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24 results for r/ayat
abhīr( īr-), Caus. (p. -īr/ayat-) to bring near View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āghṛ -jigharti- (1. sg. -jigharmi-) to sprinkle (with fat) ; to throw towards (locative case) : Caus. -ghār/ayati-, to sprinkle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛ cl.1 P. A1. dharati-, te- (; A1. Potential dhareran- ), but more commonly in the same sense the Causal form dhārayati-, te- (perf. P. dh/āra-, dh/artha-[Impv. dadhartu- ]; A1. dadhr/e-,3. plural dhrir/e- etc.; Aorist adhāram- ; adhṛta-, dhṛthās- ; /adīdharat- etc.[ dīdhar-, didhṛtam-, ta- ;3. plural rata- ]; adārṣīt- grammar; future dhariṣyati- ; ṣy/e- ; dhartā- ; infinitive mood dhartum- , tavai- [ dhart/ari-See under tṛ-]; ind.p. dhṛtvā-, -dhṛtya- ) to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo etc. ; (with or scil ātmānam-, jīvitam-, prāṇān-, deham-, śarīram-etc.) to preserve soul or body, continue living, survive etc. (especially future dhariṣyati-; confer, compare Passive voice below) ; to hold back, keep down, stop, restrain, suppress, resist etc. ; to place or fix in, bestow or confer on (locative case) etc. ; to destine for (dative case; A1.also to be destined for or belong to) ; to present to (genitive case) ; to direct or turn (attention, mind, etc.) towards, fix or resolve upon (locative case or dative case) ; A1. to be ready or prepared for ; P. A1. to owe anything (accusative) to (dative case or genitive case) (confer, compare ) ; to prolong (in pronunciation) ; to quote, cite ; (with garbham-) to conceive, be pregnant (older bham-bhṛ-) etc. ; (with daṇḍam-) to inflict punishment on (locative case) (also damam-) ; (with keśān-,or śmaśru-) to let the hair or beard grow ; (with raśmīn-[ ] or praharān-[ ]) to draw the reins tight ; (with dharamam-) to fulfil a duty ; (with vrat/am-) to observe or keep a vow etc. ; (with dhāraṇām-) to practise self-control ; (wit. ipas-) to perform penance ; (with mūrdhnā-or dhni-, śirasā-or si-) to bear on the head, honour highly ; (with or scilicet tulayā-) to hold in a balance, weigh, measure etc. ; (with or scilicet manasā-) to bear in mind, recollect, remember ; (with samaye-) to hold to an agreement, cause to make a compact (Bombay edition dṛṣṭvā-for dhṛtvā-): Passive voice dhriy/ate- (Epic also yati-; perfect tense dadhr/e-etc. = A1.; Aorist adhāri-) to be borne etc. ; so be firm, keep steady etc. ; continue living, exist, remain etc. (also dhāryate- ) ; to begin, resolve upon, undertake (dative case; accusative or infinitive mood) : Causal dhār/ayati-, te- See above: Desiderative didhīrṣati- (See ṣā-), didhariṣate- ; didhārayiṣati-, to wish to keep up or preserve (ātmānam-) : Intensive d/ardharti- () and dādharti- (3. plural dhrati- ; confer, compare ) to hold fast, bear firmly, fasten. [ confer, compare Zend dar; Greek ,; Latin fre1-tus,fre1-num.]
