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Root Search
rih has 1 results
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rih has 5 results
Root WordIAST MeaningMonier Williams PageClass
√रिह्rihin speaking, boasting, uttering a rough grating sound / katthana246/3Cl.6
√रिह्rihfighting / yuddha854/3Cl.6
√रिह्rihreviling, blaming / nindā549/2Cl.6
√रिह्rihhurting, killing / hiṃsā1297/3Cl.6
√रिह्rihgiving / dāna474/1Cl.6
Amarakosha Search
7 results
āvāpakaḥ2.6.108MasculineSingularrihāryaḥ, kaṭakaḥ, valayaḥ
gauḥ2.9.67-72FeminineSingularupasaryā, rohiṇī, bahusūtiḥ, kapilā, navasūtikā, ekahāyanī, droṇakṣīrā, bandhyā, saurabheyī, garbhopaghātinī, arjunī, acaṇḍī, dhavalā, vaṣkayiṇī, dvivarṣā, pīnoghnī, tryabdā, samāṃsamīnā, sandhinī, vaśā, praṣṭhauhī, naicikī, pareṣṭukā, pāṭalā, suvratā, caturabdā, droṇadugdhā, avatokā, usrā, kālyā, aghnyā, sukarā, kṛṣṇā, dhenuḥ, ekābdā, pīvarastanī, trihāyaṇī, māheyī, vehad, śṛṅgiṇī, bālagarbhiṇī, śavalī, cirasūtā, dvihāyanī, sukhasaṃdohyā, caturhāyaṇī, dhenuṣyā, sravadgarbhā, mātā(49)cow
indraḥ1.1.45MasculineSingularmarutvān, pākaśāsanaḥ, puruhūtaḥ, lekharṣabhaḥ, divaspatiḥ, vajrī, vṛṣā, balārātiḥ, harihayaḥ, saṅkrandanaḥ, meghavāhanaḥ, ṛbhukṣāḥ, maghavā, vṛddhaśravāḥ, purandaraḥ, śakraḥ, sutrāmā, vāsavaḥ, vāstoṣpatiḥ, śacīpatiḥ, svārāṭ, duścyavanaḥ, ākhaṇḍalaḥ, viḍaujāḥ, sunāsīraḥ, jiṣṇuḥ, śatamanyuḥ, gotrabhid, vṛtrahā, surapatiḥ, jambhabhedī, namucisūdanaḥ, turāṣāṭ, sahasrākṣaḥindra, the king of the gods
kalkaḥ3.3.14MasculineSingularkarṇabhūṣaṇam, karihastaḥ, aṅguliḥ, padmabījakośī
rāṣṭaḥ3.3.192MasculineSingularpadmam, karihastāgram, tīrthaḥ, vādyabhāṇḍamukham, oṣadhiviśeṣaḥ, jalam, vyoma, khaḍgaphalam
triguṇākṛtam2.9.8MasculineSingulartṛtīyākṛtam, trihalyam, trisītyam
Monier-Williams Search
262 results for rih
rih (Vedic. form of lih-) cl.6. 2. P. rih/ati- r/eḍhi- (or r/eḷhi-;3. plural A1. rihat/e-; pr. p. rihāṇ/a-or r/ihāṇa-), to lick, kiss, caress ; (rihati-) to praise, worship ; (Imp. ririḍḍhi-, rirīhi-) to ask, implore ; also varia lectio for riph- : Intensive rerihy/ate- (r/erihat-, hāṇa-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order), to lick or, kiss again and again, caress repeatedly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihamind. little (varia lectio for ṛhat-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihāyasm. a thief. robber (varia lectio rihvan-; see ribhvan-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiparihanto overpower entirely View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiparihāram. moving round, (an-- negative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiparihP. to move round (in a circle) : P. with ātmānam- ([ ]) or Causal A1. (Opt. 3. plural -hārayeran-) ([ ]) to move round one's self. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuparihāramind. surrounding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anūṣarihmfn. not licking salt, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparihāṇaor a-parhāṇa- n. the state of not being deprived of anything, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apariharaṇīyamfn. not to be avoided, inevitable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apariharaṇīyamfn. not to be abandoned or lost View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apariharaṇīyamfn. not to be degraded. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparihāryamfn. idem or 'mfn. not to be degraded.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparihīṇakālamind. without loss of time, at once, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparihitan. an unworn or clean garment, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparihīyamāṇamfn. not being omitted (ṇaṃ- kṛ-,"to supply deficiencies"), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparihvṛtamfn. unafflicted, not endangered (see )
ārihP. -r/eḍhi-, to lick up (see ā-lih-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ariham. "killing enemies", Name of a prince, (son of avācīna-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ariham. of another prince (son of devātithi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arihanmfn. killing or destroying enemies, N.
aviparihṛtamfn. equals samāna- (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balābalākṣepaparihāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūgolakhagolavirodhaparihāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūrihanm. "many-killer", Name of an asura- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
darśanagrihan. an audience-chamber View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
doṣaparihāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durārihan(for ar-) m. "killing wicked enemies", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duṣparihantumfn. difficult to be removed or destroyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girihf. "called after a mountain" equals -karṇā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharam. " viṣṇu-śiva-", a particular form of deity consisting of viṣṇu- and śiva- conjoined View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharam. (dual number or in compound) viṣṇu- and śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharam. Name of various persons etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharam. of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharabhāṣyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharabhaṭṭam. Name of author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharabhaṭṭācāryam. Name of author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharabhedadhikkāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharabrahmamānasikasnānavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharabrahmanm. Name of author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharadevam. Name of certain man ( ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharadevahindūpatim. Name of certain man () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharadīkṣitam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharadrkṣitīyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharāgnihotrinm. Name of author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharakathāf. the repeating of the names of viṣṇu- and śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharakhānam. Name of certain man. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharakṣetran. "sacred place of viṣṇu- and śiva- conjoined"Name of a place of pilgrimage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharamahārājam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharamāhātmyan. Name of chapter of the skanda-purāṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharamanṇḍalaṣoḍaśaliṅgobhavam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharamiśram. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharānandam. Name of various men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharānusaraṇayātrāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharapaddhatif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharapaṇḍitam. Name of certain man () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharaprasādam. Name of author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharapraśaṃsāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharapurīm. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharāryam. Name of a teacher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharasarasvatīm. Name of a teacher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharastotran. Name of various stotra-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharāṣṭottaraśatanāmann. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharāṣṭottaraśatanāmāvalif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharasvāminm. Name of author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharatāratamyan. Name of various works. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharatarkālaṃkārabhaṭṭācāryam. Name of certain man. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharātmakamfn. consisting of or comprising viṣṇu- and śiva- in their united state, relating to viṣṇu- and śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharātmakam. the bull of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharātmakam. Name of garuḍa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharātmakam. of dakṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharātmakan. equals hari-hara-kṣetra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharātmakastotran. Name of various stotra-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharavilāsam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihariharivāham. (with Buddhists) Name of a lokeśvara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihariharivāhanasādhanaName of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharopādhivivecanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharopādhyāyam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihayam. a horse of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihayam. "having bay or gold-coloured horses", Name of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihayam. of the Sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihayam. of skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihayam. of gaṇeśa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihayānujam. " indra-'s younger brother", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihetif. indra-'s weapon id est the rainbow, (or) viṣṇu-'s weapon id est the cakra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihetihūtim. "named after the cakra-", Anas Casarca (see cakra-vāka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harihetimamfn. adorned with a rainbow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
heḍḍeśahariharam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jalagrihan. a house built in or near water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karagrihītif. levying taxes (and"shaking hands"), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karihastam. a particular position of the hands. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mallārihṛdayan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nigrihītif. restraint, check View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nigrihītif. overpowering View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirantaragrihavāsinmfn. living in the next house View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirihatāf. nirīhā
nirihatvan. nirīhā
niṣparihāryamfn. not to be omitted, by all means to be applied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāP. -jahāti-, (ind.p. -hāya-; infinitive mood -hātum-), to leave, abandon, quit ; to omit, neglect, disregard : Passive voice -hīyate- (with future -hāsyati- ), to be avoided or omitted, be destitute or deprived of, desist or be excluded from (ablative), be wanting or deficient, be inferior to (ablative or instrumental case), wane, fail, decrease, pass away etc.: Causal -hāpayati-, to cause to relinquish or abandon ; to interrupt, leave unfinished View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihanP. -hanti-, to wind round ; to extinguish (fire) ; Passive voice -hanyate-, to be changed or altered (varia lectio prati-h-) ; to cease, perish (varia lectio -hīyate-).
parihāṇan. being deprived of anything, suffering a loss (only a-parih-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihaṇanan. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihanavyamfn. (fr. pari-hanu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāṇi f. decrease, loss, deficiency (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihānif. decrease, loss, deficiency (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāpaṇīyamfn. (fr. Causal) to be omitted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāpitamfn. robbed or deprived of (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāpyaind. excluding, excepting (accusative), except View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihara raṇa- etc. See pari-hṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāraetc. See pari-hṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharam. varia lectio for hāra-, reserve, concealment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. (p/ari--) leading round View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. delivering or handing over View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. shunning, avoiding, excluding, abandoning, giving up, resigning etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. seizing, surrounding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. concealment, reserve View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. leaving out, omission View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. taking away, removing, (especially) removing by arguments, confutation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. caution View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. contempt disrespect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. objection View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. any objectionable thing or person View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. (in gram.) the repetition of a word (before and after iti- see pari-graha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. (in dramatic language) remedying or atoning for any improper action View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. an extraordinary grant, exemption from taxes, immunity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. equals -sthāna- (below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāram. bounty, largess (see parī-h-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāraa ring, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharakam. varia lectio for hāraka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihārakamf(ikā-)n. repelling, refuting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihārakam. or n. an armlet (see haraka-and parihāṭaka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇan. moving or taking round View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇan. avoiding, shunning View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇan. leaving View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇan. seizing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇan. refuting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihārāṇī(?) , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇīyamfn. to be shunned or avoided View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇīyamfn. to be taken away View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇīyamfn. to be confuted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇīyatāf. disdain, rejection View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇīyatāf. disappearance, unattainableness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharaṇīyatāf. refutation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihārasthānan. a space of common land extending round a village or town on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihārasūf. (a cow) bearing a calf only after a long time (of barrenness) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāravatmfn. avoidable (a-parih-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāravatind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') like the omission of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāraviśuddhif. (with jaina-s) purification by such mortification and penance as are enjoined by the example of ancient saints or sages View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihārikāf. a kind of riddle, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihārikamf(ī-)n. (-hāra-) having immunity, privileged View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihārikamf(ī-)n. taking away, seizing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihārikamf(ī-)n. surrounding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihārikam. a maker of garlands View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihārikīf. a kind of riddle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihārinmfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') avoiding, shunning View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharṣaṇa ṣin- See parihṛṣ-, p.605. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharṣaṇamf(ī-)n. greatly delighting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharṣinmfn. delightful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariharṣitamfn. greatly delighted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihartavyamfn. to be handed over or forwarded,
parihartavyamfn. to be shunned or avoided or abstained from View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihartavyamfn. to be kept secret or concealed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihartavyamfn. to be confuted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihartavyamfn. to be repeated (before and after iti- see next) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāryamfn. to be shunned or avoided or omitted or escaped from etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāryamfn. to be severed or separated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāryamfn. to be taken off or away View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāryamfn. to be endowed with a privilege View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāryamfn. to be repeated (see hartavya-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāryam. a bracelet (see pārihārya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihāryam. a bracelet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihāryan. taking, seizure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihasP. -hasati- (Passive voice Aorist pary-ahāsi-), to laugh, jest or joke with (accusative), laugh at, ridicule, deride View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsam. jesting, joking, laughing at, ridiculing, deriding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsam. a jest, joke, mirth, merriment etc. (see parī-h-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsaharim. Name of a temple of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsakathāf. an amusing story View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsapuran. Name of a town View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsapūrvamind. jokingly, in jest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsaśīlamfn. of a gay or joyous disposition, fond of jesting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsaśīlatāf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsavastun. an object of jest ( parihāsavastutā stu-- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsavastutāf. parihāsavastu
