma | mfn. containing the ś/a- stoma-  |
trayastriṃśavartani | mfn. forming the path for the ś/a- stoma-  |
trayodaśa | mfn. (tr/ay-) ( ) 13 (instrumental case ś/abhis-)  |
trihāyaṇa | mf(ī-)n. equals -vats/a-  |
triṃśad | equals ś/at-.  |
triṃśadakṣara | (ś/ad--) mf(ā-)n. having 30 syllables  |
triṃśadaṅga | (ś/ad--) mfn. having 30 parts  |
triṃśadara | (ś/ad--) mfn. having 30 fellies  |
triṃśadvikrama | (ś/ad--) mf(ā-)n. 30 paces long  |
trisāṃvatsara | mfn. equals -vats/a-  |
trivarṣa | mfn. equals -vats/a-  |
trivarṣaka | mf(ikā-)n. equals -vats/a-  |
tṛṇṇa | See /ati--, ava--, /ā--, v/i--, s/aṃ--.  |
tryupasatka | mfn. containing 3 upas/ad- ceremonies  |
tsar | cl.1. ts/arati- (subjunctive and parasmE-pada ts/arat-; perfect tense tatsāra-and Aorist atsār- ; atsārīt- ; perfect tense plural tatsarur-, ) to go or approach stealthily, creep on, sneak ; see abhi--, ava--, upa--.  |
tvacas | See s/a--, s/ūrya--, h/iraṇya--.  |
upariṣad | mfn. sitting above (equals -s/ad-below)  |
upariṣadya | n. the sitting above (equals -s/adya-below)  |
upasac | A1. (3. plural -s/acante- imperfect tense 3. plural -asacanta-) to follow closely ; to pursue  |
upāsad | P. (Ved. infinitive mood -s/adam-) to sit down upon (accusative) ; to approach, walk along  |
upasami | P. -eti- (imperative 3. plural -s/aṃ-yantu-) to approach together  |
upasaṃnud | P. (imperative 2. sg. -s/aṃ-nuda-) to impel near or towards, bring near, procure  |
upasaṃvye | A1. (imperative 2. sg. -s/am-vyayasva-) to wrap up or envelop one's self in (accusative)  |
upasarjanī | f. (upa-s/arjanī-) infusion  |
utsah | (ud-sah-) A1. -sahate- (infinitive mood -s/aham- ) to endure, bear ; to be able, be adequate, have power (with infinitive mood or dative case of abstr. noun) ; to act with courage or energy etc.: Causal -sāhayati-, to animate, encourage, excite : Desiderative of the Causal (parasmE-pada -sisāhayiṣat-) to wish to excite or encourage  |
vācas | See v/i-vācas- and s/a-vācas-.  |
vaitasena | m. (prob. derived fr. a misunderstanding of vaitas/ena- instrumental case ; see vaitas/a-), Name of purū-ravas-  |
vājasā | mfn. (superl. -tama-) equals -s/ani-  |
vanaṣad | varia lectio for -s/ad-  |
vapus | n. form, figure, (especially) a beautiful form or figure, wonderful appearance, beauty ( vapuṣe puṣe- ind.for beauty; v/apur dṛś/aye-,a wonder to see) etc.  |
varam | ind. (am-) (gaRa svar-ādi-) preferably, rather, better (also = preferable, sometimes with ablative which in veda- is often followed by ā- exempli gratia, 'for example' agn/ibhyo v/aram-,"better than fires" ; s/akkibhya /ā v/aram-,"better than companions" ;exceptionally with accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' śiṣyaiḥ śata-hutān homān-, ekaḥ putra-kut varam-,"better one sacrifice offered by a son than a hundred offered by disciples" ) etc.  |
vaś | cl.2 P. ( ) v/aṣṭi-, (1. plural uśm/asi-,or śmasi- ;3. plural uś/anti- ; parasmE-pada uś/at-, uśān/a-and uś/amāna- ; cl.1. v/aśati-and cl.3. vivaṣṭi-[also vav/aṣṭi-],2. sg. vav/akṣi- ; perfect tense vāvaś/uḥ-, śe-; parasmE-pada śān/a- ; uvāśa-, ūśuḥ- grammar; Aorist avāśīt- ;2. sg. vaśīh- preceding uśyāt- grammar; future vaśitā-, śiṣyati- ), to will, command (parasmE-pada uś/amāna-,"having at command") ; to desire, wish, long for, be fond of, like (also with infinitive mood) etc. etc. (parasmE-pada uś/at-and uśān/a-,"willing, glad, eager, zealous, obedient";the former with superl. uśat-tama-,also = charming, lovely [accord. to Scholiast or Commentator also equals śuddha-, dedīpyamāna-,and sv-arcita-]) ; to aver, maintain, affirm, declare for (two accusative) : Causal vāśayati- (Aorist avīvaśat-), to cause to desire etc. ; to get in one's power, subject : Desiderative vivaśiṣati- grammar Intensive vāvaśyate-, vāvaśīti-, or vāvaṣṭi- ; parasmE-pada vāvaśān/a-,"willing, eager" [ confer, compare Greek , for,"willing."] |