dhrai cl.1 P. dhrāyati-, to be pleased or satisfied ; cl.2. etc. dhr/āti-, dhr/āti-, dhr/ayati- See dhr/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
īr cl.2 A1. /īrte- (3. plural /īrate- ), iraṃ-cakre-, iriṣyati-, airiṣṭa-, īritum- ; Ved. infinitive mood ir/adhyai- , to go, move, rise, arise from ; to go away, retire ; to agitate, elevate, raise (one's voice) : Causal P. īr/ayati- (see īl-), to agitate, throw, cast ; to excite etc. ; to cause to rise ; to bring to life ; to raise one's voice, utter, pronounce, proclaim, cite etc. ; to elevate : A1. to raise one's self
jṝ (see jur-) cl.1 P. (3. plural j/aranti-; imperative 2. dual number j/aratam-; parasmE-pada j/arat-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) to make old or decrepit ; to cause to grow old, ; (1. jṛ-) to humiliate : cl.4 P. j/īryati- ( etc.;also A1. te-; parasmE-pada jīryat-,rarely yamāṇa-;once cl.1 A1. subjunctive 3. plural jaranta- ; cl.9. jṛṇāti- ; cl.10. jārayati-, ; perfect tense jaj/āra-, ;once jāgāra-, ;3. plural jajarur-and jerur- ; Aorist ajarat-and ajārīt-, ; subjunctive 3. plural jāriṣur- ; future 1st jaritā-and rītā- ; ind.p. ritvā-and rītvā- ) to grow old, become decrepit, decay, wear out, wither, be consumed, break up, perish etc. ; to be dissolved or digested ; ; : Causal jarayati- (Epic also A1. te-; parasmE-pada r/ayat- [once, jar-, ] etc.) to make old, wear out, consume etc. ; to digest ; to cause to be digested View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jri cl.1 P. jr/ayati-, to go ; to overpower ; see upa--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mandrayaNom. A1. dr/ayate-, to praise, honour (= arcati-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantr (properly a mantra-,), cl.10 A1. () mantr/ayate- (rarely P. ti-; subjunctive mantrayaithe-, te- ; Potential mantrayīta- ; infinitive mood mantrayitum- ), to speak, talk, say ; to deliberate, take counsel, consult with (instrumental case with or without saha-) or about (dative case) etc. ; to resolve upon, determine to (infinitive mood) ; to deliberate on, discuss (accusative) etc. ; to counsel, advise, propose any measure, give any one advice (with accusative of Persian,or with genitive case of Persian and accusative of thing) etc. ; to consecrate with sacred or magical texts, enchant with spells or charms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛ cl.6 A1. () mriy/ate- (Epic and mc. also P. ti-; cl.1 P. A1. marati-, m/arate- ; imperative mara-, ; perfect tense mam/āra-, mamruḥ- etc.; parasmE-pada mamṛv/as- ; A1. mamrire- ; Aorist amṛta- subjunctive mṛthāh- ; Potential murīya-. ; mriṣīṣṭa- ; future martā- grammar; mariṣyati- etc.; te- ; infinitive mood martum- etc.; martave- ; ind.p. mṛtv/ā- ; -māram- ), to die, decease etc. etc.: Passive voice mriyate- (confer, compare above;sometimes used impers, with instrumental case; perfect tense mamre-; Aorist amāri-) : Causal mār/ayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist, amīmarat-): Passive voice māryate-, to cause to die, kill, slay etc. etc.: Desiderative of Causal See mimārayiṣu-: Desiderative mumūrṣati- () , to wish or be about to die, face death : Intensive memrīyate-, marmarti- grammar ([ confer, compare Zend mar,mareta; Greek for ; Latin mors,morioretc.; Slavonic or Slavonian mre8ti; Lithuanian mi4rti; Gothic maurthr; German Mord,morden; English murder.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phaṇ cl.1 P. () ph/aṇati- (; perfect tense paphāṇa-,2. sg. paphaṇitha-,or pheṇitha- ; Aorist aphāṇīt-, ; future phaṇiṣyati-, ṇitā- grammar), to go, move (with samāptim-,"to be accomplished") : Causal phāṇ/ayati- (or phaṇ- ), to cause to bound ; to draw off (the surface of a fluid) , skim : Desiderative piphaṇiṣati- grammar : Intensive pr.p. -paṇiphaṇat- (), pamphaṇat- (),bounding, leaping. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛ cl.3 P. () p/iparti- (3. plural p/iprati- ; imperative pipṛhi- ; para- ; cl.9 P. pṛṇāti-,"to protect"; perfect tense 3. plural pipruḥ- [ equals pūrṇāḥ- Scholiast or Commentator ]; Aorist subjunctive parṣi-, parṣati-, parṣa-, pāriṣat- ; apārīt- ; infinitive mood parṣ/aṇi- ), to bring over or to (accusative), bring out of, deliver from (ablative), rescue, save, protect, escort, further, promote ; to surpass, excel (accusative) ; to be able (with infinitive mood) : Causal pār/ayati- (Epic and mc. also te-; Aorist apīparat-; Passive voice pāryate-), to bring over or out, rescue, protect, save, preserve, keep alive etc. ; to get over, overcome, bring to an end ; to resist, withstand, be a match for (accusative) etc. ; to be capable of or able to (with an infinitive mood which after pāryate-has a pass. sense; confer, compare śak-and ) [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin porta,peritus; Slavonic or Slavonian pirati; German fahren; English fare.]
