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Grammar Search
"raghu" has 3 results
raghu: neuter nominative singular stem: raghu
raghu: neuter accusative singular stem: raghu
raghu: neuter vocative singular stem: raghu
Monier-Williams Search
84 results for raghu
raghumf(v/ī-)n. ( raṃh-; see laghu-) hastening, going speedily, fleet, rapid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghumf(v/ī-)n. light, fickle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghum. a racer, fleet courser View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghum. Name of an ancient king and ancestor of rāma- (described in raghu-vaṃśa- as son of dilīpa- and su-dakṣiṇā-;he was father of aja- who was father of daśa-ratha-;hence he was great-grandfather of rāma-;in the rāmāyaṇa- raghu- is said to be son of kakutstha-;in the hari-vaṃśa- two raghu-s are mentioned among the ancestors of rāma-) () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghum. of a son of gautama- buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghum. of various authors (also with daiva-jña-and sūri-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghum. = the poem raghu-vaṃśa- (see next) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghum. plural the descendants of raghu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghudevam. Name of various authors (also with bhaṭṭācārya-and nyāyālaṃkārabh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghudevīf. Name of a commentator or commentary by raghu-deva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghudrumfn. running like a race-horse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghujamfn. produced from a fleet courser or racer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghukāram. "author of the raghu-vaṃśa-", Name of kālidāsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghukulottaṃsam. "crest-jewel of the race of raghu-", Name of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghulāladāsam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghumāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghumaṇim. "gem of Ragh", Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghumanyumfn. quick-tempered, eager, zealous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghumukham. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunandanam. "son or descendant of raghu-", Name of rāmacandra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunandanam. Name of various authors (also with dīkṣita-, miśra-, bhaṭṭācārya-etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunandanakośam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunātham. "lord of the raghu-s", Name of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunātham. Name of various authors and others (also with dīkṣita-, bhaṭṭa-, ārya-, ācārya-, upādhyāya-, kavi-, yati-, yatīndra-, paṇḍita-, sūri-, cakravartin-, bhūpāla-etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunāthabhaṭṭagosvāmiguṇaleśāṣṭakan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunāthabhūpālīyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunāthacaritan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunāthanāthābhyudayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunāthanāthīyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunāthapañcaratnan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunāthavilāsam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunāthavratakathāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghunāyakam. "chief of raghu-s", Name of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghupatim. idem or 'm. "chief of raghu-s", Name of rāma- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghupatim. Name of various authors and teachers (also with upādhyāya-and mahodhyāya-)
raghupatirahasyadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghupatmajaṃhasmfn. light-winged, having a light-falling foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghupatvanmfn. flying or moving quickly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghupratinidhim. an image or counterpart of raghu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghupravaram. "best of raghu-s", Name of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghurājasiṃham. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghurāmam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghurāmam. (with bhaṭṭa-) of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghusutam. " raghu-'s son" patronymic of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghusvāminm. equals -pati- Name of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuṣyadmfn. (r-+ syad-) moving quickly, speedy, rapid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghusyadam. the act of moving or gliding quickly on (see -ṣyad-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghutanayam. "son of raghu-", Name of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghutilakam. "ornament of the raghu-s" idem or 'm. "son of raghu-", Name of