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Grammar Search
"rohita" has 2 results
rohita: masculine vocative singular stem: rohita
rohita: neuter vocative singular stem: rohita
Amarakosha Search
6 results
indrāyudhamNeuterSingularśakradhanuḥ, rohitamrainbow
rohī2.2.49MasculineSingularrohitakaḥ, plīhaśatruḥ, dāḍimapuṣpakaḥ
rohitaMasculineSingularlohitaḥ, raktaḥred
rohitam1.3.10NeuterSingularindra's bow unbent
Monier-Williams Search
72 results for rohita
rohitamf(ā-or iṇī- q.v)n. (see lohita-) red, reddish etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. a red or chestnut horse (applied to the Sun , and therefore in plural Name of these hymns) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. a kind of deer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. a kind of fish, Cyprinus Rohitaka etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. a kind of tree, Andersonia Rohitaka View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. a sort of ornament made of precious stones View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. a particular form of rainbow (see n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. Name of a son of hari-ścandra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. of a manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. of a son of kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio rauhita-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. of a son of vapuṣ-mat- (king of śālmala-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. plural Name of a class of gandharva-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitam. of a class of gods under the 12th manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitan. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitan. a kind of rainbow appearing in a straight form, indra-'s bow unbent and invisible to mortals (see rohitendra-dhanus-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitan. blood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitan. saffron View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitan. Name of the varṣa- ruled by rohita- (son of vapuṣ-mat-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitagirim. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitagirīyam. plural its inhabitants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitaitam. (fr. r-+ 2. eta-) marked with red and other colours View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitakam. Name of a tree, Andersonia Rohitaka (varia lectio roh/ītaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitakam. of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitakam. of a stūpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitakam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitakāraṇyan. Name of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitakūlaName of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitakūlīyan. Name of a sāman- (also rohitakūlīyādya dya- n.and rohitakūlīyottara yottara- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitakūlīyādyan. rohitakūlīya
rohitakūlīyottaran. rohitakūlīya
rohitamatsyam. Cyprinus Rohitaka View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitapuran. Name of a town (founded by Rohitaka, the son of hari-ścandra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitarūpan. the red colour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitavastuName of a place (also read -vastra-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitavatmfn. having a red horse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitavṛkṣam. Andersonia Rohitaka View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apurohitam. not a purohita- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apurohitamfn. without a purohita- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avarohita mfn. (gaRa utkarādi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmapurohitamfn. (br/ahma--) having the sacerdotal class for a purohita-