pṝ cl.9 P. () pṛṇ/āti- ; cl.6 P. ( pṛṇ-, ) priṇ/ati- ; cl.3 P. () p/iparti- (also A1.; imperative pipīpṛhi- ; perfect tense papāra-,3. plural paparuḥ-,or papruḥ- ; pupūre-, rire- ; -pupūryās- ; papṛv/as-[?] ; Aorist apārīt- grammar, pūriṣṭhās- ; imperative pūrdh/i- ; preceding priyāsam- , pūryāt- grammar; future parīṣyati-, parī- grammar; ind.p. pūrtvā- grammar, -pūrya- ; -pūram-[in compound with its object; confer, compare udara-p-, goṣpada-p-, carma-p-.and ]; infinitive mood pṛṇ/adhyai- ; -puras- ; pūritum- ), to fill (A1."one's self") ; to fill with air, blow into (accusative) ; to sate, cherish, nourish, bring up ; to refresh (as the pitṛ-s) (Aorist apārīt- varia lectio atārpsīt-) ; to grant abundantly, bestow on (dative case), present with (instrumental case) (often parasmE-pada pṛṇ/at-= bounteous, liberal, ungrudging) ; to fulfil, satisfy (as a wish) : Passive voice pūry/ate- (Epic also ti-,and A1. p/ūryate-, parasmE-pada p/ūyamāṇa-), to be filled with, become full of (instrumental case), be sated etc. ; to become complete (as a number) : Causal pārayati-, to fill ; to fulfil (only Aorist pīparat-) ; pūr/ayati- (), te- (Passive voice pūryate-[ confer, compare above]; Aorist apūri-, apūriṣṭa-), to fill, fill up with (instrumental case) etc. ; to fill (with a noise, said also of the noise itself) ; to fill with wind, blow (a conch) ; to draw (a bow or an arrow to the ear) ; to make full, complete, supplement (a sentence) ; to cover completely, overspread, bestrew, surround etc. ; to load or enrich or present with (instrumental case) ; to fulfil (a wish or hope) etc. ; to spend completely (a period of time) : Desiderative piparīṣati-, pupūrṣati- grammar : Intensive pāparti-, popūrti-, popūryate- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin plere,plenus; Lit.pi4lti,pi4lnas; Slavonic or Slavonian plu8nu8; Gothic fulls; German voll; English full.]
prī cl.9 P. A1. () prīṇ/āti-, prīṇīt/e- ; cl.4 A1. () prīyate- (rather Passive voice; Epic and mc. also ti-and priyate-, ti-; perfect tense pipriy/e-, parasmE-pada yāṇ/a- subjunctive pipr/ayat-; imperative pipr/ayasva-or prīh/i- ; Aorist apraiṣīt- subjunctive pr/eṣat- ; apreṣṭa- grammar; future preṣyati-, te-, pretā- ) P. to please, gladden, delight, gratify, cheer, comfort, soothe, propitiate etc. ; (mostly A1. prīyate-) to be pleased or satisfied with, delight in, enjoy (genitive case instrumental case locative case or ablative) ; (A1.; Epic and mc. also P.and pri-) to like, love, be kind to (accusative) : Causal prīṇayati- (prāpayati- , prāyayati- ), to please, delight gratify, propitiate etc. ; to refresh, comfort : Desiderative p/iprīṣati-, to wish to please or propitiate : Intensive peprīyate-, peprayīti-, pepreti- grammar ([ confer, compare Gothic frijo7n,frijo7nds; German friunt,freund; Anglo-Saxon freo4nd; English friend; Slavonic or Slavonian prijati; Lithuanian pre0teliusetc.])