rāma- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuṭippaṇīf. Name of a commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaṃśam. raghu-'s race View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaṃśam. Name of kālidāsa-'s celebrated poem (see mahā-kāvya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaṃśasaṃjīvanīf. Name of Comm. of raghu-vaṃśa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaṃśasaṃkṣepam. Name of an abridgment of the raghu-vaṃśa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaṃśasubodhinīf. Name of Comm. of raghu-vaṃśa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaṃśatilakam. "ornament of the race of raghu-", Name of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaram. equals -pravara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaram. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvarasaṃhitāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaraśaraṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvartani(r/aghu--) mfn. lightly rolling or turning (said of a chariot and of a horse) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvarya m. Name of two authors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvaryatīrtham. Name of two authors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvilāpanāṭakan. Name of a drama. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvīram. " raghu--hero", Name of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvīram. of two authors (also with dīkṣita-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvīracaritan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvīragadyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuvīraviṃśatif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuind. (fr. raghu-) quickly, swiftly, lightly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuyāmanmfn. going quickly, moving lightly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raghuyatmfn. (pr. p. fr. an unused Nom. raghuya-) moving fleetly or rapidly (dative case raghūyat/e- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
araṃgaraghuṣaSee /aram- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghoraghuṣyan. "sounding dreadfully", brass, bell-metal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghuraghuind. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) only in compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghuraghurāghoṣa varia lectio for rughur-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghuraghurārāvam. cries (of monkeys) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghuraghurāyaNom. A1. yate-, to utter gurgling sounds, wheeze, puff, snort View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maderaghumfn. (fr. locative case made-+ r-) eager with enthusiasm View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praghuṇam. a guest, visitor (prob. wrong reading for prāghuṇa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praghuCaus. -ghoṣayati-, to cause to announce aloud, proclaim View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praghuṣṭamfn. sounding forth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃgītaraghunandanam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śastraghuṣṭakaramfn. making a noise or clanging with arms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
raghu रघु a. Ved. 1 Quick, rapid. -2 Light, nimble. -3 Fickle -4 Eager. -घुः 1 N. of a celebrated king of the solar race, son of Dilīpa and father of Aja. [He appears to have been called Raghu from ragh or raṅgh 'to go', because his father foresaw that the boy would 'go' to the end of the holy learning as well as of his enemies in battle; cf. R.3.21. True to his name, he commenced the conquest of the directions, went over the whole of the then known world, overcame kings in battle, and returned covered with glory and laden with spoils. He then performed the Viśvajit sacrifice in which he gave away everything to Brāh- maṇas and made his son Aja successor to the throne.] -2 (pl.) The Raghus or descendants of Raghu; रघूणा- मन्वयं वक्ष्ये तनुवाग्विभवो$पि सन् R.1.9. -Comp. -उद्वहः the best of the Raghus i. e. Rāma. -कारः the author of Raghuvaṁśa i. e. Kālidāsa; पूर्वैर्विभिन्नवृत्तां गुणाढ्भव- भूतिबाणरघुकारैः Govardhanasaptaśatī; क इह रघुकारे न रमते Subhāṣ. -नन्दनः, -नाथः, -पतिः, -श्रेष्ठः, -सिंहः &c. epithets of Rāma; रघुनाथो$प्यगस्त्येन मार्गसंदर्शितात्मना R.; Rāma-rakṣā S. -प्रतिनिधिः the image or representative of Raghu, i. e. Aja; R.5.63. -वंशः the family of the Raghus; रघुवंशप्रदीपेन तेनाप्रमिततेजसा R.1.68. (-शम्) N. of a celebrated classical poem by Kālidāsa decribing the family of the Raghus in nineteen cantos. ˚तिलकः N. of Rāma; यजति रघुवंशतिलकः कौसल्यानन्दवर्धनो रामः Rām.
ghuraghurāyate घुरघुरायते Den. Ā. To utter gurgling sounds.
praghuṇaḥ प्रघुणः A guest (v. l. for प्राघुण or प्राघूर्ण q. v.)
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
raghupatvan raghu-pátvan, a. (Tp.) flying swiftly, i. 85, 6 [raghú swift: Gk. ἐλαχύ-ς].
raghuṣyad raghu-ṣyád, a. swift-gliding, i. 85, 6 [raghú swift + syand run].