brahmapurohitam. plural "the high priests of brahmā-", (with Buddhists) Name of a class of divinities (see ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhaspatipurohitamfn. having bṛhas-pati- for a purohita- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhaspatipurohitam. Name of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daityapurohitam. equals -guru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devapurohitam. domestic priest of the gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devapurohitam. Name of bṛhas-pati- id est the planet Jupiter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhūmrarohita(r/a--) mfn. greyish-red View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
drohitamfn. hostile, maliciously inclined View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karkandhurohitamfn. red like a berry of the jujube tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karkaśidhurohita() m. a tree, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nākanāyakapurohitam. " indra-'s chief priest", Name of bṛhas-pati- or the planet Jupiter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paurohitamf(ī-)n. belonging to or proceeding from a purohita- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purohitamfn. (puro--.) placed foremost or in front, charged, commissioned, appointed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purohitam. one holding a charge or commission, an agent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purohitam. (especially) a family priest, a domestic chaplain etc. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purohitakarmann. Name of 3rd pariśiṣṭa- of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purohitatvan. the rank of a purohita- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛjurohitan. the straight red bow of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sapurohitamfn. accompanied by a family-priest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvarohita(sarv/a--) mf. quite red View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stanarohitam. n. a particular part of the female breast View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuklarohitam. a kind of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuklarohitam. a kind of bright-looking Rohita fish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetarohitam. "white and red", Name of garuḍa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetarohitam. a kind of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tirohitamfn. (r/o--) removed or with drawn from sight, concealed, hidden (a meaning) etc.
tirohitamfn. run away
tirohitaf. disappearance, becoming invisible
tirohitatvan. idem or 'f. disappearance, becoming invisible '
vairohitam. plural (fr. vi-rohita-) a patronymic gaRa kaṇvādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
virohitam. Name of a man gaRa gargādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
rohita रोहित a. (-रोहिता or -रोहिणी f.) [रुहेः इतन्, रश्च लो वा Uṇ.3.95] Red, red-coloured; विदर्भसुश्रूपयोधरे रोहति रोहितश्रीः N.7.76. -तः 1 Red colour. -2 A fox. -3 A kind of deer. -4 A red horse. -5 N. of Hariśchandra's son. -6 A kind of fish; पाठीनरोहितावाद्यौ नियुक्तौ हव्यकव्ययोः Ms.5.16. -तम् 1 Blood. -2 Saffron. -3 A straightf rain-bow; विद्युतो$शनिमेघांश्च रोहितेन्द्रधनूंषि च Ms.1.38. -Comp. -अश्वः fire; लोकं विलोलार्चिषि रोहिताश्वे Ki.16.54.
tirohita तिरोहित p. p. 1 Concealed, hidden. removed from sight. -2 Vanished, disappeared. -3 Hard to understand, mystic; नात्र तिरोहितमिवास्ति Bṛi. Up.1.3.28.
