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Grammar Search
"puru" has 3 results
puru: neuter nominative singular stem: puru
puru: neuter accusative singular stem: puru
puru: neuter vocative singular stem: puru
Amarakosha Search
6 results
cāraḥ2.8.12MasculineSingularpraṇidhiḥ, apasarpaḥ, caraḥ, spaśaḥ, gūḍhapuruṣaḥ, yathārhavarṇaḥ
indraḥ1.1.45MasculineSingularmarutvān, pākaśāsanaḥ, puruhūtaḥ, lekharṣabhaḥ, divaspatiḥ, vajrī, vṛṣā, balārātiḥ, harihayaḥ, saṅkrandanaḥ, meghavāhanaḥ, ṛbhukṣāḥ, maghavā, vṛddhaśravāḥ, purandaraḥ, śakraḥ, sutrāmā, vāsavaḥ, vāstoṣpatiḥ, śacīpatiḥ, svārāṭ, duścyavanaḥ, ākhaṇḍalaḥ, viḍaujāḥ, sunāsīraḥ, jiṣṇuḥ, śatamanyuḥ, gotrabhid, vṛtrahā, surapatiḥ, jambhabhedī, namucisūdanaḥ, turāṣāṭ, sahasrākṣaḥindra, the king of the gods
kṣetrajñaḥMasculineSingularātmā, puruṣaḥthe soul
prasūtam3.1.62MasculineSingularbhūyaḥ, puru, bahulam, pracuram, sphiram, puruham, adabhram, bhūri, bhūyiṣṭham, bahu, prājyam
punnāgaḥ2.4.25MasculineSingulardevavallabhaḥ, puruṣaḥ, tuṅgaḥ, kesaraḥ
viṣṇuḥ1.1.18-21MasculineSingularadhokṣajaḥ, vidhuḥ, yajñapuruṣaḥ, viśvarūpaḥ, vaikuṇṭhaḥ, hṛṣīkeśaḥ, svabhūḥ, govindaḥ, acyutaḥ, janārdanaḥ, cakrapāṇiḥ, madhuripuḥ, devakīnandanaḥ, puruṣottamaḥ, kaṃsārātiḥ, kaiṭabhajit, purāṇapuruṣaḥ, jalaśāyī, muramardanaḥ, kṛṣṇaḥ, dāmodaraḥ, mādhavaḥ, puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ, pītāmbaraḥ, viśvaksenaḥ, indrāvarajaḥ, padmanābhaḥ, trivikramaḥ, śrīpatiḥ, balidhvaṃsī, viśvambharaḥ, śrīvatsalāñchanaḥ, narakāntakaḥ, mukundaḥ, nārāyaṇaḥ, viṣṭaraśravāḥ, keśavaḥ, daityāriḥ, garuḍadhvajaḥ, śārṅgī, upendraḥ, caturbhujaḥ, vāsudevaḥ, śauriḥ, vanamālī(45)vishnu, the god
Monier-Williams Search
7 results for puru"
purumf(pūrv/ī-)n. ( pṝ-) much, many, abundant (only purū-, r/ūṇi-, rūṇām-and several cases of f. pūrvī-;in later language only in the beginning of a compound) etc. (r/u-.much, often, very [also with a Comparative degree or superl.];with simā-,everywhere;with tir/as-,far off, from afar; purār/u-,far and wide; pur/u v/iśva-,one and all, every ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purum. the pollen of a flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purum. heaven, paradise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purum. (see pūru-) Name of a prince (the son of yayāti- and śarmiṣṭhā- and sixth monarch of the lunar race) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purum. of a son of vasu-deva- and saha-devā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purum. of a son of madhu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purum. of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa- and naḍvalā- [ confer, compare Old Persian paru; Greek ; Gothic filu; Anglo-Saxon ftolu; German viel.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
puru पुरु a. (-रु -र्वी f.) [पृ-पालनपोषणयोः कु; Uṇ.1.24] Much, abundant, excessive, many; (in classical literature पुरु occurs usually at the beginning of proper names); इन्द्रो मायाभिः पुरुरूप ईयते Bṛi. Up.2.5.19; स्त्रीणां प्रियतमो नित्यं मत्तस्तु पुरुलम्पटः Bhāg.7.15.7. -रुः 1 The pollen of flowers. -2 Heaven, the world of the immortals. -3 N. of a demon killed by Indra. -4 N. of a prince, the sixth monarch of the lunar race. [He was the youngest son of Yayāti and Śarmiṣṭhā. When Yayāti asked his five sons if any one of them would exchange his youth and beauty for his own decrepitude and infirmities, it was Puru alone who consented to make the exchange. After a thousand years Yayāti restored to Puru his youth and beauty and made him successor to the throne. Puru was the ancestor of the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas.] -ind. 1 Much, exceedingly. -2 Repeatedly, often. -Comp. -कृत, -कृत्वन् a. efficacious. -जित् m. 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -2 N. of king Kuntibhoja of his brother. -दम् gold. -दंशकः a goose. -दंश (-स) -सा, -दत्रः, -द्रुह् m. epithets of Indra (Ved.). -निष्ठ a. excelling among many. -प्रौढ a. possessing much self-confidence. -भोजस् m. a cloud. -लम्पट a. very lustful or lascivious. -ह, -हु much, many. -हूत a. invoked by many; प्रादुश्चकर्थ यदिदं पुरुहूतरूपम् Bhāg.3.15.5. (-तः) an epithet of Indra; पुरुहूतध्वजः R.4.3;16.5; पुरुहूतमुख्याः (लोकपालाः) Ku.7.45. Ms.11.122. ˚द्विष् m. an epithet of Indrajit. -हूतिः m. an epithet of Viṣṇu. -f. manifold invocation.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results10 results
puru tvā dāśvān (SV. dāśivāṃ) voce RV.1.150.1a; SV.1.97a; N.5.7a. P: puru tvā Aś.4.13.7; śś.6.4.9.
puru dāśuṣe vicayiṣṭho aṃhaḥ RV.4.20.9c; KS.21.13c.
puru piśaṅgasaṃdṛśam śś.18.3.2b. See under uruṃ piśaṅga-.
puru rūpāṇi (AVP. pururūpāṇi) kṛṇuṣe vibhātī AVś.19.49.4d; AVP.14.8.4d.
puru vāraṃ puru tmanā RV.1.142.10b; N.6.21b.
puru vidvāṃ ṛcīṣama RV.8.92.9b; SV.2.994b.
puru viśvā janima mānuṣāṇām RV.7.62.1b.
puru viśvāni jūrvan RV.1.191.9b. See puro rakṣāṃsi.
puru śasta maghattaye RV.4.37.8d.
puru hi vāṃ purubhujā deṣṇam RV.6.63.8a.
Vedabase Search
2 results
puru noun (masculine) heaven (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a prince; the son of Yayāti and Śarmiṣṭhā and sixth monarch of the lunar race (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Madhu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Manu Cākṣuṣa and Naḍvalā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Vasudeva and Sahadevā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
paradise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the pollen of a flower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11700/72933
puru adjective many (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
much (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19629/72933
Parse Time: 1.162s Search Word: puru" Input Encoding: IAST IAST: puru