Macdonell Search
1 result
raghu ] a. (v-&isharp;) speed ing, fleet (V.); m. courser (V.); N. of an ancient king, ancestor of Râma: pl. descend ants of Raghu; -tilaka, m. ep. of Râma; -drú, a. running swiftly (RV.); -nandana, m. descendant of Raghu, ep. of Râma; -nâ tha, m. ep. of Râma; -pati, m. lord of the Raghus, ep. of Râma; -pátvan, a. flying swiftly (RV.); -vamsa, m. Raghu's race: T. of a well-known poem by Kâlidâsa: -samgîv anî, f. T. of Mallinâtha's commentary on the Raghuvamsa; -shyád, a. gliding swiftly (V.); -svâmin, -½uttama, -½udvaha, m. ep. of Râma.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results19 results
aruṣāso raghuṣyadaḥ RV.8.34.17b.
guhā raghuṣyad raghuyad viveda RV.4.5.9d.
tiṣṭhad raghuṣyadaṃ sadā RV.5.73.5b.
agnir atyaṃ raghuṣyadam # RV.5.25.6c; MS.4.11.1c: 159.12; KS.2.15c.
atyo na vājī raghur ajyamānaḥ # RV.5.30.14c.
atyo na voḍhā raghuvartanir vṛṣā # RV.9.81.2b.
ayaḥśīrṣā maderaghuḥ # RV.8.101.3c.
aśvāso ye te vṛṣaṇo raghudravaḥ # RV.8.1.9c.
asamanā ajirāso raghuṣyadaḥ # RV.1.140.4c.
ahaṃ harī vṛṣaṇā vivratā raghū # RV.10.49.2c.
ā nūnaṃ raghuvartanim # RV.8.9.8a; AVś.20.140.3a.
ā vo vahantu saptayo raghuṣyadaḥ # RV.1.85.6a; AVś.20.13.2a; AB.6.12.9; GB.2.2.22; Aś.5.5.19. P: ā vo vahantu śś.8.2.8.
uto aha kratuṃ raghum # RV.8.33.17c.
girayo na svatavaso raghuṣyadaḥ # RV.1.64.7b.
devāṃ achā raghupatvā jigāti # RV.10.6.4b.
namas te astu cakṣase raghūyate # TB.
nemiṃ na cakram arvato raghudru # RV.10.61.16d.
pra vaḥ pāntaṃ raghumanyavo 'ndhaḥ # RV.1.122.1a; KB.24.9. P: pra vaḥ pāntaṃ raghumanyavaḥ śś.11.12.13. Cf. BṛhD.3.140.
madā arṣanti raghujā iva tmanā # RV.9.86.1b.
Vedabase Search
372 results
raghu RaghuCC Madhya 13.73
CC Madhya 17.90
SB 2.7.43-45
raghu Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.273
CC Antya 6.282
raghu-miśra Raghu MiśraCC Adi 12.86
raghu-miśra Raghu MiśraCC Adi 12.86
raghu-nātha dekhi' after seeing Lord Rāmacandra, the descendant of Mahārāja RaghuCC Madhya 9.18
raghu-nātha dekhi' after seeing Lord Rāmacandra, the descendant of Mahārāja RaghuCC Madhya 9.18
raghu-nātha dekhi' after seeing Lord Rāmacandra, the descendant of Mahārāja RaghuCC Madhya 9.18
raghu-nāthe unto Lord Raghunātha (Lord Rāmacandra)CC Antya 4.27
raghu-nāthe unto Lord Raghunātha (Lord Rāmacandra)CC Antya 4.27
raghu-pateḥ of Lord RāmacandraSB 9.11.20
raghu-pateḥ of Lord RāmacandraSB 9.11.20
raghu-patiḥ Lord RāmacandraSB 9.10.16
raghu-patiḥ Lord RāmacandraSB 9.10.16
raghu-patim unto Lord RāmacandraSB 9.11.21
raghu-patim unto Lord RāmacandraSB 9.11.21
raghu-varyāya the best of the descendants of RaghuSB 10.40.20
raghu-varyāya the best of the descendants of RaghuSB 10.40.20
raghuḥ tasmāt from him Raghu was bornSB 9.10.1
raghuḥ tasmāt from him Raghu was bornSB 9.10.1
raghunandana my son RaghunandanaCC Madhya 15.115
raghunandana RaghunandanaCC Madhya 10.90
CC Madhya 15.114
CC Madhya 15.116
CC Madhya 15.128-129
raghunandana haite because of RaghunandanaCC Madhya 15.116
raghunandana haite because of RaghunandanaCC Madhya 15.116
raghunandanera kārya the duty of RaghunandanaCC Madhya 15.131
raghunandanera kārya the duty of RaghunandanaCC Madhya 15.131
raghunātha Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 15.145
CC Madhya 20.298
CC Madhya 9.205
raghunātha My dear RaghunāthaCC Antya 13.120
raghunātha of Lord RāmacandraCC Antya 4.30
raghunātha RaghunāthaCC Madhya 25.179
raghunātha Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 12.143
CC Antya 12.148
CC Antya 13.100
CC Antya 13.101
raghunātha Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa GosvāmīCC Antya 11.9
raghunātha Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.127
CC Antya 6.13
CC Antya 6.144
CC Antya 6.158
CC Antya 6.163
CC Antya 6.179
CC Antya 6.189
CC Antya 6.190
CC Antya 6.194
CC Antya 6.211
CC Antya 6.212
CC Antya 6.221
CC Antya 6.228
CC Antya 6.230
CC Antya 6.240
CC Antya 6.250
CC Antya 6.269
CC Antya 6.271