vas | (a Vedic root connected with1. uṣ- q.v;not in ) cl.6 P., ucch/ati- (perfect tense uv/āsa-, ūṣ/uḥ- etc.; Aorist avāt-[?] ; avasran- ; Conditional avatsyat- ;Ved. infinitive mood v/astave-, -/uṣi-), to shine, grow bright (especially applied to the dawn) ; to bestow by shining upon (dative case) ; (with dūr/e-) to drive away by shining : Causal vās/ayati-, to cause to shine [ confer, compare vasar-in vasar-han-; Greek for ; Latin ve1retc.]  |
vas | cl.2 A1. ( ) v/aste- (imperative vasiṣva- ; vaddhvam- ; parasmE-pada v/asāna-,once usān/a-and us/amāna- ; perfect tense vavase- ; vāvase-, parasmE-pada sān/a- ; Aorist avasiṣṭa- ; future vasitā- grammar; vasiṣyate- ; vatsyati- ; infinitive mood vasitum- ; ind.p. vasitvā- ; -vasya- ), to put on, invest, wear, (clothes etc.) , assume (a form etc.) , enter into etc. etc.: Causal vās/ayati-, te- (Passive voice vāsyate-), to cause or allow to put on or wear (clothes) , clothe (A1."one's self") with (instrumental case) : Desiderative vivasiṣate- grammar : Intensive vāvasyate-, vāvasti- [ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin vestis; Gothic wasjan; Anglo-Saxon werian; English wear.]  |
vas | cl.1 P. ( ) v/asati- (mc. also te-; perfect tense uvāsa-, ūṣuḥ- etc.; parasmE-pada vāvasāna- ; -vāsāṃ cakre- ; Aorist avātsīt- ; avāksam- [where it is artificially connected with vāc-]; avāstam- ; future vastā- grammar; vatsyati-, te- etc.; vasiṣyati- ; infinitive mood vastum-, vasitum- etc.; ind.p. uṣitv/ā- ; uṣṭvā- ; -/uṣya- etc.), to dwell, live, stop (at a place), stay (especially "overnight" , with or without rātrim-or rātrīs-) etc. ; to remain, abide with or in (with locative case of Persian; locative case or accusative of place, especially with vāsam-or vasatim-) etc. ; to remain or keep on or continue in any condition (with a pp., exempli gratia, 'for example' with channa-,"to continue to be covered" ;or with an accusative,with brahmacaryam-,"to practise chastity" ;or with an adverb exempli gratia, 'for example' with sukham-,"to live pleasantly or at ease";with or without dūratas-,"to keep aloof") etc. ; to have sexual intercourse with (locative case) ; to rest upon (locative case) ; to charge or entrust with (instrumental case) ; cl.10 P. vasayati-, to dwell : Passive voice uṣyate- (Aorist avāsi-), to be dwelt etc. etc.: Causal vās/ayati-, te- (confer, compare ; Aorist avīvasat- : Passive voice vāsy/ate- , ti- ), to cause to halt or stay (overnight), lodge, receive hospitably or as a guest etc. ; to cause to have sexual intercourse with (locative case) ; to let anything stand overnight (with tisro-, scilicet ratrīs-,"three nights") ; to cause to wait, keep in suspense ; to delay, retard ; to cause to exist, preserve ; to cause to be inhabited, populate (a country) ; to put in, place upon (locative case) (anadhyāyam mukhe-,to put restraint on the mouth, refrain from speaking) ; to produce : Desiderative vivatsati-, to wish to dwell : Intensive vāvasyate-, vāvasti-, to remain, be in, be engaged in [ confer, compare Gothic wisan; German wësan,ge-wesen,waretc.; Anglo-Saxon wësan; English was,were.] |