rai cl.1 P. () r/āyati-, to bark, bark at (accusative) [ confer, compare Latin latrare; Lithuanian re4ti,lo4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian lajati; Gothic laian.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarayaNom. A1. or/ayate-, to begin to flow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
spṛ (varia lectio stṛ-and smṛ-) cl.5 P. () spṛṇ/oti- (in veda- also spṛṇut/e-; perfect tense paspāra- ; Aorist aspar- subjunctive sparat- imperative spṛdhi- ; /aspārṣam- ; future spartā-, spariṣyati- grammar; infinitive mood sp/arase- ; ind.p. spṛtv/ā- ), to release, extricate or deliver from (ablative), save, gain, win : Causal spār/ayati-, to attract to one's self, win ; to preserve, save, rescue ; to gladden, delight, gratify, bestow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sṛ (confer, compare sal-) cl.1.3. P. () s/arati- (Epic also te-and according to to also dhāvati-), and s/isarti- (the latter base only in veda-;3. dual number s/isratuḥ-,3. plural s/israte- ; parasmE-pada s/israt-[ q.v ] ; perfect tense sas/āra-, sasr/e- etc.;1. dual number sasriva- ; parasmE-pada sasṛv/as-, sasrāṇ/a-and sasṛmāṇ/a- ; Aorist asārṣīt- grammar; subjunctive sarṣat- ; preceding sriyāt- grammar; future sartā- ; sariṣy/ati- etc.; infinitive mood sartum- etc.; s/artave-, tav/ai- ; ind.p. sṛtv/ā- ; -s/ṛtya-, -s/āram- etc.), to run, flow, speed, glide, move, go (with uccakais-,"to spring up";with v/ājam-,or ājim-,"to run a race" id est"exert one's self") Calcutta edition etc. ; to blow (as wind) ; to run away, escape ; to run after, pursue (accusative) ; to go towards, betake one's self to (accusative or tatra-etc.) ; to go against, attack, assail ; to cross, traverse (accusative) ; (A1.) to begin to flow (said of the fluid which surrounds the fetus) : Passive voice sriyate- (Aorist asāri- ), to be gone etc., grammar : Causal sārayati- or cl.10 P. () to cause to run ; to set in motion, strike (a lute) ; to remove, push aside (a braid of hair) ; put in array, to arrange (with dyūtam-,"the men on a chess-board") ; to make visible, show, manifest ; to nourish, foster (genitive case) ; A1. sārayate- (for sar/ayate-See saraya-,), to cause one's self to be driven, drive (in a carriage) : pass. sāryate-, to be made to flow, discharge (excrement) : Desiderative sisīrṣati-, to wish to run (vājam-,"a race") : Intensive (confer, compare sarisrar/a-) s/arsṛte- (parasmE-pada s/arsrāṇa-See pra-sṛ-) or sarīṣarti-, to stride backwards and forwards ; to blow violently (as the wind) [ confer, compare Greek ,;, ; Latin salire.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tandr cl.1 P. drati-, = sad- ; (subjunctive drat-) to make languid : Causal dr/ayate-, to grow fatigued () (with infinitive mood). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tṝ cl.1 P. (rarely A1.) t/arati- (subjunctive t/arat- imperfect tense /atarat-, parasmE-pada t/arat- infinitive mood tar/adhyai-, rīṣ/ani- ) cl.5. tarute- (; Potential 1. plural turyāma-, ) cl.3. titarti- (; parasmE-pada Nominal verb plural t/itratas- ; Potential tutury/āt-, ) , with prepositions Vedic or Veda chiefly cl.6 P. A1. (tir/ate- subjunctive tirāti- imperfect tense /atirat-, parasmE-pada tir/at- infinitive mood t/iram-, t/ire- ; Aorist /atārīt-, ;1. plural riṣma- , rima- ; t/aruṣante- , ta-i, ṣema- [ confer, compare ]; A1.and Passive voice -tāri- ; P. atārṣīt- ; ṣam- ; perfect tense tatāra- etc.;3. plural titirur-, ; teritha-, ratur- ; parasmE-pada titirv/as- genitive case tatar/uṣas- ; future tariṣyati-, rīṣ-, taritā-, rītā-[ confer, compare pra-t/ar-] ; t/arutā- ; preceding