CC Antya 6.272
CC Antya 6.281
CC Antya 6.298
CC Antya 6.301
CC Antya 6.317
CC Antya 6.34
CC Antya 6.42
CC Antya 6.45
CC Antya 6.46
CC Antya 6.51
CC Antya 6.99
CC Antya 9.71
CC Madhya 16.223
CC Madhya 16.231
raghunātha Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 10.103
CC Adi 8.80
CC Adi 8.84
CC Antya 11.9
CC Antya 14.10
CC Antya 6.24
CC Antya 6.300
CC Antya 6.306
CC Antya 6.318
raghunātha Raghunātha, the son of Tapana MiśraCC Adi 10.155
raghunātha RāmacandraCC Antya 3.81
raghunātha Śrī Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 10.164
raghunātha Śrīla Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 1.110
CC Adi 11.61
CC Adi 12.96
CC Adi 14.97
CC Adi 15.34
CC Adi 16.111
CC Adi 2.121
CC Adi 3.114
CC Adi 4.277
CC Adi 5.235
CC Adi 6.120
CC Adi 7.171
CC Adi 8.85
CC Adi 9.55
CC Antya 1.223
CC Antya 10.162
CC Antya 11.108
CC Antya 12.155
CC Antya 13.139
CC Antya 14.123
CC Antya 15.99
CC Antya 17.73
CC Antya 18.121
CC Antya 19.112
CC Antya 2.172
CC Antya 20.153
CC Antya 3.272
CC Antya 4.239
CC Antya 5.164
CC Antya 6.329
CC Antya 7.173
CC Antya 8.103
CC Antya 9.153
CC Madhya 1.287
CC Madhya 10.190
CC Madhya 11.243
CC Madhya 12.222
CC Madhya 13.209
CC Madhya 14.257
CC Madhya 15.302
CC Madhya 16.290
CC Madhya 17.234
CC Madhya 18.229
CC Madhya 19.257
CC Madhya 20.406
CC Madhya 21.149
CC Madhya 22.169
CC Madhya 23.127
CC Madhya 24.355
CC Madhya 3.219
CC Madhya 4.213
CC Madhya 5.161
CC Madhya 6.286
CC Madhya 7.155
CC Madhya 8.313
CC Madhya 9.365
raghunātha bhaṭṭācārya Raghunātha BhaṭṭācāryaCC Adi 10.152-154
raghunātha bhaṭṭācārya Raghunātha BhaṭṭācāryaCC Adi 10.152-154
raghunātha dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Madhya 16.222
raghunātha dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Madhya 16.222
raghunātha dekhi' seeing the temple of Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 9.225
raghunātha dekhi' seeing the temple of Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 9.225
raghunātha kahe Raghunātha dāsa saidCC Antya 6.149
raghunātha kahe Raghunātha dāsa saidCC Antya 6.149
CC Antya 6.168
raghunātha kahe Raghunātha dāsa saidCC Antya 6.168
raghunātha nivedaya Raghunātha dāsa inquiresCC Antya 6.231
raghunātha nivedaya Raghunātha dāsa inquiresCC Antya 6.231
raghunātha purī Raghunātha PurīCC Adi 11.42
raghunātha purī Raghunātha PurīCC Adi 11.42
raghunātha vaidya Raghunātha VaidyaCC Adi 10.124-126
raghunātha vaidya Raghunātha VaidyaCC Adi 10.124-126
raghunātha vaidya the physician RaghunāthaCC Adi 11.22
raghunātha vaidya the physician RaghunāthaCC Adi 11.22
raghunātha-āge before Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 9.65
raghunātha-āge before Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 9.65
raghunātha-anvitam with Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 3.1
raghunātha-anvitam with Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 3.1
raghunātha-bhaṭṭa Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 13.107
raghunātha-bhaṭṭa Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 13.107
raghunātha-bhaṭṭa-gosāñi Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa GosvāmīCC Madhya 18.49
raghunātha-bhaṭṭa-gosāñi Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa GosvāmīCC Madhya 18.49
raghunātha-bhaṭṭa-gosāñi Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa GosvāmīCC Madhya 18.49
raghunātha-bhaṭṭācārya Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 13.89
raghunātha-bhaṭṭācārya Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 13.89
raghunātha-bhaṭṭācāryera of Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 20.122
raghunātha-bhaṭṭācāryera of Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 20.122
raghunātha-bhaṭṭera Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 13.94
raghunātha-bhaṭṭera Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 13.94
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Adi 10.124-126