parihāsavedinm. a jester, a witty person View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsavijalpitamfn. uttered in jest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihasitamfn. laughed at, ridiculed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihastam. (gaRa nir-udakādi-) an amulet put round the hand to secure the birth of a child View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsyamfn. laughable, ridiculous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihāsyan. (-hāsa-) jest, joke fun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rihāsyenaind. in fun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihatamfn. ( and ) wrong reading for pari-hṛta-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāṭakamfn. consisting or made of pure gold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāṭakamfn. a ring worn round the arm or leg, an armlet, anklet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihavam. ( hve-) crying or calling upon, invoking (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihiP. -hin/oti-, to send or forward to (dative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihiṃsāf. ( hiṃs-) equals pari-barhaṇā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihīṇamfn. (also written hīna-) omitted, lost, disappeared, wanting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihīṇamfn. abstaining from, deficient in, deprived or destitute of (ablative or -tas- instrumental case,or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihiṇḍA1. -hiṇḍate-, to fly about View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihitamfn. put round or on, covered, invested, clothed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihitaSee pari-dhā-, p.596. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṇutamfn. ( hnu-) denied, refused View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihP. A1. -harati-, te- (future -hariṣyati- ; Aorist 3. plural -ahṛṣata- ; ind.p. -hṛtya- ; -h/āram- ), to move or carry or take round ; to put or wrap round (A1.round one's self) etc. ; to put aside, save for (dative case) ; to leave, quit, desert ; to defend or preserve from (ablative) ; to spare ; to shun, avoid, leave out, omit ; to save or spare anything (as trouble, care etc.) to (genitive case), ; to take away, remove, beware of or abstain from (accusative). ; (A1.) to keep away from id est neglect, not heed ; to answer, refute ; to put twice, repeat (in the krama-pāṭha-), ; to nourish, foster, cherish : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to keep away or avoid or shun, remove or conceal (see -jihīrṣā-,p.594) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛṣCaus. -harṣayati-, to delight greatly, cause to rejoice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛṣitamfn. delighted, very glad View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛṣṭamfn. idem or 'mfn. delighted, very glad ' ( parihṛṣṭamānasa -mānasa- mfn. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛṣṭamfn. blunt, obtuse (teeth) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛṣṭamānasamfn. parihṛṣṭa
parihṛtamfn. shunned, avoided View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛtamfn. abandoned, quitted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛtamfn. taken, seized View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛtan. what has been wrapped round or put on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛtif. shunning, avoiding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛtyaind. keeping away, excluding, with the exception of (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛtyaind. at a distance of (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛtyamfn. to be delivered or handed over View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihrutmfn. ( hvṛ-) causing to fall View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihūtamfn. called together View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihūtamfn. called all round (?), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihvālamind. ( hval-) stammering, faltering View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihvṛtaSee /a-pari-hvṛta-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihvṛti(p/ari--) f. deceiving, injuring, harming (locative case hṛt/ā-!) ; ix, 79, 2. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paririhP. -rih/ati-, to lick or gnaw on all sides (see pari-lih-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pavitrarogaparihāraprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratirihP. -rihati-, to lick View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rātrihāsam. "laughing id est opening at night ", the white lotus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rātrihiṇḍakam. "moving about at night", a guard of the women's apartments View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rātrihutan. a night sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rerihaetc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rerihamfn. (fr. Intensive of rih-) continually or repeatedly licking View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rerihāṇamfn. repeatedly licking or caressing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rerihāṇam. Name of śiva- (see lelihāna-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rerihāṇam. a thief. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rerihāṇam. equals ambara-, vara- or asura- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rerihatmfn. excessively licking, licking up, consuming View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
salīlaparihāsamfn. smiling coquettishly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samādhiparihāṇif. diminution of meditation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samparihP. A1. -harati-, te-, to cause to turn round or back View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samparihṛṣCaus. -harṣayati-, to make completely happy, delight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃrih(Vedic form of saṃ-lih-See rik-;only pr. p. -rihāṇ/a-), to lick affectionately, caress (as a cow its calf) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saparihāramind. with reserve or shyness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saparihāsamfn. with jesting, jocose, jocular View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhaparihīnamfn. destitute of comfort or happiness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
supariharamfn. easy to avoid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surārihanm. "destroyer of the enemy of the gods", Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surārihantṛm. "demon-killer", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trihalikāgrāmam. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trihalyamfn. equals -sītya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trihavis(tr/i--) mfn. connected with 3 oblations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trihaviṣkamf(ā-)n. equals vis- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trihāyaṇamf(ī-)n. equals -vats/a- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uparihastam. an elevated hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaṇiggrihan. a merchant's house View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viparihāram. idem or 'n. transposition, exchange ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipariharaṇan. transposition, exchange View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viparihP. A1. -harati-, te-, to transpose, exchange View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
virodhaparihāram. removal of incompatibility, reconciliation on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
virodhaparihāram. Name of work on bhakti- (by lakṣmaṇācārya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
virodhaparihāram. of another work on the reconciliation of the different vaiṣṇava- systems (by varadācārya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīryaparihāṇif. (with Buddhists) loss or want of energy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivāhagrihan. "marriage-house", the house in which a wedding is celebrated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
26 results
rih रिह् 1 P. (रेहति) 1 To hurt, kill; see रिफ्. -2 Ved. A form of लिह् q. v.
rihāyas रिहायस् रिह्वन् m. Ved. A thief.
aparihvṛta अपरिह्वृत a. Ved. Not endangered or afflicted; straightforward. cf. अपरिह्वृताश्च P.VII.2.32.
parihata परिहत a. Loosened.
parihas परिहस् 1 P. 1 To jest, joke. -2 To laugh at, ridicule; (hence) to surpass, excel; जनानामानन्दः परिहसति निर्वाणपदवीम् G. L.5.
parihastaḥ परिहस्तः Ved. 1 An amulet put round the hand to secure the birth of a child. -2 A ring for the hand.
parihā परिहा 3 P. 1 To leave, abandon, quit. -2 To omit, neglect; यथोक्तान्यपि कर्माणि परिहाय Ms.12.92. -Pass. 1 To be wanting or deficient in; आर्यस्य सुविहितप्रयोगतया न किमपि परिहास्यते Ś.1. -2 To be inferior to; ओजस्वितया न परिहीयते शच्याः V.3; न प्रतिच्छन्दात् परिहीयते मधुरता M.2. -3 To wane, fail, waste away; अनुदिवसं परिहीयसे अङ्गैः Ś.3; यत्र स्वामी निर्विशेषं समं भृत्येषु वर्तते । तत्रोद्यमसमर्थानामुत्साहः परि- हीयते ॥ Pt.1.78. -4 To pass away; परिहीयते गमनवेला Ś.4. -5 To be deprived of or excluded from.
parihāṇam परिहाणम् Ved. 1 Losing, suffering loss. -2 Decrease. परिहाणिः (-निः) f. 1 Decrease, deficiency, loss. -2 Decay, decline; राजयक्ष्मपरिहानिराययौ कामयानसमवस्थया तुलाम् R.19.5. -3 Neglect, omission.
parihāpaṇam परिहापणम् Causing loss of revenue; प्रतिबन्धः प्रयोगो व्यवहारो$वस्तारः परिहापणमुपभोगः... कोशक्षयः Kau. A.2.7.23; also क्लृप्तमायं परिहापयति व्ययं वा विवर्धयति इति परिहापणम्.
parihīṇa परिहीण p. p. 1 Waned, wasted. -2 Deprived or destitute of. -3 Wanting or deficient in.
parihāṭakam परिहाटकम् A golden armlet or anklet.
parihūta परिहूत a. Called together.
parih परिहृ 1 P. 1 To avoid, shun; स्त्रीसंनिकर्षं परिहर्तुमिच्छ- न्नन्तर्दधे भूतपतिः सभूतः Ku.3.74,43; Ms.8.4; -2 To forsake, abandon, leave, desert; कति न कथितमिद- मनुपदमचिरं मा परिहर हरिमतिशयरुचिरम् Gīt.9. -3 To remove destroy; answer, refute (as objections, charges &c.); ब्रह्मास्य जगतो निमित्तं कारणं प्रकृतिश्चेत्यस्य पक्षस्याक्षेपः स्मृतिनिमित्तः परिहृतः । तर्कनिमित्त इदानीमाक्षेपः परिह्रियते Ś. B.; Me.14. -4 To conceal. -5 To embrace. -6 To defend, preserve from; Ch. Up. -7 To answer, refute. -8 To repeat. -9 To nourish.
pariharaṇam परिहरणम् 1 Leaving, quitting, abandoning. -2 Avoiding, shunning. -3 Refuting. -4 Seizing, taking away. -5 Ved. Carrying or placing round.
pariharaṇīyatā परिहरणीयता 1 Disdain, rejection. -2 Disappearance, unattainableness.
parihārakaḥ परिहारकः कम् An armlet.
parihārya परिहार्य a. To be shunned or avoided, to be escaped from, to be taken off or away. -र्यः A bracelet.
parihṛtaḥ परिहृतः p. p. 1 Shunned, avoided. -2 Left, abandoned. -3 Refuted, repelled (as a charge, objection &c.). -4 Taken, seized.
parihṛtiḥ परिहृतिः f. Avoiding, shunning.
parihvālam परिह्वालम् Stammering, faltering.
rihārika पारिहारिक a. (-की f.) 1 Taking, seizing. -2 Surrounding. -3 Privileged. -कः A maker of garlands. -की A kind of enigma or riddle.
rihāryaḥ पारिहार्यः A bracelet (आवापकः पारिहार्यः कटको वलयो$ स्त्रियाम् Ak.); Mb.; भुजपाशैस्तपनीयपारिहार्यैः Bu. Ch.5.54. -र्यम् Taking, seizing.
rihāsyam पारिहास्यम् Jest, joke fun.
rerihāṇaḥ रेरिहाणः 1 N. of Śiva. -2 A thief. -3 A demon.
saṃrihāṇam संरिहाणम् Affectionately licking (as a cow licking her calf); वत्समिव मातरा संरिहाणे Ṛv.3.33.3.
saparihāram सपरिहारम् ind. With reserve or shyness.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
rih rih kiss, II. réḍhi, ii. 33, 13.
Macdonell Search
122 results
aprakāśat pr. pt. invisible; -kâsita, pp. not manifested; -ketá, a. indis tinguishable, formless; -galbha, a. cowardly, faint-hearted; -grihya, a. not being a pragri hya vowel.
amara a. (â, î) immortal; m. god; -garbha, m. divine child; -guru, m. Brihas pati, the planet Jupiter; -tatinî, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -taru, m. a certain tree; -tâ, f., -tva, n. divinity; immortality; -dat ta, m. N.; -druma, m. tree of the gods, Pârigâta; -dvish, m. Asura; -paksha-pâtin, m. friend of the gods; -pati-kumâra, m. son of Indra (Gayanta); -parvata, m. N. of a mtn.; -pura, n., î, f. city of the gods; -prakhya,a. like an immortal; -prabha, a. bright as an im mortal; -prârthita, pp. wooed by immortals; -mrigî-dris, f. A psaras.
ārya a. (â or î) belonging to the faith ful, of one's own tribe; honourable, noble; m. Âryan (Vedic Indian); man of the first three castes; man of worth: voc. sir, friend; â, f.; Âryâ verse; a metre; -ka, m. man of worth; N. of a king; -guna, m. noble quality; -grihya, a. siding with the noble; -ketas, a. noble-minded; -gana, m. Âryans, honourable people; -gushta, pp. approved by the honourable; -tâ, f., -tva, n.honourableness; -dâsî, f. N.; -duh itri, f. daughter of a noble (honorific mode of addressing a female friend); -desa, m. dis trict inhabited by Âryans; -desya, a. coming from an Âryan district; -putra, m. son of an Âryan,honorific designation of (1) son of person addressed; (2) husband; (3) sovereign; -prâya, a. inhabited chiefly by Âryans; -buddhi, a. noble-minded; -bhata, m. N. of two astronomers: î-ya, n. work composed by Ârya bhata.
iṣṭakā f. brick: -griha, n. brick-house.
ūrdhvakara a. with raised hands or upward rays; -karna, a. pricking up one's ears; -krita, pp. raised upwards; -ga, a. going upwards; -gati, f. going upwards; bounding; a. going upwards or to heaven; -gamana, n. rising, ascending, elevation: -vat, a. moving upwards; -gâmin, a.=-ga; -gvalana, n. flaming up; -ghampa, m. up ward leap; -dris, a. looking upwards; -drishti, a. upward gaze; -pâtra, n. tall vessel; -pâda, a. holding up the feet; m. tip of the foot; -pundra, -ka, m. vertical line marked with sandal &c. on the forehead of a Brâhman, sectarian mark; -bâhu, a. having the arms raised; -brihatî, f. a metre; -bhâga, m.upper part; -mukha, a. with upturned face; having its mouth turned upwards; darting up wards; -munda, a. shaved on the crown; -râgi, f. upward streak; -rekhâ, f. upward line; -retas, a. whose seed remains above, chaste; -loka, m. upper world, heaven; -vâla, a. hair outwards; -vrita, pp. worn above=over the shoulder.
kaca m. hair; N. of a son of Brihaspati; -graha, m., -na, n. seizing by the hair.
kadala m. plantain tree (symbol of frailty); i-kâ, f. plantain tree; flag, esp. on an elephant; î, f. plantain tree: -garbha, m. pith of the plantain: â, f. N.; -griha, n. plantain arbour; -sukham, ad. as easily as a plantain.
kanyā f. girl, virgin; daughter; Virgo (in the Zodiac); -½âgâra, n. women's apart ments; -griha, n. id.; -tva, n. virginity; -dâtri, m. man who gives a daughter in mar riage; -dâna, n. bestowal of a daughter in marriage; -dûshin, a. deflowering a virgin; -pura, n. women's apartments; -bhâva, m. virginity; -bhaiksha, n. begging for a girl; -maya, a. consisting of a maiden or daughter; -vat, a. having a daughter; m.father of a daughter; -vedin, m. son-in-law; -vrata, n. monthlies: -sthâ, f. menstruating woman.
kārā f. prison, gaol; -½agâra, -griha, n. id.; -patha, m. N. of a country; -vâsa, m. gaol, imprisonment.
keli m. f. (also î, f.) diversion, sport, dalliance: -griha, n. pleasure-house; -ta, n. sport, jest; -vana, n. pleasure-grove; -say ana, n. couch; -sadana, n. pleasure-house; -sthalî, f. play-ground; (î)-sâla-bhañgikâ, f. statuette.
kośa m. butt, tub, pail, coop (esp. of clouds); box, chest; sheath; case; shell; abode; store-room; treasury, treasure; vocabulary, dictionary; treasury of poetry, collection of stanzas; bud, calix (esp. of the lotus); cocoon; cup of peace; sacred draught used in ordeals; oath: -kâraka, m. silk-worm; -griha, n. treasury; -gâta, n. treasure, wealth; -danda, m. du. treasury and army; -dâsa, m. N.; -pîthin, a. draining orhaving drained any one's treasury; -petaka, m. n. casket; *-phala, n. kind of perfume; -rakshin, m. guardian of the treasury.
kautuka n. curiosity, interest, eager ness (w. lc. or --°ree;); curious, strange or interesting spectacle; entertaining story; festival; wedding investiture with the nuptial cord; nuptial cord; happiness, bliss; -kriyâ, f. wed ding festival; -griha, n. wedding-house; -pura, n. N. of a city; -bhrit, a. wearing the nuptial cord; -ma&ndot;gala, n. solemn cere mony, festival; -maya, a. interesting; charm ing; -½âgâra, m. chamber.
krīḍā f. play, sport, jest, dalliance: -kapi-tva, n. jesting imitation of a monkey; -kânana, n. pleasure-grove; -kâsâra, m. plea sure-pond; -kopa, n. simulated anger; -kau tuka, n. wanton curiosity; -kausala, n. art of jesting; -gríha, m. n. pleasure-house; -par vata, m. (artificial) pleasure-hill: -ka, m. id.; -mayûra, m. pet peacock; -markata pota, m. pet young monkey; -mahîdhra, m. pleasure-hill; -rasa, m.enjoyment of sport or fun: -maya, a. consisting in the water of play; -vesman, n. pleasure-house; -sakun ta, m. pet bird; -saila, m. pleasure-hill; -saras, n. pleasure-lake.
gatajīva a. dead; -gîvita, a. id.; -pâra, a. having attained his object; -pûrva, a. trodden before; -pratyâgata, pp. gone and returned; -prâna, a. inanimate, dead; -prâ ya, a. almost past or perished; -mati, a. stupid, senseless; -manas-ka, a. thinking of (lc.); -mâtra, a. only just gone away; -yauvana, a. whose youth is past; -roga, a. convalescent; -vayas, a. whose youth is past; (á)-srî, a. being in the height of prosperity; -sâra, a. worthless; -spriha, a. having no more desire or pleasure (in, g. or lc.); dis interested; merciless.
garbha m. womb; interior (--°ree; a. con taining -within); foetus, embryo; new-born child; child; offspring, brood (of birds); con ception; sprout: *-ka, m. wreath of flowers interwoven with the hair; -kâma, a. desirous of the fruit of the womb; -kâra, n. N. of a Sastra (producing fertility); -kâla, m. time of pregnancy; -gata, pp. lying in the womb; -griha, -geha, n. inner apartment, bed chamber; inner sanctuarycontaining the image of the deity; -graha, m., -grahana, n. conception; -kyuti, f. birth; -tâ, f., -tva, n. pregnancy; -dâsa, m. (î, f.) slave by birth (Pr.); -dvâdasa, m. pl. twelfth year after conception; -dharâ, a. f. pregnant;-dhâr ana, n. pregnancy; -purodâsa, m. cake offered during the pregnancy of a female animal; -bhartri-druh, a. injuring the foetus and the husband; -bharman, n. nurture of the foetus; -bhavana, n. inner sanctuary con taining the image of the deity; -bhâra, m. burden of the womb: -m dhri, become preg nant; -mandapa, m. inner apartment, bed chamber; -mâsa, m. month of pregnancy; -rûpaka, m. young man; -lakshana, n. sign of pregnancy; -vatî, a. f. pregnant; -vasati, f., -vâsa, m. womb; -vesman, n. inner chamber; lying-in room; -sâtana, n. causing of abortion; -samsravana, n. miscarriage; -samkarita, m. one of mixed extraction; -sambhava,m. conception; -sambhûti, f. id.; -stha, a. being in the womb; -sthâna, n. womb; -srâva, m. miscarriage.