drohita द्रोहित a. Maliciously inclined, malevolent, hostile.
purohita पुरोहित p. p. 1 Placed in front. -2 Appointed, charged, entrusted. -तः 1 One charged with a business, an agent. -2 A family-priest, one who conducts all the ceremonial rites of the family. मन्त्रिपुरोहितसखः (राजा); ......... अमात्यानुपधाभिः शौचयेत् Kau. A.1.1; पुरोहितो हितो वेदस्मृतिज्ञः सत्यवाक् शुचिः Kavikalpalatā.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
dha 1. dhá put, III. dádhāti, v. 83, 1; supply with (inst.), ii. 35, 12; bestow, ipv. dhehí, x. 14, 11; dhattá, i. 85, 12; ii. 12, 5; x. 15, 7; dadhāta, x. 15, 4. [237] 7; dadhātana, x. 15, 11; dhattá̄m, iv. 51, 11; dadhantu, vii. 63, 6; perform, ipf. dhatta, i. 85, 9; bestow, s ao. sb. dhāsathas, i. 160, 5; establish,pf. dadhé, x. 129, 7; ds. desire to bestow, didhiṣanti, ii. 35, 5; support, dídhiṣāmi, ii. 35, 12 [Gk. τἰθημι]. ádhi- put on (acc.): pf. dadhire, i. 85, 2; ao. ádhita, x. 127, 1. á̄- deposit, root ao. sb. dhās, v. 83, 7. ní- deposit, root ao. dhātam, vii. 71, 5; ps. ao. ádhāyi, viii. 48, 10. pári- put around, vi. 54, 10. prá- put from (ab.) into (lc.), vii. 61, 3. ví- impose: pf. dadhur, iv. 51, 6; divide, ipf. ádadhur, x. 90, 11. purás- place at the head, appoint Purohita: pf. dadhire, iv. 50, 1.
Macdonell Search
5 results
rohita pp. [√ 1. ruh=rudh] red, reddish; m. red or chestnut horse (V.); kind of deer; kind of fish; kind of imperfect rain bow; N. of a son of Hariskandra; n. a metre; kind of imperfect rainbow:-½asva, m. N. of a son of Hariskandra.
rohita pp. of cs. of √ 2. ruh.
atirohitatva n. envelopment.
apurohita a. lacking a domestic priest.
purohita pp. set before or in charge, appointed (esp. to priestly functions); m. commissioned person, agent; sp. appointed priest, domestic chaplain of a prince: -tva, n. office of a Purohita; (ó)-hiti,f. priestly service.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
5 results6 results
rohita Denotes a ‘red horse’ in the Rigveda and later.
rohita Is a son of Hariścandra in the famous tale of śunahśepa in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa and the śāñkhā­yana śrauta Sūtra
rohitaka Occurs in the Maitrāyaṇī Samhitā with a variant Rohitaka, as the name of the tree Andersonia Rohitaka.
rohitakakūla Is in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana the name of a locality after which a Sāman or chant was called.
purohita (‘Placed in front,’ ‘appointed’) is the name of a priest in the Rigveda and later. The office of Purohita is called Purohiti and Purodhā. It is clear that the primary function of the Purohita was that of ‘ domestic priest ’ of a king, or perhaps a great noble; his quite exceptional position is shown by the fact that only one Purohita seems ever to be mentioned in Vedic literature. Examples of Purohitas in the Rigveda are Viśvāmitra or Vasiçtha in the service of the Bharata king,.Sudās. of the Trtsu family; the Purohita of Kuruśravana ; and Devāpi, the Purohita of Santanu. The Purohita was in all religious matters the alter ego of the king. In the ritual it is laid down that a king must have a Purohita, else the gods will not accept his offerings. He ensures the king's safety and victory in battle by his prayers ; he procures the fall of rain for the crops j he is the flaming fire that guards the kingdom. Divodāsa in trouble is rescued by Bharadvāja; and King Tryaruna Traidhātva Aikçvāka reproaches his Purohita, Vj?