tīryāt-, tariṣīṣṭa- ; infinitive mood tartum- ; rīt- rit- ; ind.p. tīrtv/ā- ; -t/ūrya-See vi--) to pass across or over, cross over (a river), sail across etc. ; to float, swim ; to get through, attain an end or aim, live through (a definite period), study to the end etc. ; to fulfil, accomplish, perform ; to surpass, overcome, subdue, escape etc. ; to acquire, gain, ; A1. to contend, compete ; to carry through or over, save, : Causal tārayati- (parasmE-pada r/ayat-) to carry or lead over or across etc. ; to cause to arrive at ; to rescue, save, liberate from (ablative) etc.: Desiderative titīrṣati- (also titariṣati-, rīṣ- ; parasmE-pada A1. titīrṣamāṇa- ) to wish to cross or reach by crossing : Intensive tartarīti- (2. dual number rīthas-; parasmE-pada genitive case t/arilratas-[ ];See also vi--; tātarti-, Scholiast or Commentator) to reach the end by passing or running or living through ; ([ confer, compare t/ara-, tir/as-, tīrṇ/a-; Latin termo,trans; Gothic thairh.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trai cl.1 A1. tr/āyate- (imperative yatām-,2. sg. yasva-and tr/āsva- plural yadhvam-and tr/ādhvam- ; Epic trāti-, trātu-, trāhi-; Aorist subjunctive trāsate-,2. dual number tr/āsāthe- preceding tr/āsīthām- ; infinitive mood trātum- etc.; ind.p. trātvā- ) to protect, preserve, cherish, defend, rescue from (genitive case or ablative) ; see pari--, saṃ--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tur (see tṝ-, tvar-) cl.6. to hurry, press forwards, (parasmE-pada r/at-) (A1. r/ate-): cl.4. (Imper. tūrya-) to overpower ; A1. to run ; to hurt : cl.3. tutorti-, to run : Causal turayate- (parasmE-pada r/ayat-) to run, press forwards : Desiderative t/ūtūrṣati-, to strive to press forwards ; Intensive parasmE-pada t/arturāṇa-, rushing, pressing each other (waves), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīr cl.10 A1. (;rather vīr/a-below) vīr/ayate-, to be powerful or valiant, display heroism ; (P. vīrayati-) to overpower, subdue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛ cl.5.9.1. P. A1. () vṛṇ/oti-, vṛṇut/e- ; vṛnāti-, vriṇīte- ; v/arati-, v/arate- (mostly cl.5. and with the preposition apa-or vi-;of cl.9. only avṛṇīdhvam- ; cl.1. only in [ confer, compare also ūrṇu-]; perfect tense vav/āra-, vavr/e- etc. etc. [2. sg. vav/artha- ; vavaritha-, vavṛma-etc. grammar; parasmE-pada vavriv/as- genitive case vavavr/uṣas- ]; Aorist /avar-or /āvar-, avṛta- [1. sg. vam-,2. dual number vartam-,3. plural avran-, parasmE-pada A1. vrāṇ/a- q.v imperative vṛdhi- ]; avārīt- ; avarīṣṭa- grammar; subjunctive varṣathas- ; Potential vriyāt-, vūryāt-, variṣīṣṭa- grammar; future varī-, varīṣyati- ; infinitive mood vartum- , varitum- , varītum- ; ind.p. vṛtv/ā- ; vṛlv/ī- ; vṛtv/āya- ; -v/ṛtya- ), to cover, screen, veil, conceal, hide, surround, obstruct etc. ; to close (a door) ; to ward off, check, keep back, prevent, hinder, restrain : Passive voice vriyate- (Aorist /avāri-), to be covered or surrounded or obstructed or hindered : Causal vār/ayati-, te- (Aorist avīvarat-, /avīvarata- ; /avāvarīt- ; Passive voice vāryate- etc.) , to cover, conceal, hide, keep back, hold captive etc. ; to stop, check, restrain, suppress, hinder, prevent from (ablative or infinitive mood;rarely two accusative) etc. ; to exclude ; to prohibit, forbid ; to withhold etc.: Desiderative of Causal vivārayiṣate- : Desiderative vivarīṣati-, vuvūrṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive vevrīyate-, vovūryate-, varvarti- [ confer, compare Gothic warjan; German wehren,Wehr; English weir.]
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