guṇakarman n. unessential secondary action; remote object (gr.); -ka lusha, n. coalescence of the three fundamental qualities; -kritya, n. function of a bow-string; -gana, m. multitude of excel lences; -grihya, a. appreciating excellences; -grahana, n. recognition of merit, eulogy; -grâma, m. multitude of virtues; -grâhin, a. appreciating merit; -ghâtin, a. detract ing from merit; -kkheda, m. breaking of the ropeand disappearance of virtue; -gña, a. recognising merits: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -tantra, a. guided by virtue; -tas, ad. conformably to the fundamental qualities; with regard to good qualities; -tâ, f. subordinateness; ex cellence; -tyâgin, a. forsaking virtue; -tva, n. consistency of a rope; accessoriness; excel lence; -deva, m. N. of a pupil of Gunâdhya.
gurukarman n. affair of the teacher; -kârya, n. important business; -kula, n. teacher's house: -vâsa, m. sojourn in a teacher's house, tutelary stage in a Brâhman's life; -krita, pp. made much of, lauded; -kratu, m. great sacrifice; -griha, n. pre ceptor's house; -gana, m. venerable person, father, mother, parents; -talpa, m. teacher's conjugal bed; violation of one's preceptor's bed: -ga, -gâmin, a. defiling a teacher's conjugal bed, -½abhigamana, n. violation of one's teacher's bed; -talpin, a. = -talpa ga; -tâ, f. heaviness; importance; dignity; condition of a teacher; -tva, n. id.; proso dical length: -ka, n. heaviness; -darsana,n. sight of one's teacher; -dâra, m. teacher's wife; -dhur, f. pl. severe task; -patnî, f. teacher's wife; -pûgâ, f. reverence towards a teacher; -prasâdanîya, fp. obliging to one's teacher; -prasûta, pp. permitted or bidden by elder relatives; -bhâryâ, f. teacher's wife.
caṇḍikā f. ep. of Durgâ; temple of Durgâ: -griha, n. temple of Durgâ.
citraka m. small hunting leopard (Cheeta); n. mark (--°ree;, a. characterised by); picture, painting; -kara, m. painter (a mixed caste); -karman, n. painting; picture; adornment (Pr.); -kûta, m. hill of pleasure; (Bright-peak), N. of a mountain (in Bun delkund, now Kitrakote); N. of a town; -krit, m. painter; -kritya, n. painting; -ga, a., -gata, pp. (belonging to a picture), painted; -gupta, m. N. of a recorder of human actions in Yama's realm; -griha, n. apartment adorned with pictures; -grâvan, a. stony; -grîva, m. Spotted-neck, N. of a pigeon king; -nyasta, pp. put on canvas, painted; -paksha, m. (spotted-wing), kind of pigeon; N. of a demon causing headache; -pata, m. picture; -patta, m. id.: -gata, pp. painted; -putrikâ, f. female portrait; -phalaka, picture-panel, painting; (á)-bhânu, a. shining brightly; m. fire, Agni; -bhâshya, n. eloquence; -bhitti,f. painted wall, wall-painting; -mriga, m. spotted antelope.
jatu n. lac, gum; -griha, -geha, n. house filled with lac and other inflammables; -maya, a. full of lac; -sarana, n.=gatu-griha.
jātakarman n. after-birth cere mony; -dosha, a. guilty; -nashta, pp. hav ing appeared and disappeared; -paksha, a. fledged; -prâya, a. almost come to pass; -preta, pp. first born and thendeceased; -mâtra, a. but just born, only just arisen; -rûpa, a. of native beauty, beauteous; golden; n. gold: -maya, a. (î) golden; -vat, a. born; containing a derivative of the √ gan; -vâsaka, n. lying-in room; -vâsa-griha, n. (apart ment in which living takes place), sitting room; (á)-vidyâ, f. science of the origin or of the essence of things, metaphysics; -vi nashta, pp.=gâta-nashta; -visvâsa, a. hav ing confidence engendered, inspired with con fidence; (á)-vedas, a. having knowledge of beings; m. Agni; (C.) fire; -vesman, n. chamber of a new-born infant; lying-in room; -silâ, f. (real=) massive stone; -samkalpa, a. resolved; enamoured.
tārā f. [strewer, radiator], star; pupil of the eye: -dharma, m. N. of a prince; -½adhipa, m. moon (lord of the stars); -pati, m. id.; Brihaspati; -patha, m. heavens (path of the stars); N. of a country; -pîda, m. N. of various princes; -pura, n. N. of a town; -maya, a. (î) consisting of stars, starry.
tṛḍha pp. of √ trih.
duṣparigraha a. hard to re tain; -parihántu, a. hard to remove; -pari hara, a. hard to avoid; -pâra, a. hard to cross; -perform; -pârshni-graha, a. hav ing a bad enemy in the rear, -grâha, a. id.;-pûra, a. hard to fill; -satisfy; -prakriti, f. low nature; a. base; -prakriyâ, f. trifling dignity; -pragña, a. stupid: -tva, n. stu pidity; -pranîta, pp. led astray; n. indis cretion; -pradharsha, a. hard to assail; -prabhañgana, m.hurricane; -prayukta, pp. badly or wrongly employed; -pravâda, m. slander; -pravritti, f. bad news; -pra vesa, a. hard to enter; -prasaha, a. hard to endure, irresistible; -prasâda, a. hard to ap pease: -na, a. id.; -prasâdhana, a. hard to manage (person); -prasâdhya, fp. id.; -prâ pa, a. hard to attain; -preksha, a., -preksha- nîya, fp. hard to see; unpleasant to look at; -prekshya, fp. id.
devatāgāra n. temple, chapel; -griha, n. id.
devakula n. temple; (á)-krita, pp. made by the gods; -kritya, n.=deva-kârya; -kshetra, n. divine territory; -khâta, pp. dug by the gods=hollowed out by nature; -ganá, m. host of gods; -ganikâ, f.courtesan of the gods, Apsaras; -giri, m. mountain of the gods, N. of a mountain-range; -gupta, pp. protected by the gods; m. N.; -gurn, m. preceptor of the gods; ep. of Kasyapa and of Brihaspati; -grihá, m. n. house of the gods, temple; royal palace.
devī f. of deva: -ka, --°ree; a. princess, queen; -kriti, f. N. of a pleasure grove; -garbha-griha, n. inner sanctuary containing the image of Durgâ; -griha, n. temple of Durgâ; queen's apartment; -tva, n.condition of a goddess or princess; -dhâman, n. temple of Durgâ; -bhavana, n. temple of Durgâ.
dhavala a. dazzling white; m. N.; n. N. of a city: -giri, m. Dolaghir, N. of a mountain (White Mountain); -griha, n. upper storey (so called because painted white); -tâ, f., -tva, n. whiteness; -paksha, m.(white-winged) goose: -vihamgama, m. swan; -mu kha, m. N.
dhārākadamba m. a plant (nauclea cordifolia); -griha, n. shower-bath room; -graha, m. cup filled from a stream of Soma.
dhārānipāta m. downpour of rain; -patha, m. range of a sword-blade: -m prâpaya, put to the sword by any one (g.); -pâta, m. pl. shower; -yantra, n. foun tain: -griha, n. shower-bath room; -vat, a. edged; -varsha, m. n. pouring rain.
dhiṣaṇa a. wise; m. ep. of Brih aspati.
nirgatākhilakalmaṣa a. freed from all sin: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -gati, f. setting out; -gandha, a. scentless: -tâ, f. -ness; -gama, m. going out, departure, escape from (ab.); vanishing; outlet, exit; destination of an export; issue, conclusion; -gamana, n. going out of (--°ree;); -garva, a. free from pride; -garha, a. blameless; -gavâksha, a. windowless; -gahana, a. knowing no precipices=intrepid; -guna,a. lacking a cord; stringless (bow); destitute of qualities; worthless, base, bad: -tâ, f., -tva, n. lack of all qualities; worthlessness, baseness, wickedness; -gulika, a. lacking a pill; -griha, a. (î) houseless; -gaurava, a.devoid ofreverence: -m, ad. condescendingly; -grantha, a. freed from all bonds; m. naked Jain mendicant; -granthika, m. naked Jain mendicant; -graha, m. ascertainment.
niḥspanda a., v. nishpanda; -spar- sa, a. hard; -spriha, a. free from desires; not desiring, indifferent to (lc., --°ree;); turning away from (ab.).
nṛpa m. (guardian of men), prince, king: -kârya, n. business of a king; -kriyâ, f. rule, dominion; -griha, n. palace; -gana, m. sg. (coll.) the princes.
nepathya n. [suitable for acting: naya], ornament, attire; stage costume; tiring-room, space behind the scenes: lc. behind the scenes; -griha, n. tiring-room.
nyaṅku m. [√ añk] kind of antelope: -siras, a. (sc. kakubh) a metre; -sârinî, a. f. (sc. brihatî) a metre.
naiḥsnehya n. want of affection; -sprih-ya, n. lack of desire for; -sv-ya, n. indigence, poverty.
parigaṇana n., â, f. complete enumeration, exact statement; counting; -gananîya, fp. to be completely enumerated, -exactly stated; *-ganit-in, a. having fully considered everything; -gata, pp.encom passed, surrounded; overwhelmed: -½artha, a. familiar with a thing; -gantavya, fp. attain able; -gama, m. acquaintance; occupation with (--°ree;); -garvita, pp. very haughty; -garhana, n. censure; -grihîti, f.inclusion; -grahá, m. embracing; inclusion; putting on, as sumption (of a body); taking; laying hold of; acceptance, receipt; deriving from (ab.); obtainment, acquisition, possession; admission, reception; marrying, marriage; selection; taking to mean; undertaking, prac tice of, addiction to (--°ree;); grace, favour, as sistance; claim, to (lc.); amount, sum, total number; property; wife (also coll.); depend ents, household, family, concubines of a king; abode; root, foundation; -grahana, n. put ting on; -graha-tva, n. woman's marriage with (--°ree;); -grahîtri, m. husband; adopted father; -grâhaka, a. doing a favour; -grâh ya, fp. to be kindly treated; -glâna, pp. (√ glai) exhausted.
parivṛḍha pp. √ brih; m. lord, master; -vritta, (pp.) n. rolling, weltering, moving to and fro; -vritti, f. exchange, bar ter: in. alternately; -vriddhi, f. increase.
piśācaka m. (î, f.) Pisâka: -pu ra, n. N. of a village; -grihîta-ka, m. one possessed of a demon; -tâ, f., -tva, n. con dition of a Pisâka; -pati, m. ep. of Siva; -vadana, a. having the face of a Pisâka; -½uraga-râkshasa, m. pl. imps, serpents, and demons.
purastādapakarṣa m. an ticipation (gr.); -brihatî, f. a metre (a bri hatî the first pâda of which has twelve syl lables).
pūjā f. honour, respect; homage, worship, adoration; hospitable reception (--°ree; after the object of the honour or that with which it is shown): -kara, a. doing or show ing honour or homage to (--°ree;); -griha, n. house of worship, temple; -½arha, a. worthy of honour or distinction; -vidhi, m. showing of honour (Pr.).
pṛthvī f. the (wide) earth; land, realm; ground; earth (as an element): -khâta, n. cavern or hole in the earth; -griha, n. dwelling in the earth, cave; -tala, n. surface of the earth, dry land; -danda-pâla, m. chief constable of the country: -tâ, f. office of --; -dhara, m. support of the earth, mountain; -pati, m. lord of the earth, prince, king: -tva, n. sovereignty; -pâla, m. N.; -bhug, m. enjoyer of the earth, prince, sovereign; -bhrit, m. supporter of the earth, prince, king; -râgya, n. dominion over the land, sovereignty; -rûpa, m. N. of a prince; -½îsa, m. lord of earth, prince, king; -hara, m. N.
pragama m. first advance of love in courtship; -gardhín, a. hastening onwards (RV.); -galbha, 1. den. Â. be courageous or resolute; be capable of (lc.), be able to (inf.); 2. a. bold, intrepid, resolute, confident; mature (age): -kulâla, m. dexterous potter, -tâ, f. boldness, confidence; -gâthá, m. kind of three-verse stanza (combination of a Brihatî or Kakubh with a Satobrihatî); N. of a Rishi; -guna, a. right, correct (road); being in good order, efficient; excellent; gunaya, den. P. put in order; manifest, show: pp. ita, put in order, properly arranged; -guna-rakanâ, f. putting in proper order; -gunin, a. kind towards (lc.); -gunî kri, put in proper order, arrange; render amenable to (lc.); -grihîta-pada, a. having the words pronounced separately (i. e. with out Sandhi); -grihya, fp. (to be) pronounced separately, not liable to the rules of Sandhi (vowel).
pratigaja m. hostile elephant; -gata, pp. √ gam; n. return; -gamana, n. return; -gará, m. call in reply (of the Adhvaryu to the address of the Hotri); -gar itri, m. one who replies with a call; -garg ana, n. answering roar (of a cloud): â, f. id.; -gâtra, °ree;-or -m, ad. at every member; -giri, m. mountain opposite; -gîryam, fp. n. one should reply with a call; -gúpya, fp. one should beware of (ab.); -griham, ad. in every house; -grihîtavya, fp. to be re ceived kindly, to be welcomed (incorrect for -grahî-); -grihîtri, m. receiver (incorrect for -grahî-); -geham, ac. ad. in every house.
prasava m. 1. pressing (of Soma); 2. setting in motion, impulse; course, current; quickening power, stimulation, instigation; aid; command; acquisition; vivifier; 3. be getting, generation; conception; bringing forth, bearing; birth; delivery, confinement; augmentation; birth-place; flower, blossom; sg. & pl. offspring, progeny (--°ree;, sts.=young --): -griha, n. lying-in chamber; -savana, n. bringing forth, bearing of children; fe cundity; -sava-vedanâ, f. pangs of child birth, travail; -savitrí, m. 1. impeller, in citer, vivifier (of, g.); 2. (-tri), m. procreator, father; -savin, a. bearing, producing; -sa vya, a. (holding the left hand outtowards anything), following one's left hand, keeping one's left hand towards anything (in walking round it): -m, ad. to the left; -sáh, a. (str. st. -s&asharp;h) overpowering; -saha, a. enduring, withstanding (--°ree;); m.endurance, resistance (only --°ree;); beast or bird of prey; -sahana, n. resisting; overcoming; embracing; -sahya, 1. gd. forcibly; exceedingly; without more ado; necessarily (with na, by no means); 2. fp. conquerable;with inf. capable of being (ps. pt.): -kârin, a. acting with violence; -harana, n. forcible abduction or appro priation.
prekṣā f. seeing, viewing; look ing on at a performance or entertainment; appearance; good looks, beauty; public spec tacle, show; being regarded as or taken to mean (--°ree;); reflexion, deliberation; under standing: -½agâra, m. n., -griha, n. play house, theatre; -pûrva, °ree;-or -m, ad. with deliberation; -prapañka, m. stage-play; -vat, a. circumspect, deliberate; -vidhi, m. stage-play; -samâga, m. du.public shows and assemblies.
baddha pp. (√ bandh) bound, etc.: -ka, m. prisoner (V.); -kadambaka, a. forming groups; -kalâpin, a. having his quiver tied on; -graha, a. insisting on something; -kitta, a. having one's thoughts fixed on (lc.); -trishna, a. longing for (--°ree;); -drishti, a. having one's gaze fixed on (lc.); -dvesha, a. entertaining hatred for any one; -niskaya, a. firmly resolved; -netra, a. having the eyes fixed on anything, gazing steadfastly; -pratigña, a. having made a promise; -pratisrut, a. echoing; -bhâva, m. having the affections fixed on, enamoured of (lc.); -bhîma½andhakâra, a. wrapped in terrible gloom; -mandala, a. having circles formed, ranged in circles; -mushti, a. having the fist elenched; close-fisted; -mûla, a. having taken root, firmly rooted; having gained a firm footing: -tâ, f. firm footing; -mauna, a. observing silence; -rabhasa, a.impetuous, passionate; -râga, a. having one's desire fixed on, enamoured of (lc.); -râgga, a. hav ing gained the sovereignty, having succeeded to the throne; -laksha, a. having the gaze fixed on, gazing steadfastly at (--°ree;); -vasati, a. having one's abode fixed in, dwelling in (lc.); -vâk, a. obstructing speech; -vepathu, a. trembling; -vaira, a. having contracted hostility with (in. or --°ree;); -sikha, a. having one's hair tied in a top-knot;-srotra-manas- kakshus, a. having ears, mind, and eyes fixed on (lc.); -sneha, a. entertaining affection for (lc.); -spriha, a. feeling a longing for (--°ree;); -½añgali, a. holding one's hands joined together (in supplication or as a mark of respect); -½âdara, a. attaching great value to (--°ree;); -½ânanda, a. having joy attaching to it, joyful (day); -½anurâga, a. conceiving an attachment, enamoured; -½anusaya, a. con ceiving an unconquerable hatred; -½andha kâra, a. wrapped in darkness; -½avasthiti, a. constant; -½âsa, a. entertaining hope of (--°ree;); -½âsa&ndot;ka, a. conceiving anxiety; -½ut sava, a. entering upon a festival; -½udyama,a. making efforts or prepared to (inf.).
bahuvaktavya fp. about which much can be said; -vakaná, n. plural; case and personal terminations of the plural; -vat, a. in the plural; -varna, a. many-coloured; -valkala, m.=Priyâla tree (Buchanania latifolia); -vâdín, a. talking much, loquacious; -vâra: -ka, m. a. small tree (Cordia Myxa): -phala, n. its fruit (=Selu); -vâram, ad. frequently, often; -vârshika, a. (î) many years old; lasting many years; -vâla, a. hairy, shaggy (tail); -vighna, a. attended with many difficulties; -víd, a. knowing much; -vidya, a. having much knowledge, learned; -vidha, a. of many sorts, manifold, various: -m, ad. variously, repeatedly; -vistara, m. great extension; a. wide-spread; manifold, various; very detailed; -vistâra, a. of wide extent; -vistîrna, pp. wide-spread; -vîrya, a. of great strength, very efficacious; -velam, ad. ofttimes, frequently; -vyâla nishevita, pp. infested by many beasts of prey; -vrîhi, m. (having much rice), possessive adjective compound: the last member is a substantive, the whole compound becoming an adjective qualifying another substantive and agreeing with it in gender; these possessives often become substantives to designate a species (a generic term being under stood) or an individual as a proper name (a specific term being understood): e.g. bahu vrîhih (sc. samâsah), m. a &open;much-rice&close; com pound; Brihadasvah, m. Many-horse (sc. man: cp. Gr. Philippos, horse-loving, and Engl. Great-head). The term bahuvrîhi being an instance is used to designate the whole class.
bārhaspata a. (î) relating to or descended from Brihaspati; -yá, m. pat. descendant of Brihaspati; pupil of Brihaspati; unbeliever; n. the Artha-sâstra of Brihaspati.
bārhaddaivata n. T. of a work =Brihaddevatâ; -ratha, a. relating to Brihad-ratha.
bārhata a. (î) relating to the metre brihatî: -ka, m. N.; -½ânushtubha, a. con sisting of a brihatî and an anushtubh.
bṛhaduktha a. far-praised; m. a certain Agni; N.; (-ád)-diva, a. belong ing to high heaven, heavenly; m. N. of a son of Atharvan and composer of RV. X, 120; the hymn composed by Brihaddiva; -devatâ, f. Index of the many gods (of the RV.), title of an Anukramanî ascribed to Saunaka; -dyuti, a. shining brightly; (-ád)-bhânu, a. of great brilliance; m. a certain Agni; N.; -rathá, m. (having a great chariot), mighty hero (RV.1); (-ád)-rátha, m. N.; -ratham tara, n. du. the Sâmans Brihat and Ratham tara; (-ád)-rayi, a. having abundant wealth (RV.1); -vrata, n. the great vow of chastity; a. practising the great vow of chastity.
bṛhadaṅga a. large-bodied; -asva, m. (having many horses), N. of the sage who relates the story of Nala to Yudhishthira; -âranyaka, n. title of an Upanishad form ing the last six sections of the last book of the Satapatha-brâhmana: -½upanishad, f. the Brihadâranyaka Upanishad.
bṛhatkathā f. the Great His tory, T. of a collection of tales ascribed to Gunâdhya and the source from which Soma deva is supposed to have abridged his Kathâ saritsâgara; T. of a work ascribed to Kshe mendra; -kapola, a. fat-cheeked; -karman, m. N.; -kîrti, a. far-famed; m. N.; (-át) ketu, a. of great brilliance (RV.1); m. N.; -trina, n. strong grass; -tegas, m. (of great brilliance), the planet Jupiter; -tva, n. large ness; -pâda, a. large-footed; -prishtha, a. having the Brihat Sâman as the basis of the Prishtha-stotra; -phala, m. pl. a class of gods among the Buddhists; -samhitâ, f. the Great Collection, T. of a work on astronomy and astrology by Varâhamihira; T. of two other works; -sahâya, a. having a powerful companion; (-át)-sâman, a. having the Bri hat Sâman as a Sâman; m. N. of an Â&ndot;gi rasa; -sena, m. (having a large army), N. of various princes; -sphig, m. (having large buttocks), N.