śa Jāna, when his car runs over a Brahmin boy and kills him. The close relation of king and Purohita is illustrated by the case of Klltsa Aurava, who slew his Purohita, UpagfU Sauśravasa, for disloyalty in serving Indra, to whom Kutsa was hostile. Other disputes between kings and priests who officiated for them are those of Janam- ejaya and the Kaśyapas, and of Viśvantara and the śyā- parnas ;lβ and between Asamāti and the Gaupāyanas. In some cases one Purohita served more than one king; for example, Devabhāg a Srautarṣa was the Purohita of the Xufus and the Sfñjayas at the same time, and Jala Jātū- karnya was the Purohita of the kings of Kāśi, Videha, and Kosala. There is no certain proof that the office of Purohita was hereditary in a family, though it probably was so. At any rate, it seems clear from the relations of the Purohita with King Kuruśravana, and with his son Upamaśravas, that a king would keep on the Purohita of his father. Zimmer thinks that the king might act as his own Purohita, as shown by the case of King Viśvantara, who sacrificed without the help of the śyāparṇas, and that a Purohita need not be a priest, as shown by the case of Devāpi and śantanu. But neither opinion seems to be justified. It is not said that Viśvantara sacrificed without priests, while Devāpi is not regarded as a king until the Nirukta, and there is no reason to suppose that Yāska's view expressed in that work is correct. According to Geldner, the Purohita from the beginning acted as the Brahman priest in the sacrificial ritual, being there the general superintendent of the sacrifice. In favour of this view, he cites the fact that Vasiṣtha is mentioned both as Purohita and as Brahman: at the sacrifice of Sunahśepa he served as Brahman, but he was the Purohita of Sudās; Bṛhaspati is called the Purohita and the Brahman of the gods; and the Vasisthas who are Purohitas are also the Brahmans at the sacrifice. It is thus clear that the Brahman was often the Purohita; and it was natural that this should be the case when once the Brahman’s place became, as it did in the later ritual, the most important position at the sacrifice. But the Brahman can hardly be said to have held this place in the earlier ritual; Oldenberg seems to be right in holding that the Purohita was originally the Hotr priest, the singer par excellence, when he took any part at all in the ritual of the great sacrifices with the Rtvijs. So Devāpi seems clearly to have been a Hotr; Agni is at once Purohita and Hotr; and the two divine Hotṛs ’ referred to in the Apr! litanies are also called the ‘two Purohitas.’ Later, no doubt, when the priestly activity ceased to centre in the song, the Purohita, with his skill in magic, became the Brahman, who also required magic to undo the errors of the sacrifice. There is little doubt that in the original growth of the priest¬hood the Purohita played a considerable part. In historical times he represented the real power of the kingship, and may safely be deemed to have exercised great influence in all public affairs, such as the administration of justice and the king’s conduct of business. But it is not at all probable that the Purohita represents, as Roth and Zimmer thought, the source which gave rise to caste. The priestly clcss is already in existence in the Rigveda (see Varṣa).
brahmapurohita Is found in the Kāthaka Samhitā and the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa where the St. Petersburg Dictionary gives the sense as * having the priesthood as its Purohita.’ This seems rather doubtful; more probably the sense should be ‘ having a Brahman priest as Purohita,’ unless the word merely means ‘ having the priesthood superior to it,’ as an epithet of Kçatra, the ‘warrior caste,’ which seems to be Weber’s view.
Bloomfield Vedic
5 results6 results60 results
āgnāvaiṣṇavā rohitalalāmās tūparāḥ TS.; KSA.9.8.
āśvamedhasya rohitā RV.8.68.15c.
ghṛtasnuvā rohitā dhuri dhiṣva RV.3.6.6b.
go rohitasya varṇena AVś.1.22.1c. See yo rohitasya gor.
iti rohita śuśruma AB.7.15.1b; śś.15.19b.
mātā rohitaḥ (PG. sīsaraḥ) pitā PG.1.16.24b; ApMB.2.16.7b.
namo rohitāya sthapataye VS.16.19; TS.; MS.2.9.3: 122.14; KS.17.12.
