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Root Search
ruc has 1 results
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√rucrucaadīptāvabhiprītau ca1482
ruc has 1 results
Root WordIAST MeaningMonier Williams PageClass
√रुच्rucshining / dīpti481/3Cl.1
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
7 results for ruc"
ruc cl.1 A1. () rocate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-; perfect tense ruroca-, ruruc/e- etc.; subjunctive rurucanta- Potential rurucyās- ; parasmE-pada rurukv/as-, rurucān/a- ; Aorist arucat- ; arociṣṭa- etc.; arukta- ; parasmE-pada rucān/a- ; Aorist Passive voice aroci- ; preceding rucīya- ; rociṣīya- ; ruciṣīya- ; future rocitā- grammar; rociṣyate- ; infinitive mood rocitum- ; ruc/e- ; ind.p. rucitvā-or rocitvā- ), to shine, be bright or radiant or resplendent etc. ; (only in perfect tense P.) to make bright or resplendent ; to be splendid or beautiful or good etc. ; to be agreeable to, please (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to be pleased with, like (accusative) ; to be desirous of, long for (dative case) : Causal roc/ayati-, te- (Aorist /arūrucat-, cata-; Passive voice rocyate-), to cause to shine ; to enlighten, illuminate, make bright ; to make pleasant or beautiful ; to cause any one (accusative) to long for anything (dative case) ; to find pleasure in, like, approve, deem anything right (accusative or infinitive mood) etc. ; to choose as (double accusative) ; to purpose, intend ; (Passive voice) to be pleasant or agreeable to (dative case) : Desiderative ruruciṣate- or rurociṣate- grammar : Intensive (only p. r/orucāna-) to shine bright [ confer, compare Greek , ;lux,luceo,luna,lumen; Gothic liuhath,lauhmuni; German lioht,lieht,licht; Anglo-Saxon leo4ht; English light.]
rucf. light, lustre, brightness etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rucf. splendour, beauty, loveliness etc.
rucf. colour, hue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rucf. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') appearance, resemblance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rucf. pleasure, delight, liking, wish, desire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rucf. plural Name of a particular class of āpsarasa-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
ruc रुच् 1 Ā. (रोचते, रुरुचे, अरुचत्-अरोचिष्ट, रोचिष्यते, रुचित) 1 To shine, look splendid or beautiful, be resplendent; रुरुचिरे रुचिरेक्षणविभ्रमाः Śi.6.46; Ms.3.62. -2 To like, be pleased with (said of persons), be agreeable to, please (of things); used with dat. of the person who is pleased and nom. of the thing; न स्रजो रुरुचिरे रमणीभ्यः Ki.9.35; यदेव रोचते यस्मै भवेत् तत् तस्य सुन्दरम् H.2.53; sometimes with gen. of person; दारिद्र्यान्मरणाद् वा मरणं मम रोचते न दारिद्र्यम् Mk.1.11. -Caus. (रोचयति-ते) 1 To cause to like, make pleasant or agreeable; यतात्मने रोचयितुं यतस्व Ku.3.16. -2 To illuminate, irradiate. -3 To like, find pleasure in. -4 To resolve -Desid. (रुरु-रो-चिषते) To wish to like &c.
ruc रुच् रुचा f. [रुच्-क्विप् वा टाप्] 1 Light, lustre, lustre, brightness; क्षणदासु यत्र च रुचैकतां गताः Śi.13.53;9.23,25; शिखरमणिरुचः Ki.5.43; Me.46. -2 Splendour, loveliness, beauty. -3 Colour, appearance (at the end of comp.); चलयन्भृङ्गरुचस्तवालकान् R.8.53; Ku.3.65; Ś.1.15; Ki.5.45. -4 Liking, desire. -5 Lightning. -6 The note of the parrot or Mainā.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
ruc ruc shine, I. róca; cs. rocáya cause to shine, viii. 29, 10.
2 results
ruc verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to be bright (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to be pleased with (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to please (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to shine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1945/72933
ruc noun (feminine) appearance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
beauty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
brightness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
colour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
delight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
hue (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
light (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
liking (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
lustree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a particular class of Apsarases (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
resemblance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
splendour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9920/72933
Wordnet Search
"ruc"" has 5 results.


prakāśaḥ, dyutiḥ, dīptiḥ, tejaḥ, pradīpaḥ, jyotiḥ, jyotiḥ, prabhā, ābhā, chaviḥ, ālokaḥ, ruciḥ, ruc, kāntiḥ, chaṭā, nibhā, bhā, bhāḥ, chāyā, tviṣā, tviṣ, śociḥ, śobhā, varcaḥ, mahaḥ, dyotaḥ, dūśānam, marīciḥ, jhallikā   

sā śaktiḥ tattvaṃ vā yayā anyāni vastūni dṛggocarāṇi bhavanti।

sūryasya āgamanena diśaḥ prakāśeṇa kāsyanti।


ruc, abhiruc, svad, juṣ, prī   

āsvādanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

mahyam idaṃ kāryaṃ naiva rocate।


cakās, śubh, ruc   


ratnajaḍitāni ābhūṣaṇāni cakāsanti।


ruc, abhiruc   

prakṛtyā kāryaviśeṣasya spṛhānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

mahyaṃ kathālekhanaṃ rocate।


spṛh, ruc   


na spṛhayāmi ahaṃ bhojanam adya।

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