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Adi 10.124-126
CC Antya 3.169
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 3.169
CC Antya 6.184
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.184
CC Antya 6.209
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.209
CC Antya 6.245
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.245
CC Antya 6.268
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.268
CC Madhya 1.283
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Madhya 1.283
CC Madhya 16.216
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsaCC Madhya 16.216
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 10.91
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 10.91
CC Antya 14.119
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 14.119
CC Antya 14.7
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 14.7
CC Antya 14.72
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 14.72
CC Antya 16.86
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 16.86
CC Antya 17.71
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 17.71
CC Antya 19.75
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 19.75
CC Antya 20.112
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 20.112
CC Antya 4.236
raghunātha-dāsa Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 4.236
raghunātha-dāsa-mukhe from the mouth of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 3.269
raghunātha-dāsa-mukhe from the mouth of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 3.269
raghunātha-dāsa-mukhe from the mouth of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 3.269
raghunātha-dāsam Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 6.1
raghunātha-dāsam Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 6.1
raghunātha-dāsera of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 14.83
raghunātha-dāsera of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 14.83
CC Antya 16.8
raghunātha-dāsera of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 16.8
raghunātha-jīva of Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī, Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī and Śrīla Jīva GosvāmīCC Madhya 25.281
raghunātha-jīva of Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī, Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī and Śrīla Jīva GosvāmīCC Madhya 25.281
raghunātha-mahā-āśaya the shelter of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 5.202
raghunātha-mahā-āśaya the shelter of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 5.202
raghunātha-mahā-āśaya the shelter of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 5.202
raghunātha-mahimā the glories of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.262
raghunātha-mahimā the glories of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.262
raghunātha-milana meeting with Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 6.12
raghunātha-milana meeting with Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 6.12
raghunātha-upāsaka worshiper of Lord RāmacandraCC Antya 13.92
raghunātha-upāsaka worshiper of Lord RāmacandraCC Antya 13.92
raghunātha-vivaraṇe the description of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.257
raghunātha-vivaraṇe the description of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.257
raghunāthaḥ Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.263
raghunāthe Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 9.198
raghunāthe Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.138
CC Antya 6.205
CC Antya 6.21
CC Antya 6.22
raghunāthe to Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.293
raghunāthe unto Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 13.136-137
raghunāthe unto Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.118
CC Antya 6.210
CC Antya 6.31
CC Antya 6.49
raghunāthe upon RaghunāthaCC Antya 6.206