yad rohitam ajanayanta devāḥ AVś.13.3.12c,23d.
aktuṃ na yahvam uṣasaḥ purohitam # RV.10.92.2c.
agna āgacha rohitava āgacha bharadvājasyāja sahasaḥ sūno vārāvaskandinn uṣaso jāra # Lś.1.4.4. Cf. indrāgacha.
agna āgacha rohitābhyāṃ vṛhadbhāno dhūmaketo jātavedo vicarṣaṇa āṅgirasa brāhmaṇāṅgirasa bruvāṇa # Lś.1.4.2.
agnaye 'nīkavate rohitāñjir anaḍvān # VS.29.59; TS.; KSA.8.3.
agniṃ vasiṣṭho havate purohitaḥ # RV.10.150.5c.
agnim itthā tirohitam # RV.3.9.5b.
agnim īḍe (śś.śG. īle) purohitam # RV.1.1.1a; ArS.3.4a; TS.; MS.4.10.5a: 155.1; KS.2.14a; GB.1.1.29a; Aś.2.1.26; śś.6.4.1; 14.52.1; AG.3.5.6; śG.4.5.7; N.7.15a. P: agnim īḍe Aś.4.13.7; Lś.4.10.5; Mś.; VHDh.5.429; 7.64; 8.250; Karmap.3.1.16. Cf. Rvidh.1.13.5; 16.1; 2.31.6; BDh.4.6.1.
agnir ukthe purohitaḥ # RV.8.27.1a; SV.1.48a; MS.4.12.1a: 178.13; KS.10.13a. P: agnir ukthe śś.10.11.8; Mś. Cf. BṛhD.6.68; GDh.23.28.
agnir devānām abhavat purohitaḥ # RV.3.2.8d. Cf. agnir devo devānām.
agnir devo devānām abhavat purohitaḥ # RV.10.150.4a. Cf. agnir devānām abhavat.
agnir vā rohitāśvaḥ # AVP.11.14.2b.
agnir hotā purohitaḥ # RV.3.11.1a; KS.2.15a; KB.26.17; Aś.2.1.21; śś.6.4.1; 10.11.9.
atyā vṛdhasnū rohitā ghṛtasnū # RV.4.2.3a.
adityai trayo rohitaitāḥ # TS.; KSA.9.8.
adhyakṣo naḥ purohitaḥ # AVś.10.1.6b.
anuvratā rohiṇī rohitasya # AVś.13.1.22a. Cf. TB.
asi grāmeṣv avitā purohitaḥ # RV.1.44.10c.
ā vo rohitaḥ śṛṇavat sudānavaḥ # AVś.13.1.3c. See next.
āhārṣīd rāṣṭram iha rohitaḥ # TB. See ā te rāṣṭram.
idaṃ sado rohiṇī rohitasya # AVś.13.1.23a.
indro devānām adhipāḥ purohitaḥ # MS.4.14.12a: 235.17; TB.
ud ehi vājin yo apsv (TB. yo asy apsv) antaḥ # AVś.13.1.1a; TB. P: ud ehi vājin Kauś.49.18. Designated as rohitaḥ CūlikāU.11; as rohitāni (sc. sūktāni) AVś.19.23.23; Kauś.99.4.
ud vepaya rohita pra kṣiṇīhi # AVś.13.3.1g,2e,3e,4e,5f,6g,7f,8e,9f,10f,11f,12f,13g,14g,15f,16g,17f,18g,19g,20e,21g,22e,23g,24f,25g.
ṛṣīṇāṃ yaḥ purohitaḥ # TS.; KSA.3.1c.
kṛṣṇau dvau rohitau dvau # AVś.5.23.4b; AVP.7.2.4b.
kramasvarśa iva rohitam # AVś.4.4.7c; 6.101.3c.
krāṇā rudrebhir vasubhiḥ purohitaḥ # RV.1.58.3a.
taṃ tvā parameṣṭhin pari rohita (AVś.13.1.17d, pary agnir; AVś.13.1.19d, pary aham) āyuṣā varcasā dadhātu (AVś.13.1.19d, dadhāmi) # AVś.13.1.17d--19d.
turīyam id rohitasya pākasthāmānam # RV.8.3.24c.
te me devāḥ purohitāḥ # AVś.8.5.5c,6c.
taiṣ ṭe rohitaḥ saṃvidānaḥ # AVś.13.1.35c.
tvaṃ piśaṅka rohitaḥ # HG.2.7.2e.
devo devaiḥ purohitaḥ # AVP.9.12.10c.
daivyā hotārā prathamā purohitā # RV.10.66.13a; Aś.9.11.19.
namaḥ sūryāya rohitāya divyānām adhipataye svāhā # HG.2.16.4.
pari tvā rohitair varṇaiḥ # AVś.1.22.2a; AVP.1.28.2a.
pāñcajanyaḥ purohitaḥ # RV.9.66.20b; SV.2.869b; VS.26.9b; VSK.29.39b; MS.1.5.1b: 66.10; TA.2.5.2b; Apś.5.17.2b.
pitṛbhyo 'gniṣvāttebhyo dhūmrān rohitāṃs traiyambakān # Apś.20.14.13.
praśāstā potā januṣā purohitaḥ # RV.1.94.6b; AVP.13.5.5b.
praṣṭir vahati rohitaḥ # RV.1.39.6b; 8.7.28b; AVś.13.1.21b.
mahnā devānām asuryaḥ purohitaḥ # RV.8.101.12c; AVś.20.58.4c; SV.2.1139c; VS.33.40c.
mṛḍīkāya purohitaḥ # RV.10.150.5d.
mṛtyunā ca purohitam # AVś.11.10.18b.
ya udīcyāṃ diśi rohitapipīlikānāṃ rājā tasmai svāhā # Kauś.116.3.
yac chvetān rohitāṃś cāgneḥ # TA.1.11.8c.
yajñasya ketuṃ prathamaṃ (JB. -maḥ) purohitam # RV.5.11.2a; 10.122.4a; SV.2.259a; TS.; KS.39.14a; JB.3.62--63 (in fragments: yajñasya ketum, prathamaḥ purohitam).
yad ayukthā aruṣā rohitā rathe # RV.1.94.10a; AVP.13.5.10a.
yad devānāṃ mitramahaḥ purohitaḥ # RV.1.44.12a.
yad devāpiḥ śaṃtanave purohitaḥ # RV.10.98.7a; N.2.12a.
yasyāham asmi purohitaḥ # VS.11.81d; TS.; MS.2.7.7d: 84.7; KS.16.7d; śB.; TA.2.5.2d. See yeṣām asmi.
yukṣvā sute harito rohitaś ca # RV.7.42.2b.
yuṅgdhvaṃ ratheṣu rohitaḥ # RV.5.56.6b.
Vedabase Search
22 results
rohita-sutaḥ the son of King RohitaSB 9.8.1
rohita-sutaḥ the son of King RohitaSB 9.8.1