bṛhat pr. pt. (-&isharp;) lofty, long, tall; vast, abundant, extensive; much; strong, mighty; big, large, great (fig. in all mgs.); full-grown, old; far-extending, bright (light); high, loud, clear (sound); ad. widely, on high; firmly, compactly; brightly; aloud; mightily, very; n. height; N. of various Sâmans having the metrical form of the Brihatî; m. or n. speech (brihatâm patih=Brihaspati); -&isharp;, f. a metre of 36syllables (8+8+12+8 sylla bles); later, every metre of 36 syllables; the number thirty-six.
bṛhaspatimat a. accompa nied by Brihaspati; -vat, a. id.
brāhmaṇa a. (î) belonging to a Brâhman, Brâhmanic; î, f. woman of the priestly caste; kind of red-tailed lizard; n. Brahman (n.), the divine (V.); divine power; dictum of a Brahman orpriest, theological exegesis relating to matters of faith and cult; N. of a class of works containing such disquisitions, a Brâhmana; passage in a Brâhmana; Soma-vessel of the Brahman priest: -ka, m. wretched or merely nominal Brâhman; -kalpa, a. resembling a Brâhman; -kumâra, m. Brâhman boy; -kula, n. house of a Brâhman; -griha, n. house of a Brâh man; -ghna, m. slayer of a Brâhman; -kând âla, m. (kândâla of a=) contemptible Brâh man; -gâtá, n. Brâhman race; -gushta, pp. pleasing to Brâhmans; -tâ, f. rank or con dition of a Brâhman; -tva, n. id.; -dârikâ, f. Brâhman girl; -patha, m. Brâhmana text; -putra-ka, m. Brâhman boy; -prasa&ndot;ga, m. applicability of the term Brâhmana, notion of Brâhman; -prâtivesya, m. neighbouring Brâhman; -priya, m. friend of Brâhmans; -bruva, a. calling himself a Brâhman, Brâh man only in name; -bhâva,m. condition or rank of a Brâhman; -bhogana, n. feeding of Brâhmans; -yagñá, m. sacrifice meant for or offered by Brâhmans; -vakana, n. statement of a Brâhmana text; -vadha, m. murder of a Brâhman.
bhaṭṭi m. N. of the author of the Bhat tikâvya (by various commentators identified with Bhartrihari): -kâvya, n. the poem of Bhatti (sixth or seventh century a.d.), the main object of which, while describing the deeds of Râma, is to illustrate the forms of Sanskrit grammar.
bhaṇḍa m. jester, buffoon; a mixed caste: -tva, n. buffoonery; -anîya, fp. to be derided; m. N. of a minister of Srîharsha.
bhūkampa m. earthquake; -kâs yapa, m. king; -kshîra-vâtikâ, f. N. of a locality; -gata, pp. existing or living on earth; -griha, n. underground chamber, cel lar; -geha, n. id.; -gola, m. terrestrial globe; -kara, a. moving on or inhabiting the earth; m. inhabitant of the earth.
bhūmikṣaya m. loss of terri tory; -gata, pp. fallen on the ground; -gar ta, m. hole in the ground; -griha, n. under ground chamber, cellar; -kala, m.: -na, n. earthquake; -ga, a. produced from the earth; m. planet Mars; -gâta, pp. produced or formed on the earth; -goshaná, n. choice of ground; -tanaya, m. son of the earth, planet Mars; -tala, n. surface of the earth, ground; -tundika, m. N. of a locality; -da, a.granting land; -dâna, n. grant of land; -deva, m. god on earth, Brâhman; -dhara, m. supporter of the earth, mountain; prince, king; -nâtha, m. lord of earth, king; -pa, m. guardian of earth, king; -pati, m. lord of earth, king: -tva, n. sovereignty, kingship; -parimâna, n. square-measure; -pâla, m. protector of earth, prince, king; -putra, m. son of the earth, planet Mars; N.; -puramdara, m. Indra on earth, ep. of Dilîpa; -pra, a. (V.) filling the earth (fame); -prakala, m. earthquake; -prâpta, pp. fallen on the ground; -bhâga, m. spot of earth, place; -bhug, m. enjoyer of earth, king; -bhûta, pp. forming the soil of anything; -bhrit, m. supporter of the earth, prince, king; -bhedin, a. different from what it is on earth; -vardhana, m. n. corpse; burden of the earth; -vâsin, a. dwelling on the ground; -saya, a. lying or living on or in the ground; m. animal living in the ground; -shtha, a. standing on the earth or ground; lying in the ground; being in his country; -sâmrâgya, n. supreme rule over the earth; -suta, (pp.) m. son of the earth, planet Mars; -spris, a. touching the earth; -svâmin, m. lord of earth, king.
bhogakara a. (î) affording enjoy ment; -griha, n. women's apartments, harem; -tva, n. condition of enjoyment etc.; -dattâ, f. N.; -deva, m. N.; -deha, m. body of en joyment (subtle body assumed by dead persons, with which they enjoy pleasure or pain ac cording to the actions of their pastlife); -pati, m. (lord of the revenue), governor of a city or province, viceroy; -bhug, a. indulging in pleasure; m. wealthy man.
mantra m. (n.) pious thought, prayer, hymn; Vedic hymn, sacred text; mystical verse, incantation, spell; consultation, reso lution, counsel, plan; secret design: -kara- na, n. Vedic text; -kârya, n. subject of con sultation; -kâla, m. time of consultation; -kusala, a. skilled in counsel; -krít, m. com poser of hymns; counsellor, adviser; ambas sador; -gandaka, m. kind of amulet; -gupta, m. N.; -gupti, f. keeping of counsel; -griha, n. chamber of deliberation; -gihva, m. fire; -gña, a. knowing the sacred texts; experienced in counsel; -gyeshtha, spv. having precedence according to knowledge of sacred texts.
mahāpakṣa a. having many ad herents, having a large following; -pa&ndot;ka, n. (?) deep mud; -pa&ndot;kti, f. a metre of forty-eight syllables; -pandita, a. extremely learned; m. great scholar; -patha, m. prin cipal street; high road; the great journey, pilgrimage to the other world (-m yâ, die); a certain hell; a. having a great path: -giri, m. N. of a mountain; -padma, n. a certain high number; m. one of the eight treasures connected with the magic art padminî; N. of a Nâga: -pati, m. lord of millions, ep. of Nanda, -saras, n. N. of a lake, -salila, n. id.; -padya-shatka, n. T. of a poem (at tributed to Kâlidâsa) consisting of six classi cal verses; -½aparâdha, m. great crime or injury; -parvata, m. high mountain; -pasu, m. large cattle; -pâta, m. long flight; a. flying far (arrow); -pâtaka, n. great crime or sin (of which there are five: killing a Brâhman, drinking spirituous liquor, theft, adultery with a teacher's wife, and asso ciation with persons guilty of those four crimes); -pâtakin, a. guilty of a capital sin; -pâtra, n. prime minister; -pâda, a. large footed; -pâpa, n.great crime; -pâpman, a. very harmful; -pâra, 1. m. a certain per sonification; 2. a. having distant banks, wide (sea); -pârsva, a. having broad sides (leech); N.; -pâsupata, a. with vrata, n. the great vow of a worshipper of Siva Pasupati; m. zealous worshipper of Siva Pasupati; -pîtha, n. high seat; -pumsa, m. great man; -punya, a. very auspicious (day); very good or beau tiful; very holy; -purá, n. great fortress: î, f. great citadel; -purusha, m. great or eminent man; supreme spirit; -pûta, pp. extremely pure; -prishtha, a. broad-backed; -pai&ndot;gya, n. T. of a Vedic text; -prakarana, n. main treatment of a subject; -pragâpati, m. great lord of creatures, ep. of Vishnu; -pratâpa, m. of great dignity, majestic; -pratîhâra, m. head janitor; -pradâna, n. great gift; -prapañka, m. the great world; -prabha, a. of great lustre, very splendid; -prabhâ, f. great brightness;-prabhâva, a. very mighty; -prabhu, m. great lord, sovereign; chief; ep. of Vishnu; -pramâna, a. very exten sive; -pralaya, m. great dissolution of the universe at the end of a cosmic age: -kâla, m. time of the --; -prasna,m. great or im portant question; -prasâda, m. great pre sent; a. very gracious; -prasthâna, n. great departure, decease; -prâgña, a. very wise or prudent (person); -prâna, m. hard breath ing, aspirate sound; great strength; a. pro nounced with a hard breathing, aspirated; of great endurance or physical strength; -plava, m. great flood, deluge; -phala, n. large fruit; great reward; a. producing a great reward; -bala, a. very strong, power ful, or effective; m. N.; -bâdha, a. very in jurious; -bâhu, a. long-armed, strong-armed; m. ep. of Vishnu; N.; -bila, n. deep hole; -buddhi, a. of great intellect, extremely clever; m. N. of an Asura; N.; -brihatî, f. a metre (8+8+8+8+12 syllables); -brah ma: -n, m. the great Brahman (the god); -brâhmaná, m. great Brâhman (also used sarcastically); n. Great (=Tândya) Brâh mana; -bhata, m. great warrior; N.; -bha ya, n. great danger or straits; -bhâga, a. having great good fortune, very lucky, greatly blessed; greatly distinguished, very illus trious (frequently used as a term of address); -bhâgin, a. very fortunate, greatly blessed; -bhâgya, n.high position, great importance or power; a. extremely fortunate: -tâ, f. great good fortune; -bhânda½agâra, n. chief treasury; -bhârata, a. (± a word meaning &open;battle&close;), the Great Battle of the Bharatas; n.(± âkhyâna), the Great Story of the Bharatas, T. of the well-known great Epic (which contains about 100,000 slokas); -bhâshya, n. the Great Commentary of Patañgali on the Sûtras of Pânini and the Vârttikas of Kâtyâyana (probably composed in the second century b. c.); -bhikshu, m. the great mendicant, ep. of Sâkyamuni; -½abhi- gana, m. high descent, noble birth; -½abhi yoga, m. great plaint or charge; -½abhishava, m. N. of a prince; -½abhisheka, m. great inauguration; T. of the fourteenth Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara; -bhîta, pp. greatly terrified; -½abhîsu, a. brilliant, lustrous; -bhuga, a. long-armed; -bhûta, pp. being great, large (E.); m. great creature; n. gross element (ether, air, fire, water, earth); -bhû mi, f. great realm; whole territory (of a king); -½âbhoga, a. of great extent, wide spreading; -bhoga, 1. a. having great coils (serpent); m. serpent; -bhoga, 2. m. great enjoyment; -bhoga, m. great prince; -½abhra, n. great or thick cloud; -makha, m. great sacrifice (=-yagña); -mani, m. costly jewel; -mati, a. of great wit, clever; m. N.; (&asharp;) manas, a. lofty-minded, proud, haughty; high-minded, magnanimous; -manushya, m. great man, man of rank; -mantra, m. very efficacious spell (esp. against snake-poison); -mantrin, m. chief counsellor, prime minister; -mahá, a. high and mighty (RV.); -mah as, n. great luminary; -mahiman, m. true greatness; a. truly great; -mahima-sâlin, a. possessed of true greatness; -mahâ½upâ dhyâya, m. very great preceptor (a desig nation applied to great scholars, e.g. Malli nâtha); -mâmsa, n. delicious flesh (esp. human flesh); -½amâtya, m. prime minister; -mâtra, a. of great measure, great; greatest, best (of, --°ree;); m. man of high rank, high state official, king's minister; elephant-driver; -mânin, a. extremely proud; -mâya, a. at tended with great deception; practising great deception; m. N.; -mâyâ, f. the great illu sion (which makes the world appear really existent and thus in a sense creates it); -mây ûra, n. a kind of medicine; kind of prayer (--°ree;); -mârga, m. main road: -pati, m. chief inspector of roads; -mâhesvara, m. great worshipper of Mahesvara or Siva; -mukha,n. large mouth (also of rivers); a. (î) large mouthed; -muni, m. great sage; -mûdha, a. very stupid; m. great simpleton; -mûrkha, m. great fool; -mûrdhan, a. large-headed (Siva); -mriga, m. large wild animal; ele phant;-mridha, n. great battle; -megha, m. great or dense cloud; -medha, m. great sacrifice; (&asharp;)-meru, m. the great Mount Meru; -moha, m. great mental confusion or infatuation; -mohana, a. causing great men tal confusion; -moha-mantra, m. very effi cacious spell: -tva, n. abst. n.; -yaksha, m. great Yaksha, prince of the Yakshas; -yag- ñá, m. great or chief sacrifice (one of the five daily sacrifices of the householder, called bhûta-, manushya-, pitri-, deva-, and brah ma-yagña); -yantra, n. great mechanical work: -pravartana, n. execution of great mechanical works; -yama-ka, n. a great Yamaka (a stanza, all the four lines of which contain identically the same words but differ in meaning, e.g. Kirâtârgunîya XV, 52); -yasas, a. very famous, illustrious (person); -yâna, n. the Great Vehicle (a later form of Buddhistic doctrine originated by Nâgâr guna: opp.hîna-yâna); N. of a prince of the fairies (having a great car); -yuga, n. a great Yuga (equal to four ordinary Yugas or 4,320,000 years); -yuddha, n. great battle; -½âyudha, a. bearing great weapons (Siva); -ragana, n.saffron; a. coloured with saffron; -rana, m. great battle; -½aranya, n. great forest; -ratna, n. precious jewel: -maya, a. consisting of costly jewels, -vat, a. adorned with costly jewels; -rathá, m. great chariot; great warrior; N.; -rathyâ, f. main road; -½ârambha, m. great under taking; a. enterprising, active; -rava, m. great roar or yell; a. making a loud noise, shouting loud; m. N.; -rasa, a. extremely savoury; -râgá, m. great king, reigning prince, sovereign: -½adhirâga, m. lord of great kings, emperor; -râgñî, f. reigning princess, queen; ep. of Durgâ; -râgya, n. sovereign rule; -râtra, n. advanced time of night, end of the night; -râtri, f. id.; great night follow ing the dissolution of the world; -râva, m. loud yell; -râshtra, m. pl. the Mahrattas: î, f. Mahratta language, Mahrattî: a-ka, a. (ikâ) belonging to the Mahrattas; m. pl. the Mahrattas; -rug, -ruga, a. very painful; -roga, m. dangerous disease; -roman, a. very hairy (Siva); -raudra, a. extremely terrible; -½argha, a. of great price, precious, valuable; expensive: -tâ, f. preciousness, great value, -rûpa, a. having a splendid form; -½arghya, a. precious, valuable: -tâ, f. preciousness; -½arnava, m. great sea, ocean; -½artha, m. great matter; a. having great wealth, rich; of great significance, important; m. N. of a Dânava; -½arha, a.valuable, costly, splen did; -lakshmî, f. the Great Lakshmî, Nârâ yana's Sakti; also=Durgâ or Sarasvatî; -li&ndot;ga, n. a great Li&ndot;ga; -vamsya, a. of high lineage; -vanig, m. great merchant; -vada, m. great teacher (i.e. of the most essential Vedic knowledge); (&asharp;)-vadha, a. having a mighty weapon (RV.); -vana, n. great forest; -varâha, m. great boar (i.e. Vishnu's incarnation as a boar); N. of a prince; -vallî, f. great creeper; -vâkya, n. long composition, literary work; great pro position; -vâta, m. violent wind, gale; -vâyu, m. id.; -vârttika, n. the Great Vârttika, N. of Kâtyâyana's Vârttikas to the Sûtras of Pânini; -vâstu, n. great space; a. occupy ing a great space; -vikrama, a. of great courage, very valiant; m. N. of a lion; -vighna, m. n. great obstacle; -vigña, a. very sensible; -vidagdha, pp. very clever; -viraha, m. grievous separation; -visha,a. very poisonous; -vistara, a. very prolix (book); -vîki, m. (having great waves), a certain hell; -vîrá, m. great hero; large earthenware fire-pot (mostly used at the Pravargya cere mony); N. of various princes; N. of an Arhat, founder of the Jain sect: -karita, n. life of the great hero (Râma), T. of a play by Bhavabhûti, -karitra, n. life of Mahâ vîra (the Arhat), T. of a work; (&asharp;)-vîrya, a. mighty, very potent; -vrikshá, m. great tree; -vriddha, pp. very aged; -vrishá, m. great bull: pl. N. of a people in the western Himâlayas; -vega, a. greatly agitated (sea); very swift; -vaipulya, n. great extent; -vaira, n. great enmity; -vairâga, n. N. of a Saman;-vyâdhi, m. serious disease; -vyâhriti, f. the great exclamation (i.e. bh&usharp;r bhúvah svãh); -vratá, n. great or fundamental duty; great vow; great religious observance; N. of a Sâ man or Stotra to be chanted on the last day but one of the Gavâmayana (also applied to the day and the ceremony); rules of the worshippers of Siva Pasupati; a. having undertaken great duties or a great vow, practising great aus terity, very devotional; following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratika, a. following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratin, a., m., id.; a. practis ing the five fundamental duties of the Jains; -vratîya, a. relating to the Mahâvrata cere mony (day); -vrîhi, m. large rice; -sakti, a. very mighty (Siva); -sa&ndot;kha, m. great conch; -½asana, a. eating much, voracious (leech); m. great eater, glutton; -½asani dhvaga, m. flag with a great thunderbolt; -sabda, m. loud sound; title beginning with &open;mahâ&close; or the corresponding office; -½âsaya, 1. m. ocean; 2. a. high-minded, noble; -sayyâ, f. splendid couch; -sarîra, a. having a large body; -salka,m. kind of sea-crab; -salkalin, a. having large scales (fish); -sastra, n. mighty weapon; -sâka, n. kind of vegetable; -sâkya, m. great or distinguished Sâkya; -sânti, f. great appeasement (a kind of rite to avert evil);(&asharp;)-sâla, possessor of a great house, great householder; -sâlîna, a. very modest; -sâsana, n. great sway; a. exer cising great sway; -siras, a. large-headed; m. kind of serpent; -sûdra, m. Sûdra in a high position, upper servant; -saila, m. great rock or mountain; -½asman, m. precious stone; -smâsâna, n. large cemetery; ep. of Benares; -srotriya, m. great theologian or spiritual teacher; -½asva, m. N.: -sâlâ, f. great stable; office of head groom; -svetâ, f. N. of a god dess; N.; -samkata, n. great danger or straits; -satî, f. extremely faithful wife, pattern of wifely fidelity; -sattrá, n. great Soma sacrifice; -sattva, m. great creature; a. strong-minded; high-minded, noble; very courageous; containing large animals: -tâ, f. strength of character and containing large animals; -½âsana, n. splendid seat; -samdhi- -vigraha, m. office of chief minister of peace and war; -sabhâ, f. great dining hall; -samudra, m. ocean; -sarga, m. great crea tion (after a great dissolution); -sâdhana bhâga, m. head of the executive; -sâdhu, a. extremely good: v-î, f. pattern of wifely fidelity; -sâmtâpana,m. kind of penance; -sâmdhi-vigrah-ika, m. chief minister of peace and war; -sâmânya, n. generality in the widest sense; -sâra, a. strong; valuable, costly; -sârtha, m. great caravan; -sâhas ika, a. very daring, excessively rash; m. highwayman, robber: -tâ, f. great energy: in. with the utmost decision; -simha, m. great lion; N.; -siddha, (pp.) m. great saint; -siddhânta, m. great manual of as tronomy, T. of a work by Âryabhata the younger; -siddhi, f. great magical power; -subhiksha, n. great abundance of provisions, very good times (pl.); -sûkta, n. great hymn: pl. the great hymns of the tenth book of the Rig-veda (1 to 128); m. composer of the great hymns of RV. X; -sûkshma, a. extremely minute; -sûki, a. w. vyûha, m. kind of array of troops in battle; (&asharp;)-sena, a. having a large army; m. ep. of Skanda; N. of various princes; -senâ, f. great army; -stoma, a. having a great Stoma (day); -½astra, n. great or mighty missile; -sthâna, n. high place or position; -sthûla, a. very gross; -snâna, n. great ablution; -½âspada, a. mighty; -sva na, m. loud sound; a. loud-sounding, shout ing loud; loud (noise); -½âsvâda, a. very savoury; -hanu, a. having great jaws; -harm ya, n. great palace; -½âhava, m. great battle; -hava, m. great sacrifice; -hasta, a. large handed (Siva); -hâsa, m.loud laughter; a. laughing loud; -½ahí, m. great serpent: -sayana, n. sleep (of Vishnu) on the great serpent (Sesha); -½ahna, m. advanced day time, afternoon; -hrada, m. great pond.