vaśānna | (vaś/ānna-) mfn. eating cows  |
vasu | m. or n. (for 1.See) dwelling or dweller (See s/aṃ-vasu-).  |
vatsanapāt | (vats/a--) m. Name of a descendant of babhru-  |
vatsanikānta | (vats/a-) mfn. affectionate towards offspring  |
vatsapa | m. (vats/a-.) a keeper of calves  |
viś | cl.6 P. ( ) viś/ati- (rarely, in later language mostly mc. also A1. viśate-; perfect tense viv/eśa-, viviśe- etc.[ viveśitha-, viveśuḥ- ; viviśyās- ; parasmE-pada -viśiv/as- ; viviśivas-or viviśvas- ; aviveśīs- ]; Aorist /aviśran-, /avikṣmahi-, veśīt- ; avikṣat- etc.; avikṣata- grammar; preceding viśyāt- ; future veṣṭā- ; vekṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood veṣṭum- etc.; veṣṭavai- ; viśam- ; ind.p. -viśya- etc.) , to enter, enter in or settle down on, go into (accusative locative case,or antar-with genitive case), pervade etc. etc. (with punar-or bhūyas-,to re-enter, return, come back) ; to be absorbed into (accusative) ; (in astronomy) to come into conjunction with (accusative) ; (with agnim-, jvalanam-etc.) to enter the fire id est ascend the funeral pyre etc. ; (with apas-) to sink or be immersed in the water ; to enter (a house etc.) ; to appear (on the stage) ; to go home or to rest ; to sit down upon (accusative or locative case) ; to resort or betake one's self to (agratas-, agre-,or accusative) ; to flow into (and, join with,; applied to rivers and armies) ; to flow or redound to, fall to the share of (accusative) etc. ; to occur to (as a thought, with accusative) ; to befall, come to (as death, with accusative) ; to belong to, exist for (locative case) ; to fall or get into any state or condition (accusative) ; to enter upon, undertake, begin ; to mind (any business), attend to (dative case) : Causal veś/ayati-, te- (Aorist avīviśat-; Passive voice veśyate-), to cause to enter into (accusative) ; to cause to sit down on (locative case) : Desiderative vivikṣati-, to wish to enter (accusative) ; (with agnim-or vahnim-) to wish to enter the fire id est to ascend the funeral pyre : Intensive veviśyate-, veveṣṭi-, grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin vicus; Lithuanian ve0sze8ti; Slavonic or Slavonian vi8si8; Gothic weihs; Anglo-Saxon wi7c; Germ,wi7ch,Weich-bild.]) |
viś | f. (m.only ; Nominal verb sg. v/iṭ-; locative case plural vikṣ/u-) a settlement, homestead, house, dwelling (viś/as p/ati-"lord of the house"applied to agni- and indra-)  |
viśākha | mf(ā-)n. (v/i--;once vi-s/ākha- ) branched, forked  |
viśaṃs | P. -śaṃsati- (Ved. infinitive mood -ś/ase-), to recite, comprise in words ; to divide in parts for recitation  |
viṣkandha | n. (v/i--) (fr. vi-+ skandha-) a particular disease (see s/aṃ-skandha-)  |
viśvāsah | (strong form s/āh-) mfn. all-conquering  |
yahu | m. offspring, a child (equals apatya-) (s/ahaso yah/uḥ- equals sahaso putraḥ- )  |
yajñāsah | (strong form -s/āh-) mfn. mighty in sacrifice  |
yaśasa | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals yaśas- (See deva--, manuṣya--and śrī-yaśas/a-).  |
yaśastama | (yaś/as--) mfn. most (more) renowned or resplendent  |
yaśastara | (yaś/as--) mfn. most (more) renowned or resplendent  |
yos | ind. (only in ś/aṃ y/oḥ-and ś/aṃ ca y/oś ca-) welfare, health, happiness  |
yugapad | ind. "being in the same yoke or by the side of each other", together, at the same time, simultaneously ("with" instrumental case ; see yuga-ś/aram-) etc.  |