rohita by the name RohitaSB 9.7.9
rohita his son RohitaSB 9.7.17
rohita the son of HariścandraSB 9.7.16
SB 9.7.20
balāi-purohita the priest named Balarāma ĀcāryaCC Antya 3.201
purohita priestsSB 4.13.48
purohita priestCC Antya 3.166
balāi-purohita the priest named Balarāma ĀcāryaCC Antya 3.201
purohita the priestCC Antya 6.161
purohita priestSB 6.8.3
purohita the priestSB 10.8.1
purohita the priestSB 10.53.12
purohitaiḥ accompanied by all the priestsSB 9.10.35-38
tirohita being invisibleSB 4.19.11
tirohitam having disappearedSB 4.9.2
tirohitam not visibleSB 8.3.4
tirohitam the disappearanceSB 10.32.21
tirohitam withdrawn from sightCC Adi 4.176
tirohitatvāt from being freed from the influenceCC Madhya 6.156
tirohitatvāt from being under the influenceCC Madhya 20.115
13 results
rohita noun (neuter) a kind of metre (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of rainbow appearing in a straight form (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
blood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Indra's bow unbent and invisible to mortals (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the Varsha ruled by Rohita (son of Vapuṣmat) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
saffron (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38817/72933
rohita noun (masculine) Andersonia Rohitaka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of deer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of fish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular form of rainbow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a red or chestnut horse (applied to the sun) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a sort of ornament made of precious stones (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Cyprinus Rohitaka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a class of Gandharvas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a class of gods under the 12th Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Hariścandra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Kṛṣṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Vapuṣmat (king of Śālmala) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6262/72933
rohita adjective red (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reddish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13722/72933
rohitaka noun (masculine) Andersonia Rohitaka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Stūpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22146/72933
rohitakāraṇya noun (neuter) name of a place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 63881/72933
atirohita adjective not hidden
Frequency rank 31562/72933
avarohita noun (masculine) Vitex Negundo
Frequency rank 45214/72933
ṛjurohita noun (neuter) the straight red bow of Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 47892/72933
devapurohita noun (masculine) name of Bṛhaspati (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[astron.] the plant Jupiter
Frequency rank 35834/72933
purohita noun (masculine) (esp.) a family priest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a domestic chaplain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an agent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one holding a charge or commission (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2092/72933
śuklarohita noun (masculine) a kind of bright-looking Rohita fish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 67848/72933
śvetarohita noun (masculine) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Garuḍa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68421/72933
stanarohita noun (masculine neuter) a particular part of the female breast (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17419/72933