mahākathā f. great tale; -karu- na, a. very compassionate; -karna, a. great eared (Siva); -karman, n. great work; a. doing great works (Siva); -kalâ, f. night of new moon; -kalpa, m. great cosmic period; -kavi, m. great or classical poet (such as Kâ lidâsa, Bhavabhûti, etc.); -kâya, a. having a great body, bulky, gigantic; huge (tree): -tva, n. large size; -½âkâra, a. large, great, extensive; -kâla, m. a form of Siva in his capacity of the great destroyer of the world; N. of a temple of Siva Mahâkâla at Uggay inî; n. N. of a famous Li&ndot;ga: -pura, m. city of Mahâkâla, Uggayinî; -kâlî, f. a form of Durgâ; -kâvya, n. great or classical poem (a term specifically applied to the six poems Raghuvamsa, Kumârasambhava, Meghadûta, Kirâtârgunîya, Sisupâlavadha, and Naishadha karita); -kula, n. illustrious or noble family; (á), a. of high lineage: -½utpanna, pp. born of a noble family; -kulîna, a. belonging to a noble family: -tâ, f. noble origin, high birth; -kûla, a. having high banks; -ketu, a. hav ing a great banner (Siva); -kesa, a. thick haired (Siva); -kosa, a.having large testi cles (Siva): î, f. N. of a river; -kaushîta ka, n. title of a Vedic text; -kratu, m. great sacrifice (such as the Râgasûya and the Asva medha); -krodha, a. very irascible; -ksha tra-pa, m. great Satrap; -½aksha-patalika, m. head-keeper of the archives; -khâta, n. deep ditch; -khyâta, pp. very famous; -gaga, m. great elephant; elephant supporting the earth (=diggaga); -ganá, m. great host, swarm, or body: -pati, m.great lord of hosts, Ganesa; -ganesa, m. id.; -gandha, a. strong scented, very fragrant; -gala, a. having a thick or long neck; -giri, m. great mountain; -guna, a. having great virtues, very merito rious; very efficacious; -guru, a. very rever end person; -griha, n. great house; -gaurî, f. one of the nine forms of Durgâ; -graha, m. ep. of Râhu; -grâmá, m. great host (RV.1); large village; -grîva, a. long-necked (Siva); -ghata, m. large jar; -ghora, a. very terri ble; -ghosha, a. making a loud noise, thun dering (clouds); -½a&ndot;ga, a. having a large body or large limbs (Siva).
mahenda m. great Indra; chief; N. of a mountain range: -ketu, m. Indra's banner; -kâpa, m. Indra's bow, rainbow; -tva, n. name or dignity of great Indra; -dhvaga, m. Indra's banner; -mantrin, m.great Indra's counsellor, planet Jupiter (Brihaspati); -mandira, n. Indra's palace; -varman, m. N. of a prince; -sakti, m. N.; -½âditya, m. N. of a prince.
mātṛka a. coming or inherited from a mother; maternal; m. maternal un cle; kâ, f. mother; grandmother; letter writ ten in a diagram and supposed to have a magical power: coll. the letters oralphabet thus used; alphabet: -maya, a. (î) consist ing of mystical letters; -garbha, m. womb; -gupta, m. N. of a prince; -griha, n. tem ple of the divine mothers; -grâma, m. female sex; -ghâtin, m. matricide; -ghna, m. id.; -kakra, n. mystical circle with the divine mothers; group of the divine mothers.
mṛnmaya a. (î) made of clay or earth, earthen: with grihá, n. house of clay, grave; m. or n. earthenware object or vessel.
yakṣma m. (emaciating) disease (V.); consumption (later V., rare in C.): -grihîta, pp. attacked by consumption; -graha, m. attack of consumption; -n&asharp;sana, a. (î), disease-destroying.
yakṣa n. [speeder], supernatural being, spectre, ghost (V.); m. N. of a class of demi-gods, attendants of Kubera: -tâ, f., -tva, n. condition of a Yaksha; -dara, m. (?) N. of a locality; -dâsî, f. N.; -dris, a.having a spectral appearance (RV.1); -deva-griha, n. Yaksha temple; -pati, m. lord of the Yakshas; ep. of Kubera; -bhavana, n. Yaksha temple; -bhrit, a. spectre-bearing (?; RV.1); -râg, m. king of the Yakshas, ep. ofKubera; -râga, m. id.; -½a&ndot;ganâ, f. wife of a Yaksha; -½adhipa, -½adhipati, m. id.; -½âyat ana, n. Yaksha temple.
yathākaniṣṭham ad. according to age from the youngest upwards; -kartavya, fp. to be done according to the circumstances; n. proper course of action; -karmá, ad. according to the respective action or actions; -karma-gunam, ad. according to the actions and (three) qualities; -kalpam, ad. according to the ritual; -kândam, ad. according to the sections; -kâma-kâra, m. action according to one'sdesire; -k&asharp;mam (SB. ám), ad. according to wish, at will or pleasure, agreeably; leisurely; -kâma- gyeya, fp. to be oppressed at pleasure; -kâma-prayâpya, fp. to be sent away at pleasure; -kâma-vadhya, fp. to be chastised at pleasure; -kâma-vikârin, a. wandering about at will; -kâma½arkita½arthin, a. satis fying supplicants according to their desire; -kâmin, a. acting according to one's will, unrestrained; -kârya, fp. to be done according to circumstances; -kâla, m. proper time: -m, ad. at the right or usual time, seasonably; -kula-dharmam, ad. according to the family usage; -krita, pp. properly done (--°ree;); agreed upon: (á)-m, ad. as usual (RV.); as it hap pened; as agreed upon; -krama, °ree;--, -m, ena, in due order, successively; -kriyamâna, pr. pt. as being done, usual, customary; -ksham am, ad. according to one's power, as much as possible; -kshipram,ad. as possible; -½âkhyânam, ad. according to the statement, as before stated; -½âgata, pp. by which one came (way): -m, e-na, ad. by the way one came; -½âgama, a. orthodox: -m, ad. in accordance with tradition; -gunam, ad. according to the qualities or virtues; -griham, ad. into one's respective house; -gotra-kula-kalpam, ad. according to the usage of the family or the tribe; -½a&ndot;gám, ad. member by member; -½âkâram,ad. according to usage; -kintita, pp. previously intended; -kkhandas, ad. metre by metre; -gâta, pp. as if born into the world; stupid, foolish; -gosham, ad. to one's heart's content; -gñapta, pp. previously directed orordered; -gñapti, ad. according to command; -gñânam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -gñeyam, ad. id.; -gyeshtham, ad. according to age from the eldest downwards, by seniority.
yantratakṣan m. constructor of machines or magical contrivances; -dri- dha, pp. secured by a bolt; -dhârâ-griha, n. shower-bath room: -tva, n. condition or function of a shower-bath; -nâla, n.artificial pipe or tube; -putraka, m., -putrikâ, f. mechanical doll; -pravâha, m. mechanical spray or jet of water; -maya, a. artificially imitated, mechanical (animal, etc.); -mayû ra-ka, m. artificial peacock; -mârga, m.aqueduct.
yamaka a. double, twofold; n. double bandage; repetition of syllables iden tical in sound but different in meaning, paro nomasia; -kimkara, m. Yama's servant, messenger of death; -ketu, m. Yama's flag, sign of death; -kshaya, m. Yama's abode; -gâth&asharp;, f. verse treating of Yama; -griha, n. Yama's abode; -ghna, a. destroying death, ep. of Vishnu; -ga, a. twin-born; m. du. twins; -gâta, pp.: -ka, a., m. id.;-gihvâ, f. (Yama's tongue), N. of a procuress; -tâ, f. condition of Yama: -m yâ, become the god of death to, cause the death of (g.); -tvá, n. id.; -damshtra, m. N. of an Asura, of a Râkshasa, and of a warrior; -damshtrâ, f.Yama's tooth: -½antaram gata, having en tered the jaws of death; -danda, m. Yama's rod; -dis, f. Yama's quarter, south; -dûtá, m. Yama's messenger; (á)-devata, a. having Yama as a deity; -dhânî, f. Yama's abode.
yātana n. requital: â, f. id.; punishment; fine; sg. & pl. anguish, tor ment; tortures of hell: -m dâ, requite any one; -griha, m. torture chamber; -½arthîya, a. destined for torments (body).
rakṣā f. protection, deliverance, preservation, of (--°ree; very common; rarely --°ree; =from, e. g. cold, or on, e. g. a journey); guard, sentinel; preservative, amulet, mysti cal object: -karandaka, n. magical preser vative casket; -griha, n. lying-in chamber; -½adhikrita, pp. entrusted with the protec tion (of the country etc.); m. appointed guardian; -½adhipati, m. head-constable; -parigha, m. protective bolt; -purusha, m. guard, watchman; -pradîpa, m. protec tive lamp (kept burning to keep off demons); -½abhyadhikrita, m. police official; -ma&ndot;gala, n. protective ceremony (against evil spirits); -mani, m. jewel used as a preservative (against demons): also fig. of a king; -mahaushadhi, f. sovran preservative herb (against demons); -ratna, n. preservative jewel (against de mons): -pradîpa, m. preservative jewel lamp (the gems in which serve as a protective light against demons); -vat, a. enjoying protec tion, protected by (in.); -sarshapa, m. mus tard seed as a preservative against demons.
ratikara a. (î) causing pleasure; -kriyâ, f. sexual intercourse; -griha, n. pleasure-house; -gña, a. skilled in the arts of love; -pati, m. husband of Rati, god of love; -parikaya, m. frequency of sexual union; -priya, a. pleasant during sexual in tercourse; -phala, a. productive of sensual pleasure, aphrodisiacal; -bandhu, m. lover, husband, -bhavana, n. pleasure-house; -mat, a. joyful, glad; delighting in (lc.); enamoured; accompanied by Rati; -mandira, n. cham ber of love; -ramana, m. lover of Rati, god of love; -rasa, m. sexual enjoyment; a. having the flavour of love; -rahasya, n. secrets of love, T. of a work; -vallî, f.creeper of love; -sarvasva, n. quintessence of sexual pleasure; T. of an erotic work; -sahakara, m. companion of Rati, god of love; -sena, m. N. of a prince; -½îsa, m. husband of Rati, god of love.
rājakumāra m. prince: i-kâ, f. princess; -kula, n. royal family (pl. kings); royal palace (serving also as a court of jus tice); high road: -bhatta, m. N. of a poet; -krít, m. king-maker; -kritya, n.duties of a king, state affairs; -kriyâ, f. business of a king; -gâmin, a. brought before the king (slander); -giri, m. N. of a locality; -guru, m. king's counsellor or minister; -griha, n. royal dwelling, palace; N. of the capital of Magadha (also î, f.); -ghâtaka, m. regi cide; -kihna, n. pl. royal insignia; -gambû, f. a tree.
latā f. creeping plant, creeper (ord. mg.: often--°ree; with words meaning brow, arm, locks, slender body, sword-blade, lightning, to express leauty, thinness, tenderness etc.); branch; N. of the Mâdhavî creeper (Gaertnera racemosa); lash of a whip; pearl necklace; slender woman; woman: -griha, n. bower of creepers, arbour; -½anta, n. (?) flower: -bâna, m. (flower-arrowed), god of love; -pâsa, m. festoon of creepers;-manda pa, m. bower of creepers, arbour; -mâdhavî, f. the Mâdhavî creeper (Gaertnera racemosa); -½âlaya, m. dwelling of creepers (of an owl); -valaya, m. n. arbour of creepers: -vat, a. provided with arbours; -veshtita-ka, n. em brace of a creeper.
līlā f. play, sport, pastime, diver sion, amusement; playful imitation of a lover; mere sport, child's play (=action easily performed); mere appearance, sem blance (--°ree;); dissimulation, disguise, pre tence; charm, grace: °ree;-and in. a-yâ, sportively, to amuse oneself; in sport=with the greatest ease; for mere appearance, feignedly: -kamala, n. toy-lotus, lotus for playing with; -kalaha, m. playful or feigned quarrel; -khela, a. playfully sportive; -½â gâra, n., -griha, n., -geha, n. pleasure house; -tâmarasa, n. toy-lotus, lotus for playing with; -nritya, n. playful dance; -padma, n. lotus for playing with; -½abga, n. id.; -½âbharana, n.sham ornament (e. g. a brace let of lotus fibres); -manushya, m. man in appearance only, man in disguise; -mand ira, n. pleasure house; -½ambuga, n. toy lotus.
varuṇa m. [√ 1. vri] Encompasser (of the world), N. of an Âditya, chief among the Vedic gods; he specially presides over the waters, the night, and the west; he is om niscient, punishes sin and is prayed to for forgiveness; he is also the sender of disease; often associated with Mitra and Indra (--°ree; du.); in C. he is god of the waters or ocean, and regent of the west: -grihîta, pp. seized by Varuna=attacked by disease, esp. dropsy (V.); -pâsá, m. Varuna's noose or fetter (V.); -purusha, m. servant of Varuna; -loka, m. Varuna's world; Varuna's sphere, the waters; -sarman, m. N. of a mythical warrior; -se nâ, -senikâ, f. N. of a princess; -½adri, m. N. of a mountain.
varga m. [√ vrig] division, separate homogeneous collection, group, class, com pany, of (g., --°ree;; often pl. for sg.); classified group of words, category; class of consonants in the alphabet (gutturals, palatals, etc.); section (in a book); subdivision of an Adhyâ ya in the RV. and the Brihaddevatâ: --°ree; with numerals, group or division consisting of (e. g. three=dharma, kâma, and artha).
vāgadhipa m. lord of speech, ep. of Brihaspati; -apahâraka, a. stealing the words of others; -apeta, pp. destitute of speech, dumb; -âdambara, m. verbosity; -îsa, m. lord of speech, adept in eloquence (often --°ree; in names of scholars); m. ep. of Brahman.
vācaspati m. lord of speech (a genius presiding over human life), ep. of Soma, Visvakarman, Pragâpati, Brahman; esp. of Brihaspati as lord of eloquence (teacher of the gods and regent of the planet Jupiter); N. of a Rishi, a lexicographer, a philosopher, etc.
vidyā f. knowledge, learning, science (esp. the threefold knowledge of the Vedas: 4, 14, 18, and 64 sciences are spoken of); magic; spell: (â)-kosa-griha, n. library; -½âgama, m. acquisition of knowledge; -guru, m. instructor in science (esp. sacred); -grah ana, n. acquisition of sciences; -tîrtha, n. bathing-place of knowledge; -tva, n. the notion &open;knowledge&close;; -dâna, n. imparting of (sacred) knowledge, instruction in science; -dhana, n. the treasure of knowledge.
vibudha a. very wise; m. god: -tatinî, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -priya, a. dear to the wise or the gods; -râga, m. king of the gods, Indra; -sadman, n. abode of the gods, heaven; -strî, f. celestial female; -½âkârya, m. instructor of the gods, Brihas pati; -½âdhipatya, n. sovereignty of the gods; -½anukara, m. attendant of a god; -½âvâsa, m. dwelling of the gods, temple; -½îsvara, m. lord of the gods.
vilāsa m. manifestation; appear ance, aspect; diversion, sport, fun (common mg.); doings; (female) coquetry, dalliance (ord. mg.); wantonness (rare); liveliness (one of the eight masculine virtues; rare); charm, grace (rare): -kodanda, m. god of love; -griha, n. pleasure house; -kâpa, m. god of love; -dolâ, f. pleasure swing; -dhan van, m. god of love; -pura, n. N. of a town; -bâna, m. god of love; -bhavana, n. plea sure house; -bhitti, f. wall in appearance; -mani-darpana, m. mirror of jewels as a play thing; -maya, a. full of grace; -mekhalâ, f. toy girdle; -vat-î, f. coquettish woman; N.; -vasati, f. pleasure resort; -vâtâyana, n.balcony or terrace for amusement; -vip ina, n. pleasure wood; -vihâra, m. walking for pleasure, promenading; -vesman, n. pleasure house; -sayyâ, f. pleasure couch; -sîla, m. N. of a king; -sadman, n. plea sure house.
viṣṭāra m. [strewing: √ stri] layer of grass (RV.1): (á)-pa&ndot;kti, f. a metre (8+12+12+8 syllables); (a)-brihatî, f. a metre (8+10+10+8 syllables).
vihāra m. n. distribution, trans position (of words, Br., S., rare); (disposi tion of) the three sacred fires or the space between them (S.); sauntering about, pro menading; diversion, enjoyment, pleasure, with or in (--°ree;; ord. mg.); place of recreation; (Buddha's pleasure ground), Buddhistic (or Jain) monastery or temple; N. of a country, Behar; --°ree; a. delighting in: -ka, a. (i-kâ) delighting in (--°ree;); serving for the diversion of (--°ree;); -griha, n. play-house; -dâsî, f. con vent attendant; -desa, m. place of recrea tion; -bhadra, m. N.; -bhûmi, f. place of recreation; -vat, a. possessing a place of re creation; delighting in (--°ree;); -vana, n. plea sure grove; -vâri, f. water for sport; -saila, m. pleasure mountain; -sthalî, f. place of amusement; -½avasatha, m. pleasure house.
vṛddhaka m. old man; -kâla, m. old age; -kosa, a. possessing a rich treasury; -kânakya, m. Kânakya the elder; -tâ, f. old age; pre-eminence in (--°ree;); -tva, n. old age; -dyumna, m. N.; -dviga-rûpin,a. having the form of an aged Brâhman; -brihaspati, m. Brihaspati the elder; -bhâva, m. old age; -manu, m. Manu the elder; (á)-vayas, a. of great might (RV.1); -vishnu, m. Vishnu (the legislator) the elder; -vîvadhâ, f.yoke of the ancients, bonds of traditional usage; -sâkalya, m. Sâkalya the elder; (á)-sravas, a. possessed of great swiftness (Indra; V.); m. ep. of Indra; -sevâ, f. deference to the aged; -sev-in, a. deferential to the aged: (-i)-tva, n. deference to old age.
vairāgya n. [virâga] growing pale (rare); loathing, aversion, disgust, of (ab., lc., --°ree;); indifference to worldly objects, weariness of life: -tâ, f. aversion to (prati); -sataka, n. century of worldly indifference, T. of the third century of Bhartrihari's proverbs.
vyadhikaraṇa a. involving a different case-relation (Bahuvrîhi compound, the first member of which is not in apposition to the second; e.g. saravana-bhava, &open;having his origin in a forest of reeds&close;).
śaṃyu a. benevolent, beneficent (V.); prosperous (C.); m. N. of a son of Brihaspati.
vratadāna n. imposition of a vow; -dhara, a. practising a vow (only --°ree;); -dhâr ana, n. fulfilment of religious observances or of duties, towards (g., --°ree;); (á)-pati, m. lord of religious rites (Agni; V.); -p&asharp;, a. guarding the sacred law (V.); -pârana, n. conclusion of a fast, eating after a fast; -pra dâna, n. imposition of a fast; -bha&ndot;ga, m. breach of a vow; -bhrít, a. bearing the sacred law or rite (Agni); -ruki, a. delighting in vows etc., religious; -lopa, m. breach of a vow; -lopana, n. id.; (á)-vat, a. fulfilling or practising a vow; -sayyâ-griha, n. sleeping apartment for the performance of a vow; -sampâdana, n.fulfilment of a vow or religious duty; -stha, a. practising a vow etc.; -sthita, pp. id.; -snâta, pp. having completed one's vows (but not Vedic study): -ka, a. id.; -snâna, n. completion of one's vows; -hâni, f. neglect of vows; -½âdesa, m. imposition of a vow, esp. of the first vow of the Brahmakârin; -½âdesana, n. initiation into a vow: -visarga, m. pl. initiation into and completion of a vow.
śamala n. taint, blemish; fault, harm: -grihîta, pp. affected with a taint (Br.).
śayanīya a. suitable for lying or sleeping on; fp. n. one should lie down or sleep; n. bed, couch: -ka, n. id.; -griha, n., -vâsa, m. bed-chamber.
śayana a. resting, sleeping (very rare); n. bed, couch; recumbency, sleep, re pose: -griha, n., -bhûmi, f. sleeping cham ber; -vâsas, n. sleeping garment; -sakhî, f. female bedfellow (of a woman); -½âvâsa, m. sleeping chamber.
śilpakārī f. female artisan; -kârikâ, f. id.; -griha, n. workshop of an artisan; -vidyâ, f. knowledge of the arts or crafts; -vritti, f. subsistence by a craft; -sâstra, n. work on arts or crafts.
śṛṅgāra a. handsome, fine (rare); fine garments, finery (also of the ornamental trappings of an elephant); sexual love; erotic sentiment in a poem (it is of two kinds, sam bhogaandvipralambha-sri&ndot;gâra); N.: -kesh- tâ, f. amatory gesture; -mañgarî, f. N.; -vat, a. erotic: -î, f. N.; -sata: -ka, n. hun dred verses treating of love, T. of the first century of Bhartrihari; -sekhara, m. N. of a king; -simha, m. N.
śrauta a. (î) relating to the ear (sruti); expressed in words, explicit (simile: opp. ârthî); relating to sacred tradition, prescribed in, conformable to, or based on, the Veda: -rishi, m. pat. of Devabhâga; -mârga, m. hearing; -sûtra, n. Sûtra based on Sruti (opp. grihyaand smârta-sûtra).
sakṛt a. acting at the same time (AV., very rare); ad. at once, suddenly (V., rare in C.); C.: once (ord. mg.); at one and the same time (not by instalments); once, some time or other (rare); once, formerly (rare); once for all, for ever: mâ --, never: d-ukta-grihîta½artha, a. grasping the sense of what has once been said; n-narâsamsa, a. provided once with the Narâsamsa bowls (Br.).