raghunāthe with Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.267
raghunāthe chāḍāila released Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.31
raghunāthe chāḍāila released Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.31
raghunāthe dilā delivered to Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.94
raghunāthe dilā delivered to Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.94
raghunāthe kahe he said to Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.165
raghunāthe kahe he said to Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.165
raghunāthe kahe He said to Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.208
raghunāthe kahe He said to Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.208
raghunāthe lañā taking Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.166
raghunāthe lañā taking Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.166
raghunāthera of Lord RaghunāthaCC Antya 4.42
raghunāthera of Lord RāmacandraCC Antya 13.99
CC Antya 4.31
CC Antya 4.40
raghunāthera of Raghunātha BhaṭṭaCC Antya 13.95
raghunāthera of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.161
CC Antya 6.201
CC Antya 6.204
CC Antya 6.244
CC Antya 6.266
CC Antya 6.308
CC Antya 6.309
raghunāthera of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.309
CC Antya 6.325
CC Antya 6.35
raghunāthera of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 16.151
raghunāthera of Śrīla Raghunātha GosvāmīCC Madhya 2.94
raghunāthera bhāgye by the great fortune of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.88
raghunāthera bhāgye by the great fortune of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.88
raghunāthera caraṇa the lotus feet of Lord RaghunāthaCC Antya 4.38
raghunāthera caraṇa the lotus feet of Lord RaghunāthaCC Antya 4.38
CC Antya 4.41
raghunāthera caraṇa the lotus feet of Lord RaghunāthaCC Antya 4.41
CC Madhya 15.146
raghunāthera caraṇa the lotus feet of Lord RaghunāthaCC Madhya 15.146
raghunāthera kaṇṭhe in the throat of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Madhya 2.84
raghunāthera kaṇṭhe in the throat of Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Madhya 2.84
raghunāthera milana the meeting of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.328
raghunāthera milana the meeting of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.328
raghunāthera pāya unto the lotus feet of Lord RaghunāthaCC Madhya 15.149
raghunāthera pāya unto the lotus feet of Lord RaghunāthaCC Madhya 15.149
raghunāthera pitā the father of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.248
raghunāthera pitā the father of Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.248
raghunāthera upare unto Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.122
raghunāthera upare unto Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.122
raghunāthere to Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.233
raghunāthere bāndhila he arrested Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.20
raghunāthere bāndhila he arrested Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.20
raghupateḥ of Lord Śrī RāmacandraSB 9.10.20
raghupati upādhyāya a brāhmaṇa named Raghupati UpādhyāyaCC Madhya 19.92
raghupati upādhyāya a brāhmaṇa named Raghupati UpādhyāyaCC Madhya 19.92
raghupati upādhyāya Raghupati UpādhyāyaCC Madhya 19.97
raghupati upādhyāya Raghupati UpādhyāyaCC Madhya 19.97
saha-gaṇa-raghunātha-anvitam with Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī and his associatesCC Antya 2.1
āra raghu and another RaghunāthaCC Adi 10.148
āra raghunātha and RaghunāthaCC Adi 12.63
bhaṭṭa-raghunātha Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa GosvāmīCC Adi 1.36
bhaṭṭa raghunātha Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa GosvāmīCC Adi 9.4
bhaṭṭa-raghunātha Bhaṭṭa RaghunāthaCC Antya 1.3-4
