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Grammar Search
"roman" has 1 results
roman: neuter vocative singular stem: roman
Monier-Williams Search
Results for roman"
romann. (prob. connected with1. ruh-; see loman-) the hair on the body of men and animals, (especially) short hair, bristles, wool, down, nap etc. (less properly applicable to the long hair on the head and beard of men, and to that of the mane and tail of animals) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
romann. the feathers of a bird (see mayūra-r-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
romann. the scales of a fish (See pṛthu-r-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
romanm. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for roman"1 result
roman रोमन् n. [रु-मनिन् Uṇ.4.15] 1 The hair on the body of men and animals; especially, short hair, bristles or down; रोमाणि च रहस्यानि सर्वाण्येव विवर्जयेत् Ms. 4.144;8.116; Bhāg.11.18.3. -2 The feathers of birds. -3 The scales of a fish. -Comp. -अङ्कः a mark of hair; बिभ्रती श्वेतरोमाङ्कम् R.1.83. -अङ्कुरः, -अञ्चः a thrill (of rapture, horror, surprise &c.), horripilation; हर्षाद्भुतभयादिभ्यो रोमाञ्चो रोमविक्रिया S. D.167. -अञ्चित a. with the hair erect or thrilled with joy. -अन्तः the hair on the back or upper side of the hand. -आली, -आवलिः, -ली f. 1 a line of hair on the abdomen (above the navel); शिखा धूमस्येयं परिणमति रोमावलिवपुः K. P.1; रोमराजि also. -2 Puberty. -उद्गमः, -उद्भेदः erection of the hair (on the body), thrill, horripilation; रोमोद्गमः प्रादुरभूदुमायाः Ku.7.77. -कर्णकः a hare. -कूपः, -पम्, -गर्तः a pore of the skin; सो$सृजद्रोमकूपेभ्यो रौम्या- न्नाम गणेश्वरान् Mb.12.284.35. -केशरम्, -केसरम्, -गुच्छम् whisk, chowrie. -पुलकः bristling of the hair, thrill; उद्भिन्नरोमपुलकैर्बहुभिः समन्ताज्जागर्ति रक्षति विलोकयति स्मरामि Ch. P.34. -भूमिः f. 'the place of the hair', i. e. the skin. -रन्ध्रम् a pore of the skin. -राजिः, -जी, -लता f. a line of hair on the abdomen (above the navel); रराज तन्वी नवरो (लो) मराजिः Ku.1.38; Śi.9.22. -वाहिन् a. cutting-off hair. -विकारः, -विक्रिया, -विभेदः thrill, horripilation; शंसति स्म घनरोमविभेदः Ki. 9.46; प्रतिक्षणं सा कृतरोमविक्रियाम् Ku.5.1. -विध्वंसः a louse. -शातनम् a depilatory for removing the hair. -सूची a hair-pin. -हर्षः bristling of the hair, thrill; वेपथुश्च शरीरे मे रोमहर्षश्च जायते Bg.1.29. -हर्षण a. causing thrill or horripilation, thrilling, awe-inspiring; एतानि खलु सर्वभूतरो (लो) महर्षणानि दीर्घारण्यानि U.2; संवादमिम- मश्रौषमद्भुतं रोमहर्षणम् Bg.18.74. (-णः) N. of Sūta, a pupil of Vyāsa who narrated several Purāṇas to Śaunaka. (-णम्) erection of hair on the body, thrill. -हृत् n. sulpuret of arsenic.
Macdonell Search
Results for roman"1 result
roman n. hair on the body of men and animals (gnly. excluding the long hair of the head, beard, mane, or tail); plumage; fish-scales (rare).
Results for roman"1 result
roman noun (neuter) (esp.) short hair (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bristles (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
down (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
nap (less properly applicable to the long hair on the head and beard of men) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the feathers of a bird (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the hair on the body of men and animals (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the scales of a fish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wool (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1402/72933
Wordnet Search
"roman"" has 1 results.



śarīrajātāṅkuraḥ; bhayāt śyāmasya śarīre romāni jāyante।/

harṣādbhutabhayādibhyo romāñco romavikrayā [sā da 167]

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