saṃgṛhīti f. curbing, taming; -grihîtri, m. charioteer; ruler (less correct form of -grahîtri); -gopana, a. concealing; n. concealment: î-ya, fp. to be concealed.
saṃgīta n. chorus, singing accom panied by instrumental music, concert; song: -ka, n. id.: -griha, n. concert-room; -ves man, n., -sâlâ, f. id.; -½artha, m. burden of a concert.
sattra n. [session: √ sad] great Soma sacrifice of more than twelve Sutyâ days per formed by many officiators; meritorious work equivalent to the performance of a Sattra; hospital, asylum; disguise, illusive semblance (rare); forest (rare): -griha, n. hospital, asylum; -yâga, m. Sattra sacrifice; -vasati, f. hospital, asylum; -sâlâ, f. id.; -sadman, n. id.
sadogata pp. gone to or being in the assembly: pl. assembled; -griha, n. as sembly room.
sapadi ad. on the spot, instantly, in a moment; -padma, a. provided with lotuses: -ka, a. provided with a lotus and splendid (padmâ = srî); -parâkrama, a. mighty; -parikrama, a. accompanied byone's retinue; -parikkhada, a. together with one's belongings, -goods and chattels; -pa ritosham, ad. with satisfaction; -parivâra, a. together with one's retinue; -parihâsa, a. jocose.
sabhā f. assembly hall, gambling house; assembly, company; court of a king or of justice (C.); traveller's shelter, refuge, cabin (C.): --°ree;, palace, court, temple, assem bly or company of (C.): -gata, pp. appearing in court; -griha, n. assembly hall.
sasneha a. greasy, oily; full of affection towards (g.); loving: -m, ad. lovingly; -sneha-bahumâna, a. attended with affection and esteem; -spriha, a. desir ing, longing, for (lc.), to (inf.); expressing a desire; envious: -m, ad. longingly; enviously; -smaya, a. arrogant; -smita, a. accom panied with a smile, smiling: °ree;-or -m, ad. with a smile; -smeram, ad. with a smile.
rerihya intv. of √ rih.
sugama a. easy to traverse; easy of access; easy to find or understand, obvious; m. N. of a Dânava; -gamana, a. easy of access; going well; -galâ, f. (fair-neck), N.; -gávya, n. possession of good cattle (RV.); -gâ&ndot;ga, N. of a palace; -g&asharp;tu, m. welfare; -gâtuy&asharp;, f. desire for prosperity: in. (y&asharp;) through -(RV.1); -gâtra, a. (î) fair-limbed: î, f. beautiful woman; -gîtha, m. N. of a Rishi; -gú, a.having good cattle (V.); -guna, a. virtuous; -gun-in, a. having great merits; (sú)-gupta, pp. well-guarded or looked after; well-concealed, kept very secret (C.): -m, ad. (C.) very carefully; very se cretly: -lekha, m. very secret letter; -gupti, f. great secrecy: -m â-dhâ, observe great se crecy; -guptî-kri, guard carefully; -guru, a. very grave (crime); -gûdha, pp. well-con cealed: -m, ad. very secretly; -grihin, a. well-housed (bird); -grihîta,pp. held firmly; adhered to; well practised or learnt; used auspiciously: -nâman, -nâmadheya, a. bear ing (a well-uttered=) an auspicious name; -gehinî, f. good mistress of the house; -gop&asharp;, m. good protector(RV.); a. well-guarded (RV.); -graha, a. having a good handle; easy to obtain; easy to understand; -grîva, m. (beautiful-necked) N. of a horse of Krish na; N. of a monkey-chief (brother of Vâlin, confederate of Râma); -grîshma, m. beau tiful summer; -ghata, a. easy to accomplish; -ghatita, pp. well put together, -devised: -ghatita, pp. id.; -ghana, a. very dense (forest); -ghora, a. very dreadful; -ghosha, a. making a loud noise; having a pleasant sound; m. N. of Nakula's conch; N. of an Agrahâra.
supakva a. well-cooked; thoroughly ripe or mature (also fig.); -pa&ndot;ka, m. (?) good clay; -patha, a. easy to read, legible; -pati, m. good husband; -pattra, a. having beau tiful wings; well-feathered (arrow); having a beautiful vehicle; -pátnî, a. f. having a good husband; -páth, m. good path; -pátha, n. (V.), m. (C.) good road (V., C.); virtuous course (C.); -pathin, m. (nm. -panthâs) good path; -pad, a. (-î) swift-footed (RV.1); -pa p[a]t-aní, f. swift flight (RV.1); -parigñâta, pp. well-ascertained; -parisrânta, pp. com pletely exhausted; -parihara, a. easy to avoid; -parîkshana, n. careful examina tion; -parîkshita, pp.carefully examined; -parus, a. having beautiful knots (arrow); -parná, a. (&isharp;) having beautiful wings (RV.); m. a large bird of prey, vulture, eagle (fig. of sun, moon, and clouds; du. = sun and moon; V.); a mythical bird, identified with Garuda (C.): -ketu, m. ep. of Vishnu Krishna; -paryavasita, pp. well carried out; -paryâpta, pp. very spacious (house); -par van, a. having beautiful joints; having beauti ful sections orbooks (Mahâbhârata); famous; -palâyita, (pp.) n. skilful or opportune re treat; -pâni, V. a. beautiful-handed; dex terous-handed; -pâtra, n. good receptacle, worthy person (esp. to receive gifts); -pârá, a. (RV.) easy to cross; easy to bear; easily passing over (rain); conducting to a pros perous issue (also TS.); m. a certain per sonification: (á)-kshatra, a. easily traversing his realm (Varuna; RV.1); -pârsva, a. hav ing beautiful sides; m. N.; -pippalá, a. bear ing good berries (V.); -pihita-vat, pp. act. having (the ears, ac.) carefully closed: -î, f. =finite vb.; -punya, a. very excellent; n. great religious or moral merit; -putra, m. good son; á, a. having manyor good chil dren (V., E.); -purusha, m. a certain per sonification; -pushkala, a. very abundant; -pushta, pp. well-fed; -pushpa, a. having beautiful flowers; -pushpita, den. pp. adorned with beautiful flowers; -pûgita,pp. highly honoured; (sú)-pûta, pp. well-clarified; -pûra, a. easy to fill; (sú)-pûrna, pp. well filled, quite full; -pûrvam, ad. very early in the morning; -pûrvâhne, lc. early in the forenoon; -pésas, a. well-adorned, beauti ful, fair (V., rarely P.).
suragaja m. elephant of the gods; -giri, m. mountain of the gods, Meru; -guru, m. teacher of the gods, Brihaspati; planet Jupiter: -divasa, m. Thursday; -griha, n. house of god, temple.
suradāru n. a tree (=Deva-dâru); -druma, m. celestial tree; -dvipa, m. celes tial elephant; -dvish, m. foe of the gods, demon; ep. of Râhu; -dhanus, n. bow of the gods, rainbow; -nadî, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -nâyaka, m. leader of the gods, ep. of Indra; -nimnagâ, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -pati, m. lord of the gods, Indra: -tva, n. sovereignty of the gods, -dhanus, n. bow of Indra, rainbow; -patha, m. path of the gods (a part of the sky); -pâmsulâ, f. Apsaras: -gana, m. Apsaras folk; -pâdapa, m. celestial tree; -pura, n. city of the gods, Amarâvatî; -purodhas, m. domestic priest of the gods=Brihaspati; -pushpa, n. celestial flower: -vrishti, f. shower of celestial flowers; -pratishthâ, f. erection of a divine image.
susakhi m. (nm. â) good friend; -samkruddha, pp. greatly enraged; -sam gatâ, f. N.; -samgama, m. pleasant (place of) meeting; -samgrihîta, pp. well-controlled or governed (kingdom); -sakiva, m.good minister; a. having a good minister; -saggî kri, make perfectly ready; -samkita, pp. well-gathered, carefully accumulated: -m sam-ki, collect carefully; -sattra, n. good hospital; -sattva, a. very resolute; -sadrisa, a.(î) very like (g.); -samtushta, pp. per fectly satisfied; -samtosha, a. easy to satisfy; -samdîpta, pp. flaming brightly; -samdrís, a. fair to see; -samdha, a. true to one's word; -sanna, pp. [√ sad] completely at an end, foiled; -sama, a. perfectly level or smooth; (sú)-samâhita, pp. [√ dhâ] well laden (waggon, Br.); C.: well-adorned; very attentive or intent, thoroughly concentrated; (sú)-samiddha, pp. [√ idh] well-kindled;(sú)-samriddha, pp. [√ ridh] V.: quite per fect; C.: very abundant; very wealthy; -samriddhi, f. great wealth; -sampad, f. affluence, great prosperity; (sú)-sampish- ta, pp. completely shattered (car; RV.1); -sampratapta, pp. thoroughly harassed; -sambaddha, pp. intimately connected; -sambhriti, f. due collection of requisites; -sambhrama, m. great agitation or confu sion, excessive haste; -sambhrânta, pp. completely bewildered; (sú)-sarva, a. quite complete (Br.); -sahâya, a. having a good companion or assistant: -vat, a. id.; -sâdh ana, a. easy to prove; -sâdhita, pp. well trained; -sâdhya, fp. easy to control, amen able; -sâman, n.very conciliatory words; -sârathi, a. having a good charioteer; -sita, a. pure white; -siddha, pp. well-cooked; very efficacious, of great magical power; completely supplied with (in.): -½artha, a. having completely attained one's object; -sî ma, a. having a good parting (woman).
sūtikā f. woman lying in; cow that has recently calved (± go): -½agâra, -griha, -geha, n. lying-in room; -mâruta, m. vital air of childbirth.
sormi a. having waves, billowy, surging; speeding along (horses); -½ullâsa, a. delighted, rejoicing: -m, ad. joyfully; -½ulluntha, a. ironical, sarcastic: -m, ad. ironically; -½ûsha, a. mixed with salt earth; -½ûshma-tâ, f. heat; aspiration (gr.); -½ûsh man, a. warm, hot; aspirated; m. aspirate; -½ûshma-snâna-griha, n. room with hot baths, bath-room.
snāna n. bathing, bath, ablution (ord. mg.); washing off; adjunct of the bath, bathing powders or perfumes: -kalasa, -kum bha, m. wash-pot; -griha, n. bathing house, bath-room; -tîrtha, n. sacred bathing-place; -dronî, f. bathing tub; -bhû, f. bathing-place, bath-room; -vastra, -vâsas, n. bathing gown; -vesman, n. bathing house, bath-room; -sâtî, f. bathing drawers; -½ambu, n. bathing water.
spārha a. [√ sprih] desirable, charm ing (RV., rarely P.).
svakṣatra a. master of oneself, in dependent, free (RV.); -gata, pp. belonging to oneself, own: -m, ad. to oneself, aside (say, think); -guna, m. one's own merits; a. having its own merits, appropriate;(á)-gûrta, pp. pleasing in themselves (RV.); -griha, n. one's own house; -gokara, a. subject to oneself: -m kri, subject to oneself.
hastaka m. hand; supporting hand; handful of (--°ree;); spit (v. r. ika); -ga, a. (fallen into=) being in the hand, of (--°ree;); fig.=one's own, secured to one; -gata, pp. id.; -gâmin, a. id.; -grihîta, pp.tied by the hands; -grihya, gd. taking by the hand (V.); -gra ha, m. taking the hand; marriage; taking anything in hand; -grâbhá, a. grasping the hand of a girl, wedded (RV.1); -grâha, a. id.; m. husband: -ka, a. graspingone by the hand = obtrusive; -ghná, m. hand-guard (against the bowstring; RV.1); (hásta)- kyuti, f. swift movement of the hands (RV.1); -tala-gata, pp. lying in the palm of one's hand=being in one's power; -tulâ, f.hand as a balance: in. by using the hands instead of scales; -dîpa, m. hand-lantern; -dhâranâ, f. supporting with the hand; taking by the hand=marrying (a girl); -pâda, n. sg. hands and feet; -prada, a. giving a hand, support ing, helping; -prâpta, pp. fallen into=being in one's hand (=-ga); -prâpya, fp. to be reached with the hand (cluster); -bhrashta, pp. escaped from one's hand, run away; -le kha, m. hand-drawing; -lekhî-kri, draw, sketch; (hásta)-vat, a. having hands (V., C.); dexterous (C.); -vartin, m. N. of a prince; -samgñâ, f. sign with the hand; -sûtra, n. cord put on the wrist of a girl before her wedding; -stha, a. being in one's hand; -svastika,m. crossing of the hands; -hârya, fp. to be grasped with the hands, palpable, manifest.
hiraṇya n. [√ 3. hri] V., C.: bul lion (opp. suvarna), gold, precious metal (in C. also=coined gold); V.: gold implement or ornament; gold piece or coin (in Br. gnly. w. suvárna, by way of distinction from other metals); a. golden (C., rare); m. N. of a king of Cashmere (C.): -ka, m. N. of a mouse-king; -kasipú, m. golden carpet, seat adorned with gold (V.); a. (hí-) having a golden carpet; m. N. of a Daitya slain by Vishnu in the form of Narasimha; -kula, m. N. of a king; (hí-)-kesa, a. (&isharp;) golden haired, golden-maned; -kesin, m. N. of an author of Grihya-sûtras; -garbhá, m. womb or embryo of gold; N. of a cosmogonic power, esp. of the personal Brahman; in Vedânta, N. of intellect conditioned by the aggregate; N.; N. of a flamingo; -gupta, m. N.; (hí-)-kakra, a. having golden wheels (RV.1); -da, a. giving gold; -datta, m. N.; (hí-)-dant, m. gold-toothed (RV.1); m. N. of a Baida (Br.); -d&asharp;, a. giving gold; -nâbha, m. N. of various men; (hí-)-parna, V. a. golden-winged; golden-leaved; (hí-)-pâni, a. golden-handed; -pâtrá, n. golden vessel or dish; -pura, n. N. of a city of the Asuras situated beyond the ocean and suspended in the air; N. of a town in Cashmere; (hí-) bâhu, a. golden-armed; m. ep. of the river Sone (v. r. -vâha).
hima m. cold (V., C.); winter (rare, C.); n. snow, sts. ice (C., very rare in Br.); a. cold, cool (C.): -ritu, m. cold season, winter; -ka, m. N.; -kara, m. (cold-rayed), moon; -garbha, a. containing cold (rays);-giri, m. snow-mountain, Himâlaya: -sutâ, f. daughter of the Himâlaya, Pârvatî: -kânta, m. ep. of Siva; -gu, m. (cold-rayed), moon; -griha: -ka, n. refrigerating room; -tvish, m. (cool-rayed), moon; -dîdhiti, -dyuti, -dhâman, m. id.; -pâta, m. cold rain; fall of snow; -rasmi, m. moon; -râga, m. N. of a king; -ruki, m. (cool-rayed), moon; -½ritu, m. cold season, winter; (á)-vat, a. cold, snowy, icy (rare); exposing oneself to cold (rare); m. snow-mountain (V.); sp. the Himâlaya: -pura, n. town on the Himâlaya, n-mekhalâ, f. Himâlaya (zone=) range; -sikharin, m. snow-mountain, Himâlaya; -subhra, a. snow-white; -saila, m. snow mountain, Himâlaya:-ga, a. growing on the Himâlaya, -sutâ, f. Pârvatî; -samghâta, m. deep snow; -srut, m. moon; -sruti, f. fall of snow.
Bloomfield Vedic
122 results0 results187 results
aktaṃ rihāṇā viyantu (KS.GG. vyantu) vayaḥ KS.31.11; TS.; TB.; GG.1.8.27; KhG.2.1.26. P: aktaṃ rihāṇāḥ Apś.3.6.1. See aptubhī, arthaṃ rihāṇā, and vyantu vayo.
aṃśuṃ rihanti matayaḥ panipnatam RV.9.86.46c.
aptubhī rihāṇā vyantu vayaḥ MS.1.1.13: 9.1; 4.1.14: 19.17; Mś. See under aktaṃ ri-.
arthaṃ rihāṇā vyantu vayaḥ KS.1.12. See under aktaṃ rihāṇā.
induṃ rihanti mahiṣā adabdhāḥ RV.9.97.57a.
jātaṃ rihanti mātaraḥ RV.9.100.1d; SV.1.550d.
kratuṃ rihanti madhunābhy (SV. madhvābhy) añjate RV.9.86.43b; AVś.18.3.18b; SV.1.564b; 2.964b.
tvāṃ rihanti mātaraḥ (SV. dhītayaḥ) RV.9.100.7a; SV.2.367a.
aṃśūn iva grāvādhiṣavaṇe adriḥ # AVś.5.20.10c; AVP.9.27.10c.
aṃhārir asi bambhāriḥ # śś.6.12.20. See aṅghārir.
akro na babhriḥ samithe mahīnām # RV.3.1.12a; N.6.17.
agnim agnīt tris-triḥ (Mś. agnīt triḥ) saṃmṛḍḍhi # TB.; Mś. Cf. for this and the next two agnīt paridhīṃś, and agnīd apas.
agnīt paridhīṃś cāgniṃ ca tris-triḥ saṃmṛḍḍhi # Vait.2.13; Apś.2.12.10; Mś. See under agnim agnīt, and samidham ādhāyā-.
agnīd apas triḥ saṃmṛḍḍhi # Apś.8.8.1. See under agnim agnīt.
aṅghārir asi bambhāriḥ # VS.5.32; TS.; MS.1.2.12: 21.12; KS.2.13; PB.1.4.7. P: aṅghāriḥ Lś.2.2.18. See aṃhārir.
acikradad vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.2.6a; SV.1.497a; 2.392a; VS.38.22a; JB.3.137; TA.4.11.6a; 5.9.8; KA.3.169. P: acikradat Kś.26.7.12.
ajasraṃ jyotir yad avindad atriḥ # AVś.13.2.36d.
ata u tvā pitubhṛto janitrīḥ # RV.10.1.4a.
ati ṣkandanti śarvarīḥ # RV.5.52.3b.
atyo na krīḍann asarad vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.86.44d; SV.2.965d; TB.
atyo na hastayato adriḥ sotari # RV.10.76.2b.
atyo na hrutaḥ patataḥ parihrut # RV.6.4.5d.
adhīvāsaṃ pari mātū rihann aha # RV.1.140.9a.
anihūtaṃ parihūtaṃ pariṣṭutam # HG.1.16.17a.
anuhavaṃ parihavam # AVś.19.8.4a; ApMB.1.13.5a (ApG.3.9.2); Nakṣ.26.4a.
anuhūtaṃ parihūtam # ApMB.1.13.6a (ApG.3.9.2).
anūnod atra hastayato adriḥ # RV.5.45.7a.
anenāśvena medhyeneṣṭvāyaṃ rājāpratidhṛṣyo 'stu # TB.; Apś.20.4.2; ... rājā vṛtraṃ vadhyāt TB.; Apś.20.4.1; ... rājā sarvam āyur etu TB.; Apś.20.4.4; ... rājāsyai viśo bahugvai bahvaśvāyai bahvajāvikāyai bahuvrīhiyavāyai bahumāṣatilāyai bahuhiraṇyāyai bahuhastikāyai bahudāsapuruṣāyai rayimatyai puṣṭimatyai bahurāyaspoṣāyai rājāstu TB.; Apś.20.4.3. See prec.
antaḥ pātre rerihatīm # AVś.11.9.15c.
antarikṣe vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.27.6b; SV.2.640b.
antar ū ṣu carato rerihāṇā # RV.6.27.7b.
anyataenyo (MS. anyataenīr) maitryaḥ (MS. maitrīḥ) # VS.24.8; MS.3.13.9: 170.7.
anyasyā vatsaṃ rihatī mimāya # RV.3.55.13a; 10.27.14c.
apa durhārdam uchatam # AVP.1.99.1b. Cf. apochantv abhikṛtvarīḥ.
apāno vrīhir ucyate # AVś.11.4.13d.
apāṃ napād avatu dānu papriḥ # RV.6.50.13b.
apālām (VārG. abālām !) indra (MG.VārG. indras) triṣ (ApMBṃG.VārG. triḥ) pūtvī (AVś. pūtvā; ApMB. pūrtvy a-; MG. pūrty a-; VārG. pūrtty a-) # RV.8.91.7c; AVś.14.1.41c; AVP.4.26.7c; JB.1.221c; ApMB.1.1.9c; MG.1.8.11c; VārG.14.1c.
apeto apacitvarīḥ # AVP.1.21.5a.
apochantv abhikṛtvarīḥ # AVś.2.8.2b. Cf. apa durhārdam.
apoḍhāḥ senā abhītvarīḥ # Apś.6.5.6; Mś.
abhivṛtaḥ parihitaḥ # AVP.8.11.4a.
amṛktena ruśatā vāsasā hariḥ # RV.9.69.5a.
ayaṃ vatsa ṛtāvarīḥ # AVś.3.13.7b; AVP.2.40.6b. P: ayaṃ vatsaḥ Kauś.40.4.
ayaṃ ha yad vāṃ devayā u adriḥ # RV.7.68.4a.
ayakṣmā bahusūvarīḥ # HG.1.18.2b.
ayaṃ triḥ sapta duduhāna āśiram # RV.9.86.21c; SV.2.173c.
arasāḥ santu kṛtvarīḥ # AVś.4.18.1d; AVP.5.24.1d.
ariṣṭagātuḥ sa hotā sahobhariḥ # RV.5.44.3b.
avasaṃ rātrīḥ śaradaś catasraḥ # RV.10.95.16b; śB.
avasyuvātā bṛhatī (TS. bṛhatīr) na (TS. nu; Aś. tu) śakvarī (TS. śakvarīḥ) # TS.; MS.3.16.4c: 189.1; KS.22.14c; Aś.4.12.2c. See oṣajātāṃ.
aśītir madhyam abhayaṃ vi nārīḥ # AVP.15.5.6b.
aśvakṣubhā suhavā saṃbhṛtaśrīḥ # AVP.14.8.1c. See viśvavyacāḥ suhavā.
aśvā iva sajitvarīḥ (AVP. iva stha jitvarīḥ) # RV.10.97.3c; AVP.11.6.3c; VS.12.77c; TS.; MS.2.7.13c: 93.6; KS.16.13c.
aśvāvato rathino mahyaṃ sūriḥ # RV.1.122.8d.
asad yathā jaritra uta sūriḥ # RV.6.23.10c.
asāvi somo aruṣo vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.82.1a; SV.1.562a; 2.666a; JB.3.259a; PB.15.3.4; Apś.16.20.14a.
asūdayat sukṛte garbham adriḥ # RV.3.31.7b.
asmabhyaṃ tad rirīhi saṃ nṛṣāhye # RV.6.46.8c.
asmān varūtrīḥ śaraṇair avantu # RV.3.62.3c.
asmin goṣṭhe viśvabhṛto janitrīḥ # MS.4.2.10b: 32.14. See asmin yajñe viśva-.
asmai tisro avyathyāya nārīḥ # RV.2.35.5a.
ā juhoti pradhanyāsu sasriḥ # RV.10.99.4b.
ā tā sūriḥ pṛṇati tūtujānaḥ # RV.6.29.5c; 37.5d.
āpa uttānaśīvarīḥ # AVś.3.21.10b; AVP.7.11.1b.
āpan mā śrīḥ # ApG.3.8.6.
ā yāhi śūra haribhyām (SV.KB.śś. hariha; Aś. harī iha) # AVś.2.5.1b; SV.2.302b; KB.17.1b; Aś.6.3.1b; śś.9.5.2b. See prec.
indur indro vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.5.9c.
indro na yo mahā karmāṇi cakriḥ # RV.9.88.4a.
imaṃ dhiṣṇyam udakumbhaṃ ca triḥ pradakṣiṇaṃ parivrajātha dakṣiṇaiḥ pāṇibhir dakṣiṇān ūrūn āghnānā ehy evā3 idaṃ madhū3 idaṃ madhv iti vadatyaḥ # ā.
imā nārīr avidhavāḥ supatnīḥ # RV.10.18.7a; AVś.12.2.31a; 18.3.57a; TA.6.10.2a; AG.4.6.12. P: imā nārīḥ śś.4.16.6; Kauś.72.11. Cf. BṛhD.7.12.
iyaṃ rātriḥ sarveṣāṃ bhūtānāṃ prāṇair apa prasarpati cotsarpati ca # TA.1.14.4.
iṣaś ca parṣad arigūrtaḥ sūriḥ # RV.1.186.3d.
ihettham eta śakvarīḥ # AVś.3.13.7c; AVP.2.40.6c. P: ihettham Kauś.40.5.
uta naḥ subhagāṃ ariḥ # RV.1.4.6a; AVś.20.68.6a.
upahūteḍā (śś. -lā) taturiḥ # śB.; śś.1.11.1.
upāruhaḥ śrathayan svādate hariḥ # RV.9.68.2b.
upāstarīr akaro lokam etam # AVś.12.3.38a. P: upāstarīḥ Kauś.61.46.
uro me mā saṃ śārīḥ # ApMB.2.7.26.
ūrjaṃ saptapadīm ariḥ # RV.8.72.16b.
ūrdhvā tasthau tryaviṃ rerihāṇā # RV.3.55.14b.
enī harikṇikā hariḥ # AVś.20.130.11.