śrī-raghunātha-caraṇa the lotus feet of Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 15.150
dāsa-raghunātha Śrīla Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 1.36
dāsa-raghunātha Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 9.4
śrī-raghunātha-dāsa Śrī Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 17.336
dāsa-raghunātha Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Madhya 18.49
dāsa-raghunātha Dāsa RaghunāthaCC Antya 1.3-4
ei raghunātha-dāsa this Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 6.326
śrī-raghunātha-dāsa Śrī Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 20.96-98
khaṭvāńgaḥ dhundhuhā raghu Khaṭvāńga, Dhundhuhā and RaghuSB 12.3.9-13
ei raghunāthe this Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.202
ei raghunātha-dāsa this Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 6.326
saha-gaṇa-raghunātha-anvitam with Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī and his associatesCC Antya 2.1
rūpa-sanātana-raghunātha-īśvara to the Lord of Rūpa Gosvāmī, Sanātana Gosvāmī and Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 11.4
khaṭvāńgaḥ dhundhuhā raghu Khaṭvāńga, Dhundhuhā and RaghuSB 12.3.9-13
palāila raghunātha Raghunātha dāsa has gone awayCC Antya 6.177
āra raghu and another RaghunāthaCC Adi 10.148
svarūpera raghu the Raghunātha of Svarūpa DāmodaraCC Antya 6.203
khaṭvāńgaḥ dhundhuhā raghu Khaṭvāńga, Dhundhuhā and RaghuSB 12.3.9-13
śrī-raghunandana RaghunandanaCC Adi 10.78-79
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Adi 10.119
śrī-raghunandana Lord Śrī RāmacandraCC Madhya 9.214
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Madhya 11.92
śrī-raghunandana RaghunandanaCC Madhya 13.46
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Madhya 15.112
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Madhya 15.113
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Madhya 16.18
bhaṭṭa-raghunātha Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa GosvāmīCC Adi 1.36
dāsa-raghunātha Śrīla Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 1.36
bhaṭṭa raghunātha Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa GosvāmīCC Adi 9.4
dāsa-raghunātha Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 9.4
āra raghunātha and RaghunāthaCC Adi 12.63
śrī-raghunātha Śrī RaghunāthaCC Adi 12.86
śrī-raghunātha-dāsa Śrī Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 17.336
rūpa-raghunātha Rūpa and RaghunāthaCC Madhya 2.93
śrī-raghunātha-caraṇa the lotus feet of Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 15.150
dāsa-raghunātha Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Madhya 18.49
bhaṭṭa-raghunātha Bhaṭṭa RaghunāthaCC Antya 1.3-4
dāsa-raghunātha Dāsa RaghunāthaCC Antya 1.3-4
saha-gaṇa-raghunātha-anvitam with Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī and his associatesCC Antya 2.1
palāila raghunātha Raghunātha dāsa has gone awayCC Antya 6.177
tina raghunātha three RaghunāthasCC Antya 6.203
ei raghunātha-dāsa this Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 6.326
rūpa-sanātana-raghunātha-īśvara to the Lord of Rūpa Gosvāmī, Sanātana Gosvāmī and Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 11.4
śrī-raghunātha-dāsa Śrī Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 20.96-98
śrī-raghunātha Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 20.144-146
svarūpa-rūpa-raghunāthadāsa Svarūpa Dāmodara, Rūpa Gosvāmī and Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 13.124
ei raghunāthe this Raghunātha dāsaCC Antya 6.202
svarūpa-rūpa-raghunāthadāsa Svarūpa Dāmodara, Rūpa Gosvāmī and Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 13.124
rūpa-raghunātha Rūpa and RaghunāthaCC Madhya 2.93
rūpa-sanātana-raghunātha-īśvara to the Lord of Rūpa Gosvāmī, Sanātana Gosvāmī and Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 11.4
saha-gaṇa-raghunātha-anvitam with Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī and his associatesCC Antya 2.1