Plant 1. rohida, a tree species grown in desert and dry regions of northwest India, Tecomella undulate; 2. rohituka tree, Aphanamixis polystachya.


red fish; Malabar snapper.


a lethal point (marma) at nipple, splinter enering this point can cause cough and death.

Wordnet Search
"rohita" has 11 results.



rakte vartamānaḥ śoṇitakaṇaprakāraḥ।

rohitaraktakaṇikāḥ prāṇavāyuṃ saṃvahanti।


raktaḥ, raktā, raktam, lohitaḥ, lohitā, lohitāhinī, lohitam, raktavarṇaḥ, raktavarṇā, raktavarṇam, lohitavarṇam, rohitaḥ, rohitā, rohitāhinī, śoṇitaḥ, śoṇitā, śoṇitam, śoṇaḥ, śoṇā, śoṇam, śoṇī, sindūravarṇaḥ, kaṣāyaḥ, kaṣāyā, kaṣāyam, mañjiṣṭhaḥ, mañjiṣṭhī, mañjiṣṭham, aruṇaḥ, aruṇā, aruṇam, pāṭalaḥ, pāṭalā, pāṭalam   

varṇaviśeṣaḥ, raktasya varṇaḥ iva varṇaḥ।

imaṃ prakoṣṭhaṃ raktena varṇena varṇaya।


patita, anupatita, adhogata, adhopatita, avanata, apakṛṣṭa, apabhraṃśita, abatara, avarohita, cyūta, skhalita, apabhraṃśita, dūṣita, duṣṭa, paribhraṣṭa   

yaḥ sadācārādibhyaḥ bhraṣṭaḥ।

patitaḥ vyaktiḥ samājaṃ rasātalaṃ nayati।


raktaḥ, raktā, raktam, raktavarṇīyaḥ, raktavarṇīyā, raktavarṇīyam, lohitaḥ, lohitā, lohitāhinī, lohitam, raktavarṇaḥ, raktavarṇā, raktavarṇam, lohitavarṇam, rohitaḥ, rohitā, rohitāhinī, śoṇitaḥ, śoṇitā, śoṇitam, śoṇaḥ, śoṇā, śoṇam, śoṇī, sindūravarṇaḥ, kaṣāyaḥ, kaṣāyā, kaṣāyam, mañjiṣṭhaḥ, mañjiṣṭhī, mañjiṣṭham, aruṇaḥ, aruṇā, aruṇam, pāṭalaḥ, pāṭalā, pāṭalam   

vastūnāṃ raktaguṇatvadyotanārthe upayujyamānaṃ viśeṣaṇam।

rakte guṇe tatvaṃ raktam iti ucyate।


agnisikhaḥ, agnisekharaḥ, ambaram, asṛk, kanakagauram, kaśmīrajanma, kāntam, kāveram, kāśmīram, kāśmīrajanmā, kāśmīrasambhavam, kucandanam, kusumātmaka, kesaravaram, goravaḥ, gauram, ghasram, ghusṛṇam, ghoraḥ, javā, jāguḍam, dīpakaḥ, dīpakam, nakulī, pāṭalam, piṇyākaḥ, piṇyākam, piśunam, pītakāveram, pītacandanam, pītikā, pītakam, pītanam, puṣparajaḥ, priyaṅgum, bālhikam, bāhlika, raktam, raktacandanam, raktasaṃjñam, raktāṅgam, rañjanaḥ, rudhiram, rohitam, lohitacandanam, vareṇyam, varṇam, varṇyam, vahniśikham, vahniśekharam, veram, śaṭham, śoṇitam, saṃkocam, saṃkocapiśunam, surārham, sūryasaṃjñam, saurabham, haricandanam   

puṣpe vartamānaḥ strīliṅgī avayavaviśeṣaḥ yaḥ keśa sadṛśaḥ asti।

agnisikhaḥ kṣapasya jananāṅgena sambadhitaḥ asti।



saḥ brāhmaṇaḥ yaḥ yajamānārthe naikāni dharmakāryāṇi karoti।

purohitaḥ yajati।


arcakaḥ, pūjakaḥ, purohitaḥ, purodhāḥ   

yaḥ mandire devatādīnāṃ pūjārthe niyuktaḥ asti।

śyāmasya pitā asya mandirasya arcakaḥ asti।




dhīvarena jālagatāḥ laghvāḥ rohitāḥ taḍāge tyaktāḥ।


adarśanam, adṛśyatā, adṛśyaṃ, apavāsaḥ, tirohitatvam, antardhiḥ, tirohitatā, luptatā, antardhānam, tirobhāvaḥ, lopaḥ, apavāsaḥ, tirodhānam, ḍhakkā, jyāni, nimluktiḥ   

kriyāviśeṣaḥ sahasā antardhānam;

adarśanañca te vīra bhūyo māṃ tāpayiṣyati



yaḥ ārohati।

vṛkṣe ārohitā latā puṣpaiḥ śobhate।



gaṇapāṭhe vartamānaḥ puruṣasya nāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

virohitasya varṇanaṃ gargādigaṇe asti

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