kanikradad vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.101.16c.
kaviḥ śuṣasya mātarā rihāṇe # AVś.5.1.4c; AVP.6.2.4c.
kāmam in me maghavan mā vi tārīḥ # RV.10.54.5c.
kim indrasya parihitaṃ kim agneḥ # AVP.13.7.1a.
kravyādam uta reriham # AVś.8.6.6b.
kṣāmā rerihad vīrudhaḥ (ApMB. vīrudhas) samañjan # RV.10.45.4b; VS.12.6b,21b,33b; TS.;; 2.2b; MS.2.7.8b: 85.8; KS.16.8b,9b,10b; śB.; ApMB.2.11.24b.
khargalā iva patvarīḥ # AVP.2.87.3a; Kauś.107.2a.
gandharvasya praty āsnā rihanti # AVś.7.73.3d; Aś.4.7.4d; śś.5.10.23d.
arvato nṝn ṛcase rirīhi # RV.6.39.5d.
gāveva śubhre mātarā rihāṇe # RV.3.33.1c; N.9.39c.
gor oheṇa (read go roheṇa ?) taugryo na jivriḥ # RV.1.180.5b.
jano na puri camvor viśad dhariḥ # RV.9.107.10c; SV.1.513c; 2.1039c.
jiṣṇur vām anyaḥ sumakhasya sūriḥ # RV.1.181.4c; N.12.3c.
jihīta parvato giriḥ # RV.1.37.7c.
jyoṅ naḥ sūryaṃ dṛśaye rirīhi # RV.9.91.6d.
tad u gachantv āsurīḥ # AVP.15.18.6d.
tan nārīḥ pra bravīmi vaḥ # AVP.2.87.1c; Kauś.107.2c.
tam u te gāvo nara āpo adriḥ # RV.6.40.2a.
devīḥ śakvarīḥ śākvareṇa # Apś.4.5.6c.
tiro martasya kasya cit parihvṛtim # RV.9.79.2c.
tisro rātrīḥ surāsutā # VS.19.14d.
turīyeṇa brahmaṇāvindad atriḥ # RV.5.40.6d.
trir bhṛgubhyo aṅgirobhyaḥ # AVś.19.39.5a. See triḥ śāmbubhyo.
triṣaptā visphuliṅgakā # AVP.4.19.3a. See triḥ sapta viṣpuliṅgakāḥ.
triḥ sapta kṛtva ṛṣayaḥ paretāḥ # AVś.12.2.29c. P: triḥ sapta Kauś.71.19; 86.22.
triḥ sapta paramaṃ nāma jānan # ArS.3.5b. See triḥ sapta mātuḥ.
triḥ sapta mātuḥ paramāṇi vindan # RV.4.1.16b. See triḥ sapta paramaṃ.
trī ṣadhasthā punānaḥ kṛṇute hariḥ # RV.9.103.2c.
trī ṣadhasthā sindhavas triḥ kavīnām # RV.3.56.5a.
daśa dhīrasya dhītayo dhanutrīḥ # RV.9.93.1b; SV.1.538b; 2.768b.
dāsaḥ śevadhipā ariḥ # RV.8.51 (Vāl.3).9b; SV.2.959b; VS.33.82b.
divā naktaṃ ca sasruṣīḥ (Apś. sasruṣīr apasvarīḥ) # RVKh.10.9.1b; AVś.6.23.1b; Apś.4.5.5c.
divo no vṛṣṭim iṣito rirīhi # RV.10.98.10d.
divyā āpo vaḥ śakvarīḥ # AVP.8.18.3a.
durṇāmāno vā ṛtviyam asyā rihanti # AVP.5.37.2b.
dūrehetir indriyāvān (PB. -yavān) patatrī (PG. patatriḥ) # TS.; PB.1.7.5c; TB.; PG.3.14.6c; ApMB.2.11.17c. See prec. but one.
dūre hy adhvā jaguriḥ parācaiḥ # RV.10.108.1b; N.11.25b.
devīḥ parjanyasūvarīḥ # TA.1.1.2c; 21.2c.
devīr bhuvanasūvarīḥ # TA.1.1.2c; 1.21.1c.
devīr vamrīr asya bhuvanasya prathamajā ṛtāvarīḥ # MS.4.9.1: 121.2; TA.4.2.3. P: devīr vamrīḥ Apś.15.2.1; Mś.4.1.11. See under prec.
daivyā āśāḥ prasūvarīḥ # MS.3.12.21b: 167.9. See viśvā āśāḥ prabhū-.
dyubhir hinvanty aktubhir dhanutrīḥ # RV.3.31.16d.
dvādaśa vā etā rātrīḥ # AVś.4.11.11a. See dvādaśaitā.
dvādaśaitā rātrīḥ # AVP.3.25.7a. See dvādaśa vā.
na taṃ martasya naśate parihvṛtiḥ # RV.7.82.7d.
na mardhanti yuvatayo janitrīḥ # RV.3.54.14d.
na strīhutaṃ śūdrahutaṃ ca devagam # Kauś.73.18d.
nārīr yā vahyaśīvarīḥ # AVś.4.5.3b. See next.
nārīr yās talpaśīvarīḥ # RV.7.55.8b; AVP.4.6.3b. See prec.
ni yad yāmāya vo giriḥ # RV.8.7.5a.
nirūḍhāḥ senā abhītvarīḥ # Apś.1.12.1.
pakvau vrīhiyavā iti # AVś.20.129.15.
pavate haryato hariḥ # RV.9.65.25a; 106.13a; SV.1.576a; 2.123a; JB.3.16; PB.11.5.1; Svidh.2.6.15.
pavamāna stṛṇan hariḥ # RV.9.5.4b.
piprīhi devāṃ (MS. devaṃ) uśato yaviṣṭha # RV.10.2.1a; TS.; MS.4.10.1a: 141.2; KS.2.15a; 18.21a; śB.; TB.; 6.11.4a; Aś.1.6.2; Apś.24.13.3. P: piprīhi devān MS.4.10.4: 153.5; 4.10.5: 154.6; 4.13.7: 209.3; KS.20.15; śś.1.9.1; 5.19.21; Mś.;;
punantu mā śakvarīḥ somapṛṣṭhāḥ # AVP.10.9.6c.
punāno aruṣo hariḥ # RV.9.111.1e; SV.1.463.1e; 2.940e.
puṣpavatīḥ (TS.ViDh. puṣpā-) prasūvarīḥ (AVś.AVP.KS. -sūmatīḥ; TS. -sūvatīḥ) # RV.10.97.3b; AVś.8.7.27a; AVP.11.6.3a; VS.12.77b; TS.; MS.2.7.13a: 93.5; KS.16.13a. P: puṣpāvatīḥ ViDh.65.9.
pūrvī śiśuṃ na mātarā rihāṇe # RV.7.2.5c.
pṛthivī trihotā sa pratiṣṭhā # TA.3.7.1.
prajāvatīr indra goṣṭhe rirīhi # RV.10.169.3d; TS.; KSA.4.6d.
pra (KS. prā) ṇa āyur jīvase soma tārīḥ # RV.8.48.4d; KS.17.19d; AB.7.33.5; GB.2.3.6d; Vait.19.18d; Mś.
pratyūḍhāḥ senā abhītvarīḥ # Apś.6.6.10; Mś.
pra sadyo dyumnā tirate taturiḥ # RV.6.68.7d.
prahāvarīs (Apś. -rī) stha # KS.15.6; Apś.18.13.8. See aprahāvarīḥ.
prāṇāpānau vrīhiyavau # AVś.11.4.13a; MuṇḍU.2.1.7c.
preṣad veṣad vāto na sūriḥ # RV.1.180.6c.
balena śakvarīḥ sahaḥ # VS.21.27c; MS.3.11.12c: 159.10; KS.38.11c; TB.
bṛhat somo vāvṛdhe suvāna induḥ (SV.JB. svāno adriḥ) # RV.9.97.40d; SV.1.529d; 2.603d; JB.3.240d; TA.10.1.15d; MahānU.6.1d; N.14.16d.
bṛhad bṛhata ed ariḥ # RV.1.9.10b; AVś.20.71.16b.
bravad yathā na ād ariḥ sudāse # RV.7.64.3c.
bhagenāhaṃ parihitaḥ # AVP.8.20.9a.
bhuvanaṃ devasūvarīḥ # TA.1.1.3b; 21.2b.
bhūmiḥ pārṣṇiḥ śunaṃkuriḥ # PG.2.17.15b.
manthī saktuśrīḥ # VS.8.57; TS.
mayi śrīḥ # ā.; śś.5.1.10; Svidh.3.1.3.
mayi śrīḥ śrayatāṃ yaśaḥ # RVKh.5.87.10d. See yaśaḥ śrīḥ.
mayi śrīḥ śrayatām # JG.1.19. See satyaṃ yaśaḥ śrīr etc.
maryaśrī (MS. -śrīḥ; KS. -śrīs) spṛhayadvarṇo agniḥ # RV.2.10.5c; VS.11.24c; TS.;; MS.2.7.2c: 76.6; KS.16.2c; śB.
māndā vāśāḥ (Mś. vaśāḥ) śundhyūr (KS. śundhyuvo) ajirāḥ (MS. vāśā jyotiṣmatīr amasvarīḥ) # TS.; MS.2.4.7a: 44.6; 2.4.8: 45.11; KS.11.9a. P: māndā vāśāḥ (Mś. vaśāḥ) TS.; KS.11.10; 35.3; Apś.14.18.1; 19.26.1; Mś.
māpa spharīḥ payasā mā na ā dhak # RV.6.61.14b; MS.4.11.2b: 166.3; KS.17.18b; 30.3b; TB.
mitraḥ kṣīraśrīḥ # TS. Cf. śukraḥ kṣī-.
mokhā bhrājanty abhi vikta jaghriḥ # RV.1.162.15b; VS.25.37b; TS.; MS.3.16.1b: 183.10; KSA.6.5b.
yachatā no duṣparihantu śarma # RV.2.27.6d.
yat pṛthivyā varimann ā svaṅguriḥ # RV.4.54.4c.
yad ājyaṃ pratijagrabha yāṃś ca vrīhīn # AVP.5.28.6a.
yadi pavitre adhi mṛjyate hariḥ # see yadī etc.
yadī (JB. yadi) pavitre adhi mṛjyate hariḥ # RV.9.86.6c; SV.2.237c; JB.3.58c.
yaṃ te suṣāva haryaśvādriḥ # RV.7.22.1b; AVś.20.117.1b; SV.1.398b; 2.277b; TS.; PB.12.10.1b. P: yaṃ te suṣāva śś.10.5.11,13.
yaṃ parihastam abibhaḥ # AVś.6.81.3a.
yavānāṃ medhaḥ # Mś. ūha of vrīhīṇāṃ medhaḥ etc. (cf. Apś.2.11.1).
yavo vrīhir atho tilaḥ # AVP.8.18.10b.
yaśaḥ śrīḥ śrayatāṃ mayi # VS.39.4d; śB.; TB. See mayi śrīḥ śra-.
yaś ca revāṃ adāśuriḥ # AVś.20.128.4b; śś. Cf. yas te revāṃ.
yas ta āsyat pañcāṅguriḥ # AVś.4.6.4a. See yāṃ tvāsthat.
yas te revāṃ adāśuriḥ # RV.8.45.15a. Cf. yaś ca revāṃ.
yasyām annaṃ vrīhiyavau # AVś.12.1.42a. P: yasyām annam Kauś.24.38.
indreṇa sayāvarīḥ # RV.1.84.10c; AVś.20.109.1c; SV.1.409c; MS.4.14.14c: 238.6.
yāḥ kṛtyā āsurīḥ # AVś.8.5.9b.
yāṃ vāṃ hotrāṃ parihinomi medhayā # RV.7.104.6c; AVś.8.4.6c.
supāṇiḥ svaṅguriḥ # TS.; MS.4.12.6a: 195.6. P: yā supāṇiḥ TS.; MS.4.13.10: 213.12. See next.
subāhuḥ svaṅguriḥ # RV.2.32.7a; AVś.7.46.2a; KS.13.16a. P: yā subāhuḥ śś.1.15.4. See prec.
yās te rātrīḥ (MS.KS. rātrayaḥ) savitar devayānīḥ # TS.; MS.1.4.3a: 49.9; KS.5.6a.
yāḥ senā abhītvarīḥ # AVP.1.42.1a; VS.11.77a; TS.; MS.2.7.7a: 83.15; 3.1.9: 12.15; KS.16.7a; 19.10 (bis); śB. P: yāḥ senāḥ Mś.8.3.5.
yuvāṃ gotamaḥ purumīḍho atriḥ # RV.1.183.5a.
yuṣmoto arvā sahuriḥ sahasrī # RV.7.58.4b.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"rih" has 26 results
parihāra(1)removal of a difficulty, confer, compare अन्यथा कृत्वा चोदितमन्यथा कृत्वा परिहारं: Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. IV. 1.7. Vart. 3: (2) repetition in the Padapatha, Kramapatha et cetera, and others e. g अकरित्यक:. In this sense the word is found in the neuter gender ; confer, compare रेफपरिहाराणि Atharvaveda Prātiśākhya. III. 1.1.
i(1)the vowel इ, representing all its eighteen forms viz. short, long protracted, acute, grave, circumflex, pure and nasalised; exempli gratia, for example इ in यस्येति च P.VI.4.128;(2) Uṅādi affix ई(3)tad-affix इच्(इ)applied to Bahuvrihi compounds in the sense of exchange of action or as seen in words like द्विदण्डि exempli gratia, for example केशाकेशि, दण्डादण्डि, द्विमुसलि et cetera, and others confer, compare इच् कर्मव्यतिहारे P.V.4. 127,also V.4.128; (4) kṛt (affix). affix कि (इ) confer, compare उपसर्गे घोः किः P.III.3.92; (5) augment इट् (इ); see इट् (6) conjugational affix इट् of the 1st person. singular. or Ātmanep. Ātmanepada
uraḥprabhṛtia class of words headed by the word उरस् to which the samāsānta affix क (कप् ) is added, when these words stand at the end of Bahuvrihi compounds; confer, compare व्यूढमुरोस्य व्यूढोरस्कः similarly प्रियसर्पिष्कः, Kāś. on P.V.I.151.
guṇādia class of words headed by the word गुण, which, when preceded by the word बहु in a Bahuvrihi compound, do not have their last vowel acute; e. g. बहुगुणा रज्जुः; बह्वक्षरं पदम् , et cetera, and others This class of गुणादि words is considered as आकृतिगण; confer, compare Kas, on P. VI. 2.176.
ḍacasamasanta (अ) added to a Bahu vrihi compound meaning a numeral exempli gratia, for example उपदशाः उपविंशाः confer, compare P.V.474.
ḍāpfeminine. affix आ added optionally to words ending in मन् and to Bahuvrihi compounds ending in अन् to show feminine gender, the words remaining as they are when the optional affix डाप् is not applied; exempli gratia, for example दामा, सीमा, सुपर्वा; confer, compare P. IV. I.l l, 12, 13.
tadguṇasaṃvijñānaliterally connection with what is denoted by the constituent members; the word refers to a kind of Bahuvrihi compound where the object denoted by the compound includes also what is denoted by the constituent members of the compound; e g. the compound word सर्वादि in the rule सर्वादीनि सर्वनामानि includes the word सर्व among the words विश्व, उभय and others, which alone form the अन्यपदार्थ or the external thing and not merely the external object as mentioned in Panini's rule अनेकमन्यमपदार्थे (P.II. 2. 24): confer, compare भवति बहुर्वीहौ तद्गुणसंविज्ञानमपि । तद्यथा । चित्रवाससमानय। लोहितोष्णीषा ऋत्विजः प्रचरन्ति । तद्गुण आनीयते तद्गुणाश्च प्रचरन्ति M.Bh. on I.1.27. For details confer, compare Mahabhasya on P.1.1.27 as also Par. Sek. Pari. 77.
tripadamade up of a collection of three padas or words; the word is used in connection with a Rk or a portion of the kramapatha: confer, compare यथॊक्तं पुनरुक्तं त्रिपदप्रभृति T.Pr.I.61. The word is found used in connection with a bahuvrihi compound made up of three words; confer, compare the term त्रिपदबहुव्रीहि.
diksamāsathe bahuvrihi compound prescribed by the rule दिङ्नामान्यन्तराले, exempli gratia, for example पूर्वोत्तरा (north-east) or उत्तरपश्चिमा (north-west): confer, compare दिक्समासः दिगुपदिष्टः समासः, Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.I. 1.28.
dvidaṇḍyādia class of words, which are headed by the word द्विदण्डि and which are all bahuvrihi compounds, to which the affix इ is found added as a Samasanta affix e. gद्विदण्डिः, सपदि et cetera, and others; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.1. varia lectio, another reading, 4.128.
niṅsubstitute नि for the last letter of the word जाया at the end of a bahuvrihi compound; confer, compare युवजानिः, वृद्धजानिः Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.V. 4.134.
pūrvapadaprakṛtisvararetention of the original acute accent of the first member in a compound as is generally noticed in the bahuvrihi compound and in special cases in other compounds; cf बहुव्रीहौ प्रकृत्या पूर्वपदम् and the following rules P. WI. 2.1 to 63.
priyādia class of words headed by the word प्रिया which do not allow their previous word in a bahuvrihi compound to take the masculine base by the rule स्त्रियाः पुंवत्.. P. VI. 3.84: e. g. कल्याणीप्रियः For details, see Kas, on P. VI. 3.34.
bahuvrīhia compound similar in meaning to the word बहुव्रीहि ( possessed of much rice ) which, in sense shows quite a distinct object than those which are shown by the constituent members of the compound; a relative or adjective compound. There are various kinds of the Bahuvrihi compound such as समानाधिकरणबहुव्रीहि, व्यधिकरणबहुव्रीहि, संख्याबहुव्रीहि, दिग्बहुव्रीहि, सहबहुव्रीहि, नञ्बहुव्रीहि, and अनेकपदबहुव्रीहि which depend upon the specific peculiarity noticed in the various cases. Panini in his grammar has not given any definition of बहुव्रीहि, but has stated that a compound other than those already given viz. अव्ययीभाव, द्वन्द्व and तत्पुरुष, is बहुव्रीहि and cited under Bahuvrihi all cases mentioned a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.; cf शेषो बहुव्रीहिः II. 3.23-28; also confer, compare अन्यपदार्थप्रधानो बहुव्रीहिः Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. II. 1.6; II. 1.20; II. 1.49.
bahuvrīhiprakṛtisvarathe accent peculiar to, or specifically mentioned in the case of the Bahuvrihi compound viz. the retention of its own accents by the first member, in spite of the general rule that a compound word has the last vowel accented acute id est, that is उदात्त. confer, compare बहुव्रीहौ प्रकृत्या पूर्वपदम्. P. VI. 2.1. The expression बहुव्रीहिस्वर in this very sense is used in the Mahabhasya confer, compare बहुव्रीहिस्वरं शास्ति समासान्तविधेः सुकृत् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. VI. 2.1.
yuktārohyādia class of compound words headed by the word युक्तारोही which have their initial vowel accented acute in spite of the general dictum that a compound word except a Bahuvrihi compound word, has its last vowel accented acute: confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V I. 2.81.
vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇaa well-known work on the grammatical interpretation of words written by Kondabhatta as an explanatory work (व्याख्यान) on the small work in verse consisting of only 72 Karikas written by his uncle Bhattoji Diksita. The treatise is also named Brihadvaiyakaranabhusana. A smaller work consisting of the same subjectmatter but omitting discussions, is written by the author for facilitating the understanding of students to which he has given the name Vaiyakarahabhusanasara. This latter work has got three commentary works written on it named Kasika, Kanti and Matonmajja and one more scholarly one Sankari, recently written by Shankar Shastri Marulkar.
ṣa(1)consonant ष् , the vowel अ being added for facility of pronunciation; (2) compound-ending अ, substituted for the final of the word मूर्धन् at the end of a Bahuvrihi compound when the word मूर्धन् is preceded by द्वि or त्रि e. g. द्विमूर्धः, त्रिमूर्धः confer, compare द्वित्रिभ्यां ष मूर्ध्नः P. V. 4.115 (3) a technical term for तत्पुरुषसमास in the Jainendra Vyakarana.
ṣacthe compound-ending ( समासान्त ) अ added for the final of the words सक्थि, अक्षि and दारु standing at the end of a Bahuvrihi compound under specific conditions. e. g. विशालाक्ष:,दीर्धसक्थ:, द्व्यङ्गुलं ( दारु ); confer, compare P. V. 4.113, 114.
ṣa(1)consonant ष् , the vowel अ being added for facility of pronunciation; (2) compound-ending अ, substituted for the final of the word मूर्धन् at the end of a Bahuvrihi compound when the word मूर्धन् is preceded by द्वि or त्रि e. g. द्विमूर्धः, त्रिमूर्धः confer, compare द्वित्रिभ्यां ष मूर्ध्नः P. V. 4.115 (3) a technical term for तत्पुरुषसमास in the Jainendra Vyakarana.
ṣacthe compound-ending ( समासान्त ) अ added for the final of the words सक्थि, अक्षि and दारु standing at the end of a Bahuvrihi compound under specific conditions. e. g. विशालाक्ष:,दीर्धसक्थ:, द्व्यङ्गुलं ( दारु ); confer, compare P. V. 4.113, 114.
ṣyaṅtaddhita affix. affix य (taking Samprasarana change i e. ई before the words पुत्र and पति and बन्धु in the Bahuvrihi compound) added, instead of the affix अण् or इञ्, in the sense of offspring, (l) to words having a long ( गुरु ) vowel for their penultimate , only in the formation of feminine bases, exempli gratia, for example कारीषगन्ध्या कौमुद्गन्ध्या, वाराह्या; कारीषगन्धीपुत्रः, कारीषगन्धीपति:, कारीषगन्धबिन्धुः ( Bah. compound): cf P.IV.1.78; (2) to words expressive of family names like पुणिक, मुखर et cetera, and others as also to the words क्रौडि, लाडि, व्याडि आपिशलि et cetera, and others and optionally to the words दैवयज्ञि and others in the formation of feminine bases; e. g. पौणिक्या, मौखर्या, क्रौड्या, व्याड्या, अापिशल्या et cetera, and others: confer, compare P. IV.1.79, 80, 81.
samāsāntasecondary suffixes which are prescribed at the end of compounds in specific cases and which are looked upon as taddhita affixes; exempli gratia, for examplethe Samasanta डच् ( अ ), causing elision of the last syllable of the compound word, is added to compounds called संख्याबहुव्रीहि; exempli gratia, for example उपदशाः,पञ्चषाः et cetera, and others P.V.4.73. Samasanta अ is added to compounds ending with ऋच्,पुर्, अप्, and धुर,and अच् to words ending with सामन् , लोमन् , अक्षन् , चतुर् पुंस् , अनडुह्, मनस् , वर्चस्, तमस् , श्रेयस् , रहस्, उरस्, गो, तावत्, अध्वन् , etc :under specific conditions; cf P.V.4.68 to 86. अच् ( अ ) is added at the end of the tatpurusa compounds to the words अङ्गुलि, and रात्रि, under specific conditions; confer, compare P.V.4.86, 87: टच् ( अ ) is added at the end of tatpurusa compounds ending in राजन् , अहन् , सखि , गो, and उरस् and under specific conditions to those ending in तक्षन् , श्वन् , सक्थि, नौ, खारी, and अज्जलि as also to words ending in अस् and अन् in the neuter gender in Vedic Literature, and to the word ब्रह्मन् under specific conditions: confer, compare P.V. 4.91 to 105: टच् is added at the end of समाहारद्वन्द्व compounds ending in च् , छ् , ज्, झ्,ञ्, , द्, ष् and ह्, and at the end of अव्ययीभाव compounds ending with the words शरद् , विपाश् , अनस् , and मनस् et cetera, and others as also at the end of words ending in अन् or with any of the class consonants except nasals, confer, compare P.V.4.106-ll2; षच् ( अ ) is added to Bahuvrihi compounds ending with सक्थि and अक्षि as limbs of the body, as also with अङ्गुलि, while ष , अप् and अच् are added to specified words under special conditions; the Samasanta affix असिच् ( अस् ) is added at the end of a Bahuvrihi compound ending in प्रजा, and मेधा, the Samasanta affix इच् is added at the end of the peculiar Bahuvrihi compound formed of दण्ड, मुसल et cetera, and others when they are repeated and when they show a fight with the instruments of fight exchanged; confer, compare P. V.4.113128. Besides these affixes, a general समासान्त affix कप् is added necessarily or optionally as specified in P.V. 4.151-159.
samāsāntodāttathe acute accent prescribed in general at the end of compounds excepting the Bahuvrihi and some specified compounds: confer, compare P.VI.1.223 and VI.2.1 to end.
sarvopasarjanaall the constituent members of which (compound) are subordinated to quite a different word and not mutually in the manner of one member to another. The Bahuvrihi compound, as contrasted with other compounds, is described to be such an one, as all its members are subordinate in sense to another word; confer, compare यस्य सर्वे अवयवा उपसर्जनीभूताः स सर्वोपसर्जनो बहुव्रीहिर्गृह्यते ; Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.VI. 3.82.
svapadārthameaning of one's own, as possessed by a word. In many compounds especially in the Bahuvrihi compounds the meaning expressed by the compound word is quite different from the one expressed by the constituent words; confer, compare स्वपदार्थे कर्मधारयः | अन्यपदार्थे बहुव्रीहिः | Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. II. 1. 69.
Vedabase Search
5 results
hariharānanda HariharānandaCC Adi 11.49
śrī-haṭṭa-nivāsī a resident of ŚrīhaṭṭaCC Adi 13.56
śrī-haṭṭa-nivāsī a resident of ŚrīhaṭṭaCC Adi 13.56
śrī-haṭṭa-nivāsī a resident of ŚrīhaṭṭaCC Adi 13.56
śrīharṣa ŚrīharṣaCC Adi 12.86