rūpa-sanātana-raghunātha-īśvara to the Lord of Rūpa Gosvāmī, Sanātana Gosvāmī and Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 11.4
śrī-raghunandana RaghunandanaCC Adi 10.78-79
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Adi 10.119
śrī-raghunātha Śrī RaghunāthaCC Adi 12.86
śrī-raghunātha-dāsa Śrī Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 17.336
śrī-raghunandana Lord Śrī RāmacandraCC Madhya 9.214
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Madhya 11.92
śrī-raghunandana RaghunandanaCC Madhya 13.46
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Madhya 15.112
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Madhya 15.113
śrī-raghunātha-caraṇa the lotus feet of Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 15.150
śrī-raghunandana Śrī RaghunandanaCC Madhya 16.18
śrī-raghunātha-dāsa Śrī Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 20.96-98
śrī-raghunātha Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Antya 20.144-146
svarūpa-rūpa-raghunāthadāsa Svarūpa Dāmodara, Rūpa Gosvāmī and Raghunātha dāsa GosvāmīCC Adi 13.124
svarūpera raghu the Raghunātha of Svarūpa DāmodaraCC Antya 6.203
tina raghunātha three RaghunāthasCC Antya 6.203
8 results
raghu noun (masculine) the poem raghu-vaṃśa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a racer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fleet courser (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Gautama Buddha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an ancient king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various authors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6450/72933
raghunandana noun (masculine) name of Daśaratha name of Rāmacandra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various authors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śatrughna
Frequency rank 3337/72933
raghunātha noun (masculine) name of Rāma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various authors and others (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 63265/72933
raghupati noun (masculine) name of Rāma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various authors and teachers (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 63266/72933
raghusuta noun (masculine) name of Lakṣmaṇa name of Rāma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 63267/72933
ghuraghurāy verb (denominative ātmanepada) to issue a weird sound
Frequency rank 27915/72933
praghu verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to sound
Frequency rank 58630/72933
vipraghu verb (class 1 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 65836/72933
Wordnet Search
"raghu" has 5 results.


atithiḥ, atithī, abhyāgataḥ, abhyāgatā, abhyāgatam, āgantuḥ, āgāntuḥ, āgantukaḥ, āgantukā, āgantukam, praghurṇaḥ, āveśikaḥ, gṛhāgataḥ, prāghurṇikaḥ, prāghuṇikaḥ, prāghuṇaḥ   

ajñātapūrvagṛhāgatavyaktiḥ yasya na jñāyate nāma na ca gotraṃ na ca sthitiḥ akasmāt gṛhamāyāti ।

atithiryasya bhagnāśo gṛhāt pratinivartate। sa tasmai duṣkṛtaṃ datvā puṇyam ādāya gacchati।



ikṣvākuvaṃśīyaḥ rājā yaḥ rāmasya pūrvajaḥ āsīt।

raghuḥ mahāpratāpavān āsīt ataḥ tasya nāmnā vaṃśaḥ khyātaḥ abhavat।


śrīrāmaḥ, rāmacandraḥ, śrīrāmacandraḥ, rāghavaḥ, raghuvīraḥ, raghupatiḥ, raghunāthaḥ, raghunandanaḥ, raghuvaraḥ, rāghavendraḥ, jānakīnāthaḥ, jānakīvallabhaḥ, rāghavendraḥ, rāvaṇāriḥ, sītāpatiḥ, raghuvaṃśatilakaḥ, raghuvaṃśamaṇiḥ, raghunāyakaḥ, jānakīramaṇaḥ   

raghukulotpannasya rājñaḥ daśarathasya putraḥ yaḥ bhagavataḥ viṣṇoḥ avatāraḥ iti manyante।

pratyekaḥ hindudharmīyaḥ janaḥ śrīrāmaṃ pūjayati।



lekhakanāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

naikeṣāṃ lekhakānāṃ nāma raghupatiḥ iti asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

raghuvarasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

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