sukaṇṭha | a. (î) sweet-voiced: î, f. N. of an Apsaras; -kathâ, f. beautiful story; -kany&asharp;, f. N. of a daughter of Saryâta and wife of Kyavana (Br., C.); -kára, a. easily done, easy, for (g.), to (inf.): -tva, n. easi ness, feasibleness, -samdhi, a. easily united; -kárman, a. expert (V.); virtuous (C.); m. artificer (V.); -kalatra, n. good wife; -kavi, m. good poet; -kânta, pp. very handsome (youth); -kâlin, m. pl. a class of Manes; -kimsuká, a. adorned with Kimsuka flowers (car of Sûryâ; RV.1); -kîrtí, f. worthy praise (RV.); a. easily praised (RV.); m. N. of the composer of RV. X, 131 and of that hymn; -kukâ, a. f. having beautiful breasts; -ku mâra, a. (î) very tender or delicate; m. tender youth: -tva, n. tenderness, -½a&ndot;gî, a. f. very delicate-limbed; -kula, n. noble family; a. sprung from a noble family: -ga, -ganman, a. id., -tâ, f. noble birth;-kulîna, a. well-born; -kûrkura, m. N. of a demon injurious to children; -krit, a. doing good, benevolent; righteous, pious; m. pl. the Pious deceased, the Fathers who enjoy the reward of virtue in the other world (V.); 1.-kritá, n. good deed, meritorious act, righteousness, virtue, moral merit (V., C.); benefit, bounty, friendly aid, favour (C.); world of virtue, heaven (V., rare); a. well done (RV.1); 2. (sú)-krita, pp. well done, made, orexecuted; well-formed, adorned, fine: w. karman, n. good work; w. loká, m.= sukritasya loka, world of righteousness (V.); -krita-karman, n. good or meritorious act; a. doing good deeds, virtuous; -krita-krit, a. id.; -krita-bhâg, a. meritorious; -krita½ar tha, a. having fully attained one's object; -kriti, f. good conduct; a. righteous, vir tuous; -kritin, a. doing good actions, vir tuous; prosperous, fortunate; cultivated, wise; -kritya, n.good work to be done, duty; good action; -krity&asharp;, f. (RV.) ex pertness; right conduct, virtue; -krishta, pp. well-ploughed; -kéta, a. benevolent (V.); m. N. of an Âditya (V.); -ketú, a. radiant (dawn; RV.1); m. N. of a prince of the Yak shas and of various kings (C.): -sutâ, f. daughter of Suketu, Tâdakâ; -ketri, m. a personification (identified with the sun); -kesa, a. (î) beautiful-haired; -kesânta, a. having fair locks; -komala, a. very soft or tender; -krátu, a. skilful, wise (gods; RV.); -klesa, a. very distressing; -kshatrá, a. (V.) ruling well (gods); conferring power (wealth); -kshatriya, a. good Kshatriya; -kshití, f. (V.) good abode, security, refuge; -kshétra, n. fine field, good soil; a. affording a fair field or dwelling-place; having fair fields; -kshetriy&asharp;, f. desire of fair fields (RV.1); -kshobhya, fp. easily agitated. |