(laghu.panca.mūla) five small roots: śāliparṇi, priśnaparni, brihati, gokṣūra, kanṭakāri. Eranḍa is also taken in the place of gokṣūra.


restriction with regards to behavior and diet.

Wordnet Search
"rih" has 66 results.


apavādaḥ, niṣedhaḥ, vyāvṛtiḥ, varjaḥ, varjanam, apāsanam, paryudāsaḥ, vyudāsaḥ, apahāniḥ, vinirmokaḥ, parihāraḥ, pariharaṇam, vyatirekaḥ   


asya niyamasya apavādāḥ santi।


atyāvaśyaka, avaśyakartavya, aparihārya   

yad atyantam āvaśyakam asti।

etad kāryam atyāvaśyakam asti।


keyūram, aṅgadaḥ, valayaḥ, valayam, kaṭakavalayī, parihāṭakaḥ, parihārakaḥ, parihārakam, bāhubhūṣā   

alaṅkāraviśeṣaḥ hastālaṅkāraḥ।

śyāmaḥ keyūraṃ dhārayati।


veṣṭ, saṃveṣṭ, pariveṣṭ, pracchad, saṃvṛ, saṃvye, parihṛ, gudh, upastṛ, abhidih, snai   

āvaraṇapūrvakaḥ vyāpāraḥ yasmin kim api vastu kena api veṣṭanena samāsajyate।

miṣṭānnasya kacchapuṭaṃ veṣṭaya।


śivaḥ, śambhuḥ, īśaḥ, paśupatiḥ, pinākapāṇiḥ, śūlī, maheśvaraḥ, īśvaraḥ, sarvaḥ, īśānaḥ, śaṅkaraḥ, candraśekharaḥ, phaṇadharadharaḥ, kailāsaniketanaḥ, himādritanayāpatiḥ, bhūteśaḥ, khaṇḍaparaśuḥ, girīśaḥ, giriśaḥ, mṛḍaḥ, mṛtyañjayaḥ, kṛttivāsāḥ, pinākī, prathamādhipaḥ, ugraḥ, kapardī, śrīkaṇṭhaḥ, śitikaṇṭhaḥ, kapālabhṛt, vāmadevaḥ, mahādevaḥ, virūpākṣaḥ, trilocanaḥ, kṛśānuretāḥ, sarvajñaḥ, dhūrjaṭiḥ, nīlalohitaḥ, haraḥ, smaraharaḥ, bhargaḥ, tryambakaḥ, tripurāntakaḥ, gaṅgādharaḥ, andhakaripuḥ, kratudhvaṃsī, vṛṣadhvajaḥ, vyomakeśaḥ, bhavaḥ, bhaumaḥ, sthāṇuḥ, rudraḥ, umāpatiḥ, vṛṣaparvā, rerihāṇaḥ, bhagālī, pāśucandanaḥ, digambaraḥ, aṭṭahāsaḥ, kālañjaraḥ, purahiṭ, vṛṣākapiḥ, mahākālaḥ, varākaḥ, nandivardhanaḥ, hīraḥ, vīraḥ, kharuḥ, bhūriḥ, kaṭaprūḥ, bhairavaḥ, dhruvaḥ, śivipiṣṭaḥ, guḍākeśaḥ, devadevaḥ, mahānaṭaḥ, tīvraḥ, khaṇḍaparśuḥ, pañcānanaḥ, kaṇṭhekālaḥ, bharuḥ, bhīruḥ, bhīṣaṇaḥ, kaṅkālamālī, jaṭādharaḥ, vyomadevaḥ, siddhadevaḥ, dharaṇīśvaraḥ, viśveśaḥ, jayantaḥ, hararūpaḥ, sandhyānāṭī, suprasādaḥ, candrāpīḍaḥ, śūladharaḥ, vṛṣāṅgaḥ, vṛṣabhadhvajaḥ, bhūtanāthaḥ, śipiviṣṭaḥ, vareśvaraḥ, viśveśvaraḥ, viśvanāthaḥ, kāśīnāthaḥ, kuleśvaraḥ, asthimālī, viśālākṣaḥ, hiṇḍī, priyatamaḥ, viṣamākṣaḥ, bhadraḥ, ūrddharetā, yamāntakaḥ, nandīśvaraḥ, aṣṭamūrtiḥ, arghīśaḥ, khecaraḥ, bhṛṅgīśaḥ, ardhanārīśaḥ, rasanāyakaḥ, uḥ, hariḥ, abhīruḥ, amṛtaḥ, aśaniḥ, ānandabhairavaḥ, kaliḥ, pṛṣadaśvaḥ, kālaḥ, kālañjaraḥ, kuśalaḥ, kolaḥ, kauśikaḥ, kṣāntaḥ, gaṇeśaḥ, gopālaḥ, ghoṣaḥ, caṇḍaḥ, jagadīśaḥ, jaṭādharaḥ, jaṭilaḥ, jayantaḥ, raktaḥ, vāraḥ, vilohitaḥ, sudarśanaḥ, vṛṣāṇakaḥ, śarvaḥ, satīrthaḥ, subrahmaṇyaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ- hindūdharmānusāraṃ sṛṣṭeḥ vināśikā devatā।

śivasya arcanā liṅgarūpeṇa pracalitā asti।


indraḥ, devarājaḥ, jayantaḥ, ṛṣabhaḥ, mīḍhvān, marutvān, maghavā, viḍojā, pākaśāsanaḥ, vṛddhaśravāḥ, sunāsīraḥ, puruhūtaḥ, purandaraḥ, jiṣṇuḥ, lekharṣabhaḥ, śakraḥ, śatamanyuḥ, divaspatiḥ, sutrāmā, gotrabhit, vajrī, vāsavaḥ, vṛtrahā, vṛṣā, vāstospatiḥ, surapatiḥ, balārātiḥ, śacīpatiḥ, jambhabhedī, harihayaḥ, svārāṭ, namucisūdanaḥ, saṃkrandanaḥ, duścyavanaḥ, turāṣāṭ, meghavāhanaḥ, ākhaṇḍalaḥ, sahastrākṣaḥ, ṛbhukṣā, mahendraḥ, kośikaḥ, pūtakratuḥ, viśvambharaḥ, hariḥ, purudaṃśā, śatadhṛtiḥ, pṛtanāṣāḍ, ahidviṣaḥ, vajrapāṇiḥ, devarājaḥ, parvatāriḥ, paryaṇyaḥ, devatādhipaḥ, nākanāthaḥ, pūrvadikkapatiḥ, pulomāriḥ, arhaḥ, pracīnavarhiḥ, tapastakṣaḥ, biḍaujāḥ, arkaḥ, ulūkaḥ, kaviḥ, kauśikaḥ, jiṣṇuḥ   

sā devatā yā svargasya adhipatiḥ iti manyate।

vedeṣu indrasya sūktāni santi।


parihāraḥ, varjanam   

kenāpi miṣeṇa kāryasya pariharaṇam।

kenāpi miṣeṇa kāryasya parihāraḥ iti tasya svabhāvaḥ।


viḍambaya, upahas, parihas, upahāsaya, parihāsaya   

vyaṅgyena anyasya vidūṣaṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

mohanasya kārpaṇyaṃ śyāmaḥ viḍambayati।


upahāsaḥ, parihāsaḥ   

vihasan kṛtaṃ nindanam।

svasya ceṣṭayā sā upahāsasya kāraṇam abhavat।


parihāsaḥ, hāsyam, parihāsavākyam, parihāsoktiḥ, vinodaḥ, vinodoktiḥ, lālikā   

manorañjakaṃ kāryaṃ vārtā vā।

mayā saha parihāsaḥ na kartavyaḥ।


hras, kṣi, alpaya, alpībhū, apahā, parihā   

vastugatatattvānāṃ nyūnībhavanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

nirantaraṃ calanena ūrjā hrasate।


alpībhāvaḥ, pratyavāyaḥ, hrāsaḥ, upakṣayaḥ, apacayaḥ, parihāniḥ, parihāṇiḥ   

nyūnībhavanasya kriyā bhāvo vā।

vidyutaḥ samyak prayogāt deyakasya alpībhāvaḥ bhavati।


upāhāraḥ, śramaparihāraḥ   

prātaḥkāle saṃdhyāsamaye vā kriyamāṇaṃ laghubhojanam।

adya mayā upahāre gṛñjanakasya miṣṭānnaṃ khāditam


upahas, parihas   

sādhikṣepaṃ nindanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

parīkṣāyāṃ nyūnāḥ guṇāḥ prāptāḥ ataḥ sītāṃ sarve upahasanti।


skandaḥ, ṣaḍānanaḥ, kumāraḥ, kārttikeyaḥ, ṣāṇmāturaḥ, mayūraketuḥ, siddhasenaḥ, viśākhaḥ, agnibhūḥ, āmbikeyaḥ, āgneyaḥ, kāmajitaḥ, gāṅgeyaḥ, candrānanaḥ, tārakāriḥ, devavrataḥ, mayūreśaḥ, śikhīśvaraḥ, kārtikaḥ, harihayaḥ, krauñcāriḥ, mahiṣārdanaḥ, rudratejaḥ, bhavātmajaḥ, śāṅkariḥ, śikhībhūḥ, ṣaṇmukhaḥ, kāntaḥ, jaṭādharaḥ, subrahmaṇyaḥ   

bhagavataḥ śivasya jyeṣṭhaputraḥ।

senānīnāmaham skandaḥ।


vyad, kuṣ, rad, paririh, saṃdaṃś, vidaṃś, nirdaṃś   

danta-carvaṇa-pūrvakaḥ kṛntana-janyaḥ bhedānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

mama gṛhe ekaḥ mūṣakaḥ aharniśaṃ kim api vyatti।


draupadī, pāñcālī, kṛṣṇā, yājñasenī, trihāyaṇī, vedijā, nityayauvanā, sairandhrī   

drupadakanyā yā pāṇḍavānāṃ patnī āsīt।

draupadī yajñāt jātā।


avahas, upahas, parihas, vihas, has, avaman, kakh   

kasyacit doṣādikam uddiśya sahāsaṃ nindanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

rāmaḥ nityaṃ anyān avahasati।


parikram, pradakṣiṇaya, pradakṣiṇīkṛ, abhiparih   

kim api kendrabindum matvā tasya paritaḥ vartulākāraṃ bhramaṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

saḥ mandirasya abhitaḥ pradakṣiṇeṇa parikrāmyati।


adhaḥcaraḥ, apahārakaḥ, apahārikā, apahārakam, avahāraḥ, avāvan, avāvarī, ākhanikaḥ, ākhuḥ, āmoṣī, āmoṣi, kapāṭaghnaḥ, kapāṭaghnā, kapāṭaghnam, kambū, kalamaḥ, kavāṭaghnaḥ, kumbhīrakaḥ, kusumālaḥ, kharparaḥ, coraḥ, cauraḥ, corī, corakaḥ, caurī, caurikā, taḥ, takvān, taskaraḥ, tāyu, tṛpuḥ, dasmaḥ, dasmā, dasraḥ, drāvakaḥ, dhanaharaḥ, dhanahṛt, dhanahṛd, naktacāriḥ, naktacārī, nāgarakaḥ, parāskandī, parāskandi, parimoṣī, parimoṣiḥ, paṭaccaraḥ, pāṭṭacaraḥ, puraṃdaraḥ, pracuraḥ., pracurapuruṣaḥ, pratirodhakaḥ, pratirodhī, bandīkāraḥ, malimluḥ, malimluc, mallīkara, mācalaḥ, mīḍhuṣtamaḥ, mumuṣiṣuḥ, muṣkaḥ, mūṣakaḥ, moṣaḥ, moṣakaḥ, moṣṭā, rajanīcaraḥ, rātricaraḥ, rātryāṭaḥ, rikvān, ritakvān, ribhvān, rihāyaḥ, rerihāṇaḥ, laṭaḥ, luṇṭākaḥ, vaṭaraḥ, vanarguḥ, viloḍakaḥ, viloptā, stenaḥ, stainyaḥ, stāyuḥ, steyakṛt, steyakṛd, steyī, staunaḥ, styenaḥ, styainaḥ, srotasyaḥ, harikaḥ, hartā, hārakaḥ, hārītaḥ   

adatsya paradhanasya apahārakaḥ।

rakṣakaḥ corān daṇḍayati।


āvartaya, anupaṭh, abhyasya, prativad, pratyādā, samprabhāṣ, samuccar, anuvac, abhyāvṛt, parihṛ, kīrtaya   

kaṇṭhasthīkaraṇāya punaḥ punaḥ uccāraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

bālakāḥ guṇanakoṣṭakam āvartayanti।


muktiḥ, parihāraḥ, vinirmokṣaḥ   

viśiṣṭa-kāraṇād ācāra-niyamābhyāṃ mocanam।

amerikādeśe dāsyamuktiḥ liṃkanamahodayasya yatnānām eva yaśaḥ asti।


parihas, vikrīḍ, sphaṇḍ, sphuṇṭaya, sphuṇḍaya   

manovinodanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

saḥ sahādhyāyābhiḥ saha parihasati।


tyaj, hā, vyutsṛj, ujjh, apās, muc, projjh, prahā, viprahā, vimuc, visṛj, vihā, utsṛj, udvisṛj, parihā   

cirakālaṃ yāvat viyogānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

ahaṃ śīghrameva idaṃ sthānaṃ tyakṣyāmi।


pravṛj, parihṛ, nihnu, parāhā, projjh, apasac   

kenāpi miṣeṇa apavarjanānukūlavyāpāraḥ। mama rupyakāṇāṃ pratyārpaṇaṃ na karoti kiṃ tu māṃ pravarjayati। / bhīruḥ saḥ māṃ pravarjayati।


śamaya, upaśamaya, praśamaya, saṃśamaya, praviśāmaya, nāśaya, nirvāpaya, parihan, udvāpaya, vidhmāpaya, vilopaya, śoṣaya, saṃsādhaya, samāstṛ, upadāsaya, saṃprakṣāpaya   

kecana padārthena agnipraśamanapreraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

saḥ dīpaṃ śamayati।


vaihāsika, vidūṣaka, hāsana, parihāsavedin   

yaḥ janān svakarmaṇā svavacanaiḥ vā hāsayati।

āvuttaḥ atīva vaihāsikaḥ asti।


vidūṣakaḥ, vaihāsikaḥ, parihāsayitā, prahāsī, bhaṇḍaḥ   

yaḥ abhinayena aṅgādivaikṛtyena vā janeṣu hāsyam utpādayati।

asya krīḍācakrasya vidūṣakaḥ atīva hāsyakārī।


paribhram, abhiparih   

kasyāpi paritaḥ aṭanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

manojit ātmanaḥ sahādhyāyinyāḥ manīṣāyāḥ gṛhaṃ vāraṃvāraṃ paribhramati।


apahṛ, hṛ, parihṛ, apanī, nivāraya, nihan, apākṛṣ, apamṛj, apoh, dhū, apanud, parimṛj, nirākṛ, apakṛ, utsāraya, varjaya, apakarṣaya   

apanayanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

īśvaraḥ sarveṣāṃ duḥkham apaharati।


rodhakṣamatā, parihāraḥ   

sā avasthā yasyāṃ vyādhiḥ na saṅkrāmyati।

rodhakṣamatāyāḥ nyūnatāyāḥ kāraṇāt bālakāḥ śīghrameva vyādhigrastāḥ bhavanti।


vicchid, vihan, anuvihan, ucchid, uparudh, upasaṃhṛ, parihā, pratibandh, pratyavahṛ, pratyūh, bhid, vyavadhā   

kramasya bhaṅgānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

sañcālanaṃ kurvāṇānāṃ sainikānāṃ kramaḥ vyacchinat।


parihṛ, parivarjaya, vivarjaya   

varjanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

ahaṃ durjanasaṅgatiṃ pariharāmi।



kelidevanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

rameśaḥ śyālīṃ parihasati।


tyaj, hā, vyutsṛj, ujjh, apās, muc, projjh, prahā, viprahā, vimuc, visṛj, vihā, utsṛj, udvisṛj, parihā, nirgam, apagam, ape, apayā, apasṛ, apakram   

viyogānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

relayānaṃ sthānakam atyajat।


ucchiṣ, avaśiṣ, avaśeṣaya, pariśeṣ, pariśeṣaya, śiṣ, śeṣaya, apaśiṣ, atiśiṣ, parihā, atisṛj, avahā   

pariśeṣānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

ahaṃ bhavatāṃ kṛte apūpasya khaṇḍam ucchinaṣmi।


parihāraḥ, parāṅgamukhatā, parivarjakatvam, varjanam   

kasmādapi kāryāt niṣkṛteḥ kriyā।

saḥ mahyaṃ karasya parihārāya vividhān prakārān akathayat।



uttarāñcalaprānte vartamānaṃ nagaram।

yatra vacasā manasā karmaṇā vā kṛtasya pāpāt muktiḥ bhaviṣyati tat sthānaṃ trihariḥ iti tat sthānam adhunā ṭiharīnagaraṃ nāmnā khyātaḥ।



karāt muktiḥ।

parihārāt kṛṣakaiḥ upaśamaḥ anubhūtaḥ।



mahārāṣṭrarājyasya rāyagaḍamaṇḍale vartamānaṃ tīrtham।

harihareśvaraṃ dakṣiṇadiśaḥ kāśī manyate।


hā, tyaj, parityaj, santyaj, apahā, vihā, prahā, apāhā, utsṛj, visṛj, atisṛj, vyapasṛj, rah, virah, uñjh, proñjh, parihṛ, vṛj, parivṛj, vivraj   

ātmanaḥ samīpasthasya kasya api anāsañjanarūpaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

saḥ mām haṭṭe eva ajahāt।


sadoṣa, niṣedhārha, varjya, parihārya, āśaṅkanīya   


dūradarśane sadoṣasya dṛśyasya darśanaṃ niṣiddham asti।


vinā, ṛte, antareṇa, antarā, pari, parihāpya, apa   

ekaṃ varjayitvā।

bhagavatā vinā anyaḥ kaḥ api śaraṇyaḥ nāsti।



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

hariharapuryaḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

hariharaprasādasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

hariharabrahmaṇaḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

hariharabhaṭṭasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

hariharabhaṭṭācāryasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

hariharamahārājasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

hariharamiśrasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ śikṣakaḥ ।

hariharasarasvatyāḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

hariharasvāminaḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

hariharāgnihotriṇaḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



puruṣanāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

hariharānandaḥ iti nāmakānāṃ naikeṣāṃ puruṣāṇām ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ śikṣakaḥ ।

hariharāryasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

hariharopādhyāyasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



puruṣanāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

hariharaḥ iti nāmakāṃ naikeṣāṃ puruṣāṇām ullekhaḥ tattvasamāse kṣitīśa-vaṃśāvalī-carite asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

hariharakhānasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

hariharatarkālaṅkārabhaṭṭācāryasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



kṛtiviśeṣaḥ ।

hariharatāratamyam iti nāmakānāṃ kṛtīnām ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

hariharadīkṣitasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

hariharadevasya ullekhaḥ praśastyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

hariharadevahindūpateḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

hariharapaṇḍitasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

heḍḍeśahariharasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ grāmaḥ ।

parihāsapurasya ullekhaḥ rājataraṅgiṇyām asti

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